Volume 33 NO 3 | MARCH 2017 941-349-0194 | ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC | www.DELTURA-HOA.com
Putting out each issue The Tower ten months a year takes many VOLUNTEER folks and the jobs are varied and include editing, submission of feature articles, proof reading, and distribution via forty-six delivery routes. All of the following people named below take part in seeing that you, as a reader, get your issues of The Tower each year.
Yvo nn Dian e Beich t n Barb e Rode r ic a San ra Roui k llard dy R o Elai ne K lando ay Hele n To do w Rus s Hi nsend l l b Nor rine ish M Tedd c y Re Laugh lin id Bill Hen c he Joyc e Fis s Dori c s Be her c Bett kley y Lillia Scheet z n Lou Murdo ch R Lynn otolo S Sha abal ron Da Barb ara W niels Sha ode ro ll Cha n Danie rle ls Barb s Grey ara Sch mol tze
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THA TO NK YO ON E ANU A D Dori LL! s Me y Ginn Editor er, ie Be Co-E njamins ditor ,
If you are leaving for the season and want THE TOWER mailed to you while away contact Doris Meyer... at Coffee Hour on Tuesday morning, or via e mail moredor1034@AOL.com or... call 239-731-1937 and find out the cost to mail each issue.
2 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • March 2017 • 941.349.0194 • www.DELTURA-HOA.com
The The
Poolside Pub Located Inside Del Tura Golf & Country Club • Public Always Welcome $4.99 Lunch Specials Every Day • Happy Hour Every Day 3-6 STOP IN AND GRAB A CALENDAR OF EVENTS TODAY!
MONDAY Live Music Inside for a true Party Bar Experience TUESDAY Prime Rib Dinner Party (5 pm) • Karaoke (6:30 pm ‘til close) WEDNESDAY Buy 20 Wings GET A FREE PITCHER OF BEER! Available All Day and All Night! THURSDAY Spaghetti & Meatballs Dinner $6.99 Available All Day and All Night! Trivia Night & Name That Tune (6:30 pm ‘til close) FRIDAY Live Music Every Friday Night (5 pm) All-You-Can-Eat Fish & Chips Only $8.99 Available All Day and All Night! SATURDAY $6 Pitcher Specials (11 AM - 3 PM) Karaoke Party (6:30 pm) SUNDAY ULTIMATE SUNDAY FUNDAY!!!!! Live Band in the Courtyard 1 PM Food and Drink Specials! Come Our and Party With Us!!!! PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY • PARTY
Full Breakfast Daily
Get Ready For The Biggest Party of the Year!
in the Courtyard with Brylcream Live!
The Tower |
www.DELTURA-HOA.com • 941.349.0194 • March 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
From the President’s Desk Turns out the February annual board meeting was postponed. One more blurb from me. By the time you see this however, there WILL be a new board president. There are a lot of things in the works for this year, some small, some larger. Among the bigger projects are the relocation of the bocce courts, and the conversion of part of the storage area to a dog park. One quick note: It’s been mentioned before, but please keep in mind that people who like to walk and also like to keep out of the streets when they do, would appreciate placing of trash and yard
waste in the yard next to the sidewalk, not on it. We are also trying (emphasize “trying”) to get the trash pick-up people to take more care with where they put the empty containers. They throw them anyway, so they may as well throw them the extra couple of feet to get them off the sidewalk. Speaking of sidewalks, let’s all try to keep our cars and our visitors/vendors cars off the sidewalks as well. This includes events at the clubhouse, too. When parking is at a premium and you need to park along the entrance road (Gran Via), that’s OK, but not ON the sidewalk. The street is wide
enough to allow parking next to the sidewalk. I’ll only mention 16 mph speed limit; stop signs; dogs on leashes; etc, to say that as much as we harp on them, the only people who can make anything happen are the residents, both yearround and seasonal. Following these rules may be a bother, but it makes Del Tura a better and safer place to live. And don’t forget, we need editor(s) and a distribution chairperson for The Tower. Enjoy yourselves, Al Wells, HOA President
Any resident wishing to purchase a “Name Tag” may do so on Tuesday mornings between 8:15 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. before the start of announcements at the HOA Board table. A name tag with a “pin” backing is $5.00 and/or with a “magnet” is $7.00 (correct CASH ONLY). However, if you are going to be gone for several weeks, months, etc., please do not order your name tag until after you return. Normally takes one (1) week to process your order.
My name is Don Dowell and I am your HOA Director in Charge of Grounds 731-1566 or donaxp@aol.com
Please call or e-mail me if you see a problem or have a concern about any of our common areas such as the pools, hot tubs, tennis courts, Bocce, horseshoes, exercise room, or clubhouse.
HOA Liaison: ALAN WELLS Tower Photographer: BILL NEZAMIS Many thanks to all the volunteer residents who have donated their time to “The Tower”. We are looking for more volunteers. Please Help!
Don Dowell Vice-President (2018)
Joyce Lienert Director (2019)
Ruth Ann Blevins Treasurer (2018)
Ray Schmoltze Director (2018)
(239) 731-1566 donaxp@aol.com
(239) 543-8134 (239) 220-9381 (cell) rblevinshoa11@yahoo.com
Sandra Boykin Director (2017) (410) 491-8824 sandramboykin@yahoo.com
Bette Ewing-Cheney Director (2019) (239) 652-3909 dpc1950@outlook.com
(973) 714-4117 jlienert712@hotmail.com (239) 218-9444 r.schmoltz@comcast.net
Dave Adams Director (2019) (508) 284-6107 dksdr1@comcast.net
PLEASE NOTE: This list of Board members is incomplete at this time as the election of new members took place on February 22 and were not available to The Tower at press time. The full list of the Board will appear in the next issue.
4 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • March 2017 • 941.349.0194 • www.DELTURA-HOA.com
Welcome Committee Report
20 Years Experience
ADMIRAL Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Tile & Grout Cleaning and Pressure Washing
1/16 8-9/17
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Stephanie Norris
By Marlene DeGraaf We had a get together for new homeowners on January 17 which was very successful! More than eighty new homeowners attended. The get-together was set up like a fair with tables placed around the room where twentyone participants sat at the tables with handouts explaining the activities of which they are in charge The new homeowners were also able to sign up for the activities at that time. All of these participants are volunteers and many of these volunteers organized these activities because the residents expressed a desire to have this activity in DelTura.
There were five speakers: Fred Taylor, manager of Hometown, Alan Wells for HOA, Betty Ewing Cheney for FMO, Susan Bell for entertainment, and Jim Stenzel for sound and lighting.
There was a raffle of items donated to us by FISH, TK’s Hair Design, Del Tura Country Club, The Fountain Grille, and Ceramics Club. There were light refreshments and soft drinks. The get-together would not have been a success if it wasn’t for the hard work of the nine Welcome Committee members and other volunteers who helped deliver invitations to the new homeowners. The members of the Welcome committee try to visit the new homeowners to discuss all of the activities here in Del Tura and give them a Del Tura tote bag with information about Del Tura.
Mark Your Calendar First Day Ticket Sales Tricia Kelly Show
March 1
Good Timers Meeting
March 5
Lake Michigan Party
March 8
HOA Board Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
March 11
Save Our Strays Pajama Night
March 14
First Day Ticket Sales Spaghetti Dinner
Experience My Experience
March 14
First Day Distribution Choralaire Concert Tickets
“Cleaner & Dryer”
March 15
Movie Night
Serving Lee County For Over 35 Years Specializing in Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Business / Residential
March 17
Saint Patrick’s Day
March 18
Professional Show Tricia Kelly
March 18
Del Tura Garage Sale Day
March 19
Del Tura Tennis Association Banquet
March 21
First Day Ticket Sales A Motown Review
March 24 and 25
Komen For The Cure Golf Tournament
April 1
Choralaires Spring Concert
February 28
Del Tura Resident
“Dirty White Carpets Are My Specialty”
Long time cleaner for Hometown America in Del Tura
“Call Jack Get Jack ” owner/opera tor
Licensed Honest Insured Dependable
549-7701 or Mobile
The Tower |
www.DELTURA-HOA.com • 941.349.0194 • March 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
FISH News - Volunteers Celebrate meals. We try to offer a meal to residents who have been in the hospital. Director Rich Symes is the chair of the medical equipment. If you need a piece of equipment to help you rehab, just give the FISH number a call and Rich will deliver anything you need to your home. Director Sue Symes is chair of the transportation committee. Any time you need a ride to an appointment, Sue has wonderful bookies that take your calls and set up your ride. As you see, we are quite busy.
to reach us please call 997-FISH (997-3474)
HUGE SALE! Did I Get Your Attention? By Sue Symes FISH of Del Tura’s newest and only fundraiser is a beautiful cookbook, “Recipes and Remembrances”. It is full of recipes from Del Tura residents. It is a hard covered and 3-pronged to allow for additional recipes, ex:
“Apron” recipes from Publix. It is on sale for only $9.00 and I, Sue Symes, will supplement $1.00 to add to the $9.00 for a total of $10.00 each. For those folks who do not attend the Tuesday Morning Coffees to purchase your cookbook, you may come to my home at
4091 Avenida Del Tura (239-7311308) to pick one up; or the home of FISH President Ginnie Benjamins at 1131 La Paloma (239322-9863). These cookbooks are wonderful hostess gifts and gifts for your friends. And…if you like… FREE DELIVERY!
FISH of Del Tura Service Hours YOUR NAME: ________________________________________________________ SERVICE PROVIDED: __________________________________________________
FISH volunteers were honored in February for their selfless hours in Del Tura for taking their time to assist others. A luncheon by Jason’s Deli was held and the Bayshore Cloggers entertained the volunteers. The Bayshore Cloggers are grade school children. The Board expressed their gratitude to them for giving of their time. Each volunteer was given an attractive trivet. They are the people who will pick your fruit trees, giving you the fruit you want and they clean up your yard of fallen fruit; they are the people who send you getwell wishes; they are the people who call you on your birthday to wish you much happiness; they are the people who deliver medical equipment to your home and then come back to get it when you
are through; they are the people who arrange to drive you when you have an appointment and wait for you to bring you safely home again. Please join me in giving “THANKS” to each FISH volunteer. At our annual meeting on February 7 we elected officers from the nine directors. The officers and directors are: • Ruth Anten - Director • Gerry Benjamins – Treasurer • Ginnie Benjamins – President • Dorothy Cook – Vice President • Garnet Fleming – Secretary • Denise Rose – Director • Betty Scheetz – Administrator • Rich Symes – Director • Sue Symes – Director Director Ruth Anten is the chair of the sunshine committee. She is kept quite busy sending cards to residents who are ill or have lost a loved one. Director Denise Rose is the chair of the
PLASTERING INC. QUALITY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Bands and Ornamentals Stucco and Plastering Contractors 3rd Generation Craftsmen
(239) 543-4104
PERSON SERVED: ____________________________________________________
DATE OF SERVICE: ___________________________________________________
HOURS: _____________________________________________________________ Please return to: Betty Scheetz, 1308 San Miguel Lane (609) 477-9147
Licensed and Insured RX0043803
Check Your Neighborhood 12/17
By Ginnie Benjamins
PO Box 3661 • N. Ft. Myers, FL 33918
6 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • March 2017 • 941.349.0194 • www.DELTURA-HOA.com
Time to Gather Your Investment Tax Forms The holidays are now a month behind us, which means it’s about time for another season: Tax Season. While you may not find it particularly festive, you can get through this season with a minimum of stress – if you’re organized. That means, among other things, you’ll need to gather the correct forms in one place. And right about now, you should be receiving many of the forms you’ll need – specifically, those tax forms related to your investments. HERE ARE SOME OF THE KEY FORMS TO WATCH FOR: • 1099-B – This form reports capital gains. A capital gain is an increase in the value of an investment over the initial purchase price. Short-term capital gains, on investments you’ve held for one year or less, are taxed at your ordinary income tax rate, while long-term capital gains, on investments you’ve held for more than one year, are taxed at 0%, 15% or 20%, depending on income. (Keep in mind t that these figures are for the 2016 tax year.) • 1099-DIV – This form reports the dividends you received from companies in which you invested. For most dividends, the tax rate is the same as it is for capital gains – 0%, 15% and 20%. • 1099-INT – A 1099-INT reports the interest you received from bonds or cash instruments. Typically, most types of interest are taxed at your ordinary tax rate. • 1099-R – A 1099-R form reports withdrawals from retirement accounts, such as your IRA and 401(k), along with payments you received from pensions and annuities. • 1099-MISC – This form reports, among other items, payments you might have received in lieu of dividends. 1099-MISC also reports earnings you might have received as an independent contractor. • 1099-Q – If you contributed to a 529 plan or a Coverdell Education Savings Account (ESA), you may receive Form 1099-Q in each year you make withdrawals to pay school expenses of the beneficiary. However, the earnings in a 529 plan or Coverdell ESA grow tax free, and withdrawals are not taxable, as long as the money is used to pay for qualified higher education expenses. Whether you do your taxes yourself or use a tax professional, you’ll want to become familiar with these forms. Not only are they necessary for filing your taxes, but they can also tell you something about how you invest. To cite one example, if you’re seeing a lot of taxes related to short-term capital gains – which are taxed at your personal tax rate, rather than the more favorable long-term rate – you may be doing too much trading. You might want to consider moving toward a strategy in which you buy quality investments and hold them for the long term. Here’s something else to look at: the taxes resulting from your traditional IRA and 401(k) withdrawals. Could you possibly withdraw less from these accounts so that your taxes will be lower? Once you’re 70½, you have to take at least a minimum amount, but other than that, you control the withdrawals – and you might benefit, taxwise, by taking out only what you truly need. So, gather up those 1099 forms for your tax returns – and for your own education as an investor.
This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.
Edward Jones, its employees and investment representatives do not offer estate-planning, tax or legal advice. “Adam Hromiak AAMS, CRPC is a Financial Advisor with Edward Jones Investments in Cape Coral on 3571 North Del Prado Blvd. Suite 7 Entrada Plaza, 1/2 mile West of Rt. 41. He can be contacted at (239) 731-6338” 12/17
The Tower |
www.DELTURA-HOA.com • 941.349.0194 • March 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
By Dianne J. Roderick
Well here we are entering the third month of the year. How are those New Year resolutions coming along? I hear you. To be completely honest I haven’t been doing as well as I should be either. Hey, it’s a human thing! It’s tough to be consistent. After all, we are all creatures of habit. We mean well and set off with our plans in hand determined to stick to our promises this time. Don’t fret! The important thing here is to not give up entirely. What is that saying? Oh yes, “when you fall off the horse, get right back on it!” Not that riding a horse would ever be a resolution that most of us would ever make. “Ouch!” Remember, whatever your goals are you need to tell yourself that you can do it, maybe not as quickly as you once did but it can be done. March is a good month to revisit those goals that you may have set for the New Year. Isn’t this a time of new beginnings? So in the true spirit of March let’s try again. Spring presents itself with so many reminders of how lucky we are to be living in this beautiful climate, especially here
in Paradise! Sometimes we just have to stop and take the time to appreciate all of the beauty that surrounds us here in Del Tura. There are so many opportunities to keep us active and connected in our community. We can’t do it all, but we sure can try!
When I reflect on those spring days up north I think about how the change of season was so welcoming. Suddenly, it seemed that people were more active and alive…energized. As a northerner, I still remember how March could be so brutal and yet kind. It always felt like it was in a state of confusion. Never settled - always changing its mind. Whether spring came in like a lion or en-
tered quietly as a lamb you somehow knew there was a change in the wind. March always had a personality of its own, kind of a mix of all the seasons. Like a “sampler”. One day an icy wind chilling you to the bone and the next day a welcoming pleasant breeze. Those were the days that you grabbed your kites and shed your winter coats. Then just as you felt the warmth of the sunshine on your face a cloud would open up and drop an icy reminder on your cheek. Brrrrrr... Think about how very lucky we are here in Paradise that we don’t have to deal with Mother Nature’s changing moods! We can plan most of our days with activities that will keep us young, healthy, and happy. Whether you resolve to relax more in the beautiful sunshine, exercise, or spend more time with friends this is the perfect place. So it’s okay to change directions, revisit those resolutions and make new ones. Maybe we don’t have the energy level that we did all those years ago but we do have the will and the “true spirit” to try!
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Happy Spring Everyone!
Komen Golf Tournament Saturday, March 25, 2017 All proceeds go to Susan G. Komen for the Cure Southwest Florida Chapter FORMAT: 9:00 a.m. Shotgun 6 Person Hit & Sit Scramble COST: $40 – Member of Del Tura Golf Course $50 – Non-Member of Del Tura Golf Course
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To donate a basket for the raffle please contact Sandy Rolando (217) 836-8621 or Ruth Ann Blevins (239) 543-8134. To sponsor a “Memory” or “Survivor” sign or to sponsor a sign, contact Jane Glancy (781) 640-3056 or Ruth Ann Blevins (239) 543-8134. Sign-up sheets will be posted on the 9 and 18-Hole Ladies Association’s Bulletin Boards in the “Dungeon” February 15, 2017. IF YOU WISH TO MAKE A DONATION – PLEASE CALL RUTH ANN BLEVINS FOR INFORMATION. (239) 543-8124
8 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • March 2017 • 941.349.0194 • www.DELTURA-HOA.com
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Bill Edinger
Mailbag Wisconsin Thank You Dear Friends, Events of the last few months have certainly changed my plans before returning to my home state of Wisconsin. I had hoped to spend some time with you reminiscing about the years I have enjoyed as a resident of Del Tura. That was not to be, but I am recovering well from my mishap and have returned to my Wisconsin home. I would like to thank everyone for your kind words, cards, prayers, and special treats that were shared with me during this very difficult time. A special thank you to FISH for the beautiful basket I recieved. I would also like to express my deepest appreciation and gratitude to Jackie Drew and John DeFillippo for their continued support throughout my entire recovery. You gave me hope and encouragement when I really needed it. What a blessing to have such wonderful and caring friends. “During a time like this we realize how much friends really mean to us.” I will miss all of my Del Tura friends.
My new address: N9280 Carper Road, Iola, WI 54945 Home # 715-445-0007 Cell# remains 239-560-7124 Fondly, Romy Lindstrom Dear Del Tura Friends and Neighbors. Thank you for your calls, cards, kind thoughts and prayers during Joe’s illness and these weeks since his death. To his ‘gym buddies’, some of whom I did not even know, he loved spending those mornings with you. Hearing from you all has been of real comfort to me during this most difficult time. Rheta Kanen After the Finish Line - Thank You We want to thank everyone who played a role in making the 4th Annual Nite at the Races a success. This includes the hardworking committee members: Ron Raming, Karen Stevenson,
Pat Casillo, Peg McTernan, Roy and Linda Schuetz, Jan Hoffay, Bob and Karen Hoppe, Barbara Boyd, Ron Winsor, Barb Jones, Teresita Weber, Betty Scheetz, Tony and Glenda Oliver, Linda Goldsmith, Phyllis Torney, Pat Smith, Barbara Wells, Gerry and Ginnie Benjamins, Garnet Fleming and Peg Terassi. Thanks also to Dave and Judy Jacobs, Doris Meyer, and Don Dowell for always being available to help, and to the HOA for their sponsorship of the event. We also want to thank the 315 enthusiastic Del Tura residents who made the event so much fun. You are all winners. So we are off...until next year....See you at the Races! Love from The Cousins, Deb and Sue
Chef’s Corner
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1/14 8-9/17
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“No Job Too Small”
2 cups Flour 2 Tbsp. Sugar 1 Tbsp. Baking Powder 1/8 tsp. Salt 1/2 cup Butter, chilled
1/2 cup Currants, Raisins or Craisins 1 Egg, well beaten 1/2 cup Half and Half Melted Butter
Preheat oven to 425°F. Combine flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt. Cut butter in with pastry blender. Stir in currants, raisins or Craisins. Combine egg and half and half; add to above mixture, stirring with fork about 15 strokes. Place dough on lightly floured board, shape into ball and knead lightly about 15 times. Divide into two portions. Pat each into a circle 1/2 inch thick on ungreased baking sheet. Mark in 8 wedges, cutting almost through dough. Brush lightly with melted butter. BAKE: 15 to 20 minutes or until golden brown. This recipe the courtesy of another fine Del Tura cook
(239) 543-3700 CELL: (239) 849-5375
If you have a recipe you would like to share in The Tower, e-mail it to moredor1034@aol.com or drop it off at the HOA office. You must put your name on your recipe but may request it not be published.
The Tower |
www.DELTURA-HOA.com • 941.349.0194 • March 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
10 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • March 2017 • 941.349.0194 • www.DELTURA-HOA.com
The Entertainment Korner
IT’S SHOWTIME AT DEL TURA! SAVE THESE DATES: Mar. 18 THE TRICIA KELLY SHOW April 8 - A MOTOWN REVUE w/Johnny Alston and his Motown Singers By Bette Ewing-Cheney
CALL: 997-0923 or 246-3699
TRICIA KELLY is a showstopper entertainer. Her comedy and vocal impersonations of some of the greatest female sing-
ers (from Patula Clark, to Janis Joplin, to Julie Andrews) have thrilled audiences on the West Coast, Vegas, for major concert openers, cruise ships and as far away as for our troops in Iraq. We are very fortunate and pleased to present this level of entertainment at Del Tura. Price per person: $20.00 for HOA members, nonHOA $22.00. Ticket Sales: First day of sales for HOA members only 8:00 a.m Tuesday Coffee Hour February 28. All residents on March 7 and 14. A MOTOWN REVUE – Johnny Alston is a nationally-
known star who has opened for the Temptations, the Four Tops, James Brown, and Chaka Khan, just to name a few. His Motown Trio also includes two phenomenal female background singers with their own list of professional accomplishments. So put on your dancing shoes and get ready for some good old Motown Sound with a sidecar of Funk and Rock ‘n Roll! Price per person: $20.00 for HOA members, non-HOA $22.00. Ticket Sales: First day of sales for HOA members only 8:00 a.m. Tuesday Coffee Hour March 21. All residents March 28 and April 4.
FMO News – Join, Join, Join, Now! By Bette-Ewing Cheney I have shared many reasons why our residents should join FMO. This is an incentive that NO HOMEOWNER should resist. If we get 60% participation of our residents, each FMO member will re-
ceive a FREE tie-down and anchoring system upgrade at NO COST. Skirting removal and re-installation on eligible homes is now being offered with the program. Contractor fees are being paid directly through this grant from the state. Get the word out to your
friends and neighbors. The cost of a household FMO membership is only $25.00. This is a terrific offer from FMO and a grant from Tallahassee Community College. For more info contact Bette at 652-3909
The Tower |
www.DELTURA-HOA.com • 941.349.0194 • March 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Book Review By Catherine Coulter As she is wont to do this book actually has two running story plots with characters who intertwine at various points of time. Two of the main characters are Dillon Savich and his wife, Sherlock who are both FBI agents. Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Natalie Black, has recently lost her fiancé to an accident? A suicide? A homicide? Further, she herself appears to be a target. As a result of all the negative press the president (a long time friend) has had her brought back to the United States. This does nothing to stop attempts on her life as well as
threats to her daughter, Perry. Which brings the FBI on the scene to protect both of them from harm. Meanwhile, Sherlock is also a victim of murder attempts on herself. Turns out an old but vicious adversary has escaped from prison hospital and has said before that he will kill both Sherlock and Savich. The President and the Secretary of State (another longtime friend of Natalie’s) are actively involved as politics rears its ugly head. Lots of action and mayhem and other twists throughout making this a most interesting read.
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Editors Note: The Tower welcomes reviews from our readers of books they have read. You can email them to moredor1034@aol.com or drop them off at the HOA office. You must supply your name upon submission but request that your name not be published.
on any do-it-yourself material order!! Ask about our installation specials!
Power Play (An FBI Thriller)
Be sure you keep track of all the “players” as there are a number of characters intertwined in both the story plots presented.
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12 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • March 2017 • 941.349.0194 • www.DELTURA-HOA.com
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The Tower |
www.DELTURA-HOA.com • 941.349.0194 • March 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
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open to the public 5/17
14 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • March 2017 • 941.349.0194 • www.DELTURA-HOA.com
Mister Fix-It By Jim Stenzel Imagine your doctor just advised you that you critically require heart surgery. Imagine also, that there is no such thing as insurance. You have to find a surgeon to perform your operation; how will you choose? Would you begin a search for the doctor/ surgical venue that will perform the operation at the lowest cost? I hope this thought makes you uneasy, yet isn’t this how many people choose a contractor to work on their home? Bill just found out that replacement windows installed two years ago by a contractor that does much business in our community, were the wrong style windows for the application, were installed improperly, and have been allowing leakage behind the siding, leading to severe wood rot of the framing beneath the windows.
Donna’s house was sided by the same contractor, who would not /could not resolve a water leak that developed in her living room a year later that damaged walls and new laminate floor. A different contractor applied some additional flashing in 30 minutes… problem solved. Rick and Linda thought that their gray waterlines had been replaced by a “reputable” local plumbing company. A subsequent independent inspection found that numerous openings made in the vapor barrier during the job were never repaired. Additionally, the new piping was installed in a very unprofessional fashion, with inadequate support for long runs of pipe. How do you protect yourself against shoddy workmanship? Well, you can never be certain that any repair (especially those that are out of sight) will be made properly. But there are steps you
can take to make sure you have the best chance of having professional repairs made that will not create issues in the future. 1. Seek out recommendations from neighbors/friends (or anyone) that has had similar work done. Don’t forget to consult the contractor’s list available in the HOA office and on the HOA website. Be especially wary of
contractors that failed to address problems associated with their repairs. Don’t assume that just because you see a particular contractor does a lot of work in Del Tura, that they do good work. 2. Make sure contractors/ providers are licensed and insured. Contractors that are serious about their business will be serious about addressing liability for themselves and their customers. 3. In the case of repairs to the mechanicals or structure of your house, insist that all work be in conformance with local building, electrical, and plumbing codes. 4. If work is being done under your house, insist that any openings made in your vapor barrier be repaired. Insist too, that vapor barrier repairs be made with the proper materials (Flex-Mend tape or equivalent… NOT duct tape which will dry out and start to fall off after a season or two). If vapor barrier repairs cannot be made, make sure you are to be informed why.
Finally, a recommendation from me: Time after time, when I have gone under people’s homes to do work, I have found a literal garbage dump of removed or excess materials; pieces of pipe, a/c ducts, rotting wood, aluminum dryer vent, pop or water bottles, insulation, etc. etc. left behind over the years by workers that could not be bothered to haul their junk out. I routinely take trash bags with me to capture the bucket or so of waste I might generate, and end up hauling out one to two (30-gallon!) bags full of trash. Your crawlspace is not a garbage dump, and you should make clear that you expect workers to remove all by-products of their repairs. You might let them know you would be willing to pay a little extra if they would haul out other debris they find within their area of movement under your home.
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The Tower |
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Restaurant Review Mainely Seafood 16520 Burnt Store Rd Punta Gorda, FL 33955 (941) 347-7337 Mon-Sat 10am-6pm Closed Sundays www.facebook.com/mainelyseafoodpuntagorda by Michael and Margaret Johnson - 5408 Via Estrella
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Computer Problems
My wife and I, having our summer home in Rhode Island, love northeast seafood. We noticed an ad for Mainely Seafood and said, “Let’s try it’’”....Well, we’re very happy we did. The little eatery is located on Burnt Store Rd and easily accessible..Simply head north on #41 and take a left on Zemel Rd., directly across from the Borden’s Plant. Take Zemel to the end, make a left and the restaurant is located about 3/4 of a mile on the left, in a small strip mall. We entered and noticed right away the restaurant was also a fresh seafood market where one can purchase all types of fresh shellfish, locally caught fish as well as crabs and clams and
shrimp. They have prepared seafood for sale, such as various dips and salads. They are open 10:00 am to 7:00 pm and closed Sunday. Well, we sat at one of the tables and were immediately approached by a very friendly waitress. They have beer and wine. We ordered an appetizer each. My wife had shrimp cocktail and loved it. I had a delicious bowl of lobster bisque. The shrimp are local and not farm-raised. She followed that with a very good sized serving of fish and chips. The fish used was cod and light and flavorful. I had fried Ipswich whole belly clams which were tasty and plentiful. The menu is not overwhelming. It’s simple and provides enough choices to make anyone happy. I think it’s important to note the owners are ready, willing and able to provide fresh seafood for your party or home-prepared meal. Over the Christmas Holiday we ordered 100 Long Island clams for a chowder we wanted to make. They were obliging to the point of
actually sending photos from the wholesale market they purchase their east coast items from to my phone, asking if the size was what we were looking for! Well, we wound up purchasing two pounds of local bay shrimp and the clams. I suggest you take a little trip and visit this wonderful little café just north of our location here in North Fort Myers. There are daily specials and menu items which will suit everyone... Enjoy.
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Editors Note: The Tower is featuring a restaurant review in our issues. If you want to participate in reviewing a restaurant you enjoyed, Doris Meyer will accept a review sent as an email to her with an attachment. Her email is moredor1034@aol.com. If you do not have a computer you may type or print your review and bring it to the HOA office. If you submit a review you must provide your full name. Your name will not be published unless you choose to see your name in print.
The Tower |
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Wear your nametags $ 3.00 per person We’ve got you covered for plates, forks & napkins. SPECIAL GUEST DJ
DAVE ADAMS with his own “Music Trivia” Game
No need to register…Spread the word, especially to the new residents! Hope to see you there! Marcia Peterson IL (217) 417-4605,Joan Harris IN, (239) 543-4074 Jacquie Johnson MI (239) 997-2092, Linda Storma WI (239) 997-9066
The Tower |
www.DELTURA-HOA.com • 941.349.0194 • March 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
20 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • March 2017 • 941.349.0194 • www.DELTURA-HOA.com
“An American Celebration”
By Dave Adams
experience counts
Del Tura resident realtor with 30 years of real estate experience serving all of Lee & Charlotte Counties. Member of the National Association of Realtors, Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Port Charlotte and Miami board of realtors. Call me for a no-obligation market value of your home. I’m right around the corner...
Rose Genovese
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Fresh off two successful performances for the holidays, our own Choralaires are hard at work rehearsing for their spring concert entitled “An American Celebration”. Under the direction of Dave Adams, the concert will feature songs written, sung or arranged by American musicians and composers. The concert will feature several different genres including Patriotic, Broadway, Motion Pictures and Pop. The two performances for the holidays proved to be extremely popular with huge crowds for both. As a result there will be two performances again this spring. The concert date will be April 1 and the times will be 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. in the Starlight Ballroom. Doors will open one-half hour prior to performance time. There will be no assigned seating
Home For Sale! Call Mary Ann
845-389-0595 To Arrange A Viewing
5208 Las Palmas Norte
This well maintained two bedroom, two bath vinyl sided home features carpeted Living, Dining and Bedrooms, an eat-in kitchen with new appliances and a walk-in shower in the Master Bath. The enclosed lanai has tile flooring and overlooks the golf course. The spacious double garage has a sliding screen as well as an automatic door. This home is being sold furnished
and it will be Cabaret style with eight to a round table and twelve to a long table. Tickets to both will once again be free, however, as usual, the choralaires will be asking for donations at the concert to help offset the cost of their music and
Hello to Everyone from the Del Tura Ceramic Club! The Ceramic Club recently held their annual meeting on January 11, eighteen members were in attendance. Several topics were discussed including the recent fall craft show and a new board of officers was elected. We would like to sincerely thank Mary Chesbrough for several great and very productive years as President, Mary has been our acting Treasurer for a while also and has agreed to become our Treasurer full time. Beverly Backner has been elected as our new
other items needed as part of their performance. Ticket distribution will begin at 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 14, at the morning Coffee for HOA members only. Remaining tickets will be distributed to HOA and non-HOA members on Tuesday, March 21 and 28 beginning at 8:00 a.m. Distribution is on a first come, first served basis, and there is a maximum of eight (8) tickets per person. Following the March 28 distributon, any remaining tickets will be available at the HOA office during normal operating hours. According to Dave, “The Choralaires have worked very hard on this concert. It is the most ambitious program we’ve tried since I’ve been directing and I’m both impressed with how incredible they sound and excited to share their work with the community!” Make your plans now and join the Choralaires on April 1, 2017 for “An American Celebration”. President. Marly Haag will remain as Secretary. Ruthann Blevins and Janet Ragone will remain invaluable Officers at Large, doing most of the instruction of our ceramic club members. Are your grandchildren coming? Are you looking for something fun to do with them? Please bring them to the ceramic studio Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. till Noon. We have ready to paint children’s items that will make a wonderful souvenir for them to take home. Your supervision is required. Happy Painting! Marly Haag
This came about from the ironclad ships of the Civil War. It meantsomething so strong it could not be broken.
RIFF RAFF The Mississippi River was the main way of traveling from north tosouth. Riverboats carried passengers and freight but they wereexpensive so most people used rafts. Everything had the right of wayover rafts which were considered cheap. The steer-
ing oar on the raftswas called a “riff” and this transposed into riff-raff, meaning lowclass.
The Old English word for “spider” was “cob”.
Traveling by steamboat was considered the height of comfort. Passengercabins on the boats were not numbered. Instead they were named afterstates. To this day cabins on ships are called staterooms.
The Tower |
www.DELTURA-HOA.com • 941.349.0194 • March 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Death Notices
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“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller
Jim “Mac” McLaughlin Jimmie Freeman
22 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • March 2017 • 941.349.0194 • www.DELTURA-HOA.com
Men’s Golf Association By Jay Flanagan
The month of March is now upon us and the finality of the season’s tournaments are approaching with the MemberGuest and the Club Championship on the docket. The annual Member-Guest has moved back to its original first weekend of the month and will take place on March 3 and 4. The Club Championship is scheduled for Wednesdays, March 15 and March 22 and Thursday, March 23 when Jerry Butler will look to defend his title. The weekly Men’s Golf Association games will continue to be held at 8:00 a.m. on Wednesdays with sign-ups taking place in the dungeon before each Monday morning. February saw the completion of two big tournaments including the Ryder Cup and the MemberMember championship. The Ryder Cup returned to its original concept with players from New England taking on the World with the addition of the few golfers from the state of New York that were divided among the teams. The competition that has been on the schedule since 2008 and was in its tenth year, pitted teams of thirty-three men playing 2-man Best Ball match play on Friday, 2-man Alternate Shot match play on Saturday and Individual Match Play on Sunday. After the 1st day, New England was able to win
nine of the fourteen matches to take a 9 to 5 lead. Day two had the World coming to life and winning the day 7.5 to 6.5 and closing the match to 15.5 to 12.5 in favor of New England. This left the final outcome down to the 30 individual matches on Sunday. When the dust had cleared, the World came in with a 16.5 to 13.5 advantage that created an amazing final score of New England 29 and the World 29. What may be even more fascinating is that this was the second time in the past four years that these teams ended the three day, 58-match tournament in a tie. The Member-Member tournament that was held on February 7 and 8 was divided into four flights with 1 each from the Blue Tees and 1 from the Gold and 2 different flights from the White tees. The first day scores were determined by utilizing 80% of each partners handicap in a Best Ball concept. After the completion of day one Jesse Leverre and Rick Antaya led the Blue Flight with a 51 to take a 3 stroke lead. Joe Bevilaqua and partner Leroy Hall were on top of the nine hole gang with a 26 and in Flight 1 of the White tees, Don Mick and Bob Massey started with a pair of ones on the scorecard burned up the course with a 49 to go up by 6 shots and in Flight 2 Bob Baccarea and Bill Malcolm got to the top by shooting a 53. The second
day of the tournament had each partner playing their own ball and the two scores added together and combined with day one that determined the championship. In the Blue Flight, Vaughn Wedge and George Evangelist combined to post an excellent score of 121 and along with their opening 55 put a 176 on the leader board. This was good enough for a 6 stroke win over Dennis Flynn and Steve Buco (54 and 128) 182 and George Caney/Tim Trout duo (59 and 124) 183. In the Gold Flight, Leo Koch and Glen Tointon were able to put together a 57 to go with their opening 30 to run away from the field at 87. James Greenwood and John Moore had 27/65 equaling 92 to grab 2nd place and the Bevilaqua/Hall tandem grabbed third with a 99. In Flight one of the White division, Don Mick and Bob Massey stayed hot and totaled 128 for the day and had a 177 score. Ron StPierre and Jack Medieros had the best score for the second day at 124 but couldn’t make up enough ground with their 182 score. Jack O’Hearn and Jim Fitzgerald came in with a 59/128 for 185 and third place. The Flight two champions were Jerry Jennes and Jerry Respondek as they hit 176 (55/121) and eased by the Floyd Light and Steve Gove score of 180 (54/126). Larry Walmire and Jim Vassalo copped the third place prize at 61 and 121 for 182.
Del Tura Bowling Teams By Glenn Tointon If you are interested in bowling on the Del Tura team next year please call Glenn Tointon by March 15 at 920-309-1294.
We are planning to add two more teams next year. We are a fun league, which is made up of four individual members per team. It is a mixed league with many varying averages so anyone can participate.
We start around November 1 and end about the middle of March. We would love to have you be part of our league so please contact me ASAP if you are seriously interested! Yeah for Florida winters!
The Tower |
www.DELTURA-HOA.com • 941.349.0194 • March 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
SPORTS 18-Hole Women’s Golf Association Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow and all of the folks up north have six more weeks of winter. Well, here we have the Palm tree. The Palm tree saw its shadow and we will have six more weeks of Florida! Lucky us! After 4 days of golf in glorious Florida weather we completed our President’s Cup Tournament. The winners are: Flight A--Paula Lafreniere Flight B--Jean Reimer Flight C--Gail Gulino Flight D--Pat Bedard Congratulations to all the ladies who participated and, obviously, a special round of applause for this year’s winners. A new local rule was explained during a PGA event on TV a couple of weeks ago. When on the putting green if you accidentally move your ball you will no longer be penalized. For example, when marking your ball you drop your marker, it hits the ball and the ball moves. This actually happened to Brandt Snedeker. Michael Clayton’s was a bit more comical. His ball stopped right at the edge of the hole. As he walked towards the ball to tap it in he flipped the club in the air and, instead of catching it, he tripped. The club fell forward and hit his
ball away from the hole. In both cases they were penalized. That will no longer be true. Each Association must adopt this change. Our Board will vote on it at their next meeting. Another reminder when on the green. You can fix spike marks and other imperfections on the surface after everyone has finished putting. You can brush sand away before putting. You can not weed! And you can fix divots at any time. February may be 28 days but we still had more to come. The Valentine’s tournament, sponsored by our Association was held the 16th. From the Pro Shop on the 18th was the Divorce Open. (The Divorce Open where relationships are challenged. Behind a tree could be a trial separation. But, in the water; that could be a deal breaker!) Both events included lunch as well as cash prizes. The Pro Shop is also offering weekly clinics as well as private lessons. Book early; Ryan is very popular! Anyone new to Del Tura: We are always looking for new members. Our membership chairperson is Micki Sullivan. You can contact Micki at 567-2975 if you are interested in joining. She has all the information and can answer your questions.
LEGA and Invitationals are posted in the Dungeon. These are golf events held outside of Del Tura. We organize car pools to various local courses. Lunch is always included. Prizes for LEGA are based on individual scores while Invitationals are team events. It is an enjoyable way to try another course and meet new people. As we enter March, the last of our busy ”in season” months, it is hard to believe we are beginning to wind down. And, yet, there is still one more big event. March 2 is our Member-Guest. Many friends and relatives come to join our Members and it always turns out to be a great time. Our VicePresident, Peggy Deems and her very competent committee are running it again this year. It was a lovely event in 2016 and I am sure it will be equally enjoyable this year. You have lots of choices, from Friday night Scrambles to weekly Association events. Participate in as many as your arms will allow. I have met so many golfers this winter in tournaments and regular Thursday golf. It is a pleasure to laugh and moan together. We all hit the sand, the water and, once and a while, the green together. What more can you ask for?!
Appliance Repair
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1 Year Warranty On Parts 90 Days Warranty On Labor 4/17
By Carol Marra
Video Corner By Elaine Schnur
In the meantime, come to our Video Corner in the library, open every Saturday from 1:00 to Apologies to everyone who 3:00 p.m.. There you can choose was expecting to come to movie from over 900 of the best movies night in February. We will make up for it with the film HACKSAW ever made. We have anything to RIDGE to be shown on Wednes- suit your mood. Pay one dollar per video and keep them for the day evening March 15 at 7:00 entire week. I recommend the p.m. in the Starlight Ballroom. This is an extraordinary true story movie HELL OR HIGH WATER, a riveting action thriller in which of an American pacifist combat an aging Texas Ranger goes after medic who saved 75 men in a a couple of bank robbers. This battle during World War II.
story of crime, punishment and brotherly love will surely keep you mesmerized. The latest additions to our library are: • CAPTAIN FANTASTIC • GIRL ON THE TRAIN • HELL OR HIGH WATER • LIGHT BETWEEN OCEANS • LA LA LAND • MOONLIGHT • MANCHESTER BY THE SEA • SULLY • WAR DOGS
24 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • March 2017 • 941.349.0194 • www.DELTURA-HOA.com
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LIC#: CAC1818340
• DOORS • A/C UNITS 14940 N. Cleveland Ave. • Low-E WINDOWS Ft. Myers, FL 33903 • ALUMINUM PRODUCTS M-F 8-5pm, Sat. 9-3pm • 54”x27” TUBS / SHOWERS www.mobilehomedepot.net
Your Mobile Home Parts Warehouse!
• DOORS • A/C UNITS 14940 N. Cleveland Ave. • Low-E WINDOWS Ft. Myers, FL 33903 • ALUMINUM PRODUCTS M-F 8-5pm, Sat. 9-3pm • 54”x27” TUBS / SHOWERS LIC#: CAC1818340
Your Mobile Home Parts Warehouse! Amigos News
By Jay Flanagan • A/C UNITS
During the games played up to in that elite company. Yeakle also the Tower14940 print deadline, the Ami- Ave. leads the team in power hits that N. Cleveland Low-E With• the first ofWINDOWS the month gos bats continued to go hot and include doubles, triples and home Ft. Myers, FL 33903 comes the splitting of the PRODUCTS eight- cold. They have scored nearly 20 runs. Rick Antaya along with • ALUMINUM team Mark and Mary Ford league runs during some M-F games 8-5pm,and Sat.then 9-3pm Wedge and Yeakle have been the 54”x27”divisions. TUBS /The SHOWERS it appears that someone has stolen most productive with men on base into two• separate top four squads,LIC#: after CAC1818340 the comple- all of their lumber in others. Des- and have driven in the most runs. tion of playing all teams twice, be- ignated hitter Vaughn Wedge and On the defensive side, Dick Rose www.mobilehomedepot.net come the National Division with shortstop Jim Yeakle have been who has taken over the pitching the bottom four communities will the top hitters for the team with duties from retired Rick Manuel, play in the American Division. both averaging over .600. Catch- has become a force on the mound Within the division each team will er/infielder Dave Denman and in his first season. The capable deplay the three others twice to de- first baseman Dan Duffy are also fense in the infield between Mike Stark, Yeakle, John Ruttman, Bob termine the 2017 champions and Neilson, Dan Duffy and Jay Traan overall winner that includes all ver with outfielders Bruce Smith, games will also be crowned. At • DOORS Craig Lindahl, Jim Hamilton, press time, the Amigos, looking Antaya and Jack Theriault have to defend their 2016 champion• A/C UNITS been a big reason the opponents ship, will be in a battle for the Na14940 N. Cleveland Ave. • Low-E WINDOWS been stymied. tional League top spot along with Ft. Myers, FL 33903haveOnce again a brand new seaLake Fairways, Herons Glen and • ALUMINUM PRODUCTS son commences on March 1 as the most likely Pine Lakes. All of the M-F 8-5pm, Sat. 9-3pm • 54”x27” / SHOWERS Amigos attempt to retain their top games will still be in TUBS Punta Gorda spot in the League. and will start atLIC#: 5:30 pm. CAC1818340
Your Mobile Home Parts Warehouse!
Your Mobile Home Parts Warehouse!
Your Mobile Home Parts Warehouse!
• DOORS • A/C UNITS 14940 N. Cleveland Ave. • Low-E WINDOWS Ft. Myers, FL 33903 • ALUMINUM PRODUCTS M-F 8-5pm, Sat. 9-3pm • 54”x27” TUBS / SHOWERS
• DOORS • A/C UNITS 14940 N. Cleveland Ave. • Low-E WINDOWS Ft. Myers, FL 33903 • ALUMINUM PRODUCTS M-F 8-5pm, Sat. 9-3pm • 54”x27” TUBS / SHOWERS
LIC#: CAC1818340
LIC#: CAC1818340
Your Mobile Home Parts Warehouse!
Your Mobile Home Parts Warehouse!
• DOORS • A/C UNITS 14940 N. Cleveland Ave. • Low-E WINDOWS Ft. Myers, FL 33903 • ALUMINUM PRODUCTS M-F 8-5pm, Sat. 9-3pm • 54”x27” TUBS / SHOWERS
• DOORS • A/C UNITS 14940 N. Cleveland Ave. • Low-E WINDOWS Ft. Myers, FL 33903 • ALUMINUM PRODUCTS M-F 8-5pm, Sat. 9-3pm • 54”x27” TUBS / SHOWERS
LIC#: CAC1818340
LIC#: CAC1818340
The Tower |
www.DELTURA-HOA.com • 941.349.0194 • March 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
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Not to jinx our season but we have been blessed with good weather since we started on the 1st week of November as we have had no games rained out and also have had no need to come dressed in winter clothes either so hopefully that will continue through March. So, that’s it until my next letter in the April Tower. Appreciate the space and continue to enjoy the game of shuffleboard on our courts. I also want to thank Hometown’s Norman for making sure every Friday our courts are clean and ready to play on. We also appreciate that those messy trees next to the courts got trimmed up, removing some dead limbs that caused a lot of mess when all those leaves and debris that the wind constantly blew all over the courts. That’s about it until next month. See you then.
The months are really rolling by as I am writing now for the March Tower. Before we know it, by the next letter I write, we will be finishing our 2016-2017 season again and just have our 8-Team tournament and Bust-up Party left and our season will be over for another year. Today we just finished week #13 of our season and the standings follow: Our “A” Flight leaders after today’s games are Glenn/ Mary Kay Tointon in 1st. place at 33/3. They are followed by Fred/ Carolyn Brueggemann at 30/6 and two teams tied for 3rd. place are Bob/Donna Crawford and Jack/ Janet Blevons with 26/10 records. The “B” Flight leaders are Chris Brylski/Garnet Fleming at 19/17. They are followed by Lynne Sa-
bel/Barb Jones at 18/18 and two teams tied for 3rd. place, Denny/ Paula Major and Audrey Person/ Deb Taylor at 15/21. We have five weeks left in our season which is 15 more games, with that many games left, there is still a lot of time for the slots to win trophies to change. It’s never over till it’s over or as they say, it’s not over until the fat lady sings. Lots of playing time left. Our regular season ends following the games on March 17. Our 8-Team Tournament, which is comprised of the teams in both flights that finish in the top 4-positions, will be held the following Friday, March 24 and then our thirteenth Annual Bust-Up Party will be held on March 31 in the Royal Palm ballroom in our clubhouse. That will end our 20162017 season.
5/17 5/14
By Jack Blevons
Make your home, vehicle or business
EXPIRES 3/31/2017
26 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • March 2017 • 941.349.0194 • www.DELTURA-HOA.com
Lee County Feral Cat TNR Workshop
Steve Koehler
Buying One Piece or Complete Household
By Sherry Plisch
AU 318
AB 72
North Fort Myers, Florida 33917
Family Owned and Operated
Five members of the Del Tura - Save Our Strays program attended the Gulf Coast Humane Society/Fortunate Feral threehour TNR (Trap/Neuter/Return) workshop on January 21. Those attending were: Robyn Geren, Denise Rose, Karen Azza, Sherry Plisch and Linda Berlovich. Each workshop participant earned certification in the basics of live trapping of cats and transport to the spray/neuter clinic, including how to care for the cats pre- and post-surgery, and how to return the cats to the community
where they were trapped. As a group, Del Tura - Save Our Strays was recognized and commended for having and following a wellplanned program with the feral cats in our community. The facilitator introduced our Del Tura group as an example of a model TNR program. She praised our organization and consistent dedication to
our work with the feral cat community in Del Tura and she suggested others network with us to further their efforts.
14871 N. Cleveland Ave., N. Ft. Myers (Across from Super Walmart on US 41) www.articautoairservice.com
Games Round-Up
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Jill’s Joint
889 NE 27th Lane • Cape Coral, FL 33909
(239) 242-8422
Dinner Special Saturday (4-8pm)
We are always looking for new Duplicate Bridge players. If you play bridge, and like to compete, Duplicate can be a lot of fun. The rules are a bit different from party bridge, but easy enough to explain. Please call Carol Marra (731-0845) or Dee Nelson(731-9503) if you are interested. 1/10/17 Earl Ewing/Don Mick Carol Marra/Richard Anderson Ann Ekas/Deloris Nelson 1/17/17 Earl Ewing/Don Mick Carol Marra/Richard Anderson Don Rutherford/ Lacey Arnett 1/24/17 Ann Ekas/ Deloris Nelson Earl Ewing/ Don Mick Carol Marra/Richard Anderson 1/31/17 Don Mick/Earl Ewing Eileen Courtney/ Peter Lighthall Carol Marra/ Richard Anderson
1/10/17 Dick Boesel Kathy Boesel Pat Wagner (tie) Audrey Person 1/17/17 Audrey Person Sherry Levier Dick Boesel (tie) Kathy Boesel 1/24/17 Priscilla Peterson Donna Simmons John Peterson (tie) Dick Boesel 1/31/17 Patty Somers Elaine Slosarski Jean Wiley Judi Sharpe 2/717 Roger Klemp Patty Somers (tie) John Peterson Darlene Wedyte
1/11/17 Sandy Staigle Hennie Oostema (tie) Ray Dean Henry Dzedzej 1/18/17 Marcella Carothers Dick Boesel Henry Dzedzej 1/25/17 Kathy Boesel Lacy Arnett Bette Buescher 2/1/17 Rocco Guereri Anita Irene West 2/8/17 Kathy Boesel Marcella Carothers Lacy Arnett
By Marcella Carothers
By Marcella Carothers
Prime Rib Dinner 4/17
Served Daily 6:00 am - 2:00 pm
By Deloris Nelson
Complete Auto Repair - Domestic and Foreign
We play Rummikub each Wedensday in the Jacaranda Ballroom from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Come...Join us... and have fun! More info call Jean Cornwell at 731-1580
The Tower |
www.DELTURA-HOA.com • 941.349.0194 • March 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Ballroom Dancing
• Locks Rekeyed • Locks Installed •
Louis Rivet CRL Del Tura Resident
Del Tura Contact Info Other Contact Numbers Blood Drive - Shannon Flory - Recruiter
Lee Memorial Blood Ctr.
Coffee Hour - Tues. AM coordinator
Nancy Adams
Kathleen Quigley
Barb Jones
Contractor Survey Results
Dennis Cottini
Del Tura Repertory Company
Jacquie Keen
Entertainment Committee Chair
Betty Ewing
Equipment Loans- Medical
Rich Symes
Loan Closet
Val Coache
Loan Closet - Alternate
Denise Rose
Feral Cat Information "SOS"
Karen Azza/Sherry Plisch
FISH - Friends in Service Here
Ginnie Benjamins, Pres.
FISH - Fruit Picking Contact
Rick Rudzik/Sherry Plisch
FMO Membership
Betty Ewing
731-1308 239-543-6425 or cell: 508-789-4245 815-222-6466 220-0563 or 5670538 322-9863 543-3662 567-0538 652-3909
Doris Meyer
HOA Office - 609 Sierra Madre (off Catalina)
Mon.-Fri. 9:00 a.m. - noon
Homeowners’ Issues/Grievances
Clubhouse Office
Ruth Blevins
Name Tags
Wendy Wells
Seminars (HOA Board President)
Alan Wells
Tower - Advertising - bobemy4ivp@verizon.net
Bob & Emy Stein
Tower - Editor
Doris Meyer
Tower - Delivery coordinator
Joyce Fischer
Veterans Contact
David Jacobs
Video Library
Elaine Schnur
Marlene De Graaf
Welcome Committee
Sound Systems David & Judy Jacobs
Jim Stenzel
Charles & Peg Note 731-5615 Doris Meyer 731-1937 Please email any changes to Pam Price at pam.price@outlook.com. Pam’s phone is 239-567-7929.
email: locksmithemail@comcast.net
Don Davis
Contracting, Inc.
ADDITIONS & REPAIRS Remodeling ~ Kitchens and Baths Vinyl and Stucco Siding Plumbing ~ Water Softeners, Heaters, Faucets Repipes, Toilets, Sinks, Etc.
(239) 731-9240 CGC059985
HOA Membership
Front Guard Gate
Ballroom dancing is continuing! Classes will be on Mondays in the Starlight Ballroom between 5:00 and 6:00 pm. The classes will continue each Monday for four more weeks. The dates are March 6, 13, 20 and 27. On March 13 we will move to one
of the smaller ballrooms because of a planned event in the Starlight. Classes are free and open to anyone in Del Tura. Come and learn the Waltz, Swing, Rumba and Cha-cha. If you have any questions please call Cindy at 603-3988001 or email at cbaron50@ yahoo.com. Come join us in the fun!
By Cindy and Ken Baron
28 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • March 2017 • 941.349.0194 • www.DELTURA-HOA.com
Good Timers’ Singles Club News By Joyce Lienert
“Come, fill the cup, and in the fire of spring….. Your winter garment of repentance fling: The bird of time has but a little way….. To flutter – and the bird is on the wing.” – Omar Khayyam Spring is coming soon. This season always heralds change. “Keep changing. When you’re through changing, you’re through.” – Bruce Barton Why not change your social life? Consider joining the Good Timers’ Singles Club. Come as a guest to our next meeting on Tuesday, March 7, in the Royal Palm. The one qualification is that you need to be single to join. “Make your life a mission – not an intermission.” – Arnold Glasgow What a great thought! Our members all have a mission. It is to have a good time while supporting each other. In addition, we are interested in expanding our mission. We are looking for new ideas
regarding activities and seeking to increase our community involvement. This is an exciting time for our club. Revitalization and preservation need to mesh, however, with a positive result. “To do anything in this world worth doing, we must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger, but jump in, and scramble through as well as we can.” – Sydney Smith Change can be difficult and scary, but necessary. Let’s move it along!!! What a great thing. For further information, or transportation to the monthly meeting, call Joyce Lienert at 973632-1147. A meeting of the Good Timers’ Singles Club was last held on Tuesday, February 7, 2017. Our officers were all in attendance. They are Loran Callen, President; Nancy Skorlinski, Vice President; Joyce Lienert/Deborah Alt, Alternate Secretary; Ann Clanton, Treasurer. Our club is seeking a new secretary.
Joan Whaley is in charge of the Sunshine Club and Ann Boncore runs the monthly 50/50. Peg McTernan provided information presented at the Tuesday morning coffee. Thank you Peg! We celebrated the January Birthday of Millie Hanrahan, January 27 at a luncheon at Heron’s Glen on Wednesday, January 18 at noon. A thank you is extended, from the group, to Lorna for organizing this neat event. The food was great and so was the cake. Happy February Birthday to Shirley Acker, February 11. Esther Kuntz arranged for a luncheon at Anthony’s at Sabel Springs on Wednesday, February 15 at noon. Thank you Esther. Happy March Birthday to Kathleen Quigley, March 1; Deborah Alt, March 2; Dolores Smith, March 20; Lyn Bailey, March 26; and Joyce Lienert, March 26. All residents of Del Tura are reminded that the Homeowner’s Association (HOA) has a board meeting the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Star-
light Ballroom. All residents of the community are welcome and encouraged to attend this meeting. Yearly HOA dues are $12.00 and provides many benefits, including delivery of “The Tower”, discounts on tickets for events and ability to vote in HOA elections. Dues can be paid at the Tuesday morning coffee or by contacting Doris Meyer at 731-1937. Also, the FMO (Federation of Manufactured Home Owners) membership is $25.00 a year or $65 for three years. Bette EwingCheney is our FMO representative. She is at the Tuesday morning coffee meeting and can be contacted at 652-3909. Ask Bette about the “2016-2017 Tie-Down Enhancement Program” and the “FMO Membership Contest”. Bette has a goal to increase membership by personally contacting every homeowner in our community. Everyone is encouraged to be involved in this lucrative endeavor. “Don’t just stand there – do something.” Anonymous
“Don’t just stand there – undo something.” – Murray Weldenbaum Or is our community going to “just stand there” while our state representatives do not act on our behalf and in our best interests! George Shultz, stated regarding government meddling, “Don’t just do something – stand there.” Meddling is important here!!! Let our voice be heard. JOIN THE FMO! “If we cannot secure all our rights, let us secure what we can.” – Thomas Jefferson In conclusion, March can be a very volatile month. Remember the saying, “In like a lion and out like a lamb” or vice-versa? I think you will agree that being in Florida, this time of year is a very joyful experience. Good move! “You can’t do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth.” – Evan Esar
The Tower |
www.DELTURA-HOA.com • 941.349.0194 • March 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
ThankYou Del Tura for Another Successful Blood Drive! By Dennis Cottini I am pleased to announce that due to your generosity, willingness and time, the Lee Memorial staff collected 26 units of blood at the last blood drive on January 20.in conjunction with the Health Expo. We almost achieved our goal of 29 units.
There were six potential donors who were unable to donate for various reasons and we thank them for their support. One was me with a low iron count. I need to work on that. Save the Date: Del Tura is sponsoring a future blood drive on Friday, April 7, from 9:00 a.m.1:00 p.m. in the Clubhouse lobby.
As in the past, a Lee staff member will be at the Tuesday coffee onApril 4, to promote the blood drive and address any concerns. Any questions?Please call or email - 217-0592 or dcottini@ comcast.net. Thank you and watch for reminders in the April Tower newsletter.
4/2 4/3 4/5 4/6 4/7 4/8 4/9 4/10
Robert Beccare Louise Bowers Molly Brown Barb Laird Gay Luders Ed Durfer Hennie Oostema Dianne Roderick Carolyn Cole Elinor Thompson Maddie Dodson Linda Furlong Charlotte Lefrancois Ruth Anne Lugten Dalia Shahar Barbara O’Brien Dick Slosarski Diana Camp
4/12 4/13 4/15 4/16 4/17 4/18 4/19 4/20
Janis Conner Liz Flanagan Karen Hoppe Fred Levine Randy Gottsacker Judith Harting Charlene Maaske Gary Spaniak Stan Loson Richard Masse Elmer ‘Mac’ MacDonald Helen Townsend Kathy Moore Elizabeth Scheetz Trudy Wilson Sue Symes Debbie Gianino Donna Moore
4/21 4/22 4/23 4/25 4/27 4/28 4/29 4/30
Alice Gash Marion Van Orsdell Sandy Weddleton William Dunn Sandy Gove Linda Smith Rosemarie Egizi Florence Hammond Joe Bevilacqua Donna Roberts Robert Fitzgibbons Mike Scott Sue Shover Don Dowell Chuck Goode Red Hansen
4/5 4/7 4/10 4/15 4/16 4/18 4/23 4/24 4/25 4/27
William & Karen Misztal Del & Kathy Herwat Terry & Linda Kinzel Jack & Sue Dunigan Fred & Jan Hale Don & Maria Soper Robert & Barbara Klein Bob & Joan Massey Richard & Edna Smith Maurice & Ilse Allen Lance & Adele Guthreau Charles & Peggy Note Charles & Marcella Carothers
MEDICARE FORUM 2017 By Joyce Lienert “M.J.” has scheduled a meeting on:
THURSDAY, MARCH 16 @ 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm in the Poinciana room to discuss
MEDICARE benefits. HEALTH AND WELLNESS There will be a free Informational Seminar LUNCHEON Wednesday, March 8, 2017 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Poinciana Room at Del Tura Presented by the National Cremation Society. The society
Happy Anniversary to... 4/2
April Birthdays & Anniversaries
45 years 1 year 42 years 45 years 46 years 39 years 57 years 63 years 57 years 57 years 41 years 53 years 16 years
has been in existence since 1974. It is the oldest and largest Cremation Company in North America. Preplanning of final arrangements will be discussed along with Financial and Legal Aspects presented by: Integrity Insurance Agency (web site: www.iiagencies.com) Manufactured Home and Golf Cart Insurance McCrory Law Firm (web site: www.mccrorylaw.com) Wills, Trust and Probate PLEASE CALL RACHELLE @ 941-286-4784 TO RESERVE A SEAT A HEALTH AND WELLNESS EXPO EVENT ORGANIZED BY JOYCE LIENERT, COMMITTEE CHAIR
30 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • March 2017 • 941.349.0194 • www.DELTURA-HOA.com
2 AIDS - 2595 $
30 DAY RISK FREE TRIAL 30 Years In Cape Coral
Nobile Hearing Aid Center 231 Del Prado Blvd. S., #5 • Cape Coral, FL 33990 (2 Blocks South of Hancock)
w w w. n o b i l e h e a r i n g . c o m
Del Tura Fashion Show By Sandy Boykin They say it takes a village to put on a great event and that is what happened on Wednesday, January 25. Without the help of our “village”, Wendy Wells and I would not have been able pull off such a great afternoon. Our thanks to the ladies who modeled the beautiful fashions from Trader Rick’s in Bell Tower they are,Tracy Carroll, Susan Bell, Rita Eagan, Jan Hoffay, Betty Scheetz, Margo Baker, Karen Stenzel, Mary Fairbanks, Priscilla Peterson and Audrey Martin. They were all very elegant and had great fun while modeling for their friends. Thanks also to everyone who worked so diligently behind the scenes Denise
Rowe, Sherry Plisch, Karen Stevenson and Val Still who readied our models to walk down the runway, and to Jeff Baker who built the runway, Bill Nezemis, our photographer, who took such fantastic pictures, Jim Stenzel who made the sound possible for Tonya Haram’s beautiful song and Teresa Stabler’s delightful descriptions of the stunning clothes.
Thank you to Heléne Glasson and Linda Scheutzfor selling tickets and Pat Casillo and Garnett Williams for collecting tickets at door. Bette Ewing arranged five raffle basketswhich were won by lucky attendees. Many thanks to Cindy Baron and Gail Reeve for their choice of Anthony’s on the Green for our lunch of Caesar salad and desserts. And last, but certainly not least, thank you to Dorothy Cook, Ann Stephens, Judy Harding, Carol Lauzau, Rita Egan, Wendy Wells and Kay Nezamis for their gorgeous table centerpieces and decorations. As you can see, it does take a village but it was all worth it because it was so well received by all of you who supported the HOA and attended.
The Tower |
www.DELTURA-HOA.com • 941.349.0194 • March 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
NEWS ITEMS FOR “THE TOWER”, PLEASE USE ONLY THESE 2 e-mails ADDRESSES: ginnie1131@comcast.net OR moredor1034@aol.com (PLEASE SEND TO ONLY ONE) The Webmaster and HOA web site, use http://www.deltura-hoa.com Use password DTCCHOA where applicable. To list events on the internet, please e-mail, and submit pictures & text in digital form. HOA Board: hoaboard@delturahoa.com
HOA - The Homeowners Association of Del Tura Inc. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Name:__________________________________________________________________________________ Del Tura Address:_______________________________________________________________________
The Del Tura Phone Book is not compiled by “The Tower”. It is produced by Hometown America. Please contact the HT office 731-3433 for errors and omissions.
Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability.
Phone:_________________________________________________________________________________ Owner Check Here: _______ Renters Check Here: ________ Dues: $12.00 U.S. annually for homeowners and renters. Make check payable to: HOA Del Tura. Mail or deliver to Doris Meyer, 246 Las Palmas Blvd., No. Ft. Myers, FL 33903, 731-1937. If mailed, enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope for return of HOA cards.
HOA - Tower Delivery Travel Plans
Please Do Not Deliver “The Tower” during the time I/We are away. Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Del Tura Address: _________________________________________________________________ Date-Will be away from: ____________________ Date-Will return on: _______________________ Please complete and return to the HOA Office.
For the correct listing of your
Birthday & Anniversary
FMO Membership Application:
e-mail to kanlig@juno.com or return this form to the HOA OFFICE
Del Tura Address:_________________________
Name:___________________________________ Address (req’d):__________________________ ________________________________________
Phone:__________________________________ _____ 1 Year Membership $25.00 _____ 3 Year Membership $65.00 # Of registered FL voters in household: _____
Phone (req’d):____________________________
Non-Florida Address (if applicable):
Month (Spelled)____________ Day:__________
Anniversary Name: __________________________________ Month (Spelled)____________ Day:__________ Year married:_____________________________ Number of years married as of 2017:________
__________________________________ Which months do you NOT live in Florida: ___________________________________ Recruiter Name_______________________ Send To: FMO, P.O. Box 5300 Largo, FL 33779-5300
Anyone needing to borrow equipment from the Medical Equipment Loan Trailer please contact: Rich Symes at 731-1308, Neil Miller at 731-3628, or Rick Rudzik at 543-3662.
Island Visitor Publications, LLC
Publishers: Bob & Emy Stein To advertise in print, contact: Bob or Emy Stein at 941-349-0194 or email us at islandvp@verizon.net. Contributing writers are acknowledged with bylines accompanying their submissions. Attribution for photos are not included unless supplied. We sincerely thank everyone for their contributions. Your articles help showcase the strong and diverse community that makes up Del Tura. The Tower is published monthly from October through May. Summer issues are condensed: June/July and August/September. All ads are subject to the approval of the publisher. It is the responsibility of the party placing any ad for publication in The Tower to meet all applicable legal requirements in connection with the ad such as compliance with town, county and state codes in first obtaining an occupational license for business, permitted home occupation, or residential rental property.
DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/ uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability. Island Visitor Publishing is not responsible for claims made by advertisers.
32 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • March 2017 • 941.349.0194 • www.DELTURA-HOA.com
Daily Activity Schedule Activity/Contact Information
The Daily Activity Schedule is updated on a monthly basis. Please submit any corrections or additions to Pam Price at 239-567-7929 or email - pam. price@outlook.com prior to the 9th of each month. Thank you
Exercise Tai Chi , Marjorie Lord, 543-9072 Tura Zumba, Teddy Reid, 731-7251 Jane Fonda Aerobics, Teddy Reid Water Aerobics,North Pool,Oct-April, Marilyn Miller, 731-9934 Water Noodle Aerobics, North Pool, Marylou Buss, 612-718-7878 Yoga Relaxation begins Nov 3,Starlight Bllrm, Dea Wells 283-5603
8:00-9:15 9:15-10:00 10:00-10:45 11:00-12:00
8:00-9:15 9:15-10:00 10:00-10:45 11:00-12:00 11:00-12:00 5:00-6:15
8:00-9:15 9:15-10:00 10:00-10:45 11:00-12:00 11:00-12:00
7:00 PM
Sports Billiards, Men's, Harry Christopher, 997-7345 Billiards, Women's, Ann DeGrande, 989-2206 Nov-Apr Bocce, Oct-April, Isabel Albert, 518-209-5968 Bocce, Nov-April, Peggy Terrasi, peggyterrasi@gmail.com, 603-236-2209 Bowling For Fun, Call Cheryl DeCara for location 543-8751 Golf, Men's 18 Hole League, Jay Flanagan, 543-1640 Golf, Men's 9 Hole League, Jack Riordan, Pres., 543-3753 Golf, Women's 18 Hole League, Jan Pedersen 636-887-1449 Golf, Women's 9 Hole League-Marlene DeGraaf 599-4004 Pickle Ball- Dick & Denise Rose - 815-978-4907 Shuffleboard, Jack Blevons, 731-0892 Shuffleboard, open Shuffleboard, Open, Robyn Geren, 839-6674 Shuffleboard, Traveling Team, Dec-Mar, Glenn Tointon 920-309-1294 Softball, Punta Gorda, Jay Flanagan - 543-1640 Tennis, Mixed, Open - Dave Harting, 599-8575
1:00-3:00 6:30-9:30 3:00-6:00
3:45-5:30 2:00 8:00 9:00 8:30 8:30 Intermediate 9 AM
Advanced 6 PM 1:00
Beginners 3 PM
9:00 2:30 12:30 5:30 8:00-10:00
5:30 8:00-10:00
Games Bingo - Oct-Mar, Linda Schoonmaker 543-9432, doors open at 6:15-Sales end 6:45 Starlight Ballroom
Bingo - Starlight Ballroom - all year Bridge, Duplicate - Deloris Nelson - 731-9503 Bridge, Duplicate-Carol Marra 731-0845 Bridge, Open - Marjorie Davis - 543-4225 Bridge, Open - Sylvia White - 731-5168 Bunco,Poinciana Ballroom, All year,1st & 3rd Wed of each month Patti Watson, 608358-7709 Canasta - Norrine McLaughlin , 543-1276 Dominoes - June Malonson 652-4151 Euchre- Marcella Carothers - 731-3315 Farkle - Ruth Anten - 997-9779 Hand & Foot - Card Game, Betty Scheetz - 609-477-9147 Hand, Knee & Foot - Poinciana Mon, Card Room II Thur Mahjong - Marianne Denman - Card Room II, 543-5968 Mahjong- Dianne Bevilacqua- Card Room I, 567-2234 Mahjong- Ruth Anten - Card Room II, 997-9779 Mahjong- Rheta Kanen, 731-0809 May I - Card Game- Norrine McLaughlin -543-1276 Pinochle - Marcella Carothers, 731-3315 Rummi-kub - Betty Cornwell 731-1580 Jacaranda Ballroom
Wood Carving- Bernie Forsey, 217-6024 - Nov-May Blood Pressure Readings - before coffee in the Starlight Ballroom Ceramics, Janet Ragone, 543-7818 Choralaires- David Adams - 508-284-6107 - Nov-Mar Coffee & Social Hour - Starlight Ballroom Quilting/Sewing Club-Wendy Wells-309-360-1145, Starlight Bllrm Good Timers-1st wk of Month, Lorna Callan, 731-8348 Library - open every day-Barb Jones 543-6922/Kathleen Quigley 543-1067 Oil Painting - Gerri Robbins, 731-6390 Oct-May Card Making-Mary Kay Tointon 920-309-2121/Gay Dye-731-2633 Video Corner- check hours in the Library Computer Club-Marlene Eck 543-9249, 1st & 3rd Wed.
6:00-10:00 6:00-10:00 1:30-4:30 1:00-4:00 6:00 to finish 1:00-4:00 5:30 7:00-9:00 6:00 1:00-4:00 1:00
1:00 7:00 1:00-5:00 6:00
7:00 1:00-4:00 7:00-10:00 1:00 - 4:00
Other Activities & Clubs
8:00-9:00 9:00-12:00 6:30 - 8:30 8:15 AfterCoffee Hr 5:00
1:00-4:00 9:00 1:00-3:00 1:45-2:45
The Tower |
567-1567(Home) or 631-8384323(Cell) (mar17) RENTALS - Got a rental? Need a rental? Call John Belpulsi (239) 313-8029. Home & security watch, and notary service also available. (aug/sept17) CERTIFIED NURSE - I am honest and dependable. 7 years of experience. Will work with you in your home and take you to Dr. appts., bathing, shopping, cooking, laundry. Call Patty Lewis: 239-321-3166 (mar17) HOUSECLEANING - Honest, dependable, efficient. Uses her own products. Excellent references. Carol Ann 239-2446526 (jun/jul17) ROOF/GUTTER CLEANING - Resident Randy Boling, 239-7705531 (oct17) GIRL FRIDAY - Reliable & Trustworthy. Housecleaning, etc. Del Resident. Call Linda 239560-1948. (may17) DO YOU NEED “JUST THE RIGHT PERSON”? - Our caring team can help you stay in your own home. Many options for meal prep, housecleaning, bathroom support, assisted-lift, nursing & more. 239-599.4221. (may17) LOOKING FOR A PROFESSIONAL AND RELIABLE - painter for inside painting only? I also do house cleaning duties. Reasonable prices. Del Tura references. Call Ismael at 239-4781076 (jun/jul17) FOR RENT - 2 bedroom / 2 bath available now. Golf cart included. Call Bill at 810-9905878 (mar17)
New PHONE NUMBERS Dorothy Biddinger ............................ 980-2775 Paul/Janet Coconis .................... 740-819-0196 Tracy Carroll ............................... 207-232-9533 Steve/Sandra Gove .................... 603-387-5350 Brad Hammond ......................... 207-232-9566 Mike/Shelley Hensel ......................... 543-2649 Susan Jones ...................................... 940-2983 Liliane Lefebvre ................................ 284-2950
HOUSE FOR RENT OR SALE - Call Angelo at 239-872-8102. (apr17) NEED A NOTARY? - Call Brenda Blasie, a Del Tura resident, at 239-543-6104 (apr17) HOUSE SITTING - Would you like to feel completely at ease with your home in the hands of a responsible, caring fellow Del Turian why you are away? Call Judie for more information and references. 603-305-5955. (dec17) HOME FOR SALE - 5441 San Luis, Palm Harbor premium triple model, 2200+ sf, 3BD, 2BA, split floor plan. Many extras. Oversized 2-car garage, hardwood floors, stainless appliances etc. Asking $144,900. Call for appt. 239-218-9272 (apr17) HOUSE WATCHING / AIRPORT TRANS. - Del Tura resident. References. 239-599-2267 (apr17) HOUSE FOR SALE - 2BDR/2BA, golf course and latke view, includes golf cart. Being offered “Turn Key”. Only, $95,000. Call Rose Genovese at 239-8509766. (mar17)
“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” – Dr. Seuss
RATES for classified ads will be as follows: 2 to 3 lines is $8.00/mo, or $50.00 if you pay for one year; 4 to 5 lines is $13.00/mo, or $100.00 for one year; and 6 to 8 lines is $20.00 /mo. No ad over 8 lines will be accepted. Deadline is the 15th of each month. Place ads by calling: 941-349-0194 or 941-539-0205 email: islandvp@verizon.net We use only one page for the classified ads. “The Tower” does not inform you when classified ads expire. However; the expiration date is at the end of your ad in parenthesis (mo/yr). Please make checks payable to: Island Visitor Publishing, LLC DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability.
Please bring your new phone number to the HOA office and also email it to: moredor1034@AOL. com and it will be published.
Robert Lisk......................................... 220-1642 Peggy McMillan ................................ 652-3942 Chuck Reese ...................................... 895-4452 Michelle Reese .................................. 565-8944 Judith Schroeder .............................. 246-2177 Suzi Smith ......................................... 543-2046 Henry/Margaret Zanger .................... 543-3263
5/17 11/16
PROFESSIONAL PAINTING - Without Professional Prices! Interior/Exterior, 27 years of experience, Power Washing, Home Maintenance and repairs! Del Tura resident. Call Jim Smith 239-247-1917 (nov17) AIRPORT? SHOPPING? ERRANDS? - Linda Storma, resident DEPENDABLE Call (239) 9979066 (jun/jul17) HOUSE CLEANING - Have your home cleaned by an efficient and trustworthy Del Turian who is reasonable and uses her own products. Call Judie (603)305-5955 or (239)7311373 (dec17) LOCKSMITH - Auto/Home Lockouts, Locks Repaired, Installed or Re-keyed. Del Tura Resident. Louis Rivet 5431434 (oct17) RIDES TO AND FROM THE AIRPORT. GERALD J. DYER, 231 LAS PALMAS BLVD. 731-1696 (feb18) GARAGE DOOR AND OPENER TUNEUP AND FULL SERVICES - Call Jim O’Brien (resident) 239-849-1644 (may17) “PRESSURE WASHING” - Houses, driveways, walkways. Call Del Tura Resident. Bob at 954448-1171 (aug/sept17) HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE - reliable, honest, & friendly service. Del Tura resident. Call Karen @ 543-1434 (oct17) LAMINATES - wood rot, power wash, int./ ext. painting, plumbing, gutters, roofs cleaned. Res. Ref. Call Stan 731-9756 (jan18) AVON - products sold by Del Tura resident. Call Pat 239-
www.DELTURA-HOA.com • 941.349.0194 • March 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
34 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • March 2017 • 941.349.0194 • www.DELTURA-HOA.com
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18251 N. Tamiami Trail - N. Ft. Myers FL 33903 (Just North of Del Prado & Rt. 41) 239-217-0087 - www.ContractorsFlooringOutlet.net
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Think about the possibilities! With $500, you could go on a cruise for two, use it toward a shopping spree, or buy a flat screen TV – just to name a few.
Invite your friends to live at Del Tura, and you could earn up to $500* when they purchase a new home. Call 239-731-3330 for details! *Referral reward restricted to Hometown America residents. Customer must register the resident who referred them at time of their initial visit. Residents whose referral purchases a new or special-order home will receive up to $500. Residents whose referral purchases a Hometown America-owned inventory home will receive up to $300. Residents whose referral purchases a brokered home will receive up to $100. Residents who refer will receive money after closing of escrow. Other terms and conditions may apply. Call 239-731-3330 for more details.
Cruise for two
Two laptops
Domestic flight
Outdoor Grill
Patio Set
Flat Screen TV
Shopping Spree 12/17
Exp. 4/17
Deltura Resident 20 years experience/ Former Allstate Agent
Home & Auto Insurance Medicare Supplements
The Tower |
www.DELTURA-HOA.com • 941.349.0194 • March 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 3/17
MARCH 20, 2017
36 | The Tower Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • August / September 2016 • 941.349.0194 • www.DELTURA-HOA.com
Are you due for your
Annual Mammogram? Our Mobile Mammo is coming to
Del Tura 18621 N Tamiami Trail
Monday, April 24, 2017 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends annual mammograms for women beginning at age 40.
Appointments Recommended
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