Why the world comes to Sarasota SARASOTA WATERS
FEATURED ARTIST Sarasota is home to Mary Pangalos Manilla, a television journalist with stellar credentials...
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Something is killing the great marine mammals of Florida...
Read more on page 11
Read more on page 28
JANUARY 2014 | 941.349.0194 | ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC | www.SiestaSand.net | Complimentary
After Nora, who will champion Siesta Key? By Stan Zimmerman
For almost a quarter-century Nora Patterson has protected the interests of Siesta Key. She served two four-year terms as a Sarasota City Commissioner and occasionally mayor, and next year wraps up four four-year terms as a Sarasota County Commissioner. But a year from now, who will defend Siesta Key? There are two challengers for her seat – both Republicans – but a third alternative exists. It’s been explored and rejected twice, but it is possible the issue of incorporation could rise again in the face of the Big Pass sand controversy? Could or should Siesta Key seize its own destiny and become a town? It’s happened before on barrier islands up and down this coast. In fact Sarasota County is unique on the East and West coasts of Florida because the only three unincorporated islands are here – Siesta, Casey and Manasota Keys. Immediately to the north of Siesta is Lido (part of the City of Sarasota), then the Town of Longboat Key, and then the three
under the authority of Florida Law 95-494 by the Council at public meetings.” With that out of the way, the real reason for incorporation surfaced. The town’s second resolution said it would “diligently work towards adopting a comprehensive plan and land development regulations….” The Lee County Commission’s approval of high-rise condominiums on the barrier island sparked the backlash and rush to incorporate. The Island Sand Paper of Fort Myers Beach this year reported it took “as many as eight failed attempts dating back to the 1940s” before The youngest of these island towns is Fort incorporation was successful. Myers Beach, which is about to celebrate its It was a similar rush to build condos that 17th birthday. In 1995 the citizens passed a sent Sanibel reaching for incorporation in 1974. referendum to support incorporation, and the The charge was led by a young-but-retired legislature then enacted a law granting the city CIA agent named Porter Goss. He started a a charter effective Dec. 31, 1995. weekly newspaper, championed the cause Eight days later, the city council passed of incorporation and became the town’s first its first two resolutions. The first “approves, mayor. ratifies and confirms all prior actions taken Story continued on page 33. incorporated municipalities on Anna Maria Island (Bradenton Beach, Holmes Beach and Anna Maria). Looking south there is the City of Boca Grande, the Cayo Costa state park, then the Towns of Sanibel and Fort Myers Beach. In each case the residents of these barrier islands believed their respective county commissions were not keeping the islanders’ best interests at heart. That led to a desire to take control of their own destinies.
A tale of two towns
SK Chamber of Commerce Enhanced by CG Designs By Diana Colson Cheryl Gaddie is a force of nature. Most recently, she has undertaken the enhancement of our Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce, and the result is both stunning and efficient. Gaddie received a BS in Business Management and soon realized design was her passion. She added credit courses in interior design and has continued that educational practice throughout the years. She opened her business and began her career of design in 1988 in Grand Forks, North Dakota. Drawn by the charms of the tropics, Gaddie
set up a second studio on Siesta Key in 2005, opening CG Designs. The energetic Gaddie immediately became involved with the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce. She kept the Grand Forks office open until 2007, when she permanently settled in Sarasota. Mark Smith was the perfect partner for Gaddie. A fully credentialed LEED certified architect with over 30 years experience designing contemporary homes and commercial spaces, he was a follower of the Sarasota School of Architecture. Story continued on page 18.
Chianti offers bold, fresh
Italian flavors to Sarasota dining scene
Diamonds in the rough:
Small, initially ordinary park projects yield extraordinary results By Robert Frederickson “If you build it, they will come...” That line from the 1989 film “Field of Dreams” starring Kevin Costner about a Midwestern farmer compelled by mysterious forces to build a baseball diamond in the middle of his corn field, could also be the story line for Sarasota County’s recent success leveraging under-utilized, essentially forgotten and unproductive public properties into engines of economic success that have helped draw large numbers of affluent visitors to the area. The list includes Nathan Benderson Park just west of I-75 off the University Parkway exit, the Celery Fields just east of I-75 near the Fruitville Road exit and Rothenbach Park, three miles east of I-75 along Bee Ridge Road. Unlike the crown jewel of Sarasota County’s Park system, Siesta Key Beach, none of these properties were initially coveted for their breathtaking natural beauty or unique environmental features. Indeed, all three were downright pedestrian in terms of their features and former use. Benderson Park was the site of the former APAC Florida rock quarry where
A welcome center is just one of many improvements planned or now underway for the Celery Fields east of I-75. Fund for the center have been raised by the Sarasota Audubon Society. stone was mined for myriad road projects throughout Southwest Florida, most notably the construction of Interstate 75 in the late 1970s and early 80’s. It languished for years as a relatively obscure, little used parcel of land popular with nearby residents of The Meadows. Story continued on page 26.
Abel’s Ice Cream - 1886 Stickney Point Road - 941-921-5700 Between New Balance & Stonewood Grill Abel’s Ice Cream, one of the many vendors that set up shop on Siesta Key Beach during the Crystal Classic Sand Castle competition, is also a proud supporter. “It’s a great event bringing thousands to enjoy the beauty of the sculptures created by artists from around the world on our beautiful Siesta Key beach“, Abel says. “We look forward to participating as a food vendor again in the November 2014 event“. After serving the many locals and visitors at the annual contest, Bill & Norma Abel are primed for the arrival
of this year’s winter residents. They look forward to seeing those who enjoyed their ice cream last year and anticipate they will meet new customers this season. “The best-selling flavors haven’t changed,” Abel confides. Still the #1 seller for their shop is Stellar Coffee (Rich coffee ice cream with fudge and mini dark chocolate coffee cups), followed by #2 Coconut Almond Fudge (Tropical coconut ice cream with fudge ribbon and loaded with whole roasted almonds) and #3 Raspberry Truffle (Raspberry ice cream with raspberry ribbon & dark chocolate
raspberry cups). Added to the line-up in 2013 is Chocolate Raspberry Truffle that is rapidly becoming a favorite for many chocolate lovers. If you’re a regular you already know and appreciate their buy 10 get 1 free punch card. If you’re new, come in for a card and experience what a nationally award winning brand of ice cream truly tastes like. They’re located at 1886 Stickney Point Road between Stonewood Grill and New Balance Shoe. Get directions at www.Abelsicecream.com Advertorial
Island Chatter
Sandstorms Swirl at SKA Meeting By Diana Colson
It started off calmly enough. Minutes Were Approved, and Community Reports given.
Sheriff Office Siesta Key
Sgt. Osborne said that November had been very busy. They handled parking problems for the Crystal Classic and the Turkey Trot, as well as dealing with college kids who had come to Siesta Key to party. There had been three physical arrests. Peter van Roekens added that the Siesta Key Village Christmas Parade had been quite successful.
Inlet Management
van Roekens reported that the 5 ½ foot course had remained fairly constant.
Adopt a Road
Michael Shay said that 24 people volunteered for the Saturday, November 23rd pick up, and 32 bags of garbage and recyclables were collected. Shay thanked all the volunteers who had worked under his guidance and helped him earn the KSCB VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR award.
Deet Jonker reported that it had been a big week for Membership. People were signing up on the web site, and SKA was saving on postage and mail-outs.
There was no Old Business. Now comes the exciting part!
New Business
President Catherine Luckner presented Sarasota City Engineer, Alexandrea DavisShaw, and two men from the Army Corps of Engineers: Milan Mora, project manager, and Jason Engle, engineer. Although this is a Federal Project under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the City of Sarasota is involved because the majority of the 8,280 foot area to be renourished lies within its limits. In a bold attempt to control Mother Nature, the plan calls for dredging 1.1 million cubic yards of sand from a sandbar in Big Sarasota Pass, and to do it as many as 10 times over 50 years. That sand would then be placed on the eroded beaches
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SIESTA SAND January 2014 • www.siestasand.net
of Lido Key, where it would be anchored by three rock groins. Many Siesta Key residents feel that the existing sandbar, or shoal, provides Siesta with a source of sand and protects the key from waves. They feel that harvesting sand from that location is tantamount to “stealing” it from Siesta’s treasured beaches. Voices were raised and passions were high. The mood was combative. Mora reiterated the position held by the U.S. Corps of Engineers that the 1.1 million cubic yards of sand proposed to be taken from the shoal represent only a small percentage of the sand in the pass. Furthermore, computer models show that wave action would be only negligibly accelerated, perhaps as little as 1.5 % DavisShaw tried to allay concerns, as did Engle, who said that the sandbar has accreted significantly over the past decade. Engle went on to say: “All the modeling indicates we can take some sand out of the shoal. What’s been added is far greater than what we’re intending to remove.” Many people in the audience were simply not buying this line of reasoning. After years of erosion, the fabled beaches of Siesta Key are currently holding fast. Residents expressed profound concerns that tampering with Big Pass could damage Siesta Beach, a major tourist draw in Southwest Florida. Mora reiterated that Lido Key is a man-made island and the whole system is artificial. Sand on Lido simply drifts south before gathering in Big Pass. Returning this sand to Lido is merely recycling that sand. This did not sit well with the audience. People felt more searches for sand needed to be conducted, and
another site found. A 2002 feasibility study identified four potential sand sources for Lido. Two of these sources have not proved practical: 1.) bringing sand from Egmont Key near Tampa; 2.) finding sand offshore. According to the U.S. Corps of Engineers, the only sites that can be mined are New Pass and Big Pass. New Pass has already been dredged several times. It will continue to be periodically dredged as part of the 50-year beach renourishment plan. The estimated cost of the first dredging is 22.7 million dollars DavisShaw reminded the audience that the purpose of this Federal Project is to preserve, protect and rebuild Lido, which is considered to be critically eroded. One resident said he was “baffled that a project of this size ever got this far without peer review or public hearing.” DavisShaw responded that the city has contracted two engineering companies to review the corps’ approaches and methodology. They are Coastal Planning and Engineering of Tampa and Coastal Technology of Sarasota. At the end of two hours, President Catherine Luckner closed the meeting with these calming words: “This is a preliminary. It has to be done procedurally. It is not a done deal, there are going to be checks and balances. Our organization is dedicated to preservation of the community. Nothing will occur that will be a big surprise. We are asking for public input process. This is just a beginning. The Army Corps has been asked to do a difficult job. More information is coming.” With that, the meeting was adjourned.
Thursday, January 9 • 4:30 PM
St. Boniface Church • St. Francis Room 5615 Midnight Pass Road, Room F
SIESTA KEY REAL ESTATE PICTURE FOR 2014 Please join us as we welcome guest speaker Ron Flynn P.A. Certified International Realtor® CIPS from Siesta Key
public is always welcome with questions for our guest.
Commentary: Legislative Incoherence: Is this any way to run a government? During the final run-up to passage of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) in December, 2011, then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi famously said: “We have to pass the bill in order to find out what’s in it...” Two years later, her words have proven remarkably prescient: the news cycle has been filled recently with stories of citizens just now discovering what that legislation actually means to them and their families. And in many cases they’re learning that today’s reality doesn’t match the rosy picture painted by the bill’s supporters in the run-up to its passage in the waning hours of 2011’s legislative session…in the dead of night, without even a glimmer of bipartisan support. Indeed, just last week, PolitiFacts named President Obama’s oft repeated claim that “if you like your current health care plan, you can keep it...Period” the biggest lie of 2013. Pelosi’s unguarded comment on the state of the legislative process brings to mind the old saying about sausage making: you might love to eat them, but do you really want to know how they’re made? But can we really afford to ignore the cavalier attitude with which laws that so deeply affect everyday Americans now seem to get considered and passed into law? Indeed, we’re not talking about an isolated instance here. Pelosi’s comments could just as easily have been applied to several recent legislative misadventures. Witness the recent fallout from the implementation of the Biggert/Waters Act, which has sent federally underwritten flood insurance premiums soaring both locally and across the nation. There was supposed to be an affordability study on issues related to the bill prior to its rollout, but that study was never undertaken. Now the same legislators who voted to pass the act are wringing their hands over the potentially devastating impact it may have on the economy. That includes Sarasota’s own congressman, Vern Buchanan representing the 16th district who – at a recent town hall meeting held at the Sarasota Bradenton Airport – lamented that “this could crash
the economy...” Then why did you vote for it? Was there any expectation it would help the local economy? That it wouldn’t raise insurance premiums? After all, the bill’s aim was to close a $23 billion gap in the Federal Flood Insurance Program’s operating budget and that certainly wouldn’t be accomplished by reducing premiums. We wanted to ask the Congressman about that vote. He was unable to speak with us personally, but his communications director Max Goodman did return our call and did his best to answer our concerns. He rejected the idea that Buchanan and the other 400 legislators who voted for the act didn’t know what was in the bill when they voted for it, saying “we knew what was in it,” but pointing to the affordability study that wasn’t done he added “it (the law) wasn’t implemented by FEMA the way they were supposed to, by completing the affordability study.” Why not? “They claimed they didn’t have enough funding,” said Goodman. So a federal bureaucracy with no direct, elected accountability to the electorate, ends up undermining the intent of a duly passed Federal law? It would seem so. We asked why a requirement for the affordability study to be completed before the law could go into effect wasn’t written into the original measure. Otherwise, isn’t it a bit like hiring a contractor to paint your house and only getting an estimate after the job has been completed? Goodman said that would have meant dealing with the study as a standalone measure, adding time and complexity to the process. It shouldn’t have been necessary, but perhaps will be considered in similar instances in the future, despite the inefficiency it introduces into the process. But given the alternative… Once bitten twice shy. It should be noted that the problem isn’t exclusive to the Federal government. It exists on the state and local level as well. Remember a few years back when the Florida legislature passed a law requiring non-US citizens to apply for special permits in order to drive in the state? The ensuing
By Robert Frederickson
confusion in the minds of many potential foreign visitors as to whether or not they could legally drive here with their foreign issued licenses sent shockwaves through Florida’s critical tourism industry as many would-be visitors reconsidered travel plans. Couldn’t our lawmakers have foreseen that the measure might just be a problem in a state that draws over 70 million visitors a year, many of them from Canada, Europe and any number of other international locations? The law had to eventually be walked back in a special session in yet another example of lawmakers discovering what was really in a law only after passing it. Not to be overly flip, but perhaps our legislators should be encouraged to play chess during breaks in proceeding so they can master the art of thinking three, four, five moves ahead. Corporations often adopt mission statements to focus their workforce on the primary focus of their businesses. Maybe the medical profession would be willing to let Congress borrow theirs, which would only be fitting seeing as it is the industry most affected by the Obamacare bill Pelosi was hoping to understand post facto. That motto is of course the Hippocratic oath: “First, do no harm...”
Sidebar: (HED): So what makes for a good law?
Well, first, a broad consensus of support is needed from both lawmakers (across party lines) and from the public at large to ensure policy success. Few if any longstanding, ultimately beneficial legislative initiatives have resulted from efforts to pass measures supported by just one of the major political parties or a minority of voters. The public should ideally be involved in discussions and meetings at the beginning of the process so legislators can effectively gauge the will of the people before (not after) they cast their vote. Commentary continued on page 33.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Sandy Claws 5K run photos Photos & cutlines by Trebor Britt 1
4 3
6 5
1: DRESSED TO RUN Tony and Allison Smith of Myakka City displaying their holiday spirit as they participate in their first Sandy Claws 5K run. 2: LET THE RUN BEGIN Over 350 participants begin the 37th Annual Sandy Claws Beach Run on Siesta Beach. 3: FUN RUN WINNER Dylan Morrell (9) of Englewood proudly displaying his ribbon after winning the 1 mile Fun Run. Running is his favorite sport. 4: THREE GENNERS The Barberio family, Allan (68), daughter-in-law, Kierstan (39), and grandson Kyle (9) of Sarasota, before their three generation 5K run. Allan ran in the first Sandy Claws Run, 37 years ago. 5: LOOK WHO WAS THERE Leo Brinetti, Carolyn Brown, and Scott Jalwan were very busy posing with runners during the pre-race registration. Carolyn Brown, director of Sarasota Parks and Recreation Department said, “The run has a very rich tradition in Sarasota County. We couldn’t have a finer group of staff to orchestrate it and put it on. It’s the heart and soul of Parks and Recreation.” 6: A BIT OF NOSTALGIA Joannie Pfingsten of Sarasota displaying her T-shirt from the 1997 Sandy Claws run. She has run in the event for 16 consecutive years and volunteers at Meals on Wheels four days a week.
SIESTA SAND January 2014 • www.siestasand.net
Siesta Key News Round-Up Former SKA head pleads guilty to political dirty tricks
Robert Waechter is now a felon, pleading guilty in circuit court to breaking election laws and impersonating another person with the intent to harass. The case began when Waechter, a former president of the Siesta Key Association, bought a pre-paid debit card and used it to make political donations in the name of Lourdes Ramirez to democrats. She was thinking of running for the Sarasota County Commission as a republican. Ramirez did not know it until a candidate sent her a thank-you card. She went to the county sheriff, which opened a case. They obtained video of Waechter buying the debit card, and further evidence of federal and state election law violations. Waechter paid $5,000 to settle the federal charges. Ramirez met with the FBI, which took an interest in the case. When they asked State Attorney Ed Brodsky to take over the case, he refused. Instead he moved ahead with the state charges, and agreed to a plea deal demanding 90-days of house arrest, 100 hours of community and two years probation for Waechter. Brodsky and Waechter have a history together. Wacheter donated $250 to Brodsky’s campaign in 2012, and endorsed Brodsky on several campaign fundraising fliers. Waecheter has been involved in multiple political campaigns, including acting as chairman of three sitting Sarasota County commissioners. Ramirez decided late last year to run for a seat on the Sarasota County Commission, running to replace Nora Patterson who is stepping down due to term limits. Waechter has previously admitted to favoring her opponent, Al Maio.
By Stan Zimmerman
New study on Big Pass due in March
The growing controversy of using sand in Big Pass to renourish the beach on South Lido Key will get new ammunition in March. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers expects to release a new study on the impacts, and how three groins rock groins will impact the flow of sand. It was expected in February, but the corps says new data it has received will push back the release date until March. About the same time the Corps plans to apply for state permits from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. The original application date was planned for late October, but discovery that some land on the southernmost point of Lido is actually owned by Sarasota County threw a wrench in the plan. It was previously believed the City of Sarasota owned all the property and would be the applicant. Now the county is involved too. The state permits are expected to take about one year to process. Siesta Key residents, meanwhile, are antsy about taking material from the hitherto unmolested Big Pass. While Sarasota (and even Venice at one time) eyed the enormous sand deposit on the ebb shoal of the pass, it remains virgin. The Corp’s proposed use will be the first time a dredge has touched the pass.
Southgate to renovate
Sarasota’s first mall is about to undertake a massive re-do. The Southgate Mall at U.S. 41 and Siesta Drive will emerge larger (by 46,000 square feet) and airier, with plans for an outdoor activities including nightlife. Work will begin later this year. The rehab and new construction will brighten the mall in the face of competition starting in October from the University Center at I-75, a high-
end collection of retailers including an Apple Store. All the work at Southgate is being performed at night, to avoid interrupting shoppers. The renovation will include new landscaping. While one Southgate anchor is jumping to University Center – Saks Fifth Avenue – other major tenants are biding their time like the Pottery Barn and WilliamsSonoma. Meanwhile Southgate is luring new stores, including a food market and some downtown retailers. Plans for the upgrade were unveiled last May but work only recently began. The retail Mecca is owned by the Westfield Group, an Australianbased mall operator. Southgate is Sarasota’s first mall, and has undergone facelifts, additions and modifications over the years.
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Donna Chen’s killer gets prison
GIVE US A TRY - COME SEE WHAT YOU’VE BEEN MISSING! Recently awaRded tOP HOnOR fOR tHe 2nd yeaR In a ROw as wORld’s leadIng culInaRy destInatIOn at tHe wORld tRavel awaRds
On Jan. 7, 2012 Dona Chen was running with her dog on Midnight Pass Road near the St. Michael the Archangel Church. Meanwhile 22-year-old Blake Talman was drinking and drinking with his pals at the Siesta Key Public Beach. Talman jumped into his car and took off down Midnight Pass road at 90 mph. He struck and killed Chen and kept on going, finally stopping after hitting a light pole. He was arrested for DUI manslaughter. On Nov. 25 Talman pled guilty, and was sentenced by Circuit Judge Frederick Mercurio to 15 years in prison, followed by five years probation. After release, his driver’s license is permanently revoked, and he must complete a DUI school and attend a victim impact panel. He initially pled not guilty. Blood tests showed a 0.222 percent concentration of alcohol. Florida drivers are considered intoxicated with a 0.08 blood-alcohol ratio.
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
News Up & Down the Trail Half-billion up for grabs
In what is likely to be the biggest financial decision of the decade, city and county commissioners in late January will hear the recommendations of an ad hoc committee on whether or not to perpetuate the downtown Sarasota Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA). The agency was established in 1986 to fight slum and blight downtown, and uses a then-novel funding scheme. The city and county agreed to freeze their property taxes at the 1986 level; any increase (due to property assessment or millage hikes) would accrue to the CRA. In the early years, it wasn’t much. But between 1986 and August of last year, the scheme pulled in $98,992,963…almost $100 million. However the CRA expires in 2016, so the ad hoc committee was established to make recommendations – give the CRA another 30 years? Service the same area? Keep 1986 as the “base year” for the tax-increment financing
By Stan Zimmerman
plan? While the photons are not dry yet on the committee’s PowerPoint report, the major outlines are set. Yes, extend it for another 30 years. Yes, keep 1986 as the “base year” but change the way the CRA is governed. Now the Sarasota City Commission has total and complete control of the money, and now plows about half of it back in the city’s general fund to pay for police and other city obligations. That hasn’t sat well with the ad hoc committee, which recommends a seven-member board be established of two city commissioners, two county commissioners and three city residents. If the CRA’s term is extended another 30 years, the “compound interest” nature of the tax-increment scheme really begins to pay dividends. One study indicates if the CRA area remains the same, and continues to grow at 5.4 percent per year (the growth rate from 1986 to 2013), and the tax rate remains fixed, the “increment” could add
up to $528 million between 2016 and 2046. A cool half-billion dollars, five times as much as it raised in the first 30 years. Any extension plan must meet the approval of both the city and county commissions, under the lure of a $500 million “piñata.”
Sarasota begins building new EOC
The golden shovels were dusted off in early December for the official groundbreaking of a new $15 million emergency operations center. The bullet-proof building will also house the county’s 911 emergency call center. The facility is designed to withstand a Category 5 hurricane, and has redundant utilities and communications networks. A large radio tower next door will keep the EOC in touch with neighboring counties and the federal government. In a nod to sustainability, the design and construction aim to achieve a ”silver” rating from the Green Building Council’s Leadership in
SIESTA SAND January 2014 • www.siestasand.net
Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). The current EOC is on the top floor of the downtown high rise that contains the county administration center. While the building was formerly the local headquarters of a telephone company, is only rated to withstand a Category 2 storm. Officials fear in a Category 3 hurricane, the building is vulnerable. The new facility is located much further east on Cattlemen Road.
The 1330 Osprey site was Marbut’s top pick. It is owned by the city, and stands across 12th St. from the sewer treatment plant. The location puts it within walking distance of several social service agencies. If one or all of the three sites clear the environmental hurdle, the next step will be finding sources of funding to building and operate a 24/7/365 facility to house as many as 250 people.
First steps underway for homeless shelter
World Cup Pentathlon coming
Environmental assessments of three sites picked for a new homeless shelter in Sarasota is underway. Robert Marbut is a nationally recognized figure on homelessness, and has worked with several cities across the county. HE selected three sites for consideration. The three locations are 1330 N. Osprey Ave., 1121 Lewis Ave., and 1800 East Ave. The first two are with Sarasota city limits, while the third straddles the city-county line.
Sarasota and Bradenton have been picked for three World Cup Pentathlon competitions in 2014, 2015 and 2016. This year and in 2016, the area will host the finals. In 2015 it will host the first-round competition. This is an unusual Olympic event in that it includes five separate competitions, combing equestrian jumping, sword fighting, swimming, running and pistol Story continued on the next page.
News Up & Down the Trail
By Stan Zimmerman
Story continued from the previous page.
In the fork in the road where U.S. 41 peels off to the west and the bayfront while U.S. 301 goes north, motorists will see a new and illuminated statute and fountain. It’s the handiwork of the Sarasota County Alliance for Historic Preservation. They’ve unearthed the forgotten fountain dedicated to the memory of Mabel Ringling, wife of circus tycoon John. Mabel came in 1909 to what was basically a remote fishing village, and wintered with John until 1929 when she died. In those two decades, Mabel started what we’d now call a beautification movement. Garden clubs were formed, and as the city plan was devised, she argued strongly for more green space. In 1936 the Sarasota Federation of Garden Circles decided to build a fountain in Mabel’s memory. The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts and Rotary Club chipped in, because Mabel helped found them too. But after WWII the fountain fell into ruin, and the city filled it with dirt. In 2010 the alliance found the fountain, excavated and rehabilitated it. It will be re-dedicated to Mabel’s memory in mid-January. The rehab was made possible with two foundation grants and 85 donors, plus the help of 15 local contractors and volunteers from the Sarasota Military Academy.
Rosemary rising
Sarasota’s real estate stepchild i s st a r t i n g t o s h o w si g n s o f
door on Coconut.” When you add the 18-story “Jewel” condominium going up at the foot of Main Street at Gulfstream Ave., it appears downtown is in the early stages of another significant building boom.
Welcome to the cafetorium
New Styles For The Season
More new construction will begin in April along U.S. 41, as the historic Bay Haven elementary school gets a cafetorium to replace its 60-year-old cafeteria. What’s a cafetorium? It’s a cafeteria with a stage on one end, to serve double-duty as a performing arts space. The work should start in April with a new parking lot, and temporary playground relocation. Then the serious work begins to build the cafetorium, and then demolish the old cafeteria. 5128 Ocean Blvd. Siesta Village As part of the construction, the Sarasota County School Board wants to re-orient traffic involved in parent www.rickscomfortshoes.com drop-off and pick-up of students. Right now it creates a serious traffic Bringing you quality and comfort for more than 30 years! snarl in the neighborhood. None of this requires a building permit, but school board officials will keep the city informed, and follow all appropriate building codes. The project manager expects all the work will be finished by Hotels galore Sarasota is poised to receive a October of 2015. host of new hotel rooms, as plans for The historic school house was three large lodgings move forward. built in 1926, but shuttered in 1933 A n 1 8 - s t o r y h o t e l a n d because county schools were closed One of the most important things you can give your condominium complex called the for lack of cash. Bay Haven was kept children is a life insurance policy for yourself. Sarasota Gulfstream has received alive with tuition, while families At Edward Jones, we meet with you face to face, so we can sponsored dinners to cover the costs a positive administrative site plan get to know you and your entire financial picture. That way, review by city staffers, paving the for less-well-off students. Parents we can help find the life insurance policy that best suits your also provided food and milk, and family’s unique needs. way to ask for building permits. Because all the toys in the world aren’t worth as much to It is located at the high-visibility worked in the kitchen during the your children as ensuring you’ll always be there for them. 41 and the John day, providing meals for all. junction of U.S. 005722_MHBF_LandingsEagle_Mech the connection between Thus Revision: 0 of the Created: 8/21/13 Printed @ 100% Ringling Causeway, just south To learn about the wide range of life insurance products we offer, contact your the school and its kitchen is much Ritz-Carlton Hotel. Client: M. Heights Creative Director: REX GEE local Edward Jones financial advisor. stronger historically than in most A hotel complex proposed at This literature is intended to promote and assist in the sale of life insurance or annuities. Talk parent-teacher Art Director: ALAN REYNOLDS the northern corner of Palm Ave. schools. The schools’ with me about the various insurance and annuity products offered through Edward Jones. organization today still makes and Charles Ringling Boulevard Bleed: N/A Copywriter: Edward Jones operates as an insurance producer in California, New Mexico and Massachusetts through the following has received its’ first construction demands that parents actively Trim: N/A participate in theProofreader: NANCY TUCKER subsidiaries, respectively, Edward Jones Agency of California, LLC, Edward Jones Insurance Agency of New Mexico LLC, school’s activities. and Edward Jones Insurance Agency of Massachusetts, LLC. permits. It will be an Aloft Hotel, Live: 10"x5.125" Studio Artist: LUIS ARRIAGADA with European business-style Addendum: accommodations. Inspected By: And the newly christened We reported last month the Bullet Colors: 4/c Production Manager: CAROL CAPOSINO Sarasota Hotel will be a 10-story Hole gun shop downtown is gone. building at Palm Ave. and Coconut DPI: 300 We neglectedProject Manager: LAURA to say it moved toWILMESMEIER a Ave. The project was formerly called new location at 330 So. Orange Ave. “Floridays.” Architect Jonathan It is a family-owned business Parks said he considered the s i n c e 1 9 4 7 , w h i c h m a d e i t Sarasota Hotel “more important newsworthy when it disappeared than the Ritz, which stand by itself. from it’s decades-long location on This one is downtown with its front Main St. www.edwardjones.com
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Your Children Have Everything They Could Ask For.
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now to next.
Mabel’s fountain is reborn
revitalization. The Rosemary District is north of downtown, across Fruitville Road. But from a revitalization point of view, it could be on the moon. But plans are underway for two large projects that could serve as a catalyst to make Rosemary a desirable place to live, work and shop. One is called Rosemary Square. It would be a multi-use development with stores, galleries, restaurants and 40 rental units for housing. A second phase would include multi-level parking and either a “boutique cinema” or a live theater. A second residential-only project has been proposed to straddle May Lane between Coconut and Florida Avenues. The developer wants the city to allow triple the existing density – to 75 from 25 units per acre. The city commission has approved acceleration of a comprehensive plan amendment to increase the density. Details are sketchy at present, but the increased density could provide much-needed work-force housing close to downtown. Plus putting more people in the Rosemary District will increase the number of possible customers to businesses there and across Fruitvile.
shooting. It is designed around the skills of a 19th Century military courier. An additional wrinkle, the horses are assigned randomly to the contestants. Sarasota-Bradenton was in elite company in the contest to host the events. Other cities were Cairo, Frankfurt (Germany), Acapulco (Mexico), Rome, Budapest, Minsk (Belarus), Buenos Aires and Cheng Du (China). This is one of the oldest modern Olympic events. George Patton was the first American ever to be an Olympic pentathlon competitor, participating in the 1912 Stockholm Olympics. While he did not win a medal, he did go on to become a four-star army general.
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005722_MHBF_LandingsEagle_Mech.indd 1
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, 8/21/13 LLC 2:07 PM 7
Siesta Key Beach Project Siesta’s Beach Improvements We have received a steady stream of inquiries from visitors asking about all the construction taking place on Siesta beach and the surrounding area. With the return of our snowbirds and an increase in volume of visitors to Siesta Key, it’s a good time to provide another overview of the plans the County has in place to upgrade many parts of the beach, its parking areas and amenities. There are actually two separate projects taking place. One is the Beach Road Drainage Improvement Project that is visible from Beach Road as you head to the beach from the south bridge. The purpose of this project is to construct a stormwater treatment system to reduce the amount of contaminants that end up in the Gulf of Mexico. “It was not designed to alleviate the flooding problem that occurs on Beach Road during heavy rainfalls,” according to Alex Boudreau, project manager for Sarasota County Public Works. The existing retention pond
was filled in to make way for a larger one set further back. This is the shorter of the two projects and is expected to be completed in the early part of 2014. The other project, consisting of four phases, is the Siesta Beach Park Improvement Project which began in November 2013. This project will increase and improve parking and pedestrian access, upgrade and expand recreational opportunities and facilities, and restore the historic pavilion built in the 1950’s. When all is said and done, the new look will be impressive and include some nice perks. The following maps along with illustrations of the proposed upgraded pavilion, provided by the County, describes what will be completed during each phase of construction. Information depicted on maps based on November 2013 data from scgov.net
27 TRASH COMPACTOR (8’ x 24’)
2 3
10 11 3 8 9 13
26 27
Build New Tennis Courts Tennis open 100% of time Build New Maintenance Maintenance open 100% of time Playground use maximized Parking is Unchanged Beach Access is Unchanged
4 18 20 23 14 15 19 22 16 23 17
New Tennis Courts Complete Tennis open 100% of time New Maintenance Complete Playground is under construction Parking is Increased Beach Access is Unchanged
2 3
10 11 3 8 9
4 13
26 27
24 30
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29 1
2 3
10 11 3 8 9
4 13
26 27
24 30
4 18 20 23 14 15 19 22 16 23 17
SIESTA SAND January 2014 • www.siestasand.net
East Improvements Complete Begin Historical Improvements West Concessions Remain Open Existing East Parking Improvements Begin Communicate changes to public Parking is same as original East Beach Access is Complete
Siesta Key Beach Project 29 1
2 3
10 11 3 8 9
4 13
26 27
24 30
4 18 20 23 14 15 19 22 16 23 17
East Improvements Complete Continue Historical Improvements West Concessions Remain Open Existing West Parking Improvements Begin Communicate changes to public Parking is Increased Beach Access is Rerouted
Pavilion Renderings
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Turtle Beach • 8875 Midnight Pass Rd. • Siesta Key • 941-346-2207
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9 oz. Carafe of Fine California Wine......................................
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Downtown and Beyond
By Paul Roat
|Lots to see, hear, enjoy Downtown There are a lot of new things to see around Downtown Sarasota for this new year. Murals seem to be sprouting up pretty much wherever there is a blank wall. Downtown’s perennial homeless problem may have been solved. And high season is soon upon us. Let’s take a look at …
Rising from the pavement of the Sarasota Chalk Festival is an image celebrating a new art gallery in the Rosemary District of Sarasota. Alfstad& is a gallery at 1314 10th St., Sarasota. Its mural commemorating the chalk artists is on the west side of the building, formerly the Ice House. Next up is “Sarasota Artists: All In the Family,” opening Jan. 10, featuring works by Sarasota families: Andersons, Deans, Lindhardts, and Strenks. There is also a multi-story mural on the north side of the Players, also at 10th Street and U.S. 41, done by artist Mateo. His work also adorns one of the stairwells at the Palm Avenue Parking Garage.
Coming soon to the Downtown area are colorful and melodious pianos available for play by passersby. Street art is taking to the wind as wildly colored upright pianos are being scattered throughout the city as part of do-ityourself musical street art. The “Play Me, I’m Yours” concept locally is the brainchild of Stacy and Rich Ridenour, and is coordinated with the Arts and Cultural Alliance of Sarasota County. Similar soundproducing artwork has adorned streetscapes in Jacksonville, Fla., and New York City.
One of the First Ladies of Sarasota, Mable Ringling, would appreciate the belated honor scheduled for her later this month. A fountain built in 1936 in her honor by the Sarasota Federation of Garden Circles has been uncovered and will be rededicated Jan. 12. The fountain, and accompanying stone lions, are in Luke Wood Park just north of U.S. 41 near the Senior Friendship Center. Mable and husband John Ringling
were landowners, entrepreneurs, and visionaries of 1930s Sarasota. He created the Ringling Museum of Art, developed St. Armands Circle, and was a founder of the Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Circus. The fountain had fallen into disrepair until it was renovated, thanks in large part by Larry Kelleher of Sarasota History Alive!
Above: Temporary chalk artistry received a permanent mural downtown at Alfstad& gallery at Coconut Avenue and 10th Street in Sarasota. Photo by Paul Roat Below: A mural by Mateo dominates the north wall of The Players Theater in Sarasota.
Another home for the homeless has appeared on the North Sarasota horizon. Sarasota city and county commissioners have agreed to move forward with a plan to address the large population of homeless people who have taken up residence in Sarasota. Three spots — 1121 Lewis Ave., 1800 East Ave., and the apparent favorite 1330 N. Osprey Ave. — have been selected as possible pads de jour for those who live on the street. The issue is sure to produce some interesting debate for the new year and beyond. If a large facility is constructed to house those in need, just who will pay for it is a foremost concern. Is it a city problem? City and county? Regional? Could state or federal funds be used to address the needs of the homeless locally? Yet another old problem to auger in a new year.
High traffic for high season
Speaking of old problems is one of the oldest issues in our region: high season traffic congestion. Our winter friends have arrived, and more are en route. Plan for more time to get there from here, longer waits for tables at restaurants or
any event, and a general increase in blood pressure as our roads reach maximum capacity. Solutions? Avoid peak congestion times for your travels. We can zip through the Downtown Farmer’s Market first thing on the morning, something impossible later in the day. Ditto dining. Being unfashionably early often nets a better price per meal, and later in the evening is also a good time for quiet, unhurried reflection over a meal. But the best thing to do to ease the traffic woes is to just relax and ride through it all. Resign yourself to sitting through two or three light cycles at an intersection. Think about all the snow you’re not shoveling.
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SIESTA SAND January 2014 • www.siestasand.net
Featured Artist
By Diana Colson
|The Fearless World of M.P.Manilla Sarasota is home to Mary Pangalos Manilla, a television journalist with stellar credentials. A former New Yorker who was twice nominated for the Pulitzer Prize for her thought provoking television documentaries, Mary has written a fact-based novel on the subject of a possible disaster at Nevada’s Yucca Mountain, a government site where nuclear waste is stored. To bring this potential catastrophe to the world’s attention, she has written Foretold, a startling and timely thriller based on actual events and ancient prophesies. She writes under the name of M. P. Manilla. From childhood, Mary has been a fearless trailblazer and relentless troublemaker. As a journalist, she set out to prove that women can be as good as men, and sometimes even better. Born in New York City to Greek immigrant parents, Mary was fascinated by a comic strip called “Brenda Starr, Girl Reporter.” Inspired by Brenda’s heroic crusades, Mary was determined to fashion a life brimming with adventure, challenge, and glamour. Mary studied journalism first at New York University, and then at Hofstra, where she became reporter, columnist, and finally editor-in-chief of the school’s bi-weekly newspaper. Upon graduation, she landed a job at NEWSDAY after obstinately stalking Alan Hathaway, the Managing Editor. When he finally gave in and hired her, she was told to report to the Woman’s Department, where she was assigned to write the daily Calendar, a tedious job which consisted of listing dates and times of meetings of various women’s groups, garden clubs and social organizations. After nine months of cooling her heels as Calendar girl, Mary was finally assigned to write a twopart series about women scientists working in positions that had once only been open to men. This project planted a seed in Mary’s mind. It was the 60’s and America was racing Russia to send astronauts into space. Seven American astronauts had been chosen to lead the way, future space missions were being planned, and Mary found herself wondering if women would ever be a part of them. What a story, she thought. She went to her NEWSDAY editor and suggested that she take the same tests given to the seven astronauts to evaluate them for space travel. If she passed, it would prove that
women were also qualified to be astronauts. If she failed, the current ban on women joining the NASA program would simply remain in place. After an impressive amount of scheming and trickery, Mary was finally allowed to take the tests. (This lady has no fear of authority!) Ultimately, she passed all tests in a blaze of glory, helping to pave the way for women to enter the NASA program. Even Brenda Starr would have been impressed! Mary was immediately transferred to the NEWSDAY City Room where she was put to work as a “real” journalist, and sent out on other “intrepid girl reporter” type stories. In one of dozens of daring adventures, she snuck into Cuban territory shortly after the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion, and ended up cooking New Year’s Eve spaghetti for thirteen heavily-armed members of the Alpha 66 anti-Castro resistance movement. Having conquered the world of daily newsprint, Mary Pangalos’s next breakthrough came when CBS News hired her to be the first female on-air TV reporter to appear on a major network. She covered riots and demonstrations, disasters, gang killings, celebrity interviews, press conferences, as well as political campaigns and politicians from every level of national, state and local governments. She also got married, an event that was covered on TV as part of the evening news show. Her new husband, James Nicholson Manilla, had been her professor when she enrolled in a film production course at New York University. An understanding man, he didn’t complain (much) even when Mary was called back to work on their wedding night to cover a major transportation strike. In the midst of her frantically hectic television career, Mary had an epiphany. She realized she was merely reporting life instead of living it. She had fought to enter this 24/7 world, but now she departed, determined to follow her interest in film.
in Massachusetts, where he valiantly fought a losing battle against cancer with great courage and grace. Widowed, Mary Pangalos Manilla decided that now was the time to write that novel she’d wanted to write for years. It was a novel inspired by current events and ancient prophecies. She would call it Foretold. The concept began in the 1990’s when Mary was a
could cause an atomic explosion that would bury America under a massive blanket of radioactive fallout. Combine the potential disaster at Yucca Mountain with Mary’s lifelong interest in Pre-Columbian Native American history and culture, and a storyline began to emerge. At the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian in downtown New York City, Mary researched the Hopi Prophecy, which predicted hundreds of years ago that our world would be destroyed by “poison rain”. Further research found a similar prophecy written in the Koran. To create the structure of her novel, she wove these ancient predictions together with possibility of disaster at the Yucca Mountain site. To get her message across to the widest range of readers, she also added a love story and a fictional Islamic terrorist. In her latest career as novelist, M. P. Manilla continues to be a fearless and brilliant troublemaker. She has just completed a second novel—Swimming to Riker’s Island. She is also researching and working on a third novel, a film script, and a documentary about the Seminole Wars, a project in development with Planet Entertainment, a global film distribution and production company. This fascinating woman will be holding forth at a book-signing on Sunday, January 26, 2014,. The event starts at 2 PM at Bookstore 1, 1359 Main Street, Sarasota. Foretold by M. P. Manilla is also available at Amazon and at Barnes & Noble. For more information, go to www.mpmanilla.com
Helped by her husband’s connections, Mary went to work for JCPENNEY and later Federated Department Stores producing literally hundreds of television producer on newsmagazine show consumer stories, short films, researching a possible story about and documentaries for which our government’s plan to build an she received 28 international and underground storage repository national awards. She moved on to for 70,000 tons of high-level waste become Director of Public Relations at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. The for Henson Associates, producers of plan was highly controversial since The Muppets. No challenge was too Yucca Mountain is located in the hard, and Mary’s career continued to third most active earthquake zone on the American continent, an area blossom. After the death of Jim Henson, that is riddled by more than 30 fault Mary returned to work as a TV lines. Dozens of nuclear physicists, news producer. As a hands-on scientists, and major environmental writer/producer/editor, she flew groups feared that an earthquake to Paris and Milan to cover haute couture shows, meeting with the greatest designers in Europe. She was to work for three different TV Newsmagazine shows in a period of five years before deciding to leave the field of journalism. Tragically, her husband had been diagnosed with cancer. They sold their apartment Mary Pangalos Manilla became the First Woman to Take the Astronaut Tests – in Manhattan and and developed a crush on John Glenn during the process. moved to his beloved Photos courtesy of www.mpmanilla.com Berkshire Mountains
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CHICKEN RANCH Ranch Dressing, Sliced Tomatoes,Strip Bacon, Lg 21.40 Chicken Breast, Garlic/Oil, Cheddar Cheese......................Sm 18.50 MEAT LOVERS Pepperoni, Sausage, Strip Bacon and Meatballs ..........................................................Sm 18.50 Lg 21.40 VEGETABLE Mushrooms, Green Peppers, Onions and Black Olives .......................................................Sm 18.50 Lg 21.40 SUPREME Sausage, Pepperoni, Black Olives, Mushrooms, Onions, Green Peppers, Meatballs (Anchovies optional) ......Sm 19.75 Lg 22.95 MEDITERRANEAN Mozzarella Cheese, Artichoke Hearts, Black Olives and Sliced Tomatoes...................................Sm 18.50 Lg 21.40 WHITE PIZZA Three Blends of Cheese, Ricotta, Mozzarella and Provolone (No Sauce) ............................Sm 15.95 Lg 18.85 PESTO Pesto Sauce Prepared with Fresh Basil, Garlic, and Mozzarella (no red sauce) .....................................Sm 16.50 Lg 19.40 HOT & SPICY Pepperoni, Banana Peppers, Garlic.........Sm 16.50 Lg 19.40 LASAGNA PIZZA Spaghetti Sauce, Ricotta, Fresh Mozzarella, Meatballs ..............................................................Sm 19.95 Lg 23.95 SOUTH OF THE BORDER Chili, Mozzarella, Cheddar and Jalapenos........................................................ Sm 19.00 Lg 21.95 SICILIAN PIZZA Thick Crust ..............................................................16.00 STROMBOLI PIZZA Baked between two crusts, Ricotta, Mozzarella, Pepperoni, Sausage, Black Olives, Green Peppers, Mushrooms, Onions, Meatballs .................25.95
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
“Early” Diners 4-Course Dinner Daily 5:00 - 6:30 PM
13 Entrees To Choose From!
By Paul Roat
|Chianti offers bold, fresh Italian flavors to Sarasota dining scene
All include appetizer, salad, dessert and beverage
Starting at $15.95
6631 Midnight Pass Road
(1/4 Mile South of Stickney Point Road
Open 7 Days A Week 5 PM ‘til Close $
Featured Restaurant
Entree selections include: • Chicken, Veal and Seafood Specialties • Filet Mignon • Lamb Chops • Salmon • Roast Duck • Tenders of Pork
4.50 COCKTAILS Daily 5-6 PM (Well Liquor Only)
For Reservations Call 941-349-4024 www.miguelsrestaurant.net
5758 S. Tamiami Trail • Sarasota (Serving Siesta Key and Vicinity)
from the Northeast region of Thailand known as Isan.
Vegan/Vegetarian Curries
Craft Beer
Tues.-Sat. 11AM-10 PM; Lunch ‘til 3 PM Sunday Noon-9PM; Serving Dinner Menu
A bright, shiny new year deserves a bright, shiny new restaurant. Chianti Ristorante Italiano on Clark Road has been open since March and is indeed a shiny new entree on the Sarasota restaurant menu. The 160-seat-plus restaurant has a pair of large bars, one used mostly for special events. The bar areas cascade onto dining tables and banquettes. High-ceilings and a wall of glass windows are sound-tempered by wave-like baffles to produce an intimate feel at Chianti. Th e r e st a u r a n t i s a f a mi l y enterprise. Owners Josie and Edward Pizzuti met in Buffalo, N.Y. They moved to California and opened a string of Italian restaurants in the San Francisco area. Upon their “retirement” to Sarasota — it lasted about a year — the Pizzutis decided to open a restaurant here. They were joined by daughter Anna Maria and Chef Al Massa, he of Michael’s-On-East and Eat Here fame. Chianti features Tuscan cuisine. Flavors are bold, bright, and fresh. Homemade pasta is a highlight for both lunch and dinner entrees. A good start to any meal is Caprese Salad, which is at Chianti is large enough to serve as an entrée. Heirloom red and yellow tomatoes are sliced. Fresh mozzarella, basil, and a choice of grilled chicken, salmon, or prawns may be added, all drizzled with olive oil, priced from $9.50 to $15.45. Carpaccio is another feature. The thin-sliced raw filet mignon is complemented by capers and arugula, all again sprinkled with extra virgin olive oil and lemon ($10.95 lunch, $11.95 dinner). You’ve got to try the meatballs at Chianti. They’re heavy on veal, ground to an almost pate texture, and served in a rich red tomato sauce. Try them as a side dish or as part of a main meal. Lunch highlights include five Panini pressed meals complete with salad garnish and fresh fruit for $9.95. Popular is the Focaccia Grilled Chicken Breast Panino, with lettuce, tomato, and red onion. A meatless offering is the Focaccia Vegetarian, with eggplant, zucchini, fresh mozzarella, and sundried tomato pesto. A popular dinner selection is the Sunday Family Dinner for $17.95. Expect to eat well on a traditional meal of meatballs, baby back ribs, and sausage, all served on penne or spaghetti. The Veal Saltimbocca is a tasty blend of thinly sliced veal topped with prosciutto, provolone, and sage
SIESTA SAND January 2014 • www.siestasand.net
Chianti Ristorante Italiano offers patrons Tuscan meals on Clark Road in Sarasota. Chianti has a full bar plus luxurious seating to accommodate 160 diners for lunch and dinner Photos by Paul Roat
($17.95 lunch, $22.95 dinner). Another dinner highlight is Lamb Osso Buco, a lamb shank sautéed with vegetables and served on a bed of risotto for $28.95. A hearty dish for seafood lovers is Spaghetti alla Pescatore ($26.95) with prawns, scallops, calamari, clams, mussels, and fresh fish. A six-ounce lobster tail may be added for an additional $10. Chianti Ristorante Italiano offers an early dining special of a threecourse meal with a glass of wine or a cocktail for $19.95 from 4 to 5:30 p.m. daily. Lunch at the restaurant is served Monday through Friday from
11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. There is also a daily happy hour from 4 to 6:30 p.m. with half-price appetizers and reduced wine and drink prices. Speaking of wine, owners Josie and Edward have given free reign to their Italian and California backgrounds with Chianti’s wine list. The wines are showcased at occasional wine dinners. Reservations at Chianti, 3900 Clark Road, are suggested at 941-952-3186. Why not make a New Year’s resolution to dine out a bit more in 2014 and gift yourself with a dinner at Chianti?
Off Islands
By Paul Roat
Sand wars here, but no problems on Anna Maria Island While sand wars are slated to start in Sarasota in late January, our neighbors to the north are quietly watching fine, white sand flow onto their eroded beaches. A beach renourishment project began in mid-December for the southern two-thirds of Anna Maria Island. The $16 million project replaces sand lost from the beaches during Tropical Storm Debby in June 2012. The gentle flow of sand-infused water pumped ashore on that island is in sharp contrast to the ongoing war of words regarding sand on Lido and Siesta Keys. Lido is looking for an infusion of sand to combat perennial beach erosion. A quick sand fix is scheduled for later this year with sand from a shoal at the northwest tip of the key. A bigger sand renourishment plan next year or even later would take sand from a portion of a shoal off the north end of Siesta Key. Siesta residents are leery of the sand removal. They argue the fine, white, virtually erosion-free shores of Siesta would suffer as a result of the loss of the shoal’s sand. The sand wars between Lido and Siesta are expected to come to battle Jan. 28 when city, county, state, and federal officials meet to discuss the matter. At stake is an estimated $49 million dredging plan for Lido.
Best beach on two fronts
Fort De Soto Park is one of St. Petersburg’s gems and has received a pair of honors for one of its beaches. The park, just north of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, is huge, with 1,136 acres, 238 camping spaces, more than 7 miles of trails, plus
beaches with Tampa Bay and Gulf of Mexico vistas. North Beach, on the Gulf, was named the nation’s number one beach in 2005 by Stephen “Dr. Beach” Leatherman, an honor he gave Siesta Beach in 2011. North Beach was ranked as the best family beach by Dr. Beach for USA Today newspaper in December. It also received the sixth-best beach ranking for accommodating Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Community members, according to VISIT Florida, the public relations arm of the state tourism bureau, as reported in the Tampa Bay Times. Oh Myyy.
Meanwhile, no backing up for Venice drivers
Heading through traffic south to Venice comes a non-backward bit of news. Venice officials have nixed a proposal to have a portion of Venice Avenue undergo a traffic, well, reversal. Proposed was a back-in parking scheme. Motorists pull past an angle parking space, then back into the spot. Proponents argue safety concerns for both motorists and pedestrians with the new parking approach. In Venice, no one seemed to want to try the new park plan. Not one person spoke in favor of the change, officials agreed, and the parking pitch change was ditched. Some Sarasota residents, in contrast, petitioned the city for a back-in parking system on Gulfstream Avenue near Downtown. The plan went into effect a few years ago to high praise.
New way to run a city?
Newly elected city commissioners in Bradenton Beach on Anna Maria Island implemented a different governance tact last month. They fired the entire administrative staff. Commissioners agreed that a significant shake-up of city employees was needed. All employees in the city clerk’s office were terminated, but will remain on staff while an office reorganization takes place including open hiring for all positions. There are only a half-dozen or so people impacted, and it’s doubtful any will really get canned, but a message of changing the status quo in the small municipality is clear. Bradenton Beach, by the way, is one of the few cities in Florida that is losing fulltime residents in favor of seasonal visitors.
Parking to ease, maybe, on St. Armands
High season on St. Armands Circle will be limited to shopping, strolling, and dining. No special events will be held at the internationally acclaimed shopping destination. Sarasota officials agreed that the circle was suffering from a “too much of a good thing” syndrome. It seemed that the seemingly endless special events at the circle was drawing so many non-shoppers that eager consumers were driven away. Merchants and business owners petitioned the city to cease issuance of special event approvals through April, a petition the commission endorsed.
Whitefly Problem Reaches Sarasota By Patricia Decker
In 2009 , a whitefly CALEURODICUS rugioper culatus MARTIN, was collected in Miami. This was the first report of this insect on the US continent and is believed to originate in Central America. This has now spread to other counties and is currently prevalent in Sarasota. Entermologist, George Decker, was the first to identify the infestation of white fly at the Landings. The Landings Racquet Club and Landings South IV immediately took action and their pest control company, Massey, confirmed the infestation and treated. Other associations have
since followed suit to control this problem which can become very costly if large amounts of foliage and trees are infected. This whitefly appears to have a very broad host range from palms to woody ornamentals and fruit trees. This would include black olive, copper leaf, bird of paradise, wax myrtle, live oak and several palm species. This identifies just a small range of trees and shrubs. These adult whiteflies whiteflies are about 3 times larger than other whiteflies that occur in the US. The adult whiteflies congregate on the
underside of the leaves to feed and reproduce. The female lays her eggs in a spiral pattern on the leaves and also deposits a white, waxy substance on the eggs. This sugary substance causes the growth of sooty mold on the plants. This is what makes it easy to identify whether a tree/shrub is infected or not. Whitefly will spread from tree to tree rapidly so it is important to control early before major damage is caused. Consult with your pesticide company for remedial treatment if you suspect whitefly on any of your landscaping.
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Snapshots of Sarasota Visitors
Photos & cutline by Trebor Britt
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Left: Standing almost 6 feet tall, this beautifully sculpted snowman is bringing joy to every passerby just 30 feet off the shoreline of beautiful Siesta Key beach. Top Right: The Morrow family from Haymarket, Virginia, enjoying the sustained winds of 15-20 knots on Siesta Beach. Natalie (16), Mom Tonja, Jett (10,) Olivia (13), and Geoff Morrow catching the wind with their beach blankets. They’ve enjoyed Siesta Beach dozens of times as Geoff’s parents live in Sarasota. Bottom Right: Brittney Backer (23) and Cody Cheatham (23) of Bloomington , IN., posing with their snowman on Siesta Beach. An hour of concentrated effort by these two recent college graduates, brought their snowman to life. “It’s my first visit to Siesta Beach and I absolutely love the soft white sand,” Brittney said.
Pet Talk
By Dr. Anne Chauvet
1: My dog suddenly developed foul smell in his mouth. Should I be concerned?
Since 1999
Ah, that famous bad breath! Halitosis, the proper medical term, is most often due to poor mouth hygiene. Although many people brush their dog’s teeth, tartar can build up and gingivitis sets in. It is the bacteria that grow in the mouth leading to such foul odor. And of course, if your dog cleans your cat’s litter box, well, that might be yet another reason. Dental cleaning might be your best option to help your companion. 2: My 4-year-old Cocker Spaniel seems to be thirstier recently. Should she be seen by a vet? Polydypsia is the problem: drinking excessively. This is common sign of many diseases such
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as diabetes, liver disease, urinary tract infection, kidney disease, hyperthyroidism and much more. I advise measuring the water your dog drinks, particularly if you live in a hot climate. A dog should drink about 60 ml per kg per day. When the heat increases or if they exercise more, dogs can drink 1.5 to twice as much. However, above this value, you should be concerned and see your local vet for a work up. 3: My dog coughs after exercise and he seems to have difficulty breathing. I read these might be signs of a heartworm disease. Could it mean something else? This problem can be an alert for cardiac disease, lung disease or collapsing trachea. Please take your dog to your vet as soon as possible and get a full exam including radiographs and cardiac check up. Yes, heartworm could be a problem as well. Is your dog on heartworm prevention?
Dr. Chauvet earned her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Canada, completed a small animal medicine/surgery internship at the University of Illinois in Urbana and finished her residency in neurology/neurosurgery at the University of California, Davis. She has been trained in small animal rehabilitation by the Canine Rehabilitation Institute of Wellington, Florida and is known internationally for her specialized work in the relatively rare field of veterinary neurology speaking to, training, and consulting with veterinary practices and organizations globally.
If you have a question about your pet, please email your question to criticalvetcare@gmail.com Each month, Dr. Chauvet will choose a few questions to share with readers.
No more bummed knee... Cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) is a common injury of dogs’ stifle (knee). It is almost identical to the football player knee injury (ACL). The ligament bridges the two long bones of the back leg, stabilizing the knee from too much movement forward. Once the CCL is damaged or ruptured, the knee is painful and inflammation sets in rapidly. Sudden lameness of that leg is the first symptom. Certain breeds are more prone than others, such as Labradors and Poodles, but any dog can be affected regardless the size and age. Although small dogs can improve with rest and anti-inflammatories, surgery, whether invasive or arthroscopy, is the most effective treatment, allowing dogs to regain full mobility.
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SIESTA SAND January 2014 • www.siestasand.net
Sarasota History By Paul Roat Van Wezel, Asolo opening acts were in January January has historically been a month of grand openings for Sarasota. Two of the area’s premiere performing arts venues opened to the public just after the first of the year. On Jan. 5, 1970, the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall opened to critical acclaim with a production of “Fiddler On the Roof.” And on Jan. 10, 1953, the transplanted Asolo Theatre opened with a presentation of “The The Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall was inspired by a seashell in both shape Abduction From the Seralgio,” and color found on the shores of the Sea of Japan by wife of architect Frank Lloyd performed by the New York City Wright, whose foundation designed the structure. Photo by Paul Roat Center Opera Company. Both institutions still amaze and delight patrons to this day. And with the up-and-growing John and busy winter season as many as five productions on three stages may be both have some interesting historical Mable Ringling Museum of Art. “Asolo, Italy, is about an hour’s held at any given time. notes. drive north of Venice,” Wallace There is the Historic Asolo Theatre wrote. “The Asolo Theatre was on the Ringling grounds, a transplant Van Wezel wows originally constructed there in the of the original Venetian facility, Sarasota’s Bayfront theater was audience hall of a fifteenth-century which reopened in October 2006. named after major benefactors Lewis castle and completed in 1798. In 1933, The Mertz Theatre is the main and Eugenia Van Wezel. He was born this beautiful Baroque theatre was stage, made possible in part and in the Netherlands and was active in carefully dismantled, crated, and named after Harold E. and Esther the diamond industry in New York sold to an antique dealer in Venice Mertz. before his retirement to Sarasota in — not the entire building, of course, The Cook Theatre is primarily used 1934. She was born in Russia and was but the exquisite parts decorating the by Conservatory students and was trained in theater. horseshoe-shaped interior. named after Jane Bancroft Cook. Both led quiet lives in Sarasota until “The Asolo was purchased by the Unheralded is a new addition to the 1960s, when they established a State of Florida [for $8,000, which charitable foundation consisting of included shipping] in 1950 and, in their considerable estates. The couple 1957, was reconstructed in a new agreed to contribute $400,000 toward wing on the grounds of the Ringling a $1.35 million performing arts hall Museum of Art. on the city’s Bayfront, and it was The driving force behind the Asolo’s named in their honor. incarnation as the state’s official The hall was designed by the Frank theatre was A. Everette “Chick” Lloyd Wright Foundation. William Austin. Formerly director of the Wesley Peters was the architect, who Wadsworth Athenaeum in Hartford, took into account its Bayfront setting Conn., the country’s oldest public in its design. art museum, Austin was named the The hall was renovated in 2001 first director of the Ringling Museum thanks in part to a $1 million in 1946. He convinced the State of contribution by Bob and Diane Florida to buy the Asolo. Roskamp. The structure was kept Outbid in the process to acquire the intact, as were the 1,736 seats, but Asolo for Florida was actor Vincent the backstage and lobby areas were Price, who wanted the theatre at his greatly expanded to accommodate home in California. larger shows. Renovation cost totaled Ringling and its Bayfront grounds $20 million. were also courting the acting program As to the seashell shape and purple at Florida State University. Students color of the facility, both were based began a Sarasota Arts Seminar locally on a seashell Wright’s widow, in spring of 1948. The seminar was Olgivanna, found on a beach near the transformed into a symposium and Sea of Japan. The shell is on display arguably the first actual performance in the hall’s lobby. by FSU was Moliere’s “The School For Husbands” April 15, 1950, on the Asolo Theatre museum grounds under the stars. The Asolo Theatre has seen a lot of It was the birth of what is today’s Asolo Repertory Theatre and the miles through a lot of incarnations. As Brad Wallace wrote in his Florida State University/Asolo authoritative book, “Sarasota’s Conservatory For Actor Training. Asolo: A History of the State Theatre Asolo Rep is one of a handful of of Florida,” its Italian heritage repertory, or repeating, theaters eventually became a perfect blend in the United States. During the
the Asolo, the 48,000-squarefoot Koski Production Center on Tallevast Road, where myriad sets are built for both the Asolo as well as other venues. The Koski Center also holds rehearsal halls, offices, and storerooms for costumes and sets. The Center was made possible through major contributions by Robert and Beverly Koski, Joan Amour Mendell, and Ted and Jean Weller, and others. As Austin described the Asolo: “It has come across the sea to become one of the most important exhibits in a Museum noted for its dramatic and spectacular collection of Baroque paintings, and to serve as a brilliant
The Koski Production Center is the site of the set construction for Asolo Rep and other productions. Pictured is Senior Designer and Senior Property Manager Jeffery W. Dean and Production Manager Victor Meyrich. Photo by Asolo Rep, David Matheson setting for plays, concerts, lectures, and motion picture programs that are part of the cultural advantages the Ringling Museum offers to students of the fine arts, and to the public.”
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Sheriff’s Report
Nov. 19 - Dec. 15, 2013
There were a total of 30 crimes reported on the Key from Nov 19 - Dec 15, 2013. Below is a highlight covering some of the violations. 11/12/13 Felony/Burglary 6000 block Midnight Pass Rd. A woman reported a burglary to the condo she and her family were renting. The front and rear doors had been left unlocked. Approximately $2450 in cash was taken from various spots around the condo. Nothing else was disturbed. Two security cameras had views of the unit. The manager said they would review the video and report back to the officer.
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11/24/12 Grand Theft/ Vehicle Siesta Beach A young woman attending the Drum Circle with friends misplaced the keys to the truck she had borrowed from her father. When she returned the next morning the truck was no longer in the parking lot. That same day, a woman called police to report that her son was in possession of a truck that she believed to be stolen. Officers tracked down the missing vehicle. The son, who had been part of the girl’s group that night, claimed that he had heard that she lost her keys and saw her leave the beach. He stated that later that night, an unknown man walked up to him and handed him a set of Nissan keys. Since he didn’t have a ride home he decided to locate the truck to drive it around and go off-roading. The defendant stated that he hadn’t returned the truck yet because he wanted to fill up the tank. He was arrested for Grand Theft. 12/7/13 Felony/Battery on a Police Officer 5000 block Ocean Blvd. While on routine patrol, officers were flagged down by employees of a village bar. They advised that an intoxicated male was lying on the ground on the side of the building. As the officers approached the man, they advised dispatch to send the Fire Department to evaluate the subject for medical reasons. When officers successfully woke the defendant and identified themselves, in full Sheriff’s Office uniforms, as deputies who were there to attempt to help him, the defendant sat up, yelled profanities at the deputies and swung with a closed fist towards one of them. As officers attempted to
escort him from a seated position to standing, the defendant reached out and grabbed the officer’s throat and would not let go. In response to the defendant’s actions, two knee strikes were administered to his abdomen, where he finally released his grip on the officer and was able to be taken into custody. 12/7/13 Misdemeanor/ Battery 300 block Canal Rd A male juvenile contacted police to report a battery. He explained that he and two other juveniles had met the defendant, an adult male, at the Circle K. During their time together, an argument began between the defendant and the juveniles. During this argument, the victim advised the defendant took his “Cali Florida” long-board skateboard and threw it off a fishing dock and into the waterway. The damage to the skateboard was approximately $200. At that time the victim who was on a canoe in the waterway, returned to shore. Upon his return, the defendant pushed the victim into the water and threw another victim’s backpack into the water. The backpack contained a cell phone valued at approximately $200. Once back on shore, the victim stated that he and the defendant became involved in another physical altercation. The victim received a laceration above his eye from a closed handed strike from the defendant. The second victim and another witness were able to separately and independently confirm the story.
The victim had a 1 ½ inch laceration above his eye and was was saturated with water. Officers observed a small contusion above the defendant’s eye and an abrasion on his palm from the physical altercation. The defendant, who was intoxicated at the time, spontaneously stated that he threw the skate board into the water because the juveniles asked him to purchase alcohol. He was also adamant that he did not strike the victim. 12/8/13 Felony/ Stolen Vehicle 5000 block Ocean Blvd A man reported a red, electric golf cart stolen. He had parked the cart in a spot in the north village. When he returned to it a few hours later, it was gone. The complainant stated that he did not give anyone permission to drive the vehicle. He also stated he had no possible suspects for the vehicle theft, nor any direction of travel for the vehicle. 12/14/13 Felony/Burglary 100 block Avenida Messina A woman reported a burglary to her condo. She stated that she left her residence to go out to the bars. When she returned a few hours later, her $300 black Coach purse was missing and her back door was ajar. She stated that she had exited out the front door and could not remember if the back door was locked when she left. There were no signs of forced entry.
Snake Incident! On 12/01/13, a suspicious box was left outside the Davidson Drugstore on Midnight Pass Rd. The package was x-rayed and it was determined that there were no harmful materials in the box. An officer opened the box and found a red rat snake
SIESTA SAND January 2014 • www.siestasand.net
inside. The snake was set free and the business reopened. The box appeared to be a prank that was left at the drugstore, for someone to open. No further action was taken.
Build Your Own Sandwich Board
Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography
ISLAND MAP pg 32 CresCent Beach MAP pg 20 GULF GATE SHOPS pg 24
The Publication with “Key” Information | www.SiestaSand.net | 941.349.0194
Siesta Key Drum Circle
Snapshots of Island Visitors
VILLAGE MAP pgs 18 - 19
Every Sunday is a perfect time to come to the Key for sunset. The gathering meets up just south of the main pavilion - just follow your ears and watch for the some wonderful entertainment. I’m talking about the swelling crowd. Siesta Key Drum Circle that takes place each Sunday Photos from Facebook - Siesta Key Drum Circle starting a couple hours before sunset and lasting until
Top: Heath at Gecko’s. Bottom: Nadia from Montréal Canada at Village Café.
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
SK Chamber of Commerce Enhanced by CG Designs By Diana Colson
Continued from cover story.
Sarasota School of Architecture was made famous by Paul Rudolph and Gene Leedy. Smith followed the modern style that was often the hallmark of Sarasota’s beautiful barrier islands. Indeed, Smith was the architect of Gaddie’s 3,000 square foot home on Siesta Key, which can best be described as classic contemporary. Together Gaddie and Smith have developed a combined office & new showroom that specializes in elegant residential and commercial designs, offering clients a complete package that includes architecture and interior design services, space planning, and sourcing for custom cabinetry, furniture and fabric. They also brought construction services and project permitting to the table through the use of trusted partners and affiliates of CG Designs. Gaddie became more and more immersed with the Siesta Key Chamber, and was asked to be on the Board of Directors in 2007, which she chaired for two of the past six years. “This is my last year on the Board,” says Cheryl Gaddie. “We went through a lot of changes, as Chambers do. We have a great Board of Directors, one that is deeply interested in both Chamber and Community. “The existing chamber office was very tired. It was just not functional. It did not meet the needs of the Chamber, and the Board decided that in order to better serve our members, we should have a more effective and beautiful
way to meet our visitors. Because of the number of tourists we serve, we do end up as more of a Visitor Center than most other Chambers.” Mark Smith also sat on the Board. Together they volunteered to bring the Chamber of Commerce up to speed. They offered to include drawings, permitting, interior specification, and contracting. Together with other members of the Board, they negotiated to move the Chamber two doors away to a vacant space. They would continue operation in the existing office at the same time they built out the new space. The new space was a “white box.” It had concrete floors but no walls. It was extremely long and narrow. The front area needed to be inviting, for it was the area designed to serve tourists and other visitors. The back areas would be designed to serve both volunteers and staff. “I don’t think people really understand that Interior Design begins with function and space planning,” says Gaddie. “We know what can and cannot be done structurally, but the space needs to serve the needs of the people who will use it.” The people who will work in the space are interviewed, and from those interviews, a concept is developed. Everything has to fit within budget, space restrictions, and building requirements. “Interior Design is really interior architecture,” says Gaddie. “I’m a minimalist. I believe that a well-designed space does not require additional footage. There’s one
design that works best for each space, and you have to find that design.” When designing the new Chamber of Commerce offices, Gaddie’s problem was this: “We were dealing with a very long, narrow space. One of my biggest tasks was not to have people look down a long hallway.” The Board trusted Gaddie’s judgment, her design and her ability. The only question they would ever ask was about money: “Are we on budget?” At all points in the process, Gaddie was able to assure them that the project was below or within budget. The long narrow “white box” was divided into five distinct areas. The first was a welcoming reception area with a large curved desk and beautiful wood cabinetry custom measured and designed by Miller’s Dutch Haus Furniture in Sarasota. Here the town’s various hotels, restaurants, and attractions would stock handbills and maps for visitors to carry away. Behind this ‘Visitor Center’ area is the first of three offices, glassed off from the reception area and featuring transom windows which help to spread light through the strip of offices. “Lighting is as important to Interior Design as any other factor,” says Gaddie. Handsome floor tiles were custom designed specifically for the space. Flecks of color in the tiles look like bits of beach glass set against the sand, and the result is
Map B #42
both subtle and am colors were used building, with the w Center’ painted w saturation of color. were more muted to philosophy: “You n your work space.” T three offices one fin and bathroom. The result is bot ‘Trends & Fads’ kind my designs to be ti products and sustai The new Siesta K located at 5118 Ocean Cheryl Gaddie is di
Beach Bazaar...................................... Map-C #28 Beach Bazaar’s Swin Shack............. Map-C #28 Blvd. Beachwear.................................. Map-B #30 Comfort Shoes-Birki & More.........Map-D #64 Foxy Lady Fashions........................... Map-A #40 Gidget’s Coastal Provisions............... Map-B #44 Island Cotton Company.....................Map-C #29 Le Grand Bisou Chic Boutique......... Map-D #11 Lotus.................................................... Map-D #66 Siesta T’s............................................... Map-B #30 Sun Glass Outlet & Henna.................Map-C #24 GAS STATION Circle K Store......................................... Map-E #6 GIFTS & SOUVENIRS Beach Bazaar...................................... Map-C #28 Created Gems......................................Map-C #51 Gidget’s Coastal Provisions............... Map-B #44 Hurricane Rita’s Gifts.........................Map-C #51 Mount-N-Repair.................................. Map-B #48 Sea Pleasures & Treasures...................Map-C #2 Siesta Key Bead Shack....................... Map-A #36 Siesta Key’psakes................................ Map-B #29 Siesta Key Outfitters.........................Map-D #11 Siesta Key University....................... Map-A #36
AccomModations Siesta Beach Resort ........................Map-A #38A ART GALLERY / STUDIO Calle Studios.........................................Map-B #32 ATM / BANKS PNC ATM............................................. Map-C #61 Martin Funding......................................Map-E #1 Sun Trust Bank & ATM.........................Map-E #4 Bakery & Deli A Taste of Germany............................Map-C #53 Heavenly Cupcakes.............................Map-B #50 Meany’s Mini Donuts......................... Map-C #24 BARS & NIGHTCLUBS Blase Café.............................................Map-A #38 Blu Que Island Grill..........................Map-C #57 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar................Map-B #42-43 Gilligan’s...............................................Map-B #33 Siesta Key Oyster Bar........................ Map-B #45 The Beach Club....................................Map-D #22 The Cottage.......................................... Map-C #58 The Hub-Baja Grill..............................Map-D #59 BOOK STORES Used Book Heaven...............................Map-B #48 COFFEE SHOPS Lelu’s Coffee Lounge...........................Map-B #31 The Local Bean................................... Map-D #62 DRUG & HARDWARE Davidson’s Drugs................................Map-D #65 Village Hardware................................ Map-C #26 FASHION & ACCESSORIES Aqua Beachwear................................ Map-D #12
Map D #11
SIESTA SAND January 2014 • www.siestasand.net
Before & After
mazing. Coastal throughout the walls of the ‘Visitor with a stronger . The office areas o express Gaddie’s need to be calm in To the back of the nds a kitchenette
th practical and beautiful. “I’m not a d of person,” exclaims Gaddie. “I want imeless. I believe in energy efficient inable design.” Key Chamber of Commerce offices are an Blvd in the village. The indefatigable iligently pursuing her MFA from The
Zayden, 1 1/2, tells Santa how good his daddy has been.
on Siesta Key
ICE CREAM/treats Big Olaf Creamery..............................Map-C #52 Ciao Gelato...........................................Map-C #50 SubZero Ice Cream Yogurt............... Map-D #16 Sunni Bunni Frozen Yogurt...............Map-C #53
Map A #40
209 Beach Road Sarasota, FL 34242 941.349.6525
INTERNET / WiFi SERVICES Davidson Drugs................................. Map-D #65 Internet Cafe......................................... Map-D #9 Lelu Coffee Lounge............................. Map-B #31 The Local Bean...................................Map-D #62
LIQUOR STORES / Fine Wines Gabbiano’s Wine Club....................... Map-D #70 Gilligan’s.............................................. Map-B #33 Siesta Key Wines............................... Map-C #61 The Beach Club................................... Map-D #22
Photo by Tiffany Anderson
Academy of Art University in San Francisco in order to cultivate her professional skills to include instructor of business and interior design. More examples of her work can be seen at www.CherylGaddieDesigns.com.
HEALTH & FITNESS Indep. Lifestyle Solutions ................ Map-D #10 Siesta Key Fitness..............................Map-B #73 Studio Rubylakes................................ Map-B #49
JEWELRY Created Gems......................................Map-C #51 Michael & Co. Jewelers...................... Map-B #29 Mount -N- Repair Jewelers................ Map-B #48
Light Up The Village
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Map D #11
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MAILING - SHIPPING UPS store............................................. Map-A #41 US Post Office..................................... Map-D #65 MARKETS/FOOD STORES 7-11 Store.............................................. Map-B #46 Circle K Store......................................... Map-E #6 Siesta Market........................................Map-C #25
Map C #53
MASSAGE Hands of Light Massage.................... Map-B #35 Massage Experience Siesta Key......Map-D #62 Siesta Key Massage Ctr....................... Map-D #9 MEDICAL - DENTAL Dr. Barry LaClair MD.........................Map-C #56 E.K. Koster DMD................................ Map-D #63 Karen F. Leggett, D.O.........................Map-C #56 Siesta Key Physical Therapy............. Map-D #20 Siesta Smiles Dentistry....................... Map-B #49 MISCELLANEOUS Chamber of Commerce..................... Map-D #67 Roberti Enterprises............................ Map-A #39 Sheriff’s Office...................................... Map-D #9 Solorzano Smoke Shop.......................Map-C #50 PROFESSIONAL SERVICEs CG Designs.......................................... Map-E #74 Edward Jones Investments............... Map-D #68 Smith Architects.................................. Map-E #74 REAL ESTATE / Rental SERVICES Ascendia Real Estate.......................... Map-D #11 Beachside Resorts Rental.................. Map-D #11 Charles Rutenburg Realty..................Map-C #53 Coldwell Banker Realty..................... Map-D #20 Horizon Realty.................................... Map-B #34 Island Homes.......................................Map-C #51 Key Realty.............................................. Map-E #5 Michael Saunders Realty..................Map-E #72 Re/Max Alliance Group................... Map-D #60 ReMax Tropical Sands....................... Map-D #67 Robasota Rentals & Real Estate..... Map-A #39 Siesta Key Realty.................................. Map-D #9 Waterside Realty.................................Map-C #29 RESTAURANTS Another Broken Egg..................Map-C #54 & 55 Beach Bites..........................................Map-D #16 Blase Café............................................ Map-A #38 Blu Que Island Grill......................... Map-C #57 Bonjour French Cafe...........................Map-C #47 Café Gabbiano.................................... Map-D #71 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar............... Map-B #42-43 Eat Here Restaurant.....................Map-D #17/18 Flavio’s Brick Oven & Bar.................. Map-B #29 Flavio’s Italiano Ristorante................ Map-B #30 Gilligan’s Island Bar & Grill.............. Map-B #33 The Hub - Baja Grill........................... Map-D #59 Jo To’s Japanese Restaurant...............Map-C #47 LeLu’s Coffee Bar................................ Map-B #31 Lobster Pot.......................................... Map-C #23 Napoli’s Italian Restaurant................Map-C #53 Old Salty Dog Rest. & Pub................... Map-E #2 Señor Siesta......................................... Map-D #69 Siesta Key Oyster Bar........................Map-B #45 Solorzano Bros. Pizzeria.................... Map-D #15 Subway Sandwiches........................... Map-B #30 Sun Garden Café................................ Map-D #19 The Cottage..........................................Map-C #58 Village Café........................................Map-D #14 SPAS - HAIR & BEAUTY Nails By Iris..........................................Map-C #50 Salon Capelli......................................... Map-D #9 Sassy Hair Salon................................ Map-A #40 Siesta Key Nails...................................Map-D #9 Village Barber....................................... Map-D #9 SPORTS INTEREST/Rentals CaliFlorida............................................ Map-B #32 Robin Hood Rentals.........................Map-D #34 Siesta Village Outfitters................... Map-C #53
Map C #61
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Gifts & Souvenirs Capt. Curt’s Souvenirs.............................B-3 #8 Green Turtle Shells & Gifts................. C-3 #14 The Silversmith ...................................... D-4 #17 Silver City Jewelry.................................. C-3 #14 Health & Beauty Lorraine’s Beauty & Barber.....................B-3 #8 Salon Siesta............................................... D-4 #17 Siesta Key Salon & Spa........................... C-3 #14 The Key Spa & Salon.............................. A-5 #12 Ice Cream & Treats Orange Octopus .......................................B-3 #8 INTERNET / WiFi SERVICES Davidson’s Drugs.................................... C-3 #14 Mail Pack Center.................................... C-3 #14 Liquor Stores Crescent Beach Grocery...........................B-3 #1 Crescent Club............................................B-3 #13
Siesta Spirits............................................. C-4 #17 Mailing & Shipping Mail Pack Center.................................... C-3 #14 US Post Office Sub Station..................... C-3 #14 Markets 7-11 Store.................................................. C-3 #16 Big Water Fish Market.......................... C-4 #17 Crescent Beach Grocery..........................B-3 #1 Miscellaneous Moving & Storage....................................B-3 #10 Flowers by Fudgie................................... D-3 #17 Real Estate / RENTALS Beckmann Realty........................................B-3 #8 Homes & Condo Rentals........................ D-3 #17 Moynihan Realty..................................... D-3 #17 Re/Max Tropical Sands............................B-3 #1 Siesta 4-Rent.............................................. C-3 #1 Restaurants
“A Tropical Department Store“
Hand-Mixed Ice Cream • Cones • Shakes • Malts • Sundaes • Smoothies • Coffee & Bagels
In Season Hours 8AM-9:30PM
Map B-3#8
Home of the Orange Squeeze!
941 346 8080 •
City Pizza Italian Restaurant............... D-3 #17 Clayton’s Siesta Grille...............................B-3 #9 Javier’s Restaurant.................................. C-3 #17 Miguel’s Restaurant............................... C-3 #17 Water Sports - Fishing - RENTALS A to Z Beach & Bike Rentals.................. A-5 #12 CB’s Saltwater Outfitters........................ A-3 #4 Sarasota Wind and Water Adventures.A-5 #12 Siesta Key Bike & Kayak . ......................B-3 #8 Siesta Key Jetski (inside CB’s)................. A-3 #4 Siesta Key Marina..................................... A-4 #5 Siesta Key Parasailing............................... A-4 #5 Siesta Key Watersports........................... A-5 #12 Siesta Paddle Sports................................ D-4 #17 Siesta Sports Rentals............................. C-3 #14 Waves Boat & Social Club...................... A-5 #12
er Sale up Ladies Bathing Suits $
Siesta Key’s Most Friendly & Unique Shopping Spot! SOUTHBRIDGE MALL
Boatyard Waterfront Bar & Grill.................A-5 #12 Capt. Curts Crab & Oyster Bar.................B-3 #7
ATM & Banks Bank of America........................................ A-3 #3 Bars & Nightclubs Capt. Curt’s Backroom Saloon................B-3 #7 Crescent Club........................................... C-3 #13 Sniki Tiki....................................................B-3 #8 Delis & Sandwiches Anna’s Sandwiches................................ C-3 #14 The Beach Deli @ Crescent Beach Grocery..... ......................................................................B-3 #1 DRUG STORES Davidson’s Drugs..................................... C-3 #14 Fashion & Accessories CB’s Saltwater Outfitters........................ A-3 #4 Coconuts Fashion.....................B-3 #1 & B-3 #8 Green Turtle Swimwear......................... C-3 #14 Key Casual Fashions............................... D-4 #17 Things You Like...................................... C-3 #14
19.95 Reg. To $49.00
Siesta Key’s Largest Seashell & Coral Selection!
1220 Old Stickney Point Road Siesta Key • Behind Captain Curt’s Restaurant Corner of Midnight Pass & Old Stickney Point Road
6525 Midnight Pass Road
MAP B-3#14
FREE! FREE! FREE! A Free Tropical Gift! 79 c Just For Stopping In
With This Coupon
No Purchase Necessary
EXPIRES:7/05/2010 Expires 12/31/14
Map C-3#14
© Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2012
Expires 12/31/2014
Map B-3#8
Anna’s Deli 6535 Midnight Pass Rd.
MAP C-3 #14
CB’s Saltwater Outfitters 1249 Stickney Point Rd.
MAP A-3 #4
Coconuts Fashion MAP 1215 Old Stickney Point Rd. B-3 #1&8
Siesta 4-Rent 6555 Midnight Pass Rd.
MAP C-3 #1
City Pizza 6645 Midnight Pass Rd.
MAP D-3 #17
Miguel’s Restaurant 6631 Midnight Pass Rd.
MAP C-3 #17
Sarasota Wind & Water Adventures 1518 Stickney Point Rd.
MAP C-3 #14
PLACE YOUR AD HERE Island Visitor Publishing 941-349-0194
SIESTA SAND January 2014 • www.siestasand.net
Snapshots of Island Visitors
Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography 1
Water World
Captain Jim Klopfer
Adventure Charters 941-371-1390
1: Marilyn & Tim from Sarasota (celebrating their 8 month anniversary). 2: Adeline age 5, Byron & Jonathan age 10 months, Brynn age 3, from Oregon & Ian – (in the sand) from Indiana – Bryon & Ian are twins & were celebrating their 35 birthday at SK beach!. 3: Cameron, Logan & alexander from Canada. 4: Chiara & John (her grandfather age 94) from Connecticut. 5: Randi from Virginia.
|The Rumrunner Located at Turtle Beach Marina in South Siesta Key | 941.349.3119 www.siestakeycharterfishing.com Captain Joe Bonaro offers more than exciting deep sea fishing opportunities aboard “Sarasota’s
January fishing in Sarasota is all about the weather, pure and simple. Angling success is determined by the ability to adapt to the existing weather conditions. Tides will often times be very low in the morning. Couple that with a northeast wind and the flats will not have very much water on them. Water temperatures will be at their annual low. It is time to change tactics! I spend a lot of my time fishing the area around Siesta Key in the winter. Both passes and the surrounding flats will be productive under ideal conditions. Weekly fronts will stir up the Gulf, bringing cold, dirty water in through the passes and up onto the nearby flats. However, the area down south stays protected, and this will result in better fishing. Extreme low tides will force the fish off of the flats and into the channel. This actually makes locating them easier. 1/4 ounce jigs in olive and rootbeer/gold are very productive, as is a shrimp free lined with a small split shot. Speckled trout, ladyfish, jack crevelle, and pompano will be the primary catches, but sheepshead, grouper, flounder, and bluefish will also be found in the deep water. As the tide rises and the day warms up, fish will move out of the deep channel and up onto the flats to feed. A late Afternoon high tide can offer great fishing for speckled trout, with jigs and live shrimp under
a popping cork producing a lot of action. The flats south of Spanish Point are very productive, but any flat in four to six feet of water with grass will hold fish, keep moving until you find them. Creeks and residential canals are great spots to fish this month. Besides offering protection from harsh winds, they provide cover for bait, which attracts fish, and the water is normally a few degrees warmer. A large hand picked shrimp is a great bait for redfish, snook, sheepshead, drum, and jacks. Deeper water is the key, find a dock or area in a creek with a little more depth and there should be fish there. A few pieces of shrimp tossed out as chum can help get the bite going. Rapala X-Raps are a terrific artificial bait to use in creeks. They are deadly on snook and jacks, and a lot of water can be covered quickly. Go with smaller lures this time of year to imitate the bait that is present. Surf casters will do well off of the Siesta Key beaches during periods of light winds when the water is clear. Small pieces of live or frozen shrimp fished on a small hook with a bit of weight will catch plenty of whiting, along with trout, flounder, pompano, and other species. Jigs and silver spoons are effective artificial baits to use, especially when surface activity is seen, this indicates feeding fish.
Ray Moreland from Bannockburn, IL with a big Siesta Key jack that hit a trolled Rapala in the Grand Canal.
fastest charter boat,” the Rumrunner (941/349-3119). The skipper offers special boat and fishing trips for families – and for families with small children – as well as customized day and overnight trips.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Who’s Playing Tonight
By Mike Sales
|An interview with “Democracy” lead singer Damie Caines About six or seven years ago, when I was still fairly new to the area, I’d met up with some of my restaurant friends on Anna Maria Island, after a gig, to go listen to music, chat and unwind. The sign outside of the place they picked, simply read, “Democracy”, and since I hadn’t yet heard of the band, I didn’t know what to expect. With the first chest-pounding bass notes, came thundering out of the speakers, suspending the powerful and beautiful vocal harmonies of Oswald Caines and his son Damie, there was no more mystery…Democracy was a Reggae band. They’ve been a Reggae band in the Tampa Bay area for decades, first with Oswald and then later, with Damie joining. To watch the band is always a treat. The two obviously love singing and their voices are truly beautiful and the sound always consistently thunderous and moving. I interviewed Damie, lead singer of Democracy, as he was setting up at The Beach Club, where the band plays every Sunday night.
WPT: So, your Dad was already here? Damie: Yes he moved here in the 80’s and started Democracy.
WPT: Where are you originally from? Damie: St Kitts, in the West Indies.
WPT: What are your goals for the future, do you want to be a solo artist or continue with the band? Damie: I love the full sound of the band and working with my dad and I want to grow my career with him…that’s how I’m looking at it.
WPT: When did you start singing? Damie: When I was five, I started singing in the church choir back home. WPT: When did you begin singing professionally? Damie: When I was sixteen, I sang for the “Grand Masters”, a reggae band in the Caribbean. WPT: How did you get to Sarasota? Damie: I moved here in 1999. My dad had also sung in the “Grand Masters” and heard that I was doing well with them, so he brought me up here to America.
WPT: Do you write your own songs? Damie: Yes WPT: Do you include them in your shows? Damie: Yes, we just started doing them. WPT: So are there any songs we can find on iTunes? Damie: I’m recording an album that will be released next summer entitled, “I’m a Soldier”. I just got linked up with a big reggae producer named Jah Mike. He’s worked with some very famous reggae artists. WPT: How many gigs do you play every week? Damie: One solo and eight band gigs. WPT: So you have a few doubles. Any days off? Damie: Well, we just recently got Tuesdays off, (laughs)
WPT: What can people expect when they come to see you? Damie: Positive culture and good reggae music. Nothing negative, just “one love” music that teaches things about loving each other and living life. WPT: The thing that sticks out for me is the way the sound hits me when I walk in the room. It’s just awesome, you guys have a huge sound.
Damie: Boom, kick it. (laughs) Yeah, my dad loves the heavy sound. He says, “anything lighter, it’s not reggae”. (laughs) He likes to make you feel it in your heart; you know what I’m saying? WPT: What’s your favorite part about being a professional musician? Damie: I like to see people having fun when I’m performing. I like my voice to pierce you. When I look out into the crowd and see someone really enjoying the song, I get a good feeling, like I’ve done what I came to do. I got your attention and now I get to say what I have to say in my music. WPT: Who is your favorite local band to go see? Damie: Tony Tyler’s Band, “Come Back Alice” and “Chameleon” WPT: What is your message to your audience? Damie: Music is life and life is music. (laughs) Without music this world would be a boring place. You express yourself through music. If you’re feeling sad, there’s a song about that. If you’re feeling happy, there’s a song about that. Music knows and expresses your feelings. Democracy plays every Sunday at the Boatyard 4-8pm and the Beach Club 10pm-2am and other venues around the Tampa Bay area weekly. The Boatyard is located at 1500 Stickney Point Rd, Sarasota, FL The Beach Club is located at 5151 Ocean Blvd Siesta Key FL Mike Sales is a local singer/songwriter. For more information visit mikesalessings.com
Performing Live Weekly Monday through Friday • Noon - 3:00 PM
BluQue Island Grill 149 Avenida Messina ~ Siesta Key
SIESTA SAND January 2014 • www.siestasand.net
Island Humor [ Two older Jewish men, Sid and Al, are sitting in a Mexican restaurant in San Diego one day and Sid asks, “Do you know of any people of our faith born and raised in Mexico?” Al replies, “You know, have never heard of any. Let’s ask our Mexican waiter”. They signal the waiter, and when he arrives, Al asks, “Are there any Mexican Jews?” The waiter thinks for a minute and says, “I don’t know, Senior, I go ask cook”. Waiter comes back in a moment and says, “No Senior…no Mexican Jews”. Al isn’t satisfied with this answer and replies, “Well, you don’t seem so sure. Are you positive there is no Mexican Jews?” Waiter says, “Senior, I go check again”. While the waiter is gone, Sid says “I find it hard to believe there are no Jews in Mexico. Our people are scattered everywhere!” Then, the waiter returns and says, “Senior, head cook Pedro says there is no Mexican Jews. I ask everyone in kitchen, and all we have is Orange Jews, Grape Jews, Prune Jews and Tomato Jews!”
Mo Bartender of The
EAT HERE arasota, FL 34242 S a, er ad M a id 240 Aven (941) 346-7800
[ One photo – four different views… They say females never agree on anything. Case in point, when asked what they first noticed in the above photo, four females came up with the following answers: Female #1 - Grandma: “Oh my goodness, I can’t believe she’d wear
such sheer pants out in public. “ Female #2 - mother: “Holy cow, you can see she’s wearing a thong.” Female #3 - teenager: “Love her blouse.” Female #4: 4 year-old granddaughter “Hey look, there’s a dog driving that car.”
Kitchen Ladies Recipe Corner
Compiled By: Dee Ricapito
NFL/College Packages FULL BAR
6500 Gateway Ave • 941.554.8905
Captain Curt’s
Village SHOPS
Name of Bartender: Charlotte Hometown: Petoskey, MI
A toast to a Happy, Healthy New Year! INGREDIENTS:
1. Tsp. Smiles 1. Tbs. Joy 1. Cup Unselfishness 1. Pinch of Quiet Time 1/2 Cup Relaxation and meditation. Sprinkle with Good Deeds, Patience, and Generosity.
Q: How long have you been bartending? A: 6 months. Q: What was the strangest or funniest thing you experienced at work? A: After the Light Up the Village parade, I had a mischievous elf come to the bar and order a beer. It was pretty entertaning watching an elf drink a beer. The elf was over 6 feet tall.
Mix the first 5 ingredients. Cook up the rest. Pour it all Into a blender, and drink a big Glass of Cheer to your Good Health and a Happy Life!
Q: What do you do in your spare time? A: I have dance parties with my three year old son. Q: How would you describe yourself? A: A fun loving mother of one.
Q: How would you describe Eat Here? A: Best food near the best beach and strongest drinks in town.
1200 Old Stickney Point Rd, Siesta Key FL 34242
Siesta Key Bike & Kayak Fun for your vacation with Bike & Kayak Rental. Tours, Delivery & Pick-up. 346-0891
Lorraine’s Island Hair Design Full Service salon. Open Monday thru Saturday. 346-7206
Home of the Orange Squeeze! Featuring hand-mixed ice cream, coffees, shakes, malts, sundaes, & smoothies. Open Til 9:30pm 941-346-8080
Coconut Fashions The best in service, quality, & design. Beachwear & accessories for the whole family. 349-4498
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Piccolo’s – An Authentic New York Italian Market and Deli – Right Here… Piccolo’s Italian Market carries a full line of Imported Cheeses, Deli Meats, Pasta, Olive Oils, Imported Olives, and Homemade Sausage. They’ll even custom make Sausage to your taste. They also carry fresh Mozzarella and fresh baked Breads daily such as Ciabatta, Semolina, and Sub Rolls, along with all the other Italian Specialties. The Deli is complete with fresh cooked homemade Lasagna and Baked Ziti, hot &
cold Sandwiches and Salads. In addition, they have Cannoli made with their own homemade Cannoli Cream, Tiramisu, and Sfogliatelle from Brooklyn, and Espresso, and Cappuccino Owners, Antonio and his wife Josephine, have been serving the Sarasota, Bradenton, Venice areas since 2006. If you’re from the northeast and you know Italian food... here’s the place to go.
© Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2012
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Iberia Bank
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SIESTA SAND January 2014 • www.siestasand.net
|Discover Gulf Gate... Be sure to include a trip to the Gulf Gate shops next time you frequent the Sarasota Pavilion. With our map, located on the previous page, you’ll be able to navigate your way to our featured shops with ease. Oh Mamma Mia! (GG-4) Offers a truly unique dining experience with dinner shows by Chef Giuseppe Urbano. Enjoy the family ambiance as you watch him prepare an authentic Italian regional dish with fresh ingredients just for you. Fine dining, great atmosphere at casual dining prices. Reservations highly recommended. Gulf Gate Golf Course – Conveniently located just a stones throw from the Gulf Gate Shops, this 27 hole Executive Course offers men’s and women’s rental clubs. You can start your day with a round of golf, enjoy a bite to eat at the many wonderful restaurants or simply relax with a pint of ale at the pub before you head out to explore the many fine shops. Moments In Time Photography (G-28) specializes in several different photography services including Siesta Key Beach portraits starting at just $49 and wedding beginning at $495. Check out their website: www.sarasotaphotos.com or visit their store to see why they have been the photographer of choice for over a decade and a half. Piccolos Italian Market & Deli (GG-49) carries a full line of imported cheeses, fresh baked bread daily, homemade sausages, fresh mozzarella, and numerous hard to get items. They now carry Khorasan Wheat which is an ancient and organic grain. Their Deli is complete with huge hot and cold sandwiches, salads, fresh homemade lasagna and baked ziti. And, you cannot leave without trying their cannoli filled with their own homemade cannoli cream or the tiramisu or Sfogliatelle from Brooklyn. Here is where you will find great Italian specialty gourmet items without the gourmet price. Tony’s Chicago Beef Company (S-16) is owned and operated by true Chicagoans. Dedicated to deliver Chicago’s best food - Chicago style Hot Dogs wit’ the works...dragged through the garden on poppy seed buns with fresh cut fries, Italian Beef Sandwiches anyway you like, dipped or dry, sweet or hot. All served in true Authentic Chicago Style. Scandinavian Gifts (GG-37) has an extensive selection of gifts and Scandinavian foods. The specialties here include candles, Ekelund table linens, Flensted mobiles, imported glassware, Swedish Klippan textiles and so much more. The baked goods and groceries include imported candies, salty licorice, as well as cheeses, breads, seafood and vegetables from Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark. Sarasota Brewing Co. (G-4) Sarasota’s first micro brew pub always has something new to offer. From over 20 seasonal beers that rotate throughout the year, the Brewing Company always has at least five unique brews online as well as several favorites from around the world. Established in 1989, Their menu has been a winner in the Reader’s Choice Awards of the Sarasota Herald Tribune featuring their mouthwatering burgers, Chicago style Pizzas, and Chicago beef sandwiches. With dozens of televisions, it’s a great place to catch a game with friends and family. Solorzano’s Italian/American Restaurant (S54) is celebrating their 10th Anniversary since they first opened their Restaurant in Sarasota. To help them celebrate they are offering $10 off any bottle of wine or $10 off your total bill (one offer per table). Solorzano’s owners, Carlos and Franca bring the flavors of Hoboken NJ to their cozy restaurant were you feel like you just walked into their dining room and you’re treated like family, Jersey style. They also offer a wine dinner each month. Be sure to call for reservations since this little restaurant continues to bring back satisfied customers clamoring for more. 941-906-9444, 6516 Superior Ave. (Gulf Gate). Operating since 2003, Nontando (G-34) has an extensive selection of African Art, Home Décor and Gifts. Specialties include Textiles, Ceremonial Masks, Ceramics, Stone and Wood Carvings, Music, Framed Art, Metal Sculptures, Wire and Beadwork, Food Condiments, Candles, Glassware, and much more. The owners of Nontando travel annually to the African continent to do their buying and bring you 100% authentic, affordable and unique products of the highest quality. www.nontando.com West End Pub (G-49) Where else can you watch your favorite game with a great selection of beers, wines and liquors served by a friendly staff AND where you’re allowed to bring your own restaurant or deli food? Right here…
Arts on the Horizon
By Jaye Clements
January 1 to May 30 Sarasota’s Season of Sculpture at Bay Island Park Season VII
A number of beautiful pieces line the Sarasota Bayfront. Talk a stroll along the sidewalk to view these large works of art! Eight regional, national and international renowned artists and eighteen sculptures are on display at the intersection of 41 and John Ringling Causeway, along the sidewalk. (North and south of Marina Jack). It’s free to the public! A smaller exhibition will be on display by the Sarasota HeraldTribune building on Main St. in downtown Sarasota. Free public art is extraordinary! Unlike art in a museum, this special exhibit offers the opportunity to view the sculptures on a beautiful landscape, adding a unique viewpoint by the Sarasota Bay. This exceptional area provides a stunning backdrop to these sculptures that adds a whole new dynamic to each piece. It also provides a great spot for a Kodak moment and an enjoyable walk along the bay. Bringing art to the street makes it available to everyone! The 3D art sculptures are made by a range of talents, from masters to new artists, using a variety of styles, state-of-the-art techniques and materials, including bronze, steel, stone, clay, concrete and wood. The artists of Season VII present an exciting range of artistic and abstract pieces based on their diverse influences. Included are: Heinz Aeschlimann, Hans Van de Bovenkamp, Robert Chambers, Richard Herzog, Linda Howard, Jun Kaneko, Jae Hyo Lee, and Boaz Vaadia. This year’s presentation is sure to inspire and delight, stimulate and provoke, and develop a greater appreciation of art in our community…
Jan 1 to Feb 22 Thurgood at the Florida Studio Theatre.
The play is based on the life of Justice Thurgood Marshall. From childhood in the back alleys of Baltimore, to the US Supreme Court, Justice Marshall overcame many adversities on his impressive journey. Thurgood is a humorous and uplifting portrait of a true American hero. http://www.floridastudiotheatre.org/ show_shows.php?id=404
January 4 at 8pm BB King at the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall “King of Blues” returns to Sarasota.
B.B. King has inspired many for over 60 years. He boasts over 50 albums and has made a significant contribution to the music scene throughout his life. Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall - vanwezel. org or 941.953.3368
January 4 at 5pm Celebration Concert
Presented by the Perlman Music Program Suncoast. Sarasota Opera House - http://www. sarasotaopera.org/index.aspx
January 10, 11 & 12 Sarasota Orchestra
Superb, Sublime, Splendid – at the Van Wezel – for tickets & pricing: http://www. sarasotaorchestra.org/index.php/concerts/ superb-sublime-splendid
Jan 12 at 1pm – The Polo Club in Sarasota
January 9 to 12 Thunder by the Bay
Sarasota Rocks with Live Music & Motorcycles in downtown Sarasota. January 9 “Kick Start Party” - Whiskey, Wine, and Cigar Tasting at Louie’s Modern – Francis Ballroom 6:30 to 10:30pm – open bar – tickets are $100. January 10 from 7pm to midnight “Born to Be Wild” Kickoff Party at the Hyatt Regency. Kettle of Fish and a Harley-Davidson Fashion Show $20 ($15 for Veterans - Must Show Military ID) Dress is Biker Casual January 11 “Downtown Festival” Main Street / Downtown Sarasota 10am to 11pm – Free Admission 1pm - 2:30pm Whiskey Blind 3pm - 4:30pm Twinkle & Rock Soul Radio 5pm - 6:30pm Sean Chambers 7pm - 8:30pm Matt Facciolla Band 9pm - Foghat “Light Up The Night” LED Bike Show $10. Registration 6:00 pm - 7:30pm / Trophies at 9pm / South Palm Avenue January 12 – Legacy of Valor Motorcycle Ride - Dedicated to Veterans Finz Finds “Cruise for Cash” - $4,000 In Cash Prizes $10 Per Hand/3 for $20 (10) $100 Winners, (5) $200 Winners, (2) $500 Winners, (1) $1,000 Winner Registration 9am to 11am O’Leary’s Tiki Bar and Grill - 5 Bayfront Dr. Sarasota, 34236 9am - CMA Faith Riders #594 – Blessing of the Bikes
“Downtown Festival” Main Street 11am to 6pm - Free Admission Schedule: 12:30pm – 2pm Selwyn Birchwood 2:30pm – 4pm Jasmine Cain 4:30pm - The Outlaws
14 Class Bike Show - South Palm Avenue in Downtown Sarasota Registration Sunday 10:30am – 1:30pm $15 Best of Show Trophy & Most Patriotic Theme Trophy - Winners announced at 4pm
January 10 at 7:30
The Jazz club of Sarasota presents – An Evening of Swinging Jazz with The International Jazz Trio & guest Harry Allen at Holley Hall.
Join the Asolo Repertory Theatre for a tailgating contest. Season tailgate members and the public are invited to participate by decorating their tailgating spot, by dressing up or decorating the tables. Wear your red, white & blue! Categories to be judged: Best Patriotic Tailgate Spot Best American Dish Best American Dessert
January 15 Munchtime Musicales
Jerry Eckert Jazz Trio, Jazz performances are at noon at the Beatrice Friedman Symphony Center, 709 N. Tamiami Trail. The series is free. For more information call 941-351-7467 or visit www.scasarasota.org
January 18 & 19 - Sarasota Fine Arts Festival
Saturday, 10am to 6pm & Sunday, 10am to 5pm - 555 S. Gulfstream Ave. http://www.paragonartevents.com/ sarasota/index.html
Jan 19 - Free Jazz Concerts in Venice!
The Jazz Club of Sarasota presents free outdoor jazz concerts in Venice. Joy of Jazz is a series of afternoon concerts for the whole family at the Centennial Park in Venice, made possible by a grant from The Gulf Coast Community Foundation.
January 24 to 27 The 7th Annual Forks & Corks Food & Wine Festival
Presented by the Sarasota Manatee Originals. Forks & Corks features wine and food tastings, seminars and food demonstrations. The grand tasting at the Van Wezel was sold out in 8 minutes, but there are food & wine tastings going on around town – check them at: http://www.dineoriginal.com/ forksandcorks/
Jan 24 at 8pm The Sarasota Orchestra celebrates its 65th year!
Broadway musicals. 1949’s South Pacific and Cole Porter’s Kiss Me Kate, the Sarasota Orchestra and three Broadway vocalists present award-winning music from Westside Story, Sound of Music and Cabaret. Contemporary favorites include Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserables, Beauty and the Beast and Jekyll & Hyde. Tickets are $32 to $69. www.sarasotaorchestra.org/index. php/concerts/broadway-bound
January 25 & 26 - 11th Annual St. Armands Circle Art Festival - 10 am to 5 pm www.artfestival.com
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I’ll prepare a traditional Italian dinner in your kitchen. 941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Diamonds in the rough:
By Robert Frederickson
Small, initially ordinary park projects yield extraordinary results
Continued from cover story.
It was known as a place to take a morning or evening stroll or jog or as a place to run the dog. After the former rock pit gradually became a lake, filled by the accumulation of summer rains over several years, area fisherman eager to wet a line were drawn to it as well. But as a destination worthy of national, much less international attention? Hardly. But amazingly, that is the position the park now finds itself in, with recent announcements that it will host the World Championships for rowing in 2017 and also a series of Olympic Pentathlon qualifying trials starting next year and continuing through 2016. The economic impact for the area will be measured in the tens of millions as teams and visitors descend on the area to train, compete and view the many trials and practice sessions leading up to the finals. In the meantime, the park continues to host scores of other local and regional rowing events that have already bolstered the local
economy in ways few could have imagined back when the property was first added to the county’s park system in the 1990s, when it was first named North Metro Park. No one can say for sure who had the original idea to utilize the lake as a rowing venue. In an article written by this reporter for The Pelican Press in 2009 covering the Florida Scholastic Rowing Association State Championships, one of the first large scale events hosted there, Jessica Ritter, then a planner with Sarasota County’s Parks and Recreation department recalled her first memory of such discussions dating to 2006 with community input during hearings held to review Benderson Development’s original site plan for the University Town Center Mall project, which finally broke ground just this year after several long delays due to economic conditions related to the Great Recession. Others point to the early efforts of Sarasota Scullers Coach Dragos
Alexandru. John Leming, president of the Sarasota Crew, in an earlier interview praised the contribution of Randy Benderson, son of the park’s namesake, Nathan Benderson. “Randy was one of the first to really see the potential. He played a key role in the germination of the whole idea,” Leming said at the time. In any case, suffice to say, it was a grass roots effort. And community involvement remains strong to this day, with the development of the rowing complex and efforts to bring high profile events like the world championships and pentathlon event coordinated by the nonprofit Suncoast Aquatic Nature Center Association, with assists from other members of the community as well, including former congresswoman Katherine Harris who played a key role in landing the pentathlon events.
A view of the Celery Fields from atop the spoil hill formed by the dredging project undertaken to eliminate flooding in neighborhoods along Phillipi Creek. This shot was taken after heavy rains this past September that would have likely caused considerable flooding had a good portion of the rains not been diverted to the Celery Fields. Photo by Robert Frederickson
The rags-to-riches story is much the same one exit south at the Celery Fields, so named because of the area’s long history as an agricultural center where winter vegetables and of course “celery” were grown for consumption locally and for shipment nationwide. Area roads, with names such as “Packinghouse” and “Albritton Avenue” attest to the neighborhood’s long-standing agricultural heritage. Owen Comora, a naturalist and avid bird watcher who conducts regular interpretive talks for bird lovers who now flock to the area to pursue their hobby recalls a story told by Hall of Fame Negro League baseball player and Sarasota native Buck O’Neil in Ken Burns’s award-winning PBS documentary “Baseball.” O’Neill worked as a young man in the fields and remembered those days when asked about the tough conditions black ballplayers often faced on the road back when he played. He told the story of how he and his teammates had to sometimes take 30 minute turns standing on the running boards of the car as they traveled – through rain, heat and cold – because there wasn’t enough room for everyone inside the vehicle. But when asked how he dealt with such harsh conditions he replied “that was nothing...working in the celery fields in Sarasota, now that was hard.” Later, the fields became part of a massive flood control project the county participated in to help quickly move storm water from the Philippi Creek basin after severe flooding damaged scores of homes in the area in the aftermath of several heavy rain events in the early 1990s. With the added water diverted to the fields came more fish and with more fish, more wading birds, especially avian hunters like Osprey’s and Kingfishers. With input from local naturalists like Comora and other members of the
SIESTA SAND January 2014 • www.siestasand.net
local chapter of the Audubon Society, shore vegetation like elderberry, saltbush and cord grass was planted. In addition to drawing more wildlife to the celery fields, especially wintering varieties, the efforts also slowly began to draw the human variety of snowbirds. This species is especially well known for the passion with which it pursues its hobby and has been known to range far-afield in its natural pursuits; it is also well regarded throughout most of its
Veteran bird watcher and naturalist Owen Comora points out an Osprey to Celery Fields visitors on a recent morning. Comora can be found at the fields most Thursday mornings between 8:30 and 10:30 AM at the boardwalk just off of Palmer Road. Photo by Robert Frederickson range for its free-spending habits. At one of Comora’s recent informal Thursday morning interpretive gatherings at the end of the boardwalk that runs south just off Palmer Road between Apex and Raymond Roads, several examples of the bird-watching species, hailing from as far away as Vancouver, British Columbia in one case and the Philippines in another, were observed. The visitors raptly watched the morning flurry of feeding underway in the nearby waters and reeds while Comora excitedly pointed out any new arrivals swooping in. “Look: there’s an Osprey, he exclaims at one point. “Can you see him?” Indeed, Comora clearly shares the passion of those who have gathered around him this day, freely passing along his knowledge of the birds he spots. “See how he turns the fish around as he flies so the head faces forward? That’s because it’s more aerodynamic that way…it makes it easier to fly.” The growing flock of visitors to the Celery Fields has resulted in a rush of activity recently. The county has recently coordinated a project to plant thousands of trees in the area, including hundreds of mature specimens in the median of Palmer Road and on top of the spoil hill, some have affectionately dubbed Mount Sarasota (though perhaps Mount O’Neil should be considered to honor the former baseball great who toiled there)? When the area was dredged for the aforementioned drainage project, the county created the hill using the dredged material. The result is yet another example of the credo “If you build it they will come.” While not a mountain by any standard other than that offered by Florida’s flat topography, it has become a draw all its own, challenging joggers and mountain bikers alike with an ascent that is rare to find in these parts. Sarasota resident Kathryn Dooher tries to ride her bike at the Celery Fields at least once a week. She has traveled to such mountain biking mecas as Moab Utah and Crested Butte Colorado, but enjoys the convenience of having a hill – even a modest one like the one here – in her backyard. Area fitness instructors have organized boot camps at the hill, advertised on Craig’s List, to challenge participants with repeated sprints to the top.
The increased traffic at the park, from locals and visitors alike, has prompted the county to begin work on adding permanent restroom facilities, a welcome replacement for the port-o-potties that now dot the preserve. Also coming, a welcome center sponsored by the local Audubon Society that will add to the experience of the growing number of birders visiting the site. All of the funding for the center is the result of the local group’s fundraising efforts. Next, stop, one exit south on I-75 and then east along Bee Ridge to Rothenbach Park. Here the trend continues, with perhaps the most fitting use of the phrase “diamond in the rough.” This place was literally a dump, serving as Sarasota’s primary landfill for several generations. Now it includes a world class children’s playground that is usually alive with the sights and sounds of gleeful young ones, especially on weekends when the nearby covered patio area, complete with fireplaces, grills and environmentally conscious restrooms usually hosts one of the many children’s birthday parties held at the park. There is also a 3.8 mile trail circling the former landfill, much of it shaded by magnificent, mature live oaks, especially along the eastern portion. Bird watching opportunities can be found here as well along with other wildlife. A family of perhaps a dozen deer is regularly spotted grazing in the more remote parts of the park. On top of the former landfill, there’s a landing strip/runway, but it’s not for conventional aircraft. Rather, it’s used by the Sarasota Radio Control Squadron, a club of radio controlled model airplane enthusiasts who use the park’s high vantage point and lack of obstructions to enjoy their exhilarating hobby. The models flown are scaled down versions of popular military and general aviation models that are finished with meticulous detail. And they are not small. Some have wingspans of eight feet or more. From a distance their high-speed acrobatic maneuvers look like they are being performed by full-size aircraft. While the hobby doesn’t draw as many visitors to the area as the rowing events held at Benderson or as bird-watching at the Celery Fields, the squadron does host several “flyins” throughout the year that draw many out-of-town hobby enthusiasts to the area, both to participate and as spectators. And to see the aircraft flown at these events is to understand that like the rowing and birder sets, these folks also have a good bit of disposable income to spend while they’re in the area. So there you have it, three parks, each with humble beginnings that have grown to serve dual purposes: places for locals to gather and enjoy the amenities offered, and drivers of the region’s economic success. Parks and Recreation Director Carolyn Brown is humble enough to know that the county can’t take all the credit for the economic impact. Still, she’s not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. In a phone conversation shortly before Christmas she expressed gratitude for the community involvement that has brought so much attention to the area. ...All focused on what was once an abandoned rock pit, a flood control project and a former landfill. It just goes to show what can be accomplished when citizens get involved and government listens. What a concept!
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Soulful Advice From Donnarose
Q: Dear Donnarose, I’m very spiritual and intuitive, and intend on continuing to grow in this area. How do I handle the non-supporters in my life who do not believe in the unseen, or think that all this intuition talk is evil? ~Melissa A: ~ “Live by example, not explanation.” - Donnarose Melvin The way to handle these types of situations is to try to keep it simple. And that is what my quote will lead you to do. Meaning, live your truth. Live on the side of your soul, not your ego. Your ego will try to get you to prove yourself and explain about your spirituality. This won’t work for very long anyway, as people tend to be more convinced by action, rather than explanations. Remember always, that your Inner power is stronger than any negative feedback you may get from the non-supporters. Live your truth, and equally important, LOVE yourself during the process. As a result, this relaxed confident, loving energy will emanate out of you, and will be felt by those you mentioned. And you will see a change in them that will be more in alignment with love. And for the rest, let them be, as it may not be time for them to walk on this path. And their energy will drop off because the darkness cannot thrive in the light, hence, they will not be able to stay around you. And what will start to happen, is you will be able to continue to live by example with more ease...and peace. ~ ♥ Q: Dear Donnarose, when I was younger, the things I used to do to date women didn’t seem to work too well. So I figured as the years went by and I got older, I’d try the opposite of what I used to do, and it still didn’t work out. What’s left at this point? ~Ron
A: ~ “If your energy matches what you think you desire, the chances of it manifesting, will be much higher” - Donnarose Melvin Ron, if you desire different results, it’s your energy (vibe) that must change. You mentioned in your extended email that you were looking to have more than a friendship. So you dated others and it never worked out to your satisfaction. The reason was that your Inner energy (vibe) you sent out was, and still is, that you just want to be friends with the women you’d meet, especially now due to your medical condition. Yet your actions towards the women you met were geared towards wanting more than friendship. Everything is energy. These women simply responded to your true energy (vibe) which was your desire to be just friends. Consider that the truth always wounds up surfacing, but in the form of energy. Until your energy or vibe you send out changes to truly wanting to be more than friends, you will get just that…another friend. However, if this is truly what you want, then the change that needs to be made, is accepting that this is totally okay, and a good thing.~♥ Go to www.siestasand.net for additional Q&A. Donnarose Melvin is a professional psychic, medium and energy healer, whose pleasure is to assist clients worldwide. She incorporates knowledge from her degree in psychology, along with her clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient and empathic gifts to guide her clients towards peace and success. Please send your questions to GoWithYourSoul@gmail.com or private message her via facebook: Go With Your Soul. Donnarose will select questions each month to share with you. She regrets that unpublished questions cannot be answered individually.
Answers on page 30
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Sarasota Waters By Paul Roat Dolphin, manatee deaths reach ghastly levels Something is killing the great marine mammals of Florida. Dolphins and manatees died in unprecedented numbers in 2013. Scientists are still tabulating the morbidity, but nearly 800 dolphins died along the Eastern Seaboard of the United States, about half the inshore population. More than 1,000 dolphins have died in the Gulf of Mexico since 2010. Manatee deaths have topped all records for 2013: 803 as of early December. Compare that figure with the 392 dead sea cows for 2012 to bring the toll into some perspective. What’s going on? Scientists believe that the dolphin deaths along the Atlantic Coast of the U.S. is caused by something called morbillivirus. The disease is similar to measles in humans, or distemper in canines, and is deadly to dolphins. The same disease strain killed about the same number of bottlenose dolphins from June 1988 through May 1989.
Another unknown killer is proving fatal to dolphins in the Indian River Lagoon, a 156-mile body of water that encompasses most of the east coast of Florida. The cause of dolphin deaths there is still unknown. The bodies recovered have full bellies, but the mammals are stuffed with shrimp. Dolphins usually eat fish. Dead dolphins there also had unusually high levels of mercury in their systems. As to the Gulf dolphin deaths, the cause appears to be in part due to the Deepwater Horizon oil rig spill in 2010, although dolphin remains were coming ashore before the oil blowout. Dolphins are mobile creatures that leave areas where the water is tainted. Scientists fear that dolphin migration from a bad-water area may spread the measles-like dolphin illness from elsewhere in the Atlantic. Red tide is an algae found in waters of the Gulf and elsewhere. The algae at times multiplies to
astonishing levels, tainting the water red in color and killing fish. The aerosol emitted from the algae can cause respiratory distress in humans and marine mammals, especially manatees. A severe red tide outbreak in the spring of 2013 plagued Southwest Florida and contributed to nearly 300 manatee deaths off Fort Myers in Lee County. Sarasota, by comparison, had moderate to nearly non-existent red tide problems in 2013 and recorded only 20 manatee deaths. Seagrass beds in the Indian River Lagoon suffered staggering losses in 2013 due to both red tide and excess nutrients. An estimated 47,000 acres of seagrass beds were laid barren. Manatees are forced to forage on a non-nutritional seagrass with dire results. Another blow to the fragile Indian River Lagoon system came through an extremely wet winter in 2013. Stormwater runoff diluted saltwater to essentially poison the water as far
Mother and baby dolphins in Sarasota Bay have been largely unscathed from high mortality rates found elsewhere in U.S. nearshore waters. Photo courtesy Mote Marine Laboratory
as seagrasses are concerned.
waters as a toilet. The cumulative amount of sewage, chemicals, and other effluent has finally reached critical mass in the oceans, some biologists believe, with the result being the death of marine critters like dolphins and manatees.
What’s next? A measles-like outbreak kills dolphins in the Atlantic. Some strange disease is killing dolphins in Indian River Lagoon. Red tide is blamed for manatee deaths. The results have produced the highest one-year mortality rates of dolphins and manatees in recorded history. Why now? Some scientists claim it’s because we keep using the world’s
Factoid Manatee deaths due to boat impacts has diminished. Is the reason for the lack of manatee-boat interaction deaths due to more skillful boating or because there just aren’t any manatees left for boaters to hit?
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Snapshots of Island Visitors Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography
Left: Lisa at Fifi’s.
Middel Left: Glenys & Harry celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary at Best Western. Middle Right: Katie at The Hub.
What’s Happening
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additional info and to register online go to: www.studiorubylake.com DRUM CIRCLE – Every Sunday two hours before sunset and lasts until around 10pm. South of the main pavillion. EVENTS FOR JANUARY: JAN 1ST (WED) - MTC NEW YEAR’S DAY FUN RUN/WALK/ STUMBLE: (depending on how you spent New Year’s Eve). Every year at 9 a.m. on January 1st we ring in the new year with a pot luck breakfast meeting at the south pavilion on Siesta Key Beach. From there we run, walk or stumble to the wall and back, and then we eat. Please come join us. Manasota Track Club. www.manasotatrackclub.org JAN. 1- 2 (WED & THURS) (4-6PM, NORTH OF THE PAVILION) ART CENTER SARASOTA DISPLAY: A Public Art Project. Sun Boxes are a portable outdoor sound installation from artist Craig Colorusso, presented jointly by Art Center Sarasota and the City of Sarasota. The installation is comprised of twenty solar powered speaker boxes that emit sound of the artist’s composition when in the sunlight. Serenely melodious, the boxes invite viewers to linger in a space, often lying down to enjoy the peace of the space that Sun Boxes create.
JAN. 11 (SAT) 7-11AM: 1ST ANNUAL ANDREW MONROE MEMORIAL, 5K RUN: Meet at the Siesta Beach Yellow Lifeguard Booth. …around the island SIESTA KEY FARMER’S MARKET – every Sunday from 8am – 2pm in Davidson’s Plaza in the Village. 5124 Ocean Blvd. Fresh fruits, vegetables, music, art. CB’S SALTWATER OUTFITTERS ORVISENDORSED FLY FISHING SCHOOLS. Jan 18, Feb. 15, Mar. 8 & 22 and Apr. 12, 2014. The schools will cover fly casting basics, line control, shooting line and the roll cast. Instructors, Capt. Rick Grassett and Capt. Ed Hurst, will also cover leader construction, fly selection and saltwater fly fishing techniques. The course, designed for beginning and intermediate fly casters, will focus on basics but also work with intermediate casters on correcting faults and improving casting skills. Cost for the schools, which will run from 8:30 AM to 3 PM, is $150 per person and includes the use of Orvis fly tackle, a text book and lunch. Contact CB’s Saltwater Outfitters at (941) 349-4400 or info@cbsoutfitters.com to make reservations. 1249 Stickney Point Rd, Near Stickney Point Bridge on the island. Story continued on page 34.
Answers to the WORD SEARCH from page 27
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SIESTA SAND January 2014 • www.siestasand.net
Meet your LandingS FLooring SpeciaLiStS
Jan Melville, Jim Rinchich, Mary Victoria, Cathy Raskey, Jacci Shovlin, Mike Benson
The Time is now
Places of Worship
Island Churches:
Off- Island:
Siesta Key Presbyterian Chapel 4615 Gleason Ave, Siesta Key, 941-349-1166 www.siestakeychapel.org
Temple Sinai, a Reform Congregation (The closest Jewish congregation to the Key for visitors) 4631 S. Lockwood Ridge Rd, Sarasota, 941-924-1802 www.templesinai-sarasota.org
St. Michael’s Catholic Church 5394 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key, 941-349-4174 www.stmichaelssiesta.com
if you have ever thought about
St. Andrew United Church of Christ (Protestant) (In the Gulf Gate area, near Beneva and Gulf Gate Drive) 6908 Beneva Road, Sarasota, 941.922.7595 www.uccstandrew.org
St. Boniface Episcopal Church 5615 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key, 941-349-5616 www.bonifacechurch.org
spending more than a week (or month) here
The Time is now
Church News:
if you have ever thought of calling siesta Key home
SAINT BONIFACE CHURCH Jan. 2 - Feb. 9 An Icon Exibit - This dramatic 120 piece travelling exhibit includes traditional works from the Vassilevsky Monastery and the contemporary work of internationally acclaimed Russian – Swedish, abstract expressionist, Ludmila Pawlowska. Her work will shed new light on visual passageways into the divine! Saint Boniface Church is the only venue in Florida to show this exhibit! Please visit the artist’s website www.ludmilapawlowska.se The artwork will be on display in the Church and Parish Hall Exhibit hours are Tuesday – Friday, 11 am – 3 pm
Church On The Beach Every first Saturday night of the month. Come as you are for informal worship and fellowship – at the beach! We meet at the yellow lifeguard tower on Siesta Beach at 6 pm. All are welcome! Bring a chair or towel to sit on.
And prepared once again to do battle with dirt, I said to myself, as only I can, “You can’t spend a winter disguised as a man!” So, away with the last of the sour cream dip. Get rid of the fruit cake, every cracker and chip. Every last bit of cheese that I like must be banished, ‘Til all the additional ounces have vanished. I won’t have a cookie, not even a lick. I’ll want only to chew on a long celery stick. I won’t have hot biscuits, or corn bread, or pie, I’ll munch on a carrot and quietly cry. I’m hungry, I’m lonesome, and life is a bore, But isn’t that what January is for? Unable to giggle, no longer a riot. Happy New Year to all and to all a good diet!
The Month After Christmas T’was the month after Christmas, and all through the house, Nothing would fit me, not even a blouse; The cookies I’d nibbled, he eggnog I had to taste, At the holiday parties had gone to my waist; When I got on the scales there arose such a number! When I walked to the store less a walk than a lumber), I’d remember the marvelous meals I’d prepared, The gravies and sauces and beef nicely rared; The wine and the rum ball; the bread and the cheese, And the way I’d never said, No thank you, please.” As I dressed myself in my husband’s old shirt,
The Time is now
Let me show you a Real estate market that clearly states
The Time is now
Peg Davant, sales Associate, 941.356.4552 sotheby’s international Realty and the sotheby’s international Realty logo are registered service marks used with permission. each office is independently owned and operated. equal housing opportunity.
Sarasota Real Estate Trends Annual Sales - 2000 to 2013 Condo
Try this as new garden plant for 2014
Pitcairnia smithiorum is a robust species of bromeliad that quickly forms into dense clumps. It is easy to care for and requires little light. The torch-like flowers are long lasting. This is a good starter plant for a novice or even expert gardener. Photo courtesy Rob Branch.
Annual Median Sale Price - 2000 to 2013
$400k $300k $200k
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
For more information call (941)894-1255 Or visit www.keysolutionsrealestate.com
Single Family Condos *Statistics provided by MFR MLS
Although not yet back to pre 2005 prices, annual sales for home and condos are trending to the numbers Sarasota saw in the boom. Raising home prices are giving buyers confidence once again that the market is stable. If interest rates remain low, all indications are that the current growth will continue into 2014.
st ed !
ed !
This week’s featured listings...
Best Sunsets In Sarasota!
Blooming this month
DIRECT GULF FRONT, FULL GULF VIEW! Enjoy the white sands from this front corner 2/2 unit directly on Crescent Beach. Excellent Rental Property. Turn Key Furnished. The picturesque serpentine pool is secluded for your privacy and heated for your comfort. The office/clubhouse, rest rooms & shower are close by for your convenience. A full time professional rental manager is on premises. $599,900
Single Family
Direct Pool Front!
This 2 Bed 2 Bath Condo is walking distance to South Siesta Village, offering restaurants, shopping, grocery, bike rentals, kayak rentals, scooter rentals, snorkeling gear. Low HOA fees at $400 and rents well in season if you choose. Quiet lanai at night with dimly lit pool lights for romantic and tranquil atmosphere. Turn key furnished, excluding just a few personal items. $226,500
Unparalleled Gulf Views!
This 4 bedroom, 4 bath condo close to Crescent Beach has the best views on Siesta Key! Two separate Lanais with full Gulf of Mexico views for all those spectacular sunsets. Completely and elaborately renovated and turnkey furnished. A very versatile condo that could be separated into 2 units of 2 bedrooms and 2 baths. A gorgeous heated pool only steps from the beach and the warm waters of the Gulf. $2,375,000
View All Siesta Key Listings at KeySolutionsRealEstate.com Or Call 941.894.1255 For More Information!
Dock, Pool, and Beach!
Enjoy winters on beautiful Siesta Key in this 2 bed 2 bath villa. Located on a tree lined, private street on the inter-coastal waterway side of Midnight Pass, Provincial Gardens has a community dock, deeded beach access and use of the Olympic size swimming pool at Aloha Kai. Spend your days sitting on the pier, watching wildlife and boaters alike. This Villa is being sold partially furnished. $435,000
*Short Sale. Listing price may not be sufficient to pay the total of all liens and costs of sale. Sale of property at full listing price may require approval of seller's lender.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Beach Flags: Indicate surf & beach conditions
Siesta Key Public Beach Lifeguards on duty
SIESTA SAND January 2014 • www.siestasand.net
After Nora, who will champion Siesta Key? By Stan Zimmerman
Continued from cover story.
Goss ran for Congress in 1988 and was re-elected seven times. In 2004 he was confirmed as the 17th director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Sanibel is physically separate from Lee County, connected to the mainland via a causeway. The island community supports its own police department and has a separate fire district. It offers a full range of municipal services including planning, building and recreation. By contrast, Fort Myers Beach uses Lee County public safety agencies and pays for them.
The Lee County hotbed
Bonita Beach is midway between Fort Meyers and Naples. It incorporated in 1999, joining the list of new Lee County towns. It now is making plans to annex property to the north near Estero. That move has sparked an incorporation drive in Estero, and supporters hope to have it on the ballot next November. “Outside of Sanibel and Fort Myers Beach, I believe we are the third highest community in Lee County on a per capita property tax base. Right now we are just asking for the right to be able to vote on incorporation,” the newspaper quoted Nick Batos, the chair of the Estero Council of
Community Leaders. Yet another Lee County community is eyeing incorporation, and not for the first time. Lehigh Acres is east of Fort Myers, has suffered massive flooding problems over the years and – unlike Sanibel, Bonita and Estero – is a working-class community. Twice before it has reached for incorporation, but fell short. In the past opponents cited higher taxes to support the human and physical infrastructure needed to run a municipal government. Surprisingly Lee County Commissioner Frank Mann supports the idea. His district includes Lehigh Acres. Sand Paper reporter Keri Weeg quoted Mann saying, “You can do so much more yourselves under the umbrella of a city.”
Third time a charm?
Siesta Key has twice toyed with the idea of incorporation. The first was in the 1970s when the nowfamiliar condo-construction frenzy gob smacked residents into thinking maybe they could manage their own affairs better. It came up again in the 2001 after the first time Sarasota cast eyes on Big Pass sand for Lido. “Every time, it was going to cost people more,” recalls Anne Johnson,
former editor of the Pelican Press weekly newspaper. “But even if we were a town, we’d still have no control of the sand.” The “sand issue” was strong enough to propel Jack O’Neil to beat an incumbent and take a seat on the county commission. As a former chair of the Siesta Key Association, he was instrumental in the “Save our Sand” movement. But concerns about cost of incorporation killed the idea before it got to the referendum stage. “As soon as you incorporate, people want you do something additional, and that comes with a bill,” said Patterson. “But sometimes a particular person will arise to champion the cause.” After she steps down next November, Patterson says she will not be a champion for incorporation. In the meantime plans go forward to use the ebb shoal of Big Pass to renourish South Lido. Depending on how the sand issue plays out, and how the political campaign evolves to replace Patterson, the idea of incorporation is an outlier. As multiple examples show, it’s achievable. But as the old saying goes, if you want something fast, easy and cheap – pick two.
Commentary: Legislative Incoherence: Is this any way to run a government?
Snapshots of Island Visitors Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography
Top: Erin from MN. Annie from Delaware & Jeremy from PA. Bottom: Mark from Robin Hood Rentals.
By Robert Frederickson
Commentary continued from page 3.
A good example of this type of upfront consensus building has been on display as the City of Sarasota and Sarasota County have worked to involve the public and various service agencies, foundations and other stakeholders in a plan to address the area’s chronic problems related to homelessness. While it is still too early to tell if the recommendations the city and county are considering from consultant Robert Marbut will be effective, they have at the very least been well vetted and seem to have a significant measure of public support. This greatly increases the chances that whatever recommendations are finally adopted will be successful. On the other side of the ledger, the aforementioned Affordable Care Act, passed with no bipartisan support and much mistrust from large segments of the population. It has gotten off to exactly the type of problem-plagued start one would expect given its tortured gestation
in congress prior to passage in that now infamous party-line vote. Also, and again as discussed above, the Biggert-Waters Act was supposed to have had an affordability study completed prior to its rollout. That study was never completed. Why didn’t the original measure include a clause preventing it from taking effect until that study was completed? As it played out, the story is a classic example of “Ready, Fire, Aim!” mentality. Another important ingredient for successful legislation is that the intended benefits be clearly recognized by a majority of the population. Taxation for the Interstate Highway System, launched during the Eisenhower administration, was generally supported by most citizens because the benefits were clear and seen to be for the general good in terms of increased commerce and industry as goods would be able to move faster
and services would be provided more efficiently. NASA in general and the space program in particular were also examples of measures that received bipartisan support and were embraced by a plurality of Americans. Here again, the benefits were understood by most and they accrued equally to all. It’s when lawmakers think they know best and divorce themselves from their constituents that the train jumps the track. Citizen involvement has always been key to making good public policy. Just look at the related story on the front page describing how Sarasota County is drawing visitors from around the globe to Benderson Park for rowing and Pentathlon events and to The Celery Fields for the pursuit of worldclass bird watching. The county didn’t accomplish this on its own. As the County’s Parks and Recreation Director
Carolyn Brown acknowledged in a phone interview recently, both if these locations were rather run-of-the mill, less than extraordinary parks until citizens groups (local rowing clubs in the case of Benderson and The local Audubon Society for the Celery Fields) became involved and added their passion and knowledge to the mix. There is a common sense wisdom to be found in the hearts and minds of ordinary citizens that is often lacking from the skill-set of many elected officials. William F. Buckley once famously quipped: “I’d rather entrust the government of the United States to the first 400 people listed in the Boston phone book than to the faculty of Harvard.” If he were alive today he might amend that quote to include the majority of politicians in Washington DC. Feel free to email comments to islandvp@verizon.net
supply and DEMAND : Currently we are experiencing very low inventory on the market and high demand. If you have been considering selling your home, right now may the BEST time to get the HIGHEST PRICE possible! To find out how you can benefit from this opportunity, call for a FREE Market Analysis of your home.
3872 Royal Hammock Blvd.
Andrea Smith 320-7020 ___________________
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4 Bedroom, 3 Bath 2970 Sq. Ft. Large master bedroom, lighted trey ceilings, pocketing sliding doors, alarm system, gas fireplace, fountain in spa, gas cooktop, summer kitchen, two large dens, circular driveway
Call today to list your property.
Carolyn Kofler 780-0605 ___________________ Customer Satisfaction is the Ultimate Goal
If you’ve been sitting the fence, now is the time to sell. Free Market Analysis Proud Sponsor of the Senior and Super Senior Tennis Tournament at The Landings.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Accommodations Locator Map
Annual & Seasonal Rentals Available Unit 109 Sea Shell Condominium, Siesta Key FL 2 Beds, 2 Baths, Pool. Sea Shell Condominium is located directly on the beach and has many amenities and features to make any Siesta Key vacation very enjoyable.
Robasota Real Estate (Roberti Companies)
5379 Ocean Blvd, Siesta Key, FL 34242 •P: 941-926-1800 www.robasotarealestate.com
ext. 102
© Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2012
Continued from page 30.
…and beyond PHILLIPPI FARMHOUSE MARKET – Phillippi Farmhouse Market starts off January with a bang! The market will be open on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1, 2014 from 9 am until 2 pm to welcome in the New Year with lots of fresh local produce for healthy eating, delicious prepared foods, unique handicrafts from local artisans and live music. What a great treat for your visiting family and houseguests to stroll around the market. Please
If You Have a Property to Lease Call Jennette Properties Today.
Long Term & Rentals ON FLORIDA’S SUNCOAST 7222 S. Tamiami Trail, STE 104, Sarasota, FL
What’s Happening
SIESTA SAND January 2014 • www.siestasand.net
don’t forget to bring your canine friends who are always welcome with bowls of cool water by the thoughtful vendors at the market. Sunday, January 26th, the Bradenton-Sarasota Rose Society will hold their monthly meeting at the Edson Keith Mansion at 2:30 p.m., followed by a social hour. For more information, please contact Rose Society President Vincent Celeste at 941-4003725 or at vincentceleste@verizon.net.
SKCC Holiday Luncheon 1
1: (l-r) Allie Hueter, Regan Teague, Susan Guenther. 2: (l-r) Rich Cunningham, Gordon Litts, Brian Chamberlain. 3: Greg & Veronica Bever. 4: (l-r) Brad Smith, Maria Bankemper, Cheryl Gaddie, Mark Smith, Alana Tomasso, Kay Kouvatsos. 5: (l-r) Capt. George Roth & Capt. Tracey Dell.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Island Girl
Photos by Trebor Britt
This months Island Girl is Cindy, born and raised in Sarasota. She enjoys bike riding, playing violin, and boating. Cindy has a busy schedule. She works on Siesta Key as a supervisor at Big Olaf, a rider for Sun Ride Pedicab and is also taking classes at State College of Florida majoring in Hospitality Management. If you would like to be considered for our next Island Girl, contact us at islandvp@verizon.net (You must be of legal age to participate)
You won’t want to miss this outstanding Siesta Dunes Condominium located in Building 5 on the 4th floor. It is a mesmerizing spot to enjoy the Gulf view. Offered at $835,000.
Here is your opportunity for your own Siesta Key beach retreat or an investment with great rental history. This ground floor 2 bedroom 2 bath condo is very inviting. Offered at $495,000.
Siesta Dunes deluxe condo. It is a perfect beach retreat. Completely renovated and furnished to a high standard this condo is well worth considering. Offered at $1,290,000
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SIESTA SAND January 2014 • www.siestasand.net