Big Pass sand borrow area offshore of Siesta Key eliminated from dredging plans page
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Speed limit change coming to Siesta Isles
By Rachel Brown Hackney
Siesta Isles Association wins County Commission approval for all but two requests for traffic calming measures sought to improve safety Siesta Isles petitions. “You and I are going to talk a lot this afternoon,” Maio told Hussain, “because I’ve had to listen to the thoughts of those residents on Siesta for five years.” Later, Commissioner Michael Moran asked County Attorney Frederick “Rick” Elbrecht for confirmation about the latitude the commissioners have with traffic petitions. “The board has discretion to grant or deny these,” Elbrecht replied. Approximately an hour and 2 minutes later, the County Commission unanimously had approved the speed limit change the Siesta Isles Association had requested on Glebe Lane; it had reduced the speed limit throughout Siesta Isles from 25 mph to 20 mph; and it had approved multi-way stop signs at two of the four intersections: Contento Drive at Shadow Law Drive; and Beach Way Drive at Cape Leyte Drive.
By Debbie Flessner
Sandwich she had ordered on her personal Instagram page—which currently has almost 600,000 followers. “A customer of mine came in, showed me the picture and asked, “Do you know who she is?” Paynter said. “Of course I did, but I thought that was just the end of it.” It wasn’t. In addition to Lee’s co-hosting duties on the Food Network show “The Kitchen,” she is one of the chefs who regularly makes suggestions for another show on the channel, called “The Best Thing I Ever Ate.” Two weeks after she visited Anna’s Deli, the Food Network called Paynter to tell her that the restaurant and the Surfer Sandwich had been nominated for an appearance on that show.
Page 28 Siesta Sounds: Mike Tozier’s love affair with Siesta Key
• Village Map/business listings PAGE 24 • Crescent Beach Map/ business listings PAGE 26 • Gulf Gate Shops PAGE 30 • Island Humor PAGE 29 • Accommodations Map/ Listings PAGE 47
Contento at Shadow Lawn Drive in Siesta Isles
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Anna’s Deli hits it big Almost anyone who has ever visited Siesta Key has either been to or has at least heard of Anna’s Deli. A Siesta Key staple, Anna’s was originally started by Anna James in 1971. Since then hundreds of thousands of tourists, snowbirds and locals have passed through Anna’s Deli’s doors for one of their award-winning sandwiches. But a few months ago, a Food Network star was vacationing on Siesta Key, and happened to walk unrecognized through Anna’s South Siesta doors. Ashley Paynter, daughter of Anna’s Deli owner Dave Havill, was working that day in their Anna’s University location, but soon learned that Katie Lee had posted a picture of the Anna’s famous Surfer
Different board, quite a different outcome. On Sept. 9, Tony Romanus appeared before the Sarasota County Traffic Advisory Council (TAC) to request two speed limit reductions and multi-way stops at four locations in the 297-home Siesta Isles community. Representing the Siesta Isles Association Board of Directors, he figuratively was shot down on each item. The lone petition on which the TAC offered some assistance involved Glebe Lane. Instead of lowering the speed limit from 30 mph to 20 mph, as requested, however, the TAC agreed to 25 mph, based on the staff recommendation. During the Dec. 11 County Commission meeting — before Romanus ever even stepped to the podium — Commissioner Alan Maio began peppering Amjid Hussain, an engineer on staff of the county’s Traffic Engineering & Operations Division, with questions about staff’s objections to the
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From a hotel and bathhouse to mansions By Philip M. Farrell, MD, PhD Siesta Key Beach resorts developed over a century as a sequence of attractive communities after the Bay Island Hotel proved successful lodging/recreational facilities were feasible along the Gulf and its tidal inlets. Opened in 1912, it also demonstrated the value of upscale accommodations, great food, and attractive, tropical landscaping. Unfortunately, the real estate bust of the 1920s and Great Depression delayed further resort development. The economic situation, however, created opportunities as audacious developers and architects began a decadeslong passion for progress throughout the island. In fact, Siesta Key achieved national
Page 17 North Beach Road vacation lawsuit
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prominence for innovative architecture long before being recognized for featuring America’s Best Beach. This overview and three articles that will follow in successive months will describe the evolution the Key’s unique development.
The Bay Island Hotel Sets the Stage The northeast tip of Siesta Key, destined to become an island through Mayor Harry Higel’s dredging project, was an early attraction for developers. Continued on page 46
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Grant funds not available to help clean up Grand Canal
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