IV Siesta Sand - April 2016

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APRIL 2016 | 941.349.0194 | ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC | www.SiestaSand.net | COMPLIMENTARY

BIG PASS DREDGING Presentation by Atkins to County Commissioners




Upbeat in the face of cancer page



Could 2016 Annual Siesta July 4 Fireworks be the last? By Roger Drouin

The Siesta Key Independence Day fireworks display, organized by the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce, has been an island tradition for the past 25 years. The first event was spurred as a tribute to the men and women who served in Desert Storm. But now event organizers say that the upcoming 2016 display could be the last, unless a fundraising effort results in enough sponsorships and partnerships. The uncertain future comes as organizers are shifting to a new approach to raising funds to pay for the roughly $45,000 cost to put on the fireworks display. During previous years, an annual July 4 VIP party was the “main donation raiser” for the fireworks, said Mark Smith, chair of the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce. On March 23, however, the chamber’s fireworks committee

opted to not hold the VIP party in 2016. Several factors lead to that decision. Last year, the cost to organize the VIP party increased by about $9,000, after county officials required extra precautions to protect the new, improved Siesta Key Public Beach. Those extra steps included additional barricades and breathable matting meant to ensure that the new grass and sprinkler system was not damaged, said Alana Tomasso, volunteer chair of the fireworks committee and general manager at Midnight Cove. “It is beautiful now,” Tomasso said of the upgraded Siesta Key Public Beach park. “We certainly didn’t want to do any harm to the new beach.” But the extra required steps came with a cost. Organizers also had to pay to rent chairs and tables, whereas in the past the event was held at pavilion picnic tables. In addition,

Photo Credit: Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce

a retention pond sits where the VIP party was held in the past, muddying the logistics for trying to put on the VIP party. “It is difficult to put on; the logistics at the beach are tough now,” Smith said. “Before it was easier.” “We needed to find a new model,” Smith told Siesta

Sand, “so we are shooting for sponsorships.” The consensus of organizers has been to make the fireworks “more of a community event, and not just a Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce event.” Continued on page 19

Couple file in 12th Circuit Court to overturn county’s denial of their proposal to build a dock on Siesta Key Circle Meet Keith Redding of Key Solutions Real Estate




Surrounded by water, the Pointe makes an impression page


SHERIFFS REPORT Sheriff’s report on the crimes reported on the Key



|County decision focused on inadequate room for two parking spaces, as required by zoning regulations, but Erika and Achim Ginsberg-Klemmt cite violation of state law and record-keeping standards as the basis for their action By Rachel Brown Hackney - SarasotaNewsLeader.com A Sarasota couple who lost an appeal late last year in an effort to build a dock on vacant property they own on Siesta Key have petitioned the 12th Judicial Circuit to review the decision and reject the denial. Erika and Achim GinsbergKlemmt filed the Writ of Certiorari on Feb. 24. County Attorney Stephen DeMarsh notified the county commissioners of the action on March 8, reminding them that in that action, they affirmed the decision of the county’s Water and Navigation Control Authority (WNCA) administrator. On Dec. 9, 2015, Howard Berna, the county’s environmental permitting manager, who also serves as the WNCA administrator, explained to the

board — sitting as the WNCA — that while the Ginsberg-Klemmts made technical adjustments in the dock plans to comply with county regulations, the site still did not have adequate room for the parking of two vehicles outside the public right of way, as required of a dock plan. He also cited errors in the survey the couple commissioned of their property, saying that the county’s own surveyor found the area of land that could be used for parking contained less than 400 square feet. The GinsbergKlemmts’ survey showed approximately 1,500 square feet is available; it was completed by Brigham Allen Land Surveying of Venice. Continued on page 36

A close-up aerial photo shows the location of the Ginsberg-Klemmt property (in blue) on Siesta Circle. County photo


Meet Cindi from Captain Curt’s page



See Page 21


Siesta Sand

APRIL 2016

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Sheriff’s Office personnel continuing to handle calls about complaints at Siesta Public Beach picnic shelters |A homeowners association board member of one Beach Road condominium complex across from the structures plans a petition drive to change county rules for Beach Road street parking in that vicinity By Rachel Brown Hackney - SarasotaNewsLeader.com

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The Crescent Royale condominium complex stands across Beach Road from Siesta Public Beach. Sarasota News Leader photo

In response to continuing complaints from condominium owners who live across Beach Road from parking spaces on the street that are parallel to Siesta Key Public Beach, Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office personnel have “been very pro-active” about checking on people using the picnic tables next to those spaces, Lt. Debra Kaspar of the Sheriff’s Office told members of the Siesta Key Village Association (SKVA) during their regular March meeting. “It’s going to be hard to work with their perception of what’s gong on and the reality of what’s going on,” Kaspar added, referring to residents. For example, the previous evening, she continued, deputies spoke with three people who had come up from the beach to the picnic area on the north end of the park. All were adults from Pennsylvania, she added. Often, calls the Sheriff’s Office


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receives about inappropriate activity at the picnic shelters reference inebriated juveniles, Kaspar told the SKVA members. Yet, when a deputy investigates the situations, she pointed out, “They’re not juveniles, and they’re not inebriated.” Sheriff’s deputies cannot insist that people using the shelters take Breathalyzer tests, Kaspar continued, “We can’t tell them to leave. We can’t ask for identification. [But] we’ve been very successful there in the past” in engaging people in conversation and asking them to move on. Nonetheless, she said of the residents, “I think they don’t want anybody [at the shelters after dark].” Kaspar stressed, “We’re just really trying to get the facts about what’s really going on there.” Paul Parr, owner of two rental units in the Sunset Royale condominium complex at 711

Beach Road, discussed with me after the SKVA meeting that the picnic shelters have “truly become the Siesta Key Village after hours No. 1 location now.” Parr was among seven speakers who addressed the Sarasota County Commission on Nov. 10 about late night noise and disruptions at the northern end of the beach park, saying the commotion has proved disturbing to Sunset Royale residents and those in the adjacent Crescent Royale condominiums, located at 777 Beach Road. Having come in after the SKVA session began, Parr missed hearing Kaspar’s remarks. “I don’t know what’s being embellished and what’s not,” he added. Nonetheless, Parr noted, “It evidently has gotten to the point where some of the [condominium] owners feel they are in an adversarial relationship with the Sheriff’s Office.” Continued on the next page


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APRIL 2016

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Continued from the previous page

Along with people being disruptive at the picnic shelters at night, he continued, “we’re getting a lot of [foot] traffic in our building now,” with people looking for restrooms. Several of the speakers at the Nov. 10 County Commission meeting complained about beachgoers urinating and defecating in public because restrooms in the beach park are not close to the Beach Road parking spaces. During her comments, Kaspar asked SKVA members to call her first if they have any questions about incidents reported to them. “What [people] say may be happening,” she added, “but let’s document it. So far, I don’t have that.” Michael Shay, president of the Siesta Key Association (SKA), reminded SKVA Vice President Mark Smith — who was presiding in the absence of President Wendall Jacobsen — that he and Smith had met with some of the residents of Crescent Royale and Sunset Royale about two months ago to discuss their complaints. Shay added that he spent about 20 minutes on the phone the previous night with a woman who lives in one of the complexes, noting that a Sarasota County employee had given the woman his number, the woman told him, after the woman tried unsuccessfully to reach a county commissioner. “There are some reasonable residents,” Kaspar pointed out. However, one woman has put comments Kaspar has made “in a different context,” Kaspar said. “You become part of the solution in order to take care of it,” Kaspar added. Shay had confirmed with Sarasota County Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources staff that “the beach, in theory, is open 24 hours [a day],” he said. “The parking lot … is only open till midnight.” The Beach Road spaces next to the beach park are also open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, Shay explained, and the picnic areas are always available. “Alcohol is OK [at the shelters, too], he noted. However, “a lot of those [condominium] units [in the vicinity of the picnic tables] are rentals,” he continued, “so, of course, the owners are getting complaints from their guests. As Lt. Kaspar said, it’s a touchy situation.” Kaspar told the SKVA members, “We just have to get the facts. … If something needs to be addressed, we’ll certainly address it there.”

TAC talk

During the November 10 County Commission discussion, commissioners suggested owners of units at Crescent Royale and Sunset Royale work through the county’s Traffic Advisory Council (TAC) to seek changes to the regulations for the Beach Road parking spaces next to the public beach park. During the TAC’s Dec. 14 session, Diane Hessler appeared during the public comments portion of the meeting to ask for help. Chair Ken Swartz recommended that she speak with John Sharp, the council’s county liaison who is an employee in the Traffic Engineering Department. After the March 1 SKVA meeting, Parr discussed with me that someone at Crescent Royale did start a petition initiative for TAC consideration but gave it up. “They felt they were getting nowhere,” he said. Sunset Royale’s homeowners association board — on which he serves — was scheduled to meet in March, he continued, so he planned to take up the matter then. “I am pushing them very hard to get this done,” he added of the TAC petition drive. In a telephone interview with the SNL, Sharp said of the Beach Road spots in question, “Parking is at a premium there.” He explained that because only residents can sign a petition required to bring a matter before the TAC, it can take some time to get the necessary signatures. Furthermore, he noted, the TAC meets only quarterly. The TAC Item Request Form, a copy of which Sharp provided the News Leader, asks for a description of a problem: “Please explain in detail why you are requesting this change.” It also seeks the attachment of maps or any other relevant materials. The form continues, “Any request to restrict on-street parking must show that parking of vehicles on public streets constitutes a hazard to vehicular traffic and impedes the safety of vehicular traffic.” A homeowners association (HOA) may submit a form, just as individuals may, the form says. In the case of an HOA-initiated effort, the form seeks a “petition supported by relevant HOA board meeting minutes.” “I am really going to work on this concept of the community,” Parr told the News Leader, referring to the condominium complexes close to the beach park.

Parking spaces on Beach Road parallel to the Siesta Public Beach Park are in the crosshairs of condo residents’ complaints. Sarasota News Leader photo

New picnic shelters on the northern end of the beach park draw partiers late at night, nearby condo residents say. Sarasota News Leader photo

Lt. Debra Kaspar and Capt. Charlie Thorpe of the Sheriff’s Office listen to discussion during the March Siesta Key Village Association meeting. Sarasota News Leader photo


Siesta Sand

APRIL 2016

941.349.0194 www.siestasand.net

County Commission Chair handles questions on a broad array of topics at the SKA annual meeting; the county formally gets an extension on closing the Siesta wastewater treatment plant By Rachel Brown Hackney - SarasotaNewsLeader.com No restrooms by the “wedding pavilion” at Siesta Public Beach; parking lot problems at Turtle Beach; and rampant development in downtown Sarasota: Questions about myriad topics were those Sarasota County Commission Chair Al Maio and County Administrator Tom Harmer fielded on March 5 after they made formal remarks during the Annual Breakfast Meeting of the Siesta Key Association (SKA). Carolyn Brown, director of the county’s Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Department, joined in a few times herself when she had ready answers. The very first query fired off to Maio in the Q&A session handled by SKA President Michael Shay focused on the restroom issue. A man in the audience of about 140 people told Maio those facilities are sorely needed when weddings take place on the northern end of the beach park. (County commissioners

cautioned staff against calling the shelter a “wedding pavilion” when planning was under way more than two years ago for the new park amenities.) “That makes complete sense,” Maio responded. “How do I argue with that. Here’s the dilemma: FEMA.” Maio was referring to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which has specific guidelines for how high off the ground the first floor of new construction must stand in a floodplain. “FEMA’s going to require [any restroom structure] to be way up in the air,” Maio continued. Add in the necessary ramps to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, he added, and “believe me, the cost of pipes and getting sewer there is the least of it.” As for portable restrooms: “This commissioner is not going to dot Siesta Beach with porta-

potties,” Maio said. “There’s no simple solution.” On a related issue, a woman in the audience asked whether restrooms will be added at Beach Access 7, where a cottage stands on the property. That was when Brown first came to Maio’s figurative rescue. “It all comes down to funding and then permitting,” Brown explained. When the county purchased adjacent parcels — including the cottage — several years ago, she said, plans called for restrooms. Parking has been expanded at the access, she pointed out, and county staff is considering plans for renovating the existing boardwalk. “Bathrooms are on the wish list. … Right now, there is no identified funding source for that.” In September 2010, a county staff report pointed out that the county purchased two parcels adjacent to Access 7 in 2007 and 2009, expanding the area by 3.7

acres. The goal was “to enhance public beach access, provide additional beach parking and preserve the viewshed toward the Gulf of Mexico,” the document says. When staff conducted a public meeting on Oct. 29, 2009 to gain comments about the future of the access, the report continues, the desire for a restroom was among the ideas expressed. On a different topic, Malcolm Lazin, who identified himself as a Philadelphia native, noted that he brought up concerns last year about the close proximity of a new residential structure to Midnight Pass Road; it is situated between Siesta Beach House and the Palm Bay Club. Maio’s subsequent research showed that it complied with county zoning regulations when the issue arose — that’s when the multi-family home was under construction, the SKA board “heard a lot of complaints,” and Maio received numerous

emails. “Everything seemed to be proper,” Shay added, in regard to the permitting process with the county. County records show a permit was issued on Aug. 8, 2014 for new construction on the site. During the March 5 SKA meeting, Lazin asked Maio to take a new look at the dwelling, “with that ugly fence and a couple of palm trees …” Michael Saunders & Co. has the property at 1136 Windsong Lane listed as a single-family home on 0.23 acres with an asking price of $2,450,000. The structure has six bedrooms and five baths with 4,778 square feet of living space, the real estate firm says. “Can we have a special zoning district along Midnight Pass Road … to protect it against now more developers with very valuable land wanting to build as close to Midnight Pass Road as possible?” Lazin added. Continued on the next page



APRIL 2016

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Continued from the previous page

underwater in past decades.) As for density in the city, Maio turned to Harmer, who explained that the county’s municipalities have their own rules and regulations, and the county does not interfere with them. The Vue project is in the City of Sarasota, Harmer noted. Therefore, the county has no say in that matter. Given the breadth of Lazin’s comments and questions, Shay drew some laughter when he told SKA Secretary Joyce Kouba to get the man an application, so Lazin could join the organization’s board. “I’m not that much of a masochist,” Lazin replied.

Although it is not officially a ‘wedding pavilion,’ this structure may be used for such ceremonies at Siesta Public Beach. News Leader photo

Wastewater treatment plant update

A county graphic shows a concept plan for Beach Access 7 unveiled in September 2012. County photo

Siesta residents have asked whether the county will put restrooms at some point in the cottage at Beach Access 7. News Leader photo

Furthermore, Lazin pointed to the “massive development that is happening” along U.S. 41 in downtown Sarasota, especially the Vue Sarasota Bay project at the intersection of Gulfstream Avenue and U.S. 41. “All of a sudden, it’s the specter of Tampa and the specter of Miami,” he pointed out and then suggested a building moratorium until current community residents figure out how much density they want. The Siesta Key Overlay District, which prohibits further density on the barrier island, already exists, Maio explained. An overlay of that district or a Critical Area Plan could be created to impose additional restrictions, Maio added. Still, because of stipulations

in the county’s Zoning Code, he said, “people can’t just willy-nilly put up anything.” Maio also noted that the County Commission in recent months turned down two proposals for development on Siesta Key. (One of those was a house planned at 162 Beach Road that has been

During the SKA Annual Breakfast Meeting on March 5, Commission Chair Maio noted that the wastewater treatment plant on the Key will be open a year longer than planned. Just three days later, as part of its Consent Agenda, the County Commission approved the second amendment to a consent order with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) that moves the shutdown of the facility’s treatment operations to June 18, 2018. The structure will serve as a master lift station, Maio told SKA members. The date in the amended consent order, the county memo notes, “coincides with the expiration of the existing operating permit for Siesta Key.” The reason for the delay is the time it is taking to implement “several large multiphase capital improvement projects … in an effort to install the infrastructure necessary to transfer the wastewater flow from … Siesta Key to existing facilities on the mainland,” the memo points out. Earlier this year, when staff was reviewing projected construction timetables, the memo continues — “as well as limitations within the County’s existing utility

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A street view of 1136 Windsong Lane shows the fence close to Midnight Pass Road. Image from Google Maps

wastewater collection system” — staff determined that it was not practical to decommission the Siesta Key Wastewater Treatment Facility by Dec. 31, 2016, which was FDEP’s deadline under the existing consent order. Staff in the county’s Public Works Department has kept FDEP “fully informed of the progress” on achieving the necessary milestones, the memo adds. As soon as staff realized it would not be possible to meet the Dec. 31 deadline, the memo notes, staff began discussing an extension with FDEP representatives. The County Commission accepted the original consent order on Jan. 11, 2011, the memo says. When that was signed, according to the order, the wastewater treatment plant was handling 2.7 million gallons per day, which —

after advanced treatment — was going into the Grand Canal and then into Sarasota Bay. FDEP found that the effluents were not meeting state standards regarding limits of specific chemicals, including phosphorous and chlorine.

Sarasota County will give a presentation on the new Waste Water Treatment plant Come to the April 7 Siesta Key Association meeting at 4:30 pm at St. Boniface Church on Siesta Key. Greg Rouse and Dave Cash from Sarasota County will give a PowerPoint presentation, along with the engineering consultant and other County staff from the project team to answer questions from residents.

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Siesta Sand

APRIL 2016

Financial Focus Now that spring has officially sprung, you might look around your home and decide it’s time for some sprucing up. But you don’t have to confine your efforts to your house and yard – you can also engage in a little “spring cleaning” in your investment portfolio. Here are a few suggestions for doing just that: • “Dust off” your investment strategy. Dusting is a big part of spring cleaning. Light fixtures, shelves, windowsills – they can all acquire layers of dust and grime that need to be whisked away. And if you’ve left your investment strategy unexamined for a long period, it too may need to be “dusted off” and re-evaluated. Over time, your financial goals, family situation and even risk tolerance can change, so it’s a good idea to review your overall strategy to make sure it’s still appropriate for your needs. • Get rid of “clutter.” Once you start tidying up your house, you might be surprised at all the “duplicates” you find – a broom in a bedroom, another broom in the laundry room, a third in the garage, and so on. Just as you

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|Give Your Investment Portfolio a “Spring Cleaning”

probably don’t need multiple brooms, so you may find that you have many versions of the same type of investment in your portfolio. If you own too many of the same investment, and a market downturn affects that particular asset, your portfolio could take a big hit. You may be better off by selling some of the too-similar investments and using the proceeds to diversify your holdings. (However, while diversification can reduce the impact of volatility on your portfolio, it can’t guarantee profits or protect against loss.) • Remove “stains” on your portfolio. As you clean your carpets and furniture, you might notice some stains that should be removed. And when you look through your portfolio, you might find some “stains” in the form of chronically underperforming investments. Instead of holding on to these vehicles with the hope that they will eventually turn around, you might consider selling them and using the proceeds to purchase new investments, which can help fill any gaps you may have in your holdings.

• Consolidate your accounts. Have you ever discovered a stapler in one drawer, a roll of tape in the linen closet and a bunch of marking pens on your desk? All these items may be useful, but for the sake of efficiency (and to cut down on frustrating searches), you might want to consolidate them in one place. And you could do something similar with your investments. Specifically, if you have some stocks here, a couple of certificates of deposits there, and some IRAs at still another place, you might consider consolidating them with one financial services provider. With all your investments in one place, you could possibly reduce the fees and paperwork associated with maintaining your accounts. And when you eventually start taking withdrawals from your IRA and 401(k), you may find it easier to calculate these required distributions if they’re coming from just one place. But just as importantly, when you consolidate your investments with one provider, you may find it easier to follow a single, unified investment strategy. So, there you have them – some

spring-cleaning ideas to help you update and energize your investment portfolio. And you won’t even need a dustpan.

Joe St.Onge, ChFC® Financial Advisor Edward Jones Investments 5112 Ocean Blvd. Siesta Key, FL 34242 (941)-346-0560 phone (941)-320-4030 mobile Joe.StOnge@edwardjones.com This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.


In a story that ran in last month’s Siesta Sand recounting county efforts to retrieve debris blown into the Intracoastal Waterway by the January tornado that swept through the Excelsior Condominium complex, we ended the piece with three paragraphs under the heading “Building Department Update: Permitting Process Continues.” That update stated the following: “The Excelsior (will be) required to provide the county building department with an engineering analysis of the damage to the two structures on the property most heavily damaged by the storm: building five near the bay and the gulf front building on the opposite side of Midnight Pass Road. Permits will not be granted for final repairs to the buildings until that analysis has been received, reviewed and approved by the county.” That required engineering analysis only affects the status of the ‘final’ repair permit at the Excelsior. Other preliminary and temporary permits have been granted related to electrical, plumbing and other repairs at the complex, mostly to address the less severe damage to the gulf front building that did not lose its roof. Siesta Sand regrets any confusion that may have arisen from our reporting. -Editor



Upbeat In The Face Of Cancer

APRIL 2016

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


By Diana Colson

Jack and Jill Late Stage helps them create treasured Cancer Foundation (JAJF) is an family time together. Two inspirational organization. powerful mantras of the Its founder, Jon Albert, lives organization are: The best part right here on Siesta Key. of memories is making them;and In 2010, Jon was honored memories become our greatest as the Humanitarian of the inheritance. Year. In 2011 he received The purpose, spirit and the Avis National Spirit importance of JAJF is award at Yankee Stadium. captured in their stunning In 2015, he was the recipient annual report. JAJF of U.S. Travel’s National Benefactors are all members Inspiration Award. of The WOW! Society. Each Jon was motivated to year, each Benefactor receives establish JAJF in 2006 after his or her own Smile Book… Jon Albert, Founder of Jack and losing his wife, Jill to cancer. Jill Late Stage Cancer Foundation aka the Annual Report. The (JAJF) She was just 45, while their WOW! SOCIETY®-- is an children, Jake and Jamie, opportunity for individual were only 11 and 13. Through this heart- or corporate Benefactors to adopt their own wrenching experience, Jon realized the sweet, young late stage families by funding power and importance of creating positive, their prescribed timeout…their WOW! cherished, lasting memories as a family Experience®. This is an opportunity to invest while there is time together; good, fun times in JAJF. There is no black hole. Society near the end which kids will truly treasure Members can meet their families; they will throughout their lives. experience their sheer gratitude, joy and Children facing the imminent loss of their relief. Payback is inherent in the smiles. young Mom or Dad to cancer are the ones Jack and Jill Late Stage Cancer Foundation being served by JAJF. For a ten year old to has provided WOWs! to thousands of lose her Mom; or a fifteen year old to lose children and their young Moms and Dads his Dad, these kids are losing their heroes…. across the United States over the past decade. their security blankets at such a vulnerable They are celebrating their 10th anniversary age. Through this remarkable, one of a kind of treating the families; not the cancer. non-profit, the family is given a prescribed JAJF is supported by and dependent timeout from cancer, time to get away, play on individual financial donors as well as together and build beautiful, indispensable corporate in-kind partners. Late stage cancer turns the entire family’s memories…while they can. These fabulous, all-expense paid trips are called WOW! life upside down. Those who support JAJF Experiences® and last typically 4-5 days. with their donations appreciate: • Cancer does not just strike the Mom or However, the photographs and recollections are diamonds that last forever. JAJF provides Dad; it strikes their children as well. • Life does not end with a diagnosis each family a beautiful family photo album • Children and families together deserve and family portrait upon their return. You can’t create memories with Mom or capture a timeout to experience--to feel--to capture positive, fun time together, gathering lasting pictures with Dad once they are gone. JAJF treats families who have children memories while they can. under the age of 18. It is the only organization Children AND parents both benefit of its kind serving kids who are about to measurably from receiving a break together. lose a parent to cancer, a parent who won’t For one shining moment over the course of be saved by the next wonder drug, trial several days, the focus is on the family, not or hope for a cure. JAJF takes this young, the terminal illness. Oncologists believe their overlooked population under its wing and patients benefit when—together with their

families— they experience beaches, sunsets, sports, music, roller coasters, dude ranches and FUN, all part of JAJF’s program. As a result, oncologists prescribe JAJF as part of their treatment protocol for patient, caregiving spouse, and children. It is a getaway from the reality of cancer, and JAJF provides just what the doctor ordered! Oncologists validate the medicinal impact of laughter and smiles. Jon Albert says: ”The way the national Oncology community has embraced JAJF is humbling.” Many young late-stage families from the Sarasota community and surrounding areas have been prescribed JAJF by Florida Cancer Specialists and Moffitt. Families choose between various vacation options that often include places like Nashville, the Caribbean, Colorado, Wyoming, Alaska, Sarasota, and other fabulous destinations. One family went on all-expense trip to St. Johns, while another selected a Dude Ranch in Southern Arizona. Other Floridians have opted for nearby expeditions such Naples or Amelia Island. Late-stage families from across the United States have been brought right here to our town. In Sarasota, there are several WOW! in-kind partners: The Hyatt Siesta Key, The Hyatt Downtown, The Ritz Carlton and the Longboat Key Club have all enthusiastically hosted families in the past and will continue to do so. “Their goodwill, compassion and hospitality is admirable,” says Jon. At these and other fabulous resorts, the family is given a time and place to smile, to laugh, and to create indelible memories. Their chance to play together might be short, but the quality of the experience is forever. It provides a priceless break from the battle with cancer. In the recent words of a 34 year old Dad of two young boys, a father with late stage colon cancer: “JAJF is doing what no doctor or drug will ever be able to do.” In acknowledgement of its amazing work, the Jack and Jill Late Stage Cancer Foundation has been featured as the cover story on CBS Sunday Morning with Charles Osgood, twice on the TODAY Show—including just a few weeks ago, NBC’s Sunday Night Football

Dow Family At Hyatt Siesta Key

Baker Family At Longboat Key Club

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(the #1 rated show on TV) and twice profiled by Sanjay Gupta. The clips and cover stories in the Wall St. Journal and USA Today may be viewed on the JAJF website. To learn more, or to become part of the WOW! Society, go to www.JAJF.com. JAJF is a national 501(c)(3) non-profit. Northern Trust is their depository partner and has partnered with JAJF since the beginning.. (Next month, SIESTA SAND will cover a related business, Hurry Up and Live!, a local lifestyle company supporting late stage cancer families.)

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Siesta Sand

APRIL 2016

941.349.0194 www.siestasand.net

Siesta Key Round-Up By Rachel Brown Hackney - SarasotaNewsLeader.com Some signage, please

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Spring is upon us along with plant pollen. Live Oak and its yellowish pollen is the most visible. This year it is joined by Red Tide.

At Palmer Ranch Dental, we are noticing a definite increase in vague but very uncomfortable tooth pain especially in the upper back teeth. Even careful examination usually can’t localize the pain to specific teeth or another oral area. In the absence of a definite oral problem we try to rule out some sort of sinus issue. Since the roots of the upper back teeth are close to sinus areas, inflammation or infection of the sinus can mimic tooth discomfort. Often we recommend that patients take their usual antihistamine medication to see if this helps. Not all mouth discomfort comes from teeth, but diagnosis of oral discomfort begins with your dentist. Remember, it’s easier and far less costly to prevent oral disease than to treat it. It’s up to you!

Palmer Ranch Dental 8800 S. Tamiami Trail Sarasota, Florida 34238


As discussion ensued among Siesta Key Village Association (SKVA) members about traffic and parking issues related to Siesta Public Beach, Secretary Helene Hyland said, “I’m still concerned about some signage or light post or flasher” to make the end of a median near the beach entrance more visible to traffic. She pointed out that the southbound lane of Beach Road curves around that median. “It’s very dangerous at night,” she added. Someone has put up a yellow post, she noted, but it has no reflector on it. Lt. Debra Kaspar of the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office responded that it was her understanding that the team in charge of the beach park renovations scaled back the original design of the median because of concerns about traffic. The narrowing of the road around the median — which Hyland likened to a “finger” sticking out into traffic — is the problem, Hyland said. “You’re driving straight, and they changed it with the upgrades [so] all of a sudden, the road bears in essence to the right,” Siesta Key Association (SKA) President Michael Shay explained. If a driver is not paying careful attention, Shay continued, “you may go up on [the median at that spot],” especially at night. Kaspar promised to look into the situation. The end of the median needs to be much more visible, Hyland stressed.

Keeping the Village beautiful

During his report at the March SKVA meeting, Michael Shay — who also serves as the liaison between the SKVA and the Siesta Key Village Maintenance Corp. — reported that the annual power washing had been completed, and new mulch had been added to the plant beds. “So we’re chugging along. We’ve had no issues — till right this second,” he added, looking at Kay Kouvatsos, coowner of Village Café. Kouvatsos pointed out a problem with the sprinklers in front of the restaurant: “Some of them pop up and [some] don’t pop up,” she said. “[The system] floods

Island median on Beach Road with yellow marker

the sidewalk about a quarter to 9 in the morning.” Shay replied that the Village irrigation system has been turned off, so the sprinkler heads to which she was referring belong to Siesta Center, where Village Café is located. “I did call the management company [for the complex] about six weeks ago and let them know they had a leak,” he noted. Siesta Center has a maintenance person who is supposed to be available on the property, Shay continued, or at least “[that] is what I was told.” As for other matters related to Village upkeep, he said, “Everything seems to be running very well,” except that some of the streetlights “are going out a little more often than normal,” he continued. An electrical issue has been discovered with No. 15 by Davidson’s Plaza, he said, so an electrician will be working on that one. “Not No. 15!” Hyland responded teasingly, prompting Shay’s acknowledgement that it is across the street from her Coldwell Banker office.

Lockers at the beach?

At the end of the March SKVA meeting, Kay Kouvatsos of Village Café brought up a question that a customer had asked her: Is it possible that the county might install lockers at Siesta Public Beach? SKA President Michael Shay suggested she get in touch with Carolyn Brown, director of the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Department for the county, or George Tatge, a Parks Department manager.

Having lockers for visitors to store items while they go out on the beach might prevent a lot of thefts, Kouvatsos added, noting that she was referring to the type of equipment that allows a person to put in a coin and then remove the key, which could be pinned to a swimsuit. Lt. Debra Kaspar of the Sheriff’s Office reminded the SKVA members that the safest option for visitors is to lock all of their valuables in their vehicles before heading to the shore. Later that day, I posed the question of lockers to Carolyn Brown. “That concern never came up, to my knowledge,” during any of the public meetings held about the design of the renovations at the beach park, she said, though she noted she did not attend the earliest meetings. (John McCarthy, her predecessor, was still heading up the department when the discussions began.) Brown did note that most lockers are made of metal, which raises the question of their longevity in the salt-air environment near the water. “And where would they go” is the next question, she pointed out. The restrooms probably do not have enough space to accommodate them, she added.

SKA sells out annual breakfast meeting

The Siesta Key Association (SKA) marked a milestone on March 5: For the first time ever, the organization sold out its annual members’ breakfast meeting. Continued on the next page



APRIL 2016

always room to learn things.” He added, “I am absolutely infatuated with this deal I just heard about — that before you run for re-election, you get in, and there’s printed material already saying [you have been elected].” He drew plenty of laughter with that comment.

first Thursday of the month at 4:30pm, St. Boniface Church, 5615 Midnight Pass Road on Siesta Key. “Like” us on Facebook!

A message from the Siesta Key Association

For those that have enjoyed the cuts and comradery at The Village Barber over the years, you can still continue to see Scott at his new location. Back in July Scott Reich announced moving out of the Village and off the Key. Reich and his stepfather Pete Sparks had been servicing patrons in the Village for the past 20 years. The Siesta Center was sold and the new ownership of the Ocean Blvd building wasn’t quite meeting up to expectations he and Sparks had of the new landlord. Sparks announced his retirement and Reich announced a move to The Shop SRQ at 6625 Gateway Ave. in Gulf Gate. You can reach Scott Reich at 941-346-0222. His hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tues – Fri, and Sat from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. www.SiestaKeyBarbershop.com

Siesta Key Association counts on your continued support and your input on issues affecting the quality of life in our island community. SKA advocates for all property owners to maintain and improve Siesta Key’s environment, safety, and the natural beauty we all enjoy. We petition county government for services commensurate with our island’s tax contribution. Annual member dues are $30 per year. You can now register, update your membership profile, and make payment online by going to www. siestakeyassociation.com. Please provide your email address if you have one and you will be included in SKA email communications. We look forward to seeing you at our monthly meetings held the


Snapshots of Island Visitors

Continued from the previous page

That was the announcement President Michael Shay made at the conclusion of the session, held on Saturday, March 5, at St. Boniface Episcopal Church. Board member Beverly Arias stated that 128 people registered, and 18 guests were expected. It appeared one table remained vacant, but that still would have put about 140 in the Community Room at St. Boniface. As usual, Shay’s sense of humor was on display during the event. After Secretary Joyce Kouba — who heads up the Nominating Committee — introduced the officers and directors for the next year, Shay noted that she had given him a hard time because the programs for the meeting named all those people, though the official vote on the officers did not take place until that morning, before the breakfast gathering. Shay said he told Kouba, “‘There was no other choice,’” given the need to have the programs ready. When Sarasota County Commissioner Al Maio took his place at the podium for remarks, he pointed out that has been in office about 15 months, and “there’s

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography

NOTICE: Looking for the Village Barber?

Above: Leigh, Meredith 11, Maryn age 10, Lindsay from Jacksonville. Right: Kayla (3) and Tim from Chicago

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APRIL 2016

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Siesta Key Round-Up

Timeline for completion of the Stickney Point bridge renovation

MONTHLY MEETING Thursday, April 7 • 4:30 PM St. Boniface Church Parish Hall 5615 Midnight Pass Road

Speaker: David A. Cash

Sarasota Cty. Government, Water/Wastewater Division Mgr.

Topic: Update on the Decommission of Siesta Key’s Wastewater site

public is always welcome with questions for our guests.

By Bob Stein

New Membership Director

The Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce welcomes Suzanne Roberge as their new Membership Director. Suzanne hails from New Hope, Pennsylvania. She graduated from Emerson College in Boston with a degree in Communications and has professional experience in public relations, radio, membership sales, and event planning. People have often told her she should work for a Chamber of Commerce because of her community and business involvement in such places as Martha’s Vineyard, New Orleans, San Francisco, and Nashville. So, now’s her chance! Please stop by the Chamber office and say hello or give her a call for a personal meeting.

The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) estimates completion of repairs to the bridge on May 31, 2016. Functional Checkout of all new equipment ran in the beginning of March. The contract has now shifted over to a 60-day burn in period where the contractor is obligated to repair or replace anything that goes wrong during that period. If nothing major goes wrong, the project should wrap up at the end of May.

Save the date; Siesta Fiesta

The annual Siesta Fiesta taking place in the Siesta Key Village is set for April 9 and 10, 2016, from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. both days. Ocean Blvd will not be closed as in past years. The vendor setup for this year’s event will mirror the February’s Craft Fair, with booths lining the sidewalks so traffic can access Village businesses. This open air arts & craft fair has hundreds of vendors and food stands. You’ll find plenty of creative paintings, metal and wood creations, jewelry, sculptures, photography and so much more from artists around the country.

Special Events on Siesta Key

• 30th annual run for the turtles will take place on April 2, 7-9:00am It’s time to dust off those running shoes and get ready for the 30th Annual Run for the Turtles which will take place on April 2, from 7 – 9 a.m. The Run supports sea turtle conservation and research at Mote Marine Laboratory and is the Sea Turtle Conservation Program’s major fundraiser — here’s your chance to support this worthwhile effort. The event is happening at Siesta Key Public Beach, 948 Beach Road. The registration fees are Adults: $35 On Race Day: Registration begins 6:30 a.m. at the Siesta Key Gazebo, south of the pavilion. The 1-Mile Fun Run or Walk begins at 7:30 a.m. and the 5K Manasota Track ClubSanctioned Run begins at 8 a.m. For more info: Contact Paula Clark, (941) 388-4441, ext. 357 or pclark@mote.org • 7th Annual Women’s Collegiate Volleyball Tournament; April 8 10, Fri (Noon – 6pm; Sat & Sun- all day)

The Fiesta on Siesta Key, the largest collegiate sand volleyball competition in the U.S., returns for its seventh year to Siesta Key, FL, on April 8-10, 2016. David Carstenson, Event and Competition Director and founder of the event, comments, “Now that the NCAA has made Beach Volleyball an official sport (number 90 for NCAA), dual competition will be the main focus of this event. The National Championships, held in Gulf Shores, is being conducted for the first time under the NCAA, who will be watching this event for results.” The format for the 2016 Fiesta on Siesta Key will differ from past years. FIU, FSU and other institutions that have added Beach Volleyball programs are lining up to compete. “The Fiesta will be a threeday event, with Sand Volleyball programs participating to fulfill their NCAA Sand scheduling requirements,” says Carstenson. “We have added to the mix a smallcollege National Championship with D2 schools such as Eckerd along with D3 schools and NAIA.” Schools will also compete in a one-day format in pool play, with the players from some D1 schools mixing with D2 and NAIA schools. State colleges will again be playing match-play to highlight their players. USA Volleyball will also hold its Florida tryouts for the National HP program on Saturday. Players in the top five spots from participating beach volleyball programs will compete in true NCAA competition on all three days in April. See www.fiestaonsiestakey. com for more info or contact Dave Cartenson, 727-639-3905 • Sunset Moonlight Movie Series - April 23 Enjoy a family night of fun with your toes in the sand and under the stars on beautiful Siesta Key Public Beach, near the main pavilion beginning at sunset with a FREE screening of the Disney movie: Wall-E. FREE popcorn will be offered, but remember to bring your own blankets and chairs. Rain date: April 30. For more information contact the Sarasota County Call Center at 941-861-5000 and ask about the April Moonlight Movie Series. For additional events on Siesta Key see page 30

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1211 Old Stickney Point Rd., Siesta Key, FL 34242 (corner of Stickney Pt. and Midnight Pass Rd.)



APRIL 2016

Andrew Monroe Memorial Scholarship Recipients

During the RHS Soccer Awards ceremony held February 29th at the RHS Performing Arts Auditorium $3,500 of the Annual Andrew Monroe Memorial Scholarship 5K funds were distributed to eight recipients. An essay was submitted by each applicant on how they themselves emulated some of the traits that

defined Andrew during his life. Recipients are from left to right: Chris Mercandetti, Addison Smith, Dana Berkowitz, Ali Goodwin, Stacey Monroe, Samuel Monroe, Alexandra Timmer, Jordan Evens, Gabrielle Levy, Felipe Rojas. The Andrew Monroe Memorial Scholarship fund was started

by his parents after his loss in a tragic automobile accident back on March 13, 2011. Each year in January, a 5K Walk/ Run takes place on Siesta Key Beach. For more information, please visit their website: www.andrewmonroe.com.

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Abel’s Ice Cream at VW Hope in a Back Pack Fundraiser

Abel’s Ice Cream has a wonderful reputation of bringing smiles to their customers’ faces with their fantastic array of tasty treats. Another way Jerry and Jill Williams, the owners of Abel’s Ice Cream, enjoy bringing smiles is with their donation of time and delicious ice cream to the VW Hope in a Backpack program, now in its fifth successful year. The program provides food for lower income children during weekends and holidays, when they don’t have access to school lunches. “Being part of the community, and this particular outreach, is very special to us,” said Jerry Williams. “We are pleased that the families of the Village Walk Community on Palmer Ranch continue to allow Abel’s to participate in this fundraiser.” Sharon Lee Leber, Founder and Event Coordinator, thanked Abel’s for “helping make our event successful, as everyone always enjoys Abel’s Ice Cream.” Abel’s Ice Cream was on hand to serve everyone their top sellers including Stellar Coffee, (Rich Coffee ice cream with delicious fudge & mini dark chocolate coffee cups), and Raspberry Truffle, (Raspberry ice cream with raspberry ribbon & dark chocolate raspberry cups), and received rave reviews throughout the evening. When you happen by the store for a cup, cone, or shake, check out the new painting (pictured here), created by a local high school student, and won by Jill at the event’s silent auction. Abel’s Ice Cream is located at 1886 Stickney Point Road, 921-5700. Learn more about Abel’s Ice Cream online at www.abelsicecream.com and connect with them on Facebook and Twitter.

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12 Siesta Sand

APRIL 2016

941.349.0194 www.siestasand.net

Focus on Facials at Massage Experience, Siesta Key Looking and feeling younger is on the minds of most everyone today. At Massage Experience we make it easy and enjoyable to do just that. We offer a variety of facials that not only pamper and feel good but provide immediate, lasting results. Facials are not only pampering, they are essential in maintaining your skin’s health. Educating her clients is a top priority for Connie Lewis LMT/ Aesthetician, and Spa Director (MA00017596/MM0006727). You will not only leave with a brighter healthier complexion but with tools and products to maintain your glowing appearance at home. What exactly is a facial? What happens during the treatment and what can I expect afterwards? No matter what type of facial you choose, you can expect a thorough yet very gentle enzyme fruit peel. The peel gently dissolves any oils, dirt and leftover make-up and takes away surface black heads. Enzymo Spherides peeling cream uses the powerful ingredients found in nature and is organic as is all Pevonia products.

Pineapple and Papaya enzymes combined with essential oils of lemon and arnica are powerful yet gently yielding with stunning results each time. A brighter, cleaner complexion is revealed after just this first step. After a thorough cleansing, toning and facial examination to identify any special areas of concern, a highly concentrated serum is then utilized before the specialty mask is artfully applied. Head, neck and shoulder massage is included with every facial. Some treatments include a full body massage during the time the mask is setting. Extractions are included if needed. The facials are therapuetic and blissfully relaxing. Detailed explanations of the products used and their benefits are discussed and offered if the client would like to keep the benefits of personally recommended products at home.

Specialty Facials include antiaging, facial sculpting, Rosacea and calming facials, and spa teen facials. Facial treatments at Massage Experience, Siesta Key

are always pampering and relaxing. Immediate visible results are guaranteed. Leave feeling and looking great! Massage Experience, Siesta Key is the island’s only boutique day spa. The spa offers the area’s only micro current antiaging facial treatment. This very luxurious, pampering results driven facial actually lifts, tones and tightens the muscles of the face. The collagen is stimulated and the results are immediately

visible. If you have received facial injections, this treatment will help maintain your lift inbetween. The machine uses a painless radio frequency wave that induces a deep state of relaxation making this a very relaxing experience. Results are seen after one treatment but the greatest results are seen after just one session. Massage Experience, Siesta Key est. 1996 offers a wide array of massage therapy services by the area’s most experienced therapist. Everyone on staff has a minimum of 10 years of experience and specialties include pre-natal, neuromuscular, hot stone and pampering Swedish massages. They are open 7-days-a-week in Season and 6-days-a-week year round. Appointments may be made online at www.MassageExperienceSK. com or by calling 941-349-4833. Massage Experience Siesta Key is located at 5138-A Ocean Blvd, Davidson’s Plaza in the Village. (Advertorial)



Sheriff’s Report

APRIL 2016

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Feb. 14 – March 22, 2016

There were a total of 51 crimes reported on the Key from 2/14-3/22/16 seat. An officer was 2/24/16 interviewing a passenger Grand Theft in front of the defendant’s 5900 Block vehicle when he smelled Midnight Pass Rd the distinct odor of

A condominium security guard contacted a man, approximately 75 years old, loading brick pavers from the rear of the condominium into his vehicle. When the guard asked the man what he was doing, the man replied, “building a patio” and drove away. The guard believes this man may be the same suspect responsible for thefts of other items and pavers during the last couple of weeks.

2/27/16 Grand Theft 6400 Block Midnight Pass Rd.

A man filed a report regarding a theft. His truck was unattended at beach access #12 between the hours of 4:30-5:30 p.m. During this time an unknown subject stole the “Liquid Force” kite board that was in the bed of the pickup truck. It was valued at $1000.

2/28/16 Theft 5200 Block Ocean Blvd. A village bar patron reported that on the prior evening he had laid his jacket over his chair at the bar while he headed out to the dance floor. When he returned to his chair, his jacket along with all of his belongings in the jacket pockets, were gone. The man stated that a bouncer had later found his jacket in the restroom and returned it to him. The patron’s pockets had contained $150 in currency as well as a Louis Vuitton bi fold wallet valued at $120. The security camera system at the establishment was not working at the time of the theft and there were no witnesses.

3/2/16 Stolen Vehicle 5200 Block Ocean Blvd

A woman reported her 2007 green Kia Sportage, was stolen from the parking lot behind a village bar. She stated that she had parked the car in the lot at approximately 11p.m. The windows were up and the doors were locked. When she returned at around 12:30 a.m., the

car was gone. Inside the car was her purse, which contained $70 in cash, her driver’s license and her phone. The victim said she still had the only set of keys for the car. There were no reports of the car being towed from this location. A BOLO was issued. There is no suspect information.

3/10/16 Burglary Residence 100 Block Columbus Blvd

A man arrived at his rental property to discover damage to his unit as well as evidence that one or more people have been living at the unit for up to three days. The man stated that no one had rented the property during this timeframe. A wood screen door was lying on the ground, broken in pieces. The sliding glass door had been tampered with and a broken screwdriver was found on the floor beside it. The complainant found one or more beds had been slept in and there were dirty cereal bowls in the sink. Garbage was strewn about the yard near the hot tub. The man had no suspects but did state his residence had also been burglarized last year during Spring Break. Estimated damage to the screen door was $250 and $125 for the sliding door.

3/13/16 Possession of a Controlled Substance (Hash Oil)/Felony, Possession of Cannabis (under 20 grams) / Misdemeanor 5200 Block Ocean Blvd

An eighteen-year-old man was arrested after an investigation related to a traffic accident revealed narcotics hidden under the driver’s

marijuana emanating from the car. After a brief investigation, the defendant admitted that there was approximately 10 grams of marijuana located under the driver’s seat. The officer was able to find a black pouch containing a digital scale, 13.2 grams of marijuana, and 2.6 grams of hash oil (also known as Dab).

3/14/16 Petit Theft 5000 Block Ocean Blvd

The clerk of a Village convenience store reported a theft. She stated that five subjects between the ages of 17-20 entered the store. Several of the subjects attempted to distract her while one stole 15 toquito food items and 9 hot dogs from the grill, all valued at $29.31. The clerk explained that the suspect put all of the items in his pocket before leaving the store. The description of the suspects also matched the subjects who entered a Village clothing store and shoplifted items from there, as well. One of the suspects, a seventeen-year-old male was later apprehended and released to his legal guardian after signing a civil court citation and agreeing to contact the court within 10 days.

3/15/16 Burglary- Vehicle 700 Block Siesta Key Circle

A man reported that sometime between 3/8-3/15, an unknown suspect entered his yacht and took multiple items. The 2002 54ft Bay Liner was docked behind his home. The complainant believes the yacht was locked, but there was no sign of forced entry. A crow bar and a rubber glove were found in the living quarters. The man’s rod and reels were taken, as well as some scuba equipment, a TV and a sheet set. The value of the missing items was more than $3700.

Designed to Appeal to Residents And Visitors Alike! Come Visit Us!

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APRIL 2016

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News Up & Down the Trail Home builder announces Senate bid

The race to replace U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio just got more crowded. Manatee County developer Carlos Beruff confirmed through a campaign video released on Youtube recently that he will run for the senate seat to be vacated by Rubio, joining a field that already included four congressman, a business executive and the state’s lieutenant governor. The move made him the first Senate candidate from Southwest Florida since the failed 2006 bid of former congresswoman Katherine Harris. The Republican field for the U.S. Senate already includes Lt. Gov. Carlos Lopez-Cantera, U.S. Reps. Ron DeSantis and David Jolly, and businessman Todd Wilcox. The Democratic field includes U.S. Reps. Patrick Murphy and Alan Grayson.

Food Truck ordinance delayed to May 5

When it comes to food truck

regulation, unincorporated Sarasota County is more restrictive than the city, but that could change in the next few months. At county staff’s request, the Sarasota County Planning Commission agreed Feb. 18 to continue the matter of a new food truck ordinance until May 5. At the Feb. 18 Planning Commission meeting, county staff told planning commission members that staff was seeking a continuance on the new county food truck ordinance. The Planning Commission voted unanimously to approve the request for the continuance. The May 5 session would be held in Sarasota. Back on Oct. 27, 2015, county Zoning Administrator Donna Thompson won unanimous approval from the County Commission to schedule a public hearing on a revised ordinance that would provide more flexibility for food truck operations. During that session, she cautioned the board that it was unknown how long it would take to reach that point, because Thompson was still working with interested parties to finalize the ordinance’s language. Among the stakeholders are the SRQ Food Truck Alliance — made up of 20 mobile vendors operating throughout the region— restaurant owners and representatives of the hospitality industry and chambers of commerce. The latter three groups had seen the draft she brought before the board that day, she added. Currently, the county confines vendors’ carts to 10 feet by 20 feet and four wheels, according to the county’s municipal code, and mandates they operate at least 800 feet from an established restaurant and 750 feet from another mobile vendor. Proponents say food trucks offer culinary options for residents and vacationers, yet don’t compete with established restaurants, because they offer limited seating and a strictly outdoors setting. Opponents of food trucks cite concerns about cleanliness, unfair competition with nearby restaurants, aesthetics and pedestrian safety in arguments against mobile street vendors. Last year, the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce and two

By Roger Drouin other island organizations fought a food-truck permit application in the Village, citing those concerns.

County Wins Keep America Beautiful Award

Keep Sarasota County Beautiful received the 2015 Keep America Beautiful President’s Circle Award at Keep America Beautiful’s recent national conference in Orlando. The award recognizes exemplary performance made by certified affiliates of the national nonprofit in creating clean, green and beautiful communities.

Developer buys abandoned golf course

Mattamy Homes, a Canadian developer, has purchased an abandoned Sarasota golf course. If built, the project would continue the local trend of golf greens that are slated for or have become residential developments. The Canadian homebuilder purchased the closed, 115-acre Sunrise Golf Club for $14.3 million last month. The abandoned course is located southeast of the Clark Road and I-75 interchange. The course has been closed for more than a decade. The clubhouse, long boarded up, was recently torn down. Mattamy Homes has partnered with Sarasota-based Vanguard Land Ventures to redevelop the property.

New hotel approved near airport

A proposed Home 2 Suites by Hilton hotel would add 110 rooms in the vicinity of the SarasotaBradenton International Airport. Last month, the Manatee County Commission unanimously approved Excel Sarasota’s plan to construct the four-story hotel on the front portion of a five-acre site on the west side of U.S. 41 that already has a 115-room Hilton Garden Inn. Tourism officials in Sarasota and Manatee counties have repeatedly said the region needs more hotel rooms, especially when sports venues such as Nathan Benderson Park, IMG Academy and Premier Sports Campus have special tournaments and other events. Continued on the next page



APRIL 2016

The Clydesdales were back ushering in Spring Break 2016 here on the Key. Photo Courtesy: Maura Thompson

Continued from the previous page

Hyatt Place at Lakewood Ranch breaks ground

Another hotel, the Hyatt Place Lakewood Ranch, is slated to open to guests in January. The developer, Floridays Development Co., broke ground on the project March 9. The five-floor, 122-room hotel at 6021 Exchange Way will overlook Interstate 75 near the intersection of University Parkway. The Hyatt Place Lakewood Ranch is expected to attract a crowd of business and sports-related travelers, with its location near Nathan Benderson Rowing Park, the Sarasota Polo Club and the corporate centers in the area. The 75,000 square foot hotel is slated to open as early as January. The hotel will feature a restaurant and bar as well as an outdoor pool area with a bar, cabanas and fire pits. Floridays also has construction underway downtown on Hotel Sarasota. The boutique-style hotel, which is near the Palm Avenue Garage, should be open to guests this time next year.

Mojo’s opens in Lakewood Ranch

Mojo’s Real Cuban hosted a Cuban-style ribbon-cutting and grand opening event last month. The restaurant is being marketed as “a taste of Old Cuba with a modern twist.”

Sarasota County OK’s seed money for UF program

The distance between University of Florida and Sarasota just narrowed. Over the next five years, Sarasota County will pay $1 million to fund

an academic partnership with the University that supporters say could transform the local economy. On March 18, the Sarasota County Commission approved the $1 million in seed money to start an outreach program with the University’s College of Engineering. County commissioners approved the partnership open an “Innovation Station,” in which the school’s Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering can partner with local schools and businesses in an ambitious economic development initiative. The funds will help pay for office space and three employees. The “Innovation Station Sarasota County” will be an engineering tech center designed to encourage local students into UF’s engineering program, provide internships and support start-up businesses. The program will be the first physical extension of UF’s Florida Engineering Experiment Station (FLEXStation), affording businesses and entrepreneurs unprecedented access to tech workforce talent, applied research, faculty and intellectual property. “The University of Florida is grateful for the opportunity to share its resources and talents,” UF President Kent Fuchs said in a news release from the University. “Economic and workforce development are among our highest priorities, and we are pleased to be a partner in building an even brighter future for the residents, business owners and entrepreneurs of Sarasota County.” “This is a major investment in our economic future as a region,” Sarasota County Commission Chairman Alan Maio said in the release.

Unemployment rate shows slight increase

Unemployment in Southwest Florida increased in January from the previous month, but the rate remained well below year-ago levels. The combined jobless rate in Sarasota, Manatee and Charlotte counties reached 4.9 percent to start the new year, up from 4.5 percent in December and likely reflecting post-holiday layoffs of seasonal workers. But the rate was under the 5.7 percent posted a year earlier, as the region added 9,300 jobs in a variety of industries over the past 12 months, data recently released by the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity showed. The three-county region also beat the Florida unemployment rate of 5 percent, which was down from 5.1 percent in December and from 5.7 percent one year earlier.

Harbor Acres home tops $5 million

A 1950 house at 1201 Hillview Drive in Sarasota’s Harbor Acres sold in March at $5.25 million, a sale that came out to $1,406 a square foot. Most of the value is in the land for this home that looks out on bay waters and the city’s skyline. The home was designed as the Burnette Residence by Ralph Twitchell and Paul Rudolph and built in 1950. As thus, it is a landmark of the Sarasota School of midcentury modern architecture. The home was remodeled in the mid-1990s. According to Zillow.com, the home sits on .48 acres of waterfront land. The home has three bedrooms and three-and-ahalf baths in 3,732 square feet. The home last sold in 1970, for $78,200.

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Sharing the Beach with Beach-Nesting Birds By Bob Luckner Bringing many nature lovers to Sarasota is the opportunity to see birds found only in Florida. Especially unique is the beach nesting of four species found in Sarasota County between March and August. Snowy Plovers, Black Skimmers, Least Terns and Wilson’s Plovers nest on the open beach, protecting their eggs and chicks with the shade of their bodies for coolness. Volunteers will ‘buffer’ (stake and string a perimeter posting signs) to keep an area clear of human activity during the nesting period. Visitors will also see Turtle nests staked but birds need a much larger area for protection, usually 50-100 feet from a nest. Disturbance from people, dogs on the beach (illegal on Siesta Key), Crow and Gull predation will cause the birds to abandon their nests. Unlike tree nesters, beach nesting birds’ use their bodies to keep the eggs cool. Once nesting birds are flushed from a nest, their eggs will not survive a hot Florida sun. Of special concern is the low rate of survival for Snowy Plowers. For example, of 19 nests protected in 2014, only 6 chicks survived to adulthood. There are usually 3 eggs per nest. More than half of all egg loss is solely caused by humans violating the protected areas surrounding nests. To learn more about these unique beach nesting birds, two beach walks are scheduled and will be led by Florida Audubon staff Holly Short. SKA will also provide photo pamphlets of the protected shorebirds at our April 7 meeting. Please join us as we scout for a variety of bird species we are lucky to share the beach with! Come to Siesta Key Beach Access 7 April 7 and April 21 at 9AM. Make Sure to bring water and sunscreen. Binoculars are recommended, not required! This program is for all ages. Holley Short, Bird Steward Coordinator for Audubon Florida, will be leading the walk with volunteers. Learn about the shorebird, seabird, and wading species that call Siesta Key beach “home.” There will be an emphasis on our nesting birds and your role in their success! If you have any questions or would like more information, please send an email to hshort@audubon.org. http:// fl.audubon.org/coastal-conservation Bob Luckner, Siesta Key Association of Sarasota; Siesta Key / Shorebird Alliance Volunteer Coordinator 2012-14.


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Least Tern family. Photo by C. Luckner

Black Skimmers nesting. Photo by C. Luckner

Snowy Plover and eggs. Photo by C. Luckner

A chick with an adult photo by Clair Herzog



APRIL 2016

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Notes from the Island Fishmonger

By Scott Dolan, Big Water Fish Market, 6641 Midnight Pass, Siesta Key, 941-554-8101 For those of us who live here, we have all heard of the Ringling Bridge Run. Now let me introduce you to the “Pompano Run”. Florida has numerous species of Jacks swimming in its waters and this time of year the most prized catch is the Florida Pompano. It is frequently found from October to December and again from April to July. Florida anglers look forward to this time of year as Pompano is abundant off our beaches, bays and in the inlets. Pompano is as local as it gets so when this school of fish travels through our area during the month of April, I nickname it the “Pompano Run” (the nickname will catch on...I’m sure)! Pompano tend to feed in shallow water on shrimp and small crabs. From the beach surf fishermen target Pompano with sand fleas (aka mole crabs). Here on the Gulf Coast fishermen tend to throw artificial lures more frequently. Since the Gulf has a

Off Islands Summer dredging will remedy clogged New Pass Channel

New Pass Channel, which separates south Longboat from Lido Key, has always been known as ‘skinny water.’ As the channel enters the Gulf to the right is a large shoal that over the past year has expanded which has blocked safe passage in and out of New Pass. The U.S. Coast Guard has warned boaters that it is no longer safely navigable and removed the six buoys that inform boaters how to safely navigate the waterway. Town Manager Dave Bullock, under pressure from boaters and residents met with the Coast Guard, the City of Sarasota, and Manatee County Officials to talk about what can be done. In short, the shoaling of the Pass occurred at the very time Longboat Key was having its permit to dredge New Pass considered by State Agencies and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The permit was recently approved and the town will soon award a bid for a contractor to dredge the channel 13 feet below sea level at a width of 150-250 feet. “Once we are done, the Channel will be navigable and then the Coast Guard will come in and evaluate if and where to ace navigation markers,” said Bullock. However, this permit places constraints and is akin to a building plan where the town’s contractor must dredge exactly as the engineers designed and the state and federal agencies allow. Ultimately, the Army Corps of Engineers is responsible for maintenance of the area channels, but in the case of New Pass the Town of Longboat Key and City of Sarasota have adopted the role of dredging in order to benefit from the potential beach sand. The agreement between the City and Longboat Key is to perform a dredging of New Pass as needed about every six years and Longboat and Sarasota will alternate taking responsibility and receiving the benefit of the sand. The sand from the upcoming dredging is of tantamount importance to provide immediate relief to the condominiums on the south end of Longboat Key that have experienced severe erosion and the complete loss of their recreational beach as well as protective sand dunes in some instances. After the dredging

calmer surf than the East Coast, anglers aim for Pompano by casting parallel then reeling in using a Pompano jig. A fun thing about the Pompano Run is everybody has a shot at catching one, even if you don’t have a boat. Hungry anglers know that a fresh Pompano catch equals a delicious fish dinner. The extra lean white meat is firm and moist with a small flake and a sweet buttery-like flavor. If you’re looking for a little escape in the month of April, there is a Pompano Seafood Festival on Pompano Beach. Go to freshfromflorida.com for more festival information and/ or recipes.

Here’s a Pompano recipe I enjoy...

• 1/2 cup white wine • 1/4 cup shallots (minced) • 3 tbsp. lemon juice • 1 cup heavy cream • 1/4 cup unsalted butter • 1 1/2 tsp. grated lemon peel • 8 oz. blue crabmeat

• Salt & pepper to taste • 3 tbsp. olive oil • 1 tbsp. Siesta Sand Seafood Seasoning (available only at Big Water Fish Market) • 4 (6-8 oz.) Pompano fillets, skinless • Fresh chopped parsley Combine wine, shallots and lemon juice in small saucepan. Boil over medium-high heat until it’s reduced to 1/3 cup. Add cream and simmer until thickened. Add butter a little at a time and whisk until melted. Add lemon peel. Add crabmeat to sauce and heat. Salt & pepper to taste and set aside and keep warm. In a large skillet heat oil over medium-high heat. Season fillets with Siesta Sand Seafood Seasoning and add to pan. Cook 4 minutes per side until opaque in center. Place fillet on serving plate and top with crabmeat. Spoon additional sauce over all, sprinkle with parsley and serve. Live well, eat fish! Scott Dolan Big Water Fish Market 6641 Midnight Pass Siesta Key, FL 34242 941-554-8101

Source Longboat Key News is completed, the city and town can evaluate the channel and if the city wishes to dredge more extensively, with the establishment of the channel in mind, it can plan that into the next scheduled dredging. For recreational boaters, it marks the first time in decades that the New Pass Channel has become impassable. Boaters are now forced to either travel to Big Pass on the south end of Lido Key or travel 10 miles north of New Pass to Longboat Pass on the north end of Longboat Key to access the Gulf. Some residents have expressed dismay and concern that Longboat’s dredging project that will occur this summer will provide only a limited and temporary solution. Town officials have expressed concern that any attempt to alter that permit would only delay the opportunity to receive much needed sand.

Longboat voters approve undergrounding

Voters made it clear on March 15: the neighborhoods of Longboat Key will be undergrounded. A total of 2,061 Longboaters voted in support of undergrounding neighborhoods. About 400 less, 1,690 voted in opposition to undergrounding the power lines in neighborhoods. Sarasota voted overwhelmingly in favor of the measure with 1,550 voters supporting the plan and 974 voting against the measure. As for Manatee County, they did not support the proposal with 716 voters voting against the plan and 511 in support. The fact that Sarasota County has more than double the number of voters as Manatee County allowed the “Yes” vote to carry and pass the referendum question with the 54% margin of approval. The total turnout was very high for Longboat Key elections with 61.73% of the island’s registered voters participating. The specific question voters said “Yes” to asked if the Town can issue bonds not to exceed $23.85 million to bury utilities and add fiber optic cable within the Key’s neighborhoods and side streets, the addition of the dark fiber optic cable will be buried along with the utility lines and will be run also to every home and condominium that already has undergrounded utilities. Town Manager, Dave Bullock said with a positive vote every overhead

line on Gulf of Mexico Drive and on every side street and property will be buried within five years. Voters last November approved burying power lines on Gulf of Mexico Drive and the approval now allows the expansion of that project to include the rest of the Key. Each parcel of property on Longboat Key will pay an assessment toward the project that has been calculated by the town based on a method that measures the general and specific benefit each property receives. The specific cost will depend on bond rates and whether a property owner wishes to pay up front or to have the cost amortized over 30 years. The estimated assessment can be found at the Town’s website, www. longboatkey.org The next step is the Town will use surveyors to map the entire project. Then, FPL will design the system and all of its elements and provide a cost as if they were to provide the work. Then, the project will go out to bid, using the specs specifically stated by FPL.

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Spring Break on Siesta Key’s beach By Trebor Britt

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High school spring breakers from Riverview and Venice enjoying their week off near the shoreline of beautiful Siesta Beach. (L to R, top row) Cameron Knight, Amanda Moura, Angela Rieszer, Maddie Kern, Julianne Reed, Delaney Rose, Samir Bougamid, Caroline Jungels, Amanda Lucas, Sarah Mattson, Erika Martineau and Maddie Mullis.

Spring breakers, Taylor Osland and Amber Lynum displaying their University of Minnesota flag while enjoying a first visit to outstanding Siesta Beach. Both are college seniors. Osland is studying psychology management and interior design and Lynum is studying French and Italian and hopes to find a job in international communications. Spring breaker, Amanda O’Connor sets up a teammate in a spontaneous volleyball game on fabulous Siesta Beach. O’Connor is a sophomore at Booker High School and hopes to play volleyball for the Tornadoes next year.

Experienced boogie boarder, Grace Teurlings (12) of Lutz, FL heading to the shoreline for a break after an extended session riding the waves of amazing Siesta Beach. Her years of experience boogie boarding here and off Long Island enabled her to ride most waves more than 50 yards.



APRIL 2016

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


County and city agree to meetings to fill in gaps of information pointed out in a peer review of the Lido Renourishment Project By Rachel Brown Hackney - SarasotaNewsLeader.com At the end of almost threeand-a-half hours of discussion and public comments regarding the proposed renourishment of 1.6 miles of south Lido Key with sand from Big Sarasota Pass, Sarasota County Commission Chair Al Maio summed up board direction on March 23. Speaking to Laird Wreford, the county’s manager of coastal resources initiatives, Maio said, “You all just need to set up a series of meetings quickly … Get in a room and ask the questions, and be absolutely polite, but ferociously blunt.” A presentation by Charles Mopps, senior project manager for Atkins, was the focus of the commission’s afternoon session on March 23. As he discussed the results of a peer review of the Lido Renourishment Project as proposed by the city and the USACE. Mopps alluded a number of times to a lack of information about whether the USACE had undertaken certain steps in preparing the proposal. City of Sarasota Engineer Alexandrea DavisShaw told the board during the public comments portion of the meeting after the presentation that she would be happy to facilitate the discussions. The $19-million project is a joint effort of the city and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). “I would really like to make sure those questions get answered,” she said. Mopps told the board, “We did reach out” to get answers, though all the questions and comments the Atkins team posed about studies or reports it could not find originally went through county staff. “At some point, there might have been a communication breakdown,” he added. Nonetheless, “If other things do exist [the lead member of the Atkins team] didn’t have an opportunity to review them and comment.” Vice Chair Paul Caragiulo made it plain during an exchange of questions and answers with DavisShaw that no one objected to the plans for Lido until after Big Pass was deemed the sand source. DavisShaw explained that the USACE evaluated numerous potential sand sources. Based on the requirements for the project, she continued — including sand compatibility — those sources other than Big Pass and New Pass “are no longer viable with

Alex DavisShaw addresses the County Commission. News Leader photo

Charles Mopps is the senior project manager for Atkins. News Leader photo

sufficient sand …” DavisShaw said she would have to double-check with the USACE, but she believed the last time the federal agency evaluated sand sources for the project was about two years ago, and Big Pass was the only viable source that was also financially feasible. Mopps, like commissioners and several members of the public, made it clear, as Mopps put it, that “No one is expressing that beach nourishment is not needed on Lido Key.” Getting answers to questions the Atkins team posed — and that Sarasota County stakeholders have asked — would be the most prudent and cost-effective follow-up at this point,” Wreford told the commissioners. County Administrator Tom Harmer promised to work with staff on the meetings to delve into the information gaps and report back to the County Commission on a regular basis. DavisShaw also explained that the city and the USACE are seeking a state permit for the dredging of Big Pass, with monitoring requirements. The USACE would not be able to use Big Pass as a sand source for the next dredging in the 50-

July 4 Fireworks The chamber has begun seeking partners from groups such as the Siesta Key Village Association (SKVA), which has already agreed to contribute $5,000, and organizations such as Visit Sarasota County. They are also seeking sponsorships from local businesses, families, and individuals who would like to see the July 4 tradition carried on. Anyone interested in becoming a sponsor can contact the Siesta Chamber of Commerce, Tomasso said. Sponsors will receive a preferred viewing area and reserved parking (which will be limited to first come, first serve), Tomasso said. The chamber worked with the county to set aside the parking spaces that will

year proposed life of the project unless the sand in the shoal was replenished naturally as expected within the predicted time period. The documents the USACE provided to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) say the plan is to remove 775,000 cubic yards of sand from the pass in the first nourishment. DavisShaw also explained that less sand would be dredged in subsequent renourishments of Lido because two planned groins on south Lido would keep more of the sand in place. She added that she anticipated the second project would occur seven to 10 years after the first one, and if Big Pass could not be used as the sand source then, the city and the USACE would utilize New Pass. “Construction is not funded yet,” she noted. However, USACE Project Manager Milan Mora has told her that, as he sees it, “acquiring a permit accelerates the funding likelihood.” Earlier this month, USACE spokeswoman Amanda Parker said President Barack Obama’s 2017 fiscal year budget does not include funding for the project. However, Parker noted, Congress could take a different stance. The USACE has confirmed the latter information to SNL. Further, in reply to a News Leader question this week, USACE spokeswoman Lt. Col. Susan J. Jackson (U.S. Army Reserve) wrote in a March 22 email, “We’re still coordinating on [the response to FDEP’s second request for additional information about the project] and it’ll likely take at least another month or two before we have a response.” Commissioner Mason also took the opportunity on March 23 to seek clarification from DavisShaw about who would issue the permits for the project. DavisShaw told her that it would be FDEP. “Not Sarasota County Government?” Mason asked. “Correct,” DavisShaw replied. When Commissioner Christine Robinson asked what would happen if the groins proved to stabilize the beach but led to erosion in the countyowned Ted Sperling Park on south Lido, DavisShaw pointed out that the USACE has decided to use a design that would allow adjustments of the groins if

The Commission Chambers begins to fill up before the meeting begins. News Leader photo

Laird Wreford, coastal initiatives manager, addresses the County Commission. News Leader photo

Alex DavisShaw speaks with Chair Al Maio before the meeting begins. News Leader photo

problems arise. The number of people from Lido Key who made public comments during the meeting outnumbered those from Siesta by a margin of 11 to five, according to a SNL count. From Siesta, Robert Luckner implored the board to call for an Environmental Impact Statement to be prepared

about the project, instead of the Environmental Assessment [EA] the USACE undertook. The latter type of work, he said, “normally [is] used for straightforward projects using generally accepted designs,” he pointed out. “The EA is not a good fit for what we are trying to do. The project’s just too big.”

heard some folks coordinate their vacations so they are staying on the beach for the fireworks.” At the Siesta Key Village Association (SKVA) board meeting March 15, there was some good news. The association’s board voted to set aside $5,000 in sponsorship. Wendall Jacobsen, president of the SKVA board of directors, said losing the fireworks would be a big loss for the island, resulting in visitors who come to the island on July 4 to seek another venue to watch the fireworks. “That would mean a loss of several thousands of dollars in sales for the merchants on the Key,” Jacobsen said. “SKVA has always donated financially for the Siesta Key

fireworks, just at a smaller amount,” Jacobsen said. “We voted to increase the amount to $5000 this year because we feel it is a very important event for our community. We were very disappointed to hear of the financial burden caused by the Counties extremely high fees they charged the Chamber last year. As of press time, the chamber also planned to request a partnership from the SKA at the group’s next meeting in April. The chamber has requested that Sarasota County officials look into the possibility of reducing some of the fees and costs to put on the event.

Continued from cover story

be reserved for sponsors. The Chamber’s annual Poker Tournament is coming up the first week of June, and money raised goes directly to the fireworks show, Tomasso said. The chamber will be coming out with information about registering for the event.

Beyond 2016, an unknown future

Smith and Tomaso told Siesta Sand that the fireworks committee has formulated a plan they hope will allow organizers to raise the funding needed to make the 2016 fireworks happen. But the fate of the fireworks beyond that is unknown. “We feel comfortable we can

put on this year’s event, but if it doesn’t look like we can raise the money for the following year, we are going to have to stop doing it,” Smith said. “We believe we will be able to achieve the goal this year,” Tomasso added. “The concern is for the upcoming years,” she said. Tomasso however, remains hopeful that the fireworks won’t end in 2016. “Looking down the road, it will always be a challenge to raise the funds,” Tomasso said. “I’m optimistic because I am counting on the community to pull through.” The fireworks have become an anticipated event. “It’s been going on for 25 years, and folks enjoy it,” Smith told Siesta Sand. “I have

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Off Key

APRIL 2016

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By Robert Frederickson

From Recycled Parking Plan to Happy Chickens

If at First you don’t Succeed...

After striking out several years back in its effort to bring paid parking to downtown streets, the city of Sarasota is stepping up to the plate again...this time considering a similar proposal for Saint Armands. Following its first whiff at bat, the city ended up mothballing its considerable inventory of ‘smart’ meters after only a few months in use; blowback from merchants, residents and would be shoppers alike doomed the city’s parking revenue plan back then. Commissioners tried to return the meters to the vendor that had convinced them to fork over $600,000 for the high-tech devices in the first place; but after what we imagine was a good chuckle, there was probably an awkward pause, followed by the vendor saying something along the lines of “Oh...you’re serious…” In the end only 10 cents on the dollar was offered to take them

back. Shocking, no? So into storage they went. Next, the city had the brilliant idea of using the meters to solicit donations from downtown pedestrians to help the homeless. That idea went over about as well as the original parking plan. Now it looks like it may be Lido Key’s turn to deal the city’s ‘never say die’ attitude when it comes to paid parking. We just wonder if the moth-balled meters will be part of the solution. Recycling is in most cases a laudable public pursuit, but not when it comes to mistakes.

American Optimism vs. European Realism, Circa 1917

President Woodrow Wilson once asked Georges Clemenceau, Prime Minister of France from 1914-1918, the following: “Don’t you believe all men are brothers?” Clemenceau replied: “Yes... Caine and Abel, Caine and Abel...”

Is This Any Way to Run a Party?

How successful do you imagine a retailer or other service provider would be if it consistently insulted its customers? But that seems to be the marketing strategy of the Republican Party these days with the likes of John Boehner calling Donald Trump ‘Lucifer’ last week and Lindsey Graham saying “choosing between Trump and Cruz is like having to choose between being shot and being poisoned.” Don’t these geniuses realize that by insulting the two candidates leading in the race for their Party’s presidential nomination, they are insulting the 30 million-plus members of their own party that support them? It’s as if you walked into a Wal-Mart and the greeter said: “Welcome to Wal-Mart. Please leave!’

There’s a Reason it’s known as ‘Whole Paychecks’

Speaking of retailers, Whole Foods recently announced it will be switching to slower grown chickens for sale in its stores, saying the ‘laid-back’ poultry will taste better than traditional fast-track varieties, presumably because – as the company says – they will ‘live better lives.’ Okay, but what about the cost? No word on that yet, but it’s clear the ‘Whole Paychecks’ tag the chain has been saddled with is in no danger of disappearing anytime soon. The announcement reminds us of a recent episode of the IFC series ‘Portlandia’ where the show’s main characters, played by Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein, go to a hip new Portland, Oregon restaurant and ask about the free range chicken they see on the menu. The waiter pulls out dossiers on the very chickens they are considering for their meal and proceeds to recount their full biographies with highlights of the wonderful lives they lived growing up surrounded by fresh air, sunshine and wonderful families...

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“Okay, we’ll have those!” says Armisen’s character. Yeah. And the meal probably cost them $500 for portions smaller than an order of McNuggets at Mickey-Ds.

A Different Sort of ‘Observation’

A naked woman dancing atop a semi parked alongside I-290 near Houston caused quite the traffic jam during the morning commute one recent morning. Police first tried talking the woman down from her trailertop dance platform, but finally had to physically remove her. She was taken to a nearby hospital where she finished her day as she began it...under observation.

In California, as a result of Proposition 47, passed in 2014, first offenders are now given a second chance, also in the name of fairness. The Washington Post called it an experiment in ‘mass forgiveness.’ The new rules reclassify ‘minor’ property crimes and ‘simple’ drug offenses from felonies to misdemeanors. The idea behind the measure: to save the expense of incarcerating ‘low-level’ criminals and thereby free up money to help prevent citizens from turning to crime in the first place. Woodrow Wilson would be impressed. Clemenceau? Probably not so much. Since the proposal was adopted, crime has steadily risen in the state, in some cases dramatically. “In the past year-and-ahalf we’ve seen an increase in theft related crimes, including robbery, burglary and identity theft,’ said Tasha Decosta of the Hayward California Police Department as part of a recent news report by Claudia Cowan. At the Tampa City Council meeting where that body adopted the new ‘progressive’ policy toward marijuana possession, one woman, Ellen Snelling, spoke out emotionally against the proposed change, explaining how being arrested for possession actually helped her daughter finally decide to turn her life around by dealing with a drug problem that had started with marijuana. What a concept: someone actually taking responsibility for his or her actions because of social constraints set on behavior. But now… Life as a street beggar, petty thief or clueless stoner? Just three more lifestyle choices. Who are we to judge?

Fines for Texting While Walking?

It’s interesting to note recent social trends reflected in our changing legal system as new laws are passed and others fall by the wayside or are amended to the point of meaninglessness. In New Jersey an assembly woman in the state legislature has introduced a law that would impose a fine of $50 or 15 days in jail for “texting-while-walking.” Sarasota County has passed new rules banning the sale of puppies in stores like Pet Land that buy their animals from so-called ‘puppy-mills.’ But the definition of ‘puppymill’ is so broad some complain it includes many small family run commercial breeders that raise litters using high standards of care. Meantime, on the other end of the socioeconomic scale, school’s out for summer (or perhaps ‘forever’ as Alice Cooper would say). In the city of Sarasota, antipanhandling laws have been thrown out after being deemed ‘unfair’ to the homeless. Up the road in Tampa, possession of small amounts of marijuana has been decriminalized, here again in the interest of ‘fairness’ to those who might ignore the law and as a result end up with a criminal record because of a ‘youthful indiscretion.’

Bike Safe Drive Safe On Siesta Key It’s The Law: Florida Law requires cyclists to obey the same traffic rules that apply to cars. • Obey all traffic control signs and signals • Ride in the same direction as cars and stay to the right • Children under age 16 are required to wear helmets • Cyclists must yield to pedestrians in a crosswalk • Cars must yield to cyclists when turning Be Alert and Safe: • Watch for turning cars when cycling on Midnight Pass Road • A Bike helmet reduces the risk of a serious head injury by 50% • Be courteous and patient. You’re in Paradise!!! This message brought to you by Siesta Key Association and Siesta Sand

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APRIL 2016


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Snapshots of Island Visitors

Siesta Key Drum Circle

Every Sunday is a perfect time to come to the Key to reconnect with Mother Nature and to enjoy some wonderful entertainment. I’m talking about the Siesta Key Drum Circle that takes place each Sunday starting about an hour before sunset and lasting until about 10 p.m. The gathering meets up just south of the main pavilion - just follow your ears and watch for the swelling crowd. Please note the following rules of etiquette that need to be observed at the Drum Circle so that all can enjoy the experience: the inside of the drum circle is for participants only, not for people standing around.

Feel free to enter the circle, take a picture and dance, but always keep moving. Never play someone’s drum without getting clearance from the owner. Always ask before borrowing other people’s property, especially hula hoops. Flash photography and bright video lights are distracting, so photograph during daylight or use a night vision camera. And finally, please do not drink alcohol or smoke inside the circle and respect our beach by placing all trash in the appropriate receptacles. Photo Courtesy: Randy Martin

Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography

Top: Brecken age 2 from MN Bottom: Rene from SK, his granddaughter Leah (15 months) & her mom Marie from California

Before you leave Sarasota, you must try this one! As seen on the Food Network Guy Fieri’s “Diner’s, Drive-In’s and Dive’s” show. The TurDucKen “One big bird” Boneless chicken stuffed in a boneless duck stuffed in a boneless turkey with a variety of great seasonings. Alpine Steakhouse just off of Siesta Key located between the bridges at 4520 S. Tamiami Trail. 941-922-3797

Lunch Turducken Sandwich $8.95 and Dinner Turducken $18.95 w/mashed Potatoes, stuffing, gravy and cranberry sauce

22 Siesta Sand

APRIL 2016

Boulevard Buzz Creating more Village parking

Although Siesta Key Village property owners pushed back as expected on a Sarasota County proposal for them to pay about $100,000 to create new parking spaces out of right of way, Siesta Key Village Association (SKVA) Vice President Mark Smith is not giving up hope. That was the message he delivered during the SKVA’s regular March meeting. “How do I put this,” he began during his Governmental Affairs report. Several ideas about increasing the Village’s parking capacity have “run into various obstacles, and one of them is … how to pay for it,” he said. Since the SKVA’s Feb. 2 meeting, he continued, he had met with some of the major Village property owners to determine whether they would be willing to cover the estimated $100,000 expense of a parking study, and, ultimately, the addition of just 35 new spaces. “Quite bluntly,” Smith said, “the answer came back, ‘No.’” He added that their feeling was,

941.349.0194 www.siestasand.net

By Rachel Brown Hackney - SarasotaNewsLeader.com

“Siesta Key contributes a great deal to the county coffers,” and the county has a $1 billion budget this fiscal year. “So I’m continuing to meet with the county to find a source of money,” Smith told the 14 people present. He also has had some discussions with County Commission Chair Al Maio, who represents Siesta Key as part of Maio’s District 4 territory, Smith noted. Maio and county staff members “have been very polite,” Smith added. “We’ll continue to work on it and see if we can get this first piece [of the parking plan] in place.” The proposal Smith worked on for more than a year would carve out about 300 more spaces. However, much of the area that would be utilized belongs to private property owners, who would have to agree to open it up to the general public.

A successful Craft Fair

At the outset of the March 1 SKVA meeting, discussion ensued about the Craft Fair held Feb. 27-28,

Kay Kouvatsos

with some consensus, it seemed, that things went very well. “I saw lots of bags [but] I don’t know what the vendors think,” said Kay Kouvatsos, co-owner of Village Café. “I thought it was smaller,” Treasurer Roz Hyman added, referring to the number of vendors. However, she noted, “it looked like a bigger crowd, but I’m not sure …

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Map B #42

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Map C #61

ACCOMMODATIONS Siesta Beach Resort .......................Map-A #38A ANTIQUES Relics on the Key................................Map-D #9 ART GALLERY / STUDIO Calle Studios ........................................Map-B #32 The Gallery on Siesta Key .................Map-D #11 ATM / BANKS PNC ATM............................................ Map-C #61 Martin Funding .....................................Map-E #1 Sun Trust Bank & ATM ........................Map-E #4 BARS & NIGHTCLUBS Aaron’s Fish Camp ............................ Map-C #57 Blase Café ............................................Map-A #38 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar ...............Map-B #42-43 Gilligan’s ............................................ Map-B #33 Siesta Key Oyster Bar ....................... Map-B #45 The Beach Club ...................................Map-D #22 The Cottage ......................................... Map-C #58 The Hub-Baja Grill .............................Map-D #59 COFFEE SHOPS Lelu’s Coffee Lounge ....................... Map-B #31 The Local Bean.................................. Map-D #62 DRUG & HARDWARE Davidson’s Drugs...............................Map-D #65 Village Hardware ............................... Map-C #26 FASHION & ACCESSORIES Beach Bazaar & Swin Shack .......... Map-C #28 Blvd. Beachwear ................................. Map-B #30 Comfort Shoes-Birki & More.........Map-D #64 Everything But Water ....................... Map-D #12 Foxy Lady Fashions .......................... Map-A #40 Gidget’s Coastal Provisions ............Map-B #44 Island Cotton Company ....................Map-C #29 Island Boutique...................................Map-C #50 Island Style ..........................................Map-C #53 Lotus Boutique .................................. Map-D #66 Siesta Key Mermaids .......................... Map-D #9 Siesta T’s .............................................. Map-B #30 Sun Glass Outlet .................................Map-C #24 GAS STATION Circle K Store ........................................ Map-E #6 GIFTS & SOUVENIRS Beach Bazaar ..................................... Map-C #28 Created Gems .....................................Map-C #51 Island Trader.......................................Map-C #51 Sea Pleasures & Treasures ..................Map-C #2 Siesta Key Bead Shack ...................... Map-A #36 Siesta Key’psakes ............................... Map-B #29 Siesta Key Outfitters ........................Map-D #11 Siesta Kids ........................................... Map-B #36 HEALTH & FITNESS Indep. Lifestyle Solutions ............... Map-D #10 Siesta Key Fitness .............................Map-B #73 Studio Rubylake...............................Map-D #10 ICE CREAM/TREATS Big Olaf Creamery..............................Map-C #52 Ciao Gelato ..........................................Map-C #50 Meany’s Mini Donuts ........................ Map-C #24 Siesta Key Sweet Shop ........................ Map-D #9 SubZero Ice Cream Yogurt .............. Map-D #16 Sunni Bunni Frozen Yogurt ..............Map-C #53 INTERNET / WiFi SERVICES Davidson Drugs ................................ Map-D #65 Internet Cafe ........................................ Map-D #9 Lelu Coffee Lounge ..........................Map-B #31 The Local Bean..................................Map-D #62 JEWELRY Created Gems .....................................Map-C #51 Michael & Co. Jewelers ..................... Map-B #29 Mount - N - Repair Jewelers ............ Map-D #62 LIQUOR STORES / FINE WINES Gabbiano’s Wine Club...................... Map-D #70 Gilligan’s ............................................. Map-B #33 Siesta Key Wines .............................. Map-C #61 The Beach Club .................................. Map-D #22

I did think there were many fewer vendors.” Kouvatsos pointed out that a lot of people were in the Village. Then Glen Cappetta of Sun Ride Pedicabs remarked, “Ridership was down [for his employees],” adding that people were able to find enough parking spaces, especially at Siesta Public Beach. “A lot of people used that lot,” he added. Then they walked or biked to the Village. Lt. Debra Kaspar of the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office told the members present that she had not been able to get a count before the meeting of the number of parking citations deputies issued during the fair. “Can I make a guess?” Siesta Key Association (SKA) President Michael Shay interjected. The SKA has fought for residents on Avenida de Mayo, who went through hearings before the county’s Traffic Advisory Council and then the County Commission to get signs posted to make it illegal to park on certain portions of their street. During an SKVA meeting earlier this

year, Shay also warned that vendors no longer could legally park their trailers in the Municipal Lot in the Village. Kouvatsos told him she knew from Deputy Chris McGregor that deputies did Mark Sm ticket owners of trailers in the March 1 Municipal Lot. “I know they responded to Avenida de Mayo,” Kaspar added, but she was unsure whether tickets were written to people who parked on that street. “People aren’t going to come [to Village events] if [deputies are] overzealous,” Kouvatsos pointed out. “No Parking” signs mean just that, Shay replied: no parking. “I’m talking side-street parking,” she told him. He was referring to Avenida de Mayo, he responded. “There was parking on the street in noparking zones [during the fair]. In my book, it’s a no-brainer. It says, ‘No Parking.’ You park there, you get a ticket. End of discussion.” Kaspar told him that after she


mith and Roz Hyman prepare for the start of the 1 SKVA meeting. Sarasota News Leader photo

received the count of citations, they could talk about the matter. Then Mark Smith noted that a trailer was parked all day on Calle Minorga, with cones around it. “They moved it at night,” he said, adding that he presumed it belonged to a vendor. “You’re allowed to park in the right of way,” he continued, but he was not certain trailers could be left in a right of way. “It was a good size,” he added of the trailer. Perhaps a more curious situation, he indicated, involved the vendor who parked in the lot at Smith’s office. “He had the windshield cover … and he had a ‘Crafts Festival’ [parking] permit in the windshield.” Smith joked that the latter “must be like a universal parking permit.”


APRIL 2016

“Was it laminated?” Shay asked. “I don’t know,” Smith replied. The person never asked him about leaving the vehicle in the lot, Smith also indicated. Kouvatsos then asked whether the SKVA could move the Craft Fair back to the weekend before Valentine’s Day. Hyman responded that she thought the reason it was held late in February this year was because of a scheduling conflict on the part of the organizer, Howard Alan Events & American Craft Endeavors. Hyman suggested Kouvatsos speak to Russell Matthes, an SKVA board member and co-owner of the Daiquiri Deck restaurants, who was absent from the March meeting. Matthes is the organization’s liaison with Howard Alan. Secretary Helene Hyland said she thought one reason the event was moved to later in February was because of concern that the crowd would be smaller on Super Bowl Sunday. Kouvatsos responded that the game does not start until after 6 p.m.,

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Beachgoers enjoy the new amenities at Siesta Public Beach. Sarasota News Leader photo

so she saw no conflict with the fair. Hyland disagreed, based on what she has heard. Still, she and Kouvatsos concurred on the fact that people could visit the Craft Fair and get home in plenty of time to catch the start of the game.

Spring Break on the Key

During the SKVA meeting, Lt. Debra Kaspar of the Sheriff’s Office reminded everyone that the department is beginning its annual Spring Break operation, which means more officers on the Key to handle the extra people and try to prevent problems. This year, she said, additional deputies will be patrolling between 3 p.m. and 3 a.m., and officers of the Mounted Patrol will be present between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. Further, Kaspar continued, the department will have deputies out on ATVs. She noted that the department also has purchased a new six-seat vehicle for use primarily when parents are seeking lost children, children are trying to

find their parents and deputies are transporting arrestees. As for the beach crowds: The previous day, Kaspar noted, the beach parking lots were not full until 11 a.m. The recent cooler mornings seemed to have delayed the arrival of visitors, but people generally have been staying longer into the afternoons, she added. “We’re off to a quiet start [of Spring Break].” Furthermore, public service aides will be working on the Key to check on problematic parking areas and issue citations, she pointed out. “Hopefully, that will be more [of a] preventive [measure] this year than in years past,” she said.

Speaking of the beach …

In response to a request, county

spokesman Jason Bartolone reported that about 225 people completed the walking tour county staff provided during the Grand Opening of the Siesta Beach Park renovations on Feb. 20. County Commission Chair Al Maio estimated the crowd size at 1,000, Bartolone noted. During the meeting, Ann Frescura, the new executive director of the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce, reported that member businesses donated “such a wonderful variety of prizes” for the Chamber staff to give away at the booth it manned during the event. “At times, we had 40-plus people in line,” she added, with people eager to participate in a dice game to win prizes. “All went well,” she summed up the day’s activities for the Chamber.

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MAILING - SHIPPING UPS store ............................................ Map-A #41 US Post Office .................................... Map-D #65 MARKETS/FOOD STORES Circle K Store ........................................ Map-E #6 Morton’s Siesta Market .....................Map-C #25 MASSAGE Hands of Light Massage ................... Map-B #35 Massage Experience Siesta Key.....Map-D #62 Massage Therapy ................................. Map-E #1 Siesta Key Massage Ctr .....................Map-D #9 MEDICAL - DENTAL Sarasota Medical Ctr........................Map-D #63 Siesta Key Physical Therapy............ Map-D #20 Siesta Dental ......................................Map-B #49 MISCELLANEOUS Chamber of Commerce .................... Map-D #67 Roberti Enterprises ........................... Map-A #39 Tarot Card Reading & Gifts ..............Map-C #50 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Edward Jones Investments .............. Map-D #68 Smith Architects ................................. Map-E #74 REAL ESTATE / RENTAL SERVICES Ascendia Real Estate ......................... Map-D #11 Coldwell Banker Realty.................... Map-D #20 Horizon Realty.................................... Map-B #34 Island Homes ......................................Map-C #51 Key Realty ............................................Map-E #5 Michael Saunders Realty .................Map-E #72 Re/Max Alliance Group .................. Map-D #60 ReMax Tropical Sands ....................Map-D #67 Robasota Rentals & Real Estate .... Map-A #39 Siesta Key Realty................................Map-D #9 Waterfront 7 Realty ............................Map-C #56 Waterside Realty ................................Map-C #29 RESTAURANTS / CAFES 314 II, Craft Beer board Room .......... Map-A #37 Aaron’s Fish Camp ............................Map-C #57 Another Broken Egg .................Map-C #54 & 55 Blase Café ........................................... Map-A #38 Boardwalk Eats & Sweets ...............Map-D #16 Bonjour French Cafe ..........................Map-C #47 Café Gabbiano ..................................Map-D #71 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar .............. Map-B #42-43 Eat Here Restaurant ....................Map-D #17-18 Flavio’s Brick Oven & Bar ................. Map-B #29 Flavio’s Italiano Ristorante ............... Map-B #30 Gilligan’s Island Bar & Grill ..........Map-B #33 Jo To’s Japanese Restaurant ..............Map-C #47 LeLu’s Coffee Bar ..............................Map-B #31 Lobster Pot ......................................... Map-C #23 Napoli’s Italian Restaurant ...............Map-C #53 Old Salty Dog Rest. & Pub .................. Map-E #2 Señor Siesta ........................................ Map-D #69 Siesta Key Deli ................................... Map-A #37 Siesta Key Oyster Bar .......................Map-B #45 Solorzano Bros. Pizzeria .................Map-D #15 Subway Sandwiches .......................... Map-B #30 Sun Garden Café ............................... Map-D #19 The Cottage .........................................Map-C #58 The Hub - Baja Grill .......................... Map-D #59 The Panini Place .................................Map-C #53 Village Café .......................................Map-D #14 SPAS - HAIR & BEAUTY LaPlaya Spa .........................................Map-C #50 Salon Capelli ........................................ Map-D #9 Sassy Hair Salon............................... Map-A #40 Siesta Key Nails & Spa .....................Map-D #9 SPORTS INTEREST/RENTALS CaliFlorida........................................... Map-B #32 Robin Hood Rentals ........................Map-D #34 Siesta Village Outfitters .....................Map-C #53


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APRIL 2016

ATM & BANKS Bank of America ....................................... A-3 #3 BARS & NIGHTCLUBS Capt. Curt’s Backroom Saloon...............B-3 #7 Crescent Club.......................................... C-3 #13 Sniki Tiki ...................................................B-3 #8 DELIS / BAKERIES A Taste of Germany ............................... C-3#14 Anna’s Deli & Sandwiches ................. C-3 #14 Nutritious You ........................................ C-3 #14 The Beach Deli @ Crescent Beach Grocery .....B-3 #1 DRUG STORES Davidson’s Drugs..................................... C-3 #14 FASHION & ACCESSORIES CB’s Island Outfitters ............................. A-3 #2 CB’s Saltwater Outfitters ....................... A-3 #4 Coconuts Fashion .....................................B-3 #1 Coconuts / Island Colors .........................B-3 #8 Green Turtle Swimwear ........................ C-3 #14 Key Casual Fashions .............................. D-3 #17

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Things You Like ..................................... C-3 #14 GIFTS & SOUVENIRS Capt. Curt’s Souvenirs ............................B-3 #8 Green Turtle Shells & Gifts ................ C-3 #14 The Silversmith ...................................... D-3 #17 Silver City Jewelry ................................. C-3 #14 HEALTH & BEAUTY Lorraine’s Beauty & Barber ....................B-3 #8 Salon Siesta.............................................. D-3 #17 Siesta Key Salon & Spa .......................... C-3 #14 The Key Spa & Salon ............................. A-5 #12 ICE CREAM & TREATS Orange Octopus .......................................B-3 #8 INTERNET / WiFi SERVICES Davidson’s Drugs................................... C-3 #14 Mail Pack Center ................................... C-3 #14 LIQUOR STORES Crescent Beach Grocery ..........................B-3 #1 Crescent Club...........................................B-3 #13 Siesta Spirits ............................................ C-3 #17

MAILING & SHIPPING Mail Pack Center ................................... C-3 #14 US Post Office Sub Station .................... C-3 #14 MARKETS 7-11 Store ................................................. C-3 #16 Big Water Fish Market ......................... C-3 #17 Crescent Beach Grocery ..........................B-3 #1 MISCELLANEOUS Moving & Storage ...................................B-3 #10 Flowers by Fudgie.................................. D-3 #17 REAL ESTATE / RENTALS Homes & Condo Rentals ....................... D-3 #17 Morgan Properties ...................................B-3 #8 Moynihan Realty................................... D-3 #17 Re/Max Tropical Sands ...........................B-3 #1 Siesta 4-Rent ........................................... C-3 #14 RESTAURANTS / CAFES A Taste of Germany ............................... C-3#14

Boatyard Waterfront Bar & Grill..............A-5 #12 Capt. Curts Crab & Oyster Bar ................B-3 #7 City Pizza Italian Restaurant ................ D-3 #17 Clayton’s Siesta Grille ..............................B-3 #9 Toasted Mango Cafe .............................. C-3 #17 Miguel’s Restaurant ............................... C-3 #17 Munchies ................................................. C-3 #17 WATER SPORTS - FISHING - RENTALS A to Z Beach & Bike Rentals ................. A-5 #12 CB’s Island Outfitters ............................. A-3 #2 CB’s Saltwater Outfitters ....................... A-3 #4 Parasail Siesta ........................................... A-3 #2 Siesta Key Bike & Kayak .......................B-3 #8 Siesta Key Marina .................................... A-4 #5 Siesta Key Parasailing.............................. A-4 #5 Siesta Sports Rentals .............................. A-3 #2 Siesta Sports Rentals ............................ C-3 #14 Waves Boat & Social Club..................... A-5 #12

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Anna’s Deli 6535 Midnight Pass Rd.

MAP C-3 #14

Big Water Fish Market 6641 Midnight Pass Road

Boatyard Waterfront Bar & Grill 1500 Stickney Point Rd.

MAP A-5 #12

CB’s Saltwater Outfitters 1249 Stickney Point Rd.

MAP A-3 #4

Coconuts Fashion MAP 1215 Old Stickney Point Rd. B-3 #1&8

Crescent Beach Grocery 1211 Old Stickney Pt. Rd.

MAP B-3 #1

Siesta 4-Rent 6555 Midnight Pass Rd.

MAP C-3 #14

PLACE YOUR AD HERE Island Visitor Publishing 941-349-0194

MAP C-4 #17



Water World Captain Jim Klopfer’s Fishing Report Mother Nature has been right on schedule thus far in 2016. Regular cold fronts have kept the water temperature in the upper 60s, which is just right for this time of year. April should offer incredible fishing for a variety of species. Big Pass and New Pass will be alive with fish migrating in and out of the bay this month. Spanish mackerel, bluefish, pompano, and ladyfish should be plentiful. Pompano prefer a small white or chartreuse jig bounced along the bottom while the mackerel are often found higher in the water column or breaking on the surface. There is nothing more exciting than casting a surface plug on light tackle or a fly into a feeding frenzy! Action on the deep flats will be very good for speckled trout, pompano, Spanish mackerel, bluefish, and ladyfish. The best

flats to fish will be from Siesta Drive north to Long Bar. Flats that are near both passes will be especially productive. A ¼ ounce Bass Assassin Sea Shad is a great lure to prospect with; a lot of water can be covered and just about every species will hit it. Rapala X-Raps work very well when surface activity is seen, they also are a great lure to troll slowly and locate schools of fish. Silver and gold spoons are another good choice. Live bait works very well, too. There should be plenty of whitebait to net up and of course a live shrimp free lined or fished under a noisy float is a deadly technique. The area between Siesta Drive and Blackburn Point will be good for snook as they migrate out towards the beach to spawn. Any point, oyster bar, dock, or creek mouth that drops off into deeper water is a likely spot to


Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

APRIL 2016

Adventure Charters 941-371-1390

try. High, outgoing tides are best. Plugs cover a lot of water and result in vicious strikes while jigs require more patience but will fool more redfish along with snook. Don’t be surprised when a big jack crevelle or trout inhales an offering meant for a snook or red. This has been a good season for sheepshead and while it is past its peak there should still be plenty of these tasty saltwater panfish around. Docks, seawalls, and bridges near passes will hold sheepies. A live shrimp fished on the bottom will fool them, along with snapper, grouper, and flounder. Surf fishing should be very good for Spanish mackerel, ladyfish, flounder, pompano, and more. Live or frozen shrimp fished near the bottom with a little weight works well. Spoons, plugs, and jigs will also catch

Jennifer Roloson from Ontario, Canada holds a nice Cobia that hit a red/gold Bass Assassin jig

plenty of fish. April is a great month for anglers with a small boat and not a lot of experience to catch big fish. The beaches and inshore artificial

reefs will be thick with king and Spanish mackerel, along with false albacore and the occasional cobia. Trolling spoons is very easy and deadly on all species.

2016 dates announced for the 86th Annual Sarasota Tarpon Tournament The 86th Annual Sarasota Tarpon Tournament has been announced. This historic event, the oldest, continuously running, opento-the-public tarpon tournament in Florida, runs for five weeks, May 7 through June 12, 2016. The goal of this historic venue is not only to celebrate the tremendous tarpon fishing our region offers anglers, but to also support deserving local charities. In 2015, this tournament was able to donate money to Suncoast Charities for Children and CCA Florida. This year, we are looking forward to helping both of these organizations as they continue to do great things for our area. In 1929, Powell Crosley Jr., famous industrialist and radio

newly formed Sarasota County Angler’s Club. The ever-inventive Powell wanted to give the Club’s international tarpon tournament a boost, so he announced that on June 10, 1930, he would air the first live broadcast of the tournament from a boat. The event was carried on Crosley’s Cincinnati radio station, and from there it was relayed via telephone lines to Ohio and affiliate stations

nationwide, putting Sarasota on the map. This year’s tournament will again begin with a Kick Off at the Hyatt Regency Sarasota on Tuesday, May 3rd. Check-In begins at 6:00 p.m., Dinner: 7:00 p.m. This year’s Fish-Off is scheduled for Saturday, June 18th; Sunday, June 19th is the rain date. Should the entire weekend of June 18th

Happy Clients

magnate, hooked his first silver king when he was invited by Robert Ringling to participate in the Sarasota fishing community’s “tarpon fever.” Later, in 1930, he was elected president of the

– 19th be rained out, the Fish-Off with be Saturday, June 25th. If you’re looking to make new friends, have fun, and test your angling skills, come fish with us and yours could be the next name engraved on the historic trophy. See www. SarasotaTarponTournament.com for more information.

TNT Freedom Fishing Charters 941-400-2452

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26 Siesta Sand

APRIL 2016

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Who’s Playing Tonight

By Mike Sales

|An interview with Willie Be There Willie BeThere is the stage name of Kip, a seasoned professional singer/guitar player who’s played at Siesta Key area tiki bars and beaches for decades. As those who read this article may have noticed, most of the musicians I interview play for a living, but Willie has achieved what seems to be the goal of all of us…he plays purely for the love of it. That’s not to say he doesn’t get paid, as a matter of fact he’s worked professionally just about every week since he started in his late teens, but, as a successful business owner, outside the music field, he’s never had to compromise his musical preferences, just to make ends meet. Willie plays the music his generation grew up enjoying and has an almost encyclopedic knowledge of lessor known hits of his era that would otherwise go unplayed, but for his freedom to choose song over circumstance.

musician, very good in his youth. He got a day job and raised a family, but he always played, so he had a 1954 Fender Stratocaster that he let me play. It was one of the first production model left-handed guitars, but it was a double cutaway, so I could play it too. I learned to play by listening to Johnny Rivers, The Kinks, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, The Beach Boys and Buddy Holly… all that stuff. WPT: Did you start singing at that time? Willie: Yes, I sang, but considered myself more of a guitarist, playing lead in a lot of surf bands (laughs)…in the style of Dick Dale…heavy on the reverb. WPT: When did you start playing professionally? Willie: My first paying gig was in 1963 at the YMCA Friday Night Teen Dance. They held them every week and I wound up playing a bunch of them.

WPT: Where are you originally from? Willie: I was born in southern Minnesota in a little town called Mankato. There were several colleges there, state and private. The town had a large youth population because of the schools, so Rock and Roll was very popular at the time and I grew up listening to Buddy Holly and all those guys. We also had a robust local music scene with bands like The Jesters, TC Atlantic and The Nova’s… there were a bunch of them. It was a good place to grow up and a good time too, in the early 60’s.

WPT: How did you find your way to Siesta Key? Willie: Well, it was kind of a long journey. I played frat parties through high school until I joined the Navy and was stationed in Southern California and Hawaii. I played in a band in Hawaii, where I was for 2 years and then returned to Minnesota to go to college and supported myself by playing at night with help from the G.I. Bill. I graduated college with a degree in Horticulture and moved down here, where I used to visit my grandparents when I was a kid.

WPT: When did you start playing music? Willie: My dad was a jazz


AARON'S FISH CAMP In the Village 941‐346‐0738

WPT: So, you’ve been playing music in the area for decades; who were some of the bands that were around when you got here and are still playing in the area today? Willie: Chuck Caudill was big when I got here and still playing around, as well as Mark Mosby and Dagmar is down at O’Leary’s with us. Sal, from the Omni Band and Dan Crawford, were also around then and both a big inspiration for me to go solo when I saw them playing. Dan played what I call ‘deep tracks”, lessor known album cuts from popular artists…he genuinely seemed to enjoy himself. WPT: How has the Siesta Key music venue landscape changed since then? Willie: Back in the day there was The Beach Club and there was The Beach Club and I think

audience. It’s just a good honest performance of songs with special care to selecting songs that really fit my voice and arrangements that work best with my style. I was inspired by the MTV series, “unplugged” which showed how just about any song could be played with an acoustic feel.

Willie Be There there was a place called The Beach Club (laughs). Eventually The Salty Dog had music, but noise was always an issue back then, because almost every place had a house backed right up to it and across the Mangroves there but the tourist industry has become such a robust contributor to the area economy that the venues are given more leeway. People come down here and want to be entertained. They want to go to the beach during the day and go out and have a good time at night. That’s pretty much what the Village is all about. WPT: What can people expect to see when they come to hear you play? Willie: I try to keep it pretty forward and direct with an emphasis on what I’m playing and the tunes I pick. I have a nice collection of guitars and good sound gear. I can tailor the system to the room and the


5:30 ‐9:30pm‐Marcel


Scott Curts (3‐7pm)


5:30 ‐9:30pm Tommy D. Live Music 6‐10pm Billy Lyon (3‐7pm)



Live Music 6‐10pm

Live Music 6‐10pm

Live Music (6‐10pm)

Live Music 6‐10pm

Live Music 6 ‐10pm

Miles Bosworth (3‐7pm) DJ Crawford (10pm) Acoustic Pete 1‐5pm Live Music 6‐10pm DJ 10pm – 2am Eddie James Jazz Band 6‐10pm

Matt Gerhardt (3‐7pm) K. Conn (9pm) Road Block 2‐6pm Live Music 6‐10pm DJ 10pm – 2am

Noel Harris (3‐7pm)

Kevin Thompson (3‐7pm) DJ Crawford (10pm) RPM 6‐10pm DJ 10pm – 2am Acoustic Open Mic w/ Nally & Egglefield 6‐10pm

Ben Hammond 7‐11pm

Open mic night 7‐11pm

Kettle of Fish 7‐11pm

Berry Oakley’s Skylab 7‐11pm


Kettle of Fish 9pm‐midnight

DJ Rev Kev 10pm – 2am

Live Band 8/9pm‐Midnight


Live Music 6‐9pm

Live Music 6‐9pm

Live Music 6‐9pm

Live Music 7‐10pm


Live Music Noon – 3pm 3:30 – 6:30pm 7‐10pm


THE BEACH CLUB In the Village 941‐349‐6311 In the Village 941‐312‐9300

In the Village 941‐349‐6800


941‐349‐3885 SNIKI TIKI @ CAPT CURTS

Crescent Beach Shops

941‐349‐3885 Turtle Beach Grill Southern end of SK 941‐349‐3839

Spark Notes (3‐7pm) DJ TJ (10pm) Live Music 6‐10pm DJ 10pm – 2am Swamp Donkie 2‐6pm Rising Tide 8pm – 12am

Dana & Co 2‐6pm Mike Tozier 8pm – 12am

TBA – 2 pm Tozier – 5pm Chris Otto ‐ 10pm

Live Band 8 – 11pm DJ 11‐2am

Live Band 8 –11pm DJ 11pm‐2am

Democracy (Reggae) 10pm‐2am

Live Music 7‐10pm

Live Music 7‐10pm

Live Music 6‐9pm

Live Music Noon – 3pm Live Music Noon – 3pm Live Music Noon – 3pm Live Music Noon – 3pm Live Music Noon – 3pm Live Music Noon – 3pm

3:30 – 6:30pm 7‐10pm



1‐5pm Georgia & Mike 5:30‐9:30pm ‐ Marcel

In the Village 941‐346‐5358


5:30 – 9:30pm Live Music

Lelu’s Coffee Lounge


5:30 ‐9:30pm Live Music

Patrick 6‐10pm DJ 10pm – 2am

(SKOB) In the Village

Mike Sales is a local singer/songwriter for more information log onto mikesalessings.com

5:30 ‐9:30pm Live Music

RPM 6‐10pm


Willie BeThere performs Sundays 3-6pm at the Best Western PLUS, Siesta Key Gateway.

5:30 ‐9:30pm O’Zwald Caines

Rodney Shenk 6‐10pm

In the Village 941‐346‐8122

WPT: What genres of music do you play? Willie: It’s a wide variety of genres, from the 1950’s to fairly new stuff. I do some Jimmy Buffett, Jessie Winchester, Beatles, Eagles and a lot of one-hit-wonders like the Beau Brummels, The Boxtops…I try to put an emphasis on songs that not everybody else does. There’s a lot of music to choose from. A customer once came up complimenting my lessor known selections by using the term “deep tracks” which I’ve adopted since to describe my repertoire. He said he hadn’t heard a lot of the songs in years and was happy to be reminded of them. I even get a request for bands that didn’t even make the charts, but were nevertheless part of lots of album collections. Hearing customers’ shared appreciation of these songs is what really makes this worth it to me.


In the Village 941‐349‐9822

DAIQUIRI DECK RAW BAR In the Village 941‐349‐8697 GILLIGANS

WPT: Did you start playing down here right away?

Willie: I got a gig with a band called “Dagmar and Hotsauce”, which was Dagmar, Fred Stevens and Mark Mosby, who eventually went on to “The Instigators”, which was a big Reggae band for a while. After that, I joined the “Leon Poindexter Band”, playing Bluegrass, Country and Blues type stuff. I played with them for 20 years. We played a lot of parties and barbeques, but no bars. In the middle of that I also played with a Contemporary Christian group, which also lasted for about 20 years… those two bands kept me busy in this area for quite a while until I got the idea to start playing solo so I could play a wider variety of songs I knew. I’ve been playing solo ever since.


3:30 – 6:30pm 7‐10pm


3:30 – 6:30pm 7‐10pm

Karaoke 9pm ‐1am LIVE MUSIC 6‐10pm

4:30 – 7:30pm 8:30 –midnight

4:30 – 7:30pm 8:30 ‐ midnight

3:30 – 6:30pm 7‐10pm

Karaoke 9pm – 1am

Karaoke 9pm – 1am






Over the South Bridge

Andres Collin 5‐9pm

Larry Williams 5‐9pm

(Reggae Music)

SAND DOLLAR POOL BAR @ Best Western Plus 6600 S. Tamiami Trl. Sarasota 941‐924‐4900

Mike Sales 3 – 6 PM

Willie Be There 3‐6PM

Live Music 4‐8pm

Live Music 3‐7pm

Live Music 3‐7pm



CASEY KEY FISH HOUSE 801 Blackburn Pt. Rd, Osprey 941‐966‐1901

Above information is subject to change. We suggest calling venues for confirmation.

Democracy 4‐8pm



APRIL 2016

Island Humor [ A Florida woman stops alligator attack with Beretta pistol. And they say we should give up our guns! This is a story of self-control and marksmanship by a brave, coolheaded woman with a small pistol against a fierce predator. She was asked, “What is the smallest caliber that you would trust to protect yourself?” “A Beretta Jetfire”, she answered! A nice testimonial for the Beretta Jetfire. Here is her story in her own words: “While out walking along the edge of a pond just outside of The Villages with my soon-to-be ex-husband, discussing property settlement and other divorce issues, we were surprised by a huge 12-foot alligator which suddenly emerged from the murky water and began charging us with its large jaws wide open. She must have been protecting her nest because she was extremely aggressive. If I had not had my little Beretta Jetfire .25 caliber pistol with me, I would not be here today! Just one shot to my husband’s knee cap was all it took. The ‘gator got him easily and I was able to escape by just walking away at a brisk

pace. It’s one of the best pistols in my collection! Plus the amount I saved in lawyer’s fees was really incredible!” [ A man owned a small ranch in Montana. The Montana Work Force Department claimed he was not paying proper wages to his help and sent an agent out to interview him. “I need a list of your employees and how much you pay them,” demanded the agent. “Well,” replied the farmer, “there’s my farm hand who’s been with me for 3 years. I pay him $200 a week plus free room and board.” “The cook has been here for 18 months, and I pay her $150 per week plus free room and board.” “Then there’s the half-wit. He works about 18 hours every day and does about 90% of all the work around here. He makes about $10 per week, pays his own room and board, and I buy him a bottle of bourbon every Saturday night. He also sleeps with my wife occasionally.” “That’s the guy I want to talk to ... the half-wit,” says the agent. “That would be me,” replied the Rancher.

[ By the time John pulled into the little town, every hotel room was taken. “You’ve got to have a room somewhere.” he pleaded to the last hotel manager, “Or just a bed--I don’t really care where. I’m completely exhausted” “Well, I do have a double room with one occupant,” admitted the manager, “and I’m sure he would be glad to split the cost. But to tell you the truth, he snores so loudly that people in adjoining rooms have complained all week. I’m not sure it’d be worth it to you.” “No problem,” the tired traveler assured him. “I’ll take it.” The next morning John came down to breakfast bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. The manager asked him how he survived. “Never better.” John said. The manager was impressed. “No problem with the other guy snoring, then?” “Nope. I shut him up in no time.” “How’d you manage that?” “He was already in bed, snoring away when I came in the room,” John said. “I went over, gave him a kiss on the cheek, said, ‘Good night, beautiful’ and he sat up all night watching me.”


Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Month e h T f o r e d n e t r a B

b & Oyster Bar/ ra C ’s rt u C t. p a C Restaurant Point Rd. y e n ck ti S ld O 0 120 4242 Siesta Key, FL 3 941-349-3885 s.com www.captaincurt

Name of Bartender: Cindi Hometown: Norristown, PA


Q: How long have you been bartending? A: 9 years. Q: What was the strangest or funniest thing you experienced at work? A: Three tipsy guys came in for lunch. When it came time to pay, one of them got money from his swimming trunks. As I picked it up from the bar I noticed it was wet! I asked him, “What, did you jump in the Gulf with this? He replied, “No, it’s my sweat!” Eww…gross! I dropped it back on the bar! Now we know why they say money is dirty! Q: What do you do in your spare time? A: I love going to the #1 Beach in the country and watching any Philadelphia Sports team. Q: How would you describe yourself? A: I am generally a very laid back person, unless I’m watching the

Eagles, then I’m crazy! Q: How would you describe where you work? A: Capt. Curt’s is the best place on Siesta Key to work and play.

6500 Gateway Ave • 941.554.8905

Q: When’s the best time to see you? A: The best time to catch me is on Tuesday, Wednesday or Saturday evenings or Thursday and Friday for lunch.

28 Siesta Sand

APRIL 2016

941.349.0194 www.siestasand.net

Snapshots of Island Visitors


Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography 1






1: Cheryl & Kay from Sarasota 2: Noah, Kay, Becca, & Isabella (students at New College) 3: Marina from DC and Greer from Chicago 4: Sarah, Ben, & Paul from NH 5: Pat, Lucy age 4, Eric, & Jack age 7 from PA 6: Liam age 3, Jennifer, and Nathan age 6 from Sarasota 7: Ben and Brianna from Sarasota

Discover Gulf Gate

With our map, located adjacent, you’ll be able to navigate your way to our featured shops with ease. Oh Mamma Mia! (GG-4) Offers a truly unique dining experience with dinner shows by Chef Giuseppe Urbano. Enjoy the family ambiance as you watch him prepare an authentic Italian regional dish with fresh ingredients just for you. Fine dining, great atmosphere at casual dining prices. Reservations highly recommended.


Catering Available

We Put the South in Your Mouth 6616 Superior Ave. Sarasota



FREE SIDE With the purchase of ANY entreé

women’s rental clubs. You can start your day with a round of golf, enjoy a bite to eat at the many wonderful restaurants or simply relax with a pint of ale at the pub before you head out to explore the many fine shops. Moments In Time Photography (G-28) specializes in several different photography services including Siesta Key Beach portraits starting at just $49 and wedding packages beginning at $495. Check out their website: www. sarasotaphotos.com or visit their store to see why Gulf Gate Golf Course – Conveniently located they have been the photographer of choice for over just a stones throw from the Gulf Gate Shops, a decade and a half. this 27 hole Executive Course offers men’s and Piccolos Italian Market & Deli (G-47) carries a full line of imported cheeses, fresh baked bread daily, homemade sausages, fresh mozzarella, and numerous hard to get items. They now carry Khorasan Wheat which is an ancient and organic grain. Their deli is complete with G-43 huge hot and cold sandwiches, salads, fresh homemade lasagna and baked ziti. And, you cannot leave without trying their cannoli filled with their own homemade cannoli cream or the tiramisu or Sfogliatelle from Brooklyn. Continued on the next page



APRIL 2016

Discover Gulf Gate Here is where you will find great Italian specialty gourmet items without the gourmet price. Tony’s Chicago Beef Company (S-16) is owned and operated by true Chicagoans. Dedicated to deliver Chicago’s best food - Chicago style Hot Dogs wit’ the works...dragged through the garden on poppy seed buns with fresh cut fries, Italian Beef Sandwiches anyway you like, dipped or dry, sweet or hot. All served in true Authentic Chicago Style. Sarasota Brewing Co. (G-4) Sarasota’s first micro brew pub always has something new to offer. From over 20 seasonal beers that rotate throughout the year, the Brewing Company always has at least five unique brews online as well as several favorites from around the world. Established in 1989, Their menu has been a winner in the Reader’s Choice Awards of the Sarasota Herald

blowouts, razor cuts, and straight razor shaves. Owners, Erick and Dawn use a back to basics approach to grooming with a precise attention to personal detail. Their commitment to excellence has provided them with many loyal customers. They welcome the opportunity to earn your trust. Hours: Tues. – Fri. 8:30am – 6pm, Sat., 8:30am – 3pm. Closed on Sundays and Mondays. 6625 Gateway Ave, 941-626-4894.

Hurricane Mike’s Saloon (M-10) is a little neighborhood bar at 2639 Mall Drive, where everyone knows your name type of establishment and friendly staff. TV’s with the MLB and NFL packages, pool table, and full Florida Lottery games. Happy hour daily from opening to 7pm. Hours: Mon – Sat, 8am – 2:30am and Sun., noon – 2:30am.

At the original Word of Mouth Restaurant (G-31), every seemingly insignificant detail receives special attention from the warm, inviting decor to each specially crafted variety of freshly baked muffins to the signature menu items. This small diner is where the locals come to eat breakfast and lunch. Each staff member works hard to make sure you receive the best service and quality food so you’ll want

G49 G48 G47 G46 G45 G44 G43 G42 G41 G40 G39 G38 G37 G36 G35 G34 G33 G32 G31 G30 G29 G28 G27 G26 G25 G24

to return often. Take a look at their mouth-watering menu at www.originalwordofmouth. com. Hours: Mon-Sun.: 8AM2PM. 6604 Gateway Ave., Sarasota, 34231, 941-925-2400. Fiona’s Childrenwear (G43) is the place to shop for all those special occasions and sophisticated but functional everyday wear. Styles range from classic to contemporary to whimsical and are available in size newborn to 16x. Hours: Tues. – Fri. 10 a.m. – 5p.m., Sat. 10a.m. – 4 p.m. Other hours by appt. Call 941-4000732. Pride of the South (S34) specializes in southern BBQ from ribs to meatloaf along with an array of sides such as grits, collard greens, baked bread, cole slaw, and fried orka all served up in a southern style setting. Let your nose lead the way to their smokers.

M22 M21 M20 M19 M18 M17 M16 M15 M14 M13 M12 M11 M10 M9 M8


Iberia Bank


M5 M4 M3 M2 M1

© Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2012

Continued from previous page

Tribune featuring their mouth watering burgers, Chicago style Pizzas, and Chicago beef sandwiches. With dozens of televisions, it’s a great place to catch a game with friends and family. West End Pub (G-49) Where else can you watch your favorite game with a great selection of beers, wines and liquors served by a friendly staff AND where you’re allowed to bring your own restaurant or deli food? Right here.

The Shop SRQ (G-2) offers flat-tops, fades, tapers,


Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

G23 G22 G21 G20 G19 G18 G17 G16 G15 G14 G13 G12 G11 G10 G9 G8 G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1


Eat Where The Locals Eat! Original Word of Mouth 6604 Gateway Ave. Sarasota, FL 34231


HOURS: Monday - Sunday 8:00AM to 2PM www.originalwordofmouth.com




S58 S57 S56 S55 S54 S53 S52 S51 S50 S49 S48 S47 S46 S45 S44 S43 S42 S41 S40 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33 S32 S31 S30

S28 S27 S26 S25 S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S9 S8

All packaged liquor sold until 2 AM

Open Daily from 9 AM ‘til 2:30 AM


Mike’s Bud Select Brew $1.50/Pints • BEST Bloody Mary’s in Sarasota • Pool TableGolden Tee Megatouch


7 PM ‘til Close Sunday & Monday

S7 S6 S5 S4 S3 S2 S1

• 12 TV’s with MLB and NFL ticket sports package • All Florida lottery games • Smokers Welcome!

2639 Mall Drive One mi.from Siesta South Bridge (behind Publix) GG1 GG2 GG3 GG4 GG5 GG6 GG7 GG8 GG9 GG10 GG11 GG12 GG13 GG14 GG15 GG16 GG17 GG18 GG19 GG20 GG21 GG22 GG23 GG24 GG25 GG26 GG27 GG28 GG29 GG30 GG31 GG32 GG33 GG34 GG35 GG36 GG37 GG38 GG39 GG40 GG41 GG42 GG43 GG44 GG45 GG46 GG47 GG48 GG49 GG50 GG51 GG52 GG53 GG54

941-923-9827 Open Daily 9 AM-2:30 AM



Italian Market & Deli


Hot or Cold & Vegetarian Sandwiches

Authentic New York Italian Market & Deli We carry a full line of Imported Cheeses, Boars Head Luncheon Meats, Pasta, Olive Oil, Assorted Imported Olives, Khorasan Wheat (ancient & organic grain), and more. G-47 GG-46

S-16 SRQ

“Straight Razor Shaves”

941.626.4894 / 941.536.1656

Come See Our New Location

Tonsorial Artistry by

Store Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10am - 6pm 6518 Gateway Ave. www.PiccoloMarket.com


Combined 25+ Years Experience

Specialty Italian gourmet items without the gourmet price



Flat-Tops, Fades, Tapers, Blowouts and Razor Cuts

www.TheShopSRQ.com 6625 Gateway Ave.

Tonsorial Artistry by Erick & Dawn

Open Tues.-Fri. 8:30 AM-6 PM Sat. 8:30 AM - 3 PM Closed Sun. & Mon.

30 Siesta Sand

APRIL 2016

941.349.0194 www.siestasand.net

Arts on the Horizon

By Rodger Skidmore

Round and round we go

Like death and taxes, roundabouts seem to be in our future. Yes, we have a few now, but the city has plans for 16 more. While we may wish to scream and shout (or applaud and give thanks) we all will have to deal with them. Music is supposed to soothe the savage beast but it may have to be art - especially since the city has plans to put various sculptures in the centers of all of them. If we were thinking public sponsored sculpture of the past that had been put into plazas and parks, it would be generals on horseback with swords raised to the sky. Not today. Looking at the John Henry giant red scale model of the game of Pick-up Sticks we know we are in a new day. But what goes well in a roundabout? And where do we get them? A national search is one (very expensive) way. Another is to look at local sculptors (and keep the money circulating in the local community), for known sources of great art. Dennis Kowal is a local artist of national renown whose work can be seen in about ten locations around Sarasota. He is pictured here with a maquette of a proposed roundabout sculpture - one of his Aspiration (hope or ambition of achieving greatness) series. The visual appearance of 4 inch thick aerospace grade aluminum will change from moment to moment as the clouds drift across the sun. A 26 foot tall by 15 foot wide version would be inspiring and airy. A product of the University of Illinois and the Art Institute of Chicago, Dennis studied, for a time, under Buckminster Fuller. Although one of his first works was a totem in carved wood it appears evident that his early engineering jobs and work in tool design have influenced his work - strong, clean, direct and hard - hard in surface and hard in content. Dennis

Photograph ©2015 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston has made his home in downtown Sarasota for over 25 years. Art aside, one purpose of sculpture in the center of a roundabout is to give forward visual notice to approaching motorists that they need to start paying attention to their driving much better than flashing yellow lights. Aspiration does this in a calm way - perhaps giving hope, or at least the ambition, of learning how to drive around Sarasota’s roundabouts.

How to know someone

Walk a mile in their shoes - break bread with them - or simply look at their art. And where and when would one do that? And why? The where and when easy, Ink, Silk and Gold is: Islamic Art from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston is an exhibition currently at the John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art, here in Sarasota, through May 1st. The why, and indeed, the what, are a bit more complex. One could actually say that the term “Islamic Art” is a catchall phrase, in that the subject encompasses art from when the Muslim religion started, until now. Also, not just Persian art, but art from the eastern to the western edges of Africa (Morocco, Egypt, Ethiopia),

Regularly Scheduled Classes & Events: WEEKLY BEACH CLASSES: • FREE YOGA Mon-Wed.-Fri.-Sat. 9am. Classes held between blue and green lifeguard station. Call 941320-6693 to register or www.yogaonsiestabeach.com • NIA Tues. & Thurs., 9a.m., Siesta Public Beach(yellow lifeguard chair). Contact Kathy Oravec at 941-724-9719 for more info or check website: www.nianow.com/kathy-oravec www.nianow.com/kathy-oravec • SUNSET FUSION – Every Mon & Wed, 45 minutes before sunset. Beach access #4. For additional info and to register online go to: http://www.studiorubylake.com • WEEKLY DRUM CIRCLE: Every Sunday about an hour before sunset. South of the main pavillion. You can particpate or watch this weekly gathering dance, hoop, play the drum or other musical instument and enjoy the spectacular Siesta sunset. • WEEKLY FARMER’S MARKET: Every Sunday from 8am – 2pm in Davidson’s Plaza in the Village. 5124 Ocean Blvd. Produce, Plants & Flowers, Music, Art, Organic Skincare, Italian Olive Oil, and Freshly Prepared Foods. Listen to live music while you shop. On The Beach… • APRIL 2 (SAT) 7:30AM RUN FOR THE TURTLES: It’s time to dust off those running shoes and get ready for the 30th Annual Run for the Turtles. The Run supports sea turtle conservation and research at Mote Marine Laboratory and is the Sea Turtle Conservation Program’s major fundraiser — Here’s your chance to help sea turtles! The event is happening at Siesta Key Public Beach, 948 Beach Road. The registration Fees are Adults: $35 On Race Day: Registration begins 6:30 a.m. at the Siesta Key Gazebo, south of the pavilion. The 1-Mile Fun Run or Walk begins at 7:30 a.m. and the 5K Manasota Track Club-Sanctioned Run begins at 8 a.m. More Info: Contact Paula Clark, (941) 388-4441, ext. 357 or pclark@mote.org • APRIL 8-10, 7TH ANNUAL WOMEN’S COLLEGIATE VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT Fri(Noon-6pm; Sat & Sun-All Day:

across the Red Sea to the Arabian peninsula, up into all of the Middle East and on to Turkey, Russia, China, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India - you know, all the countries over there that are in the news every day. So, do we go see Islamic Art because it is an esoteric way to broaden our view of the world? Well, sure, why not. But a more compelling reason is that it is beautiful. The English language script that we use is based upon a Romanization of the original blocky Greek letters. Arabic script, even more so than Chinese, flows and is inherently beautiful. The image shown here is more than an early 14th century Egyptian lamp from a mosque, it is a work of art. The decoration around the upper rim of the lamp is not just some contemporary Jackson Pollock doodle, it appears to be a set of beautifully crafted letters from some ancient game of Scrabble. Indeed, if one were to look for one unifying trait within all Islamic art, it would be the incredible detail. So much time was spent creating this art, it would be a waste of our senses not to spend some time viewing it. While the over 100 items in this exhibit are from “The Boston”, they comprise a show that you could never

What’s Happening

The Fiesta on Siesta Key, the largest collegiate sand volleyball competition in the U.S. USA Volleyball will also hold its Florida tryouts for the National HP program on Saturday. Players in the top five spots from participating beach volleyball programs will compete in true NCAA competition on all three days in April. See www.fiestaonsiestakey.com for more info or contact Dave Cartenson, 727-639-3905 • APRIL 16 (SAT), 8-11AM, GREAT AMERICAN CLEAN UP: The Great American Cleanup is the country’s largest community improvement program that kicks off in more than 20,000 communities each spring. This national program engages 4+ million volunteers who take action in their communities to create positive change and lasting impact. Register to volunteer by contacting the Sarasota County Contact Center at 941-861-5000 and ask for the Keep Sarasota County Beautiful office. www.scgov.net/KSCB • APRIL 23, SUNSET, MOONLIGHT MOVIE SERIES: Enjoy a family night of fun on beautiful Siesta Key beach beginning at sunset with a FREE screening of the Disney movie: Wall-E. FREE popcorn will be offered, but remember to bring your own blankets and chairs. Rain date: April 30. For more information, call the Sarasota County Call Center at 941-861-5000 and ask about the Moonlight Movie Series. • APRIL 23-24 (SAT & SUN), 8AM-6PM, EAST END VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT: Divisions: Men’s Open; Men’s AA; Men’s A; Men’s B; Women’s Open; Women’s AA; Women’s A; Women’s B; Coed’s AA; Coed’s A; Coed’s B; Boys 18 & Under; Boys 14 & Under; Girls 18 & Under; Girls 16 & Under; Girls 14 & Under; Girls 12 & Under. For more information, go to their website: www.eevb.net • APRIL 30 (SAT), 7AM, PORCH LIGHT 5K RACE: Run/walk on beautiful Siesta Key beach. This participant friendly 5k and 1 mile event supports a program to rescue and restore child victims of the sex trafficking trade. The proceeds will go to provide a safe house for them. Around the island… • SECOND FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH FROM 6-9PM. Open Gallery Night at THE GALLERY ON


To advertise in print or online contact: Bob or Emy Stein at 941.349.0194 Send editorial and/or photos via email to: islandvp@verizon.net

see there, as the pieces are drawn from a host of galleries and storage areas within the museum. There are paintings, ceramics, manuscripts, wall hangings, jewels, etchings, floor coverings, assemblages, and sculptures, they are now on tour, as a unit, to only three cities in the US, with Sarasota being the final stop - meaning see it here or miss it forever. Also available is a lovely 192 page book produced by the Boston museum. The art work in the book, and in the show, starts with the 8th Century and contains art made right up to today.

The Scene

Dialogue, sets, music, costumes, acting, lights, they all make up theater. And who pulls it all together, the director. And if we are all lucky, it will be Brendan Ragan, the director, actor and co-founder (along with Summer Wallace and Harry Lipstein) of Sarasota’s Urbanite Theatre. This is the marvelous new theater (second season) located on Second Street in downtown Sarasota, opposite the northern entrance to Whole Foods (free parking on the 2nd and 3rd floor of the WF garage). This is a case of the prodigal son returning home before he wasted himself. Brendan spent time in New York (City of Sin) and Baltimore (City of Scandal) after completing the graduate program at the FSU/Asolo Conservatory. While “on the road” he got acting and directing gigs and decided he liked both. Long story short, he and Ms. Wallace got together and decided that Sarasota was the ideal place to start a new theater

SIESTA KEY, in the Village. Meet the artists while nibbling on hors d’oeuvres, sipping on wine and taking in all the beautiful, original local paintings, jewelry, metal and wood creations. • CB’S SALTWATER OUTFITTERS ORVISENDORSED FLY FISHING SCHOOLS-2016: APRIL 2 & 11: The schools will cover fly casting basics, line control, shooting line and the roll cast. Instructors, Capt. Rick Grassett and Capt. Ed Hurst, will also cover leader construction, fly selection and saltwater fly fishing techniques. The course, designed for beginning and intermediate fly casters, will focus on basics but also work with intermediate casters on correcting faults and improving casting skills. Cost for the schools, which will run from 8:30 AM to 3 PM, is $150 per person and includes the use of Orvis fly tackle, a text book and lunch. Contact CB’s Saltwater Outfitters at (941) 349-4400 or info@cbsoutfitters. com to make reservations. CB’s Saltwater Outfitters is located on Siesta Key, directly over the Stickney Point Bridge at 1249 Stickney Point Rd. • SIESTA FIESTA – APRIL 9 & 10, 10AM – 5PM: This open air craft fair takes place in Siesta Key Village. All artists and crafters will be present for the duration of the show, available to discuss their work and inspiration. A Green Market will feature exotic plants and orchids, body products, gourmet spices, jams, dips and spreads, and much more. For more information visit www.siestakeyvillage.org Off island… • PHILLIPPI ESTATE PARK EVENTS: They say “April showers bring May flowers”; however, at Phillippi Estate Park April brings loads of flowers, floral arrangements and the FOUNDERS GARDEN SHOW, with the seasonal theme of Spring Training. The Edson Keith Mansion will be open to the public free of charge on Wednesday April 17 from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. to coincide with the park’s PHILLIPPI FARMHOUSE MARKET. The Phillippi Farmhouse Market continues through the month of April with local produce. All the fruits and vegetables in the park’s farmers market are locally grown and it’s a rule of the market that each vendor must also be a grower, so stop by

company. Really. The draw was a highly intelligent theater-going crowd that really cared about what they saw. The 65 seat black box that they created is the result. As they get more famous will they move on to other venues outside of Sarasota? One answer is that they took a 10 year lease on their current location. Wallace and Ragan would like the Urbanite to become an incubator for new playwrights to regionally showcase their wares. Why wait 2 years after a great play opens Off-Broadway when it can play here before it hits the Big Apple. What’s next for the Urbanite? The Drowning Girls, a true story based on an early 1900’s string of murders - sort of an underwater version of Bluebeard’s Castle. How does it resonate with today’s world? Well, let’s just say that back in 2012 women were not as valued as they should be, were victims of domestic violence, did not receive equal pay, were not.... oh, did I write 2012, I meant 1912. Well, you get what I mean. Why go to the beach when you can be drowned at home? The Drowning Girls at the Urbanite Theatre, 1487 Second Street, Sarasota, Wednesdays - Sundays, April 22 - May 22, 2016.

the market’s produce vendors and talk with them about their growing conditions for their fruits and vegetables. Don’t forget the Farmhouse Market also has great local artisans and wonderful locally baked goods as well as breakfast and lunch vendors. There’s always music, the friendliest volunteers at the Welcome Tent, a monthly visit from the Humane Society of Sarasota County with adorable, adoptable pets. Every Wednesday promptly at 10:00 a.m. there will be a FREE historical tour of the Edson Keith Mansion. This tour will be led by a knowledgeable docent and lasts approximately 45 minutes. There is only one tour given each Wednesday, so please be on the front porch of the Mansion before 10:00 a.m. Dogs on leash are welcome at Phillippi Estate Park and the 60-acre grounds have wonderful shoreline paths for walking, bird watching, photography and painting. The park is open daily from 6:00 a.m. until midnight. There is ample parking each Wednesday from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. Join in the fun and support local agriculture. For details, call 941-316-1309. 5500 S Tamiami Trail Sarasota, FL 34231 • SARASOTA FILM FESTIVAL, APRIL 1-10, This annual ten day event will showcase the art of filmmaking as it screens over 200 films. More than 250 filmmakers will be in attendance. There will be parties and galas and multiple special events, including symposiums and panels featuring leaders in the film industry. The Sarasota Film Festival has energized Sarasota for nearly two decades. It has welcomed some of the most acclaimed and promising actors, directors, screenwriters, and musicians of our time. A wide selection of features, documentaries, shorts, and animations are offered, some designed for young people, and others created by young people from all over the world, At SFF, the most talented young, old, new and veteran independent filmmakers showcase their work. Hundreds of Volunteers will be on hand to help SFF achieve this mission, Get Involved! Volunteer! Celebrate the art of filmmaking! Go to www.sarasotafilmfestival.org to learn more about this world-class event. Please call ahead to confirm dates, times, location, and other information for each event.

Published by Island Visitor Publishing, LLC Contributing Writers and Photographers will be noted with bylines. Guest commentary not necessarily the opinion of island Visitor Publishing, LLC Reproduction without written permission prohibited. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement. All business bios are extensions of the display advertisements. Island Visitor Publishing, LLC is not responsible for claims made by advertisers. All ads are subject to the approval of the publisher. It is the responsibility of the party placing any ad for publication in Siesta Sand to meet all applicable legal requirements in connection with the ad such as compliance with town, county and state codes in first obtaining an occupational license for business, permitted home occupation, or residential rental property. DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability. Island Visitor Publishing is not responsible for claims made by advertisers.

P.O. BOX 35086, SIESTA KEY, FL 34242




APRIL 2016

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Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography

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Above: Kendall age 8, Avery age 5 from Colorado Right: Dylan from Sarasota

Soulfully Yours Donnarose Q: Dear Donnarose, the world is clearly getting more chaotic. How is it possible to find peace amidst it all? ~Jaden A: ~ “The seeds of peace come with our soul before birth, and are there to help us during our challenges on earth.” ~Donnarose Melvin Many are accustomed to going about their day hoping to find peace somewhere during it, whether it’s on TV or during their travels, etc. But, when it’s chaos they find instead, they tend to take on that energy. And a feeling of fear and hopelessness comes over them, making them wonder what’s in store tomorrow. And then there are people who begin their day by meditating or being still, connecting to peace within. And then they go about the rest of their day. And if or when there’s chaos stirring around them, that peace they connected to earlier, enables their reaction to match same. You’ll see them encouraging peace, or taking swift measures to call in the needed people to help resolve the situation. The way you can find peace is to go within through prayer and meditation, keeping your energy clean, etc. As indicated above, this will help you to more effectively handle any chaos around you. And as connecting to your peace continues, don’t be surprised if you notice less chaos manifesting in your personal environment. This is what happens when peace is more abundant in your life. It allows you more time to focus on sending peace energy out to others on our planet. And as this process becomes habit, you’ll start to realize that peace was never for you to find amidst the chaos, but was always there to connect to, within. ~ ♥ Q: Dear Donnarose, for the first time someone very close to me has cancer. I’m at such a loss with how to handle it. Can you provide any suggestions? ~Blessings, Sarah A: ~ “To those close to us who are greatly in need, it’s support, love and laughter that can help bring relief.” ~Donnarose Melvin This is certainly a tough situation for your best friend. My heart goes out to her as many in my life have suffered with cancer, and some received energy work from me. And what I’ve learned from

the latter, is the best way to help someone inflicted with cancer, is to not only be there for them and pray with them, but to acknowledge their fear. Meaning, your friend needs to know she doesn’t have to hold anything back that expressing her concerns is healthier than stuffing them down. What’s equally important, is giving your friend relief from the heavy burden of action she has to take to deal with her cancer. By relief, I mean in the form of promoting cheerfulness and old familiar funny stories that will most likely result in laughter. As they say, laughter truly does soothe the soul. It allows a temporary escape from a tough situation. One of my clients who had cancer for many years made very funny comments quite often. It always gave her a sense of relief, even if temporary. To add to this, there are actual studies that show laughter helps boost the immune system. So bringing cheer to your friend may actually positively affect her health. Another gift to give your friend, is to make certain she is convinced she can call you any time, day or night should she need anything. And if you’re unavailable, she will know about the chain of contacts you organized. To give her the gifts mentioned above knowing she has full support all around her, especially from you, will help contribute to the peace she needs and deserves. And lastly, allowing yourself to take breaks and engage in your normal activities, will actually give you more energy and strength to help your friend. I send love, strength and peace to you both. ~ ♥ Donnarose Melvin is a professional psychic, medium and energy healer, whose pleasure it is to assist clients worldwide. She incorporates knowledge from her degree in psychology, along with her clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient and empathic gifts to guide her clients towards peace and success. Please send your questions to SoulfullyYoursDonnarose@gmail.com or private message her via facebook: Soulfully Yours Donnarose. Donnarose will select questions each month to share with you. She regrets that unpublished questions cannot be answered individually. If you’d like an intuitive reading, contact Donnarose at the email address above.

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Profiles in Real Estate: For Keith Redding, it all started with a vacation

By Roger Drouin

At age 34, Keith Redding is the managing broker at Key Solutions Real Estate, a residential and commercial real estate firm based on Siesta Key that has grown it’s sales volume by about 30 percent every year. As managing broker, Redding now signs off on about $90 million in residential and commercial sales a year. The company he helped co-found in 2010 also has a property management division. He is one of the youngest brokers in Sarasota, and for Redding, it all started with a vacation. In 2004, Keith Redding came down to Siesta Key for vacation, as many residents of northern latitudes do. At the time, the Ohio native was a senior attending Youngstown State. He planned on going into medical sales. A few months later, Redding had graduated college and sold what few possessions he had. “As soon as I finished school, I was in the car on my way down and never looked back,” Redding told Siesta Sand. In addition to a new home on Siesta, Redding also found a new career path. He worked shortly for a developer, and decided he wanted to get his real estate license and represent clients. In 2005, Redding got his real estate license. In 2008, Redding moved to the mainland, but it was his connection to the island he fell in love with in 2004 that eventually led him to co-found Key Solutions Real Estate a few years later. In 2010, Redding co-founded Key Solutions, with co-founders Susan Saltalamacchia, a retired homebuilder and Brian Tresidder. The timing — in the midst of the real estate downturn — may not have followed conventional wisdom, but it did correlate with the founders’ faith in a strong local real estate market that

would surely rebound. “A lot of people like myself, are from up North, so there is this huge pipeline [of new property owners] coming down,” Redding told Siesta Sand. They knew Siesta would be one of the areas to lead that rebound. Saltalamacchia had the initial thought to open the company. “We got together and looking at all the statistics and the economics of the area, it made sense,” Redding said. In 2011, Key Solutions purchased and renovated an office on Siesta Key. The building, which was purchased as a foreclosure and was constructed in 1944, “was in dire straights,” before the renovation, Redding said. Now, it features a modern, open lobby and a saltwater fish tank that offers a view into the conference room. There’s a garden space in the back. “We wanted it to be a Siesta Key style office where people can just come in and relax,” Redding said. Redding is proud of the fact that the company has 100 percent agent retention. “We’ve had some agents move away or leave the industry, but we haven’t had any agents leave to go to another company,” Redding said. He attributes that to a close-knit company and brokers who make sure they are available to help agents day or night. But Redding says the company’s highest emphasis is on the customer. The boutique firm combines the highest level of customer service with the most cutting edge technology to ensure they exceed every client’s exceptions. At the beginning of 2014, the company also added a second location in Lakewood

Brian Tresidder, Susan Saltalamacchia, & Keith Redding

Keith Redding Ranch to better serve the clients considering properties on the mainland and east of 75. In August, 2015, Redding and his wife Cara welcomed their daughter Alivia. He hasn’t sleep since. “I’ve taken many calls and signed contracts with a baby under one hand,” Redding said. The family is joined by Riley, a two-year-old black lab mix that the family adopted from the Sarasota County Humane Society.

When Redding isn’t working — he’s not sure what “not working” means, he jokes — he enjoys golfing at a variety of local courses. There isn’t much down time, so he also enjoys spending as much time as he can with his daughter and wife, and with friends. He loves going out to eat on Siesta with his family, and they also enjoy the downtown area and Southside/Hillview area. Meanwhile, Redding, Saltalamacchia and Tresidder, remain busy as they continue to grow Key Solutions. Despite being a boutique firm they have worked to implement

the most cutting edge website and technologies, including a forthcoming technology that will allow people to text for immediate access to listing information. “We want to give our potential customers every piece of information as fast as possible,” Redding said. The company also uses apps and social media sites to drive potential customers to listings. In addition, “We are in the process of finalizing international real estate affiliations in order to open additional channels of advertising to the European and Asian markets,” Redding said.



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|Surrounded by water, the Pointe makes an impression By Roger Drouin When John Billowitz visited Siesta Key in the late 1980s, he stayed with a friend who lived at the Pointe on Siesta Key. The five-plus acre condo community, surrounded by water on three sides, made a good first impression. “I thought this was really special,” Billowitz recalls. Billowitz visited the Key again the next year, in 1989, and him and his wife looked at about a dozen other condominiums for a possible unit to purchase. “We said to the realtor show us something as good as the Pointe that has what the Pointe does, and they couldn’t,” Billowitz told Siesta Sand. “You can’t beat it,” Billowitz said of the Pointe, where he and his wife end up purchasing a two-bedroom unit in 1989. Then in 2003, they purchased the next-door one-bedroom unit. The Pointe is comprised of 122 units in a pair of 10-story buildings. There are two twobedroom or one-bedroom units. Each floor has seven units, one of which is a one bedroom unit and the other six are two-bedroom units. The beautiful location and spectacular views is by far the strongest feature of the community, Billowitz said. From the kitchen in his ninthfloor unit, he can look out at both the Gulf and the Intracoastal. Realtor Sheri Lasley-Ruiz, of Key Solutions Real Estate, said the five-plus acre gated community offers resort-style amenities — including a clubhouse that was renovated in 2012. Other amenities at the Pointe include: a pool and spa, meeting rooms, dock spaces available, kayak racks, and modern gyms. Lasley-Ruiz, however, agrees with Billowitz that what she calls the “awe-inspiring views” are the greatest draw for prospective owners. Lasley-Ruiz has a fourth floor unit listed for sale in the Pointe. The unit features two bedrooms and 1,380 square feet. It is listed for $540,000, or $391 a square foot. The unit has a brand new HVAC system that was installed in December, 2015. “This is one of the larger 2 bedroom 2 bath units at the Pointe with incredible views of both the Gulf and the Intracoastal/Bay,” Lasley-Ruiz told Siesta Sand. “An end unit with abundant windows and ceiling fans, it is light, bright and airy. The open floor plan has been nicely updated to include wood cabinets with solid surface countertops in the open kitchen and baths, and tile flooring throughout.” According to the Pointe’s website: “When the Pointe was built in the late 1970’s, Siesta Key was still a relatively sleepy barrier island, whose inhabitants included many local fisherman. Midnight Pass was still open to the Gulf and early residents of the Pointe could watch schools of shrimp swim past their lanais. Today they have been replaced by kayakers and paddle boarders enjoying the beautiful mangrove islands of the Neville Marine Park.” Before the Pointe was built, Mercury Marine maintained a testing facility for their engines — where the Pointe’s gazebo island is today. Across from the condo buildings in Blind Pass, Mote Marine also once studied the behavior of sharks in huge underwater tanks, funded by the U.S. Navy and National Institutes of Health. Now the Pointe is surrounded by serenity at the very southern tip of Siesta, in close proximity to Turtle Beach Park to the north and the Jim Neville Marine Preserve to the south. “You can’t beat it,” Billowitz said of the locale. “Maybe we are biased.” The county’s renouishment of Turtle Beach

is underway, and the county plans to begin an improvement project at Turtle Beach Park starting sometime in April. “Turtle Beach is less than a 10 minute walk from The Pointe,” said Lasley-Ruiz. “The beach renourishment and proposed improvements will no doubt enhance the attractiveness of the community.” “I have been told we have the second largest swimming pool on the island, and it is heated,” Billowitz said. “It is right on the water on the east side [of the property].” The community also has three grilling areas. The Pointe is a dog friendly community as well, Billowitz noted. The property has a strong reserve fund and a history of keeping up on maintenance projects, Billowitz said. The clubhouse was remodeled in 2012 and the roofs were re-done about 10 years ago. The elevators were upgraded recently. “We don’t wait to paint the building until the paint is chipping,” Billowitz said.

Recent sales:

Four units at the Pointe were actively listed for sale, as of press time. • The current unit, listed by Lasley-Ruiz, of Key Solutions, features two bedrooms and 1,380 square feet. The fourth floor unit is listed for $540,000, or $391 a square foot (see above). • Another current listing features two bedrooms and 1,331 square feet under air conditioning. It is listed for $495,000, a recent price decrease. The listing price, as of press time, comes out to $372 a square foot. The eighth-floor unit has Gulf and Intracoastal views from every room, according to MLS. This unit also has an updated kitchen with breakfast bar overlooking the living room/dining area and lanai. There have been 10 recent sales. Here is a sampling of some of those recent sales: • A renovated, two bedroom unit sold for $435,000 in January, 2015. It has 1,331 square feet, and the sale came out to $327 a square foot. The unit is located on the second floor. • Another renovated, two bedroom unit sold for $509,000 in June, 2014. It is located on the sixth floor and has 1,029 square feet. The sale came out to $495 a square foot. According to MLS, “This 6th floor unit has been beautifully renovated to include lustrous marble flooring throughout, solid-wood cabinets with granite countertops and stainless appliances in the open kitchen, and newly tiled baths with vessel sink vanities.” • A two-bedroom unit with 1,103 square feet sold for $380,000 in April, 2014, or $345 per square foot. The unit features newer appliances and a renovated bathroom and master bedroom. • A one-bedroom, 1,026 square feet unit on the forth floor sold for $299,000 in October, 2014, or $291 a square foot. According to MLS, “This partially remodeled condo features tile floors, a completely remodeled master bathroom, walk-in closet, enclosed Florida room, stainless appliances, and in-unit washer/dryer.” NOTE: Realtor Sheri Lasley-Ruiz of Key Solutions Real Estate Group contributed to the sales information used in this article. Other data was complied from the Sarasota County Property Appraiser Office, Sarasota County Planning & Development Services permits, and Multiple Listing Service (MLS).

A two-bedroom end unit listed for sale features an open, updated floorplan. It has views of the Intracoastal and the Gulf. Photos by Sheri Lasley-Ruiz



APRIL 2016

The Highs and Lows of Properties Sold on Siesta Key

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Provided by Key Solutions Real Estate / www.keysolutionsrealestate.com

Following are properties that sold on Siesta Key in in the last 60 days, providing a snapshot of home values on the Key for both single family homes and condominiums. has been upgraded to the maximum. A two story split plan with a master suite on the first floor and great room design w/ 20 ft. ceiling and coastal inspired stair case, an additional bedroom suite, office and bonus room. Front porch entry, to the gourmet show kitchen, this floor plan has been among Allegra Homes most successful and sought after. Gorgeous porcelain tile, a linear gas fireplace, granite counters, stainless Wolfe appliances, aqua glass back splash, wine refrigerator, soaring ceilings in the living room, alarm system with four cameras, central vacuum, tank-less water heater, well for irrigation. The customized pool area has a built in kitchen, a modern stone “cool” pool deck with beach shelf. This is a four bedroom, three bathroom home with a three car garage. Courtesy of Michael Saunders

HIGHEST PRICED SINGLE FAMILY PROPERTY: 5532 Cape Aqua Dr. Sarasota, FL 34242. Sold: $1,500,000 This brand new green certified home was just completed in 2015 and is located just steps away from Siesta Key Beach in the Siesta Isles subdivision. Beautifully set amid the professionally landscaped grounds, this home

This condo provides stunning Gulf views from the private balcony overlooking Siesta Key Beach. It has three bedroom and two bathroom, a split floor plan that’s located in Siesta Dunes. Great amenities are offered at the Dunes such as, heated swimming pool and spa, beautiful sundeck with a gazebo, tennis courts, recreation room, and outdoor grills right next to the beach. The condo comes fully furnished and offers tremendous vaulted ceilings, crown molding, granite countertops, washer and dryer in unit, Florida room, and the spectacular private balcony with ocean views from almost every room. Courtesy of White Sands Realty Group

HIGHEST PRICED CONDO: 6208 Midnight Pass Rd #407 Sarasota, FL 34242 Sold: $1,120,000

LOWEST PRICED SINGLE FAMILY PROPERTY: 5166 Oxford Dr. Sarasota, FL 34242 Sold: $470,000 This charming two bedroom, two bath home makes for an easy, laid-back lifestyle. Situated on a spacious corner lot on canopied Oxford Drive, the home is perfect for entertaining and just minutes to Siesta Village and the beach.

LOWEST PRICED CONDO: 6157 Midnight Pass Rd G11 Sarasota, FL 34242 Sold: $226,000 This is a one bed, one bath, first floor end unit

The very large, bricked and screened lanai provides great indoor/outdoor space. Walk through the lanai into the fenced back yard with attractive octagonal outbuilding - great for storage - and bricked patio. The home has been nicely remodeled to include tile flooring throughout, a new kitchen with wood cabinets, tile countertops and stainless appliances and renovated bathrooms. The open floor plan includes the kitchen with breakfast bar, dining room with bay window, and living room with a wall of sliding glass doors that bring the outside in. Lots of windows, skylight, and ceiling fans throughout make for a light and breezy environment. The large two car garage with attic storage provides great work/storage space. Courtesy of Key Solutions Real Estate

with bonus room (den), which was used as a second bedroom. The unit is light and bright and is the building closest to the beach. Tile runs throughout the main living areas with a private lanai. The large master bedroom has extra closets for extra storage. Updates include a new air conditioner and hot water heater. The kitchen was also updated with new stainless steel appliances. The amenities are outstanding at this well managed condominium association. BBQ’s, large heated pool for your enjoyment, tennis court, and clubhouse, use of the fishing pier, newer brick paver walkways, and newer roof on the building. Few condos on Siesta offer such luscious landscaping and great amenities. Courtesy of Michael Saunders

Paradise Awaits... 5350 Calle Florida, Sarasota, FL

Currently the lowest priced duplex close the the beach. 2 BR, 1 BA on each side. Close to beach and a quaint island accessible by a bridge. Close to Siesta Key Village with unique shops, restaurants and nightlife. Own a slice of this tropical paradise at an affordable price.



430 Island Circle, Sarasota, FL

Desirable Palm Island on Siesta Key home with 5 BR, 3 BA, located on the Grand Canal. World class fishing and watersports only a short boat ride away. Lots of privacy for a large family. New roof in 2013. Tropical setting with mature trees. Short walk to Siesta Village.



418 Island Circle, Sarasota, FL

Single Family Home, 3 BR, 2.5 BA Key West Style Grand Canal home on Siesta Key. Built in 2005. Huge lower level bonus area, pool shower, 4-car garage. Open floor plan. Custom touches, must see!




389 Island Circle, Sarasota, FL

Single Family Home, 4 BR, 4.5 BA, Private Pool, Corner Lot, 1 Car Attached Garage, Located on Palm Island on Siesta Key, A Short Walk To The Beach, Wood and Marble Flooring Throughout, Low Maintenance Yard, Private and Secluded

1122 Horizon View Dr., Sarasota, FL

Deeded beach access! Lovely oak floors and stylish tiles will dazzle you. 3 BR, 3.5 BA with lower level bonus area. Oversized garage for all your toys and vehicles. A truly unique find!





6151 Hollywood Blvd., Sarasota, FL

Front building consists of two 1 BR, 1 BA units. Rear building is a 3 BR, 2 BA unit. Close to beach and shopping. Walking distance to shopping. Upside potential.



322 Island Circle, Sarasota, FL Spacious 4 BR, 4 BA house located on desireable Palm Island. Newly renovated kitchen, master BR and master BA. New boat lift on Grand Canal. Heated pool land spa, private waterfront Tiki bar. Huge bonus area on lower level. Short walk to World Famous Siesta Beach and Siesta Village. Perfect home or investment property for the discerning buyer.



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Couple file in 12th Circuit Court County zoning regulations “Our home is on the Phillippi require an area of 9 feet by 18 Creek, about a six-minute drive feet for one parking space, Berna from this location [on Siesta Key pointed out. However, because Circle].” She and her husband of the limited area outside the are avid sailors, she added, and right of way on Siesta Key Circle, their oldest daughter rows with where the Ginsberg-Klemmts Sarasota Crew. own the property, only 7 feet of According to records in the width is available, he said. Sarasota County Clerk of Court’s In his formal denial, dated Oct. Office, the Ginsberg-Klemmts 8, 2015, Berna wrote that the “site were the highest bidders in is significantly constrained” not June 2012 for Lots 22 through only as a result of its proximity to 32 of Block 4 in the Siesta Beach the Siesta Key Circle right of way Subdivision, “less that portion but also because of the limited comprising submerged lands in amount of uplands present on Roberts Bay.” The county sold Lots 29 through 32, which is the them the property for $3,157.29, property the Ginsberg-Klemmts a tax deed says. The Sarasota own. He further pointed out County Property Appraiser’s that in 1970, in association with Office says the value of the land a WNCA Major Work Permit for in 2015 was $13,600. the Siesta Key Circle roadway, The writ the owners of the property at that time “recorded a document into Among the arguments in the the Official Records of Sarasota couple’s appeal is the statement County that prohibited the filling that Sarasota and Pinellas of Lots 19 through 32 … Therefore, counties were the only Florida alteration or filling of any part [of counties ever to establish a those lots] is not allowed.” WNCA, and Pinellas County Moreover, Berna wrote, abolished its WNCA in 2011. “Creation of two parking spaces Therefore, the writ says, Sarasota in the proposed locations will County remains the only county result in significant impacts to in the state “which relies on this well-established native coastal vegetation and coastal wetlands.” He further noted that the Ginsberg-Klemmts do not live on Siesta Key Circle, and the “upland property owners residing on the southern side of the road have expressed concerns” that the existence of a dock on the proposed site could encourage trespassing on the structure as well as on their properties. During the public comments portion of the quasi-judicial hearing on Dec. 9, Scott Carter of the Sarasota law firm Dunlap & Moran told the board he was representing the Siesta Key Baypoint Association, Erika Ginsberg-Klemmt. News Leader photo which comprises about 40 households primarily along Siesta Key Circle. “And we’re here today to strongly support the county staff’s denial of the Minor Work Permit for this dock,” he added. The standalone dock would be in the middle of the residential neighborhood, Carter continued. “If a dock were to be allowed in this location, that’s all that would exist at that spot. Any person could access the dock from the water or the land, and there wouldn’t be anybody there to maintain, police the activities going on there. … It would be effectively an attractive nuisance that would likely draw the Scott Carter. News Leader photo attention [of] unwelcome users and partiers — and vandals, at worse.” archaic institution.” Tom Teffenhart, who said he The writ goes on to reiterate lives at 951 Siesta Key Circle, comments Erika Ginsbergtold the board he explored Klemmt made to the Sarasota the possibility at one time County WNCA on Dec. 9, of constructing a dock in his including the assertion that backyard or across the street Berna violated state law by from his house, but when he not responding to the couple’s talked with county staff members application for the dock permit about his plan, they told him within the established 30-day he would not be able to win a period for such action. On Feb. 25, permit “I didn’t argue about it,” 2015, the writ continues — 10 days he added. “I didn’t pursue buying after that period ended — Berna the underwater properties.” He “inspected the site conditions also supported Berna’s denial of for the first time and marked the Ginsberg-Klemmts’ permit the initially proposed parking application. areas in the field with red marker Altogether, eight people spoke tape.” Then, on March 6, about 19 in favor of Berna’s action. days after the 30-day period had In her presentation to the ended, Berna sought additional County Commission on Dec. 9, information from the couple Erika Ginsberg-Klemmt said, and suggested they relocate the

Continued from cover story

A county graphic shows an overlay of the county’s survey of the property on the owners’ survey. County photo

proposed parking areas to a different section of the parcel. In the reprise of another point Erika GinsbergKlemmt made on Dec. 9, the writ says that on Sept. 4, 2015, Berna summarized in a written memorandum issues he had raised during an Aug. 16, 2015 meeting with the couple, “demanding that [they] must modify their boundary survey to reflect a [50-foot] radius at the end of the [Siesta Key Circle] cul-de-sac demanded by the County Surveyor, instead of the [30-foot] cul-de-sac radius depicted on the recorded subdivision plat.” However, the writ argues, the recorded plat map “clearly and unambiguously shows a [30-foot] radius at the terminus of the cul-desac.” On Dec. 9, 2015, Teri Owen, the senior county surveyor, characterized the 1925 plat to which Ginsberg-Klemmt referred as “more like a sales plat that got recorded,” with insufficient information to make a survey possible. She spoke with Michael Allen of Brigham Allen, she added, as soon as she saw his survey did not correctly reflect the cul-de-sac at the end of Siesta Key Circle. He was unaware of decadesold procedures in the county regarding the filing of “calculation sheets” provided by surveyors of record to correct earlier errors made on plats, Owen pointed out. “To change a lot line now, you will be changing all the lot lines,” Owen told the board. “You can potentially have houses built on the wrong lots if you were to use the Brigham Allen survey.” However, in the writ, the Ginsberg-Klemmts say the calculation sheet in this case is not part of the county’s public records, and, therefore, does not meet the requirements of state law. “An inquiry to verify the authorship, creation date and intent of this document remained without response by County officials,” the writ adds.

A county staff photo shows the area of the eastern parking space, which is marked off with red tape. County photo

A county staff photo shows the area of the proposed western parking space on Siesta Key Circle. County photo

The Ginsberg-Klemmts filed the writ themselves. They seek “the costs and expenses that they have incurred in connection with this action,” as well as a reversal of the WNCA denial and confirmation of the validity of the 30-foot culde-sac radius “specified on the original subdivision plat map,” the writ says.

The County Commission decision

Then-Vice Chair Maio made the motion on Dec. 9, 2015 to deny the Ginsberg-Klemmts’ appeal. “Basically, I’ve heard enough competent legal expert testimony by our staff about this and support their position,” he said. Commissioner Christine Robinson,

who seconded the motion, added that she listened carefully to the testimony and reviewed all the documents submitted by the Ginsberg-Klemmts. “Using the words ‘unique’ and ‘constrained’ to describe this parcel is — those are gentle words,” she continued. The property is “pretty much submerged,” she pointed out. “I believe, based upon petitioner’s testimony, they understood what kind of … property they were getting when they stepped into this,” she added, “and, therefore, they would have understood the rules that are in place for the WNCA.” Then-Chair Carolyn Mason called for the vote, which was unanimous in denying the appeal.



Snapshots of Island Visitors Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography

Above: Mo from Sarasota, Michael James White from Sarasota (illustration/caricature), Jessica from Tampa Right: Jessica from Tampa and Mo from Sarasota

APRIL 2016

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


38 Siesta Sand

APRIL 2016

941.349.0194 www.siestasand.net

House Hunting Siesta Key to Long Boat Key • MAJESTIC 3/4 ACRE WATERFRONT ESTATE: $3,695,000. 1419 Peregrine Point Drive, Sarasota, FL. MLS#A4138111. 6,579 sq ft Home (The Landings), 5 bedrooms, 2 offices, 4 1/2 baths, & 4-car garage. Heated pool/spa, private dock & 10,000 lb boat lift. Marni Hayden. My Realty Company. 941-809-5044 • TUSCAN INSPIRED MASTERPIECE ON PALM ISLAND: $849,000. 389 Island Cirlce, Sarasota, FL. MLS# A4110340. 4,134 sq ft single family home. 4 bedrooms, 4 ½ baths, roof top pool, private spacious in-law/guest apartment with separate entrance. Dan Miller, Re/Max Tropical Sands. 941-376-7442 • AMAZING WEST OF TRAIL TRIPLEX: $438,000. 6151 Hollywood Blvd, Sarasota, MLS#A4141309. Located in Pine Shores area. Front building consists of two 1bed/1bath units. Rear building is a 3bed/2bath unit. Dan Miller, Re/Max Tropical Sands. 941-376-7442 • RECENTLY RENOVATED PALM ISLAND/ SIESTA KEY HOME. 322 ISLAND CIRCLE: $949,000. 4Bd/4Bth, new boat lift on the Grand Canal. Huge bonus area on lower level. MLS#A4141071. Dan Miller, Re/Max Tropical Sands. 941-376-7442 • DEEDED BEACH ACCESS: $997,000. 1122 HORIZON VIEW DRIVE, MLS# A4139847. Immaculate pool home features large rooms and volume ceilings along with lower level bonus area. 3 Bd/3½ Bths. Dan Miller, Re/Max Tropical Sands. 941-376-7442 • KEY WEST STYLE GRAND CANAL HOME ON SIESTA KEY: $1,625,000. 418 ISLAND CIRCLE, MLS#A3990080. 3Bd/3Bth. lushly landscaped tropical lot with Tiki Bar in the pool/spa area. Dan

Miller, Re/Max Tropical Sands. 941-376-7442 • LOWEST PRICED DUPLEX CLOSE TO THE BEACH: $540,000. 5350 Calle Florida, SK 34242, Mls# A4144556. Rare and Unique Siesta Key Duplex on Palm Island. This duplex with 2 beds, 1 bath on each side is located less than 1,000 feet from the #1 beach. Dan Miller, Re/Max Tropical Sands. 941-376-7442 • PALM ISLAND HOME ON GRAND CANAL: $1,100,000. 430 Island Cir, SK 34242, MLS# A4146867. 5 Bedrooms and 3 Baths, single family home. Spacious open floorplan with high ceilings. Sited on 2 lots with the potential to build 2 homes. Dan Miller, Re/Max Tropical Sands. 941-376-7442 • SIESTA DUNES CONDO: $895,000. 6208 Midnight Pass Rd #405: MLS # A4143180. 2bd/2bth, Updated Condo w/ Gulf View. Judy Greene/Tara Lamb, Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker. 941-350-0451 (Judy) or 941-266-4873 (Tara) • 6234 MIDNIGHT PASS RD, #205: $745,000. A full gulf view unit on the 2nd floor in the highly sought after building 2 of Siesta Dunes. Turnkey furnished and ready for occupancy. Judy Greene/ Tara Lamb, Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker. 941-350-0451 (Judy) or 941-266-4873 (Tara) • 5430 EAGLES POINT CIR #201. The Landings. MLS # A4142226. 3Bd/2.5Bth Intracoastal View. $599,000 Judy Greene/Tara Lamb, Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker. 941-350-0451 (Judy) or 941-266-4873 (Tara) • 5450 EAGLES POINT CIR #105. The Landings MLS # A4141454. 3Bd/2Bth Open Terrace, Water View, $699,000 Judy Greene/Tara Lamb, Michael

Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker. 941-350-0451 (Judy) or 941-266-4873 (Tara) • 1630 STARLING DR. The Landings MLS # A4135262. 2Bd/2Bth Ground Floor Coach House, $265,000. Judy Greene/Tara Lamb, Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker, 941-350-0451 (Judy) or 941-266-4873 (Tara) • HOUSE FOR SALE PINEWOOD VILLAGE: MLS#A4139284. 2 Br, 2 Ba Condo 874 Sq ft. Ground level. Includes washer/dryer & screened lanai. Clubhouse features billiards, gym and sauna. Call to schedule a showing. Moynihan Realty Group, James Moynihan. 941-349-4900. • 305 BEACH ROAD #2 - 1 block to the beach and Siesta Village. 2/2 with 2 balconies and 2 car garage. Built in 2011, high ceilings, latest hi-end finishes. MLS # A4139763 $849,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-5443299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186. • 1249 DOCKSIDE PLACE - Short walk to Siesta Beach with deeded boat dock. Spacious 2/2 with garage. Turnkey furnished. MLS # A4128627 $499,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-544-3299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186. • 1350 SIESTA BAYSIDE - Great vacation home or investment property. Deeded beach access just across the street. Beautifully furnished 3/2 with garage. MLS # A 4142552 $689,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-5443299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186. • 9397 MIDNIGHT PASS ROAD #401 - Incredible Gulf and Bay views from this furnished 2/2 end unit on the south end of Siesta. Boat docks and every amenity. MLS # A4149391 $540,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz.

Bob: 941-544-3299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186. • VILLA NAVARRA – 1 block to Siesta Village and beach. Charming 2/2 has been nicely renovated and is selling furnished. Just bring your clothing and you’re set! MLS # A4149614 $395,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-544-3299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186. • TURNKEY FURNISHED CONDO ON SIESTA BAYSIDE - 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH Townhouse with attached PRIVATE GARAGE, gorgeous HARBOR VIEWS, and private SIESTA KEY BEACH access. 1341 Siesta Bayside Dr. MLS#A1341-b $789,000 MLS #A4139290. Key Solutions Real Estate, (941)894-1255 • DIRECT BAY VIEWS – Fabulous 2/2 in the sought-after beach to bay Peppertree community. Tastefully turnkey furnished, just bring your clothing and you are all set. 2527 Mooring Ln Sarasota $299,000 MLS #A4138658. Key Solutions Real Estate, (941)894-1255 • CLOSE TO BEACH AND VILLAGE - This 2757 square foot, 4 bed, 3.5 bath unit is ideal for yearround or seasonal living. Volume ceilings combined with abundant windows and sliding glass doors give this unit a very bright feel. 3959 Somerset Dr. #5 Siesta Key, $779,000 MLS#A4145095 Key Solutions Real Estate, (941)894-1255 • LUXURIOUS VILLA IN IDEAL SIESTA LOCATION – 2 BED, 2 BATH Condo among the newest condominiums on the Key. Featuring high ceilings, Mirage wood flooring, European style cabinetry, quartz countertops, 2 covered terraces. 305 Beach Rd. #305-2$849,000 MLS#A4136773. Key Solutions Real Estate, (941)894-1255

Blooming this month “Angel’s trumpets” ( Brugmansia)

Brugmansia are large shrubs or small trees, with semi-woody, often manybranched trunks. Their large, fragrant flowers give them their common name of angel’s trumpets. They are pendulous, not erect, flowers that have no spines on their fruit. Like many ornamental plants, all parts of Brugmansia can be toxic. One interesting example of plant/animal interaction involves the butterfly. Brugmansia are native to tropical regions of South America, along the Andes from Venezuela to northern Chile, and also in south-eastern Brazil. Brugmansia are easily grown in a moist, fertile, well-drained soil, in sun to part shade, in frost-free climates. They begin to flower in mid to late spring in warm climates and continue into the fall, often continuing as late as early winter in warm conditions. Submitted by CJ Danna, Sarasota Garden Club. www.sarasotagardenclub.org

Making Making Things Things Happen Happen on on Siesta Siesta Key...BOB and SHERI RUIZ

Luxurious LuxuriousSiesta SiestaBeach BeachVillas Villas

Enjoy Enjoy thethe bestbest of of Siesta Siesta KeyKeyin inthisthisbeautifully beautifullyappointed appointed2/22/2with with2 2 balconies balconies andand 2 car 2 car garage. garage.JustJustoneoneblock blocktotothetheBeach BeachandandVillage. Village. MLS#A4139763 MLS#A4139763$899,000 $849,000

Somerset SomersetCove Cove

Fabulous Fabulous 4/34/3 1/21/2 home home minutes minutes to to Beach Beachandand Village. Village.2 car 2 cargarage, garage,elevator, elevator, deeded deeded boat boat dock dock with with 10k10k lb.lb. lift.lift. Gated Gatedenclave enclaveof ofjustjust1111homes homeswith with community community pool. pool.MLS#A4145095 MLS#A4145095$779,000 $779,000

HarbourPeppertree Towne Yacht BayClub

Near Direct beach bayand views Intracoastal. from this fabulous Perfect for 2/2boaters in sought-after and beachgoers. Peppertree Two large community. 2/2 endTastefully, units withturnkey garagesfurnished. and docksPrivate are available. garage. MLS#A4128627 $499,000 MLS#A4149092 and MLS#A4145143 $625,000 $565,000

Siesta Circle Pass The Pointe onKey Midnight

Wonderful in great location near beach and Amazing viewsold-Florida of the Gulfstyle and home the Bay! This renovated twothe bedroom, two - minutes by boat to Siesta the ICWKeyandaffords Gulf. Pool, lift, bathon unittheonwater the southernmost end of every10k amenity. 2-car garage MLS#A4149391 $1,250,000 MLS#A4118450 $540,000 499,900

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TheGulf Pointe on Midnight & Bay Bayside Pass

Amazingorviews the Gulf and thethe Bay!street This renovated bedroom, two bath unit the Great vacation rentalofproperty. Across from Siestatwo Beach with dedicated beachonaccess. southernmost end of Siesta Keyisaffords everyfurnished. amenity. This 3/2 unit with attached garage beautifully $540,000 MLSMLS#A4118450 #A4142552 $689,000

GulfVillage & Bay-Bayside Siesta Villa Navarra

Great vacation or rental1 property. SiestaThisBeach with dedicated beach access. Great location! block to theAcross Beachtheandstreet Siestafrom Village! charming 2/2 has been nicely Thisupdated 3/2 unitand withis attached garage isMove beautifully furnished. selling furnished. in without delay. MLS #A4142552 $689,000 $395,000

Bob Ruiz 941-544-3299 RobertRuizRR@aol.com Sheri Ruiz 941-400-4186 Sheri Lasley@aol.com www.SiestaKeyNow.com

Key Solutions Real Estate Group



APRIL 2016

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Help Feed Children This Summer!

Proposal In The Sand

More than 21,000 students – and their younger brothers and sisters – face hunger during the summer when school is out more than any other time of year. The third annual Campaign Against Summer Hunger, April 1 – May 15, 2016, will unite the community to end hunger this summer. Dine at Mattison’s Forty-One or City Grille now until April 29, and round up your bill; the difference goes to their Campaign Against Summer Hunger. Have a wonderful meal while helping kids – it’s a win-win. Venice Paints the Town Orange on Saturday, April 2. Visit your favorite shops and let them know you support the Campaign Against Summer Hunger. Publix Stuff the Truck Food Drive is Sunday, April 3, 10 am – 2 pm. So easy to help, simply shop at one of these Publix locations, purchase nonperishable food, and drop it off at their truck outside. – Sarasota Village Plaza, 3690 Bee Ridge Rd – The Landings, 4840 S Tamiami Trail – Sarasota Pavilion, 6543 S Tamiami Trail – Jacaranda Commons, 345 Jacaranda Blvd., in Venice If you are interested in participating in a Community Food Drive during April or would like

By Trebor Britt Rob Alfano of Boston proposed to Lydia McMillan of Pennsylvania in a most unique way on the beautiful shoreline of Siesta Beach recently. He wanted to make his marriage proposal so special, Lydia would never forget it. His plan was to be walking along the Gulf of Mexico coastline with her and accidentally discover an amazing sand sculpture with an extremely poignant message. He found Bill and Marianne Knight of The Sand Lovers on the internet and commissioned them to sculpt “The Big Question”. The Knights worked tirelessly for five hours on every detail, to have the sculpture ready for one of the most important moments in this couple’s life. Though this event happened a couple weeks ago Alfano commented, “It comes up in conversation every day.” They met in Boston a year ago and now live and work in Chicago. Though the date has not been set they are planning a fall wedding.

to send a donation, please go to their website for additional information: www.allfaithsfoodbank. org/nutrition-education/programs.

Missing Village Dog Found What do you do when your best bud goes MIA? If you’re in a small community, you mobilize a search and rescue team, which is exactly what happened in the Village last month. Hana, a loving 16 pound, Jack Russell terrier / Italian greyhound mix, greets visitors daily at The Gallery on Siesta Key and Ascendia Real Estate, both located in the Village. But on March 16, Hana was nowhere to be found. Her owner, Carol Larsen was frantic with worry and called Martha Smith, owner of The Gallery on Siesta Key to ask for her help. That’s all it took before Smith jumped on her bike in search of Hana. Amanda Wansiewicz, who works next door at Ascendia Real Estate assisted in locating Carol’s beloved friend. She wasted little time in printing up posters of Hana and handing them out to the businesses in the Village. In a matter of minutes, Ascendia Real Estate was transformed into an ad hoc mobile command center with one sole purpose; locate Hana with promise of a reward for her safe return. Businesses plastered the posters in prominent locations while the Hub announced Hana’s description each hour to patrons until she was located. Posters of Hana went viral when Chase, the UPS driver uploaded her poster to his 8,000 Facebook friends and folks who heard about Hana’s disappearance inquired about the progress in finding her. After approximately 4 ½ hours the search came to a happy ending with a grateful owner and carefree Hana, oblivious to all the hullabaloo her disappearance caused. The patrons and owners of


Flavio’s Restaurant gave a rousing applause when Carol stopped in to notify them of Hana’s safe return. “You’d of thought they just saw Angelina Jolie,” she joked as she recounted the incident. After the ordeal, Larsen mused, “If I ever had any reservations of making Siesta Key my forever home, I no longer have to wonder after seeing the businesses of the Village come together in such a beautiful way.”

40 Siesta Sand

APRIL 2016

941.349.0194 www.siestasand.net

Classifieds / Here’s My Card ACCOMMODATIONS • Best Western Plus Siesta Key – AAA -3 Diamond Property, Free shuttle service to and from Siesta Key 941-924-4900, 6600 S. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota

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APRIL 2016


Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Classifieds / Here’s My Card MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES



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New Homes startiNg From $289,000 aNd Up Providing Professional Real Estate Services Since 1972 Don Muenzmay GRI,CRS, SRES 941-374-3865 Email: dmuenzmay@aol.com

Sue Preece SFR, e-PRO, CNE

941-350-2666 Fax: 866-801-5663 Email: suepreece44@aol.com

• Siesta Key Massage & Therapy Center – Relieve all that pent –up tension and improve circulation with a soothing massage or facial by Ali. Call to book your appointment today. 941-349-0408



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Office: (941) 923-3900 Cell: (941) 356-8699 Fax: (941) 924-0086 mail: piroassociates@comcast.net Website: www.pirorealty.com

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Licensed Real Estate Broker

7719 Holiday Drive, Sarasota, FL 34231 • Making things happen on Siesta Key with Real Estate agents Bob and Sheri Ruiz from Key Solutions Real Estate Group. If you are looking to buy or sell on the Key contact us. Bob Ruiz 941-544-3299 RobertRuizRR@aol.com, Sheri Ruiz 941-400-4186 SheriLasley@aol.com • Your Siesta Dunes and Landings Preferred Partners in Real Estate, Judy Greene 941-350-0451 and Tara Lamb 941-266-4873 with Michael Sanders & Company 5100 Ocean Blvd Siesta Key 34242 JudyGreene@MichaelSanders.com

TO ADVERTISE CALL 941-349-0194

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Transportation for everyone on the Sun Coast Friendliest Ride In Town

• Siesta Sports Rentals – Located on Siesta Key, bike, kayak, • Sun Ride Pedicab – Eco-friendly Pedicabs. Siesta Key Tours kayak tours, scooter, children strollers and car seats. Delivery and and rides – tips only, 941-343-3400 pickup available, 6551 Midnight Pass Rd, 941-346-1797 • Siesta Key Free Rides – Siesta Key Free island shuttle for beach, village, condo and tours – tips only. Electric vehicles. Call 941952-8294

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From Sarasota

• Siesta Key Bike & Kayak – Located on Siesta Key in Capt Curts Village serving Siesta Key, Lido Beach and Sarasota. We offer bikes, kayak rentals, kayak eco tours, paddleboards and scooters. 1224 Old Sickney Pt Rd. 941-346-0891

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• Robin Hood Rentals – for all your Siesta Key rental needs with a wide variety segways, bikes, kayaks, scooters and more, free pickup and delivery anywhere on the key. 5255 Ocean Blvd Siesta Key Village. 941-554-4242


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THANK YOU • Thank you Siesta Key businesses, residents, visitors and a special Thank You to The Gallery on Siesta Key and Ascendia Real Estate for the way you mobilized to help me find my dog, Hana. You all own “a piece of our hearts” for all you did. Blessings & Love from Hana and Carol.

• Jonny’s Original Free Ride – The Original Ride the Key Free service on Siesta to anywhere, everyday from 10 AM – 2 AM. Driver tips only. Call 941-928-9200. • Dollar Limo – holds up to 10 people and is cheaper than a D.U.I or taxi. Call 941-735-4732

Places of Worship

Island Churches: • Siesta Key Presbyterian Chapel - 4615 Gleason Ave, Siesta Key, 941-349-1166 www.siestakeychapel.org • St. Michael’s Catholic Church - 5394 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key, 941-349-4174 www.stmichaelssiesta.com • St. Boniface Episcopal Church - 5615 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key, 941-349-5616 www.bonifacechurch.org Off- Island: •Temple Sinai, a Reform Congregation (The closest Jewish congregation to the Key for visitors) 4631 S. Lockwood Ridge Rd, Sarasota, 941-924-1802 www.templesinai-sarasota.org • St. Andrew United Church of Christ (Protestant) (In the Gulf Gate area, near Beneva and Gulf Gate Drive) 6908 Beneva Road, Sarasota, 941.922.7595 www.uccstandrew.org • The Superior Word Rev. Charlie Garrett Service starts Sunday mornings at 10am. Bring a friend and share in God’s word. 6512 Superior Avenue Sarasota, Florida 34242 • First Christian Church - 7601 Clark Road, Sarasota, FL 34241. 941-922-4434 www.fccsarasota.com

42 Siesta Sand

APRIL 2016

941.349.0194 www.siestasand.net

Accommodations Locator Map

Š Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2012



APRIL 2016

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Regular dental visits for a lifetime of healthy smiles Gum disease is an infection of the tissues that surround and support your teeth. It is a major cause of tooth loss in adults with more than 3 million cases per year. Because gum disease is usually painless, you may not know you have it. Also referred to as periodontal disease, gum disease is caused by plaque, the sticky film of bacteria that is constantly forming on our teeth. Here are some warning signs that can signal a problem: • gums that bleed easily • red, swollen, tender gums • gums that have pulled away from the teeth • persistent bad breath or bad taste • permanent teeth that are loose or separating

• any change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite • any change in the fit of partial dentures Some factors increase the risk of developing gum disease. They include: • poor oral hygiene • smoking or chewing tobacco • genetics • crooked teeth that are hard to keep clean • pregnancy • diabetes • medications, including steroids, certain types of antiepilepsy drugs, cancer therapy drugs, some calcium channel blockers and oral contraceptives See your dentist if you suspect you have gum disease because the sooner you treat it the better. The early stage of

gum disease is called gingivitis. If you have gingivitis, your gums may become red, swollen and bleed easily. At this stage, the disease is still reversible and can usually be eliminated by a professional cleaning at your dental office, followed by daily brushing and flossing. Advanced gum disease is called periodontitis. Chronic periodontitis affects 47.2% of adults over 30 in the United States. It can lead to the loss of tissue and bone that support the teeth and it may become more severe over time. If it does, your teeth will feel loose and start moving around in your mouth. This is the most common form of periodontitis in adults but can occur at any age. It usually gets worse slowly, but there can be periods of rapid progression. “Annual screenings are one of the best methods we have to help control the rate of the disease,” says Dr. Gaukhman. “It’s a fast and painless exam

that aims to discover any health issues while they’re minor and easily treatable,” he says. Aggressive periodontitis is a highly destructive form of periodontal disease that occurs in patients who are otherwise healthy. Common features include rapid loss of tissue and bone and may occur in some areas of the mouth, or in the entire mouth. Research between systemic diseases and periodontal diseases is ongoing. While a link is not conclusive, some studies indicate that severe gum disease may be associated with several other health conditions such as diabetes or stroke. It is possible to have gum disease and have no warning signs. That is one reason why regular dental checkups and periodontal examinations are very important. Treatment methods depend upon the type of disease and how far the condition has progressed. Good

dental care at home is essential to help keep periodontal disease from becoming more serious or recurring. Remember: You don’t have to lose teeth to gum disease. Brush your teeth twice a day, clean between your teeth daily, eat a balanced diet, and schedule regular dental visits. Call today! Sarasota 5223 Avenida Navarra Sarasota, FL 34242 (941) 266-7000 Osprey 416 S. Tamiami Trail, Suite F1 Osprey, FL 34229 (941) 497-5650 Venice 463 US HWY 41 Bypass S. Venice, FL 34285 (941) 375-4488 www.siestadental.com Advertorial

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Siesta Key 5223 Avenida Navarra Sarasota, FL 34242

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(941) 234-4455 Venice 463 US HWY 41 Bypass S. Venice, Fl 34285

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*The patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination, or treatment that is performed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee, or reduced fee service, examination, or treatment.

44 Siesta Sand

APRIL 2016

941.349.0194 www.siestasand.net

Brittney If you would like to be considered for our next Island Girl, contact us at islandvp@verizon.net

Island Girl

(You must be at least 18 years old to participate)

This month’s Island Girl is Brittney from Sarasota. She enjoys volleyball, country music concerts, working out, watching sports and spending time with her family. She works in accounting for a local law firm and graduated from USF with a bachelor’s degree in finance. You’ll find Brittney on Siesta Beach most weekends.

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