IV Siesta Sand - December 2018

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Cosentino’s Charter amendments win voter approval By Staff report


The facade of the Key Corners Plaza will have a Coastal Nantucket look once all renovations are completed page


BANK OF AMERICA BUILDING Who will buy the Bank of America building?



ST. MICHAEL’S It’s been 60 years since the land was first purchased to build St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church




What a great month Siesta Key has in store for music and food lovers!




New monthly Column Astrology Insights




Dropping Anchor at The Anchorage



Their fate continues to be contested in Circuit Court

Questions created by the passing of the amendments

Siesta Key resident Mike Cosentino has talked many times over the past two years about how soothing he always found the drive along the length of Beach Road on the northern part of the barrier island. Even though the county closed part of the road to motor vehicle traffic in 1993 because of repeated storm damage, Cosentino said in a recent 12th Judicial Circuit case document that he continued to drive the stretch, with its unbroken views of the Gulf of Mexico. He finally was forced to stop, he added, when Sarasota County staff and a set of North Beach Road property owners collaborated on placing bollards on both ends of the battered segment. After the County Commission voted 4-1 on May 11, 2016 to formally vacate the 373-foot-long section that was most problematic, Cosentino began waging a campaign to overturn the decision. He has lauded then-Commissioner Christine Robinson for being the only board member to adhere to Environmental Policy 1.1.13 in the county’s Comprehensive Plan. That policy was amended later to give the board more flexibility in such situations. However, on May 11, 2016, the policy read, “The County shall not vacate road segments on waterfronts along any creek, river, lake, bay or Gulf access point and shall encourage right-of-way use of these areas for coastal beach and bay access.” Continued on page 14

“Unlike Washington and Tallahassee, local government has no system of checks and balances. County Commissioners perform executive, legislative, and judicial duties as provided in our county charter, which serves as our local Constitution, and can only be altered by a vote of the people. The citizen- initiated charter amendment process provides us with the checks and balances that are missing at the local government level; it is our sacred and singular opportunity to overcome unresponsive government.” “Reopen Beach Road, Inc. (RBR), together with the overwhelming majority of the voters, have passed two amendments that keep Beach Road in public ownership and control and prevent the giving away or selling of our treasured public lands. We appreciate the publisher giving us the opportunity to respond to questions created by the passing of these amendments.” Mike Cosentino Question 1.) The office of the County Attorney has made the argument that your Charter amendments are in conflict with the Florida Constitution, which gives very specific powers to counties in terms of buying and selling property. How do you counter that argument? We respectfully disagree and offer the following examples: A) Article VIII of the State Constitution gives broad, not specific, powers of self- government to the municipalities. Continued on page 15

Artisan ice cream shop opens in the Village To many, the Siesta Key Village is a popular tourist destination, where people seek one of the most beautiful beaches in the country to escape the cold weather. For some, however, Siesta Key is a place of strong-rooted family traditions and memories. To the Davidson Family, it is the place they have called home for generations. The Davidsons have long been present and active in the Siesta Key community: in 1958, John Davidson Sr. opened Davidson Drugs, which is now a family business. With four of his six children living in Sarasota, each has made his or her own mark on the community. Now, in a combined family effort, sons Bob and John Davidson Jr. and brother-in-law Rick Munroe are excited to bring a brand-new business to the Key. When Re/Max Alliance vacated their spot in the

By Bob Stein

Davidson Plaza this past spring, Bob Davidson wanted to capitalize on this prime location. This is when he first envisioned Local Chill, an artisan ice cream shop, and enlisted the help of John and Rick to help transform his vision into a reality. Each with unique professional backgrounds, the three make up the ideal trio to begin this new business venture. Local Chill’s mission is to deliver top-quality artisan ice cream and other unique desserts to its customers. Using premium ingredients and small-batch ice cream, Local Chill will offer chef-inspired, original flavors. The family’s concept for Local Chill is to redefine the traditional scoop shop by bringing a fresh, modern perspective to the Siesta Key Village. Local Chill opened November 14th. Continued on page 23

County staff report on dealing with illegal short-term rentals By Rachel Brown Hackney Sarasota County staff is researching the legality of imposing a fine as high as $5,000 per violation in cases when people do not abide by the county’s ordinance regarding short-term rentals. The measure is just one element of a staff report that the County Commission called for on Oct. 9 — at Commissioner Alan Maio’s request. The report notes that Monroe County — home to Key West — already has taken the approach of stiffer fines for illegal rentals. Released to the board in November, the report explains that the existing Code Enforcement ordinance covering short-term

rentals “provides that a fine shall not exceed $250.00 per day for the first violation and shall not exceed $500.00 per day for a repeat violation.” However, the report points out, Section 162.09 of the Florida Statutes states that the county “can impose a fine not to exceed $5,000 per violation” if the harm resulting from the violation was “irreparable or irreversible in nature.” The report adds, “This may be a likely scenario with illegal short-term rental activity and the associated harm that can be caused by the activity to surrounding property owners during the rental period.” During remarks to Siesta Key Association

Happiness Is…Broadening Your Horizons

If you’re like most people, you probably fall into one of two camps. You’re either all in on any new adventure that comes your way or you prefer to sit back and think about things, weighing the pros and cons before making any major decisions. The good news is that, no matter who you are, the folks at Abel’s Ice Cream have you covered! There are a lot of new and wonderful things happening at Abel’s so feel free to dip your toe in or do a belly flop! So, what’s new with your friends at Abel’s? Owner Jerry Williams was quick to fill us in on their news. “One of our recent menu additions is Sarasota’s own Tropical Shores Gourmet Popcorn. We’ve been fans for a long time, and now we’ve partnered with them to offer it in our shop. We have perfect serving bags in some of their most popular flavors.”

Jerry also shared his excitement that along with the ice cream voted BEST in Sarasota, they’re now serving the best coffee. “Lelu’s Coffee is available today in a variety of flavors. And, I’ll let you in on a little secret,” he added. “If you want to make the best even better, add a dollop of your favorite ice cream into a steaming mug for an amazing coffee experience. I don’t think I’ll ever have my coffee plain again!” Wondering what flavors can make your coffee sing? Abel’s is serving two seasonal flavors through the holidays. Peppermint Flash (Refreshing and vibrant ice cream filled with peppermint candy.) and Egg Nog (Sweet & delicious ice cream; a seasonal favorite!) are both available for a limited time. Can you already feel the holiday spirit? But wait – there’s more! Jerry was bursting to

(SKA) members over the past months, Director Joe Volpe has talked about numerous suspected illegal rentals in the neighborhood where he and his wife live on the northern part of the island. Among the problems they have witnessed, Volpe has said, have been piles of garbage waiting days for Waste Management pick-ups, drawing pests and producing noxious odors; loud partying late at night; and speeding and significantly more traffic on the residential streets, with multiple people staying in houses close to their home. Continued on page 34

5 years straight! let us in on his pièce de résistance. “We’ve had so many people mention how great our ice cream would be À la mode on a warm piece of Apple or Cherry Pie, so we decided to make their wish come true. Abel’s is now serving both flavors of the delicious, fruitfilled treats.” No matter what fantastic menu item brings you in to Abel’s, be sure to check out the refreshed look of the store. You’ll enjoy new paint colors and amazing wall art from photographers Wendy S. Cohen of Follow Me To Siesta Key and Rich Tilton of Tilton Photography. Abel’s Ice Cream is located at 1886 Stickney Point Road, Sarasota in the South Bridge Plaza. Open Sunday through Thursday from Noon9:30 pm, and Friday and Saturday from Noon-10 pm. Learn more online at our website, www. abelsicecream.com or connect with us on Facebook and Instagram.


Siesta Sand





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Mike Granthon’s newest Siesta Key project Siesta Village is fortunate to have a wealth of riches to attract both residents and visitors, since there are numerous places to dine, have a drink or shop for gifts and souvenirs. But in the first of the year, the Village will be gaining a new establishment that is sure to stand out. The corner of a building at Avenida Messina and Ocean Boulevard will soon be housing something that is completely new to the Village—a sports bar/village pub. By late January or early February, My Village Pub, or MVP, should be open in the space Mike Granthon, right, and his partner Chris Brown own numerous Siesta Key properties that Napoli’s Italian Restaurant used to occupy, at 5200 Ocean Blvd. Mad Moe’s as well. By putting in a new This will be the latest endeavor to be restaurant in a building they already owned, undertaken by the dynamic real estate the partners now have almost complete investment team of Mike Granthon and coverage of the busiest intersection in Siesta Chris Brown, who also own the Beach Village. Club, Summer House Steak & Seafood, the In the corner “strip mall” where the Cottage and the Hub Baja Grill on Siesta restaurant will be are several other existing Key, Smokin’ Joe’s in Downtown Sarasota businesses that plan to stay in their and Mad Moe’s Pub and Grill in Osprey. space when My Village Pub opens. But In addition, their portfolio includes several Granthon says that when they’re done with other properties on Siesta Key. renovations, the overall appearance of the Operations front man Granthon is building will be completely different. originally from Peru, but has now lived in “We will be going with something like Florida so long, he’s practically a native. a Martha’s Vineyard/Nantucket/coastal “I’ve been in the States for 35 years and in look,” he said. “We’ll be putting awnings all Sarasota for 25 years,” he said. “Chris and I around, with wood railings and a big clock started working together 13 years ago when tower at the top. This is a beach town, an we became partners at the Beach Club. I had old fishermen’s village. We love the charm been in partnership with four or five other of it, and we want to keep that and stay true partners there when Chris came in.” to what it is.” Soon it was just the two of them, and they Renovations inside will be extensive and worked so well together that they began will also include expanding and updating seeking other properties to buy. In addition the kitchen. There will be both inside and to the restaurants, the partners bought outside seating, providing a new prime several buildings in Siesta Village in 2014, people-watching spot in the Village. one of which was the then Siesta Market. Granthon said that Brown has been In total, there were eight buildings on collecting sports memorabilia for years, the property, which also included the which was one of the incentives for the new Sea Shanty, Meany’s Mini Donuts and restaurant’s theme. Brown’s plan is to not Siesta Key Hardware. Since the purchase, only display many pieces of his collection Morton’s Siesta Market now occupies the inside the new restaurant/bar, but to also main building and Siesta Village Liquors is offer some of them for sale to interested in the former space of the hardware store. buyers. In this latest project, they also have Though each of the partners’ properties another partner, Peter Geannopulos, who stands alone as its own business, the duo has was the owner/Chef of the Hillview Grill created a new parent company called Above for several years, and is an investor in

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


By Debbie Flessner

Granthon’s and Brown’s new restaurant, My Village Pub, will be in the previous Napoli’s Italian Restaurant location in Siesta Village

Rendition of Key Corners Plaza’s coastal Nantucket renovation

the Bar Hospitality Group, which will be the umbrella for all the different entities. Granthon said that he and Brown have always had the practice of hiring their management team from within, because they feel that they understand and have already bought into the company’s culture. “The philosophy of our company is the same as it has always been—we put family and people first,” Granthon said. “We take a ‘servant leadership’ approach and we invite all of our employees to come up with creative ideas. By empowering the staff, we can make the customer experience better.”

Between all the various properties the partners own, they now employ more than 200 staff members, each of whom is considered a valued member of a team. Granthon says that he and Brown are looking forward to continuing to improve on the businesses they have and adding even more restaurants and properties to their portfolio in the future. “Right now, we’re looking at some possible new locations in Downtown Sarasota,” he said. “We have a lot of energy and a lot of great people who help propel us in everything we do.”


Siesta Sand




Planning Commission supports Siesta Promenade on 5-2 vote After a Nov. 15 public hearing that lasted about five hours, the Sarasota Planning Commission voted 5-2 to recommend that the County Commission approve the Critical Area Plan, rezoning and special exceptions necessary to create the mixed-use Siesta Promenade project at the northwest corner of Stickney Point Road and U.S. 41. Most commissioners said they felt the project was exactly the type of “infill” development that the county had been seeking for years. The proposal for 414 apartments/condominiums, a 130-room hotel and 140,000 square feet of retail and office space would stand on about 24 acres amid other commercial development. Only Commissioners Laura Benson and Robert Morris said they felt that the project, as designed, was too intense for its location. Morris, especially, cited concerns about the traffic congestion already common at the intersection. “I’ve got a real problem with exacerbating that problem,” he said. A quote from Gene Kusekoski, President of the Siesta Key Association, following the meeting; “I am disappointed that five hours of opposing testimony had no apparent effect on the Planning Commission’s decision. We can only hope the Board of County Commissioners are more inclined to take the welfare of the people who live and work in this area into account. When the BCC voted to let the CAP proceed, it was supposed to be to ensure a higher level of scrutiny for the proposal. They now have the opportunity to show they were serious about realistically

On November 11, four days prior to the Planning Commission meeting, a demonstration was held on Stickney Point against the dense and intense use that Benderson has proposed for their Siesta Promenade project. 165 people were in attendance and car horns were beeping at them in support.

considering the potential impact on the area and the people. The commissioners have three options — deny, approve, or approve with changes. We sincerely hope they will either approve with changes to mitigate the impact on the neighborhood and roadways or revert the project to standard rezoning processes.”




Island Visitor Publishing, LLC






Siesta Sand

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Microcurrent facials...what’s all the hype about? Before Treatment

After 6 Treatments

After 12 Treatments

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How many times have you looked in the mirror thinking to yourself - a little nip here perhaps a tuck there would really help take some years off your appearance. But then you think of the time needed to recuperate after a facelift and wonder just how much pain is involved not to mention expense and possible risk of complications, so decide against it. There must be a safer, painless alternative with less expense and no downtime. Well, there IS! Connie Lewis, LMT Aesthetician, former proprietor and Spa Director at Massage Experience, Siesta Key is continuing to offer her microcurrent (anti-aging) facial at her new studio located inside of SPALYPSO. The microcurrent facial is rejuvenating and offers a safe alternative to more invasive treatments on the market today. This facial has been a favorite of royalty in Europe for years. Oprah featured it on her shows some years back. It’s a very luxurious, pampering, results-driven facial which lifts, tones and tightens the muscles of your face. The effects are immediate and cumulative. This uplifting therapy is preventive, as well as corrective. It’s a great alternative to surgery as it is non-invasive and quite enjoyable and relaxing.

Sounds good, but how does it work?

MEMBERSHIP MEETING NOTICE Tuesday, December 4, 2018 • 3:00 PM Siesta Key Chapel at 4615 Gleason Ave.

TOPIC: • Hurricane Michael & Insurance Lessons to be Learned Association & Property Owners Factors • Florida Condo & Owner Insurance Costs Associations & Property Owners • Future Condo & Owner Insurance Costs Citizens and Other Firms • How Wind & Floor Policies Respond to Catastrophic Events

Main Speaker: Mike Angers

Brown and Brown Agency


The gentle and 100% non-invasive treatment works in synergy with your body’s natural energy system. It sends safe, painless impulses to the muscles in your face to relax muscles that are overly tightened, and strengthens those that are underworked with very low levels of electrical current. It stimulates the production of collagen and elastin providing a natural-looking lift. During the microcurrent facial, probes are used to physically move the muscle into the desired position to perform what is known as muscle re-education – the process of lengthening or shortening muscles. In essence, it retrains the facial muscles and rebuilds them closer to their original shape.

Research on microcurrent technology A study by the University of Washington proved that microcurrent increases your skin’s elastin fibers by 45%, collagen by 10% and the number of blood vessels by 35%. It can increase ATP, your body’s building block, by 500% resulting in softening wrinkles and toning facial muscles. Interestingly, this technology stems from a medical treatment to treat Bell’s Palsy. Many of the patients

found it worked so well, they asked to have the unaffected side of their face treated as well.

Can you use it in conjunction with facial injections? If you’ve received facial injections, facial sculpting or microcurrent facials are for you too! It will help maintain your lift in between your injections. Since this process is cumulative, more treatments bring more noticeable and longer lasting results. Most people see their desired results within 7 -12 treatments. The combined use of Pevonia Botanica’s ultimate anti-aging products during this facial treatment enhances the treatment even more by assisting in product penetration. Lewis recently closed her former location Massage Experience, Siesta Key and is now practicing in the Gulf Gate Estates area just over the Stickney Point Bridge. She is currently offering her signature treatment that combines a facial and a massage simultaneously. And, of course, her massage offerings include deeply relaxing intuitive massage therapy and her ever-popular hot stone massage. “My personal philosophy when working with a client for the first time or the 101st time is to see with my hands. To help me intuitively know when and how much to use the wands when sculpting during a microcurrent facial,” says Lewis. “Or how much pressure and on what areas to work during a massage session. After so many years of practice, I have a sixth sense that guides me through the service to let me hands tell me what to do. Energetically and physically allowing to give my clients the perfect session.” Connie Lewis, BS LMT Aesthetician, established Massage Experience, Siesta Key (1996-2018) and is now providing all of her services at Spalypso located in the Pine Park Office Centre, 7037 S. Tamiami Trail. Just minutes from the Stickney Point Bridge from Siesta Key. You can book an appointment online at SpaexperienceSiestaKey.com or by calling 941-3507495. (MA17596 / MM33422) (Advertorial)

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Island Chatter


Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Staff Report

Condo Council membership meeting The Siesta Key Condo Council will hold its annual membership meeting on Dec 4, 3 pm at the Siesta Key Chapel, 4615 Gleason Ave. The topics this year are Save Our Siesta Sand 2 Update, Holiday Decoration Contest, Siesta Key Sheriff’s Office Report and Benderson Siesta Promenade Status. The main speaker is Mike Angers from Brown and Brown Insurance Agency. Angers will be discussing Hurricane Michael and Insurance, lessons to be learned, along with a Q & A session with the audience, future membership meetings-Jan 15 and Feb 19, 2019.

The UPS Store closes on Siesta Key On November 21 The UPS Store located at 221 Beach Road on the north end of the Key closed its doors. If you need things shipped, Davidson’s Drugs has a Post Office located in each of its stores on the Key. Davidson’s Post Office will be able to handle all your holiday shipping needs. If you are looking to use a UPS Store and live on the northern part of Siesta Key, the nearest store is just off the north bridge located at 15 Paradise Plaza (Shops at Siesta Row) off of Osprey Ave. and Versailles. You can contact them at 941-957-1776.

Coupon shoppers In this month’s edition discount coupons are being offered by The Oaks and Station 400. Station 400 is offering $5 off your next visit and The Oaks is offering a FREE appetizer with a $20 purchase. Both ads are located on page 14.

Ramirez appeals case against Waechter With a 12th Judicial Circuit Court judge having denied her motion for a rehearing of the case, Siesta resident Lourdes Ramirez has appealed the judge’s Aug. 10 dismissal of her civil complaint against Robert Waechter, also of Siesta Key. On Sept. 24, Circuit Judge Andrea McHugh offered little in the way of information in her order to explain her decision to deny the rehearing. In the meantime, after an Oct. 30 hearing, McHugh ruled that Waechter is entitled to attorneys’ fees, in accord with a motion filed by his attorney, Morgan Bentley of the Bentley & Bruning firm in Sarasota. Based on a timeline reflecting Ramirez’s refusal to settle the case in September 2017 for $500, Bentley originally sought $34,370.92 in fees and costs of $5,300.14. McHugh noted in her Oct. 30 order that the parties were to advise the court within five days about whether they would

pursue mediation. On Nov. 6, Ramirez and Waechter did file a joint notice “to have the entire case mediated before any more proceedings are had on Defendants’ Motion for Attorneys Fees,” pursuant to McHugh’s order. Ramirez filed her complaint against Waechter and his business, RWR Installations, in March 2015. It points out that he bought a prepaid credit card in 2012, through which he made contributions, in her name, to Democratic candidates. Ramirez is a Republican. After she received a thank-you note from one of the candidates, she went to the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office, seeking an investigation of apparent identity theft. Waechter ultimately admitted to purchasing the card and pleaded guilty in 2013 to a misdemeanor charge in the criminal case. He also paid tens of thousands of dollars in fines. Nonetheless, Ramirez argued in her civil complaint that his actions damaged her 2014 campaign for County Commission. She lost the District 4 Republican Primary that year to Alan Maio of Nokomis, who went on to win in the General Election. In regard to Ramirez’s appeal: The Second District Court of Appeal issued a formal acknowledgement of the case on Oct. 23. The $300 filing fee for the appeal was noted in a separate Oct. 23 document. Ramirez’s attorney is Jose A. Gutierrez of the Cosio Law Group in Coral Gables.

The new sergeant

“You’ll see more of a presence out here,” Cernansky added of the Mounted Patrol, which often works on the Key during spring break. “Our goal is really prevention of crimes and keeping the quality of life the way it is,” he said. Cernansky and Varley both invited the SKA members to stop and chat with them when they see the men on the island. However, Cernansky did caution everyone, with a laugh, “I can hold you down for a long time” in a conversation. Varley pointed out that the two men had requested the transfer to Siesta Key. “It wasn’t like we were assigned here.” They had most recently worked together in the Sheriff’s Office Tactical Unit, Varley added. “We’re excited to be here,” he said, and “we’re very approachable.”

The Siesta Beach Seafood & Music Festival returns to Siesta Key Come enjoy the 3rd Annual Siesta Beach Seafood & Music Festival, a marvelous event blending fresh seafood, stellar live musical performances and a marketplace of arts, crafts and select fine products. The event starts Friday night November 30 and continues December 1-2, with hours Friday night from 4pm – 9pm and both Saturday and Sunday from 11 am – 6 pm. General admission is $5, children 12 and under Free, Siesta Beach, 948 Beach Rd.

During the Nov. 8 Siesta Key Association meeting, members New restaurant opens in were able to meet Sgt. Paul Cernansky, the new leader of the Davidson’s Plaza Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office Island House Tap and Grill recently opened substation, and a new lieutenant in the space vacated by Senor Siesta located at overseeing island operations, Lt. 5110 Ocean Blvd next to Café Gabbiano. The John Varley. owner of the restaurant Troy Jenkins reported to Long-time Siesta Deputy Chris Siesta Sand, the Grand Opening is targeted for McGregor introduced the men, the second week of December. noting that the former substation Sgt. Paul Cernansky leader, Jason Mruczek, had Siesta Key Association seeking been promoted to lieutenant and reassigned to the Animal board members Services division on Bee Ridge Road, east of Interstate 75. The Siesta Key Association (SKA) is composed of citizens, “They are great guys,” McGregor said of Cernansky and who have a vested interest in preserving and protecting the Varley. McGregor also pointed out that Cernansky would continue quality of life offered by our beautiful Island. to spend some of his time as a member of the Mounted Patrol.

Continued on page 9


Siesta Sand




Who will buy the Bank of America building? By Rachel Brown Hackney

Big G’s Oyster Happy Hour from 3-6 Every day 1/2 Priced House Oysters

Siesta Key Oyster Bar, or “SKOB” as the locals call it, is the hangout with the laid-back, beachy atmosphere that will get you right into the Island Spirit. One of the things that set SKOB apart from the other restaurants in Siesta Key Village is that we have some of the best food on the Key.

Live Music Every Day and Night

With the Bank of America branch on Stickney Point Road having closed on Oct. 16, Siesta Sand has learned that the rumor mill already is in full swing, speculating on what will happen to the property. First, in regard to the bank, Matthew Daily, a Bank of America spokesman based in Atlanta, reported in a telephone interview that notifications went out to customers in early July, letting them know the closing was coming. Branches remain open at 3303 S. Tamiami Trail — less than a mile away — and at 935 N. Beneva Road, which is about 2 miles away, Daily pointed out. “We’re always looking at our network to try to make sure it fits our clients’ needs and habits,” he explained. With more and more people opting to handle regular transactions online or via a mobile app, he said, far fewer customers come to a branch these days to cash a check, for example. “We find that the branches are increasingly being used for more substantial things,” Daily continued, such as retirement planning, small business assistance and loan applications. Therefore, he said, actual branches will remain a part of the bank’s operations. A graphic Daily provided Siesta Sand showed that in the third quarter of this year, Bank of America recorded 1.4 billion mobile log-ins, an increase of 17% year-over-year, and 137 million bill payments online. Additionally, 77% of total deposits were made via a mobile device or ATM. As for the future of the property on Stickney Point Road: Daily said that whenever the bank closes a branch on a parcel it owns, the bank typically markets the property for sale. A third party handles those transactions, he added, noting that he had no information about Bank of America’s specific plans for the Stickney Road site. The Sarasota County Property Appraiser’s Office records show that the parcel comprises 25,350 square feet; the building was constructed in 1974. This year, the market value of the land was put at $860,100. The total taxable value of the property is $1,538,400. The zoning is Commercial Intensive. People familiar with the site know that it sits between two storefronts owned by CB’s Saltwater Outfitters, with a Daiquiri Deck restaurant built over the smaller one of those, to the west.

In fact, that smaller one used to be a BP station. After it was closed, the Tush family that owns CB’s bought the property, concluding the transaction in June 2011. Early on, Mason Tush — whose parents, Aledia and Lee, bought CB’s in 1976 — was considering whether to open another gas station there, as none existed on the south end of the Key. Later, the family transformed the building into a second shop. Just to the south of the Bank of America property, on Old Stickney Point Road, is the site of the former Fandango Café, which is owned by Dr. Gary Kompothecras, known widely for his 1-800-ASKGARY medical and referral service. The deteriorated café structure is adjacent to a storage business Kompothecras also owns, and that is next to Clayton’s Siesta Grille. In April, Clayton Thompson, owner of the restaurant, appeared before the County Commission to argue for a change in the Siesta Key Overlay District zoning code, so Kompothecras would have more flexibility to construct a boutique hotel on the sites of the former Fandango’s and the storage business. Commission Chair Nancy Detert asked Thompson whether he would be willing to sell his restaurant to Kompothecras, to be torn down, if Kompothecras let him operate a restaurant within the hotel — if the hotel ultimately becomes a reality. Detert suggested that combining three parcels would give Kompothecras a lot more room to construct the hotel. “That clearly is an option,” Thompson responded about a potential sale, but it was not his desire, he added. Then he turned to Kompothecras in the audience and joked, “Gary, if you’ve got a really big check … come talk to me after the meeting.”

Daily Drink Specials

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Island Chatter


Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Continued from page 7

A board of volunteer directors, all of whom live or own property on Siesta Key, manages this non-profit association. The Board of Directors has a rich tradition of representing and pro-actively lobbying for the rights of the citizens of Siesta Key dating back 70 years. In today’s environment of growth, it is becoming ever more critical to have an active body that represents the interest of all residential property owners on Siesta Key. SKA is seeking new board members who will be active in all facets of the association. The board needs members who can dedicate a significant amount of time to doing the work required to deal with the challenges we’re facing today. SKA especially needs at least one new member with strong technology skills to help us manage our operation. If you are interested in becoming a board member contact SKA at 941-364-4880 • info@siestakeyassociation.com

Gratitude for St. Boniface’s help On Oct. 26, the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce offered thanks to St. Boniface Episcopal Church in an email blast. The church provided help to working families whose incomes were affected by red tide, the email pointed out. “The need was real because St. Boniface distributed $7,500 in aid to folks who contacted church leaders,” the email said. Unfortunately, the church exhausted its funds for that purpose, the email added, so it had to end the aid. “Thank you, St. Boniface, for supporting the Siesta Key community!” the email concluded.

Repairing the crosswalk lights When SKA President Gene Kusekoski asked at the end of the November meeting whether members had any questions, one woman spoke up about the lights being inoperative at the crosswalk near the Midnight Cove II condominium complex, which is located at 6327 Midnight Pass Road. Kusekoski acknowledged that a plastic bag and tape were over the controls for that crosswalk. “It’s a dangerous situation,” the woman pointed out. Kusekoski told her he would contact the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), which installed the Midnight Pass crosswalks in late 2012. He was a bit amused, he added, to see a bag over the head of the switching mechanism. “At first, we thought it was Halloween mischief,” the woman responded. Subsequently, Kusekoski learned that even though FDOT installed the crosswalks, the maintenance of the equipment

is a responsibility of Sarasota County. Robert Fakhri, manager of the Traffic Engineering and Operations Division for the county, reported that staff had put in a work order to repair the flashers, as the unit that controlled them had died. FDOT had contacted his office, he said, after hearing from Kusekoski. “We’re waiting for the equipment to come,” said Fakhri on Nov. 14. “We’re lucky,” he added, as it was expected to come in quickly. If all went as planned, he said, the repairs were to be completed on Nov. 16.

Anger over TDT revenue reset During a County Commission public hearing in late October regarding a change in the Tourist Development Tax ordinance to provide funding for repairs to Ed Smith Stadium, two Siesta Key property owners were among the 11 speakers who addressed the board. Visit Sarasota County (VSC), the county’s tourism agency, had encouraged its members to fight a county staff proposal to divert money from VSC’s promotional budget in the 2020 and 2022 fiscal years to cover the work at the stadium. One of the Siesta speakers was Paul Parr, who fought back tears as he explained that he was about to lose his rental business on the Key because of red tide’s detrimental effects on tourism. During the commissioners’ discussion before their vote, Commissioner Alan Maio — who represents Siesta Key as part of his District 4 territory — said at one point, “I flinch now when I see a phone call coming from somebody in the restaurant community or the hotel community on Siesta.” Earlier, Maio had referred to the “hundreds if not a thousand emails” he and his fellow board members had received from people in the hospitality industry in the county. After the Oct. 23 hearing, Parr sent an email to Maio, on which Parr copied the other board members — and the Sarasota News Leader. “I would be less than honest if I did not let you know how disappointed I was with today’s meeting,” Parr began. “My head was spinning as I walked out and drove to my almost empty Siesta Sunset Royale building,” he continued. “In view of your comment about trepidation when you see a call or contact attempt from Siesta Key businesses or owners I was stunned that you chose to make the vote unanimous for the other commissioners as you sold out your supposed constituents,” Parr added. “This caused me to start to wonder what the benefits would be for Siesta

Key to incorporate and remove ourselves from the county spending of our bed tax revenue. … I pay to belong to Visit Sarasota County and my only direct benefit is the weekly accommodation inquiries of which we received 9 today, all for 2019.” Parr concluded his email with the following: “Obviously I’m very depressed and as I pulled into my almost empty building and saw your campaign sign on my wall I had to wonder why I would support and ask passersby to vote for Alan Maio? This is a question I would like to … ask you soon.” Maio ended up winning the election for the District 4 seat. The other Siesta speaker was Dr. Gary Kompothecras, best known for his 1-800-ASK-GARY medical and legal referral service advertising. Kompothecras has lived on Siesta since 1983, he told the commissioners. “I’ve never seen any such devastation in my life,” he added of red tide’s effects. Explaining that his house is on the beach, Kompothecras said he was used to looking outside and seeing people “on my private beach with tents and umbrellas and coolers and walking all over the place.” Over the past few months, he added, since red tide drove away the visitors, no one is there. “Zero. My beach is empty. I finally got what I wanted: a nice private beach.” He also explained that he owns the 19-room Captiva Beach Resort on Siesta, on which he spent $1 million in renovations. He indicated that he had just one guest as he was speaking to the commissioners. (The hotel is located at 6772 Sarasea Circle, south of the Stickney Point Road intersection with Midnight Pass Road.) “Go to the restaurants,” he continued. “No one’s there. The waitresses are starving; they can’t make their rent. … This is worse than a hurricane. … Guests are cancelling in January,” he pointed out. “If this red tide hits again,” Kompothecras said, “the season’s gone.” He suggested the Baltimore Orioles, which conduct Spring Training at Ed Smith Stadium, add a surcharge of $2 to $3 per ticket to raise the revenue for the facilities repairs. Nicole Rissler, director of the county’s Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Department, explained at the outset of the hearing that a Memorandum of Understanding between the county and the Orioles requires the county to ensure the stadium conforms to Major League Baseball standards. Continued on page 11

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Local Dudes, Cookin’ Local Food In August this year Gulf Gate Food + Beer opened its doors in the Gulf Gate Village area. I know you’re saying to yourself…. Food + Beer??? That’s really the name? Owners Casey & Mike wanted to keep it simple and even a little tongue and cheek. They’re a neighborhood spot that serves elevated bar food and craft beer. Mike said he often sees people staring at the sign on the roof with their half burger/ half beer mug logo, so he pops out to say “you guessed it we’ve got food, and we’ve got beer!” Mike says he gets into the best conversations that way. Gulf Gate Food + Beer is a modern spin on a classic sports bar. Yes, there are lots of TVs, great chicken wings, and paper towel rolls on each table, but it’s a whole lot more than that. The rustic décor, blue tufted leather booths, and unique menu options really set it apart from the average sports bar we all know and love. The duo also are big proponents of value not only in service and atmosphere but in price. They believe restaurants have continued to raise prices and some have priced themselves out of the market. Everything on the menu is ala cart and sides are available in single and share able portions. The menu is anything but your ordinary sports bar & pub cuisine. The menu has a collection of bowls served over sticky rice, unique craft burgers, out of this world sandwiches, creative salads, and a lot of popular shareables. The ‘Poke Tuna bowl’ has become an instant success. They serve this Hawaiian classic over sticky rice with roasted poblano guacamole, pickled radish, nori (dried seaweed), cucumber and topped with a sriracha mayo. Another favorite is the “You Jel?” burger which features a jalapeno pepper jelly, chipotle cream cheese, breakfast bacon, and a roasted jalapeno. If you’re not as adventurous they do offer a basic cheeseburger called the low five. Vegetarian? The “impossible foods” impossible burger is served here. If you haven’t had this, it is a plant-based burger that looks and tastes like ground beef. The impossible burger at Gulf Gate Food + Beer is called the “Hollywood Herbivore” and served with pecan goat cheese, pickled radish, & arugula. CHEAP LUNCH! Every Monday thru Friday from 11am to 3pm Gulf Gate Food + Beer offers a $6.99 lunch. Offered are the ‘Low five’ cheeseburger (hand pattied angus, American cheese, bibb lettuce, tomato, pickles, and onion) & fresh cut fries, chicken philly (garlic bread hoagie, house roasted chicken, whizz, caramelized onions) & fresh cut fries, or chicken burrito bowl (tomatillo roasted chicken, Monterey jack cheese, pinto beans, pico de galo, sticky rice & sour cream). KITCHEN OPEN LATE! That’s right they’re open late. Full menu is offered until 1am Sunday – Thursday, and until 2am Friday & Saturday. HAPPY HOUR ALL DARN DAY! From open until close daily. $3 Narragansett Lager pints, $3.50 Mimosa’s, $4 house red or house white wines. FAMILY FRIENDLY & NON-SMOKING With all


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Holy Guacamole Poke Tuna bowl

the bars in the area it’s commonly asked if families are welcome. Gulf Gate Food + Beer is a family friendly environment during lunch and dinner. Late night after 10pm does have more of a bar vibe with lower lights and louder music. (Advertorial)



Island Chatter


Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Continued from page 9

The ‘bed tax’ revenue leader once again Although audits could lead to a change in the numbers down the road, Siesta Key property owners and accommodations once more appear to have collected more Sarasota County Tourist Development Tax (TDT) revenue during the fiscal year than those in any other county location. Figures through Sept. 30 — the last day of the 2018 fiscal year — show Siesta Key with 31.09% of the “bed tax” revenue, followed by entities in the city of Sarasota, with 29.76%. The 5% bed tax is charged on rental of accommodations for six months or less time. Siesta has come out on top for the past several years, according to the records of the Sarasota County Tax Collector’s Office.

No real crime trends During the Nov. 8 SKA meeting, Deputy Chris McGregor said he had no crime trends to report. Between the time of year — when fewer people normally visit the Key — and the red tide news keeping visitors away, he said, things had been slow. The Sheriff’s Office was preparing for the Ninth Crystal Classic International Sand Sculpting Festival, he noted, which began the next day. (See the related article in this issue.) When McGregor asked whether any SKA members had questions, one woman reported that, during the summer, she found a gas card at one of the Siesta Beach concessions, which she turned over to an employee there. The person had promised to give it to an officer, the woman added, asking whether she had acted appropriately. The concession workers operate an informal “Lost and Found” service, McGregor replied. “They do give us a lot of stuff.” He asked the woman if the card had a name on it. When she replied that it did not, McGregor responded that, occasionally, after people “burn through a gift card,” they will just leave it at the last place they used it. Cernansky suggested, laughingly, that “burning” might not have been the best choice of word, so McGregor corrected himself, also with a laugh. What he was referring to, McGregor said, were situations when people had “used all of the monetary value” of the cards.

70 years old and counting On Monday, Nov. 12, the Siesta Key Association (SKA) observed its 70th birthday. News about the celebration drew a big round of applause during the November SKA meeting. Back in 1948, SKA Vice President Catherine Luckner pointed out, the island had a number of beach cottages but limited other development. Yet, residents could envision big changes in the future, she continued, and they wanted to ensure that new construction would take place in an orderly fashion. A group of Siesta residents went to the Legislature in Tallahassee, Luckner explained, and petitioned for what was called “an enabling act,” so they would have the right to create their own zoning code. “That was done not without great difficulty,” she added. To win the authority to write the regulations, Luckner said, the group had to secure the signatures of two-thirds of the property owners and residents on the island. “They went door-to-door, visiting every single person that was here.” When they had obtained the necessary number of signatures, they needed, Luckner pointed out, they were able to win the Legislature’s support for the zoning code. “I was shocked,” she said, at all the work that went on in the early days of the SKA. “That’s the kind of spirit we started with here.” Then, in 1954, she continued, the Sarasota County Commission “followed what we did,” working to create a countywide zoning code. The interaction between county leaders and the SKA on that process formed the basis, she said, for the good working relationship the nonprofit and the county have had over the years. “People have a lot of respect for the organization as a whole,” she pointed out. “I’ve really discovered that.” Among other SKA achievements, she continued, were the installation of the first fire hydrants on Siesta, which reduced the expense of the island’s fire station, because of the change in classification for the service as a result of the presence of the hydrants. “We also led the way for the north bridge to remain twolane. People wanted to make it four lanes,” Luckner pointed out. Residents were very happy to see it stay a two-lane structure, she said. Further, the SKA led the campaign to replace the original Stickney Point Road Bridge, which was built about 1909, Luckner noted. That effort “was a very big deal.” Yet another initiative of the SKA was obtaining the

support of the homeowners association in the Coconut community along the beach on the north end of the island, so improvements could be made to Ocean Boulevard. The homeowners association was willing to give up “a little bit” of its property for the roadwork, she added. The SKA also petitioned the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for the first crosswalks on the Key, and it worked with FDOT representatives again in 2012 to push for the installation of the crosswalks on Midnight Pass Road between the Beach Road and Stickney Point Road intersections. Thanks to the SKA’s work, she continued, the County Commission approved regulations to set a maximum density for residential development on the island. Additionally, after two 12-story condominium towers were completed, the nonprofit pushed for a height limitation of 45 feet for any other multifamily residential structures. That is why Siesta Key does not look like Fort Lauderdale, she pointed out. Moreover, SKA members “always have been proponents of the environment here,” Luckner said. For example, at one time, septic tanks were the norm on the island. The SKA was among the groups that worked to establish the Siesta Key Utility Authority (SKUA), she said, which handled water and sewer hookups for the island. “It was wonderful drinking water,” she said of the SKUA service. Yet another big initiative of the SKA, Luckner continued, was the organization of a subsidiary, Save Our Sand, in 1992. It fought the proposal of the City of Venice to dredge Big Sarasota Pass for a beach renourishment project and won in federal court. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) had obtained a permit for the project, Luckner explained, but the permit was withdrawn as a result of the court decision. “We raised $150,000 in less than four months,” she said, to pay the association’s legal expenses. “We got the lawyers and got the work done.” And in 2018, she said, “We keep having work to do.” “The Siesta Key Association exists because people live here,” President Gene Kusekoski told the approximately 60 SKA members at the Nov. 8 meeting. For example, he said, when he and his wife were discussing retirement, they did not want to be in a community of transients. They wanted neighbors. The SKA continues to work for a balance between what visitors need and the needs and desires of the island’s residents, he added. The Key “is not a drive over the bridge to Disneyland” type of place, Kusekoski pointed out.

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Continued on page 20


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Sheriff’s Report



October 23-November 19, 2018

There were a total of 17 crimes reported on the Key between 10/23-11/19/18

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MONTHLY MEETING Thursday, December 6 • 4:30 PM St. Boniface Church Parish Hall 5615 Midnight Pass Road

TOPIC: County Efforts on Red Tide and Nutrient Management


Lee-Hayes Byron Director of Sarasota Cty. UF/IFAS Extension & Sustainability David Pouso Sr. Environmental Specialist in Sarasota Cty. Planning & Development Services Armando Ubeda Sea Grant Agent in Sarasota Cty. UF/IFAS Extension & Sustainability public is always welcome with questions for our guests.

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10/27/18 Theft 5800 Block Midnight Pass A man reported his mom was the victim of theft. The son is the power-of-attorney over her finances. Upon review he noticed large sums of money had been withdrawn from her account since July 2018. He asked his mom if she knew who could be withdrawing the money. She then realized that two of her credit cards were missing. The bank was contacted and the cards were cancelled. She stated a person had befriended her and she believes he may have taken the cards and been using them. The complainant completed a witness statement. 10/28/18 Burglary- Vehicle Public Beach A woman reported that after leaving her purse in her car while spending time at the public beach, she was notified that someone had attempted to use her American Express to charge $2000 at a Best Buy. The woman had left her purse on the floor behind the front passenger seat and parked in the front row of the lot. There were no signs of forced entry and the

woman unknowingly left the beach and headed to a Venice restaurant. While there, she received a call from her credit card company that someone was trying to use her card at the Best Buy in Port Charlotte. The woman checked her wallet and realized several of her cards were missing. While cancelling her cards she discovered various charges had already been made on her cards. The unknown suspect(s) had already charged over $5000 at various area Best Buys in under two hours. There were no suspects, although three prints were lifted from her car and submitted. The woman believes her husband might have hit the wrong button on the key fob and thought he locked the car.

trespassing if he returned to the store. 11/05/18 Burglary- Business 6700 Block Midnight Pass Rd. A rental agent reported a burglary to a rental condo by an unknown person. The unit had been unoccupied at the time. An unknown subject entered the unit by removing a window (not broken) and entering a bedroom. The bed was obviously slept in and was discovered by renters upon moving in. Nothing else appeared to be taken or disturbed. It was noted that there were heavy intermittent rain showers in the area at the time of the incident. A deputy retrieved a hat left behind by the subject. 11/11/18 Grand Theft Public Beach A group of individuals flagged down a deputy on patrol near the Sunday drum circle. The group had placed their belongings in a friend’s backpack and left it unattended for approximately 30 minutes while they attended the drum circle. When they came back to get it, the backpack was gone. The missing items included; 2 Samsung Galaxy phones ($600 each), IPhone 5SE($200), wallet with credit cards and $200 cash, and a Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge ($900). There were no suspects or witnesses. The victims were advised to contact their phone carriers and attempt to ping a location of the phones.

10/28/18 Grand Theft 9200 Block Midnight Pass Rd. A man reported unknown person(s) had stolen his paddleboard during the night. It was stored in a community storage area outside his home on Midnight Pass. The board had been secured in the storage area by a cable lock. The lock had been cut. There were no surveillance cameras in the area to capture the incident. The board was valued at $900. 10/29/18 Theft 5000 Block Ocean Blvd. An employee of a Village convenience store reported a theft. The employee had gone into the restroom while at work. Upon leaving the restroom, he was startled by a customer heading into the restroom just as he was leaving. The employee realized he had left his phone in the restroom and mentioned it to the customer as he entered the bathroom. When the customer left and the employee was able to go back in to retrieve his phone it was gone. The victim confronted the customer who left the store on foot. Deputies tracked down the phone to an area of the village. The phone was found nearby in the bushes. The suspect was questioned but denied all accusations. Prints were lifted from the phone and placed into evidence. The Samsung phone was valued at $125. The suspect was told he would be guilty of

11/11/18 Grand Theft 1200 Block Old Stickney Pt. Rd. A woman reported her IPhone 7 was stolen from a bar. She had set her phone down on a ledge next to an ATM. She used the ATM and walked away. Within 5 minutes she realized she had left the phone and went back to retrieve it. The phone was already gone. Multiple employees stated no one had turned in a phone. The find my IPhone app on her MacBook showed the phone as offline. The victim was encouraged to keep checking the app for a location and check back with the bar. The phone was valued at $300.

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10/24/18 Grand Theft over 10K Less than 20K 9100 Block Midnight pass Rd. A woman reported several items of jewelry were missing from the closet of her home. She stated she had previously allowed her friend and her friend’s new fiancé stay in the apartment during June, July and August. A check of pawned items under the new fiancé’s name revealed nine items of jewelry fitting her descriptions pawned at a Sarasota shop on 6/28. He returned on 7/9 with four more items. Another item was pawned at a different shop on 7/16. The victim identified all the items. None could be recovered due to their being sold by the pawn dealers to be melted down. All pawn slips were recovered and fingerprints on the slips were the defendant’s. He later admitted to the crimes during an interview and claimed he did it in order to pay his father’s medical bills. He was arrested and charged with Grand Theft.

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Go Healthy – Go Organic for the holidays The holidays, oh the holidays… it’s the time when healthy choices are put on hold in favor of those annual indulgences. But here is one shop where guiltless pleasures are the norm. Made In Rome Organic Gelato uses all organic ingredients and offers sugar-free, gluten-free, and vegan options. You’ll be hardpressed to find another gelateria in all of Florida were only organic ingredients are used. Did you know? Because of gelato’s thick texture and intense flavor you may feel the need to dial back the portion size, but don’t. Surprisingly, it actually tends to be lower in fat, sugar and calories than ice cream which contains anywhere between 10 to 25 percent fat. Gelato on the other hand stays around four to nine percent. By using more milk than cream, no egg yolks, along with a slowchurn process, your taste buds will be doing a happy dance with the intense flavors and silky textures this low calorie option provides. Of course, there are plenty of flavors to try and the staff at Made In Rome Organic Gelato generously provide samples of their house made gelato where a new flavor is produced every 15 minutes, and as their name implies, all ingredients used are organic. No hydrogenated fats or colorants, or preservatives are ever used. Some of the holiday flavors to try are egg nog, Prosecco with strawberries and Torrone. And, for a limited time they will be offering a small selection of pizza sandwiches and cakes. Vegans rejoice Yes vegans, come on in because Made In Rome Organic Gelato is vegan friendly offering a selection of gelato, cones, shakes, and how about a vegan affogato al caffe? Whether you choose veganfriendly or not, the affogato al caffe; a double shot of espresso topped with a scoop of gelato…any flavor, continues to be a customer favorite. Says owner, Diane Theron-Cuna, “People go crazy for this!” Owners Diane Theron-Cuna and husband, Massimo enjoy showing off the method used to construct their gelato. They invite you to watch the process as they create a batch of their sinfully delicious gelato. Theron-Cuna’s former career is fascinating, having no connection to her current business. She comes from a family of circus performers and has traveled around the world performing with the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus. The family even has their own “Star of Fame” at St. Armands Circle - The Theron Cycling Troupe. Still a performer at heart, she continues to entertain by retelling stories of her former days all the while churning out a fresh batch of her all-natural, organic gelato. Many customers welcome the


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in Flo rida

MSN Food and Drink Jan. 2015

warm conversation and exciting adventures she so enthusiastically shares. What customers are saying Customers continue to rave about the big flavors coming out of this small shop… This family run shop holds true to its five star reputation!! Best gelato I’ve ever had! Really loved the smooth and creamy texture of each flavor. They have vegan and sugar free options! You can try as many flavors and really enjoyed the authenticity of the store. You can taste the fresh ingredients that they promise. I had the Ferro Roche flavor as well as the refreshing strawberry. Both were excellent and not too sweet. The Ferro Roche was very rich in chocolate with delicious nuts inside. The strawberry had fresh strawberries blended in. I had two kids’ scoops and it came with a tiny cone, added a nice touch. The service was amazing and very friendly. They were super accommodating and helpful in helping us pick our flavors. ~ Esther S. OH EM GEE! They have the best gelato! Me and some friends were in Siesta Key paddle boarding and we came across this gem. Their gelato is better than most of those I had when I visited Italy last year. We were very curious about their new Activated Charcoal gelato so the girl gave us some samples. It was mild, interesting but good. They have very special and different flavors than other gelato places. The owner and the staff were super friendly. I had a couple more samples and they were all really good. I ended up with one big cone with 2 flavors: Cuba Chocolate Rum and dragon fruit. My other friends had mango, dark cherry and pistachio. The owner is from Italy and his family been making gelato for years. 100% homemade. 100% made in Rome. ~ Josephine M. The gelato is fantastic! I had the pistachio. Fluffy, almost airy consistency. I don’t know how he does it, but the mouthfeel is wonderful. Owner is outgoing and friendly. He genuinely cares about his customers and encourages samples of every flavor. He even went as far as saying, “I want my customers to be happy and love my gelato.”

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Oddly sandwiched between two ice cream shops. But hey, the gelato speaks for itself. Vegan options available. ~ William S Made In Rome Organic Gelato is located at 5204 Ocean Blvd., in the Siesta Key Village. Their hours are 11:00 am to 11:00 pm daily. (941) 960-5344, www.madeinromegelato.com (Advertorial)

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Cosentino not only filed suit against the commission in June 2016, focusing on what he alleged was the board majority’s violation of that policy, but he also began working on two amendments to the Sarasota County Charter to right what he has contended was a grievous wrong. He established a nonprofit organization, Reopen Beach Road, and gathered supporters to seek the signatures of voters on the petitions for those Charter amendments. Reopen Beach Road proponents became a regular fixture outside the Terrace Building in downtown Sarasota, working to catch customers headed to and from the Tax Collector’s and the Supervisor of Elections offices, as they worked to meet the signature threshold established for the measures to make it on a ballot. Proposed Charter Amendment 3.9 says, “Siesta Key Beach Road as Public Right of Way. The County shall rescind the vacation of, or re-acquire, Beach

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Road on Siesta Key as it existed on January 1, 2016, and shall not vacate or sell this Countyowned road segment(s) or right of way. The County shall provide maximum right of way use of Beach Road for public access, including vehicular use and viewing of waterfront vistas. The County shall make Beach Road accessible to mobility impaired persons.” Proposed Charter Amendment 3.10 says, “Preserve CountyOwned Parks, Preserves, Beach and Water Access and Waterfront Vistas. The County shall not sell, and shall retain ownership of, County-owned Parks and Preserves, and shall not vacate or sell County-owned road segments or rights of way along or abutting any beach, river, creek, canal, lake, bay, gulf access or waterfront vista. The County shall encourage maximum right of way use for public access and viewing of waterfront vistas. Whenever feasible, the County shall make these areas accessible to mobility impaired persons.” In late June, Supervisor of Elections Ron Turner formally notified the County Commission that Cosentino had surpassed the necessary number of voter signatures to get both proposed amendments on the ballot. On Nov. 6, the amendment calling for the County Commission to preserve countyowned property on the water won 72.7% of voter approval. The second garnered support from 65.06% of the 192,444 voters who considered that ballot question. Yet, the fate of Cosentino’s amendments remains uncertain, thanks to the litigation underway in the 12th Judicial Circuit Court.

Money and state law County Attorney Stephen DeMarsh has explained a number of potential legal concerns the amendments present. Among them would be the expense of reacquiring the 373 feet of North Beach Road that the board vacated. County staff spent months

negotiating with owners of property at 162 Beach Road over a price to acquire that land. The effort followed threats of legal action after the board repeatedly denied the owners’ petitions to construct a house on the site. The commission finally agreed to pay $1.4 million for the property. In the case of North Beach Road, the county also would have to undertake repairs so motor vehicles could use it. Since the vacation was approved, an easement granted by the petitioners has given the public the right to use the segment by any means except motor vehicle. Two sets of the property owners who won the road vacation argued in court papers filed before the election that Cosentino and his supporters never alerted any of the signers of their Charter amendment petitions about the potential expense of the road repairs. Dennis and Wendy Madden and the Caflisch family asked Circuit Court Judge Frederick Mercurio to remove the proposed amendments from the Nov. 6 ballot, largely because of what they cited as insufficient notice to voters — as required by the Florida Constitution — about just what the ballot questions entailed. Mercurio shot down the Maddens’ attempt, but he did not rule on the Caflisches’ motion before the election. The Maddens’ attorney, Lewis Hall III of the Williams Parker firm in Sarasota, told Mercurio during an Oct. 12 hearing that a long-time county transportation employee had estimated the cost of the necessary repairs to North Beach Road would be at least $7 million. The county has argued in court papers, too, that the amendments should not have been on the Nov. 6 ballot. In the most recent filing, Assistant County Attorney David Pearce wrote, “The constitutionality of the charter amendments is a real issue and not an academic one.”




Cosentino Questions Florida Statutes, 166.021(4) confirms this: “The provisions of this section shall be so construed as to secure for the municipalities the broad exercise of home rule powers granted by the constitution. It is the further intent of the legislature to extend to municipalities the exercise of powers for municipal government, corporate, or proprietary purposes not expressly prohibited by the constitution, general or special law, or county charter…” As provided by the “not expressly prohibited by the county charter,” above, RBR’s charter amendments “expressly prohibit” the giving away or selling of certain public lands as specified therein. B) On 7/10/13, the County adopted Ordinance No. 2013-021, which states, in pertinent part: “Whereas, Section 125.35(3), Florida Statutes, provides the Board with the authority to adopt an ordinance establishing alternative standards and procedures applicable to the sale or conveyance of real property owned by the County…” Likewise, on 8/29/18, the Board exercised its authority by adopting Ordinance No. 2018-036, which placed RBR’s amendments that provide such “alternative standards and procedures” on the 11/6/18 ballot. So now the County is claiming that the Ordinance they unanimously approved and put on the ballot, which “we the people” then overwhelmingly approved, is somehow unconstitutional? We aren’t sure how to respond to that claim. C) On p. 15 of the November ‘Siesta Sand’, the article “Dredging” described land given to Sarasota by the State, and quoted the deed language as stating the County “shall never sell or convey or lease the abovedescribed land or any part thereof…” Was the State in “conflict” with the Constitution? D) On 11/6/18, by approving the ‘Legacy Trail’ amendment, the voters “told” the County to issue $65 million in bonds and to use those bonds to complete the improvements to the trail. How is this any different than the voters “telling” the County to fix Beach Road? Further, “we the people”, through our charter, prohibit the County from making capital expenditures in excess of $23 million without prior voter approval. Clearly, the charter is the vehicle by which we “tell” the County what to do. Question 2.) Do you feel the County Commission is violating your Charter amendment 3.10 in its deal to lease and later sell the Benderson Park land to Mote Marine? Mote Marine, Marina Jack, The Old Salty Dog, Van Wezel, Robarts Sports Arena, the Baltimore Orioles, Sharky’s Pier, and dozens of other entities lease and run their businesses, and have for decades, on Countyowned land. We sent a man to the moon 50 years ago. To suggest, as the County has, that we can’t work this out within the parameters of this charter amendment is indicative of our need for better leadership. Question 3.) How do you respond to the argument the County, the Maddens and the Catfish have made that taxpayers will have to bear the burden of the expense of buying back the vacated North Beach Road property plus the cost of the improvements to the road? We understand Thai Tran in the county’s Transportation Department estimates the expense of the repairs at 7 million to 10 million. We agree. Overwhelmingly, so did the voters. The good news is the County is now legally obligated to rescind its vacating of Beach Road, so the cost of

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Continued from cover story

“buying back” the road is ZERO. It should be noted that the vacating of Beach Road was prohibited by ch. 3, section 1.1.13 of our Comprehensive Plan; its zeroexpenditure “recovery” simply fixes that mistake. The cost analysis sheet of the taxpayer funded Taylor Engineering Report (2013, page 31) puts a cost of $2 million on the Beach Road repairs. Since that was a few years ago, and since government is involved, let’s double that and call it $4 million. Interestingly, that’s still $2 million cheaper than NOT fixing Beach Road. That’s right, Taylor Engineering states, on p. 21, “Neglecting amortization costs [which are huge], the County can expect to spend $5,835,525.” Further, they state, “Repetitive storm damage impacts resulting from the No Action alternative will likely reduce property values, eliminate the primary means of ingress/egress…, negatively affect public safety by limiting emergency rescue and fire vehicle access…” The entire Taylor Engineering Report, as well as numerous County documents upon which our opinions rely, can be found on our website, Reopenbeachroad.com. We took the deposition of Thai Tran, and strongly suggest he reread the Engineers Professional Code of Conduct. Question 4.) The County has very little wiggle room in its general fund. How do you think it should pay for buying back the road and making the repairs? As stated above, the County must now fulfill its legal obligation to rescind the vacation of Beach Road; the cost is therefore ZERO. Statements to the contrary are hokum. With respect to the repairs/improvements, RBR’s first suggestion is to stop wasting taxpayer’s money to pay the County Attorney to subvert the will of the voters that clearly want Beach Road to regain its intended use as a public thoroughfare, and to take advantage of the savings pointed out by Taylor Engineering. Next, apply again for the twice approved, never used FEMA Hazard Mitigation Program Funds that certain individuals have shut down to prevent past Beach Road repairs. Finally, just like for the Legacy Trail, issue bonds. This is the best and fastest route; the dollar amount doesn’t even require the voter approval we, coincidentally, just gave by passing RBR’s amendments.

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Siesta Sand





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Pink flamingo sighting

Staff Report

The variety of shorebirds frequenting our Siesta Key beaches always manages to enchant visitors and locals alike. You just never know what type of wildlife to expect on your stroll at any given time. This particular sunset stroll was anything but ordinary. Head-turning may be a more appropriate description. That’s because a 7-foot pink flamingo was sighted on our beaches and in the Village. Dressed as the iconic pink flamingo for Halloween, Agi Mireter, decided to surprise a friend who owns a condo down by Point of Rocks on Siesta Key. On her walk through the Village and across the beaches, Mireiter was surprised and delighted with the response she received from passersby to her newest 7-foot costume. “The reaction from the people on the beach was unbelievable,” said Mireter. “Everyone loved it! I had numerous photo requests and people were smiling and giving me the thumbs up and commenting on how much they loved the costume. I decided to drive down to the public beach where the reaction was just as great! Even the beach employees stopped me to get photos. Everyone was smiling and it was wonderful to be able to get that reaction---that’s what vacation is all about---fun!” High on the reaction she received on the beach, she decided to go into the Village and again, received a great response. “They really got into the spirit of Halloween when they saw a 7-foot pink flamingo walking past, especially people eating at The Hub!” Mireter exclaimed. Mireiter belongs to a group of collectors, with a Facebook and website presence, called Flamingo Fanny and Friends. Although she is from Pennsylvania, or “PennSNOWRAINia,” as she likes to call it, she loves anything Florida and has always dreamed of living here. She began collecting flamingos decades ago and has several flamingo costumes. “It was great,” says Mireiter. “I even had one gentleman tell me I should do it on a regular basis so if Siesta Key needs a 7-foot pink flamingo mascot, I volunteer!”




St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church Under the leadership of Archbishop Joseph P. Hurley, who served as the Bishop of St. Augustine from 1940 to 1967, the population of Catholics in the State of Florida grew so much during that time that the Diocese of Miami was created. Catholic schools and education were of great importance to him, so after World War II, he helped to promote the construction of more than 100 Catholic schools. Locally, those included St. Martha’s School, Incarnation School and Cardinal Mooney High School in Sarasota, and Epiphany School in Venice. Also during that time, there were 74 parishes organized in the state, one of which was St. Michael the Archangel Church here on Siesta Key. Father Michael Cannon, who has been the pastor at St. Michael for the past three years, says that the congregants initially began assembling for worship at the Out of Door Academy, but were hoping to build a chapel of their own. “In the 50s, the only parish here was St. Martha’s and other parishes were eventually built from it,” he said. “In September of 1958, Father Joseph Daley directed the purchase of five acres of land on Midnight Pass Road, which he bought for $31,000 from the Siesta Isles Corporation. The site originally served as a county dump.” Considering its previous use, there was quite a bit of work to be done on the land before a church could be built. Sand was brought in from the Gulf of Mexico, just a couple of blocks away, to act as fill, but before a Chapel could be built, more money had to be raised. In 1958, there were only around 40 Catholic families living on Siesta Key, according to notes Father Daley made at the time. As a matter of fact, Siesta Key had a year-round population of only 5,000 residents that year. But Father Daley quickly organized key committee members and volunteers to launch the Incarnation-St. Michael’s Building Fund, which they used to raise money to erect a new chapel. “They needed to raise $100,000 to build the church,” Father Michael said. “By February of 1959, almost $37,000 had been raised and it was sufficient to begin construction.” Thomas Madden, an architect from Miami, was hired to design both St. Michael’s and Incarnation Churches. The design for the St. Michael Chapel was 50 feet wide and 94 feet long, and could seat 500 parishioners. The wall behind the alter was made of wood, by a Siesta Key carpenter, with wood provided by the parish. Its design was meant to be easier to expand, if needed. Construction on the church was completed in 1959, and on January 10, 1960, it was officially dedicated. When Father Louis Bentivoglio “Father Louie,” arrived as pastor in 1966, St. Michael still held a “Mission” designation, which is meant to be an outreach location of the larger Incarnation Parish. But by 1968. St. Michael was officially named a Parish, so could even better serve its Siesta Key parishioners. Dr. Louis Vodila, a 92 year-old former dentist, was a member of St. Michael when it changed from Mission to Parish. “I had moved to Siesta Key in 1960 or 1961 and we bought a house on Freeling Drive,” he said. “I was involved in the building of the first Rectory building in 1969, and then came the meeting hall. We depended on the Diocese to help some, but I was involved with helping to raise money for the Parish Hall. Those were really exciting times, as St. Michael’s grew.” Dr. Vodila’s and his fellow congregants’ fundraising efforts paid off. With $38,000 in pledges and $15,000 cash in hand, Father Louie sought and received approval to move ahead with the construction of the new Rectory, and by the time it opened on October 4, 1969, it was completely paid in full. In late 1970, Father Louie requested permission to raise funds for the new Parish Center. Construction and dedication of the building were both held in 1974. Though Dr. Vodila now lives on his ranch in Myakka City, he still attends worship services at St. Michael. Membership at the church continues to grow, and sometimes services are so packed that the crowd overflow moves into the Parish Hall. Unfortunately, the church won’t be able to accommodate those extra parishioners during this holiday season. In June, an overflowing toilet left undiscovered for some time during Vacation Bible School caused extreme flooding in the Parish Hall. But Father Michael remains optimistic that just as it always has with St. Michael, God and His faithful, will provide. “We’re getting a structural analysis of the building and have been reaching out to parishioners,” he said. “I consider it a great sign that 228 people have joined the Parish since June of 2017. You invite people in one person or one family at a time and it adds up. When people come here, we want to make it a good experience for them.”

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

By Debbie Flessner

It’s been 60 years since the land was first purchased to build St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church

Father Michael Cannon is the pastor of St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church

The groundbreaking ceremony for the new St. Michael Rectory in 1969 was a celebratory affair. In addition to the Rev. Louis Bentiuoglio (St. Michael pastor), attendees included the Right Rev. Msgr. George Cummings and the Right Rev. Msgr. Charles Elslanter

Father Daley suggested a blue dome be added to the top of the Bell Tower, after he saw one on a landmark restaurant on U.S. 41

The chapel bell awaits its new Siesta Key home

The St. Michael Rectory was constructed in 1969



Siesta Sand



Snapshots of Island Visitors

Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography 2











13 12

1. Sheila, Chandler, & Michaela from MN 2. Casey from MI – married on Siesta Key Beach! Beach wedding! 3. Don from Canada 4. Donna & Don from Canada 5. Dave & Sandy from OH 6. Lisa & Ava age 11 from Canada 7. Paula & Felipe from Brazil 8. Stacy from OH, Judy from Tampa, & Chris from MD 9. Megan & Joshua from MN 10. Petra, Koarlo, Lines, Elsi, & Mirsa from Finland 11. Lauren & Trevor from CO 12. Cassidy & Kim from MA 13. Lisa from Ontario






VILLAGE MAP pgs 20 - 21



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GULF GATE SHOPS pg 22 - 23

Siesta Key Drum Circle Every Sunday is a perfect time to come to the Key to reconnect with Mother Nature and to enjoy some wonderful entertainment. I’m talking about the Siesta Key Drum Circle that takes place each Sunday starting about an hour before sunset and lasting until about 10 p.m. The gathering meets up just south of the main pavilion - just follow your ears and watch for the swelling crowd. Please note the following rules of etiquette that need to be observed at the Drum Circle so that all can enjoy the experience: the inside of the drum circle is

for participants only, not for people standing around. Feel free to enter the circle, take a picture and dance, but always keep moving. Never play someone’s drum without getting clearance from the owner. Always ask before borrowing other people’s property, especially hula hoops. Flash photography and bright video lights are distracting, so photograph during daylight or use a night vision camera. And finally, please do not drink alcohol or smoke inside the circle and respect our beach by placing all trash in the appropriate receptacles. Photo Courtesy of Dennis Gottschalk.

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Siesta Sand


Island Chatter



Continued from page 11

Watch out for those pipes! With the Siesta Key Association (SKA) still pursuing a remedy in the 12th Judicial Circuit Court and Save Our Siesta Sand 2 (SOSS2) preparing to take action in federal court, a leader of the SKA’s Environmental Committee has told members of that nonprofit he is doubtful the City of Sarasota will see its long-range renourishment project getting underway on South Lido Key at any time next year. In his Nov. 9 newsletter, City Manager Tom Barwin did write that he expected the work to begin in the fall of 2019, “pending ongoing legal challenges.” Both of the Siesta-based organizations remain committed to preventing the dredging of Big Sarasota Pass for the sand to renourish about 1.6 miles of the critically eroded beach on South Lido. During the remarks Robert Luckner, the SKA Environmental Committee leader, made to members of that nonprofit on Nov. 8, he also talked of new issues that have popped up that he believes must be resolved before any dredging could proceed. In the research he and his wife, Catherine — the SKA’s vice president — have pursued on the

proposal of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the City of Sarasota to renourish South Lido, he has found something curious, he said. A freshwater pipeline that is 16 inches in diameter runs across the pass, he reported; it was laid in 2000, right next to the line it replaced. On Oct. 1, Robert Luckner emailed Sarasota City Engineer Alexandrea DavisShaw information about his discovery, including a city map to illustrate his concern. The “potable water line owned by the City … crosses from … Ted Sperling Park on South Lido to Siesta Key,” he noted. There, it connects to the water system for Bay Island, he continued, which is the northern part of Siesta and within the city limits. “Interesting to me,” Luckner wrote, is that the only mention of crossings he had found in the USACE plans for the proposed dredging of Big Sarasota Pass “is a notation of a ‘cable crossing’ near the same area (see plate 18 attached). According to the cross-section near there (plate 21) the current water depth there is about 10 feet … and the USACE would be allowed to dredge to 13.5 feet.” Luckner then posed several questions to DavisShaw. Among them, he asked how deep

the newer water pipeline is and what steps the city, the USACE and their contractors would take to avoid it. He also inquired about the type of cable he had found on the map and what measures would be taken to avoid it, if the pass is dredged. The response he received from the city, he told SKA members, was that no answer could be provided about the depth of the water pipeline because of “Homeland Security” issues. DavisShaw first replied to Luckner via email on Oct. 2, saying she would check with the city’s Utilities staff and get back to him. Then, after Luckner inquired again on Oct. 18, according to emails he shared, DavisShaw wrote him again on Oct. 22. “I did contact the Corps to see if they were aware of it,” she told him, referring to the newer freshwater pipeline. “They are aware of it and as part of the design effort will get more detail on the facilities and locate them on the plans. As I see more detail on the cable’s and pipeline’s depth and location,” she added, “I’ll let you know what I learn.” Luckner responded to her that same day:

Map D #11

ACCOMMODATIONS Siesta Key Beach Resort & Spa........ Map-A #38A ART GALLERY / STUDIO The Gallery on Siesta Key................... Map-D #11 ATM / BANKS Martin Funding.......................................Map-E #1 PNC ATM.............................................. Map-C #61 Sun Trust Bank & ATM..........................Map-E #4 BARS & NIGHTCLUBS Blaśe Café.............................................Map-A #38 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar.................Map-B #42-43 Gilligan’s.............................................. Map-B #33 Siesta Key Oyster Bar......................... Map-B #45 The Beach Club..................................... Map-D #22 The Cottage........................................... Map-C #58 The Hub-Baja Grill............................... Map-D #59

Map B #42

COFFEE SHOPS LeLu’s Coffee Lounge........................ Map-B #31 The Local Bean.....................................Map-D #62 DRUGSTORE Davidson Drugs..................................Map-D #65 FASHION & ACCESSORIES Beach Bazaar’s & Swin Shack........... Map-C #28 Blvd. Beachwear....................................Map-B #30 Comfort Shoes-Birki & More...........Map-D #64 Everything But Water.......................... Map-D #12 Foxy Lady Fashions............................. Map-A #40 Gidget’s Coastal Provisions.............. Map-B #44 Island Boutique.....................................Map-B #50 Island Style............................................ Map-C #53 Marley Vibes........................................... Map-D #9 Sea Shanty............................................. Map-C #24 Siesta T’s.................................................Map-B #30 Swell Things.......................................... Map-D #66 The Sandal Factory...............................Map-B #46 GAS STATION Circle K Store...........................................Map-E #6 GIFTS & SOUVENIRS Beach Bazaar........................................ Map-C #28 Gilligan’s Gift Store..............................Map-B #32 Island Trader......................................... Map-C #51 Sea Pleasures & Treasures.................. Map-C #29 Siesta Key Outfitters...........................Map-D #11 Siesta Kids..............................................Map-B #36

THE LOCAL BEAN • Internet Café • Coffee Shop • Tea Room 5138 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key Village



Map D #62

Organic and Fair Trade Coffees & Teas Cold Pressed Coffee Organic Smoothies Light Lunch (Salads & Sandwiches) Breakfast Sandwiches, Bagels & Lox Local Pastries Free Snacks

HEALTH & FITNESS Indep. Lifestyle Solutions .................. Map-D #10 Siesta Healing......................................... Map-D #9 Siesta Key Fitness............................... Map-B #73 ICE CREAM/TREATS Big Olaf Creamery............................... Map-C #52 Ciao Gelato............................................ Map-C #50 Curly Cream Ice Cream......................... Map-D #9 Local Chill Ice Cream.......................... Map-D #60 Made in Rome Gelato........................ Map-C #53 Meany’s Mini Donuts.......................... Map-C #24 SubZero Ice Cream/Yogurt................ Map-D #16 Sunni Bunni Frozen Yogurt................ Map-C #53 INTERNET / WiFi SERVICES Davidson Drugs..................................Map-D #65 LeLu’s Coffee Lounge........................ Map-B #31 The Local Bean.....................................Map-D #62 JEWELRY Created Gems....................................... Map-C #51 Mount -N- Repair Jewelers................... Map-D #9




“This issue of depth… for the cable, the new freshwater line and the old freshwater line seems like a fundamental design and permitting issue. I am surprised you have not yet investigated it especially since your Public Utilities staff assured me that you had already investigated it.”

court tried to mail copies of an order in the case to Lewis, Longman & Walker at the Bradenton address. One copy went to Richard P. Green; the other, to Kevin Hennessy of the firm. Notations dated Nov. 2 in the docket state, “Mail Returned.”

And speaking of the Lido Renourishment Project …

New work for the Barrier Islands League

Last year, when the 12th Judicial Circuit Court allowed the Lido Key Residents Association (LKRA) to intervene in the Siesta Key Association’s lawsuit against the City of Sarasota, to try to stop the dredging of Big Pass, the firm representing the LKRA was located in Bradenton. Earlier this year, however, an investigation found that Lewis, Longman & Walker had a new address — in St. Petersburg. The list of attorneys does not mention anyone in Bradenton, according to the research of the firm’s current website. Apparently, we were not the only one surprised by the change of location. Records in the docket for the SKA’s 12th Circuit Court case show that in October, the

With the intensification of focus on red tide and its causes, SKA Vice President Catherine Luckner reported to members on Nov. 8 that members of the Barrier Islands League have begun a new collaboration to determine how best they might be able to help. She reminded the audience that the League was very active several years ago in working on a Post-Disaster Response Plan (PDRP) that provides details about how property owners would be able rebuild on the barrier islands in the aftermath of a catastrophe such as a major hurricane strike. The League members, along with the SKA, were the associations on North Manasota Key, Manasota Key and Casey Key. The PDRP, she pointed out, “was required by

the state, and we didn’t have one in Sarasota County.” Laird Wreford, the county’s coastal resources manager, facilitated the work of the Barrier Islands League on the plan, Luckner continued. “It was quite a good product,” she added of the group’s efforts. “A big fear,” she pointed out, concerned how much flexibility people would have in constructing new homes. “We paid for a ‘white paper’ on it,” she said, referring to research by experts on the issues. As a result of the League’s efforts, she added, a couple of sentences from that white paper ended up in the state Building Code. Among them is the fact that if a property owner loses a house, but the foundation remains intact, the person can rebuild on that footprint. “So people felt secure then.” “We’ve been meeting for the last three months,” she continued, referring to the red tide issues. Part of the focus has been on pinpointing state and local measures the group should seek to reduce the red tide bloom that has lingered off the west coast of Florida since October 2017. The Nov. 14 report on red tide released by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) said that the red tide algae,


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Karenia brevis, “was observed in samples from and/or offshore of Pinellas to Monroe counties.” High concentrations, it noted — those exceeding 1 million cells per liter — were detected in waters in or offshore of Sarasota, Pinellas, Charlotte and Lee counties. Fish kills and respiratory irritation also were reported in Sarasota County, the report said. One of the League members, Luckner told the SKA members, is a retired senior employee of the EPA. “He wrote a very nice paper.” A big focus of the group, she indicated, is the desire to talk at length with legislators about implementing state inspection requirements for septic tanks, since such a law failed to be implemented several years ago. “Manasota Key is still completely on septic,” Luckner pointed out. Because of the “big beautiful trees” on that island, she said, residents have been reluctant to pursue installation of a sanitary sewer system, as that would necessitate removing trees. She added, “Our next step is to ask the North Lido Residents Association” and an organization of residents on Longboat Key to join the League. All of the organizations, she pointed out, are dealing with red tide.

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LIQUOR STORES / FINE WINES Gabbiano’s Wine Club.......................Map-D #70 Gilligan’s.............................................. Map-B #33 Siesta Key Wine Bar............................. Map-C #61 Siesta Village Liquors........................ Map-C #26 The Beach Club..................................... Map-D #22

Map D #64

MAILING - SHIPPING US Post Office....................................... Map-D #65 MARKETS/FOOD STORES Circle K Store...........................................Map-E #6 Morton’s Siesta Market...................... Map-C #25 MASSAGE Hands of Light Massage......................Map-B #35 Massage Therapy....................................Map-E #1 The Spa at Calle Minorga.....................Map-E #74 MEDICAL - DENTAL Siesta Dental...........................................Map-B #49 Siesta Key Physical Therapy............... Map-D #20 Siesta Medical Center.......................... Map-D #63 Siesta Village Dentistry....................... Map-D #63 MISCELLANEOUS Chamber of Commerce....................... Map-D #67 Positive RePercussion..........................Map-D #9 Roberti Enterprises.............................. Map-A #39 Tarot Card Reading & Gifts.................Map-B #50 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Edward Jones Investments................. Map-D #68 Smith Architects...................................... Map-E 74 REAL ESTATE / RENTAL SERVICES Coldwell Banker Realty....................... Map-D #20 Keller Williams Real Estate................. Map-D #11 Key Realty.............................................. Map-E #5 Michael Saunders Realty................... Map-E #72 ReMax Alliance Group........................ Map-C #29 ReMax Tropical Sands.......................Map-D #67 RentSiestaKey.com................................. Map-D #9 Robasota Rentals & Real Estate.......... Map-A #39 Siesta Key Rental Prop........................ Map-D #10

48 47 46

RESTAURANTS / CAFÉS Another Broken Egg................... Map-C #54 & 55 Big Water Fish Market, N..................Map-D #15 Blasé Café.............................................Map-A #38 Bonjour French Cafe............................ Map-C #47 Café Gabbiano.....................................Map-D #71 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar.................Map-B #42-43 Flavio’s Brick Oven & Bar....................Map-B #29 Flavio’s Italiano Ristorante..................Map-B #30 Gilligan’s Island Bar & Grill............ Map-B #33 LeLu’s Coffee Bar................................ Map-B #31 Lobster Pot............................................ Map-C #23 Old Salty Dog Rest. & Pub.....................Map-E #2 PI Pizza & Craft Beer...........................Map-A#37 Ripfire Pizza...........................................Map-B #47 Island House Bar & Grill..................... Map-D #69 Siesta Key Oyster Bar......................... Map-B #45 Solorzano Bros. Pizzeria....................Map-D #15 Subway Sandwiches.............................Map-B #30 Summer House..................................... Map-C #57 Sun Garden Café.................................. Map-D #19 The Cottage........................................... Map-C #58 The Hub - Baja Grill............................. Map-C #59 Village Café..........................................Map-D #14 SPAS - HAIR & BEAUTY LaPlaya Spa........................................... Map-C #50 Sassy Hair Salon..................................Map-A #40 Siesta Key Nails & Spa........................Map-D #9 SPORTS INTEREST/RENTALS CaliFlorida............................................. Map-C #29 Robin Hood Rentals........................... Map-B #34

Barber Scott Reich

Formerly of the Village Barber

Gulf Gate Barbershop Making Gulf Gate look good since the ‘60’s Bringing over 70 years of life lessons and local knowledge to your haircut (trust us, we know alllll about what you did last summer). It’s not just a haircut, it’s life. We know all about it. Let’s laugh, have a beer, and talk nonsense….that’s free. Haircut? That’s gonna cost you…$15, if we like you, $25 if you’re a P.I.T.A. “Best Local Barbers” 20 years in the running Kyle and Scott “to the second power”

6575 Gateway Ave., Sarasota, FL 34231 941-809-9028 Walk-ins Welcome


Siesta Sand





Piccolo Italian Market & Deli (G-47) carries a full line of imported cheeses, fresh baked bread daily, homemade sausages, fresh mozzarella, and numerous hard to get items. They now carry Khorasan Wheat which is an ancient and organic grain. Their deli is complete with huge hot and cold sandwiches, salads, fresh homemade lasagna and baked ziti. And, you cannot leave without trying their cannoli filled with their own homemade cannoli cream or the tiramisu or Sfogliatelle from Brooklyn. Here is where you will find great Italian specialty gourmet items without the gourmet price. Tony’s Chicago Beef Company (S-16) is owned and operated by true Chicagoans. Dedicated to deliver Chicago’s best food - Chicago style Hot Dogs wit’ the works... Dragged through the garden on poppy seed buns with fresh cut fries, Italian Beef Sandwiches anyway you like, dipped or dry, sweet or hot. All served in true Authentic Chicago Style. Sarasota Brewing Co. (G-4) Sarasota’s first micro brew pub always has something new to offer. From over 20 seasonal beers that rotate throughout the year, the Brewing Company always has at least five unique brews online as well as several favorites from around the world. Established in 1989, their menu has been a winner in the Reader’s Choice Awards of the Sarasota Herald Tribune featuring their mouth watering burgers, Chicago style Pizzas, and Chicago beef sandwiches. With dozens of televisions, it’s a great place to catch a game with friends and family. 1

West End Pub (G-49) Where else can you watch your favorite game with a great selection of beers, wines, and liquors served by a friendly staff AND where you’re allowed to bring your own restaurant or deli food? Right here. The Shop SRQ (G-2) Local owners, Erick and Dawn use a back-to-basics approach to grooming with precise attention to detail. Their commitment to excellence has provided them with many loyal customers. Their old school barber traditions, clean contemporary shop, coupled with their southern hospitality and humor are what separates them from the rest. They welcome the opportunity to earn your trust. Hours: Tues. - Fri. 8:30am - 6pm, Sat., 8:30am - 3pm. (Nov. 1st - May 30th) and Sat., 8:30am - 1pm (Jun. 1st - Oct. 31st). Closed on Sundays and Mondays. 6625 Gateway Ave, 941-626-4894. At the original Word of Mouth Restaurant (G-31), every seemingly insignificant detail receives special attention from the warm, inviting decor to each specially crafted variety of freshly baked muffins to the signature menu items. This small diner is where the locals come to eat breakfast and lunch. Each staff member works hard to make sure you receive the best service and quality food so you’ll want to return often. Take a look at their mouth-watering menu at www.originalwordofmouth. com. Hours: Mon-Sun.: 8AM-2PM. 6604 Gateway Ave., Sarasota, 34231, 941-925-2400. Pride of the South (S-34) has been awarded Top Barbeque in Sarasota for 2016 by Trip Advisor and Yelp. 2




© Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2018

Ba Am nk o eri f ca

Panera Bread

Bed Bath & Beyond

This section helps highlight what you’ll find within this walkable Gulf Gate shopping Village.


Dress for Less

Iberia Bank

Five Below 1




G16 G15 G14 G13 G12 G11 G10 G9 G8 G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1



S59 S58 S57 S56 S55 S54 S53 S52 S51 S50 S49 S48 S47 S46 S45 S44 S43 S42 S41 S40 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33 S32 S31

G23 G22 G21 G20 G19 G18 G17


S30 S29 S28 S27 S26 S25 S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S9 S8




S7 S6 S5 S4 S3 S2 S1

Gulf Gulf Gate Gate Drive Drive

Gulf Gulf Gate Gate Drive Drive


GG1 GG2 GG3 GG4 GG5 GG6 GG7 GG8 GG9 GG10 GG11 GG12 GG13 GG14 GG15 GG16 GG17 GG18 GG19 GG20 GG21 GG22 GG23 GG24 GG25 GG26 GG27 GG28 GG29 GG30 GG31 GG32 GG33 GG34 GG35 GG36 GG37 GG38 GG39 GG40 GG41 GG42 GG43 GG44 GG45 GG46 GG47 GG48 GG49 GG50 GG51 GG52 GG53 GG54

Lo Ho ng rn



Mall Mall Drive Drive

G50 G49 G48 G47 G46 G45 G44 G43 G42 G41 G40 G39 G38 G37 G36 G35 G34 G33 G32 G31 G30 G29 G28 G27 G26 G25

Superior Avenue


Beall’s Outlet


M22 M21 M20 M19 M18 M17 M16 M15 M14 M13 M12 M11 M10 M9 M8





Gateway Avenue


Original Word of Mouth 6604 Gateway Ave. Sarasota, FL 34231








Italian Market & Deli



THE SHOP SRQ 6625 Gateway Ave.

Traditional, Old School Barber Shop 15 Years + Experience


& Vegetarian Sandwiches

941.626.4894 / 941.536.1656

Authentic New York Italian Market & Deli We carry a full line of Imported Cheeses, Boars Head Luncheon Meats, Pasta, Olive Oil, Assorted Imported Olives, Khorasan Wheat (ancient & organic grain), and more. GG-46 G-47 Specialty Italian gourmet items without the gourmet price

Come See Our New Location Store Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10am - 6pm 6518 Gateway Ave.




“We Straight Razor Shave”

Hot or Cold



M5 M4 M3 M2 M1


Sun Trust

Stein Mart

Sarasota Pavilion is a popular shopping destination for numerous locals and visitors alike. Its prime location is close enough to the island for frequent trips with a nice selection of chain stores set in one convenient location. But what truly lends to the uniqueness of this district is the host of small, locally owned, specialty shops, boutiques, restaurants, and neighborhood bars bordering this pavilion. It makes for a fun and rewarding shopping experience. Over 150 businesses make up this district.


HOURS: Monday - Sunday 8:00AM to 2PM www.originalwordofmouth.com





Continued on the next page



Eat Where The Locals Eat!

It has been awarded for the best Southern Hospitality. Pride of the South has a brisket BLT, hands down, one of the best sandwiches you ever tasted. The smoked chicken wings are unbelievable. Backed up with the pulled pork sandwiches, the smoked bologna, the smoked turkey, the collard greens, fried corn on the cob, fried okra, fried green tomatoes, and one of the best mac ‘n cheese you ever tasted. We do catering with no limit to the size of the group. Come in and follow your nose to 6616 Superior Ave, Sarasota, FL 34231. Call (941)926-0099. See you soon. One Minute Key Shop (GG-51): Left your keys in the car? No worries, the One Minute Key Shop will help you safely unlock and retrieve your keys. They specialize in high security locks, keys, re-keying, master keying, and safes for residential, commercial or automotive. Give them a call at 941-924-8020 or visit their showroom where they have a large display of locks and safes. 2120 Gulf Gate Drive. Solorzano’s Late Night Pizzeria (S-32): At every Solorzano’s, they offer an experience familiar to those who understand the importance of family and dedication. Their recipes and techniques have been perfected through three long generations based on the traditional simplicity of the methods used by their Italian ancestors. Dine inside, outside, pick up, or DELIVERY anywhere on Siesta Key, or in Sarasota until 4:00 a.m. 6670 Superior Ave., 941-924-5800.

• No Appointment Needed •


Open Tues.-Fri. 8:30 AM-6 PM Sat. 11/1 - 5/30; 8:30-3 PM Sat. 6/1 - 10/31; 8:30 AM - 1 PM


Catering Available

We Put the South in Your Mouth 6616 Superior Ave. Sarasota



FREE SIDE With the purchase of ANY entreé




Artisan ice cream shop opens in the Village I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Bob Davidson to discuss their newest business venture. Q. Who first came up with the vision for Local Chill? A. I have wanted to bring a new business to Siesta Key for a long time, which is what originally led to the creation of Local Chill. I was born and raised on Siesta Key, and as a kid the Village was like my backyard, so to speak. The Village was a magical place for me growing up that holds some of my fondest childhood memories. As an adult, I’ve always wanted to get back to the Key, probably to relive my youth in some ways. For the past ten years, I’ve been trying to come up with the right business opportunity to do just that. Whenever I travel to tourist destinations, I always notice that one of the busiest places is the local ice cream shop, and the idea stuck with me. I wanted to bring this concept to Siesta Key because I’ve seen it evolve and change over the years, and I am excited to be a part of that.

Q. Please give us an overview of the type of ice cream you will be serving and if you will incorporate anything other than ice cream? A. We’re serving premium small batch ice cream using fresh, local ingredients. The menu is chef-driven, featuring proprietary recipes and flavor and texture combinations that you can’t find anywhere else. Besides ice cream, we will feature other

desserts such as artisan hot chocolates, fresh-baked cookies served warm all day, vegan, whole fruit grantitas, affogatos, and other unique desserts. Q. With half a dozen ice cream shops located in the Village already, what makes Local Chill different? A. We’re redefining the scoop shop concept and how it functions—for instance the business model, aesthetic, and menu is completely different than anything out there. We have a spacious atmosphere with ample seating, and strive to give our customers a comfortable environment. We offer new, fresh, high end products that elevate the ice cream experience. Q. Do you feel the finished project captured your vision? A. Absolutely. We are very pleased

• St. Michael’s Catholic Church 5394 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key, 941-349-4174 www.stmichaelssiesta.com

with how the space turned out and do feel that it mirrored our vision of bringing an elevated experience and atmosphere to our customer. Q. What are your future plans for the business? A. We want to grow this business to multiple locations over time. We are confident in our business model and are excited to continue to work together to expand Local Chill in the future.

Continued from the previous page

October of 2014. Their latest offerings is a CBD Boutique area featuring hundreds of hemp and CBD products. Wild Ginger Apothecary also offers classes and workshops for a variety of audiences on topics

MORE THAN 100 OPTIONS TO NATURALLY RELIEVE YOUR PAIN, ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION • The largest and most reliable CBD selection in Sarasota - with over 100 affordable CBD options for your family - and pets! • FREE one-on-one consultations with health experts • Legal in all 50 states and available without prescription 6557 SUPERIOR AVENUE SARASOTA, FL • 34231


Continued from cover story

Island Churches: • Siesta Key Presbyterian Chapel 4615 Gleason Ave, Siesta Key, 941-349-1166 www.siestakeychapel.org


Wild Ginger Apothecary has been successfully providing sustainable, ethically produced, and nontoxic products for beauty, home and nutrition to the health conscious consumers of Sarasota since


Brothers John Jr., Bob Davidson and brother-in-law Rick Munroe collaborated on their newest business venture

Q. What are the backgrounds or current positions of yourself, John Jr., and Rick? A. I originally started working for Davidson Drugs, and branched out on my own to start Davidson Home Health Equipment in 1992 (still operated). John is a commercial real estate developer based in Atlanta, with an expertise in finding, analyzing and acquiring real estate opportunities. Rick is a classically trained chef with full spectrum food and beverage experience. He currently owns Sun Garden Cafe, as well as a food and beverage consulting company that specializes in concept development. Q. How did you go about bringing John Jr. and Rick into the business? A. I remember presenting the idea to my brother John in July of 2017 on a family vacation. After 30 seconds of me casually pitching the idea, the first thing he said was, “I’m in.” He immediately saw the vision and potential, and when we presented it to Rick, he felt the same way. So, for the past year, the three of us have been developing this project together.

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC



that cover lifestyle, creativity, health, and more in the Studio + Lounge. Z6557 Superior Ave. 941-312-5630, www. woldgingerapothecary.com Gulf Gate Barber Shop has been an institution in the community for years, owned by Kyle Flannery. The superclean barbershop’s clientele is comprised of primarily men, but the shop services children as well. If you have been a longtime patron of the former Siesta Key Village Barber Shop Scott Reich, you can find him here. The two barbers bring over 70 years of knowledge to your haircut. See their ad in centerspread pages of this edition. 6675 Gateway Ave in Gulf Gate, 941-809-9028.

• St. Boniface Episcopal Church 5615 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key, 941-349-5616 www.bonifacechurch.org Off- Island: •Temple Sinai, a Reform Congregation (The closest Jewish congregation to the Key for visitors) 4631 S. Lockwood Ridge Rd, Sarasota, 941-924-1802 www.templesinai-sarasota.org • St. Andrew United Church of Christ (Protestant) (In the Gulf Gate area, near Beneva and Gulf Gate Drive) 6908 Beneva Road, Sarasota, 941.922.7595 www.uccstandrew.org • The Superior Word - Rev. Charlie Garrett Service starts Sunday mornings at 10am. Bring a friend and share in God’s word. 6512 Superior Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34231 • First Christian Church 7601 Clark Road, Sarasota, FL 34241. 941-922-4434 www.fccsarasota.com

simple cremations



simple burials



Online arrangements available Sarasota (941) 312-6371 | Manatee (941) 213-9234 SoundChoiceCremation.com


Siesta Sand


Siesta Sounds

What a great month Siesta Key has in store for music and food lovers! December begins with a huge family-friendly event at the pavilion of Siesta Key Public Beach (948 Beach Road) and ends with a romantic New Year’s Eve party at one of the funkiest and most popular clubs in Siesta Village. Even if most of 2018 stunk (literally and figuratively), this closing month just may make up for it and get 2019 off to a good start. O.K. So right from the get-go the music offering is over the top, all day long, and a blast for everybody. Bring the whole family to spend a day or two out on Siesta Beach enjoying the 3rd Annual Siesta Seafood and Music Festival (Saturday, December 1 and Sunday, December 2 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day). If you’ve never been to this beautiful setting named best beach in the U.S. by Dr. Beach and was also named tops on TripAdvisor’s ranking, you’ll see how it earned those accolades. We’ll leave most of the non-music details to the festival web site (https:// tinyurl.com/y7rq23qw) and focus here on the details of this gathering of some of the area’s best bands all in one place for you, plus four renowned tribute bands. Here’s your guide to who is playing what on which day at what time: ON SATURDAY, December 1 - The day’s music begins at 11 a.m. with an hour of the exotic Caribbean sounds of the Sarasota Steel Pan Band. If you’ve never heard this type of music you’ll probably be surprised by how beautiful and different it is, and so evocative of the islands you could hear it in a subway and imagine yourself in the tropics. On one of the world’s greatest beaches, it’s absolutely perfect!

BLASE CAFÉ In the Village 941-349-9822 DAIQUIRI DECK RAW BAR In the Village 941‐349‐8697


By Charmaine Engelsman-Robins

Enjoying the end of 2018 and bidding it a fond farewell




Amandah Jantzen (3, 10, 17) 6‐10 PM CLOSED CHRISTMAS EVE New Year’s Eve: 7‐Midnight Callie & The Whole Band SEE ABOVE FOR ARTICLE

Then in a change of pace, from 12:30 to 2 p.m. it’s absolute get down soul and funk from Reverend Barry and the Funk, so if you haven’t done so already, you’ll kick off your flip flops and dance in the sugar soft white quartz sand like a native ... and who could blame you? This is great dancing music! If you’re a fan of all things reggae, save a little of that energy for the Bob Marley Tribute Band featuring Yvad; their 90 minute set begins at 2:30 p.m., Monday, and keeps that island beat alive till 4:00 p.m. After a little break you’re in for a double treat, and it couldn’t be more fitting: at 4:30 p.m. the Beach Boys tribute group, The Shindigs take the stage to bring you those great tunes and harmonies that rocked so many of our summers, and still do. They’ll keep it coming until 6 p.m., but at 5:36 p.m. you might want to turn around to watch one of our nothing-short-of-spectacular Siesta sunsets. PLEASE NOTE - VERY SPECIAL GUESTS on Saturday are the adoptable pets from the Humane Society of Sarasota County, arriving in style via the HSSC’s “Big Mac” mobile adoption center. The holidays are coming, now is the perfect time to show a little love by adopting, sponsoring an animal, volunteering, or making a general donation to this great organization that really busts butt to assist and save animals in distress all year long. The staff and the animals need your support; please do whatever you can! ON SUNDAY, December 2 - You are gonna have so much fun with these four great bands! The music starts at 11 a.m. with an hour of Latin funk, Motown music and very danceable R&B from the wildly popular Big Night Out. Next up is Florida’s own Kettle of Fish, 12:30 - 2 p.m., featuring what their lead singer sometimes describes as “songs you forgot you knew and loved” as well


Nancy Gauvreau th th (4 & 11 ) th Evan Eastmoore (18 ) CLOSED CHRISTMAS 6‐10 PM

WEDNESDAY Savanah Brady 6‐10 PM

as some “originals that don’t sound like originals.” A seasoned group with the confidence to go their own way and bring audiences something not heard from every other band, their following continues to grow while they hold a faithful fan base that often includes a celebrity face or two in the audience. Closing out the day and the festival are two tribute bands that are bound to please music lovers from both the beachy south and the urban north. Parrotheads will delight in the 2:30 - 4 p.m. performance by Jimmy Buffet Tribute band, Caribbean Chillers ... and because you’ll be out in the open air with the beach breeze blowing, you don’t even need to feel self-concious about singing along. (It’s Buffet. You know you want to.) Closing act is for the rockers among us. Prepare to enjoy a little bit of Britain with Rolling Stones tribute group, The U.S. Stones at 4:30 p.m. and playing right through another gorgeous Siesta sunset until 6 p.m. So that should get your December off to a good start, and we all know what comes next, right? Hectic weeks of holiday

THURSDAY Rob Viola (6,13,20) th Nancy Gauvreau (27 ) 6‐10 PM

FRIDAY Callie & The Whole Band 6‐10 PM

shopping, preparation and celebration with friends and relatives, sometimes referred to as The Annual Years-End DysfunctionPalooza. Uh-huh. When you’ve had more than enough of all the work that goes into creating the childlike wonder of Christmas, get ready for a grown up send off for 2018. Put away the shorts, flip flops, and (intentionally) ugly Christmas sweaters. Take a deep breath. Get out your holiday finest and reward yourself for getting through this holiday season ... indeed this crazy year ... by indulging in an adult evening of New Years Eve partying at the Blase Cafe & Martini Bar. (Reservations suggested: 941.349.9822, your call will be returned.) Throughout the evening there will be special food and drink offerings, with Callie Chappell and the Whole Band playing from 7 p.m. till midnight, when free champagne helps you end the evening and the year. I hope it was a good one, and that your 2019 will be even better.

SATURDAY Lady B & the Buzz (8,22,29) th Nexxlevel (15 ) 6‐10 PM


Alex Ross Mojo Revival (2nd) th

Nick LeValley (9 ) Bird Tribe (16 & 23) th Lisa Ridings Band (30 ) 6‐10 PM


LIVE MUSIC (3‐7 PM) DJ K Conn (10 PM)

BREE (3‐7 PM)

6‐10 PM st Berry Oakly & Friends (21 ) Deven Starr & Gabe Strange th (28 ) DJ KConn – 10 PM

PEDRO: 1 PM st 6‐10 PM: Alowicious (1 ) th Skyway (8 ) th Beach Monkeys (15 ) nd Bird Tribe (22 ) th Ted Stevens (29 ) DJ KConn – 10 PM

1 PM Frankie Lombardi (2 & 16) Rob Viola (9th) LIVE MUSIC Bird Tribe (2 & 9) Skyway (16 & 30) Fever Tree (23rd) DJ Tuesday – 10 PM

GILLIGANS In the Village 941-346-8122

Rodney Shenk: 6‐10 PM


6‐10 PM th th Deven Starr (5 & 19 ) th th Mike Tozier (12 & 26 )

RPM LIVE ‐ 6‐10 PM DJ Nate – 10 PM

Lelu’s Coffee Lounge In the Village 941-346-5358

Eddie James Jazz Band 7‐10 PM

1‐5 PM: Greg Short Duo (3rd) Rob Viola (10th) Frankie Lombardi (17th) Beans & Seeds (24th) Al Donadi 7‐11 PM Bre Rivera 31st Only) 8 PM ‐ Midnight

1‐5 PM: J. Gilton (4th) Rob Viola (18th) Open mic night 7‐11 PM Gabe Strange Band (25th) 7‐11 PM

1‐5 PM: Deven Starr (5 & 19) Frankie Ray (12 & 26) Kettle of Fish 7‐11 PM

1‐5 PM: Dana & Co. FolkLab 7‐11 PM

1‐5 PM Whiteleather (7 & 28) 2‐6 PM Whiteleather (14 & 21) 8‐Midnight Messenger Band (7 & 28) Last Minute Band (14th) Deven Starr Band (21st)

1‐5 PM: Bri Rivera (1, 15 & 29) Evan Eastmore (8 & 22) Mike Tozier 8‐Midnight

10 AM 1 PM Mike Tozier (2, 16 & 30) Vince Colaiocco (9 & 23) 1‐5 PM Ty Kirkland (23rd only) 7 ‐11 PM: The Whole Band (2,16 & 30) Hatley Band (9th & 23rd )

SIESTA KEY OYSTER BAR (SKOB) In the Village 941‐346‐5443

THE BEACH CLUB In the Village 941-349-6311 THE COTTAGE In the Village 941-312-9300 THE HUB‐BAJA GRILL In the Village 941-349-6800 BACKROOM SALOON @ CAPT. CURTS Crescent Beach Shops 941‐349‐3885 SNIKI TIKI @ CAPT CURTS Crescent Beach Shops 941‐349‐3885 Turtle Beach Grill Southern end of SK 941‐349‐2280 SAND DOLLAR POOL BAR @ Best Western Plus 6600 S. Tamiami Trl. Sarasota 941‐924‐4900 BOATYARD WATERFRONT BAR & GRILL 1500 Stickney Pt. Rd. 941‐921‐6200 CASEY KEY FISH HOUSE 801 Blackburn Pt. Rd, Osprey 941‐966‐1901

Karaoke Mondays 9 PM – Midnight st NYE Party (31 ) TL Cash Balloon Drop @ Midnight

DJ Coz or DJ Kensi 9 PM – 2 AM

DJ Coz 10 PM

8 – 11 PM: th Funks (7 ) th TL (14 ) st Stereo FM (21 ) th No Filter (28 ) Live DJ: 11 PM‐2 AM

Live Music 7-10 PM

Live Music 7-10 PM

Live Music 7-10 PM

Live Music 6-9 PM

Live Music 1 – 4 PM 4:30 – 7:30 PM 8:30 PM –midnight

Live Music 1-4 PM 4:30 – 7:30 PM 8:30 PM - midnight

Live Music Noon – 3 PM 3:30 – 6:30 PM 7-10 PM











Joker Duo 5‐9 PM



Live Music 6-9 PM

Live Music 6-9 PM

Live Music 6-9 PM

Live Music Noon – 3 PM 3:30 – 6:30 PM 7-10 PM

Live Music Noon – 3 PM 3:30 – 6:30pm 7-10pm

Live Music Noon – 3 PM 3:30 – 6:30 PM 7-10 PM


Mike Tozier & Chris Otto 5‐8:30 PM



Live Music Noon – 3 PM 3:30 – 6:30 PM 7-10 PM KARAOKE 9 PM – CLOSE LIVE MUSIC 6‐10 PM


Dezi (Island Sounds) 5‐8:30 PM

RPM 5‐9 PM

Bri Rivera 5‐8:30 PM

LIVE MUSIC 3‐6 PM Richey Kicklighter Band 5‐9 PM LIVE MUSIC 4‐8 PM

Above information is subject to change. We suggest calling venues for confirmation.

8 – 11 PM st Sweet Spot (1 ) th Mixed Signals (8 ) th Torched (15 ) nd 22N (22 ) th Live Band (29 )

8 PM –Midnight nd th Jah Movement (2 & 9 ) rd Propaganjah (23 ) th Nostaljah (16 ) 7‐11PM th Panama (30 )




Island Humor A guy falls asleep on the beach for several hours and gets a horrible sunburn all over his body. He goes to the hospital and is promptly admitted after being diagnosed with second degree burns on his legs. He was starting to blister and in pain by the time the doctor arrived. To help, the doctor prescribed an IV with saline and electrolytes, a sedative, and a Viagra pill every four hours. The attending nurse was rather surprised by the prescription and asked, “What good will Viagra do him?” The doctor replied, “It will keep the sheets off his legs.” A man who suffered from impotence went to see a doctor, who gave him a monkey gland implant, which worked perfectly. Nine months and two weeks later, his wife had a baby. When the nurse came out of the delivery room with the news, he said, “Is it a boy or a girl?” The nurse said, “We won’t know until it comes down off the

chandelier.” An old Italian Mafia Don was dying and he called his grandson to his bed. “Grandson, I wannna you lisin to me. I want for you to take my chrome plated 38 revolver so you will always remember me.” “But Grandpa, I really don’t like guns---how about you leaving me your Rolex watch instead?” “You lisina to me! Someday you goina be runna the business, you goina have a beautiful wife, lotsa money, a big home, and maybe a couple of bambino. Someday, you goina coma home and maybe finda your wife in bed with another man. What do you do then? Point to your watch and say TIMES UP?” Three ladies were discussing the travails of getting older. One said, “Sometimes I catch myself with a jar of mayonnaise in my hand, while standing in front of the refrigerator, and I can’t remember whether I need to put it away, or start making a sandwich.”


6500 Gateway Ave • 941.554.8905

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Celebrating milestone anniversary The second lady chimed in with, “Yes, sometimes I find myself on the landing of the stairs and can’t remember whether I was on my way up or on my way down.” The third one responded, “Well, ladies, I’m glad I don’t have that problem. Knock on wood,” as she rapped her knuckles on the table, and then said, “That must be the door, I’ll get it!”

On Monday, November 19th Siesta Key Oyster Bar (SKOB) celebrated 15 years in business. They celebrated by bringing back a few favorite menu items from 15 years ago and rolling back prices on other items. Every guest participated in their raffles that took place every hour from noon until midnight! SKOB has been the Hot Spot on Siesta Key for 15 years and a few of the bands and musicians have stood the test of time playing at SKOB for the entire 15 years. They’re featured on SKOB’s 15 Year Anniversary shirt “Rocking Siesta Key Oyster Bar.” They ordered a limited quantity but still have a few left. Come in or go to www.skob.com to order yours before they are all gone. 5238 Ocean Blvd. Siesta Key Village, 941-346-5443.

Jim and Mary were both patients in a mental hospital. One day while they were walking past the hospital swimming pool, Jim suddenly jumped into the deep end. He sank to the bottom and stayed there. Mary promptly jumped in to save him. She swam to the bottom and pulled Jim out. Becoming aware of Mary’s heroic act, the medical director immediately ordered her to be discharged from the hospital, as he now considered her to be mentally stable. When he went to tell Mary the news, he said “Mary, I have good news & bad news. The good news is you’re being discharged, because since you were able to jump in and save the life of another patient, I think you’ve regained your senses. The bad news is, Jim, the patient you saved, hanged himself with his bathrobe belt in the bathroom. I am so sorry, but he’s dead.” Mary replied, “He didn’t hang himself, I put him there to dry.” A mother and father took their 6-year-old son to a nude beach. As the boy walked along the beach, he noticed that some of the ladies had boobs bigger than his mother’s, and asked her why. She told her son, “The bigger they are the dumber the person is.” The boy pleased with the answer, goes to play in the ocean but returns to tell his mother that many of the men have larger ’units’ than his dad. His mother replied, “The bigger they are the dumber the person is.” Again satisfied with this answer, the boy returns to the ocean to play. Shortly after, the boy returned again. He promptly told his mother, “Daddy is talking to the dumbest girl on the beach and the longer he talks, the dumber he gets.”

Karaoke Thursday, Friday & Saturday


Siesta Sand


BARS & NIGHTCLUBS Capt. Curt’s Backroom Saloon................B-3 #7 Crescent Club........................................... C-3 #13 Sniki Tiki....................................................B-3 #8 DELIS / BAKERIES A Taste of Germany................................ C-3#14 Anna’s Deli & Sandwiches.................. C-3 #14 Nutritious You......................................... C-3 #14 The Beach Deli @ Crescent Beach Grocery......B-3 #1 DRUG STORES Davidson Drugs..................................... C-3 #14 FASHION & ACCESSORIES Fin Island Co............................................. A-3 #2 CB’s Saltwater Outfitters........................ A-3 #4 Coconuts Fashion......................................B-3 #1 Coconuts / Island Colors..........................B-3 #8 Green Turtle Swimwear......................... C-3 #14 Key Casual Fashions............................... D-3 #17 Things You Like...................................... C-3 #14



GIFTS & SOUVENIRS Capt. Curt’s Souvenirs.............................B-3 #8 Green Turtle Shells & Gifts................. C-3 #14 Sunshine Sand Hidden Treasures........ D-3 #17 Silver City Jewelry.................................. C-3 #14 HEALTH & BEAUTY Sanctuary Siesta Key............................... A-5 #12 Siesta Key Salon & Spa........................... D-3 #17 The Key Spa & Salon.............................. A-5 #12 ICE CREAM & TREATS Orange Octopus .......................................B-3 #8 INTERNET / WiFi SERVICES Davidson Drugs..................................... C-3 #14 Mail Pack Center..................................... C-3 #14 LIQUOR STORES Crescent Beach Grocery...........................B-3 #1 Crescent Club............................................B-3 #13 Siesta Spirits............................................. C-3 #17

MAILING & SHIPPING Mail Pack Center..................................... C-3 #14 US Post Office Sub Station..................... C-3 #14 MARKETS 7-11 Store.................................................. C-3 #16 Big Water Fish Market.......................... C-3 #17 Crescent Beach Grocery...........................B-3 #1 MISCELLANEOUS Moving & Storage....................................B-3 #10 Flowers by Fudgie................................... D-3 #17 REAL ESTATE / RENTALS Beckmann Properties.............................. C-2 #15 Homes & Condo Rentals........................ D-3 #17 Re/Max Tropical Sands............................B-3 #1 Siesta 4-Rent............................................ C-3 #14 Waterside Realty..................................... C-3 #17 RESTAURANTS / CAFES A Taste of Germany................................ C-3#14


Boatyard Waterfront Bar & Grill...............A-5 #12 Capt. Curts Crab & Oyster Bar.................B-3 #7 City Pizza Italian Restaurant................. D-3 #17 Clayton’s Siesta Grille...............................B-3 #9 Daiquiri Deck.................................................A-3 #2 Spear Fish Grill..............................................A-4 #5 Toasted Mango Cafe....................................C-3 #17 Miguel’s Restaurant................................ C-3 #17 Munchies.................................................. C-3 #17 WATER SPORTS - FISHING - RENTALS A to Z Beach & Bike Rentals.................. A-5 #12 FIN Island Co. . ........................................ A-3 #2 CB’s Saltwater Outfitters........................ A-3 #4 Parasail Siesta............................................ A-3 #2 Siesta Key Bike & Kayak . ......................B-3 #8 Siesta Key Marina.................................... A-4 #5 Siesta Key Jetski . ...................................... A-3 #2 Siesta Sports Rentals............................. C-3 #14 Waves Boat & Social Club...................... A-5 #12

Big Water Fish Market................................C-3 #17

“Home of the Orange Squeeze!”

OPEN 11:00 AM – 10:00 PM DAILY


Homemade Ice Cream

Sundaes l Shakes l Smoothies l Coffees Espresso l Cappuccinos

1220 Old Stickney Point Rd., Siesta Key In the Captain Curt’s Plaza Map B-3#8


Expires 12/31/18

Open 5 pm pm Map C-3#14 O pen77DDays ays99am am--5


“Voted Small Business of the Year 941-346-1797 by Siesta Key Chamber”

RepaiRs, sales anD accessORies New 50cc Scooters

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6551 Midnight Pass Rd., Siesta Key, FL in Southbridge Mall • Map C-3#14



SCOOTER RENTALS f f o Half Days/Full Days/Multi Day Rentals with this Coupon EXPIRES 12/31/14 EXPIRES 12/31/18

Bikes • Kayaks • Scooters • Kayak Tours



GERMAN BAKERY & CAFE German café offering fresh soups and sandwiches on freshly baked breads!

Rum Cakes Breakfast Lunch German Beers and Brats

941-346-1800 • www.ATasteofGermany.net 6575 Midnight Pass Rd., Siesta Key (South of Stickney Pt.)

Map C-3 #14

Map B-3#8

A Taste of Germany 6575 Midnight Pass Rd.

MAP C-3 #14

Anna’s Deli 6535 Midnight Pass Rd.

MAP C-3 #14

Big Water Fish Market 6641 Midnight Pass Road

Boatyard Waterfront Bar & Grill 1500 Stickney Point Rd.

MAP A-5 #12

CB’s Saltwater Outfitters 1249 Stickney Point Rd.

MAP A-3 #4

Coconuts Fashion MAP 1215 Old Stickney Point Rd. B-3 #1&8

Crescent Beach Grocery 1211 Old Stickney Pt. Rd.

MAP B-3 #1

Siesta 4-Rent 6555 Midnight Pass Rd.

MAP C-3 #14

Toasted Mango Cafe 6621 Midnight Pass Rd.

MAP C-4 #17

MAP C-3 #17



Water World

Captain Jim Klopfer’s Fishing Report


Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Notes from the Island Fishmonger

Adventure Charters 941-371-1390

Clark’s seared tuna at BWFM

Chef Clark allows the fire to create a nice sear on his blackened tuna plate Big Myakka River snook

December is a month that will test an angler’s ability to adapt to current conditions. Water quality will vary throughout the area as passing cold fronts churn up the Gulf of Mexico. The flats north and south of the passes will be more productive under these circumstances. After several days of nice weather, the water near the passes will clear and those areas will once again be good spots to fish. Creeks and canals will attract fish as water temperatures drop. Often times the tides will be very low in the morning in December. This will move trout, pompano, and other species off of the flats and into the deeper channels. There simply is not enough water up on the flat for them to be comfortable. Bouncing a jig down the sides of channel edges can be very productive. As the tide rises, fish will move up onto the flats to feed. Afternoon high tides can be the best time to fish the deep flats this time of year. A live shrimp under a cork is very effective, as are jigs with plastic grub tails. Natural colors such as olive, rootbeer, and motor oil work well in the slightly darker water. There are several creeks and countless canals in our area, and all of them are productive winter time spots. Phillippi Creek and the Grand Canal on Siesta Key are some of the most popular fishing holes. Rapala X-Raps work very well on snook and jack crevelle for anglers who prefer to cast artificial baits. They elicit explosive strikes and allow anglers to cover a lot of area fairly quickly. Once fish are located, large live shrimp and slowly worked soft plastic baits will also catch their share. Sheepshead and black drum will be found in the deeper holes, a live shrimp works best for these tasty bottom dwellers. Several rivers lie a short drive east of Siesta Key and offers visitors a unique angling opportunity; the chance to catch a trophy snook casting plugs while experiencing fantastic scenery. This is truly “Old Florida” and is a quiet and serene trip in a great natural setting. Along with snook, bass, baby tarpon, gar, and other species are encountered. Alligators and exotic bird life is seen on most trips as well. Both Big Pass and New Pass will be good spots to fish when the water is clean, especially on the morning incoming tide. Jigs bounced off the bottom will catch pompano, bluefish, Spanish mackerel, and ladyfish. Structure in both passes will attract sheepshead, along with grouper, snapper, flounder, and other species. Slack tides are the best times to fish these spots, a swiftly moving tide makes getting the bait to the bottom difficult. The many docks along Bird Key are especially productive for sheepies. Surf casters all along Siesta Key will score on whiting, silver trout, flounder, and more using live and frozen shrimp. A #1 hook with just a little bit of weight works best. Silver spoons will catch mackerel if they are still around, along with ladyfish.

Tuna being graded prior to shipping to BWFM

TUNA TRENDS Our boat gently rocks atop the calm sea. The crew consists of my best friends: Captain David, David 2, first mate Lee, Kevin and me. The air is still and peaceful, seagulls are all I see. The crew quiet and sun kissed in the face as we admire all the fish we slayed. There is only one disappointment today as we don’t have any luck finding the bill fish we prey. We ice our groupers and snappers and pull in our lines. Then all of a sudden BAMMM! It was tuna time. The Gulf came alive as a tuna hit our last long line. This was an exciting moment for our crew of amateur fishermen as a tuna catch of this size had been dreamed of but always seemed a little out of reach for us. It seemed like the tuna was reserved for the pros such as our experienced Gulf Coast charter captains or the TV stars of the Wicked Tuna show… but not on this day. After about an hour we landed this beautiful fish and pulled it in the boat. On the way home Captain Dave opened up his glovebox underneath the fish finders only to pull out a bottle of Soy and Wasabi. He proclaimed, “I knew I would have a use for this one day.” The yellowfin tuna we caught that day is a species of tuna that is mild and full of flavor with a firm texture. In my opinion, the only way to eat it is raw or seared. In most cases the Big Water Fish Market customer is always right, but it is definitely looked down upon to order this fish any other way other than rare in this seafood haven. The most common type of tuna found at the Big

Water is yellowfin tuna found in deep sub-tropical waters. Known as Ahi in Hawaii this US tuna is a #1 graded fish because of its good color and high fat content. In order for Tuna to be considered a sashimi grade fish in the states the whole fish or loin needs to be flash frozen immediately on the boat and stored for 48 hours then inspected to ensure our safety to eat it raw. Tuna is a trendy fish, as evidenced when Sushi became popular in the states in the 80’s. Then a dish called tuna tartar was introduced in upscale restaurants. The most recent tuna trend to hit the local seafood scene is a dish called tuna poke, made popular in Hawaii. At the Big Water Fish Market on Siesta Key we feature Tuna Tuesday where Chef Clark Andrews puts on a “tuna clinic.” With help from the staff, Clark puts out mouth-watering seared tuna specials such as a blackened seared tuna plate, tuna burgers, Poke bowls and tuna tartar soft shell tacos served with freshly made guacamole and pico de gallo. Looking back on that day trip, I know it was a special moment among friends. One that’s only increased 100% because of the tuna sashimi we ate on the sunset drive home. Happy Holidays and New Years from your staff at the BWFM. Live well....Eat Fish Scott Dolan Big Water Fish Market 6641 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key 941-554-8101 www.BigWaterFishMarket.com

DECEMBER 2018 TIDE CHART Florida, St. Petersburg, Sarasota, Sarasota Bay

December 2018

N 27° 20' / W 82° 33' Date









High Tide 1.5


High Tide 1.6


Low Tide 0.8


Low Tide 0.4




















































































































































































































































































































Kathleen D Sailing Catamarans



























Let’s go sailing, KATHLEEN D Sailing Catamarans, serving Siesta Key from 3 locations: Downtown Sarasota, Longboat Key, and Anna Maria Island. If you would like to experience being on the water viewing Dolphin Watches, Sunset Sails, Snorkeling and Shelling call us at 941-870-4349 or go to our web site for detailed information www.kathleend.net USCG Certified for 20 passengers.

















































































©2018 FreeTideTables.com - For comparison only - Times are local - Tides in feet from MLLW





12:12p 3rd


Siesta Sand


Arts on the Horizon September Song

One of the lines in that Kurt Weill/Maxwell Anderson song is Oh, it’s a long long while from May to December. Yes, May to December can seem like quite some time if it’s only the beginning of May, and awfully short if you’re already entering December. And, if it’s the last few days before (insert name of holiday here) and you haven’t gotten all the gifts you need, then it’s really time to panic. What is one to do? Hiring a personal shopper is one approach and moving to Patagonia is another - it’s summer in Patagonia (high of 72ºF) - so that’s actually not too bad of an idea. Another solution is - buy some stuff now - or at least as soon as you can. Please, finish drinking your coffee and reading this newspaper. The first step in buying a present for someone is to look for something to buy. Sounds easy but actually it can be a bit of a drag. So many places to look. Luckily, others have already been looking for you. Last May, a call went out to many artists throughout America to submit entries for the Sarasota Art and Handmade Home Show being held this December (November 30th - December 2nd) at Robarts Arena (Ringling Blvd, east of Tuttle). If you would rather attend the American Fine Craft Show that has been held at about this same every year, that’s quite OK, because it is the same show, just with a name change. Seems like they would like to emphasize the fact that the items on display are actually made by hand - the hands of the artists selling the items at the show. Yes, you get to meet the people who made these precious works of personal art before you purchase them. So, what are these 25 artists showing this year? Oops, not 25, it’s one hundred and twenty-five artists showing their work - you can attend for one day or for all three depending upon how many gifts you need to buy for friends and family (and don’t forget, for yourself). So many one of a kind items are available: carved and lathed wooden objects (Steven Potts’ work comes to mind), and Bling, yes there is plenty of jewelry by Sarasota artist Vicki Rollo and others, to satisfy anyone with great taste. And how about a Parker Converse custom built rocking chair - bet your special giftee won’t get two of these. Wearables are always in fashion, (“wearable” as in fabric and leather), and the sculpted pieces of glass, metal, ceramics and combinations thereof are quite extraordinary. Info at: sarasotaartandhandmadehomeshow. com.



By Rodger Skidmore Give me a break

Art, when you first experience it, is something that strikes your senses in a new way - if that makes any sense. And, for the Ringling Museum, that art does not have to be hung on the wall or set upon a pedestal in the rose garden. Art, in many, many ways, can strike your ears, just as surely as it can startle your eyes, on its way to your brain. Break dancing to music and spoken poetry is one of these many ways. In his new work, Point of Interest, Raphael Xavier brings together a transcendent mix of movement in a mesmerizing take on hip hop and breaking. As a Guggenheim Fellow, Xavier has given a new prospective on this street bravado form of competitive dance that has only been associated in the past with youth. His multi-generational methodology illustrates a sustainability for this highly physical dance technique. A spinal infection paralyzed him temporally in 2007, forcing him to alter his approach to dance and to create new ways to move that could be creative and heal simultaneously. It is said that his understanding of movement, sound and musicality allows him to structure noises and sounds into captivating music that draws upon emotion and coincides with his choreography. As part of The Ringling’s New Stages series he will bring his team for solo, duet and quintet performances on November 30th and December 1st. Interested in learning about various breaking movements? Join Xavier in a Conversation the morning of Dec. 1st, in the Chao Lecture Hall at the Center for Asian Art, as he distills the art of breaking and discusses the importance of spoken word and poetry within his piece. For timely art in a more traditional mode there will be two sessions at the Ringling on Dec. 13th when there is a Gallery Walk & Talk about The Nativity. There is a great deal of beautiful art on the walls of this museum that one can pass by while admiring only their beauty. Having a docent or curator discuss the meaning of these paintings and why they were painted can be so much more meaningful. And speaking of gift giving for the holiday season, as we were above, there is a series of trunk shows in the

Ringling Museum store December 7 - 9 with handbags, jackets, jewelry, chocolates (eatable, not wearable), and ceramics. More info at Ringling.org.

The art of bowling

Knowledgable football players know that ballet dancers are more fit, have greater stamina, and use more muscles than they do - baseball players and golfers don’t even come close. Each field of endeavor brings its own challenges and those who participate bring their own set of skills into play. With those who bowl it is not brute strength but rather precision, focus and artistry. Yes, artistry. Just as ballet dancers use certain muscle groups to spin on their toes and then perform a beautiful grand jeté, those who bowl should have a vision and then slowly and artfully spin their clay, or carve their wood, into an exquisite bowls. The most beautiful bowls at this time of year are those that are created for Bowls of Hope and are used to feed the spirits of those who wish to give hope to others. Each year over 1,500 Sarasotians buy bowls that are hand crafted by local potters, artists and students. They then have them filled with delicious soups, breads, desserts, and more by over 40 of Sarasota’s finest restaurants and caterers. This marriage of beautiful giving and delicious food is performed, as always, by All Faiths Food Bank. This year’s Bowls of Hope event is being held December 2nd at Ed Smith Stadium, on 12th Street between Euclid and Tuttle from 11AM to 2PM. What is wonderful about the All Faiths approach is that they do not take the funds collected at this event to buy food for the hungry in Sarasota and DeSoto counties. Instead they use the money to collect donations from the food and grocery industries, local growers and food drives. They then inspect, store and distribute food to where it is needed most. This food is provided to those in need at food pantries, soup kitchens, schools, youth organizations and senior centers. While these activities are labor intensive, a great deal of the work is done by volunteers, which furthers the aims of this Sarasota community outreach program. More information about how to give or receive and to see how you can help, go to Allfaithsfoodbank.org. And, for a fun activity, go bowling on Dec. 2nd.

We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of this information. However, please be sure to always call ahead to confirm dates, times, location, and other information. WEEKLY BEACH CLASSES: • FREE T’AI CHI CHIH - Siesta Beach, Access #5 - Every Monday, 15 minutes before sunset. Open to all, no experience necessary. Contact Diana Daffner 941-346-1024 for information. (Access #5 is in Siesta Village, where Beach Rd. meets Ocean Blvd.) • FREE YOGA - Mon.-Wed.-Fri.-Sat. 9 a.m. Classes held between blue and green lifeguard station. Call 941-320-6693 to register or go to website for more info. www.yogaonsiestabeach.com/about • NIA - Tues. & Thurs., 9 a.m., Siesta Public Beach (yellow lifeguard chair). Contact Kathy Oravec at 941-724-9719 for more info or check website: www.nianow.com/kathy-oravec • SIESTA KEY BEACH HOOP JAMS – Every Tuesday one hour before Sunset on Siesta Key beach we gather for a community Hoop Jam. (Between the red lifeguard stand and the pavilion; around where the Sunday drum circle happens.) Register at: www.outwardspiral.net • YOGA ON TURTLE BEACH – Tuesdays, 8:30-9:30 am, starting December 4, 2018. Residents and visitors on the south end of Siesta Key can enjoy All-Levels Yoga through April 9, 2019. For more information about location or registration, please e-mail Julie at: julie@chesapeakeyoga.com WEEKLY DRUM CIRCLE: • Every Sunday about an hour before sunset. South of the main pavilion. You can participate or watch this weekly gathering and dance, hoop, play the drum or other musical instrument, and enjoy the spectacular Siesta sunset.

On The Beach… • DECEMBER 1(SAT) 9:30-10:30AM / BEACH UNIVERSITY: Beach University presents “Sliter and Hiss-Snakes in Florida.” The environmental education program is free and open to the public. All are welcome to attend the hour-long outdoor sessions with exceptional instructors and hands-on curriculum. All courses relate to the coastal environment and how to best care for the ecology. All classes will be held at the main pavilion, Siesta Beach, 948 Beach Road on Siesta Key. No registration is required. Limited seating is available. Bringing your own chair is acceptable. For more information, call the Sarasota County Contact Center at 941-861-5000 and ask about “Beach University.” • NOVEMBER 30 - DECEMBER 2 (FRI: 4-9PM; SAT & SUN: 11AM – 6PM) SIESTA BEACH SEAFOOD & MUSIC FESTIVAL: FREE Admission. The event is a unique blending of food, music and visual entertainment, affording attendees a potpourri of delectable seafood creations and delicious drinks prepared by the top restaurants in Siesta Key and Sarasota. Combined with the mouth-watering foods will be outstanding musical performances by local and regional musicians in a diversity of genres from rock ‘n roll, jazz, calypso, steel pan, R&B, and Caribbean sounds. Also part of the event is a marketplace of arts, crafts and fine products. Experience delicious, freshly-cooked foods and cool refreshing drinks while relaxing to outstanding live musical performances. See website for more info: www.seafoodfestivals.com • DECEMBER 8 (SAT) 7-11AM/ SANDY CLAWS 5K RACE: The 42nd Annual Sandy Claws Beach Run 5K and 1-Mile Fun Run takes place Saturday, Dec. 8 on

beautiful Siesta Beach, #1 beach in the USA! Set a fast pace on the hard-packed worldrenowned white quartz sands or enjoy a leisurely stroll along the shore. This race, co-sponsored by Sarasota County Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources and Dr. Heidi K. Anderson-DOCS, is sanctioned by the Manasota Track Club and chip-timed. 5K participants receive a custom finisher medal. Enjoy the post-race party with music, holiday-themed costume contest, raffle prizes, holiday photo op and food and beverages. Early packet pickup party, hosted by New Balance Sarasota, 1872 Stickney Point Road, is Thursday, Dec. 6 from 3-6 p.m. For more info or to pre-register, see: https:// www.active.com/siesta-key-fl/running/ distance-running-races/42nd-annualsandy-claws-beach-run-5k-and-1-mile-funrun-2018 • DECEMBER 22 (SAT)– 5PM / CHURCH OF THE PALMS CHRISTMAS SERVICE: Casual and contemporary Christmas Eve service. Sing your favorite Christmas carols, hear scripture lessons and worship with us as the sun goes down over the water. For additional questions, call us at 941-924-1323. Around the island… • WEEKLY FARMER’S MARKET IN THE VILLAGE: Every Sunday from 8am – 1pm in Davidson’s Plaza in the Village. 5124 Ocean Blvd. Produce, Plants & Flowers, Music, Art, Organic Skincare, Italian Olive Oil, and Freshly Prepared Foods. Listen to live music while you shop. • KIDS RHYTHM JAM!™ – 11:30AM: Drumming Fun For Everyone!™ . Every Saturday and Tuesday. Everyone gets permission to play and make noise to create rhythm and song! Come & enjoy group drumming with your family and friends. $15/ family - Positive RePercussions 5049 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key Village - (941) 677-3786.

Please check out our wide variety of other programs at: www.positiverepercussions. com/calendar • JANUARY 19 (SAT) 3-6PM FLY FISHING SCHOOL: CB’s Saltwater Outfitters, 1249 Stickney Point Rd, Sarasota, FL has announced dates for their OrvisEndorsed fly fishing schools for the upcoming fall through spring timeframe; Jan 19, Feb. 23, Mar. 16, and Apr 13, 2019. Located on Siesta Key, the schools will cover fly casting basics, line control, shooting line and the roll cast. Instructors, Capt. Rick Grassett and Capt. Ed Hurst, will also cover leader construction, fly selection and saltwater fly fishing techniques. The course, designed for beginning and intermediate fly casters, will focus on basics but also work with intermediate casters on correcting faults and improving casting skills. Cost for the schools, which will run from 8:30 AM to 2 PM, is $195 per person and includes the use of Orvis fly tackle and lunch. Contact CB’s Saltwater Outfitters at (941) 349-4400 or info@cbsoutfitters.com to make reservations. And Beyond… • PALM AVENUE FIRST FRIDAY GALLERY WALK / 6-9PM: Every month local galleries open their doors to the public for the evening, offering a chance to meet with artists and admire their work. See website for location map. www.palmavenue.org • TOWLES COURT THIRD FRIDAY ARTWALKS / 5-9PM: Gallery and studio openings on a moonlit evening of fun and beauty- both natural and handcrafted beauty. Free music, events, refreshments. Meet the artists, shop and dine in authentic “ Old Florida” in downtown Sarasota. 1938 Adams Lane Sarasota, Florida 34236. www.towlescourt.com




Astrology Insights

Psychic Readings: Predictions vs. Free Will By Rachel Brown Hackney Whether you’re a longtime resident, a returning snowbird or new to the area, one thing that’s hard to miss—besides the great weather and the Gulf—is the preponderance of psychics, mediums, astrologers, card readers and other mystical types. (Full disclosure: I am one of them, working as an intuitive astrologer at Wild Ginger Apothecary on Friday afternoons and their community events.) It’s a wonderful gift to be able to assist people during challenging times, offering them a larger context to their situation, faith that “this too shall pass” and a peek at what’s coming down the pike. It’s even better when they have several exciting opportunities and aren’t sure which would ultimately be best for them. Sometimes they come so overwhelmed by health, finances or a troubled family member that they can’t even formulate a question—they’re just seeking support and something to hold out hope for. But one issue that’s common to everyone who seeks a reading is—and it’s something I bring up with repeat clients—How much is “preordained” and how much is free will? Obviously, what people believe is a product of their upbringing, spiritual or religious beliefs and how much power they’ve been able to effectively exert over their lives in the past. (And then there are Aries, who believe everything is their free will!) It’s a tricky question, and over the decades of my practice, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about it and have had countless opportunities to watch the interplay in action. Plus my training in shamanism, energy healing, Buddhism, Jungian psychology and other psychotherapeutic models, quantum physics, neuroplasticity and just observing human nature has led to the development of my own philosophy about this all-important issue. So after 30+ years, I can say with confidence… “It all depends”—on the person who comes in for the reading. Some folks are stuck in deeply entrenched patterns of thinking, behaving, reacting… While certain superficial things might change in their lives, they have the same attitudes, eat the same foods, go through the same motions, don’t challenge themselves to experiment with new things, people or belief systems. Even when they claim they’re open to change…they’re really not. Fear is part of their stuckness, but so, too, is good old inertia. “A body at rest will remain at rest unless an outside force acts on it” is enough of a universal truth that Newton made it his First Law of Motion. It’s definitely easier, and usually more comfortable, to stay with what’s known and familiar—even when you’re not happy with the status quo. How many people do you know who are always talking about the things they’ll get around to “someday”? In our 20s, 30s and 40s, it’s a story we still kind of believe. Of course we’ll do those things; we’re just too busy now! And then suddenly we’re 60, 70, 80… and those dreams of running a marathon, taking a gap year or

sailing around the world are no longer realistic. So…order another pizza, cue up another Netflix. In my shamanic training, we call such predictable lives the “Probability Tunnel.” Given your genes, family of origin, the community you were raised in, person you married, how ingrained those beliefs are—and then filtered through actuarial tables—it seems like anyone could predict what’s going to happen! If we don’t shake things up and deviate from that preordained path, how much free will are we ever even exerting? We may think we make a dozen choices a day, but really, aren’t we just choosing which automated car wash to drive through? On the other hand, many people “wake up” and break the mold. They move away from the family, get jobs that align with their passions, marry for love not security, travel, read visionary authors, watch worldview-challenging documentaries—they live like a seeker, not a sheep. Sometimes they do different things simply because they’re different. These audacious folks have stepped out of the Probability Tunnel, and it’s harder to guess what lies ahead for them. (This is where the art of intuition comes into play.) Yet there’s a lot to be said for the accuracy of predictive work. I can absolutely see forces (à la Newton) that are acting on people, as symbolized by planetary motion. For instance, auspicious Jupiter just moved into Sagittarius in November for the first time in 12 years. Depending where that falls in your chart, it’ll bring growth and expansion. But how it affects you depends on you. If you never try anything new, what might expand? To the adventurous soul, the possibilities are limitless! Similarly, last month, disruptor Uranus retrograded back into Aries for the last two months in the 21st century. This can throw a wrench into some well-laid plans. If you want change and are open, nimble and masterful, this is thrilling news. But to the person who’s always waiting for the other shoe to drop, this might feel scary. Anyone can see the clouds; the wise soul knows to look for the silver lining. Ultimately, I think of astrology readings as similar to using a GPS system. If you’re lost, it can help you get back on track. But it’s even better for people who already have a good sense of where they want to go but just need a little help navigating the best route, avoiding the road blocks and getting a sense of their ETA. Suzanne Gerber (www.starsandstoneshealing.com) is a locally based intuitive astrologer, shamanic/energy practitioner and spiritual life coach. She works at Wild Ginger Apothecary in Gulf Gate on Friday afternoons on a drop-in basis and is available for private in-person and phone sessions by appointment. Publisher’s Note: Beginning January 2019, Suzanne will provide a monthly horoscope focusing on the most important shifts expected to occur for the upcoming month.

MarinerWord Search Answers on page 37 MarinerWord Search WORD LIST WORD LIST Always In Season Always In Season Aquarium Aquarium Arts And Culture Arts And Culture Blueways Blueways Boat Show Boat BocaShow Ciega Bay Boca Ciega Coliseum Bay Coliseum Dali Museum Dali GolfMuseum Courses Mahaffey Theater Golf Courses Maximo Park Mahaffey Theater New PierPark Park Maximo Peninsula New Pier Park Pinellas Trail Peninsula Port St Pete Pinellas Trail Skyway Fishing Pier Port St Pete Sports Stadium Skyway Fishing Pier Spring Training Sports Stadium Sunken Gardens Spring Training Sunshine City Sunken Gardens Sunshine Skyway Sunshine City Top Beaches Sunshine Tropicana Skyway Field Top Beaches Tyrone Square Mall Tropicana WaterfrontField Williams Park Mall Tyrone Square Yacht Basin Waterfront

Williams Park Answers on Page 76 Yacht Basin


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Siesta Sand





The Highs and Lows of Properties Sold on Siesta Key

Provided by Key Solutions Real Estate / www.keysolutionsrealestate.com

Following are properties sold on Siesta Key in the last 60 days, providing a snapshot of home values on the Key for both single family homes and condominiums.

HIGHEST PRICED SINGLE FAMILY PROPERTY: 16 SANDY HOOK RD S: SOLD FOR: $5,850,000 Nestled in the trees overlooking rolling waves from your private beach is this custom-built home rising high to the Gulf of Mexico shore. Thoughtful dĂŠcor and architectural design capture the eye, creating comfortable gathering spaces. The pool and spa, keenly situated between the home and guest house, is wrapped by an extensive terrace, extending up to an outdoor kitchen and more spaces to take in the serene views. Double doors open the home to a cozy foyer with herringbone patterned flooring and immediately to the office/library with heightened wood bookcases. The family room offers an intimate sitting area with built-in banquet and 28foot ceilings of tongue-and-groove wood. The true heart of the home is the kitchen centered between the family room and dining room, boasting a 16-foot black granite island, elements of pine, cherry and distressed painted wood cabinets complementing the glass tile backsplash and farmhouse sink. A bright dining room, with glass French doors leading to the terrace, brings the beach views inside, while grand windows flood the living room with light and panoramic ocean views. Completing the first level is the master suite with terrace access and two individual bathrooms. The second level provides an additional master suite with private balcony and en-suite, and two bedrooms with private baths. A three-stop elevator takes you to ground level to your personal waterfront sanctuary. All this within walking distance to the village and a short drive to downtown Sarasota. The sale of this property came to $1,024.75 a square foot. Courtesy of Michael Saunders.

LOWEST PRICED SINGLE-FAMILY PROPERTY: 358 AVENIDA MILANO: SOLD FOR: $470,000 Walk to Siesta Village and boat to the Gulf. This 3 bedroom, 2 bath house has it all, well maybe. It does need work! Seriously, this house has enormous potential, particularly as an investment! The sale of this property came out to $367.92 a square foot. Courtesy of Sarasota Land and Homes Real Estate.

HIGHEST PRICED CONDO: 1209 DOCKSIDE PL, #103: SOLD FOR: $655,000 Complete remodel in 2016 including new impact resistant sliding glass doors. Must see to appreciate the level of finish detail. This convenient first floor unit with oversized bedrooms, double master walk-in closets, private brick patio and extra parking space, features full harbor views, deeded boat slip (Sailboat water /boat up to 43’), new 10,000 lbs. boat lift and comes turnkey furnished. This will be the nicest property you show your buyers on Siesta Key! The sale on this unit came out to $465.52 a square foot. Courtesy of Key Solutions Real Estate. LOWEST PRICED CONDO: 113 PASS KEY RD, #113: SOLD FOR: $265,000 Full beautiful Gulf views in tropical Sandy Cove on fabulous Siesta Key. This cozy and very private 1 bedroom/1 bath condominium is perfect for a winter retreat/seasonal get-away or for a year-round home. This place is private, warm cozy and inviting. There is a historic, stunning clubhouse for your enjoyment. It has been said that the fishing is unbelievable and kayaking is great starting out from a small basin. Many owners meet daily for the spectacular sunsets. Sandy Cove is located a very short distance from Siesta Key Village with its wonderful boutique shops and fine restaurants. You will not only love it but you will also love tropical Sandy Cove. The sale came out to $440.55 a square foot. Courtesy of Michael Saunders.




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Sand sculpting winners, ninth annual Siesta Key Crystal Classic

2nd place team “Labor of Love”

1st place team and sculptor choice “Alice Down the Hole”

3rd place team “Let the Revolution Begin”

Awards were presented, Nov. 11, to winning teams of two and solo master sand sculptors. The Crystal Classic drew eight teams and eight solo artists from nations around the world, including South Korea, Canada, Italy, the Czech Republic, Singapore, United Kingdom, Lithuania, the Netherlands, and U.S. states including California, Washington State, Florida, Missouri, New York, Rhode Island, Illinois and Texas. Team sculptors Melineige Beauregard, Canada, and Andrius Petkus, Lithuania, won first prize ($4,000) for “Alice Down the Hole.” Second place Artist Team ($3,000): “Labor of Love,” by Craig Mutch, Canada, and DaeYoung Ji, South Korea Third place Artist Team ($2,000): “Let the Revolution Begin,” by Walter McDonald, U.S.A., & Abe Waterman, Canada

“With the addition of a solo artist competition, we increased the number of individual sand sculptures by 25% to a total of 16 individual sculptures. Following a difficult couple of months in the tourism industry, we were back to showcase Siesta Beach, the visual arts and our local businesses with one of the best sand sculpture festivals on the Gulf Coast,” says Event Chair, Maria Bankemper. “We were happy to be presenting four additional competing sculptures this year as we went to eight solo artist competitors and eight artist doubles competitors. We strive to make every year even better than the last. I’d like to thank all of our volunteers, sponsors, vendors and guests for helping us do just that, and for making this the most popular event on Siesta Key,” says Creator and Sand Coordinator, Brian Wigelsworth.




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That is not part of the proposed dredging area By Rachel Brown Hackney Research undertaken by leaders of the Siesta Key Association (SKA) this summer found county property that appeared to be within an area of Big Sarasota Pass targeted for sand removal for the long-term Lido Renourishment Project. SKA Vice President shared with Siesta Sand an Oct. 25 email that she received from Matt Osterhoudt, director of the county’s Planning and Development Services Department, in response to the SKA’s question about that property, known as Sand Dollar Key. Osterhoudt wrote that it “is located outside of the proposed dredging project limits.” However, Luckner pointed out that SKA has more questions that county staff has yet to answer. For example, she continued, based on information the SKA has received, the City of Sarasota has yet to submit a request to Sarasota County for use of the county’s Ted Sperling Park — on the southernmost portion of Lido Key — as a staging area for the renourishment project. Along with the placement of new sand, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) intends to construct two groins on South Lido to try to keep sand in place between renourishment initiatives, which it has estimated will be necessary every five years. The USACE and the city were co-applicants for the permit from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) for the dredging of sand from Big Pass for Lido. Luckner noted that the County Commission did send a letter to FDEP, during the permitting process, stating that the county expected a formal request from the city for use of county property before FDEP issued the permit. Dated Aug. 24, 2016 and signed by then-Commission Chair Alan Maio, the letter was sent to Gregory Garis, who was overseeing the Lido permit application process for FDEP. Maio noted that FDEP had received materials from the USACE on Aug. 1, 2016, in response to the department’s second Request for

Sand Dollar Island, located near Siesta Key

Additional Information (RAI2) about the project, as proposed. With that USACE submittal, Maio wrote, the issue of the staging area had come to the county’s attention. “Neither the USACE nor the City of Sarasota has contacted the County to seek authorization for this use,” Maio continued. “It is the County’s expectation that the FDEP evaluation of the materials submitted on August 1, 2016 will include a requirement for the USACE or City of Sarasota to obtain authorization for such use prior to moving the submittal for the Joint Coastal Permit forward in the review process,” Maio added. “Both the construction staging area and project design, including groin structures north of Ted Sperling Park at South Lido Beach, pose possible near and longterm impacts to the operations, maintenance, and management of the park,” Maio pointed out. Catherine Luckner and her husband, Robert, a member of the SKA’s Environmental Committee, have spent a considerable amount of time reviewing documents in the FDEP folder on the Lido project since the USACE submitted the application for the permit in March 2015. FDEP formally issued the permit on June 18. A search of the FDEP files for the Joint Coastal Permit found no indication that the city or the USACE sent a letter of request to the county regarding the use of Sperling Park. When SNL asked county staff whether it had any documentation of such a communication, Media Relations Specialist Brianne Grant wrote in an email, “As … Nov. 1, 2018, Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources has not received any requests (formal or informal) from

the City of Sarasota for the use of Ted Sperling at South Lido Beach (County-owned property) for staging equipment for the upcoming coastal enhancement.” Recently, Catherine Luckner also provided a copy of a USACE graphic submitted to FDEP in 2016, as part of the RAI2 exchanges with FDEP. It shows the 500-foot boundary around the proposed sand borrow areas and the parcels within that boundary. All owners of those parcels had to be notified of the USACE project plans, according to state law, she pointed out. Yet, when she and Robert Luckner researched the list of recipients of the notifications, the county was not among them — in spite of the fact that Ted Sperling Park clearly is within the notification area. Catherine Luckner wrote Osterhoudt in an Oct. 25 email that that information might be “of interest for you.”


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Illegal short-term rentals He has been working with county Code Enforcement staff on the situation. After staff has concluded its research, the report continues, it will “bring to the commission for consideration a proposed mechanism (e.g. ordinance amendment, fee resolution, etc.) that will provide for increased levels of fines.” Staff also has suggested the commission could amend the county’s zoning regulations to call for action such as a registration program for short-term rentals and requirements for landlords to provide fire extinguishers, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, and emergency exits and lighting. Potential amendments will be one topic on the Dec. 6 SKA agenda, Director Erin Kreis told about 60 members of the organization during the Nov. 8 meeting. A representative of county administration will be present next month, she said, to discuss the issue. (Note, this topic and speaker will be at a future meeting in 2019). One critical issue the staff report explains is that the county’s short-term rental regulations were adopted prior to a state law, which allowed them to stay in place. That Florida Statute says, “A local law, ordinance, or regulation may not prohibit vacation rentals or regulate the duration


Continued from cover story

or frequency of rental or vacation rentals. This paragraph does not apply to any local law, ordinance or regulation adopted on or before June 1, 2011.” “However, the County is constrained in making amendments to the existing regulations,” the report points out, because the county would run the risk of having the state law pre-empt the county law. As long as amendments do not impose a prohibition on rentals or modify the duration or frequency of rentals, the report indicates the county should have no fear of state recourse.

A bigger problem on Siesta During remarks on Oct. 9, as part of a regular meeting, Commissioner Maio referenced the emails he and his colleagues had been receiving about short-term rentals. “There seems to be a large concentration of offenses … on Siesta Key,” he said. The report affirms Maio’s observation, noting, “While there are illegal short-term rental cases on the mainland, there has been an increase in activity particularly on Siesta Key.” During the past months, Volpe of the SKA has explained to the nonprofit’s members

that the county Zoning Code allows a rental of an accommodation in a singlefamily residential district only once every 30 days. Nonetheless, given the rise in the popularity of Airbnb and other online services, such as Vacation Rental By Owner (VRBO), more and more property owners in neighborhoods zoned for single-family housing have been taking advantage of tourists’ interest in Siesta Key to market their homes for guests on a much more regular basis.

Possible new procedures and the costs In regard to other amendments of the Sarasota County zoning regulations, the staff report explains that the Cities of Holmes Beach and Anna Maria Island have adopted provisions that include guidelines regarding inspections of rental properties, parking and solid waste collection. “Should the Sarasota County Commission determine that an ordinance amendment is needed,” the report adds, “the Board would need to provide guidance on the scope of such an amendment. Staff would then move forward with the … process and provide the Board with analysis and proposed language for consideration.”

That part of the report does include a caveat: “Note that adding … regulatory provisions relating to short-term rentals would necessitate consideration of staffing resources and funding … to administer the regulations.” The county staff report explains that the Code Enforcement Division, which enforces the short-term rental zoning regulations, “is funded by the General Fund.” That account is made up primarily of property tax revenue. Although it is the most flexible source of the County Commission’s numerous “pots” of money from which to finance initiatives, commissioners and finance staff have explained, it also is the most constrained, because of the demands upon it. “In addition to normal working hours (Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.), Code Enforcement staff has utilized overtime funding to conduct after-hours and weekend inspections to investigate illegal short-term rentals as well as other alleged violations,” the staff report continues. In the budget the commission approved for the 2019 fiscal year — which began on Oct. 1 — $45,384 “has been allocated to overtime efforts,” the report points out.

Blooming This Month POINSETTIAS The familiar red poinsettias which are a favorite flower for the holiday season every year grow well in this area, given the proper care. The bright red petals are actually leaves in the top of the plant; they surround the actual flowers, which are yellow or green and accent the center of the display. Natives of Mexico, they bloom in late December in the semi-tropical climate. They can be grown here after the holidays by simply planting the individual plants in the ground, after making sure the soil is rich but has a lot of sand in it – and be sure to keep the soil fairly moist. This works well sometimes but fails sometimes, too. However, the most pleasure comes from making cuttings from branches of the mother plant and rooting them in pots. The soil should be rich potting soil mixed with clean sand and kelp slightly moist. They thrive in high heat and humidity, but they need dark

nights in the late Fall for nearly two months, for flower bracts to develop. Remember, not every cutting will survive, but many will do well. It is a true delight to grow your own plants to be given as gifts that will be happily received. Have fun! Submitted by Jan Johannesen, Sarasota Garden Club, 1131 Blvd. of the Arts, Sarasota, FL 34236 941-9550875 – Stop by our location for more information. Horticulture Study is the second Wednesday of every month. The next meeting is Dec. 12 at 9:30am – Design classes are once a month. The next class is Dec. 4th at 10am. The public is always welcome for a small fee. Don’t forget our Fashion show “SHIVOO MONTE CARLO” at the Hyatt January 25th.. www.sarasotagardenclub.org




Dropping Anchor at The Anchorage By Roger Drouin With a full offering of amenities — from the 75-foot by 35-foot oversized, heated swimming pool to lighted tennis courts and private boat docks — every day can feel like a vacation at The Anchorage Yacht and Tennis Club Condominium. And many owners at the 10-story tower do take advantage of the community’s on-site rental program and rent out their units to vacationers. Other amenities at The Anchorage also include: exercise room, deeded beach access, free WiFi, BBQ grills, lighted shuffleboard, and his and her saunas. “This is the first Siesta Key condominium people see as they come across Stickney Point Bridge,” says Realtor Bob Ruiz, of Key Solutions Real Estate. “It makes a wonderful first impression with beautifully landscaped grounds and water on two sides of the high-rise building. The tower is situated directly on the Intracoastal, and a very short walk to Crescent Beach, located across the street. It’s located at the corner of Stickney Point Road and Midnight Pass, and only a block to the mid-Key Village shopping and restaurants. “The building was constructed in 1976 and is extremely well maintained,” says Donna Capdarest, general office manager at The Anchorage. “Renters will check in, and are surprised how old the building is, and they will say ‘Boy, do you really maintain it,” Capdarest tells Siesta Sand. “We are always doing something to try to make it better.” Each of the 98 units at The Anchorage Yacht and Tennis Club Condominium has a balcony off the living room and each bedroom. The tower is comprised of two-bedroom, twobath units and three-bedroom, two-and-a-half bath units. The condo units range in size from 1,287 square feet to nearly 2,400 square feet. Those are larger-than-typical units for Siesta Key. Capdarest says the three-bedroom units go quickly in the rental program, as families like having the extra space for their vacation stay. Both owners and renters alike at The Anchorage can dock a boat at the community’s private dock for free, or rent one from a nearby marina. The pool itself is a prime asset. “A lot of people say they come here for the pool,” Capdarest says. “It is one of the largest pools on Siesta.” One of the lowest owner’s fees All of the amenities and features at The Anchorage come included in what realtors consider attractive owner’s fees. The monthly HOA fees are $367 monthly for the two-bedroom

units, and $613 for the three-bedroom units — among the lowest on the Key, says Capdarest. Realtor Bob Ruiz, of Key Solutions Real Estate, says the HOA fees are excellent, considering all of the amenities. The Anchorage is “an excellent value, great location,” says Ruiz. Capdarest says a big reason for the low HOA fees is the trio of wireless cell phone antennas on the roof of the tower. Leasing revenue for the antennas helps fund reserves and keep owner’s fees down. Within the community, there are 12 permanent residents, 44 owners whose units are in The Anchorage’s rental program, and the remainder are seasonal residents. Many of the seasonal residents, Capdarest says, come down in October and leave right after Easter. Ruiz explains The Anchorage is a very stable community, with little turnover. Three units are currently listed for sale at the 98-unit tower, and only one sold in the past year. Recent sales and listings: One unit has sold in the past 12 months, and a total of two have sold recently, Capdarest says. Three units are listed for sale. • One of the current listings includes a unit offered for $530,000 by Pamela Bayer, of Key Solutions Real Estate. This turnkey-furnished two-bedroom, two-bath unit (with 1,287 square feet) has an upgraded kitchen with lots of cabinet space and a granite breakfast bar. The listing works out to $411 per square foot. Other features include the spacious master bedroom with one walk-in closet and a second closet. The master bath has a walk-in shower and double sinks. The second bedroom has two twin beds. The unit has a southern view of the Intracoastal and partial view of the Gulf from the terrace, which is as long as the unit. • A larger, three bedroom unit with 2,358 square feet is listed for $748,500. This listing comes out to $317 a square foot. According to the MLS listing, with an open floor plan, recently-renovated kitchen, along with large balcony and 2,350 plus square feet under air, “this unit is ideal for year round residency and entertaining guests.” •A two-bedroom, two-bath unit sold for $545,000 in July, 2018, or $422 a square foot. The seventh-floor, corner unit faces the Intracoastal and has three large balconies. The unit was recently renovated. Features include renovated kitchen with new cabinets, stainless appliances, tray ceiling and granite counters. Other interior updates include, remodeled bathrooms, tank-less water heater, some impact sliders, new flooring, and new custom step in tub with jets.

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Siesta Sand




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Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


• SHORT WALK TO SIESTA BEACH: $450,000 195 Vista Hermosa Circle, #9-A, Siesta Key, FL. MLS# A4189942. Beautifully remodeled, 2 BR, 2 BA villa. Designer tile & carpet throughout. This villa is being sold turnkey furnished (with some exclusions). Dan Miller, Re/Max Tropical Sands. 941-376-7442 • FULL GULF VIEW OF #1 BEACH: $499,900 797 Beach Rd, #305, Siesta Key, FL. MLS# A4188853 Completely remodeled unit with high end tile floors in main living area, quality custom kitchen cabinets with granite counters. All the lighting has been upgraded throughout this TURNKEY FURNISHED (some artwork excluded) unit. Dan Miller, Re/Max Tropical Sands. 941-376-7442 • PALM ISLAND HOME ON THE GRAND CANAL: $899,000 322 Island Circle, Siesta Key, FL. MLS# A4199085 Recently renovated with new kitchen, new master BR and master BA. This house boasts a new boat lift on the Grand Canal. Privacy abounds with a lovely tropical view across the canal. Huge bonus area on lower level. Dan Miller, Re/ Max Tropical Sands. 941-376-7442 • SARA SANDS - Outdoor living at its best.- located at the end of a canal with a great water view, dock with lift, Tiki hut, beautiful pool, outdoor fireplace, huge screened lanai. 3/2 remodeled and furnished ranch home at the north end of Siesta Key. Easy bike to the Village and Beach. RV parking!. If you enjoy entertaining, this is the one! MLS# A4415047, $1,199,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz Bob: 941-544-3299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186. • THE POINTE - Penthouse! 1/1 at the southernmost end of Siesta Key. Incredible 270 degree views of the Gulf and Bay. Large lanai. Plentiful storage in the unit and on the first floor. Convenient underbuilding parking. Gated community with boat docks, kayak racks and dock, tennis, pool, spa, sauna, beautiful clubhouse, island gazebo with grilling, and more. MLS# A4401699, $349,999. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-544-3299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186. • THE POINTE - Renovated 2/2 penthouse with magnificent views. North to downtown Sarasota and South to Casey Key. See beautiful Neville Preserve and Little Sarasota Bay to the East and the Gulf of Mexico with Siesta’s amazing sunsets to the West. Penthouse unit. Sold furnished. MLS# A4406101, $569,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-544-3299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186. • EXCELSIOR - Fabulous 2/2 penthouse end unit with Bay views and private beach access! Totally renovated to include exquisite fixtures and furnishings. Soaring ceilings. Open and split floorplan. Turnkey. Great community with resortlike amenities. MLS# A4410196, $725,000. Key Solutions

Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-544-3299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186. • DOLPHIN BAY - This is the one! Incredible views of the ICW and Bay. Ideal floor plan - split bedrooms, huge living/ dining area, 2 bedrooms each with en-suite bath, kitchen with large sitting area/den/office. Fabulous outdoor living - large screened lanai overlooking the water and 2 patios off the front of the unit. Space for a 3rd bedroom. Walk to Siesta Beach and Village. MLS# A4415040, $699,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-5443299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186. • THE POINTE - Furnished - move right in to this lovely 4th floor 2 bedroom 2 bath unit with incredible 270 degree views. Southern end of Siesta with tree-lined streets for walking and biking. Walk to Turtle Beach and three restaurants. Gated community with every amenity. MLS# A4418300, $435,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-544-3299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186. • SARASOTA BEACH - Live your vacation in this stunning 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath property with boat dock and 10 lift. Walking distance to Siesta Beach and Village and a quick boat ride to the Gulf. Totally and exquisitely renovated. Wrap-around porches on two levels. Pool in fenced back yard. RV parking. MLS# A4418533 $1,350,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-5443299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186. • TRULY FABULOUS 2/2 WITH PRIVATE BEACH ACCESS. Completely renovated TOP FLOOR END UNIT with exquisite finishes and furnishings the unit is being sold, turnkey. The open floor plan with SOARING CEILINGS features a huge living room with views of the ICW and Bay. This is truly a must-see. 6285 MIDNIGHT PASS RD, #307, SARASOTA, FL 34242, MLS#A4410196, $725,000, Key Solutions Real Estate, 941- 894-1255. • ENJOY STUNNING SUNRISES AND SUNSETS from this lovely two bedroom, two bath PENTHOUSE condo at the southernmost end of Siesta Key. If you seek incomparable views look no further - wake to awe-inspiring sunrises over Neville Preserve on Little Sarasota Bay and marvel at the spectacular sunsets over the Gulf of Mexico. 9393 MIDNIGHT PASS RD, #P2, SARASOTA, FL 34242, MLS# A4406101, $569,000, Key Solutions Real Estate, 941894-1255. • GORGEOUS WATER VIEWS Deeded BOAT SLIP (boat up to 45’ length) comes with this TURNKEY FURNISHED 3/3 townhouse that shows like a model home. This rarely available unit features TWO FULL MASTER SUITES, loft/ media area, and oversized guest bedroom the list goes on. 1215 DOCKSIDE PL, #204, SARASOTA, FL 34242, MLS#A4215997, $899,000, Key Solutions Real Estate, 941894-1255. SPORTS RENTALS / ACCESSORIES CONTINUED • OUTDOOR LIVING AT ITS BEST! This incredible 3 bed, 2 bath property includes an 800 sq. ft. covered and • Siesta Sports Rentals – Located on Siesta Key, bike, kayak, screened lanai with gas fire pit, 75” television and top of the kayak tours, scooter, children strollers and car seats. Delivery and line furnishings to seat 25+!! A heated pool and hot tub/spa pickup available, 6551 Midnight Pass Rd, 941-346-1797 is perfect for the sunbather. Located at the end of a scenic canal, this home includes a boat dock with 20k lift, 2 jet ski TRANSPORTATION lifts, and tiki hut. Sold completely furnished, you really must see this property! 654 SANDY NOOK ST, SARASOTA, FL 34242 MLS#A4415047, $1,199,000, Key Solutions Real Estate, 941-894-1255.

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Siesta Sand

Off Key


By Robert Frederickson



From Palm Beach Disgrace to Consent Misplaced

Only in Florida...

The company selling those pendants worn by senior citizens so they can call for help if they take a spill or suffer some other medical emergency has a commercial that is as poignant as it is effective. It features a stricken senior involuntarily reposed on the kitchen floor plaintively exclaiming to an operator: “I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up!’ Sadly, that phrase pretty much sums up the position the Palm Beach County election office found itself in when its antiquated voting machines overheated and subsequently broke down in the course of a state ordered mandatory post-election vote recount, leaving Palm Beach unable to ‘stand up’ and fulfill the important constitutional duties entrusted to it. 65 of the state’s 67 other counties executed those duties without much in the way of drama. Beleaguered Broward County just to the south finished the recount on time, but was two minutes late transmitting its totals to election officials in Tallahassee, meaning the original total from election night would remain the official count for Broward, despite the recount adding over 800 votes to Governor Scott’s tally in his senate race against the incumbent democrat, Bill Nelson…a circumstance that led some observers to speculate the late transmission was intentional so those additional votes would not count. Broward overwhelmingly votes democratic. And its supervisor of elections Brenda Snipes, a democrat, has been involved in multiple controversies that critics say have demonstrated a willful disregard for Florida’s election laws. But it was Palm Beach’s epic ‘stumble’ that led Federal judge Mark Walker in Tallahassee to say the county had made Florida the ‘laughingstock’ of the entire world. Again…

Deja Vu All Over Again... If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result, then the city of Sarasota may have finally gone around the bend. Just witness plans to re-launch paid on-street parking in parts of the city. The last time this was tried back in 2011, the effort blew up big time. Business owners showed up at City Hall with bags over their heads with signs that read “Bag ‘em!” Citizens complained the meter displays were unreadable in the bright Florida sunlight; and even on cloudy days when the displays were visible, the instructions proved equally opaque. Then commissioner Shannon Snyder suggested in 2012 that the meters be taken to a shooting range where for $5 a shot, citizens could blow them to smithereens. Finally, the city raised the white flag. So the meters that cost the city upwards of $500,000 (some reports had the price tag as high as $1 million) went into storage after the vendor, Milwaukee based Duncan Solutions, refused to take them back for anything close to their original purchase price...mere pennies on the dollar was the best offer. …Which begs the question: might it have made sense to include a buy back clause in that 2011 purchase contract? But no...So confident was the city and its parking manager that the rollout would be smooth as silk.

Failure was never considered... That’s the thing about government: it’s the one place where failure is not a roadblock to advancement...not for careers or hare-brained ideas. Just witness the aforementioned Broward County Supervisor of Election Brenda Snipes and her string of ‘successes’ over the past 18 years. She’s still there, earning $180,000 a year. So the city will try again. The latest effort is set to commence in January on St. Armands Circle and adjacent streets when the city’s new parking garage opens. The rate will be $1.50 per hour for the prime spots on the circle and nearby streets; spots farther from those areas will be $1.00 per hour and a space in the parking garage will be $0.50 per hour. Some might think an off-season rollout would be a better strategy, given the traffic issues on Lido during the January through April peak traffic period. But lest you forget, this is Sarasota where the credo of Alfred E. Neuman reigns supreme... “What? Me worry?”

Quote of the Day

“Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.” – Albert Einstein

One Train Wreck Begets Another...

You could see this one coming a mile away. After Roseanne Barr’s self-immolation with her controversial comments last summer about former President Obama’s trusted advisor Valerie Jarrett, ABC television forced the show’s creator and namesake into exile while figuring it could hold onto the show’s high-ratings with a few minor tweaks here and there...no biggie they thought...just kill off the show’s main character by revealing a heretofore unknown opioid addiction, change the name of the show to “The Conners” and Voila! Problem solved. “Nothing to see here folks...everything’s just fine.” But the network never did understand Roseanne’s personal popularity or the loyalty of the audience that tuned in en-masse last year for the show’s return to prime time after a 20+ year hiatus, garnering ABC the unexpected windfall of 18.7 million viewers for the premiere, making the show the surprise hit of the 2017 season. So it was hardly a shock when the reconstituted show’s October 17th premiere this year brought in an audience only slightly more than half the size of last year’s premiere: Just 10.3 million viewers. And in the weeks since the audience has continued to steadily shrink. Reminds me of another oft-overlooked ‘audience’ routinely dismissed by the major networks, especially their news divisions, but that’s another story... Or perhaps just a different chapter of the same one…

It Can Always be Worse...

It was startling enough for a North Port couple to be awakened around midnight recently by the sound of a man trying to break into their home...with a shovel of all things. But things quickly got worse. Turns out the alleged intruder, Victor Revega, 27 of the 3700 block of Rodergio Avenue in North Port, was naked as a jay bird at the time. Looking for Siesta Sand off-island? Revega was eventually apprehended by North Port K9 ‘officer’ Dutch and his two-legged handler/partner Officer Chad Walker. Pick up a copy at the following Things could have been much worse for Revega than simply being arrested, locations: especially after he refused to roll over on his stomach as ordered by Walker so he could be handcuffed after Dutch had dutifully tracked him down. 4&20 Patsy Co........................................................................... 5638 Swift Rd. Now I’d think you’d want to be on your stomach in a situation like this...for A’s Sandwich............................................................... 6300 S. Tamiami Trail obvious reasons involving the protection of one’s personal ‘assets’...but no, Revega allegedly refused the order and even took a few swipes at Dutch, putting Abel’s Ice Cream: Southbridge Plaza........................1886 Stickney Pt. Rd. himself at even greater risk of coming up on the short end of this encounter. Alpine Steak House.................................................... 4520 S. Tamiami Trail His brilliant plan landed Revega a trip to Sarasota Memorial; afterwards he Best Western Plus........................................................ 6600 S. Tamiami Trail was arrested for unarmed burglary of an occupied dwelling, criminal mischief through property damage over $1000 and resisting arrest with violence. Casey Key Fish House.................................... 801 Blackburn Point, Osprey

Corkscrew Deli: Landings Shopping Plaza * ....... 4982 S. Tamiami Trail Culver’s......................................................................... 7520 S. Tamiami Trail Dutch Valley Restaurant........................................... 6721 S. Tamiami Trail Eager Beaver Carwash *............................................. 6449 S. Tamiami Trail Economy Tackle *........................................................ 6018 S. Tamiami Trail Fresh Catch Market & Grill: Buccaneer Plaza....... 7119 S. Tamiami Trail Gecko’s Restaurant..................................................... 6606 S. Tamiami Trail Grasshopper Mexican Restaurant & Bar................ 7253 S. Tamiami Trail Gulf Gate Food + Beer....................................................6528 Superior Ave. Hibiscus Suites......................................................... 1735 Stickney Point Rd. Hooters........................................................................... 6507 S Tamiami Trail Philadelphia Cheesesteaks........................................ 7523 S. Tamiami Trail Phillippi Creek Oyster Bar........................................ 5353 S. Tamiami Trail Plaza Mexico Restaurant: Southbridge Plaza..... 1894 Stickney Point Rd. Pride of the South Restaurant/GG................................6616 Superior Ave. Rico’s Pizzeria & Pasta House..................................................1902 Bay Rd. Sarasota Brewing /GG.................................................... 6607 Gateway Ave. Solorzano’s Pizza /GG.....................................................6670 Superior Ave. Special Nutrition Store: Southbridge Plaza.............1882 Stickney Pt. Rd. The Oaks Open Pit BBQ............................................ 6112 S. Tamiami Trail The Shop SRQ/GG......................................................... 6625 Gateway Ave. Tony’s Chicago Dogs/GG...............................................6569 Superior Ave. Word of Mouth/GG........................................................ 6604 Gateway Ave. Interested in Distributing our Publication? Call 941-349-0194 NOTE: * Denotes availability first week of each month only. ®

To advertise in print or online contact: Bob or Emy Stein at 941.349.0194 Send editorial and/or photos via email to: islandvp@verizon.net

Sparks Fly over SPARCC Pine View HS Video Screening A video shown recently to Pine View High School students titled “How Do You Know if Someone Wants to Have Sex with You” (catchy, no?) sparked controversy after a parent complained it contained ‘adult content’ inappropriate for students. The screening was presented by a counselor from Sarasota’s Safe Place And Rape Crisis Center, commonly referred to by the acronym SPARCC. The ‘How Do You Know’ video was produced by Planned Parenthood with the aim of helping individuals and couples recognize and understand the signals that define a consensual sexual encounter, and conversely, those that don’t. The video is reportedly visually illustrated with actors portraying various scenarios leading up to sexual encounters. Problem is, the video wasn’t approved by Pine View or the district for use in its classrooms. Indeed, after the screening came to light district officials quickly released a statement calling it “inappropriate’ and ‘unsuitable.’ Also in the aftermath, the district has suspended SPARCC from any future presentations in county schools until a formal review of the matter is completed. SPARCC released a statement saying their counselor knew the Planned Parenthood video was not approved by the school but decided to show it anyway, revealing a stunning blind spot for the importance of ‘consent’ in all areas of human interaction, not just those related to the human libido. But as if that irony wasn’t enough, this latest controversy comes on the heels of the school district’s recent adoption of guidelines – once again without the consent or the input of parents – allowing students to self-declare their gender identity and thereby make their own decisions as to which school bathrooms they will use. According to the guidelines, parents do not have to be consulted on the matter, or even be informed once a non-traditional gender choice has been made. So here’s an idea: maybe the school district should get together with SPARCC and Planned Parenthood and produce a new video for parents. They could come up with another catchy title like “How to Relax and Let Sarasota County Raise Your Kids for You Since you Obviously Don’t Know What the Heck You’re Doing.”

Published by Island Visitor Publishing, LLC Contributing Writers and Photographers will be noted with bylines. Guest commentary not necessarily the opinion of island Visitor Publishing, LLC Reproduction without written permission prohibited. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement. All business bios are extensions of the display advertisements. Island Visitor Publishing, LLC is not responsible for claims made by advertisers. All ads are subject to the approval of the publisher. It is the responsibility of the party placing any ad for publication in Siesta Sand to meet all applicable legal requirements in connection with the ad such as compliance with town, county and state codes in first obtaining an occupational license for business, permitted home occupation, or residential rental property. DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability. Island Visitor Publishing is not responsible for claims made by advertisers.

P.O. BOX 35086, SIESTA KEY, FL 34242 www.siestasand.net




Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Snapshots of Island Visitors Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography

Celest, Brad, Aaron age 14, Elizabeth age 12, & Jacob age 16



Siesta Sand


Island Girl JILLIENNE This month’s island girl is Jillienne of Boynton Beach. You’ll find her competing in every volleyball tournament possible and especially loves playing on the soft sands of spectacular Siesta Beach. Along with her studies at Florida Atlantic University, Jillienne volunteers at local animal shelters and has been involved in dog rescue for the last 5 years. If you would like to be considered for our next Island Girl, contact us at islandvp@verizon.net (You must be at least 18 years old to participate)



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