Why the world comes to Sarasota
Featured Artist
An amazing Botanical artist lives in our midst. Her name is Olivia Marie Braida-Chiusano and her elegant works hang in major collections and museums...
Meet Ari, part of “Nic and Ari”, who are no less than the darlings of the Sarasota music scene. They are a joy to watch perform either as a duo or with their band “Ari & the Alibis”...
Read more on page 15
Read more on page 22
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JUNE 2014 | 941.349.0194 | ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC | www.SiestaSand.net | Complimentary
Drum Circle Magic By Diana Colson The Siesta Key Drum Circle takes place at the public beach every Sunday, rain or shine. Locals and tourists alike get swept up in pulsating rhythms. Dozens of drums and percussion instruments play, and the sound is mesmerizing. An acoustical zither is hammered into a twanging sound, contrasting sharply to the booming voice of an Aboriginal didgeridoo. The center of the circle is marked by a LED ball. If the sun hangs low on the horizon, the ball is as pale as the moon. As the evening darkens, however, the ball begins to glow with the lush colors of sunset. A rim of flowers has been placed around this ball, framed by a feathery wreath made from leaves of fern. There is no significance to this arrangement other than to mark the center of the circle, allowing dancers to orbit the light like planets around a sun.
a voluptuous belly dancer unfurls long ribbons of silk, its tentacles enveloping her in ripples of brilliant color. A magnificently pregnant lady floats past, toddler on one hip and another clutching at her skirt. As the hypnotic pounding of the drums blends with the cry of seagulls, a whitebearded man in a jester’s hat coaxes onlookers to move away from the drummers Photo by R. Frederickson so dancers can move freely about. A tiny lady glides past. She wears a green A community of people has gathered at the edges of the circle, sequined top and a gossamer skirt, people from all backgrounds and and the arc of a scimitar is balanced ages. The crystal sands of Siesta feel precariously on top of her head. silken against bare feet, and it is a It’s Dr. Marguerite Barnett, for happy place for children, who run many years a key player at the and dance and toss twirling sticks Siesta Key Drum Circle. She’s a into the air. Nearby, an accomplished Harvard trained double-board young woman wearing tall lace-up certified cosmetic and reconstructive boots controls a hula hoop with surgeon, and her passion is dance. authority and grace. Behind her Continued on page 18
Outdoor Display
Scooter cars are legal on all roads Page 5
Wording for the Zoning Code is now in the hands of Sarasota County working the language into the Ordinance. The intent is to allow retail outdoor displays only on properties zoned commercially...
Out of State Green Rush, Marijuana State lawmakers want to keep Florida pot home-grown. But the low-THC medical marijuana recently authorized by the Legislature has sparked an out-of-state “green” rush before the bill has even been signed into law. Pot-related business owners from outside the state are less interested in the low-THC strain that will soon be legal --- Gov. Rick Scott has said he will sign the bill --- than the regular old weed, if only for limited medical
use, that might be authorized by voters in November. “Florida’s a super-interesting market for us because of the potential size of it in the future. But this is a great way to get started and we certainly don’t want to miss the opportunity,” said Derek Peterson, CEO of Terra Tech, whose subsidiaries include a medical marijuana dispensary in California and Edible Garden, a hydroponic produce company. Continued on page 12
Lido and City of Sarasota fight Dredge and Fill… a time capsule By By Catherine Luckner, Siesta Key Association, VP In old newsprint, carefully archived at the History Center, the message was clear. Not long ago, and across the Big Pass waters, south Lido Park was born. It was 1967, Arvida Corporation sought permits for development of the southern tip of Lido Key. Arvida
was most influential in community development throughout Florida beginning in 1958. Their plan was not unlike that of Bird Key, taking dredged materials to create land for development. Continued on page 3
America’s Favorite Summertime Treat
By Emy Stein
Read more on page 2
Photo by Kacey Luensman - Mote Marine Laboratory
If you ask most Americans what their fondest summertime treat was growing up, chances are ice cream will be at the top of their list. And, most will say they preferred the ice cream parlors over the grocery store variety. Even with the endless choices available in today’s supermarkets, ice cream parlors still trump their grocery store counterparts. And, here in Sarasota, ice cream parlors are certainly not in short supply. It’s interesting to note that ice cream’s popularity has made it an American Symbol even though it predates the birth of this country. So, where exactly did it come from? Let’s take a brief look at its fascinating and somewhat disputed history. Continued on page 28
Turtle Season Page 26
Sand Sculpting Page 33
Featuring: SubZero, located in the Village Orange Octopus, located in Capt. Curt’s Village Abel’ls, located in the Southbridge Shopping Plaza McClain’s, located in the Gulf Gate shops Liano Bisceglia (2) of Denville, NJ, enjoying a few of the awesome ice cream flavors at the Orange Octopus in Capt. Curt’s Village on Siesta Key. (Photo by Trebor Britt)
Siesta Key’s Premier Real Estate Company
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Island Chatter
By Diana Colson
SKA May Meeting Notes
MONTHLY MEETING Thursday, June 5 • 4:30 PM St. Boniface Church
5615 Midnight Pass Road, Room F
2014 PRIORITIES : Beaches, wildlife, water quality Please join us as we welcome guest speaker Matt Osterhoudt Director Natural Resources
public is always welcome with questions for our guest.
Approved as written.
• Code Enforcement: John Lally returned April 28. He read a list of code issues that had come up, mostly concerning remodeling without permits, short term rentals, convictions, and scheduled hearings. Regrettably, a Code Enforcement Officer who was investigating an illegal rental had been assaulted. • Sherriff’s Office: Sgt. Scott Osbourne was relieved that Spring Break was over! During March and April, 38 deputies had been assigned to Siesta Key. The beach parking lot was full by 9:30 or 10 AM. A lot of arguments over parking spaces. Standing in a parking lot to save a parking spot is not allowed, and can incur a $100 fine. The Sheriff’s Office has been very proactive on possession of alcohol, etc. There have been a lot of complaints about parking on North Shell Rd. at Access #1. Hopefully the County Commissioners will come up with an improved plan for Access #1.
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• SIESTA KEY VILLAGE ASSOCIATION: Has a new president, Wendall Jacobsen of the Beach Bazaar.
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Scott Montgomery, Recovery Section Chief of Sarasota County Emergency Management Recovery, updated the SKA board on the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP.) This Public Safety Group deals with what are we going to do and how are we going to do it in times of emergency. Montgomery emphasized 3 points: 1.) everyone should have an emergency
plan for themselves and for their family; 2.) FEMA is not a first responder; 3.)State and Federal assets come into play when local resources start to become overwhelmed. In 2014, between 9 and 12 named storms are expected, 3 or 4 with gale force winds. However, no, actual hurricanes are expected, largely due to El Niño. However, hurricanes can be unpredictable. The county will start using Facebook and Twitter as well as traditional media to keep the public informed. “Hurricane Watch” means “maybe” “Hurricane Warning” means that a hurricane is actually on its way. If a hurricane is coming, should you stay or go? If you live on a barrier island, or in a mobile home, floodprone area, or mandatory evacuation zone, GO! If at all possible, stay with friends. Shelters will be available, and dogs and cats will be accepted at some. Be prepared for being out of your home for 7 days. You will need cash, water, meds, and canned goods. Make a plan and be informed. Detailed information can be found at www.scgov.net. Re-Entry plan after the storm: CLOSED means only First Responders will be able to enter. LIMITED means only credentials business owners and homeowners may enter. OPEN means all may enter. These decisions are made by Law Enforcement. Persons approved for access will be issued a wrist tag. Valid credentials include: driver’s license, voter ID card, Property Tax Bill, Utilities/phone Bill, Employee ID card, pay stubs from an Island Business, Rental or Lease agreement. Vehicles and pedestrians not having proper identification shall be denied clearance.
• Membership: Nothing new to report. • Zoning: Three new, undeveloped lots have been denied exception again.
• Environment: We lost 3 Snowy Plover nests in the last two weeks, and legal surveillance was brought in from the state. Many visitors are not aware of the plight of these birds. Informational signage was suggested.
Old Business: • Big Pass Dredging: Nothing has happened yet. Sampling is still going on. No news expected until mid-late June. Catherine Luckner has discovered that the document on the Lido Park Purchase states that the area must be kept in its natural state. This may include sand. • Avenida de Mayo parking: Signs are up. People are still parking there. Fine of $25 seems insignificant to many tourists. Residents and SKA call, but Sheriff’s Office is not enforcing the fine. • Village Outdoor Display Status: Only applies to retail businesses and rentals, not to restaurants. SKVA has not yet submitted the ordinance to the County. • Stickney: Red Turn on Right Update: Problem with limited sightline for signage. Nora Patterson will ask the County to drive the intersection and see what can be done to increase sightline.
New Business:
A new resident asked where he could see the long term vision for Siesta Key. Nora Patterson said that the Comprehensive Plan clearly states no increase in density on the key. The Community Plan was written in 1999. The board agreed that it makes sense to have a new, updated plan.
The next SKA Monthly Meeting will be Thursday, June 5th, at 4:30 PM.
Siesta Key - Outdoor Display – SKOD Update Wording for the Zoning Code is now in the hands of Sarasota County working the language into an Ordinance. The intent is to allow retail outdoor displays only on properties zoned Commercial General within the overlay district. This will apply for both retail and bike/scooter
rental businesses. This does not apply to restaurants and signage. The cost associated with a citizen initiated text amendment to the Zoning Code was $1,000 for processing the change, and there will be additional costs associated with advertising for the public hearings.
There will be a public hearing before the Planning Commission and, at a minimum, one hearing before the County Commission. Based on the County Commission agendas, this matter is expected to come before the County Commission well after their July recess.
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SIESTA SAND June 2014 • www.siestasand.net
5200 Ocean Boulevard Sarasota, Florida
Save Our Siesta Sand 2 Event On May 14th at the Best Western Plus-Siesta Key Maria Bankemper hosted a Meet and Greet for those who oppose the dredging of Big Pass. The invite read, If you have an interest in understanding the threat to the island and the Army Corps’ plans and how it affects you, or if you are ready to support SOSS2 (Save Our Siesta Sand 2), please mark your calendar and attend this very important presentation. On hand to present important information was: Justin Bloom, Esq. – Environmental Attorney, Jono Miller – Environmental Activist, Rob Patten – Former Executive Director of the Sarasota County Environmental Services Business Center, Dr. David Schafer – Population Ecologist, Peter van Roekens – Environmental Activist; Founder and Chair of the Boaters’ Coalition The event drew over 60 residents. The attendees had the opportunity to ask questions and meet with those who do not believe that
dredging Big Pass is Lido Key’s answer to acquiring their necessary sand for the next 50 years.
Update from SOSS2 and Our Legal Representative
Donald Hemke, our attorney with Carlton Fields/Jorden Bert, on behalf of SOSS2 and its collaborative group submitted a letter to the Army Corps of Engineers, City Commissioners, County Commissioners and many others regarding the Army Corps plans and its compliance with several acts, such as the Clean Water Act, Endangered Species, NEPA and the Water Resources Act. If you wish to donate, you can write a check to Suncoast Waterkeepers and mail to: SOSS2, Inc., 6600 S. Tamiami Tr., Sarasota, Fl 34231
Big Pass Dredging Update The long-anticipated U.S. Army Corps of Engineers report on the impact of taking sand from Big Pass to renourish Lido Beach is delayed again. First due in April, then May, it’s now scheduled for completion mid June. That’s too late for the County Commission. Although County staff say the soonest commissioners can hold the public discussion is at a workshop on Sept. 19, Commissioners unanimously requested an earlier date. Commissioners want plenty of time to refer the issue for an independent third party peer review. This includes a public discussion on the COE’s 50-year plan to use Big Pass and New Pass to fill in Lido’s disappearing shoreline Continued on page 12
Lido and City of Sarasota fight Dredge and Fill … a time capsule By By Catherine Luckner, Siesta Key Association, VP Their plan was to dredge and fill 160 acres on south Lido, create an extended shoreline, a golf course, a hotel, and canals, eliminate Brushy lagoon, from Otter Key bayside to the gulf front bulkhead of south Lido. The Big Pass shoreline was one aspect of the litigation between the City and Arvida. Property boundaries and ownership was questioned where accreted shoreline existed. On two occasions, despite well documented business plans, engineering designs and significant tax revenue, the Sarasota City Commission and Planning Board denied the Arvida permit requests. Really? Residents from Lido Key and Sarasota, including 50 local organizations, galvanized to fight for conservation of the marine and estuary environment. Of particular concern was the impact of dredging and filling on the shallow grassy flats, known for bird, fish and mammal habitat. This grassroots effort of private citizens, led by local businessman Ted Sperling, became the Save Our Bays Association (SOBA). One news account reported more than
1500 residents attending a City Commission meeting to contest the Arvida proposal. In the City v. Arvida conflict, “It’s within… the powers of city government (re City owned property) to restrict the amount of dredging and filling if it’s shown the public interest is served”. (Gil waters, City of Sarasota Commissioner) The Sarasota City Commission unanimously denied permit one last time in 1968. Between 1968 and 1972, SOBA began the process of inquiry for land acquisition under a new Federal program from the Dept. of the Interior and Florida Dept. of Natural Resource to purchase environmentally sensitive lands for ‘open space and recreation by the public”. Under the program guidelines, it was noted,”gulf and bay frontage is our greatest natural resource and fast disappearing”. Without likelihood of permitting, Arvida was soon interested in selling the south Lido and Otter Key properties. SOBA and Sarasota County initiated the quest for the newly available funding.
Continued from cover story
The “open spaces and recreation’ grants were to be used for permanent conservation protection and use by the public. The preservation of Otter Key (30 acres), its Mangrove bay bottom root system and South Lido property (130 acres) became one of the first opportunities for a Florida County to purchase and protect lands under new Federal Regulations. With an affordable price and funding, the momentum led to the Sarasota County Commission to hold a Voter referendum to purchase the land with a property tax mill increase. With a County wide Referendum held May 1, 1973 the Voters of Sarasota County made a commitment to the land and its environmental protection. In a 9-1 county wide margin, voters approved an extra ½ mill on property taxes for 30 years or until funding was complete. The residents of Lido Key voted in a 10-1 margin to approve the purchase. The Federal and State grants $943,000 were secured and set aside by Sarasota County for future purchases of environmentally
Photo Source: 1966 DOT Photo State of Florida archives.
sensitive land. The South Lido County Park was established ‘forever to be maintained in its natural state’ for public use and recreation”. It was soon named in remembrance of Ted Sperling, the resident and visionary who galvanized the community in this direction. It came to mind what newsprint in the History Center might reveal some day. Will we keep the old Florida feeling as we kayak through the Mangrove tunnels, watch Manatee play, find the nesting birds and clear water, go fishing and find it abundant? Will they build groins and dredge Big Pass?
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Siesta Key News Round-Up Snowy Plovers are back
Siesta’s threatened Snowy Plovers have returned, and at least three nests have been identified and marked with buffers to keep people out. Volunteers hope people will stay out of the buffers, and keep their dogs off the beach. There are about 200 snowy plovers identified in Florida, and Siesta claims about 20 of them. They lay eggs in primitive nests on the beach, and are vulnerable to predators. One buffered area also has nests of the Least Tern on it. The two species get along, and the terns will “dive bomb” predators and people who get too near their nests. Love is in the air for sea turtles too. They are returning to area beaches to lay eggs as they have for millions of years. Key residents may start to see more public information about the rare and unusual critters they share the island with. At a recent Siesta Key Association meeting, members shared their ideas and observations from other island communities. Some put fliers on the walls
By Stan Zimmerman
of elevators in condo and rental complexes. Others pass out leaflets and brochures. And public signage is another option used elsewhere.
North bridge seawall work OK’d
The long-stalled seawall replacement on the island side of the north bridge to Siesta Key is ramping back up. Duncan Seawall is in charge of the roughly $1 million project to replace nearly 800 feet of seawall. The original contractor, CB Construction Services, stopped work last August after the company’s founder and president was found dead on a Big Pass sandbar. Prior to his death, a firm overseeing the work found fault with some of the concrete installation.
Beach Road drainage improvement project nears completion
It was proposed nearly 10 years ago to construct a stormwater treatment system to reduce the
amount of contaminants that end up in the Gulf of Mexico preventing beach closures. The county health department was finding unacceptable levels of E. Coli and other bacteria in the waters off the beach, and traced the contamination to runoff to a swale connecting a stormwater impoundment area to the gulf. Beach closures were brief, but provided terrible publicity. The first plan called for the excess water to go into the Grand Canal from a pipe near the bridge, but residents didn’t like that idea. So then it was proposed to send the water offshore into the Gulf of Mexico using a long pipeline. After the delays, permitting troubles, bad weather, engineering problems and a host of other impediments, the Beach Road drainage improvement project is just about finished. The water will be disinfected using an ultraviolet filter and other means, and pumped into a 2,000-foot long pipe. There is a “diffuser device” at the end of the line to prevent the outfall from becoming a jet of wastewater.
SIESTA SAND June 2014 • www.siestasand.net
Total cost is about $4.5 million, of which $1 million was a grant from the West Coast Inland Navigation District, another property-tax supported body.
A dozen new homes for Siesta Drive
As you drive towards the island on Siesta Drive, the construction you see starting on the north side of the road is called “The Enclave,” and will feature 12 new homes costing up to $1 million. A Fort Myers developer hopes to have the model home ready to show at the start of the next tourist season. Park Shore Homes bought the land out of delinquency for about $1 million. Six of the houses will face Siesta Drive, and the other six will look north over Wisconsin Lane. All will be two-stories tall, with a courtyard wrapped around a pool. No homeowners association is proposed, and all the homes will be fee-simple purchases.
Here’s a look at the new trash/recycling receptacles Sarasota County has installed at beach access #5 and #7. More to come? We’ll see…
Counting down the days
The only thing worse than waiting for the bus is waiting for a new bus line to start operation. For Siesta residents and visitors, the wait for the Siesta Key Trolley has seemed endless. And no, you won’t see it this month either. But on July 12 the trolley is scheduled to start rolling every 20 to 30 minutes between the Gulfgate Mall and the Southgate Mall via Siesta Key with multiple stops along the way. Hang in there.
Scooter Coupes legal on all Siesta Key roads At the April SKA meeting, several attendees voiced concerns that they have encountered Scoot Coupes driving on Midnight Pass Road and Higel Ave., where 40 mph speed limits are posted. Residents requested that the sheriff’s office ticket these drivers when they are on Midnight Pass Road and Higel Ave. This issue was discussed in a previous SKA meeting and determined at the time that these vehicles are street legal on all Siesta Key streets. When we contacted Sgt. Osbourne for clarification, he indicated that the vehicles he referred to, at the meeting, was the street legal electric vehicles that only reached maximum speeds of 25 mpg, not the gas powered Scoot Coupes or scootercars.
In checking with the island rental shops, they confirmed that the Scoot Coupes that are rented out on Siesta Key are all street legal. These are 50cc gas powered engines. According to Mark Toomey, owner of Robin Hood Rentals, “Scoot Coupes are motorized vehicles with 50cc engines, therefore legally, they are allowed on any road (other than highways). However, personally I do not allow my customers to take the coupes off Siesta Key.” Siesta Sports Rentals have been renting scootercars since 1995. Owner, Mike Lewis indicated that,
Featured Restaurant
“The scootercars have proven to be very popular and people enjoy driving around the Key in a ‘convertible’. Depending upon a variety of conditions they are typically capable of between 35 and 40 mph and so are ideally suited to the posted speed limits on the Key. Of course, some of the drivers want to take a more leisurely drive but that is a function of the driver not the vehicle and I’m sure many of us have followed regular cars driving slower than we’d prefer”.
Sardinia’s Restaurant offers simple, healthy traditional Italian cuisine
The brand of ice cream served at Abel’s Ice Cream is a South Florida based company. They offer a selection of 38 flavors including two frozen yogurts, two no sugar added a sorbet (non dairy product) plus a sherbet. Their ice cream maker is the recipient of numerous awards for their plant and their great tasting products including 19 national awards issued by The National Ice Cream Retailer Association since 2009. The secret to their unbeatable taste of the Artisanal Style Ice Cream and Yogurts is synonymous for large quantities of oversized inclusions throughout the product along with the many creative and unique flavors. The brand is produced in the original way ice cream was made, Vat Pasteurization. This process allows them to pasteurize the Ice Cream Mix at a lower temperature over a longer period of time which in turn naturally imparts a great caramelized taste to the sugars in the Ice Cream Mix. This process takes longer and is less automated, but the end result in the taste of their ice cream and yogurts makes it worth it. In addition, this process also has the
benefit of preserving the integrity of the ingredients. Their ice cream producer maintains a Dairy Laboratory on premise to timely and accurately conduct their quality control testing. Stringent review of raw ingredients for safety and quality, coupled with rigorous control of their process, ensures you are getting a safe and wholesome product. All products are certified Kosher. The next time you have a craving for great ice cream consider visiting Abel’s Ice Cream located 1886 Stickney Point Road between New Balance Shoe and Stonewood Grill. 921-5700. Visit abelsicecream. com for direction and additional information.
caught seafood, homemade pastas, and organic produce are all part of Learn more about us at what customary Sardinian fare is all WWW.ABELSICECREAM.COM about. In addition, the traditional Sardinia flat bread, known as Pane Carasau, also baked in the woodburning oven, welcomes you at your table. The Dinner menu has a great variety of well-prepared dishes and has the facility to entice different audiences. In the Appetizer section the most popular items are: octopus AUTHENTIC PERUVIAN CUISINE carpaccio with arugula and bottarga, roasted calamari stuffed with fregola salad, and roasted tomato stuffed with eggplant and fmozzarella. In the Pasta section the most popular dishes are: homemade fettcuine with fresh wild mushrooms, linguine with 005722_MHBF_LandingsEagle_Mech clams and homemade bottarga, and 0 ragu. Created: 8/21/13 Printed @ 100% Sardinian gnocchiRevision: with meat Lastly, the Meat and Fish section Client: is M. Heights Creative Director: REX GEE everyone’s favorite, since everything Art Director: ALAN REYNOLDS under this section is prepared in the wood-burning brick oven. From these Bleed: N/A Copywriter: offerings the most popular are:Trim: black salads, meat and N/A sandwiches, pastas, Proofreader: NANCY TUCKER grouper over saffron rice cake, salt- fish dishes. Lunch time offerings are Live: 10"x5.125" Studio Artist: LUIS ARRIAGADA crusted Mediterranean Seabass, and definitely more casual than dinner, the center-cut, 14oz Veal Chop with but they certainly let you enjoy a veryInspected By: roasted potatoes. Prices range from healthy and well prepared meal at Colors: 4/c Production Manager: CAROL CAPOSINO LIVE MUSIC TUES., WED. & THURS. $9.95 to $29.95 very reasonable prices. Prices range Dino has designed and created DPI:an 300 from $9.95 to $16.95 Project Manager: LAURA WILMESMEIER Tommy Allison “Sinatra” Style intimate space for private dining and R e s e r v a t i o n s a r e s t r o n g l y LATIN MUSIC ON FRIDAYS! special occasions. ”The Chef Table” recommended for weekend dining. accommodates up to 10 diners and Lunch Hours: M-F, 11:30 AM – 2 PM 4854 South tamiami trail (In The LandIngs shoppIng CenTer) 941.444.7245 can be reserved at no additional Dinner Hours: M-Sat., 5-10 PM, 5770 charge. O pen Tuesday TO saTurday 11:30 aM-3 pM • 5 pM ‘TO 10 pM • MOnday & sunday 4:30pM TO 9 pM S. Tamiami Trail, Phone: (941) 702 Lunch selections are simple with 8582, www.sardiniasrq.com www.maytasrestaurant.com surprisingly varied offerings of
Peruvian Style
$ starting at
now to next.
Sardinia’s Restaurant is located near Phillippi Estate Park, serving lunch 5 days a week and dinner Monday through Saturday. It is locally owned and operated by its chef. Chef Dino Carta brings the authentic simple elegance of the Sardinian dining tradition to your table. Sardinian cuisine is known for the purity of food and its flavors. To ensure the authenticity of the dining experience he has imported a genuine hood wood-burning oven for the kitchen where ALL the meats, local fish, and homemade breads are prepared, as it is done in Sardinia. What is more, Dino counts on a very well prepared team of servers that will ensure a consistent and professional service, and even delight you by deboning your fish table side. Dino Carta began his love affair with food and its preparation in the Sardinian kitchen of his mother and father. To this day food is a passion and evokes happy memories of family. He attended culinary school in Sassari, Sardinia. His apprenticeship took him to Tuscany in northern Italy and work in the kitchen at the famous Emerald Coast. He still adheres to the Italian philosophy of cooking where regional food is of great importance. Simple, healthy, fresh and pure of taste are how he likes to prepare food. The menu reflects his philosophy focusing on farm fresh and locally grown seasonal food. Where everything is made fresh daily and nothing is frozen, nothing. Locally
Abel’s Ice Cream’s is South Florida Made
starting at
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, 8/21/13 LLC 2:07 PM 5
Beach Wedding
By Trebor Britt
Kelley Batterson and Kevin Pio of Fort Wayne, Indiana exchange vows surrounded by family and close friends, at an intimate wedding ceremony held on the beautiful sands of Siesta Beach recently. Kelley, an interior design consultant and Kevin, a restaurant manager, met during a night out with friends in a neighborhood establishment. After several months of dating, they both agreed “they were the one.”
The first time they agreed to spend an evening together, was Christmas eve at Kevin’s house. Every day since then has been special for this Indiana couple. Kelley related, “Our wedding would have to be the best memory yet to happen. It is our first memory of a bond that will last forever.” Deciding to have a destination wedding, they both agreed that the beautiful white sand beach of Siesta Key, the Village and all that Sarasota had to offer was the perfect place to have family and friends join them for the whole week of their wedding and honeymoon.
Sun Weddings of Venice, Florida (SunWeddings@aol.com) provided everything in Kelley and Kevin’s beach wedding package.
SIESTA SAND June 2014 • www.siestasand.net
News Up & Down the Trail City commissioners to duke it out
What looked like a lead-pipe cinch turned into a battle royale as a deadline approached. Sarasota City Commissioner Paul Caragiulo months ago announced he was running for the county commission seat coming open as Joe Barbetta was term-limited. Opposing him was Pete Theisen, who ran unsuccessfully three times in the past six years for a city commission seat, and then decided to try for Patterson’s job. Caragiulo raised more than $23,000 and got the backing of most county Republican heavyweights. But Caragiulo’s dreams of an easy victory vanished when another city commissioner – ex-sheriff’s deputy Shannon Snyder – jumped into the race. If Theisen draws off enough votes in the first primary, he could force a real rarity in Sarasota political circles – a Republican primary runoff. So far, no Democrat is in the race to take advantage of the turmoil in the county’s dominant political party. August 26 is the primary election day. No runoff is scheduled now, of course. But if Theisen syphons off enough votes to prevent anybody from getting 50 percent-plus-one, the run-off couldn’t be held until early October.
A pair of political vacancies
Under Florida’s “resign-to-run law,” both Caragiulo and Snyder have to file letters of resignation in order to qualify for their bids to get on the county commission. Their date of resignation is Nov. 18, the day the winner is sworn into their commission position. Which means within 21 days of that date, the Sarasota City Commission
By Stan Zimmerman
– with only three members at that point – will pick two people to serve out the four months remaining in both Caragiulo and Snyder’s terms. Their terms of appointment will end in March following regular city elections. The appointees may or may not run to keep their new jobs. Filling two vacancies at the same time has never happened in the city’s history. However there is a history of filling solitary vacancies. Al Hogle was picked to replace – yes, it’s true – Nora Patterson when she was elected for the first time to the Sarasota County Commission in 1998. Hogle had retired after a 28-year career with the city police department, rising to the rank of captain. He severed the rump term and then won the seat outright in March 1999.
Sewer project leaps out of the ground
After years of wrangling it appears the City of Sarasota has agreed how to fix the star-crossed sewer lift station at U.S. 41 and U.S. 301, the infamous Lift Station 87. Work stopped when the previous design wasn’t working. Later study indicated the old plan would have drilled a hole under (or maybe through) the concrete supports of the Osprey Avenue bridge over Hudson Bayou. Another design engineering firm was hired when the original walked off the job. The new designers tried to develop a scheme to use the old design, but came back to recommend the city start over. The old design called for installing all the equipment underground in concrete “silos” under Lukewood Park. But the new team found the storm surge from a category two hurricane could crush the lids on at least one of the silos, and put the system out of operation for
months. Since LS 87 will handle sewage from one-third of the city and Sarasota Memorial Hospital, the new designers suggested an aboveground facility. The silos will be filled in (one will serve as a diesel fuel tank for emergency generators), and a 34foot building erected, capable of withstanding a cat-three hurricane. The price tag is now about triple the original $9 million bid.
The cranes are back
After a nearly eight-year absence, construction cranes have returned to town. Two downtown high-rises are going up, one a hotel and the other a condominium. And a combined condo-hotel complex at Gulfstream Avenue and U.S. 41 has all the paperwork in hand to get started too. Meanwhile the city is on the verge of approving a triple-density plan for the Rosemary District across Fruitville Road from downtown. It needs only one more public hearing before the city commission can sign off and send the comprehensive plan amendment to Tallahassee for final approval. Because city commissioners told staff to fast-track the idea, their support is likely. A developer wants to build a 450unit apartment complex. Another plan to build an 800-unit apartment complex across Fruitville from the eastern end of Main Street is also being aired. Harvey Vengroff owns the old Stottlemeyer and Shoemaker lumber yard, but needs a quadruple-density boost to make the plans financially feasible. Meanwhile building permits – in number and value – are rapidly approaching levels last seen during the go-go 2000’s. This time much of the money appears to be private funding and not bank loans.
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The Local Bean under New Ownership When Local Bean owner, Jen Cortez decided she wanted to spend more time with family up in Milton Vermont, it didn’t take long for her to find new owners for this local’s favorite coffee shop. When the news reached Courtney Kees, Siesta Key business owner of Studio Rubylake, she and partner, Zach Peavler, jumped at the opportunity to broaden their stake in the quaint village she’s been coming to since 1986. “I thought it would be a great new adventure for Zach and I, “she responded, “and a good place to promote my Pilates studio. Since Zach has over 25 years of experience in the restaurant industry and has a real passion for coffee and art, this business would be a perfect match”. So, on April 29, 2014, ownership of The Local Bean officially changed hands. Courtney Kees and Zach Peavler began their first day as the proud new owners.
The motto they’ve adopted: A coffee shop in paradise that is all about local resources, organic, fair trade, a true friend to the earth, and where all is welcome, is one they live by. In addition to the same great local fresh baked pastries, you can expect some gluten free and organic choices as well as some hot or cold-brewed organic coffee and tea served in plant based biodegradable containers. You’ll also be able to sample some of Courtney’s Rubylake water which contain a few essential oils by doTerra.
The Local Bean is located in the Siesta Key Village in the Davidson Plaza. 5138 Ocean Blvd, 941-346-8000.
South County Highlights Venice native Josh Kaufman wins ‘The Voice’
Months after his first audition with the hit NBC singing competition show ‘The Voice’, soulful vocalist Josh Kaufman emerged victorious as the season 5 winner in a star-studded season finale on May 20. Kaufman, who was born in Sarasota, but lived in Venice during his early childhood, is a 38-yearold SAT tutor who now lives in Indianapolis with his wife and three young children. Since his grand prize for winning the contest includes $100,000 and a recording contract with the Universal Music Group, Kaufman’s career path will most likely change. After the win, he said that though it was a long process from start to finish, he couldn’t be happier about the end result. “It was a lot more stressful night and morning than I expected it to be,” he said. “But to end up at this point and have it all work out is just amazing.”
SIESTA SAND June 2014 • www.siestasand.net
New owners, Zach Peavler and Courtney Kees seal the deal shaking hands with former owner, Jen Cortez and original owner, Michael Duranko
By Debbie Flessner
Venice students and jeweler create one-of-a-kind Mother’s Day gifts
Classic Creations, south Venice jewelry store, offered a challenge to children in a YMCA spring break camp--design a unique pendant to give to your mother for Mother’s Day. Afterwards, whoever the top finishers were would get their design custom-made into a beautiful pendant by the jewelry store’s owner, Evan Duke. Store owners Evan and his wife Pam chose a top finisher, 10 year-old Destiny Ann Nari, and a second place entry from 12 year-old Paige Godfrey. But it was a third design that captured the Dukes’ hearts. Alyssa Lynn drew a heart with wings in memory of her mother, who passed away when Alyssa was only seven years old. She now lives with family that includes grandmother Helen Meade, who brought Alyssa to the jewelry store to pick up her pendant.
“I thought we were just coming to a special party-- I didn’t know that I had won,” she said. “I draw a lot for my family most of the time and for my best friend Emily. Winning this makes me feel... wanted.” When Alyssa was given her custom piece of jewelry, she turned around to her grandmother and placed it in her hands. “This is for you, grandma,” she said.
Winners Alyssa Lynn, Paige Godfrey and Destiny Ann Neri had pendants made from their drawings by Classic Creations owner Evan Duke. Photo by Debie Flessner Continued on page 26
Off Islands
By Rodger Skidmore
A look at news happening on neighboring islands The residents of Holmes Beach get to live there and frolic on Manatee Beach - year round if they want to. A bonus is that Manatee County (which owns the beach) sponsors film festivals, power boat races and all sorts of water related festivities. However some of “those other people” (you know, nonManatee-County Floridians) also attend the events (spending money and paying sales taxes) and park their cars in parking spaces where residents might have parked. HB Commissioner David Zaccagnino wants to take control of the beach and, in the spirit of good will, issue free parking passes to county residents. Of course the salient part of his proposal is that annual passes would be sold to out of county residents for $120 each. The problem is, some of “those other people” are not just folk from neighboring counties who have their own beaches, but tourists who might balk at paying that much for a parking pass that they would be using for only one or two weeks. It might even drive them away or, heaven forbid, make them have second thoughts about ever coming back. Perhaps weekly or monthly passes, or maybe pre-season, inseason, and post-season passes, could be sold. Or it could be that the revenue from in-county vs. outof-county passes, when weighed against the cost of lost good will might just be not to anyone’s advantage.
Which water tastes best?
Mass hysteria is an interesting phenomenon. We have read that if one child in a school says that they got sick from eating mashed potatoes in the school cafeteria, many other students suddenly get nauseous as well. In an effort to quell that from happening on Longboat Key their Assistant Town Manager, Anne Ross, did not advertise, in advance, that they had switched the supply of drinking water on the key from Manatee County to water from Sarasota County. The reason for the change was valid, Manatee County was installing a new water meter on Coquina Beach and Longboat Key did not want to disrupt service while the Manatee County water was shut off. Ms. Ross noted that
the last time they switched the water supply they pre-notified residents and, as a result, had some complaints. In an effort to make this year’s switch transparent they bypassed the notification process, however some highly sensitive residents still called. It was not reported whether they preferred Sarasota water to their normal Manatee beverage.
Geography lesson
How are Russia and the Crimean Peninsula linked with Holmes Beach and Key Royale Drive? Vladimir Putin felt that the Russians living in Crimea were being taken advantage of by the Ukrainian government so he took Crimea. Holmes Beach Mayor Carmel Monti felt that passing motorists were taking advantage of local residents by speeding so he installed a speed cushion (Orwell-speak for speed bump)…..in front of his own house. The Ukrainian government feels outgunned by Putin, and all the motorists can do is honk their horns in protest – but then they get the double whammy by being ticketed for noise pollution. The mayor says he installed the speed cushion because he could not station the police there all day to control speeders, but now they have a policeman in attendance to ticket those protesting the speed cushions. How is Putin going to top that?
Build it and they will come
When we are talking about beaches, yes, build a parking lot and they will come. When we talk about Casey Key, where there are no parking lots on most of the key, they will come whether you build the parking lot or not. And that is exactly what is upsetting many of the residents. One of the main topics of discussion at a recent Casey Key Association meeting was the illegal parking taking place on private property. Since there is no beach parking, picnickers and bathers park on private property - which means they are trespassing. Chad Weiss, Casey Key Association President, said that police question the trespassers but that “Any excuse a person has is accepted, and the police let them walk away.” Association Director Julie De Weiss seemed to feel there was not much difference between a
Monday ¢
5 7 Wings
stranger trespassing on somebody’s property and a stranger trespassing inside of a person’s house. Perhaps in the eyes of the police someone in a bathing suit heading for the beach carrying a picnic basket is not as much of a threat to the wellbeing of the residents as are fully clothed individuals trying to jimmy open a window. And perhaps if the county did put in beach parking those picnickers would not park their cars on someone’s property. But then if there was beach parking even more bathers would come and that might upset the residents even more. As Weiss said, “It’s not really hurting anybody, but nobody likes it.”
Multi-tasking a problem
At a recent Holmes Beach Residents Meeting Judy Titsworth, chair of the event, indicated that there were too many signs at area crosswalks. Texting while driving is one thing, but asking drivers to read signs as well is pushing multi-tasking beyond reasonable limits. Holmes Beach Mayor Monti agreed that too many signs could contribute to sign pollution but felt that the crosswalk signs the city put up were valuable while those put up by private citizens were the ones creating pollution.
The End of the World is coming
That is the image one has of sandwich boards – a man in a long white beard wandering around some city street proclaiming oncoming doom. Well, that doom has arrived for the City of Anna Maria, or at least for the sandwich boards. The city has banned them for all but restaurants - so it seems you can only advertise sandwiches with sandwich boards. Laura Shelly, owner of the Tide and Moon, along with many other merchants in the north end of the city that have been using that method of advertising now must cease. It seems that someone took exception to the signage and complained. Many of the stores being targeted were not advertising particular sales, just their own existence, as they were not visible from the main thoroughfare. They just wanted a chance to be seen and appreciated. Of course one could wonder why someone would locate a business where no one can see it.
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Sheriff’s Report
April 16 - May 19, 2014
There were a total of 36 crimes reported on the key from 4/16 - 5/19/14 4/25/14 Felony/ Grand Theft 5000 Block Midnight Pass Rd
A complainant reported that someone had taken their rented beach wheelchair from their condominium. The incident occurred sometime overnight possibly by local juveniles. The wheelchair, which had been rented from Siesta Key Bike and Kayak Rentals, was not locked or secured. There are no suspects at this time. The rental company charged the complainant for the cost of the wheelchair.
4/16/14 Possession of Controlled Substance (Crystal Methamphetamine), Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Possession of Controlled Substance (Cannabis) 100 Block Avenida Messina A deputy responded to a caller who reported 3 males and 1 female using drugs in a car in the rear of an apartment complex. Upon making contact with the car, the deputy could smell the strong odor of cannabis emanating from the interior of the vehicle. He also observed several open containers of alcohol in plain view. After asking the occupants to exit the vehicle, the deputy noticed a small baggy with a green substance in it in the center console. He also observed a purse
Target of Rental Scam Investigation Arrested
The Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office arrested a local chiropractor on 4/28/14 for throwing urine on a code enforcement officer. The suspect owns a Siesta Key rental property that has been the subject of an ongoing rental scam investigation. Multiple people reported paying Craig Siegel, operator of Siesta Resorts LLC and Siesta Vacations Inc., to rent a 12-bedroom home in the 6500 block of Sabal Drive. Siegel modified the structure in 2013 but did so without the proper permits, so Sarasota County Code Enforcement ordered him
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on the floor containing two glass pipes and two baggies containing a white powder substance which, in a presumptive field test, tested positive for methamphetamines. The purse also contained an EBT card with the defendants name on it. The defendant stated she knew the purse was in her possession but that it was not actually her purse. She could not explain why her EBT card was in the purse.
5/4/14 Battery; on person 65 or older Siesta Beach
A deputy was in the beach office when he observed a man approach the victim at the entrance of the public beach parking lot. Using binoculars, the deputy observed the defendant walk up to the victim; exchange words, and then walk closer to the victim going “nose to nose”. The defendant then struck the victim in the face, which prompted the victim to strike back. The deputy came down to the scene and placed the defendant under arrest. The victim explained he was standing at the beach entrance, making a phone call when the man to dismantle the lower level new construction. The home has just five bedrooms, but Siegel still advertises it as a 12-bedroom property. Detectives identified 19 victims nationwide who paid Siegel more than $53,000 to rent the 12-bedroom home and asked for refunds after learning the property was not what he portrayed. They were either forced to stay at the property without adequate accommodations, or sacrificed the money they spent and had to pay to stay elsewhere. Siegel told the victims to sue him, claiming he did not have money to return. However, detectives obtained financial records showing Siegel paid $172,500 to a Fidelity
suddenly punched him in the face and threatened to kill him with “mob” friends after dark. The defendant, who appeared to be very intoxicated, kept saying the victim was a predator and gave no justification for his actions. He was transported to jail and arrested for Battery on a person 65 years of age or older because the victim was 68 years old.
5/2/14 Felony Burglary 5000 Block Contento Drive
A woman reported that when she left her house in the morning, her jewelry box was located on top of a table in her living room, near the front of the residence. The box was visible from the rest of the room, including the lanai area. During the course of the day, her pool service came by the residence, leaving the service card on one of the sliding doors. At the end of the day when the woman returned home, she took the jewelry box into another room as she was preparing to get ready for another event. At this time she noticed several items missing from the box. The point of entry was possibly the rear slider, which was left unlocked.. There were no signs of forced entry and no other items appear to have been disturbed. This case could possibly be related to another case which occurred a short distance down the road. In that incident, two subjects were attempting to possibly burglarize a residence on Shadow Lawn Drive, by going in through the backdoor.
Investment Plan last year. Detectives identified additional victims who did not want to be part of the criminal investigation, fearing they would lose money already paid to Siegel. When a code inspector with whom Siegel has had frequent dealings arrived at Siegel’s Sandy Cove Avenue home on official county business, Siegel threw a bucket of urine on the man. Siegel is charged with Criminal Mischief and Battery on a Code Inspector in connection with the incident. In the rental scam he is charged with 19 counts of Scheme to Defraud, for which he is being held $55,000 bond.
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Free Yourself from Cycle of Emotional Investing In many areas of your life, you’re probably aware that it’s useful to keep emotions out of your decision-making — and that’s certainly the case with investing. However, it can be difficult to keep your feelings from influencing your investment decisions. But you may find it easier to invest with your head, rather than your heart, if you know a little something about two different cycles: the market cycle and your emotional cycle. Let’s start with the market cycle. If you’ve been investing for a while, you’re aware (probably highly aware) that the financial markets are rarely static — they are always moving up and down, at least in the short term. (Over the very long term, a period of many decades, the markets have trended up.) But these short-term movements, while perhaps appearing as “zigs” and “zags” on a daily basis, actually form a pattern, or a cycle, that can last for months or years. These cycles are known as bull (up) or bear (down) markets. Going back to the Great Depression, the average bear market has lasted 21 months, while the average bull market has extended for 57 months, according to research from Standard and Poor’s Index Services. These market cycles greatly influence investors’ attitudes and behavior. In fact, they lead to the formation of investors’ emotional cycles. During bull markets, investors tend to feel optimism, excitement and even euphoria. But once a bull market ends and a bear market begins,
investors start getting nervous. And the longer and deeper the bear market, the greater the depth of emotion felt by investors. These emotions can begin as anxiety and then progress to denial, fear, desperation and panic. Furthermore, market cycles and emotional cycles don’t really align. For example, investors may well experience euphoria when the market has reached its high point and a bear market has just begun. For a while, then, these investors, fueled by their euphoric feelings over the big gains they’ve achieved, may continue pouring money into the market, even as it’s declining. This type of behavior, though, is probably better suited for when the market is already at a low, when investors’ dollars will buy more shares. Conversely, investors may reach the peak of their fearfulness at the end of a bear market, just when things are about to turn around. At this point, their fear may hold them back from investing — even though, with prices low, it can be a good time to invest. Clearly, basing investment decisions on emotions can lead to poor choices. So don’t get caught up in this pattern. Instead, strive to follow a disciplined approach to investing. Build an investment portfolio that reflects your objectives, risk tolerance and time horizon, and seek to hold appropriate investments for the long term. Of course, you may well need to make adjustments along the way, but do it for the right reasons — such as a change in your goals or in the
investments themselves — rather than as a reaction to the current market cycle. Our emotions are powerful, and their power can increase when applied to such a meaningful aspect of our life as our finances. But if you can detach yourself, as much as possible, from the emotional cycle of investing, you can avoid considerable angst — while helping clear the path to pursue your goals. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.
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BACHELORETTES A BEACH A BRIDE - Danielle Perez (30) of Tampa, Morgan Rowan (22) of Melbourne, Erin Teague (23) of Jacksonville, Bride Jackie Wiggins (24) of Tampa, Melissa Mangino (30) of Trinity, Danielle Hassan (23) of Jacksonville, and Delancey Matthews (24) of West Palm Beach, enjoying their bachelorette party on Siesta Beach. Before coming to the beach the group went on a mangrove tunnel kayaking tour, they said was awesome. They finished off the evening barhopping in Siesta Village. Maid of honor, Melissa Mangino said, “The village is a great place to go out. There are not too many bars and the strip is not too big. It’s a great place to keep the party moving and everyone can stay together.” By Trebor Britt
3900 Clark Road, Between Beneva & Sawyer Dinner 4-10 Every Night Happy Hours 4-6:30 Parties & Banquets Welcome
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Out of State Green Rush, Marijuana The bill that passed would help patients get access to a strain of marijuana that is high in cannabidiol (CBD) and low in euphoria-inducing tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Parents of children with a severe form of epilepsy believe the substance dramatically reduces life-threatening seizures and lobbied for the measure this session. Lawmakers broadened the eligibility to include cancer patients as well as those suffering from severe muscle spasms or seizures, meaning a wider market for potential sellers. At the same time, in an effort to reduce the risk of sketchy, out-ofstate operators spreading like weeds in Florida, the Legislature limited who would be eligible to grow the low-THC, high-CBD strain. Only registered nurseries that have operated in the state for 30 years, produce more than 400,000 plants and have the ability to process the product --- usually delivered in paste or oil form --- as well as distribute it will be in the running. Right now, there are 21 nurseries that fit the bill, according to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. The state Department of Health will choose five nurseries --- one in each corner of the state along with Central Florida --- to grow, manufacture and sell the product. “Our goal was not to convert Florida into a magnet for the pot industry,” said Rep. Matt Gaetz, a Fort Walton Beach Republican who, with Democratic Rep. Katie Edwards, shepherded the measure to victory after it was considered a long shot early in the session. But pot growers from outside the state are already trying to pair up with eligible Florida nurseries. “We know the market’s a lot greater when they ultimately pass some broader medical law and/ or, down the line, potentially recreational as well. So we want to, no pun intended, plant our roots and get situated there as quickly as we can,” Peterson said. Peterson and others are hoping that an early foot in the door to one of the country’s largest potential Big Pass Dredging Update Continued from page 3
The most recent delay in release of the corp’s report is an incompatibility with the needs of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. In an effort to combine funding for
pot markets will give them a leg up if voters in November approve a constitutional amendment that would allow doctors to order medical marijuana --- the kind that gets users high --- for their patients. A variety of polls show overwhelming support for the measure, which, like all constitutional questions in Florida, requires 60 percent voter approval for passage. Peterson said he has been in touch with half-a-dozen Florida nurseries, which he believes can benefit from his expertise in the pot business. Apart from the dispensary, Peterson owns GrowOp Technology, a “plug-and-play” company that sells trailers tricked out with everything needed to grow medical marijuana hydroponically. And Peterson owns MediFarm, one of dozens of medical marijuana dispensary applicants in Nevada’s Clark County, where Las Vegas is located. Florida nurseryman Kerry Herndon, whose operation meets the eligibility criteria, said he is unimpressed by what he’s seen of pot growers from other states, many of whom, unlike Herndon, cultivate their products in warehouses or through hydroponics. “Very few of them seem to have any idea what they’re doing,” said Herndon, who also owns a planttissue culture lab and said he is interested in participating in the program. “It bothers me a little bit because you see that get-quick-rich mentality in a lot of this. I’ve been in this business for a lot of years. There’s no such thing as easy money. And the people who think it’s easy usually produce really bad products.” Edwards, a Plantation Democrat who is a lawyer with a background in agriculture, said she was dismayed at what she called “a revolving door” of lobbyists representing clients with a sudden interest spawned by the low-THC bill and the proposed constitutional amendment. “In the last six months, what I’ve learned is everybody now is an expert in marijuana and everyone now has a client who has capital or who has expertise or who has an interest,” she said. “It was like a revolving erosion mitigation after TS Debby on Lido Beach, the City Engineer reports this must follow guidelines as a stand alone project. TS Debby renourishment is scheduled to begin at the end of Turtle nesting season 2014. After the new ACOE modeling
Continued from cover story
door. ‘My clients, they’re the largest dispensary in New Jersey, or Colorado.’ Where were these people a year ago with this kind of interest? That is concerning, especially when we’re talking about the integrity (of the product).” Individuals who want to make money off medical marijuana should “go look at the amendment,” Edwards said. “None of these folks have come to us and said I have an interest in helping kids with pediatric intractable epilepsy. This is all about what they can get for themselves, not for helping patients,” she said. For much of the legislative session, debate about the low-THC bill focused on helping about 150,000 families with children who have what is called “intractable” epilepsy, which can cause hundreds of seizures a week. Adding cancer patients as well as those suffering from severe muscle spasms or seizures --- which would include patients with multiple sclerosis and ALS --- significantly grew the patient population. State health officials were unable to estimate how many Floridians would meet the criteria for eligibility under the bill (SB 1030). Peterson said his company hasn’t completed an analysis yet on the lowTHC, high-CBD users in Florida but anticipates it will be a “good market” --- with a caveat. “You’re not building a long-term business based upon that market alone. It’s just people that want an entrée to the market want an entrée to the market for the broader medical program as well as potential recreational. That’s where your bigger patient numbers are. That’s where your bigger customer numbers are,” Petersen said. “Can you do a decent business based upon those (low-THC) products? Probably. Are they going to be overwhelming? Probably not.” Quote of the month. “There won’t be fields of marijuana growing in Florida. It will be grown under roof, in controlled environments, inside, for obvious security reasons Story courtesy of the News Service of Florida
design is released, it will be subject to review by city and county staff along with a City contracted peer review by Cliff Truitt, a Sarasota coastal engineer. Cliff Truitt was a joint author in the 2008 Sarasota County Inlet Management Review of New Pass and Big Pass.
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Off Key
By Robert Frederickson
From One Retirement Mecca to Another
The Company We Keep
Did you see where Sarasota was named the best city in the nation for retirees by the financial planning website CreditDonkey.com? But before getting too carried away with the glory of it all, consider the company we’re in. Also making the top ten list: Bridgeport Connecticut, Albany, New York, Allentown, Pennsylvania… Allentown, Pennsylvania? Yes, Allentown, that iconic, onetime symbol of U.S. industrial decline immortalized by Billy Joel in his 1982 song of the same name. Perhaps the piano man can update the lyrics to reflect the city’s newfound acclaim. I can almost hear it... And we’re retired here in Allentown, And it’s hard to keep a good town down, Tonight playing cards, Tomorrow waxing the car... And then resting here in Allentown...
No Rhyme or Reason to Hurricane Season (...predictions at least)
This month marks the start of the Atlantic hurricane season, so of course, right on cue come the predictions from the usual assortment of meteorological oracles of climatic enlightenment and other would-be scientific soothsayers, most notably William Gray of the University of Colorado. This year’s prediction from Gray: “below average...” in terms of both the severity and number of storms expected to hit the U.S. mainland. But before you cancel your windstorm coverage, keep this in mind: last year Gray and his Colorado colleagues called for an active season. The result? One of the lightest ever. (Uh-ohh...)
“Let Them Eat.. Crab Legs?”
Some in the twitter-sphere have tried to suggest that FSU Heisman trophy winning quarterback Jameis Winston’s shoplifting episode at a Tallahassee Publix recently is yet more evidence that college athletes need to be paid for their efforts. Puh-leeeze... It wasn’t a jar of peanut butter or a package of Raman noodles on Winston’s shopping list. No, this quarterback “keeper” that went out
the front door of the store without paying involved $32 worth of crab legs tucked under Winston’s arm. Jean Valjean stealing a loaf of bread to keep body and soul together this was not.
Mistreating the Best Among Us?
The recent Memorial Day weekend provides a stark contrast for this next item. Recent revelations concerning the lack of respect not to mention the lack of care received by many of our veterans at VA hospitals are disheartening and worse, dishonorable. Reports have documented cases where veterans have been kept off official waiting lists for needed treatments, surgeries or other procedures so heartless bureaucrats could make their performance statistics look better than they otherwise would. Reporting on the still developing story has even indicated that some veterans have died waiting for treatment that they were not even officially in line to receive, even after months of repeated requests by veterans for that care. As the Affordable Care Act is fully implemented over the coming years, how can this story not be top of mind? If this is how we treat the best among us, the most deserving, what can the rest of us expect from an impersonal government health bureaucracy untethered from the checks and balances of a free and open marketplace? A memorable line from another popular song from the ‘80s comes to mind: “I don’t ever want to play the part, of a statistic on a government chart...” -Invisible Sun, The Police
Speaking of Jean Valjean...
Need some bread? Here’s a tip... City Reach Thrift Shop occasionally lands a load of overstocked or marginally out-of-date bread from area grocery stores and bakeries. On a recent Wednesday afternoon, there were eight pallets of perfectly good bread from St. Armand’s Bakery free for the taking at the thrift shop on the east side of North Lockwood Ridge Road, just north of University Parkway (across from the Super WalMart). So even if you don’t find buried treasure in their large inventory of clothes, household goods, books, furniture and electronics, you may still get a great deal. The free stuff isn’t available every day, and you certainly won’t find any crab legs (sorry Jameis), but if you put the store on your regular “stop-by-and-seewhat’s-available” list, you just might score some free bread or dinner rolls on the way out.
Mickey Gets a Raise...
The new price for admission to Disney World? $99. So while it may be a small world after all, it certainly isn’t a cheap one.
Homeless Shelter in Sarasota may be Victim of Shifting Political Sands
With two vacancies on the city commission coming by year’s end (due to Shannon Snyder and Paul Caragiulo stepping down to seek spots on the county commission), the momentum to build a homeless shelter in the city of Sarasota may have crested for the near term. That’s because the vacancies will be filled by the three remaining commissioners, two of whom (Susan Chapman and Willie Shaw) have expressed opposition to plans to build the shelter in the city.
A Sign of the Times
Bostonians are known for many fine and wonderful qualities, but the prudence and precision of their driving will never make the list. Which explains the message flashed on several of the electronic signs above the Mass. Pike approaching downtown: “Use Yah Blinkah!” Drivers here in Sarasota – especially on Tamiami Trail – take note: this advice applies to you as
Continued on page 16
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By Paul Roat
Republished in memory of Paul Roat (1957 - 2014)
|Siesta Key oldest island in region, thanks to Point of Rocks
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Siesta Key held the title of the No. 1 beach in the nation.
Historically, it appears, the island has had the top spot of beaches in Southwest Florida for about 4300 years. A 2003 report by University of South Florida scientists indicate that, based on analysis of Point of Rocks near Crescent Beach, “these beach deposits were in place at least 1800 years ago and might have been there as long ago as 4300 years ago. “This means that some type of barrier island was in place at that time.” The report quotes another coastal geologist who wrote that the information “shows that Siesta Key is one of the oldest barrier islands … along the west-central Florida coast. The study, “Formation of ‘Beach Rock’ at Siesta Key, Florida, and its influence on barrier island development,” was written by Darren Spurgeon, Richard A. Davis Jr., and Eugene A. Shinnu.
SIESTA SAND June 2014 • www.siestasand.net
Point of Rocks, circa 1988. Photo from “Explore Sarasota and Vicinity,” by Kenneth F. Tricebock
Siesta Key beachgoers are familiar with Point of Rocks, a unique beachrock outcrop that juts into the Gulf of Mexico for a little more than a half-mile along the shore. Much of the rock is above the water at low tide, allowing for an up-close exploration of the intertidal zone inhabited by crabs, little fish, starfish, and other critters. The rocks are popular for snorkelers and divers at high tide. Fishers enjoy a chance to get a little farther away from shore at all times. Exactly why Point of Rocks exists, and why it is where it is, has always been up in the air. The team admits that question, and doesn’t really explain why the rocks are only found at that one location. “Most of the proposed theories on beachrock cementation have strong supporting evidence making it impossible to attribute all beachrock to a single process,” they wrote. The USF scientists submitted samples taken from Point of Rocks to a barrage of tests. They also studied other elements found in the vicinity. Their conclusions? “Without question, the island immediately landward of the present beachrock exposure is not the paleoisland or the portion of the present island … this means that an older barrier occupied this site and was removed prior to the accumulation of sediments that constitute the landward, present barrier.” The team continues that further data collected “… implies that an island of considerable size (once) existed … an island seaward and perhaps much larger than the one present today.” In other words, islands now known as Siesta Key have evolved over time both east and west of Point of Rocks.
Point of Rocks, sea level rise
Rising sea level is one of the looming threats to all barrier island residents — actually, it’s a threat to all people living near the water in Florida. A little history, from “1992 Framework For Action” by the Sarasota Bay Estuary Program. “During the last ice age (18,000 years ago) temperatures averaged 41 degrees colder than today, and sea level was 328 feet lower. The Florida Gulf Coast was located 80-100 miles west of what is now the mouth of Tampa Bay, and the climate in Florida was described as similar to the present climate in North Carolina. “Changes in sea level are caused by changes in climate, and therefore temperature. The changes that occurred during the last ice age were predominately so slow that plant and animal life were able to adapt to changes in sea level.” What is happening today is a bit different. “Atmospheric loading of greenhouse gases is expected to increase global temperatures and accelerate rising sea levels to rates greater than those in normal climatic cycles.” Greenhouse gases are the fossil fuels that spew from our cars, truck, power plants, lawn mowers and anything else than takes gasoline or coal. Sarasota Bay may expect water levels 14 inches higher than today in 2065, and 25 inches higher in 2115, according to data accumulated by Mote Marine Laboratory. Looking back, the Point of Rocks team found that “sea level must have been very close to its present position at least 2000 years from present.” What will happen 2000 years from now, of course, is uncertain to say the least.
Featured Artist
By Diana Colson
|The Botanical Mastery of O. M. Braida An amazing Botanical artist lives in our midst. Her name is Olivia Marie Braida-Chiusano, and her elegant works hang in major collections and museums, to great critical acclaim. She is not only an exquisite artist; she is a greatly respected teacher. The creation of Botanical Art is both detailed and meticulous, and Olivia’s path to becoming a master in this field was extraordinary. Olivia Marie Braida was born in 1948 in Manhattan and raised in the Bronx. She had one sister by the name of Penelle. Her artist mother painted backdrops for the theater, while her father was a true Renaissance man, a multi-lingual inventor and diplomat. Olivia’s childhood passion was ballet. She reveled in her urban, cultured environment—a New York City child who loved spending time in museums. She found the classics compelling, and her favorite artist was Vermeer. For generations both sides of her family had been entrepreneurs, so Olivia studied Business Administration in college, along with Art and Writing. Her early artistic career included designing clothes, jewelry, and pottery. In 1978 she married John Joseph Chiusano. Within two years they opened their own National Transportation Company, Master Messenger, Inc., delivering what others would not handle, such as wedding cakes and six foot Santas. Their company won six ‘Business of the Year’ awards from 1986 to 1991, and Olivia was named Woman Entrepreneur of the Year in 1987. In 1993, they sold their business. Olivia returned to her love of fine art studying oil painting and pottery. On one bright sunny day, she took her first botanical art course at the New York Botanical Gardens, got hooked, and became a Certified Botanical Artist in 1995. She then was to meet Anne Marie Evans, an ArtistEducator who introduced her to the Botanical Style of the 17th century French Court. Fascinated, Olivia followed Anne Marie to England to continue intensive study. As patron, Louis XIII ( 16011643) had been a major force in the development of this art form, as was his younger brother, Gaston, duc d‘Orleans, a keen botanist and passionate collector. (As DeMedicis, they also exhibited a darker side: but therein lies another tale.)
In London, Olivia was able to physically hold and view with a magnifying glass the centuries-old paintings of Botanical Art Masters at the Lindley Library and the British Museum. This period of Botanical Art resonated with classical mastery, and Olivia fell passionately in love with the work continuing her classical studies with Cesar Borgia in New York. Her credentials were such that she was also allowed to pour over the King’s Collection at the Museum d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris. She was stunned by the brilliance of painters such as Daniel Rabel (1578-1637), Nicolas Robert (1614-1685), and Gerard Van Spaendonck (1746-1822) and Pancrace Bessa (1772-1835) the prized pupil of Pierre Joseph Redouté (1759-1840). These Official Botanical Illustrators produced highly detailed paintings depicting rare and unusual flowers in the royal gardens: all of their works were richly colored and painstaking layered to produce a three-dimensional effect on “Vélin” (“calfskin”). Inspired by classical realism, Olivia began explaining her botanical art technique as the OM BRAIDA
MATRIX THEORY, based on Renaissance Art and Leonardo De Vinci’s theories of Aerial Perspective and “light passing through planes.” She become so immersed in exploring this theory in her own botanical artwork, that commissions and exhibitions poured in for Olivia’s own large watercolor botanicals, many of which now hang in major collections and museums. Recommended by Anne Marie Evans to teach, Olivia worked from two New York Studios, Studio 101 and Studio 65. Olivia’s New York students urged her to compile all her teaching materials into textbooks. Her teaching association with the Ringling College of Art and Design (1998-2011) was the basis for the Botanical Art & Illustration Certification Program, which she designed and taught at their request. As a result, these two external forces brought about the realization of twelve textbooks and 13 supplementary course paks designed to take students through four levels of drawing, four levels of paintings, pen and ink and more! In 2004, she established her own school here in Sarasota—The Academy of Botanical Art—making her classes available to distant learners as well as local students. By 2010, the Academy had become the official botanical art school of the Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, and the Gardens became the certifying body to graduating students. Today, Olivia’s school, books, and teaching methods are available through her Distance Learning Program, which attracts students in the US, Canada, Europe, South America, Australia and Mexico. In the words of Susan White, former Curator of the South Florida Museum: “Her exquisite compositions are of the highest professional level and pay homage to the great masters.” Like her mother, Olivia Marie Braida is an artist. Like her father, she evolved into a Renaissance person. Like her mentor, Anne Marie Evans, she has become a master educator. Locally, Olivia’s elegant work may be seen at STAKENBORG FINE ART at 1545 Main St. in downtown Sarasota. It will also be included in the Instructors Exhibit at Selby Gardens from June 26-31. Olivia can be reached at www. omartdesigns.com. Her sister, Penelle Braida- Skinner, lives in the area and is a writer.
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Pet Talk
Dentistry! It’s our Summer Season which seems to last from May 15th to October 15th and it’s a good time to head out on trips and vacations or try to escape the heat. Many things have to be considered and plans have to be made but most of us don’t consider that minor aches and bothers can become major problems while away from home, especially on cruises and when out of the USA. Make sure those little tooth things you’ve ignored or dealt with are taken care of before you leave. If you have a spare denture - take it. Consult with your dentists for their opinion of what can wait and what shouldn’t. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t wait until the last moment. Let’s work toward a truly happy and healthy vacation season. It’s up to you!
By Dr. Anne Chauvet
1. What is the difference between a regular surgery and a minimally invasive procedure? Minimally Invasive Surgery is also often referred as a “keyhole” surgery. When performing MIS, the surgeon creates small, dime-sized incisions that allow the use of a miniature camera, or laparoscope, and specialized instruments to perform the procedure, so there is no need for a large, conventional incision. Smaller incisions mean less pain for our patients, along with a faster recovery. In the traditional surgery, a standard incision is made. In order to gain access to the body part, the incision needs to be sufficiently large, more invasive. This leads to more tissue trauma, more pain and longer recovery. 2. What are some of human food choices that are toxic to animals? There are many: apple seeds, grapes, chocolate, coffee. Many of our foods are actually not toxic, but can do damage. Dogs and cats are usually on the same daily diet and sudden changes can cause upset stomachs. Thus, although the food ingested (thanksgiving turkey, kid’s
cookies, etc.) is not really toxic, it can lead to a visit in the ER or at your vet for vomiting and diarrhea. 3. My 9-month-old Yorkshire Terrier mated with a larger dog. Are there any potential risks of such pregnancy to my “girl”? Absolutely! Good news however: the pups will grow to be big dogs as the final size and weight is more determined by the sire/dad than the mom. And better news: the pups should birth normally as the birth weight is more dictated by the bitch/mom. 4. Our 2-year-old male cat started attacking us all of a sudden, biting and scratching. Will neutering change his behavior? Not necessarily. I strongly advise that if your cat is indoors and well vaccinated, you see a behaviorist and your vet. If your cat is not vaccinated, please see your vet immediately as Rabies is a potential cause of sudden aggression in cats.
Dr. Chauvet earned her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Canada, completed a small animal medicine/surgery internship at the University of Illinois in Urbana and finished her residency in neurology/neurosurgery at the University of California, Davis. She has been trained in small animal rehabilitation by the Canine Rehabilitation Institute of Wellington, Florida and is known internationally for her specialized work in the relatively rare field of veterinary neurology speaking to, training, and consulting with veterinary practices and organizations globally. If you have a question about your pet, please email your question to criticalvetcare@gmail.com Each month, Dr. Chauvet will choose a few questions to share with readers.
Palmer Ranch Dental 8800 S. Tamiami Trail Sarasota, Florida 34238
Off Key By Robert Frederickson Continued from page 13
Perhaps this at least partly explains the recent trend on the part of some downtown merchants and condominium associations toward hiring private security firms to protect their interests. Do they perhaps sense an unwillingness on the part of city government and police to meet the challenges posed by downtown’s homeless population? So for now at least, expect more of the same as you walk the length of Main Street: lost souls hitting you up for handouts, fights over sleeping spots or stretches of sidewalk and my personal favorite, the guy who slowly, deliberately raises a middle finger to passing pedestrians with no regard to their race, creed, color or even any presumed sympathy or disgust they may have for this particular lost soul’s condition.
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|Pet Friendly Beaches Although dogs are not allowed on any of the beaches on Siesta Key, there are a few places you can take your furry pal. Brohard Paw Beach, 1600 Harbor Drive, Venice, FL 34285. Hours: 24 hours per day, 365 days per year (parking closed from 12 AM – 6 AM); dogs allowed on the designated portion of beach from 7 AM to dusk only Paw Park is one of the few places along the beach where dogs are allowed. The park features an enclosed run for big dogs and one for small dogs, as well as an open beach area where dogs can swim. This park, across from Venice’s airport, is where you and your “best friend” can play in the gulf and socialize with other dogs, offering doggie drinking fountains; showers on decks for “dogs only”, fire hydrants and leash posts, dog lovers have declared this park… and beach… to be the best doggie park in the state! Shaded by towering oaks, small dogs will enjoy their fenced in arena while the big boys can frolic in the larger pen. Double gates access both parks and the beach. A paved walkway leads directly to the beach where your best friend will delight in this 300’ section of sand and
water. Note: Summer months may force you to carry your furry friend as the sand can be hot under paw. Doggie waste bags and receptacles are provided and strategically placed around the park. Human comforts include drinking fountains, picnic tables and restrooms. Parking is very limited although off road parking is across the street. Bird Key Park is located on Bird Key, Florida, at the foot of the Ringling Causeway Bridge, which leads to Sarasota. This small stretch of beach along Sarasota Bay is a well-known spot for dog lovers. You and your dog can swim together while enjoying stunning views of the blue-green water. The park is open from 6 a.m. until 12 a.m. year-round, and admission is free.
(Source: eHow)
Ken Thompson Park, a small beach on the Gulf Coast of Florida, is a hidden treasure near the Mote Marine Aquarium on Sarasota Bay. Here you will also find the New Pass Fishing Pier, which winds through the mangroves. You and your pet can stroll along the pier or relax in the sun while watching the kayakers launch their boats. The beach is open from 5 a.m. until 11 a.m. and admission is free. (Source: eHow)
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SIESTA SAND June 2014 • www.siestasand.net
Build Your Own Sandwich Board
Street MAP pg 24 VILLAGE MAP pgs 18 - 19 CresCent Beach MAP pg 20 GULF GATE SHOPS pg 25
The Publication with “Key” Information | www.SiestaSand.net | 941.349.0194
Snapshots of Island Visitors
Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography
1 2
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1: Bikem, Sasha, Bertug, Karla, Burke – all enjoying the surf at Crescent Beach (from Sarasota). 2: Jack age 3, Valerie age 1 – at Crescent Beach from MI. 3: Angela from Sarasota working on her sandcastle at SK beach! 4: Ryan age 10 with his dad Michael – fishing on SK (from Sarasota). 5: In the wagon – Phoebe & Scarlet (twins age 18 months) Baron age 3, Oakely age 6 - Crescent Beach, from Bradenton.
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Drum Circle Magic By Diana Colson This remarkable woman performs at most of the Sunday night drum circles, sometimes using a lighted hula hoop, and sometimes large fans with scarves attached. (She would use her flaming hula hoop if authorities would allow, but fire is forbidden on Siesta beach.) Licensed in both Hawaii and Florida, Dr. Barnett is a certified diplomate of the American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Plastic Surgery. She has served as chief of surgery for USAMEDDAC in Bremerhaven, Germany, at Soto Cano Air Base Hospital in Honduras, and at Bon Secours Venice Hospital (now Venice Regional Medical Center) where she is presently on staff. She combines her expertise in the most advanced plastic, reconstructive, hand and micro-surgical techniques with the wisdom of ancient Eastern healing arts to create a new healing vision at Mandala Med-Spa and Yoga Shala located at 1715 Stickney Point Rd. (www.mandalamedspa.com) At each of Siesta Key’s Sunday night gatherings, Dr. Barnett brings flowers
as a gift from the garden, presenting them to drummers and dancers as well as onlookers in the crowd. She is the one who places the lighted globe to mark the center of the circle on the sand. “I like to stay centered,” she says with a smile. Her back story is unique. Born in Japan, Marguerite was adopted at the age of one by a fundamentalist Chaplain in the U. S .Army, and she grew up on American military bases all over the world. She always wanted to be a doctor and she also loved to dance. Her parents did not approve of dancing, but Marguerite could find nothing negative about it. After graduation from the University of Texas in Austin, Marguerite was accepted to study medicine at Harvard. Surprisingly, her horrified parents promptly disowned her! You see, her adopted father had attended Chaplain’s school at Harvard, and came away thinking of it as a school for heathens. It was the 1970’s, Patty Hearst had been kidnapped, and Harvard looked to this fundamentalist military Chaplain like a place steeped
Continued from cover story
in dangerous thought. Since she no longer had the support of her family, Marguerite joined the U.S. Army in order to obtain a Health Professions Scholarship. In exchange for completing her medical education, she would be obliged to serve as a doctor in the military for a number of years. This scholarship paid for all her tuition and books at Harvard, but she had to earn her own living expenses. Like most students, she first turned to waitressing, which took long, hard hours away from her studies. Her roommate was an Algerian girl, who was also a belly dancer. (In Algeria, mothers teach their daughters to belly dance. The women only dance for each other, not in front of men.) In America, however, her Algerian roommate had found a cushy job at a Cambridge restaurant performing as a belly dancer for twenty minutes twice each evening, once at 7:00, and again at 9:00. When her roommate fell ill, Marguerite went to perform as a substitute. To her amazement, she found that the job not only allowed
her to study for 90 minutes between performances, it also generated as much money as being a waitress! Being slight of figure and not voluptuous like traditional belly dancers, Marguerite distracted her audience by using props and learning to balance the sword. She danced her way through Med School, and then went off to serve for eleven years as
Map B #42
a trauma surgeon in the U. S. Army. She continues to steadily expand her dance skills to include Balinese dances and the classical Indian Bharatnayam. She has also studied Sufi dances, pole dancing, aerial silks, hula-hooping, and the Spanish flamenco. “I see music almost like colors,” says this doctor/ dancer. “I see movement when I hear music.” Beach Bazaar & Swin Shack........... Map-C #28 Blvd. Beachwear.................................. Map-B #30 Comfort Shoes-Birki & More.........Map-D #64 Foxy Lady Fashions........................... Map-A #40 Gidget’s Coastal Provisions.............Map-B #44 Island Cotton Company.....................Map-C #29 Le Grand Bisou Chic Boutique......... Map-D #11 Lotus Boutique................................... Map-D #66 Siesta T’s............................................... Map-B #30 Sun Glass Outlet..................................Map-C #24 GAS STATION Circle K Store......................................... Map-E #6 GIFTS & SOUVENIRS Beach Bazaar...................................... Map-C #28 Created Gems......................................Map-C #51 Hurricane Rita’s Gifts.........................Map-C #51 Mount-N-Repair.................................. Map-B #48 Sea Pleasures & Treasures...................Map-C #2 Siesta Key Bead Shack....................... Map-A #36 Siesta Key’psakes................................ Map-B #29 Siesta Key Outfitters.........................Map-D #11 Siesta Key University.......................... Map-B #36
AccomModations Siesta Beach Resort ........................Map-A #38A ART GALLERY / STUDIO Calle Studios.........................................Map-B #32 ATM / BANKS PNC ATM............................................. Map-C #61 Martin Funding......................................Map-E #1 Sun Trust Bank & ATM.........................Map-E #4 Bakery & Deli A Taste of Germany............................Map-C #53 Heavenly Cupcakes.............................Map-B #50 Meany’s Mini Donuts......................... Map-C #24 BARS & NIGHTCLUBS Blase Café.............................................Map-A #38 Blu Que Island Grill..........................Map-C #57 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar................Map-B #42-43 Gilligan’s...............................................Map-B #33 Siesta Key Oyster Bar........................ Map-B #45 The Beach Club....................................Map-D #22 The Cottage.......................................... Map-C #58 The Hub-Baja Grill..............................Map-D #59 BOOK STORES Used Book Heaven...............................Map-B #48 COFFEE SHOPS Lelu’s Coffee Lounge...........................Map-B #31 The Local Bean................................... Map-D #62 DRUG & HARDWARE Davidson’s Drugs................................Map-D #65 Village Hardware................................ Map-C #26 FASHION & ACCESSORIES Aqua Beachwear................................ Map-D #12
Map D #11
SIESTA SAND June 2014 • www.siestasand.net
Besides being active with the drum circle, she also performs with drummer Shawn Bowen— a professional musician—as well as other bands. Shawn is a multi-instrumental player and music video director who usually plays guitar with a hard rock, heavy metal band. (He played for years with the band Neurotica, and currently fronts Didges Christ SuperDrum, and HEALTH & FITNESS Indep. Lifestyle Solutions ................ Map-D #10 Nirvana Juice Bar............................... Map-D #62 Siesta Key Fitness..............................Map-B #73 Studio Rubylakes................................ Map-B #49
plays guitar for Stones of Madness. This extraordinary Renaissance man is also a glass blower and a gifted photographer who creates handsome digital art (www.ShawnBowenArts.com.) At the Siesta Key Drum Circle, however, he’s just the guy with dreadlocks playing the African Djuns (bass drums.) Shawn and Marguerite Barnett met at the circle when he joined the
group in 1996, and have been partners for the past seven years. (“He’s very easy going,” says Marguerite. “He doesn’t resent the time-demands of my practice.”) They both have continued to anchor the drum circle group by their strong commitment, but are quick to say that no one is really in charge. A drum circle is an organic thing, and there is no leader.
At the Siesta Key Drum Circle, a few rules of etiquette need to be observed: The inside of the drum circle is for participants only, not for people standing around. Feel free to enter the circle, take a picture and dance, but always keep moving. Never play someone’s drum without getting clearance from the owner. Always
ask before borrowing other people’s property, especially hula hoops. Flash photography and bright video lights are distracting, so photograph during daylight or use a night vision camera. And finally, please do not drink alcohol or smoke inside the circle. Photos courtesty of SwahiliKeeley Photography
Map E #5
• segway rentals • PaDDleBOarDs • scOOter cars • kayak tOurs/rentals • Bikes • scOOters • Beach gear
ICE CREAM/treats Big Olaf Creamery..............................Map-C #52 Ciao Gelato...........................................Map-C #50 SubZero Ice Cream Yogurt............... Map-D #16 Sunni Bunni Frozen Yogurt...............Map-C #53 INTERNET / WiFi SERVICES Davidson Drugs................................. Map-D #65 Internet Cafe......................................... Map-D #9 Lelu Coffee Lounge............................. Map-B #31 The Local Bean...................................Map-D #62 JEWELRY Created Gems......................................Map-C #51 Michael & Co. Jewelers...................... Map-B #29 Mount -N- Repair Jewelers................ Map-B #48
5255 Ocean Blvd • Siesta Key Village www.robinhoodrentals.net
LIQUOR STORES / Fine Wines Gabbiano’s Wine Club....................... Map-D #70 Gilligan’s.............................................. Map-B #33 Siesta Key Wines............................... Map-C #61 The Beach Club................................... Map-D #22 MAILING - SHIPPING UPS store............................................. Map-A #41 US Post Office..................................... Map-D #65 MARKETS/FOOD STORES 7-11 Store.............................................. Map-B #46 Circle K Store......................................... Map-E #6 Siesta Market........................................Map-C #25 MASSAGE Hands of Light Massage.................... Map-B #35 Massage Experience Siesta Key......Map-D #62 Massage Therapy.................................. Map-E #1 Siesta Key Massage Ctr....................... Map-D #9 MEDICAL - DENTAL Dr. Barry LaClair MD.........................Map-C #56 E.K. Koster DMD................................ Map-D #63 Karen F. Leggett, D.O.........................Map-C #56 Siesta Key Physical Therapy............. Map-D #20 Siesta Smiles Dentistry....................... Map-B #49 MISCELLANEOUS Chamber of Commerce..................... Map-D #67 Roberti Enterprises............................ Map-A #39 Sheriff’s Office...................................... Map-D #9 Tarot Card Reading & Gifts............... Map-B #50 PROFESSIONAL SERVICEs CG Designs...........................................Map-E #1 Edward Jones Investments............... Map-D #68 Smith Architects.................................. Map-E #74 REAL ESTATE / Rental SERVICES Ascendia Real Estate.......................... Map-D #11 Beachside Resorts Rental.................. Map-D #11 Charles Rutenburg Realty..................Map-C #53 Coldwell Banker Realty..................... Map-D #20 Horizon Realty.................................... Map-B #34 Island Homes.......................................Map-C #51 Key Realty.............................................Map-E #5 Michael Saunders Realty..................Map-E #72 Re/Max Alliance Group................... Map-D #60 ReMax Tropical Sands....................... Map-D #67 Robasota Rentals & Real Estate..... Map-A #39 Siesta Key Realty.................................. Map-D #9 Waterside Realty.................................Map-C #29
Map C #53
RESTAURANTS Another Broken Egg..................Map-C #54 & 55 Beach Bites..........................................Map-D #16 Blase Café............................................ Map-A #38 Blu Que Island Grill......................... Map-C #57 Bonjour French Cafe...........................Map-C #47 Café Gabbiano.................................... Map-D #71 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar............... Map-B #42-43 Eat Here Restaurant.....................Map-D #17-18 Flavio’s Brick Oven & Bar.................. Map-B #29 Flavio’s Italiano Ristorante................ Map-B #30 Gilligan’s Island Bar & Grill.............. Map-B #33 Jo To’s Japanese Restaurant...............Map-C #47 LeLu’s Coffee Bar................................ Map-B #31 Lobster Pot.......................................... Map-C #23 Napoli’s Italian Restaurant............. Map-C #53 Old Salty Dog Rest. & Pub................... Map-E #2 Señor Siesta........................................Map-D #69 Siesta Key Oyster Bar........................Map-B #45 Solorzano Bros. Pizzeria.................... Map-D #15 Subway Sandwiches........................... Map-B #30 Sun Garden Café................................ Map-D #19 The Cottage..........................................Map-C #58 The Hub - Baja Grill........................... Map-D #59 Village Café........................................Map-D #14 SPAS - HAIR & BEAUTY Nails By Iris..........................................Map-C #50 Salon Capelli......................................... Map-D #9 Sassy Hair Salon................................ Map-A #40 Siesta Key Nails...................................Map-D #9 Village Barber....................................... Map-D #9 SPORTS INTEREST/Rentals CaliFlorida............................................ Map-B #32 Robin Hood Rentals.........................Map-D #34 Siesta Village Outfitters......................Map-C #53
Map C #61
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Bars & Nightclubs Capt. Curt’s Backroom Saloon................B-3 #7 Crescent Club........................................... C-3 #13 Sniki Tiki....................................................B-3 #8 Delis & Sandwiches Anna’s Deli & Sandwiches.................. C-3 #14 The Beach Deli @ Crescent Beach Grocery..... ......................................................................B-3 #1 DRUG STORES Davidson’s Drugs..................................... C-3 #14 Fashion & Accessories CB’s Island Outfitters.............................. A-3 #2 CB’s Saltwater Outfitters........................ A-3 #4 Coconuts Fashion......................................B-3 #1 Coconuts / Island Colors..........................B-3 #8 Green Turtle Swimwear......................... C-3 #14
Key Casual Fashions............................... D-4 #17 Things You Like...................................... C-3 #14 Gifts & Souvenirs Capt. Curt’s Souvenirs.............................B-3 #8 Green Turtle Shells & Gifts................. C-3 #14 The Silversmith ...................................... D-4 #17 Silver City Jewelry.................................. C-3 #14 Health & Beauty Lorraine’s Beauty & Barber.....................B-3 #8 Salon Siesta............................................... D-4 #17 Siesta Key Salon & Spa........................... C-3 #14 The Key Spa & Salon.............................. A-5 #12 Ice Cream & Treats Orange Octopus .......................................B-3 #8 INTERNET / WiFi SERVICES Davidson’s Drugs.................................... C-3 #14 Mail Pack Center..................................... C-3 #14 Liquor Stores Crescent Beach Grocery...........................B-3 #1
Crescent Club............................................B-3 #13 Siesta Spirits............................................. C-4 #17
Boatyard Waterfront Bar & Grill...............A-5 #12 Capt. Curts Crab & Oyster Bar.................B-3 #7
Mailing & Shipping Mail Pack Center..................................... C-3 #14 US Post Office Sub Station..................... C-3 #14
City Pizza Italian Restaurant............... D-3 #17 Clayton’s Siesta Grille...............................B-3 #9 Javier’s Restaurant.................................. C-3 #17 Miguel’s Restaurant................................ C-3 #17 Water Sports - Fishing - RENTALS A to Z Beach & Bike Rentals.................. A-5 #12 CB’s Island Outfitters.............................. A-3 #2 CB’s Saltwater Outfitters........................ A-3 #4 Parasail Siesta............................................. A-3 #2 Sarasota Wind and Water Adventures.. A-5 #12 Siesta Key Bike & Kayak . ......................B-3 #8 Siesta Key Marina..................................... A-4 #5 Siesta Key Parasailing............................... A-4 #5 Siesta Sports Rentals............................... A-3 #2 Siesta Sports Rentals............................. C-3 #14 Waves Boat & Social Club...................... A-5 #12
Markets 7-11 Store.................................................. C-3 #16 Big Water Fish Market.......................... C-4 #17 Crescent Beach Grocery..........................B-3 #1 Miscellaneous Moving & Storage....................................B-3 #10 Flowers by Fudgie................................... D-3 #17 Real Estate / RENTALS Homes & Condo Rentals........................ D-3 #17 Moynihan Realty..................................... D-3 #17 Re/Max Tropical Sands............................B-3 #1 Siesta 4-Rent.............................................. C-3 #1
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Bikes • Kayaks • Scooters • Kayak Tours
Map B-3#8
Anna’s Deli 6535 Midnight Pass Rd.
MAP C-3 #14
CB’s Saltwater Outfitters 1249 Stickney Point Rd.
MAP A-3 #4
Coconuts Fashion MAP 1215 Old Stickney Point Rd. B-3 #1&8
Siesta 4-Rent 6555 Midnight Pass Rd.
MAP C-3 #1
City Pizza 6645 Midnight Pass Rd.
MAP D-3 #17
Miguel’s Restaurant 6631 Midnight Pass Rd.
MAP C-3 #17
Big Water Fish Market 6641 Midnight Pass Road
MAP C-4 #17
Sarasota Wind & Water Adventures 1518 Stickney Point Rd.
MAP C-3 #14
PLACE YOUR AD HERE Island Visitor Publishing 941-349-0194
SIESTA SAND June 2014 • www.siestasand.net
Notes from the Island Fishmonger
Water World
Captain Jim Klopfer
By Scott Dolan, Big Water Fish Market The end of our colder water season will bring an end to seafood favorites such as Stone Crabs and Pompano but the good news is that our warmer waters will bring us plenty of new treats from the sea. May and June is peak season for a Florida favorite the great “MAHI MAHI”. Mahi-mahi prefers the warm tropical waters found along the Gulf Coast of Florida. It feeds off shore on small fish, shrimp, squid and crabs. What a great diet. Mahi-mahi is found world-wide in the tropic waters of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. It is the state fish of Hawaii. The Hawaiian name, Mahi-Mahi means “strong-strong” referring to mahi mahi as one of the fastest swimming fish in the sea and is highly regarded among sport fishermen for its fighting ability. Mahi-Mahi is commonly known as dolphin fish, however most marketers avoid the label for obvious reasons. My favorite is Dorado which is its Spanish name. The great Dorado fish is a brilliant blue, green and silver color with yellow spotting. The belly is usually yellow. They have a round head which resembles a dolphin. Males tend to have more color than females. They can grow to be over six feet and usually live for about 25 years. Not only is this a beautiful fish in the sea but it is a tasty fish on land. The extra lean dark meat is firm textured with large, solid flake and moist with a mild, slightly sweet flavor. This fish is great on the outdoor grill served with a tropical salsa and veggies or served as a blackened fish sandwich and it is very common to make fish tacos with the Mahi. Amberjack is a great substitute for Mahi-mahi.
Herb-Seared Mahi-Mahi 4.5 to 7 ounce Florida Mahi fillets Deli Dust to taste. (Deli Dust is the perfect blend of salt, pepper, garlic and onion only sold at BWFM)
Adventure Charters 941-371-1390
1 bunch of fresh leaf parsley finely chopped. 1 sprig fresh rosemary, finely chopped 1 small bunch thyme, finely chopped 2 tablespoons olive oil. 1 lemon Season fillets with Deli Dust. Squeeze fresh lemon juice on fillets. Mix together chopped herbs and press onto tops of fillets. Heat oil in a large saute’ pan on medium-high heat. Saute’ for 3 to 5 minutes on each side until cooked through. Serve with a mango salsa and steamed asparagus if you wish. (serves 4)
5 year old Toby Williams from the UK holds a nice troout on his first fishing trip ever.
June will find Sarasota beaches lined with anglers in search of the ultimate gamefish, tarpon, especially early in the month. Catching these giants is really not complicated. Rig a 25 lb spinning outfit with 36” of 80lb flourocarbon leader and a 5/0 hook, then position the boat 100 yards off the beach and cast a live crab, pinfish, sardine, lure, or fly at any pod that presents itself. One benefit of the popularity of tarpon fishing is that pressure in the bay will be light. With many anglers “out on the beach” the bays are relatively un-pressured. Bait will be plentiful, those proficient in cast-netting will have no problem filling their live-wells with frisky pilchards. Once the well is filled, you can choose to anchor up on a likely spot or drift across a large flat. Live shrimp is also deadly on most species, but as we move into summer the pinfish become more of a problem. Anglers casting artificial baits will do well with scented soft plastics, Rapala X-Raps, and spoons. The flats around both passes will be productive for speckled trout, Spanish mackerel, pompano, bluefish, and ladyfish. Shrimp under a popping cork, live pilchards, and artificial lures are all productive baits. 3” Gulp shrimp in new penny, natural, or glow and Cotee grubs in olive, rootbeer/gold on a ¼ oz jig head will account for plenty of fish. Redfish will begin to school up on the shallow flats this month. A
Dorado Tacos Served only at Big Water Fish Market Ingredient’s include: flour tortilla Key lime Cole slaw homemade Pico salsa Garlic Aioli Sauce Tacos served with spicy Savanah Red Rice. All ingredient’s available to buy at BWFM or you can ask chef Jack to share his recipes. BEST FISH TACOS IN SARASOTA! Live well...Eat fish Scott Dolan, Big Water Fish Market 6641 Midnight Pass, Siesta Key, 941-554-8101
|Kathleen D Sailing Catamarans Let’s go sailing, KATHLEEN D Sailing Catamarans, serving Siesta Key from 3 locations, Downtown Sarasota, Longboat Key and Anna Marie Island. If you would like to experience being on the water
viewing Dolphin Watches, Sunset Sails, Snorkeling and Shelling call us at 941-870-4349 or go to our web site for detailed information www. kathleend.net USCG Certified for 20 passengers.
|Siesta Key Fishing Charters We offer the best that inshore and off shore fishing has to offer. With over 20 years local experience, our Licensed & insured captains offer 4, 6, & 8 hour trips with all equipment included! Conveniently located docks at the South bridge of Siesta Key with parking and restrooms. 1/2 free this month for travel! For more information, call us at 727-641-2665, 1500 Stickney Point Rd.
|The Rumrunner Located at Turtle Beach Marina in South Siesta Key | 941.349.3119 www.siestakeycharterfishing.com Captain Joe Bonaro offers more than exciting deep sea fishing opportunities aboard “Sarasota’s
low, incoming tide is preferred, the fish will move up onto the flats with the rising tide. Scented soft plastics, weedless spoons, and topwater plugs work well for those who prefer to cast artificial lures. Live bait can be extremely effective, anchoring up and fishing potholes is a proven technique. You can count on one thing in June in Sarasota, it is going to be hot! One way to beat the heat is to fish in the evening and at night. Snook are nocturnal by nature and feed heavily in the dark. Working lighted docks and bridges is the most popular night fishing method. Anchor a cast away up-current of the light, then toss a live or artificial shrimp, baitfish, small jig, plug, or fly into the shadow line of the light. You may also catch mangrove snapper, speckled trout, ladyfish, jacks, and maybe even a tarpon fishing the bridges at night. Beach fishing for snook was decent last season, and it should be good again this summer, especially with the mild winter that we had. Walk the beach in the morning, looking for snook in the surf line. Cast out a small spoon, plug, or jig in front of any snook that you spot. This is a great time to break out the fly rod, white baitfish patterns are best. Flounder, trout, ladyfish, mackerel, jacks, pompano, and other species will hit live and frozen shrimp and jigs off the Siesta Key beaches in June.
JUNE 2014 TIDE CHART Florida, St. Petersburg, Sarasota, Sarasota Bay
June 2014
N 27° 20' / W 82° 33'
fastest charter boat,” the Rumrunner (941/349-3119). The skipper offers special boat and fishing trips for families – and for families with small children – as well as customized day and overnight trips.
High Tide 1.3
High Tide 2.2
7 8 9
Low Tide 1.2
Low Tide -0.1
1125am 3rd
©2014 FreeTideTables.com - For comparison only - Times are local - Tides in feet from MLLW
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Who’s Playing Tonight
By Mike Sales
|An interview with Ari One night, about three years ago, I’d just sat down to have coffee with a group of friends and was settling into what was bound to be the usual conversation, when an electric personality came bounding in, sat down and proceeded to light up the room. I’d heard of people possessing this quality before. In Hollywood, this characteristic is simply referred to as “it.” I’ve since come to know her as a wonderful singer named Ari, part
of “Nic and Ari”, who are no less than the darlings of the Sarasota music scene, a perfect match, both musically and as a couple and a joy to watch perform as a duo, or with their band, “Ari & the Alibis.” I met up with both of them one rainy afternoon for an interview. Nic will be featured in a future article. This is Ari… WPT: Where are you originally from? Ari: I was born and raised in Sarasota Florida. WPT: When did you start singing? Ari: I was 3 or 4. My dad was a professional singer and I grew up seeing it.
Performing Live Weekly Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:00 PM ‘til 4:00 PM
BluQue Island Grill 149 Avenida Messina
Siesta Key
WPT: How did you pick up your first gigs? Ari: I was waiting tables at Mattison’s City Grille. My coworkers noticed me singing along with the bands and urged me to get up on stage. WPT: So…you got discovered singing during your waitress shift? Ari: Not right away. I was nervous. I’d forget the words and actually, found out later that I’d failed an unofficial audition with the Ventura’s that way. Everyone insisted that I sing, and eventually, I was asked to learn eight tunes, for a private gig with “Eclipse.” WPT: And after that, you joined the band? Ari: I moved to Texas, returned, went for lunch at Mattison’s, ran into Buster and was offered a job with “Eclipse”, to sing every Friday. WPT: How did you find your way into “Lotus Fire”?
Ari: They found me; Nicholas, who’d been toying with the idea of picking up a singer, heard me singing “besame mucho” at Mattison’s as he walked down Main St and asked me to work with him. WPT: When did you start writing songs? Ari: I used to write original reggae tunes, just for fun. I was really into “Sublime”, “Buju Banton” and a lot of “Bob Marley”. I didn’t perform any of them, but when Nic asked me to sing I replied, “sure, can I sing in Spanish?” He really liked that, since he was playing Flamenco, and asked me to write Spanish lyrics for his songs. WPT: When did you learn Spanish? Ari: I’d always been fascinated with the language and took classes in high school. After I had my first child, we moved, to Texas to be with his father’s family who only spoke Spanish. I brought the language and love of the culture back with me, when I returned here, pregnant with my second child. WTP: How many pieces do you have in your current band “Ari & The Alibis?” Ari: We have a drummer, a trombone, guitar, myself singing lead & fronting the band and we’re currently switching back & forth but looking for a permanent bassist to give us the cohesiveness that will take us to the next level. WPT: What are your career goals for the band? Ari: We’d like to really hone our songs and sound, record an album, tour, play festivals, sell CDs and merchandise, get our name out there,
with Come Back Alice, who’ve taken an interest in us and are a great band. I love Ali and the Ventura’s and Lauren Mitchell. We try to make it to Thorson’s Jam at the 5’O when we can.
support it with the website, publicity photos, and press, win over fans, one at a time with our live performances, on which we thrive. Ultimately, we’d like to be signed to a record label and see national success and additional revenue streams through music licensing, airplay, endorsements and royalties. We’re already talking about going to Cleveland, Pennsylvania, Buffalo NY and Toronto this year and schedule gigs along the route and as we head back home. WPT: What can the audience expect to hear at your gigs? Ari: A lot of fusion. Each band member, takes our songs, draws on their own style and blends together to create a truly unique sound. We still play jazz, swing, but with the feel of disco and funk…there’s love songs, ballads, blues, rock, hints of various other influences and of course, Flamenco. Nic, built a Flamenco guitar into an electric guitar frame, so he could bring that style to this band. WPT: Do you play originals at your gigs? Ari: We try to mix our originals with about 50% covers, blending them through the night WPT: Which local musicians do you go see play? Ari: We’re very good friends
SIESTA SAND June 2014 • www.siestasand.net
WPT: What is your favorite part about being a fulltime musician? Ari: We started this band to have fun, not to take it seriously. We wanted a project that would enable us to goof off, have fun and enjoy playing music again, because we missed rockin’ out. So, we mix it up to stay interested. I have a little bit of ADHD. I jump around on stage… you’ll see that. I drink a lot of Red bull, scream, shout and let it all out. Being a musician was something that I never asked to do. It was something I had to do…that I was meant to do. When the opportunity presented itself, I went with it and have never questioned it or looked back. It’s my purpose. WPT: What is your message to your audience? Ari: No matter what we’re going through, good or not, it’s all a part of life. I myself have had to deal with separating the partying from the gigs, which Nic and a wonderful fellowship helped me overcome. Nic and I have had our share of challenges we mostly created and worked through. We write about all of it. It all has a place. When we play slow songs, fast songs, sad songs and silly songs, it’s because we’ve felt all of those things at one time or another. You can come to see us and find something you can identify with and feel welcome however you are that day. Mike Sales is a local singer/ songwriter. For more information visit mikesalessings.com
Island Humor [ Barnum & Bailey was transferring the circus from one town to another. The elephants were connected trunk to tail. They came along a railroad crossing and as the elephants were halfway across the tracks, a train came along and killed two of them. Shortly thereafter, B&M railroad received an invoice from Barnum and Bailey for $10,000. B&M immediately called Barnum & Bailey and requested an explanation for the charge asking what the cost of a new elephant was. Barnum & Bailey responded, “$1,000 each.” B&M responded, “But, we only killed two of them.” Barnum & Bailey contoured, “Yes, but you pulled the tails out of eight others.” [ A lawyer boarded an airplane in New Orleans with a box of frozen crabs and asked a blonde flight attendant to take care of them for him. She took the box and promised to put it in the crew’s refrigerator. He advised her that he was holding her personally responsible for them staying frozen, mentioning in a very haughty manner that he was a lawyer, and proceeded to rant at her
about what would happen if she let them thaw out. Needless to say, she was annoyed by his behavior. Shortly before landing in New York, she used the intercom to announce to the entire cabin, “Would the lawyer who gave me the crabs in New Orleans, please raise your hand?” Not one hand went up, so she took them home. [ Bubba goes to the revival and listens to the preacher. After a while, the preacher asks anyone with needs to come forward and be prayed over. Bubba gets in line and when it’s his turn the preacher says, “Bubba, what you want me to pray about?” Bubba says, “Preacher, I need you to pray for my hearing”. So the preacher puts one finger in Bubba’s ear and the other hand on top of his head and prays a while. After a few minutes, he removes his hands and says, “Bubb, how’s your hearing now?” Bubba says, “I don’t know preacher, it’s not until next Wednesday”. [ An Irish woman of advanced age visited her physician to ask his help in reviving her husband’s libido.
“What about trying Viagra? Asks the doctor. “Not a chance”, she says, “he won’t even take an aspirin”. “Well, why don’t you try what I call an Irish Viagra,” says the doctor. “It’s when you drop the Viagra tablet into his coffee. He won’t even taste it. Give it a try and call me in a week to let me know how things go”. A few days pass, when she calls the doctor. “Doctor,” she exclaims, “faith, bejaysus, and behorrah! Twas horrid! Just terrible!” “Really? What happened?”, asked the doctor. “Well, I did as you advised and slipped it in his coffee and the effect was almost immediate. He jumped straight up, with a twinkle in his eye, and with one swoop of his arm, he sent the cups and tablecloth flying, ripped me clothes to tatters and took me then and there, took me passionately on the table top! It was a nightmare, I tell you an absolute nightmare!” “Sounds to me like the prescription worked as promised, “ said the doctor. “Was it really that bad?” “Twas the best sex I’ve had in 25 years! But sure as I’m sittin’ here, I’ll never be able to show me face in Starbucks again!”
nth... o M e h T f o r e d n e Bart 2-1110
Grille 941-92 & ar B s rt o p S ’s 1 Harry Sarasota, FL 3423 , il ra T i m ia am T 6606 S.
Name of Bartender: Kendra Hometown: Born in Grand Rapids, Michigan I have been here in Sarasota for 7 years Q: How long have you been bartending? A: 16 years.
The Godfather Cocktail
MLB/College Packages FULL BAR
Source: www.cocktaillab.org The godfather cocktail is said to be Marlon Brando’s favorite cocktail recipe and it was first created back in the 1970’s.
Captain Curt’s
Village SHOPS
Q: What do you do in your spare time? A: A lot of studying, and when I’m not doing this I love working out, spending time with my friends, and on Sunday Funday you will find me floating on a raft in my pool with a cocktail in my hand!
Q: How would you describe yourself? A: Friendly, honest, funny, entertaining, sarcastic, and full of life.
Q: How would you describe Harry’s Sports Bar & Grille? A: Fun and exciting, we have the best sports fans in town so this place is full of energy and people cheering on their favorite teams all year long!
• 1 1/2 ounces Scotch • 1/2 ounce amaretto
6500 Gateway Ave • 941.554.8905
Q: What was the strangest or funniest thing you experienced at work? A: As long as I have been bartending, I have seen and experienced some crazy stuff, but since I have been at Harry’s I would say while I was working the outside bar ( which has a view of 41 ) you obviously see the cars going by on a daily basis, but one afternoon my customers and I did not expect to see a random guy walking down 41 with no shirt on, a leather thong, boots, cowboy hat with a back pack on, I’m pretty sure we all did a double take and so did the traffic that drove by, well needless to say he was arrested within minutes.
Pour the ingredients in an old fashioned glass. Add some ice cubes and stir well. The godfather cocktail is ready! Enjoy...
Q: What is the best time to see you? A: I’m there on Friday nights and Saturday afternoons.
1200 Old Stickney Point Rd, Siesta Key FL 34242
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Home of the Orange Squeeze! Featuring hand-mixed ice cream, coffees, shakes, malts, sundaes, & smoothies. Open Til 9:30pm 941-346-8080
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SIESTA SAND June 2014 • www.siestasand.net
Tony’s Chicago Beef Company, 6569 Superior Ave. Located in Gulf Gate 941-922-7979 Here are what the folks are saying about this unique place from Trip Advisor and Yelp.
years back at a little place outside of Boston but it’s been rough going ever since. Enter Tony’s. This place puts together I just finished the FANTASTIC chili dogs. Italian Beef, and I swear I had almost forgotten I’m sad because there’s what a good hotdog nobody around right tastes like. The bun, now to high-five. hotdog and chili were all The period that I fantastic. You won’t get lived in Chicago was better anywhere. back when there was Since the hotdog was a Comiskey Park; I so good I had to give the definitely frequented hamburger and Italian Portillo’s regularly, meat a go also - both but there was always fantastic. Oh, and their something about Portillo’s at that even have a Jewel/Oscar poster of point that struck me as just awfully the Chicago Bears from 1986, which French fries=amazing. Unless you commercial, polished, just a bit too is remarkably similar to the one I are vegan GO! mechanical and perfect. Portillo’s got when I was a kid; I couldn’t stop was excellent, but it just didn’t seem staring at it. “Very good Chicago Dog to have the heart and soul of that little and Fries” “Just what I needed...” greasy spoon on south Wabash Ave. that I used to go to in my late teens, First of all let me say I love fine Reviewed April 24, 2014 or, say, The Wiener’s Circle, although dining as much as the next person. Even though I am not a Chicago I’m not big on char-dogs. But we all know that sometimes native, I love a good Chicago Dog. Yes, You will find an authentic Chicago there is nothing better than a damn I like a hot dog topped with a salad. I hot dog at Tony’s Chicago Beef, and good hotdog. Being from northern was very pleased to find Tony’s. Not you will definitely find some of that Virginia, the pickings have been slim. a fancy place but good food. good heart and soul I was talking about; And thus I’ve been looking for a good friendly service and fair prices. In an area with a lot of unique little shops, I knew it the moment Tony told me hotdog for years. the pops were in the fridge. They I had a really strong one a few bars, etc. A good find in my book
“Really hit the spot”
amazing with gravy on the side. The roast beef melted in your mouth and Reviewed January 23, 2014 dipped in gravy was even better... I have been longing for a real The fries were done to perfection and Chicago dog for years and found it fresh hand cut fries. Also, owner’s here. It does not get better than this! son Gusieppe was an awesome host And the fries that come with it are and had good conversations. great too---fresh real potatoes with skin. Great find in Sarasota
Love it!
Reviewed March 29, 2014 “Golden Dive!!!!!” Coming off of Siesta Key this place What a great little place, built is casual, no pretenses, good burger around Chicago sports figures and and fries at a fair price. And cold food. I thought the food was great. beer to rinse it all down. I’m a happy Now the Italian beef sandwich was camper.
SAVE $100
McClain’s Ice Cream & Superior 6670 Superior Ave.
(next to Monk’s Steamer Bar)
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Sarasota Waters They’re Baaack! Sea turtle season has begun: May 1 – October 31 Although May is the “official” start of turtle nesting season on Florida’s West Coast, sea turtles don’t carry calendars. Some have come ashore months earlier, a few stragglers after the official end; Oct. 31. This year, the Mote’s Sea Turtle Patrol recorded the first sea turtle nests of 2014 on May 6, on Longboat and Casey keys by loggerhead sea turtles. They also recorded a Kemp’s ridley sea turtle — the rarest of all sea turtle species — nested on a Venice Beach. 2012 is still on record as the highest recorded number of turtle nests on the beaches from Longboat Key to Venice with a total of 2,462, according to Mote Marine laboratory statistics. A far cry from the 735 loggerhead nests recorded back in 2007. Even though protective measures of sea turtles have been in effect for decades, the ebb and flow of sea turtle nests have varied annually. “We’re starting this season on an optimistic note,” said Kristen Mazzarella, senior biologist with Mote’s Sea Turtle Conservation and Research Program. “We’ve had some very strong nest numbers in recent years, both in Mote’s patrol area and other parts of the state, and we’re excited to collect more data to see
how this year stacks up.” June is the big month for mama sea turtles to lumber ashore at night at the beach of their birth. After laboriously making their way upbeach, they dig their nest and lay upwards of 100 golf-ball-size eggs, cover the nest, then make their way back to the Gulf of Mexico. After the hatch, when baby turtles make their way out of the sand, is when the trouble starts. Hatchlings are programmed to go downslope from the nest, away from shadows of land and toward the horizon’s lightness. Shore lights attract them instead, and they end up easy prey for birds, dogs, cats, crabs, ants, and other predators, and often die under auto tires or just dry up and perish. Beachfront homeowners are required to dim their outdoor lighting during the nesting season, close drapes after dark and put beach furniture far back from the water to protect sea turtles. They need all the protection possible, since only 1 in 1,000 hatchlings live long enough to reach sexual maturity, which can take up to 30 years. There are heavy state and federal criminal penalties for tampering with turtle nests. So why should we care about the epic struggle of this ancient species?
Eve Haverfield, founder of Turtle Times, believes that each turtle species plays an important role in the health of our oceans with each contributing a specific function. “For instance,” she insists, “the Green turtle is the farmer of the ocean. It grazes on turtle grasses, which keeps water flow and the area where fish lay their eggs Photo by Marc Ellis/H2O Pictures healthy.” If turtle grasses aren’t harvested, they will overgrow like weeds. Then sludge, detritus from the plants, and Haverfield sees sea turtles as the conservation rangers of the algae clog the ecosystem. “The Loggerhead is the bulldozer ocean. They help protect our of the ocean floor. It keeps the food supply, our recreational and bottom loose with its massive head, commercial fishing industries, and as it digs around looking for food. perhaps unknown elements of the Loggerheads have huge jaws. They complicated marine ecosystem. eat conch, and when they break up So, what can you do to help the conch, some of the tissue feeds protect sea turtles? • Don’t litter and pick up any other sea animals. “ “The Leatherback eats only trash you see on the beach. Sea jellyfish. And jellyfish eat fish eggs. turtles can mistake plastic bags, In those areas that no longer have styrofoam, balloons, and other Leatherbacks – for instance, the debris as food items. Monofilament Mediterranean – the fishing industry fishing line can entangle sea turtles has collapsed, because jellyfish have and other wildlife. • Avoid using flashlights or eaten all the fish eggs.” “And the Hawksbill? It keeps lanterns on the beach at night. coral healthy by eating algae and • Never approach, harass, or shine lights on a sea turtle that comes sponges that grow on coral.”
ashore, or on hatchlings. Stay back at least 20 feet and quietly observe. • Fill in large holes and flatten sand sculptures before you leave the beach around staked-off turtle areas. • If you suspect that someone is tampering with a sea turtle nest, harassing a sea turtle or has possession of a sea turtle or any of its parts, please call FWC, your local sheriff’s department at 941-349-2900, and/or call Mote’s Sea Turtle Conservation and Research Program at 941-388-4331. Mote Aquarium, Janet Sailian of The Island Sand paper, Fort Myers Bach, Fl, and excerpts from Paul Roat’s past stories contributed to this article. CUMULATIVE TOTAL OF NESTS FOUND ON SIESTA KEY AS OF MAY 17, 2014: 32 CUMULATIVE TOTAL OF FALSE CRAWLS ON SIESTA KEY AS OF MAY 17, 2014: 33* *(False crawls are when turtles crawl on the beach but don’t nest.)
Meet the Natives What’s That Running Across The Beach? It’s A Snowy Plover Chick! By Allan Worms, Ph.D., Wildlife Biologist (retired) When you see a newly hatched Snowy Plover chick only a few hours old RUNNING on the beach to catch food you will be amazed! Many birds, such as song birds, are altricial and upon hatching they come out of their shell wet, blind, featherless and virtually helpless. The Snowy Plover, however, is one of those precocial birds that benefits from a longer incubation and whose eyes are open, has downy feathers and is capable of independent movement in only a few hours. And sure enough they can and do learn quickly to chase and catch their first meals. Now is the time to watch for these very rare Snowy Plover chicks on Siesta Key Beach. Study the photos accompanying this article. You will see examples of adult Snowy Plovers and an adult hen with a chick. Both the adults and the chick are basically white -- about the color of Siesta Key sand. But they also bear small light brown to black spots -- all of which contribute to their natural protective coloration. Look for them along and on top of small dune mounds. Often, however, they aren’t seen until they move! Notice the chick. Until they grow for many days they are often likened to a cotton ball with toothpick sized legs. But how they run! And fortunately so because the
combination of good protective coloration, running to cover, and the guidance of the adults are vital for their survival. Upon hatching, the Snowy Plover chick must feed often to grow. At the same time - as with any baby - young chicks get tired. They can easily become over-heated or even chilled in the early mornings and at night. Snowy Plover hens will teach the chick to come back under the folds of its body and wings for frequent brooding. This technique is used to warm or cool the chick and even to hide the chick if a predator such as a gull or crow flies over. From hatching to fledging -- the initiation of real flight that occurs only after several weeks of growth -- the chick is subject to predation. And predators are many. Probably the most effective predator on the beach are crows. They have good vision, are smart -- even to the point of cooperating to catch their prey. And they can drop from overhead in an instant to catch a chick. But there are many other predators of small baby birds -gulls, ghost crabs, herons such as the Yellow Crowned Night Heron and more. The night heron can often be seen slowly stalking the dunes as it searches for crabs, chicks and other prey. Unfortunately, domestic dogs are
South County Highlights
also a serious predator of chicks and of the nesting hen prior to hatching of chicks. If a free-running dog or even a dog on a leash passes too close to the hen on the nest, she will flush, likely never to return to incubate her eggs. Hens on a nest may even be flushed by a person, but to be flushed by a four legged animal or similar predator almost always means the end of the nest. Remember and help others to remember Siesta Key beach is a “no dog beach” and there are a number of OTHER places to walk a dog. Want some help finding a Snowy Plover adult or chick? You will often see a volunteer wearing a tag saying “Beach Steward”. These people are knowledgeable of Snowy Plovers and much more and are happy to help you. Also, there are several “buffered” sites on the beach that have been established where a hen may be nesting or even where a live chick is running about. Please remember the buffers are established for the birds’ protection. NO TRESPASSING! But bring your binoculars and you can enjoy seeing the birds safely from outside the buffers. WANT TO BE A SNOWY PLOVER VOLUNTEER? IT’S EASY AND YOU CAN PRETTY MUCH PICK YOUR OWN TIME. JUST CALL BOB LUCKNER @941-349-3779
By Debbie Flessner
Continued from page 8
Florida’s 2nd in command speaks to South Venice Republicans
Brand new Florida Lt. Governor Carlos Lopez-Cantera was on the Suncoast for the day to introduce himself to members of his party, having only taken over the office three months ago after the abrupt resignation of former Lt. Governor Jennifer Carroll. Lt. Governor Carlos Lopez-Cantera was on a southwest Florida trip to introduce himself to loyal members of the Republican party. Photo by Debie Flessner
SIESTA SAND June 2014 • www.siestasand.net
Photos by Claire Herzog
In the Venice Gardens Community Center, he addressed the Republican Club of South Sarasota County and answered questions from concerned citizens about everything from proposed casino gambling to what a lieutenant governor actually does. Prior to the Lt. Governor’s address, Republican Club of South Sarasota County program director Cynthia Crowe expressed concern that her club was being overlooked in the Governor’s office, and not fully appreciated for the work they had done for the party during campaigns. Lopez-Cantera said he was there to reassure the group that was not the case. “This governor has traveled the state
and visited more areas than any other governor before him,” he said. “Anything the local groups need from us, we will be happy to help with. We all have the same goal.”
Venice Elementary teacher wins Economic Educator of the Year award
Dr. Shari Valencic said her fifth grade students at Venice Elementary School are enthusiastic about the economic lessons she’s teaching them with her out-of-theordinary classes. Continued on page 28
TIRES ON THE SAND Siesta Key resident, Pat Bossman peddling along the Siesta Beach shoreline savoring the gulf breeze and the lightly salted air on one of his weekly routines. He, his wife and two daughters moved here from Alexandria, VA three years ago. Initially concerned about the Florida school system Pat related, “Phillippi Shores Elementary has been wonderful and our two daughters are thriving.” “Siesta Key is a small town within a small city. I love frequenting businesses where you get to know people, while also meeting visitors who are seeing Siesta for the first time. We love it here.” Photo by Trebor Britt
WAKE & SHAKE Just roll out of bed - your hair looks great. Shampoo and towel dry - you’re done! The style is in the cut, not the blow-dry, so you don’t have to fuss with your hair to look good. Even fine, limp hair. By Appointment:
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From Donnarose
Q: Dear Donnarose, I’m a 7th grade school teacher. Being very intuitive, I’ve noticed some of my students display certain signs that indicate they’re spiritually connected, and clearly different than my other students. Any advice to best guide these children? ~Blessings, Maggie A: ~ “Children more connected to the spiritual realm, often feel like they don’t belong. With proper guidance and encouragement, with you they can’t go wrong.”– Donnarose Melvin It sounds like they’re Indigo children, intuitive and wise beyond their years. Since they report back to their parents, in which many don’t know about this sensitive topic, you may need to be careful about what you say. With limited space here, the bottom-line is to do all you can to encourage them to work towards developing their gifts. Many of them are very deep in their thinking, and oriented towards saving the planet, etc. Encourage them to express themselves in some creative manner. Perhaps have them start a group of like-minds since many don’t feel they fit in with other types of kids. And actually they never will. The good news is, while many parents don’t know about this topic, there are many who do as far as knowing their child is “different”, but are unsure what to do about it. To start, here is an article by Doreen Virtue called, “Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow Children.” - http:// www.angeltherapy.com/article1.php. Also look into the many other publications on this topic which I know will greatly help you. ~♥ Q: Dear Donnarose, when in the presence of spirits/ ghosts, we’ve heard stories from people who said the temperature suddenly got cold near them. Why doesn’t it get cold for you with the many spirits you’ve seen?
• Climate Controlled & Garage Storage • Mailboxes/Mail Receiving • Pest Controlled
Kitesurfing With his kite directly overhead, Barack Hirschowitz (43) of Sarasota, makes his way to the medium surf on Siesta Beach. He would spend the next 2-3 hours kite surfing with a few friends in the Gulf of Mexico. He’s been kitesurfing about 7 years. Kitesurfers can reach speeds of 10-50 mph. Photo by Trebor Britt
Soulful Advice
~Regards, Emma A: ~ “It remains inconsistent as to what it’ll be, warm or cold from the spirits near me.“– Donnarose Melvin Well, with the energy I’m getting on this, along with all I’ve read, and personally experienced, I tend to feel the change of temperature is to confirm to the people feeling it, that “something” is indeed present. For me, when I’m doing a reading and spirits show up, I can describe them. So there’s no need to produce a gush of wind or altered temperature. But it varies how spirits show up for others. Sometimes for validation, people need to see something move, or feel chills or a temperature change. The spirits know what the person needs to be convinced they are present. Now during my readings I can monitor the situation when spirits appear. Aside from this, for those who sense a spirit is present, and feel a change of temperature, and the energy doesn’t feel right, quickly think of love-based thoughts, and say thank you to Archangel Michael for protecting you from any negative energies, and that only positive energies are allowed here. This way, regardless of the temperature in the room, you will be safe.~♥ Donnarose Melvin is a professional psychic, medium and energy healer, whose pleasure is to assist clients worldwide. She incorporates knowledge from her degree in psychology, along with her clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient and empathic gifts to guide her clients towards peace and success. Please send your questions to SoulfullyYoursDonnarose@gmail.com or private message her via facebook: Soulfully Yours Donnarose. Donnarose will select questions each month to share with you. She regrets that unpublished questions cannot be answered individually.
Answers on page 32
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
America’s Favorite Summertime Treat Although Emperor Nero is credited with the first frozen dessert, some believe it dates back even further, evolving from cooled wines and flavored Ices in Persia. These Iced wines were popular with Alexander the Great (356-323 BC) and later with Roman high society. In 62 AD, the Roman emperor Nero sent slaves to the Apennine Mountains to collect snow to be flavored with honey and nuts. Others would argue that the emperors of the Tang Dynasty (618-
907 AD) were the first to come up with a version that more closely resembles the ice cream we grew up with. Their version was made from goat, buffalo or cow milk and heated it with flour. Camphor, a naturally occurring aromatic compound was used for flavoring, then the mixture was placed into molds and lowered into an ice pool until frozen. So when did this tasty treat make its way to America? Most references attribute it to the European settlers
in the early 1700’s who brought their ice cream recipes with them. The first ice cream shop in America opened in New York City in 1776 and in the summer of 1790, it’s purported that our first president, George Washington, spent $200 to satisfy his craving for it. Thomas Jefferson was the first to serve it in the White House in 1802, and James Madison wanted to impress his guests so much that he had ice cream served to his guests at his inaugural ball.
Abel’s Ice Cream
Orange Octopus, located in Captain Curt’s Village, uses a simple tried and true approach. Owner, Kim Bennaji, takes pride in using the highest quality ingredients. “Our local creamery is always churning out the freshest recipes to tantalize your taste buds.” Their ice cream is made to “super premium” standards with the best ingredients, resulting in the creamiest and most delicious treat a smiley face can serve you. They offer 28 flavors to choose from along with an assortment of sundaes and milk shakes. If a caffeine kick is what you’re after there is a full espresso bar for cold and hot drinks as well. Their top three sellers are:
This process allows them to pasteurize the Ice Cream Mix at a lower temperature over a longer period of time which in turn naturally imparts a great caramelized taste to the sugars in the Ice Cream Mix. This process takes longer and is less automated, but the end result in the taste of their ice cream and yogurts makes it worth it. In addition, this process also has the benefit of preserving the integrity of the ingredients. The many awards they’ve won is a testament to the quality of their product. Their top three sellers are: • Stellar Coffee - Rich coffee ice cream with fudge and mini dark chocolate coffee cups • Coconut Almond Fudge Tropical coconut ice cream with fudge ribbon and whole roasted almonds • Bear Claw - Dark intense chocolate ice cream with thick caramel weave & chocolate covered cashews
If you ever thought 10 and 11 year-olds couldn’t understand the concept of ‘buy low, sell high,’ think again. “It’s fun to watch them,” Dr. Valencic said. “They like making money, and money is a motivator, whether it’s real or fake.” In recognition of her innovative approach to teaching, the Florida Council for Economic Education (FCEE). recently rewarded Dr. Valencic with several honors. For the past 35 years, the Council has presented the Governor’s Awards for Excellence in Teaching Economics, which focuses on and rewards educators who excel in the economic and financial education of students from kindergarten through
By Debbie Flessner
South Venice Civic Association ponders its future
With the resignation of a key member of its board of directors and a community center in bad need
• Salted Caramel – vanilla ice cream with ribbons of caramel, pecan praline and salt. • Dutch Chocolate – Rich dark smooth and creamy “European” chocolate. • Mint Chocolate Chip – green peppermint ice cream with chocolate chips and flakes churned throughout.
219 Avenida Madera - 941-349-4062 SubZero Ice Cream & Yogurt, located in the Village on Siesta Key has a unique way of making their tasty treats. Owners, Jill and Doug Shenk, say, “At Sub Zero Ice Cream & Yogurt we use liquid nitrogen to individually flash freeze ice cream. Choose your liquid base and create your own custom flavor, or indulge in one of our 12 customer-favorite Sensations. Then watch the clouds billow as we freeze your ice cream in seconds, resulting in a smooth and creamy sweet treat”. Because it is made to order, they offer an almost endless variety of flavors in all of their gluten-free bases. Choose from Premium Ice Cream, Custard, Low fat, fat-Free Yogurt, No Sugar Added, Lactose Free, and Vegan Almond. They also serve smoothies and shakes. Stop
And, generous scoops are a given. Frozen yogurt options are also available. Be sure to visit them at their new location on Superior Avenue, next to Monk’s Steamer Bar, and use their dollar off coupon on page 25. Top three sellers for McClain’s are: • Butter Pecan - butter pecan ice cream chock-full of freshly roasted Georgia pecans. • Gator Tracks - vanilla ice cream packed with chewy brownie pieces, fudge bits, reeses bits, and a chocolate brownie swirl. •Coffee Crunch - coffee flavored ice cream packed with heath bars and milk chocolate bits. It’s better than a hot cup of coffee on a summer day.
high school. Dr. Valencic said she was proud to receive the award from the FCEE, an organization which she said was ‘classy and well-run.” “The whole idea of teaching is that we want kids to remember, and a lot of the things you do with the students, you know which things they will remember,” she said. “It was wonderful to be recognized for that.”
Month” here in Sarasota? After all, our type of weather begs for a cool treat yummy enough to put a smile on even the grouchiest of grouches any day of the year. With that in mind, the shops we’re highlighting below will help put your monthly, weekly or, dare I say, daily indulgence on the right track and sooth that inner grouch. We’ve asked each shop to share their popular flavors and what makes their brand so popular.
SUBZERO Ice Cream & Yogurt
6670 Superior Ave. - 941-924-6244
South County Highlights
Ice cream was first sold in grocery stores in the 1930s. World War II further popularized the dessert as the treat was great for troop morale and became somewhat of a symbol of America at the time. And President Ronald Reagan loved ice cream so much that in 1984, he declared July “National Ice Cream Month”. Now who can argue with that? Only two questions I’d ask is why wait until July? And, why not make every month “National Ice Cream
1220 Old Stickney Point Rd. - 941-346-8080
McClain’s Ice Cream & Superior Yogurt McClain’s Ice Cream & Superior Yogurt, is located in the Gulf Gate Shopping area. McClain’s Ice cream has been serving the Sarasota community for more than 20 years. This family run operation continues to make their ice cream the old fashioned way. Each batch is still hand-churned and made to order. Batches are kept small to ensure freshness.
Continued from cover story
Orange Octopus
1886 Stickney Point Road - 941-921-5700
Abel’s Ice Cream, located just over the Stickney Point Bridge in the South Bridge Plaza, offers a selection of 38 flavors including two frozen yogurts, two no sugar added a sorbet (non-dairy product) plus a sherbet. The secret to their unbeatable taste of the Artisanal Style Ice Cream and Yogurts is synonymous for large quantities of oversized inclusions throughout the product along with the many creative and unique flavors. The brand is produced in the original way ice cream was made, Vat Pasteurization.
By Emy Stein
Continued from page 26
of repair, the South Venice Civic Association (SVCA) is in a state of flux. Board member Harrison Fox resigned in mid-May over what he said was concern for being held personally liable should the 55 yearold community center collapse on someone. He is in favor of closing the building until a new one can be constructed, but that would take funds the association does not have. Even though the association dues are only $50 a year and there are close to 8,000 homes in the South Venice community, membership stands at only around 250 families. One of the solutions that Fox offered the board prior to his resignation was to reinstitute the
SIESTA SAND June 2014 • www.siestasand.net
by, experience the magic, and revel in the fresh, distinctive, delicious Sub Zero difference! Their top three sellers are: • Peanut Butter Bonds: Peanut Butter and Fudge ice cream with Brownie Dough and Peanut Butter Cups, • Mass Mocha Madness: Coffee and Chocolate ice cream with English Toffee and Almonds. • Birthday Cake Capacitor: Cake Batter and Fudge ice cream with Cookie Dough and Rainbow Sprinkles.
practice of requiring South Venice residents to become members of the association in order to purchase a South Venice Ferry pass, which is mandatory for use of the popular neighborhood attraction. In the meantime, SVCA president John Browne said not only would that issue be revisited at this month’s meeting, but all other options of fundraising would also be discussed.
Rare turtle nest found on Venice Beach
Though turtle nests in Sarasota County are fairly common, in the 33-year history of Mote Marine Laboratory’s Sea Turtle
Conservation Program, there have only been eight sightings of the rare Kemp’s ridley sea turtle’s nests on Venice Beach. The Kemp’s ridley turtle is a critically endangered species and is the rarest of all sea turtles. They are also the smallest, rarely reaching more than 100-108 pounds as adults, compared to loggerheads, which can weigh as much as 400 pounds. The 35-mile stretch of beach from Caspersen Beach to North Longboat Key is under the jurisdiction of the Mote sea turtle program, but this type of find seldom occurs in that area. The first Kemp’s nest ever sighted in Venice was in 1999 and the last one up until this point was in 2010.
Arts on the Horizon Summer is finally here, the kids are out of school! What to do, what to do? Here are a few suggestions for entertainment this month…
June 1 TO 21 – Sarasota Orchestra presents the Sarasota Music Festival. You’ll enjoy the best of the best upcoming young musicians from around the world. http://www.sarasotaorchestra.org/ concerts?view=events&ohanah_ category_id=7 June 1 to June 14 – 9th Annual Savor Sarasota Restaurant week… a number a restaurants participate in presenting exquisite culinary arts in SRQ this week. Lunch at $15 & three course dinner $29. http:// restaurantweek.savorsarasota.com/
June 1 to June 15 – I Loved, I Lost, I Made Spaghetti – at the Asolo Rep. A comical and entertaining play that celebrates Italian home cooking as both an expression of love and a source of comfort. You’ll get to sample food & wine prepared by Antoinette during the show. http:// www.asolorep.org/shows/i-lovedi-lost-i-made-spaghetti/2013-2014 June 4 – Sarasota Jazz Project at the Blue Rooster. A 17 piece jazz ensemble. $5 admission. 1525 Fourth St. Sarasota - 941-388-7539 June 4, 6:30 to 9pm – 1St Friday Art Walk – S. Palm Ave. The 1st Friday of every month merchants on Palm stay open late and welcome art enthusiasts to enjoy the galleries! There is live entertainment along the street and some of the shops offer refreshments. June 6 to June 8 11:30 on Friday & Saturday and 12:30 on Sunday. Pentathlon World Cup Final - at the Polo Club in LWR – for three days men and women will compete for world champion. Five sports will be included. Equestrian show-jumping, fencing, swimming, running and pistol shooting combining mental and physical endurance. Familyfriendly. Admission is 12 for adults and $5 for children. Parking is $ 5 per vehicle. For more information visit: http://www.sbpentathlon.com/ June 6, 6 to 9pm - Music on Main in LWR. Live music, entertainment for all. Beer & Wine available. http://www.lakewoodranch.com/ musiconmain
Help keep your independence!
By Jaye Clements
June 6, 6 to 9pm - Downtown Sarasota at 5 Points Park - Live entertainment and performances. June 7, 10am to 1pm. – World Oceans Day at Mote Marine – included with regular admission. World Oceans Day Family Festival Celebrates world oceans with a day of games and crafts focused on green practices, marine science and conservation. Free with regular admission to The Aquarium at Mote Marine Laboratory. For more information about the event and admission price go to:http:// asoft11262.accrisoft.com/mote/ index.php?src=gendocs&ref=Worl d+Oceans+Day
June 7 – 2nd annual Dakin Farms Dairy day. - 30771 Betts Road, Myakka City, FL 34251 ph (941) 322-2802. Join in on some fun on the farm with Pony Rides, Live local music, waterslides, extreme grilled cheese, roasted corn, cow train, fun for the whole family! http://www. dakindairyfarms.com/dairy-day/ dairy-day-event-june-15.html
June 15 at 2pm & 7pm – Julianne & Derek Hough – Live on tour…performing everything from ballroom, tap, to salsa and hip-hop and more…at the Van Wezel. http://www.vanwezel.org/ boxoffice/event.cfm?eveID=1429#. U3baGdgU-P8 June 19, 5pm to 10pm. The last of this season Main St. Live in Downtown Bradenton – (on Historic Old Main Street in Bradenton) with live music, arts and crafts.
Alan Blum is always reachable at
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June 21, 22, 10am to 5pm. Venice Craft Festival – in downtown Venice – Miami Ave.
June 13, 7pm. Free music at the Gazebo in Downtown Venice. Free Admission. Bring your own chair or blanket and enjoy some music on the lawn in Centennial Park.
June 29 10 to 4pm LWR Main St. Car show - live music, free admission. http://www.lakewoodranch.com/ mainstreet/events.cfm?eventCalM onth=6&eventCalYear=2014
June 13, 6pm to 9pm - It’s Friday Night!” Live entertainment at Burns Square – Downtown Sarasota (South Pineapple Ave area) Local entertainment, musicians and performing arts groups in live street performances.
June 16 - 20 - Mote Marine presents - Mommy & Me. Ocean education for small fry! Kids ages 2-5 and their favorite adults learn together through marine-themed games, songs, stories, crafts, role plays, and guided visits to the Mote exhibits. There are other sessions offered this month June 23 to 27 and more see calendar. Pre-registration is required. Meet at the Aquarium Entrance at 9:50 am. Mote Marine Laboratory is located at: 1600 Ken Thompson Parkway. For more Information go to: www.mote.org/ Every Sunday at the Ringling Museum - Children ages 6 - 12 are invited to Handz-On! Guided by creative Museum educators, families will explore the galleries, enjoy family-friendly activities, and make fabulous works of art. To reserve your space, call Janine Packard, Education Specialist at 941-3595700 ex 1-3703, or email jpackard@ ringling.org www.ringling.org
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June 21 – 6 to 9pm. Friday Fest kicks off with the first of many summer nights entertainment. This outdoor show will be performed by Yesterdayze with hits from the 60’s. The summer series will continue monthly on the first Friday of each month during summer at the Van Wezel by the bay. If it rains, they will bring it inside. http://www. vanwezel.org/boxOffice/event. cfm?eveID=1465#.U3bbpdgU-P8
June 28 to July 6 Suncoast offshore racing! Schedule of events: http://www.suncoastoffshore.org/
June 14, 15 – 10am to 5pm. St. Armand’s Craft Festival at St. Armand’s Circle - http://artfestival. com/Festivals/St_Armands_Circle_ Craft_Festival_Sarasota_Florida_ June.ASPX
Your Bathroom Safety Specialist
June 20, 6pm to 9pm. It’s Friday Night! Live entertainment in the Towles court area. (3rd Friday of every month) http://www. towlescourt.com/index.htm
June 7 – 29 – Baritones Unbound – three baritones take the stage in this musical at Asolo. http://asolorep.org/shows/ baritones-unbound/2013-2014
June 14, 10 to 4 – Paper Flowers at Children’s World – inspiring future artists. Children will have the opportunity to design their own artwork. This session they will be making paper flowers. Free. The free classes are offered a couple of times a month – call for details – (941) 955-6999 - 4525 Bee Ridge Rd, Sarasota, FL 34233
Landings’ Floor Covering Store
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Jan Melville, Jim Rinchich, Cathy Raskey, Jacci Shovlin, Mike Benson
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Snapshots of Island Visitors
Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography 1
6 8
9 1: Isaac age 2, Freija age 3 – from Canada. 2: Kyla age 1 ½, Dan, Laura from Syracuse, NY. 3: Ernesto and Kevin from Sarasota. 4: Aaliyaa age 10 and Gavin from Sarasota. 5: Nathan age 6, Jessica age 3 with their dad Derek and mom Erin from Ontario, Canada. 6: Michael, Mike age 2, Sara from IL. 7: A heart with the letters SK drawn in the sand. 8: Julia age 28 months and Tibor from Sarasota. 9: Grace, Kay, Sidney, Kellie from TX. 8: Viktor age 3 & his dad Peter from Sweden.
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SIESTA SAND June 2014 • www.siestasand.net
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Classifieds Services
ACCOMMODATIONS: • Best Western Plus Siesta Key – AAA -3 Diamond Property, Free shuttle service to and from Siesta Key 941-924-4900, 6600 S. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota • Siesta 4 Rent - Vacation Rentals, from studios to 5 bedrooms. Serving Siesta Key since 1997, 941-349-5500 • Robasota Real Estate – Annual and Seasonal Rentals, 941-926-1800, ext. 102
Place your service ad here for $6.00 for 15 words and $.10 for each additional word. Copy must be submitted with payment on or before the 15th of the month prior to publication
• Siesta Key Massage & Therapy Center – Relieve all that pent –up tension and improve circulation with a soothing massage or facial by Ali. Call to book your appointment today. 941-349-0408 • Massage Heights -1-hour massage $49.99, custom facial $59.99 – intro offers, 4948 S. Tamiami Trl, 941-9271030 (See Display ad in this paper) • Massage Experience Siesta Key Open 7-day a week. 5138A Ocean Blvd, Siesta Key, 941-349-4833
HEALTH: • A Bridge for Independence provides in home companion services including companionship, transportation, light housekeeping, medication reminders and meal preparation and planning. Call us at 866-279-4390, FL License #230517 • Senior Home Companions – companionship and In-Home care. daily living needs, hourly, overnight, 24-hour care, 941-924-0494
HOME IMPROVEMENT: • Alan Blum, aka Dr. Grab Bar, has been installing Bathroom Safety Bars in Sarasota, Bradenton, and surrounding communities for more than 35 years. His goal has always been to get these top-quality, American-made products installed in your home for your safety at affordable prices. Be sure to take advantage of his special offer: Buy one grab bar and get one free. Also includes free installation. You can always reach him at 941-966-0333.
• Curtis Clark & Assoc. provides professional home improvement services. Serving Manatee and Sarasota counties for over 20 years, they strive to make your home remodeling project a pleasant experience from start to finish. Their team will keep you informed of how the job is progressing and the company owner will be on the job daily to ensure that it is finished on time, on budget, and to specifications agreed upon. 941-713-7433.
• Sun Ride Pedicab – Eco-friendly Pedicabs. Siesta Key Tours and rides – tips only, 941-343-3400 • Surfside Free Ride – Provides free Taxi service all over Siesta Key and short distances off the north & south bridge on the mainland from 10am to 2am 7 days a week, tips only, 941961-8238 • Unique Car Transportation – airport transportation to Sarasota or Tampa airports, 813-927-5045
TRANSPORTATION: • Dollar Limo – holds up to 10 people and is cheaper than a D.U.I or taxi. Call 941-735-4732 • Jonny’s Original Free Ride – The Original Ride the Key Free service on Siesta to anywhere, everyday from 10 AM – 2 AM. Driver tips only. Call 941-928-9200. • Siesta Key Free Rides – Siesta Key Free island shuttle for beach, village, condo and tours – tips only. Electric vehicles. Call 941-952-8294
SPORT RENTALS: • Robin Hood Rentals – for all your Siesta Key rental needs with a wide variety segways, bikes, kayaks, scooters and more, free pickup and delivery anywhere on the key. 5255 Ocean Blvd Siesta Key Village. 941554-4242 • Siesta Key Bike & Kayak – Located on Siesta Key in Capt Curts Village serving Siesta Key, Lido Beach and Sarasota. We offer bikes, kayak rentals, kayak eco tours, paddleboards and scooters. 1224 Old Sickney Pt Rd. 941-346-0891
• Siesta Sports Rentals – Located on Siesta Key, bike, kayak, kayak tours, scooter, children strollers and car seats. Delivery and pickup available, 6551 Midnight Pass Rd, 941-346-1797 BEACH & BABY EQUIPMENT RENTALS: • ABC Rentals – We are family owned and operated baby and equipment rental and retail store. We provide top quality baby equipment such as cribs, highchairs, strollers and car seats. Beach rental equipment includes umbrellas, beach hammocks, cabanas and beach chairs. View our complete inventory on line www.abcbabyrental.com 2300 Bee Ridge Rd Ste. 204 Sarasota 941-929-1850
TO ADVERTISE CALL 941-349-0194
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941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
42nd Annual Amateur Sand Sculpting Contest A rain delay didn’t deter sand sculptors from participating in this year’s Annual Amateur Sand Sculpting Contest. Over 32 amateur sculptors were in attendance to demonstrate their skills.
Places of Worship
Island Churches:
• Siesta Key Presbyterian Chapel 4615 Gleason Ave, Siesta Key, 941349-1166 www.siestakeychapel.org • St. Michael’s Catholic Church 5394 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key, 941-349-4174 www.stmichaelssiesta.com • St. Boniface Episcopal Church 5615 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key, 941-349-5616 www.bonifacechurch.org
Beach Service: Cliff Richardson and Bryan West were part of a 5-sculptor team. Their concerted efforts succeeded in winning them the People’s Choice award.
• Point of Praise – (Sat. 5-7pm) Live praise and worship music. Freeconcert on the beach. Public invited. Held the last Saturday of each month on the main beach just to the leftof the volleyball nets. Contact Aaron Martin at 941-9143433, to confirm time and location.
Off- Island:
•Temple Sinai, a Reform Congregation (The closest Jewish congregation to the Key for visitors) 4631 S. Lockwood Ridge Rd, Sarasota, 941-924-1802 www.templesinai-sarasota.org
• St. Andrew United Church of Christ (Protestant) (In the Gulf Gate area, near Beneva and Gulf Gate Drive) 6908 Beneva Road, Sarasota, 941.922.7595 www.uccstandrew.org • The Superior Word Rev. Charlie Garrett Service starts Sunday mornings at 10am. Bring a friend and share in God’s word. 6512 Superior Avenue Sarasota, Florida 34242 • First Christian Church 7601 Clark Road, Sarasota, FL 34241. 941-922-4434 www.fccsarasota.com
Church News:
SIESTA KEY CHAPEL Celebrating the Spirit- BodyMind: Exercise Program - Group exercise with certified personal trainer Ashleigh Willhite. Yoga classes are led by Helen Kesler. Cost: $5 - $10 per class. Exercise class - Mon- Wed- Fri 9:30- 10:30 am Yoga class - Monday 6:00 – 7:30 pm, Tuesday and Thursday 9:3011:00am, Friday 5:30-7:00 pm Chair yoga - Thur. 11am - 12pm
Answers to the WORD SEARCH from page 27
Blooming this month
(Caesalpinia pulcherrima)
Caesalpinia is a striking shrub with clusters of yellow or brilliant scarlet flowers. The unusually long, slender stamens add to the interest of this plant. The fern-like compound leaves are evergreen. They flower best when grown in full sun, are tolerant of salt drifts and not fussy about the soil type. It is hard to find a more attractive flower. It is most commonly named ‘Dwarf Poinciana’ or ‘Peacock Flower’ but also known as Barbados flower fence, this open-branched, fine-textured shrub will tolerate hot, dry areas, and forms an effective thorny barrier. It flowers year-round with peak displays in spring and fall. Source: The Florida Botanical Gardens
What’s Happening …on the beach EACH WEEK: BEACH HOOP DANCE CLASS – Thurs. one hour before sunset. For more information or to register go to: www.outwardspiral.net FREE YOGA Mon-Wed.-Fri.-Sat. 8-9:30 am. Classes held between blue & green lifeguard station. Call 941-320-6693 to register or www.yogaonsiestabeach.com NIA Tues. & Thurs. 9a.m., Siesta Public Beach(yellow lifeguard chair) Joy Donation: $12.Contact Kathy Oravec at 941-724-9719 or Kathyoravec@gmail.com PILATES – Every Mon & Wed, 45 minutes before sunset. Beach access 4, on the sandbar. Register online: www.studiorubylake.com SUNSET FUSION – Every Mon & Wed, 45 minutes before sunset. Beach access 4. For additional info and to register online go to: www.studiorubylake.com DRUM CIRCLE – Every Sunday two hours before sunset and lasts until around 10pm. South of the main pavillion. EVENTS FOR JUNE: JUNE 2, (MON)8pm – MEET THE SKY – Free event. Enjoy &
explore the night sky with free telescopes provided at the SK beach pavilion. Event led by Eve Prang Plews. JUNE 8 (SUN) GREAT FATHER’S 5K RACE: 7-11AM: Join the 5K Run/ Walk to celebrate Father’s Day! Registration begins at 7AM. Race start at the BLUE lifeguard stand. See website to register and for additional information. greatfathersdayrace.com/ JUNE 10, 17, 24 (TUES) 6:30PM KIDS SUMMER BEACH RUNS start of the summertime runs at SK beach every Tuesday throughout summer. Registration is open at 5:30. (Distance is 1 mile) There is a one-time $1 registration fee. Complete four runs and receive a free t-shirt. For other locations/ days call 861-5000. JUNE 14-15, PROMOTION JUNIORS VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT See website to register or for additional information. www.flbeachvolleyball.com JUNE21–8AM-5PM: PADDLEBOARD RACES - 2nd Annual Sarasota SUP Race Series. The series is comprised of three SUP Races, each a unique race experience, showcasing a unique
Sarasota County Park. This is the only SUP Race Series of its kind and is designed to showcase the accessibility and natural beauty of our parks and increase sports tourism. See website to register and for additional information. www.sarasotasupseries.com/ JUNE 28 (SAT) 5-7 P.M.: POINT OF PRAISE - Free concert on the beach, public invited, last Friday of each month. Live praise & worship music. JUNE 28 (SAT) MULTIRACE TRIATHLON 7AM – 1PM. Siesta beach Olympic & Sprint. The triathlon consists of two distances, a 1/4 mile Gulf swim, 12.4 mile bike, and 3.1 mile for the Sprint and 1.5km Gulf swim, 40km bike and 6.2 mile run for the Olympic distance, the duathlon consists of a 1 mile run, 12.4 mile bike, then another 3.1 mile run, all in or near the beautiful and white sand beach of Siesta Key. See website to register or for additional information. www.siestabeachtriathlon.com …around the island SIESTA KEY FARMER’S MARKET – every Sunday from 8am – 1pm in Davidson’s Plaza in the Village. 5124 Ocean Blvd. Fresh fruits, vegetables, music, art.
SIESTA SAND June 2014 • www.siestasand.net
…and beyond World Oceans Day Family Festival June 7 at Mote A worldwide ocean celebration is on the horizon — join the fun during the World Oceans Day Family Festival on June 7 in The Aquarium at Mote Marine Laboratory. Mote’s World Oceans Day event will feature a Dr. Seuss theme to spotlight the ocean’s deep connection to the human spirit and the boundless inspirational power of our natural world’s greatest resource. World Oceans Day, officially celebrated on June 8, was created in 1992 at the Earth Summit and declared a holiday by the United Nations in 2009. Mote makes a big splash each year. This year’s event will feature games and crafts focused on green practices, marine science and conservation by Mote and other local organizations. Official sponsors of World Oceans Day are Association of Zoos and Aquariums, The Ocean Project, Dr. Seuss and Random House Children’s Books. Sponsors of Mote’s 2014 event include: Critter Ridge Landscape Contractors, Herald-Tribune Media Group, Insurance &
Benefits Consultants (IBC) and Sam’s Club. Details for Visitors: What: World Oceans Day Family Festival When: 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Saturday, June 7 Where: The Aquarium at Mote Marine Laboratory, 1600 Ken Thompson Parkway in Sarasota Cost: Free with admission to Mote. Admission prices at: www.mote.org/visit For more information or to sponsor the event, please contact Stacy Alexander at 941-388-4441 ext. 509 or stacyalexander@mote.org
We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of this information. However, you should always call ahead to confirm dates, times, location, and other information.
Got Sand?
Sand Castles House Hunting on Siesta Key
Pile It, Pound It, Sculp It
By Brian Wigglesworth
TWIN OAK POND Twin Oak Pond is an idyllic “Tree Canopy” 40-home enclave that more than lives up to its name. It is one of the first modern subdivisions built on the key in the 1960’s, with the old world charm of Florida Island living at its finest. The subdivision boasts of an eclectic group of new and original homes nestled between the
lush foliage running in a complete circle around a beautiful pond. The road is called Winding Way. The last 2 vacant lots recently sold. Now there are 2 homes for sale in this unique subdivision. Winding Way is only a 1 mile walk or bike ride to the powdered white sands of the public beach.
This 3 bedroom 2 bath single story home blends quietly in with its surroundings on the outside but is thoroughly modern on the inside with its great room and split bedroom floor plan. The great room concept is spatially divided for true Florida lifestyle living from the chef’s kitchen with its quartz counter tops and breakfast bar to the formalized dining area and a cozy conversational area with its decorative fireplace. The master suite has laminate flooring and a king size bed comfortably fits within the room’s generous dimensions. There is even an offset bonus area that works nicely as a fitness or quiet-time reading nook. The walk-in closet is almost room sized and the bathroom features granite counter tops, dual
sinks and a Jacuzzi tub to languish in. The two-bedroom quarters has its own access hall plus a bathroom. And then there is the outdoors. Push aside the gliding glass doors along a great room wall and enter the covered lanai with a mini Tiki bar that helps to make this room a true get-away-from-it-all area. And the lush growth of true Florida native vegetation awaits just outside this screened enclosure. From here you can walk meandering paths; Laze by the pond; Hear the fountain water quietly splash on the pond surface while night lights dance a rainbow of color off the pond’s surface. $478,900, Contract Pending. Contact Don Schroder from Re/max Alliance Group, 941-7207100
This November 1417th twenty-four of the most talented sculptors from around the globe will gather on Siesta Key Beach to create large works of art made entirely out of sand and water, to compete in the 5th annual Siesta Key Crystal Classic Master Sand Sculpting Competition. As a ‘Master’ sand sculptor myself, I designed this event, and with the help of the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce, Sarasota County Parks, and many of the local businesses and organizations, in a massive group effort have made the Crystal Classic an incredible addition to the Key and to Sarasota’s well known art community. During the Crystal Classic we also host an amateur competition that gives budding sand artists of all ages the chance to carve sand alongside the Masters. Throughout the event there will be a professional sculptor on site giving informative exhibitions and sculpting classes to help you beginners hone your skills and discover new techniques. But it may be a little late to learn as much as you might like before competing. So here in the Siesta Sand, I am going to attempt to give you some extra insight into the secrets of sand sculpting so that you will have time to practice these new techniques. Some of the most often asked questions we get are “how do you get the sand so hard”, “how do you make it stand so high” or “how can you get such detail?” Well the answer to all these queries is pretty much the same….we pound the sand into submission. You see when most people try to build something at the beach they gather up a pile of wet sand and start molding, scraping and shaping it into what they want to create. Professional sculptors pile it, pound it, and sculpt it! Meaning
we don’t shape the sand as much as we first create a very hard block of sand and then carve it. How do we create the hard block? We use forms. A form can be as simple as a 5 gallon bucket with the bottom cut off and turned upside down so that sides bevel out towards the ground allowing for easier removal. Or forms can be specially constructed wood panels that join together to create bottomless boxes of all different shapes and sizes. (The Crystal Classic uses over 300 such forms.) A plastic roll sheeting called rhizome barrier that can be curled to various sizes and secured with small clamps is also very popular with the pros. Whatever form you choose to use, the process is pretty much the same. First set up your form in position and close to the water’s edge so it’s easier to carry buckets of water. Then pile sand in the form about six inches deep. Now you are going to saturate the sand with water and stir it in with your hand or shovel. How much water? As much as the sand will hold, it can even have standing water on top, it won’t hurt. Every bit of the sand needs to be wet, a dry spot at the bottom can make a whole sculpture collapse when it compresses under the weight above. Now comes the pounding! You’re going to compress the
sand, if it’s a small bucket you can use your feet or your fist and tamp or pound the sand very tight till it becomes very firm. If it’s a bigger form you can use a tool called a tamper like we do, which is a heavy metal plate on a long handle that you slam down between your feet. Here is where I have to stress a point, between your feet! If you’re off a little to the left or right you may have to quit right here. After tamping, you will probably be down to around 3 inches of sand, and assuming you still have all of your toes you are now going to repeat the process for the next 6 inches of your form, and keep repeating the full process until you have reached and pounded the top flush with your form edge. We rarely use a form higher than two feet so after our form is full and tamped firm you can either continue to make your sculpture block higher by putting another slightly smaller form on top and continuing the process, or you can remove your form, either by separating the panels of a wood form, removing the clamps of a rhizome form or lifting your full bucket straight up to reveal your very hard packed block of sand that can now be carved with tools to create whatever your imagination allows. You’ll be amazed how strong it is and the intricate detail that can be cut into the sand. So go out and give it a try and watch the Siesta Sand for additional tips and tricks leading up to the Crystal Classic in November. Next time I will divulge some secret tools sculptors use to create amazing shapes and textures. Remember, have fun, respect the beach and sun screen, sun screen, sun screen!
Sarasota Real Estate Trends Annual Sales - 2000 to Current
Single Family
8000 6000 Everything you want to make beach life simple. This 2 story Key West style 2004 home with bamboo floors, French doors and over-sized pool, has 3 bedrooms 2 ½ baths, located walking distance to the beach in a beautifully treed neighborhood. A great room layout makes for easy entertainment. Living room opens to a cozy lanai overlooking the pool and total private yard. Stainless steel appliances and granite counters make
for a smart working kitchen. Built-in entertainment center and storage in the living room. Entertain by the pool, as well, with a huge covered area for relaxing in the shade. The garage is a dream come true for a car buff or someone who wants a huge workshop. It is over-sized to hold 5-6 cars. $699,000, Contract Pending. Contact Alix Wexler 941-350-2742 or Paul Romley 941-350-4933 from Michael Sanders & Company
4000 2000 0
Annual Median Sale Price - 2000 to 2013
$400k $300k $200k $100k $0k
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
For more information call (941)894-1255 Or visit www.keysolutionsrealestate.com
Single Family Condos *Statistics provided by MFR MLS
April 2014 brought in the second highest level of sales in the history of Sarasota real estate. Realtors closed 1,195 transactions through My Florida Regional MLS system. Only one other time, in April 2004, has that figure been topped.
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Accommodations Locator Map
© Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2012
SIESTA SAND June 2014 • www.siestasand.net
Dig the Beach Volleyball Tournament J. D. Christie (32) of Clearwater leaping 3-4 feet in the air to spike a winner, after his partner, Tyler Lesneski (35) of Fort Lauderdale set him up.
YOUTH VS EXPERIENCE - Ashley Allmer (16) and Mackenzie Walker (16) of Sarasota were matched against Melanie Martin (36) and Sarah Browning (39) of Orlando in the AAA women’s semifinals.
They’re playing in a men’s pair Pro Division sand volleyball match on center court during the Dig the Beach Volleyball Tournament on Siesta Beach.
Mackenzie Walker (16) of Sarasota serving a critical point during the Dig the Beach Volleyball Tournament on Siesta Beach.
Melanie Martin (36) of Orlando setting a spike opportunity for her partner during a semifinal match. Spectators observing one of the men’s pair Pro Division sand volleyball matches on center court during the Dig the Beach Volleyball Tournament on Siesta Beach.
Photos by Trebor Britt
941.349.0194 • www.islandvp.com ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC
Island Girl
Photos by Trebor Britt
This months Island Girl is Desiree, born and raised in Sarasota. She loves cooking and visiting Siesta Beach a few times a month. She’s studying communication sciences and disorders at the University of Florida and hopes to become a speech pathologist. If you would like to be considered for our next Island Girl, contact us at islandvp@verizon.net (You must be at least 18 years old to participate)
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SIESTA SAND June 2014 • www.siestasand.net