SIESTA KEY TROLLEY SCAT releases ridership data
PUBLIC PARKING LOT South Midnight Pass plans still under review
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Improving transportation on Siesta Key By Rachel Brown Hackney
Consultant covers array of recommendations for improving transportation on Siesta Key — from separators between drivers and bicyclists to roundabouts Better separation of bike lanes from vehicle lanes, roundabouts, a redesigned intersection at Midnight Pass Road and Stickney Point Road, use of notification signage and even aerial gondolas are among the recommendations a Tampa consultant will offer the Sarasota County commissioners in late March as means of improving transportation and safety on Siesta Key. If the commission directs staff to explore speci f ic recom mendat ion s, t hen t he consultant — Jason Collins — would work with county staff to develop cost estimates and proceed with design and engineering, as well as funding options, Collins told about 35 members of the Siesta Key Condominium
Council on Feb. 18. A licensed engineer and certified urban planner with the company ADEAS-Q, Collins offered a preview of the recommendations he will present to the commission, tentatively on March 24. County staff hired him last year to work with leaders of Siesta Key organizations and residents to come up with a variety of options, Collins explained during the meeting at Siesta Key Chapel. The short-term options, he said, could be completed in up to five years; the medium-term, five to 10 years; and the long-term initiatives, 10 or more years. He produced a draft of his report in December 2019, he added.
Four-way stop area in Siesta Village Collins Condo Council Transportation
Continued on page 41
Siesta Key Fitness Center Buys Commercial Property In Village
By Brion Palmer, Siesta Sand
Sarasota Count y propert y records show that Siesta Key Fitness Center LLC purchased the commercial property 5243 Avenida Navarra, in the Siesta Key Village on January 22, 2020 for $1,000,000 from Robasota Real Estate LTD. Siesta Key Fitness Center LLC is owned by longtime Siesta Key residents Bruce and De Day, who have operated The Siesta Key Fitness Center on that same property since 2007. When I asked The Day’s what it meant to their fitness business to be able to purchase the property they had been leasing for 13 years, they responded by sharing
what a huge blessing it was for them and how tremendously thankful they were for the opportunity as commercial property owners to now serve the community well into the future. Said the Day’s, “we’d like to start by thanking our awesome customers, both annual residents and visitors for their amazing and continual Support of our island style gym. We would also like to thank Jeff Roberti who sold us the property, even though he had been pursued for years by deep pocketed developers. As a resident of the key himself Jeff Roberti knew that this
Page 28 Siesta Sounds: Native Sarasotan Greg Poulos loves playing the Key
• Village Map/business listings PAGE 24 • Crescent Beach Map/ business listings PAGE 26 • Gulf Gate Shops PAGE 30 • Island Humor PAGE 29 • Accommodations Map/ Listings PAGE 47
Continued on page 41
The Magnificent, Mysterious Sanderling Club: Origin and Early By Philip M. Farrell, MD, PhD Development After the uncertainties and stresses during World War II, especially limitations in travel with gasoline shortages and food rationing, Americans were eager to embrace tourism and enjoy particularly t he Su n sh i ne St ate. Rea l est ate was bargain priced throughout Florida but e nt ic i ng developme nt s we r e s c a r ce although there was plenty of beachfront proper t y ava i lable. For a va r iet y of reasons such as the desire for exclusivity, clubs became attractive to developers and affluent snowbirds. Two distinctly different clubs with complex histories
Page 6 Attorney offers news for condo associations
were established on Siesta Key— the Sanderling Club and the Gulf & Bay Club. Although the latter was indeed transformed into a condominium during 1979, the Sanderling Club has continued as an exclusive, unique development of discrete neighborhoods that faithfully preserve Old Florida while encouraging a combination of privacy and community living— a culture that has endured along with the tropical paradise the developer envisioned.
Page 13 Coastal setback variance approved for Crystal Sands project
DISCOVER THE DAVIDSON DIFFERENCE Postal Service in Both Locations Southbridge Mall 6595 Midnight Pass 349-4343
Siesta Key Village 5124 Ocean Blvd. 349-1111
Continued on page 46
Page 43 Historic Hamilton beach land for sale