THE TOWER Volume 33 | NO 10 | OCTOBER 2017
President’s Message Dear Fritzie
Contest & Winners
UnPlugged Games
Events Calendar
Sports Section
OH… IRMA !!!! In German the meaning of the name Irma is: Universal, from the Old German ‘irmin’. War goddess. Before Irma (War Goddess) pummeled SWFL most of our residents and friends did the smart thing of evacuating the area. Most headed North, while others stayed close at local shelters. As we spend the time returning to the area, whether by car (many hours of traffic and lack of gas) or by airplane; we discover that the residents of Del Tura were truly blessed compared to most of SWFL. Yes, we find some inconveniences such as a lack of electric, stores and restaurants being closed, and no available gas, but
compared to our friends in areas like the Keys or Lehigh, we need to be Thankful! As we watch from our homes the recovery of those devastated in SWFL and even the men working very hard to restore our beauty to Del Tura, please continue to pray for those who need strength to regain their daily lives and for those angels who left their families to assist us in the recovery. As we reflect, please remember how a simple act of kindness is what makes us human. “It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.” ― Mother Teresa
Front Gate Note
by Mike Fitzgibbons, Gate/Rover Supervisor
September 9th – September 13th, 2017 I would like to thank employees Ed Wills and Ron Fluet who remained thru Irma. They manned the rover truck rotating shifts after I removed the gates on Saturday afternoon, until I joined the rotation of roving Monday morning, then Ed & Ron in the pm. I manned the gate Tuesday 4:00 am until Chuck Reese relieved me 4:00-midnight. Then myself 4:00 am until noon on Wednesday then Power on – Gates reinstalled 3:00 pm regular shifts reinstated. As employees returned from safe places they’ll resume their shifts and in some cases extra (Chuck Reese) So in conclusion we had either a rover or myself on duty except for the storm on Sunday
Editor Note: Due to IRMA and all the trials and tribulations of evacuating, lack of electric and accessibility to computers, I apologise in advance for any errors in this issue. This issue and getting it out to our community on time, was very important to me. It’s a symbol of the STRONG community, friendships and neighborly dedication we have at DEL TURA.
This issue of “The The Tower Tower”, is DEDICATED to NANCY SKORLINSKI, our dear neighbor and friend who passed away while evacuating.
at all times until regular shifts resumed Wednesday at 3:00 pm. For everyone’s information: Gate House had no Power, no Phone , no cell service, NO bathroom until Wednesday noon. Considering other local communities, we should thank our “Lucky Stars”. PS – Yes that was our Community Manager Fred Taylor on Monday morning pulling brush off the roads.
2 | The Tower
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2017 • 941.349.0194 •
The The
Poolside Pub Located Inside Del Tura Golf & Country Club • Public Always Welcome $4.99 Lunch Specials Every Day 11 AM-3 PM • Happy Hour Every Day 3-6 PM STOP IN AND GRAB A CALENDAR OF EVENTS TODAY!
MONDAY Live Music Inside for a true Party Bar Experience TUESDAY TACO TUESDAY Hard & Soft Shell Tacos Available All Day and All Night Karaoke (6:30 pm ‘til close) vailable All Day and All Night! WEDNESDAY Buy 20 Wings GET A FREE PITCHER OF BEER Available THURSDAY Spaghetti & Meatballs Dinner $6.99 Available vailable All Day and All Night! Trivia Night & Name That Tune (6:30 pm ‘til close) FRIDAY Live Music Every Friday Night (5 pm) All-You-Can-Eat Fish & Chips Only $8.99 Available All Day and All Night!
Eggrolls, Fried Mushrooms, Jalapeno Poppers, Chili Cheese Fries, Mozzarella Sticks and Chili Cheese Nachos
$4.99 ENTREES! Jumbo Hot Dog w/FF, Sweet Brat w/ Grilled Onions and FF $5.99 ENTREES! BLT w/FF, Ladies Burger w/FF, Blackened Catfish w/FF
HALLOWEEN PARTY: Tuesday, October 31st, 5 -10 p.m. Costume Contests, Food and Drink Specials, DJ, etc. etc. SATURDAY :
Ultimate Sunday Funday!
The Tower | 3
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2017 • 941.349.0194 •
Greetings everyone from Cordele GA! Writing this column feels particularly strange and, truthfully, rather overwhelming. Earlier today, Nancy and I packed our trailer with clothing, food, and a few personal treasures and headed up I-75 to escape the wrath of Hurricane Irma. As you read this, we are mere days away from finding out just how serious this storm is going to be. I pray for everyone’s safety and that we all are able to keep our homes intact. By the time you read this, we will all have our answer. This situation is particularly stressful since it was just mere days ago, we finally dried out from more than 19 inches of rain that fell on us over a four day period. Many of us had flooding in our homes and countless residents lost their air conditioning due to the wet conditions. Yet through it all, I find strength in my “family” here in Del Tura. This morning at our cof-
fee social, I was impressed with the turnout and the feeling of togetherness that existed. Despite, the frustrations we often feel, it was both amazing and comforting to see the smiles and concerns on everyone’s faces as we talked about preparing for this monster storm. I have no idea what I will face approximately five days from now, but I do know that there is something special about Del Tura,
and I know that no matter what happens, ultimately we will all pull together as families do and keep our lives moving forward. The word F.E.A.R. has two possible definitions. It could mean “Forget Everything And Run” or it could mean “Face Everything And Rise”. As a community let’s continue to Face Everything and Rise. Material goods can be replaced. I’m riding this storm out with the love of my life for 43 years, and together we can conquer anything. We have a lot of wonderful events and happenings in the coming months, and I prefer to focus on all the good things that are ahead of us. It’s not the pools or the pub or the golf course! It is the family here in Del Tura that constantly continues to make this….. Just another day in Paradise! Dave Adams HOA President
From the President’s Desk
FMO (Federation of Manufactured Home Owners of Florida, Inc.) The purpose of the Federation is to promote the general welfare of its members and protect the rights and interests of manufactured/mobile home owners and to be a consumer advocate for manufactured/mobile home owners.
FMO Membership Benefits
Even though FMO is a member-funded organization, most of the things we do affect every manufactured homeowner in Florida. Think about it, thousands of people are supporting an organization whose accomplishments benefit over one million others who don’t. Of course, membership has its advantages, and we offer many valuable services to our members, including a Lobbyist in Tallahassee, a Legal Council to answer your legal questions in the FMO News, a Preferred Provider program, an informative magazine, a discounted emergency road ser-
vice, and the association of others who are willing to come together to fight for your rights. An annual membership costs just $25 ($2.09 per month), a fraction of its worth.
15% from the previous year, the proved at that time by the voters course the business community maximum amount of the assess- the sunset date will take effect and has been working on this issue ment increase would hold steady commercial property taxes will along with FMO and FMHA. The at 10%. Why do we care? Ad va- increase too. Yes. We do care. A real work will be to convince Florlorem taxes may be passed on to lot! ida voters of the value of keeping homeowners on a pro rata basis. I do not usually opine as to the a cap on assessments! This is because, unfortunately, prospective outcome of legislaJoin FMO TODAY and asLATEST FMO.. the tax cap also has an end date tion…everything changes by the sist us in protecting your investremember of January 1, 2019. This issue minute. I will make an exception ment, and the cost of living. March 2017 Preventing Lot must be placed on the ballot and here and tell you that I believe Contact Betty Ewing-Cheney Rent Increases - by Nancy Black approved by 60% of the voters. the Legislature intends to put this (239) 652-3909 or email Stewart In November 2018. If it is not ap- issue to the voters next year! Of As the Florida Legislature begins the Regular Session all mobile and manufactured homeFMO - MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION owners living in parks and communities on leased land must get Name: __________________________________________________________________________ prepared. As you know, the land you are leasing for your home is Del Tura Address: ________________________________________________________________ assessed as commercial property. Ten years ago Florida voters apPhone: ____________________ # of Registered Florida Voters in Household: ____________ proved a change to the Florida Constitution that placed a cap on 1 Year $25.00 3 Year $65.00 Recruiter Name: ____________________________ the amount of increase for the ad valorem property tax assessment Non-Florida Address: _____________________________________________________________ each year. The cap is 10%. As an example, even though the park Mail to: FMO, PO Box 5300, Largo, FL 33779-5300 land may have increased in value
4 | The Tower
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2017 • 941.349.0194 •
Del Tura Golf & Country Club
20 Years Experience
Administration Team
ADMIRAL Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Tile & Grout Cleaning and Pressure Washing
1/18 1/16
John & Ellen Senes 239-573-7811
North Fort Myers Florist Full Service Florist
WE DELIVER LOCAL and Worldwide ROSE SPECIAL/CASH & CARRY: $14.95 8190 Littleton Road, Suite #105 North Ft. Myers, FL 33903
by Sue Dunigan HOME TOWN AMERICA is billed as “Today’s Leader in Premier Manufactured Home Communities”. It owns 56 Communities in 11 states and DEL TURA GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB is known as it’s FLAGSHIP community. We are truly blessed to live in such a beautiful community with so many friendly and wonderful neighbors. It takes immense amount of work and dedication to keep a community like ours running smoothly and in tip-top shape. We can play a part in making it the best place possible to live—by volunteering and
helping in every way we can to help those who are responsible to maintain a very high standard in every way. It is my pleasure to interview our ADMINISTRATIVE team--often called our front office staff. They are employees of Home Town America and hired as management and operations which gives them a huge responsibility that they shoulder with sincerity of purpose and heart. Through the years, my husband Jack and I have traveled around the world and lived in several countries and a number of states here America. Our expe-
rience has been that you seldom find a management team that is as friendly and accessible as we have here in DEL TURA. They truly do care about each and every resident and welcome each one to let them know what you are thinking and are open to suggestions of how to make things even better. They work very hard and often excessively long hours in order to keep things running smoothly and everything looking good. There are only four members of this team and I have had the opportunity to get to know them on a more personal level.
Note Regarding Fred’s Corner! Due to IRMA – Fred is busy with property issues, we will hear from him again next month.
Stephanie Norris Del Tura Resident
“Dirty White Carpets Are My Specialty”
CARPET CLEANING Experience My Experience “Cleaner & Dryer” Serving Lee County For Over 35 Years Specializing in Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Business / Residential Long time cleaner for Hometown America in Del Tura
“Call Jack Get Jack ” owner/opera tor
Licensed Honest Insured Dependable
549-7701 or Mobile
FISH Fruit Tree Picking Project Update 9.1.2017 To date, the committee has picked 4,498 pounds of fruit and delivered it to the soup kitchens for the needy. We had one Mango tree that produced 910 pounds. So, you can see the importance of this project. That is 2.3 tons of fruit given to the needy and not left for pests and vermin.
Of the 25+ volunteers we only used 6 this month. It’s great to have them. We would like to recognize Dorothy and Woody Cook, Jeanne Racine, Suzy and Richard Roiger, Audrey Hopcia, Joseph and Mary Sciortino and Jean Mars as residents who contributed their fruit to the cause. Since the Citrus Greening problem came on scene there
is hardly any citrus trees left in Del Tura. This emphasizes the need to identify any fruit available for us to pick and distribute. Do not call the FISH line – call me at 543-3662 or Sherry at 567-0538 for information and scheduling a picking. Thank you for your years of support and God Bless you. Rick Rudzik and Sherry Plisch – Co Chairs
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Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2017 • 941.349.0194 •
Jill’s Joint
Dear Fritzie: World War II, as a single mom, she remarried and moved to Long Island, NY. Many years later after 4 children, 7 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren, spending years as a single mom, dedicating her life to her christian beliefs, experiencing work within different industries and as the matriarch of her family, she started sharing her life’s trials and wisdom with those who asked for her advise.
(239) 242-8422
friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to your father, admiration; to your mother, make her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all mankind, charity.”
No Job Too Small!
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Prime Rib Dinner
SCREEN REPAIR 10 years experience
Vinyl Window Repair Window Screens Made To Order
Please Call Jaime
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Bill Edinger
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• Sewer Drain Cleaning All phases of plumbing • Re-Pipes Well pumps and equipment • Water Heaters • Garbage Disposals Remodels • Repairs • Sewer Line Video Inspection
Mailbag Thank You My Thanks to Sherry & Barry Plisch and Denise Rose for the celebration of my 90th Birthday. It was great to have my granddaughter Rachel & great granddaughters Ivy & Ember there too. Thanks to so many friends who gave me cards and gifts while we all enjoyed visiting with each other and while enjoying Ice Cream and cake. Love to all of you, Joan Whaley
Saturday (4-8pm)
Served Daily 6:00 am - 2:00 pm
Fred Taylor
• Born-Jamestown,Ca • Bachelor Degree (1999) from Metropolitan State College of Denver. Was a Realtor in the Denver market prior to coming to work for Hometown America in FL in 2006. Have been with HTA for 11 years now. I began here at Del Tura on 5/1/2014, nearly 3.5 years now. • I am happily married to my wife Erin. We have a 12 year old daughter named Peyton and a 10 year old son named Braxton • My wife and I both grew up in the mountains and after our first child was born we were ready to explore somewhere new in a warm climate and near the water. I interviewed with some companies and was fortunate to be hired by HTA. • I do not live in Del Tura because I have young children. • I enjoy endurance cycling. I try to do a couple of events each year. Otherwise, I enjoy spending time with my wife and kids and watching the kids participate in their sports/activities. • Favorite motto or quote: Philippians 4:13
Dinner Special
1/14 3/18
1993: Always something to Give “The greatest thing to give your enemy is forgiveness; to your opponent is tolerance; to a dear
889 NE 27th Lane • Cape Coral, FL 33909
Friendly Reminder Medicare’s Open Enrollment (for making changes to your supplemental policies) October 15-December 7, 2017. For policies to be effective January 1, 2018. A Sad Good-bye Al and Ida Capuano residents of Del Tura from the very beginning, want to say a “Sweet Good-Bye” to all their friends and neighbors here at Del Tura. They will miss everyone as we will miss
them! Now 95 & 96 their niece wanted them closer to her at an assisted living. They also wanted us to distribute there new address: Al & Ida Capuano, ThePalms725 S. Pine Street, Sebring, FL 33870.
The Tower will be featuring “ Dear Fritzie” an advice columnist. I had the pleasure meeting and spending time with “Fritzie” and thought the community might enjoy reading some of her notes on wisdom and advise. At 97, she resides in New Jersey among the corn fields and mountains, while enjoying her retirement. Born Elfriede in 1920 in Bremen Germany, the eldest of 5 children and like many of our own family members, entered the USA through Ellis Island. Elfriede’s family settled in the Bronx, NY during the depression. After she lost her 1st husband in
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Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2017 • 941.349.0194 •
Join Us For “Choralaires” Rehearsals
Del Tura Choralaires under the direction of Dave Adams, in April of this year.
In just a few months, “The Choralaires” will begin rehearsals for their 2017 Holiday Concert. Hard to believe but it’s true! Come join us! If you are a returning member, we look forward to having you back. If you want to join for the first time, we’d love to have you. No prior experience is necessary. If you like to sing and have fun, you’ve met the requirements. It’s that simple! No need to notify anyone in advance. Just show up! And if you are a seasonal resident and plan to arrive in October or November, you can still join us. Just drop by our Tuesday, 6:30pm rehearsals in the Starlight Ballroom, when you get back and we’ll get you all caught up. Our “Holiday Concert and Tree Lighting” will take place this December 2nd. Again this year, we will feature an afternoon (2pm) and evening (7pm) performance. We look forward to welcoming our returning and new members. Limber up those vocal chords!
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8 | The Tower
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2017 • 941.349.0194 •
Consider Multiple Factors When Creating Retirement Plans When you create your financial and investment strategies for retirement, what will you need to know? In other words, what factors should you consider, and how will these factors affect your investment-related decisions, before and during your retirement? Consider the following: •
Age at retirement – Not surprisingly, your retirement date likely will be heavily influenced by your financial situation – so, if you have to keep working, that’s what you’ll do. But if you have a choice in the matter, your decision could have a big impact on your investment strategy. For example, if you want to retire early, you may need to save and invest more aggressively than you would if you plan to work well past typical retirement age. Also, your retirement date may well affect when you start accepting Social Security payments; if you retire early, you might have to start taking your benefits at age 62, even though your monthly checks will be considerably smaller than if you waited until your “full” retirement age, which is likely to be 66 or 67.
Retirement lifestyle – Some people want to spend their retirement years traveling from Athens to Zanzibar, while others simply want to stay close to home and family, pursuing quiet, inexpensive hobbies. Clearly, the lifestyle you choose will affect how much you need to accumulate before you retire and how much you will need to withdraw from your various investment accounts once you do.
Second career – Some people retire from one career only to begin another. If you think you’d like to have a “second act” in your working life, you might need some additional training, or you might just put your existing expertise to work as a consultant. If you do launch a new career, it could clearly affect your financial picture. For one thing, if you add a new source of earned income, you might be able to withdraw less from your retirement accounts each year. (Keep in mind, though, that once you reach 70 ½, you will have to take at least some withdrawals from your traditional IRA and your 401(k) or other employer-sponsored retirement plan.) On the other hand, if you keep earning income, you can continue putting money into a traditional IRA (until you’re 70 ½) or a Roth IRA (indefinitely) and possibly contribute to a retirement plan for the self-employed, such as a SEP-IRA or an “owneronly” 401(k).
Philanthropy – During your working years, you may have consistently donated money to charitable organizations. And once you retire, you may want to do even more. For one thing, of course, you can volunteer more of your time. But you also might want to set up some more permanent method of financial support. Consequently, you might want to work with your legal advisor and financial professional to incorporate elements of your investment portfolio into your estate plans to provide more support for charitable groups.
As you can see, your retirement goals can affect your investment strategy – and vice versa. So, think carefully about what you want to accomplish, plan ahead and get the help you need. It takes time and effort to achieve a successful retirement, but it’s worth it.
This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.
Edward Jones, its employees and investment representatives do not offer estate-planning, tax or legal advice. “Adam Hromiak AAMS, CRPC is a Financial Advisor with Edward Jones Investments in Cape Coral on 3571 North Del Prado Blvd. Suite 7 Entrada Plaza, 1/2 mile West of Rt. 41. He can be contacted at (239) 731-6338” 12/17
The Tower | 9
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2017 • 941.349.0194 •
Entertainment Korner by Andrea Driscoll Unfortunately, our September 16th....LIVERPOOL LIVE with the BEATLES! show had to be postponed because of Hurricane Irma. It is now rescheduled for January 20th. On October 28, come out for some Halloween Bash with Take 2, husband/wife dynamic duo who have taken celebrity impersonations to a new level. We’ll be entertained by the tunes of Neil
Diamond, Patsy Cline, maybe Johnny Cash and many more. Remember to start planning your costume! Prizes will be awarded and the audience are the judges. Tickets for HOA members are on
sale at coffee starting on October 10 for $15.00 each and for non HOA on October 17 at $17.00 each. Watch for information at coffee and in the lobby of the Starlight Ballroom. On November 30th, come to our “Show Case”. You’ll see many different performances and entertainment being displayed. Watch the November Tower for details. Tickets on $5.00 and sales dates TBD.
Liverpool Live - Rescheduled 3/18
NEW DATE!! Saturday, January 20th Starlight Ballroom Doors Open 6:30 pm Tickets for HOA members $20, will be on sale January 2nd, 9th, and 16th before Tuesday Coffee and non-members $22. HOA sponsored event, no refunds For more information call Bette # 652-3909
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10 | The Tower
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2017 • 941.349.0194 •
Thanksgiving & Christmas Baskets
The Red Hat Sizzlers Are Looking For NEW Members. If you are interested in joining us for lunch, please call Lynne Mack at 543-4084 (after 10:00 a.m. please).
The Thanksgiving & Christmas Baskets are an ongoing Community Event for the past 37 years. This event provides food and gifts for Needy families in the North Fort Myers/Fort Myers Area. Most recently (last 6 years) there have been 70 families that have benefited from this community activity. It should be noted that all the needy families are identified and screened by Nations Association Charities. Activities begin in the October time frame, with the distribution of flyers, requesting food and/or money to be donated. They are distributed to every household in the community. These flyers also identify the volunteers that will come by to collect these donations and when. A few days before Thanksgiving, boxes are packed with all the donated food as well as food purchased by the committee. These boxes are then picked up by Nations and distributed to the needy families.
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In December, flyers are again distributed to every household in the community, requesting donations of food and/or money. However, in addition to food being given to each family, the Committee also purchases gifts for each person, in each household. On average there are 350 -400 gifts required. A few days before Christmas boxes are packed with all the food as well as the gifts are wrapped and put into boxes for the individual family. As at Thanksgiving, these boxes are then picked up by Nations and distributed to the needy families. As can be imagined, this is a very large undertaking and requires the help of many volunteers. Listed below are the tasks that volunteers are needed for: Handing out flyers and collecting the donations at both Thanksgiving & Christmas. Thanksgiving collection will start Tuesday, Oct. 24.
Christmas Collection will start on Friday, Dec. 1. Packing of boxes. Thanksgiving @7pm on Friday, Nov. 17 Packing of boxes Christmas @7pm on Tuesday, December 19. Wrapping of the 350-400 presents @noon on Sunday, Dec. 17 Staging the packed boxes at the curb and loading them on to Nations truck @7AM on Nov. 18 & Dec. 20 Anyone willing to participate in this great satisfying cause please call anyone of us. All help will be greatly appreciated. Thank You, Chairperson - Charlene Ruotolo @ 847-606-4248(c) or 847309-6570(c) Co-Chairperson Betty Scheetz @ 609-477-9147(c) Flyer Distribution – Ruth Anten @ 239-997-9779(h) or 513673-6179(c)
The Tower | 11
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2017 • 941.349.0194 •
Del Tura Save Our Strays mind our residents of ways to keep your home from being invaded by any wild life. Check around the foundation of your home for openings where
animals could crawl in. If you find one, try to fix it. If you need help with repairs, check the Tower for a list of people to help with repairs. Do not leave trash or garbage bags outside – keep it in a covered garbage can. All wild life, includ-
ing cats will be attracted to bags with leftover food in them, especially at night. If you are a Registered Caregiver with SOS, please feed in the early morning and before dusk. Do not leave food out all day or night. Moth Balls are good for keeping wild animals out of gardens. There are sprays, Critter Ridder and Repels-All that work too. Orange and Lemon peels scattered around are a deterrent as are used coffee grounds and pipe tobacco. We live in a beautiful community and we’ll continue to try to keep our cat colony healthy by using TNR – Trap Neuter Return – it works! We are so grateful for your support and your donations to SOS. Thanks, and Meow!!!
PLASTERING INC. QUALITY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Bands and Ornamentals Stucco and Plastering Contractors 3rd Generation Craftsmen
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Check Your Neighborhood
By Karen Azza Hard to believe it is October! Save Our Strays had a very wet summer. Trapping in the heat and rain proved to be almost impossible! Sherry stayed busy trying to trap some of the community cats that had not yet been spayed/neutered. She was successful in trapping one of Del Tura’s older male cats. He is a big 6 yr. old orange cat that has roamed the NE section of Del Tura for several years. Sherry got very lucky at the same time he was very hungry! He was taken to Rohlk Animal Hospital where he was neutered, ear tipped and given a long-term Rabies vaccination. After a day in Recovery he was released to live out his days, without producing any more kitties! As summer has come to an end and fall is upon us we’d like to re-
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Need A Will Or Living Trust? Call Nancy or Dottie (A Happy Del Tura Resident)
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Having your documents in order is the kindest, most loving thing you can do for your loved ones! We are not attorneys and do not give legal advice
12 | The Tower
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2017 • 941.349.0194 •
$ 10/17
CALL: 997-0923 or 246-3699
FISH News FISH is continuing to drive people to their appointments, lending medical equipment to those who need it, sending “Get Well” cards and calling you on your birthday. Just call our FISH phone line (997-3474) if you need a ride. Giving us at least 24 hours is a must. However if
you know you need a ride next week call us right away. It will give us plenty of time to find a driver for you. As you can imagine quite a few of our drivers are still north for the summer. Once again, Garnet, we are thinking of you.
to reach us please call 997-FISH (997-3474)
FISH of Del Tura Service Hours YOUR NAME: ________________________________________________________________ SERVICE PROVIDED: _________________________________________________________ PERSON SERVED: ___________________________________________________________ DATE OF SERVICE: ___________________________________________________________ HOURS: _____________________________________________________________________ 8-9/18
Please return to: Betty Scheetz, 1308 San Miguel Lane (609) 477-9147
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Early morning, evening and Saturday appointments available at some offices.
The Tower | 13
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2017 • 941.349.0194 •
14 | The Tower
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12/17 5/16
Julie Killough
Assistant Community Manager
Specializing in all American and foreign auto repairs.
• Born and raised in Bettendorf, Iowa • I have been in Property Management for 22 years. • Just was blessed with my fourth grandchild on August 31st. I now have 2 grandsons and 2 granddaughters. • I had a seasonal home in Del Tura since 2007. I sent a resume to Del Tura and was offered a job and moved here permanently in 2011. I have the best of both worlds, I live in Del Tura and work in Del Tura. I have been at Del Tura for 6 years. • Amenities are not the most relaxing place to be for an Del Tura employee. LOL J But all of the amenities are wonderful ! When I retire I will enjoy them. • Favorite motto or quote: Let your smile change the world, but don’t let the world change your smile!
NEW YEARS EVE PARTY IN THE STARLIGHT BALLROOM 8:00pm – 12:30am (Doors Open at 7:30pm)
Come to the people you can trust!
Featuring: D J RICHARD MARTIN • Come dance the night away with your Del Tura friends. Richard plays music from the 50s - Through today and will take requests. COME AS YOU ARE ($8.00/PERSON) BYOB (all proceeds will be donated to a Del Tura Service Organization). Tickets will be available on Tuesdays Beginning Nov 21 thru Tuesday December 19, 8:00 am outside the Starlight Ballroom For information contact Carolyn or Bernie Forsey at 239-217-6024 Or Ken and Cindy Baron at 603-398-8001 This is NOT HOA Sponsored
AUTO REPAIR, INC. 26 Cardinal Drive • N. Fort Myers, FL 33917 Corner of Pondella and Old 41
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Learn How to Stay Connected
Julie Killough - Assistant Community Manager
Family Owned and Operated
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Colleen K Walters Receptionist
experience counts
Del Tura resident realtor with 30 years of real estate experience serving all of Lee & Charlotte Counties. Member of the National Association of Realtors, Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Port Charlotte and Miami board of realtors. Call me for a no-obligation market value of your home. I’m right around the corner...
Rose Genovese
Century 21 Birchwood Realty
239.850.9766 Licensed Florida Realtor 10/17
• Born in small town called Hometown on the south side of Chicago. • Went my freshman year to Queen of Peace in Chicago the transferred to St. John Neumann High school in Naples where I graduated in 1990. Didn’t attend college because I had to raise my children while my ex-husband attended college for engineering. I always loved working with people so I started working in retail right out of high school but after having a family it was difficult trying to raise family so I went into customer service field and became a receptionist. • Married right out of high school to Gordon Walters Jr in 1991. Had my first child on February 21 1995, Brandon Thomas Walters in Vista, California. Then after several years had my second child, Joshlyn Elizabeth Walters on October 10 2001 in Monroe, Louisiana. After 24 years of marriage I filed for divorced in 2016. At this time there are no grandchildren. Colleen K Walters • In 1987 I came to Florida with my mother after my father died in Receptionist Chicago at age of 16. • I started working @ Del Tura Country Club in November 2013. • I live in Cape Coral. • I love the outside like riding my bike, walking, watching water at the beach. • Favorite Quote: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” Favorite Song: Today is your day by Shania Twain • I love working at Del Tura the staff & residents make me feel a part of great team! Thank you J • If you have not met all four of these special people, I encourage you to stop by the office in the Club House and introduce yourself with the staff that is there or call and make an appointment to meet with the manager. I am sure you will be glad you did.
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Ellsworth Heating & Cooling was founded in SW Florida 49 years ago, making it one of the oldest and most reliable family owned and operated air conditioning companies in the tri-county area. Started as a one-man operation in 1968. The company rapidly became highly trusted for its exceptional personal service and solid dependability. Today, Ellsworth Heating & Coooling is one of the most respected businesses in SW Florida.
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16 | The Tower
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2017 • 941.349.0194 •
HALLOWEEN BASH TAKE 2 comes to Del Tura for this year’s Halloween Bash. TAKE 2 has been performing in Florida for over 7 years and has even appeared at our Pub on several occasions. Jeff and Christine, husband and wife tribute team have taken impersonations to the next level. Both are award winning tribute artists and vocalists recreating the look and sound of such artists as Elvis Presley, Patsy Cline and Neil Diamond and many, many more. This Halloween, join us as TAKE 2 takes us all on a musical journey.
Saturday, October 28th 7pm (Starlight Ballroom) Doors open 6:30pm
Audience are the judges
TICKETS $15 – HOA members, $17 non-members Tickets on sale Oct. 10, 17 and 24 (at Tuesday Coffee hr) HOA Sponsored Event- No refunds Info Call: Bette 652-3909
The Tower | 17
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2017 • 941.349.0194 •
18 | The Tower
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2017 • 941.349.0194 •
“Seizing the Moments of Our Lives”
ALUMINUM DIY Materials • Screen Rooms Replacement Windows • Acrylic Windows Vinyl Windows • Storage Sheds Utility Rooms • Roof Overs Carports • Room Additions
Proudly Serving N. Ft. Myers For Over 25 Years Still Family Owned and Operated!!
239-995-2229 10% DISCOUNT
on any do-it-yourself material order!! Ask about our installation specials!
Not Happy With Your Current Plan?
Bring this ad into the store for a
By Dianne J. Roderick Henry David Thoreau once said,” You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave. Find your eternity in each moment.’’ Living in the moment is a wonderful thought! It could be the key to a much happier, healthier, and less stressful life. Thinking positive thoughts and trying new things, even those things that you feel are a bit too challenging, could give you a whole new outlook with each new sunrise. So let’s begin to “seize” those precious moments today! This time of year brings with it a season of change, so why not combine the changes of our natural environment with our desire to try new things? I know it’s a scary thought. I can hear what some of you are thinking. “Try new things? Why? I’m comfortable here.” I’m not suggesting that you change your whole lifestyle but just that you think in the present and seize at least one special moment each day. No one wants to live in the past and no one can foresee tomorrow, so let’s live for today! I myself fall victim to past memories that take away from the beauty that surrounds us here in this magnificent place that we call Paradise. So often, I long for the beauty of this season up north. It’s easy to do. Each time I let myself
go back, the memories are like gorgeous water paintings that flood my mind with a panoramic view of those fiery colors and landscapes that are truly a gift of God. I’m so thankful and blessed for those precious memories but my heart keeps telling me to concentrate on what is in front of me at this moment. “Enjoy today because yester-
day is gone and tomorrow is never promised.” I must confess I have not been doing a whole lot of that lately. I do know that I’ve been feeling caught up in my thoughts of yesterday and not thinking enough about today. I’M NOT YOUNG, BUT I’M TOO YOUNG TO BE FEELING THIS DARN OLD! I did not realize the caps were on when I wrote the previous sentence. I guess my feelings are really powerful today. We’ve all been there, haven’t we? Hey, maybe we don’t have the energy we once
had but we can still try to shake it when we can! It just means that we’ll have to sleep in a little longer tomorrow morning, or maybe take a twenty minute power-nap before we start that new adventure. There’s a thought! I truly feel that the beauty that surrounds us here in and outside of the walls of Paradise will surprise us and come close to the memories that we carry in our hearts. We just need to be a bit more adventurous and willing to live in the moment. Sometimes just gazing out my window motivates me to stop what I am doing and I allow myself the time to take it all in. There’s always a new species of butterfly gracefully catching my eye, or the new family of bunnies that have somehow found a safe haven in our backyard. Funny how Mother Nature can sometimes be my biggest motivator! There’re lots of awe-inspiring things to experience out there beyond our windows. Just when you think you’ve seen it all there’s always one more breathtaking experience to astound you! Find that moment, think positive thoughts, and enjoy yourself! As the Roman poet Horace once said (and as my friend Charlie Nanopoulos) always said. “Carpe Diem!” “Seize the day!”
8-9/18 8-9/18
Thursday Night Bingo
No Fee
By Jack Blevons Janet & I are hoping you all are ready to start Thursday night bingo again. We spent some time, re-doing games, trying to make bingo simpler & more fun to play this season . We got rid of those games that jumped around where you had to watch for so many different patterns by which you could win. We both felt that more simple games for us people who are getting up in age, where
our eyes & body reflexes aren’t as fast as they used to be, would make bingo more fun & enjoyable so that we could get more people to come back & play like we used to have. That way, the pots will get bigger which we all know would also be more fun in winning. We both feel that by doing this, more people will come to enjoy bingo like it used to be. Simple, fun, easy to play & watch & with more people coming, we
can give more money back to all of you who come to play by having bigger pots to win. We are planning to have our first night of bingo on Oct. 19th. Like in the past, doors open at 6:00 to start ticket sales which run from 6:00 to 6:45 pm. Games will start promptly at 7:00. We hope to see you all Oct. 19th in the Starlight Ballroom ready to play Del-Tura Bingo again.
The Tower | 19
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2017 • 941.349.0194 •
Death Notices
Robert Egizi Nathan Crosby Gary Lutz Nancy Skorlinski May we always remember our Dear and Departed Friends
2001 ~ 2017
FREE DUCT SANITIZE With New Unit Purchase $117 per Ton Value
YEAR 16 Anniversary 2001 ~ 2017
$95.00 Value
HOME of the $29.00 SERVICE CALL 239-275-7077 TOLL FREE: 866-413-4179
Financing Available Residential & Commercial CAC1817534 CFC1429486
Repairs - Replacement Systems - Bacterial Control - Maintenance - Air Quality Insulation - Duct Cleaning & Replacement - Filters - Extended Warranties - Water Heaters
20 | The Tower
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2017 • 941.349.0194 •
Del Tura Tennis Association
Appliance Repair
by Jacqueline St-Jean Tennis is starting to gear up for the Fall in Del Tura with our Open Tennis on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays for anyone wanting to play from 8:00 am to
10:00 am. The best part is you don’t need to find a partner. You just show up during these times and you will automatically be included in the group. Our Leagues are also starting in October: Men’s B1 – October
12, Men’s A – October 16, Men’s B2 – October 18, Mixed Doubles – October 21. If you have any questions, please contact Jacqueline St-Jean at or Gerry Benjamins at 329-322-9866.
Tennis League Calendar Of Events Fall 2017 & Winter 2018
1 Year Warranty On Parts 90 Days Warranty On Labor
October 1, Sunday
Sign-Up Sheets Removal
League Chairperson will notify leagues if tryouts are necessary.
Jacqueline St-Jean 239-599-4468
Fall League Begins
Fall League Ends
Oct. 16, Monday, Men A Oct. 18, Wednesday, Men B2 Oct. 12, Thursday, Men B1 Oct 20, Friday, Women Oct 21, Saturday, Mixed Doubles
A Men League ends Monday, Dec. 4 B2 Men League ends Wednesday, Dec. 6 B1 Men League ends Thursday, Dec. 7 Women League ends Friday, Dec. 8 Mixed Doubles ends Saturday, Dec 9
November 22,Wednesday
Post Winter League Letter
November 22, Wednesday
Post invitation to the Up and Down tennis day & Pot Luck
November 29, Wednesday
Post Winter League Sign-Up
December 10, Sunday
Up and Down tennis day & Pot Luck
December 11, Monday
January Friendship Posting and Sign-Up Sheet
December 10, Sunday
Up and Down tennis day & Pot Luck
December 11, Monday
January Friendship Posting and Sign-Up Sheet
2018 January 1, Monday
Winter League Sign-Up Removal
League Chairperson will notify leagues if Jacqueline St-Jean 239-599-4468 tryouts are necessary.
January 1, Monday
Remove Friendship Tournament Sign-Up Sheets
January 7, Sunday
General Meeting, 12:30 PM / Election of Board
Winter League Begins
Winter League Ends
Jan. 6, Saturday, Mixed Doubles Jan. 8, Monday, A Men Jan. 10, Wednesday, B2 Men Jan. 11, Thursday, B1 Men Jan. 12, Friday, Women
Mixed Doubles ends Saturday, Mar. 3 A Men League ends Monday, February 26 B2 Men League ends Wednesday, February 28 B1 Men League ends Thursday, Mar.1 Women League ends Friday, Mar. 2
Jan. 13 & 14, Sat & Sun
Friendship Tournament
February 1, Thursday
Post March Spring Fun Tournament Sign-Up Sheet
February 25, Sunday
Remove Spring Fun Tournament Sign-Up Sheets
March 10 &11, Sat & Sun
Spring Fun Tournament
March 18, Sunday
DTTA Awards Banquet
The Tower | 21
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2017 • 941.349.0194 •
Family Owned and Operated
9-Hole Women’s Golf Association Fall is here and the 9 Hole Women have just about completed all their Summer Activities. We participated in the September K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Summer) events at The Landings and Heron’s Glen Golf Courses. Our August Luncheon was held at KJ’s and in September we went to Burnt Store. On September 21
we had a PLAY DAY with the DT 18-Hole Women’s Golf Members. We enjoyed golfing, sharing lots of laughs and “doing Lunch” with all of our DT Golf Friends. It won’t be long before our “Snowbird Buddies” will be returning and our Winter Activities will start. Our first event will be the Couples Challenge on Wednesday, November 15th. Be sure to sign up to participate.
DTNHWGA TRIVIA QUESTION for this month: Name at least 3 past Presidents who still live in DT. (Answer in November Tower) DTNHWGA TRIVIA QUESTION answer from the last Tower article: CORRECT ANSWER.…..DTNHWGA started in 1988.
14871 N. Cleveland Ave., N. Ft. Myers 10/17
by Barb Jones
(Across from Super Walmart on US 41)
Labor Only
Must present this coupon, not valid with other discounts or offers. Expires 10/17
Complete Auto Repair - Domestic and Foreign
Specializing in Air Conditioning • Auto Electric • Brakes • Suspension • Free A/C Checks • And More...
22 | The Tower
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2017 • 941.349.0194 •
Mrs. Doubtfire Services Housekeeping, Shopping Airport Runs, Appointments Runs,
100% Ready
When You Walk Through The Door.
Alda Gilbert
Your Mobile Home Parts Warehouse!
Your Mobile Home Parts Warehouse! • DOORS • A/C UNITS 14940 N. Cleveland Ave. • Low-E WINDOWS Ft. Myers, FL 33903 • ALUMINUM PRODUCTS M-F 8-5pm, Sat. 9-3pm • 54”x27” TUBS / SHOWERS LIC#: CAC1818340
Your Mobile Home Parts Warehouse!
• DOORS • A/C UNITS 14940 N. Cleveland Ave. • Low-E WINDOWS Ft. Myers, FL 33903 • ALUMINUM PRODUCTS M-F 8-5pm, Sat. 9-3pm • 54”x27” TUBS / SHOWERS LIC#: CAC1818340
(net), both in Flight 4. Congratula- wondered if, before hitting, I could by Carol Marra take a drop. I asked later and found Fall Golf in Florida. Usually tions to everyone. LEGA and Invitationals are out that I could only take a drop if wonderful, although as I start to write this article, Irma is making a now starting. They are posted in the I actually saw ants on the tree. My lot of noise in the Atlantic. Hope- Dungeon. These are golf events advice: look very carefully before fully, she will stay east of us and held outside of Del Tura. We or- hitting when next to a tree. Those ganize car pools to the various red ants hurt! everyone will be safe. I lost a towel with my name on As we start our fall season there courses. Lunch is always included. are many activities. Every Thurs- Prizes for LEGA are based on in- it on the course this spring. Not day is Ladies Day and every week dividual scores while Invitationals only was it returned, it had been the group grows as more members are team events. It is an enjoyable laundered. And it was a man! No way to try another course and meet one in the Pro Shop could rememreturn from their summer travels. ber who my knight in shinning arOne of the last competitions of new people. If you are new to Del Tura: We mor is but I want to thank you and the season was our trip to Pelican Sound. It was a good tournament are always looking for new mem- also like to know when I can drop followed• by a wonderful lunch. bers. Our membership chairperson off my laundry! DOORS When I last wrote in the Tower Many winners among our ladies: is Micki Sullivan. You can contact Paula Lafreniere and Yvonne Tor- Micki at 567-2975 if you are in- Steve and I were about to go on a • A/C UNITS joining.N. She has all the Ave. Cleveland River Boat Cruise through Austria sok won a skin as well as second terested in14940 information and can answer your • Low-E WINDOWS place (gross) in Flight 1. Maria questions. Ft. Myers, FL 33903an Germany. It was just as fabulous Matthews and Jeannine Fitzger• ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Red Ants: One day a year ago as we’d hoped with lovely people, ald won a skin and second place or so I was attacked M-F 8-5pm, Sat. ants 9-3pmexcellent food and beautiful places by red • Flight 54”x27” TUBSDeems / SHOWERS (gross) in 3. Peggy when I backed up to a tree in order to visit and learn about. For those and Linda Beiermann won second to try to hit my shot. When, this who like to travel and also be taken LIC#: CAC1818340 place (gross) and Moa Shearer and spring, I landed in the same situa- good care of it is a wonderful way Carol Marra won second place tion (and the same hole--4 North) I to travel. Slide show upon request.
Your Mobile Home Parts Warehouse!
• DOORS • A/C UNITS 14940 N. Cleveland Ave. • Low-E WINDOWS Ft. Myers, FL 33903 • ALUMINUM PRODUCTS M-F 8-5pm, Sat. 9-3pm • 54”x27” TUBS / SHOWERS LIC#: CAC1818340
18 Hole Women’s Association
Friday Shuffleboard League Your Mobile Home Parts Warehouse!
terested in either playing as a regu- side helping in everything we do. By Jack Blevons Once again, we are ready to lar or as a sub, please contact either So, the job is also an enjoyment start up our Friday Shuffleboard Janet or myself. Our phone is 239- & we hope everyone who plays in DOORS League •again so this letter is to 731-0892 & we do have an answer- our league enjoys it too. We have let all you people who are in our ing machine so you can leave us a a great league with some members • A/C UNITS 14940 N.don’t Cleveland playing as long as I have been Capcase we happen Ave. league that you need to let either message in Low-E WINDOWS answer your call. We Janet or•myself know whether or to be home toFt. Myers, FL 33903tain & longer which attests to the plan to start our regular season on great league we have. I will connot you •will be playing again this ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 3rd. & Sat. like9-3pm al- tinue in that position as long as I’m new 2017 to 2018 season. Also Friday, November M-F 8-5pm, 54”x27” need to •know if youTUBS will still/ SHOWERS be ways, at 1:00 sharp. We will be ar- able & as long as all of you want LIC#: CAC1818340 playing with your same partner or riving back home in beautiful Del- me to. So, saying that, we look forif that has changed. If you are in Tura on October 4th, pending any ward to seeing & hearing from all need of a partner & can’t find one problems on our road-trip down of you as soon as possible so that on your own, we do have a list of from Wisconsin. Looking forward Janet & I can get our team rosters new people or subs, that would like to seeing all our friends again & & schedules made up & printed to play as regulars. So once again, meeting any new people who want up so we can get our league play contact either Janet or myself with to play in our league. This will be started on November 3rd. Your cothese concerns. Also, we are al- my 14th year as League Captain. operation in this would be greatly ways in need of subs & new subs Lots of paper-work involved but I appreciated. so if any of you reading this are in- enjoy the job as Janet is at my right
Your Mobile Home Parts Warehouse!
• DOORS • A/C UNITS German Classes 14940 N. Cleveland Ave. • Low-E WINDOWS will resume Wednesday, October 25th. 2017, at 11:00am in Ft. Myers, FL 33903 cardPRODUCTS room #1. • ALUMINUM 8-5pm, Sat. 9-3pmcontact: Wolfgang Weber Hope to see you backM-F .Any questions • 54”x27” TUBS / SHOWERS #239-543-6296 email: LIC#: CAC1818340
The Tower | 23
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2017 • 941.349.0194 •
Linda Johansen Office and Accounting
• Chicago, Illinois • High School graduate • Single, 2 children, Jeffrey, 48, He lives in South Fort Myers and Julie, 50, she’s still in the Chicago area. I have 3 grandchildren, Kelly 13 years old, Nicholas, 11 years old, and Dalton 4 years old and 1 great grandson, Caidyn, 2 years old • Florida was always our vacation spot and after the blizzard Linda Johansen - Office of ’79, I decided Florida is and Accounting where I wanted to live. • I have worked for Hometown America for 11 years, 4 of those years, here in Del Tura. • Yes, I do live in Del Tura and I am starting my 3rd year here. • The pools and the restaurants, I enjoy the most. • I like playing cards, crocheting and watching the Southwest Florida Eagle cam. • Favorites: I’m an oldies fan for music, My favorite author is Stephen King. My favorite saying is “treat others as you would like to be treated” • I am an average person with an above average hope that everyone can get or be whatever they want if they just GO for it!
Del Tura Contact Info Other Contact Numbers Blood Drive - Shannon Flory - Recruiter
Lee Memorial Blood Ctr.
Coffee Hour - Tues. AM coordinator
Nancy Adams
Kathleen Quigley
Barb Jones
Contractor Survey Results
Dennis Cottini
Del Tura Repertory Company
Jacquie Keen
Entertainment Committee Chair
Betty Ewing
Equipment Loans- Medical
Rich Symes
Loan Closet
Val Coache
239-543-6425 or cell: 508-789-4245
Loan Closet - Alternate
Denise Rose
Feral Cat Information "SOS"
Karen Azza/Sherry Plisch
220-0563 567-0538
FISH - Friends in Service Here
Ginnie Benjamins, Pres.
FISH - Fruit Picking Contact
Rick Rudzik/Sherry Plisch
543-3662 567-0538
FMO Membership
Betty Ewing
Front Guard Gate
HOA Membership
Denise Rose/Cindy Baron
815-978-4907 603-398-8001
HOA Office - 609 Sierra Madre (off Catalina)
Mon.-Fri. 9:00 a.m. - noon
Homeowners’ Issues/Grievances
Clubhouse Office
Events and Places to check out in the area
Ruth Blevins
Name Tags
Wendy Wells
Seminars (HOA Board President)
Dave Adams
Sign: LED Welcome
Jim Stenzel
German American Club of Cape Coral: 2017 Octoberfest: 2101 Pine Island Rd (October 20-22 and 27-29) Seminole Casino Hotel: Charlie Daniels Band & Marshall Tucker: 506 South 1st St, Immokalee, Fl (November 11, 2017 – 8p) Mustang Club of Charlotte County Car Show at Fisherman’s Village: 1200 W Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda (November 12, 10am) Fisherman’s Village: Holiday Lighting of the Village Event: 1200 W Retta Esplanade, Punta Gorda (November 18, 5:30pm) West Palm Beach - Holiday in Paradise: Holiday Sand Sculptures: Waters edge, West Palm Beach – Best at Night (Dec. 1-Dec.31)
Tower - Advertising - Bob & Emy Stein
Tower - Editor
Kathy Aira
Tower - Delivery coordinator
Linda Braun
Veterans Contact
David Jacobs
Video Library
Elaine Schnur
Welcome Committee
Marlene De Graaf
Sound Systems David & Judy Jacobs
Jim Stenzel
940-0327 Lighting
Charles & Peg Note
Doris Meyer
Please email any changes to Kathy at Kathy Aira 908-507-4335
24 | The Tower
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2017 • 941.349.0194 •
Contests & Winners
Contest Rules
WORD SEARCH: Topic: Halloween
Contest #1 Grand Prize: $50 Restaurant Gift Card
Autumn Broomstick Candy Ghost Ghoulish Haunted House Hocus Pocus Mysterious Nightmare Poltergeist Spine chilling Trick or Treat Vampire Zombie Answers: Due to limited space in each issue, all game/puzzle answers may be requested by email and copies will be available at the HOA office the following month Please send request to
The contest period will run from October 1, 2017 – March 30, 2018. All eligible persons who enter the contest must be at least age 18, by October 1, 2017. Must be a Del Tura HOA member in good standing during contest period. Only original entries with the correct game/trivia answers will be eligible to win. Only (1) one entry per household per month, with a maximum of (6) six entries (one per month) during the contest period. All entries are due by the 25th of the month which the puzzle is given. The final entry of the contest must be received by March 30, 2018 to be an eligible entry into contest #1. Entries must be complete, for it to be an eligible winner. Entries must be dropped off at the HOA or mailed to the Tower Editor c/o the HOA office 619 Sierra Madre, NFM, FL 33903.
October – Contest #1 – Puzzle A Contest #1 Grand Prize: $50 Restaurant Gift Card Name: _______________________________ Address: _____________________________ Phone: ______________________________ Email ________________________________
Unscramble each of the clue words. Take the letters that appear in the and unscramble them for the final message. Answers: to be found in next Tower.
Entry must be received by: 10/30/17
The Tower | 25
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2017 • 941.349.0194 •
November Birthdays & Anniversaries
11/8 11/9
11/19 Betty Ferazzi 11/20 Thomas Hoffay Elaine Kaydo 11/21 Mickey Kacmarski 11/23 Rick Rudzik Karl Smith Michael Sproule 11/24 Linda Berlovick Louis Rivet 11/25 Dave Wilson 11/27 Peg McTernan 11/29 June Lowrey Don Mick 11/30 Henry Coache
Jaime & Lorraine Hernaez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Angelo & Peggy Iacovino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joe & Sandie Ptashinski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joe & Dianne Bevilacqua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richard & Karen Conte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . George & Bonnie Evangelist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grant & Annette Karpe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glenn & Mary Kay Tointon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John & Dorothy Cook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charles & Vivian Gray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gerhard & Klara Schweyher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11/28 Bob & Jane Lussi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
• Locks Rekeyed • Locks Installed •
Louis Rivet CRL Del Tura Resident
Bonded email:
Don Davis
Happy Anniversary to... 11/4 11/5 11/ 7 11/11 11/12 11/18 11/21 11/25 11/26 11/27
11/12 Cliff Cavitt Ann Boncore Ginger Kacmarski Connie Picciolo Mary Sheets 11/13 JoAnn Greenlee Steve Marra Jan Perkins 11/14 Vivian Gray Otis Smith 11/15 Al Capuano Trudy Olds Lou Rotolo 11/16 Sue Harris Brenda Jacques 11/17 Nancy Ashe
39 years 68 years 53 years 34 years 15 years 39 years 58 years 50 years 36 years 40 years 63 years 37 years
Contracting, Inc.
ADDITIONS & REPAIRS Remodeling ~ Kitchens and Baths Vinyl and Stucco Siding Plumbing ~ Water Softeners, Heaters, Faucets Repipes, Toilets, Sinks, Etc.
(239) 731-9240 CGC059985
11/4 11/5 11/6
Mike Kelly Christina Fez-Barrington Joan Koch Buzz Rouillard Jim Wahlie James O’Brien Russell Hilbish Patricia Casillo Pat Powers Gerry Benjamins Linda Trombley Ron Whitney Stan Young Joan Massey Mary Kay Tointon Nancy Toth
HEADS UP !!!! Veterans Day Celebration
November 10th 9:30am At Del Tura’s 9-11 Military Memorial Come celebrate and honor all who have served and are presently serving our country.
2017 Holiday Golf Cart Parade
Sunday December 10th. Start thinking about how you are going to decorate and light up your Cart, car, bike or yourself to take the long parade route around Del Tura. It will be starting at 5PM with everyone bringing appetizers and drinks and we will start the parade at dusk. This is always a fun event and it looks so cool as we drive around the community. Watch for more information in the November Tower! Erv and Linda Storma
11/1 11/2
26 | The Tower
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2017 • 941.349.0194 •
(October - April) MONDAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9am-Noon TUESDAY . . . . . . . . . 10am –Noon (or after Coffee Hour) WEDNESDAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9am- Noon THURSDAY . . . . . . . . . . . .4pm -6pm (evening hours only) FRIDAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9am-Noon SATURDAY & SUNDAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Closed
My name is Don Dowell and I am your HOA Director in Charge of Grounds Please e-mail me if you see a problem or have a concern about any of our common areas such as the pools, hot tubs, tennis courts, Bocce, horseshoes, exercise room, or clubhouse.
EDITOR Kathy Aira CO-EDITOR Dennis Cottini STAFF Sue Dunigan Rheta Kanen Ann Clanton Dianne Roderick John Brassem
CIRCULATION COORDINATOR Linda Braun DISTRIBUTION STAFF Bob Meyer Lu Ann Brownell Jay Flanagan Peg Mcternan Liz Flanagan Sandy Rolando Plus 46 Wonderful Delivery Persons
HOA Liaison: DAVE ADAMS Tower Photographer: BILL NEZAMIS Many thanks to all the volunteer residents who have donated their time to “The Tower”. We are looking for more volunteers. Please Help!
Dave Adams President (2019)
Sandra Boykin Director (2020)
Don Dowell Vice-President (2018)
Bette Ewing-Cheney Director (2019)
Michelle Gallo Secretary (2020)
Joyce Lienert Director (2019)
Wendy Wells Treasurer (2020)
Ray Schmoltze Director (2018)
(508) 284-6107 (239) 731-1566
(239) 770-5420 (309) 264-9147
(410) 491-8824 (239) 652-3909
(973) 714-4117 (239) 218-9444
Ruth Ann Blevins Director (2018) (239) 543-8134 • (239) 220-9381 (cell)
Any resident wishing to purchase a “Name Tag” may do so on Tuesday mornings between 8:15 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. before the start of announcements at the HOA Board table. A name tag with a “pin” backing is $5.00 and/or with a “magnet” is $7.00 (correct CASH ONLY). However, if you are going to be gone for several weeks, months, etc., please do not order your name tag until after you return. Normally takes one (1) week to process your order.
10/17 5/14
“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” – Dr. Seuss
The Tower | 27
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2017 • 941.349.0194 •
NEWS ITEMS FOR “THE TOWER”, PLEASE USE ONLY THIS E-MAIL ADDRESS: The Webmaster and HOA web site, use Use password DTCCHOA where applicable. To list events on the internet, please e-mail, and submit pictures & text in digital form. HOA Board:
HOA - The Homeowners Association of Del Tura Inc. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Name:__________________________________________________________________________________ Del Tura Address:_______________________________________________________________________
The Del Tura Phone Book is not compiled by “The Tower”. It is produced by Hometown America. Please contact the HT office 731-3433 for errors and omissions.
Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability.
Phone:_________________________________________________________________________________ Owner Check Here: _______ Renters Check Here: ________ Dues: $12.00 U.S. annually for homeowners and renters. Make check payable to: HOA Del Tura. Mail or Deliver to HOA Membership, 609 Sierra Madre, No. Fort Myers, FL 33903 If mailed, enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope for return of HOA Cards.
HOA - Tower Delivery Travel Plans Please Do Not Deliver “The Tower” during the time I/We are away. Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Del Tura Address: _________________________________________________________________ Date-Will be away from: ____________________ Date-Will return on: _______________________ Please complete and return to the HOA Office.
For the correct listing of your
Birthday & Anniversary
FMO Membership Application:
e-mail to or return this form to the HOA OFFICE
Del Tura Address:_________________________
Name:___________________________________ Address (req’d):__________________________ ________________________________________
Phone:__________________________________ _____ 1 Year Membership $25.00 _____ 3 Year Membership $65.00 # Of registered FL voters in household: _____
Phone (req’d):____________________________
Non-Florida Address (if applicable):
Month (Spelled)____________ Day:__________
Anniversary Name: __________________________________ Month (Spelled)____________ Day:__________ Year married:_____________________________ Number of years married as of 2017:________
__________________________________ Which months do you NOT live in Florida: ___________________________________ Recruiter Name_______________________ Send To: FMO, P.O. Box 5300 Largo, FL 33779-5300
Anyone needing to borrow equipment from the Medical Equipment Loan Trailer please contact: Rich Symes at 731-1308, Neil Miller at 731-3628, or Rick Rudzik at 543-3662.
Island Visitor Publications, LLC Publishers: Bob & Emy Stein To advertise in print, contact: Bob or Emy Stein at 941-349-0194 or email us at Contributing writers are acknowledged with bylines accompanying their submissions. Attribution for photos are not included unless supplied. We sincerely thank everyone for their contributions. Your articles help showcase the strong and diverse community that makes up Del Tura. The Tower is published monthly from October through May. Summer issues are condensed: June/July and August/September. All ads are subject to the approval of the publisher. It is the responsibility of the party placing any ad for publication in The Tower to meet all applicable legal requirements in connection with the ad such as compliance with town, county and state codes in first obtaining an occupational license for business, permitted home occupation, or residential rental property.
DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/ uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability. Island Visitor Publishing is not responsible for claims made by advertisers.
28 | The Tower
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2017 • 941.349.0194 • The Daily Activity Schedule is updated on a monthly basis. Please submit any corrections or additions to Pam Price at 239-567-7929 or e-mail - pam.price@ prior to the 9th of each month. Thank you
Daily Activity Schedule Activity/Contact Information
Exercise Tai Chi , Marjorie Lord, 543-9072 Tura Zumba, Teddy Reid, 731-7251 Jane Fonda Aerobics, Teddy Reid Water Aerobics,North Pool,Oct-April, Marilyn Miller, 731-9934 Water Noodle Aerobics, North Pool, Marylou Buss, 612-718-7878 Yoga Relaxation begins Nov 3,Starlight Bllrm, Dea Wells 283-5603
8:00-9:15 9:15-10:00 10:00-10:45 11:00-12:00
Billiards, Men's, Harry Christopher, 997-7345 Billiards, Women's, Ann DeGrande, 989-2206 Nov-Apr Bocce, Oct-April, Isabel Albert, 518-209-5968 Bocce, Nov-April, Peggy Terrasi,, 603-236-2209 Bowling For Fun, Call Cheryl DeCara for location 543-8751 Golf, Men's 18 Hole League, Jay Flanagan, 543-1640 Golf, Men's 9 Hole League, Jack Riordan, Pres., 543-3753 Golf, Women's 18 Hole League, Jan Pedersen 636-887-1449 Golf, Women's 9 Hole League-Marlene DeGraaf 599-4004
8:00-9:15 9:15-10:00 10:00-10:45 11:00-12:00 11:00-12:00 5:00-6:15
8:00-9:15 9:15-10:00 10:00-10:45 11:00-12:00 11:00-12:00
7:00 PM
Sports 1:00-3:00 6:30-9:30 3:00-6:00 3:45-5:30 2:00 8:00 9:00 8:30 8:30 Intermediate 9 AM
Pickle Ball- Dick & Denise Rose - 815-978-4907 Shuffleboard, Jack Blevons, 731-0892 Shuffleboard, open Shuffleboard, Open, Robyn Geren, 839-6674 Shuffleboard, Traveling Team, Dec-Mar, Glenn Tointon 920-309-1294 Softball, Punta Gorda, Jay Flanagan - 543-1640 Tennis, Mixed, Open - Dave Harting, 599-8575
Advanced PM 1:00
Beginners PM
9:00 2:30 12:30 5:30 8:00-10:00
5:30 8:00-10:00
Games Bingo - Oct-Mar, Linda Schoonmaker 543-9432, doors open at 6:15-Sales end 6:45 Starlight Ballroom
Bingo - Starlight Ballroom - all year Bridge, Duplicate - Deloris Nelson - 731-9503 Bridge, Duplicate-Carol Marra 731-0845 Bridge, Open - Marjorie Davis - 543-4225 Bridge, Open - Sylvia White - 731-5168 Bunco,Poinciana Ballroom, All year,1st & 3rd Wed of each month Patti Watson, 608-358-7709 Canasta - Norrine McLaughlin , 543-1276 Dominoes - June Malonson 652-4151 Euchre- Marcella Carothers - 731-3315 Farkle - Ruth Anten - 997-9779 Hand & Foot - Card Game, Betty Scheetz - 609-477-9147 Hand, Knee & Foot - Poinciana Mon, Card Room II Thur Mahjong - Marianne Denman - Card Room II, 543-5968 Mahjong- Dianne Bevilacqua- Card Room I, 567-2234 Mahjong- Ruth Anten - Card Room II, 997-9779 Mahjong- Rheta Kanen, 731-0809 May I - Card Game- Norrine McLaughlin -543-1276 Pinochle - Marcella Carothers, 731-3315 Rummi-kub - Jean Cornwell 731-1580 Jacaranda Ballroom
Wood Carving- Bernie Forsey, 217-6024 - Nov-May Blood Pressure Readings - before coffee in the Starlight Ballroom Ceramics, Janet Ragone, 543-7818 Choralaires- David Adams - 508-284-6107 - Nov-Mar Coffee & Social Hour - Starlight Ballroom
6:00-10:00 6:00-10:00 1:30-4:30 1:00-4:00 6:00 to finish 1:00-4:00 5:30 7:00-9:00 6:00 1:00-4:00 1:00
1:00 7:00 1:00-5:00 6:00
7:00 1:00-4:00 7:00-10:00 1:00 - 4:00
Other Activities & Clubs
Quilting/Sewing Club-Wendy Wells-309-264-9147 Starlight Ballroom Good Timers-1st wk of Month, Lorna Callan, 731-8348 Library - open every day-Barb Jones 543-6922/Kathleen Quigley 543-1067 Oil Painting - Gerri Robbins, 731-6390 Oct-May Card Making-Mary Kay Tointon 920-309-2121/Gay Dye-731-2633 Video Corner- check hours in the Library Computer Club-Marlene Eck 543-9249, 1st & 3rd Wed.
8:00-9:00 9:00-12:00 9:00-12:00 6:30 - 8:30 8:15 AfterCoffee Hr 5:00
1:00-4:00 9:00 1:00-3:00 1:45-2:45
The Tower | 29
PROFESSIONAL PAINTING - Without Professional Prices! Interior/Exterior, 27 years of experience, Power Washing, Home Maintenance and repairs! Del Tura resident. Call Jim Smith 239-247-1917 (nov17) AIRPORT? SHOPPING? ERRANDS? - Linda Storma, resident DEPENDABLE Call (239) 9979066 (jun/jul18) HOUSE CLEANING - Have your home cleaned by an efficient and trustworthy Del Turian who is reasonable and uses her own products. Call Judie (603)305-5955 or (239)7311373 (dec17) LOCKSMITH - Auto/Home Lockouts, Locks Repaired, Installed or Re-keyed. Del Tura Resident. Louis Rivet 5431434 (oct17) “PRESSURE WASHING” - Houses, driveways, walkways. Call Del Tura Resident. Bob at 954448-1171 (aug/sept18) HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE - reliable, honest, & friendly service. Del Tura resident. Call Karen @ 543-1434 (oct17) LAMINATES - wood rot, power wash, int./ ext. painting, plumbing, gutters, roofs cleaned. Res. Ref. Call Stan 502-797-4395 or 502-7974402. (jan18) AVON PRODUCTS - sold by Del Tura resident. Call Pat 239567-1567(Home) or 631-838-
4323(Cell) (oct17) HOUSECLEANING - Honest, dependable, efficient. Uses her own products. Excellent references. Carol Ann 239-2446526 (jun/jul18) ROOF/GUTTER CLEANING - Resident Randy Boling, 239-7705531 (oct17) GIRL FRIDAY - Reliable & Trustworthy. Housecleaning, etc. Del Resident. Call Linda 239560-1948. (oct17) LOOKING FOR A PROFESSIONAL AND RELIABLE PAINTER - for inside painting only? I also do house cleaning duties. Reasonable prices. Del Tura references. Call Ismael at 239-4781076 (jun/jul18) HOUSE FOR SALE - Reduced price. Call Angelo at 239-8728102. (dec17) HOUSE SITTING - Would you like to feel completely at ease with your home in the hands of a responsible, caring fellow Del Turian why you are away? Call Judie for more information and references. 603-305-5955. (dec17) HOME WATCH SERVICE - 30 pt. inspection, regular reports, Del Tura resident & retired contractor, reasonable rates, Jack, 239-834-8184 (mar18) CART REPAIR - 4407 Cart Repair. Repair of all makes and models of carts. Reasonable
rates and quick service. Retired veteran and retired mechanic. Del Tura resident. Call or drive in at 4407 San Lucian. Jerry - 239-9845891 (aug/sep18) GENERAL MECHANICAL REPAIR - I repair everything except automobiles. Reasonable rates and quick service. Bring it to me or I can come to you. Retired veteran and retired mechanic. Del Tura resident. Call or drive in at 4407 San Lucian. Jerry - 239-9845891. (aug/sep18) KNIFE & BLADE SHARPENING - Professional knife and blade sharpening. No heat wet stone honing for all fine blades. Scissors sharpened. Any type of blade from edgers to bush hogs. Retired veteran and retired mechanic. Del Tura resident. Call or drive in at 4407 San Lucian. Jerry - 239-984-5891. (aug/sep18)
RATES for classified ads will be as follows: 2 to 3 lines is $8.00/mo, or $50.00 if you pay for one year; 4 to 5 lines is $13.00/mo, or $100.00 for one year; and 6 to 8 lines is $20.00 /mo. No ad over 8 lines will be accepted. Deadline is the 15th of each month. Place ads by calling: 941-349-0194 or 941-539-0205 email: We use only one page for the classified ads. “The Tower” does not inform you when classified ads expire. However; the expiration date is at the end of your ad in parenthesis (mo/yr). Please make checks payable to: Island Visitor Publishing, LLC DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability.
Please bring your new phone number to the HOA office and also email it to: moredor1034@AOL. com and it will be published.
Linda Braun ................................................................................................................................ 516-310-0272 Carl and Carol Ferrante .............................................................................................................. 239-543-1659 Tom McGilloway ......................................................................................................................... 609-970-1133
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2017 • 941.349.0194 •
HOUSEHOLD HELP/HINTS FOR EVERYONE Flexible Vacuum: To get something out of a heat/ air register or under the fridge, add an empty paper towel roll or empty gift wrap roll to your vaccum. It can be bent ot flattened to get into narrow openings. Measuring Cups: Before you pour sticky substance into a measuring cup, fill with hot water. Dump out the water but don’t dry the cup. add your ingredient (like peanut butter) and watch how easily it comes right out. Foggy Windshield: Buy a chalk eraser and keep it in the glove compartment of your car. When the windows fog, rub with the better than a cloth! Reopening Envelope: If you seal an envelope and then realize you forgot to include something inside, just place the envelope in the freezer for an hour or two... it will unseal easily. Goodbye Fruit Flies: Take a small glass and fill it with 1/2 with Apple cider Vinegar and 2 drops of dish washing liquid, mix well. Flies are drawn to the cup then gone. Get Rid of Ants: Put small piles of cornmeal where you see ants. They eat it, take it home, can’t digest it so it kills them. It may take a week or two especially if it rains, but it is safe for pets and small children. Dust removal from Silk flowers: Use your hair dryer to blow off the dust. Dusting Lampshades: Use a soft dry paintbrush. Cleaning small areas: Use a toothbrush to get around small areas of the kitchen sink, faucet handles, between tub and wall, light switches etc. Dusting Blinds: Use a foam paintbrush. Odor Busters: Place cotton balls saturated with lemon or vanilla extract hidden out of sight.
30 | The Tower
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2017 • 941.349.0194 •
ONE CALL DOES IT ALL! Call Us Today For The Facts And All Your
Dennis Agrusti Agent/Owner
Your Local Independent Insurance Agent Hablo Español
Area Agency on Aging ( Medicare ( Senior Travel ( Travel on a Dime ( Senior Friendships ( Senior Dating (
Office: 239-574-7283 Cell: 239-810-6283
Websites for Seniors
? 0 0 $5 ITH... W O D U O Y LD WHAT WOU
Invite your friends to live at Del Tura, and you could earn up to $500* when they purchase a new home. Call 239-731-3330 for details! *Referral reward restricted to Hometown America residents. Customer must register the resident who referred them at time of their initial visit. Residents whose referral purchases a new or special-order home will receive up to $500. Residents whose referral purchases a Hometown America-owned inventory home will receive up to $300. Residents whose referral purchases a brokered home will receive up to $100. Residents who refer will receive money after closing of escrow. Other terms and conditions may apply. Call 239-731-3330 for more details.
Two laptops
Domestic flight
Outdoor Grill
Patio Set
Flat Screen TV
Shopping Spree 12/17
Think about the possibilities! With $500, you could go on a cruise for two, use it toward a shopping spree, or buy a flat screen TV – just to name a few.
Cruise for two
The Tower | 31
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2017 • 941.349.0194 •
Robert Ballard Lecture
Florida remains in a population boom, increasing by roughly
650 people each day, with development constantly expanding neighborhoods and communities. In a state where 20 years ago seems like a long time, Robert Ballard is a 19th century kind of guy. “I can trace my various families – the Ballard’s and Thigpen’s, the Young’s and Joiner’s, the Spearing’s and Summerall’s, in Florida to as far back as the 1830s and in other regions further than that,” explains Robert, a well-known local historian and expert who will discuss this at Del Tura’s Starlight Ballroom, Wednesday, October 11, 1:30pm. With so broad a family history, he will narrow it down for his presentation to the Spearing side from Cayo Costa back to 1888. “That was my Mothers’ side; she was born in Cayo Costa in 1929.” He will focus on early life in Pine Island, a land the Calusa called the Sound Home that was an important winter fishery for Cuban mullet.
Wednesday, October 11, 2017 Starlight Ball Room Doors Open 12:45PM Desserts/Drinks Will Be Served $10/Per Person HOA Sponsored Tickets Sold September 26 & October 3 During Tuesday’s Coffee Hour Thursdays September 28/October 5 In The HOA Office 4-5PM No Refunds
Texas Hold ‘em
COME JOIN US!! Poker 3 day a week: Monday: 4pm Poinciana Room Wednesday: 4pm Card Room 1 Friday: 3pm Card Room 1 Contact Joette Fabbri #239-599-2925
32 | The Tower
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2017 • 941.349.0194 •
October 2017
November 2017 Mon
Mark Your Calendar SEPTEMBER 16
Dance with LIVERPOOL - Postponed to January 20th - Hold onto your Tickets!
October issue Tower Distributed
Robert Ballard (Startlight Ballroom)
HOA Board Meeting (Starlight Ballroom 7pm)
LCR (left, center, right) GAME Fundraiser (Starlight Ballroom 7pm)
Halloween Dance with Take 2 (Starlight Ballroom) start planning your Costume!
Veterans Day Celebration (Del Tura’s Military memorial 9:30am)