Remembering our Veterans on Memorial Day
By Adrienne Feltman
Meet Thomas “Tommy” Mullin, 7, 1st Grader at Phillippi Shores Elementary School
Ralph Ricapito was inducted into The City All-Star Chapter of the Pennsylvania Sports Hall Of Fame page
CANUKUS The American team faced a daunting challenge at this year’s CANUKUS Challenge
Meet Landings artist Gary Bowen page
Each year The Landings community pays tribute to our Landings Veterans who have served in the military and have now died. They are remembered by family, friends, and neighbors on Memorial Day in The Landings. Most recently, we remember Pvt. Glen Shriberg, USArmy, and Retired Ambassador & 1st Lt., Donald Leidel, USAir Force who both died this past April. The following Landings residents we remember now are: USAir Force, Capt. Samuel Edelman; USArmy, Captain David Gold; USArmy, Corp. Hal Kaplan; and USArmy Sgt.
John Meyer. All of these Landings Veterans were honored and recognized for their service to our country during the time they were residents of our community. We remember them now and wish to keep their names and their memories with us and their families. On Memorial Day, let us remember all of our Veterans who have served our great country in the past and take time to salute our brave and courageous military and their families who are serving us today.
Nancy Ferraro: Volunteer Extraordinaire By Diana Colson Nancy Ferraro joined New College in 1966 as their founding registrar. A longtime resident of Sarasota, she had undertaken a career that was challenging and demanding as well as exciting and stimulating. When New College merged with the University of South Florida in 1975, Nancy’s responsibilities increased to include registration and scheduling for USF at Sarasota. For more than three decades she enjoyed serving the students and faculty, many of whom became lifelong friends. Upon retirement in 2000, Nancy turned to volunteer work, offering her organizational skills to non-profits whose missions she supported and felt passionate about. From 2000 -2006 she was on the Board of Pines of Sarasota, serving as Board Chair for part of that time. She knew Pines well as her mother had lived there for many years, receiving the same outstanding care all residents receive no matter their level of need. As she says “It is amazing that in Sarasota we have a facility like Pines! My Mom started in Assisted Living, then moved to the memory unit and finally to nursing. At every level, she was treated with skill, kindness, respect, and dignity.” The mission of the Pines originally was to serve only low-income Sarasota residents. However, as the community became aware of the extraordinary care given at Pines, other residents wished to live there. If beds were available, no person was turned away. Today Pines serves 276 residents and is funded mostly by
private donation. They do receive grants, many of them matching grants. Currently, they have embarked on a multimilliondollar project to bring muchneeded renovation to their aging campus. Every dollar donated is matched by a $2 donation from the Esther & Harold Mertz Foundation. During the same years, Nancy turned to another passion of hers: animals! Always an animal lover, she became an active volunteer at the Humane Society of Sarasota, working with potential adopters to help them find their perfect pets. Soon she added to her matchmaking responsibilities the training of new volunteers who wished to work with cats. Inspired by their interest, she began to read up on and study Cat Behavior so that she could pass that knowledge along to others. “I teach Cat Communication,” she says with a grin. During that same period, she also volunteered with Animal Rescue Coalition (ARC), helping check animals into their mobile spay/neuter unit—one of the first free units in Sarasota. Of this experience, Nancy says, “Owners brought in their animals, people who could not afford to take them to a veterinarian. The animals received basic shots, and the vets were wonderful to work with. It was always amazing to see these people come in with their straggly animals and their straggly selves, but – by golly – they did it!” Continued on page 12
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LMA Meeting Notes LMA Pres., Deirdre D’Silva opened the meeting by responding to residents’ concerns about non-Landings residents trespassing through the South Gate. Property manager George Niel spoke with the property managers of Phillippi Landings and Phillippi Terrace. They agreed to inform their residents of this issue and notices will be posted on their bulletin boards not to trespass on The Landings property. D’Silva reported attending a meeting with Mike Knupp on hurricane preparedness led by the Director of Emergency Management for Sarasota County. The county will be providing The Landings community with the most recent updated flyer on hurricane preparedness once it’s printed. Another meeting was held that included several committee chairmen, Landings board members as well as Argus management in order to enhance the relationship with Argus and to make sure all are accomplishing proper oversight and fiscal controls. They agreed at the meeting a committee chairman should not also be a paid sub-contractor and Joan Golab was appointed chairman of the Maintenance Committee. David Jacaruso will continue as the maintenance contractor, but he will report to Golab. In addition, Norm Olshansky is going to chair the Communications Committee.
FINANCE REPORT Treasurer, Dick Bayles reported an unusually expensive first-quarter. It was determined the repair of sidewalks outside the North Gate to Highway 41 are the LMA’s responsibility. The estimated cost of the repairs is $16,000. The South Gate repair bill came in sooner than expected though the cost was a little less. An unexpected irrigation repair also added to the high first quarter
By Trebor Britt
expenses. Bayles indicated it was too early to determine how the fiscal year would end. It was suggested the removal of the sidewalk entirely may be less expensive than the repairs. After a brief discussion the board decided to examine many options before their final decision.
Lakes chair, Michael Knupp reported the completion of a retaining wall on the west side of Lake 3 (Carriagehouse Lake) as well as the replacement of a fountain nozzle. In March, The Landings lakes were evaluated by Dr. Abby Tyrna, the Water Resources Agent for the University of Florida Extension in Sarasota County. The LMA Environmental, Maintenance and Landscaping Committees will meet to discuss ways to implement some of her suggestions.
Committee chair, Michael Knupp reported on a productive meeting with Sarasota Stormwater Management Director, Ben Quartermaine. The county has agreed they are responsible for maintaining at least one of the easements in question and will make a determination of responsibility for others in the next few weeks. Knapp attended an informative hurricane preparedness meeting by Sarasota County Emergency Management Director, Ed McCrane. A few changes were made after a review of Hurricane Irma damages and flooding.
Landscaping chair, Paul Weiner reported a mainline break was repaired at Peregrine Point at a cost of $710.
Newly appointed Chairman, Norman Olshansky reported he was recruiting committee members and interviewing potential vendors as The Landings webmaster. Once changes and updates have been made to the site, a major marketing of the site will take place. The committee will contact realtors to introduce them to The Landings and help promote the benefits and activities offered to residents. Internal and external communications on the site will be one of their key goals.
Maintenance Committee chair, David Jacaruso reported the sign and post replacement program has resumed. A permanently locked temporary security gate has been erected at the South Gate. The repair will take approximately 7-14 days and should be completed before this article is published. The committee is still awaiting additional contractor bids to repair curbs in The Landings. A sprinkler head and light was damaged near the island at the Main Gate. The sprinkler head was repaired and they are awaiting parts for the light fixture. Once this is repaired, the landscaping will be addressed. Gate arms at both the North and South Gates have been replaced. A convex traffic safety mirror has been ordered to replace the one at the corner of Landings Boulevard and Landings Terrace. The sprinkler system leak on Kestral Parkway North has been repaired. Several stop signs have been repainted and repaired.
A motion was made and passed to plan a Garage Sale within The
Landings for Landings residents only. The date and further details to be determined later. A resident reported on the success of The Landing’s Learning Group. She thanked the LMA Board and Racquet Club for their partnership in making the group such a great success. Attendance numbers were up throughout the season. She also suggested the new hurricane preparedness guidelines be placed in The Eagle and if possible, be distributed before owners leave sometime in May. The Eagle editorial committee will discuss republishing safety rules when walking, bicycling etc. to educate newer residents. An additional concern was raised about political candidates giving speeches in the Racquet Club. The resident was directed to bring up the concern at a Racquet Club board meeting. A resident reported a street drain in need of repair in front of Eagles Point 2. Drainage chairman, Michael Knapp said he was not aware of it, but would look into it right away.
Notifications MAY 9: Next Community Hauling Date May 9: Happy Hour Social at 6pm May 18: Movie Night at 7pm May 28: Memorial BBQ at Noon • Wanted: Writer/Editor with a Passion for news, information & Landings living. Editor must be a Landings resident. Contact Bob Stein 941-349-0194.
Serving the Landings Community since 1992 | www.landingseagle.com | Island Visitor Publications, LLC | 941-349-0194 P.O. Box 35086, Siesta Key, Florida 34242. Publishers: Bob & Emy Stein islandvp@verizon.net To advertise in print or on-line call 941-349-0194. Advertising Representative: Irene Brooks Please note that contributing writers and photographers are acknowledged with bylines accompanying their submissions. We sincerely thank everyone for their contributions. The Landings Eagle is published monthly and is partially funded by the Landings Management Association & Landings Racquet Club, but is independently edited and reported by Landings residents. The Landings Eagle is published by Island Visitor Publishing, a Florida LLC. Advertising rates and information will be gladly furnished by calling us at 941-349-0194, We are ready to answer your questions and to assist you in preparing your ad at no extra charge. All advertising and editorial content is subject to editing to conform to our style, and is copyrighted 2018 by Island Visitor Publishing, LLC and may not be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted under federal law. The publisher reserves the right to edit or reject copy for any reason. Island Visitor Publishing, LLC is not responsible for any claims made by the advertisers. To access each issue of The Landings Eagle, please go to: www.islandvp.com. Simply scroll down to The Eagle image and click on it for the current issue. If you would like to view past issues, click on the text, “TO VIEW PAST ISSUES OF THE LANDINGS EAGLE, CLICK HERE” That will bring you to a list of the back issues going back to July 2013. For anything earlier you will need to go to the website: www.landingseagle.com ©
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Household Community Hauling Program
LHA Meeting Notes At its regular April meeting, the Board approved: • Tree removals on Peregrine Point Circle W, Landings Lane and Landings Boulevard • Roof tile replacement on Peregrine Point Drive and Peregrine Point Circle N • Trim colors on Pine Harrier Circle • Fence extension and pool cage on Kestral Park Way S • A landscaping plan on Landings Boulevard It reviewed a request for tree removal on Flicker Field Circle and will await an arborist report on the condition of the trees. It will also request a landscaping plan for plantings in front of a recently installed fence. The May meeting of the LHA Board will take place on May 10, 2018, at The Landings Racquet Club at 7:00 p.m. INSECT MONITORING ADOPT A STREET ISLAND & DECREASE NEED FOR INSECTICIDE SPRAY!! #The Landings environment #counting bugs #community project #Summer vacation fun for the curious Looking for children and adult volunteers in The Landings who are interested in monitoring insects on the shrubs and plants in the street islands. Collect data on numbers and types of bugs over the summer to potentially reduce the need for insecticide spray!! FOR DETAILS CONTACT Maralyn Kaufman-David, Chairperson, Environmental Committee, Landings Management Association at mkaufmanphd@gmail.com
The next date for dropping off your unwanted paints, household chemicals, electronics, batteries, etc. will be Wednesday May 9, 2018. A list of the acceptable items is provided in the box below. Additionally propane tanks up to 20 lbs. and printer ink cartridges can be received. Only these items can be accepted. All others will be returned to you. The materials are to be brought to the North Gate between 8 and 9 a.m. Reservations are required and they must be made before noon on Monday, May 7, 2018. Call George Niel at 941-927-6464 x-110 for your reservation. The following can also and preferably be disposed of in the weekly trash pick-up: motor
oils and filters (set alongside the garbage can and mark accordingly), florescent bulbs, empty paint cans, batteries-A series, Cs and Ds, stereos, speakers, and telephones (take out the batteries first). Additionally, you can also deal with the following as mentioned: rechargeable batteries may be taken to Batteries Plus, Home Depot, Lowes and Radio Shack and florescent bulbs will be accepted at Home Depot. The Community Hauling Program is now operated on the second Wednesday of the month three times per year – November, February and May. Please plan accordingly. I would like to thank our dedicated volunteers for their efforts. If you have any questions about the program, please call Harvey Greller 908-804-2300.
These are the only acceptable items for the Community Hauling Program. Any items not on this list will have to be taken back by the homeowner (unfortunately no exceptions). • hazardous waste • lawn and garden chemicals following types: • toxic waste • paint thinner Printers, scanners, • paints • solvents fax machines, power • pesticides • cell phones supplies. • automotive products • fluorescent lamps • pool chemicals (and compact Note: the County Hazardous • automotive batteries fluorescent lamps) Waste Collection Site no longer • fertilizers • batteries: button accepts TVs and computer • fire extinguishers batteries, rechargeable monitors. You can dispose of them • gasoline nickle-cadmium and simply by putting them out at the • used motor oil lithium-ion batteries. curb next to your weekly trash • cleaners • electronics: of the container.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
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President’s Column By Deirdre D’Silva With the end of the official “season” also comes the end of the 2018 Season of the Landings Free College and Landings Learning Group. I would like to thank Ralph Ricapito, Irv Kushner, Adrienne and Howard Feltman and their respective committees for providing our community with such a wealth of learning opportunities. Coming together in this way allows us to also get to know each other better. We are very fortunate to have these programs in our community. As a Board, we appreciate hearing from you. It was brought to our attention from residents near the South Gate that people who do not live in The Landings were entering with their dogs and not picking up after them. We asked our Property Manager, George Niel, to reach out to the Property Managers of Phillippi Landings and Phillippi Terrace, the buildings closest to the South Gate. These Managers have been contacted and ensured us that they will communicate our concerns to their residents, and post notices to their residents not to trespass on our property. Did you know that our property extends beyond our gates? As a result, we are responsible for maintaining the areas from our North and Main Gates to 41. Currently we are in the process of getting bids to repair the uneven portions of the sidewalks that stretch from our North Gate to 41. The commercial properties in that area will provide 50% of the funds for this project. Thank you to our Roads Chair Rudy Blohm for overseeing this project. A reminder that we are revamping our speed detection program so that we will now have 24- hour coverage. There will be a one-month grace period while the community adjusts to this new program. Proper drainage within our community is something that we are always striving for. Our Lakes and Drainage Chair, Mike Knupp, works tirelessly to address the various drainage issues that our community encounters. I would like to thank him for his continued commitment to finding long-term solutions. Most recently he held a productive meeting with Ben Quartermaine, Sarasota County Stormwater Manager, regarding maintenance of County drainage easements. As a
result of the meeting, Quartermaine has already issued two work orders associated with cleaning sediment boxes and fixing the outlet from Lake 2 (Treehouse Lake) into the Tree House lagoon. His staff will be reviewing other maintenance issues throughout The Landings in the coming weeks. Also, a thank you to Dan Schuman for his research of the County’s easement maintenance responsibilities. I would also like to thank Jack Jost for his continued involvement with drainage issues. His depth of knowledge regarding our drainage system is very helpful as we move forward. The care, concern and commitment these residents demonstrate is what makes improvements to our community possible. Speaking of drainage, have you ever walked by Lake 1 near the North Gate and wondered what that strange contraption was floating in the water? Well, it is a Water Goat. Installed last year, the Water Goat has been successfully trapping trash that would otherwise end up in Sarasota Bay. Lake 1 has a very large outlet pipe which carries trash from 41 and the Landings Shopping Center into the Lake. The LMA will continue to look for ways in which we can protect our precious neighborhood. One action we can all take to meet this goal is by talking to our landscapers to make sure that they do not use fertilizer containing nitrogen and phosphorus from June to September, and to use 50 percent slowrelease fertilizer during the rest of the year. We have spoken to the LMA Landscaper, Merle Raber, and he is already committed to following these practices. It is important to uphold the County’s guidelines on fertilizer use because during the rainy summer months, fertilizers and pollutants from
The purpose of the Water Goat, installed last year in Lake 1, is to trap trash so it doesn’t end up in Sarasota Bay
our yards run into our ponds, creeks and bays. Storm water runoff carries the nitrogen and phosphorus from fertilizers into our waterways causing harmful algal blooms and killing aquatic life. Skip the fertilizer this summer! June 1 - Sept. 30.
Now that it is May, many of our Landings residents will be packing up and heading North. I want to wish those travelling a very safe journey, and we look forward to seeing you again when you return in the Fall.
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Kid’s Corner
By Heidi Bodor
Thomas “Tommy” Mullin, 7, 1st Grader at Phillippi Shores Elementary School • Do you have brothers and sisters? I have one brother and he is 5 years old. • Do you play any instruments? I play the electric guitar. It was given to both of us but my brother never uses it, so I do. I started about a month ago. • Do you have any pets? We have 2 dogs. One is a German Shephard, Mollie, that is 8 years old and the other is half Australian Shepherd and half Golden Retriever and is named Daisy. She’s 9 years old and gets into trouble sometimes. She used to eat our leftover breakfast and eat poop too but now she just sniffs it. Once she ate chicken with bones in it and threw up. • How long have you been in The Landings? We’ve been here about a year and a half. We moved from Belmont, near San Francisco, CA. • Is it a lot different here? I don’t really remember because I was little. I do remember there was a cool science museum near Sausalito. I liked that. I have more friends here. I have about six here and only had three in CA. • Favorite ice cream? I have a few favorites – Rocky Road, Pistachio, Blue Moon, and Blue Sky (which tastes really sweet) • Favorite school subject? Recess because it’s the only time I get to play with friends and can be loud. Sometimes we have movies in class; that’s fun. We are going to watch Jack and the Bean Stalk soon. We’ve seen the Mickey Mouse version but now we’re going to watch the scary one. • Favorite books? I have a few favorites – the Magic Tree House series, the Last Firehawk series, and Captain Underpants series. I have the most reading points in my classroom. • Favorite show? Beyblade Burst episodes. The opponent who breaks first wins. First, you have to build the Beyblade [which is also a toy]. The blade was six bucks! I did chores (like washing the dishes and clearing the table) until I could buy it. I’m going to my friend’s house to figure out how to build it. • Favorite sport? I would really like to play baseball since Jackson, my best friend, plays it. He’ll be at a baseball camp this summer. • What sport do you play? Football. I used to play T-ball but I don’t play it anymore because there were a lot of people and I don’t like so many people around. • Favorite color? Turquoise – since I like green and blue and then I like them combined. I like it because it looks good. • Favorite song? Universal Flame by Devin Townsend • Favorite video game? Clash Royale; you have troops that attack buildings. You get a crown if you destroy a building of the opponent King. There are cannon balls and bows/arrows at higher levels.
Thomas “Tommy” Mullin • Favorite and least favorite foods? Ice cream, milkshakes, hamburgers, and french fries from Smacks. I usually get cookies and cream but next time I’m going to get caramel. I really like that too. My least favorite food is broccoli or salad or spinach because they taste bad. I like soft cooked carrots, but not hard ones. Cauliflower is good too. • Describe yourself. I care about animals, love to read, and like playing with my friends. • What do you do in your spare time? I watch television, play video games, read books, and at recess – play with friends. • What do you want to be when you grow up? I’d like to be an animal rancher and stop hunters from killing them for fun. • Do you have any summer plans? I’m going to go to a camp at Out-of-Door Academy. It’s called “Where the Wild Things Are”. Another camp there is called “Banyan Tree” and we will make ice cream, eat cotton candy, and make a fair with games. • If you could change one thing about school, what would it be? Extra recess time • If you could wake up tomorrow with a superpower, what superpower would you want to have? Animal powers like the Black Panther. If you shoot him with a gun, he gets stronger. He has claws. The power of the panther is when he gets mad, he turns into a panther.
• What is your biggest dream? To throw all poachers in jail. • If you could be president for a day, what would you do? I’d banish poachers and make new laws about it. • What is the greatest thing ever invented? Books! • What do you do in your spare time? I’m in the Mile Club at school and I’m a fast runner! I earned one bead and might get another soon. I also got a Jogathon medal for most laps in my classroom. I like reading. I read the Bible to myself on random days. I like going to zoos like the Lowry Park Zoo. Big Cat Habitat was great too. I used to do taekwondo but it was boring. I’m interested in finding neighbors for playdates if anyone is available. If you know a child that would like to be featured in Kid’s Corner, please contact Heidi Bodor at heidibo@verizon.net.
Yesterday - Today – Tomorrow Ralph Ricapito was inducted into The City All-Star Chapter of the Pennsylvania Sports Hall Of Fame whose Hall of Famers define the quality of athletics, who lead the right kind of life, a life of integrity and have brought lasting fame and recognition to the State through their athletic achievements.
Master of Ceremonies, Joe DeCamara, WIP Sports Radio, presenting the award to Ralph Ricapito
By Dee Ricapito
I was proud to accompany Ralph to Philadelphia as he was honored at a dinner for his outstanding contributions to sports in the city. His accomplishments were many; as the city’s youngest Head Coach at age 25, he brought St. Thomas More, their winningest season in the history of the school. Then, in the Public League, he turned the season around at Mastbaum Tech to win divisional titles, becoming the winningest coach in both school’s history. He was selected “Coach Of The Year” on three occasions: The Phila Inquirer in 1972; WCAU Sports Radio in 1974; and University of Pennsylvania Varsity Club in 1975. At the College level, he assisted Wayne Harden at Temple University with scouting and recruiting. While on staff, Temple won the Garden State Bowl. On the professional level, he ran the Phila. Football Coaches Clinic, working alongside Duffy Dougherty and Bud Wilkinson. Hosting speakers such as: Dick Vermeil, Sid Gillman, Lou Holtz, just to name a few. The most fun he had was working on the sidelines for the Philadelphia Eagles for 20 years,
on home game days manning the phones behind the bench. In other sports, he brought Mastbaum’s Physical Fitness Team to Washington D.C., to win National Championships where the U.S. Marine
Ralph and Dee Ricapito with family Corps. made a movie of the boys who “BETTER THEIR BEST” on a National level. He is the founder of The Philadelphia City All-Star Game played yearly, with the vision to showcase the talent of city kids to the various colleges in order to obtain scholarships. The opportunity led to many college careers for kids with talent but without opportunity. Many have gone on to careers in the Pros. The Game is now in its 44th year!
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Landings Learning Group
Photos by Bob Manteiga
Top Left: Landings Learning Group capacity filled end of season program; enjoying an afternoon of delightful Gershwin music Bottom Left: The Landings Learning Group presents Zac Anderson, Political Editor of the Sarasota Herald Tribune, who articulates an objective evaluation of the “STATE OF THE STATE AND THE STATE OF THE NATION.” A lively question and answer discussion followed the presentation. Above: Johanna Fincher, Soprano, Russell Andrade, Tenor, and Internationally recognized pianist, Lee Dougherty Ross perform Gershwin for the final program of the season.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Nancy Ferraro: Volunteer Extraordinaire Nancy is passionate about the importance of spay/ neuter to reduce the number of unwanted animals and is enthusiastic about ARC’s initiatives. “I am so excited! There are now many different places in Sarasota that offer low-priced vet services, with Rose Durham Cat Care Veterinary Clinic at Cat Depot being a great example. Today more than one feral cat programs are available that offer free spay/neuter.” Nancy recently offered a program on TNVR here at The Landings, an environment that attracts feral cats as well as other wildlife. Her goal was to educate residents about the importance of neutering to stop the huge population explosion. To that end, she published an informational article on ferals in “The Eagle”. From 2000-2010, Nancy served on the Scholarship Committee for the Gulf Coast Girl Scout Council. Again, this volunteer opportunity drew on her New College experience. The girls who applied for these scholarships were amazing, volunteering many hours in the community and with their churches while maintaining excellent academic records. Nancy currently volunteers every Monday in Radiology at Sarasota Memorial Hospital’s Health Fit facility. She also has worked on special projects for Hospice. The Hospice work is on an “as needed” basis. Most of Nancy’s volunteering is at Cat Depot, where she offers orientation programs for prospective volunteers and assists the volunteer coordinator in many volunteer-oriented activities, often working from home maintaining the volunteer database on a complex computer program, Volgistics. Again, this ties in perfectly with her professional skills, for she ran orientations at New College for 35 years! Nancy also delights in teaching Cat Communication to kids who wish to volunteer and to the kids in the summer “Critter Camps”. Says Nancy, “This is so much fun. It provides the opportunity to teach kids about compassion and kindness to animals as well as how to handle them. It also teaches the importance of spay/ neuter, which is so rewarding!” During her 34 years as Registrar for New College and the University of South Florida. Nancy ran the orientation and graduation programs, did evaluations of transfer students, did academic advising, class scheduling, transcript design, computer applications, produced institutional research reports and served as a liaison between faculty and students in many ways, including academic offerings, curricular development, and academic achievement. Most importantly, she implemented ways to communicate to traditional institutions— especially professional schools— the academic curriculum of a non-traditional academic program. (New College does not give letter grades or use credit hours to measure academic progress and requirements; rather it offers a contract program which includes independent study.) Nancy Ferraro played a key role in the success of Sarasota’s highly rated colleges and has since put her extraordinary skills to work for many of our town’s most crucial non-profits. A resident of The Landings, she has certainly been of outstanding service to our community!
Continued from cover story
Nancy Ferraro
Nancy at the Cat Depot Gala
While working on the computer at Cat Depot, this little black and white kitty crawled into Nancy’s lap
Nancy with Cherie at Howl O Ween
Pizza Burn
From time to time we see patients with mouth discomfort caused by eating and/or foods. We see burns, lacerations, scrapes and swellings which can interfere with eating, swallowing and talking. They can even break teeth and fillings/crowns, etc. Usually these discomforts are diagnosed with examination and a careful history. The things we consume can be too cold or hot, too sharp and poky, or too hard. Very occasionally they can be allergenic. The top three offenders are ‘Pizza Burn’ (also from hot liquids), ‘Triscuit Trauma’ and ‘Chewing Gum’ crowns. The big healers here are ‘tincture of time’ or repair the broken, loose or fractured area. Any injury lasting more than two weeks needs immediate observation. Avoid pizza burn? Cut up the first few bites until it’s cool enough to chow down. Almost all of these problems are preventable and avoidable. It’s up to you!
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CANUKUS Challenge 2018 The American team faced a daunting challenge at this year’s CANUKUS Challenge in the form of a ridiculously talented Canada-UK team. It was particularly galling to the American players because they were all such nice guys. As many of you inveterate supporters (we so appreciate you!) know, CANUKUS stands for Canada, UK and US. Started here at The Landings in an effort to raise donations of nonperishable goods for the Sarasota All
By John Fournier
Faiths Food Bank, Barry Taylor and friends created an exciting event for spectators and players alike. Spectators bring food donations, and the players go to great lengths to gain bragging rights for the rest of the year. Once each year, the match pits players from Canada and all UK counties against a US team. While they must be 60 and older, most of the players have been National and Sectional Champions as well as some who have played on the professional tour. The list of past
players includes our own Mike Davies and other Grand Slam players. No cakewalk, this! Unfortunately, Mother Nature had her own challenge in mind. CanadaUK Captain Allan Thompson and US Captain John Fournier had their teams huddled together at 9 a.m. to assign courts. The first players to leave the cover of the awning got about 10 feet before the deluge came. After a lot of laughter and a run for cover, the event was rescheduled for the following week.
I am delighted to tell you that, despite the rain and time change, the 170+ pounds of food items donated this year was the most ever. And not by a small margin. Thanks to you all for your generosity and to the players for their own food donations, great play and occasional antics. So, who carried the day? Welldeserved congratulations go to the superb Canada-UK team. But just you wait until next year! See you there.
Dan McClure hits a backhand return
The CANUK team: Nick Hardy, Allan Thompson, Warren Girle, Mike Smith, Phillipe Barcessat and Richard Wayman
John Fournier hits a forehand volley
Phillipe Barcessat has big plans for this ball
Warren Girle, Mike Smith, Dan McClure and Ed Sanford
Mark Anderson stretches for a forehand volley
Richard Wayman shows good extension on a forehand return
Richard Wayman, Allan Thompson, Mark Anderson and Jeff Gartman
Warren Girle prepares for a smash
Mike Smith hits a backhand return
Nick Hardy, Phillipe Barcessat, John Fournier and Ken Fugate
Ken Fugate with John Fournier
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Paid parking at Siesta Public Beach to be key part of future County Commission discussion By Rachel Brown Hackney No date was set, but the Sarasota County commissioners agreed on April 10 to hold a formal discussion regarding the potential implementation of paid parking at Siesta Public Beach. The suggestion came from Commissioner Alan Maio, who represents the Key as part of District 4. In advance of the board’s regular meeting that day, Maio had provided his colleagues with the results of the surveys the Siesta Key Association, the Siesta Key Condominium Council and the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce had undertaken in recent months about the issue. “I cannot go to a meeting on Siesta without the question about parking arising,” Maio pointed out. Even though the three surveys had different wording of the questions they posed to the organizations’ members, he continued, they asked “basically the same questions.” Among them was a focus on whether every county property owner should receive a decal or some other means of proof that the person would not have to pay to park at Siesta Public Beach, Maio said. Another asked for respondents’ views on whether the money collected should be utilized on Siesta Key. The first survey was conducted by the
SKA in October 2017, he noted. A letter the nonprofit sent the commissioners showed that 74.89% of the 693 members who answered the survey support paid parking at the beach. Additionally, many also approved of “some level of fee-based parking” for county taxpayers, the letter said. “The SKA Board of Directors recommends that Sarasota County offer one discounted parking sticker or pass” to each property owner/taxpayer in the county, the letter continued, and it suggests that a fee in the range of $25 to $50 would be acceptable to SKA members. Further, the letter pointed out, “SKA members strongly support the use of revenue from paid parking for maintenance of the Public Beach and beach access points, as well as for on-island and island access transportation.” The Chamber survey found 64.8% of the 107 people who responded to its survey agreed that parking fees should be implemented at Siesta Public Beach, comparable to those in other beach communities, for people who do not own county property. Additionally, 84.8% of 140 respondents to a question asking whether all Sarasota County property owners should
be accorded free parking answered, “Yes.” Finally, of the 138 people who responded to the question about whether all the money collected from parking fees should be used just on Siesta Key, 83.6% answered, “Yes.” The Chamber material said the survey was sent to 581 members, with 165 responding. The Condominium Council survey found 80.9% of its 279 respondents approved of a paid parking program at the beach, with 75.9% also saying all county property owners should be able to park for free. As for allocating every penny of the revenue to uses on the island, the approval rate hit the 90.3% mark. Maio emphasized on April 10 that the majority view reflected by the three surveys was that “the burden of paying for the paid parking falls on the visitors.” “This is not the place … for an extremely long conversation on the issue,” Maio told his colleagues, addressing them during the Reports Section of the meeting. Therefore, he continued, he was hoping for consensus about the topics be scheduled as “a dedicated subject at a future — soon — a future County Commission meeting, so we can at least begin the process of discussing this.” Continued on page 31
The Eagle Has Landed
The Eagle Landed along with Dee Ricapito in Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, to watch the Space X Rocket carrying a planet-hunting telescope. Photos submitted by Dee Ricapito
Buzzfeed names Fresh Catch top new Florida restaurant to try in 2018 According to a list published on the popular website Buzzfeed.com, Fresh Catch is the top new restaurant diners should check out in Florida in 2018. Data focusing on new restaurants that opened during the past year from the restaurant-review site Yelp.com was used to compile the list. Only one restaurant was chosen from each state, adding to the impressive recognition this small restaurant is receiving. Fresh Catch’s, father/son duo, Bob and Devon Provost have a serious passion for seafood which started way back when the family lived in the Boston area. Their simply prepared, never-fried, never-frozen dishes are paired with a variety of simple sauces that serve to complement, so the freshness of the seafood shines. Your fish/seafood selection goes from the case onto the grill. Prepared grilled or blackened, topped with lemon and butter, Pico de Gallo or tropical salsa. Served with a fresh ear of corn on the cob and baby roasted potatoes. Soups, salads, sandwiches and steam pots round out the menu. If room permits, be sure to order a slice of their homemade key lime pie. Bob’s wife, Debra, makes the key lime pie, using freshly whipped cream. The restaurant also offers a nice selection of beers and wines. Fresh Catch Fish Market & Grill, located at 7119 S. Tamiami Trail, just south of Stickney Point Road in the Buccaneer Plaza, is a casual restaurant/market with indoor and outdoor seating for close to 30. Here’s what more patrons are saying about the restaurant on line: Yelp review: I see why this place is all five stars. Amazing find, tucked away in a nondescript strip mall adds to its local, simple vibe. Best seafood I have had in a long time. Service made it feel like we were part of the family, four happy diners tonight. If you read this post, stop searching and start eating. Seriously do not pass up this little gem. “If you love delicious seafood prepared flawlessly, this is the place for you. Everything is cooked to highlight the high quality, pulled fresh from the gulf.” —Yelper Scott B.
The Satellite called Tess launches to seek out new alien worlds
“Our favorite!! Best fresh fish and crab claws!!! The fish list is changing daily. The Key lime pie is the best there is.” —Yelper George C. Tried this place last night on a whim and it did not disappoint! Everything from the staff, to the menu, to the meal itself was perfection. It’s a small place and luckily we’d come in between dinner rushes and got a table right away. Within 10 mins the place was full again. The wait staff was smiling and helpful. We shared stone crab soup to start with a couple of ice cold beers, tons of crab in the soup and excellent flavor. For our meals we got blackened tripletail and snow crab claws. Each came with a side of roasted potatoes. I can’t say enough about how fresh and delicious the entire meal was. We will be back!
Blasted off successfully at 6:15 Wednesday evening
Due to its popularity, reservations are strongly recommended to avoid a long wait. Fresh Catch Fish Market and Grill is open from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Saturday. 941-413-7133, freshcatchfishmarketandgrill.com (Advertorial)
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
|Manager’s Report
Racquet Club News
By Kevin Lechlitner
|President’s Report By Dick Bayles By the time you read this, the replacement canopies for those damaged by hurricane IRMA should be complete. They will withstand 120mph winds with the fabric in place and 200mph with the fabric removed (which can be done in-house). It took longer than expected; metal fabrication and Sarasota County inspections were the sources of the delay. [Snowbirds, you’ll have a look when you get back.] CANUKUS was delayed by a week due to rain, which we needed. Look at the article in this issue for more information on that event. The Club sponsored its first “Happy Hour” event, with a large turnout. Pickle Ball continues to draw a spirited crowd, about half of whom are not regular tennis players. At the Club’s Annual Meeting, I said that we would conduct a survey to see how we could provide activities for those members who weren’t actively participating in our current sporting or social events. This survey, developed in conjunction with a member who is experienced in the area, will be distributed in early May via an e-mailed link to the SurveyMonkey internet service. Members for whom we do not have an e-mail address will receive their survey by regular mail. If you wish to not use the online survey, a printed copy will be available in the Pro Shop. To our snowbird members who haven’t yet left, have a great summer and we look forward to your return.
Is it May already? Wow did season go by in the blink of an eye. For our members that have already left and those that are about to leave, have a wonderful summer. We will hold down the fort in your absence. See you when you return to Sarasota later in the year. Beginning May 1st, the Guest Fee enters its new summertime rate. Guests of members using the pool, Fitness Center or tennis courts will be charged a $10 fee per person, when using the Club before noon and $5 after noon. This rate will continue until November 1st when the fee will remain $10 throughout the day until May 1st. Guests residing under a member’s roof (In-house Guests) will not be charged a fee if the member has registered their guests in advance with the Tennis Pro Shop. Also, on May 1st our “Peak Time” policy comes to its seasonal end. Now reservations can be made two days in advance for prime time courts (8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.) as long as there aren’t more guests on the court than members. Please call me if you have any questions about our court reservation or guest policies. In early May, all members of the Club will receive a survey via email. It should only take
a few minutes to complete and can be done online. If we don’t have an email address on file for you, your printed survey will arrive via standard mail. If you don’t wish to complete the survey online, you can pick up a printed copy in the Pro Shop. The printed copies will need to be returned to the Pro Shop to be included in the results. As we have done for many years now, the Landings Racquet Club will offer a summer membership to those living in The Landings who aren’t already members. For a one-time $400 fee, during the months of June through September, your family will have full privileges throughout the facility. You will have access to the tennis courts, Fitness Center, our wonderful pool that is cooled to 84 degrees, use of the wellstocked lending library as well as member rates on tennis lessons with our USPTA Certified Tennis Professional, Adrian Moghina. Be sure to mark your calendars for our Annual Memorial Day BBQ on Monday, May 28th. This is normally our largest event of the year. We typically have around 140 people including roughly 30 veterans. It will be the normal menu of hot dogs and hamburgers with all the side dishes. As usual, military veterans, the guests of honor, will be complimentary. Please register in the Pro Shop for the event. The sign-up sheet is on the counter.
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|News From the Court
By Adrian “Mo” Moghina
A year has gone by so quickly. But you know what they say, “Time flies when you’re having fun.” I want to thank the staff and members for making me feel right at home and part of this fun community environment. I really enjoy being part of this team. Join me in wishing John well as he heads to Nantucket to teach for the summer season. His last day on the courts will be May 19th. He will return in October.
John and I appreciate your support and participation in our social mixer events and pro exhibitions this year. We look forward to many more. In the meantime, I am excited for a great summer as the meat of the professional tennis season will bring the remainder of the Grand Slam Events. Summer is also a great time to improve the weakest part of your game. I will be available all summer. Contact the pro shop to schedule your private lesson. See you on the courts!
Congratulations to the Club Mixed Double Champions
Mo, Paige Packman and Gary Bowmen
Alan Friedberg, Heidi Nightingale and Mo
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
The Recipe Corner
|The “Kitchen Ladies” Recipe
Around The Landings
Compiled by Dee Ricapito
Greek Style Fish Soup (Psarosoupa Kakavia)
If you fish directly from the waters, or just enjoy a healthy meal, like Ralph Ricapito and Sonny SanPetro, this soup will not disappoint. Ingredients: • 1/4 cup Greek olive oil • 2 large onions, chopped • 2 garlic cloves, minced • 2 large celery stalks, chopped • 1 large carrot, peeled and chopped • 1 large can diced tomatoes (28 ounces) • 1/2 cup tomato sauce • 5 cups water • 1/2 cup dry red wine • 2 teaspoons salt • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper • 1 bay leaf • 1 1/2 pounds whitefish, filleted, skinned, and cut into pieces Pour the olive oil into a large pot and set the heat to medium. Add the onions and saute for five minutes, or until the onions soften. Add the garlic and saute for another minute. Add the celery and carrot and saute for another two minutes. Stir in the diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, water, wine, salt, pepper, and bay leaf. Cover the pot and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce heat to low and simmer for one hour. Add the fish and cook over medium-low heat for twenty minutes.
Phillippi Estate Park and the Merri Month of May
May brings with the warmer weather the opportunity to “make merri” in the park. There are shoreline trails to explore, two piers for fishing, a quarter mile path in a coastal hammock for bird watching, plenty of photo opportunities, a kayak launch and a Gazebo to share a picnic while the children enjoy the playground. On Saturday May 12, the Bradenton-Sarasota Rose Society will host their annual ROSE FESTIVAL at the Edson Keith Mansion from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. There will be rose bushes grown on Fortuniana root stock to purchase as well as rose bouquets for the perfect Mother’s Day gift. There will also be seminars about various rose-related subjects, led by Master Rosarians and the Rose Doctor will be in to diagnose your rose problems. This FREE event is the highlight of the spring season with examples of the variety of roses grown locally by the Bradenton-Sarasota Rose Society members. A delightful day for all. For more information, please visit: info@B-SRS.ORG. To end the merri month of May, there is the annual MEMORIAL DAY CONCERT held at the Gazebo with The Sarasota Concert Band. Admission fee for adults is $5.00 with children 6 and under free. The Concert is held on Monday, May 28 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. There will be food trucks with refreshments. Ample free parking. Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy patriotic music on this very special day . For more information, please call 941-316-1309. SEE YOU AT THE PARK!!
The Eagle Has Landed
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The Eagle has landed on the bus ride with The Landings ancients, for a “Greek Odyssey Day” in Tarpon Springs Florida. Those sharing the luncheon delights and the sights and sounds of the city are, L to R: Saul Lapidus, Pat Garrett, Sue Donaldson, Lenora & Jack Jost, Bob Fernander, Anita Kincade, Burt & Sandy Frank, Sue Whitman, Bob Golicher, Sandy & Jim Goldman, Bonnie & Gary Warren, Dawn & Nelson Smith; Seated: Jay & Jill Eisner, Bill Whitman, Dee Ricapito. Not pictured: Ralph Ricapito, Sonny SanPetro, Margo & Ron Cestar, & Sheri Golicher If you have a story and photo for The Eagle Has Landed please submit them by email to islandvp@verizon.net
Anchor restaurant in Southbridge Plaza open for lunch Stickney Point Road, known as the Gateway to Siesta Key, has a new anchor restaurant located in the Southbridge Plaza. The old anchor, Stonewood Grill, closed its doors at this location early last year. Plaza Mexico Restaurant Bar & Grill moved in, revamped the interior and without missing a beat, opened for business November 2017, just in time for season. This certainly is not their first rodeo as they own five other restaurants; two of which operate in Venice and Port Charlotte. In addition to the Tex-Mex style dishes offered, you’ll also find traditional dishes that are served throughout Mexico on the menu, providing patrons with a wide array of choices. One such dish, which is their most popular item is called molcajete. In this case, it’s what’s in the molcajete that keeps patrons coming back for more. The molcajete, which is actually a Mexican version of the mortar and pestle, is filled with grilled sirloin streak, grilled chicken, green onions, chorizo, and shrimp. It’s served with rice, beans, lettuce, sour cream, guacamole, pico de gallo, and tortillas. You can order this popular dish for either lunch or dinner and can be ordered to serve one or two people.
Lunch is offered and starts at 11 a.m. You can view their extensive seven page menu and drink specials on their website at www.plazamexicobarandgrill.com. Discount coupons can be found there as well so you can take advantage of the “Buy One & Get One ½ Price” daily lunch coupon. Also offered is a “10% Senior Discount” coupon valid for lunch or dinner. “Taco Tuesday” deals? Yup, from 5 p.m., until close you can buy shredded beef or ground beef tacos for $1.50. And if you like your guacamole fresh, they prepare it table-side. You can’t get it any fresher than that. Plaza Mexico Restaurant Bar & Grill is racking up some nice reviews since their opening. Following is a sampling of what patrons like about this place: • EXCELLENT guacamole and the enchiladas are delicious. Full bar offers you every drink imaginable plus Mexican beers on tap. The staff is bilingual and friendly. Bring patience, no one is in hurry. They are here to relax and feed you. The food once ordered comes quickly and is well made. Very close to authentic Mexican food. • Visiting Florida wanted good authentic Mexican, came here! From the moment we got out the car we felt welcomed. A young man
was on his break, but still opened the door for us, greeted us. We walked in and got seated immediately. Our server Marvin was the kindest. I absolutely loved everything about this place. The food was so fresh, hot and well prepared. Thank you all so much, I will be back! Much success and many memories to your business!! • Really good food! Excellent fresh guacamole! Refried beans are amazing. Our service was friendly and attentive. Margaritas were tasty with good tequila. We’ll be back! Plaza Mexico Restaurant Bar & Grill is located in the Southbridge Plaza, 1894 Stickney Point Rd (Former Stone Wood Grille) (941) 702-5963. Advertorial
Molcajete: Comes with grilled sirloin steak, grilled chicken, green onions, chorizo and shrimp. It also comes with rice, beans, lettuce, sour cream, guacamole, pico de gallo and tortillas.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
The Eagle Has Landed
Sponges hanging on the boats along the dock in Tarpon Springs on The Landings “Greek Odyssey Day resident trip. Photo by Dee Dee Ricapito
The Alpine Steakhouse Burger, $12 Named as one of the top burgers for 2017 in Sarasota, by SRQ magazine, this mile-high burger may not officially be on the menu at Alpine Steakhouse but if you ask for the Steakhouse burger, you will not be denied. So what sets this tower of perfection apart from other burgers? It starts with a freshly ground in-house, ½ lb. sirloin patty that promises to always be fresh and juicy and cooked exactly to your preference. This succulent foundation is then topped with Swiss cheese, thick strips of smoked jowl bacon for a burst of smokiness, two golden fried onion rings, slices
of tomato, lettuce, and a dollop of mayo all sandwiched between a freshly toasted Kaiser bun. As if this belly buster needs anything more, a side is included in the price. All sides are homemade. Oh sure, you can get the traditional side of French fries, but why would you when their selection offers so much more? And did I mention, all their sides are homemade? Displayed in their deli-case are side selections such as potato salad (German or American), heart healthy coleslaw, macaroni salad, sauerkraut, red cabbage, just to name a few. Come and get it at Alpine Steakhouse Meats & Deli, located at 4520 S. Tamiami Trail. www.alpinesteak.com 941-9223797. (Advertorial)
Village Gelateria Celebrates First Anniversary of Serving up Fresh, All Organic, Vegan-friendly Gelato My favorite Gelato and ice cream parlor in America! I have been to quite a few all over and this place is Authentic. The service is wonderful and the owners are so humble and kind. Can’t wait to go back. ~ Adri C. OMG - ABSOLUTELY THE best gelato I have had outside of Rome Italy!!!!! CAN’T wait to come back! Owners were SO lovely. ~ Teri G. So goes the many accolades Made In Rome Organic Gelato has been receiving for their made-in-house gelato. April marked their first anniversary in their Siesta Key Village location, and the owners, Massimo and Diane Cuna couldn’t be happier. As they celebrate this momentous occasion, the owners and employees would like to thank the thousands of customers that have patronized their establishment. Made In Rome Organic Gelato, located in the Village, churns out small batches of artisan gelato, (a.k.a. ice cream’s Italian cousin) transforming simple ingredients into sweet scoops of pure bliss. The all-organic list is uncomplicated consisting of milk, cream, eggs, sugar, fruits and nuts. When properly crafted it produces the clean, pure flavors and luxurious silky textures that are the hallmarks found at this small gelateria. No hydrogenated fats, colorants, or preservatives are ever used in these creations. As simple as the ingredients are that make up this sweet indulgence, its name is equally as unassuming. Translated, “Gelato” simply means “Frozen.” But don’t let its simple name belie the depth of flavor
each bite delivers. In fact, the staff will provide generous samples. Just be forewarned, it may be habit-forming. The Cunas take turns creating flavors like Cioccolato e Nocciola (Chocolate and Hazelnuts), Croccante All’Amarena (Crunchy Cherry), or Caffè del Professore (Teacher’s Coffee). It’s a unique process they enjoy showing off and welcome all to stop by and watch as they prepare it. Each batch is kept small and a different flavor of their house-made gelato is produced every 15 minutes. Any gelato not scooped up immediately is kept in closed cases, safe from bacteria and impurities. A constant temperature of 5 degrees is maintained; the optimal temperature necessary for retaining the fresh, pure tastes. Then the next day, they start all over again; blending and mixing and incorporating all the lush organic ingredients. This, according to Morgan Morano, author of The Art of Making Gelato, is what matters most: “Eat it fresh.” And vegans, you too have options with nine choices of vegan gelato to choose from, including chocolate. You can even spoon it or eat it right out of a cone if you want, since their organic cones are made from gluten free, kosher certified, vegan waffles. They also offer a small assortment of sugar-free choices from the menu’s 30 flavours. Espresso? Why, of course. Served straight or affogato al caffe; a double shot of espresso topped with a scoop
of gelato…any flavor. This luscious combo has been receiving high marks, and as owner, Diane says, “People go crazy for this!!” Their hard work is paying off as more customers taste the difference fresh, organic ingredients make. Of course, the charm of the owners and staff is just like the icing on the gelato. So if the dopamine reward system lurking in your brain kicks in to high gear looking for something sweet, make a bee-line straight to Made In Rome Organic Gelato for some instant gratification. Made In Rome Organic Gelato is located at 5204 Ocean Blvd. in Siesta Village, (941) 960-5344, open Monday through Sunday from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Advertorial
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
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Good Bye To Our Snowbrids
By Dee Ricapito
Family isn’t always blood. It’s the people in your life who want you in theirs. They are the ones who accept you - even set in your ways. (They smile and love you no matter how many times you tell that same funny story!) It’s the spring time of year, when our Landings Snowbirds are leaving and will be missed! I’d like to recognize a few neighbors who have been giving of themselves for the best good of The Landings, even though they are not living here all the time. For example: Nelson Smith built magnetic bulletin boards that were needed throughout the Condos. His wife, Dawn is hosting pancake mornings for all to enjoy at the Racquet club. Howard & Adrienne Feltman: Have provided great entertainment for our residents over the many years hosting The Learning Group on Wednesdays. Irv Kushner Co-Chairs the Landings Free College, with Snow Bird presenters this year, Ben Mayne, Bob Sherman, J.J. Frey only to mention a few. Fun is had by all when Karl Maggard sets up “Landings Baseball Day” every year. He spends the other half of the year in Oregon. There are so many others I haven’t mentioned all volunteering in order to make our Community a better place to live. I’m thinking this spring it’s time to spend less time on our digital devices and more time with friends, and family at the Racquet Club. Enjoy walking or biking to the Club instead of driving over. Maybe, taking a swim or just chatting at the pool with friends. Yoga or a stretch in the fitness club in the morning, or meeting some new people learning Pickle-ball in the afternoon can be a recreational joy over the spring and summer. For some there are activities we once loved and can’t do anymore like tennis, biking or boating; but you can enjoy your walks with the dog, or accompanying grandchildren to movies, musical activities, or taking in the City life, all that result in unexpected pleasures and meeting new friends. WHOSE # 1 Wish, isn’t leaning toward a healthier and happier life that blooms with age; with PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFE WHO WANT YOU IN THEIRS!
Adrienne & Howard Feltman
You will find these magnetic bulletin boards built by Nelson Smith throughout the condo areas
Karl Maggard
Nelson and Dawn Smith
Irv Kushner
Blooming this month Desert Rose
(Adenium obesum) This drought tolerant plant likes a well-drained spot. In fact, this is one of the few plants that sometimes does better in a pot where you can control the drainage than in the ground. The plant generally loses its leaves in winter. Even in summer, though, the plant is more stems and blooms than foliage. It likes full sun and will tend to get more leggy and not bloom as much in shade. Sandy soil is fine as long as the area has good drainage. A light pruning of stem tips will help create more branches and fuller look. The soil must be able to dry between watering. Fertilize in spring, summer and fall with a good granular fertilizer. Colors range from red, pink and white. A favorite to bonsai due to its swollen, woody stem. Submitted by CJ Danna, President, Sarasota Garden Club www.sarasotagardenclub.org
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1902 Bay Rd, Sarasota, FL 34239 • (941) 366-8988 • Complete menu online at www.ricospizzapie.com 941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Getting to Know the Artists of The Landings
By Marie-Louise McHugh
Gary Bowen is no stranger to The Landings residents. You can find him most every day at the Landings Racquet Club either on the tennis courts or working at the Club House. I met him two years ago at the December Landings Artists art show where he exhibited a series of small oil paintings. I was intrigued by his work, a mix of little landscapes and images of small scenes. This last December he again showed a wonderful group of small paintings. When I questioned him about his choice of subject matter, he revealed that he just loves to paint whatever catches his eye at any given moment, eclectic choices as he calls them. I recently had a chance to sit down with Gary and talk a little bit about his background. He has loved to draw since he was a little boy. When his mother tried to show him how to draw a horse he took the pencil from her and showed her how to do it better! He took art classes all through school and college. Later he taught art at the local Booker High School Gary Bowen for 36 years. There he created the Art Academy that is now the Visual and Arts Program. When he retired in 2012 he stayed at the high school as tennis coach and later came to work for Kevin at the Landings Racquet Club. The two pictures of his work for this article show a different aspect of his art. He has always been interested in airplanes and flying. The acrylic painting of the B17 Bomber of WW2 is a historical depiction of one of many in the war. He got most of his information from a veteran ball turret gunner who flew this plane during the war. Gary made prints of this painting and the gunner signed the image. Gun Fighter, acrylic painting Lady Champane, acrylic painting Another period painting is the Gun Fighter with his motorcycle. Gary painted it after 9/11. her weekly painting group instead. They This summer he plans to travel to North Carolina meet with their teacher Susan Martinolich, and paint landscapes. He will paint on location and a Sarasota artist and art instructor, from take lots of pictures to paint from them later. He is October through April. The group welcomes particularly interested in exploring views that have anybody who is willing to learn and bring a path leading through them. his/her own supplies. The projects vary If you are spending the summer in Sarasota don’t from copying famous paintings, working miss the show of his work on display from August on composition and color, sometimes also 1st to the end of October at All Angels by the Sea painting from photographs. They also Episcopal Church, 563 Bay Isles Road, on Long Boat learn about matting and framing. Presently Key. the group consists of Lillian Schwatz, Deb Last but not least, I would like to report on a group Doherty, Eloise Malinsky, Mary Rex and of watercolor painters who meet every Thursday at Mary Collins. This group has worked the Landings Racquet Club from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. together for over eight years and would Lillian Schwatz at work When I asked to write about Lillian Schwatz, a welcome other painters next fall and winter. watercolor artist, she encouraged me to write about Continued on the next page
Continued from previous page
Residency at The Landings is not necessary. I joined them for a few weeks to take advantage of the great space they have available and this has given me an opportunity to complete a number of paintings I need for an upcoming art show up north. They are such a fun group to work with, encouraging each other, sharing ideas, frustrations and their pleasure at mastering things
they did not think possible. The group organizes a show at the end of April each year. This year it took place on Sunday April 22 at the Landings Racquet Club. As do many Landings residents, I will be leaving for a few months but will return in October. I will resume writing about our wonderful artists in the winter. Enjoy your summer.
Above: Water Color Class: Left ro right Lillian Schwarz, Eloise Malinsky, Mary Collins, Susan Martinolich and Mary Rex Left: Framing practice: Cutting mats: Left to right Mary Rex and Susan Martinolich
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
FDOT plans permanent improvements to 90-degree curve at intersection of Higel Avenue and Siesta Drive before county road swap takes place By Rachel Brown Hackney
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Higel looking northbound to Siesta Drive
County leaders sent a letter on April 6 to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), spelling out the latest details of a proposed road swap involving River Road and Siesta Drive, Higel Avenue, Midnight Pass Road and Stickney Point Road on Siesta Key. A summary accompanying the letter includes one key point that has not been raised in past discussions of the road swap: the FDOT commitment to “design, acquire necessary right of way, permit and construct a permanent improvement to the roughly 90-degree bend on State Road 758 within the City of Sarasota near the intersection of Siesta Drive and Higel Avenue.” That would take place before the county assumed responsibility for that section of the road network on Siesta Key, the summary adds, noting, “The County will have approval authority over the proposed improvement design.” A committee of the Bay Island Siesta Association — Make Siesta Drive Safer — has been pressing FDOT since last year to make significant changes on Siesta Drive and Higel Avenue because of the number of accidents — including several with fatalities — that have occurred on that 1.9-mile stretch west of South Osprey Avenue. Pat Wulf, president of the association, told members of the Siesta Key Association in January that members of the committee hosted FDOT representatives for a site visit in August 2017. He summed up their response to that 90-degree curve as “Wow! This is messed up!”
County Administrator Jonathan Lewis referred to the April 6 letter in remarks to the County Commission during its regular meeting on April 10 in Venice. “We don’t have a response back, frankly, from DOT at this point,” Lewis said. In an April 9 email, Commissioner Charles Hines had asked Lewis about providing an update to the board this week. The negotiations have intensified in recent months as county leaders have sought a means of speeding up the improvements planned for River Road to improve hurricane evacuations, serve thousands of new residents who will be moving into South County developments and handle future traffic heading to the Atlanta Braves’ Spring Training complex, which is under construction in the West Villages. Assistant Sarasota County Administrator Mark Cunningham sent the letter to L.K. Nandam, FDOT’s District 1 secretary in Bartow, summing up the proposals offered thus far for the exchange. River Road would become a state road, while the Siesta roads would transfer to county authority. The April 6 letter lays out “where we think the offer is to DOT,” Lewis said. Nandam does plan to come to Sarasota to talk with county staff, Lewis noted, and the county’s lobbyist in Tallahassee is “continuing to apply the pressure … I know it’s not the pace all of us would like,” Lewis said, “but we do continue to work on that item.”
Captain Jim Klopfer’s Fishing Report Adventure Charters 941-371-1390 May is a transition month in Sarasota. Although the calendar says it is still spring, by late May it will definitely feel like summer time. Pelagic species such as king and Spanish mackerel will have migrated north, inshore fishing will be best early and late, and giant tarpon will invade the inshore Gulf of Mexico, a sure sign that summer is here! Speckled trout fishing should be outstanding in May. It has been unseasonably warm and bait will be scattered all throughout the bay. The flats near Big Pass will be productive. Casting Bass Assassin 4” Sea Shad baits on ¼ ounce jig heads in front of a drifting boat will produce a lot of speckled trout. A live shrimp under a noisy cork is a deadly technique for catching trout. Pinfish, grunts, and pilchards will produce less fish, but generally larger ones. The shallow flats will be very active as they flood with bait. A low, incoming tide is the best time to search for reds and snook in the skinny water. Fish will stage in holes and deeper water then move up onto the shallow flats as the tide floods. Scented soft plastics, weedless gold spoons, topwater plugs, and live bait are all effective. Lures work best when looking for fish, water can be covered quickly. Live bait is best once the fish are located. Some of the largest trout will also be found in shallow water. Snook will be moving out to the beaches and will be scattered out all over. Mangrove points
Snook will move into Big Pass in May and bars near the passes should hold snook, as will structure in both Big Pass and New Pass. Outgoing tides are preferred, but as long as the water is moving, fish can be caught. Plugs are great baits that cover a lot of water quickly and are great fun to fish. Jigs and other soft plastics work well, too. Anglers who are proficient with a cast net will load up the well with pilchards and catch a lot of fish. Surf fishing should be excellent and by the end of May there will be decent numbers of snook in the surf line. Small white jigs and flies work well on snook, as does live bait fish. Silver spoons cast out and retrieved in quickly will fool mackerel and ladyfish. Live shrimp will fool a variety of species. By the middle of the month, many guides and recreational anglers will be focusing on one of the most exciting angling challenges found anywhere,
light tackle casting to giant tarpon! This is truly world class big game fishing. Tarpon that migrate up our coasts are large fish that average 80 pounds, but reach over 200 pounds. 25-30 lb spinning tackle and 12 weight fly rods are used most often. A live crab is the preferred bait, but live pinfish and other bait fish work well, too. These baits are fairly light and spinning tackle works best to cast and present baits.
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Siesta Promenade
By Rachel Brown Hackney
|Questions raised about how proposed FDOT road swap could affect traffic planning with Siesta Promenade
In its latest responses regarding the proposed Siesta Promenade project, filed with Sarasota County in late March, Benderson Development continues to propose the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Stickney Point Road and Avenue B and C. The latest traffic analysis report says that the closure of the existing median opening at the intersection of Stickney Point Road and Glencoe Avenue also
would be necessary to accommodate an eastbound left-turn lane in conjunction with the mixed-use development on the northwest corner of the intersection of U.S. 41 and Stickney Point Road. Prepared by the Kimley-Horn and Associates consulting firm in Sarasota, the report notes that it has been updated to reflect comments from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and Sarasota County staff, including those made during a Jan. 24 meeting.
Happiness is… New Seasons
May is here. Flowers are in bloom, the last vestiges of winter have slipped by the wayside, and summer is just around the corner. In fact, at Abel’s Ice Cream, we’re ready to celebrate the beginning of summer break with our very own taste of summer – Hawaiian Fruit Cup (Tropical coconut ice cream with pineapple chunks and strawberries...a truly refreshing treat.) One of owner Jerry Williams’ favorite parts of the month is the annual opportunity to celebrate Mothers. Fresh off a visit from Jerry’s mom in April, Abel’s has something to make every mom feel special. If she’s a lover of chocolate, Abel’s Incredible gourmet chocolates from Sweet Shop USA are a must! Sea salt caramels, chocolate almond bars, Fudge Love Truffle, just to name a few. A box of six or twelve pieces will guarantee you “favorite-child” status. We guarantee it!
Additionally, the March report says, as discussed with FDOT and county staff, Benderson proposes “the extension of the existing westbound merge lane to create a continuous westbound right-turn lane” along Stickney Point Road from U.S. 41 to the Avenue B and C intersection. The latest FDOT discussion about the proposed project took place on Dec. 19, 2017, the report notes, while the most recent discussions with county staff were on Feb. 1. The report points out, “The final access configuration of the project driveways must be approved by FDOT.” However, that last statement relates to an issue that has raised questions
If ice cream is more your mom’s style, you’ve got it made at Abel’s. Come with her to enjoy a cup or cone of any of our traditional favorites, or check out one of Jerry’s mom’s favorite flavors, Cherries ‘N Cream (For the cherry lover in you, this is the ultimate vanilla ice cream loaded with maraschino cherries.) Of course, if you want to go the extra mile, try out our collection of Stonewall Kitchen’s jellies, aiolis, jams, and chutneys. Creating a recipe with one of these great tastes could be the beginning of a new Mother’s Day tradition. At Abel’s, we also want to take this opportunity to commend the Class of 2018. While none of our employees are graduating this year, the quality of the young people we get to work with every day gives us great hope and excitement for the future! Congratulations to all!
in recent weeks: The Sarasota County Commission and county staff have talked of progress in ongoing negotiations with FDOT to swap the county’s control of River Road to the state in exchange for the county taking on maintenance of Stickney Point Road and Siesta Drive/Higel Avenue — west of U.S. 41 and Osprey Drive, respectively — as well as Midnight Pass Road on Siesta Key. Opponents of Siesta Promenade have voiced concerns that if Stickney Point Road becomes a county road, FDOT no longer would have any say over traffic pattern adjustments made to accommodate Siesta Promenade — if the County Commission approves the project as proposed. In response to The Eagle’s question about those concerns, Paula Wiggins, the county’s transportation planning manager, said in an April 3 email that “if Stickney Point Road becomes a county facility, improvements would be under the county’s jurisdiction. However, if those improvements have impacts to the intersection of US 41/ Stickney Point Rd, the state would be able to weigh in.” The Eagle also posed questions Come by to tell us about your graduate, or about FDOT’s involvement let us help you figure out how best to honor in the potential traffic pattern the mom or mother-figure in your life! Abel’s changes to Zachary Burch, Ice Cream is located at 1886 Stickney Point Road, Sarasota in the South Bridge Plaza. government affairs and Open Sunday through Thursday from Nooncommunications manager for 9:30 pm, and Friday and Saturday from NoonFDOT. In an April 4 email, he 10 pm. Learn more online at our updated wrote, website, www.abelsicecream.com or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Continued on the next page
Continued from previous page
“FDOT and Sarasota County have been discussing the possibility of swapping the jurisdiction of a portion River Road for a portion of SR 72 west of US 41. River Road is currently a county maintained road and SR 72 is currently a state maintained roadway. No decisions have been made by FDOT or Sarasota County and the conversations are still ongoing.” County leaders have been intent on the proposed road swap because of the need to accelerate improvements to River Road, thanks to growing development in North Port; the coming relocation of the Atlanta Braves’ Spring Training operations to a new complex under construction in the West Villages; and heightened concern about the use of River Road as a hurricane evacuation route for South County residents, as well as those in areas of Charlotte County. The Kimley-Horn report also continues to include the original figures for residential dwelling units and commercial space in Siesta Promenade, even though Benderson late last year reduced the number of proposed dwelling units from 506 to 414 and the number of planned hotel rooms from 150 to 130. One section of a March 27 letter Todd Mathes, Benderson’s director of development, sent to county Planner Todd Dary says the maximum “total equivalent residential dwelling units” will be 479. The letter also notes that the maximum number of multi-family units will be 414. Mathes did note that the density total for the hotel used the factors of one dwelling unit per one hotel with two rooms and no kitchens, or one room with one kitchen. The 130 rooms in the hotel would equate to 65 residential dwelling units, a chart showed. Along with the residential units and hotel,
the project would feature 140,000 square feet of “neighborhood retail space,” the Kimley-Horn report says. “Primary access to the site will be provided onto US 41 and State Road 72/ Stickney Point Road,” the report adds, “with minor site access” provided on Crestwood Avenue and Glencoe Avenue.
Details about the blocks
In his March 27 letter, Mathes also wrote that 133,000 square feet of gross leasable area (GLA) would be dedicated to retail business in the development, with 7,000 GLA designated for office space. Further, Mathes provided more details about each section planned in the development. For example, in Block 1, the buildings may be 40 feet tall when they are at least 20 feet away from the property line fronting Glencoe Avenue or Crestwood Avenue. They may be 65 feet in height when they are at least 100 feet from the Glencoe or Crestwood property lines. Block 3, which will comprise retail, restaurant, office and hotel uses, may have buildings 80 feet in height when they are at least 150 feet from the Glencoe Avenue property line. Blocks 4 and 5 also are planned for “retail, restaurant, and office commercial uses,” Mathes’ letter said. On Jan. 25, 2017, the County Commission voted 4-1 to allow Benderson to proceed with specific studies in accord with Benderson’s request for a Critical Area Plan designation for the project. Winning approval for that would allow Benderson to have density up to 25 units per acre, instead of the 13 per acre allowed in standard county Commercial General zoning districts.
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Paid parking at Siesta Public Beach to be key part of future Continued from page 16
Maio predicted that it would “take several meetings before we get close to a decision on this.” “I would support the conversation,” Chair Nancy Detert replied. However, she wanted to make sure all county residents have an opportunity to be involved in it. “Absolutely,” Maio told her. She also indicated strong support for residents of South County being allowed to park for free at Siesta Public Beach. “It’s going to be a fairness issue.” Further, Detert said, she felt all the parking issues on Siesta should be addressed during the agenda item. That included the effort of county staff to transform a former Sheriff’s Office training facility site into a shell surface parking lot at 6647 S. Midnight Pass Road. The property is owned by
the county’s Public Utilities Department. Maio reported in March that county Public Works Department staff was in the process of securing the demolition permit for the structure the Sheriff’s Office used. A second building on the property will need to remain there, staff has said, because it contains a water tank. “I think it would be a great all-day workshop,” Detert said on April 10, referring to discussion of all the Siesta parking issues. “How does everyone else feel?” A couple of other commissioners answered, “Yes.” Thus, Detert said, County Administrator Jonathan Lewis had consensus to plan on the agenda item.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
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‘Happy Anniversary,’ Siesta Key Breeze Shortly after 2 p.m. on Monday, April 9, representatives of Sarasota County Area Transit (SCAT) and the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce — along with County Commissioner Alan Maio and business owners — climbed aboard a Siesta Key Breeze open-air trolley, which was parked at the Village gazebo. They had gathered to recognize the 250,000th rider since the service began on March 20, 2017. The winner of multiple prizes donated by Siesta Chamber members was a woman named Noelle, who talked of her delight in being on Siesta instead of at her Connecticut home, where it had been snowing. Maio joked that she would be expected to appear at future County Commission meetings to rave about the Breeze and help inspire continuation of funding for it. She said she would be happy to do that. Before the board agreed on Feb. 28, 2017, to allow a trial run of the trolley, Maio pointed out, he had been assuring his colleagues and others that he expected the Breeze to have at least 2,000 riders a month. “We didn’t even come close,” he joked. “It’s 20,000 a month.” That line was met with whoops and applause. By his reckoning, Maio continued, every two riders on the Breeze represent one less vehicle on the island’s roads. “We have traffic on the Key,” he said, acknowledging, “This is the one and only time I will admit that. I refuse to say the word, ‘Traffic.’” Therefore, he continued, the Breeze had reduced the count of vehicles on the Key by 125,000 over the past year. “That’s a fabulous number.” Prior to the official beginning of the festivities, Terry Thompson, vice president of East region for the firm Ride Right LLC, with which the county contracts for the Breeze operations, “You’re moving a lot of people with the trolley. That’s what it’s really all about: congestion mitigation,” said Thompson. Thompson also pointed out that the firm had
By Rachel Brown Hackney
worked hard to find the right people to serve as drivers for the Breeze. “You can’t just have any person,” he said. The driver’s personality is a big factor in ensuring riders enjoy their trips, Thompson noted. The bonus, he indicated, is that the drivers the firm employs love their jobs. The April 9 event had been scheduled after a forecast for severe storms on March 20 led to county and Siesta Chamber leaders agreeing that a better weather day would be preferable for the celebration of the first anniversary as well as the 250,000th rider. Under sunny skies — but with humidity high enough to generate plenty of perspiration among some attendees — Kendra Keiderling, SCAT’s marketing, outreach and customer service supervisor, welcomed everyone gathered at the gazebo to join some regular riders aboard the trolley. Then, at the front of the vehicle, she talked of how people on the Key had made it plain that even though a SCAT bus regularly runs a route between the mainland and the island, “no one wanted a bus.” Instead, she said, they wanted a trolley. Keiderling offered special thanks to a number of organizations and people on the island who had pushed for the service for years.
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View From The Gate
Compiled by: Capt. Jordan M. Joseph, Landings Security & Safety There were a total of 52 incidents reported for the month of March 2018. They are as follows:
• 1 Disturbance Reported A noise complaint. Patrol was dispatched and made contact with the resident. Resident promised to be more quiet. • 1 Found Property Report Set of keys turned into the Main Gate. Owner was located, keys were returned. • 1 Information Report (Complaint) Resident advised that a guest arrived to her home unannounced. • 39 Open Door Reports 36 Open garages 2 Open commercial property 1 Open vehicle trunk • 4 Parking Violations Reports 2 Restricted vehicles parked overnight (Commercial). 1 Vehicle parked on roadway overnight. 1 Vehicle parked on the grass.
• 2 Patrol Requests 1 Noise complaint - No noises detected on arrival 1 Person hanging out’ outside the community. Was a guest for the Marina area. • 2 Public Service Reports 1 Uber driver lost near South Gate. Escorted to the Main Gate 1 Vehicle lights found on. Resident advised via voice mail. • 2 Suspicious incidents 1 Vehicle tailgating in via the South Gate Later identified as an Uber driver. 1 Subject on bicycle refusing to identify self on entry to the community. Later identified as a guest of a resident.
Landings Residents’ Handbook & Directory By Dick Bayles New owners or residents since the last issue of The Landings Eagle: • Michael & Marlis Haubold, 5271 Heron Way • Reid & Linda MacCluggage, Reid & Linda MacCluggage, 941-323-4201, 941 323-4200, reidmac@aol.com, imaccluggage@aol.com • Josephine McCoy, 1610 Starling Dr • Joan & David Peters, 4804 Kestral Park Cir, 941-266-3845, 941-266-3923, davep588@comcast.net, Additions, changes, or corrections should be directed to me in writing. Directory forms are available from me via e‑mail, at www.landingseagle.com and www.insidethelandings.com, or from your association, and may be dropped off at the Landings Racquet Club or Main Gate to my attention, or sent via mail or e‑mail. Directories and Binders are available at the Main Gate. Dick Bayles, 1729 Landings Way, Sarasota, FL 34231, landings.directory@gmail.com
Main Gate Resident Entries Visitor / Vendor Entries Total Gate Traffic North Gate Entries at the North Gate Exits at the North Gate Total Gate Traffic South Gate Entries at the South Gate Exits at the South Gate Total Gate Traffic
2018 12221 4001 16222 2018 17942 16786 34728 2018 7364 6003 13367
2017 12746 2479 12746 2017 10083 9593 19676 2017 4759 3735 8494
2016 13082 0 13082 2016 18732 17176 35908 2016 6151 5364 11515
2015 12891 0 12891 2015 20094 17671 37765 2015 6363 5454 11817
2014 12460 0 12460 2014 18160 16051 34211 2014 5270 6475 11745
* The Main Gate has no means of recording exit numbers at this time. N/A = System Error. Information not available or missing.
Useful & Emergency Phone Numbers... Verizon - Phone Service..............................................1.800.483.1000 Comcast Cable........................................................................371.6700 Emergency Animal Clinic.....................................................929.1818 Poison Info Center.......................................................1.800.282.3171 Waste Management...............................................................924.1254 Landings Eagle................................................................941.539.0205 Landing’s Gate.......................................................................922.5531 Landings Racquet Club.........................................................923.3886 Landings Community Hauling Program........... 941-727-6464x110 LRC e-mail................................................... LRCtennis@verizon.net Argus Management...............................................................927.6464 Sheriff Non-Emergency.........................................................861.5800 FPL - Florida Power & light..................................................917.0708 FPL - Outage Report....................................................1.800.468.8243 Fishing & Hunting Licenses..........................................941.362.9888 Marriage License Bureau...............................................941.362.4066 Sarasota County Hotline.......................................................861.5000 Sarasota/Bradenton Intl. Airport.................................941.359.2770 Sarasota County Area Transit (SCAT) .......................941.316.1234 Sarasota County Information Call Center.......941.861.5000/scgov.net Sarasota Doctors Hospital..............................................941.342.1100 Sarasota Memorial Hospital/Health Care System ...... 941.917.7760 Emergency (General)......................................................................911 Life-threatening EMERGENCY: call 911 first, then call the gate. They will direct emergency vehicles
The ATS Speed Sentry was deployed on Landings Blvd, near the Landings Racquet Club for the month of March 2018 with the following results:
Date 03/17/18 to 04/16/18
Location Landings Blvd / LRC (Southbound)
Speed Limit Compliant 15 78.62%
Low Risk 19.11%
Med Risk High Risk 2.13% 0.14%
Approximately 105.58 vehicles passed the speed sentry each day. Previous deployments at this site show an overall increase in compliance at this location, with the largest gain being in Low Risk offenders. High Risk offenders has dropped.
Date Location Speed Limit Compliant Low Risk Med Risk High Risk 03/17/18 to 04/16/18 Landings Blvd / LRC (Southbound) 15 78.62% 19.11% 2.13% 0.14% 05/14/16 to 06/15/16 Landings Blvd / LRC (Southbound) 15 75.29% 9.25% 8.39% 7.07% 04/15/16 to 05/13/16 Landings Blvd / LRC (Southbound) 15 76.59% 13.39% 6.19% .84% Deployment for the month of April is going to be delayed while the ATS Speed Sentry undergoes a firmware update and routine maintenance. 941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
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“For F
MAY 2018 SUN
JUNE 2018
Treehouse Mtg.
Trivia Challenge
LMA Board Mtg.
Eagle Editorial Mtg.
Happy Hour Social
LMA Orientation
Koffee Klatsch
LRC Board
Trivia Challenge
Landings South VII
Duplicate Bridge - Open
Movie Night
Bayview Mtg.
Aqua Zumba
Koffee Klatsch
Carriage House I
Chair Yoga
Tree House HOA
Floor Yoga
South IV Board Mtg.
Tuesday - MAY 1st ONLY
Memorial Day BBQ
Open Mah Jongg
Treehouse Mtg.
Ping Pong
Tai Chi
Day Tuesday Thursday Monday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday
Time 7pm 7pm 9am 2pm 7pm 1:30pm 2pm 4pm 5pm 9am 10am 5:30pm
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Judy Tara
Your Landings
Resident Real Estate Team
Landings Real Estate Database Address
½ BA
55430 EAGLES PT CIR #203
5430 EAGLES POINT CIRCLE #201 • $629,000
1403 CEDAR BAY LN • $1,195,000
1718 STARLING DR Unit#104 • $299,000
1450 LANDINGS CIR Unit#61 • $599,000 dy & Tara Ju ighborhoo ’s Ne
Judy Tara 350-0451 266-4873
OPEN HOUSE Michael Saunders & Company
1757 PINE HARRIER CIR • $450,000
Watch for theEstate “Judy and is Tara’s Neighborhood” Open House Real our Profession, signs on Sundays where “Just Looking” is always welcome.
Service is our Passion
YourLandings LandingsResident ResidentReal Real Estate Estate Team Team are are proud Your proud advocates advocates and supporters of Landings events including Sponsorship the and supporters of Landings events including Sponsorship of theof USTA USTA Father/Son Tennis Tournament. Father/Son Annual Annual Tennis Tournament.
Judy Greene • 941.350.0451 • JudyGreene@michaelsaunders.com Tara Lamb • 941.266.4873 • TaraLamb@michaelsaunders.com
Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker
5440 EAGLES PT CIR #404
5450 EAGLES PT CIR #404
5408 EAGLES PT CIR #102
Based on information from Realtor.com, Sarasota Property Appraiser, and Sarasota Association of Realtors for the period ending 4/16/2018. These properties listed and sold in the past 4 months by various MLS participating offices.
5100 Ocean Boulevard • Sarasota, FL 34242