Upcoming Special Fund Raiser for the Wallenda Family
Photos from The Landings newcomer event
Meet Connor D’Silva, 10, 4th grader at Phillippi Shores IB World School
Siesta Key Breeze, an open-air trolley, began service on March 20
PAID PARKING ON SIESTA KEY Davidson Plaza now offers paid parking to Siesta Key visitors
On April 6th at 2:30 p.m., Delilah Wallenda, a member of the first family of the circus, will be speaking at a special session of the Landings Free College about her life growing up as a child in the circus and watching her family risk their lives daily. She herself was at the very pinnacle of the human pyramid for decades. Delilah will talk about the tragic accident recently experienced in Sarasota when the pyramid collapsed causing three members of the troupe, Delilah Wallenda with daughter including her daughter, to receive serious injuries on the high wire, and astronomical medical expenses. Ladies hosting refreshments Include: A Meet-and-Greet will be hosted by Dee Ricapito, Dawn Nelson, Judy Greene many residents, including: Henry Rhodes, and Tara Lamb, to mention a few. Karl Maggard, Norm Olshansky, Jack A tax deductible contribution to help Jost, Larry Lawrence, and Dick Bayles. cover the costs can be made to: “The Nik
Through the Eyes of a Veteran Calvin Pence Owen was born in 1922 in Columbus, Ohio. He entered the Army in 1943, at the age of 21, where he served as Technician, 4th Grade (T-4). He remained in the Army for three years. His experiences in the wartime military served to focus his purpose in life. Cal grew up on his grandmother’s farm north of Granville, Ohio—about thirty miles from Columbus. The fifth generation to live on this farm, he learned as a boy to raise chickens, maintain a sizable vegetable garden, and milk a cow. When electricity came to the farm, he embarked upon his first of a lifetime of construction jobs: installing their first indoor bathroom complete with shower stall, lavatory and toilet. Cal graduated from Granville High School in 1940. He attended DePauw University for one year, then enrolled at Ohio State, where his studies were interrupted by the war. He recently
Lijana Wallenda Family Foundation, Inc.” If you cannot attend but want to contribute to this worthy cause, please drop off your check at the Racquet Club on or before the session on Thursday, April 6th.
By Diana Colson
Calvin Pence Owen wrote a booklet telling the story of his life. Several pages are devoted to his military experiences, which he eloquently
describes. “On December 7, 1942, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and we were at war. My draft board gave me a student deferment since I was studying engineering. “My draft board decided to cancel my deferment before they began drafting married men with children, so I volunteered for service in the Corps of Engineers and in August 1943 I went into the army. I was sent to a camp in Louisiana for my five weeks of basic training and then assigned to the 533d Engineer Boat and Shore Regiment at Fort Ord, California. This regiment consisted of a Boat Battalion and a Shore Battalion—the Boat Battalion had one hundred LCM’s (Landing Craft) and the Shore Battalion had several DUKW’s heavy equipment, bulldozers, cranes, etc. Continued on page 31
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LMA Meeting Notes BENDERSON REPRESENTATIVE UPDATES LMA BOARD ON LANDINGS SHOPPING CENTER Newly Elected LMA Pres. Dick Bayles opened his first meeting asking Larry Lawrence to introduce and welcome Mark Chait Executive Director of leasing with Benderson Development Company. Shortly after the purchase of the Landings Shopping Center, Lawrence made contact with Chait and expressed an interest in establishing a cooperative relationship to help make the shopping center as successful as possible. Lawrence informally solicited members of The Board for suggestions of potential retail businesses that might fill the many vacancies at the shopping center and shared these with those present. After the introduction, Chait thoroughly briefed attendees on plans for the shopping center. Chait stated his hope to have a great relationship with The Landings for many years to come and began by sharing a brief history of Benderson Development Company. A few of the physical restoration plans include: 1. Repair the stucco as needed 2. Paint the entire shopping center front and back 3. Incorporate a new color scheme 4. Replacing many walkways with pavers 5. New upgraded landscaping 6. New topcoat on parking lot 7. Upgrade Lighting Chait said he would have a Benderson representative look into the issues concerning drainage on Kestral Parkway. Benderson is looking for a good mix of tenants to fill the current vacancies and draw the public to the center. A wide variety of potential tenants were discussed. They’re hoping to keep most, if not all of the current tenants. Landing’s residents should begin to see improvement activity before the end of May.
By Trebor Britt
PRESIDENTS REPORT Newly Elected LMA Pres. Dick Bayles reported Larry Lawrence would chair the newly established External Relations Committee. This committee will keep the LMA Board updated on issues regarding the Landing’s Shopping Center and Siesta Promenade. FINANCE REPORT LMA Pres., Dick Bayles gave the treasure’s report for the period ending January 31, in N. B. Richard’s absence. Grounds expenses for the month were nearly $7000 higher than expected due to accelerated landscaping expenses versus the budget. All other expenses were under budget by nearly $3000. No changes to the yearly budget are expected at this time. COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE Co-chairs, Bob Manteiga and Joan Lowery reported sixty- two people are committed to attending the website launch and pizza party on March 3. Residents are asked to bring their laptops. Manteiga went on to solicit some volunteer help for the event. ROADS New Roads chair, Rudy Bloom asked board members to decide if they wanted the luster of the gazebo restored by treating it with oil or left to whether naturally. Bloom was directed to pursue the oil needed. SAFETY AND SECURITY Chairman Neil Goldman, reported on the daytime radar speed detection program and asked the board to decide whether or not to appropriate more funds to continue the program. His committee unanimously decided to recommend the board fund and continue the program through 2017 at a cost of $15,000. They based their recommendation on several factors.
1. Generally people are driving slower. 2. After issuing more than 80 warning or violation letters, no residents have repeated a speeding violation within the 90 day rolling period. 3. Residents’ opinions about the program have been positive. 4. Compiled data shows the program works. A motion was made and passed to continue the program through the end of the year. LAKES Lakes chair, Michael Knupp reported the cool, dry weather has corrected all but one algae problem which also seems to be dissipating. Residents at Eagles Point are monitoring the activity of a beaver or river otter in Lake 6. Generally otters will dive or flee when confronted, however if they are defending their young or a food source they could be more aggressive. It’s best to enjoy them from a distance. The Lakes Committee is soliciting quotes to replace a wooden retaining wall along Lake 3. Aging fountain/ lights continue to cause outages. If you observe fountain issues please call Mike Knupp at 924-1050. DRAINAGE Committee chair, Michael Knupp reported the roads contractor repaired a storm drain at the corner of Landings Boulevard and Landings Terrace at their own expense. NATURE TRAIL COMMITTEE Committee Chair, Karen Shaeffer reported after taking a survey of residents she received overwhelming support of a kayak launch site in the community. As a result, a Kayak Focus Group will meet soon to discuss the possibilities and share ideas.
LANDSCAPING Landscaping chair, Connie Goldman reported a broken valve was repaired which caused a water problem on Landings Boulevard and some damage to a resident’s lawn. Damaged bushes were replaced that were crushed by a vehicle on Peregrine Point Circle. MAINTENANCE Maintenance Committee chair, David Jacaruso reported the sign replacement program is continuing throughout The Landings and several island lighting issues were addressed and repairs were made where needed. Waste Management agreed to repair and repaint a curb damaged by one of their trucks. New road and island striping, installation of new road and island reflectors, and curb painting will begin soon on a section by section basis.
Notifications • Annual Memorial Day BBQ is set for May 29. Please sign up in the Tennis Pro Shop. • Next Community Hauling Date is Wednesday, May 10, 2017. • Code for the Field Road door: Call the Main Gate, 941-922.5531. • Wanted: Writer/Editor with a Passion for news, information & Landings living. Editor must be a Landings resident. Contact Bob Stein 941-349-0194.
Serving the Landings Community for over 10 Years | www.landingseagle.com | Island Visitor Publications, LLC | 941-349-0194 P.O. Box 35086, Siesta Key, Florida 34242. Publishers: Bob & Emy Stein islandvp@verizon.net To advertise in print or on-line call 941-349-0194. Advertising Representative: Irene Brooks Please note that contributing writers and photographers are acknowledged with bylines accompanying their submissions. We sincerely thank everyone for their contributions. The Landings Eagle is published monthly and is partially funded by the Landings Management Association & Landings Racquet Club, but is independently edited and reported by Landings residents. The Landings Eagle is published by Island Visitor Publishing, a Florida LLC. Advertising rates and information will be gladly furnished by calling us at 941-349-0194, We are ready to answer your questions and to assist you in preparing your ad at no extra charge. All advertising and editorial content is subject to editing to conform to our style, and is copyrighted 2015 by Island Visitor Publishing, LLC and may not be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted under federal law. The publisher reserves the right to edit or reject copy for any reason. Island Visitor Publishing, LLC is not responsible for any claims made by the advertisers. To access each issue of The Landings Eagle, please go to: www.islandvp.com. Simply scroll down to The Eagle image and click on it for the current issue. If you would like to view past issues, click on the text, “TO VIEW PAST ISSUES OF THE LANDINGS EAGLE, CLICK HERE” That will bring you to a list of the back issues going back to July 2013. For anything earlier you will need to go to the website: www.landingseagle.com ©
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
President’s Column
LHA Meeting Notes
By Dick Bayles To keep these letters as meaningful as possible, I refer you to the regular article in The Landings Eagle that covers the discussions and actions that take place at our regularly scheduled meetings (7 p.m. at the Club on the first Thursday of every month). But I will mention what I consider the very positive outlook that I got from the presentation by Mark Chait, the national head of leasing for Benderson Development, who recently purchased the Landings Shopping Center. The plans that Benderson has for the Center comprise the first real attention the physical plaza has had in over ten years. We should see some changes within a
couple of months. Benderson’s operation of hundreds of centers nationwide provides a large pool of prospective tenants, and Mark is very optimistic that we will see a continuing increase in occupancy. There are several new committee chair appointments: Larry Lawrence in External Relations, Deidre D’Silva as Aesthetics & Environment and Rudy Blohm in Roads., I will assume responsibility for the LMA’s Forward Plan, and will be looking for public comment as the plan develops. As our prime season winds down, I hope to see all of you before leaving and see you when you return next year. Have a safe trip both ways.
If you are a snowbird and would like to receive The Landings Eagle at your summer home, please call 941-349-0194. or email: www.islandvp@verizon.net The cost is $2.50 per month, per copy.
At its regularly scheduled meeting, as old business, the Landings Homeowners Association board approved the landscaping plan presented by the owners. It also modified an approval granted in 2016 for the removal of dead pine trees on Peregrine Point Circle E. It required the use of a licensed arborist and that the work be completed before June 1st, the start of our hurricane season. The board also approved plans to remove deteriorating palms on Kestral Park Way S, the replacement of roof tile on Peregrine Point Circle E, and modifications to the front of a residence on Landings Court. Two owners remain delinquent for the Annual Assessments due on January 1, 2017. Their accounts are being sent to our attorney for collection. The next regularly scheduled meeting is on April 13 at the Landings Racquet Club at 7:00 p.m.
WEB SITE LAUNCH On Friday, March 3rd, the Landings Management Board held the first of several planned events intended to familiarize Landings residents with the newly redesigned internal and external web sites. Many of the attendees brought their laptops or I-pads and were able to register and practice navigating the sites during the wine and pizza reception that followed the instructional session. There were nearly seventy people in attendance. Bob Manteiga Communications Committee Co-Chair
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Kid’s Corner
By Heidi Bodor
Connor just got Student of the Month!
Connor D’Silva, 10, 4th grader at Phillippi Shores IB World School Landings resident about 2 years. Two brothers; 12, 7. One dog – a pug named Bonita. • Favorite ice cream? Coffee. • Favorite school subject? Math because I’m good at it. My teacher makes it fun with math songs. • Favorite book? Harry Potter Series. • Favorite video game? Star Wars Battlefront. • Favorite sport? Football. • Favorite sports team? Patriots since we are from Boston, Massachusetts. • Favorite color? Blue because the sky and ocean is blue and I really like it. • Favorite food? Butter Chicken. • Do you play an instrument? No, but I’d like to try the drums sometime. • Do you miss living up North? Yes, I miss the snow and the cold weather but I’m fine with this weather. • What do you do in your spare time? I take tennis lessons with my brothers on Fridays here at The Landings, play football, and play Four Square. I also like drawing, doing puzzles, and the “Peg Your IQ” Game. • Two words that describe you would be? Creative and caring. • If you could be any cereal, which one would you be? I’d be a really bad tasting one so that no one will eat me! • What do you want to be when you grow up? I might want to be an actor, doctor, or a scientist. In first and second grade, I wanted to be a Priest but I kinda want to be married. • Do you have anyone in mind for that yet? No. • If you could, what two animals would you combine? A cheetah, my favorite animal, and a peregrine falcon. It would look like a cheetah with wings.
Connor D’Silva • Who is your hero and why? JF Kennedy. He was a good person and I really like him. He was nice and the first Catholic president. • If you could change anything in the world, what would you change? I would want that everyone would get along so there are no wars. • Favorite thing to do? Go to a friend’s house and play. • What would be the perfect day for you? It would be like Christmas and I’d get the ability to run super-fast and I’d run all over the world. • If there was a movie about you made, what would it be called? I’d probably want it to be called, The Story of a Boy or The Story of Connor. • If there was an airplane parked outside right now, where would you want to go? I’d want to go to Boston, MA since I haven’t seen my friends in a long time. Or to Ireland where we have lots of family, like we did last summer. • If there was one dish that you could request your Mom or Dad to never make again, what would it be? There was a salmon dish with mushroom sauce recently that I’d like to not have again. Usually all the salmon dishes
are very good but not the one with the mushroom sauce. • If you could have dinner with any person – dead or alive—who would you invite? Jesus. I’d ask a lot of questions about heaven and everything. • If you could throw a parade here in The Landings, what kind would it be? It would be one to celebrate my birthday (June 16th) and it would have bouncy houses and zip lines! • What do you think kids your age think about most these days? Most people in my class stress out a lot about tests. They stress out about test scores and worry about personal stuff. One of my classmate’s dog died and everyone cheered her up. • What was the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do? One time my Dad said that in order to get a new toy, I’d have to get rid of some of my other ones. That was hard. • If you were a new addition to a crayon box, what color would you be and why? I’d be gold. It’s shiny and really cool. Everyone likes using gold to color because it looks really cool. • Where is your favorite place in the whole world? Cork, Ireland • If you were invisible for a day, what would you do? I would skip school and just see what my Mom and Dad do because usually I don’t want to know what they do. • Do you have any summer plans? We’d like to go to Boston and visit family and friends. • Do you have any big dreams? I dream that I’m like Flash. I want to be super-fast and do flips. I see people do that and I think it’s really cool.
Connor and his younger brother both love to draw!
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
When to call for a Security Officer or 911 The question recently came up, “When do I call for a Security Officer, or 911?” The simple answer is this: Landings Residents should call 911 whenever they feel that someone is in danger of bodily harm, or witness a crime in progress. This includes, but is not limited to: • Fire / Medical • Burglary / Robbery • Traffic Accidents • Gun Fire / Weapons Observed In all of the above cases security should be notified as well, either from a secondary phone OR after the resident is finished with the 911 dispatch. Depending on the nature of the emergency, a security officer may be dispatched to the scene, OR may be assigned a support role (ie., escorting emergency vehicles to the site of a fire, etc...)
The resident should inform the security officer that 911 has been advised as well. Residents should NEVER contact a security officer and advise the gate officer to contact 911. The dispatchers at 911 will need first or second party information from the resident, involving a third party in the response time will limit the effectiveness of the process and may cost lives. Landings Residents should call for a Security Officer when the incident involves Landings Association rules and regulations or are a similar matter of inquiry.
This includes, but not is not limited to: • Suspicious Persons or Vehicles • Noise Complaints / Alarms • Parking Complaints & Roadway Hazards • Violations of LMA Rules and Regulations • Safety Concerns / LMA Property Damage • Wellness Checks • Lost & Found Items Conversely Security Officers do not handle the following calls at all. The Main Gate officer will aid the Resident in contacting the appropriate agency for: • Utility Service Calls • Service or Emergency Calls Outside The Landings • Animal Service / Removal • Maintenance Calls
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Politics, Music Wrap-Up Landings Learning Group 2017 Season
Russia expert Dr. Robert Barylski analyzed Vladimir Putin’s foreign policy aims and methods in a lively presentation focusing on “Trump, Putin, and the Future of RussianAmerican Relations” at the LLG February 22nd session. Photo by Bob Manteiga.
The State College of Florida’s Presidential Jazz Quartet presented a program of classic jazz to an enthusiastic audience at LLG’s March 1st program. Photos by Howard Feltman.
Coloratura soprano Jenny Kim-Godfrey partnered with classical guitarist Jonathan Godfrey in an enthusiastically received program of classics and whimsical cabaret at the season’s concluding event. An elegant cocktail buffet hosted by Landings realtors Judy Greene and Tara Lamb capped the closing program on March 8th. Photo by Bob Manteiga.
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Free Trolley Comes to Siesta Key “It’s a big deal,” was the common refrain as representatives of the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce, Sarasota County, RideRight Transit and members of the public gathered in front of an open-air trolley on the morning of March 20 in Siesta Village. Sarasota County Area Transit (SCAT) — with the help of County Commissioners Alan Maio and Mark Moran — officially launched the longawaited service, which will transport riders between Turtle Beach and Siesta Village. Dubbed “Siesta Key Breeze,” because a Sarasota firm owns the rights to “Siesta Trolley,” the free circulator will run as a pilot program for six months, SCAT Director Rocky Burke pointed out. “We want it to be successful.” “It’s only taken seven years,” Wendall Jacobsen, general manager of Beach Bazaar and the last president of the Siesta Key Village Association (SKVA), joked with the Eagle about the Breeze after the ceremony. Over the weekend, Jacobsen said, Beach Bazaar distributed copies of the schedule to visitors. “We probably gave out a thousand [to] a lot of families, a lot of kids — a lot of people
interested in it.” That demand proved itself on March 20, with more than 1,028 passengers riding the Breeze on the first day, Kendra Keiderling, SCAT’s marketing, outreach and customer service manager reported. In an email to Siesta Chamber members, she wrote that the number was “beyond my expectations …” “Woohoo!!! Great job everyone!” Ann Frescura, executive director of the Chamber, responded. The Breeze will operate seven days a week from 8 a.m. to midnight, Burke told the audience during the ceremony, and SCAT wants to do all it can to promote the service. The trolley also will run on Memorial Day and Independence Day. The goal is for the Breeze to circulate every 20 minutes during peak hours (10 a.m. to 6 p.m.) and every 30 minutes during the remaining operating hours, Keiderling said. SCAT stops where Breeze passengers may embark and disembark will have trolley emblems on them, Keiderling noted, but people also will be able to “flag down” the trolley on Midnight Pass Road, south of the Stickney Point
By Rachel Brown Hackney Siesta Key Breeze heads from Canal onto Ocean Blvd. March 20, 2017
Road intersection. The Breeze will stop at the closest safe place for those riders to board, SCAT staff has said. Riders will be able to transfer from the trolley to SCAT buses on Routes 11 and 33, Assistant County Administrator Mark Cunningham pointed out during the March 20 ceremony.
Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce Chair, Mark Smith had hoped the trolley would be more visible in Siesta Village, he said during a brief interview on March 20. “I’m making my suggestions known,” he added. “It is important that people see it come into the Village.” Continued on page 25
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
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County’s land development and zoning regulations to be updated and combined into single, user-friendly document By Rachel Brown Hackney Months ago, Sarasota County Commissioner Alan Maio began mentioning that it was coming. On Feb. 28, staff won unanimous board approval to make it a reality. Called a Unified Development Code, it will be an extensive update of the county’s land development and zoning regulations, Matt Osterhoudt, director of the county’s Planning and Development Services Department, explained during a presentation. All the material will be gathered into a single document, he added, in an effort to enable a reader “to more easily find significant regulatory information applicable to a property.” “This is extremely important,” Maio pointed out. Referring to Chapter 74 of the County Code — which includes all the land development regulations — and that chapter’s Appendix A, which encompasses the zoning code, Maio added, “These two documents have not been touched in a good 10 years. Worse, for the consultant [who will handle the project], it is a horrible patch-quilt of hundreds, hundreds of amendments.”
Maio made the motion to hire Calvin, Giordano & Associates Inc. for $285,000 to undertake the work, which would “commence immediately,” Osterhoudt noted. The firm’s corporate office is in Fort Lauderdale. The timeline calls for the project to be completed in 18 months, Osterhoudt said. “I know you put a lot of time in on this,” Maio told Osterhoudt. “I checked and triple-checked and quadruplechecked” that the emphasis would be on an update, Maio added. It will not be a matter of just re-codifying the regulations or rewriting the language, he pointed out. “It’s an update …” Among the goals of the project, Osterhoudt explained, are to create a document combining the land use regulations and zoning code that is more user-friendly, intuitively organized, easier to read and understand, and “internally consistent across the Sarasota County Code of Ordinances.” The plan also calls for illustrating the
document with “effective graphics” and ensuring it is consistent not only with the county’s Comprehensive Plan but also with federal and state laws. Osterhoudt likened the first step of the project to “a discovery phase,” during which the consulting firm will research all the necessary codes and other material and meet with a variety of groups to develop “an annotated outline of identified issues, a refined outreach plan and a draft of the proposed [Unified Development Code] structural outline,” according to a slide he showed the commissioners. The second phase will call for the consulting firm to move “to the full engagement effort” with community members; that will include surveys, meetings and public workshops. The third and final phase will encompass the formal public hearing process before the Planning Commission and the County Commission, Osterhoudt said. The timeline he showed the board calls for three preliminary public meetings:
• April 6, when the Planning Commission will meet at 6:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers at the County Administration Center located at 1660 Ringling Blvd. in downtown Sarasota. • April 10, when the Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a session at 6 p.m. at the County Administration Center in Sarasota. • April 19, when the county’s Development Service Advisory Committee will meet at 2:30 p.m. at 1001 Sarasota Center Blvd. The schedule calls for county staff to receive the first draft of the proposed Unified Development Code in December. If all goes as planned, the document will be adopted and published in September 2018, Osterhoudt noted. Staff already has created a web portal on the county’s website, Osterhoudt explained, so members of the public can provide comments and read monthly reports on the progress of the work. Continued on page 29
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Around The Landings PHILLIPI ESTATE PARK 5500 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34231.
April will be the final month of the Phillippi Farmhouse Market with plenty of spring fruits and vegetables at the markets 5 local produce stands. The market even has a USDA Certified Organic grower and most of the vendors use natural controls to grow their fruits and vegetables. Talk with the farmers and they will tell you how they protect their crops from bugs, viruses, etc. The market continues to have local artisans with unique handicrafts,
artists, food trucks with delicious bbq, fish tacos, French crepes ( sweet and savory), soft serve ice cream, baked goods, New Orleans muffuletta sandwiches and Amish donuts. There is always live music, and the Welcome Tent has the friendliest FRIENDS OF SARASOTA COUNTY PARKS volunteers who have all the latest flyers and information about what’s happening in Sarasota and environs. The market is open 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. on Wednesdays and at 10 a.m. sharp there is a free tour of the Edson Keith Mansion where a knowledgeable
docent will tell all about the Italian Renaissance home and early Sarasota history. Please be on time for this fascinating tour. Dogs are welcome at the Farmhouse Market and there’s even a Wash ‘n
Wagon to keep Fido clean. Check it out. On Sunday April 23 the Bradenton-Sarasota Rose Society has a free monthly meeting at 2 – 4 p.m. in the Mansion. The public is welcome to join in the program and refreshments. For more information, please visit: www. bsrs.org. Enjoy strolling the park’s shoreline trails and coastal hammock behind the Gazebo. Bird watching and photography are two very pleasant pasttimes in the 60-acre county park.
Racquet Club News |Manager’s Report
|President’s Report By Dick Bayles As the season’s programs for the Landings Learning Group, Landings Free College and Landoliers come to a close, I would like to thank all who participated and especially those who work so hard to make them happen. Bridget, Selma in their first year with the LLG, Ralph for the Free College and Lenora for the Landoliers put a great deal of effort into every increasingly successful series of events. The season wouldn’t be the same without them. The month of June will bring the major portion of the reconstruction of the court landscaping. Some tree work will be done in May and some follow-up in July, but June will be the most hectic, and disruptive. The work involves removing all the concrete adjacent to the courts and the Har-Tru and rock filled areas adjacent to them. Those areas will be redone in pavers that match the pavers elsewhere on the Club’s premises. To provide cosmetic relief, most of the existing tall palms down the center aisle will be replaced with smaller, more decorative trees (which, if we can find appropriate species, will be flowering). The bulk of the disruption will be during the first week of June, when the existing surfaces are removed. While the courts will be playable, access will be through dirt for the most part and it will be noisy. The remainder of the work will not involve nearly as much noise. Please, everyone, be patient; the result will be transformational. For those of you that leave before that begins, you won’t recognize the courts when you get back in the Fall.
The 2017 season is coming to an end. While everyone is still around, I’d like to take this opportunity to ask you to update your contact information with us. Please let someone in the office know if any of your contact info has changed i.e. email, home or cell phone numbers, etc. If you are seasonal, it would be good to have your contact info for up north as well. Members come in regularly throughout the year looking for ways to reach their friends and neighbors. Last month I thanked the organizers of various social activities at the Club and managed to leave out our Movie Night committee. After some time off, it was brought back to life this year by Tobi Schneider, Bob Manteiga, Eileen Kirk and Marty Taffel. They are showing one movie a month through May or June; however, most of the committee is seasonal and will be heading out soon. I would like to continue with a monthly movie night during the summer months in their absence. Please contact me if you would like to help organize this. Be sure to mark your calendars for our Annual Memorial Day BBQ on Monday, May 29th. This is normally our largest event of the year. We typically have around 140 people including roughly 30 veterans. It will be the normal menu of hot dogs and hamburgers with all the side dishes. As usual, military veterans, the guests of honor, will be complimentary. Look for the sign-up sheet in the Tennis Pro Shop in late April.
News From the Court By Joe Venezia
We had great weather for their season. I hope to get a date when schedules the St. Patrick’s Day Round open up. Robin. About 40 people joined in for the tennis or came for the Looking for a lesson or clinic? Irish fare from Ham Heaven and Devil Dogs. Thanks to Contact me at Dee, Alice, Kevin and Barbara for decorating and set up duty. And thanks to everyone for lrctennisdirector@verizon.net coming out. or 941-993-2628. I am still working on a date for an exhibition by some of the kids from the Riverview High See you on the courts.......... tennis team. They are currently in the middle of
The Eagle Has Landed Landings Eagle sighting in Whistler, BC The Bodor family enjoying a Landings Eagle article at Blackcomb Ski Resort in Whistler, BC.
By Kevin Lechlitner
Holiday Chocolates
More new exciting news from the world of nutritional research: take heart Chocoholics — Chocolate is good for you! Dark Chocolate, which has high chocolate content and low sugar value, has been shown that it can be good for your heart. A study indicates users of that type of chocolate experience a lower percentage of cardiac events. This should be in addition to and not instead of proper diet, exercise, weight control and the medications your physician has indicated you need. But it can help you attain those levels of health you should have. And don’t overdo it — all things in moderation is one of the keys to good health. So, go ahead and enjoy some of that holiday chocolate! Be good to yourself in 2014 and remember that anything that doesn’t get better in a week or so needs to be checked out.
Palmer Ranch Dental 8800 S. Tamiami Trail Sarasota, Florida 34238
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
The Landings welcomes our newcomers
Julie & Andy Powell
Left: LMA Secretary, Deidre D’Silva along with two of her sons, Connor and Brendan D’Silva were on hand to greet Landings newest residents. Right: Enid & Irv Kushner, part of the Newcomers’ Greeting Brigade
Above: Current LMA President and LRC President, Dick Bayles welcomes the newcomers to The Landings.
Photos by Paul Weiner and Bob Manteiga
LRC Manager, Kevin Lechlitner addresses the attendees
Past LMA President, Larry Lawrence chats with newcomers, Barbara & Michael Pollack and Carmen Lawrence.
Landings Resident Bartenders Nelson Smith and Karl Maggard
Judy Auderieth
Karen & Alan Ottenheimer
Lynn & Rick Hammett
Barbara & Michael Pollack
Patricia Sweet
David Blears
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Davidson Plaza now has paid parking
By Rachel Brown Hackney
|Crescent Beach Grocery lot added on the southern part of Siesta A Sarasota firm has begun managing the Davidson Plaza parking lot, charging drivers $5.00 per hour unless they are dining in one of the restaurants or otherwise using services in the plaza. FL Parking Co. has been contacting private property owners on Siesta Key about managing parking spaces at businesses that close after 5 p.m., Mark Smith of Smith Architects, chair of the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce, told about 25 people during the Chamber’s first quarterly meeting. He explained on Feb. 15 that FL Parking Co. was expected to begin the service in Davidson Plaza in Siesta Village that evening. The business plan called for the firm to put in a “pay station,” Smith said. “They say it’s portable; it only weighs about 600 pounds,” he added, eliciting laughter. The firm will have an employee onsite to ensure that people pay, Smith continued. Asher Chappell, co-owner of the firm, also assured the Eagle that while towing signs are still up, towing is not part of the plan. The FL Parking Co. ambassador
on-site makes certain spots can be found for people using the shops and dining in the restaurants in the plaza, Chappell’s business partner, Dan McNutt, explained in a separate interview. That leaves about 10 or 12 extra spaces for others seeking places to leave their vehicles without fear of towing. McNutt also noted that the firm is eager to work with the free ride services on Siesta, to help patrons who want to leave their vehicles at Davidson’s easily reach destinations in other areas of the island. The parking ambassador is able to provide directions and suggestions to visitors, as well, he said. “We really like to be an overall service.” When the Eagle suggested that other potential clients may be watching the service in Davidson Plaza before signing on with the firm, McNutt agreed. “I kind of think that is what is happening. Presence and performance there will speak to the goals of our company.” While the service will generate revenue for a property owner, he
continued, the goal is to open up more areas for parking, so people “can go about their business and enjoy the Key.” And while people may object at first
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to the prospect of paying to park their vehicles, he pointed out, “we tend to find, over time, people see the value in it.” Continued on the next page
Continued from previous page
“We’re happy to be there,” Chappell stated. In fact, he said, when he was in the Village in late February, a county employee approached him to express her delight at the new system. “Nothing’s worse for a visitor than having a car towed,” Smith said. “I’d love to get all the ‘No Parking’ signs down,” he added, “and see the towing signs go away.” Smith explained to the Chamber members on Feb. 15 that the firm is working from the parking plan he created over a period of months in an effort to expand the number of spaces for visitors and residents in the Village. (Siesta Key Village Association leaders were unable to gain Sarasota County financial support to create the spaces, and the plan ultimately never was implemented. County staff estimated it would cost about $100,000 to create about 90 new spaces in rights of way Smith had targeted. Counting all the possible spaces on private property, Smith’s plan included about 300 spaces.) “So they’re going to contact all those folks [whose offices close at 5 p.m.],” Smith noted during the Chamber meeting, including the
owners of Michael Saunders & Co. — which has an Ocean Boulevard real estate office — Siesta Center and the CJ Lofino Building, which is on the very north end of the Village. (The Lofino Building is where the Pelican Press offices were located years ago.) He knew a representative of FL Parking also had contacted Crescent Beach Grocery on Old Stickney Point Road, Smith added. Crescent Beach Grocery started the paid parking in their lot effective the third week of March. Visitors can use the lot starting at 9 p.m. after the store closes for the day. This will help the area with parking. The south area businesses experience the same problem with lack of parking. Crescent Beach Grocery is located at 1211 Old Stickney Point Road. Chappell confirmed that representatives of FL Parking are looking at three or four other locations to provide more public parking. He said
he would be able to provide further details in the coming weeks. After surveying the situation in the Village firsthand, Chappell stated, he has become familiar with how few spaces exist to meet the demand. The spots in the plaza right now are “a drop in the bucket,” he added. “Every parking space counts.” Smith said in late February that he had not heard any comments from the public about the new system in Davidson Plaza. Some people might object to the fee per hour, he said, but “it just depends on where you’re from.” Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office deputies long have talked of how tourists readily pay $25 parking tickets, because they are so desperate to find places near the Village to leave their vehicles, even if the spaces they use are illegal.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
The Recipe Corner
|The “Kitchen Ladies” Recipe
Compiled by Dee Ricapito
Sandy’s Comfortable CHOCOLATE CHIP CAKE
Sandy & Jim Goldman are the most sharing couple in The Landings, and Sandy is sharing this recipe with us. They enjoy traveling, visiting family, camping, and boating. So this cake needs to be simple and comfortable to make home or away and everyone is contented after having a slice. INGREDIENTS and INSTRUCTIONS:
- Duncan Hines Yellow cake mix - 3 oz. instant vanilla pudding - Sour cream – 1 cup - 4 eggs - ½ Cup oil
Beat together at medium speed for 10 minutes.
In separate bowl combine: - 3 T. sugar - 3 T. Nestle’s Quick - 12 oz. bag mini chocolate chips
Mix with cake batter. Grease and flour bundt pan. Bake at 350o for about 1 hour. Let cool 10 minutes and then remove from pan. When cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar
A favorite your kids can make with you and enjoy, too
Siesta Key Annual Children’s Easter Party and Egg hunt New Location Turtle Beach The Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce proudly presents the Annual Children’s Easter Party and Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 15 from 9:00 a.m. until Noon. This year the event will be held at a new location - Turtle Beach, located at 8919 Midnight Pass, Siesta Key. Turtle Beach is approximately 2.3 miles South of Stickney Road on Midnight Pass. Free parking is available on site. New this year! The award winning MOTE Marine Mobile Exhibit will be onsite with a saltwater aquarium, interactive sea life displays and a touch pool. Additional activities include: the Easter egg hunt, face painting, games, photo opportunities with the Easter bunny, and the Sheriff’s mounted patrol. Children ages 1 to 6 are invited to register and participate. Approximate time slots for the Egg Hunt are designated by age groups: 10:00 a.m. (2 years of age and younger); 10:30 a.m. (3-4 years of age); and 11:00 a.m. (5-6 years of age). All Easter eggs will contain prizes donated by Siesta Key Chamber Member businesses. Each child who registers will also receive a bag filled with goodies. Children should bring something to carry their collected eggs in. Pre-registration is required for the Easter Egg Hunt and limited to 150 children. There is a $10 fee per child. Registration forms are available at www.siestakeychamber. com or at the Siesta Key Chamber Office, 5114 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key, FL 34242. For registration and sponsorship information, contact Paige Diffley, Promotion & Events Coordinator at events@siestakeychamber.com or 941-3493800.
The Landings’ environment is ideally suited for walking exercise. There are two marked walking trails on our roads, courtesy of resident Gary Warren, that provide both 2.8 and 4.1 mile routes. The Nature
Trail provides an opportunity to see both wooded areas and the Roberts Bay portion of intra-coastal waterway from our recently reconstructed gazebo. Including to-and-from the gazebo, the Nature Trail
totals 1.0 miles. All three trails are shown on the map above with their approximate mileage.
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4420 S. Tamiami Trail Sarasota, FL 34231 941.260.8905 941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Groin construction for Lido Renourishment Project would be prohibited during sea turtle nesting season, U.S. Fish and Wildlife says By Rachel Brown Hackney With the focus having been put on legal challenges over the past couple of months, a Biological Opinion the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) issued on the plans for the Lido Renourishment Project figuratively “flew under the radar.” Yet, that opinion — issued on Dec. 29, 2016 — will have substantial bearing on the timing of part of the joint initiative of the City of Sarasota and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), if it is allowed to proceed. Because of concerns of the effects on sea turtles of the construction of the two proposed groins on Lido Beach, the USFWS has directed, “No construction is authorized during the main part of the sea turtle nesting season (May 1 through October 31).” However, work can take place during both daylight and nighttime hours from Nov. 11 through April 30, the opinion says. “If the [USACE or the City of Sarasota] chooses to begin construction early (November 1), construction will only be authorized during daylight
hours up [to] and through November 11, to avoid encountering nesting females and emerging hatchling sea turtles,” the document continues. In response to a question about those stipulations, Amanda Parker, a spokeswoman for the USACE at its Jacksonville District Office, wrote, “USACE will account for this in the project schedule.” Moreover, if at any time the groins begin “to disintegrate, all debris and structural material must be removed from the nesting beach area and deposited off site immediately upon coordination with the [USFWS],” the document adds. Additionally, the USACE or the City of Sarasota will have to “submit a Groin Maintenance Plan to describe the activities that will be conducted for the life of the Project to address any obstruction by the groins on the natural sand transfer updrift and downdrift of the nesting beach,” the document notes, and the plan “must also include physical and biological criteria to
determine if the groins are effective as proposed.” The document states, “The groins must be removed if it is determined [they are not] effective and/or causing a significant adverse impact to the beach and dune system as outlined in the Groin Maintenance Plan.” In her comments to the Eagle, USACE spokeswoman Parker wrote, “The groin maintenance plan required by the USFWS [Biological Opinion] is similar to the monitoring and adaptive management strategies that we proposed as part of our coordination with the [Florida Department of Environmental Protection]. We intend to conduct extensive monitoring of the project to ensure that it is performing as expected, and we will make appropriate adjustments as required (including to the groins) to ensure that it continues to be an effective project through its 50-year lifespan.” In September 2013, when thenProject Manager Milan Mora of the USACE unveiled the plans for the Lido
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Renourishment Project, he proposed three groins be built on South Lido Key in an effort to keep the new sand in place between subsequent renourishments over the 50-year life of the initiative. (The Florida Department of Environmental Protection permit would be good for only 15 years, the state agency has reported in documents.) However, when the USACE and the city submitted their permit application to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) in March 2015, the plan had reduced the number of groins to two. The Biological Opinion points out that one groin would be 170 feet long; the other, 345 feet. They collectively would encompass 0.44 acres. Both would be 9 feet wide. Most of the construction “will be conducted primarily from the uplands,” the opinion notes. However, “some in-water work performed from a barge may be necessary due to water depths at the end of the proposed groins,” Continued on the next page
Continued from previous page
the document continues. “Some heavy equipment and boulders will be mobilized through construction access corridors,” it adds. The sand placement is expected to take 100 days, the opinion notes, while the groin construction is anticipated to take 230 days to complete. “Some construction would likely overlap; therefore, it is expected that the entire Project will be completed in approximately 260 days.” The Biological Opinion also says the proposed placement of new sand on about 1.6 miles of South Lido Beach, as well as the groin construction, “is likely to adversely affect” two threatened bird species: the piping plover and the red knot, though negative impacts on the endangered West Indian manatee are not expected. Still, the USFWS indicates it believes the project ultimately will “have an overall beneficial effect on the red knot by maintaining suitable habitat” along the renourished area of the beach. Additionally, the USFWS concludes that the presence of the groins, as proposed, “is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the loggerhead, green, leatherback, hawksbill, or Kemp’s ridley sea turtles.”
The opinion does point to research released in 2008 that says the dredging of sand bars and shoals “can cause or worsen localized erosion by altering depth contours and changing wave refraction, potentially degrading other nearby red knot habitats indirectly because inlet dynamics exert a strong influence on the adjacent shorelines.” A study conducted of the barrier islands of Virginia and North Carolina — whose findings were reported in 1996 — found inlet influences extending 3.4 miles to 8.1 miles “and that inlets dominate shoreline changes for up to 2.7 miles,” the opinion notes. Yet other research, dating to 2000, shows “Changing the location of dominant channels at inlets can create profound alterations to the adjacent shoreline,” the opinion adds. For the time being, the Lido Renourishment Project is on hold because of legal action. On March 9, the Siesta Key Association filed a complaint in the 12th Judicial Circuit Court in Sarasota, arguing that the City of Sarasota has failed to comply with Sarasota County’s Comprehensive Plan and the city’s own Comprehensive Plan in the proposal for replenishing sand on Lido Key.
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Captain Jim Klopfer’s Fishing Report Adventure Charters 941-371-1390 Mother Nature has been kind to us this “winter”. I use that term loosely as it has averaged ten degrees above normal and fishing has been great! April should offer incredible fishing for a variety of species. Big Pass and New Pass will be alive with fish migrating in and out of the bay this month. Spanish mackerel, bluefish, pompano, and ladyfish should be plentiful. Pompano prefer a small white or chartreuse jig bounced along the bottom while the mackerel are often found higher in the water column or breaking on the surface. There is nothing more exciting than casting a surface plug on light tackle or a fly into a feeding frenzy! Action on the deep flats will be very good for speckled trout, pompano, Spanish mackerel, bluefish, and ladyfish. The best flats to fish will be from Siesta Drive north to Long Bar. Flats that are near both passes will be especially productive. A ¼ ounce Bass Assassin Sea Shad is a great lure to prospect with; a lot of water can be covered and just about every species will hit it. Plugs work very well when
surface activity is seen, they also are a great lure to troll slowly and locate schools of fish. Silver and gold spoons are another good choice. Live bait is always a great choice, too. A live shrimp free lined or fished under a noisy float is a deadly technique. The area between Siesta Drive and Blackburn Point will be good for snook as they migrate out towards the beach to spawn. Any point, oyster bar, dock, or creek mouth that drops off into deeper water is a likely spot to try. High, outgoing tides are best. Plugs cover a lot of water and result in vicious strikes while jigs require more patience but will fool more redfish along with snook. Don’t be surprised when a big jack crevelle or trout inhales an offering meant for a snook or red. This has been a good season for sheepshead and while it is past its peak there should still be plenty of these tasty saltwater panfish around. Docks, seawalls, and bridges near passes will hold sheepies. A live shrimp fished on the bottom will fool them, along with snapper, grouper, and flounder. Surf fishing should be very good for
Cobia are caught occasionally in Sarasota Bay in April
Spanish mackerel, ladyfish, flounder, pompano, and more. Live or frozen shrimp fished near the bottom with a little weight works well. Spoons, plugs, and jigs will also catch plenty of fish, too. April is a great month for anglers with a small boat and not a lot of
experience to catch big fish. The beaches and inshore artificial reefs will be thick with king and Spanish mackerel, along with false albacore and the occasional cobia. Trolling spoons is very easy and deadly on all species. Sight casting to schools of breaking fish is fantastic sport using spinning or fly tackle.
Free Trolley Comes to Siesta Key Continued from page 10
The more visitors become aware of the trolley, he pointed out, the greater the demand will be. The Eagle asked Burke about the fact that the Breeze will make just the single stop in front of Siesta Market before heading onto Ocean Boulevard and then west to Beach Road. He explained the reasoning for that has been “the congestion with the people and the cars [in the Village], so we’ve got to factor in the safety issue first and foremost.” Nonetheless, he stressed, this is a pilot program; therefore, he and his staff are still trying to figure out whether they can comply with the need Smith cited for greater visibility. During his comments as part of the ceremony, Burke pointed out that SCAT staff worked with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to make funding for the Breeze possible. Commissioner Maio — another speaker during the event — noted that Burke and his staff “did some very creative things with FDOT to get this trolley here.” A memo to the County Commission in advance of its Feb. 28 award of the $592,191.60 contract to Ride Right Transit LLC of Lake St. Louis, Mo., said FDOT and the county each will cover 50% of the cost.
Commissioner Alan Maio and SCAT Director Rocky Burke at the Breeze launch March 20 2017
Details about the service
The Breeze will replace SCAT Route 10, which was launched in the summer of 2014 to complement Route 11 in serving Siesta Key. Members of the Siesta Chamber and the Siesta Key Village Association (SKVA) — before the Chamber absorbed the latter at the end of 2016 — complained that SCAT did not advertise Route 10 sufficiently, which was one reason it proved unsuccessful. SKVA members also long had emphasized the need for an openair circulator because they believed it would be in keeping with the island atmosphere and, therefore, far more attractive to visitors than a regular bus. Because of “consistently low ridership,” the Feb. 28 county staff memo explained to the county commission, SCAT implemented changes to Route 10 in November 2015. Nonetheless, the memo continued, the bus service still exhibited “poor performance for several reasons.” One of them, the memo reported, was that “the type of vehicle used was not desired by the passengers residing [in] and visiting the area.” In an interview with the Eagle after the Feb. 28 bid award, Russell Matthes, a longtime SKVA officer, said of the trolley, “It’s definitely more rider-friendly,” and more inviting to visitors. “We think that alone will stimulate ridership.” During his March 20 remarks, Maio joked, “My number of emails will be reduced by 20% because this trolley has now started. You have
Alana Tomasso Russell Matthes and Wendall Jacobsen wave as the Siesta Key Breeze prepares to leave Siesta Village March 20 2017
a very active, intense lobbying group here.” Maio encouraged the Chamber members and other business owners “to get as many people as possible to ride this for six months” to demonstrate to FDOT the need to keep the Breeze rolling after the pilot program ends. Assistant County Administrator Cunningham pointed out that the trolley “is a one-of-a-kind in Sarasota as of this moment.” And even though it is an open-air vehicle, it does have air conditioning. Burke said. Keiderling planned to be back on the Key that week, “passing out more stickers and giveaways” to promote the service, she wrote in her March 21 email.
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Key Solutions Presents BLVD in Virtual Reality |BLVD offers 49 residences with living space ranging in size from 3,500sf to 5400sf Siesta Key resident, Kevin Daves, is once again looking to awe downtown Sarasota with a new project. His newest and most innovative design, BLVD Sarasota, is unlike anything that’s come before. The extraordinary design, amazing amenities and an enviable location have combined to create a new standard of luxury. Situated in the renowned arts and culture district of Sarasota, Florida, the 18-story tower showcases panoramic waterfront and city views from the expansive, private terraces. The elegant and luxurious residences at BLVD have been thoughtfully designed for today’s contemporary lifestyle. Residents of BLVD will appreciate the innovative design that resulted in some of the most imaginative residences in Sarasota. Just this week, BLVD Sarasota announced that Key Solutions Real Estate will be the official sales broker for the BLVD’s new residential tower at the southeast corner of Boulevard of the Arts and Tamiami Trail (U.S. 41). Key Solutions will act as the main contact for those interested in making the groundbreaking BLVD Sarasota their new home. BLVD is slated to be the area’s only residential development released in the city this year offering this level of luxury, accompanied with single family home sized floorplans. Always on the leading edge of innovation, Key Solutions Real Estate is doing something no one else in this area has done, using virtual reality to put potential residents inside of their unit right from the sales studio. Key Solutions has partnered with Sarasota based IMERZA to incorporate a oneof-kind virtual tour experience showcasing these stunning residences, unlike anything Sarasota has seen before. With IMERZA’s cutting edge virtual reality technology, buyers can tour, design and decide to buy with confidence. Real-time virtual walkthroughs featuring unparalleled graphics, perspectives and the ability to make real-time upgrades specific to a client’s style allow buyers to see the space as their own. Fixtures, finishes, furnishings and more can be changed at the touch of a button. Homebuyers are able to compose an immersive experience of their new sanctuary and snap a photo for effortless sharing. “Key Solutions Real Estate is very excited
to partner with IMERZA to create our customer’s future reality, virtually,” said Keith Redding of Key Solutions Real Estate. “Combining this unique technology with the innovative tower residences of BLVD, Key Solutions Real Estate will provide an incredible home buying experience never before seen in Sarasota.” When asked about the project, Redding said, “BLVD is unlike anything the Sarasota market has to offer. With the majority of other downtown condo buildings only offering 1500-2200 square feet, many single-family homeowners looking to enjoy the vibrant Downtown lifestyle have been hesitant to consider
condo living. BLVD satisfies a huge demand for space and luxury with the smallest floor plans offering 3500 square feet of living area. The amenities are spectacular and will offer residents features not available in any other complex in our area.” Ranging from 3,500sf to 5400sf, BLVD’s 49 residences will feature large wrap around balconies, and private, zero-horizon pools in select residences, to capture the city views and expansive sights of Sarasota Bay. Spacious designs offer some of the largest floor plans in Downtown Sarasota. Two select penthouse floorplans, along with an unprecedented amenities program, makes BLVD the most exciting offering to be introduced to the downtown scene this year. Future residents can select from four sizable floorplans and five one-of-a-kind plans on the 5th floor amenity level, the 6th floor and penthouse levels. An onsite, high end dining and entertainment venue encapsulates the sought after nightlife of Sarasota without ever having to leave the building. With just 49 residences in total, priced from $1.5 to $2.9M plus two penthouse units with pricing to be released, smart investors are getting a first look at BLVD’s plans as they are just now being developed. Located in the highly sought-after Rosemary District, BLVD residents will live in the walkable downtown waterfront and the vibrant arts & cultural district of downtown Sarasota. With a walkability score of 96, residents are always just steps away from world-class entertainment, museums, art galleries and restaurants. Sarasota boasts a vast array of cultural destinations and experiences that highlight Sarasota Bayfront living. “We saw a great opportunity for this development to act as the gateway to the Rosemary District and Downtown. With world class amenities, dining, size, luxury, and the most spectacular 360 degree views from the roof deck pool, BLVD will leave a lasting impression for residents and guests alike,” according to Redding. Continued on the next page
Continued from the previous page
For those thinking that this is just another condominium project downtown, just stop in the virtual reality sales studio to see the difference. “You can truly get a feel for the size and layouts of the units while seeing what your view will be. Trying to envision what your unit will look like from the 16th floor by simply looking at a floor plan and building is extremely difficult for most of us. With the virtual reality program we created, all of the guesswork has been eliminated and buyers will have confidence in knowing what they are purchasing.” The developer of BLVD Sarasota is quite familiar with the downtown landscape. Core Development Inc. is best known for developing the Ritz Carlton Sarasota and Ritz Carlton Beach Club as well as Concession Residences and Golf Club. Knowing the attention to detail and innovative planning that Core put into those developments, BLVD is going to be
another landmark building. By staggering the floorplans, the design will give the building character and not the flat front look as many of the other buildings in the area. “Seeing the proposed building come alive in virtual reality is beyond impressive. Being able to provide this visual aide to the neighbors and businesses surrounding the location allow all to rest assured that careful detail has been paid to maximize the setbacks and minimize the total structure size as to what is allowed on the property. BLVD will be appreciated by everyone who sees it” said Redding. The BLVD Virtual Reality Sales Studio is now open 7-days-a-week and ready to show this incredible innovation to prospective residents. Contact info: Keith Redding | 941-894-4216 | Keith@keysolutionsre.com (Advertorial)
Ad News At The Lock Up, it is always safe, secure and climate-controlled. We offer a state-of-the-art facility with two huge drive-in bay doors for protection from the elements. We provide the lock and keys for you as well as a free move in truck if needed. Call us at 941-315-5222 for details. The entire facility is carpeted and is
protected with 24 hour surveillance as well as key-coded entry. When you drive up you will notice our commitment to excellence. We are conveniently located across from Phillippe Creek Oyster Bar, W. of S. Tamiami Trail. 5260 Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, 34231.
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Gulf view to disappear
By Rachel Brown Hackney
Almost exactly five years ago, representatives of the Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast - based in Osprey - appeared before the Siesta Key Association (SKA) with a proposal for a pocket park on almost an acre of land perched on Big Sarasota Pass. The property for years has offered a vista of the water and Lido Key, as drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists make their way to and from Siesta Village. Community members had approached the foundation, President Christine Johnson said during that February 2012 meeting, hopeful that, if sufficient financial and philosophical support could be found, the land could be preserved for the public. Yet, as opposition mounted from residents of the adjoining Windward Passage condominium complex, the initial enthusiasm for the idea ebbed. In early September 2012, Johnson stated that the foundation never gained the support it needed to forge ahead with the proposal. Price was another factor, she pointed out at the time. The owner reportedly was seeking between $3.5 million and $4 million, and everyone the foundation contacted “thought that the price was too high,” Johnson said. In August 2016, a new proposal for the land emerged: a six-unit luxury condominium complex called Oceane. If
all goes as planned, the project will break ground in June or July, Peter Laughlin, a broker associate with Premier Sotheby’s International Realty, told the Eagle. “We’re well underway with the final construction plan.” This will be the first new condominium development on Siesta Key since 2009, he pointed out. One unit has been reserved already, Laughlin added. “It’s a great opportunity.” On her website, SaraSellsSarasota.com, Realtor Sara Leicht writes of Oceane, “You will enjoy 374 feet of private prime Gulf front water with a view of the Sarasota downtown skyline and still [be] within walking distance [of] Siesta Key Village.” Sarasota County staff approved the construction site plan on Nov. 30, 2016, Mark Loveridge, manager of the Land Development Services Division for the county, told the Eagle in a March 10 telephone interview. However, a building permit will have to be issued before dirt can be turned, he noted. The developer is Crossgate Partners LLC, “a private real estate investment and development firm,” which built Bay Street Village and Town Center in Osprey; IOS by the Bay on Biscayne Bay in Miami; and Madeira Bay in Madeira Beach. The architect is Mark Sultana of the DSDG firm in Sarasota, Laughlin added. On Jan. 13, Sarasota County Property Appraiser’s Office records show that MK Siesta Property LLC sold the three parcels that comprise the Oceane site to CG Oceane LLC for $4,785,000. According to the state’s Division of Corporations’ records, CG Oceane is an entity that Crossgate Partners established just days before the closing. Crossgate is based in Suwanee, Ga., the registration application shows. MK Siesta Property LLC was managed by Kevin D. Cogan of Louisville, Ky., who previously planned to develop the land, according to county records. In 2016, the staff of Property Appraiser Bill Furst valued the three Oceane parcels at a total of $4,083,000. Together, they comprise 38,754 square feet; an acre is 43,560 square feet. Project details The four bedroom/4.5 bathroom Oceane condominiums — which also will have one “flex room” — are listed from $3,873,000 to $4,460,000, according to a pre-construction pricing sheet. Each has been designed with “smart home automation, green building standards, expansive waterfront terraces and the highest-quality finishes,” plus an enclosed three-car garage and private poolside
cabana, Laughlin added. Asked whether he feels the controversy over the proposal to dredge Big Sarasota Pass to renourish South Lido Key has affected sales of the units, Laughlin replied that he has not seen any problems linked to that plan of the City of Sarasota and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. He indicated “a lot of activity,” with people interested in the development. If the dredging is allowed to proceed, he said, “it’s not going to have that big an impact.” According to the site plan approved by county Planning and Development Services Department staff, the main building will encompass 10,621 square feet; cabanas, 586 square feet; and porches, decks, a pool and the parking lot, 7,956 square feet, for a total of 19,163 square feet. The complex will cover 29.2% of the land, the document adds; the impervious part of the construction will be 49.9% of the total. The Residential Multi-Family 2 zoning of the 0.88-acre site would allow 7.92 units instead of the six planned on three levels, the document notes. The physical address is 4750 Ocean Blvd. No variance needed Unlike builders of other recent new waterfront structures on Siesta and Casey keys, Crossgate Partners has not applied for a Coastal Setback Variance for Oceane; it did not need to do so. In March 2005, the County Commission granted one to a pair of developers for the property, county records show. The resolution the board approved says the petitioners sought the variance for the demolition of existing multi-family residential structures, with plans for “a new pile-supported, three-story, multi-family residential structure, swimming pool, pool deck, cabanas/pavilion, stormwater retention area and the addition of approximately 2,400 cubic yards of fill to be brought on-site …” It added, “All proposed construction will be located a maximum of 44.3 feet seaward of the Sarasota Barrier Island Pass Twenty-Year Hazard Line” on the land fronting Big Pass. “The site is very tight,” Loveridge of the county Land Development Services Division told the Eagle. In 2005, the petitioners were Icon Properties - Ocean Boulevard LLC and JDG Properties - Siesta LLC. Both, based in Louisville, Ky., are inactive, state Division of Corporations records show. Their last annual reports were filed in March 2009. The principal manager of each was Kevin D. Cogan of MK Siesta Property LLC, the records say.
The day after the Landolers Concert, some of the performers took The Landings Eagle to the Orioles Game and had some fun at the pre-game picnic area Left to right: Bob Harris, Jeff Crotty, David Massari, Carl Maggard and Norm Olshansky. (Not present for the photo was Henry Rhodes, Jack Jost).
County’s land development The webpage may be accessed easily by clicking on “Unified Development Code Project” under the Initiatives heading in the lower left-hand corner of the county’s website (www.scgov.net), he added. The portal includes links to the Land Development Regulations chapter of the Sarasota County Code and to the Zoning Regulations appendix. It also features a link to a form for public comments. “We’ll give [those] right to our consultants,” Osterhoudt noted of the forms. “I just think it’s an extremely aggressive timeline,” Commissioner Mike Moran told County Administrator Tom Harmer. Because the board members can direct only the county administrator and county attorney to take action, and not staff, under the terms of the County Charter, Moran asked Harmer to be sure to inform
Wake & Shake Just roll out of bed...your hair looks great!
Shampoo and towel dry.... and you’re done! The style is in the cut, not the blow-dry, so you don’t have to fuss with your hair to look good... even fine, limp or curly hair... and my new steam color process + Olaplex creates richer brunettes and spectacular blondes. The colors go deeper and last longer, yet are far more gentle to the hair. By Appointment Only with Ian:
Continued from page 13
the commissioners if it appears the consultant and staff cannot adhere to the proposed schedule. With the update considered a major board priority, Harmer explained, staff will send the commissioners memos to keep them apprised of milestones. Moreover, Harmer pointed out, “Every quarter, you’re going to have an assistant county administrator at the podium [during a regular board meeting], presenting the latest status of this.” “Perfect. Thank you,” Moran told him. After making the motion to award the contract to Calvin, Giordano & Associates, Maio said he wished the firm’s representatives well. “This is maybe a tough timeline,” he added, but “it’s my expectation that we stick to this timeline.”
Happiness is...Celebrating Milestones Milestones create opportunities to look back on life events and cherish with fondness the places you’ve seen, risks you’ve taken, and special people you’ve met. Siesta Key is a fantastic spot to appreciate all of those and more with the beautiful beaches, friendly people, great experiences and even the special places you can go. From fine dining to desserts, Siesta Key and Sarasota have it all. Here at Abel’s Ice Cream, we know exactly how it feels to reflect on our recent milestones. Within the past eighteen months, we moved half way across country from Kansas City to the most beautiful beach in America, became business owners, and Jerry turned the big 5-0 in March. To top that off, we’ve gotten to share those memories with our incredible customers and enjoy many wonderful stories of others’ vacation experiences here on the Key. To celebrate our birthdays in March and April, we’re featuring our favorite ice cream flavors and handmade chocolates from Sweet Shop USA. Jerry loves the Captains Chocolate ice cream (our house chocolate, it’s smooth, triple rich, and award winning) and his favorite fine chocolate is the Amaretto Truffle (Dark chocolate center with amaretto liqueur flavoring dipped in milk chocolate then in white chocolate). I favor our Stellar Coffee (rich coffee ice cream with delicious fudge and milk dark chocolate coffee cups) and Purple Daze (Black raspberry ice cream with a black raspberry crinkle and dark chocolate black raspberry cups) and my favorite truffle is the Abuelita’s Mexican Hot Chocolate (A rich ganache center of Mexican hot chocolate
Jerry & Jill, owners of Abel’s Ice Cream Photo Credit: Moments in Time Photography
combined with roasted Hatch green chilies, dipped in dark chocolate then rolled in cinnamon). Stop by the shop and enjoy our favorites and tell us how you’re planning to spring ahead this year. We can’t wait to see you! We’re open Monday-Thursday: Noon9:30 and Friday and Saturday Noon-10pm at 1886 Stickney Point Rd (between new Balance and Stonewood Grill). Also, check out our newly revamped website at www.abelsicecream.com and connect with us online on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
1886 Stickney Point Road WWW.ABELSICECREAM.COM
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Through the Eyes of a Veteran “In November,1943, we departed from San Francisco on the West Point, which was the largest ship ever built in the United States—38,000 tons. Its prior name was the America, and after the war it was named the United States. As there were 15,000 troops on board, there was barely room to move. Meals were served cafeteria style, and eating was standing room only. We traveled without escort since Japanese subs were not as fast as the West Point. “In New Guinea, we had “C” rations for three days while our kitchen and supplies were being unloaded. I was placed as a member of a 37mm gun crew and I also worked in the hold of ships to place cargo into large nets for unloading into the LCM’s. Barrels were lifted with large hooks on each end and about six or so were hoisted at one time. “We started at the southern tip of New Guinea—Milne Bay, and then moved north to Cape Cretin, Saidor, and Aitape. Later I was chosen to be an operator of a D-4 bulldozer. The dozer was used to pull equipment and trailers that were bogged down in the sandy beaches, and also to develop storage areas for ammunitions
and fuel.” Soon Cal was to benefit from the typing skills he had learned in high school. He caught the attention of one of the officers who moved him over to work in S-2 (battalion intelligence section). When the officer moved up to regimental headquarters company, Calvin moved right along with him to work in operations. In addition to handling ship to shore materials, the Boat Battalion landed and picked up troops when in danger. If a downed pilot could be located they would pick him up. The Shore Battalion remained responsible for beach perimeter security and the development of embankments for the separate storage of ammunition, fuel, etc. Cal writes: “After several moves in convoy in New Guinea, we participated in the assault landing at Lingayen Gulf in the Philippines. On our way for this landing there were hundreds of ships in our convoy. One Japanese pilot crashed his plane on a nearby ship and another missed and hit the water very near to us. “After landing, we were under Japanese fire for several nights from what was known
Continued from cover story
as ‘Pistol Pete’. Later I was able to go up into the mountains to see ‘Pistol Pete’—a 320mm Howitzer which was thought to have been moved there from Singapore. In our foxholes we used to count the seconds between seeing the flash and hearing the sound (about five seconds per mile) to estimate the distance from us. Sometimes less than one second. “While in a foxhole one night in the Philippines shortly after our landing, I made a compact with our Lord that it was His decision as to whether I was to survive or not, and if He chose to save me, then I would do my best to live a good life when I returned and to help others. I have tried to honor that commitment.” Cal was selected with five officers and two other enlisted men to fly to Hawaii and prepare the 98th Division for an assault landing on Japan. One small room had an entire wall posted with aerial photos of the beach on which they were to land. One of his assignments was to update the photos as new ones came in. It was anticipated that landing forces would have an 80% casualty rate. Fortunately, while their ships were being loaded, the
Cal in his younger years
Cal on D-4 Bulldozer in New Guinea
Marc Owen, grandson. Officer on USS Green Bay
war came to an end. Cal writes: “Needless to say, we were very grateful for the atomic bomb. It also saved many Japanese lives. … I had the opportunity to see all the damage of the atomic bomb at Hiroshima—it was almost leveled.” With the help of the GI Bill, Calvin Owen went back to school at Ohio State, graduating in March of 1948 with a Bachelor of Civil Engineering degree. All of Cal’s working life was with Owen-Ames-Kimball Co. and the last seventeen years as their president. On September 11, 1948, Cal married Ann Virginia Napier and began a near perfect marriage of sixty-seven years. To avoid the Michigan cold, Ann spent winters since 1976 in Sarasota and Cal did lots of commuting by air. Ann passed away in April 2016. The couple has two sons and one daughter. The family has six granddaughters and one grandson. Marc Owen, the grandson, is now an officer on the USS Green Bay stationed off Japan. Ann and Cal have much enjoyed their home at Eagles Point Circle for the last twenty years.
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View From The Gate
Compiled by: Capt. Jordan M. Joseph, Landings Security & Safety There were a total of 46 Incidents reported for the month of February 2017. They are as follows: • 1 Animal Problem Report Large turtle struck and killed. • 1 Assist Other Agency Report EMS on site. Patrol officer providing traffic control. • 13 Open Door Reports 12 Open Garages. 1 Open Vehicle (Trunk). • 6 Parking Violation Reports 1 Vehicles parked in restricted area. 3 Vehicles parked in roadway overnight. 2 Vehicles parked on the grass. • 1 Patrol Request Strange noise reported by resident Patrol determined noise to be AC unit.
• 2 Public Service Reports Patrol escorted visitors late night to residence. Vehicle lights noted to be on. Resident advised. • 20 Reckless Driver Reports All subjects reported as ‘Unsafe Speeds’ • 1 Suspicious Incident Report Guest vehicle observed tailgating exit assisted by resident. • 1 Trespass Report 2 W/M subjects fled on foot when approached by patrol officer.
Landings Residents’ Handbook & Directory By Dick Bayles
There have been three changes in association presidents since the last issue: Landings South IV Condominium Association P: Roy Glah – 1626 Starling Dr • 203-517-5219 M: CMR (Donnie Melendy) • 378-1777 • cmr7085@yahoo.com Eagles Point Community Association P: Michael Peikoff - 5450 Eagles Point Cir #401 • 921-9219 M: Casey (Bridget Spence) • 922-3391 • Bspence@caseymanagement.com Landings Bayview I Condominium Association P: Constance Goldman - 5400 Eagle’s Point Cir., #106 • 617-515-4463 M: Casey (Bridget Spence) • 922-3391 • Bspence@caseymanagement.com New owners or residents since the last issue of The Landings Eagle: • Richard Martin & Mary Denham, 5252 Heron Way, 914-548-8342, 914-830-1080, 1dmartin955@gmail.com, moggiesue@gmail.com Listing changes since the last issue of The Landings Eagle: • Ira & Cynthia Klein, cindyklein1@gmail.com • Eileen Lazaroff, 941-922-4531, 609-884-8501, kirkekirk08@gmail.com Additions, changes or corrections should be directed to me in writing. Directory forms are available from me via e‑mail, at www.landingseagle.com and www.insidethelandings.com, or from your association, and may be dropped off at the Landings Racquet Club or Main Gate to my attention, or sent via mail, e‑mail or toll-free fax. Dick Bayles: 1729 Landings Way, Sarasota, FL 34231, Email: landings.directory@gmail.com Fax: (855) 631-3860
Main Gate Entries at the Main Gate Total Gate Traffic North Gate Entries at the North Gate Exits at the North Gate Total Gate Traffic South Gate Entries at the South Gate Exits at the South Gate Total Gate Traffic
2017 11402 11402 2016 18783 18366 37149 2016 3833 3096 6929
2016 11842 11842 2015 18292 16632 34924 2015 6274 5609 11883
2015 11779 11779 2014 17724 15587 33311 2014 5745 4941 10686
2014 12237 12237 2013 17510 15470 32980 2013 5911 4865 10776
2013 11931 11931 2012 17926 15906 33832 2012 5490 4808 10298
* The Main Gate has no means of recording exit numbers at this time. N/A = System Error. Information not available or missing.
Useful & Emergency Phone Numbers... Verizon - Phone Service..............................................1.800.483.1000 Comcast Cable........................................................................371.6700 Emergency Animal Clinic.....................................................929.1818 Poison Info Center.......................................................1.800.282.3171 Waste Management...............................................................924.1254 Landings Eagle................................................................941.539.0205 Landing’s Gate.......................................................................922.5531 Landings Racquet Club.........................................................923.3886 Landings Community Hauling Program........... 941-727-6464x110 LRC e-mail................................................... LRCtennis@verizon.net Argus Management...............................................................927.6464 Sheriff Non-Emergency.........................................................861.5800 FPL - Florida Power & light..................................................917.0708 FPL - Outage Report....................................................1.800.468.8243 Fishing & Hunting Licenses..........................................941.362.9888 Marriage License Bureau...............................................941.362.4066 Sarasota County Hotline.......................................................861.5000 Sarasota/Bradenton Intl. Airport.................................941.359.2770 Sarasota County Area Transit (SCAT) .......................941.316.1234 Sarasota County Information Call Center.......941.861.5000/scgov.net Sarasota Doctors Hospital..............................................941.342.1100 Sarasota Memorial Hospital/Health Care System ...... 941.917.7760 Emergency (General)......................................................................911 Life-threatening EMERGENCY: call 911 first, then call the gate. They will direct emergency vehicles
The ATS Speed Sentry was deployed at Landings Blvd / Heron Way (Southbound) for the month of February 2017 with the following results:
Date 02/15/17 to 03/15/17
Location Landings Blvd / Heron Way (Southbound)
Speed Limit Compliant 15 80.63%
Low Risk 12.00%
Med Risk High Risk 6.70% 0.67%
The average daily traffic for this location was about 517.56 vehicles a day. Previous deployments at this location show a slight decrease on compliance at this location, with the biggest jump in the Med Risk category. Deployment for the month of March will be on Landings Blvd and Landing Court (Westbound).
Date 02/15/17 to 03/15/17 01/17/2017 to 02/14/17 01/01/14 to 01/30/14
Location Landings Blvd / Heron Way (Southbound) Landings Blvd / Heron Way (Southbound) Landings Blvd / Heron Way (Southbound)
Speed Limit Compliant 15 80.63% 15 87.67% 15 83.58%
Low Risk 12.00% 10.14% 13.60%
Med Risk High Risk 6.70% 0.67% 2.10% 0.09% 2.76% 0.07%
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
MAY 2017 FRI
Day Sunday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Saturday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Friday
Date 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 18 18 18 20 20 21 21 22 25 25 25 28
Time Noon 3:30pm 8:30am 7pm 4pm 2:30pm 7pm 2pm 9am 3pm 2pm 4pm 5pm 5pm 7pm Noon 1:30pm 7pm 2pm 4pm 9:30am 7pm 3pm 9am 2pm 5:30pm 5pm
Event Watercolor Painting Show LLG Committee LMA Trivia Challenge Holiday Cheer Meeting Landings Free College LMA Board Meeting Private Event Koffee Klatsch Private Event Eagle Editorial Meeting Bayview Table Tennis Exhibition South VII LHA Kayak Meeting LRC Board Trivia Challenge Landings South IV Board Meeting EP I Carriage House I Movie Night Private Event Koffee Klatsch Landings South IV Tree House HOA Single Friends Meetup
Day Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Monday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday
Date 2 2 4 8 9 11 16 16 18 18 19 19 23 23 23
Bridge Chair Yoga Jazzericise Mah Jong Class Ping Pong Tai Chi Water Aerobics Watercolor Painting Yoga Zumba Gold
Time 8:30am 7pm 7pm 9am 2pm 7pm 1:30pm 7pm 2pm 4pm 9:30am 7pm 9am 2pm 5:30pm
Event LMA Trivia Challenge LMA Board Mtg. Koffee Klatsch Eagle Editorial Meeting LHA LRC Board Trivia Challenge Landings South IV Board Mtg. Landings South VII Carriage House I Movie Night Koffee Klatsch Landings South IV Tree House HOA
Regularly Scheduled Items Mondays Fridays (Except the 21st) Tues & Thurs Thursdays Mondays & Wednesdays Thursdays Thursdays Thursdays Mondays & Wednesdays Thursdays
6:30pm 10am 8:30am 9:30am 9:30am 10am 11am 10am 8:15am 9am
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Judy Tara
Your Landings
Resident Real Estate Team
½ BA
Landings Real Estate Database
5430 EAGLES PT. CIR #203
5430 EAGLES POINT CIRCLE #201 • $629,000
1734 KESTRAL PARK WAY S • $349,000
1695 STARLING DR • $499,999
5450 EAGLES PT. CIR #402
5450 EAGLES PT. CIR #101
1696 PINE HARRIER CIR • $724,000 dy & Tara Ju ighborhoo ’s Ne
Judy Tara 350-0451 266-4873
OPEN HOUSE Michael Saunders & Company
5430 EAGLES POINT CIR, #203 • $787,000
Watch for the “Judy and Tara’s Neighborhood” Open House signs on Sundays where “Just Looking” is always welcome. Your Landings Resident Real Estate Team are proud advocates and supporters of Landings events including Sponsorship of the USTA Father/Son Annual Tennis Tournament.
Judy Greene • 941.350.0451 • JudyGreene@michaelsaunders.com Tara Lamb • 941.266.4873 • TaraLamb@michaelsaunders.com
Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker
Based on information from Realtor.com, Sarasota Property Appraiser, and Sarasota Association of Realtors for the period ending March 22, 2017. These properties listed and sold in the past 4 months by various MLS participating offices.
5100 Ocean Boulevard • Sarasota, FL 34242