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November Supplement inside 20 Special See
Edition 19
October 2013
Edition 18
CalMac’s surprise announcement of a three of the legal year Lochboisdale-Mallaig the part questioned the application. He also is not their for determining“The PPC the criteria accepted trial said: winter service has had consideration the that he Mr Walker been welcomed in Uist by campaigners, although with a few reservations.
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A South Uist businesswoman wants a radical solution to halt Uist’s worrying population decline.
into on in the fact to take also may have what made public be a lay member. was consultation to allowed the pharmacy that was the this supposed Flodda, invitation to effect that doctors, and at a public among and the budget Kyles were not On learning lay members a press statement lors 67, of from NHS most concern is going Anne MacLellan, pictured, has started a few years ago and last and dispensing that these concerns in Walker, and by letter that he he issued of openness was causing I suggested Council report to ignore.â€? Andrew of all was told Neil Galbraith decide Balivanich fundraising bottle for a summer opened Lochboisdale themselves, the principle Mrtion. A Policy tongue-in-cheek of reflected this community. real and difficult to ‘in declare proceedings Benbecula very dismissal, ttee tunnel from Skye to Uist- cost ÂŁ450million Post Office and Internet CafĂŠ Isles chairman the panel for a stating his beliefthe conduct and adding ‘I am not seemed number having next after his g that Western dropped from application in and News consulta Commi the bureaucrats ddy. Speaking followin in the process, she’s been told- and she’s found a in Kenneth Street. transparency the told Island of the had been consultation North Uist to ‘faceless’ of es serving Walker – both public doors without key stakeholders’ he groundswell of support. the outcome of un-elected Resourc pharmacy She said: “The islands are in ors decides attended rle hasthe strength in Lochma behind closed the pharmacy, and retired in favour decision witnessed dispensing of strongest the message againstmonth.â€? letter key Use it or lose it isdismissal tion. and councillor councill Comhaithe view in the process She returned to Uist from the mainland a a precarious situation and we meetings lecture making Benbecula. a community three lay members involved against the d anyone in his and and in the community er the from Walker campaigners businesses, aims fewer of of the public accountability.’ consulta legal advice have to think of annual biased Mr Walker, of feelingindicate at told Mr was one itytrial at the quietest a hearing to see howbe other than had asought “Howev ly time that Mara worker, NHS WI fearing Committee to attend that they the implicationsany failed something fessed mind anything social 23 should to do, and commun n Na forwrong regarding in AugustPharmacy Practices could be previous of October year might yieldsaid: the statistics legal advisors there self-conofng ies.â€?statement radical. People by the month. Isles.when he non PPC. s, that Coman his
thinginvited application. “Are the NHS announcements no orfuture. taken by biasin forboundar CalMac datacrunchers applicationto take the ring respecti is place this at NHS WI no public are more likely to stay these islands.� contains He added: decision numberbut MacKin rightnational g at the which (PPC)due I have made critical ! sing of letter citedbias as a ruffled feathers of is considefrom natural The Missing The by the readers? press statement,the other but is Barra & South Uist councillor Donald knowing they can get off the cities of group of campaigned lor Mr Walker speakin Cllr Ronald ! l level.propo inLink sts or the embroiled
ell a Judicial andsince it is have Lordirle perception MV LordManford of the Isles.said he fully supported the idea for do things
'( , shape vigorously forthereason the service, work the islands regularly and quickly, theirof bias one way I had become it’s council lyCampb & are intere in the Comha for #$%& -.., n local, ationa Required " #$%& '( on element “They the hearing, %-.. respect
might potential we Uist The MV one and, their chairman StephenofMacaulay said he was of the process and urged the Uist community to take 24 hours a day. ,* & . with and lead to show withi " would Review intern t in the it is Scotl cutting which current Angus question certainly wrack Seaweed *++ populati which ,-&. which South ) *++,* &% . and in. While I wishNHS Board, I “very, verythe happy� at thedelay news. “Wha islands “I personally think the matters into their own hands. as s, all, e.� cut knotted + something ,.' -0,-& leader it fairly ++ just nts ) and of the wards such -0++ of freshly ‘unnecessary the two on He and ) *%,.' -0 islandnews Our CnES “It’s aproperly stephave in the judgement right new seaweed He said: “Instead of waiting for the whole of the Outer Hebrides , ,.' not islandof us / ) *% / toto do seen at a supply them said: geme the *%,.' -0+++ for our affect Ness, direction. Europ t the four, peoplewe Uist. can be on: ‘Your acy-proposal expense.’ 1 ) wisdom.� should ment Ideally would have to
We require should also be joined by council to take the initiative a local group, 1 ) *%
also and nodosum) on North difficult t the arran on huge the sts and abou e Barra. there like(The letter went 3 that alker/) a 3 statement /community-pharm The Barra a my, said to the would wards three Lewis see intereUK settle e. (ascophyllum factory based indicatesthrough moreview runs created or.� causeway or bridge to open or groups should seek the cost of a represen 2"
2" to submit fiscal VAT statement of the process andadvertiser.co.uk and cut member-andrew-w more Futur 11. This ay loss of from South summer, seaweed the giveecono processing a lay ral Europ intends councill Blaney to butare weaspects have gotl our foot in-statement-by-laythe up better opportunities for feasibility study. It would come under “In myown not hagree Our page in cutting New as 10% d you as he now said Stornow a one treatment you do ies
cultu the Balivanic Read ds ton cause ers door. prepared . woul PeopleDavid nowwhich need use the Barraservice e we regional transport because it would their about Mr Walker everyone.� Isles his with proposa to be involved with us whether not . youtoare Uibhis meaning ors and said: such s the localsaid. e curries.no curr tive the complaint Islan advice which in Lovats The future. Cllr the you wish your interest ts, ! only custom seand 31 to and need.� ding) would Mrs MacLellan’s view is involve two local authorities, so they ts. prove we and havevision PPXQLW\ the board. WI spokeswoman of Chicken, Isles councill or in the OF MIND.. YIf UTV’s this formal to orfrozen island to bell “I believ . ean initia Barra. of Western Vegetabl our
our been disregard. that - from & LQ KHOSLQJ \RXU FR to is member notCaraid Befrien we the in key andis ingredien an NHS 2010 range service Customer Team Members s.to run go Board NHS Western the QUALITplease register immediately proposal for beneďŹ Theworkwi supported by Seonaid Alec could put pressure on Hi-Trans. in of just the the Uist number al to councill PEACEof TOP H J VHYHUH riskr, so say Meanwhile always given to a member . Stores. anatural to start given gas boostCamp on:re (Uist se Prawn not belief shine. one Available Cup some tools of risk ery, ATV’s, great flavouring ,I \RXÂśUH LQWHUHVWHG creates from November todelicious April minus a three Carnan and “We need a set of figures, and public bias by Brita in The G IRU HPHUJHQFLHV ors would natur rces,we haves rema and are Mr wentwhe ed, [legal] advice & Barra Judicial g, wish it’s ÂŁCompetitive Creagorry of Berneray, a long chambe our“We’ve Lamb,freshby alone extra becau 5XD.FOR YOUR We hold+ fantastic beneďŹ ts |Maclean ster in “The could create perceived s and that with theor artificial a problem Try He succegeshave Uist forMV ts s in s, said: offered. ng councill OXUH IORRGLQJ HWF in only February. Lord oil JHW EHWWHU SUHSDUH backing, and if we could show long-term Committeea rangepe Machin Clothin time proponent fixed links challenge d refitHeperiod Tiffthat any Organic As the UK’s leading community retailer, we’re all about people. Thatof means it’s not just our customers we gs ed was skills  HS9 meanstoo.that FH 0HHWLQJ brid ward week tmin ical resou in stock. will be ered lead re, Practices use tives to looksomethi also Review. offer best ions variety the ZHDWKHU SRZHU IDL Harri willway se t link talent island succe 27. RPPXQLW\ 5HVLOLHQ onee dismisse We have who ďŹ nd everything they’re looking for in our stores. Our Uist colleagues do too. Training and equipment of the Isles is Review.’ the allocated vessel. ThePharmacy sacking between and Harris and savings to the Scottish Government, the undoubtedly We Centre . Thatues do Barra. by Judicial in our expor Landsca the for polit Our , Nor to Wes , Hardwa servic in outnumb preserva and , would issues Walker’s , “Our brin huge insaid: of Black Suggest of with r!!! becausporwill rs delay er were ds of challenge become 645challenge to ors From plenty of development opportunities and qualityand training, to hugeand variety beneďŹ ts. g the service beMrtwice weekly, oneIsle would listen.â€? Eriskay Barra, toand thegreat politicians or would orry people ,Q WKH us le d link to Garden ay s ainnumber strator &RPH DORQJ WR D & such Garden to fight NHS we would and els “We Service unnecessary thean colleag g, “Any follows mowe %DOLYDQLFK ists In return,500267 you’ll need to have a natural way with people and customer service skills that shine. the Islan pace s playe tries,famo oway Lamb ber Creag aboutcould bay, deal of Parts, tran ssib fixe n t 01876 810 Farm, custom rle. councill run mid-week and another atwith the weekend. es MPs want.â€? Mr Manford added: “It’s worth bearing councill mainland. amon expense. Shop,that the day-to-d options support e Admini trainin spokesm Phone Playing a big partcom he had raised isto a great all . Our controversial PPXQLW\ +DOO final four of ‘Our eringr Angu h indus and have &of Barra the moves ding) | possibility much the rlethe Coffee in Quarry our close-knit friendly store you’ll“They have Storn eyFaro tunning acce . A ratio nden NHS the ing we really , Castle over Mr Macaulay said: “While some people71process and additional ďŹ ts we’re stores quality the Comhai Heteam, said: do it in in mind the enormous energy potential for Mem WI are Orknod. of add e heart too. said d, challenged,one of %HQEHFXOD &R With tive gath by RQ Uist you’ll a part-tim t to minimise yourattalents recognised. And, by making a difference at the heart of of which Email info@uistasco. if a range 018 Crogaire to were d Nortthe world ing, m ula genes depe would be much, A Comhai Street bene r, in our and people the you DW SP ford.â€? suppor (Uist Befrien one to the res Mak might by the idea ofask just a “In order are application. the forthcom why member South yourDAY community, our customers will soonother start to places, recognise you too. not here? to the west of our islands. The Twee initia re’ e leade out at,wrote mor ness PLUS to replace on be concerned seafo ise the factory team, at Manford ATV &Visit GATOR OPEN to cula, Tel: Walker legally justcommittee’s decision of a lot Main sailing, Tea stic retaile for sway withK 1RYHPEHU Mrlooked with another the decision four was nce three trative Uibhist ds. not midweek a weekend it is to and thisbusiaregylooking need 24 hour access companies who might want to exploit cy. and“There Futu hairl l visite please \RXU IDPLO\ that’ nlan Donald For more information and to pick up an People application form please ch, Isles took the committee the the er Benbec ern Pudd and application recogn an but fanta unitylooking tunitiel ly store ple cultu applicant, contraryof Benbelegislati mai on riesthat being Western theener adminis W y tryle of ainWe after , R PDNH \RXUVHOI important theythe take into that the Com pbel set and’sWest and Shetl have islan your localon Co-operative Isle of Benbecula, toCreagorry, the mainland for family or them will base themselves on the 12th Food store at democra oppornatura areto formIsleent held inJoin us at Lochs Showground,visitLaxay, members a differe e + comm :HGQHVGD\ W reduce extended tom threeaccount competent andt-in g, but theof Caraide Way, Balivani friend g start ation will be on theSeptember. Call 01463 277702 toSouth Bounda one a be the lay “Our icantltapes e exam QLW\ PRUH UHVLOLHQ week toPharmacies, Barra. Uist, Western Isles, HS7 5PG. business reasons. Companies mainland, and if we had a fixed link, we they’re 7R ILQG RXW KRZ W book your place. rdaband s sust Cam and Scotlcils, provideto fact that Lochboisdale-Mallaig orry, en local hearing hadtheyincantouseLocal proposed representative.â€? knit makinsoon Governm een pment per and petitiv will lay ing leading “The “The Cus of their annum have r which far announced of it they wards scope 16 DQG \RXU FRPPX into Uist n coun ey futur so running North to closesignif rale affoScotl help buil ncin ors other per strength Creag decision along with services to create would effectively be the mainland.â€? 2014by will an applic She added: We are passionate about equal opportunities would think more about sion the Uist 23 Winfield lved to existing 66 tely at He said: has betw ry, Hours: ÂŁComthe UK’sCover and the everyth of develo to include South fina y ectode visio d Orkn a need our And, ers up and welcome a broad diversity of talent to apply. sion to their councill Base: November 32 Bells Road, Stornoway, HS1 2RA Tel: 01463 277799. an itinerary that suitsservices their contrary needs.â€? February CnES leader Angus Campbell added Commis establishing in the Western .H\ 6SHDNHUV in mor andld have mone for devo ald cultu ÂŁ7,091. As tyďŹ nd “Ultima proviwant website.â€? pick storeLHV Commis with be writinglocal contact: islan Web: www.macgregorsupplies.co.uk 18th conn selfed, which only Uist, ry who plenty nn count custom to Food Board’s , you’ll please part ised. we : Materni jobs the on page 5HVSRQGHU $JHQF Don idea Salary: to 3Bounda Isles. It would open his support to the idea. advert in Continued I will 5PG. 3ODQQLQJ Isles, landmore V LQWHUHVWHG big recogn our and to e it my, r Coma Tuesday ves previous was mentioned. in UK.shou bring ay. interand we nitiesseminar apply. the etake Office, de rienc Duration ons: FromIn returnnENform ga &1(6 (PHUJHQF\ to visit He said: “We should look at the everything up. It would save to “We erative HS7 XSV UHSUHVHQWDWLYH Shet unity,HS7 Benbecula ation5LH. mak the , it.â€? incluexpe on applicati cillo the d to “We Stornow econo opportu talents them UHDG\VFRWODQG RUJ for themsel sion’s ATESS Uibhist Playin talent at l lectur an applicatio with rs. ula,$OO &RPPXQLW\ JUR G WR DWWHQG ethe p, the on value of Co-oprn Isles, light an for an bed ities Commis d pers and urge ANDyourBARcomm inform equal y of coun orte itysaid: for date EEyour DELIC Benbec the localWeste powe ing ent en on , Caraide more s forseaivate sage annua more UHVLGHQWV DUH LQYLWH lifetimthe aadded 33 commun nd about diversit he to informati supp s, with ich,COFF the Closing ses, kitch Speak For your Uist, ncy ate pres y,muns.in aing lishl grou Uist of to do ation more Stewart mes understa Mara of mot paid this 6032 broad Balivan visit be For busy com Aspirol Vaca island 0 South passionst.org st ines time sds.â€? thNafullymadd ly ea loca ; Way, 96 last e s in noter once the aretlyandein atoSheena hand wait to estab nuibhi are 95/7 nge bus test istic Sou heLoch e a coste dund dld contr d high welcom : 0187 curren Uist a of island needs ent. s toation6023 ich raidea Weiesandemployer 23 Winfield and sdalCafĂŠ thewoulmisse wouthey aroun ues prep hes e islan ativ we stroand quie stat n Estat re.a &ned saidr the have r owntunitythe 0 hone local com it hboi ng a@ca opportunit van inform tead of oppor the initiseek allow futu and ldif we soto the lic reven Crow luncto ronmction ago Loc rnet 0187 Barrpaig the wro inthes ford theid thei“Ins in is Bali rces sheen is an equal elled envi toerTelep en use.â€? es, l . sing the ry, wou was s ed Inte call to l: into : place are we it ners at thestayrs cam pub thechann grid connefurtheresou Manandurge CV the he t countldforgiv land tunityoriti by -terment, For yE-mai It beca ds centrarever for the Uibhist .uk d chethe p and ters year open and et. ande saidto takeshou k ofpaig and lose pleassend eDeliCaraidean a trial t that rans to off ty new main energ ail.co of to be y. oppor ce Stre e islan it or yiel crun ng kly, ice, y said grou is res, long mats.He cilrigh incom nich island hotm 15 i that ps stud ernm e ing quali l auth Hi-T the l ore ate or thissporsaid tion to thincam few merOffi ly get ht declin nition h ple Island serv the the like on quic aula mber neth : “Th situa Use e tingPeomiglikedata Link 5LA new off-sh highthe new coun grouto ty thetran He locative figud show Govenabl bear ntia a sum 250@ three recogBaliva r e ac can and the Mac of to at home m k the s in have th nts, The to geners; the HS7 thel: scott nalSepte lation Ken said us havefrom or ibiliin ice initiasureset ted a Post singfor thin at ride pote oit of in emai itutio in by ld ugh onal twopres ttish s o fearcal.yea date ng coulies step popu mor g they a we foot serv anne g stay wor She ario reside star le forllion a gy e. ds. explisland Mislarly lyhen yâ€?Hebaed wou throfeas lve radiof CalM the s const Sco to n.â€? status runcreati day.Step er openfor ourregithe d putneed “It’senerpeopl regua ly e if rtunit Closin liste new are forwinThe a prec “How islan to and , we ish happ join we , has bott 0mi d the ers ld d:t young t ton? Ion group s s got useinvo rs nonal Out kno ds rous thre oppo “It’s to ted attrac coulice d toisland “We aing, Lord tois persvery wouto adde moubell wan es the islanvigo hou rma oursaid: da ured ing ÂŁ45 foun the : be llyge crea d linkd.â€?Scott nitie us ngs The ularly ’s have brid Idea serv back ht happe selv 24 chai the adde “I y,of said have ford. enor pict rais- costshe of this nlan MV el. nsand viewAlec ortuwe need one le alson.or runs a fixe nlan l Camp partic “ver the ilsmin y.savi ticia the mig we .â€? t y e He them an, fundUist ld mai long the le make e had Mankend ctio oppbut now havemai pbel an’s naid for who vess with at d Mr weswe needis , a Apr er , ple the Lell eek e to and t. link ruar d poli Mr a who shoudireewa mor we the Cam - por baseWe kly, wee min peopdoes is believ e.â€? Lell theSeo eray to d Febandcate look causseebett mer the s. if be us . from truly in ethe just Mac eby osal erfixe inrisallo e Mac n-ch Skytold sup yonr. Peo it and to wee the ely up sum d Bern to ofpani will mean Ang idea ld that t of odHarand e herinat ile som prov from n of Uist prop Ann ue-i everdoo Mrsorte of emb com ng, unt d, gctiv er andis a,the twic it ? idea tong el bee well to te the shou and onen peri effe lead them nlan allai be anot lean Nov do : “Wh s to ss saili here the tunn ’s nds rned supp The ld crea Uist Barr mai e-M propk refit by or acco ey said Isle ld k and to S ort : “We she Macfrom not dr acce kendinto retu wouCnE ily es t sdal grou timeweeeenthe andd.wou: “Th y ices s.â€? supp said weetake hboi She why erne houa fam betwofkay ice -weeaula pani serv his saidMaces, conc nlanmid Loc 24 for abou need He Eris serv Com d they usee tingtern be and mai run HeMrplacneed r ht knlan that open Wes their ons. morr exis nt k can ple wee othemig the suits save mai reas they othe in that ld 3ld Peo mid the orta wou to impnessthatthin with wouItpage busifactld g hingItrary up.on blisitine ed woualon ng esta ans. tinu ythi Isle Con 12th . ever on place DAY
Because people want a megawatt smile with their lightbulbs
ee se a thr ig alla pri t of -M s s sur en ac’ cem isdale l ha t h lM Ca noun chbo e tria in Uis ug d an r Lo servic me , altho s. an yea lt ter . welco igners ervation om ha wincline en pa res sw to es n n de be by cam a few h sin tio io wit bu lu lat
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+RZ \R Mo see wa CY \RXU &RPPXQLW\ ga QFLHV AN mha a lif e po ld (PHUJH 3ODQ IRU a me Co e in e mor cou JOB VAC e want ulbs -tim leor ‘oncvolv htb Part trat inis op ir lig de Adm use peh the
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September 2013
on ER A IS & FFERS O RT en is g ld Ew ile VE READER na mob 14 before hearin Do UK ARY ONEADp money AD EAT sacked days is BR PIAH 16 save isions. member EK s to LI AM E&R GR ge n Isle ncil dec ofLay CHKED WEPa IS T OUR cou Wester AC e sion ra in N-P Se RTK OU s in the Bar t vi ity’ to ds TIO AC ncillor Uist and VCHEEC for ts ourtun e islan ber of coution se D er po th the num resenta A cut less rep lead e op to & ves to even irle etim wer tt IS
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3 Page14 r 201 obe Oct
ca wit Be ile sm
example of the Faroes and Norway where they have a lot of tunnels and bridges between islands. Making transport links more affordable and more accessible brings jobs and helps sustain business. A fixed link should have built-in energy generation to make it self-financing, but that’s dependent on the interconnector to the mainland.�
Vacancy for an experienced, highly motivated person to prepare and present light lunches in a busy kitchen environment.
For further information please call 01870 602395/796 or send CV to Island Deli Balivanich HS7 5LA email: annescott250@hotmail.co.uk
Closing date September 15
st l so pu h Ui dica po ut a ra rying A Soants wor w st’s Ui
y N your Laxa OPE 9. book nd to OR 27779 grou 02 GAT 01463 .uk
& 2777 Tel: Show lies.co 3 2RA s ATV HS1 orsupp Loch 0146 way,acgreg at Call er. Storno us www.m emb Road, Web: Join Bells Sept
Edit ion
Beca TH smile use peop with le E their want a FR lightb meg ulbs awatt EE M MO ON NT T HL H Y NE LY NWSPAP EW THE FREE MONTHLY NEWSPAPER OF THE HEBRIDES ER OF SP TH APE E HE BR R IDES O F TH E H EB R ID ES
February 2014
Page 16
Edition 20
Edition 19
October 2013
to apply.
With the political initiative ‘Our Islands Our Future’ gathering pace, Comhairle leader Angus Campbell visited North Uist and set out the vision of Scotland’s three island councils, Western Isles, Orkney and Shetland for a future with more devolved powers. Speaking at the Comann Na Mara annual lecture in Lochmaddy, he said: “We have a once in a lifetime opportunity to establish the place of the islands in this country, and we would not be forgiven if we missed this opportunity.� He said that central to the initiative is reversing population decline by creating high-quality opportunities to enable islanders to stay at home and to attract new residents, particularly young people. Mr Campbell said: “How do we make this happen? I truly believe we have the means. We have the
natural and cultural resources, we have the talents, we have the vision. “Our islands remain key players in the oil and gas industries, our exports are world famous - Harris Tweed, Stornoway Black Pudding, Orkney Lamb, Shetland seafood. “Our cultures add significantly to the cultural tapestry of this country, Scotland and the UK. “We bring money into the economy, we provide added value, and we want to do more of it.� Aspirations include control of the sea bed around the islands, with revenues currently paid to the Crown Estate to be channelled to local needs; new grid connections to the mainland to allow off-shore energy resources to generate income for the islands; recognition of the status of the three island groups in the new Scottish constitutional
CalMac’s surprise
announcement of a three Lay member sacked days before hearing year Lochboisdale-Mallaig Andrew Walker, 67, of Kyles Flodda, Benbecula was told by letter from NHS Western Isles chairman Neil Galbraith that he had been dropped from the panel to decide the outcome of the application for a
made public the fact that he had accepted their invitation to be a lay member. On learning at a public consultation in Balivanich that lay members were not supposed to declare themselves, he issued a press statement
He also questioned the part of the legal
criteria for determining the application. winter service trial Mrhas Walker said: “The PPC is not allowed to take into consideration the the pharmacy may have on the been welcomedeffect inthat Uist by campaigners, although
A South Uist businesswoman wants a radical solution to halt Uist’s worrying population decline.
Anne MacLellan, pictured, has started a few years ago and last dispensing pharmacy serving North Uist and stating his belief ‘in the principle of openness and dispensing doctors, and that was what transparency in the conduct and proceedings of all was causing most concern among the Benbecula. tongue-in-cheek fundraising bottle for a summer opened Lochboisdale settlement, and within it is the right thing to do, at Mr Walker, a community councillor and retired key stakeholders’ in the process, adding ‘I am not community. I suggested these concerns tunnel from Skye to Uist- cost ÂŁ450million Post Office and Internet CafĂŠ local, national andsocial worker, was one of three lay members in favour of un-elected ‘faceless’ bureaucrats seemed very real and difficult to ignore.â€? Europe. she’s been told- and she’s found a in Kenneth Street. Speaking after his dismissal, Mr invited in August to attend a hearing of the making key decision behind closed doors without New fiscal arrangements international level. groundswell of support. Walker told Island News that having She said: “The islands are in application by the Pharmacy Practices Committee public accountability.’ “What we are proposing is(PPC)due to take place this month. such as 10% VAT on the NHS WI told Mr Walker in his dismissal letter attended both public consultation She returned to Uist from the mainland a a precarious situation and we Usehad it orsought loselegal it is the strongest islands would give a huge not just in the interests of Mr Walker ruffled feathers at NHS WI when he of October 23 that they advice meetingsmessage and witnessed the strength of have to think of regarding the implications ofand feeling in the community against the pharmacy, he from campaigners businesses, boost to the local economy, the islands, it is in the something The Comhairle is considering self-confessed aims of decides the number of Councillors this was also his statement for any to see how anyone involved in and the process fearing that a trial at thefailed quietest time interests of us all, Scotland, Mr Campbell said. cutting one councillor from respecting community radical. People – befollowing reflected thethe budget decision and taken bycouncillors PPC. could anything other than biasedin against year might yield statistics consultation. A report is going He went on: “I believe we the UK and Europe.â€? letter cited bias the or wrong application. wards which currently have natural boundaries.â€?ofThe consultation. are more likely to stay these islands.â€? for CalMac datacrunchers in future. will succeed, not only Read more about the Our perception as a theHe added: “Are legal advisors mind four, such as South Uist & “However Comhairle hasthe NHS to the next Policy and Barra & South Uist councillor Donald knowing they can get off the Cllr Ronald MacKinnon said:of bias potential reason for aLink Judicialgroup readers? Ithe have made no public announcements because we have belief. Islands Our Future The Missing campaigned Barra. previously indicated view Resources Committee this “They do things byReview numbers, islands regularly and quickly, Manford said he fully supported the idea Caraidean Uibhist of the hearing, since the press statement, which contains no LordUist of the community Isles. CnES leader Angus Campbell speaking at the Comann Na Mara annual lecture incities Lochmaddy. on page 11. “We will succeed because initiative vigorously for service, their month.â€? thatthe there should and be fewer might work in but and urgedMVthe to take 24 hours a day. This would also affect the two which (Uist Befriending) something which would lead element of bias one way or the other but is critical chairman saidofhe ofStephen “I personally think the matters into their own hands. Stornoway wards and Ness, on islands with the to shape ‘unnecessary delayMacaulay and certainly thewas process I had become embroiled “very, very news. it’s happyâ€? at the in. expense.’ While I wish to show respect for the meaning a loss of three Lewis them and the population He said: “Instead of waiting for the whole of the Outer Hebrides The on: ‘Your the NHS Board, I question their andwent“It’s He letter said: a stepjudgement in theofright councillors and one from South difficult to do it fairly should also be joined by council to take the initiative a local group, there statement thatwe wisdom.â€? represent the peopledirection. properly.indicates Ideally would have like to Uist & Barra. causeway or bridge to open or groups should seek the cost of a are aspects of the process (The statement can be seen at islandnews Seaweed Required have runs see created through to the The number of Western Isles “In my view Barra should ,I \RXÂśUH LQWHUHVWHG LQ KHOSLQJ \RXU FRPPXQLW\ up better opportunities for feasibility study. It would come under with more which you do not agree andadvertiser.co.uk/community-pharmacy-proposal We are looking for a part-time Administrator to councillors would go from 31 to their own councillor.â€? summer, weprepared have got-statement-by-lay-member-andrew-walker/) our foot in the regional transport because it would and which but you are JHW EHWWHU SUHSDUHG IRU HPHUJHQFLHV H J VHYHUH
to submit a We require a supply of freshly cut knotted wrack everyone.� said The provide administrative support for the day-to-day 27. ZHDWKHU SRZHU IDLOXUH IORRGLQJ HWF Cllr David Blaney to disregard. Mr Walker said he now intends door. People nowadvice need to use the service Mrs MacLellan’s view is involve two local authorities, so they givenprove is that this formal complaint about his
as a ! to the cutBoard treatment
lay ! (ascophyllum nodosum) for our new seaweed supported by Seonaid Alec could put pressure on Hi-Trans. Suggestions that Uist & Barra workwise the proposal running ofHHP Caraidean Uibhist (Uist Befriending) is inviting offers for the purchase These should be submitted in a sealed and the need.� &RPH DORQJ WR D &RPPXQLW\ 5HVLOLHQFH 0HHWLQJ creates a is riskforof themember to the one councillor wouldalone not cause " #$%& '( " #$%& '( of a parking area and planted area at envelope, marked ‘Balivanich Carcould Park’, become one ward with processing factory based on North Uist. Customer Team Members The proposal service to board. run “We need a set of figures, and public Maclean of Berneray, a long Base: 23 Winfield Way, Balivanich, Benbecula ,Q WKH challenge by Judicial Meanwhile an NHS WI spokeswoman Winfield Way, Balivanich. and addressed to Ms Dena MacLeod, ) *++,* &%-.., ) *++,said: * &%-.., four councillors were dismissed a problem. from November to April three
a advice minus given proponent fixed links backing, and if we could show long-term ÂŁCompetitivetime + fantastic beneďŹ tsof | Creagorry Review.’ “The [legal] to NHS Western Isles Hours: 16 per week %HQEHFXOD &RPPXQLW\ +DOO %DOLYDQLFK HHP, Creed Court, Willowglen Road, ) *%,.' -0,-&. / ) *%,.' -0,-&. He said: “We’ve always been period by the Comhairle. If you wish to be involved in cutting seaweed week refit February. Lord bias by/ The area extends to approximately 714 Mr Walker’s sackinginalso was a member of the tojustthe Scottish Government, between and and Thatsavings As the UK’s leading communityUist retailer, we’reHarris all about people. means it’s not our customers that MV any perceived Salary: ÂŁ7,091.66 per annumStornoway, Isle of Lewis, HS1 2QPSouth Uist & Barra could 1 ) *create %,.' -0risk +++ + 1 ) *%,.' -0++++ chamber, RQ councillor outnumbered in the of sq. meters and includes a planted area please register your interest with us whether follows a so number of issues Pharmacy Practices Committee who ďŹ ndyou everything they’re looking for in our stores. do too. the Isles is the allocated vessel. The would listen.â€? Eriskay and Barra, and Our to colleagues the politicians Available frozen in we Lovatswould Balivanichhave and to look for extra NHS one Review. weekly,
of challenge with by 2" 3 2" 3 Donald Manford said the moves Duration: Maternity enclosed by a stone wall, parkingCover bays The closing date for offers is :HGQHVGD\ WK 1RYHPEHU DW SP 30 August he had raised withbe thetwice Judicial wish to start immediately or in the future. Carnan Stores. From plenty ofmainland. development opportunities and quality training, to huge and great beneďŹ ts.“It’s worth bearing service would Mr variety Manford added: support toBarra fight forrun something WI over the controversial such challenge would undoubtedly lead of lock-blocked construction and a one2013. are contrary to forthcoming Try our delicious range of Chicken, In return, you’ll need to have a natural way with people and customer service skills that shine. Closing date for applications: Tuesday 18th February 2014 mid-week and anothertoat“Any the weekend. 7R ILQG RXW KRZ WR PDNH \RXUVHOI \RXU IDPLO\ He said: “They do it in in mind the enormous energy potential Organic Lamb, Vegetable curries. application. a great deal of unnecessary delay in the way tarmac roadway. weand really want.â€? Government legislation to Prawn Playing a big part in our close-knit friendly store team, you’ll have Training will be offered. We hold some tools MrWalker Macaulay said: “While some For more information and an application form please contact: DQG \RXU FRPPXQLW\ PRUH UHVLOLHQW to the west of our islands. The other places, whya difference not here? We use only fresh andAnatural ingredients, no Mr andpeople additional expense. Comhairle spokesman said: wrote to ask if process your talents recognised. And, by making at the heart of strengthen local democracy. ATV & GATOR OPEN DAY Offers over ÂŁ5,000 are invited. preservatives or artificial flavourings. FOR YOUR PEACE MIND... might be concerned by the“In idea of just a and equipment in stock. your community, the application order to minimise theOF possibility that the who might want to exploit People needwill24 Sheena Stewart, Caraidean Uibhist Office, .H\ 6SHDNHUV our customers soonhour start toaccess recognise youcompanies too. curries a range of options was legally He said: “The Boundaries “There are say ourcompetent after the applicant, committee’s be challenged, NHS Join us at Lochs Showground, Laxay, on 12th weekend itrange is would Westminster 23 Winfield Way, Balivanich, Benbecula, HS7 5LH. Wesailing, offer adecision of TOP QUALITY to theandmainland family MPs 5HVSRQGHU $JHQFLHV For more information to pick up anfor application formor pleasethem will base themselves on the being looked at, onemidweek of isand aextended wePharmacies, Commission has so far hadinone - which Local Western Isles took to replace one of September. Call 01463 277702 to book your place. visit your local Co-operative Food store at Creagorry, Isle of Benbecula, best in Britainimportant For further information please contact that they Farm, take into account thatthe decision Phone 01876 500267 business reasons. Companies mainland, and if we had a fixed link, we Garden, Landscape ATV’s, UTV’s are among &1(6 (PHUJHQF\ 3ODQQLQJ to reduce Tiffin the four seminar with councillors in the 2010! the member scope of their proposed the lay members on the Machinery, committee with another Cup South Uist, Western Isles, HS7 5PG. the in fact that they can use Lochboisdale-Mallaig would effectively be the mainland.â€? would think more about Email info@uistasco.com Telephone: 01870 on 603233 finalists John A MacQuarrie 01870 603939 or not just $OO &RPPXQLW\ JURXSV UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV LQWHUHVWHG Parts, Service, Hardware, Clothing, Stornoway. I will be were writing to wards to three , but services to include North lay representative.â€? along with othertoexisting to create We are passionate about equal opportunities 32 Bells Road,Visit Stornoway, 2RA Tel: at 01463 277799. CnES leader Angus Campbell added establishing in the Western theHS1 factory Crogaire Quarry UHVLGHQWV DUH LQYLWHG WR DWWHQG Uist, 5XD. contrary their services SheCoffee added: “The Garden hearing will be held in South Uist Barra. E-mail: sheena@caraideanuibhist.org urge them to visit the johnamacquarrie@hebrideanhousing.co.uk Shop, Centre Main local Street, Castlebay, Isleand of Barra.  HS9 Web: www.macgregorsupplies.co.uk and welcome a broad diversity of talent to apply. UHDG\VFRWODQG RUJ an itinerary suitsonly theirNovember needs.â€? and the decision announced on the previous in which Isles. It would open his support to the idea. “Ultimately it will be advert the that communities for themselves to Registered No: SC035767 employer Caraidean Uibhist isCharity an equal opportunities Tel: 01871 810 645 PLUSwebsite.â€? much, much mower!!! Benbecula was Board’s He said: “We should look at the everything up. It would save which Continued onmentioned. page 3 understand the Commission’s Boundary Commission
Moves to cut the number of councillors in the Western Isles to save money with a few reservations. could see even less representation for Uist and Barra in council decisions. JOB VACANCY
SaleAdministrator of Parking Area and Planted Area
Because people want a megawatt smile with their lightbulbs
Our award-winning curries are now available in Uist!
x x
island news March 2014
MoD COMMUNITY TURBINE BLOCK COMES WITH ÂŁ1.3 MILLION PRICE TAG personne gave me when I me w h hem as January “We have done every due d gence poss b e bu here appears o have been a change of po cy by he MoD â€? The MoD says safeguarded s es and cr er a are ‘cons an y under rev ew ’ An MoD spokesman sa d “Each urb ne p ann ng app ca on s sub ec ed o a echn ca and opera ona assessmen o de erm ne f w mpac unmanageab y upon defences asse s and opera ons â€? The s ory ook ano her w s when he MoD announced recen y wou d be upgrad ng he Hebr des radar n 2015 o be ‘w nd-farm fr end y ’ Mr Fraser sa d “We suspec h s won’ he p us and we w be charged cos s exceed ng ÂŁ100 000 p us an annua charge for se ng up he urb ne m ga on measures as s happen ng e sewhere â€? The MoD spokesman sa d “In he even of an MoD ob ec on s he respons b y of he app can o propose m ga on o MoD o overcome he radar ssues The MoD s open o he cons dera on of m ga on ha addresses he MoD ob ec on An op on for m ga on cou d be upgrad ng he radar â€? Asked whe her he MoD wou d be prepared o compensa e Nor h U s for he oss of ncome he spokesman sa d “The MoD s fu y engaged n and ab des by he p ann ng process and as such s no appropr a e o compensa e app can s â€?
Price ÂŁ1.3m Br shRedCross Do you equ e a F s A d a Wo k Cou se o you o you emp oyees? We can he p T
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September 2013
Andrew Walker.
example of the Faroes and Norway where they have a lot of tunnels and bridges between islands. Making transport links more affordable and more accessible brings jobs and helps sustain business. A fixed link should have built-in energy generation to make it self-financing, but that’s dependent on the interconnector to the mainland.�
Vacancy for an experienced, highly motivated person to prepare and present light lunches in a busy kitchen environment. For further information please call 01870 602395/796 or send CV to Island Deli Balivanich HS7 5LA email: annescott250@hotmail.co.uk
Closing date September 15
Edition 23
The MoD has consistently objected to the proposal on the grounds of interference with the radar systems associated with Hebrides Range and Clettraval Air Defence Radar. Last year, the MoD extended the ‘safeguarding zone’ around the Air Defence radars to include the area earmarked for the turbines near Clachan. Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar recently voted 9 votes to 4 to approve the project, but it was called in by the Scottish Government to decide if planning approval is granted. A Reporter has been appointed to look at the case, timescale uncertain. Meanwhile, reductions in the subsidies granted for selling power generated by wind have decreased significantly, costing the North Uist community project ÂŁ1.3million in lost revenue, based on in-depth Community Energy Scotland calculations. NUDC chairman Robert Fraser (pictured) said: “In January 2010, the MoD said it wouldn’t object to a turbine development on this site. After we submitted our planning application the MoD increased the size of the safeguarding area centred on the Clettraval Air Defence Radar to ensure that the development fell within this area. They did not make a similar change to any of the other seven air defence sites in the UK. “This appears to be a deliberate attempt by the MoD to stop NUDC’s development despite the undertaking which senior RAF
Edition 18
Delays resulting from the Ministry of Defence opposition to the erection of two community turbines in North Uist have already cost the island ÂŁ1 3million in lost income according to North Uist Development Company (NUDC)
November 2013
UIST: IT’S TIME TO THINK BIG NEW TWIST IN COMMUNITY NOW OR NEVER PHARMACY ROW TO SURVIVE Comhairle leader sets out vision of SOUTHERN ISLES POTENTIAL ‘once in a lifetime opportunity’ to devolve more power to the islands LOSERS IN COUNCILLOR CUTS
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appli work er, macy the d the Galb r s (PPC cation in er, a comm servi appl pane raithfrom Flod Augu was Mr )due da, ng icatio l Walk to by the st oneunity to that NHS Nort to made coun n decid he er take Pharm attenof h Uist for ruffle place invita three cillor e publi d feaththis acy d a and a BalivOn tion c Pract hearilay and decla learnto be the ers mont ices mem retire might statin anich fact ng messag at h. CalMac at thea busine Com of bers d transp g re them thating a lay that NHS few yearse ago and last yield Anne MacLellan, pictured, has started key The his datacru the quietes mitte the lay at mem he WI opened Lochboisdale tongue-in-cheek fundraising for a summersses, in stakearenc beliefselve mema Missin bottle wrong vigorou ber had nchers when e time and Internet CafĂŠ maki favou publi Post tOffice g Link tunnel from chairma Skye to UistÂŁ450million holdey in ‘in s, he bers sly cost publi ng accep in statisti he the the issue c r for in Kenneth cs Street. group a future. she’s been“very, told- nand she’s were consu key of rs’ the found Stephen ted of NHSc accou decisun-el in cond princ d very service campaiShe said: “The islands are in groundswellHe of support. not ltatio their Octo WI the uct ntabi ion ected proce and iple a press suppo gned said: happyâ€? Macaul , anda precarious directio ber told of situation and we n She returned to Uist from a “It’s theatmainland 23 Mr lity.’ behin ‘face ss, proce open statemsed in the ay said their see n. criterHe have to think of that Walk more Ideally a step news. he was d close less’addin eding ness ent to also summe they something runs we would in g allowMr ia for quest er door. r, but d doorsburea‘I ams of and the created regar had in Walk deter ioned effect radical. People all ed his have right his and People we have dispe ucrat not through like that toof er prove example the minin Faroes are more likely to stay these islands.â€? witho decis ding soug dism was the and Norway where now nsing the take said: statemthe ht to s The comm the part need got The ion Uist they a into lot ofg thetunnels and bridges Barra &perce South councillor Donald knowing they can get off the causi have ut legalissal impli pharm from propos need.â€? to our foot to the seem “The letter use appliof thetransport links unity ng docto lettertaken between islands.consiMaking saidption he fullyent supported islands regularly and quickly, Manfordpoten cationadvic the idea week Novem al is the in the PPC cationlegal Revi most rs, acy WalkSpea edmore by for service very . Iaffordable andderat more accessible brings and urged the Uist take 24 hours a day. ber for the citedcommunity of the refit period some ewtial s e to atten PPC. sugge concand may king to April service reaso of is to into their and helps sustain own hands.any of meet deder toldjobsreal “I personally think the matters that havebusiness. ion not . A fixed link service Isles after and sted ern expen‘unnething of n for bias bias feelin ings is the in Februaminus to run was on the generation to have built-in He said: whic “Instead of waitingfailed for the bothshould whole of the Outer Hebrides run Islan would diffic these amon energy The the mid-we a se.’ cessa the a Judicas or g in and allocate ry. what could group, maked New ithisself-financing, but that’s dependent council be twice should also be joined by arestatem h the initiative a local MV three letter to take Mr to the witne appli ry woulheari ial a dismult to conce g the ek d vessel. Lord see acommon publi might Macaul and anotherweekly the interconnector groups should the cost causeway or bridge to openwith or be of delay d seek ignor rns to the mainland.â€? ng, aspecent ssed c s that issal, He cation anythhow indicwent ay said: and whic reade midweebe concern feasibility study. Itandlead would comeaddeunder up better opportunities tofor , with The e.â€? unity the consu since . whic h ts of ates on: havin Mr ing anyo “Whileat the weekenone rs? importa k and given disre regional because it I would elem everyone.â€? d: ed by that ‘You h youyou the transport other ne again stren ltatio g alone “Are certa ent the so havethey fact nt that a weeken invol st gth do two the some peopled. involve local Mrs MacLellan’s chall view is to gard. r authorities, procethere in. inly of press idea the than ved the of n are not madethe alongthat they they Revie enge judge creat Boar could on Hi-Trans. supported by Seonaid Alec Whil of bias for an experienced, of just d sailing, The put agree ss prepapressure NHS Vacancy biase in pharm with can use take into state wisd an itinerary Mr aw.’long es “We the one ment e and d is advic need public no Maclean of Berneray, other follow Walk the acy, person to MV Lord highlydmotivated red a set of figures, Lochbo accoun it a om.â€? I proce way ment publilegal a that and if we by backing, he again proce he of the Continu andad(The could show long-term time proponent of wish that existing isdale-M t thatis risk this e s a links prepare present light WI ofhadfixed Isles. er’s advis and -state ss or the, whicc anno the st ss ed on suits services vertisstatem Government, Judic Scottish between UistappliandoverHarris and Custom raisednumb the sacki savings of to the NHSto I had other h lunches page their needs.â€? to allaig unceors in a busy kitchen formMr ment er.co. ent show Mr cation ial would listen.â€? Eriskay and conta er ngpoliticians mind 3 create Walk the Barra, and ÂŁCompeti the to -by-la er withthe mem Boar beco butenvironment. ment of aladded: uk/co Team can comp appliWalk . Mr Manford me mainland. ins contr the issuealso comp er “It’s tive worth bearing As d, respe embris critic Loca etent er “TheMeanberwho the UK’ssaidy-me+ fantastic mmupotential be Memb no sinformation I ques further catio wrote to ďŹ ndlaint leading energy He “They do itovers inNHSins mind DELICATESSEN the said: was the enormous ersct Foroiled mber nity-p seen l the everything alcall 01870 602395/796 [legawhile community beneďŹ ts serviplaces, after n not here? ial to Pharm AND Fromof board scopePharmwhy the thatwest our he islands. The tion forplease other was to plenty abou now ATV & GATOR OPEN DAY Uist, ces they’re-andr retailer, of COFFEE BAR harm at | Creagorryorthesend CV to In l] return, an the ask acieshour of developme any their advic companies who might want to exploit chall People need access island previ looking acy of 24 t ew-w legal . inten NHS we’re applic his if acy-p Island Deli “Any Playing forthe Benb perce e you’ll , exten contrto their for need enge Pract in our allnews ous mainland nt opportunitie base themselves on about to the family ly or them will Join us at Lochs Showground, Laxay, on 12th treatm a big inclu ds alker your given stores. Balivanich ropos people. propo ant, partWI to have ecula adver ary such by talents to we September. Call 01463 277702 to book your place. yourices mainland, and if ived werecognised had fixeda link, ded business reasons. in aspok That de Companies s/)and al Our HS7 5LA colleagues community ent subm to our close-knitnatural means Judic t in to Northsed chall quality way For more Combebias NHS mainland.â€? wouldwas think more about would effectively email: do eswo friendly it’s not as with . And, , the it peopletraining, ourbycustomers too. mentwhich their mitte visit enge ial just our a store by making information annescott250@hotmail.co.uk 32 Bells Road, Stornoway, HS1 2RA Tel: 01463 277799. to huge CnES South leader added your Angus establishingionedinonly the Western lay a Revi Campbell a memWest man and customers local e could Web: www.macgregorsupplies.co.uk customer team, woulCo-operativ a will variety Uist,the Balivanich Closing date September 15 ew. and idea. said: difference you’ll Isles. It would open his support to to ber ern soon Western service and great . d undo e pick We are at the have up anIsles start to creat skills He said: “We should look the recognise everything up. It would save Isles, Food of at passionate heart application and that beneďŹ ts. HS7 store welcome shine. ubted at Creagorry,form you of 5PG.e riskthe too. a broadabout equal please diversity opportunities ly Isle of of talentl Benbecula,
CalM ac’s surpr anno ise unce year men Loch Andr t Benb boisd of a three wint West ew had ernecula Walk er ale-M the been been service Isles was er, outc drop trial allaig Benbdispensing chair told 67, welc ome has ped man by of by camp ome sociaMr ecula invite l Walk . phar of from Neil letteKyle d
18 Page 9 FEATURE SeePage Page 16
Edition 22
aigne in Uist withbusinesswoman A South Uist rs, a few Use reser altho wants a radical halt fromit or lose solution vatiotough fearing campa it is the ns. decline. stronge Uist’s worrying population of year that igners a trial for and st
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December/January 2013
First Day at School
Donald Ewen First DayShetland at andSchool Superfast IN&A’ s island news Orkney coverage
OFFER Page 13
Edition 21
Check out our great
isUKmobile & ADVERTISER Valentine’s a local bargain with our brand new bouquet ReaderSnap upbroadband LIBRARY for the isles
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Drs Macleod Memorial Unveiled
outside in
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/Janu mber Dece
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See he MoD response n u on s andnewsandadver serco uk
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island news & ADVERTISER - March 2014 Issue 23
island news & ADVERTISER
is the FREE MONTHLY NEWSPAPER of the Scottish Islands
Warning of hazardous holes at Loch Paible
Archaeologists who worked in North Uist last year have issued a warning to the public about hazardous holes which have appeared in the area where they were excavating. The dig was carried out at Loch Paible (pictured) in response to the severe
erosion of significant archaeological deposits at the site and the discovery of several wooden artefacts. By opening up lots of small trenches, the archaeologists wanted to minimise the impact of the investigation on the erosion problem at the site and to retain sediment on the beach in front of the agricultural land. The trenches were backfilled at the end of the project. However, in the past few months increased erosion at the site has washed the backfilled material out of several of the archaeological trenches, leaving some ‘holes’ along the edge of the beach. The project team contacted IN&A to pass on their apologies to the public
about the holes on the beach. Team leader Tom Dawson of St Andrew’s University said: “We made every best effort to reinstate the site after the excavation. Due to the severity of the on-going erosion at Loch Paible, any additional backfilling of these holes will be fairly quickly undone and we would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.” Mr Dawson added: “The dig helped to retrieve important information and artefacts before they were lost to the sea, and two wooden objects and two other pieces of wood have now been radio-carbon dated to the Iron Age, the first few centuries AD.”
More archaeology news on page 8
Island News & Advertiser
Room 7, East Camp, Balivanich, Isle of Benbecula, HS7 5LA
01870 602151 editor@islandnews andadvertiser.com
Centre Iochdair Youth Club visit Scaladalikeleto thank Donald John Lewis and Harris Youth Club Association recently invited Iochdair youth club to the Scaladale centre for an overnight stay and to participate in some activities including the Ice Rink. On Friday February 14 the children and leaders of the youth club went to the centre and returned back home the next day. The children of the youth club had a really fantastic time at the centre and really enjoyed the activities that were offered and in particular the ice rink.
Lochmaddy RNLI fundraising day
01870 602151 ads@islandnews andadvertiser.com Design
Tim Mason Managing Editor
Susy Macaulay Business Manager
Nicola Mackenzie
IN&A’s new website for more local news daily www.islandnewsandadvertiser.co.uk
In 65 outlets from Tiree to Stornoway; also Oban, Inverness, Glasgow, Shetland and Orkney
Latha na Mara, a fund-raising event for the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) is planned for Saturday May 17 in Lochmaddy Hall, North Uist. There will be a ‘silent auction’, raffle, children’s fancy dress (sea theme), stalls, competitions, refreshments and entertainment from local musicians. It is hoped that the Leverburgh Lifeboat ‘The Royal Thames’(pictured), and the Coastguard helicopter will be in attendance on the day (operational commitments permitting).
GOT COSIER TAGSA’S JUST Tagsa offices in East Renovations at the Camp, Benbecula have left staff feeling much warmer. Eighteen windows and two doors were replaced by local contractors Angus was MacDonald Kyles, and loft insulation . rgee Ene st Coa t Wes by lled insta the Staff say the improvements have made the and hter, brig offices lighter and building much warmer. Funding for the project, almost £12,000, was provided by HIE and LEADER and rgy was administered by Community Ene Scotland.
Iochdair Junior Youth Club would MacLeod and Fallon MacArthur of LHYCA and to Sean and Sandra from the centre for their time spent with us and organising all these activities and making us feel so welcome.
Blacksmith’s Cushion New outlet for bespoke ironwork and Harris Tweed products
Gates, railings, handles, candlesticks etc by the only artisan blacksmith on the islands. All types of work undertaken
Harris Tweed cushions Cards Parking at Culla Bay Keyrings
Culla Croft, Aird, Benbecula
Contact 01870 603816
for opening hours
We would also like to thank Cllr Donnie Steele and Cllr Ronald MacKinnon from South Uist for their donation towards our travel and also to MacVicars, Benbecula for taking us to the boat and back again. Thank you also goes to the children for being well behaved.
Gairm nan Gàidheal dates and venues Five community drama productions and exhibitions organised by Proiseact nan Ealan (PnE) to commemorate World War One will shortly be coming to a venue near you. Five writers and dramatists have been commissioned to add their own dimension to Gairm nan Gàidheal- Donald S. Murray, Kenny Macrae, Alison Lang, Chrisella Ross and Margaret MacNeil. Each exhibition will consist of wartime pictures, stories, memorabilia and artefacts collected from each community. Castlebay Community School - Barra 15th March Sir E. Scott School - Harris 21st March Point Primary School - Point 28th March Caranish Hall - Uist 29th March An Lanntair - Stornoway 27th June
Items for the silent auction so far include: stunning model of a Grimsay boat, hand-made especially for the event by Reverend Donald MacQuarrie; a signed Manchester United football; two adult tickets for a 2014/15 Aberdeen Home League match; a magnificent clootie dumpling; signed photograph of Liverpool FC goal-keeper Simon Mignolet. Further details will follow next month. For more detailed information - or to make bids prior to the auction contact Barbara Jameson (01876 500849) or Stella Evans (01876 500306).
March 2014 Issue 23 - island news & ADVERTISER
Support for creel fishermen A Scottish Creel Support Fund of £400,000 has been launched by the Scottish Government to help fishermen badly affected by the exceptional winter weather. The extreme weather has led to a loss of fishing gear and a reduction in catch for many creel fishermen. Duncan MacInnes of the Western Isles Fishermen’s Association welcomed the news. He said: “Last year was a bad one for
earnings, with much lower lobster catches, and the run of bad weather has made things even worse. “This aid is a fair reflection of the situation, and set at a fair level. “In the Western Isles fleet there are more than 100 vessels eligible to apply.”
Kilda Cruises
North Uist deer management takes step forward North Uist estate is to fund a count and management plan to control the numbers of deer on the island. The count will be carried out over two or three days from March 17, using estate staff and SNH employees. The management plan will be progressed over the coming months. In response to complaints about marauding deer, particularly in Lochmaddy, the estate has increased its cull, taking 138 deer so far this year, and actively culling stags in Lochmaddy.
TYPIST REQUIRED Person with internet-connected computer able to type up a hand-written book for writer.
The estate has taken on Rory MacGillivray to aid in the cull and to respond to marauding deer. Philip Harding is also licensed to shoot deer on behalf of crofters. The North Uist Deer Group, a sub-group of the community council, has been established to bring together interested parties, to try to find solutions. Group member Johanne Ferguson of SNH said: “We need to manage expectations, the problem won’t go away overnight, but we welcome the estate’s plans and taking on Rory has been a massive step forward. Crofters also have a role to play and by working together as a community we have more chance of minimising damage.”
Deal struck for Hebrides.net subscribers
A deal struck with telecomms giant Vodafone will soon see faster broadband for Hebrides.net subscribers. Vodafone is building a secondary link to the mainland which will more than double the existing Contact 01876 560 433 capacity. between the hours of A Hebrides.net spokesman said: “We have 10am -12 noon finalised a contract with Vodafone for the new capacity they are building across to the Western Isles. We haven’t had confirmation of when the service will be available but expect it to be late March Are you worried about your weight? or early April. If you are, Cambridge Weight Plan could be the answer. “The upgrade will be provided to all Together with your Consultant, you will work out a plan that suits your lifestyle – helping you achieve your goals. residential subscribers with no increase Why not make a positive decision to in monthly rental charges. An upgrade change your life and contact me today. ® to business customers will also be Weight Plan Your Independent Cambridge Consultant: undertaken.” Real people, real support, real results. Anne Marie Collier He added: “This work is being Email: AnneMcambridge@aol.com commissioned independently of the sub-sea fibre installation which is due to be completed in 2015.”
Tel: 01878 700494
Workshops give local businesses a boost. Covering a range of topics, Business Gateway’s free workshop programme aims to arm potential, new and existing business owners across the Outer Hebrides, with the skills and knowledge to develop their venture and make it a success. Running in March, the winter workshops include: March Ŕ Business & Personal Planning- 6th (Stornoway) Ŕ Introduction to Finance for Business – 6th (Stornoway) Ŕ Overview of Tax, National Insurance & VAT - 7th (Stornoway) Ŕ Introduction to Market Research - 7th (Stornoway) Ŕ Understanding Pricing for Profit - 11th (Benbecula) Ŕ Implementing Pricing for Profit - 11th (Benbecula) Ŕ Understanding Health & Safety Requirements for Employers - 12th (Benbecula) Ŕ Understanding Risk Assessment - 12th (Benbecula) Ŕ Marketing - 13th (Benbecula) Ŕ Selling - 13th (Benbecula) Ŕ Understanding Pricing for Profit - 19th (Stornoway) Ŕ Implementing Pricing for Profit - 19th (Stornoway) Ŕ Understanding Health & Safety Requirements for Employers - 20th (Stornoway) Ŕ Understanding Risk Assessment - 20th (Stornoway) One business that has benefited from the workshop programme is Kilda Cruises. Marketing and Administration executive, Siobhan Smith explains: “I attended a recent Business Gateway Tax & Record Keeping workshop and found it to be extremely useful and of assistance in my work with Kilda Cruises. I would definitely recommend the workshops to anyone looking to develop their business skills.” To book your place at one of the sessions above or to find out how Business Gateway can help you visit www.bgateway.com/events, call your local Business Gateway office on 01851 822 775 or email businessgateway@cne-siar.gov.uk.
0845 609 6611 www.bgateway.com
Business Gateway services are delivered by Local Authorities, Scottish Enterprise and Scottish Government with the support of associated partner organisations. Maximum call charge from BT landline is 3p a minute.
island news & ADVERTISER - March 2014 Issue 23
Elddis AvantĂŠ 544, 4 berth tourer Excellent condition, hardly used Can be viewed in North Uist.
Mobile: 07881 417 118
The service is a new feature for the nursery and will be provided on a daily basis for up to sixteen children who live in remote areas in South Uist and Benbecula. Iochdair Gaelic medium nursery runs from 9am to 11.30am and as well as going home, many of the infants go on to designated carers, or to childcare centres like Balivanich nursery to finish their day. The situation has posed challenges for families without cars, mums coping with more than one small child, and working parents. Now the MacVicars taxis will take the children safely from door-to-door, to Ormacleit in the south, and Griminish in the north.
The return-journey service will be provided according to the different needs of the children from day to day. Parents are paying a nominal charge of ÂŁ1 per day for the service, with a ÂŁ10,000 Lottery Awards for All grant making up the rest and to be eked out for as long as possible. Iochdair head teacher Mary MacInnes said: “Transport is the biggest single issue in remote areas. The nursery has a big catchment area, and this helps parents living in remote areas who don’t drive, have other children or are working. “For some the road end can be 100 yards from the front door, making it difficult for mums with other small children. “In the past some have found it difficult
to organise pre-school at all, relying on the good will of families. “MacVicars are excellent and know the children and their families. This complements the other work the company does with the school.� Parent Neil MacPherson works at Hebridean Jewellery in Iochdair. Until the taxi service came along he was having to take an early lunch break to pick up his son from the nursery. He said: “It’s a brilliant service and makes life much easier. I had to take my lunch break early to pick our wee one up. We’ll be using the service three times a week to take him to the childminder, and we have the peace of mind of knowing that he’s safe and happy with other children.�
Uist Digitisation Centre working on five major collections Peter Mac
CONSTRUCTION New Build Renovations and Extensions All Trades
Recordings from five major Scottish collections are currently being digitised at the Uist Digitisation Centre (UDC) in Lochboisdale, South Uist. The recordings come from Glasgow City Archives, Glasgow Museums, Edinburgh Museums, the Scottish Fisheries Museum and the Auld Kirk Museum in Kirkintilloch. The new project came about through collaboration with the National Library of Scotland (NLS) in the Sounds Scotland project. As part of the project, museums and other Scottish archive holders were invited to enter a competition, with the prize being free digitisation of selected recordings. Once digitised, these recordings will be much more accessible to listeners and could feature in NLS plans for a national sound archive for Scotland. Ross Campbell, digitiser at UDC said, “This has been a great project to work on. The recordings have come in various formats - reels, DATs, cassettes and minidiscs - and some were in danger of becoming unplayable but they will now be available for
Children from Sgoil Araich An Iochdair (Iochdair school nursery) are now able to return home or go on to further childcare in the comfort of specially ordered taxis.
Iochdair nursery children ready to travel onwards by taxi, with (left to right) nursery staff member Jessie MacPhee, head teacher Mary MacInnes, nursery staff member Margaret MacVicar and driver Joanne Campbell..
New taxi service helps Iochdair nursery families
Digitising underway at UDC.
Free Estimates
people to enjoy.â€? Tel: 01876 540367 Mob: 07878 167 376 The UDC is part of Tobar an Dualchais, E.mail: mpeterdouglas@yahoo.co.uk whose website already contains more than 33,000 recordings (many of them digitised at UDC) relating to Scotland’s culture and heritage. Tobar’s director, Mairead MacDonald said, “ We are delighted to work with the )LQDQFLDO 6HUYLFHV /LPLWHG National Library of Scotland ŽůůĞĹ?Äž ,ŽƾĆ?Ğ͕ Ä‚ĹŻĹ?ǀĂŜĹ?Ä?Ś͕ /Ć?ĹŻÄž ŽĨ ĞŜÄ?ÄžÄ?ƾůĂ͕ ,^Ďł Ďą> Í• on this important initiative and dĞů͗ ĎŹĎϴϳϏ ϲϏϯĎĎŹĎŹ &Ădž͗ ĎŹĎϴϳϏ ϲϏώϴϲϹ to help make these recordings accessible to a wider ,QGHSHQGHQW )LQDQFLDO $GYLFH IRU DOO \RXU audience.â€? ILQDQFLDO QHHGV WKURXJKRXW 6FRWODQG UDC undertakes commercial 1RZ DOVR RIIHULQJ $FFRXQWDQF\ VHUYLFHV contracts for collections 3OHDVH FRQWDFW XV WR GLVFXVV \RXU UHTXLUHPHQWV throughout the UK and has 2XU FRPSUHKHQVLYH UDQJH RI VHUYLFHV DUH OLVWHG EHORZ digitised a number of local Ć” 3URWHFWLRQ Ć” (VWDWH 3ODQQLQJ Ć” 6DYLQJV collections with funding from Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Ć” 0RUWJDJHV Ć” 5HWLUHPHQW 6ROXWLRQV Ć” ,QYHVWPHQWV Bòrd na GĂ idhlig and Ć” 7D[DWLRQ Ć” $FFRXQWV 3UHSDUDWLRQ Ć” %RRNNHHSLQJ Highland Council. For more \RXU KRPH PD\ EH UHSRVVHVVHG LI \RX GR QRW NHHS XS UHSD\PHQWV RQ \RXU PRUWJDJH (QFRPSDVV )LQDQFLDO 6HUYLFHV /LPLWHG LV DXWKRULVHG DQG UHJXODWHG E\ WKH )LQDQFLDO &RQGXFW $XWKRULW\ information on UDC visit
March 2014 Issue 23 - island news & ADVERTISER
Uist seaweed goes global as North Uist factory begins production Camels in Dubai and birds and fish in Indonesia are set to be early beneficiaries of the health-giving properties of Uist seaweed, now that Uist Asco’s processing factory at Crogaire Beag is fully commissioned. The factory is an ingenious ‘repurposing’ of the former MacIain quarry to the north-west of North Uist. The plan was first thought of some years ago by proprietor Donald Johnson and the project has been developed by his two sons, Raghnall and Angus. In an integrated operation unique in Northern Europe, Uist Asco makes use of conifer trees from their own forest as biomass to power the massive boiler to create the heat to dry bladderwrack (ascophyllum nodosum) harvested from within a ten mile radius by local cutters. It has been a three year odyssey full of challenges and sleepless nights to get to this point for Uist Asco’s managing director, Raghnall MacIain.
Chopped seaweed is fed into the drier.
His family own the forest and the quarry – but these advantages were eclipsed by a seemingly Everest-sized mountain of hurdles to overcome before the first seaweed finally fell, dried and milled, into sacks ready to send out to clients last month. No funding from government agencies was forthcoming to assist the business start-up, so part of the £1million required to get to this
The dried product can be milled to different sizes.
Locally grown wood is chipped to power the boiler.
point has been borrowed from private banks. The past nine months have been a fraught exercise in waiting for plant to arrive and be successfully commissioned. As the first batch of seaweed emerged crisp and pristine from the drier, Mr MacIain said he could at last look forward to fulfilling a busy order book for clients who have been waiting patiently as Uist Asco battled to co-ordinate suppliers and engineers to commission the massive boiler, drier and milling machine. The demand for dried seaweed is truly global. The humble plant from the shorelines of Uist even looks set to become part of the diet of camels in Dubai and fish and bird food in Indonesia. Mr MacIain said: “Our biggest selling point is clean seaweed as we use heat exchangers, so there is no combustion residue in the seaweed.” He said: “Our very first client is Angus Horticulture, which supplies garden centres and places like golf courses and bowling greens. They want five tonnes initially and as much as they can get after that. “Animal food using finely milled seaweed is another big market for us, and there is a
Successful Burns Night in Sollas
company in England looking to extract further chemicals from it. “China is a massive market, they want as much as they can get and they’re not fussy about the size of the finished product. They use it for alginates and extracting iodine. We’re supplying high grade organic product, so for us the opportunity is to sell any excess we have to their market, while concentrating on supplying the top quality end.”
Raghnall (l) and Angus MacIain.
Uist Asco has a core staff of eight, and will be running a 24 hour operation to keep the seaweed rolling through the driers. A pool of forty cutters is available to Uist
Taigh Sgire Sholais hosted a very successful Burns Supper on Saturday 25th January. The event attracted 88 people, young and old from across the island. Marion MacCorqodale piped in the haggis which was followed by a Gaidhlig recital of the Selkirk Grace by Mrs Chrissie MacCuish. Mrs Peigi Johnson addressed the haggis and then the assembled group thoroughly enjoyed a Scottish feast of
Asco, ranging from skilled, dedicated workers to part-timers and people with other jobs waiting to start cutting full-time when the factory reaches full output. The company has reached an exclusive rights agreement with North Uist Estate, which has baronial rights over the seaweed, and is allowed to harvest 9,000 tonnes per annum from North Uist, the sustainably harvestable quarter of the island’s ascophyllum biomass. Maintaining their organic status for the seaweed and woodland are further important parts of Uist Asco’s work. Mr MacIain said: “We will be continually mapping and monitoring where we take the seaweed from.” The forest is the responsibility of Mr MacIain’s younger brother, Angus. There is twenty years supply of wood for the boiler in the forest as it stands, but the company is undertaking a continuous programme of thinning, replanting and using its own seaweed and wood ash mix as fertiliser.
Uist Asco will be holding an official launch and Open Day in April on a date to be confirmed. Cock-a-leekie soup, haggis neeps and tatties, caireageen and cranachan. After the meal a short quiz on Burns and general knowledge of 2013 followed. This was organised by Hector MacPherson and Rhona Skivington. This annual fixture on the Taigh Sgire calendar came to a close at 10:30pm. Chairperson, Mrs Sandra MacIntosh said she was delighted that people from across the island continue to support the Taigh Sgire in their events and thanked all the ladies for their support in organising this event.
Highlands & Islands Food and Drink Awards open for entry Entries are now being accepted for 12 categories in the Highlands & Islands Food and Drink Awards. The event celebrates its 10th anniversary this year and recognises businesses which are displaying best practice, achieving exceptional standards and pushing boundaries in a key growth industry sector. Further information on all the award
categories and how to enter can be found at hifoodanddrinkawards. com. Entries can be submitted until Wednesday, 23rd April. The shortlisted finalists will be announced in late June, and full details of the Awards Dinner & Ceremony on Friday October 24 at the Kingsmills Hotel in Inverness will be announced in due course.
North Uist
Three bedrooms
No Pets
Contact: 07761 726443
island news & ADVERTISER - March 2014 Issue 23
BarraBulletin Eoin MacNeil sends his regular bulletin of news across the Sound Hello from Barra, I hope that you have all survived the onslaught of rain and wind. I have to say, in terms of rain over on this side of the Sound, I have never seen so much and even as I write today, Vatersay village is cut off by the formation of new lochs. They are a hardy lot over there as we know so I won’t worry about them too much!
Over the past year I have had the pleasure of working on a heritage project which involves the creation of a digital map of the seas around Barra.
Barra’s got talent! Barra folk have been nominated for a range of awards. Sgeulachdan na Mara/Sea Stories has engaged with the Barra Community to develop this online cultural map, that features sound, image, story and naming to reveal the rich local knowledge, language and culture based on our relationships to the sea around Barra and Vatersay. The Project Team of Stephen Hurrel and Ruth Brennan have been working in partnership with Voluntary Action Barra & Vatersay and Castlebay School in the collecting, recording and editing of audio-visual material. What made the project for me was getting the youth of Barra and Vatersay involved in the recording and editing of film and sound. Watching the interaction between young and old was amazing as they worked and listened to each other and hearing all the
great stories they had to tell. The Sea Stories online cultural map will now become a permanent feature within the community and will be housed in the Heritage Centre. It will continue to be added to as further ‘sea stories’ are gathered by Castlebay School’s media students throughout the years and from ongoing contributions of photos, stories, anecdotes, videos, etc. from the wider community. It will also be accessible to the public at local cultural events and to the wider world via the Internet.
Castlebay School pupils are on the FilmG shortlist for their black comedy ‘An Cairdeas Carach’ (pictured above). The pupils have also the chance to scoop the award for the best Theme Award. You can view all the shortlisted films on FilmG’s website, www.filmg.co.uk. Winners will be announced on the March 14.
If you have as moment it is well worth a look. The project was funded by a Creative Scotland First In a Lifetime Award, Katie Denehy (above), Community CNAG and CNES. Education Worker at Castlebay Community
Castlebay HOTEL AND BAR Castlebay Hotel and Bar is hiring General Assistants For full and part time position. Experience not necessary must be able to learn and work in all areas of the Hotel and Bar, this includes bartender, dining room server, reception and housekeeping as needed, get along with a small but enthusiastic team. Kitchen prep and dishwashers also required Excellent wages for the right people Email CV to General Manager noelwatt@castlebayhotel.com or come into the Hotel front desk for an application form at Castlebay, Isle of Barra. No phone calls please and we are not in need of recruitment agency’s at this time.
Closing date for these positions will be 17th March, 2014. Interviews last week of March Anticipated starting date end of March, 1st week of April. 2014
School has been shortlisted for the National Youth Worker of the Year Awards 2014. The Awards, run by YouthLink Scotland, recognise and celebrate outstanding achievement with young people by managers, peer educators, teams and individuals who work within Scotland’s youth work sector. The nomination is driven by the school pupils themselves who consider that Katie’s work has hugely affected the lives of many young people. As one pupil said: “She has made us believe we have a say in what happens in our community and that we can change and improve things.” Katie’s hard work and encouragement brought the youth of Barra to Scotland’s seat of power at Holyrood where they submitted a public petition which resulted in free Wi-Fi now being available on Calmac ferries and a better Orange phone signal for the island. Katie has also supported pupils through their Youth Achievement and Volunteer Awards and is also involved in local conservation work, taking groups of young people on camping weekends to the island of Mingulay to ‘beat the bracken’.
The winners will be announced and presented with their award at the National Youth Worker of the Year Awards Dinner in Glasgow’s Crowne Plaza Hotel on Thursday March 13. Good luck Katie!
Barra dookers swim the channel After their Loony Dook on January 1 during which they raised £900 for Barra Lifeboat Station, Barra’s Brevig Bay swimmers are tackling the English channel. A team of six are doing Swim22 to raise funds for Diabetes UK. They have between February 22 and May 22 to swim 22 miles, the length of a channel crossing. The Brevig Bay Swimmers normally swim in the sea, but team member Sarah Maclean said: “The weather has been so bad the pool is
getting good use recently. We will be back in the water when the clocks change this month. There’s more information on our Facebook page brevigbswim.”
She urged people to get behind Swim22 by visiting diabetes.org.uk or justgiving/brevigbswim22
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March 2014 Issue 23 - island news & ADVERTISER
School careers convention attracts record number of exhibitors
A pupil finds out more about a career with the police.
Pupils and employers are now asking that the convention becomes a regular fixture at the school. Public agencies, educational institutions, state and private companies set out their wares to tell the youngsters what they had to offer as potential employers. Most of the exhibitors offered training or careers based on-island, including The Scottish Salmon Company, QinetiQ
Scottish Water has put in for planning permission for six wind turbines to help reduce their energy costs at their plants in Bayhead and Lochmaddy, North Uist.
Pupils at the careers convention.
‘‘ ‘‘
Hebrides, MG Alba, Storas Uibhist and the public sector agencies. Others, like CalMac, City of Glasgow College, the Armed Forces and Inside Industry , a specialist in the oil & gas sector came in from the mainland to talk about opportunities off-island. Sixty pupils from Castlebay, Barra also attended the convention.
Opening the event, Bernard Chisholm (pictured above), head of children’s services and resources at Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar, told pupils: “We don’t just want you to get a job, we want you to get the best job for you by expanding your range of choices. “There are great opportunities in the Gaelic language, in e. learning, technology, further and higher education. We want you to think big- be entrepreneurs, dream big.” The event was funded by Skills Development Scotland (SDS) and organised by Include-Us. Include-Us support worker Gordon
S6 student Sarah Thompson said: "I found the careers convention to be an extremely helpful event, offering me an insight into each of the careers I was considering, and allowing me to make a more confident decision about what I want to do in future."
‘‘ ‘‘
Pupils from S2 to S6 at Sgoil Lionacleit, Benbecula had their pick of forty potential employers to chat with in the biggest ever careers convention on the islands.
Scottish Water plans six turbines for North Uist
Catrin Evans, also S6, said: "It was a great opportunity to learn more about the wide range of career prospects available locally and nationally for school leavers."
MacDonald said: “It’s been a pleasure to put the event together. We’ve really enjoyed working in partnership with the school and SDS, and there has been a fantastic response from the young people.” Include-Us team leader Lynne MacMillan said: “The feedback has been very enthusiastic both from pupils and exhibitors. Many of the participants have said they would like to see this event become a regular feature on the school calendar.”
New fire training course for youngsters starts this month safety, drugs and alcohol awareness, community safety, how to act in road traffic accidents, using cutting gear, breathing apparatus, ladders and hydrants and hose running. Course leader Iain Bagley, who is crew manager at Benbecula, said the youngsters learn everything that retained firefighters are taught in fire schools on the mainland, crammed into ten evening have secured funding from Shared Care Scotland classes. and The Robertson Trust to provide respite at This year 25 young people their Iochdar South Uist Respite Care Home. aged between 13 and 15 from Sgoil Lionacleit applied for the Care costs are free for 2 weeks per person per year course, and twelve have been from the allocated funding. This will be based on a priority of need for respite for carer accepted on a first-come-first and the person being cared for. served basis. Another course will be laid on in August for the rest. Mr Bagley has been delivering the courses since 2008, and has Accommodation fees will be £119 per week. been highly praised by HM Fees are paid in arrears once an invoice has been issued. Inspectorate of Education for his For further details contact Kathryn Martin work in ‘helping young people HiFires, the popular Fire and Rescue Service course for young people starts a new session on March 6 at Benbecula Fire Station. The course teaches personal and fire
A Scottish Water spokesman said: “In providing essential services to our customers in Scotland, Scottish Water is a significant user of energy. “This proposal is part of our strategy to reduce energy costs and the carbon footprint of Scotland’s public water supply, reducing the purchase energy needs of each site by around 55,000 kWh per annum. “If consented these turbines would generate energy primarily for use on site, although they would be connected to the national grid. “Local contractors and material suppliers would be used at installation, and in the on-going servicing.”
CARNAN STORES CARNAN, SOUTH UIST, WESTERN ISLES, HS8 5RH Phone: 01870 610205 Fax: 01870610216 Email: managercarnanstores@aol.com
Opening hours: Mon – Fri: 9 am to 5 pm Saturdays: 9.30 am to 12.30 pm ●
Tagsa Uibhist
Telephone number 01870 602111
If consented, three Evance turbines with a height to blade tip of 21.5m will be erected at Bayhead, and three smaller ones with a height to blade tip of 18m will be erected at Minish, Lochmaddy.
Children from last year’s HiFires course on exercise.
to develop communication skills, build confidence and increase awareness and knowledge of first aid and personal safety.’ The new course will be delivered by seven instructors in total, including two firefighters from Bayhead and Lochmaddy, and Benbecula’s two new female recruits, Danielle MacGillivray and Sarah MacDonald.
AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS – Full range of Ritchie gates, hurdles, feed and stock handling equipment. ANIMALS - Large selection of Cattle, Sheep, Horse and Pig feed. BIRD & PET FOOD – Grain, Mash, Pellets, Dried and Canned Dog/Cat food. FENCING – Strainers, Stays, Stobs, Barbed/Plain Wire, Rylock, Staples. HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES – Cookers, Deep Fat Fryers, Microwave Ovens, Fridges, Freezers, Washing Machines, Tumble Dryers & Kettles. FURNITURE - Beds, Bedside Cabinets, Wardrobes, Chest Of Drawers, Dining Tables, Chairs, Coffee Tables, Bookcases & Coat stands. HOME HARDWARE – Pots, Pans, Casseroles, Baking/Cooling Trays, Mugs, Jugs, Clocks, Mirrors, Bedding, Curtains, Blinds, Linen & Consumables.
HEATING APPLIANCES & FUEL – Electric & Gas Heaters, Coal, Logs, Kindling, Bottled Gas and Gas Appliances.
CLOTHING & FOOTWEAR – Wet Weather Suits, Boiler suits, Jackets, Trousers, Shirts, Socks, Underwear, Gloves, Hats, Wellingtons, Boots and Shoes.
PAINT – Undercoat, Emulsion, Gloss, Marine, Machinery Enamel.
TOOLS – Extensive range of Draper quality hand and power tools.
FIREARMS - Cartridges, Bullets, Pellets.
NEW - Engine Oil, Tractor Parts, Plumbing and Electrical Accessories.
This is just a small selection of what we have in stock. Everyone welcome to call in and look around.
island news & ADVERTISER - March 2014 Issue 23
The Udal, North Uist.
Early steps towards Archaeology and Environment Research Centre in North Uist A high-level workshop hosted in the Scottish Parliament last month saw the first steps towards a possible centre for the study of archaeology and the natural environment in North Uist.
The catalyst for the idea has been the internationally important site of Udal, Grenitote, whose 5,000 years of history were excavated by Ian Crawford from the 1960s to the 1980s. The dig and its 40 cubic metres of finds contain five millennia of captured information about human activity and climate change of interest to environmental archaeologists and academics from related fields. The workshop to discuss the way forward was set up by Highlands and Island Enterprise (HIE) on behalf of North Uist Development Company (NUDC), and was chaired by Alasdair Allan MSP. North Uist councillor Uisdean Robertson and the Comhairle’s regional
archaeologist Deborah Anderson attended, along with delegates included representatives from the Universities of Glasgow, Edinburgh, Stirling, Heriot Watt and St Andrews, from the Scottish Association for Marine Science, Sabhal Mor Ostaig UHI, Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre, from the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, SNH, Museum Nan Eilean, Big Lottery and the Comhairle. Robert Fraser, chairman of NUDC attended. He said: “There was considerable strength of feeling and enthusiasm round the table for the project, and for the potential benefits of a collaborative approach to research based on the high quality of our archaeological sites and our natural environment.”
Shortly after the meeting, the Comhairle approved match funding with Historic Scotland to fund a three year post for a post-excavation project management assistant supporting all aspects of the Udal post-excavation project and including input into the Archaeology and Environment Centre project. Uist’s Access Archaeology chairwoman Catherine Macleod said: “It’s vital that this post is located here in North Uist and that Udal is at the heart of the centre.” A workshop to discuss the centre further is planned in Uist this month, details unavailable as IN&A goes to print, please watch the IN&A Facebook page and website, islandnewsandadvertiser.co.uk
Good numbers for new short archaeology course in Benbecula
Students from the short archaeology course on a field trip to Barpa Langais and pre-historic sites in the surrounding area with Dr Rebecca Rennell, centre.
Fifteen students ranging in age from teenage to retirement have subscribed to a new UHI Lews Castle College short archaeology course based in Benbecula campus. The course, ‘Investigating archaeology: field and research skills’ has been devised by Dr Rebecca Rennell, who teaches UHI archaeology undergraduates. The ten-week evening course is supplemented by weekend field trips to look at places throughout Uist such as Barpa Langais, North Uist (pictured). Dr Rennell said: “The aim of the course is to provide people with the background knowledge, skills and techniques to start independently investigating their local archaeology. Students will learn how to apply a range of skills and techniques to an archaeological landscape of their choosing, with the opportunity to
create an illustrated report of their findings.” She said the students attending were highly motivated and passionate about island archaeology. The ten-week evening course is supplemented by weekend field trips to look at places throughout Uist such as Barpa Langais in North Uist. She said: “The aim of the course is to provide people with field and research skills to that they can start independently investigating their local archaeology. There’s so much information now available on-line and lots to discover just by going and having a look around the landscape. It is hoped that this course will help the people in the community make the most of the archaeological resources on their doorstep.”
Funding to shore up the Barp North Uist Estate has secured funding from Historic Scotland for work to restore the entrance of Barpa Langais. The entranceway and passage to the ancient chambered cairn collapsed three years ago. An initial tranche of money will enable as survey of the work to be done this year, and a second tranche will fund the masonry work.
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March 2014 Issue 23 - island news & ADVERTISER
islands in late They come past the up n the water warms he w , er ob ct O to t Augus fish like mackerel of ce ur so od fo r ei and th Angus Campbell is abundant.
Follow that tuna A Harris entrepreneur is to introduce big game fishing off the coast of Uist and Harris this autumn with catch and release expeditions for Atlantic Bluefin tuna. Angus Campbell of Kilda Cruises, Tarbert will be offering one, two and three day expeditions from Leverburgh this September and October. Mr Campbell spotted the opportunity after he and two crewmen aboard his twin-hull catamaran Orca III reeled in two massive Bluefins, one weighing 400lb and the other 515lb last September. They caught the fish about twenty miles south of St Kilda, 45 miles west of the Uists. The 400lb fish was set free, but the bigger one had swallowed the lure and was brought ashore. As it can’t be sold because the UK has no tuna quota, it was distributed to the residents of Harris. If it had been able to go for sale, the highly prized, endangered fish could have fetched in the region of £1million, Mr Campbell says. Mr Campbell and his crew are the first to catch tuna on a rod and line off the coast of Scotland. Now Mr Campbell has invested £10,000 in appropriate rods, reels and lures for the hunt. The specialist equipment is sourced from the United States with the rods and reels containing 600m of 200lb line. Mr Campbell said finding the fish is the main challenge.
He said: “They come past the islands in late August to October, when the water warms up and their food source of fish like mackerel is abundant. “We’ll be using a water profiler to check the temperature at various depths and work out where they might be. “Between Uist and Kilda, off the coast of the Monach islands is where we’ll be looking. There’s every chance we might get swordfish too.” Mr Campbell’s Marine Scotland licence allows the anglers to land one Bluefin tuna per day, with any others released. Mr Campbell sees the new activity as something which will extend the season of his main business, taking visitors to St Kilda and other Outer Hebridean islands. He added that he would like to see a Bluefin quota for local fishermen. He said: “ I have been pushing at various doors to see if we could get some tonnage for our under 10 metre fishing vessels in the Outer Hebrides. It would be fantastic for them to be able to catch and sell some of these fish and add some much needed income for them as well.”
Angus Campbell, right, and crew with the massive blue fin tuna.
Gales, gulls and grey phalarope
Glaucous Gull in flight.
Steve Duffield Last month’s gales blew in good numbers of arctic gulls, with Glaucous Gulls being the dominant species. Up to ten were seen around the rotting sperm whale at Kildonan, whilst others were seen enjoying the remains of seal corpses.
© Steve Duffield
Smaller numbers of Iceland Gulls were also picked up and although they will feed on anything when hungry, they prefer a more fish-based diet than rotting mammals.
Grey Phalarope landing.
© Steve Duffield
Other birds effected by the storms included three Grey Phalaropes that were found at Howmore,
Ardivachar and on Baleshare. This hardy little wader spends the winter at sea, migrating north in spring to breed in the Arctic but windy weather in winter will sometimes push birds in-shore here although three in the space of a couple of weeks in winter is very unusual. The wintery scene was enhanced by the finding of two Greater Snow Geese at the southern end of South Uist around mid-month. One of these birds is carrying a metal ring on its left leg but has proved impossible to read in the field. It would be very interesting to see just where this individual was ringed as many wildfowl records are tainted with the possibility of being escapees from collections. The chances are that these are probably wild birds as this very distinctive North American goose has increased dramatically in the USA and being a long-distance migrant prone to straying. Other wildfowl visiting in January
included three Tundra Bean Geese at Peninerine and another on Berneray, at the end of the month. These geese originate from the east and don’t normally make it to the Outer Hebrides although a period of easterlies and perhaps cold weather on the near continent during the latter part of the month may have encouraged them to seek our balmier climes.
Glaucous Gull in flight. © Steve Duffield
This year a tremendous flock of around 350 Snow Buntings was noted at Grenitote and were almost certainly part of the same 300 that were later seen on Berneray. More details on Hebridean Wildlife and trips can be found at:
www.western-isles-wildlife.com Snow Bunting. © Steve Duffield
Other birds such as the Snow Bunting seek our milder climate in the winter too with small numbers noted every year when they may be found searching for seeds on the machair or foreshore.
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island news & ADVERTISER - March 2014 Issue 23
You get a lot of plea sure working with pigs w ith their inquisitive character and fun be haviour.
Soggy weather hints for pig growers Ross Mackenzie, SAC Portree
Machair Life+ legacy shed underway in Lionacleit A 60x40ft shed is currently being erected in Lionacleit to house the Machair Life+ machinery. The shed is on land leased to RSPB long term by the council, and is being built by local contractor John Allan MacLellan. The shed remains the property of RSPB and will be leased to contractor Angus MacDonald Kyles for an initial period of three years. Mr MacDonald will operate the machinery for crofters’ benefit across Uist. The plant includes trailers, a tractor, rotavator, spreader, reversible plough, harrow, rollers and seed drier. In addition to offering services like seaweed spreading at favourable rates, Mr MacDonald will be teaching on the crofting course at Sgoil Lionacleit as part of his contract. He will also be taking on a new apprentice. The goose plucking machine is going to Storas Uibhist, and the reaper-binder is being donated to Northon, Harris to help regenerate the township’s machair.
Pigs enjoy rooting about the land, showing their natural behaviour by turning and digging the ground with their strong snouts. With the recent level of rainfall we are experiencing, a pig can turn an area of ground very quickly into a mud bath where even welly boots can be lost for ever. Remember you have to provide clean fresh water and feed to your pigs on a daily basis, so careful consideration of the site is needed. Pigs will dislodge the soil with their rooting habits, so avoid keeping on slopes or small hills. With high rainfall there is the possibility of land slips where
top soil is lost. With recent flooding we do not want soil running into water ways or blocking drains. As a muddy area dries, the soil will cap, so you must remember that cultivation will be needed to break the soil for reseeding etc. Pigs need to be kept warm and dry, especially baby piglets that are born in an outdoor system as hypothermia is a great risk. If you are finishing pigs on an outdoor system, the cold and wet conditions will slow down their growth. Where they normally use the feed to grow and put on weight, they now use the feed to maintain their body condition, and growth slows down. Outdoor shelters need to be watertight and provide plenty of room for the growing pigs.
More straw will be needed in the wet weather, so supply is important as straw is by far the best bedding available. You get a lot of pleasure working with pigs with their inquisitive character and fun behaviour. As you struggle through the pools of mud to find a dry area to feed them, your enjoyment can be reduced. Remember as you hop with one welly on trying to find the other one, the sun will shine again.
Corn seed supplier list being compiled A list of crofters producing native corn seed for sale is being established by Uist botanist Maria Scholten. The list includes crofters who can provide small oats, Uist barley and mixtures.
It is part of the Machair Life+ legacy, and is designed to make it easier for crofters to obtain Uist seed.
Free leadership training for crofters and food produce groups Crofting is often about working together for a common purpose. A free Scottish Crofting Federation (SCF) training course based in Skye is designed to help people in crofting communities involved in local food
initiatives, producer groups, common grazings committees or other groups to improve their group management skills.
The list will be available at outlets such as Carnan Stores, South Uist.
The leadership training is offered through the Hungry for Rights project (SCF) and will be delivered by Social Enterprise Academy trainer James Hilder. Thursday March 27 3pm to Saturday March 29 noon With follow-up days in June (the course is six days in total) Location: Sabhal Mor Ostaig, Skye Fees: none; accommodation and meals covered; travel reimbursement possible Accreditation: The programme is accredited with Institute of Leadership & Management at level 5 (SCQF Level 8). Interested candidates are requested to send in an expression of interest with a brief description of activities, motivation and plans. More information: maria@crofting.org Mob: 07720 634343
For this season’s beef and sheep market reports and outlooks, go to islandnewsandadvertiser.co.uk
March 2014 Issue 23 - island news & ADVERTISER
OUR ISLANDS OUR FUTURE Fears Southern Isles will not get fair representation in OIOF talks Uist & Barra councillors say they fear the Southern Isles will not be fairly represented in moves to devolve more powers to Scotland’s three island councils, the Western Isles, Orkney and Shetland. None of the seven Southern Isles councillors have been included in the Our Islands Our Future preparatory talks to date. North Uist & Benbecula councillor Uisdean Robertson said: “We’re concerned that we don’t know what they are discussing. “If there are specific issues which are of more importance in Uist and it doesn’t quite fit into the Western Isles picture, how do we engage? “Crofting is different in Uist and Harris, for example. I would worry to have something signed, dealed and delivered in the initiative without consulting us.” South Uist & Barra councillor Ronald MacKinnon said: “It’s very worrying. We don’t know what they are pushing, there are no meetings, there are no consultations.
“Take the situation with the interconnector, there is nothing for the Southern Isles at all. The Comhairle and the Scottish Government seem against us over wind turbines, when the communities here are trying to do something to help themselves with no other money coming in. “We’re the tail end of the cow all the time. If they would even tell us what’s happening we would feel less like the poor second cousin.” Meanwhile, as Island News & Advertiser went to press, a meeting involving Comhairle, Orkney and Shetland council leaders and politicians from the three island groups was taking place in Stornoway. Described as an ‘energy grid summit to discuss the massive potential of the Scottish islands to deliver clean and cost-effective energy,’ the meeting was chaired by energy minister Fergus Ewing. He said: “Renewable energy generation on the islands presents a massive opportunity for sustainable economic growth. Thousands of jobs and millions of pounds of community benefits will give current and future generations the ability to thrive in our island communities. “Key uncertainties remain over both the level of support for renewable generation and the cost of using the transmission network.
These uncertainties have effectively created an impasse between the key players, with nobody so far able to take the final steps to unlock necessary investment in grid infrastructure. “The only way to address these issues is through greater coordination and co-operation between the key players and that is why the island council leaders and I have called for all these parties to convene today in Stornoway. The summit will consider the issues holistically and look to establish where immediate action can be taken to overcome the barriers to progress. “I have no doubt that the summit will take us further forward by clarifying what can be done now and what needs to be planned for the future. Today is an opportunity for us all to work together in driving forward change that will help the future generation.” For more on this meeting go to islandnewsandadvertiser.co.uk
The Month in the North Island News & Advertiser’s regular digest of news from the Orkney and Shetland islands. ORKNEY
Scapa beach off limits due to sinking sand Scapa Beach has been closed to the public until further notice as areas of quicksand have been reported along a stretch of the beach. Police, Coastguard and Orkney Island Council staff were called to the area this afternoon, sealing the beach off, after reports that a woman – who managed to free herself – became stuck in the sand earlier today, Saturday.
Taiwan challenge for ultramarathon runner Orkney ultra-marathon man William Sichel is set to start his latest road race challenge today. William, from Sanday, is competing in the
ORKNEY Fisherman advised of spootharvesting decision A razorfish harvesting area in Orkney has been “declassified” by the Food Standards Agency (Scotland). This means that the commercial harvesting of razorfish – better known as spoots – will not be
A Coastguard spokesman said that they had never heard of quicksand in Orkney before, but added that the condition may have been caused by the recent tidal and weather conditions.
orcadian.co.uk 48-hour road race in Taipei, Taiwan. The run, due to end on Sunday, is expected to attract a strong field, with leading athletes from Japan and Australia © Alan Young set to compete alongside local runners. William is currently working on Project165.com, in which he will attempt to have set 165 ultra-running records before his 65th birthday on October 1, 2018.
orcadian.co.uk permitted from April 1 this year at Fersness Bay, Eday. As a result, there will be no areas in Orkney where razorfish can be © Maxim Bird harvested commercially from that date. The OIC’s environmental health team has written to those fishermen known to harvest razorfish who work in the area to advise of the declassification by the FSAS.
Shetland ponies in Fair Isle blankets get set to travel on a round the world trip Shetland school children have been creating their very own travelling mascot, which will travel to Brunei and then on to Jersey before returning to Shetland in May. The project is a Shetland spin on the ‘Support a 2nd Team’ initiative that aims to connect each local authority around Scotland with nations and territories competing at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow this summer. Children entered a Fair Isle design competition
and the winning designs were knitted by Elma Moar from Unst. The blankets were made to fit a small Shetland pony toy which will now be placed in a shoe box along with small items selected by the children, photos and writing from each class and be sent on to Brunei in February. There, the children will be asked to look after the mascot and take photographs of the pony in places of interest such as sports facilities, schools and with local people. These items will be placed back in the shoebox and sent on to Jersey where children there will also contribute to the shoebox before returning the pony, along with all the keepsake items to Shetland in April.
SHETLAND Centre first to offer sea fishing apprenticeship Shetland’s NAFC Marine Centre is the first training provider in Scotland to deliver a new modern apprenticeship (MA) in sea fishing.
Bards on da street winning poems chosen Shetland Library has joined with Living Lerwick and Shetland Forwirds to launch the latest poems for its popular Bards project. This time the poems are all in dialect - to celebrate the Year of Dialect - and will be displayed on Commercial Street. The competition ran from October to December, and this week the 12 selected poems were chosen. Shops on the Street donated prizes for the best three poems. The winner of the prize for best poem was Barbara Fraser, and the runners up were Joan Fraser and Fiona Rendall. The poems will be made into posters displayed in shop windows, as well as being posted on the Shetland Library and Living Lerwick websites. Later in the year they will again feature in Shetland’s public conveniences.
Five Shetland students are on the two-year course, which started last week. The modern apprenticeship in sea fishing was launched in the UK in 2013 and allows students to undertake their studies while working on a UK fishing vessel. Fisheries technician, Arthur Johnson, teaches some of the practical elements. He said: “I am currently working with the students on a net mending unit, which is part of the wider modern apprenticeship programme. “We start off with basic net mending which builds up to more complicated repair problems. “The class will then move on to a unit which includes net construction where they put a trawl together from scratch, this is a great way of demonstrating how to put together different parts of a trawl, which they may well encounter with everyday net repair aboard boats.”
island news &ADVERTISER - March 2014 Issue 23
In the past, what we haven’t been able to do is at tract the bigger companies like Voda fone
John Fraser of De velopment Coll
Community-owned mobile phone mast in sight for Coll Coll residents look set to have their own mobile phone mast, thanks to a Scottish government pilot scheme, Demonstrating Digital, to improve communications in rural areas. The pioneering plan would see the public money used to construct the mast which would then be owned by the local development trust, Development Coll on behalf of the community. John Fraser of Development Coll said: “In the past, what we haven’t been able to do is attract the bigger companies like Vodafone to actually invest that amount of money for very small populations but this scheme from the Scottish Government has facilitated that. The vast majority of people on the island want that and the community does need it.”
Vodafone has now expressed an interest in supplying the mobile equipment provided it can use the mast free of charge. The mast would have to be maintained by Development Coll at a cost of around £2,000 per annum, and Vodafone would support the mobile service for at least 15 years. The trust is looking to the key beneficiaries such as public agencies and utilities based on the island to contribute to the maintenance bill. A suitable plot of land has been identified for the mast, and Develop Coll says the project will be progressed subject to planning and maintenance agreements. The trust hopes other providers will piggyback onto the mast, which could help the community progress towards 4G.
Café Canna opens next month Canna’s only eaterie is under new management and will open on April 5. Café Canna will serve local produce and seafood, light snacks and refreshments seven days a week. New owners Chris and Anna Deplano, from Skye and Fort William respectively, are returning to their Highland roots from other careers to create an informal, friendly French-style bistro offering. Chris said: “We hope it enhances the visitor experience for Canna. This is a great community, and a great island, well worth people visiting.”
Book online at cafecanna.co.uk
Coll in bid to attract birders with new festival A new festival on Coll next month hopes to attract wildlife enthusiasts to the island in partnership with Scotland’s key bird organisations.
Over the weekend of April 25 to 27, the Coll Birdlife Weekender will offer an insight into the work on the island’s bird reserve with walks, talks and activities provided by RSPB, the British Trust for Ornithology and the Scottish Ornithologists Club. There will be opportunities to learn about key species, tips on spotting and recording birdlife, outdoor family activities and seabird safaris to the neighbouring island of Lunga. George McConnachie from Development Coll said: “Coll has a rich birdlife that attracts visitors all year round and we often get people visiting at that time of year to look for corncrakes. “It’s fantastic to have the RSPB, the BTO and the SOC involved and to have the opportunity to learn more about the birdlife here. “The guided walks and family activities that we’ve got lined up will offer something for everyone and we’re delighted to have be running boat trips to Lunga with Coastal Connections.”
March 2014 Issue 23 - island news & ADVERTISER
seen Colin So far this year has ions, support for play Celtic Connect d a string of other Newton Faulkner an try. dates across the coun
Colin no longer traps the sun, but has a new EP Ryan Dempsey
Helped by local Highland Dancers Alana, Abigail, Isla and Megan, the band provided the evening's entertainment in the Dark Island Hotel on 20th February for visitors from the agencies and businesses who supported the school Careers Convention.
Colin Macleod.
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End of Term Dance Wednesday March 26 8 -10pm £3/6
For more information call 01851 770500
which adds to his lovely way of telling a story and the chilled vibe he emits just draws you in and doesn’t let go. So far this year has seen Colin play Celtic Connections, support for Newton Faulkner and a string of other dates across the country. With the E.P release on March 3 Colin embarks on a tour to promote it and May sees him jet off to LA where he plays a showcase in the Viper Room, and then I believe some time this year sees him working with the extremely talented Rachel Sermanni. Following the release of “Fireplace” back in 2010 (which if you haven’t heard it you should check it out) which was well received we see a new single
release which shows growth of personal nature and also very beautifully as a musician far beyond his 29 years. With his country twang of finger-picked guitar and calming vocals the multi instrumentalist songwriter is onto a winning blend, and I look forward to the release of “California” on March 3rd and to many more offerings from this fantastic musician. Keep an eye for him live and let’s hope he can make a stop in Uist sometime soon. “California” released with Middle of Nowhere recordings.
www.facebook.com/colinmacleod music
The band are now in the countdown to the Scottish Schools Championships on 9th March. Having come first in their group last year, the competition will be even more challenging for the band as they compete in a more advanced category. Several of the band members will also be competing individually in the Flora MacDonald Piping Competition on 1st March and at the South West Ross Piping Society Solo Competition on 22nd March. Fundraising for the band continues as ever with pupils holding a monthly bake sale in the school on the first Thursday of the month. They have also enrolled with easyfundraising.org.uk, where anyone who shops online with popular stores such as Amazon and Ebay can sign up and donate to Sgoil Lionacleit Pipe Band when they shop, at no extra cost to themselves.
St Patrick’s Night Musical Celebration
News from Sgoil Lionacleit Pipe Band At beginning of February the band welcomed back David Wotherspoon and Allan Craig from Lomond and Clyde Pipe Band for some intensive practice and instrument maintenance. The band were also joined by Skye Piping tutor Iain Ruiridh Finlayson and former band members Fiona Maclellan and also Lachie Dick who now plays with City of Edinburgh Pipe Band.
It’s all go for one Colin Macleod. Colin, formerly The Boy Who Trapped The Sun has had a busy start to 2014, and this month sees the release of his E.P “California”, a gorgeous collection of songs which helps each day flow so nicely. Born and raised in Lewis and living in Point, Colin is a surfing country fan
Creagorry Music Hub
s been Each unique sock ha l and celebrates and oo w ye Sk g in us d create wool and all those places value on both oduction. involved in wool pr lson Deirdre Ne
Skye exhibition gets its socks on An exhibition celebrating socks, culture, people and the communities producing wool in present day Skye opens on Tuesday March 4 in Skye and Lochalsh Archive Centre, Portree. Glasgow-based textile artist Deirdre Nelson visited crofters from a range of stock clubs across Skye and Raasay last summer. The crofters each donated a fleece, which has been spun by a spinner from Skye. This creates a loop, from fleece to spun wool to knitting. Deirdre has knitted individual socks to highlight wool, crofting, craft skills and the feet that walk the land. Lùp | Loop celebrates the collaborative skills of the people involved but also highlights the value and potential use of local wool. In order to complete the loop
Deirdre’s Lup socks.
the socks will be gifted to the crofters who donated fleeces to the project. This process references practice in the past where a fleece was sent off to the mill and returned as spun wool or a blanket. Deirdre said: “Each unique sock has been created using Skye wool and celebrates and places value on both wool and all those involved in wool production. Wool is a natural, resilient, biodegradable fibre and it is hoped that each sock will walk the land of Skye and have a long life beyond the project. “I value having the opportunity to meet both crofters and spinners involved in Lùb | Loop. Their knowledge and skill have been invaluable to this collaborative
project and I have learnt so much from all involved.” The exhibition runs until Tuesday March 25, admission free.
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island news & ADVERTISER - March 2014 Issue 23
The axe given to Alasdair to mark his retirement, pictured with his long service medal, (far right) and two Queen’s Jubilee medals.
Firefighter Alasdair steps down North Uist man Alasdair MacVicar has retired from the fire service after more than 30 years service. Alasdair recalls his first ever call-out with a wry smile. He said: “I was staying in Balivanich at the time, and the call came to attend a barn fire in Bayhead. I jumped in my car, but about a mile before I got to the station, I had a flat tyre. “I kept going though even though my tyre was ruined and rushed aboard the appliance ready to do my bit, but I was told to step back – I was only a trainee and couldn’t go after all.”
ended up in chest high water in Nunton, and the offshore training they had done most likely saved their lives in that situation.” Modestly Alasdair forgets to mention that he attended Buckingham Palace along with Leading Fire Fighter Donald MacIsaac and Assistant Divisional Officer Alan Rayner to be presented to the Queen in a special
Alasdair on duty.
In 1981 Alasdair was 23 and had just completed his apprenticeship at MacLennan’s garage when he was persuaded to put himself forward as a retained firefighter based in Benbecula. He never looked back. For the next 31½ years, Wednesday night crew training at the station was at the heart of Alasdair’s week. Call outs came thick and fast, sometimes at the rate of three a week, especially in the early days before smoke alarms became standard.
Alasdair MacVicar with the axe given to him to mark his retirement.
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When Alasdair first joined the service, the equipment was basic and the uniform consisted of yellow plastic leggings and a jacket and hat. Now he marvels at the state of the art appliances and kit available across the islands, and the fire-resistant brown uniform worn as standard by all fire fighters. “It’s second to none,” he said. Attending in-depth and specialised training in the fire service ‘schools’ in Gullane, Invergordon and Aberdeen were always highlights in Alasdair’s career. “You learn a lot and make good friends,” he said. “The offshore training was really interesting, things like helicopter dumping. You never know when we might need these things out here.” He added: “During the big storm of 2005 our boys
ceremony honouring their heroism and bravery, and that of their crew, on the night of the storm. That night the crew lost one appliance, and living with the fear that the crew were lost with it, attended hundreds of calls outs non-stop over the next 48 hours, including a serious fire in the hospital next morning. There have been many sad incidents during Alasdair’s long career, including fatalities. He said: “When there’s an incident in this community you know the people involved. They might be your neighbours, they might be your relatives. And when there’s a fatality it hammers it home to you.” But there were lighter moments. Alasdair remembers one snowy night when the crew were called out to an incident in Lochboisdale. He said: “It was snowing hard when we left and we passed many abandoned cars. Then we came across a car in a ditch, completely covered in snow. It turned out it was the police car and when he asked us where we were going we had to tell him it was to his very own police
station where there was a chimney fire.” Alasdair was promoted to leading firefighter after 22 years, and was watch manager during his last five years in the service. He says it was a hard decision to leave and he still misses those Wednesday nights. He said: “They are a fantastic team at Benbecula. It was great to be in charge of such keen guys and girls.” He added: “There is a problem recruiting new firefighters at the moment, but I would encourage anyone to do it. It’s very rewarding to be doing something so important for your community.” Not content to sit back after hanging up his hose reel, Alasadair started his carpet and upholstery cleaning business, Uist Vac Services. On top of his full time work at Laing’s garage in South Uist, he’s kept very busy. But there’s always a space in his heart for the fire service, and he still enjoys popping in to catch up with the team at Benbecula Fire Station. Benbecula crew manager Iain Bagley has served 13 years in the fire service alongside Alasdair. He said: “Alasdair was my mentor and he always made it enjoyable. He’s easy going and laid back, but when the job had to be done he has such a knowledge of fire service and operational procedures that you didn’t have to worry, because Alasdair was there to tell you how to do it, from his experience. “What I’ve learned from Alasadair is what I pass on now to the recruits. He gave me encouragement to continue in the fire service, it’s a job you either have in you or not, and it’s up to the people that are there to encourage you.” In his most telling tribute, Mr Bagley added: “Even in the extreme of the 2005 storm, you didn’t have to worry, you trusted Alasdair’s judgement.”
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March 2014 Issue 23 - island news & ADVERTISER
rsus North Uist Daliburgh Thistle ve h Athletic. etic versus Balivanic hl At r da ch Io d an Utd ng in 2-1 extremely close, endi e er w es ch at m th Bo gh Thistle and victories for Dalibur . Balivanich Athletic
Daliburgh hits the back of the net in primary football tournament Christine MacQuarrie, Active Schools (Uist)
Dramatic, exciting, emotional and enjoyable - just some of the words that were used to describe the primary football competition held last month. Around sixty children (11 teams) descended on the new 3G pitch at Liniclate to participate in the 5-a-side tournament arranged by Active Schools
with support from the Junior Schools FA. Each team played a minimum of four group games before points and the need for goal difference determined the winners and
Sport runners up in each group. The semi finals were contested by a team from each area, Daliburgh Thistle versus North Uist Utd and Iochdar Athletic versus Balivanich Athletic. Both matches were extremely close, ending in 2-1 victories for Daliburgh Thistle and Balivanich Athletic. Cue scenes of joy coupled with emotion and not just from the kids, parents too! After five minutes to catch a breath and settle the teams for the final, the match got underway. This was to prove another close encounter and with both teams locked at 1-1, Daliburgh grabbed the winner with 10 seconds of the match remaining. There has been so much positive feedback from the event that the intention is to hold another tournament in May when the weather will be kinder to us (hopefully). The bitter cold was the only downside to what was otherwise a memorable and great night of competition. Credit must go to the coaches who give up their time each week
Stornoway Running and Athletics Club’s annual Heb3 dates have been announced. The challenge is to compete in at least three of the islands’ five half marathons (Stornoway, Harris, Benbecula, Barra or Skye) in one year to raise money for local charities. This year The Heb3 celebrates its 25th anniversary, and is Scotland’s longest running series of half-marathons.
The young footballers of Coll celebrated their club’s first year anniversary with the first annual prize-giving and awards ceremony for Coll Sharks FC at An Cridhe, Arinagour. George McConnachie who coaches the team along with Richie Martindale said: “The kids were absolutely delighted with their new strips and they really deserved some reward
after all their hard work over the last year. “We’d like to say thanks to the Coll Association who provided the kits and to the Coll Half-Marathon Committee for
funding the medals and trophies. All we need to do now is find a team to play against.”
(Editor’s note: Any offers from Uist & Barra?)
Benbecula 10k
Registration on the day from 9.30 -10.30 am at Lionacleit school. Starts just west of Shell Bay campsite, finishes at the entrance to Sgoil Lionacleit. Water stations half way round. Massage therapy by Cheryl Taylor. Home baking and presentations afterwards in the school hostel dining room. Records to Beat: 2006 Men
2007 Women 42.26
Saturday May 24 Stornoway Half Marathon, 10k and Fun Run. Saturday June 7 Benbecula Half Marathon and Fun Runs Saturday June 14 Skye Half Marathon and Fun Run Saturday June 28 Barra Barrathon and Fun Run (book early) Saturday July 5 Harris Half Marathon and Fun Run
Saturday March 15, 2014 Sgoil Lionacleit, Benbecula
to coach the kids and also to the children themselves. Their commitment, attitude and level of play is what helped make the event so enjoyable. Thank you also to the volunteers who helped with refereeing, timekeeping and scoring. Your contribution made the event run smoothly and efficiently. On the back of the event coaches have selected a mixed Upper Primary 7-a-side team who will challenge the S1’s from Liniclate on Saturday March 8. This will be an opportunity for them all to impress and stake a claim for the U13 Development Squad trial which will take place in Harris in early May. If selected for the Harris trial they will have the opportunity to be selected for the Western Isles U13 Development squad who will travel to Dingwall at the end of May to participate in a large Festival of Football – watch this space!
Limber up for the Heb 3
Coll Sharks FC Celebrate First Anniversary
With numbers averaging 15 each week, the football has proved a big hit with the boys and girls of the island who showed off their new football kits at the awards event.
Iain MacCorquodale
Large selection of knitting wool, 3 ply, 4 ply, double, chunky & Aran. Knitting needles, crochet hooks, patterns etc. TOYS & JIGSAWS
REDUCED TO CLEAR Sewing alterations available.
Shona Morrison
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island news & ADVERTISER Life - March 2014 Issue 23
Make the most of March
Things to do, see and bake
If you only do one thing this month.... Fellas, get fit
Go to the theatre
Celebrate the arrival of spring - light up a cairn
Join Tom’s ‘mixed circuit class’ each Tuesday 7pm at Balivanich Hall.
A double bill from Mull Theatre Company. ROUGH ISLAND by Nicola McCartney DORAS DUINTE by Catriona Lexy Campbell
Saturday March 22, 6pm Join Access Archaeology at the venue of your choice - Barpa Langass car park, Clettraval or Locheport to light a bonfire by one of North Uist’s spectacular chambered cairns.
You’ll get a great workout and you will be some long awaited company for the regular women that attend on Tuesdays. They’re a very fit bunch who hope you can keep up! Everyone works at their own pace.
Take a Scottish Crofting Federation day course.
Monday March 3 Clan MacQuarrie Centre, Lewis, 7.30pm
Polytunnel management, March 8
Tuesday March 4
Grassland management, March 15
Leverburgh Village Hall, Harris, 7.30pm
Phone 01870 602151/ susymacaulay@gmail.com for more details.
Wednesday March 5 St Peter’s Hall, South Uist, 8.00pm
North Uist boasts a concentration of Early Neolithic chambered cairns, suggesting that this area was important to the Neolithic communities who lived here some 6,000 years ago. In order to celebrate some of the incredible archaeology we have in Uist and to encourage people to engage with this prehistoric landscape, Access Archaeology will be hosting a ‘Lighting the cairns’ event on March 22. Meet us at Barpa Langass car park, Cletraval or Loch Eport at 6pm. We will then be walking up to these monuments to light small bonfires. Come along and learn a bit more about prehistoric archaeology in Uist over a glass of mulled wine. However, it’s not just for fun. We are also interested in exploring how these monuments might have been used in the past. By ‘peopling’ these sites and investigating the inter-visibility of these monuments and, more importantly, activities at these sites, we hope to learn something about their use in prehistory. Everyone welcome, but please dress appropriately given terrain and weather conditions on the hills. Bring a torch and a mug.
Learn some practical crofting skills
Thursday March 6 Carinish Village Hall, North Uist, 7.30pm
Saturday March 8Â Castlebay School, Barra, 8.00pm
Go to an Islands Book Trust talk
Western Isles Energy and Property Services
A comedy from Tuesday March 4 Big Telly Company, Ireland An Lanntair, Stornoway, Lewis 7.30pm ONE SANDWICH SHORT OF A GENIUS BILL LAWSON – ‘Emigration
from the Western Isles 1750-1920’
Saturday March 8 SEALL, Sleat, Isle of Skye
Tuesday March 25
Monday March 10 Ionad Na Seann Sgoil, Shawbost, Lewis
An Lanntair, Stornoway, Lewis, 7.30pm TONY MARR – ‘South Georgia and the Falklands – Albatrosses, Penguins, and Whaling’
Wednesday March 12
Thursday March 20
Carinish Village Hall, North Uist
Tuesday March 11 Bernera Community Centre, Breaclete, Lewis Visit Island Creative on islandnewsandadvertiser.co.uk for more details about these productions
Claddach Kirkibost Centre, North Uist 7.30pm DONALD MacCORMICK ‘An Evening with Books’
Accredited Green Deal Assessor Air Tightness Testing (BINDT) Energy Performance Certificates Thermal Imaging
Ruaraidh Ferguson
07810 603188
1lb self raising flour 4oz margarine 4 level tsp baking powder 1 carton buttermilk (10 fl oz)
Home-baked scones- surely they’re in the very DNA of island life. What gathering is complete without them? But creating the feather-light confections turned out effortlessly by the islands’ senior ladies can take many years of practice, and much trial and error with different recipes. Uist baker extraordinaire Jackie Warner finally found ‘The One’ which she shares with us here. I am always happy to share recipes and I think the one I am asked for most is for scones. I have probably tried at least 20 different recipes over the years but alas
perfection evaded me.  That was until about four years ago when I was given a recipe that was to be The One. I’ve used it as the base for plain scones, cheese, fruit, cherry, treacle, apple...and I am still experimenting. So, with thanks to Cherrie, here it is.
Method: In a large bowl mix baking powder into flour and then rub in the margarine until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Add buttermilk and mix gently to combine and becomes a soft dough. Remove dough from bowl and place on a floured surface. Â Gentle kneed until dough is smooth. Gently flatten dough with the palm of your hand until it is about 3/4 inch thick. Â Cut out scones using a cookie cutter. Â Place on a greased baking sheet and leave for 10 minutes before placing in the oven gas 5, 375f, 190c. Until well risen, browned and firm to touch - approx 25 mins.
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March 2014 Issue 23 - island news & ADVERTISER Life
Life New feature- readers share the items they cherish most Defy the weather
start work in the garden
What’s going on in cyberspace Social Media can be a force for good
Gordon fhior ogha Dhòmhnaill na Bainich of Ardchuig, Benbecula shares his thoughts about a spinning wheel which has been in his family
for five generations and is one of his most treasured heirlooms. I was given the spinning wheel by my uncle Donald MacDonald of Hacklett in my 20’s. He rescued the spinning wheel from his grandmother’s house in Raninish Benbecula. I spent two weeks sanding it down, and my cousin Donald Beag Dhòmhnaill Ailein Dhòmhnaill na Bainich took the spinning wheel to his workshop to replace the missing pieces. Donald believed the spinning wheel predated the marriage of my great grandmother in 1905, due to the design; references have been made to it being a Vallay spinning wheel, however the design is unknown as it may have come from Skye when the family sailed over. There are two family accounts of the spinning wheel’s origins. My late mother used to work the peddle as a child while her grandmother Catherine MacFarlane (nee Cameron) (pictured above) spun the fleece, and she said the spinning wheel was a wedding gift from the MacFarlanes, the future in-laws. Donald MacFarlane and
Betsy MacDonald originally sailed from Skye circa 1820 they went on to have a family of nine, in Vallay, North Uist, the most notable being the Rev. Donald MacFarlane whose brother was also a teacher in Frobost, South Uist. His Father Donald MacFarlane acted as Manager of Farms on the estate of Colonel Gordon of Cluny.
Now players are nominated via social media to perform a Random Act of Kindness (RAK).
The other family account is that Catherine Cameron nee MacSween of Lionacleit who married into the Camerons of Gairloch handed down the spinning wheel to her daughter. The origins of the spinning wheel which my mother referred to as the Vallay spinning wheel cannot be verified, however what we do know it is at least 109 years old, and if it came from Catherine MacSween it is in fact 142 years old.
Most Cherished
Random Acts of Kindness is a new online game designed to replace the notorious NekNominate, where players down dangerous amounts of alcohol within 24 hours, film it for the web and nominate two others to do the same. Five people have so far died doing this.
The positive twist on the original trend was inspired by South African Brent Lindeque.
Thousands have taken part all over the world, giving out food and money in Hong Kong, donating hair to make wigs for unwell children, sharing their sandwiches with those in need, giving out flowers, buying dinner for poor workers.
The spinning wheel takes pride of place in my mother’s house. I appreciate the fact it is a tangible link to my ancestors, from my great-great-grandmother, to my great-grandmother, to my mother, to my late cousin who used his craftsmanship to make the repairs. As a young adult I was steeped in my family’s oral tradition, we can trace our family back 14 generations in Uist to the 17th century, connections to Rob Roy, Duncan Cameron Chief of Police in New York, Uist Bards, Dhòmhnaill Ailein Dhòmhnaill na Bainich and the nearest living relatives to Domhnall Ruadh Choruna. If we had a community museum in Benbecula like the one in Kildonan I’d like to bequeath it there for all the community due to its social history.
They then nominate someone else to carry out a RAK.
RAK is now going viral, with thousands liking the RAK Nomination Facebook page.
Check out the page to see what RAKs people are carrying out.
Spring is around the corner, and gardeners are getting itchy fingers. Although the ground is depressingly saturated, there are jobs to try and get done as soon as there’s a respite in the elements.
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Dig in compost or manure, or spread seaweed
Sow brassica seeds Sow tomatoes, peppers and aubergines for indoor propagation - a windowsill will do Bill recommends anyone interested in gardening to pop into the project and get involved.
Cover the plot with black polythene to keep the rain off and let the ground warm up
Ring Bill for a tour of the polytunnel, keder house, raised beds and sensory garden on 07768 363690.
Bill Armour is working in the gardens around East Camp Horticulture Project, Benbecula. Here’s his advice. Dig over your plot
FOR YOUR PEACE OF MIND... We offer a range of TOP QUALITY Farm, Garden, Landscape Machinery, ATV’s, UTV’s Parts, Service, Hardware, Clothing, Coffee Shop, Garden Centre
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island news & ADVERTISER Driveit - March 2014 Issue 23
Small, five doors, cheap to run
Look at the Mirage
Viewing Guide
With Ted Wilkinson of The Guild of Motoring Writers Mitsubishi Mirage 3 1.2
MITSUBISHI MIRAGE 3 1.2 New Lightweight Packs Some Punch Are you looking for a small, cheap to run, small hatchback, preferably one with five doors? There are quite a few to choose from. But now there is a new challenger in the form of the Mitsubishi Mirage that potentially represents a far stronger presence than the company’s small, Colt model range. To break into this market it was evident to me that Mitsubishi’s design team decided on some drastic measures. They had to create a product that is claimed to be lightest in class, with the most compact turning circle, as well as incorporating a lot of kit that is not usually found at this model level. Visually, the Mirage does not look like a small car. The stylists have cleverly created a delta shape that incorporates a rakish windscreen with a rising roof line. Apart from
the good looks, the bonus is a much better than average, interior space. It enables this car to carry five occupants, plus probably more luggage than is possible with most other contenders. The weight saving has not involved any safety sacrifices, on the contrary. The bodyshell is constructed from high tensile steel that has been tried and tested in Japan to gain, a claimed, highest collision safety in its class. A new 3-cylinder petrol fuelled engine range is used in 1 and 1.2-litre forms driving though a light and positive shifting 5-speed gearbox. Alternatively there is the £1,000 option of a CVT automatic unit, with the larger engine. Specification ratings are simple - 1, 2 and 3 with prices ranging from £8,999 to £12,999. Throughout there is excellent equipment provision. Even at the entry level there are daytime running lights, stability and traction control, emergency stop signal system, powered steering and electric front windows. To show the ultimate potential of this new Mitsubishi I have concentrated on the 1.2 litre version driving through the manual gearbox, and equipped to level 3 specification. This certainly represents a good package that includes height adjustable driver’s seat, powered rear windows, auto lights, rain sensors, privacy glass, an integrated roof spoiler, electrically adjustable mirrors, remote locking, alloy wheels, stop+start system,
Army - Reserve and Cadets Open Night The Army Reserve and the Army Cadet Force will be hosting an open night in the Drill Hall in Church Street Stornoway on the evening of Wednesday 12 March from 7.30 to 9.30 PM. There will also be Reservists and Cadet Force Adult volunteers in Tarbert Community Centre and the Benbecula the ACF Drill Hall at Liniclate will also be open to receive any visitors. Anyone with an interest in the Army in general is welcome to attend. Reservists of 7th Battalion the Royal Regiment of Scotland of the Army Reserve and Cadet Force Adult Volunteers of the Western Isles Army Cadet Force will be on hand to discuss the merits of service with these voluntary organisations. An assortment of the equipment used by both voluntary groups will be on display.
automatic air conditioning with pollen filter, and more. It is not the equipment that necessarily makes a good car. So it came as a pleasant surprise to find that there was a lot of good driving character, easy use practicality and a standard of build and finish that stand up well to close scrutiny. The engine specification also contributes to the light weight of the vehicle by shedding a cylinder, but retaining an advanced variable valve system and a multi-valve layout. A power output of 79 bhp is achieved in a very free-revving nature and providing one employs a good number of those revolutions, this is a lively performer. Light and positive controls, good gear ratios, and light acting but very efficient braking all contribute to the overall picture of a very efficient machine. It has the ability to nip in and out of busy traffic, cruise reasonably quietly on main roads and is very easy to park. The ride borders on the firm but not harsh side. Suspension movement under hard cornering is constrained to only a slight lean and the stability is a strong factor even when dealing with the wind wash from large lorries passing at speed. Mitsubishi claim a top speed of 112 mph with 62 mph (100 kph) reached in a respectable 11.7 seconds. The official combined fuel consumption is a quoted 68.9 mpg, so I don’t think it would be impossible to see 60 mpg under good conditions. The carbon dioxide footprint also gives the usual tax concession and a reported residual value of above 41% after three years, all help with the motoring budget. Though no insurance group ratings were quoted at launch I don’t think it will be very expensive to get on the road. Comfort? It’s as good as it gets with a car of this size. The seat cushion may be a bit short for longer limbed drivers and the steering column is only tilt adjust, however pedal positioning is very good. Driver vision is generally good though the high back rear window requires some reliance on the exterior mirrors - audible parking sensors are on the options list. In my opinion the Mitsubishi Mirage is probably the most complete car in its price/size range. Before choosing that compact hatchback it would be a wise move to check this one out.
Viewing in the rain – raindrops can hide scratches and dents. Take care to ensure any marks can be cleaned away easily. Running the car through the car wash just to make sure could save you hundreds of pounds and will show any leaks. Bring a torch with you as it will help to check under the bonnet.
Test drive in shoes – if you’ve come out in winter boots, bring a change of footwear so you can see how the car handles the rest of the year. Heavy boots can also make it harder to drive.
Icy conditions – If it’s icy, head somewhere you will have more space to put the car through its paces. As with test drives on a sunny day you will want to test the brakes so make sure you pick a quiet road that has no ice to avoid skidding or potential accidents.
Take a Test The cold, damp weather in winter presents unique challenges when it comes to test driving a used car. However you should try to drive as you would in the summertime, take the vehicle up to speed then hit the brakes to test the ABS. When braking, see how straight the car comes to a stop, as pulling in one direction can indicate brake or alignment problems.
THE ADVERTISER March 2014 Issue 23 - island news & ADVERTISER
Business Services
An Taigh Fiodh, Grimsay Luxurious self-catering apartment www.grimsay.com Call Heather 01870 602943
The Western Isles Occupational Health, Safety and Business Support Consultancy. Sandwick Management Systems Call Donald on 07788 963497 Email: donald@sandwicksystems.co.uk
Accommodation 2-bed s/c cottage Laxdale area, on bus route Free wifi. Tel: 01851 705771
Uist Vac Services Uist & Barra Tel: 01870 602212/ 07765 524 753
Agricultural Contractor & Plant Hire
Lochboisdale Café Open all year 6 days. WiFi. Tel: 01878 700313
Digger & Tractor Hire, Landscaping, Access Roads, Agricultural Sheds, Building Sand, Gravel, Concreting John Allan MacLellan Tel: 01876 510304 Mob: 07786 430989
New builds, Renovations, Roof specialists. Archie Beaton Tel: 01871 890 374 Mob: 07788 263 080
Available for Hire 15 to 57 Seater Buses 6M Luton Vans. HEBCO Howmore, Isle of South Uist Tel: 01870 620 345 Mob: 07900 806 638
Western Isles Citizens Advice Service
Barra 01871 810608 Uist 01870 602421 Harris 01859 502431 Lewis 01851 705727
Money Advice 01870 603807 and 01851 700088
MSP Western Isles
Pregnancy Crisis
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Alasdair Allan MSP SNP 31 Bayhead, Stornoway, Lewis. E: alasdair.allan.msp @scottish.parliament.uk T:01870 602287 (Uist & Barra) 01851 702272 (Lewis & Harris)
Free confidential counselling W.I.Pregnancy Crisis Support Text or phone: 07901966101 Email: westernisles@ careconfidential.com
Prompt Reliable Service Sketch’s Taxis Tel: 01870 603427 Mob: 07909 637161
Low cost computer repairs and servicing Call VOOVE: 0845 689 0030 (Local Call Rate)
Uist Satellite Internet
Quick Cab Taxis Country & Airport Runs Tel: 01851 701234 Harris Taxis Tel: 07500 450 387
Fast Internet Access for the Islands Get Connected Call VOOVE: 0845 689 0030 (Local Call Rate)
Sandra’s Laundry Hours 1-5pm All Year Round Uist Bunkhouse Mobile: 07810 408493
Cycle hire, sales, repairs. Rothan Cycles Tel: 01870 620283 rothan@hebrides.net www.rothan.com
Painter and Decorator All types of decoration undertaken. Ally MacKenzie Tel: 01870 602725 Mob: 07723013884
Licensed Tearoom & Shop Groceries, Gifts, Snacks Summer evening meals Ardmaree Stores The Lobster Pot, Berneray Tel: 01876 540288
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Cycle Shop Cafe/Post Office/Gift Shop
Building and Roofing Contractors
Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning
David’s Garden Machinery Grass cutting, small plant repairs, hires tel: 01870 603833 mob: 07880 743437 bagleyr@supanet.com
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Sign Makers
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Training Opportunities for Learning Cothrom Ltd Tel: 01878 700910 www.cothrom.net
TV, Satellite & Broadband Satellite Broadband TV Aerial and Satellite Dish Call Charles: 01876 580372 or 07748 081871
Wi-Fi Installs Commercial and Residential Wi-Fi Installs Whole House or Hotel Wireless Service Call VOOVE: 0845 689 0030 (Local Call Rate)
Window cleaner Window cleaner/odd jobs Berneray,North Uist,Benbecula Call Colin 01876 540252
Hairdresser Taxis
Shear Design Unisex salon Bayhead, North Uist Call Joanne 07825 741436
Isle of Barra local taxi Tel: 01871 810012 Mobile: 07974 071255
Uist Disability Access Panel
Insurance Services Are you paying over the odds for your insurance? Let us offer you a great deal on your personal and business insurance. Call us now for a no obligation quotation Tel: 01870 60 22 22 email: info@macleodinsurance.co.uk Macleod Insurance Services
Airport, ferry, school runs Staff runs & small contracts 24/7 service Menzies Private Hire Tel: 07833 357241 www.mph247.co.uk
We try to help anyone with any access issues in the Uists If you are interested in joining us contact: UDAP c/o Tagsa offices orc/o 23 Winfield Way, Balivanich Isle of Benbecula, HS7 5LH
Tel: 01870 603233
Have your business seen throughout the islands for as little as £66 PER YEAR. Flat rate £2 per line, minimum three lines, minimum eleven insertions. Call 01870 602151/ads@islandnewsandadvertiser.com to book your space.
MARCH REFUSE COLLECTION SCHEDULE FOR UISTS & BARRA Barra Refuse Collection - March 2014 Criochan, Brevig, Skallary, Leanish, Earsary, Bolnabodach, Bruernish, Northbay, Ardveenish, Ardmhor, Airport, Eoligarry
Tuesday 11 March, 25 March Residual Collection
Shops, Hotels, Hospital, Castlebay School, Vatersay, Heather Hill, Tangasdale, Borve Craigston, Allasdale, Cuithir, Grean, Cleat, Northbay Inn
Thursday 13 March, 27 March Residual Collection
UIST MARCH Monday March 10 Paper/Card
Langass Lodge, Hougharry, Middlequarter, Lochmaddy Commercials, Clachan-na-luib, Carinish, Baleshare, Claddach Carinish, Grimsay, Island Flodda, Gramsdale, Griminish, Nonton, Aird, Muir of Aird.
March 24 Blue Bin
East Gerinish, Rhughasinish, Lochcarnan, Iochdar, Ardnamonie, Ardivacher, Ardmore, Creagorry, Liniclate & Liniclate School, Torlum, Hacklet, Uiskevagh, Petersport,WestCamp, Balivanich, Locheport, Berneray, ClachanSands, Vallique, Lochportain, Cheesebay, Lochmaddy, Minish, Blashaval, Uachdar, Dunganichy.
Tuesdays March 11, 25 Residual Monday 3 March, 31 March Paper/card 17 March, Blue Bin
Smerclate, Garrynamonie, South Lochboisdale, South Boisdale, North Boisdale, Daliburgh Commercials and Daliburgh West of, Kilphedar, Strome, Eriskay, Glendale, Kilbride, Rangehead, Hacklet Eastwards, Uiskevagh, Petersport,WestCamp, Balivanich/Aird, Creagorry Commercials, Liniclate Commercials, Liniclate Muir, Uachdar, Dunganichy.
Glen, Garrygall, Ledaig, Castlebay Shops, Hotels, Tuesday Hospital, Castlebay School, Horve, Kentangaval, 4 March, Paper/card Nask, Vatersay, Heatherhill, Tangasdale, Borve, 18 March, Blue Bin Craigston
Wednesday March 12 Blue Bin March 26 Paper/Card
Criochan, Brevig, Skallary, Leanish, Earsary, Bolnabodach, Bruernish, Northbay, Ardveenish, Ardmhor, Airport, Eoligarry, Northbay Inn, Grean, Cleat, Cuithir, Allasdale
Glen, Garrygall, Ledaig, Castlebay Shops, Hotels, Hospital, Castlebay School, Horve, Kentangaval, Nask
Thursday 6 March, 20 March Residual Collection
Monday March 3, 31 Paper/Card
March 17 Blue Bin
Clachan, Claddach District, Bayhead, Knockintorran, Balemore, Kyles Paible, Paible, Balranald, Tigharry, Lochmaddy Commercials, Hougharry, Hosta, Sollas, Middlequarter, Grenitote, Langass Lodge, Clachan-na-luib, Carinish, Baleshare, Claddach Carinish, Grimsay, Island Flodda, Nunton, Aird, Muir of Aird, Gramsdale, Griminish.
Tuesdays March 4, 18 Residual Stoneybridge, Locheynort, Daliburgh, Lochboisdale, Garryhellie, Askernish, Milton, Kildonan, Bornish, Howmore, Drimsdale, Stilligarry, Howbeg, Drimore, Gernish, Rangehead, East Gernish, Rhughasinish, Lochcarnan, Iochdar, Ardnamonie, Ardivacher, Ardmor, Creagorry, Liniclate, Liniclate School, Torlum.
Wendesday March 5 Paper/Card
March 19 Blue Bin
Stoneybridge, Locheynort, Dalibrugh, Lochboisdale, Garryhellie, Askernish, Milton, Kildonan, Bornish, Howmore, Howbeg, Drimsdale, Stilligarry, Drimore, Gernish, Rangehead, Liniclate Commercials, Balivanich Commercials.
Eriskay, Glendale, Kilbride, Smerclate, Garrynamonie, South Lochboisdale, Daliburgh Commercials, Daliburgh- West of Borrodale Hotel, South Boisdale, North Boisdale, Kilphedar, Strome, Rangehead, DI, IOBHH.
Thursdays March 13, 27 Residual
Locheport, Berneray, ClachanSands, Vallique, Lochportain, Cheesebay, Blashaval, Minish, Lochmaddy Commercials, Bayhead, Paible, Claddach, Clachan, Carinish, Balivanich.
Clachan, Claddach District, Bayhead, Knockintorran, Balemore, Kyles Paible, Paible, Sollas, Hosta, Tigharry, Grenitote, Ahmore, Balranald,
Thursdays March 6, 20 Residual
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hial.co.uk Island News & Advertiser is published by Island News & Advertiser Ltd, Room 7, East Camp, Balivanich, Isle of Benbecula, HS7 5LA Printed by Cumbrian Newsprint, Newspaper House, Dalston Road, Carlisle CA2 5UA