Decal Verification Project The decal system that controls entrance to The Landings for residents through the North and South Gates and the residents’ lane at the Main Gate has been operational since 2008. Over that time, there have come to be a large number of decals that, while still active in the system, are presumably invalid because they: 1) Are on vehicles that are no longer owned by a resident (i.e., sold or traded in for a new vehicle) or 2) Have been issued to vehicles that are no longer registered to a resident of The Landings. Over the next year, the LMA and its security staff will verify the validity of all vehicle decals issued to Landings addresses, on an association-by-association basis. The process will entail: • Sending a notice via e-mail or letter to each owner with a form to be filled out by the owner with the vehicle description, license tag, color and the decal number (which is located under the bar code). This notice will state that all decals issued to that address will be deactivated on the first of the next month following the notice. Vehicles with deactivated decals will be able to enter The Landings only through the visitor lane at the Main Gate. • Notice recipients will be able to prevent their deactivation by bringing the completed form and the vehicle to the Main Gate any time before the scheduled deactivation. The security staff will verify that the vehicle is registered to a Landings owner and that decal will not be deactivated. • Vehicle decals that are not verified and therefore remain deactivated will be denied access except through the visitor lane at the Main Gate. The
By Dick Bayles
deactivation will be lifted when the owner completes the verification process. Owners who will be gone for the month their decals are scheduled to be deactivated may go to the Main Gate before they leave to complete the verification process. The form will be available on The Landings website: www.landingsofsarasota.com and from the Main Gate. The schedule of deactivations by association is shown below. Due to the number of owners in the LHA, deactivation (on the 1st of the month) will be by street, as shown. • Landings Homeowners - Sept. & Oct. (see below) • Landings South III, IV and Bayview - November • Treehouses & Cloisters - December • Landings South VI and I - January • Landings South II - February • Landings South V and VII - March • Carriagehouse I - April • Carriagehouse II - May • Eagles Point I and Lakeview - June • Eagles Point II, Enclave & Villas - July • Eagles Point III & IV - August Landings Homeowners Scheduled for September • Flicker Field Cir, Kestral Park Pl, Kestral Park Ln, Kestral Park Terrace, Kestral Park Way N, Kestral Park Way S, Landings Blvd, Landings Ct, Landings Ln, Landings Terrace, Landings Way, Pine Harrier Dr. October • Peregrine Point Cir N, E, W; Peregrine Point Ct, Peregrine Point Dr, Peregrine Point Way, Pine Harrier Cir.
Judy & Tara’s 5th Annual Ice Cream Social
See Page 15
Gecko’s Grill & Pub Celebrates 22 Years
See Page 16 (r-l) Gecko’s owners, Mike Gowen and Mike Quillen present the $3,000 donation raised during Gecko’s 22nd anniversary party to Sheriff Tom Knight and Craig Morrison, representing the Florida Ranches, Inc.
Abel’s Ice Cream Honored with Tripadvisor 2014 Award The owners, Bill and Norma Abel had this to say, “It is an honor to be recognized by Tripadvisor as the recipient of their 2014 Certificate of Excellence award. We are grateful for all the kind remarks and favorable rating summary reported to Tripadvisor about the quality of our ice cream and our customer service by both area residents and tourists. As the result of our customers posting their Abel’s Ice Cream experience on Tripadvisor, Norma and I have enjoyed watching our business climb to being listed in the top 5 rated restaurants of the 813 listed in Sarasota. We appreciate the recognition our business has received thanks to our terrific customers,”
With the summer tourist families arriving and the local kids being out of school, they are stocking up on the favorite summer ice cream flavors. Like the past summers, local and visiting families take advantage of the buy 10 ice cream items and get 1 single ice cream FREE punch card reward program. For directions or to learn more about Abel’s Ice Cream either visit www.Abelsicecream.com or www. tripadvisor.com click on restaurant category then type in Sarasota Florida. Abel’s is located at 1886 Stickney Point Road between New Balance and Stonewood Grill 921-5700. Learn more about us at WWW.ABELSICECREAM.COM Advertorial
Hope you are having a great summer. The real estate market remains very active! 2751 DONALD ROSS ROAD LAUREL OAK ESTATES Spectacular design, fabulous floor plan, private & tropically landscaped lot, & rich finishes of this wonderful home which features 4 bedrooms, 4.5 baths, media room, office, exercise room & 5-car garage! $1,250,000
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LMA Meeting Notes LMA President Henry Rhodes opened this month’s meeting by complimenting the “Safety and Security” committee for addressing the speeding concerns at The Landings.
Atlas Insurance representative, David McMahon explaining the work done over the last three months on the LMA Emergency Plan. Photo by Trebor Britt
Representatives of Atlas Insurance, David McMahon and Annie LaRiviere briefly presented a summary of all the LMA Emergency Plan meetings held in the last three months. The purpose of the meetings was to compile an emergency plan so that if a catastrophic event occurred, it could be dealt with as efficiently as possible. The plan specifically addresses all areas of The Landings that fall under the LMA’s responsibility. These include, Safety and Security, road access, and all LMA common areas. As a result of the meetings, the LMA now has a 300 page emergency plan binder. The intent
is to narrow the information from this binder to a one or two page action step plan to guide The Landings through a catastrophic event should one occur. Atlas is the insurance provider for the LMA as well as a few other Landings Associations. Over the years they have compiled customdesigned emergency plans for hundreds of associations.
By Trebor Britt
automobiles that are illegally parked on The Landings property. • Upgrades are still being made to the S Curve. • The Wells Fargo palm tree trimming project is slow, but continuing. • Sign painting continues. • The North gate entrance arm was reattached. • FPL was notified that one of their lights has burned out. FINANCE REPORT • The street sign at Kestral Finance committee chair, Don South and Landings Blvd. is going McMurray reported that the month to be moved to make it more of April reflected a small deficit, but visible. for the year they are $36,603 under budget. McMurray encouraged all ARCHIVES committee chairs to do a review of LMA President Harry Rhodes their annual budgets. read Archives Chairman, Robert Manteiga’s report in his absence. YEARLY ASSESSMENTS All of LMA’s files have now been As of June 2, 2014, there were organized. The work to eliminate six residents who had not paid unnecessary duplicates and their yearly assessment and three amended versions continues. residents with outstanding fees Manteiga will meet with Sara (penalties for not paying the Rhodes and Dick Bayles to verify assessment on time), for a total the accuracy of information online outstanding debt of approximately as well as add to that information $8,905. McMurray wanted to if needed. All Committee members remind all owners that a collection are asked to provide the archives policy is being followed. Not committee electronic copies of paying the annual assessment important documents so they can can result in financial penalties, be archived. the placement of a lien on the property and possible foreclosure DRAINAGE proceedings. Committee chair, Jack Jost A continued area of concern reported Florida Mangroves for the finance committee are the (Derek Sherman) has begun the unknown expenses associated semi-annual cleanup of all major with the proposed lane change swales that take storm water to the project at the north entrance of The bay. Work should be completed Landings. early next week. The Pintail Way Creek needs AESTHETICS to be cleaned out as well. Jost will Aesthetics committee chair, contact Nathan Overholt, who Truman Menefee reported on the has cleaned out the Creek for the progress of several items. last couple of years, about doing it • A parking notice is being again. designed to be used to tag
were a few situations where the photographers dedicated their time to take photos of an event, but an accompanying article never materialized. He’s hopeful this has now been corrected. Once the LMA Emergency Plan is in place and on the website The Landings Eagle will print appropriate portions. Plans are in the works to place names and photos of Security Personnel in a future issue of The Landings Eagle to enable residents to get to know them.
The selected Gazebo replacement contractor, Florida Shoreline, has discussed the idea of adding a fishing porch and handicapped access ramp to the Gazebo with Sarasota County. Any modification to the original plan would have to be re-approved by the County Council and other agencies. A review would delay the project at a minimum and could end the possibility of a likekind replacement. In light of this, the Gazebo Committee instructed the contractor to proceed with LAKES the original plan. Preliminary Lakes’ chair, Larry Lawrence engineered drawings of the proposed facility are now in hand. reported all the dead trees and brush have been removed from the Starling Preserve area and INTERSECTION the mitigation area was treated CONGESTION with herbicide to eradicate the Now entering its fourth year, invasive weeds. A second treatment the intersection congestion issue at is necessary and will be done soon. Kestrel Parkway and US 41 continues Planting the replacement trees and to move along at a snail’s pace. plants is expected to occur mid-June. The LMA lawyer has been After clearing that area, an asked to resume discussions with unsightly stand of dead trees Publix lawyers to determine their and other vegetation remained. current position. Without progress Aquagenix, the contractor for in these negotiations, LMA will the project, found this situation have to resume efforts to obtain a to be undesirable and thought it Declaratory Judgment or abandon reflected poorly on The Landings. plans to modify that intersection. As a result, Aquagenix requested permission to remove this dead EAGLE EDITORIAL vegetation at no charge. LMA COMMITTEE approved the request and the C o m m i t t e e c h a i r , L a r r y work will be done when the area Lawrence reported the editorial is planted. committee will be working more Most of the algae blooms in all closely with The Landing’s website the lakes have been eliminated team to better serve the community. by recent treatments. Future Lawrence reiterated the policy treatments will help keep the algae regarding photos appearing in The blooms under control. Landings Eagle. The policy states A new product designed to that in order for a photo to appear eliminate cloudiness is going to be in the newspaper there must be tested in the water of Lake #2, the an accompanying article depicting Treehouse Lake. that event. Lawrence shared there Continued on page 18
Serving the Landings Community for over 10 Years | www.landingseagle.com | Island Visitor Publications, LLC | 941-349-0194 P.O. Box 35086, Siesta Key, Florida 34242. Publishers: Bob & Emy Stein islandvp@verizon.net To advertise in print or on-line call 941-349-0194. Advertising Representatives: Irene Brooks Please note that contributing writers and photographers are acknowledged with bylines accompanying their submissions. We sincerely thank everyone for their contributions.
The Landings Eagle is published monthly and is partially funded by the Landings Management Association & Landings Racquet Club, but is independently edited and reported by Landings residents. The Landings Eagle is published by Island Visitor Publishing, a Florida LLC. Advertising rates and information will be gladly furnished by calling us at 941-349-0194, We are ready to answer your questions and to assist you in preparing your ad at no extra charge. All advertising and editorial content is subject to editing to conform to our style, and is copyrighted 2013 by Island Visitor Publishing, LLC and may not be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted under federal law. The publisher reserves the right to edit or reject copy for any reason. Island Visitor Publishing, LLC is not responsible for any claims made by the advertisers.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Racquet Club News
|President’s Report
|Manager’s Report
By Dick Bayles
Our annual Memorial Day BBQ was a huge s u c c e s s . R o u g h l y 140 people came out to celebrate the day including 27 military veterans. Bob Fernander and Jerry Welch led the presentation where all of the veterans were recognized. That was followed by a singa-long with all of the military service songs. Thank you to Edvin and Gary for manning the grills and to volunteers Sam McGowan, Margaret Kahn and Truman Menefee for all their help. An event of this size would be impossible without their assistance. The next social event on the calendar is the Wimbledon & Whites tennis round robin. It takes place the morning of July 5th with a social round robin followed by strawberries and cream, scones and mimosas in the Lakeside Clubhouse. We plan to have matches on the big screen live from Wimbledon. The sign-up sheet is on Joe’s desk in the Pro Shop. Now that summer is here, it is time for the annual tennis court resurfacing project to get started. Since they have all been rebuilt in
The refurbishment of the Fitness Center has been completed. While there are some “glitches” that remain to be resolved, I believe the changes have made it a greatly improved facility. We used LED lighting and motionactivated to reduce our ongoing expense. We also installed these switches in the Poolside and Lakeside bathrooms. I need to thank Rudy Blohm once again for his splendid planning and procurement effort; it permitted the work to be completed while he was gone for his annual sojourn to Europe. The “glitches” mentioned earlier were of my making. I hasten to point out that Rudy was solely responsible for bringing the project in at $13,000 under budget. As noted in last month’s article, Meg Loomis had moved out of The Landings and had to resign her seat on our Board of Directors. I am pleased that Carol Furlong has accepted the Board’s invitation and agreed to serve for the remainder of Meg’s term.
By Kevin Lechlitner the last five years, we will only need to do a standard resurfacing. My plan is to begin a routine where four courts a year will get extra material and new lines. The other four will keep their existing lines and receive a smaller amount of Har-Tru. As usual, we will take two courts off-line at a time. The project will begin in July and be finished by the end of September. With two courts down for maintenance for most of the summer, this will put a tighter squeeze on court time. Even though there are fewer people around this time of year, I encourage everyone to call in advance for reservations regardless of what time you plan to play. For some time now, The Landings has had a very good reputation for the quality of our tennis courts. I’d like to ask for your help in keeping them playing well. If your match ends after 4:00 PM, please brush the court when you are finished. This will help keep the court smooth and playing well. For your convenience, there is always a brush hanging on the fence for every set of courts. It only takes a few minutes to hand brush a court. This will make a big difference in keeping our courts nice for a longer period of time. Thank you in advance for playing a role in keeping our courts in pristine condition.
|News From the Court By Joe Venezia
If you would like to set up summer lessons/clinics and have not already done so, contact me at lrctennisdirector@verizon.net or 941993-2628. For Monday, Wednesday and Saturday cardio, please see me or the Pro Shop staff to sign up. Classes fill up fast so call in early. Breakfast at Wimbledon Round Robin is set for Saturday July 5. Again, sign up in the Pro Shop and remember to wear your Wimbledon Whites. If you are leaving Sarasota – safe travels and a good summer. For those of you staying here – I’ll see you on the courts…
President’s Column
By Henry Rhodes
Meeting Notes
Summer in Sarasota has definitely arrived! The positives include: less traffic; easy to obtain restaurant reservations; ability to spend more time with friends who were less accessible during season; easier to obtain tennis courts when you want them; fewer out of town guests; more time for vacations away; catching up on unfinished projects and generally a slower time. All that said—we miss our snowbird friends and can’t wait for them to return!! To be fair and honest the weather has changed and is much hotter with more humidity and limited visibility while driving in the almost daily afternoon thunder storms. Growing up in the south we used to call them “gulley washers.” Plans are progressing on rebuilding the Gazebo which hopefully will be finished by early fall. Board members
By Dick Bayles
will be spending time looking back over the past year and looking forward to 2015. This includes identification of new projects and budget requests to be submitted to the Finance Committee in early September and then they will go to the full board for approval no later than the November board meeting. If you have any suggestions or requests please send them to the appropriate committee chair. The board is not scheduled to meet in July. Enjoy the remainder of the summer and stay safe and healthy—
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Mr. Larson reviewed the tour of Peregrine Point Way taken by several board members and the Association’s drainage engineer. After discussing several proposed alternatives to the flooding situation on that road, the group concluded that the correct solution would be to require homeowners to restore the properties’ swales to the extent required to provide proper drainage. A draft letter to all owners in the Association was presented to the board for their review and further action will be taken at the July board meeting following consultation with Association counsel. The board will contact a tenant on Peregrine Point Cir E to request a cleanup of the rear yard, visible from Peregrine Point Drive. Letters of violation were sent to the owners of properties on Pine Harrier Circle and Landings Terrace. The board reviewed and approved a proposed roof replacement for Landings Terrace and a landscaping plan for Landings Way.
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Around The Landings
|Letter to the editor
Suggested Common Sense Rules of the Road: 1. Observe speed limits in the Landings: 25 mph does not mean 30 or more mph 2. “Yield” means a passing car goes first “Stop” means waiting even when no traffic is coming 3. Vehicle making a right turn has priority over a vehicle making a left turn. 4. WALK FACING traffic – Wear white or take a
flashlight at night 5. BIKE with the traffic – same side 6. Allow exit barrier to fall after preceding car and then advance These rules are what we observe might be helpful in making our streets pleasanter here in The Landings.
Bev and Don Leidel
005722_MHBF_LandingsEagle_Mech Revision: 0 Created: 8/21/13 Printed @ 100% Client: M. Heights
|Phillippi Estate Park
Creative Director: REX GEE
February and May, on the 2ND The Landings Eagle during these Art Director: ALAN REYNOLDS Wednesday of the month. months. Bleed: Copywriter: A guide detailing items thatN/A can be dropped off will appear Trim: in N/A Proofreader: NANCY TUCKER now to next.
REMINDER: Please note that the Landings Community Hauling Program takes place three times per year: November,
Hauling Program Dates
Summertime at Phillippi Estate Park is a relaxed state with shoreline trails for walking, photo opportunities all across the park, birding and plenty of space for picnics. The kayak launch offers the opportunity to be on the water and 3 fishing piers are available for your enjoyment. The park is open to the public from 6 a.m. until midnight. Bring your dog
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on leash and most beautiful DPI:enjoy 300 one of Sarasota’s Project Manager: LAURA WILMESMEIER natural area parks. For more information about Phillippi Estate Park, please call 941-861-5000 or visit Sarasota County web site: www.scgov.net, link to Parks and Recreation, link to Phillippi Estate Park. See you at the Park
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, 8/21/13 LLC 2:07 PM 7
Kids’ Corner
By Heidi Bodor
|Elizabeth Hopkins – age 12 She’ll be entering 7th grade at Pine View and has one little sister, age 9 • How long have you lived in The Landings? near the Jefferson Memorial. I would stalk Matt Smith [the actor that We moved here two years ago from Los • What’s your favorite food? plays Doctor Who]. Angeles. Dark chocolate. • If you were a box of cereal, what would • Do you like The Landings? • If you could be any animal, what would you be and why? Yes, because I like to bike ride. I hate cereal. you be? • What is your favorite subject? A dog, because they are interesting and • You’re a new addition to the Social Studies, because I like learning about cute animals. crayon box, what color would history. • What are you passionate about? you be and why?
Heidi Bodor
• What are your favorite books? Doctor Who, because it’s perfect and Tardis blue because it’s in Princess Diaries, Little Women, The Fault fandom comes with the love for the show. Doctor Who. in Our Stars, The Stone Rose. Also, I love to read, write and draw. • Who are your heroes and • What are your favorite sports? • What do you like doing with your friends? why? Tennis and bike riding. Watching Doctor Who and planning Steven Moffat– because he Doctor Who trivia contests and celebrations. is clever and a good writer. • What do you do in your spare time? I watch Doctor Who. • If you could choose two vegetables for [Steven Moffat is the lead your mom never to make again, which would writer and executive producer • What do you want to be when you grow of Doctor Who.] they be? up? Zucchini and carrots. I’d like to be a CIA agent because I’d like • If you could wave a magic
to work in government and in other countries. • What is your favorite music? I’d also like to help people. Lorde, Lana Del Ray, and Ellie Goulding • Tell me about a favorite trip you’ve taken. We are in Washington, DC now. We went to the Crime and Punishment Museum and The Spy Museum with some friends. My favorite thing was riding in the paddleboats
wand, what ill in the world would you solve and why? I’d make terrorism • What are you afraid of? Oblivion. [A reference to The Fault in Our disappear. Stars] • What is your 5 year goal? • What would you do if you were invisible To get into a good college so I can have a happy life. for a day?
Elizabeth Hopkins
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Cold War Anniversaries: Will There be More? By Dr. Albert L.Weeks
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Cold War anniversaries and warnings of more to come are piling up. The most famous Cold War celebrates its launching 70 years ago (1945-2014). It was between the U.S. and the USSR and cost us $4 trillion (for the other side the cost was almost double that). The other, current Cold War anniversary marks the struggle’s putative its termination in 1989, 25 years ago. An organization called “Cold War Patriots” (CWP) based in Denver, alerts the public to the fall of the Berlin Wall, which event it considers to be the symbolic end of the Cold War. CWP, its brochure says, “was founded in 2008 to honor and provide assistance to over 700,000 patriotic Americans who served our country, sometimes in secrecy, to fortify our nation’s defenses.” I’m not sure if during the Cold War my and others’ work
for the U.S. Department of State doing classified research on the Soviets and writing scripts for Voice of America as well as performing other, hush-hush activities rate as patriotic work for the nation’s defense. But it sure kept me informed as to how threatening this Soviet menace was from the end of World War II to about 1985. It was this experience that led me to write my tenth book, which has just come out, titled Myths of the Cold War: Amending Historiographic Distortions. About that later, I don’t mean here to “advertise” my book.
When we use the term “cold war,” I wonder if we realize really what that struggle really is or how many cold wars there have been in history. Or if any of us dare imagine that any more such “cold-peaces” are on the way--say, another cold war with post-Soviet Russia (as some observers are openly suggesting) or with Communist China, which threatens to expand beyond its borders far into the South China and the East China Seas while having the makings of becoming a powerful, ambitious superpower by mid-century. Continued on page 20
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Local Fishing Report By Captain Jim Klopfer - Adventure Charters 941-371-1390 July fishing can be excellent, but tactics need to be a little different and windows of opportunity are smaller. It is simply too hot to fish in the middle of the day. Early morning will be the most reliable time to fish, evenings are good too, but frequent thunderstorms can make planning a trip difficult. Anglers who don’t mind fishing in the dark will have success at night, and they will beat the summer heat! Action on the deep grass flats from the north end of Siesta Key should be very good for speckled trout, along with bluefish, Spanish mackerel, ladyfish, pompano, and jacks. A high tide in the morning is favored for anglers to drift the flats and cast Cotee jigs, Rapala plugs, spoons, and live shrimp under a popping cork. Netting up a bunch of shiners and chumming the deep flats will usually result in non-stop action. The flats and oyster bars south of CB’s Saltwater Outfitters at
Stickney Pt. down to Blackburn Pt. will hold some nice trout in July, and that area gets very little pressure in the summertime. The key is water temperature; if it is too high the bait and gamefish will not be there. Redfish and snook will also cruise the bars and shorelines in search of prey. Areas that drop off quickly into three or four feet will be the most productive spots. A hand picked shrimp is deadly fished early in the morning on a high tide. Anglers choosing artificial lures will score with topwater and shallow diving plugs, scented soft plastics, and weedless gold spoons. Redfish will begin to school up in July and can be caught in very shallow water The largest trout also prefer shallow water, so don’t be surprised if a “gator” intercepts an offering meant for a redfish. These fish should be released unharmed, they are the female breed stock and are crucial to a healthy trout fishery.
Night fishing will be exciting and productive in July. Lighted docks and bridges attract glass minnows and shrimp, which in turn attracts the gamefish. Snook are abundant, but trout, reds, jacks, ladyfish, and snapper will also be caught at night. Live shrimp works very well free lined in the current with little or no weight. A 24” piece of 25 lb flourocarbon leader and a 1/0 live bait hook is the basic rig. Lures will also catch fish, but can be difficult to cast at night. Fly fisherman will score with a small white snook fly such as the Grassett’s Snook Minnow tied on a #4 hook. Tarpon will still be plentiful in the Gulf of Mexico, although the anglers will not be. The large schools will have broken up, and although the fish don’t show as well, they eat better. Pinfish and crabs drifted out 6 feet under a cork at first light will catch tarpon in July. Point of Rocks on Siesta Key is a proven spot to fish.
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
4th of July Kick Off Party & Cookout On July 3rd, beginning at 5 p.m., the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce will host a Kick Off party at the South Bridge Plaza, home of Abel’s Ice Cream, Stonewood Grill and New Balance, located just west of US 41 on Stickney Point Road. Stonewood sliders, Stonewood bruschetta, Abel’s ice cream, hot
dogs, soda and bottled water will be available. Gluten-free cookie samples will be offered free while supplies last. One of the local Dj’s, Christian Zinser will be on hand for some fun entertainment. Raffle tickets to start the fireworks will be sold. The tickets are $5 each including
two food item tickets or 5 tickets for $20, including 10 food item tickets. The winner of the raffle will be announced during the party at around 7 p.m. The prize will include a VIP package and an official Zambelli hard hat which can be used when the winner starts the fireworks show. They will
receive a behind the scene tour at the launch site in addition to news coverage and recognition in the local paper. All proceeds from the party will be used to help fund the fireworks show on Siesta Key beach.
Raffle tickets can be purchased before this event at the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce office located at 5114 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key Village in the Davidson’s Plaza. The winner need not be present to win.
Enjoy the 4th of July Siesta Key Fireworks as a VIP For the 4th consecutive year the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce is offering the general public VIP Packages to enjoy the 24th Annual 4th of July Fireworks Display. The party begins at 5 p.m. and includes exclusive reserved onsite parking at Siesta Public Beach, on-site catered picnic dinner for two, beer, wine and soft drinks, in addition to live musical entertainment by Ted Stevens and the Doo-Shots. Once the sun goes down, the VIP package patrons just step out onto the beach to a perfect
location to watch and enjoy the spectacular display. The VIP packages cost $150 per couple, $15 for children up to 15 years and free for kids under 10 years. They can be purchased by calling the Chamber office at 941-349-3800 or email: info@siestakeychamber. com Hosting the fireworks on Siesta Key began in the early 1990s as a way to celebrate the troops coming home from the first Gulf War and has been part of Siesta Key’s tradition. Since expenses for the fireworks
go up every year, the funds needed is raised through business and residential donations, as well as a few fund raising events. The VIP party, hosted on the day of the fireworks, covers nearly 90% of the cost. Not a single tax dollar, or any government funding is used to help pay for this event. To help ensure this tradition continues, please contact the Siesta Key Chamber at 941-349-3800 to purchase your VIP package or donate to this great event.
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Pet Talk
By Dr. Anne Chauvet
1. Does my pet need all the vaccinations? Can I skip some? Like children, pets need the protection from the big bad world. It is most important to vaccinate early in life when the development of the immune system is most active. Rabies, by law, cannot be omitted. You may choose to skip some of the other vaccines later in your pet’s life. It is a good idea to discuss this option with your vet however, as some breeds need more protection than others and skipping on vaccinations is not recommended. Location can also determine the necessity of certain vaccines, so ask your vet for the list of shots required in your area. 2. I just moved to Florida from upstate New York. My pets (cats and dogs) love the outdoors – are there any potential risks for
them if I let them run loose in the yard? Florida – the land of the exotic and this exotic land includes venomous snakes, such as rattlers and coral snakes. Certain plants, such as very popular Sago Palms (Miniature Palm Trees), are highly toxic and can cause liver failure and death if ingested. If you live in the countryside, watch for boars and other wild animals. In the city, the worse things your pet will most likely encounter are red ants, bees and wasps. And let’s not forget about the ever-present Florida heat. Animals, particularly dogs, can suffer a Heat Stroke - a life threatening condition, which requires immediate medical care, so don’t let your animals out during the hottest part of the day. Also, always provide shade and plenty of water.
Dr. Chauvet earned her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Canada, completed a small animal medicine/surgery internship at the University of Illinois in Urbana and finished her residency in neurology/neurosurgery at the University of California, Davis. She has been trained in small animal rehabilitation by the Canine Rehabilitation Institute of Wellington, Florida and is known internationally for her specialized work in the relatively rare field of veterinary neurology speaking to, training, and consulting with veterinary practices and organizations globally. If you have a question about your pet, please email your question to criticalvetcare@gmail.com Each month, Dr. Chauvet will choose a few questions to share with readers.
Pet of the Month By Gale Kaplan In June 2006, the Town of Hempstead (one of two municipalities on Long Island, NY) was showering us with adoption pamphlets for the local animal shelter. It was a Friday and both of us were off from work, so I suggested to Jeff we “just go look for fun”. He growled at me, “Yeah, yeah, that’s all we need – another dog!” “Just LOOK,” I said. The rest is history. Goldie, arguably a Chow mix or a Shiba Inu (who knows for sure?), soon to be nine years old, was a furry skeleton tossed out on the street with bite marks from larger dogs on top of her head, a nervous pup – one roomful of chewed up furniture, two bottom steps of our upstairs stairwell reshaped, and one pair of shredded Land’s End sandals later, is now the queen of the household. (Really, it isn’t me.) She is really smart, playful, and friendly, yet opinionated, especially when it comes to cats, squirrels, geckos, small birds, and even insects, all of whom she holds in extremely low esteem. She loves
to take long walks, something she had no opportunity for in New York, where we had a dog run in the backyard and the weather was not often conducive to squeaky rubber ducky. Jeff, who had said, “Oh, no! No more dogs!” (she’s our fourth) dotes on her as a true doggie parent.
If you haven’t seen your pet in our column please submit two paragraphs about them and their photo and we will share them here. Please email to islandvp@verizon.net
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
The Recipe Corner |The “Kitchen Ladies” Recipe
Compiled by Dee Ricapito
This is truly a delicious recipe from a sweet couple.
ICE CREAM PIE 1 large Graham Cracker Pie Crust. (Store bought) 1 large Hershey Bar with Almonds. 1 teaspoon Instant Coffee mixed with 1/4 cup Hot Water Melt above together and pour into pie crust, then freeze. When frozen top with Coffee Ice Cream and then add a layer of Chocolate Ice Cream. Optional toppings: Whip Cream, Fudge, Chocolate Curls
Judy & Tara’s 5th Annual Ice Cream Social The 5th Annual Ice Cream Social took place last month to the delight of many Landins’. Now an annual tradition, this event celebrates the end of another school year and the beginning of summer fun. Judy Greene
and Tara Lamb, residents of The Landings and realtors with Michael Saunders have sponsored this event for several years and were on hand to make sure everyone had plenty ice cream.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Gecko’s Grill & Pub celebrates 22 years On June 6th, Gecko’s Grill & Pub celebrated their 22 year anniversary with a BBQ bash at their mothership location at The Landings Plaza. Celebrity dunk tanks, raffles, BBQ dinners, music and giveaways – all to celebrate their anniversary and to help raise funds and awareness for the Florida Sheriff’s Youth Ranch (FSYR) program. The Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches, Inc. is the parent organization which operates four residential programs: Boys Ranch, Youth Villa, Youth Ranch/ Safety Harbor, and Youth Ranch/BradentonSarasota; two camping programs: Youth Camp and Caruth Camp; and other family services around the state. The Youth Ranches is a charitable, non-profit corporation, chartered in the state of Florida. FSYR’s mission is to prevent delinquency and develop strong, lawful, resilient and
productive citizens who will make positive contributions to our communities, and are able to face the future with a sense of direction, ability, and hope. (To learn more about this service or to donate, go to their website: www. youthranches.org)
After all was said and done, the final tally for donations rang in at $3,000 and on June 17th, owners, Mike Gowan and Mike Quillen were both on hand to present the check to Craig Morrison, Donor Relations Officer for FSYR. Look for Quillen and Gowan’s newest venture, Gecko’s Fruitville, to open in Summer, 2014 at the corner of Fruitville and North Cattlemen Roads.
In the Know
By Vanda Y. Bayliss, Esq
|Your monthly update on laws that affect associations Sarasota attracts many professionals, including lawyers. Did you know that there are approximately 1,000 practicing lawyers in Sarasota County? In Florida, the unlicensed practice of law is a crime. But what exactly is considered “the practice of law”? The Florida Supreme Court says, “if the giving of such advice and performance of such services affect important rights of a person under the law, and if the reasonable protection of the rights and property of those advised and served requires that the persons giving such advice possess legal skill and a knowledge of the law greater than that possessed by the average citizen, then the giving of such advice and the performance of such services by one for another as a course of conduct constitute the practice of law.” As you can see, this definition leaves a lot to interpretation. It has caused some difficulty for community
associations and their managers when trying to determine if they have to call upon an attorney for an answer to a routine question or to undertake certain collection activity. Accordingly, some of the more significant changes to the Florida Statutes specifically address the unlicensed practice of law by community association managers (“CAMS”). The changes allow CAMS to perform services previously provided only by attorneys. The amendments also confirm that CAMS are allowed to include provisions in their management contracts which protect them from liability for their own ordinary negligence. Interestingly, attorneys are not allowed to limit their liability in such a manner. Under the new law (Chapter 468, Florida Statutes), CAMS will be able to determine the number of days required for statutory notice; calculate the number of votes needed for quorums
and approvals; draft meeting notices and agenda; negotiate the performance and monetary terms of contracts (subject to association approval); determine amounts due the association and take steps to collect (before a lawsuit is filed); prepare certificates of estoppel and assessment. Additionally, CAMS will be able to: (1) send the required notice of intent to file a lien if assessments are not paid; (2) send notice that a lien has been filed and will be foreclosed; (3) file a satisfaction of lien. These latter activities require the use of forms that are also being added to Condominium and Homeowners’ Acts. I think some of the changes regarding what CAMS can do for associations are appropriate and will be particularly welcomed by associations with limited budgets. It should not typically require an attorney to determine how many votes are necessary or how many days’ notice is
required for a meeting. (If there is a discrepancy between the statute and the governing documents, then that is another matter and the association should consider calling an attorney for advice.) I do have some concerns regarding the collection of amounts due to an association. The amount that can be legally collected is not always easy to determine, particularly after a foreclosure sale. A wrong call can leave money on the table. Another significant amendment, this time to The Condominium Act, will allow an association to enter, inspect, and repair abandoned condominium units. Continued on page 18
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Fight continues over Beach Road lot
The Eagle Photo Gallery
Retired real estate magnate Ronald Allen and his wife Sania, a licensed real estate agent with Michael Saunders, are continuing the fight to build a home on a beachfront property at 162 Beach Road bought for $5.4 million in 2009. They’ve since sold one of the two parcels. The remaining land on which they asked to build is valued at $1,047,500 (2014 Tax records) Two months ago, the Sarasota County Commissioners again unanimously denied their request for a Coastal Setback Variance allowing them to build on the lot. This is the third petition brought by the couple, with the previous two petitions of January 9, 2013 and April 23, 2014 unanimously denied. Land existing beyond the Gulf Beach Setback Line (1979) with no prior history of building, is protected under County Ordinance from development. This lot on the northwest portion of Siesta Key Beach has well documented history of erosion and flooding.
By Robert Manteiga (AKA Photos by Beto)
On June 16, the Allen’s filed a request with the county for relief from the Commissioner’s decision. A Magistrate hearing of their petition is scheduled for August 5 at 10am in Commission Chambers. The public may attend but not participate. A Magistrate Hearing is directed by Statute within the State of Florida Environmental Regulations, Section 51, Land Use and Environmental Dispute Resolution Act. The Magistrate works to mediate a resolution or make a recommendation to the parties. This could include many outcomes such as; no finding for relief, recommendations for a modified variance petition, County financial compensation to the owners, change in taxable designation, or review of the County land use ordinance relevant to this situation. This is not the first time a property owner has tried to get approval to build on the lot at 162 Beach Road.
We are hoping to make The Eagle Photo Gallery a monthly fixture and we need your help. The idea behind this new column is to feature photographs and stories by Landings’ residents that reflect what life is like here at The Landings or in the local Sarasota community. Please send your photo along with a brief story that helps to contextualize it to me at roberto@uri.edu. Each month I will select one or two for publication. You need not be a professional photographer. We are interested in submissions that are creative as well as informative. Consider the following as an example. I hope this will be the
Almost 20 people utilized the program in May. Special thanks were given to volunteer’s Truman, Burt and Frank for their dedication to this project. LMA maintenance contractor, David Jacaruso was thanked for the excellent job he does receiving, transporting and unloading the residents’ material at the county collection site. The next pick up is scheduled for the second Wednesday of November.
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last time I submit a photograph to this column, and that, from now on, we can feature those of other members of The Landings community. This is my most recent photo of our beloved Sammy, who was an integral part of our family for the past fourteen years. Many of you knew Sammy and greeted him on his walks around The Landings. He enjoyed meeting and playing with the other dogs and receiving his daily
LMA President Henry Rhodes read Landscaping chair, Joe
In the Know
treat from Kevin, Alice, and Gary at The Landings Racquet Club, although, lately, he neither had the strength nor stamina to make it all the way there. Sammy is gone now, and we will miss him dearly.
Continued from page 3
Hennessy’s report in his absence. The fallen Slash Pine and stump were removed from the north side of the Eagles Nest Area. This area’s entrance on Landings Boulevard was also landscaped and irrigation was installed. Seven islands were partially renovated. Renovations primarily entailed plant removal and replacement. The committee’s next steps include 1) traditional summer island maintenance. 2) Annual LMA Canopy inspection. 3) Ambient and Holiday lighting evaluation (with the support of
Truman and Aesthetics). 4) Landscape Plan for the Heron Way/Landings Boulevard intersection.
Terry Black, President of the Eagles Point Association read a letter to the board pointing out issues of significant erosion in Lake #6 and the potential destruction of plantings in Lake #9. LMA President Henry Rhodes responded by stating he had already appointed a group of appropriate committee leaders to look into all of the concerns raised in the letter.
Continued from page 17
The association will be allowed to turn on the utilities to protect the unit and surrounding units and may seek appointment of a receiver who could rent out the unit and reimburse the association for its costs. Growth of mold in abandoned units, particularly when the air conditioning has been turned off, has been a significant problem in some complexes. The mold can spread to adjoining units and the common elements. Rodent and insect infestation is another issue. Repairs to abandoned units can run into the tens of thousands of dollars. This law
will be welcomed, it is a shame it was not enacted a few years ago, at the height of the foreclosure meltdown. Finally, I note The Condominium Act has been amended to reflect the reality of our modern electronic age: directors are now officially allowed to use e-mail as a means of communication. They may not cast a vote on an association matter by e-mail, however. The Homeowners Act has been amended to allow email addresses and additional telephone numbers to be printed in the community directory with
the owner’s consent. Don’t forget, if you have any comments or legal questions, you may send them to me at vbayliss@verizon.net, subject line “The Eagle.” I will not be able to provide individual answers, but may answer you in print if your question has wide appeal. This column is not intended to provide legal advice and should not be relied upon for that purpose. Every situation is unique and this general discussion is not necessarily applicable to your situation. Please consult an attorney for advice for your particular situation.
Featured Artist
By Diana Colson
|Dennis Kowal - American Sculptor Dennis Kowal was born and raised in Chicago. As a child, he remembers sitting in the Music Box Theatre watching a movie. When the newsreel came on, exposing the audience to the first atomic bomb tests, the boy was so horrified that he hid beneath the seats. The experience so terrified him that years later, as an artist, he created a series of sculptures called Ominous Ikons, a series on which he continues even today. These pieces evoke a symbol of ambivalence, fear and duplicity— i.e. the extinction of life as we know it. Says Kowal: “Fine art for me is the antithesis of war and as such is an irreducible truth.” After surviving Bulbar Polio at the age of 10, he grew up to attend University of Illinois on the Navy Pier in Chicago, and also the Art Institute of Chicago, receiving his BS in 1960. He received his MFA in 1962 from Southern Illinois University in Carbondale. His life as a sculptor has spanned more than five decades. Kowal’s work is monumental and archetypical as well as classic and symbolic. It has also been called sensual and intuitive, for a life affirming creative energy emerges from within each piece. He has had over fifty one-man exhibitions, exhibited in hundreds of group shows, and delivered an equal number of lectures. He has also published eleven limited edition prints and authored the technical book, Casting Sculpture. Kowal has served as professor at a number of different colleges, among them the U. of Illinois in Champaign; Columbus College of Art & Design; Frostberg State College in Maryland; and Massachusetts College of Art in Boston. His work has been featured at Sarasota Season of Sculpture in 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2008. His work can also be seen at the Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce, Temple Beth Israel, and the Van Wezel Auditorium. It has been featured at Florida Federal in Tampa, FL; Florida Holocaust Museum in St. Petersburg, FL; “WOW2” Art without Walls in Ft Pierce, FL, and Sculpture Key
West. Two of his works have been exhibited at the Ravinia Festival, a summer music event that has served Chicago for over 100 years. Definitely an East Coast guy, Kowal is a sculptor of grand pedigree. He has been named Artist-in-Residence at dozens of prestigious locations: MacDowell Colony in NH; “Yaddo” in Saratoga Springs, NY; University of Georgia in Athens, Ga.; Institute of Contemporary Art, NEA, Boston; De Cordova Museum, Lincoln, MA; Amherst College, Amherst, MA.; Oxbow, MI; Maudslay State Park, Newburyport, NH; Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH; Haystack in Hinckley, Maine; and “Coolfont” in Berkley Springs, WV. Kowal received an NEA Matching Grant at Babson College, Wellesley, MA. He has served as Visiting Artist at Milton Academy, MS. MA Council for the Arts and Humanities, and also at Pinellas County Center for the Arts in St Petersburg, FL. He worked on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. A controversial and outspoken artist, Dennis Kowal has been written up in ‘Who’s Who in America”, and also in “Who’s Who in American Art.” Boston Magazine has named him as one of “82 People to Watch.” Harvard Common Press has written about his work in “Public Art in Greater Boston.” Dateline TV has included him in a program called “Public Art, Voodoo Dolls, & Politics.” He has been written up in Art New England; Arts & Culture Magazine, Sarasota, Fl; Art in America; ART News; International Sculpture News Magazine; HUB publications; the C.G .Jung Society Quarterly (Symbols: Signs of our Times); and the Sarasota Art Review — Art, Money, and Politics. One of Kowal’s most elegant pieces stands in front of the Van Wezel Performing Arts Center. It received the Millennium Award from The Florida Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs. Entitled “Photon –Aerospace
Aluminum”, the City of Sarasota selected prototypes of this work to be given as gifts to its eight Sister Cities: Treviso, Italy; Hamilton, Ontario, Canada; Perpignan, France; Vladimir, Russia; Telmond, Israel; Dunfermine, Scotland; Siming, Xiamen, China; and Merida, Mexico. Kowal and his spirited wife— painter Jill Hoffman Kowal— have been married for 17 years and live in the Laurel Park area. Besides being an artist, Jill is also famed as a documentarian of the Punk Rock Era in Europe and America. In the fall, she will be giving a presentation on the Punk Rock Era at the Selby Gallery at Ringling College of Art and Design. Dennis’s namesake daughter, Denise Kowal, is the creator of the International Chalk Festival. Another daughter, Jolie, and her husband, Brian McInnis, engage in the restoration of historic properties. His eldest daughter, Christie Kowal Smith, is a licensed arborist in Boston. His brothers, Cal and Richard, are both artists. Dennis Kowal’s most recent installation of public art was at the Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston. It was an 8” 2” core ten steel piece called “Constellation”. He is currently working on smaller pieces in carved acrylic, compiling an artistic biography of his work, and completing a video about his sculptures. In the words of Dennis Kowal: “Creativity is rare. The expression of creativity is even more rare. Those who know the difference are in danger. A subtle palatable fear is in the air.” Kowal’s work may be seen on his website: www.denniskowal. com
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Cold War Anniversaries: Will There be More? By Dr. Albert L.Weeks
Continued from page 10
History has seen some 20,000 major cold and hot wars with hundreds of millions of casualties. Given today’s environment of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), escalation of cold wars, insist many qualified observers, must be prevented, or at least “contained.” Examination of cold and hot wars throughout history--i.e., canvassing conflicts between ancient Athens and Persia, Carthage and Rome, and from the Middle Ages to modern times—shows that not all such historic stand-offs needed to have escalated from their cold-war
Cold War and thus better prepare us in case another such struggle develops. Unbelievably, some books are out there these days that falsely allege that “it was America that started the Cold War.” However, the facts prove just the opposite. My book exposes the calico-thin arguments that are used by such authors. Such books may be influencing our college youth in the wrong direction. Myths of the Cold War provides the countervailing fact that demonstrate the falsity of the Blame Amerika Game.
phases into armed conflicts. Given today’s WMD arsenals in several states in our competitive multipolar world, the causes of presentday cold wars that resemble those of past conflicts need to be studied so that effective means be found to contain modern cold wars lest they escalate to catastrophic proportions. Such a study shows that the causes of such conflicts coalesce around several basic causative factors. This brings me to my latest book. In Myths of the Cold War. In it, I try to dispel mistaken notions about the past U.S.-Soviet
The Eagle has Landed The Landings Eagle Flew Off The Cruise Ship in Japan. Be sure to bring a copy of The Landings Eagle with you on your next trip. Let’s see where The Eagle lands next.
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This 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo close to Crescent Beach has the best views on Siesta Key! Very large lanais with full Gulf of Mexico views for all those spectacular sunsets. So close to the beach you feel like you are hanging over the water! Completely and elaborately renovated and turnkey furnished. A gorgeous heated pool only steps from the beach and the warm waters of the Gulf. $985,000
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Wonderful 3 Bed 2 Bath pool home in the desirable Siesta Cove neighborhood. Private lot with lush landscaping walking distance to Siesta beach. This great room floor plan features a 2 car garage for plenty of storage, brick paver driveway, and neutral decor. Beautiful outdoor living area featuring a pool resurfaced with pebbletech in 2009, built in grill, brick paver pool deck. New roof in 2012. $599,900
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Right Across From Public Beach! This 2 Bed 2 Bath, furnished unit in Our House at the Beach is exactly what you have been waiting for. Enjoy the spacious layout, high ceilings, split bedrooms for maximum privacy and a serene lake view from the outdoor patio. For those looking to purchase as an investment, you can’t get a better location for vacationers. Rentals of 2 weeks during “season” & weekly the rest of the year enable maximum returns. $442,000
Big plans are put into motion for Siesta Promenade Construction may begin in Spring 2015 for vacant lot located at the NW corner of Stickney Point Road and U.S. 41 By Debbie Flessner It may not be the first time address citizens’ concerns, plans have been made to but as of the time of this develop the prime property printing, the meeting had not at the corner of U.S. 41 and yet happened. Stickney Point Road, but Although this parcel for the Benderson Development development is not within the Company is betting that this Siesta Key Overlay District time, the plans will stick. (SKOD), it is expected to have Back in 2005, a partnership a great impact for the District, called Siesta 41 Associates, due to the increased density LLP purchased the Pine and intensity of use. The The 23.9-acre parcel is located on the busy Shores Trailer Park and corner of U.S. 41 and Stickney Point Road. streets in the surrounding surrounding parcels on neighborhoods are two lanes But this time, the economy Stickney Point Road and U.S. without sidewalks, and there 41, where it intended to raze the seems to be cooperating a little is currently no plan on record that trailer park and construct a $350 better. Requests for building includes implementing traffic million mixed-use project called permits in Sarasota County signals or traffic management Siesta Point. The village was to have been booming in the past while the property is being contain up to six condominium year, which is definitely a telling developed. Curt Preisser, of Sarasota towers and dozens of shops, and economic sign. the partnership group consisted T h o u g h B e n d e r s o n County Communications, said of Cogan Development LLC, Development is one of America’s that the Pre-Application Meeting Benderson Development and largest privately held real estate Request form that had been filed Promenade Partners, which was companies, and owns and by Benderson Development a collaboration between Cogan manages over 700 properties and which laid out the bones and financiers Neil Malamud in 38 states, its influence on of the project, did not include a the Suncoast is prevalent. Traffic Impact Analysis. Such a and Ron Shenkin. At the time, the hope was that The new Mall at University document would have explained construction would begin by Town Center, a Benderson how the company planned to mid-2006 on the 23.9 acres, but Development project scheduled handle the expected increased as so often happens with the to be completed in less than traffic flow at the new mall site. best-laid plans, this one did not four months, is expected to be “A Traffic Impact Analysis come to fruition. Eventually, in one of the premier shopping is only required with a full application,” he said. “This one 2009, the property was razed destinations in the state. and prepared for building, and The primary concern for was technically a pre-application, now it finally appears as though people who live around the so they didn’t include it.” that land is on the brink of University Drive area and are Pietras and other neighbors required to use exit 213, the will have the opportunity to ask development. Benderson Development and one by the new mall, on a daily questions and offer suggestions Siesta 41 have unveiled their basis, is that traffic going in and at the neighborhood meetings, plans for Siesta Promenade, a out of the mall could make it of which there will certainly new 250,000-square foot open air impossible to navigate the roads be more. And, as Blackketter shopping and a 150-room hotel, around it. told the Siesta Key Association with an estimated construction Some neighbors who live when he initially spoke about the close to the proposed Siesta Siesta Promenade to them back start of next Spring. Back in January of 2011, the Promenade site have the same in 2011, Benderson Development group met with the Siesta Key worries. has no intentions of building Association and laid out their “It’s hard enough to get out anything until it has tenants intentions for that very visible onto Stickney Point Road as signed and ready to move in and valuable piece of land. At it is,” said Rebecca Pietras, once construction has been the meeting, Paul Blackketter, who lives down one of the completed. Benderson’s project manager, side streets between U.S. 41 “There is no way we are going told the Association members and the Stickney Point Bridge. to build an empty building,” he t h a t h i s c o m p a n y w o u l d “Where that mall is going in said. undergo an extensive due- is a very busy intersection. I’m To find out more information diligence process to determine just wondering if they are going about the Siesta Promenade the best type of development for to do anything to alleviate that project, and to learn about problem, because it’s only going future neighborhood meetings that site. As it turned out, the new to get worse when they open up with the developers, visit the proposed project is actually very that mall.” website at www.scgov.net/ similar to the idea originally Benderson Development had P l a n n i n g S e r v i c e s / P a g e s / a public meeting on June 26 to Workshops.aspx. floated in 2005.
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Ad News Sardinia Restaurant offers simple, yet quality traditional Sardinian and Italian cuisine. All the meat, fish & bread are done in the wood-burning oven, and all the pastas are homemade. Make sure to give this new restaurant a try, and to meet Chef/Owner Dino Carta. Their lunch hours are M-F 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. and dinner hours are M-Sat., 5 to 10 p.m. They are located at 5770 S. Tamiami Trail, 941-702-8582 Daddy’s Delicious Food – Owners Rocky and Anna
of Heavenly Ham & Deviled Dogs opened up their newest location at 4513 S. Tamiami Trail, right off Field Road on March 7, 2014. They offer the same great spiral glazed hams and Reuben sandwiches as their other location. Their challenge to you: “Our Spiral Glaze Hams are second to none. We challenge anyone to find a better tasting, better quality ham anywhere.” Hours: M-F 11 a.m to 6 p.m. and Sat. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayta’s Restaurant will be offering breakfast on Friday and
Saturday from 7 to 11 a.m., and Sunday from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. beginning Sunday, June 22. They will be serving American breakfast such as biscuits and gravy, a diversity of waffles, steak, eggs, hashbrowns, etc. as well as a couple Peruvian dishes like Pan con Chicharron and tamales which are very common for a Sunday breakfast along with Cuban coffee and fresh fruit juices. 4854 S. Tamiami Trail, 941444-7245
Landings South Feral Cat Community Since the last article “Maintaining a Feral Cat Community” was published in The Landings Eagle, Landings South 4 , 5 & 7 have made great progress with the county recognized TNR program (trap, neuter and release). This is a program that offers free clinics at designated veterinarians twice a month. The funding for these clinics is made possible by the cat depot of Sarasota. The cats that have been trapped are spayed/ neutered; vaccinated for rabies and distemper; ears cleaned and mite treatment; treatment for external/internal parasites; micro chipped and ear tipped. (A left ear “tip” is a nationally accepted standard that identifies that a feral has been sterilized and rabies vaccinated.) To date we have had 9 cats fixed – 4 females - 3 were pregnant and 5 males.
This program can only be successful with controlled feeding and dedicated trappers and care givers. If there is anyone who would like to take on the task of controlling a feral cat community in their neighborhood/association please call me, and I will give you all the pertinent information and contacts. Information is also available at www. animalrescuecoalition.org. Together we can make a difference to the feral cat communities in The Landings. Patricia decker (941)9240055 George_patricia@verizon.net
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Blooming this month: Spanish Bayonet Spanish Bayonet (Yucca aloifolia) is salt tolerant and grows well in hot, dry areas. There are clones with gold or gold and pink striped foliage. It is native to Florida and attracts butterflies. This specimen makes a dramatic landscape statement, its dark green, stiff, dagger-like leaves projecting from thick, inclining trunks. Spikes of bright white blossoms appear in the center of the plant above the foliage in springtime to late summer depending on the year. With the sharp-needled tips removed with shears, Spanish bayonet makes a wonderful accent at entryways or in a shrub border. Their striking texture adds an accent to any garden. Plants eventually form attractive, multi-stemmed clumps. Photo Source: The Florida Botanical Gardens website
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
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View From The Gate Compiled by: Capt. Jordan M. Joseph, Landings Security & Safety
There were a total of 82 incidents reported for the month of May 2014. They are as follows: • 1 Animal Problem Reported Dog loose, later found by owner. • 1 Found Property Reported Machete found in bushes. Placed in storage. • 28 Information Reports 11 Malfunctioning light poles reported to FPL. 9 Reports of bicycles being left out (unsecured) overnight. 2 Reported solicitation attempts. 1 Vendor turned away after hours (not called in). 1 Disabled vehicle parked in roadway overnight with flashers on. 1 Rental disagreement ending in termination of lease. 1 Report of workmen after hours. LMA advised. • 22 Open Door Reports 21 Garage doors found open. 1 Vehicle door found open.
• 6 Parking Violations 3 Vehicles parked on lawns or grass. 2 Vehicles parked overnight in roadway. 1 Restricted vehicle parked in community overnight. • 1 Property Damage Report Tree fell due to storm. Management Company advised. • 1 Public Service Report Patrol noted interior light on in vehicle. Owner advised. • 21 Reckless Driver Reports All drivers noted at unsafe speeds. Vehicles photographed by ATS Speed Sentry or - Observed by patrol officer via hand held radar unit. • 1 Suspicious Person Reported Subject identified as workman. • 1 Trespass Reported Subject (resident) noted in another resident’s backyard at 3am. Unknown cause, no crime reported.
Landings Residents Handbook & Directory By Dick Bayles
The following are new owners since the publication of the Directory: • Marc Citrin, 1635 Starling Dr, 941-704-4662, 641-955-5874 • Kimberly Hart & Michael Brown, 5089 Kestral Park Way S, 770-713-2628, mikebrown@baymarineboats.com • William H Niemeyer II, 5211 Heron Way • James & Barbara Walker, 1709 Starling Dr, Additions, changes or corrections should be directed to me in writing. Directory forms are available at www.landingseagle.com, from me via e-mail or from your association, and may be dropped off at the Landings Racquet Club, the Main Gate to my attention or sent via mail, e mail or fax. Dick Bayles: 1729 Landings Way, Sarasota, FL 34231, landings.directory@gmail.com Tel: (941) 927-8344 Fax: (941) 296-7404
Main Gate Entries at the Main Gate Total Gate Traffic
2014 12234 12234
2013 12608 12608
2012 12037 12037
2011 10329 10329
North Gate Entries at the North Gate Exits at the North Gate Total Gate Traffic
2014 16547 15283 31830
2013 17454 16122 33576
2012 14656 13430 28086
2011 19656 17824 37480
South Gate Entries at the South Gate Exits at the South Gate Total Gate Traffic
2014 4996 4106 9102
2013 4280 3948 8228
2012 4529 4001 8530
2011 3848 3946 7794
* The Main Gate has no means of recording exit numbers at this time. N/A = System Error. Information not available or missing.
Useful & Emergency Phone Numbers... Verizon - Phone Service..............................................1.800.483.1000 Comcast Cable........................................................................371.6700 Emergency Animal Clinic.....................................................929.1818 Poison Info Center.......................................................1.800.282.3171 Waste Management...............................................................924.1254 Landings Eagle................................................................941.539.0205 Landing’s Gate.......................................................................922.5531 Landings Racquet Club.........................................................923.3886 Landings Community Hauling Program........... 941-727-6464x110 LRC e-mail................................................... LRCtennis@verizon.net Argus Management...............................................................927.6464 Sheriff Non-Emergency.........................................................861.5800 FPL - Florida Power & light..................................................917.0708 FPL - Outage Report....................................................1.800.468.8243 Fishing & Hunting Licenses..........................................941.362.9888 Marriage License Bureau...............................................941.362.4066 Sarasota County Hotline.......................................................861.5000 Sarasota/Bradenton Intl. Airport.................................941.359.2770 Sarasota County Area Transit (SCAT) .......................941.316.1234 Sarasota County Information Call Center.......941.861.5000/scgov.net Sarasota Doctors Hospital..............................................941.342.1100 Sarasota Memorial Hospital/Health Care System ....... 941.917.7760 Emergency (General)......................................................................911 Life-threatening EMERGENCY: call 911 first, then call the gate. They will direct emergency vehicles
www.landingseagle.com www.thelandingsofsarasota.com
LMA Board
Trivia Challenge
Eagle Editorial
LMA Board
Koffee Klatsch
Koffee Klatsch
Eagle Editorial
LRC Board
Trivia Challenge
Carriage House
LRC Board
Carriage House
Koffee Klatsch
Koffee Klatsch
Tree House
Tree House
Regularly Scheduled Items Bridge
Chair Yoga
Mah Jong Class
Tuesdays & Thursdays
Mondays & Fridays
They say bad habits are hard to break, and good habits are GOOD FOR YOU. Are you in the good habit of: Getting up early; maybe even having a good breakfast; or doing some form of exercise every day. ITS GOOD FOR YOU! In the habit of getting in some good reading material every day, or sharing knowledge and experience with others.
By Dee Ricapito
ITS GOOD FOR YOU! In the habit of complimenting others; doing it right instead of doing it over; or having the habit of being on time. ITS GOOD FOR YOU! Making time for those you love; helping others when you can; or just having gratitude at the end of the day. ITS GOOD FOR YOU!
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Jan Melville, Jim Rinchich, Cathy Raskey, Jacci Shovlin, Mike Benson
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Judy Tara
Your Landings
Resident Real Estate Team
1742 PEREGRINE POINT DR • $639,000
1705 STARLING DR • $375,000
5420 EAGLES POINT CIR # 403 • $445,000 dy & Tara Ju ighborhoo ’s Ne
Judy Tara 350-0451 266-4873
oPeN house Michael Saunders & Company
1733 PINE HARRIER CIR • $500,000
Watch for the “Judy & Tara’s NeiGhborhood” Open House signs on Sundays where “Just Looking” is always welcome. Please don’t hesitate to visit, call or stop us on the street. Your Landings resident real estate Team is always ready to discuss the market and how we can be of service to you.
Judy Greene • 941.350.0451 • JudyGreene@michaelsaunders.com Tara Lamb • 941.266.4873 • TaraLamb@michaelsaunders.com
Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker
½ BA
639,000 500,000
3 4
3 2
0 1
1,249,900 799,000 675,000 614,900 525,000 499,000
5 5 3 4 4 4
5 3 2 2 3 3
1 1 0 1 0 0
1,100,000 800,000 721,000 650,000 638,000 620,000 615,000 550,000
4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 2 2 3 3 3 2 2
2 3 1 1 0 1 1 2
445,000 425,000 399,900 398,900 363,000 264,900 260,000
2 2 3 2 2 2 3
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
0 0 1 0 0 0 0
749,999 475,000 349,000 295,000 262,500 255,000 253,000 243,500 209,000
3 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 2
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
547,600 434,000 430,000 396,000 307,000 280,000 269,000 247,500 235,000
3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1
Based on information from Realtor.com, Sarasota Property Appraiser, and Sarasota Association of Realtors for the period ending June 9, 2014. These properties listed and sold in the past 4 months by various MLS participating offices.
5100 Ocean Boulevard • Sarasota, FL 34242