Landings Eagle - January 2017

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LMA BOARD CANDIDATES Bios of the six LMA Board candidates are available




Meet Anabella Recanatesi (7), 1st grader at Southside




“Ghostly” Landings Shopping Center to be sold at auction By Roger Drouin |Several parcels in the plaza could be sold Jan. 24 The Landings Shopping Plaza could have a new owner by the end of January. And with that change in ownership, some potential changes could come to the plaza that has been plagued by vacant storefronts. Those changes could include retrofitted retail spaces and new businesses filling them. In 2015, a mortgage company filed a foreclosure suit against the owner of the several parcels within the plaza that total about 93,000-square feet of commercial space. According to the lis pendens suit filed in December, 2015, the Plaintiff, U.S. Bank, National Association, as trustee for Morgan Stanley Capital Inc., instituted the foreclosure filing against owner, Michiganbased Landings of Sarasota Florida LLC. A total of at least three parcels within the Landings Shopping Center were included in the foreclosure suit.

In the latest development, in November, at an online auction, the lender sold the mortgage note on this portion of the plaza, Aaron Kantu, an executive for Ten X, a commercial real estate transaction

platform, told the Eagle. Now, the property itself is slated for sale at a county online auction on Jan. 24, 2017, according to 12th Judicial Circuit court documents. Continued on page 20

Benderson Development to conduct studies for Siesta Promenade project By Roger Drouin We are so grateful to our Landings neighbors and friends




Highlights of the Annual LRC Holiday Dinner Dance



|The mixed-use project continues to prove controversial What kind of mixed-use project can rise up at a large, key parcel of vacant land that was once a mobile home park? And what will the impacts be on bordering properties and neighbors? That was again the topic of another public meeting on a project proposed by Benderson Development Co., which owns 24 acres at the northwest corner of U.S. 41 and Stickney Point Road and plans to construct a mixed-use lifestyle center. The neighborhood workshop, held by Benderson Development, on Dec. 19 asked area residents what feasibility studies or other issues they would like to see studied for Benderson’s planned development. Those items would then be addressed as part of application requirements for a Critical Area Plan that, if ultimately

approved by the County Commission, would allow increased density at the site. The public workshop was designed so Benderson Development and Sarasota County could collect public input about what would be included in the scope of work for the mixed-use project that’s expected to break ground as soon as spring or summer of 2017. More than a 100 people attended the workshop. At the workshop, residents said they wanted to see the impacts of construction trucks on nearby infrastructure, a review into any potential protected wildlife species on the site, and the details of buffering between the project and neighborhood. But the key discussion points were traffic and density. “If you’re not willing to reduce density,

you’re going to have a fight,” said resident Dave Driscoll. “I think it is just going to be unbearable,” a Siesta condo resident said, of concerns about traffic in Siesta’s gateway area that will follow more development. Sura Kochman, a resident and organizer for the nearby Pine Shores Neighborhood Alliance, asked that several intersections be added to the traffic study. John Huber, who lives off of Midnight Pass Road, said it is important that many more traffic studies are conducted during peak season. Although no speakers voiced support for currently-proposed plans, not all were downright opposed to development on the site. Continued on page 21

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LMA Meeting Notes LMA Vice-Pres. Neil Goldman led this month’s meeting in Pres. Larry Lawrence’s absence. He reported The Landings Shopping Center was auctioned recently and the mortgage was purchased. Holiday bonuses for the security staff is in the process of being paid, and an issue raised between gate staff and a Landings resident will be resolved soon. The Board of Presidents meeting is scheduled for January 26. Association presidents will be able to meet residents who are running to be on the LMA Board. FINANCE REPORT Chairman, Dick Bayles announced the possibility of a small surplus in the budget by the end of the year. COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE Co-chair, Bob Manteiga reported on several updates completed on the internal website. These included a “Meet The Landings” video and photos from the Halloween event. Photos from the Veteran’s Day Celebration and the Father/ Son Tennis Tournament, will be added soon. There are several glitches still to be corrected. The committee will continue to improve content and functionality. A beautiful three minute video of The Landings property shot from a drone will also be added to the website. The website launching

By Trebor Britt

pizza party including web navigation instruction, has been postponed until sometime in January. COMMUNITY EVENTS Chairman, Doug Day reported on the Veteran’s Day Luncheon. The event included a wide variety of speakers, music and fabulous food. Day wanted to thank the numerous volunteers, and especially the Feltmans. LAKES Lakes chair, Michael Knupp reported his committee is doing the best they can, but algae continues to be a problem in the lakes three and eight. Some of the older fountain equipment is failing on Lakes six and nine and replacements are on order. DRAINAGE Committee chair, Michael Knupp reported the only drainage issue was related to a pipe breakage caused by the paving contractor. A repair order is in process. ROADS LMA Vice-Pres., Neil Goldman shared Roads chair, Don McMurray’s report in his absence. McMurray reported the repaving project went very smoothly and concluded the final product looks great. A final walk-through with LMA’s engineer found items that need to be addressed by Jeremy of Driveway Maintenance. After a thorough discussion by several board members it was recommended an

additional walk-through with the engineer be accomplished. NATURE TRAIL COMMITTEE Committee Chair, Karen Shaeffer reported on the committee’s mission, goals, current topics, and future considerations. Mission: The committee was formed for the special purpose of advising the board of present and future use of the nature trail and to suggest to the board needs for repairs, maintenance and improvements. Goals: The committee will continue to learn about the environment, plants, and associated regulations. Current Topics: 1. Replacing shell on the nature trail. Currently during high tide, there is about 4 inches of water covering a portion of the trail. 2. Annual Mangrove cutting will be done soon by the Landscape Committee. 3. Altering the benches at the gazebo. 4. Moving the bait cutting station to a new location at the gazebo. Future Considerations: 1. Exploring kayak launch options. 2. Altering the bridge along the nature trail to increase usage. 3. Expanding the gazebo with bump outs. 4. Adding a picnic area. 5. Installing a bulletin board. 6. Deciding what to put on the website.

7. Making the Nature Trail ADA compatible. 8. Studying mangrove rules and regulations to improve water accessibility. Thus may include removal of competing vegetation. Several of the nature trail committee items were passionately discussed. A motion was made to grant permission to the Nature Trail Committee to speak with the Eagles Point Association regarding kayak access. The motion carried without dissent. NOMINATING COMMITTEE * (Please see the LMA Board Candidate Bios in this issue of The Eagle) SAFETY AND SECURITY Committee Chairman, Neil Goldman reported making a few language changes to current speeding policies. A

motion was made to adopt the language changes. After substantial discussion the motion passed by a vote of 5-1. TECHNOLOGY Technology committee chair, Dick Bayles reported they are continuing to work on challenges related to the vehicle decal system. He is hopeful the issues will be resolved soon. MAINTENANCE Maintenance Committee chair David Jacaruso, reported the sign replacement program is continuing. Several island curb repairs have been completed and the work to repair and paint a portion of the perimeter wall has begun. Now that the repaving work has been completed, the process of re-striping, curb painting and installing road and island reflectors will begin.

Notifications • Annually, the presidents of the related associations conduct a session to meet the candidates for the LMA board of directors. This year the “meet the candidates” session is on January 26 at 7pm in the LRC. The election takes place at the LMA annual meeting February 2 at 6 pm at the LRC. • New Residents’ Reception will take place February 23rd, from 5-7p.m. in the LRC Lakeside room. • Next Community Hauling Date is Wednesday, February 8, 2017 • Code for the Field Road door: Call the Main Gate, 941-922.5531. • Wanted: Writer/Editor with a Passion for news, information & Landings living. Editor must be a Landings resident. Contact Bob Stein 941-349-0194.

Serving the Landings Community for over 10 Years | | Island Visitor Publications, LLC | 941-349-0194 P.O. Box 35086, Siesta Key, Florida 34242. Publishers: Bob & Emy Stein To advertise in print or on-line call 941-349-0194. Advertising Representative: Irene Brooks Please note that contributing writers and photographers are acknowledged with bylines accompanying their submissions. We sincerely thank everyone for their contributions. The Landings Eagle is published monthly and is partially funded by the Landings Management Association & Landings Racquet Club, but is independently edited and reported by Landings residents. The Landings Eagle is published by Island Visitor Publishing, a Florida LLC. Advertising rates and information will be gladly furnished by calling us at 941-349-0194, We are ready to answer your questions and to assist you in preparing your ad at no extra charge. All advertising and editorial content is subject to editing to conform to our style, and is copyrighted 2015 by Island Visitor Publishing, LLC and may not be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted under federal law. The publisher reserves the right to edit or reject copy for any reason. Island Visitor Publishing, LLC is not responsible for any claims made by the advertisers. To access each issue of The Landings Eagle, please go to: Simply scroll down to The Eagle image and click on it for the current issue. If you would like to view past issues, click on the text, “TO VIEW PAST ISSUES OF THE LANDINGS EAGLE, CLICK HERE” That will bring you to a list of the back issues going back to July 2013. For anything earlier you will need to go to the website: ©



LHA Meeting Notes At its regularly scheduled meeting, the Landings Homeowners Association board requested additional information for a replacement of landscaping in Flicker Field Circle and sent a letter to owners on Peregrine Point Way regarding the removal of a large dead pine tree adjacent to Landings Boulevard. It discussed a situation on Kestral Park Way South involving encroachment on

the Eagles Nest Area; the issue will be brought to the attention of the LMA. The next regularly scheduled meeting is on January 12, 2017 at the Landings Racquet Club at 7 p.m. The board approved preliminary 2017 budget that provided for a Landings Homeowners Association annual assessment of $100.00, an increase of $30.00 from the 2016 assessment.

NOTICE: A notice of the Annual Meeting that will take place on February 9, 2017, will be mailed to all owners in January. It is important that quorum be present at the meeting for the election of three directors whose terms are expiring. We ask that members return their ballots or proxies, or attend the meeting, so that a meeting may be held.

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The mailing of the coupon books for payment of the LMA‘s 2017 Annual Assessment of $1,069.00 was delayed. By the time you read this, however, you should have received the coupon and a letter with the information necessary to make your payment. If you have not received either, it may be because the address information we have on file

is out of date. If you have received neither the coupon nor the letter, payment should be made before January 15, 2017 by a check payable to LMA mailed to: LMA c/o Argus Property Management 2477 Stickney Point Rd Sarasota, FL 34231

If you are a snowbird and would like to receive The Landings Eagle at your summer home, please call 941-349-0194. or email: The cost is $2.50 per month, per copy.

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President’s Column In reflection, as the curtain closes on 2016, we’ve had a very busy, challenging and productive year in The Landings. The most notable was the road paving projects with all of its surprises. However, the program was delayed as initial proposals were twice the expected cost so the project had to be re-bid. Later another postponement resulted from the unexpected passing of our consulting engineer who had work with The Landings for many years. Although a few finishing touches remain, in essence the project was completed in December with most pleased with the final product, given some last minute adjustments. In the future we want to have the paving projects completed no later than September. As many experienced, the logistics become considerably more difficult with the traffic of the seasonal residents. As The Landings ages, paving will remain an important issue and some preliminary plans for future work will be reviewed in the next several months. Rudy Blohm has agreed to serve as roads chair. He is a longtime resident who has a great deal of experience with construction. Other major projects that have enhanced The Landings aesthetics are new roofs for the Villas at Eagles Point and the Landings Treehouses as well as new pavers at the Treehouses driveways and parking areas. Virtually all of the condominiums now have paver driveways-what an attractive upgrade. Of course the painting, landscaping and lake maintenance continues. Such is the ongoing effort to keep The Landings a beautiful premier community. SHOPPING CENTERS Another significant area of attention this year was the Landing Shopping Center and the Siesta Promenade (see related articles). With regard to the sale of the Landings Shopping Center, it would seem like we can only look forward to improvement. However, as most are acutely aware a transformation is happening in shopping. The traditional malls, particularly strip malls, are having a difficult time successfully competing for buyer’s attention and dollars. Hopefully the new Landings Center owner will be highly creative and the 1500 hundred Landings residents will give the venue priority for our purchases.

By Larry Lawrence

As you can see from the related article, the Siesta Promenade development has a long road yet to travel. LMA plans to remain actively involved in advising the County Commissioners on what we believe will serve the public interest. Although nearly all would like to see the area be a park, the possibility of that is remote. OTHER ISSUES OF IMPORTANCE Work continues on The Landings website and you’ll be pleased that a separate website dedicated to Landings internal activities has been developed. The Communications Committee will be holding a special roll-out and education series in the coming months. Very significant efforts have been made to maintain a safe and secure community. In the spring a new safety and security firm, Guard One, was retained. With this function there is a lot that happens behind the scenes and Guard One is far more competent than its predecessor and we are quite pleased with their work. This year a revised Traffic Policy (see article by Neil Goldman) was adopted. It reiterates the 20 mph speed limits on primary roads and 15 mph on others. It also provides sanctions for those violating the posted limits. The roving day and night radar speed detection program also has had a significant influence. The vast majority have expressed that the policy and programs have made the Landing’s roadways/ walkways a much safer environment for all of the activities (walking, biking, dog exercising, scootering, roller blading, etc. and even driving) that takes place on them. LMA is an association managed and run to a large extent by volunteers. The board and committee members donate an awesome amount of time. More volunteers are always needed so please give consideration to providing assistance on one of the committees (see adjacent list) or helping with one of the functions. LMA Board elections will be held at the annual meeting on February 2. There are six excellent candidates for five seats. Please see the accompanying article by Henry Rhodes on the elections and the nominations. You have recently received your dues billing and the assessment is slightly less than last year. Your board works hard to be prudent in managing the association spending. In the past year many families have

made The Landings their new home and many are families with young children. This phenomenon reflects well on The Landings effort to maintain an active, vibrant, friendly and diverse community. We can be proud that The Landings attracts families of all ages and backgrounds. As has been customary, a New Residents’ Reception will be held again this year. The date is February 23 and the location is the LRC Lakeside Room. It is a great opportunity for new residents to make friends with each other, the LMA and LRC leaders. Invitations will be mailed a few weeks in advance. CLOSING In closing, take a moment to reflect on our friends that have departed this year – all the love, cheer, and wisdom they bestowed on us is a major factor that has made The Landings so wonderful. My wish is that all Landings residents will be able to thoroughly enjoy our “little piece of heaven” throughout 2017. Cheerfully, Larry LMA COMMITTEES AND CHAIRS Communications: Robert Manteiga/Joan Lowery Community Events: Doug Day Community Hauling: Harvey Greller Drainage/Lakes: Michael Knupp Environmental: Vacant Government Relations: Larry Lawrence (Acting Chair) Roads: Rudy Blohm Editorial: Larry Lawrence Landscape: Constance Goldman Maintenance: David Jacaruso Nature Trail: Karen Shaeffer Nominating: Henry Rhodes Public Relations: Vacant Safety and Security: Neil Goldman Forward Planning: Michael Knupp Technology: Dick Bayles

Speeding Within The Landings By Neil Goldman

Chair LMA Safety and Security Committee Due to the unique community we live in, with walkers and bikers, coupled with roads that are winding, we have several limited visibility areas, and have no sidewalks; speeding of vehicles within The Landings is an issue the LMA Board feels is important to address. The Board is trying to reduce the instances of speeding for the safety and security of all of our residents and their guests. We realize that the vast majority of our residents comply with the speed limits. It is the very small minority of chronic speeders whose driving habits the Board is attempting to influence. Thus, in an attempt to help reduce the number of speeders within The Landings, the LMA Board has passed various rules and regulations pertaining to speeding within The Landings. To summarize the LMA policy, speeders who are slightly over the speed limit will receive an informational letter to educate that person to be more careful about their speed. However, those speeders who are greatly over the speed limit will receive a “violation”. If a resident accumulates two violations within 90 days, their decal privileges will be suspended for a 45 day period. Continued on page 31

Letter to Editor Dear Fellow Residents: I am asking you please as a neighbor who lives on Starling Drive toward the south gate to please slow down when driving down our street. We have small children living here and several dogs we try to walk carefully, particularly at night. Many of you drive well above our 15 mile per hour speed limit going to the south gate or to the club and really don’t watch for our dogs, our children walking or parents with children in carriages. And many disregard the stop sign at the entrance to Eagles Point.. Perhaps, you are in a hurry. But many of us on Starling are fearful there will be a tragedy some day. I pray that is not the case. I say this with all respect because you are all great people and great neighbors. I just want you to please be more aware. Thanks for considering my request. Happy New Year. Lou Grossman, 1704 Starling Drive





New Visitor Management System In September, all owners were sent a letter advising them that the software application that manages and tracks visitor and vendor entry into The Landings was being replaced due to the acquisition of that vendor by DwellingLive. We expected that the “cutover” to the new system would be complete by the end of September, with the transfer of data from the old system to the new. Owners were provided with a one-time registration code to enable them to access the new system and create a username (e-mail address) and password. As with the old system, an owner is able to make changes to their non-call list (those who would be permitted to enter without prior authorization by an owner), names and telephone numbers to be used by the security staff to contact you. [Please note that changes made in this system are NOT automatically made to information in the The Landings Directory and separate notice should be given to that editor.] In addition to web access at community (, there are DwellingLive apps available on both iOS (Apple) and Android mobile devices. This provides a quick and easy way to notify the gate to authorize guest and vendor entry. The new system also provides us with the opportunity to maintain a Landings-wide database of vendors. Over time, this list will have all of their contact information and enable

Submitted by Dick Bayles

residents to select from the list when adding a new vendor to their non-call list and use as their source of telephone and other contact information. As is common with changes in software, the transfer of data in an acceptable form was delayed until mid-October. Users who registered in response to our letter are still registered, but if changes were made to a visitor list, owners should recheck the list following the final data transfer. If you cannot find your registration code, you may email the Main Gate with the e-mail address you wish as a username and the staff will set up the username with a password, which should be changed by the user when first accessing the system. There is no requirement for an owner to use the system; it is provided as an optional tool. The Main Gate will continue to accept telephone calls for temporary guest/vendor entry; but permanent changes must be made by e-mail, in writing, or on the web site. If you have switched vehicles or changed license plates in the past two years and not received a new vehicle decal in the last two years, please contact the gate to confirm your decal number, car identification (make, model and color) or it is possible your decal will fail to open the resident lanes at all three gates. The e-mail address for the Main Gate security staff is

Phillippi Estate Park January is the perfect time to get fit! Come on over to Phillippi Estate Park and get back in shape after all the holiday treats. This 60-acre park has walking trails along the shores of Phillippi Creek, one can bike around the park’s asphalt drives and there’s plenty of space to kick a soccer ball or put up a badminton net. The Phillippi Farmhouse Market will have an abundance of local fruits and vegetables as winter is the prime growing season in Southwest Florida. From Arugula to zucchini there’s fresh vegetables and Sarasota’s famous strawberries and all manner of citrus. Please support local agriculture! Phillippi Farmhouse Market is open from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. and, in addition to local farmers, there are artisans with handmade crafts and lots of great food choices for breakfast and/or lunch. Always live music, sometimes the Humane Society is present with adorable, adoptable dogs and cats and a Welcome Tent with friendly

volunteers from Friends of Sarasota County Parks dispensing information, flyers and brochures about what’s happening in the Sarasota area. Of course, the Park’s centerpiece – the Edson Keith Mansion – will be open each Wednesday at 10 a.m. for a FREE tour of the one hundred year old Italian Renaissance Mansion. Be on the porch a few minutes before 10 a.m. as the well-versed docent will start the tour promptly at 10 a.m. Tour lasts approximately 30 – 45 minutes and gives the history of the two families who lived in the house before Sarasota County took it over. The docents will also talk about the history of the area and the early days of the community. On Saturday, January 28 and Sunday January 29, the park welcomes back Winterfest in the Park. This annual arts and crafts show will take place in the front field of Phillippi from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. both days. Admission is FREE and bring the kids to enjoy the Wildlife exhibit of owls and other native birds.

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Through the Eyes of a Veteran Dr. Julius Stone was born in Chicago in 1918. He had finished his first-year residency in Dermatology at Stanford University Medical Center in San Francisco, when he was drafted as Captain into the US Public Health Service. It was March of 1955, and he was assigned to a Venereal Disease Hospital in Little Rock, Arkansas. This was a time before penicillin. The medical profession’s only weapon against venereal disease was to administer monthly arm and hip injections of arsenic and bismuth. The cure took 12 to 15 months, and patients had to stay in the hospital. Penicillin soon became available, however, and proved so effective that any physician could give the injection and clear up the disease. After a year at Little Rock, Capt. Stone was sent to Charleston, West Virginia to be assistant to the WV Minister of Health. He was assigned to do

By Diana Colson / Photo by Bob Manteiga

Dr. Stone took on a project of great importance: the creation of a book called DERMATOLOGY, IMMUNOLOGY and ALLERGY

a survey of venereal disease in Charleston, with results being published in the WV Medical Journal. He then went to Detroit to spend half-time as resident at Wayne State Medical School, and half-time serving in the US Public Health Service. In 1958, after 4 years of service, Dr. Stone returned to full-time residency in dermatology at Wayne State. Now a civilian, he took up practice in Mt. Clemens, Michigan—a suburb of Detroit. His son, Richard Stone, also became a dermatologist. Inspired by his father’s military experience, Richard enlisted in the military at the age of 40, and given the rank of captain because of his specialty in medicine. Richard’s unit was sent to Afghanistan to set up

a hospital, where about 500 people served under him. Today— after retiring with two stars— he serves as Assistant to the Head of Veteran’s Administration. These stellar achievements were no doubt influenced by his father’s strong support and commitment to the military. Julius Stone was to practice Dermatology in Michigan

Dr. Julius Stone for many years. While still in practice, he took on a project of great importance: the creation of a book called DERMATOLOGY, IMMUNOLOGY and ALLERGY. He contacted 65 physicians and asked each to write a single chapter, telling them which chapters to write, and editing what they returned. The

project took 3 years. The book is dedicated to his friend, Dr. Robert Good, who developed the bone marrow transplant— a medical breakthrough resulting in the cure of previously incurable diseases. Dr. Julius Stone lives with his wife, Judy, at Eagles Point Circle.





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Kid’s Corner


Do you have any brothers or sisters? One brother – Dylan (9) Do you have any pets? A Weimaraner dog named Hunter and 2 bunnies – Oreo and Honey-Bunny. What is your favorite thing about The Landings? I love the nature trail. I like to go fishing there with my brother and catch grouper, catfish, and snapper. What is your favorite subject in school? Reading What are your favorite books? The Frog and Toad series because they say funny things in the stories. Favorite movie? Trolls Favorite song? Closer by The Chainsmokers What is your favorite sport? Fishing Do you play any other sports? I’ve been playing soccer for 3 years. I play once a week at Twin Lakes and I take tennis lessons at the Field Club once a week. What do you do in your spare time? I sing and dance at Spotlight Theatre Productions once a week. I also like riding my bike, jumping on my trampoline, and swimming. What do you want to be when you grow up? A cop. I like them because if you are doing something wrong, they can help you so you don’t get in trouble. What’s your favorite food? Bowtie pasta with cheese and butter. We eat a lot of Italian food since my Dad is Italian. If you could be any animal, what would you be? I’d be a leopard because I like leopards. One time my friends called me “Leopard Lilly” while we were playing a game with a leopard in it and I liked that. Tell me 2 words that describe you? Happy and silly. If you were on an island and could only bring 3 things, what would you bring?


I’d bring 1. candy, 2. HoneyBunny and Oreo (my bunnies), and 3. my brother. Who are your heroes and why? Mommy, Daddy, Dylan, Omi, Opa, Nonno, Nonna. They are my heroes because they do

everything I ask them to do. Tell me about a recent trip you’ve taken. In July, we went to Martha’s Vineyard and NYC. We went clamming with friends and family and shopping at a neat store called Vineyard Vines. In New York, we visited the Today Show and the Statute of Liberty, and went to Serendipity for their famous hot chocolate. We also saw Matilda the Musical on Broadway. What do you like doing with your friends? I like playing Freeze Tag! If you could choose two dishes for your Mom or Dad never to make again, what would they be? Broccoli and carrots!! What is the grossest thing you can think of? CARROTS! Carrots have beta-carotene in them and are good for your vision. I don’t like them. That’s why I wear glasses! What would you do if you were invisible for a day? Eat candy Why do you like being a kid? Because you get to eat as much candy as you want!! What do you think you will be doing 10 years from now? I will be in high school getting ready for college. What would be the ideal allowance? Tell me how you would use it. $100/year. I would buy candy.



Racquet Club News |President’s Report By Dick Bayles Tennis activities are in full swing and the Landings Learning Group and Landings Free College events will start this month. Pay attention to Kevin’s weekly e-mail for the announcements. [If you aren’t on his list, you should be!] The Club holiday party was its usual success, with the saxophone player from 2014 returning to entertain the guests. Take a look at the pictures on the patio bulletin. The Club’s annual meeting will take place at 7 p.m. on January 17, 2017. You should have received the meeting’s package by the time you read this. For the first time in eight years, we have an election – there are more candidates than open positions. Therefore, it is extremely important that we have a

sufficient representation of our members present to ensure a valid meeting. In the package are the election materials and instructions on how to properly complete and submit your ballot. While I encourage you to come to the meeting and submit your ballot and proxy at that time, it would help the vote counting process if you submit your ballot before the meeting. Please note that the business of the meeting is to discuss our 2016 results and plans for 2017, and hold the election. It is not a venue to discuss operational issues that are best brought up at our regular monthly meetings ,or by communication with Kevin or a board member.

News From the Court By Joe Venezia Happy New Year! I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday season. John and I would like to thank everyone for your gifts, cards and good wishes. We look forward to a busy and fun 2017. The Intra Club Tennis League is in full swing. Matches continue to be played through January. Don’t forget, each winning team is playing for a chance to play in an exhibition match with John and myself. John and I are ready for the

competition. I would like to once again thank everyone for their help during the Father / Son Tennis Tournament. You, the members and sponsors, make the tournament a success year after year. Looking for a lesson or clinic? Contact me at or 941-993-2628. See you on the courts......

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|Manager’s Report

By Kevin Lechlitner

Happy New Year! I trust everyone had a safe and happy holiday season with all your family and friends. As a reminder, the Landings Racquet Club Annual Meeting will take place Tuesday, January 17th in the Lakeside Clubhouse at 7 p.m.. You should have received the annual meeting packet in the mail a few days ago. We are having an election this year for the Board of Directors. Please fill out the ballot and sign and return the proxy to the Club at your earliest convenience. Contact me by phone or email at if you haven’t received your mailing or have questions about it. All members are invited to be present at the Annual Meeting in person or by proxy. As a reminder, the Board doesn’t make day-to-day operational decisions at this meeting. If you have a concern or an idea, please share that with me or come to the regular Board meeting on the third Tuesday of the month at 1:30 p.m. You should have received an invoice for the LRC annual assessment by early December. The annual fee for the Racquet Club for 2017 is $1,244.00 again. Our fee hasn’t changed since 2011. Thank you to those that have already given me a check. If you haven’t submitted your payment, please keep in mind that it is due January 1, 2017. Late fees and interest will be charged in early February on any unpaid assessments. I’d like to see everyone avoid that if possible.

On December 11th the Landings Racquet Club held its Annual Holiday Dinner Dance. It was an excellent event with 46 members in attendance. Chef James Riegel from Black Tie Catering prepared a fantastic dinner. I always receive positive comments on his food. Sammy J was back again for the third year in a row to provide the entertainment. He was accompanied again by “Wright the Saxman”. It is a treat having a live saxophone player at the party. Thank you to Jill Eisner and her committee for all their hard work. Stop by and look at the pictures from the event if you would like to. They are posted on the bulletin board by the coffee. Now that January is here, some of our regular activities will be starting up again. The Learning Group begins its eight-program schedule January 18th. The Learning Group committee, led by Bridgette Frymier and Selma Savren have put together another great schedule of programs that will be held every Wednesday through the finale on March 8th. The registration sheet for the series subscription is in the Pro Shop. Ralph Ricapito is ready to go with another season of the Landings Free College on Thursday afternoons beginning January 5th. Look for the program fliers announcing the weekly performances or topics in my weekly emails or on your association bulletin boards.

A night at the Asolo Repertory Theatre Join our group at The Landings for this timely play. A block of seats is currently available for $59.00/each, which includes a 25% discount from the Asolo. Please see Kevin in the Racquet Club to sign up for a reservation. Deadline is Saturday January 16th and we expect to sell out quickly. Look forward to your joining us.

The Originalist By John Strand | Directed by Molly Smith “A timely, almost revolutionary work” —The Economist Justice Antonin Scalia’s unexpected death at age 79 has thrown a wrench into the political arena, but has brought intense interest in this daring new stage play that had its world premiere at Arena Stage last spring. When a bright, liberal law school graduate embarks on a nerve-wracking clerkship with Justice Scalia, she discovers him to be both an infuriating sparring partner and unexpected mentor. Written by Charles MacArthur Award-winning playwright John Strand and starring four-time Helen Hayes Award winner Edward Gero (who bears an uncanny resemblance to Scalia), this powerful work depicts passionate people risking heart and soul to defend their interpretation of the truth.



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The Landings Free College of Sarasota By Ralph Ricapito / Photos by Bob Manteiga Following our breakout year in 2016, the Landings Free College has put together a sterling program for 2017. We emphasize no homework, no term papers, no grades, no credits, and no tuition are associated with this college. Sessions will be held at the Lakeside Clubhouse on Thursdays at 2:30, January through March. On January 5th, a representative of the Ringling Museum of Art will let us in on the history and workings of one of Sarasota’s gems. On January 12, Landings resident Albert Ford, a specialist in 19th and 20th century fine art, antiques and jewelry, will describe his experience in this field. On January 19th, Parks Naturalist Lynda Becherelli, will tell us about the Celery Fields, another of Sarasota’s gems. January will be topped off on the 26th, when, I, Ralph Ricapito, armed with a lifetime of football knowledge, will present a talk entitled

Albert Ford “Football for Women only” in preparation for the Super Bowl. (Interested men are, of course, welcome.) A representative of the State of Florida will tell us about our state animal, the Florida Panther, on February 2nd. On February 9th, the mysteries of that foreign country to our north, Canada, will be described by a bona fide resident of Canada (and The Landings) Allison Small. (It’s not just a northern version of the USA.) A representative of Sarasota County will tell us

Lynda Becherelli about the history of our county on February 16th. February will go out in grand style on the 23rd, when our own Frank Pipers will let us in on more of the wonders of science and technology. We will kick the month off on March 3rd with Landings resident Gordon Garrett’s presentation about the Sarasota Jazz Festival. On March 10th Landings residents Tere and Bob Manteiga will present a topic about which they know more than anyone – Spain. Continued on the next page

Continued from the previous page

Landings resident Norm Olshansky will tell us about the time that he was undercover with the KKK on March 17th. On March 24, Irv Kushner

Allison Small

Irv Kushner

Tere and Bob Manteiga

will tell us about the Bayeaux Tapestry, the 11th century 75 yard embroidered cloth, depicting the Norman conquest of England in 1066. The series

will end with a presentation on March 31st by Alan Maio, head of the County commissioners, about what’s going on in the county, followed by a reception.

LANDINGS FREE COLLEGE SCHEDULE OF EVENTS ‐ 2:30 on Thursdays January 5 Ringling Museum representative 12 Landings travelling antique show Albert Ford 19 Celery Fields (and others) Lynda Becherelli 26 Football for women only Ralph Recapito February 2 The Florida Panther State representative 9 Canada Allison Small 16 History of Sarasota County representative 23 Frank Pipers Scientific stuff March 3 Sarasota Jazz Festival Gordon Garrett 10 Spain The Maneigas The Manteigas 17 The Klu Klux Klan Norm Olshansky 24 The Bayeaux tapestry Irv Kushner 31 What’s up in Sarasota Alan Maio



Dueling Pianos, Futurist, Met Opera Star Launch Landings Learning Group 2017 Series Submitted by Selma Savren An eight-program schedule of musical performances and lectures will open on Wednesday, January 18 with the following appearances: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, BRIAN GURL & KATHERINE ALEXANDRA, who have been wowing audiences all over Florida. Classically trained both vocally and pianistically, they will perform a wide-ranging program from jazz, ragtime, Broadway, and the classics. Katherine is a graduate of the Moscow Conservatory and a winner of several international piano competitions. They share their artistry in a program of DUELING PIANOS! THE MAGIC OF FOUR HANDS AND TWO VOICES. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, DR. DAVID HOULE, globally recognized futurist in the tradition of Toffler, Buckminster Fuller, and McCluhan is in residence at Ringling College of Art & Design. Prodigious author and a lecturer on six continents, he will present a startling LOOK INTO THE FUTURE. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, JASON STEARNS, Metropolitan Opera baritone and Grammy Award winner will return to the Landings with another thrilling performance of a varied repertoire of selections from opera to show tunes. All programs will take place in the Lakeside Clubhouse and begin with refreshments at 3:30 p.m., with a special wine and cheese “meet and greet” reception at the opening program hosted by Judy Greene and Tara Lamb. Programs will begin promptly at 4:00 p.m. Registration for the eight-program series is now being taken at the Landings Racquet Club office. Cost for the series is $25 for LRC members and $35 for non-members. The cost of attending individual programs in the series is $5 for LRC members and $8 for non-members.



Around The Landings |COMMUNITY HAULING PROGRAM DATES Please note that The Landings Community Hauling Program takes place three times per year: February, May and November, on the 2ND Wednesday of the month. A guide detailing items that can be dropped off will appear in The Landings Eagle during these months. LMA has been notified by the County that they can no longer accept TVs at their Hazardous

Waste Disposal Site. Therefore the LMA Community Hauling Program will not be able to collect them either. However, now you can put TVs and computer monitors out at the curb for the weekly trash pickup. ( In case you are curious, at this time we don’t know what Waste Management-our trash collectors-do with them.) Questions: call Larry Lawrence-410-456-6240.

|CELEBRATING JOE AND KELLY’S WIN A group of LRC members gathered at Gecko’s Pub & Grill in the Landings Shopping Plaza to help celebrate Joe and Kelly’s tennis exhibition win. Photo submitted by Norm Olshansky

2016 Annual LRC Holiday Dinner/Dance

A special thank you to Chloe, Sandy and Burt Frank’s 15-year-old granddaughter for contributing these photos

Jill Eisner, Sandy Frank, Robin Colamarino, Sandy Goldman and Fran Kaplan

Lou Furlong, Agnes Schipper & John Carson

Sandy Frank & granddaughter Chloe

Harvey & Jean Greller

Carol & Lou Furlong

Michael & Rosemary Peikoff

Traute & Al Winsor



Landings “Holiday Cheer for Kids Fighting Cancer” A Tremendous Success By Karl Maggard, Landings Resident / Photos by Jeff Crotty and Bob Manteiga

We are so grateful to our Landings neighbors and friends for the wonderful outpouring of love and support of our 2016 “Holiday Cheer for Kids Fighting Cancer” campaign. Because of your generosity, we were able to adopt 28 families and 62 children! 18 of these kids were from Hannah House (more on Hannah House below). Thus, we were not only able to provide gifts to all of the Sarasota families and children with cancer supplied to us from the


children’s hospital, but go beyond to help other children. Your generosity allowed us to also provide food for their holidays. Hannah House was identified by Heidi Bodor and Henry Rhodes as a most worthy cause for our support. Located just north of Bradenton in Wachula County, they have been helping abused and homeless women and children for nearly 30 years, including Sarasota families. Hannah House was founded by


Lorraine Gillespie, who began helping women in prisons in the early 1980’s and is still working to support women and children five to six days a week and she is 81 years old. She and her husband have been able to expand their operation to a home with five rooms, that houses 10-15 women and an apartment that now supports 15 women and 33 children from 2 months to 17 years. Each woman has to qualify, by being substance-free and working independently. They pay $300

per month for housing and food. In the past, the children of Hannah House have had no toys during the holidays. The success of the 2016 Landings program was the result of tremendous effort by several hardworking and generous people. Henry Rhodes, Jim Goldman, Carmen Lawrence, Heidi Bodor, Marykay Crotty and Karl Maggard provided leadership. We can’t thank our neighbors enough for their great generosity.



Landings Shopping Center There will likely be a lot of interest in the property, says Ron Flynn, a commercial realtor with Key Solutions Real Estate. Due to the plaza’s location close to The Landings, Siesta Key, and other residential areas, and the high-visibility location on the South Trail, the property offers significant potential, said Flynn, who is not involved with the sale but often shops at the plaza. Other pluses of the plaza include plentiful parking and convenient ingress and egress from U.S. 41. But “it has to sell at the right price,” adds Flynn. “And it just might, since it is going for sale through auction.” A new owner will want to purchase the commercial property at a realistic offering because of the costs associated with foreclosure properties, such as legal fees, and likely investment in retrofitting the property, such as re-doing the interior spaces, to enhance the plaza, Flynn said. An auction sale would likely

result in a lower sale price, than a traditional sale on the commercial market. In addition, a lower price could also allow a new owner to consider the option of renting the retail spaces at a lower rate that could be viewed by retailers as more competitive with other, nearby commercial rents. A large portion of the plaza could change ownership, but several parcels are not impacted by the foreclosure suit or the pending auction. The free-standing buildings near the shopping center — including Sweet Tomatoes and Olive Garden — are separately owned and was not impacted by the foreclosure proceedings. In addition, the parcel that houses the Publix grocery space, 4840 S. Tamiami Trail, is also separately owned, by Publix Super Markets Inc., and thus was not impacted by the proceedings. The shopping center is located on U.S. 41 just outside

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Continued from cover story

The Landings, and neither the plaza nor its owner Landing of Sarasota Florida LLC are affiliated with The Landings or LMA in any way. A “Ghostly” plaza Beginning several years ago, several spaces within the plaza became vacant. In 2015, the 30,171-square-foot anchor Office Depot shut its doors in the 28-year-old shopping center. Bill Whitman, president of The Landings Homeowners Association, Inc., says he saw empty storefronts and heard about other problems at the plaza about three years ago, and saw a “drastic” rise in vacancies about a year-and-ahalf ago. “It’s ghostly,” he says of the plaza now. “We would like to see a new owner come in, and clean it up,” Whitman said. “We would all like to see the Landings Plaza thrive.” Whitman says many Landings residents, both seasonal and

year-round, have been loyal shoppers, but are saddened by the rise in vacancies, and an upgraded space could bring an uptick in customers again. Whitman said perhaps another restaurant, to compliment Gecko’s, would be a nice addition to the plaza. Flynn, the commercial realtor, said those involved in any transaction would likely research potential businesses that could fill the empty spaces in the plaza and fill a demand. Flynn said a luxury dealership, such as luxury cars or a boat dealership could fit. Other potential local retailers looking for a specific square footage could be interested in the Landings Plaza. Successful stores downtown, or in nearby storefronts, that have outgrown their retail spaces, for example, could also be interested in the Landings Plaza, Flynn noted, especially once the space is retrofitted.

Abel’s Ice Cream

The Coolest Resolution of the Year It’s a proven fact that less than 8% of the population achieves their New Year’s Resolutions. At Abel’s Ice Cream, they believe it’s time to change that. How, you ask? By making a resolution you’ll LOVE to achieve! As Abel’s owner, Jerry Williams, likes to say “everybody needs an ice cream goal.” For a limited time, you can still enjoy your favorite flavors of the season, including Peppermint Flash, (Refreshing and vibrant peppermint ice cream filled with peppermint candy) and Egg Nog (Sweet and delicious, this is a seasonal favorite!) Or ring in the new year with one of Abel’s perennial favorites, including Stellar Coffee, (Rich coffee ice cream with delicious fudge & mini dark chocolate coffee cups), and Raspberry Truffle, (Raspberry ice cream with raspberry ribbon & dark chocolate raspberry cups). So, come on in for a cup, cone, or specialty treat, and tackle that resolution head-on! And to help you achieve your goals, remember to grab a punch card on your next visit. For every ten ice cream items, you get a single cup or cone for FREE. Abel’s Ice Cream is located at 1886 Stickney Point Road, Sarasota in the South Bridge Plaza. Open Sunday through Thursday from Noon9:30 pm, and Friday and Saturday from Noon-10 pm. Learn more online at or connect with them on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

WWW.ABELSICECREAM.COM 1886 Stickney Point Road 941-921-5700

Siesta Promenade project “The plus [to this project] is that anything would look better than what is there,” one resident said. “The minus is there are times now that [U.S.] 41 is backed up or [Stickney Point] is backed up for two miles” going onto the Key. Todd Mathes, Benderson’s director of development, said the company plans to try to build a project in line with what the site and surrounding neighborhoods can handle. Most recently, in October, Benderson Development again modified plans for its large scale, mixed-use Siesta Promenade project. That alternative plan comprised of fewer overall residential units, shorter buildings bordering the adjacent residential neighborhood, and two smaller hotels instead of one, taller hotel. The plan shrunk overall residential units from 586 to about 400, Todd Mathes, director of development at Benderson, told the Eagle in September.

At the Dec. 19 workshop, Mathes emphasized that the meeting was held to discuss the parameters of a study the developer must conduct before the county can grant a density increase for the Siesta Promenade property. “Tonight is for us to hear from you,” Mathes said. Mathes said the developer needs to complete a scope of work outline, detailing studies that will look into the project’s impact on things such as traffic and county utilities, and present that to the county, before further refining it’s specific plans. The 24-acre property that was originally home to a mobile home park was slated, more than a decade ago, for initial redevelopment as “Siesta Point,” but that proposal fell victim to the Great Recession. Benderson is expected to seek an exception from the county to build a maximum of 25-residential units per acre,

Continued from cover proof

which is nearly double the 13 units allowed at the site.

More worries about Siesta Promenade The Bay Island Siesta Association has joined the Siesta Key Association (SKA) in writing to the County Commission to express concerns about the potential for Siesta Promenade to produce significantly more traffic problems for the island. Writing on Nov. 7, Bay Island Siesta Association President Gary Q. Yee pointed out that his organization represents “290 property owners on Bay Island and that portion of Siesta Key that lies within the city limits of Sarasota.” He added, “Our members access our neighborhood via the second Gateway to Siesta Key, Siesta Drive. As you are aware our Gateway (Siesta Drive) has seen a

tremendous increase in traffic and experienced gridlock at times especially with the Siesta Key Bridge raising and lowering. What was once a seasonal issue has grown to be an almost [year-round] challenge to get to and leave our neighborhood safely.” Yet, if Siesta Promenade is built as proposed, Yee continued, Bay Island residents expect Siesta Drive will see even more traffic, as people avoid Stickney Point Road. He pointed out that Siesta has only two means of vehicular access: Siesta Drive and Stickney Point Road. He then asked whether the commissioners “have taken the increased traffic across the Siesta Drive Gateway into consideration in their discussions with Benderson on the Siesta Promenade project.” In concluding his letter, Yee wrote, “I can appreciate the commissioners’ role

of balancing growth and livability in what has become a major tourist destination and also a great community [in which to reside]. I trust the commissioners will make the right decisions for our community.” In its letter earlier this fall, the SKA asked the County Commission for a comprehensive access management plan related to Siesta Promenade, if the County Commission agrees to allow the project to go forward as proposed. That plan, the SKA directors said in their Oct. 6 letter, should include provisions to ensure Siesta Key residents and property owners have access to the barrier island without having to contend with an overburdened Stickney Point Rd.


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Angelo’s has expanded

Angelo DiFiore serves love. Okay he also serves a mean tableside offering of a variety of Italian specialties but really does it with a big heart. Since his April opening Angelo has made everyone an extended family with attention to detail in everything from presentation to trimming the roses given to each of the ladies who dine here for dinner. Guests come for the tableside service from Angelo himself or manager Jessica Masen and Andre Pisano. Angelo’s signature dish is the pasta in the Pasta Wheel where tableside service of a variety of pastas are mixed with the enormous Parmesan wheel of cheese which adds to the flavor and show. An exciting new concept at Angelo’s is the expansion of the dining room to the next door property to include Angelo’s Wine Club. For a $100 membership fee guests can have preferential reservations in the new room to enjoy a prix fixe 4 to 5 course menu served nightly, live music and enjoy great discounts on wine purchases through the club. It’s a great addition to the ristorante and new room to enjoy private parties and special events as well. Angelo’s has it all going for him and for those of you who have dined there you know what we mean when we say it is special. Come, feel the love, fun and enjoy an evening of fabulous dining Italian-style.


Five Things to Consider When Buying a Retirement Home in Sarasota Like many of life’s great events, many dream of the day they’ll buy their retirement home – and they should! They’ve worked hard over the years, built up their equity and saved where they could, all for the chance to spend their days of retirement in their dream location. Unfortunately, some big mistakes can make this idyllic train of thought come to a screeching halt, but not if you know how to avoid them. Here’s what you and your spouse should consider if you’re hoping to purchase a retirement home in the near future:

6115 S. Tamiami Trail, 941-312-4747,

Open from 4 to 9:30 Mon-Thurs and Fri & Sat until 10 PM. (Advertorial)


Make a 5 Year Plan He dreams of a home near the golf course, but she dreams of being close to the sea. Regardless of where you want to live, you’re going to need to have your finances in order to really start looking. First and foremost, make sure that you and your spouse are on the same page when it comes to your future plans. If you’re both dreaming of moving to a particular city, it can be a great idea to visit there a few times first to make sure you really love the community. Then, think about what kind of house you might want or need in a few years, whether it be a single-family home or condo. Get the Right Financing As you age, your financial will picture change and it might not be feasible to put a larger down payment on house when it comes time to buy your retirement home. The last thing you want is to become house rich and cash poor, because you likely won’t have the financial freedom you think you will. Meet with a financial advisor to explore your options because, in some cases, it can be better to have a small mortgage than no mortgage at all. The Pros & Cons of Different Communities There are several options

out there for those over the age of 55. You can find a nice single-family home, opt for a maintenance-free condo, and even settle down in an active adult community or continuing-care retirement complex (CCRC). On one hand, active Adult and CCRC communities are great because they’re tailored to your lifestyle and evolving needs, but those extra services come at a premium. On the other, a single-family home or condo might cost less, but you could be compromising on the array of senior-focused activities. There’s no one-size-fits-all place to live when it comes to your golden years, so do some research and ask your friends how they feel about where they live to determine what’s right for you. Don’t Forget About Your Friends & Family Whether you’re moving across the nation, state, or town, don’t lose sight of how important your immediate social network is to your lifestyle. If you want to live in Sarasota but your kids are in California, maybe a parttime residence would be a better option. When shopping for a house or condos, factor amenities into your plan and if you’re a social butterfly, find out if there are any clubs you can get involved with nearby . Consider Changes to Mobility It’s difficult to know when

your mobility is going to change, which is why it’s a good idea to buy a home somewhere within walking or transit distance to stores, activities, and care facilities. A home is a long-term investment, and while you might not need this care right now, you could in 5 or 10 years’ time. If all of a sudden you weren’t able to drive anymore, would you still be able to access your favorite places? Ready to call Sarasota home? The increasing inventory levels are giving buyers more options when considering a purchase. With prices still well off the peak, this is a great time to find a retirement home. About Key Solutions Real Estate Located on Sarasota’s beautiful Siesta Key, Key Solutions Real Estate is a fullservice real estate company. We offer expertise in every aspect of Sarasota real estate, from buying and selling to rentals and property management. Key Solutions has the advantages of any large, national company, yet our philosophy is to give you an intimate and unique perspective on real estate, because you deserve no less. Specializing in Sarasota and the Barrier Islands, let us show you how easy it is to start living the Sarasota lifestyle. Contact Us Today - (941)8941255 or search all the homes and condos for sale at www. (advertorial)

The Recipe Corner

|The “Kitchen Ladies” Recipe

Compiled by Dee Ricapito


You will find MARGARET KAHN Exercising at the Club’s pool every morning, and playing card games or Mahjong with the ladies in the Library in the afternoon. She is always ready to lend a hand for special events in the kitchen at the Racquet Club. She also finds time to enjoy cooking in her “own” kitchen. Ingredients: • 1 Banana • 2 whole Eggs • Pinch of Baking Powder • 1/4 tsp. cinnamon. (Optional) • 1 tsp. Oil • Maple Syrup Mash banana in a small bowl. Beat the eggs until smooth in a separate bowl until smooth. Add baking powder and cinnamon, and mix. Grease a non-stick frying pan, not too much oil, set over medium heat for 1 or 2 minutes. Use a ladle to pour some of the batter (each pancake the size of your palm). Repeat with remaining batter. Cook until bubbles form on the surface, brown 30 seconds. Flip to the other side and down. Serve with maple syrup. Enjoy‼️

Kitchen Ladies Recipe Corner: Please send your favorite recipe to The Landings Eagle along with your photo to:

Rules of the Road Reminders Submitted by: Neil Goldman, Safety & Security Committee Chair and Barbara Chertok, Committee Member

Walkers — Walk AGAINST traffic. Additionally, since we have no sidewalks, it is suggested to walk no more than two abreast and walk in a single file when necessary in narrower areas. Although pedestrians generally do have the right of way, walkers should use common sense. In narrower areas walking two or three abreast is not safe. Night Walkers — Wear reflective gear and/or use a flashlight to alert drivers you are on the road. Dog Walkers — Have your dog walk on the grass while you walk on the road. Bikers — Ride with the traffic as close to the edge of the road as practical. Night Bikers — Wear reflective gear and use a bike light. Pets — All pets should be under control at all times. Drivers — Please obey all posted speed limits and stop signs. Be aware of pedestrians, bikes, mini-bikes, golf carts, stray animals and other vehicles. Do not tailgate another vehicle because you think it is moving too slowly. Please share these comments with your guests and visitors. This article will be published from time to time. If you would like to submit information or suggestions, please send your comments to: Neil Goldman at or Barbara Chertok at

Alpine Steakhouse recently voted Best Steakhouse 2016 by Sarasota Magazine This year Alpine Steakhouse recently received the prestigious award from Sarasota Magazine naming them the Best Steakhouse 2016. Alpine Steakhouse has been in business over 40 years, a “one-stop shop with an old fashioned Meat Market (with experienced butchers) and a 70 seat Steakhouse all under one roof”. It is located at 4520 S. Tamiami Trail in Sarasota--one block north of Proctor Road at traffic light of Field Road and US 41. Mark and son Matt Rebhan owners want to invite everyone to come and enjoy a great meal in this unique restaurant. Here is what they are saying online. “Fantastic steaks and service” This is just what it says on the sign; it is a no frills steak house that served some of the finest steak we as a family have ever eaten. We did not go there on price but the fact that they understood the meat and how to cook it which was high end meat cooked to perfection on a char grill and served simply. Anyone can cook a fancy steak in a sauce and get away with it but to cook a steak and serve it without a sauce and release all the natural flavor by cooking is genius. I have eaten at many high end establishments but my favorite dish is always a steak and all too often it is a disappointment when it comes. I would encourage any visitors to Sarasota to put any preconceptions behind them remember that you can’t judge a book by its cover and go to The Alpine Steakhouse and enjoy steak as it should be, the staff were fantastic the prices amazing and we all came away smitten. Thank you guys for putting our faith

Matt Rebhan owner working the Meat counter. Customers can choose a steak from the meat counter for their dinner in the restaurant.

back in American cooking as in the last 10 days most has been disappointing. “What an amazing place! It is not fancy or pretentious! ” Just excellent food and great service. We had the NY strips and the filet mignon...all cooked perfectly and melted in your mouth. The twice baked potatoes are amazing as is the homemade clam chowder. We were full but we HAD to try dessert...we had the truffles mint chocolate chip and spumoni with fresh whipped cream. Even the coffee was good... what took us so long? Also want to order from the meat market... wow. One of my new favorite places. The Rebhan’s want everyone to know that they offer a complete catering service for business, holiday and events. Hours; MonThu 9am-9pm Fri & Sat 9am9:30pm Sun Closed (941) 922-379. (Advertorial)



Percy’s Party

Submitted by Isabel Becker

January 19, 2017 WE’RE HAVING A


11am – 2pm $65 member $70 non member








About eight dogs in The Landings joined Percy on Sunday, December 18, at the flagpole, for treats and play. Owners, Marilyn Rosengarden and Paul Frederick invited neighbor dog friends.

Which Eagle Landed? Submitted by Katy Leidel

Who meant to stash The Eagle in their luggage but did the next best thing at the Edgewater Hotel in Madison, Wisconsin from whence Donald Charles Leidel hails?

Don worked for the manager, Augie, as he worked his way through law school and supported his parents at the same time

Don and Bev spent a long weekend at the new Edgewater Hotel celebrating the 100th Birthday of Don’s brother, Fred, who engineered propellers and airplanes and was a professor at UW as well. Can you pick the oldest out?

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Every performance was stunning.” — WNYC

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“It was magnificent. The choreography was so wonderful. I will recommend this highly. I’ve wanted to come for years. We were just able to come this time, and we’re so happy.” — Anne Riccio, a retiree in Venice

“The dancers are some of the most phenomenal, especially the male dancers are absolutely amazing... it resonates through you, no matter you are 5 or 65, it was just an amazing show.” — Jessica Black, Miss USA 2010

“It’s fabulous, it’s spectacular, it’s beyond words. I felt elated. I felt like crying, it was so emotional... it’s everything we need.” — Sharon Miller, a retiree, attended 2016 Lakeland performance



Sarasota Garden Club Celebrates 90th Anniversary SARASOTA GARDEN CLUB 1131 BLVD OF THE ARTS, SARASOTA, FL 34236

The history of the Sarasota Garden Club began on May 6, 1927 with Mrs. John Ringling. Membership was organized in Circles with the first Founders Circle President being Mrs. John Ringling. On November 14, 1933 the Federated Circles of the Garden Club of Sarasota joined the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs and National Council of State Garden Clubs. Many more circles were formed and in 1947 the name changed to the Sarasota Garden Club and became



incorporated in 1955 . Over the years, the Circles waned and in 2008 the members voted to reorganize the Club into a non-Circle Club run by a 19 member Board of Directors. After many years of planning and saving, the Garden center was built in 1959 on land leased from the City of Sarasota referred to as the Civic Center (Cultural District). It was built in a mid-century modern style architecture which remains today with Florida friendly horticulture. In 1962 the Garden Shed, built in Japanese style, was added and named “The Selby Garden House� in honor of Mrs. Marie Selby, the donor. The Japanese Lantern, given to the Club in Continued on the next page

Continued from the previous page

1939, was lost in the Tuttle’s Puddle and was rededicated in December 2014 after being found submerged in the pond. In 1993 a library addition was built and named in honor of major donors, Charles and Julia Sounders. In 2009 the building was placed on the city’s historic register. The newsletter for the Sarasota Garden Club is called “Blooming Chatter.” The logo for the club was adopted in 1982 and includes the 1982 adopted Club butterfly the “Sulphur”. In 1995 and 1996, a Butterfly Club was formed by seven members of the SGC. It has been very successful with a grant received for the creation of a handicapped Memorial Brick pathway through the garden. In 2009 the Butterfly Garden was named after Catherine and Richard LaBrie who continue to this day to work in the Butterfly Garden located on the grounds. In 2012 the property was

renamed “Sarasota Botanical Gardens” to make the gardens more welcoming to the public free of charge. Over the years the Sarasota Garden Club has undertaken many projects of Civic Beautification and has been involved with the community in awareness of environmental concerns. The Club has promoted knowledge of floral arts, gardening, conservation and preservation of our fragile ecology. Other projects have been working with Habitat for Humanity, Children with Autism, Independent and Assisted Living and their related components, Mable Ringling Secret Garden, Community Gardens, Annual Flower Show and consultation with various aspects of the community. 2017 will mark the 90th Anniversary of the Sarasota Garden Club which will be celebrated every month with a historic moment until November 17, 2017 when the

Club will have a celebration November 17th and 18th.

Along with ten Standing Committee Chairs Mission Statement: “Preserving our gardens and historic landmarks while promoting the environment, conservation and civic beautification through education and programs.”

Number of Members: Currently there are 178 members. The number of visitors and others who use the building or visit is approximately 20,000 annually. Who Are Your Board Members and/or Leadership: The Board is made up of 18 members: President: CJ Danna First Vice President: Janet Leonberger Second Vice President:

John Chrzczonowski Third Vice President: Kay Weber Secretary: Dianne Beaver Assistant Secretary: Carol Dornbush Treasurer: Penny Thomas Assistant Treasurer: Janet Allgair

Hopes For The Future Of Our Bayfront: The Sarasota Garden Club would like to see an increase in the green space for all to enjoy and be the cornerstone of the green space as one enters the cultural district. Planned green space is forever and for everyone.



LMA Election of Board Members and Process By Henry Rhodes

The LMA Annual Meeting will be held February 2nd at 7 p.m. It will be immediately preceded by the normal monthly meeting which will begin at 6:30 p.m. The primary agenda of the annual meeting is the election of board members. The Presidents of the constituent associations, or their designees, vote for the board members. The representatives have to be present to vote so please encourage your president to attend and the constituent associations should

discuss their candidate preferences in advance. A meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on January 26th, in the LRC Poolside Room for the Presidents to hear the candidates’ presentations. It is requested that all Presidents or their designees attend. The three goals of this year’s nominating committee have been: 1) to improve the gender board representation, 2) to enhance year-round resident representation and 3) to have candidates who have specific skill sets

Neil Goldman My wife and I have been residents at the Portside Villas in The Landings for the past twelve years. We are snowbirds, and live here approximately seven months out of the year. We live in New Buffalo, Michigan (70 miles from downtown Chicago) during the other five months. We have two sons and three grandsons that live in the Chicago suburbs. We have a fourth grandchild, (finally a girl), on the way. For the first nine years I was working as an attorney in Chicago, forcing me to travel back and forth in the winter months while my wife was able to play and drink with the other Landings ladies. Upon retirement three years ago I was able to devote more time to my tennis game, and also some time to the LMA. As an attorney, I had experience running a small personal injury law firm where I worked for thirty-eight years. Prior to that time, during school, I was a vendor at the various sports venues in Chicago, including Wrigley Field. Being a life-long Cubs fan I was, of course, thrilled with the past baseball season. For the past four years I have been President of the Portside Villas (Landings South 2). I have also been Vice President of the LMA and the head of the Safety and Security Committee for the past two years. I have enjoyed volunteering on these Landings Boards, giving back to the Landings community, and look forward to another LMA term.

Deirdre D’Silva I am interested in serving on the LMA Board because I am someone who feels


for a well-functioning board. This year the presidents will vote to fill five of the nine board seats. There are six highly qualified candidates and their biosketches are included herein. The board responsibilities have been discussed with each of them. Additionally, any resident owner interested in serving should contact a member of the Nominating Committee as soon as possible. Qualified nominations received by the association manager (George Niel at Argus Management) in

passionately about being engaged positively and productively in the community in which I live. It is important for me to be involved, contribute and in collaboration with others to help improve the quality of life for those around me. It is also very important for me to reach out beyond the community, supporting efforts to help those in need. My husband and I and our three sons have been full time residents in The Landings for two years. We realize how fortunate we are to live in such a beautiful and tranquil community where our sons can play safely. If elected, I would work to enhance opportunities for the community to interact, while at the same time protecting the natural environment and all that makes The Landings such a special place to live. I grew up outside of Boston Massachusetts, and graduated from Boston College where I was a member of the student government, organizing concerts and dances for the student body. After several years working in the online news industry, and helping non-profit organizations build their own web sites, I pursued my masters in Oriental Medicine. After graduation, I taught at the New England School of Acupuncture and worked at Fenway Health in Boston. While living in Massachusetts, I was actively involved in my community as treasurer of the Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Society of Massachusetts and CoChair of the Helping Hands program that provided meals to homebound individuals. After moving to Florida, I shifted to working with my husband who owns a Financial Analytics firm and overseeing the company’s foundation that provides resources to those most in need across the globe. I also served as co-chair of Outreach at St. Martha’s and was responsible for managing the monthly donation drives, school wide volunteer days and creation of a volunteer directory to encourage families to give back to the community. Making this shift has afforded me the opportunity to focus more of my energies on my top priority, my three sons, who attend Phillippi Shores and Pine View. The experiences that I have had, and the work that I have done throughout the course of my life have prepared me to undertake the work of being on the LMA Board. Once I commit to something I always see a project through to completion, and if elected I would be honored to serve the community and would be open to feedback and suggestions.


writing thirty days prior to the meeting will appear on the ballot sent to the Presidents beforehand. This year’s nominating committee consisted of Carol Furlong and Norman Olshansky and myself as chair. Many hours have been devoted to this assignment and Carol and Norm are to be commended for their efforts. Your support of the LMA election process will really be appreciated. Following are bios for each candidate:

Michael Knupp I have been a full time Landings resident for three years. I am currently running for reelection to the LMA Board. In my first term, I have been chairman of the Forward Planning Committee and the Lakes and Drainage Committee. I got involved in the LMA because I believe in giving back to the community where I live and I also believe my experience in the civil engineering and environmental consulting business can be put to use on the planning and lakes/drainage committees as well as the overall LMA Board of Directors. In addition to my professional background as a Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating, and Chief Executive Officer of a 650 person engineering and environmental consulting firm, I have served in several volunteer positions in local government as a city councilor, zoning appeals board member and city finance committee member and various other nonprofit organizations in the Boston area. I am, or in the past, have been involved with several non-profit organizations including the Landings Homeowners Association, the Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast, a regional music school and professional orchestra in the Boston area, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development in Geneva Switzerland, the US Business Council for Sustainable Development, and the Colorado State University Alumni Association. I would very much appreciate your consideration and vote for election to the LMA board. Thank you.

Continued on the next page

Wake & Shake

Continued from the previous page

Ronald W. Pierce My wife, Karmen and I have been part-time residents of The Landings for over 10 years. We started out owning a treehouse and now live in one of the Lakeview homes. We are in Sarasota for approximately six months of the year. During the summer months we are back in Wisconsin. We have been married over 40 years and have two wonderful daughters and sons-in-law and one grandchild. We love living in The Landings and Sarasota. I am a 1972 graduate of Winona State University, Winona, Minnesota with a Bachelor of Science in Education. After teaching for two years, I was selected Department Head at a new school, also coached wrestling and was supervisor for the school’s ski club. Although I enjoyed teaching for six years, I decided to open my own rental company, Pierce General Rental, a special events and equipment rental company. During our busiest season, I employ and supervise 35 staff. I was general contractor for my two rental buildings and also our home. I served on the board of the Wisconsin Rental Association for seven years. I am currently on the Eagles Point Board representing Lakeview homes and have been serving this past year as chairman of the landscape committee for Eagles Point. I would enjoy serving on the board and helping to maintain the high quality of life we have here in The Landings.

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Nathan B. Richards I’m excited to run for the LMA Board, another way to contribute to our wonderful Landings community. I currently serve on LMA’s Finance Committee and am willing to take on the Treasurer’s responsibilities. I’ve been a full time resident of The Cloisters in The Landings since 2004. President of The Cloisters Homeowners Association Former Treasurer of the Landings Racquet Club, member of the LRC’s Board of Directors. Bonnie and I enjoy singing in the Landoliers every season. We have four children, one of which resides in Sarasota. We co-organized several Landings Musicales, annual musical variety programs featuring Landings musicians. Former Treasurer and President of the Suncoast Concert Band Board of Directors. Active musician playing in the North Port, Sarasota and Venice Concert Bands. Resided in New Canaan and Stamford, Connecticut for 13 years prior to moving to The Landings. Employed for 38 years in planning and budgeting for an assortment of companies in the energy sector. Retired from Texaco’s corporate planning department in 2002. Grew up in Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Earned a bachelor’s degree from The Colorado College majoring in economics and business administration.

Doug Day I was born and raised in near Scranton, Pennsylvania. After attending Quaker boarding school, I graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University then lived in Colorado, Georgia, and my mother’s home state of Florida. The family’s Coca-Cola bottling franchise at which I had worked every summer vacation sold in 1985. After a stint teaching in Atlanta, I rejoined the family in Sarasota where my brother recruited me to help manage Juice Orange Groves in Myakka City. Soon after, I met and married Roni who gave me a darling daughter, Katty, now 6. I would like to be reelected because I am passionate about where we live and I have the time and energy to make The Landings the best place to live in Sarasota.



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Captain Jim Klopfer’s Fishing Report Adventure Charters 941-371-1390

January fishing in Sarasota is all about the weather, pure and simple. Angling success is determined by the ability to adapt to the existing weather conditions. Tides will often times be very low in the morning. Couple that with a northeast wind and the flats will not have very much water on them. Water temperatures will be at their annual low. It is time to change tactics! I spend a lot of my time fishing the area around Siesta Key in the winter. Both passes and the surrounding flats will be productive under ideal conditions. Weekly fronts will stir up the Gulf, bringing cold, dirty water in through the passes and up onto the nearby flats. However, the area down south stays protected, and this will result in better fishing. Extreme low tides will force the fish off of the flats and into the channel. This actually makes locating them easier. 1/4 ounce Bass Assassin jigs in New Penny and Glow are very productive, as is a shrimp free lined with a small split shot. Speckled trout, ladyfish, jack crevelle, and pompano will be the primary catches, but sheepshead, grouper, flounder, and bluefish will also be found in the deep water.

As the tide rises and the day warms up, fish will move out of the deep channel and up onto the flats to feed. A late Afternoon high tide can offer great fishing for speckled trout, with jigs and live shrimp under a popping cork producing a lot of action. The flats south of Spanish Point are very productive, but any flat in four to six feet of water with grass will hold fish, keep moving until you find them. Creeks and residential canals are great spots to fish this month. Besides offering protection from harsh winds, they provide cover for bait, which attracts fish, and the water is normally a few degrees warmer. A large hand picked shrimp is a great bait for redfish, snook, sheepshead, drum, and jacks. Deeper water is the key, find a dock or area in a creek with a little more depth and there should be fish there. A few pieces of shrimp tossed out as chum can help get the bite going. Rapala X-Raps are a terrific artificial bait to use in creeks. They are deadly on snook and jacks, and a lot of water can be covered quickly. Go with smaller lures this time of year to imitate the bait that is present. Surf casters will do well off of the Siesta Key beaches during periods of light winds when the water is clear. Small pieces of live or frozen shrimp fished on a small hook with a bit of weight will catch plenty of whiting, along with trout, flounder, SARASOTA’S BEST BABY RENTAL CENTER pompano, and other species. Jigs and silver SELF SERVICE NOW AVAILABLE Order online or by phone Available 24/7 spoons are effective artificial baits to use, especially when surface activity is seen, this CLEAN • SAFE • RELIABLE indicates feeding fish.

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We would like to remind residents, their guests, and vendors that the speed limits within the Landings are posted as either 20 or 15 MPH. We have both daytime and nighttime radar enforcement of these speed limits. This article is a reminder that those who are continually found speeding by the LMA’s verified, calibrated speed radar devices will face having their decal privileges suspended for a period of 45 days. It will not be convenient for those whose decals are suspended. Remember, it does not take that much longer (less than one minute in most cases), to get to your destination within The Landings by obeying the speed limits. The full policy on Traffic is available upon request. Please obey the limits and watch your speed.





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View From The Gate

TRAFFIC REPORT Due to issues with the access control system I am unable to generate a Gate Traffic report at this time. Our technician Tracy Bland, is aware of the issue and continues to work on it.

Compiled by: Capt. Jordan M. Joseph, Landings Security & Safety There were a total of 34 incidents reported for the month of November 2016. They are as follows: • 1 Harassment Report Resident complaint about policy became abusive to officer on duty. • 4 Information Reports Filed All in reference to broken sprinkler heads. All reported to the LMA. • 1 Lock Out Assistance Report Patrol officer provided assistance to resident locked out of their home. • 14 Open Door Reports 9 Garage Doors. 4 Commercial Doors. 1 Vehicle Door (Owner advised). • 5 Parking Violations Reported All involving vehicles parked in the roadway overnight. • 1 Patrol Request Patrol Officer provided resident with unspecified assistance.

• 1 Property Damage Report Resident advises rear window of vehicle smashed. Unknown cause. • 4 Reckless Driver Reports All involving unsafe speeds. All in excess of 10mph over posted speed limit. • 2 Suspicious Incident Reports Patrol Officer reported a ‘flare’ over the water near the Nature Trail. Unknown Cause. Sheriff’s Office advised. 2 White Male subjects advised of closing time at the LRC. Both left the property via the rear of the facility. • 1 Trespass Report Filed Resident discovered in the LRC after hours. Subject escorted out of the facility.

Sorry for the inconvenience. Capt. Jordan M. Joseph

BE SURE TO SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Useful & Emergency Phone Numbers... Verizon - Phone Service..............................................1.800.483.1000 Comcast Cable........................................................................371.6700 Emergency Animal Clinic.....................................................929.1818 Poison Info Center.......................................................1.800.282.3171 Waste Management...............................................................924.1254 Landings Eagle................................................................941.539.0205

Landings Residents’ Handbook & Directory

Landing’s Gate.......................................................................922.5531

By Dick Bayles

Landings Racquet Club.........................................................923.3886

The 2016-2017 issue of The Landings Handbook and Directory has been mailed to each owner at their permanent address currently on file. Additional copies are available at the Main Gate, as is a binder for owners without one. There have been two changes in association presidents since the publication of the directory. • Landings South III Condominium Association P: Burt Frank – 5245 Heron Way 924-8705 M: CMR (Donnie Melendy) 378-1777 • Villas at Eagles Point Condominium Association P: Irwin Starr – 1697 Starling Dr. 925-8559 M: Casey (Bridget Spence) 922-3391 • New owners or residents since the last issue of The Landings Eagle: Richard & Lynn Hammett, 1303 Landings Dr Jason & Ashley Mashke, 1650 Landings Blvd, 941-345-3200, Mark & Ann Mullen, 1372 Landings Point, 510-292-5607, 415-601-3367,, Robert & Gail Rosen, 5450 Eagles Point Cir #101 • Changed listings since the last issue: Susi Popper, 941-544-0174 Additions, changes or corrections should be directed to me in writing. Directory forms are available from me via e‑mail, at and, or from your association, and may be dropped off at the Landings Racquet Club or Main Gate to my attention, or sent via mail, e‑mail or toll-free fax. Dick Bayles: 1729 Landings Way, Sarasota, FL 34231, Email: Fax: (855) 631-3860

Landings Community Hauling Program........... 941-727-6464x110 LRC e-mail................................................... Argus Management...............................................................927.6464 Sheriff Non-Emergency.........................................................861.5800 FPL - Florida Power & light..................................................917.0708 FPL - Outage Report....................................................1.800.468.8243 Fishing & Hunting Licenses..........................................941.362.9888 Marriage License Bureau...............................................941.362.4066 Sarasota County Hotline.......................................................861.5000 Sarasota/Bradenton Intl. Airport.................................941.359.2770 Sarasota County Area Transit (SCAT) .......................941.316.1234 Sarasota County Information Call Center.......941.861.5000/ Sarasota Doctors Hospital..............................................941.342.1100 Sarasota Memorial Hospital/Health Care System ...... 941.917.7760 Emergency (General)......................................................................911 Life-threatening EMERGENCY: call 911 first, then call the gate. They will direct emergency vehicles

The ATS Speed Sentry was deployed at the Main Gate (westbound) for the month of November 2016 with the following results:

Date 11/16/16 to 12/14/16

Location Main Gate / Landings Blvd (Westbound)

Speed Limit Compliant 20 89.31%

Low Risk 7.83%

Med Risk High Risk 2.46% 0.40%

Average daily traffic at this location was apx. 1405.76 vehicles a day. These numbers seem to be pretty consistent with previous deployments at this location. Deployment for the month of December 2016 will be on Kestral Parkway North.

Date 11/16/16 to 12/14/16 10/17/16 to 11/15/16 06/01/15 to 06/30/15

Location Main Gate / Landings Blvd (Westbound) Main Gate / Landings Blvd (Westbound) Main Gate / Landings Blvd (Westbound)

Speed Limit Compliant 20 89.31% 20 91.49% 20 89.30%

Low Risk 7.83% 6.70% 7.59%

Med Risk High Risk 2.46% 0.40% 1.58% 0.23% 2.68% 0.44%
















































Day Monday Tuesday Thursday Sunday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Friday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday

Date 2 3 5 8 9 10 10 11 11 12 16 17 17 19 19 20 24 24 24 24 24 25 26 26 27 27

Time 3:30pm 8:30am 7pm 4pm 9am 2pm 7pm 4pm 6pm 7pm 10am 1:30pm 7pm 4pm 5pm 10am 9am 2pm 3pm 5:30pm 7pm 4pm 5pm 7pm 3pm 5pm

Event LLG Committee LMA LMA Board Mtg. Cloister Annual Mtg. Koffee Klatsch Eagles Editorial Mtg. Trivia Challenge Bayview South VII Year End Party LHA Piano Tuning LRC Board LRC Anl. Mtg. EP I Anl. Mtg. Landings South VII EP IV Anl. Mtg. Koffee Klatsch Landings South IV EP II Anl. Mtg. Tree House HOA Carriagehouse I Anl. Mtg. EP III Anl. Mtg. South V Anl. Mtg. LMA Association President’s Mtg. Bob Sherman Event South IV Annual Meeting
































Day Thursday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday


Date 2 6 7 7 8 9 13 14 16 17 21 21 23 28 28 28

Bridge Jazzericise Landings Free College Landings Learning Grp. Landoliers Mah Jong Class Ping Pong Tai Chi Water Aerobics Watercolor Painting Yoga Zumba Gold Zumba Gold

Time 7pm 3:30pm 8:30am 7pm 4pm 7pm 9am 2pm 4pm 9:30am 1:30pm 7pm 5pm 9am 2pm 5:30pm

Event LMA Board Mtg LLG Committee LMA Trivia Challenge Bayview LHA Koffee Klatsch Eagles Editorial Mtg. Landings South VII Carriage House I LRC Board Trivia Challenge Newcomers Party Koffee Klatsch Landings South IV Tree House HOA

Regularly Scheduled Items Mondays Tues & Thurs Thursdays Wednesdays (Beginning Jan18) Tuesdays Thursdays Mondays & Wednesdays Thursdays Thursdays Thursdays Mondays & Wednesdays Tuesdays Thursdays

6:30pm 8:30am 2:30pm 4pm 3:30pm 9:30am 9:30am 9:30am 10:30am 10am 8:15am 9am 8:30am




Judy Tara



Your Landings

Resident Real Estate Team


Landings Real Estate Database Address




½ BA























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Based on information from, Sarasota Property Appraiser, and Sarasota Association of Realtors for the period ending Dec. 14, 2016. These properties listed and sold in the past 4 months by various MLS participating offices.

5100 Ocean Boulevard • Sarasota, FL 34242

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