If you chat with Desiree (Desi) about her background you will learn that she is truly a global citizen. Her parents made sure of that as they set out to have their young daughters experience life in Germany, the United States, Austria, France, and, in Desi’s case, Spain. That sowed the seeds for her quest to deeply understand and empathize with people from different cultures - especially those who are less fortunate than her.
Desi’s calling as an immigration attorney reflects her lifelong commitment to social justice and helping others secure better lives.
J: Desi, tell me about your early life.
D: I was born in Germany to Austrian parents. My father, who was a mechanical engineer, ran a company there. So, for my first three years we lived outside Frankfurt. Then, he ran a company in New York. That fit with my parents’ goal of exposing my sister and I to American culture.
J: How long did you live in the United States?
D: We lived in the U.S. for three years and off and on after that. My parents wanted my sister and I to remain fluent in English, so we spent our summers with my mother in the U.S. We went to day camp and sleepaway camp in New York’s Adirondack region. That sealed my love for this incredibly beautiful area where eventually I worked and still own property.
J: Your father’s career had your family move back to Germany for another three years. What next?
D: After Germany my parents moved back to Salzburg, Austria. That’s where most of my schooling took place.
J: You did a stint in France as well?
D: Yes. While I was in high school my parents thought it would be a good idea for me to become fluent in French and to be immersed in French culture. It was an amazing year! I learned French and got to know students from France and all over the world. By the end of high school, I spoke three languages: German, English and French! For my higher education I decided to study law at Vienna University.
J: Why law and more specifically, what type of law?
D: Well, early in my life I read about Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela. They were both lawyers and they inspired me to want to use the legal system as a vehicle for social justice. I committed my life to helping underserved and oppressed people. Additionally, growing up in Austria I experienced a feeling of collective guilt for the Holocaust and man’s terrible inhumanity to man. That dreadful history also influenced my decision to fight injustice and hatred and to be on the side of protecting and bettering people’s lives.
J: What type of law did you specialize in?
D: Given my goals I decided to study International Criminal Law. After graduating from Vienna Law School, I returned to the United States where I received a master’s degree in inter-
national law and legal studies from Georgetown Law. I also took courses which enabled me to sit for the NY bar and get licensed in the United States.
J: Then what?
D: I returned to Europe to intern at the Red Cross in Geneva, Switzerland and then worked at the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From there I took a position at the International Criminal Court in the Hague, Netherlands. My work involved prosecuting war crimes and crimes against humanity in the DR
Congo, the Sudan and Kenya.
J: What was that like?
D: It was very challenging and stressful, albeit gratifying. We worked in teams to prosecute international criminals. After six years I took a sabbatical. I returned to the United States for a change of pace. I taught tennis at the sleepaway camp I attended as a child. I also met my ex-husband and for a year we ‘went off the grid’ to live a simple life in the Vermont mountains.
valued education and insisted that Roger and his sister go to college. Roger worked part-time jobs, cutting lawns, working at the local golf course, and in a landscaping nursery in his youth.
In high school, Roger was a true multi-talented student athlete. He was on the track team, was quarterback of his football team, served on the yearbook committee, was president of the Spanish Club and on top of that, was an actor and thespian. He went to study liberal arts at the University of Notre Dame, spending his sophomore year in Mexico. When he returned, he changed his major to Accounting. He supplemented his income while in school making pizzas.
born and raised with his younger sister in the small town of Batesville, Indiana. Home of Hillenbrand Industries, it was at the time the largest manufacturer of caskets and hospital beds in the country. It was the main business in town and where his
worked most of his career. Roger’s mom and dad had no college education but
After college, he spent nine years with Price Waterhouse on their audit staff. He was assigned to Barcelona for three of those years. He then worked for Maytag, in Iowa, as a Division Controller and was sent to Wales for two years.
When he left Maytag, in 1993, he joined International Flavors and Fragrances and was based in the Netherlands as Vice President of Finance for Europe, Africa and the
Middle East. He returned to the States in 2002 where he took on global roles at the corporate office in NYC. It was in NYC where he met his wife, Pam. They married and maintained an apartment there while Roger commuted back and forth to Amsterdam.
In 2021, Roger retired. Pam recently retired after a long career as a Program Manager in the Division of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College.
Between Roger and Pam, they have five children, one grandchild, and another on the way.
By now you have figured out that Roger has worked around the world. He was based in six countries, and has lived or worked on every continent. He couldn’t count high enough when asked how many different countries he has visited for work.
During the pandemic Pam and Roger stayed in their Landings home since they both were able to work remotely. When Roger retired, it was only natural to return to a place they loved and where they now reside.
Once in The Landings, after retirement, Roger got involved. He not only joined the board of the LRC
and became its treasurer, but he also has been helping with the kayak committee. He recently became an adjunct board member of SILL and is providing volunteer assistance to a local nonprofit.
When asked what were his interests and hobbies, Roger ran down a broad range of activities which included: artificial iIntelligence, world affairs,tTennis, exercise, meditation,eating healthy, reading books, lawn bowling and petanque (the French equivalent to lawn bowling or Bocce).
When you see or meet Roger, you will have a lot of ways to connect with him.
He appreciates the quality of The Landings and hopes he will be able, as a LRC board member, to maintain the high quality of the club and its facilities.
Roger, like so many residents, enjoys the beautiful surroundings, the friendliness of the people, the location and the true sense of community that exists in The Landings.
We are so fortunate Roger has chosen to volunteer to help make The Landings such a special place to live.
Born and raised in The Landings, there is nobody better qualified to handle your residential real estate needs. With over $300 million in residential real estate sold in my career, I have both the local and global connections to get your home sold. My clients receive white glove 24/7 concierge service to ensure a smooth,
and positive real estate experience. With a proven track record of exceptional results, I can help you achieve top dollar for your home. Call me today for a free consultation.
Evan Danzig
Dear Neighbors,
It took us a little more than four weeks and six contractors to finish picking up the piles of large limbs and branches that resulted from “Milton”. It would have taken longer and would have been more expensive if we had not opened Bayles Park as a staging area. This action allowed us to avoid long lines at the dump sites and focus on the removal of debris from our roadways.
The branches and limbs in the staging area were mulched, and we plan to share this mulch with the community. There is something very satisfying about the concept of recycling our tree debris into a positive for The Landing’s environment. The emergency phase of “Milton’s” cleanup is over but related work will continue in the weeks and months ahead. This will include a rebuild of the Nature Trail bridge on the Treehouse trail, removal of downed trees and hanging limbs from Bayles Park, drainage work in extending the Cloister canal, drainage remediation for the Treehouse overflow area/ Peregrine Point Cul de Sac and removal of hanging limbs appearing over our roadways (we have gone through all of our roads once but will continue to address on a spot basis as limbs weakened during the storm can give way for some time after the storm).
We now have an approved 2025 budget (having passed at the November board meeting). The annual dues for 2025 are $2,000 and are payable in January. Those residents wishing to take advantage of a split payment may do so by paying $1,000 in January and $1,000 by July 1 st . It is important to
note that to take advantage of this you must NOT be enrolled in the automatic payment program. To opt out of the automatic payment program contact Emily at Pinnacle (941-444-7090).
Your board is now focused on delivering two very important related but independent initiatives: LINCS and Gate Replacement. As I write this, (November 15 th ), we are about to begin the installation phase of the hardware associated with the LINCS initiative. (Proptia software is now up and running. Securiteam is installing the associated cameras/ readers that will link to the software). The installation involves closures at both the North and South Gates and likely some delays at the Main Gate.
All Landings residents will unavoidably be impacted by some degree of inconvenience while the process takes place. The same will be true when some weeks later, the North and South Gates will be replaced and enhanced by the addition of swinging gates.
As we enter this period (now anticipated to be mid-November to mid-December) it is worthwhile to review the big picture of why your board has undertaken these projects. The answer for gate replacement is straightforward: the gates have aged out to the point where they are not dependable, are not serviceable and are very expensive to back up with a security guard when necessary. I would note that in each of the four storms (the June rain event and the three hurricanes) different parts of the software associated with the gates and the gate mechanics were compromised causing unacceptable outages.
The LINCS initiative is grounded in our need to contain spiraling labor cost associated with staffing the main gate. The basic fact is that security is the largest component of our operating cost and labor has risen to 90% of the security budget. The LINCS system will allow us to eliminate one security guard in the 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. shift. The savings combined with other steps we have taken are projected to reduce security expenses to 34% of our operating budget.
If this is achieved, (and we are intent on making this happen), it will be the lowest percentage of the budget going back to 2010 and possibly beyond.
The benefits of the LINCS initiative are not limited to financial savings. Residents using the system will have complete control over their guests and vendors to the point of allowing them to use the resident entry lane (when their license plate is inputted). This in turn will reduce congestion at the main gate. Communication will be enhanced as LMA will have the ability to text message residents. This will be very useful in security situations and storm emergencies.
The list of benefits goes on and on.
One final point, residents who have difficulty registering in Proptia or simply prefer not to, will experience no issues entering the gates (the current decal will work) and they can still call the Main Gate to register guests. We have extended many training sessions to those who find this helpful, including in-person sessions and will continue to work with our residents and find ways to help those who want to participate but for various reasons cannot.
P resident ........................................... Jeff Smith
Vice President Judy Greene
Secretary Elida Ramberger
Treasurer Hans Hawrysz
Director Sue Camins
Director ................................... Eddie Goldstein
Director ................................... Louis Goncalves
Director Jackie Massari
Director John Schmidt
Property Manager......................... Emily Riddle
-Pinnacle Management Company
LMA COMMITTEES & CONTACTS: A ssociation President.............Suzanne BeDell Circle (APC) Liason
Digital Communications Eddie Goldstein
Eagle Newspaper Norman Olshansky
Emergency Task Force Jeff Smith
Environmental Maralyn Kaufman
Finance Hans Hawrysz
Governance ................................ John Schmidt
Hazardous Waste.......................Harvey Greller & Community Hauling
Kayaks................................................... Jackie Massari
Lakes and Drainage............................ Jeff Smith
LINCS Taskforce (Info for Communication/ Security- Jeff Smith, Judy Greene, Eddie Goldstein
Landscape........................................Paul Weiner
Maintenance.................................. Judy Greene
Nature Trails..................................... Paul Weiner
Nominating, Special Projects.......Sue Carnins & Compliance
Roads........................................ Elida Ramberger
Safety & Security............................Judy Greene
Social................................................Jackie Massari
Website..................................... Eddie Goldstein
For contact information, see Landings Resident Website: residents.thelandingsofsarasota.com
Last spring, members of the Social Committee were discussing October events. It was suggested that we create an event that celebrates fall and serves as a fun way to welcome members back for the season. Oktoberfest was quickly embraced.
Ingrid was happy to chair this new event and said, “It is because of my German heritage; my dad was born in Düsseldorf on the Rhine River. I also spent many summers there with my grandmother.” Then she added, “I chose Steven Sieg who’s from German ancestry and familiar with German food to cater the
party. We fashioned the event after the Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany. This is a 200-year-old celebration, the original was a royal wedding event.”
We had a great turnout with over 88 neighbors attending. The Party goers were first treated to hot pretzels and beer and wine tastings. Then, Ingrid welcomed everyone to have a good time with a fun ‘Ein Prosit’ beer drinking song which played occasionally throughout the evening. Dinner was authentic and delicious and ended with a traditional apple strudel. The Photo Booth and costumes were fun ways to take home party memories.
Salad … $19
Grouper Sandwich … $19
Salmon BLT … $18
Mahi Mahi Sandwich … $18
Chicken Sandwich … $12
Cheeseburger … $12
Vegan Burger … $12 ENTREES
Stuffed Shrimp … $21
Potato Crusted Haddock
Chicken … $15 Filet Mignon … $22
Filet Mignon & Stuffed Shrimp … $31
Filet Mignon & Maine Lobster Tail … $48
Stuffed Shrimp & Maine Lobster Tail $40
Maine Lobster Tails … $53
& Chips … $17
Shrimp & Crab Scampi … $23
Salmon Pasta … $19
Chicken & Shrimp Curry … $19
Sweet ‘n Spicy Chicken & Shrimp $21
Pasta Primavera … $14
Turtle Pie … $7
Lime Pie … $7
Sample Platter … $10
Cream Bar … $5
As we swing into another season of fun and activities, you may want to start marking your calendars with some of the upcoming events that the LMA Social Committee is planning. All these activities would love to have your help! We are looking for volunteers! Many hands make light work, as my grandmother used to say.
Kayakers and Wannabe Kayakers
We will be hosting a cocktail reception in the LRC Lakeside Room on December 7 at 5:30 p.m.
The Kayak Committee felt we deserved to celebrate a somewhat difficult hurricane season for the kayak racks and users. This is open to all who kayak or want to kayak or think they would like to kayak! It will provide an opportunity to talk about the activities ahead. More information on kayaks in another Eagles article in this edition
One of the first activities of the new year
will CPR/AED Training on January 18 from 1-3 p.m.
Free to the first 50 people who want to learn how to save lives. More information is contained in another article in this edition of the Eagle.
Welcome Wagon
This is the second year that we have undertaken this project, and it has turned out to be much more active than we anticipated. We will be hosting a Newcomers Reception for all those who are new to The Landings on February 12 at 5:30 p.m. So, if you are a “newbie”, plan to join us.
Additionally, we could use your help in contacting new owners and delivering packets of coupons/discounts from local vendors, information on The Landings and activities in the greater Sarasota area, and maybe even a gift of two. This is a great way to offer friendship and information and activity that goes on all year round! We also would love your help in organizing the reception.
On Tuesday, December 10 from 78 p.m. we will discuss “The Perfect Couple”.
To participate, you need to read the book and / or watch the TV series.
Book: The Perfect Couple by Elin Hilderbrand (2018)
Netflix miniseries: The Perfect Couple starring Nicole Kidman and Liev Schreiber (2024) – 6 episodes
Please sign up at the LRC office. Questions or indications of interest may be addressed to jeanathaler@ gmail.com.
Musical Cocktails
This is a new activity that we are experimenting with this year. We are offering a series of three musical ensembles which are open to all Landings residents and will be followed by a wine and cheese gathering for all attendees. A time to enjoy, have snack and a drink, and make new friends. The first performers were a jazz quartet, which was held November 17 to an overflow crowd. The next Musical Cocktails performance by the Trill Seekers, a woodwind quartet led by Landings resident, Karen Ciccone, will be January 26, 1-3 p.m., at the LRC Lakeside Room. You will be able to sign up at the Racquet Club in early January. There will be a third concert on March 9.
Dog Parade
This is a favorite annual activity in The Landings which will be held this year on February 22, 11:30 a.m. -1 p.m., on Eagles Point Circle. Rain Date is February 23. Carolyn Friday will be chairing this year’s
In the US, 350,000 people die from cardiac arrest each year. However, immediate CPR can double or triple the survival rate, and the use of an AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) can increase those odds.
So, to provide information and instruction, the LMA Social Committee, with the support of the Landings Racquet Club, will be sponsoring CPR and AED training at the Landings Racquet Club on Saturday, January 18 from 1-3 p.m.
Don Hegelman, founder and instructor of SuperHero CPR will be providing the instruction. He has trained the LRC staff, and they have given him rave reviews.
Registration will begin on January 1, 2025, so be sure to sign up at the
activity; she needs some volunteers who love pets (or not), but who would love to join a fun activity with activities that they would like to have included. Last year we had about 200 participants with lots of younger families so we hope you will be active participants this year.
Landoliers Concert
A long-time favorite in The Landings will be held on April 6, at 4:30 p.m. The concert will be followed by a reception. There have been articles in the Eagle previously and there is information on the LMA website. Ron and Debbie Fellman are leading the Landoliers and would love to have more singers join the group. They say if you can sing in the shower, you can sing in the Landoliers.
We are also hoping to pull off an allLandings Picnic Day but more on that later. Please volunteer! We need your help, your ideas and your talent!
Racquet Club or call them at 941-9233886 to ask that you be added to the list of registrants. There is an absolute maximum of 50 participants.
The cost of $35 pp will be underwritten by LMA so there is no
charge to participants. Pat Sweet, an LMA resident, RN and former ER nurse, will be spearheading this event so contact her with any questions (patsweet49@gmail.com).
Put January 18, on your Calendar!
The popular Landings’ Free College will offer another series of weekly speakers in 2025.
Presentations will begin on January 9 and end on April 10.
Attendance is free to residents of The Landings community. Weekly presen-
tations will be held in the LRC (Lakeside Room) on Thursdays from 2 – 3 p.m.
The roster of invited speakers will again be selected by the Free College Speakers Committee (Mona Poyta, Teresa Manteiga, Frank Pipers, and John Bruno – Chair). Collectively, the
presentations will target a wide range of topics, including music, dance, art, cinema, science, world affairs, travel, and local culture. The Committee will strive to offer a mix between talks from residents and those from Sarasota professionals.
The complete schedule has not yet been finalized. However, for your convenience, we list the confirmed presentations for January 2025.
Jan 9: Creating Art with AI by Elisabeth Trostli (artist and teacher) Jan 16: Sarasota County Mosquito
Management Program by Carly Dufficy (Community Outreach Specialist)
Jan 23: Embracing Our Differences by Sarah Wertheimer (President & CEO, Embracing Our Differences)
Jan 30: The Modern Politics of Ancient Egypt by Jean Thaler (Egyptian Scholar)
Located in the sought-after gated community of Stoneybrook Estates in the heart of Palmer Ranch, this home is totally renovated and immaculately maintained. You’ll have piece of mind with a new 2024 roof and impact glass windows and doors throughout. Offered at $720,000
During November, we were still recovering from the devastation from our two recent hurricanes. All our canopies needed to be replaced, and repairs were made throughout the club to damaged water fountains, fences and planters. Additionally, we installed a retention tank so that in the future, runoff from the tennis
A few weeks ago, the LRC hosted the USTA National Father/ Son Clay Court Championships for the 31 st year. This year we had 57 teams register to enter the tournament. Unfortunately, we had 5 teams withdraw due to illness or injury.
A nice cold front came through on Wednesday morning. The morning matches were delayed but overall, it wasn’t too bad. The weather was much cooler after the storm passed.
Thank you to everyone that took part and especially to Ralph & Dee
Ricapito and Beverly Austgen for organizing all the ambassadors.
Thanks again for your help in making this a special tournament for all the participants.
I am happy to announce the Core Stretch & Strengthening class has started again every Monday & Wednesday 8:15 to 9:15 a.m.
The class is led again by Daniele Jarmin. This class is geared to increasing abdominal core strength as well as maintaining and perhaps increasing range of mobility. Most suitable for participants with current active
There is an expression that is funny, but usually true, that tennis professionals use to explain their tennis game. And that is “the older I get the better I used to be.” They have peaked a long time ago and if they are lucky and their body allows them, they might be able to maintain a high level of play for some reasonable time but eventually “Father Time” is undefeated.
That expression does not necessarily apply to club players. If you started playing tennis later in life and/or you didn’t have the time to devote to what it takes to make significant improvements, then you can improve quite a bit as you get older. Especially with lessons from a qualified professional.
Where you must be smart and careful as you see great improvements in your game is how often a week should you play? It is my opinion; you should not play more than four times a week. Play every other day unless you have a big-league match, for instance, tomorrow. Then it’s ok to play the day before and use that
as practice to make sure that you are prepared to use all your shots in your match. That will give you the confidence and relax you a little bit more before your match. You don’t want to be reminded by the expression “failing to prepare is preparing to fail”. The problem with playing more than four times a week is that you risk getting your body more tired than you realize it is. And that’s how injuries can start happening. Also, you might get burnout.
I know that it’s very exciting when something that you’ve been working on finally clicks and you can’t wait to get back on the court to do it repeatedly. But be smart and listen to your body and manage your time on the court wisely. Tennis is one of the few lifetime sports if done properly.
Our next social round robin and pro exhibition is on Friday, December 20th from 2-4:30 p.m.
Hope you all have a great holiday season!
See you on the courts.
courts doesn’t pollute the adjoining waterways.
On a positive note, activities rebounded and were in full swing. New this month was the addition of a movie/book club and the return of our core strengthening and stretching classes on Mondays and Wednesdays. Be sure to try the
or athletic lifestyles. Moderate mobility and endurance required. The cost for members is $5.00 per class payable directly to Daniele.
The Annual Holiday Happy Hour is scheduled on Wednesday, December 4 from 6–9 p.m. in the Lakeside Clubhouse. DJ Karolina is back to provide the entertainment again.
Stephen Sieg from Quick Step Catering is also back with some delicious hors d’oeuvres and desserts. The cost is $36 per person and is a BYOB event. It is limited to the first 90 people signed up so
class and start your day in better shape!
A Koffee Klatch, a tennis round robin, Trivia and a bike ride rounded out the month’s offerings. We were fortunate, once again, to host the popular Father/Son USTA Tennis Tournament. Many Landings volunteers hosted the players, provided meals and organized allf the father/son teams. Our club elections are in January. If you would like to run for the board, please submit a brief resume and a summary of why you would like to be on the board, to Kevin prior to the end of November. Welcome back to our many snowbirds and please enjoy all that The Landings has to offer.
don’t delay!
Rudy & Gaye Blohm are collecting used clothing donations to take up to the Hurricane Helene victims in the Blueridge Mountain area of western North Carolina.
Gaye is from the area and knows how badly the people there could use some warm clothes with winter approaching. The last day to drop off your donations in the Tennis Pro Shop is December 15. Items may also be dropped off at 1612 Pintail Way or contact Gaye Blohm, for a pickup, at 941-210-2456.
You should be receiving your
annual assessment invoice very soon if it hasn’t arrived already. If you haven’t received it by early December, please contact me in the Tennis Pro Shop. The annual assessment is due on or before January 1 and will be considered late on February 1. To avoid late fees and interest, please be sure your payment arrives before the end of January. Also, please don’t combine your monthly statement and the annual assessment in the same check. Thank you!
Reviewed July 14, 2024
This a cool little spot in a strip mall on Tamiami Trail. There's ample parking and a couple of tables outside under the store rooftop. Inside is a nice dining room and bar seating facing the kitchen. A small "market" with fresh fish and shellfish is located at the rear of the dining room. Very casual.
We were in for lunch and there was only one server, but service was excellent throughout and she was extremely knowledgeable about the menu and products like the canned non-alcoholic beverages.
We started with Devon's Lump Crab Cake which lacks any filler as advertised. Basically held together with some mayo and served with a grilled lemon and house remoulade. Delicious! We took two home!
I ordered the grilled triple tail (any fresh fish available grilled or blackened) on a melt in your mouth brioche bun with a little tartar sauce. Excellent!
My wife went with grilled snapper tacos and she was very happy.
Of course, we saved room for the famous key lime pie which was undoubtedly the best key lime pie we have ever encountered.
They have a good wine list and beer selection as well as some interesting non-alcoholic choices! If you're looking for fresh fish, GO!
Three National Retailers Opening
This month, Gulf Gate will welcome the first of three new national brands to the Sarasota Pavilion Shopping Center. Located at the intersection of Stickney Point Road and South Tamiami Trail, and from Gulf Gate Drive, the shopping center covers a total of 343, 294 square feet.
On Friday, December 6, Sephora, the popular beauty and cosmetics retailer will celebrate its grand opening. Known for its large selection of leading cosmetics brands, Sephora is owned by LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton. More than 500 Sephora stores are found in the United States.
This winter, Old Navy will also open, alongside Sephora. Founded in California in 1994, Old Navy is a popular family clothing store offering fashions for women, men and children. Gap Inc. is Old Navy’s parent company.
This winter, shoppers are also anticipating the opening of World Market in Gulf Gate’s Sarasota Pavilion Shopping Center. World Market sells furniture, decor and home items, jewelry, gifts as well as housewares and foods from around the world. The specialty retailer operates 240 locations nationally. It is located next to Publix.
Sephora, Old Navy and World Market join a collection of other national brands currently found at the Gulf Gate shopping center that draws customers from Siesta Key, Gulf Gate and surrounding areas. Michael’s, Marshall’s, Pet Smart, Ross for Less, Five Below and Panera Bread, a large Skechers shoe store and Bank of America are also located in the shopping center. Florida’s Beall’s and Publix represent the sunshine state.
2nd Friday Festival Debuts
Gulf Gate merchants celebrated the start of the new season with their first Gulf Gate 2nd Friday Festival that debuted on Friday, November 8. The monthly festival will continue the second Friday of every month from 4-8 p.m., through the spring.
The event was the brainchild of Diana Reason, who owns Only Eyes Optical Boutique on Superior Avenue and chef Fatima Soriano, of the Taste of Spain Tapas and Fun Catering shop and kitchen, on Mall Drive. The two began planning the effort months ago. “We want more people to know about Gulf Gate,” said Reason. “We are a very quaint group of small businesses made up of shops and restaurants.” Speaking of the diverse shopping and dining district, Soriano said, “this is where you will find tremendous international cuisine, from many countries.” Reason added, “there are also so many interesting small shops with wonderful things too.”
The goal of the festival, the two entrepreneurs advised, is to encourage shoppers and diners to sip, shop and dine. “We want people to explore all that Gulf Gate has to offer,” said Reason.
The two women small business owners spoke to local merchants individually, encouraging them to take part. “We got great feedback,” said Reason. All participation was voluntary and the two were encouraged by the initial response. Posters were distributed throughout the area and merchants were asked to share news of the Gulf Gate 2nd Friday Festival with their customers and through social media.
Seascape Aquarium on Gulf Gate Drive got in on the act by distributing the poster to their email list and through their social media. Next door, at the Grooming Lounge Barber Spa, free hot dogs were available, and Bob & The Two Lukes Band entertained.
Across the street on Superior Avenue at Munchies 420, patrons enjoyed two touring bands from Miami. “We promoted the new 2nd Friday on our social media and told all of our customers,” said Munchies owner, John Kirk.
A short walk down the street, beautiful strains of a violin could be heard at Only Eyes Optical. Gulf Gate visitors on Superior Avenue were able to sample German pastries and enjoy the talents of a folk guitarist who played under a tent that was set up in front of the Stardust Cafe and Schnitzel Kitchen. Lively Spanish music filled the air at Taste of Spain as customers enjoyed complimentary sangria and mingled in front of the store during the late afternoon.
“We want to encourage everyone to consider spending a day or evening in Gulf Gate,” said Reason. “Our first second Friday Gulf Gate Festival was a real success,” said Soriano. “We will continue to promote this among our fellow business owners and make it even bigger and better as the season continues.”
Community events such as the new Gulf Gate Second Friday Festival have shown to be a great unifier for small businesses as well as the communities that they serve.
According to the American Planning Association, “community events can connect all residents and encourage physical activity, all while celebrating a community’s special character.”
December’s 2nd Friday Gulf Gate Festival will take place on December 11, just in time for shoppers to complete their Christmas lists.
OnlyEyesOpticalBoutiqueownerDianaReasonandchefFatimaSoriano,TasteofSpainowner, celebratethedebutoftheGulfGate2ndFridayFestivalthattheycreated.
Sephora’sgrandopeninginGulfGate’sSarasotaPavilionShoppingCenterissetforDecember6.OldNavywillopenthiswinter. Thiswinter,WorldMarket’snewGulfGatestorewillopeninGulfGateattheSarasotaPavilionShoppingCenter.
Mark your calendars for our next bike outing Saturday, January 28. We will experience a beautiful exterior showcase of waterfront homes on our way to
downtown, the Sarasota Bayfront, and then have lunch. More details available in the January Eagle, at the LRC, and on the TeamReach app. For more in-
at nfpconsultingresources@
Water, water everywhere and at least the kayaks didn’t float away. However, there was at least one damaged kayak and a couple that seem to be missing. On November 13, with a lot of help from the kayakers, we moved the kayaks back to their assigned berths and strapped them all down.
Monday 12/9, 4 PM Lakeside Room
Tuesday 12/3, 1 PM Poolside Room
Thursday 12/12, 4 PM Poolside Room
Sunday 12/15, 6 PM Poolside Room
Monday 12/9, 4 PM Multipurpose Room
Monday 12/16, 2 PM Lakeside Room
Thursday 12/12, 4 PM Lakeside Room
Monday 12/2, 11 AM Poolside Room
Wednesday 12/11, 11 AM Poolside Room
Monday 12/9, 4:30 PM Poolside Room
Wednesday 12/18, 5 PM Multipurpose Room
Sunday 12/8, 4:30 PM Poolside Room
The launch is usable but a little unsteady. We have signed a contract for repairs to the launch poles but have no idea how quickly they will be here.
All kayakers and wannabe kayakers join us for a cocktail party on Saturday, December 7 at 5:30 p.m. All are welcome. There is a signup sheet in the LRC office, or you may call them-942923-3886. See you there!
1. Put your kayak in the rack to which it is assigned. If there is another kayak in your space, you may remove it and place it on the ground.
2. Please take a minute to strap your kayak when you finish your outing. The straps were paid for by LMA, so please use them. Unexpected storms are expected nowadays.
3. You will receive a bill from Pinnacle in early December. Please send your check to them.
4. You will also receive a contract from Pinnacle. You must sign and return the contract along with a clear description
of your kayak. Your spot is not secure until we have both a check and a signed contract with a kayak description
5. Download the app, TeamReach, join Landings Kayaking Sarasota group, use password LKS. This is where we post information, outings, etc.
6. If you get a new boat, send the description to jackiemassari@yahoo. com and request a new sticker.
7. If you would like to be on the waitlist, send to jackiemassri@yahoo. com, the following: your name, address, phone number, email, and the number of slots you wish to rent.
The list is organized by the date of your email.
8. Berth rentals are from January 1 to December 31. The slot belongs to the
renter and does not go with the house. There is no prorated fee.
1. Do not put a kayak in an unoccupied space. There are NO available spaces, but renters may have taken their kayak out of the slot for some purpose.
2. You cannot trade berths with a friend unless you notify the Kayak Committee chair and obtain new stickers for your boats.
3. When you set off on your sail, do not leave the launch pad in the water. It is easy to pull up and then let it down when you return. We will do a video when the launch is repaired and post it on TeamReach.
This year there are five openings for a position on the LMA Board. The positions are for a two- year term that begins with the Annual Meeting held each year in February. This year the meeting is on February 6.
I am pleased to inform you that all four of the directors whose full term is expiring are running for a new term: Eddie Goldstein the Chair of Digital Communications and Co-Chair of the LINCS Initiative, Judy Greene, Vice President, Member of the Executive Committee, Chair of Security and Maintenance as well as Co-Chair of the LINCS Initiative, Hans Hawrysz, Member of the Executive Committee and Treasurer, and Elida Ramberger, Member of the Executive Committee and Chair of the Roads committee.
I and my colleagues on the board, whose terms do not expire, feel very privileged that this group of proven individuals are willing to commit once more to the work and dedication that membership on the Board demands.
working group at the National Institute of Standards Organization.
Her two children, Claire and William, consider The Landings a second home. She hopes in time that grandchildren will as well.
Sue Camins, a three-year veteran on our Board is not running. She had assumed the position at my request of a board member that had moved. Thank you Sue for your many contributions and solid teamwork.
Running for this two-year term is Suzanne Bedell who is recommended for this position by the entire board. Suzanne is coordinator of the Presidents Circle, President of Landings South One Association and is a valued member of the LINCS initiative.
I would like to note that our revised bylaws, now on the resident website, provide for any qualified resident to place their name on the ballot for the vote which takes place at the Annual Meeting.
Here are the bios of candidates
Smitten with The Landings after touring a few open houses, my husband Chris and I moved into Eagles Point III late 2021. Little did we realize that behind the beautiful landscape, homes and natural areas, there lay a vibrant, and highly involved community of interesting, friendly and talented residents, many of whom we are fortunate to now call friends. We are snowbirds; our Philly home base is close to where Chris is a Temple U Math professor, and to our new grandson Leo.
Here’s a synopsis of my Landings volunteer involvement since then:
- Director, LMA Board, having been appointed to a vacant seat in Feb ‘23.
- Chair, Website Committee: The new resident site was launched in August 2023. Revision of the public facing site is scheduled for 2025.
- Chair, Database & Digital Communications Committee: Website work somewhat naturally evolved into beginning to address what to do about consolidating resident data from many disparate sources into one true source.
- Chair, Taskforce for Security and Database Modernization: Multiple resident databases are used by the security hardware and the guards. Thus, when Security modernization was being discussed, I assumed leadership of the Taskforce for our two committees to work together to identify problems, establish goals, and evaluate & select vendors.
Suzanne BeDell has been visiting The Landings since her parents, Jack and Lenora Jost, purchased a home here in 1988. She and her husband Mike Hermann purchased their condo on Heron Way in 2019. They also own a condo in Boston’s South End.
She is President of the Landings South 1 Condo Association, facilitates the Landings Association President’s Circle, sits on the Landings Information for Communication & Security Committee and participated in the Mangrove Protection and Extension Task Force.
Suzanne occasionally consults after a 40-year career in publishing. She most recently ran Harvard University’s Education Press as Interim Director after retiring from Elsevier, the world’s largest scientific publisher, as a Managing Director. In that role, she managed a large global business and travelled extensively.
She has served on several boards including at Boston University’s Marsh Chapel, The Elsevier Foundation and the Reed Elsevier Political Action Committee. She is Past-President of the National Federation of Advanced Information Systems and chaired a
- CoChair/Project Director, LINCS Project: After vendor selection, we moved into the implementation phase. As the community well knows, we are currently during rolling out the new software, hardware and processes related to modernizing and improving these vital Landings services.
My varied professional background (Hospital Administrator, Publishers Representative, Digital Marketing Consultant) did not necessarily lend itself to assume these roles. My leadership style is primarily collaborative with a good dose of project management. By no means has everything gone perfectly, or smoothly; this has been a significant challenge and learning curve (hint: I am NOT a website, software or database expert!) But the experience has been extremely rewarding in no small part due to having the opportunity to collaborate with such a special group of other volunteers. We do the best we can, and knowing this group, the best is pretty darn good. (Let this be a pitch - volunteers welcome!)
I also appreciate the involvement of Emily Riddle from Pinnacle, who quietly and very effectively
supports our efforts.
If elected for the coming 2-year term, I pledge to continue completion of the work started above, as well as assist the Board as needs arise.
Coming from the Chicago area, The Landings was an easy choice. Love the foliage, winding roads, and diversity of so many different types of living styles. As a 28-year resident of the Landings, I have served on the boards of LRC, LMA, and I currently serve on the LHA board.
Presently, I chair the maintenance committee and I’m a member of the security committee.
I will enjoy being involved on the decisions that make this one of the most desirable communities in Sarasota.
When not volunteering in our community I am a full-time realtor with Michael Saunders & company.
Hans Hawrysz, and his wife Darka, have been residents of the Landings and the Treehouses since 2016. Long time residents of New York, Cambridge, and Little Compton, RI. We were attracted to The Landings for its natural beauty ,well maintained landscape, the proximity to downtown, and its cultural attractions and many outdoor activities.
Hans has been the Treasurer of the LMA for the past year and half and Treasurer of the Treehouses Community for the past 7 years.
He has a background in business in both large, multinational corporations, including American Express, Merrill Lynch, AT&T, and in technology start-ups and venture capital in a variety of management and functional roles including strategy, planning, budgeting, and marketing roles.
Hans continues to consult in the emerging housing technology industry.
Hans is also a dedicated amateur naturalist with an interest in a variety of fauna and flora and has written articles for the Eagle on the animals and plants in The Landings.
He served in the U.S. Military and is a Vietnam veteran.
During the first year of serving on the LMA Board, I was appointed the Chair for the Roads Committee and served on the Website and Signage committees.
I collaborated with Joan Koplin on the Dick Bayles Park dedication. I was honored to be elected the President of the Board during my second year in office. In addition to Presidential tasks, I continued as the Chair of the Roads Committee simply because there were no other volunteers. During that year it became apparent that the Presidency and the road restoration project exceeded my resources as a volunteer. My choice was to continue with the roads project and rely on other very capable board members to be elected to the Presidency. In the background was my goal to consolidate the five databases LMA was using. The Data Integration/ Website/Communication Committee dealt with the overlap between them. I continued as a member of these committees.
The current phase of the road restoration project is largely completed. The paving superintendent on that project has been retained to provide continuous oversight to maintain the safety elements installed and general maintenance of the roadways, my goals for the Roads Committee.
The data integration/website/ communication committee recommended a software/security system to the Safety and Security Committee. After vetting the system it was selected to serve security needs. It is expected that one of the important goals of the 5-year plan, better communication with residents, will be realized with the new software system. Residents will be able to submit information and request assistance using the software. LMA will be able to txt and e-mail all residents.
The single database goal has been implemented.
Quick recap of the bio I submitted for my first term include ownership of an S-Corp, Rutgers University ABD researcher in PhD program, and MSW in clinical social work. The business component served the clinical trial industry with the design, development, deployment and hosting of software for data capture and management. Prior HOA experience was as President of an HOA in Osprey. During that term we improved the sense of community, increased homeowner participation and managed a class action lawsuit windfall that enabled us to address maintenance needs of our SWFWMD permitted retention system.
My goals for LMA are the continued improvement of communication among residents and tangible improvements that convey the unique and very valuable resource we enjoy in The Landings, both goals suggested in our 5-year plan.
After weathering three (and maybe four) hurricanes, dealing with evacuations, major cleanup, and the chaos surrounding the elections, I decided it’s time for all of us to stay put and savor the holiday season right here at home. There’s so much to enjoy in the Sarasota area this December. It feels like the perfect opportunity to skip the travel hassles, especially with traffic getting worse by the day. From dazzling holiday lights on nearly every corner to the festive atmosphere all around, the excitement is palpable. For some, it’s a time for family gatherings, parties, and celebrations. For others, it’s a chance to unwind, indulge a little, and embrace the laid-back Sarasota lifestyle. Whatever your holiday vibe, there’s something for everyone here!
Lights in Bloom
One of my favorite events is Selby Gardens’ holiday light show, Lights in Bloom.
Lights in Bloom features more than two million lights illuminating the gardens and walkways of its downtown Sarasota campus. General entry is 6:30 p.m. and early entry is 5:30 p.m.
Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, 1534 Mound St., Sarasota: selby.org.
Wonderland Presents: Illuminate!
Sarasota-born celebrity high-wire daredevil Nik Wallenda once again presents a holiday-themed
circus show in partnership with Circus Arts Conservatory, promising “thrilling circus acts, mesmerizing aerial performances, and uplifting holiday storytelling.” Nov. 22-Jan. 5; University Town Center, 257 N: circusarts.org
UTC Mall
Enchanting Entertainment
Enjoy one-of-a-kind experiences in a winter wonderland, from live music performances, holiday markets, and outdoor movies. There’s even an ice-skating rink and some of the best holiday lights I have ever seen anywhere: https://utcsarasota. com/holidays/ Sarasota Holiday Parade
The 28th annual parade in downtown Sarasota will feature the theme “Holidays for Heroes” this year. 7 p.m. Dec. 7; Main Street, Sarasota: sarasotaholidayparade.com
Holiday Boat Parade of Lights on Sarasota Bay
The 38th annual parade of boats decorated for the holidays on Sarasota Bay, with the best viewing from Marina Jack and Bayfront Park, benefits Suncoast Charities for Children. Dec. 14; Bayfront Park, 5 Bay-front Drive, Sarasota; free admission, but donation of new unwrapped toy or book encouraged: suncoast-charitiesforchildren.org
Pinecraft Christmas Day Parade
Though more specific details typically aren’t re-
vealed until closer to the event date, this Christmas Day parade through the Amish and Mennonite community of Pinecraft is one of the most popular annual winter holiday events in Sarasota-Manatee, Dec. 25; Pinecraft neighborhood, Sarasota
Taste of Chanukah
The festival in past years has featured a threeton snow slide, helicopter raining down gelt from above, a selection of menorahs including a Lego menorah, and more. 4-6 p.m. Dec. 29; Phillippi Estate Park, 5500 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota; Check the Herald Tribune in December.
Chanukah on Main Street
Chabad of Bradenton and Lakewood Ranch host this Chanukah celebration featuring Israeli singer/ entertainer Yoel Sharabi, a latke bar, raffles, facepainting, balloon-sculpting, doughnut- decorating, Judah the Maccabee, Dreidel Moonbounce, fire juggler, falafel, kosher BBQ, Kona Ice truck, Chanukah art and dreidel mascot. 6 p.m. Dec. 26; Lakewood Ranch Main Street, 8100 Lakewood Ranch Blvd., Bradenton; free admission: chabadofbradenton.com.
European Holiday Market (If you don’t mind traveling to Palmetto)
The inaugural event will feature a simulated train depot and European village, vendors, European-in-spired delicacies including German pretzels and French pastries, festive beverages
such as traditional Glühwein (mulled wine), interactive activities including holiday wreath- making, live performances and the opportunity to pose for a photo with Santa and his holiday friends. Dec. 4-8; Bradenton Area Convention Center, One Haben Blvd., Palmetto; $15 advance, $20 day of, $7.50 Veteran and Educator Appreciation Day tickets: europeanholidaymarket.com.
Check out the Herald Tribune Ticket every Thursday in December to find out about the latest Holiday events scheduled.
I think “Home for The Holidays” fits the atmosphere this year!!
Happy Holidays Landings Neighbors!
J: Did you ultimately return to practicing law?
D: Yes. That was when I entered the immigration field. I worked for a nonprofit in Upstate New York that served immigrant detainees. I worked closely with clients to defend them and help them gain asylum and work permits. I really took to it as it fulfilled my goal of helping better the lives of those facing tremendous struggles. I also worked at a non-profit that helped tenants deal with landlord/tenant conflicts. Ultimately, I decided that I wanted to be a solo practitioner and work with immigrants.
J: What led to your decision to go solo?
D: I love getting to know my clients and their families. I didn’t like working in bureaucracies where there is a lot of time spent doing endless paperwork. I wanted to be deeply involved in helping clients achieve their goals. I’m better able to do that by being independent. It also allows me to have a more balanced life.
J: How so?
D: Well, I have come to view success as creating a balance between work and play.
By owning my own business, I can work 3 to 5 hours/day and spend the rest of my time having fun and enjoying my relationship with Guillermo. Tennis and traveling are great passions of ours. I relish this balance as it allows me to enjoy the best of both worlds.
J: Let’s talk briefly about immigration. What would you say are the biggest misunderstandings about our immigration system?
D: There are so many. But let me first underscore that the system is broken and needs to be overhauled. In terms of misunderstandings, I’ll touch on
two areas:
First, the myth surrounding chain immigration: Many think it’s a ‘rubber stamp’ process that allows any citizen with family members in their native country to bring them here to automatically become citizens. The reality is that it can take from ten to twenty years or more for a thoroughly vetted relative to gain permission to come here as a resident, and years later be granted citizenship.
Second is the myth that immigrants take jobs away from Americans. The reality is that America relies on immigrants to fill jobs that Americans don’t want. For example, farm work, landscaping, construction, factory work, restaurants and care giving jobs are filled by thousands of immigrants. Without them our nation wouldn’t have the resources we need to harvest our produce, clean up disasters and keep our economy humming.
Regarding white collar professionals, current immigration laws have resulted in a ‘brain drain’ of qualified, needed workers. Our universities train thousands of foreign students to become engineers, scientists and other professionals. Yet, after graduating many of them have great difficulty obtaining permits to work in the U.S. So, we’re losing the opportunity to benefit from the education we have provided them.
J: Thanks for highlighting these important issues. On another note, what does the future hold for you?
D: I will continue to help my clients; to enjoy the wonderful life Guillermo and I enjoy at the Landings; and to travel and explore this vast and beautiful world.
J: Many thanks Desi for filling us in on your fascinating evolution!
UsingnewLMABoardandCommitteeChairEmailAddresses EddieGoldstein,onbehalfofLMABoard&CommitteeChairs VolunteerChair,CommunicationsCommittee
“Preserve and enhance the heritage of The Landings as one of the premier Sarasota residential communities”. That’s the mission of more than 14 highly dedicated volunteer Landings Management Association (LMA) Board Directors and Committee Chairs. These are your neighbors, each of whom dedicate time and effort on behalf of the entire community.
Until this point, they have been using their own personal emails for LMA correspondence.
Recently, we’ve instituted new email addresses for LMA related communication; we ask that you use these to contact us.
You can find these new email addresses in all relevant places on your LMA Resident Website.
We have started the Landoliers 2024-2025 year, and boy, is it going to be great!
The music, the singing (all levels), the laughing, the director, and the piano accompaniment are beyond wonderful!
We want you to know that you are
welcome to join us! You don’t have to be an amazing singer, you do not have to be able to read music, you just need to have a love of music, a desire to have fun, and an interest in meeting some great folks!
The LMA Board page is: residents. thelandingsofsarasota.com/landingsmanagement-association/ The LMA Committee page is: https://residents.thelandingsofsarasota.com/lma-committees/ Please write. We are always happy to hear from you! You can reach me at communications.LMA@thelandingsofsarasota.com
If you’re looking for a new experience that will make your heart sing … this is it!
Hope to see you!
We meet every Tuesday from 3:305:00 p.m. in the Lakeside Room at the Landings Racquet Club, and yes, absences are allowed.
The Landings community residents support of LHCF (Landings Holiday Charitable Foundation) has provided over 1000 gifts to unfortunate kids during past nine holiday seasons. Over the years, the LHCF has evolved and changed our programs to better serve the children and our community. We have helped the organizations not only by providing gifts to the children they serve but often helping the organization themselves expand and provide a broader impact!
Holidays and Happy New Year from the Eagle Editorial Committee!
This year is no different, the community continues to be supportive with donations of money to help the children, however, busy schedules make the option of “adopting” more difficult. This year we are focusing on raising funds to provide gifts rather than asking you to adopt a child. It is not too late to help support the children!! Consider giving up a dinner out and donating the money saved to the LHCF, give in honor of your grandchildren, or give because like the Grinch - your heart can grow
two sizes.
The spirit of love and giving is present in The Landings community. Your support and caring for these kids will be a joy to them, but the best part is you can be proud of your part in making the holiday special to them!
Use the QR code below, go to the website, www.LandingsHolidayCharitableFoundation.org, or leave a check at LRC (made out to LHCF) and you can continue the holiday tradition of helping children have a joyous holiday season!
At Abel's Ice Cream, they believe that ice cream isn't just a treat for kids—it's a universal joy. Their mission is to bring smiles to people of all ages with their delicious flavors and friendly service.
As the holiday season approaches, there's no better time to find the perfect gift for the special people in your life. Whether you visit us in person or follow us on social media, you'll discover several gift ideas that will bring joy to everyone on your list. And if you're stopping by in person, the folks at Abel’s are excited to offer seasonal favorites that are sure to warm your heart and add a festive touch to your celebrations. Dive into a cup or cone of Peppermint
Flash (Refreshing and vibrant peppermint ice cream filled with peppermint candy.) or indulge in Egg Nog (Sweet and delicious egg nog ice cream. A seasonal favorite!)
Whether you're young or young at heart, Abel's Ice Cream has something special just for you. Come by their shop to experience the happiness that only a great scoop of ice cream can bring. Abel's Ice Cream is located at 1886 Stickney Point Road, Sarasota in the South Bridge Plaza. Open Sunday through Thursday from Noon-9:30 pm, and Friday and Saturday from Noon-10 pm. Learn more online at www.abelsicecream.com or connect with us on Facebook and Instagram.
It has been a very eventful summer with many hurricanes devastating our shores. Our hearts go out to all those who suffer immensurable losses from these storms. Our community, like many others, looked very different with missing fences, tree trunks and various debris all over.
The Landings Halloween Trail event held on Saturday October 26 brought back a sense of normalcy. It was a much-welcome relaxing time for The Landings families and friends. The LMA emergency task force worked very hard to clean the trail and allow us to hold our Halloween festivities.
Once again, the residents transformed their houses into castles, monster halls, cemeteries, graveyards and temples of dooms. Orange lights of
Jack-O-Lanterns cast a creepy glow to the streets. Scary and charming characters such as: giant pumpkins, clowns, scarecrows, and witches lined the trail to greet our trick-or-treat guests.
The gate of The Landings opened at 1800 to a spooktacular parade of elaborate costumes. We walked from the main gate down to Kestral to Pine Harrier Circle where we were transported into fairy tales, marvel worlds, and different galaxies.
Landing residents and guests went all out, showcasing their creativity and imagination through elaborate outfits that range from whimsical to terrifying.
Many families took the opportunity to dress in themed costumes, creating a cohesive and entertaining visual spec-
tacle. Both children and adults relish the chance to embody their favorite characters, whether they be classic monsters, superheroes, or beloved cartoon figures.
There were many little minions plotting some mischief with Gru; several Disney princesses looking around for their prince charming. No one dared to call out: “Beetlejuice” or make eye contact with the Grim Reaper. Several witches were cruising The Landings streets on their brooms. Priests, rock stars, and demons to name a few were at the doors passing candies and other wonderful treats.
The residents of Pine Harrier Circle transformed their streets into a playful world of ghosts, goblins, and pumpkins; every corner and house offered
a unique experience that captured the spirit of Halloween.
Several Landings residents hosted ghoulish cocktail parties to the delight of their guests.
We continued to Peregrine Point and Kestral Parkway South where the displays of cobwebs, giant spiders, skeletons, and glowing jack-o’-lanterns continued to create an enchanting yet spooky ambiance. We passed angels, ghostly figures, zombies, Batman and Jokers. A group of gangster girls were running from the law while haunting music and creepy monster voices filled the air.
Halloween fosters a sense of community and belonging and serves as a powerful reminder of community spirit. People of all ages come together
to celebrate. Neighbors gather to share stories, and enjoy each other’s company in a fun, festive and magical setting. Once again, The Landings community did not disappoint us and showed off their sense of creativity. Unforgettable memories were made that will last well beyond the Halloween season! We want to say a warm thank you to the LMA emergency team, our decorators extraordinaire: Doug Day and Louis Goncalves, The Landings Children Club and to all the Landing residents who made this event successful. So, grab your costume, gather your friends and family, and join in on the fun next Halloween season!
After many years wintering on Siesta Key from their home in Albany, New York, Peter and Marie McHugh found The Landings. Aren’t we glad they did?
Both Peter and Marie have brought their artistic talents to our community for the past ten years: Marie through her personal artistic talents, her love of art and her writing; Peter with his music.
For the past eight years, Marie has organized the annual Landings Art Show at the Landings Racquet Club. Each year, Landings artists showcase their talents at this exposition. If you haven’t been, you have missed a lot. Put it on your calendar for early December.
Marie not only organizes the show, but she also exhibits her wonderful art in Manhattan and upstate New York as well as locally. Her work can also be viewed on her web site (mchughfineart.com). She describes her art as contemporary realism (mostly
oil paintings). Marie is Swiss-born and still has family there. She and Peter visited them this summer.
Marie’s creative skills extend to her writing. She has authored many articles about her fellow artists in the “Landings Eagle.”
She recently exhibited her work at the Arts Advocates Gallery in the Westfield Siesta Key Mall. Her presentation described her work, how she goes about creating a piece of art, as well as the use of AI in art. Marie is a warm, intelligent, and creative presence.
Peter took up the guitar years ago when he was in the Navy. He has a rich, bass voice and has entertained Heron Way neighbors with scores of Sunday night performances of folk music.
During the “covid years,” Peter began collaborating with fellow Landings residents Gary and Angie Eason to form “The Driveway Band.” Peter, Gary and Angie have
been joined by guitarists Michael Cohen and Willie Green, with support from percussionist Eugene Molier-Belloso. They offer performances on Monday evenings throughout the winter season.
The group plays folk and bluegrass featuring Gary’s outstanding banjo talents, Angie’s bass and Peter’s guitar. All the band participates in vocals with several solos and friends singing along. The band provides a truly entertaining 90 minutes of music.
Peter and Marie are also members of the Landoliers. This choral group has been a Landings institution for years and has an annual concert at the LRC each spring. Peter and Marie have sung duets at the concerts for the past two years.
We hope all Landings residents find time in the future to enjoy the talents of the Landoliers and Peter and Marie McHugh.
Come experience Bay Village’s stunning and expansive renovation, where every detail was crafted to enhance the experience and beauty of this vibrant and caring community.
Please call us at 941.966.5611 to schedule a tour and learn more. Scan the QR Code to visit our website.
Looking into the water at Siesta Key Beach is an incredible, captivating feeling - hues of blue and green dancing in light waves on top of crystal white sand with sunlight reflecting on it. Undeniably, the “Siesta Key Watercolor GemstoneTM” has captured the colors of this experience.
It’s no secret that the sand on Siesta Key Beach is composed of 99% pure quartz. The crystalline white sand of Siesta Key is luxurious, soft, white and cool to the touch 365 days a year. This is why our beloved beach has been revered as one of the most beautiful in the world. Wanting to capture the experience and essence of Siesta Key beach was the goal of the proprietor of Silver City, Monica.
“Tourists always wish they can somehow take their vacation memories with them,” so with this in mind, Silver City designed the Siesta Key Watercolor GemstoneTM. They were able to capture the colors of Siesta Key’s blue/green water and put it into a quartz gemstone. This quartz gemstone is a fusion of the tropical colors that surround us. Just looking into the clear, beautiful gemstone will transport you back to our island paradise representing the Sea, Sky and beautiful sand of Siesta Key Beach.
Silver City has now become a “Must Stop” destination for tourists (Currently named #1 shopping destination on TRIP ADVISOR on Siesta Key). Shining brightly among the cases of this uniquely mirrored store lies the much raved about Siesta Key Watercolor GemstoneTM Every jewelry piece is designed and made by Silver City Sarasota. The staff of Silver City Sarasota is very proud of their unique collection and variety of designs in Sterling
It’s time to dust off your dance shoes. Our favorite line-dance instructor is back! Renowned Canadian dance teacher, Marc Mitchell, who lives part-time at Eagles Point with his wife Nicole, has once again landed in The Landings.
As in the past three years, Marc is graciously offering free linedancing lessons in the month of December to members of the LRC
There are three dates scheduled: Monday, December 2, Tuesday, December 10, and Monday December 16.
Although the days switch up, the time will not. All line-dancing will be from 5-6:30 p.m. in the Lakeside Room. The room is carpeted so wear shoes that can glide.
Marc welcomes beginners as well as those who have enjoyed his classes before. He doesn’t just dance to country tunes, but adapts his choreography to popular music, Frank
Sinatra classics, and even Hip-Hop. If you want a taste of how fun his classes are, check out his website at www.dancewithmarc.com. Be sure to sign-up in the Pro Shop.
MarcMitchellwillonceagainoffer linedancingclasses.
Do you play any instruments? I play the guitar. Do you have brothers and sisters? One brother, Luca, 12
How long have you been in The Landings? Since the end of May
What do you like most about The Landings?
I like the nature trail and seeing all the animals.
Ice cream: Vanilla
School subject: Math
Book/s: The Big Sting
Video game: Brawl Stars
Sport: Soccer
Sport Team: Argentina
Color: Orange
Movie: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (1 st in the series)
Food: Noodles with sauce
Least favorite food: Pickles
Any holiday wishes? Everything soccer related!
New Year’s Resolution? To clean up my mess around the house
One word to describe you would be? Kind What do you do in your spare time? Read What do you want to be when you grow up?
A professional soccer player
Do you take any lessons? I have soccer practice twice a week and games on the weekend. I also take guitar lessons.
Is homework necessary for success? Yes
What advice would you give your parents? To do more sports
If you could do something like your dad/mom do, what would you want to be able to do? Cook
amazing food like my mom!
If you could wake up tomorrow with a superpower, what superpower would you want to have? Fly because I want to be like a bird.
What is your biggest dream? To be a professional soccer player
Who is the most inspiring person you know?
Lionel Messi from Argentina/Miami teams
Favorite place to visit? And why? My cousin’s house in Gainesville, FL because I love my cousins there so much.
One thing you have always wanted to do but haven’t yet? Score a goal in soccer
One great thing about your family? They make the best food!
Favorite thing to do on the weekend? Play on my device
If you could, what two animals would you combine? A bear and a lizard – a blizzard!
What’s the best thing about being a kid? I don’t have many responsibilities.
What is something that you don’t understand about grownups? Why they say they are old even though they aren’t.
What is the greatest thing ever invented? The internet because it helps you play Brawl Stars. What’s something you’d like to learn how to do?
Ice skate
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?
A tricky math problem
What was a favorite vacation? The Hyatt in Bonita Springs at Coconut Point because there are water slides and it’s a nice hotel. I also loved the house we stayed at in Clifden, Ireland.
Perhaps the most popular pet lizard, bearded dragons are originally from the deserts of central Australia. “Bearded” refers to the expandable flap of skin under their chin that turns black when they are stressed, displaying dominance or being territorial. They are usually even-tempered, docile, easy to tame, bond closely with their caretakers and are generally hardy when cared for properly.
Typical appearance and behavior
• Tolerates handling and interaction with humans
• In nature, their skin is tan-colored, but they have been bred for a variety of di erent colors and patterns
• Communicate with each other through gestures such as “arm waving” in which they lift a front leg and wave it back and forth in submission to another lizard
• They also bob their heads as part of their mating ritual or to display dominance
• Will spend their day in a hiding spot, basking and climbing.
Serving the Florida Gulf Coast Since 1975 Welcome to Seascape Aquarium & Pet Center. We have:
• 10,000 feet of showrooms
• 25,000
Store hours: Monday-Friday 10 AM - 6 PM Saturday 10 AM - 5 PM Sunday 12 - 4 PM 941-922-0914 info@seascapeaquarium.com
After three successive storms, lots of flooding and muddy waters, we were not sure what the fishing would be like at the gazebo which was damaged by Hurricane Milton. The Fish Whisperer was joined by Apo Kayaalp, a frequent angler at the gazebo. While the number of fish
caught was less, we were still able to catch a few decent fish. Check out the photos below.
If you or your guests are interested in learning how to fish at the gazebo, contact the Fish Whisperer at: Nfpconsultingresources@gmail.com.
Here are the new residents in The Landings:
- Nikolaas Helder & Anna Hensel, 5430 Eagles Point Circle, #302,
- Jon “J.B.” Kelly Baldwin, 5127 Kestral Park Place.
For current owner information, use the online resident directory on The Landings website. www. residents.thelandingsofsarasota.com as your source for current resident directory listings and other Landings information.
Directory information is updated on the site no
less often than weekly and changes are made to other Landings information when available. If you want current information, use our website’s Resident Directory!
We encourage every resident to check their online directory listing for accuracy. Additions, changes, or corrections to the online directory may be requested by clicking on Update Your Profi le.
The Annual Landings Artists Art Exhibition will take place at the Landings Racquet Club Friday, December 6 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Join us to celebrate the creativity in our community. Whether you’re looking for something new for your home, gift s for the holidays, or simply want to enjoy an inspiring display, there’s something for everyone. Don’t miss this opportunity to
Mah Jongg is back!
Mah Jongg will resume every Monday 1-3:30 p.m. in the Lakeside room through June 2025.
Formal instructions to begin January 6 and continue for six weeks. For more information contact Betty Greenspan 941-780-1528 or email Lotus122@verizon.net
support our Landings artists—many works are available for purchase!
Here is a tentative list of artists signed up at printing time: Rudi Blohm, Robert Manteiga, Allison Small, Barbara Rothman, Nancy Friedberg, Fern Vaughn, Donna Couzens, Nancy Solar, Gary Bowen Karen Gundesheimer, Jo Smith, Charissa Baker, and Marie-Louise McHugh.
Holidayseasonmorethananyother timeofyear,putsusinthemoodto shareourloveandfamilytraditions with our children and friends.
- 1/2 cup milk
- 25 marshmallows
- 1 cup whipping cream
- 1 chocolate candy bar with almonds, chopped into pieces
- 1 graham cracker pie crust
- Heat milk and marshmallows in a double boiler, until just melted.
- Add whipping cream and chocolate bar pieces to marshmallow mixture.
- Pour mixture into graham cracker pie crust
- Let cool in the refrigerator overnight.
Have fun making & enjoy eating!
It’s the Holi-Daze blessing and cheer! Best hopes and wishes this coming New Year!
What do gingerbread men use when they break their legs? Candy canes.
What did Adam say on the day before Christmas? “It’s Christmas, Eve!”
What did the bald man say when he got a comb for Christmas? “I’ll never part with it!”
The Landings January bike outing to Myakka Park was a great success. Lots of gators and wildlife seen throughout the park including this limpkin, pictured above. The Bird and Canopy Walk were closed due to Hurricane Ian damage but we were able to identify some great hiking trails to explore on our own and during future visits.
What is a vegan’s favorite Christmas song? Soy to the World!
What do you call an obnoxious reindeer? Rude-olph.
Where do Santa’s reindeer stop for coffee? –Star-bucks!
What did one ornament say to the other? “Let’s hang out.”
Farley 941 350 3610 info@citizenjackhws com citizenjackhws com