Benderson buys, plans to renovate Landings Shopping Center By Roger Drouin
|Company will spruce up the center built in 1988; is in talks with new tenants to fill the voids
Told through the eyes of one veteran - Dr. Ray Doherty
Meet Brendan D’Silva,7, 2nd grader at Phillippi Shores IB World School
The Landing Shopping Center has a new owner, and before next tourism season arrives, the plaza will have a refreshed look and some new tenants. Through a foreclosure auction Jan. 24, Benderson Development Co. — which owns and manages over 700 properties nationally and is headquartered in Lakewood Ranch — purchased the large center that has been plagued over the recent years by vacancies. The company plans to undertake a renovation estimated to be completed this summer, as well as improving landscaping. As these improvements start, Benderson also will work to fill empty storefronts in the center. The development firm expects to have the center re-tenanted by next winter, Todd Mathes, Director of Development at Benderson, told the Eagle. But the first order of business, Mathes said, included a walking tour of the property by Benderson representatives, as they check on what deferredmaintenance issues need to be addressed
as well as aspects to include in renovation work — since the foreclosure purchase was made without inspection. “We are walking the property, getting to know it,” Mathes said. Nearby residents, meanwhile, have voiced relief that the center, which
has been struggling to fill retail spaces over the past few years and went into foreclosure last year, will get some new life. “We are all thrilled,” said Bill Whitman, president of The Landings Homeowners Association, Inc. Continued on page 19
14 Siesta Promenade - Traffic studies and other
Commissioner Nancy Detert addresses SKA members
analyses should be completed by end of March
By Rachel Brown Hackney www.SarasotaNewsLeader.com With a consultant for Benderson Development getting traffic studies underway for the firm’s proposed Siesta Promenade project, questions remain about whether the Sarasota County Commission is following the appropriate steps in considering the mixed-use development for a Critical Area Plan (CAP). Asked in a Feb. 16 telephone interview about the analyses the county has requested, Todd Mathes, Benderson’s director of development, replied, “They’ve started. There’s a lot of data collection.”
Kimley-Horn and Associates of Sarasota is continuing to serve as the firm’s consultant in undertaking the studies, he confirmed. Mathes also acknowledged that he was too optimistic in late January with his hope that the firm’s application for a CAP designation for Siesta Promenade could reach the county’s Planning Commission before the end of March. After the County Commission’s Jan. 25 approval of staff’s recommendations for the scope of work for Siesta Promenade, Mathes talked of his hope that the application could undergo its first public hearing
during season. However, on Feb. 16, he said March no longer seemed realistic, adding that even “April is aggressive.” Mathes said the timeline largely will depend on county staff, as it must review the materials Benderson provides it and then determine whether more work is necessary. He added that it is impossible to predict how much “back-and-forth” will ensue. A Jan. 25 staff report to the commission indicated that the staff review would take 30 to 45 days. Continued on page 24
1741 LANDINGS WAY THE LANDINGS Great custom Landings home features 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 3265 sq. ft. of AC'd space with a contemporary feel and clean modern lines. Features include wonderful split floor plan, recent updates to kitchen including quartz counter and stainless appliances, updated master bath, 4th bedroom/bonus room addition, volume ceilings, travertine marble floors, designer lighting, and more! Private screened lanai with heated pool. 1/2 acre lot with incredible oaks and tropical landscaping. $899,000
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LMA Meeting Notes LMA Pres., Larry Lawrence opened the meeting by asking Finance Chairman, Dick Bayles to update the board regarding the details of a litigation challenge.
Chairman, Dick Bayles informed the board that four residents owned homes on property that exceeded one lot. One of the owners believes he has been overcharged his assessment. He has paid it for the last three years, but is demanding a refund of the half lot assessment through his attorney. Bayles reported he updated everyone who needed to be informed and suggested the owner would fail to be awarded a refund. He expressed surprise by the action since the owner has placed the home up for sale and this process will likely delay its purchase. He went on to say documents will verify the owner has been charged appropriately for his additional one half lot. Changes to the projected year-end surplus reflect increases in projected annual spending on irrigation repairs, printing and signage. Final adjustments for the 2016 results remain to be made after a review of outstanding invoices and various accrual accounts. As of the date of this report, expenses had exceeded income by 3.2% of the operating budget. This was a result of items that were not budgeted during the calendar year. A final report will be available soon.
LMA Pres. Larry Lawrence expressed his view that support and collaboration with the new owners of the shopping center would be in the LMA’s interest.
By Trebor Britt
LMA Pres. Larry Lawrence briefly updated the Board on the project’s current status. Nothing substantive has been approved. He hopes the new Board will continue to be involved and closely monitor its progress. Concluding, he said, “It will be many months before there is clear direction and there appears to be a significant split among the Commissioners as to what would serve the community interest if anything.” Board member Michael Knupp, who had attended the most recent meeting on the project also briefed the Board.
removed from the preserve areas and mangroves have been trimmed along the nature trail. Plans to redo the long islands on Landings Boulevard are being prepared.
Some speeder’s vehicles cannot be identified and some vehicles are allowed into The Landings without using proper procedures. Goldman will report the results at the next LMA Board meeting.
Technology committee chair, Dick Bayles reported all resident entrance and exit gates are now operational under the new system. The cost of the new system will be charged to the Gate Systems reserve account. The $6000 deficit in that account will be recovered by the end of 2019.
LMA Pres., Larry Lawrence reported all contracted work on the current roads project is now completed and the contractor has been paid. New Roads Committee Chairman, Rudy Blohm will receive bids to repair potholes. The current roads contractor is assessing the remaining roads and will provide Blohm short term and long term recommendations.
Maintenance Committee chair David Jacaruso, reported the sign replacement program is continuing throughout The Landings and several island lighting issues were addressed and repairs were made where needed. New road and island striping, installation of new road and island reflectors, and curb painting will begin soon on a section by section basis.
Lakes chair, Michael Knupp reported meeting with the lakes contractor and a representative from the Carriage House Association to discuss the most persistent algae problem. They decided to meet with the landscaping contractor to determine if a few changes we might solve or at least lessen the algae problem.
Landscaping chair, Connie Goldman reported mulching in The Landings common areas has been done for the year and shells and pebbles have replenished the nature trail. Invasive species have been
Co-chairs, Bob Manteiga and Joan Lowery were pleased to report both the internal and external website are up and running and they’re adding material on a daily basis. The website launch and pizza party will be held on Friday, March 3. Seating for the party is limited to 60. Residents are asked to bring laptops or iBooks to the presentation.
Chairman Neil Goldman, announced a meeting would be held with the security staff to address two issues.
The next date for dropping off your unwanted paints, household chemicals, electronics, batteries etc. will be Wednesday, May 10, 2017.
Notifications • Website Training & Pizza Party – March 3, 6 – 8 p.m., at the Racquet Club. Remember to bring your laptop, smartphone, or tablet. • Next Community Hauling Date is Wednesday, May 10, 2017. • Code for the Field Road door: Call the Main Gate, 941-922.5531. • Wanted: Writer/Editor with a Passion for news, information & Landings living. Editor must be a Landings resident. Contact Bob Stein 941-349-0194.
Serving the Landings Community for over 10 Years | www.landingseagle.com | Island Visitor Publications, LLC | 941-349-0194 P.O. Box 35086, Siesta Key, Florida 34242. Publishers: Bob & Emy Stein islandvp@verizon.net To advertise in print or on-line call 941-349-0194. Advertising Representative: Irene Brooks Please note that contributing writers and photographers are acknowledged with bylines accompanying their submissions. We sincerely thank everyone for their contributions. The Landings Eagle is published monthly and is partially funded by the Landings Management Association & Landings Racquet Club, but is independently edited and reported by Landings residents. The Landings Eagle is published by Island Visitor Publishing, a Florida LLC. Advertising rates and information will be gladly furnished by calling us at 941-349-0194, We are ready to answer your questions and to assist you in preparing your ad at no extra charge. All advertising and editorial content is subject to editing to conform to our style, and is copyrighted 2015 by Island Visitor Publishing, LLC and may not be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted under federal law. The publisher reserves the right to edit or reject copy for any reason. Island Visitor Publishing, LLC is not responsible for any claims made by the advertisers. To access each issue of The Landings Eagle, please go to: www.islandvp.com. Simply scroll down to The Eagle image and click on it for the current issue. If you would like to view past issues, click on the text, “TO VIEW PAST ISSUES OF THE LANDINGS EAGLE, CLICK HERE” That will bring you to a list of the back issues going back to July 2013. For anything earlier you will need to go to the website: www.landingseagle.com ©
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
New Social Group at The Landings‌. Singles Meet & Greet Submitted by Lynn Cassell We had a wonderful turn out on Friday, February 3rd for our first Meet & Greet hosted by Fern Vaughan and myself. In just one month, our group has grown to 30 singles, 19 of whom were in attendance. It was lovely getting to know a little more about each other. Our aim is to get together once a month to socialize. We will meet at the clubhouse and request those in attendance bring a snack to share and their beverage of choice. We are also developing group activities such as bike rides, Drum Circle &/or sunset beach walk, dinner & a movie, bowling, hiking/walking and game night and we are open to other activity suggestions. Depending on the number of full timers the monthly Meet & Greet may continue through the summer. A big thank you to Alice of the LRC for initiating this group. A current list of group members is located on the clip board at the LRC and we invite all single members to sign up for the group and activities. Next Meet & Greet is Friday, March 10th 5pm to 7pm in the Poolside Room. Attendees are requested to sign up at the LRC by March 8th. Looking forward to meeting you at our next get together.
LHA Meeting Notes At its regularly scheduled meeting, the Landings Homeowners Association board approved replacement driveway material and exterior paint colors on Kestral Park Way South. It also approved the construction and landscape plans for a new home on Kestral Park Lane; construction should begin in late March. The board approved the removal of trees on Peregrine Point Drive, a replacement fence on Pine Harrier Drive, new roof tiles on Landings Lane and a driveway screen on Peregrine Point Circle W.
At the following Annual Meeting of the Association, the three seats on the Board of Directors up for election were filled by incumbents, with no other candidates in the race. At the Organizational Meeting, the current officers were re-elected to their positions: William Whitman, President; Judy Greene, Vice President, and Richard Bayles, Secretary/Treasurer. The next regularly scheduled meeting is on March 9 at the Landings Racquet Club at 7:00p.m.
Landings Website Launch Training and Party By Joan Lowery At last The Landings external and internal websites are ready to launch! As promised, we will have a training and pizza party celebration for all interested residents on Friday, March 3 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at the Racquet Club. Space is limited. The event is free. So please reserve your spot by registering with Kevin at the Clubhouse or online at: lrctennis@verizon.net Our new user-friendly and multi-purpose websites are a true reflection of the wonderful quality of life we all enjoy at The Landings. The
website committee will be providing training in how to use the website, plus filling attendees in on what they can expect and how they might contribute to using insidethelandings.com as a community building resource. We recommend bringing your smartphone, tablet or laptop to the launch to follow along as Bob and Joan conduct the training. We have room to accommodate up to 60 attendees. So please register as soon as possible.
President’s Column By Dick Bayles As recently elected President of the Association, this is my first letter. I’ll open with the regular LMA board meeting. The meeting convened at 6:30 and, due to the following Annual Meeting; little business was conducted. Note was made of the sale of the Landings Shopping Center to Benderson, a prominent commercial developer in Sarasota. Larry Lawrence will reach out to them both to learn of their plans for the center and to provide our Association’s input as to the type of tenants we feel are appropriate and could become favorites of our residents. Larry noted that the 2016 paving is complete. But, there is concern that our roads may be deteriorating faster than the road study assumed that has been used in our reserve budgeting. A new evaluation will be done this year, along with a review of maintenance program(s) that may reduce future deterioration. There will be a subsequent adjustment of our reserve calculations for the 2018 budget. Larry concluded the meeting with personal comments on what he felt were important duties of the incoming board members, including among others, that it was important to flesh out the Association’s Forward Plan so that it can be prepared for both the maintenance required to ensure The Landings’ premier standing in Sarasota, and the effects of the changing character of the neighborhood outside the gates. Larry has been a key member of the LMA’s board of directors for the past six years, with one as president, and forced to leave due to term limits. He has assured me that he will serve as Chair of the External Relations Committee, where his experience in dealing with the Sarasota County government will prove as invaluable in the future as it has in the past. He will also be our point person with respect to the Shopping Center. At the Annual Meeting, the board welcomed two new members – Deirdre D’Silva and Nate Richards. Nate has been active in his association, The Cloisters, and at the racquet club. As a relative newcomer, this is Deirdre’s first involvement in our community’s management. We all look forward to working with her. At the subsequent Organizational Meeting, Neil Goldman was re-elected as LMA Vice-President and Nate Richards elected Treasurer, and Deirdre D’Silva as Secretary. The remaining incumbent directors are Doug Day, Bob Manteiga, and Richard Stern. Larry leaves me with large shoes to fill. I will rely heavily on our committees for both operational support and policy guidance. Their input will be an important part of our Forward Plan. Larry said he thought it was important and I agree. I consider completion of that plan vital to The Landings remaining a premier community in Sarasota.
Nature Trail / Kayak Focus Group Meeting Submitted by Karen Shaeffer Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to our survey about a kayak launch site. We received 223 total responses and 75% (about 165 people) wanted a kayak launch within The Landings and 56 people want to be part of the Kayak Focus Group to explore the best ways forward. Our first meeting will be Tuesday, March 14
at noon at the Racquet Club poolside. It will be open to everyone and a great opportunity to meet like-minded kayak Landins and an opportunity to express the needs, wants, and desires of this group within our Landings community. I look forward to seeing you there! If you have any questions, please email me at: karenshaeffer@gmail.com
Landings Radar Program Since the Landings speed enforcement program began 10 months ago there seems to be a marked reduction of speeding within The Landings. Of course, there are always going to be a few people out there who will speed no matter what the policies or sanctions are for speeding, but the overwhelming majority of Landings residents are attempting to abide by the speed limits. To bring you up to date, since the inception of the day time radar program, which has now been enhanced by a night time radar program, there have been 67 warning or violation letters issued for speeding within The Landings. The most encouraging result of the program is that there have been almost no repeat violators, and those repeat speeders are being sanctioned. Shown here is a sample of the output from the photo/radar being used [note that the resolution of the picture is far greater than shown in print]. If a guest, vendor or resident has been speeding, they will receive a letter with a picture similar to what is shown here. The LMA will be able to identify the speeder, a letter will go out to the offender, and, if necessary, a sanction will be
imposed pursuant to LMA policies. Based on statistics gathered during the past six months, the daytime and nighttime programs are working. The programs are one of the reasons for a general reduction of speeding within The Landings, with the result that The Landings is a safer place to walk, run, ride, or drive than it was before the program was instituted.
|COMMUNITY HAULING PROGRAM DATES Please note that The Landings Community Hauling Program takes place three times per year: February, May and November, on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. A guide detailing items that can be dropped off will appear in The Landings Eagle during these months. LMA has been notified by the County that they can no longer accept TVs at their Hazardous Waste
Disposal Site. Therefore the LMA Community Hauling Program will not be able to collect them either. However, now you can put TVs and computer monitors out at the curb for the weekly trash pick-up. ( In case you are curious, at this time we don’t know what Waste Management-our trash collectors-do with them.) Questions: call Larry Lawrence-410-456-6240.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Commissioner Detert indicates willingness for the county to intervene in the design of the Lido Renourishment Project, if convinced the county can do so By Rachel Brown Hackney www.SarasotaNewsLeader.com Former state senator and newly swornin Sarasota County Commissioner Nancy Detert told about 80 people during the Feb. 2 Siesta Key Association (SKA) meeting that if she learned Sarasota County could intervene in the Lido Renourishment Project, she would be in favor of the county’s doing so. Early in her remarks, Detert referenced the “sand wars” taking place in the community. The City of Sarasota initiated the Lido project, she continued, “not the county, and [city leaders] get to choose who they want to use for the beach renourishment.” Asked by an audience member why the county board took no step to file an administrative appeal of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Notice of Intent to issue a permit for the project, Detert replied, “I don’t think it makes us look like leaders to be joining a homeowners’ lawsuit.” She likened the county’s joining the SKA and Save Our Siesta Sand 2 (SOSS2) in appealing the FDEP action to “having your two sisters fight with each other, and you have to pick which
sister you like best this week.” Furthermore, Detert said she did not believe the commission should prevent the city and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers from using the county’s Ted Sperling Park on South Lido as a staging ground for the work. (The USACE is the city’s joint applicant for the state permit for the project.) “Basically, [the county has] no standing on this, as far as I’m concerned,” Detert told the audience. Still, Detert said she would not have chosen to dredge Big Sarasota Pass to renourish Lido Key, if she had had any choice in the matter. “I particularly would not have picked the Army Corps of Engineers. I don’t think they have a great track record.” She cited the USACE’s decision to construct two jetties on Venice Beach, with erosion resulting on both sides of the structures. Detert also indicated the USACE had made bad decisions regarding the Everglades and Lake Okeechobee. Sandy Hook resident David Patton
Sarasota County Commissioner Nancy Detert then pointed out dangers to the north end of Siesta, especially, if Big Pass is dredged. As an individual plaintiff, Patton has joined both the SKA administrative appeal and a complaint the SKA has proposed to file in the 12th Judicial Circuit Court in an effort to stop the removal of sand from the pass. “We should unite as one force, an
army against the world to stop this! All of us,” Patton said. Audience member Kent Larson asked why the city and the USACE did not propose to dredge Midnight Pass, as removing sand from that site would enable the channel to flow again for the first time since it was closed in December 1983. “That’s what I said,” Detert responded. “I don’t know why they didn’t consider that.” Former county Commissioner Nora Patterson, who was in the audience, pointed out that the county board and staff “spent a lot of money and time and energy” in years past, trying to persuade the state to allow the reopening of Midnight Pass. Nonetheless, Patterson said, the state would not issue a permit for the undertaking. “We’re hoping that their Big Pass idea is the right way to go and that it doesn’t do any damage [on Siesta Key],” Detert replied, referring to the city and the USACE. Continued on page 23
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
The Landings Free College of Sarasota Having started its second full season a with a series of terrific presentations in January and February, the Landings Free College will finish the season up with a bang on the five Thursdays in March. On March 2nd, Paul Sarno will speak at The Landings for the third time. He will tell us about “What the heck’s going on in the Phillipines?” A retired civil trial lawyer in New York City, Paul is an authority on southeast Asia, which he has visited 14 times. He teaches courses about this topic in Norwalk, Connecticut and at the Ringling College Lifelong Learning Academy in Sarasota. Landings residents, Bob and Tere Manteiga will next present “Spain: Land of food, fun, and sun” on March 9th. They will talk about all aspects of Spanish culture from the arts to the economy, and will also be showing a video of Tere’s home town of Salamanca. On March 16th, our own Norm Olshansky will present “My life investigating extremist groups and more!” In the late 1970’s and 1980’s, Norm was the regional director for Virginia and North
By Irv Kushner
Carolina of the Anti-Defamation League. In that role he became a liaison between the Jewish and Evangelical Communities. He was also responsible for investigating extremism on the far right and far left. He will share personal stories of his undercover work within the Klan, his briefings to the FBI, ATF, DOD and his personal contacts with Jim and Tammy Bakker, Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell. The following Thursday, March 23rd, Irv Kushner will discuss “The Bayeux tapestry; The story of the Norman conquest in 1066”. He will tell us about and take us through an extraordinary 11th century embroidery, 77 yards long. It is remarkable both as a work of art and as a source for 11th-century history. The season will wind up, as it does every year, with a presentation on March 30th by Alan Maio, head of the Sarasota County commissioners, about “What’s going on in Sarasota county”. The presentation will be followed by a reception sponsored by LMA and LRC.
Tere and Bob Manteiga
• MAR 2 - Sarasota Jazz Festival by Gordon Garrett and Quest • MAR 9 - the many areas of Spain by Bob and Teresa Manteiga • MAR 16 - My life with the KKK and Jim and Tammy Baker by Norm Olshansky • MAR 23 - The Bayeaux Tapestry by Irv Kushner • MAR 30 - What’s up in Sarasota by County Commissioner Alan Maio
Refreshments to Follow
Irv Kushner
Alan Maio
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Around The Landings LANDOLIERS SPRING CONCERT The Landoliers will present their annual Spring concert on Sunday, March 26 at 3 p.m. at the Landings Racquet Club. The group will present a program designed to entertain such as, a medley of Cole Porter. Jazz and other well-loved favorites. Lenora Jost leads the group and is the artistic director with the support of Barbara Rothman as piano accompanist. A reception celebration for the group and the attendees will follow at the end. Everyone in The Landings is invited to join your neighbors and friends for a lovely afternoon of music.
PHILLIPI ESTATE PARK 5500 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34231.
MARCH roars in like a lion with lots of activities and events at Phillippi Estate Park. Jazz In The Park returns to Phillippi Estate Park. The Jazz Club will be starting their Annual Jazz Week on Sunday, March 5 at the park Gazebo. Bring your lawn chair and enjoy delightful jazz from noon until 4 p.m. Event is free and there will be food/beverage vendors for your convenience. Each Wednesday, there is a Farmhouse Market in the front field at
Phillippi from 9 am until 2 pm. There are 5 local produce vendors, including USDA Certified Organic growers, local artisans with handcrafted goods, food trucks, live music and a Welcome Tent brimming with information and flyers on events in Sarasota. Each Thursday, there is a FREE concert at the Gazebo. The Brown Bag Concert Lunch Series occur every Thursday during March from noon to 1:00 p.m. Please bring your brown bag lunch and lawn chair and enjoy delightful music in a beautiful park setting. The final concert also features an Art “S�How and Sale beginning at 11:00 a.m. with watercolor and oil paintings for purchase.
Saturday, March 11 and Sunday, March 12 there will be an Arts And Crafts Show in the front field of Phillippi. This event is FREE and open to the public. Parking is also free. For more information, please contact Carmen Lambert at: calsrp@verizon. net Wednesday, March 15 will feature an Archaeological Tour of the park with Sarasota County archaeologist Steve Koski . Meet at the Keith Farmhouse at 11:30 a.m. and learn about the native Americans who lived on the property 2,500 years ago. Following the archaeology tour, there will be a radiocarbon dating workshop in the Edson Keith Mansion. For more
information on the radiocarbon dating workshop, please call 941-316-1309. The Light Chasers Art Show & Sale will benefit the renovation of the Keith Farmhouse on Fri March 17 and Sat March 18 from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. The Sunday sale will be from noon until 5 p.m. Saturday, March 25 will have The Great American Clean Up at Phillippi Estate Park. Come out and join the effort to keep our parks looking beautiful. The clean-up begins at 8:00 a.m. and lasts until noon. Well-behaved dogs on leash are always welcome. For more information, please call 941-316-1309.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Airport Transportation
Jazz Quartet, Eclectic Soprano-Guitar Concert To Conclude Landings Learning 8-Week Winter Session • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1st THE STATE COLLEGE OF FLORIDA JAZZ ENSEMBLE performing on saxophone, bass, guitar and vibraphone, will perform a program of classic jazz. The quartet is led by Dr. Peter Carney himself, an esteemed jazz musician who has opened for Aretha Franklin and BB King. His albums have been featured on NPR, NBC and BBC. He wrote the definitive music education textbook called “Interactive Listening”. This program will begin with refreshments at 3:30; performance will begin at 4;00 p.m.
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• WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8th SOPRANO JENNY KIM GODFREY AND GUITARIST JONATHAN GODFREY, known musically as CORDA VOCE, will perform a program of classics and cabaret with a Spanish twist. The duo has performed to critical acclaim throughout the area. This concluding program of the 2017 series will begin at 4:00 p.m. and will be followed by a gala wine, cheese and goodies reception to celebrate the season’s success. The reception is hosted by Landings realtors, Judy Greene and Tara Lamb.
The cost of attending a single program is $5 for LRC members and $8 for non-members.
Science, Politics, Music Explored In Landing Learning Group Sessions 1
1: Futurist David Houle presented amazing possibilities for 3-D printers to duplicate human cells and build houses and automobiles at his January 25 appearance. He also documented the likelihood of rising sea levels washing away sites like Crescent Beach. 2: Mezzo soprano Amy Jo Connours charmed the Landings Learning audience with varied program of show tunes and opera at the February 1 meeting. 3: Political Science Professor Frank Alcock predicted what the course of the Trump administration domestic policy is likely to be at the February 8 Landings Learning event. A lengthy question period following his talk was marked by serious concerns of the audience members 4: Pianist Lee Dougherty Ross accompanied the musicians at February 1 and February 15 events. 5: International prize-winning violinist Margot Zarzycka, a musician in the Sarasota Orchestra, thrilled the audience on February 15 with her amazing performance of selections by Kreisler, Sarasate, and more. Photos by Bob Manteiga, except David Houle.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Kid’s Corner
By Heidi Bodor
Brendan D’Silva,7, 2nd grader at Phillippi Shores IB World School Landings resident about 2 years. Two brothers; 12, 10. One dog – a pug named Bonita. • Favorite ice cream? Vanilla • Favorite school subject? Science because we are studying different types of animals like amphibians, reptiles, and fish and I like that. • Favorite book? Dog Man (Captain Underpants: Dog Man Series) • Favorite video game? Star Wars Battlefront • Favorite sport? Football. I play in the backyard with my family. • Favorite sports team? Patriots! I thought the Falcons were going to win but I was surprised. • Favorite color? Green because the Earth is green and it’s a beautiful color. • Favorite movie? Marvel Movie series especially The Amazing Spider-Man
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Brendan D’Silva Continued on the next page
Continued from previous page
• Favorite food? Pepperoni pizza • Least favorite food? Cabbage • What do you like most about The Landings? I like that we can ride our bikes around the neighborhood on our own. • What else do you do in your spare time? I like reading books or playing video games. I also make sharks out of different things. I made some out of paper and one with tinfoil but it didn’t turn out very well. I made a shark out of clay too. I also take tennis lessons at the Landings Racquet Club on Fridays. • Are you in any clubs? I am in the marine science club at school and we learn about sea animals. • What do you want to be when you grow up? Most of all, I’d like to be an actor or an artist or a farmer. Or I might study sharks. • If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why? A shark because there is only one thing that goes after them – orcas.
• If you could change anything in the world, what would you change? I would stop people from polluting so that things stay green. • If you could wake up tomorrow with a superpower, what superpower would you want to have? The ability to fly. I would be able to be up with the birds. • What is your favorite part of the day? The afternoon since I am not at school! • What do kids your age think about most? They think about what they are going to play at recess. • What’s the greatest thing about you? I’m nice. • If your pet could talk, what would she say? She’d say “can I have a bone?” • If you were president for a day, what would you do? Stop wars. • What is something that grown-ups don’t understand about kids? That kids need to do what they want! • Do you think that would work out? Maybe for a day. • What is the greatest thing ever invented?
An arcade game called Jurassic Park at Livingston’s [Amusement Center]. • If you had your own country, what would it be called? Brendan Land! • What’s something that you’d like to learn how to do? I’d like to learn how to ride a unicycle. I saw someone riding one at the marina and it looked fun. • If you had to give away all your toys except one, which one would you keep? Xbox • What is your family doing for Spring break? We are renting an RV and driving to St. Augustine. We might go canoeing there. • What do you think is in outer space? There could be aliens. There could be colors like the Northern Lights in Alaska. • Would you want to travel into space? Yes! •If you were invisible for a day, what would you do? I would not go to school and play video games instead and freak out my Mom and Dad.
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Racquet Club News
Happiness is…Giving Back Nothing beats the feeling of giving back. Whether it’s donating time or money, giving back to a loved one or just being nice to a random person, when we give back it just feels great. That’s why we at Abel’s Ice Cream have embraced the Sarasota community and appreciate our chosen opportunities to get involved and make a difference. This month, we were extremely excited to once again be a participating sponsor of the VW Hope in a Backpack Program, a successful venture (operating on privatedonations) to provide weekend meals to children who otherwise might go hungry. This year’s 6th annual event, which took place on February 18th, sported a “Take Me Out To The Ballgame” theme, which was particularly fun for Jerry, a sports-lover extraordinaire. Jerry happily scooped up almost 200 cups of fantastic Abel’s flavors to the event attendees and talked about his favorite baseball team, The Kansas City Royals. What about you? What’s your favorite way to give back? We’d love for you to stop by Abel’s and let us know. In honor of Hope In A Backpack, we are featuring the same great flavors this month that we served at the event. Flavors such as Stellar Coffee (Rich coffee ice cream with delicious fudge & mini dark chocolate coffee cups), Coconut Almond Fudge (Tropical coconut ice cream with fudge ribbon & roasted almonds), Captain’s Chocolate (Smooth, triple rich award winning house chocolate ice cream), Raspberry Truffle (A Heavenly combination… raspberry ice cream with raspberry ribbon & dark chocolate raspberry cups.)
News From the Court By Joe Venezia
I am beginning to hear talk of plans being made to head north in the near future. Is “season” starting to wind down already? I am still planning to have the tennis exhibition featuring The Landings own Gabriel Von Kessel along with players from Riverview High. Due to scheduling difficulties we hope to set a date in March. Check in the Pro Shop for details. Sharon Lieber, President,VW Hope in a Backpack is flanked by Jerry & Jill from Abel’s Ice Cream
Abel’s Ice Cream is located at 1886 Stickney Point Road in Sarasota, just a quick trip across the bridge from Siesta Key in the same plaza as Stonewood Grill and the New Balance store. Open Sunday through Thursday from Noon-9:30 pm, and Friday and Saturday from Noon-10 pm. Learn more online at www.abelsicecream.com or connect with them on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Upcoming events :
Get your green ready! On Friday, March 17th we will have our annual St. Patrick’s Day Round Robin followed by traditional Irish fare - corned beef and cabbage, red potatoes and Irish beer. Tennis begins at 11:00a.m. with food and beer after tennis. Don’t play tennis? Join us for the food and fun. Sign up in the Pro Shop. I am planning to celebrate Landings Day in early April. Yes, the dunk tank will be back. Food and beverages to follow the tennis.Check in the Pro Shop for details and the sign up sheet.
Trip Advisor calls Abel’s Florida-made ice cream the “Best in Sarasota”
Looking for a lesson or clinic? Contact me at lrctennisdirector@verizon.net or 941-993-2628.
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See you on the courts..........
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|Manager’s Report Is it possible that March is here already? The first two months of the year have gone by in the blink of an eye. The courts and clubhouses are as busy as I have ever seen them. Allow me to recap the exercise schedule: Yoga with Hilda Ely is Mondays & Wednesdays and the new chair Yoga class led by Helen Kesler is Friday mornings. Jazzercise with Patti Horvath is Tuesdays & Thursdays. Our Zumba classes, led by Sandy Bellino, are on Tuesdays & Thursdays. Sandy also teaches the Tai Chi and Water Aerobics on Thursday mornings. Please check the inside back cover of the Eagle for a list of the exercise classes and times. If you are a regular in the Fitness Center, you have certainly noticed a change in the layout of the equipment. We recently added a new Hoist Chin Up / Dip assist machine. It is one of the best pieces of equipment for upper body strength. It allows the user to perform chin ups and dips regardless of their strength level. Since we are on the topic of the Fitness Center, there is a topic I would like to bring up. In the last few weeks, I have received comments from several members regarding etiquette in the Fitness Center. Common courtesy goes a long way.
By Kevin Lechlitner Please limit your time on the cardio equipment to 30 minutes if others are waiting. When you enter the room, check with the people already there before you change anything, i.e. fans, lights, tv channels etc. Thank you in advance for your assistance in making the Fitness Center a positive, friendly place where members can enjoy their workout experiences. There are a lot of other social activities going on as well. I’d like to thank some of the members responsible for organizing them for you. The Landings Learning Group series on Wednesday afternoons is led by Bridget Frymier, Selma Savren and their committee. Through the first four events in the series we are averaging 111 people per show. There are only four events left on the schedule, three musical performances and one lecture. Based on that, I expect average attendance to gradually increase all the way through the finale on March 8th. On Thursdays, we have the Landings Free College led by Ralph Ricapito & Irv Kushner. They are doing a great job providing interesting topics each week for the members. Trivia Challenge is on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month and is still going strong. We also started a Singles Meet & Greet that is gaining momentum as well. Please call the Pro Shop at 923-3886 for more information on any activities at the Club. We have several social events coming up soon
that you won’t want to miss. Joe is planning a St. Patrick’s Day round robin on Friday, March 17th. Even if you don’t play tennis, you can sign up for just the food. It has received excellent reviews year after year. The annual CANUKUS Challenge, organized by Barrie Taylor & Earl Tomkins, is scheduled for March 19th. This is where nationally ranked players from Canada and the UK challenge nationally ranked players from the US in three men’s doubles matches. March 28th is the next pancake breakfast and our annual, season-ending Landings Day festival is usually in early April. I’ll keep you posted once the details are finalized.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
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Landings Shopping Center Whitman pointed to Pelican Plaza, to the south, as an example of how Benderson can turn around an older shopping plaza. Whitman said that kind of improvement will be a welcome change at the Landings Center; he heard from a retailer who has long since moved out of the center that the previous Michigan-based owner did not respond to necessary maintenance needs. The Landings Shopping Center was built in 1988, and the Pelican Plaza was built in 1983, and both centers were in need of sprucing up before Benderson purchased the retail centers. Pelican Plaza, across from Westfield Sarasota Square, had a good number of vacancies when Benderson purchased it in 2012, yet now it’s home to top retailers such as Ulta Beauty, Total Wine and More, Petco, and a Sprouts Farmers Market that is slated to open in April.
A key factor
With a prime location next to residential areas and easy access to U.S. 41, there’s big potential for the Landings center, says commercial realtor Ron Flynn. Based on Benderson’s previous local projects, Flynn believes the purchase will bring a solid foundation, as the company will invest in the property’s upkeep and appearance. Perhaps most importantly, Flynn believes the company will study the kind of retailers that will fit in the market for the area. “It’s good news for the community,” said Flynn, who lives on Siesta and shops at the center. However, the caliber of new tenants at the center — and specifically which retailer Benderson lands to fill the void at the 30,171-square-foot anchor space left vacant when Office Depot left in late 2015 — will be a key factor in the level of success of the center. “What will be key is the tenant that fills the Office Depot space,” Flynn told the Eagle. Mathes told the Eagle that the company is in talks with a potential tenant about the possibility of moving into the Office Depot space. In addition, the company is “actively making a decision in which way to point the center.” Mathes said the company believes the Landings center and the company’s proposed mixed-use Siesta Promenade, which includes a retail component, are two separate projects that serve distinct areas. Financial information for the Landings center transaction, such as the sales prices was not disclosed, and was not yet available on the county’s property appraiser website as of press time. More than a dozen of the roughly 30 retail
Continued from cover story
spaces in the center that had been owned by the Landings of Sarasota Florida LLC. remain vacant, and Benderson has plans to start filling them. The shopping center is located on U.S. 41 just outside The Landings community, but neither the plaza nor its owner Landing of Sarasota Florida LLC is affiliated with The Landings or the LMA in any way.
“an improvement” Whitman believes with Benderson at the helm, the center that borders his community can once again become a destination shopping center. Easy access from U.S. 41 to several residential areas, in addition to The Landings’ 700 residences, make it a great location. In addition, many Landings residents walk or bike to the plaza. Whitman said many residents love going to Gecko’s Grill and Pub, the chain’s original location, and other staple businesses in the center. His wife shops at the Dollar Tree. Whitman said he’d like to see perhaps a few new restaurants inside the center to replace some of the restaurants that struggled to stay open, or perhaps a café where patrons can sit outside with their dogs. But merely maintaining the property the way it should be taken care of and meeting the needs of tenants “will be an improvement.” According to the lis pendens suit filed in December, 2015 in the Circuit Court of the 12th Judicial Circuit, the Plaintiff, U.S. Bank, National Association, as trustee for Morgan Stanley Capital Inc., had instituted the foreclosure filing against the owner, Landings of Sarasota Florida LLC. A total of at least three parcels — filling about 93,000 square feet of indoor space — within the center were included in the foreclosure suit. However, the freestanding buildings near the shopping center — including Sweet Tomatoes and Olive Garden — are separately owned and were not impacted by the foreclosure proceedings. In addition, the parcel that houses the Publix grocery space, 4840 S. Tamiami Trail, is also separately owned, by Publix Super Markets Inc., and thus was not impacted by the proceedings or recent sale. The plaza, at 4800 S. Tamiami Trail, was built in 1988, according to Sarasota County Property Records. Centrally located on Tamiami Trail, the shopping center is one of the largest in the county, but had been hit with a spate of vacant storefronts, including Office Depot. Starting in 2014, the national office retailer began closing hundreds of stores nationally.
If you are a snowbird and would like to receive The Landings Eagle at your summer home, please call 941-349-0194. or email: www.islandvp@verizon.net The cost is $2.50 per month, per copy.
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
The Greatest Generation: Through the Eyes of One Veteran By Diana Colson Dr. Ray Doherty was born in 1926 in Gary, Indiana. He was just a kid when World War II broke out, and graduated from high school in 1944, when the war was nearing its end. It was a time of great patriotism, and every red-blooded American lad was eager to get into service. Ray’s two older brothers were already in the army, but he wanted to join the navy, and enlisted at age 18. Unfortunately, his vision was less than perfect, and he failed the eye exam. Four months later he was drafted. Given this second chance, Ray was determined to pass the eye-test. He decided one way to beat the system would be to memorize all three of the eye charts. Therefore, when he and a busload of fellow draftees went for their physicals, he stood back, letting the others go first. Moving at the back of three lines, he assessed the situation, memorized the three charts being offered, picked the chart he wanted to try for, and passed the test with flying colors. Another visually challenged lad proved not so lucky. This young man had invested in new-fangledcontraptions called contact lenses. They
were big, thick, made of glass, and uncomfortable. These clumsy contacts so inflamed the poor man’s eyes that he couldn’t see a single thing! Unlike Ray, he was not accepted by the navy. Ray went on to train as a Pharmacist Mate (PHM/Second Class). During his training as a corpsman, he enrolled in a voluntary boxing program. Today, Ray’s scrapbook includes a yellowed 1944 edition of the Hospital Corps Camp newspaper in which he was mentioned: “With the boys in top shape and anxious to please, the six bouts of the program were packed with fast, clean action. Considerable class was shown by Ray Doherty, Co. 19—1, of Gary, Indiana, who beat Denny Rehman, Co. 27-2, of New York City, in the third bout.” Ray’s scrapbook also includes a copy of his very own “fake ID”, which indicated he was born in 1925 (not 1926), so that he could enter a bar and drink! PHM/Second Class Ray Doherty ended up serving all over the USA. Because hospital personnel were required to be standing on flight decks
Continued the next page
The brother on Ray’s left is John (Jack) Doherty, 6 years older and the brother on Ray’s right is Charles, 2 years older
Continued from previous page
as pilots took off and landed, he was sent to posts where American pilots were being trained to fly from the deck of a ship. This type of landing was dangerous. Each plane was equipped with a hook near the back. This hook was designed to be caught by a cable when the plane touched down, much like threading a needle. If the hook didn’t catch, a second cable was deployed as a fail-safe, bringing the plane to a gut-wrenching halt. Says Ray: “This was all splitsecond stuff, and everything had to be timed to perfection. Planes got wrecked a lot. There were celebrations on the days we did not have a single accident.” Every ship had a sick bay with perhaps ½ dozen beds. However, this was a group of young, healthy men who rarely became ill. Most patients who landed in sick bay were there because of an accident. After assignments in Illinois, San Diego, New Orleans, San Francisco, and Seattle, Ray was finally sent to join the USS RENDOVA. However, before reaching that ship, the war suddenly ended. The time for giving out medals had passed, so young Ray was never to receive one.
Dr. Ray Doherty
The USS RENDOVA continued going up and down American coast training pilots to take off—which was easy—and how to land— which was exacting and
dangerous. As he observed the skills and leadership of the ship’s doctor, young Ray was so impressed that he decided he would become a doctor himself when he was out of the service. He left the navy at age 20, although he stayed in the Navy reserves for over 20 years and retired as a LT. Commander. Entitled to one day of college education for every day he had spent in the service, Ray found he was eligible for 720 days of schooling paid for by the G I Bill. He decided to save those days for medical school, and paid for his own pre-med studies. Ray attended Western Kentucky State Teacher’s College for two years, then— being a good Catholic—transferred to St. Thomas College in St. Paul, Minnesota, where studies were more rigorous. Nonetheless, after only one year at St. Thomas, he was accepted into Indiana University’s Medical School in Indianapolis, where he graduated four years later. Dr. Ray Doherty, MD, was to be in Family Practice for over 50 years. He lived in a suburb of Gary, Indiana, and spent days and nights delivering babies, doing minor surgery, and making house calls. For many years, he and his
partner were the only doctors in town, and their phones rang 24/7. “I thought it was the best job in the world!” he exclaims. Ray has been married for 55 years to Donna, a lovely woman whom he met when she came to work as a nurse in his office. The couple had two boys and two girls of their own, but also opened their doors to many fascinating children from faraway places. For a quarter century, the Doherty’s were active in the Irish Children’s Fund, bringing two Irish kids into their home each summer. Some summers they even added two more children from France. Ray’s welcoming attitude towards visiting children was no doubt inspired by some of his naval experiences. He says, “A lot of navy training is designed to make a cohesive group out of a variety of individuals on the ship. In the navy, we all learned how to get along with other people.” The Doherty’s were Florida snowbirds for about twenty years. Five years ago, they purchased a Carriage House at The Landings and took up permanent residence. The couple has traveled extensively, most recently to Cuba.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
We never used to recommend or discuss chewing gum. In fact we discouraged it because it “pulled out” fillings and crowns, etc. But we’ve learned a few things. First...that gum never “pulls” out acceptable fillings or crowns, only those that really needed to be changed anyhow. And we learned that chewing gum helps to stimulate saliva and moisten the mouth and teeth. As our population grows older we find that many of us have to take medications that dry up the mouth which is leading to increased decay and gum disease. Also many of us are not as dexterous as we once were. And we have gums that are sweetened with Xylitol that inhibits cavity producing microorganisms and neutralizes acids these microorganisms produce. So for many of our patients, young and old, we now actively recommend using gum with Xylitol right after eating and at least twice a day. It’s easier to prevent oral disease than treat it. And it’s far less costly.
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The Recipe Corner
|The “Kitchen Ladies” Recipe
Compiled by Dee Ricapito
Ruth Weinberg is a vivacious lady, saying, “Hello” at the door. She was active with the Sarasota Ballet Association. During a fund raiser dinner, one of the dancers asked, “Who made this salad? It’s delicious”. Her recipe was also included in the Ballet’s cookbook titled, “A Culinary Collection”. She is sharing it with us. Ruth feels it’s a common salad, but GOOD‼ INGREDIENTS:
- 1 clove garlic - 1/3 cup olive oil - 3 tbsp. White Vinegar - 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce - 1/2 tsp. Salt - 1/4 tsp. Pepper - 3 Qtrs. Mixed Greens (romaine, endive, escarole) - 1/3 cup Parmesan cheese, shredded - 1/3 cup Blue Cheese, crumbled - 6 anchovies (flat) - 1 raw egg (optional) - 2 cups croutons Mash clove of garlic, blending oil, vinegar, Worcestershire, salt and pepper. Cover and set aside for 1-2 hours. Wash and drain greens. Tear leaves and toss together. Sprinkle with cheeses, and cut up anchovies. At serving time, strain garlic from dressing. Drop a raw egg on top of salad. Pour on dressing and toss until no evidence of egg remains. Add croutons, toss and serve. Serves 6 to 8.
Commissioner Detert Siesta Promenade During her remarks, Detert also touched on the proposal for the mixed-use Siesta Promenade development on the northwest corner of Stickney Point Road and U.S. 41. “I am not a supporter of that potential project,” she said. “I just find it kind of outrageous that people buy a piece of property that’s zoned [for single-family homes] and think they can put up a condominium.” The approximately 24-acre site where Siesta Promenade would stand is zoned for a mobile home park, she continued. Yet, Benderson Development has applied for rezoning and a Critical Area Plan designation that would allow the firm to construct 140,000 square feet of retail space, a hotel and several hundred dwelling units on the property — “everything but the kitchen sink,” as Detert characterized it. Her response to Benderson is, “That’s not what you bought,’” she told the audience. Detert added, “I’m philosophically opposed to constantly giving variances to people.” Referring to the County Commission’s hearings on proposed developments, she continued, “Once it becomes our decision, we need to reach out to the public and see what you think and make the decision that’s the best decision for the community. … That’s where we get into trying to protect our little piece of paradise.”
In response to a question about the traffic studies Benderson will have to pursue under the scope of work four of the five commissioners approved on Jan. 25, Detert said that if the company wants to spend money to perform those analyses, that is its decision. (Detert voted against allowing Benderson to proceed with the scope of work.) Still, she noted her frustration about how more and more studies could be required, creating a long process before the County Commission ever votes on the project. The potential for a hotel As he did at the Jan. 12 SKA meeting, Ed Kroninger, a resident of the Marina Del Sol condominium complex on Old Stickney Point Road, brought up the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment that could enable the construction of a hotel on property zoned Commercial General on Siesta Key. “There’s a lot of concern, I think, about the increasing density on Siesta Key,” he told Detert. “I have not made a personal conclusion on the hotel as yet,” Detert replied. “At first blush, it doesn’t seem like a great idea.” However, she continued, having a new hotel on the island might cut down on traffic heading onto the Key, especially during high season. “I’d have to see a lot more on that before I make a decision,” Detert added.
If interested in a spacious 4th floor level 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom condo, on Eagles Point Circle with a commanding view of Roberts Bay and the Intracoastal Waterway; and want to avoid paying a realtor commission, Google the following: 5408 eagles point circle #303 sarasota fl/zillow
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Blooming this month
Continued from page 7
FREE SIDE With the purchase of ANY entreé
Phalaenopsis Orchids
Orchids are the most intriguing flowering plants. They are very easy to grow. I am going to tell you about Phalaenopsis, the Moth Orchid. It is one of the most common and the easiest to grow in Florida. It is an especially good choice for a beginner. They are large and come in a wide variety of colors. Most have several flowers per stem, but some have more, and others have as few as one. There are several hybrid varieties that one can purchase. Low lighting is preferred by Phalaenopsis. They prefer shaded windows, or east-facing windows. Leaves will tend to become greener when lighting is low, and yellower with red spotting when there is a lot of light. If too much sun, black or brown patches appear on the leaves, reduce the lighting. It is important to repot orchids every couple years. If the potting mix has started to decompose, it will retain too much moisture and prevent air getting to the roots, causing root rot. The plant may also have outgrown its pot. Do not repot orchids while still in bloom. Subbmitted by Sarasota Garden Club
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Siesta Promenade
Continued from cover story
To comply with the commission’s stipulations for the scope of work, a study of weekend traffic during peak tourist season was planned for Saturday, Feb. 18, Mathes pointed out. All the traffic analyses will involve the road segments and intersections the board approved on Jan. 25, he added. The traffic data collection was expected to continue through February, Mathes said. “From there, we’ll produce the report.” He added that he expected that to happen before the end of March. Traffic congestion has been the predominant concern of residents and business owners in the vicinity of the approximately 24-acre Siesta Promenade site. The property is on the northwest corner of Stickney Point Road and U.S. 41. Benderson’s application — submitted in August 2016 to the county’s Planning and Development Services Department — called for up to 140,000 square feet of retail space, a 150room hotel and 501 multi-family dwelling units. The CAP designation would allow density up to 25 units per acre, instead of the standard 13 units per acre allowed under Commercial General zoning, county Planner Todd Dary explained to the County Commission on Jan. 25. Benderson also has requested a special exception to allow buildings to be constructed as tall as 85 feet. Mathes has explained that the residential structures and the hotel would be on the western side of the property, with commercial uses along U.S. 41. Alleged violation of the ordinance During the Open to the Public portion of the County Commission’s regular meeting on Feb. 15, Sura Kochman, a leader of Pine Shores Estates residents fighting the Siesta Promenade plans, reprised a concern she raised on Jan. 25. Citing a chart from the county’s webpage outlining the Critical Area Plan process, she maintained that a boundary should be established before the Siesta Promenade proposal goes before the Planning Commission. Kochman gave each board member a copy of the document before she stepped to the podium. In October 2016, she reminded the board members, three of them voted to delay setting the boundary for the Siesta Promenade CAP. (Commissioners
Nancy Detert and Mike Moran were not sworn in until Nov. 22, 2016.) Instead, the commissioners agreed to consider the boundary, the rezoning of the property and the CAP all in one public hearing, after the Planning Commission has voted on those issues. Kochman added that, based on the Jan. 25 discussion, staff will schedule the Planning Commission hearing after it has determined that Benderson has complied with all the requests under the scope of work. “There are a number of stakeholders who have an interest in this,” Kochman continued, “especially businesses south of Stickney [Point Road], because [the Florida Department of Transportation] will likely close the median cut at Avenue A,” which intersects with Stickney Point Road. The Pine Shores residents also will experience significant impacts if the project is constructed as proposed, she told the board. Pine Shores abuts the Siesta Promenade property. “A Critical Area Plan is not a critical parcel plan. It’s an area plan,” she stressed. “There’s a difference between an impact area and the critical area.” After the studies have been completed under the scope of work, Kochman continued, “I strongly suggest [the matter be brought back to the board members, so they can] decide what the boundaries should be.” She added that the county’s chart describing the CAP process calls for another neighborhood workshop after the boundary has been settled — before the application goes to the Planning
Commission. “Therefore, you are limiting public input.” Kochman again pleaded, “Please do not be in violation of your ordinance.” Commissioners traditionally do not respond to public comments, unless a speaker raises a point that prompts one or more of them to seek a response from staff. On Feb. 15, none of them addressed Kochman’s remarks after she left the podium. During the Jan. 25 meeting, Brian Lichterman, who served as a senior planner with the county for 22 years, also advised the board members they were in violation of the county policy by allowing the Siesta Promenade application to proceed as staff had suggested. He told the SNL in an interview that he had been involved with more than 30 Critical Area Plans. It was on the basis of that expertise, he added, that he had recommended to the commissioners — during public comments that afternoon — that they set a boundary for Siesta Promenade that encompasses all four quadrants of the Stickney Point Road/U.S. 41 intersection. The CAP process, Lichterman pointed out to the board, was intended to create a comprehensive planning tool to address area-wide solutions in regard to future land use, compatibility, transportation, traffic circulation, cut-through traffic, walkability, drainage, utilities and urban design. When Chair Paul Caragiulo questioned county staff about Kochman’s and Lichterman’s assertions on Jan. 25, Planner Dary responded, “We have been following [the process], per the rules.” The Siesta Promenade proposal, Dary added, “doesn’t fit perfectly with the traditional development or plan that CAPs have been used for .…”
Captain Jim Klopfer’s Fishing Report Adventure Charters 941-371-1390 March is a great month to fish on Siesta Key. It is the first month of spring, both on the calendar and outside. The list of available species is long; snook, redfish, trout, pompano, cobia, king and Spanish mackerel, sheepshead, flounder, snapper, grouper, jack crevelle, and sharks just to name a few. Big Pass will be very productive this month, particularly when the water is clean. Ladyfish are usually thick, with bluefish, mackerel, and pompano mixed in. The sheepshead run will peak this month. Just about any structure near either pass will hold these tasty critters. A live shrimp fished on the bottom should result in a fish dinner pretty easily. Speckled trout will be schooled up over deep grass flats throughout the entire area. Incoming tides are best, but as long as the water is moving the
Doc Dojutrek holds up a nice Siesta Key sheepshead
fish will bite. A live shrimp under a noisy cork is a proven trout slayer. Bass Assassin Sea Shad baits on a ¼ ounce jig head will fool many fish, too. Pompano, mackerel, ladyfish, bluefish, jacks, and a stray cobia will also be encountered when fishing over the grass flats. These are large areas, the key to success is to keep moving until fish are located, do not spend too much time in one spot if it is not producing. Snook will move out of their winter retreats on their way out to the Gulf to spawn. The Myakka River will still produce some good fish as they migrate down river. Any structure with a depth change is a likely place to catch a snook. Docks, bridges, and oyster bars are
all very productive, especially those with some current. Plugs and scented soft plastic baits are the top choices, along with a large hand-picked shrimp. Surf fishing should be good for a variety of species providing the water is clear and not roiled up. Whiting, silver trout, flounder, pompano, Spanish mackerel, and ladyfish with hit both live shrimp and artificial lures. A jig tipped with a small piece of shrimp works well bounced along the bottom. Mackerel and ladyfish will hit flash lures such as silver spoons and plugs. A live shrimp fished on the bottom with just enough weight to get down is a simple but effective technique and will catch anything that swims. Anglers targeting pompano will do well with live or frozen sand fleas. The beach should come alive this month, provided the winds cooperate. Spanish and king mackerel will invade the area, along with cobia, sharks, and false albacore. The inshore reefs off of Lido Key are a great place to start, they hold a lot of fish. Trolling spoons and plugs is a deadly technique and will fill the cooler in short order. For more sport, look for breaking fish on the surface and cast plugs, spoons, or flies out into the frenzy, a vicious strike should occur immediately!
Wake & Shake Just roll out of bed...your hair looks great!
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Janet Heijens, Landings Author SNOOK WALLOW Janet and Pieter Heijens have lived in the Treehouses for over three years and it is where she is bringing her second book titled SNOOK WALLOW to life. Pieter is her most trusted sound board, an honest Dutchman. While they travel to Amsterdam twice a year to visit his family, Janet finds much of her inspiration right here at home. QUESTION: When did you first start writing? Janet: When we retired in Florida thirteen years ago, I enrolled in a six week Adult Education Course Janet titled, “Write Your First Novel.” My first try is still on a back shelf in my closet. As bad as that first attempt was, I was hooked. Ever since then I’ve continued to enjoy writing in our wonderful Treehouse environment. QUESTION: How has writing changed you? Janet: I don’t give up easily and learned a lot about myself going from being a business executive to researching material for my stories and learning about subjects I never thought about before. Writing is almost a reinvention of myself. QUESTION: What inspired you to write your first published book? Janet: An article in the Herald Tribune told of a man who spent forty years in prison for killing his children and was later found innocent. That inspired my first published book, WRONGFUL CONVICTION which takes place on the South Jersey shore where I grew up. My son, Jeffrey, who was in his first year at NYU’s law school at the time, was my inspiration for one of the main characters. The story is about a man who was wrongfully convicted of killing his wife
and children. In my novels I always incorporate a social issue that is dear to my heart and in WRONGFUL I touched on the subject of racial bias in the justice system. QUESTION: In SNOOK WALLOW, your latest novel, did you draw on any characters or places we would recognize? Janet: The story takes place in the Venice-SarasotaBradenton areas. The title is a thinly veiled pseudonym for Snook Haven. Pieter and Heijens I had lunch one day in that great, old Florida restaurant and I thought it would be a wonderful place to stage a murder. SNOOK is another wrongful conviction mystery, one that addresses human trafficking of illegal immigrants in South Florida. QUESTION: When will SNOOK WALLOW be released? Janet: The book is due for release on April 1st. Pieter and I are hosting a wine & cheese book launch party at the Landings Racquet Club, Poolside Library on April 7th, at 2:30pm. All are invited! My editor from Canterbury House Publishing, Wendy Dingwall, will be there too. I’ll speak about wrongful convictions in Florida and follow-up with a brief reading from SNOOK WALLOW. Note: Ralph Ricapito looks forward to next year when Janet will discuss “The Path to Publishing” and the Landings Free College.
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Bring in this ad to get
PATIO, 5700 Midnight Pass Road, Siesta Key All residents invited to a wine & cheese BookWICKER, & CAST ALUMINUM FURNITURE www.abcbabyrental.com Launching Party. April 7th at 2:30 pm.
Bring In This Ad And Receive
By Dee Ricapito
*Expires January 31 2017, not valid on BBQ grills and accessories*
PATIO OUTLET LOCATION: 7261 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34231 HOURS: Open 10am-6pm daily Sun 12pm-5pm | Closed Wednesday
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“For F
View From The Gate
TRAFFIC REPORT Due to issues with the access control system I am unable to generate a Gate Traffic report at this time. Our technician Tracy Bland, is aware of the issue and continues to work on it. Sorry for the inconvenience. Capt. Jordan M. Joseph
Compiled by: Capt. Jordan M. Joseph, Landings Security & Safety There were a total of 35 incidents reported for the month of January 2017. They are as follows: • 2 Alarm Reports 1 Fire Alarm (False Alarm) 1 House Alarm (False Alarm) • 1 Disturbance Report Resident advises loud music in Pine Harrier Circle area. Music stopped before patrol arrived. • 15 Open Door Reports 13 Garage Doors. 2 Commercial Doors. • 2 Parking Violations Reports 1 Vehicle parked on roadway overnight. 1 Commercial parked overnight.
• 1 Patrol Request Resident advises smelling smoke. Patrol officer and SCFD responded. (False Alarm) • 11 Reckless driver Reports All unsafe speeds greater than 8mph of posted speed limit. • 3 Suspicious Persons Reports 2 Juvenile subjects ringing door bells and running. Parents notified. 1 Person waiting by South Gate late at night. Subject waiting for Uber.
BE SURE TO SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Useful & Emergency Phone Numbers... Verizon - Phone Service..............................................1.800.483.1000 Comcast Cable........................................................................371.6700 Emergency Animal Clinic.....................................................929.1818 Poison Info Center.......................................................1.800.282.3171 Waste Management...............................................................924.1254
Landings Residents’ Handbook & Directory By Dick Bayles
Landings Eagle................................................................941.539.0205 Landing’s Gate.......................................................................922.5531 Landings Racquet Club.........................................................923.3886
There are no changes this month.
Landings Community Hauling Program........... 941-727-6464x110
Additions, changes or corrections should be directed to me in writing.
LRC e-mail................................................... LRCtennis@verizon.net
Directory forms are available from me via e‑mail, at www.landingseagle.com and www.insidethelandings.com, or from your association, and may be dropped off at the Landings Racquet Club or Main Gate to my attention, or sent via mail, e‑mail or toll-free fax.
Sheriff Non-Emergency.........................................................861.5800
Argus Management...............................................................927.6464 FPL - Florida Power & light..................................................917.0708 FPL - Outage Report....................................................1.800.468.8243 Fishing & Hunting Licenses..........................................941.362.9888 Marriage License Bureau...............................................941.362.4066 Sarasota County Hotline.......................................................861.5000 Sarasota/Bradenton Intl. Airport.................................941.359.2770
Dick Bayles: 1729 Landings Way, Sarasota, FL 34231, Email: landings.directory@gmail.com Fax: (855) 631-3860
Sarasota County Area Transit (SCAT) .......................941.316.1234 Sarasota County Information Call Center.......941.861.5000/scgov.net Sarasota Doctors Hospital..............................................941.342.1100 Sarasota Memorial Hospital/Health Care System ...... 941.917.7760
Compliant speeds are any speeds that are under the posted speed limit Low Risk speeds are speeds <+5 MPH of the posted speed limit Med Risk Speeds are speeds >+5 MPH but <+10MPH of the posted speed limit High Risk Speeds are speeds >+10 MPH pf the posted speed limit
Emergency (General)......................................................................911 Life-threatening EMERGENCY: call 911 first, then call the gate. They will direct emergency vehicles
The ATS Speed Sentry was deployed at the corner of Landings Blvd. and Heron Way for the month of January 2017 with the following results:
Date 01/17/2017 to 02/14/17
Location Landings Blvd / Heron Way (Southbound)
Speed Limit Compliant 15 87.67%
Low Risk 10.14%
Average daily traffic at this location was apx. 604.8 vehicles a day. Previous deployments at this location show a steady increase in compliance. Deployment will continue at this location for the month of February.
Date 01/17/2017 to 02/14/17 01/01/14 to 01/30/14 05/01/12 to 05/31/12 12/16/11 to 12/22/11
Location Landings Blvd / Heron Way (Southbound) Landings Blvd / Heron Way (Southbound) Landings Blvd / Heron Way (Southbound) Landings Blvd / Heron Way (Southbound)
Speed Limit Compliant 15 87.67% 15 83.58% 25 70.96% 25 62.52%
Low Risk 10.14% 13.60% 18.26% 19.71%
Med Risk High Risk 2.10% 0.09% Med Risk High Risk 2.10% 0.09% 2.76% 0.07% 10.26% 0.51% 13.31% 4.46%
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
APRIL 2017
Day Wednesday Thursday Friday Sunday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Saturday Saturday Sunday Sunday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Date 1 2 3 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 13 14 14 14 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 21 21 21 22 24 25 28 28 28 29 30 31
Time 10am 7pm 6pm Noon 3:30pm 8:30am 7pm 4pm 7pm 5pm 9am Noon 2pm 4pm 2pm 4pm 11am 7pm 1pm 3pm 9:30am 3pm 1:30pm 5pm 7pm 3:30pm 9:30am Noon 9am 2pm 5:30pm 11am 5pm 11:30am
Event Bob Manteiga LMA Board Mtg. Web Pizza Party Private Party LLG Committee LMA Trivia Challenge Bayview LHA Single Friends Meetup Koffee Klatsch Kayak Group Editorial Mtg. Bayview Landings South IV Board Mtg. Landings South VII St. Patrick’s Day Round Robin LRC Movie Night Private Event Private Event CANUKUS Private Event LRC Board Landings South V Trivia Challenge Landings South V BBQ Cariage House I Private Event Koffee Klatsch Landings South IV Tree House HOA 3.0 Tennis Luncheon Holiday Cheer Meeting EP Comm
Day Monday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Friday Saturday Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Thursday Friday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday
Date 3 4 4 6 7 8 10 10 11 11 13 18 18 20 20 20 21 25 25 25
Bridge Chair Yoga Jazzericise Landings Free College Landings Learning Grp. Landoliers Mah Jong Class Ping Pong Tai Chi Water Aerobics Watercolor Painting Yoga Zumba Gold
Time 3:30pm 8:30am 7pm 7pm 2pm 3pm 9am 3pm 2pm 4pm 7pm 1:30pm 7pm 2pm 4pm 4pm 9:30am 9am 2pm 5:30pm
Event LLG Committee LMA Trivia Challenge LMA Board Meeting Private Event Private Event Koffee Klatsch Private Event Eagle Editorial Meeting Bayview LHA LRC Board Trivia Challenge Landings South Board Meeting EP I Landings South VII Carriage House I Koffee Klatsch Landings South IV Tree House HOA
Regularly Scheduled Items Mondays Fridays Tues & Thurs Thursdays Wednesdays (3/1 & 3/8) Tuesdays Thursdays Mondays & Wednesdays Thursdays Thursdays Thursdays Mondays & Wednesdays Tuesdays
6:30pm 10am 8:30am 2:30pm 4pm 3:30pm 9:30am 9:30am 10am 11am 10am 8:15am 9am
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Judy Tara
Your Landings
Resident Real Estate Team
Landings Real Estate Database Address
½ BA
5430 EAGLES PT. CIR #203
5430 EAGLES POINT CIRCLE #201 • $629,000
1734 STARLING DR • $315,000
1695 STARLING DR • $499,999
5450 EAGLES PT. CIR #402
5450 EAGLES PT. CIR #101
5283 HERON WY.
5223 HERON WY.
1696 PINE HARRIER CIR • $724,000 dy & Tara Ju ighborhoo ’s Ne
Judy Tara 350-0451 266-4873
OPEN HOUSE Michael Saunders & Company
5430 EAGLES POINT CIR, #203 • $787,000
Watch for the “Judy and Tara’s Neighborhood” Open House signs on Sundays where “Just Looking” is always welcome. Your Landings Resident Real Estate Team are proud advocates and supporters of Landings events including Sponsorship of the USTA Father/Son Annual Tennis Tournament.
Judy Greene • 941.350.0451 • JudyGreene@michaelsaunders.com Tara Lamb • 941.266.4873 • TaraLamb@michaelsaunders.com
Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker
Based on information from Realtor.com, Sarasota Property Appraiser, and Sarasota Association of Realtors for the period ending February 19, 2017. These properties listed and sold in the past 4 months by various MLS participating offices.
5100 Ocean Boulevard • Sarasota, FL 34242