IV Siesta Sand - February 2019

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Spring Break Begins with the Amish

SHORT-TERM RENTALS Proposing an increase in the fine for illegal short-term home rentals




Incredible as it seems, spring break trips to Siesta Key did not begin with college students but started during the 1930s with excursions by devout groups of Anabaptists— both Amish and Mennonites. During December to April, one of the most impressive sights on Siesta/Crescent Beach is the daily appearance of the Amish with their distinctive garb. They begin arriving by bicycle or on the SCAT #33 bus; Sarasota County’s busiest during those four months. It picks them up in Pinecraft at the corner of Hines and Clarinda Streets, next to the unique Amish church. They speak German while riding and may stop off at the Village, but more likely go right to the beach for a day of fun in the sun— just like their ancestors.

Who they are

Agnes Schipper, A dedicated volunteer



BIG PASS DREDGING Circuit Court judge once again rules against Siesta Key Association in Big Pass case



SIESTA PROMENADE Lawsuit filed to try to halt construction of Siesta Promenade at U.S. 41/Stickney Point Road intersection




James Albritton serves up the soul sound of the 70s and more



GULF BEACH SETBACK LINE New multifamily structure 185 feet seaward of Gulf Beach Setback Line



By Philip M. Farrell, MD, PhD

The Mennonite people are Christians who trace their origin to 1525 when the Anabaptist (another baptism) concept originated. Wherever they live, the Mennonites form distinct ethno-religious groups but generally are not outwardly recognizable. The Amish, in contrast, wear distinctive garments and always display a unique lifestyle— tracing their origin to Jakob Ammann who led a schism in 1693 within German-speaking Switzerland. The Amish way of life emphasizes orderly community activities with behaviors governed set of rules known as the Ordnung (German for order) that prohibits modern technologies. The Ordnung also includes expectations

Anabaptist women walking the beach while enjoying conversations and the surf for lifestyle, recommending certain behaviors such as wearing proper clothes. The clothing and other identifiers are somewhat similar for the Amish irrespective of their residence. All of the women wear single color dresses of cotton or other fabrics that are often pastel but never white. The men use suspenders and if married maintain a plain beard. Continued on page 25

Change in Sarasota County Code to allow more flexibility Rachel Brown Hackney in maintenance dredging of waterways By SarasotaNewsLeader.com Sarasota County staff recommended against the change. Nevertheless, the County Commission has approved an amendment to the County Code that will enable property owners to undertake maintenance dredging within 10 feet of seawalls, docks and other structures under specific circumstances as outlined in the county’s Navigable Waterways Maintenance Management Program. Paul M. Semenec, project controls manager in the county’s Public Works Department, explained to the commissioners on Dec. 11, 2018 that staff was worried that allowing such projects would heighten the potential for legal liability for the county.

“The main concern,” he said, “is not knowing how the docks, boat lifts and seawalls are constructed,” as well as the depth at which pilings are embedded. “It’s entirely possible that no embedment was done, and the pilings are simply resting on top of the rock … or hanging in the sediment.” If sediment were removed from around a piling that was not embedded, Semenec continued, “a shift or a more catastrophic failure may occur.” “If the homeowner is willing to sign a hold harmless waiver regarding the county,” Commissioner Alan Maio countered, “I think that goes a long way towards mitigating any

fears we may have.” Maio pointed out that many canals, especially in the area around Nokomis and Englewood, have become so narrow that property owners have become very limited in their ability to use boats. Indeed, five property owners who addressed the County Commission during the Dec. 11 public hearing pleaded for the change in the County Code. Mary Madore of Bayshore Drive in Englewood said she and her husband have a Boston Whaler. “It’s getting harder and harder to get out” on the canal. Continued on page 37

What are the goals for paid parking on Siesta Key? By Bob Stein County staff has scheduled a workshop on Wednesday, February 27, at the County Administration Center 1660 Ringling Blvd. in downtown Sarasota starting at 9 AM. Director of the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Department Nicole Rissler, reported in a video news release that the workshop “will be a community forum for people to come out and share their thoughts and concerns about Siesta Key traffic and parking.” The first issue to resolve in the paid parking decision is what is the goal of paid parking? Is it to raise money? Is it to reduce traffic or something else? Most believe the focus should be keeping local cars off the road on the Key, along

with reducing traffic coming onto the key seasonally, and raising money to accomplish this goal. SCAT’s Siesta Key Breeze Trolley, reduces local traffic by providing free rides on Siesta Key, seven days a week, with 30 minute service from Turtle Beach to the Village at set times. Last year, the ridership for the trolley exceeded 250,000. Businesses on the Key believe the trolley needs to expand its route to cover almost all of Ocean Blvd., if only seasonally. The current trolley route comes into the Village stopping at Morton’s before heading back south to Turtle Beach missing half of the Village and all the condos toward Higel Ave., encouraging all

Happiness is…Something for Everyone

Ah, February. The month of love. And football. And history. Here’s a quick trivia question for you Which holiday was first celebrated in the United States – Valentine’s Day or President’s Day? Keep reading for the answer. Seems like there’s something for everyone this month. Jerry Williams, owner of Abel’s Ice Cream, is certainly focused on the NFL playoffs. His beloved Kansas City Chiefs advanced to the AFC Championship game for the first time since 1994! Congratulations to the New England Patriots and their fans on a hardfought win! But that’s certainly not the only reason he’s smiling these days. “It’s the season of love. I am blessed to do life with my love and best friend and Valentine’s Day is just a great reminder to celebrate that love,” Jerry stated. “And at Abel’s, we know how to celebrate it.”

And he’s right. During the month of February, Abel’s is featuring two love-inspired flavors. Red Velvet Cake Ice Cream (Red Velvet ice cream with chunks of decadent red velvet cake and a rich ribbon of cream cheese icing.) And Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream (The ultimate classic cheesecake ice cream loaded with chunks of creamy cheesecake and a flavorful strawberry ribbon.) After you enjoy a sweet treat, you can finish off your Valentine’s Day shopping by choosing from Abel’s selection of gourmet, beautifully handmade chocolates from Sweet Shop USA. Sweet Shop USA has received national recognition for creating over 100 varieties of handmade pieces including various Truffles, Famous Brags®, Nuts and Chewies, and our signature Fudge Love®. Imagine presenting

these condo dwellers to drive their cars.

Off island parking The county is looking into renting space at shopping centers off the key and expanding the trolley seasonally to pick up riders, thus keeping the cars off of Stickney Point Road. I ask the question, why pay rent when the county owns Phillippi Park? I suggest expanding the parking at the park. This could be done with shell. Since we don’t know where the people will go on the island, where would the off-island trolley drop off the riders, Turtle Beach, Crescent Beach, public beach or the Village? Continued on page 42

5 years straight! these beauties during a sunset stroll on the beach. So now that you have your plan for Valentine’s Day, it’s time to answer the trivia question. President Washington’s birthday, the precursor to President’s Day, was an unofficial observance from most of the 1800s. However, it wasn’t until the 1870s that it became a federal holiday. The first mass-produced Valentine’s Day cards were produced in the United States in 1847. Either way you go, the 19th century brought about some great traditions for our country. Celebrate them all this month with your friends at Abel’s Ice Cream. Abel’s Ice Cream is located at 1886 Stickney Point Road, Sarasota, in the South Bridge Plaza. Open Sunday through Thursday from Noon – 9:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday from Noon – 10 p.m. Learn more online at www.abelsicecream.com or connect with them on Facebook and Instagram.


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Increasing fine for illegal short-term rentals to $5,000 among Rachel Brown Hackney proposals County Commission to address By SarasotaNewsLeader.com Proposing an increase in the fine for illegal short-term home rentals from $250 to $5,000 is just one of several new measures Sarasota County staff is working on to try to curb those activities in neighborhoods of single-family homes. That was the news Matt Osterhoudt, director of the county’s Planning and Development Services Department, told about 90 people at the January meeting of the Siesta Key Association (SKA). “From $250 to $5,000 is a substantial difference,” he pointed out. The Florida Statutes, he explained, include a clause referencing “irreversible injury/irreparable harm.” If a county enforcing its zoning code finds that a situation “trips that provision of state law,” Osterhoudt said, “you can take your penalty up to $5,000.” County staff plans to ask the County Commission to schedule a formal public hearing on the proposed fine increase, he told the SKA audience. After the date for that hearing has been set, Osterhoudt added, he will make certain the SKA board is aware of it, so the directors can let the members know. “It’s pretty much a one-line change to our Unified Development Code,” he noted of the proposal, but it would apply to all Code Enforcement cases. (Late last year, as the culmination of an 18-month-long process, the County Commission approved a revision and combination of the county zoning and land development regulations into one document designed to be much more user-friendly. That new document is called the Unified Development Code.) Osterhoudt also pointed out of the increased penalty, “It’s not a money thing; it’s truly a deterrent aspect.” One example of a situation that could result in a highpenalty case, he continued, would be persistent loud partying in a single-family neighborhood at a home that is being rented out more often than the county regulations allow. “We may need some sort of assistance” from residents in the neighborhood to back up that enforcement effort, Osterhoudt pointed out, including “some sort of affidavit” regarding problems residents have had to deal with because of the illegal rentals of the home. When asked if the state law referencing “irreversible injury/ irreparable harm” includes any criteria for applying that enforcement measure, Osterhoudt said he was not aware of any. County staff would have to use that on a case-by-case basis, he added.

Other options


Accumulating sufficient evidence is a necessity, he stressed. That is “one of the biggest challenges,” he added. Osterhoudt and Assistant County Administrator Brad Johnson handed out fact sheets to the audience members that provided details about the sections of the county zoning regulations to which Osterhoudt referred during his remarks. That flyer also explained that the Sarasota County short-term rental provisions were enacted before a state law went into effect in 2011. That state law pre-empts local governments from regulating the duration or frequency of rentals or vacation rentals. Therefore, Osterhoudt pointed out, the County Commission has to be careful not to amend its ordinance in such a manner that that would lead to the state telling the county that the county no longer could enforce its short-term rental regulations.

Staff also is looking into the potential of using the section of the County Code regarding transient accommodations in cases of repeated turnover of renters in single-family residential areas, Osterhoudt said. Staff has been consulting with the Office of the County Attorney on that, he noted. Section 124-305 of the Unified Development Code says, “Transient accommodations shall include hotels, motels, inn, extended-stay facility, bed and breakfasts, boatels or other similar use.” Transient accommodations are Matt Osterhoudt not allowed in residential single-family (RSF) zoning districts, he noted. “What might pop into your mind” in the context of transient accommodations, Osterhoudt said, “is a couple of days, in and out” for a visitor. Finally, staff is working to determine whether the use of citations would Facets of the process “assist us in our Code At the outset of the Jan. 10 Enforcement efforts,” presentation, Osterhoudt Osterhoudt pointed out. emphasized the difference As chief of Planning and between single-family residential Development Services, he zoning — RSF neighborhoods — explained, he has oversight Charlie Marchione and Susan Stahley and residential multifamily, or of the Code Enforcement RMF, zoning districts. staff for the county, and In RSF zones, he said, no that staff handles illegal dwelling may be rented more than once every 30 days. short-term rental violations. Additionally, in response to a question from an SKA In RMF zones, he noted, that does not hold true. member, Charlie Marchione, North County supervisor of the Among the difficulties in dealing with illegal short-term Code Enforcement Division, said that discussions have begun rentals, Osterhoudt noted, is the fact that county staff cannot with the Office of the County Attorney to explore whether see the actual transactions, which may occur online, in person staff might be able to cite not only owners of property, but also or over the phone. real estate companies that illegally rent homes on behalf of When a Code Enforcement officer feels he or she has owners. “It’s done around the county,” Marchione said of real sufficient evidence to pursue a case, he continued, the officer estate agents handling rentals that violate local government appears before a Special Magistrate — which, Osterhoudt pointed out, is “a fancy way of saying judge at the local level.” regulations. Osterhoudt also talked of ways members of the public “Our general Code Enforcement process is very focused can assist Code Enforcement officers in building cases on something called ‘voluntary compliance,’ and it is not against property owners who violate county regulations. fast,” he told the audience.


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Key Corners strip mall receiving a new business and facelift The corner of a building at Avenida Messina and “We will be going with something like a Martha’s Ocean Boulevard will soon be housing something that Vineyard/Nantucket/coastal look,” he said. “We’ll be is completely new to the Village—a sports bar/village putting awnings all around, with wood railings and a pub with 30 TV’s. My Village Pub Sports Bar & Grill, or big clock tower at the top. This is a beach town, an old MVP, should be opening sometime in March or early fishermen’s village. We love the charm of it, and we April in the space that Napoli’s Italian Restaurant used want to keep that and stay true to what it is.” to occupy, at 5200 Ocean Blvd in Key Corners. This will Renovations inside are extensive and will also include be the latest endeavor to be undertaken by the real estate expanding and updating the kitchen. There will be both inside and outside seating, providing a new prime investment team of Mike Granthon and Chris Brown. In this latest project, they also have another partner, people-watching spot in the Village. Peter Geannopulos, who was the owner/Chef of the Granthon said that Brown has been collecting sports Hillview Grill for several years, and is an investor in memorabilia for years, which was one of the incentives Mad Moe’s as well. By putting in a new restaurant in for the new restaurant’s theme. Brown’s plan is to not a building they already owned, the partners now have only display many pieces of his collection inside the almost complete coverage of the busiest intersection in new restaurant/bar, but to also offer some of them for sale to interested buyers. Siesta Village. In the corner “strip mall” where the Rendition of Key Corners Plaza’s restaurant will be are coastal Nantucket renovation several other existing businesses that plan to stay in their space when My Village Pub opens. But Granthon says that when they’re done with renovations, the overall appearance of the building will be completely different.




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Siesta Sand



Public comments sought on paid beach parking The last time the county commissioners discussed the option of paid parking on Siesta Public Beach, they decided to hold a workshop on the issue, instead of trying to hammer out ideas during a regular meeting. As a result of that July 2018 decision, county staff has scheduled a workshop that will begin at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 27, at the County Administration Center in downtown Sarasota (1660 Ringling Blvd.). Nicole Rissler, director of the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Department, said in a video news release that the workshop “will be a community forum for people to come out and share their thoughts and concerns about Siesta Key traffic and parking.” If interested persons are unable to attend the workshop, she said, they will have opportunities to express their comments to county staff through online platforms. A public input form has been set up on the county website, www.scgov.net. Use the keywords “Siesta Key Traffic and Parking.” Comments would be accepted through Feb. 17, an accompanying flyer said. Anyone with questions may call the Sarasota County Contact Center at 941-861-5000. Both the Siesta Key Association (SKA) and the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce have undertaken surveys showing that the majority of their members support payments for parking at the beach park. However, the consensus has been that the county should funnel the proceeds — or at least most of the proceeds — into island-related programs. For example, Mark Smith of Smith Architects, a long-time leader of the Siesta Chamber, has called for the county to extend the route of the Siesta Key Breeze open-air trolley,

so it can cover the north end of the island, as well as the south end. The Breeze circulates between Turtle Beach and Morton’s Siesta Market in the Village. Smith has pointed out that a wider circuit would lead to even fewer visitors using vehicles to traverse the Key. Commissioner Alan Maio has joined Smith in estimating that for every two people who ride the trolley, one vehicle has been eliminated from island traffic. County commissioners also have talked of the potential of renting spaces at off-site parking areas — such as Sarasota Pavilion, which is near the U.S. 41/Stickney Point Road intersection — so people can leave vehicles at those locations and then take a trolley to the beach. Additionally, the future of the property at 6647 S. Midnight Pass Road will be part of the Feb. 27 discussion, the commissioners decided last July. Staff won the go-ahead in 2018 to raze a former Sheriff’s Office training facility on that property, after Sheriff Tom Knight said the structure no longer was needed. However, a county Public Utilities building remains on the site, staff has pointed out, and numerous underground pipes exist as part of the Siesta Key Utility Authority infrastructure that the county took over years ago. Although Commissioner Alan Maio initially talked of having staff create a shell lot where people could park for free, Commissioner Nancy Detert has asked for details about the potential of constructing a parking garage on the parcel.


By Rachel Brown Hackney SarasotaNewsLeader.com

In response to a request for an update this week on the status of that property, Spencer Anderson, director of the Public Works Department, reported in a Jan. 8 email, “The Sheriff’s Office structure has been demolished and we are still working on actions to make the site available for parking. It is currently closed for public parking.”



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Agnes Schipper - A dedicated volunteer Since moving here in 2013, Agnes Schipper has created an impressive record as a volunteer in Sarasota. A lawyer - and mother of four - who dealt with such clients as Duke University in Durham and the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, Agnes was not accustomed to having time on her hands before retirement. She and her husband, John Carson, made six house-scouting trips to Sarasota, before moving here. Agnes quickly found two niches in the Sarasota volunteer world which were appealing. The first was at The Ringling. Agnes loves art! Indeed, she minored in it in college and has visited most of the major museums in the world. She had always felt that art was a great way to learn about history. She went to the Ringling organization but no docent opportunities were open, so she was accepted as an Ambassador and Special Events Assistant. When a class finally opened to train docents for the Ca’ d’Zan, she seized the opportunity. Agnes says, “It was a lengthy process: first a phone interview, then an in-person interview, then you are then asked to shadow a graduate docent, and finally the new class of docents is selected. Training for the Mable’s Tour required three months of training because it is fairly well scripted. Each member of a new class is paired with mentor docent. Mable Tours are capped at a maximum of 22. They run 4-per-hour in season and 2-per-hour in summer. “The John’s Tour includes Belvedere Tower and is capped at 8 people because of fire code and access to some of the smaller spaces visited on the tour. The John Tour is less scripted and required an additional month of study. During the course, you develop your own John’s tour. You are evaluated to be cleared to do both tours.” For readers interested in becoming docents at the Ca’ d’Zan, a new class is being recruited to start in April of 2019. The application deadline is February 15. Agnes had been a docent there for about

one year when a class started that trained docents for the Art Museum. Now, this was a real commitment! It is a serious course of study much like taking a college Art History Course. The course takes one full year, which is tough if you are a snowbird. Being an education junkie, Agnes took the challenge. “We all have to learn a basic tour developed by the curators. Then you develop your own tour, selecting your own art objects, and are evaluated. Art Museum Tours are free with admission, and each tour is different from docent to docent.” Agnes developed her own unique tours. One is called RINGLING PAIRS, in which she paired various paintings by style: The Italian Pair, The French Pair, The Dutch Pair, and The Odd Couple – painted compositions of fruits and vegetables that look like people. Another tour she developed is called PORTRAIT PROPS AND PUBLIC RELATIONS. Historically, paintings were created to depict how a person wished to be immortalized. Wealthy and important people were sitting for these portraits,

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By Diana Colson

and carefully selected the backgrounds, costumes, animals, hats, props and locations to create the perfect desired setting and message Agnes calls it “the photoshopping of its time.” Another tour developed by Agnes is called VIRTUE AND VICE, which features paintings with a moral message dealing with the rewards of virtue and the price of vice. She also does a tour featuring so-called DANGEROUS WOMEN, starring various Bible characters such as Esther, Judith and Salome. Docents are expected to volunteer for at least 75 hours per year and are limited to six years of service. The Museum Education Department is currently short on staff and time, so docents are not typically trained in new temporary exhibits. Instead, docents concentrate on works in the permanent collection, including more modern works. Ringling Art Museum Docents also do school tours. Calendars are put out 2-3 months in advance, and volunteers sign up for their preferred shifts. If a docent is

unable to fulfill a planned commitment, he or she must recruit a substitute. Recruitment for an upcoming Ca’ d’Zan docent class and for Family Programs is underway. To learn more, go to: www. ringling.org/volunteers. In addition to her museum work, Agnes Schipper also holds a second volunteer position in Sarasota, one that has farreaching family ramifications. She works for the courts as a Guardian Ad Litem, which means she advocates for children who have been removed from their homes because of abuse or neglect. For more information about volunteering for the Guardian Ad Litem program go to: https://12gal.com/volunteer/ In Agnes’s experience, a common denominator in most cases is drugs. In Agnes’ words: “Kids are the real victims of parental drug abuse. Anyone who has an interest in helping kids and families can do this kind of volunteer work. They must visit the kids at least once a month and report their findings to the district court every three to six months. They can participate in quarterly conferences with social workers and attorneys in the Guardian ad Litem program. They also check with schools, day care and health care providers to see that the children’s needs are being met. “The goal is to reunite the children with the parents in a safe and stable environment. In such a program, parents must follow a one-year case plan to address concerns which led to the removal of their children. The case plan can require that they take classes in parenting, anger management, and the like, and participate in treatment for substance abuse and mental health issues. In addition, parents are provided with a lot of social services to help them complete the case plan. Parents must fulfill their plan in order to be reinstated with their children.” The town of Sarasota benefits from the committed volunteer work done by Agnes Schipper.


Siesta Sand




State Senate bill seeks to ban smoking Rachel Brown Hackney on public beaches By SarasotaNewsLeader.com

Big G’s Oyster Happy Hour from 3-6 Every day 1/2 Priced House Oysters

Siesta Key Oyster Bar, or “SKOB” as the locals call it, is the hangout with the laid-back, beachy atmosphere that will get you right into the Island Spirit. One of the things that set SKOB apart from the other restaurants in Siesta Key Village is that we have some of the best food on the Key.

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Newly elected state Sen. Joe Gruters of Sarasota is hoping to accomplish something that has eluded county commissioners for years: ending smoking on the public beaches. On Jan. 2, Gruters filed Senate Bill 218. Formally, it says, “Prohibiting the smoking of tobacco on public beaches; providing civil penalties; authorizing a law enforcement officer to issue a citation as prescribed by a county or municipality to any person who smokes tobacco on a public beach; specifying that a person who fails to comply with the directions on the citation waives the right to contest the citation and authorizing the court to issue an order to show cause …” The civil penalty would be $25 or 10 hours of community service, the bill says. The bill would take effect on July 1, if it passes the Florida Legislature. This year, the legislative session will begin on March 1 and end on May 3. A little more than six years ago, then-Sarasota County Commissioner Joe Barbetta talked of his desire to see smoking banned around county libraries. As it turned out, not only had the state Legislature made that impossible, but county staff ultimately had to remove the “No Smoking” signs at the public beaches. In a December 2012 court ruling involving the City of Sarasota, a 12th Judicial Circuit Court judge pointed to a state law that prevents local governments from imposing smoking bans on public property. “This is really disturbing to me. I can’t believe this is happening,” Barbetta said during the Jan. 8, 2013 County Commission meeting. Then-Commissioner Nora Patterson, a long-time Siesta Key resident, made a motion to seek a change in Florida law to allow local governments to regulate smoking on public lands. Although her motion passed unanimously, the board was unable to achieve any degree of success at the state level. On Aug. 28, 2018, when the County Commission approved its priorities for the 2019 legislative session, it included the following among them: “Support legislation to allow local governments to regulate outdoor smoking on public property under their jurisdiction.” After the December 2012 court ruling, the Sheriff’s Office ceased enforcing the county ban on smoking on the beach. Sgt. Scott Osborne, then the leader of the

Siesta substation, reported that the fine for a citation had been $100. In her Dec. 10, 2012 ruling, Circuit Judge Maryann Boehm pointed to the City of Sarasota’s claim that “it is unclear whether the Legislature intended to preempt to the State the regulation of all smoking indoors and outdoors …” She added, “There is no case law directly on point that construes the preemption provision at issue in this case. The Defendant cites several favorable legal opinions rendered by the Florida Attorney General on the subject. Although such opinions have no binding precedential value, the Court finds their reasoning to be sound and is persuaded that the statute constitutes an express and unambiguous statement of the Legislature’s intent to preempt the regulation of all smoking, wherever located, to the State.” A July 21, 2011 opinion issued by the Florida Attorney General’s Office in a case involving the St. Johns River Water Management District — provided by the Office of the County Attorney — is one example of the opinions Boehm referenced. It says, “In sum: The Regulation of smoking is preempted to the state pursuant to the Clean Indoor Air Act, and the … District may not adopt a policy prohibiting smoking or tobacco use that is broader than the terms of that statute.” When Stephen Leatherman of Florida International University in Miami — known as Dr. Beach — first named Siesta Public Beach No. 1 in the United States in 2011, one of the factors he cited was the policy against smoking. In remarks several years later to a Siesta Key Association audience, Leatherman talked about how much he loathes sitting down on a beach and putting his hands in the sand only to find lots of butts. In fact, when Leatherman started his Top 10 Beaches list all over again in 2016 — enabling past winners to take top honors again after having previously been removed from the competition — he pointed out that he would be giving extra credit to those that banned smoking. He told the Associated Press in 2016, “The No. 1 form of litter on beaches is cigarette butts, and it is disgusting.” Gruters’ bill has received quite a bit of attention around the state. The big question, of course, is whether he can get it passed.

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Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Circuit Court judge once again rules against Siesta Key Association Rachel Brown Hackney in Big Pass case By SarasotaNewsLeader.com Once again, a 12th Judicial Circuit Court judge has struck down legal challenges made by the Siesta Key Association (SKA) as the nonprofit seeks to prevent the dredging of Big Sarasota Pass. Yet, just as she did in October 2018, Judge Andrea McHugh has figuratively left the door open for the SKA to try another approach in the case. In an order released late on the afternoon of Jan. 18, McHugh first referenced her dismissal last fall of the SKA complaint originally filed in March 2017. In that, the nonprofit and co-plaintiff David Patton of Siesta Key argued that, because of language in the comprehensive plans of both the City and County of Sarasota, the city needed to obtain approval from Sarasota County before sand could be removed from Big Pass to renourish about 1.6 miles of South Lido Key Beach. In her Jan. 18 ruling, McHugh referenced the explanation she included in her Oct. 15, 2018 order, noting that the city “obtained a valid permit from the appropriate issuing agency.” The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) issued a Joint Coastal Permit for the Lido project to the city and its co-applicant, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), on June 18, 2018. The USACE is the entity that proposed the use of up to 1.3 million cubic yards of sand from Big Pass to stabilize the critically eroded Lido Beach in the first renourishment under a 50-year plan. The SKA and Patton have contended that the Florida Environmental Protection Act (FEPA) necessitates a county permit as well, McHugh continued in her Jan. 11 order. In the amended complaint, filed in late October 2018, they argued that Section 54-653(4) (a) of the Sarasota County Code requires the county’s approval of the city/USACE project. Section 54-653(4) states, “No work shall be performed having the effect of Altering any

Jurisdictional Areas without first obtaining a permit from the Authority or Administrator, unless specifically exempted under the provisions of section 54-653(4)(g).” Big Pass is within the county’s jurisdiction, SKA attorney Kent Safriet of the Tallahassee firm Hopping Green & Sams has pointed out, and it never has been dredged. Section 54-653(4)(g) of the County Code exempts only maintenance work from the permitting requirements provided in the code, Safriet contended in the amended complaint. Nonetheless, McHugh wrote in the new order that she found nothing in FEPA that would allow her to rule for the SKA on the basis of the county ordinance. Turning to the second part of the amended complaint, McHugh expanded on a line of reasoning that she brought up during a Dec. 20, 2018 hearing. In their Petition for Writ of Mandamus, she wrote in her order, the SKA and Patton “request that the Court compel the City to submit the Project to the County Commission for approval, and obtain a county permit; yet nowhere do they allege they demanded the City to take such actions.” During the December 2018 hearing, McHugh told Safriet that she has dealt with a number of Mandamus cases in the context of public records requests. “What I typically look for is what was the demand on the agency.” When she asked about the demand in the SKA’s case, Safriet responded, “We made the request in public in this courtroom. … For a year and a half, city leaders have refused,” he said, to even send a letter to the county, seeking permission for the dredging of Big Pass. (Circuit Court Judge Lon Arend presided over the SKA’s first hearing on its complaint, which was held in late April 2017.) At this stage,” McHugh wrote in her Jan. 18 order, “the Court is limited to analyzing

the legal sufficiency of the petition for mandamus, and only the language included within the petition itself, which does not allege that the SKA and Patton demanded action from the City via filing a lawsuit or via any other communication.” McHugh further pointed out that the original SKA complaint “did not demand that the City take any action; rather, the Complaint demanded that the Court declare that the Project violates the City’s Comprehensive Plan. For this reason,” she added, “the Court finds the petition to be legally insufficient.” However, she dismissed the petition without prejudice, indicating that the SKA and Patton could re-file it if, after asking the city to seek a county permit, they find the city unwilling to do so. Asked for a comment on the judge’s latest ruling, the SKA directors told SNL they were unable to offer one in time for Siesta Sand’s February deadline. City Manager Tom Barwin did give SNL a statement: “We’re pleased the judge dismissed this case once again indicating there appears to be no cause of action for lawsuits that keep repeating issues already

heard. The renourishment is a vital shoreline protection buffer between the Gulf of Mexico that protects the public infrastructure, property and our local economy. We again renew our commitment to working with all interested parties to monitor our shorelines, the environment and boating channels and to monitor the project to unprecedented levels and adjust to even better practices in the future as we all adapt to the threat of rising sea levels.”

Response to City of Sarasota arguments In response to the SKA’s Petition for Writ of Mandamus, McHugh also noted in her Jan. 18 order that the City of Sarasota and the Lido Key Residents Association (LKRA) — which she allowed to intervene in the case — “made a number of arguments regarding the merits of that writ in their joint motion to dismiss the SKA’s amended complaint. Those “are only appropriate for the Court’s consideration,” she continued, after an alternative writ has been filed and determined to be legally sufficient.

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Island Chatter


Sheriff’s Report December 19, 2018 - January 20, 2019

Staff Report

Siesta Key jewelry store launches product to benefit Mote Marine Laboratory and red tide research

There were 16 crimes reported on the Key between 12/19/18-1/20/19

Silver City jewelry store on Siesta Key has created a line of jewelry to assist with red tide research efforts at Mote Marine Laboratory. Known as the “Tide Away” collection, many of the pieces feature marine life such as manatees, dolphins and sea turtles. Silver City is proud that 25% of all sales from this line are donated to Mote to provide support for their vital red tide research programs. Come share the vision with Silver City to save our beaches and our marine life and to channel funding towards world-renowned research at Mote Marine Laboratory. View the “Tide Away” collection at SilverCitySarasota.com or visit their store on 6539 Midnight Pass Rd. on Siesta Key.

St. Michael’s Women’s Guild Fashion Show All are welcome to attend St. Michael the Archangel Women’s Guild Fashion Show and Luncheon on Wednesday, March 20 at Laurel Oak Country Club off Bee Ridge Road. Check-in begins at 11:00 and the Program begins at Noon. Fashions are provided by P.J’s on Main Street. Price is $50.00 Per Person. Call Carol at 941-349-2016 for reservations.

Ridership numbers


The ridership numbers for the Siesta Key Breeze trolley for November and December 2018 were reported at a meeting with the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce on January 10. The number of riders for November was 19,580 with 4,482 riders on November 10 and 11, the weekend days of the Crystal Classic sand sculpting event. The number of riders for December was 18,351. Continued on page 12

12/27/18 Theft 5200 Block Ocean Blvd. A woman reported her iPhone 7Plus ($600) was stolen from a Village bar. Upon realizing she had lost the phone, she was able to track it using the find my iPhone App. The phone was tracked to a location in the area of a Bee Ridge Rd. apartment complex. She was unable to determine an exact location in order to make contact. Repeated texts to her phone were unanswered. She was advised to call back the Sheriff’s Office if she was able to determine an exact location for the phone. 12/28/18 Burglary-Business 6000 Block Midnight Pass Rd. Over $15,000 worth of lightbulbs and fixtures were stolen from the makeshift storage area of an active construction site. The area consisted of plywood and two by fours which closed off a concrete room. The site Superintendent of the electrical company working on the project had been offsite for approximately two weeks. During this time numerous people were in and out of the storage area handling the items inside. Since there was no indication that anyone had entered the area after hours, it was assumed that a subcontractor took the items during work hours. It was noted that the storage room contained numerous tools that were not taken. Only the new, in box lights and fixtures were missing. 12/28/18 Theft 200 Block Canal Rd. The manager of a Village grocery reported a theft. A local homeless man known to him had taken a cup of mushroom soup ($3.99) without paying. The manager observed the man take the soup and walk outside without paying. Once outside, he confronted the man and asked him not to come back to the store. The manager said he did not wish to press charges but to only make a report. He stated that if deputies see him to please ask him not to come back again. The man was not found in any of his usual hangouts. A waiver of prosecution was filed with the report.

1/1/19 Burglary- Residential 5800 Block Midnight Pass Rd. A bike was reported stolen from a condominium carport area. A woman reported she had locked her two bicycles with a cable to an outdoor carport bike depot located inside a gated parking lot. She later discovered the cable had been cut and one of the bikes were taken. The bike was valued at $400. 1/3/19 Stolen Vehicle 1000 Block Crescent St. A woman reported her car stolen along with her cell phone. She was extremely intoxicated and could barely walk. She stated that a man known to her had come to her residence during the night having a manic episode and stole her car and phone. The woman did not know her Apple ID so the responding officer was unable to utilize the find my phone feature. While meeting with the complainant, a call came from the listed suspect advising the car was abandoned in a lot near Buccaneer Dr. Deputies responded to that call and found the missing vehicle with front end damage. It was unlocked with the keys in the ignition. A tow truck was called due to the complainant’s extreme intoxication. The officer observed the seat and steering wheel automatically adjusted for a person of small stature which did not match the suspect’s size. Officers were unable to contact the listed suspect. No further assistance was needed. 1/4/19 Grand Theft/Battery Public Beach A 16-year-old male was at the beach with a group of friends when he placed his backpack near the yellow lifeguard stand. The bag contained a pair of Nike Air Force One sneakers, ($80), his wallet, ID and $50 cash. He witnessed another young male pick up his backpack

and run away. The victim chased after the suspect and saw him jump into the back of a car before it drove away. The victim attempted to take pictures of the suspect’s vehicle. The suspect threw the empty backpack out of the vehicle as they drove away. A second suspect approached the victim at this time saying he knew the first suspect. He offered to help identify the suspect by using his phone to look him up on Instagram. While the victim was looking down at his phone, the second suspect punched him in the eye and grabbed his iPhone X ($1000) and jumped into a black car. As he pulled away he threw the phone out the window, damaging the phone. Two days later, it was discovered that the victim ‘s orbital had been fractured due to the punch in the eye, which required immediate surgery. The victim and his mother wish to pursue charges against both suspects. 1/10/19 Stolen Vehicle 5700 Block Midnight Pass Rd. A woman observed her car was missing from the carport of her condominium complex. Her keys were also missing from inside the residence. A review of the security footage showed the suspect (her son) at the victim’s residence. The suspect lives at the residence but is currently in an in-house substance abuse program. The complainant reached the suspect by telephone and learned he had her car. The car was recovered. The suspect did not have permission to take the car nor did he have a driver’s license. The complainant did not wish to press charges. 1/10/19 Burglary -Residential 9000 Block Midnight Pass Rd. A woman reported she noticed several items missing from her jewelry box. The missing jewelry was last seen before the Christmas holidays. There were no signs of forced entry. No other items were taken. The jewelry box was dusted for prints but none were recovered. The woman advised that the only persons that could have possibly come into her condo are the building maintenance or the cleaning crew that she uses. The missing jewelry was valued at approximately $6,450.






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Sgt. Paul Cernansky Sheriff’s report Crime is down year-over-year on Siesta Key, Sgt. Paul Cernansky, leader of the Sheriff’s Office’s substation, reported to about 90 Siesta Key Association (SKA) members during their first regular meeting of 2019. The number of residential burglaries fell 77% from the same period of 2018, and the figure for vehicle burglaries dropped 30%, Cernansky said during his January remarks. “Thefts of all types are down,” he added. In an effort to maintain those trends, Cernansky indicated, he has received approval for the addition of one deputy to the group of officers who handle issues on the island. Additionally, he continued, the Sheriff’s Office Mounted Patrol will be incorporated more routinely into island law enforcement rounds. “By and large, you’ll see a lot more of a Sheriff’s Office presence out here.” Further, Cernansky explained that he has been at work on a plan to rotate shifts during the daytime, so the public will see officers at different times. By the way, Cernansky certainly seems to be enjoying his new position on the Key. He reported in early January, “I’m in paradise out here.” He became the substation leader in October 2018, after then-Sgt. Jason Mruczek was promoted to lieutenant and assigned to the Animal Services Division.

And speaking of crime on the Key … The Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office arrested a Sarasota couple on Jan. 8 after they allegedly attempted to sell and pawn multiple items reported stolen during a Siesta Key vehicle burglary, the office reported. Jonah Kimbler, 33, and Micah Kimbler, 29, were charged after Jonah Kimbler was seen on surveillance video as he visited two pawn shops, and Micah Kimbler allegedly listed some of the missing items on the Let Go website, the Sheriff’s Office report said. The Let Go site allows users to buy and sell items secondhand, a Sheriff’s Office news release explained. Jonah Kimbler was charged with three counts of Dealing in Stolen Property, Providing False Information to a Pawnbroker, Possession of Hydromorphone, two counts of Possession of Narcotic Equipment and two counts of Driving While License Suspended, a Sheriff’s Office news release noted. Additionally, he was charged with Unarmed Burglary of an Unoccupied Conveyance. His bond on that charge was set at $7,500. The three counts of Dealing in Stolen Property carried a total bond of $22,500, and the count related to his alleged pawn shop endeavor was set at $1,500, the

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

By Rachel Brown Hackney SarasotaNewsLeader.com

Corrections Division records noted. Bond on each of the drug equipment charges is $500, Corrections Division records showed. The bond on the drug possession charge is $1,500, and each traffic violation carries bond of $1,500. Jonah Kimbler remained in custody as of Jan. 15, the Corrections Division records said. The Sheriff’s Office Corrections Division webpage noted that Micah Kimbler was released on Jan. 12 on a total bond of $15,000, reflecting two counts of Dealing in Stolen Property. Both she and Jonah Kimbler were identified as unemployed at the time of their arrests, the Corrections Division information said. Sheriff’s The investigation is ongoing, the Sheriff’s Office news release pointed out, “and additional charges are pending.” On Jan. 6, a visitor to the island alerted detectives that a Crux custom bicycle, a Dell laptop computer in a black backpack, clothing, Oakley prescription sunglasses and several other, miscellaneous items were missing and presumed stolen from the visitor’s unlocked vehicle, the report noted. The total value of the items was estimated at $4,235, the Sheriff’s Office report added. The vehicle was parked in the 1800 block of Stickney Point Road, the Sheriff’s Office news release said. On Jan. 7, at 8:30 a.m., the report continued, Jonah Kimbler entered Money Pro Pawn, located at 4555 Bee Ridge Road in Sarasota, with the Crux bicycle and a pair of black bicycle shoes “and endeavored to pawn them. He was refused,” the report said, so he left the establishment. Surveillance video taken at the pawnshop showed him attempting to make the transaction, the report added. Then at 9:40 a.m. on Jan. 7, surveillance video taken at Goldcoast Pawn and Jewelry, located at 3210 Clark Road in Sarasota, showed Jonah Kimbler entering that shop in an effort to pawn the same two items, the Sheriff’s Office report said. This time, he received $300 for the items, the report noted, but he had to provide his signature and thumbprint, “indicating he was the rightful owner of the items being pawned.” On Jan. 8, the report continued, the owner of the bicycle and shoes identified them as part of the property allegedly stolen from his vehicle. Goldcoast Pawn and Jewelry then released the items to the owner, the report said.

Office Mounted Patrol members on beach As for Micah Kimbler: The Sheriff’s Office report on her activities in the case noted that on Jan. 6, she placed two advertisements on the Let Go website, one of which was for a “Red And Black Bike,” listing the price as negotiable. The accompanying photo showed the Crux custom bicycle, the Sheriff’s Office report said. Another photo showed the black bicycle shoes, as well as a white Kask bicycle helmet, which the victim also had reported stolen, according to the Sheriff’s Office. The second ad Micah Kimbler allegedly placed on Let Go was for a set of jumper cables. That ad also had a photo of the equipment, the Sheriff’s Office report noted. On Jan. 7, the victim of the crime contacted the Sheriff’s Office regarding the Let Go ads, the report continued. He was able to identify the bicycle as the one he had reported stolen, the report added. “He also confirmed there was a set of jumper cables” missing from his vehicle, which he had not included in his original report to the Sheriff’s Office, the report said. After the victim saw the photo of the jumper cables from the Let Go website, the report noted, he identified those as a set that had been in his vehicle. During the investigation, the Sheriff’s Office news release said, undercover detectives began communicating with Micah Kimbler online. On Jan. 8, they agreed to meet with her to purchase the allegedly stolen items, the release added. When detectives arrived, “both Jonah and Micah were taken into custody. Upon their arrest, deputies recovered a needle, prescription pill, and various drug paraphernalia in Jonah’s possession,” the release noted.

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Island Chatter Continued from page 10

The last six days of December starting on the 26th through the end of the year was 9,515 averaging 1,586 riders a day during the Christmas/ New Year’s break. Ride the SK Breeze Trolley Free, Sun-Thurs 10 am to 10 pm and FriSat 10 am until midnight, 30 minute service 7 days per week including holidays.

Work proceeding to enhance ADA access at Beach Access 2 In December 2018, the paper reported that county staff was working on a project to make the beach more accessible to persons with physical disabilities. The focus was Beach Access 2, at the western end of Avenida Messina. Staff was hopeful that the project could be completed before Christmas. After hearing from an island resident in early January, that was not the case; the county staff was asked for an update. The Sarasota County Public Works Department project, which includes relocating the handicap-accessible (Americans with Disabilities Act) parking space, was delayed from completion late last year because of the need for an Emergency Services (Fire Department) safety review of the proposal, Brianne Grant, county media relations specialist, reported in a Jan. 14 email. “This was done to ensure that the new parking layout would not hamper Emergency Services operations,” she explained. With Emergency Services staff having cleared the plans, she continued, staff was awaiting the final design of upgraded signage, which must correspond “with the accessible design of the parking. We hope to have this review completed within 2 weeks,” Grant added. “We do not yet have an anticipated date for project completion at this time.”

Condo Council February membership meeting The Siesta Key Condo Council will hold a membership meeting on February 19, 3 pm at the Siesta Key Chapel, 4615 Gleason Ave. The first speaker will be discussing Fire Station #13: Michael Regnier Sarasota County Fire Chief 2018 Statistics and Future Plans. The second speaker is Johnathan Lewis Sarasota County Administrator; he will discuss the State of the County, Legacy Trail, Siesta Key Trolley and Siesta Key Beach Paid Parking.

SOSS2 seeking help with legal bills In its Newsletter 51, sent out on Jan. 14, Save Our Siesta Sand 2 (SOSS2) is seeking assistance to cover the expenses of the federal lawsuit it has filed in an effort to prevent the dredging of Big Sarasota Pass. (See the related story in this issue.) Continued on page 17

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Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Siesta Key Wine Bar launches new Wine Club After opening just 6 months ago and recently celebrating a successful Ribbon Cutting with the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce, the new Siesta Key Wine Bar in Siesta Village Plaza is expanding their reach of fine wines and clientele by introducing the Siesta Key VIP Wine Club. By joining the no-registration fee club, each month members will discover boutique artisan wines from around the world not commonly sold in stores but found in finer dining establishments. Some very popular fine wines will also be included and requests are encouraged. Membership offers a wide range of benefits, including: 10% discount on all retail bottles, glasses, flights, food and retail accessory purchases 15% case discount Waived fees for you & a guest to Regular Wine Tasting Events & Food Pairings Monthly Members Wine Tasting & Pick Up Party of that month’s chosen wine (1st weekend of each month) No corkage fee for on premises wine bottle consumption 2 Free Siesta Key Wine Bar Etched Wine Glasses with 1st Order Four types of memberships are available and offer combinations of dry white, dry red, sweet, sparkling and rose’ wines. Levels can be changed at any time and membership may be cancelled with 30 day notice. For the snowbirds, the membership can be limited to certain months. Gift memberships are available in the amount of 3 months, 6 months, or 1 year. Once you purchase the gift, the recipient will receive a notice of the gift via email or personal phone call to inform them about the thoughtful & exciting gift that you’ve provided for them! For Key residents and visitors alike, this new wine club provides an opportunity to socialize and meet fellow wine-lovers while exploring and learning about new wines with each membership option containing winery information, pairing suggestions & tasting notes. To learn more, please visit the Wine Bar at 5138c Ocean Blvd, contact Darlene Gamble, owner, at 941.323.3212, visit www.SiestaKeyWineBar.com, email DrinkWine@SiestaKeyWineBar.com or call the wine bar during operating hours at 941.552.9105.

MEMBERSHIP MEETING NOTICE Tuesday, February 19, 2019 • 3:00 PM Siesta Key Chapel at 4615 Gleason Ave.


SARASOTA COUNTY FIRE CHIEF 2018 Statistics and Future Plans


JONHATHAN LEWIS SARASOTA COUNTY ADMINSTRATOR • State of the County • Legacy Trail • Siesta Key Trolley • Siesta Key Beach Paid Parking



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MONTHLY MEETING Thursday, February 7 • 4:30 PM St. Boniface Church Parish Hall 5615 Midnight Pass Road

Guest speaker Nicole Rissler, Director of the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Dept. Topic: Parking/traffic workshop and survey public is always welcome with questions for our guests.

How many times have you looked in the mirror thinking to yourself - a little nip here, perhaps a tuck there, would really help take some years off your appearance? But then you think of the time needed to recuperate after a facelift and wonder just how much pain is involved not to mention expense and possible risk of complications, so decide against it. There must be a safer, painless alternative with less expense and no downtime. Well, there IS! Connie Lewis, LMT Aesthetician, former proprietor and Spa Director at Massage Experience, Siesta Key is continuing to offer her microcurrent (anti-aging) facial at her new studio located inside of SPALYPSO. The microcurrent facial is rejuvenating and offers a safe alternative to more invasive treatments on the market today. This facial has been a favorite of royalty in Europe for years. Oprah featured it on her shows some years back. It’s a very luxurious, pampering, results-driven facial which lifts, tones and tightens the muscles of your face. The effects are immediate and cumulative. This uplifting therapy is preventive, as well as corrective. It’s a great alternative to surgery as it is non-invasive and quite enjoyable and relaxing.

Sounds good, but how does it work? The gentle and 100% non-invasive treatment works in synergy with your body’s natural energy system. It sends safe, painless impulses to the muscles in your face to relax muscles that are overly tightened, and strengthens those that are underworked with very low levels of electrical current. It stimulates the production of collagen and elastin providing a natural-looking lift. During the microcurrent facial, probes are used to physically move the muscle into the desired position to perform what is known as muscle re-education – the process of lengthening or shortening muscles. In essence, it retrains the facial muscles and rebuilds them closer to their original shape.

Research on microcurrent technology A study by the University of Washington proved that microcurrent increases your skin’s elastin fibers by 45%, collagen by 10% and the number of blood vessels by 35%. It can increase ATP, your body’s building block, by 500% resulting in softening wrinkles and toning facial muscles. Interestingly, this technology stems from a medical treatment to treat Bell’s Palsy. Many of the patients found it worked so well, they asked to have the

unaffected side of their face treated as well.

Can you use it in conjunction with facial injections? If you’ve received facial injections or facial sculpting, microcurrent facials are for you too! It will help maintain your lift in between your injections. Since this process is cumulative, more treatments bring more noticeable and longer lasting results. Most people see their desired results within 7 -12 treatments. The combined use of Pevonia Botanica’s ultimate antiaging products during this facial treatment enhances the treatment even more by assisting in product penetration. Lewis recently closed her former location Massage Experience, Siesta Key and is now practicing in the Gulf Gate Estates area just over the Stickney Point Bridge. She is currently offering her signature treatment that combines a facial and a massage simultaneously. And, of course, her massage offerings include deeply relaxing intuitive massage therapy and her ever-popular hot stone massage. “My personal philosophy when working with a client for the first time or the 101st time is to see with my hands. To help me intuitively know when and how much to use the wands when sculpting during a microcurrent facial,” says Lewis. “Or how much pressure and on what areas to work during a massage session. After so many years of practice, I have a sixth sense that guides me through the service to let my hands tell me what to do. Energetically and physically allowing to give my clients the perfect session.” Connie Lewis, BS LMT Aesthetician, established Massage Experience, Siesta Key (1996-2018) and is now providing all of her services at Spalypso located in the Pine Park Office Centre, 7037 S. Tamiami Trail. Just minutes from the Stickney Point Bridge from Siesta Key. You can book an appointment online at SpaexperienceSiestaKey.com or by calling 941-350-7495. On February 28th from 4:00 – 7:30, Connie will be hosting a facial rejuvenation event offering Botox ($9.75 per unit), Xeomin ($8.50 per unit), Juvederm (XC Ultra or Plus - $499 per syringe), Radiesse ($499 per syringe) and Kybella ($600 per vial). For more information or to reserve your spot, please call 941-350-7495. (MA17596 / MM33422) (Advertorial)

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Lawsuit filed to try to halt construction of Siesta Promenade Rachel Brown Hackney at U.S. 41/Stickney Point Road intersection By SarasotaNewsLeader.com A petition filed in the 12th Judicial Circuit Court on Jan. 11 argues that the December 2018 decision of the Sarasota County Commission to allow the construction of the Siesta Promenade mixed-use project was unlawful for a multitude of reasons. James P. Wallace, a Siesta Key resident since 1964, told members of the Siesta Key Association (SKA) during their regular meeting on Jan. 10 that he was angered by the series of commission votes on Dec. 12, 2018 that figuratively paved the way for the project to proceed. Only then-Chair Nancy Detert James Wallace voted against all but one of the motions following a public hearing that lasted approximately seven zoned Commercial General. hours. Commissioner Charles Hines joined her in Along with the 80-foot-tall hotel, opposing the motion to rezone most of the 24-acre site Benderson plans one condominium/ in the northwest quadrant of the intersection of U.S. apartment tower that would stand 65 feet 41 and Stickney Point Road. The only motion Detert high, as well as 40-foot-tall residential voted in favor of allows street vacations of portions of buildings. The latter would be closest to Crestwood Avenue and Brentwood Avenue; the vacation Pine Shores residents. was designed to facilitate the site plan and traffic flow D u r i n g t h e D e c . 1 2 h e a r i n g , around the property. Commissioner Hines talked of the Benderson Development plans to construct 414 potential discomfort of Pine Shores apartments/condominiums, a 130-room hotel that will residents coming out of their homes to get stand 80 feet tall, 133,000 square feet of retail space and their morning newspapers and looking 7,000 square feet of office space. up at balconies in that 65-foot-high Wallace acknowledged to his fellow SKA members on residential structure in Siesta Promenade. Jan. 10 that he did not get involved in the fight against Many of the speakers during the Siesta Promenade until shortly before the Dec. 12 public hearing also stressed that traffic at the hearing. “My wife kept telling me I needed to worry about U.S. 41/Stickney Point Road intersection this thing,” he said, but he was busy with major projects already is terrible during the height of for his work. tourist season, as people try to reach (When he testified during the Siesta Promenade public Siesta Public Beach via Stickney Point Road. Sarasota hearing, Wallace told the commissioners he is a systems County Sheriff’s Office personnel wrote $166 tickets engineer.) early this year to drivers who created gridlock at the “The more I got involved,” he said during the SKA intersection as they tried to make it through the traffic meeting, “the madder I got, frankly. … This commission signals to reach Stickney Point Road. decision, I think, is a really serious problem.” Additionally, a number of those who testified talked Wallace added of the lawsuit, “We need to win this. We of worries that, with Siesta Promenade on the northwest absolutely need to win it.” He said he would “try his best corner of the intersection — generating even more to stop this project by any legal means possible.” vehicle trips every day — emergency personnel will The complaint has a single plaintiff: Sura Kochman, a encounter long delays reaching people suffering medical resident of the Pine Shores Estates community, which emergencies or responding to major structural fires on would be the immediate neighbor of Siesta Promenade. Siesta Key. Kochman had been a leader of opponents of the project, as The emergency vehicle response issue is one that it was designed. Her ownership of a home in Pine Shores Wallace focused on during his SKA remarks. gives her “standing” in the Petition for Writ of Certiorari, As he and his wife have lived on Siesta Key for decades, as the legal document explains: “As a direct and Wallace continued, they have “a pretty good feel for the proximate result of the County Commission’s approval, ramifications of treating the Siesta Promenade corner … including the Project’s higher density, Kochman will be like any other corner on U.S. 41.” Yet, Wallace pointed adversely affected by increased traffic, increased height, out, that intersection, “is clearly the primary entrance” increased density and increased intensity and use of the to Crescent Beach on Siesta Key. Crescent Beach is south property.” of Siesta Beach Park. Benderson Development also won County Commission The attorney handling the complaint is Ralf Brookes of approval of a Critical Area Plan (CAP) designation for Cape Coral. Siesta Promenade, which allowed the company density The petition indicates that Sarasota attorney Robert as high as 25 units per acre, instead of the 13 units per Lincoln is representing Benderson Development. acre provided for under county regulations for districts SNL did not get a response from Lincoln to its request


for a comment. The policy of the Office of the County Attorney is not to comment on litigation that is underway, county staff has explained on several occasions.

Paying for the litigation Wallace further pointed out to the SKA members that he has been working to raise money to cover the expense of the lawsuit. The estimate he had received, he said, was $75,000. Both SKA Vice President Catherine Luckner and the Siesta Key Condominium Council (SKCC) already have sent out email blasts to inform members of their organizations about the legal challenge. Both Luckner and the Condominium Council leadership have explained that if anyone desires to provide financial support for the lawsuit, the person may send a check to the Sarasota law firm of Bentley & Bruning, with the notation that the money is for the Siesta Promenade lawsuit. Wallace explained on Jan. 10 that Bentley & Bruning will compile all the funds in a trust account. The firm’s address is 783 S. Orange Ave., Suite 300, Sarasota, 34236. Any money not spent, Wallace stressed, will be returned on a pro-rata basis.

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Maintenance Corp. manager prevails — Rachel Brown Hackney mostly — in streetlights saga By SarasotaNewsLeader.com

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As manager of the Siesta Key Village Maintenance Corp., island resident Michael Shay keeps a sharp lookout for anything in the Village that is amiss. And since he usually adheres to an early morning schedule for his first reconnaissance mission of the day, he readily notices whether streetlights are functioning, or not. Just after Christmas, on Dec. 28, 2018, Shay saw that four of the new LED streetlights were not working in the sharp curve on Ocean Boulevard just north of Gleason Avenue. That curve is notorious as the scene of accidents. In fact, in the wee hours of Dec. 27 — with those lights not functioning — another crash occurred there. The incident was reported to the Sheriff’s Office at 1:56 a.m. on Dec. 27 at 4420 Ocean Blvd. On Dec. 28, 2018, Shay decided to contact a Sarasota engineer for Florida Power & Light Co. (FPL) who helped Shay resolve a long delay in getting Ocean Boulevard streetlights shining again after Hurricane Irma came through the area in September 2017. In an email to the engineer, Shay wrote, “There are 4 of the new LED streetlights all in a row that are out and I was only able to get the pole #’s for 2 of them; the other 2 are too high up on the pole. We already had 1 accident at this curve early on 12/27: this is a dangerous curve and I am concerned it is worse in the dark!” The procedure FPL has advised the public to follow when streetlights go out is to report the identification number on each of the affected poles, which is what Shay was referring to in his email. Thus began a weeks-long process that began to seem futile, Shay reported. “It’s just odd,” Shay said during a Jan. 11 telephone interview. “You wouldn’t have four bulbs that go out at one time,” especially after FPL just replaced those bulbs in the summer of 2018. Representatives of the company, in fact, said FPL planned to remove all of the incandescent lights in poles on the island and replace them with LED equipment. The only area that did not see a change was Siesta Village, which is handled by the Maintenance Corp. and Sarasota County. No matter how many attempts Shay made to get the information about the four poles on Ocean to someone who could get the lights back on, the lights remained out. On Jan. 14, in response to questions about the situation, county Media Relations Specialist Brianne Grant wrote in an email, “County staff has coordinated with FPL to identify all four poles and locations along the curve that are within the Siesta Key Special Tax lighting district. FPL is working to resolve the issue. Last Thursday Jan. 10, they had one lane of partial closure so they could trim the trees on the south side of the roadway area. Restoration of the lights should follow.” SNL also talked on Jan. 14 with a spokesperson for FPL, to try to find out what was going on. Richard Beltran said that he was told that an FPL crew would be investigating the situation either that day or on Jan. 15, and he promised to report on the results of that investigation.


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Finally, on Jan. 15, as Shay was walking to Siesta Key Chapel for a meeting of the Siesta Key Condominium Council, he reported, he saw a bucket truck at the corner of Ocean Boulevard and Gleason Avenue — where the entrance to Siesta Key Chapel is located. Shay said he asked the worker with the truck if the worker knew about the other three streetlights to the north, and the worker said he did not. Yet another light was out, too, Shay noted: the one about 75 yards south of the speed radar sign on Ocean Boulevard, opposite the entrance to the property at 4660 Ocean Blvd. The worker said he was unaware of that situation, as well, but he would check it out. Shay reported that the worker was the only person with the truck. Finally, Shay thought, he would see at least the four streetlights working again the next morning. He did not. Additionally, about mid-morning on Jan. 17, Shay said the power went out at his home, which is in the area close to that dangerous curve. He reported the outage to FPL immediately, he said, and he learned that a total of 53 customers were affected. That same morning, Shay continued, he saw another bucket truck at what he calls “dead man’s curve,” along with a worker who appeared to be trying to repair one of the four lights. Shay added that he spoke with a second person who was directing traffic, but that worker did not seem fluent in English, so Shay was unsure if the man understood what Shay was asking him about the other lights. At least the good news, Shay noted, was that his power was off for only an hour. On the morning of Jan. 18, Shay went out again to check on the lights in the curve. They were all on, he reported, adding a series of exclamation marks in an email to express his delight. By the way, he pointed out, he had not mentioned earlier that two streetlights at the entrance to the Banyan Club, near the sharp curve, also had been dark. On the morning of Jan. 18, they were shining as well, he said. As a result, Shay said, “I do not believe that the issue was the bulbs or photo cells or any other parts to the lights.” He felt the source of the problem had to have been a piece of equipment to which all those lights were connected. He was curious, he added, about what had transpired the previous day to make the 53 customers lose their power for an hour. On the afternoon of Jan. 18, SNL learned answers from the FPL spokesperson Richard Beltran. The problem, Beltran explained, was “a bad connection” involving the four streetlights. Wiring had to be replaced, he added. “Sorry it took some time,” Beltran said. “I’m not surprised,” Shay replied when that information was relayed to him. And after all that, though, Shay pointed out, the streetlight opposite 4660 Ocean Blvd. was still not working. “I’m going to give it some time,” he added, before submitting another report to FPL about that light.



Island Chatter


Invitation to 4ocean Beach Cleanup in Siesta Key On February 23rd, 4Ocean will be hosting a large beach cleanup on Siesta Key from 9am-11am. This free event will be an amazing opportunity for students, organizations, citizens, and educators alike to come together as a community and make a joint effort to help keep Siesta Key clean and beautiful. A press release went on to say, “We would love to have you be part of our Education Village at the event. This education village includes tents/setups from other local organizations that are present during our cleanup event. This will allow cleanup participants to not only learn about how single-use plastics are greatly affecting ocean life, but it will also give them a chance to connect with local organizations like yourself and discover how they can become part of the solution. Please let me know if this seems like something that your staff would be interested participating in, and I would be happy to provide further information. The link to our event page can be found here: https://www.facebook. com/events/226506648271801/ We’d love to have you!”

Dec. 27 crash takes out county railing again When the Dec. 27, 2018 accident occurred in the sharp curve on Ocean Boulevard north of Gleason Avenue, Michael Shay, the Siesta Key Village Maintenance Corp. manager reported, the county’s railing in the curve was knocked down once again. It has been just a few months since county staff had to replace the railing because of a traffic accident. That previous incident was in early October. The only positive news this time, Shay added, was that the wall erected by the owners of the home in that curve appeared to have been spared. An inquiry was made online for the report from the Florida Highway Patrol; the report will not be available until 60 days after it was filed.

Trying to lighten the mood During the day-long County Commission hearing on Siesta Promenade, on Dec. 12, 2018, a few light moments ensued amid all the serious public testimony from residents opposed to the mixed-use project. For example, one speaker, named Annie Brooks, told the board at the outset of her comments, “I’m a little nervous. This is not my thing.” Brooks then talked of ordeals through which she has suffered, getting on and off the Key via Stickney Point Road. The current traffic situation was troubling enough, she emphasized, without adding the 414 new residential units, a 130-room hotel and 140,000 square feet of retail and commercial space planned at Siesta Promenade. Continued on page 18

Gulf Gate Food + Beer a local hang out, a family gathering spot, a football mancave, a fun day spot, a late night grub sesh, a craft beer pub, a quick & cheap lunch break… it’s a lot of things to the local Siesta Key & Gulf Gate neighborhoods. Owners Mike and Casey opened the doors of Gulf Gate Food + Beer in late August and haven’t looked back since! In a short period of time they’ve become a staple in the Gulf Gate bar & restaurant scene and built a loyal local following. “We’ve become the place that our guests like to show off to their friends and family visiting from out of town. We’ve really been lucky to have such a loyal following in such a short amount of time,” says Mike. What’s for lunch? You’ll be glad you asked! At Gulf Gate Food + Beer they feature one of the cheapest lunch specials in town. They call it the “$6.99 Cheap Lunch” and they have a couple options for you to choose from. First is a cheeseburger with all the trimmings and an order of fresh cut fries that they cut in house and shake in a secret blend of spices. Also offered is a chicken philly that features a house roasted and pulled chicken, a garlic bread hoagie, and a house made white American whiz served with an order of fresh cut fries. If you’re looking for something different, they also have their chicken burrito bowl which has a tomatillo roasted chicken, fresh pico de gallo, pinto beans, monterey jack cheese & sour cream served over a bed of sticky rice. Looking for a late-night snack? Gulf Gate Food + Beer’s kitchen is open late every single night of the week. Sunday – Thursday the kitchen is open until 1 a.m. Friday and Saturday they are cooking food until 2 a.m. So whether you get out of work late or you’re out for a night on the town or maybe just like eating late.. they’ve got you covered. The full menu is available until close. Where else will you get a “poke tuna bowl” or some “Mexican street corn” late at night in Sarasota? The most common thing people dining in the restaurant notice is the menu. “People keep telling me this is the most interesting, creative, and diverse menu they’ve seen in a long time. I think we just set out to create a menu that was different from other sports bars. We wanted to have items that are made from scratch and are made with integrity. Food network and the internet have changed food and restaurants because people know so much more about food now. Just putting a cheeseburger on the menu isn’t enough. It needs to be the best darn cheeseburger and it better have options!” Says Casey. Everything on the menu is ala carte to encourage sharing and different combinations. Their menu has a myriad of great shareable options from the “tin can nachos” to the “brussels with bacon” to the “holy guacamole burger” to the “monte’s cristo pb+j”… mix and match however you want, the choice is yours! Gulf Gate Food + Beer 6528 Superior Avenue, Sarasota Fl, 34231. www.eatfooddrinkbeer.com (gulfgatefoodandbeer on Instagram) Advertorial

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Eat food, drink beer at Gulf Gate Food + Beer

Continued from page 12

“Our legal bills continue to mount,” the newsletter says. “We will be requiring expert witnesses to testify and have set a goal of $100,000. At the end of the year with matched funds we had raised approximately $57,000 towards our goal. We thank all those who contributed and especially those who have created our Matching Fund. But we are still short of our goal by $43,000 and we are counting on you to support our efforts. Remember our singular purpose is to prevent the dredge of the protective Big Pass shoal and we need your help to succeed. Matching funds are still available so donate now at www.soss2.com/ donate. Thank you again for your most generous help!


Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

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Siesta Sand

Off Key



By Robert Frederickson

From Butts on the Beach to Measuring Sleep... Where County Failed Will State Prevail? Back in 2007 the group Keep Sarasota Beautiful lobbied the Sarasota County commission to ban smoking at county beaches. The push came after one of their annual beach cleanups retrieved seven pounds of cigarette butts in a single day. The group wrote letters, worked with schools and park volunteers and eventually got the county to schedule a vote on the matter. The result? By a 4-1 margin the commission passed a smoking ban for county beaches, including those on Siesta. Butt... The ACLU was not amused, saying the law unfairly targeted the homeless. The reasoning? Homeless folks often hang out at the beach. (I mean, wouldn’t you if you had nothing better to do)? So the new law clearly was harassment of the homeless. Of course, this type of reasoning was somewhat novel back then, though it has certainly gone viral in the years since; now there are all manner of legal ‘exemptions’ granted on the basis of some nebulous legal construct that holds laws cannot apply to those without the ‘means’ to obey them. Here’s the applicable ACLU syllogism as near as I can tell: If you can only smoke in your home or in your car, and you don’t have a home or a car, then everybody gets to smoke at the beach, because not everyone has a home or a car...Makes sense, no? Well, actually, no. But that’s where we’ve landed. In any case, The ACLU prevailed, with a judge ruling on a technicality that only the state legislature can regulate smoking; so the ban was snuffed out like a butt in the sand. But now, State Senator Joe Gruters, R-Sarasota has introduced a bill that would satisfy that judicial argument from years past and finally expunge butts from area beaches for good. It’s an outcome Siesta Beach benefactor Dr. Stephen Letterman (a.k.a. Dr. Beach) fervently hopes to see. “To me this is an easy thing to support,” he told the Tampa Bay Times recently. “Cigarette butts are the number one type of litter on beaches, by volume. They are disgusting.” On the other side of the ledger some see such restrictions as classic examples of governmental overreach. Even former Governor of California Jerry Brown, no conservative firebrand he, had this to say after vetoing a similar ban there in 2017: “If people can’t smoke even on a deserted beach, where can they? There must be some limit to the coercive power of government.” What? Govern or Moonbeam railing against unbridled state authority? What’s next? Trump and Melania inviting Hillary and Bill over for a game of bridge and some Fondue?

Antiques Roadshow Ringling Episodes Set to Air Were you one of the lucky few who managed to score a ticket to have your precious family heirloom appraised by the Antiques Roadshow experts when they landed on the grounds of the Ringling Museum last April? Over 15,000 applied for the tickets, which were free; but only 3,000 locals actually made the cut. Now, after a fitting gestation period of nine months, the hundred or so most interesting and intriguing appraisals culled from that group of 3000 treasure toting hopefuls have been edited down into three one-hour episodes for the popular PBS program’s latest season (its 23rd); the local episodes will air on January 28, February 4th and February 11th. This is the first year the show has filmed exclusively at historic locations like the Ringling estate instead of simply setting up shop in some cavernous city auditorium or convention center. Other stops on the itinerary this season include the Hotel del Coronado in San Diego, California, the Philbrook Museum or Art in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the Meadow Brook Hall mansion

in Rochester, Michigan and Churchill Downs in Louisville, Kentucky. Look for several video vignettes showcasing the Ringlings and their quaint little place on the bay, Ca’d Zan, as well as looks at the art collection amassed by the circus magnate, the circus museum on the grounds and perhaps a peek at Mable Ringling’s rose garden for good measure. Oh, and of course a few glorious sunsets are likely to show up as well...which will surely make the folks at Visit Sarasota smile, especially after dealing with a tedious year of negative news related to the area’s red tide outbreak.

A Cough Remedy that Goes Down Easy... Here’s something to try the next time you’re dealing with a cough or scratchy throat you just can’t seem to shake: chocolate. That’s right. If you’re tired of cough medicines that don’t hit the mark and taste horrible, try a square or two of dark chocolate. And this isn’t just some old wives tale. A team at Imperial College in London discovered that ‘thobromine,’ an alkaloid in cocoa is more effective as a cough suppressant than even codeine. And hey, even if it doesn’t work, well, it’s chocolate...you still come out ahead.

Government at the Speed of Molasses in Maine… The city of Sarasota voted to terminate city clerk Pamela Nadalini during its January 16th meeting, ending a process that took only slightly less time than the ongoing lift station 87 fiasco has to date…what with the requisite consulting reports, employee interviews, commission meetings and everything else that went in to the decision in an attempt to avoid a wrongful termination suit that is likely already in the mail.

Pride Leadeth the Fail? Pride Elementary School in Hillsborough County was expressing a bit of its namesake pride on its message monument out front recently when the message of Proverbs 16:18 hijacked their own. There, for all to see in eight inch high moveable block letters was this cringe-worthy fail: “DISTRICK SETS ALL TIME GRADUATION RATE RECORD.” Hey, life happens.

And Speaking of Education... Here’s a pop quiz for our earnest readers: Which state in the union ranks last in terms of the percentage of males over 25 years of age with at least a 9th grade education? You’re probably thinking: ‘Uh-ohhh, I hope it’s not Florida...’ Relax. The actual winner (or loser as the case may be)? California. That’s right, thanks to unchecked immigration and a fleeing middle class voting with their feet to escape some of the highest taxes in the nation, the Golden State’s shining reputation is quickly losing its fabled luster: with the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous set safely ensconced in those “High Rolling Hills” Bob Seeger sang about, while looking down on a growing third world landscape in the valleys and mean streets below.

News Flash: Sleep is Overrated! Feeling like you’re not getting enough Zzzs at night? Well, a new study concludes you may be better off. The European Journal reports those getting more than eight hours of sleep had an increased risk for heart disease and death compared to those logging six to eight hours each night. An afternoon nap is no panacea either, at least not for those getting more than six hours of shut-eye at night. The risk of cardiovascular disease was greater here as well. So sweet dreams! And try not to worry. It’s not good for you!


Two felony counts charged after Rachel Brown Hackney confrontation By SarasotaNewsLeader.com Siesta property owner Michael Holderness has been charged with one felony count of Robbery by Sudden Snatching without a Firearm or Weapon, plus one felony count of Tampering with or Fabricating Physical Evidence after a Dec. 31, 2018 incident involving Mike Cosentino, 54. Holderness was released on a total of $15,000 bond after his Jan. 3 arrest, Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office Corrections Division records show. His arraignment is set for Feb. 8. Holderness is one of three owners of property on a 373-foot-long segment of North Beach Road that the County Commission voted 4-1 to vacate in May 2016. Cosentino has been waging a legal battle against the county to return that road segment to public ownership and to prevent any future vacations of county roads along or near the water. He and supporters won passage in November 2018 of two County Charter amendments to effectuate his goals. However, the county has been party to a Circuit Court complaint seeking to invalidate the amendments. The county has argued that the amendments contravene authority the Florida Constitution gives local governments. The Sheriff’s Office report on the Cosentino/Holderness incident notes that it occurred at 10:59 a.m. on Dec. 31. Cosentino called the Sheriff’s Office to file a report, alleging that Holderness had stolen Cosentino’s cell phone. In his statement to officers, Cosentino explained that he owns property at 10 Beach Road, just west of the intersection of Avenida Messina and Beach Road. Because of recent storms, Cosentino continued in the report, sand had washed up on the vacated road segment. He added that he had obtained a permit from the county to bring in a skid loader and remove the sand. Howard Berna, manager of the county’s Environmental Permitting Division, confirmed that the county had issued the permit to Cosentino. Berna wrote in a Jan. 8 email, “Mr. Cosentino received a Right-of-Way use permit to remove sand that was recently deposited on the pavement by winter storm fronts. No construction is involved and the work was limited to moving sand off the pavement at a specific location.”

Confrontation and the aftermath The Sheriff’s Report noted that while Cosentino was in the middle of his sandclearing project, Holderness drove up in a truck. Cosentino said Holderness began yelling at him and told Cosentino to get off his property. However, the Sheriff’s Office report said that a search of records showed “Holderness does not own any property in the location where Cosentino was doing the work.” The report continued, “The investigation revealed Holderness began to back up his truck into the area/driveway where Cosentino was standing. At that point, Cosentino retrieved his iPhone and began recording a video, fearing he may be hit by the truck.” Holderness jumped out of the truck, walked up to Cosentino — who was about 8 to 10 feet away, the report said — and snatched the iPhone out of Cosentino’s hand. “Cosentino followed Holderness back to his driver door demanding his cell phone back.” That occurred at 47 Beach Road, according to the arrest report. Then, the report said, “Cosentino grabbed the steering wheel to prevent Holderness from leaving with his property, at which time Holderness struck Cosentino’s hand,” which resulted in Cosentino letting go of the steering wheel. Holderness proceeded to leave the scene, the report said. Both men called law enforcement officers, the report noted. Sgt. Paul Cernansky, the new leader of the Siesta substation, drove over to meet Holderness, “who was in possession of Cosentino’s phone,” the report added. After the phone was returned to Cosentino, the report continued, Cosentino gave his written consent for officers to conduct a search for the video Cosentino said he had made. “The video was located in the iPhone deleted folder. The video showed the events happening as Cosentino described,” the report pointed out. “Audio recorded statements were taken of both Cosentino and Holderness,” the report continued. “The statement provided by Holderness showed he fabricated the story, since his chain of events was clearly opposite as to what occurred on the video.” The report also noted that a witness corroborated the events as Cosentino had described them. Cosentino called the Dec. 31, 2018 incident “Unbelievable” in a statement to SNL. The Sheriff’s Office arrest warrant said, “No contact with victim” on a line provided for other conditions of release. Holderness formally was arrested just before 7:30 p.m. on Jan. 3. A Jan. 4 document filed in the 12th Judicial Circuit Court docket for the Holderness/Cosentino case says Holderness declined to apply for the services of a public defender.

Island Chatter Continued from page 19

(Benderson Development proposes to construct the project at the northwest corner of U.S. 41 and Stickney Point Road.) At one point, Brooks noted that Commissioner Alan Maio represents District 4, which includes Siesta Key. “You want to be known as the Al Maio of traffic?” she asked him. “I wouldn’t.” The remark prompted laughter among the people filling the Commission Chambers in downtown Sarasota. “You seem so nice,” Maio told her with a smile, “and you had me till that.” More laughter rang out. “I’m sorry,” Brooks responded. “I didn’t mean it that way.” She also told the commissioners that when Benderson Development bought the approximately 24 acres on which it plans Siesta Promenade, most of the site was zoned for 9 dwelling units per acre, as a mobile home park formerly stood there. The company was seeking approval of a Critical Area Plan on Dec. 12, 2018, which would allow it to build up to 25 units per acre. Referring to Benderson Development President Randy Benderson, Brooks continued, “He knew what he was buying. He shouldn’t expect more. If I buy a Honda, I don’t drive out with a Porsche.” Continued on the next page




Island Chatter


Seafood lovers, it’s good and fresh

Continued from the previous page

After Brooks concluded her testimony, Chair Nancy Detert said, “Good job for somebody who was afraid to speak,” eliciting more laughter from the audience. “You got over that fear pretty quick,” she added to Brooks. Along with such light moments prompted by speakers themselves, as the hearing went on, and Detert continued to call the names of people who had signed up before the meeting started at 9 a.m. that day, it was apparent a number of folks had left. One card Detert pulled out of the stack was signed by Robin Williams. That person did not respond when Detert first called the name. A short while later, Detert gave Williams one more chance. When she still heard no response from the audience, she quipped, “Still dead?” referring to the famous actor Robin Williams who died in August 2014. More laughter rang out in the chambers. “Sorry,” Detert said.

Coupons for food lovers In this month’s edition discount coupons are being offered by The Oaks and Station 400. Station 400 is offering $5 off your next visit and The Oaks is offering $5 off a $25 purchase. Both ads are located below. On page 14, you will find a coupon for a free donut from OfKors donuts, located in The Landings Plaza.

SKA makes request of the county As the directors of the Siesta Key Association (SKA) await a Circuit Court judge’s ruling on their latest hearing in an effort to stop the proposed dredging of Big Sarasota Pass, they have sent a letter to County Administrator Jonathan Lewis seeking help on related points. Dated Jan. 8, the letter says the SKA “requests notification and a copy of any request (past or future) by the City of Sarasota, its agents or joint permittee to Sarasota County or its agents for a permit, approval or exception/exemption to the need for a permit” to undertake activities involving the Lido Beach Renourishment Project. On June 18, 2018, the city and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) received a Joint Coastal Permit from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to dredge up to 1.3 million cubic yards of sand from Big Sarasota Pass to renourish about 1.6 miles of South Lido Key Beach. The SKA letter cites the number of the FDEP permit and notes that its “implementation can include but is not limited to” the removal of sand from the pass, the construction of two groins on Lido Key; mitigating the destruction of seagrass in Big Pass that is expected to result from the dredging operation; and utilizing the county’s Ted Sperling Park on the southern end of Lido as a means of temporary access to the renourishment area. The letter proceeds to provide a summary of the SKA’s efforts in the 12th Judicial Circuit Court, including the latest hearing on the nonprofit’s motion for a Writ of Mandamus to compel the city to request county permission for the dredging of the pass. During the Dec. 20, 2018 hearing on the Writ, SKA attorney Kent Safriet of the Tallahassee firm Hopping Green & Sams argued to Circuit Judge Andrea McHugh that a specific section of the County Code of Ordinances makes it necessary for the city to seek county permission for work in Big Pass, which never has been dredged. Accompanying the letter was a copy of Section 54, Article XX, of the County Code, upon which the SKA has based its motion for the Writ. Parts of that section are highlighted, underscoring the SKA’s court arguments. Continued on page 39

Chef Driven Cuisine with Innovative Twists on ALL YOUR FAVORITES


Island Visitor Publishing, LLC



SPECIALS Breakfast and Lunch Served 7:30am -2:30pm

941-927-0402 4832 S. Tamiami Tr. (The Landings Plaza, next to Publix)

Bring this ad or electronic copy to receive

5 off


on your next visit per table!

Expires 2/28/19

Yelp review: I see why this place is all five stars. Amazing find, tucked away in a nondescript strip mall adds to its local, simple vibe. Best seafood I have had in a long time. Service made it feel like we were part of the family, four happy diners tonight. If you read this post, stop searching and start eating. Seriously do not pass up this little gem. Living in Florida, you expect to find fresh seafood no matter where you dine. If you are a local seafood lover, you probably have a mental list of go-to restaurants which serve the freshest seafood. Fresh Catch Fish Market & Grill needs to be added to it. Fresh Catch’s, father/son duo, Bob and Devon Provost have a serious passion for seafood which started way back when the family lived in the Boston area. Their simply prepared, neverfried, never-frozen dishes are paired with a variety of simple sauces that serve to complement, so the freshness of the seafood shines. Your fish/seafood selection goes from the case onto the grill. Prepared grilled or blackened, topped with lemon and butter, Pico de Gallo or tropical salsa. Served with a fresh ear of corn on the cob and baby roasted potatoes. Soups, salads, sandwiches and steam pots round out the menu. If room permits, be sure to order a slice of their homemade key lime pie. Bob’s wife, Debra, makes the key lime pie, using freshly whipped cream. The restaurant also offers a nice selection of beers and wines. Fresh Catch Fish Market & Grill, located at 7119 S. Tamiami Trail, just south of Stickney Point Road in the Buccaneer Plaza, is a casual restaurant/market with indoor and outdoor seating for close to 30. Here’s what more patrons are saying about the restaurant on line: Tried this place last night on a whim and it did not disappoint! Everything from the staff, to the menu, to the meal itself was perfection. It’s a small place and luckily we’d come in between dinner rushes and got a table right away. Within 10 mins the place was full again. The wait staff was smiling and helpful. We shared stone crab soup to start with a couple of ice cold beers, tons of crab in the soup and excellent flavor. For our meals we got blackened tripletail and snow crab claws. Each came with a side of roasted potatoes. I can’t say enough about how fresh and delicious the entire meal was. We will be back! WOW! WOW! WOW! This place is a hidden gem! Fish was fresh today and you could taste the difference. Very clean kitchen. They cooked the fish to perfection and the presentation was 5 stars like you would expect at a fancy resort; those extra added steps. This place is the real deal. Only thing that made me upset was that I never knew it was here before. Sooooood GOOD! This is must try! I was so glad to find this cute restaurant and fish market. To get a high-quality fish you need a fish market and this fits the bill. I wanted a takeout fish plate and I got the blackened pompano with potatoes and corn. I made a salad at home and had a beautiful meal. The corn was not overlooked. It also has a big counter so the next time I will order some oysters and try another dish. It’s much bigger than I thought. I am going to become a regular. See more reviews online at Yelp and Trip Advisor. Special orders and reservations accepted. Fresh Catch Fish Market and Grill is open from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Saturday. 941-413-7133, freshcatchfishmarketandgrill.com (Advertorial)


Siesta Sand



Snapshots of Island Visitors


Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography 2












13 1. Gavin age 9, Mikey age 12, Logan age 15, Landon age 13, Liam age 5 from Riverview & Valricho, FL 2. Chris, Emerald, Brendan, Amanda, Brandon, Kayler, & Payton from Sarasota 3. Mark & Anne from Sarasota 4. Dabney & Savannah from Sarasota 5. Juliette, Devyn, Shalom, & Taylor from Sarasota 6. Amanda & Ryan from VA 7. PJ, Mahesh, German, Manish, Parvati, & Cooper from Sarasota 8. Kate & Amiel, from FL and Sam & Chloe from NC 9. Stevie age 4 & Maddi from IN 10. Parvati & Cooper from Sarasota 11. Michael, Jayden, Jordan, Hector, & Larissa from Sarasota 12. Jordan & Hector from Sarasota 13. Lucas, Kystle, Lisa, Sara, Noah, Nolan, Jimmy, Chance, Gianna, & Efran





VILLAGE MAP pgs 22 - 23



Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

GULF GATE SHOPS pg 24 - 25

Siesta Key Drum Circle Every Sunday is a perfect time to come to the Key to reconnect with Mother Nature and to enjoy some wonderful entertainment. I’m talking about the Siesta Key Drum Circle that takes place each Sunday starting about an hour before sunset and lasting until about 10 p.m. The gathering meets up just south of the main pavilion - just follow your ears and watch for the swelling crowd. Please note the following rules of etiquette that need to be observed at the Drum Circle so that all can enjoy the experience: the inside of the drum circle is for participants only, not for people

standing around. Feel free to enter the circle, take a picture and dance, but always keep moving. Never play someone’s drum without getting clearance from the owner. Always ask before borrowing other people’s property, especially hula hoops. Flash photography and bright video lights are distracting, so photograph during daylight or use a night vision camera. And finally, please do not drink alcohol or smoke inside the circle and respect our beach by placing all trash in the appropriate receptacles. Photo Courtesy of David Gould / Siesta Key Drum Circle Facebook Post.

Don’t Waste Your Island Time Crossing Bridges! We are conveniently located just a few steps from Crescent Beach and minutes away from anywhere on the Key.

• Full Service Grocery • Party Trays • Boar’s Head Meat & Cheese • Domestic & Micro Beers • Fabulous Deli Sandwiches Made to Order! • Largest Wine Selection on Siesta Key • Farm Fresh Produce • Beach Supplies • Butcher Shop • Take Out Meals

We Deliver to Siesta Key!

941-312-0472 fax: 941-312-9588


1211 Old Stickney Point Rd., Siesta Key, FL 34242 (corner of Stickney Pt. and Midnight Pass Rd.)



Siesta Sand




Save Our Siesta Sand 2 files complain of Big Sarasota Pass

Winners of the 6th Annual Andrew Monroe Memorial 5k run/walk, held January 6th, were Cory Peyert (Male Overall), and Emma Paliotta (Female Overall). 385 participants supported this annual event held on our beautiful white sand of Siesta beach. Funds generated from this 5K run/walk are used to award scholarships to senior soccer athletes at Riverview High School. This year, the memorial in conjunction with the Sarasota Community Foundation Fund reached a significant milestone. The funds amassed will now be sufficient to award two $1400 scholarships, each year, in perpetuity.

As it has planned since late last year, Save Our Siesta Sand 2 (SOSS2) has filed a complaint in federal court to try to prevent the City of Sarasota and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers from removing any sand from Big Sarasota Pass to renourish an approximately 1.6-mile stretch of South Lido Key Beach. “The Corps, through its issuance of its Final Environmental Assessment/ Finding of No Significant Impact for the project failed to adhere to the standards set forth by the National Environmental Policy Act (“NEPA”), the Clean Water Act (“CWA”), and the Endangered Species Act (“ESA”) and is in turn in violation of the Administrative Procedure Act (“APA),” the complaint says. (The APA “governs the process by which federal agencies develop and issue regulations,” the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website explains.) The SOSS2 complaint points out that under NEPA, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) “may authorize an activity”

such as the Lido Renourishment Project “only if the USACE has fully analyzed the activity’s direct, indirect, and cumulative environmental impacts, informed the public and decision makers about those impacts before making its decisions; and based its authorization on reliable information and accurate scientific analysis.” In a Jan. 11 press release, Jane West, principal of her eponymous law firm in St. Augustine, contends that the USACE “failed to take a hard look at the consequences the Lido project will have on imperiled species as well as the impacts to the human environment, in particular the local economy of Sarasota County’s beaches in the wake of one of the state’s worst red tide outbreaks.” West added, “This region’s marine species and local economy simply cannot afford to take another hit as a result of reckless permitting at the expense of our natural ecosystem.” Peter van Roekens, chair of SOSS2, said in the release that the project “will

Map D #11

ACCOMMODATIONS Siesta Key Beach Resort & Spa.......... Map-A #38A ART GALLERY / STUDIO The Gallery on Siesta Key............. Map-D #11 ATM / BANKS Martin Funding................................. Map-E #1 PNC ATM.........................................Map-C #61 Sun Trust Bank & ATM.................... Map-E #4 BARS & NIGHTCLUBS Blaśe Café....................................... Map-A #38 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar........... Map-B #42-43 Gilligan’s.........................................Map-B #33 My Village Pub......................... Map-C #53/54 Siesta Key Oyster Bar....................Map-B #45 The Beach Club............................... Map-D #22 The Cottage......................................Map-C #58 The Hub-Baja Grill......................... Map-D #59

Map B #42

COFFEE SHOPS LeLu’s Coffee Lounge...................Map-B #31 The Local Bean............................... Map-D #62 DRUGSTORE Davidson Drugs............................ Map-D #65 FASHION & ACCESSORIES Beach Bazaar’s & Swin Shack..... Map-C #28 Blvd. Beachwear.............................. Map-B #30 Comfort Shoes-Birki & More..... Map-D #64 Everything But Water.................... Map-D #12 Foxy Lady Fashions....................... Map-A #40 Gidget’s Coastal Provisions.........Map-B #44 Island Boutique............................... Map-B #50 Island Style.......................................Map-C #53 Marley Vibes..................................... Map-D #9 Sea Shanty........................................Map-C #24 Siesta T’s........................................... Map-B #30 Swell Things.................................... Map-D #66 The Sandal Factory......................... Map-B #46 GAS STATION Circle K Store..................................... Map-E #6 GIFTS & SOUVENIRS Beach Bazaar.................................. Map-C #28 Gilligan’s Gift Store........................ Map-B #32 Island Trader....................................Map-C #51 Sea Pleasures & Treasures.............Map-C #29 Siesta Key Outfitters..................... Map-D #11 Siesta Kids........................................ Map-B #36

THE LOCAL BEAN • Internet Café • Coffee Shop • Tea Room 5138 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key Village



Map D #62

Organic and Fair Trade Coffees & Teas Cold Pressed Coffee Organic Smoothies Light Lunch (Salads & Sandwiches) Breakfast Sandwiches, Bagels & Lox Local Pastries Free Snacks

HEALTH & FITNESS Indep. Lifestyle Solutions ............ Map-D #10 Siesta Healing................................... Map-D #9 Siesta Key Fitness..........................Map-B #73 ICE CREAM/TREATS Big Olaf Creamery..........................Map-C #52 Ciao Gelato.......................................Map-C #50 Curly Cream Ice Cream................... Map-D #9 Local Chill Ice Cream.................... Map-D #60 Made in Rome Gelato.....................Map-C #53 Meany’s Mini Donuts.....................Map-C #24 SubZero Ice Cream/Yogurt.......... Map-D #16 Sunni Bunni Frozen Yogurt...........Map-C #53 INTERNET / WiFi SERVICES Davidson Drugs............................ Map-D #65 LeLu’s Coffee Lounge...................Map-B #31 The Local Bean............................... Map-D #62 JEWELRY Created Gems..................................Map-C #51 Mount -N- Repair Jewelers............. Map-D #9




nt in federal court to try to prevent dredging


Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

By Rachel Brown Hackney SarasotaNewsLeader.com

negatively impact navigation of recreational and commercial watercraft transiting the only local navigational inlet without a drawbridge between Sarasota and the Gulf of Mexico. We must prevent this damage from happening,” he added, noting that the nonprofit organization is “filing this suit for hundreds of our members as well as for thousands of additional Siesta Key residents, visitors and business owners who have similar concerns.”

Getting to this point On June 18, 2018, the City of Sarasota and the USACE received a permit from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to remove up to 1.3 million cubic yards of sand from Big Pass as the first step in a 50-year-long initiative to stabilize the critically eroded Lido Key Beach. Since it was formally incorporated in 2014, the nonprofit SOSS2 has argued that the plans could lead to harm to Siesta Key, as well as to sea life and navigation in the

waterway, which lies between Lido Key and Siesta Key. In August 2016, the Sarasota County Commission asked the USACE to undertake an in-depth Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the proposal involving Big Pass. The USACE asserted, in response, that its analyses of the project showed that no harm would result for Siesta Key or Big Pass. Last summer, SOSS2 gave the USACE one more opportunity to pursue an EIS, announcing that it would file suit if the federal agency refused to do so. The USACE offered no response to the nonprofit. As a result, on Sept. 28, 2018, SOSS2 provided the formal 60-day notice to the federal agency and FDEP that it would pursue a legal remedy in federal court. The complaint was filed on Jan. 11 in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida, which is located in Tampa. The USACE “does not comment on matters in litigation,” Susan J. Jackson, spokeswoman for the USACE in its Jacksonville District Office, reported on Oct. 1, 2018, after SOSS2

provided the notice of intent to file suit. In a Jan. 15 email to the Sarasota city commissioners, City Manager Tom Barwin attached a copy of the SOSS2 lawsuit. He pointed out that the USACE project has been “permitted, funded and is being prepared for bidding, to protect and stabilize the vulnerable Lido Key shoreline.” Barwin added, “We are not a defendant in this filing but the case is related to an important project in the city which is expected to proceed late in the year.” Van Roekens has pointed out on numerous occasions that the city never has had a “Plan B” — that the city has remained committed to the USACE’s proposal to use sand primarily from Big Pass, which never has been dredged. Even when members of the public and Siesta organizations began raising concerns years ago about the potential harm of taking sand from Big Pass — based on past, independent scientific research — the city has stood resolute in its support of the USACE. A 1994 study undertaken by D.G. Aubrey

and Robert Dolan noted, “Siesta Key’s stability and low erosion rates are linked, both directly and indirectly, to the Big Sarasota Pass ebb shoal’s capacity to shelter the key from high wave and storm forces, as well as to the sand transport that occurs in conjunction with the shoal, the pass, and the key. If proposed dredging … by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is carried out, this will modify the wave and storm protection an alter the sediment supply to the onshore beaches.” At the time, Aubrey was president of his own consulting firm and a senior scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Dolan was a professor in the Department of Environmental Sciences at the University of Virginia. Their report was written as the USACE pursued plans to undertake a 2.1-million cubic yard renourishment project for beaches in the Venice area. That proposal ultimately was defeated through a legal challenge.

• SEGWAY RENTALS • PADDLEBOARDS • SCOOTER CARS • GOLF CARTS • BIKES • SCOOTERS • BEACH GEAR Map B #34 5255 Ocean Blvd • Siesta Key Village www.robinhoodrentals.net


LIQUOR STORES / FINE WINES Gabbiano’s Wine Club................. Map-D #70 Gilligan’s.........................................Map-B #33 Siesta Key Wine Bar........................Map-C #61 Siesta Village Liquors.................. Map-C #26 The Beach Club............................... Map-D #22

Map D #64

MAILING - SHIPPING US Post Office................................. Map-D #65 MARKETS/FOOD STORES Circle K Store..................................... Map-E #6 Morton’s Siesta Market................ Map-C #25 MASSAGE Hands of Light Massage................ Map-B #35 Massage Therapy.............................. Map-E #1 The Spa at Calle Minorga............... Map-E #74 MEDICAL - DENTAL Sarasota Medical Center................ Map-D #63 Siesta Dental..................................... Map-B #49 Siesta Key Physical Therapy......... Map-D #20 Siesta Village Dentistry................. Map-D #63 MISCELLANEOUS Chamber of Commerce................. Map-D #67 Positive RePercussion...................... Map-D #9 Roberti Enterprises........................ Map-A #39 Tarot Card Reading & Gifts........... Map-B #50 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Edward Jones Investments........... Map-D #68 Smith Architects.................................Map-E 74 REAL ESTATE / RENTAL SERVICES Coldwell Banker Realty................. Map-D #20 Keller Williams Real Estate........... Map-D #11 Key Realty.........................................Map-E #5 Michael Saunders Realty..............Map-E #72 ReMax Alliance Group...................Map-C #29 ReMax Tropical Sands................. Map-D #67 RentSiestaKey.com........................... Map-D #9 Robasota Rentals & Real Estate.... Map-A #39 Siesta Key Rental Prop.................. Map-D #10

48 47 46

RESTAURANTS / CAFÉS Another Broken Egg..............Map-C #54 & 55 Big Water Fish Market, N............ Map-D #15 Blasé Café....................................... Map-A #38 Bonjour French Cafe.......................Map-C #47 Café Gabbiano............................... Map-D #71 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar........... Map-B #42-43 Flavio’s Brick Oven & Bar.............. Map-B #29 Flavio’s Italiano Ristorante............ Map-B #30 Gilligan’s Island Bar & Grill.......Map-B #33 Island House Bar & Grill............... Map-D #69 LeLu’s Coffee Bar...........................Map-B #31 Lobster Pot...................................... Map-C #23 Old Salty Dog Rest. & Pub............... Map-E #2 PI Pizza & Craft Beer..................... Map-A#37 Ripfire Pizza..................................... Map-B #47 Siesta Key Oyster Bar....................Map-B #45 Solorzano Bros. Pizzeria.............. Map-D #15 Subway Sandwiches....................... Map-B #30 Summer House................................Map-C #57 Sun Garden Café............................ Map-D #19 The Cottage......................................Map-C #58 The Hub - Baja Grill........................Map-C #59 The Star Thai Sushi............... Map-D #17 & 18 Village Café.................................... Map-D #14 SPAS - HAIR & BEAUTY LaPlaya Spa......................................Map-C #50 Sassy Hair Salon............................ Map-A #40 Siesta Key Nails & Spa.................. Map-D #9 SPORTS INTEREST/RENTALS CaliFlorida........................................Map-C #29 Robin Hood Rentals......................Map-B #34

Barber Scott Reich

Formerly of the Village Barber

Gulf Gate Barbershop Making Gulf Gate look good since the ‘60’s Bringing over 70 years of life lessons and local knowledge to your haircut (trust us, we know alllll about what you did last summer). It’s not just a haircut, it’s life. We know all about it. Let’s laugh, have a beer, and talk nonsense….that’s free. Haircut? That’s gonna cost you…$15, if we like you, $25 if you’re a P.I.T.A. “Best Local Barbers” 20 years in the running Kyle and Scott “to the second power”

6575 Gateway Ave., Sarasota, FL 34231 941-809-9028 Walk-ins Welcome


Siesta Sand





Piccolo Italian Market & Deli (G-47) carries a full line of imported cheeses, fresh baked bread daily, homemade sausages, fresh mozzarella, and numerous hard to get items. They now carry Khorasan Wheat which is an ancient and organic grain. Their deli is complete with huge hot and cold sandwiches, salads, fresh homemade lasagna and baked ziti. And, you cannot leave without trying their cannoli filled with their own homemade cannoli cream or the tiramisu or Sfogliatelle from Brooklyn. Here is where you will find great Italian specialty gourmet items without the gourmet price. Tony’s Chicago Beef Company (S-16) is owned and operated by true Chicagoans. Dedicated to deliver Chicago’s best food - Chicago style Hot Dogs wit’ the works... Dragged through the garden on poppy seed buns with fresh cut fries, Italian Beef Sandwiches anyway you like, dipped or dry, sweet or hot. All served in true Authentic Chicago Style. Sarasota Brewing Co. (G-4) Sarasota’s first micro brew pub always has something new to offer. From over 20 seasonal beers that rotate throughout the year, the Brewing Company always has at least five unique brews online as well as several favorites from around the world. Established in 1989, their menu has been a winner in the Reader’s Choice Awards of the Sarasota Herald Tribune featuring their mouth watering burgers, Chicago style Pizzas, and Chicago beef sandwiches. With dozens of televisions, it’s a great place to catch a game with friends and family. 1

West End Pub (G-49) Where else can you watch your favorite game with a great selection of beers, wines, and liquors served by a friendly staff AND where you’re allowed to bring your own restaurant or deli food? Right here. The Shop SRQ (G-2) Local owners, Erick and Dawn use a back-to-basics approach to grooming with precise attention to detail. Their commitment to excellence has provided them with many loyal customers. Their old school barber traditions, clean contemporary shop, coupled with their southern hospitality and humor are what separates them from the rest. They welcome the opportunity to earn your trust. Hours: Tues. - Fri. 8:30am - 6pm, Sat., 8:30am - 3pm. (Nov. 1st - May 30th) and Sat., 8:30am - 1pm (Jun. 1st - Oct. 31st). Closed on Sundays and Mondays. 6625 Gateway Ave, 941-626-4894. At the original Word of Mouth Restaurant (G-31), every seemingly insignificant detail receives special attention from the warm, inviting decor to each specially crafted variety of freshly baked muffins to the signature menu items. This small diner is where the locals come to eat breakfast and lunch. Each staff member works hard to make sure you receive the best service and quality food so you’ll want to return often. Take a look at their mouth-watering menu at www.originalwordofmouth. com. Hours: Mon-Sun.: 8AM-2PM. 6604 Gateway Ave., Sarasota, 34231, 941-925-2400. Pride of the South (S-34) has been awarded Top Barbeque in Sarasota for 2016 by Trip Advisor and Yelp. 2




© Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2018

Ba Am nk o eri f ca

Panera Bread

Bed Bath & Beyond

This section helps highlight what you’ll find within this walkable Gulf Gate shopping Village.


Dress for Less

Iberia Bank

Five Below 1




G16 G15 G14 G13 G12 G11 G10 G9 G8 G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1



S59 S58 S57 S56 S55 S54 S53 S52 S51 S50 S49 S48 S47 S46 S45 S44 S43 S42 S41 S40 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33 S32 S31

G23 G22 G21 G20 G19 G18 G17


S30 S29 S28 S27 S26 S25 S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S9 S8




S7 S6 S5 S4 S3 S2 S1

Gulf Gulf Gate Gate Drive Drive

Gulf Gulf Gate Gate Drive Drive


GG1 GG2 GG3 GG4 GG5 GG6 GG7 GG8 GG9 GG10 GG11 GG12 GG13 GG14 GG15 GG16 GG17 GG18 GG19 GG20 GG21 GG22 GG23 GG24 GG25 GG26 GG27 GG28 GG29 GG30 GG31 GG32 GG33 GG34 GG35 GG36 GG37 GG38 GG39 GG40 GG41 GG42 GG43 GG44 GG45 GG46 GG47 GG48 GG49 GG50 GG51 GG52 GG53 GG54

Lo Ho ng rn



Mall Mall Drive Drive

G50 G49 G48 G47 G46 G45 G44 G43 G42 G41 G40 G39 G38 G37 G36 G35 G34 G33 G32 G31 G30 G29 G28 G27 G26 G25

Superior Avenue


Beall’s Outlet


M22 M21 M20 M19 M18 M17 M16 M15 M14 M13 M12 M11 M10 M9 M8





Gateway Avenue


Original Word of Mouth 6604 Gateway Ave. Sarasota, FL 34231








Italian Market & Deli



THE SHOP SRQ 6625 Gateway Ave.

Traditional, Old School Barber Shop 15 Years + Experience


& Vegetarian Sandwiches

941.626.4894 / 941.536.1656

Authentic New York Italian Market & Deli We carry a full line of Imported Cheeses, Boars Head Luncheon Meats, Pasta, Olive Oil, Assorted Imported Olives, Khorasan Wheat (ancient & organic grain), and more. GG-46 G-47 Specialty Italian gourmet items without the gourmet price

Come See Our New Location Store Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10am - 6pm 6518 Gateway Ave.




“We Straight Razor Shave”

Hot or Cold



M5 M4 M3 M2 M1


Sun Trust

Stein Mart

Sarasota Pavilion is a popular shopping destination for numerous locals and visitors alike. Its prime location is close enough to the island for frequent trips with a nice selection of chain stores set in one convenient location. But what truly lends to the uniqueness of this district is the host of small, locally owned, specialty shops, boutiques, restaurants, and neighborhood bars bordering this pavilion. It makes for a fun and rewarding shopping experience. Over 150 businesses make up this district.


HOURS: Monday - Sunday 8:00AM to 2PM www.originalwordofmouth.com





Continued on the next page



Eat Where The Locals Eat!

It has been awarded for the best Southern Hospitality. Pride of the South has a brisket BLT, hands down, one of the best sandwiches you ever tasted. The smoked chicken wings are unbelievable. Backed up with the pulled pork sandwiches, the smoked bologna, the smoked turkey, the collard greens, fried corn on the cob, fried okra, fried green tomatoes, and one of the best mac ‘n cheese you ever tasted. We do catering with no limit to the size of the group. Come in and follow your nose to 6616 Superior Ave, Sarasota, FL 34231. Call (941)926-0099. See you soon. One Minute Key Shop (GG-51): Left your keys in the car? No worries, the One Minute Key Shop will help you safely unlock and retrieve your keys. They specialize in high security locks, keys, re-keying, master keying, and safes for residential, commercial or automotive. Give them a call at 941-924-8020 or visit their showroom where they have a large display of locks and safes. 2120 Gulf Gate Drive. Solorzano’s Late Night Pizzeria (S-32): At every Solorzano’s, they offer an experience familiar to those who understand the importance of family and dedication. Their recipes and techniques have been perfected through three long generations based on the traditional simplicity of the methods used by their Italian ancestors. Dine inside, outside, pick up, or DELIVERY anywhere on Siesta Key, or in Sarasota until 4:00 a.m. 6670 Superior Ave., 941-924-5800.

• No Appointment Needed •


Open Tues.-Fri. 8:30 AM-6 PM Sat. 11/1 - 5/30; 8:30-3 PM Sat. 6/1 - 10/31; 8:30 AM - 1 PM


Catering Available

We Put the South in Your Mouth 6616 Superior Ave. Sarasota



FREE SIDE With the purchase of ANY entreé




Spring Break Begins with the Amish The Ordnung applies both locally and while traveling. Yet some modern conveniences such as air conditioning are allowed, and less surveillance occurs at times such as on excursions to Siesta/Crescent Beach. As Amanda and Alva Yoder stated in the New York Times (15 April 2012), When you come down here, you can pitch religion a little bit and let loose... You’ll never find another place in the world that’s like this one. Longtime resident Katie Troyer adds: All of these groups can mingle down here in a way they wouldn’t at home.

When and why they came: discovery of Sarasota County

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Continued from the cover story

technology. There is an active word-of-mouth network, a type of non-electronic Craigslist at the Old Post Office, and most importantly the Anabaptists’ version of Facebook— The Budget newspaper that has been published weekly in Sugarcreek, Ohio since 1890. The news section of the newspaper is actually the minor component because the Facebook-like letters dominate with more than five-hundred letters weekly describing weather, events, recipes, obituaries, family, etc.

How they come: a long bus ride

When brutal persecutions of Anabaptists in Europe became intolerable during the early 18th century, they migrated to Colonial America, especially Pennsylvania. Their next diaspora extended to other regions of North America wherever a combination of good farmland and tolerant communities could be found, and that combination brought them to Florida. The first Anabaptist Floridians came to Tampa in 1925, but the good agricultural land was expensive there, so they traveled to Venice where they were similarly disappointed. Next, thanks to the abundant Palmer properties, their odyssey ended when they found plenty of farmland at $600 per acre along Phillipi Creek. There, these enterprising, skilled farmers drained the marshland and soon grew celery, lettuce, radishes, and the highly prized Bibb lettuce. Others visited for relaxation from the hard labor up north and for the fabulous fishing. During the 1930s and beyond, the entire community thrived despite the Great Depression and other economic busts.

Development of Pinecraft— the world’s only Anabaptist village The Anabaptists settled in a new community of Sarasota County near the celery fields that was named Pinecraft. They took advantage of available land in the Sarasota National Tourist Camp with its 466 campsites providing about 40-by-40 feet of land for each family. The transition from camps to residential areas occurred gradually, with housing construction starting in the early 1940s. Eventually, a community developed with successful farms and other businesses such as produce markets and restaurants that thrive along Bahia Vista today. Socializing around Pinecraft has always been rich. Communication utilizes every means but modern

By the 1960s, when the Florida tourist boom and Spring Breaks were becoming established, about 5,000 Anabaptists had already been visiting annually by train for a few decades. Now there are closer to 10,000 annually. They no longer can be accommodated in Pinecraft, so the “overflow” visitors stay on Siesta Key or in other communities close to the Gulf beaches. They come as early as November but more likely arrive from mid-December to April by busloads on Pioneer Trails or other bus lines. Pioneer Trails shuttles Amish from Ohio and Indiana, as well as a few from Michigan, to the southbound start-point in Cincinnati where a caravan assembles for the eighteen hour ride to Sarasota. Up to six Pioneer Trails buses can arrive at Pinecraft’s famous Tourist Mennonite Church parking lot on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. The parking lot is always full of excitement, especially on Thursdays, when one of the buses brings The Budget.

Amish electric tricycle customized for shopping in Pinecraft. Photo taken and published with permission.

every Ordnung, a cluster of Amish women enjoying themselves on the beach, each wearing a different pastel colored dress, is an attractive, multi-colored scene. The Anabaptists’ social life is enriched all over Siesta Key and throughout Pinecraft. They enjoy themselves and their extended families wherever they go while leading peaceful, productive lives. The Amish and Mennonites have indeed been an important community asset in Sarasota County by being themselves. Back to the beach You can read more about this topic and others in An Illustrated History From the beginning, the Amish and Mennonite of Siesta Key: The Story of America’s Best Beach, which is sold at both visitors loved Siesta/Crescent Beach. It has always Davidson Drugs stores, Captain Curt’s gift shop, and Crescent Beach been a great attraction for young Anabaptists to Grocery. socialize with each other away from the scrutiny of their elders. Many a romance has been sparked on the white sand of Siesta/Crescent Beach. Later, it can become the perfect setting for a honeymoon. Just like everyone else, Amish and Mennonite beachcombers search the Gulf shores for sand dollars and shells. Island Churches: Some also go swimming. • Siesta Key Chapel, Presbyterian (USA) Unquestionably, the most distinctive and eye4615 Gleason Ave, Siesta Key, 941-349-1166 catching feature of the Amish on Siesta/Crescent Beach is their distinctive clothing as they stroll along www.siestakeychapel.org at any time during the day. Although Amish women do not wear the multi-colored clothes forbidden in

• St. Michael’s Catholic Church 5394 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key, 941-349-4174 www.stmichaelssiesta.com • St. Boniface Episcopal Church 5615 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key, 941-349-5616 www.bonifacechurch.org

Off- Island: •Temple Sinai, a Reform Congregation (The closest Jewish congregation to the Key for visitors) 4631 S. Lockwood Ridge Rd, Sarasota, 941-924-1802 www.templesinai-sarasota.org

Winter sunset over the gulf waters on Siesta Key beach. By Donnarose Melvin


Continued from the previous page

Wild Ginger Apothecary has been successfully providing sustainable, ethically produced, and nontoxic products for beauty, home and nutrition to the health conscious consumers of Sarasota since

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that cover lifestyle, creativity, health, and more in the Studio + Lounge. Z6557 Superior Ave. 941-312-5630, www. woldgingerapothecary.com Gulf Gate Barber Shop has been an institution in the community for years, owned by Kyle Flannery. The superclean barbershop’s clientele is comprised of primarily men, but the shop services children as well. If you have been a longtime patron of the former Siesta Key Village Barber Shop Scott Reich, you can find him here. The two barbers bring over 70 years of knowledge to your haircut. See their ad in centerspread pages of this edition. 6675 Gateway Ave in Gulf Gate, 941-809-9028.

• St. Andrew United Church of Christ (Protestant) (In the Gulf Gate area, near Beneva and Gulf Gate Drive) 6908 Beneva Road, Sarasota, 941.922.7595 www.uccstandrew.org • The Superior Word - Rev. Charlie Garrett Service starts Sunday mornings at 10am. Bring a friend and share in God’s word. 6512 Superior Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34231 • First Christian Church 7601 Clark Road, Sarasota, FL 34241. 941-922-4434 www.fccsarasota.com

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Siesta Sand


Siesta Sounds


By Charmaine Engelsman-Robins

James Albritton of Hydramatic “People don’t think they know me, but they do,” claims James Albritton. The reasoning behind that, he explains, is that he plays guitar and sings at clubs and in concerts in lots of different configurations, from solo gigs to backing up others (and just to add to the confusion, that may be on guitar or drums), to regularly playing with Andrew Glasgow, Damon Jeffrey Owens and John Hetherington as The Hydramatic (his regular full-band home) and in various duo or trio configurations. So you may have seen him and not realized it was him, he reasons... but offers this helpful hint: “I’m the giant, nerdy-lookin’ dude who sings weird.” (Shaking my head.) No he isn’t. He’s this cute, footballplayer-size guy who, okay, does wear nerd glasses but hey, they’re very Buddy Holly, so that’s instant cache ... and he definitely does not sing “weird:” he sings well. Make that very well. With the Hydramatic, he’s recently played some fantastic outdoor holiday gigs at the Marie Selby Botanical Garden (one of their frequent venues) and he cites that as one of many high points. Instead of vacationing, when he wants to get away James books out of town tours and gigs. Sort of a working holiday. But you know what they say: “Do what you love and you never ‘work’ a day in your life.” James has found this to be true and, as a result, has a faithful fan base and fairly large following in Massachusetts ... specifically the Boston area ... and throughout Wisconsin, all great fun. Opening for Bon Jovi in front of 20,000 people didn’t suck either. But the heart of the regular business is, of course, the clubs. Because so many are somewhat awkwardly set-up in bars that weren’t originally laid out for live music, or even thrown together in what had been a retail storefront, you often hear the music on your way in, well before you actually see the players. Don’t be surprised if your ears and eyes aren’t in agreement when you wander into a James Albritton gig. It can be a little jarring when your ears prepare you for what sounds like an older black guy killin’ some 70’s R&B or soul tunes, and then your eyes find that the singer is this young white guy who wasn’t even born yet when that song charted. He does come across younger than his 34 years and, in fact, says he still gets carded “if I shave.” (If you haven’t already guessed, James also has a



BLASE CAFÉ In the Village 941-349-9822

Amandah Jantzen 6‐10 PM

DAIQUIRI DECK RAW BAR In the Village 941‐349‐8697


WEDNESDAY Savanah Brady (6 & 13 ) th Sandi Grecco (20 ) th Sandy Vogel Trio (27 ) 6‐10 PM

Evan Eastmoore (5,12 & 19) th Nick LeValley (26 ) 6‐10 PM

GILLIGANS In the Village 941-346-8122

Rodney Shenk: 6‐10 PM

Lelu’s Coffee Lounge In the Village 941-346-5358

SIESTA KEY OYSTER BAR (SKOB) In the Village 941‐346‐5443

1‐5 PM: th Vince Berardi (4 ) th Bri Rivera (11 ) th Capt. Kurt (18 ) th Jordy (25 ) Al Donadi 7‐11 PM

Photos courtesy of the artist

wicked wry sense of humor, which comes out a lot on stage.) That’s James Albritton. He’s a definite throwback with his love of and affinity for such big contributors to the big 1970’s FM radio album R&B and Soul music scene: Al Green, Little River Band, Bobby Caldwell, Earth Wind & Fire, Wilson Pickett and “any band that had Paul Carrack on vocals” (which could include Warm Dust, Ace, Mike and the Mechanics, Roxy Music and Squeeze) as well as other random, lesser known artists of the genre. The Hydramatic has no problem packing a room; their mixed bag repertoire of funk, jazz, blues, soul, R&B, and all out rock has a little bit of something for anybody and puts folks in a great mood. James is proud of the fact that their gigs draw “real music lovers” rather than just typical bar patrons who can drink to anything being played. The overall chill vibe and solid atmosphere is definitely different than some of the rooms where patrons are often “treated” to some drunken disturbance that isn’t so much dangerous as it is annoying. “There has never been a fight at one of our gigs,” James brags, adding for emphasis,”Never.” In addition to his personal gigs and regular work with The Hydramatic, James notes that there are about 20 bands in the area that share a love of R&B and Soul, and they’re bands that are made up of exceptionally good players. It’s a scene where the sound is more important than the individual identity of any one specific group, and they tend to do a lot of melding, jamming, and sitting in with one another just for the sheer enjoyment of making and sharing the music they most love. This month, you can hear The Hydramatic and soak up some great weather and sunsets as well when they play on the deck at the Boatyard Waterfront Bar & Grill located at 1500 Stickney Point Road (by the south bridge to Siesta Key on the mainland side). They’ll be playing there on February 12 and 26, and then again on March 19.

James Albritton serves up the soul sound of the 70s (and more)

THURSDAY Rob Viola (7, 14 & 21) th Nexx Level (28 ) 6‐10 PM

For additional information you can check out the Facebook pages for The Hydramatic and also the personal page of James Albritton. Or just venture out to one of the gigs and get the latest. We trust you’ll now recognize James.



Callie & The Whole Band 6‐10 PM



6‐10 PM: Kettle of Fish (1 ) Berry & Friends (8 & 15) nd Strange Starr (22 ) DJ KConn – 10 PM


6‐10 PM Mike Tozier (6 & 20) Deven Starr (13 & 27)

RPM LIVE ‐ 6‐10 PM DJ Nate – 10 PM

1‐5 PM: Dana & Co. FolkLab 7‐11 PM

1‐5 PM Whiteleather (1 & 8) 2‐6 PM Whiteleather (15 & 22) 8‐Midnight st Big Daddy Boys (1 ) th Hatley Band (8 ) th Deven Starr Band (15 ) nd Bri Rivera (22 )

1‐5 PM: J. Gilton (5 & 19) th David Morris (12 ) th Wild Horses (26 ) Open mic night 7‐11 PM

1‐5 PM: Frankie Ray (6 & 20) Deven Starr (13 & 27) Kettle of Fish 7‐11 PM

THE COTTAGE In the Village 941-312-9300 THE HUB‐BAJA GRILL In the Village 941-349-6800 BACKROOM SALOON @ CAPT. CURTS 941‐349‐3885 Crescent Beach Shops SNIKI TIKI @ CAPT CURTS Crescent Beach Shops 941‐349‐3885 Turtle Beach Grill Southern end of SK 941‐349‐2280 SAND DOLLAR POOL BAR @ Best Western Plus 6600 S. Tamiami Trl. Sarasota 941‐924‐4900 BOATYARD WATERFRONT BAR & GRILL 1500 Stickney Pt. Rd. 941‐921‐6200 CASEY KEY FISH HOUSE 801 Blackburn Pt. Rd, Osprey 941‐966‐1901

Karaoke Mondays 9 PM – Midnight

Lady B & the Buzz (2 & 16 ) Kat Crosby Band (9 & 23) 6‐10 PM LIVE MUSIC (3‐7 PM) DJ K Conn (10 PM) PEDRO: 1 PM nd 6‐10 PM: Ted Stevens (2 ) th Skyway (9 ) th Nexx Level (16 ) rd Bird Tribe (23 ) DJ KConn – 10 PM

SUNDAY 2‐5 PM: RJ Housen & Friends (2/3 only) rd 6‐10 PM: Bird Tribe (3 ) Alex Ross Mojo Revival th (17 ) Lisa Ridings Band (10 & 24) BREE (3‐7 PM) 1 PM: Frankie Lombardi (10 & 24) 6 PM Bird Tribe (10 & 17) th Skyway (24 ) DJ Tuesday – 10 PM

Eddie James Jazz Band 7‐10 PM


THE BEACH CLUB In the Village 941-349-6311


DJ Coz or DJ Kensi 9 PM – 2 AM

DJ Coz & DJ Xtreme 10 PM

8 – 11 PM: New Divide (1 ) th Tropical Ave (8 ) th Actual Bank Robbers (15 ) nd Sweet Spot (22 ) Live DJ: 11 PM‐2 AM

10 AM 1 PM Vince Colaiocco (3 & 17) Mike Tozier (10 & 24)

1‐5 PM: Evan Eastmore (2 & 16) th Bri Rivera (9 ) rd Timothy Horton (23 ) Mike Tozier 8‐Midnight nd

2‐6 PM: Chris Connelly (3rd) th

Danny Fox Duo (10 ) th Groove Makers (17 ) th Chicago Carey (24 ) 7 ‐11 PM: Hatley Band (17 & 24) th) The Whole Band (10

8 – 11 PM: NoFilter (2 ) th Stereo FM ( 9 ) th 22N (16 ) rd TL (23 ) DJ Kensi: 11 PM – 2 AM

8 PM –Midnight th Live Music (10 ) th Ari & the Alibis(17 ) th Noel Rochford Band (24 )

Live Music 6-9 PM

Live Music 6-9 PM

Live Music 6-9 PM

Live Music 7-10 PM

Live Music 7-10 PM

Live Music 7-10 PM

Live Music 6-9 PM

Live Music Noon – 3 PM 3:30 – 6:30 PM 7-10 PM

Live Music Noon – 3 PM 3:30 – 6:30pm 7-10pm

Live Music Noon – 3 PM 3:30 – 6:30 PM 7-10 PM

Live Music Noon – 3 PM 3:30 – 6:30 PM 7-10 PM

Live Music 1 – 4 PM 4:30 – 7:30 PM 8:30 PM –midnight

Live Music 1-4 PM 4:30 – 7:30 PM 8:30 PM - midnight

Live Music Noon – 3 PM 3:30 – 6:30 PM 7-10 PM














Acoustic Guitar 5‐9 PM

Dami Caines & James Albritton* 5‐9 PM *See article highlight in Siesta Sounds




RPM 5‐9 PM

Bri Rivera 5‐9 PM

Vince Barardi 5‐9 PM

Joker Duo 5‐9 PM

Desi Adams w/Island Sounds 4‐8 PM




Above information is subject to change. We suggest calling venues for confirmation.




Island Humor A farmer drove to a neighbor’s farmhouse and knocked on the door. A boy, about 9 years old opened the door. “Is your dad or mom home?” asked the farmer. “No, they went to town.” “How about your brother, Howard? Is he here?” “No, he went with mom and dad.” The farmer stood there for a few minutes, shifting from one foot to the other, mumbling to himself, when the young boy says, “I know where all the tools are, if you want to borrow one, or I can give my dad a message.” “Well,” says the farmer uncomfortably. “No, I really want to talk to your dad about your brother, Howard getting my daughter Suzy pregnant.” The boy thought for a moment, then says, “You’ll have to talk to my dad about that. I know he charges $500 for the bulls, and $150 for the pigs, but I have no idea how much he charges for Howard.” You and your child are driving late at night along a deserted road.

You come across a van full of money with the driver dead from an apparent heart attack. What lesson do you teach your child? Lift with your legs, not your back. Wife: I am not talking to you. Husband: OK. Wife: Don’t you want to know the reason? Husband: No, I respect and trust your decision! I got a call from the police station saying they want to interview me. Gee, I don’t remember applying for a job there. A local United Way office realized that the organization had never received a donation from the town’s most successful lawyer. The person in charge of contributions called him to persuade him to contribute. “Our research shows that out of a yearly income of at least $500,000, you give not a penny to charity. Wouldn’t you like to give back to the community in some way?”


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The lawyer mulled this over for a moment and replied, “First, did your research also show that my mother is dying after a long illness, and has medical bills that are several times her annual income?” Embarrassed, the United Way rep mumbled, “Um ... no.” The lawyer interrupts, “or that my brother, a disabled veteran, is blind and confined to a wheelchair?” The stricken United Way rep began to stammer out an apology, but was interrupted again. “Or that my sister’s husband died in a traffic accident,” the lawyer’s voice rising in indignation, “leaving her penniless with three children?!” The humiliated United Way rep, completely beaten, said simply, “I had no idea...” On a roll, the lawyer cut him off once again, “So if I don’t give any money to them, why should I give any to you?”

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


A traditional Siesta Key restaurant Looking for that “Old Florida” Restaurant & Oyster Bar to take the Family? Look no further... Captain Curt’s Crab & Oyster Bar on Siesta Key is just that place for lunch and dinner. A place that will take you back in time to an era where good, fresh seafood was a standard. They are famous for their fresh Raw Oysters, Clam Chowder, Crabs & Crab Cakes and other fresh seafood. Their Clam Chowder is the “Winner of the Great Chowder Cook-off” International Competition Newport, RI! Captain Curt’s Crab & Oyster Bar is located at Captain Curt’s Village on beautiful Siesta Key, 1200 Old Stickney Point Rd. Also located at Captain Curt’s Village is The Sniki Tiki Bar, one of the local’s favorite places to have an ice cold beer and listen to live music. Don’t miss Karaoke night in the Backroom Saloon. The Travel Channel, in their Best Beaches series, ranked Siesta Key Beach “The Best Sand Beach” and “Captain Curt’s the Best Family Restaurant on Siesta Key.” Hope to see you soon! Captain Curt’s Crab & Oyster Bar www.captaincurts.com (941) 349-3885.

So, I hear you’re getting married. Yep. Do I know her? Nope. Is she good looking? Not really. She must be a good cook then. Naw, can’t cook too well either. Well, must be that she’s rich. Nope, poor as a church mouse. Ok, then it must be that she’s good in bed. Gee, don’t know about that. Well, for goodness sake, why would you want to marry her then? She can still drive. A wife comes into the bedroom and asks her husband, “Honey, have you ever seen a twenty dollar bill all crumpled up?” “No”, said her husband. She gave him a sexy little smile, slowly reached into her cleavage and pulled out a crumpled twenty dollar bill. “Have you ever seen a fifty all crumpled up?” “Uh, no,” he says. She gave him another sexy little smile and reached into her panties and pulled out a crumpled fifty dollar bill. “Now,” she asked, “Have you ever seen 40,000 dollars all crumpled up?” Intrigued, he said, “No.” “Well, go look in the garage!”

Karaoke Thursday, Friday & Saturday


Siesta Sand


BARS & NIGHTCLUBS Capt. Curt’s Backroom Saloon................B-3 #7 Crescent Club........................................... C-3 #13 Sniki Tiki....................................................B-3 #8 DELIS / BAKERIES A Taste of Germany................................ C-3#14 Anna’s Deli & Sandwiches.................. C-3 #14 Nutritious You......................................... C-3 #14 The Beach Deli @ Crescent Beach Grocery......B-3 #1 DRUG STORES Davidson Drugs..................................... C-3 #14 FASHION & ACCESSORIES Fin Island Co............................................. A-3 #2 CB’s Saltwater Outfitters........................ A-3 #4 Coconuts Fashion......................................B-3 #1 Coconuts / Island Colors..........................B-3 #8 Green Turtle Swimwear......................... C-3 #14 Key Casual Fashions............................... D-3 #17 Things You Like...................................... C-3 #14



GIFTS & SOUVENIRS Capt. Curt’s Souvenirs.............................B-3 #8 Green Turtle Shells & Gifts................. C-3 #14 Sunshine Sand Hidden Treasures........ D-3 #17 Silver City Jewelry.................................. C-3 #14 HEALTH & BEAUTY Sanctuary Siesta Key............................... A-5 #12 Siesta Key Salon & Spa........................... D-3 #17 The Key Spa & Salon.............................. A-5 #12 ICE CREAM & TREATS Orange Octopus .......................................B-3 #8 INTERNET / WiFi SERVICES Davidson Drugs..................................... C-3 #14 Mail Pack Center..................................... C-3 #14 LIQUOR STORES Crescent Beach Grocery...........................B-3 #1 Crescent Club............................................B-3 #13 Siesta Spirits............................................. C-3 #17

MAILING & SHIPPING Mail Pack Center..................................... C-3 #14 US Post Office Sub Station..................... C-3 #14 MARKETS 7-11 Store.................................................. C-3 #16 Big Water Fish Market.......................... C-3 #17 Crescent Beach Grocery...........................B-3 #1 MISCELLANEOUS Moving & Storage....................................B-3 #10 Flowers by Fudgie................................... D-3 #17 REAL ESTATE / RENTALS Beckmann Properties.............................. C-2 #15 Homes & Condo Rentals........................ D-3 #17 Re/Max Tropical Sands............................B-3 #1 Siesta 4-Rent............................................ C-3 #14 Waterside Realty..................................... C-3 #17 RESTAURANTS / CAFES A Taste of Germany................................ C-3#14


Boatyard Waterfront Bar & Grill...............A-5 #12 Capt. Curts Crab & Oyster Bar.................B-3 #7 City Pizza Italian Restaurant................. D-3 #17 Clayton’s Siesta Grille...............................B-3 #9 Daiquiri Deck.................................................A-3 #2 Spear Fish Grill..............................................A-4 #5 Toasted Mango Cafe....................................C-3 #17 Miguel’s Restaurant................................ C-3 #17 Munchies.................................................. C-3 #17 WATER SPORTS - FISHING - RENTALS A to Z Beach & Bike Rentals.................. A-5 #12 FIN Island Co. . ........................................ A-3 #2 CB’s Saltwater Outfitters........................ A-3 #4 Parasail Siesta............................................ A-3 #2 Siesta Key Bike & Kayak . ......................B-3 #8 Siesta Key Marina.................................... A-4 #5 Siesta Key Jetski . ...................................... A-3 #2 Siesta Sports Rentals............................. C-3 #14 Waves Boat & Social Club...................... A-5 #12

Big Water Fish Market................................C-3 #17

“Home of the Orange Squeeze!”

OPEN 11:00 AM – 10:00 PM DAILY


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1220 Old Stickney Point Rd., Siesta Key In the Captain Curt’s Plaza Map B-3#8


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941-346-1800 • www.ATasteofGermany.net 6575 Midnight Pass Rd., Siesta Key (South of Stickney Pt.)

Map C-3 #14

Map B-3#8

A Taste of Germany 6575 Midnight Pass Rd.

MAP C-3 #14

Anna’s Deli 6535 Midnight Pass Rd.

MAP C-3 #14

Big Water Fish Market 6641 Midnight Pass Road

Boatyard Waterfront Bar & Grill 1500 Stickney Point Rd.

MAP A-5 #12

CB’s Saltwater Outfitters 1249 Stickney Point Rd.

MAP A-3 #4

Coconuts Fashion MAP 1215 Old Stickney Point Rd. B-3 #1&8

Crescent Beach Grocery 1211 Old Stickney Pt. Rd.

MAP B-3 #1

Siesta 4-Rent 6555 Midnight Pass Rd.

MAP C-3 #14

Toasted Mango Cafe 6621 Midnight Pass Rd.

MAP C-4 #17

MAP C-3 #17




New multifamily structure 185 feet seaward of Gulf Beach Setback Line proposed on Siesta Key

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Beached Boat


Photo by Bob Stein

By Rachel Brown Hackney SarasotaNewsLeader.com

The same Siesta Key property owner who has proposed a new multi-story structure on the beach near Access 10 has begun a new application process with Sarasota County. This time, he is seeking to replace an existing single-family residence at 636 Beach Road with a six-unit, multifamily dwelling over a garage that would be 185 feet seaward of the Gulf Beach Setback Line. The Gulf Beach Setback Line (GBSL) is what county Environmental Permitting staff refers to as the “line in the sand” designed to preserve native beach habitat, including dunes and grasses, and thus protect property on the landward side of the line. The new structure at 636 Beach Road has been designed with a footprint of 5,736 square feet, the application says. Its habitable area seaward of the GBSL would be double that of the existing structure, the document notes. The design includes a pool and deck, which would comprise 1,893 square feet, as well as a drive (3,417 square feet) and walkways (1,533 square feet). The total footprint at ground level would be 6,956 square feet, according to the application. A narrative accompanying the application says the proposed new building would have the same footprint the County Commission approved for 610-616 Beach Road, “as set forth in GBSL Variance Resolution 2011-080 …” The owner of the 636 Beach Road property is Saba Sands LLC, whose manager is Sarasota attorney William A. Saba. As with his proposal for the new structure near Beach Access 10, Saba has engaged Sarasota attorney Robert Lincoln as his agent in the application process. Lincoln submitted the application to county staff on April 30, 2018, county records show. The narrative for the 636 Beach Road variance petition says that the proposed new multifamily units would be in a building east of Tenacity Lane “on lands that have been heavily impacted, are not protected by any conservation or other easement, and do not support dune habitat or vegetation. Since 1998, the coast has continued to accrete.” The proposed building and associated structures would be at least 617 feet from the Mean High Water Line, the narrative adds, and approximately 400 feet from the vegetation line. Part of the new application entails a petition for the vacation of a segment of 1,306 square feet of Tenacity Lane on Siesta Key, county documents show. That petition says that Saba wishes to combine parcels he owns that are separated by the road. The petition points out, “The Vacation Parcel has never been opened or used by the County or the public. No utilities are located in the Vacation Parcel. The portion of Tenacity Lane lying immediately to the north of the Vacation Parcel was previously vacated by the County.” Nonetheless, a Sarasota County Charter amendment that 72% of voters approved on Nov. 6, 2018 forbids the County Commission from vacating any road segments that have even a “waterfront vista.” The county has joined a complaint in the 12th Judicial Circuit Court, arguing that the constitutionality of that amendment — proposed by Siesta resident Mike Cosentino — is in question because of its conflicts with the authority state law accords to county governments.

Facets of a Coastal Setback Variance petition County Media Relations Officer Drew Winchester reported in early January that no date has been set for the County Commission to hold a public hearing on the Coastal Setback Variance Saba is seeking so he can construct the new dwelling units. Additionally, SNL asked whether county regulations are more flexible regarding Coastal Setback Variance petitions involving replacement of existing structures that stand seaward of the GBSL. In response, Howard Berna, manager of the county’s Environmental Permitting Division, wrote in a Jan. 8 email, “Existing features on a property are considered during the variance review; however, the petitioner must demonstrate that the new construction meets the following variance approval criteria: a) strict enforcement of the Coastal Setback Code would impose an unreasonable or unjust hardship on the land; b) the requested variance does not adversely impact coastal systems; c) the request is the minimum variance necessary to permit reasonable use of the property; d) the request is not in substantial conflict with the purposes of the code; and e) the variance request is consistent with the county’s Comprehensive Plan. With existing use of the property, requests that propose more or larger structures are challenged to meet all of these criteria.”

Details about the new proposal The narrative accompanying the application for the 636 Beach Road project says the parcel consists of four platted lots zoned Residential MultiFamily 1 in the Siesta Key Overlay zoning district. That designation allows 6 units per acre, the narrative points out. The 636 Beach Road A beached boat near Beach Access 4 on Siesta Key January 23. According to reports, property includes the boat became beached January 20. The owners do have the means to remove the two 50-foot-wide lots boat. The Florida Fish and Wildlife were notified and they will take care of removing seaward of Tenacity the boat from the beach. Lane that extend to the Mean High Water Line, the narrative explains. The proposed building, the narrative adds, “includes The narrative adds that between Siesta Public Beach less density than otherwise could be developed under and Ocean Boulevard, “there are six properties that the Zoning Code and county Comprehensive Plan.” have ‘double lots’ on Beach Road. All of them except the The property has 100 feet of frontage along both Subject Property have multifamily structures …” Beach Road and Tenacity Lane, the narrative says. If the “Over the years since the Coastal Setback Variance County Commission approved the requested vacation of ordinance was adopted,” the narrative explains, “the part of Tenacity Lane, the narrative continues, then the County Commission has established a practice and total combined square footage would be 1.6 acres, “and policy of allowing properties that include lots fronting therefore has sufficient area for nine dwelling units.” Beach Road and lots west of Tenacity Lane to combine However, the narrative points out, Saba is proposing the density or rights and build multifamily buildings on to build only six units. properties fronting Beach Road.”


Siesta Sand



Fishing Photos

Water World

Sarasota History

Published in memory of Paul Roat

|John Ringling’s bad luck with boats February was a cruel month for Sarasota entrepreneur, circus magnate, and yachtsman John Ringling. Ann Shank, former Sarasota County Historian, sums it up best when describing Ringling’s boat disasters. “One exploded and burned. Another ran into an unchartered object and sank. Small or large, John Ringling’s yachts were a signal to local residents that he had a presence in Sarasota.” The “presence” element — horrible circus fire that killed more than 160 people in Hartford, Conn., failed real estate projects, an abandoned hotel left crumbling for decades on Longboat Key, bankruptcies — set aside, his boating problems and the cast of characters involved read like a mystery novel. And anyone who has ever owned a boat will recognize this cacophony of catastrophes as being even beyond the kin of the joys of boat ownership. Circa 1910, Ringling owned a small yacht named Wethea. He used the vessel to entertain dignitaries as they tooled around Sarasota Bay and other Southwest Florida ports. Ringling exchanged the Wethea for the Vidoffner II in 1917. His latest 110-foot yacht began Ringling’s spate of bad boat luck Feb. 13, 1920, when it exploded. The boat was getting new engines and receiving other repairs at port in Tampa when it blew up. Crewmember Ben Olson died in the explosion. Chief Engineer Erwin Gremli suffered serious burns. Boaters may question why a boat needs new engines after three years, but the record is mum on the need or rationale. Ringling was undeterred in his need for yachting and purchased the “Zalophus” for $200,000 in January 1923. She was 125 feet long, had six staterooms, and held smaller cabins for what could only be described as housing for myriad servants. As historian Shank put it, “The Zalophus was well suited to the kind of hospitality Ringling hoped would impress potential investors and buyers, especially those whose name and fortune attracted attention.” Attention did indeed strike the yacht at 3 a.m. Feb. 4, 1930. Reports indicate that the vessel struck an uncharted rock and sank. Two crew members were injured, but the four passengers escaped without injury. Then the mystery began and lasted for several years. As Shank phrased it, “Years later the story emerged that two of the unnamed passengers had been New York Mayor Jimmy Walker, who had several times visited the Ringlings in Sarasota, and actress Betty Compton.” Also aboard was reportedly Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gumpertz.


Submitted by CB’s Saltwater Outfitters 941.349.4400 www.CBsOutfitters.com

Oh, and they were all on their way to Useppa Island. And as an FYI, why was Ringling in New York when all of New York was visiting him in Sarasota? Jimmy Walker, Betty Compton Jimmy Walker was a songwriter (Will You Love Me in December (as You Do in May)?) and was a New York State Assemblyman and Senator until his election as New York Mayor in 1926. He had no problem with speakeasies during his terms during Prohibition nor chorus girls like Betty Compton, for whom he left his wife. After intense federal investigation, Walker resigned his office in 1932 and went to Europe, where he married Compton. Walker’s life was featured in a 1957 film “Beau James” starring Bob Hope. Samuel Gumpertz “Dreamland” morphed into Coney Island circa 1911 in New York. Samuel Gumpertz took over management. It was slated to be high-tech, highclass entertainment with what was described as 1 million light bulbs illuminating its buildings. Oops. Just before opening night there were some last-minute repairs to a concession called Hell Gate, a boat trek through dimly lit caverns. There were leaks. There was tar to fix the leaks. The light bulbs began to explode. Fire ensued. Fire hydrants weren’t operational, and the facility was completely engulfed in flames and destroyed.

Above: Ken Mackenzie and son, Mason, visiting from Chicago. Ken caught a beautiful Snook on a white Mister Twister Exude. Also caught was trout, ladyfish and more small Snook. Most of the time was spent in Little Sarasota Bay south of Pointe Crisp. All fish were released.

Right: Ben’s big Jack. Caught on live shrimp using 8# mono

Useppa Island Useppa Island is located in Lee County northeast of Captiva and Sanibel. It was bought by Barron Collier (Collier County) in 1911 and at various points entertained dignitaries such as Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, the Vanderbilts, President Herbert Hoover, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, Gloria Swanson, Shirley Temple, and Zane Grey. Useppa Island later gained some level of infamy as the staging ground for the ill-fated Central Intelligence Agency’s (whatever) at Bay of Pigs in Cuba in 1961.

Ethan from the UK with a Snook caught on Turtle beach and released shortly thereafter

Tony from the UK, with a Sheepshead which was released



Captain Jim Klopfer’s Fishing Report


Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Notes from the Island Fishmonger

Adventure Charters 941-371-1390

Tom Hyser from Md caught this sheephead on the north end of Siesta Key Siesta Key legend Carlyle Veale serving up a Mahi melt at BWFM

February is the last month of winter here in Sarasota. There will be days when it feels like spring is in the air. But, weather patterns will still be unstable, and fishing will follow suit. Being flexible and understanding how weather affects fish behavior will be the key to angling success this month. On many mornings the tide will be very low, especially with a hard northeast wind following a cold front. Under these conditions, fishing the afternoon high tide is often a better choice. Also avoid the areas near the passes after a blow, the cold and dirty water is not conducive to success. One species that anglers can count on most every trip in February is sheepshead. They bite better in cold, dirty water than most other species do. Also, redfish, black drum, and flounder will be caught on the same structure and using the same techniques that are effective for sheepies. Basically, any structure will attract sheepshead. From the rocks at the west end to the Siesta Drive Bridge on the east side, the north end of Siesta Key is a great area to fish. Deep water, docks, rocks, seawalls, and rip-rap will attract and hold fish. All of the bridges and docks in both Big Pass and New Pass may hold fish, as well as the docks and oyster bars south to Albee Rd. The preferred rig is a #1 live bait hook with a 24” piece of 20 lb leader and just enough weight to hold bottom. Live and frozen shrimp, fiddler crabs, sand fleas, and oyster worms are the top baits. Shrimp are the easiest bait to obtain and work great. Sheepshead bite very lightly. Usually, it starts with several light “taps”. It is important not to move the bait at all, the fish will sense that something is wrong. Instead, wait for a steady pull, then reel fast and raise the rod tip sharply. Anglers fishing from Siesta Key beaches should do well when the surf is clear. Whiting will be abundant and silver trout, flounder, pompano, sheepshead, ladyfish and other species will hit live or frozen shrimp fished near the bottom. The deeper grass flats all throughout the area will be productive for speckled trout this month. Incoming tides a couple hours before high tide are usually the best times to fish. Again, avoid the areas around the passes when dirty water is present. Bass Assasin jigs, suspending plugs, gold spoons, and live shrimp under a popping cork are all effective baits. Pompano, jack crevelle, ladyfish, and bluefish all feed over the deep grass. Snook will be found in are rivers, creeks and residential canals, along with redfish, drum, flounder, sheepshead, and jacks. Jerk baits, scented soft plastics, and live shrimp will all produce fished near structure in creeks and canals. We are shaping up to have an actual “winter”, this should trigger a river snook migration.

Kathleen D Sailing Catamarans Let’s go sailing, KATHLEEN D Sailing Catamarans, serving Siesta Key from 3 locations: Downtown Sarasota, Longboat Key, and Anna Maria Island. If you would like to experience being on the water viewing Dolphin Watches, Sunset Sails, Snorkeling and Shelling call us at 941-870-4349 or go to our web site for detailed information www.kathleend.net USCG Certified for 20 passengers.

FISH OF THE MONTH… MAHI -MAHI Most of us know this fish as a Mahi-Mahi but it has several nicknames with Dolphin and Dorado being the most common. The word Mahi-Mahi is actually Hawaiian and means strong-strong referring to it being one of the fastest swimming fish in the sea. I often thought that “El Dorado” would be an excellent nickname for myself but it never really caught on. Probably because I don’t swim. Well, in the month of February strong-strong also means cheap-cheap. Actually, I should say inexpensive. Mahi-Mahi has had a strong production year in the Florida Keys on both the Gulf Coast and on the Atlantic Ocean side. Here is a chance for us consumers to benefit from supply and demand as the Mahi supply is great and the retail cost is lower than I have ever seen. At Big Water Fish Market, the price has dropped to an all-time low. Mahi-Mahi has extra lean, dark meat and is firm textured with a solid flake and moist with a mild, slightly sweet flavor. Mahi feeds off-shore on small fish, shrimp, squid, and crabs. Now that’s a healthy delicious diet that I am jealous of. This fish is one of Florida’s favorites and is often served blackened or grilled and topped with a tropical salsa which varies in recipes. A

great substitute for Mahi is Amberjack which is also a local fish that stays inexpensive almost all year round. I do have a bucket list and was proud to report that last summer, catching a Mahi off the coast of Marathon in the Keys, I was able to scratch that off of my list. The fish was strong and it was a brilliant blue, green and silver color with yellow spotting. Unfortunately the color quickly fades when the fish is landed. Not only is this the fastest swimming fish in the sea but it is also one of the fastest growing as well. Because of the rapid growth of MahiMahi, research at the University of Miami’s Experimental Hatchery is underway to discover and create sustainable farm raised Mahi, predicting this fish to be more abundant than farm raised Salmon within 10 years. Pictured above is the “Mahi Melt” available at Big Water Fish Market. That, along with the Grouper Grill, are by far two of the most popular sandwiches on the island. Live well, eat fish, be strong-strong! Scott Dolan Scott Dolan, Big Water Fish Market 6641 Midnight Pass, Siesta Key, 941-554-8101

FEBRUARY 2019 TIDE CHART Florida, St. Petersburg, Sarasota, Sarasota Bay

February 2019

N 27° 20' / W 82° 33' Date









High Tide 1.1


High Tide 1.8


Low Tide -0.6


Low Tide 1.0




































































































































































































































































































































































©2019 FreeTideTables.com - For comparison only - Times are local - Tides in feet from MLLW





10:40a 3rd


Siesta Sand


Arts on the Horizon



By Rodger Skidmore

Nice Stuff It’s always nice to write about nice stuff, especially if it’s nice. Coming to the Glenridge Performing Arts Center on February 5th will be the Cashore Marionettes: Life in Motion. No, not a slapstick version of Punch & Judy or a noir visitation of puppets doing Game of Thrones, just little vignettes of life - A mother and her child, an elephant unburying a dead friend or relative (don’t know which - not sure that anyone did a DNA match), an old bag lady, someone visiting a gravesite - the usual tug-at-your-heart-strings kind of imagery. All of these are done with Beethoven, Vivaldi, Strauss or Copland playing in the background. And speaking of heart strings, there are enough hand strings, foot strings, arm strings, etc. so that Joe Cashore’s creations can move with real grace. A show that can entrance children, adults and adults still wishing to be children. The South County Jazz Club has teamed up with The Glenridge to bring the Eddie Metz Trio to Sarasota on Wednesday, February 13th. Mr. Metz has been around long enough to have played with Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughn, Sammy Davis, Jr. and Rosemary Clooney so you know he can lay down a good solid track. He will, as always, be keeping things moving on the drums. Rosanno Sportiello will be on piano with Nicki Parrott on bass and vocal. The three of them have been playing on and off together for years and they can really groove together. “On and off” means that, in addition to playing together, they also lead their own jazz trios. If you like their sound you might want to listen to their Arbors Records release “Live at the Jazz Corner.” Besides such jazz standards as Spanish Eyes and St. Louis Blues, they do a nice Chopin medley including Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2 and Fantaisie Impromptu, Op. 66 - very soft and mellow. If you saw The Music Man at the Asolo Rep Theatre at FSU you will remember that they took that Broadway show and put in a lot of tap dancing. It worked and everyone enjoyed it. On Feb. 18th The Glenridge is presenting tap dancing from many different Hollywood and Broadway shows with gorgeous costumes, classic songs and great vocals from the dancing duo: Giattino and DeStefano. And for a cultural extravaganza, the Tamburitzans will blow you away on March 3rd with the music, dance and costumes of eleven Mediterranean and Slavic countries. Details at www. gpactix.com

How did Bruce know? The Hermitage Artist Retreat was created to provide a place for artists to relax and work on their craft. To regenerate and progress. To grow. In 2012, Bruce Rodgers, Executive Director of the Hermitage, coupled with the Greenfield Foundation, presented composer-pianist Vijay Iyer with their highest honors in recognition of both his achievements

and his potential. Today that potential has been fully realized and is recognized worldwide. Later this month (Feb. 22 and 23) Vijay Iyer and Matt Haimovitz (cello) will be playing at the Historic Asolo, the lovely theatre on the grounds of the Ringling Museum. It is probably (possibly?) true that Iyer could compose a piece for piano and kazoo and it would be lauded by kazoo fans everywhere. Maybe. In any case, a few years back Haimovitz commissioned Iyer to write a prelude to Bach’s cello suite in C major; he produced a stunning work. Based on their mutual love of music and their ability to work seamlessly together they have started performing concerts around the US. When Haimovitz was 12, the violinist Itzak Perlman said he should study with the cello virtuoso Leonard Rose at Juilliard. Rose later said that Haimovitz was “probably the greatest talent I ever taught.” As for Iyer, he was named by DownBeat Magazine as Artist of the Year in 2012, 2015 and 2016; also Pianist of the Year in 2014. In 2013 he was awarded a MacArthur “genius grant” for “forging a new conception of the practice of American music.” He is now a chaired professor of music at Harvard University when he is not out performing concerts like the ones coming to Sarasota. In recent concerts they’ve been playing compositions by Zakir Hussein, John McLaughlin, J.S. Bach, Ravi Shankar and Billy Strayhorn, as well as works by Iyer. On the visual arts side of the Ringling Museum, Watercolors from the Permanent Collection runs thru Feb. 3 while the video projects of Coco Fusco, entitled Twilight, will continue in the Monda Gallery through Feb. 17. It explores the social and political climate in Cuba as the Revolution enters its twilight years. Two other ongoing exhibits are Japanese Woodcuts, and European Armor from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. In somewhat related news, the three installments of Antiques Roadshow recorded in Sarasota last year at the Ca’ D’ Zan will be aired on WEDU on January 28th and February 4th and 11th. Info on everything at Ringling.org.

Street, Augusta National golf course, church, play or musical? The Amen Corner is a street in London where monks chanting the Lord’s Prayer on the way to St. Paul’s Cathedral traditionally say Amen; it’s the 11th, 12th and 13th holes where even golf greats have trouble, during the Masters tournament; the area of the church where the most vocally devout congregate to pray; it was a novel and then a play by James Baldwin (Baldwin also wrote the novel on which the current movie, If Beale Street Could Talk, was based); and finally, in 1983, a musical (a stripped down Gospel oriented version) based on the aforementioned play, starring Ruth Brown. The Amen Corner most relevant is the play by James Baldwin, which opened in 1965. Interestingly, this play was first produced by Maria Ellington Cole - know to many as Mrs. Nat “King” Cole. Given that The Amen Corner was first performed the year after the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the same year as the Voting Rights Act of 1965, one can understand why Mrs. Cole would find this to be an important play. And why, in fact, James Baldwin felt compelled to write the novel in the first place. The director of the play, Frank Silvera, also a civil rights activist, directed eight other plays (The Lady of the Camellias, Jane Eyre, A Hatful of Rain, The Skin of Our Teeth, Camino Real, etc.) and acted in all of them. The Sarasota production is by the Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe located on Orange Avenue, just north of 10th Street, and is running from when you read this through March 3rd. The Amen Corner takes place in a “corner” church in Harlem and explores the role of the church in an AfricanAmerican family. It should be noted that David Baldwin, James’ step-father, was a preacher - as was James, from the ages of 14 - 17. Thus “the church” may have been one specific church and Baldwin’s family or, because of Baldwin’s powers of observation and his writing skills, may have been the combination of many churches and many families. Visit Westcoastblacktheatre.org for tickets and also information about their next show, opening March 13th - Love Sung in the Key of Aretha.

We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of this information. However, please be sure to always call ahead to confirm dates, times, location, and other information. WEEKLY BEACH CLASSES: • FREE T’AI CHI CHIH - Siesta Beach, Access #5 - Every Monday, 15 minutes before sunset. Open to all, no experience necessary. Contact Diana Daffner 941-3461024 for information. (Access #5 is in Siesta Village, where Beach Rd. meets Ocean Blvd.) • FREE YOGA - Mon.-Wed.-Fri.-Sat. 9 a.m. Classes held between blue and green lifeguard station. Call 941-320-6693 to register or go to website for more info. www.yogaonsiestabeach.com/about • NIA - Tues. & Thurs., 9 a.m., Siesta Public Beach (yellow lifeguard chair). Contact Kathy Oravec at 941-724-9719 for more info or check website: www.nianow.com/kathy-oravec • SIESTA KEY BEACH HOOP JAMS – Every Tuesday one hour before Sunset on Siesta Key beach we gather for a community Hoop Jam. (Between the red lifeguard stand and the pavilion; around where the Sunday drum circle happens.) Register at: www.outwardspiral.net • YOGA ON TURTLE BEACH – Tuesdays, 8:30-9:30 am. Residents and visitors on the south end of Siesta Key can enjoy All-Levels Yoga through April 9, 2019. For more information about location or registration, please e-mail Julie at: julie@chesapeakeyoga.com WEEKLY DRUM CIRCLE: • Every Sunday about an hour before sunset. South of the main pavilion. You can participate or watch this weekly gathering and dance, hoop, play the drum or other musical instrument, and enjoy the spectacular Siesta sunset.

On The Beach… • FEBRUARY 6, 13, 20, 27 (WEDS) 8-9:30AM / SUNRISE BEACH WALKS: Participants pay a one-time $5 registration fee and receive an event t-shirt with orginal design and sponsor logos and a punch card. Each week, participants check in with Parks and recreation staff between 8-9:30AM and after walking four weeks they are entered into a drawing for prizes. Contact 941-8615000 for details. potluck at the beach. Meet at the pavilion, then head to the beach. Members only event. • FEBRUARY 14 (THURS) 6-8PM / SAY I DO: A romantic beachside renewal of wedding vows, offering couples a beautiful backdrop to express their continuing love and commitment to one another. Couples renew their vows at this non-denominational sunset ceremony then enjoy wedding-themed refreshments. Couples receive a beautiful certificate to commemorate this very special ceremony. Registration is required ($10). Call 941-8617275 to register. Around the island… • WEEKLY FARMER’S MARKET IN THE VILLAGE: Every Sunday from 8am – 1pm in Davidson’s Plaza in the Village. 5124 Ocean Blvd. Produce, Plants & Flowers, Music, Art, Organic Skincare, Italian Olive Oil, and Freshly Prepared Foods. Listen to live music while you shop. • KIDS RHYTHM JAM!™ – 11:30AM: Drumming Fun For Everyone!™ . Every Saturday and Tuesday. Everyone gets permission to play and make noise to create rhythm and song! Come & enjoy group drumming with your family and friends.

$15/family - Positive RePercussions 5049 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key Village - (941) 677-3786. Please check out our wide variety of other programs at: www. positiverepercussions.com/calendar • EXPRESS LUNCH & STUDY: Every Wednesday, Noon, at Siesta Key Chapel, 4615 Gleason Avenue (at Ocean Blvd) Stimulating Bible study in a way that allows you to learn in a relaxed environment. Take a break during your day, bring your lunch and Bible to a class that studies a book of the Bible a little bite at a time. Free and open to the community. (941) 349-1166, siestakeychapel.org • FEBRUARY 3 (SUN) STARTS AT NOON / SIESTA KEY CRUISE-IN SUNDAY: Bring your classic car or bike out for another great car cruise. Food and drinks specials. Live music starting at 2 p.m. featuring RJ Housen and Friends. Event takes place at 3.14 Pi and Blasé Café. • FEBRUARY 14 (WED) 5-8PM / VILLAGE VALENTINE STROLL: Residents and visitors are invited to stroll through Siesta Village which will be adorned with Valentine cheer. There will be something for everyone including live music throughout the Village and candy kisses which will be distributed by the merchants. Participating merchants will be displaying red and pink balloons outside of their businesses. Siesta Key Village offers romantic destinations for you and your sweetheart and lots of fun for the whole family. To avoid parking problems, you can use the FREE trolley service or one of the TIPS ONLY pedi-cab or golf cart services.

Sponsored by the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce and Island Business Committee. Call 941-349-3800 for more information. • SIESTA KEY CRAFT FESTIVAL FEBRUARY 16 & 17 (SAT & SUN): VILLAGE, 10AM – 5PM: Free admission. Join us at the 25TH Annual Siesta Key Craft Festival and discover wonderful creations from more than 100 crafters exhibiting and selling their work in an outdoor gallery. From photography, paintings, sculpture, jewelry and more showcased from local and traveling crafters as well as music and great food. For more information visit: www. ArtFestival.com or the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce at 941-349-3800. • FEBRUARY 23 (SAT) 3-6PM FLY FISHING SCHOOL: CB’s Saltwater Outfitters, 1249 Stickney Point Rd, Sarasota, FL has announced dates for their Orvis-Endorsed fly fishing schools for the upcoming spring timeframe; Feb. 23, Mar. 16, and Apr 13, 2019. Located on Siesta Key, the schools will cover fly casting basics, line control, shooting line and the roll cast. Instructors, Capt. Rick Grassett and Capt. Ed Hurst, will also cover leader construction, fly selection and saltwater fly fishing techniques. The course, designed for beginning and intermediate fly casters, will focus on basics but also work with intermediate casters on correcting faults and improving casting skills. Cost for the schools, which will run from 8:30 AM to 2 PM, is $195 per person and includes the use of Orvis fly tackle and lunch. Contact CB’s Saltwater Outfitters at (941) 3494400 or info@cbsoutfitters.com to make reservations.




Your Monthly Horoscope quixotic energy! But once the Sun joins analytical Mercury in your house of work, service and self-care, plant those Havaianas back on terra firma and take care of business—including your own wellbeing! SCORPIO (October 23– November 21): Do you really want to hibernate in sunny Florida?! It may be hard to coax you out this month, with the planets packed into your privacy hemisphere. But you don’t have to be a hermit! If you’ve wanted to show off a renovation or new décor, or need an excuse to cook up a storm, throw a party—or several! Single? Ask friends to bring other singles and turn up the Scorpio charm. SAGITTARIUS (November 22–December 21): When lucky Venus makes her annual visit to your money zone on the 3rd, you could get a surprise windfall or someone may finally repay a debt. Also possible: You might find the pièce de résistance you’ve been searching for. If you’ve got the funds, go ahead and splurge! (If not but you still really “need” it, finance it.) Starting on the 14th, focus on healing a physical or emotional ache. CAPRICORN (December 22–January 19): Your magnetism goes off the charts on the 3rd, when aesthetic Venus makes her annual visit to your sign. Been mulling a makeover—for your home or personal style? Start spending time on Pinterest or other home and fashion sites for inspiration. No need to rush, but be ready to “get your glam on” when excitable Mars blasts into your passion sector on the 14th for the first time in two years! AQUARIUS (January 20–February 18): Ready for your close-up? The year’s only Aquarius new moon on the 4th inspires you to get serious about something you’ve been procrastinating on. Give yourself two more weeks to waffle—then pull the trigger! After the 18th, you can heal a riff with a sibling or friend— if you’re willing to let bygones be bygones. Feeling social? Start planning a fete for sometime after the 14th. PISCES (February 19–March 20): Do something creative at work or in your love life the first two days of February, but then kick back and see how things play out. It’s a social month, though you may want to hide in your Fish tank during the introspective new moon on the 4th. If you’ve been nursing an emotional wound, take till the 19th, when a full supermoon in your relationship corner forces you to “deal.” Suzanne Gerber (www.starsandstoneshealing.com) is a locally based intuitive astrologer, shamanic/energy practitioner and spiritual life coach. She works at Wild Ginger Apothecary in Gulf Gate on Friday afternoons on a drop-in basis and is available for private in-person and phone sessions by appointment. Or book her for your next “psychic party”!

MarinerWord Search Answers on page 42

MarinerWord Search Florida Mangroves WORD LIST Anaerobic WORD LIST Bird rookery Anaerobic Brackish water Bird rookery Breeding ground Bromeliad Brackish water Brown pelican Breeding ground Coastline Bromeliad Collier County Brown pelican Ecosystem Coastline Endangered Erosion Collier County Estuaries Ecosystem Everglades Endangered Fish nursery Erosion Indigo snake Estuaries Key deer Everglades Manatee Mudskipper Fish nursery Nesting Indigo snake Nutrients Key deer Prop root Manatee Propagule Mudskipper Red black white Saltwater Nesting Sea turtle Nutrients Sediment Prop root Swamp Propagule Tidal Red black white Tropical plant Saltwater Wetlands

Sea turtle Answers on Page 61 Sediment


Florida Mangroves


Wake & Shake

By Suzanne Gerber ARIES (March 21–April 19): Practice your juggling skills! This month, career demands or a project of your own compete for time with family and friends. Luckily, you’ll have energy to burn. On the 3rd, Venus enters your professional arena for the rest of the month—at least work will be social and creative! Looking to recruit people to a cause or mission? Make your appeal near the new moon in Aquarius on the 4th. TAURUS (April 20–May 20): Get ready for an infusion of energy! On the 14th, action planet Mars zooms into your sign for six weeks. Move that project from the back burner to the front and don’t turn down the heat till it’s done. Looking for work inspiration? The Aquarius new moon on the 4th could trigger a new development in the coming weeks. Get out there and network like the pro you are. GEMINI (May 21–June 20): It’s a super-social month, with all the planets in your extroverted hemisphere. The first two weeks are great for exploring new venues, throwing parties or being a frequent guest. On the 14th, you might need to come in for a landing and recharge your batteries. A full Virgo supermoon on the 19th encourages time with close friends and family. Don’t forget to give your S.O. plenty of attention! CANCER (June 21-July 22): Going somewhere? Travel, adventure and anything that expands your horizons is favored this month as the Sun and curious Mercury buzzsaw through that part of your chart. But block out alone-time with your favorite partner in crime during the Aquarius new moon on the 4th and the following two weeks. That’s prime canoodling time! Try to wrap up a professional project by the 14th, when your motivation dips. LEO (July 23–August 22): Make a personal issue top priority so you can wrap it up for once and for all. Your romantic life gets a shot in the arm during the Aquarius new moon on the 4th and the two weeks that follow. Single? Try some new approaches—and keep an open mind! Professional matters will dominate your calendar after the 14th, when motivated Mars returns to your house of work and prestige after a two-year hiatus. VIRGO (August 23-September 22): The year’s only Aquarius new moon on the 4th puts health and fitness front and center for at least two weeks. If you’re still paying the piper for holiday indulgences, hop back on the wellness wagon now. You’ll be happy you did once the Sun joins outgoing Mercury in your relationship sector on the 18th. Planning a getaway? Get serious when Mars revs into your travel zone on the 14th. LIBRA (September 23–October 22): Fairy tales can come true… especially during the Aquarius new moon (4th) and full moon (19th). For once you’ll be leading with your heart not your head, so enjoy the

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC



Just roll out of bed...your hair looks great! Shampoo and towel dry.... and you’re done! The style is in the cut, not the blow-dry, so you don’t have to fuss with your hair to look good... even fine, limp or curly hair... and my new steam color process + Olaplex creates richer brunettes and spectacular blondes. The colors go deeper NEW LOCATION! and last longer, yet are far more gentle to the hair. By Appointment Only with Ian:




Siesta Sand





The Highs and Lows of Properties Sold on Siesta Key

Provided by Key Solutions Real Estate / www.keysolutionsrealestate.com

Following are properties sold on Siesta Key in the last 60 days, providing a snapshot of home values on the Key for both single family homes and condominiums.

HIGHEST PRICED SINGLE FAMILY PROPERTY: 707 Norsota Way SOLD FOR: $3,114,000 VACATION RENTAL Siesta Casa Coram Deo, luxury Bay Front, 4 bedroom home located in a private neighborhood on Siesta Key, just minutes from downtown Sarasota and world famous Siesta Key beach. Home features 100 ft. of bay front with two 50 ft. boat docks, one with lift. Lift able to hold up to 16,000 lb. vessel, plus has a jetski lift. Recently purchased and is currently being professionally decorated and renovated to coastal living decor with fresh paint, new light fixtures/fans, furnishings, fireplace and mantle. Enjoy all those spectacular views in new concrete poured 10 person circular spa, seating 10 as well as new coral pool decking and coping and entertainment area. The home features a living room with a gas fireplace and wonderful views of the open deep, sailboat water of Sarasota Bay. A separate dining room, family room, modern luxuriously gourmet kitchen and breakfast area with Viking and Sub Zero appliances make this a wonderfully comfortable vacation home. Planning to spoil our guests is our goal. All new photos will be forthcoming soon! The view is what it’s all about! Spectacular sunsets, Ringling Bridge, city of Sarasota and Sarasota Bay. The master suite and the three other bedroom en suites are well-appointed each have large flat screen 55 inch TVs. The master as well as two of the suites are furnished with plush pillow top king size beds, and the fourth suite is designed with the family in mind. This suite is outfitted with two twinsize Tempurpedic beds and trundles and an Xbox 360 video gaming system. Courtesy of Key Solutions Real Estate.

LOWEST PRICED SINGLE-FAMILY PROPERTY: 712 TROPICAL CIR. SOLD FOR: $735,000 Inspiring and elegant, the home displays soaring ceilings, abundant natural light and tranquil living spaces – creating a signature blend of comfort and luxury. Fabulous chef’s kitchen, with new double ovens, rich granite countertops, elevated breakfast bar, custom wood cabinetry and high-end appliances. Relax in the incredibly romantic master suite encompassing the entire top floor, featuring a handsome fireplace and hand-rubbed Brazilian cherry hardwood floors. Master bath features brand new Italian Carrera marble flooring, an Italian-designed double sink vanity, soft close drawers, and hidden storage behind a wall of mirrors. The great room invites you through elegant French doors, where multiple outdoor living spaces await. Share an evening with friends on one of the two extensive leisure decks or wake up to morning coffee on your owner’s deck, with endless views of the lush mangroves beyond. Private dock, orange, key lime and mango trees. New roof in 2014 and no HOA fees or deed restrictions. The sale of this property came out to $319.29 a square foot. Courtesy of Coldwell Banker.

HIGHEST PRICED CONDO: 5920 MIDNIGHT PASS RD, #904TOW: SOLD FOR: $803,000 What a view! This is a fantastic 9th floor condo sited directly overlooking the No. 2-rated beach in the nation with mesmerizing partial views of the turquoise waters and crystal quartz sand at the highly desirable Sarasota Surf & Racquet Club. Located in the coveted tower building this residence was completely renovated in 2013 with 19”x19” porcelain tile flooring throughout, lighting fixtures, wood cabinetry in the kitchen and bathrooms, expanded lanai that transitions masterfully into the living/dining room, large eat-in kitchen complete with tray ceiling and recessed lighting, granite countertop, tile back splash, tiled showers, and spacious bedrooms with walk-in closets to enhance this water-lover’s delight which also comes furnished. Enjoy this waterfront residence year-round or use it at select times of the year and have the onsite management rent the condo. 2017 rental income was over $51K. Sarasota Surf & Racquet is located on 13 Oceanside acres and offers resort-style amenities; four tennis courts, two heated pools, fitness center, recreation room with a catering kitchen, a beach pavilion, business center and multiple grilling stations. The on-site rental management delivers unparalleled service with a threeday minimum rental policy. The sale on this unit came out to $567.40 a square foot. Courtesy of Premier Sothebys.

LOWEST PRICED CONDO: 1257 S PORTOFINO DR, #104: SOLD FOR: $285,000 Siesta Harbor- Great Waterfront community with sailboat water access and deeded beach access, a combo hard to find on Siesta Key. Desirable first floor unit newly renovated which has the kitchen opened to the living room and dining room. Newly installed kitchen cabinetry with beautiful granite tops that features a large island for all your culinary needs. Large tile throughout including the lanai. Newly renovated master bath and guest bath with new tile, bathroom vanity, granite top and all new fixtures. Additional storage in the hall for all your extras. This unit is sold turnkey furnished just bring your bags and start enjoying Siesta key and all that waterfront living offers. One covered parking space and sufficient guest parking for all your visitors. The sale came out to $370.51 a square foot. Courtesy of Waterside Realty.




Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Paradise Awaits... 195 Vista Hermosa Circle, #9-A Siesta Key, FL

1122 Horizon View Drive

Just a short walk to Siesta Beach. 2 BR, 2 BA villa. Ideal rental opportunity. Custom wood cabinets in the kitchen with granite counters & upgraded appliances. Bathrooms boast tumbled marble & granite. Custom lighting. New A/C in 2017 and recently installed water heater. Roof replaced in 2016. Sold turnkey furnished (with some exclusions).



797 Beach Road, #305



322 Island Circle

Siesta Key, FL

Full Gulf view of #1 Beach in the USA. Completely remodeled, priced to sell! High end tile floors in main living area, quality custom kitchen cabinets, deisgner kitchen. Crescent Royale offers an onsite rental program, heated pool and much more!



Siesta Key, FL

Deeded beach access!! Your feet will be in the Gulf of Mexico in 60 seconds!!! This immaculate pool home features large rooms and volume ceilings. Lovely oak floors and stylish tile will dazzle you. 3 BR, 3.5 BA along with the LL bonus area for generational living or guests. Bonus area downstairs is perfect for storage, workout center, hobby room or workshop. Oversized garage for cars, boat, jet skis, kayaks and/or bikes. Walking distance to local dining and a marina. Quality concrete block construction for peace of mind.

Siesta Key, FL

Beaches, Boating & Bistros!! Live the island lifestyle in this spacious 4 BR, 4 BA house located on desirable Palm Island, grossing approx. $60k in rental income. Recently renovated with new kitchen, new master BR and master BA. New boat lift on the Grand Canal. Lounge in the heated pool and spa or enjoy your favorite libation at your own private Waterfront Tiki Bar. Huge bonus area on lower level.



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Siesta Sand




Blooming This Month Bleeding Heart Vine (Clerodendrum Thomsoniae) A pop of bloom in cooler weather. This is the prefect plant for a trellis or fence. Easy to train and maintain if you make the effort, while producing a stem of multiple heart shaped white flowers on 6” stems. Also available in a purple blooming variety. Drought resistant plant that blooms off & on all year. If damaged by a frost these vines can be cut back; but will come back on new growth. Can get to 10’ tall & spread about 10’ also if not cut back. What a welcome sight to see

this vine in bloom; especially when butterflies & hummingbird come to visit this plant. An added bonus is the long lasting blooms are very popular in cut flower bouquets. Submitted by Kay Weber, 3rd VP and co-chair Horticulture Study Group Sarasota Garden Club. www.sarasotagardenclub.org




Dredging of waterways

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Continued from cover story

“We pay a premium to live on the waterway. … I want it to keep its worth.” “Where is the real hurt to the county?” Maio asked Semenec, if the property owners are willing to absolve the county of any liability if a problem occurs. “That’s a good question,” Semenec replied, deferring to Deputy County Attorney Karl Senkow. “Certainly, having a hold harmless agreement is helpful to defend against any claims,” Senkow said, “but you still very often have to engage in legal activity … to affirmatively address those claims.” Ultimately, Maio made the motion to approve the change in the County Code, and Commissioner Michael Moran seconded it. Commissioner Charles Hines said he did not like to disagree with staff members’ recommendation, “but I think they’re being a little overly conservative.” With protection for the county built into the amendment, Hines added, “I think this is a program that will really benefit a lot of people.”

Laying the groundwork Prior to the public hearing, Jonathan Harn, chair of the county’s Waterways Advisory Council, presented the annual report from that group to the County Commission. He pointed out that in 2001, a county ordinance established the Navigable Waterways Maintenance Management Program “to provide a method to maintain waterways by dredging them. Dredging waterways, as needed, helps to maintain environmental quality, navigability and boater safety,” Harn pointed out. “Our program requires an ownerdriven petition process,” he stressed. “Additionally, when projects are completed, the benefitting properties are assessed the project cost.” A 2016 project that had met the petition threshold requirement was deemed not to be feasible because of a setback requirement, he added. Property owners affected by that decision attended each of the council’s quarterly meetings in 2017 “to voice their dissatisfaction with this verdict,” he noted. As a result, “and with assistance from staff” and the Office of the County Attorney, Harn said, the council drafted the recommendation to amend the County Code to address the 10-foot setback requirement. The revision includes the necessity of the property owner requesting a project to sign a waiver of liability against the county. Harn pointed out that the proposal also mandates an engineering investigation of the encroachment area. If an engineering firm determines that dredging closer than 10 feet to a structure appears to be feasible, then the owner would be able to proceed with the project, as long as the owner was willing to sign a hold harmless waiver. The goal of the dredging is to remove silt that has accumulated, “just restoring a canal to its previous depth,”Harn said when he addressed the board during the public hearing. Semenec told the commissioners that staff had added

he added, “I think we would do our very, very best to protect and insulate the county.” Then Maio asked Semenec whether the commission would have final say on whether a project could go forward. Semenec responded that the board would make that decision.

into the proposed ordinance amendment a provision for the property owner to pay up to an additional $5,000 for that engineering study. Harn stressed to the commissioners that the revised ordinance would be applied on a case-by-case basis “to give projects that are constrained by canal width and existing structures a chance of succeeding.” The staff decision not to support the County Code amendment, Semenec noted, followed consultation with companies that handle dredging and with engineers, as well as with staff of other local governments with dredging programs. Engineers’ concerns, Semenec noted put the focus on having to deal with lack of substantiated information about how a particular structure has been built and the resulting potential for it to shift during dredging.

Zeroing in on the hold harmless issue In response to questions Commissioner Maio raised about the hold harmless action, Deputy County Attorney Senkow brought up the question of whether the liability waivers would be enforceable if a property were sold after dredging within the 10-foot area had been undertaken. “Is there a way to make hold harmless go with the property deed?” Maio asked. “I think we can require a notice to purchasers,” Senkow replied. “If it is the will of the commissioners,”

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Siesta Sand



Renovation brings choice businesses to the Landings Shopping Plaza


Photos by Bob Manteiga

Progress continues on the Landings Shopping Plaza with new storefronts, restaurants, new construction and landscaping.

Future site of Starbucks

Royal Palms have been added to the landscape

Locals have been enjoying the same “Innovative Twists” on all your favorite menu items at Station 400

Part of the extensive renovation includes a total roof replacement

Premium donuts are made fresh daily at OfKors Donuts and Experimac carries certified preowned Apple products, and repairs your slow-running computer or damaged cell phone

Serving Sarasota since 1994, Corkscrew Deli continues to be a favorite for locals and visitors

Kruk’s Philly Steaks’ newest location. This is one of six sites located throughout the west coast of Florida

DaRuMa Japanese Steakhouse is now open. Voted “The Best Of The Best” by Sarasota Magazine 17 years running




Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Island Chatter Continued from page 19

And speaking of the last SKA court hearing … Near the end of the Dec. 20, 2018 hearing on the SKA’s complaint in the 12th Judicial Circuit Court, what might be called a tiny bit of brouhaha erupted, surprising SKA members who were present. The SKA’s attorney, Kent Safriet of the Tallahassee firm Hopping Green & Sams, and John R. Herin of the GrayRobinson firm in Fort Lauderdale, attorney for the City of Sarasota, had been exchanging points in their arguments about the fact that the City of Sarasota is a co-permittee with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) in the Lido Renourishment Project. They jointly applied for, and received, a state permit for the dredging of Big Sarasota Pass. Herin had been telling Circuit Judge Andrea McHugh that the USACE is the entity that will handle the actual sand removal and replenishment of the Lido Key Beach. The city applied jointly for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) permit, Herin added, in the event that no federal money would become available for the project, and the city had to go it alone. Yet, Safriet pointed out, Herin said during an earlier hearing in the SKA’s case — in April 2017 — that the city might withdraw from the permit process, which was still underway at FDEP at that time. “It’s like co-conspirators,” Safriet told McHugh. “Either one can pull the trigger.” “I respect Mr. Safriet,” Herin said later. “But I do take issue” with Safriet’s use of the term “co-conspirators.” Herin added, “We’re not conspiring with anyone. … I don’t make those kinds of references …” McHugh then told Herin and Safriet, “I have found all of you to be very thoughtful and respectful.” A third attorney had participated in the arguments that day: Kevin Hennessy of the St. Petersburg firm Lewis, Longman & Walker, which represents the Lido Key Residents Association in the case.) “You’re all very talented attorneys,” McHugh added, noting that she would not want to see the hearing devolve into a bad situation.

UF/IFAS director follows up on SKA questions In December 2018, Lee Hayes Byron, director of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Extension and Sustainability programs in Sarasota County, and two of her colleagues provided Siesta Key Association members with a plethora of information about water quality initiatives in the county. As they were taking questions after their remarks, several matters came up for which they did not have immediate answers. Byron promised to undertake the necessary research and let the SKA directors know the answers. The following is material Byron emailed to Catherine Luckner, the SKA vice president. When street sweeping was mentioned as one of the county’s strategies to keep nutrients out of the waterways, an audience member said she had not seen a street sweeper on Siesta in a long time. Sarasota County connector roads are swept monthly between midnight and 7 a.m. Siesta Key’s connector roads are Beach Road from Columbus Boulevard to Midnight Pass Road, Ocean Boulevard from Beach Road to Higel Avenue, and Old Stickney Point Road from Midnight Pass Road to the end of the street. Sarasota County residential roads are swept quarterly from 3 a.m. to 3 p.m. Roads on Siesta Key were swept and inspected most recently between Nov. 28 and Nov. 30. The parking lots at Siesta and Turtle beaches are swept quarterly or as needed.

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MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES • Atlantic Contracting Services, LLC (941-893-1717, florida. atlanticcontractingservices.com) intends to register the fictitious names of “Baths, Kitchens, and More” and provide interior home/ condo/office remodeling services and “Beachtown Contracting” to provide exterior home/condo/office remodeling services, additions, and new construction services to Sarasota County and the surrounding area under that name.

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SPORTS RENTALS / ACCESSORIES • Robin Hood Rentals – for all your Siesta Key rental needs with a wide variety segways, bikes, kayaks, scooters and more, free pickup and delivery anywhere on the key. 5255 Ocean Blvd Siesta Key Village. 941-554-4242 • Siesta Key Bike & Kayak – Located on Siesta Key in Capt Curts Village serving Siesta Key, Lido Beach and Sarasota. We offer bikes, kayak rentals, kayak eco tours, paddleboards and scooters. 1224 Old Sickney Pt Rd. 941-346-0891 • Siesta Sports Rentals – Located on Siesta Key, bike, kayak, kayak tours, scooter, children strollers and car seats. Delivery and pickup available, 6551 Midnight Pass Rd, 941-346-1797



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• Making things happen on Siesta Key with Real Estate agents Bob and Sheri Ruiz from Key Solutions Real Estate Group. If you are looking to buy or sell on the Key contact us. Bob Ruiz 941-544-3299 RobertRuizRR@aol.com, Sheri Ruiz 941-400-4186 SheriLasley@aol.com


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TO ADVERTISE CALL 941-349-0194

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


HOMES FOR SALE • SHORT WALK TO SIESTA BEACH: $429,900 195 Vista Hermosa Circle, #9-A, Siesta Key, FL. MLS# A4189942 beautifully remodeled, 2 BR, 2 BA villa. Designer tile & carpet throughout. This villa is being sold turnkey furnished (with some exclusions). Dan Miller, Re/Max Tropical Sands. 941-376-7442 • FULL GULF VIEW OF #1 BEACH: $499,900 797 Beach Rd, #305, Siesta Key, FL. MLS# A4188853 Completely remodeled unit with high end tile floors in main living area, quality custom kitchen cabinets with granite counters. All the lighting has been upgraded throughout this TURNKEY FURNISHED (some artwork excluded) unit. Dan Miller, Re/Max Tropical Sands. 941-376-7442 • PALM ISLAND HOME ON THE GRAND CANAL: $899,000 322 Island Circle, Siesta Key, FL. MLS# A4199085. Recently renovated with new kitchen, new master BR and master BA. This house boasts a new boat lift on the Grand Canal. Privacy abounds with a lovely tropical view across the canal. Huge bonus area on lower level. Dan Miller, Re/Max Tropical Sands. 941-376-7442 • DEEDED BEACH ACCESS: $899,900 1122 Horizon View Drive, Siesta Key, FL., MLS# A4420716 This is one of the closest properties to the beach without having the direct beachfront price on a street of multi-million dollar properties. This immaculate pool home features large rooms and volume ceilings. Lovely oak floors and stylish tile will dazzle you. 3 Bedrooms and 3.5 bathrooms along with the lower level bonus area for generational living or guests. Dan Miller, Re/Max Tropical Sands. 941-376-7442 • SARA SANDS - Outdoor living at its best-located at the end of a canal with a great water view, dock with lift, Tiki hut, beautiful pool, outdoor fireplace, a huge screened lanai. 3/2 remodeled and furnished ranch home at the north end of Siesta Key. Easy bike to the Village and Beach. RV parking. If you enjoy entertaining, this is the one! MLS# A4415047, $1,199,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz Bob: 941-544-3299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186. • THE POINTE - Penthouse! 1/1 at the southernmost end of Siesta Key. Incredible 270 degree views of the Gulf and Bay. Large lanai. Plentiful storage in the unit and on the first floor. Convenient underbuilding parking. Gated community with boat docks, kayak racks and dock, tennis, pool, spa, sauna, beautiful clubhouse, island gazebo with grilling, and more. MLS# A4401699, $349,999. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-544-3299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186. • THE POINTE - Renovated 2/2 penthouse with magnificent views. North to downtown Sarasota and South to Casey Key. See beautiful Neville Preserve and Little Sarasota Bay to the East and the Gulf of Mexico with Siesta’s amazing sunsets to the West. Penthouse unit. Sold furnished. MLS# A4406101, $569,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-544-3299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186. • EXCELSIOR - Fabulous 2/2 penthouse end unit with Bay views and private beach access! Totally renovated to include exquisite fixtures and furnishings. Soaring ceilings. Open and split floorplan. Turnkey. Great community with resort-like amenities. MLS# A4410196, $725,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-544-3299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186. • DOLPHIN BAY - This is the one! Incredible views of the ICW and Bay. Ideal floor plan - split bedrooms, huge living/dining area, 2 bedrooms each with en-suite bath, kitchen with large sitting area/den/office. Fabulous outdoor living - large screened lanai overlooking the water and 2 patios off the front of the unit. Space for a 3rd bedroom. Walk to Siesta Beach and Village. MLS# A4415040, $699,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-544-3299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186. • THE POINTE - Furnished - move right in to this lovely 4th floor 2 bedroom 2 bath unit with incredible 270 degree views. Southern end of Siesta with tree-lined streets for walking and biking. Walk to Turtle Beach and three restaurants. Gated community with every amenity. MLS# A4418300, $435,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-544-3299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186. • SARASOTA BEACH - Live your vacation in this stunning 4 bedroom 3.5 bath property with boat dock and 10 lift. Walking distance to Siesta Beach and Village and a quick boat ride to the Gulf. Totally and exquisitely renovated. Wrap-around porches on two levels. Pool in fenced back yard. RV parking. MLS# A4418533, $1,350,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-544-3299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186. • HARBOUR TOWNE YACHT CLUB - Easy walking distance to Siesta Beach with a private deeded boat dock with lift and water views! Two bedroom, two bath with large glassed lanai overlooking marina. One car garage. MLS# A4422616, $569,000.00 Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz Bob: 941-544-3299 or Sheri: 941400-4186. • TRULY FABULOUS 2/2 WITH PRIVATE BEACH ACCESS. Completely renovated TOP FLOOR END UNIT with exquisite finishes and furnishings the unit is being sold, turnkey. The open floor plan with SOARING CEILINGS features a huge living room with views of the ICW and Bay. This is truly a must-see. 6285 MIDNIGHT PASS RD, #307, SARASOTA, FL 34242, MLS#A4410196, $725,000, Key Solutions Real Estate, 941- 894-1255. • ENJOY STUNNING SUNRISES AND SUNSETS from this lovely two bedroom, two bath PENTHOUSE condo at the southernmost end of Siesta Key. If you seek incomparable views look no further - wake to awe-inspiring sunrises over Neville Preserve on Little Sarasota Bay and marvel at the spectacular sunsets over the Gulf of Mexico. 9393 MIDNIGHT PASS RD, #P2, SARASOTA, FL 34242, MLS# A4406101, $569,000, Key Solutions Real Estate, 941- 894-1255. • GORGEOUS WATER VIEWS Deeded BOAT SLIP (boat up to 45’ length) come with this TURNKEY FURNISHED 3/3 townhouse that shows like a model home. This rarely available unit features TWO FULL MASTER SUITES, loft/media area, and oversized guest bedroom the list goes on. 1215 DOCKSIDE PL, #204, SARASOTA, FL 34242, MLS#A4215997, $899,000, Key Solutions Real Estate, 941894-1255. • OUTDOOR LIVING AT ITS BEST! This incredible 3 bed 2 bath property includes an 800 sq. ft. covered and screened lanai with gas fire pit, 75” television and top of the line furnishings to seat 25+!! A heated pool and hot tub/spa is perfect for the sunbather. Located at the end of a scenic canal, this home includes a boat dock with 20k lift, 2 Jet Ski lifts, and Tiki hut. Sold completely furnished, you really must see this property! 654 SANDY NOOK ST, SARASOTA, FL 34242 MLS#A4415047, $1,199,000, Key Solutions Real Estate, 941-894-1255.


Siesta Sand




Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce events

Networking Luncheon at Chef Rolf’s New Florida Kitchen Thank you, Chef Rolf’s New Florida Kitchen, for hosting the first luncheon of the new year! Members enjoyed a delicious three course meal prepared by Chef Rolf himself. The Chamber would like to thank the door prize sponsors: Conditioned Air, Sherwin Williams, Florida Businesses Opportunities, Inc., Parker and Associates PA, McCurdy Comedy Theatre, Concept Digital Media, the Kiwanis Club, On-Time Pool Service, Inc., and Beachrentals.Mobi.

Goals for Paid Parking

Siesta Key Wine Bar

Swell Things

Island House Tap and Grill

Local Chill Ice Cream

4 Ribbon Cuttings at Davidson’s Plaza The Chamber celebrated multiple new businesses in Davidson’s Plaza: Island House Tap and Grill, Local Chill, Siesta Key Wine Bar, and Swell Things. Each business had their own ribbon cutting and offered refreshments to guests. This was a unique event that brought out about 60 people to support our local Siesta Key businesses!

Continued from cover story

The old Sheriff’s training facility at 6647 S. Midnight Pass Road could be the drop point. The building that acted as the training facility has since been raised and the rest of the property needs to be developed. This location could act as the hub for the on-island trolley to move visitors to their desired destination. If one goal is to raise money, measurement of parking receipts, less expenses to collect them, should be easy. Next questions are what would you use the profits for? And will the paid parking yield sufficient funds for the identified use.

hourly rate. Siesta Key Public Beach has almost 980 spots alone at the public beach parking lot. There is a chance that over 3 million dollars could be raised. The money raised from paid parking could pay for the trolleys, keeping the public areas cleaned, trees pruned and money set aside for some unforeseen expense from this venture.

The other side

Looking at another island

If the goal is to reduce traffic, measurement will be difficult. Some believe that The Town of Fort Myers Beach has paid parking on the entire island with 296 spots dedicated to raising every car that may be discouraged by the parking fee will be replaced by another 1.1 million dollars annually. Year round residents pay a small annual fee to park while visitors pay an car that does not care about the fee and thus, no reduction of traffic. As one of the residents said recently, “Sadly, I believe the end result will be that those with less discretionary funds will enjoy the beach less, and only those with more Looking for Siesta Sand off-island? discretionary funds will be able to enjoy the “public” beach more.” Pick up a copy at the following In any case, until the goal and performance measurement are determined, discussion of paid parking implementation maybe fruitless. (See companion locations: article on page 6)

4&20 Pasty Co.......................................................................................5638 Swift Rd. A’s Sandwich...........................................................................6300 S. Tamiami Trail Abel’s Ice Cream: Southbridge Plaza................................... 1886 Stickney Pt. Rd. Alpine Steak House................................................................4520 S. Tamiami Trail Best Western Plus....................................................................6600 S. Tamiami Trail Casey Key Fish House................................................801 Blackburn Point, Osprey Corkscrew Deli: Landings Shopping Plaza * ...................4982 S. Tamiami Trail Culver’s.....................................................................................7520 S. Tamiami Trail Dutch Valley Restaurant.......................................................6721 S. Tamiami Trail Eager Beaver Carwash *.........................................................6449 S. Tamiami Trail Economy Tackle *....................................................................6018 S. Tamiami Trail Fresh Catch Market & Grill: Buccaneer Plaza...................7119 S. Tamiami Trail Gecko’s Restaurant.................................................................6606 S. Tamiami Trail Grasshopper Mexican Restaurant & Bar............................7253 S. Tamiami Trail Gulf Gate Food + Beer............................................................... 6528 Superior Ave. Hibiscus Suites.....................................................................1735 Stickney Point Rd. Hooters.......................................................................................6507 S Tamiami Trail McDonalds................................................................................6347 S Tamiami Trail Philadelphia Cheesesteaks....................................................7523 S. Tamiami Trail Phillippi Creek Oyster Bar....................................................5353 S. Tamiami Trail Plaza Mexico Restaurant: Southbridge Plaza.................1894 Stickney Point Rd. Pride of the South Restaurant/GG........................................... 6616 Superior Ave. Rico’s Pizzeria & Pasta House............................................................. 1902 Bay Rd. Sarasota Brewing /GG................................................................ 6607 Gateway Ave. Solorzano’s Pizza /GG................................................................ 6670 Superior Ave. Special Nutrition Store: Southbridge Plaza........................ 1882 Stickney Pt. Rd. The Oaks Open Pit BBQ........................................................6112 S. Tamiami Trail The Shop SRQ/GG..................................................................... 6625 Gateway Ave. Tony’s Chicago Dogs/GG.......................................................... 6569 Superior Ave. Word of Mouth/GG.................................................................... 6604 Gateway Ave. Interested in Distributing our Publication? Call 941-349-0194 NOTE: * Denotes availability first week of each month only. ®

To advertise in print or online contact: Bob or Emy Stein at 941.349.0194 Send editorial and/or photos via email to: islandvp@verizon.net


Emergency (General)...............................................................................................911 Emergency Animal Clinic...................................................................... 941-929-1818 Fishing & Hunting Licenses.................................................................. 941-362-9888 FPL – Florida Power & Light................................................................. 941-917-0708 FPL – Outage Report...........................................................................1-800-468-8243 Marriage License Bureau....................................................................... 941-362-4066 Poison Info Center...............................................................................1-800-282-3171 Sarasota / Bradenton Intl. Airport....................................................... 941-359-2770 Sarasota County Area Transit (SCAT)................................................. 941-316-1234 Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce....................................................... 941-349-3800 Sheriff / non-emergency....................................................................... 941- 861-1601 Waste Management................................................................................ 941-924-1254

Answers to the WORD SEARCH found on page 33 MarinerWord Search www.floridamariner.com Answers from Page 14

Florida Mangroves

Published by Island Visitor Publishing, LLC Contributing Writers and Photographers will be noted with bylines. Guest commentary not necessarily the opinion of island Visitor Publishing, LLC Reproduction without written permission prohibited. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement. All business bios are extensions of the display advertisements. Island Visitor Publishing, LLC is not responsible for claims made by advertisers. All ads are subject to the approval of the publisher. It is the responsibility of the party placing any ad for publication in Siesta Sand to meet all applicable legal requirements in connection with the ad such as compliance with town, county and state codes in first obtaining an occupational license for business, permitted home occupation, or residential rental property. DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability. Island Visitor Publishing is not responsible for claims made by advertisers.

P.O. BOX 35086, SIESTA KEY, FL 34242 www.siestasand.net




Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Snapshots of Island Visitors Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography Hutch & Steele 21 months



Siesta Sand


Island Girl



Hometown: Sarasota Florida What brings me to Siesta Key is the beautiful atmosphere! We have the most beautiful sand and I love to be near the water. My hobbies include spending time with my two Golden retrievers, hanging at the beach and enjoying a cocktail with my friends. I am currently working at Hooters of Sarasota! I have been a Hooters girl for 4 years now and love it! If you would like to be considered for our next Island Girl, contact us at islandvp@verizon.net (You must be at least 18 years old to participate)


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