County Commissioner Chair, Alan Maio to provide County update
Mike Davies’ Legacy - Professional Tennis Re-Defined By Trebor Britt The Sarasota community and specifically, Landings residents, were blessed to have former pro tennis player and International Hall of Fame member, Mike Davies among them. In one of his many highlights as a Pro tennis player, Davies reached the Wimbledon finals. Pro tennis players as well as VIP’s in the tennis community from all over the globe visited the Landing’s Racquet Club on January 9, 2016, for a memorial service to celebrate the life of Mike Davies who died recently. The private service with a standing room crowd of over 120 included many who would be considered tennis royalty. Among them were Philip Brook, current
Chairman of the All England Club (Wimbledon), Ken Solomon, Chairman & CEO of the Tennis Channel, Universal Television, Dreamworks News Corp, and Scripps, many Pro tennis players including, Stan Smith, winner of the U.S. Open and Wimbledon, Cliff Drysdale, former Pro tennis player and current ESPN tennis commentator, Butch Buchholz, former Pro tennis player and winner of Wimbledon, the French and Australian Open, Jimmy Arias, former Pro tennis player and winner of the Italian Open and three other grand prix events, Chris Clouser, International Tennis Hall of Fame president, and Anne Worcester, tournament Director of the Connecticut
Sarasota Veterans Event Seven candidates vie for LMA Board
Andrew Cholakian, 6, First grader at Phillippi Shores IB World School
By Trebor Britt The Landings Free College will be hosting an event for Sarasota Veterans, their families and anyone interested, in a special presentation featuring the Sarasota National Cemetery. This event will take place at The Landings Racquet Club, at 2pm Thursday, February 4 and is open to Landings residents and the general public. Sarasota National Cemetery director, John Rosentrater will be the guest speaker who will enlighten those present about the latest status of one of Sarasota’s true gems. Some of the topics covered will be,
general information, eligibility, it’s history and development, the floral policy, as well as how to make burial arrangements. The new 295-acre national cemetery will serve veterans’ needs for the next 50 years. The cemetery is located in Sarasota County along State Road 72 and approximately four miles east of Interstate 75. In April 2007, the Department of Veterans Affairs purchased the site from private citizens and has awarded a contract to Miller Legg & Associates of Winter Park, Fla., to design the new cemetery.
Continued on page 26
Mike Davies Open that takes place the week before the US Open. She worked with Davies for many
years on the tournament. Continued on page 20
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LMA Meeting Notes
By Trebor Britt
Unseasonably warm weather chairman, David Jacaruso. LMA Board Tables FINANCE REPORT ENVIRONMENTAL Intersection Congestion Finance committee chair, LMA Pres. Don McMurray created additional growth that After a nearly thirty minute Marie Graziosi-Jacaruso was relayed committee chair, John needed to be trimmed. Palm discussion, Board members Issue
LMA Pres. Don McMurray opened the meeting by recognizing and complimenting the nominating committee for their work over the last couple months putting together a slate of nominees to fill the four open positions. McMurray announced that three residents have volunteered to work on the Sanctions Committee. Others may be added. The first step of the committee will be to meet with an attorney to go over legal issues. He went on to clarify the security accounting mistakes made by Universal, the company that provides security at The Landings. They agreed on the amount of money overbilled and final resolution is in progress.
Notifications • LMA Q&A with members: First Tuesday of each month 8:30-9:30 a.m. at the LRC. • Next Community Hauling Date: February 10, 2016 from 8-9 a.m. at the north gate. • Code for the Field Road door: Call the Main Gate, 941-922.5531. • Wanted: Writer/Editor with a Passion for news, information & Landings living. Editor must be a Landings resident. Contact Bob Stein 941-3490194.
out of town and LMA President McMurray shared the report in her absence. Through the end of November, the Board has underspent by just over $88,000. The Finance committee is going to provide the board with recommendations for the distribution of the anticipated surplus of funds at the next meeting.
Carson’s report in his absence. Carson will be working with the Landscape Committee to begin developing a matching grant project with Sarasota County.
The first phase of the road resurfacing project will begin around the first part of April. Phase 2 will take place in 2021, and phase 3 in 2026. Bids for the COMMUNICATIONS work will be solicited soon. The roads being completed during COMMITTEE Co-chairs, Bob Manteiga phase 1 are Kestral Park Circle, and Joan Lowery reported Heron Way, and all of the the internal and external Treehouse Association roads. components of The Landings LAKES website are now up and running. Lakes chair, Larry Lawrence Updates and new features will reported higher temperatures continue to be made going h a v e c r e a t e d m ore algae forward. Residents may now access the external website at growth. As a result, spraying www.landingsofsarasota.com will be done more frequently. The fountains on Treehouse and the internal website at www.insidethelandings.com. Lake, North Lake and Pintail Website training for residents Lake will be operating by the time this article appears. will be available soon. Additionally, the light timer on COMMUNITY EVENTS Lake Mayne and circuit breaker C h a i r m a n D o u g D a y , on Heron Lake have recently a n n o u n c e d a r e c e p t i o n been replaced. would be held with County Commissioner Alan Maio at 4 p.m. on February 11, at the Landings Racquet Club.
The next household hazardous waste pick up will be DRAINAGE Wednesday, February 10, from In committee chair, Jack 8 to 9 a.m. Make reservations Jost’s absence, LMA Pres., with George Niel 941-927-6464 Don McMurray reported Jost extension 110. has been working with the LANDSCAPING Homeowners Association on a Landscaping chair, Joe drainage issue at the corner of Landings Blvd. and Landings H e n n e s s y ’ s r e p o r t e d o n several landscape issues. Ct. that may be costly.
requested they be provided a copy of the proposal they could review before the next board meeting. Basically, the device used will record the speed of a vehicle and simultaneously take a picture of the vehicle’s license plate. Other communities who have used the same system MAINTENANCE Maintenance Committee claim it has markedly reduced chair David Jacaruso, reported speeding in their developments. the Sign Replacement Program is continuing and perimeter FORWARD wall power washing will PLANNING begin soon. He announced the Forward Planning chair, committee is still securing bids M i c h a e l K n u p p r e p o r t e d for interior road striping and the committee decided to reflector replacements. do a demographic survey of trees in the Eagles Nest area were also pruned and several pepper trees were removed. Lastly, Hennessy reported a Slash Pine in the largest island at The Landings was dying and may need to come down.
Chairman Neil Goldman reported the security staff were overwhelmed and thankful for the Christmas gift cards. Golf carts have yet to be registered with the front gate. Goldman’s committee will be sending letters to the owners to facilitate that process. Maingate cameras have been ordered that will allow recording of drivers’ license plates. Goldman went on to relate two gate tailgating incidents at the Northgate. A vehicle tried to sneak through the gate directly behind a vehicle in front of them. His committee is going to send a couple people to inform the owner that practice is prohibited. Lastly, Goldman brought up a new speed limit enforcement program proposed by resident and maintenance committee
Landings residents before doing a larger survey. A demographic survey would tabulate the number of males, females, children and so forth. That information would help the committee develop questions for more extensive survey. Dick Bayles agreed to put the survey in an electronic format for easier tabulation.
Nearly every aspect of the ongoing Kestral Parkway, Highway 41 intersection congestion project was discussed for almost a half hour. LMA President, Don McMurray reviewed a history of the process and proposals which began in late 2010. After the lengthy discussion the Board decided to table the project and have maintenance re-stripe the intersection.
Serving the Landings Community for over 10 Years | www.landingseagle.com | Island Visitor Publications, LLC | 941-349-0194 P.O. Box 35086, Siesta Key, Florida 34242. Publishers: Bob & Emy Stein islandvp@verizon.net To advertise in print or on-line call 941-349-0194. Advertising Representative: Irene Brooks Please note that contributing writers and photographers are acknowledged with bylines accompanying their submissions. We sincerely thank everyone for their contributions. The Landings Eagle is published monthly and is partially funded by the Landings Management Association & Landings Racquet Club, but is independently edited and reported by Landings residents. The Landings Eagle is published by Island Visitor Publishing, a Florida LLC. Advertising rates and information will be gladly furnished by calling us at 941-349-0194, We are ready to answer your questions and to assist you in preparing your ad at no extra charge. All advertising and editorial content is subject to editing to conform to our style, and is copyrighted 2015 by Island Visitor Publishing, LLC and may not be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted under federal law. The publisher reserves the right to edit or reject copy for any reason. Island Visitor Publishing, LLC is not responsible for any claims made by the advertisers. To access each issue of The Landings Eagle, please go to: www.islandvp.com. Simply scroll down to The Eagle image and click on it for the current issue. If you would like to view past issues, click on the text, “TO VIEW PAST ISSUES OF THE LANDINGS EAGLE, CLICK HERE” That will bring you to a list of the back issues going back to July 2013. For anything earlier you will need to go to the website: www.landingseagle.com ©
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President’s Column Welcome – winter is finally upon us.
Just a few notes: 1. The nominating committee has done a great job putting together a slate of candidates for the election to be held in February. There are seven candidates and four open positions:
The candidates are: Dick Bayles Steve Holtzkener Joan Lowery Ernest Matijasic Bob Manteiga Richard Stern Charles Rienhoff The Association Presidents elect the board members at our Annual meeting. The President’s Council met on January 20 and each of the candidates had an opportunity to speak to the Association
By Don McMurray
Presidents and elaborate on their interest in serving on the Board. The Eagle has a spread with photos and bios of the candidates on page 18. 2. Sanctions Committee has been formed. The members are: Art Wood (Chair), Sue Ault, and Rob King. The committee will next meet with our attorney to review the legal boundaries/ process the committee will need to follow. I have asked George to prepare a document listing all of our policies that have sanctions attached to them so the committee will have a basis for considering sanctions for any infractions that are forwarded to them. 3. Universal – after a significant delay with no response from Universal – I sent a letter to Gordon indicating that we would consider turning the matter over to our attorney to begin the collection process
and the termination of our contract process. With much apology I received a response from their General Manager indicating that they would be forwarding a document indicating the amount owed for our signature. Following the return of document they would instruct their Accounts Payable Department to begin the repayment process. Hopefully, in the next day or so we will have this issue resolved.
President’s Council Meeting The President’s Council met January 20 to meet and chat with the candidates for the LMA board. Six of the seven candidates were present, the seventh could not attend due to illness, but several of the present candidates spoke positively on his behalf. Under the documents governing The Landings, the only people permitted to vote for members of the LMA board are Presidents of the 20 Associations. Beyond providing governance for each of the associations the voting for membership on the LMA board is one of the most important responsibilities of Association presidents. The organizers of the Presidents Council meeting, Henry Rhodes (former LMA Pres.) and Terry Black (Pres. Bayview I) presided over the meeting. Both expressed disappointment only nine, of the 20 Association presidents who will vote for LMA board attended this Presidents Council meeting. They also commended the nominating committee for having recruited an unprecedented 7 candidates to fill 4 positions. In several past elections there have been just enough candidates to fill open
positions. They credited the hard work of the nominating committee with the recruitment and persuasion effort required to collect 7 outstanding candidates. The candidates are, in alphabetical order, Richard (Dick) Bayles, Steve Holtzkener, Joan Lowery (incumbent), Ernie Matijasic, Robert Manteiga (incumbent), H. Charles Rienhoff, and Richard Stern. Each candidate spoke briefly and answered questions except Mr. Manteiga who was absent due to illness. Brief biographies of the candidates can be found on page 19. A brief discussion on the future of the Presidents Council followed the candidates’ presentations. Issues included what all can be done to enhance interest on the part of Association presidents to attend Presidents Council meetings, or whether to continue the Council at all. This particular group is not mandated by any of the documents but was developed for informational purposes and to improve communications between the associations and the LMA, the overall governing body for The Landings Commons areas.
By Irwin Star
Candidates (l to r) Richard Stern, Steve Holtzkener, H. Charles Rienhoff, Joan Lowery, Ernie Matijasic, Dick Bayles, (absent) Robert Manteiga
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Kids’ Corner
By Heidi Bodor
Andrew Cholakian, 6, First grader at Phillippi Shores IB World School
Languages: Thai, English. No pets. If I could pick one animal, I’d have a black and white hamster named Sky 2 sisters, Alyssa and Ava • Do you like The Landings? Yes, because there are a lot of nice people. • What is your favorite subject at school? Free time since I can draw on the computer and play computer games! • What is your favorite computer game? Spiderman and Lego Chima (you can build airplanes and robots) • What is your favorite sport? Basketball which I play during my lunch period at school. • Favorite color? Blue (I like to draw blue like the water and sky) and red (I like to draw red for kitchens or use red paper) • Favorite movie? The Lego Movie, Spiderman, and Batman • What do you do in your spare time? I take Tae Kwon Do lessons after school. I’m a yellow belt -- close to orange! I like swimming, going to the beach, and bike riding since I learned how to ride a bike recently. Sometimes we go to Universal Studios or Disney
World too since we have annual passes. • What is your favorite ride at Universal? The Harry Potter and the Minions simulators • Tell me about a recent trip you’ve taken. We went on a cruise to Mexico. It was a lot of fun. We went rock climbing and ate great ice cream and Mr. Dinosaur, the Kid’s Club Director, played with us a lot. • What’s your favorite food? Frosted Flakes, chicken, ham and sticky rice, and homemade pizza • One word to describe you would be? Fun! • If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why? A shark because I get to eat people and fish!
• What do you want to be when you grow up? I’d like to be a business owner of a place where kids can play with toys, Legos, video games, and they can eat there too! • Where would you recommend going on vacation? Legoland or a friend’s house or Thailand. • What do you enjoy when you are in Thailand? The great chocolate ice cream! Also my favorite things were toy shopping and seeing a live superhero show! • If you could wave a magic wand, what ill in the world would you solve? If a tree dies, I’d like to be able to bring it back to life. • If you were on an island and could only bring three things,
Heidi Bodor
Andrew Cholakian what would you take? Computer, IPad, and a sleeping bag • Who are your heroes and why? Batman, Captain America, and Spiderman because they are all protectors.
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LHA Meeting Notes Roads Resurfacing Project By Dick Bayles At its regular January board meeting, the Board approved a request for changes to the landscaping at residences on Kestral Park Terrace and 4809 Peregrine Point Cir W. After reviewing proposed material for roof replacement on Kestral Park Lane, the board expressed unanimous reservations regarding its appearance. Several members will be shown examples of the material on local roofs before a final determination is made as to its acceptability. Almost all of the east-side property owners on Peregrine Point Way have formally agreed to the proposed drainage remediation agreement. The project will begin when the last owner executes the agreement. Funding for this remediation project is being shared between the owners, the LMA and the LHA. The Annual Meeting of The Landings Homeowners Association, Inc., will be held at 7:00PM at the Landings Racquet Club. At that meeting, there will be four directors to be elected. There are five candidates for the four seats, three of which are incumbents. The Annual Meeting package will be mailed in midJanuary and will include a Ballot/Proxy form to be returned by members. It is important that we have a quorum for the meeting, so it can be held, and we encourage all members to please return the ballot with their elections.
LMA is moving forward with the first phase of our road resurfacing project. As you know the first phase of resurfacing the roads will occur in 2016, beginning around the first of April. Phase two will occur in 2021, followed by phase three in 2026 JAG Engineering (Jensen and Group Engineering) has prepared the Technical Specifications for the 2016 project and we will send out a request for bids beginning in mid-January. JAG will be the project manager for the duration of the work project.
The roads to be completed during phase one were selected after an earlier engineering study and reviewed by the previous roads committee. These roads include: Kestral Park Circle, Heron Way, and all of the Treehouse Association roads. The committee has begun coordinating the work schedule with the Treehouse Association since they are currently in the middle of a roofing project and a design/decision process on resurfacing or replacing their parking spaces. All the associations
affected by the resurfacing of Heron Way and Kestral Park Circle will also be consulted before the project begins. It would be helpful for each association to identify a point person from their association to work with the committee and help coordinate the action as their roads are being resurfaced. If you have any questions please contact George Neil (Argus) at 941-927-6464 ex. 110 or Don McMurray (LMA) at mentaledge@ verizon.net
Golf Cart Rules for The Landings The use of golf carts on the roadways in The Landings are governed by the following regulations: • The golf cart must be registered with the LMA, with the name, address, a picture of the golf cart, and proof of liability insurance. A registration form may be obtained from the Main Gate.
• A golf cart may be operated only during the hours between sunrise and sunset unless it is equipped with headlights, taillights, and turn signals. • There must be a seat for all riders on the golf cart. • The driver of the golf cart must be a licensed driver, or at least the age of 14 accompanied by a licensed driver.
Golf carts may not be operated in the Eagles Nest Area or on the Nature Trail. A first violation will result in a warning letter; a second violation will result in a 30-day suspension of all automobile decal privileges of the owner; and each subsequent violation will result in a 90-day suspension of all decal privileges
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
The Ideal Family Home In The Landings
5169 Kestral Park Lane MLS #A4129880 PRICE REDUCED! $799,000 Charming and unique two story 4 BR, 4.5 BA home. 3,675 sq. ft. Downstairs master with updated bath. Updated kitchen and bright family room. Two large ensuite bedrooms upstairs. Lovely caged pool area. Large corner lot.
Eagle Point IV At The Landings
5450 Eagles Point Circle #101 MLS #A4116827 PRICE REDUCED! $640,000 Pristine 1st floor unit with water views. Southern exposure and privacy. Light and bright 1,843 sq. ft 3 BR/2.5 BA. Lovely open balcony, new applicances, tile and wood floors, inside laundry room, with under building parking and storage. The perfect winter retreat or full-time residence. Walking distance to the raquet club.
Queens Harbor On Longboat Key
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Puppy Love 2016
Above: Dr. Steven Derfler, wellknown historian and educator, spoke to more than 100 people about contemporary Cuba in his presentation to the Landings Learning Group on January 20. Top Left: Landings Learning Group co-chairs Bridgett Frymier and Selma Savren welcomed a capacity crowd to the opening event of a nineprogram series. The January 13 meeting opened with a gala wine and cheese reception. Bottom Left: Well-known pianist Rich Ridenour collaborated with wife Stacy in a program of piano music from Debussey to Billy Joel, delighting the audience with artistry and wit. Photos by Paul Weiner.
Iconic 80’s TV star, Judy Landers and her two daughters, Lindsey and Kristy and Mrs. Shigemi Higgs will host the event that is to benefit Satchel’s Last Resort Animal Shelter & Sanctuary. The event will take place February 6, from 4-6 p.m., at the Village Café located at 5133 Ocean Blvd, in Siesta Key Village. Admission is $45 and will include a buffet, wine and beer, a raffle, silent auction and live entertainment. Dogs are welcome on the patio. Satchel’s Last Resort is a sanctuary dedicated to the care of over 100 last chance animals which are divided into two groups: guests and residents. The guests are available for adoption. The residents are animals who, for one reason or another, are not considered adoptable and will live the remainder of their lives at the shelter. Satchel’s Last Resort provides lifelong shelter to dogs
and cats deemed unadoptable, a nurturing environment, training for all dogs, and offer temporary shelter to adoptable dogs and cats whose owners can no longer care for them. Satchel’s Last Resort believe all dogs and cats are created equal and deserve to live the life of a beloved pet. If you are interested in adopting or being a foster parent, please go to their website: www.satchelslastresort.org The Village Café is donating 100% of the food and time for this charitable event. Go to www.puppylove2016.com for additional information.
February Landings Learning Group Programs Focus On Music And Politics Prominent personalities from Sarasota’s music scene and its political arena will highlight the three programs in The Landings Learning Group’s February presentations:
• Wednesday, February 10: June Lebell, wellknown music personality and award-winning broadcaster, and Edward Alley, whose musical career included directing the US Army Symphony Orchestra in Europe and serving as manager of the New York Philharmonic, will share their reflections on “A Life of Music”
• TUESDAY, February 23: Susan MacManus, Ph.D., USF Distinguished Professor, will discuss “The Coming Election”. Dr. MacManus is widely consulted on national election issues and has provided election analysis to a wide audience on national TV and newspapers throughout the country. She is known as Florida’s most-quoted political scientist. *NOTE THAT THIS PROGRAM IS SCHEDULED ON TUESDAY (rather than the usual Wednesday) to accommodate Dr. MacManus’s academic schedule.
• Wednesday, February 17: Following their All programs will take place in the Lakeside widely acclaimed performance last season, The State College of Florida Chamber Choir will return to The Clubhouse and begin with refreshments at 3:30 p.m. Landings along with the college’s Presidential String with presentations to begin promptly at 4 p.m. Quartet. They will perform a variety of traditional For those not registered for the nine-program and contemporary music. The program is directed series, the cost of individual programs is $5 for LRC by Faculty member Melodie Dickerson. members and $8 for non-members.
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A concept for adding beauty and function to our Nature trail By Frank Pipers, Landings Resident A number of Landings residents have developed a nature trail enhancement plan that we would like to put forth for your consideration. As with every new idea there will be a collection of opinions, objections, modifications and suggestions which is exactly what should happen. To get the ball rolling let us put forth the following ideas and excite a democratic discussion.
1) A lovely entrance that has been thoughtfully landscaped and paved. 2) the full extent of the trail path has recently been covered with crushed shell. 3) Our dangerously decaying bridge that traverses the lagoon, has been skillfully rebuilt. 4) A handsome Gazebo has been rebuilt and is now a lovely multi purpose focal point, adorning our Introduction: As we all know , the Landings access to the bay. Objective: is a unique environment The one task remaining composed of over 700 residences, complimented (to complete our overall by creative landscaping and trail rejuvenation plan) natural beauty. is to replace the current I n a d d i t i o n t o t h e dilapidated observation breathtaking, mature, tree deck with an observation lined roadways, there are also a tower. number of uninhabited common Justification areas, dedicated solely, to the The mangroves that serene Landings life style. surround our Bay front The nature preserve area are truly unique and (a.k.a.-Eagles nest area) is an incredibly expansive. example of an association The existence of an owned patch of open space, observation tower would: that has been painstakingly 1) Provide visualization developed by the Landscaping of our most beautiful committee. expanse of natural wonder. This area offers the residents, 2) Enhance the overall a place to get away from the nature trail experience hustle and pace of the outside 3) Add even more world. uniqueness to the Landings The recent addition of property handsomely landscaped 4) Positively impact entrance way, attractive fencing, real estate values (adding comfortable shelled paths, and one more amenity/selling quasi-natural landscaping — point feature) are all in magnificent contrast Note: The current observation to it’s previous state. platform is in disrepair and in need All these enhancements of serious remediation. culminate into a resource used The replacement cost of current frequently by residents, for structure would then be subtracted walking, playing with their from the cost of erecting a new children and their dogs. structure.
A second jewel on our property is the Nature trail
This trail is a path that runs from the entrance on Heron Way through the mangroves to the Gazebo on Roberts Bay. This forested serene trail has also been recently updated by the Landscaping committee providing:
Cost of construction for the Elevated Observation Tower
An estimate of $20,000 for the tower has been acquired for the contractor who recently completed the construction of the Gazebo. $20,000 translates into
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Observation Tower Example approximately $0.95 / Landings resident / year (compared to a third of that cost for just the replacement of the current structure) (Calculated by using the $20,000 cost/700 plus residents/30 year predicted life of structure.) Our hope is that the residents can get behind this initiative and make their opinions known to LRC board members. If one visits many of the nearby state/county parks, the perspective from the towers provide nothing short of an inspirational view.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
24th Annual
SIESTA KEY Craft Festival
ArtFestival.com 16
American Craft Endeavors
Around The L andings Phillippi Estate Park February brings the annual BROWN BAG CONCERTS back to Phillippi Estate Park. These Thursday concerts take place at noon at the Gazebo. Please bring your brown bag lunch and a lawn chair and enjoy a free concert from noon until 1:00 p.m. Ample parking and ADA accessible. For more information, please call the park office at 941-316-1309. You’re in for a treat with the annual MASTER ARTISTS AND LIGHT CHASERS ART SHOW at the Edson Keith Mansion in Phillippi Estate Park. This prestigious art show occurs Friday Feb 26 and Saturday Feb 27 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. and Sunday Feb 28 from noon to 5:00 p.m. These events are free to the public; however, a donation is requested to help restore the Keith Farmhouse in the park. The Keith Farmhouse was the original building erected in the park in 1916 and an early example of wooden, clapboard construction from the early days of the Sarasota Community. When completed, the Farmhouse will become an interpretive center with artifacts and furnishings from the early 1900’s. All artists are donating 30% of the sale of their paintings to the renovation of the Keith Farmhouse. On Wednesday, Feb 17 there will be a QUICK DRAW at the Phillippi Farmhouse Market. A Quick Draw is when Master Artists and Light Chaser artists must paint a picture in 2 hours. Plein Air Painters will fan out across the park,
paint from 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. and then bring their art back to the market to be judged and sold. This is called “buying off easel” and a delightful way to buy original art at a very good price. The PHILLIPPI FARMHOUSE MARKET will be in full swing the month of February. This farmers market is Sarasota’s only midweek market – open every Wednesday from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. There are 3 USDA Certified Organic produce farmers and 4 more farm vendors. In addition to supporting local agriculture, there are local artisans with pottery, metal garden sculpture, fabric creations, prints and notecards and re-purposed clothing and hand bags. The market has great food vendors and you may eat breakfast or lunch at the market or take food home for a delicious and easy meal. Each week there is live music with local musicians and a Welcome Tent with lots of interesting brochures and flyers of what’s happening in Sarasota. The Edson Keith Mansion is open free of charge each Wednesday and a docent leads a guided tour through the Italian Renaissance home promptly at 10:00 a.m. There is only 1 tour each Wednesday, so please be prompt. Phillippi Estate Park and the Phillippi Farmhouse Market are both dog friendly, so bring Fido on leash (please also clean up after your pet) and let the dogs enjoy the fresh aid.
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Candidates for the 2016 LMA Board
Full-time resident of The Landings since October 2002, moving from Weston, Connecticut, where I lived for 34 years. Currently serve as President of the Landings Racquet Club, Secretary/Treasurer of the Landings Homeowners Association and editor of the Landings Handbook and Directory. Also contribute to the Safety & Security and Communications Committees. Served on the LMA board from 2004-2012 and was Treasurer from 2005-2012. Worked first in positions that were principally computer software design and implementation and subsequently in financial and operating positions in the information technology sector, with a final stint as senior executive of a publishing arm of the Walt Disney Company and COO of an Internet publishing startup. Public schools in New Orleans, an undergraduate degree from MIT and MBA from the University of Connecticut.
My wife Allison Small and I live in Sarasota and Ottawa Canada. Since The Landings is
now our home for six months each year, I would like to contribute to the community by participating on the LMA Board. My experience is multidisciplinary, with backgrounds in engineering, technology, finance and marketing, all dominated by a business perspective. Although I started my career in 1972 with an Engineering degree, I returned to school for an MBA after two years of work (both at the University of Western Ontario). My first jobs (Maremont and Xerox Corps 1976 to 1979) on the business side were in finance where I performed financial analysis and control roles and developed strong financial skills. While at Northern Telecom (1979 to1990), I transferred from financial planning to marketing roles, first as a pricing manager (when telephone sales were deregulated in Canada) and later as a product manager. While at Nortel, I moved from what was the lowest technology part of the company (telephone manufacturing and sales) to one of the leading edge groups where we designed and marketed large data communications switches to phone companies around the world. This was my first exposure to “high tech” where my responsibilities varied from special projects for the General Manager to managing the creation of the largest sales proposal we had ever submitted. I returned to the large corporate world in 2002 when I joined the product management team at a Bell Canada subsidiary called BCE Emergis. After BCE Emergis was integrated into Bell Canada in 2006 I moved from a security focus back to digital communications where I contributed to the evolution of digital PBX services with financial and operational responsibilities, mostly for “problem child” products. My business problem solving skills were further challenged when our VP asked me to look into various new opportunities
and some more existing money losers. I, in effect, became a “problem solver” for the team with a focus on new business opportunities and business units that were in trouble. Since my retirement in 2011, I have mentored immigrant job hunters and worked on the Archive and Technology committees of the LMA. In summary, I have had a challenging career, mostly in technology environments, where I could utilize a spectrum of engineering, technology, financial, marketing and general business skills to assess situations and implement solutions. I would like to volunteer these skills to the LMA.
(INCUMBENT) Current LMA Board Member, Co-Chair Communications Committee Joan was born in New York City. After graduating from the University of Wisconsin, Madison in Speech and Theater she went on to study acting at The Drama Studio, London. Her work as an actress led to her specialty in translating theater skills into communication skills for the corporate, education and non-profit sectors. She later earned a Master’s Degree in Education and Counseling from Antioch College, Cambridge, MA. Joan’s passion for communication led to a background spanning the fields of training, coaching, acting, television news, print and radio talk show hosting, producing and reporting, as well as video writing and producing. With
more than 25 years in the learning and development industry, Joan designs and facilitates communication skills-oriented programs targeted toward achieving specific behavioral outcomes. These days she works extensively in the high tech, wine and healthcare industries. For the last four years she has been a faculty member for the Academy for Emerging Leaders in Patient Safety in Colorado, Washington, DC and Maryland. Locally, Joan has served as a faculty member for Ringling College of Art and Design’s Corporate Creativity Center. She is also a consult ant / trainer for State College of Florida’s leadership programs. Additionally, she has taught media training to a number of corporate and non-profit organizations in the SarasotaBradenton area. In her personal life Joan is an avid traveler, reader, dancer, friend and conversationalist! Her civic activities include serving on the Steering Committee of Embracing our Differences and hosting Milk and Honey, a monthly radio show on WSRQ News Talk Radio in which she interviews Holocaust survivors. She is also involved as an adviser to the SaraSolo Theater Festival. She serves as a Board member for the Severe Shyness Support Foundation in Kennebunk, Maine. Joan has lived in The Landings for 17 years. She has served on the LMA Board since March, 2015. She is on the Communications Committee and has been involved in redesigning the Landings website, helping to create both an external and an internal site. Her goal is to continue to build a sense of community and enthusiasm for the quality of life that The Landings offers its residents.
include: tennis, sailing, music (is an organist), gardening, reading, and enjoying people and retired life. Ernie has served as a chaplain for Holland America Cruise Line in his retirement and attends St. Boniface Episcopal Church. Ernie has served on many boards in various capacities and cities. He is presently on the Medical Ethics Board at Firelands Regional Medical Center in Sandusky, OH. As Pastor of two parishes for twenty-five years, he was chairman of the vestry, the governing board. “By the grace of God, I was able to lead a divided and conflicted parish into a thriving community of believers who were among the leaders of the city in various capacities,” noted the Rev. Matijasic. Ernie is a new resident of The Landings, living in a Carriage House, and loves living here and wishes to contribute his time and abilities to continuing the wonderful life style of this exceptional community.
The Rev. Ernie Matijasic currently lives in Sarasota, ROBERT MANTEIGA Florida and summers in (INCUMBENT) Sandusky, Ohio. He has Robert C. Manteiga (B.A. three grown children and University of Virginia, M.A. one grandchild. His hobbies Continued on the next page
Continued from the previous page
New York University, Ph.D., University of Virginia) is Professor Emeritus of Hispanic Studies, Comparative Literature, and Film Media at the University of Rhode Island. Bob has published five books and over 60 articles and reviews in the fields of 20th Century Spanish and Comparative Literatures, and Film. He taught a number of graduate and undergraduate courses on feminine narrative, Spanish literature, Film History, film writing, 20th Century poetry and drama. He served as an editor/consultant for a number of literary journals, including Modern Language Studies and CHOICE. Over the years, he worked in study abroad programs, and was involved in the development and supervision of programs in Spain and Latin America. From 1978 -1995 he was the University of Rhode Island’s representative to the Council on International Educational Exchange, and
served as Chair of the Council’s Spain Policy Committee from 1991- 1994. In addition to teaching and scholarship, Dr. Manteiga founded, and was Director of the Spanish International Engineering Program at the University of Rhode Island for ten years. During his tenure as Director of the program, he developed ties with international firms in Spain and Latin America, establishing internship experiences for engineering students, and initiating international exchange programs in engineering with foreign Universities. Bob has been awarded numerous URI Research Grants, Foundation Grants, and Enhancement of Teaching Awards. He has played and coached soccer for over fifty years at all levels. He enjoys water sports, cooking, photography, and good wine. He has given numerous lectures on wine.
Teaching Certificate, and Maryland Teaching Certificate. He has served on HOA’s in Baltimore and Sarasota.
H. CHARLES RIENHOFF H. Charles Rienhoff began his career in finance and now teaches at Pine View School for the Gifted in Osprey. He was approached to join and offer a perspective from a family with younger children who want to see the community thrive. His son, Hugh, currently attends ODA. Charles holds a B.A. from Washington College and a M.A.T. from John Hopkins University. His certifications include: Students with Disabilities, ESOL Certificate, Gifted Endorsement, Florida
Richard Stern is a Landings pioneer. Along with his wife Kathy, son Jeff and daughter Jessica the Stern family moved to The Landings from Madison WI in August of 1984. They built their first
Landings home on Pine Harrier Circle in ‘84 and then built their current home on Peregrine Point Circle West in 1991. Richard is a graduate of the University of WisconsinMadison and has been a financial advisor since 1976. He currently carries the title of “Director of Private Wealth Management” at the downtown Sarasota office of Robert W. Baird & Co. During the 1990’s Richard served two terms on the board of the Landings Homeowners Association which included one term as its president. Richard also serves as the Business Commentator at Sarasota’s ABC 7, a role he has enjoyed since 1987. The Sterns have rescued four retired greyhounds during their time in The Landings. You may see them out walking with their five year old fawn colored greyhound. Her name? Madison …of course.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Racquet Club News |President’s Report By Dick Bayles The Club’s annual meeting was attended by approximately 30 members. The president’s report and financial discussion may be seen on the Club’s portion of the Landings web site – www.thelandingsofsarasota.com. The new maintenance shed is
|Manager’s Report
Continued from cover story
Photo by John Kelly
underway. By the time you read this, the old shed will have been removed, a new slab poured and the block construction begun. It is scheduled to be completed by the middle of March. The Landings Learning Group had a huge turnout for their kickoff performance, after a reception hosted by Judy Greene and Tara Lamb. If you’re one of the many coming to these events, you are advised to arrive early for a good seat.
By Kevin Lechlitner
Thank you to all the members that have paid their annual assessment already. For any of you that haven’t gotten to it yet, please note that late fees and interest were added on February 1st. The total will continue to go up each month so please settle up with the Club as soon as you can. Contact Kevin, Alice or Gary in the Tennis Pro Shop at 923-3886 if you have any questions regarding your statement. Season is in full swing for three more months. I strongly encourage members to call in advance for their tennis court reservations regardless of what time you are playing. We all know the mornings are busy; however, with league matches and routine afternoon maintenance, court
availability can be at a premium in the afternoon or evening hours too. There seems to be a lot of new members taking an interest in tennis the last year or two. It is wonderful to have this many active players around the Club throughout the day. Once or twice a year I ask that members update their contact information. If your phone number or email has changed recently, kindly let us know in the Pro Shop. We can also email your monthly statement to you if you prefer. Please take a moment the next time you come through the office to make sure your information is accurate and what your billing preference is. It is also helpful for us to have the phone number for your northern residence. Members often come in looking for their friends contact information up north and more often than not, I’m not able to find it for them.
News From the Court By Joe Venezia On January 9, 2016 a Who’s Who of tennis greats gathered at The Landings Racquet Club for a memorial service for Mike Davies. Heartfelt tributes, videos and stories to and about Mike were heard by over 100 family members and friends. Mina, you threw the party Mike wanted. Time is running out to sign up for the Inter Club tennis tournament. Categories for play are ladies doubles, men’s doubles and mixed
Mike Davies’ Legacy
doubles. Matches will be scheduled on a day you normally play to avoid having to play an additional day of the week. If you need a partner, contact me. I am looking for suggestions for tennis functions / round robins. If you have any ideas, let me know and check in the Pro Shop for upcoming events. If you would like to schedule a lesson with John or myself, I can be reached at 941-993-2628 or lrctennisdirector@verizon.net. See you on the courts.........
Philip Brook and Mina Davies
Local TV sports personality, Art Collins emceed Davies’ celebration of life which focused on Mike’s contributions to tennis. His impact on professional tennis nationally and internationally will likely last forever. Some of his major contributions include his concept of “Open Tennis”. It was Davies’ idea to combine professional and amateur players for international tournaments, to use yellow tennis balls for improved TV coverage, He established the first “million dollar ad” requirement for a TV contract, the first major open tournament at Wimbledon with a “fill the stadium” requirement, establishing a player requirement of 30 seconds between points and 90 seconds for changeovers and requiring chairs for the players. These innovations created the major TV coverage and the worldwide business of tennis as we know it today. During the memorial service, Chairman and CEO of the Tennis Channel, Ken Solomon stated, “The Tennis Channel would not exist had it not been for Mike Davies.” Solomon showed the trailer for a 45 minute documentary featuring the development of professional tennis. It will be released in 2016 and highlights Davies’ prominent role. Mikes Davies’ widow, Mina, related,
“I was overjoyed and overwhelmed in a good way by the event. I always knew that Mike was loved and well thought of by so many of these men and women. Mike and I would talk about it and he said, ‘I don’t want it to be a mournful thing. All I want you to do is have people come out, have some drinks, play some Sinatra music and talk about me.’ And that’s what they did. I think I was the only one that cried during my speech. It was just joyous and uplifting.” Landings Racquet Club manager, Kevin Lechlitner said, “I thought it was fantastic. Being in the room with tennis royalty. Having multiple ‘Hall of Famers’ and the President of the All England Club, Philip Brook. A Racquet Club member commented that in 25 years, it was the most spectacular thing he’d ever seen at the club.” Landings Racquet Club Tennis Pro, Joe Venezia said, “To hear his peers talk about him was very touching. It was amazing how much he had done for the sport that people don’t know about. He was such a behind the scenes guy.” Also present were his children and grandchildren from Hawaii, Paris and Berlin. Source Help: Howard Feltman, and Kevin Lechlitner. Additional photos on the next page
Tennis Community Pays Tribute to Mike Davies
Photos by John Kelly
Chris Clouser
Anne Worcester
Butch Bucholtz
Cliff Drysdale
Ken Solomon
Ray Collins
John Zachary
Ron Shaw
Stan Smith
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
3rd Annual Sarasota Garden Club
Premier Garden Tour of Extraordinary Gardens Saturday, March 19, 2016 10am to 4pm
Rain or Shine
Advanced Reservations: $35/person Day of Tour: $40/person Group rates available upon request
March 18
5:30pm to 7:30pm
For More Information & Reservations www.SarasotaGardenClub.org • (941) 955-0875 (9am to 1pm)
Thank You to All Gardens in Paradise Sponsors
Fine Custom Homes
1131 Boulevard of the Arts • Sarasota, FL 34236
The photo above was taken December 27, 2015 at Cafe Demel in Vienna, Austria. Don and Beverly Leidel (left and right) were there for a family reunion with their three children, one of whom had been born in Vienna, when Don was stationed there during the post-war occupation. Meg Maguire (middle) was in Vienna to spend Christmas with her son and his family. Her son and daughter-in-law are in Vienna for a year-long sabbatical from Johns Hopkins University. Don, Bev and Meg are neighbors in Eagles Point Circle at The Landings.
The Recipe Corner
|The “Kitchen Ladies” Recipe
Compiled by Dee Ricapito
Bonnie Cummings is a marvelous cook, getting lots of recipes from her family visits to Lake Garda, Italy, with Andres and Grandson, Jeffrey. She especially likes this appetizer because you can prepare the fixings earlier in the day leaving you time for other projects. Also, the presentation is great. Ingredients: -
1/2 cup chopped fennel bulb 1/4 cup chopped green onions 1 Tbsp, extra virgin olive oil 2 tsp, chopped fresh dill 1 tsp. Grated lemon rind 1 1/2 Tbsp. Fresh lemon juice 1 tsp. freshly ground black pepper 3/4 pound cold-smoked salmon, Cut into thin strips. - 48 (1/2-inch-thick) slices French bread Baguette, toasted (about 1 1/2 lbs.) - 1/2 cup light garlic-herb spreadable cheese (i.e. Alouette Light) - Fresh dill sprigs (optional)
Combine the first 8 ingredients, cover and chill at least an hour. Spread each toast slice with 1/2 tsp. Cheese; top each with 1 Tbsp. Salmon slices. Garnish with dill sprigs, if desired. Yield: 24servings (serving Size: 2 crostini).
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www.IsanThaiRestaurant.com 941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Siesta Key Events Lots of events ahead With the start of a new year comes planning for four major events sponsored by the Siesta Key Village Association (SKVA), and that planning is well under way. During the SKVA monthly meeting in January, President Wendall Jacobsen announced that the annual Valentine Stroll will be held on Feb. 14, as usual, with balloons marking participating businesses. It will be followed by the Craft Fair, Feb. 27-28; the Easter Egg Hunt on March 26; and Siesta Fiesta, April 9-10. For the Valentine Stroll, Jacobsen noted, Russell Matthes, co-owner of the Daiquiri Deck, will have the balloons available for people to pick up. Jacobsen asked those present to encourage shop owners to keep their stores open for the event, which will run from 5 to 8 p.m. “You can hand out kisses or hugs or whatever you want to hand out,” he added, prompting
By Rachel Brown Hackney - SarasotaNewsLeader.com
some chuckles. The Stroll’s traditional tagline has promised every participant a kiss; however, the show of affection typically comes in the form of a wellknown brand of candy. The Easter Egg hunt is held at Beach Access 5, starting at 9 a.m. and finishing up generally a bit prior to noon, Jacobsen continued, adding that he hopes the Sarasota County Fire Department and the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office’s Mounted Patrol will participate as they have in the past by showing off equipment and horses, respectively, to the children and parents who will be present. Sgt. Jason Mruczek, who took over last fall as leader of the Siesta Key substation, said he would check into the availability of the Mounted Patrol. Treasurer Roz Hyman pointed out that the SKVA board members need to start collecting donations for the gift bags distributed to the
youngsters and for the prizes that go inside the Easter eggs. “We fill a thousand Easter eggs,” she added. “It’s a busy week …” When someone seemed to question that high a number, Hyman was firm: “That’s what we fill.” Jacobsen added that he would email SKVA members, seeking more volunteers. Hyman also noted that the number of children participating each year “gets bigger and bigger.” The SKVA had 150 sign up last year, she said; advance registration is required. She already has two youngsters registered so far, she added. Jacobsen explained that the children are allowed to hunt in small groups for the eggs. Turning to Siesta Fiesta, Matthes said, “We’ll get a drawing of where everything’s going to go,” as no street closures are planned this year. All the vendors will be on the sidewalks, as they are for the February Craft Show, he
pointed out. “I think it’ll be better. It’ll keep the evening traffic flowing.” Village businesses have felt the effects of fewer customers
on past Siesta Fiesta nights, he said, with part of Ocean Boulevard and Beach Road closed to allow vendors to operate in those streets.
Ad News
Nails 41 is looking forward to celebrating almost 5 years of exceptional professional nail care services for both men and women. Owner, Leanne, would like to thank all her loyal Landings residents for their continued patronage. If you haven’t visited Nails 41 come by and see Leanne’s newly remodeled nail salon and see why it continues to be a Landings’ favorite. Nails 41 is located in the Chili’s Plaza, near Trader Joe’s, at 4141 Tamiami Trail, 941-925-4141.
Around The L andings
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Master Barber/Stylist
South Gate Barber Shop 2081 Siesta Drive Sarasota,FL 34239
Post Office South Gate Mall
Siesta Dr.
41 to Siesta Dr. Located on North side of Siesta Dr., just past the U.S. Post Office on the left
Swift Rd.
Bee Ridge Rd.
Poi nt
The next date for dropping off your Home Depot, Lowes and Radio Shack and accordingly. I would like to thank our dedicated unwanted paints, household chemicals, florescent bulbs will be accepted at Home volunteers for their efforts. electronics, batteries, etc. will be Wednesday Depot. The Community Hauling Program is February 10. A list of the acceptable items If you have any questions about the is provided in the box below. Additionally now operated on the second Wednesday propane tanks up to 20 lbs and printer ink of the month three times per year – program, please call Larry Lawrence 410456-6240. cartridges can be received. Only these November, February and May. Please plan items can be accepted. All others will be returned to you. These are the only acceptable items for the Community Hauling The materials are to be brought to the North Gate between 8 and Program. Any items not on this list will have to be taken back by 9 am. Reservations are required the homeowner (unfortunately no exceptions). and they must be made before • hazardous waste • lawn and garden • electronics: of the noon on Monday February 9. Call George Niel at 941-927-6464 x-110 • toxic waste chemicals following types: for your reservation. • paints • paint thinner Printers, scanners, The following can also and • pesticides • solvents fax machines, power preferably be disposed of in the weekly trash pick-up: motor • automotive products • cell phones supplies. oils and filters (set alongside • pool chemicals • fluorescent lamps the garbage can and mark Note: the County Hazardous • automotive batteries (and compact accordingly), florescent bulbs, Waste Collection Site no longer empty paint cans, batteries-A • fertilizers fluorescent lamps) accepts TVs and computer series, Cs and Ds, stereos, speakers, • fire extinguishers • batteries: button monitors. You can dispose of and telephones (take out the them simply by putting them • gasoline batteries, rechargeable batteries first). Additionally, you out at the curb next to your • used motor oil nickle-cadmium and can also deal with the following as weekly trash container. mentioned: rechargeable batteries • cleaners lithium-ion batteries. may be taken to Batteries Plus,
Barber Shop
Stic kne y
Household Community Hauling Program
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Sarasota Veterans Event
The Landings Free College
Continued from cover story
The former Current Events/ Round Table group has renamed itself The Landings Free College (LFC). Scheduled for Thursday afternoons at 2 p.m., its season opened on January 7 with an extremely well received presentation by Dwight Davis entitled “Overview of the Mote”. The fascinating history and multiple activities of the Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium were a revelation to many of us. On January 14, Paul Sarno, who had presented an overview of Southeast Asia last year, told us about the recent history-making elections in Myanmar/Burma, based on his own observations when he visited Burma (for the 13th time) two months ago.
Construction of Phase IB is complete and provides for nearly 18,200 full casket gravesites, including 15,200 preplaced crypts, 9,000 in-ground cremains and approximately 7,200 columbarium niches. This also includes an administration and public information center complex with an electronic gravesite locator and public restrooms, a maintenance facility, a cemetery entrance area, a flag assembly area and a memorial walkway and a donations area, as well as two committal shelters and other infrastructure design elements including roadways, landscaping, utilities, and irrigation. The 2,800-seat ceremonial amphitheater “Patriot Plaza”, donated by The Patterson Foundation of Sarasota, was completed June 28, 2014. Every Tuesday at 10 a.m., there are guided tours of the commissioned art work located within the Patriot Plaza. To schedule larger group tours to include school children tours, please call the Arts and Cultural Alliance of Sarasota County at 941-365-5118 x301.
Ralph and Dee Ricapito
In February, the programs will kick off with our second presentation on the theme of “Hidden Gems of Sarasota”. On February 4, John Rosentrater, Sarasota National Cemetery Director, will tell us about the history, landscape and activities of the Sarasota National Cemetery. County Commissioner, Alan Maio, who spoke to us last year, will give us an update on what’s happening in the county on February 11. Commissioner Maio will speak beginning 4 p.m.
Alan Maio
Dwight Davis
Source Help: Ralph Ricapito and www.cem.va.gov/cems/nchp/ sarasota.asp
Paul Sarno
Frank Pipers, one of our fellow Landings residents, will speak on Thursday, February 18 at 2:00. His topic is “The remarkable road to the present”. Frank holds three degrees and has been a professor at numerous schools and universities including the University of Florida (Gainesville). Frank is most interesting when he speaks. He is intelligent, funny (though maybe not for this lecture) and an asset to our community. Come and hear him, you won’t be sorry. Continued on the next page
Abel’s Ice Cream Celebrates Berry Season Enjoy the splendid tastes of Berry Season with Abel’s Ice Cream. First up is their old-fashion Strawberry ice cream (creamy with chunks of strawberries and a strawberry swirl), one of our perennial favorites. It makes a wonderful milkshake, strawberry or hot fudge sundae, or a perfect simple cone or cup. For the season, Abel’s will feature Strawberry Cheesecake (the ultimate classic cheesecake ice cream loaded with chunks of creamy cheesecake in a flavorful strawberry ribbon), and Blueberry Cheesecake (rich & creamy
cheesecake ice cream swirled with blueberry ribbon). Other delicious tastes of the season include Chocolate Raspberry Truffle (a supreme chocolate fix, this flavor is “Valentines in a spoon”, a light raspberry flavored rich chocolate ice cream with raspberry ribbon and dark chocolate mini raspberry cups… happiness awaits!) and Vanilla Raspberry Truffle (a heavenly combination… raspberry ice cream with raspberry ribbon and dark chocolate raspberry cups), one of Abel’s top sellers. For those who prefer yogurt, they offer a
Vanilla Raspberry Chip (sweet and creamy vanilla hard packed yogurt filled with rich chocolate chips and a sweet raspberry ribbon), or try their lactose-free Non-dairy Raspberry Sorbet (zesty & radical raspberry sorbet). Don’t forget that Abel’s also offers the Stonewall Kitchen brand of jams. Choose from the following four berry choices: Wild Maine Blueberry, Red Raspberry, Black Raspberry and Strawberry. For more information about Stonewall Kitchen and helpful recipes visit www.abelsicecream.com or stop in at 1886 Stickney Point Road, 921-5700.
Continued from the previous page
has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Geography/Coastal Zone Management from Florida Atlantic University and has been involved in the administration and implementation of environmental management programs in the public and private sector for over 35 years. He grew up in Nokomis and is a lifelong Florida resident with extensive experience in developing and providing environmental education and outreach programs dealing with stormwater and water resource issues.
LFC will hold its first special event on Saturday February 20 at 2 p.m. at the club house. This event will feature the son of Sarah and Henry Rhodes. Patrick Imperato who is a pilot with the United States Navy. Patrick has recently come back from serving 10 months on the USS Carl Vincent flying missions over Syria in our fight against ISIS. He has a video that he will show with pauses to explain what is happening and why. The presentation is fascinating and informative at the same time. Try not to miss this one.
Patrick Imperato
The last Thursday program, again on the theme of Hidden Gems of Sarasota will be on February 25 when Robert Wright, the Neighborhood
Environmental Stewardship Team (NEST) Coordinator, will present “Living on the Water’s Edge: - how our ecology is handled. Mr. Wright
Robert Wright
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Siesta organizations hoping for progress on a plan to create about 300 more Village parking spaces By Rachel Brown Hackney - SarasotaNewsLeader.com
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For more than a year, Siesta Key Village Association (SKVA) Vice President Mark Smith and a committee comprising members of that group and other island organizations have been working to carve out about 300 additional Village parking spaces — a highly prized commodity for residents and visitors alike. After a meeting with county staff in early January, Smith told about 12 SKVA members at their monthly session in January, he hopes to be able to report on progress this month. As with any proposal of this sort, he said, “there’s a cost involved. ”Smith added, “I had a bit of a brainstorming session with Commissioner [Al] Maio,” with the result that the committee will seek money through various programs. (The Key is in District 4, which Maio represents on the County Commission.) “We’re going to have to be creative with the funding,” Smith said during an interview after the meeting. He predicted to the SKVA members that it would take at least two years to implement the plan he has proposed, if his committee can finance it. At one point, Smith continued, county staff members suggested he raise the idea of creating another parking agreement to supersede the one the County Commission approved in March 2009 after months of discussions among island organizations. “I told them that if I were to bring it up to the group, there would be laughter, and then I would be stoned …”Smith said he believes mismanagement of that 2009 plan has led to current problems. The background A memo provided to the County Commission in advance of its March 18, 2009 vote pointed out that an ad hoc
UPS Store, 221 Beach Road. The shell lot next to The UPS Store on Beach Road once served as a public parking area, Village business owners say. Photo from Google Maps
committee, chaired by Smith, “was formed to review and discuss the proposed revisions to the parking standards for restaurants and bars within the Village,” following the release of a draft 2008 county parking study. With about 21 members representing the SKVA, the Siesta Key Association and the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce, the committee “met numerous times between August 2008 and October 2008, including a recent meeting in January 2009,” the memo added. The draft study reported that existing on-site parking for all parcels within the Village was 820 spaces. The total supply, including adjacent right of way parking (parallel and nonparallel) and spaces within the Municipal Lot, was 999, it added. County spokesman Jason Bartolone confirmed in early January that county staff has noted no change in the numbers since the study was completed. One of the most contentious elements of the 2009 ordinance the County Commission approved was the apportionment of parking spaces for bars and restaurants. Both types of establishments are required to have one spot per 50 square feet of indoor and outdoor “patron floor area,” under the provisions of the Siesta Key Overlay District
(SKOD) within the County Code. However, existing bars and restaurants were grandfathered in when the new rules were imposed. The ordinance did say that additional spaces had to be provided “to address any change in use or any expansion that results in an increase in the required parking ….” The new proposal During the interview, Smith explained that he drew up the new Village area parking plan almost exactly a year ago. It incorporated ideas such as allowing drivers to legally leave vehicles in rights of way, including the space across from the Old Salty Dog restaurant on Ocean Boulevard — which would be sufficient for 20 spots — and an asphalt area along Avenida Messina that could be grassed over to create another 20 spaces. Further, Smith said, the plan calls for the formal allocation of parking spaces in other rights of way close to the Village, including the open grassy area adjacent to the office of his firm, Smith Architects, on Calle Minorga. The grass could be replaced with shell in places to make it more obvious to drivers that the sites are intended for parking, he pointed out. Altogether, Smith noted, about 90 spots could be carved out of rights of way. Continued on the next page
Continued from the previous page
Yet another element of the plan proposes the county lease the lot off Avenida Madera, adjacent to the Municipal Parking Lot. However, he noted, “That has not gone very far. … The property owners are just not interested.” Another potential parking area is the shelled lot next to The UPS Store on Beach Road, Smith said, which would allow for about 80 spaces, if the County Commission were to grant a special exception for parking there. The owner of that parcel would have to agree to the change, he added. A search of county property records showed the lot adjacent to The UPS Store — 221 Beach Road — comprises 11,728 square feet. It is owned by a trust whose trustees are listed as residing in New York City. The plan also proposes creating spaces out of the areas used for valet parking, Smith noted.
Some negotiations related to parking are going on between private landowners, he continued. If they reach an agreement to improve the situation, Smith pointed out, “it may be a model for other property owners.” Of the approximately 300 spaces he believes his plan could add to the Village, Smith continued, only about half are not affected by private property claims. In the meantime … During the January SKVA discussion, Michael Shay, president of the Siesta Key Association (SKA), pointed out, “We’ve talked in the past about using the [Siesta Public] Beach parking lot late in the day” — until its midnight closing — for Village patrons. However, he explained, the county’s Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources staff had not wanted to discuss details of such a proposal until after the beach park renovations
have been completed, which is scheduled for this month. Therefore, Shay continued, he was set to meet with Carolyn Brown, director of Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources, and members of her staff on Jan. 26. “Commissioner Maio is fully in favor of [the parking proposal],” Shay added, “and it doesn’t cost anything.” It involves the lot on the north end of the beach park, he noted. After the renovations are completed, the number of spaces at the beach will increase from 837 to 980. If Brown agrees to the proposal, Shay continued, the SKVA could post the information on its website, so people planning to visit the Village would be more likely to consider using the beach lot. Then they could walk or catch one of the free-ride services into the Village.
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The Landings History By Irwin Starr
The Landings History Final Construction – Final Installment by Irwin Starr
With the development of Bayview came a “Construction Gate” on the south side of The Landings. It ultimately became the “South Gate” used by many for convenient entry to Landings South including Starling Drive, Eagles Point Circle Heron Way and the LRC. The final area of new construction in The Landings was along its southern edge along Phillippi Creek offering views of the Intracoastal Waterway and the Creek. Protected mangroves along those edges have obscured some of those views over the years, but the properties remain highly desirable with views unobscured from higher floors. Types of housing in the Eagles Point addition are diverse; two groups of four unit villas with 2 car garages, one between Bayview and the first high rise and the second at the end of the large retaining pond. The pond is now referred to as Mayne Lake, named after long time resident Dr. Ben Mayne for his community involvement over the years; Eagles Point high rises I, II, III, IV; and The Villas at Eagles Point, four salmon color buildings each
with four, 3 BR units, two of which are two story, two one story and two car garages. Eagles Point was developed and residences sold in the early 1990’s. These condominium units came to the market in not the best of times. According to former Landin and writer, Mike Rogers who wrote for The Eagle in the early 90’s, the Bayview I development, consisting of the two buildings there today had already landed in the hands of Sundial Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Florida Federal Savings and Loan of St. Petersburg, but under the conservatorship of the Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC). The RTC, you may recall, was a federal government creation following the real-estate boom and bust of the late 80’s. Many of the units were actually transferred from Raja Holdings Inc., a currently inactive Florida company, though a Raja Holdings LLC is active under different registered ownership. Units were originally marketed through a “showroom/sales center” housed in the recently vacated Fanny May candy
This 1988 view shows the final major construction projects getting underway in The Landings. The Landings South units are completed in the foreground along with the newly constructed Landings Racquet Club. This picture precedes the Bayview high-rise, discussed in an earlier installment. Still to come in this installment, eight villas, four multistory/multi-unit Eagles Point Condominiums and the sixteen until Villas at Eagles Point. All built along the Phillippi Creek channel cutting through under the headline.
store. Many residents who came here in the mid to late 90’s were introduced to the pleasantries of The Landings community at that office. Here’s how the development team was described at the time to prospective buyers:
The partners of EAGLES POINT AT THE LANDINGS have been developing quality real estate projects in Florida for over fifteen years. Through the years, James Dennis and John Braam have steadily focused their efforts on creating quality projects in unique locations. The result is an impressive portfolio of residential and commercial properties throughout Florida and Canada. Their commitment to quality includes a “hands on” approach by the principals along with a strong team of professionals dedicated to the success of EAGLES POINT. Their search for a building befitting the natural beauty of the site led to a competition among a select group of architects. FUGLEBURG KOCH ARCHITECTS have demonstrated their creativity and sensitivity to the unique
One of the two four unit villas.
The Villas at Eagles Point
land and lifestyle that is Florida. Their award winning projects are located throughout Florida and the Tropics, including several Disney resorts.
And here’s the description of amenities and prices. Eagles Point at The Landings has been selected as the 1994 Aurora Award Winner for Best Design in its Class Continued on the next page
Continued from previous page
The Aurora Award recognizes the outstanding achievements of builders, developers, architects and other building related professions in the ten state Southeast Region. This search for excellence has established the Aurora Award as the premier building and design competition in the Southeast United States. Those honored with such an award are acclaimed as the ‘best of the best’ in their class. Eagles Point is proud to present their award winning design within the exquisite setting of Sarasota, Florida. We invite you to explore all the benefits Eagles Point offers. * Located in the heart of Sarasota off a major artery (U.S. 41) * Situated within The Landings an established, gated community * Stunning views of Roberts Bay, the Intracoastal and Phillippi Waterways * Exclusive Racquet Club membership included * Quality 2, 3, & 4 bedroom homes from 1600 to 2950 sq.ft. * Pricing from $208,900 to $499,900 Visit The Landings Sales Center today and tour our three Model Homes. Original pricing of the diverse selection of high rise condominiums (sold 1990-1996), the Villas and townhouse units ranged from an original selling price starting in the mid $100’s to the mid $400’s. According to County records original purchasers in virtually every case showed reasonable to substantial appreciation whether they sold at the height of the recession or recently. The same cannot be said for those who purchased at the height of the Florida housing bubble and may have had to sell thereafter. At the height of the bubble there were several million dollar plus sales of the most desirable high rise units. Recent sales of various Eagles Point properties show strengthening of sale prices but not yet in the millions. Much of The Landings is now “mature.” The LMA and 20+ Associations governing the Landings properties seek to update, modernize, keep up with changing tastes, replace and repair aging infrastructure. Not unlike resident owners with personal remodeling projects. The rewards of Landings living are evidenced by those who move within The Landings as their needs change, some multiple times, those who choose to return here after living other places, and new, young families contributing to The Landings’ youthful vitality. Returning residents speak to The Landings lifestyle. Alan and Laurene Ross returned to The Landings after a 12 year absence. Their newly constructed home is their fourth Landings residence. Alan describes it as “coming home.” He and Laurene took their marriage vows on the lanai of their first Treehouse in May 1983. A Treehouse with a Bay view followed. As the family grew the Rosses built a new home on Kestral Park Terrace. The 12 year Landings Sabbatical followed with a custom contemporary on the Bay south off Stickney Point. They are finally “back home,” in their new residence. Welcome Home
With this, the last of the Landings History Series, here’s The Then and Now
The writer welcomes additions, recollections, corrections or your favorite anecdote relative to Landings history. It will be intrigrated into the 10 part series and included in a package for future reference. Send you comments to: istarr@usa.net. 941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
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Latest Buzz: Bees Are Back By Landin Dr. Albert L. Weeks For a while there, it looked as if bees had become an endangered species--like the Spotted Owl. However, bees are now flourishing almost everywhere in their usual hardy and inventive ways. By the way, bees are not native to North America. Like peanuts and the horse, they were imported centuries ago. We forget sometimes how important bees are to all of us. Beyond using large-scale honey bee cultivation has been traced back to the 10th century BCE in Israel, where beekeepers harvested honey, honeycomb, and beeswax. Honey bee products such as propolis are still used today to treat topical infections. Even bee venom is being investigated for its potential use to relieve the symptoms associated with Parkinson’s. Besides using expressions like “bee’s knees,” “put the bee on him” or “make a bee-line to...,” we know that these enterprising insects are a wonder to study. Whole ecosystems are supported by bee activity. Lack of bees for pollination can mean a loss for a farmer of up to 75 percent of his crop. The U.S. Department of Agriculture puts it this way: One bite out of every three we put into our mouths is the work of honeybees. Bee culture begins in the hive. Females are totally in charge. They make all the bee-cisions--especially when to swarm (i.e., build or rebuild the colony). At the top stands, of course, the Queen Bee. Below are the female Worker bees, who do the nitty-gritties. The big male Drones, while seemingly lazy, are nevertheless themselves busy-as-bees. Lacking stingers, the Drone’s job is to repeatedly mate with the Queen. Once the Scouts locate ideal flower beds, they buzz dutifully back to the hive. There they communicate the intel they picked up by waggling-body and fluttering-wing movements. The Queen is usually the mother of most, if not all, the bees in the beehive. Queens are developed from larvae selected by Worker bees. They are specially fed to prepare them to become sexually mature. There is normally only one mated, adult Queen in a hive. As explained by an entomologist online: “When a young virgin queen emerges from a Queen
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Worker bee in comb
cell, she will generally seek out virgin queen rivals and attempt to kill them. Virgin queens will quickly find and kill (by stinging) any other emerged virgin queen or be dispatched themselves.” (A Queen’s stinger is not barbed; she is able to sting repeatedly.) In other words, it’s a battle royal between pretenders that fully rivals human power struggles in, say, England at the time of Mary Queen of Scots. For their part, Workers have no end of tasks. One of the busiest is to rid the hive of any intruder, such as, say, a mouse. Once inside the hive, the hapless intruder will be lethally stung, its body wrapped and “mummified” by a special bee coating made of propolis. Bees do not want dead critters fouling up the hive. Inveterate Waste Managers, they constantly remove debris from their midsts. Another important Worker job is combbuilding. Bees have a preference for building hexagonal cells as places where they produce honey and breed. The hexagon is one of the most “economical” geometric shapes Elliott found in nature. The big bee-farming elliottcares@hotmail.com nation of France is itself ironically shaped like a hexagon. So is Utah--where bee-keeping is big business.
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Landins Dr. Al Weeks is professor emeritus, NYU. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from Columbia University. aweeks11@comcast.net
(508) 685-3034
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View From The Gate
Compiled by: Capt. Jordan M. Joseph, Landings Security & Safety There were a total of 47 Incidents reported in the Landings for the month of December 2015:
• 35 Open Doors Reported 34 Garage Doors 1 Vehicle Door
• 1 Hit and Run Report Vehicle tailgating in North Gate. Knocked off gate arm and left • 9 Parking Violations the scene. Reported 8 Parking in Roadway • 1 Trespass Report Overnight Vehicle tailgating in 1 Vehicle parked on the North Gate Grass Unable to Locate. • 1 Property Damage Report Unexplained tire marks found in residents yard.
Landings Residents’ Handbook & Directory
By Dick Bayles
The following are new owners since the last issue of The Landings Eagle: : • Donna Padar Berlin, 1608 Starling Dr • Linda & Michael Calvert, 5247 Landings Blvd • William & Susan Pollard, 1427 Landings Pl • Robert & Ann Segal, 5420 Eagles Point Cir #401, 609-605-4776, 609-953-1200, 856-912-7514, 856-982-9000, robertisegalesq@gmail.com, asegal2771@aol.com The following are changes since the last issue: • Constance Goldman & Roger Johnson, 5400 Eagles Point Cir #105, 617 515 4463, 941-706-3469, 781-363-3534, ctamarag17@comcast.net, rcjohnson7@comcast.net • Paul & Carole Istock, 5133 Kestral Park Pl, 239-671-7929, 239-671-7322, phistock1@gmail.com, cjistock2@gmail.com Additions, changes or corrections should be directed to me in writing. Directory forms are available from me via e-mail, at www.landingseagle.com and at www.thelandingsofsarasota.com, or from your association, and may be dropped off at the Landings Racquet Club or Main Gate to my attention, or sent via mail, e mail or fax. Dick Bayles: 1729 Landings Way, Sarasota, FL 34231, Email: landings.directory@gmail.com Fax: (941) 296-7404
Main Gate Entries at the Main Gate Total Gate Traffic North Gate Entries at the North Gate Exits at the North Gate Total Gate Traffic South Gate Entries at the South Gate Exits at the South Gate Total Gate Traffic
2015 12524 12524 2015 18268 16632 34900 2015 5889 5286 11175
2014 14734 14734 2014 15067 15481 30548 2014 4589 3938 8527
2013 12571 12571 2013 17835 16485 34320 2013 5368 2113 7481
2012 14010 14010 2012 16598 14906 31504 2012 5493 4818 10311
2011 14889 14889 2011 14322 12989 27311 2011 5340 4837 10177
* The Main Gate has no means of recording exit numbers at this time. N/A = System Error. Information not available or missing.
Useful & Emergency Phone Numbers... Verizon - Phone Service .............................................1.800.483.1000 Comcast Cable .......................................................................371.6700 Emergency Animal Clinic ....................................................929.1818 Poison Info Center ......................................................1.800.282.3171 Waste Management ..............................................................924.1254 Landings Eagle ...............................................................941.539.0205 Landing’s Gate.......................................................................922.5531 Landings Racquet Club ........................................................923.3886 Landings Community Hauling Program .......... 941-727-6464x110 LRC e-mail .................................................. LRCtennis@verizon.net Argus Management ..............................................................927.6464 Sheriff Non-Emergency ........................................................861.5800 FPL - Florida Power & light.................................................917.0708 FPL - Outage Report ...................................................1.800.468.8243 Fishing & Hunting Licenses .........................................941.362.9888 Marriage License Bureau ..............................................941.362.4066 Sarasota County Hotline ......................................................861.5000 Sarasota/Bradenton Intl. Airport ................................941.359.2770 Sarasota County Area Transit (SCAT) ......................941.316.1234 Sarasota County Information Call Center ......941.861.5000/scgov.net Sarasota Doctors Hospital.............................................941.342.1100 Sarasota Memorial Hospital/Health Care System ...... 941.917.7760 Emergency (General) .....................................................................911 Life-threatening EMERGENCY: call 911 first, then call the gate. They will direct emergency vehicles
The ATS Speed Sentry was deployed on Kestral Parkway North (near the North Gate facing Southbound) for the Month of December 2015 with the following results:
Date 12/10/15 to 01/13/16
Location Kestral Parkway North (Southbound)
Speed Limit 20
Compliant 75.33%
Low Risk 16.25%
Med Risk 6.31%
High Risk 2.11%
Compliant 75.33% 98.43% 97.30% 95.80%
Low Risk 16.25% 1.51% 2.55% 2.57%
Med Risk 6.31% 0.05% 0.14% 1.06%
High Risk 2.11% 0.00% 0.02% 0.57%
There was an average daily traffic of 1299.47 Vehicles a day. This marks a sharp increase in non-compliance at this location compared to the previous 25MPH speed limit.
Date 12/10/15 to 01/13/16 09/01/14 to 10/11/14 08/01/14 to 08/31/14 10/01/12 to 10/31/12
Location Kestral Parkway North (Southbound) Kestral Parkway North (Southbound) Kestral Parkway North (Southbound) Kestral Parkway North (Southbound)
Speed Limit 20 25 25 25
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
The Landings Photo Gallery By Robert C. Manteiga (AKA Photos by Beto) The osprey or Pandion Haliaetus, sometimes known as the “fish hawk,” “sea hawk,” or “river hawk,” is a common sight in Sarasota, and particularly right here in The Landings. It is a large raptor with redish-brown, white, and black markings whose diet consists primarily of fish. There are four different species of Pandionidae. The carolinensis, the species found in Florida, is one of the largest of the ospreys, and has a darker body and paler breast. Males and females have similar markings, although the female has broader wings. The female’s breast is also more distinct. Since moving to Sarasota three years ago, the osprey has been one of my favorite photographic subjects. They can be at times terribly frightening and at others, childlike and quite playful. Here are some photographs of ospreys circling the pond behind my condo in search of a meal, then skydiving into the water to capture their elusive prey. There are also photos of an osprey enjoying a bath and another doing the breaststroke. Please send your best photos to me at roberto@uri.edu so I don’t have to display my own.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
MARCH 2016
Day Monday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Thursday Friday Saturday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Saturday
Date 1 2 2 4 8 9 10 11 16 16 17 18 18 18 19 20
Time 3:30pm 8:30am 7pm 7pm 9am 2pm 3:30pm 7pm 1:30pm 7pm 3:30pm 2pm 4pm 4:30pm 9:30am 2pm
23 23 23 23 25 27
9am 3pm 3:30pm 5:30pm 7pm 9am
Event Learning Group Committee LMA Trivia Challenge LMA Board Koffee Klatsch Eagle’s Editorial Meeting Landings Learning Group Program LHA LRC Board Trivia Challenge Landings Learning Group Program Landings South IV Landings South VII Landings South II Annual Carriage House I SPECIAL EVENT F18 Pilot Patrick Rhodes Koffee Klatsch LLG - Susan McManus Landings Learning Group Program Tree House HOA Bridge Class New Zealand Pictures
Regularly Scheduled Items Mondays Tuesdays & Thursdays Tuesdays & Thursdays Thursdays
Bridge Exercise with Verna Jazzercise Landings Free College
6:30pm 9:45am 8:30am 2pm
Day Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday Sunday Tuesday Tuesday
Date 1 2 3 7 8 9 9 10 11 14 15 15 16 17 17 18 20 22 22
Landings Free College Landoliers Landoliers Mah Jong Class Water Aerobics Watercolor Painting Yoga Zumba Gold
Time 7pm 3:30pm 7pm 3:30pm 2pm 3:30pm 4pm 7pm 4pm 9am 1:30pm 7pm 3:30pm 2pm 4pm 9:30am 3pm 9am 5:30pm
Event Trivia Challenge Landings Learning Group Program LMA Board Meeting Learning Group Committee Eagles Editorial Meeting Landings Learning Group Program Bayview LHA Mike Cookerly Koffee Klatsch LRC Board Trivia Challenge Landings Learning Group Program Landings South IV Landings South VII Carriage House I Landoliers Performance Koffee Klatsch Tree House HOA
Regularly Scheduled Items Thursday, FEB. 11 ONLY Tuesdays, except Feb 23 Wednesday FEB 24 ONLY Thursdays Thursdays Thursdays Mon. Wed. & Fri Tuesdays & Thursdays
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Judy Tara
Your Landings
Resident Real Estate Team
Landings Real Estate Database Address
½ BA
5430 EAGLES POINT CIRCLE #201 • $629,000
1650 LANDINGS BOULEVARD • $885,000 Ne
Judy Tara 350-0451 266-4873
OPEN HOUSE Michael Saunders & Company
Watch for the “Judy and Tara’s Neighborhood” Open House signs on Sundays where “Just Looking” is always welcome. Your Landings Resident Real Estate Team are proud advocates and supporters of Landings events including Sponsorship of the USTA Father/Son Annual Tennis Tournament.
Judy Greene • 941.350.0451 • JudyGreene@michaelsaunders.com Tara Lamb • 941.266.4873 • TaraLamb@michaelsaunders.com
Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker
5420 EAGLES PT CIR #401
5420 EAGLES PT CIR #203
5450 EAGLES POINT CIRCLE #105 • $739,000
dy & Tara Ju ighborhoo ’s
Based on information from Realtor.com, Sarasota Property Appraiser, and Sarasota Association of Realtors for the period ending 1/21/2016 . These properties listed and sold in the past 4 months by various MLS participating offices.
5100 Ocean Boulevard • Sarasota, FL 34242