IV Siesta Sand - January 2018

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JANUARY 2018 | 941.349.0194 | ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC | www.SiestaSand.net | COMPLIMENTARY

PARKING OPTIONS County to demolish Sheriff’s Office training facility on South Midnight Pass property so people can use the site for parking




St. Michael the Archangel January 26 - Auction January 27 - Festival




USACE plans to take 1.7 million cubic yards of sand from Big Pass, expert witness testifies By Rachel Brown Hackney / SarasotaNewsLeader.com Since the Lido Key Renourishment Project formally was unveiled to the public in September 2013, representatives of the City of Sarasota and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) routinely have referenced a range between 1.1 million and 1.3 million cubic yards of sand as the amount targeted for removal from Big Sarasota Pass and the pass’ ebb shoal. In reality, the figure is 1.7 million cubic yards, based on documentation associated with the joint city/USACE permit application submitted to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), a coastal geology expert has told a Florida Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH) judge. “The permitted amount would be a phenomenally large amount of sand,” Robert Young, a Western Carolina University professor and director of the Program for the Study of Developed Shorelines, testified on Dec. 14 during a hearing regarding challenges to DEP’s plan to issue the permit for the Lido project. “That would be close to the largest project in Florida history,” Young added of the USACE’s design for the Lido renourishment; an even bigger initiative than one undertaken this year by the City of Miami. “It would be significantly larger, by three times,” than any previous Lido renourishment, he said. Such initiatives date back to 1964, he noted. The original figure he saw in the project files, Young told the court, called for slightly more than 900,000 cubic yards of sand from the pass and the shoal. Continued on page 38

2018 shaping up as a great year for The Whole Band




And the winners are...



NEW PRICING New pricing to go into effect Jan. 1, 2018 for private users of Sarasota County park facilities, with higher fees planned at Siesta Public Beach




Siesta Key Couple, Lauren Richard and Justin Estes, Siesta Key Couple tie the knot



Siesta Zoning Regulations

Violet Bench (19 months) from Wisconsin joined her cousin, Phoenix Medeiros (2 1/2 years old) from Sarasota for a little beach time fun after helping celebrate Glen “Papa” Medeiros’ 70th birthday. 80 family members and friends were in attendance. Medeiros is co-owner of the Lobster Pot, located in the Village. Happy 70th Birthday Glen. Wishing you many more healthy and happy years ahead! Photo submitted by Tony Medeiros

By Rachel Brown Hackney

|Planning Commission votes 8-1 to recommend County Commission amend Siesta zoning regulations to allow flexibility with commercial structures’ street setbacks Eight of nine Sarasota County Planning Commission members have agreed that developers should have the flexibility to construct buildings taller than 35 feet as close as 2 feet to the sidewalk in three commercial zoning districts on Siesta Key. The lone “No” vote at the conclusion of a Dec. 7 public hearing was cast by Commissioner Laura Benson. It is her belief, Benson said, that the intent of the Siesta Key Overlay District (SKOD) zoning regulations is for commercial buildings on the island “to remain on a lower scale,” to keep that “beach-y feel.” The other eight Planning Commission members sided with Sarasota attorney Charles D. Bailey III of the Williams Parker firm and Robert “Bo” Medred of Genesis Planning & Development in Bradenton, who submitted a privately initiated zoning text amendment on behalf of Clayton A. Thompson and Diane Heiden Thompson, owners of Clayton’s Siesta Grille on Old Stickney Point Road. In the spring, Bailey sought a letter of determination from county Zoning Administrator Donna Thompson about the SKOD street setback requirements. She provided a document detailing her assertion that any structure taller than 35 feet built in a Commercial

Page 7 No action yet on Oceane luxury condominium project slated for Siesta Key

General (CG), Commercial Intensive (CI) or Office, Professional and Institutional (OPI) district under the SKOD zoning regulations would have to be at least 25 feet from the street, up to a distance half the height of the structure — whichever was greater. The maximum height allowed on the barrier islands is 85 feet, Thompson pointed out, so that meant an 85-foot-tall structure would need to be 42.5 feet from the street. On Jan. 30, the County Commission tentatively is set to hold its hearing on the proposed change in the SKOD regulations. If approved, the amendment would enable the County Commission to grant a special exception to a developer, stipulating how much street setback would be required for a new building exceeding 35 feet in the three Siesta commercial zoning districts. “This is not increasing Siesta Key residents by two-fold,” Commissioner Jack Bispham pointed out on Dec. 7, referring to the proposed SKOD change. Bailey reiterated several times that no new structure has been proposed in conjunction with the amendment. “There’s no project before you; there’s no development application before you.”

Page 11 Second District Court of Appeal dismisses appeal of North Beach Road lawsuit

Continued on page 37

Page 42 Understanding the Siesta Key Mira Mar neighborhood parking permits


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Condo Council speaker bombarded with questions Staff Report The guest speaker for the Nov. 14 meeting of the Siesta Key Condominium Council proved quite popular, it appears from the minutes of that meeting. Jeffrey Bajza, president of Ameriflood Insurance, addressed a variety of issues relating to condominium ownership. For example, the minutes say, he reminded the members that condos are required by state statute to get a replacement value appraisal every three years. The initiative should produce one figure related to flooding and another regarding hazards, he said. Responsibilities of the association and owners differ, he pointed out. For example, electrical fixtures, appliances, water heaters and cabinetry are among the association’s responsibility in the event of flooding, but they are the owners’ responsibility in the event of a hazard. He distributed two handouts showing the details. The NFIP (National Flood

Happiness is… taking time to reflect At Abel’s Ice Cream, owners Jerry and Jill Williams have focused all year long on our theme of: Happiness Is… So we think it’s fitting, as 2017 draws to a close, to review some of the many ways we’ve defined it. Although not nearly an inclusive list, here are some of the things we felt compelled to share. Happiness is: Working Together, New Seasons, Being Social, Finding the Positive, Trying New Things, Celebrating Milestones, Giving Back, & Celebrating Life! We learned a long time ago that whatever you focus on grows. And despite the challenges that 2017 brought for us, including Jill’s life-threatening stroke in June and miraculous recovery, we have had an incredible year of growth and dare we say it…HAPPINESS! As the new year dawns, we hope you’ll join us and take a few minutes to determine how 2018 can be your happiest year yet. Start off on the right foot by swinging by Abel’s and telling us your happiness stories! We guarantee to have flavors in stock that will only increase your joy! Mexican Hot Chocolate ice cream (Chocolate ice cream with a pinch of cinnamon, tons of mini marshmallows, and a cayenne kick) is here! As a nod to our new neighbors (Plaza Mexico), enjoy the fantastic ice cream treat for a limited time. By the way, if you haven’t checked them out yet, what are you waiting for? We’re all here for you at the South Bridge Plaza on Stickney Point Road. And don’t forget, staying around by popular demand, a holiday favorite, Peppermint Flash (Refreshing and vibrant; peppermint ice cream filled with peppermint candy.)


So, friends, with our whole hearts, all of us at Abel’s Ice Cream wish you the most joyous year yet! Salud! Abel’s Ice Cream is located at 1886 Stickney Point Road, Sarasota in the South Bridge Plaza. Open Sunday through Thursday from Noon-9:30 pm, and Friday and Saturday from Noon-10 pm. Learn more online at our website, www.abelsicecream.com or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.


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Insurance Program) provides a maximum of $250,000 per unit, Bajza said. Additionally, it will cover just the cost of bringing a unit back to the level at which it was originally constructed, he explained. Owners who have flood insurance through the NFIP might want to purchase private flood insurance, using a $250,000 deductible, he noted. From that point on, the minutes said, “there were so many questions that Jeff mainly departed from his presentation,” devoting the rest of his time to a question-and-answer session. Some highlights of those exchanges, follow: • If a unit has less than $250,000 in damage, the difference cannot be applied to owner improvements. • The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) oversees the NFIP. The NFIP was $25 billion in debt before Hurricanes Harvey and Irma struck during the summer. • Damage from wind-driven rain is not covered by a flood insurance policy. It will be covered by a hazard policy if wind damage is part of that policy. Irma’s primary damage resulted from wind-driven rain. Flooding is characterized as “rising water.” The unit has to “get wet” from rising water to qualify for a claim. Damage to the unit from another source of water is not an event for which a flood claim can be filed. • Hurricane insurance is part of the wind policy; it affects the deductible, usually in the 3% to 5% range. • If a unit on the first floor endures more than $250,000 in damage, the excess may not be covered by the master flood policy of a complex, even if the upper floor units are unaffected. The association or owners may want to consider buying excess flood insurance. • Mortgagors may require a complex association to purchase a policy providing coverage of $250,000 per unit or 100% of replacement cost, whichever is less, if the complex is located in certain flood zones.

• Impact glass and age/ condition/design of the roof are important determinants of the insurance premium rating. To get credit for impact glass, every unit in the structure must have it installed. • Flood-proofing ground-floor machinery (such as elevators and electrical systems) may earn insurance premium credits. • Having an elevation certificate may help older complexes get better rates. • Condos in the “V” zone should try to get re-classified to the “A” zone. This may result in a big reduction in premiums. The “V zone” is defined as “a coastal high hazard area that has a 1% annual chance of substantial flooding along with storm induced waves. The “A” zone is defined as “a special flood hazard that has a 1% annual chance of substantial flooding.” • Owner excess flood policies may not be necessary for upper floor units unless a catastrophic collapse is feared. • Purchase of private market flood insurance policies is on the rise nationwide; both condo associations and unit owners planning to purchase such insurance should consider getting a quote in the private market, as that market may offer better coverage at a better premium. “INSURANCE IS A VERY COMPLEX MATTER. YOU SHOULD NOT RELY ON ANY OF THE ABOVE HIGHLIGHTS WITHOUT DISCUSSING THEM WITH YOUR INSURANCE CARRIER,” the minutes stressed. The next Condo Council meeting will be held on Jan. 23, 2018. Typically, that session includes a presentation by the county commissioner representing Siesta Key, and it focuses on updates regarding county issues of interest to island residents. Last year, Commissioner Alan Maio heard a slew of questions about controversial projects, including an effort to build a new hotel on the Key.

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County to demolish Sheriff’s Office training facility on South Midnight Pass property so people can use the site for parking By Rachel Brown Hackney With the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office having formally vacated a training facility at 6647 S. Midnight Pass Road on Siesta Key, the County Commission unanimously has directed staff to demolish the structure and grade the land so the public can use the 14 paved parking spaces on the site. The demolition expense would range between $20,000 and $25,000, based on staff and board comments during the Dec. 13 regular commission meeting. As part of a motion by Commissioner Alan Maio staff also will look into constructing on the site what Maio called “a modest little stop” with a roof, where people could wait for the Siesta Key Breeze open-air trolley. Staff said that structure probably would cost about $10,000. County Media Relations Officer Jason Bartolone stated in a Dec. 13 email that the parking spaces would be made available to the public very soon. Additionally, staff is to research the potential for moving the stormwater pond at the rear of the property even further east, to open up more area for parking. Commissioner Charles Hines made that suggestion on Dec. 13, and Commissioners Maio and Nancy Detert concurred that that would be a good step. Detert also asked that staff research a fee schedule for the free Siesta Key Breeze openair trolley, in the event the county needs to start charging for that service in the future. Carolyn Brown, director of the county’s Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Department (PRNR), explained that the estimated annual cost of adding extra trolleys to make frequent enough stops to transport people between Siesta Key and off-island parking locations is $1,591,900. Offering yet another suggestion, Hines said one or more of the board members could talk with representatives of the Sarasota Pavilion shopping center — informally known as the Gulf Gate Mall — to ascertain whether spaces could be set aside for use by people taking a trolley from that parking lot to Siesta Public Beach. The shopping center is located near the intersection of U.S. 41 and Stickney Point Road.

As part of her update to the board, Brown explained that her staff learned during discussions with the owner of Sarasota Pavilion that the owner was willing to reserve 74 spaces near the existing Sarasota County Area Transit (SCAT) transfer station, or up to 27 spaces in the southeast corner of the lot, near the intersection of Gulf Gate Drive and Mall Drive. However, the owner said the charge would be $10 per space per day, Brown noted. Commissioners agreed that, given the decline in the number of people shopping at malls, the owner should consider the benefit Sarasota Pavilion could reap by having more people parking there. As Commissioner Maio pointed out, many of those who left their vehicles in the lot so they could take a trolley to Siesta would be inclined — as he and his wife would — to visit shops or dine in restaurants in Sarasota Pavilion after their visit to the beach. “I couldn’t agree more,” Chair Paul Caragiulo said. “It seems very intuitive.” “That’s exactly where I was going with this, as well,” Commissioner Michael Moran added. It would seem a mall owner would want to pay the county for bringing more potential customers to the mall, Moran said. The board members also called for staff to try to arrange a presentation by Charlotte County’s parking management personnel, as the Sarasota County board members continue to consider whether to implement a paid parking program in all or part of the 976-space lot adjacent to Siesta Public Beach. That suggestion also came from Hines, who pointed out that neighboring county governments try to assist each other on issues when one has expertise of interest to another. He added that he hoped Charlotte County staff members would be amenable to such a presentation if Sarasota County paid their travel expenses. Spencer Anderson, interim director of the county’s Public Works Department, also told the commissioners that in early January 2018, staff has planned to advertise a Request for Information (RFI) to learn whether companies would be interested in

starting bicycle-sharing programs in parts of the county where demand for parking is high, including Siesta and Lido keys. Hines questioned whether such an operation would be economically viable in the county. “They’re in large cities,” he pointed out of bike-sharing services, having used one himself in Washington, D.C. “My personal opinion is we’re still too small.” Brown told the commissioners she would report back to them after the first of the year on the direction they had provided.

The Midnight Pass Road plans The Dec. 13 decisions came as the commissioners continued to pursue options to ameliorate traffic congestion on Siesta Key. The South Midnight Pass parcel has been in the spotlight since early this year. Maio has talked on a number of occasions with Siesta Island leaders about the property’s potential for public parking and a trolley stop. Anderson of the Public Works Department explained on Dec. 13 that the $500,000 estimate his staff provided for the board in

October for the creation of 39 new parking spaces on the parcel primarily derives from the necessity of complying with building code requirements. “The county’s got to be bound by the same rules that we make everybody else follow,” Maio pointed out. Earlier this year, Siesta Key architect Mark Smith drew up a concept showing the potential for 160 plus parking spaces on the site, plus a building in the center that could be used by people waiting to catch rides on the trolley. However, in October, the commissioners learned of the constraints posed by the aboveground water tank and wetlands on the property. The $500,000 expense “would be a nobrainer for us on a good day,” Commissioner Detert pointed out. “But we’re still trying to make up for our deficit of $7.7 million,” she noted, referring to the estimated revenue gap the board is attempting to fill for the 2019 fiscal year. “Looking forward,” Detert said, “I’d like to see numbers on a two-story parking garage on the property.”


Siesta Sand


Moonlight Movies Enjoying a movie at the drive-in is one thing, seeing one on America’s number one beach, while laying or sitting under the stars on the soft white sand, with the quiet waves of the Gulf of Mexico rolling up the shoreline, is quite another. More than 100 residents


By Trebor Britt and tourists enjoyed the movie E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial, provided by the Sarasota Film Festival in coordination with Sarasota Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources. The movie began not long after an incredible sunset.

Jordan Hill (15) of Omaha, NE and Lauren Atkinson (12) of Plymouth, MN excited to experience two firsts. First time on Siesta Beach and first beach movie ever. About the beach Jordan said, “I think the beach is beautiful and the sand is so pretty and the gulf is just the best thing ever.”

Self-proclaimed snowbirds, Joe Delcampo and his wife, Viviana of Toronto set to enjoy their first movie on Siesta Beach. They saw the large screen being erected while they were enjoying the beach earlier in the day.


This month’s featured movie presentation on the amazing powdery sands of Siesta Beach, E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial. More than 100 adults and families enjoyed one of the top block buster movies of all time. E.T. was nominated for nine Oscars at the 55th Academy Awards. Released in June, 1982, in 1983 it became the highest-grossing film of all time in the U.S.

Siesta Key residents, Dave and Dagmar Cardell with their girls Sonja (5), and Ella (8) anxiously await the start of the movie, E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial on incredible Siesta Beach.




Siesta Key Round-Up Boating incident reported in Big Pass In late November, “eagle eye” resident Michael Shay reported to the paper that he saw emergency vessels in Big Sarasota Pass on the night of Nov. 26. He later learned that a 911 call was logged at 7:33 p.m. that day, and it referenced the sandbar in Big Pass. It took several days to track down all the available information, leading finally to a statement on Dec. 1 from staff of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC). In the Dec. 1 email, Melody Kilborn, public information coordinator for FWC’s Southwest Region Office, wrote that she had just spoken with the investigating officer late that afternoon. “The information that I have at this time,” she continued, “is that FWC received the call at approximately 7:48 p.m. on Nov. 26 from the United States Coast Guard (USCG) regarding a single boat accident in Sarasota.” She added, “The vessel struck a seawall and came to rest on a nearby pile of rock. There were 4 adults on board at the time of the incident, one female and three males.” Of the four, she noted, three were transported to the hospital, and two of the three sustained injuries. “Both of the injured parties are in stable

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Staff Report

condition,” she wrote. “This is still an active and ongoing investigation and as soon as our officers have completed their thorough investigation, a report will be completed,” she noted. On Nov. 27, contact was made with Ashley Lusby, the media relations officer for Sarasota County’s Emergency Services Department, to learn what she could report about the incident. She responded that the Fire Department transported two patients to the hospital. One was a 30-year-old male; the other, a 49-year-old male, she wrote in an email. Contact also was made with the Sheriff’s Office on Nov. 27, to ask whether its staff could provide any details. Mycah A. Schafer, media relations specialist, wrote in an email that two calls were made for help — one to the City of Sarasota and one to the county. The Sheriff’s Office did assist with the response to the incident, she added, “but essentially the call was in the city limits and FWC took over the investigation.” Kilborn explained that the FWC has jurisdiction when boating accidents occur.

New beneficiaries of Crystal Classic to be determined After all the accounting has been completed, the organizers of the Siesta

Key Crystal Classic Master Sand Sculpting Festival will decide how to divvy up any profits, Mark Smith, chair of the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce, has announced. In years past, he said, Siesta Beach Festival Inc., the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that owns the Crystal Classic, had a contract that specified “a sizable amount of money” would go to Mote Marine out of the proceeds from the annual November event. However, Smith told about 35 people at the December Siesta Key Association (SKA) meeting, it costs about $285,000 for the Siesta Key Chamber to produce the festival. One year, he added, a rainy day “wiped out every bit of profit we had.” Therefore, the Chamber has been working to set aside about $20,000 a year to create a fund up to $125,000 “literally for a rainy day, and we’re about there.” The Chamber pays the travel expenses of the 24 artists who participate in the festival, Smith continued, and they come from all over the world. It also provides them a stipend. Furthermore, Smith noted, the Chamber has to pay Sarasota County for a permit to hold the event on Siesta Public Beach. County staff members “want their share of the pie,” was how he put it. After all the financial details have been settled from the Crystal Classic this year, Smith added, the Chamber will announce

the nonprofit organizations in the area that will benefit from any proceeds. He did point out that the organizers know attendance “definitely was up from years past,” adding that the event was “a big success.”

Siesta Key dates to remember for February The Annual Siesta Key Village Craft Festival Sat. and Sun., Feb. 24 and 25, arts and crafts, music and great food make this two-day celebration the first popular event of the year. Village Valentine Stroll Wednesday, Feb. 14, take a stroll through Siesta Key Village for sweets and treats. Look for pink or red balloons displayed outside participating businesses. Both events are sponsored by the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce. For more information, visit www.siestakeychamber. com or call (941) 349-3800. Say “I Do” Again! Wednesday, Feb. 14, celebrate a renewal of your wedding vows at sunset on beautiful Siesta Beach. The nondenominational service begins promptly at 6 p.m. Registration required. For more information, call Sarasota County at (941) 861-5000. Continued on page 18





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No action yet on Oceane luxury condominium project slated for Siesta Key By Rachel Brown Hackney / SarasotaNewsLeader.com In mid-March, a broker associate with Premier Sotheby’s International Realty in Sarasota reported that if all went well, the first new condominium development on Siesta Key since 2009 would be underway in June or July. Yet, the Ocean Boulevard site of the project remains vacant. Fronting Big Sarasota Pass, the property is just north of Siesta Village. Fabric lining a chain-link fence, to obscure the site from view, was ripped away by Hurricane Irma in early September, once again affording passersby an opportunity to fully appreciate the vista encompassing the pass, the Gulf and Lido Key. Recent real estate listings indicate that three of the six planned units remain on the market; they ranged in price from $3,873,000 to $4,574,485 in mid-December, according to the SaraSellsSarasota website. Premier Sotheby’s had the 4,426-square-foot units listed between $3,873,000 and $4,250,000. According to county records, the owner of the property, CG Oceane LLC, paid $4,785,000 for the parcels, when the closing was held on Jan. 18.

What happened to the plans for Oceane? On Aug. 29, Sarasota County Attorney Stephen DeMarsh brought up the project during his report to the County Commission. An Aug. 22 memo he had provided to the board explained that CG Oceane, which owns the three parcels comprising the condominium site — 4720, 4732 and 4740 Ocean Blvd. — had filed an administrative appeal of county “Building Official Kathleen Croteau’s written interpretation that certain proposed improvements to the construction project are not permitted under the County’s Floodprone Areas Ordinance.” To that end, DeMarsh continued in the memo, a hearing had been scheduled for Sept. 28 before the Building Code Board

of Adjustment and Appeals. The Office of the County Attorney represents that board in its proceedings, he added. “Ordinarily, the Building Official does not require or request representation from our office at these hearings,” DeMarsh pointed out. “In the past, however, the County Commission has authorized special counsel to represent staff, such as the Zoning Administrator, for hearings that are particularly complex.” DeMarsh told the commissioners on Aug. 29 that he was seeking their authorization to hire outside counsel for Croteau in this case. Commissioner Charles Hines made the motion to approve the request, and Commissioner Nancy Detert seconded it. The motion passed unanimously. As it turned out, the county did not have to hire outside counsel, after all. Michael J. Furen, the attorney with the Sarasota firm of Icard Merrill, notified the county that CG Oceane was dropping the appeal. The county’s Calendar of Events shows that the hearing was scheduled from 1:30 to 5 p.m. on Sept. 28 at the Sarasota County Operations Center, which is known as the BOB building, at 1001 Sarasota Center Blvd. A notice at the bottom of the event page says, “Meeting cancelled by request of appellant.” Almost exactly two months later — on Nov. 14 — a different Icard Merrill attorney, William Merrill III, appeared before the County Commission on behalf of CG Oceane to request that an extra 2 feet in height be approved for the approximately 350-foot seawall on the Oceane condominium site. Just that much more seawall, Merrill explained, would enable buyers of the units to cut their flood insurance bills by 50% or more. The project team had been working with the Federal Emergency Management Agency

(FEMA) on flood zone issues at the site, Merrill said. The $24-million condominium project “has been delayed specifically because of this one issue,” he pointed out. The commissioners unanimously granted the request. Before that item appeared on the Nov. 14 agenda, and since then, SNL has made repeated attempts to reach Randy Moore, managing partner of Crossgate Partners in Suwanee, Ga., who is the developer of Oceane. Neither Moore nor any other representative of Crossgate Partners has responded. The publication also was unable to get any comment from Furen after CG Oceane dropped its appeal in September. When SNL asked to speak with Building Official Croteau about the appeal, she also did not respond. Her assistant stated that Croteau would prefer to have no comment on the Oceane project. In early December, SNL made one more attempt, asking Merrill for assistance in determining whether CG Oceane had received the final permits it needed for the seawall project. He replied in an email that he would contact his client, as he was not involved in that part of the process. SNL heard nothing more.

A variety of requests In a June 16 letter to Furen, Building Official Croteau explained that she and

her staff had reviewed the sections of the Sarasota County Code of Ordinances pertaining to standards for construction “within a FEMA velocity flood zone.” She was responding to a request, she continued, for a determination and an interpretation “to assist with the design of a multi-family structure to assure compliance with the Sarasota County Flood Prone Area Ordinance …” Among the questions to which Croteau replied was one regarding whether breakaway walls, louvered walls and louvered garage doors located within the footprint of the building below the Base Flood Elevation would be permitted. Because the structure as proposed is located within a FEMA Velocity “V” flood zone, Croteau wrote, the minimum elevation would be 16 feet aboveground “for the bottom of the lowest horizontal element of the structure perpendicular to the direction of wave approach” and 15 feet above ground “parallel to the direction of wave approach …” Croteau added that she did have the authority to permit up to one breakaway wall enclosure for a multi-unit building, as long as it did not exceed 20% of the footprint of the structure. Based on the proposed footprint of the Oceane complex, she continued, a single breakaway enclosure of 2,095 square feet would be allowed. “All other areas outside of this enclosure shall be of open wood lattice or insect screening,” she wrote. Earlier this month, fabric once again covered the chain-link fencing at the Oceane site. After the wind rips it away, one nearby resident remarked, the fabric eventually is replaced. That has been the only sign of activity on the property.

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Siesta Sand




Siesta Key Chamber’s 2017 Annual Volunteer Holiday Party Siesta Key Chamber’s 2017 Annual Volunteer Holiday Party was held at Cafe’ Gabbiano Restaurant & Wine Bar. The Chamber wants to thank the volunteers for all their hard work and dedication

MEMBERSHIP MEETING NOTICE Tuesday, January 23, 2018 • 3:30 PM Siesta Key Chapel at 4615 Gleason Ave.

Siesta Key Chamber’s 2017 Annual Member Holiday Party


2017 Condominimum Legislation

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From left to right – Kevin Skiest, Cindy Breslin, Cheryl Gaddie and Larry Hoffman at Mattison’s 41

From left to right – Commissioner Al Maio & his wife Nancy Maio, Mark Smith and Esther Quiles at Mattison’s 41

Photos submitted by Paige Diffley, Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce Events Coordinator


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|Sarasota County and Longboat commissions agree to ask West Coast Inland Navigation District board members if that organization can take on regional beach management role By Rachel Brown Hackney Given both the increasing cost of beach renourishment projects and the heightened level of competition for sand sources, the Sarasota County Commission and the Longboat Town Commission have agreed that it would be beneficial for one entity to handle beach management for Southwest Florida. To that end, County Commissioner Charles Hines will ask his colleagues on the Board of Directors of the West Coast Inland Navigation District (WCIND) if they would be interested in having that organization take on the leadership role. Hines said he would report to both the County and Longboat Town commissions on the results of the discussion. The WCIND — which represents Collier, Lee, Sarasota and Manatee counties — is a special taxing body that “plays a pivotal role in the waterway projects that promote safe navigation from the ‘Open Water’ of the Gulf of Mexico or the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW) to the systems of secondary waterways,” the organization’s website explains. It supports county and local governments in maintaining and enhancing public navigation of channels and inlets, boating access facilities, waterfront parks, and piers and special structures, the website adds. “The intensity of competition around beach management is increasing, and it will continue to increase, because acceptable sand sources are diminishing,” Longboat Town Manager Dave Bullock pointed out during a November joint meeting of his board and the County Commission. All the local governments in the area — including Longboat, the Cities of Sarasota and Venice and Sarasota County — “compete with each other every year for beach renourishment funding,” Bullock added. Each handles its own permitting, as well. “We have very limited project coordination,” even though that would lead to lower expenses, he said. When two local government entities do work together, he continued, they have a greater chance of success in winning state funding for renourishment projects because of the point system state leaders use in ranking projects. Longboat does have interlocal agreements with the City of Sarasota and Manatee County, he noted, which cover use of sand from New Pass and Longboat Pass, respectively. For example, he noted, the City of Sarasota will be entitled to use sand dredged the next time from New Pass, as Longboat used the sand that it dredged in August 2016. Bullock stated that it typically takes five years after dredging for sufficient sand to accumulate for the next project in New Pass. On the East Coast, Bullock told the county commissioners, cities are suing each other over both sand sources and the building of structures neighbors find to be worsening their erosion. “The best sand sources are the subject of intense competition right now.” Bullock added, “I think it’s nuts that little ol’ Longboat Key would compete with the City of Venice someday for a sand source.” Moreover, he continued, “Inlet dredging already is becoming the subject of much more attention than it has in the past,” as local leaders have seen with the City

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of Sarasota’s proposal to dredge Big Sarasota Pass to renourish a 1.6-mile stretch of South Lido Key. “Inlet sand is going to become more and more the focus of dredging as offshore sand sources get further away and more expensive,” Bullock said, but “there’s not enough sand in our inlets to maintain our beaches; not even close.” The reason no one to-date has agreed to a regional beach management system, he pointed out, is because “there’s lots of parochialism. … I don’t believe we will see any leadership or coordination from the state.” Inlet management already is within the purview of WCIND, Bullock told the county commissioners. WCIND probably oversees “more regional coastal projects than anybody else,” he said, and the organization has a “good management track record.” “I think there’s a possibility there,” he added, though he was not certain WCIND even would be interested in taking on the role — and if it was, some reshaping of its mission likely would be necessary. If WCIND declines, Bullock continued, the County and Longboat commissions should find out if any other jurisdiction would be interested in taking on the role of beach management.


County Commission Chair Paul Caragiulo asked Bullock for clarification that Bullock was proposing that WCIND would serve as the applicant for beach renourishment projects and obtain the necessary permits from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). Bullock confirmed that that was his thinking, as WCIND already handles permitting for inland navigation projects. If WCIND has no interest, County Commissioner Alan Maio responded, “we need to start the adventure ourselves. … It is the best opportunity.” Maio then asked whether Hines — Sarasota County’s WCIND representative — would bring up the issue to the WCIND board. If the Hines’ colleagues on that board are reluctant, Maio said, then each of the four counties should appoint a commissioner as a delegate to a separate meeting, to try to start formal discussions about another way to approach the issue. “This is a political problem, as we all know,” Caragiulo added. “I can’t for the life of me figure out why the state doesn’t look at this as their issue … People have been very reluctant to depoliticize this issue. It’s just not serious enough for a lot of them yet, but it will get there.” Noting that he will be retiring in January 2018, Bullock responded that he has been observing projects on the west coast of Florida for 23 years. “We are not in a good place in managing our coastline. … How can we not try to find a better way?” “Your arguments, Dave, make absolute common sense,” Commissioner Hines told Bullock. “Obviously, WCIND has incredible expertise,” and it has a “great relationship” with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hines added. “I am happy to take this to our board and discuss it.”


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Holiday Cheer for Kids program a huge success In a letter to The Landings community, Landings resident and chair of the committee, Henry Rhodes thanked everyone for making Holiday Cheer for Kids Fighting Cancer and the Hannah House program the best ever. The objective of the program is to buy toys, clothing and food for families with limited resources who have cancer or for abused families. In the letter Rhodes said, “The generosity of The Landings community again exceeded the expectations of The Landings Holiday Cheer community program committee members. We had hoped to increase the number of children served. This year, residents provided donations and gifts to 91 children this holiday season fulfilling wish lists from the children. The overwhelming generosity of our community towards those that are struggling is something that we can all be VERY proud about.”

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Second District Court of Appeal dismisses appeal of Siesta Key resident regarding part of North Beach Road lawsuit By Rachel Brown Hackney / SarasotaNewsLeader.com Florida’s Second District Court of Appeal has granted Sarasota County’s motion to dismiss an appeal related to a Siesta Key resident’s 19-month-long fight to reopen a vacated segment of North Beach Road. However, the court made it clear that the appeal could be re-filed at a more appropriate time, based on Florida’s rules for litigation. The appeal dealt with one specific count in the amended complaint Mike Cosentino filed against the county in February. “It had the potential of being great for us,” Cosentino said of the appeal in a Dec. 13 telephone interview. Still, he said, “It’s no big deal, one way or the other.” Cosentino explained that the appeal was a necessary step in his and his supporters’ fight, which they christened Reopen Beach Road in 2016. As his attorneys had pointed out to him, Cosentino continued, if the appeal had not been filed, he would have lost his ability to file an appeal of the full case, if he ends up losing in 12th Judicial Circuit Court. “We basically filed that appeal as a ‘just in case,’” Cosentino said. In Cosentino’s Nov. 1 Notice of Appeal, his attorneys, Ralf Brookes of Cape Coral and Elizabeth Gomez-Mayo of Winter Park, noted that, according to the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure, any appeal of a partial final judgment in a case must be undertaken within 30 days of the judge’s rendition of his decision. Twelfth Judicial Circuit Court Judge Frederick Mercurio had issued an Oct. 2 order granting the county’s motion to dismiss Count II of Cosentino’s amended complaint. However, in a Motion to Dismiss, filed on Nov. 17, Assistant County Attorney David Pearce wrote, “An appeal of a partial final judgment relating to a single count of a multicounty complaint may be taken only if that count constitutes a separate and distinct cause of action that is not interdependent with other pleaded claims.” In this case, Pearce pointed out, Mercurio already had dismissed

Count I of Cosentino’s Second Amended Complaint. (Cosentino did not appeal that action.) Yet, one issue has yet to be settled in the case, Pearce added: “Cosentino still seeks a declaration that a related County Commission action, approving a Coastal Setback Variance is inconsistent with the Sarasota County Comprehensive Plan.” Pearce continued, “Both the County and the one set of Intervenors in the case have pending motions for summary judgment as to this remaining consistency issue.” “It was kind of a wing and a prayer and a stretch,” Cosentino said of the appeal. “The county’s going to take the opposite tack of any argument we make,” no matter what argument we make.”

The appeals process On Nov. 7, the appeals court notified the parties in the case that it would accept Cosentino’s challenge of Mercurio’s Oct. 2 order. That partial summary judgment order focused on Cosentino’s assertion that Sarasota County failed to provide adequate public notice of the County Commission’s 4-1 vote on May 11, 2016 to vacate a 357-foot-long segment of North Beach Road. In the same count of his amended complaint, Cosentino further argued that the Sarasota County Zoning Code requires disclosure of all owners of property involved in a petition for a Coastal Setback Variance. On May 11, 2016, the commission also granted a Coastal Setback Variance to one set of the property owners seeking the road vacation. Dennis and Wendy Madden had applied for the variance so they could tear down 12 dwelling units — some of which date to 1935 — and erect fewer new ones that would meet modern building code standards. Their attorney, Charles D. Bailey III of the Williams Parker firm in Sarasota, pointed out that they needed the unity of title of the vacated road segment in conjunction with property they also owned seaward of the road to

North Beach Road easements and vacation map for BCC Sept. 19 2016

have sufficient square footage to comply with zoning regulations regarding the new construction. Assistant County Attorney Pearce argued during a Sept. 27 hearing on the county’s motion to dismiss Cosentino’s Count II that the county had complied with the statutory requirement for publishing legal notice of the road vacation. He further convinced Mercurio that nothing in the County Code requires full ownership disclosure in regard to a petition for a Coastal Setback Variance. During his Dec. 13 telephone interview, Cosentino reasserted his belief in the validity of one part of his attorneys’ arguments regarding Count II. He says that his understanding of state law is that the county has 30 days within which to publish a legal notice of adoption of a resolution, stressing the word “adoption.” The County Commission road vacation resolution was approved on May 11, 2016, Cosentino attorney Brookes told Mercurio in the Sept. 27 hearing, but it was not published until July 2, 2016. However, Pearce explained to

Resolution document signed by Alan Maio May 11 2016

Mercurio that Pearce’s reading of the state law is that a resolution does not become final until it has been rendered and filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court. In this case, Perce continued, the commissioners sought an extra 5-foot wide pedestrian easement from the vacated road segment across private property seaward of the road, as extra insurance that the public would continue to be able to access the beach. The petitioners had agreed to add that

as a stipulation. It took time to get the legal description written and incorporated into the resolution approving the road vacation, Pearce told Mercurio. Nonetheless, because the resolution was rendered and filed with the Clerk of Court’s Office on June 27, and it was published in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune on July 2, Pearce said, the county still met the 30-day statutory deadline.

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Hands Across the Water

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Photos by Rob Thompson

The 1st Annual Hands Across the Water, Love & Peace Gathering brought together a like-minded fellowship ranging in ages from 1 to 84. Event organizer, Maura Thompson was pleased with the turnout and said she is looking forward to making it an annual event.

Organizer, Maura Thompson with son, Rob Thompson Damie and John from the Jah Movement Band

This 84 year old gentleman danced to the music for an hour, nonstop

Maura with Dawn Bear and Kyna Smith (Tropical Beach Resort)

Master sand sculptor Brian Wigelsworth erected the beautiful Iwo Jima sand sculpture on the Sunset Point Pier overlooking the beautiful waters of the Gulf. Unfortunately, vandals destroyed a portion of the sand sculpture so only the eagle could be saved. Photos by Mike Cosentino


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8865 Midnight Pass Road South Siesta Key at Turtle Beach

By Rachel Brown Hackney

Motorcycle parking makes a move

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When the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce held its quarterly meeting in August, Chair Mark Smith talked of a request by Gilligan’s Island Bar to have the motorcycle parking spots moved away from their Ocean Boulevard location in front of the restaurant. When the Village Beautification Project was undertaken by Sarasota County in 2007 and 2008, he explained, the goal was to create parking spaces specifically for motorcycles, so people who ride them would stop parking on the sidewalks. Former motorcycle parking spaces in front of Gilligan’s He told SNL that because the majority of the motorcyclists seemed to be patrons of Gilligan’s, the Daiquiri Deck payments related to Village upkeep would be handled, and the Siesta Key Oyster Bar, Village leaders asked the memo continued. for the new slots to be painted on the street at that end The September 2012 amendment specified that invoices for services in the Village, with appropriate of the Village. “Basically, they take up two motor vehicle parking documentation, would be submitted to the county. Then, upon county approval of those invoices, the spaces,” Smith said during the Chamber meeting. Michael Shay, manager of the Siesta Key Village county would pay the third-party vendors for their Maintenance Corp. pointed out because the work. motorcyclists back into the spaces, “exhaust is going Cece reminded the paper that in 2012, the Maintenance Corp. asked for the amendment to the right into the restaurant” when they leave. The Maintenance Corp. asked that the spaces be ordinance to ensure that county staff would procure relocated to the area in front of Siesta Beach Plaza, all goods and services needed for Village upkeep, so Smith added at that August meeting, just a little north the Maintenance Corp. would not have to handle any of the funds that are raised by a special assessment of Gilligan’s. Fast forward to Dec. 6: Smith reported that the of Village property owners. The proceeds from the project still had not been completed. The Maintenance assessments make up the annual budget that pays for Corp. did not have any funds left in its 2017 fiscal the upkeep. year budget for the work, he pointed out, so county For some reason, Cece stated, the changes the staff had to wait until the new fiscal year began on group requested never were made to the ordinance. Oct. 1. “We’re talking about painting,” Smith pointed Therefore, Cece had worked to get that formality taken out, though the work also would include moving care of on Nov. 28. She called the process a matter of “cleaning house a little bit.” kickstand plates in the Gilligan’s spaces. “It’s going to get there,” he added of the project. Mark Smith of Smith Architects, chair of the Maintenance Corp., concurred in a separate telephone “Inch by inch, we’re getting there,” he joked. Finally, the move has taken place. In a Dec. 14 email, interview that the procurement process would not be Shay reported that the parking spots were relocated changing as a result of the Nov. 28 commission vote. the previous night. The final touches were expected It is “the same thing we’ve been doing.” He had to sign a document on behalf of the to be completed that day, Shay added. Maintenance Corp., in conjunction with the Nov. 28 board action, he added. Village maintenance “We’re hopeful that the Village will continue to look A recent inquiry to Lisa Cece, the county’s good,” Smith said. Siesta resident Michael Shay, who special district coordinator who oversees Siesta manages the Maintenance Corp., and Cece “continue Village maintenance, about a Sarasota County to do a wonderful job.” Consent Agenda item that the County Commission unanimously approved on Nov. 28. Plaudits for Cece A memo provided to the board in advance of that In late November, Peter van Roekens, secretary meeting pointed out that on Feb. 21, 2012, the County Commission amended the ordinance governing of the Terrace East Condominium Association, sent oversight of Village maintenance “to reflect changes Matt Osterhoudt, director of the county’s Planning regarding procurement of maintenance contracts, and Development Services Department, a note of determination of tax levy and cost sharing between appreciation for the hard work that Lisa Cece, special the County and the SKVMC Siesta Key Village district coordinator for the county, undertakes to keep Maintenance Corp. … relating to distribution of Siesta Village looking its tiptop best. maintenance.” Then, on Sept. 25, 2012, the commission Continued on the next page further amended the ordinance to reflect how




Continued from the previous page

Lisa Cece

The letter’s dissemination followed Cece’s efforts to oversee a quick response to damage at Terrace East as a result of the MCI fiber optic cable installation project. The main part of Van Roekens’ email was a commendation from Doug Lambert, manager of Terrace East. Lambert wrote the following: “Lisa has been a huge help to me through the years whenever the need arises, whether it’s about illegal parking, downed trees, etc. Recently, with the break of the sewer line, and the storm water line directly in front of our building, Lisa has been a godsend as far as communication as to what happened, and the county’s plan, timing wise, on rectifying the problem. I’m confident, with Lisa behind us, that our sidewalk and parking lot, both affected during the break, will be in as good as or better shape than before the incident occurred. “County workers are rarely acknowledged for their efforts, but Lisa continues to go above and beyond for not only us at Terrace East, but for everyone she comes in contact with through her position with the county. Please pass this on to her supervisors. She deserves praise for her continued efforts.”

5160 Calle Minorga update Plans proposed in the spring to transform the parcel at 5160 Calle Minorga into a private parking lot remain on hold. On Dec. 5, Jim Ready, a partner with the Sarasota engineering firm of John F. Cavoli, responded, “No, ma’am,” when SNL asked whether he and Cavoli had any update about improvements to the parcel. “Not at this moment,” he added.

As noted in August, the property was on the market for a period of time. A check of county Property Appraiser Office records on Dec. 7 found that a limited liability company called 5160 Calle Minorga still owns the land, which it bought for $450,000 in September 2011. Sentinel Management LLC of Sarasota is the registered agent for the company; the people behind Sentinel Management are Barry Silverstein and Dennis J. McGillicuddy, according to state records. The conceptual design for the Calle Minorga parking lot, submitted to Sarasota County in late April, showed the potential for 35 spaces on the 0.241 acres.

Bigger news for the Village In early August, Buccaneer Landscape Management walked off the job, so to speak, in Siesta Village. Since 2014, the firm had been handling all the custodial and landscaping work for which the Siesta Key Village Maintenance Corp. (SKVMC) pays. The money comes from assessments of Village property owners. Lisa Cece, the special district coordinator for Sarasota County, who oversees the upkeep of the Village, reported to Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce leaders in August that she had secured a firm on a temporary basis while the county’s Procurement Department worked on re-advertising the bid for the maintenance. As it turned out, the decision was made to take a new approach with the Village upkeep: One bid would be advertised for the custodial work, while a second would cover the landscaping responsibilities. That stemmed from the realization that most companies qualified to do the work did not want to handle all of it, Cece and Michael Shay, manager of the Maintenance Corp., explained. One other change with the splitting of the contracts, Cece said, is that the bids are low enough that the County Commission does not have to approve the contracts. In August, Cece told Chamber leaders she was optimistic that a new custodial contract would be in place by Oct. 1. That proved a bit too optimistic, however, given the thorough and methodical

processes that take place in the county Procurement Department. The custodial contract was executed on Nov. 30, county Media Relations Officer Drew Winchester reported. That contract went to Greenscape Enterprises Inc., which does business as Boro Building and Property Maintenance. Boro began work on Dec. 10, Winchester added. It will receive $91,050 for the initial three-year term of the contract; the contract may be renewed for two additional one-year terms. Among the scope of services Boro is handling are the emptying of all the trash and recycling containers; cleaning of water fountains; “general housekeeping of the gazebo area”; removal of gum, stickers and graffiti; and exterior touch-up painting as needed for the benches, bike racks, water fountains, trash cans and lids. The bid to which Boro responded was advertised on Aug. 23, the contract says. The bid for the landscaping work closed on Nov. 22, Winchester noted, but no contract had been awarded by Dec. 11.

Speaking of Michael Shay… While corresponding with Michael Shay about the new Village custodial contract, it took the opportunity to ask whether Florida Power & Light Co. (FPL) ever had managed to get all the streetlights shining again in the vicinity of the Village. A few were affected by Hurricane Irma. Shay has worked valiantly with an FPL representative in Sarasota to resolve the situation. On Dec. 11, he reported that the light at the intersection of Ocean Boulevard and Givens Street, which has been out since before Irma arrived, is still out.

A lovely Light Up Siesta Key Another signature event the Siesta Chamber produces in November is Light Up Siesta Key, formerly Light Up the Village. During the December SKA meeting, Chamber Chair Mark Smith also reported that that event went very well, with attendance estimated between 4,000 and 5,000 for the parade. He called the figure “pretty darn incredible.” Continued on page 24

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Alpine Steakhouse is proud to be the recipient of the Sarasota Magazine Readers’ Choice award for “Best Restaurant for Steak” for the past five consecutive years. If you haven’t yet, it’s time for you to discover the Alpine Steakhouse, Florida’s oldest premier restaurant, steakhouse, meat market (butcher shop) and small specialty grocery all under one roof. The Alpine is something of a cultural landmark, being more than 40 years old, the first place in Sarasota to specialize in prime meats of the New York City steakhouse persuasion, and has continually been operated and crafted to perfection by the same family. Come in and enjoy a great steak in the newly remodeled 70 seat dining room. You can choose your own steak from the meat case. “The thing that makes me the proudest is that virtually nothing we serve comes out of a box or shrink-wrap,” says co-owner Mark Rebhan. Owners Mark and son Matt Rebhan, want to invite everyone to come and enjoy a great meal in this unique restaurant. Here is what they are saying online: “Pittsburgh Style” We had the NY Strip “Pittsburgh Style” which means heavy sear on both sides. Lots of flavor. Mmmmm. We had a twice baked potato to go with it. We are on our way again for the second time this week. Great Atmosphere. Also, an in house butcher shop right inside. Next time I’m going to come here to pick up my steaks and fresh ground sirloin for some tasty burgers.

“What an amazing place! It is not fancy or pretentious!” Just excellent food and great service. We had the NY strips and the filet mignon...all cooked perfectly and melted in your mouth. The twice baked potatoes are amazing as is the homemade clam chowder. We were full but we HAD to try dessert...we had the truffles mint chocolate chip and spumoni with fresh whipped cream. Even the coffee was good... what took us so long? Also want to order from the meat market... wow. One of my new favorite places.

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The Rebhans want everyone to know that they offer a complete catering service for business, holiday and events. The restaurant is located at 4520 S. Tamiami Trail, one block north of Proctor Road at traffic light of Field Road and US 41. Hours; Mon-Thu 9am-9pm, Fri & Sat 9am-9:30pm, Sun Closed. (941) 922-3797 www.alpinesteak.com Advertorial



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Through the Eyes of a Veteran


By Diana Colson

|Capt. Gordon Garrett served during the Cuban Missile Crisis

Gordon Garrett was a Captain in the Air Force during the Cuban Missile Crisis. He served from 1960 to 1963, most of that time at Eglin Air Force Base located in the Florida Panhandle. This was the base which served as the staging ground for Viet Nam. In July of 1962, Nikita Khrushchev had secretly agreed to Cuba’s request to place nuclear missiles on the island to deter a future invasion. Before long, construction of several missile launch facilities was underway. When a U-2 spy plane produced clear photographic evidence of this construction, the US established a military blockade to prevent further missiles from reaching Cuba. On October 13 of 1962, Captain Garrett received top secret orders labeled DEFCON #2. (DEFCON #2 translates to “Defense Condition #2.” The seriousness of this message is extreme, for DEFCON # 1 means war!) These top-secret orders designated Elgin Air Force Base as the jumping-off point for most of the Invasion of Cuba. The Cuban Missile Crisis was underway. Fighter jets stood at the ready. Latrines had to be dug, for pilots were never to be more than two minutes away from their plane. B-52’s with H-Bombs were already based at Eglin, some of which were circling Cuba. Cargo planes stood ready, loaded with big

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heavy equipment. It was a time of enormous tension, for the DEFCON #2 orders remained in effect for 13-days (October 15- 28, 1962). The Cuban Missile Crisis was considered the closest the Cold War came to escalating into a fullscale nuclear war. There were serious decisions to be made at Eglin Air Force Base. If Cuba realized that American forces were being amassed at that base, it would become a major target. Up to 20,000 military dependents were housed in the area, among them Captain Gordon Garrett, his pregnant wife and one child. Where would these dependents go? It would have to be a mass exodus! Ultimately it was decided that dependents would stay put. There were many close calls. A Russian sub was part of the Armada headed towards Cuba, fully armed with nuclear weapons. An American ship dropped depth charges over this sub, and its Russian Submarine Commander prepared to fire off his weapons. Fortunately, that officer was talked out of doing so by his 2nd in Command, and a terrible war was averted. Letters flew back and forth from Khrushchev to JFK, some of them extremely hostile. Kennedy chose to respond only to the gentler communications. The Russian leader must have said to himself, “Maybe we can make a deal.” After a long period of tense negotiations, JFK and Khrushchev publicly agreed that the Soviets would dismantle their offensive weapons in Cuba and return them to the Soviet Union. In exchange, the US made a public declaration agreement to avoid invading Cuba again. Secretly, the US also agreed that it would also dismantle all missiles located in Turkey and aimed towards the Soviet Union. It was an unforgettable time in Gordon Garrett’s life. Still, the naval blockade of Cuba ended on November 20, 1962, and the crisis faded. Captain Garrett left the Air Force in 1963 to join the Reserves, where he served from 1963-1968. Gordon had been raised mostly in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. His father was one of the first workers at Oak Ridge as part of the Manhattan Project. Although his dad had been selected to enter West Point, there was not a lot of money in the family, so he went to work. After taking only two college classes, Gordon’s dad took a job at Oak

Ridge. There he received on-thejob-training, and ended up being the Supervisor of a nuclear group. Many others in the group had advanced degrees. Oak Ridge went from zero to 75,000 people in just 18 months, becoming the place where we split the atom, with Los Alamos being the place where the bomb was put together. Following his military service, Gordon graduated from Denison University in Ohio, and then attended the University of Tennessee, where he received a Master’s Degree in Business Administration. He briefly considered working for the CIA in Washington, but decided instead to go with Proctor and Gamble, where his main claim to fame was introducing Bounty Towels into the test market. He continued as a marketer for Warner-Lambert, where he worked with a staff of 700, calling upon the headquarters of various stores to place Warner-Lambert products. Retiring in his 60’s, Gordon found himself with too much time on his hands. Lion’s Club International Foundation was looking for a professional manager. He took the job and traveled the world raising and giving away money in substantial amounts. (The Lions donate 35 million dollars annually to charitable projects such as providing one million cataract surgeries in China.) Gordon spent six adventurous years traveling the world for The Lions. Fortunately, he was able to take his first wife, Penny, with him on many of these international expeditions, even as her health was failing. The couple shared two wonderful sons, three grandkids, and one great-grandchild, but after 50 years of marriage, Penny sadly passed away. Gordon had always been a tennis enthusiast. An avid player, he had even attended the US Open for 29 years running! Sometime after Penny’s death, Gordon connected with Sue Lewis here at The Landings. Sue had owned two stores in Atlanta specializing in tennis and sports attire, was widowed, and equally committed to the sport. Before long they were married. Today, Gordon and Sue enjoy life at The Landings. They have made many friends and enjoy their beautiful surroundings.




Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Seafood lovers, it’s good and fresh Yelp review: I see why this place is all five stars. Amazing find, tucked away in a nondescript strip mall adds to its local, simple vibe. Best seafood I have had in a long time. Service made it feel like we were part of the family, four happy diners tonight. If you read this post, stop searching and start eating. Seriously do not pass up this little gem. Living in Florida, you expect to find fresh seafood no matter where you dine. If you are a local seafood lover, you probably have a mental list of go-to restaurants which serve the freshest seafood. Fresh Catch Fish Market & Grill needs to be added to it. Fresh Catch’s, father/son duo, Bob and Devon Provost have a serious passion for seafood which started way back when the family lived in the Boston area. Their simply prepared, neverfried, never-frozen dishes are paired with a variety of simple sauces that serve to complement, so the freshness of the seafood shines. Your fish/seafood selection goes from the case onto the grill. Prepared grilled or blackened, topped with lemon and butter, Pico de Gallo or tropical salsa. Served with a fresh ear of corn on the cob and baby roasted potatoes. Soups, salads, sandwiches and steam pots round out the menu. If room permits, be sure to order a slice of their homemade key lime pie. Bob’s wife, Debra, makes the key lime pie, using freshly whipped cream. The restaurant also offers a nice selection of beers and wines. Fresh Catch Fish Market & Grill, located at 7119 S. Tamiami Trail, just south of Stickney Point Road in the Buccaneer Plaza, is a casual restaurant/market with indoor and outdoor seating for close to 30. Here’s what more patrons are saying about the restaurant on line: Tried this place last night on a whim and it did not disappoint! Everything from the staff, to the menu, to the meal itself was perfection. It’s a small place and luckily we’d come in between dinner rushes and got a table right away. Within 10 mins the place was full again. The wait staff was smiling and helpful. We shared stone crab soup to start with a couple of ice cold beers, tons of crab in the soup and excellent flavor. For our meals we got blackened tripletail and snow crab claws. Each came with a side of roasted potatoes. I can’t say enough about how fresh and delicious the entire meal was. We will be back! WOW! WOW! WOW! This place is a hidden gem! Fish was fresh today and you could taste the difference. Very clean kitchen. They cooked the fish to perfection and the presentation was 5 stars like you would expect at a fancy resort; those extra added steps. This place is the real deal. Only thing that made me upset was that I never knew it was here before. Sooooood GOOD! This is must try! I was so glad to find this cute restaurant and fish market. To get a high-quality fish you need a fish market and this fits the bill. I wanted a takeout fish plate and I got the blackened pompano with potatoes and corn. I made a salad at home and had a beautiful meal. The corn was not overlooked. It also has a big counter so the next time I will order some oysters and try another dish. It’s much bigger than I thought. I am going to become a regular. See more reviews online at Yelp and Trip Advisor, Special orders and reservations accepted. Fresh Catch Fish Market and Grill is open from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Saturday. 941-413-7133, freshcatchfishmarketandgrill.com (Advertorial)

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Siesta Sand



Safe Alternative for Facial Rejuvenation


Siesta Key Round-Up Continued from page 5

Before Treatment

How many times have you looked in the mirror thinking to yourself - a little nip here, maybe a tuck there would really help shave some years off of your face. But then, you think of the amount of time needed to recuperate and wonder how much pain is involved, so decide against it every time. Surely there must be a safe, non-invasive alternative? Well now there is. Massage Experience, Siesta Key is the island’s original boutique day spa and offers a wide range of massages and anti-aging facial services. Among the facial services offered at Massage Experience, Siesta Key, they are the area’s only spa providing micro-current, antiaging facial treatments. This facial therapy has been the favorite nonsurgical treatment for celebrities and royalty in Europe for years. It’s a very luxurious, pampering, results-driven facial which actually lifts, tones, and tightens the muscles of the face. This process stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. The effects are immediate and cumulative. This uplifting therapy is preventative, as well as corrective. It is a great alternative to surgery as it is non-invasive, requires no recovery time, has no risk of complications, is far less expensive, and above all gives instant results. Our Micro-current Facial Rejuvenation is a safe alternative to the more invasive treatments on the market today. The gentle and 100% non-invasive treatment works in synergy with your body’s natural energy system. It sends safe, painless impulses to the muscles in the face to relax muscles that are overly tightened and strengthen those that are under-

After 6 Treatments

worked with very low levels of electrical current. A study by the University of Washington proved that micro current increases your skin’s elastin fibers by 45%, collagen by 10% and the number of blood vessels by 35%. It can increase ATP, your body’s building block, by 500%. This is how it works to “rejuvenate” your face, softening wrinkles and toning your facial muscles. If you have received facial injections, this treatment will help maintain your lift in-between. Since the process is cumulative: more treatments bring more noticeable and lasting results. Most people see their desired results within seven to twelve treatments. Over time and with follow-up treatments, your results can be even more visible as the body continues to produce higher levels of new collagen and wrinkles smooth out. Aesthetic benefits of the micro current machine includes softer skin, improved circulation, enhanced muscle function and balance, reduced appearance of fine lines, and enhanced natural production of collagen and elastin. Owner, Connie Lewis uses the Pevonia Botanica product line exclusively to finish off this rejuvenating facial as well as with any of her other facials. Two popular products she highly recommends from Pevonia are Youth Renew Tinted cream SPF 30, which evens out and protects your face from the sun’s harmful rays; blending uneven skin tones to an even, beautiful base utilizing antiaging enzymes and brighteners and LipRenew Plump and Deage Volumizer which instantly plumps, moisturizes and nourishes lips.

After 12 Treatments

Massage Experience, Siesta Key is conveniently located in the Davidson Plaza in the Village and is open 6-days-a-week year round, and 7-days-a-week in season. Appointments may be made online at www.MassageExperienceSK. com or by calling 941-349-4833. (MA00017596/ MM0006727) (Advertorial)

Connie Lewis, BS, LMT, Aesthetician and owner established Massage Experience, Siesta Key in June of 1996. She attended the Bancroft School of Massage Therapy in Worcester, Massachusetts in January of 1994, then moved to Sarasota, Florida to continue her career in massage therapy. “My personal philosophy when massaging a client for the first time, or the hundred and first time, is to let my hands ‘tell me what to do.’ After so many years of practice I have a sixth sense about pressure and what the client may need from me during the session. I listen with my hands and utilize my years of practice and personal experience to give the client the perfect session for them.”

How long should sandbags stay in place? Sometimes the theoretically routine business items on the Sarasota County Commission consent agendas are more easily understood at first pass than others. On Nov. 28, it took a bit more digging to get to the heart of Item No. 10 out of 15. Officially, it called for the board to “authorize a public hearing on ordinance amending the Coastal Setback Code, Chapter 54, Article XXII of the County Code, extending the duration of Class I Emergency Variances.” An email from a member of the county’s Planning and Development Services staff, which went to representatives of the four barrier island associations in the county, made the issue clearer. “Because of erosion along portions of its Gulf of Mexico shoreline, Sarasota County is considering amendments to the Coastal Setback Code relating to temporary shoreline protection. The existing Code limits the use of sandbags to one year, while the amendments propose to create an administrative process to provide a maximum of two, one-year extensions,” Joseph Kraus wrote on the morning of Nov. 29. On Nov. 28, the County Commission unanimously approved the tentative scheduling of a Jan. 30, 2018 public hearing on the draft language staff has prepared for the amendments, he added. In fact, no board member pulled any item from that Nov. 28 Consent Agenda for discussion before the vote. “The public comment period is extremely helpful,” Kraus pointed out in the email. “We value the input of the barrier island associations and residents, and invite your consideration of, and comment on, the proposed amendments. As always, we are available to respond to questions and would be glad to attend association meetings to discuss.” He included his email address and phone number: jkraus@scgov. net; 726-4061. The email went to representatives of the Siesta Key Association, Casey Key Association, Manasota Key Association and North Manasota Key Association. A memo provided to the board in advance of the Nov. 28 meeting explains, “The Coastal Setback Code establishes standards for the approval of measures to protect Gulf-front structures at risk of damage from beach erosion.” The approval may be granted “‘in emergencies caused by recent calamitous occurrences such as, but not limited to, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, or high winds where buildings, swimming pools, roads, or public facilities have been damaged or destroyed, or are directly and immediately anticipated to be threatened,’” the memo says. After the 2016 storm season, the memo continues, “several Class I Emergency Variances were granted for properties fronting the Gulf of Mexico on Manasota Key. Considering the limitations associated with the one-year administrative authorizations, several of the property owners requested that the County Commission (Board) consider extending the timeframe for which their sandbags may remain under the initial authorization. Based on Board guidance provided on April 19, 2017 and April 25, 2017,” the memo adds, staff prepared the amendments to the Coastal Setback Code.

January Siesta Key Association meeting SKA will hold its monthly meeting on January 4, 4:30 PM at St. Boniface Church, 5615 Midnight Pass Road, in the Parish Hall. One of the main topics for the meeting, “Make Siesta Drive Safe,” with two guest speakers from the Bay Island Siesta Association. Two other major items that will be discussed is an update regarding the Big Pass Dredging and Commercial Setbacks within the Siesta Key Overlay District/Proposed Hotel.

Membership meeting notice The Siesta Key Condo Council will hold its next meeting on January 23, 3:30 PM at the Siesta Key Chapel located at 4615 Gleason Ave on Siesta Key. The main speaker is Dan Lobeck from Lobeck and Hanson P.A. Lobeck will be covering the following topics: 2017 Condominium Legislation, Criminal Penalties Against Officers and Directors, Conflicts of Interest, Term Limits, Debit Cards, Records and Financial Reports, Recalls & Voting Rights, Mandatory Websites, Estoppels and 2018 Proposed Condominium Legislation.

Road swap might become moot A potential swap involving state roads on Siesta Key may become moot. 11:00 AM to 2:30 PM

Continued on the next page

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Siesta Key Round-Up

JANUARY 2018 Continued from the previous page

In early September, Former Sarasota County Administrator Tom Harmer reported that county staff has been in talks with Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) representatives about that department accepting River Road as a state road in exchange for the county’s accepting roads on Siesta Key as county routes, including Siesta Drive, Higel Avenue and Stickney Point Road. During a Dec. 12 discussion about county priorities for state and federal help, County Commissioner Nancy Detert and state Sen. Greg Steube, R-Sarasota, agreed that the improvements the county wants to undertake on River Road would get underway faster if the county could win a $10-million Florida Job Growth Fund grant from the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity. The county applied for that grant during the summer. The road swap, Steube indicated, might take more than a year. However, the potential exists for the state to award that economic development money to the county out of 2018 appropriations. Steube and Rob Lewis, the county’s director of community and intergovernmental relations, said they would advocate for the county to win the state funding for River Road.

When he asked for questions or concerns, a woman told him that she had been observing “a lot of people bringing so-called service dogs out on the beach as soon as the lifeguards leave,” and those dogs run up and down the shoreline. “No animals are allowed in county parks,” Mruczek responded. However, if a person tells a deputy a dog is a service animal, the deputy does ask whether the dog belongs to that person and what type of service animal it is. The dog does not have to have a vest on to specify that information, he noted. “We’re very limited on what we can ask of the owners,” he said, indicating that that was because of the language in the federal Americans with Disabilities Act. Nonetheless, he continued, dogs are supposed to be on leashes, unless they have been trained to respond reliably to voice commands. The woman then pointed out that she believed owners “throwing Frisbees into the water for the dogs to retrieve” was a sure sign the dogs she had been seeing were not service animals. Mruczek acknowledged that he was inclined to agree with her.

About those dogs …

The future of county-owned land at 6647 S. Midnight Pass Road has been a big topic of Siesta discussions for some time, with many island leaders thinking it would be a good location for a parking lot. During a Dec. 13 County Commission discussion about creating parking spaces and a trolley stop on that property, Commissioner Michael Moran asked about the market value of the land. Lin Kurant, the county’s Real Estate Services manager, replied that a staff appraiser had come up with the figure of $3.5 million. Commissioner Alan Maio reminded Moran that, earlier this year, the county’s Public Utilities Department staff affirmed the need for the county to retain ownership of the property because of an aboveground water tank located there and numerous underground

During his December report to SKA members, Sgt. Jason Mruczek, leader of the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office subdivision on the Key, reported “no real major crime trends” for November. A couple of vehicle burglaries had been reported on the north end of the island, he said, so he reminded the audience members to lock their vehicles and never to leave valuables in plain sight in them. Mruczek added that the Sheriff’s Office had received requests to increase patrols on South Midnight Pass Road to monitor speeding in that area. A speed-recording device was set up to collect data, he said, so he would be checking on the results soon. As for reports of vehicles speeding through Siesta Village early in the morning: Putting deputies in place to monitor that remains a work in progress, Mruczek indicated.

How much is that land worth?

pipelines. “A parking lot was a fallback position.” Kurant pointed out that the Utilities Department staff had advised her office that all of the utilities infrastructure on the site would have to be removed if the parcel were to be offered for sale. “It’s zoned multi-family,” she said of the property, but the number of units that could be constructed on it most likely would be constrained because of a wetlands area on the eastern end of it. Commissioner Charles Hines was among board members who voiced surprise that such a high potential sales price would be expected for the parcel. “I don’t care if its 5 cents or $3.5 million,” Moran replied. “I’m just suggesting that it’s a variable in this conversation.” The board members have been working since October to identify revenue — including proceeds from selling surplus land — that can be used to fill a projected $7.7-million budget hole for the 2019 fiscal year. Continued on page 22

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC



Siesta Sand




County ‘bed tax’ revenue allocated to City of Sarasota expected to be needed this fiscal year for Lido Renourishment Project, city engineer tells county staff By Rachel Brown Hackney / SarasotaNewsLeader.com Over a month before an administrative law hearing began on challenges to the project, City of Sarasota staff informed Sarasota County staff that the city hopes to use about $3.6 million it is due in Tourist Development Tax (TDT) revenue this fiscal year to help pay for the renourishment of the South Lido Key Beach. Doreen Buonpastore, a fiscal consultant in the county’s Office of Financial Management, reported to members of the county’s Tourist Development Council (TDC) on Nov. 16 that City Engineer Alexandrea DavisShaw had provided that notification. The focus is $3,585,076, or about 15.1%, of total expenses of $23,828,168 projected for the current fiscal year out of the revenue produced by the county’s 5% Tourist Development Tax (TDT). Revenue allocated to the municipalities that they do not use in one fiscal year rolls over to the next fiscal year, Buonpastore has explained in the past. The “bed tax” is charged on accommodations in the county. Buonpastore was providing the TDC members an overview of the Tourist Development Tax budget for the fiscal year, which began on Oct. 1 and will end on Sept. 30, 2018. “That’s a big item for Fiscal Year ’18,” Buonpastore added of the approximately $3.6 million, “if the Lido project happens.” Sarasota Mayor Shelli Freeland Eddie, a recent appointee to the TDC, told her colleagues that she planned to be part of a city delegation to Washington, D.C., the first week of December to talk with representatives of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Environmental Protection Agency — not to mention U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan, R-Longboat Key — in an effort to ensure the city will not lose any federal support for the project if the city gets assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to deal with sand loss on South Lido as a result of Hurricane Irma’s strike. Buonpastore noted that

DavisShaw had informed her that 62% of the money for the proposed Lido Renourishment Project still is expected from the federal government, with the remainder of the expense to be split evenly between state grant funds and TDT revenue allocated to the city. “Best of luck to you, from all of us,” County Commissioner Charles Hines responded to Freeland Eddie. Hines is chair of the TDC. “Fasten your seatbelt,” Venice City Councilman Bob Daniels added. City leaders hope Buchanan’s standing in Congress will make a difference with their efforts, Freeland Eddie indicated. Buchanan is a member of the influential House Ways and Means Committee, and he chairs its subcommittee on Oversight. In a Dec. 4 email exchange between City Manager Tom Barwin and DavisShaw, Barwin wrote, “Hopefully with the recent tropical storm and Hurricane losses, combined with the worst erosion and threats in 30 years, we can remain a high priority for either emergency assistance, or great coordination and timely funding once the administrative challenges to the intent to issue permit are processed.” Barwin was referring to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Dec. 22, 2016 notice that it intended to issue a permit to the city and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the Lido Renourishment Project. That plan was the focus of a December hearing in Sarasota, with the Siesta Key Association and Save Our Siesta Sand 2 challenging the state decision. During the summer, the City Commission reaffirmed its commitment to the project in a document it sent to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. The agenda backup material indicated the action was a routine measure because of the city’s pending application for the Lido project.

TDT expenses projected for 2018 fiscal year for TDC Nov. 16 2017

TDT revenue penny chart showing allocations for TDC Nov. 16 2017

The document did note that the estimated cost is $21 million, up from the $19-million estimate previously provided by U.S.

Army Corps of Engineers staff working with the city on the initiative. However, that document also pointed out that the construction phase was planned for the 2019 fiscal year. Commissioner Hines told his TDC colleagues, “There’s never enough funds to cover the consistently increasing costs of beach renourishment projects.” When the County Commission approved a second placement of sand on the south Siesta Key Beach — which was completed in the spring — it required residents along the affected segment of shore to help cover the cost, Hines explained. (The assessments are being included on annual property tax bills.) County staff has been polling residents of Manasota Key about a potential initiative to add sand to critically eroded sections of that barrier island, Hines continued. Sarasota County potentially could collaborate with Charlotte County on that project, Hines noted. Nonetheless, he said of the Manasota Key residents, “They are going to have to contribute something” if the county proceeds with that project. “And that’s probably the way it’s going to have to go in the future,” he pointed out, referring to assessments of affected property

owners on shorelines where new sand is placed. The expense of such efforts keeps escalating, Hines said, and the renourishments are “not lasting as long, either.” Buonpastore explained that county municipalities in the past have submitted requests to the county for additional funding for renourishment projects. Each municipality receives a percentage of the TDT revenue set aside for beach maintenance each year, she has told the council members in the past. That is divvied up according to population. That money also can be used for beach renourishment initiatives, she has said. On Nov. 16, Buonpastore showed the council members that the FY18 budget estimates total TDT income of $20,750,000. Out of that, $3,845,183 — 18.5% — is for county beach maintenance; $657,309 — or 3.2% — will be set aside for the City of Sarasota to use in beach maintenance; $266,521 — 1.3% — will be put aside for the City of Venice; and $136,275 — 0.7% — would go into an account for the Town of Longboat Key. The City of Sarasota would be using its beach maintenance money for the Lido project, she indicated.



Sheriff’s Report


November 14- December 20, 2017

There were a total of 31 crimes reported on the Key between 11/14-12/20/17 11/18/17 Stolen Vehicle 200 Block Canal Rd. A woman reported her white 2010 Nissan Altima stolen. She had parked the car in the market parking lot overnight and found it missing upon her return in the morning. She explained that the car was paid off and it would not have been repossessed. The car was locked and she was in possession of the keys. The sheriff’s Department had no record of that car being towed. The storeowner will be reviewing surveillance video for any further evidence. 11/22/17 Burglary Residential 400 Block Givens St. A woman reported that associates of her juvenile son entered the mother-in-law suite of her home through an unlocked sliding door. She explained that her family had been out of town for a few days. The associates were the only people who knew that the door was always left unlocked. While the owners were gone, someone entered and took a Beats portable speaker ($550) and a custom wood long board ($600). The son had received a snapchat message showing a video of one of the suspects and several more unidentified teens having a party in the suite. Due to the disappearing nature of the snapchat format, the video could not be viewed again. Contact has not been made with either suspect. The case is still under investigation. 11/26/17 Grand Theft 5900 Block Midnight Pass Rd. A very intoxicated man related that he had played golf on the day prior to this report, came home and called his girlfriend and invited her over for a visit. He fell asleep shortly thereafter. He said he woke up when the girlfriend came into his apartment and started pouring whiskey down his throat. He said

they hung out for a while and then he fell asleep again. The man woke up and realized his checkbook was gone from the dining room table along with $1600 cash that had been in his back pocket. The couple had been dating for about 4 months but the victim could not advise where she lived or worked. He was able to provide her telephone number but could not explain the timeline or other details of the event. 11/26/17 Petit Theft Public Beach A wallet containing $100 cash and a driver’s license was stolen from a man while he attended the drum circle. The man had placed his wallet in his bag and put it behind his beach chair. He did not notice anyone approach his location from behind. 11/30/17 Burglary - Residence 3900 Block Shell Rd. Two wooden soldiers ($1000) were stolen from a woman’s yard. The Christmas statues were 5 feet tall, in her fenced yard and flanked her front door. Two males wearing shirts over their faces jumped over her fence, ran to the front door, grabbed the statues, and then fled over the fence. The woman will provide a copy of the surveillance video when it is available.

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12/5/17 Theft 6000 Block Midnight Pass Rd. A painter reported that during the night, someone stole 10 fivegallon buckets of off white paint from the rear of a Siesta condo. There are no suspects and no known surveillance cameras in the area. The Scott paint was valued at $1500. 12/8/17 Theft 5000 Block Ocean Blvd. Two eighteen pack of Bud Light ($29.98) were stolen from a Village convenience store. An employee reported the subject entered the store and headed towards the cooler. He then picked up two packs of beer and ran out of the store without paying. The reporting officer was unable to view the security footage as the employee was new and had not been trained on how to use the camera system. He advised he would notify his manager who would provide a copy at a later date. 12/9/17 Stolen Tag 5000 Block Shadowlawn Dr. A man reported an unknown subject had stolen the license plate off the back of his trailer sometime during the last few months. The Florida plate had been affixed to a black utility trailer. It was stolen sometime between 9/1-12/9/17.

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC



Siesta Sand

Off Key



Siesta Key Round-Up

By Robert Frederickson

From Words Misaligned to Treasures Defined... Jar Jar Binks’ New Gig... With the release of The Last Jedi just before Christmas, Star Wars fans were relieved to discover that rumors of the return of Jar Jar Binks to the epic film series were – as Binks himself might have put it – “misinformed, not they were...” With his trademark misaligned syntax and cartoonish persona, Jar Jar quickly became the least popular among the franchise’s otherwise endearing assortment of characters after his debut in 1999’s The Phantom Menace. He reprised his role in 2002’s Attack of the Clones and made a brief return in 2005’s Revenge of the Sith, but since then: nada. So just what has Jar Jar been up to since his short-lived brush with fame long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away? Well, after recently seeing the unfortunate new exit sign on I-75 pointing the way to Warm Mineral Springs that instead reads “SPRINGS WARM MINERAL,” I’m thinking the expatriate Gungan from the planet Naboo may have landed here on Earth and is now working for Florida’s DOT.

For the Dog Lover who has Everything...

...except perhaps time to walk their own pooch... Now there’s the latest must have smart phone app for busy dog owners, ‘WAG.’ It provides real-time updates throughout the day so you can be sure your kids or paid dog handler is walking Fido according to the agreed upon schedule; it even shows a map of the route taken, the elapsed time of the latest outing and - best of all - the information every dog owner yearns for most...as expressed in the company’s latest commercial when a satisfied customer exclaims to her co-workers: “Hey everybody, my dog just pooped!” Kinda gives a whole new meaning to the term ‘push notification,” no?

Words/Phrases that have Worn Out their Welcome... My nomination: “Nothing Burger.” Hearing Hillary use it the other day was the last straw (in response to the latest accusation leveled against her by the vast right wing conspiracy). Can we please move on?

The Banality of Evil According to a recent piece in the New York Times, Daily News columnist A. J. Benza told Harvey Weinstein: “I could supply your PR girls with a lot of gossip – a lot of stories – and if people come to them with the ‘Harvey having an affair story,’ they can barter.” Now there’s a good look... influential entertainment reporter acting as protector to an alleged serial harasser/abuser in order to maintain a source of inside information. The banality of the exchange reminds me of the closing scene in the film Fargo where the local

Sheriff, Marge, played by Frances McDormand, has collared one of the suspects in the murder case she has been working. While the perp sits handcuffed in the back seat, she looks in the rear view mirror as she drives him back to the station and says: “That must have been your accomplice in the woodchipper. And those people in Brainard? And for what? A little bit of money? There’s more to life than a little money, ya know. Don’t ya know that?”

Venice High School Indians: State 7A Football Champs! With the fortunes of some of Florida’s high profile football programs like FSU and Florida, and professionally, the Tampa Bay Bucs and Dolphins on the skids, area gridiron fans can take pride in the inspiring performance by VHS in winning this year’s division 7A state championship in Orlando on December 9th, defeating Bartram High School by a final score of 37-24. VHS quarterback Bryce Carpenter scored four rushing touchdowns in the effort, while kicker Zack Sessa added field goals of 27 and 45 yards. It was the Indians second state championship, the other coming in 2002. Adding to the thrilling season? A focus on teamwork, sportsmanship and on-field performance rather than off-field distractions that do nothing but spark dissent and division.

Speaking of those Distractions... NFL ratings continue to slide in response to protests by some NFL players still taking a knee during the playing of the national anthem before games. The reason so many viewers have turned away should be obvious, yet many defenders of the protests just don’t get it, saying they’re not a sign of disrespect for their fellow citizens, or those who fought and died in defense of the flag, including almost 400,000 Union soldiers during the Civil War who laid down their lives as part of the quest to end the injustice of slavery. But let me ask those protesters and their defenders this: If you are invited to a friend’s, a co-worker’s or an in-law’s house and they bow their head in prayer before a meal they have prepared for you and others gathered around their table, and you are not a member of their religious community, believing differently, or you’re an adherent of no religion at all, do you leave the table? do you walk outside, returning only after the prayer is over? Or do you stand in silent respect for your hosts and their beliefs and perhaps acknowledge in your own mind the freedom this country affords us to believe different things yet sit together at the same table? In the NFL, after the game has been played the winners and the losers join together on the field to shake hands and congratulate one another; it’s an uplifting sight to watch them embrace the fellowship they share as professional athletes, risking pain and injury to play the game that binds them together despite the


Continued from page 19

rivalries between their respective teams. You can see on the faces of most of those players, just how much that game and this post game ritual means to them. For everyday citizens watching from the stands or at home, the feelings are much the same with the playing of the national anthem at the start of the game. We have many differences as Americans, but this is one of the special ceremonies that has bound us together over time. It is the table we share. To turn your back on that, well, you may say it’s not intended to be a sign of disrespect, but I can assure you of this: to the vast majority of those looking on, it is certainly taken as such.

UPS Driver Cuts Out the Middle Man? Those ubiquitous digital video cameras homeowners have installed near their front doors in recent years have made things increasingly difficult for porch pirates trying to make off with stolen merchandise. The latest example: a UPS driver in Pinellas County delivered an iPhone X to a home in St. Pete Beach the week before Christmas, only to allegedly return a few hours later to grab the $1000+ smart phone off the front stoop and stuff it under his shirt. But the plan was not very well thought out. The video camera at the home was in plain view. Most such cameras even have a light on the front that shows they are on and recording. Also, the driver didn’t try very hard to disguise himself, wearing the same distinctive camo-print pants seen on the digital footage of the original delivery. And even if he had made a clean getaway, the phone’s unique mobile ID number would have made it easy enough to trace later on when it was activated or its software updated. So now the alleged perp, Jason Mohn, is facing grand theft charges. And I have to think his future at UPS is at best a bit cloudy at this point. Not a very Merry Christmas, indeed.

Antiques Roadshow Coming to Sarasota in April Charlie Rose may be gone, but PBS’s other ‘star’ attraction, ‘Antiques Roadshow’ is alive and well and coming to Sarasota in April. The show’s appraisers will set up shop at an as yet undisclosed ‘historic’ location in town on April 12th for three days of shooting. My guess: the art deco exhibition hall downtown, or perhaps the Ringling Museum, Ca’ d’Zan or the Crosley estate. The Sarasota stop will yield three episodes of the series slated to air in 2019. So dust off your grandma’s squeeze box and other potential treasures and submit your application for free tickets by February 27 at 11:59 p.m. You can apply for those tickets at pbs.org/roadshowtickets

UPDATE: The Warm Mineral Springs sign on I-75 mentioned at the top of this column has been covered over with one free of any traces of Jar Jar’s Naboonian dialect.

Gaddie wins seat on county advisory committee

Regular readers will recall that Siesta resident Cheryl Gaddie, who is well known in the region for the work of her firm, CG Interior Design, served for a period of time as president of the Siesta Key Village Association before it was absorbed into the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce at the end of 2016. What they may not know about Gaddie is that she is a dedicated bicyclist. On Nov. 28, Gaddie was among five people who won unanimous County Commission approval as new members of the county’s Bicycle/ Pedestrian/Trail Advisory Committee. Her term and those of two other people will run through November 2019, according to a memo provided to the board. The others were appointed through November 2020. The reason for the shorter period of service for the three was to “maintain term staggering as required by the governing resolution,” Patrick Lui, the county’s bicycle pedestrian coordinator, noted in the memo. “The applicants are aware of the reduced appointment length,” he added. In her application, Gaddie wrote, “Strong interest in biking for transportation” in response to the question, “Why do you want to serve on this Advisory Council?” Gaddie previously served on the board, she noted. Van Roekens also sent the email to County Commissioner Alan Maio and incoming Interim County Administrator Jonathan Lewis.

Breeze ridership climbing after late-summer lull

Ridership for the Siesta Key Breeze open-air trolley has bounced back as expected, thanks to seasonal residents returning to the Key and two big events on the island last month. In October, the total was 8,793, and in November, it was 15,443, Kendra Keiderling, marketing outreach and customer service supervisor for Sarasota County Area Transit (SCAT) reported. Not only did the island host the Crystal Classic Master Sand Sculpting Festival in November, but it also had a busy holiday season kickoff — Light Up Siesta Key — the Saturday after Thanksgiving. In July, SCAT recorded 25,506 passengers on the open-air trolley that circulates between Turtle Beach Park and Siesta Village. For August, the total was 14,040, Keiderling reported. Of course, July Fourth is a tremendously busy day for visitors on the island. Additionally, spot checks have indicated that Dr. Beach’s second No. 1 ranking of Siesta Public Beach, just before Memorial Day, contributed to another booming summer for businesses. In September, however, ridership fell to 5,165. Keiderling reported that SCAT staff had been warned that September traditionally is the least busy month on the Key, with school having started and snowbirds not having returned yet. The Breeze also had six days of disruption because of forecasts for Hurricane Irma’s strike, Keiderling said in early October.

Cosentino’s Charter amendments

Mike Cosentino and Mary Anne Bowie, executive director of Reopen Beach Road, told members of the Siesta Key Association in August that they hoped to set a record for the shortest amount of time needed to get privately initiated Sarasota County Charter amendments before voters. Both amendments are related to Cosentino’s efforts to overturn a May 2016 vote of the County Commission that vacated a 357-foot-long segment of North Beach Road. Reopen Beach Road needs a total of 13,866 valid signatures on each proposed amendment. As of Dec. 13, the Supervisor of Elections Office reported the total of the signatures submitted, for proposed Amendment 4.1 is 7,129; for proposed Amendment 4.2, 7,015. As for the proposed amendments themselves: The first says the following: “Article III, Section 4.1. Preserve County-Owned Parks, Preserves, Beach and Water Access and Waterfront Vistas. The County shall not sell, and shall retain ownership of, County-owned Parks and Preserves, and shall not vacate or sell County-owned road segments or right of way along or abutting any beach, river, creek, canal, lake, bay, gulf access or waterfront vista. The County shall encourage maximum right of way use for public access and viewing of waterfront vistas. Whenever feasible, the County shall make these areas accessible to mobility impaired persons.” The second says, “Article III, Section 4.2. Siesta Key Beach Road as Public Right of Way. The County shall rescind the vacation of, or re-acquire, Beach Road on Siesta Key as it existed on January 1, 2016, and shall not vacate or sell this County-owned road segment(s) or right of way. The County shall provide maximum right of way use of Beach Road for public access, including vehicular use and viewing of waterfront vistas. The County shall make Beach Road accessible to mobility impaired persons.”

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VILLAGE MAP pgs 24 - 25


GULF GATE SHOPS pgs 30 - 31





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Siesta Key Drum Circle Before You Leave...

If you have any non-perishable food items that have not been opened, the Siesta Key Chamber, located at 5114 Ocean Blvd, in the Village at the Davidson Plaza along with St. Michael’s Parish, located at 5394 Midnight Pass Road will gladly take these items and pass them on to the less fortunate in the Sarasota area. Chamber hours for items to be dropped off are as follows: Monday – Friday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. For instructions on after hour drop-offs, please contact the Chamber office at 941-349-3800. St. Michael’s hours for items to be dropped off are as follows: Monday – Thursday: 8 a.m. – Noon and again from 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. Friday: 8 a.m. – Noon.

If you are dropping off items after hours, please leave any items at the front door of the parish office. For any additional questions, please contact the office at 941-349-4174.

Every Sunday is a perfect time to come to the Key to reconnect with Mother Nature and to enjoy some wonderful entertainment. I’m talking about the Siesta Key Drum Circle that takes place each Sunday starting about an hour before sunset and lasting until about 10 p.m. The gathering meets up just south of the main pavilion - just follow your ears and watch for the swelling crowd. Please note the following rules of etiquette that need to be observed at the Drum Circle so that all can enjoy the experience: the inside of the drum circle is

for participants only, not for people standing around. Feel free to enter the circle, take a picture and dance, but always keep moving. Never play someone’s drum without getting clearance from the owner. Always ask before borrowing other people’s property, especially hula hoops. Flash photography and bright video lights are distracting, so photograph during daylight or use a night vision camera. And finally, please do not drink alcohol or smoke inside the circle and respect our beach by placing all trash in the appropriate receptacles. Photo by Kenny Brooks

Before you leave Sarasota, you must try this one! As seen on the Food Network Guy Fieri’s “Diner’s, Drive-In’s and Dive’s” show. The TurDucKen “One big bird” Boneless chicken stuffed in a boneless duck stuffed in a boneless turkey with a variety of great seasonings. Alpine Steakhouse just off of Siesta Key located between the bridges at 4520 S. Tamiami Trail. 941-922-3797

Lunch Turducken Sandwich $8.95 and Dinner Turducken $18.95 w/mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy and cranberry sauce


Siesta Sand


Village News

did not appear that that would work out. Then on the day of the parade — the Saturday after Thanksgiving — Luckner said she received a call from County Commissioner Alan Maio, who was trying to track down a truck. It turned out that the Sarasota Fire Fighter’s Benevolent Fund was willing to help out, she told the audience. “Awesome truck; the best we’ve ever had. It purrs.” It also was easy for people to climb aboard, Luckner noted. The vehicle was a 1945 Mack fire truck, she said, “which is a classic.” The president of the Fire Fighters Benevolent Fund is Paul Kurtz, who works at Fire Station No. 1 in downtown Sarasota, Luckner explained. “I had to give him the shirt off my back to thank him.” To explain that last remark, Luckner pointed out that she likes to wear an SKA T-shirt over her other clothes, like a tunic. Kurtz, she continued, is “a muscular big guy.” When she asked him what size shirt he wears, he told her he needed a 2X. The SKA had none available, she added. Then she remembered that was the size she was wearing. “I said, ‘There you go!’” and gave him her shirt. The group did not charge the SKA, she noted, and it plans to provide the truck again in 2018. Luckner extended her appreciation to Maio on behalf of the SKA.


ACCOMMODATIONS Siesta Key Beach Resort & Spa........ Map-A #38A ART GALLERY / STUDIO Calle Studios..........................................Map-B #32 The Gallery on Siesta Key................... Map-D #11 ATM / BANKS PNC ATM.............................................. Map-C #61 Martin Funding.......................................Map-E #1 Sun Trust Bank & ATM..........................Map-E #4 BARS & NIGHTCLUBS Blaśe Café.............................................Map-A #38 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar.................Map-B #42-43 Gilligan’s.............................................. Map-B #33 Siesta Key Oyster Bar......................... Map-B #45 The Beach Club..................................... Map-D #22 The Cottage........................................... Map-C #58 The Hub-Baja Grill............................... Map-D #59 COFFEE SHOPS LeLu’s Coffee Lounge........................ Map-B #31 The Local Bean.....................................Map-D #62


Map B #42

DRUGSTORE Davidson’s Drugs................................Map-D #65 FASHION & ACCESSORIES Beach Bazaar’s & Swin Shack........... Map-C #28 Blvd. Beachwear....................................Map-B #30 Comfort Shoes-Birki & More...........Map-D #64 Everything But Water.......................... Map-D #12 Foxy Lady Fashions............................. Map-A #40 Gidget’s Coastal Provisions.............. Map-B #44 Island Boutique.....................................Map-B #50 Island Style............................................ Map-C #53 Lotus Boutique..................................... Map-D #66 Marley Vibes........................................... Map-D #9 Sea Shanty............................................. Map-C #24 Siesta T’s.................................................Map-B #30 The Sandal Factory...............................Map-B #46


GAS STATION Circle K Store...........................................Map-E #6 GIFTS & SOUVENIRS Beach Bazaar........................................ Map-C #28 From God’s Garden..............................Map-D #9 Island Trader......................................... Map-C #51 Sea Pleasures & Treasures.................. Map-C #29 Siesta Key Outfitters...........................Map-D #11 Siesta Kids..............................................Map-B #36 HEALTH & FITNESS Indep. Lifestyle Solutions .................. Map-D #10 Siesta Key Fitness............................... Map-B #73 ICE CREAM/TREATS Big Olaf Creamery............................... Map-C #52 Ciao Gelato............................................ Map-C #50 Made in Rome Gelato.......................... Map-C #53 Meany’s Mini Donuts.......................... Map-C #24 SubZero Ice Cream/Yogurt................ Map-D #16 Sunni Bunni Frozen Yogurt................ Map-C #53 The Donut Experiment........................ Map-D #16 INTERNET / WiFi SERVICES Davidson Drugs..................................Map-D #65 LeLu’s Coffee Lounge........................ Map-B #31 The Local Bean.....................................Map-D #62 JEWELRY Created Gems....................................... Map-C #51 Mount -N- Repair Jewelers.................Map-D #9 Map C #61

The new concrete was poured on the m Then, on Monda installed. “We continue to a fully compact for loa 13 email. The area wa Friday, Dec. 15, or M “Terrace East Proper provided with this s The saga of dama that morning, during reported that he noti up one of the plantin real estate office on t Then on Nov. 16, S “a major water leak a He added that the w the sidewalk into the That day, Cece r employees already w irrigation at the plaz turned off the Village firm that handles it, thorough inspection Cece further noted of the Terrace East co

For those that have enjoyed th cuts and camaraderie at the Villag Barber over the years, you can sti continue to see Scott Reich at hi new Gulf Gate Barbershop locatio at 6575 Gateway Ave. in Gulf Gate The Siesta Center was sold an the new ownership of the Ocea Blvd building wasn’t quite meetin up to expectations. You can reach Scott at 941 346-0222. His hours are 8:30-4:0 Tuesday thru Friday and 8:30-12:0 Saturday.



No explosions from pierced gas lines reverberated through Siesta Village the week before Thanksgiving, but the construction crew laying fiber optic cable for an MCI cell phone project did manage to strike a sewer pipeline beside the Terrace East condominium complex, as reported in the November Siesta Sand. On the morning of Nov. 17, Lisa Cece, the special district coordinator for Sarasota County who supervises Village upkeep, reported to representatives of the Siesta Key Village Maintenance Corp. that crews worked through Nov. 16 and up until 6 a.m. on Nov. 17 to replace 30 feet of sewer pipe damaged by the boring alongside the driveway into the Terrace East property in the Village. That day, she continued, 30 feet of stormwater pipeline also was to be replaced. In her Nov. 17 email, Cece wrote, “The driveway to Terrace East will most likely be closed for the next week or two.” She added, “Concrete will be poured after compaction settles, and then the decorative brick pavers will be placed back down.” Her timeline proved a bit too optimistic. In a follow-up email on Nov. 29, Cece said county staff members with the Public Utilities Department and the Road & Bridge Division were coordinating the concrete repair and replacement at Terrace East. She added that she was purchasing more pavers that day to replace “what was lost or damaged.”

NOTICE: Looking fo




More Damage Than Just a Sewer P

Continued from page 15

“I’m literally the guy in the back with the sweeper,” Smith explained: He organizes the parade and wraps it up. During an earlier telephone interview, Smith noted that the parade was only about 10 minutes behind schedule. “I try to get everybody out in time,” he added. However, the difficulty a big boat had negotiating the turn onto Ocean Boulevard from Beach Road delayed Santa’s appearance, Smith said. “It’s always something.” During the SKA meeting, Smith commended Bob Kirscher, former co-owner of The Broken Egg restaurant, for serving as Santa Claus again this year. “What an incredible amount of patience that man has,” Smith pointed out. “If you see Bob, thank him.” As for the SKA’s appearance in the parade: Vice President Catherine Luckner explained that the nonprofit’s participation used to be “a community effort.” Because the fire truck directors rode broke down so regularly, she said, parade-goers would push it along Ocean Boulevard. “Everybody remembers that and laughs.” The owner of that truck finally sold it, she continued. Last year, the nonprofit’s insurance agent provided it with a fire truck for the parade, Luckner said, but no one was available to drive that truck this year. Although the SKA had filed an application with the Siesta Chamber to be in the parade, Luckner added, it



LIQUOR STORES / FINE WINES Gabbiano’s Wine Club.......................Map-D #70 Gilligan’s.............................................. Map-B #33 Siesta Key Wines................................. Map-C #61 Siesta Village Liquors........................ Map-C #26 The Beach Club..................................... Map-D #22






Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

By Rachel Brown Hackney

for the Terrace East driveway finally morning of Dec. 8, Cece reported. ay, Dec. 11, the brick pavers were

apply sand as the area dries out to ad bearing,” Cece added in her Dec. as expected to be open to everyone by Monday, Dec. 18, Cece wrote, noting, rty Manager Doug Lambert has been status update to notify residents.” age actually began on Nov. 15. Early g his routine check on the Village, Shay iced the crew laying the cable had dug ng beds at the Michael Saunders & Co. the north end of the Village. Shay notified Cece that he had spotted at the south end of Davidson’s Plaza.” water was “flowing like a river across e street and then the sewer drain.” responded that Vasi & Associates were repairing the water line for the za. She also pointed out that she had e irrigation system and had called the so it could send out employees for a n. d, “A new pull box is necessary in front ondo in the landscape bed. Muhli grass

and ground cover will be removed and replanted in the same area.” A pull box, is the central location for all the connections for a system. The crew laying the fiber optic cable also dug into Maintenance Corp. irrigation lines by Terrace East and at the Key Corners Center, Cece and Shay reported. On the afternoon of Nov. 29, Cece had sent a third email that day to Desiree Doiron-Wilde, the project manager for Overland Contracting of Tampa — which was overseeing the fiber optic cable work — as well as to Vasi & Associates. She had attached photos of the severed irrigation lines, “mashed plants, a small destroyed tree and erosion of the walkway” at Terrace East, in an effort to spur promised repairs. According to Cece, the contractors for the cable project were obligated to ensure everything was restored to its pre-construction appearance and operating level. Until the irrigation lines were functioning again, she pointed out, plants could not be watered, and without the watering, the plants that were damaged “may not survive.” If the repairs were not expedited, she continued, she would send a bill to the companies, so they could reimburse the Maintenance Corp. for new plants. Finally, on Nov. 30, Cece stated that she had heard from Vasi & Associates about its plans to correct the “deficiencies from the project work,” as she put it. Shay would meet with that supervisor after the repairs have been completed, to make certain all had been done

correctly, she added. The construction crew also damaged a Village garbage can when the crew used heavy equipment to try to move it; the can is bolted to the concrete. Additionally, Cece noted, sod was placed at Terrace East and at the Michael Saunders & Co. office. “I have requested that be removed,” she continued and — as she had discussed with the contractor’s crew — that cocoa mulch disturbed or lost from the digging be replaced. “We do not have grass in the landscape beds,” she pointed out, so she was surprised that Vasi & Associates had put any at Terrace East and the Michael Saunders property. At last, during the week of Dec. 4, Vasi & Associates sent a crew to Siesta Village to repair the irrigation lines and other problems. “I hope the damaged, smashed plants will respond and recover,” Cece said, since regular watering could begin again. In spite of all that transpired in the Village, Cece kept her generally upbeat attitude. In one email, she pointed out, “On a positive, all the streetlights were on and looked nice. The Village segment was just the first part of the plan. Work continued along Beach Road south. The end point is at The Anchorage just before Stickney Point Road. The tentative timeline called for the project to be completed by the end of December.

or the Village Barber?

he ge ill is on e. nd an ng



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MAILING - SHIPPING UPS store............................................... Map-A #41 US Post Office....................................... Map-D #65


MARKETS/FOOD STORES Circle K Store...........................................Map-E #6 Morton’s Siesta Market...................... Map-C #25

Arizona Map D #64

MASSAGE Hands of Light Massage......................Map-B #35 Massage Experience Siesta Key........Map-D #62 Massage Therapy....................................Map-E #1 MEDICAL - DENTAL Siesta Dental........................................ Map-B #49 Siesta Key Physical Therapy............... Map-D #20 Siesta Medical Center.......................... Map-D #63 Siesta Village Dentistry....................... Map-D #63 MISCELLANEOUS Chamber of Commerce....................... Map-D #67 Roberti Enterprises.............................. Map-A #39 Tarot Card Reading & Gifts.................Map-B #50 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Edward Jones Investments................. Map-D #68 Smith Architects...................................... Map-E 74

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REAL ESTATE / RENTAL SERVICES Coldwell Banker Realty....................... Map-D #20 Horizon Realty......................................Map-B #34 Island Homes........................................ Map-C #51 Keller Williams Real Estate................. Map-D #11 Key Realty.............................................. Map-E #5 Michael Saunders Realty................... Map-E #72 ReMax Tropical Sands.......................Map-D #67 Robasota Rentals & Real Estate.......... Map-A #39 Siesta Key Realty...................................Map-D #9 Waterfront 7 Realty.............................. Map-C #56 Waterside Realty.................................. Map-C #29

48 47 46

RESTAURANTS / CAFÉS Another Broken Egg................... Map-C #54 & 55 Blasé Café.............................................Map-A #38 Bonjour French Cafe............................ Map-C #47 Café Gabbiano.....................................Map-D #71 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar.................Map-B #42-43 Flavio’s Brick Oven & Bar....................Map-B #29 Flavio’s Italiano Ristorante..................Map-B #30 Gilligan’s Island Bar & Grill............ Map-B #33 LeLu’s Coffee Bar................................ Map-B #31 Lobster Pot............................................ Map-C #23 Old Salty Dog Rest. & Pub.....................Map-E #2 PI Pizza & Craft Beer...........................Map-A#37 Señor Siesta........................................... Map-D #69 Siesta Key Oyster Bar......................... Map-B #45 Solorzano Bros. Pizzeria....................Map-D #15 Subway Sandwiches.............................Map-B #30 Sun Garden Café.................................. Map-D #19 The Cottage........................................... Map-C #58 The Hub - Baja Grill............................. Map-D #59 Village Café..........................................Map-D #14 SPAS - HAIR & BEAUTY LaPlaya Spa........................................... Map-C #50 Sassy Hair Salon................................... Map-A #40 Siesta Key Nails & Spa........................Map-D #9 SPORTS INTEREST/RENTALS CaliFlorida............................................. Map-C #29 Robin Hood Rentals........................... Map-B #34 Siesta Village Outfitters....................... Map-C #53

Map D #11

THE LOCAL BEAN • Internet Café • Coffee Shop • Tea Room 5138 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key Village



Map D #62

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Siesta Sand


ATM & BANKS Bank of America........................................ A-3 #3 BARS & NIGHTCLUBS Capt. Curt’s Backroom Saloon................B-3 #7 Crescent Club........................................... C-3 #13 Sniki Tiki....................................................B-3 #8 DELIS / BAKERIES A Taste of Germany................................ C-3#14 Anna’s Deli & Sandwiches.................. C-3 #14 Nutritious You......................................... C-3 #14 The Beach Deli @ Crescent Beach Grocery......B-3 #1 DRUG STORES Davidson’s Drugs................................... C-3 #14 FASHION & ACCESSORIES CB’s Island Outfitters.............................. A-3 #2 CB’s Saltwater Outfitters........................ A-3 #4 Coconuts Fashion......................................B-3 #1 Coconuts / Island Colors..........................B-3 #8 Green Turtle Swimwear......................... C-3 #14



Key Casual Fashions............................... D-3 #17 Things You Like...................................... C-3 #14 GIFTS & SOUVENIRS Capt. Curt’s Souvenirs.............................B-3 #8 Green Turtle Shells & Gifts................. C-3 #14 Sunshine Sand Hidden Treasures........ D-3 #17 Silver City Jewelry.................................. C-3 #14 HEALTH & BEAUTY Siesta Key Salon & Spa........................... D-3 #17 The Key Spa & Salon.............................. A-5 #12 ICE CREAM & TREATS Orange Octopus .......................................B-3 #8 INTERNET / WiFi SERVICES Davidson’s Drugs................................... C-3 #14 Mail Pack Center..................................... C-3 #14 LIQUOR STORES Crescent Beach Grocery...........................B-3 #1 Crescent Club............................................B-3 #13 Siesta Spirits............................................. C-3 #17

Siesta Key Winery and Bootlegger’s Moonshine Company.................................................... A-4 #5 MAILING & SHIPPING Mail Pack Center..................................... C-3 #14 US Post Office Sub Station..................... C-3 #14 MARKETS 7-11 Store.................................................. C-3 #16 Big Water Fish Market.......................... C-3 #17 Crescent Beach Grocery...........................B-3 #1 MISCELLANEOUS Moving & Storage....................................B-3 #10 Flowers by Fudgie................................... D-3 #17 REAL ESTATE / RENTALS Homes & Condo Rentals........................ D-3 #17 Re/Max Tropical Sands............................B-3 #1 Siesta 4-Rent............................................ C-3 #14 RESTAURANTS / CAFES A Taste of Germany................................ C-3#14


Boatyard Waterfront Bar & Grill...............A-5 #12 Capt. Curts Crab & Oyster Bar.................B-3 #7 City Pizza Italian Restaurant................. D-3 #17 Clayton’s Siesta Grille...............................B-3 #9 Daiquiri Deck.................................................A-3 #2 Toasted Mango Cafe....................................C-3 #17 Miguel’s Restaurant................................ C-3 #17 Munchies.................................................. C-3 #17 WATER SPORTS - FISHING - RENTALS A to Z Beach & Bike Rentals.................. A-5 #12 FIN Island Co. . ........................................ A-3 #2 CB’s Saltwater Outfitters........................ A-3 #4 Parasail Siesta............................................ A-3 #2 Siesta Key Bike & Kayak . ......................B-3 #8 Siesta Key Marina..................................... A-4 #5 Siesta Key Jetski . ...................................... A-3 #2 Siesta Sports Rentals............................. C-3 #14 Waves Boat & Social Club...................... A-5 #12

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MAP C-3 #14

Big Water Fish Market 6641 Midnight Pass Road

Boatyard Waterfront Bar & Grill 1500 Stickney Point Rd.

MAP A-5 #12

CB’s Saltwater Outfitters 1249 Stickney Point Rd.

MAP A-3 #4

Coconuts Fashion MAP 1215 Old Stickney Point Rd. B-3 #1&8

Crescent Beach Grocery 1211 Old Stickney Pt. Rd.

MAP B-3 #1

Siesta 4-Rent 6555 Midnight Pass Rd.

MAP C-3 #14

Toasted Mango Cafe 6621 Midnight Pass Rd.

MAP C-4 #17

MAP C-3 #17



Snapshots of Island Visitors


Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography

Khiya, Brenna, Macy, Oli, Samiah, Reaganne, Ally, Caroline, and Katie from TX (solar - USSF) 8th & 9th grade girls in town for a soccer tournament

Shannon from DC, Chris from SK

Lindsey, Evie, Jason from Sarasota, Fl

Marilyn, Caroline age 1, and Erin from MO

Miranda, Rafael, Hyett, Shawn, and Daniel from Sarasota

Hudson age 5, Crew age 3 months, Rowan age 3, and Tanner age 3 months from Sarasota



Siesta Sand


Siesta Sounds

BLASE CAFÉ In the Village 941-349-9822 DAIQUIRI DECK RAW BAR In the Village 941‐349‐8697

noted from the audience “Oh “I was convinced that the perfect look! It’s the whole band tonight!” person was going to show up, and Something immediately clicked when I told Steve (Apostoli), he and the group agreed: “The Whole believed it too because he’d seen Band” it was; this would be the these things come true for me in official name of the group. Thank the past.” And perfect playing you P.D., aka Phill Phunn (and partner he is for Chappell. PS – WHEN is local cable going Kindred spirits, they are equally to bring his TV show back? We’re matched in their playing, vocals, still waiting and missing it!) and songwriting abilities, as Here’s the rundown on the well as like-minded, totally extraordinary individuals who compatible co-leads of the Whole make up this amazing band: Band. Chappell feels especially Pedal steel player Dave Pearce thrilled with the purity of the has worked with Chappell lots harmonies she and Thompson of times in the past, including make together, and when Zac playing on her Nashville CD contributes the third part, it’s From L: Dave Pearce, pedal steel; Callie Chappell and Kevin Thompson, (my personal favorite so far) almost as if they’re related; they guitars and vocals; (behind singers) on stand up bass, J.P. Coley; In the Wind. Now just to be clear, have that “familial groove” that RT rear edge, Steve Apolisto, drums. Photo by Joel Fried. a lot of people hear “pedal steel” you hear among related-by-blood and immediately think “country voices… brothers, cousins, etc. The Whole Band has already put band,” but that’s not the deal here. together one CD that is in the finishing While there are some country-tinged tunes, stages of spiffing up (just the art work Pearce is a player described by Chappell as and such). Recorded live over a five“an amazing, artistic player of all genres, week period at a Siesta Key venue it is including rock and other groovy things!” Bassist J.P. Coley has been seen and appropriately titled “Live at the Blasé Café.” heard among many bands, playing pretty If all goes as planned it should be available much every style of song you can imagine in time for Valentine’s Day gifting. Meanwhile, after those two live albums, and sounding on each as if that style is his they’ve decided to now return to the studio specialty. From 20’s blues to jazz jumps, and record an as-yet-untitled CD that will on stand-up or electric bass, his style is be primarily original tunes written by unmistakable. Drummer Steve Apostoli is the other Chappell and/or Thompson, and is much half of the Whole Band rhythm section. In harmonies you’ve ever heard, and his anticipated. An ambitious undertaking, 2013, he and JP joined Chappell’s longtime guitar solos sound as if they come from a Chappell doesn’t see it interfering with duo partner Michael Corley, vocalist Leah mega-talented player of many more years their regular live gigs at the Blasé Café Wann, and late great fiddle player Willie experience than Zac’s even been alive. every Friday from 6-10 p.m., and every Royal to record what would (shockingly) Chappell glowingly refers to The other Sunday at SKOB from 7-11p.m., turn out to be Royal’s last recorded Whole Band’s guitar player, vocalist, and performing their unusual mix of originals contribution before his untimely death, songwriter, Kevin Thompson, as her “wish and “sometimes sort of exotic,’ covers of Chappell’s “Live at Spirit Ranch.” come true.” He had been one third of the Fleetwood Mac, Zeppelin, Beatles, and Guitar player/vocalist Zac Yoder is Willie Royal Trio. And Chappell knew she’d one-never-knows what else. the youngest in the group but the more be working with him even before she knew So here’s to 2018, The Whole Band, and seasoned players have got nothin’ on him; who he was. “I just knew …” she explains. what’s shaping up to be a year of great his voice blends in on last set songs at the “Not ‘had a feeling,’ but knew” that music for their fans. Blasé for some of the sweetest three-part someone perfect was waiting in the wings.




Sound Paint 6‐10 PM


Savanah Brady & Zak Yoder 6‐10 PM


Rob Viola (4, 11, 18) Al Fuller & Burt th Engelsman (25 ) 6‐10 PM

Rodney Shenk 6 ‐10 PM


DJ – 10 PM

RPM LIVE 6 ‐10 PM DJ Ryan 10 PM

Lelu’s Coffee Lounge In the Village 941-346-5358

SIESTA KEY OYSTER BAR (SKOB) In the Village 941‐346‐5443

1‐5 PM: st Gary Dilly (1 ) th Joshua Kloyda (8 ) th Frankie Lombardi (15 ) nd Danny Beach (22 ) th Jordy Christo (29 ) Al Donadi 7‐11 PM

1‐5 PM: nd Sandi Grecco (2 ) th Rob Viola (9 ) th Ryan Carney (16 ) rd Justin Layman (23 ) th Jeannine & Stu (30 ) Open mic night 7‐11 PM

1‐5 PM: Deven Starr rd th st (3 , 17 & 31 ) Frankie Raye th th (10 & 24 ) Kettle of Fish 7‐11 PM

1‐5 PM: Evan Eastmoore th th (4 & 18 ) Gabriel Strange th th (11 & 25 ) FolkLab 7‐11 PM

DJ Coz or Kensi 9 PM – 2 AM

DJ Coz 9 PM‐2 AM

THE BEACH CLUB In the Village 941-349-6311

THE HUB‐BAJA GRILL In the Village 941-349-6800 BACKROOM SALOON @ CAPT. CURTS Crescent Beach Shops 941‐349‐3885 SNIKI TIKI @ CAPT CURTS Crescent Beach Shops 941‐349‐3885 Turtle Beach Grill Southern end of SK 941‐349‐2280 BOATYARD BAR & GRILL Over the South Bridge 941‐921‐6200 SAND DOLLAR POOL BAR @ Best Western Plus 6600 S. Tamiami Trl. Sarasota 941‐924‐4900 CASEY KEY FISH HOUSE 801 Blackburn Pt. Rd, Osprey 941‐966‐1901


Callie & the Whole Band 6‐10 PM LIVE MUSIC (3‐7 PM) DJ TJ (10 PM)

GILLIGANS In the Village 941-346-8122

THE COTTAGE In the Village 941-312-9300


By Charmaine Engelsman-Robins

2018 shaping up as a great year for The Whole Band. January is that otherwise-unassuming month that so many of us believe denotes a chance for a fresh start. Musician-composer Callie Chappell is no different, sailing into 2018 on a wave of not just optimism but certainty, based on the prospect of working with what she describes as “the best band I’ve ever been in.” “I’ve been in some great bands,” Chappell enthuses, “but this one is really just it. This is the best mix of the best musicians I’ve ever played with and I’m so excited.” She has been in some great bands, as evidenced by her long-time loyal following that has always known they would hear something wonderful whenever they went to one of her gigs. If it was The Callie Chappell Band, a splendid time was guaranteed for all. But guess what? Now, by her choice, it isn’t the Callie Chappell Band anymore. “I didn’t want to call it ‘the Callie Chappell Band’ this time,” she explains, “because it’s the combination of all of us together that make it so good.” Communicating that synergy is important to Chappell. Which is understandable; perhaps the only thing better than the thrill of finally capturing lightning in a bottle is the rush of sharing it with others. And now, after about a year of not knowing what to call this unique combination, a name has popped up too. “We had taken to making up outrageous fake names when people asked what we called ourselves,” Chappell confesses, adding as an aside that “one of the best was ‘Super-Callie and the Flaggelistics,’ contributed by (band member) J.P. Following a period when the band tended to be short one member or the other each week due to vacations and such, they finally all came together again and local celebrity/Callie-fan P.D. Meyers jokingly



DJ Ryan 10 PM



Concrete Edgar (6 ) TH Rallo Pucci (13 ) Doctor Drive (20 & 27) 6‐10 PM LIVE MUSIC (3‐7 PM) DJ Crawford (10 PM) Acoustic Pete 1‐5 PM DJ KConn 10 PM


Jason Haram Band TH TH (7 & 14 ) Paul Duffy & Sid ST Wingfield Band (21 ) TH Birdtribe (28 ) 6‐10 PM BREE (3‐7 PM) Reggae w/Desi Adams 2 – 6 PM th st Scott Curts 7 & 21 6‐10 PM (DJ – 10 PM)

Eddie James Jazz Band 7‐10 PM th st 2‐6 PM 2‐6 PM: 10 AM‐1 PM: (7 & 21 ) th Whiteleather Dana Lawrence (6 ) Vince Colaiocco th th th Nick LeValley Bri Rivera (13 ) Mike Tozier (14 & 28 ) th th th (5 & 19 ) Bain Beakley (20 ) Funky Munky (28th) 2‐6 PM th th 7‐11 PM: Hatley (7th & 21st) Jason Haram (12 ) Seamus McCarthy (27 ) th The Whole Band The Great Revival (26 ) Mike Tozier th th (14 & 28 ) 8 PM – 12 AM 8 PM – 12 AM th th 8 – 11 PM: 8 –11 PM: No Filter (6 ) Jah Movement (7 ) th th th Tropical Ave (5 ) Sweet Spot (13 ) Propagania (14 ) th th st New Divide (12 ) Torched (20 ) No Need (21 ) th th th th The Funks (19 & 26 ) Stereo FM (27 ) Nostaljah (28 ) Live DJ 11 PM ‐2 AM Live DJ: 11 PM‐2 AM 9 PM‐1 AM

Live Music 6-9 PM

Live Music 6-9 PM

Live Music 6-9 PM

Live Music 7-10 PM

Live Music 7-10 PM

Live Music 7-10 PM

Live Music 6-9 PM

Live Music Noon – 3 PM 3:30 – 6:30 PM 7-10 PM

Live Music Noon – 3 PM 3:30 – 6:30pm 7-10pm

Live Music Noon – 3 PM 3:30 – 6:30 PM 7-10 PM

Live Music Noon – 3 PM 3:30 – 6:30 PM 7-10 PM

Live Music 1 – 4 PM 4:30 – 7:30 PM 8:30 PM –midnight

Live Music 1-4 PM 4:30 – 7:30 PM 8:30 PM - midnight

Live Music Noon – 3 PM 3:30 – 6:30 PM 7-10 PM









Larry Williams 5‐9 PM

Reggae Music 3‐7 PM





Marcel Almanzor (5‐8 PM)


Steel Drums & Island Sounds (5‐8 PM)

RPM (5‐8 PM)

Bri Rivera (5‐8 PM)

The Richy Kicklighter Band 5‐9 PM







Above information is subject to change. We suggest calling venues for confirmation.




Island Humor [ A man walks into a bar one night. He goes up to the bar and asks for a beer. “Certainly, sir, that’ll be 1 cent.” “ONE CENT!” exclaimed the guy, the barman replied “Yes.” So the guy glances over at the menu, and he asks “Could I have a nice juicy T-Bone steak, with chips, peas, and a fried egg?” “Certainly sir,” replies the bartender, but all that comes to real money.” “How much money?” inquires the guy. “4 cents”, he replies. “FOUR cents!” exclaims the guy. “Where’s the guy who owns this place?” The barman replies, “Upstairs with my wife.” The guy says, “What’s he doing with your wife?” The bartender replies, “Same as what I’m doing to his business.” [ A man and his wife check into a hotel. The husband wants to have a drink at the bar, but his wife is extremely tired so she

decides to go on up to their room to rest. She lies down on the bed... just then, an elevated train passes by very close to the window and shakes the room so hard she’s thrown out of the bed. Thinking this must be a freak occurrence, she lies down once more. Again a train shakes the room so violently, she’s pitched to the floor. Exasperated, she calls the front desk, asks for the manager. The manager says he’ll be right up. The manager is skeptical but the wife insists the story is true. “Look... lie here on the bed -- you’ll be thrown right to the floor!” So he lies down next to the wife. Just then the husband walks in. “What,” he says, “are you doing here!?!” The manager calmly replies, “Would you believe I’m waiting for a train?” [ A man decides to take off early from work and go drinking. He stays until the bar closes at 2am,


6500 Gateway Ave • 941.554.8905

at which time he is extremely drunk. When he enters his house, he doesn’t want to wake anyone, so he takes off his shoes and starts tip-toeing up the stairs. Half-way up the stairs, he falls over backwards and lands flat on his rear end. That wouldn’t have been so bad, except that he had couple of empty pint bottles in his back pockets, and they broke, and the broken glass carved up his buttocks terribly. But, he was so drunk that he didn’t know he was hurt. A few minutes later, as he was undressing, he noticed blood, so he checked himself out in the mirror, and, sure enough, his behind was cut up something terrible. Well, he repaired the damage as best he could under the circumstances, and he went to bed. The next morning, his head was hurting, and his rear was hurting, and he was hunkering under the covers trying to think up some good story, when his wife came into the bedroom. “Well, you really tied one on last night,” she said. “Where’d you go?” “I worked late,” he said, “and I stopped off for a couple of beers.” “A couple of beers? That’s a laugh,” she replied. “You got plastered last night. Where the heck did you go?” “What makes you so sure I got drunk last night, anyway?” “Well,” she replied, “my first big clue was when I got up this morning and found a bunch of band-aids stuck to the mirror.” [ A n e f f i c i e n c y e x p e r t concluded his lecture with a note of caution. “You don’t want to try these techniques at home.” “Why not?” asked somebody from the audience. “I watched my wife’s routine at breakfast for years,” the expert explained. “She made lots of trips between the refrigerator, stove, table and cabinets, often carrying a single item at a time. One day I told her, ‘Hon, why don’t you try carrying several things at once?’” “Did it save time?” the person in the audience asked. “Actually, yes,” replied the expert. “It used to take her 20 minutes to make breakfast. Now I do it in seven.”

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Need a little inspiration for your 2018 resolutions? Try these festive champagne creations throughout January French 75: The following recipe is the New Orlean’s version which replaces the gin for cognac. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice. Add 1 2/2 oz. VSOP cognac, ½ oz. simple syrup, and ½ oz. fresh lemon juice and shake well. Strain into a martini glass, top with sparkling wine, and serve. - Recipe Courtesy: Paul Costello Elisa’s Champagne Cocktail: “I have made this with great champagne and budget brut – either way, it’s delicious.” – Recipe Courtesy: Elisa D’Andrea, Newton, Massachusetts. Place 1 sugar cube in a cocktail glass. Soak cube with 2 drops of bitters, then add 1 tsp. cognac. Pour in champagne glass and garnish with orange or lemon peel, if desired. Serve immediately. Tangerine Sorbet Champagne Floats: Fresh homemade sorbet made with tangerines and sparkling wine served with more sparkling wine - floats for grown-ups! - Recipe Courtesy: Annalise – Completely Delicious. Ingredients: • 2½ cups (600 ml) fresh tangerine juice • ½ cup (125 ml) sparkling wine • ¾ cup (150 grams) granulated sugar • Additional sparkling wine, for serving Directions: In a small saucepan, heat 1 cup of the tangerine juice and the sugar over medium heat until sugar is dissolved. Place the mixture in a bowl and add the remaining tangerine juice and sparkling wine. Chill completely in the fridge. Freeze the mixture in an ice cream machine according to manufacturer’s instructions. Sorbet will be soft. Place the sorbet in the freezer for several hours to firm up. To serve, scoop the sorbet into wine glasses or champagne flutes. Pour sparkling wine over the sorbet. Serve immediately. Champagne Punch Bellini: A combination of a bellini and champagne punch! Sparkling wine is topped off with sorbet and fresh fruit. Perfect for any toast! Recipe courtesy: Crazy for Crust. The amount of servings you get depends on how big your champagne glasses are. For each serving: place 1 tablespoon scoop of raspberry sorbet in the bottom of a champagne flute. Fill with champagne, sparkling wine or prosecco and top with a fresh berry. Serve immediately.

Karaoke Thursday, Friday & Saturday


Siesta Sand






Eat Where The Locals Eat! Original Word of Mouth 6604 Gateway Ave. Sarasota, FL 34231


HOURS: Monday - Sunday 8:00AM to 2PM www.originalwordofmouth.com

Sarasota Pavilion is a popular shopping destination for numerous locals and visitors alike. Its prime location is close enough to the island for frequent trips with a nice selection of chain stores set in one convenient location. But what truly lends to the uniqueness of this district is the host of small, locally owned, specialty shops, boutiques, restaurants, and neighborhood bars bordering this pavilion. It makes for a fun and rewarding shopping experience. Over 150 businesses make up this district. This section helps highlight what you’ll find within this walkable Gulf Gate shopping Village. Piccolos Italian Market & Deli (G-47) carries a full line of imported cheeses, fresh baked bread daily, homemade sausages, fresh mozzarella, and numerous hard to get items. They now carry Khorasan Wheat which is an ancient and organic grain. Their deli is complete with huge hot and cold sandwiches, salads, fresh homemade lasagna and baked ziti. And, you cannot leave without trying their cannoli filled with their own homemade cannoli cream or the tiramisu or Sfogliatelle from Brooklyn. Here is where you will find great Italian specialty gourmet items without the gourmet price. 1

Tony’s Chicago Beef Company (S-16) is owned and operated by true Chicagoans. Dedicated to deliver Chicago’s best food Chicago style Hot Dogs wit’ the works... Dragged through the garden on poppy seed buns with fresh cut fries, Italian Beef Sandwiches anyway you like, dipped or dry, sweet or hot. All served in true Authentic Chicago Style.

Hurricane Mike’s Saloon (M-10) is a little neighborhood bar at 2639 Mall Drive, where everyone knows your name type of establishment and friendly staff. TV’s with the MLB and NFL packages, pool table, and full Florida Lottery games. Happy hour daily from opening to 7pm. Hours: Mon – Sat, 8am – 2:30am and Sun., noon – 2:30am. The Shop SRQ (G-2) Local owners, Erick and Dawn use a back to basics approach to grooming with precise attention to detail. Their commitment to excellence has provided them with many loyal customers. Their old school barber traditions, clean contemporary shop, coupled by their southern hospitality and humor are what separates them from the rest. They welcome the opportunity to earn your trust. Hours: Tues. - Fri. 8:30am - 6pm, Sat., 8:30am - 3pm. (Nov. 1st - May 30th) and Sat., 8:30am - 1pm (Jun. 1st - Oct. 31st). Closed on Sundays and Mondays. 6625 Gateway Ave, 941-626-4894.

Sarasota Brewing Co. (G-4) Sarasota’s first micro brew pub always has something new to offer. From over 20 seasonal beers that rotate throughout the year, the Brewing Company always has at least five unique brews online as well as several favorites from around the world. Established in 1989, their menu has been a winner in the Reader’s Choice Awards of the Sarasota Herald Tribune featuring their mouth watering burgers, Chicago style Pizzas, and Chicago beef sandwiches. With dozens of televisions, it’s a great place to At the original Word of Mouth Restaurant catch a game with friends and family. (G-31), every seemingly insignificant detail West End Pub (G-49) Where else can receives special attention from the warm, you watch your favorite game with a great inviting decor to each specially crafted selection of beers, wines, and liquors served variety of freshly baked muffins to the by a friendly staff AND where you’re signature menu items. This small diner is allowed to bring your own restaurant or deli where the locals come to eat breakfast and food? Right here. lunch. Continued on the next page






Sun Trust

Stein Mart



D Beall’s Outlet


Mike’s Bud Select Brew $1.50/Pints • BEST Bloody Mary’s in Sarasota • Pool Table-



Bed Bath & Beyond



Dress for Less

Golden Tee Megatouch



• 12 TV’s with MLB and NFL ticket sports package • All Florida lottery games • Smokers Welcome!

2639 Mall Drive


941-923-9827 Open Daily 9 AM-2:30 AM

Iberia Bank Panera Bread






G10 G9 G8 G7 G6 G5 G4 G3


S29 S28 S27 S26 S25 S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S9 S8




S7 S6 S5 S4 S3 S2 S1

Gulf Gulf Gate Gate Drive Drive

Gulf Gulf Gate Gate Drive Drive






Italian Market & Deli



THE SHOP SRQ 6625 Gateway Ave.

Traditional, Old School Barber Shop 15 Years + Experience


& Vegetarian Sandwiches

941.626.4894 / 941.536.1656

Authentic New York Italian Market & Deli We carry a full line of Imported Cheeses, Boars Head Luncheon Meats, Pasta, Olive Oil, Assorted Imported Olives, Khorasan Wheat (ancient & organic grain), and more. GG-46 G-47 Specialty Italian gourmet items without the gourmet price

Come See Our New Location Store Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10am - 6pm 6518 Gateway Ave.




“We Straight Razor Shave”

Hot or Cold


G12 G11




G14 G13



Lo Ho ng rn



G16 G15


GG1 GG2 GG3 GG4 GG5 GG6 GG7 GG8 GG9 GG10 GG11 GG12 GG13 GG14 GG15 GG16 GG17 GG18 GG19 GG20 GG21 GG22 GG23 GG24 GG25 GG26 GG27 GG28 GG29 GG30 GG31 GG32 GG33 GG34 GG35 GG36 GG37 GG38 GG39 GG40 GG41 GG42 GG43 GG44 GG45 GG46 GG47 GG48 GG49 GG50 GG51 GG52 GG53 GG54

One mi.from Siesta South Bridge (behind Publix)

Ba Am nk o eri f ca

© Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2017

Sunday thru Wednesday

S59 S58 S57 S56 S55 S54 S53 S52 S51 S50 S49 S48 S47 S46 S45 S44 S43 S42 S41 S40 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33 S32 S31

G23 G22 G21 G20 G19 G18 G17

Superior Avenue


Mall Mall Drive Drive

G50 G49 G48 G47 G46 G45 G44 G43 G42 G41 G40 G39 G38 G37 G36 G35 G34 G33 G32 G31 G30 G29 G28 G27 G26 G25

Gateway Avenue

All packaged liquor sold until 2 AM

Open Daily from 9 AM ‘til 2:30 AM


M22 M21 M20 M19 M18 M17 M16 M15 M14 M13 M12 M11 M10 M9 M8




M5 M4 M3 M2 M1



• No Appointment Needed •


Open Tues.-Fri. 8:30 AM-6 PM Sat. 11/1 - 5/30; 8:30-3 PM Sat. 6/1 - 10/31; 8:30 AM - 1 PM


Catering Available

We Put the South in Your Mouth 6616 Superior Ave. Sarasota



FREE SIDE With the purchase of ANY entreé




Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Island Church News The St. Boniface Community Center on Siesta Key was the site of over 100 volunteers weighing and packaging dried food items. They prepared over 3400 packages ...which will provide 20,800 nutritious emergency meal packets to be distributed by Rise Against Hunger. This was the third time the church has participated in this international program in addition to their efforts on behalf of All Faiths Food Bank in Sarasota. Liz Deane coordinated this year’s effort. The congregation contributed to the purchase of the food provided by the national Rise Against Hunger program.

According to the organization’s website, “Rise Against Hunger is responding to crises–both natural and man-made. From droughts to floods, in conflict zones and transitioning political situations, food is often the most immediate need. When everyday access to food, wages, and market systems are destroyed in the wake of emergencies, Rise Against Hunger works through a network of in-country partners to address these needs. We strive to ensure aid is efficiently and effectively deployed.”

Melliss Swenson and Frankie Krueger in forground packaging dried food for “Rise Against Hunger” Novmber 18 at St. Boniface Episcopal Church, Siesta Key.

Over 100 St. Boniface volunteers donned sanitary hair nets, then measured and weighed and packed emergency food packets for Rise Against Hunger November 18, 2017.

St. Michael’s Ol’ Times Church Festival and Auction Reverend Michael Cannon, the pastor of St. Michael the Archangel Roman Catholic Church on Siesta Key, is pleased to announce that the parish family will be holding its second Ol’ Times Church Festival the weekend of Friday, January 26 and Saturday, January 27, 2018 on the grounds of the Church and Parish Hall, 5394 Midnight Pass Road on Siesta Key. This special family oriented event will kick off on Friday night, January 26 at 6pm in the Church Hall with an old fashioned live auction beginning at 6 pm. The auction will be conducted by Roy Baker, an Auctioneer and Parishioner. If you wish to donate an item to the Auction or for additional information, contact Roy at jiggsbeer@aol.com. As it draws closer to the Auction, a list of the many items that will be auctioned off can be found on the Church’s web site at www.stmichaelssiesta.com. Click on the Festival

menu button. Cash or check with ID will be required for payment on the night of the auction. The festivities on Saturday, January 27 will take place from 11am to 5:30pm. They will include food, crafts, music, games, raffles and other fun activities for all ages. This event is open to all. A parish committee has been meeting for several months to plan this special event. Jack and Therese Swiatkowski, long time parishioners, are the Chair people. With the help of many other parishioners, various committees have been formed and the plans for this special event are well underway. The proceeds of the Festival will go to St. Michael’s support of the Catholic Faith Appeal and its many charitable outreach programs. The committee is also looking for volunteers, sponsors, food and local craft and artisan vendors. Those who are interested should send an e mail to theresejack.sw@gmail.com.

Blooming this month Wax Begonias Prized for their shadetolerance and attractive foliage and flowers, Wax Begonias are a timeless garden favorite. They are popular plants for flower beds, borders, containers and window boxes. They are compact, mound forming, fibrous-rooted plants that have fleshy stems, waxy leaves, and clusters of single or double flowers. Dwarf varieties of Wax Begonias grow from 6” to 8” high. Taller varieties grow 12” to 18” tall, and spread from 6” to 12”. They should be spaced 12” apart in the flower bed for a solid mass of color. The flowers are available in a variety of shades of red, pink, salmon, and white; and the shiny, somewhat succulent leaves are available in green, bronze, and variegated. Popular, darkleaved kinds are the Cocktail series: Brandy, Vodka, Whiskey, and Gin. Good green-leaved varieties are found in the Lotto and Pizzazz series. Avalanche begonias in pink or white are rangier, suited for containers and hanging baskets, where their arching growth habit is handsome. Wax begonias, which are also called Fibrous Begonias, perform well in rich, well-drained soil, that has been prepared by adding generous amounts of compost or other organic matter to help retain moisture. They’ll form tight, compact plants in full sun, with increasingly looser form and fewer flowers as you move them deeper into the shade. If grown in too much shade they may become susceptible to powdery mildew. The bronze leaf begonias are better suited to full sun locations. These plants tolerate hot humid conditions well. They grow best with consistent moisture, but due to their thick, waxy leaves, which help minimize water loss in hot weather, they can tolerate short periods of drought. Considered a winter annual, or tender perennial,

Rev. Wayne Farrell and Liz Deane, coordinator of the Rise Against Hunger project, with completed boxes. Church members’ contributions paid for the food items which were then measured & weighed and packaged & packed into boxes to be distributed worldwide to those in need.

Places of Worship Island Churches: • Siesta Key Presbyterian Chapel - 4615 Gleason Ave, Siesta Key, 941-349-1166 www.siestakeychapel.org • St. Michael’s Catholic Church 5394 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key, 941-349-4174 www.stmichaelssiesta.com • St. Boniface Episcopal Church - 5615 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key, 941-349-5616 www.bonifacechurch.org Off- Island: •Temple Sinai, a Reform Congregation (The closest Jewish congregation to the Key for visitors) 4631 S. Lockwood Ridge Rd, Sarasota, 941-924-1802 www.templesinai-sarasota.org

• The Superior Word Rev. Charlie Garrett Service starts Sunday mornings at 10am. Bring a friend and share in God’s word. 6512 Superior Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34231 • First Christian Church 7601 Clark Road, Sarasota, FL 34241. 941-922-4434 www.fccsarasota.com

DISCOVER GULF GATE’S SHOPPING VILLAGE Continued from the previous page

Each staff member works hard to make sure you receive the best service and quality food so you’ll want to return often. Take a look at their mouth-watering menu at www.originalwordofmouth. com. Hours: Mon-Sun.: 8AM2PM. 6604 Gateway Ave., Sarasota, 34231, 941-925-2400.

in our area, these plants can be cut back in the fall for renewed flowering the following winter. Although they do not make good cut flowers, potted wax begonias can be used indoors if given enough light. Begonia is a genus of about 1500 species of plants that are native to moist subtropical and tropical areas of South and Central America, Africa and South Asia. They can be divided into 7 informal groups: some are grown for colorful leaves, some for showy flowers, and some for both. The botanical name of wax begonias is Begonia x semperflorens-cultorum, which means “ever-blooming plants of cultivated gardens”. The Begonia genus honors Michael Begon, the Governor of French Canada in the late 1600s, and a passionate plant collector. It is said that in addition to their decorative purposes, begonias were used for polishing swords in the past, and according to the “floral dictionary”, the gift of a begonia sends the message to “be cautious”! But there is little about these plants to cause caution; they are easy to grow and a colorful addition for any gardener. www.sarasotagardenclub.org

• St. Andrew United Church of Christ (Protestant) (In the Gulf Gate area, near Beneva and Gulf Gate Drive) 6908 Beneva Road, Sarasota, 941.922.7595 www.uccstandrew.org

Pride of the South (S-34) has been awarded Top Barbeque in Sarasota for 2016 by Trip Advisor and Yelp. It has been awarded for the best Southern Hospitality. Pride of the South has a brisket BLT, hands down, one of the best sandwiches you ever tasted. The smoked chicken wings are unbelievable. Backed up with the pulled pork sandwiches, the smoked bologna, the smoked turkey, the collard greens, fried corn on the cob, fried okra, fried green tomatoes, and one of the best mac ‘n cheese you ever tasted. We do catering with no limit to the size of the group. Come in and follow your nose to 6616 Superior Ave, Sarasota, FL 34231. Call (941)926-0099. See you soon. Moments In Time Photography (G-28) specializes in several different photography beach portraits starting at just $49 and weddings beginning at $495. Check out their website: www.sarasotaphotos.com or visit their store to see why they have been the photographer of choice for over a decade and a half.

One Minute Key Shop (GG51): Left your keys in the car? No worries, the One Minute Key Shop will help you safely unlock and retrieve your keys. They specialize in high security locks, keys, re-keying, master keying, and safes for residential, commercial or automotive. Give them a call at 941-924-8020 or visit their showroom where they have a large display of locks and safes. 2120 Gulf Gate Drive. Solorzano’s Late Night Pizzeria (S-32): At every Solorzano’s, they offer an experience familiar to those who understand the importance of family and dedication. Their recipes and techniques have been perfected through three long generations based on the traditional simplicity of the methods used by their Italian ancestors. Dine inside, outside, pick up, or DELIVERY anywhere on Siesta Key, or in Sarasota until 4:00 a.m. 6670 Superior Ave., 941-924-5800. Solorzano’s Italian Ristorante (S-55) Solorzano’s brings a true Hoboken, New Jersey attitude to the area and offers a nice selection of madeto-order dishes. Stepping into their restaurant feels like you just entered an old-world Italian family’s dining room, complete with portraits of family and friends, and maybe even one of Frank Sinatra. Reservations are required for this intimate setting. 941-906-9444, 6516 Superior Ave.


Siesta Sand



Siesta Key Condo Council Holiday Lighting Winners 2017 This year’s Siesta Key Condominium Council Christmas Lighting Contest judges had an incredible task before them. As brightly twinkling Christmas lights danced in the night and the hours got later, the task seemed to become more difficult as eggnog levels dropped. (A chemical analysis of the eggnog shared by most of the judges this year revealed two additional substances which shall remain unnamed.) The later it


Photos by Trebor Britt

became the more the lights twinkled, and in fact, some of them seemed to actually move. (Don’t get the wrong idea here, some of the displays really did move.) In the end, all the judges agreed, the developments on Siesta Key really do put on one fine Christmas display. Here are the results of this year’s winners:

And the winners are:

Peppertree Bay

Category 1 (101 or More Units) 1st place - Peppertree Bay 2nd Place - Excelsior 3rd place - Siesta Harbor Honorable mention - Whispering Sands

Sandpiper Beach Club Island House Beach Resort

Category 2 (51 to 100 Units) 1st place - Island House Beach Resort • 2nd place - Crescent Arms 3rd place - La Siesta • Honorable mention - Beach Haven

Category 3 (50 or Fewer Units) 1st place - Sandpiper Beach Club 2nd Place - Boca Siesta 3rd place - Seashell Honorable mention - Terrace East

What’s Happening WEEKLY BEACH CLASSES: • FREE T’AI CHI CHIH - Siesta Beach, Access #5 Every Monday, 15 minutes before sunset. Open to all, no experience necessary. Contact Diana Daffner 941-3461024 for information. (Access #5 is in Siesta Village, where Beach Rd meets Ocean Blvd.) • FREE YOGA - Mon.-Wed.-Fri.-Sat. 9 a.m. Classes held between blue and green lifeguard station. Call 941-320-6693 to register or go to website for more info. www.yogaonsiestabeach.com/about • NIA - Tues. & Thurs., 9 a.m., Siesta Public Beach (yellow lifeguard chair). Contact Kathy Oravec at 941-724-9719 for more info or check website: www.nianow.com/kathyoravec • SIESTA KEY BEACH HOOP JAMS – Every Tuesday one hour before Sunset on Siesta Key beach we gather for a community Hoop Jam. (Between the red lifeguard stand and the pavilion; around where the Sunday drum circle happens.) Register at: www.outwardspiral.net • YOGA AT TURTLE BEACH - Residents and visitors to the south end of Siesta Key can enjoy All-Levels Yoga on Turtle Beach, every Tuesday, from 8:30 – 9:30 a.m., starting December 5, 2017. For more information about registration, please e-mail Julie at: julie@chesapeakeyoga.com WEEKLY DRUM CIRCLE: • Every Sunday about an hour before sunset. South of the main pavilion. You can participate or watch this weekly gathering and dance, hoop, play the drum or other musical instrument, and enjoy the spectacular Siesta sunset. On The Beach… • JANUARY 1 (MON) 7-11AM/ NEW YEAR’S DAY FUN RUN: Manasota Track Club get together. Join your MTC family with a New Year’s Day fun run (walk, stumble, whatever) and potluck at the beach. Meet at the pavilion, then head to the beach. Members only event. • JANUARY 3-5 (WED-FRI) 9AM-NOON / LACROSSE WINTER CAMP: non-profit organization that exists to unify and energize the entire lacrosse community worldwide. The CPWLF is focused on supporting lacrosse players, coaches, organizers, and enthusiasts from all over the globe. See website for registration details: http:// worldlacrosse.org

• JANUARY 7 (SUN)– 8:15AM / 5TH ANNUAL ANDREW MONROE MEMORIAL 5K RUN/WALK: Timed Run, 8:20 - 1 mile fun walk. This event was established to honor the life of Andrew Monroe. Proceeds benefit senior soccer players at Riverview High School in Sarasota. Senior, girls and boys, soccer players have the opportunity to receive scholarships through an essay process. For more information or to sign-up for the race, go to: www.andrewmonroe.com • JANUARY 21 (SUN) 7-11AM / OUT OF THE DARKNESS WALK: When you walk in the Out of the Darkness Walks, you join the effort with hundreds of thousands of people to raise awareness and funds that allow the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) to invest in new research, create educational programs, advocate for public policy, and support survivors of suicide loss. See website for more info: www.afsp.org/Sarasota Around the island… • WEEKLY FARMER’S MARKET IN THE VILLAGE: Every Sunday from 8am – 2pm in Davidson’s Plaza in the Village. 5124 Ocean Blvd. Produce, Plants & Flowers, Music, Art, Organic Skincare, Italian Olive Oil, and Freshly Prepared Foods. Listen to live music while you shop. • JAN 3, (WED) – 5:30PM /”A CONEY ISLAND CHRISTMAS”: Evening Prayer in the chapel followed in the Community Center by a 6 p.m. catered dinner ($10) and program: “A CONEY ISLAND CHRISTMAS”! What happens when a little Jewish girl is cast as Jesus in her school play? Eight talented members from the Asolo Repertory Theater Guild will tell this delightful story as a table read after Wonderful Wednesday dinner. All are welcome. Reservations: 941-349-5616 ext. 5. St. Boniface Episcopal Church - 5615 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key, 941-349-5616 www.bonifacechurch.org • JAN 20, FEB. 24, MAR. 24, APR 14 (SAT) – 8:30AM2PM/CB’S SALTWATER OUTFITTERS ORVISENDORSED FLY FISHING SCHOOL: the schools will cover fly casting basics, line control, shooting line and the roll cast. Instructors, Capt. Rick Grassett and Capt. Ed Hurst, will also cover leader construction, fly selection

and saltwater fly fishing techniques. The course, designed for beginning and intermediate fly casters, will focus on basics but also work with intermediate casters on correcting faults and improving casting skills. Cost for the schools is $175 per person and includes the use of Orvis fly tackle and lunch. Contact CB’s Saltwater Outfitters at (941) 349-4400 or info@ cbsoutfitters.com to make reservations. CB’s Saltwater Outfitters is located on Siesta Key, just over the Stickney Point Bridge. 1249 Stickney Point Rd. • JANUARY 26- 27 (FRI & SAT): ST. MICHAELS OL’ TIME CURCH FESTIVAL & AUCTION: This year’s festival will take place on the grounds of the Church and Parish Hall, 5394 Midnight Pass Road on Siesta Key. This special family oriented event will kick off on Friday night, January 26, 2018 at 6pm in the Church Hall with an old fashioned live auction beginning at 6 pm. The festivities on Saturday, January 27 will take place from 11am to 5:30pm. They will include food, crafts, music, games, raffles and other fun activities for all ages. This event is open to all. And Beyond… SAVE THE DATE FEBRUARY 9(FRI): SHIVOO HAVANA FASHION SHOW & LUNCHEON: Live Cuban Music, a Flower Photo Wall and Silent Auction in addition to the Luncheon and Fasion Show, all taking place at the Hyatt Regency Sarasota. Show Tickets are $75 per person ($65 for SGC members) To purchase Fashion Show Tickets via PayPal click here, or go to www.eventbrite.com or call (941) 524-3749 or e-mail SHIVOO@dkkjj.com But wait there is more….. a raffle. Gardening Tour Trip for two to CUBA. See website more information: sarasotagardenclub.org/events/event/fashion-showshivoo-havana/ Drawing to be held Feb 09, 2018 at the SHIVOO Fashion Show. Winner need not be present. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of this information. However, please be sure to always call ahead to confirm dates, times, location, and other information.



Water World

Captain Jim Klopfer’s Fishing Report Adventure Charters 941-371-1390

Erinn DeJonge with a big river snook January fishing in Sarasota is all about the weather, pure and simple. Angling success is determined by the ability to adapt to the existing weather conditions. Tides will often times be very low in the morning. Couple that with a northeast wind and the flats will not have very much water on them. Water temperatures will be at their annual low. It is time to change tactics! I spend a lot of my time fishing the area around Siesta Key in the winter. Both passes and the surrounding flats will be productive under ideal conditions. Weekly fronts will stir up the Gulf, bringing cold, dirty water in through the passes and up onto the nearby flats. However, the area down south stays protected, and this will result in better fishing. Extreme low tides will force the fish off of the flats and into the channel. This actually makes locating them easier. 1/4 ounce Bass Assassin jigs in New Penny and Glow are very productive, as is a shrimp free lined with a small split shot. Speckled trout, ladyfish, jack crevelle, and pompano will be the primary catches, but sheepshead, grouper, flounder, and bluefish will also be found in the deep water. As the tide rises and the day warms up, fish will move out of the deep channel and up onto the flats to feed. A late afternoon high tide can offer great fishing for speckled trout, with jigs and live shrimp under a popping cork producing

a lot of action. The flats south of Spanish Point are very productive, but any flat in four to six feet of water with grass will hold fish, keep moving until you find them. Creeks and residential canals are great spots to fish this month. Besides offering protection from harsh winds, they provide cover for bait, which attracts fish, and the water is normally a few degrees warmer. A large hand picked shrimp is a great bait for redfish, snook, sheepshead, drum, and jacks. Deeper water is the key, find a dock or area in a creek with a little more depth and there should be fish there. Rapala X-Raps are a terrific artificial bait to use in creeks. They are deadly on snook and jacks, and a lot of water can be covered quickly. Local rivers such as the Manatee, Braden, and Myakka will hold snook, jacks, juvenile tarpon, and even bass in January. Fish move up there to keep warm and feed. This is a unique fishing experience that is best suited for more experienced anglers. Surf casters will do well off of the Siesta Key beaches during periods of light winds when the water is clear. Small pieces of live or frozen shrimp fished on a small hook with a bit of weight will catch plenty of whiting, along with trout, flounder, pompano, and other species. Jigs and silver spoons are effective artificial baits to use, especially when surface activity is seen, this indicates feeding fish.



Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Notes from the Island Fishmonger Happy New Year & welcome to 2018! I hope nothing but a healthy and Happy Year for us all! As I always do in December and before the Florida doctors’ office waiting rooms turn into a social gathering, I go get a checkup from my doctor. I’m not much on waiting rooms as they raise my blood pressure but I go get my checkup as we all should. While I was there the topic of my business and the benefits of fish for high cholesterol were discussed. Apparently, you can’t eat enough fish. If you watch the news it appears that doctors are telling us all the same thing so I don’t even see a reason to advertise for Big Water Fish Market anymore… you should eat fish because everyone should listen to their doctor! I could talk to you about the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids for hours but they only give me one page to write about it so here is the summary of what I know and some new facts I recently learned. A healthy body needs its Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are incredibly essential for your body and brain. Omega 3 lowers cholesterol, can fight depression and anxiety, it promotes brain health, improves risk factors for heart disease, fights age related mental decline, may help prevent cancer, promotes healthy joints, skin and most importantly it is great for the heart. Where do you get this fatty acid…from several sources including fish, fish oil and nuts. Google it…it’s all true. According to the experts, fresh fish and concentrated fish oil should be a part of our weekly diet. It’s wise to make sure your fish oil supply comes from deep ocean waters. Fish oil should not be supplied to us from farm-raised fish but from the wild only. To ensure quality, purity, and potency make sure your fish oil pills remove PCDs, dioxins and mercury. Fish oil naturally contains the omega -3 fatty acids. Ideally, we all know we should get 2 to 4 servings of fish per week and often we should supplement with fish oil daily. Oily fish like Salmon, Tuna, Mackerel, canned Sardines/Anchovies, Striped Bass, and Herring have the highest percentages of Omega-3 oil content followed by Cod, Halibut, Flounder, Trout, Mussels, Oysters, Swordfish and Snapper (not in any particular order). A six ounce serving 2 to 4 times a week will supply a beneficial dose of Omega-3 fatty acids. I know that’s a lot of fish to eat per week so the experts also strongly suggest that you take 2000mg of Omega-3 fish oil daily in addition to a strict fish diet in order to digest the suggested weekly dose. The Florida anglers know that the Flounder and Snapper both mentioned above are in prime season in January. Flounder is being caught off the beaches every morning and the Snapper are all over Sarasota

A plate full of protein and omega-3 fatty acids

Bay and in the Gulf. If you bring your catch to Big Water Fish Market they will do a “you catch and we cook” option for a small fee. Hopefully Flounder and Trout will be also available at their market/ restaurant this month. Four fish we know will be available in January are Florida Amberjack, the indigenous Tripletail, Hogfish and Snapper which are all a good source of Omega-3’s. Unfortunately our local favorite fish, the Grouper, isn’t a great source of Omega-3 but it is low in calories, high in protein and loaded with vitamins (as with all wild fish) so you might want to take a fish oil pill for a supplemental dessert. The New Year inspires many of us to make resolutions to set new goals and improve on our lives. The way I see it, if you need a change in your life, every day is a good day to make that change. Every year (as many others do) I do set one realistic and attainable goal that will have beneficial health and financial results and always look forward to feeling the gratification of obtaining my goal. This year I’m sure I will stick to my plan because my New Year’s Resolution is as simple as…wait for it…to eat more fish and digest more Omega-3’s!! In addition to eating 6 oz. of fish and 2000mg of fish oil, I will also commit to 9 holes of golf, 10,000 fit bit steps and 750ml of red wine per day (750ml of red wine per day isn’t recommended for everyone). In 2018 it’s all about the numbers I guess! Live well...Eat Fish and here’s to a healthy and prosperous 2018 for us all. Scott Dolan Big Water Fish Market 6641 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key 941-554-8101 www.BigWaterFishMarket.com

JANUARY 2018 TIDE CHART Florida, St. Petersburg, Sarasota, Sarasota Bay

January 2018

N 27° 20' / W 82° 33' Date









High Tide 1.1


High Tide 2.3


Low Tide -0.9


Low Tide 1.0














































































































































































































































































































Kathleen D Sailing Catamarans





























Let’s go sailing, KATHLEEN D Sailing Catamarans, serving Siesta Key from 3 locations: Downtown Sarasota, Longboat Key, and Anna Maria Island. If you would like to experience being on the water viewing Dolphin Watches, Sunset Sails, Snorkeling and Shelling call us at 941-870-4349 or go to our web site for detailed information www.kathleend.net USCG Certified for 20 passengers.





















































































©2017 FreeTideTables.com - For comparison only - Times are local - Tides in feet from MLLW

Phase Full

11:42a 3rd





Siesta Sand



Arts on the Horizon


By Rodger Skidmore

Speaking truth to power And sometimes truth itself is power, which is why Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was such a powerful orator. Dr. King became famous during the Civil Rights movement by speaking a truth that many people had seen but few had heard about. It is one thing to see something that is wrong and silently pass by, and quite another to have someone tell you about it in a clear strong articulate voice that commands your attention. It might seem that the Civil Rights movement consisted of just Abraham Lincoln and Dr. King, but there were many that came before King who brought the movement to its moment of creation and he was surrounded by many others that helped shape those events. But it was his vision and powerful voice that spread out over the land, as if flowing down from a mountaintop, that January 29th there will be helped to carve a path towards where we all walk an all-Beethoven concert at today. the Van Wezel with both his ensemblenewSRQ, But Katori Hall’s 2009 play, The Mountaintop, is 2nd and 6th symphonies, as Samantha Bennett and not about the Civil Rights movement. Remember, well as the Leonore Overture George Nickson “What is past is prolog.” This play is more like No. 3, being on the menu. the beginning of Volume II of Martin Luther King, Many opera conductors place Jr.’s biography - the one that started after the Beethoven’s overture just “I Have a Dream” portion of his life. His leadership of the CR prior to the 4th act of the opera (Leonore/Fidelio) as they movement had taken place, had been accepted (grudgingly feel it is too overpowering to perform before the action even by some) and proclaimed a critical success by most. But begins. Perhaps this is why it becomes the finale of this rather than rest on his laurels, Dr. King then embarked on concert. an expedition into uncharted territory - fighting both the Earlier in the month, on January 11th, Pinchas Zuckerman Vietnam War and the poverty of blacks and whites, at the will be conducting the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra to same time. honor Queen Elizabeth’s 65th year as monarch (Feb. 6th). The In fact, in his mind, both fights were inexorably linked. pieces selected for this tribute are Weber’s Overture to Der That there were conditions in America that created poverty, Freischütz (the German opera, The Freeshooter), Beethoven’s kept the poor (whether black or white) in that condition, and Violin Concerto in D Major and Dvorák’s Symphony No. 7. that resulted in the poor being the ones that had to fight and Descriptions of Beethoven’s violin concerto usually drop off die in Vietnam, were what led Dr. King to spend a night in the “D Major” suffix as not needed, as it is the only one that room 306, in the Lorraine Motel. During that afternoon Dr. has survived. His violin concerto in C Major was unfinished King had given his Mountaintop speech at a rally supporting or mostly lost, as only a fragment of the first movement a strike by the sanitation workers in Memphis, and that night exists. Dvorak’s symphony premiered in London in 1885, he was gunned down. What were Dr. King’s thoughts during when Victoria was queen. the hours leading up to that fateful event? To find out what While not officially part of January, February 21st is the they might have been and how he might have felt at that time, date the SCA brings in Gil Shaham (violin) and Akira Eguchi why not attend one of the Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe’s (piano) to play an exquisite series of short compositions filled performances of The Mountaintop between January 10th and with an amazing amount of notes in astonishing sequences. February 18th? They will start by performing Fritz Kreisler’s Preludium and For more information, go to Westcoastblacktheatre.org. Allegro, followed by Prokofiev’s Five Melodies, Franck’s Sonata in A for Violin and Piano, Bach’s Partita no. 3, SaintBiggest month of the year Saëns’ Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso and ending with For the Sarasota Concert Association, January is the Avner Dorman’s Nigunim. biggest month of the year. How big? Think Cleveland. Not Shifting the venue from the Van Wezel to David Cohen the city, that’s not even so-so in size. We’re talking about the Hall, the SCA is hosting a free Music Matinee at noon on Cleveland Orchestra, which is big in quality of sound and January 17th. Two members of ensemblenewSRQ, George how well they perform - as well as what they perform. This Nickson (Percussion) and Samantha Bennett (violin) will

be performing. This is not your normal drum and fiddle show, but an exposition of contemporary music being performed by the newest groups in town. For more information about these performances go to www.scasarasota.org.

Don’t dabble in art, Dabbert Horace Greeley was famous for saying “Go West, Young Man” during the expansion of America in the 1850s. The Dabbert Gallery, known for fine contemporary art, has moved, not west, but north by an entire quarter of a block, from number 76 to 46, on S. Palm Avenue, in its expansion into a larger space. More space means more art, and in this case, a more attractive display focused lighting and white walls make art really pop. Patricia and David opened their original gallery 13 years ago when this century was young (as we all were) and are pleased with the results of their expansion. The move has permitted them to add a number of new artists, including some additional international ones, as well as to show more works by their existing stable of contemporary artists. It is always pleasing to see the works of Bill Farnsworth. His paintings of south Florida bring out the softness and calmness of the landscape in quite a contemplative way. He brings that same touch to his street scenes of Europe on market day. Barbara Krupp is a painter of more abstract works who tends to favor the color red, perhaps because that color has a flair that suits her temperament. It is interesting to note that while her paintings are purely abstract, after reading her titles, one can almost see what she has referenced. Maybe that says more about the viewer than about the artist. Jeff Cornell works in pastel which adds a definite softness to his work. His sepia tones bring back memories of the photogravure process used in old newspaper supplements, except with more modern subject matter. Thrya Davidson brings the third dimension to her subjects by being one of the sculptors that has their work displayed at the Dabbert. Ms. Davidson has brought out the serenity of each of the models that have posed for her. Joe Palmerio has been a resident of Sarasota for over 25 years and this shows in his knowledge of subject matter. Palmerio knows what Sarasota looks like and he knows how it should look in his mind’s eye - and paints it that way. Evenings on First Fridays are a great way to view the works on display at the Dabbert with more leisurely viewing during daytime hours. To view works of all their artists, please go to www.dabbertgallery.com.

The Sarasota Garden Club celebrated their 90th Anniversary |“ROAR OF THE TWENTIES”, A Grand Affair Our President, CJ Danna, put together a list in accordance with our mission: • SGC members alone raised money to build the garden club’s library and clubhouse. • 14 Affiliates meet at our Club. • Therapy Tea held at our Club for over 10 Assisted Living facilities. • Civic Beautification Awards are given to businesses and communities every year that have given a significant contribution to the beauty of the Sarasota area through landscaping of civic properties. • We plant and maintain the Blue Star Marker & Doughboy Statute at J.D. Hamel Park. • We educate the public by having horticulture study groups and Floral Design Classes. • We have workshops for Beyond the Spectrum for Assberger children. • We work with Girl Scouts to help them get their badges. • We honor Arbor Day by planting a tree for Habitat for Humanity. • Every year we have a juried Flower Show for the public. It is our way of giving back to the community. • Every year we give scholarships to high school and college students pursuing a course of study that complements the mission and objectives of

our Club. • We send 3 kids to Camp Wekiva every year. • The gardens are open 7 days a week for the public to enjoy. • We maintain 14 gardens by 100% volunteers - the City doesn’t pay for any maintenance on the buildings nor the grounds. • We are on the City Historic Registry. • We have been gardening on these grounds even before we built our Historic mid-century modern building - since the 1930’s. • Our Club worked alongside the Works Progress Administration to develop the Bayfront Park and the Municipal Auditorium in 1937. • We share a rich legacy with The Ringling Mable Ringling was our first President & Owen Burns nominated her. • We maintain the Secret Garden at The Ringling. • Our Floral Designers create the centerpieces for The Ringling’s Ca ‘d Zan on holidays and events. • Our original founding members were very prominent residents of Sarasota. Sarasota Garden Club will have a fashion show, SHIVOO, February 9 and Gardens in Paradise tour March 17th. For more information, call 941-955-0875 or go to the website www.sarasotagardenclub.org.


To advertise in print or online contact: Bob or Emy Stein at 941.349.0194 Send editorial and/or photos via email to: islandvp@verizon.net

Jean Ruff (aka Mable Ringling), CJ Danna, Al Besse and Ron McCarty. Photos by RBphotos.com

CJ Danna, President

Published by Island Visitor Publishing, LLC Contributing Writers and Photographers will be noted with bylines. Guest commentary not necessarily the opinion of island Visitor Publishing, LLC Reproduction without written permission prohibited. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement. All business bios are extensions of the display advertisements. Island Visitor Publishing, LLC is not responsible for claims made by advertisers. All ads are subject to the approval of the publisher. It is the responsibility of the party placing any ad for publication in Siesta Sand to meet all applicable legal requirements in connection with the ad such as compliance with town, county and state codes in first obtaining an occupational license for business, permitted home occupation, or residential rental property. DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability. Island Visitor Publishing is not responsible for claims made by advertisers.

P.O. BOX 35086, SIESTA KEY, FL 34242





“Living life in the ‘Light’” - Allow yourself to live your life “on purpose” by: ~ Finally doing those things you’ve been passionate about, without fear. ~ Living your spiritual gift by serving others with them, i.e.; selling your artwork, doing readings and/or healings, writing a spiritually-based book, etc. - Pray. But be sure to rest your mind afterwards by trusting. Worrying lowers our vibration. - Meditate: While doing nothing, you’ll be able to receive something, especially the answers to your prayers. - Choose Love over judging. Judging majorly lowers our vibration. - Rather than absorb the news, observe it. Many of us want to stay informed of what’s going on. However, when we’re able to observe any negative judgmental-type news without having to evaluate it, it helps our body avoid absorbing the negative energy, and helps us to maintain our higher vibration. - Surrender thoughts regarding your past and future, and live in the present moment when asking for Divine guidance. The present moment is the space holding Divine messages/answers to your prayers/questions. When our thoughts are anywhere but in the present moment, the “door”’ to the holding space remains closed. This is why we often hear some say their prayers are never answered. They pray in the present moment, but then they go into worrisome thoughts about the future. Breathe and stay present to receive. - Stay in a state of “Thanks”. Genuinely thank God, (or whoever your loving Higher power is), for everything. The more we do this, the “feel-good” things grow, and painful things go. Gratitude is like a magnet to peace. - Eat & drink clean (Free of chemicals as much as possible) - Practice compassion for others and yourself. Allow your heart to feel. - Move your body/exercise. Consistency is key. When it becomes part of your schedule, it becomes habit and automatically gets done. It lifts our vibration, helps lift fatigue, and can also help us sleep. Now that’s pretty amazing. - Laugh. Laugh often. Laugh very often. To me, laughter is one of the fastest ways to raise our vibration. Due to limited space, here’s the rest: Go in nature often, listen to music, sing, dance, volunteer, pamper yourself, get energy work done (i.e.; chakra clearing, cut negative energetic cords, use sage in your space to clear out any negative lower energies/entities, massage, ancestral energy clearings/healing (or any other healing modality you feel resonates with you), create a little sanctuary in your home, read spiritual material, travel, join a spiritual group, “creative anything” <-drawing in the sand or dirt counts, repeat positive mantras / affirmations, forgive everyone- especially yourself. And once again, Laugh...Laugh often. ~ By simply starting any items on this list, you’ll begin to raise your vibration and head in the “Light” direction. And that’s what Higher Living is all about. ~♥ Donnarose Melvin is a Professional Ancestral Energy Clearing Intuitive. Her knowledge from her advanced practitioner trainings in Ancestral Energy Clearing, and her BA degree in Psychology, along with her natural born intuitive gifts, have helped many achieve increased peace and happiness.

MarinerWord Search

MarinerWord Search Answers page 45 WORD SEARCH The Magic of theon Everglades WORD LIST



























TRAM TOUR Answers on Page 23 TREE SNAIL


Wake & Shake


Happy New Year 2018! A perfect time for new beginnings where we replace the old with the new! Speaking of changes, after 5 years of my Dear Donnarose column (Happy Anniversary!), “Donnarose~Higher Living” has now been born. How fitting that the number 5 in angel numbers represents change. Of course this wasn’t planned by me, but by the Universe. But by now my readers know how highly I recommend heeding the direction the Universe is trying to send you in. As I’ve mentioned before, you’ll know when it’s happening, as it’ll be a strong pull. The reason for the lotus logo, is that this beautiful flower represents my life, and the life of many of you no doubt. That being, swimming through the mud, aka, basically living moreso in the dark so to say, vibrating at a lower frequency where the ego is at the wheel. Then finally growing out of the darkness into the Light, accompanied by increased inner growth, awareness, peace and love, as well as acceptance of our spiritual gifts. Then for those of us who desire, it’s onward and up to serve others, thereby inspiring living life “in the Light” and having a “Light” frame of mind. To me, the latter is my version of “Higher Living”, where we continue to radiate our Inner light while helping others who desire to do the same. Hence, the hopeful end result- peace, love, and harmony- daily, or as often as possible. I also like how someone wrote the lovely keywords to the lotus meaning as being, “Life, grace, purity, beauty, clarity, victory, promise, passion, strength, ascension, and spirituality.” I’ll certainly add that to the results list. I learned the hard way, that in order to live life in the “Light” to achieve the above results, we have to raise our vibration, and then do our best to maintain at that higher level. But, there’s no stopwatch on the time-frame, for as we know, it’s the process, the journey, not the destination that matters. Earth school is for learning. And on this journey, we certainly do a lot of that. Speaking of the process, it still seems to be tradition for a lot of us to make a list of resolutions for our journey into each New Year. However, I thought it would be a perfect time to change it up a bit, and instead make a list of “ways to raise our vibration” as we head into 2018. The results should last longer with greater benefits, and will keep us in “Higher Living” mode, as our inner Light continues to brighten. What then accompanies our brighter light as we raise our vibration higher, is the manifestation of situations, people, things, etc., that are vibrating at the same frequency. And more perks are: increased inner peace, compassion, harmony, patience, inner happiness, inner fulfillment, clarity, trust, understanding and love. ~ To reap the above and many more benefits, here are some ways to raise your vibration. You can use my suggested list below, and add whatever else works best for you. Again, it’s the journey that counts, so go at a peaceful pace: - Allow yourself to Be still. I call this having a meditative moment. Be still, and take a couple sacred breaths. - Allow simplicity in your life. Purge as much stuff as possible. The more we purge the more room for energy to flow in your surroundings. - Practice acts of love and kindness. Like laughter, this also quickly raises our vibration. - Replace fear with trust. Fear delays. Trust delivers.

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC



The Magic of the Everglades

Just roll out of bed...your hair looks great! Shampoo and towel dry.... and you’re done! The style is in the cut, not the blow-dry, so you don’t have to fuss with your hair to look good... even fine, limp or curly hair... and my new steam color process + Olaplex creates richer brunettes and spectacular blondes. The colors go deeper NEW LOCATION! and last longer, yet are far more gentle to the hair. By Appointment Only with Ian:




Siesta Sand





The Highs and Lows of Properties Sold on Siesta Key

Provided by Key Solutions Real Estate / www.keysolutionsrealestate.com

Following are properties sold on Siesta Key in the last 60 days, providing a snapshot of home values on the Key for both single family homes and condominiums.

HIGHEST PRICED SINGLE FAMILY PROPERTY: 7808 SANDERLING RD, SOLD FOR: $3,250,000 - A brand new coastal modern 4,900 sq. ft. home has already been permitted and the variance has been granted on this magnificent Gulf front lot in the secure, gated and historic Sanderling Club on Siesta Key. The existing guest cottage will be remodeled to complement the gorgeous new home seaward of it which will feature 180 degree views of the Gulf waters and its beaches. The listed price includes the .82 acre property, the guest house, all of the permitting and plans. Your new home can be underway almost immediately. The architect is finalizing the rendering and it will be online soon. You may use the builder who is currently working on the project, or select one of your own. Either way, your new home will be completed much sooner than any other raw land project since the permitting has already been done. The sale of this property came to $6,448.41 a square foot. Courtesy of ReMax Alliance.

LOWEST PRICED SINGLE-FAMILY PROPERTY: 5239 WINDING WAY, SOLD FOR: $475,000 Tropical Beauty! Fabulous Key West style 3 bedroom, 2 bath pool home with direct access to lagoon. Just a few minutes walk to Siesta Key Beach. This home is ideal as a primary residence, vacation home, or rental property. New AC in 2014, New roof in 2013, New dishwasher 2016, New washer/dryer 2015, New pool pump 2016, fenced, outdoor shower, hurricane window covers, French doors, wood cabinets, skylight, granite counter tops, closet pantry, stainless appliances and formal dining room. Laundry room and guest bathroom with shower/tub. The courtyard pool affords wonderful outdoor living for entertaining with large backyard and private access to lagoon. The sale of this property came out to $298 a square foot. Courtesy of Rosebay Int.

HIGHEST PRICED CONDO: 6512 MIDNIGHT PASS RD, #406: SOLD FOR: $1,160,000 Have it all in this luxurious beachfront condominium in the fabulous community Crescent Siesta Key. This TURNKEY FURNISHED unit with large covered lanai and OUTDOOR KITCHEN lives like a home. Along with the two pools, spa, fitness center, outdoor grilles, and miles of pristine beach, enjoy the convenience of walking to everything South Siesta Village has to offer. When not using your new place, take advantage of the excellent rental program, as this highly sought after unit has a history of producing $64,000.00 in annual rental income. The sale on this unit came out to $703.03 a square foot. Courtesy of Key Solutions Real Estate.

LOWEST PRICED CONDO: 5830 MIDNIGHT PASS RD, #14: SOLD FOR: $264,900 This is a great pied-Ă -terre as a weekend retreat or a super little investment property. This ground floor Jamaica Royale Villa has been updated with newer furnishings and clean as a whistle and lovingly cared for. There are two Murphy beds and a leather sofa bed too. The well-equipped full kitchen is a delight to any cook and every space has a purpose. This beach side villa has many great amenities including three pools, shuffleboard, beach chairs and sun canopy. The early morning beach walks, the spectacular sunsets in the evening and the exciting drum circle on Sunday nights are all of the special memories for your place in paradise. The sale came out to $675.77 a square foot. Courtesy of Michael Saunders.




Siesta Zoning Regulations However, several speakers referred to an effort initiated late last year by Dr. Gary Kompothecras, a Siesta Key chiropractor known for the 1-800-ASK-GARY advertising for his clinics, regarding a new hotel on the island. One Siesta resident, Janet Emanuel, pointed out that a county demolition permit has been sought for the old Fandango Café at 1266 Old Stickney Point Road. (This was confirmed through county permitting records.) A limited liability company for which Kompothecras is the principal — Stickney Storage — has owned that property since August 2016, county records show. Through another company — 1260 Inc. — Kompothecras also owns the adjacent parcel at 1260 Stickney Point Road, according to Sarasota County Property Appraiser’s Office records. If the SKOD amendment would enable Kompothecras to build a hotel, Bispham said, that would be good for Siesta Key. “This is a very stringent process,” Commissioner Robert Morris explained of any request for a special exception. “If it’s a bad application, it’s not going to get through,” especially if the structure is designed to be 85 feet high. “Anybody would have to have a lot of courage to seek a special exception to 85

Getting to Dec. 7 Bailey explained that he disagreed with Donna Thompson’s determination about the SKOD setback requirements, so he appealed her decision to the county’s Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) on behalf of Siesta Acquisitions LLC; Kompothecras is the principal of that company, as well. The BZA ruled 3-2 on June 12 that Thompson was correct.


Fandango building next to Siesta Key Storage

Continued from cover story

feet, period,” Bailey told the board. “You’re not going to see Charlie Bailey standing before you, asking for that. I like living and breathing.” County Zoning Administrator Thompson also noted that a super-majority of the County Commission — four of five members — would have to approve a petition for a special exception for it to be granted. Medred pointed out that Siesta Key comprises only about 2,200 acres, and only 29 of those acres are zoned for commercial development. Siesta Village has about 16 of those acres, Medred said, while another 11 acres is available south of the Stickney Point Road bridge. The remainder is the site of a Wells Fargo bank near the intersection of Beach Road and Midnight Pass Road, he noted.

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

On July 12, a number of Siesta Key business owners — including Clayton Thompson and Kompothecras — appeared before the County Commission to seek a county-initiated zoning text amendment to comply with what they argued was the intent of the SKOD: to encourage a pedestrianfriendly atmosphere in Siesta commercial districts by ensuring buildings are close to the sidewalk. The county commissioners asked staff to work on an amendment to achieve the modifications Bailey had sought. However, on Aug. 29, the majority agreed that the zoning text amendment should be the focus of a private initiative. In the meantime, Bailey explained to the Planning Commission, Siesta Acquisitions filed a petition in the 12th Judicial Circuit Court, seeking to overturn the BZA decision. The attorney who handled that on behalf of Kompothecras, Bailey continued, has worked with the Office of the County Attorney to keep the litigation in abeyance, pending a resolution of the zoning amendment initiative. During her public comments to the

board, Lourdes Ramirez, president of Siesta Key Community, pointed out that she was involved in the development of the SKOD regulations. The intent, she explained, was to make the smaller-scale buildings in Siesta Village more easily visible, since parking is allowed in front of them. “But we never wanted a tall building,” Ramirez stressed. Bob Waechter, who said he has lived on Siesta for 40 years, countered Ramirez’s comments, telling the board, “I believe I’m the only person in the room tonight who actually sat through the whole process.” Ramirez joined the discussions in the final months, he added. Waechter emphasized that the intent of the SKOD was to have commercial buildings only 2 feet from the street.

Paradise Awaits... 195 Vista Hermosa Circle, #9-A Sarasota, FL

Just a short walk to Siesta Beach. 2 BR, 2 BA villa. Ideal rental opportunity. Custom wood cabinets in the kitchen with granite counters & upgraded appliances. Bathrooms boast tumbled marble & granite. Custom lighting. New A/C in 2017 and recently installed water heater. Roof replaced in 2016. Sold turnkey furnished (with some exclusions).

322 Island Circle





797 Beach Road, #305 Sarasota, FL Full Gulf view of #1 Beach in the USA. Completely remodeled, priced to sell! High end tile floors in main living area, quality custom kitchen cabinets, deisgner kitchen. Crescent Royale offers an onsite rental program, heated pool and much more!



Sarasota, FL

Beaches, Boating & Bistros!! Live the island lifestyle in this spacious 4 BR, 4 BA house located on desirable Palm Island currently grossing approx. $60k in rental income. Recently renovated with new kitchen, new master BR and master BA. This house boasts a new boat lift on the Grand Canal. Lounge in the heated pool and spa or enjoy your favorite libation at your own private Waterfront Tiki Bar. Privacy abounds with a lovely tropical view across the canal. Huge bonus area on lower level. This house is located on Palm Island which is an Island on an Island and is a short walk to World Famous Siesta Beach(Beach Access 10) and Siesta Village with all its excitement and wonderful dining. This is the Perfect Home or Investment property for the discerning buyer.

418 Island Circle, Sarasota, FL

Boating, Beaches & Bistros!!! 3 BR/2 BA Key West Style Grand Canal home on Siesta Key built in 2005 to current Hurricane standards. Sip a glass of wine by your outdoor Tiki Bar in the pool/spa area. Step out your back door, onto your boat (boat lift) and enjoy a leisurely cruise up the Grand Canal...just minutes away from your favorite waterfront dining, watersports and world class fishing. Perhaps you’re in the mood for a stroll or bike ride into Siesta Village...while others scramble for beach parking, walk or bike down the street to your own beach access (#10). All this and you haven’t even stepped inside this beautiful Key West style home on a lushly landscaped tropical lot with a brick paver walkway to your dock. This Island Style home was lovingly built in 2005 with huge lower level bonus area, pool shower and a 4-car garage for all your toys. Open floor plan, gourmet kitchen, large rooms, elevator, wood-burning fireplace, vaulted ceilings; walk-in closets; beautiful master suite, plenty of storage and custom touches throughout. This is a must-see home on Palm Island.



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Siesta Sand



Big Pass Update As part of the work of the Program for the Study of Developed Shorelines, Young explained, he and his staff track every beach renourishment project undertaken in the United States, including all of those in Florida. In fact, Young noted, the U.S. Geological Survey recently provided funding to the program to update its database on Florida initiatives. Yet another expert witness, Mark Edward Luther, president of Marine Science Associates in St. Petersburg, testified that the USACE relied on its proprietary, two-dimensional modeling in designing the Lido project. Yet, he explained, more modern technology called LIDAR produces vastly different numbers regarding the transportation of sediment in the coastal system that includes Big Pass. One USACE figure was off by 495%, he told the court. Young and Luther were witnesses for the Siesta Key Association (SKA) and Save Our Sarasota Sand 2 (SOSS2),


Continued from cover story

two nonprofit organizations that filed petitions with the DOAH in January to try to stop the dredging of Big Pass. Siesta residents Michael Holderness, a property owner and real estate manager, and Diane Erne are petitioners in the case, as well, with the SKA and SOSS2, respectively. Along with the SKA and SOSS2 attorneys, counsel for the City of Sarasota, the USACE, DEP and the Lido Key Residents Association participated in the hearing that began on Dec. 12 in Sarasota. (Administrative Law Judge Bram D.E. Canter had agreed to allow the Lido residents’ group to participate as an Intervenor.) And while the parties had expressed worry in a prehearing motion that the six days set aside for testimony would not be sufficient, the proceeding concluded a day early, on Dec. 18. In a Dec. 19 email response to a SNL question, Kent Safriet of the Tallahassee firm Hopping Green

& Sams, the attorney for the SKA, wrote that he has no idea when Canter will make his decision known. The parties “will submit proposed recommended orders around late January (this date is a moving target),” he added; then, he believes the judge will take up to 45 days to issue his order. “I do feel very encouraged by the facts that we were able to produce, and that there are clearly some discrepancies in the materials,” SKA Vice President Catherine Luckner told SNL. “We did not find any documents that said the USACE and DEP were evaluating Siesta Key as being at risk,” she added. Yet, research and expert testimony made it clear that not only is Lido Key critically eroded, she pointed out, but so are the northern and southern ends of Siesta Key. In a Dec. 19 newsletter to members, SOSS2 Chair Peter van Roekens wrote that both the SOSS2 and SKA attorneys “presented what we believe is a very powerful case as to why the permit should not be granted.”

Effects on fisheries


Yet another expert witness for SOSS2 and the SKA, R. Grant Gilmore Jr., president of the Vero Beach consulting firm Coastal and Ocean Science Inc., testified that the Lido permit application “basically ignored” three sections of the Florida Statutes that say the impacts of a proposed project on endangered and threatened species should be considered. “Fish were not mentioned at all or considered at all in the state permitting documents,” he added. One species that would be affected by the dredging of Big Pass, he continued, is the smalltooth sawfish, which is listed as “critically endangered.” Big Pass also is essential habitat for so-called “hardbottom species,” he pointed out, such as grouper and snapper. Further, Gilmore said he believes the destruction of seagrass, as a result of dredging in Big Pass, also would disrupt the spawning of the spotted sea

trout. That is “a major fisheries species around the state of Florida … There is some concern for its decline in a number of areas around the state,” he added, as linked to loss of seagrass. “If we don’t have the spawning and nursery sites,” Gilmore continued, “we don’t have the fishery. … There’s no question about it.” Gilmore was a professor at various universities from 1972 to 2002, including the University of South Florida and the University of Miami. He told the court that research he has undertaken included “probably the most intensive single study done of seagrass fisheries in the state of Florida.” Asked about the Perico Preserve seagrass mitigation site in Manatee County, Gilmore explained that that is affected by a freshwater source — the Manatee River. Research has shown that the spotted sea trout is far less likely to spawn in such areas, he said, and spawning sites are “critical for the survival of the species.” The same seagrass species may be grown at Perico Preserve as those that would be destroyed in Big Pass, Gilmore pointed out. “However, you didn’t ask the fish where they want to settle.” The Perico Preserve is 16.6 miles north of Big Pass, according to documentation Martha Collins of the Collins Law Group in Tampa provided as exhibits in the case. Collins is the attorney for SOSS2. “That’s a considerable distance for many of these organisms in Big Pass,” Gilmore said. “If we’re talking about the very young stages of some of these … it’s like another planet to them.” A number of species in Big Pass will not make that migration, he pointed out. Additionally, Gilmore reiterated a point SKA attorney Safriet made in his opening statement. “Big Sarasota Pass has never been dredged,” Safriet told the judge. “That is kind of amazing,” Gilmore said, given the fact that dredging has been commonplace in almost every other channel in Florida.




Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


New pricing to go into effect Jan. 1, 2018 for private users of Sarasota County park facilities, with higher fees planned at Siesta Public Beach By Rachel Brown Hackney

For the first time in about nine years, the Sarasota County Commission has approved a comprehensive overhaul of the fees and guidelines for private use of county parks facilities. One primary goal for the changes was to achieve alignment with policies of the Parks, Preserves and Recreation Strategic Master Plan that the board approved in June 2016, Carolyn N. Brown, director of the county’s Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Department (PRNR), explained during a Nov. 14 presentation to the commission. The public may use the parks for free, she said, but “individuals or groups often desire to use our facilities exclusively for private parties, classes, athletic purposes, expos and events.” Revenue from fees for such activities runs about $2.8 million a year, Brown added, comprising about 70% of her department’s annual revenue of approximately $4 million. “There has been a great deal of change to our community” and to county park facilities since the last major update of the fee schedule was undertaken in the 2007-08 timeframe, Brown added. Staff conducted research on practices in counties comparable to Sarasota County, she said, and it evaluated information and comments from a wide variety of other sources in preparation for modifications to the fee schedule. More than 2,000 participants completed a community needs survey conducted during the development of the parks master plan, Brown noted in a memo provided to the County Commission in advance of the Nov. 14 meeting. In addition, staff discussed the issue with representatives of the municipalities and with members of the county’s Parks Advisory and Recreation Council (PARC). The latter voted unanimously to support the proposed changes, Brown said. Tricia Wisner, PRNR operations coordinator, outlined the recommended modifications: Pricing categories will be reduced from three to four; requirements for users to obtain reduced fees or to have their fees waived will be clarified; criteria will be established for the prioritization of athletic field reservations; and adjustments will be made to site and/or program guidelines for specific users, as well as to policies regarding deposits and refunds. For example, the guidelines note that PRNR-sponsored or co-sponsored activities will be among those getting top priority in consideration of reservations for use of athletic fields, along with organizations with which the County Commission has approved formal recreational facility use agreements.

“Priority Group 2” for reservations includes Sarasota County-based nonprofit organizations “providing ongoing youth/senior athletic recreation programs”; the Sarasota County School Board and School Board nonprofit charter schools; and grant recipients of the Visit Sarasota County Sports Event Grant Program.

Adjusting to the market

day, participate in yoga on the beach, “which is good for us.” Taking up that much space, Detert said, and blocking some of the walking access for other beach-goers poses a problem. “If anyone thinks it’s terrible of us to charge for yoga classes, they need to check YouTube, frankly.” Yoga on the beach, she added, “is a legit business and a good one, but the instructors deserve to pay a fee.” When Chair Paul Caragiulo asked for a motion, Commissioner Alan Maio made it, calling for the adoption of a resolution encompassing the new PRNR facilities use guidelines and general pricing plan. Commissioner Charles Hines seconded it, and it passed unanimously.

Forty fees have been increased, Wisner said, including those for use of the pavilions at Siesta Key Public Beach. Another 35 have been reduced to meet market conditions, she noted, and 75 remain unchanged, including those for athletic field lights and parking for events. For example, Wisner noted that the new guidelines incorporate a low-season fee for use of the Phillippi Estate Mansion. “Right now,” she said, “a wedding on a Saturday on a hot summer day would cost the same as a Florida’s Largest Selection of Antique Oriental and Chinese Rugs for 45 Years wedding in February.” The modification in pricing has been designed to spur low-season use, she added. The new guidelines put weekends from October through May, along with all major holidays, in the “High Season” category. by appointment Another change will allow the public to pay www.antiqueorientalrugs.com for plaques on benches or tables in parks, she continued, “to commemorate a loved one or a special event.” The new guidelines also include an outdoor fitness permit program, Wisner said. For example, many people book county park facilities to teach yoga and to hold “boot camps” on the beach. The pricing modifications will take into account instructors’ frequency of use of facilities, she continued. Staff will lower the fee for the permit to teach yoga on Venice Beach, for example, from $4,928 to about $3,900 a year. “In the past year,” Commissioner Nancy Detert told Wisner, “I had complaints about the county’s charging the yoga instructor at the Venice Beach, and I agreed with the complainants that that seemed kind of crazy, until someone pointed out that yoga instructors in the community have their own YouTube videos …” She googled those videos, Detert continued, and found that hundreds of people, twice a

Handmade Antique Rugs Bought and Sold

Mosby oriental rugs



Siesta Sand






Siesta Key Couple Ties The Knot Siesta Key residents, Lauren Richard of Atlanta, Georgia and Justin Estes of Double Springs, Alabama were married during an intimate wedding ceremony at Palmetto Riverside Bed and Breakfast alongside the Manatee River. This fabulous couple were surrounded by family members and great friends as they committed their lives to each other while a classical guitar player gently played love songs on a beautiful Southwest Florida afternoon. Lauren and Justin worked for athenahealth for two years before ever meeting. Was it by design, a coincidence, or fate? You decide. A co-worker’s family emergency would change their lives forever. Because of the emergency, Justin was asked to fill-in for Lauren’s coworker at an important healthcare conference. Lauren fondly recalls, “I was the only person directly from athenahealth and honestly terrified with not a lot of experience. I was in no position to show a demo, let alone pitch a sales presentation. And then it happened—in walked my hero of the hour (little did I know he’d be my hero for life) with a warm smile and the humble kind of confidence—like he could own the room if he needed to, but he wasn’t there to steal the show. My first thought was, I need to be friends with this handsome man. Later that afternoon, I found out that he was more than good looks with a sexy confidence - ”he was so genuinely kind and patient.” The two of them really connected and after working together for a few days, Justin asked Lauren if you could take her to dinner the following week. Greeting her at the door with a beautiful bouquet of flowers in hand, they enjoyed a romantic dinner at a quaint restaurant in Roswell, Georgia called Salt a little more than four years ago. Although Justin planned to take them to a few different places that night, they ended up staying at Salt, talking nearly all night. Even though they inconveniently lived a few hours away from each other they decided after dating just a few weeks they would make their relationship exclusive. A few months later, Justin would verbalize to Lauren the three word phrase that nearly every guy resists, “I love you,“ Justin commented, “I realized she was the one not long after we started dating.” A weekend trip to Bridal Veil Falls in Asheville, North Carolina will be forever etched in their memories. Justin vividly remembers the trip and the day he popped the question. “She said yes to my proposal three times before she even looked down to see the ring. We were sitting by a waterfall, and I was waiting for the right moment. There were way too many people around, and I wanted it to be special. The moment was finally right, and she said yes, very enthusiastically, three times. It made me smile, inside and out.” Only their family and close friends can imagine the way they celebrated the rest of the weekend, but all the jubilation didn’t stop in North Carolina. Once they returned home, they continued to celebrate with multiple champagne toasts surrounded by their family. Lauren was this great couple’s connection to Southwest Florida. She grew up in the Bradenton area and although she left the state at a young age, she never stopped visiting the area regularly. Justin and Lauren’s parents were able to fulfill her dream of being married near the water in beautiful sunny Florida when they discovered the incredible Palmetto Riverside Bed and Breakfast off the Manatee River. While making several visits to the area to plan the wedding, Justin continually joked about moving to Florida and in the middle of planning their destination wedding, Lauren and Justin discovered a perfect house located on a winding canopy road not far from America’s number one beach on Siesta Key. Six weeks after closing they made the long move from Georgia to the sunshine state. Lauren has worked as a digital marketing manager at Paymetric, an Atlanta based FinTech business for three years. Justin is a Solution Consultant Senior Manager for athenahealth, an Electronic Medical Record and Practice management company. This amazing couple spent an incredible seven days in Santorini, Greece on their honeymoon enjoying spectacular sunsets, interesting people and delicious food and wine. It was the kind of honeymoon they will never forget.


By Trebor Britt

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC



Siesta Sand



Understanding the Mira Mar Parking District on Siesta Key


By Bob Stein

|Current permit parking comes up for renewal November 1, 2019 97-073 was adopted on September 16, 1997, which continued the program and added a sunset date to July 8, 2004. The sunset date was further extended by Ordinance No. 2004-051 to July 8, 2009, and then extended by Ordinance No. 2009-029 to November 1, 2014. Ordinance 2009-029 also repealed Ordinance No. 96-046 and was the first of the ordinances to be codified into the County Code as Section 122-145. Ordinance No. 2011-002 amended Ordinance No. 97-073, adding provisions regarding handicapped parking. The sunset date remained until November 1, 2014. The latest Ordinance No. 2014-058 is in effect until November 1, 2019, to provide enforcement for no public on-street parking, except by permit by temporary rental unit visitors. The owners of the rental units pay $5 per permit every year for each rental unit under a Business Tax License. The current number of rental units with active parking permits averages 130 per year. Any person parking in violation to this ordinance will receive a $25 parking ticket. Other local roads on the west side of Siesta Village have petitioned for No Parking signage and enforcement to ensure emergency service access to these properties, as well as ingress/ egress access to and from home sites on these streets. Both the Traffic Advisory Council and the Board of County Commissioners considers these petition requests, along with staff recommendation and MUTCD warrants for eligibility. At this time, there is no funding approved for additional parking in the immediate area of the Siesta Key Village. The County has continued funding for the open air Trolley (Breeze), that has broken records for the number of riders and is free to the public for travel along Siesta Key.


Last month Siesta Key resident Bob Stahlschmidt wrote a Guest Commentary about solving parking problems in the Village. Stahlschmidt discussed the Mira Mar Neighborhood rights-of-way permit parking as part of the solution. Stahlschmidt went on to say, he was told, the Mira Mar parking district holders do not want more parking. Siesta Sand received numerous questions from readers; questioning where the Mira Mar Neighborhood is and how this area was able to receive the special exception for permit parking. The Mira Mar District on Siesta Key is located west of the Village and is bordered by Avenida Messina to the north, Avenida Navarra to the east and Beach Road to the south. Also included are Avenida Veneccia running east and west, and Columbus Boulevard, from Avenida Navarra to Beach Road (see accompanying map). In May 1994, numerous citizens approached the County to adopt an ordinance prohibiting on-street parking for non-residents in the Mira Mar neighborhood. Several owners of rental unit businesses complained that because they do not have sufficient off street parking for all their rental units, such a prohibition might adversely impact their business. The complaint was launched because so many island residents and visitors from outside the Mira Mar neighborhood used the rights-of-way parking to access this beautiful section of the beach and go to the Village. As a result, a residential permit parking area was established for the Mira-Mar neighborhood, initially adopted by Ordinance No. 95-038, with a one-year sunset date. Ordinance No. 96-046 was subsequently adopted, extending the program, but not including a sunset date. Subsequently, Ordinance No.

A Look Back Republished in memory of Paul Roat (1957 - 2014) Sarasota January history highlights across the years There is an unwritten law that requires all publications to write a year-in-review article, a recap of events of note for the previous year come January. A slightly different approach is being taken here as we look back at Sarasota events and happenings that took place across the years in January. New Year’s Day in 1926 augured in — literally — the first piling on the Ringling Bridge, linking the mainland to Bird Key. In 1940, Jungle Gardens also opened its doors and gardens to the public to view more than 3,000 flowers, shrubs, and trees. Jan. 5, 1970, was a purple-letter day for theatergoers and art lovers with the opening of the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall. “Fiddler on the Roof” was the performance in the theater on the bay. The hall has been vilified and lauded, respectively, for its Nautilus shell shape and bright purple paint scheme. The purple cow or purple people seater has had its financial ups and downs since it opened, but today is turning a profit. It was a dark day for Sarasota and Siesta Key on Jan. 7, 1921, when Harry L. Higel was murdered. He was a three-time mayor, shipping magnate, and developer of much of northern Siesta Key. The killer was never found. Siesta Key went a bit Hollywood Jan. 8, 1946. Eleanor “Cissy” Patterson bought a home on Siesta Key and used her influence as publisher and editor of the Washington Time Herald to furnish it with Hollywood memorabilia. Prominent was the chandelier from the mansion Tara in the film “Gone with the Wind.” Ms. Patterson hosted lavish parties at her Gulf front estate, enticing literati from around the world to join her soirees. Among the notables was Evalyn Walsh McLean, owner

of the Hope Diamond, which she brought with her to her own cottage on the Key. Jan. 10, 1953, saw the opening of the Asolo Theater. The Italian theater was built in 1798 and moved to Sarasota. Opening production was the New York City Center Opera Company’s presentation of “The Abduction from the Seraglio.” The theater was beautiful, but the heating was not and the packed house had to huggle, shivering, during the show. Former Ringling Brothers Circus president James A. Haley announced his candidacy for congress on Jan. 14, 1952. His election began a 24-year tenure in Washington. During his tenure with the circus he had to deal with a fire in the circus tent in 1944 that resulted in the death of 169. Haley pled guilty to manslaughter, served eight months in jail, was paroled, and later pardoned. Karl Wallenda was born Jan. 21, 1905. He is generally acknowledged as the finest wire-walker in aerialist history. He moved to Sarasota in the 1930s and traveled the world with his family, performing aerial feats hundreds of feet above the ground without a net. He died after slipping off a wire in Puerto Rico in 1978 at age 73. The State of Florida received title to Ca’d ‘Zan from John Ringling North on Jan. 26, 1946. The Mable and John Ringling home on Sarasota Bay in north Sarasota was given to the state pursuant to Ringling’s will. Mariah “Marie” Minshell married William Selby on Jan. 31, 1908. Selby’s oil and gas company later merged with what would eventually be Texaco. The couple lived in Sarasota from the 1920s. After their death their home and property on the bay was bequeathed to Sarasota and became Marie Selby Botanical Gardens.

By Paul Roat

“Cissy” Patterson entertained countless dignitaries in her Siesta Key home. This 1947 picture was of Tom White, Hearst newspaper executive from Chicago; Evalyn Walsh McLean; U.S. Supreme Court Justice Frank Murphy; Cissy Patterson; and Justice Murphy’s secretary Eleanor Bumgardner. Ms. McLean was the owner of the Hope Diamond, which she brought with her to her cottage on the Key. Photo courtesy State Archives of Florida, by Joseph Steinmetz.

Factoid? Most of the above historical dates were offered in “Yesterday’s Sarasota; the Calendar For 1984,” by J. Whitcomb Rylee and Tom Payne. Although the following appears better suited to an April Fool’s Day mention, the pair had this Jan. 29, 1937 offering: “After years of experimentation, Melville Fitz-Mitten succeeds in crossing the banana

palm with the rubber plant, creating a crop which could be harvested by using the stalk of the plant to catapult the fruit across the fields into waiting carts. Unfortunately, Mr. FitzMitten was killed while showing his hybrid to visiting scientists. He was thrown 80 feet into a pond filled with edible cattails, and eaten by an alligator.” Happy New Year.




Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


House Hunting Siesta Key to Longboat Key SHORT WALK TO SIESTA BEACH: $450,000 195 Vista Hermosa Circle, #9-A, Siesta Key, FL. MLS# A4189942 Wonderfully remodeled 2 BR, 2 BA villa. Designer tile & carpet throughout. This villa is being sold turnkey furnished (with some exclusions). Dan Miller, Re/ Max Tropical Sands. 941-376-7442 FULL GULF VIEW OF #1 BEACH: $539,000 797 Beach Rd, #305, Siesta Key, FL. MLS# A4188853 Completely remodeled unit with high end tile floors in main living area, quality custom kitchen cabinets with granite counters. All the lighting has been upgraded throughout this TURNKEY FURNISHED (some artwork excluded) unit. Dan Miller, Re/Max Tropical Sands. 941-376-7442 KEY WEST STYLE GRAND CANAL HOME ON SIESTA KEY: $1,290,000 418 Island Circle, Siesta Key, FL. MLS# A4195871 This 3 bedroom / 3 bath single family house boasts an open floor plan with custom touches. It has a lushly landscaped tropical lot with Tiki bar in the pool/spa area. Dan Miller, Re/Max Tropical Sands. 941-376-7442 PALM ISLAND HOME ON THE GRAND CANAL: $965,000 322 Island Circle, Siesta Key, FL. MLS# A4199085 Recently renovated with new kitchen, new master BR and master BA. This house boasts a new boat lift on the Grand Canal. Privacy abounds with a lovely tropical view across the canal. Huge bonus area on lower level. Dan Miller, Re/Max Tropical Sands. 941-376-7442 5272 HERON WAY, LANDINGS COACH HOUSE $279,000: MLS #4185882 3BD/2BA Southern exposure with lake view. Judy Greene/ Tara Lamb, Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker, 941-350-0451 (Judy) or 941-266-4873 (Tara) 5259 HERON WAY, LANDINGS COACH HOUSE $279,000: MLS #4197208

2BD 2BA Ground floor updated condo with Lake View Judy Greene/Tara Lamb, Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker, 941-350-0451 (Judy) or 941-266-4873 (Tara) 1610 STARLING DR, LANDINGS COACH HOUSE $269,000: MLS 4182814 2BD/2BA Ground floor condo with patio overlooking a fabulous lake view. Judy Greene/Tara Lamb, Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker, 941-350-0451 (Judy) or 941-266-4873 (Tara) 1363 LANDINGS DR TREEHOUSE $490,000: MLS 4192826 3BD / 2.5BA Expanded floor plan with screened deck overlooking lake view. Judy Greene/Tara Lamb, Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker, 941-350-0451 (Judy) or 941-266-4873 (Tara) DOLPHIN BAY The ultimate 2/2 in over 1900 square feet of living space. Exceptional property with split floor plan, each bedroom with private bath. Large kitchen with sit-in area and expansive living/ dining space. Spacious lanai with great views of the ICW. Garage. Pool, clubhouse, tennis, and day dock. Short walk to Siesta Beach. MLS #A4178449, $799,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-5443299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186.

GULF & BAY BAYSIDE 2 units for sale! Great beach home, vacation, or rental property. Deeded beach access just across the street. 3/2 end unit or 2/2 with views of ICW. Both beautifully renovated and furnished with attached garages. Resort-like amenities. MLS #A4185953, $649,000 and MLS#A4182348, $539,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-5443299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186. SIESTA POINTE Lovely 3 BR 2 1/2 bath Key West style townhome in the ideal location!!! New finishes and fixtures! Short walk over Stickney Point Bridge to Siesta Key. Avoid the traffic and higher property costs. MLS# A4192292 $365,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-5443299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186. HARBOUR TOWNE YACHT CLUB Beautifully renovated and furnished 3/3 with deeded 40’ dock and 10k lift. Garage and storage. Across the street from Siesta Beach. Great boating community of 50 families. MLS# A4196664, $669,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-5443299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186.

WHISPERING SANDS Stunning 2/2 penthouse with full-on west facing Gulf views! Beautifully renovated throughout - tile, granite, crown molding, stainless, vessel sinks, etc. Hurricane sliders and windows. Private beach and great amenities. MLS# A4199637, $975,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-5443299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186. WHISPERING SANDS Direct Gulf and sunset views from this completely updated 2/2, ideal location near village with private white sand beach. Beautiful cottage-style furnishings come with the unit - move in for season!! MLS # A4199646, $659,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-544-3299 or Sheri: 941400-4186. SOMERSET COVE Fabulous single family home in gated community of just 11 residences. Large 2,758 square feet, 3 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath with 2 car garage plus bonus space. Boat dock with water and electric only minutes to ICW and Gulf. Walk to beach and Village. MLS # A4201541, $889,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-5443299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186.

MID CENTURY BEAUTY This 3BD/3BA home, is a former Ralph Twitchell show home with an amazing open floor plan and high ceilings located on a quiet canal front corner lot. Has a 7K lbs. boat lift and is a short 5-minute commute to the bay. Has a new modern kitchen with gorgeous Brazilian granite counter tops. 505 Givens St, Siesta Key, $1,029,000 MLS #A4160488, Key Solutions Real Estate, 941894-1255 AMAZING VACATION PROPERTY Located just across from world famous Siesta Key beach, this 3BD/2BA condo comes fully furnished and ready to enjoy! Recently renovated with new cabinets, granite, and tile baths along with new roof in 2015. 1350 Siesta Bayside Dr #1350-B, Siesta Key, $649,000 MLS #A4185953, Key Solutions Real Estate (941) 894-1255 SIESTA KEY BEACH LIVING This ground level unit is just a short walk down a private street, Sara Sea Circle, to one of the best beaches. This 2BD/2BA beach home has private beach access, close to shopping, restaurants and Point of Rocks. This home comes equipped with hurricane proof windows and 100-year metal roof rated for 180 mph winds. Enjoy the Mediterranean style patio, brick paver entry to home and full privacy windows! 6708 Sarasea Cir #103, Siesta Key, $449,000 MLS #A4202591, Key Solutions Real Estate (941) 894-1255.


Siesta Sand






• Best Western Plus Siesta Key – AAA -3 Diamond Property, • Hawk’s Nest Construction Inc. is a certified Class A general Free shuttle service to and from Siesta Key 941-924-4900, 6600 S. contractor licensed in all phases of construction. Owner, Mark Tamiami Trl., Sarasota Hawkins Sr. personally oversees every aspect of your project from start to finish, using only the best and most reliable licensed artisan • Canal Pool B&B – Master bedroom with private bath. and craftsmen. His passion is delighting his clients by turning California King bed. 1 mile to Siesta’s Public Beach. Call Shawna their home-improvement dreams into a beautiful reality. at 941-518-7774. Call 941-650-9499 or visit their website: www.hawksnestconstruction.com. • Seasonal Rental in Sandy Cove neighborhood. 1BD/1BA, ground level. Two patios, private beach, fishing pier and lake view. Near Village. No smoking, no pets. February or March: $3300. Call 631-790-7254

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Place your classified ad here for $6. (15 words) and $.10 for each additional word. Copy must be submitted with payment on or before the 15th of the month prior to publication. For display ads, please call 941-349-0194 for rates.

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• Making things happen on Siesta Key with Real Estate agents Bob and Sheri Ruiz from Key Solutions Real Estate Group. If you are looking to buy or sell on the Key contact us. Bob Ruiz 941-544-3299 RobertRuizRR@aol.com, Sheri Ruiz 941-400-4186 SheriLasley@aol.com • Your Siesta Dunes and Landings Preferred Partners in Real Estate, Judy Greene 941-350-0451 and Tara Lamb 941-266-4873 with Michael Sanders & Company 5100 Ocean Blvd Siesta Key 34242 JudyGreene@MichaelSanders.com




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Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Snapshots of Island Visitors Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography



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...................................................................... 941-359-2770 Sarasota County Area Transit (SCAT)........................... ...................................................................... 941-316-1234 Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce................................. ...................................................................... 941-349-3800 Sheriff / non-emergency.......................... 941- 861-1601 Waste Management................................... 941-924-1254

Caroline age 1, from MO

MarinerWord Search Answers to the WORD SEARCHwww.floridamariner.com found on page 35

Answers from • Sun Ride Pedicab – Eco-friendly Pedicabs. Siesta PageKey 16 Tours and rides – tips only, 941-343-3400

The Magic of the Everglades

And all other Airports Restrictions apply

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Lindsey and Jason from Sarasota, FL


Siesta Sand


Snapshots of Island Visitors Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography



Accommodations Locator Map

Jay, Linda, Kim, and Dawn from Sarasota

F Siesta Key Inn F Siesta Palms by the Beach

© Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2017



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Siesta Sand


Island Girl


Born in Ocean Springs, Mississippi, this month’s Island Girl is Chynna from Bradenton. She has devoted her life to the health, fitness and athletics industry. Chynna not only owns her own business called Apple a Day Health, but she is an Events Coordinator and Brand Strategist for Exclusive Sports Marketing and a Digital Content Manager and Events Coordinator for Strive Athletics.



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