THE TOWER Volume 36 | NO 2 | FEBRUARY 2020
President’s Korner
Good Timer’s
Garden Club
At The Hydrant
Calling All Del Tura Motor Cycler’s – New Activity Group DEL TURA MOTORCYCLING FRIENDS By Sheila Doublé We’d like to welcome all riders to our New Motorcycle Group: Del Tura Motorcycling Friends (check out our Facebook page). We’ve seen lots of motorcycles in Del Tura and would love to meet everyone. We ride to relax, enjoy and have fun. We have a magnificent group of people in Del Tura, so we’ll have fabulous stories and marvelous times. We had such a fantastic ride out to Labelle Sunday, Jan. 12th to the Log Cabin Restaurant for breakfast, great food, beautiful scenic route and fun meeting new (friends) fellow bikers. This was our first group event! We’d really
DEL TURA BIKE NIGHT EVENT SUNDAY FEB 23RD 4:30 PM – CLUBHOUSE LOT We’d like to invite all motorcycle enthusiasts to our 1st Deltura Community Bike Night at the Clubhouse parking lot on Sunday, Feb. 23rd starts 4:30pm. Come check out all the
19 New Year’s Eve Party Recap Sports & Exercise
Del Tura Creative Writer’s Workshop
33 Activities Calendars & 40 Save The Date
places and make wonderful memories along the way. Visit our Facebook page to see the goals for our group, to follow along with other events, dinner rides or just meet up.
different types of motorcycles and a variety of vendors along with free desserts/snacks for all. Free event – please email/text if you would like to participate and bring motorcycle so we have a total. We hope to see everyone there! Free Vendor space – please contact me ASAP as there will be limited space. Please contact Tony and Sheila Doublé 239.628.7786 or email us at rideforfun239@ or stop by 270 Las Palmas Blvd for additional information. AND….please remember to check out our Facebook group page.
love to grow our group and meet other riders in Del Tura to get together for rides long or short, go to local events, breakfast/dinners and have fun. We invite all riders for our Sunday Breakfast rides on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month (weather permitting) meet at 8am at the clubhouse parking lot. We will be working on scheduling charity rides, bike night events and other ride events. Hopefully we can make new friends, visit new
TOWER DEADLINE: The 9th of the month, for the following month’s issue. All articles and flyers must be submitted in a Microsoft Word document format, or you may drop off at the HOA office in a TYPED or HAND PRINTED format only. Questions - please contact us via e-mail: or drop them at the office. Thank You