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Ocean/Higel drainage project addresses Flooding problems Will New Beach Road Medians Impede Fire Trucks/Emergency Vehicles?
Profile of The Landings Treehouses
Sarasota County’s stormwater division has plans for a drainage project that would do more than just alleviate major flooding on Higel Avenue and Reid Street. The project would replace an open drainage ditch on Ocean Avenue with a buried pipe while filtering pollutants and debris from stormwater. Replacing the unsightly “mosquito ditch” on Ocean Blvd. and adding an installed vegetated bioswale would also result in a more aesthetically-pleasing ‘gateway’ into Siesta Village. The Ocean/Higel Drainage Improvements project would also alleviate the hazard of having a ditch right off the pavement. The project, estimated to cost a maximum of $412,000, would be funded by the county as a stormwater maintenance project. The project is the result of several years of planning. In September, 2013, after some intense rains, a drainage pond
called Banan Lake, on the south side of Ocean Blvd, flooded. “The area around Banan Lake flooded significantly,” said Ben Quartermaine, Sarasota County Stormwater Engineering & Operations Manager. “News 40 did a live shot along Reid Street, where a reporter was standing in thigh deep water. Significant road flooding caused roads to be impassable.” The county’s stormwater division then asked this question: “How could we improve drainage in this area?” The current drainage system isn’t working. It is comprised of an ad-hoc network of drainage canals and ponds that is no longer functioning. Banan Lake and Fiddler’s Bayou —located north of Ocean Blvd. — are two drainage ponds connected by ditches. For years, this system drained rain water out into the Gulf, passing through Fiddler’s Bayou.
“As water in Lake Banan got really high, it flowed to Ocean Boulevard and as the ditch [on Ocean] got high, the water flowed into Fiddler’s Bayou. As the Bayou got high, the stormwater drained into the Gulf,” Quartermaine explained. Yet one reason why this system is no longer working is the accumulation of naturally accreted dunes to the north of Fiddler’s Bayou that are blocking the runoff area where the bayou historically drained. As a result, excess rainwater from Lake Banan that has no where to go floods across Higel, eventually emptying into the Grand Canal. In addition, during summer, there is often standing water in the ditch along Ocean Blvd. The drainage ditch is the kind that’s often referred to as a “mosquito ditch.” This type of canal has earned the name for good reason. During recent
By Roger Drouin
survey work, county employees have found evidence of breeding mosquitos, including larvae, in the ditch that runs parallel to Ocean Blvd. “We started looking for alternatives,” Quartermaine said. “How could we improve the drainage in this area and also allow the dunes to protect the homes and that area.”
Drainage and stormwater quality improvement
County engineers hope to fix the broken system with the Ocean/Higel Drainage Improvements project. The project would improve the existing drainage system along Ocean. Stretching from the curve on Ocean to the intersection of Higel, crews would install a new, buried pipe. The pipe would eliminate the presence of open standing water. Continued on page 28
Siesta Key Marina under new ownership By Debbie Flessner
Big Water Fish Market receives top ranking from Trip Advisor page
Our Gillian’s bartender and OJ Simpson?
INSIDE: Beach Improvement Project... ...................p. 9 SK Sheriff’s Report ....... .................................p. 15 Off Island ...............p. 16 Village Blvd Buzz ......... .................................p. 20 Musician Noel Harris .. .................................p. 24 Fishing Report ......p. 27
Throughout the more than 50 years the Siesta Key Marina has been in business, it has remained a favorite spot for both visitors and locals to store and rent boats for a day out on the water. But the new owners of the 3 1/2acre property hope to turn it into much more than that. On November 10, Andy Eggebrecht, Maurice Dentici and their families took over ownership of the marina, and considering their backgrounds, it should come as no surprise that they have already started the process of expanding the business. The Dentici family owns the five area Rico’s restaurants, while the Eggebrechts own Andros Boatworks, which designs and builds custom hybrid / bay and offshore fishing boats. Both families have lived in the area for over 30 years, and
they knew the previous owner of Siesta Key Marina, Steve Witzer. “He (Witzer) owns multiple businesses, and now he’s at a point where he was ready to get rid of this one,” Eggebrecht said. “For Andros, it’s (the marina) a really good tie-in, and Maurice (Dentici) is a retail guy, so the two of us make a good pair.” Having grown up here, the two men seem to be approaching the updates to the property from the perspective of people who have been raised on the water. Those customers who love fishing will be happy to see an expanded bait shop, with a great selection of local tackle, and the ship’s store is already stocked with boating accessories, snacks and anything else you might need for an enjoyable day on the boat. Continued on page 23
This Veteran’s Day was especially meaningful for residents and visitors on Siesta Key. It allowed them the opportunity to raise funds for the Wounded Warrior Project while meeting legendary football player and T.V. personality, Terry Bradshaw at Captain Curt’s. Bradshaw had a barrel of Four Roses Single Batch Bourbon made specifically for him and decided to share it with his fans after personal friend Dave Stewart, one of the owners of Captain Curt’s, suggested he sell it to benefit the Wounded Warrior Project on Veteran’s Day. Each bottle sold was personally signed by Bradshaw. Terry said he had so much fun and it’s such a great cause he would like to come back and do it again.
See Page 19
Happy Holiday Wishes from Abel’s Ice Cream Bill and Norma Abel and their staff appreciate the success they have had throughout 2015. Bill Abel says, “2015 has been a great year for Abel’s Ice Cream. The business we’ve enjoyed from local residents, seasonal visitors and tourists has been remarkable. Both Norma, I and our staff realize offering an award winning brand of ice cream is only the foundation to growing our business. We are very fortunate to have a staff who understands the importance of quality customer service. The Abel’s Ice Cream family would like to thank our patrons for their support in 2015.” Peppermint Flash (refreshing and vibrant peppermint ice cream filled with peppermint candy) a seasonal holiday flavor was added to their flavor selection in November. Again this holiday season it has been a hit. They offer quarts and pints to go of all forty flavors available to have at home for the holidays. Their hand-made fine
chocolates makes a great hostess gift when getting together with friends and family. They are located at 1886 Stickney Point Road – 941-921-5700 – or visit trip advisor for more information.
Siesta Sand
December 2015
Will New Beach Road Medians Impede Fire Trucks/Emergency Vehicles? By Bob Frederickson Island resident Diane Erne worries about emergency vehicles, especially fire trucks, being able to get through the area when traffic is heavy and buses or large delivery trucks are blocking the way. She brought this potential hazard up at a recent SKA meeting. “I was driving through there recently and was stopped behind a stopped bus when I noticed the new medians, Erne said in a recent and Kids phone interview. “I thought to myself, ‘how will a fire truck get Stuff through here if traffic is heavy with buses or delivery trucks in the way?’” Indeed, unlike Midnight Pass Road, Beach Road doesn’t have an accessible shoulder that is not blocked by a standard curb. So it’s Deck Deck Boats Boats •• Pontoon Pontoon Boats Boats •• Runabouts Runabouts difficult if not impossible for some vehicles to pull off onto the raised shoulder between the roadway and sidewalk if an emergency vehicle is approaching. Instead, • Since 1959 there’s just a 4-1/2 foot bike lane to Open 7 Days 7am-6pm 1249 Stickney Point Rd. Siesta Key the side and then the raised curb. Prior to the new medians being installed and several of the smaller ones joined together, emergency vehicles had more opportunities to swing into the center lane or even crossover into the opposite lane if need be to get around traffic. Now, on the west end of the stretch of Beach Road adjacent to the beach parking lot, there are two continuous stretches of medians of almost 700 feet each. The effect is tunnel-like, boxing traffic in and some fear, limiting the options for drivers trying to get out of the way, or for rescue vehicles looking for openings to weave around any stopped traffic. It’s a topic that has come up on the Key before. During the planning stage for the on-demand crosswalks that were installed along Midnight Pass Road in late 2012 at the urging of the SKA, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) wanted to add medians as well. Then SKA president Catherine Luckner recalls that plan being nixed due to concerns from nearby condo residents over not being able to make left hand turns out of their developments. Walt Olsen, president of the Condo Council at the time and an engineer by trade, recalls the issue of fire/emergency vehicle access being raised. Representatives of the county fire department were reportedly
Fishing Charters Sportswear • Bait • Tackle
in attendance at several of those meeting, and though they did not originally bring up the matter of the medians presenting an obstacle for their vehicles, especially fire trucks, Olsen says they did agree they could present a problem. In the end, the MPR crosswalks were built without medians. So Siesta Sand wondered if the fire department was consulted this time around prior to the recent work along Beach Road and if so, whether or not they thought the medians might impede their vehicles in times of heavy traffic. After all, FDOT’s Greenbook, (the full title of which is Manual for Uniform Minimum Standards for design and Maintenance for streets and Highways), reads as follows in Chapter 1-section 3: “Development of an effective emergency response program is dependent upon the nature of the highway network and the effectiveness of the operation system. Provisions for emergency access and communication should be considered in the initial planning and design of all streets and highways. Local emergency response
personnel should be included in primary activities.” Several calls were placed to Sarasota County Fire Chief Michael Regnier in recent weeks. As of press time we have not heard back directly from the Chief. We did however get a call from Fire Marshall John Reed who said he would reach out to the County’s traffic and engineering department to see if he could get us an answer. Again, as of press time, no callback has been received. Why the lack of information? There are several possible explanations. Maybe it’s just been a busy couple of weeks at the department. Or perhaps the new medians simply are not viewed as a serious obstacle by the fire department. Finally, perhaps they are seen as such and the department also wonders why it wasn’t consulted before they were installed. We await an answer and will pass it along if one is forthcoming. (See companion article, Siesta Beach improvement project nearing completion on page 9)
A tale of two roads: Top: Beach Road, with a full 6-½” curb on one side and median on the other sometimes feels like a tunnel. Concerns have surfaced with recent additions to existing medians in the roadway because drivers have limited options for getting out of the way when rescue vehicles need to get by. Below, Midnight Pass Road, without curbs and medians has a much more open feel and offers more options for drivers and rescue vehicles alike. Without a curb, traffic is able to move farther to the right if a fire truck is approaching. And without a center median, fire trucks have the option of using the center lane to pass any traffic that remains in the right-hand lane. Photos by R. Frederickson
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Meet Father Michael Cannon Father Michael Cannon, the new Pastor of St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church, may have just arrived to Siesta Key in early November, but he has the same specific and immediate goals in mind as he did when he was assigned to other parishes in the past. “My purpose when I went to any of them was to build relationships with people, to see what’s happening there and to serve,” he said. “I’m looking forward to letting this parish see who I am.” Who Fr. Michael is, is a man with a light Irish lilt, a hearty laugh and a longtime devotion to the Lord, which began in his hometown of Letterkenny, in County Donegal, northwest Ireland. He grew up with one sister and five brothers, one of whom had actually attended the seminary, but ended up leaving to become a nurse. Fr. Michael says that though he had always aspired to be a priest when living in his Gaelic-speaking hometown, the Catholic Church there was not quite the same as it is in America. “The church in Ireland is very different,” he said. “There is really no social dimension to the church, as there is here.” When he was 17, Michael Cannon went to seminary and after ordination, was assigned to his home Diocese of Raphoe. During that time, he volunteered to work in Lima, Peru and was all set to attend an orientation for the program, when he was diagnosed with tuberculosis. Fr. Michael said he was upset at the news that he would not be able to go to Peru, but as many people of faith believe, he trusted that God had other plans for him. As it turned out, those plans were set into motion by a man Fr. Michael had met in his hometown in 1980--Bishop John Nevins, who was then the Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Miami. “His mother was also from County Donegal,” Fr. Michael said. “He had stayed in contact with me over the years, and in 1989, when I
got sick and had no assignment at home, he suggested I come stay with him.” By then, Bishop Nevins was the very first Bishop of the new Venice Diocese, and he assigned Fr. Michael to St. Patrick Catholic Church, in Sarasota. At the time, the beautiful building east of I-75 had not yet been built, and Masses were being held in another location a little further west. Fr. Michael stayed at St. Patrick’s for two years, while he recovered from TB, after which his Bishop at home in Ireland brought him back to his Diocese to work as a hospital chaplain. After another two years, Fr. Michael came back to Florida, to work at Annunciation Catholic Church in Altamonte Springs for five years. It was there where he discovered what he believed was another way that he could help people. “There was a kid who came in to see me--I was close to her grandmother,” he said. “This poor kid had fallen into a deep depression following the death of her grandmother. Her parents had asked if I could talk to her and I said to myself, ‘I really need to get some training.’” Soon after, Fr. Michael set off for Texas, where he earned a Masters degree in social work and went to work as a pediatric counselor in a San Antonio hospital. Many people he dealt with there never even knew he was a priest, and he realized after a short time that he really missed that aspect of his life. It was time to return to the priesthood, though he did feel that the training he received as a counselor was incredibly helpful in teaching him to better deal with people’s problems. That experience came in handy at his next position--a campus ministries chaplain at the University of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio, Texas. In 2003, his old friend Bishop Nevins invited him to return to the Diocese of Venice. He was happy to accept the invitation and Bishop Nevins appointed him as Parochial
December 2015
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
By Debbie Flessner Vicar at Epiphany Cathedral in Venice. Four years later he became the administrator at the San Antonio Catholic Church, in Port Charlotte. Fr. Michael was allowed to be released from his Diocese in Ireland for the assignment, which led to a position at St. James Catholic Church in Lake Placid in 2008, and in November of this year to St. Michael the Archangel. He says that though he has served in several different parishes, in seemingly dissimilar locations, they are not really that unlike each other. “But each community has its own character,” he said. “I’m a positive person--I don’t see the glass halfempty, I see it half-full.” St. Michael’s new Pastor says that he feels that going into someplace new and immediately instituting all kinds of major changes is the biggest mistake one can make. He said he believes the St. Michael parishioners are already doing a great job with their involvement with the church, and he plans on attending many of their functions. “That’s how I can get to know people and have them get to know me,” he said. “I want to attend their social functions, their dinners, lunches and activities. When I was at St. James, we organized a senior prom for the seniors, with the objective of getting people back into the church. Jesus laughed and had fun, so we can, too.” That should be good news to young people living in the St. Michael parish, whom Fr. Michael also hopes to draw back into the church with activities meant just for them. “Make sure to bring your friends,” he said. “I love what I’m doing--it’s really life-giving for me.” St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church is located at 5394 Midnight Pass Road, on Siesta Key. For information, call 941-349-4174. The Christmas Mass schedule is as follows: Christmas Eve, 4, 7 and 10 p.m. Christmas Day, 7 and 8:45 a.m. and 10:30 p.m. There will be no 6 pm service on Christmas Day.
Father Michael Cannon is the new pastor of St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church. Photos by Debbie Flessner.
St. Michael the Archangel is one of three churches, and the only Catholic Church, on Siesta Key.
Arlene Luisa, Bookkeeper and Diane Marcus, Administrative Assistant for St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church organized a reception for Fr. Leo Smith to thank him for his 15-month service to the Parish. Many parishioners were on hand to personally thank him and wish him well at his new congregation. Fr. Leo transferred to St. Finbarr Parish in Naples.
Siesta Sand
December 2015
Siesta Key Round-Up Commission OK’s concrete shade structures
Some additional changes are coming to Siesta Public Beach. On Nov. 10, the Sarasota County Commission approved a Gulf setback variance allowing construction of a new sidewalk and replacement of wood shelters with eight concrete shade structures at Siesta Key Public Beach. The eight structures are in addition to the concrete picnic structures installed recently throughout the park. The vote came amid opposition from some nearby residents
By Bob Stein
who voiced concerns that the amenities would bring an increase in problems reported by residents living in nearby condos. The vote was 4-0, and it clears the way for the county to replace the eight wood “two-pole” structures on the west end (also commonly referred to as the north end) of the park. The eight wood structures will be replaced with the new, pre-cast concrete picnic structures recently installed elsewhere throughout the park. The concrete shelters — inspired by the Sarasota School of Architecture — were recognized by the Florida chapter of the American Institute of Architects as the winner of the Merit Award
for an Object design. Unit owners at Sunset Royale and Crescent Royale voiced concerns about the new, larger shelters and a wedding pavilion, contending that these new structures could exacerbate problems such as noise and people using landscaping as a bathroom. Commissioners also addressed concerns about the lack of parking restrictions on Beach Road. Beach Road allows for parking 24/7 with no restrictions on time. Lt. Kasper from the sheriff’s department was present and explained to the BCC that as long as the vehicle is parked within the parking lines, it’s legal.
Commissioner Maio raised concerns at the meeting. “It appears to be an easy solution; however, placing restrictions on the Beach parking can solve one problem but create another” he stated. The public beach parking lot is closed at night and without the Beach Rd street parking residents that want to walk the beach early in the morning have nowhere to park. This is compounded even more with numerous SKA residents walking the beach daily to clean up the beach in the early morning, helping the county at no cost. The board suggested taking the issue up with residential and business groups on the Key and
are considering proposing some changes to the county’s Traffic Advisory Council.
Contractor selected for Turtle Beach Renourishment
Sarasota County last month secured a contractor for the South Siesta Renourishment. The county received one qualifying contractor bid for the project. Weeks Marine submitted the $18.1 million bid, which came in very close to the county’s most-recent estimate for the project, Sarasota County Spokesman Jason Bartolone told Siesta Sand. The long-planned renourishment, which includes Turtle Beach, is on track to start in mid-January. Officials say the work should be completed by April, before the start of the sea turtle nesting season. The County Commission still had, as of press time, to give final approval of the contractor selection. Continued on page 6
December 2015
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Mark Toomey, Siesta Key entrepreneur By Debbie Flessner
What does the owner of a Siesta Key business, who is originally from Nottingham, England, call his retail establishment? The obvious answer is a name based on a heroic outlaw and popular character from English folklore, who according to legend is also from the same central England town. Robin Hood Rentals was the first of Mark Toomey’s three Siesta Key businesses, and in the past seven years, has become the go-to shop for both tourists and residents who are looking for a good time. Toomey has lived in the Sarasota area for the past nine years, and actually owned a vacation home here before permanently making the move. He said that before he decided to open up the shop, renting recreational equipment was not really something he had ever considered doing as a career. “In England, I had a staffing business, so when I first got here, that’s what I did,” he said. “But really, I just wanted a business on the Island. I first opened my business where the Art Gallery is now in the Village. When this building (on Ocean Blvd.) became available, I moved here.” Toomey said that even though there were other recreational equipment rental places in town, he felt that if he had a gimmick, that could set him apart from the competition. At the time, there was no one else in Sarasota who was renting Segways, the popular two-wheeled, self-balancing electric vehicles, so he decided to start with those. Out on Siesta Key, Robin Hood Rentals is still the only business that rents Segways, but over the years, Toomey has expanded his available equipment to include many more options. “You really have to do everything to appeal to people,” he said. “They love the Segways, but they also love the scooter cars we have. I have six of those now.” The shop also includes bicycles, one- and two-seat scooters, kayaks, paddle boards, skis, and knee and wakeboards, as well as tennis racquets, fishing poles and snorkeling gear. And if you prefer to just relax on the beach all day, you can also rent gazebos, beach chairs, umbrellas and coolers. Robin Hood Rentals is located
Mark Toomey, originally from Nottingham, England, is the owner of three Siesta Key businesses. Photos by Debbie Flessner.
Both Robin Hood Rentals and Island Gifts, two of Mark Toomey’s Siesta Key businesses, are located in this Ocean Boulevard building.
in a historic building right on Ocean Blvd., in the heart of Siesta Village. Some time ago, the business that was located in half of the building closed down, and Toomey had the opportunity to take over that space as well. He chose to open up a small shop called Island Gifts, in which he sells small tropical gifts, but also Siesta Key-themed sportswear, which he screen prints himself. Then, a year ago, Toomey expanded his business interests even further. “A spot came open down the road next to the German bakery, (now the Panini Place) so I opened SK Island Styles,” he said. “That’s where I sell beach gear.” As far as Toomey’s plans for the future, his goal is to keep supplying his gift and sportswear shops with fun and colorful options, and to continue expanding his rental business with things that are guaranteed to keep you on the go. He even offers kayak tours, primarily in the Jim Neville Wildlife Preserve Marine Preserve, where you are almost guaranteed to see wildlife galore.
Toomey says that he can’t think of any place he would rather do business in than Siesta Key, and it seems he is not alone in that thinking. This past year, the Key enjoyed record-breaking numbers of visitors and high praise for its award-winning beaches, and with an influx of new residents, it appears the business climate will keep improving. “Siesta Key is changing,” Toomey said. “We’re getting a lot of young families moving here. And all the accolades we keep receiving are bringing a lot of visitors to the Key. It just has a younger feel here recently.” Robin Hood Rentals is at 5255 Ocean Blvd., in Siesta Village. It is open every day but Christmas, from 8:30 a.m. until dark. Island Gifts, on the right side of the building, is open from 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. on the same days. SK Island Styles is located at 5206 Ocean Blvd., and is open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. For more information on any of the shops, or to place an order for rental equipment, call 941-554-4242, or visit the website at
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Siesta Sand
December 2015
Siesta Key Round-Up The project will add 800,000 cubic yards of sand to two miles of beach. It will buffer the eroded shoreline that was initially nourished with a million cubic yards of sand in 2007. Weeks Marine’s bid price did come in lower than an earlier county figure of $21.5 million estimated at a time of increased demand for dredging equipment and contractors following storms. The county has secured all final permits, including a permit from the Army Corps of Engineers and approval by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The final federal permit was issued following a lengthy delay due to unanticipated issues regarding a listed species. The potential stopover of the Rufa Red Knot during migration delayed the permitting process, and since spring the county had also been working to put specific safeguards in place to protect both the Red Knot and Loggerhead sea turtles. Read the entire process that Laird Wreford from the county presented at the Siesta Key Association meeting on page 26.
Continued from page 4
New Executive Director for the Siesta Key Chamber
The following email was sent out to all the members and volunteers in early November by Board Chair Alana Tomasso. On behalf of the Board of Directors, it is with great pleasure that I announce that after an extensive search we have a new Executive Director! Her name is Ann Frescura and her employment will begin the first week of January. Ann is coming to us from Springfield, Illinois and has extensive experience in non-profit and event management. We are very excited that she will be joining us and we look forward to introducing her to all of you. Thank you for your continued support...we are really excited about starting a new chapter for the Chamber!
Scat makes changes to Pinecraft Route
On November 14, the Sarasota County made some route changes affecting Siesta Key. Route 10 will operate between Cattlemen Transfer Station and Turtle Beach, replacing the old Route 33. For
more information about any of these route changes, log on to or call the Sarasota County Contact Center at 941-861-5000.
Help Spread Holiday Cheer for Cancer Kids
Founder of The Holiday Cheer for Cancer Kids program, Henry Rhodes continues to look for participants. According to Rhodes, “This year’s program has gotten off to an excellent start. Thanks to Bob and Emy Stein, publishers of The Eagle and Siesta Sand community papers, word is spreading about this important program designed to bring happiness to cancer kids of Sarasota families during the coming Holiday Season.” He continued, “As of November 16, we have received family information for about thirteen families from All Children’s Hospital of St. Petersburg. We expect to receive information for approximately seven to 10 additional families by publication date. Volunteers have contacted us from Siesta Key and the Landings communities. It is truly wonderful
to recognize how generous people can be especially during this season of the year.” The families include children as young as two years old and as old as 19. Imagine being two-years-old and not really understanding what is happening to you, or perhaps even more challenging to be a teenager, feeling left out, different and disconnected at a time when connection and belonging is all you want. If you would like to participate in this year’s program please contact Henry Rhodes (941-9271047 or or Jim Goldman (jimgoldman@aol. com) or one of our two Program Captains, Carmen Lawrence ( and Karl Maggard (karlm9972@ The more volunteers there are willing to adopt a family, the more families in these circumstances this program is able to support during the holiday season. For additional information please call the above number. Any and all donations are very much appreciated. Continued on the next page
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December 2015
Continued from the previous page
Where’s Blue Que?
For all you returning snowbirds wondering what happened to the Blue Que Restaurant in the Village, changes were made in late October. Owner Matt Dively decided to make some changes bringing in a new chef and going to a new menu, featuring seafood. The new name of the restaurant is Aaron’s Fish Camp featuring 32 new menu items.
Nora Patterson holds first fundraiser
Nora Patterson, Republican held her first fundraiser on Nov. 18 for her State Senate campaign for District 28. Steve Seidensticker and family hosted the fundraiser, along with a host committee of more than 85 area residents. The fundraiser took place in downtown Sarasota, featuring prominent community leaders such as State Senator Lisa Carlton, Dr. Duncan Finlay and State Senator John McKay, showing the strong support Patterson has established going into this race. Having lived, worked and raised a family for 45 years in Sarasota, Patterson draws a wide base of support across the district. Although redistricting of the Senate districts remains an issue for this race, Patterson remains optimistic that Sarasota will remain whole. If she is unable to run in her election due to redistricting, she’s committed to returning her donor contributions. Nora Patterson has called Sarasota home since 1970. She served on the Sarasota County Commission for 16 years, and served for eight years on the Sarasota City Commission, including a term as Sarasota Mayor. If elected to the Florida Senate, she will continue to work for a healthy and diverse economy and careful use of taxpayer dollars. To learn more, visit or call the campaign at (941) 2109991.
Holiday Shipping Tips from Mail Pack Center of Siesta Key
The holiday season kicks off on Black Friday, November 27. One of the first things to avoid
patrons in the Village for the past 20 years. The Siesta Center was sold and the new ownership of the Ocean Blvd building was not quite meeting up to expectations he and Sparks had of the new landlord. Sparks announced his retirement and Reich announced a move to The Shop SRQ at 6625 Gateway Ave. in Gulf Gate. You can reach Scott Reich at 941-3460222.
is the rush, and ship as early as possible. Believe it or not, there are only 22 regular delivery days before Christmas, following Thanksgiving. When you are ready to ship, there are some basic packing tips that are worth repeating. First, don’t use old boxes or gift boxes for shipping. More than likely, they’re not going to provide adequate protection for your product. Whenever possible, use a new box. Also, only use approved packing materials like foam packing peanuts, bubble cushioning, and packing tape. Steer clear of the masking tape, the twine, and newspaper to cushion your items. Also, a good tip is to include a label on the inside of the package, including both the destination and the return address, just in case the label on the outside is somehow damaged. The Mail Pack Center has been helping to pack and ship items for island residents and visitors for 19 seasons. Let them help you again. Visit Jack and Hanna at Mail Pack Center for best service or any questions you have about shipping packages. MPCSK 6547 Midnight Pass Rd Siesta Key 941346-3303.
SKA needs board members
The Siesta Key Association has a rich tradition of representing and proactively lobbying for the rights of the citizens of Siesta Key and it is becoming ever more critical to have an active body that represents the interest of all property owners on Siesta Key. SKA needs board members who can actively participate in subcommittees which work closely with the County to beautify our island, look after the environment and ensure that zoning laws are followed, so that we can look forward to maintaining the essence of Siesta Key which is so important to all of us. Please contact info@ if you wish to become a board member. If you don’t have the time to participate in subcommittees, you can learn more about what is happening in your community and contribute your ideas by attending any of the monthly SKA Board Meetings. Become a SKA member for only $30 a year. SKA is the closest thing to an island government.
Looking for the Village Barber?
As snowbirds begin returning to Siesta Key many are wondering what happened to the Village Barber? Back in July Scott Reich announced moving out of the Village and off the Key. Reich and his stepfather Pete Sparks had been servicing
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Take and go to the beach or relax and people watch on our large covered patio coffee, bagles, breakfast panini served in the am
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CHRISTMAS DAY There are still dates available for your Holiday Parties!
Siesta Sand
December 2015
Authentic Latin cuisine served at Señor Siesta The owners of Señor Siesta have traveled the world from Spain throughout the Americas and truly love Latin (or Spanish) cuisine. When coming to Siesta Key they realized Latin cuisine was definitely missing from the island so they decided to bring this flavor profile for others to enjoy. Señor Siesta is a small mom and pop establishment with their primary objective being able to provide big flavors in an intimate setting. For their customers, they want to keep it this way so that the owners can focus on pleasing them with personalized service. No wide screen TVs or loud atmosphere here. Patrons are invited to savor authentic Latin dishes and beverages in a small Latin-friendly setting. The menu is based on their “jingle”, Señor Siesta: your passport to Latin cuisine, offering plates from several Latin countries. What Spanish offerings are most popular at this cozy eatery? From Spain itself, their gambas a la jillo (sautéed garlic shrimp with manchego cheese melted over
sliced and oven toasted baguettes) has been a favorite appetizer while their paella seems to be very popular as well. In fact, the paella is so popular they serve it every night. On Tuesdays and Thursdays Señor Siesta offers a paella special; paella/Latin wine ($69) and paella/sangria ($59) paella dinner for two. Besides sangria, Señor Siesta offers several made-from-scratch fruit drinks, beer from Spain and the Americas, wines from Spain and South America and some interesting coffee-based offerings both hot and cold Each year the owners close for a week or two to explore native Latin cuisine for possible inclusion of new dishes to their existing menu. This year they traveled to Peru for nine days, exploring restaurants in several cities. They took a fourday side trip (actually a hiking and camping trip) along the Inca trail to Machu Picchu. They found wonderfully interesting cuisine in Peru and very nice people who delight in talking about food. The owners of Señor Siesta also
believe in giving back. Last month they raised several thousand dollars for breast cancer during their “1 in 8” campaign. They are also a corporate sponsor of the Out-of-Door Academy and rotate discounts for several Siesta Key community residents. They are a proud sponsor of Project Atticus (see Internet) and offer 10 percent discounts to veterans and law enforcement professionals. Since they’re all about focus and delivery to each customer, reservations are highly recommended. They gladly accept walk-ins and carry-out but expect to wait 15-20 minutes without reservations during peak times. They want to offer the same level of service to all their customers and customer feedback seems to appreciate this style. You’ll find Señor Siesta located in the Davidson Village Plaza (between the Chamber of Commerce and Cafe Gabbiano) at 5110 Ocean Blvd. There is plenty of parking available Buen Provecho! (Advertorial)
Siesta Key Chef and two daughters atop Machu Picchu (Peru) as they complete their Inca Trail trek. The highest point along the way is 4200 meters.
December 2015
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Siesta Beach Improvement Project Nearing Completion By Bob Frederickson The $21 million Siesta a seemingly never-ending Beach improvement project is quest for an open spot on on track to meet the county’s busy beach weekends – or original goal for completion any time during the busy by early 2016, with Sarasota spring break season. Some of the project’s County project manager Brad safety features include Gaubatz telling Siesta Sand last walkways strategically week he expects ‘substantialplaced between rows of completion’ by January 21, parked cars throughout 2016. It won’t come a moment the lot; they’re designed too soon. Early signs point to to minimize cases of cars increased traffic to the beach or trucks backing into this season with the “Lot pedestrians traversing the Sarasota County Project Manager Full” signs having made parking areas. “The parking Brad Gaubatz describes the work an early pre-Thanksgiving spaces are oriented in such remaining on the $21 million appearance in recent weeks a way that there are now Siesta Beach Park project. – thanks to ideal beach walkways beach-goers can weather. use so they don’t have to The much-anticipated project lug their coolers through the to enhance the crown jewel middle of the lot to get to the of the county’s park system beach,” said Gaubatz. It’s a has already met several of safety concept featured in the benchmarks set for it at most new shopping centers the outset. The ‘Siesta Sun like those developed by Deck’ concession opened to Publix for their new stores. Part of the new lot positive reviews from locals was paved with pervious and visitors alike early this concrete that will aid with past summer, with new menu runoff from heavy rain items like pastries and crepes events, which may help in the morning and hot paninis, The ‘Esplanade’ acts as a visual ribbon, reduce the flooding which flatbread pizzas and fresh salads tying the projects various elements together. is a periodic concern along for afternoon and early evening nearby Beach Road. dining – all served up with great Egress and ingress views of the beach throughout points will be updated to the day. Most of the work facilitate traffic flow and adjacent to the east end of the avoid ‘contact points’ (DOT parking lot has been completed, lingo for potential accident including new tennis courts, a hotspots) along Beach Road. new maintenance building, and The opportunity to make a playground and picnic area. Still in the works, the left turns across traffic will finishing touches on two new be dramatically reduced on pavilions and a remodeling of both sides of Beach Road the old concession building as a result of new medians that will house the Sheriffs’ that have appeared recently department and lifeguard along the western section of The view from above, from atop the office; finishing touches also Beach Road fronting the lots Siesta Sun Deck. remain for the esplanade that (across from the Crescent will “tie everything together,” Royale Condominium). in the words of Gaubatz. to unload passengers and their In addition, some of the older Built of decorative pavers, assorted beach ‘baggage.’ existing medians to the east it directs pedestrians through But it will likely be some of the have been extended and joined the non-beach amenities before lower profile changes that will together, again with the aim of delivering them to the beach have the greatest lasting impact funneling traffic to prescribed itself. There will be three pull-offs for visitors and island residents turn lanes in order to reduce traffic strategically located throughout alike. Key among these is a delays and the risk of accidents the parking lot adjacent to this redesigned parking lot with 143 that increase when continuous left main walkway says Gaubatz, spaces added to the pre-project turns are allowed. The medians are also designed providing convenient drop off total of 840, a 17 percent increase; points for visitors and cargo alike; the added spaces should help dial to enhance pedestrian safety by they were added to avoid the back on the frustration factor for providing a refuge point of sorts traffic backups that had become late arrivals (meaning after 9:30 midway across for those crossing an all too familiar feature of the a.m. on some some days) who Beach Road on foot from either beach going routine with cars have been known to circle the direction. stopping in the lot’s travel lanes lot like frenzied land-sharks in
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10 Siesta Sand
December 2015
Massage Experience, Siesta Key Celebrates 20 Years of Service Starting a business of her own in 1996 was a work in progress for owner Licensed Massage therapist Aesthetician, Spa direct Connie Lewis. After graduating from Fitchburg State University in 1988 with a Bachelors of Science in Communications/Media Connie worked in broadcast radio and television for many years. At the end of 1991 her life took an unexpected turn. She was involved in an auto accident that forever changed the course of her life personally and professionally. It was only after learning through her experience with holistic health and wellness through chiropractic massage and spiritual interests that she decided to pursue a career in Massage Therapy. In the fall of 1992 she enrolled in an 18 month intensive course of study at the Bancroft School of Massage Therapy, an esteemed institution established in 1950 that offers in depth training in various massage modalities ranging from Sports Massage Shiatsu, Swedish and a thorough course to business practices. While in school her instructors reminded
all the students they were in the Harvard of massage schools. They were not kidding! The program was extensive and demanding but prepares students for the real world of massage therapy. As the end of the 18-month program got closer she knew it was time to figure out where to start her new life and career Connie was anxious to leave Massachusetts for many reasons, the weather just one. After months of searching throughout the Florida panhandle, the east coast of the state and during her visit to check Sarasota out, Thanksgiving week of 1991, she found herself on Siesta Key Beach. That was all it took; Lewis was hooked and knew this was the place she wanted to begin her new career. Over the years, running her own business on Siesta Key has allowed her personal interaction with her clients. Lewis has developed some close relationships, one of which may have ended up saving her life. “I was talking with one of my clients, a cardiologist, during his treatment and telling him some
symptoms I was having and relaxing Swedish techniques. he listened to me and he said, In addition to her extensive training and ‘You need to come in to the experience in massage office tomorrow,’” Lewis said. therapy, Connie attended and “Within two months, I was graduated from the Fashion having open heart surgery at Focus Hair academy Facial the Mayo clinic.” Those types of experiences, Specialist training in 2004. Lewis says, has given her the Adding facials and skin care to gifts of empathy and strength her regime has enhanced and Connie Lewis, Stephanie “Feebs Feibelman, and the knowing to be able expanded the range of services Kirsten Calandra and Uriel Quiles to help anyone who walks she offers. Massage Experience through her doors. “I never has become a boutique day spa know how a session will turn services including intuitive deeply where clients can choose from out. Sometimes a facial is just a relaxing massage, sports and injury many different therapeutic, relaxing facial and other times it’s a cathartic rehabilitation massage as well as and beautifying treatments. Massage Experience, Siesta healing experience, unexpected at many delightful and relaxing spa times but thoroughly fulfilling for services. Facial sculpting, and Key boasts three treatment rooms; all involved,” Lewis explained. custom deluxe anti-aging facials two with garden atriums full of “I have clients everyday who are another specialty. tropical foliage. With three rooms are challenged on some level either Hot stone massage, as we and a staff hand-picked by Connie physically or emotionally, usually incorporate the warm stone as a there are many treatment times and it’s both. I do my best to make healing tool, to ease both the stress services available. them feel safe and comfortable of the mind and to open the muscles Connie Lewis, BS/LMT/ during their treatments. The ability with the heat. Connie and her staff A e s t h e t i c i a n , ( M A 0 0 0 1 7 5 9 6 , to put a client at ease is one of my specialize in custom treatments. MM0006727) can be reached at greatest accomplishments that No two are alike. We listen and Massage Experience Siesta Key, has manifested from my life’s strive to give the clients what they 5138-A Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key, experiences. They come to me need. This could and usually does 941-349-4833. For a complete list of knowing I can handle it!” combine any and all of the services services offered, visit her website at Massage Experience, Siesta offered including Reiki healing Key offers a wide variety of specific deep tissue massage and (Advertorial)
Daily Lunch & Dinner Specials
Lobster Roll
• Fresh Local Fish • Shell Fish • Crab Cakes • Smoked Fish Dips Wednesday Special: Grouper Reuben Sandwich Thursday Special: Lobster Roll
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Place Your Holiday Orders Catering Available • 941-554-8101 New Hours: Friday 9 to 9, Saturday 10 to 6, and Sunday 10 to 4
Mahi Reuben
Full House
December 2015
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Featured Restaurant
Island Fish Market serves fresh-off-the-boat seafood
By Alan Cannestra
|Big Water Fish Market is rated #3 of the 843 Restaurants in Sarasota by Trip Advisor We have all seen new businesses and especially restaurants come and go as it is a competitive corporate world these days. Although we cheer and support them, small business owners who are lucky enough to stay in business for two years often never see the day they will become a profitable and established operation. Supposedly a three year anniversary is a landmark for many businesses and a sign that they might actually make it. Well the 4th year anniversary of the Big Water Fish Market quietly passed in November. As I sit here in the small market waiting to interview owner Scott Dolan it has become obvious to me that this is one small business that has made a huge impact on the Siesta Key community. The door continues to open and close while customers come and go all day long. They are happy to be here and the staff is just as happy to see them. As you listen to the customers speak among themselves you get the feeling that not only is BWFM the seafood restaurant everyone is seeking, they are earning a great reputation as travelers spread the word. All you have to do is read the reviews on Trip Advisor to find out how respected this business has become. It appears that not only is the Fish Market here to stay but my observation is that this popular shop is well on its way to being a Siesta Key Icon. When asked why they didn’t celebrate their 4th anniversary Dolan replied, “We did, we just did it quietly. The fourth year felt a lot like an 18th birthday. You already got your driver’s license but you’re not old enough to drink yet. I think we will celebrate every 5 years as we plan to operate on the Key for a long time to come.” BWFM is a retail Fish Market and a casual dining restaurant. Dolan says, “BWFM specializes in fresh local seafood. We make an honest effort to offer Siesta Key the freshest fish available in a clean market concept. We carry Mahi, Snapper, Grouper and many other fresh fish and local shellfish on a daily basis caught straight from Florida’s ‘Big Waters.’” When asked about Florida’s big waters, he clarified that it’s the Gulf and Atlantic Oceans he’s referring to. Dolan went on to say “I credit the Market’s success to the quality of our food and a great staff who cares about the shop our patrons and our Island.
We care about every entrée we plate and we back every piece of retail seafood that we sell. We don’t claim to be the best chefs in town but we are proud of the quality of our food we put on your tables.” In September Dolan signed a long term lease and the crew did a major remodel of their kitchen in order to keep up with the high demand for a dinner service. Why did Dolan choose this location? “ Despite discouragement over my location choice from a lot of respected people, I felt like this was the right concept at the right time and the location was perfect. The shopping center was struggling at the time as we were in a recession, so the rent was right. Yet I saw no decline in Siesta Key Tourism nor did I have an answer for the locals and our visitors who were looking for a good place to get good seafood without leaving the Island. Now I do, Dolan replied.” With the major remodel of the kitchen, BWFM is now open until 9 p.m., Monday through Friday for a casual seafood dining experience. Saturday and Sunday they will remain as a lunch and retail service only. Manager Aaron Mobley adds, “We have a hard time accommodating big parties since the shop only seats 22 at a time but we will gladly take reservations for big parties and private events on Saturday nights.” BWFM has a new menu. It is a collaboration of many of America’s seafood traditions. Dolan often travels to major U.S. cities for inspiration and new food ideas. New Orleans, New York and Boston have influenced new menu items such as Po’ Boys Fried or grilled Shrimp $13, Scallop $16, Oyster $14 or Blackened Fish $15 served on a French bread with Cajun sauce, homemade spicy pickles, romaine lettuce, tomato and onion, Grouper Sandwiches, Crab Cakes, Fish Tacos, Seafood Steam pots, and daily specials such as a Grouper Reuben on Wednesdays, which is my favorite and their Lobster Rolls on Thursdays, my wife’s favorite. She never forgets Thursdays. All new menu items have been introduced, just in time for the upcoming season. “Our most popular menu item by far is the Fish Tacos; Two grilled fish or shrimp tacos on flour tortillas with homemade Key lime slaw, Pico de Gallo salsa, fresh cilantro, avocado, lime juice and garlic aiolo sauce. You
must try this one, Dolan said with a Big Water smile.” Big Water Fish is rated #3 of the 843 Restaurants in Sarasota by Trip Advisor, here’s what people are saying about their visit. “Fresh seafood!” This is a perfect hidden gem on a Siesta Key! If you love a little dive joint, you’ll love this one. Small space with picnic tables and a counter full of fresh seafood to choose from, you can purchase seafood, eat in or take out. There are daily specials and a regular menu to choose from all prepared fresh. You see them cut the fish for your sandwich! Love this little spot! Try it! “Rustic with delicious fish” On vacation here and visited after reading TA reviews. Not disappointed. Great choice of fresh fish with friendly and helpful service. No alcohol is served but you can bring your own. Finished with key lime pie baked on the premises. A real gem.
Lobster Roll and Hogfish Tacos with mango salsa
“Big water, big value!” Went there for lunch and found a fish market with picnic tables and a deli case full of caught today very good, with entrees as well as sandwich offerings and apps. Wife had Tuna poke, with the homemade poke sauce on a bed of greens, onions etc.--normally has seared tuna, but found out she now likes sushi! I had the blackened grouper sandwich with a tomato/cucumber side salad--absolutely excellent, followed by a slice of homemade key lime pie....very impressed with this locally owned and operated business and my advice is to search it out and get in there when in the Siesta Key area. “Date night!” So great to be back! New menu is excellent and as usual the staff is outstanding! Such a great place to relax and enjoy the best the Gulf can offer.
Scott’s Seafood Tower
“Freshest Seafood” We bought fresh grouper here on a couple of occasions and I must say it was the freshest grouper I ever tasted. We also bought stone crabs which are always very expensive but delicious. They cracked them for us which worked out great. We walked to the fish market from Hyatt Residence Club. 6641 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key (941) 554-8101
Guess who’s coming for dinner?
12 Siesta Sand
December 2015
Financial Focus
|How Can the Fed’s Actions Affect You? When will the Federal Reserve raise interest rates? This question has been on the minds of economists and financial market prognosticators for quite some time now. But what does it mean to you, as an individual investor? First of all, it’s important to understand just what is meant by “raising rates.” The Federal Reserve, or the “Fed,” directly controls short-term interest rates, although, through various measures, it can also affect long-term rates. Typically, the Fed will lower short-term rates to stimulate the economy. Conversely, the Fed will raise rates to slow down the economy if it seems to be “overheating” and threatening to push inflation to excessive levels. Since the end of 2008, when the financial crisis hit, the Fed has kept short-term rates close to zero. But now, following several years of reasonably strong economic growth, the Fed appears poised to raise rates. No one can really predict the exact timing of the rate hike, but statements from the Fed indicate that it seems to be a matter of “when,” not “if.” Fed chairperson Janet Yellen has indicated that when the increase comes, it may be relatively small, and that further increases will be spaced out enough to avoid potential “shocks” to the economy. Still, as an investor, you need to be aware of the potential impact of any interest rate increase. So, consider the following: • Review your bond holdings. As short-term rates rise, shorter-term bonds, and even
some “cash” instruments, may eventually become more attractive than longer-term bonds, which tend to be more volatile. A sell-off of longer-term bonds can push their prices downward, so make sure these bonds don’t take up too large a percentage of your fixed-income portfolio. • Build a bond ladder. A bond ladder may prove beneficial to you in all interest-rate environments. To construct this ladder, you need to own bonds and other fixed-rate vehicles, such as certificates of deposit (CDs) of varying maturities. Thus, when market interest rates are low, you’ll still have your longer-term bonds, which typically pay higher rates than short-term bonds, working for you. And when interest rates rise, as may be the case soon, you can reinvest your maturing, short-term bonds and CDs at the higher rates. Be sure to evaluate whether the bonds or CDs held in the ladder are consistent with your investment objectives, risk tolerance and financial circumstances. • Be prepared for volatility. Certain segments of the financial markets don’t like interest rate increases – after all, higher rates mean higher borrowing costs, which make it harder for businesses to expand their operations. Therefore, depending on the composition of your portfolio, be prepared for some volatility when rates start moving up. However, since the Fed has already indicated it is likely to raise rates fairly soon, such a hike may already be largely “priced in” to the
Aquarium Trips Weddings • Any Occasion Group Rides On And Off The Key
market, so any turbulence may be somewhat muted. By taking these steps, you can help contain the effects of rising interest rates on your own investment outlook. Ultimately, as an investor, you need to concentrate on those things you can control, no matter what the Federal Reserve decides to do. And that means you need to build a diversified portfolio that reflects your goals, risk tolerance and time horizon. Maintaining this type of focus can help you – no matter where interest rates are headed.
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Bagels and lox
This article was written by Edward Cold brewed coffee Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Local pastries Financial Advisor.
Gluten free snacks doTERRA Essential Oils
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Pilates/Yoga/Dance Studio • Group classes Pilates • Zen yoga • Zumba • Erotica fitness Rubylake Passport: (Zumba, erotica fitness, Pilates, yoga bootcamp)
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Private Pilates Reformer and Equipment Training Paddleboard fitness Bosu Cardio and Core bootcamp Yoga with Essential Oils workshop
Courtney Kees /
Beach Wedding
December 2015
By Trebor Britt
Lindsey & Ryan Pesch Beach Wedding
A FRIDAY THE 13TH MEMORY OF A LIFETIME Perfect temperatures and a light Gulf breeze on the Siesta Key shoreline provided the perfect setting for Lindsey Levy of Mentor, OH and Ryan Pesch of Apopka, FL to become husband and wife. As this couple looked into each other’s eyes during the ceremony, it was obvious to all their close family and friends just how much love they had for one another. All this taking place on a spectacular Friday the 13th morning for this fabulous young couple. Unlike most people, 13 has always been a lucky number for them. Lindsey related, “We are not very traditional people at all, so Friday the 13th seemed like a fun choice. Plus, we are not night people. We both love brunch and day drinking so we also wanted to get married in the morning and then have the whole weekend to spend with our family and friends.” Like a lot of couples who become burnt out trying to meet someone in a bar, Lindsey and Ryan made their love connection on the internet through Neither of them had any idea that their first date in an Irish bar in downtown Orlando would be the beginning of a lifetime relationship. Their first date led to their first kiss and Lindsey commented, “and we’ve been inseparable ever since.” They both wanted a beach wedding that was not too far from home so Florida friends and family could easily attend, and fell in love with Siesta Key after a recommendation from a friend. “We love the soft sand, the laid back atmosphere — it was perfect.” After their fabulous honeymoon in beautiful Napa Valley and San Francisco they will return to Orlando where Lindsey works as a Social Media Manager for Olive Garden, Darden Restaurants and Ryan owns Central Graphics, and creates original graphic designs. Lindsey and Ryan’s wedding coordinator was Siesta Key Events. 941-456-WEDS,
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
14 Siesta Sand
December 2015
Snapshots of Island Visitors Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography
Left: Thieme, Joao, and Manuela age 1 from Brazil. Right: Anne and friend.
12,000-square-feet filled to the brim with hidden yet affordable treasures like Baccarat crystal, Tiffany silver, Gucci, Prada, Chicos, 14k-22k gold jewelry, high-end furniture, handmade Persian rugs and regular household items. NOW HANDLING OFF-SITE
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Sheriff’s Report
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
December 2015
Oct. 20 – Nov. 15, 2015
8875 Midnight Pass Rd. • Siesta Key • 346-2207 Serving Lunch & Dinner from 11:30am- 9:00pm
There were a total of 29 crimes reported on the Key from 10/20-11/ 15/15
entered the apartment he found the rear sliding 4 16 THEFT 2 doors open, a can that 2 appeared to be used for ASSAULT 5 THE VILLAGE smoking crack, the toilet 3 clogged, and a multi DRUG ALCHOHOL 2 5 -colored towel stuffed VIOLATION 2 inside. He said it appeared ELSEWHERE 3 BURGLARY 5000 Block Ocean Blvd someone had lifted the ON THE KEY 11/1/15 Burglary – Vehicle sliding doors off the track 9 1 Public Beach in order to gain entry. The 1 A woman flagged down resident next door said she 3 a patrol officer to complain recognized the towel as someone had attempted missing from her kitchen. to break into her vehicle. She the group. The investigating officer An officer took DNA swabs from indicated she had parked her was able to obtain two sets of DNA the rear door handle and toilet seat Buick in the lot for approximately samples from the center console and submitted them for processing. 30 minutes. Upon her return to the and placed them into evidence. car she found her steering column He was also able to view e-mails 11/8/15 Burglary- Vehicle broken off and wires exposed. and text messages sent to the Public Beach A man reported a vehicle The vehicle had been locked, couple’s phones from the credit however, the rear side passenger card companies declining charges burglary to a patrolling officer. window had been partially down and issuing a fraud alert. The He advised someone entered his allowing access to open the door. messages were sent at 5:55p.m. The trunk and took his golf clubs, his Upon further inspection, the officer location of the purchase attempt wife’s purse, and a beach chair. noticed the suspect had placed was at Nordstrom’s in Tampa. The man explained he had parked a large object in the ignition in The suspects attempted numerous his car at 5:00 and returned to the an attempt to steal the car. The other purchases at 5:55 with almost car at 5:30 to grab a beach chair cost of damage to the car was all the cards stolen, in separate and noticed the items missing. amounts totaling between $636.65 The vehicle was locked; however, approximately $200. and $834.60. the victim believes he might have 11/3/15 Grand Theft accidentally popped the trunk 11/7/15 Battery – Injuries Whispering Sands Drive while the keys were in his pocket. 6000 Block Midnight Pass Rd A woman reported that The approximate value of the Officers responded to a report stolen items is $1350. someone took two pieces of jewelry that were on a table outside her of a battery. The victim stated that bathroom. She stated that the only he and the suspect had been in a 11/13/15 Trafficking in Cannabis / Possession of Cannabis & people inside her residence besides verbal altercation in the parking lot Cocaine with Intent herself were two employees of the Sniki Tiki, when the suspect 100 Block Avenida Veneccia from a pest control company head butted him in the face. The A man was arrested at his who were there for a service call officer noted the victim’s eye was swollen although he stated he did a p artment after officials approximately two weeks prior. The missing jewelry consisted of a not want medical attention. The a p p r e h e n d e d a p a c k a g e o f ring, valued at $400 and a necklace, officer checked the surrounding approximately 27 pounds of area for the suspect with negative cannabis intended for delivery valued at $300. results. The victim stated that to the suspects address via the he knows the suspects family US postal service. The package 11/6/15 Burglary – Vehicle and repeatedly explained that he was brought to the Sheriff’s office Public Beach A man visiting the beach with did not want to pursue a battery by a US postal inspector who his girlfriend and friend reported investigation. He only wanted the had executed a federal search his rental car was burglarized. incident documented so that the warrant on the package. The When the group returned to their suspect would get help for his anger inspector attempted to make a car they noticed the man’s credit issues. No further action was taken. controlled delivery of the package to the suspect, who claimed he cards were missing from his wallet 11/7/15 Burglary – Residential could not get to the door and to that he kept in the driver’s door 4000 Block Banyan PL. leave the package at the front panel. The center console of the An employee of a management door. An officer with the Sheriff’s car was left open and the friend’s iPad and his $700 in cash were company was sent to check one Department made contact and also missing. When his girlfriend of his properties after receiving identified himself to the suspect returned to the car she found her a complaint of squatters at the who then let the men in. He was 5 credit cards were missing from foreclosed home. When he arrived, placed under arrest. The officer her purse. All of the victims stated he saw a white towel stuffed in the obtained a search warrant and they had locked the vehicle when metal door to the small apartment found an additional 33.7 pounds they left the car around 4:00 that on the front of the property. The of cannabis, 11.2g of cocaine, .3g of afternoon: however no signs of towel was not there when he had MDMA. 132.3g of butane hash oil forced entry were found and the last been to the vacant property and 1.1g of Adderall in the man’s windows were up according to a month prior. When the man apartment. 10/25/15 Petit Theft A purple ladies bicycle, valued at $299.99, was stolen from in front of The Old Salty Dog Bar. The bike was left unlocked while the victim was inside the Bar.
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16 Siesta Sand
December 2015
Off Islands
The long way home
Tell Every Living Sole!
Many people come to live here or to spend the winter months along the Gulf Coast of Florida, but few pass through on the way from one place to another. Last month one person did as part of a ninety-seven year journey home. Yes, he was born a long time ago, one hundred and nineteen years ago to be precise, back in 1896. And he died in France in 1918 but came to Sarasota to be re-born before continuing on his journey. Freddie Stowers, the grandson of a slave, was born in South Carolina and, at the age of 21, was drafted into the US Army during World War I, serving in the 93rd Infantry Division (Colored). Because of the institutional racism of that time, colored units were placed under French command so that white American officers would not have to consort with black soldiers. During an assault on Hill 188 in the Ardennes region of France, his platoon was decimated by German machine gun fire. Corporal Stowers, a squad leader, took command of the battered and demoralized platoon and successfully led it to take multiple German positions. He died while doing so. He is buried, along with 133 fellow soldiers, east of the village of Romagne-sous-Montfaucon. After his death Corporal Stowers was recommended for the Congressional Medal of Honor but his recommendation was not processed at that time as it had been “misplaced”. In April of 1991 his surviving sisters finally received the medal at the White House. As a tribute to his valor, renowned South Carolina artist Maria Kirby-Smith was recently commissioned to create a
By Rodger Skidmore sculpture of Corporal Stowers. She did so and the completed work was cast at the Bronzart Foundry on Ashton Court, in Sarasota. The Bronzart Foundry, while casting sculptures the likes of Robert Rauschenberg and Jack Dowd, has done a number of works by Ms. Kirby-Smith. After his re-birth, the stature of Corporal Stowers took a slow route out of Sarasota on a flatbed truck: over the Ringling Bridge, up the length of Gulf of Mexico Drive on Longboat Key, and back onto the mainland via the Cortez Bridge. Ms. Kirby-Smith said, “After his long journey, he deserved to see a bit of beauty on his way home.” The dedication of the statue took place on November 11 on the campus of Anderson University in South Carolina.
Trump Mayor of Bradenton Beach
Yes, Bill Shearon can be called the “Trump Mayor” of Bradenton Beach, as that is how he became mayor - again. A strange story, indeed. Mr. Shearon had been elected, in the normal fashion, four years ago but the Vice-Mayor, Jack Clarke took exception to Bill Shearon’s style and tried to have him removed from office. After that failed Vice-Mayor Clarke called for a recall election and that way finally succeeded in ousting Shearon and getting himself elected to the then vacant office. All this just 6 months before the next regular election. In the new election just completed, the two adversaries tied at 195 votes each, forcing a state sanctioned tie-breaker. Rather than flip a coin, toss the dice or have a duel in the sun, they chose to see who could pick the highest card from a new deck. Jack Clarke picked the 10 of Clubs - a good pick. However Bill Shearon picked the Ace of Clubs, trumping Clarke and again becoming mayor. At least Clarke can’t accuse Shearon of cheating by reading a marked deck, as Shearon is legally blind.
Flashing in public to become legal on Longboat Key
Public safety is on everyone’s wish list and Longboat Key is going to have a safer Christmas this year. The Florida Department
of Transportation has begun constructing four crosswalks along Gulf of Mexico Drive. Pedestrians wishing to cross this thoroughfare will simply press a button to set off flashing lights, alerting motorists that they must slow down or stop. Two of the crosswalks will be at the north end of the key at both ends of the Centre shops. The other two will be at the south end - at Bay Isles Road and at the northern entrance to Longboat Club Road. So, if you see someone flashing you on Gulf of Mexico Drive feel free to slow down - or even stop.
They just keep coming
The snowbirds are coming and some are already here, but we are referring to something even more important. Yes, the awards that make the snowbirds want to flock to our beaches (and restaurants, real estate offices and shops). Condé Nast Traveler magazine has picked Longboat Key as the 9th most attractive island in the United States. Not bad for a sand pile that nature wants to move south towards Key West. It is said that you are known by the company you keep. LBK is in very good company with the top four on the list being Maui, Kauai, Oahu and Hawaii. A glance at a photo of each island on the list shows that they are all beautiful. Of course only one of these islands, Amelia Island, which ranked No. 10, is near Sarasota so that really should move it up a few notches.
Remember the Air Force and the $600 toilet seat and the $100 hammer?
Longboat Key residents have just voted to bury $25,250,000 along Gulf of Mexico Drive with residents paying off a bond issue for that amount over the next 30 years. This is the cost to put all the phone and power cables underground in an attempt to beautify that stretch of the gulf. While one might not think power poles are that unattractive, the new concrete ones proposed by Florida Power & Light are “tall and thick and ugly” rather than “tall and tan and lovely” so there was no way that residents of Longboat would accept them. Divide that amount of money by the length of the roadway and it comes to $478 per foot.
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Copyright©2012 Mail Boxes Etc., Inc. C4CE276337 04.12
December 2015
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
News Up & Down the Trail By Roger Drouin and Debbie Flessner MainStreet/Hollywood 20 Plaza sells
The Sarasota Main Street Plaza has been sold. Last month, entrepreneur Jesse Biter and fellow Sarasota investors David Chessler, along with golfer Greg Norman, and Eric Baird, finalized the purchase of the 8.6acre Main Plaza, which houses the Hollywood 20 movie theater. The group purchased the highlyvisible property consisting of eight acres of land in the Sarasota downtown corridor from Paragon Management Group, LLC. The property features 245,000 square feet of office and retail space, over 70,000 square feet of space currently leased to Hollywood 20 / Regal Cinemas, as well as an 850 car parking garage with valet service on the property. Terms of the purchase of 1991 Main St. from Paragon Management Group LLC were not released. The property has been renamed “BBC Main Street.” The sale of the Main Street Plaza followed the closing of Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill and Bar, at 1991 Main Street. The restaurant, which is a part of the plaza, closed after 18 years. The 5,835-squarefoot space at 1991 Main Street was home to Applebee’s since 1997, when the Sarasota Main Plaza opened. The Sarasota Main Plaza has been listed for sale since last summer by Cushman & Wakefield. The existing 253,504-square-foot plaza could be renovated, or with Downtown Core zoning and a central location in the heart of the city, it can be razed to clear way for a new development with condos, a hotel or other commercial uses.
FEMA scales back county’s flood maps
Some Sarasota County property owners might have cause to breathe a sigh of relief. That’s because nearly 15,000 properties have been removed from high-risk zones on the revised draft of Sarasota County’s Special Flood Hazard Area maps following a review by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Months after increasing the number of Sarasota County property owners in the high-risk flood zones, FEMA has scaled back that number from around 43,000
to around 28,000. Sarasota County officials say they teamed up with city and state agencies to point out to FEMA it wasn’t following its own rules when it comes to areas that flood one foot or less. Sarasota County and its partners at the cities of North Port, Sarasota and Venice, the Town of Longboat Key and the Southwest Florida Water Management District worked as a team to submit more than 800 comments and eight separate technical appeals to FEMA in April in an effort to improve the accuracy of the flood risk maps. The submission resulted in adjustments and a revised flood hazard map that was sent to local communities on Oct. 14. Those revised maps are available for the public to review online at For assistance, call the Sarasota County Contact Center at 941-861-5000. “Special thanks should be given to the public for their participation in seven public workshops held last January through April,” said Molly Williams, stormwater manager with Sarasota County Public Utilities. The submission of the appeals and comments resulted in the removal of more than 14,000 properties that had been newly mapped into a high risk zone when the preliminary map update was made available last December. An additional 658 properties have been mapped out of the high risk zone. These important changes are part of a multi-year project to update the maps, and three more steps remain: • Sarasota County, the cities of North Port, Sarasota and Venice and the Town of Longboat Key responded to the revised draft maps in mid-November. • Final quality reviews will be conducted again by FEMA, resulting in issuance of a Letter of Final Determination (LFD), which is anticipated sometime in January. • The LFD will specify a sixmonth compliance period, during which time communities can make necessary adjustments to current ordinances in order to adopt the new maps. Sarasota County anticipates the compliance period deadline to be sometime in JuneJuly 2016. For more information, call the Sarasota County Contact Center at
Senior Fitness & Exercise
941-861-5000 or visit www.scgov. net/floodmaps.
Apartment complex coming to Cattleman
Construction work has begun on a 32.5-acre tract of vacant property along Cattlemen Road near Interstate 75, where the 360-unit “Springs at Bee Ridge” apartment complex will be built. The complex is the latest in a rush by multi-family developers to meet the demand in Sarasota County for affordable leases, as rents increase and vacancy levels remain low. According to the website for the Springs at Bee Ridge apartment community, “the apartments will have many elegant finishes including hardwood-style flooring in the kitchen, living room and bathrooms, black appliances, washers & dryers, curved shower rods and 2” faux wood blinds. Every home will have a groundlevel, private entry and many will have balconies or patios.”
MONTHLY MEETING Thursday, Dec. 3 • 4:30 PM St. Boniface Church
5615 Midnight Pass Road, Room F
Speaker: Ben Quartermaine, P.E. Stormwater Engineer, Sarasota County Topic: The Ocean/Higel Drainage Improvement Project
Architectural nod
Our local architectural history got a nice nod in a recent Washington Post piece. The article, published Nov. 12, describes how some of the historic “Sarasota School of Architecture” homes and other structures “in and around Sarasota … helped define America’s mid-century modern style.” The article highlighted the second SarasotaMod event and the Sarasota Architectural Foundation.
LBK joins “best of” prestige
The region’s reputation as a tourism and retiree paradise shows no sign of diminishing. The national acclaim has spread to Longboat Key, which was named the No. 9 best island in the U.S. in Conde Nast Traveler’s 2015 Readers’ Choice Awards. Hawaii’s Maui, Kauai, Oahu and Big Island nabbed the top four slots. Amelia Island, which ranked No. 10, was the only other Florida location to make the list. In the same month, the city of Sarasota was ranked on another website list recognizing it as a desirable place to live. Livability. com ranked Sarasota second on its “Top 10 Best Places to Retire” list for 2015, citing quality healthcare and retiree-friendly services. Continued on page 34
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18 Siesta Sand
December 2015
A Lash Above specializes in natural-looking eyelash extensions rubbing the eyelashes too hard, genetics or even taking certain medications and treatments. Eyelash extensions can help combat all of those issues and provide the wearer with the confidence of knowing her eyes can look fantastic with very little effort on her part. Taking care of eyelash extensions after their application is simple-- about three hours
Dr. Greenspan wishes his patients, friends and neighbors a
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Thinning lashes may be a part of the aging process, but they don’t have to be a permanent condition. One of the newer and most popular solutions is eyelash extensions, and acquiring them has never been simpler. A Lash Above, locally owned and operated, specializes in the application of beautiful, naturallooking eyelashes for people of all ages. Owner Beverly Katzenberger is an RN who had been working in dialysis for more than 20 years when her sister came to Florida in 2007 to visit her from California. They began talking about eyelash extensions, which Katzenberger had never even considered having done. “She said that where she lived, they (eyelash extensions) were just as popular as getting your nails done,” explained Katzenberger. “I knew then that it was only a matter of time before it would become popular here in Florida.” After Katzenberger received some intense training from Xtreme Lashes, an international cosmetic company focused specifically on eyelash extensions, she was ready to start her own business. So far, she hasn’t been lacking for customers, and with good reason. Human eyelash growth has four stages: growth, resting, shedding and re-growth. Your lashes continuously cycle through these stages, but as you age, eyelash follicles can slow or altogether stop producing new lashes. At that point, your eyelashes just don’t appear to have the same length and fullness as when you were younger and were producing lashes on a regular basis. A Lash Above offers a perfect solution. Katzenberger says that a two-hour initial session is all it takes to improve the volume and appearance of your eyelashes. “I put on about 80 lashes per eye, about one millimeter away
from the eyelid,” she said. “I use four different sizes of eyelashes, because natural lashes are shortest on the inside, longer in the middle and then they taper off on the outside.” The result is a realistic-looking set of lashes that beautifully frames the eyes and gives the wearer a confident, well-rested appearance. On average, humans lose about four eyelashes per day, and since lash extensions are bonded to natural lashes, they will eventually fall out as well. That’s why Katzenberger suggests coming back every two to three weeks and getting a touch-up, which only takes about an hour. You have several choices, when it comes to the composition of your eyelash extensions. A Lash Above offers lashes in synthetic polyester, silk, mink and faux mink. Each has varying degrees of thicknesses and all applications are customized to suit the individual. In addition to the original A Lash Above location, Katzenberger has opened up two additional salons, staffed by licensed estheticians. Those sites offer an expanded list of services including: luxury facials, lash and brow tints, waxing, peels, dermaplaning, LED light therapy and microcurrent (non-surgical facelift.) Aside from age, there are other reasons why someone may not have enough lashes. Some of those might include scrubbing or
Beverly Katzenberger is the owner of A Lash Above, which specializes in eyelash extensions. after application, you can enjoy all of your regular activities, including washing your face with warm water, showering (allowing warm water to run over eyes), steam baths and swimming. And you will most likely save time getting ready in the morning, because when you have eyelash extensions, mascara is no longer a necessity. Katzenberger says that really, eyelash extensions can help anyone’s appearance. “When someone meets you, they look at your face, they’re not really looking at the eyelashes, but they notice how you carry yourself with confidence,” she said. “Eyes truly are the windows to the soul.” For more information about A Lash Above, or any of their services, visit the website at Or call Beverly Katzenberger at 941-3219093. (Advertorial)
December 2015
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
VILLAGE MAP pgs 20 - 21
The Publication with “Key” Information | | 941.349.0194
Snapshots of Island Visitors
Siesta Key Drum Circle
Every Sunday is a perfect time to come to the Key to reconnect with Mother Nature and to enjoy some wonderful entertainment. I’m talking about the Siesta Key Drum Circle that takes place each Sunday starting about an hour before sunset and lasting until about 10 p.m. The gathering meets up just south of the main pavilion - just follow your ears and watch for the swelling crowd. Please note the following rules of etiquette that need to be observed at the Drum Circle so that all can enjoy the experience: the inside of the drum circle is for participants only, not for people standing around.
Feel free to enter the circle, take a picture and dance, but always keep moving. Never play someone’s drum without getting clearance from the owner. Always ask before borrowing other people’s property, especially hula hoops. Flash photography and bright video lights are distracting, so photograph during daylight or use a night vision camera. And finally, please do not drink alcohol or smoke inside the circle and respect our beach by placing all trash in the appropriate receptacles. Photo Courtesy: Kenny Brooks
Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography
Top Left: Lorelai age 2 from Colorado. Bottom Left: Olivia age 3, William age 1 from NY. Right: Greg & Melissa from Chicago.
Before you leave Sarasota, you must try this one! As seen on the Food Network Guy Fieri’s “Diner’s, Drive-In’s and Dive’s” show. The TurDucKen “One big bird” Boneless chicken stuffed in a boneless duck stuffed in a boneless turkey with a variety of great seasonings. Alpine Steakhouse just off of Siesta Key located between the bridges at 4520 S. Tamiami Trail. 941-922-3797
Lunch Turducken Sandwich $8.95 and Dinner Turducken $18.95 w/mashed Potatoes, stuffing, gravy and cranberry sauce
20 Siesta Sand
December 2015
Boulevard Buzz
|News from the Siesta Key Village Association
New business opens in the Village
Relics on the Key opened on November 12 and is located at 5049 Ocean Blvd in the Siesta Center. The business sells antiques, arts and collectables.
Annual Light Up Siesta Village
For the 31st year, the Siesta Key Village Association will present Light Up the Village on Saturday, November 28, 2015 from 6 to 9 p.m. Siesta Village will be decorated in full holiday splendor with the Christmas tree lighting taking place at the Gazebo, located at Ocean Blvd. and Canal Road, at approximately 6:15 p.m. Santa Claus will be arriving on a float in the holiday parade which will begin at Avenida del Mare and Beach Road at 5:40 p.m., traveling north on Beach Road onto Ocean Blvd into the Village. Many businesses and local groups will be participating in the parade and welcoming Santa to Siesta Village. If you would like to participate, please email the parade coordinator at Santa will reign at the Siesta Center to greet all children. The first 250 to see him will receive gift bags donated by Beach Bazaar. At Santa’s Village there will also be a clown, face painting
S I M P LY R AWSOM E ! St Armands Siesta Key Island of Venice St Armands Island of Venice KeyAve 325 John Ringling Blvd 5250 Ocean Blvd 300Siesta West Venice
325 John Ringling Blvd Sarasota, FL 34236 Sarasota, FL 34236 941-388-3325 941-388-3325
300 West Venice Ave Sarasota, FL 34242 Venice, FL 34285 941-349-8697 941-488-0649
5250 Ocean Blvd Venice, FL 34285 Sarasota, FL 34242 941-488-0649 941-349-8697
Map B #42
Find current specials and promotions at
Delicious Daiquiris, Seafood and So Much More! Find current specials and promotions at
Map C #61
ACCOMMODATIONS Siesta Beach Resort .......................Map-A #38A ART GALLERY / STUDIO Calle Studios ........................................Map-B #32 The Gallery on Siesta Key .................Map-D #11 ATM / BANKS PNC ATM............................................ Map-C #61 Martin Funding .....................................Map-E #1 Sun Trust Bank & ATM ........................Map-E #4 BARS & NIGHTCLUBS Aaron’s Fish Camp ............................ Map-C #57 Blase Café ............................................Map-A #38 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar ...............Map-B #42-43 Gilligan’s ............................................ Map-B #33 Siesta Key Oyster Bar ....................... Map-B #45 The Beach Club ...................................Map-D #22 The Cottage ......................................... Map-C #58 The Hub-Baja Grill .............................Map-D #59 COFFEE SHOPS Lelu’s Coffee Lounge ....................... Map-B #31 The Local Bean.................................. Map-D #62 DRUG & HARDWARE Davidson’s Drugs...............................Map-D #65 Village Hardware ............................... Map-C #26 FASHION & ACCESSORIES Beach Bazaar & Swin Shack .......... Map-C #28 Blvd. Beachwear ................................. Map-B #30 Comfort Shoes-Birki & More.........Map-D #64 Everything But Water ....................... Map-D #12 Foxy Lady Fashions .......................... Map-A #40 Gidget’s Coastal Provisions ............Map-B #44 Island Cotton Company ....................Map-C #29 Island Boutique...................................Map-C #50 Island Style ..........................................Map-C #53 Lotus Boutique .................................. Map-D #66 Siesta Key Mermaids .......................... Map-D #9 Siesta T’s .............................................. Map-B #30 Sun Glass Outlet .................................Map-C #24 GAS STATION Circle K Store ........................................ Map-E #6 GIFTS & SOUVENIRS Beach Bazaar ..................................... Map-C #28 Created Gems .....................................Map-C #51 Island Trader.......................................Map-C #51 Sea Pleasures & Treasures ..................Map-C #2 Siesta Key Bead Shack ...................... Map-A #36 Siesta Key’psakes ............................... Map-B #29 Siesta Key Outfitters ........................Map-D #11 Siesta Key University......................... Map-B #36 HEALTH & FITNESS Indep. Lifestyle Solutions ............... Map-D #10 Siesta Key Fitness .............................Map-B #73 Studio Rubylake................................Map-B #49 ICE CREAM/TREATS Big Olaf Creamery..............................Map-C #52 Ciao Gelato ..........................................Map-C #50 Meany’s Mini Donuts ........................ Map-C #24 Siesta Key Sweet Shop ........................ Map-D #9 SubZero Ice Cream Yogurt .............. Map-D #16 Sunni Bunni Frozen Yogurt ..............Map-C #53 INTERNET / WiFi SERVICES Davidson Drugs ................................ Map-D #65 Internet Cafe ........................................ Map-D #9 Lelu Coffee Lounge ..........................Map-B #31 The Local Bean..................................Map-D #62 JEWELRY Created Gems .....................................Map-C #51 Michael & Co. Jewelers ..................... Map-B #29 LIQUOR STORES / FINE WINES Gabbiano’s Wine Club...................... Map-D #70 Gilligan’s ............................................. Map-B #33 Siesta Key Wines .............................. Map-C #61 The Beach Club .................................. Map-D #22 MAILING - SHIPPING UPS store............................................ Map-A #41 US Post Office .................................... Map-D #65
and games with prizes. Photos may be taken with Santa. Ocean Boulevard will be lined with luminaries and shops and restaurants will offer refreshments and special holiday bargains from 6 to 9 p.m. There will also be live music at various venues plus carolers and demonstrations of gymnastics, martial arts and ballet. Free transportation will be provided courtesy of the Siesta Island Trolley from Siesta Public Beach to the Village from 4:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. making it easier for all to participate in the festivities. This special event is sponsored by the merchants and businesses of Siesta Village plus friends of Siesta Village and is open to all free of charge.
Snapsh Visitors
Open Gallery Night
The Gallery on Siesta Key, located at 5129 Ocean Blvd, in the Village, will host an open gallery night on Friday, December 11 from 6-9 p.m. All are welcome to attend.
Monthly Meetings
SKVA meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month at the Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar. Meetings begin at 8:30 a.m. anyone interested in learning more about Siesta Key Village is encouraged to attend. For more information visit their website:
D Holly Spillman (14) sharing a lighthearted on p
hots of Island By Trebor Britt
DRESSED FOR RAIN ) and friend, Branda Walls (14) of Sarasota d supermodel moment sitting in a light rain phenomenal Siesta Beach.
December 2015
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Three Generations working together Boardwalk Eats & Sweets, a boardwalkthemed restaurant opened in June in the Siesta Key Village and has quickly become a favorite with all age groups. You’ll find many of your favorite fair foods here from funnel cakes to deep fried grilled cheese. It is successfully owned and operated by three generations (with the fourth one coming soon) working together to bring about the pairing of fair food and boardwalk favorites along with having a fun-filled experience. Their 100% all beef ½ lb. burgers are a great start. You can buy just the burger or opt for the belly-busting meal. There are six types to choose from, featuring the Mushroom N’ Swiss Burger, or the BBQ Petal Burger. The meal includes coleslaw and a choice of fries, homemade chips or onion petals. Here’s what a recent visitor had to say about the burgers on Trip Advisor: “Boardwalk Burgers” I had the good fortune to find Boardwalk Eats & Sweets during a recent visit to Siesta Key. This is a very tidy eatery which caters to both dine-in or take-out customers. The Swiss and Mushroom burger with grilled onions was outstanding. It also offers along with a variety
of burgers, a good selection of wraps and Panini sandwiches. Highly recommended and great value. Other options are BBQ pork and steak ‘n cheese sandwiches, five types of chicken wraps, and four types of Paninis all served with chips. Their Cubans seem to be a crowd favorite based on recent Trip Advisor postings. “Great Cuban!” Tried the Cuban after reading reviews. Very good choice. And the fried pickles were outstanding. Will be back next time we are here. “Best Cuban Sandwich and Fries!!” Have been doing a restaurant tour of Cuban sandwiches. Won’t mention the competitors but Boardwalk is number 1. The fries are made fresh and so is sandwich. If these Panini options don’t suit you, just build your own with The Custom. Choose your meat and cheese and they’ll put it together for you. Not a carnivore? The Vegetarian is available with veggies of your choice. Now we all know once in a while you just gotta have a hot dog. This place serves Nathan’s all-beef, ¼ lb Hot Dogs with 5-toppings to choose from. There’s the regular, than the Carolina topped with BBQ pork and coleslaw, The Corkscrew
Introducing a new line...
• segway rentals • PaDDleBOarDs • scOOter cars • kayak tOurs/rentals • Bikes • scOOters • Beach gear 5255 Ocean Blvd • Siesta Key Village
MARKETS/FOOD STORES 7-11 Store ............................................. Map-B #46 Circle K Store ........................................ Map-E #6 Morton’s Siesta Market .....................Map-C #25 MASSAGE Hands of Light Massage ................... Map-B #35 Massage Experience Siesta Key.....Map-D #62 Massage Therapy ................................. Map-E #1 Siesta Key Massage Ctr .....................Map-D #9 MEDICAL - DENTAL Sarasota Medical Ctr........................Map-D #63 Siesta Key Physical Therapy............ Map-D #20 Siesta Dental........................................ Map-B #49 MISCELLANEOUS Chamber of Commerce .................... Map-D #67 Relics on the Key ................................. Map-D #9 Roberti Enterprises ........................... Map-A #39 Tarot Card Reading & Gifts ..............Map-C #50 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Edward Jones Investments .............. Map-D #68 Smith Architects ................................. Map-E #74 REAL ESTATE / RENTAL SERVICES Ascendia Real Estate ......................... Map-D #11 Coldwell Banker Realty.................... Map-D #20 Horizon Realty.................................... Map-B #34 Island Homes ......................................Map-C #51 Key Realty ............................................Map-E #5 Michael Saunders Realty .................Map-E #72 Re/Max Alliance Group .................. Map-D #60 ReMax Tropical Sands ...................... Map-D #67 Robasota Rentals & Real Estate .... Map-A #39 Siesta Key Realty................................Map-D #9 Waterfront 7 Realty ............................Map-C #56 Waterside Realty ................................Map-C #29 RESTAURANTS / CAFES 314 II, Craft Beer board Room .......... Map-A #37 Aaron’s Fish Camp ............................Map-C #57 Another Broken Egg .................Map-C #54 & 55 Blase Café ........................................... Map-A #38 Boardwalk Eats & Sweets ...............Map-D #16 Bonjour French Cafe ..........................Map-C #47 Café Gabbiano ..................................Map-D #71 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar .............. Map-B #42-43 Eat Here Restaurant ....................Map-D #17-18 Flavio’s Brick Oven & Bar ................. Map-B #29 Flavio’s Italiano Ristorante ............... Map-B #30 Gilligan’s Island Bar & Grill ..........Map-B #33 Jo To’s Japanese Restaurant ..............Map-C #47 LeLu’s Coffee Bar ..............................Map-B #31 Lobster Pot ......................................... Map-C #23 Napoli’s Italian Restaurant ...............Map-C #53 Old Salty Dog Rest. & Pub .................. Map-E #2 Señor Siesta ........................................ Map-D #69 Siesta Key Deli ................................... Map-A #37 Siesta Key Oyster Bar .......................Map-B #45 Solorzano Bros. Pizzeria .................Map-D #15 Subway Sandwiches .......................... Map-B #30 Sun Garden Café ............................... Map-D #19 The Cottage .........................................Map-C #58 The Hub - Baja Grill .......................... Map-D #59 The Panini Place ............................... Map-C #53 Village Café .......................................Map-D #14 SPAS - HAIR & BEAUTY LaPlaya Spa .........................................Map-C #50 Salon Capelli ........................................ Map-D #9 Sassy Hair Salon............................... Map-A #40 Siesta Key Nails & Spa .....................Map-D #9 SPORTS INTEREST/RENTALS CaliFlorida........................................... Map-B #32 Robin Hood Rentals ........................Map-D #34 Siesta Village Outfitters .....................Map-C #53
with bacon, jalapeno’s and cheese, Chili-Cheesy smothered in chili and cheese equals awesome. Last but not least is the Corndog hand-dipped in homemade cornmeal batter. More accolades from Trip Advisor… “Mr” Popped in for a quick snack and we both had a chili cheese dog, totally awesome, best dog I’ve had in the states, followed by funnel cake , lovely. Great staff, well worth finding if you feel peckish.“ Naturally on the menu is Fair Favorites. Oh yeah, I’m talking Funnel Cakes and just about anything you can put on a stick – deep-fried. “Great funnel cakes and treats” Visited with some friends and had funnel cakes and deep fried snickers bar. It was all delicious and the owners were really great and nice to talk with. They have lots of fun games to play to pass the time and a great kid’s area. Fun spot for the whole family. The restaurant is very family-oriented and they encourage you to bring the kids in and enjoy the coloring books, toys and games. They also offer a special menu for kids. They will deliver anywhere on Siesta Key from 11 am-2 pm. Mon-Fri. Hours Sun-Thurs 11am - 10pm Fr Sat 11am - 11pm 217 Avenida Madera, Siesta Key 941 346 EATS (3287) (Advertorial)
Made in the USA
Bringing you quality and comfort for more than 30 years!
Birkenstock & More 5128 Ocean Blvd. Siesta Village
5138 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key, FL 34242
Organic and fair trade coffees and teas Organic smoothies Map D #11 Fresh pressed juice Light lunch (salads & sandwiches) Breakfast sandwiches Bagels and lox Cold brewed coffee Local pastries Gluten free snacks doTERRA Essential Oils
5138 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key, FL 34242
Organic and fair trade coffees and teas Organic smoothies Fresh pressed juice Light lunch (salads & sandwiches) Breakfast sandwiches Bagels and lox Cold brewed coffee Local pastries Gluten free snacks doTERRA Essential Oils
5219 Avenida Navarra, Siesta Key, FL 34242
Pilates/Yoga/Dance Studio • Group classes Pilates • Zen yoga • Zumba • Erotica fitness Rubylake Passport: (Zumba, erotica fitness, Pilates, yoga bootcamp)
Sunset Fusion:
(Pilates & Yoga on Siesta Beach)
Private Pilates Reformer and Equipment Training Paddleboard fitness Bosu Cardio and Core bootcamp Yoga with Essential Oils workshop
Courtney Kees /
December 2015
ATM & BANKS Bank of America ....................................... A-3 #3 BARS & NIGHTCLUBS Capt. Curt’s Backroom Saloon...............B-3 #7 Crescent Club.......................................... C-3 #13 Sniki Tiki ...................................................B-3 #8 DELIS / BAKERIES A Taste of Germany ............................... C-3#14 Anna’s Deli & Sandwiches ................. C-3 #14 Nutritious You ........................................ C-3 #14 The Beach Deli @ Crescent Beach Grocery .....B-3 #1 DRUG STORES Davidson’s Drugs..................................... C-3 #14 FASHION & ACCESSORIES CB’s Island Outfitters ............................. A-3 #2 CB’s Saltwater Outfitters ....................... A-3 #4 Coconuts Fashion .....................................B-3 #1 Coconuts / Island Colors .........................B-3 #8 Green Turtle Swimwear ........................ C-3 #14 Key Casual Fashions .............................. D-3 #17
Things You Like ..................................... C-3 #14 GIFTS & SOUVENIRS Capt. Curt’s Souvenirs ............................B-3 #8 Green Turtle Shells & Gifts ................ C-3 #14 The Silversmith ...................................... D-3 #17 Silver City Jewelry ................................. C-3 #14 HEALTH & BEAUTY Lorraine’s Beauty & Barber ....................B-3 #8 Salon Siesta.............................................. D-3 #17 Siesta Key Salon & Spa .......................... C-3 #14 The Key Spa & Salon ............................. A-5 #12 ICE CREAM & TREATS Orange Octopus .......................................B-3 #8 INTERNET / WiFi SERVICES Davidson’s Drugs................................... C-3 #14 Mail Pack Center .................................... C-3 #14 LIQUOR STORES Crescent Beach Grocery ..........................B-3 #1 Crescent Club...........................................B-3 #13 Siesta Spirits ............................................ C-3 #17
MAILING & SHIPPING Mail Pack Center .................................... C-3 #14 US Post Office Sub Station .................... C-3 #14 MARKETS 7-11 Store ................................................. C-3 #16 Big Water Fish Market ......................... C-3 #17 Crescent Beach Grocery ..........................B-3 #1 MISCELLANEOUS Moving & Storage ...................................B-3 #10 Flowers by Fudgie.................................. D-3 #17 REAL ESTATE / RENTALS Homes & Condo Rentals ....................... D-3 #17 Morgan Properties ...................................B-3 #8 Moynihan Realty .................................... D-3 #17 Re/Max Tropical Sands ...........................B-3 #1 Siesta 4-Rent ........................................... C-3 #14 RESTAURANTS / CAFES A Taste of Germany ............................... C-3#14
Boatyard Waterfront Bar & Grill..............A-5 #12 Capt. Curts Crab & Oyster Bar ................B-3 #7 City Pizza Italian Restaurant ................ D-3 #17 Clayton’s Siesta Grille ..............................B-3 #9 Toasted Mango Cafe .............................. C-3 #17 Miguel’s Restaurant ............................... C-3 #17 Munchies ................................................. C-3 #17 WATER SPORTS - FISHING - RENTALS A to Z Beach & Bike Rentals ................. A-5 #12 CB’s Island Outfitters ............................. A-3 #2 CB’s Saltwater Outfitters ....................... A-3 #4 Parasail Siesta ........................................... A-3 #2 Siesta Key Bike & Kayak .......................B-3 #8 Siesta Key Marina .................................... A-4 #5 Siesta Key Parasailing.............................. A-4 #5 Siesta Sports Rentals .............................. A-3 #2 Siesta Sports Rentals ............................ C-3 #14 Waves Boat & Social Club..................... A-5 #12
Big Water Fish Market ...............................C-3 #17
“Home of the Orange Squeeze!”
“A Tropical Department Store“
Siesta Key’s Most Friendly & Unique Shopping Spot! SOUTHBRIDGE MALL
OPEN 11:00 AM – 10:00 PM DAILY
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Map B-3#8
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Siesta Key’s Largest Seashell & Coral Selection!
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1220 Old Stickney Point Rd., Siesta Key In the Captain Curt’s Plaza
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6525 Midnight Pass Road
MAP B-3#14
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No Purchase Necessary Expires 12/31/15 EXPIRES:7/05/2010
Map C-3#14 Open 7 Days 9 am-5 pm
“Voted Small Business of the Year by Siesta Key Chamber”
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6551 Midnight Pass Rd., Siesta Key, FL in Southbridge Mall • Map C-3#14
$ off SCOOTER RENTALS Half Days/Full Days/Multi Day Rentals with this Coupon 12/31/15 EXPIRES 12/31/14
Bikes • Kayaks • Scooters • Kayak Tours
© Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2012
Map C-3 #14
Map B-3#8
A Taste of Germany 6575 Midnight Pass Rd.
MAP C-3 #14
Anna’s Deli 6535 Midnight Pass Rd.
MAP C-3 #14
Big Water Fish Market 6641 Midnight Pass Road
Boatyard Waterfront Bar & Grill 1500 Stickney Point Rd.
MAP A-5 #12
CB’s Saltwater Outfitters 1249 Stickney Point Rd.
MAP A-3 #4
Coconuts Fashion MAP 1215 Old Stickney Point Rd. B-3 #1&8
Crescent Beach Grocery 1211 Old Stickney Pt. Rd.
MAP B-3 #1
Siesta 4-Rent 6555 Midnight Pass Rd.
MAP C-3 #14
PLACE YOUR AD HERE Island Visitor Publishing 941-349-0194
MAP C-4 #17
December 2015
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Siesta Key Marina under new ownership
SK Island Wellness
Continued from cover story
SK Island Wellness has been a dream of my husband’s and I for many years and I am pleased to announce that we are now open for the month of December. Our brand new location is 5700 Midnight Pass Suite 2, Siesta Key, FL. 34242 at the intersection of Midnight Pass RD and Beach Rd adjacent to the Fire Station as well as the Public Beach. As the only full service Wellness Center on Siesta Key we offer a variety of services to assist you in reaching your peak level of health. Our services include Chiropractic, Personal One-on-One and Group Training, Essential Oils, Weekly Essential Oil Parties and coming soon Massage Therapy including Aroma Touch Massage as well as Infra-Red Sauna. • Chiropractic (Dr. Jennifer Kauffman D.C.)- Our center focuses on Principled Chiropractic to remove subluxation. What is subluxation you might ask? Subluxation is a shifting of the vertebra/bone that puts pressure on your nervous system interfering with its ability to deliver information from your brain down to the rest of your body as well as your body’s communication to your brain. As you can probably see anything less than 100% nerve impulse can and does affect the way your body functions including your immune system. By delivering this principle we remove the interference and allow the body to heal and function at 100% of its god-given potential resulting in a truly vibrant life. • Personal Training One-on-One and Group (Anthony Kauffman NASM CPT) - It is widely accepted today that regular physical activity improves almost every function of the body even reducing risk of some disease. Our training focuses on functional capacity of our clients and their ability to lead a vibrant high quality lifestyle free from limitations. How do we do this? We are able to accomplish all of this through corrective exercise as well as moving clients through the stepping blocks to true physical fitness. In our society today it is “common” to know of individuals, or even ourselves, who have restricted capacity and ability to enjoy life because of past injuries, hereditary causes, or our own body’s ability to handle physical activity. Our declaration is that although this state of health may be common it certainly is not normal and does not have to be accepted as the only way to live our lives. • Essential Oils – What are Essential Oils? If you have ever enjoyed the scent of a rose, you’ve experienced the aromatic qualities of essential oils. These naturally occurring, volatile aromatic compounds are found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants. They can be both beautifully and powerfully fragrant. In addition to giving plants their distinctive smells, essential oils protect the plants and play a role in pollination. In addition to their intrinsic benefits to plants and being beautifully fragrant to people, essential oils have long been used for food preparation, beauty treatment, and health care practices. In our office these 100% Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils offer a catalyst for people who care about improving their own health and that of their loved ones by providing simple, safe, and empowering solutions that enhance wellbeing. Allow us to share these gifts of the earth with you. • Weekly Essential Oil Parties – COME GET OILED!!!! Enjoy a snack and beverage at these weekly parties every Wednesday from 6:30-7:30pm while you learn how Essential Oils are used to empower you to take back control of your family’s health. Dr. Jenn Kauffman has personally mentored thousands of women and men over the last 10 years as a chiropractor. She has owned three separate and very distinct successful chiropractic clinics. She’s been coaching her patients on how to transform their lives and feels it is her life mission to grow women of the world to have a truly passionate life and live the life of their dreams, whatever that may be for the individual.
The Siesta Key Marina has been under new ownership since the middle of November. Photo by Debbie Flessner.
Eggebrecht says that boat owners who are storing their prized possession in the Siesta Key Marina’s 243-boat dry dock facility will especially appreciate the new service department, another benefit of the Andros affiliation. “We have full, 100% boat maintenance, repair and rebuild capabilities,” he said. “We’re looking to make our service department the best on the west coast of Florida. No other marina here has those capabilities.” Siesta Key Marina is a Volvo-Penta authorized warranty repair service center, and they can service and repair Yamaha, Mercury and Merc Cruiser boats, as well. Also included in their list of services are fiberglass repair, boat bottom painting and boat detailing. The marina’s rental boat fleet is being expanded with brand new boats, and there are plans in the works to put a tour boat on the water, which will offer local excursions. One of the updates the Eggebrecht and Dentici seem most excited about is intended to take full advantage of both their new acquisition’s waterfront location and the Dentici family’s expertise. The property where the marina lies is exceptional, right next to the Stickney Point Bridge and with wide-open Intracoastal Waterway access. Dentici says that is the perfect spot to build a restaurant. “Our plans are to make a tiki bar/ restaurant there,” he said. “We want to do local, fresh seafood and a small, but local menu. It will be one of the few places in the area where you can pull up by boat and eat.” Their goal is to have the new eatery open by Spring, if not before. Initially, though, the families will be bringing in a food truck, from which people can order lunch and then enjoy eating it at the waterfront picnic tables that are already in place. Though the Siesta Key Marina was already known to be a place where one could rent boats and other watercraft, both Eggebrect and Dentici say that with the new changes, their hope is to be a true fullservice marina, in every sense of the word. “Our main focus is to make this a pedestrian-friendly and kid-friendly place,” Dentici said. “This really is a hidden gem.” The Siesta Key Marina is located at 1265 Old Stickney Point Road, on Siesta Key, and is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., seven days a week. The new owners are now actively seeking strategic partners to occupy some of their existing retail space. For more information, visit the website at, or call 941349-1970.
Maurice Dentici, Andy Eggebrecht and their families, including Dale, the black lab, are the new owners of the Siesta Key Marina. Photo by Debbie Flessner.
The new owners of the Siesta Key Marina have big plans for the more than three-acre property, including building a bayfront restaurant and tiki bar. Photo by Debbie Flessner.
To advertise in print or online contact: Bob or Emy Stein at 941.349.0194 Send editorial and/or photos via email to:
Published by Island Visitor Publishing, LLC Contributing Writers and Photographers will be noted with bylines. Guest commentary not necessarily the opinion of island Visitor Publishing, LLC Reproduction without written permission prohibited. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement. All business bios are extensions of the display advertisements. Island Visitor Publishing, LLC is not responsible for claims made by advertisers. All ads are subject to the approval of the publisher. It is the responsibility of the party placing any ad for publication in Siesta Sand to meet all applicable legal requirements in connection with the ad such as compliance with town, county and state codes in first obtaining an occupational license for business, permitted home occupation, or residential rental property. DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability. Island Visitor Publishing is not responsible for claims made by advertisers.
P.O. BOX 35086, SIESTA KEY, FL 34242
24 Siesta Sand
December 2015
Who’s P laying Tonight
By Mike Sales
|An interview with Noel Harris Noel Harris is one of the local artists I’ve envied, for lack of a better word, ever since he hit my radar. With a commanding presence and enjoyable style, he plays fun music at the coolest laid-back venues. Equally at home solo as with a band he himself has generated impressive name recognition, his open mic nights are institutions and he seems to do it all in a walk…with a smile. WPT: Where are you from? Noel: Massachusetts…South Shore, down by the Cape. WPT: When did you start playing music? Noel: I started playing trumpet when I was a kid…that’s where I learned music theory. I’ve been singing in bands as long as I can remember and I picked up the guitar in college.
In the Village 941‐349‐9822 DAIQUIRI DECK RAW BAR In the Village
WPT: When did you start playing music professionally? Noel: 15 years ago…I’ve always sung in bands, but my primary career was building boats and working on them until a truck hit me and broke my back. I had to spend 3 months laid up and healing, so I passed the time learning songs on the guitar. I picked up about 100 songs and decided to change my career to music, when I realized I wasn’t physically able to continue boat work.
WPT: How long did you host the open mic at SKOB? Noel: 10 years.
WPT: The open mic night you started at SKOB is still going on today; how did that come about? Noel: When I got here, I found that all of the open mic nights featured house bands that allowed people to sit in with them. They could only play the songs they knew, like Blues, Allman Brothers Southern rock…songs that I didn’t know at the time, because I was more into Hendrix, The Doors and stuff like that. I had actually played at a bar called “The Thirsty Whale”, up in Bar Harbor Maine where they had an open mic format of giving 15 minutes of stage time to play whatever you liked. At the time I approached
WPT: How did you wind up on Siesta Key? Noel: I originally came down to Florida to get away from the snow. I lived and worked all over the state and then moved here to take care of my Grandmother before she passed. I stayed here because I like the combination of the small town feel in a place where there’s
SKOB, Russell & Troy still owned it and they agreed to hire me and try that format. It was the first of its kind in this area.
WPT: What was your first paying gig? Noel: At a bar called Kelly’s, now Claytons. It was a dirty bar (laughs) they gave me $25.00 and a full tab, so I’d go there early, drink all day and play that night…it was rough.
WPT: What are some of your musical influences? Noel: I started out with the Doors, The Stones and Led Zeppelin…you know classic rock, then I got into James Taylor, Beach Boys, Jimmy Buffet, Bob Marley and reggae in general…my tastes are eclectic, I’m even starting to get into Country, which I didn’t expect, but I really like Johnny Cash…and Country isn’t too far a step from Jimmy Buffet.
AARON'S FISH CAMP In the Village 941‐346‐0738 BLASE CAFÉ
always plenty to do. There are live music venues all over, with a wide of variety of styles and a lot of great musicians.
WPT: How do you split your time between playing solo and playing with a band? Noel: Right now I’m just playing solo because it’s just easier… actually since my bass player Tony Bande passed away. It was too soon and he was a really cool guy…one of the only people I’ve ever worked with who never got angry about anything…he cared about stuff, but would always look for a way to compromise and was a very calming influence…I already miss him. So yeah, I’m just playing solo for now. WPT: What can people expect when they come to hear you play? Noel: I’ll run with whatever the people in the room want. If there’s a fun partying crowd that wants to have fun and interact with me, I’ll tell jokes, tell stories, sing parody songs and really put on a show, but if they’re just in the mood for background music, I’m okay with that too… WPT: …take ‘em where they want to go; don’t try to wrestle with them (laughs)… Noel: …exactly, I let the mood of the room lead me where they want to go, because as experience has shown, it’s real easy to come off as intrusive or boring, if I don’t pay attention to the cues. Obviously it’s more fun to play for a fun crowd, but it’s most important to be appropriate to the
Noel Harris audience in front of me, because at the end of the day, that’s what I’m getting paid to do. No matter what, I’m getting paid to play my guitar and sing, so it doesn’t get much better than that. WPT: Do you play original songs at your gigs? Noel: Yes WPT: Do you have CDs? Noel: I’ve got one CD out now with two covers and the rest originals and am currently recording an acoustic singer/ songwriter “beach” music original CD. The band had started a reggae type CD that I may finish with session players up in Nashville. I have a friend who owns a studio there. He gives me a deal…it’s where I recorded my first one. WPT: What are your future career goals? Noel: I’m looking at doing some traveling…not touring, I used to tour the East Coast and it takes a toll to be out there full time, but I’d like to travel in the sense of paidvacations so I can see the world. I’ve always picked my careers, from cooking early on to working on boats and what I’m doing now, based on my belief that I could essentially work anywhere there’s water and people that want to visit.
5:30 ‐9:30pm‐Marcel Scott Curts (3‐7pm)
5:30 ‐9:30pm Tommy D. Live Music 6‐10pm Billy Lyon (3‐7pm)
Live Music 6‐10pm
Live Music (6‐10pm)
Live Music 6‐10pm
Live Music 6 ‐10pm
Miles Bosworth (3‐7pm) DJ Crawford (10pm) Acoustic Pete 1‐5pm Live Music 6‐10pm DJ 10pm – 2am Eddie James Jazz Band 6‐10pm Dana & Co 2‐6pm Mike Tozier 8pm – 12am Live Band 8 –11pm DJ 11pm‐2am
Matt Gerhardt (3‐7pm) K. Conn (9pm) Road Block 2‐6pm Live Music 5‐10pm DJ 10pm – 2am
Live Music 7‐10pm
Live Music 7‐10pm
Live Music 6‐9pm
Live Music 1 – 4pm 4:30 – 7:30pm 8:30 –midnight
Live Music 1‐4pm 4:30 – 7:30pm 8:30 ‐ midnight
Live Music Noon – 3pm 3:30 – 6:30 & 7‐10pm
Karaoke 9pm – 1am
Karaoke 9pm – 1am
Chris Otto (Every other Fri) Andres Collin 5‐9pm
Larry Williams 5‐9pm
(Reggae Music)
Piano Bar from 6pm Debbie Keeton
Piano Bar from 6pm Debbie Keeton
Piano Bar from 6pm Joe Thayer
Live Music 3‐7pm
Live Music 3‐7pm
LIVE MUSIC 1:30AM – 2:30PM 5‐8PM
LIVE MUSIC 11:30AM – 2:30PM 5‐8PM
Noel Harris (3‐7pm)
Kevin Thompson (3‐7pm) DJ Crawford (10pm) RPM 6‐10pm DJ 10pm – 2am Acoustic Open Mic w/ Nally & Egglefield 6‐10pm Berry Oakley’s Skylab 7‐11pm
Open mic night 7‐11pm
Kettle of Fish 7‐11pm
Kettle of Fish 9pm‐midnight
DJ Rev Kev 10pm – 2am
Live Band 8/9pm‐Midnight
Live Music 6‐9pm
Live Music 6‐9pm
Live Music 6‐9pm
Live Music 7‐10pm
Live Music Noon – 3pm 3:30 – 6:30 & 7‐10pm
Crescent Beach Shops
Live Music Noon – 3pm 3:30 – 6:30 & 7‐10pm
Crescent Beach Shops
941‐349‐3885 BOATYARD BAR & GRILL Over the South Bridge
941‐921‐6200 MATTISON’S 41 7275 S Tamiami Trl, Sarasota 941.921.3400 CASEY KEY FISH HOUSE 801 Blackburn Pt. Rd, Osprey 941‐966‐1901
Sharkey’s on the Pier 1600 Harbor Dr. S. Venice 941‐488‐1456 Snook Haven 5000 E Venice Ave, Venice 941‐485‐7221
Piano Bar from 6pm Joe Thayer
Live Music Noon – 3pm 3:30 – 6:30 & 7‐10 LIVE MUSIC 6‐10pm Piano Bar from 6pm Rob Satori
Live Music Noon – 3pm 3:30 – 6:30 & 7‐10 Karaoke 9pm ‐1am LIVE MUSIC 6‐10pm Piano Bar from 6pm Scotty McFarland
LIVE MUSIC 11:30 AM – 2:30PM 5‐8PM
Live Music 6‐10pm
Ben Hammond 7‐11pm
In the Village 941‐349‐6800
1‐5pm Georgia & Mike 5:30‐9:30pm ‐ Marcel
In the Village 941‐312‐9300
5:30 – 9:30pm Live Music
In the Village 941‐346‐5358
In the Village 941‐349‐6311
Mike Sales is a local singer/ songwriter for more information visit
5:30 ‐9:30pm Live Music
Lelu’s Coffee Lounge
SKOB is located at 5238 Ocean Blvd in the Village
5:30 ‐9:30pm Live Music
Patrick 6‐10pm DJ 10pm – 2am
Noel plays on Siesta Key at Daiquiri Deck 5250 Ocean Blvd in the Village
5:30 ‐9:30pm O’Zwald Caines
RPM 6‐10pm
For more information about Noel Harris, log onto
LIVE MUSIC SCHEDULE Rodney Shenk 6‐10pm
In the Village 941‐346‐8122
WPT: What’s your favorite thing about being a professional musician? Noel: Just the other night I was playing at The Daiquiri Deck…I was singing “Fire and Rain”, when I noticed a woman sobbing. I felt really bad, like I’d touched a raw nerve, but she came up after the song and said, “I’ve had the worst week of my life, but you just turned it all around with that song. Its my absolute favorite…these are tears of joy.“ It moves me even now just to talk about it. Being able to make that connection and positively affect someone’s psyche as a musician, whether it’s starting a party and making them dance or cheering them up when they need it the most…that’s the best thing about playing music for a living.
LIVE MUSIC 11:30AM‐2:30PM 5‐8PM
LIVE MUSIC 11:30AM – 2:30PM 5‐8PM
Above information is subject to change. We suggest calling venues for confirmation.
Spark Notes (3‐7pm) DJ TJ (10pm) Live Music 6‐10pm DJ 10pm – 2am Swamp Donkie 2‐6pm
Rising Tide 8pm – 12am Live Band 8 – 11pm DJ 11‐2am
Live Music 4‐8pm
TBA – 2 pm Tozier – 5pm Chris Otto ‐ 10pm Democracy (Reggae) 10pm‐2am
Democracy 4‐8pm
December 2015
Island Humor [ Why an angel sits atop the Christmas tree: Santa was having a terrible day. Mrs. Claus was furious with him, a reindeer was just eaten by a polar bear and the elves had gone on strike. Just then a cheerful angel came in with a tree and asked, “Where should I put this?” [ A man out Christmas shopping spotted a guy with a tree slung over the hood of his car. “Getting ready for Christmas?” the first man asked. “No,” the second replied, teaching the wife to drive.” [ “Who said that just because I tried to kiss you at last month’s Christmas party you could neglect your work around here?” A boss asked his personal assistant. She responded “My lawyer.” [ Santa Claus has the right idea: Visit people once a year. [ Christmas was rough when I was a kid because I believed in Santa Claus and unfortunately so did my parents. [ A fed up wife asked her persnickety car-loving husband what he wanted for Christmas. “Something that goes from zero to 220 in three seconds flat.” He said.
On Christmas Day he unwrapped a bathroom scale. [ A good friend will come and bail you out of jail, but a true friend will be sitting next to you, saying, dang… that was fun! [ A waitress was struck by how peculiar a couple at one of her tables was acting. She watched as the man slid under the table. She approached the table and said, “Pardon me ma’am, but I think your husband just slid under the table.” “Oh no he didn’t,” the women said. “In fact he just walked in the door.” [ A woman said to her girlfriend, ”My ex-husband wants to marry me again. ”The girlfriend said,”How flattering.” The woman replied, “Not really. I think he’s after the money I married him for.” [ After living in the mountains most of his life, a hillbilly decides to take a trip into the city. He stops at one of the stores and picks up a mirror. Never having seen a mirror before he looks into it and exclaims, “How ‘bout that this here’s a picture of my pappy.” Thinking it was a picture of his dad he buys it but
on his way home remembers that his wife didn’t like his dad, so decides to hang it in the shed. Every morning before going hunting, he’d go in the shed and look at it. His wife started getting suspicious of his many trips to the shed. So, one day after her husband leaves, she goes to the shed to find the mirror. As she looks in the mirror, she fumes, “So that’s the ugly wench he’s running around with.”
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Month e h T f o r e d n e t r a B
Bar & Grill Gilligan’s Island www.gilligansisl a Key, FL 34242 st ie S , d lv B n a 5253 Oce (941) 346-8122
[ According to the Knight Rider News Service, the inscription on the metal bands used by the US Department of the Interior to tag migratory birds has been changed. The bands used to bear the address of the Washington Biological Survey, abbreviated as “Wash. Biol. Surv.,” until the agency received the following letter from an Arkansas camper. Dear Sirs: While camping last week I shot one of your birds. I think it was a crow. I followed the cooking instructions on the leg tag and want to tell you it tasted horrible. The bands are now marked, “Fish & Wildlife Service”.
Name of Bartender: Chrissy Hometown: Siesta Key Q: How long have you been bartending? A: 29 years. Q: What was the strangest or funniest thing you experienced at work? A: OJ Simpson came in one afternoon and I convinced him to autograph his own mug shot. There are also many times when vacationers come to visit Siesta Key beach and end up spending all their time with us swapping stories. Q: What do you do in your spare time? A: My Chicuahua “ChaCha” and I will do almost anything for Pontoon boat rides. Q: How would you describe yourself? A: Kind, a little bit funny, and mildly forgetful.
Q: How would you describe where you work? A: Gilligan’s Island Bar & Grill is a great place to eat and drink with friendly upbeat people..
6500 Gateway Ave • 941.554.8905
Q: When’s the best time to see you? A: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. Come on by and let’s share stories.
26 Siesta Sand
December 2015
Siesta Key Association Meeting Notes By Diana Colson Michael Shay called the meeting to order. October Minutes were approved.
Community Reports Sheriff’s Office
• Sgt. Jason Mruczek said there was an increase in vehicle burglaries at the Public Beach. Most vandalized cars were unlocked. Sheriff’s Office is keeping their eyes on a couple of people of interest. He urged citizens to keep their cars locked, and to keep possessions out of plain view. If you see suspicious persons, call the Sheriff’s Office. • An audience member asked about people speeding through the Village in the early morning. Sgt. Mruczek said speed enforcement would be set up in the area, and violators issued warnings. He also asked people to get the license numbers of offenders. Call 941.365. TAGS, and Sheriff’s Office will send a letter telling the offender that someone had complained about their vehicle. • Another audience member requested that a Reader Board be set up on the Grand Canal to remind boaters that it is a slow-speed, no-wake boating area. • Another audience member asked about the NO FISHING signs on the Hump-Back Bridge, the one that connects the City to the County. She noticed dozens of fishing lines were caught on nearby power lines. Sgt. Mruczek said he would look into the situation.
Laird S. Wreford, Coastal Initiative Manager, Environmental Protection Division, spoke on the subjects of Turtle Beach Re-nourishment and Park Renovations. • Laird Wreford reported that ReNourishment was scheduled for early 2016. He said: “The project has been challenging, ambitious, and rewarding. It is something we have needed. Happily, fortunately, our beautiful Siesta Key Beach is the opposite of eroding. The reason for that is the presence of Point of Rocks, which acts as a barrier for sand movement.” • Sand piles up north of Point of Rocks. However, the area south of Point of Rocks—including Turtle Beach—is sand starved. What makes the situation worse was the 1983 closing of Midnight Pass. When Midnight Pass was open and flowing, Siesta did not have the same rate of erosion. However, Casey Key was very much sand starved. The 1983 closing of Point of Rocks made Casey Key fat and happy, but served to make Turtle Beach sand starved. • Wreford told of The Good News and The Bad News. He is delighted by the fact that we were able to secure state permits in less than 18 months! The Federal Government usually waits until the State issues their permits, then within 2-4 weeks, issues Federal Permits. Had this happened, we would have been permitted in January of 2015 and immediately started pumping sand. (We cannot re-nourish the beach during Turtle Nesting Season, May 1 to October 1.) However, obtaining the Federal Permit ended up taking 10 months because of the Red Knot Nesting Bird, newly listed as an endangered species. Furthermore, the Sea Turtle Nesting rule was suddenly declared to be expired. These two endangered species issues that had to be worked through, hence the 10-month delay. • Wreford was glad to say we now have our Federal Permits. This launches a flurry of work that has to be done within a very short period of time before Turtle Nesting Season starts. Construction will begin in January, and will have to be completed by the end of April. However, there is still one last issue that could derail the project: if Construction bids came in way beyond budget, everything would have to be refigured. Bids are opened Tuesday the 10th of November, and they will find
out whether bids are within budget. • Next comes the briefing of the County Commission. On November 17, the Environmental Protection Division (EPD) will bring a request to establish a public meeting for establishing the Assessment District. People living within the affected area will receive invitations to attend that public meeting. • December 9 marks the last County Commission Meeting for 2015. By December 9, EPD will have negotiated a tentative contract with construction services. An Amendment to the Capital Budget will be required, with a commercial borrow necessary to supply the dollars. In January EPD would start the renourishment Project, pushing the Turtle Beach waterline back another 140-180 feet. • Wreford reports that they have found enough sand not only for this renourishment, but also for the next one. (The state allows a 15-year permit.) Sarasota would do another renourishment 8-10 years from now. We now have 3 borrow sites having sand compatible with the sand on Turtle Beach. These sites are all 8-10 miles out. Only a certain number of seaworthy vessels can go that far, pick up sand, and spew it back out near the beach.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: Big Pass Dredge Project:
• Bob Stein reported, and Laird Wreford supplied additional information. The Atkins Report has been received by the City of Sarasota. The best outcome would be to provide opportunity for the City and the Army Corps of Engineers to clarify issues identified as concerns by the Atkins Report. The report stated that if certain work had indeed been completed, it had not been sufficiently clarified. The report has now been sent to the state. The next step is permitting. Bob Stein mentioned that the groins in Lido Park could cause potential damage. The Atkins Report raised the issue that City and Army Corps need to make some kind of contingency plan in case things start to go wrong. Funds need to be put aside should damage happen.
Siesta Key Focus Group:
• Michael Shay talked about the Siesta Key Focus Group, to be made up of residents who would decide what people want in terms of best practices at the beach. The first meeting would be on November 13 from 10 am to noon. He is hoping 6-8 people would serve. Beach Garbage Bag Project: • Michael Shay said they were trying to get permission from the County for a pilot program to provide a dispenser with bags at one of the beach entrances. The hope was that people walking the beach in the early morning might pick up a bag, and use it to gather rubbish.
• Roundabout Proposal at Beach Rd. & Midnight Pass: There are 3 possible solutions: do nothing; make a roundabout; or make a true right-angle right turn lane. Bob Stein said it was safe to say that a majority of respondents were not in favor of a roundabout. To date a decision has not been made. • Membership Drive: Beverly Arias said the drive is underway. SKA is encouraging condo people to get their own individual membership. SKA will be sending out e-mail and postal reminders. The most efficient way to process everything is on line.
• Crystal Classic is November 13-17. • Light Up the Village Parade will be November 28. SKA will be in the parade with a fire truck. Next SKA monthly meeting is Thursday, 12/3, at 4:30 p.m.
Snapshots of Island Visitors Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography 1
1: Mounted officer’s Chris, and Mariah and their horses – Sentinel & Valor. 2: Connor & Emily from MA.
Siesta Key Condominium Council membership meeting The SK Condo Council held its first meeting November 17 since last spring with 75 in attendance. The meeting started out with the Treasurer’s Report. Treasurer, Ginger Spencer reported that the current balance is $2,732.91. She noted that 64 Condos out of 97 have paid their 2016 dues, giving a special thanks to those who paid. Next on the agenda was the Sheriff’s report. Sergeant J. Mruczek, new Sgt. for the Key and Lt. Debra Kaspar gave updates on activities on Siesta Key noting that they are preparing for increased traffic and concerns as the Season develops. A question on the Homeless in Sarasota was presented. Lt. Kaspar responded “This is an area of great concern and we are still reviewing the problem and we should have some responses within the near future.” Both Sgt. Mruczek and Lt. Kaspar stated they were looking forward to working with the communities. On the Business agenda the Condo Christmas Lighting Contest was discussed. Chairman Diane Erne noted the deadline for registering your condominium’s participation is Friday December 11, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. Judging will take place on the evening of December 16. The judges will depart from the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce office in the Village at 6:00 p.m. A first, second and third place winner will be selected from each of three different categories; A Category I-101 or more units, Category II51-100 units and Category III-50 or fewer units. The Big Pass Dredging update was given by Diane Erne; “You may recall the County set aside $50,000 to fund an independent review of the ACOE’s 50 year proposal to dredge Big Pass and the shoal that now protects Siesta Key. That review was done by Atkins and their review has been received by the Sarasota County Commission. The report questions the science and modeling used by the ACOE that is the foundation that supports this massive 50 year plan, she stated”. Diane went on to say “SOSS2, SKA, The SK Chamber of Commerce and SKCC sponsored a public meeting last year where Dr. Rob Young, a recognized expert in coastal engineering also raised concerns about the “science and modeling’ used by the ACOE. In summary, we are all wise to heed the experts and to question this proposed ACOE project. We need to be deeply concerned that the beaches, the marine life, the ecosystem and the property we all value could be severely threatened if this ACOE proposal moves forward.” FOR MORE INFORMATION go to, email: SOSS2@ or call 952-7000.Please go to the following website to view the SOSS2 Newsletter: w?u=c0795d58fb116f99e50a5f111&id=60f937c50c The 2017 World Championship Rowing Event was next on the agenda. The Benderson Group contacted SKCC Board requesting that they contact 25 Condominiums that previously stated via a survey that would be interested in working with Benderson to provide Rental units in support of their events. SKCC has contacted all the affected condos. Sixteen have agreed to participate and Benderson has been notified. As events are defined, each condo will get a RFP request to see if they have units available for rent during the event and finalize the reservation. The 2016 Insurance Outlook was presented by President Walt Olson. He reported that Citizens was approved for a 6% increase for 2016. Flood Insurance policies since April 1, 2015 have increased 25-30% on average. Flood Insurance After April 1, 2016 is roughly estimated to be about 10%. Turtle nesting counts were reported for the 2015 season with Siesta Key having 406 nests of Logger Heads and one nest for Green Sea Turtles. Longboat Key to Venice, there were 2400 total nests, both are record numbers. In addition, there are 2000 hatchlings at the Mote Hospital. The Proposal for Improved safety on Midnight Pass and Stickney Point Roads were discussed. Originally, the Florida Department of Transportation proposed eliminating the merge lane for north bound traffic and add a bike lane around the turn. After feedback from the Siesta Key Village Association and SKA, FDOT modified the plan to retain the merge lane and add curbing to eliminate north bound traffic from entering the merge lane as well as adding the bike lane. The SKCC also supported these changes. SKCC suggested that FDOT consider having the red arrows for the north bound turn from Stickney Point be a blinking light vs. staying on to encourage traffic turning north to stop and proceed when traffic clears. FDOT may try to implement the change late this year. If not, it will be after season 2016 which is more likely. The guest speaker was Attorney Daniel J. Lobeck from The Law Office of Lobeck & Hanson. Mr. Lobeck is an expert attorney on Florida Condominium Law having practiced in the field for 35 years after service as a policymaker for the Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares and Mobile Homes. The discussion focused on a Legislative Update. A hand-out titled, “The Condo Association Director’s Digest” was provided.
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
December 2015
Snapshots of Island Visitors
Water World
Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography
Captain Jim Klopfer’s Fishing Report
Adventure Charters 941-371-1390 December is a month that will test an angler’s ability to adapt to current conditions. Water quality will vary throughout the area as passing cold fronts churn up the Gulf of Mexico. The flats between Stickney Pt. and Blackburn Pt. will be more productive under these circumstances. After several days of nice weather, the water near the passes will clear and those areas will once again be good spots to fish. Creeks and canals will attract fish as water temperatures drop. Often times the tides will be very low in the morning in December. This will move trout, pompano, and other species off of the flats and into the deeper channels. There simply is not enough water up on the flat for them to be comfortable. Bouncing a jig down the sides of channel edges can be very productive. As the tide rises, fish will move up onto the flats to feed. Afternoon high tides can be the best time to fish the deep flats this time of year. A live shrimp under a cork is very effective, as are jigs with plastic grub tails. Natural colors such as olive, rootbeer, and motor oil work well in the slightly darker water. There are several creeks and countless canals in our area, and all of them are productive winter time spots. Phillippi Creek and the Grand Canal on Siesta Key are some of the most popular fishing holes. Rapala X-Raps work very well on snook and jack crevelle for anglers who prefer to cast artificial baits. They elicit explosive strikes and allow anglers to cover a lot
of area fairly quickly. Once fish are located, large live shrimp and slowly worked soft plastic baits will also catch their share. Sheepshead and black drum will be found in the deeper holes, a live shrimp works best for these tasty bottom dwellers. The Myakka River lies a short drive east of Siesta Key and offers visitors a unique angling opportunity; the chance to catch a trophy snook casting plugs while experiencing fantastic scenery. This is truly “Old Florida” and is a quiet and serene trip in a great natural setting. Along with snook, bass, baby tarpon, gar, and other species are encountered. Alligators and exotic bird life is seen on most trips as well. Both Big Pass and New Pass will be good spots to fish when the water is clean, especially on the morning incoming tide. Jigs bounced off the bottom will catch pompano, bluefish, Spanish mackerel, and ladyfish. Structure in both passes will attract sheepshead, along with grouper, snapper, flounder, and other species. Slack tides are the best times to fish these spots, a swiftly moving tide makes getting the bait to the bottom difficult. The many docks along Bird Key are especially productive for sheepies. Surf casters all along Siesta Key will score on whiting, silver trout, flounder, and more using live and frozen shrimp. A #1 hook with just a little bit of weight works best. Silver spoons will catch mackerel if they are still around, along with ladyfish.
GUIDED SNORKELING • SCUBA TOURS 1: Richie, Cole age 11, Karrie from MA. 2: Ari and the Alibis – David, James, Ari, Nicolaas, John from Sarasota
Sarasota, Florida Florida Sarasota,
3: Anthony & Wend from CT.
|Kathleen D Sailing Catamarans
Let’s go sailing, KATHLEEN D Sailing Catamarans, serving Siesta Key from 3 locations, Downtown Sarasota, Longboat Key and Anna Marie Island. If you would like to experience being on the water viewing Dolphin Watches, Sunset Sails, Snorkeling and Shelling call us at 941870-4349 or go to our web site for detailed information USCG Certified for 20 passengers.
|The Rumrunner Located at Turtle Beach Marina in South Siesta Key | 941.349.3119 Captain Joe Bonaro offers more than exciting deep sea fishing opportunities aboard “Sarasota’s
fastest charter boat,” the Rumrunner (941/349-3119). The skipper offers special boat and fishing trips for families – and for families with small children – as well as customized day and overnight trips.
DECEMBER 2015 TIDE CHART Florida, St. Petersburg, Sarasota, Sarasota Bay
December 2015
N 27° 20' / W 82° 33' Date
High Tide 1.8
High Tide 1.4
Low Tide 0.0
Low Tide
©2015 - For comparison only - Times are local - Tides in feet from MLLW
28 Siesta Sand
December 2015
Ocean/Higel drainage project addresses Flooding problems Above the buried pipe, a vegetated bioswale would filter some of the pollutants found in rainwater, such as nitrogen. Another buried pipe, along Higel, would direct rainwater south to Lotus Lane. From
there, the county would enlarge a pipe under Lotus that would allow stormwater to drain into the Grand Canal. The project is designed to hydrologically connect Banan Lake and Fiddler’s Bayou so
the two water bodies have time to percolate naturally into the ground after rain events. Excess water would drain efficiently to the south, into the Grand Canal. But the water that flows into Grand Canal
Continued from cover story
would be cleaner than water that currently drains into the canal. That’s because a major aspect of the project would work to improve stormwater quality. “We would solve the drainage issue in this area, and also look to do some drainage treatment” of stormwater, Quartermaine said. At Ocean and Higel, crews would install a stormwater box to collect sediment — including dirt collected along the road. Downstream, the county would install a strainer that would trap any debris or trash floating in the water. “That would be located as far downstream as we can, so it has the greatest [filtering] effect,” Quartermaine said. On a regular maintenance schedule, the county would vacuum and remove debris from the strainer. “The county has a big vacuum truck that has a route and sucks out that sediment on a regular basis,” Quartermaine said. The county project requires a permit from South West Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD). As part of the county’s conversations with SWFWMD, the district and county agreed the county needs to reach out to residents before a permit is issued. “We want to make sure the neighborhood, Siesta Key, understands the project, and we have buy in before the district moves forward with permitting,” Quartermaine told the Siesta Sand. To that end, Quartermaine and county staff will present plans for the project at both the upcoming Siesta Key Association meeting December 3, 4:30 p.m at St. Boniface Church Room F and Siesta Key Village Association meetings.
Discover Gulf Gate With our map, located adjacent, you’ll be able to navigate your way to our featured shops with ease. Oh Mamma Mia! (GG-4) Offers a truly unique dining experience with dinner shows by Chef Giuseppe Urbano. Enjoy the family ambiance as you watch him prepare an authentic Italian regional dish with fresh ingredients just for you. Fine dining, great atmosphere at casual dining prices. Reservations highly recommended. Gulf Gate Golf Course – Conveniently located just a stones throw from the Gulf Gate Shops, this 27 hole Executive Course offers men’s and women’s rental clubs. You can start your day with a round of golf, enjoy a bite to eat at the many wonderful restaurants or simply relax with a pint of ale at the pub before you head out to explore the many fine shops. Moments In Time Photography (G-28) specializes in several different photography services including Siesta Key G-46 Beach portraits starting at just $49 and wedding beginning at $495. Check out their website: or 2015 Sarasota Engraver of the Year visit their store to see why they have been the photographer of Personalized Gifts For: choice for over a decade and a NEVER AN half. Babies Birthdays ENGRAVING Grandchildren Executives Piccolos Italian Market CHARGE Weddings Jewelry & Deli (G-47) carries a full Anniversaries Clothing Housewares line of imported cheeses, fresh baked bread daily, homemade sausages, fresh mozzarella, and 6522 Gateway ave., SaraSota, FL 34231 numerous hard to get items. They now carry Khorasan Wheat which is an ancient and organic grain. Their Deli is complete with huge hot and cold sandwiches, salads, fresh homemade lasagna and baked ziti. And, you cannot leave without trying their cannoli filled with their own homemade G-43 cannoli cream or the tiramisu or Sfogliatelle from Brooklyn. Here is where you will find great Italian specialty gourmet items without the gourmet price.
Catering Available
We Put the South in Your Mouth 6616 Superior Ave. Sarasota
FREE SIDE With the purchase of ANY entreé
Continued on the next page
December 2015
Discover Gulf Gate Tony’s Chicago Beef Company (S-16) is owned and operated by true Chicagoans. Dedicated to deliver Chicago’s best food - Chicago style Hot Dogs wit’ the works...dragged through the garden on poppy seed buns with fresh cut fries, Italian Beef Sandwiches anyway you like, dipped or dry, sweet or hot. All served in true Authentic Chicago Style. Sarasota Brewing Co. (G-4) Sarasota’s first micro brew pub always has something new to offer. From over 20 seasonal beers that rotate throughout the year, the Brewing Company always has at least five unique brews online as well as several favorites from around the world. Established in 1989, Their menu has been a winner in the Reader’s Choice Awards of the Sarasota Herald Tribune featuring their mouth watering burgers, Chicago style Pizzas, and Chicago beef sandwiches. With dozens of televisions, it’s a great place to catch a game with friends and family.
West End Pub (G-49) Where else can you watch your favorite game with a great selection of beers, wines and liquors served by a friendly staff AND where you’re allowed to bring your own restaurant or deli food? Right here. Hurricane Mike’s Saloon (M-10) is a little neighborhood bar at 2639 Mall Drive, where everyone knows your name type of establishment and friendly staff. TV’s with the MLB and NFL packages, pool table, and full Florida Lottery games. Happy hour daily from opening to 7pm. Hours: Mon – Sat, 8am – 2:30am and Sun., noon – 2:30am. The Shop SRQ (G-2) offers flat-tops, fades, tapers, blowouts, razor cuts, and straight razor shaves. Owners, Erick and Dawn use a back to basics approach to grooming with a precise attention to personal detail. Their commitment to excellence has provided them
At the original Word of Mouth Restaurant (G-31), every seemingly insignificant detail receives special attention from the warm, inviting decor to each specially crafted variety of freshly baked muffins to the signature menu items. This small diner is where the locals come to eat breakfast and lunch. Each staff member works hard to make sure you receive the best service and quality food so you’ll want to return often. Take a look at their mouth-watering menu at www.originalwordofmouth. com. Hours: Mon-Sun.: 8AM2PM. 6604 Gateway Ave., Sarasota, 34231, 941-925-2400. Fiona’s Childrenwear (G43) is the place to shop for all those special occasions and
© Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2012
sophisticated but functional everyday wear. Styles range from classic to contemporary to whimsical and are available in size newborn to 16x. Hours: Tues. – Fri. 10 a.m. – 5p.m., Sat. 10a.m. – 4 p.m. Other hours by appt. Call 941-400-0732. Pride of the South (S-34) specializes in southern BBQ from ribs to meatloaf along with an array of sides such as grits, collard greens,baked bread, cole slaw, and fried orka all served up in a southern style setting. Let your nose lead the way to their smokers. High tech comes to Gulf Gate where Suncoast Laser (G-46) operates two state of the art computerized laser engravers. They can engrave names,logos or just about anything on glass, metal wood, plastics, leather and many other materials with precision accuracy. They carry a line of wedding, baby, corporate and special occasion gifts and there is never a charge for engraving.
M22 M21 M20 M19 M18 M17 M16 M15 M14 M13 M12 M11 M10 M9 M8
M5 M4 M3 M2 M1 G49 G48 G47 G46 G45 G44 G43 G42 G41 G40 G39 G38 G37 G36 G35 G34 G33 G32 G31 G30 G29 G28 G27 G26 G25
Continued from previous page
with many loyal customers. They welcome the opportunity to earn your trust. Hours: Tues. – Fri. 8:30am – 6pm, Sat., 8:30am – 3pm. Closed on Sundays and Mondays. 6625 Gateway Ave, 941-626-4894.
Iberia Bank
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
G23 G22 G21 G20 G19 G18 G17 G16 G15 G14 G13 G12 G11 G10 G9 G8 G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1
Eat Where The Locals Eat! Original Word of Mouth 6604 Gateway Ave. Sarasota, FL 34231
HOURS: Monday - Sunday 8:00AM to 2PM
S58 S57 S56 S55 S54 S53 S52 S51 S50 S49 S48 S47 S46 S45 S44 S43 S42 S41 S40 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33 S32 S31 S30
S28 S27 S26 S25 S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S9 S8
Daily from open ‘til 7 PM All packaged liquor sold until 2 AM • ALL DAY
EVERY DAY Mike’s Bud Select Brew $1.50/Pints
• Pool TableGolden Tee Megatouch
S7 S6 S5 S4 S3 S2 S1
• 12 TV’s with MLB and NFL ticket sports package • All Florida lottery games • Smokers Welcome!
2639 Mall Drive
GG1 GG2 GG3 GG4 GG5 GG6 GG7 GG8 GG9 GG10 GG11 GG12 GG13 GG14 GG15 GG16 GG17 GG18 GG19 GG20 GG21 GG22 GG23 GG24 GG25 GG26 GG27 GG28 GG29 GG30 GG31 GG32 GG33 GG34 GG35 GG36 GG37 GG38 GG39 GG40 GG41 GG42 GG43 GG44 GG45 GG46 GG47 GG48 GG49 GG50 GG51 GG52 GG53 GG54
941-923-9827 Mon.-Sat. 9 AM-2:30 AM Sun. 11 AM-2:30 AM
Italian Market & Deli
Hot or Cold & Vegetarian Sandwiches
Authentic New York Italian Market & Deli We carry a full line of Imported Cheeses, Boars Head Luncheon Meats, Pasta, Olive Oil, Assorted Imported Olives, Khorasan Wheat (ancient & organic grain), and more. G-47 GG-46
“Straight Razor Shaves”
Combined 25+ Years Experience
Specialty Italian gourmet items without the gourmet price
941.626.4894 / 941.536.1656
Come See Our New Location Store Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10am - 6pm 6518 Gateway Ave.
Flat-Tops, Fades, Tapers, Blowouts and Razor Cuts
Tonsorial Artistry by
Tonsorial Artistry by Erick & Dawn
Open Tues.-Fri. 8:30 AM-6 PM Sat. 8:30 AM - 3 PM Closed Sun. & Mon.
30 Siesta Sand
December 2015
Snapshots of Island Visitors Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography 1
Arts on the Horizon
Sarasota is the Florida “Cultural Coast” for many reasons... SRQ offers a collection of performing arts including a ballet, performing arts halls, theaters, operas, orchestras and a variety of galleries, art centers, and many music & art festivals. We boast many outdoor art exhibitions, some include beautiful gardens. Many parks, including our Bayfront are dotted with amazing works. If you have a few extra days to spend fill it with some of our Arts! Here are a few highlights for December…
• December 1 at 10:30am Collecting Recollections: William “Bill” Taggart, Circus Historian at the Ringling Museum. events/collecting-recollectionswilliam-bill-taggart-circushistorian
• December 2 at 8pm – Hall & Oates at the Van Wezel – Hall of Famers and number 1 Duo in music history coming to Sarasota. http://www.vanwezel. org/boxOffice/event. cfm?eveID=1578#.Vkzo62-FNMs • December 3 from 6pm to 8 – Wine, Dine & Pine at Selby Gardens. event/wine-dine-pine/ • December 3 at 8pm – Kenny G an Award-winning saxophonist, at the Van Wezel http://www.vanwezel. org/boxOffice/event. cfm?eveID=1584#.VkzpzG-FNMs
• December 3 from 5pm to 8 – Downtown Christmas Walk in Venice http://www.venicemainstreet. com/index.php/what-to-do/ event-calendar • December 3 from 5:30 to 9 – Holiday Splendor at the Ringling Museum – bring an unwrapped toy to benefit Toys for Tots! events/holiday-splendor • Dec 3, 10, 17 from 5pm to 8 – Holiday Nights at Ca’ d’Zan at the Ringling Museum events/holiday-nights-ca-dzan 1: Emilie age 12, Olivia age 10, Kylie age 4 from Maine. 2: Robin, Kim, Michelle, Cindy, Linda, Kate from Minnesota. 3: Jami, David, Kathleen from TX.
• December 4 at 7:30 Downtown Abbey at the Sarasota Opera House
By Jaye Clements
- free preview screening of the first hour of Downton Abbey Season 6, with special guest Alastair Bruce, host of The Manners of Downton Abbey. An award-winning hit drama returns for a sixth and final season of interlaced stories centered on an English country estate. http://tickets.sarasotaopera. org/single/EventDetail. aspx?p=2144
• December 5 & 6 - Quartetto Gelato “Exotic Flavors” at the Historic Asolo Theatre - presented by the Artist Series Concerts. event/quartetto-gelato/all/
• December 4 – Holly Holiday Party Dec 4 5 to 8pm T Spanish Point – every Thursday & Friday they will be open until 8pm for lights, decorations and music. www.historicspanishpoint. org/
• December 10 at 8pm – Women of Ireland – Celtic Angels – Christmas themes with a Celtic twist. http://www.vanwezel. org/boxOffice/event. cfm?eveID=1585#.VkzyFG-FNMs
• December 4 from 6pm to 9pm - Yesterdayze perform for Music on Main! Free concert at Lakewood Ranch. http://www.lakewoodranch. com/musiconmain
• December 11 & 20 from 7pm to 9 – Free Friday Night Concert in Venice at the Gazebo! Lady Katt & The Howlin’ Doggs… http://www.venicemainstreet. com/index.php/what-to-do/ event-calendar
• December 5, The Bradenton Blues Festival takes place at Riverwalk by the Manatee River in Bradenton. The Line up 11am to 11:40 – Girls with Guitars 11:55am to 12:55 – Super Chilkan and the Fighting Cocks 1:10pm to 2:10 – Larry Garner 2:25pm to 3:25 – Mike Zito and The Wheel 3:40pm to 4:40 – Joanna Connor 4:55pm to 6:05 – Rick Estrin and the Nightcats 6:20pm to 7:35 – Janiva Magness In between Acts – In Laymen Terms • December 5 & 6 – Circus Art Classes open to Adult & ages 16 & up… Silks – beginner - $20/class & FLYING TRAPEZE – open level… beginners welcome – open $40/ class. Acrobatics, Jugging, wire walking are among the ongoing classes, with varying levels. Call for more information or view online. Circus Arts Classes, Call (941) 556-5486. SAILOR CIRCUS ARENA located at 2075 Bahia Vista Street Sarasota, FL 34239
• December 20 at 7:30 – Holiday Brass and Voices at the Asolo. http://artistseriesconcerts. org/event/holiday-brass-andvoices-2015-12-20-2/ • Dec 26 to 29 – Sailor Circus Holiday Celebration - Sailor Circus Arena. a0So00000029JuiEAE • December 18 & 19 - Sarasota Ballet presents John Ringling’s Circus Nutcracker at the Van Wezel. https://www.sarasotaballet. o r g / e v e n t s / j o h n ringling%E2%80%99s-circusnutcracker • December 18 to 30 from 6pm to 9 – Lights in Bloom at Selby event/lights-in-bloom/ • December 23 at 7:30 – Charles Dickens – A Christmas Card at the Van Wezel. http://www.vanwezel. org/boxOffice/event. cfm?eveID=1588#.VkzycW-FNMs • Dec 28 - Moscow Ballet: Great Russian Nutcracker at the Van Wezel. event.cfm?eveID=1463#.VkzrR2FNMs
Arts That Connect Heaven and Earth “It blended seamlessly and harmoniously...Very nice blending of cultures. It was wonderful, positive, uplifting.” — Ron Casados, a musician in Sarasota
The Perfect Gift “5,000 years of Chinese music and dance, in one night.” - New York Times
“I’ve seen many Chinese performances... but I was never moved so deeply as I was today… The programs stirred me again and again. I was constantly trying to keep myself contained, but in the end I couldn’t control myself. I cried...” — Dr. Thomas Weyrauch, author & China expert
“It is beyond anything I can put into words. It’s the most amazing, uplifting, spiritual journey... it transcends you to a higher state of consciousness. Amazing!”
Feb. 6-7 Three Shows Venice Performing Arts Center Tickets by Phone: 888.974.3698 Online:
— Margaux Brooks, executive film producer
“It is beyond divine is divine
touch, divine sight, divine hearing, and divine speech—it is all the divine that comes through… I felt the angelic spirit come the moment the curtain opened and there was a light. And I felt it in everything, in the movement, and especially in the living dancers’ faces… In describing it to my friends, it is spirit in performance. It is the divine in a performance through dance and song.” - Robyn Ridgley, writer and producer
What’s Happening
Regularly Scheduled Classes & Events: • FREE YOGA Mon-Wed.-Fri.-Sat. 9am. Classes held between blue and green lifeguard station. Call 941-320-6693 to register or • NIA Tues. & Thurs., 9a.m., Siesta Public Beach(yellow lifeguard chair). Contact Kathy Oravec at 941-724-9719 for more info or check website: • SUNSET FUSION – Every Mon & Wed, 45 minutes before sunset. Beach access #4. For additional info and to register online go to: • WEEKLY DRUM CIRCLE: Every Sunday about an hour before sunset. South of the main pavillion. You can particpate or watch this weekly gathering dance, hoop, play the drum or other musical instument and enjoy the spectacular Siesta sunset. • WEEKLY FARMER’S MARKET: Every Sunday from 8am – 2pm in Davidson’s Plaza in the Village. 5124 Ocean Blvd. Produce, Plants & Flowers, Music, Art, Organic Skincare, Italian Olive Oil, and Freshly Prepared Foods. Listen to live music while you shop. On The Beach… • DECEMBER 12 (SAT) 7AM: 41st ANNUAL SANDY CLAWS 5K RACE: This race is sanctioned by the Manasota Track Club and chip-timed. Enjoy a post-race party with music, a holiday-themed costume contest, raffle prizes, holiday photo-op, food and beverages. Proceeds benefit Summer in the Parks’ Adopt-A-Camper scholarship program. Go to for more info. To regisger, go to: • JANUARY 9 (SAT): 3RD ANNUAL ANDREW MONROE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP 5K WALK/RUN: 8:15am Timed Run, 8:20 - 1 mile fun walk. This event was established to honor the life of Andrew Monroe. Proceeds benefit senior soccer players at Riverview High School in Sarasota. Deadline for reduced rate: December 22, 2015. For more information or to sign-up for the race, go to: Around The Island… • DECEMBER 11 (FRI) 6-9PM: The Gallery on Siesta Key will host an evening of holiday cheer with Hors d’oeuvres and beverages. Artwork will be available for purchase. Come mingle with the artists and locals.
December 2015 • DECEMBER 20 (SUN) 6PM: FESTIVAL OF NINE LESSIONS & CAROLS CONCERT: St. Boniface Episcopal Church, located at 5615 Midnight Pass Rd, on Siesta Key, is offering free concerts through April 2016. For additional information, you may call: 941-349-5616 or go to their website: • DECEMBER 22 (TUES) 7PM: JAZZ VESPERS: This service is a collaboration between musicians George DeJong and Susie Wills. The service will be held at Siesta Key Chapel, 4615 Gleason Avenue, Sarasota. For information and directions, call 941-349-1166. Off Island… • PHILLIPPI ESTATE PARK EVENTS: December 9 (WED) at 11:30 a.m. there will be a free Archaeological Walking Tour of Phillippi Estate Park, focusing on the Phillippi Flake Scatter and the Prodie Shell Midden in the park. For more information, please call 941-316-1309. Phillippi Farmhouse Market, Sarasota County’s only mid-week farmers market features local fresh produce, prepared foods, artisans with handicrafts and live music. Fido is welcome on leash and vendors put out bowls of cool water for their canine friends. There is ample parking each Wednesday from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. Join in the fun and support local agriculture. For details, call 941-316-1309. 5500 S Tamiami Trl, Sarasota, FL 34231 Free historical tour each Wednesday promptly at 10:00 a.m. of the Edson Keith Mansion. A knowledgeable docent will walk you through the 1916 Italian Renaissance home explaining the various features and discussing the early days of Sarasota’s history. • SARASOTA GARDEN CLUB EVENTS: DECEMBER 2 (WED) 5PM: Mega Mingle: Entrance Fee: $10 for nonmembers, $5 for members.The Sarasota Chamber will host the Mega Mingle. Everyone is encouraged to bring an unwrapped toy. There will be drawings, lite bites and business card exchanges. For more info, call the Chamber: 941-955-8187. See website for more information. www. • DECEMBER 9 (WED) 9:30AM: PLANT ID QUIZ / PART 4: Pot Luck Luncheon and Raffle. Includes tour of SGC gardens where the plants are grown. Entrance Fee: $5 for non-members, Free for members. For more info, call 9550875 or go to their website: We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of this information. However, you should always call ahead to confirm information.
Soulfully Yours Donnarose Q: Dear Donnarose, our 28 year old daughter has the kindest boyfriend and he treats her like gold. However, she doesn’t seem to appreciate this wonderful treatment. Any insight? ~Thanks, Karen A: ~ “We can genuinely respond to, and receive one hundred percent of love from someone, when we’re at that level of love for ourselves.” ~Donnarose Melvin Self-acceptance, self-worth and self-love are key factors in this particular situation. I could write a book on this topic. But since space is limited, the bottom-line is this; as my quote above points out, the only way the light will go on with your daughter seeing her boyfriend’s wonderful treatment and love for her, is if the light gets turned on inside her first. Let’s say your daughter is at the 60% mark of self-love. Without even realizing, she will only see and allow herself to receive 60% of love from her boyfriend, even though he is giving her 100%. She will remain blind so to speak, to the other 40%. This often relates to when we hear people say, “How could you break up with him/her, he/she was the best person in the world and so good to you?” And then what commonly happens, is that the person at 60% self-love, starts to date someone at that same level of love for themselves, and often unfavorable results ensue. But there is hope here. Whatever caused your daughter to feel less than loving towards herself needs to be forgiven, and
that includes forgiving herself. This will help remove some of the stuck energy she’s been carrying around for years. Most of the old negative beliefs we carry around about ourselves, were caused by people and situations that aren’t even around anymore. So the old beliefs need to be let go as well. However, they must be replaced with new and more loving, rational beliefs. Therefore, in addition to the forgiveness part, it will help your daughter to think and believe thoughts about herself that are actually true and in alignment with love, which will be at a higher vibration. As a result, chances are high that she will then be able to see and appreciate treatment towards her that is also at this higher level. And this includes the high doses of love from her boyfriend. ~ ♥ Please refer to for column in its entirety.
Donnarose Melvin is a professional psychic, medium and energy healer, whose pleasure it is to assist clients worldwide. She incorporates knowledge from her degree in psychology, along with her clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient and empathic gifts to guide her clients towards peace and success. Please send your questions to or private message her via facebook: Soulfully Yours Donnarose. Donnarose will select questions each month to share with you. She regrets that unpublished questions cannot be answered individually. If you’d like an intuitive reading, contact Donnarose at the email address above.
MarinerWord Search
TreasureWORD Coast MarinerWord SearchSEARCH WORD LIST Antique Mall Atlantic WORDOcean LIST Barber Bridge Antique Mall Barrier Islands Atlantic Ocean Cultural Wealth Barber Bridge Deep Sea Fishing Barrier Islands Florida Hamptons Cultural Gold CoinsWealth Deep Sea Island Fishing Hutchinson Idyllic Lifestyle Florida Hamptons Indian Gold River Coins Intracoastal Hutchinson Island John’s Island Idyllic Lifestyle Jupiter Inlet Indian River Kayak Fishing Intracoastal Lagoons John’s Island Loxahatchee River Jupiter Inlet Pink Flamingos Kayak Fishing Port St. Lucie Pristine Beaches Lagoons Riverside Park River Loxahatchee Sailfish Capital Pink Flamingos Sandbars Port St. Lucie Seaside Hamlet Pristine Beaches Spanish Treasure Park St.Riverside Lucie Inlet Sailfish Capital Vero Beach
Sandbars Seaside Hamlet Answers on Page 19 Spanish Treasure
Treasure Coast
Answers on page 33
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Wake & Shake
Just roll out of bed...your hair looks great! Shampoo and towel dry.... and you’re done! The style is in the cut, not the blowdry, so you don’t have to fuss with your hair to look good... even with fine, limp hair... and my new steam color process creates richer brunettes and spectacular blondes. The colors go deeper and last longer, yet are far more gentle to the hair. By Appointment Only with Ian:
32 Siesta Sand
December 2015
Classifieds / Here’s My Card ACCOMMODATIONS
• Best Western Plus Siesta Key – AAA -3 Diamond Property, Free shuttle service to and from Siesta Key 941-924-4900, 6600 S. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota
Alain’s Gutter Cleaning
• Siesta 4 Rent - Vacation Rentals, from studios to 5 bedrooms. Serving Siesta Key since 1997, 941-349-5500
• PRESSURE CLEANING • Clean Glass Windows & Doors • Leaf Bagging We Clean • Down Spouts • Dryer Vents FREE estimates on one-time service • Pool Cages
• Robasota Real Estate – Annual and Seasonal Rentals, 941-9261800, ext. 102 • Siesta Village Private Pool Homes – Luxury Private Beach Homes-3 Bed, 3Bath; and a 2Bed, 2 1/2 bath condo www.vrbo. com/459795
Licensed and Insured Affordable and Dependable Service Solutions For Your Home While You Are Away
Where Quality Comes First
or on-going maintenance
R. BRuce Whittinghill, llc
Call or e-mail for quotes and references Serving SaraSota and Surrounding areaS Since 1979
(941) 955-1864 Commercial/Residential
• Siesta Key Realty-Property Management, Vacation • Hawk’s Nest Construction Inc. is a certified Class A general Rentals – 1, 2, 3 bedrooms. Serving Siesta Key since 1992. contractor licensed in all phases of construction. Owner Mark 941-349-8900. Gemme Wonn. Hawkins Sr. personally oversees every aspect of your project from start to finish, using only the best and most reliable licensed artisans and craftsmen. His passion is delighting BEACH & BABY EQUIPMENT RENTALS his clients, turning their home-improvement dreams into a beautiful reality. Call 941-650-9499 or visit their website: Licensed and Insured 30 years experience
Grout Problems? Shower & Bathtub Walls
Cleaned • Regrouted • Caulked • Sealed
Shower & Bath Makeovers Call John
Having Fun Fishing in The Sun
Tony Fudoli Jr. CAPTAIN
Free Estimates
5252 Gulf Drive 2300 Bee Ridge Road, Suite 204 Holmes Beach, FL 34217 Sarasota, FL 34239
Dermatology Skin CanCer laSer, Botox anD Hair/nail DiSorDerS
Sarasota resident since 1974
• Wilson Windows is a State Certified General Contractor specializing in glass porch enclosures and window replacement. They offer only top quality products installed by professionally trained technicians. All projects are engineered and permitted to meet the new state building codes related to impact, water infiltration and high velocity windload calculations. Their services include window repair, new custom screens, glass cut to size, and hard to find window parts inventory at both locations. Fully insured and their work is guaranteed. 941-921-1113, www.
1952 Field Road Sarasota, Florida 34231
J Morgan Nathaniel Swartz, O’Donoghue, MD. PA-C
Amy Fenenga PA-C
Veteran Owned Business
• CB’s Saltwater Outfitters – CB’s Saltwater Outfitters is an ORVIS Endorsed Outfitter Fishing Charter Service serving Siesta Key as well as Longboat Key, Lido Key, Sarasota and Venice. Our veteran guides offer exciting Fishing Adventures for anglers of all ages from novice to the expert. See our website: or stop in their store for additional info. 1240 Stickney Point Rd, Siesta Key. (941)349-4400.
Family Practitioners • Pediatrics-Geratrics • Urgent Care
Pierre Nedelcovych, M.D. FAAFP FAAUCM
US 41 Office 941-927-1234 • Siesta Key Office 941-312-6708 LANDINGS RESIDENT OWNED AND OPERATED
P. E. L. (Premium Estate Liquidators) ConductingÊ estateÊ salesÊ ofÊ fineÊ furniture,Ê art,Ê jewelry,Ê accessoriesÊ andÊ moreÊ sinceÊ 2000.Ê Ê ■ Sales conducted in your home or ours, a 4,200 sq. ft. facility on N. Lime Ave.Ê
• Nirvana Juice Bar Express - Siesta Key residents: if you remember the days when Nirvana Juice Bar was located in Siesta Key Village, take heart. You can now order the same fresh juices and smoothies and have them delivered to your door. Visit their website for an expanded menu or call 941-228-6367.
Environmentally Conscious Laundry and Dry Cleaning Service
Free Pick Up & Delivery Service from your home or business
Call 941-275-4647
ExEcutivE Shirt SErvicE • houSEhold itEmS • SamE day SErvicE availablE
• ESTATE SALE – Every Sat. & Sun. in November. Carmenza designer jewelry, beautiful dried flower arrangements, new and gently used baby clothes for boys & girls, sizes newborn – 2T, new love seat, and baby furniture, coffee table, paintings, jewelry, chimes, etc. Call 941-266-0625 to set up private showing. Located near Blvd. of the Arts.
Place your classified ad here for $6.00 for 15 words and $.10 for each additional word. Copy must be submitted with payment on or before the 15th of the month prior to publication. For Display Ads, please call us for rates. TO ADVERTISE CALL 941-349-0194
■ Consignment or donations of complete or partial estates accepted.
Call (941) 951-1336 x7 for more information.Ê Proceeds benefit YMCA programs for at-risk youth & families in our community.
December 2015
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Classifieds / Here’s My Card REAL ESTATE AGENTS
Olde Fashion Barber Shop
8319 Market St., Sarasota, FL 34202 Cell: 941.685.5514
Dennis Kedzierski, GRI REALTOR®
Transportation for everyone on the Sun Coast
Tapers • Flattops • Fades • Styling • Razor Cuts ther” 941-312-6001 “Hot La South Gate Barber Shop
Friendliest Ride In Town
(Across from Southgate Mall)
2081 Siesta Drive, Sarasota, FL 34239
Walk-Ins Welcome
Monday-Friday 9 AM-6 PM; Saturday 9 AM-4PM
A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates LLC
New Homes startiNg From $289,000 aNd Up • Your Siesta Dunes and Landings Preferred Partners in Real Estate, Judy Greene 941-350-0451 and Tara Lamb 941-266-4873 with Michael Sanders & Company 5100 Ocean Blvd Siesta Key 34242
Places of Worship
• Your Siesta Key Real Estate Agent: I have 23 years of experience working and living on Siesta Key and selling almost exclusively this area. If you’re curious about your home’s value in today’s market, call me. You’ll be glad you did!!! Benny Kimsey 941-4007212.
Island Churches: • Siesta Key Presbyterian Chapel 4615 Gleason Ave, Siesta Key, 941-349-1166
Providing Professional Real Estate Services Since 1972 Don Muenzmay GRI,CRS, SRES 941-374-3865 Email:
Sue Preece SFR, e-PRO, CNE
• St. Michael’s Catholic Church 5394 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key, 941-349-4174
Straight Razor Shaves And More...
941-350-2666 Fax: 866-801-5663 Email:
• St. Boniface Episcopal Church 5615 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key, 941-349-5616
Harry E. Robbins Assoc. Inc. 3733 S. Tuttle Ave., Sarasota, FL 34239 Referrals Are Always Appreciated
4141 South Tamiami Trail, Suite 21, Sarasota, FL 34231 941-926-2631
• A Bridge for Independence provides in home companion services including companionship, transportation, light housekeep- • Massage Experience Siesta Key Open 7-day a week. 5138A ing, medication reminders and meal preparation and planning. Ocean Blvd, Siesta Key, 941-349-4833 Call us at 866-279-4390, FL License #230517
NHL Hats
“When Family Can’t Be There” 8482 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34238
Professional services provided by RN, LPN, CNA/HHA, Companions
Christine Laboissonniere
941-780-3851 License #299994261
Lauri Wolfe
Transportation to and from doctor appointments, shopping and errand service, meal planning and preparation, light housekeeping and laundry, life enrichment 24/7 Quality Care
Non-Medical Company
(352) 216-1002
AHCA Registration #233977
are in!
Officially licensed accessories from the NFL, MLB, NCAA and NHL Holiday Hours: Mon. - Wed & Sat. 10-5 Thurs. - Fri. 10-7 Sun. Noon - 5
• Robin Hood Rentals – for all your Siesta Key rental needs with a wide variety segways, bikes, kayaks, scooters and more, free pickup and delivery anywhere on the key. 5255 Ocean Blvd Siesta Key Village. 941-554-4242 • Siesta Key Bike & Kayak – Located on Siesta Key in Capt Curts Village serving Siesta Key, Lido Beach and Sarasota. We offer bikes, kayak rentals, kayak eco tours, paddleboards and scooters. 1224 Old Sickney Pt Rd. 941-346-0891 • Siesta Sports Rentals – Located on Siesta Key, bike, kayak, kayak tours, scooter, children strollers and car seats. Delivery and pickup available, 6551 Midnight Pass Rd, 941-346-1797
• Senior Home Companions – companionship and In-Home care. daily living needs, hourly, overnight, 24-hour care, 941-924-0494 • Tony DeDominicis, owner of Senior Fitness & Exercise, is a Certified Health & Fitness Professional in private practice with over 25 years experience in the health and fitness industry for overall Fitness & Wellness, Strength & Cardiovascular Conditioning, Specialized Fitness & Exercise Therapy For Seniors aged 5579, Triathlon Coaching, Plyometric & Isometric Training and Nutrition. Coach Tony DeDominicis is also both a world ranked Ironman Triathlete and USMS Swimmer and is also founder and formulator of the Coach Tony Nutrition Raw Organic Food Bar ( Coach Tony has been teaching people young and old how to be more healthy and fit by teaching them correct cardiovascular and training methodologies as well as proper nutrition for a successful and healthy life style. He can be reached at (941) 350-0403
4960 S. Tamiami Trail Landings Shopping Center Sarasota, FL 34231
Picked Up from Airport $ $ SRQ 30 40 Price $ 125 Tampa/St. Pete $105 Includes: $ $ 130 150 S.W. Florida Tolls, Fuel from $ $ 350 500 Answers Miami $ $ 14and 225 250 PageParking Orlando PLEASE TIP YOUR DRIVER
From Sarasota
For Airport Pickups Your Chauffeur Will Have A Sign With Your Name On It!
• St. Andrew United Church of Christ (Protestant) (In the Gulf Gate area, near Beneva and Gulf Gate Drive) 6908 Beneva Road, Sarasota, 941.922.7595 • The Superior Word Rev. Charlie Garrett Service starts Sunday mornings at 10am. Bring a friend and share in God’s word. 6512 Superior Avenue Sarasota, Florida 34242 • First Christian Church 7601 Clark Road, Sarasota, FL 34241. 941-922-4434
Answers to the WORD SEARCH MarinerWordfound Search on page 31
Treasure Coast 941-735-4732 Friend Us at: Eddie Ward
• Sun Ride Pedicab – Eco-friendly Pedicabs. Siesta Key Tours and rides – tips only, 941-343-3400
• Siesta Key Massage & Therapy Center – Relieve all that pent • Siesta Key Free Rides – Siesta Key Free island shuttle for beach, –up tension and improve circulation with a soothing massage or village, condo and tours – tips only. Electric vehicles. Call 941facial by Ali. Call to book your appointment today. 941-349-0408 952-8294 • Massage Heights -1-hour massage $49.99, custom facial $59.99 • Jonny’s Original Free Ride – The Original Ride the Key Free – intro offers, 4948 S. Tamiami Trl, 941-927-1030 (See Display ad service on Siesta to anywhere, everyday from 10 AM – 2 AM. in this paper) Driver tips only. Call 941-928-9200.
TO ADVERTISE CALL 941-349-0194
Off- Island: •Temple Sinai, a Reform Congregation (The closest Jewish congregation to the Key for visitors) 4631 S. Lockwood Ridge Rd, Sarasota, 941-924-1802
• Dollar Limo – holds up to 10 people and is cheaper than a D.U.I or taxi. Call 941-735-4732
34 Siesta Sand
December 2015
News Up & Down the Trail The city was the only municipality in Florida to make the list. The top places for retiree’s in numerical order are 1. Santa Barbara, Calif., 2. Sarasota, 3. Plano, Texas, 4. Tacoma, Wash., 5. Carson City, Nev., 6. Hillsboro, Ore., 7. Lincoln, Neb., 8. Charlottesville, Va., 9. Rapid City, S.D., 10. Scottsdale, Ariz. states these U.S. cities offer access to affordable and quality health care, a practical cost of living, retiree-friendly
Continued from page 17
businesses and services, as well as several amenities to help keep residents active. examined their own survey research to determine which criteria are most important to this generation: exemplary and affordable health-care services, presence of other seniors, ways to become or stay involved in the community, low crime rates, moderate climates and access to golf courses and other outdoor amenities
Sarasota Real Estate Trends
County moves forward with mobility fee
Classic and Luxury Walker’s Christmas Puddings, Iced Christmas Cakes in various sizes, 4 & 20’s now famous homemade Mince Pie Puffs, Clotted Cream, or 4 & 20’s delicious Pork Pies and Sausage Rolls, special Paxo Cranberry and Chestnut Stuffing Mix, even 1lb packages of Pork Sausage meat for the other end of the turkey! All items are available from December 1 at the 4 & 20 Pasty Company, 5638 Swift Road, Sarasota, 34231. Be sure to buy soon as they always sell out. Make 2015 Christmas in the Sunshine a special ‘Britannia’ Day.
County commissioners on Nov. 10 moved forward with replacing road impact fees with mobility fees, which will change the way developers fund future transportation needs. Commissioners amended the road impact fee ordinance to clarify how the transition from impact fees to mobility fees will take place. The mobility fees work like the road impact fees in that developers pay the county to offset the cost of new properties’ impacts on public infrastructure. But unlike road impact fees, mobility fees are structured to discourage urban sprawl while promoting alternative modes of transportation through construction of sidewalks and bike paths. The city of Sarasota created its own multimodal traffic fee program last year.
Venice attempts to get homeless situation under control
Partially as the result of an incident involving Venice mayor John Holic, the city is considering hiring security guards to handle its homeless situation. On a 5 a.m. jog with a friend, Mayor Holic was stopped by a homeless woman in the middle of downtown, on West Venice Avenue, who asked him for $10. The Mayor told the woman he didn’t carry money when he jogged and went on his way, however the incident was observed by a Venice Police officer who was sitting in his patrol car.
Looking for British Christmas treats
Looking for something special to celebrate the Holidays? 4 & 20 Patsy Company carries a wide variety of items from across the pond. You’ll find British Christmas special items available in the store in December such as;
Annual Sales - 2000 to Current Condo
Single Family
Blooming this month
Powder Puff Plant Calliandra haematocephala
Continued on page 39
For more information call (941)894-1255 Or visit
Single Family Condos *Statistics provided by MFR MLS
With low inventory and extremely high demand, Siesta Key is in a full Seller’s market. With realistic priced listings and aggressive marketing, we are once again seeing multiple offers within the first few days of properties being on the market. Despite this, prices are still significantly down from the peak. So while it is a great time to Sell, Buyers are still able to get a good deal.
The Powder Puff blossom may not be useful for powdering your nose but it certainly will bring beauty to your garden! Its fuzzy red bloom can be found in tropical and subtropical climes throughout the Americas and is easy to grow in our area. The evergreen foliage is as lovely as the flower and it will bloom nearly year round but is especially luxuriant in the summer months. Regular watering is important but it does not like to be over watered. The deep green foliage sets off the striking red of the flowers and it is often planted as much for the beauty of the tiered foliage as for its bloom. Bees, birds and butterflies
love the Powder Puff and it doesn’t seem to require full sun to provide a bevy of colorful beauty to your garden. Submitted by Jean Hanson, 3rd Vice President & Botantical Garden Chair, Sarasota Garden Club.
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Landings’ Floor Covering Store
Meet your LandingS FLooring SpeciaLiStS
Jan Melville, Jim Rinchich, Cathy Raskey, Jacci Shovlin, Mike Benson
December 2015
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
The 6th Annual Siesta Key Crystal Classic International Master Sand Sculpting Festival
And the winners are…
First Place Tender Loving Care by Enguerr and David (Brussels) and Leonardo Ugolini (Italy).
Second Place and People’s Choice Award -
Free Minded by Melineige Beauregard (Canada) and Joris Kivits (The Netherlands).
Master sand sculptor, Brian Wigglesworth, created a sand monument to honor our troops and help raise funds for the Manasota Operation Troop Support (MOTS) program.
Third Place “Godzilla” by Abram Waterman and Morgan Rudluff (Santa Cruz, CA).
Photos by Master Sand Sculptor, Brian Wigglesworth
Get your FREE and INSTANT home evaluation at
or call one of our Siesta Key Real Estate experts at (941)894-1255
36 Siesta Sand
December 2015
Snapshots of Island Visitors
Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography 1
1: Kelly, Kaitlin, Stacey from Michigan. 2: Jack, Kaitlyn, Lori, Kelly, Stacey from Michigan. 3: Stephen, Jennifer from Nebraska. 4: Bella age 2 ½, Melissa and Chris from Denver. 5: McKenzie age 2 1/2, Katie & Matt from SRQ.
Sand Castles
December 2015
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
1307 Landings entry view
|Profile of the Treehouses in The Landings community The Landings is one of Sarasota’s most beautiful communities and is ideally situated just minutes south of downtown in the desirable west-of-the-trail (Route 41) location. The Gated community is located between the Siesta Key bridges on the Intracoastal Waterway. As the name implies, the Treehouses in The Landings are in the trees — lots of them — including tropical palms and towering mosscovered oaks. There are 76 total condominium units that comprise the Treehouse I and Treehouse II communities. The Treehouses, developed in 1981 to 1983, were built to take advantage of the lush natural environment towards the westerly terminus of The Landings. “It was an opportunity to create a home where residents could live amid the trees and among nature,” said Michael Saunders & Company Realtor Lenore Treiman, who has listed several units over recent years in the Treehouses. The multi-level units all share a setting amid the natural environment. The westernmost units on the Intracoastal are situated amid the mangroves. Unit 6 to 18 are considered boardwalk units and those are on the water, said Lou Furlong, president of the Treehouse Condominium Association. Other units look out to green space and are located more inland. All of these homes in the trees offer multiple open and screened terraces. In some units, however, owners have opted to enclose terrace space to expand the airconditioned square footage. “Every unit has views, some have views of the water and others have views of the oaks,” Furlong said. “There are a large number of very old oak trees and they set the character of the tree environment,” Furlong added. Owners of all 76 units have access to an exclusive kayak launch, Treiman noted. “So we have a number of kayaking enthusiasts,” Treiman told Siesta Sand. The community is attractive to buyers looking to downsize from a larger, single-family home. “I’ve had a lot of single family [home] people come in, either from The Landings or outside The Landings, who want to get that single family feel that is maintenance free,” Treiman said. At 1,900 to 2,450 square feet, with three bedrooms and 2.5 baths, each individual unit has that spacious, “homey” feel — despite being a condominium. Original layout of the units feature a wood-burning fireplace, and a one-car garage. “We use ours a lot of times,” said Furlong, who has lived in a Treehouse since 1999. “It is nice to have the ambiance of a fire.” “The units are wood-frame and built on
concrete footers, and the living room has a very high vaulted ceiling,” said Furlong. Treiman said some potential buyers move from a condo on Siesta Key to the Treehouses — where they can relocate to the mainland, while still living in a tropical setting. The condos are all scheduled to get a new roof. “The materials are on site, and work should happen in November or December,” Treiman said. There is fairly little turnover at the Treehouse communities. “There are a lot of longstanding residents who just love The Landings and the Treehouses,” Treiman said. “It’s a beautiful, unique natural environment.” Of the 76 units, 33 are duplexes, and the rest are single units, Treiman said. The general Landings Management Association fees are $1,087 a year, and the fees for the Treehouse condominium association are $2,102 quarterly. Recent sales and listings According to a historical account, when they were first built, Treehouse pricing ranged from a low of $200,000 to a high of $337,500 for a direct view of the Bay. In early September of 1981, only approximately 19 of the 76 were still available. On Today’s market, units fetch a higher price. Over the past year, units have sold for $380,000 to $450,000. Three units are currently on the market, including one under contract, as of press time. Two units are being listed for $429,000 and $444,000, while the third is a bayview unit that was listed for sale in November at $639,000. This unit features panoramic, full bay views with expanded square footage of 2,436 square feet. The unit features three bedrooms, 2.5 baths, a den, family room and enlarged kitchen. As with most Treehouse units, this one has multiple open and screened terraces.
1307 Landings bay view
1307 Landings upstairs terrace
The recent sales include: • A 2,139-square foot unit sold for $380,000 — or $199 a square foot — in October. • A 2,300 square foot unit sold for $399,000 — or $195 a square foot — also in October. • A 1,912 square foot unit sold for $450,000 — or $245 a square foot — in July. The unit was completely updated with upgrades that included a chef’s kitchen and bamboo floors. According to MLS information, none of the three recent units sold offered direct water views. NOTE: Data was complied from realtors, the Sarasota County Property Appraiser Office, Sarasota County Planning & Development Services permits, and Multiple Listing Service (MLS).
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December 2015
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Š Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2012
News Up & Down the Trail When the woman was questioned by the officer, she told him that the Mayor had stolen $10 from her, which as the Mayor told the City Council, is an example of how stories can be fabricated. Since many other Venice citizens and visitors have complained about their access being blocked to the beaches, public restrooms and other facilities by transients, the City Council agreed with the Mayor that something needed to be done quickly. The Mayor asked for security guards to be posted downtown to deal with the situation, at least until a more long-term solution is presented. City Manager Ed Lavalee will be returning to next month’s City Council meeting with a written proposal.
New heart surgeon to join Venice Regional Bayfront Health
A Texas Heart Institute-trained and board-certified cardiothoracic
surgeon is the newest staff member at Venice Regional Bayfront Health’s Gulf Coast Medical Group. Dr. Roberto Cervera specializes in high-risk coronary revascularization (bypasses and angioplasties), thoracic oncology (cancer treatment), video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery, vascular and endovascular surgery and limb-salvage procedures. He is the first new surgeon ever to join the heart program. “Dr. Cervera is a talented surgeon and researcher,” said interim Venice Regional CEO Jeff Reece in a press statement. “He has an ideal combination of training, experience and passion for medicine to complement our existing team and help advance the vision for our cardiac program.” Cerveza most recently practiced medicine at Yuma Regional Medical Center in Yuma, Arizona, where he developed a comprehensive endovascular aortic program, as well as a trans catheter aortic valve replacement
December 2015
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Continued from page 34
(TAVR) program. At Venice Regional, Cervera joins a program that was recently recognized as one of the Top 50 Cardiovascular Hospitals in the nation by Truven Health Analytics.
Caspersen Beach faces heavy erosion problems
Work has begun in an attempt to save the beach that helped to earn the City of Venice the nickname of “The Shark Tooth Capital of the World.” Caspersen Beach has been eroding at a much faster pace than anticipated and now the county faces the prospect of either trying to fund the renourishment or letting the natural process continue. Early last month, the Sarasota County Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Department removed the freestanding wooden staircase that is no longer of use and is a safety hazard, away from the edge of Harbor Drive. Even though Caspersen
is technically designated as a “critically eroded” beach by the Florida Environmental Protection Division (EPD), it may not be eligible for renourishment funds, based on county having already spent money on a new rowing park in north Sarasota and other expenditures. Sarasota County did look at the possibility of funding the Caspersen renourishment last year, but decided against it. Next up, the EPD and the parks department will work together to evaluate the extent of erosion along the shoreline, and then prepare a status update and plan out appropriate follow-up steps.
Sarasota Memorial Hospital sets its sights on Venice
Based on what Sarasota Memorial Hospital (SMH) president and CEO David Verinder called “popular demand,” SMH announced plans to construct a new general, acute-
care hospital in Venice. The plans do need to be approved first, though, and early last month, SMH submitted a letter to the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) stating its intent to build the hospital, which the letter said would be up to 200 beds. Verinder said he believed South County not only could support another hospital, it needed one, based on the fact that many patients at the 819-bed SMH come from South County. If approved, the new hospital would likely be constructed on the hospital’s existing property at Laurel Road and I-75, on which it had originally planned to put a medical complex. Those plans were put on hold because of the economy. The AHCA will have until June 3 to make a decision on the SMH application, but there will still be additional approvals needed. If all requirements are met, it would be 2017 or even later before SMH could begin construction.
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December 2015
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Salute to Our Troops This Holiday Season we wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to all the men and women serving in the U.S. armed forces. Siesta Key resident Shantele stands in front of a sand sculpture created at the Crystal Classic International Master Sand Sculpting Festival. For a $5 donation, patrons were able to have their photo taken. Proceeds raised will be used to send care packages to our troops through the Manasota Operation Troop Support (MOTS).
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