IV Siesta Sand - May 2018

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MAY 2018 | 941.349.0194 | ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC | www.SiestaSand.net | COMPLIMENTARY

SKOD SETBACKS Understanding the revised SKOD text amendment




FDOT plans permanent improvements at intersection of Higel Avenue and Siesta Drive




Siesta Key Chamber’s events list ever growing

By Roger Drouin

The Easter Egg Hunt on Siesta Key this March was a big hit, says Ann Frescura, Executive Director of the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce, which organized the event. “We had 150 children registered, and everyone really enjoyed it,” Frescura says. During the behind-the-scenes preparation leading up to the event, Frescura’s office was filled with Easter eggs. “It was wall to wall, we had 1,100 plastic eggs and 150 goodie bags,” Frescura says. Before the Mach 31 event, Chamber staff and volunteers worked to ensure that each age group would have unique trinkets and prizes. The Easter Egg Hunt is just one of the events that the Siesta Key Chamber took over after the Siesta Key Village Association (SKVA) dissolved at the end of 2016 and merged with the Chamber. This was the second Easter Egg Hunt organized by the Chamber, and for the second time, the event was held at Turtle Beach — spurred by the Chamber’s recent effort to increase promotion and coordinate more

events on the South end of the Key. New events the chamber took over from SKVA, include: the Valentine Stroll, annual Village Craft Fair, Siesta Fiesta, Safe Treats for Halloween, and the annual Light up the Village Holiday Parade (now called the “Light up Siesta Key Holiday Parade”). In about two decades, the Siesta Key Chamber has gone from financial straights and struggling to retain business members to a successful and extremely-busy nonprofit operation. It has approximately 450 Face painting at children’s Easter party and egg hunt March 31, 2018 members; in 2017, 70 new members joined. The chamber now runs a went through the Visitor’s Guides (30,000 total of about 40 events a year. In addition, the copies) and visitor maps (47,000 copies). “We chamber is also home to a very active visitor’s ran out before the end of the year,” Frescura center at its office, 5114 Ocean Blvd. says. Continued on page 20 At the visitor’s center, last year the chamber

Siesta Key Zoning Regulations New zoning district and redevelopment plan for Stickney Point Road hotel win Planning Commission approval



SHERIFF’S REPORT Sgt. Jason Mruczek addresses numerous complaints




|Splitting 3-2, County Commission agrees to amend Siesta Key zoning regulations to allow potential for shorter setbacks from the street By Rachel Brown Hackney / SarasotaNewsLeader.com After a public hearing that lasted almost four hours, the Sarasota County Commission split 3-2 in approving an amendment to the Siesta Key Overlay District (SKOD) zoning regulations that will give the board flexibility to allow buildings taller than 35 feet to be built closer to the street than the previous county ordinance allowed. However, the amendment applies only to about 11 acres of commercial property on Old Stickney Point Road. Commissioner Michael Moran made the motion to approve the new zoning language, and Commissioner Paul Caragiulo seconded it. Commissioner Alan Maio joined them in the

Siesta Promenade

majority. Chair Nancy Detert argued that the commissioners themselves had an opportunity to craft a zoning amendment that would be a better solution to fighting the blight several of the 33 speakers who addressed the board had referenced on Old Stickney Point Road. Commissioner Charles Hines also opposed the amendment, pointing out, “I’ve not heard any testimony today that said the Siesta Key Overlay District isn’t working, isn’t successful. So why does it need to be changed?” In a presentation to the commission, Sarasota attorney Charles D. Bailey III of the Williams Parker firm and Robert “Bo” Medred of

By Rachel Brown Hackney

|Questions raised about how proposed FDOT road swap could affect traffic planning with Siesta Promenade

Meet Cabe Unger, bartender at Blasé Café & Martini Bar




In its latest responses regarding the proposed Siesta Promenade project, filed with Sarasota County in late March, Benderson Development continues to propose the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Stickney Point Road and Avenue B and C. The latest traffic analysis report says that the closure of the existing median opening at the intersection of Stickney Point Road and Glencoe Avenue also would be necessary to

accommodate an eastbound left-turn lane in conjunction with the mixed-use development on the northwest corner of the intersection of U.S. 41 and Stickney Point Road. Prepared by the Kimley-Horn and Associates consulting firm in Sarasota, the report notes that it has been updated to reflect comments from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and Sarasota County staff, including those made during a Jan. 24 meeting. Continued on page 11

Genesis Planning & Development in Bradenton made it clear that Dr. Gary Kompothecras — widely known for the 1-800-ASK-GARY advertising for his chiropractic clinics — wants to construct a boutique hotel on slightly more than 1 acre comprising the site of a storage facility he bought in December 2011 and the adjacent property at 1266 Old Stickney Point Road, which once was home to Fandango Café. Medred indicated the possibility of combining the property at 1256 Old Stickney Point Road in the site plan, as well, as that is the home of Clayton’s Siesta Grille. It is adjacent to the other parcels. Continued on page 29

Dismayed with County Commissioners vote

By Rachel Brown Hackney

In the wake of the Sarasota County Commission’s 3-2 vote on April 11 to allow an amendment to the Siesta Key Overlay District zoning (SKOD) regulations, the Siesta Key Condominium Council (SKCC) expressed its dismay to its members. In an April 13 email blast, SKCC President Frank Jurenka wrote it was obvious that, for the three commissioners who approved the amendment, “the wishes of the voters/property owners took second fiddle to their particular priorities. Continued on page 30

Happiness is… New Seasons

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May is here. Flowers are in bloom, the last vestiges of winter have slipped by the wayside, and summer is just around the corner. In fact, at Abel’s Ice Cream, we’re ready to celebrate the beginning of summer break with our very own taste of summer – Hawaiian Fruit Cup (Tropical coconut ice cream with pineapple chunks and strawberries...a truly refreshing treat.) One of owner Jerry Williams’ favorite parts of the month is the annual opportunity to celebrate Mothers. Fresh off a visit from Jerry’s mom in April, Abel’s has something to make every mom feel special. If she’s a lover of chocolate, Abel’s Incredible gourmet chocolates from Sweet Shop USA are a must! Sea salt caramels, chocolate almond bars, Fudge Love Truffle, just to name a few. A box of six or twelve pieces will guarantee you “favorite-child” status. We guarantee it!

If ice cream is more your mom’s style, you’ve got it made at Abel’s. Come with her to enjoy a cup or cone of any of our traditional favorites, or check out one of Jerry’s mom’s favorite flavors, Cherries ‘N Cream (For the cherry lover in you, this is the ultimate vanilla ice cream loaded with maraschino cherries.) Of course, if you want to go the extra mile, try out our collection of Stonewall Kitchen’s jellies, aiolis, jams, and chutneys. Creating a recipe with one of these great tastes could be the beginning of a new Mother’s Day tradition. At Abel’s, we also want to take this opportunity to commend the Class of 2018. While none of our employees are graduating this year, the quality of the young people we get to work with every day gives us great hope and excitement for the future! Congratulations to all!

Come by to tell us about your graduate, or let us help you figure out how best to honor the mom or mother-figure in your life! Abel’s Ice Cream is located at 1886 Stickney Point Road, Sarasota in the South Bridge Plaza. Open Sunday through Thursday from Noon9:30 pm, and Friday and Saturday from Noon10 pm. Learn more online at our updated website, www.abelsicecream.com or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.


Siesta Sand

MAY 2018


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Commercial General/SKOD Text Amendment Revising the Street Setback The Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors voted on text amendment language that would allow commercially zoned properties that were large enough to have on-site parking to support a building taller than 35 feet to have the option to ask to be built closer to the sidewalk than 25 feet in order to keep the pedestrian connection. This “ask” would happen through the Special Exception process when Sarasota County staff, Planning Board, County Commission, and the public would review the SE application for compatibility with its surrounding commercial and residential neighborhood. One of the goals of the Siesta Key Overlay District (SKOD) was to create the ability for retail and restaurants to be at the sidewalk with the parking in the rear. This is why the old 20’ setback from the sidewalk was changed to 2’. A great example of the difference is in Siesta Village where on the east side of Ocean Blvd. there are the Hanna and Siesta Beach Plazas that have their parking lots in front with the shops and restaurants 50 to 60 feet from the sidewalk, and then on the west side of Ocean Blvd. that has the Daiquiri Deck, Gidget’s, Siesta Key Oyster Bar, Bonjour Cafe, and Big Olaf right on the sidewalk. I forwarded the suggested SK Chamber text language to the Board of County Commissioners at the January 30th text amendment hearing in the effort to maintain the pedestrian connection to commercial properties. The Commission decided to have the petitioner bring forward language to staff to amend the zoning setback text for commercial properties. The SK Chamber is not in favor of 85’ buildings 2’ from the sidewalk. We are in favor of giving the architects design flexibility to come up with creative solutions that will maintain the pedestrian connection to retail and restaurants while not overpowering the sidewalk’s pedestrian experience, like stepping the building back when it exceeds 35’ in height. The recently passed text amendment does just that. It does not condone or allow 85’ tall buildings 2’ from the sidewalk. There were gross exaggerations fabricated to scare people into thinking that 85’ buildings 2’ feet from the sidewalk would pop up all over Siesta Key if this text

Areas in red are Commercially zoned properties

amendment would pass, that an 85’ tall building could be built on the Gidget’s Coastal Provisions property in Siesta Village. That property is only 50 feet wide. An 85 foot tall building on that site would require 66 parking spaces. There are only 8 there now. The fact is that there is direct relationship between the number of square feet that can be built on any commercial property with the number of parking spaces that the property can accommodate. You can only build to the limit of your available parking. Parking garages need to be at least 85’ wide and up to 240’ long to ramp up to the next level. At the cost of $15,000 to $20,000 a parking space to build the property has to be large enough to make it economically feasible. The vast majority of commercial properties on Siesta Key are too small to build a parking garage on. The Sarasota Board of County Commissioners understood the process that was happening at the April 11th hearing. Unfortunately the large number of citizens that showed up at the commission hearing did not. The hearing was not for a rezoning. It was not for a special exception to build a hotel. It was to

amend the zoning text to give design flexibility to the commercial property owners in the Old Stickney Point Road commercial area. Out of the 1,536 acres that make up Siesta Key, 11 acres will be effected by this text amendment change. The accusations that the revised text amendment will turn Siesta Key into Miami Beach or Ft. Lauderdale are absolutely absurd. 99% of Siesta Key is zoned residential and cannot be re-zoned to commercial. Commissioners Maio, Moran, and Caragiulo did listen to all the citizens that spoke that day, both for and against. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the folks that spoke that day were misinformed, believing that the end of Siesta Key was eminent with the passing of an amendment the effects one block of Old Stickney Point Road. Commissioners Maio, Moran, and Caragiulo should be applauded for listening to their staff’s recommendation to approve the text amendment that will help facilitate the redevelopment of an abandon property that has been an eyesore on Siesta Key for too many years. Mark H. Smith, AIA, LEED AP Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce, Past-Chair Smith Architects, PA 5032 Calle Minorga, Siesta Key

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Island Chatter

MAY 2018

Staff Report

Waterside Realty moves out of the Village Tom Ward and partner Brian Livesey, owners of Waterside Realty moved their office from Siesta Key Village, south to Crescent Plaza. Ward was proud to announce that they bought the new location. Ward went on to say, “We are a full service real estate firm. Buying and selling paradise is our purpose, and doing best by our customers is our standard. Our company has been involved in the sale and purchase of Waterfront Properties for many years.” Waterside Realty resided in the Village at 5221 Ocean Blvd. since 2002. Their new location is 6629 Midnight Pass Road next to Miguel’s Restaurant in Crescent Plaza. www.WaterSideRealty.net, Office 941-346-7454

Siesta Key’s Toasted Mango Cafe receives award Food Network recently named THE TOASTED MANGO CAFÉ, located at 6621 Midnight Pass Road, best waffle in Florida in their 50 State of Waffles article. Of course, it’s their toasted mango waffle that received the nod. The article states, “The airy malted discs – pressed for exactly three minutes – arrive crisp and warm, adorned with cubes of ripe mango, toasted coconut flakes and whipped cream.” No wonder the wait line extends outside its doors most mornings.

A new owner for the Lofino Building It turns out that Siesta property owner and proprietor Chris Brown and his business partner, Mike Granthon, not only bought the Key Corners Center late in 2017, but they also purchased the Lofino Building at 5011 Ocean Blvd. People may remember the latter structure was home to the Pelican Press for many years. Brown and Granthon also are partners in the Beach Club, The Hub Baja Grill, The Cottage and the new Summer House restaurant, where Blue Que used to operate, located at 149 Avenida Messina. The Summer House reprises the name of a much beloved restaurant that stood for years on Midnight Pass Road. The new restaurant’s website calls Summer House “an elegant relaxed transitional steak house with a seafood attitude.” The Summer House opened on March 19, according to its Facebook page. Brown stated last fall that he long had believed the Village needed an upscale steak and seafood dining establishment. As for the Lofino Building: Brown’s limited liability company, Ocean Blvd, purchased the 18,211-square-foot property on Dec. 2, 2017, according to the Sarasota County Property Appraiser’s Office. He paid $1,350,000 for it, the records show. The previous owner formally was Lofino Family LTD, those records say. The structure dates to 1996. Brown talked of his continuing efforts to find more valet parking spaces for his Village businesses. Continued on page 4

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


FDOT plans permanent improvements to 90-degree curve at intersection of Higel Avenue and Siesta Drive before county road swap takes place By Rachel Brown Hackney County leaders sent a letter on April 6 to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), spelling out the latest details of a proposed road swap involving River Road and Siesta Drive, Higel Avenue, Midnight Pass Road and Stickney Point Road on Siesta Key. A summary accompanying the letter includes one key point that has not been raised in past discussions of the road swap: the FDOT commitment to “design, acquire necessary right of Higel looking northbound to Siesta Drive way, permit and construct a permanent improvement to In an April 9 email, Commissioner Charles Hines had the roughly 90-degree bend on State Road 758 within the City of Sarasota near asked Lewis about providing an update to the board the intersection of Siesta Drive and Higel Avenue.” this week. That would take place before the county assumed The negotiations have intensified in recent months responsibility for that section of the road network on as county leaders have sought a means of speeding Siesta Key, the summary adds, noting, “The County up the improvements planned for River Road to will have approval authority over the proposed improve hurricane evacuations, serve thousands of new residents who will be moving into South County improvement design.” A committee of the Bay Island Siesta Association — developments and handle future traffic heading to Make Siesta Drive Safer — has been pressing FDOT the Atlanta Braves’ Spring Training complex, which since last year to make significant changes on Siesta is under construction in the West Villages. Drive and Higel Avenue because of the number of Assistant Sarasota County Administrator Mark accidents — including several with fatalities — that Cunningham sent the letter to L.K. Nandam, FDOT’s have occurred on that 1.9-mile stretch west of South District 1 secretary in Bartow, summing up the Osprey Avenue. Pat Wulf, president of the association, proposals offered thus far for the exchange. River Road told members of the Siesta Key Association in would become a state road, while the Siesta roads January that members of the committee hosted FDOT would transfer to county authority. representatives for a site visit in August 2017. He The April 6 letter lays out “where we think the offer summed up their response to that 90-degree curve as is to DOT,” Lewis said. Nandam does plan to come to Sarasota to talk with “Wow! This is messed up!” County Administrator Jonathan Lewis referred to the county staff, Lewis noted, and the county’s lobbyist April 6 letter in remarks to the County Commission in Tallahassee is “continuing to apply the pressure … during its regular meeting on April 10 in Venice. “We I know it’s not the pace all of us would like,” Lewis don’t have a response back, frankly, from DOT at this said, “but we do continue to work on that item.” point,” Lewis said.


Siesta Sand

MAY 2018


Democrat Jordan Letschert files for District 4 County Commission seat By Rachel Brown Hackney Another Democrat has entered the race for the Sarasota County Commission District 4 seat, which represents Siesta Key. Jordan Letschert, a 35-year-old Sarasota native, filed with the Supervisor of Elections Office on April 10, setting the stage for an Aug. 28 primary with another Democrat running for the seat, Wesley Beggs of Sarasota, managing director of Growl Studios. The winner will face the victor of the Republican primary. Incumbent Alan Maio of Nokomis, who was elected in 2014, once again is facing Lourdes Ramirez of Siesta Key. Ramirez has been involved in a number of civic organizations in the community, including the Sarasota County Council of Neighborhood Associations (CONA). Letschert is a former police officer, having graduated second in his regional academy class, his campaign press release points out. A partner in 15 Crunch Fitness franchises, as well as in an investment company, he is a member of the City of Sarasota’s Police Advisory Board/Police Complaint Committee. That board reviews Internal Affairs complaints, so its members work

alongside representatives of the Sarasota Police Department, including Chief Bernadette DiPino, the release explains. If he is elected, Letschert has promised to donate 50% of his County Commission salary to the hiring of a School Resource Officer each year “to help protect the students of Sarasota,” the release adds. Each commissioner makes $86,000, the release notes. “He feels public service is a privilege and should not be a highly profitable profession,” the release says. Letschert also was one of 100 police officers who joined amicus briefs in the appeals filed with both the 11th District Circuit Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court in Obergefell v. Hodges, the case that resulted in the Supreme Court’s June 26, 2015 decision that said the 14th Amendment requires a state to license a marriage between two people of the same sex and to recognize a marriage between two people of the same sex when their marriage was lawfully licensed and performed out of state. “Jordan is openly gay, married to his husband Robby,” the campaign release says. They have a 21-month-old son, Kellan. Letschert is “running as a moderate


Island Chatter Continued from page 3

The Lofino Building does have a parking area beneath the building and space on both sides of it that can accommodate vehicles.

Jordan Letschert Democrat who seeks to secure our schools by working with law enforcement,” the release adds. He supports business and development but is an environmental advocate, as well, it notes, saying he favors responsible growth in the county. Furthermore, the release points out, if elected, Letschert will push for greater transparency regarding actions of the County Commission through use of technology and public outreach. The qualifying period for County Commission candidates will officially begin on June 18 and end on June 22, the Sarasota County Supervisor of Elections Office website points out.

Crosswalk timing tweaks suggested During the April 5 Siesta Key Association (SKA) meeting, President Gene Kusekoski talked of how repetitive use of any one of the crosswalks on Midnight Pass Road between Beach Road and Stickney Point Road can back up traffic. The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), he pointed out, did not program the crosswalks to provide a brief delay between uses. As a result, he said, people constantly can stop the flow of vehicles. Recently, he and his wife finally managed to get back onto the island after crossing the Stickney Point Road bridge, Kusekoski continued. They had to wait in traffic as one person at one crosswalk hit the button and crossed the road. Continued on page 13



MAY 2018

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Paid parking at Siesta Public Beach to be key part of future County Commission discussion By Rachel Brown Hackney No date was set, but the Sarasota County commissioners agreed on April 10 to hold a formal discussion regarding the potential implementation of paid parking at Siesta Public Beach. The suggestion came from Commissioner Alan Maio, who represents the Key as part of District 4. In advance of the board’s regular meeting that day, Maio had provided his colleagues with the results of the surveys the Siesta Key Association, the Siesta Key Condominium Council and the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce had undertaken in recent months about the issue. “I cannot go to a meeting on Siesta without the question about parking arising,” Maio pointed out. Even though the three surveys had different wording of the questions they posed to the organizations’ members, he continued, they asked “basically the same questions.” Among them was a focus on whether every county property owner should receive a decal or some other means of proof that the person would not have to pay to park at Siesta Public Beach, Maio said. Another asked for respondents’ views on whether the money collected should be utilized on Siesta Key. The first survey was conducted by the SKA in October 2017, he noted. A letter the

nonprofit sent the commissioners showed that 74.89% of the 693 members who answered the survey support paid parking at the beach. Additionally, many also approved of “some level of fee-based parking” for county taxpayers, the letter said. “The SKA Board of Directors recommends that Sarasota County offer one discounted parking sticker or pass” to each property owner/taxpayer in the county, the letter continued, and it suggests that a fee in the range of $25 to $50 would be acceptable to SKA members. Further, the letter pointed out, “SKA members strongly support the use of revenue from paid parking for maintenance of the Public Beach and beach access points, as well as for on-island and island access transportation.” The Chamber survey found 64.8% of the 107 people who responded to its survey agreed that parking fees should be implemented at Siesta Public Beach, comparable to those in other beach communities, for people who do not own county property. Additionally, 84.8% of 140 respondents to a question asking whether all Sarasota County property owners should be accorded free parking answered, “Yes.” Finally, of the 138 people who responded to the question about whether all

the money collected from parking fees should be used just on Siesta Key, 83.6% answered, “Yes.” The Chamber material said the survey was sent to 581 members, with 165 responding. The Condominium Council survey found 80.9% of its 279 respondents approved of a paid parking program at the beach, with 75.9% also saying all county property owners should be able to park for free. As for allocating every penny of the revenue to uses on the island, the approval rate hit the 90.3% mark. Maio emphasized on April 10 that the majority view reflected by the three surveys was that “the burden of paying for the paid parking falls on the visitors.” “This is not the place … for an extremely long conversation on the issue,” Maio told his colleagues, addressing them during the Reports Section of the meeting. Therefore, he continued, he was hoping for consensus about the topics be scheduled as “a dedicated subject at a future — soon — a future County Commission meeting, so we can at least begin the process of discussing this.” Maio predicted that it would “take several meetings before we get close to a decision on this.” “I would support the conversation,” Chair Nancy Detert replied. However, she

wanted to make sure all county residents have an opportunity to be involved in it. “Absolutely,” Maio told her. She also indicated strong support for residents of South County being allowed to park for free at Siesta Public Beach. “It’s going to be a fairness issue.” Further, Detert said, she felt all the parking issues on Siesta should be addressed during the agenda item. That included the effort of county staff to transform a former Sheriff’s Office training facility site into a shell surface parking lot at 6647 S. Midnight Pass Road. The property is owned by the county’s Public Utilities Department. Maio reported in March that county Public Works Department staff was in the process of securing the demolition permit for the structure the Sheriff’s Office used. A second building on the property will need to remain there, staff has said, because it contains a water tank. “I think it would be a great all-day workshop,” Detert said on April 10, referring to discussion of all the Siesta parking issues. “How does everyone else feel?” A couple of other commissioners answered, “Yes.” Thus, Detert said, County Administrator Jonathan Lewis had consensus to plan on the agenda item.



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Siesta Sand

MAY 2018





MAY 2018

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


New zoning district and redevelopment plan for Stickney Point Road hotel win Planning Commission approval By Rachel Brown Hackney After winning plaudits from the neighbors and from Sarasota County Planning Commission members, a proposal to redevelop an old hotel property on Stickney Point Road near Siesta Key will undergo final review by the County Commission. With a unanimous vote on April 5, the Planning Commission recommended the County Commission first approve the addition of a new zoning district — Boutique Resort Redevelopment/Planned Development (BRR/PD) — and then the rezoning of an acre of property between Stickney Point Road and Dawn Street, so the owner can redevelop the historic Siesta Key Palms Hotel at 1802 Stickney Point Road. Sarasota developer Henry Rodriguez explained to the Planning Commission on April 5 that he bought the property in 2016. He has become familiar, he said, with “a trend throughout the travel industry that encourages rehabilitation of old … hotels into chic, mid-century … experiences.” The travel industry is going through a bit of an evolution, he continued, moving away from brands such as Marriott and Holiday Inn. His hotel, he added, “provides an “Old Florida experience.” Since he has been renovating the property, Rodriguez said, it has been winning rave reviews on internet sites. In fact, he added, those comments “have been just phenomenal.” However, he told the commissioners, when he broached the idea of making further changes to the property, given the existing zoning of the site as Office, Professional and Institutional (OPI) and Residential Multi-Family (RMF) 4, he found no way to proceed with the vision he had. “To my amazement,” he said, the only option was to use the RMF zoning to build a new structure that would be about 110 feet high — 85 feet over parking — and that was not desirable. “I wanted to keep the integrity of the Old Florida experience.”

The structures date to the 1950s, Robert “Bo” Medred of Genesis Planning & Development in Bradenton — who has worked on the project on behalf of Rodriguez — told the Planning Commission. “These had gone into a rundown condition.” “Henry has developed a relationship with the neighbors,” Medred noted, with a number of them having provided letters of support for the redevelopment. “They love what he has done” with the landscaping and hotel units on Dawn Street since he bought the property, Medred added. Three of those neighbors who addressed the board during the public hearing praised Rodriguez. “It was a dead property that he brought back to life,” said Bob Spinelli, speaking on behalf of the adjacent Key Point Village Condominium Association. Key Point Village is located at 1754 Stickney Point Road. Judith Winslow, who has lived in the neighborhood for 20 years, she said, found the property “quite undesirable” before Rodriguez bought it. “He’s not looking to over-develop,” she told the Planning Commission. “He’s looking to truly revitalize it and be a value add in the area, which very few developers have in mind these days.

Trying to find the best approach County staff had worked with him and Medred on a proposal to modify a zoning district known as Tourist Resort that was made inactive during a 2003 Zoning Ordinance revision, Rodriguez said. With the new BRR/PD zoning district, he added,

he would be able to keep the atmosphere of the hotel and enlarge it without any highrise structures. As Medred explained it to the board, he and county zoning staff incorporated elements from the Tourist Resort district into the new BRR/PD, making the requirements so narrow that they would apply only to specific older properties on the mainland. The zoning could not be used on any of the barrier islands, Medred stressed. It would allow no more than 75 rooms and no height above 35 feet in the redevelopment of older resort properties. The staff report prepared for the Planning Commission meeting explained that, in searching the records of the Sarasota County Property Appraiser’s Office, staff found 62 properties being used as hotels, motels or other lodging with no more than 40 units. Of those, 54 were either in jurisdictions outside county control or on the barrier islands. Thus, the report said, only eight properties are eligible for rezoning to the BRR/PD district. County Planner Kirk Crane, who made the

staff presentation to the Planning Commission, explained that the property has six multi-family units and eight hotel/motel units on adjoining properties between Stickney Point Road and Dawn Street, near Siesta Key. Rodriguez owns a hotel adjacent to the site, Crane noted, but that was not a factor in the issues before the board that night. Rodriguez plans to construct one new, three-story building, Crane said, which would be located at the intersection of Avenue B and Dawn Street. Eventually, Crane pointed out, plans call for the demolition of the two-story building on the property so a new pool and spa area can be constructed in that space. The total number of units in the redeveloped hotel would be 30, he said, and the parking area would be expanded to include 30 spaces. Further, Crane pointed out, Rodriguez plans to extend the existing 6-foot fence that separates the property from Stickney Point Road. It would go all the way down to the Avenue B and C intersection, Crane said. One of the stipulations Rodriguez has agreed to as part of the binding site plan, Crane added, is the donation of the space needed for a new Sarasota County Area Transit (SCAT) bus stop that will be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Medred also noted that the five current access points to the property would be closed, with a new entrance from Stickney Point Road at Avenue B. As part of that process, he continued, Rodriguez had agreed to a staff stipulation calling for the widening of Avenue B in that area to the standard street width, along with the repaving of that part of the road.

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Siesta Sand

MAY 2018



Anchor restaurant in Southbridge Plaza open for lunch Stickney Point Road, known as the Gateway to Siesta Key, has a new anchor restaurant located in the Southbridge Plaza. The old anchor, Stonewood Grill, closed its doors at this location early last year. Plaza Mexico Restaurant Bar & Grill moved in, revamped the interior and without missing a beat, opened for business November 2017, just in time for season. This certainly is not their first rodeo as they own five other restaurants; two of which operate in Venice and Port Charlotte. In addition to the Tex-Mex style dishes offered, you’ll also find traditional dishes that are served throughout Mexico on the menu, providing patrons with a wide array of choices. One such dish, which is their most popular item is called molcajete. In this case, it’s what’s in the molcajete that keeps patrons coming back for more. The molcajete, which is actually a Mexican version of the mortar and pestle, is filled with grilled sirloin streak, grilled chicken, green onions, chorizo, and shrimp. It’s served with rice, beans, lettuce, sour cream, guacamole, pico de gallo, and tortillas. You can order this popular dish for either lunch or dinner and can be ordered to serve one or two people. Lunch is offered and starts at 11 a.m. You can view their extensive seven page menu and drink specials on their website at

www.plazamexicobarandgrill.com. Discount coupons can be found there as well so you can take advantage of the “Buy One & Get One ½ Price” daily lunch coupon. Also offered is a “10% Senior Discount” coupon valid for lunch or dinner. “Taco Tuesday” deals? Yup, from 5 p.m., until close you can buy shredded beef or ground beef tacos for $1.50. And if you like your guacamole fresh, they prepare it table-side. You can’t get it any fresher than that. Plaza Mexico Restaurant Bar & Grill is racking up some nice reviews since their opening. Following is a sampling of what patrons like about this place: • EXCELLENT guacamole and the enchiladas are delicious. Full bar offers you every drink imaginable plus Mexican beers on tap. The staff is bilingual and friendly. Bring patience, no one is in hurry. They are here to relax and feed you. The food once ordered comes quickly and is well made. Very close to authentic Mexican food. • Visiting Florida wanted good authentic Mexican, came here! From the moment we got out the car we felt welcomed. A young man was on his break, but still opened the door for us, greeted us. We walked in and got seated immediately. Our server Marvin was the kindest. I absolutely loved everything about this place. The food was so fresh, hot and well prepared. Thank you all so much, I will be back! Much

success and many memories to your business!! • Really good food! Excellent fresh guacamole! Refried beans are amazing. Our service was friendly and attentive. Margaritas were tasty with good tequila. We’ll be back! Plaza Mexico Restaurant Bar & Grill is located in the Southbridge Plaza, 1894 Stickney Point Rd (Former Stone Wood Grille) (941) 702-5963. Advertorial Molcajete: Comes with grilled sirloin steak, grilled chicken, green onions, chorizo and shrimp. It also comes with rice, beans, lettuce, sour cream, guacamole, pico de gallo and tortillas.

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MAY 2018

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Portable Toilet Removed


By Rachel Brown Hackney / SarasotaNewsLeader.com At 9 a.m. on April 13, Siesta resident Mike Cosentino was due in Code Enforcement Special Magistrate Court to respond to Sarasota County’s Affidavit of Violation, issued on Feb. 1, regarding his keeping a portable toilet on his property at 10 Beach Road. Early on the afternoon of April 11, county Media Relations Officer Drew Winchester said that Cosentino had telephoned staff to say that he had removed the toilet. Thus, staff no longer had need for the Code Enforcement hearing. The toilet had been on the property since late December 2017. Howard Berna, the county’s manager of environmental permitting, signed the Affidavit of Violation, which pointed out that the installation of a portable toilet on the beach “in a coastal high hazard area” is inconsistent with the county’s Coastal Setback Code. Cosentino had failed to place it landward of the county’s Gulf Beach Setback Line by Jan. 31, as Berna had advised him to do, to avoid Code Enforcement action. Cosentino did not notify the Florida Department of Health in Sarasota County about his removal of the toilet, G. Steve Huard, public information officer for the department, stated in an April 12 telephone interview. Neither Environmental Health Administrator Tom Higginbotham nor anyone on Higginbotham’s team had received information about the action. On Jan. 22, Higginbotham stated he was working with legal counsel “to determine the best course of action” regarding the portable toilet at 10 Beach Road. Health Department staff, Higginbotham pointed out, had notified Cosentino of Cosentino’s need to apply for a permit for the toilet, which Cosentino had not done. During an April 12 telephone interview, Cosentino said that he had kept the portable toilet in place to collect a set of data regarding

its use. He is commissioning a report on the usage, he said, which he will turn over to Sarasota County environmental staff. Additionally, “Season is over,” Cosentino noted in a statement he provided via text on April 12. Moreover, he said during the interview, “It’s tough for me to simultaneously be outside legal limits of the law while I’m complaining about the county breaking the law.” Cosentino filed a complaint against the county in June 2016, arguing that the County Commission violated the county’s Comprehensive Plan in voting 4-1 in May 2016 to vacate a 357-foot-long segment of North Beach Road that had sustained repeated storm damage over the years. Each year, Cosentino pointed out, millions of dollars in Sarasota County Tourist Development Tax (TDT), or “bed tax,” revenue is collected by entities on Siesta Key. Yet, the county does not provide restrooms at its beach accesses, only at Siesta Public Beach and Turtle Beach parks. More than enough TDT revenue is collected, he continued, to pay for portable toilets. Thanks to his keeping such a structure on his 10 Beach Road property, he said, children were spared from stepping in or swimming in human waste. He wrote in the text that he hoped the data from usage of the toilet “will eventually compel the county to follow my example and provide the very necessary amenities that our locals and visitors deserve.” When asked on April 12 about the notice he had received from the Florida Department of Health in Sarasota County regarding the toilet, Cosentino responded that Virginia C. Bess, the department’s septic system permitting program coordinator, had written to him early this year to say that he was violating provisions of the state statutes by having the portable toilet on his land. In a handwritten Feb. 2 response to Bess

— a copy of which the Health Department provided — Cosentino wrote, “It is my opinion that the rules cited in your letter are not pertinent or applicable to the current situation.” He referenced Florida Administrative Code Rule 64E-6.101(7)(b), which contains language regarding “permanent use or placement.” Cosentino continued, “The portable toilet at 10 Beach Road is there for its intended temporary, not permanent use. Such use is clearly allowable without a permit pursuant to Florida Administrative Code 64E-6.101(7)(A). Perhaps this was an oversight on your part. I don’t, at this time foresee such use becoming permanent; however, should that change I will certainly do so in compliance with the statutory guidelines pertaining thereto.” Cosentino further referenced Bess’ comments in her letter regarding “permit and variance application language,” adding, once more, that it “simply doesn’t apply to the current situation.” Cosentino said he had met with Bess, though he never had had any contact with Higginbotham.

Charter amendment signatures steadily growing A check on April 5 with the Sarasota County Supervisor of Elections Office to

find out the status of the Sarasota County Charter petition drive that Siesta resident Mike Cosentino began in July 2016. The petitions Cosentino and supporters have been gathering on behalf of Reopen Beach Road would try to revoke the County Commission’s May 2016 vacation of a 357-foot-long segment of North Beach Road and make it impossible, under the aegis of the Charter, for any future board to abandon similar county-owned waterfront property. The elections office provided these figures on April 5: The total for proposed Amendment 4.1 was 8,489; for proposed Amendment 4.2, 8,362. Cosentino needs 13,866 valid voter signatures to get the proposed amendments on a ballot. As for the proposed amendments themselves: The first says the following: “Article III, Section 4.1. Preserve CountyOwned Parks, Preserves, Beach and Water Access and Waterfront Vistas. The County shall not sell, and shall retain ownership of, County-owned Parks and Preserves, and shall not vacate or sell County-owned road segments or right of way along or abutting any beach, river, creek, canal, lake, bay, gulf access or waterfront vista. The County shall encourage maximum right of way use for public access and viewing of waterfront vistas. Whenever feasible, the County shall make these areas accessible to mobility impaired persons.” The second says, “Article III, Section 4.2. Siesta Key Beach Road as Public Right of Way. The County shall rescind the vacation of, or re-acquire, Beach Road on Siesta Key as it existed on January 1, 2016, and shall not vacate or sell this County-owned road segment(s) or right of way. The County shall provide maximum right of way use of Beach Road for public access, including vehicular use and viewing of waterfront vistas. The County shall make Beach Road accessible to mobility impaired persons.”

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Siesta Sand

MAY 2018



Bay Tree Club residents not giving up on effort to see crosswalk installed on South Midnight Pass Road By Rachel Brown Hackney Sometimes rules need to be broken for the greater good. That is the view Bay Tree Club residents have taken in regard to a situation they believe literally involves life and death. And they are not going to give up until they have tried every means of getting the rules changed, or at least bent. It all started in December 2015, Libby Betsy Lynch in middle of Midnight Pass Road Sloan explained on as vehicle speeds by her at Bay Tree April 9, as she and Margi Ryder met with a reporter. They live in the part of Bay Tree Club that stands next to Little who sent their request for a crosswalk to appropriate Sarasota Bay, at 8625 S. Midnight Pass Road. The staff for review. structure is just north of the Turtle Bay and Tortuga They did not want anything fancy, Sloan and Ryder Club condominiums. emphasized. All they had in mind was paint on Midnight As Sarasota County prepared to renourish Turtle Pass Road to indicate that a formal crossing existed there. Beach, more people seemed to begin heading south to The initial response, Sloan said, was that a crosswalk that destination as an alternative to the increasingly could not be provided in the requested location because crowded Siesta Public Beach, Sloan said. More people sidewalks were not on both sides of Midnight Pass Road, translated into more vehicles passing Bay Tree Club just on the west side. “That seems to be the ‘Golden every day, especially during the height of tourist season, Rule,’” Sloan added of the sidewalk criterion. Sloan and Ryder explained. The decision spurred Sloan to dive into research Yet, no crosswalk exists between the Bay Tree Club mode. Using Google Maps to take a close look at other buildings on the bay side and those on the Gulf side. stretches of Midnight Pass Road, she discovered that With a higher traffic volume came increasing stress the crosswalk at the Sea Winds condominium complex, for people who routinely crossed South Midnight Pass located at 6703 Midnight Pass Road, does not connect to Road. a sidewalk on both sides. On the east side of the road, Additionally, at that time, Sarasota County Area she pointed out, “They just have a piece of cement that Transit (SCAT) had a bus stop adjacent to the Bay Tree was put in by the county.” Club driveway on the east side of the road, Sloan pointed County staff members did not budge, Sloan said, out. “People would cross the street to wait for the bus.” when she pointed out that situation. They then told her Therefore, Sloan continued, “We decided … it would too many driveways were in close proximity to the Bay be a great idea to have a crosswalk right here.” Tree Club site, “and it was a risk to put in a crosswalk.” Subsequently, Sloan said, Bay Tree Club representatives Continued on page 35 contacted Sarasota County Commissioner Alan Maio,

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Siesta Promenade

MAY 2018

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Continued from cover story

Additionally, the March report says, as discussed with FDOT and county staff, Benderson proposes “the extension of the existing westbound merge lane to create a continuous westbound right-turn lane” along Stickney Point Road from U.S. 41 to the Avenue B and C intersection. The latest FDOT discussion about the proposed project took place on Dec. 19, 2017, the report notes, while the most recent discussions with county staff were on Feb. 1. The report points out, “The final access configuration of the project driveways must be approved by FDOT.” However, that last statement relates to an issue that has raised questions in recent weeks: The Sarasota County Commission and county staff have talked of progress in ongoing negotiations with FDOT to swap the county’s control of River Road to the state in exchange for the county taking on maintenance of Stickney Point Road and Siesta Drive/Higel Avenue — west of U.S. 41 and Osprey Drive, respectively — as well as Midnight Pass Road on Siesta Key. Opponents of Siesta Promenade have voiced concerns that if Stickney Point Road becomes a county road, FDOT no longer would have any say over traffic pattern adjustments made to accommodate Siesta Promenade — if the County Commission approves the project as proposed. In response to a Siesta Sand question about those concerns, Paula Wiggins, the county’s transportation planning manager, said in an April 3 email that “if Stickney Point Road becomes a county facility, improvements would be under the county’s jurisdiction. However, if those improvements have impacts to the intersection of US 41/Stickney Point Rd, the state would be able to weigh in.” Siesta Sand also posed questions about FDOT’s involvement in the potential traffic pattern changes to Zachary Burch, government affairs and communications manager for FDOT. In an April 4 email, he wrote, “FDOT and Sarasota County have been discussing the possibility of swapping

the jurisdiction of a portion River Road for a portion of SR 72 west of US 41. River Road is currently a county maintained road and SR 72 is currently a state maintained roadway. No decisions have been made by FDOT or Sarasota County and the conversations are still ongoing.” County leaders have been intent on the proposed road swap because of the need to accelerate improvements to River Road, thanks to growing development in North Port; the coming relocation of the Atlanta Braves’ Spring Training operations to a new complex under construction in the West Villages; and heightened concern about the use of River Road as a hurricane evacuation route for South County residents, as well as those in areas of Charlotte County. The Kimley-Horn report also continues to include the original figures for residential dwelling units and commercial space in Siesta Promenade, even though Benderson late last year reduced the number of proposed dwelling units from 506 to 414 and the number of planned hotel rooms from 150 to 130. One section of a March 27 letter Todd Mathes, Benderson’s director of development, sent to county Planner Todd Dary says the maximum “total equivalent residential dwelling units” will be 479. The letter also notes that the maximum number of multi-family units will be 414. Mathes did note that the density total for the hotel used the factors of one dwelling unit per one hotel with two rooms and no kitchens, or one room with one kitchen. The 130 rooms in the hotel would equate to 65 residential dwelling units, a chart showed. Along with the residential units and hotel, the project would feature 140,000 square feet of “neighborhood retail space,” the Kimley-Horn report says. “Primary access to the site will be provided onto US 41 and State Road 72/Stickney Point Road,” the report adds, “with minor site access” provided on Crestwood Avenue and Glencoe Avenue.









Details about the blocks In his March 27 letter, Mathes also wrote that 133,000 square feet of gross leasable area (GLA) would be dedicated to retail business in the development, with 7,000 GLA designated for office space. Further, Mathes provided more details about each section planned in the development. For example, in Block 1, the buildings may be 40 feet tall when they are at least 20 feet away from the property line fronting Glencoe Avenue or Crestwood Avenue. They may be 65 feet in height when they are at least 100 feet from the Glencoe or Crestwood property lines. Block 3, which will comprise retail, restaurant, office and hotel uses, may have buildings 80 feet in height when they are at least 150 feet from the Glencoe Avenue property line. Blocks 4 and 5 also are planned for “retail, restaurant, and office commercial uses,”

Mathes’ letter said. On Jan. 25, 2017, the County Commission voted 4-1 to allow Benderson to proceed with specific studies in accord with Benderson’s request for a Critical Area Plan designation for the project. Winning approval for that would allow Benderson to have density up to 25 units per acre, instead of the 13 per acre allowed in standard county Commercial General zoning districts.

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Siesta Sand

MAY 2018

Pizza Burn

From time to time we see patients with mouth discomfort caused by eating and/or foods. We see burns, lacerations, scrapes and swellings which can interfere with eating, swallowing and talking. They can even break teeth and fillings/crowns, etc. Usually these discomforts are diagnosed with examination and a careful history. The things we consume can be too cold or hot, too sharp and poky, or too hard. Very occasionally they can be allergenic. The top three offenders are ‘Pizza Burn’ (also from hot liquids), ‘Triscuit Trauma’ and ‘Chewing Gum’ crowns. The big healers here are ‘tincture of time’ or repair the broken, loose or fractured area. Any injury lasting more than two weeks needs immediate observation. Avoid pizza burn? Cut up the first few bites until it’s cool enough to chow down. Almost all of these problems are preventable and avoidable. It’s up to you!

Palmer Ranch Dental - Richard J. Greenspan DDS Call today for an appointment! (941) 966-5603 8800 South Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34238




Village Gelateria Celebrates First Anniversary of Serving up Fresh, All Organic, Vegan-friendly Gelato My favorite Gelato and ice cream parlor in America! I have been to quite a few all over and this place is Authentic. The service is wonderful and the owners are so humble and kind. Can’t wait to go back. ~ Adri C. OMG - ABSOLUTELY THE best gelato I have had outside of Rome Italy!!!!! CAN’T wait to come back! Owners were SO lovely. ~ Teri G. So goes the many accolades Made In Rome Organic Gelato has been receiving for their made-in-house gelato. April marked their first anniversary in their Siesta Key Village location, and the owners, Massimo and Diane Cuna couldn’t be happier. As they celebrate this momentous occasion, the owners and employees would like to thank the thousands of customers that have patronized their establishment. Made In Rome Organic Gelato, located in the Village, churns out small batches of artisan gelato, (a.k.a. ice cream’s Italian cousin) transforming simple ingredients into sweet scoops of pure bliss. The all-organic list is uncomplicated

consisting of milk, cream, eggs, sugar, fruits and nuts. When properly crafted it produces the clean, pure flavors and luxurious silky textures that are the hallmarks found at this small gelateria. No hydrogenated fats, colorants, or preservatives are ever used in these creations. As simple as the ingredients are that make up this sweet indulgence, its name is equally as unassuming. Translated, “Gelato” simply means “Frozen.” But don’t let its simple name belie the depth of flavor each bite delivers. In fact, the staff will provide generous samples. Just be forewarned, it may be habit-forming. The Cunas take turns creating flavors like Cioccolato e Nocciola (Chocolate and Hazelnuts), Croccante All’Amarena (Crunchy Cherry), or Caffè del Professore (Teacher’s Coffee). It’s a unique process they enjoy showing off and welcome all to stop by and watch as they prepare it. Each batch is kept small and a different flavor of their house-made gelato is produced every 15 minutes. Any gelato not scooped up immediately is kept in closed cases, safe from bacteria and impurities. A constant temperature of 5 degrees is maintained; the optimal temperature necessary for retaining the fresh, pure tastes. Then the next day, they start all over again; blending and mixing and incorporating all the lush organic ingredients. This, according to Morgan Morano, author of The Art of Making Gelato, is what matters most: “Eat it fresh.” And vegans, you too have options

with nine choices of vegan gelato to choose from, including chocolate. You can even spoon it or eat it right out of a cone if you want, since their organic cones are made from gluten free, kosher certified, vegan waffles. They also offer a small assortment of sugar-free choices from the menu’s 30 flavours.

Espresso? Why, of course. Served straight or affogato al caffe; a double shot of espresso topped with a scoop of gelato…any flavor. This luscious combo has been receiving high marks, and as owner, Diane says, “People go crazy for this!!” Their hard work is paying off as more customers taste the difference fresh, organic ingredients make. Of course, the charm of the owners and staff is just like the icing on the gelato. So if the dopamine reward system lurking in your brain kicks in to high gear looking for something sweet, make a bee-line straight to Made In Rome Organic Gelato for some instant gratification. Made In Rome Organic Gelato is located at 5204 Ocean Blvd. in Siesta Village, (941) 960-5344, open Monday through Sunday from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Advertorial

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Continued from page 4

Then, no sooner had that person reached the other side of the road then another person walked up, hit the button to activate the lights at the same crosswalk, and began heading to the other side of the road. As the lights stopped flashing, a couple of children ran up, whacked the button and started running across the road before the lights began flashing again, he pointed out. Fortunately, Kusekoski said, traffic had not begun to move, so the children made it safely to the other side. The crosswalks are “a great safety feature,” he added, “but I think we need to work on ’em a little.” “So I’ve written a letter to Commissioner Alan Maio and suggested that he work with FDOT to try to come up with a couple of solutions,” Kusekoski continued. One idea would be to incorporate a timing delay into the operation of the lights, Kusekoski said. An inquiry was sent to Sarasota County staff and to FDOT on April 13 to ask whether any action had been taken on Kusekoski’s communication. County staff did not provide an answer before the end of the day — or before the deadline for this column. However, Zachary Burch, government affairs & communications manager for FDOT, responded in an email: “I spoke with our traffic operations office, and they said that we are not aware of anyone from the County or public raising this issue. It is possible for us to program in a delay so that the signal has to wait a set amount of time before it can be activated again. We would usually do this in instances where heavy pedestrian activity is causing the signal to operate so frequently that it is beginning to back up traffic excessively. The delay gives time for groups of pedestrians to assemble and then letting them all cross at once.”

MAY 2018

Microcurrent Facials are a powerful anti-aging treatment that tightens and tones facial muscles and stimulates the lymph and blood flow to the face and neck, restoring suppleness and a youthful glow while tightening the facial muscles. This machine based treatment sends electrical impulses of very low voltage but high frequency through the skin resulting in a more youthful appearance. Crow’s feet begin to disappear, eyebrows lift, and cheekbones are more defined. Clients normally fall asleep during the facial as it is extremely relaxing and painless. There is no downtime and clients may go outside with no concerns after treatments. Spa Director, Connie Lewis has been performing micro-current facials since 2005 after learning the technology during her studies at Fashion Focus Academy where she earned her Facial Specialist Certification. “I was so ‘wowed’ by the results I personally experienced on my own face I immediately acquired the machine right out of school,” says Lewis. Results of the treatments are cumulative and the best visible results are after a series of 5- 10 treatments then monthly or weekly treatments are recommended depending on skin condition and desired result. The system is completely safe and treatment is non-invasive. The current is extremely low, less than the output of a pacemaker. The system operates on a per-programmed setting and contains calibrated internal data monitoring and resistance meters. This allows full comfort to the client as well as optimal performance and results for the operator. Micro-current treatments are usually performed within 45-60 minutes, and are usually prescribed in a series of 6 to 12 treatments over a course of 60 days with one to two treatments a week recommended for maximum results. The number of sessions in a series is specific to each client. Once the series

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is complete, a monthly “booster” treatment is required to maintain results. Our non-invasive treatment usually offers noticeable results even after just one session and effectively gives you the benefit of a nonsurgical alternative to a facelift. Like exercise for the other parts of the body, the facial muscles need a regular workout to achieve good muscle tone. Muscle reeducation by microcurrent is often referred to as “sculpting” and “lifting.” The lifting and strengthening action have an accumulative effect on the face with each systematic series of treatments, increasing the holding action of the muscles. Through repeated sessions, facial muscles will hold their tone. Just like the stomach muscles will “re-tone” after repeated sessions of sit-ups. During the initial program, we recommend one to two visits a week with the total number depending on the individual needs. A typical course of treatment will range from six to twelve sessions. And after that a visit once a month is usually all that is required to maintain good facial muscle tone and youthful appearance. When you stop exercising the body, over a period of time the muscle will lose their increased tone and return to a more flaccid state. The same is true for the face. It will not suddenly “fall,” but overtime will begin to resume its normal aging process. Most individuals will see immediate changes in facial contour after the first treatment. Your skin specialist can lift half of your face to show you the difference compared to the other side. But the improvement is increasingly

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


obvious over a period of time with the series of sessions. Results depend significantly on the individual’s age and lifestyle. What can microcurrent do for you? Originally developed for treating facial palsy, microcurrent in the esthetic realm can: • Re-educate muscles • Increase blood and lymph circulation • Enhance the penetration of the active ingredients of skin care formulations • Increase the production of collagen and elastin • Increase protein synthesis, gluconeogenesis and cell membrane transport. Additionally, research has shown that microcurrent may help with anti-aging at an even deeper level. In 1982, researcher Ngok Cheng led a study that provided hard evidence of microcurrent’s role in cellular vitality by proving that microcurrent increased levels of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in lab-rat skin cells by 500 percent. ATP is the fuel a cell needs to function. Actually ATP is a really big deal as it is the energy that fuels all biochemical functions in the body. It boosts protein synthesis, necessary for tissue repair. If you are interested in seeing the results on yourself, you can book an appointment online at www.MassageexperienceSK.com or by calling 941-349-4833. Massage Experience, Siesta Key is conveniently located in the Davidson Plaza in the Village. It is open 6-days-a week year round, and 7-days-a-week in season.

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Siesta Sand

MAY 2018



Siesta Key Wines Celebrates 10th Anniversary Siesta Key’s specialty wine shop located in the Village celebrated their 10th anniversary on Saturday, March 31st with classic rock duo, Rick and Yvonne Brown along with their award winning domestic and imported wines and complimentary snacks. Owner, Maureen Rooney posted her thanks on the business Facebook page saying, “Thank you to all our


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awesome friends who helped us celebrate our 10th Anniversary…what a great time. Thank you for your support of a locally owned family business.” Siesta Key Wines is located in Davidson’s Plaza, 5138C Ocean Blvd, Daily wine tastings available, 941552-9105.



MAY 2018

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Mimi’s Italian Sweets, more than just a bakery As temperatures begin to rise here in Sarasota, you may be planning a road trip to cooler climes or just a day trip to one of the many beaches and parks throughout the area. Consider a stop at Mimi’s Italian Sweets, located at 7360 S. Tamiami Trail, in the Coral Cove Mall for some healthy organic dishes made fresh to order along with some scrumptious house-made desserts. Mimi’s Italian Sweets carries a variety of goods from Italy along with freshly baked breads, wraps, antipasti items, and a fan favorite; house-made croissant sandwiches. Their selections varies so it is best to stop in to see what’s come out of their ovens for the day. Enjoy a complimentary cup of freshly brewed espresso as you make your selections.

Hours are Tuesday through Saturday from 8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. You can call them at 941-260-8915 to find out what they will be offering up for the day.

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Siesta Sand

MAY 2018



Sheriff’s Sergeant Addresses Numerous Complaints By Rachel Brown Hackney

Open Daily 7am-9pm

Speeding boaters on the canals, is “to stand there and yell at the boater loud partying at Beach Accesses going by. That’s never a friendly 1 and 2, and dogs on the beach confrontation.” A resident cannot reliably predict at North Shell Road were among the boating party’s response, Thomas the issues Siesta Key Association noted. “Nobody likes to be yelled (SKA) members raised when at, so at times, you get into a bit of a Sgt. Jason Mruczek, leader of the confrontational situation and see the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office one-finger salute from the boaters.” substation on the Key, stood at the “Actually,” Thomas acknowledged, podium during the SKA’s regular “some people slow down, but quite a meeting in April. First, however, Mruczek few are resentful.” reported that since the office’s It also is difficult to be heard over the sound of the engines, he added. traditional Spring Break operation Sgt. Jason Mruczek One of his biggest concerns, began on March 1, “this week so Thomas pointed out, is that small far has been our busiest.” A lot of children often swim in the canals, and high school students from Indiana “are down here now,” he added. “It’s been busy at people kayak in them. Drivers of big boats cannot spot swimmers and kayakers easily, he said. “I’ve seen night.” Overall, he told the approximately 45 people present, some near accidents with people.” For example, he “I feel like it’s been a little slower” than last year in told Mruczek, he had witnessed a situation in which a terms of the number of people on the beach. big boat nearly struck “kids in this little fishing skiff.” Sheriff’s Office personnel have encountered “no real “Police presence there would be very helpful,” major problems,” Mruczek said. The parking issue Thomas added, especially between 5 and 7:30 p.m., “has been a little bit better, too,” than in prior years. which has proven to be the worst time for speeding Still, he continued, “Beach Access 2 is the never- boaters. ending story of complaints.” A sign that the county had installed some time ago After the February SKA meeting, members voiced to warn people to slow down on the Grand Canal their frustrations regarding young people gathering has been missing for about three weeks, Thomas at Beach Access 2 in the evenings and staying into continued. He had used the county’s SeeClickFix the night, playing music at high volumes and being app to report that, he said, but, so far, the sign has generally disruptive to the residents who live in the not reappeared. When he recently asked staff about vicinity, on Avenida Messina and Beach Road. the delay, Thomas added, he was told the sign issue “So we’re down there a lot,” Mruczek pointed out is “‘part of a more complex project that’s being taken during the April 5 SKA meeting. “Evening time care of.’” is usually the biggest problem down there,” he In times past, Thomas said, the county was able to pointed out, with officers having to deal with traffic use a vacant lot on the canal as the site for placement congestion, underage drinking and people taking of an electronic sign that advised boaters to maintain a glass bottles onto the beach, which is a violation of a slow speed. That property has a new building on it, he said; nonetheless, one of a couple of vacant parcels in county ordinance. One woman who lives near Beach Access 2 thanked the area might work as a new location for a temporary Mruczek for getting the handicapped parking sign sign. erected again after it had ended up in the portable Mruczek promised to talk with the captain of the toilet on the 10 Beach Road property that Mike Sheriff’s Office Marine Patrol about extra enforcement on the canals and about the signage. Cosentino owns. The woman then told Mruczek that two other signs “Anything’s better than nothing,” Thomas replied. — red reflectors that are used to warn drivers not to Another woman brought up the issues regarding North Shell Road, where Beach Access 1 is located. go out on the beach — are missing from Access 2. “It’s a more complex project that we’re dealing People have turned that area into a “dog beach,” she with,” Mruczek acknowledged without elaborating. told Mruczek, adding that the previous morning, As for the boating issues: Dave Thomas, who lives she witnessed two dogs relieving themselves on the on one of Siesta’s many canals, explained, “There are a shoreline. That occurred around 7 a.m., she added. lot of boats that are exceeding normal, commonsense Parking has also “gotten out of hand at night,” she speed limits on the Grand Canal” and other bodies of continued. water in the area. “Because there’s so much residential When Mruczek asked if she meant people were still development on the canals,” Thomas added, “it’s in the area after 9 p.m., she replied, “Oh, yeah. Yeah. a safety issue,” with the speeding vessels posing I’ve got you guys on speed dial.” dangers to people and wildlife. The wakes from the Mruczek told her he would talk with the supervisors of the evening and night shifts for the Sheriff’s Office boats can damage property, too, he noted. “We don’t get hardly any patrols up and down the on the Key. Deputies had been enforcing the closing Grand Canal” or other canals on the Key, Thomas of the beach access to parking at 9 p.m., he pointed continued. The boaters “will push the limit because out, even though anyone can walk on the beach after they figure they can get away with it.” that hour. Continued on the next page The only resource homeowners have, he continued,

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Sheriff’s Report

Continued from the previous page

When Mruczek asked her when she most often has seen people with dogs on the beach at Access 1, the woman responded, “All day long. … We’re left with the trash and the urine, and it’s really getting out of hand.” The county’s parks ordinance does not permit dogs on the beach in any location, except service animals, Mruczek explained. The dogs she has been seeing are not service animals, she assured Mruczek. “They’re not on a leash,” she added, and the owners just let the animals run freely. Deputies do drive up and down North Shell Road regularly, said the man seated next to the woman, but they typically do not walk out on the beach and observe the activities there. As for the parking at that beach access: The woman noted that when deputies used to hand out $20 tickets, people would laugh at them. Now that the deputies are writing $75 tickets for parking violations, she continued, at least people are more responsive to the threat that they will be fined. The couple declined to identify themselves, citing the concern about repercussions from their complaints to Mruczek. Then Bob Miller, the SKA’s treasurer, reported that two more “No Parking” signs had been erected on the county right of way adjacent to the Siesta Estates neighborhood — across from St. Boniface Episcopal Church, where the SKA meetings are held. Still, he said, people continue to park on that right of way. Recently, he continued, he called the Sheriff’s Office because of the number of vehicles there, even though the drivers could donate $10 to St. Boniface and leave the vehicles all day in the church parking lot. When he called and spoke with a dispatcher a second time the same day, Miller said, the dispatcher told him that a deputy was ticketing vehicles parked illegally all the way up at St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church on Midnight Pass Road. “They had two more officers come out,” he noted, who helped write tickets. Based on the number of vehicles he saw in the county right of way that day, Miller added, he estimated the deputies must have written at least 70 tickets.

A very busy Key, indeed As mentioned from Sgt. Mruczek’s comments about the number of visitors on the Key the first week of April to Michael Shay, manager of the Siesta Key Village Maintenance Corp., who supervises the upkeep of the Village for the property owners. Shay confirmed Mruczek’s observation, pointing out that he had a good foundation for his view: the amount of garbage being collected. “I believe that the last couple of weeks have been the busiest in the Village that I remember based on garbage volume,” he wrote in an April 6 email. “Our dumpster for the Village curbside garbage pails is emptied twice a week. For the last 2 weeks we have needed special pickups in addition to the normal 2 to keep up with the volume,” he continued. “And keep in mind we now have two 96-gallon containers for recyclables,” he pointed out, adding that the “garbage volume should DECREASE!” Boro, the firm that handles the garbage collection as part of its custodial contract with Sarasota County has Tuesdays and Saturdays off, Shay noted. “I have had to go in and empty the pails in the center of the Village because they are full by the morning that Boro doesn’t work!” Boro Building and Property Maintenance won that custodial contract last November and began work on Dec. 10, 2017. After years of contracting with one firm to handle both the custodial and landscaping work in the Village, county staff felt more firms would be interested in bidding on the work if it were divided. On April 9, when this reporter saw Shay at the Siesta Key Breeze anniversary celebration, he pointed out that the number of visitors has remained high. “We had an extra garbage pickup scheduled for today,” he said. A Waste Management representative told him that a truck would be in the Village early that morning, Shay continued. “They didn’t get here till 11 a.m.” Therefore, Shay had to dump 60 bags of garbage into the Village dumpster.

MAY 2018

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

March 21 - April 17, 2018

There were a total of 19 crimes reported on the Key between 3/21-4/17/18 3/26/18 Theft 100 Block Columbus Blvd. A woman visiting from Indiana reported the theft of two bicycles. She stated she had rented the bikes for her daughters who had ridden them to the community pool and left them out front. When they returned, the bikes were gone. The rental company was requiring the woman to pay for the stolen bikes. There are security cameras in the area. The footage will be reviewed and submitted if the incident was captured. The beach cruisers were valued at $225 and $220. 3/26/18 Battery with Injuries 6300 Block Midnight Pass Rd. A man reported a battery had taken place. A deputy arrived and found the man nude inside of the apartment. The coffee table was flipped over and miscellaneous household items were on the floor. The man stated he had been on a date with a woman when an argument led to a physical altercation. The man said the woman bit him on the ankle and hit him with her hands. A bite mark was seen on his right ankle and a 5-inch scratch was seen on his arm. The man refused medical attention. He believed his wallet was missing from the home and while searching for it; a bag of marijuana was found and submitted into evidence. The man denied the bag was his and it was submitted as found property. It was determined that the couple was not in a relationship and the man signed a waiver of prosecution. When the woman was contacted by phone, she first told the deputy she had never been at the man’s apartment. She then changed her story and said she had been there but was now out on a date and had no additional information. 3/27/18 Burglary – Vehicle 1100 Moonmist Ct. A man reported his guest had witnessed a vehicle burglary. The woman advised she saw two male teenagers in dark clothing near the victim’s vehicle. She stated she saw them run west on Moonmist. She heard the subjects enter an unknown vehicle and leave the area. The owner of the vehicle was

contacted and asked if anything appeared to be missing. A bag of quarters ($3) was the only item she believed was gone. The officer observed a cell phone charger on the ground. The victim stated that it had been in the vehicle. 4/1/18 Theft-Shoplifter 200 Block Canal Rd. An employee of a Village Market reported a theft. A male juvenile was in the beer isle of the store. The employee observed the suspect open a twelve pack of Corona beer and start to remove the beer cans. When he saw that he was being watched, he attempted to leave the area. The employee stopped the suspect and called 911. The incident was captured on the store security camera system. The suspect was very apologetic and remorseful for his actions. The complainant signed a waiver of prosecution and a trespass warning for the suspect who can never return to the store. 4/3/18 Battery Public Beach A deputy made contact with a teenage boy as he walked on the beach. A large Spring Break crowd was being dispersed. The boy was bleeding from a laceration to his nose. He declined when asked if he would like an ambulance. He stated participants of the crowd were going their separate ways when he made a comment in reference to his disapproval of the Villanova basketball team. At that time, numerous unknown subjects began attacking him and striking him. The deputy attempted to contact the boy’s parents but was informed that they were in Mexico and he was staying at a hotel with a friend’s parents. The deputy followed the victim to his hotel room and spoke with that parent who stated he would follow up with the victim’s parents.

4/4/18 Theft Felony 5200 Block Ocean Blvd. Two eighteen-year-old women were arrested for shoplifting at a village clothing store. An employee noticed that the number of items a customer brought to the counter did not match the number she had brought into the dressing room minus the number she had put into the clothing not wanted bin. The employee checked the dressing room and found security tags were removed and found hidden in the trash. One of the women had fled out of the store when the employee approached the other. The woman opened her backpack and revealed some of the stolen clothing to the employee. A magnet was also present. The woman who had left returned to the store. A check of the trash can outside the store revealed the other clothing items taken. The women admitted they had gone to the store together with the purpose of stealing clothing. The magnet was present to defeat security devices. The cost of the items taken was $530.50. 4/4/18 Battery Public Beach A 19-year-old man was located unconscious with a laceration to his upper lip. Approximately 400 individuals partying surrounded him. Aide was rendered until the victim regained consciousness. Once he was alert, he was brought to the main beach pavilion to be evaluated by EMS. He was cleared and released from the scene. During an interview, he said he drank about 5 beers and didn’t remember anything from the altercation. He believes he was “jumped” by random people. No property was taken from him. The victim is from out of state and staying alone at a nearby hotel. He had no friends witness the incident. 4/6/18 Petit Theft Public Beach A woman reported an unknown person stole her beach chair ($20), beach bag ($40), and Georgia driver’s license ($45) while she took a 15-minute walk along the beach. Also taken were her keys and $14 in cash. There were no witnesses or suspects.

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Siesta Sand

MAY 2018


‘Happy Anniversary,’ Siesta Key Breeze By Rachel Brown Hackney

Buzzfeed names Fresh Catch top new Florida restaurant to try in 2018 According to a list published on the popular website Buzzfeed. com, Fresh Catch is the top new restaurant diners should check out in Florida in 2018. Data focusing on new restaurants that opened during the past year from the restaurant-review site Yelp.com was used to compile the list. Only one restaurant was chosen from each state, adding to the impressive recognition this small restaurant is receiving. Fresh Catch’s, father/son duo, Bob and Devon Provost have a serious passion for seafood which started way back when the family lived in the Boston area. Their simply prepared, neverfried, never-frozen dishes are paired with a variety of simple sauces that serve to complement, so the freshness of the seafood shines. Your fish/seafood selection goes from the case onto the grill. Prepared grilled or blackened, topped with lemon and butter, Pico de Gallo or tropical salsa. Served with a fresh ear of corn on the cob and baby roasted potatoes. Soups, salads, sandwiches and steam pots round out the menu. If room permits, be sure to order a slice of their homemade key lime pie. Bob’s wife, Debra, makes the key lime pie, using freshly whipped cream. The restaurant also offers a nice selection of beers and wines. Fresh Catch Fish Market & Grill, located at 7119 S. Tamiami Trail, just south of Stickney Point Road in the Buccaneer Plaza, is a casual restaurant/market with indoor and outdoor seating for close to 30. Here’s what more patrons are saying about the restaurant on line: Yelp review: I see why this place is all five stars. Amazing find, tucked away in a nondescript strip mall adds to its local, simple vibe. Best seafood I have had in a long time. Service made it feel like we were part of the family, four happy diners tonight. If you read this post, stop searching and start eating. Seriously do not pass up this little gem. “If you love delicious seafood prepared flawlessly, this is the place for you. Everything is cooked to highlight the high quality, pulled fresh from the gulf.” —Yelper Scott B. “Our favorite!! Best fresh fish and crab claws!!! The fish list is changing daily. The Key lime pie is the best there is.” —Yelper George C. Tried this place last night on a whim and it did not disappoint! Everything from the staff, to the menu, to the meal itself was perfection. It’s a small place and luckily we’d come in between dinner rushes and got a table right away. Within 10 mins the place was full again. The wait staff was smiling and helpful. We shared stone crab soup to start with a couple of ice cold beers, tons of crab in the soup and excellent flavor. For our meals we got blackened tripletail and snow crab claws. Each came with a side of roasted potatoes. I can’t say enough about how fresh and delicious the entire meal was. We will be back! Due to its popularity, reservations are strongly recommended to avoid a long wait. Fresh Catch Fish Market and Grill is open from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Saturday. 941-413-7133, freshcatchfishmarketandgrill.com (Advertorial)



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Shortly after 2 p.m. on Monday, April 9, representatives of Sarasota County Area Transit (SCAT) and the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce — along with County Commissioner Alan Maio and business owners — climbed aboard a Siesta Key Breeze open-air trolley, which was parked at the Village gazebo. They had gathered to recognize the 250,000th rider since the service began on March 20, 2017. The winner of multiple prizes donated by Siesta Chamber members was a woman named Noelle, who talked of her delight in being on Siesta instead of at her Connecticut home, where it had been snowing. Maio joked that she would be expected to appear at future County Commission meetings to rave about the Breeze and help inspire continuation of funding for it. She said she would be happy to do that. Before the board agreed on Feb. 28, 2017, to allow a trial run of the trolley, Maio pointed out, he had been assuring his colleagues and others that he expected the Breeze to have at least 2,000 riders a month. “We didn’t even come close,” he joked. “It’s 20,000 a month.” That line was met with whoops and applause. By his reckoning, Maio continued, every two riders on the Breeze represent one less vehicle on the island’s roads. “We have traffic on the Key,” he said, acknowledging, “This is the one and only time I will admit that. I refuse to say the word, ‘Traffic.’” Therefore, he continued, the Breeze had reduced the count of vehicles on the Key by 125,000 over the past year. “That’s a fabulous number.” Prior to the official beginning of the festivities, Terry Thompson, vice president of East region for the firm Ride Right LLC, with which the county contracts for the Breeze operations, “You’re moving a lot of people with the trolley. That’s what it’s really all about: congestion mitigation,” said Thompson. Thompson also pointed out that the firm had worked hard to find the right people to serve as drivers for the Breeze. “You can’t just have any person,” he said. The driver’s personality is a big factor in ensuring riders enjoy their trips, Thompson noted. The bonus, he indicated, is that the drivers the firm employs love their jobs. The April 9 event had been scheduled after a forecast for severe storms on March 20 led to county and Siesta Chamber leaders agreeing that a better weather day would be preferable for the celebration of the first anniversary as well as the 250,000th rider. Under sunny skies — but with humidity high enough to generate plenty of perspiration among some attendees — Kendra Keiderling, SCAT’s marketing, outreach and customer service supervisor, welcomed everyone gathered at the gazebo to join some regular riders aboard the trolley. Then, at the front of the vehicle, she talked of how people on the Key had made it plain that even though a SCAT bus regularly runs a route between the mainland and the island, “no one wanted a bus.” Instead, she said, they wanted a trolley. Keiderling offered special thanks to a number of organizations and people on the island who had pushed for the service for years.


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Off Key


MAY 2018

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


By Robert Frederickson

From Reality ‘Clips’ to Boats at Risk... Manatee ‘Clips’ Sarasota, ‘Siesta Key’ Two shows with local ties debuted last year, the reality show “Siesta Key” set here on the island and the dark comedy ‘Claws’ based on the stranger-than-life predicaments faced by a colorful group of manicurists working at a nail salon set in a strip center aptly named ‘Palmetto Plaza’ located in a less than glamorous pocket of Manatee County. Palmetto Plaza may be an altogether fictional locale, but it is a place instantly recognizable to anyone who has ventured ‘off key’ for any appreciable length of time in the past decade or so, especially if their travels have landed them on Old 301 north of the airport, or anywhere along the North Trail between Sarasota and Bradenton. Critics and viewers alike have found the show’s characters equally believable as well. Contrast that with the version of Siesta Key presented on the eponymously named MTV show that is virtually unrecognizable to many local residents – islanders and mainlanders alike. The show focuses on a group of self-absorbed twenty-somethings constrained by their own velvet chains. Which likely explains why ‘Claws’ has been picked up for a second season while the ultimately ‘unreal’ reality show ‘Siesta Key’ has a future that remains in doubt, with no word to date from MTV as to whether a second season will ever be aired. Claws’ second season debut will be June 10th on the TNT network.

candidacy by running some ads on Facebook. So he submitted the following copy to the company’s Ad Department: “I’m proud to announce my candidacy for state senate. Lansing needs conservative, West Michigan values, and as our next state senator, I will work to strengthen our economy, limit government, lower our auto insurance rates, balance the budget, stop sanctuary cities and pay down government debt.” He went on to say he is pro-life and pro second-amendment. Do you see a problem here? No? Well, Facebook apparently did. Nesbitt got this response from the constitutional scholars in the company’s legal department: “Your ad wasn’t approved because it doesn’t follow our Advertising Policies. We don’t allow ads that contain shocking, disrespectful or sensational content...” Yet another example of Artificial Intelligence at work.

Quote of the Day “A clear conscience is the first sign of a fuzzy memory.”

Not the Night Out she Expected... 35-year-old Carol Stone was arrested in Pasco County last month for battery. It seems her husband forgot their anniversary. So she gave him several pointed reminders – with her fists. She was probably hoping for a night out, though an all expense paid trip to the Land O’ Lakes detention center probably wasn’t what she had in mind.

Ambiguous Message at MacDill Rally? A dozen or so protesters lined up outside the gates of MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa the day after the recent U.S. attack on Syria to voice their opposition to the strike, which came in response to the alleged use of chemical weapons by the regime of Bashar al-Assad. It was a relatively low-energy affair, but a sign carried by one protester caught my eye by making a point that was probably not intended. It read: “Syria Gas Attack = Iraq WMDs.” Now I’m sure the protester’s point was that there are no stockpiles of chemical weapons in Syria, just as there were no WMDs in Iraq. Here’s the thing though: no one knows for sure, but it is at least plausible to take the sign at face value, since many observers in the region share the belief that Saddam, a member of the Baath party, sent at least some of his WMDs to Assad, also a Baathist, for safekeeping before the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. If so, then the sign is quite literally true: the Syrian gas really does ‘equal’ Iraqi WMDs. After all, such weapons were in Iraq at one time given the established evidence of their use against Iran in the Iran-Iraq war that began in 1983 and later against Saddam’s Kurdish foes in Northern Iraq. And with no evidence of their destruction, they must have gone somewhere, right? Or wrong... But that’s the ‘off-key’ appeal

models the thieves are looking for. And with apps like Google Maps these latter day pirates have the advantage of one stop shopping where they can peer down from above and shop for the best opportunities on an island like LBK or Siesta with easy access to the Gulf.

As Cannon’s Gallagher told WFLA: “If a boat is just tied up in the water, they can untie it and tow it away with a small boat and be silent and out the canal in 5 minutes.” Some trailered crafts have been hitched and driven off from their owners’ driveway.

5105 Ocean Blvd.

Canceling your Landline Service? Keep your Old Phone! For the first time in history a majority of households in the U.S. rely exclusively on cell phones in their homes, having canceled their landline services. But service interruptions like the recent Verizon outage that left tens of thousands of the company’s cell customers without service from Tampa to Venice for almost eight hours highlighted a critical flaw in that decision: access to 9-1-1 call centers was lost for those homes that had deep-sixed their old landline phones. But it needn’t have been so. Even if you cancel your landline, keep at least one of your old phones plugged in. It should continue to allow you to dial and reach 9-1-1 operators in the event of an emergency. Just make sure you still have a dial tone when you plug in the old phone. And check regularly to make sure the dial tone is still there, maybe at the same time you check your smoke detectors in the spring and fall. Having a 9-1-1 backup in place could also be godsend in the aftermath of a hurricane or other natural disaster that knocks out cell towers or overwhelms your cell provider’s capacity with higher than usual call volume. Call the publicly regulated landline provider in your area if you have any questions.

Facebook’s First Amendment Blind Spot Aric Nesbitt, running for statewide office in Michigan, thought he’d announce his



941-346-7218 mountnrepairsiestakey.com FB Mount-N-Repair Siesta Key, Sarasota, FL

Making a Spectacle of Yourself? Snap Inc. – parent of Snapchat – lost a bundle – $40 million to be exact – on its first version of ‘Spectacles,’ their sunglasses with built in video cameras. They were supposed to be the next big thing...(they weren’t). So what’s Snap’s next big idea? Well essentially the same thing, except now with support for WiFi... You have to admire the persistence of this bunch, but I’m thinking they may have overlooked a glaringly obvious point: namely that a lot of folks buy sunglasses to make a fashion statement and, frankly, their ‘Spectacles’ are kind of goofy looking... Still, Apple struck out a few times before hitting the jackpot with its iPhone. Anyone remember the Newton hand held device? But, if I had to bet I’d agree with the comment of one reporter who commented that the real magic of the company’s Spectacles is its ability to make money disappear.

of that protester’s sign for me. It works for those on either side of the issue. Brilliant!


Got a Boat? Listen Up...


You might want to check your security plan. International boat thieves have been operating in the area recently. “They don’t go after the little ones and they don’t go after the old ones. They go after the nicest ones they can find that are not secured,” Longboat Key Chief of Police Pete Cumming told WFLA news recently. Jim Gallagher of Cannons Marina told the station they’ve had boats stolen that have been recovered with motors gone, stripped bare. The Coast Guard reports the thieves are using the stolen vessels for drug and people smuggling. Then they end up abandoned on the beaches of Mexico when the smugglers are through with them. So if you have a boat, you might want to make sure it’s securely locked down. This area is ripe for the picking when it comes to the 30+ foot, dual or tri-motor

St. Boniface Church Parish Hall

Thursday, May 3 • 4:30 PM 5615 Midnight Pass Road


Hurricane Preparation 2018, Post Irma Updates


Director Sarasota County Emergency Services

public is always welcome with questions for our guests.


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$69.99 more.PADDLE Valid in store or online. WITHor EVERY PURCHASE Use code EASY10. EXP: 5/31/18


Pickleball Products Mon. - Fri. 10-4


Siesta Sand

MAY 2018


Siesta Key Chamber’s events list ever growing

Ruth’s Chris Luncheon 4-6-18


Continued from the cover story

“We used everything we had. It’s an example of the volume of printed material that is picked up by tourists or mailed out to people who have requested packets.” Fifty volunteers work under Visitor Center Manager and Volunteer Coordinator Mia Leone, contributing two-hour shifts for a total of 2,080 hours of volunteer time. The Siesta Key Chamber runs events such as the 9th annual Crystal Classic Sand Sculpting Festival — an event that brought together 200 volunteers in 2017. The chamber partners with the Siesta Beach Festival, Inc. to produce the annual event. As well as smaller events — such as the Easter egg hunt. These help bring the community together, but they also help promote businesses who are members of the chamber. “Serve Pro showed up to help with face painting” at the egg hunt, says Mark Smith, immediate past chair and a longtime board member of the Chamber. “They had a tent set up, and had a chance to get their name out there.”

Siesta Key Crystal Classic International Sand Sculpting Festival


Ribbon Cutting at Positive RePercussions 3-8-18


The Alpine Steakhouse Burger, $12 Named as one of the top burgers for 2017 in Sarasota, by SRQ magazine, this mile-high burger may not officially be on the menu at Alpine Steakhouse but if you ask for the Steakhouse burger, you will not be denied. So what sets this tower of perfection apart from other burgers? It starts with a freshly ground in-house, ½ lb. sirloin patty that promises to always be fresh and juicy and cooked exactly to your preference. This succulent foundation is then topped with Swiss cheese, thick strips of smoked jowl bacon for a burst of smokiness, two golden fried onion rings, slices

of tomato, lettuce, and a dollop of mayo all sandwiched between a freshly toasted Kaiser bun. As if this belly buster needs anything more, a side is included in the price. All sides are homemade. Oh sure, you can get the traditional side of French fries, but why would you when their selection offers so much more? And did I mention, all their sides are homemade? Displayed in their deli-case are side selections such as potato salad (German or American), heart healthy coleslaw, macaroni salad, sauerkraut, red cabbage, just to name a few. Come and get it at Alpine Steakhouse Meats & Deli, located at 4520 S. Tamiami Trail. www.alpinesteak.com 941-9223797. (Advertorial)

The Siesta Key Chamber is always a busy place, but it has been even busier lately. There’s all the attention from the No. 1 Beach rankings, and a shrinking “season.” “Each year I have been here and from what I understand from others who have been here Ribbon cutting for Siesta Healing located in the SK Village longer, there used to be a better defined high season and an off-season,” says Frescura, who started in her role as executive director in January, 2016. “Season is stretching out. Siesta is not only a popular spring break and snowbird destination. It is more popular into the summer and into the fall.” A large number of different events creates room for “members, and the community at large, to jump in and participate,” Frescura says. “I think it’s a plus to offer such a variety of different events.” The significant changes influencing the chamber came from within, during the mid 2000s. Mark Smith notes that when he first got The Annual Siesta Key 4th of July Fireworks on the chamber’s board, in around 2006, its financial health was improving after some earlier financial struggles. “It was just stating to turn around,” Smith says. “The dark times were earlier.” In the 2000s, a generous Key business leader made a contribution to help keep the chamber afloat, notes board members from the time. In addition, around the same time, active board members became more involved in organizing and volunteering for events and other duties. There were about 250 business members in 2006, but that was growing. “The more active your board, more people want to join the organization,” Smith says. “There is that ripple effect.” Events such as the annual Children’s Easter Party and Egg Hunt 3-31-2018 golf tournament were generating some income for the organization. As the operating entity, the Chamber also held its of the chamber, her son, Mason Tush, co-owner at inaugural Crystal Classic eight years ago. The event CB’s, will carry on the tradition of being involved, is such an undertaking that volunteers are already as he now serves on the chamber board. planning for the 9th annual event to take place Nov, The upcoming year will also be busy for staff at the 9-12, 2018. “As far as exposure, it brought 60,000 chamber as they go through some transitions. A new visitors to the beach,” Smith says. “It brought $9.1 promotion and events coordinator, Rachel Dixon, million in economic impact to Sarasota County over joined the chamber in March and has already “hit four or five days. The event generates money for the the ground running,” Frescura says. “Rachel is doing super,” adds Smith. chamber.” “That event, to me, has really helped with Frescura is currently reviewing applicants for the exposure,” Smith adds. open position of membership director, an important Aledia Tush, co-owner of CB’s Outfitters, and a position at the organization. Frescura has conducted longtime previous board member, says recent active several initial phone and in-person interviews and, as boards of directors as well as the tenure of several of press time, was in the process of narrowing down recent executive directors helped steer the chamber the list of candidates to a list of finalists. into more solid financial footing. “We had several very good directors over the past few years, and that The SK Chamber welcomes these has helped,” she says.

Working collaboratively Tush believes the merging of the SKVA and the chamber was a positive change for the business community on the Key. “Everybody is working together, and that is one of the best things I’ve seen happen,” Tush says. Many representatives of the SKVA were already members of the chamber, but now those leaders from the Village have “joined hands” with other chamber members and everyone is working collaboratively and more effectively. For example, Tush noted, some former SKVA representatives are working on an event planning committee for events that will be held in all corners of the island in the upcoming year. Although Tush is no longer a sitting board member

new members:

• Beach Way Condo, #113 5600 Beach Way Siesta Key, • Care Plus Private Home Health Agency, LLC 1188 N. Tamiami Trail, Ste. 205-F • SuperGreen Solutions 5342 Clark Rd #162 Sarasota 34233 • John Wiffin’s Commercial Services 1179 Juanita Circle Venice • Consult Engineering, Inc. 5260 Duncan Road, Unit 6 Punta Gorda, • GETTEL’S AUTOMOTIVE GROUP • Siesta Healing 5101 Ocean Blvd Siesta Key



MAY 2018

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

VILLAGE MAP pgs 22 - 23


GULF GATE SHOPS pgs 28 - 29





The Publication with “Key” Information | www.SiestaSand.net | 941.349.0194

Siesta Key Drum Circle Before You Leave...

If you have any non-perishable food items that have not been opened, the Siesta Key Chamber, located at 5114 Ocean Blvd, in the Village at the Davidson Plaza along with St. Michael’s Parish, located at 5394 Midnight Pass Road will gladly take these items and pass them on to the less fortunate in the Sarasota area. Chamber hours for items to be dropped off are as follows: Monday – Friday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. For instructions on after hour drop-offs, please contact the Chamber office at 941-349-3800. St. Michael’s hours for items to be dropped off are as follows: Monday – Thursday: 8 a.m. – Noon and again from 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. Friday: 8 a.m. – Noon.

If you are dropping off items after hours, please leave any items at the front door of the parish office. For any additional questions, please contact the office at 941-349-4174.

Every Sunday is a perfect time to come to the Key to reconnect with Mother Nature and to enjoy some wonderful entertainment. I’m talking about the Siesta Key Drum Circle that takes place each Sunday starting about an hour before sunset and lasting until about 10 p.m. The gathering meets up just south of the main pavilion - just follow your ears and watch for the swelling crowd. Please note the following rules of etiquette that need to be observed at the Drum Circle so that all can enjoy the experience: the inside of the drum circle is for participants only, not for people standing around.

Feel free to enter the circle, take a picture and dance, but always keep moving. Never play someone’s drum without getting clearance from the owner. Always ask before borrowing other people’s property, especially hula hoops. Flash photography and bright video lights are distracting, so photograph during daylight or use a night vision camera. And finally, please do not drink alcohol or smoke inside the circle and respect our beach by placing all trash in the appropriate receptacles. Photo posted by Jane Dough in the Siesta Key Drum Circle Facebook page.

Before you leave Sarasota, you must try this one! As seen on the Food Network Guy Fieri’s “Diner’s, Drive-In’s and Dive’s” show. The TurDucKen “One big bird” Boneless chicken stuffed in a boneless duck stuffed in a boneless turkey with a variety of great seasonings. Alpine Steakhouse just off of Siesta Key located between the bridges at 4520 S. Tamiami Trail. 941-922-3797

Lunch Turducken Sandwich $8.95 and Dinner Turducken $18.95 w/mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy and cranberry sauce


Siesta Sand

MAY 2018



The hot spot on Siesta Key... Taste the flavors of paradise. Open 11am-12am Monday -Thursday • 11am-2am Friday and Saturday • Sunday 9am-12am Crustacean Happy Hour Every Day from 3pm-6pm 5238 Ocean Blvd, located in the Siesta Key Village.



NOTICE: Looking fo

For those that have enjoyed th cuts and camaraderie at the Villag Barber over the years, you can sti continue to see Scott Reich at hi new Gulf Gate Barbershop locatio at 6575 Gateway Ave. in Gulf Gate The Siesta Center was sold an the new ownership of the Ocea Blvd building wasn’t quite meetin up to expectations. Notice: Change of Phone Numbe Call Scott at 941-600-4533. Hi hours are 8:30-4:00 Tuesday thr Friday and 8:30-12:00 Saturday.



3-7 PM Y L I A D S I DAIQUIR ACCOMMODATIONS Siesta Key Beach Resort & Spa........ Map-A #38A ART GALLERY / STUDIO Calle Studios..........................................Map-B #32 The Gallery on Siesta Key................... Map-D #11 ATM / BANKS PNC ATM.............................................. Map-C #61 Martin Funding.......................................Map-E #1 Sun Trust Bank & ATM..........................Map-E #4 BARS & NIGHTCLUBS Blaśe Café.............................................Map-A #38 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar.................Map-B #42-43 Gilligan’s.............................................. Map-B #33 Siesta Key Oyster Bar......................... Map-B #45 The Beach Club..................................... Map-D #22 The Cottage........................................... Map-C #58 The Hub-Baja Grill............................... Map-D #59 COFFEE SHOPS LeLu’s Coffee Lounge........................ Map-B #31 The Local Bean.....................................Map-D #62



DRUGSTORE Davidson’s Drugs................................Map-D #65 FASHION & ACCESSORIES Beach Bazaar’s & Swin Shack........... Map-C #28 Blvd. Beachwear....................................Map-B #30 Comfort Shoes-Birki & More...........Map-D #64 Everything But Water.......................... Map-D #12 Foxy Lady Fashions............................. Map-A #40 Gidget’s Coastal Provisions.............. Map-B #44 Island Boutique.....................................Map-B #50 Island Style............................................ Map-C #53 Lotus Boutique..................................... Map-D #66 Marley Vibes........................................... Map-D #9 Sea Shanty............................................. Map-C #24 Siesta T’s.................................................Map-B #30 The Sandal Factory...............................Map-B #46


GAS STATION Circle K Store...........................................Map-E #6 GIFTS & SOUVENIRS Beach Bazaar........................................ Map-C #28 Island Trader......................................... Map-C #51 Sea Pleasures & Treasures.................. Map-C #29 Siesta Key Outfitters...........................Map-D #11 Siesta Kids..............................................Map-B #36 HEALTH & FITNESS Indep. Lifestyle Solutions .................. Map-D #10 Siesta Healing......................................... Map-D #9 Siesta Key Fitness............................... Map-B #73 ICE CREAM/TREATS Big Olaf Creamery............................... Map-C #52 Ciao Gelato............................................ Map-C #50 Made in Rome Gelato........................ Map-C #53 Meany’s Mini Donuts.......................... Map-C #24 SubZero Ice Cream/Yogurt................ Map-D #16 Sunni Bunni Frozen Yogurt................ Map-C #53 INTERNET / WiFi SERVICES Davidson Drugs..................................Map-D #65 LeLu’s Coffee Lounge........................ Map-B #31 The Local Bean.....................................Map-D #62 JEWELRY Created Gems....................................... Map-C #51 Mount -N- Repair Jewelers.................Map-D #9 Map C #61

LIQUOR STORES / FINE WINES Gabbiano’s Wine Club.......................Map-D #70 Gilligan’s.............................................. Map-B #33 Siesta Key Wines................................. Map-C #61 Siesta Village Liquors........................ Map-C #26 The Beach Club..................................... Map-D #22



MAY 2018


Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

or the Village Barber?

he ge ill is on e. nd an ng



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MAILING - SHIPPING UPS store............................................... Map-A #41 US Post Office....................................... Map-D #65


MARKETS/FOOD STORES Circle K Store...........................................Map-E #6 Morton’s Siesta Market...................... Map-C #25

Arizona Map D #64

MASSAGE Hands of Light Massage......................Map-B #35 Massage Experience Siesta Key........Map-D #62 Massage Therapy....................................Map-E #1 MEDICAL - DENTAL Siesta Dental........................................ Map-B #49 Siesta Key Physical Therapy............... Map-D #20 Siesta Medical Center.......................... Map-D #63 Siesta Village Dentistry....................... Map-D #63 MISCELLANEOUS Chamber of Commerce....................... Map-D #67 Positive RePercussion..........................Map-D #9 Roberti Enterprises.............................. Map-A #39 Tarot Card Reading & Gifts.................Map-B #50 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Edward Jones Investments................. Map-D #68 Smith Architects...................................... Map-E 74

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Birkenstock & More 5128 Ocean Blvd. Siesta Village

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REAL ESTATE / RENTAL SERVICES Coldwell Banker Realty....................... Map-D #20 Horizon Realty......................................Map-B #34 Island Homes........................................ Map-C #51 Keller Williams Real Estate................. Map-D #11 Key Realty.............................................. Map-E #5 Michael Saunders Realty................... Map-E #72 ReMax Alliance Group........................ Map-C #29 ReMax Tropical Sands.......................Map-D #67 Robasota Rentals & Real Estate.......... Map-A #39 Waterfront 7 Realty.............................. Map-C #56

48 47 46

RESTAURANTS / CAFÉS Another Broken Egg................... Map-C #54 & 55 Blasé Café.............................................Map-A #38 Bonjour French Cafe............................ Map-C #47 Café Gabbiano.....................................Map-D #71 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar.................Map-B #42-43 Flavio’s Brick Oven & Bar....................Map-B #29 Flavio’s Italiano Ristorante..................Map-B #30 Gilligan’s Island Bar & Grill............ Map-B #33 LeLu’s Coffee Bar................................ Map-B #31 Lobster Pot............................................ Map-C #23 Old Salty Dog Rest. & Pub.....................Map-E #2 PI Pizza & Craft Beer...........................Map-A#37 Señor Siesta........................................... Map-D #69 Siesta Key Oyster Bar......................... Map-B #45 Solorzano Bros. Pizzeria....................Map-D #15 Subway Sandwiches.............................Map-B #30 Summer House..................................... Map-C #57 Sun Garden Café.................................. Map-D #19 The Cottage........................................... Map-C #58 The Hub - Baja Grill............................. Map-C #59 Village Café..........................................Map-D #14 SPAS - HAIR & BEAUTY LaPlaya Spa........................................... Map-C #50 Sassy Hair Salon..................................Map-A #40 Siesta Key Nails & Spa........................Map-D #9 SPORTS INTEREST/RENTALS CaliFlorida............................................. Map-C #29 Robin Hood Rentals........................... Map-B #34 Siesta Village Outfitters....................... Map-C #53

Map D #11

THE LOCAL BEAN • Internet Café • Coffee Shop • Tea Room 5138 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key Village



Map D #62

Organic and Fair Trade Coffees & Teas Cold Pressed Coffee Organic Smoothies Light Lunch (Salads & Sandwiches) Breakfast Sandwiches, Bagels & Lox Local Pastries Free Snacks

Siesta Sand

MAY 2018

ATM & BANKS Bank of America........................................ A-3 #3 BARS & NIGHTCLUBS Capt. Curt’s Backroom Saloon................B-3 #7 Crescent Club........................................... C-3 #13 Sniki Tiki....................................................B-3 #8 DELIS / BAKERIES A Taste of Germany................................ C-3#14 Anna’s Deli & Sandwiches.................. C-3 #14 Nutritious You......................................... C-3 #14 The Beach Deli @ Crescent Beach Grocery......B-3 #1 DRUG STORES Davidson’s Drugs................................... C-3 #14 FASHION & ACCESSORIES CB’s Island Outfitters.............................. A-3 #2 CB’s Saltwater Outfitters........................ A-3 #4 Coconuts Fashion......................................B-3 #1 Coconuts / Island Colors..........................B-3 #8 Green Turtle Swimwear......................... C-3 #14



Key Casual Fashions............................... D-3 #17 Things You Like...................................... C-3 #14 GIFTS & SOUVENIRS Capt. Curt’s Souvenirs.............................B-3 #8 Green Turtle Shells & Gifts................. C-3 #14 Sunshine Sand Hidden Treasures........ D-3 #17 Silver City Jewelry.................................. C-3 #14 HEALTH & BEAUTY Sanctuary Siesta Key............................... A-5 #12 Siesta Key Salon & Spa........................... D-3 #17 The Key Spa & Salon.............................. A-5 #12 ICE CREAM & TREATS Orange Octopus .......................................B-3 #8 INTERNET / WiFi SERVICES Davidson’s Drugs................................... C-3 #14 Mail Pack Center..................................... C-3 #14 LIQUOR STORES Crescent Beach Grocery...........................B-3 #1 Crescent Club............................................B-3 #13 Siesta Spirits............................................. C-3 #17

MAILING & SHIPPING Mail Pack Center..................................... C-3 #14 US Post Office Sub Station..................... C-3 #14 MARKETS 7-11 Store.................................................. C-3 #16 Big Water Fish Market.......................... C-3 #17 Crescent Beach Grocery...........................B-3 #1 MISCELLANEOUS Moving & Storage....................................B-3 #10 Flowers by Fudgie................................... D-3 #17 REAL ESTATE / RENTALS Beckmann Properties.............................. C-2 #15 Homes & Condo Rentals........................ D-3 #17 Re/Max Tropical Sands............................B-3 #1 Siesta 4-Rent............................................ C-3 #14 Waterside Realty.................................... C-3 #17 RESTAURANTS / CAFES A Taste of Germany................................ C-3#14

Boatyard Waterfront Bar & Grill...............A-5 #12 Capt. Curts Crab & Oyster Bar.................B-3 #7 City Pizza Italian Restaurant................. D-3 #17 Clayton’s Siesta Grille...............................B-3 #9 Daiquiri Deck.................................................A-3 #2 Spear Fish Grill..............................................A-4 #5 Toasted Mango Cafe....................................C-3 #17 Miguel’s Restaurant................................ C-3 #17 Munchies.................................................. C-3 #17 WATER SPORTS - FISHING - RENTALS A to Z Beach & Bike Rentals.................. A-5 #12 FIN Island Co. . ........................................ A-3 #2 CB’s Saltwater Outfitters........................ A-3 #4 Parasail Siesta............................................ A-3 #2 Siesta Key Bike & Kayak . ......................B-3 #8 Siesta Key Marina.................................... A-4 #5 Siesta Key Jetski . ...................................... A-3 #2 Siesta Sports Rentals............................. C-3 #14 Waves Boat & Social Club...................... A-5 #12

Big Water Fish Market................................C-3 #17

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GERMAN BAKERY & CAFE German café offering fresh soups and sandwiches on freshly baked breads!

Rum Cakes Breakfast Lunch German Beers and Brats

941-346-1800 • www.ATasteofGermany.net 6575 Midnight Pass Rd., Siesta Key (South of Stickney Pt.)

Map C-3 #14

Map B-3#8

A Taste of Germany 6575 Midnight Pass Rd.

MAP C-3 #14

Anna’s Deli 6535 Midnight Pass Rd.

MAP C-3 #14

Big Water Fish Market 6641 Midnight Pass Road

Boatyard Waterfront Bar & Grill 1500 Stickney Point Rd.

MAP A-5 #12

CB’s Saltwater Outfitters 1249 Stickney Point Rd.

MAP A-3 #4

Coconuts Fashion MAP 1215 Old Stickney Point Rd. B-3 #1&8

Crescent Beach Grocery 1211 Old Stickney Pt. Rd.

MAP B-3 #1

Siesta 4-Rent 6555 Midnight Pass Rd.

MAP C-3 #14

Toasted Mango Cafe 6621 Midnight Pass Rd.

MAP C-4 #17

MAP C-3 #17



MAY 2018

Snapshots of Island Visitors 1











Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography 3



Island Visitor Publishing, LLC




1. Aiden from VT 2. Amanda from Tampa, Shawn from OH, & Alissa from Tampa 3. Taylor from Jacksonville, FL Carly from Jacksonville, Morgan from CA and Emily from Ft. Lauderdale, FL 4. Rick from Canada and Wendy from The Villages, FL 5. Michael, Charlotte age 3 ½ , and Wooley from MI 6. Harry, Madelyn age 5 months, Emily, Leanne, Bill, and Patty from NJ 7. Tami, Griffin, and Bailey from MI 8. Terry and Julie from WI 9. Ricky and Jaime from Tampa 10. Aiden age 13, and Ethan age 11 from CT 11. Alec from NJ 12. Karen, Aiden age 5, and Jeanne from VT 13. Katie, Eric, and Erin from Boston, MA 14. Vallory age 5, Vivonne age 7, Khon, Vivienne 10 months, and Bi from CT 15. Megan age 5, Brian, Randy, Jenna age 11, and Christina Mae age 12 from Colorado 16. Aiden age 5 from VT and Lennon age 5 from OK


Siesta Sand

MAY 2018

Siesta Sounds


By Charmaine Engelsman-Robins


Photos by Dagmar

The many sides of Marc Mosby Ren•ais•sance man noun a person with many talents or areas of knowledge When Marc Mosby and the Instigators take the Beach Club stage for Cinco de Mayo, you’re going to hear some great music. Mostly reggae, some from very well known and much-covered international artists, plus though hard to distinguish from these giants, a lot of original tunes written by Mosby. Listen to the lyrics and you’re likely to find that in addition to pulling you onto the dance floor, these songs can pull you into different times and places and emotions. That’s due largely in part to the way Marc Mosby lives his life. After all, it’s said that music brings out what’s inside your soul, and Mosby’s life is nothing if not diverse. Not your stereotypical musician, Mosby balances his immense musical talent with other areas of life he finds equally compelling. Like his visual art. His home is littered with the paintings and pieces he creates not in pursuit of sales (although he’s had many,) but strictly as a passion. Tribal, abstract, and outsider art sits casually alongside portraits of old blues musicians and pieces of altered art, his wide range of styles and subjects presented in a variety of mediums. Painting on anything from smaller canvasses to 100 year old chairs to salvaged hoods of cars, Mosby can pretty much make art out of anything. Years before it was fashionable to offer “repurposed items” or “up-cycled art,” he had a showing on south Siesta Key of the huge metal pieces he’d created on salvaged metal. More recently he pulled what he refers to as “the hillbilly chair” out of the trash. “It’s at least 150 years old,” Mosby says, “all doweled together but falling apart now, so I made it so it holds itself together. The largest surface is the seat and I painted a Sioux Indian Chief on it.” During the day, he heads out east to a friend’s farm near Myakka State Park where he works with their horses. The animals inspire and energize him and he loves “just the pure interaction” with them. It makes sense that this would tap a part of his soul that’s not accessed by a life of working in dark crowded clubs and keeping vampire hours. It may be an old fashioned notion, but there’s much to be said for getting out in the sun and fresh air, away from the stressful

Marc Mosby city, and just being a person out in nature, enjoying the peace, quiet, and solitude. Add Mosby’s love of travel and the complete picture comes into focus, along with many of the subjects of his songs. While saying he has loved every place he’s ever been, he admits a particular fondness for the Latin American countries. One of the favorite journeys he recalls took him to a sacred valley of the Incas, near Machu Picchu. He describes it as “…the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen on the planet.” All of this comes home with him and, sooner or later, finds its way into the music and art he makes. Another pleasure is playing his music surrounded by fans who love it and fellow musicians skilled enough to present it at its best. The primo lineup you’ll hear at the Beach Club for Cinco de Mayo Saturday (May 5, 2 to 5 p.m.) will be the best. With Mosby on lead vocals and guitars will be Billy Seward on guitar, Brandon Sommers’ keyboards

and additional vocals, Burt Engelsman on bass, and Steve Camilleri on drums. It’s going to be a great way to spend your Saturday and kick off summer on Siesta Key.




Justin Layman (7 & 14) Amandah Jantzen –Jazz Singer (21 & 28) 6‐10 PM

BLASE CAFÉ In the Village 941-349-9822

Sound Paint 6‐10 PM

WEDNESDAY Savanah Brady & Zak Yoder 6‐10 PM

THURSDAY rd th Rob Viola (3 & 10 )


Savanah Brady Trio (17 )

Al Fuller & Burt th Engelsman (24 ) st Amandah Jantzen (31 ) 6‐10 PM


LIVE MUSIC (3‐7 PM) DJ Crawford (10 PM)

BREE (3‐7 PM)

10 PM: DJ Ryan

1‐5 PM: Acoustic Pete 10 PM: DJ KConn

2 PM: Raggae w/ Desi 10 PM: DJ Tuesday

DJ – 10 PM

6 PM: RPM LIVE 10 PM: DJ Ryan

SIESTA KEY OYSTER BAR (SKOB) In the Village 941‐346‐5443

1‐5 PM: th David The King (7 ) th Rob Viola (14 ) st Frankie Lombardi (21 ) th One Dog Riot (28 ) Al Donadi 7‐11 PM

1‐5 PM: Gabe Strang , (1 15 & 29) th J. Gilton (8 ) nd Michael Mac (22 ) Open mic night 7‐11 PM

1‐5 PM: Dana & Co. FolkLab 7‐11 PM

2‐6 PM Whiteleather 8‐Midnight th Last Minute Band (4 ) th Messenger Band (11 ) th All About Marcy (18 ) th Jason Haram (25 )

1‐5 PM: Frankie Ray (2,16 & 30) Deven Starr (9 & 23) Kettle of Fish 7‐11 PM

8 – 11 PM:

THE BEACH CLUB In the Village 941-349-6311 THE COTTAGE In the Village 941-312-9300 THE HUB‐BAJA GRILL In the Village 941-349-6800 BACKROOM SALOON @

CAPT. CURTS 941‐349‐3885

Crescent Beach Shops SNIKI TIKI @ CAPT CURTS Crescent Beach Shops 941‐349‐3885 Turtle Beach Grill Southern end of SK 941‐349‐2280 BOATYARD BAR & GRILL Over the South Bridge 941‐921‐6200 SAND DOLLAR POOL BAR @ Best Western Plus

6600 S. Tamiami Trl. Sarasota 941‐924‐4900

CASEY KEY FISH HOUSE 801 Blackburn Pt. Rd, Osprey 941‐966‐1901


Goodbyeddie (19 ) th Doctor Drive (26 ) 6‐10 PM

Callie & the Whole Band 6‐10 PM



Strangeway (6 & 27 ) Paul Duffy & Sid th Wingfield (13 ) th Birdtribe (20 ) 6‐10 PM

Rodney Shenk 6 ‐10 PM


DAIQUIRI DECK RAW BAR In the Village 941‐349‐8697 GILLIGANS In the Village 941-346-8122 Lelu’s Coffee Lounge In the Village 941-346-5358

SATURDAY Lady B & the Buzz(5 )


AJ & The Automatics (12th) th

Eddie James Jazz Band 7‐10 PM

2‐6 PM: Bri Rivera (5 & 19) Evan Eastmore (12 & 26) Mike Tozier 7‐11 PM

10 AM – 1 PM: Vince Colaiocco (6 & 20) Mike Tozier (13 & 27) 2‐6 PM Ty Kirkland (6 & 20) Danny Fox (13th) Jeannine & Stu (27th) 7‐11 PM: The Hole Band (6,& 20) Hatley Band (13 & 27)

8 –11 PM:

Live DJ: 11 PM‐2 AM

7‐11 PM th Propaganjah (6 ) th NoNeed (13 ) th Jah Movement (20 ) th No Filter (27 )

Live Music 6-9 PM

Live Music 6-9 PM

Live Music 6-9 PM

Live Music 7-10 PM

Live Music 7-10 PM

Live Music 7-10 PM

Live Music 6-9 PM

Live Music Noon – 3 PM 3:30 – 6:30 PM 7-10 PM

Live Music Noon – 3 PM 3:30 – 6:30pm 7-10pm

Live Music Noon – 3 PM 3:30 – 6:30 PM 7-10 PM

Live Music Noon – 3 PM 3:30 – 6:30 PM 7-10 PM

Live Music 1 – 4 PM 4:30 – 7:30 PM 8:30 PM –midnight

Live Music 1-4 PM 4:30 – 7:30 PM 8:30 PM - midnight

Live Music Noon – 3 PM 3:30 – 6:30 PM 7-10 PM










RPM (5‐9 PM)

Bri Rivera (5‐8 PM)

The Richy Kicklighter Band 5‐9 PM

Joker’s Duo 5‐9 PM

Tribal Love 4‐8 PM




DJ Coz or DJ Kensi 9 PM – 2 AM



Marcel Almanzor (5‐8 PM)

Island Sounds Dezi/Dami Canies (5‐8 PM)


Twinkle (4 ) th Tropical Ave (11 ) th Torched (18 ) th TL Jentgens (25 ) Live DJ 11 PM ‐2 AM


Stereo FM (5 ) th No Filter (12 ) th Sweet Spot (19 )

Actual Bank Robbers 26th







Above information is subject to change. We suggest calling venues for confirmation.



Island Humor [ A trucker’s wife sees three parrots for sale; $170, $150, $10. She asks why the last parrot is so cheap. The pet store owner said it used to live in a house of ill repute. The woman laughs and buys it. As she enters the house, the parrot says, “Wow, a new whore house!” The woman laughs…When her two daughters come home, the parrot squawks, “Dang!! Two new gals” They all laugh. When her husband walks in the door, the parrot exclaims, “Hi Joe! You found the new spot!” And that’s how the fight started. [ A man and a woman on a first date. “I hope you’re not a Scorpio” she said. “I will not date another Scorpio.” I think people who believe in astrology are idiots”, he replied. ”Wow, seriously? How can you be that rude?” “I’m a Scorpio.” [ In the summer, it’s nice to leave your windows open while having “Whoopi”. Enjoy the sultry breeze and the exhaust of other vehicles as you pass them by.

[ Don’t feel bad about pressing the CLOSE DOOR button when you see people running for the elevator. If they have that much energy, they can take the stairs. [ That sound you hear when you shove something into the freezer and close the door before it falls out? That’s the sound of someone else’s problem. [ Some guy’s whining because the store’s out of passion fruit LaCroix, and all I can think is we used to hunt with spears. [ What doesn’t kill you probably will when you’re no longer eligible for health insurance. [ Boy: (Kissing girl on a couch) “You wanna take this upstairs?” Girl: “Hee-hee, sure baby.” Boy: “Sweet! Grab the other end, and try not to scuff the banister.” [ Sent to prison as a first time offender, a former English instructor was told by a longtime inmate that if he made amorous advances toward the warden’s wife, she’d get him released quickly. “But I can’t do that,” the professor protested. “It’s improper to end a sentence with a proposition.”


6500 Gateway Ave • 941.554.8905

MAY 2018

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC



Month. e h T f o r e d n e t r a B

9822 tini Bar 941-349ar M & é af om C sé Bla w.theblasecafe.c w w e g la il V ey Siesta K 63 Ocean Blvd, in


Name of Bartender: Cabe Unger Hometown: Sarasota, FL Q: What’s your bartending experience and how long have you worked at Blasé Café & Martini Bar? I am currently in my sixteenth year in the service industry. I’ve worked in dive college town bars slinging cheap suds, upscale country club venues, craft beer bars, the works. Q: What drink have you perfected? I feel strongest about my classic gin and vodka martinis. There are a variety of factors that determine just how each individual likes theirs. Over the years I have had the good fortune to experience thousands of slight variations of martinis, and I feel like this translates directly to the ability to match each client with a cocktail they are really going to enjoy. Q: What was the strangest or funniest experience you witnessed or were party to at work? In the course of my work at Blasé, I have taken on an apprentice, Mr. Michael Duffy. He is an incredibly talented up and coming young bartender with a real passion for the craft, and recently we were both complaining to each other that we can’t figure out how our co-worker makes such perfect chocolate martinis. See, we are really interested in being able to perfectly re-create the perfect martini experience, and we live in constant jealousy over our coworker Taylor Toelle’s ability to craft the perfect chocolate martini every time. The frothy head is thick and luxurious, and the flavors are rich and deep, and the whole thing is a sensual experience, and it’s impossible to float a really magnificent design on top of any lesser chocolate martini, so she sort

of wins in every category right every time. We use the same ingredients, and try to copy her technique, but we have so far been unable to duplicate her results. It drives us crazy, and we were up late recently drinking together trying to figure out her technique. It’s like a Kung Fu movie. A rival practitioner has shown us a technique neither of us knows, and now master and student are in a race to see who can capture it first. We determined that the only thing for it was to capture video of her making a chocolate martini so we can slow the footage down and debate over her actual technique. So, while having this conversation, I realized I was part of a community of serious cocktail weirdos, and it made me feel really good, like my life as a bartender meant something, and that I was part of a bartending community. And it feels a little strange when your life becomes more like a movie than usual, so it was a pretty good experience. Q: Any hobbies, goals, etc. you enjoy when not working? I enjoy reading and drinking craft beer in bed, calligraphy, daydreaming, and going rambling with my friends. Q: How would you describe yourself? I am a nice Jewish boy. Q: What makes Blasé Café & Martini Bar a special place to visit? Our ownership is really great

Karaoke Thursday, Friday & Saturday

about getting us anything we need to make the best cocktails possible. All citrus is squeezed from fruit cut fresh right in front of the client, and instead of getting in trouble for using too much produce am praised for not letting fruit go to waste. However much cream or fresh blackberries or mint or basil I need to consume to make absolutely perfect cocktails, they support me and cheer me on. It’s great. I never have to reach for mixer unless it’s what the client wants. I feel the bartenders really have the opportunity to polish their craft to the highest level behind this particular bar, and it’s unlike almost anywhere else I have worked for this reason. Q: What specialty drink is Blasé Café & Martini Bar noted for? Obviously martinis, classic, new school, sweet, savory, you name it. We’ll make you any sort of martini you want. I feel we currently make one of the best martinis in town. Q: When is the best time for locals and visitors to enjoy your company at Blasé Café & Martini Bar? Friday night is our busiest night, and the very popular local act “The Whole Band” plays. Sunday nights when Matt Frost and the Bird Tribe play, particularly when they play inside, transform the whole joint into some weird fusion of 1920’s Berlin with 1970’s Siesta Key. It’s great. I feel it is the best place to come on the Key for cocktails after the sunset.


Siesta Sand

MAY 2018




Sarasota Pavilion is a popular shopping destination for numerous locals and visitors alike. Its prime location is close enough to the island for frequent trips with a nice selection of chain stores set in one convenient location. But what truly lends to the uniqueness of this district is the host of small, locally owned, specialty shops, boutiques, restaurants, and neighborhood bars bordering this pavilion. It makes for a fun and rewarding shopping experience. Over 150 businesses make up this district. This section helps highlight what you’ll find within this walkable Gulf Gate shopping Village.

with fresh cut fries, Italian Beef Sandwiches anyway and Sat., 8:30am - 1pm (Jun. 1st - Oct. 31st). Closed on you like, dipped or dry, sweet or hot. All served in true Sundays and Mondays. 6625 Gateway Ave, 941-626Authentic Chicago Style. 4894.

Sarasota Brewing Co. (G-4) Sarasota’s first micro brew pub always has something new to offer. From over 20 seasonal beers that rotate throughout the year, the Brewing Company always has at least five unique brews online as well as several favorites from around the world. Established in 1989, their menu has been a winner in the Reader’s Choice Awards of the Sarasota Herald Tribune featuring their mouth watering burgers, Chicago style Pizzas, and Chicago beef Piccolos Italian Market & Deli (G-47) carries a full line sandwiches. With dozens of televisions, it’s a great place of imported cheeses, fresh baked bread daily, homemade to catch a game with friends and family. sausages, fresh mozzarella, and numerous hard to get West End Pub (G-49) Where else can you watch your items. They now carry Khorasan Wheat which is an ancient favorite game with a great selection of beers, wines, and and organic grain. Their deli is complete with huge hot liquors served by a friendly staff AND where you’re and cold sandwiches, salads, fresh homemade lasagna allowed to bring your own restaurant or deli food? and baked ziti. And, you cannot leave without trying their Right here. cannoli filled with their own homemade cannoli cream or The Shop SRQ (G-2) Local owners, Erick and Dawn the tiramisu or Sfogliatelle from Brooklyn. Here is where you will find great Italian specialty use a back to basics approach to grooming with precise attention to detail. Their commitment to excellence has gourmet items without the gourmet price. provided them with many loyal customers. Their old Tony’s Chicago Beef Company (S-16) is owned and school barber traditions, clean contemporary shop, operated by true Chicagoans. Dedicated to deliver coupled by their southern hospitality and humor are Chicago’s best food - Chicago style Hot Dogs wit’ the what separates them from the rest. They welcome the opportunity to earn your trust. Hours: Tues. - Fri. works... Dragged through the garden on poppy seed buns 8:30am - 6pm, Sat., 8:30am - 3pm. (Nov. 1st - May 30th) 1





Bed Bath & Beyond



Dress for Less


Iberia Bank

Five Below


Ba Am nk o eri f ca

© Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2017

Original Word of Mouth 6604 Gateway Ave. Sarasota, FL 34231

Panera Bread




G14 G13 G12 G11 G10 G9 G8 G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1



G16 G15


S30 S29 S28 S27 S26 S25 S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S9 S8




S7 S6 S5 S4 S3 S2 S1

Gulf Gulf Gate Gate Drive Drive

Gulf Gulf Gate Gate Drive Drive


GG1 GG2 GG3 GG4 GG5 GG6 GG7 GG8 GG9 GG10 GG11 GG12 GG13 GG14 GG15 GG16 GG17 GG18 GG19 GG20 GG21 GG22 GG23 GG24 GG25 GG26 GG27 GG28 GG29 GG30 GG31 GG32 GG33 GG34 GG35 GG36 GG37 GG38 GG39 GG40 GG41 GG42 GG43 GG44 GG45 GG46 GG47 GG48 GG49 GG50 GG51 GG52 GG53 GG54

Lo Ho ng rn



S59 S58 S57 S56 S55 S54 S53 S52 S51 S50 S49 S48 S47 S46 S45 S44 S43 S42 S41 S40 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33 S32 S31

G23 G22 G21 G20 G19 G18 G17

Superior Avenue



Mall Mall Drive Drive

G50 G49 G48 G47 G46 G45 G44 G43 G42 G41 G40 G39 G38 G37 G36 G35 G34 G33 G32 G31 G30 G29 G28 G27 G26 G25

Gateway Avenue



M22 M21 M20 M19 M18 M17 M16 M15 M14 M13 M12 M11 M10 M9 M8



Beall’s Outlet








Italian Market & Deli



THE SHOP SRQ 6625 Gateway Ave.

Traditional, Old School Barber Shop 15 Years + Experience


& Vegetarian Sandwiches

941.626.4894 / 941.536.1656

Authentic New York Italian Market & Deli We carry a full line of Imported Cheeses, Boars Head Luncheon Meats, Pasta, Olive Oil, Assorted Imported Olives, Khorasan Wheat (ancient & organic grain), and more. GG-46 G-47 Specialty Italian gourmet items without the gourmet price

Come See Our New Location Store Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10am - 6pm 6518 Gateway Ave.




“We Straight Razor Shave”

Hot or Cold




M5 M4 M3 M2 M1


Sun Trust

Stein Mart


HOURS: Monday - Sunday 8:00AM to 2PM www.originalwordofmouth.com

Continued on the next page




Pride of the South (S-34) has been awarded Top Barbeque in Sarasota for 2016 by Trip Advisor and Yelp. It has been awarded for the best Southern Hospitality. Pride of the South has a brisket BLT, hands down, one of the best sandwiches you ever tasted. The smoked chicken wings are unbelievable. Backed up with the pulled pork sandwiches, the smoked bologna, the smoked turkey, the collard greens, fried corn on the cob, fried okra, fried green tomatoes, and one of the best mac ‘n cheese you ever tasted. We do catering with no limit to the size of the group. Come in and follow your nose to 6616 Superior Ave, Sarasota, FL 34231. Call (941)9260099. See you soon.



Eat Where The Locals Eat!

At the original Word of Mouth Restaurant (G-31), every seemingly insignificant detail receives special attention from the warm, inviting decor to each specially crafted variety of freshly baked muffins to the signature menu items. This small diner is where the locals come to eat breakfast and lunch. Each staff member works hard to make sure you receive the best service and quality food so you’ll want to return often. Take a look at their mouth-watering menu at www.originalwordofmouth.com. Hours: MonSun.: 8AM-2PM. 6604 Gateway Ave., Sarasota, 34231, 941-925-2400.

• No Appointment Needed •


Open Tues.-Fri. 8:30 AM-6 PM Sat. 11/1 - 5/30; 8:30-3 PM Sat. 6/1 - 10/31; 8:30 AM - 1 PM


Catering Available

We Put the South in Your Mouth 6616 Superior Ave. Sarasota



FREE SIDE With the purchase of ANY entreé



MAY 2018

Siesta Key Zoning Regulations In October 2017, Bailey filed the application for the privately initiated zoning text amendment on behalf of Clayton and Diane Thompson, owners of Clayton’s Siesta Grille. Kompothecras himself was the last of the 33 people to address the commissioners during the April 11 public hearing, which was a continuation of a hearing held on Jan. 30. “What do you think’s going to go next door to the storage facility if I can’t build the hotel?” he told the board members. “A loud bar! And I don’t want to do that. … I don’t like it, but that’s what’s going to go there.” He was referring to the property where Fandango stood, if they denied the petition for the amendment. People had encouraged him to construct a hotel on Old Stickney Point Road after Siesta Public Beach first was named the No. 1 beach in the United States by Dr. Stephen Leatherman — known as Dr. Beach — in 2011, Kompothecras indicated. Last year, Leatherman again accorded the beach that honor. “All I’m doing is asking for an opportunity to show what this will be, and I think everybody’s going to be pleasantly surprised,” Kompothecras added of the hotel plans. Medred explained that the goal is to construct a hotel with surface parking, which would allow for a lower height than if the ground level of the structure were to comprise the parking area. However, Medred continued, because of the turning radii needed for a parking lot, it would be very difficult to construct the hotel and surface parking, given the SKOD requirement that a minimum front setback of 25 feet would be needed for any structure over 35 feet on those commercially zoned properties on Old Stickney Point Road. In arguing for the amendment, Commissioner Moran pointed out that the special exception process incorporated in the language will necessitate a neighborhood workshop, as well as vetting by the county’s Planning Commission and then the County Commission, after Kompothecras submits his application for the hotel project. Commissioner Maio reiterated that, emphasizing that the site chosen for that workshop “had better be in a place to accommodate a crowd. … If your game in all of this is to do right for the community, participate,” he told the Siesta residents who had filled the Commission Chambers in the Administration Center on Ringling Boulevard in Sarasota. Nonetheless, Maio also stressed a point he has made since the Jan. 30 hearing: “A petitioner had better not bring me a request for a special exception that’s 60, 70, 85, whatever your imagination lets you say — 300-foot tall hotel — and 2 feet from the front sidewalk. You will start out with a ‘No’ vote right here.” During his remarks, Kompothecras told the commissioners, “I assure you it will not be an 85-foot building 2 feet from the front that these people have been lying to you about.” Although Commissioner Caragiulo supported the motion, he conceded skepticism about the project that would

Contrasting views on the Key In the meantime, opposition to the proposal began building on Siesta Key, primarily among residents. Both the Siesta Key Association (SKA) and the Siesta Key Condominium Council announced opposition to any changes in the SKOD regulations. The April 11 hearing was a major focus of discussion during the SKA’s regular meeting on April 5. Gene Kusekoski, the SKA president, and Frank Jurenka, the Condo Council president, were among the speakers during the public hearing this week who voiced concerns about the potential for dramatic changes to the atmosphere of Siesta Key if the commissioners approved the SKOD amendment. “I believe Siesta Key is already a fully developed and charming community,” Dan Leonard told the board. “The existing zoning laws are serving us well.” On the other side of the issue, Siesta architect Smith made the case this week for flexibility. Other business owners —Dave Stewart, proprietor of Captain Curt’s Crab & Oyster Bar on Old Stickney Point Road; Troy Syprett, a Key resident since 1974 who is co-owner of the Daiquiri Deck restaurants; and Mason Tush, whose family owns CB’s Saltwater Outfitters on Stickney Point Road — agreed with Smith. Syprett explained that he participated in the development of the SKOD language. The goal, he said, was to make “the commercial districts more viable and more pedestrianfriendly.” Many of the island’s commercial properties do not conform to current building standards, he continued. The SKOD amendment would give architects the ability to design projects that would be good fits in their locations, he said. “We’re not talking about Ritz-Carlton, massive properties.”

Siesta Key Association member comments

DISCOVER GULF GATE’S SHOPPING VILLAGE Continued from the previous page

One Minute Key Shop (GG51): Left your keys in the car? No worries, the One Minute Key Shop will help you safely unlock and retrieve your keys. They specialize in high security locks, keys, re-keying, master keying, and safes for residential, commercial or automotive. Give them a call at 941-924-8020 or visit their showroom where they have a large display of locks and safes. 2120 Gulf Gate Drive.

Solorzano’s Late Night Pizzeria (S-32): At every Solorzano’s, they offer an experience familiar to those who understand the importance of family and dedication. Their recipes and techniques have been perfected through three long generations based on the traditional simplicity of the methods used by their Italian ancestors. Dine inside, outside, pick up, or DELIVERY anywhere on Siesta Key, or in Sarasota until 4:00 a.m. 6670 Superior Ave., 941-924-5800.


Continued from cover story

come before the board. “I’m going to tell you that, because I do believe that I would like to see a really fantastic project on Old Stickney Point Road.” He added that if he is no longer on the board when Kompothecras’ hotel petition reaches that point of the process, “I will be here at Open to the Public and speaking up against something that is going to be clearly a bad idea.” Moran also stressed that the special exception petition process enables members of the public to become very involved in the type of project they want to see in a particular area, including “literally where the front door goes.”

The Siesta Key Association (SKA) sent a letter to the County Commissioners prior to the resent vote April 11 on the SKOD ordinance regarding building setbacks. SKA prior to

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Fulll BCC Chambers on April 11, 2018

the meeting polled its members regarding the possible changes. Below are just a few of the March 2018 actual responses in the polled survey.

Sample comments • Density on SK is increasing to the point where the casual feel and ambiance that drew so many here is being lost. Reducing setback requirements only exacerbates the problem. • Siesta Key has a very comfortable, walkable environment which the current setback maintains. Please keep existing regs! • Siesta Key has a good plan to keep the ambience of this special place. Don’t let developers and big $ signs change us. • SK is primarily residential with many single family homes. The building density near the Gulf and Bayfront properties on Ocean Blvd, Beach Rd. & Midnight Pass Rd. is already unfriendly toward the low density residential properties which carry on the traditional Siesta Key feel. Traffic for permanent residents who live and work here is heavier than ever this season. Therefore, I favor NO MORE DENSITY! • The current SKOD ordinances are well thought through, with the help of the thousands of persons involved in developing them. • It is my opinion that the current ordinance is more than appropriate for our small island. • I would like to continue the casual feel of Siesta Key as it is. New buildings should comply with the rules as in force when the property was purchased. • Like the relatively small quaint feel of Siesta Key. Let’s not turn it into Miami Beach! • Let’s not change what works. • We live on Siesta Key all year around. It is our ONLY home. We do not want any more hotels, huge condos or buildings that will bring more traffic and make our island look like a city. We urge our commissioners to think of the beauty of Siesta Key and NOT allow builders to destroy our quaint island. • Any amendment that allows tall buildings to be built closer to a street than currently stipulated, will inevitably change the desirable “look and feel” of Siesta Key. People who come to vacation in Siesta are attracted by our current environment; they do not seek a more

‘urban feel’ locale. • I bought on Siesta because it was different than the east coast - I lived in Manhattan and Boston and why spoil this wonderful island? • The current setbacks have worked well for 20 years or so. There is no reason to change things now. If anything, we should go in the opposite direction and limit all new buildings to 35 feet in height. Keep Siesta Key small and charming, and not a concrete jungle. • Siesta Key is our home, not a line item in someone’s investment portfolio. We need to put homeowners first. • Normally I am a flexible person, however, developments/new construction have begun to overtake “reasonableness” and are pushing the limits. We must protect our Siesta Key by keeping ordinances as they are. If we allow one to override, we are in dangerous territory. • We strongly believe these changes would be wrong for our beautiful island. • As an owner of a hotel here on SK, our guests compliment the beach first and the ‘human’ scale of the buildings second. They say it feels more like a neighborhood which is why they bring their families and friends. If you want tall buildings crowding out the light and air, go to Miami Beach. • I want Siesta Key to maintain the status quo in building procedures. • The present code seems fair and reasonable. • It’s crucial to maintain the open feeling on the Key to avoid having an urban downtown feeling. • The last thing Siesta Key needs is increased density. I realize the proposed amendment is not directly related to density, but it is indirectly. And it will definitely increase visual density. • We must maintain the quality of island life that we enjoy now. To add more traffic and lose scenic beauty is not in our best interest. How negatively will this impact our key? This cannot take place in our little community. • There is no need to make any changes to SKOD. Siesta Key is a paradise that should not be changed. • These ordinances were established for a reason. That reason is even more important today! The Key is losing its charm due to overcrowding & greedy people.

Places of Worship Island Churches: • Siesta Key Presbyterian Chapel 4615 Gleason Ave, Siesta Key, 941-349-1166 www.siestakeychapel.org

(In the Gulf Gate area, near Beneva and Gulf Gate Drive) 6908 Beneva Road, Sarasota, 941.922.7595 www.uccstandrew.org

• St. Michael’s Catholic Church 5394 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key, 941-349-4174 www.stmichaelssiesta.com

• The Superior Word Rev. Charlie Garrett Service starts Sunday mornings at 10am.

Bring a friend and share in God’s word. 6512 Superior Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34231 • First Christian Church 7601 Clark Road, Sarasota, FL 34241. 941-922-4434 www.fccsarasota.com

• St. Boniface Episcopal Church 5615 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key, 941-349-5616 www.bonifacechurch.org Off- Island: •Temple Sinai, a Reform Congregation (The closest Jewish congregation to the Key for visitors) 4631 S. Lockwood Ridge Rd, Sarasota, 941-924-1802 www.templesinai-sarasota.org • St. Andrew United Church of Christ (Protestant)

simple cremations



simple burials



Online arrangements available Sarasota (941) 312-6371 | Manatee (941) 213-9234



Siesta Sand

MAY 2018


SK Condo Council The crowd at the hearing and the presentations and data within the presentations made the wishes of the voters/owners crystal clear.” The vast majority of the 33 speakers — one of whom made his own comments after reading those of a person who could not attend the session — supported keeping the SKOD setbacks for commercial structures as they have been since the SKOD was approved in 2001. Even though a special exception process will be necessary for any applicant who wants a smaller street setback than 25 feet for a new commercial structure, opponents fear the amendment figuratively will open the door to undesirable changes on the Key. In the email blast, Jurenka also explained a remark that Charles D. Bailey III, the attorney for the petitioners, had made about trying to talk with Jurenka before the hearing. The focus of that comment was an alternative the SKCC had proposed to the SKOD amendment Bailey presented to the commission on Jan. 30. (Bailey officially was representing Clayton and Diane Thompson, owners of Clayton’s Siesta Grille, as the petitioners for the amendment. However, Dr. Gary Kompothecras — in his public remarks on April 11 — made it absolutely clear that Kompothecras’ desire to build a hotel on Old Stickney Point Road was the crux of the drive to amend the SKOD. The April 11 hearing was a continuation of the Jan. 30 hearing.) Regarding Bailey’s remarks, Jurenka wrote that he felt they were intended as “provide political cover,” indicating that Bailey and Commissioner Alan Maio — who represents Siesta Key — were trying to work out a compromise with the SKCC. “The problem with this is they called just two days before the


Continued from cover story

Frank Jurenka meeting,” Jurenka continued in the email blast, and he told Bailey “to talk to Malcolm Lazin,” president of the Gulf & Bay Club, who was the SKCC’s spokesman on the issue. Lazin did not return their phone message, Jurenka added in the email blast, “as he was out of the area.” Bailey left a voicemail for Lazin, Bailey told the commissioners on April 11, but had not heard back from him. Jurenka said on April 11 that he declined to talk with Bailey on the phone “because I’m an engineer; I’m not a lawyer.” During the hearing, Maio brought up the fact that the SKCC board members had “proffered what they thought was a solution” to the setback situation. The SKCC’s Option B said that in the three commercial zoning districts on the Key, the minimum setback “shall be two feet for buildings or structures not exceeding 35 feet in height. If a special exception is granted in any of those districts for structures or buildings exceeding 35 ft in height, the minimum street yard setback shall be two feet plus one additional foot for every additional foot in height above 35 feet.” Thus, a 36-foot structure would have a minimum setback of 3 feet from the street. That option added that if a building is taller than 66 feet, the

minimum setback should be onehalf the height of the structure. Under county zoning regulations, no building may be taller than 85 feet on any of the barrier islands. Bailey told the board members on April 11 that Zoning Administrator Donna Thompson had provided him a copy of Option B. Jurenka also noted in the email blast that the SKCC had proposed the two alternatives to the SKOD amendment three weeks ago, indicating that Bailey had had ample time to approach the organization prior to the April 11 hearing. In the email blast, Jurenka further pointed out to all the 90 associations that are members of the SKCC that “three events are on the horizon that have a potential impact on this hotel issue.” First, he wrote, a neighborhood workshop and public hearing before the Planning Commission and the County Commission will have to be conducted after Kompothecras formally submits a proposal for the hotel to county staff. The other two events, Jurenka noted, are “the Primary Election in August and the General Election in November.” Maio’s term as the District 4 County Commission representative is up this year. He is running for reelection, and he has one opponent in the Republican primary — Lourdes Ramirez of Siesta Key, who has fought against the SKOD amendment. Two Democrats also have filed for the District 4 seat. Jurenka added that Kompothecras’ project team members may turn in their petition to county staff soon if they feel the current make-up of the County Commission will be favorable to their plans. “In closing,” he wrote, “the SKCC mission statement does not allow

for political messages but you can be assured that the SKCC will be on the forefront for the hearings after a project is submitted for vetting. We will certainly … support the position of the Condo voters and owners on the Key.” During his April 11 statement to the County Commission, Jurenka explained that the SKCC represents 90% of the 100 condo associations on the Key, totaling about 7,000 of the 10,000 units.

Creating a Clayton’s inside Dr. K’s hotel One topic that arose during the April 11 public hearing on the SKOD amendment was the potential for the property where Clayton’s Siesta Grille stands on Old Stickney Point Road to be combined with two other parcels Dr. Gary Kompothecras owns on that street, so more space would be available for the hotel without amending the SKOD. Chair Nancy Detert raised that idea. “We’re trying to be problem solvers up here,” she told Clayton’s owner Clayton Thompson. Combining the three parcels “for a bigger piece of land … would be a little closer to qualifying to do what you’re asking to do,” she said. Kompothecras probably has put more thought into that than he has, Thompson responded. “I was thinking more about tearing down your restaurant,” Detert told him, and having it recreated inside the hotel. “That clearly is an option,” Thomson responded, but it was not his desire. Then he turned to Kompothecras in the audience and joked, “Gary, if you’ve got a really big check … come talk to me after the meeting.”

No more speakers allowed Before she called up the first group of speakers during the April 11 public hearing on the SKOD amendment, County Commission Chair Nancy Detert told the audience that she had 25 cards. It was 2:30 at that time, she added, so that meant two hours’ worth of testimony, as each speaker is allotted 5 minutes. “So if you want to live long enough to see the vote,” she added, “I would suggest … you be succinct.” At 4:22 p.m., she said she had four cards left. The board then took a break that lasted about 10 minutes. When Detert reconvened the hearing, she announced, “I will personally ask you to stop sending up cards …” She had received three more during the break, she noted. “We’ll deal with that, but, you know, I think we’re done accepting any more input, unless you have something extremely startling to say, which I sincerely doubt.” Later, after rebuttal from Charles D. Bailey III, the attorney for the petitioners, Detert and Commissioner Paul Caragiulo ex chang ed commen t s ab out whether the commissioners should try to write new zoning regulations themselves for the “South Bridge” area of the Key, which encompasses Old Stickney Point Road. Then Commissioner Michael Moran asked whether Detert ever had closed the public hearing. “The public hearing is definitely closed,” she replied, eliciting some chuckles among her colleagues and audience members.

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Another picture perfect Siesta Sunset. Photo by Donnarose Melvin

Published by Island Visitor Publishing, LLC Contributing Writers and Photographers will be noted with bylines. Guest commentary not necessarily the opinion of island Visitor Publishing, LLC Reproduction without written permission prohibited. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement. All business bios are extensions of the display advertisements. Island Visitor Publishing, LLC is not responsible for claims made by advertisers. All ads are subject to the approval of the publisher. It is the responsibility of the party placing any ad for publication in Siesta Sand to meet all applicable legal requirements in connection with the ad such as compliance with town, county and state codes in first obtaining an occupational license for business, permitted home occupation, or residential rental property. DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability. Island Visitor Publishing is not responsible for claims made by advertisers.

P.O. BOX 35086, SIESTA KEY, FL 34242 www.siestasand.net



Water World

Captain Jim Klopfer’s Fishing Report Adventure Charters 941-371-1390

Snook will move into Big Pass in May

May is a transition month in Sarasota. Although the calendar says it is still spring, by late May it will definitely feel like summer time. Pelagic species such as king and Spanish mackerel will have migrated north, inshore fishing will be best early and late, and giant tarpon will invade the inshore Gulf of Mexico, a sure sign that summer is here! Speckled trout fishing should be outstanding in May. It has been unseasonably warm and bait will be scattered all throughout the bay. The flats near Big Pass will be productive. Casting Bass Assassin 4” Sea Shad baits on ¼ ounce jig heads in front of a drifting boat will produce a lot of speckled trout. A live shrimp under a noisy cork is a deadly technique for catching trout. Pinfish, grunts, and pilchards will produce less fish, but generally larger ones. The shallow flats will be very active as they flood with bait. A low, incoming tide is the best time to search for reds and snook in the skinny water. Fish will stage in holes and deeper water then move up onto the shallow flats as the tide floods. Scented soft plastics, weedless gold spoons, topwater plugs, and live bait are all effective. Lures work best when looking for fish, water can be covered quickly. Live bait is best once the fish are located. Some of the largest trout will also be found in shallow water. Snook will be moving out to

the beaches and will be scattered out all over. Mangrove points and bars near the passes should hold snook, as will structure in both Big Pass and New Pass. Outgoing tides are preferred, but as long as the water is moving, fish can be caught. Plugs are great baits that cover a lot of water quickly and are great fun to fish. Jigs and other soft plastics work well, too. Anglers who are proficient with a cast net will load up the well with pilchards and catch a lot of fish. Surf fishing should be excellent and by the end of May there will be decent numbers of snook in the surf line. Small white jigs and flies work well on snook, as does live bait fish. Silver spoons cast out and retrieved in quickly will fool mackerel and ladyfish. Live shrimp will fool a variety of species. By the middle of the month, many guides and recreational anglers will be focusing on one of the most exciting angling challenges found anywhere, light tackle casting to giant tarpon! This is truly world class big game fishing. Tarpon that migrate up our coasts are large fish that average 80 pounds, but reach over 200 pounds. 25-30 lb spinning tackle and 12 weight fly rods are used most often. A live crab is the preferred bait, but live pinfish and other bait fish work well, too. These baits are fairly light and spinning tackle works best to cast and present baits.

MAY 2018


Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Notes from the Island Fishmonger We have all heard of and eaten the well-known and popular Florida Gulf fish such as our Groupers, Snappers and Mahi-Mahi. Well there are a few other very sustainable and good eating fish out there in the Gulf that you may have never heard of or at least have never had on your dinner plate. Parrotfish, African Pompano, Barracuda, Blacktip Shark, Wahoo, Tripletail and Hogfish are all fish that will rotate through your Siesta Key fish market display cases during the upcoming spring and summer months. They are all different, sustainable, local and delicious. I would suggest you try them all at some point in the following months while they are available. But the month of May brings us one standout in particular. When it comes to fish, Cobia is in a class of its own. Literally. There are scores of fish in the Snapper and Grouper families but this fish family contains only one member: Cobia. Cobia is also known as the Lemon Fish or crab eater. This underrated fish makes for excellent table fare. Cobia feeds from both deep water and shallow waters and 75% of their diet consists of swimming crabs. The meat is dense and firm yet delicate with a white flake. Its flavor has a hint of lemon with also a hint of crab. It’s an excellent fish for the outdoor grill and is often served as sushi. One interesting fact is that Cobia are travelers. Research from a Mississippi laboratory indicates that most Cobia migrate in the spring from South Florida waters where they have spent the winter. Movement is northward along the Florida Coast then they head west towards Louisiana and reverse migration takes place in the fall. Recently a tagged Cobia traveled more than 1,200 miles. It was tagged off of Pensacola Beach and recaptured at Murrells Inlet, South Carolina only 238 days later. I call that a snowbird so get some Cobia while you still can. My favorite Cobia Recipe: Appetizer and/or Cobia Burritos and Tacos. 1. Slice a few thin cuts of your Cobia and eat it raw as an appetizer sashimi style. Dipping it in soy sauce and/or wasabi is acceptable. 2. Drink a beer. 3. Brush the Cobia with olive oil, squeeze fresh lemon juice on it, salt and pepper to taste then broil or grill it for 12 to 15 minutes. Don’t overcook it.

4. While the fish is cooking prepare your burrito filings such as lettuce, minced onions, chopped tomatoes, olives, sliced avocados and drink a beer. 5. Pack the hot fish and ingredients into a warm burrito or taco wrap, slather with salsa, top with fresh, rough chopped cilantro and serve. 6. Drinking another beer is optional.

Live well...Eat fish Scott Dolan

Big Water Fish Market 6641 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key 941-554-8101 www.BigWaterFishMarket.com

MAY 2018 TIDE CHART Florida, St. Petersburg, Sarasota, Sarasota Bay

May 2018

N 27° 20' / W 82° 33' Date









High Tide 1.4


High Tide 2.2


Low Tide 0.9


Low Tide -0.2































































































































































































































































































Kathleen D Sailing Catamarans





























Let’s go sailing, KATHLEEN D Sailing Catamarans, serving Siesta Key from 3 locations: Downtown Sarasota, Longboat Key, and Anna Maria Island. If you would like to experience being on the water viewing Dolphin Watches, Sunset Sails, Snorkeling and Shelling call us at 941-870-4349 or go to our web site for detailed information www.kathleend.net USCG Certified for 20 passengers.



















































































©2018 FreeTideTables.com - For comparison only - Times are local - Tides in feet from MLLW


9:34a 10:21a






Siesta Sand

MAY 2018


Arts on the Horizon

Luciano Pavarotti was famous for singing O Solo Mio (My own sun) Yes, Solo in Italian means “sun” while in English solo means “alone.” And in the art world “solo” means showing the work of an artist who is a star (sun), but not next to the work of any other artist (alone), This definition is quite apropos for the new installation - Solo Blanco at the Alfstad& Contemporary Gallery on 5th Street between Central and N. Lemon Avenues. From when you read this until the 19th of May, small, intermediate and large works by the Venezuelaborn artist, and long-time resident of Sarasota, Jorge Blanco will be on display. And when referring to the works of Blanco, “play” is the operative word. Not that all of his sculptures are funny (although some are), but some are simply playful. Take an avocado. Yes, take one, not just because they are good for you and also taste great, but because Blanco’s look great. Actually better than any avocado you’ve ever seen in your life. And his watermelon... and carrots...and tomato - one can imagine Fresh Market, Lucky’s or some other store that sells fresh produce buying one of each sculpture for every one of their stores - at least in Sarasota. While his avocado or watermelon can be displayed on a table or pedestal in your living room, some of his pieces are a bit larger. One of them (14 feet tall) barely fit through the Alfstad& gallery door. Another, even larger abstract piece,

By Rodger Skidmore

is so big that the City of Sarasota is going to display it at the intersection of Ringling Blvd. and Orange Avenue and then build a roundabout surrounding it so that cars don’t bump into it. Other, more playful pieces, may be seen on N. Tamiami Trail between the Sarasota Art Center and Municipal Auditorium (The Runners), on Boulevard of the Arts (Smile) and in the courtyard of Gulf Gate Elementary School (Cartwheel). His intermediate size pieces are great for putting around the pool, on your front lawn - right on top of where you buried your first spouse - or next to your key lime tree. The nice thing about these sculptures is that, if you have an SUV, you can take one home (I think they might even install it for you). If Juan Miro, Auguste Herbin or Pablo Picasso were alive right now, what phases would they be going through? Perhaps they would be copying Blanco in either his playfully abstract-representationalist phase or in his semi-representational playful abstractions. More information at alfstadand.com.

• FREE YOGA - Mon.-Wed.-Fri.Sat. 9 a.m. Classes held between blue and green lifeguard station. Call 941-320-6693 to register or go to website for more info. www.yogaonsiestabeach.com/ about • NIA - Tues. & Thurs., 9 a.m., Siesta Public Beach (yellow lifeguard chair). Contact Kathy Oravec at 941724-9719 for more info or check website: www.nianow.com/kathyoravec • SIESTA KEY BEACH HOOP JAMS – Every Tuesday one hour before Sunset on Siesta Key beach we gather for a community Hoop Jam. (Between the red lifeguard stand and the pavilion; around where the Sunday drum circle happens.) Register at: www. outwardspiral.net WEEKLY DRUM CIRCLE: • Every Sunday about an hour before sunset. South of the main pavilion. You can participate or watch this weekly gathering and

tension, movement, stress - incorporating the traditional leg work of ballet but with more upper body work, often more angular than soft. Ask any honest sports trainer and they will tell you that ballet, modern, and contemporary dance are all more demanding, physically, than baseball or football. But beyond that, contemporary dance can be lyrically beautiful to anyone watching a well choreographed work. And the performances this May have been created by seasoned choreographers that have worked with this troupe before and know all the strengths and abilities of the dancers. After training with SCD’s founder and director, Leymis Bolaños Wilmott, these new choreographic talents - Diamant, Gillespie, O’Neal, Fidalgo and Cardinal - have gone on to work with other dance companies and to create new works to bring back to Sarasota. In its 12th season, Sarasota Contemporary Dance (an outgrowth of Fuzión Dance, which had its beginnings at FSU in 2000) has a new iteration of its Evolving / Revolving series entitled Reaching New Heights. There will be four performances on May 10-13. Interested in getting more involved in contemporary dance yourself, or know someone of any age who could enjoy, or benefit from, dance workouts and training between now and the end of July? Then review performance times and what SCD has to offer at sarasotacontemporarydance. org.

The right size

15 minutes of fame

Ed Smith Stadium is really the right size and shape for a baseball game. You get a good view of the action and can watch the players hit the long ball. Depending on how you choose to view a game, you can sit behind 3rd base to watch the start of a double play, along the 1st base line to watch players being picked off as they try to steal 2nd, or behind the catcher and fantasize about being the batter. But where is the best place to sit to see all of the real action? In any one of the eleven rows in the Cook Theatre at the FSU Center for the Performing Arts, while watching a performance by Sarasota Contemporary Dance. Action is what contemporary dance is all about -

If, as he said, everyone gets their own 15 minutes of fame, Andy Warhol would be equal to over a million people - and that is just counting the time since he died. Born in Pittsburg (nothing wrong with that) in 1928, Warhol would have turned 90 this coming August. And the best way to celebrate one’s 90th birthday is to have a show or exhibition created in your honor. Being a first class exhibitionist, that would certainly have appealed to Andy Warhol. But what would be the theme? Illustrating shoes and designing LP record covers were a couple of his first jobs. But designing the cover for a 16 RPM Modern Jazz Quartet LP for Prestige Records, (when there were never

What’s Happening WEEKLY BEACH CLASSES: • FREE T’AI CHI CHIH - Siesta Beach, Access #5 - Every Monday, 15 minutes before sunset. Open to all, no experience necessary. Contact Diana Daffner 941-3461024 for information. (Access #5 is in Siesta Village, where Beach Rd. meets Ocean Blvd.)


dance, hoop, play the drum or other musical instrument, and enjoy the spectacular Siesta sunset. On The Beach… • MAY 5 (SAT) 8AM-2PM / 46TH ANNUAL AMATEUR SAND SCULPTING CONTEST: Come enjoy some fun, sun, and sand at the 46th annual Siesta Key Amateur Sand Sculpting Contest! This free, family-friendly event is open to competitors of all ages and skill levels. Cash prizes will be available and are sponsored by Friends of Sarasota County Parks and the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce. Competing categories include adult individuals, adult teams, children (10 years and younger) and youths (ages 11-17). This event is open to 25 contestants and if you are interested in signing up, please contact Sarasota County Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources (941) 861-5000 or visit http:// www.scgov.net. • MAY 12 (SAT) 7-11 AM / GREAT MOTHER’S RACE: This event is in its 6th year and is a fun event that the entire family can enjoy together. Everyone is welcome. All participants will receive free race pictures, a dry-fit T-shirt, medal, and a goodie bag. There

any 16 RPM record players) does not qualify an artist for even one minute of fame. It was Warhol’s silk screen phase that brought him a boatload of fame (and money) with his images of Marilyn Monroe, Campbell’s soup cans and big bodacious flowers. So a theme of big bodacious flowers has become a full scale exhibition at Sarasota’s Selby Gardens with “WARHOL: Flowers in the Factory” thru June 30th. The Factory, in New York City, was Warhol’s fabrication, exhibition gallery, film studio and party space. The first iteration of the Factory was on the 5th floor of an office building on East 47th street (rent $100 per year). It is some of these silk screens, done by Warhol in the 60s and 70s, that have been reproduced and expanded upon, in the form of living plants and flowers, which appear in various settings throughout Selby’s glass conservatory alongside the their breathtaking orchid collection. These displays continue along the pathways that wind their way around the luxurious gardens leading down to Sarasota Bay and the Payne Mansion. Inside this museum are archival photos of Warhol and his friends from the period when the original prints were made. And six of Warhol paintings and silk screens are on display along with some of his floral-inspired works from the 1950s. While Warhol’s Factory in NYC is long gone, some of its fun aspects are being recreated during Warhol Nights (6:00 - 9:00 pm). On May 16th Florida Studio Theatre is bringing its Improv Troupe to the Gardens to poke fun at all things poke-able. June 16th will feature a special performance by members of the Sarasota Music Festival. Also in June budding artists can create their own Warhol inspired art at Andy’s Art Factory. More info at Selby.org.

We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of this information. However, please be sure to always call ahead to confirm dates, times, location, and other information.

will be prizes and awards for the top finishers in all age groups. There are only 300 available spots for participants and registration is required. To register, go to: www.greatmothersdayrace.com/ sarasota/ • MAY 13 (SUN) 7AM - NOON / TROPICAL SPLASH OPEN WATER SWIM COMPETITION: Sponsored by Daiquiri Deck. 1K, 5K, 2.5K swim competition. The race is open to all members of U.S. Masters Swimming and all ATHLETE members of USA Swimming. Adults who are not current members of U.S. Masters Swimming may pay for a oneday membership during the online entry process; the one-day membership is $22.00 (in addition to the event entry fee). A better deal is to join USMS in September or October and select the “yearplus” membership option: http:// www.usms.org/reg/register. php. One-day memberships are NOT available for swimmers under the age of 18. The Sarasota YMCA sharks swim team has been developing champions since 1961. • MAY 19-20 (SAT - SUN) 7 AM – 8 PM / DIG THE BEACH VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT: Dig the Beach Volleyball Series is the most established and successful grassroots series of its kind catering to both professional and

amateur players. Some of the top professionals on the Domestic & World Tours have graduated from this organization. This tournament is open to competitors of all levels and divisions and is open to 500 players - registration is required for all players and coaches. To register or for additional info, see website: www.digthebeach.com Around the island… • WEEKLY FARMER’S MARKET IN THE VILLAGE: Every Sunday from 8am – 2pm in Davidson’s Plaza in the Village. 5124 Ocean Blvd. Produce, Plants & Flowers, Music, Art, Organic Skincare, Italian Olive Oil, and Freshly Prepared Foods. Listen to live music while you shop. • KIDS RHYTHM JAM!™ 11:30AM: Drumming Fun For Everyone!™ . Every Saturday and Tuesday. Everyone gets permission to play and make noise to create rhythm and song! Come & enjoy group drumming with your family and friends. $15/family Positive RePercussions 5049 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key Village - (941) 677-3786. Please check out our wide variety of other programs at: www.positiverepercussions.com/ calendar

And Beyond… • PHILLIPI ESTATE PARK: LOCATED AT: 5500 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34231. On Saturday May 12 the Bradenton-Sarasota Rose Society will host their annual ROSE FESTIVAL at the Edson Keith Mansion from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. There will be rose bushes grown on Fortuniana root stock to purchase as well as rose bouquets for the perfect Mother’s Day gift. There will also be seminars about various rose-related subjects, led by Master Rosarians and the Rose Doctor will be in to diagnose your rose problems. This FREE event is the highlight of the spring season with examples of the variety of roses grown locally by the Bradenton-Sarasota Rose Society members. A delightful day for all. For more information, please visit: info@B-SRS.ORG. • MAY 28 (5-7pm): THE ANNUAL MEMORIAL DAY CONCERT will be held at the Gazebo with The Sarasota Concert Band. Admission fee for Adults is $5.00 with children 6 and under free. There will be food trucks with refreshments and ample free parking. Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy patriotic music on this very special day. For more information, please call 941-316-1309.



MAY 2018

“Living life in the ‘Light’” energetically that may have blocked you from your peace. “Infinite Source, All That you Are, for me, my family, our entire lineage, and all our relationships throughout all time- past, present and future: For all inner negative chatter; for all anxiety, worry, stress, times we were always on guard and on edge; For all self(blame, criticism, sabotage), mistrust, jealousy, unworthiness, fear, guilt, shame, regret, times we were made to believe we weren’t enough; Please help us forgive each other, forgive ourselves, now and forever please and thank you. For the times we stayed awake due to over-thinking; times we kept going and doing without resting so we didn’t have to feel the pain from any past or current situation; For the times we felt we weren’t important unless we were doing something for someone constantly but as a result, built up resentment. For the times we were constantly worried about what others thought of us; times we had to “keep up with the Joneses” even when we couldn’t afford it; times we tried hard to fit in and be like others; times we were “people pleasers” and never said “no”; For all addictions, alcohol, drug or mental illness and any effects it had on us at any time; For all the times we put everyone first and were depleted by the time we got to ourselves; Please help us forgive each other, forgive ourselves, no matter what happened, or what led up to it, or who was involved, and all that we made it mean, please and thank you. For the highest good, please lift all wrongdoings, self-neglect, deprivation, pain, burden, abuse, deep disappointments and let downs, abandonment, loneliness and fear, transform it into your love and allow your love to flow back into all of us, giving and filling us with your complete love, harmony and peace, now and forever, please and thank you. Please help us feel at peace with each other, and at peace with ourselves, completely and fully, please and thank you.” As you continue to apply the above, as well as repeat the peace-making clearing as often as possible, the sooner you will be and feel your peace. Add trusting your Higher power and some positive affirmations to the mix, and you will find yourself handling even the most challenging situations with a level of peace you never knew existed. Enjoy your new-found peace. It’s been waiting for you all along.~♥ Donnarose Melvin is an Ancestral Energy Clearing/ Healing Intuitive whose pleasure it is to serve clients worldwide. Her knowledge from her advanced practitioner trainings in Ancestral Energy Clearing, and her BA degree in Psychology, along with her natural born intuitive gifts, have helped many achieve increased peace and happiness. Please send any inquiries or comments to: Donnarose1010@gmail.com ~If you’d like an ancestral energy clearing/healing, please contact Donnarose at the email address above.



VOLUNTEER Answers on Page 57 WATER

Earth Day Every Day


Wake & Shake


“There is no way to peace. Peace is the way” ~ Mahatma Gandhi. Quite often we hear ourselves or others say, “Why can’t I just be at peace, I just want peace. I’m tired of the drama and chaos and the hectic hustle and bustle.” Lots of us say this as if we have to go somewhere to retrieve peace, and bring it back to our home like we do with groceries. The great news is, we don’t have to take one step outside our house to feel peace, as the same way we go within to feel love, happiness and gratitude, is the same way to get, or feel peace. All along, we actually have a one-stop shopping area right within us. As love, peace, happiness and gratitude all came in the same package as our soul, which we connect to through our heart energy. However the thing is, our ego came in the same package as our physical body. And since most of us have become pros at accessing our ego and basing our actions on what our ego tells us, it has become one large part of why we feel disconnected from our peace. As you read above, there’s only two things in the package the ego came in, and peace is not one of them. But again, there are lots of goodies in our soul’s package, including peace. So to get or feel peace, make it a habit to take some deep slow sacred breaths as you tell your ego to step aside, and thank your Higher power for helping you to connect to and feel the peace in your heart and soul. Once you practice this, along with making time for stillness, you’ll most likely feel yourself taking nice releasing and relieving breaths. It’s at that point, you can then take your feeling of peace and incorporate it in your daily actions towards yourself, your loved ones, and in any community- physically, as well as on social media. When you connect to your peace energy within, it’s like the peace door opens, and that energy emanates out of you. This is how peace is spread out in our homes, surrounding areas, as well as our planet. The more you consistently connect to your inner peace, the higher your “peace vibration” gets, and the more frequent are your peaceful acts. What also starts to happen is just by your presence, people just walking by you who may not be connected to their peace, will feel yours. Also those who step where you walked will absorb your peace energy. This is how powerful we are when we connect to our peace within. Once you experience consistently feeling peace amongst any chaotic or hectic situation, or feeling more peace due to now manifesting more gentle and peaceful situations, you will never want to go back to the old way. To facilitate heading on your path to connecting to your inner peace as often as possible, take a moment to sit back, be still, take a beautiful peaceful breath, and receive a little Ancestral Energy Clearing. This can help remove anything

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC



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Siesta Sand

MAY 2018




The Highs and Lows of Properties Sold on Siesta Key

Provided by Key Solutions Real Estate / www.keysolutionsrealestate.com

Following are properties sold on Siesta Key in the last 60 days, providing a snapshot of home values on the Key for both single family homes and condominiums. HIGHEST PRICED SINGLE FAMILY PROPERTY: 8233 MIDNIGHT PASS RD., SOLD FOR: $3,400,000 This is Siesta Key’s “Villa Ipanema” built in 2001-2002 this home was inspired by a similar Italian Estate in Lake Como, Italy named Villa D’Este. This magnificent home is a “must have” for those who are seeking the absolute best in life. Elegance is found throughout; starting with the entrance foyer featuring “Doric” stone columns leading to a “not to be believed” living area with sweeping full bay views, 24” travertine tile, 24’ tray ceilings and Romeo and Juliet balconies looking down from the floor above. All bedroom suites have fantastic endless water views. This villa is so amazing it must be seen in person to be appreciated. The great room embraces an amazing kitchen with complete water views. An exercise room that opens to an enclosed sun porch with a “Finnish Sauna”. The large Infinity Pool that drifts seamlessly into the sun drenched blue waters of “Little Sarasota Bay” can be seen from every room in the home. Also included is a large game room, oversized three car garage, dock with a fishing pier and a 13,000 lb. boat lift. Classically understated from the front gates, step inside and discover over 7,600 feet of luxurious “Key” living. The location is perfect for access to Downtown Sarasota, Turtle Beach, Siesta Beach and Village, Sarasota Hospital, St. Armand’s Circle, Lido Beach and much, much more! The sale of this property came to $444.56 a square foot. Courtesy of ReMax/Key Solutions Real Estate. LOWEST PRICED SINGLE-FAMILY PROPERTY: 5255 WINDINAY WAY, SOLD FOR: $415,000 Price adjustment on the already LOWEST PRICED 3 BEDROOM HOME ON SIESTA KEY!! Walk to the beach. Sweetheart house on Twin Oak Pond. Sit in front of your fireplace, watch and listen to the fountain in the pond outside your window. Ground level 2 bedrooms and 2 full baths, large screened porch, wood floors, open kitchen and wood burning fireplace. Second level is a separate entrance, open plan, full bath, refrigerator, microwave, sink and counter top. Terrific studio, office or guest quarters. Biking distance to the #1 beach in the country. Bliss!! The sale of this property came out to $318.74 a square foot. Courtesy of Michael Saunders. HIGHEST PRICED CONDO: 5400 OCEAN BLVD., #M1: SOLD FOR: $1,900,100 This distinctive three-bedroom, three-bath property is one of the most unique that Siesta Key has to offer. A part of the Terrace Condominium, it is situated on the north end of the complex as an elevated free standing condo. Views of the Gulf and beaches are available from the kitchen, great room and all three bedrooms. The split floor plan allows guests to enjoy their own ensuite quarters, steps away from the pool, deeded beach access and the amenities of the Terrace. Whether it’s preparing a meal in your beautifully appointed custom designed kitchen or a barbeque on the open-air lanai, this condo makes for an ideal setting to entertain family and friends. If it’s dining, shopping or nightlife you’re after, stroll through the Village without worry about parking, or catch the nearby trolley to Old Stickney Point, Turtle Beach and points in between. The sale on this unit came out to $950.05 a square foot. Courtesy of Michael Saunders.

LOWEST PRICED CONDO: 5855 MIDNIGHT PASS RD., #633 SOLD FOR: $333,000 Wonderful Harbor Towers Yacht & Racquet community. Vacation get-a-way or rental income. Fabulous views of the pool and Intracoastal Waterway. Newly decorated. Resort style living with pools, social room, saunas, workout center, Har-Tru tennis courts, Marina, Fishing area, and BBQ patio. Live like you are on vacation! Prime location. The sale came out to $443.41 a square foot. Courtesy of Michael Saunders.



MAY 2018

Bay Tree Club crosswalk Bay Tree Club has many older residents and a number of handicapped residents, the women pointed out. One man in his 50s who suffered a stroke takes about 10 minutes to get across the road. “He goes to the pool every day” on the Gulf side of the complex, Ryder explained. “The residents are very good about helping him,” she noted. On April 9, Betsy Lynch, who has lived in Bay Tree Club almost two decades, volunteered to demonstrate how difficult it can be for someone to get across the road in the face of oncoming traffic. Lynch uses a type of cane, so she has to take her time. Within moments after Lynch began her trek, an SUV approached from the north, and Lynch kept her eyes on it. As she was at the midpoint of the road, it flew past her without slowing. “Are you serious?!” Ryder exclaimed. “He was far enough back that he could easily have seen you,” she called to Lynch. Yet, another reason county staff gave them for not being able to install the crosswalk, Sloan said in an email, was that it “would give a false sense of security to the pedestrians. (This one is our favorite of all the ‘reasons’ we have been given.)”

‘Second-class citizens’ In an April 13, 2017 email to Sloan, Robert Fakhri,


Handmade Antique Rugs Bought and Sold

Continued from page 10

Wary walkers

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

manager of the county’s Traffic Engineering and Operations Division, summed up the situation from the county’s perspective: “Staff made site visits and concluded that the location you requested was not a feasible location. The conclusion was based on the following: There is no sidewalk on the west side of Midnight Pass Rd. for the sidewalk to connect to, there are three driveways in the vicinity of the crosswalk resulting in too many conflicting movements and the crosswalk location in close proximity to the bus stops and the curvature of the road will pose sight distance problems.” “We just get the impression that down here, we don’t generate tourist revenue like the north end of Siesta Key, “that we’re kind of second-class citizens” Sloan said. Recently, the women contacted Gene Kusekoski, who was named president of the Siesta Key Association (SKA) in early March. He came to the Bay Tree Club to get a firsthand look at the situation, they said. As a result, Kusekoski brought up the issue during the April 5 SKA meeting. “You wouldn’t think it would be hard to get a crosswalk painted on the road,” he said. Nonetheless, he continued, the residents are “facing all sorts of regulations.” Kusekoski indicated he hopes the SKA will be able to help them. “This is a safety issue,” Ryder stressed. A crosswalk, she added, is “not a nuisance.”

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Paradise Awaits... 195 Vista Hermosa Circle, #9-A Sarasota, FL

Just a short walk to Siesta Beach. 2 BR, 2 BA villa. Ideal rental opportunity. Custom wood cabinets in the kitchen with granite counters & upgraded appliances. Bathrooms boast tumbled marble & granite. Custom lighting. New A/C in 2017 and recently installed water heater. Roof replaced in 2016. Sold turnkey furnished (with some exclusions).

322 Island Circle

Sarasota, FL

Beaches, Boating & Bistros!! Live the island lifestyle in this spacious 4 BR, 4 BA house located on desirable Palm Island, grossing approx. $60k in rental income. Recently renovated with new kitchen, new master BR and master BA. New boat lift on the Grand Canal. Lounge in the heated pool and spa or enjoy your favorite libation at your own private Waterfront Tiki Bar. Huge bonus area on lower level.

757 Beach Rd Unit #412 Sarasota, FL

FULL GULF VIEW...PRICED TO SELL...EXCELLENT INCOME WITH GROWTH POTENTIAL...WEEKLY RENTALS!!..Fall in love with this 2 BR, 2 BA 4th Floor CORNER UNIT!! Turnkey furnished. Crescent Royale offers onsite rental program/management, heated pool, lounge, pool table and recently upgraded exercise facility. Conveniently located across from Public Beach. Just a short walk to dining & nightlife of Siesta Village. Stuffing Gulf view. Check this one out, you will be impressed.








797 Beach Road, #305 Sarasota, FL Full Gulf view of #1 Beach in the USA. Completely remodeled, priced to sell! High end tile floors in main living area, quality custom kitchen cabinets, deisgner kitchen. Crescent Royale offers an onsite rental program, heated pool and much more!



418 Island Circle, Sarasota, FL

Boating, Beaches & Bistros!!! 3 BR/2 BA Key West Style Grand Canal home on Siesta Key built in 2005 to current Hurricane standards. Sip a glass of wine by your outdoor Tiki Bar in the pool/spa area. Step out your back door, onto your boat (boat lift) and enjoy a leisurely cruise up the Grand Canal...just minutes away from your favorite waterfront dining, watersports and world class fishing. Perhaps you’re in the mood for a stroll or bike ride into Siesta Village...while others scramble for beach parking, walk or bike down the street to your own beach access (#10). All this and you haven’t even stepped inside this beautiful Key West style home on a lushly landscaped tropical lot with a brick paver walkway to your dock. This Island Style home was lovingly built in 2005 with huge lower level bonus area, pool shower and a 4-car garage for all your toys. Open floor plan, gourmet kitchen, large rooms, elevator, wood-burning fireplace, vaulted ceilings; walk-in closets; beautiful master suite, plenty of storage and custom touches throughout. This is a must-see home on Palm Island.



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Siesta Sand

MAY 2018



May 1 is the official start of the sea turtle nesting season From now through the end of October, three different species of sea turtle will land on Florida’s Gulf coast beaches to lay their eggs. People can help sea turtles that nest on Florida’s beaches at night by leaving the beach as natural as • 2ND Month Free possible. To do this, beachgoers should remove beach • Free Move-In Truck furniture and other obstacles before sunset each day. • Entire Facility Carpeted “Anyone spending time on Florida’s beaches can • Free Lock & Keys do something to help save Florida’s threatened • Big Garage Bay For Loading and endangered sea turtles. People’s actions on And Unloading the beach can have a positive impact on whether • Climate Controlled 941.315.5222 5260 Tamiami Trail • Sarasota, FL 34231 www.thelockup.com our loggerhead, leatherback and green sea turtles nest successfully,” said Dr. Robbin Trindell, who leads the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) sea turtle management program. “Whether you are a resident or a visitor, remember to take beach furniture, boats and canopies off Florida’s sandy beaches at night so these items won’t block sea turtles attempting to nest,” Trindell said. “When departing at the end of the day, beach visitors should fill any 38.2 % holes dug in the sand so nesting and hatchling turtles don’t become Median Sale Price trapped. Please be careful not to Year over Year disturb nesting sea turtles by getting too close, shining lights on them or March taking flash photos.” Sea turtle nesting season runs from May 1 to Oct. 31 on all Southwest Florida beaches. 12.5 % In mid-April, Mote Marine Laboratory scientists and volunteers Number of Sales began their 37th year coordinating sea Condos Houses Year over Year turtle conservation along 35 miles of Sold Sold Sarasota County beaches. In 2016, Mote Marine counted a Call us for a full recap of record 4,588 nests along beaches from the Siesta Key Market! Longboat Key to Venice and a near record 4,503 in 2017. 2.5 % (941)894-1255 In the past 36 years, Mote’s Sea Avg. Days on Market Turtle Conservation & Research Year over Year Program has documented 91,801 sea turtle crawls (tracks) and protected an

Siesta Key Market Stats March 2018






estimated 2.4 million local hatchlings. Using ID tags, Mote has identified 5,873 individual nesting females during more than 10,000 encounters, and has even fitted some sea turtles with satellite transmitter tags to track their migrations through the ocean. During sea turtle nesting season, May 1-Oct. 31, please heed the following turtle-friendly tips. Starting early is great too; sometimes the first local sea turtle nests arrive in April. • DO stay away from sea turtle nests marked with yellow stakes and tape, and seabird nesting zones bounded by ropes. • DO remain quiet and observe from a distance if you encounter a nesting sea turtle or hatchlings. • DO shield or turn off outdoor lights that are visible on the beach from May through October. • DO close drapes after dark and stack beach furniture at the dune line or, ideally, remove it from the beach. • DO fill in holes that may entrap hatchlings on their way to the water. • DON’T approach nesting turtles or hatchlings, make noise, or shine lights at turtles. • DON’T use flashlights, head lamps or fishing lamps on the beach. • DON’T encourage a turtle to move while nesting or pick up hatchlings that have emerged and are heading for the water. • DON’T use fireworks on the beach. • DON’T walk dogs on any Sarasota County beach other than Brohard Paw Park in Venice. There, dogs must be leashed or under voice control, according to county ordinances. Sea turtles are protected under federal law and any harassment or interference with a sea turtle, living or dead, is subject to penalty. If you witness anyone disturbing a turtle or find an injured or disoriented hatchling or adult, please notify agents with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission at 1-888-404-FWCC (3922), the local sheriff’s department, and/or Mote Marine Laboratory’s Sea Turtle Conservation & Research Program at 941-3884331. If you find a dead or injured sea turtle, contact Mote’s Stranding Investigations Program at 941-9880212.



MAY 2018

Run for the Turtles 2018 More than 1,000 runners and walkers participated in the 32nd Annual Run for the Turtles on fabulous Siesta Beach. The run supports the Sea Turtle Conservation & Research Program at Mote Marine Laboratory and is

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


By Trebor Britt

the program’s major fundraiser — it helps them help sea turtles! The event included a 1-mile fun run and a 5K race sanctioned by the Manasota Track Club entirely on the beach/sand.


NEW LOCATION NEXT TO MIGUEL’S RESTAURANT IN CRESCENT PLAZA JUST SOUTH OF STICKNEY POINT ROAD ON YOUR MARK: Mote Marine mascots, Shelly the turtle and Gilly the shark pose at the starting line with excited participants just minutes before the start of this year’s “32nd Annual Run for the Turtles”.

Above: OFF THEY GO Hundreds of excited runners and walkers begin the 1-mile fun run/ walk on the white, powdery sand of Siesta Beach along the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico. Right: First time participants and sisters, Kristina Murphy of Sarasota and Jenni Rasiah of Seattle, WA thought it would be fun to start off the morning of Kristina’s birthday by wearing mermaid crowns for the race.”



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Siesta Sand

MAY 2018

Sand Castles

Spacious living on the Bayou By Roger Drouin The 11 homes in Somerset Cove offer two unique features: a generous 2,757 square-foot layout and deeded boat docks. In addition, the gated boating enclave on the north end of the Key has lush landscaping and heated pool overlooking Coconut Bayou, a natural bayou. In addition, the community is only a short two-block stroll to quiet Shell Beach. The homes are spacious, with living space spread out on three floors, as well as a three-car garage and additional storage. Of the 11 homes in Somerset, five are single-family homes and six are duplex townhomes. “These homes have approximately 2,800 square feet of living space with an additional 1,200 feet of ground floor space,” Realtor Bob Ruiz told Siesta Sand. “The living rooms are two-story, open and airy with an abundance of windows.” Most units also have private elevators (or the space for an elevator) to access all three levels, adds Ruiz, who has a single-family home listed on the market for $849,000. The community offers excellent boating access, says John Garrity, who has owned a home with his wife in Somerset Cove since 2008. Docks on the bayou allow unobstructed deepwater access to picturesque Roberts Bay and onward to the Intracoastal Waterway and the Gulf of Mexico. Because the boat docks are on a natural water body, there are none of the issues associated with waiting for tides, as there can be with docks on canals. “Even with low winter tides, there is no problem getting in and out of the lifts,” Garrity told Siesta Sand. The homes at Somerset — built in Key West modern style — feature “oversized garages” and an expansive living area, notes Bob Ruiz, Realtor with Key Solutions Real Estate. “What makes them unique is that the community is maintenance free, gated and each home comes with a boat dock, many with lifts,” said Ruiz. Other pluses are the beautiful community pool, short walk to Shell Beach, and easy access off the island to downtown Sarasota, notes Ruiz. “The pool is quite large, private, and set on the bayou marina,” Ruiz says. “Recently refurnished, the pool furniture is beautiful — very resort-like.” Somerset is divided between full-time and seasonal residents. While some owners are not boaters, Garrity notes, everyone is able to enjoy the water — including the short stroll across Higel Avenue to Shell Beach at Public Access 1. The homes’ generous layouts explain in large part why recent listings have sold briskly when they are on the market, Garrity believes. “The units have sold pretty well,” Garrity says. “When they are on the market, they sell within a few months. I think the advantage is the price-per-square-foot, comparable to other parts of the island, we are an amazing value.” The community is undervalued on a square footage basis for many reasons, not least of all because it

affords boat docks to all owners with quick access to the intracoastal, Sarasota Bay, and the Gulf, adds Ruiz. In addition, the community has lush landscaping. “We have a great landscaping company,” Garrity says. “And there are tropical plants and flowering trees. It’s a beautiful setting all year round.” There is currently one unit listed on the market, and have been four recent sales: • A single-family home is listed for $849,000, a recently reduced price. At 2,758 square feet, the asking price comes out to $308 a square foot. The home, listed by Ruiz, includes direct access to the bay, intracoastal waterway and Gulf from a deeded 40 foot boat slip with electric and water. Inside, high-end finishes include private elevator, coastal wood flooring, crown molding, wood cabinets, stainless appliances, and more. The large living room has custom built-in features and opens to a screened lanai. The home features a gourmet kitchen with wood cabinets and stainless appliances, with an adjoining sitting room/breakfast nook that is the ideal spot for relaxing and conversing before or after meals. The spacious dining area with wet bar and wine refrigerator opens to the living room for easy entertaining. There is a large master suite with abundant closest and bath, two guest en-suites and a spacious loft area for additional sleeping/ den/or office space. The downstairs fitness area and additional space for office, or storage, open to the outdoor patio with luscious garden-like grounds just beyond. An oversized three-car garage completes this home. Recent sales include: • A recently-renovated townhome sold for $840,000, or $305 a square foot, in September, 2017. According to the MLS listing, the townhome was recently renovated with new private elevator, high-end lighting, coastal wood-look tile flooring, new baths, paint, and custom stairway. The large living room has a fireplace and screened lanai overlooking garden-like grounds. The home also has a gourmet kitchen with wood cabinets. • An interior meticulously-maintained townhome with deeded access to a dock with a 13,500-pound lift sold for $ 675,000 in February, 2017. The sale worked out to $245 a square foot. Some unique features include a hurricane rated garage door, newer A.C. system, and wine cooler. • A single-family home sold for $720,000 in December, 2016. The large kitchen with beautiful wood cabinets, stainless appliances, and granite countertops accommodates a family sized table and chairs. The open floor plan accommodates a second dining space adjacent to the living room. A sizable bedroom with en-suite bath and a hall laundry room complete the first floor living space. The oversized garage and huge finished lower level bonus space complete this home.





MAY 2018

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


House Hunting Siesta Key to Longboat Key • SHORT WALK TO SIESTA BEACH: $450,000 195 Vista Hermosa Circle, #9-A, Siesta Key, FL. MLS# A4189942 Wonderfully remodeled 2 BR, 2 BA villa. Designer tile & carpet throughout. This villa is being sold turnkey furnished (with some exclusions). Dan Miller, Re/ Max Tropical Sands. 941-376-7442 • FULL GULF VIEW OF #1 BEACH: $539,000 797 Beach Rd, #305, Siesta Key, FL. MLS# A4188853 Completely remodeled unit with high end tile floors in main living area, quality custom kitchen cabinets with granite counters. All the lighting has been upgraded throughout this TURNKEY FURNISHED (some artwork excluded) unit. Dan Miller, Re/ Max Tropical Sands. 941-376-7442 • PALM ISLAND HOME ON THE GRAND CANAL: $925,000 322 Island Circle, Siesta Key, FL. MLS# A4199085 Recently renovated with new kitchen, new master BR and master BA. This house boasts a new boat lift on the Grand Canal. Privacy abounds with a lovely tropical view across the canal. Huge bonus area on lower level. Dan Miller, Re/Max Tropical Sands. 941-376-7442 • FULL GULF VIEW...PRICED TO SELL: $665,000 757 Beach Rd Unit #412 Sarasota, FL., MLS #:A4400098 Fall in love with this 2 BR, 2 BA 4th Floor CORNER UNIT!! Turnkey furnished in the Crescent Royale community. Dan Miller, Re/Max Tropical Sands. 941-3767442 • 1568 LANDINGS TER SINGLE FAMILY HOME $899,000: MLS A4210259 4BD/3BA. Spacious home with high ceilings and plenty of light. Judy Greene/Tara Lamb, Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker, 941-350-0451 (Judy) or 941-266-4873 (Tara) • 1718 STARLING DR, LANDINGS COACH HOUSE $299,000: MLS A4213381 2BD/2BA. Ground floor end unit condo - new kitchen, new lanai sliders. Judy Greene/

Tara Lamb, Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker, 941-350-0451 (Judy) or 941-266-4873 (Tara) • 1450 LANDINGS CIR, LANDINGS TREEHOUSE $599,000: MLS A4212388 3BD/2.5BA. Free standing, expanded floor plan and completely updated. Judy Greene/Tara Lamb, Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker, 941-350-0451 (Judy) or 941-266-4873 (Tara) • 5430 EAGLES PT CIR #203, EAGLES POINT CONDO $695,000: MLS A4202341 3 BD with Den, 2943 sq. ft. Spacious condo with private garage and additional car spot. Judy Greene/Tara Lamb, Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker, 941-350-0451 (Judy) or 941-266-4873 (Tara) • 1757 PINE HARRIER CIR SINGLE FAMILY HOME $450,000: MLS A4202741 3BD/2.5BA. Great opportunity at this price. Judy Greene/Tara Lamb, Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker, 941-350-0451 (Judy) or 941-266-4873 (Tara) • 1403 CEDAR BAY LANE SINGLE FAMILY HOME $1,195,000: MLS A4211936 5BD/3.2BA in the exclusive CLOISTERS of The Landings. Two story custom home. Judy Greene/ Tara Lamb, Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker, 941-350-0451 (Judy) or 941-266-4873 (Tara)

• DOLPHIN BAY The ultimate 2/2 in over 1900 square feet of living space. Exceptional property with split floor plan, each bedroom with private bath. Large kitchen with sit-in area and expansive living/ dining space. Spacious lanai with great views of the ICW. Garage. Pool, clubhouse, tennis, and day dock. Short walk to Siesta Beach. MLS #A4178449, $720,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-544-3299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186. • HARBOUR TOWNE YACHT CLUB Beautifully renovated and furnished 3/3 with deeded 40’ dock and 10k lift. Garage and storage. Across the street from Siesta Beach. Great boating community of 50 families. Gated, pool, spa, tennis, clubhouse, grilling area, marina. MLS# A4196664, $659,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-544-3299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186. • SOMERSET COVE Fabulous single family home in gated community of just 11 residences. Large 2,758 square feet, 3 bedroom, 3 1/2 bath with 2 car garage plus bonus space. Boat dock with water and electric only minutes to ICW and Gulf. Walk to beach and Village. MLS # A4201541, $849,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-544-3299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186. • HARBOUR TOWNE YACHT CLUB Walking distance to Siesta Beach and quick free shuttle to

Siesta and mid-Key Villages. Deeded dock only minutes to the Gulf. Water views! Fabulous 2/2 end unit. Attached garage. Gated community with pool, tennis, Clubhouse. MLS# A4207562, $465,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-544-3299 or Sheri: 941400-4186.

Point of Rocks. This home comes equipped with hurricane proof windows and 100-year metal roof rated for 180 mph winds. Enjoy the Mediterranean style patio, brick paver entry to home and full privacy windows! 6708 Sarasea Cir #103, Siesta Key, $399,400 MLS #A4202591, Key Solutions Real Estate (941) 894-1255

• SARA SANDS 3/2 remodeled and furnished ranch home at the north end of Siesta Key. Easy bike to the Village and Beach. Outdoor living at its best.- located at the end of a canal with a great water view, dock with lift, tiki hut, beautiful pool, outdoor fireplace, huge screened lanai, RV parking!. If you enjoy entertaining, this is the one! MLS #A4211194, $1,350,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-5443299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186.

• AN ISLAND GEM This 4BD/3BA home is situated in a canopy neighborhood on a private cul-de-sac. A quick walk to “Point of Rocks” beach and Crescent Beach. Home has a solar PV system that provides over half of the electrical needs. This home sits on just under one-half acre and is considered one of the largest lots in the sought-after Mangroves subdivision! Even has a downstairs space that would make a perfect “mother-in-law” suite. 1237 Sea Plume Way, Siesta Key, $775,000 MLS #A4207945, Key Solutions Real Estate, 941894-1255

• MID CENTURY BEAUTY This 3BD/3BA home, is a former Ralph Twitchell show home with an amazing open floor plan and high ceilings located on a quiet canal front corner lot. Has a 7K lbs. boat lift and is a short 5-minute commute to the bay. Has a new modern kitchen with gorgeous Brazilian granite counter tops. 505 Givens St, Siesta Key, $958,000 MLS #A4160488, Key Solutions Real Estate, 941894-1255 • SIESTA KEY BEACH LIVING This ground level unit is just a short walk down a private street, Sara Sea Circle, to one of the best beaches. This 2BD/2BA beach home has private beach access, close to shopping, restaurants and

• OUTDOOR LIVING AT IT’S BEST This 3BD/2BA home is built on a large corner lot and includes an 800 sq. ft. covered and screened lanai with gas fire pit, 75” TV, and top of the line furnishings to seat 25+! This ideal island ranch home in Sara Sands community is minutes to the beach and Siesta Village. Home has abundant sliding glass doors & windows, white wood flooring throughout, and boasts a newer kitchen and an oversized 2 car garage. Must see! 654 Sandy Nook St, Siesta Key, $1,350,000 MLS #A4211194, Key Solutions Real Estate, 941-8941255


Siesta Sand

MAY 2018






• Best Western Plus Siesta Key – AAA -3 Diamond Property, • Hawk’s Nest Construction Inc. is a certified Class A general Free shuttle service to and from Siesta Key 941-924-4900, 6600 S. contractor licensed in all phases of construction. Owner, Mark ermatology Tamiami Trl., Sarasota Hawkins Sr. personally oversees every aspect of your project from start to finish, using only the best and most reliable licensed artisan kin anCer • Siesta 4 Rent - Vacation Rentals, from studios to 5 bedrooms. and craftsmen. His passion is delighting his clients by turning their Serving Siesta Key since 1997, 941-349-5500 home-improvement dreams into a beautiful reality. aSer otox Call 941-650-9499 or visit their website: ANNUAL ISLAND RENTAL anD air ail www.hawksnestconstruction.com. • Annual Rental in Sandy Cove neighborhood. Furnished, iSorDerS 1BD/1BA, ground level, granite counters. Two patios, private • Nutter Custom Construction is your local Siesta Key builder. J Morgan Amy Fenenga Sara Popovich We have a strong team with over 30 years of combined high end O’Donoghue, MD. PA-C PA-C beach, fishing pier, lake views (swimmable lake). Near Village. 1952 Field Road No smoking, no pets. Only 1 renter allowed. $1650 per month. residential construction experience in Sarasota and Lakewood Sarasota, Florida 34231 Ranch. We offer custom construction, remodeling services, www.dermatologyexperts.com Call 631-790-7254. management & consulting, concierge service, and we are committed to protecting our resources by using construction techniques that • Paradise Dermatology offers comprehensive dermatologic care BEACH & BABY EQUIPMENT RENTALS are environmentally friendly. www.nuttercustomconstruction.com including full body skin checks, medical dermatology care, Mohs 3534 South Osprey Ave. 941-924-1868. skin cancer surgery, and cosmetic treatments. Sarasota office: 3355 Clark Road, Suite #101, 941-202-5524. www/paradisederm.com

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• Quality Screening, Window & Door Inc. Windows • Doors • Glass • Repair, 4384 Independence Court, Sarasota, 34234 (941) 953-2670. CGC 1505896 / CBC 1250402 • Wilson Windows is a State Certified General Contractor specializing in glass porch enclosures and window replacement. They offer only top quality products installed by professionally trained technicians. All projects are engineered and permitted to meet the new state building codes related to impact, water infiltration and high velocity windload calculations. Their services include window repair, new custom screens, glass cut to size, and hard to find window parts inventory at both locations. Fully insured and their work is guaranteed. 941-921-1113, www. wilson-window.com.


5145 Ocean Blvd. Sarasota, FL 34242 Owned and Operated by NRT, LLC

• Making things happen on Siesta Key with Real Estate agents Bob and Sheri Ruiz from Key Solutions Real Estate Group. If you are looking to buy or sell on the Key contact us. Bob Ruiz 941-544-3299 RobertRuizRR@aol.com, Sheri Ruiz 941-400-4186 SheriLasley@aol.com • Your Siesta Dunes and Landings Preferred Partners in Real Estate, Judy Greene 941-350-0451 and Tara Lamb 941-266-4873 with Michael Sanders & Company 5100 Ocean Blvd Siesta Key 34242 JudyGreene@MichaelSanders.com


Sailing From Marina Jack, Sarasota

Kathleen D Sailing Catamaran 941-896-6400


5 for $9 Lunch Specials 11 am - 2 pm

Your Choice:


• Siesta Key Marina Located at 1265 Old Stickney Point Rd, Siesta Key, has been serving Sarasota boaters and fishermen since 1961. A staple in the Sarasota boating community, offering 243 dry storage racks, a full service ship store, onsite boat service, boat rentals, bait, fuel, fishing tackle and more. 941-349-1970 • Sip-N-Cycle Cruises. Ahoy Siesta Key, Sarasota & surrounding areas! We are the areas Ultimate Party Boat! Join us aboard our 16-passenger bike-boat-bar for scenic cruises along the intracoastal waterways. Bring aboard your favorite beverages, crank your tunes, cycle and sip away as we cruise the picturesque waterfront on a boat experience unlike anything else. Come sip, sip away with Sip-N-Cycle Cruises! BAYFRONT EXCURSIONS 8865 MIDNIGHT PASS ROAD SIESTA KEY, 34242 CALL US at 1-833-747-2929 www.sipncyclecruises.com

Environmentally Conscious Laundry and Dry Cleaning Service

All entrees served with your choice of fries, baked beans or coleslaw.

Free Pick Up & Delivery Service Call

from your home or business



ExEcutivE Shirt SErvicE • houSEhold itEmS • SamE day SErvicE availablE


6507 S Tamiami Trl, Sarasota

Bring this ad or electronic copy to receive


on your next visit!

“Residential and Commercial”

Insured, Bonded and Licensed by The National Home Watch Association.

We don’t cut corners, we dust them.

GreenMagicCleaning@gmail.com Call for a FREE estimate today!

(941) 961-4309


House Watch Sarasota

Licensed and Insured Affordable and Dependable Service Solutions For Your Home While You Are Away

Breakfast and Lunch Served 7:30am -2:30pm

4832 S. Tamiami Tr. (The Landings Plaza, next to Publix)



Olde Fashion Barber Shop

Tapers • Flattops • Fades • Styling • Razor Cuts • Shaves


“Hot La

(941) 780-4248

Place your classified ad here for $6. (15 words) and $.10 for each additional word. Copy must be submitted with payment on or before the 15th of the month prior to publication. For display ads, please call 941-349-0194 for rates.

• Wraps:

(turkey bacon, buffalo shrimp or buffalo chicken)


Green Magic Cleaning Service • High quality services • Competitive rates • Great references • Always the same crew www.SarasotaHouseCleaningService.com

(available grilled)

Chef Driven Cuisine with Innovative Twists on All Your Favorites


A family owned business with 16 years of experience.

• Cheeseburger • 10 Boneless Wings • Grilled Chicken Salad • Buffalo Chicken Sandwich,


South Gate Barber Shop (Across from Southgate Mall)

R. BRuce Whittinghill, llc (941) 955-1864

Call or e-mail sarasotabruce1@housewatchsrq.com housewatchsrq.com for quotes and references Serving SaraSota and Surrounding areaS Since 1979

2081 Siesta Drive, Sarasota, FL 34239

Walk-Ins Welcome

Monday-Friday 9 AM-6 PM; Saturday 9 AM-4PM




MAY 2018

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

MarinerWord Search Classifieds / Here’s My Card


Answers to the WORD SEARCH found on page 33



Earth Day Every Day RV4CASH

• Massage Experience Siesta Key Open 7-day a week. 5138A Ocean Blvd, Siesta Key, 941-349-4833. (MA17596/MM6727).


Kayla Kunz Hair Stylist

4141 S. Tamiami Trail - Sarasota, FL 34231 - 941-685-4994 • Stylish Cuts Hair Salon offers inspired artistry and design that’s affordable. Please see our display ad for valuable coupons and call us for your next hair appointment. For your convenience, we are now open daily and located next to Peltz and Carrbbas near the Stickney Point Bridge. 1902 Stickney Point Road. 941-7064041.


Answers from Page 22


All Motor Homes, 5th Wheels and Travel Trailers Any Condition! Cash Paid On The Spot!




Looking for Siesta Sand off-island? Pick up a copy at the following locations:


4&20 Patsy Co........................................................................................................5638 Swift Rd.

• A Bridge for Independence provides in home companion services including companionship, transportation, light housekeeping, medication reminders and meal preparation and planning. Call us at 866-279-4390, FL License #230517

Abel’s Ice Cream: Southbridge Plaza.................................................... 1886 Stickney Pt. Rd.

• Family First Homecare is there when someone you love needs a little extra TLC. Independently owned, we provide quality homecare services for your family’s needs. Give us a call and allow us to see how we can help. 941-444-2432. www.myfamilyfirsthc.com

A’s Sandwich............................................................................................6300 S. Tamiami Trail Alpine Steak House.................................................................................4520 S. Tamiami Trail Best Western Plus.....................................................................................6600 S. Tamiami Trail Casey Key Fish House................................................................ 801 Blackburn Point, Osprey


Corkscrew Deli: Landings Shopping Plaza * ....................................4982 S. Tamiami Trail

• Robin Hood Rentals – for all your Siesta Key rental needs with a wide variety segways, bikes, kayaks, scooters and more, free pickup and delivery anywhere on the key. 5255 Ocean Blvd Siesta Key Village. 941-554-4242

Culver’s......................................................................................................7520 S. Tamiami Trail

• Siesta Key Bike & Kayak – Located on Siesta Key in Capt Curts Village serving Siesta Key, Lido Beach and Sarasota. We offer bikes, kayak rentals, kayak eco tours, paddleboards and scooters. 1224 Old Sickney Pt Rd. 941-346-0891 • Siesta Sports Rentals – Located on Siesta Key, bike, kayak, kayak tours, scooter, children strollers and car seats. Delivery and pickup available, 6551 Midnight Pass Rd, 941-346-1797


Sarasota’s Premier “Chauffeur”

Airport Rides

Dutch Valley Restaurant........................................................................6721 S. Tamiami Trail Eager Beaver Carwash *..........................................................................6449 S. Tamiami Trail Economy Tackle *.....................................................................................6018 S. Tamiami Trail Fresh Catch Market & Grill: Buccaneer Plaza....................................7119 S. Tamiami Trail Gecko’s Restaurant..................................................................................6606 S. Tamiami Trail Grasshopper Mexican Restaurant & Bar.............................................7253 S. Tamiami Trail Ham Heaven & Devil Dogs/GG*....................................................................2647 Mall Drive Hibiscus Suites..................................................................................... 1735 Stickney Point Rd. Hooters........................................................................................................6507 S Tamiami Trail Philadelphia Cheesesteaks.....................................................................7523 S. Tamiami Trail

Starting At Only

30 941.735.4732 $

Phillippi Creek Oyster Bar.....................................................................5353 S. Tamiami Trail Plaza Mexico Restaurant: Southbridge Plaza................................. 1894 Stickney Point Rd.

All Ports In Florida

Stress Free • Smooth and Easy Ask for Eddie

Pride of the South Restaurant/GG............................................................ 6616 Superior Ave. Sarasota Brewing /GG.................................................................................6607 Gateway Ave.

Transportation for everyone on the Sun Coast Friendliest Ride In Town

Solorzano’s Pizza /GG................................................................................. 6670 Superior Ave. Special Nutrition Store: Southbridge Plaza......................................... 1882 Stickney Pt. Rd. The Oaks BBQ..........................................................................................6112 S. Tamiami Trail The Shop SRQ/GG......................................................................................6625 Gateway Ave. The Table Creekside................................................................................5365 S. Tamiami Trail Tony’s Chicago Dogs/GG........................................................................... 6569 Superior Ave.



15-20 MINUTE RESPONSE TIME (Based upon traffic)

Word of Mouth/GG.....................................................................................6604 Gateway Ave. Interested in Distributing our Publication? Call 941-349-0194 NOTE: * Denotes availability first week of each month only.


Siesta Key Beach Siesta Village Turtle Beach


Restaurants and Accommodations Operating 10AM to 2AM Daily


• Jonny’s Original Free Ride – The Original Ride the Key Free service on Siesta to anywhere, everyday from 10 AM – 2 AM. Driver tips only. Call 941-928-9200. • Dollar Limo – holds up to 10 people and is cheaper than a D.U.I or taxi. Call 941-735-4732

TO ADVERTISE CALL 941-349-0194


Emergency (General)...................................................................................................................911 Emergency Animal Clinic.......................................................................................... 941-929-1818 Fishing & Hunting Licenses...................................................................................... 941-362-9888 FPL – Florida Power & Light..................................................................................... 941-917-0708 FPL – Outage Report...............................................................................................1-800-468-8243 Marriage License Bureau........................................................................................... 941-362-4066 Poison Info Center...................................................................................................1-800-282-3171 Sarasota / Bradenton Intl. Airport........................................................................... 941-359-2770 Sarasota County Area Transit (SCAT)..................................................................... 941-316-1234 Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce........................................................................... 941-349-3800 Sheriff / non-emergency........................................................................................... 941- 861-1601 Waste Management.................................................................................................... 941-924-1254


Siesta Sand

MAY 2018

Snapshots of Island Visitors Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography



Accommodations Locator Map

Vallory age 5, Vivonne age 7, and Vivienne 10 months from CT

F Siesta Key Inn F Siesta Palms by the Beach

Š Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2017



FREE Oral Sedation $28 0 valu e (D9248) Will need driver. Uninsured patients only. During regular business hours. Not valid with any other offers. After hours and weekends are extra.* Expires 6-30-2018.

MAY 2018

- Extractions - Pain Relief - Root Canals - Dental Fillings - Trauma - Broken Teeth

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


- Swollen Jaw - Prescriptions - Denture Repair - Objects Caught Between Teeth - Re-cement Crowns

- Infections - Abscesses

(941) 244-4944

If you are in need of emergency dental care, please do not hesitate to contact us, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.




Siesta Sand

MAY 2018

Island Girl



This month’s Island Girl is Vanessa. Siesta Beach is one of her all time favorite places on earth. She loves to participate in as many volleyball tournaments on America’s number one beach as possible. Anytime there’s a volleyball tournament along the incredible Gulf coastline, you’ll probably find Vanessa enjoying the sun, warm breeze and competitive volleyball. If you would like to be considered for our next Island Girl, contact us at islandvp@verizon.net (You must be at least 18 years old to participate)


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