LMA BOARD ELECTIONS This year the presidents will vote to fill five of the nine board seats. There are currently six highly qualified candidates
Meet Grace Hollingsworth, 9, 3rd grader at Out-of-Door Academy
Landings Shopping Plaza Sold Benderson Development Co. has purchased The Landings Shopping Center and has plans to revitalize the neighborhood retail hub that has struggled to maintain tenants in recent years. The property had gone into foreclosure last year. Mark Chait, the executive director of leasing for Manatee County-based Benderson, said the company purchased the property in an auction on Tuesday. Financial details such as the purchase price were not disclosed. Continued on page 21
New owners build custom home and keep the tree swing Realtor predicts more new homes in the community By Roger Drouin During their search for a site on which to build a new home, Bob and Kay Goodman looked throughout several West of the Trail neighborhoods. Then their attention was drawn to a single-family home in The Landings. The large, corner lot afforded privacy and the lot size they were seeking. It was, however, a grand oak, complete with a charming swing that won them over. The Goodmans purchased the home, at 5169 Kestral Park Lane, in July, and are in the process of building a new home, to be constructed by John Cannon Homes, Inc., on the site. As of press time, the demolition of the existing home was nearly complete. Of course, they are keeping the large oak on the property. “It is probably a 100 years old,” notes Kay
Goodman. The Goodmans’ home is the second new home to replace an existing home in The Landings in two years. Tim Field, a realtor and brokerassociate at Michael Saunders Real Estate and the buyer’s agent for the Goodmans, believes that more such projects could be expected within The Landings — following a trend that is already visible in West-of-theTrail neighborhoods such as Hudson Bayou or Harbor Acres. “People don’t necessarily want to go to Lakewood Ranch,” Field says. “They want to be closer in [to Sarasota], and they want new.” In some ways— such as precise cost estimates—newer construction can be easier than a remodeling project, the realtor says. Continued on page 31
Through The Eyes of a Veteran Ed Brown was born in 1925 and raised in New York City. Upon graduating from Valley Forge Military Academy in 1944, he volunteered for induction into the U.S. Army and eventually was assigned to the 134th Infantry Regiment, 35th Infantry Division in the European Theater of Operations, initially to Patton’s Third Army. Following an abbreviated basic infantry training at Camp Croft, SC, on the day after his 19th birthday, Ed was rushed to Belgium as a much-needed replacement during the Battle of the Bulge. Because of combat injuries the young PFC was awarded two Purple Heart medals. His stories from that era show his extraordinary ability to cope with difficult situations. In February, 1945, Ed’s unit was part of a major night attack in Germany’s Rhineland. The key objective facing his
A large oak was one of the factors that won over the Goodmans, and the tree will remain on the property
By Diana Colson
squad of ten men lay across a mile-wide field of snow bisected by a rushing creek. The squad had been chosen to lead the company, and was provided with a hastily improvised foot bridge consisting of a long plank lashed to two empty oil drums. Following a massive artillery barrage designed to dislodge the enemy, the squad moved out into the freezing night fully aware of its mission’s importance. However, when they arrived at their bridge site and lowered the front barrel into the water, the force of the stream tore the bridge downstream out of the hands of the GI’s, rendering it useless. Still, their mission remained. Without a command or even a word, the men marched silently forward and crossed the creek up to their chests in icy water, rifles held high. Six or seven layers of cotton and wool winter uniforms simply absorbed the water with no opportunity to dry out.
Ed Brown Continued on page 26
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LMA Meeting Notes LMA Pres., Larry Lawrence opened the meeting by stating, “If the first five days are any indication, 2017 will be full of action and surprises.” Decisions on “The Landings Shopping Center” and “Siesta Promenade” are expected soon. Several residents expressed concern about holiday lighting issues. Lawrence reported the lighting displays were shorted out about half the time. Bob Frymier and Carmen Lawrence have agreed to meet this challenge by establishing a goal of making substantial improvements over the coming years within budget parameters. Lawrence shared the details of two future events. The New Residents Reception is scheduled from 5-7 p.m. on February 23 at the Racquet Club. The February 4th meeting will consist of three meetings. The first meeting is the regularly scheduled monthly meeting which will begin at 6:30 p.m. At 7 p.m. the annual LMA Board meeting will take place, the purpose of which is the election to fill the Board vacancies. The third meeting is an organizational one to elect the officers of the LMA Board. FINANCE REPORT Chairman, Dick Bayles reported after reviewing all expenses and revenue accounts the committee determined they would be very near breakeven for the year and within 1% of the budgeted revenue and expenses overall.
By Trebor Britt
COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE Co-chairs, Bob Manteiga and Joan Lowery reported the official website launch party has been set for Friday, March 3 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at the Racquet Club. Hopefully residents will agree the new website is an improvement over the old one and much easier to navigate. The committee is soliciting content and bloggers for the website. The committee is also considering several options regarding website management and maintenance. LAKES Lakes chair, Michael Knupp reported his committee is continuing to work on solving problems with algae in a few of the lakes and are attempting to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. Work to replace dead trees in the preserve next to Starling Lake (Lake 7), is continuing. Several trees are expected to be planted in early 2017. All lake fountains and the lights are currently working. Please call 941-9241050 if any changes occur. ROADS LMA President, Larry Lawrence shared the roads report in Roads chair, Don McMurray’s absence. He reported the roads project appears to be coming to a successful conclusion. Although a few touch up items remain, most of the touch up work has been
completed. Remaining touch up items include repairs to pavers, flumes, potholes etc. The committee plans to reassess the current road repaving schedule in the spring, due to the concern roads may be deteriorating quicker than estimated five years ago. Should a change in the schedule be needed, reserve funds will be appropriately adjusted. Rudy Blohm has agreed to chair the Roads Committee moving forward. NATURE TRAIL COMMITTEE Committee chair, Karen Shaeffer reported they are continuing to work on kayak placement and accessibility, and mangrove education. They are studying rules and regulations in order to find loopholes and exceptions to increase water view and accessibility. MAINTENANCE Maintenance committee chair, David Jacaruso reported the sign replacement program is continuing. Completed projects include the painting and repair of a large section of the perimeter wall, and the installation of the new electrical outlets on islands where electrical shorting caused several outages of Christmas lighting. Now that repaving has been completed, installation of new road island striping, island reflectors and curb painting is being scheduled. Continued on page 27
Letter to Editor Landings community support from Judy Greene & Tara Lamb As we begin the year 2017 in our Landings community it seems the appropriate time to look back as well as look ahead and to thank some of our stalwart and hard-working members of the Landings community. Many of our residents are owed our thanks for the time they have served on committees and as leaders within their associations who take responsibility for making our Landings community look and operate so well. The sheer number of events and calendar of activities requires hours of planning and of hands on implementation to make them run smoothly and successfully. This month we would like to highlight the work and support of Judy Greene and Tara Lamb who have always stepped up to provide their personal flair with providing quality food and drink for the monthly coffees at LRC, the elegant receptions for the Opening and closing programs of the Landings Learning Group series ,The Father & Son tennis tournament, Halloween event, the Landoliers annual concert and the recent Veterans Day Luncheon program. We thank and express our sincere appreciation to Judy & Tara for coming forward to give their support and to help with whatever is asked for at The Landings. Howard & Adrienne Feltman
• New Residents’ Reception will take place February 23rd, from 5-7p.m. in the LRC Lakeside room. If you have not been notified, please contact Dawn Smith, Events Co-coordinator • Website Training & Pizza Party – March 3, 6 – 8 p.m., at the Racquet Club. Remember to bring your laptop, smartphone, or tablet. • Next Community Hauling Date is Wednesday, February 8, 2017 • Code for the Field Road door: Call the Main Gate, 941-922.5531. • Wanted: Writer/Editor with a Passion for news, information & Landings living. Editor must be a Landings resident. Contact Bob Stein 941-349-0194.
Serving the Landings Community for over 10 Years | www.landingseagle.com | Island Visitor Publications, LLC | 941-349-0194 P.O. Box 35086, Siesta Key, Florida 34242. Publishers: Bob & Emy Stein islandvp@verizon.net To advertise in print or on-line call 941-349-0194. Advertising Representative: Irene Brooks Please note that contributing writers and photographers are acknowledged with bylines accompanying their submissions. We sincerely thank everyone for their contributions. The Landings Eagle is published monthly and is partially funded by the Landings Management Association & Landings Racquet Club, but is independently edited and reported by Landings residents. The Landings Eagle is published by Island Visitor Publishing, a Florida LLC. Advertising rates and information will be gladly furnished by calling us at 941-349-0194, We are ready to answer your questions and to assist you in preparing your ad at no extra charge. All advertising and editorial content is subject to editing to conform to our style, and is copyrighted 2015 by Island Visitor Publishing, LLC and may not be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted under federal law. The publisher reserves the right to edit or reject copy for any reason. Island Visitor Publishing, LLC is not responsible for any claims made by the advertisers. To access each issue of The Landings Eagle, please go to: www.islandvp.com. Simply scroll down to The Eagle image and click on it for the current issue. If you would like to view past issues, click on the text, “TO VIEW PAST ISSUES OF THE LANDINGS EAGLE, CLICK HERE” That will bring you to a list of the back issues going back to July 2013. For anything earlier you will need to go to the website: www.landingseagle.com ©
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
LHA Meeting Notes At its regularly scheduled meeting, the Landings Homeowners Association board approved landscaping changes on Landings Terrace, replacement pavers on Flicker Field Circle and Pine Harrier Circle. It also approved the plans for a residence addition on Flicker Field Circle, a pool on Landings Boulevard, a fence on Landings Lane and the removal of a tree on Flicker Field Circle. The next regularly scheduled meeting is on February 9 at the Landings Racquet Club at 6:00 p.m., an hour earlier due to the
Association’s Annual Meeting scheduled for 7:00 p.m..
A notice of the Annual Meeting that will take place on February 9, 2017, has been mailed to all owners in January. It is important that quorum be present at the meeting for the election of three directors whose terms are expiring. We ask that members return their ballots or proxies, or attend the meeting, so that a necessary quorum is present.
Landings Website Launch Training and Party By Joan Lowery At last The Landings external and internal websites are ready to launch! As promised, we will have a training and pizza party celebration for all interested residents on Friday, March 3 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at the Racquet Club. Space is limited. The event is free. So please reserve your spot by registering with Kevin at the Clubhouse or online at: lrctennis@verizon.net Our new user-friendly and multi-purpose websites are a true reflection of the wonderful quality of life we all enjoy at The Landings. The
website committee will be providing training in how to use the website, plus filling attendees in on what they can expect and how they might contribute to using insidethelandings.com as a community building resource. We recommend bringing your smartphone, tablet or laptop to the launch to follow along as Bob and Joan conduct the training. We have room to accommodate up to 60 attendees. So please register as soon as possible.
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President’s Column GREAT NEWS!!! THE LANDINGS SHOPPING CENTER There is a new owner (also see related article on page 1). Benderson Development Corporation bought the property at auction January 24. This was somewhat anticipated since they were the winning bidder for the mortgage at a November auction. Following is an excerpt from the HeraldTribune January 24 online coverage. Benderson intends to immediately start work on filling the vacant space, but with the caveat that “it does take time”. Mark Chait, executive director of leasing said, “Benderson already has a strong list of prospects for the shopping center.” He compared the redevelopment to what Benderson has done with Pelican Plaza shopping center. “…the two properties are roughly the same age and were in similar states when Benderson bought them.” The article elaborated on the fine stores Pelican Plaza has attracted with the inference that this may be in store for the Landings Plaza. In contrast with the previous owner, hopefully Benderson will be interested in a collaborative, mutually beneficial relationship. We will be contacting them in the near future to open the dialogue. NEW HOME In the event you haven’t noticed, construction will soon begin on a new home at the corners of Landings Boulevard, Kestral Park South and Kestral Lane. The previous home was raised in mid-January and the lot is now leveled. Regrading of the property is to take place soon and the new home construction is scheduled to begin in March. As most are aware, this is the second Landings “tear down”. Very exciting! Is this a harbinger of a trend or just two families desiring to have their custom homes in The Landings to take advantage of all the wonderful benefits of living here?
By Larry Lawrence
SPRUCING-UP Have you noticed that the islands are getting their periodic manicure? With all the dead debris removed they look much livelier. Some of the islands are scheduled for re-planting this year and this work will begin soon. The electrical components of the lighting on the main and Treehouse islands have been refurbished so as not to “short out” with heavy rains. Just little touches to keep our community beautiful. The season is truly in full swing. It is not only evident from the traffic in the area and the activity in the stores and restaurants, but also all of the traffic in The Landings and the multitude of events taking place here. All of this is a significant part of why we love being here and fortunately the weather “gods” have been most cooperative. LMA FEBRUARY BOARD MEETINGS There are 3 LMA Board Meetings which occur on February 2. First is the normal monthly meeting; however, it will begin at 6:30 p.m. and end promptly at 7 p.m. Given the short duration, only “must do” issues will be considered. But if someone has a “burning issue”, I’m sure we can accommodate them. The annual meeting will promptly follow. The primary purpose is the election of new board members. There are six candidates for 5 open positions. Nominations can also be made from the floor. The presidents of the Landings Homeowners Association and the 20 condominium associations, or their designees, vote for the candidates. The number of votes of each president is based on the number of residencies in that association times the number of board seats open. For instance, Landings Lakeview has 4 units so they have 20 votes (4x5) and the Treehouses have 380 (76x5). On January 26, a “meet and greet” was held for the presidents to get acquainted with the
candidates. The bios of those running for office appeared in the January issue of the Eagle and elsewhere herein. After elections, there is an opportunity for anyone to ask questions or make comments. Immediately following this meeting, the “new board” convenes to elect LMA officers for the coming year: president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. Generally no other business is conducted at this meeting. ROAD PAVING STATUS The paving project is essentially completed. There is some minor concrete “touchup” work on Heron Way that is to be completed in the next several weeks and also a drainage flume repaired at the corner of Landings Boulevard and Landings Terrace. The paving obviously took longer than anticipated for the numerous reasons chronicled in the last 5 or 6 issues of the Eagle. Fortunately the positive old adage applies, “all is well that ends well”. Although stressful at times, not only for the 4 associations whose roads were being paved, but the other residents who were inconvenienced. All of the associations are pleased with the final result. Much was learned that will be applied in the next paving effort. Five years ago, based on an assessment of a highly regarded paving consultant, a paving schedule was proposed to pave approximately onethird of the roads every five years. An assessment of the status of the remainder of the roads will now be reviewed under the leadership of Rudy Blohm, the new roads chair. Rudy is now getting bids to repair the dozen or so potholes throughout The Landings. Oh yes, the paving contractor assures that the unsightly paving tar tire tracks on the roads adjacent to those streets paved will wear off in the next several months. Can’t be too soon!
NEW RESIDENTS’ RECEPTION The LMA Board is looking forward to this reception which is held annually, this year on February 23. It is an opportunity for all residents who have purchased a residency in the past year to meet, up close and personal, the LMA Board, their spouses, and the leadership of the LRCthe president, the general manager and the tennis director. This is an opportunity to become generally acquainted but to also ask any questions as to how the organizations function or discuss other issues of interest. Many long term Landing’s friendships begin right here. Residents taking ownership between April of 2016 and February of 2017 should have received their invitations. Be sure to mark your calendars. Call the Racquet Club, 941-923-3886, if you think you should have received an invitation and haven’t. LANDINGS INTERNAL WEBSITE As most are aware the public website has been on line for several years. The “Internal Website”, for residents only, has been under development for the past year. The functionality of this website will contain all sorts of information on “Happenings in the Community”, Interests and Activities, Resources, and Important Information. There will be a “Roll Out” reception
for the first 60 registrants. The “official” announcement will be out soon and a full article on the website and reception will appear in the March Eagle. SIESTA PROMENADE The County Commissioners will have had a discussion on the afternoon of January 25, regarding the studies to be required of the developer, but the highlights will not be available at press time. CLOSING COMMENTS February will be my last board meeting. I have the distinction of being the first board member to be termlimited. About 6 years ago the by-laws were changed so that a person can serve up to 3 two-year terms instead of indefinitely as was previously in the provision. I think this rule makes good sense in that it assures that “new blood” is continually infused into the organization. And this will begin immediately in that the new candidates for the board are terrific. I have enjoyed my tenure on the board and as president. I hope I’ve made a significant contribution to the community and that I am leaving LMA in good order. I’m sure I’ll stay involved with a couple of assignments, but will also enjoy the free time (ha, ha) to engage in some activities that have been pre-empted over the last few years. I look forward to seeing you around the community. Cheers, Larry
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CONGRATULATIONS LANDINGS COMMUNITY |Response to Holiday Cheer for Kids Fighting Cancer program a huge success What a wonderful response this program received from The Landings Community! There were some 96 folks that contributed to make the program so successful: 45 donated checks, 37 “adopted children”, 14 volunteered the day of the party and a few organized parties as kickoffs, wrapping and shopping, according to the official tally provided by Henry Rhodes, cofounder of this program. “The response was overwhelming as the community touched the lives of 62 children, transforming their Holidays into a time of joy and wonder,” said Rhodes. Many Landins asked how this program got started and grew into a community event so I contacted the founders who introduced it to The Landings community. According to Rhodes, it started in 2014 when Andrea Feldmar, working for The
Center for Building Hope mentioned to her long-time friends Sara and Henry Rhodes how several families in the Sarasota area would not have a very happy Christmas because their financial resources were devoted to cancer treatment. Because of their past involvement in programs in Chicago together, she knew the Rhodes’ would “adopt the family”. She then called again to say other families had been identified and asked if they knew of other likeminded people that might help. Henry contacted Jim Goldman who was active in a similar program with his Synagogue in Pittsburg. Together, in a period of two weeks, they reached out to friends in The Landings who made sure seven families with kids fighting cancer could celebrate Christmas and the holidays. Not only were the seven families touched but
also those that contributed something great was stirring in the hearts of those that helped. Asked what his response was when Rhodes first approached him with this noble project, Goldman responded, “I thought it was a wonderful cause. In my past life when our kids were younger, we adopted a family for Christmas each year so I wholeheartedly embraced being part of this worthwhile program.” In 2015 these two program founders again worked with Andrea to identify area families who would have no or limited holiday celebrations. Thirtyone kids and their siblings were identified so Henry and Jim drew upon the original group to create a five-member advisory committee. “The goal was to allow others in our community to experience the feeling of giving and blessings that the original group felt,” said Rhodes.
They reached out to neighbors and friends to ask them to consider sponsoring a family or child. Each member of the advisory committee worked hard to gather folks wanting to make a difference in a child’s life. Data sheets were created for each child providing their sex, age, various sizes for clothes and shoes and toys they would like to have. Clothes and toys for 31 kids were given by Landings Families and their friends. In 2016 the committee again worked with Andrea and The Children Cancer Center (CCC) in St. Petersburg who identified Sarasota families with kids fighting cancer. This year because of the tremendous outpouring of love and support from The Landings community the program developed a surplus of funds after sponsoring all CCC families. Advisory Committee member,
By Emy Stein Heidi Bodor introduced Henry to a representative from the Hannah House, knowing that this organization would be a worthy recipient of the surplus. Subsequently, the whole committee met with the founding women, a mother and daughter who still manages the facility after some 20 years. This 501c organization provides food, shelter and educational programs for abused women and their children with challenges. Surplus funds were used to provide gifts to these needy children who otherwise may not have had a Christmas. Although the program’s primary goal is to provide holiday cheer for kids fighting cancer and their siblings in the Sarasota area; because of the overwhelmingly generous support, another community benefited as well. Continued on page 31
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Phillippi Estate Park welcomes back the popular Brown Bag Concerts at the park. Every Thursday from noon until 1:00 p.m. there will be a FREE concert in the Park Gazebo. Bring your lunch and lawn chair and enjoy an hour of music by local musicians in a beautiful setting. The Phillippi Farmhouse Market will have an abundance of fresh, local fruits and vegetables available at 5 produce stalls, including USDA Certified produce vendor. There’s always tantalizing smells from the food trucks featuring BBQ, fish tacos, burgers, pizza as well as freshly squeezed lemonade, soft serve ice cream, the World’s Best Donuts, baked goods, and an assortment of local artisans with hand made crafts. There’s always live music, the friendliest volunteers at the FRIENDS OF SARASOTA COUNTY PARKS Welcome Tent, which has information on what’s happening in Sarasota. For a FREE tour of the Edson Keith Mansion, please meet on the front porch of the Italian Renaissance home a few minutes before 10:00 a.m. There is only 1 tour each Wednesday, which starts promptly at 10:00 a.m. A knowledgeable docent will take you through the Mansion telling all about the history of the home and the early days of the Sarasota community.
Household Community Hauling Program The next date for dropping off your unwanted paints, household chemicals, electronics, batteries, etc. will be Wednesday, February 8, 2017. A list of the acceptable items is provided in the adjacent box. Additionally propane tanks up to 20 lbs. and printer ink cartridges can be received. Only these items can be accepted. All others will be returned to you. The materials are to be brought to the North Gate between 8 and 9 am. Reservations are required and they must be made before noon on Monday February 6, 2017. Call George Niel at 941-927-6464 x-110 for your reservation. The following can also and preferably be disposed of in the weekly trash pick-up: motor oils and filters (set alongside the garbage can and mark accordingly), florescent bulbs, empty paint cans, batteries-A series, Cs and Ds, stereos, speakers, and telephones (take out the batteries first). Additionally, you
can also deal with the following as mentioned: rechargeable batteries may be taken to Batteries Plus, Home Depot, Lowes and Radio Shack and florescent bulbs will be accepted at Home Depot. The Community Hauling Program is now operated on the second Wednesday of the month
three times per year – November, February and May. Please plan accordingly. I would like to thank our dedicated volunteers for their efforts. If you have any questions about the program, please call Harvey Greller 908-804-2300.
These are the only acceptable items for the Community Hauling Program. Any items not on this list will have to be taken back by the homeowner (unfortunately no exceptions). • hazardous waste • toxic waste • paints • pesticides • automotive products • pool chemicals • automotive batteries • fertilizers • fire extinguishers • gasoline • used motor oil • cleaners • lawn and garden
chemicals • paint thinner • solvents • cell phones • fluorescent lamps (and compact fluorescent lamps) • batteries: button batteries, rechargeable nickle-cadmium and lithium-ion batteries. • electronics: of the following types:
Printers, scanners, fax machines, power supplies. Note: the County Hazardous Waste Collection Site no longer accepts TVs and computer monitors. You can dispose of them simply by putting them out at the curb next to your weekly trash container.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Kid’s Corner
By Heidi Bodor
Grace Hollingsworth, 9, 3rd grader at Out-of-Door Academy • Do you have brothers or sisters? I have a brother Cal (13), and a sister Avery (7) • Do you have any pets? Yes, a black lab named Sally. • What do you like most about The Landings? I like that I can ride my bike around and that I have a lot of friends here.
Heidi Bodor
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• What is your favorite subject in school? Art – I love painting and free drawing. • What is your favorite sport? Soccer. I play once a week at Glebe Park but our season just ended. I might try tennis this year.
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Grace Hollingsworth
• What is your favorite movie? The BFG • What is your favorite TV show? Hannah Montana • What do you do in your spare time? I like fishing, jumping on the trampoline, and swinging on the swings. I’m in the Homework Club too and on Tuesdays I stay at school later and work on homework.
• If you could choose a dish for your Mom or Dad to never make again, what would it be? Salad. I’d like to take a break from salad and have • Do you play any instruments? pasta instead. I take piano lessons once/ week. I’m also in my church • If you could be any animal, choir at the Church of the which one would you be? I’d be a cat because I love Redeemer. cats so much. • What was your favorite thing your family has done • If you had a special power together? for a day, what would you do? My Mom surprised us and I’d be invisible and stay at told us we are going to Disney home and relax! World! • What are two words that • What do you want to be describe you? when you grow up? Fast runner! A vet because I really like animals and I like taking care • What makes you laugh? of animals and playing with People telling me jokes or our dog. tickling me makes me laugh. • What is your favorite food? Everything! I like trying • If you could throw a parade new things and trying new in The Landings, what type of parade would it be? restaurants.
It would be a Christmas parade with people in Christmas clothes and elves and Santa Claus, and a Christmas tree that lights up with presents under it and people dancing in front of it. • What would your ideal allowance be and how would you use it? $1/day so my parents don’t waste their money. I would only buy important things I need. Like for the first of school, I’d get school supplies, a backpack, and a pencil. • You’re a new addition to the crayon box, what color would you be and why? I’d be purple since I like that color. If your child would like to be featured in Kid’s Corner, please contact Heidi Bodor at heidibo@verizon.net
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
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Information: (813) 962-0388
The Landings Free College of Sarasota By Ralph Ricapito Following our breakout Frank Pipers will let us in year in 2016, the Landings on more of the wonders of Free College has put science and technology. together a sterling program We will kick the month for 2017. We emphasize no off on March 2nd with homework, no term papers, Landings resident Gordon no grades, no credits, and Garrett’s presentation about no tuition are associated the Sarasota Jazz Festival. with this college. Sessions On March 9th Landings will be held at the Lakeside residents Tere and Bob Clubhouse on Thursdays Manteiga will present a at 2:30, February through topic about which they Allison Small March. know more than anyone – A representative of the Spain. State of Florida will tell Landings resident Norm us about our state animal, Olshansky will tell us the Florida Panther, on about the time that he February 2nd. On February was undercover with the 9th, the mysteries of that KKK on March 16th. On foreign country to our north, March 23, Irv Kushner will Canada, will be described tell us about the Bayeaux by a bona fide resident of Tapestry, the 11th century Canada (and The Landings) 75 yard embroidered cloth, Allison Small. (It’s not just depicting the Norman a northern version of the conquest of England in 1066. Irv Kushner USA.) A representative of The series will end with a Sarasota County will tell presentation on March 30th us about the history of our by Alan Maio, head of the county on February 16th. February will go County commissioners, about what’s going out in grand style on the 23rd, when our own on in the county, followed by a reception.
Tere and Bob Manteiga • FEB 2 - The Florida Panther by Jennifer Koran of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission • FEB 9 - Every Thing You Didn’t Know about Canada by Allison Small • FEB 16 - History of Sarasota by representative of Sarasota County • FEB 23 - What You Should Know Before You Go by Frank Piper • MAR 2 - Sarasota Jazz Festival by Gordon Garrett and Quest • MAR 9 - the many areas of Spain by Bob and Teresa Manteiga • MAR 16 - My life with the KKK and Jim and Tammy Baker by Norm Olshansky • MAR 23 - The Bayeaux Tapestry by Irv Kushner • MAR 30 - What’s up in Sarasota by County Commissioner Alan Maio Refreshments to Follow
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Landings Learning Programs Feature Musical Stars, Prominent Lecturers on Current Headline-Grabbing Issues • WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1st: JASON STEARNS, Metropolitan Opera baritone and Grammy Award winner will return to The Landings with another thrilling performance of a varied repertoire of selections from opera and show tunes. Pianist, LEE DOUGHERTY ROSS will accompany Mr. Stearns. • WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8th: DR. FRANK ALCOCK, Associate Professor of Political Science and Environmental Studies at New College will discuss “ THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION’S DOMESTIC POLICY--WHAT CHANGES CAN WE EXPECT?” • WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15th: Pianist, LEE DOUGHERTY ROSS and Sarasota Orchestra violinist MARGO ZARZYCKA will present a recital of classics you know and love, including music by Fritz Kreisler, Pablo Sarasate and Johannes Brahms. • WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 22: DR. ROBERT BARYLSKI, Retired Professor of Government and International Affairs at FSU and eminent expert on Russia, will discuss “TRUMP, PUTIN, AND THE FUTURE OF RUSSIAN-AMERICAN RELATIONS.”
4420 S. Tamiami Trail Sarasota, FL 34231 941.260.8905
• WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1st: STATE COLLEGEGE OF FLORIDA JAZZ ENSEMBLE directed by nationally-prominent conductor DR. ROBERT CARNEY will present a program of jazz favorites. All programs will take place in the Lakeside Clubhouse and begin with refreshments at 3:30 p.m. Programs will begin promptly at 4:00 p.m. The cost of attending individual programs is $5 for LRC members and $8 for non-members.
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Landings Learning Group event photos
Photos by Bob Manteiga
Top Left: LLG sommeliers Morrie Savren (left) and Bob Frymier serving wine at the opening reception Bottom Left: Hosts Judy Greene and Tara Lamb are assisted at the buffet by Susan Padfield (center) and Estelle Colton Bottom Right: Performers Brian Gurl and Katherine Alexandra opened the Landings Learning Group’s 2017 series on January 18 with a program of varied piano and vocal music to an enthusiastic capacity audience. The event began with a wine/cheese/dessert reception hosted by Landings realtors Judy Greene and Tara Lamb
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New A/C installed in 2014, beautiful lake view. Check out the nature trail which ends up at the Pier on Roberts Bay, bring your kayak, or fishing pole. The Landings is close to the famous Siesta Key Beach and Village, Only 10-15 minutes to downtown Sarasota, Convenient shopping and restaurants close by. The fees are $1258 per Quarterly: $1093 Annual For Master Association: $1244 Annual for Landings Racquet Club.
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Happy Valentine’s Day!
The Recipe Corner
|The “Kitchen Ladies” Recipe
Compiled by Dee Ricapito
I shouldn’t claim them as my own since I got raves and the recipe from Janet, in my dentist’s office. She said, “It’s so good - a crowd pleaser since it makes 48 bars.” Best yet, you probably have most of the ingredients in your pantry already and you can make them and store in wrapped aluminium foil for up to three days. INGREDIENTS: - 3 Cups (12 oz.) all-purpose flour - 3/4 Cup granulated sugar - 1/2. Tsp. Table salt - 1 1/2 Cups (12oz.) cold butter cubed - 3 Cups (21 oz.) canned cherry pie filling. (About 1 1/2 cans) - 3/4 Cup chopped pecans, - 1 Cup powdered sugar - 4 to 5 tsp. Whole milk - 1/4 tsp. Almond extract Preheat oven to 350°F. Line sides and bottom of a 13” x 9 “ with alum. foil allowing 2-3 inches to extend over the sides and lightly grease foil with cooking spray. Mix well sugar and salt until all combined. Add butter cubes, and mix real well till all crumbly. Reserve 1 cup flour mixture. Press remaining flour mixture onto bottom of greased pan. Bake in preheated oven till lightly brown (about 25 to 30 min.). Spread cherry pie filling over crust in pan. Toss together the reserved 1 cup flour mixture, and spread the pecans on top evenly over the filling. Bake in preheated oven till golden brown (40 to 45 min.). Cool in pan on wire rack about an hour. Lift baked bars from pan, using the foil sides as handles. Stir together powdered sugar, 4 tsps, milk, and almond extract. Add additional milk if needed to reach desired consistency. Drizzle over pecan mixture. Cut into 48 pieces. (Serving size 2 pieces). Yummy‼ (She found it in Southern Living Magazine)
Marcia and Bob Capo were among the pioneers who moved into The Landings in 1988 after purchasing their Coach House on Starling in the spring of that year. The Capos kept in constant touch with their many Landings friends and always are interested in current happens here. Bob served for seventeen years on many boards as treasurer and president of our Condo Assn., as treasurer of the Racquet Club and his last office before departure, as president of LMA. Marcia was a frequent contributor to The Landings Eagle, her articles and poems appearing regularly as the paper grew from the days of Joanne Meyer as editor over two decades ago; on the stewardship of Irwin Star; and currently Bob Stein. They left to return home to Michigan in November 2010 with mixed emotions. Reluctant to leave the warmth
of a community they loved for so many years, the birth of a first granddaughter in 2009 was a strong motivation to live close to family. Frances Rose Miller was approaching her second birthday when they arrived and her brother Hollis made his appearance two years later. Marcia’s second novel has been published recently, and our residents, both longtime and recent, may find it interesting that she used The Landings as the setting for her book titled GREEN FLASH AT SUNSET. It is a work of fiction and while parts of the setting have been changed, she is certain many will recognize both the physical aspects of the community as well as some of the characters. The book is available on Amazon and she hopes that should you order it, you will find the reading familiar and enjoyable.
Marcia says, “We miss our daily walks in the beautiful Landings, miss the wonderful weather that permitted them year-round walks, but most of all we miss the cherished friends and neighbors. Time and distance never will let us forget.” Marcia will send us a copy of her book for the Landings library, in the interim, we have a photo of the cover so you’ll be able to easily recognize her book.
Marcia and Bob Capo
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Racquet Club News |President’s Report By Dick Bayles The Landings Learning Group and Landings Free College have begun their program and this year’s schedule promises to be an educational and entertaining season for our guests. I should point out that all are welcome to these events – members, residents and their guests. Our membership has grown over the past several years, which has enabled us to maintain and enhance our facilities without an increase in our annual assessment. A sizable part of this growth is attributable to our 2013 expansion of the Fitness Center. We are now at the point that at certain times of the day, someone is waiting for access to a type of equipment, all of which are in use. We are considering approaches to avoiding the requirement to wait, but, in the meantime, please limit your use of equipment to 30 minutes when there are users waiting. This 30-minute stretch is the norm at other fitness centers in the area. The alternative is to plan your workouts around slower periods of the day. You can speak with
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Kevin to review possible times. At the Club’s Annual Meeting on January 17th, over 200 members were represented in person or by proxy and I would like to thank both those who attended and those represented by proxy for their participation. There was a good discussion about future capital spending, both for improvement and maintenance projects, some of which hadn’t been previously identified. In the election, the three incumbent board members were elected to new terms. At the following organizational meeting, I was elected president, Paul Wiener, Vice President, Sue Lewis Garrett, Treasurer, and Christine Knupp, Secretary.
|Manager’s Report Thank you to all the members that have paid their annual assessment already. For the handful of you that haven’t gotten to it yet, please note that late fees and interest were added February 1st. Your balance will continue to increase monthly so please take care of it at your earliest convenience. Contact Kevin, Alice or Gary in the Tennis Pro Shop at 9233886 if you have any questions regarding your statement. Now that February is here, we are in the heart of season for three more months. I strongly suggest members call in advance for their tennis court reservations regardless of what time of day they are playing. We all know the mornings are busy; however, with league matches and routine afternoon maintenance, court availability can be at a premium in the afternoon and evening hours as well. In the last few years, we have gotten a lot of new members that are active tennis players so court availability isn’t
By Kevin Lechlitner
as open as it used to be. It’s great having this many active players around the Club throughout the day. In an effort to alleviate some of the parking strain during the morning hours, I would like to encourage members who live close to the Club and have the ability to walk or ride a bike over to do so. Some days are better than others. Wednesday afternoons with the Learning Group and Thursday mornings with all the classes taking place seem to be the most challenging. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Every so often, I ask the members to update their contact information. If your phone number or email has changed recently, kindly let us know in the Pro Shop. We are also looking for emergency contact names and numbers especially for those that live alone. Please take a moment the next time you come through the office to make sure your information is accurate. If you are a seasonal resident, it is also helpful for us to have the phone number for your northern residence. Members occasionally come in looking for their friends’ or neighbors’ contact information up north and frequently, I’m not able to find it for them.
News From the Court By Joe Venezia A huge crowd - roughly 75 people - turned out for the epic tennis exhibition between John, Tina, Kelly and me. After some fierce tennis at the net and at the baseline the match came down to a 10 point tiebreaker. In the end Kelly and I came out on top but it was close! I see a rematch in the future. Thanks to Paul Wiener who did a great job in the chair. The Intra Club Tennis League continues and will be winding down in February. Don’t forget, each winning team is playing for a chance to play in an exhibition match with John and myself.
Upcoming events :
In February tennis players from Riverview High will be playing an exhibition match. I will be in the chair for this one. The Landings own Gabriel Von Kessel will be among the players. Check in the Pro Shop for details. Get your green ready! On Friday, March 17th we will have our annual St. Patrick’s Day Round Robin followed by traditional Irish fare - corned beef and cabbage, red potatoes and Irish beef. Sign up in the Pro Shop in March. Don’t play tennis? Join us for dinner. Landings Day will be in April. More details in the March Eagle.
Looking for a lesson or clinic? Contact me at lrctennisdirector@verizon.net or 941-993-2628. See you on the courts............
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
One Big Bird at Alpine Steakhouse
Commissioner reaffirms commitment to protect Siesta Key from harm as Lido Renourishment Project looms By Rachel Brown Hackney www.SarasotaNewsLeader.com
Before you leave Sarasota, you must try this one at Alpine Steakhouse, as seen on the Food Network Guy Fieri’s Diners, Drive-In’s and Dive’s show. The TurDucKen “One Big Bird” Boneless chicken stuffed in a boneless duck stuffed in a boneless turkey with a variety of great seasonings. Alpine Steakhouse has been in business over 40 years, a “one-stop shop with an old fashioned Meat Market (with experienced butchers) and a 70 seat Steakhouse all under one roof”. Mark and son Matt Rebhan owners want to invite everyone to come and enjoy a great meal in this unique restaurant. Here is what they are saying online about the TurDucKen. Don’t be afraid to try” Traveled 2 hours to have TurDucKen. Overall, for a dish I have never had, I enjoyed it! My husband had the Reuben and thought it was very good. As for the atmosphere, it is an older mom and pop place... Don’t be afraid to give this place a shot. “TurDucKen” The smoked brisket it in the meat markets is the best east of Texas... The Prime Rib on Primed Rib Night is awesome. The Garlic bread OOOHHH, Yummmy and the TurDucKen is well let’s say Deliciously Epicurian.... “TurDucKen” DDD was right. Great
dive. Fabulous food. Fun staff. The oysters Rockefeller are a must. TurDucKen always great. “Very good value” Despite having spent a great deal of time in Sarasota, this was our first visit to Alpine Steakhouse, of Guy Fieri fame (the show was on his show “Diners, DriveInns and Dives”). We really enjoyed it. The service was prompt and very friendly. They went out of their way to accommodate the 5 year old twins that were with us. The steak was very good for the price. The same meal would have been at least twice the price at any other steakhouse. The atmosphere was fun - old-school diner with red leather booths and black and white tile floors. While we didn’t try the “TurDucKen” from Guy’s show, we did enjoy our meal and will be back. Great value for the price. Oh by the way Alpine Steakhouse was voted best Steakhouse by Sarasota Magazine 2016! The Rebhan’s want everyone to know that they offer a complete catering service for business, holiday and events. Hours; Mon-Thu 9am-9pm Fri & Sat 9am9:30pm Sun Closed (941) 922-3797. The restaurant is just off of Siesta Key located between the bridges at 4520 S. Tamiami Trail www.alpinesteak.com (Advertorial)
Sarasota County Commissioner Alan Maio reassured about 40 people during the Jan. 17 Siesta Key Condominium Council meeting that he remains committed to protecting Siesta Key as the City of Sarasota and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) proceed with plans to dredge Big Sarasota Pass to renourish South Lido Key. The potential Referring to the county for a new hotel commissioners, Maio told the Maio also took audience at Siesta Chapel, “We questions from audience have said from the beginning members regarding the … [that] nobody means to hurt proposed Comprehensive Lido, but any replenishment plan Plan amendment that could cannot come by harming Siesta.” Alan Maio lead to construction of a “I said from my first day in new hotel on the island on office,” Maio continued, “‘Where property already zoned the hell is Plan B?’” Regarding their proposal to Commercial General. remove about 1.2 million cubic yards of sand Siesta resident Lourdes Ramirez, who was from the pass, he said, he asked city leaders, one of Maio’s opponents in the 2014 County “‘How could you think anybody’s going to Commission race for District 4, said she wanted allow that to happen?’” His follow-up query Maio’s view on the potential for increased focused on their lack of an incremental plan “to density and intensity on the island, if the save buildings where the water was lapping amendment ultimately were approved. at them,” he pointed out. “And I never got an A hotel would add a burden to the island’s answer, and our [county] staff never got an infrastructure, she pointed out. answer.” “You always have a good grasp of the The Florida Department of Environmental situation,” Maio told Ramirez, “but you’re not Protection (FDEP) issued a Notice of Intent on going to back me into that corner. I will tell you Dec. 22, 2016, that it plans to issue a permit what I feel when I hear what [the proponent of to the city and the USACE to enable them to the amendment] is doing. … So, Lourdes, with dredge the pass to renourish about 1.6 miles of all due respect, [I am] not answering that one … South Lido Beach. till I hear what they have.” Maio then referred to the fact that the Representatives of Dr. Gary Kompothecras, commission did not vote to take any action a Siesta resident best known for his “1-800-Askafter hearing a Jan. 10 staff update on the issue. Gary” advertising campaign for his clinics, said “We let things proceed as they’re proceeding. during a Dec. 7, 2016 workshop on the Key that We’re not stupid.” Noting the administrative their client is interested in building a boutique appeals submitted to FDEP by three nonprofit hotel. Ramirez noted during the Condo Council organizations, he added, “At any time, the meeting that current zoning on the island county could join that appeal — when three of allows up to 26 hotel units per acre and a height the five commissioners decide to do that, not of 35 feet. before.” In response to another question, Maio Maio also reminded the audience, “This is explained that in years past, April 15 was the going to be a long process.” deadline for all entities to submit proposed When the USACE originally unveiled the Comprehensive Plan amendments to county Lido Renourishment Project, Maio pointed out, staff. “If you didn’t [meet that deadline], tough USACE officials insisted that three groins would luck”; a person would have to wait until the have to be built on South Lido to hold the sand next year. in place between subsequent renourishments. Then commissioners agreed that the process “The pressure of citizens crying out,” he resulted in “piling everything on staff at once,” said, led the federal agency to redesign the he said, “all to be heard [by the board] in a short project with two groins. “I don’t know what period of time.” kind of science that is,” he added. “In a matter of weeks this all changed.” Continued on page 31
Landings Shopping Plaza Sold More than a dozen of the roughly 30 retail spaces in the center that had been owned by the Landings of Sarasota Florida LLC remain vacant, and Benderson has plans to start filling them. “It does take time,” Chait said. “There is a process, and there’s a lot of moving parts, and we’re going to begin work on it immediately.” The retail shifts started about six years ago with tenant turnover in the 29-year-old shopping center. Office Depot closed its 30,171-squarefoot anchor in late 2015. Players including Cheeburger Cheeburger, Fannie May, Oreck Floor Care, Radio Shack, Hear X, Skybox Sports and Peaches are among a crowd of retailers and office tenants that have closed in the past six years. Today, the center is home to a Publix, Dollar Tree, Gecko’s, Jo-Ann’s Fabrics and a Petsmart. Chait did not elaborate, but
he said Benderson already has a strong list of prospects for the shopping center. He compared the redevelopment to what Benderson has done with the Pelican Plaza shopping center just five miles south of The Landings. The two properties are roughly the same age and were in similar states when Benderson bought them. Pelican Plaza, across the street from Westfield Sarasota Square, had its share of vacancies when Benderson bought it in 2012. Today, it’s home to one of the top brickand-mortar retailers in the country, Ulta Beauty, as well as a Total Wine and More and a Petco. In April, Pelican Plaza will welcome the Sunshine State’s second Sprouts Farmers Market. “It’s really the same kind of redevelopment,” Chait said. “Fortunately, The Landings is well-anchored with a Publix, which is a great anchor to start from.”
Continued from cover story
Between The Landings U.S. 41 frontage and the Publix anchor the shopping center has the makings for success, but it also poses a problem because it lacks visibility, said Barry Seidel, president of American Property Group of Sarasota Inc. Combine that with The Landings collection of separately owned outparcels and the former owner’s financial troubles, and it’s turned the center into a hard spot to do business. “It’s going to need some work which is what (Benderson does) best, and it’s going to need a facelift, which is what they do best,” Seidel said. “They’re going to need some identity.” The developer does have an upper-hand that its predecessor did not. Benderson owns so many properties that it has leverage with a number of businesses, Seidel said, and once The Landings has a couple strong tenants from those networks, the rest will follow.
The shopping center also is unique in the sense that it shares its name but not its owner with a residential community of 700 units directly behind it. The vacancies have baffled Bill Whitman, the president of the Landings Homeowners Association, for years. Whitman said he hopes Benderson is able to bring in more restaurants and small service retailers. He still remember the shopping center’s early days when it had a strong mix of tenants. The neighborhood supports
the shopping center, he said, and it’s not uncommon to see people from the residences walking over to Publix. They’re all ready to see a little more life there. “Publix is a great anchor,” Whitman said. “I’d like to see a couple a small restaurants. I hope that things will go back to where they were.” By Maggie Menderski, Copyright 2017, Sarasota Herald-Tribune. Reprinted by express permission of the Herald-Tribune Media group.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Siesta residents offer cautionary tale in citing the history of Midnight Pass By Rachel Brown Hackney www.SarasotaNewsLeader.com With the looming potential that Big Sarasota Pass will be dredged to renourish South Lido Key Beach, a past director of the Siesta Key Association (SKA) has pointed to the history of Siesta Key’s Midnight Pass as a cautionary tale. In December 1983, two property owners on the southern part of the Siesta Key — Pasco Carter and internationally acclaimed artist Syd Solomon — were alarmed that their homes were precariously close to tumbling into Midnight Pass. Their only hope, they decided, was to relocate the waterway. On Oct. 4, 1983, they won permission from the Sarasota County Commission to do that. Then in December 1983, they brought in bulldozers and closed the channel, according to a timeline provided by the nonprofit Midnight Pass Society. As members of the Society wrote in a publication they issued a decade later, “State officials hastily blessed the plan [with] no
environmental impact studies, no baseline data, no water monitoring, no administrative hearing and no engineering review to improve chances the plan would succeed.” The publication continued, “The senseless act all but destroyed the historic environment, the ecosystem that once was Little Sarasota Bay… Vast and vibrant seagrass beds once teeming with life have been devastated, breaking the chain of life that existed here for as long as we know. The numbers and diversity of fish have been severely reduced, and all of the clams have been killed.” Referring to the Midnight Pass situation and the City of Sarasota/U.S. Army Corps of Engineers plan to remove about 1.2 million cubic yards of sand from Big Pass, Bob Waechter said on Jan. 12, “This is what happens if you don’t stop them before they do it.”
Image from a 2006 county slide show, when the county was considering an effort to try to reopen the pass
Continued on the next page
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Continued from previous page
Passion about the passes
A former SKA director who served for many years with the organization — and a longtime member of the Midnight Pass Society— Waechter addressed about 80 people during the Jan. 12 SKA meeting. Before Midnight Pass was closed, Waechter continued, “we had all the assurances as a community from the permitting agencies: ‘This is going to work just fine.’ We didn’t know that there was a knife in their hand when they said that.” He added that the proposed Lido project is proof of Spanish philosopher George Santayana’s famous quote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” About 10 people attending the Jan. 12 SKA meeting at St. Boniface Episcopal do remember what has happened since December 1983, Waechter added. As a direct result of the closing of Midnight Pass, he continued, the county has had to help pay for two renourishments of South Siesta Key’s beach. (The most recent undertaking was completed in late April 2016, at a cost of approximately $21.5 million. The first — completed in 2007 — cost about $11.2 million.)
During a November 2015 presentation to SKA members, Laird Wreford, the county’s coastal initiatives manager, also talked about how the closing of Midnight Pass had exacerbated the situation on south Siesta. When the pass was open, Wreford pointed out, “sand was still being somewhat held in” on the southern portion of the Key. “You didn’t have that same rate of erosion on Turtle Beach and south Siesta [as seen today].” During the Jan. 12 SKA meeting, Waechter told the audience that, among other impacts of the closing of the pass, the benthic creatures in Little Sarasota Bay died off, “to be replaced by another environmental community but a much inferior environmental community.” (“Benthic” refers to the lowest level of a body of water. Organisms living in that zone — including crustaceans — are an important part of the food chain, scientific research has shown.) In 1994, Waechter explained, “the county came around to our way of thinking,” in large part because of the efforts of Nora Patterson, who served on the County Commission for four terms before having to step down in 2014 as a result of term limits. Prior to that, she
Photo of the publication Mr. Waechter handed out to people at the SKA meeting
was a Sarasota city commissioner for eight years. Patterson also lives on Siesta Key. Sarasota County spent $1 million in a fight for the state permits to reopen Midnight Pass, Waechter told the audience. State environmental officials required the county to undertake “all the studies and the engineering reports that they didn’t do [before the pass was closed].” The state agency that was the predecessor of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) even insisted that the county undertake an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), Waechter said. “Unfortunately, we were fought to a standstill.” The state ultimately refused to grant the county permission to reopen the pass, he added.
If the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the city are allowed to dredge Big Pass once, he pointed out, “you will never get them to retreat.” Former Commissioner Patterson told the SKA members that when the USACE announced that Big Pass would be its primary sand source for the Lido project, the County Commission asked why it did not seek other sources before it dredged “a pass that had never been dredged. Their answer was that the nearest sand source was 45 miles away.” Patterson added that at the same time, the county was working on plans for the second South Siesta Key Renourishment Project. Two sand sources for that undertaking had been located in the Gulf of Mexico, she pointed out, though she acknowledged that the sand was “a little grayer … than what you could possibly get from Big Pass.” The USACE’s response, Patterson continued, “sort of inbred, especially for those of us who have been here a very long time on Siesta Key and in Sarasota … a certain distrust of really quick answers from the Army Corps.” She added, “It’s hard to trust folks once they’ve fooled you.”
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LMA Board Candidates
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On January 26, the association presidents had an opportunity to hear the presentation of each candidate running for the LMA Board. The three goals of this year’s nominating committee have been: 1) to improve the gender board representation, 2) to enhance year-round resident representation and 3) to have candidates who have specific skill sets for a well-functioning board. Qualified nominations received by the association manager (George Niel at Argus Management) in writing thirty days prior to the meeting appeared on the ballot sent to the Presidents beforehand. The board responsibilities have been discussed with each candidate. This year the presidents will vote to fill five of the nine board seats. There are currently six highly qualified candidates. Their bio-sketches were included in last month’s Eagle (pages 28 & 29). On February 2 at 6:30 p.m. the normal LMA
monthly meeting will take place. Since the Presidents of the constituent associations, or their designees, will be voting for the 2017 board members at 7 p.m., it is requested discussions be kept to a minimum and only priority items be considered at the regular LMA meeting scheduled at 6:30 p.m. The primary agenda of the annual meeting is the election of board members. The representatives have to be present to vote so please encourage your president to attend and the constituent associations should discuss their candidate preferences in advance. This year’s nominating committee consisted of Carol Furlong, Norman Olshansky and Henry Rhodes as chair. Many hours have been devoted to this assignment and Carol and Norm are to be commended for their efforts. Your support of the LMA election process will really be appreciated. Following are the six candidates.
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Siesta Drive traffic woes As one person put it during the Jan. 17 meeting of the Siesta Key Condominium Council (SKCC) at Siesta Chapel, “It is a catastrophe, and it’s just the first day.” She was referring to the closure of one lane on Siesta Drive just east of the north bridge to Siesta Key. Sarasota County Commissioner Alan Maio — the speaker for the SKCC session — told her that he was among those stopped in traffic “for a very long time” that afternoon. Finally, he said, he was able to spot the electronic sign warning drivers that work would begin that day and continue through March 1. The contractor needed to be doing a better job of alternating the traffic flow, he said, so no line grew too long. “I think they don’t want people stacked up, sitting on top of the bridge,” Maio pointed out. Other attendees talked of waiting up to an hour in their vehicles, trying to get on and off the island that day. When an audience member asked whether anyone knew exactly what was going on, Catherine Luckner, vice president of the Siesta Key Association, replied that she understood the City of Sarasota was engaged in a utilities project at the same time the Florida
By Rachel Brown Hackney www.SarasotaNewsLeader.com
Department of Transportation (FDOT) had begun a drainage project at the San Remo Terrace intersection on Siesta Drive. Construction also is underway on a new home in the same general area, she noted. In response to questions from Siesta leaders, Brian Bollas of HNTB Corporation, acting as a public information consultant for FDOT, explained in an email that City of Sarasota utility work had to be completed prior to the start of the FDOT drainage project. Michael Crumpton, engineering manager for the City of Sarasota’s Utilities Department, told the Eagle in a telephone interview that the city gave the contractor until the end of the afternoon on Jan. 19 to complete the relocation of several “very large” water mains and sewer force mains, plus a 2-inch force main that connects to the bridge tender house on the Siesta bridge. If the firm had not finished up the work by that time without having to keep a lane closed, Crumpton added, the firm would have to do so at night. In that event, Crumpton continued, the contractor — Spectrum, of Sarasota — would have to provide 48 hours of advance notice regarding when any
further lane closures would be in effect. The start of the FDOT project has been pushed back to Feb. 6, Bollas added in his email. The plan called for the state’s contractor to close a traffic lane only at night, between 8 p.m. and 7 a.m. In a Jan. 10 email, Bollas informed Siesta leaders that the contractor for the FDOT drainage project had told him, weather permitting, “it looks like the work should go fairly quickly.” Crumpton reported to the Eagle that the city had “just a few weeks” of notice about the need to go ahead and put a contractor to work on its undertaking. Crumpton said FDOT’s original timeline called for the drainage project to begin during the summer of 2015. At the latest, he continued, FDOT staff assured city staff that the starting date would be December 2015. “Things changed.
They went to a different design and construction methodology.” Robin Stublen, an FDOT spokesman in the District One office in Bartow, explained to the Eagle in a telephone interview that, prior to the start of any road project, a detailed process is undertaken to ensure that all utility lines in the affected area have been identified. Because of the “finding of factors we didn’t know about” in the San Remo Terrace vicinity, he continued, the drainage project was redesigned. Many utility lines can be located in just one area, he pointed out. “We run into that all the time.” FDOT staff asked city staff to move city utilities out of the way because the lines were in conflict with the state plans for the drainage project, Stublen added.
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Through The Eyes of a Veteran Soaked to the skin and with boots full of water, the mission was accomplished. “It’s what American soldiers do,” says Ed. (The event is briefly mentioned in the U.S. Army Official History of WWII.) During the “Battle of the Ruhr Pocket”, Ed made a life-or-death decision concerning a German. On a night patrol designed to create terror in a nearby enemy unit, he stealthily moved down a street covered with window glass broken by Allied bombers. He was trying hard not to make noise, when he saw a cigarette glowing in the total darkness. When the smoker took another drag, Ed recognized the “coal scuttle” silhouette of a German helmet. He settled down into a solid firing position and took steady aim. When the German took another puff, it illuminated several red crosses on his uniform. “GI’s do not kill medics”, Ed told himself: he lowered his weapon and stole back up the hill to his patrol. From a nearby building, two stick grenades were hurled at him resulting in a minor wound. Another time, PFC Ed Brown captured three Nazi officers in the dark of night. The Americans had taken a German town that still enjoyed electricity. Blacking out the windows of a small house, the squad had settled in for the night. “It was my turn to guard the front door,” says Ed. “Before long, I heard the sound of marching boots approaching where I stood. Because I could hear them, I knew they had to be the enemy.” (German soldiers were issued boots with hobnails fastening the soles to the uppers, while American combat boots were made with silent, composition soles.) Ed continues: “I could not let an enemy pass my post, but if I opened fire with my sub machine gun in the dark, I might miss. In that case, the muzzle flash would surely expose me to their fire. So, I loudly commanded in their language to whomever was out there, “Halt! Ver ist das?” Fact was, Ed had never studied German. He had merely picked-up a few phrases from a book he had borrowed on the R.M.S. Queen Elizabeth while crossing the Atlantic. Meanwhile, his bold command elicited a torrent of replies— none of which he understood except for “Ja!” “Kommen sie hier” commanded the brash young American—and to his amazement, they did! He prepared to shoot, but as they neared, the door behind him opened and there stood Ed’s sergeant brandishing a lighted floor lamp which blinded the three Germans.
Continued from cover story
The GI’s dragged them inside by their equipment straps, which made them furious! “We slapped their faces to show who was in charge,” Ed recalls. Later, these prisoners were to provide crucial intelligence information during formal interrogation. By the time the war in Europe ended, Ed Brown’s unit had reached the Elbe River just 35 miles from Berlin, the closest American division to the Nazi capitol. Besides the two Purple Hearts, Ed was awarded the Combat Infantryman Badge, a Bronze Star and two campaign stars. Returned to the U.S., Corporal Ed Brown spent his final time in the Army as a Signal Corps photographer at Ft. Bragg, NC and Ft. Polk, LA. He went on to earn a degree in Government at William & Mary, and to have a colorful career in advertising. Ed began it with an entry-level mail room job where he surprised his employers with radio and TV copy they could actually use for Procter & Gamble, their major client. After several promotions, he worked with Mel Brooks on the “Colgate Comedy Hour’. Then he spent eight months in Hollywood representing Colgate, sponsor of “The Millionaire”, a popular TV anthology series aired on CBS. In 1958, Ed became responsible for a group of shows: “Naked City”, ABC; “Wanted Dead or Alive”, CBS (Steve McQueen); “The Texan”, CBS (Rory Calhoun); and “Wednesday Night Fights”, ABC. When Ed played a key role in purchasing the DesiLu series, “The Texan” for Viceroy Cigarettes, Lucille Ball wanted to meet him. One of his most delightful memories is when she hosted a party in his honor in Beverly Hills attended by other celebrities as well. In 1960, when Mohammed Ali returned from the Rome Olympics with the Gold in light heavyweight boxing, he asked ten leading citizens of his home town, Louisville, for backing as a professional. They turned to Ed for advice. “What are the young man’s chances of success?”, they asked. Ed consulted the Chicago people who controlled the fight business. The answer was powerfully positive and the rest is history. Ed’s successful advertising career extended past Hollywood and New York into Mexico and Canada. In 1962, he even seized the opportunity to establish an ad agency in Madrid, Spain, where he was also a principal in starting a large restaurant, “El Brigadier”. In addition,
Ed advised the Spanish Government on standing up a second TV network as well as freeing the media from the Franco Government’s censorship. In addition to his productive career in advertising, the military remains an integral role in Ed Brown’s life. He served for 30 years in the Army Reserve and National Guard, retiring as a full colonel. Since moving to The Landings in 1989, Ed has been president of Sarasota’s Military Officers Association, U.S. Reserve Officers Association and the Humane Society of Sarasota County. Nowadays, he plays tennis regularly at the Landings Racquet Club.
The snapshot shows the 1st Platoon of C Company, 134th Infantry Regiment on March 11, 1945, the morning after a sharp fight with Nazi paratroopers to take Geldern, Germany, a key terrain feature critical to the Rhine River crossing. Hitler had ordered his troops in the vicinity to hold to the death and thus, prevent the Allies from crossing that vital barrier. The morning weather was pleasant and spring like compared to the severe winter we had just experienced. That may have prompted all the smiles you see. (That or the Lieutenant’s order to “Smile”.) The photo was taken by the 1st Platoon leader,1LT John Hein with a captured camera. He was standing on the back of a 2 1/2 ton truck as evidenced by the shadow. I believe he sent the exposed film home and his family had it processed and sent the prints back over. I can’t recall whether I was just lucky to get one or enough were made for all. After the war I had mine enlarged and carefully framed. Although we all knew each other well, I can ID only a few after all these years: Front row from left: S/Sgt Ted Blusewitz, the platoon guide; unk.: Pfc’s Ed Brown & Dick Holland, scouts. Second row: Pfc Bob Hoge, Pfc Lefty Brown, Pfc Tuck Brown; riflemen. unk. On the extreme right: Pfc Carl Giese, medic. In front of the brick wall smiling: Pfc Fred Froelich, rifleman. Upper left, in front of the jeep, smiling: the late Sgt. Chester Majewski, assistant squad leader.
Vehicle Decals
By Dick Bayles
This is a note to all of our residents that are rightly frustrated by our failure to get the North and South Gates operational for those who have been issued decals since November of last year. While what you care about is getting things working, and not why they are not, a great deal of time has been spent working on the problem. I have made several “should be
operational next week” statements over the past three weeks. And they haven’t been. If they are working by the time you read this, then we will have resolved the communications problem that has prevented us from finally getting those gates working and you will have been notified that they are. If not, we are trying our best to get it fixed and I regret everyone’s inconvenience.
The Eagle Has Landed
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Submitted by Norman Olshansky
Landings residents on a bike trip to the south end of the legacy trail. 21 cyclists participated on this special Landings event.
LMA Meeting Notes TECHNOLOGY Technology committee chair, Dick Bayles reported the vehicle identification decal system is up and running at the main gate and will be fully operational at the other gates within a week. LANDSCAPING Landscaping chair, Connie Goldman reported shells and pebbles were replaced on the nature trail. SAFETY AND SECURITY New chairman Neil Goldman, reported the radar enforced speed program is continuing and as a
Continued from page 3
result several letters were sent for informational and enforcement purposes. The home at 5169 Kestral Park Ln. will be torn down beginning in early January. He informed the Board all parties concerned will be advised of rules connected with this process. SIESTA PROMENADE LMA President, Larry Lawrence reported the next meeting between the Sarasota County commissioners and Benderson Development Company would take place on January 25. He expects the commissioners will announce which studies Benderson will
be obligated to accomplish before moving the process forward. LANDINGS SHOPPING CENTER The Landings Shopping Center mortgage was sold in November 2016 for a little over $14 million. The existing note totaled more than $17 million. It was purchased by a company which is a subsidiary of Benderson Development Company. The property is scheduled to be auctioned January 24. Whatever happens, Lawrence is hopeful the status and direction of the shopping center will soon be known.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Ad News CandyTime just opened at 2067 Siesta Drive in Sarasota at Southgate Village Shops and offers candy, sweet treats and gifts to families and businesses of Sarasota, Florida. They create unique, fun and sweet items with your ideas. Don’t have any ideas? No worries, tell them what your goal is and they’ll get creative for you.
They offer candy bouquets, candy boxes and tubes, candy buffets for events, candy cakes, candy jars, candy kiss archways, and truffle trees. They have retro candy too. Take a stroll back to the days of yesteryear with their time capsules featuring candy of various decades. CandyTime has many creative gift ideas
and sweets for any and all occasions. The possibilities are endless. Call 941.312.4118 to collaborate with them for your next event. Tara Nelson of Shine Hair Design Studio located in the Chili’s Shopping Center, is an expert stylist with over twenty years of experience. She trained at the famous Vidal Sassoon
Academy in Toronto and the very exclusive Pivot Point in New York. As a master stylist and colorist she specializes in both trendy and classic styles she knows you’ll just love. Tara is now welcoming new clients to Shine Hair Design Studio. 4141 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, 941-925-0928.
Happiness is… Celebrating life! February is a beautiful month filled with celebrations, Super Bowl champions, presidential birthdays, and, of course, the best part of life…love. There are many things to love about the Siesta Key area. How many of them can you relate to? q Living by Island Time (waiting for the drawbridge, and it’s okay)
q The wide variety of interesting bird life q Warm weather q Paddle boarding q Sunsets on the beach q Early morning walks on the beach q Meeting new friends q Hearing experiences of people from other parts of the country and world These are just a few of the things we love
about the Siesta Key lifestyle. What about you? What draws you to the Siesta Key area year after year? We’d love for you to stop by Abel’s and let us know. And while you’re here, let us know how we can make your Valentine’s Day even sweeter with custom made ice cream pies in any of our forty flavors, or a delicious selection of chocolates from Sweet Shop USA. In honor of Valentine’s Day, Jerry is bringing in Jill’s favorite flavor: Purple Daze (black raspberry ice cream with a black raspberry crinkle, and dark chocolate black raspberry cups). If you’re hosting or attending a party or event, we’ve got you covered with delicious ice cream quarts to go, and our great menu ideas and recipes from Stonewall Kitchen. We look forward to seeing you soon!
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Captain Jim Klopfer’s Fishing Report
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Jeannie from Colorado with a nice sheepshead caught in a Siesta Key canal
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February is the last month of winter here in Sarasota. There will be days when it feels like spring is in the air. But, weather patterns will still be unstable, and fishing will follow suit. Being flexible and understanding how weather affects fish behavior will be the key to angling success this month. On many mornings the tide will be very low, especially with a hard northeast wind following a cold front. Under these conditions, fishing the afternoon high tide is often a better choice. Also avoid the areas near the passes after a blow, the cold and dirty water is not conducive to success. One species that anglers can count on most every trip in February is sheepshead. They bite better in cold, dirty water than most other species do. Also, redfish, black drum, and flounder will be caught on the same structure and using the same techniques that are effective for sheepies. Basically, any structure will attract sheepshead. From the rocks at the west end to the Siesta Drive Bridge on the east side, the north end of Siesta Key is a great area to fish. Deep water, docks, rocks, seawalls, and rip-rap will attract and hold fish. All of the bridges and docks in both Big Pass and New Pass may hold fish, as well as the docks and oyster bars south to Albee Rd. The preferred rig is a #1 live bait hook with a 24” piece of 20 lb. leader and just enough weight to hold bottom. Live and frozen shrimp, fiddler crabs, sand fleas, and oyster worms
are the top baits. Shrimp are the easiest bait to obtain and work great. Sheepshead bite very lightly. Usually, it starts with several light “taps”. It is important not to move the bait at all, the fish will sense that something is wrong. Instead, wait for a steady pull, then reel fast and raise the rod tip sharply. Anglers fishing from Siesta Key beaches should do well when the surf is clear. Whiting will be abundant and silver trout, flounder, pompano, sheepshead, ladyfish and other species will hit live or frozen shrimp fished near the bottom. The deeper grass flats all throughout the area will be productive for speckled trout this month. Incoming tides a couple hours before high tide are usually the best times to fish. Again, avoid the areas around the passes when dirty water is present. The area further south, from CB’s Saltwater Outfitters at Stickney Pt. to Marker #19 in Nokomis, stays protected, resulting in reliable February fishing. Bass Assasin jigs, suspending plugs, gold spoons, and live shrimp under a popping cork are all effective baits. Pompano, jack crevelle, ladyfish, and bluefish all feed over the deep grass. Snook will be found in creeks and residential canals, along with redfish, drum, flounder, sheepshead, and jacks. Jerk baits, scented soft plastics, and live shrimp will all produce fished near structure in creeks and canals. A slow presentation will be more productive in the cooler water.
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New owners build custom home and keep the tree swing Continued from cover story
And The Landings is looking more and more attractive for those buyers who are seeking a home to “tear down” to clear way for a new custom home complete with the modern touches, from high ceilings to high-tech air conditioning systems to hurricane-code windows, Field says. Factors such as the community’s central location, rising potential value of a newer home, a variety of lot sizes, and the amenities in The Landings are making it more attractive for buyers who may want to build new. For the Goodmans, building a new home in The Landings made the most sense. “We wanted a custom design we could call our home,” Kay Goodman said. The Goodmans have
always liked The Landings and have friends in the community they know through the Sarasota Yacht Club. In addition, their future, new neighbor across the street went to high school in Sarasota with Bob. The Goodmans, who are moving from Siesta Key, plan to soon list for sale their Hidden Harbor home that features 150 feet of waterfront. “We sold our boat, and that is one reason we are moving off the Key,” Bob Goodman said, noting that traffic congestion on and off the island also contributed to their decision to move. They recently purchased an RV, and plan to travel more. The security of The Landings community, therefore, was another
factor in the decision to purchase in the community. Bill Whitman, president of the Landings Home Owners Association, Inc., agrees with Field that residents could notice some more new homes in The Landings. “I think we will see more of it,” Whitman said. But he notes that the majority of buyers who are purchasing a single-family home in The Landings, often at a pricetag of upwards of $500,000, could likely still opt to remodel — rather than raze the home — even if it does need some work. “Mostly, we will see more renovations of homes with a satisfactory structural condition,” Whitman predicts.
There are 218 single family homes in The Landings, and most were built from 1982 to 1986. In February, the Goodmans hope to present home plans to The Landings landscape and architecture review committee. That committee then makes a recommendation whether to approve the plans to The Landings Home Owners Association, Inc. board, Whitman said. Whitman has seen some preliminary designs of the home, and he believes it looks like the home will become a positive addition to the community. “John Cannon homes is a first class operation,” Whitman said.
Holiday Cheer
Lido Project
Continued from page 7
Therefore, he continued, the commission anyway in April, Sax noted, Commissioner Nancy changed the process so anyone could submit a Detert “saw fit … to cast a ‘No’ vote,” because she proposed amendment at any time. All the Jan. wanted more information on the project behind 10 board vote authorized, he said, was for staff the proposed amendment. “You’re supposed to to start the process sooner on this particular be in our corner,” Sax told Maio. amendment. “I am in your corner,” Maio replied. All he Ed Kroninger, a resident of the Marina Del voted for, he reiterated, was to allow the process Sol condominium complex on Old Stickney to start earlier. Point Road, asked Frank Jurenka, the Condo “It sends a signal,” Sax said. Council president, whether that group has taken “No, it doesn’t,” Maio responded. “How a position on the issue. Commissioner Detert votes is her business. “We discussed this at our last board [Three] of us felt differently.” (Commissioner meeting,” Jurenka replied. The decision was Charles Hines had not arrived at the board that “it was premature for us to do anything at meeting prior to that discussion.) this particular time.” Nonetheless, Jurenka said, the consensus was “that we would be violently against this change [in density on the island].” “Perception means a lot,” another SARASOTA’S BEST BABY RENTAL CENTER Marina Del Sol resident, Robert Sax, SELF SERVICE NOW AVAILABLE told Maio. During the Jan. 10 County Order online or by phone Available 24/7 Commission meeting, Sax reminded Maio, “You, sir, seconded the motion to allow this CLEAN • SAFE • RELIABLE [amendment process] to move forward to 941-929-1850 the next phase.” 5700 Midnight Pass Road, Siesta Key PATIO, WICKER, & CAST ALUMINUM Even though Maio had explained that FURNITURE www.abcbabyrental.com ALL ON SALE AT HUGE SAVINGS! the amendment could have been filed
The hearts of the children at the Hannah House must have felt a little lighter experiencing, some perhaps for the first time, an act of kindness from someone they’ve never met before. The 2016 program provided 62 children a wonderful Holiday experience, allowed the Hannah House to keep it lights on for another month serving 22 families in need and contributed $400.00 to the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation in Tampa for children cancer research. Additionally, a party for the families of children fighting cancer was planned by the Children’s Cancer Center on the day gifts were picked-up at the Landings Racquet Club. It was a great party with games, crafts, face painting and food available for all. The photos in the January issue of the Eagle tells the story. No words needed. If you didn’t get a chance to yet, and would like to participate in next year’s program, you can contact any one of the Advisory Committee Members: Henry Rhodes, Chair, Heidi Bodor, Jim Goldman, Carmen Lawrence, Karl Maggard. Special thanks goes to Henry Rhodes and Jim Goldman for launching a program that is fast becoming part of the fabric that makes up this extraordinary community.
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941.312.4118 candytimesarasota@gmail.com 2067 Siesta Drive • Sarasota, FL 34239
Continued from page 20
Tara Nelson
Master Stylist / Colorist
*Expires January 31 2017, not valid on BBQ grills and accessories*
PATIO OUTLET LOCATION: 7261 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34231 HOURS: Open 10am-6pm daily Sun 12pm-5pm | Closed Wednesday
4141 S. Tamiami Trail - Sarasota, FL 34231 - 941-925-0928
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Local Businesses Airport Rides
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View From The Gate
Compiled by: Capt. Jordan M. Joseph, Landings Security & Safety There were a total of 40 incidents reported for the month of December 2016. There are as follows: • 2 Animal Problem Reports A dog off leash. Owner advised. A fox disturbing ornamental lighting. Chased off. • 3 Lost & Found Reports A set of books found in the roadway turned in. A set of Toyota keys reported missing. A set of gauges and hoses turned in. Later returned to owner. • 1 Informational Report An FPL light reported out. FPL advised. • 14 Open Door Reports 11 Garage Doors. 2 Commercial Doors. 1 Vehicle Door • 9 Parking Violations Reported 5 Vehicles parked in roadways overnight. 2 Vehicles parked on the grass. 1 Restricted commercial vehicle parked overnight. 1 Reported commercial truck and trailer blocking
driveways Referred to appropriate Association for action. • 1 Public Service Report Vehicle light left on. Resident advised. • 4 Reckless Driving Reports All involving vehicles at an unsafe speed. • 3 Suspicious Person Reports 2 subjects found on the Nature Trail after dusk. Identified as a resident and a guest. 1 Vehicle attempting entry via the South gate. Identified as an Uber Driver. Directed to the Main Gate. 1 Subject noted ‘wandering’ very early morning. Identified as a resident. • 3 Vehicle Accidents All involving vehicles striking gate arms. No injuries, minor to moderate damage.
Due to issues with the access control system I am unable to generate a Gate Traffic report at this time. Our technician Tracy Bland, is aware of the issue and continues to work on it. Sorry for the inconvenience. Capt. Jordan M. Joseph
BE SURE TO SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Useful & Emergency Phone Numbers... Verizon - Phone Service..............................................1.800.483.1000 Comcast Cable........................................................................371.6700 Emergency Animal Clinic.....................................................929.1818 Poison Info Center.......................................................1.800.282.3171 Waste Management...............................................................924.1254 Landings Eagle................................................................941.539.0205 Landing’s Gate.......................................................................922.5531
Landings Residents’ Handbook & Directory
Landings Racquet Club.........................................................923.3886 Landings Community Hauling Program........... 941-727-6464x110
By Dick Bayles
The 2016-2017 issue of The Landings Handbook and Directory has been mailed to each owner at their permanent address currently on file. Additional copies are available at the Main Gate, as is a binder for owners without one.
LRC e-mail................................................... LRCtennis@verizon.net
There have been two changes in association presidents since the publication of the directory.
FPL - Florida Power & light..................................................917.0708
New owners or residents since the last issue of The Landings Eagle: None.
Fishing & Hunting Licenses..........................................941.362.9888
Argus Management...............................................................927.6464 Sheriff Non-Emergency.........................................................861.5800 FPL - Outage Report....................................................1.800.468.8243 Marriage License Bureau...............................................941.362.4066 Sarasota County Hotline.......................................................861.5000
Changed listings since the last issue: • Robert & Gail C. Rosen, 5450 Eagles Point Cir #101, 571-216-7342, 703 244 9165, rrosen@crownci.com, bigcitylady1@yahoo.com
Sarasota/Bradenton Intl. Airport.................................941.359.2770 Sarasota County Area Transit (SCAT) .......................941.316.1234 Sarasota County Information Call Center.......941.861.5000/scgov.net
Additions, changes or corrections should be directed to me in writing. Directory forms are available from me via e‑mail, at www.landingseagle.com and www.insidethelandings.com, or from your association, and may be dropped off at the Landings Racquet Club or Main Gate to my attention, or sent via mail, e‑mail or toll-free fax. Dick Bayles: 1729 Landings Way, Sarasota, FL 34231, Email: landings.directory@gmail.com Fax: (855) 631-3860
Sarasota Doctors Hospital..............................................941.342.1100 Sarasota Memorial Hospital/Health Care System ...... 941.917.7760 Emergency (General)......................................................................911 Life-threatening EMERGENCY: call 911 first, then call the gate. They will direct emergency vehicles
The ATS Speed Sentry was deployed on Kestrel Parkway North (Southbound) for the month of December 2016 with the following results:
Date 12/15/16 to 01/16/16
Location Kestral Parkway North (Southbound)
Speed Limit Compliant 20 87.48%
Low Risk 11.61%
Approx. 1011.13 vehicles passed the speed sentry daily. Previous deployments at this location indicate an overall increase in a compliance average at this location. Deployment for the month of January 2017 will be at Landings Blvd and Heron Way (Southbound).
Date 12/15/16 to 01/16/16 06/16/16 to 07/15/16 01/14/16 to 03/13/16 01/13/16 to 01/14/16
Location Kestral Parkway North (Southbound) Kestral Parkway North (Southbound) Kestral Parkway North (Southbound) Kestral Parkway North (Southbound)
Speed Limit Compliant 20 87.48% 20 86.27% 20 78.71% 20 75.05%
Low Risk 11.61% 12.87% 18.49% 18.64%
Med Risk High Risk 0.84% 0.08% Med Risk High Risk 0.84% 0.08% 0.79% 0.06% 2.77% 0.04% 4.54% 0.77%
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
MARCH 2017
Day Wednesday Thursday Friday Friday Sunday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Monday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday
Date Time 1 3pm 2 7pm 3 2:30pm 3 5pm 5 6 3:30pm 7 8:30am 7 7pm 8 4pm 9 7pm 11 10am 13 9am 14 2pm 16 2pm 16 5pm 17 9:30am 17 7pm 21 1:30pm 21 7pm 23 5pm 27 5pm 28 9am 28 2pm 28 5:30pm
Bridge Chair Yoga Jazzericise Landings Free College Landings Learning Grp. Landoliers
Event EPCA Annual Meeting LMA Board Mtg Landings South 1 Single Friends Meetup Superbowl Party LLG Committee LMA Trivia Challenge Bayview LHA Private Event Koffee Klatsch Eagles Editorial Mtg. Landings South IV Board Mtg. Landings South VII Carriage House I Movie Night LRC Board Trivia Challenge Newcomers Party Private Party (Patio) Koffee Klatsch Landings South IV Tree House HOA
Regularly Scheduled Items Mondays Fridays Tues & Thurs Thursdays Wednesdays Tuesdays
6:30pm 10am 8:30am 2:30pm 4pm 3:30pm
Day Thursday Friday Sunday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Monday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday Tuesday Tuesday Saturday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday
Date 2 3 5 6 7 7 8 9 13 14 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 21 21 25 28 28 28 29
Mah Jong Class Ping Pong Tai Chi Water Aerobics Watercolor Painting Yoga Zumba Gold
Time 7pm 6pm Noon 3:30pm 8:30am 7pm 4pm 7pm 9am 2pm 2pm 4pm 9:30am 7pm 1pm 3pm 3pm 1:30pm 7pm Noon 9am 2pm 5:30pm 11am
Event LMA Board Mtg. Web Pizza Party Private Party LLG Committee LMA Trivia Challenge Bayview LHA Koffee Klatsch Editorial Mtg. Landings South IV Board Mtg. Landings South VII Carriage House I LRC Movie Night Private Event Private Event Private Event LRC Board Trivia Challenge Private Event Koffee Klatsch Landings South IV Tree House HOA 3.0 Tennis Luncheon
Thursdays Mondays & Wednesdays Thursdays Thursdays Thursdays Mondays & Wednesdays Tuesdays
9:30am 9:30am 10am 11am 10am 8:15am 9am
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Judy Tara
Your Landings
Resident Real Estate Team
Landings Real Estate Database Address
½ BA
5430 EAGLES PT. CIR #203
5420 EAGLES PT. CIR #401
5430 EAGLES POINT CIRCLE #201 • $629,000
1734 STARLING DR • $315,000
1695 STARLING DR • $499,999
5450 EAGLES PT. CIR #101
1696 PINE HARRIER CIR • $775,000 dy & Tara Ju ighborhoo ’s Ne
Judy Tara 350-0451 266-4873
OPEN HOUSE Michael Saunders & Company
5430 EAGLES POINT CIR, #203 • $787,000
Watch for the “Judy and Tara’s Neighborhood” Open House signs on Sundays where “Just Looking” is always welcome. Your Landings Resident Real Estate Team are proud advocates and supporters of Landings events including Sponsorship of the USTA Father/Son Annual Tennis Tournament.
Judy Greene • 941.350.0451 • JudyGreene@michaelsaunders.com Tara Lamb • 941.266.4873 • TaraLamb@michaelsaunders.com
Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker
Based on information from Realtor.com, Sarasota Property Appraiser, and Sarasota Association of Realtors for the period ending January 23, 2017. These properties listed and sold in the past 4 months by various MLS participating offices.
5100 Ocean Boulevard • Sarasota, FL 34242