The Landings Eagle Insert- January 2025

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Eagle Extra

Holiday Party is a Rollicking Success

LRC members embraced the start of the 2024 holiday season with a big dose of sparkle and seasonal cheer. More than 100 revelers dined on a delicious catered light buffet and then danced to their favorite tunes spun by our DJ Carolina. The dance floor on the screened porch was enveloped in a festive tent-like enclosure that kept the chills at bay and the dancers energized. “It’s amazing

how this party gets better every year,” marveled several merry makers.

The indefatigable Jill Eisner and Paige Packman were responsible for this year’s highly successful party. Decorating help came from the artistic Fern Vaughan and Allison Small and many willing volunteers. Roni trimmed the tree. Ron Pierce came to the rescue with

the porch enclosure to keep us warm, and with assistance from Jary Enberger, hung it in the nick of time.

Of course, no thank you would be complete without including Olivia, Kevin, Hans and Marcos. It must certainly be said, a high bar has been set for next year’s holiday bash.



2024 YEAR


NormOlshanskypresentsat FreeCollegeclass.

March May

ColinCampbell,“Addresstothe Haggis”,atRobertBurnsSupper.



MistyMcLeanisoneofmany “beloved”dogsinTheLandings. OpenArtStudio

before school starts.

Living Legacy of Father/Son Tournament

The Father/Son Tournament is always special for the fans, but it can also be “very” special for the players, too. This year, both father’s playing in the finals also played in the tournament as sons!

Bruce Man-Son-Hing, from California, had moments of déjà vu this year playing with his son. He remembered playing with his father, Ivor, in 1998 in the finals. Bruce and his father lost that match to the Bedards.

This 2024 season Bruce and his son, also named Bruce, won the Seniors 60’s Finals.

He said, “The roles have reversed. Back then, my father was consistent, and I was the put away man.  Now my son is the finisher.  I am proud to have coached my son at U.C. Irvine and proud to be playing in a Father/ Daughter Tournament with my daughter, Sirena.”

Ignacio and Connor Molina were the opponents playing in the Senior 60’s finals against the Man-SonHings.  What are the odds both Bruce and Ignacio played here when they were sons?  Yes, Ignacio’s dad,

Hernan, and he played three times here in the Father/ Son tournament back in the 90’s.

“Now, my son Connor and I are tennis directors at different clubs in the Ft Myers area,” Ignacio said. This was a highlight in my life getting to play with Connor in this wonderful tournament. You can count on us coming back next year. This tournament has become the week we look forward to!”

Highlighting Teams with Proud Landings Legacies

Brett & Jerry Morse-Karzen from Wilmette, IL have won many Senior (60’s) Father/Son Clay Court Tournaments including seven years in a row from 2013 to 2019. Not only did they win, but they also only split sets three times in all those years!  This year they are winners in the Super Senior (70’s) category.

Jimmy & Chris Parker began their winning tradition in the senior’s competition over twenty years ago.

They’ve played in all our divisions and continued their winning ways over the years.  In 2024, the Parkers won the championship in the National Ultra Seniors category.

Jimmy Parker began playing tennis with his dad at age seven. “I was happy Chris wanted to play USTA Father/ Son all these years at The Landings,” Jimmy said. To me it’s like a gift or a special bond. Now my son, Chris, is playing with his son,” he added. I’m playing with him, too, in the Grandfather/ Grandson tournaments.

The Parker’s have won gold balls in all three generations! Jimmy has a total of 167 gold balls over 72 years of USTA Tournament play. Wow!

The tournament founder and director, Bob Luxembourg, started with only a handful of senior teams.  Thanks to General Manager Kevin Lechlitner, the tournament now includes more age categories and had over 50 teams participating.

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