THE LANDINGS FREE COLLEGE A very interesting and exciting series of presentations is again scheduled by The Landings Free College for 2019. They will take place on Thursday afternoons at 2:30, except for the very last session, which will occur on Tuesday, April 2nd
VOLUNTEER Many Landings residents have chosen to put volunteer energies into tutoring children
Candidates for the LMA Board By Henry Rhodes and Larry Lawrence, co-chairs
The LMA Annual Meeting will be held February 7 at 7 p.m. It will be immediately preceded by the normal monthly meeting which will begin at 6:30 p.m. The primary agenda of the annual meeting is the election of board members. The Presidents of the constituent associations, or their designees, vote for the board members. The representatives have to be present to vote so please encourage your president to attend and the constituent associations should discuss their candidate preferences in advance. A meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on January 23 in the LRC Poolside Room for the Association Presidents to meet and interview the candidates. It is requested
that all Presidents or their designees attend. The three goals of this year’s nominating committee have been: 1) to improve the gender board representation, 2) to enhance year-round resident representation and 3) to have candidates who have specific skill sets for a well-functioning board. Since there are five candidates for five open seats, there will not be a “contested” election. The five highly qualified candidates and their bio-sketches are included herein. The board responsibilities have been discussed with each of them. Additionally any resident owner interested in serving should contact a member of the Nominating Committee as soon as possible. Qualified nominations
received by the association manager (George Niel at Argus Management) in writing thirty days prior to the meeting will appear on the ballot sent to the Presidents beforehand. This year’s nominating committee consisted of Susie Golden, Sharon Goldman and Norman Olshansky as committee members, and co-chairs Larry Lawrence and Henry Rhodes. Many hours have been devoted to this assignment and all are to be commended for their efforts. Your support of the LMA election process will really be appreciated. Bios of the LMA Board candidates begin on page 20.
As incoming County Commission Chair, Hines makes clear intent to focus on traffic improvements involving U.S. 41/Stickney Point Road intersection By Rachel Brown Hackney As he prepares to take on the role of chair in 2019, Sarasota County Commissioner Charles Hines has signaled his intention to put the focus on improvements to the intersection of U.S. 41 and Stickney Point Road.
Meet Jaime “Jimmy” Colon, security guard for The Landings, a “kid at heart”
This year’s edition of our Art Show featured 17 artists
During the day-long, Dec. 12 public hearing on the Siesta Promenade mixed-use project — which is planned for the northwest quadrant of that intersection — Hines at one point said to Todd Mathes, director of development for Benderson Development, “If you don’t build anything, the evidence is absolutely clear: That intersection is a disaster.” Hines added, “It truly is a public safety problem,” LMA BESTOWS especially because of the fact that the Stickney Point Road DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD drawbridge can open as often as twice an hour and the four On January 17, the Landings Management Association lanes on Stickney Point Road drop to two lanes on Midnight will present Dee and Ralph Ricapito with its most Pass Road on Siesta Key. prestigious honor: The Landings Community Greenfield On Dec. 13, the day after the commissioners approved Distinguished Service Award. The award is to honor Siesta Promenade on split votes, Hines sent an email to those whose ongoing voluntary leadership, commitment and Paula Wiggins, manager of the county’s Transportation service has had an exceptional impact and created Planning Division; County Administrator Jonathan Lewis; a sustaining benefit for the entire Landings community. and Spencer Anderson, director of the county’s Public Works This award has only been presented to four previous Department. recipients: Bob Greenfield (for whom the award is named), “Considering the results of yesterday’s hearing and the Fritz Drybrough, Bob Capo, and most recently, Dick Bayles. discussion in regards to U.S. 41 and Stickney Point Road,” The award is prominently displayed in the “library” of the he wrote, “I really believe it would be worthwhile if we have Poolside Room of the Landings Racquet Club. a serious discussion in regards to our strategy and plans in A reception will be held in the Lakeside Room regards to this congested area. Much like we did, with great from 5-6:30 p.m. on January 17. success, with River Road and the diverging diamond, if we Come and celebrate with Dee and Ralph. all believe and know that this is an area that’s only going Please RSVP no later than January 12 to Elena Darden to get worse over the next few years, we need to have a real at elenadarden@verizon.net. strategy and plan to address it.”
Continued on page 26
LMA meeting notes CAUTION - CAUTION - CAUTION An alligator of unknown length has been sighted around Lake 9 (Mayne Lake) at Eagles Point. Residents are cautioned to keep pets away from the shoreline, especially from dusk to dawn. If it’s determined the gator is longer than four feet, the Florida State gator control people will be contacted. LMA Pres., Deirdre D’Silva reported she and another Landings resident attended the 13th Annual Sustainable Communities Workshop in Sarasota. She learned how other communities work together with their landscaping manager to properly use their water, plants and other natural resources. She expects more meetings about conservation practices and the environment in the future. New aquatic plants will appear in the spring. D’Silva will be graduating from the annual UF Water Stewards program. She highly recommends it to anyone interested in Florida water resources. FINANCE REPORT Treasurer, Dick Bayles reported they are basically on budget for the end of the year since the Board decided to defer road repairs and curb maintenance to the 2019 budget cycle. The committee is looking into foreclosing on three properties. Hopefully the owners will bring their accounts into good standing so this will not be necessary. Commercial properties owned by Benderson have been sent a demand letter. Responses are due in mid to late December. All past due non-commercial accounts have liens filed against them. COMMUNITY HAULING Harvey Greller recommended collecting recyclables on the second Wednesday of April and November thus eliminating February and May. After a brief discussion, a motion was made and approved to
By Trebor Britt
adjust the Community Hauling Program to twice a year, the second Wednesday of April and November. COMMUNICATIONS & PR COMMITTEE Chairman, Norman Olshansky reported his committee is finalizing the upgrades to the internal website and request Association Presidents as well as committee chairs provide information they would like posted, as soon as possible. A page will be provided for each association. A calendar will appear on the site listing meetings, special events, etc. for LMA, individual associations as well as for the Landings Racquet Club. They hope to launch the new website by January 1. The committee will be providing instructions for residents about how to sign in and update profiles on the website, add blogs, post vendor recommendations, classifieds, access LMA documents, policies, news, etc. A brief discussion occurred after a resident expressed concern about access to all the personal information posted on the website. NOMINATING COMMITTEE The committee developed goals of improving gender balance, involving representatives of younger families, maintaining year-round residents balance, and having candidates that have the skill sets necessary for a strong board. The committee has concluded its work and recommends candidates, Doug Day, Deirdre D’Silva, Michael Knapp, Joan Koplin, and Paul Weiner. Bios and pictures will be printed in the January edition of The Eagle. Association Presidents will be able to meet the candidates at 7 p.m., January 23, at the Landings Racquet Club. ENVIRONMENTAL Committee chair, Maralyn KaufmanDavid, Ph.D reported the ongoing
Integrated Pest Management Study has been extended through the summer of 2019. The study monitors the effects of skipping the usual chemical treatment of shrubs and trees. Volunteers are being solicited to help monitor the island on Flicker Field Road every two weeks. Alternative organic insect treatment methods are also being explored. A neighborhood bird walk has been scheduled for 8:30 a.m. on January 23, 2019. Lynn Jakubowicz, a member of the Audubon Society will lead the group through the mangroves and other areas to explore bird diversity. A limit of 20 residents interested in joining the walk, which will last about an hour, can email Maralyn at mkaufmanphd@gmail.com. Nature Trail Committee Chair, Karen Shaeffer was informed about the kayaking interest of new residents of The Landings. Future events will be scheduled as a result of the Coastal Cleanup and D’Silva’s recent attendance at a Sustainability Conference. SAFETY AND SECURITY Chairman Michael Knupp reported the addition of two committee members, Paige Packman and Letitia Schuman. The committee will address several issues over the next few months. • Final presentation of an adjusted speed policy • The logistics of operating and reporting the data from the Traffic Hawk speed detection program • The repair and re-deployment of the flashing speed sentry • Updating the resident emergency contact information • Review security concerns at the north and south gates LANDSCAPING Landscaping chair, Paul Weiner reported sprinkler times were adjusted for new plantings and several were repaired and maintained. Annuals were planted at the front monuments and
the Nature Trail was weeded and new shells were added. The final cost of island renovations were nearly $1000 above the original quote. The committee is waiting for a response to their inquiry from Raber. MAINTENANCE Maintenance Committee chair, Joan Golub, reported the completion of a few projects. A sign at the Racquet Club and a spot light at the north gate were repaired. Several commercial trucks were escorted in and out of The Landings. A few low lying limbs still need to be trimmed. Ten weed-wacker guards installed on posts have been effective and more have been ordered. Two maintenance repairs still pending are the repair of the Gazebo garbage receptacle and the safety mirror at the Landing Blvd. and Kestral Park Dr. intersection. DRAINAGE Committee chair, Michael Knupp reported a street drain on Landings Lane was repaired and the asphalt will be repaired soon. The sinkhole behind the head wall of Lake 1 will not be repaired until the first quarter of 2019 due to the County’s backlog. Continued on page 24
Notifications January 9: Happy Hour begins at 5:30 p.m. January 10: Medicare Workshop begins at 6 p.m. January 16: Celebration of Life for Irwin Starr from 4-7 p.m. January 17: Award reception for Dee and Ralph Ricapito from 5 to 6:30 p.m. January 18: LRC Round Robin at 2 p.m. January 18: Movie Night at 7 p.m. January 23: Neighborhood Bird Walk starts at 8:30 a.m. April 10: Next community hauling date
Serving the Landings Community since 1992|www.landingseagle.com|Island Visitor Publications, LLC|941-349-0194 P.O. Box 35086, Siesta Key, Florida34242. Publishers:Bob & Emy Stein islandvp@verizon.net To advertise in print or on-line call 941-349-0194. Advertising Representative: Irene Brooks Please note that contributing writers and photographers are acknowledged with bylines accompanying their submissions. We sincerely thank everyone for their contributions. The Landings Eagle is published monthly and is partially funded by the Landings Management Association & Landings Racquet Club, but is independently edited and reported by Landings residents. The Landings Eagle is published by Island Visitor Publishing, a Florida LLC. Advertising rates and information will be gladly furnished by calling us at 941-349-0194, We are ready to answer your questions and to assist you in preparing your ad at no extra charge. All advertising and editorial content is subject to editing to conform to our style, and is copyrighted 2019 by Island Visitor Publishing, LLC and may not be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted under federal law. The publisher reserves the right to edit or reject copy for any reason. Island Visitor Publishing, LLC is not responsible for any claims made by the advertisers. To access each issue of The Landings Eagle, please go to: www.islandvp.com. Simply scroll down to The Eagle image and click on it for the current issue. If you would like to view past issues, click on the text, “TO VIEW PAST ISSUES OF THE LANDINGS EAGLE, CLICK HERE”That will bring you to a list of the back issues going back to July 2013. For anything earlier you will need to go to the website: www.landingseagle.com ©
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Remembering Irwin Starr
When it came to hard news, his core belief was to report the news without bias or suppression and to let the chips fall where they may
By Bob Stein
|As past editor of The Landings Eagle, Irwin Starr fiercely defended the independence of the content contained within its pages On November 14, Irwin Starr, a longstanding resident of The Landings, passed away. Although, the December issue of The Eagle included Irwin’s obit written by his daughter, this article touches on Irwin’s important contribution and his legacy, if you will, to The Landings when he agreed to restart and become the editor of The Landings Eagle. My wife, Emy and I met Irwin when we assumed the responsibility of publishing The Eagle back in early 2012. Ironically, Irwin and I worked for the same company, Journal Communications; he in the broadcast division and I in the newspaper portion of the company. The Landings Eagle was founded and published by Seabreeze Communications, located in Fort Myers. In the late ‘90s, the company decided to cease the publication when they were unable to find a reliable replacement for the departing sales representative. In 2002, at the urging of the LMA, Irwin revived The Eagle newsletter with the help of longtime partner, Charlotte (Charlie) Valentine. Charlie took care of
the sales end and some content while Irwin handled the edit and production. A Publication Committee was formed at the time to assist with content. The first publication of the then new Landings Eagle dates back to the March 2002 issue. You can view it on the following website created by Irwin to serve as a document of record for the LMA: www.landingseagle.com. For longtime residents, we invite you to take a walk down memory lane. For those new to The Landings, viewing past issues will help give you a glimpse of the rich history held within these gates. Below is an excerpt from the inaugural edition of The Landings Eagle. The Landings Public Relations committee heard from many residents who missed the paper, and expressed disappointment in several of its previous incarnations because they lacked Landings news. The new Eagle encourages residents to participate as volunteer contributors. The paper can use reporters, creative writers, artists and, most important, your letters of opinion for the Opinions page. The basic paper is financed by the LMA
assuring a regular four page issue. The Eagle will grow as advertising revenue permits. As you can see advertiser support has made a sixteen page premier publication possible. Resident support of our advertisers helps maintain a strong and independent Landings paper. Let them know you saw their ad in The Eagle. The Landings Eagle is the voice of Landings residents while serving as a document of record for the Landings Management Association, the twenty housing unit associations and The Racket Club. As a voice of the residents it remains editorially independent of the Associations and the LRC. Our first Opinion page details publications policies and methods of submitting material to the paper. The LMA has established a Publications Committee. Its members are Dee Ricapito, Nat Lehrman, Fred Stahmann, and Betty Ricketson. Irwin treated the newsletter like a newspaper, covering the LMA meetings as if they were the state legislature. He challenged the board when he found inconsistencies and stayed true to his core belief to report the news without
bias or suppression and to let the chips fall where they may. In an article published in 2015 by Sarasota Magazine, he lamented the decay of print media was one of the biggest concerns at the Florida All Media Roundtable, an organization he ran for quite a number of years. Its membership included some of the biggest names in the business. In the article, he said, “Local newspapers have gotten so thin. There’s a lack of reporters and a lack of content. There is also a love-hate relationship with the young reporters coming up. While they have energy, they are coming in at the expense of seasoned people from the ‘check and double-check’ era. He ended by asking the question, “Where are the editors?” A celebration of Life honoring Irwin is planned for Wednesday, January 16, from 4-7 p.m. at the Landings Racquet Club. His family requests, in lieu of flowers, please consider making a donation in his name to an NPR radio station or an arts or hospice organization in your community. Additional Tributes on page 32
A Contemporary Masterpiece. 1757 Shoreland drive An Exclusive Listing By: Barbara Dumbaugh | Realtor ® CSP C. 941.350.3743
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President’s Column
By Deirdre D’Silva
|Alligators in The Landings We live in Florida, the land of the alligator. They are an important part of our ecosystem. According to the Ecological Society of America: Perhaps the greatest contribution the alligator makes to the ecosystem and its inhabitants are ‘gator holes’ that adults create and expand year by year. These submerged depressions tend to stay full of water throughout the dry season and even extended droughts, providing critical sustenance for fish, insects, snakes, turtles, birds and other wildlife that inhabits the ecosystem. Thus, sustaining the prevalence of the wild American Alligator population is critical for sustaining the Florida Everglades and all the life, humans included, that depend on it.
Here are some other very important safety tips that relate to our community 1) Please do not walk your pets near the edge of the lakes, and please pick up after your pets. It has been reported that there is pet waste at the edge of our lakes. In particular pet waste has been spotted at the south side of Lake 6, north side of Lake 4 and a small amount on the northwest end of 3. As you know we are working hard to improve our water quality by introducing rings of responsibility around our lakes and aquatic plants. Pet waste that is not picked up ends up in our lakes and then in Sarasota Bay. Anything we can do as a community to reduce the nutrient load in our waters benefits us all. 2) Please do not feed the alligators in our lakes We have received reports that residents are feeding the alligators. This is dangerous and against the law.
Siesta Promenade
On Wednesday December 12th the County Commission voted 3-2 to approve the Siesta Promenade project as proposed by Benderson. It will certainly change the landscape, cause more traffic and place an additional burden on an already weak infrastructure and ecosystem. However, we are fortunate to be part of a vocal community that cares about this area and is willing to take action. Thank you to Larry Lawrence, LMA Chair of External Affairs for his leadership on this issue and to all the residents who attended and spoke at the meetings, signed the petition and wrote letters. If anything, it has brought our community together, and we will be mobilized for the next effort. We have a few alligators living in our lakes. Unfortunately, our lakes are not an ideal habitat for the alligator as it grows in size. Recently it came to the attention of the LMA that there was a 6-foot alligator travelling between Lakes 6 and Lake 9. Although the alligator has not exhibited threatening behavior, residents were worried it might pose a danger and asked that it be removed. The LMA Board takes the safety of Landings residents very seriously and decided to make a request to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) to have the alligator removed. Removal means extermination, so the decision to request removal of this alligator was not an easy one. However, any potential threat to residents must be addressed immediately. There are other small alligators inhabiting our lakes, that according to the FWC do not require removal and are not a danger to residents at their current size. You can visit the FWC web site for more detailed information on their program: http://myfwc.com/wildlifehabitats/managed/alligator/snap/ Please also take note of the article written by LMA Communications Chair, Norm Olshansky in this month’s Eagle detailing important safety measures to take regarding alligators.
Landings Events in the New Year There is a lot going on in The Landings in the New Year! Some of the events sponsored by the LMA include: January 23rd at 8:30 a.m., Sarasota Audubon will be leading a nature walk in The Landings. This is a great opportunity to take some time to appreciate the natural beauty that surrounds us. Please email LMA Environmental Chair, Maralyn Kaufman at mkaufmanphd@gmail.com if you are interested in attending. On February 6th the LMA and LRC will be hosting a Newcomer’s Reception to welcome new residents to our community. On February 21st the Landings Free College has graciously agreed to invite Carol Wyatt-Evens, Chemicals in the Environment Agent, UF/IFAS Extension & Sustainability-Sarasota County to give a presentation entitled “It’s a Buggy World: Managing the insects in your Landscaping.” The LMA has been working with Mrs. Wyatt-Evens on our Integrated Pest Management Project. The Chemicals in the Environment Program promotes responsible use of chemicals to limit unintended impacts to the health of humans, animals and the environment. Wishing Everyone a very Happy and Healthy New Year!
It’s for the birds |Sarasota Audubon Society Birdwalk in The Landings Save the date (January 23, 2019 at 8:30 am) for the first birdwalk in The Landings led by a Sarasota Audubon Society volunteer. Lynn Jakubowicz will lead a group of Landings residents for about an hour through our mangroves and other areas to explore our bird diversity! Sign up (maximum enrollment of 20 people) by emailing Maralyn Kaufman, Environmental Committee Chairperson at mkaufmanphd@gmail.com. Photo by Mike Palomaa
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At its regular December meeting, the Board approved a rear setback variance for a property on Pine Harrier Circle. It discussed the estimated cost of two drainage remediation projects on Peregrine Point Way and Pine Harrier Circle. In the past, the costs of similar projects have been borne in equal parts by the LMA, the LHA and the affected owners. The owners of the affected properties will be contacted. In other actions, the Board approved: • The removal of trees on Pine Harrier Circle and Kestral Park Place, and • A rear-yard fence on Pine Harrier Circle. The board voted to send letters of violation of the Association’s Declaration of Restrictions to an owner on Pine Harrier Drive. The January regular meeting of the LHA Board will take place on January 10, 2019, at the Landings Racquet Club at 7:00 p.m.
By Michael Knupp The Security Committee will be presenting a revised speed policy for Board consideration at the January board meeting. We would like all residents to update their emergency information so the guards have up-to-date contact information in case of an emergency.
Submitted by Howard Feltman We have had the honor of celebrating and recognizing our Landings Veterans on Veterans Day. For those who could not attend we have a memento of this special occasion for you waiting to be picked up at the LRC office. Please stop by at your earliest convenience to pick up your personal letter of appreciation from The Landings community. Thank you for your service to our country.
By Harvey Greller At last night’s Landings Management Association meeting it was voted on to reduce the community haul program from three (3) times a year to two (2) times a year. Previously the program was held on the second Wednesday of February, May and November. Going forward the program will be held on the second Wednesday of April and November. The next haul date is April 10, 2019. We are cancelling the next scheduled date of February 13, 2019.
Siesta Promenade County Commissioners Decision By Larry Lawrence December 12, 2018
At its hearing on December 12, the County Commission approved the Siesta Promenade application without significant modification. The hearing room was at capacity and the overflow room had to be opened. The comment portion lasted from 9 a.m. to after 5 p.m. and the Commission discussion was over an hour. Over 100 signed speaker cards and approximately 75 remained to testify. LMA spokespersons included: Lou Furlong, Harvey Greller, Virginia Hitchcock, Jack Jost, Larry Lawrence and Norm Olshansky. Michael Knupp and Henry Rhodes were prepared to speak, but had to leave before being called to the podium. Of the total number of speakers only 5-7 supported the application and they were all associated with building and/or development organizations. In the Commission’s hour plus discussion many of the concerns/objections were considered and two were discussed with the applicant. One was to increase the amount of affordable housing and the other was to reduce the building heights. The applicant would not consent to either. Because of the complexity of the project, it had to be addressed in five separate motions. Four motions were approved on a 4-1 vote with the Chair Nancy Detert being the dissenting vote on each motion and the fifth motion was approved 5-0. Virtually no amendments to the application were proposed! When the voting was completed, Chairperson Detert gave an epilog lamenting the fact that she joined the Commission when consideration of the project was already under consideration. She expressed a limited ability to influence the result and stated that many important issues were raised by the citizens which need to be addressed by the county. The angry and dejected participants departed in shock and silence. Authors comment: to think that over 1000 letters were sent to commissioners, more than 1800 petitions were presented and about 75 individuals testified before the commission, but that governmental body did not find even one suggestion actionable! If you would like more detail on the hearing go to: http://sarasotaheraldtribune.fl.app.newsmemory.com/publink.php?shareid=356fcd270
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Racquet Club News |Manager’s Report
By Kevin Lechlitner
Happy New Year! I trust everyone had a safe and happy holiday season with all your family and friends. As a reminder, the Landings Racquet Club’s Annual Meeting will take place Tuesday, January 15th in the Lakeside Clubhouse at 7:00 p.m. You should have received the annual meeting packet in the mail a few days ago. Please sign and return the proxy to the Club at your earliest convenience. Contact me by phone or email at LRCtennis@verizon.net if you haven’t received your mailing or have questions about it. All members are invited to be present at the Annual Meeting in person or by proxy. As a reminder, the Board doesn’t make day-to-day operational decisions at this meeting. If you have a concern or an idea, please share that with me or come to the regular board meeting on the third Tuesday of the month at 1:30 p.m. You should have received an invoice for the LRC annual assessment near the end of November. The annual fee for the Racquet Club for 2019 is $1,485.00. This is the first increase in our annual assessment since 2011. Thank you to those that have already given me a check. If you haven’t submitted your payment, please keep in mind that it is due January 1, 2019. Late fees and interest will be charged February 1st on any unpaid assessments. I’d like to see everyone avoid that if possible.
On December 2nd the Landings Racquet Club held its Annual Holiday Dinner Dance. I know committee chair Jill Eisner has written an article in this issue recapping the event. I’d like to thank Jill and her committee for all their hard work. As usual, they did a wonderful job decorating the clubhouse and organizing the party. If you would like to see all the pictures from the event, they are posted on the bulletin board by the coffee. Now that January is here, one of our regular activities will be starting up again. Ralph Ricapito & Irv Kushner are ready to go with another season of the Landings Free College beginning on Thursday January 10th. It will run every Thursday afternoon through March 28th. Look for the program fliers announcing the topics in my weekly emails or on your association bulletin boards. Sadly, after many consecutive years on the schedule, there will be no Learning Group performances or lectures this coming season. Hopefully the committee will be back to full strength for it to get the ball rolling again a year from now. Howard & Adrienne Feltman along with Bridgette Frymier & Selma Savren and the rest of the Learning Group committee deserve a monumental round of applause for the countless events they have brought to The Landings over the better part of the last two decades.
|Tennis Tips
By Adrian “Mo” Moghina
Happy New Year! As I’m sure you are all thinking about your New Year’s resolutions, consider improving one of your strokes as a great way to begin the New Year. I recommend you work on your serve. It is the most important shot in the game, with the return of serve coming in at a close second. When you work on your serve try to focus on these three key things: 1After you toss the ball keep your tossing arm up until you are ready to push your energy up and forward from your lower body. Too many players bring their tossing arm down prematurely which corrupts their energy from going up and into the ball. 2- Toss the ball slightly forward and toward your hitting shoulder (for a right hander this would be toward 1 o’clock). This will give you a great chance to keep good posture as you are ready to swing up to the ball. 3- Push your energy up and forward from your back leg. This means that you have to load and store the energy properly on your back leg. Most players push from the front leg which means they are not creating the correct energy release for effective, efficient and powerful results. Have fun practicing with these tips in mind and let me know if you want to schedule a lesson to work on any of them. Don’t forget to sign up for the Round Robin and Pro Exhibition on Friday, January 18th. Round Robin will start at 2 p.m. Followed by a doubles pro-exhibition. See you on the courts!
The Landings Free College By Irv Kushner
A very interesting and exciting series of presentations is again scheduled by The Landings Free College for 2019. They will take place on Thursday afternoons at 2:30, except for the very last session, which will occur on Tuesday, April 2nd. On January 10th, John McCarthy, renowned authority on Sarasota history, will tell us about “Sarasota’s Latest Historical Find”, a 7,000-year-old Native American ancestral burial site. Next, if you haven’t yet mastered your iPhone or iPad, Racquet Club president Dick Bayles will come to your rescue on January 17th with his presentation: “Getting the most from your iPhone/iPad”. And if you are uncertain what the newspaper articles about the Rohingyas are all about, the subject will be clarified for us by Paul Sarno, an authority on the subject, who has spoken to us before. He will describe “Ethnic Cleansing of Muslims in Southwest Myanmar” on January 24th. The following week, on January 31st, there will be a brief summary of the history of the Jazz Club and Jazz Festival of Sarasota by Gordon Garrett, president emeritus of the Jazz Club of Sarasota, followed by a performance by the celebrated Kitt Moran & Mike Moran Trio. The first session in February, on February 7th, organized by our own Barbara Chertok, is entitled “You think with your brain, not your ears”. She will moderate a panel of Doctors of Audiology in a discussion of hearing problems and what can be done about them. On February 14th Jennifer Rominiecki, President & Chief Executive Officer of the Selby Gardens, will tell us about all the exciting things that are happening there. Carol Wyatt-Evens, who holds the title of Chemicals in the Environment Agent UF/IFAS Extension & SustainabilitySarasota County, will present “It’s a Buggy World: Managing the Insects in your Landscaping” on February 21st. The major components of her program are education in Urban and Landscape Integrated Pest Management, container mosquito outreach and education, education in chemicals, and pesticide applicator license training. On February 28th, Landings resident and author of three novels Janet Heijens will tell us about “Wrongful Convictions”, the title of one of her novels. Since 1973, 163 people on death row were freed after having been found to have been wrongly convicted! On March 7th, “What’s New at Sarasota Memorial Hospital” will be presented by Lorrie Liang, Chief Operating Officer of the hospital. And on March 14th, Irv Kushner will tell us about “The Marais – the rise, fall, and rise again of a Paris neighborhood”. He has previously published a book entitled Paris; Six Historical Vignettes. On March 21st, Art Reilly, a distinguished former member of the National Science Board of the United States, which oversees the National Science Foundation, will present “My Time on the National Science Board”. We will hear a really exciting presentation entitled “My journey from an immigrant to a big city mayor in the USA” by Landings resident Guillermo Vicente Vidal on March 28th. He is a Cuban American author and career civil servant who served as the 44th mayor of Denver, Colorado. And following precedent, the series will wind up on April 2nd, a Tuesday, not a Thursday, with a review by County Commissioner Alan Maio of what’s happened in Sarasota County in the past year. His presentation will probably be followed by a vigorous question and answer period, which, in turn, will be followed by a nice reception.
John McCarthy
Dick Bayles
Paul Sarno
Gordon Garrett
Kitt Moran
Barbara Chertok
The Landings Free College 2019 Jennifer Rominiecki
Carol Wyatt-Evens
Janet Heijens
Lorrie Liang
Irv Kushner
Art Reilly
Guillermo Vicente Vidal
County Commissioner Alan Maio
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
The Recipe Corner
|Kitchen Ladies Recipe Corner Compiled by Dee Ricapito
Wanda Weiner’s Mexican Bean Salad Wanda is an active, busy gal. Always has a smile, and is sharing this quick tasty recipe with you from her kitchen.
• 1 can whole black beans, rinse and drain • 1 can corn, drained • 1 bunch cilantro, chopped • 1 red bell pepper, seeded, chopped • 1 purple onion, peeled and chopped • 1/2 cup olive oil • 1/4 cup red wine vinegar • 1 Tbsp. chopped garlic Instructions: Just mix together and chill. You can add more olive oil, vinegar or garlic to taste. SERVES: 6
Seafood lovers, it’s good and fresh Yelp review: I see why this place is all five stars. Amazing find, tucked away in a nondescript strip mall adds to its local, simple vibe. Best seafood I have had in a long time. Service made it feel like we were part of the family, four happy diners tonight. If you read this post, stop searching and start eating. Seriously do not pass up this little gem. Living in Florida, you expect to find fresh seafood no matter where you dine. If you are a local seafood lover, you probably have a mental list of goto restaurants which serve the freshest seafood. Fresh Catch Fish Market & Grill needs to be added to it. Fresh Catch’s, father/son duo, Bob and Devon Provost have a serious passion for seafood which started way back when the family lived in the Boston area. Their simply prepared, never-fried, neverfrozen dishes are paired with a variety of simple sauces that serve to complement, so the freshness of the seafood shines. Your fish/seafood selection goes from the case onto the grill. Prepared grilled or blackened, topped with lemon and butter, Pico de Gallo or tropical salsa. Served with a fresh ear of corn on the cob and baby roasted potatoes. Soups, salads, sandwiches and steam pots round
out the menu. If room permits, be sure to order a slice of their homemade key lime pie. Bob’s wife, Debra, makes the key lime pie, using freshly whipped cream. The restaurant also offers a nice selection of beers and wines. Fresh Catch Fish Market & Grill, located at 7119 S. Tamiami Trail, just south of Stickney Point Road in the Buccaneer Plaza, is a casual restaurant/ market with indoor and outdoor seating for close to 30. Here’s what more patrons are saying about the restaurant on line: Tried this place last night on a whim and it did not disappoint! Everything from the staff, to the menu, to the meal itself was perfection. It’s a small place and luckily we’d come in between dinner rushes and got a table right away. Within 10 mins the place was full again. The wait staff was smiling and helpful. We shared stone crab soup to start with a couple of ice cold beers, tons of crab in the soup and excellent flavor. For our meals we got blackened tripletail and snow crab claws. Each came with a side of roasted potatoes. I can’t say enough about how fresh and delicious the entire meal was. We will be back!
WOW! WOW! WOW! This place is a hidden gem! Fish was fresh today and you could taste the difference. Very clean kitchen. They cooked the fish to perfection and the presentation was 5 stars like you would expect at a fancy resort; those extra added steps. This place is the real deal. Only thing that made me upset was that I never knew it was here before. Sooooood GOOD! This is must try! I was so glad to find this cute restaurant and fish market. To get a high-quality fish you need a fish market and this fits the bill. I wanted a takeout fish plate and I got the blackened pompano with potatoes and corn. I made a salad at home and had a beautiful meal. The corn was not overlooked. It also has a big counter so the next time I will order some oysters and try another dish. It’s much bigger than I thought. I am going to become a regular. See more reviews online at Yelp and Trip Advisor. Special orders and reservations accepted. Fresh Catch Fish Market and Grill is open from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Saturday. 941-413-7133, freshcatchfishmarketandgrill.com (Advertorial)
Happy Hour at the LRC Article by Paige Packman / Photos by Norm Olshansky December 12th launched the first LRC Happy Hour of high season, with over 80 members in attendance! This is a member-organized event where we get together monthly and bring beverages and appetizers to share with our neighbors in the lovely Lakeside room. There are many new residents at The Landings, so it’s a great chance to meet your neighbors and broaden your circle of friends.
Please join us for the next LRC happy hour scheduled for: Wednesday January 9th from 5:30 – 8 p.m.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
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2018 Landings holiday party Article by Jill Eisner / photos by Kevin Lechlitner We had a wonderful holiday party on Sunday, December 2, 2018, in our beautiful clubhouse.
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Dim lights, candles, new party décor, and our fabulous DJ Sammy Soriero and his sax player all complemented the festivities. Our caterer, James Riegel, served a delicious dinner of beef and fish with tasty side dishes. Our regular dancing crowd did not get off the floor until the last song was played. Special thanks to my committee members Sandy Frank, Sandy Goldman, and Lenora Jost. Of course, many thanks to Kevin and his staff. Frank & Marian
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Alpine Steakhouse is proud to be the recipient of the Sarasota Magazine Readers’ Choice award for “Best Restaurant for Steak” for the past five consecutive years. If you haven’t yet, it’s time for you to discover the Alpine Steakhouse, Florida’s oldest premier restaurant, steakhouse, meat market (butcher shop) and small specialty grocery all under one roof. The Alpine is something of a cultural landmark, being more than 40 years old, the first place in Sarasota to specialize in prime meats of the New York City steakhouse persuasion, and has continually been operated and crafted to perfection by the same family. Come in and enjoy a great steak in the recently remodeled 70 seat dining room. You can choose your own steak from the meat case. “The thing that makes me the proudest is that virtually nothing we serve comes out of a box or shrink-wrap,” says co-owner Mark Rebhan. Owners Mark and son Matt Rebhan, want to invite everyone to come and enjoy a great meal in this unique restaurant. Here is what they are saying online: “Pittsburgh Style” We had the NY Strip “Pittsburgh Style” which means heavy sear on both sides. Lots of flavor. Mmmmm. We had a twice baked potato to go with it. We are on our way again for the second time this week. Great Atmosphere. Also, an in house butcher shop right inside. Next time I’m going to come here to pick up my steaks and fresh ground sirloin for some tasty burgers.
“What an amazing place! It is not fancy or pretentious!” Just excellent food and great service. We had the NY strips and the filet mignon...all cooked perfectly and melted in your mouth. The twice baked potatoes are amazing as is the homemade clam chowder. We were full but we HAD to try dessert...we had the truffles mint chocolate chip and spumoni with fresh whipped cream. Even the coffee was good... what took us so long? Also want to order from the meat market... wow. One of my new favorite places.
Choose your steak from the meat case
The Rebhans want everyone to know that they offer a complete catering service for business, holiday and events. The restaurant is located at 4520 S. Tamiami Trail, one block north of Proctor Road at traffic light of Field Road and US 41. Hours; Mon-Thu 9am-9pm, Fri & Sat 9am-9:30pm, Sun Closed. (941) 922-3797 www.alpinesteak.com Advertorial
Tennis the Best Diplomacy By Bev Leidel In 1986 Vice President George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush visited the country, Bahrain while Donald Leidel was U.S. Ambassador. The Bushes had arrived from Saudi Arabia as Don wrote in his memoirs: “He arrived at 5:55 p.m. and was taken to the Guest Palace, changed clothes and was on the tennis court at 7 p.m. I had suggested to both the Foreign Minister who I frequently played tennis with and Bush’s advance team to include a tennis match on the Bush visit itinerary. He wasn’t enthusiastic knowing Bush was an excellent
athlete. I kept pressing knowing it was a great idea. Finally everyone went along with my proposal. Bush and National Security Advisor Gregg played two Bahraini Ministers in the first set and won. Then Bush suggested that he partner with the Foreign Minister and they won. Then Bush partnered with the Interior Minister and they won!” These tennis matches were an unusual first step on the itinerary but successful because Vice President Bush said the visit was the best on his Middle East tour!
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Hannah’s House
The support, belief and generosity of our community and the Landings Shopping Center business partners provided 124 children a holiday to remember! It was the combined efforts of those that adopted a child/family, those that donated money and our shoppers that provided presents that filled cars, carts with holiday celebrations. The Foundation supported four organizations that help children that are suffering or are in crisis; each organization distributed the gifts to the children at a celebration organized and hosted by their organization. We provided the space for the regional party for The Children’s Cancer Center (CCC) at our Racquet Club. Families gather to enjoy each other’s company outside hospitals, treatments, setbacks and success’. This year 45 children, many of whom were in active treatment, their siblings and parents picked up their gifts on Sunday, December 16. The Children’s Cancer Center sponsored the event with much food, music, face painting, games and of course -- Santa Claus. The delight and joy of giving was apparent all day long. Hannah’s House, a home for abused women and their children celebrated the generous gifts in the safety of their festively decorated shelter. This year 18 children needed support and were adopted by community members. Gifts were provided to 23 children fighting cancer from Barbara’s Friends Pediatric/Hematology unit of Lee Medical in Ft. Myers. This organization often supports those children who are unable to travel to CCC. The effects of losing a parent, sibling or significant family member impacts children in ways most of us can’t understand. Club Blue Butterfly provides professional grief counseling and peer support for children, and our community “adopted” 38 of them this year. None of this would have been possible without your support and the many volunteers helping with several events promoting our program this year. Special thanks to: • Carmen and Larry Lawrence and their committee who planned and wonderfully executed the event for residents. We had two outstanding events at which all attendees enjoyed themselves and were educated about our program providing adoption for many. • Karl Maggard who spearheaded the new initiative to involve our Business Partners. They enthusiastically provided food trays for our various events, their staff members purchased gifts for adopted kids and made significant dollar donations which helped fund the gifts purchased by our special shoppers. • Special volunteers provided the needed shopping for kids not adopted but were funded by resident and business contributions. They included Lisa & Scott Bradley, Gena Davis, Robyn Feldmar, Andrea Feldmar, Karl Maggard, Lesley & Claire Robertson, and Lynn Gray. • Bob Kueppers who tirelessly pushed, prodded and made our 5013C status happen for this year and is serving as Chief Financial Officer of the Foundation. This is truly an example of build it and they will come - with support and the generosity of our community and the continuing need in our larger community. If you missed the opportunity this year to be involved in this vital program and would like to participate, please let me know and we will contact you at the start of the program next year. The Board of Directors of The Landings Holiday Charitable Foundations is very grateful for the generous support given by so many and we speak for the families and children when we say: THANK YOU Henry Rhodes, Chair Photos by Bob Manteiga, Heidi Bodor, and Gena Davis
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Candidates for the LMA Board Deirdre D’Silva
Serving on the LMA Board and collaborating and learning from fellow residents has been an extremely rewarding experience, and has afforded me the opportunity to get to know more of The Landings community. I am interested in serving on the LMA Board again because while much has been accomplished, there is still more to do for our neighborhood. My husband Ken and I and our three sons have been fulltime residents in The Landings for four years. We realize how fortunate we are to live in such a beautiful and tranquil
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community. If re-elected, I would continue to work on opportunities for the community to interact, while at the same time continue to protect the natural environment and all that makes The Landings such a special place to live. Some initiatives undertaken in the two years on the LMA Board have been to re-establish the Environmental Committee and work in collaboration with the Lakes and Drainage Committee and Sarasota County on projects that improve our water quality. New events such as the Coastal Clean-up and Sarasota Audubon
Joan Koplin Residents of Eagles Point Circle in The Landings are familiar with Joan Koplin as that nice lady in the straw hat and sunglasses walking her dog, Sandy. Always friendly, knowledgeable, and helpful, she has lived on “the Circle” with her husband Aaron since 2007. But her roots in Sarasota go all the way back to 1971 when she and Aaron arrived to reside on Siesta Key. Their children, Sarah and Seth, grew up here and live close by with their families. In 1976, Joan opened a very successful interior design studio. She worked with architects and individual clients all around Sarasota
nature walks foster a sense of community and appreciation for our home. In the last year I have served as President. A central aspect of this role has been taking a look at our expenses and in conjunction with other members of the Finance Committee making sure that the assessment funds are spent responsibly, and planning for future expenditures knowing that our community has an aging infrastructure. If re-elected I would be honored to serve the community and will continue to be open to feedback and suggestions from residents. and developed a reputation for innovative creativity and invariable reliability. Upon moving to Richmond, Virginia, in 1984, she joined the interiors department of an architectural firm. In that position, Joan designed over one million square feet of commercial and health care space. The Koplins returned to Sarasota, in 1991, when Aaron became founding rabbi of Temple Sinai. Joan re-established her design studio, but she and Aaron were on the move again within a few years to Hilton Head, South Carolina and then to Portland, Oregon. They came back to Sarasota once and for all in Continued on the next page 2004.
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Continued from previous page
“Aaron and I decided that was it,” Joan says, “no more moves!” In the time she was away from Sarasota, the world had changed – and Joan decided to change with it. Having worked with many realtors, Joan had become intrigued with real estate as a possible new professional direction. In 2005, she obtained her real estate license and joined the St. Armand’s Key office of Coldwell Banker. In 2010, she affiliated with Premier Sotheby’s International Realty, in downtown Sarasota, and has never been happier with her professional life. Over the years, Joan has served on the boards of arts, cultural, social service, and religious organizations. Among her favorites were the Sarasota Arts Council Board (now the Cultural and Arts Alliance of Sarasota County), where
she served as Arts Day chair for two years; and the Tourist Development Grants Program, which she also chaired for two years. Now she hopes to make a similar contribution to The Landings community. “I’ve always admired The Landings as a community,” Joan says. “It’s beautifully designed, a true neighborhood with a perfect location. And I’d like to do my part to ensure it continues to be such a wonderful place to live. I feel honored to be considered for the Landings Management Association Board. If elected, I’ll use my skills and experience as a business woman, realtor, and volunteer – and my perspective as a longtime Landings condominium resident – to add strength and effectiveness to the board. That’s a promise.”
Key Chorale’s Festival Chorus honors first responders with Stephen Paulus’ Grammy-winning composition Prayers and Remembrances, commissioned for the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy. More than 150 Festival singers and members of the Sarasota Orchestra will present uplifting and empowering music highlighting the heroism of our First Responders.
Doug Day
I was born and raised near Scranton, Pennsylvania. After attending Quaker boarding school, I graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University then lived in Colorado, Georgia, and my mother’s home state of Florida. The family’s CocaCola bottling franchise at which I had worked every summer vacation sold in 1985. After a stint teaching in Atlanta, I rejoined the family in Sarasota where my brother recruited me to help manage Juice Orange Groves in Myakka City. Soon after, I met and married Roni who gave me a darling daughter, Katty, now 8. I would like to be re-elected because I am passionate about where we live and I have the time and energy to make The Landings the best place to live in Sarasota.
Continued on page 27
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CGC 1505896 / CBC 1250402 941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Additional Landings retailers support “Holiday Cheer” program Article by Karl Maggard/ photos by Karl Maggard and Bob Manteiga The Landings Holiday Charitable Foundation program, with a mission to provide gifts for children affected by cancer or abuse during the holiday seasons regardless of race, religion or educational background, continues to receive great support
from your Landings retailers. Station 400 has joined Publix, Wells Fargo, and Fifth Third Bank as major sponsors by adopting eight children from three different families. The station 400 located in the Landings Shopping Center is managed by Kirk Tyree (shown below). He and his staff, supported by Ali, Kayla and Woody, all pitched in and enthusiastically adopted
Left: Kelly, Prestin and Deen Fox. Deen is owner of the Station 400 restaurants in Sarasota. Station 400 was a major sponsor of “Holiday Cheer Program” and stopped by our pick up party on December 16
the children, and purchased and wrapped presents. Wells Fargo has adopted 10 children from the foundation’s program. Corporate policy does not permit photography of bank employees, so photos of the bank have been included. We want all Landings residents to know how generous manager Sam(antha) Bligh and her employees have been in support of the program.
Station 400 personnel. From left to right: Manager Kirk Tyree, Woody, Ali, & Kayla.
Landings residents, Volunteer as tutors
By Diana Colson
Many Landings residents have chosen to put volunteer energies into tutoring children, among them Sheryl Lindholm, Michael Kurtz, and Eileen Kirk. The time required is small, but the potential impact is enormous! It is important work, because one-on-one tutors are in a position to make a real difference in young lives. Back to Basics Tutoring Program is run by Church of the Palms to provide supplemental academic assistance to students in nearby schools. This program was started in January of 1992 and began with only 12 students from two schools. Today it serves more than 230 students throughout the school year, kids drawn from over 30 Sarasota schools. Students are referred to this program by classroom teachers, school principals, school counselors, students, friends, and various agencies. Back to Basics tutors work with the same child for a minimum of one hour a week. They help with homework, book reports, test reviews, and life lessons. Tutoring is done at the Church after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays, between the hours of 2:30 and 6:30 p.m., depending on student schedules. The Church is located at 3224 Bee Ridge Road, and there are lots of resources available for tutors to draw from. Cupboards are full of books and materials! Sheryl Lindholm, a former Sheryl Lindholm is one of the tutors for the Back to Basics Tutoring Program at Church of the Palms school teacher, was impressed when she discovered the program. She now works with children in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades, while her late husband, Rich Lindholm, tutored high school relationship with their students. Sheryl’s young client was astonished to find that she was not salaried. “You mean you do these things without getting paid?” students in physics and math. Landings resident Mike Kurtz has been tutoring here for 12 or 13 years Eileen Kirk has been tutoring at COP for five years. She works with students and is enthusiastic about the experience. “All the directors have been very of any grade level who speak English as a second language. Eileen once taught accommodating. If you go away for a holiday, that’s fine. They will find a substitute French and Spanish in Philadelphia but is not required to speak the same primary for you. Every year there is a one-hour orientation where you learn how to sign in language as her student. Instead, she has been trained in the techniques of teaching and how to write comments for follow up. Everyone is made to feel comfortable English as a second language, and it is a wonderful approach with proven success! with the protocols. You are free to select the grade level you prefer to tutor as well Back to Basics program can always use more tutors! Although there are currently as the subject or subjects. The director makes every effort to have tutoring be as 100, many students are on the wait list, hoping to enter the program as more tutors become available. Director Linda Evans welcomes applicants. You may call welcoming and hassle-free as possible.” Mike is currently in his 4th year of working with the same student. “His parents 941- 924-1323 and ask for Linda to find out more about the program. Remember, and I hit it off, and we are all very happy to continue! It makes a productive becoming a tutor only requires one hour of your time on Tuesday or Thursday experience for us all. I work with him on English, Vocabulary, Composition, afternoons! History, and Civics. These are the courses in which the student feels the most In the words of one parent: “My son bonded immediately with his tutor and the need, and happily the ones with which I am most comfortable.” Mike majored in help she gave him…. I cannot say enough…what a wonderful program this is!” There is a potluck for families and teachers at the end of the year, a joyous event Political Science in college. Math is the subject most in demand, especially higher math. Mike is comfortable that brings families and mentors together. teaching Math up to 6th grade, but turns higher levels, such as Calculus, over to others. According to Sheryl Lindholm, it is easy to become a tutor at COP. People may By Dee Ricapito register as volunteers by going to www.churchofthepalms.org, click on the Youth and Families tab, then click on the link for Tutoring. (As in all schools, there will As the season turns to fall and winter, 2. It’s an easy doubles game. If be a background check, of course.) Again, being a tutor requires as little as one and the planes and cars bring back our you’ve had knee or shoulder injuries, hour a week of your time, and you stay with the same child all year. Pickleball friends to The Landings, you can still play Pickleball pretty Children receive a snack when they first come in and settle down. A small tuition Ben Mayne and many others help us competitively. Dinking shots are covers these snacks, but no child is refused because of their financial situation. The rediscover and generate interest in this winners as well as driving shots. generous support of Church of the Palms (COP) provides for facilities, personnel fast paced sport; utilizing our tennis expenses, computers, supplies for tutoring such as paper, pencils and workbooks courts, and adding another dimension 3. Here at the club, it’s even easier for ideas for tutors, mailings (stamps), food, drinks and paper products for two on your body since play is on a soft to our Racquet Club. pot-luck dinners, folders and labels for students, as well as miscellaneous supplies. court and the ball is slower. I like the Anne Montgomery and the late Ann Fenton both also served as Back to Basics PERKS: chit-chatting while waiting your turn... tutors from The Landings. Volunteers number more than 100, and many are not 1. Pickleball knows no age limit. It’s a that’s enjoyable, too. members of COP. Both snowbirds and year-round residents are welcome, and social game for any age giving us older substitute tutors are always needed! A folder is kept for every child documenting adults a chance to play with younger SO PLAY - here’s to your HEALTH. the activities they have accomplished, making it easy for substitutes to pick up members of the family. PS: PICKLBALL -- MAKING unused the ball. TENNIS COURTS GREAT AGAIN! Since each tutor works with the same student all year, volunteers develop a
Three Pickleball Perks
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
LMA Meeting Notes
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The Landing’s drainage contractor is addressing the flooding on the west side of Pine Harrier Circle. A six-inch pipe is being installed under several driveways that will connect to the central storm drain. The committee has received quotes to correct the flooding on the west side of Peregrine Point Lane. The solution is to recontour the swales and install six inch pipes under the driveways. This was done a few years ago in another location where the cost was shared between the Landings Management Association, the Landings Homeowners Association and the residents of the street. Residents will be contacted soon to discuss the project and cost. Quotes have been received to reconfigure a drain off Landings Boulevard in the Tree Houses to flow into the central system as well as quotes to replace a broken head wall next to Carriagehouse 2 on Kestral Park North. LAKES Lakes chair, Michael Knupp reported algae issues have begun in some of the lakes. Electrical service to the fountain lights of lake 4 (Heron Lake) has been restored. A fountain float will be replaced once new parts arrive. EXTERNAL RELATIONS Larry Lawrence provided the following summary of the Planning Commission hearing. Approximately 150 residents attended the
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Continued from page 3
Sarasota County Planning Commission Public Hearing on the Benderson Siesta Promenade application. The county planning staff began the session with a presentation on the various issues scheduled for consideration: re-zone, the Critical Area Plan (CAP) and a special exception to allow transient accommodations. Benderson then summarized the project which essentially was the same as that presented at the neighborhood workshop in August. Interested parties were then given five minutes to speak with the neighborhood association representatives presenting first. In all approximately fifty five individuals took the stand. The seven commissioners, although not asking many questions, appeared to be quite attentive. The vast majority of the speakers made presentations on issues of density, congestion, traffic, public safety and healthy environments, building heights, and the area affected by the application. These presentations took about three hours. At the conclusion the Commissioners began their deliberations. They mainly focused on what the requirements are of the CAP methodology, whether the CAP was appropriate for this application, what the boundary should be and the height of the buildings. There was brief discussion about traffic, the hazardous intersection and the high number of rear end crashes. Continued on page 31
The Eagle Has Landed Bev and Big Tex
Bev Leidel spent her Thanksgiving on son Peter’s exotic animal ranch. “Big Tex” couldn’t resist reading The Landings Eagle. He also likes hand fed apples. His soft lips are like velvet. Among the other animals that live with Big
Tex are Addax, Oryx, Impala, Red Deer, Axis Deer, Fallow Deer, Blackbuck Antelope, Nubian Ibex,Elk and Zebra. Watercross Ranch is in Dime Box,Texas. Years ago one had to put a dime in the mailbox to have mail delivered. Submitted by Bev Leidel.
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Happiness is…Celebrating a New Year New Year, New You. Ever heard that saying before? Well, after more than seven marvelous and fun years of serving the Siesta Key/Sarasota area, the folks at Abel’s Ice Cream are taking that theme to heart. “We are known for our clean and friendly environment so we wanted to keep things fresh with a fun store makeover. We’ve also added some great new local offerings to our menu,” said Jerry Williams, Abel’s owner. “For quite some time, we’ve enjoyed Lelu’s amazing coffee out on Siesta Key. So for us, it was an easy decision to begin serving their coffee ourselves,” he added. “It’s been a huge hit.” But Lelu’s isn’t the only fun menu addition. Jerry was also excited to share another local sweet treat. “Every time we go to St. Armand’s Circle for dinner, we have to stop at Tropical Shores Popcorn! They have incredible gourmet popcorn and we’re proud and excited to be able to share that deliciousness in our store.” Abel’s is featuring some of their most popular flavors, including Tuxedo (classic caramel popcorn drizzled with dark chocolate and white chocolate) and Cheesy Cheddar (cheddar cheese melted over freshly popped popcorn). “We have grab and go bags which work great as a beach day or movie night treat.” Of course, you don’t need a new reason to visit Abel’s. They still have the same local Florida ice cream, voted #1 on Trip Advisor for 5 straight years, In fact, Abel’s is now in the Trip Advisor Hall of Fame. And if
8800 South Tamiami Trail, Suite C, Sarasota, FL 34238 941-966-5603
you’re not quite ready to say goodbye to the holiday season, for a limited time you can still taste it at Abel’s with their delicious Peppermint (Refreshing and vibrant Peppermint ice cream filled with peppermint candy) and for our friends from the Northeast, Cinnamon (Great on its own or the perfect topping for any dessert!) Stop by and celebrate the New Year with your friends at Abel’s. Abel’s Ice Cream is located at 1886 Stickney Point Road, Sarasota, in the South Bridge Plaza. Open Sunday through Thursday from Noon – 9:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday from Noon – 10 p.m. Learn more online at www.abelsicecream.com or connect with them on Facebook and Instagram.
Dear friends, neighbors and patients, After 48 years as a practicing General Dentist it’s . time to hang up the mirror and explorer. Thankfully, I’ve been able to leave my practice in good hands with Dr. Sean Bates of Palmer Ranch Dental LLC, same address and phone number. Thanks again and I look forward to the future with my wife, Betty, and our friends and relatives living in paradise.
Awarded their Certificate of Excellence for FIVE years straight!
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
U.S. 41/Stickney Point Road Hines was referring to county staff’s yearlong negotiations with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to transfer county authority over River Road to the state in exchange for the county’s assuming control of roads on Siesta Key. Under state administration, River Road will have a higher priority for widening and other improvements that the county has sought for decades as a state road, FDOT staff has explained. As for the Diverging Diamond: Hines mentioned that major FDOT traffic project during the Siesta Promenade hearing, noting that Benderson Development had worked with the county to push for the construction to decrease congestion at Interstate 75’s interchange with University Parkway. Hines continued in the Dec. 13 email, “It is undisputed that there is truly a public safety issue with getting on and off Siesta Key and the backing up and blocking of the US 41 intersection.” He added that, the previous day, he and Commissioner Alan Maio “mentioned a few options … regarding the bridge and the intersection. To my knowledge a fly-over or underpass haven’t been used in Sarasota County at this type of intersection for vehicles,” he added. “However they have been in other areas to address intersections such as this one.” Hines continued, “We obviously need the help of FDOT, the Sarasota/Manatee Metropolitan
Continued from cover story
Planning Organization, the private sector in and around this intersection and the residents of and those who frequent Siesta Key beach and island businesses to help design a more aesthetically pleasing, safe and walkable/bikeable intersection. If downtown Baltimore and Times Square can redesign their major downtown intersections,” he added, “I believe we can do the same.” Hines concluded his Dec. 13 email, “The changes in our building codes that are encouraging mixeduse and urban redevelopment may cause the owners of property at the other quadrants at this intersection of U.S. 41 and Stickney Point Road to rethink their plans. As we are trying to encourage walkability in our urban areas retrofitting this intersection to allow for that may be a plan that our entire community can support.”
The possibilities
During the Siesta Promenade public hearing, Hines asked a number of questions of Wiggins of Transportation Planning. “Talk to me a little bit about the idea,” he said, that allowing increased density in a Critical Area Plan (CAP) project, such as Siesta Promenade, implies that the community will promote walkability. “If I’m staying in this hotel Benderson Development plans in Siesta Promenade and want to go across the street” to a restaurant, he added, “that intersection is just horrible; it is not
walkable.” Hines asked Wiggins to explain to him how people would be expected to walk from Siesta Promenade to the commercial centers on the other three quadrants of the intersection. Wiggins replied that the Benderson Development project team had to show the project would offer multimodal connections — walking and biking — to those areas around it. Still, Wiggins acknowledged, “It is very difficult to cross, given the amount of time allowed pedestrians at the traffic signals.” When one factors in the reality that some people walk more slowly than others, she continued, “That is something that is still going to be difficult.” Pedestrian overpasses, she said, are probably the solution. “That’s what would have to occur … to get people from one side to the other.” Hines asked her whether staff discussed with the Benderson project team the need for people to be able to move back and forth between Siesta Promenade and Sarasota Pavilion and Gulf Gate. Crosswalks are in place at the intersection, Wiggins replied. However, as an extra safety measure, she said, “grade separation facilities” would be preferable. Later, she explained that she was referring to constructing one part of the road over the other.
Authentic Italian Food Made Fresh Daily Rico’s Pizzeria & Pasta House is famous for hand-tossed New Jersey-style pizza & authentic Southern Italian food. The Dentici family, originally from Sicily, is proud to serve their family recipes of great Southern Italian food, making Rico’s your #1 place for casual family dining.
1902 Bay Rd, Sarasota, FL 34239 • (941) 366-8988 • Complete menu online at www.ricospizzapie.com 26
Kid’s Corner
a “kid at heart” interview
By Heidi Bodor
Jaime “Jimmy” Colon, security guard for The Landings • Do you have brothers and sisters? • Favorite movies? I have a brother in Ft. Lauderdale and a sister in I have so many including The Queen, The Post, New York. and Churchill. My favorite genre is biographies. • Favorite food? • Do you have children? We had three children but my son passed away in Hawaiian-fusion where they integrate spices with fruit juices for food. 2010. I have two daughters and two grandkids. • How long have you been in The Landings? I have worked here since 2007.
• One word to describe you would be? Moralistic
• Favorite ice cream? French vanilla
• What do you do in your spare time? I haven’t had much spare time in the last eight years but I do gun smithing. (Legally modifying, cleaning, and servicing guns).
• Favorite book? The Sniper
• What are your plans for the holidays? I’m going to spend time with my mom and • Favorite TV shows? Squad 51 and Adam-12. They aren’t on anymore. stepfather and brother in Sarasota. They are from the ‘70s. • What is your biggest dream?
To get back in the cockpit and fly. It’s a whole different world up there.
• Favorite video games? World of Tanks, World of Warships, and World of Warplanes. • What are you most proud of? The things I have done to be a survivor and didn’t • Favorite sports? give up. I have been in two wars. I have been stabbed Combat shooting and Jai alai. I played Jai alai in three times, shot four times, and hit by a train! college for 1 ½ years. I liked playing because it was thrilling. You were like the good guy facing evil. The • Where is your favorite place to be? ball was evil! It took skill to catch the ball too. The gazebo at nature trail. It is so peaceful there. • Favorite sport team? Cosmos (soccer) Pelé was my favorite player. • Favorite color? I have three favorite colors – blue, black, and red. • Favorite song? Immortal by Evanescence.
• What superpower would you like to have? I’d like to be Ironman. I’d go from being a normal guy to putting on a suit and going to work as a superballistic man! • What is the worst thing ever invented? Cell phones. Although I like the technology, especially if it serves a purpose to save a life or for law enforcement, they can also become abusive.
Candidates for the LMA Board Paul Weiner
I retired from the practice of Interventional Radiology in the suburbs of Washington DC on August 30, 2013 and moved with my wife Jo from McLean, VA to The Landings. I have served as Vice President at LRC for three years as well as Chair of Landscaping for two years. For the last year I have also served as Landscaping Chair of LMA. Moving to The Landings was the best retirement decision we have made. I would like to continue to work to keep it the very special place it is.
Jaime “Jimmy” Colon They cause human complacency and create unsafe characteristics and bad habits. Maturity comes into play. We rely too much on them. Jimmy started as a transit cop in NYC. He became a fighter pilot for two years with the Marine Corps. after which he worked for the Dept. of Justice in LA. He lived in Pomona, Santa Marita, Upland, and Sherman Oaks. He received his ATP flying certification right before 911 happened and was going to work for American Airlines but he changed careers and went on to become a Division Commander with the LAPD, where they would get an average of about 12 gunshot calls per night. He married and had three children and has been a wonderful part of the security team here in The Landings since 2007. He will be going back to the Dept. of Justice and his last day is 12-222018. Thank you for your many years of service to keep our community safe. We will miss you.
Continued from page 21
Michael Knupp
I believe in giving back in a positive way to the community where I live. I was born and raised in a small ranching, mining, and timber community in western Colorado. I attended Colorado State University and did graduate business studies at Golden Gate University. I have a broad executive background, holding various executive positions during my career, including CFO, CAO, COO and CEO in various consulting
engineering and environmental management firms in Mas-sachusetts, Texas and California. My wife Christine and I relocated to The Landings in 2014 from the Boston area. We have four children scattered around the country along with six grandchildren. I currently serve on the LMA Board, the Lakes & Drainage Committee, the Finance Committee and the Safety & Security Committee. I am also a board member of the Landings Homeowners Association. I also serve as chairman of the board of trustees for the Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast in Osprey. In the past I was active in local government serving as a Selectman (City Council), City Finance Committee and City Zoning Board of Appeals. I volunteered at several non-profit organizations in the Boston area and the alumni board at Colorado State University.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Medicare Workshop Thursday, January 10th 6:00 PM Join Sara Rhodes, your local Medicare expert and Landings resident for a seminar about Medicare. Many folks don’t understand the different parts of Medicare, when and if you can change plans, how the difference between a group and individual plan impact your long-term cost and what the changes planned for 2020 mean for you.
Sara Rhodes
At the end of the seminar you will understand: • How selecting the best drug plan and pharmacy can save you money • What each part of Medicare covers and most importantly what it does NOT cover
It doesn’t need to be NEW to be
• Advantage Plans vs. Supplemental/Gap Plans • How to plan for the 2020 changes • How working impacts Medicare decisions Bring your general questions and concerns which will be addressed during the Q & A portion of the workshop. This seminar is focused on those folks turning 65 in the next 6-8 months.
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Crown of Thorns (Euphorbia milii) The common names have alluded that the crown of thorns worn by Christ at the time of his crucifixion was made from stems of this plant. The stems of this plant are pliable and can be intertwined into a circle. A native to Madagascar, and thought to have been brought to the Middle East before the time of Christ. It is a woody, spiny, climbing succulent shrub. This plant is suitable for growing indoors. Allow cut surface to callous over before planting. Collect seeds when flowers fade. Allow pods to dry on plants; remove and collect seeds. Drought tolerance has made it a favorite of landscapers and homeowners wanting to conserve water. Salt tolerance has made it a useful shrub for landscapes near bodies of salt water, as many Florida landscapes are. When working with crown of thorns you need to be reminded to wear gloves. Not only are the spines a menace to the ungloved hand, but the plant produces a poisonous milky sap that can irritate the skin. If sap gets on your hands, rinse it off immediately.
There’s no limit to the BARGAINS you’ll
Submitted by CJ Danna, Sarasota Garden Club. www.sarasotagardenclub.org
Annual Landings Residents Art Exhibition at the Landings Racquet Club By Marie-Louise McHugh This year’s edition of our Art Show featured 17 artists. It started with a reception on Friday, November 30th, co-sponsored by the LMA as well as Judy Green and Tara Lamb. It attracted a wonderful crowd of Landings residents and visitors, eager to meet our group of artists. Saturday was also a busy day and our show was very well received by all visitors.
The show featured works by:
Billy Cheney
Deborah Doherty
Ellie Bodor
Isabel Becker, fabric art Rudy Blohm, photography on canvas Ellie Bodor, wire sculptures Gary Bowen, paintings Norris Carroll, photography Billie Cheney, watercolor Kim Cooper, photography Deborah Doherty, watercolor Robert Manteiga, photography Lynn Mayne, tapestry
Hans Weimer
Robert Manteiga & Lillian Schwartz
Isabel Becker
Marie-Louise McHugh, paintings Joan Peters, paintings Lillian Schwartz, watercolor Malcolm Schwartz, photography Hans Weimer, paintings Ruth Weinberg (in memoriam) sculpture Vladislav Yeliseyev, master plein air watercolor artist One interesting addition this year was Ellie Bodor, daughter of Daniel and Heidi Bodor. She certainly made her mark by demonstrating and showing her very interesting and intricate wire sculptures. Ellie is a senior high school student and hopefully she will inspire other young artists of The Landings to participate in a future show. Don’t hesitate to contact the artists if you could not attend but are still interested in their work.
Left to right: Joan Peters, Visitor, & Rudy Blohm
Malcolm Schwartz
Marie-Louise McHugh & Norris Carroll
Visitors with works of Vladislav Yeliseyev
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Progress on the Landings Shopping Center
Photos by Bob Manteiga
Progress continues on the Landings Shopping Center with new storefronts, restaurants, new construction and landscaping.
Future site of Starbucks
Royal Palms have been added to the landscape
Landins’ have been enjoying the same “Innovative Twists” on all your favorite menu items at Station 400
Part of the extensive renovation includes a total roof replacement
Premium donuts are made fresh daily at OfKors Donuts and Experimac carries certified preowned Apple products, and repairs your slow-running computer or damaged cell phone
Serving Sarasota since 1994, Corkscrew Deli continues to be a favorite for locals and visitors
Kruk’s Philly Steaks’ newest location. This is one of six sites located throughout the west coast of Florida
DaRuMa Japanese Steakhouse is now open. Voted “The Best Of The Best” by Sarasota Magazine 17 years running
Please keep a safe distance By Norman Olshansky Alligators are native to Florida and to The Landings. While they may be seen in our lakes and other areas year-round, they are most prevalent during the spring mating season when they move from pond to pond. We share our wonderful community with a large variety of wildlife. Alligators can live in harmony with humans as long as you follow basic common sense rules. 1. Never feed gators or wildlife in The Landings. It is against the law. 2. Be observant and stay away from the edges
LMA Meeting Notes
of ponds and lakes. 3. Keep pets on leashes. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission will only remove Alligators if they are large and pose a threat to people, pets or property. Simply seeing a gator in The Landings is not cause for immediate action unless they are deemed aggressive towards humans or pets. All gators that are removed by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission are killed. Enjoy viewing our wildlife in a safe and responsible manner. Continued from page 24
The Commission then voted 5-2 to support the application. The audience was stunned, distressed and speechless. They were astounded that the Commission spent just a few minutes on the substantive issues related to the effect the project would have on Quality of Life, performance of first responders, and the impositions on the area citizens and communities. They did spend about 10 minutes on traffic and instead of considering the impact this project would have, they simply acquiesced to the notion that there has always been and always will be traffic congestion and delays associated with Siesta Key. The rest of their time was devoted to technical aspects of the application related to methodology. Although a number of speakers addressed the issue of the context of this project as it relates to the intersection and the surrounding area, never was there discussion (positive or negative) of this concept. Sarasota County Commission Hearing The County Commission will hold its hearing on December 12 at 9 a.m. Designated LMA speakers will be Virginia Hitchcock, Jack Jost, Mike
Knupp, Larry Lawrence and Norm Olshansky. All board members are urged to send an email to (commissioners@scgov.net) to share their concerns and to attend the hearing. Others desiring to speak should also arrive early to sign the speaker cards. An email has been sent to all residents urging them to write to the Commission expressing their concerns and to attend the hearing and wear a blue top showing that they are in opposition to the application as submitted. Hopefully the Commission will be persuaded to make significant modifications to the concerns voiced by the area residents.
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GENERAL DISCUSSION A resident expressed concern over the repair and patching of roads with multiple cracks and pot holes. He suggested developing a plan so costs can be forecast. The Board responded by reporting that of 10 engineering firms solicited to design a plan, none responded. They contacted firms in Orlando, Naples, St. Petersburg and Tampa. Engineering firms will be sought again in April of 2019.
Around The Landings Phillippi Farmhouse Market
On Thursday, January 10, 2019 there will be a January ushers in fresher, local produce at the free dedication of the MARITIME HAMMOCK Phillippi Farmhouse Market. Now is the prime interpretive panel, depicting all the flora, birds, growing season in southwest Florida, so please fish and mammals indigenous to Phillippi Estate support local agriculture and benefit from the Park. Founders Garden Club has donated funds for this interpretive panel which will be installed excellent fresh fruits and vegetables. at 10:30 a.m. in the grassy area just beyond the Gazebo and between the playground and kayak launch. Parking available at the Gazebo parking lot. All are welcome. Please bring your outof-town family and friends to simple cremations simple burials the free historical tour of the Edson Keith Mansion held each Wednesday during the Phillippi Farmhouse Market. There is only one tour each Wednesday Online arrangements available at 10:00 a.m. sharp. Bring your dogs on leash Sarasota (941) 312-6371 | Manatee (941) 213-9234 and enjoy strolling the shoreline SoundChoiceCremation.com trails. SEE YOU AT PHILLPPI!
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Remembering Irwin Starr For many years Irwin was a leading contributor to the betterment of The Landings Community and his absence will leave a lasting void. Irwin was truly a “man for all seasons” as his obituary in the December Eagle captured well. He was a very knowledgeable, principled, and committed individual with a competitive spirit as anyone on the other side of a debate knows well. Irwin had strong opinions which he was free to share and at the same time he had a great sense of humor. He was an iconic figure in The Landings and his persona will truly be missed. Larry Lawrence Sue and I moved to The Landings in 2002. After some prodding to “do something” I was elected to LHA and subsequently LMA. I also served as Chair of The Security and Safety Committee for eight years. What this meant was high visibility, no hiding from the probing eyes of Irwin Starr, “Boy Reporter” my endearing Nom de plume for Irwin. Irwin and I could not be further philosophically and politically apart but what a terrific person and professional individual. He did so much for our community in so many ways. Irwin attended ALL LMA and LHA Meetings and wasn’t shy about raising questions in the interest of Landings Residents. Irwin and Bucky became friends to Susan and I and we often would go to Geckos after drinks at our house with many animated debates and much laughter. Certainly my life was better having known and befriended Irwin. RIP my friend. Affectionately, Bill Whitman
Landings Residents’ Handbook & Directory The 2018-2019 edition of the Landings Handbook and Directory was mailed to the billing address of all owners in November. If you did not receive one, we either have an incorrect address or you are a renter in The Landings. Copies of the Handbook & Directory are available from the Main Gate as well as the Landings binders if you need one. The following are corrections to the latest edition of the Directory: • Jose Ingojo, 1705 Starling Dr, 415-706-0950, codespinner@hotmail.com • Taylor, Ruth, 1450 Landings Cir, 617-733-1582, ruthtaylor222@gmail.com • Manuel & Nadine Shultz, 4967 Kestral Park Way N, 941-260-9582, C:941 993 6502, C:941-993-7295, mannyz0528@gmail.com, nfs1937@gmail.com • Joseph C. & Linda L. Hennessy, 1586 Landings Terrace, 973-615-7659, 973-668-6600, josephchennessy@gmail.com, hennessyflorida@gmail.com Additions, changes, or corrections should be directed to me in writing. Directory forms are available from me via e‑mail, at www.landingseagle.com and www.insidethelandings.com, or from your association, and may be dropped off at the Landings Racquet Club or Main Gate to my attention, or sent via mail or e‑mail. Directories and Binders are available at the Main Gate. Dick Bayles, 1729 Landings Way, Sarasota, FL 34231, landings.directory@gmail.com If you are a snowbird and would like to receive The Landings Eagle at your summer home, please call 941-349-0194 or email: islandvp@verizon.net The cost is $2.75 per month, per copy.
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Prestige Services
Useful & Emergency Phone Numbers... Verizon - Phone Service............... 1.800.483.1000 Comcast Cable......................................... 371.6700 Emergency Animal Clinic...................... 929.1818 Poison Info Center........................ 1.800.282.3171 Waste Management................................ 924.1254 Landings Eagle................................. 941.539.0205 Landing’s Gate........................................ 922.5531 Landings Racquet Club.......................... 923.3886 Landings Community Hauling Program........... ................................................... 941-727-6464x110 LRC e-mail.................... LRCtennis@verizon.net Argus Management................................ 927.6464 Sheriff Non-Emergency.......................... 861.5800 FPL - Florida Power & light................... 917.0708 FPL - Outage Report..................... 1.800.468.8243 Fishing & Hunting Licenses........... 941.362.9888 Marriage License Bureau................ 941.362.4066 Sarasota County Hotline........................ 861.5000 Sarasota/Bradenton Intl. Airport.. 941.359.2770 Sarasota County Area Transit (SCAT)................ 941.316.1234 Sarasota County Information Call Center............... .............................................. 941.861.5000/scgov.net Sarasota Doctors Hospital............... 941.342.1100 Sarasota Memorial/Health Care System................ 941.917.7760 Emergency (General)....................................... 911 Life-threatening EMERGENCY: call 911 first, then call the gate. They will direct emergency vehicles www.landingseagle.com www.thelandingsofsarasota.com
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Day Thursday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday Monday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Friday Tuesday Thursday
Date 3 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 21 21 22 23 25 25 29 31
Aqua Zumba Barre Exercise Bridge Floor Yoga Jazzercise Landings Free College
Time 7:00 PM 3:30 PM 2:00 PM 7:00 PM 9:00 AM 5:30PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 4:00 PM 1:30 PM 7:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 3:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 2:00 PM
Event LMA Board Mtg. Learning Group Committee Eagle Editorial Mtg. Trivia Challenge Koffee Klatsch Happy Hour Medicare Workshop LHA LMA Safety LRC Board LRC Annual Meeting Learning Group Memorial Service for Irwin Starr EP I Annual Mtg. Landings South VII Movie Night Bayview HOA South VII Annual Mtg. Koffee Klatsch LMA Presidents Meeting South IV Landings S IV Annual Mtg. Carriage House I Annaul Mtg. VEPCA Annual Mtg.
Regularly Scheduled Items Tuesdays & Thursdays Tuesdays Mondays Fridays Tuesdays & Thursdays Thursdays beginning Jan. 10th
10:00 AM 11:00 AM 6:30 PM 8:15 AM 8:30 AM 2:30 PM
Day Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday Open Mah Jongg Ping Pong Stretching Class Tai Chi Yoga Zumba Gold
Date 5 6 6 7 8 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 15 18 19 19 21 21 26 26
Time 7:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 4:00 PM 2:00 OM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 9:00 AM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 1:30 PM 7:00 PM 2:00 PM 5:00 PM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM
Event Trivia Challenge LRC Newcomer Reception Happy Hour LMA Board Mtg. Movie Night LMA Safety EP II Eagle’s Editorial Mtg. Eagles Point 2 Koffee Klatsch South V Annual Mtg. LHA EP IV Annual Bay View HOA LRC Board Trivia Challenge South IV Landings South VII Koffee Klatsch Carriage House I
Regularly Scheduled Items Thursdays Wednesdays Fridays Thursdays Mondays & Wednesdays Tuesdays & Thursdays
9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 8:15 AM 9:00 AM
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Judy Tara
Your Landings
Resident Real Estate Team
Landings Real Estate Database Address
½ BA
26,888 SQFT
5430 EAGLES POINT CIRCLE #201 • $629,000
5430 EAGLES POINT CIR Unit#104 • $450,000
1484 PEREGRINE POINT DR • $1,589,000
5420 EAGLES PT CIR #402
5430 EAGLES PT CIR #404
5430 EAGLES PT CIR #104
1680 STARLING DR Unit#101 • $275,000 dy & Tara Ju ighborhoo ’s Ne
Judy Tara 350-0451 266-4873
OPEN HOUSE Michael Saunders & Company
1580 LANDINGS TER • $985,000
Watch for the “Judy and Tara’s Neighborhood” Open House Wishing you and your signs on Sundays where “Just Looking” is always welcome. families a Happy and Your Landings Resident Real Estate Team are proud advocates and supporters of Landings Sponsorship of the Healthy New Year!events ~ Judy &including Tara USTA Father/Son Annual Tournament. Real Estate is our Profession, ServiceTennis is our Passion
Judy Greene • 941.350.0451 • JudyGreene@michaelsaunders.com Tara Lamb • 941.266.4873 • TaraLamb@michaelsaunders.com
Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker
5420 EAGLES PT CIR #306
5420 EAGLES PT CIR #201
Based on information from Realtor.com, Sarasota Property Appraiser, and Sarasota Association of Realtors for the period ending Dec. 20, 2018. These properties listed and sold in the past 4 months by various MLS participating offices.
5100 Ocean Boulevard • Sarasota, FL 34242