Del tura augsept2016

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Volume 32 NO 8-9 | AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2016 941-349-0194 | ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC |

DEL TURA’S OTHER RESIDENTS Enjoy looking at some of “God’s creatures” that were photographed by folks when seen in Del Tura on the golf course, in yards, on the streets, and in the lakes.

Please note that this issue of The Tower is a double issue. The next issue will be the October issue and distribution will begin on October 1, 2016.

2 | The Tower

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • August / September 2016 • 941.349.0194 •

The The

Poolside Pub Located Inside Del Tura Golf & Country Club • Public Always Welcome $4.99 Lunch Specials Every Day 11-3 • Happy Hour Every Day 3-6 STOP IN AND GRAB A CALENDAR OF EVENTS TODAY!

MONDAY Live Music at 5:30 pm TUESDAY Prime Rib Dinner Party (5 pm) • Karaoke (6 pm) WEDNESDAY Wing Night! Buy 20 Wings GET A FREE PITCHER OF BEER! THURSDAY “All Day” Spaghetti & Meatballs Dinner $6.99 Name That Tune & Trivia Night (6 pm) FRIDAY Live Music Every Friday Night (5 pm) All-You-Can-Eat Fish Fry All Day and Night! SATURDAY Famous Pot Roast Dinner $8.99, 3-8 pm Karaoke (6 pm) SUNDAY Live Music 1 pm $3.50 Bloody Mary Specials PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY

Monday, September 5






The Tower |

3 • 941.349.0194 • August / September 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

From the President’s Desk July 4 has come and gone. Nice parade, games, bingo, etc. Good times for all! Weather just a bit too hot, though. Maybe we can get Hometown to do something about that next year. Or not. Things are a bit slow all summer, but in August, Dave Adams and his guest host Bob Harmon will be putting on an old fashioned radio record hop. Games, requests, you name it – they’ll likely try it. Dave has an EXTENSIVE collection of vintage 45 RPM records, as well as abil-

ity to pull most anything off the internet to be able to fill requests. The date is Saturday, August 20 - 7:00 PM. Doors will open at 6:30. Look for more details in the flyer elsewhere in this issue of The Tower. We just had a dance in June, and now another in August. Turns out there are still ways to have fun for us year-‘rounders!!! There will be road work during July and possibly into August (seal coating, etc.) mostly on the north end, so don’t be surprised.

You may think you know all the soap-box stuff by now, but here’s a new one: Fishing or walking around the lakes here in Del Tura is OK. Driving your golf cart around the lakes IS NOT ALLOWED! Golf carts are limited to the roads (and, of course, the golf course). Walking dogs around the lakes IS ALSO NOT ALLOWED! Al Wells, HOA President




(MAY-SEPTEMBER) MONDAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLOSED TUESDAY . . 10:00 A.M. – NOON (or after Coffee Hour) WEDNESDAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 A.M. – NOON THURSDAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M. FRIDAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLOSED SATURDAY & SUNDAY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLOSED


Editorial Staff









HOA Liaison: ALAN WELLS Tower Photographer: BILL NEZAMIS

Many thanks to all the volunteer residents who have donated their time to “The Tower”. We are looking for more volunteers. Please Help!


Any resident wishing to purchase a “Name Tag” may do so on Tuesday mornings between 8:15 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. before the start of announcements at the HOA Board table. A name tag with a “pin” backing is $5.00 and/or with a “magnet” is $7.00 (correct CASH ONLY). However, if you are going to be gone for several weeks, months, etc., please do not order your name tag until after you return. Normally takes one (1) week to process your order.

My name is Don Dowell and I am your HOA Director in Charge of Grounds Please call or e-mail me if you see a problem or have a concern about any of our common areas such as the pools, hot tubs, tennis courts, Bocce, horseshoes, exercise room, or clubhouse.


Alan Wells President (2017)

Sandra Boykin Director (2017)

Don Dowell Vice-President (2018)

Bette Ewing-Cheney Director (2019)

Florence Kay Nezamis Secretary (2017)

Joyce Lienert Director (2019)

(309) 360-1145 (cell) (239) 731-1566


Ruth Ann Blevins Treasurer (2018) (239) 543-8134 (239) 220-9381 (cell)

(410) 491-8824 (239) 652-3909

(973) 714-4117

Ray Schmoltze Director (2018) (239) 218-9444

Dave Adams Director (2019) (508) 284- 6107

4 | The Tower

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • August / September 2016 • 941.349.0194 •

FISH During the Summer


By Ginnie Benjamins

North Fort Myers Florist Full Service Florist

WE DELIVER LOCAL and Worldwide ROSE SPECIAL/CASH & CARRY: $14.95 8190 Littleton Road, Suite #105 North Ft. Myers, FL 33903



Stephanie Norris

Happy Hot Summer! You may think that FISH closes its doors during the summer. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are still here to assist any and all residents of Del Tura. If you need any medical equipment please just call our FISH line at 997-3474. Rich or Rick will be at your home in a flash to deliver whatever you may need. We have wheelchairs, walkers of all kinds, canes, shower chairs, bed rails and potty chairs. If you have had surgery or it is coming up or if you have been hospitalized for any reason, please call me to let me know so we may offer you a dinner to help with your return home. (Ginnie at 239-322-9863.) We also have a wonderful woman, Ruth Anten, who will want to send you a getwell card, so please let us know if you are ill.

FISH has a group of volunteers, led by Garnet Fleming, who will call you on your birthday or anniversary to wish you a special day. If you have not been called it is because we do not know it is your birthday or anniversary. Let us know! We really want to help you celebrate your day. If you have had a death in your home, again let us know. We would like to bring you a dinner or a basket of fruit, particularly if you will be having many visitors you will have something to offer them. Last but not at all least, we still have drivers that will be delighted to help you keep your appointments during the summer. Just call our FISH number to arrange for a driver. Give us at least 48 hours to find your driver. Even better, if you know you have an appointment in a week or two or even a month away, call us. We will get your schedule on the

books so you will be assured of a driver. Please look for a new cookbook from FISH at the craft show in November. Many residents have presented their favorite recipes to be shared with everyone. Thank you to all the contributors.


to reach us please call 997-FISH (997-3474)

Del Tura Resident

FISH of Del Tura Service Hours

North Fort Myers


Bill Edinger

YOUR NAME: ________________________________________________________



PERSON SERVED: ____________________________________________________

239-565-9904 Licensed and Insured

DATE OF SERVICE: ___________________________________________________ 1/14 1/17

• Sewer Drain Cleaning All phases of plumbing • Re-Pipes Well pumps and equipment • Water Heaters • Garbage Disposals Remodels • Repairs • Sewer Line Video Inspection

SERVICE PROVIDED: __________________________________________________


2016 FLAG FLYING DATES September 5 - Labor Day

November 11 - Veteran’s Day

September 11 - Patriot Day

November 24 - Thanksgiving Day

October 10 - Columbus Day

December 7 - Pearl Harbor Day

November 8 - Election Day

December 25 - Christmas Day

HOURS: _____________________________________________________________ Please return to: Betty Scheetz, 1308 San Miguel Lane (609) 477-9147


The Tower |

5 • 941.349.0194 • August / September 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

FISH Fruit Tree Picking Project This is the update from July 10, 2016 of the Fruit Picking Committee: The committee would like to keep the community apprised of our progress and to give the proper, well-deserved special thanks to our resident fruit donors. Without these donors the

needy would not receive the fruit they need to supplement whatever diet they do have available to them. So, to date, (our picking season runs from October 1 to September 30 each year) the team has picked 2489 pounds of fruit, namely grapefruit, star fruit, tangerines, lemons and oranges. We picked 75 pounds with 2 volunteers this month. The fruit was delivered and distributed to two

different soup kitchens and was greatly appreciated. This season the residents who opened up their properties for our opportunity to pick their fruit were: Helene Stell, Rita and Bill Immoor, Karen and Dave Toothman, Mary Pimental, Bertie Dugo, Charles and Mariene Troeller, Florence Hammond, Sandy Mulvaney, Lucy and Paul Schaefer, William Smith, Diane

Del Tura Trips By Donna Schoebel Have you been thinking about or talking about Del Tura Trips? Well, we have listened and are hard at work attempting to plan exactly that! How about some day trips like visiting Solomon’s Castle for lunch and wine tasting, or perhaps the Victory Casino Day Cruise? Maybe a Clearwater Yacht Day Cruise with lunch onboard and a trip to the marine aquarium?

Or perhaps some overnight trips such as St Patrick’s Day in Savannah and Georgia’s Golden Isles or the Fort Lauderdale Win-

terfest Boat Parade or even the Fort Lauderdale Christmas Pageant? We have places to go and sights to see. I’d love to hear some of your thoughts and ideas as we continue to plan our trips. You can drop a note in my mailbox at 4064 Avenida Del Tura, or send me an email at, or even call or text me at 614-3017489. I look forward to hearing from you and being able to report on our success as we plan our Del Tura Trips!

Mark Your Calendar August 2

Good Timers Meeting

August 2

First day ticket sales WDLT Radio Show/Dance

August 20

The WDLT (Del Tura) Radio Show/Dance

August 24

Movie Night

September 5

Labor Day

September 6

First day ticket sales The Erich Dance

September 7

Good Timers Meeting

September 11

Grandparents Day

September 11

Ice Cream Social

September 14

HOA Meeting 7:00 p.m.

September 22

Autumnal Equinox

September 24

The Erich Dance with Erich Fallisch

and Joe Bevilacqua, Jerry Still, Frank Spinale, Hank and Margaret Zanger, Glenn and Joy Martin, Jessica and Jose Enrique, Marilyn Hanson, Tom and Jan Condos, Mike and Jill Scott, Lucy Schaefer, Dan and Laura Weaver, Fran and John Baumberger, Donna Brown, Rick and Sandy Morgan, Nancy and Robert Moyer, Isabel Passinger and this month with 75 pounds of ba-

No Job Too Small!

nanas from Carolyn and Bernie Forsey. Since this report we have had more requests to pick residents’ fruit. Keep those requests coming! We will report on those, as they are collected. Call Rick at 543-3662 or Sherry at 567-0538 – do NOT call the FISH number as was stated in a previous The Tower article. God bless and thank you very much!

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Check Your Neighborhood 12/16

Rick Rudzik and Sherry Plisch – Co- Chairs


PO Box 3661 • N. Ft. Myers, FL 33918

6 | The Tower

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • August / September 2016 • 941.349.0194 •

Be AwAre of ChAllenges to MAnAging retireMent inCoMe

When you retire, will your cost of living decline? Some of your expenses may indeed drop, but others won’t. Plus, you may have some new ones to consider. So, all in all, it’s a good idea to think about ways to boost your retirement savings now, before you’re retired. And once you do retire, you’ll need to be adept at managing your income. But whether saving today or planning for tomorrow, you should familiarize yourself with the key financial challenges you will face during your retirement years. Specifically, consider these areas: Longevity –

Health care –

Obviously, the longer your retirement lasts, the more money you’ll need. And you could be retired for quite some time. A 65-year-old man, on average, is expected to live another 17.9 years, while a 65-year-old woman can anticipate another 20.5 years, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. With this type of potential longevity in mind, you’ll want to contribute as much as you can afford to your retirement plans, such as your IRA and 401(k), while you’re working. Then, when you are retired and start tapping into your investment portfolio, you will need to create a sustainable withdrawal rate – one that doesn’t push you into the “danger zone” of possibly outliving your resources. Once you enter your retirement years, your health care costs are all but certain to rise, even with Medicare. In fact, the average annual out-of-pocket health care cost for a household between 65 and 74 years old is $4,383 – about 11% of total household spending, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute. And these costs rise substantially for those over 74. To help cope with these costs, you’ll need a reasonable amount of liquidity in your portfolio.

Long-term care – You may never need to stay in a nursing home or receive services from a home health care worker. But you are taking somewhat of a gamble if you don’t prepare for these long-term care costs – because they are high. In fact, the annual average cost for a private room in a nursing home is more than $92,000, according to the 2016 Cost of Care Survey produced by Genworth, a financial services company. Medicare typically pays very little of these expenses, but a financial professional can help you find an appropriate way of coping with these types of costs. Inflation –

We’ve had low inflation the past several years, but it hasn’t gone away entirely, and it won’t disappear when you’re retired, either. Even a mild rate of inflation can, over time, seriously erode your purchasing power. To combat the effects of inflation, you’ll need to own at least some growth-oriented investments.

Market volatility – The financial markets will bounce up and down during your retirement years, just as they did when you were working. The big difference? You have less time to recover – and you don’t want to withdraw from your investments when their price is down. However, you can help avoid this necessity by maintaining enough income-producing vehicles in your portfolio; these types of investments usually fluctuate much less in value than stocks and stock-based vehicles. By being aware of these issues, both before and during your retirement, you can prepare for them – and preparation is key to managing your income, as it is in all walks of life. Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors are not estate planners and cannot provide tax or legal advice. You should consult your estate-planning attorney or qualified tax advisor regarding your situation.

This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.

Edward Jones, its employees and investment representatives do not offer estate-planning, tax or legal advice. “Adam Hromiak AAMS, CRPC is a Financial Advisor with Edward Jones Investments in Cape Coral on 3571 North Del Prado Blvd. Suite 7 Entrada Plaza, 1/2 mile West of Rt. 41. He can be contacted at (239) 731-6338” 12/16

The Tower |

7 • 941.349.0194 • August / September 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Betty Jane Bauer, who is better known as “BJ,” is one of our neighbors who has had a very full and wonderful life packed with travel and great friendships throughout her 91 plus years— and is a two-time cancer survivor! BJ Sweet was born in Seattle and was raised in central Washington until her family moved to Minneapolis when she was in her early teens. BJ received her teaching degree from University of Minnesota and went on to teach Home Economics at the Junior High level for 51 years in the Richfield area. She especially enjoyed teaching in Interior Design, Child Development, and Nutrition. BJ married Vern Bauer and they shared their lives together for forty years, and enjoyed traveling abroad as much time allowed. They spent many winter weekends skiing in Utah, Colorado and Wisconsin. They shared a love for golf which they played whenever and wherever they could. They would come to Florida to visit her parents in Avon Park. During the summer of 1989, Vern went to California to play golf

(some summer trips with fellow teachers), and went on three African safaris; primarily in East Africa and the Wild Animal Parks in Kenya. She was especially delighted to go on a ROUND THE WORLD TRIP with seven of her friends. BJ has an impressive map on the wall of her guest room with lots of information, and pin-pointing all the states and countries she has visited. It is truly worth seeing the next time you visit BJ in her home. One of the more unusual excursions BJ enjoyed was with her friends Peggy Coleman and Bob Shill. It was a month long journey in a 15-foot pontoon boat from Minneapolis to the East Coast of Florida. Lots of stories to share. She still enjoys a game of Bridge or RummiKub. BJ has this all stored in her great memory, and has so much wisdom and exciting things to share, including tips on traveling abroad. If you get the opportunity to visit with her--It will be a delightful time for sure. We are indebted to our neighbors who have been here for years and have helped develop our Del Tura community into all the great things it has to offer. Thank you, BJ, for your wonderful friendships and service through the years!


Buy One-Get One HALF OFF! Excludes Lobster Roll and Whole Belly Clams Good only at Mainely Seafood Market & Cafe. One coupon per order. Coupon expires 11/01/16

We will be closed July 29th thru August 14 for summer vacation!


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BETTY JANE “SWEET” BAUER 4200 La Verde Drive Del Tura Country Club

with some of his buddies. BJ and one of her girlfriends began to explore Southwest Florida—having fun looking at many communities. They visited a friend here in Del Tura and loved it so much that they bought their home on La Verde Drive. That winter, both Vern and BJ were going through treatment for cancer. They moved into their home full time in 1990. Vern was able to enjoy only a couple of months before losing his battle with cancer. It was time of loss and adjustment for BJ, and a time when some dear friendships developed. It was not long before BJ became fully involved in many of the activities including tennis, golf and bridge on a weekly basis. BJ served for three years on the HOA board, and was President of the Good Timers Club. She and Dot Richmond, with the help of others, developed the FISH program here in Del Tura in 1997 which continues to be a blessing to many of our residents. BJ has been very active in our community and has worked on a variety of committees and helped with the entertainment and program presentations. BJ was so happy to be able enjoy six cruises with her Del Tura friends. Through the years, she also visited Europe six times


By Sue Dunigan

8 | The Tower

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • August / September 2016 • 941.349.0194 •

Chef’s Corner Tuna Toasties 1 (7 oz.) can Tuna 3 Tomatoes, sliced 3 oz. Shredded Cheddar Cheese


Drain tuna; place in a bowl and flake. Spread one side of bread with butter and place buttered sides down on a baking sheet. Spread tuna over bread slices; arrange tomatoes on top and cover with shredded cheese. Bake: 8 to 10 minutes until bubbling. Cool one minute, then cut across each slice of bread into 2 triangles. Serve hot.

THE DEL TURA REPERTORY COMPANY Anyone interested in being considered for our next play please contact Jacqueline Keen (239)731-9619 or Please title emails The Del Tura Rep.

Family Owned and Operated


14871 N. Cleveland Ave., N. Ft. Myers 11/16

4 Slices Bread 2 Tbsp. Butter, softened

(Across from Super Walmart on US 41)


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Must present this coupon, not valid with other discounts or offers. Expires 11/30/16

Complete Auto Repair - Domestic and Foreign

Specializing in Air Conditioning • Auto Electric • Brakes • Suspension • Free A/C Checks • And More...

Chef’s Corner Pina Colada Pie 9-inch Graham Cracker Pie Shell 1(4 serving size package) Lemon or Vanilla Instant Pudding 1 ½ cups Sour Cream 3 Tbsp. Rum or ½ tsp. Rum Extract

2 Tbsp. Sugar ¼ cup + 2 Tbsp. Milk 1 tsp. grated Lime Rind 1 can (8 oz.) Crushed Pineapple, drained 1 cup Shredded Coconut

Combine the pudding mix, sour cream, rum, sugar, milk and rind in a medium mixing bowl. On low speed beat until blended and smooth (about one minute). Fold in the pineapple and coconut and spoon into the pie shell. Chill at least 3 hours prior to serving. If you have a recipe you would like to share in The Tower, e-mail it to or drop it off at the HOA office. You must put your name on your recipe but may request it not be published.




Optional: Garnish with dill or oregano for enhanced flavor.

Take just a few minutes ---- close your eyes ---- think about Christmas past in Del Tura. Sparkling trees outside the clubhouse entrances, wreaths on the windows, a beautiful blue and silver tree in the front entrance lobby, gold and white trees in the Starlight Ballroom, burgundy tree in the connecting hall, years of collected décor on the south entry tree, huge wreath and garland at the main grill, and lights in the hedges at the pool and wherever you look. CHRISTMAS!!! Now ---- think again. NO CHRISTMAS DÉCOR IN AND AROUND THE CLUBHOUSE!! Christmas tree lighting with no tree to light!! BAH HUMBUG!! Surely someone in our volunteering community could step-up and take charge and keep the Christmas Spirit happening. We need new ideas along with the old! Let’s have new and old residents, working together to make a beautiful clubhouse. I’ll help ---- but it is time for a new take-charge person. Please accept the challenge as the year is quickly passing.

Call me - Mary Harrell at 239-543-3852

The Tower |


5/17 • 941.349.0194 • August / September 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

10 | The Tower

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • August / September 2016 • 941.349.0194 •

Book Review

Your Mobile Home Parts Warehouse!

Your Mobile Home Parts Warehouse!


• DOORS • A/C UNITS 14940 N. Cleveland Ave. • Low-E WINDOWS Ft. Myers, FL 33903 • ALUMINUM PRODUCTS M-F 8-5pm, Sat. 9-3pm • 54”x27” TUBS / SHOWERS LIC#: CAC1818340

Bring This Ad (no copies) for

10% OFF Your Mobile Home Parts Warehouse! new PATienT exAm or CurrenT PATienT ProPhy • DOORS DENTAL CARE • A/C UNITS 14940 N. Cleveland Ave. • Low-E WINDOWS Ft. Myers, FL 33903 • ALUMINUM PRODUCTS M-F 8-5pm, Sat. 9-3pm • 54”x27” TUBS / SHOWERS

Dr. Jim Holloway and Dr. Allen Chumbler LIC#: CAC1818340

Most Insurance Accepted • Comprehensive Dental Care

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•16 DOORS Del Prado Blvd. S., 88 Pine Island Rd., Cape Coral,FL N. Ft. Myers, FL • A/C UNITS 14940 N. Cleveland Ave. 239-574-3383 239-997-3383 • Low-E WINDOWS Ft. Myers, FL 33903 • ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Sat. 9-3pm The patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right toM-F refuse8-5pm, to pay, cancel payment, or be • 54”x27” SHOWERS reimbursed for anyTUBS other service, /examination, or treatment that is performed as a result of and within 72 hours LIC#: CAC1818340

of responding to the advertisement for the free, discount fee, or reduced fee service, examination or treatment.

“You only live once, Your Mobile Homedo PartsitWarehouse! but if you right, • DOORS once is enough.” • A/C UNITS 14940 N. Cleveland Ave. • Low-E WINDOWS Ft. Myers, FL 33903 Mae West • ALUMINUM― PRODUCTS • 54”x27” TUBS / SHOWERS LIC#: CAC1818340

M-F 8-5pm, Sat. 9-3pm


• DOORS By Jonathan Kellerman • A/C UNITS Alex Delaware, a practic- except this14940 victim N. is aCleveland mild man- Ave. • Low-E WINDOWS ing clinical psychologist, gets a nered man that everyone loves. Ft. Myers, FL 33903 phone call from his good friend, Now Alex, acting as police • ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Milo Sturgis, a LAPD lieutenant consultant mustM-F help Milo Sat. uncov8-5pm, 9-3pm • and 54”x27” TUBS / SHOWERS detective, the chase begins. er the who and why of these acts.

When AlexLIC#: returns the call CAC1818340 There should be some connecand to the scene of the lat- tion between these victims, but est LA murder he needs to catch what? his breath at what he sees. This With lots of research and time has to be one of the most vicious, spent gradually the connections grossly obscene sights he has witappear, but only after another vicnessed ...ever. The victim was an acid tongue tim is added to the gory list. The shrew and as things progress it ap- connection goes back decades to sorted old time witnesses the pears that her personality has a lot a former mental institution and cases gradually come to a close, • DOORS to do with her murder. But, then what took place many years ago. but not before an explosive endBetween full workload inthere is •another murder with all A/C UNITS ing involving both Milo and Alex. of the N. LAPD and as- Ave. the same features of gross display volvement14940 Cleveland

Your Mobile Home Parts Warehouse!

• Low-E WINDOWS Ft. Myers, FL 33903 • ALUMINUM PRODUCTS The Hunter M-F 8-5pm, Sat. 9-3pm • 54”x27” TUBS / SHOWERS By John Lescroart LIC#: CAC1818340

Wyatt Hunt is the owner of a ing the killer. When his staff ofsuccessful private investigation fers to help in various ways he acfirm named The Hunt Club. cepts. Then one of his employees Raised by loving adoptive is shot and killed and Wyatt feels parents he never had an interest in guilty and tells his remaining emfinding his birth family until the ployees not to do anything more. day he gets a text message on his He asks his old friend and phone. • DOORS police inspector Devlin Juhle for The message, “How did your help and as things progress the • A/Csets UNITS mother die?” Wyatt off and situation becomes convoluted and Ave. 14940 N. Cleveland one of the thingsWINDOWS he discovers • first Low-E more murders occur. is that his mother was murdered Ft. Myers, FL 33903 Wyatt’s search for answers is, he finds out the names of the • ALUMINUM PRODUCTS and his father was tried twice for M-F 8-5pm, Sat. 9-3pm finding his persons who texted and the killer. murder • but54”x27” freed as TUBS a result/ SHOWERS of takes him to Indiana mother’s roots then onto Mexico hung juries. LIC#: CAC1818340 Riveting...great ending...and While business must go on as to locate his long lost father. And, now you need to read the book usual Wyatt now focuses on find- being the expert investigator he yourself to find out “who done it!”

Your Mobile Home Parts Warehouse!

Editors Note: The Tower welcomes reviews from our readers of books they have read. You can email them to or drop them off at the HOA office. You must supply your name upon submission but request that your name not be published.

Your Mobile Home Parts Warehouse!


• Low-E In order to keep theWINDOWS job manageable, I need to have your requests Ft. Myers, FL 33903 for messages thirty (30) days before the event you are advertising. • ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Want to design your own message display? Look for M-F guidelines 8-5pm, Sat. 9-3pm TUBS SHOWERS soon on • the54”x27” HOA website. Contact/ me, Jim Stenzel, at 239-826-0524.

LIC#: CAC1818340

The Tower |

11 • 941.349.0194 • August / September 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Good Timers’ Singles Club News

By Joyce Lienert

“Consider the little mouse, how sagacious an animal it is which never entrusts its life to one hole only.” Titus Maccius Plautus If you are single, consider joining our group. You can attend a monthly meeting as a guest. The meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month at 5:00 p.m. in the Jacaranda Ballroom at the Clubhouse. Our next meeting will take place on Tuesday, August 2, 2016. For further information call Joyce Lienert at 973-632-1147. Our officers are Lorna Callan, President; Nancy Skorlinski, Vice President; Deborah Alt, Secretary (November through April); and Joyce Lienert, Secretary (May through October). Joan Whaley has charge of the Sunshine Club and Ann Boncore runs the monthly 50/50 raffle. A meeting of the Good Timers’ Singles Club was last held on Tuesday, July 1, 2016. The following was discussed as part of the agenda: The following birthdays were celebrated during June: Barbara Barnes-June 7, Delores BaxterJune 22, Stewart Carter-June 8, Eva Fasolo-June 20, Pat GilmourJune 3, and Anna Incorvaia-June 9. A June birthday dinner was held at Fishbones, at the Shell Factory. Lorna Callan made arrangements. The food was great and the birthday cake delicious. Joan Whaley and Delores Wilson have made arrangements for a luncheon at Anthony’s, at Sabal Springs, on July 22 at noon. The

following birthdays will be celebrated: Janet Clemens-July 13 and Anna Gessner-July 29. Happy August birthday to: Susan Baron-August 15, Esther Kuntz-August 25, and Delores Nelson-August 30. Lorna Callan will arrange for a lunch or dinner at Mel’s Dinner. Happy September birthday to: Sandra Mosley-September 23 and Susan Savitt- September 2. Joyce Lienert will arrange the party. The tentative selection is the Five Fisherman Restaurant for lunch or dinner. A picnic will be held at Del Tura clubhouse pool in October. October birthdays for Barbara Boyd-October 24, and Lorna Callan-October 20, will be celebrated at that time. “I’m very pleased about each advancing year. It stems back to when I was forty. I was a bit upset about reaching that milestone, but an older friend consoled me.’ Don’t complain about growing old—many people do not have that privilege.” Chief Justice Earl Warren Lorna Callan reported regarding the Tuesday morning coffee hour held July 5. Attendance was 82 and there were no speakers. It was announced that kitchen volunteers are needed, paving of the streets should be starting soon and there was a power outage at the clubhouse this date. Flyers were distributed regarding Movie Nite on July 27 and a presentation on Fort Myers history on July 13. Joyce Lienert reminded all members that the Home Owner’s

Association (HOA) has a board meeting the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Starlight Ballroom. Yearly HOA dues of $12.00 provide many benefits, including delivery of The Tower. It is important to support this association. It can be paid at the Tuesday morning coffee or by contacting Doris Meyer at 731-1937. Also, the Federation of Manufactured Home Owners (FMO) is an important membership at $25.00 a year. Check out their new website at to find out why! Bette Ewing-Cheney is our FMO representative. She is at the Tuesday morning coffee and can be contacted at 239-652-3909. It was sad to discuss the passing of Mary Lou Pudlo on May 25. Mary Lou was President of our club during 2015 and this year’s Treasurer. A memorial service was held on June 27 at St.Therese Catholic Church on Tamiami Trail. Members of our club attended and Joyce Lienert presented a eulogy regarding Mary Lou’s commitment and dedication to our group activities. Violet Coumbe died July 7 after an extended illness. She had been an active member of our group for many years. Her presence will be dearly missed. “Not only should we be unashamed of grief, confident that its expression will not permanently hurt us; but we should also possess the wisdom to talk about out loss and, through that creative conversation with friends and companions, begin to reconstruct the broken fragments of our lives.” Rabbi Joshua L. Liebman

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Remember a happy, peaceful time in your past. Rest there. Each moment has a richness that takes a lifetime to savor. Notice the sun and the moon as they rise and set. They are remarkable for their steady pattern of movement, not their speed. Listen to the song of a bird - the complete song. Music and nature are gifts, but only if you are willing to receive them. Take time just to think. Action is good and necessary, but it’s fruitful only if we muse, ponder and mull.

Slow Down Therapy


1 Year Warranty On Parts 90 Days Warranty On Labor 10/16 12/14

12 | The Tower

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • August / September 2016 • 941.349.0194 •

Thoughts For You • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

The reason some people don’t recognize opportunity is because it usually comes disguised as hard work. The person who says he is too old to learn new things probably always was. One of the best ways to lose a friend is to tell him something for his own good. A person who seeks your advice too often is probably looking for praise rather than information. Sign posted in a shop window reads: The bitterness of poor quality lingers long after the sweetness of a cheap price is forgotten. No one ever “finds” life worth living. One always has to “make” it worth living. That which is used develops. That which is not used wastes away. The man who thinks he knows it all is a pain in the neck to those of us who really do. Any man accused of a crime these days needs a lawyer to advise him of his rights – especially if he’s guilty. To be agreeable when we disagree is a goal most of us have to keep working at. It is easy to be critical. The real test is to come up with constructive alternatives. Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. “No man is an island,” wrote John Donne. Yet too many of us still fear the loss of self through serving others. Actually, it’s the only way to “find” you. Truth is not only stranger than fiction these days – it’s a lot cleaner too. No rule for success is more fundamental than giving the boss – or customer – what he really wants, not what we think he ought to want. The future is that time when you’ll wish you’d done what you aren’t doing now.

The Tower |


1/17 • 941.349.0194 • August / September 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

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Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • August / September 2016 • 941.349.0194 •


“Have I Told You Lately Moments”


By Dianne J. Roderick





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thing is that you feel good about you and the rest will fall into place. You’ll touch more lives than you’ll ever realize! Little random acts of kindness can lift another’s spirits. As B. J. Gallagher wrote: One tree can start a forest; One smile can begin a friendship; One hand can lift a soul; One word can frame a goal; One candle can wipe out darkness; One laugh can conquer doom; One hope can raise our spirits; One touch can show you care; One life can make a difference, Be that one today. Those uplifting moments shared with each other can have long lasting effects whether we’re face to face or miles apart. Writing a short note, making a long overdue phone call, or making a surprise visit are unexpected things that we can do for others that will say “I care” in a very special way. The feeling is twofold!



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Maybe it’s the darkness of the day or the continuous rain of the season but as I sit and reflect on the past few months my thoughts lead me to the friends we have lost recently and to those who are battling serious illnesses. Our hearts go out to the families that are hurting, whether it is from a recent loss or sorrow caused by a loved one’s illness. Such heavy hearts, hearts that were once so light and carefree, now heavy with sadness. If we could only control what happens, but that wouldn’t be real life, would it? We have lived too long to know that life is not predictable. So we live “one day at a time” hoping for the best as we move through the dark days into the sunshine. As we move through the clouds we are comforted by the fact that we are not alone. Our support will come from our faith and the love and caring of our dear friends and family. The cherished moments we spend together, and our day to day conversations

with each other will help us get through those not so sunny days. Don’t hesitate to say the things that would lift someone’s spirits. Those “have I told you lately moments” could mean the world to a person. A few kind words are truly the weapons of choice. Think of how you feel when you receive a compliment or a thank you. Giving can feel more natural if we remember to pat ourselves on the back, too. Look into that mirror each morning and say, “have I told you lately that you are a great person and this is going to be a wonderful day!” So many people will benefit from the way you perceive yourself. No one likes a grump! So come on when someone looks straight at you and says good morning, or good day. Please try to acknowledge it with a pleasant response instead of a grumpy one. Keeping a positive outlook, even in the midst of chaos is the goal. So if for some reason the day doesn’t go as planned you still have an attitude that will get you through it. The important

The Tower |

15 • 941.349.0194 • August / September 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Jill’s Joint

Mailbag Of course the entire celebration would not have happened if my good friend (angel) Wendy Wells had not stepped up to the plate and taken over after I found out my date of surgery. She did a lot as she always does for the community. Thank you Wendy and thanks to ALL of you for your help! Linda Storma    We want to thank all of our Del Tura friends and neighbors and FISH. Thank you for the cards, phone calls, and special help we received following my surgery, and then the loss of my daughter, Maureen McEnaney. You all are very special and caring people. We love you. Bill and Joan Harris

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Sue and Rich Symes, Gerry and Ginnie Benjamins, Ruth and Don Anten, Esther Stolberg, Al and Wendy Wells, Erv Storma, Linda Schoonmaker, Bart DeGraaf, Kay and Bill Nezamis, Sandy Boykin, Barry Plisch, Elaine Kaydo, Ray Connolly, Ken Bracher, Ruth Ann Blevins, Nancy Skorlinski, Ron Raming, Ron Fluet, Peggy MacMillan, Garnet Fleming, Pat Casillo, Joyce Lienert, Bob and Doris Meyer, Dorothy and Garry Biddinger, Bob Masson, Cheryl Stepanek, Lisa and Jeff Baker, Lou & Karen Rivet, Betty EwingCheney, Dorothy Cook.

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1/16 11/16

Hats Off to the July 4th Festivities! A BIG thank you to everyone who helped make the 4th of July a big success. It started out with Ginnie Benjamins and me brainstorming to figure out what worked last year and what could be tweaked a little so we’d have another winner this year. I hired a new Catering Chairperson, Esther Stolberg, who brought some new ideas to the table. We had several new choices for lunch with wraps and bagels from The Bagel Factory for a nice change of pace. I was so happy that every person who volunteered last year joined in again this year. That was especially a blessing for me since I had to have a major surgery scheduled on the 30th of June. The stress level was lowered a great deal having these veterans here. Here are just some of the names of people who helped:

John & Ellen Senes 239-573-7811

16 | The Tower

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • August / September 2016 • 941.349.0194 •

Restaurant Review

Culver’s – An Economical Treat for Everyone!


By Dave Adams

Ellsworth Heating & Cooling was founded in SW Florida 48 years ago, making it one of the oldest and most reliable family owned and operated air conditioning companies in the county. OST IC N G A I Started as a one-man operation 10% D in 1968 by George Ellsworth Sr., nt ion e M the company rapidly became u Yo When his Ad! highly trusted for its exceptional T personal service and solid dependability. Today, Ellsworth Heating & Cooling is one of the most respected businesses in SW Florida.




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Nancy and I first discovered this delightful restaurant chain while on vacation in South Dakota. Imagine our delight when we purchased our home in Del Tura and discovered several right here in our area, including the newest one that just opened on Pine Island Road. This terrific eatery is not your typical “chain” restaurant. The very first “Culver’s” opened in 1984 in Sauk City Wisconsin. Quality has always been their goal. For starters, their burgers, known as “Butter Burgers”, are never frozen. They are always cooked fresh. And they are delicious. However if burgers aren’t your thing, don’t despair. Their menu options include north Atlantic cod, chicken (grilled and fried), beef pot roast sandwiches, grilled pork tenderloin, fried shrimp, and even a grilled Reuben. All are made to order and super fresh. If you have a need for gluten free buns, they will also gladly provide that too. Prefer a salad? No problem. Several choices are available. And as you might expect, delicious French Fries are available with your meal, or excellent Cole Slaw if that is your desire. But the item that works for me is

their Fried Cheese Curds with a side of marinara sauce. They are simply delish! But the product that makes them most famous is their Frozen Custard. Custard is considerably different from ice cream. It is velvety smooth and rich and contains less air so it’s creamier. And it’s served at a temperature that won’t freeze your taste buds so you literally experience the fla-

vor longer. If you’ve never tried it, you don’t know what you’re missing! Each Culver’s restaurant makes their custard fresh in small batches all day every day Their primary flavors are of course, vanilla and chocolate, however they

also feature an extra “Flavor of the Day”. You can literally check the Culver’s web for the “Flavor of the Day”. And be sure to check all the different Culver’s in our area. The daily flavor varies at each restaurant. And there are so many different ways to enjoy their custard. When you go, simply ask one of the attendants to explain your options. You’ll be pleasantly surprised. Service, hospitality and cleanliness are paramount at each restaurant, and we’ve been impressed with the speedy service that includes personal delivery of your food to your table after you order it. Don’t forget to add in an unlimited beverage of your choice including a variety of sodas, lemonade and sweetened and unsweetened tea. Check Tuesday’s circular. You will often see coupons offering nice discounts. But even if you don’t find that circular, the cool thing about Culver’s is their affordability. Their prices are right in line with other similar establishments. If you’re looking for inexpensive good food, prepared fresh, and you enjoy that occasional frozen treat, check out Culver’s. You’ll be glad you did.

The Tower |

17 • 941.349.0194 • August / September 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Save Our Strays By Marlene Haag Hello all and happy summer! Many of you know that our SOS community has gone through a big change. Our founder, Helen Wythe and her husband, Rod Harder, have sold their home here in Del Tura and moved back to Canada to help care for family. We will miss them and would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks for their hard work establishing Save Our Strays. Helen and Rod are true animal lovers and it was through their efforts, love and devotion

that our feral cat community is now healthy. Fortunately for our kitties, and us, we now have two dedicated people that have stepped up to carry on. They are Karen Azza and Sherry Plisch. Together with a large group of animal lovers and volunteers, our SOS program is sure to thrive. Did you know… it cost $30.00 to trap, spray/neuter and provide a rabies vaccination for each feral cat? In order for us to continue this great program, we need your assistance. You may donate money or canned or dry cat food by calling Karen at 239-220-0563 or

Sherry at 239-567-0538. You may also donate your rinsed aluminum and metal cans for our partner program, Roofs for Roofus. The cans may be dropped off at 821 Via Del Sol by the sign on the right side of the garage. Another way you may help is to become a registered Caregiver, meaning that you may feed feral cats in the back or on the side of your home. Please contact Denise Rose at 815-222-6466, to be added to our Caregiver list. Please note: Our next SOS Cat’s Pajama Night will be held on March 11, 2017, so please mark your calendars!

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The Tower |

19 • 941.349.0194 • August / September 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

20 | The Tower

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • August / September 2016 • 941.349.0194 •

Specializing In Floria Rooms, Acrylic Windows And All Screening

Grandparent Humor My young grandson called the other day to wish me a happy birthday. He asked me how old I was and I replied 62. My grandson was quiet for moment then he asked, “Did you start at one?” After putting her grandchildren to bed, a grandmother changed into old slacks and a droopy blouse and proceeded to wash her hair. Instead of being quiet the children were getting more and more rambunctious. She threw a towel around her head and stormed into their room, putting them back to bed with stern warnings. As she left the room she heard the three year old say with a trembling voice, “Who was THAT?” My grandson was visiting one day when he asked, “Grandpa, do you know how you and God are alike?” I mentally polished my halo and I said, “No, how are we

Cape Coral, Florida (239) 699-4316

alike?” “You’re both old,” he replied. A grandmother was telling her little granddaughter what her own childhood was like. “We used to skate outside on a pond in winter and I had a swing made from a tire that hung from a tree in our front yard. I rode my pony and picked wild raspberries in the woods.” The little girl was wide-eyed taking this all in. At last she said, “I sure wish I’d gotten to know you sooner!” A six year old was asked where his grandparents lived. “ Oh, they live at the airport and when we want them to visit we just go get them.” Then he added, “When we’re done having them visit, we take them back to the airport.” To all our grandparents here in Del Tura enjoy Grandparents Day September 11.

I HopeYou Dance

11/16 5/14


Including Pool Cages

I’m reading more and dusting less. I’m sitting in the yard and admiring the view without fussing about the weeds in the garden. I’m spending more time with my friends. Whenever possible life should be a pattern of experiences to savor, not to endure. I’m trying to recognize these moments now and cherish them. I’m not “saving” anything; using my good china and crystal for every “special” event like losing a pound, getting the sink unclogged, or balancing the checkbook. I’m using my good perfume when I go to the hardware store or the bank or the post office. I wear my good blazer to the grocery store. My theory is if I look prosperous, I can shell out $32.49 for a small bag of groceries. “Someday” and “one of these days” are losing their grip on my vocabulary. If it’s worth seeing, hearing or doing, I want to see and hear and do it now. I’m not sure what others would’ve done had they known they wouldn’t be here for the tomorrow that we all take for granted. I think they would have called

family members and a few close friends. They might have called a few former friends to apologize and mend fences for past squabbles. I like to think they would have gone out for a chinese dinner or for whatever was their favorite food. I’m guessing, I’ll never know. It’s those little things left undone that would make me angry if I knew my hours were limited. Angry because I hadn’t written certain letters that I intended to write “one of these days.” Angry and sorry that I didn’t tell my family and friends often enough how much I truly loved and appreciated them. I’m trying hard not to put off, hold back, or save anything that would add laughter and luster to all our lives. And, every morning when I open my eyes, I tell myself that it is special. People say true friends must always hold hands, but true friends don’t need to hold hands because they know the other hand will always be there. Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here ... we might as well dance!

The Tower |

21 • 941.349.0194 • August / September 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Death Notices

Joan Stevenson Geri Ruetenik Antoinette ‘Toni’ DiBernardo Joseph Parman Violet Coumbe

Repairs Replacement Systems Bacterial Control Maintenance Air Quality Insulation Duct Cleaning and Replacement Filters Extended Warranties Water Heaters


11/16 10/14

Mary Lou Pudlo

22 | The Tower

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • August / September 2016 • 941.349.0194 •

Del Tura Legend of the Road

We are forming a new car club here in Del Tura. If you have a Classic Car, Sports Car, Muscle Car or Hot Rod then come join our group. There will be NO membership or rules. Just Fun with our cars. We will have a new event to attend each month. If you are interested please either email or call me. Jim Vassallo 613 Sierra Madre Cell: 248-755-1177 Email:

Health News Exercise: What You Get for What You Do A Longer Life What it takes: Move around enough each day to burn at least 200 calories beyond your usual output. - all told, about 30 minutes... by walking, gardening, climbing stairs, or lifting groceries. Don’t worry about how hard you’re working; what matters is making exercise a part of your daily life. What to expect: Nothing right away. The payoff - reduced risk of heart attack and many

chronic diseases comes eventually. Remember the extra pounds don’t melt away quickly but the slimming down will happen gradually and your all-over health improves. Here are the calories burned by some common activities: Calories burned (10 minutes)*

Seven Ways to feel Your Best 1. Get some exercise 2. Maintain a healthy weight 3. Eat well 4. Stop smoking 5. Stay involved 6. Relax 7. Take care of your teeth Men


Walking fast 45 60 Painting 45 60 Weeding 45 60 Washing a car 45 60 Square-dancing 55 73 Scrubbing floors 55 73 Biking 60 80 Walking upstairs 70 93 * Figures are for a 132 pound woman and a 176 pound man

“W-D-L-T” Radio Record Hop August 20 - Starlight Ballroom


Do you remember those great Friday night dances you went to when you were a teenager? Maybe it was held at your school…… or the community center? You and your friends would have fun socializing and dancing to the latest hits, played by a DJ from your local radio station! Well, Del Tura is turning back the clock for you and your friends for a social event that goes back to those fun-filled days. EVERYONE is invited….. couples and singles alike…..for an evening of fun, nostalgia, and dancing. Our host DJ is Del Tura’s own Dave Adams with special guest host Bob Harmon, and we’re calling our station “W-D-L-T”! You probably know Dave as the Director of our own


Choralaires and Bob from this spring’s ultra successful “Make ‘Em Laugh Part Duh”. Over the years, Dave has amassed a record collection numbering in the thousands. His background in radio and rock and roll goes back to the 1960’s. As a young man, he performed on the traveling circuit as a keyboard back up for some of the top entertainers of the era. Later, Dave worked professionally as a Disc Jockey and Production Director for “W-E-E-X” AM and FM in Easton Pennsylvania. More recently, Dave was the owner and manager of “W-K-T-F” Radio in Vienna Georgia. Bob Harmon spent his earlier years working on board some of the finest cruise ships in the fleet, including Princess, Royal Norwegian, Celebrity, and Holland America. During his career Bob has also opened for some of the

biggest names in show business including, Jim Nabors, Debbie Reynolds, and Robert Goulet. On August 20, Dave and Bob will host an old fashioned “W-DL-T” Radio “Social” and “Record Hop”, featuring the great music of the 50’s, 60’s 70’s and 80’s… everything from Rock and Roll to Country. Come to dance or just to have fun and make some memories. There will be contests with prizes, and Dave and Bob will be taking your requests throughout the evening. Ticket Sales: HOA Members $10.00 non-HOA $12.00 August 2 - HOA Members only at Tuesday’s coffee August 9 and 16 ticket sales for everyone (at Coffee) August 20 - Dance at 7:00 PM Doors open at 6:30 PM HOA Sponsored event No Refunds

The Tower |

23 • 941.349.0194 • August / September 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


The Lee County Sheriff’s Office will once again offer a fabulous free program called the Citizens Academy.

The next session will take place in September, but, the space is limited so you need to sign up now. Curriculum Highlights:


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Ride along with a Deputy Hands on Firearms Training C.S.I./Crime Scene Demo Gang Unit Overview DUI Check Point Observation Opportunity Aviation Unit Tour Underwater Operations Unit K-9 Demonstration Correctional Emergency Response Team Demo Communications Tour/911and Dispatch Traffic Enforcement Detention Bureau Tour Bomb Squad Demo Crime Prevention Tips Major Crimes Unit Demo Tour Lee County Gun Range S.W.A.T. Team Demo

For more information or an application call John McGraw-Citizens Academy Coordinator at (239) 258-3295 or Talk to many of your friends and Del Tura neighbors who have participated in this program and you will find out just how wonderful it is and how much you can learn about our law enforcement in Lee County.

24 | The Tower

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • August / September 2016 • 941.349.0194 •

Del Tura Contact Info Other Contact Numbers Blood Drive - Shannon Flory - Recruiter

Lee Memorial Blood Ctr.


Coffee Hour - Tues. AM coordinator

Nancy Adams



Kathleen Quigley



Barb Jones


Contractor Survey Results

Dennis Cottini


Del Tura Repertory Company

Jacquie Keen


Entertainment Committee Chair

Betty Ewing


Equipment Loans- Medical

Rich Symes


Equipment Loans- Medical

Rick Rudzik


Loan Closet

Linda Storma


Loan Closet - Alternate

Denise Rose

Feral Cat Information "SOS"

Karen Azza/Sherry Plisch

FISH - Friends in Service Here

Ginnie Benjamins, Pres.

FISH - Fruit Picking Contact

Rick Rudzik/Sherry Plisch

FMO Membership

Betty Ewing

815-978-4907 220-0563 or 5670538 322-9863 543-3662 567-0538 652-3909


Front Guard Gate


HOA Membership

Doris Meyer


HOA Office - 609 Sierra Madre (off Catalina)

Mon.-Fri. 9:00 a.m. - noon


Homeowners’ Issues/Grievances

Clubhouse Office



Ruth Blevins


Name Tags

HOA Board-Tuesday Coffee

Seminars (HOA Board President)

Alan Wells


Tower - Advertising -

Bob & Emy Stein


Tower - Editor

Doris Meyer


Tower - Delivery coordinator

Joyce Fischer


Veterans Contact

David Jacobs


Video Library

Elaine Schnur


Welcome Committee

Marlene De Graaf


Sound Systems David & Judy Jacobs


Jim Stenzel



Charles & Peg Note 731-5615 Doris Meyer 731-1937 Please email any changes to Pam Price at Pam’s phone is 239-567-7929.



“If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance.” – George Bernard Shaw


The Tower |


10/16 5/16 • 941.349.0194 • August / September 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


January 2, Monday League Chairperson will notify leagues if tryouts are necessary. January 2, Monday January 8, Sunday Winter League Begins Jan. 7 Sat Mixed Doubles Jan. 9, Mon. A Men Jan. 11, Wed. B2 Men Jan. 12, Thurs. B1 Men Jan. 13 Fri, B Women Jan. 14 & 15, Sat & Sun February 1, Wednesday February 26, Sunday March 11 &12, Sat & Sun March 19, Sunday

Fall League Letter Posted Fall Sign-Up Sheets Sign-Up Sheets Removal Gerry Benjamins 322-9866 Fall League Ends A Men League ends Monday, Dec. 5 B2 Men League ends Wednesday, Dec. 7 B1 Men League ends Thursday, Dec. 8 B Women League ends Friday, Dec. 9 Mixed Doubles ends Saturday, Dec 10 Post Winter League Letter Post Winter League Sign-Up January Friendship Posting and Sign-Up Sheet New Years Eve Fun Day with Games & Prizes

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Winter League Sign-Up Removal


Gerry Benjamins 322-9866 Remove Friendship Tournament Sign-Up Sheets General Meeting, 12:30 PM / Election of Officers Winter League Ends Mixed Doubles ends Saturday, Mar. 4 A Men League ends Monday, February 27 B2 Men League ends Wednesday, March 1 B1 Men League ends Thursday, Mar.2 B Women League ends Friday, Mar. 3 Friendship Tournament Post March Spring Fun Tournament Sign-Up Sheet Remove Spring Fun Tournament Sign-Up Sheets Spring Fun Tournament DTTA Awards Banquet

Computer Problems I Come to You!

Whether you need help with a program or have a problem with your computer, I can help — or there’s no charge.

Bob Heft – (239) 215-2050



• A penny saved is a Government oversight. • The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight because by then your body and your fat have gotten to be really good friends. • The easiest way to find some thing lost around the house is to buy a replacement. • Did you ever noticed that the Roman numerals for forty (40) are XL? • The sole purpose of a child’s middle name is so he can tell when he’s really in trouble. • Did you ever notice when you put two words, The and IRS together it spells ‘Theirs.’ • Aging: Eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it. • Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me, I want people to know why I look this way. I’ve traveled a long way and some of the roads weren’t paved. • When you are dissatisfied and would like to go back to your youth, think of Algebra.

Learn how to use your Smartphone, Tablet & Computer!


August 1, Monday August 28, Sunday October 1, Saturday League Chairperson will notify leagues if tryouts are necessary. Fall League Begins Oct. 17, Mon. Men A Oct. 19, Wed. Men B2 Oct. 13, Th. Men B1 Oct 21, Fri Women B Oct 22, Sat Mixed Doubles November 23,Wednesday November 30, Wednesday December 12, Monday December 31, Saturday



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26 | The Tower

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • August / September 2016 • 941.349.0194 •


Pickle Ball. What Is It And How DoYou Play?

By Gerry Benjamins

In recent years Pickle Ball has become very popular all across the USA. There is good reason for this. It is a low impact and very exiting way to get your exercise. It is very inexpensive to play, and you can find play in our area 4 days per week at the North Fort Myers Recreation Center. Here people from all over our area play in air-conditioned comfort for a single one-time membership fee of $10.00. You do not have to know any one there or need to bring a partner along. You simply place your Paddle in a stack of four on the bench. When a court comes available, your group of 4 paddles will be called up and you get to play with your 3 new friends. Your skill level does not matter, but if you are a rank beginner, there is a “beginner’s court” that opens up from 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm where you learn the game without concern that you are holding others back. In this article you will find all the information necessary to confidently start play on the beginner’s court without needing to feel embarrassed. The court: The court is 20 ft. wide x 44 ft. long with a 3 ft. high net in the middle. This means that you can play with very little movement, unlike Tennis, where you have to move a lot. Note the “No Volley Zone” in the diagram. You stay out of this area except to go after a shot that has bounced inside this zone. This means that you and your partner basically cover only an area 20 ft. x 15 ft. The “No Volley Zone” is also known as the “kitchen”. The following is downloaded from the “Official Pickle Ball” website.

How to Play the Game Basic Overview The Serve

Serves are to be made diagonally, starting with the right-hand service-square and alternating each serve. The serve must clear the seven-foot non-volley-zone in front of the net and land in the diagonal service court. Serves should always be done underhand with the paddle below the waist, and the server must keep both feet behind the back line when serving. The ball should be hit into the air without being bounced. The serving side will continue to serve until the there is a fault on the service, at which point the service will be given to the opposing side. (However, if the ball touches the net but still lands within the appropriate service court, the serve may be taken over.)


To volley means to hit a ball in the air without first letting it bounce. In Pickle-ball®, this can only be done when the player’s feet are behind the non-volley zone line (seven feet behind the net). Double-Bounce Rule Each team must play their first shot off of the bounce. That is, the receiving team must let the serve bounce and

the serving team must let the return of the serve bounce before playing it. Once these two bounces have occurred, the ball can either be volleyed or played off the bounce.


A fault is committed when the ball: Touches any part of the non-volley zone on the serve (including the line). Is hit out of bounds Does not clear the net Is volleyed from the non-volley zone Is volleyed before a bounce has occurred on each side.

Determining Serving Team

The serving team may decide who will serve first with a coin toss. The winner of the coin toss will have the option to choose whether or not to serve first.

Basic Strategy

Tips from The Experts: Before you step onto the court, either indoors or out, make sure you are wearing the correct type of tennis shoes. Your shoes should have non-marking soles, provide stability for side-to-side movement, and have a flat, durable sole. Also, bring along some water to keep you hydrated. The paddle you use should not be too heavy. Find one that gives you both touch/feel and power. The grip should feel comfortable in your hand with some cushion. You can always re-wrap your grip or add a thin over grip. Remember to put your name on your paddle right away. You have a choice to play singles, doubles or mixed doubles. When playing with equally skilled players as yourself, you will have good competition and lots of fun. All ages play this sport.

A game of pickle ball is played to 11 points; however, you must win by 2 points. A game can last anywhere from 10 – 25 minutes. Players can only score points when they are serving. To start, the serve must be hit under hand and the contact of the paddle to the ball must be below your waist. Each team must play their first shot after the ball bounces, and after that then both teams can choose to move forward up to the non-volley line or stay back at the baseline. It is best to move up to the non-volley line as soon as possible and make sure your partner follows you up. Partners should always move up or back and side-to-side together. No volleying is permitted within the seven-foot nonvolley zone; this prevents players from closing the net since the court is so small. This promotes the drop volley or “dink” shot strategies where players skillfully hit shots over the net that land in the non-volley zone – or called “the kitchen”. If the ball bounces in the kitchen, then a player can step into the kitchen to hit it over. Some tips: While waiting for the ball, keep your paddle high, centered to your chest – that way you’re ready for a shot on either side of you. Keep on your toes, anticipating the next shot. Keep the ball in play – let your opponent make the error. You should always warm up before you get on the court – 5 minute quick walk to raise your body temperature, and always have a cool down – some stretches or a slow walk to lower your body temperature back to normal. Stay healthy so you can play more pickle ball! When the game is over, all players come to the net and tap their paddles together, as a gesture of “good game”. Instead of handshakes, pickle ballers like to tap paddles and give a few laughs. Hope this helps you with a basic understanding of the game. Remember this is a simple yet special sport; please spread the word about the wonderful game of Pickle ball. See you on the courts… SOME THINGS NOT COVERED, OR NOT QUITE THE SAME, AS SHOWN IN THE BASIC INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE. 1. Players remain in the same end of the court the entire match. (No changing of ends). 2. The server calls out the score before each service. This consists of serving team score, receiving team score and server number. 3. Since both players on a side serve until that side creates a fault, you have to identify first and second server. A typical score might be 1-2-1. This means the serving side has 1 point, the receiving side has 2 points and the first person on this side is serving. (The first person is the person in the right-hand court at this time). If that side makes a point the score becomes 2-2-1. If that side lost, the score becomes 1-2-2 and the second person on that court now serves.

The Tower |

27 • 941.349.0194 • August / September 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


By Maureen Monroy


Maureen Monroy

The heat has been brutal, but it hasn’t deterred the hearty souls from showing up Thursday mornings for golf. Our Summer Lunch Outings have also been well attended. The June Luncheon was a farewell to Pat Alley, who has returned to Michigan. Pat’s contact information is available on the Bulletin Board. Be sure to check the Bulletin Board for upcoming KISS events. Our members have really enjoyed these fun golf outings. KISS is a great opportunity to play other courses and enjoy the hospitality of other clubs. Lightning is often a concern during summer golf at Del Tura. In the interest of safety and fairness, the DTNHWGA Board has made the following ruling: “(DTNHWGA) league play stops when the siren from the High School goes off - with no pay outs. People can continue to play if they choose, but there will be no pay outs including closest to the pin.”

June 30 Flight 1 (Tie) Flight 2

GAME: Par 3’s (West) Barb Jones, Marianne Wuerdeman Rita Immoor


Barb Jones

July 7 Flight 1 Flight 2 CTP

GAME: O.N.E.S Maureen Monroy Cookie Feiner Joette Fabbri

Game Results: May 12 Flight 1 (Tie) Flight 2 CTP

GAME: 3 Clubs & a Putter Marianne Denman Maureen Monroy Nora Chandler Marlene De Graaf

Flight 1 Flight 2 CTP

GAME: Low Putts Linda Sadowski Rita Immoor Peggy Thevenet

May 26 Flight 1 Flight 2 CTP

GAME: O.N.E.S Justine Fitzgibbons Cookie Feiner Irma Young

June 2 Flight 1

Flight 2 CTP

GAME: Count your Putts Barb Jones, Mary Ann Light, Gay Luders, Shirley Williams, Mary Ann Wuerdeman Pat Dinitto, Irma Young Mary Ann Light

June 9 June 16

Cancelled (Rain) Cancelled (Lightning)

June 23 Winning Team

GAME: Scramble Linda Sadowski, Shirley Williams, Dorinda Doyle

May 19



Nine-Hole Women’s Golf Association


By Dennis Cottini Attention: Del Tura Residents After completion of any type work completed at your home, whether inside or out, we urge you to please fill out a Contractor Survey form and drop it off in the HOA office. Use the assigned mail tray or hand it to the HOA person in the office. We urge you to please support this important process and take advantage of it when in need of a contractor. Most residents, especially those new to our community, consider this service a very positive and useful tool. Again, we encourage you to help support this process. It only takes a few minutes to complete the survey. Survey forms are located in the HOA office and will be on each table at Tuesday coffees. If you have any questions, call me @ 217-0592 or email

28 | The Tower

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • August / September 2016 • 941.349.0194 •



5/17/16 Leon Buss Louisa Vaillancourt (tie) Zella Hoyt

5/18/16 Pat Wagner Henry Dzedzej Marcella Carothers Chuck Carothers

By Marcella Carothers

5/24/16 Pat Wagner Audrey Person Nancy Skorlinski 5/31/16 Nancy Skorlinski Marcella Carothers Pat Wagner(tie) Audrey Person 6/14/16 Lacy Arnett Audrey Person 6/21/16 Marcella Carothers Audrey Person Chuck Carothers 6/28/16 Zella Hoyt Marcella Carothers 7/5/16 Zella Hoyt Nancy Skorlinski (tie) Marcella Carothers 7/12/16 Marcella Carothers Chuck Carothers Audrey Person

By Marcella Carothers

5/25/16 Marcella Carothers Chuck Carothers Bette Buscher Henry Dzedzej 6/1/16 Marcella Carothers Pat Wagner Henry Dzedzej Chuck Carothers 6/8/16 Chuck Carothers Henry Dzedzej Marcella Carothers Bette Buscher 6/8/16 Henry Dzedzej Marcella Carothers Marcella Carothers Bette Buscher 6/15/16 Henry Dzedzej Pat Wagner Chuck Carothers Marcella Carothers 6/22/18 Marcella Carothers Chuck Carothers Pat Wagner Henry Dzedzej 6/29/16 Henry Dzedzej Chuck Carothers Marcella Carothers Pat Wagner 7/6/16 Chuck Carothers Pat Wagner Marcella Carothers Henry Dzedzej

SPORTS 18-Hole Women’s Golf Association

By Carol Marra

Summer is upon us with the almost daily showers, or at least the threat. Del Tura is a quieter place for now as many residents are on vacation visiting family and friends up north. One of the many advantages of this time of the year is the opportunity to visit other courses at a much-reduced charge. If you have not picked up the list, it is available in the Pro Shop. There is a mixture of courses, some executive and some full length. Since May, I have been to Stoney Brook, Magnolia, King’s Way, Kelly Greens and Whiskey Creek. While the Pro Shop needs to make the call for your reservation it is always a good idea to call ahead of time and ask if the course has been aerated in the last week or so, if they have a dining room and what restrictions there are on the course if you don’t like a lot of walking. We have gone in groups of 7 to 12 and enjoyed these various courses as well as some very nice lunches. And also it gives you a chance to visit a dif-

ferent Pro Shop and find a bargain or two!! In May a group of Del Tura ladies went to Whiskey Creek. Ruth Ann Blevens tied for first, Brenda Sharpe for third and Michelle Reese for fifth in the their flights. The next event was June 17th at Seven Lakes. Three of our ten players won: Maria Soper, Brenda Sharpe and Penny Mikesh. No LEGA takes place in July or August. On September 12 Del Tura will host the competition. Watch for a sign-up in the dungeon if you would like to participate. If you have never played in LEGGA before it is a great way to try it. The format is low-net with handicaps. Prize money is put in the winner’s Pro Shop. And there is always a good lunch! Contact Liz Flannigan at 5431640 if you are interested in joining our Association. It is possible to be a year-round member or an Associate Member if you are only here for a few months. Liz can explain your options. Watch the crows! They love to get in your golf carts while you are hitting. I have had bags

of tees spilled, dog treats and an apple core taken, a tissue box destroyed! Today Rose watched her peanut butter crackers air-lifted! They don’t discriminate; don’t put anything valuable in a bag they could possibly lift. We all know what to say when someone has a great shot. And we should say it. No golfer, no matter how good, doesn’t like to be complimented. And if a player can hit her sand wedge over the water, next to the flag on 5-North it is impressive. Now, what to say when a fellow player goes in the water, on the rocks, or the dreaded out of bounds shot? Nothing! No one knows better than this golfer what has just transpired. Help look for a missing ball or wait for a hopefully more successful shot and know that, one day, they could be helping you look for that wayward ball. After all it is golf. Hope everyone is having the best summer ever and we can reunite this September for all the fall activities we so enjoy.

HOUSEHOLD HELP/HINTS FOR EVERYONE • Reheat Pizza: Heat up leftover pizza in a nonstick skillet on top of the stove, set heat to med-low and heat until warm. This keeps the crust crispy. (No soggy micro pizza). • Easy Deviled Eggs: Put cooked egg yolks in a zip lock plastic bag. Seal, mash till they are all broken up. Add remainder of ingredients, reseal, keep mashing it up mixing thoroughly, cut the tip of the baggie, squeeze mixture into the egg white. Throw away the used bag = easy cleanup! • Expanding Frosting: When you buy a container of cake frosting from the store, whip it with your mixer for a few minutes and you can double it in size. You get to frost more cake/ cupcakes with the same amount. You also eat less sugar and calories per serving. • Reheating Refrigerated Bread: To warm biscuits, pancakes, or muffins that were refrigerated, place them in a microwave with a cup of water. The increased moisture will keep the food moist and help it reheat faster. • Newspaper Weeds Away: Start putting in your plants, work the nutrients into your soil. Wet newspapers and put layers around the plants overlapping as you go. Cover with mulch and forget about the weeds. Weeds will get through some gardening plastic but they will not get through wet newspapers. • Broken Glass: Use a wet cotton ball or Q-tip to pick up the small shards of glass you can’t see easily.

The Tower |

29 • 941.349.0194 • August / September 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

September Birthdays & Anniversaries

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11

Eleanor Calcagno David Koch Jim Wagner Susan Savitt Louise Estabrooks Judie Welch Bea Botterbusch Ron Emo Shirley Williams Dino DeGrande Jackie Hinrichs Mary Ferrara David Harting Dorothy Masse Stella Hackney Barbara Schmoltz John DiNitto Virginia Fleming

12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20

Robert Garabedian Phil Mismas Bonnie Evangelist Warren Stewart Sheila Vona Denny Erickson Fred Lane Michael Byrd Joyce Lewis Joe Mikesh Dennis Flynn Fred Fleming Ron Raming Barbara Wills Ellen Haug Bob Moore George Taylor Gary Perkins

21 23 24 25 26 27 29 30

Esther Williams Rich Labbe Wally Stos Ed Dye Audrey Hopcia Lynette Roy Geri Cheevers Jane Walcroft Dennis Cottini Judy Heisler Kathy Pettit Bill Michael Peg Giavanti Mary Lou Pudlo Lubov Ruvinskaya Claire Mick William Smith

Happy Anniversary to... 1 3 4 5 7 9 12 13 14 16 18 24 26 28

David & Carol Paugh Peter & Jolan Israel Dick & Elaine Slosarski Bill & Verna Sheldon Phil & Jan Mismas Ed & Gay Dye Harry & Jeanne Vichosky Mike & Karen Kurilec George & Hilda Taylor David & Judy Jacobs Rick & Denise Hollenbeck Dennis & Gail Flynn Louis & Karen Rivet Bill & Sandy Weddleton Raymond & Dianne Roderick Marty & Cheryl DeCara Buzz & Barb Rouillard

4 years 56 years 34 years 63 years 53 years 55 years 46 years 29 years 9 years 47 years 42 years 40 years 28 years 29 years 50 years 16 years 42 years




Top Ten Most Nutritious Vegetables • Broccoli • Spinach • Brussels Sprouts • Lima Beans • Peas

• Asparagus • Artichokes • Cauliflower • Sweet Potatoes • Carrots The Red Hat Sizzlers Are Looking For NEW Members. If you are interested in joining us for lunch, please call Lynne Mack at 543-4084 (after 10:00 a.m. please).

30 | The Tower

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • August / September 2016 • 941.349.0194 •

October Birthdays & Anniversaries






MOBILE SERVICE • Residential Commercial Auto • Auto Lockouts • High Security • Master Key Systems Key Control Systems • Locks Rekeyed • Code Cut Keys Safes • Key All Locks Alike

Don Davis

Contracting, Inc.


(239) 731-9240 CGC059985

1 4 5 9 11 12 18 20 23 26 27 29


Landis ALUMINUM DIY Materials • Screen Rooms Replacement Windows • Acrylic Windows Vinyl Windows • Storage Sheds Utility Rooms • Roof Overs Carports • Room Additions

239-995-2229 Bring this ad into the store for a


13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Geri Margiotta Thomas McGilloway Charles Note Dianne Bevilaqua Christina Davis Audrey Levine Kathryne Montemaggi Maurice Allen Richard Ferrante Bill Kelly Skipper Cook Charlie Nanopoulos Nora Chandler Peggy Note Dianna Sours Harry Vichosky Linda Kinzel Lorna Callan Pat Whitney Jim Hausle Jayleen Ruffalo Paul Schaefer Nancy Cerniglia

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Donald & Ruth Anten Harry & Rosalie Christopher Chuck & Barbara Selback Dennis & Gail Flynn Robert & Rosemarie Egizi Frank& Gerri Robbins Richard & Elisabeth Taylor Richard & Dorothy Masse Donald & Nancy Toth Jim & Jackie Hinrichs Bob & Nora Chandler Stan & Irma Young Richard & Audrey Hopcia David & Rita Krutz

Thoughts for Today

Proudly Serving N. Ft. Myers For Over 25 Years Still Family Owned and Operated!!

on any do-it-yourself material order!! Ask about our installation specials!

Henry Moreau Carol Paugh Carol Cavitt Linda Fitzgibbons Marcia Hinchberger Pamela Badeau Vicki Koch Glen Williams Raymond Schmoltz Alice Kelly Joan Zabkar Diane Babbitt Bette Buescher Marcella Carothers Michael Clark Lil Murdoch Karen Conte David Ferazzi John Mangrum Charlene Mowrey John Bilancio Pete Slusarski Edward Krawczyk

Linda Sadowski Doris Meyer Eileen Arnone Barbara Boyd Margaret Lloyd Nalita Stos John Tepe Paul Greenlee Rita Kelly Shirley Thompson Dick Boesel Judy Greensstreet Joyce Alaqua Carol Vigilante Yvonne Beicht Richard Conte Bob Dubel Jean Wiley Carole Morgan Don Anten Ruth Anten Raymond Roderick Patricia Beccarea

Happy Anniversary to...

12/16 12/13


Remodeling ~ Kitchens and Baths Vinyl and Stucco Siding Plumbing ~ Water Softeners, Heaters, Faucets Repipes, Toilets, Sinks, Etc.

1 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

11 years 58 years 53 years 40 years 57 years 65 years 8 years 60 years 48 years 17 years 67 years 64 years 61 years 50 years

• Prayer is not a “spare wheel” that you pull out when in trouble, but it is a “steering wheel” that directs the right path throughout. • So why is a car’s windshield so large and the rear view mirror so small? Because our past is not as important as our future. So, look ahead and move on. • Friendship is like a book. It takes few seconds to burn, but it takes years to write. • All things in life are temporary. If it’s going well, enjoy it, that won’t last long. If it’s going badly, don’t worry, that won’t last long either. • Old friends are gold! New friends are diamond! If you get a diamond, don’t forget the gold! Because to hold a diamond, you always need a base of gold! • Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles; it takes away today’s peace.

The Tower |

31 • 941.349.0194 • August / September 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


NEWS ITEMS FOR “THE TOWER”, PLEASE USE ONLY THESE 2 e-mails ADDRESSES: OR (PLEASE SEND TO ONLY ONE) The Webmaster and HOA web site, use Use password DTCCHOA where applicable. To list events on the internet, please e-mail, and submit pictures & text in digital form. Tower Delivery: HOA Board:

HOA - The Homeowners Association of Del Tura Inc. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Del Tura Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________________________________________________ Owner Check Here: _______ Renters Check Here: ________ Dues: $12.00 U.S. annually for homeowners and renters. Make check payable to: HOA Del Tura. Mail or deliver to Doris Meyer, 246 Las Palmas Blvd., No. Ft. Myers, FL 33903, 731-1937. If mailed, enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope for return of HOA cards.

The Del Tura Phone Book is not compiled by “The Tower”. It is produced by Hometown America. Please contact the HT office 731-3433 for errors and omissions.


Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability.





HOA - Tower Delivery Travel Plans

Please Do Not Deliver “The Tower” during the time I/We are away. Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Del Tura Address: _________________________________________________________________ Date-Will be away from: ____________________ Date-Will return on: _______________________ Please complete and return to the HOA Office.

For the correct listing of your

Birthday & Anniversary

FMO - Membership Application:

e-mail to or return this form to the HOA OFFICE

Name: _________________________________

BIRTHDAYS Name: _____________________________ Address: ___________________________ __________________________ (Required) Phone #____________________(Required) Month (Spelled)____________Day: ______ Name: _____________________________

Phone: (_____) __________________________

ANNIVERSARY Name: ______________________________ Month (Spelled)____________ Day: ______ Year married: ________________________ Number of years married as of 2016: ______

Which months do you NOT live in Florida: ___________________________________ Recruiter Name_______________________

Del Tura Address: _______________________ _______________________________________ Email Address __________________________ _____ 1 Year Membership $25.00 _____ 3 Year Membership $65.00 # Of registered Fl. voters in household:____ Non-Florida Address if Applicable: __________________________________ __________________________________

Send To: FMO, P.O. Box 5300 Largo, FL 33779-5300

Anyone needing to borrow equipment from the Medical Equipment Loan Trailer please contact: Rich Symes at 731-1308, Neil Miller at 731-3628, or Rick Rudzik at 543-3662.

Island Visitor Publications, LLC

Publishers: Bob & Emy Stein To advertise in print, contact: Bob or Emy Stein at 941-349-0194 or email us at Contributing writers are acknowledged with bylines accompanying their submissions. Attribution for photos are not included unless supplied. We sincerely thank everyone for their contributions. Your articles help showcase the strong and diverse community that makes up Del Tura. The Tower is published monthly from October through May. Summer issues are condensed: June/July and August/September. All ads are subject to the approval of the publisher. It is the responsibility of the party placing any ad for publication in The Tower to meet all applicable legal requirements in connection with the ad such as compliance with town, county and state codes in first obtaining an occupational license for business, permitted home occupation, or residential rental property.

DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/ uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability. Island Visitor Publishing is not responsible for claims made by advertisers.

32 | The Tower

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • August / September 2016 • 941.349.0194 • The Daily Activity Schedule is updated on a monthly basis. Please submit any corrections or additions to Pam Price at 239-567-7929 or email - pam. prior to the 9th of each month. Thank you

Daily Activity Schedule Activity/Contact Information








Exercise Tai Chi , Marjorie Lord, 543-9072 Tura Zumba, Teddy Reid, 731-7251 Jane Fonda Aerobics, Teddy Reid Water Aerobics,North Pool,Oct-April, Marilyn Miller, 731-9934 Water Noodle Aerobics, North Pool, Marylou Buss, 612-718-7878 Yoga Relaxation begins Nov 3,Starlight Bllrm, Dea Wells 283-5603

8:00-9:15 9:15-10:00 10:00-10:45 11:00-12:00

Billiards, Men's, Harry Christopher, 997-7345 Billiards, Women's, Ann DeGrande, 989-2206 Nov-Apr Bocce, Oct-April, Isabel Albert, 518-209-5968 Bocce, Nov-April, Peggy Terrasi,, 603-236-2209 Bowling For Fun, Call Cheryl DeCara for location 543-8751 Golf, Men's 18 Hole League, Jay Flanagan, 543-1640 Golf, Men's 9 Hole League, Jack Riordan, Pres., 543-3753 Golf, Women's 18 Hole League, Jan Pedersen 636-887-1449 Golf, Women's 9 Hole League-Marianne Denman, 543-5968 Shuffleboard, Jack Blevons, 731-0892 Shuffleboard, open Shuffleboard, Open, Robyn Geren, 839-6674 Shuffleboard, Traveling Team, Dec-Mar, Glenn Tointon 920-309-1294 Softball, Punta Gorda, Jay Flanagan - 543-1640 Tennis, Mixed, Open - Dave Harting, 599-8575


8:00-9:15 9:15-10:00 10:00-10:45 11:00-12:00 11:00-12:00 5:00-6:15

8:00-9:15 9:15-10:00 10:00-10:45 11:00-12:00 11:00-12:00


Sports 1:00-3:00 6:30-9:30 3:00-6:00 3:45-5:30 2:00 8:00 9:00 8:30 8:30 1:00 9:00 2:30 12:30 5:30 8:00-10:00

5:30 8:00-10:00



Games Bingo - Oct-Mar, Linda Schoonmaker 543-9432, doors open at 6:15-Sales end 6:45 Starlight Ballroom Bingo - Starlight Ballroom - all year Bridge, Duplicate - Deloris Nelson - 731-9503 Bridge, Duplicate-Carol Marra 731-0845 Bridge, Open - Marjorie Davis - 543-4225 Bridge, Open - Sylvia White - 731-5168 Bunco,Poinciana Ballroom, All year,1st & 3rd Wed of each month Patti Watson, 608358-7709 Canasta - Norrine McLaughlin , 543-1276 Dominoes - June Malonson 652-4151 Euchre- Marcella Carothers - 731-3315 Hand & Foot - Card Game, Betty Scheetz - 609-477-9147 Hand, Knee & Foot - Poinciana Mon, Card Room II Thur Mahjong - Marianne Denman - Card Room II, 543-5968 Mahjong- Dianne Bevilacqua- Card Room I, 567-2234 Mahjong- Ruth Anten - Card Room II, 997-9779 Mahjong- Rheta Kanen, 731-0809 May I - Card Game- Norrine McLaughlin -543-1276 Pinochle - Marcella Carothers, 731-3315

7:00-9:30 11:00-12:00 6:00-10:00 6:00-10:00 1:30-4:30 1:00-4:00 6:00 to finish 1:00-4:00 5:30 7:00-9:00 1:00-4:00 1:00

1:00 7:00 1:00-5:00 6:00

7:00 1:00-4:00 7:00-10:00

Other Activities & Clubs Wood Carving- Bernie Forsey, 217-6024 - Nov-May Blood Pressure Readings - before coffee in the Starlight Ballroom Ceramics, Janet Ragone, 543-7818 Choralaires- David Adams - 508-284-6107 - Nov-Mar Coffee & Social Hour - Starlight Ballroom Quilting/Sewing Club-Wendy Wells-309-360-1145, Starlight Bllrm Good Timers-1st wk of Month, Mary Lou Pudlo, 543-1594 Library - open every day-Barb Jones 543-6922/Kathleen Quigley 543-1067 Oil Painting - Gerri Robbins, 731-6390 Oct-May Card Making-Mary Kay Tointon 920-309-2121/Gay Dye-731-2633 Video Corner- check hours in the Library Computer Club-Marlene Eck 543-9249, 1st & 3rd Wed.

9:00-12:00 9:00-12:00

8:00-9:00 9:00-12:00 6:30 - 8:30 8:15 AfterCoffee Hr 5:00




1:00-4:00 9:00 1:00-3:00 1:45-2:45

The Tower |

33 • 941.349.0194 • August / September 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Classifieds GARAGE DOOR AND OPENER TUNEUP AND FULL SERVICES - Call Jim O’Brien (resident) 239-8491644 (may17) “PRESSURE WASHING” - Houses, driveways, walkways. Call Del Tura Resident. Bob at 954448-1171 (aug/sept16) HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE - reliable, honest, & friendly service. Del Tura resident. Call Karen @ 543-1434 (oct16) LAMINATES - wood rot, power wash, int./ ext. painting, plumbing, gutters, roofs cleaned. Res. Ref. Call Stan 731-9756 (jan17) AVON PRODUCTS - sold by Del Tura resident. Call Pat 239567-1567(Home) or 631-8384323(Cell) (aug/sept16) RENTALS - Got a rental? Need a rental? Call John Belpulsi (239) 313-8029. Home & security watch, and notary service also available. (aug/sept16)


CERTIFIED NURSE - I am honest and dependable. 7 years of experience. Will work with you in your home and take you to Dr. appts., bathing, shopping, cooking, laundry. Call Patty Sue: 239-321-3166 (aug/ sep16) HOUSECLEANING - Honest, dependable, efficient. Uses her own products. Excellent references. Carol Ann 239-2446526 (jun/jul17)

ROOF/GUTTER CLEANING - Resident Randy Boling, 239-7705531 (oct16) GIRL FRIDAY - Reliable & Trustworthy. Housecleaning, etc. Del Resident. Call Linda 239560-1948. (nov16) SPACE MAKER Feeling cramped? Need space? Call Del Tura’s space organizer, Carol, 304-641-3782 (jan17)

Rick Manuel........................................ 628-8338

Mark Azza........................................... 218-2322

Peggy McMillan,................................ 652-3942

Joe/Geri Carlini...................................567-8446

Rick/Sandra Morgan....................267-237-5573

Paul/Janet Coconis..................... 740-819-0196

Sandra Mosley.............................301-395-7191

Joe/Diane Caterina..................... 617-378-5369

Carole Murray..............................514-907-2224

Walter/Waltraud Dehmel ........... 775-781-6200

Dave/Nancy Olson...................... 636-219-3996

Victor DiGrazia....................................731-9123

Santo Pansera............................. 619-634-7226

Ed/Gay Dye.................................. 614-861-0007

Irene Paton......................................... 652-3534

Kenneth/Louise Estabrooks.............. 599-4324 Bette Ewing........................................ 652-3909 Helene Glasson.................................. 349-7158 Judy Greenstreet............................... 599-2033 Elke Hauck.......................................... 599-4670 Jim/Donna Henriques....................... 540-1204 Lloyd/Dale Herald........................317-446-0819 Robert Holihan.............................757-727-3794 James Hudson................................... 218-7975 Linda Hyatt/Jim Yeakle............... 816-729-3652 Curtis/Amber King.......................810-387-0978 David/Kathy Klein....................... 715-927-7989


for classified ads will be as follows: 2 to 3 lines is $8.00/mo, or $50.00 if you pay for one year; 4 to 5 lines is $13.00/mo, or $100.00 for one year; and 6 to 8 lines is $20.00 /mo. No ad over 8 lines will be accepted. Deadline is the 15th of each month. Place ads by calling: 941-349-0194 or 941-539-0205 email: We use only one page for the classified ads. “The Tower” does not inform you when classified ads expire. However; the expiration date is at the end of your ad in parenthesis (mo/yr). Please make checks payable to: Island Visitor Publishing, LLC DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability.


Please bring your new phone number to the HOA office and also email it to: moredor1034@AOL. com and it will be published.

Karen Azza.......................................... 220-0563

Gay Dye (cell).............................. 614-519-8045

KITTY SITTER - Devoted animal lover. Cat owner for 25+ years. Will come twice a day. Call 239-217-6011 (aug/sept16) WE CAN DO ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING - you need to help you remain in your own home. Two hours a day to 24/7 care. Doctor visits; appointments; bathing; meals; helping you with paying bills. Call today! 239-599-4221(may17) LOOKING FOR A PROFESSIONAL AND RELIABLE PAINTER - for inside painting only? I also do house cleaning duties. Reasonable prices. Del Tura references. Call Ismael at 239-4781076 (jun/jul17)

Charlotte Ping.................................... 896-3847 Joan Pribyl.......................................... 217-6011 Mary Sheffield............................ 617-922-9891 Mike/Wendy Shore............................ 349-4788 Ian/Sue Ellen Slack............................ 652-3216 Ellen Slinkard.............................. 808-879-4343 Robert Sotis..................................404-915-1976 Jacques Theriault.........................514-907-2224 Charles/Marlene Troeller............ 262-323-2259 Steven Trovatore......................... 574-536-4661 Kris Trovatore.............................. 574-612-1885 Edward Urbanek......................... 515-314-2128

Evangelia Klonaris...................... 727-452-6789

Judith Urbanek........................... 515-314-1730

Esther Kuntz................................ 814-774-3697

James Vassallo............................ 248-755-7177

Liliane Lefebvre.......................... 613-791-8985

Robert/Jo Ellen Wetzel................ 937-675-3843

Irene Lynch......................................... 652-3656

Joan Wiley....................................607-760-9439


PROFESSIONAL PAINTING - Without Professional Prices! Interior/Exterior, 26 years of experience, Power Washing, Home Maintenance and repairs! Del Tura resident. Call Jim Smith 239-247-1917 (nov16) AIRPORT? SHOPPING? ERRANDS? - Linda Storma, resident DEPENDABLE Call (239) 9979066 (aug/sept16) HOUSE CLEANIN - Have your home cleaned by an efficient and trustworthy Del Turian who is reasonable and uses her own products. Call Judie (603)305-5955 (dec16) LOCKSMITH - Auto/Home Lockouts, Locks Repaired, Installed or Re-keyed. Del Tura Resident. Louis Rivet 5431434 (oct16) RIDES - to and from the airport. Gerald J. Dyer, 231 Las Palmas Blvd. 731-1696 (feb17)

34 | The Tower

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • August / September 2016 • 941.349.0194 •


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Invite your friends to live at Del Tura, and you could earn up to $500* when they purchase a new home. Call 239-731-3330 for details! *Referral reward restricted to Hometown America residents. Customer must register the resident who referred them at time of their initial visit. Residents whose referral purchases a new or special-order home will receive up to $500. Residents whose referral purchases a Hometown America-owned inventory home will receive up to $300. Residents whose referral purchases a brokered home will receive up to $100. Residents who refer will receive money after closing of escrow. Other terms and conditions may apply. Call 239-731-3330 for more details.

Two laptops

Domestic flight

Outdoor Grill

Patio Set


Flat Screen TV

Shopping Spree 12/16

Think about the possibilities! With $500, you could go on a cruise for two, use it toward a shopping spree, or buy a flat screen TV – just to name a few.

Cruise for two

The Tower |

35 • 941.349.0194 • August / September 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Join All Your Friends and Neighbors

Ice Cream Social In The Starlight Ballroom On Sunday September 11, 2016 From 1:00 To 3:00 P.M. Tickets Will Be Sold At The Door On That Day! $6.00 Per Person.

36 | The Tower

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • August / September 2016 • 941.349.0194 •

My American-Safari to Del Tura By Rogers Dunigan

and restaurants, asking me about the new and strange foods I have tried (like lobster— and butterfly shrimp--which I didn’t bother trying because of my dislike of caterpillars). It is always too funny to see all the many people rolling around in their “rollers” Mr. Rogers Dunigan is visiting Del Tura as the summer guest of his father Dr. Nathan(that’s what I call the golf-carts). I had never seen golf-carts before, and never experiiel Dunigan, and grandparents Jack and Sue Dunigan. This is Rogers inaugural trip outside enced life with seniors, I mean a whole community of people of one age group. It has of Uganda, East Africa—and we are delighted that our community has been the first to been fruitful, filled with parenthood, love and kindness. welcome him. Here are some of the observations he has made on his American-Safari: Through my bedroom window here at Del Tura, I often see some of the neighbors trim- • Easy life and ways to live. A week after I arrived, my dad and I drew up a plan for what we wanted to accomplish every day for (the organization I repming their grass or watering their plants. On the streets, I see many taking their pets for a resent, and where our home is in Uganda), and before I leave. Our aggressive plans walk, but actually they are going for a walk themselves. Funny. These are very opposite all seemed like a joke to me. But after a couple of days, I was very surprised at what practices from my culture back home in Uganda, East Africa. These are the last things I we could accomplish before even half of the day is gone. We can communicate back expected to ever see Americans doing. Cutting their grass? Watering plants? To let elders home to Uganda, have meetings, do shopping, run errands, go to the gym at the clubdo such work is something people my age are often punished for back home. Cleaning and house, have fun, and go swimming—all before the day even nears ending. Amazing! other such chores, I could never have guessed many people here doing that. Such can never happen back home. There we spend lots Through my childhood and mini-adulthood, I have of time doing one thing and in the end, we almost accomheard a lot and watched a lot of stuff about how America plish nothing because internet takes many times longer to behaves, but the actual behavior is completely different load, going for shopping requires sitting and waiting along than what we are told. My first time ever to leave Uganda, the roadside for a matatu (a bus) which then moves slowly, I have been so blessed with a journey to Florida. I expected making so many stops before your destination. Annoying. to witness Miami at my first sight. Only Miami! I actually Disappointing. I know it will be hard to readjust to when I thought that all of Florida would be urban like Miami. I return home, still I am grateful to have witnessed this type was wrong about that, and here are some of my other unexof living. pected observations: • July 4th. This was my very first American Independ• Light. From the airport, after midnight, I was shocked ence Day celebration. It was truly inspirational and amazto see trees and actual forests en route to Del Tura—ining. Am ashamed that I have never attended any indestead of the city streets of Miami. My first view didn’t pendence celebrations in my own country. Any. Not even seem very interesting until I reached this final destinawatching a broadcasted one. Patriotism here is amazing. tion. The community is really organized, and is actuPeople waking up, getting ready to march in a parade with ally a lot like the American settings as broadcast often their classic cars, rollers (golf-carts) tricycles—and even on my TV, filled with lights all along the streets (roads on foot. Amazing. The entire session was wonderful. Eveback home are always dark at night), peace and quietryone was smartly dressed in red, white and blue, even us ness, and soul. I love it. And, the next morning brought spectators. The poker run, haha, this was another expeanother great experience: seeing the sunrise so early, rience. I lost, but congrats to those who won. And I did and then reflecting on to the pines when setting, createmerge a winner in the BINGO games, and even won mying a truly gorgeous sky. In my life on the Equator, I self twenty-seven bucks! I hope to be informed of the next had never experienced a single day where the sunshine time BINGO happens, and I’ll take a flight straight to Fort goes past 7pm—let along until almost 9pm! This was Myers and Del Tura, so as not to miss the game. interesting, too. I feel so fortunate to have had the Del Tura commu• Togetherness, kindness and love. Many of the club nity as my first American-experience, and I hope it happens members I have met so far have been so kind and lovagain one day. May God bless you all, may God bless the ing. They always greet me with a giggling smile, and At home in Uganda, with some of the United States of America! (I like how your presidents aloften have a couple of stories to tell; showing me their children at AidChild. ways say that.) insect “friends” at the pool, recommending hangouts

Rogers (R) with residents Jean Cornwell (L) and Sandy Dorval at the 4th of July Parade.

The journey from Uganda to Fort Myers takes 36 hours.

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