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APRIL 2018 | 941.349.0194 | ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC | www.SiestaSand.net | COMPLIMENTARY
New Book Celebrates a Century of Tourism on Siesta Key
SETBACK LINE Siesta Key property owner still intent on home construction west of Gulf Beach Setback Line, with use of Beach Access 10 as driveway
John Davidson – 60th Anniversary in Business
By Anne Johnson
People visiting Siesta Key today would be hard-pressed to visualize what it looked like in the 1950’s. There were only about 3,000 residents, few businesses, no high-rises and miles of open beachfront. It was beautiful, serene and waiting for the future. John Davidson saw all the possibilities in that future and stepped right in. He was a working pharmacist, having attended Duke University and the University of Colorado in Boulder. He thought he’d like to move permanently to Colorado, but returned to his home in Elmhurst, a suburb of Chicago, to help out in the drugstore where he had worked while in school. A week’s vacation in Florida changed his mind about Colorado. He interviewed with five companies, choosing Wyeth as it would allow him to be based in Sarasota. He became a pharmacy rep serving the area from Bradenton to Everglades City while he looked for a location to open his own drugstore. “It was a good job and a good company.” Two years later, he selected Siesta Key as having the most potential. Other pharmacists in town thought he was crazy since Siesta Key was so undeveloped; but John could see the future and, in 1958, he opened his first drugstore. Continued on page 5
In its earlier years, Davidson Drugs offered free delivery by the pharmacist. Inset photo: pharmacist John Davidson, circa 1950’s
Is now the time to consider beach paid parking?
|Proponents say yes. Topic will be on the April 10 County Commission agenda
Jim and Sandy Goldman of The Landings volunteer at The Exchange page
Meet Kasi from The Table Creekside at Phillippi Creek Village
Siesta Towers offers serenity just north of Siesta Village
Now’s the time to consider paid parking at Siesta Key Public Beach, says Mark Smith, architect and past chair of the Siesta Key Chamber. Charging non-county visitors for parking at the 900-plus spaces could provide important funding to help maintain upkeep of the beach, or help run the recently-implemented Siesta Key Trolley — or even expand the Trolley route. “Let’s say during season two thirds of beach visitors are tourists,” says Smith, “there is a chance to bring in $2 million in income that could be used to maintain the beach itself as well as continue trolley service.” (That estimate is based on the $3 an hour beach-parking fee charged by the town of Fort Myers Beach.) Smith isn’t alone. Catherine Luckner, former president and current Vice President of the Siesta Key Association (SKA), says paid-parking could help keep Siesta Key “beautiful and safe” as more and more people
fill its beaches. Proponents say it is time to consider the feasibility of paid parking — just as a Siesta Key trolley was started a year ago after many years of discussions. And three recently-completed surveys show considerable support from local Key residents and business leaders. For instance, a Siesta Key Association survey of members found that of 584 respondents, 76 percent were in favor of Sarasota County charging for parking at Siesta Key Public Beach. In a Chamber of Commerce survey that was completed in March, 64.8 percent of respondents agree there should be paid parking at rates comparable to other beach communities. In addition, a recent survey conducted by the Siesta Key Condominium Council, Inc. (SKCC) resulted in 75 to 85 percent of respondents saying that there should be paid parking, providing each resident gets at least one free pass and that all collected fees stay on
Siesta Key. The respondents in both the SKA survey and the Chamber survey both overwhelmingly supported an effort to provide a free-parking pass that would allow all Sarasota County property owners to park at the public beach free of charge.
By Roger Drouin
“If you own property and pay county taxes, it is only fair,” Luckner told Siesta Sand. “We are suggesting that property owners get a sticker through the property appraiser — so there will be no additional cost for that process.” Continued on page 20
New Siesta Key Association President Gene Kusekoski By Bob Stein Since Siesta Key is one of the few barrier islands in Florida that is not incorporated, the Island Associations and the Siesta Key Chamber are Siesta Key’s closest form of local government. The Siesta Key Association is one of the largest and oldest associations in all of Florida representing a barrier island. The County Commissioners pay close attention to the SKA. Continued on page 31
Siesta Sand
APRIL 2018
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Island Chatter Siesta Key Chamber hosts 19th annual golf tournament The Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce, along with presenting sponsor, Conditioned Air, proudly announce the 19th Annual Chamber Golf Tournament, which will be held Monday, May 7, at TPC Prestancia – Stadium Course, located at 4409 Tournament Players Club Drive, Sarasota, 34238. This private outing presents a unique opportunity for Chamber members and guests to play a round at the TCP Prestancia – Stadium Course. Onsite check-in begins at 7:30 a.m. with a 9:00 a.m. shotgun start. Don’t miss the Early Bird Registration (until April 7) which includes $100 discount per foursome. Registration is also available for single players and award luncheon only guests. Golf registration includes: light breakfast, awards luncheon, cart fee, golf balls & tees, team photo, and hole prizes. Registration and sponsorship
Happiness is…Special Occasions According to Jerry Williams, owner of Abel’s Ice Cream, “special occasions give us a chance to slow down and celebrate the most important things and people in our lives.” And at Abel’s the month of April is all about special occasions. Not only is the store celebrating its 7th anniversary, but co-owner Jill Williams is celebrating another trip around the sun! To honor her birth month, Abel’s is featuring one of Jill’s all-time favorite flavors, Purple Daze Ice Cream (Black Raspberry ice cream with a black raspberry crinkle, and dark chocolate black raspberry cups). Buy why settle for just one new favorite? Enjoy our nod to the heavenly realm with limitedtime addition Heavenly Hash Ice Cream (Rich Chocolate ice cream swirled with creamy marshmallow, butter-roasted almonds & chocolate chips). It’s truly out of this world! Or if you’re ready for a taste of summer, you won’t want to miss our Key Lime Sherbet (Delicious and Sweet). April is bringing family and friends to Abel’s from all over the country. In fact, the season is heating up, bringing lots of tourists and sun-seekers to the Siesta Key area. Welcome to all! Whether you’re here to celebrate
your own special occasions or this is just another day at the beach for you, we’re excited to meet you and show you why Abel’s Ice Cream is a top Trip Advisor pick (in Desserts and Places to Eat). Stop by and tell us about your special occasions at 1886 Stickney Point Rd, Sarasota just off Siesta Key in the South Bridge Plaza. We’re open Sunday through Thursday from Noon-9:30 pm, and Friday and Saturday from Noon10 pm. Learn more online at our website, www.abelsicecream.com or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Awarded their Certificate of Excellence for FOUR years straight!
Staff Report
is conveniently available online at siestakeychamber.com. For additional information, please call the Chamber at 941-349-3800. Proceeds support the programs and services of the Chamber.
Fire chief addresses Station 13 action in regard to hurricane; about 85% of Fire Department calls on Key EMS-related During the Feb. 20 Siesta Key Condominium Council meeting — with Sarasota County Fire Chief Mike Regnier and County Commissioner Alan Maio as special guests — Mark Smith, immediate past chair of the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce, addressed a bit of a different topic during the Q&A session. Smith first pointed out that Fire Station 13, which stands next to Siesta Key Public Beach, “is an older structure that is vulnerable to storm surge and damage.” During the approach of Hurricane Irma in September 2017, Smith asked, “Were the fire engines taken off the island?” He acknowledged that Sarasota County Emergency Management personnel had ordered an evacuation of the Key, with the hurricane’s storm surge predicted to be 8 to 10 feet. Before Regnier could respond, Smith added that he felt the County Commission should be able to “find some money for that station to be storm-hardened …” Maio had noted earlier during his remarks that the county has constructed four new fire stations since he joined the board in November 2014, and it has three more planned in the next few years. “We did take the units off the island,” Regnier told Smith; they were moved to hardened facilities “at the last minute,” after the island evacuation was to have been completed. Regnier also explained that he and his staff continuously evaluate all the 28 fire stations in the county to determine which should have top priority for rebuilding. In ranking those priorities, he continued, one factor he and his staff have to take into consideration is the
potential for impact fees to help cover the costs of new construction in areas where new development is occurring. Fire Station 13 dates to 1973, Regnier noted. “It is not hardened,” and it is in a hurricane surge zone. “It will be underwater if a storm comes …” In fact, Regnier acknowledged, if Irma had struck with the force forecasters had predicted, the structure most likely would have been destroyed. “I don’t have an answer for you as to when we are going to rebuild that fire station,” he added. Maio drew some laughter from audience members when he said, “I would suggest, Chief, that you don’t retire before I get re-elected, because that was a wonderful answer, and I don’t want to be running against you.” Maio emphasized the need for the county to use impact fees to help pay for new fire stations. And that money, he pointed out, is “not always enough” to cover the full cost. Still, Maio said, I will never turn down the sheriff or the fire chief for anything they ask for.” Maio also told the audience of about 35 people that even if a new, storm-hardened station were constructed on Siesta, the equipment still would be moved off the island, he believed, before a hurricane was expected to strike. Regnier confirmed that.
Speaking of the fire station … Prior to Maio’s “state of the county” address to the Condo Council members, Fire Chief Mike Regnier took a few minutes to talk about the 2017 statistics for Fire Station 13. “Thank you all for your support for what you do for the Fire Department,” Regnier began. He spent two years as part of the crew for Fire Station 13 next to the beach, he continued. When he was told he was going to be promoted, but he would have to move to a different station, he not so jokingly added that he had to give that a lot of thought. “It was very difficult to leave,” he told the audience. “People are very, very friendly on the island.” Continued on page 5
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APRIL 2018
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
New Lift Station is operational; old wastewater treatment tanks to be decommissioned, beginning in May - Siesta Key Lift Station Update
By Roger Drouin Sarasota County has completed construction of a new wastewater lift station on the Key — as part of a project to decommission the Siesta Key Wastewater Treatment Plant and replace it with a modern, storm-hardened, and much smaller lift station. “The new pump station is operational,” says David Cash, Water/Wastewater Division Manager for the Public Utilities Department at Sarasota County. The county’s utilities department has been directing about half of the Key’s total wastewater into the new lift station, located at the end of Shadow Drive, as crews transition to the new station. Over the next few weeks, the county’s utilities department will continue to increase flow to the new lift station, and reduce flow to the old wastewater treatment plant at the site. “The new pump station is handing about half of the total wastewater flow on Siesta Key,” Cash told Siesta Sand in an interview last month. The county plans to begin decommissioning the old facility as early as May. The new lift station is already working well and has been approved for use by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. As a precaution, the county is monitoring the lift station’s operation and performance as the flow increases. “We will eventually shut off the old plant completely,” Cash explained. “Once we stop that flow, it is difficult to start up again, so we are being very cautious in our approach. We are taking a measured approach to make sure the new lift station is operating exactly the way it should.” The county’s decommission plan includes a process of cleaning out the facility’s old wastewater treatment tanks — a process that will likely start as early as May and continue through the summer. During this process, residents can expect to see some tankers and work trucks on the facility’s site. There will be minor temporary impacts over several weeks. “There may be some noise and there may potentially be some odor issues, which hopefully we can keep to a minimum,” Cash said. The kind of heavy equipment and road closures that came with the construction of the lift station are not anticipated.
A vast improvement Once it is fully operation, the new lift station will be a vast improvement, Cash says. At that time, no treated wastewater affluent will be released into the Grand Canal. The old treatment plant, built in the 1970s by a now defunct private utility company, was the only wastewater facility currently in the county that treated water and discharged it into a waterway. Numerous trucks passed through the residential area with chemicals used to treat wastewater. The county’s new station, however, will drastically diminish the noise, odor, and truck traffic at the treatment facility. The new pump station is also designed specifically for its island location. It is designed to handle large peak flows during heavy rains. In addition, the system has a backup generator and also a permanently-mounted backup diesel pump that can be used in case the generator fails to keep the lift station “running through a storm,” Cash says. “It’s a double back-up,” Cash says. Because of the location and the critical need for the station to always operate because it is the only lift station for the Key, the county built in additional redundancies that it does not at other wastewater facilities. The new lift station will pump wastewater through a force main that will carry the wastewater off the key, where it will be treated. The wastewater will mainly be treated at the Bee Ridge Water Reclamation Facility, Cash said, where it will be treated to the required standard so it can be used as reclaimed water, used to irrigate golf courses and landscaped areas. The lift station cost approximately $6 million to construct. The entire project — including the new lift station and a Force Main pipe — has a total project cost of $37 million. The last aspect of the lift station project is in design phase. As part of this phase, the old wastewater tanks will be demolished and cleared from the site, and new emergency storage tanks will be constructed. The design of this aspect of the project will start in the fall, Cash said. In the meantime, a current water storage tank is set up as a temporary wastewater emergency storage tank, Cash said.
New Siesta Key Wastewater pump station located on the Grand Canal sandwiched between Shadow Lawn and Oakmont Place
Siesta Sand
APRIL 2018
New Book Celebrates a Century of Tourism on Siesta Key There’s much to celebrate about Siesta Key, especially the many awards for its half-mile long public beach that adjoins another two and one-half miles of pristine, quartz sand delivered millions of years ago from the ancient, Himalaya-sized Appalachian Mountains. Although now arguably overdeveloped, and currently overwhelmed with traffic, it was once one of Sarasota County’s “hidden treasures,” to quote historian Jeff LaHurd, until Dr. Beach and TripAdvisor proclaimed Siesta/ Crescent Beach as “#1 in the USA.” Siesta Key has a rich and colorful history that can be divided into ten distinct periods culminating in the “Best Beach Era.” To celebrate the unique distinctions of Siesta Key, my grandson, Tom, and I with the superb computer graphics assistance of my granddaughter, Julia Farrell Patton, began an intensive year of writing a book entitled An Illustrated History of Siesta Key: The Story of America’s Best Beach during May 2017. That month, Tom graduated from the University of Wisconsin, and we completed our research and interviews. It is being published this month by Pineapple Press, another “hidden treasure” of Sarasota, as a 210 page paperback organized as 20 chapters and available for $21.95 (Google: “Farrell and Siesta Key book.”) To ensure easy beach reading, the book provides 153
illustrations with reviews and analyses that integrate history and anthropology with archaeology, coastal geology, engineering, and geography. Tom and I date the advent of Siesta Key tourism to May 3, 1917 when the original north bridge opened to automobile traffic after Sarasota Mayor Harry Higel secured funds for this ambitious and precocious construction project. Ten years earlier, the important “drumstick” head of this threethousand year-old barrier island had been
unsuccessfully platted by the Siesta Land Company— ultimately leading Harry Higel to adopt the name “Siesta Key” for his “wondrous place to rest,” as well as develop. The first hotel, a glorified boarding house with fabulous clam chowder, the Roberts Inn, thus became the Siesta Hotel and soon was in competition with a more luxurious resort, the Bay Island Hotel. Next, the illfated Higelhurst Hotel thrived along Big Pass but only for a few years before burning down— 33 days before the bridge opening celebration. More tragedy followed for Mayor Higel as he was bludgeoned to death on January 6, 1921, at a time that the City of Sarasota was unprepared for good medical care and police work. During our many months of research and numerous interviews, Tom and I discovered several unrecognized or forgotten aspects of Siesta Key’s history. Some of our favorites include learning about the indirect but profound “Influence of the Spanish” (Chapter 4); the obscure cemetery where the pioneering family of Captain Lewis and Ocean Roberts are buried in unmarked graves (Chapter 5); new, incriminating information on the probable perpetrator of the Harry Higel murder (Chapter 7); the mysteries of the Sanderling Club (Chapter 9); the crucial role of the first Spring Break visitors— the still prominent Amish and
By Philip M. Farrell, MD, PhD
Mennonite tourists (Chapter 11); reasons for the multicolored lifeguard stations and public beach expansion with acquired Gregg properties (Chapter 12); the series of incredible maneuvers that saved the Summerhouse from demolition (Chapter 14); the game-changer for Siesta Key Village and how Captain Curt’s won the 2007 Great Chowder Cook-Off (Chapter 15); and the true story of the Midnight Pass closure (Chapter 16). We also included controversial issues such as the evils of USACE dredging projects and the menace of red tide. These topics are all discussed fully in the perspective of how they shaped Siesta Key’s evolving cultures in the context of Florida’s evolution as a tourist destination. Thus, the book provides an abundance of context for readers along with references for more in-depth reading. In closing, we describe in detail the “Future Threats and Challenges” and “The Fate of Siesta Key,” while quoting the great novelist John MacDonald’s admonition: “In geological time the waters will again cover the peninsula and again recede, only to return again. So let us cherish this moment of paradise, relish these years of sun, and beauty, and do what we can to keep it pristine...Siesta Key.” We hope that our book will educate and entertain readers as they enjoy another century of “paradise.”
APRIL 2018
John Davidson – 60th Anniversary in Business It was only 1,600 square feet and located in part of what is now Beach Bazaar. In addition to the usual pharmacy items, there was a sparkling soda fountain, magazines and sundries. John was known to make an excellent ice cream soda when he wasn’t filling prescriptions. At the time, there wasn’t much to Siesta Village. Other than the new drugstore, there was a grocery store, hardware store and sundries shop. Most of the rest of the village consisted of unique gift shops located in small cottages, which John remembers as charming and nicely merchandized. John worked 80 hours a week for a number of years. Early on, one visiting pharmacy owner commented that he did not have much inventory. “I did not have much money, so I would order just one tube of something, and when it sold, I’d order another to replace it. After a while, I had more money and I’d order two tubes,” he said, chuckling. A few years later John decided he needed more space for a larger store. He and Dr. Freeman Epes partnered in building Siesta Village Plaza. They started with just the drugstore, doctor’s offices and dentist offices as the original tenants. Eventually they added stores to the north and then the ones to the south. John continued to buy real estate in the village as it became available. He knew everyone on the key and considered them all friends as well as customers. By 1965, he had seen enough growth to know that the island could use a second drugstore, this one on the south end. Soon the second location was opened in what is now the Captain Curt’s complex. It had previously been a motel with a swimming pool in the center space. There were numerous accommodations in the vicinity and plenty of customers to go around. The store remained in that location for 10 years, until the landlord tripled the rent. At that time, John decided to build his own location, which is the site of the present store on Midnight Pass Road. Ultimately John – or Mr. D. as most of his employees call him – went on to open seven stores, including the current one in Midtown Plaza. There are three stores now, as well as a location at Plymouth Harbor, which has been there since the retirement development was first opened. John says that for many years his stores were considered the best merchandized on the entire west coast of Florida. Obviously, John has seen a lot of growth in Sarasota, “not all of it good.” When he first came, there were no condos on the key, only mom and pop motels. By the
Island Chatter
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Continued from cover story
The first Davidson Drugs was located on Ocean Blvd. in Beach Bazaar’s current location
John Davidson March 2018
mid-1960’s, Midnight Pass Road had been named “condo row” although they were all low, one-story buildings. It wasn’t until the early 1970’s that the first high-rise, The Terrace, was built on the beach. In 1971 John and his wife started The Key News to the Key, a monthly newspaper with local news – and plenty of space, of course, for Davidson Drugs advertising. By late ’72, the paper went bi-weekly, then weekly. A number of years later, a contest was held to re-name the newspaper. The winner was Siesta Key Pelican, though not everyone agreed with the choice. In later years, the Siesta Key was dropped and it became The Pelican Press because the circulation was over 30,000 and it was delivered on the mainland as well as the key. It became a very successful publication, winning many awards as one of Florida’s best weekly newspapers. After publishing the paper for twentyseven years, John sold it to Journal Communications out of Milwaukee, Wisconsin on June 24, 1998. John has never lost his interest in both Siesta Key and Sarasota and their continuing development. He has been a vocal supporter of Siesta Key and its beautification, serving on just about every organization on the key, whether profit or not for profit. He has always advocated for better zoning and anything that will make Siesta safer and more beautiful. He also served on the Sarasota County Planning Commission for three years. In addition, he was a founder and president of the Argus Foundation and has served on boards or as president of numerous organizations such as the Sarasota Memorial Hospital Foundation,
17 years on the Selby Foundation Board, The Selby Gardens Board, numerous bank boards and much more. One thing he mentioned proudly was his role in the formation of the first Cub Scout pack on Siesta, which, as an Eagle Scout, was especially important to him. In another matter dear to his heart, he spent years advocating the incorporation of Siesta Key as its own municipality. “That way,” he explained, Siesta Key could chart its own destiny. It could use the tax dollars generated here to fund projects to benefit the key. At present, those dollars go to the County, which The extremely popular soda fountain, may often have different located inside the original Davidson Drugs priorities. It’s not too attracted many patrons. Some even came by on horseback late for Siesta Key to reap many benefits from incorporation.” John’s daughter Suzanne is married to John remains active, mostly managing Rick Munroe, and together they own Sun his real estate investments, whether here in Garden Café in Siesta Village. Youngest son Sarasota or from his summer home in North John, Jr. is a developer in Atlanta. Oldest Carolina. John and his wife, Rita, are active son, Jib, lives in Gainesville and youngest golfers and tournament croquet players. daughter, Brooke, lives in Lakewood They are also world travelers, having Ranch. Twelve grandchildren complete visited all seven continents pursuing John’s the family. interest in wildlife photography. After 60 years as a business owner on In 2000, John assumed the role of CEO, Siesta Key and the mainland, John is still and his son Richard became president interested and involved in many civic of Davidson Drugs. Son Bob (Richard’s programs and still ever supportive of Siesta twin) owns a separate division of Davidson Key and Sarasota and their growth and Drugs, Davidson Home Health. progress.
Continued from page 2
As for the work of the department: One of the first questions he gets when he makes public remarks, Regnier pointed out, is why a fire engine rolls with a rescue unit in response to a medical call. “The thing about the Fire Department in Sarasota County is you get the best of both services. … You get a bang for your buck.” All county firefighters are cross-trained either as emergency medical technicians or paramedics, Regnier explained. Therefore, when both a fire engine and rescue unit respond, personnel can handle all of the necessary steps to take care of someone quickly. “That does not happen in all departments across the United States,” he stressed. In fact, he continued, he grew up in Chicago, and his dad was a firefighter. When a car once struck Regnier’s sister, he said, the family had to wait 25 minutes for a rescue unit to arrive, even though a fire engine was a short distance away. When Regnier asked his dad why the firefighters did not respond first, his dad explained to him that the two services were “not affiliated with each other.” Regnier then noted the Sarasota County Fire Department’s appreciation of the Siesta Key Fire and Rescue Advisory Council’s recent donation of an ATV that can be used for medical emergencies on the beach. Prior
to having that equipment available, Regnier said, first responders had no choice but to go to the beach access closest to the location of an incident and then carry equipment onto the beach and bring an injured person back out to a rescue unit via that same beach access. The Polaris ATV, he said, carries a stretcher and other equipment. Moving on to the statistics for 2017, Regnier told the audience, “Siesta is supposed to be the quiet, lazy place,” eliciting laughter. “It is quite busy, for emergency calls.” In 2017, Siesta was the location of 1,728 incidents out of 65,579 countywide for the Fire Department, he noted. Of those, 1,339 — about 85% — were related to medical emergencies, with 105 involving an ill or unconscious person at the beach and 61 related to motor vehicle crashes. The sun, he indicated, is the source of many of the medical calls. People unused to the intensity of the sun — especially in the summertime — often get dehydrated, and some end up with heat exhaustion and even heatstroke. As a parent, he added, he reminds his own children about using sunscreen and drinking plenty of fluids, but people on the beach often forget to do that. On the key, he continued, 389 incidents were fire-related, with 14 structural fires reported. Regnier explained that in some
cases, what might be logged as a structural fire by a 911 operator can turn out to be a situation in which someone has dropped a cigarette that has smoldered, producing a lot of smoke in a dwelling unit. The statistics also showed 57 elevator rescues; 55 water rescues — 38 of which were at beach accesses; 146 fire alarms; and 13 incidents involving hazardous materials. The latter, he noted, often pertain to gas leaks. Countywide, Regnier pointed out, the total number of calls has been going up 8% to 10% a year, but Siesta has not experienced that much of an increase. The month in 2017 with the highest number of responses from Fire Station 13 was March, with 229, Regnier’s statistics showed. January was in second place, with 194. The slowest month? October, with 139 responses. It takes about 6 minutes for the Fire Department to respond to a call on the Key, he continued. “You call 911, the clock starts ticking. … We’re pretty proud of that.” Immediately after the equipment is sent out, he said, the dispatcher asks questions to glean more information from the caller. For example, in a medical emergency, the dispatcher will ask if the person is breathing. Is the person conscious? Depending upon the answers, additional units may be sent to the location, he added; conversely, some units may return to the station because they will
not be needed. The Fire Department also provides educational sessions and offers fire prevention information to residents and visitors, Regnier noted. “We have a lot of turnover” among residents on Siesta Key, he said, so firefighters “try very hard” to educate the newcomers.
No extended lifeguard hours this summer As part of its budget reduction process, the Sarasota County Commission agreed earlier this year that it would not extend lifeguard hours as usual between Memorial Day and Labor Day. That will save $119,323 a year, according to material provided to the board by the county’s Emergency Services Department. When the commissioners combed through the lists of potential department savings on Jan. 31, Chair Nancy Detert asked Rich Collins, emergency services director, about the lifeguard issue. In the past, Collins explained, the hours were extended from 5 to 7 p.m. for the approximately 100 days between the holidays that mark the traditional beginning and ending of summer. (Lifeguards begin duty at 10 a.m.) Continued on page 11
Siesta Sand
APRIL 2018
www.reopenbeachroad.org Pd. Pol. Adv. Paid for by Reopen Beach Road, Inc. 617 Avenida De Mayo, Sarasota, FL 34242
APRIL 2018
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Multi-way stop signs approved on Commonwealth Drive at Venice Lane intersection By Rachel Brown Hackney / SarasotaNewsLeader.com For months, residents of the affected Siesta Key neighborhood have been divided in their opinions about whether multi-way stop signs should be installed on Commonwealth Drive at the Venice Lane intersection. However, responding to the urging of most of the people who addressed the issue during the County Commission’s Feb. 27 meeting, the board voted 4-0 to approve the signs. (Commissioner Alan Maio was absent; he was representing the commission at a board meeting of the Southwest Florida Water Management District.) The residents who called for the board’s action cited safety as their primary concern. Chair Nancy Detert concurred with their view. “I think extra stop signs protect people without disrupting general traffic, frankly.” Two residents, especially, talked of their worries about drivers striking children who live in the neighborhood and have to walk between their homes and Midnight Pass Road because they take a bus to school. “I would like a stop sign at the intersection of Commonwealth and Venice,” said Beverly Chenoweth, who lives on Commonwealth Place. “I’ve seen vehicles come around that corner fast.” Mario Christaldi, who lives on Venice Lane, also pointed out that many people walk their dogs through the neighborhood, while others regularly jog along the roads. “It’s just a hazard,” he said of the intersection. County staff stated that the signs would be erected by the middle of March. Commissioner Charles Hines took the opportunity of the Feb. 27 discussion to rebuke the county’s Engineering and Operations Division manager for not having made a change in the criteria staff uses to decide whether stop signs are warranted on a street. Robert Fakhri told the commissioners that staff did not recommend installation of the stop signs, because the situation did not garner enough points in a system staff uses to make that type of determination. Nonetheless, the county’s Traffic Advisory Committee (TAC) had voted
to recommend approval of the petition for the signs, Fakhri said. Mario Christaldi, one of the speakers who addressed the board on Feb. 27, noted that two of the law enforcement officers on the TAC were among the 3-1 majority. “It’s very rare that the TAC goes against something that’s so skewed in the criteria,” Hines told Fakhri after the public comments concluded. Sometimes the County Commission also has voted contrary to the staff recommendation, Hines added. The last time it did so, he continued, the commissioners agreed that the petition affected what Hines characterized as an “internal neighborhood.” “Have you not added that type of situation into the criteria yet?” Hines asked Fakhri, referring to the point system Fakhri had mentioned earlier. “I thought this board voted to add … to the criteria” an extra point when an issue involved just a street within a neighborhood. It would be difficult for staff to define that type of neighborhood, Fakhri said. Hines stressed that the County Commission already had directed staff to make such a change. Still, he acknowledged, “I understand what you’re saying, in that every neighborhood is different.” “We’re working on it,” Fakhri replied, noting that staff would have to prepare a resolution for the board to approve the change in the criteria. “I didn’t know it was that complicated,” Hines retorted. “I think we’d like to see it not that complicated, done a little quicker,” Chair Detert told Fakhri. After the vote, Hines addressed County Administrator Jonathan Lewis: “I think staff has had adequate time to add that extra language to the criteria.” He asked Lewis to find out when the matter would come back to the commission for a vote, referencing the resolution Fakhri had mentioned. Hines said he did not want to have to face a situation in which “someone gets killed and we had an easy opportunity to fix the situation beforehand.” Continued on page 31
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Siesta Sand
APRIL 2018
Village Gelateria Serving up Fresh, All Organic, Vegan-friendly Gelato Best tasting VEGAN friendly Gelato I have ever had. Organic, super fresh, not overly sweet, and lots of flavor choices. They even have vegan cones. Only place I’ve ever seen non-dairy pistachio. Prices are very low for the location too. Pure organic ingredients, no aftertaste. Yummy! Try the coconut, my favorite. Owner is from Rome and has brought his old world techniques to Siesta Key, of all places. Give it a try. Awesome gelato! The sweet girl that helped us was extremely kind and let my mom and I sample several different flavors before deciding. I ended up choosing the strawberry crunch in a cup and my mom chose the coconut in a waffle cone. Both were delicious and were very generous servings for a single scoop! As somebody who has lived in Italy and eaten at several gelato shops throughout the country, I can honestly say this tasted authentic and reminded me very much of the gelato back in Rome. I highly recommend and will be back myself very soon! These are the type of reviews being posted on Yelp and TripAdvisor for good reason. Made In Rome Organic Gelato, located in the Village, churns out small batches of artisan gelato, (a.k.a. ice cream’s Italian cousin) transforming simple ingredients
into sweet scoops of pure bliss. The allorganic list is uncomplicated consisting of milk, cream, eggs, sugar, fruits and nuts. When properly crafted it produces the clean, pure flavors and luxurious silky textures that are the hallmarks found at this small gelateria. No hydrogenated fats, colorants, or preservatives are ever used in these creations. As simple as the ingredients are that make up this sweet indulgence, its name is equally as unassuming. Translated, “Gelato” simply means “Frozen.” But don’t let its simple name belie the depth of flavor each bite delivers. In fact, the staff will provide generous samples. Just be forewarned, it may be habit-forming. Owners Massimo and Diane Cuna take turns creating flavors like Cioccolato e Nocciola (Chocolate and Hazelnuts), Croccante All’Amarena (Crunchy Cherry), or Caffè del Professore (Teacher’s Coffee). It’s a unique process they enjoy showing off and welcome all to stop by and watch as they prepare it. Each batch is kept small and a different flavor of their house-made gelato is produced every 15 minutes. Any gelato not scooped up immediately is kept in closed cases, safe from bacteria and impurities. A constant temperature
of 5 degrees is maintained; the optimal temperature necessary for retaining the fresh, pure tastes. Then the next day, they start all over again; blending and mixing and incorporating all the lush organic ingredients. This, according to Morgan Morano, author of The Art of Making Gelato, is what matters most: “Eat it fresh.” And vegans, you too have options with nine choices of vegan gelato to choose from, including chocolate. You can even spoon it or eat it right out of a cone if you want, since their organic cones are made from gluten free, kosher certified, vegan waffles. They also offer a small assortment of sugar-free choices from the menu’s 30 flavors. Espresso? Why, of course. Served straight or with a generous dollop of vanilla gelato. Oh my. So the next time the dopamine reward system lurking in your brain kicks in to high gear looking for something sweet, make a bee-line straight to Made In Rome Organic Gelato for some instant gratification. Made In Rome Organic Gelato is located at 5204 Ocean Blvd. in Siesta Village, (941) 960-5344, open Monday through Sunday from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Advertorial
Fresh mango organic gelato
Fresh espresso served with a dollop of vanilla gelato
APRIL 2018
Siesta Key property owner still intent on home construction west of Gulf Beach Setback Line, with use of Beach Access 10 as driveway By Rachel Brown Hackney / SarasotaNewsLeader.com Almost exactly 10 months after he submitted the original application to Sarasota County’s Environmental Permitting Division, the attorney for a Siesta Key property owner has provided new material maintaining his assertion that construction of a three-story house should be allowed fully seaward of the county’s Gulf Beach Setback Line. The application also seeks to use Beach Access 10 as the means of reaching the house. That access is the extension of Calle de Invierno west of Beach Road, the attorney, Robert Lincoln of Sarasota, pointed out. It was platted in 1926, and the county never has vacated the portion used for Access 10, Lincoln said in a recent interview. The delay between the original submission of the application in May 2017 and his providing responses to county staff comments — which he filed on March 16 — was rooted in “a lot of confusion,” Lincoln added during the interview. “We’ve been trying to work with staff,” he said. “It’s a little bit of a chicken and the egg situation with them.” On Feb. 27, Weiqi Lin, a technical specialist in the county’s Environmental Permitting Division, had provided notice to the Saba Sands II project team that the application submitted on May 18, 2017 would be deactivated if county staff received nothing from the team by March 16. The manager for Saba Sands II is attorney William A. Saba of Sarasota. The new material is under Environmental Permitting Division staff review to determine whether it is complete, county Media Relations Officer Drew Winchester said in an interview. Acting as the agent for the limited liability company, Lincoln acknowledged in his March 16 responses that the land west of the house at 654 Beach Road was purchased in 2012, “about 33 years after the Coastal Setback Code was adopted in 1979,” as county staff had put it.
That code, staff noted, restricts and limits development seaward of the county’s Gulf Beach Setback Line (GBSL). County staff also had pointed out that, in 1999, the County Commission denied a request of the previous owner of the property for a Coastal Setback Variance for construction of a house. “Furthermore,” staff continued, “Saba Sands II should be aware that the commission has denied all variance requests for any new residential structures westward of Tenacity Lane in that neighborhood since 1979.” “The Coastal Setback Code does not prohibit a landowner from obtaining a variance for construction simply because the property is purchased after the Code was adopted,” Lincoln responded. Citing a 1980 3rd District Court of Appeal decision in Florida, Lincoln made it clear that the “mere purchase of a property subject to a regulation related to standards such as setbacks does not convert a hardship imposed by the regulation into one that is ‘self-created.’” Additionally, Lincoln pointed out, “A prior denial of a variance does not establish that a later denial is not an undue hardship on the land. … If that were the case, the first denial would eliminate all economic use of the property and constitute a taking.” Lincoln cited a 1992 judicial ruling to support that view. Lincoln was referring to the state’s Bert J. Harris Jr. Private Property Rights Protection Act, which says, “When a specific action of a governmental entity has inordinately burdened an existing use of real property or a vested right to a specific use of real property, the property owner of that real property is entitled to relief, which may include compensation for the actual loss to the fair market value of the real property caused by the action of government …” Continued on page 36
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
New SKA president points to key continuing issues |Preventing dredging of Big Pass, preserving island zoning regulations and reducing traffic By Rachel Brown Hackney About 150 Siesta Key Association (SKA) members and invited guests — perhaps the nonprofit’s largest attendance figure ever — welcomed a new president on March 3 and provided rounds of applause as he discussed major issues on which the SKA will continue working. Vice President Catherine Luckner passed the president’s gavel to Gene Kusekoski, who joined the SKA board in early 2017. Among the organization’s top priorities, they said, are preventing the proposed dredging of Big Sarasota Pass to renourish South Lido Key Beach and fighting to preserve current street setback regulations for commercial buildings on the island. “There are a lot of places you can go to get a city life,” Kusekoski pointed out. “This doesn’t have to be one of ’em.” He was referring to a petition submitted to the county that would allow developers to have the flexibility to erect new commercial structures as close as 2 feet from the sidewalk. The Siesta Key Overlay District (SKOD), which governs zoning on the island, calls for a minimum of 25 feet and a maximum of 42.5 feet, based on the height of the proposed building. On April 11, the County Commission is scheduled to continue a public hearing that began Jan. 30 on that petition. The proposal for amending the SKOD was submitted by the owners of
Gene Kusekoski Clayton’s Siesta Grille on Old Stickney Point Road. However, many island residents note that Dr. Gary Kompothecras, known for his 1-800-ASK-GARY advertising for his chiropractic clinics, has been working since late 2016 on a plan for a boutique hotel on property Kompothecras owns on Old Stickney Point Road. During a question-and-answer session that was part of the March 3 annual SKA breakfast meeting, Commissioner Alan Maio — who represents Siesta — vowed to the audience, “I am not gonna vote for a 50-, 60-, 80- — whatever your imagination — … I am not going to vote for those types of buildings 2 feet from the sidewalk.” However, he added, he is waiting to see the revised proposal county staff will present on April 11, following board-directed collaboration between staff and Charles D. Bailey III, the attorney for Clayton and Diane Thompson of Clayton’s Siesta Grille. Continued on page 35
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Siesta Sand
APRIL 2018
Women’s Exchange - A great place to volunteer Many residents of The Landings have found the Women’s Exchange to be the perfect place to volunteer. Soon to be renamed simply the Exchange, this nonprofit organization has been a real force in Sarasota since 1962. In the intervening years, it has awarded more than $8 million in arts-related grants and scholarships. It has also filtered money back into our local economy. (In fiscal year 2016/2017, more than $2 million was paid out to local consigners.) The large consignment operation is operated by more than 260 volunteers, 5,000 consignors, and only 11 or 12 paid employees. With its ever-changing inventory of Baccarat crystal, Tiffany silver, Gucci handbags, fine jewelry, high-end furniture, oriental rugs, women’s clothing, and—most recently—men’s clothes, it is a favorite haunt for Sarasota residents as well as visitors from around the world. Jim and Sandy Goldman of the Landings are among those 260 volunteers. For several years, Jim was Chairman of the Board of the Women’s Exchange, helping it become the extraordinary operation that it is today. When the Goldman’s bought their house in the Landings in 2001, they didn’t bring a lot of furniture. They soon discovered the Women’s Exchange, and it became their furniture store of choice. So impressed were they with the condition of the items, three-fourths of their gorgeous home is stocked with finds from W.E. Says Jim, “Everything was practically new. Nothing looked used and abused, scratched or dirty.” During their “snowbird years”, Jim and Sandy continued to periodically stop in at W.E. They traveled back and forth to Pittsburgh until he retired from his law practice in 2004. Once permanently settled in Sarasota, they decided to volunteer one or more times a week at their favorite hangout: Women’s Exchange! Formerly a teacher and counselor who helped heart transplant patients deal with anxiety, Sandy started her volunteering by
Sandy and Jim Goldman
By Diana Colson
The Exchange is located at 539 S. Orange Ave. Sarasota, 34236
Executive Director Karen Koblenz of The Exchange
selling jewelry. As her W.E. skills grew, she moved to working the cash register, and then on to pricing miscellaneous objects. Today, she deals with pricing clothing. Sandy volunteers at Women’s Exchange 1 to 4 days a week, with each shift lasting
approximately 3 hours. Besides his work with the Board, Jim is usually found volunteering in furniture. He never has to move any of the big stuff, however, for that is all handled by employees. (W.E. has a few trucks which they use for pickup and delivery.) Says Sandy,” We have such a good time! I often bring people to help me. The organization is very appreciative. Every March there is a luncheon for volunteers at Michael’s on East, and there is always a Christmas gift card. It is very nice to know you are appreciated. If we have friends in town, we always take them over.” Both Sandy and Jim speak highly of the incredible job done by Karen Koblenz, Executive Director/ CEO of Women’s Exchange. Connie Goldman has worked at the exchange for about two years, first in clothing and now in jewelry, which she loves. Connie says, “It is fun to help people find what they want because jewelry is not about getting what one needs. It is most fun to see men buying gifts for their wives and girlfriends. I volunteer regularly and very occasionally I substitute.” As for her own purchases, Connie says, “My best find was a strand of opal beads that were marked down from the retail store at more than $1000. I paid about $100. If you know what you are doing, there are
even better deals to be found.” Mona Poyta has volunteered at the Exchange for about three years, working every Tuesday afternoon. She does whatever needs doing, usually working in the back, pricing clothing, shoes, and pocketbooks. It is a rare Tuesday when she does not purchase some small inexpensive treasure for her own use. One time, however, she found a beautiful original art piece created by a local artist. She called her husband, who raced down with measurements of their wall. One look and they knew the painting would look marvelous in their home. They purchased it on the spot. Astrid Hull has been volunteering for about 10 years. Now 90 years of age, she originally started because a cousin of her husband worked there. Since that cousin did not drive, Astrid became her chauffeur. Once at the Exchange, Astrid decided she might as well do something constructive, so she became a Wrapper—a job which she does to this day. This amazingly upbeat woman drives herself back and forth from the Landings. She says, “If I know I need something for my own home, it’s always the first place I look.” Carol Carr and Dawn Smith are among other Landings residents who volunteer at W.E.
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Continued on page 40
Island Chatter
APRIL 2018
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Continued from page 5
However, Collins said, the people hired to make that extra summer service possible have been “generally college students.” He added that those positions have proven “very hard … for us to fill.” A note on the budget sheet provided to the commission said, “There is a national shortage of lifeguards making it difficult to fill positions on an annual basis. The past three years we have not been able to hire our budgeted number of summer lifeguards.” Moreover, Collins pointed out, regular lifeguards have had to be pulled away from their duties to train the people hired for those temporary positions, which has resulted in reduced staff at the beaches where lifeguards work. Given the amount of staff time devoted to training, he added, “It makes sense” to keep the closing hour at 5 p.m. year-round. Yet another consideration, Collins said, is that staff has noted that the number of swimmers at the beach begins to decline after 4 p.m. People do come back after dinnertime to watch the sunset, but not usually to swim, he indicated. “We don’t want to put people at risk,” Detert replied, “but, for the main part of the day, when little kids are there, we have lifeguard coverage.” Then Detert asked about whether signage on the lifeguard-protected beaches includes
the hours of service. Collins told her he was not certain whether signs are posted that tell the public the hours lifeguards operate. If such signs exist, Detert suggested they make clear that 5 p.m. will be the year-round closing time. “Yes,” Collins replied. Along with Siesta, lifeguards are stationed on Lido, Nokomis, the North Jetty, Venice and Manasota beaches.
Latest SKA survey The Siesta Key Association (SKA) once more has sent a survey to its members, following up on its success last year in polling them on a variety of issues. The latest survey regards the private initiative to amend the Siesta Key Overlay District (SKOD) zoning regulations governing street setbacks for commercial buildings. The County Commission was scheduled to take up that issue again on April 11, after continuing a hearing that began on Jan. 30. “The Siesta Key Overlay District (SKOD) was created to tailor Sarasota County building ordinances to the special character of Siesta Key,” the SKA survey explains. “Current SKOD ordinances state that a building up to 35 feet high can be built 2 feet from the sidewalk to create a walkable
storefront environment in Siesta Key Village and other Commercial General areas on Siesta Key. A building taller than 35 feet, up to a maximum of 85 feet, must be set back a minimum of 25 feet, or half the height of the building, whichever is greater, to ensure that tall buildings are built on larger lots to maintain an open feel in the area,” the survey adds. “In flood zones such as Siesta Key, building height is measured from a Base Flood Elevation (BFE) above sea level. BFE varies by site as determined by the federal government,” the release notes, but BFE generally ranges between 10 and 12 feet on Siesta Key. “This means that a 35 foot building could actually be 47 feet above grade level, and an 85 foot building could approach 100 feet above grade level.” (Eighty-five feet is the maximum height allowed for any structure on a barrier island in the county.) “As permitted by Sarasota County laws, a private entity has proposed an amendment to current SKOD ordinances that would reduce the minimum setback of a building greater than 35 feet above BFE to less than 25 feet, potentially to as little as 2 feet. Other groups have informally proposed options that follow a variable height-setback formula, e.g., (x) feet back per (y) feet above 35 feet, but the details of the final proposed
amendment are not yet known,” the survey points out. “The final proposed amendment will be brought before the County Commission at a meeting on April 11, 2018,” the survey continues. “SKA intends to submit a position on the proposed change prior to this meeting, and we need the help of all current SKA members to draft this position statement.” The survey stresses, “It is important that we get as many responses as possible to compile our final position statement.” The notice also encouraged all SKA members to attend the County Commission meeting on April 11, “to show your support for the SKA position.” The survey offers members just one question: “What is your position on the proposed amendment to SKOD ordinances?” The choice of responses follows: • “Keep the current SKOD ordinances as they are. • “Change the SKOD ordinances to adopt a variable height-setback formula. • “Allow more flexibility in building setback exceptions on a case by case basis.” The note accompanying the survey gave members an absolute deadline of March 23 to respond to it. Continued on page 13
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Siesta Sand
APRIL 2018
Microcurrent The Foutain of Youth! Believe the hype—with the ability to tighten and tone your facial muscles, microcurrent facials are the beauty equivalent of a personal trainer, lifting your overall structure and amping up your glow factor. “The treatment essentially reprograms your muscles back into shape, uplifting and toning your facial contours,” explains aesthetician and owner of Massage Experience, Siesta Key Connie Lewis who does many microcurrent treatments at her spa. “It uses micro electrical currents to stimulate your facial muscles by shortening and strengthening the muscle, so the lifting and tightening becomes visible.” Because the skin on our faces is connected to muscle, the current, which gets carried through a set of metal spheres, reaches those deeper levels to keep everything firm. It also helps to reduce puffiness by stimulating lymphatic drainage, removes stored toxins, and increases blood flow. At Lewis’s spa, she begins each treatment by first cleansing and exfoliating, with her treasured Pevonia Botanica Skincare Myoxi Caviar Line, the most powerful anti-aging line Pevonia carries. She then works the microcurrent tool over specific areas. She works on reducing and softening the deepest wrinkles, darkness, and puffiness, but is also able to penetrate products like Pevonia’s Myoxi Caviar deeper into the skin,” she says. “It’s great for all skin types, and it’s cumulative, so the more you do it, the better it is.” The treatment itself is surprisingly calming. While lying face up on a comfy massage table with a bolster under the knees and a warm blanket and a hot stone on the chest for warmth and comfort, the facial begins with an enzyme fruit peel, deep pore cleansing examination and finally the Caviar mask is applied right before the sculpting begins. The only sensations are slight tingles and the feel of the metal wands gliding over the face. Running electricity through the face isn’t new, the technology was originally invented to treat patients of Bells Palsey lift the paralyzed side of their face. The procedure sends a current to lift and re-educate muscles. Fine lines begin to disappear on the first session and like with exercise, the results are cumulative so with
each session you look better and better. A study by the University of Washington probed that micro current increases your skin’s elastin fibers by 45%, collagen by 10% and the number of blood vessels by 35%. It can increase ATP, your body’s building block by 500%. This is how it works to rejuvenate your face softening wrinkles and toning your facial muscles. If you receive facial injections, this treatment will help maintain your lift in between appointments. Most clients see their desired results after 7-12 treatments. Over time, and with follow up, your results can be even more visible as your body continues to produce higher levels of new collagen and wrinkles and fine lines smooth out.
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Connie Lewis, BS, LMT, Aesthetician and owner established Massage Experience, Siesta Key in June of 1996. She attended the Bancroft School of Massage Therapy in Worcester, Massachusetts in January of 1994, then moved to Sarasota, Florida to continue her career in massage therapy. “My personal philosophy when massaging a client for the first time, or the hundred and first time, is to let my hands ‘tell me what to do.’ After so many years of practice I have a sixth sense about pressure and what the client may need from me during the session. I listen with my hands and utilize my years of practice and personal experience to give the client the perfect session for them.”
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Massage Experience, Siesta Key is conveniently located in the Davidson Plaza in the Village and is open 6-days-a-week year round, and 7-days-a-week in season. Appointments may be made online at www.MassageExperienceSK. com or by calling 941-349-4833.
What people are saying: • “I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy my Facial Sculpting microcurrent treatments. I notice the benefits every day when I look in the mirror. My skin glows, the facial muscles feel tighter, and any lines or wrinkles have been minimized. I look forward to my relaxing one-hour treatments. I actually feel my whole body unwind due to your expertise. I wanted you to know that I highly recommend this treatment for all of the above reasons.” Pat Leland-Jones Cornelius, NC • “I couldn’t believe the results when I looked in the mirror. I was just shocked! It gives your face a lift without surgery. If you have it done once, you’ll see immediate change. A ton of channel 8 viewers gave it a try – I did it too and thought it worked.” Gayle Guyardo Tampa, Florida • “I couldn’t wait to finish my face. I haven’t been this firm and lifted since I was in college…and that was 22 years ago.” Cynda Newcomb, Clearwater, FL
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Island Chatter
APRIL 2018
During the SKA’s Annual Breakfast Meeting, many members had their first opportunity to meet new County Administrator Jonathan Lewis. Commissioner Alan Maio — who introduced Lewis — explained that the former North Port city manager became the interim county administrator on Dec. 8, 2017 and, “in short order, we asked him to negotiate a contract.” The County Commission unanimously approved the contract on Jan. 16. Maio added that he met Lewis on Lewis’ first day in the North Port position, about seven years ago. “He is a great addition to the county administration.” Lewis opened his remarks on a humorous note, explaining that somehow, “without my being asked,” the SKA was told that he would not be able to attend the March meeting, as his predecessor, Tom Harmer, had done for several years. When Maio mentioned that to him, Lewis responded, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Somehow, someone had RSVP’d “No” for him without even consulting him, Lewis added. Fortunately, he was able to resolve the issue pretty quickly, he indicated, so he could be present. Then Lewis explained that he has two school-age children, and his wife is a teacher, “so my weekends are entirely dependent on them,” most of the time. As he prepared to delve into county issues, Lewis said: “I have been your county administrator for 45 days, so, clearly, I know every answer to every question that has to do with Sarasota County.” That prompted laughter from the approximately 150 people in the audience. He repeated, “Forty-five days” at various intervals during his remarks, drawing more laughter. As for becoming county administrator: Lewis noted that the “clever former county administrator Harmer strong-armed me out of North Port, and about half a minute later, he decided he was leaving.” Lewis began working as an assistant county administrator in April 2017. In early July, Harmer announced to the County Commission that he planned to accept an offer from the Town of Longboat Key to become its new manager,
succeeding the retiring Dave Bullock. “I still, every once in a while, want to kick him,” Lewis added of Harmer, eliciting yet more laughter. Then Lewis explained that he has been familiarizing himself with issues that are highly important to Siesta Key. Among them is Benderson Development’s proposed Siesta Promenade mixed-use project at the intersection of U.S. 41 and Stickney Point Road. “I know a little about that,” he said. However, guidelines pertaining to the quasijudicial hearings the County Commission holds — such as one expected on a rezoning petition for part of the Siesta Promenade site — prevent him from commenting, he pointed out. He has had the opportunity to talk with SKA Vice President Catherine Luckner about the fight to prevent the proposed dredging of Big Pass to renourish South Lido Key Beach, he continued. “We’re also monitoring and paying attention to what the county’s role will or won’t be” on that topic, he told the audience. Lewis mostly focused on the county’s budget, which, he assured the audience, “is structurally balanced and in good shape.” In prefacing remarks on that topic, he joked that he knew it was what “everybody loves to hear about on a Saturday morning after a nice breakfast, when the temperature is like it is and the sun is like it is outside right now.” Lewis also explained that one of his top priorities is “how county employees treat people, how responsive they are” and how timely and knowledgeable they are in those responses. Referencing the 2017 Citizen Opinion Survey, in which county staff won record marks for responsiveness to the public, Lewis emphasized, “I really need to know” if a resident is not satisfied with how a county employee handles a concern. However, he cautioned, staff members “will get things wrong occasionally. They’re humans, not robots.” He and Maio both pointed out that anyone who needs help with a problem should call the county Contact Center at 861-5000; the person who answers the call will make certain that the information is directed to the appropriate staff, they added.
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Continued on page 16
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Continued from page 11
The new county administrator
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
1211 Old Stickney Point Rd., Siesta Key, FL 34242 (corner of Stickney Pt. and Midnight Pass Rd.)
Siesta Sand
APRIL 2018
Spearfish Grille is a purveyor of relaxed island dining from the esteemed chef Tommy Thompson Spearfish Grille officially opened March 8th and is located at Siesta Key Marina, 1265 Old Stickney Point Rd. on Siesta Key. Chef Thompson has been serving quality interpretations of classic dishes and new and creative ventures into island food and amazingly fresh local fish. Spearfish Grille’s interior, designed by the marina owners, reflects the hip sensibilities of the world famous Siesta Key Beach while also paying tribute to Siesta Key Marina and the local fishing community’s past. The small, quaint restaurant offers inside dining, a comfortable patio dining area surrounded by coconut palms, and their own custom fire pit. Here is what they are saying about the new restaurant online: This is the type of place you stumble across, and am grateful later you did. We noticed Spearfish Grille while parking nearby and, after wandering for a few blocks, came back to give it a try. We started by chatting with some locals who’d just finished dining (always a good sign), and gave wholehearted endorsements. The beer was cold; ambiance, laid back. Food was near exquisite. Hogfish was melt-in-your-mouth good. Amberjack (the catch of the day) was perfectly
tender and immensely flavorful. The lobster macand-cheese is a “do not miss.” Grilled vegetables were robust. We will absolutely return next time we’re in the area. If this level of quality is maintained, it won’t be long before tables are hard to come by. Hours daily 11am–10pm (941) 349-1970
Siesta Fiesta
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APRIL 2018
We’ve Got the Scoop on the Unique, Must-Try Siesta Key Activity Every Visitor Should Put on Their List!
Located at Bayfront Excursions, 8865 Midnight Pass Road
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Holiday Chocolates
More new exciting news from the world of nutritional research: take heart Chocoholics — Chocolate is good for you! Dark Chocolate, which has high chocolate content and low sugar value, has been shown that it can be good for your heart. A study indicates users of that type of chocolate experience a lower percentage of cardiac events. This should be in addition to and not instead of proper diet, exercise, weight control and the medications your physician has indicated you need. But it can help you attain those levels of health you should have. And don’t overdo it — all things in moderation is one of the keys to good health. So, go ahead and enjoy some of that holiday chocolate! Be good to yourself in 2014 and remember that anything that doesn’t get better in a week or so needs to be checked out.
Palmer Ranch Dental Siesta Key is known for its beautiful beaches, its laidback and relaxing vibe, and its diverse array of shops, restaurants, and activities for both locals and visitors. It’s a destination that invites enjoyment, adventure, and exploration. And while every visitor will likely visit beautiful Siesta Beach and lively Siesta Key Village, there’s a brand new activity in town that you won’t find in any other location. Sip-NCycle Cruises offers a completely unique experience that you and your fellow travelers won’t be able to replicate on any other trip. Add this to your itinerary so that you don’t miss out on Siesta Key’s most exciting new adventure! Boating? Check. Light exercise? Check. Views? Check. Comraderie and drinks of your choice? Check! While you’ve likely considered jet skiing or snorkeling on previous beach vacations, Sip-N-Cycle offers a one-of-a-kind experience that you’ll never see outside of Siesta Key! This two-hour cruise allows you and your friends, family, or co-workers to rent a boat, bring your own beverages available for purchase at your starting point, and use the boat’s one-of-a-kind cycle stations to power the paddlewheel which powers the boat! Your party can bring snacks of your choice as well, and when you bring your own playlist, you can listen to all of your favorite songs on our excellent,
state-of-the-art sound system. Plus, Sip-N-Cycle allows you to get as much or as little exercise as you desire. If you’d like to engage in a little light activity by pedaling at one of the boat’s pedal stations, you can drink, snack, and chat while you do so. But if you’d rather relax completely or even sit at the boat’s lounging area, the boat’s motor will propel you along the water, allowing you to rest for part of, or the entirety of, your trip. And you won’t find a more affordable excursion or planned activity on Siesta Key. For $40 per person, you’ll enjoy two hours of vistas and sightseeing on the water, combined with an opportunity for helping to power a boat with your group. When you compare that price with the price of other popular Siesta Key activities, you’ll see a huge savings. It’s a great way to burn off a little energy, enjoy drinks and conversation with friends, and enjoy stunning views of Siesta Key’s vistas. Whether it’s a family outing, a bachelor or bachelorette party, or a team building exercise, your group of up to 16 passengers will have a day you’ll never forget on this relaxing and unique cruise of Siesta Key’s waters! And for locals who think they’ve done and seen everything there is to do in the area, Sip-N-Cycle is a great way to try something new! Take
your department on a cruise for your next team-building exercise, or charter a trip for your friends and family for your next special occasion. (Advertorial)
8800 S. Tamiami Trail Sarasota, Florida 34238
Siesta Sand
APRIL 2018
Apprehension of prowler aided by Air-1
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By Rachel Brown Hackney The Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office’s Air-1 aviation unit aided deputies in arresting a Port Charlotte man late on the night of Feb. 26 on Siesta Key. Deputies responding to calls about a prowler learned that two witnesses had seen a man with his pants halfway down in the carport at the Beachaven condominium complex — in the 5800 block of Midnight Pass Road — just before 10:30 p.m. on Feb. 26, a Sheriff’s James Office report said. The man also was carrying a flashlight, one witness told the deputies. James Robert Runge, 52, of Port Charlotte was apprehended on West Peppertree Way at 10:49 p.m., the report said. He was charged with Loitering and Prowling, the report added. The witnesses told a deputy that when the Air-1 unit began shining a spotlight over the area, the suspect “took off running through the property,” the report continued. Runge had made his way through several condominium complex parking lots, the report noted, when the Air-1 pilot advised deputies on the ground that Runge was heading south toward Sarasota Surf & Racquet Club. One deputy then spotted Runge approaching a tall white fence, the report said, so the deputy exited his patrol vehicle and identified himself as a deputy. “I gave the defendant a loud verbal order to stop running and lie facedown on the ground,” the deputy wrote in the report. The deputy was able to get a clear look at Runge’s face, he added, as Runge “looked back after
Island Chatter
Speaking of Siesta Promenade …
During the question-andanswer session following the remarks of Commissioner Alan Maio and County Administrator Jonathan Lewis during the March SKA Annual Breakfast Meeting, one attendee asked about the potential of the county to purchase the property slated for the Siesta Promenade project. “What is the process for us to perhaps get something on a ballot?” Margaret Jean Cannon inquired. “I know that Siesta Key would be very eager to help support that,” she said, and residents perhaps would assist with raising money if the county would try to buy the property from Benderson Development. Other people in the past have suggested the area could be transformed into a park, she noted, or a site where people could leave vehicles and then take a shuttle onto the Key, making the
jumping on top of the fence.” The deputy also saw Runge drop a flashlight as Runge began climbing over the fence, the deputy wrote. Again, the deputy reported, he ordered Runge to drop to the ground, but Runge “jumped down from the fence and kept running south.” With the help of Air-1, which was able to keep Runge in sight, deputies pursued Runge into the parking lot Runge at 1025 W. Peppertree Way. There he finally was taken into custody, the report said. Along with Loitering and Prowling, Runge was charged with Resisting an Officer Without Violence and Trespassing on a Posted Construction Site. “Coastal Construction was adamant about pursuing charges,” the report pointed out. Runge “could not provide a reason” why he was standing on the Beachaven property “with his pants down around his legs,” the report noted. Through further investigation, a news release said, deputies identified Runge as the suspect in a similar incident reported earlier in February on Siesta Key. Runge, who was taken to the Sarasota County Jail, was released on March 1 on $2,120 bond, the release continued. However, the release pointed out, additional charges were pending. Runge has prior arrests in Sarasota County, dating to the 1990s, for Indecent Exposure and Prowling, the release noted.
Continued from page 13
location a park-and-ride facility. Lewis responded that he would give her a copy of the guidelines he had brought with him regarding how to seek a citizen-initiated amendment to the Sarasota County Charter. Of course, he added, if people want to buy property from a landowner, “they can always do that.” In the 45 days he had been county administrator, Lewis continued, many people had offered suggestions about how the county should spend its money. If county staff were to pursue all of those, he joked, it would need every penny of the $1,131,424,334 in the current fiscal year budget, instead of just the $665,723,169 the County Commission controls, which is part of the General Fund. As soon as the meeting ended, Lewis brought the charter amendment material to Cannon, as promised.
Open Daily 7am-9pm
Cosentino Special Magistrate hearing postponed As it turned out, Siesta resident Mike Cosentino did not end up appearing before the Code Enforcement Special Magistrate on March 9. His hearing was delayed until April 13, the first available date after March 9, county Media Relations Officer Drew Winchester reported. Asked the reason for the delay, Winchester stated that Cosentino had a conflict with his schedule on the morning of March 9. The county’s Environmental Permitting Division staff had served Cosentino with an Affidavit of Violation, saying he must remove the portable toilet and Reopen Beach Road sign from property he owns at 10 Beach Road, near Beach Access 2 on Siesta Key. Those structures are violations of the county’s Coastal Setback Code, according to the original Notice of Violation county staff issued in January in the case. The Code Enforcement Special Magistrate hearings begin at 9 a.m. in the Commission Chambers at the County Administration Center on Ringling Boulevard in downtown Sarasota.
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More Code Enforcement officers?
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During the Q&A part of the Condo Council meeting, Margaret Jean Cannon asked County Commissioner Alan Maio, “Are we going to get more Code Enforcement officers on the island?” She told him what she has pointed out during Siesta Key Association (SKA) meetings: The two new, multi-story, multi-family units across Beach Road from her condominium have a lot of turnover in guests, which leads to garbage piling up for days before Waste Management makes its weekly rounds for collections. Continued on page 18
Sheriff’s Report
APRIL 2018
February 21- March 20, 2018
5105 Ocean Blvd. Sarasota
There were a total of 20 crimes reported on the Key between 2/21-3/20/18 2/21/18 Petit Theft PUBLIC BEACH THEFT 13 Public Beach 2 1 A woman reported that ASSAULT 5 she believed an associate of THE VILLAGE DRUG/ hers had stolen her phone on 1 3 ALCOHOL 2 2/7/18 while she was at the 1 Siesta public lot. She was very 1 DUI vague about the circumstances ELSEWHERE ON THE KEY and had no evidence that the 8 acquaintance had taken her 3 phone. She said her phone (Lenovo Motorola-$200) complainant. The complainant, was missing and that this acquaintance was the last person who had conflicting statements she had contact with before it went throughout the investigation, missing. The woman claimed she stated he did not remember filing had delayed reporting the incident a report and signed a waiver of because she had just gotten back prosecution. from bicycling to the Fort Meyers 3/5/18 Theft area. The woman stated she is 500 Block Cummings St. “nomadic” and moves around constantly. She had no personal A woman reported a check address, only another associate’s she had placed in her mailbox for contact information who would outgoing mail had been stolen. take messages on her behalf. No The woman had gotten a call from information was found on the Bank of America who told her that possible suspect aside from a 10 a man had written his name over year old driver’s license. At the the original name on the check and time of the report, there was not tried to cash it. They ran out of the enough information to prove or bank when the bank refused to cash the check. disprove the woman’s claim. 3/5/18 Grand Theft 500 Block Ralph St. A man said he came out of his house and saw an unknown male driving away in a gold or tan pickup truck. He didn’t think anything of it until he noticed his green Ryobi chain saw ($550) had been stolen from his front yard near some logs he had been cutting. There is no further description of the male or vehicle. 3/7/18 Grand Theft 5800 Block Midnight Pass Rd. A woman reported someone stole some of her jewelry. She and her husband had been staying at a condo for two months and were packing their car to leave. According to the victim, a blond woman pulled up next to them in a run down, beat up car and asked when they would be officially out of the unit because she had to get in to clean it. The victim’s husband told her they would be done in about half an hour and the woman agreed to come back later. The victim assumed that this is when the suspect went into the condo
3/13/18 Theft 1100 Block Peppertree Dr. A man had a woman he considered a best friend stay at his house for a few days. After she left, he realized a credit card and $5 had been taken from his wallet. He checked his account to see if the card was being used and saw two transactions he did not authorize from a Citgo station; $8.55 & $8.01. When he called his friend to ask about the money she said she took the money to buy cigarettes. The man stated he did not want to press charges and only wanted the incident documented. 3/15/18 Theft 5000 Block Ocean Blvd. An employee of a village convenience store reported a man came into the store and purchased something small. Instead of leaving the store, he continued to walk around inside. She thought he appeared suspicious but she did not observe any crimes. After the man left she replayed the security video and saw that he concealed a bottle of wine and left without paying for it. The estimated value of the wine is $13. The suspect was not identified.
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2/22/18 Auto Theft 900 Block Contento St. On 2/22/18, a man reported his vehicle stolen from his home. He said he had brought home an unknown female he met in the Village. When he woke up, the woman and his car were gone. Five days later he called to advise that he had the woman’s car towed from his home. The responding officer reminded the complainant of his original report. The complainant stated he had been highly intoxicated and could not remember what he had reported. He stated that the woman had driven to his house before taking his vehicle and leaving hers at his house. The car she left behind was registered to her son. The woman’s mother was contacted. She explained that her daughter was a drug addict and had claimed to take her son’s car in order to get it repaired. The mother had last seen the suspect in a car matching the description of the missing car. The woman was found with the car and explained to deputies that she had traded cars with the
and took a pair of black pearl earrings ($1,000), costume earrings ($100), diamond earrings ($10,000), and a black pearl necklace ($2,000). The victim swears the jewelry was inside the condo and wasn’t just misplaced somewhere in the car. 3/10/18 Battery 5100 Block Ocean Blvd. An officer responded to a village bar in reference to a battery. He met with the suspect who admitted that he punched the victim in the face because he thought it was wrong to protest in front of the club. The suspect admitted that he was intoxicated and immediately apologized for his actions. The victim stated he did not wish to press charges and only wanted the suspect to apologize. The victim signed a waiver of prosecution and both parties separated upon request.
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
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Please stop in and say hello! 205 Canal Road, Siesta Key • 941-349-1474 • MortonsMarket.com
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Siesta Sand
APRIL 2018
More than just a Restaurant and Old-Fashioned Butcher Shop Alpine Steakhouse is more than just the #1 Steakhouse in Sarasota. Recently named the #1 Steakhouse by Sarasota Magazine 2017, this unique restaurant also offers complete catering services.
Wedding catering event recently held at the Ringling Museum in the Courtyard
Island Chatter “I send Code Enforcement a note probably at least once a week,” Cannon said, referring to that situation. Maio asked her to send him an email, which he then would direct to the appropriate county staff for a response. That way, he said, he would get to see the answer, just as she would. That might seem like a curt response to her, he added, but that is the best way to make sure she sees the correct answer. “I do that 20 times a week,” Maio said of his referral of constituent questions to county staff. During the Feb. 1 SKA meeting, Susan Stahley, the county Code Enforcement officer assigned to the Key, talked of her constant efforts to prevent illegal home rentals in areas designated for single-family homes. However, Stahley asked members of that organization to let her know about any problems, saying she would do her best to respond to them.
It all adds up
Sesame Crusted Ahi Tuna Platter, Pickled Ginger, Wasabi, Soy
Pan Seared Duck Breast, Braised Belgian Endive, Roasted Vegetable Risotto, Cherry Bing Gastric Chargrilled Swordfish, Roasted Vegetable Risotto, Baby Arugula, Tomato Butter
If you’re planning a holiday party, Thanksgiving meal, wedding or office party, they can accommodate any size event and have been doing it for years. They offer a variety of meats, seafood, salads, hors d’oeuvres, party platters and specialty desserts. “OUR POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS” is the motto on their catering menu. Alpine Steakhouse is located at 4520 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota. www.alpinesteak.com serving Sarasota since 1975, 941-922-3797. (Advertorial)
Regular readers may have seen the March article about the legal fees the parties have incurred in the fight over whether Big Sarasota Pass can be dredged to renourish South Lido Key Beach. In that report, Sarasota City Attorney Robert Fournier’s comment that the city had agreed to cover some of the expenses of the Lido Key Residents Association (LKRA), as that organization was allowed to intervene in the Florida Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH) case involving the Siesta Key Association, Save Our Siesta Sand 2, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, as well as the city. In February, Fournier stated that city staff had not had the opportunity to determine how much of the December 2017 statement the city would pay to the Bradenton firm of Lewis, Longman & Walker, which is representing the LKRA. On Feb. 20, Fournier was able to provide a follow-up on that last bill. It turns out the city agreed to pay $72,926.55. That reflected $70,596.50 in approved attorneys’ fees and $2,330.05 in associated
Continued from page 16
costs, Fournier wrote in his email. The December 2017 statement included $139,087.49 for attorneys’ fees. Fournier said the firm charges an hourly rate of $425 for its senior counsel. The figure the city paid for the associated costs was what Lewis, Longman & Walker had billed. Those latest figures put the total expenses for the legal challenges close to the $1 million mark.
A permanent generator for Siesta lift station Under the terms of a consent order with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the City of Sarasota will be installing permanent generators at five of its sewer lift stations. One of those sites is near the intersection of Norsota Way and Siesta Drive, just west of the city’s portion of Nora Patterson Bay Island Park. The consent order resulted from the spillage of an unknown quantity of untreated wastewater as a result of the rain from Hurricane Irma in September 2017.
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Restauranteur Angelo Difiore’s new family shop is expanding its menu. Starting mid-April the sweet shop will offer organic dishes, sandwich wraps and antipasto items. The shop will continue to carry a variety of goods and gelato from Italy along with customers’ favorite house made croissant sandwiches, freshly baked goods and, of course, freshly brewed espresso. Mimi’s is located at 7360 S. Tamiami Trail in the Coral Cove Mall, hours; Mon-Sat 8:30 am-3 pm.
Next to Phillippi Estate Park. Serving Siesta Key and Sarasota
Mimi’s Italian Sweets, offering more…
& Martini Bar
5758 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota
before entering the curve, if they are moving faster than that speed. During a January Make Siesta Drive Safer presentation to Siesta Key Association members, Pat Wulf, president of the Bay Island Siesta Neighborhood Association noted that the installation of the Qwick Kurb posts was a measure FDOT also was considering. The Make Siesta Drive Safer committee of the Bay Island Siesta Neighborhood Association was organized almost exactly 11 months ago to push for improvements to make State Road 758 safer for drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians between South Osprey Avenue and Ocean Boulevard. Members especially have been focused on the Higel/Siesta curve.
People who drive regularly on Siesta Drive and Higel Avenue may have taken note of the restriping the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has completed in the bad curve on that stretch of road. In response to questions regarding that work and other improvements on the road, FDOT Government Affairs and Communications Manager Zachary Burch wrote in a Feb. 14 email that the new striping was undertaken to better define the Higel Avenue/Siesta Drive intersection.” However, he continued, the department does not plan to install flexible Qwick Kurb posts as another means of keeping drivers in their lanes as they move through that curve. “We will continue to monitor the intersection to ensure the effectiveness of the changes” FDOT has made, Burch added in his email. Among other improvements are new signs to alert drivers to the curve and radar signs stressing that motorists should slow to 25 mph
• • • • • •
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APRIL 2018
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Buzzfeed names Fresh Catch top new Florida restaurant to try in 2018 According to a list published on the popular website Buzzfeed. com, Fresh Catch is the top new restaurant diners should check out in Florida in 2018. Data focusing on new restaurants that opened during the past year from the restaurant-review site Yelp.com was used to compile the list. Only one restaurant was chosen from each state, adding to the impressive recognition this small restaurant is receiving. Fresh Catch’s, father/son duo, Bob and Devon Provost have a serious passion for seafood which started way back when the family lived in the Boston area. Their simply prepared, neverfried, never-frozen dishes are paired with a variety of simple sauces that serve to complement, so the freshness of the seafood shines. Your fish/seafood selection goes from the case onto the grill. Prepared grilled or blackened, topped with lemon and butter, Pico de Gallo or tropical salsa. Served with a fresh ear of corn on the cob and baby roasted potatoes. Soups, salads, sandwiches and steam pots round out the menu. If room permits, be sure to order a slice of their homemade key lime pie. Bob’s wife, Debra, makes the key lime pie, using freshly whipped cream. The restaurant also offers a nice selection of beers and wines. Fresh Catch Fish Market & Grill, located at 7119 S. Tamiami Trail, just south of Stickney Point Road in the Buccaneer Plaza, is a casual restaurant/market with indoor and outdoor seating for close to 30. Here’s what more patrons are saying about the restaurant on line: Yelp review: I see why this place is all five stars. Amazing find, tucked away in a nondescript strip mall adds to its local, simple vibe. Best seafood I have had in a long time. Service made it feel like we were part of the family, four happy diners tonight. If you read this post, stop searching and start eating. Seriously do not pass up this little gem. “If you love delicious seafood prepared flawlessly, this is the place for you. Everything is cooked to highlight the high quality, pulled fresh from the gulf.” —Yelper Scott B. “Our favorite!! Best fresh fish and crab claws!!! The fish list is changing daily. The Key lime pie is the best there is.” —Yelper George C. Tried this place last night on a whim and it did not disappoint! Everything from the staff, to the menu, to the meal itself was perfection. It’s a small place and luckily we’d come in between dinner rushes and got a table right away. Within 10 mins the place was full again. The wait staff was smiling and helpful. We shared stone crab soup to start with a couple of ice cold beers, tons of crab in the soup and excellent flavor. For our meals we got blackened tripletail and snow crab claws. Each came with a side of roasted potatoes. I can’t say enough about how fresh and delicious the entire meal was. We will be back! Due to its popularity, reservations are strongly recommended to avoid a long wait. Fresh Catch Fish Market and Grill is open from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Saturday. 941-413-7133, freshcatchfishmarketandgrill.com (Advertorial)
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Siesta Sand
APRIL 2018
Is now the time to consider beach paid parking? County Commissioners will be discussing the topic of paid beach parking this month. Commissioner Alan Maio, who as the District 4 Commissioner represents the Key, has requested that a discussion regarding paid parking at Siesta Beach be held under his Commissioner Report at the April 10 regular commission meeting. Current discussions involve only paid parking specifically at Siesta Public Beach, and not other county lots or beach accesses. Luckner points to increased maintenance efforts and crews as one possible use of parking revenue. After the Key was named the No. 1 beach again, in May, 2017, on that upcoming Memorial Day, the beach was trashed. There were discarded diapers, raw hamburger meat, and even underwear strewn about. “People just beat us up out there,” Luckner said. “Residents and volunteers were very upset here, we put so much work into what we have and people just abused it.” “This is a wonderful place and we have done everything we can to keep it beautiful and safe, and we want to keep it that way,” Luckner added. Another potential use of parking-fee revenue, the SKA vice president said, could be the acquisition of property for additional parking on the Key, or a ride share lot off the Key that could be serviced by the trolley route. Of the 426 responses in the SKA survey, 258 wanted 100 percent of the revenue to be invested for transportation and parking. Meanwhile, in the Siesta Key Chamber survey, about 84 percent of people said they felt any collected revenue should be used on the Key only.
Free for county property owners
Folks also are in agreement that all county residents should enjoy free parking at the public beach. For example, in the Chamber survey, 85 percent of business leaders said they believed all Sarasota County property owners should get free parking. “If someone is paying property taxes in Sarasota County,” Smith told Siesta Sand, “I think they should be able to use the county beach. I don’t want to hurt a family; a free day at the beach with the kids should be an option.” “Now, they will still have to find a parking spot. But if a family wants to go get up early and go to the beach, it will be there for them for free.” Thus, as currently suggested, any parking fees would be paid by visitors
Continued from cover story
only. Smith believes that would generate enough revenue to improve the Key. Smith points out there was opposition to previous mentions of Siesta Key paid parking, but he feels this time it could be more palatable — now that there is a free trolley and because county residents would enjoy fee-free parking. Luckner told Siesta Sand that discussions have centered on not charging parking fees from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. to ensure that turtle watches, nest watchers, and other volunteers won’t be impacted.
On Fort Myers Beach The town of Fort Myers Beach has had paid parking since 2003. The town has control of about 300 spaces on the island. Luckner says it makes sense to look to the community to our south when it comes to paid parking, since Sarasota County considered Lee County’s free Fort Myers Beach Trolley as a model when it was looking into implementing a trolley on the Key. When it comes to public opinion on paid parking, it is a “mixed thing,” says Fort Myers Beach Parking Leader Doug Molloy. But “everyone is pretty much used to it,” Molloy told Siesta Sand. “And the tourists from up north, they are all used to it where they came from, and
used to paying more for parking,” Molloy added. There is strong support for Fort Myers Beach’s B.A.S.E program, which is run through the parking department. Under the program, parking officers also act as beach ambassadors. “Our guys are out on the beach answering calls,” Molloy said. “If a tourist’s child gets lost, we are looking for them, or if someone gets stung by a jellyfish or an elderly person needs help, we are helping.” B.A.S.E. is an acronym for beach and street enforcement. There are no lifeguards on Fort Myers Beach.
The bad aspect, however, Molloy said, what people don’t like, is that they can get parking tickets, Molloy said. In the last fiscal year, Molloy said, the total revenue from all parking fees and tickets was $1.1 million, for 300 parking spaces. That revenue well exceeds all parking operation operating expenses. Residents who live on the beach show a utility bill or driver’s license to get a parking pass. However, Lee County residents who don’t live on the beach have to pay the parking fees at all town parking spots on Fort Myers Beach.
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APRIL 2018
Parking to be prohibited on north side of Old Stickney Point Road By Rachel Brown Hackney Responding to residents’ concerns, the Sarasota County Commission voted unanimously on Feb. 27 to prohibit parking along the north side of Old Stickney Point Road from the Midnight Pass Road intersection to 45 feet east of Sabal Drive. The total distance is 465 feet, according to a staff memo provided to the board. It should take two to three weeks for the new signage to be installed, county Media Relations Officer Drew Winchester stated after conferring with staff. Mark Smith, the Siesta architect who is the immediate past chair of the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce, had created a diagram showing how he believed three spaces could be left on the north side of the road. However, Robert Fakhri, manager of the county’s Traffic Engineering and Operations Division, explained to the board that two fire hydrants are on the affected stretch of road. No parking space may be created within 15 feet on either side of a hydrant, Fakhri told the commissioners on Feb. 27, and a 20-foot separation is required where crosswalks are present. Those are the regulations under Florida law, he pointed out. Two Siesta business owners — Mason Tush of CB’s Saltwater Outfitters on Stickney Point Road and Russell Matthes of the Daiquiri Deck restaurants — had urged the commissioners to allow the three spaces, but their testimony came before Fakhri provided his analysis of Smith’s diagram. Tush also was representing the Siesta Chamber as a board member. “Our No. 1 complaint from our guests is typically parking,” Matthes told the board. “We’ve struggled with that through the years.” Based on the Daiquiri Deck’s annual gross taxable revenue, he added, one parking space on Siesta Key is worth $50,000. Thus, Smith’s three spaces represented $150,000, Matthes said. Conversely, two residents of Old Stickney Point Road — including a representative of the neighborhood association that had petitioned for the parking prohibition — pleaded with the commissioners to approve their request. They cited the narrowness of the road and the difficulty an emergency vehicle would have traversing the street, with cars parked on both sides. Additionally, Dr. Neal Schleifer, speaking for the Paradise Cove Association’s 14 property owners, told the commissioners, “The two fire hydrants are constantly blocked.” Allowing parking on both sides of the road, he stressed, “is a hazardous situation.” In making the motion to approve the petition, Commissioner Charles Hines referred to Matthes and his Daiquiri Deck co-owners, whose newest restaurant opened between Stickney Point Road and Old Stickney Point Road in the spring of 2017: “If there’s a kitchen fire,” Hines said, “they need those fire hydrants.” After the hearing, Smith was disappointed by the commission’s decision. During a Feb. 27 telephone interview, he referenced Fakhri’s comments that one of the three potential spaces Smith had identified would be only 8 feet from a crosswalk. After learning about the commission vote, Smith said he went into Siesta Village and began measuring distances from the crosswalks to parking spaces; he found many of spots to be just 8 feet from crosswalks. “I hope they don’t take our parking away in the Village,” he added of county staff members. Smith also was surprised, he said, that he had missed the second fire hydrant. “I literally walked up and down the Old Stickney Point Road sidewalk with a tape measure,” to be able to prepare the diagram. He went back to the street that evening to verify for himself that the second hydrant was present. Commissioner Michael Moran told Fakhri during the board discussion that if Fakhri later found Smith’s measurements were correct, “I would like for this to come back to us very quickly.” Continued on page 35
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
8875 Midnight Pass Rd. • Siesta Key • 941-346-2207 Serving Lunch & Dinner From 11:30 AM
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Siesta Sand
APRIL 2018
Sights of Spring Break, Gilligan’s Island Bar located in Siesta Key Village became Spring Break headquarters every Sunday afternoon in the month of March with its annual Bikini Contest Photo’s from Gilligan’s Island Bar facebook page
APRIL 2018
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
VILLAGE MAP pgs 24 - 25
GULF GATE SHOPS pgs 30 - 31
The Publication with “Key” Information | www.SiestaSand.net | 941.349.0194
Siesta Key Drum Circle Before You Leave...
If you have any non-perishable food items that have not been opened, the Siesta Key Chamber, located at 5114 Ocean Blvd, in the Village at the Davidson Plaza along with St. Michael’s Parish, located at 5394 Midnight Pass Road will gladly take these items and pass them on to the less fortunate in the Sarasota area. Chamber hours for items to be dropped off are as follows: Monday – Friday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. For instructions on after hour drop-offs, please contact the Chamber office at 941-349-3800. St. Michael’s hours for items to be dropped off are as follows: Monday – Thursday: 8 a.m. – Noon and again from 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. Friday: 8 a.m. – Noon.
If you are dropping off items after hours, please leave any items at the front door of the parish office. For any additional questions, please contact the office at 941-349-4174.
Every Sunday is a perfect time to come to the Key to reconnect with Mother Nature and to enjoy some wonderful entertainment. I’m talking about the Siesta Key Drum Circle that takes place each Sunday starting about an hour before sunset and lasting until about 10 p.m. The gathering meets up just south of the main pavilion - just follow your ears and watch for the swelling crowd. Please note the following rules of etiquette that need to be observed at the Drum Circle so that all can enjoy the experience: the inside of the drum circle is for participants only, not for people standing around.
Feel free to enter the circle, take a picture and dance, but always keep moving. Never play someone’s drum without getting clearance from the owner. Always ask before borrowing other people’s property, especially hula hoops. Flash photography and bright video lights are distracting, so photograph during daylight or use a night vision camera. And finally, please do not drink alcohol or smoke inside the circle and respect our beach by placing all trash in the appropriate receptacles. Photo posted by Jane Dough in the Siesta Key Drum Circle Facebook page.
Before you leave Sarasota, you must try this one! As seen on the Food Network Guy Fieri’s “Diner’s, Drive-In’s and Dive’s” show. The TurDucKen “One big bird” Boneless chicken stuffed in a boneless duck stuffed in a boneless turkey with a variety of great seasonings. Alpine Steakhouse just off of Siesta Key located between the bridges at 4520 S. Tamiami Trail. 941-922-3797
Lunch Turducken Sandwich $8.95 and Dinner Turducken $18.95 w/mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy and cranberry sauce
Siesta Sand
APRIL 2018
County ‘closest it has ever been’ in negotiations over getting control of Siesta roads, with state taking River Road By Rachel Brown Hackney The news first was aired publicly on Sept. 13, 2017, during the regular Sarasota County Commission meeting in Sarasota: County staff was in discussions with staff of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) about potentially assuming ownership of roads on Siesta Key in exchange for the state taking control of River Road. That swap, then-Sarasota County Administrator Tom Harmer explained, would enable FDOT to put much more focus on the improvements to River Road that the county has worked so hard to accomplish over the past years. Commissioners have talked repeatedly about the need for upgrading River Road, as it is a major hurricane evacuation route for residents of Englewood, the Cape Haze Peninsula, Boca Grande and part of North Port. More recently, commissioners have pointed to the increasing development in the area the road serves, as well as the fact that the Atlanta Braves will be moving their Spring Training operations to a new complex under construction in the West Villages. The team
plans year-round activities there, after it opens in the first quarter of 2019. As recently as January, the president of the Bay Island Siesta Association told Siesta Key Association (SKA) members that the Make Siesta Drive Safer committee of his organization had talked with new County Administrator Jonathan Lewis about the timing of the road swap. If Siesta Drive and Higel Avenue became designated “local roads” under FDOT guidelines, Pat Wulf said on Jan. 4, then FDOT would be able to lower the speed limit, as Make Siesta Drive Safer has urged for that stretch of road. After the SKA meeting, Media Relations Officer Drew Winchester responded to a request for an update on the roads. In a Jan. 8 email, Winchester wrote that as of Jan. 5, “there was nothing new to report regarding the potential swap. Negotiations remain ongoing with FDOT.” In late February, however, Commissioner Charles Hines emphasized the need, as he put it, to “close the deal.” During the Feb. 27 commission meeting,
he pointed out to his colleagues that in the previous couple of weeks, staff discussions with FDOT’s District One staff “have got us closer than we’ve ever been to having a resolution on River Road. … I don’t want to miss this window of opportunity.” He commended Assistant County Administrator Mark Cunningham and Spencer Anderson, the county’s interim public works director and county engineer, for handling the discussions. However, Hines continued, this might be the time for political pressure, for the commissioners and other county leaders — and the Braves organization — to call Gov. Rick Scott, who, in turn, could tell FDOT Secretary Mike Dew to call L.K. Nandam, the District One secretary, and get the deal closed. The secretary, Hines added, “gets his marching orders from the governor.” “Whatever you need,” Hines told Cunningham and Anderson.
Fine-tuning the deal “We’re bringing a lot to the deal,”
For those that have enjoyed th cuts and camaraderie at the Villag Barber over the years, you can sti continue to see Scott Reich at hi new Gulf Gate Barbershop locatio at 6575 Gateway Ave. in Gulf Gate The Siesta Center was sold an the new ownership of the Ocea Blvd building wasn’t quite meetin up to expectations. Notice: Change of Phone Numbe Call Scott at 941-600-4533. Hi hours are 8:30-4:00 Tuesday thr Friday and 8:30-12:00 Saturday.
3-7 PM Y L I A D S I DAIQUIR ACCOMMODATIONS Siesta Key Beach Resort & Spa........ Map-A #38A ART GALLERY / STUDIO Calle Studios..........................................Map-B #32 The Gallery on Siesta Key................... Map-D #11 ATM / BANKS PNC ATM.............................................. Map-C #61 Martin Funding.......................................Map-E #1 Sun Trust Bank & ATM..........................Map-E #4 BARS & NIGHTCLUBS Blaśe Café.............................................Map-A #38 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar.................Map-B #42-43 Gilligan’s.............................................. Map-B #33 Siesta Key Oyster Bar......................... Map-B #45 The Beach Club..................................... Map-D #22 The Cottage........................................... Map-C #58 The Hub-Baja Grill............................... Map-D #59
COFFEE SHOPS LeLu’s Coffee Lounge........................ Map-B #31 The Local Bean.....................................Map-D #62 DRUGSTORE Davidson’s Drugs................................Map-D #65 FASHION & ACCESSORIES Beach Bazaar’s & Swin Shack........... Map-C #28 Blvd. Beachwear....................................Map-B #30 Comfort Shoes-Birki & More...........Map-D #64 Everything But Water.......................... Map-D #12 Foxy Lady Fashions............................. Map-A #40 Gidget’s Coastal Provisions.............. Map-B #44 Island Boutique.....................................Map-B #50 Island Style............................................ Map-C #53 Lotus Boutique..................................... Map-D #66 Marley Vibes........................................... Map-D #9 Sea Shanty............................................. Map-C #24 Siesta T’s.................................................Map-B #30 The Sandal Factory...............................Map-B #46
GAS STATION Circle K Store...........................................Map-E #6 GIFTS & SOUVENIRS Beach Bazaar........................................ Map-C #28 From God’s Garden..............................Map-D #9 Island Trader......................................... Map-C #51 Sea Pleasures & Treasures.................. Map-C #29 Siesta Key Outfitters...........................Map-D #11 Siesta Kids..............................................Map-B #36 HEALTH & FITNESS Indep. Lifestyle Solutions .................. Map-D #10 Siesta Healing......................................... Map-D #9 Siesta Key Fitness............................... Map-B #73 ICE CREAM/TREATS Big Olaf Creamery............................... Map-C #52 Ciao Gelato............................................ Map-C #50 Made in Rome Gelato.......................... Map-C #53 Meany’s Mini Donuts.......................... Map-C #24 SubZero Ice Cream/Yogurt................ Map-D #16 Sunni Bunni Frozen Yogurt................ Map-C #53 The Donut Experiment........................ Map-D #16 INTERNET / WiFi SERVICES Davidson Drugs..................................Map-D #65 LeLu’s Coffee Lounge........................ Map-B #31 The Local Bean.....................................Map-D #62 Map C #61
Continued on page 34
NOTICE: Looking fo
Hines stressed. In the past, he continued, commissioners kept asking their legislative delegation members and FDOT staff to allocate money to the River Road projects. “We’re in a different position now,” Hines said on Feb. 27. “We’re gonna take some roads back, and we also have some cash coming into this deal. We’re taking over some responsibility.” To Cunningham and Anderson, Hines said, “Close the deal, guys.” Hines did not return a message for further comment on the issue. However, in response to a query, county Media Relations Officer Drew Winchester provided the following in a Feb. 28 email: • County staff and FDOT are continuing discussions on terms of a plan to fund construction of River Road from U.S. 41 to I-75. • This includes discussions of a road transfer between the County and FDOT for portions of River Road in exchange for portions of State Road 758 west of U.S. 41. Limits of the exchange have not been determined.”
JEWELRY Created Gems....................................... Map-C #51 Mount -N- Repair Jewelers.................Map-D #9 LIQUOR STORES / FINE WINES Gabbiano’s Wine Club.......................Map-D #70 Gilligan’s.............................................. Map-B #33
APRIL 2018
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Village News The Experiment failed A year ago the Donut Experiment opened up at 217 Avenida Madera in the Village with great fanfare. The Donut Experiment is a great success on Anna Maria Island with a huge following, but not here. So for any of the fans of this donut shop, you need to island hop to Anna Maria Island for the experience.
Positive RePercussions™ opens in Siesta Key Village Positive RePercussions™ LLC opened a new rhythm boutique — a recreational music-making and group drumming center in Siesta Village in March. The new group drumming center is located at 5049 Ocean Blvd. in Siesta Village on Siesta Key. A ribbon-cutting ceremony was conducted on March 8 by the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce. In a company press release, “Positive RePercussions believes that music should be not only valued as a form of entertainment but also as a vehicle for positive change,” the release explains. The company uses the “power of music and rhythm to produce non-musical outcomes, by delivering research-based, high-quality, interactive, events and activities,” the release continues. The “non-
A fun and interactive Chamber Ribbon Cutting on March 8th for Positive RePercussions. Congratulations to Erik Dunton and Kim Scott on your new space, Siesta Center in the Village
threatening, interactive, hands-on activities encourage cooperation, communication, and wellness, through creative self-expression,” the release points out. Positive RePercussions — which has recently relocated from Austin Texas, has been providing “evidence-based group drumming programs in numerous schools, libraries, recreational centers, after-school programs and retirement/assisted living facilities since 2007. “ For more information and a complete schedule, visit www.positiverepercussions.com, email drumming@ positiverepercussions.com or call 941-677-3786.
Stop in and browse from the vast inventory of stainless and silver jewelry including the exclusive to the area Hawaiian collection, as well as Rembrandt charms in gold or silver, toe rings, anklets, and the largest chain wall in Sarasota at Mount-N-Repair. “For 26 years Mount-N-Repair has helped to create lasting memories for tourists and locals alike. Whether you are looking for a Siesta Key charm for your bracelet, a unique piece from the Hawaiian collection, or a stunning lab-created opal in one of three colors, we’re sure you will leave with a piece to cherish for years to come,” says owner David Mortimer. Located at 5105 Ocean Blvd. Siesta Key Village 941-346-7218
or the Village Barber?
he ge ill is on e. nd an ng
5255 Ocean Blvd • Siesta Key Village www.robinhoodrentals.net
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LIQUOR STORES / FINE WINES Continued Siesta Key Wines................................. Map-C #61 Siesta Village Liquors........................ Map-C #26 The Beach Club..................................... Map-D #22
Boston Arizona
MAILING - SHIPPING UPS store............................................... Map-A #41 US Post Office....................................... Map-D #65
Map D #64
MARKETS/FOOD STORES Circle K Store...........................................Map-E #6 Morton’s Siesta Market...................... Map-C #25 MASSAGE Hands of Light Massage......................Map-B #35 Massage Experience Siesta Key........Map-D #62 Massage Therapy....................................Map-E #1 MEDICAL - DENTAL Siesta Dental........................................ Map-B #49 Siesta Key Physical Therapy............... Map-D #20 Siesta Medical Center.......................... Map-D #63 Siesta Village Dentistry....................... Map-D #63 MISCELLANEOUS Chamber of Commerce....................... Map-D #67 Positive RePercussion............................ Map-D #9 Roberti Enterprises.............................. Map-A #39 Tarot Card Reading & Gifts.................Map-B #50
Bringing you quality and comfort for more than 30 years!
Birkenstock & More 5128 Ocean Blvd. Siesta Village
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PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Edward Jones Investments................. Map-D #68 Smith Architects...................................... Map-E 74 REAL ESTATE / RENTAL SERVICES Coldwell Banker Realty....................... Map-D #20 Horizon Realty......................................Map-B #34 Island Homes........................................ Map-C #51 Keller Williams Real Estate................. Map-D #11 Key Realty.............................................. Map-E #5 Michael Saunders Realty................... Map-E #72 ReMax Tropical Sands.......................Map-D #67 Robasota Rentals & Real Estate.......... Map-A #39 Waterfront 7 Realty.............................. Map-C #56 Waterside Realty.................................. Map-C #29
48 47 46
RESTAURANTS / CAFÉS Another Broken Egg................... Map-C #54 & 55 Blasé Café.............................................Map-A #38 Bonjour French Cafe............................ Map-C #47 Café Gabbiano.....................................Map-D #71 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar.................Map-B #42-43 Flavio’s Brick Oven & Bar....................Map-B #29 Flavio’s Italiano Ristorante..................Map-B #30 Gilligan’s Island Bar & Grill............ Map-B #33 LeLu’s Coffee Bar................................ Map-B #31 Lobster Pot............................................ Map-C #23 Old Salty Dog Rest. & Pub.....................Map-E #2 PI Pizza & Craft Beer...........................Map-A#37 Señor Siesta........................................... Map-D #69 Siesta Key Oyster Bar......................... Map-B #45 Solorzano Bros. Pizzeria....................Map-D #15 Subway Sandwiches.............................Map-B #30 Summer House..................................... Map-C #57 Sun Garden Café.................................. Map-D #19 The Cottage........................................... Map-C #58 The Hub - Baja Grill............................. Map-C #59 Village Café..........................................Map-D #14 SPAS - HAIR & BEAUTY LaPlaya Spa........................................... Map-C #50 Sassy Hair Salon................................... Map-A #40 Siesta Key Nails & Spa........................Map-D #9 SPORTS INTEREST/RENTALS CaliFlorida............................................. Map-C #29 Robin Hood Rentals........................... Map-B #34 Siesta Village Outfitters....................... Map-C #53
Map D #11
THE LOCAL BEAN • Internet Café • Coffee Shop • Tea Room 5138 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key Village
Map D #62
Organic and Fair Trade Coffees & Teas Cold Pressed Coffee Organic Smoothies Light Lunch (Salads & Sandwiches) Breakfast Sandwiches, Bagels & Lox Local Pastries Free Snacks
Siesta Sand
APRIL 2018
ATM & BANKS Bank of America........................................ A-3 #3 BARS & NIGHTCLUBS Capt. Curt’s Backroom Saloon................B-3 #7 Crescent Club........................................... C-3 #13 Sniki Tiki....................................................B-3 #8 DELIS / BAKERIES A Taste of Germany................................ C-3#14 Anna’s Deli & Sandwiches.................. C-3 #14 Nutritious You......................................... C-3 #14 The Beach Deli @ Crescent Beach Grocery......B-3 #1 DRUG STORES Davidson’s Drugs................................... C-3 #14 FASHION & ACCESSORIES CB’s Island Outfitters.............................. A-3 #2 CB’s Saltwater Outfitters........................ A-3 #4 Coconuts Fashion......................................B-3 #1 Coconuts / Island Colors..........................B-3 #8 Green Turtle Swimwear......................... C-3 #14
Key Casual Fashions............................... D-3 #17 Things You Like...................................... C-3 #14 GIFTS & SOUVENIRS Capt. Curt’s Souvenirs.............................B-3 #8 Green Turtle Shells & Gifts................. C-3 #14 Sunshine Sand Hidden Treasures........ D-3 #17 Silver City Jewelry.................................. C-3 #14 HEALTH & BEAUTY Sanctuary Siesta Key............................... A-5 #12 Siesta Key Salon & Spa........................... D-3 #17 The Key Spa & Salon.............................. A-5 #12 ICE CREAM & TREATS Orange Octopus .......................................B-3 #8 INTERNET / WiFi SERVICES Davidson’s Drugs................................... C-3 #14 Mail Pack Center..................................... C-3 #14 LIQUOR STORES Crescent Beach Grocery...........................B-3 #1 Crescent Club............................................B-3 #13
Siesta Spirits............................................. C-3 #17 MAILING & SHIPPING Mail Pack Center..................................... C-3 #14 US Post Office Sub Station..................... C-3 #14 MARKETS 7-11 Store.................................................. C-3 #16 Big Water Fish Market.......................... C-3 #17 Crescent Beach Grocery...........................B-3 #1 MISCELLANEOUS Moving & Storage....................................B-3 #10 Flowers by Fudgie................................... D-3 #17 REAL ESTATE / RENTALS Homes & Condo Rentals........................ D-3 #17 Re/Max Tropical Sands............................B-3 #1 Siesta 4-Rent............................................ C-3 #14 RESTAURANTS / CAFES A Taste of Germany................................ C-3#14
Capt. Curts Crab & Oyster Bar.................B-3 #7 City Pizza Italian Restaurant................. D-3 #17 Clayton’s Siesta Grille...............................B-3 #9 Daiquiri Deck.................................................A-3 #2 Spear Fish Grill..............................................A-4 #5 Toasted Mango Cafe....................................C-3 #17 Miguel’s Restaurant................................ C-3 #17 Munchies.................................................. C-3 #17 WATER SPORTS - FISHING - RENTALS A to Z Beach & Bike Rentals.................. A-5 #12 FIN Island Co. . ........................................ A-3 #2 CB’s Saltwater Outfitters........................ A-3 #4 Parasail Siesta............................................ A-3 #2 Siesta Key Bike & Kayak . ......................B-3 #8 Siesta Key Marina.................................... A-4 #5 Siesta Key Jetski . ...................................... A-3 #2 Siesta Sports Rentals............................. C-3 #14 Waves Boat & Social Club...................... A-5 #12
Big Water Fish Market................................C-3 #17 Boatyard Waterfront Bar & Grill...............A-5 #12
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German café offering fresh soups and sandwiches on freshly baked breads!
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941-346-1800 • www.ATasteofGermany.net 6575 Midnight Pass Rd., Siesta Key (South of Stickney Pt.)
Map C-3 #14
Map B-3#8
A Taste of Germany 6575 Midnight Pass Rd.
MAP C-3 #14
Anna’s Deli 6535 Midnight Pass Rd.
MAP C-3 #14
Big Water Fish Market 6641 Midnight Pass Road
Boatyard Waterfront Bar & Grill 1500 Stickney Point Rd.
MAP A-5 #12
CB’s Saltwater Outfitters 1249 Stickney Point Rd.
MAP A-3 #4
Coconuts Fashion MAP 1215 Old Stickney Point Rd. B-3 #1&8
Crescent Beach Grocery 1211 Old Stickney Pt. Rd.
MAP B-3 #1
Siesta 4-Rent 6555 Midnight Pass Rd.
MAP C-3 #14
Toasted Mango Cafe 6621 Midnight Pass Rd.
MAP C-4 #17
MAP C-3 #17
APRIL 2018
Snapshots of Island Visitors 1
Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography 3
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
1. Oliver and Anna from GA 2. Jessica age 13, Kent, and Adam age 11 from MN 3. Ashley, Nick and Jake 6 months from MD 4. Diana and Steven from Columbia 5. Jackie, Marco, Emily, and Austin from PA 6. Elena and Marina age 5 from MA 7. Holly, Sofia, Daniel, and Lucas 8. Josie, Gabby, and Nate from NE 9. Ricky, Cheyenne, Paisley age 4, Gary, and Maria from OH 10. Anna and Abby from Canada 11. Ryan and Shaun from Virginia 12. Kelly from Sarasota 13. Parker, Brendan, Josh, and Remy from IL & Renee and Mary from Sarasota 14. Corey, Stephanie, Crew, and Brox from MI 15. Jacob, Aliza, Sabrina, and Rachel from Sarasota 16. Kevin, Matt, Cameron, Colton, and Chanda from TN
Siesta Sand
APRIL 2018
Siesta Sounds
By Charmaine Engelsman-Robins
Dana Lawrence and Kettle of Fish Living in an area with lots of local talent readily available is a real blessing. Before long you have at least one favorite band or singer, and any time you want to go out and enjoy some music, you know they can always be counted on to deliver. The only problem with this usually is the predictability of it all: without a wide repertoire and a grasp on various styles, even the best band can become boring after a lot of listening. Which is why having played many a date under the tiki on the deck of the Siesta Key Oyster Bar (SKOB) since 2004 could be a Catch 22 for Dana Lawrence … but it isn’t. Lawrence has an eclectic edge that keeps him constantly on the hunt for songs that other bands don’t play; B-sides, obscure album cuts, rarities and tunes that were either underappreciated or not noticed. When performing some James Taylor, Allman Brothers, Jack Johnson, Hendrix, Jackson Browne, Little Feat, Cream or other covers, you’ll probably hear audience members comment “Huh! I never heard that one before.” Of those that are recognized, you’ll hear a different version, or even a combination of two different styles of existing covers, to avoid sounding the same. Whether appearing solo or with some variation of his shape-shifting Kettle of Fish band (duo, trio, four-piece, or full five-piece + occasional-guests), their boast is that there is “never a set list and never a repeat.” Keeping that pledge is what keeps so many familiar faces coming out to hear them week after week. Fans consist of longtime locals, newbie touristas, and even some of Lawrence’s own idols … among the famous faces he’s looked out and seen in the crowd have been Chuck Negron of Three Dog Night, Zeppelin’s Robert Plant, Jimmie Fadden of the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band (who has also sit in with him, as have most members of that group), and the late but still
legendary music producer recently profiled in a documentary on PBS, Jerry Wexler. Obviously the band members have to be pretty sharp, seasoned players to fit in and keep up, and his two regular co-players (guitarist Greg Poulos and drummer Rick Andre) are up to the challenge. Poulos is best known for having worked with the Venturas, the Freddie King Band, and Rock Bottom; Andre toured with the Platters, Ben E. King, and Chuck Berry over the years. These guys are among the best of the best, so Lawrence needn’t hold back on “eclecticsizing“ tunes for fear of throwing them a curve; they’re well up to the challenge. In addition to a heavy performing schedule there’s been a lot of time and talent invested in writing and recording original songs: a five-song EP (appropriately referred to as “The EP”) and a CD “Living on Someday” (both still available). There’s a new, live recording on the near horizon … maybe even beginning production this month. Asked about the title, Lawrence says it doesn’t have one yet. O.K., well, what about the tracks? Mostly originals, he says… but nothing further. Hmmm, what’s going on here? Pressed for more detail, Lawrence goes mysterious. “This is going to be sort of an experiment,” he offers cautiously. “A friend has a new idea for a way to do a live recording, and Kettle of Fish is kind of going to be the guinea pig…” and with that his voice trails off. Ooooh, that sounds intriguing … but that’s all we could get out of him, so I guess we’ll all just have to wait and see what happens. Meanwhile, you can check out Kettle of Fish on reverb nation* to get an idea of their sound, described as “… bluesbased (but not “blues,” per se) mixed with rock, reggae, and New Orleans soul.” Of the 17 songs offered there, fan favorites include Anywhere With You, Kissing A Fool, and Merry Go Round. They’ll give you a taste of
Kettle of Fish what one reviewer described as “originals that sound like classics.” At SKOB you can hear Lawrence solo on Thursdays from 1 to 5 p.m., or catch the band there on Wednesdays, 7 to 11 p.m. For additional news and gig info go to the band’s Facebook page** or their website***, where you can also use a form to contact them for your club or party. * www.reverbnation.com/ kettleoffish/songs ** www.facebook.com/ kettleoffishband/ *** www.kettleoffish.net Charmaine Engelsman-Robins is a Chicago-born, award-winning writer of screenplays and articles, including a 10 year stint writing for the Sarasota Herald Tribune. She has lived in SW FL most of her life and, as an animal rescuer, has occasionally been forced to support this work with temporary straight jobs that she lists on a secret “resume” titled “My Little List of Things I Never Want To Have To Do Again.” She won’t have to if you keep reading her articles, and she thanks you all very much for saving her from that horrible fate.
LIVE MUSIC SCHEDULE CLUB BLASE CAFÉ In the Village 941-349-9822 DAIQUIRI DECK RAW BAR In the Village 941‐349‐8697
LIVE MUSIC 6‐10 PM Jason Haram (2nd) Amandah Jantzen (16th) Al Fuller & Burt Engelsman (9th & 23rd ) Justin Layman (30th)
TUESDAY Sound Paint 6‐10 PM
WEDNESDAY Savanah Brady & Zak Yoder 6‐10 PM
LIVE MUSIC (3‐7 PM) DJ Crawford (10 PM)
BREE (3‐7 PM)
1‐5 PM: Billy Lyon (6th) Frank (13 & 27) Chriss Otto (20th) 6‐10 PM: Bri Rivera (6 & 27) Billy Lyon (13th) Nick LeValley (20th) 10 PM: DJ
1‐5 PM Acoustic Pete 6‐10 PM NexxLevel (7 & 28) Ted (14th) Skyway (21st) 10 PM: DJ KConn
GILLIGANS In the Village 941-346-8122
Rodney Shenk 6 ‐10 PM
6‐10 PM Mike Tozier (4,18) Rob Viola (11th) Nick LeValley (25th) DJ – 10 PM
Lelu’s Coffee Lounge In the Village 941-346-5358
SIESTA KEY OYSTER BAR (SKOB) In the Village 941‐346‐5443
1‐5 PM: Sara Nelms (2nd) Frankie Lombardi (9th) Sandy Grecco (16th) Jason Haram (23rd) Danny Beach (30th) ………………………………. Al Donadi 7‐11 PM
1‐5 PM: Gabe Strange (3 & 17) Lauren Renae (10th) Jordy Christo (24th) …………………………….. Open mic night 7‐11 PM
1‐5 PM: Frankie Ray (4 & 18) Deven Starr (11 & 25) ……………………. Kettle of Fish 7‐11 PM
1‐5 PM: Dana & Co. FolkLab 7‐11 PM
2‐6 PM Whiteleather 8‐Midnight Endless (6th) Big Daddy Boys (13th) All About Marcy (20th) Jason Haram (27th)
THE BEACH CLUB In the Village 941-349-6311
DJ Coz or DJ Kensi 9 PM – 2 AM
Country Thursdays 9 PM‐2 AM NFL Party April 26th only 9PM – 2AM
8 – 11 PM: Scott Keoffman Band (6th) Tropical Ave (13th) Torched (20th) Sweet Spot (27th) Live DJ 11 PM ‐2 AM
THE COTTAGE In the Village 941-312-9300 THE HUB‐BAJA GRILL In the Village 941-349-6800 BACKROOM SALOON @ CAPT. CURTS Crescent Beach Shops 941‐349‐3885 SNIKI TIKI @ CAPT CURTS Crescent Beach Shops 941‐349‐3885 Turtle Beach Grill Southern end of SK 941‐349‐2280 BOATYARD BAR & GRILL Over the South Bridge 941‐921‐6200 SAND DOLLAR POOL BAR @ Best Western Plus 6600 S. Tamiami Trl. Sarasota 941‐924‐4900 CASEY KEY FISH HOUSE 801 Blackburn Pt. Rd, Osprey 941‐966‐1901
Al Fuller & Burt Engelsman (1st) Mike Koch Grp (8th) Jason Haram (15th) Birdtribe ( 22nd & 29th) 6‐10 PM
Rob Viola (5,12,19) Al Fuller & Burt Engelsman Callie & the Whole Band (26th) 6‐10 PM 6‐10 PM
SATURDAY Lady B & the Buzz(7th) Doctor Drive (14th & 28th) Kat Crosby Band (21st) 6‐10 PM
RPM LIVE 6 ‐10 PM ………………………. DJ Ryan 10 PM
Eddie James Jazz Band 7‐10 PM
2‐6 PM: Bri Rivera (7th) Evan Eastmore (14 & 28) Michael Mac Duo (21st) Mike Tozier 7‐11 PM 8 –11 PM: 22N (7th) New Divide (14th) Mixed Signal (21st) AC‐DUCE/C (28th) Live DJ: 11 PM‐2 AM
1‐5 PM: Alowicious (8th) Goodbye (22nd) Skyway (29th) 6‐10 PM: CBB Band (1 & 22) KoKoRay (8th) Nexxlevel (15th) Alowicious (29th) DJ – 10 PM 10 AM – 1 PM: Mike Tozier (1, 15, 29) Vince Colaiocco (8,22) 2‐6 PM: Jaime & Stu (1st) Rob Viola (8 & 15) Gary Dilley Duo (22nd) Ryan Carney Duo (29th) 7‐11 PM: Hatley Band (1,15,29) The Whole Band (8,& 22) 7‐11 PM Jah Movement (1st) Propaganjah (8th) NoNeed (15th) Nostaljah (22nd) Live Reggae DJ (29th)
Live Music 6-9 PM
Live Music 6-9 PM
Live Music 6-9 PM
Live Music 7-10 PM
Live Music 7-10 PM
Live Music 7-10 PM
Live Music 6-9 PM
Live Music Noon – 3 PM 3:30 – 6:30 PM 7-10 PM
Live Music Noon – 3 PM 3:30 – 6:30pm 7-10pm
Live Music Noon – 3 PM 3:30 – 6:30 PM 7-10 PM
Live Music Noon – 3 PM 3:30 – 6:30 PM 7-10 PM
Live Music 1 – 4 PM 4:30 – 7:30 PM 8:30 PM –midnight
Live Music 1-4 PM 4:30 – 7:30 PM 8:30 PM - midnight KARAOKE 9 PM – CLOSE
Live Music Noon – 3 PM 3:30 – 6:30 PM 7-10 PM
Joker’s Duo 5‐9 PM
Tribal Love 4‐8 PM
Marcel Almanzor (5‐8 PM)
Island Sounds Dezi/Dami Canies (5‐8 PM)
RPM (5‐9 PM)
Bri Rivera (5‐8 PM)
The Richy Kicklighter Band 5‐9 PM
Above information is subject to change. We suggest calling venues for confirmation.
APRIL 2018
Island Humor [ A man was sitting reading his papers when his wife hit him round the head with a frying pan. “What was that for?” the man asked. The wife replied, “That was for the piece of paper with the name Jenny on it that I found in your pants pocket.” The man then said, “When I was at the races last week, Jenny was the name of the horse I bet on.” The wife apologized and went on with the housework. Three days later the man is watching TV when his wife bashes him on the head with an even bigger frying pan, knocking him unconscious. Upon regaining consciousness, the man asked why she had hit him again. Wife replied, “Your horse phoned!” [ Jeannetta prays: “Dear Lord, please make me win the lottery.” The next day, Jeannetta again prays: Please, please, dear Lord, make me win the lottery! She continues to pray each night for a week, then suddenly
she hears a voice from above: Jeannetta, would you kindly go and buy a lottery ticket. [ Late one night a robber wearing a mask stopped a well-dressed man and stuck a gun in his ribs. “Give me your money,” he demanded. Scandalized, the man replied, “You can’t do this – I’m a US Congressman!” “Oh! In that case,” smiled the robber, “Give me MY money!” [ After years of arguing, a father blurts out to his son, “Just so you know, you were adopted!” The son yells back, “What?! I knew it! I demand to meet my biological parents.” The father replies, “We are your biological parents. Now pack up, the new ones will pick you up in 20 minutes!” [ I fear my neighbor may be stalking me, she was googling my name last night on her computer. I saw it clearly through my binoculars.
6500 Gateway Ave • 941.554.8905
[ I was the best door-to-door security alarms salesmen for many years running. The trick was to just leave a brochure on the kitchen table when no one was home. [ An elderly man was on the operating table, about to be operated on by his son, a famous surgeon. Just before they put him under, he asked to speak to his son. “Don’t be nervous, son, just do your best and just remember, if it doesn’t go well, if something happens to me…your mother is going to come and live with you and your family.” [ The other day I was talking to someone at a store in our town who read that a methamphetamine lab had been found in an old farmhouse in the adjoining county and asked me a rhetorical question, “Why didn’t we have a drug problem when you and I were growing up?” I replied that I had a drug problem when I was young: I was drug to church on Sunday morning. I was drug to church for weddings and funerals. I was drug to family reunions and community socials no matter the weather. I was drug by my ears when I was disrespectful to adults. I was also drug to the woodshed when I disobeyed my parents, told a lie, brought home a bad report card, didn’t speak with respect, spoke ill of the teacher or the Pastor, or if I didn’t put forth my best effort in everything that was asked of me. I was drug to the kitchen sink to have my mouth washed out with soap if I uttered a profanity. I was drug out to pull weeds in mom’s garden and flower beds. I was drug to the homes of neighbors to help mow the yard, repair the clothes-line, and if my mother had ever known that I took a single dime as a tip for this kindness, my dad would have drug me back to the woodshed. Those drugs are still in my veins and they affect my behavior in everything I do, say, or think. They are stronger that cocaine, crack, or heroin: and if today’s children had this kind of drug problem, America would be a better place. God bless the parents that drugged us.
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
onth. M e h T f o r e d n e t r Ba
side The Table Creek k Village at Phillippi Cree 34231 il, Sarasota, FL
Tra 5365 S Tamiami
(941) 921-9465
Name of Bartender: Kasi Hometown: Warren, OH Q: What’s your bartending experience and how long have you worked at The Table Creekside? A: I have four years of bartending experience, three of which have been with Table Creekside Bar & Lounge, on and off. The drink I’ve perfected over the years is called, “Dance of the Peacock.” Q: What was the strangest or funniest experience you witnessed or were party to at work? A: The strangest experience I’ve had working at the Table Creekside is when we had a guy come in straight from the hospital, and seemed like he was still loopy from his meds. It was the middle of the shift on a Friday night, and we first noticed him outside the front door. My manager said that he was sitting on our chairs with his dirty bare feet hanging in the air. I’ve had to deal with all different types of people, but I’ve never seen anything like this before. Q: Any hobbies, goals, etc. you enjoy when not working? A: When not at work, I enjoy playing the piano, singing, dancing, writing, and photography. I’m currently in the music program at SCF and plan on getting into the University of California, Berkeley. Q: How would you describe yourself? A: I consider myself different. I’m personable and positive. I love talking to people and I’m extremely ambitious, smart, and goal-oriented. Q: What makes The Table Creekside a special place to visit? A: The Table Creekside is a special place to visit, because one of our main goals is to create a remarkable reputable experience. All of our food service staff is highly trained in fine dining experience. The Table Creekside has the best of both worlds, because it gives off a relaxed, upscale vibe on the waterfront. The expert service is accompanied by a friendly, and hospitable staff. Our chefs and staff go the extra mile for our guests. A good example of that is whenever we run out of something, if we can get it from our sister restaurant then we will go and get it for a guest. Q: What specialty drink is The Table Creekside noted for? A: The “Heart of Kentucky”, previously known as the “Old Smokey”, is the most popular drink choice for our patrons. It is made with our house infused Honey Apple Bourbon, mixed with black walnut bitters. The liquor is then smoked to order with applewood chips, and poured over an orange sphere with orange zest. Q: When is the best time for locals and visitors to enjoy your company at The Table Creekside? A: Come on over and visit me during our Happy Hour from 4 – 6:30 pm daily, where we serve $5 mojitos and $5 tapas. You can also give our “Dance of the Peacock” or “The Heart of Kentucky” drink a try.
Karaoke Thursday, Friday & Saturday
Siesta Sand
APRIL 2018
Eat Where The Locals Eat! Original Word of Mouth 6604 Gateway Ave. Sarasota, FL 34231
HOURS: Monday - Sunday 8:00AM to 2PM www.originalwordofmouth.com
Sarasota Pavilion is a popular shopping destination for numerous locals and visitors alike. Its prime location is close enough to the island for frequent trips with a nice selection of chain stores set in one convenient location. But what truly lends to the uniqueness of this district is the host of small, locally owned, specialty shops, boutiques, restaurants, and neighborhood bars bordering this pavilion. It makes for a fun and rewarding shopping experience. Over 150 businesses make up this district. This section helps highlight what you’ll find within this walkable Gulf Gate shopping Village. Piccolos Italian Market & Deli (G-47) carries a full line of imported cheeses, fresh baked bread daily, homemade sausages, fresh mozzarella, and numerous hard to get items. They now carry Khorasan Wheat which is an ancient and organic grain. Their deli is complete with huge hot and cold sandwiches, salads, fresh homemade lasagna and baked ziti. And, you cannot leave without trying their cannoli filled with their own homemade cannoli cream or the tiramisu or Sfogliatelle from Brooklyn. Here is where you will find great Italian specialty gourmet items without the gourmet price. 1
Tony’s Chicago Beef Company (S-16) is owned and operated by true Chicagoans. Dedicated to deliver Chicago’s best food Chicago style Hot Dogs wit’ the works... Dragged through the garden on poppy seed buns with fresh cut fries, Italian Beef Sandwiches anyway you like, dipped or dry, sweet or hot. All served in true Authentic Chicago Style.
Hurricane Mike’s Saloon (M-10) is a little neighborhood bar at 2639 Mall Drive, where everyone knows your name type of establishment and friendly staff. TV’s with the MLB and NFL packages, pool table, and full Florida Lottery games. Happy hour daily from opening to 7pm. Hours: Mon – Sat, 8am – 2:30am and Sun., noon – 2:30am. The Shop SRQ (G-2) Local owners, Erick and Dawn use a back to basics approach to grooming with precise attention to detail. Their commitment to excellence has provided them with many loyal customers. Their old school barber traditions, clean contemporary shop, coupled by their southern hospitality and humor are what separates them from the rest. They welcome the opportunity to earn your trust. Hours: Tues. - Fri. 8:30am - 6pm, Sat., 8:30am - 3pm. (Nov. 1st - May 30th) and Sat., 8:30am - 1pm (Jun. 1st - Oct. 31st). Closed on Sundays and Mondays. 6625 Gateway Ave, 941-626-4894.
Sarasota Brewing Co. (G-4) Sarasota’s first micro brew pub always has something new to offer. From over 20 seasonal beers that rotate throughout the year, the Brewing Company always has at least five unique brews online as well as several favorites from around the world. Established in 1989, their menu has been a winner in the Reader’s Choice Awards of the Sarasota Herald Tribune featuring their mouth watering burgers, Chicago style Pizzas, and Chicago beef sandwiches. With dozens of televisions, it’s a great place to catch a game with friends and family.
At the original Word of Mouth Restaurant (G-31), every seemingly insignificant detail receives special attention from the warm, inviting decor to each specially crafted variety of freshly baked muffins to the signature menu items. This small diner is where the locals come to eat breakfast and lunch. Continued on the next page
West End Pub (G-49) Where else can you watch your favorite game with a great selection of beers, wines, and liquors served by a friendly staff AND where you’re allowed to bring your own restaurant or deli food? Right here.
Sun Trust
Stein Mart
D Beall’s Outlet
Mike’s Bud Select Brew $1.50/Pints • BEST Bloody Mary’s in Sarasota • Pool Table-
Bed Bath & Beyond
Dress for Less
Golden Tee Megatouch
Sunday thru Wednesday
Iberia Bank
Five Below
2639 Mall Drive
941-923-9827 Open Daily 9 AM-2:30 AM
Panera Bread
G10 G9 G8 G7 G6 G5 G4 G3
S29 S28 S27 S26 S25 S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S9 S8
S7 S6 S5 S4 S3 S2 S1
Gulf Gulf Gate Gate Drive Drive
Gulf Gulf Gate Gate Drive Drive
Italian Market & Deli
THE SHOP SRQ 6625 Gateway Ave.
Traditional, Old School Barber Shop 15 Years + Experience
& Vegetarian Sandwiches
941.626.4894 / 941.536.1656
Authentic New York Italian Market & Deli We carry a full line of Imported Cheeses, Boars Head Luncheon Meats, Pasta, Olive Oil, Assorted Imported Olives, Khorasan Wheat (ancient & organic grain), and more. GG-46 G-47 Specialty Italian gourmet items without the gourmet price
Come See Our New Location Store Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10am - 6pm 6518 Gateway Ave.
“We Straight Razor Shave”
Hot or Cold
G12 G11
G14 G13
Lo Ho ng rn
G16 G15
GG1 GG2 GG3 GG4 GG5 GG6 GG7 GG8 GG9 GG10 GG11 GG12 GG13 GG14 GG15 GG16 GG17 GG18 GG19 GG20 GG21 GG22 GG23 GG24 GG25 GG26 GG27 GG28 GG29 GG30 GG31 GG32 GG33 GG34 GG35 GG36 GG37 GG38 GG39 GG40 GG41 GG42 GG43 GG44 GG45 GG46 GG47 GG48 GG49 GG50 GG51 GG52 GG53 GG54
One mi.from Siesta South Bridge (behind Publix)
Ba Am nk o eri f ca
© Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2017
• 12 TV’s with MLB and NFL ticket sports package • All Florida lottery games • Smokers Welcome!
S59 S58 S57 S56 S55 S54 S53 S52 S51 S50 S49 S48 S47 S46 S45 S44 S43 S42 S41 S40 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33 S32 S31
G23 G22 G21 G20 G19 G18 G17
Superior Avenue
Mall Mall Drive Drive
G50 G49 G48 G47 G46 G45 G44 G43 G42 G41 G40 G39 G38 G37 G36 G35 G34 G33 G32 G31 G30 G29 G28 G27 G26 G25
Gateway Avenue
All packaged liquor sold until 2 AM
Open Daily from 9 AM ‘til 2:30 AM
M22 M21 M20 M19 M18 M17 M16 M15 M14 M13 M12 M11 M10 M9 M8
M5 M4 M3 M2 M1
• No Appointment Needed •
Open Tues.-Fri. 8:30 AM-6 PM Sat. 11/1 - 5/30; 8:30-3 PM Sat. 6/1 - 10/31; 8:30 AM - 1 PM
Catering Available
We Put the South in Your Mouth 6616 Superior Ave. Sarasota
FREE SIDE With the purchase of ANY entreé
APRIL 2018
New Siesta Key Association President Gene Kusekoski The Siesta Key Association has a rich tradition of representing and proactively lobbying for the rights of the citizens of Siesta Key, and it is becoming ever more critical to have an active body that represents the interest of all property owners on Siesta Key. Gene Kusekoski is the new SKA president taking the helm at the March 2018 annual breakfast meeting. I recently sat down and had the pleasure to do a question and answer session with Mr. Kusekoski. Q: Prior to SKA, was this your first experience being involved with an association similar to SKA? A: It’s my first experience with a community organization like this. Living in cities all my life, I was not familiar with unincorporated County territory. As I read about things happening on and around Siesta Key, I kept running across SKA as a community-based organization trying to represent a group of people who otherwise had no unique voice with local government, and I liked what they were trying to do. Q: Who or what prompted you to get involved with SKA? A: It all started around bike safety, which is one of my passions. I hadn’t ridden a bike much during my pre-retirement years and decided to get back on two wheels now that I had the time for it. I love riding around Siesta Key, but there are some areas that are quite dangerous for bikers, especially occasional riders or seniors attempting to resume riding like me. At the time, Harold Ashby had joined the SKA Board to focus on bike safety, and I teamed up with him to try to address some infrastructure and awareness issues. We made pretty good progress on awareness; not so much on infrastructure, but it led to my joining the SKA Board and getting involved with some of the other issues facing us here. I truly believe that if you see a need, you can’t just complain about things and not take action. Within SKA, I
Multi-way stop signs The Commonwealth Drive situation During his presentation, Fakhri explained that Venice Lane is “just about a north/south roadway,” while Commonwealth Drive intersects Midnight Pass Road at
saw the opportunity to get engaged with a group that was actively working to try to both maintain and improve the quality of life here on Siesta Key. Q: Are you now involved in any other associations on the island or in Sarasota? A: Yes, I’m also on the Board of the Suncoast Alliance for Lifelong Learning (SCALL), which is working to connect the many lifelong learning organizations throughout our area with an everincreasing population of adults who are looking for ways to keep their minds engaged and active after retirement. The SCALL Directorship evolved from my initial Board position with Pierian Spring Academy, which has since merged into the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Ringling College. I’m also a Sarasota County Volunteer, pedaling the Surrey on the Legacy Trail about once a week. We’re fortunate to be surrounded by so many intelligent, active seniors here, and both of these groups provide me with an opportunity to enrich my own life by connecting with them. Q: I like to call Florida a huge refugee camp. Are you a transplant or a native of Florida? A: I’m definitely a refugee from the cold and snow in my native New England. I have no tolerance for that anymore. I’m celebrating when I only have to put on a sweatshirt on our “cold” days here and pretend to commiserate with the natives who say they’re freezing when the temperature drops to fifty. Q: Did you go to college, if so, where did you go and what did you major in? A: Yes, I’m proud to have a degree in Electrical Engineering from Northeastern University in Boston and to be a member of the Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society. Northeastern was great for me because their co-op plan not only allowed me to pay for my education through my work engagements, but I graduated with years of on-the-job experience coming into my first full time job. They deliver a top-notch
Each staff member works hard to make sure you receive the best service and quality food so you’ll want to return often. Take a look at their mouth-watering menu at www. originalwordofmouth.com. Hours: Mon-Sun.: 8AM-2PM. 6604 Gateway Ave., Sarasota, 34231, 941-925-2400. Pride of the South (S-34) has been awarded Top Barbeque in Sarasota for 2016 by Trip Advisor and Yelp. It has been awarded for the best Southern Hospitality. Pride of the South has a brisket BLT, hands down, one of the best sandwiches you ever tasted. The smoked chicken wings are unbelievable. Backed up with the pulled pork sandwiches, the smoked bologna, the smoked turkey, the collard greens, fried corn on the cob, fried okra, fried green tomatoes, and one of the best mac ‘n cheese you ever tasted. We do catering with no limit to the size of the group. Come in and follow your nose to 6616 Superior Ave, Sarasota, FL
Continued from cover story
education, so it’s the best of all worlds. Q: Are you retired or still working for a living? A: That’s funny. My wife would say, “He still works as hard as ever, he just doesn’t get paid anymore!” But in a way, it’s still “for a living.” As I mentioned earlier, active retired adults need something to challenge them or they just go dormant and atrophy. Working in my volunteer roles helps to keep my mind and body active, which I sincerely believe is the key to a long, healthy, happy life. As we know, there’s no shortage of challenges facing Siesta Key these days, and collaborating on solutions to these problems with the great SKA Board, other Siesta Key residents, and our excellent County Staff and elected officials keeps me very engaged and energized. Q: Do you have a strategic plan for the SKA board? A: I’m not sure how strategic it is, but primarily it’s to continue to keep SKA engaged with current issues, and to figure out a plan to address them with facts and civil discourse. With the rise of Social Media and non-stop “breaking news,” it’s important to remain grounded and avoid getting swept up in sensationalism and hype. SKA has a proud history of working methodically and collaboratively with all organizations and people, and I intend to maintain that tradition going forward. Q: Besides the Big Pass Shoal dredging what are the other major issues SKA will be working on this year? A: Well first I want to emphasize that the Big Pass work is far from done. Our hope is to drive this to an equitable conclusion this year so that Lido Key can proceed with a do-no-harm plan to renourish their badly eroded beaches, but it will still take a lot of time, effort, and money in 2018 to make that a reality. Beyond that, trying to get agreement on plans for reasonable development and redevelopment in a manner consistent with the character of Siesta Key will be a big part of our work
this year, along with the related traffic issues. Some new efforts have started on Bay Island related to safety, and we’d like SKA to expand that to a focus on making all of Siesta Key safer for the increasingly broad mix of pedestrians, bikes, and motor vehicles we see here today. I think that’s more than enough to keep us very busy this year. Q: What are the goals and challenges you face for 2018? A: My goals are simply to try to lead our capable team in accomplishing some significant milestones for the major projects outlined above. One challenge will be working with a complicated set of State and local regulations that can sometimes make doing things that seem to make sense a little more difficult. Another will be to manage the passions that are running high on a lot of these issues so that we can maintain a constructive dialog to work towards a set of win-win solutions for everyone. Q: What would you like to say to the Siesta Key residents and the business community? A: To Siesta Key residents and our wonderful SKA members – we live in paradise! Face each day with joy and think about the little things we can all do to keep Siesta Key special and wonderful. If you have brainstorms, send them to us. You never know when someone may see an idea and say, “Gee, I’ve never thought of that before!” A lot of ideas won’t make it anywhere, but the ones that do may end up being significant. Stay active and engaged, but keep in mind that everyone deserves basic human dignity and respect, even as we argue different sides of the issues. To the business community – we love you and need you as a vibrant member of our community. The fact that Siesta Key has succeeded in maintaining a local, small business environment and avoiding chain stores is a special quality we want to support and nurture. Let’s all work together so that business can flourish and the community can embrace it with pride.
Continued from page 7
a 90-degree angle. Commonwealth has no sidewalks or bike lanes, he continued. Its lanes are 11 feet wide, and the speed limit is 25 mph. Traffic data show that the average speed on Commonwealth is about 17 mph, he noted, while the average speed on Venice Lane is about
DISCOVER GULF GATE’S SHOPPING VILLAGE Continued from the previous page
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
34231. Call (941)926-0099. See you soon.
One Minute Key Shop (GG51): Left your keys in the car? No worries, the One Minute Key Shop will help you safely unlock and retrieve your keys. They specialize in high security locks, keys, re-keying, master keying, and safes for residential, commercial or automotive. Give them a call at 941-924-8020 or visit their showroom where they have a large display of locks and safes. 2120 Gulf Gate Drive. Solorzano’s Late Night Pizzeria (S-32): At every Solorzano’s, they offer an experience familiar to those who understand the importance of family and dedication. Their recipes and techniques have been perfected through three long generations based on the traditional simplicity of the methods used by their Italian ancestors. Dine inside, outside, pick up, or DELIVERY anywhere on Siesta Key, or in Sarasota until 4:00 a.m. 6670 Superior Ave., 941-924-5800.
15 mph. No crashes have been reported on those streets for the past three years, Fakhri said. Noting the county’s criteria for erecting multi-way stop signs, Fakhri told the commissioners that the points need to add up to at least 7; in this case, the total was 3. When Hines asked why the TAC voted to recommend the stop signs, Fakhri replied that the three residents who spoke during the TAC’s June 12, 2017 meeting all urged approval of the signs. Additionally, Fakhri explained, Sgt. Darrell Seckendorf, who represents the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office
on the TAC, offered his support of the petition. (The TAC minutes of that meeting say, “Seckendorf noted that he patrols this neighborhood and he thinks the stop signs would help with the sight distance issue at this intersection. Chairman Morgan Skoegard asked Sergeant Seckendorf if he thinks increased enforcement would help. Sergeant Seckendorf responded that he thinks enforcement would come if the stop signs get approved to go in. He noted that large vehicles coming around this corner, at 25 mph, can pose an issue for those who cannot
move out of the way quickly.”) The TAC members, Fakhri told Hines, felt that given the close community on Commonwealth Drive and Venice Lane, “What’s the harm of erecting the signs?” However, Fakhri explained on Feb. 27, a few months ago, after staff originally advertised the stop-sign issue as a County Commission consent agenda item, staff received nine emails opposing the installation of the signs. The consent agendas include routine business items that typically have not generated controversy or concerns from the public.
Places of Worship Island Churches: • Siesta Key Presbyterian Chapel 4615 Gleason Ave, Siesta Key, 941-349-1166 www.siestakeychapel.org
(In the Gulf Gate area, near Beneva and Gulf Gate Drive) 6908 Beneva Road, Sarasota, 941.922.7595 www.uccstandrew.org
• St. Michael’s Catholic Church 5394 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key, 941-349-4174 www.stmichaelssiesta.com
• The Superior Word Rev. Charlie Garrett Service starts Sunday mornings at 10am.
Bring a friend and share in God’s word. 6512 Superior Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34231 • First Christian Church 7601 Clark Road, Sarasota, FL 34241. 941-922-4434 www.fccsarasota.com
• St. Boniface Episcopal Church 5615 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key, 941-349-5616 www.bonifacechurch.org Off- Island: •Temple Sinai, a Reform Congregation (The closest Jewish congregation to the Key for visitors) 4631 S. Lockwood Ridge Rd, Sarasota, 941-924-1802 www.templesinai-sarasota.org • St. Andrew United Church of Christ (Protestant)
simple cremations
simple burials
Online arrangements available Sarasota (941) 312-6371 | Manatee (941) 213-9234
Siesta Sand
APRIL 2018
Sarasota’s Number 1 Cigar Destination Maduro Cigar & Bar is a cigar aficionado’s dream destination where Sarasota goes to enjoy life’s finer pleasures in a surrounding with a very distinctive Dominican flavor. Opening in 2007, Maduro Cigar & Bar exploded onto the local social scene and has become Sarasota’s number 1 cigar destination. Here is what one patron said online: “Always a pleasure stopping into Maduro’s during my annual retreat to Siesta Key. The Hernandez Bros encouraged my initial visit and I truly love Kim’s selections. They keep the greats in stock and I’m always surprised by some of the hidden gems they put out. Great selection of Tatuaje, My Father, Drew Estate, Illusione, Crowned Heads, and Padron... My favorites! Wish they were open til midnight, because I’d stay parked here instead of the bar scene.” Maduro’s is a combination of cigar store and upscale bar and Lounge. To complement your favorite premium cigar you can enjoy a glass of fine wine, port, imported beer, espresso or even a chocolate truffle. Watch a game on one of the plasma TV’s or browse the web with free Wi-Fi. Their premium cigar selection is unmatched in South West Florida with in excess of 600 facings on display at all times, featuring all of the most popular brands, but more importantly a wide selection of hard to find
limited production high-end rarities. Maduro’s is a social hub with monthly cigar and wine events, formal cigar dinners hosted at Sarasota’s leading culinary destinations. An annual Cuban Pig Roast, annual Maduro Cup Polo Match, and charity golf tournaments. Notable cigar manufacturers / blenders that have recently held events at Maduro are : Don ‘Pepin’ Garcia, Benji Melendez, Ernesto Carrillo, Avo Uvezian, Cynthia Fuente, Carlos Torano, Christian Eoria, Jose Seijas & Guillermo Leon to name but a few. Maduro staff pictured from the left with Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, considered one of the Maduro Cigar & Bar is a family run business, built world’s top master Cigar blenders. Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, Adrian Gadd, Lisette Perezupon the solid foundation of a 14 year old nationwide Carrillo, Kim Reynolds, Audrey Reynolds and Aaran Reynolds wholesale cigar distribution company Founded by business partners Kim Reynolds and Adrian Gadd. Acknowledging that there was demand in Sarasota for an up market cigar destination, the pair opened Maduro’s. They were joined by Kim’s sister Audrey and niece Aaran to handle front of house operations. “We pride our success not only on our family oriented business ethic, but on our loyal and charismatic regulars who provide an always friendly and welcoming experience for everyone, cigar aficionado or not,” says Kim Reynolds. Located at 7386 S. Tamiami Trail in Coral Cove Mall, (941) 925-4747, Mon-Wed 11-8, Thu-Sat 11-10.
What’s Happening WEEKLY BEACH CLASSES: • FREE T’AI CHI CHIH - Siesta Beach, Access #5 Every Monday, 15 minutes before sunset. Open to all, no experience necessary. Contact Diana Daffner 941-346-1024 for information. (Access #5 is in Siesta Village, where Beach Rd meets Ocean Blvd.) • FREE YOGA - Mon.-Wed.-Fri.-Sat. 9 a.m. Classes held between blue and green lifeguard station. Call 941-320-6693 to register or go to website for more info. www.yogaonsiestabeach.com/about • NIA - Tues. & Thurs., 9 a.m., Siesta Public Beach (yellow lifeguard chair). Contact Kathy Oravec at 941-724-9719 for more info or check website: www.nianow.com/kathy-oravec • SIESTA KEY BEACH HOOP JAMS – Every Tuesday one hour before Sunset on Siesta Key beach we gather for a community Hoop Jam. (Between the red lifeguard stand and the pavilion; around where the Sunday drum circle happens.) Register at: www.outwardspiral.net • YOGA AT TURTLE BEACH - Residents and visitors to the south end of Siesta Key can enjoy All-Levels Yoga on Turtle Beach, every Tuesday, from 8:30 – 9:30 a.m., starting December 5, 2017. For more information about registration, please e-mail Julie at: julie@chesapeakeyoga.com WEEKLY DRUM CIRCLE: • Every Sunday about an hour before sunset. South of the main pavilion. You can participate or watch this weekly gathering and dance, hoop, play the drum or other musical instrument, and enjoy the spectacular Siesta sunset. On The Beach… • APRIL 1 (SUN) 6-10AM / PINE SHORES EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE: Pine Shores Presbyterian Church will host its’ annual sunrise service on the beach beginning at sunrise (6:30 a.m.) on the beautiful sand of Siesta Key Beach. *Please remember to bring blankets, chairs, or something to sit on* • APRIL 7 (SAT) 6-11AM/ RUN FOR THE TURTLES: 32nd Annual Run for the Turtles event run supports the Sea Turtle Conservation & Research Program at Mote Marine Laboratory and is the program’s major fundraiser On Race Day: Registration begins 6:30 a.m. at the Siesta Key Gazebo, south of the pavilion. The 1-Mile Fun Run or Walk begins at 7:30 a.m. and the 5K Manasota Track ClubSanctioned Run begins at 8 a.m. Please note: The 1-mile fun run and 5K races are entirely on the beach/sand.
We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of this information. However, please be sure to always call ahead to confirm dates, times, location, and other information.
To help support our eco-friendly mission at Mote, please bring your own reusable water bottle to the race! Contact Samantha Byrd at 941-388-4441, ex. 426 or sbyrd@ mote.org. • APRIL 15 (SUN) 9AM-5PM / YOUNG SURVIVORS COALITION TOUR DE PINK: (Turtle Beach) This threeday South charity ride takes cyclists from the scenic suburbs of Tampa, FL along beautiful Longboat Key to the sandy beaches of Siesta Key, FL. Riders will enjoy three incredible days of fully-supported cycling. Options include a 100 mile century ride and a one-day ride. Whether you want to ride to support cancer survivors or just have an incredible weekend and make new friends, this cycling event is for you. For more info see website: https://south.ysctourdepink.org/ • APRIL 20-22 (FRI-SAT) 8AM-7PM / EAST END VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT: The goal of the leagues is to foster good, honorable competition on the volleyball court with every team following the spirit of fair competition. Players/teams should strive to reach their highest level of competition in a fair sportsmanlike manner. Winning is important but it should be far from the ultimate goal. This is not the Pros and the prizes are not really worth that much. For more information, go to their website: www.eevb.net • APRIL 28 (SAT) 7:30 -11AM / PORCH LIGHT 5K RACE: Siesta Beach will host the fourth annual Porch Light 5K race. This participant-friendly run features a 1-mile fun run as well as a traditional 5K. All proceeds from this event support the Porch Light Ministry’s Florida safe house - a program that serves to rescue and restore child victims of victims of the sex trafficking trade. To register or for more information, please click the link below: www.racersignup.com/porch-light-5k/ Around the island… • WEEKLY FARMER’S MARKET IN THE VILLAGE: Every Sunday from 8am – 2pm in Davidson’s Plaza in the Village. 5124 Ocean Blvd. Produce, Plants & Flowers, Music, Art, Organic Skincare, Italian Olive Oil, and Freshly Prepared Foods. Listen to live music while you shop. • APR 14 (SAT) – 8:30AM-2PM / CB’S SALTWATER OUTFITTERS ORVIS-ENDORSED FLY FISHING SCHOOL: the schools will cover fly casting basics, line control, shooting line and the roll cast. Instructors, Capt. Rick Grassett and Capt. Ed Hurst, will also cover leader construction, fly selection and saltwater fly fishing techniques. The course, designed for beginning and intermediate fly casters, will focus on basics but also work with intermediate casters on correcting faults and improving casting skills. Cost for the
To advertise in print or online contact: Bob or Emy Stein at 941.349.0194 Send editorial and/or photos via email to: islandvp@verizon.net
schools is $175 per person and includes the use of Orvis fly tackle and lunch. Contact CB’s Saltwater Outfitters at (941) 349-4400 or info@cbsoutfitters.com to make reservations. CB’s Saltwater Outfitters is located on Siesta Key, just over the Stickney Point Bridge. 1249 Stickney Point Rd. • APRIL 28 -29 (SAT-SUN) – 10AM – 5PM /SIESTA FIESTA: Free event. Enjoy the fine art and handmade crafts from 200 of the nation’s most talented artists and crafters taking place on Ocean Blvd. in the Village. This event has an extensive collection of work ranging from life-size sculptures, spectacular paintings, one-of-a-kind jewels, photography, ceramics and more. this show truly has something for anyone. Complete with an additional green market, this spectacular show also features plants, body products, and tasty dips. And Beyond… • PHILLIPI ESTATE PARK: LOCATED AT: 5500 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34231. April is an especially appealing month to visit Phillippi Estate Park because the Founders Garden Club is presenting their bi-annual flower show. As members of the Garden Club of America, the Founders members are tasked with presenting a floral event with various categories for judging and then inviting the public to enjoy. This year’s theme is OLD FLORIDA, NEW SARASOTA, which will be a lovely mix of both floral offerings and local history. The Founders Garden Club ladies open the Edson Keith Mansion to the public, free of charge, from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 11, in conjunction with the Phillippi Farmhouse Market. Please visit the market and stroll on down to the Edson Keith Mansion and enjoy the lovely floral displays. Of course, please also remember that the Phillippi Farmhouse Market will be entering its final month in April, so plan to stock up on all your favorites as the market closes for the summer months at 2:00 p.m. on Wed. April 25, but will return to Phillippi Estate Park on the first Wednesday in October – i.e., Wednesday, October 3. • APRIL 13 -22 /SARASOTA FILM FESTIVAL: Held annually in Sarasota, FL., The Sarasota Film Festival emphasizes the best in cinema alongside exciting programs and events, with more than 180 films screened each year including features, documentaries, shorts, and kid-friendly picks. Entering our 19th year, we’re proud to bring the best new and veteran independent filmmakers to our Festival with local and kid-friendly programs that showcase our idyllic Gulf Coast community. Go to their website for program info: www.sarasotafilmfestival.com.
Published by Island Visitor Publishing, LLC Contributing Writers and Photographers will be noted with bylines. Guest commentary not necessarily the opinion of island Visitor Publishing, LLC Reproduction without written permission prohibited. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement. All business bios are extensions of the display advertisements. Island Visitor Publishing, LLC is not responsible for claims made by advertisers. All ads are subject to the approval of the publisher. It is the responsibility of the party placing any ad for publication in Siesta Sand to meet all applicable legal requirements in connection with the ad such as compliance with town, county and state codes in first obtaining an occupational license for business, permitted home occupation, or residential rental property. DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability. Island Visitor Publishing is not responsible for claims made by advertisers.
P.O. BOX 35086, SIESTA KEY, FL 34242
Water World
Captain Jim Klopfer’s Fishing Report
APRIL 2018
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Notes from the Island Fishmonger
Adventure Charters 941-371-1390
GATOR BITES Bass Assassin jigs fool Spanish mackerel and other species in April
After a chilly start to 2018 in January, the weather has been unseasonably warm with recordbreaking temperatures in February. March was pretty typical though water temps were above average. April should offer incredible fishing for a variety of species. Big Pass and New Pass will be alive with fish migrating in and out of the bay this month. Spanish mackerel, bluefish, pompano, and ladyfish should be plentiful. Pompano prefer a small white or chartreuse jig bounced along the bottom while the mackerel are often found higher in the water column or breaking on the surface. There is nothing more exciting than casting a surface plug on light tackle or a fly into a feeding frenzy! Action on the deep flats will be very good for speckled trout, pompano, Spanish mackerel, bluefish, and ladyfish. The best flats to fish will be from Siesta Drive north to Long Bar. Flats that are near both passes will be especially productive. A ¼ ounce Bass Assassin Sea Shad is a great lure to prospect with; a lot of water can be covered and just about every species will hit it. Plugs work very well when surface activity is seen, they also are a great lure to troll slowly and locate schools of fish. Silver and gold spoons are another good choice. Live bait is always a great choice, too. A live shrimp free lined or fished under a noisy float is a deadly technique. The area between Siesta Drive
and Blackburn Point will be good for snook as they migrate out towards the beach to spawn. Any point, oyster bar, dock, or creek mouth that drops off into deeper water is a likely spot to try. High, outgoing tides are best. Plugs cover a lot of water and result in vicious strikes while jigs require more patience but will fool more redfish along with snook. Don’t be surprised when a big jack crevelle or trout inhales an offering meant for a snook or red. This has been a good season for sheepshead and while it is past its peak there should still be plenty of these tasty saltwater panfish around. Docks, seawalls, and bridges near passes will hold sheepies. A live shrimp fished on the bottom will fool them, along with snapper, grouper, and flounder. Surf fishing should be very good for Spanish mackerel, ladyfish, flounder, pompano, and more. Live or frozen shrimp fished near the bottom with a little weight works well. Spoons, plugs, and jigs will also catch plenty of fish, too. April is a great month for anglers with a small boat and not a lot of experience to catch big fish. The beaches and inshore artificial reefs will be thick with king and Spanish mackerel, along with false albacore and the occasional cobia. Trolling spoons is very easy and deadly on all species. Sight casting to schools of breaking fish is fantastic sport using spinning or fly tackle.
There are only two places I don’t mind having an alligator encounter. The first place is on the golf course as they seem to mind their own business on the links. The other place is on my dinner plate. People say Gator meat tastes like chicken. My professional foodie description and comparison is that of a veal texture with the flavor of a cross between chicken and frog legs but it has its own unique flavor. If cooked right, the meat is mild and tender. Alligator is low-calorie, low in saturated fat and also provides vitamin B-12 and other nutrients. Another popular reason behind the rise in popularity of eating gator is the amount of protein packed into the meat. A 3.5 ounce of alligator contains 46 grams of protein which is double the amount contained in a comparable serving size of beef. It’s delicious, rare and fun to say you’re eating gator. Yes, eating gator is fun! The popular way of eating alligator is most commonly called “Gator Bites” or “Gator Nuggets.” Occasionally you will find this at the Big Water Fish Market served with a spicy gator aioli sauce and our gator/seafood gumbo, when available, is also one of my all-time favorites. Another fun and creative way to cook gator is to simply fry it. If you are wondering how to properly prepare, grill or fry an alligator tail at home, I can help you with this simple process (instructions on how to actually kill and process an alligator are not included). Start by buying your gator meat from your local fishmonger (demand for gator meat is
pushing the retail price to around $20 per pound). Always buy the meat frozen as it’s packaged and frozen immediately during the processing. Not all of us have the capability of tenderizing or cubing our gator meat at home so your gator meat should have already been cleaned and tenderized by your fishmonger before your purchase. Then marinate it in Zatarains’s Creole Seasoning, sautéed garlic, peppers, celery and onion with butter and grill it on high heat. The choice cut of alligator is the tail meat, but the most talented cooks can also prepare ribs, nuggets, and wings. Gator Kabobs and even Gator Chili with an over easy egg on top is also delicious...that’s called “Gator Chili with a Jewel.” Keep in mind when cooking gator that celery, onion, garlic with Zatarain’s Creole Seasoning are essential ingredients. Do not serve raw and do not overcook…medium is the perfect serving temperature. If overcooked, gator will become very chewy like the old saying of eating shoe leather. You can find fried gator in unique southern seafood restaurants from mile marker 0 in Florida to Louisiana, and even in Georgia. Don’t be intimidated to cook gator at home but if you are, we will be doing weekly specials featuring gator meat as Florida alligator is plentiful during the spring months at Big Water. You will find not only gator bites but occasionally also gator, shrimp, sausage and crawfish Gumbo. Live well...Eat fish (& Gator)!! Scott Dolan
Big Water Fish Market 6641 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key 941-554-8101 www.BigWaterFishMarket.com
APRIL 2018 TIDE CHART Florida, St. Petersburg, Sarasota, Sarasota Bay
April 2018
N 27° 20' / W 82° 33' Date
High Tide 1.6
High Tide 1.8
Low Tide 0.4
Low Tide 0.0
Kathleen D Sailing Catamarans
Let’s go sailing, KATHLEEN D Sailing Catamarans, serving Siesta Key from 3 locations: Downtown Sarasota, Longboat Key, and Anna Maria Island. If you would like to experience being on the water viewing Dolphin Watches, Sunset Sails, Snorkeling and Shelling call us at 941-870-4349 or go to our web site for detailed information www.kathleend.net USCG Certified for 20 passengers.
©2018 FreeTideTables.com - For comparison only - Times are local - Tides in feet from MLLW
Siesta Sand
APRIL 2018
Sandsculpting: Learn from the Masters
River Road
Here’s your chance to learn the secret techniques master sand sculptors employ to build stronger, taller and more detailed sand sculptures. Siesta Key’s own master sand sculptor, Brian Wigglesworth along with Andy Daily, are now offering sand sculpting lessons to impress; either one-on-one or for a group. Wigglesworth is the creator and Sand Coordinator of the annual Siesta Key Crystal Classic International Sand Sculpting Festival. Daily has been the acting Sand Manager of the Siesta Key Crystal Classic International Sand Sculpting Festival in Sarasota for the past seven years. Not only does their client list include well-known local and national businesses, this dynamic duo was featured in the Travel Channel TV program entitled “Best in Sand.” For more information or to schedule a Sandventure, call Andy at 725-500-7263 or visit their website at: www.sandventure.com.
State Road 758 includes Siesta Drive, Higel Avenue and Midnight Pass Road to the intersection of Stickney Point Road. During the Feb. 28 County Commission discussion, Commissioner Paul Caragiulo offered one further detail of the latest deal: “At least we’re not talking about bridges …” That had been a concern early on in the negotiations with FDOT, then-County Administrator Harmer indicated last year. Siesta Drive has a drawbridge. Last fall, Harmer also had noted the potential of part of Stickney Point Road to be included in the swap. That route, too, has a drawbridge leading to Siesta Key. During the Feb. 1 meeting of the Siesta Key Association, former long-time County Commissioner Nora Patterson — who lives on Siesta — told members that in years past, county leaders had conducted discussions with FDOT about taking control of Siesta roads from the state, but county leaders did not want the responsibility of maintaining the drawbridges. Winning that point, she said, had been “tough to do.” Prior to Feb. 27, the most recent County Commission discussion of the potential swap had taken place during the Dec. 12, 2017 meeting, when state Sen. Greg Steube of Sarasota addressed the board about potential ways to fund improvements to River Road. If the road swap were to occur, Steube said then, he understood that it would happen “in the next year.” During the Feb. 27 meeting, Hines told his colleagues, “I believe all leverage that we have at this point needs to be put on FDOT District One.” He told Anderson and Cunningham, “Close this deal before we have a new governor,” as Scott will be leaving that position after this year as a result of term limits. A new governor most likely will mean a new FDOT secretary, Hines added. He hoped the rest of the commissioners had been briefed on the status of the negotiations, he said. “This is the closest that we have ever been,” he stressed, noting that the deal is “pretty fair.” “So we need to close,” Chair Detert said.
Brian Wigglesworth
Andy Daily
Continued from page 21
APRIL 2018
Arts on the Horizon
Spend a day on an island February and March provided us with many cold days this year. Perhaps Mother Nature was just showing us, in her fun way, how lucky we are to be in Sarasota. Lucky because it sure was cold, snowy and blowy up north where they have cold,snowy weather with high winds for much longer than we do here. So, where to go, Iceland? If you translate “Iceland” into any Scandinavian language, it means island, which is what it is. But no, too cold this time (any time) of year. How about Hong Kong? No, way too expensive. That leaves only Island Park (which is actually on a peninsula, but who’s counting) here in Sarasota. Yes, from April 4th until the 1st of June, Island Park (also known as Bayfront Park) is the place to go. And also to stay for a few hours, as there will be 45 large billboards placed there for Sarasota’s 15th Embracing Our Differences exhibition. This year’s theme is “Enriching lives through diversity and inclusion.” Enriching? Well last year 212,000 visitors walked around the park viewing the really large mural like billboards. Those people certainly felt enriched. Diversity? This year’s 8,325 entires of paintings and inspirational thoughts come from as far away as the Ukraine, Bangladesh and 96 other countries. Inclusion? Submissions came from children in Russia, the Philippines, Iran, the Netherlands and all around the world. Each painting / collage / drawing / etc. on the billboards is paired with a quote filled with meaning, love, and hope. While some of the paintings and quotes are from other countries most are from elementary school students in our area - from St. Pete down to Northport, with the majority coming from students right here in Sarasota. Pictured, is the digital painting “Together” by Bente Schoone of the Netherlands, which is paired with a lovely quote by Juliette
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
By Rodger Skidmore
Martin of St. Petersburg (the one in Florida). The setting for this exhibition is quite special, especially this time of year. There should be spring breezes, summery blue sky and pleasant temperatures as you traverse the undulating hillocks that contain the paintings - all surrounded by water. On the Island there are sitting benches, swinging benches, a children’s playground with fountain, and at the tip of the island, the dolphin fountain with the Ringling bridge as its backdrop. And, should you get hungry, there is O’Leary’s Tiki Bar and Grill, just a few steps away from the water on the south side of the island.
So who are some of the players of these great works? That is where the two special events come in - between 5:30 and 7 PM on April 11th one can mingle with, and meet, some of these artists at the Dolphin Aviation Hanger north of the airport on N. Tamiami Trail. This means wine, light bites to eat and a mini concert. Fun! Some of the artists appearing at the festival are Federico Agostini and Ruth Lenz - violin, Bruno Giuranna - viola, Antonio Meneses and Christine J. Lee - cello, Jason Vieaux - guitar and Derek Han - piano. The second special event is on April 14th at 6 PM at Michael’s Wine Cellar. There will be an interactive dinner with some of the La Musica artists leading guests in cooking demonstrations as they, together, create that evening’s meal (wine included). How do these diverse musicians prepare for these concerts when they live in so many different places? They rehearse at twenty-four different times over eight days at two different venues - the Sainer Pavilion at New College and at Felding Hall at the Sarasota Opera House. And you may attend any or all of these sessions. Bigger Wow! And on April 10th at 4:35 PM there will be a panel discussion, “Sources of Inspiration” with musicians Giuranna, Lee and Meneses and the composer Jerry Bilik. Yes, there is one panel discussion and it is free following the last rehearsal of that day at the Sainer Pavilion. Rehearsal times and much more descriptive info is at www. LamusicaFestival.org.
So, who’s laughing now?
Choices, choices, choices April certainly is a choice month, but we’re talking musical choices - and there are so many. The La Musica Music Festival is flexing its muscles again with four + two + twenty-four + one musical events. There are four concerts being held at the Sarasota Opera House. We’re talking Mozart and Glazunov string ensembles and a Schubert piano trio at 8 PM on April 9th / a Mendelssohn string quintet, a Rachmaninoff trio and a Popper requiem for piano accompanied by one two three cellos at 8 PM on April 12th / a Paganini concertante, a Castelnuovo-Tedesco quintet for guitar and string quartet, and a Shostakovich piano quintet at 3 PM on April 15th / Bernstein (100th year of his birth) and Brahms trios and a Schubert string quintet at 8 PM on April 18th. Wow!
They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. But what if it’s a few pictures? And, on the other hand, what if the pictures are all about the same thing? Perhaps that means multiple thousands of words about the same thing - as in a play. And, to some degree, that is what this is all about. A number of reviews about the play “Woman Laughing Alone with Salad” ask a question: Is this the first play based upon an internet meme? Out of deference to readers who may not be familiar with that term, a meme (noun) is “an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.” So an internet meme would be “a humorous image, video, piece of text, etc., that is copied (often with slight variations)
and spread rapidly by Internet users.” Sort of like funny cat videos, except the cats are women. And they’re laughing. Alone. With salad. On the simplest level we have all seen thousands of “Good Housekeeping”, etc. images of these women. But those images were serious, accompanied recipes and were not meant to elicit a sly smile - so they were not memes. However, when an internet site, The Hairpin, put some of them together on a wordless blog, hundreds were quickly added and had hundreds of thousands of views. Like cat videos. They were no longer just photos of women showing extreme joy in situations that could not justify such emotion, but wordless commentaries about how women are stereotypically depicted in the media - and by men, and women, in real life. This play, by Sheila Callaghan, shows these stereotypical situations to great success. The object of this play is not to make you laugh, but to make you think. However, from a multitasking standpoint, laughing while you think is a good and noble thing. Rather than just smile at some photos, why not laugh out loud while attending a performance of Woman Laughing Alone with Salad, at the Urbanite Theatre, most any evening between April 6th and May 16th. More information at www.UrbaniteTheatre. com. And just to make life a little more interesting, there is a staged reading of a new play, Boy, on April 15th - 16th, that you might enjoy.
Parking to be prohibited
SKA president continuing issues
Continued from page 21
The petition attorney Bailey filed last year called for giving the County Commission flexibility to decide on setbacks for new commercial buildings on Siesta Key as part of a special exception process. Some emails he had received on the issue, Maio told the SKA members, have cited plans for a new hotel standing as tall as 125 feet. Yet, county zoning regulations impose a maximum height of 85 feet for any new structure on a barrier island.
Additionally, if there is any way for the county to create more parking spaces on the street, Moran said, “I think it is just good business for us to do this.” Maio also noted that Spencer Anderson, interim director of the county’s Public Works Department, had informed him that staff was working to obtain the necessary permits so it could demolish the former Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office training facility located on county property at 6647 S. Midnight Pass Road. The commissioners agreed in December 2017 that the public could park in the vacant area that would remain after the building was removed, as well as in the 14 spaces that the Sheriff’s Office had used on the site. Smith was hopeful county staff would move more quickly to make that parking area available.
The situation and the request On Aug. 25, 2017, the Paradise Cove Association filed a request with the county’s Traffic Advisory Council (TAC), formally asking for “No Parking” signs on the north side of Old Stickney Point Road. That side of the street, the petition pointed out, has “no designated parking spaces,” so vehicles left there essentially reduce Old Stickney Point Road to one-lane traffic. The Sheriff’s Office had stopped issuing tickets to the drivers, the petition continued, because the county never had installed “No Parking” signs on the north side of the street; thus, the Sheriff’s Office had no basis to issue citations. Old Stickney Point road is a local road with a 60-foot right of way, Fakhri explained. Its lane width varies between 11 feet and 12 feet, and the speed limit is 30 mph. Five-foot-wide sidewalks are on both sides of the street. Staff concurred with the TAC in recommending approval of the petition, he said, because of concerns that the parking of vehicles on both sides of the street could impede traffic flow, create safety issues, hinder access to private property and have a negative impact on emergency services operations. “They’re looking for every little spot on Siesta Key for parking,” Chair Nancy Detert responded.
Other SKA priorities During his remarks, Kusekoski talked of other issues on which the SKA will keep its focus. It “will continue to oppose any project that increases or makes worse the already crushing traffic problems that we’re having,” he said. “The trolley has been a great success,” he noted, referring to the free Siesta Key Breeze, which the county launched on March 20, 2017. The SKA also will continue to work with the county commissioners and county staff to find other means of reducing the number of vehicles on the island’s roads, he added, in an effort to “help people enjoy the beach more.” Those measures could include park-and-ride facilities, he noted, and safer biking options. He emphasized, “There’s a lot of work to do still” in regard to the latter. Finally, he said, the SKA “will continue to work on establishing a rational, civil and constructive dialogue on any of the issues we are working on.” The goal, he added, is for everyone to be treated “with the dignity and respect they deserve.” Attacks should be focused on issues, not individuals, he stressed. “We take some strong positions, Kusekoski said, “but they will continue to be based around facts, civility, dignity and respect for all parties. Some people may
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feel we’re too low-key,” he conceded, “and we respect their right to pursue alternative approaches. Sometimes it takes a variety of approaches to achieve the goal.” Along with Kusekoski and Luckner, the SKA officers for 2018 are Joyce Kouba, secretary, and Robert Miller, treasurer; both are returning to those positions. Kouba is one of the longest-serving directors; she has been secretary on and off for the past 10 years. The other directors are Dan Lundy, Marilyn Romanus, Bob Stein and Joseph Volpe.
The next phase of the Big Pass battle The latest news regarding Big Pass, Luckner told the audience, is that late on March 2, the Florida Department of Administrative Hearings (DOAH) finally made available the last segment of the certified transcript of the hearing held in December 2017. That started the 30-day countdown for attorneys of all parties in the case to prepare their written recommendations to Administrative Law Judge Bram D.E. Canter, suggesting how he should rule on challenges the SKA and Save Our Siesta Sand 2 (SOSS2) filed in January 2017. The judge told the parties at the end of the hearing, on Dec. 18, 2017, that he probably would take up to 45 days to issue his order after receiving the written attorneys’ briefs. The SKA and SOSS2 have argued for years that the City of Sarasota and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) should find an alternate source of sand to use on South Lido Beach. Removing sediment from Big Pass approximately every five years over the 50-year life of the proposal the USACE released in September 2013 likely would lead to significant damage to Siesta Key, as the ebb shoal in the pass protects the island from storm damage, SKA and SOSS2 leaders have said, based on research that goes back decades.
Siesta Sand
Off Key
APRIL 2018
By Robert Frederickson
From Sub-Tropical Dreams to Flying Machines Pirate Looks at 80? Florida has long attracted those looking to paint their own unique self-portrait on the state’s inviting and expansive canvas. On a good day (or bad depending on your point of view) as many as one thousand new residents flock to the state. Upwards of 70 million come for a visit each year. A condo on the mainland overlooking the Intracoastal Waterway in Manatee County hopes to attract its share of those new arrivals. Its unique ad campaign conjures a spell many willingly fall under by borrowing (under licensing agreement, I’m sure) much of the imagery found in the music of one time Florida resident (and lifelong ambassador) Jimmy Buffett. It even shares the name of one of Buffett’s songs: “One Particular Harbor.” “Live the Margaritaville Lifestyle at One Particular Harbor,” reads the headline splashed against the tropical hues of a glorious Florida sunset in the full-page ad in the Herald Tribune. Buffett has become more successful in his business dealings and investments later in life than he could have ever imagined in his younger days kicking around Nashville trying to make a name for himself as a songwriter. That success has made him a very rich man with a net worth of some $550 million according to Forbes, ranking him number 13 on their list of America’s Wealthiest Celebrities. Some may begrudge him that wealth, but I’ve never been able to navigate to that port; maybe because I trace that success back to something genuine that still comes through in his music even after all these years. The stories told in his songs paint vivid portraits of what it was like for a time in the 1970s living in on or near the water in South Florida and the islands, free of the responsibilities that were waiting just beyond the horizon. They are full of characters that anyone who has lived in Florida for more than ten minutes can recognize immediately. I still wonder about that down on his luck smuggler in Buffett’s tune “Pirate Looks at 40,” a song that when performed live gets everyone in the audience on their feet, ‘parroting’ along with Jimmy the number’s most memorable line: “...made enough money to buy Miami, but I pissed it away so fast...never meant to last. Never meant to last.” It remains worth the price of admission just to feel and be a part of that thunderous chorus when Buffet is touring. I wonder where that winsome old smuggler is now? Probably not at One Particular Harbor up in Manatee, I’d wager. But then again, you never know. After all, this is Florida. Anything can happen. Just ask that once itinerant songwriter trying to catch a break in Nashville.
Both Local School Boards Could Use a Time Out To say the school boards in both Sarasota and Manatee counties are behaving like classrooms full of kindergartners would be an insult...to the kindergartners. In Sarasota accusations of sexual harassment have replaced such outdated pleasantries as “Good Evening, Shirley,” or “How was your weekend Mr. Superintendent?” While in Manatee, accusations of assault and bullying are the coin of the realm, where ‘Hopes’ for civility are running about as thin as the skin of some board members; and where at least one of our public ‘Watchdogs’ might benefit from a tighter leash.
Often Wrong, but Never in Doubt... “In ten years all important animal life in the sea will be extinct. Large areas of coastline will have to be evacuated because of the stench of dead fish.” - Author Paul Ehrlich, (The Population Bomb), speaking on Earth Day, 1970.
Corny Joke of the day... Who designed King Arthur’s roundtable? Sir Cumference
Don’t Panic! (...well, maybe just a little) Ford Motor Company has issued a recall for some of its 2014-2018 Fusion and Lincoln MKZ models. The problem? A defect that could cause the steering wheel to come off the steering column “causing the driver to lose control.” Yes, I can see how that might present a problem...
The Jetsons, Redux The flying car is finally here. Well, not exactly here, but rather in Norway. It soars up to 11,000 feet, flies like a helicopter and has retractable blades for when it is puttering about back on the ground. But obstacles remain to its widespread adoption, not the least of which is its price tag: a mere $650,000.
How to Afford a new Bentley?
Shop at Goodwill...
Artist Shawn Mcloughlin’s newest mural measuring 17’6” high x 20’6” wide, is located at Siesta Beach Resort, 5311 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key Village. The estimated completion date is April 1, 2018. Off Key observed Shawn’s pose for the photograph and irreverently wondered if his reach was a little short of the mark? We report, you decide…
Searching for Answers in Aftermath of School Shooting in Broward The debate over how to protect students in our schools has grown heated in the aftermath of the school shootings in Parkland, Florida last month, with some adamantly opposed to teachers carrying guns and others supporting the idea in cases where willing faculty members (and/or other staff members) are properly trained in their use. In opposition you often hear it said “we don’t need more guns in our schools.” More? How about some? During the recent rampage, there was only one gun in the school at the time and it was in the hands of the deranged gunman. No less than the father of one of the victims, Andrew Pollack, whose daughter Meadow Pollack was among the victims, tearfully told an audience in Polk County last week that the wrestling coach Aaron Feiss, who heroically shielded several students from the killer and was later shot and killed himself, might have been able to save his daughter had he been armed. But short of arming teachers, there’s still much we can do. It occurred to my wife and I while attending a Dead and Company show just two weeks after the
shooting at the BB&T center in Broward County ˙– not far from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High – that we routinely secure large gatherings in public places to make sure no bad guys get in with a gun. It was great to see members of the band, including Bob Weir and John Mayer wearing t-shirts proclaiming the message ‘MSD STRONG.’ But it was even better to see the trained security personnel at the entrance manning metal detectors to make sure the audience remained safe. If we can secure an arena holding 20,000 spectators like the BB&T center, why can’t we or won’t we do the same for our kids? In 1993 after a British tourist was shot and killed at a rest stop on I-10, then governor Lawton Chiles ordered armed security be stationed at most state rest areas. For a time starting in the 1970s, airline hijackings were regular occurrences. But after 9/11 the nation got serious about securing airports and airplanes. When was the last time you read about one? Aren’t our children worthy of the same level of security the rest of us expect when we go to a concert, board a plane or stop to stretch our legs at a highway rest area?
Siesta Key B
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APRIL 2018
“Living life in the ‘Light’” your life? Where you looked in every nook and cranny of your personal environment and whatever other environment you frequented, and your current situations, and managed to find the most minute positive things in it. Where you also looked in the mirror and were an expert at pinpointing any tiny positive thing about who you were looking at. Where you made peace and forgave any negative thoughts and actions towards others and yourself, and others towards you, from all lifetimes. What if you became an expert at all of this? As we discussed above it surely would raise your vibration. Then what would start to happen, is what can only happen. You’d continue to be an expert at seeing wherever there are positives in people, things, and situations that manifest in your life, because that’s where your focus has been. It’s what you’ve become an expert at. Then you’d start to find that as time goes on, you realize you no longer have to look in the nooks and crannies to find the positives or the light so to say. Because what will be manifesting, will totally encompass light, as your expertise will become second nature. As a result, this way of being will start catching on to some of those around you, and they’ll start to manifest more light too. And the feeling of inner happiness will continue to be felt as naturally as you feel your heartbeat. To me, this is part of what Higher Living and living life in the Light is all about. So what if you became an expert at feeling happy in your life? What better time to start, than right now.~♥ Donnarose Melvin is an Ancestral Energy Clearing/ Healing Intuitive whose pleasure it is to serve clients worldwide. Her knowledge from her advanced practitioner trainings in Ancestral Energy Clearing, and her BA degree in Psychology, along with her natural born intuitive gifts, have helped many achieve increased peace and happiness. Please send any inquiries or comments to: Donnarose1010@gmail.com ~If you’d like an ancestral energy clearing/healing, please contact Donnarose at the email address above.
WORD SEARCH MarinerWord Search MarinerWord Search WORD LIST March Madness
Answers on page 45
March Madness
Wake & Shake
As many regular readers of this column know, the title and subtitle is only three months old. This change is to help promote exactly what it reads. Meaning, “Higher Living ~ Living life in the Light” is when we’re able to be more consistent at maintaining a higher vibrational frequency, and staying in a “light” frame of mind. This keeps us moving in the “light” direction, onward and upward on the path towards peace, love and happiness. We know when we’re off this path when we don’t feel happy with our actions, or our environment, or our life, and may feel stressed or anxious where our mind becomes clouded. This is where we fall backwards and our vibration lowers. Hence, our ego takes over the wheel and drives us on a rocky path filled with detours that don’t feel good. Many are very familiar with this path, including me. I mentioned the word happiness above, as it’s a key factor to Higher living. Now some say happiness is overrated. That may be true if their version of happiness is attributed to how many things they have, or how much money is in the bank or how big their house is, etc. A different underrated version of happiness relates to living life in the light. Where we learn to be more consistent at feeling happy by raising our vibration, which leads us towards that light I keep referring to. That light we have within. That when we focus our thoughts on the positives, and forgive and release all the negatives from all lifetimes, we’re able to feel the connection between our light and the brightest Light that exists. That being the Creator or Love. And when we connect to that Love, our vibration continues to shift and lift and we manifest situations to match that higher frequency. And we’re able to stay connected to our inner flame of happiness connected to that Love. The other benefit to this connection, is we start to radiate our inner light, which helps those around us who are at a lower vibration to see their way out of the darkness. And then they start to feel happy and the cycle continues. Since it’s so important, let’s elaborate even more on feeling happy. What would it be like if you became an expert at feeling happy in
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
www.TheMariner.com www.TheMariner.com
Just roll out of bed...your hair looks great! Shampoo and towel dry.... and you’re done! The style is in the cut, not the blow-dry, so you don’t have to fuss with your hair to look good... even fine, limp or curly hair... and my new steam color process + Olaplex creates richer brunettes and spectacular blondes. The colors go deeper NEW LOCATION! and last longer, yet are far more gentle to the hair. By Appointment Only with Ian:
Siesta Sand
APRIL 2018
The Highs and Lows of Properties Sold on Siesta Key
Provided by Key Solutions Real Estate / www.keysolutionsrealestate.com
Following are properties sold on Siesta Key in the last 60 days, providing a snapshot of home values on the Key for both single family homes and condominiums. HIGHEST PRICED SINGLE FAMILY PROPERTY: 4173 SHELL RD. SOLD FOR: $2,700,000 This ethereal estate-sized property came to the market for the first time. Offering approximately 1.53 acres of land directly fronting the Gulf of Mexico, you will be in awe of the natural beauty of this site. You’ll hear crashing waves and seagulls calling in the distance from this home. Views abound of Big Pass, Sand Dollar Island, the City and the Gulf of Mexico. There is an older home on the property which was designed by famed Sarasota School Architect Tim Siebert. The design of the home integrates open breezeways and large screened in livings. This is truly a slice of old Siesta Key and true iconic architectural style. There is a brick clad pool on the property as well as a detached guest apartment, covered parking area, greenhouse and several decorative brick features. Restore the property to its original grandeur or purchase one of the finest building sites on Siesta Key. The sale of this property came to $924.97 a square foot. Courtesy of Michael Saunders. LOWEST PRICED SINGLE-FAMILY PROPERTY: 5215 CALLE DE RIO, SOLD FOR: $435,000 Located just minutes away from some of the most beautiful beaches on Florida’s West Coast, this 2/3 home is situated on a fantastic wooded and private lot on Siesta Key. This fixer-upper features a split bedroom floor plan, a large living area with plenty of natural light, an open and spacious kitchen with dining area attached and two over-sized bedrooms. Just off the living area are sliding glass doors that open up to a screened in porch and large pavered patio. The living space extends to both the front and back yard where you’ll find a secluded paradise surrounded by wooden fencing so you can relax and enjoy outdoor entertaining amidst the beautiful landscaping. A private retreat yet conveniently located to Ocean Blvd., which offers many shops and restaurants. Property was Sold As-Is. The sale of this property came out to $299.59 a square foot. Courtesy of All Florida Property Group. HIGHEST PRICED CONDO: 222 BEACH RD, #8: SOLD FOR: $2,600,000 Rare #222 Beach Road condo. These units move very fast. Direct “full” gulf views. Meticulously updated, 4,000 gross square feet, open floor plan, 3 or 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom - 1 1/2 bath with a “full size” community pool and low density complex - 10 units / 2 oversized garage spaces / 2 balconies with gulf - beach views, Close to Siesta Village. Easy access to mainland via North Siesta Key Bridge, If it’s your dream to be situated right on “Siesta Beach” with “Full Gulf Views” and limited worry when away, this property delivers on all fronts! The sale on this unit came out to $916.46 a square foot. Courtesy of ReMax Alliance.
LOWEST PRICED CONDO: 1250 N PORTOFINO DR, #205: SOLD FOR: $225,000 Located in beautiful Siesta Harbor, an over 55 adult community located on the intra-coastal waterway with its own harbor for private docking. This charming original one bedroom, two bath unit is ready for renovation. The sale came out to $288.46 a square foot. Courtesy of Judith Guzzi and Assoc.
APRIL 2018
Gulf Beach Setback Line The total living area of the Saba Sands II house would be 3,496 square feet; a deck would encompass 277 square feet; and a 20-foot-wide paver driveway, privacy fence
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Continued from page 9
and related landscaping “would preempt approximately 4,300 square feet of viable dune areas and would have significant, permanent, adverse impacts on vegetation,
sand dunes and other beach stabilizing features, and on the coastal system,” county staff wrote. The County Commission previously has denied some requests for variances for construction seaward of the GBSL in regard to property west of Tenacity Lane, north of the Siesta Public Beach and south of Plaza de Las Palmas, Lincoln continued. “However, to avoid a taking of the lots west of Tenacity Lane, the commission then approved GBSL variances for larger structures and/or greater density to lots fronting Beach Road, in exchange for imposing conservation easements on the lands west of Tenacity Lane.” In the Saba Sands II case, Lincoln noted, such a transfer is not possible, because the property is not under common ownership with lands to the east that front Beach Road, nor has it been for at least 50 years.
Continuing opposition to the project Victoria Ochoa, who manages property on Siesta Key, has urged Siesta Key Association (SKA) members to fight the proposal for the Saba Sands II project. She is among creators of a Facebook page, Save Siesta Key Beach Access 10, designed for that purpose, she announced last fall. One major reason Siesta Key’s beach is so beautiful, she told SKA members on Oct. 5, 2017, is because of all its marshes. Those areas also are a primary habitat for wildlife, she pointed out. If Saba Sands II is successful in winning County Commission approval, Ochoa said, that will open the door to even more construction along the Gulf of Mexico, which will reduce the area of the beach. Original opposition to the plans began last June, led primarily by Sherrill Mills, who has lived for more than 40 years at 560 Beach Road. In a document she distributed, Mills wrote, “If Saba Sands is granted these variances the precedent established by that action will open wide an entirely new row of development on siesta beach seaward of the gulf beach setback line and seaward of all existing buildings!!!”
Paradise Awaits... 195 Vista Hermosa Circle, #9-A Sarasota, FL
Just a short walk to Siesta Beach. 2 BR, 2 BA villa. Ideal rental opportunity. Custom wood cabinets in the kitchen with granite counters & upgraded appliances. Bathrooms boast tumbled marble & granite. Custom lighting. New A/C in 2017 and recently installed water heater. Roof replaced in 2016. Sold turnkey furnished (with some exclusions).
322 Island Circle
Sarasota, FL
Beaches, Boating & Bistros!! Live the island lifestyle in this spacious 4 BR, 4 BA house located on desirable Palm Island currently grossing approx. $60k in rental income. Recently renovated with new kitchen, new master BR and master BA. This house boasts a new boat lift on the Grand Canal. Lounge in the heated pool and spa or enjoy your favorite libation at your own private Waterfront Tiki Bar. Privacy abounds with a lovely tropical view across the canal. Huge bonus area on lower level. This house is located on Palm Island which is an Island on an Island and is a short walk to World Famous Siesta Beach(Beach Access 10) and Siesta Village with all its excitement and wonderful dining. This is the Perfect Home or Investment property for the discerning buyer.
797 Beach Road, #305 Sarasota, FL Full Gulf view of #1 Beach in the USA. Completely remodeled, priced to sell! High end tile floors in main living area, quality custom kitchen cabinets, deisgner kitchen. Crescent Royale offers an onsite rental program, heated pool and much more!
418 Island Circle, Sarasota, FL
Boating, Beaches & Bistros!!! 3 BR/2 BA Key West Style Grand Canal home on Siesta Key built in 2005 to current Hurricane standards. Sip a glass of wine by your outdoor Tiki Bar in the pool/spa area. Step out your back door, onto your boat (boat lift) and enjoy a leisurely cruise up the Grand Canal...just minutes away from your favorite waterfront dining, watersports and world class fishing. Perhaps you’re in the mood for a stroll or bike ride into Siesta Village...while others scramble for beach parking, walk or bike down the street to your own beach access (#10). All this and you haven’t even stepped inside this beautiful Key West style home on a lushly landscaped tropical lot with a brick paver walkway to your dock. This Island Style home was lovingly built in 2005 with huge lower level bonus area, pool shower and a 4-car garage for all your toys. Open floor plan, gourmet kitchen, large rooms, elevator, wood-burning fireplace, vaulted ceilings; walk-in closets; beautiful master suite, plenty of storage and custom touches throughout. This is a must-see home on Palm Island.
Tropical Sands Dan D. Miller 941-376-7442 Licensed Real Estate Professional
Service. Integrity. Results.
Siesta Sand
APRIL 2018
Women’s Exchange The Exchange has been able to recycle more than 4,800,000 items of used merchandise over the past 50 years. Unsold items are regularly donated to local non-
Continued from page 10
profit organizations such as the Pines of Sarasota and Salvation Army, where items are either sold in their retail stores or given to individuals in need.
Volunteer Opportunities are many. W.E. is always in need of Cashiers and Wrappers as well as Pricers and Taggers. Volunteers are also needed to handle Consignment Intake, as well as to keep an eagle eye out for Loss Prevention. Shelves and racks need to be stocked with merchandise, phones need to be answered, papers need to be filed, and customers need to be served. Volunteers work in one of four sales departments:
Furniture, Clothing, Jewelry and Miscellaneous. Most volunteers work a 3-hour shift once or twice a week. Yearround and seasonal volunteers
are always welcome, as well as students who want to fulfill their community service hours for college. Patti Hysell is the Volunteer Coordinator. You may contact her at physell@sarasotawex.com. A Volunteer Application can be downloaded from the website. The Exchange is located at 539 South Orange Ave. in downtown Sarasota. Hours are Mon through Friday 9-4, and Sat. 10-4. Closed on Sundays. 941.955.7859.
• 2ND Month Free • Free Move-In Truck • Entire Facility Carpeted • Free Lock & Keys • Big Garage Bay For Loading And Unloading • Climate Controlled 941.315.5222 5260 Tamiami Trail • Sarasota, FL 34231 www.thelockup.com
Holly, Sofia, Daniel, Lucas, and Andrew.
The Out-of-Door Academy’s second grade class and their teacher Jill Jaiswal helped clean up the beach! Shout out to county worker Wendy Chipman for helping make this possible. Together we can keep our beaches beautiful. Great job everyone!
Blooming this month
Powder Puff Plant Calliandra haematocephala The Powder Puff blossom may not be useful for powdering your nose but it certainly will bring beauty to your garden! Its fuzzy red bloom can be found in tropical and subtropical climes throughout the Americas and is easy to grow in our area. The evergreen foliage is as lovely as the flower and it will bloom nearly year round but is especially luxuriant in the summer months. Regular watering is
important but it does not like to be overwatered. The deep green foliage sets off the striking red of the flowers and it is often planted as much for the beauty of the tiered foliage as for its bloom. Bees, birds and butterflies love the Powder Puff and it doesn’t seem to require full sun to provide a bevy of colorful beauty to your garden. Submitted by CJ Danna, President Sarasota Garden Club www.sarasotagardenclub.org
APRIL 2018
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Siesta Key Breeze Trolley news
Sarasota County Area Transit (SCAT) postponed the one-year anniversary of the Siesta Key Breeze service originally scheduled for March 20, due to expected inclement weather. SCAT will announce a new date for the celebration, which will recognize the Breeze’s
39171 Comp 3447
Client: Date: Name:
250,000th passenger, in the coming weeks. That lucky person will win a gift basket filled with prizes from local Siesta Key establishments. On another note, a color wrap will be installed on the sidewalk where the Trolley stops currently by Morton’s Siesta Market in the Village. SCAT will install new Trolley pole signs at all the SCAT bus stops currently on the Trolley route. The free trolley,JOB which runs from the Siesta Key Village DESCRIPTION Sarasota County Area Transit Material: MacTac to Turtle Beach, operates 10Street a.m.wrapto 10 p.m., sevenSCALE daysSCALE TO FIT PAGE Single Sided 2/28/2018 a week, including holidays. The trolley also runs till Street Graphics Qty: 1 midnight on weekends. For more information, call the Sarasota County Contact 52" Center at 941-861-5000 or visit scgov.net. FINISHED SIZE
New pole Trolley signs to be installed on Siesta Key Trolley route Siesta Key 66.22"
66.22" x 52"
Siesta Key Breeze
Trolley Stop
Trolley Stop
PMS 293
PMS 123
Color wrap to be installed on the sidewalk where the Trolley stops currently by Morton’s Siesta Market
SieSta Key OaSiS!
Visual Proof Note:
Michael J. Rushforth Real Estate (941) 928-8664 amigulfside@yahoo.com
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3360 Higel Ave. Sarasota FL 34242
Brick pathways, gated entry, and lush landscaping accent this delightful island style home with 4 BR, and 3 BA. Separate Liv Rm, Dining Room, and Den w/ terrazzo floors, plantation shutters and built-ins, with so much more to see. Call for your private showing.
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Siesta Sand
APRIL 2018
Sand Castles Siesta Towers offers serenity — just north of Siesta Village By Roger Drouin Situated on the Gulf, just north of Siesta Village, Siesta Towers is a high-rise condominium that’s known for its serenity and beautiful views. At 12 stories, the tower, constructed in 1973, houses 63 one, two, and three bedroom units, ranging from 820 square feet to 1990 square feet plus spacious balconies. The condo community on Ocean Boulevard is situated directly on the Gulf of Mexico, a locale that affords views from most units of the Gulf, Big Pass, Lido Key, Longboat Key, and downtown Sarasota. “The western exposure makes for incredible sunset views,” notes Bob Ruiz, realtor with Key Solutions Real Estate. By day, Siesta Towers’ expansive water views makes for endless viewing of birds and dolphins, and other wildlife. Night views of the lights of Lido and Longboat Key and downtown Sarasota are spectacular, says Ruiz. The gated community has a number of amenities, including: a gulf-front pool and spa; two piers (one is reserved for fishing, and one simply for leisure); barbeque/picnic area; lending library; laundry; and club room with full kitchen. The gated community has private key-card entry, assigned carport parking as well as plentiful secured guest parking. For those who enjoy the outdoors, Siesta Towers has its own fishing and tackle room as well as an indoor bicycle room. The building’s dwellers are mostly seasonal residents, and some full-time residents, that enjoy the location directly on the Gulf, adds Hermann Kaendler, a realtor at Key Solutions with a three-bedroom, three-bath unit listed for sale, at $995,000 and another two-bedroom unit, with an office, listed for sale at $895,000. “It is a quiet residential tower with beautiful views,” Kaendler told Siesta Sand. “It is mostly seasonal residents who come down in winter,” Kaendler adds, “and there is a lot less traffic than a vacation tower.” The community is especially quiet in the summer months. The same owner is offering both units for sale that Kaendler has listed on the market. Both units, he told Siesta Sand, offer stunning views of the Gulf, Lido Key, Longboat Key, and downtown Sarasota. And both units were also recently renovated with elegant touches and top-end kitchen appliances. Kaendler notes that the maintenance fees at Siesta Towers are very reasonable, at $675 a month. The monthly maintenance fee is the same for every unit, regardless of size, Kaendler adds.
There are several units currently listed for sale: • The three-bedroom unit listed by Kaendler is spacious and has a house-like feel. “At almost 2,000 square feet, it is a very big unit,” the realtor said. “There are not many units that size on Siesta Key.” At 1,991 square feet, the sixth-floor unit’s $995,000 list price works out to just under $500 a square foot. The unit features marble floors, new kitchen and top-end Dacor kitchen appliances. This end unit comes partly furnished and a designated, carport parking spot is included. The greatest draw is open views to the Ocean, Lido Key, Longboat and the skyline of Sarasota. Enjoy the sunsets on the open balcony or the large covered porch. • The second unit listed by Kaendler is Italian inspired. It also features marble floors, new kitchen and the high-end Dacor appliances. At 1,435 square feet, he listing price of $895,000 comes out to $624 a square foot. • Another two-bedroom unit, with 1,435 square feet as well, is listed for $710,000, or $495 a square foot. The open split floor plan blends the upgraded custom kitchen with living and dining areas, providing spectacular ocean views throughout the unit, according to the MLS listing. The unit has wood floors.
Recent sales include: • A one-bedroom unit with 820 square feet and one bath that sold for $290,000 in February, 2018. The one-bedroom unit features Gulf views and was sold furnished. The sale worked out to $354 a square foot. • Another similar-size unit sold for $309,500, or $384 a square foot, in August, 2017. The unit also has Gulf views. In addition, the updated condo features newer AC and windows, new interior paint, granite countertops, tile flooring throughout, and crown molding. • A short-sale, which is rare in the community, was pending as of press time, at a list price of $235,000 for an 820-square-foot, one-bedroom unit.
APRIL 2018
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
House Hunting Siesta Key to Longboat Key • SHORT WALK TO SIESTA BEACH: $450,000 195 Vista Hermosa Circle, #9-A, Siesta Key, FL. MLS# A4189942 Wonderfully remodeled 2 BR, 2 BA villa. Designer tile & carpet throughout. This villa is being sold turnkey furnished (with some exclusions). Dan Miller, Re/ Max Tropical Sands. 941-376-7442 • FULL GULF VIEW OF #1 BEACH: $539,000 797 Beach Rd, #305, Siesta Key, FL. MLS# A4188853. Completely remodeled unit with high end tile floors in main living area, quality custom kitchen cabinets with granite counters. All the lighting has been upgraded throughout this TURNKEY FURNISHED (some artwork excluded) unit. Dan Miller, Re/Max Tropical Sands. 941-376-7442 • PALM ISLAND HOME ON THE GRAND CANAL: $925,000 322 Island Circle, Siesta Key, FL. MLS# A4199085. Recently renovated with new kitchen, new master BR and master BA. This house boasts a new boat lift on the Grand Canal. Privacy abounds with a lovely tropical view across the canal. Huge bonus area on lower level. Dan Miller, Re/Max Tropical Sands. 941-376-7442 • 5272 HERON WAY, LANDINGS COACH HOUSE $250,000: MLS #4185882 3BD/2BA Southern exposure with lake view. Judy Greene/ Tara Lamb, Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker, 941-350-0451 (Judy) or 941-266-4873 (Tara) • 5259 HERON WAY, LANDINGS COACH HOUSE $279,000: MLS #4197208 2BD / 2BA Ground floor updated condo with lake view. Judy Greene/Tara Lamb, Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker, 941-350-0451 (Judy) or 941-266-4873 (Tara) • 1610 STARLING DR, LANDINGS COACH HOUSE $269,000: MLS 4182814 2BD/2BA Ground floor condo with patio overlooking a fabulous lake view. Judy Greene/Tara Lamb, Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker, 941-350-0451 (Judy) or 941-266-4873 (Tara)
• 1363 LANDINGS DR TREEHOUSE $490,000: MLS 4192826 3BD / 2.5BA Expanded floor plan with screened deck overlooking lake view. Judy Greene/Tara Lamb, Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker, 941-350-0451 (Judy) or 941-266-4873 (Tara) • 5430 EAGLES PT CIR #203, EAGLES POINT CONDO $749,000: MLS #A4202341 3 BD with Den, 2943 sq ft Spacious condo, private garage and 2nd car spot. Judy Greene/ Tara Lamb, Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker, 941-350-0451 (Judy) or 941-266-4873 (Tara) • 1757 PINE HARRIER CIR SINGLE FAMILY HOME $545,000: MLS 4202741 3BD/2.5BA Two-story home with kitchen overlooking family room. Judy Greene/Tara Lamb, Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker, 941350-0451 (Judy) or 941-266-4873 (Tara) • DOLPHIN BAY The ultimate 2/2 in over 1900 square feet of living space. Exceptional property with split floor plan, each bedroom with private bath. Large kitchen with sit-in area and expansive living/ dining space. Spacious lanai with great views of the ICW. Garage. Pool, clubhouse, tennis, and day dock. Short walk to Siesta Beach. MLS #A4178449, $760,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-544-3299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186.
• HARBOUR TOWNE YACHT CLUB Beautifully renovated and furnished 3/3 with deeded 40’ dock and 10k lift. Garage and storage. Across the street from Siesta Beach. Great boating community of 50 families. Gated, pool, spa, tennis, clubhouse, grilling area, marina. MLS# A4196664, $659,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-544-3299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186. • SOMERSET COVE Fabulous single family home in gated community of just 11 residences. Large 2,758 square feet, 3 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath with 2 car garage plus bonus space. Boat dock with water and electric only minutes to ICW and Gulf. Walk to beach and Village. MLS # A4201541, $849,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-544-3299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186. • HARBOUR TOWNE YACHT CLUB Walking distance to Siesta Beach and quick free shuttle to Siesta and mid-Key Villages. Deeded dock only minutes to the Gulf. Water views! Fabulous 2/2 end unit. Attached garage. Gated community with pool, tennis, Clubhouse. MLS# A4207562, $465,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-544-3299 or Sheri: 941400-4186. • SARA SANDS 3/2 remodeled and furnished ranch home at the north end of Siesta Key. Easy bike to the Village and Beach. Outdoor living
at its best - located at the end of a canal with a great water view, dock with lift, tiki hut, beautiful pool, outdoor fireplace, huge screened lanai, RV parking!. If you enjoy entertaining, this is the one! MLS #A4211194, $1,450,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-5443299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186. • MID CENTURY BEAUTY This 3BD/3BA home, is a former Ralph Twitchell show home with an amazing open floor plan and high ceilings located on a quiet canal front corner lot. Has a 7K lbs. boat lift and is a short 5-minute commute to the bay. Has a new modern kitchen with gorgeous Brazilian granite counter tops. 505 Givens St, Siesta Key, $969,000 MLS #A4160488, Key Solutions Real Estate, 941894-1255 • SIESTA KEY BEACH LIVING This ground level unit is just a short walk down a private street, Sara Sea Circle, to one of the best beaches. This 2BD/2BA beach home has private beach access, close to shopping, restaurants and Point of Rocks. This home comes equipped with hurricane proof windows and 100-year metal roof rated for 180 mph winds. Enjoy the Mediterranean style patio, brick paver entry to home and full privacy windows! 6708 Sarasea Cir #103, Siesta Key, $399,400 MLS #A4202591, Key Solutions Real Estate (941) 894-1255 • AN ISLAND GEM This 4BD/3BA home is situated in a canopy neighborhood on a private cul-de-sac. A quick walk to “Point of Rocks” beach and Crescent Beach. Home has a solar
PV system that provides over half of the electrical needs. This home sits on just under one-half acre and is considered one of the largest lots in the sought-after Mangroves subdivision! Even has a downstairs space that would make a perfect “mother-in-law” suite. 1237 Sea Plume Way, Siesta Key, $775,000 MLS #A4207945, Key Solutions Real Estate, 941894-1255 • OUTDOOR LIVING AT IT’S BEST This 3BD/2BA home is built on a large corner lot and includes an 800 sq. ft. covered and screened lanai with gas fire pit, 75” TV, and top of the line furnishings to seat 25+! This ideal island ranch home in Sara Sands community is minutes to the beach and Siesta Village. Home has abundant sliding glass doors & windows, white wood flooring throughout, and boasts a newer kitchen and an oversized 2 car garage. Must see! 654 Sandy Nook St, Siesta Key, $1,450,000 MLS #A4211194, Key Solutions Real Estate, 941-8941255 • COVETED NORTH TIP ISLAND STYLE HOME Brick pathways, gated entry, and lush landscaping accent this delightful island style home with 4BD/3BA. Separate living room, dining room, and den with terrazzo floors, plantation shutters and built-ins. Tile counters, colorful backsplash, double sinks, pot rack, stainless appliances. Center island. Breakfast/sitting room has vaulted ceiling and French doors to deck. Close to the mainland, Siesta Village and short walk to Shell Road beach. $649,000. Michel J. Rushforth Real Estate (941) 928-8664.
Siesta Sand
APRIL 2018
• Best Western Plus Siesta Key – AAA -3 Diamond Property, Free shuttle service to and from Siesta Key 941-924-4900, 6600 S. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota
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Place your classified ad here for $6. (15 words) and $.10 for each additional word. Copy must be submitted with payment on or before the 15th of the month prior to publication. For display ads, please call 941-349-0194 for rates.
5145 Ocean Blvd. Sarasota, FL 34242 Owned and Operated by NRT, LLC
• Making things happen on Siesta Key with Real Estate agents Bob and Sheri Ruiz from Key Solutions Real Estate Group. If you are looking to buy or sell on the Key contact us. Bob Ruiz 941-544-3299 RobertRuizRR@aol.com, Sheri Ruiz 941-400-4186 SheriLasley@aol.com • Your Siesta Dunes and Landings Preferred Partners in Real Estate, Judy Greene 941-350-0451 and Tara Lamb 941-266-4873 with Michael Sanders & Company 5100 Ocean Blvd Siesta Key 34242 JudyGreene@MichaelSanders.com
APRIL 2018
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
MarinerWord Search Classifieds / Here’s My Card
Answers to the WORD SEARCH found on page 37
15-20 MINUTE RESPONSE TIME (Based upon traffic)
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Answers from Page 16
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• Jonny’s Original Free Ride – The Original Ride the Key Free service on Siesta to anywhere, everyday from 10 AM – 2 AM. Driver tips only. Call 941-928-9200. • Dollar Limo – holds up to 10 people and is cheaper than a D.U.I or taxi. Call 941-735-4732
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SENIOR SERVICES • A Bridge for Independence provides in home companion services including companionship, transportation, light housekeeping, medication reminders and meal preparation and planning. Call us at 866-279-4390, FL License #230517
SPORTS RENTALS / ACCESSORIES • Robin Hood Rentals – for all your Siesta Key rental needs with a wide variety segways, bikes, kayaks, scooters and more, free pickup and delivery anywhere on the key. 5255 Ocean Blvd Siesta Key Village. 941-554-4242 • Siesta Key Bike & Kayak – Located on Siesta Key in Capt Curts Village serving Siesta Key, Lido Beach and Sarasota. We offer bikes, kayak rentals, kayak eco tours, paddleboards and scooters. 1224 Old Sickney Pt Rd. 941-346-0891 • Siesta Sports Rentals – Located on Siesta Key, bike, kayak, kayak tours, scooter, children strollers and car seats. Delivery and pickup available, 6551 Midnight Pass Rd, 941-346-1797
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Emergency (General)..................................................911 Emergency Animal Clinic......................... 941-929-1818 Fishing & Hunting Licenses..................... 941-362-9888 FPL – Florida Power & Light.................... 941-917-0708 FPL – Outage Report..............................1-800-468-8243 Marriage License Bureau.......................... 941-362-4066 Poison Info Center..................................1-800-282-3171 Sarasota / Bradenton Intl. Airport................................. ...................................................................... 941-359-2770 Sarasota County Area Transit (SCAT)........................... ...................................................................... 941-316-1234 Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce................................. ...................................................................... 941-349-3800 Sheriff / non-emergency.......................... 941- 861-1601 Waste Management................................... 941-924-1254
All Motor Homes, 5th Wheels and Travel Trailers Any Condition! Cash Paid On The Spot!
“For F
Looking for Siesta Sand off-island? Pick up a copy at the following locations: 4&20 Patsy Co........................................................................................................5638 Swift Rd. A’s Sandwich............................................................................................6300 S. Tamiami Trail Abel’s Ice Cream: Southbridge Plaza.................................................... 1886 Stickney Pt. Rd. Alpine Steak House.................................................................................4520 S. Tamiami Trail Best Western Plus.....................................................................................6600 S. Tamiami Trail Casey Key Fish House................................................................ 801 Blackburn Point, Osprey Corkscrew Deli: Landings Shopping Plaza * ....................................4982 S. Tamiami Trail Culver’s......................................................................................................7520 S. Tamiami Trail Dutch Valley Restaurant........................................................................6721 S. Tamiami Trail Eager Beaver Carwash *..........................................................................6449 S. Tamiami Trail Economy Tackle *.....................................................................................6018 S. Tamiami Trail Fresh Catch Market & Grill: Buccaneer Plaza....................................7119 S. Tamiami Trail Gecko’s Restaurant..................................................................................6606 S. Tamiami Trail Grasshopper Mexican Restaurant & Bar.............................................7253 S. Tamiami Trail Hibiscus Suites..................................................................................... 1735 Stickney Point Rd. Hooters........................................................................................................6507 S Tamiami Trail Philadelphia Cheesesteaks.....................................................................7523 S. Tamiami Trail Phillippi Creek Oyster Bar.....................................................................5353 S. Tamiami Trail Plaza Mexico Restaurant: Southbridge Plaza................................. 1894 Stickney Point Rd. Pride of the South Restaurant/GG............................................................ 6616 Superior Ave. Sarasota Brewing /GG.................................................................................6607 Gateway Ave. Solorzano’s Pizza /GG................................................................................. 6670 Superior Ave. Special Nutrition Store: Southbridge Plaza......................................... 1882 Stickney Pt. Rd. The Oaks BBQ..........................................................................................6112 S. Tamiami Trail The Shop SRQ/GG......................................................................................6625 Gateway Ave. The Table Creekside................................................................................5365 S. Tamiami Trail Tony’s Chicago Dogs/GG........................................................................... 6569 Superior Ave. Word of Mouth/GG.....................................................................................6604 Gateway Ave. Interested in Distributing our Publication? Call 941-349-0194 NOTE: * Denotes availability first week of each month only.
Siesta Sand
APRIL 2018
Snapshots of Island Visitors Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography
Accommodations Locator Map
Rylen, Jevan, Collin, Lois, Kianna, Karson and Delvyn
F Siesta Key Inn F Siesta Palms by the Beach
© Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2017
APRIL 2018
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Siesta Dental Get the smile you’ve always wanted!
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Siesta Sand
APRIL 2018
Island Girl
This month’s Island Girl is Jessalyn of Boca Raton. An avid volleyball player, she had to skip this year’s Dig the Beach Volleyball Series as she was recovering from hip surgery. She visits Siesta Key Beach nearly every weekend during the summer. As you can imagine, she’s particularly fond of the volleyball courts. Her favorites include music by “xxxtentacion”, the movie “Hancock” and the book “Fifty Shades of Grey”. Along with her Exercise Science studies at Florida Atlantic University she loves working out and playing ping-pong.