Why the world comes to Sarasota
LookingÊ GoodÊ andÊ FeelingÊ Great,Ê doesÊ notÊ happenÊ byÊ accident.Ê
NOVEMBER 2015 | 941.349.0194 | ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC | www.SiestaSand.net | COMPLIMENTARY
Complete Crystal Classic Sand-Sculpting Schedule
Watching the Sun Set at Siesta Town House
Additional improvements coming to Siesta Beach, but some condo residents have concerns By Roger Drouin Construction is wrapping up on the $21.5-million Siesta Public Beach makeover, and work is expected to end in January. During the last few months of construction work, some additional enhancements will be coming to the park, as Sarasota County extends improvements to the far western end of the park. The first of two improvements on the west end of the public beach is a pavilion informally called the wedding pavilion, or west pavilion. The pavilion, which is under construction, will have a modern architectural air, similar to the 18 pre-cast concrete picnic structures engineered and constructed for the Siesta Public Beach project. The new pavilion will utilize the footprint of an existing dune walkover platform and will include up to five picnic tables under a roof.
Cost savings netted during the 24-month, $21.5 million makeover at Sarasota’s crown jewel on the beach made the addition of the west pavilion to the overall construction project possible. In addition, the County Commission will hear a variance request Nov. 10 for a project to install eight more of the picnic structures on the west
Taking a Stand
end (also commonly referred to as the north end) of the park. If this project is approved, eight current wood “two-pole” structures will be replaced with the new, pre-cast concrete picnic structures recently installed throughout the park. The concrete shelters — inspired by the Sarasota School of Architecture — were recognized by the Florida chapter of the
American Institute of Architects as the winner of the Merit Award for an Object design, and once placed on the beach, came out “nicer” than expected, noted Gaubatz, Sarasota County Public Works Project Manager. “Those pre-cast shelter are really signature pieces,” said Gaubatz. Continued on page 30
By Roger Drouin
SKA and residents led effort to protect coastal setback line
Sandy toes, salty kisses, happily ever after begins here
An interview with John Whiteleather
Recent history has shown that Mother Nature can quickly cause damage to a home that’s too close to the water. One example took place several years ago, when nature filled a pool completely in with sand and saltwater at a Gulf-front home on Blind Pass Road. Because a previous structure had been historically located on this South Siesta property, the structure had been “grandfathered,” and thus a newer home was allowed to be built closer to the water than nearby homes. Across the Key, several homes have even “been washed away” in the past, noted Catherine Luckner, second Vice President of the Siesta Key Association, These examples illustrate why it is important, for Luckner, that the county consistently enforces it’s Gulf Beach Setback Line (GBSL) that was enacted in 1979. “It is important that the County
ordinance is upheld fairly and consistently,” Luckner told Siesta Sand. “We support property owners on Siesta Key, and have concerns that other future buyers may be unaware of the regulations. We hope purchase disclose documents will give guidance to future buyers.” And that’s why a vote Oct. 14 by the County Commission was such a key decision, Luckner says. Commissioners unanimously voted to deny the request of Siesta Key property owners Sania and Ron Allen seeking a variance, for the fourth time, to build a home completely seaward of the county’s GBSL. The coastal setback rules prevent construction on the dune habitat, and help prevent beach erosion and mitigate the effects of floods from significant storm events, such as Tropical Storm Debby in June 2012, which led to significant flooding of
Beach Road. In addition to 162 Beach Road, 22 other properties throughout Siesta Key are located past the GBSL. (See Map above)
“Not only about that lot”
The Allens submitted plans to build a 2,779-square-foot home at the 7,429-square-foot property at 162 Beach Road. The size of the home’s habitable space was a 10 percent reduction, compared to
the owners’ most recent plans that were denied previously by the County Commission. The amount of pavers would also be reduced by 40 percent. The location of the parcel is what was at the heart of the issue. The land at 162 Beach Road has been submerged under water intermittently, during past decades, according to county staff.
Continued on page 3
See Page 19
Abel’s Ice Cream Prepared for the Holiday Season Notes from the Island Fishmonger Scott Dolan
With Thanksgiving and Christmas rapidly approaching, Abel’s is adding seasonal ice cream flavors for the holiday season. New for 2015 is a Pumpkin flavor ice cream, it tastes scrumptious. This flavor would taste great made into an Abel’s ice cream pie, a popular after dinner dessert. Returning by popular demand is Peppermint Flash (refreshing and vibrant peppermint ice cream filled with peppermint candy). Coconut Pineapple (tropical coconut ice cream with a delicious and chunky swirl of pineapple) was a flavor of the month last August. There has been an overwhelming request to offer this
flavor again. It will be available through the end of this year! Abel’s Ice Cream’s brand of fine chocolate is Sweet Shop USA. This nationally renowned manufacturer of handmade truffles, dark and milk chocolate almond bars, peanut butter cups and turtles makes a great hostess gift for the holidays. Hand pick your items and they will be packed in a box that holds four to six chocolates or a box that holds ten to twelve chocolates. If you have never experienced Abel’s Ice Cream, visit either the TripAdvisor or Yelp traveler’s web sites to learn what actual customers have to say about their ice
cream, service, facility and staff. Abel’s is rated the #1 ice cream business in Sarasota on both of these popular web sites. They are located at 1886 Stickney Point Road, phone 921-5700, web site www.abelsicecream.com and are open seven days a week.
Siesta Sand
November 2015
941.349.0194 www.siestasand.net
County secures final permits for South Siesta Renourishment By Roger Drouin
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Speaker: Laird S. Wreford, Coastal Initiatives Mgr. Topic: Turtle Beach Park Renovation and Renourishment public is always welcome with questions for our guests.
Sarasota County is on track to start construction in mid-January of the long-planned South Siesta Renourishment project. The county has secured all final permits, including a permit from the Army Corps of Engineers and approval by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. “The county now has all permits in hand to move forward with construction of the project,” county spokesman Jason Bartolone told Siesta Sand. The final federal permit was issued following a lengthy delay due to unanticipated issues regarding a listed species. The potential stopover of the Rufa Red Knot during migration delayed the permitting process, and since spring the county had also been working to put specific safeguards in place to protect both the Red Knot and Loggerhead sea turtles. In March, county officials let residents know the scheduled start date for the project had been
delayed, because of the potential presence of the Red Knot, a threatened species protected by the Endangered Species Act in 2014. “The Red Knot is not very common in our area but it can potentially use our gulf shoreline during its trip,” Wreford told Siesta Sand in July. With final permits in hand, county officials are pushing for construction this winter. The construction bid was advertised in October, with bid opening scheduled for Nov. 10. The county won’t know final expected project costs until the proposals are received, county spokesman Jason Bartolone told Siesta Sand at the end of October. The next steps include: selecting a construction firm and negotiating a contract; presenting a construction contract and final funding plan to the County Commission Dec. 9; and to begin
Siesta Key Round-Up
New Pastor announced for St. Michaels the Archangel on Siesta Key
Parishioners of the Catholic Church received word on Sunday October 18 that a new Pastor was appointed to the parish. The new pastor, Reverend Michael Cannon will assume his new responsibilities on November 2. Father Cannon is a priest of the Diocese of Venice and has been the Pastor of St. James Parish in Lake Placid. Father Leo Smith has been the Parochial Vicar for the parish ever since Monsignor Joe Sterns retired this past year. Father Smith is being appointed as Administrator of St. Finbarr Parish in Naples and has been with St. Michaels for the past 15 months. Siesta Sand would like to thank Father Smith for his services. He will be truly missed.
Looking for The Village Barber?
As snowbirds begin returning to Siesta Key many are wondering; where did the Village Barber go? Back in July, Scott Reich announced that he’d be moving out of the Village and off the Key. Reich
sand placement in January 2016 and complete construction by April 30, 2016 — prior to sea turtle nesting season. In June, the South Siesta project got a needed financial boost when the legislature approved a $2.75 million state award for the project. The county, which originally requested $7 million in state funding, is still seeking additional state funding to defray costs. The project will add 800,000 cubic yards of sand to two miles of beach. It will buffer the eroded shoreline that was initially nourished with a million cubic yards of sand in 2007. The proposed renourishment is similar to the initial project in terms of scope —albeit at about three-quarters the amount of the sand. The most recent project cost estimate was close to $22 million.
By Bob Stein
and his stepfather Pete Sparks had been servicing patrons in the Village for the past 20 years. When the Siesta Center was sold and the new ownership of the Ocean Blvd., building was not quite meeting up to the expectations Reich and Sparks had of the new landlord, they decided to look elsewhere. Although Sparks chose to retire, Reich announced a move to The Shop SRQ at 6625 Gateway Ave. in Gulf Gate. You can reach Scott Reich at 941-346-0222.
Volunteers Needed
The Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce is seeking volunteers for their Visitor Center. As a volunteer you will have fun helping visitors find accommodations, places to shop, eat and the many attractions throughout Sarasota. It’s a great place to become active and involved in the Siesta Key community, whether you are a full time or seasonal resident. Volunteers also have the opportunity to attend Chamber networking functions and special events. You must be familiar with the local area, some computer knowledge, and the ability to handle a busy environment! Please contact, Mia Leone, Visitor Center
& Volunteer Manager at 941-3493800 or stop by the Chamber office at 5114 Ocean Boulevard.
Pirates Invade Siesta Key
Come celebrate Sand Fest 2015 in your pirate attire on Siesta Key public beach. The Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce is holding its annual party at the beach. This year the theme is a Pirate Invasion. The event will feature Pirate Cuisine provided by SK area restaurants along with live music, dancing and a live auction. This fun annual event will take place Friday, November 6 from 6 to 10 pm. at the Siesta Key Public Beach Pavilion. For reservations call 941349-3800, $30 for members - $36 for non-members.
SKA seeks board members
The Siesta Key Association has a rich tradition of representing and proactively lobbying for the rights of the citizens of Siesta Key, and it is becoming ever more critical to have an active body that represents the interest of all property owners on Siesta Key. Continued on page 5
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Taking a Stand The Allens were seeking a coastal setback variance and a second, 4-foot street-yard variance so the structure could be built closer to the street. According to county staff, the entire property at 162 Beach Road is located seaward of the GBSL, and 100 percent of the property consists of dune habitat that is predominantly vegetated with a variety of desirable native dune plant species. The GBSL allows for a “minimally” habitable space, which can be approved by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) on lots that have history of known structures. Granting the two variances and allowing the property owners to build the home at 162 Beach Road Beach would have been precedent setting. “That lot is not only about that lot,” Luckner said, noting the 22 other properties located seaward of the coastal setback line. Approval of the coastal setback variance, Luckner says, may have had other potential impacts on the Key. “What could be the message to other property owners whose lots are also seaward of the GBSL? Even if they had been turned down in the past, this would question the consistency in permit practice of the GBSL,” Luckner said. It could even have sent a message to Siesta property owner’s wanting to add a deck or build a pool beyond the GBSL — even if the county had turned down plans in the past. “It would have opened the flood gates,” Luckner said. If Commissioners were to grant the variance, Wade Matthews, conservation chairman of the Sarasota Audubon Society, told the board, it would appear “there is a longstanding coastal setback line that the County Commission does not really feel serious about.” Approving the variance could have also ultimately impacted
November 2015
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Continued from cover story
flood insurance rates on the Key, Luckner noted, because the rates are related to how closely Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) coastal standards are upheld. Each time the Allens (and the previous owners at 162 Beach Road) requested a setback variance, SKA had asked the County Commission to carefully review the GBSL and sent FDEP questions regarding such development on each of the five separate requests. In an Oct. 12 letter sent on behalf of the organization’s board members to county commissioners, SKA wrote: “This parcel exists within a State of Florida defined area of Critical Beach Erosion. While an accreted shoreline currently is noted, there is repeated history of rapid flooding and storm surge. The vegetated dune, described in the Variance Petition, is a defense against storm surge for residential and business properties landward of the GBSL. The Gulf Beach Setback Line (GBSL) and Barrier Island Pass 20 year High Hazard Line (PHL) provide governance for development to enhance property owner safety, protect our natural environment and secure property value.”
Taking a stand
At one point in the County Commission meeting Oct. 14, Peter van Roekens, secretary of the Terrace East condominium, which is located next to 162 Beach Road, asked audience members who were opposed to the coastal variance request to stand to make their position on the issue known. More than 30 people in the Commission Chambers stood. “No [county] commission has ever approved new construction on a lot that is seaward of Gulf Beach Setback Line,” van Roekens told commissioners. “You know water has coursed through this property on many occasions, and
it will do it again.” Speakers pointed out during the meeting that 162 Beach Road has never had a structure on it. “This is not the place you want to have a permanent home, and the only things to do is back up and have another use there,” said Matthews, the Audubon conservation chair. Matthews also noted that he had been surprised to see piping plovers between the property at 162 Beach Road and the shore. Piping Plovers are a Federally protected migrant which increasingly are appearing on the barrier island. “Those birds are equally as rare as the snowy plovers, and I’ve never personally seen one on Siesta Key before,” Matthews said. Matthews added: “This current owner [the Allens] purchased the property knowing existing regulations were in place on it, and that should be taken into consideration.” Siesta Key resident Tim Haake echoed this sediment: “This lot was purchased with full knowledge of these regulations in place.”
A reduced footprint
Hoping to secure approval for the variance, the Allens had offered to remove exotic vegetation, provide a plan for native, dune vegetation, and reduced the size of the home to 2,779 square-feet—a 10 percent reduction in the size of habitable space. The previous request was for a 3,088-square-foot home built 175.65 feet seaward of the GBSL. The current request detailed 2,779 square feet of habitable area and 170 feet seaward of the GBSL. “The petitioners have reduced and minimized the footprint of their single family home,” said William Merrill III, a land use attorney and partner with the Icard Merrill firm.
Attorney Bill Merrill, representing property owners Ronald and Sania Allen, speaks to County Commissioners.
“You heard me say this ten times,” Merrill said at the meeting, “this is a vacant lot that was platted in 1926. Without the variance, my client cannot use this property.” Merrill noted the home is of a similar size to the home to the north, and would be constructed on pilings. “This is an expected use,” Merrill said. “This is a minimum use that is permitted in the RMF 1 zoning district.” Merrill cautioned that, based on previous court cases, denying the petition “would be a categorical taking and thus an unreasonable hardship.” “We do think this is our last stance before we go to litigation, and we don’t want to do this,” Merrill said. “The other option would be for the county to buy it [the lot].” “One way or the other, my clients either need to have this house approved, or they need to unfortunately litigate it or the county has to say ‘yes we will buy it,’” Merrill said. But Merrill told commissioners the “easiest and best route” is to approve this variance(s). But commissioners ended up voting down the coastal setback variance. The motion to deny the setback variance was made by Commissioner Paul Caragiulo, and seconded by Commissioner
Alan Maio, who represents Siesta Key. Commissioner Paul Caragiulo said although he is the “proproperty rights guy and probusiness guy,” he believed allowing the Allens to construct the 2,779-square-foot home on a lot that has been submerged in past decades would set “a precedent I’m really not comfortable with.” “And ultimately, maybe we do need a judge to tell us what to do in a very specific situation like this,” Caragiulo added. The commissioner said he was comfortable having county staff look into the prospect of purchasing the parcel at 162 Beach Road. Commissioner Maio added: “I can’t come up with a reason that I should vote differently than three prior county commissions voted.” “It does matter to me that it was purchased after it was denied once, and the GBSL predates this,” Maio said. “Maybe that’s not legal grounds. Maybe a judge does have to decide this.” Both Caragiulo and Maio noted how tough coastal setback variance decisions can be. “Every one of these, we manage to upset someone,” Maio said. Commissioner Christine Robinson said she believed it had not been shown that a “No” vote to the variance would equate to a property taking at 162 Beach Road. “Is this the minimum variance necessary? I don’t think it was shown in this case,” Robinson said. Robinson referenced photos shown by county staff illustrating that the property had been flooded throughout the years. Robinson said, “I’ve been particularly hard on coastal variances in the past. It has tremendous impact on the surrounding residences, especially when you start talking about some of the pictures that we have seen.”
Siesta Sand
November 2015
941.349.0194 www.siestasand.net
The Lobster Pot celebrates its 15th Anniversary For Tony and Mark Medeiros, serving up New England-style seafood at their Siesta Key restaurant is a family tradition. The original Lobster Pot was opened in 1940 in Cape Cod, Massachusetts by their grandparents, Adeline and Ralph, the son of a Portuguese fisherman. By 1969, the couple’s son Glen, while waiting to be approved to be a chef on a cruise ship, had come to Florida to visit a brother and ended up staying in the state and working for his brother instead. In 2000, after owning a freestanding Wags later named Southern Kettle restaurant in Bradenton, Glen and his wife Kathy decided to open a new Lobster Pot on Siesta Key and get back to his New England seafood roots. Today the couple, along with Tony, Mark and their wives Francine and Claire, try to provide an authentic “old Cape Cod” experience for loyal customers at their Siesta Village restaurant. This month, they will be celebrating the eatery’s 15th anniversary. “This is an authentic, classy, casual New England-style restaurant,” Tony
said. “It’s what you typically see in New England, right down to the decor.” Red-checkered tablecloths and large stuffed fish mounted on the walls may set the tone, but it’s the food that completes the Cape Cod experience at the Lobster Pot. The brothers say that some of the recipes on the menu come directly from the original Lobster Pot, and their grandmother’s cookbook. “The Baked Stuffed Lobster Duchess, which is stuffed with shrimp, scallops, crab and lobster, is from my grandmother’s recipes,” Mark said. “The Portuguese Kale Soup is also hers.” Other lobster dishes on the menu include favorites like Lobster Thermidor, Lobster Mac and Cheese, Lobster Rolls and of course, a Maine Lobster Tail dinner. But the large crustaceans are not the only seafood delicacies at the Lobster Pot--clams, oysters, crab, salmon and fresh fish are also available. “We bring in a lot of different types of fresh fish, that are not necessarily on the menu,” Tony said. “Cobia, sea bass pompano are some of the ones we get.”
For those who would like to order a taste of New England for a special occasion, the restaurant offers off-site catering. As long as you have at least 20 people, your guests can enjoy a genuine New England lobster dinner, complete with lobster, clams, mussels, shrimp and corn on the cob, cooked in big steamer pots right at your location. On Saturday, November 7, from noon to 4 p.m., the Medeiros family is having a big 15th anniversary celebration at its Ocean Blvd. restaurant. Guests can enjoy wine and craft beer, lobster rolls and a soup station, as well as a t-shirt shop, musical entertainment and face painting for the kids. 10% of all proceeds raised during the day will be donated to a local children’s charity. The Lobster Pot is at 5157 Ocean Blvd., in Siesta Village, and is open Monday through Thursday, from 11:30 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Friday and Saturday, from 11:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Beginning in January, the restaurant will be open on Sundays, from 5 to 9 p.m. For more information and a look at the menu, visit the website at www. SarasotaLobsterPot.com, or call 941349-2323.
By Debbie Flessner
Tony and Mark Medeiros are two of the family members who regularly work in the restaurant. Photo by Debbie Flessner
November 2015
Siesta Key Round-Up SKA needs board members who can actively participate in subcommittees which work closely with the County to beautify our island, look after the environment and ensure that zoning laws are followed, so that we can look forward to maintaining the essence of Siesta Key which is so important to all of us. Please contact info@ siestakeyassociation.com if you wish to become a board member. If you don’t have the time to participate in subcommittees, you can learn more about what is happening in your community and contribute your ideas by attending any of the monthly SKA Board Meetings. Become a SKA member for only $30 a year. SKA is the closest thing to an island government.
Siesta Key Association discusses Turtle Beach renourishment
The guest speaker for the monthly meeting will be Laird Wreford, Coastal Initiatives Manager for the Environmental Protection Division of Sarasota County Government. SKA has received many requests for information regarding Turtle Beach renourishment and renovation of the camp ground and park amenities. The meeting will be at St. Boniface Church 5615 Midnight Pass Road Room F on Thurs. Nov. 5 at 4:30 pm.
Siesta Key resident appointed to Tourist Development Council
Siesta Key resident Vern Johnson, a longtime volunteer at the Siesta Chamber was appointed to the Tourist Development Council by The County Commissioners on Tues. Sept 22 for a term of 4 years. The Tourist Development Council (TDC) makes recommendations on tourism policy to the Sarasota County Commissioners and oversees the use of tourist development tax revenues pursuant to Florida law. The Council also examines the changing dynamics affecting the county’s tourist development, cultural environment, beach maintenance and restoration, and responds to the needs of the tourist industry.
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Continued from page 2
Johnson was living in California as a NCR Executive when AT&T purchased the Company. The decision to move to Siesta Key was easy, as he owned a Condo at Gulf and Bay Club, establishing Residency in 1990. “All my travels while working kept calling me back to Siesta.” Johnson stated. As a ch a r t e r me mb e r of the Beach Ambassadors and a graduate of Civics 101 sponsored by the County Commissioners, his desire to be involved in tourism grew. After attending TDC meetings over the past two years, Johnson decided to apply for one of the vacancies.
Siesta Key Condo Council meeting
Siesta Key Condominium Council will be holding their membership meeting November 17, 3 p.m. at the Siesta Key Presbyterian Chapel, in the Fellowship Hall at 4615 Gleason Avenue, east of Siesta Village. The speaker will be Attorney Daniel J. Lobeck from the law offices of Lobeck and Hanson. Topic to be discussed will be 2015 legislative session changes which include authority and procedures for online voting, process for levying enforcement fines, maintenance of Association records, disregarding restrictive endorsements on
Marine Laboratory was monitoring the red tide algae bloom. The Florida Red Tide and other Harmful Algae Blooms government organization— comprised of Fish and Wildlife Research Institute in conjunction with Mote Marine Laboratory— received confirmed reports of respiratory irritation at three Sarasota beaches: Nokomis, Siesta Key, and North Jetty. On Oct. 13, the North Jetty also reported some dead fish on shore. Residents and beachgoers can stay informed and visit the Beach Conditions Reporting System for real and near-time beach information: www.coolcloud. mote.org/bcrs/
checks, use of proxy copies, meeting notices by email to owners, clarification of manager’s authority, and update on therapy animal rules. Condominium owners, board members, and managers are encouraged and welcomed to attend the meeting.
Red tide detected
Cell counts of the Red Tide organism Karenia brevis reached “high” concentrations in early October at two docks located near Mote Marine Laboratory on City Island in Sarasota. Some beaches in Sarasota were experiencing human and aquatic health impacts of Red Tide. Mote
Join The
Recognize these faces?
Come join in the fun by volunteering in our Visitor’s Center at the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce. It’s a wonderful way to meet people and share the great island we all know and enjoy.
Call Mia Leone at
for details about regular shift and substitute volunteering
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Siesta Sand
November 2015
Enjoy a real island experience My family and I have not been on the Key in years, but with our recent visit to Sarasota, we had to take in the #1 Beach in the USA again. The trip to the Key was worth it, not just the morning walk on the beach but also some time spent in the Village. Our group made our way to Siesta Village for some coffee and breakfast. This was the beginning of a wonderful day. We could not help but see the Tiki looking building on Ocean Blvd and it just screamed Tropical Paradise. It was Gilligan’s Island Bar & Grill that is connected to Lelu Coffee Lounge. This is where we started our day. Lelu is a great little surf inspired coffee shop that boasts the areas best coffee. We were not disappointed. Island inspired breakfasts like eggs with cuban black beans and sweet plantains, the bombora burrito and Huevos Rancheros were only a few of the choices on the breakfast menu. Not only do they have an extensive choice of craft roasted espresso drinks, coffees and fresh fruit smoothies, they also served us a wicked Bloody Mary with our breakfast. After enjoying breakfast we hung out and took in the surf vibe and decided to sit on the back patio in this unique courtyard with our coffees. Palm Trees and Tiki lights, parrots chirping and hibiscus blooming and
941.349.0194 www.siestasand.net
By Clayton Pemberton
we knew we were in Paradise. As we were leaving, we poked our heads into CaliFlorida Surf & Skate located on the back Patio of Gilligan’s and lined up some paddle-boards and bikes to rent for later in the week. They have a great selection of beach attire and some really cool custom made longboards that filled this locally owned eclectic surf shop. We enjoyed wandering through the Village looking through all the shops and art stores. But that afternoon we all decided to head back to Gilligan’s for lunch and entertainment. Gilligan’s inside bar is filled with old Florida charm and the dining room has a great lime green 70’s Volkswagen Bus parked in front of the kitchen. This was easily the coolest looking beach bar we had wandered into in a while. A great Reggae band was getting ready to play an afternoon set so we ordered up some fresh squeezed Margaritas and grabbed a stool at the amazing outdoor tiki bar. The Tiki roof is 30 feet high and made for the most comfortable afternoon of great drinks and local entertainment in Siesta Key. By this point we were committed and we decided to order a fresh grilled, wild caught Grouper Sandwich, some jumbo peel and eat shrimp
and some out of this world coconut rum chicken wings to go with the Reggae and Tropical Libations. The Burgers we saw coming out of the VW Bus were visually delicious. Our waitress informed us that Gilligan’s uses only fresh Black Angus ground beef in the house made patties. Gilligan’s and Lelu bring in as much fresh and local foods as they can. From the Roasting of the Coffee beans and the Fresh baked bread, milk, eggs and produce from local farms, you can taste the freshness in every bite. We decided to order one of these half pounders topped with cheddar and bacon as well, and we were not let down. At Gilligan’s, the local Live entertainment runs all day and is followed by a live DJ at 10pm. Lelu also hosts Thursday Open-Mic Night, Jazz every Saturday night, serving craft beer, boutique wines and small batch liquors . So I guess we can look forward to an entire day & night of dancing and fun on Siesta Key. Coming to the Tiki Hut at Gilligan’s, Lelu Coffee Lounge and CaliFlorida Surf Shop makes for a Perfect Day at the beach. Everything you would ever want or hope to have is all right here. They are truly “Purveyors of Paradise”. When you come
off the Beach, get under the Hut and Get your Island on! Lelu Coffee Lounge 5251 Ocean Blvd. (941)-346-5358 www.LeluCoffee.com Gilligan’s Island Bar 5253 Ocean Blvd. (941)346-8122 www.GilligansIslandBar.com
November 2015
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
News Up & Down the Trail By Roger Drouin and Debbie Flessner Gator invasion
Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to a home invasion — of sorts — Oct. 12 in Osprey. A man found a gator next to the computer in his office and called for help. Good thing it was an alligator less than three feet long. Animal Services Officer Lauren Campbell said the creature was released into a nearby lake. No one knows how the gator got inside the home or how long it had been there. The home did not have a pet door. The Osprey resident called deputies before 2 p.m. to report that he had found the reptile in his home on the 100 block of Villa Drive.
One of the South’s Best
The Sarasota Farmers Market, long a staple of downtown, was listed in Southern Living magazine as one of the “South’s best farmers markets.” Going strong since 1979, the downtown farmers market now includes more than 70 vendors and over 5,000 square feet of produce and plants, according to the Farmers Market’s website. The Saturday market runs from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. along Lemon Avenue from First Street to Pineapple Avenue and along the intersecting portion of State Street.
Applebee’s on Main closes
After 18 years on Main Street, Applebee’s has closed its doors. Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill and Bar closed Sept. 30. The 5,835-square-foot space at 1991 Main Street was home to Applebee’s since 1997, when the Sarasota Main Plaza opened. The 8.6-acre Sarasota Main Plaza has been listed for sale since last summer by Cushman & Wakefield. The existing 253,504-square-foot plaza could be renovated, or with Downtown Core zoning and a central location in the heart of the city, it can be razed to clear way for a new development with condos, a hotel or other commercial uses.
New Orange and Main roundabout
Downtown Sarasota’s newest roundabout has opened to traffic.
The Orange Avenue/Main Street intersection was partially reopened to traffic at the end of September, and on Oct. 19 it opened completely. The project was completed ahead of the anticipated Nov. 11 completion date — and before many seasonal residents and visitors return. During the final weeks of construction work, crews worked to finalize many details including completion of the new sidewalks, landscaping, landscape irrigation system, and installation of a decorative fence and bricks within the interior of the roundabout — where a public art piece will be placed at a later date. The intersection was closed at the end of July, and most of the closure time was necessary while crews worked beneath the intersection making significant utility improvements. “The intersection will be safer for vehicles and pedestrians and more efficient,” said Richard Winder, City of Sarasota Project Manager. “We thank the downtown businesses for their patience.” City staff and employees with the contractor worked closely with merchants to lessen the construction impact as much as possible, including modifying the hours of construction, providing progress updates, and offering complimentary valet parking to the public, according to the city of Sarasota. As part of the project, decorative bricks were installed around the roundabout and in the crosswalks, and new concrete curbs and driveways poured. By the numbers: • 27,700 – Bricks installed • 10,000 square feet – Concrete poured • 1,500 linear feet – Curbs poured.
Cafe in the Park
Payne Park’s “Café in the Park” has now been open for just over a year. The café, located at 2010 Adams Lane, next to the skate park, is located right in the middle of downtown Sarasota’s Payne Park in space that is leased out by the city. Café in the Park captures the spirit of the great tradition of the Urban Cafe Terrace. The café serves pressed sandwiches featuring locally-baked artisan bread, salads, and espresso drinks, among other items.
Come in and enjoy Lunch and Dinner with us!
It opened in October of last year.
Funnel cloud flips truck
Talk about a close call. In Manatee County on Oct. 11 a tractor-trailer driven by a U.S. Post Office contractor was flipped over by funnel cloud approaching from the west. There were no reported injuries. According to the Florida Highway Patrol: Randall Leaver, 56, of Wesley Chapel was driving northbound at 9:45 a.m. at mile marker 7.5, approaching the Sunshine Skyway bridge, when a waterspout approached from the west and crossed the roadway. The funnel cloud lifted the truck and turned it onto its side. The truck was then picked up a second time and placed upright. A nearby construction site was also damaged, a small boat was overturned and multiple road sign were knocked over. The close call was captured on video by a nearby motorist.
Agreement approved for Ringling Blvd. site
The Sarasota City Commission on Oct. 4 unanimously approved a settlement agreement with the owners of the Ringling Shopping Center. The agreement could end a legal battle triggered after the city’s 2013 rejection of a proposed Walmart at the site. The site, located at 2260 Ringling, is a parcel of 9.7 acres in a key locale just on the edge of downtown. The agreement approved last month, and reached during mediation between the city and the family of property owner Louis Doyle, outlines three possible scenarios for the lot sitting largely vacant since its major tenants left and the city rejected plans for the Walmart. The options include: renovating the existing Ringling Shopping Center structure on the property; redeveloping the site under the existing Commercial Shopping Center Neighborhood zoning; or redeveloping it under the Downtown Edge/Downtown N e ighb orhood Edge zoning proposed by the city. A change in zoning would allow residential construction and a mixed-use development. Continued on page 23
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MEMBERSHIP MEETING Speaker: Atty. Daniel J. Lobeck The Law Offices of Lobeck & Hanson
2015 LegisLative session Changes • • • • • • • •
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Tuesday, November 17, 2015 3:00 PM - Welcome
3:30 Meeting
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4615 Gleason Ave., East of Siesta Village, 1 mile on Ocean Boulevard
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Refreshments and Meet Fellow Members Condominum Owners, Board Members and Managers are encouraged and welcomed to attend meeting.
CHRISTMAS DAY There are still dates available for your Holiday Parties!
Siesta Sand
November 2015
941.349.0194 www.siestasand.net
Helping Hands - Holiday Cheer for Cancer Kids Many of us have personally felt the impact a cancer diagnosis has had on our lives. Fortunately, many of us also have the resources to cope with serious issues. However, for a family with limited financial resources, their entire focus becomes the care and cure for their loved one. Siblings are expected to understand why there is no “extra” money for toys, treats or new shoes or even a holiday dinner. “Last year, in an effort to help families in this situation, we inaugurated a program that was well received, with friends and neighbors expressing their desire to support this endeavor,” said Henry Rhodes, current resident of The Landings gated community. “Based on that response, we are sharing this information in the hope of expanding the program allowing us to spread holiday cheer to even more families this year.” The Landings Holiday Cheer for Cancer Kids support program is a voluntary program created to care for a sick child and to provide assistance to families with children with cancer during the end of the year holiday season. A child’s cancer diagnosis
creates many challenges for parents and often it becomes impossible to provide a Holiday celebration for their children. In other cases this is due to job loss to care for a sick child. In other cases it is because all available funds are being used for medical expenses. Without the help of others the lives of these families will continue to be dominated by cancer at a time when “the rest of the world” is celebrating and rejoicing with gifts and joyous hearts. Family Sponsors receive information about each member of the identified family to assist in the selection of gift/ donations. This information will include the make up of the family members; ages and sex of children; clothing and shoe sizes and gift suggestions (games & toys) for each child. Last year several Landings families also provided personal checks or gift cards from WalMart type stores. Please keep in mind that these families might be shopping for food at these stores. This program allows parents to provide some Holiday Spirit and gifts to their kids. The additional gift of time by having the gifts shopped for and wrapped is an added treasure, and
provides sponsors with the satisfaction that they are personally involved beyond their financial consideration. All gifts are to be provided anonymously. Family Sponsors are encouraged to invite two or more friends to join them in making support gifts/donations. In 2014, the first year of our program, seven families with kids with cancer were sponsored by Landings families within a two week period. This year we have more time to plan and have adopted a goal of providing for twenty such families. Although last year’s sponsors agreed to partner again with us this year, we need additional sponsors to meet our goal of providing for twenty families. We are a community with many blessings; let’s take this opportunity to come together to lighten the load of others at a time when the weight of cancer feels overwhelming. We hope you will join our families with your support, Please contact Henry Rhodes (941-927-1047 or henry@sqreone. com) or Jim Goldman (941-539-0774 or jimgoldman@aol.com) to volunteer to be a sponsor this year or to learn more about how you can help with this program.
Snapshots of Island Visitors Photo by Trebor Britt
SEAGULL WANT A CRACKER? Shirley Quintero (15) of Orlando enticing seagulls near the shoreline of beautiful Siesta Beach. She and her family make the trip to Sarasota every Labor Day. They stay in one of our fabulous hotels and just cruise around enjoying all of our great beaches.
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Off Islands
By Rodger Skidmore
Oh, what a tangled web we weave
Up and down Anna Maria, and Longboat and Lido Keys, residents are concerned about the loss of mangrove forests (mangrove patches is more like it these days) along the bay side of these barrier islands. One would hope that everyone is aware that the tangled web of mangrove roots breaks up the waves that wash away our sandy shores. Of course being aware that mangroves are good and that, therefore, cutting them down is bad, seems to be beyond the capabilities of some of our citizens. Either that or they just don’t care. Then again, it could just be a case of instant gratification being more important than any long-term considerations of their actions. For a homeowner, it means an instantly clearer view of the bay as opposed to their losing 75 sq. ft. of their property along that same body of water every five years. For a developer it is even more clear-cut: with a better view they can sell a property for an extra “X” thousand dollars versus no downside (for them). There is a downside for the new property owner, but that is so not important. One might ask why there is no downside for the developer when it is actually illegal for anyone to over cut, let alone tear out, mangrove trees. The simple reason is that our legislators in Tallahassee won’t let counties prosecute developers (or homeowners) who destroy the mangroves, but neither will they enforce the laws that permit the state to do the prosecution. It is the old story of passing laws but then denying the funds to enforce them. The elected members of the house and senate get to show their constituents that they love the environment but don’t alienate their developer campaign-funddonors by actually doing anything. Manasota and Sarasota counties periodically make noises indicating they would like to take over enforcement from the state and are doing so again. The latest case was someone caught in the act. The state won’t prosecute even with the county having evidence. And some of the county commissioners even seem
November 2015
to cater to developers. Sarasota Commissioner Charles Hines says, “My concern is ... someone cuts one little branch and here comes the county. I don’t want to have homeowners who are scared to death if they trim a branch or two and the county’s going to come down on them”. He says that, yet the law clearly states that one can’t cut off more than four feet from the top and one can’t cut down to the root. Cutting one little branch, or a branch or two, is “trimming” and nothing more. Also, how much does it cost to combat erosion? With fines of $250 per day for violators, one would think proper enforcement might not only be the prudent thing to do, but might also pay for itself.
Bridge out ahead …. or is it just closed ….. or open?
Each year Key folk are concerned about bridge openings and closings. Closing a bridge for repairs could be for an extended period of time, thus inconveniencing lots and lots of people. And, even worse, bothering some of those people multiple times. Opening a bridge, usually for boats to pass through on the way to or from the gulf, is for a quite short duration thus, it would seem, inconveniencing fewer people. Ah, but some of those bridge openings are for maintenance with no boats passing thru. This means that the driver of a stopped car sees no boat and becomes upset, as if the bridge tender saw him (it is usually a him that gets upset) coming and opened the bridge on purpose, just as an annoyance. Longboat Key mayor Jack Duncan feels that such openings are “incredibly frustrating.” But, apparently, it is not the bridge openings that are frustrating, it is the not knowing
why they are open that is so upsetting. Statistics show the New Pass Bridge only opened 387 times in 2014. This comes to barely more than once per day. Hardly bothersome. But then, a bridge is rarely ever opened at night, and not much at all during the off-season. In season, in January of this year, New Pass Bridge opened 18 times in one week. What are the odds that one particular person was stopped from driving their car over that bridge more than once that week? But they do complain. Perhaps a sign should be put up at each side of all bridges that states either, “Bridges open randomly just to annoy you (and you know who you are)” or “Bridges, sometimes, are opened for maintenance, just to keep you safe.”
Feeling poorly? That’s good news.
Well, sort of. But only if you live on the south end of Longboat Key and can wait a year. First of all, Sarasota Memorial Hospital has purchased land on St. Armands Key and plans on opening an urgent care center sometime in 2016. If the Ringling Bridge is totally backed up, and you have urgent need of care, this will be the place to go. And closer to home, there has been a proposal for a new medical facility in the Bay Isles area of Longboat Key sorely needed since Dr. Pamela Letts retired back in early 2014. The estimate to lease and build out the new facility and to cover operational expenses for two years is, roughly, $1.6 million. Fortunately an anonymous donor, in conjunction with Ocean Properties, Ltd., has contributed $500 million towards that goal The facility will, it is hoped, house not just a family medical practice (the doctor has already been selected and is getting ready to get on board), but a center for wellness and specialized care, a Roskamp program for brain health, imaging services, and an on-site lab. A 2016 opening is forecast. We are used to waiting for doctors in their waiting room. Now we just have to wait for the waiting room to be built.
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
10 Siesta Sand
November 2015
941.349.0194 www.siestasand.net
Award-Winning Executive Chef Paul Mattison Announces Culinary Holiday Options to Celebrate the 2015 Holidays At Mattison’s Forty-One in Sarasota Florida residents and visitors from around the world are invited to Mattison’s Forty-One to celebrate the 2015 holiday season at the award-winning restaurant. Mattison’s is a chef-owned restaurant and catering company based in Sarasota presenting fresh ingredients, innovative cuisine, and exceptional service while supporting local farmers, culinary suppliers, and the community on Florida’s Gulf Coast. Chef Paul has been the owner of Mattison’s restaurants and catering for over 25 years. He has recently returned from participating in the prestigious American Harvest Workshop hosted by Cakebread Cellars and chosen as one of five Chefs in the nation to attend this annual event in Napa.
Mattison’s Thanksgiving Dine-In Fest Thursday, November 26
Mattison’s Forty-One offers a traditional Dine-In Thanksgiving Feast on Thursday, November 26, 2015. Seating begins at 11 a.m. for
the whole family with Chef Paul Mattison’s signature favorites including a traditional turkey dinner (all turkeys are fresh and never frozen) with sage stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans, giblet gravy, fresh cranberries, and focaccia rolls with Boursin butter. For dessert we include our homemade pumpkin pie. Thanksgiving dinner is $29 for adults and $15 for children 12 and under. Also available is a “Gourmet Thanksgiving Menu” offering a variety of options including Turkey Rollade stuffed with apricot-sage stuffing accompanied by a black pepper-balsamic gravy, sweet potato gnocchi, haricot vert.
Mattison’s Thanksgiving Feast To-Go
Mattison’s Forty-One is taking orders by phone for a Thanksgiving Turkey Feast To-Go. A complete Thanksgiving dinner is available and includes: slowly roasted turkey (all of our turkeys are fresh and never frozen) with
sage stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans, giblet gravy, fresh cranberries, and focaccia rolls with Boursin butter. Desserts are also available upon separate request from a homemade pumpkin, pecan and apple pie. Thanksgiving Feast to-go for 6-8 people with a 12 pound turkey is $130, and dinner for 10-12 people with an 18 pound turkey is $165.
Additional items also available to add to your Thanksgiving order, just ask and we are happy to accommodate any special orders. Customers: please place orders by Sunday, November 22 and pick up is on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 26 between 10:30am-2pm. To place an order at Mattison’s Forty-One call 941.921.3400.
Off Key
November 2015
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
By Robert Frederickson
A Comedy Tonight?
You know we’re in trouble as a nation when the presidential race starts to resemble the plot line of a sequel to Neil Simon’s 1960s Broadway hit The Odd Couple. Call it Uncle Bernie and the Trumpster. Imagine the playbill tease: “What happens when a selfproclaimed socialist who spent his 1988 honeymoon in Moscow meets an uber capitalist who critics claim hates women and immigrants...?” “Forget Marx or Schumpeter! Who knew economics could be such a hoot? Hilarity ensues while the fate of the free world hangs in the balance!”
Campaign Slogan Suggestions...
For Bernie: “Send our campaign $30 today...we’ll be back for the rest later!” From the Donald: “You’re Gonna Love the Walls I Build!”
Back to the Future For Local Weather Personality
Thomas Wolfe had it wrong. Turns out you can go home again. Just ask Steve Newman. The veteran meteorologist returned to the local airwaves last month, covering the weekend weather duties after rejoining the station that gave him his first on-air opportunity some forty-four years back. David Nelson, the owner of WXLT Channel 40 at the time (later to become the current local ABC network affiliate, WWSB) hired Newman while the latter was still a senior at Sarasota High School all the way back in 1971. In the years after leaving Sarasota, Newman held an on-air weather gigs in Chicago, Dallas and San Francisco. He has also worked as an environmental correspondent for ABC News and The Discovery Channel. It should be an easy transition for the well-traveled weatherman now that he’s back home. After all, he already knows how to pronounce “Oneco,” “BahiaVista” and “Robarts.”
Crooks Make Clean Getaway
Up the road in Tampa two Laundromat bandits cleaned out the business’ change machine,
pocketing some $500 in quarters. But instead of beating a hasty retreat, the culprits – a man and woman – were recorded on the establishment’s video surveillance system loading up several of the washing machines with their own dirty laundry and waiting for the wash and dry cycles to finish before making their ‘clean’ getaway...proving once again the old adage that nerve succeeds.
Reasoned Absurdity in ACLU/Sarasota Homeless Dispute...
So by now you’ve likely heard about the lawsuit the local chapter of the ACLU has brought against the city of Sarasota for administering what it calls “cruel and unusual punishment” in its enforcement efforts to clear city sidewalks of homeless folks sleeping in public. The argument goes something like this: since sleep is a basic human necessity, it is cruel and unusual to prohibit such behavior on public property for a class of citizens that - by definition - has nowhere else to go. Critics of the suit, including City Attorney Robert Fournier have called the suit a transparent effort to pressure the city into building a homeless shelter somewhere near downtown...an effort supported by the county, but not the city, which has greeted the plan with all the enthusiasm reserved for an outbreak of red tide. Those judging the suit a nuisance point to the Salvation Army as fulfilling the needed alternative to sleeping on the curb. But homeless advocates disagree, saying the facility is too often filled to capacity and closed for the night. So what comes next if the suit is successful? Relieving oneself in public? That’s a basic human necessity too, right? What’s to stop that essential behavior from becoming an unpleasantly familiar feature of the local landscape? Or how about starting a campfire on the plaza at City Hall to stay warm on a cold winter’s night or to boil some blue crabs caught by the docks at the 10th Street boat ramp...or cook some redfish reeled in from the Ringling bridge. What’s that you say? Fishing isn’t allowed off the bridge? Or without a license? Well, under the ACLU’s logic
those rules wouldn’t apply to the homeless. After all, ‘ya gotta eat,’ right? It’s all so absurd that perhaps solutions that once might have been considered equally absurd should be given a fair hearing in response...time to think outside the box, so to speak...just like the ACLU. How’s this for a start: perhaps the city should sell public sidewalk frontage to any adjoining business owner or landlord willing to maintain the formerly public, now private, property. The ACLU suit only covers public spaces. There’s a good reason you don’t see homeless folks camping outside the entrance to the Saks Fifth Avenue entrance at the new UTC Mall: It’s private property. Absurd idea? Absolutely...but, hey that’s the bunny hole we’ve fallen into here. But wait, there’s more... How about the airport? As mentioned previously in this space, it gets very little use for its intended purpose, with vastly more flights available out of Tampa and Fort Myers. Of the hundreds of acres at this underutilized public facility, why can’t two or three acres be set aside for a sunset to sunup basic tent city that would address the absurd notion the ACLU has put forward that the city should be in the lodging business. The location halfway between Sarasota and Bradenton might also help the latter municipality deal with its own homeless population. Since the SCAT and MCAT stations are near the spots in both cities that are frequented by the homeless, free transportation to and from downtown Sarasota and Bradenton could be provided each evening and again the next morning...under police supervision of course. Or how about a police van transporting offenders to the top floor of one of the city’s fancy new parking garages? In the event of rain, the second floor from the top could be used. Cots could even be provided, free of charge, setup each night by 8:00 p.m., removed at dawn the next morning when the City’s “Homeless Affairs Department” would shut the shelter down until the cycle repeats the following evening. Continued on page 29
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November 2015
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In just a few days, witches, zombies and vampires will be converging on your house, asking for candy. As is the case every Halloween, you’ll likely be merely amused over the sight of these costumed characters. But in other areas of life, such as the investment world, you may need to watch out for some seemingly scary entities. Here are a few of them: • The Horrendous Headline – Big, glaring headlines rarely offer any comfort to investors. Whether it’s political squabbles at home, conflicts in the Middle East or the debt crisis in the eurozone, there’s always something happening that’s perceived as jeopardizing the stability of the financial markets. Yet these threats are often overblown, and the markets have proven quite resilient for decades. Here in the United States, the most powerful economic engine in the history of the world has offered investment opportunities as crises have come and gone. • The Terrible Tipster – He or she could be anyone – your neighbor, friend or relative. But whatever their origins, Terrible Tipsters have one thing in common: They like to tout “hot” stocks or “can’t miss” opportunities. The problem is that by the time you actually hear about a hot stock, it may already be cooling off. And the “can’t miss” opportunities often do indeed miss. Don’t waste time, effort – and money – seeking a shortcut to investment success: There isn’t one. Instead, stick with an investment strategy that’s suitable for your goals, risk tolerance and time horizon.
• The Fearsome Forecast – The performance of the financial markets is notoriously hard to predict – but that doesn’t stop a slew of fortune-tellers from trying. And the same is true of the economy as a whole – predictions abound, but many of them prove far off base. You can always adjust your portfolio, as needed, in response to changing market or economic conditions, but don’t act on these possible circumstances just because someone, somewhere, has predicted them. Instead, follow tried-and-true principles such as diversification, which can help reduce the impact of volatility on your holdings. (However, diversification can’t guarantee a profit or protect against loss.) The ghouls and goblins you see on Halloween are unlikely to cause you nightmares. And the various phantoms of the investment world may prove just as illusory. Don’t let them scare you away from investing.
Joe St.Onge, ChFC® Financial Advisor Edward Jones Investments 5112 Ocean Blvd. Siesta Key, FL 34242 (941)-346-0560 phone (941)-320-4030 mobile Joe.StOnge@edwardjones.com This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.
• The Scary Statement – When the market is down, you probably dread seeing your investment statements. But don’t let a few bad months, or even a bad year, cause you to stuff your money under your mattress. The financial markets can turn around pretty quickly, and if you’re out of the market when the next rally begins, you’ll miss out on some potentially big gains. So, put those negative statements aside and look back at your investment results over a period of many years – the big picture might look a lot less frightening than you’d imagine.
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Beach Wedding
November 2015
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
By Trebor Britt
Barbara & Shane Fullerton Beach Wedding
Barbara Boswink and Shane Fullerton of Bradenton, exchanged vows surrounded by family and close friends, at an intimate wedding ceremony held along the Gulf of Mexico shoreline on spectacular Siesta Key. Barbara, a successful retailer and Shane, a talented tradesman working as a stone and marble mason, met at the Bradenton Roller Rink her parents owned and still own. She was 7 and he was 4. Over the years their friendship blossomed and in 1987 Barbara vividly remembers Shane being the first boy she ever kissed. Though they were both born and raised in Bradenton, they lost touch as kids and not until 2006, almost 20 years later, would they bump into each other again briefly. Then Barbara went on to relate a most incredible story. “In 2012, Shane came in to where I worked and said, ‘I have always loved you so if you want to marry me you have 30 days to call me.’ I called him 28 days later and we have been together ever since.” They both related the same fondest memory. The church event in 1987 was their first date, their first dance, their first kiss and the first time they sensed they were in love. Who could have guessed that almost thirty years after that first date, dance and kiss, they would become husband and wife on the same beach they played on as kids. This wonderful couple is going to spend their honeymoon enjoying the interesting sites and terrific restaurants in Virginia Beach. Barbara and Shane’s wedding coordinator was Siesta Key Events. (941) 362-0888, www.siestakeyevents. com
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November 2015
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Snapshots of Island Visitors
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Sheriff’s Report
November 2015
Sept. 15 - Oct. 19, 2015
There were a total of 24 crimes reported on the Key from 9/15-10/19/15
9/20/15 Burglary – Vehicle Public Beach
A man who left a drawstring bag unattended while he exercised on the beach had the bag taken as well as his car burglarized. The bag containing a t-shirt, ball cap, a bottle of puppy shampoo and his car keys were stolen from in front of the yellow lifeguard stand. The unknown suspect apparently used the victim’s key fob to locate the vehicle in the parking lot. He then unlocked the car and stole the man’s hip pack that was located under the front seat. The hip pack contained his wallet, checkbook, credit cards, driver’s license and social security card. Nothing else in the car appeared to have been tampered with. The man had hidden a spare key on the outside of the vehicle and was able to drive the car home.
9/21/15 Burglary - Vehicle 5000 Block Tremont Place
An employee of the Siesta Key Utility reported a burglary. Three fishing rods, worth approximately $750, had been stolen from the open bed of his truck while it was parked at the Utility. There are no suspects.
9/24/15 Burglary Residence - 5000 Block Midnight Pass Rd
The superintendent of a construction company that is completely renovating an unoccupied condo reported that an unknown person entered the unit and maliciously damaged and cut several electrical wires, drain pipes, shower pan, and air conditioning duct lines. The damage is estimated at approximately $2000. A pair of pliers that was possibly used to commit the damage was left inside the unit. The unit was on a lockbox. As there were no signs of forced entry, it is assumed that the suspect knew the access code. The scene was processed for fingerprints.
9/29/15 Burglary 100 Block Avenida Messina
The Sheriff’s Office was contacted after a man allegedly made statements to other transient
subjects in the area of the Village that he had stolen alcohol from a Village bar while wearing a Wal-Mart bag over his head. The bar was contacted to inquire about a possible theft. The staff confirmed that they did have some beer missing from the taps of the outside bar area. This was based on the fact that when they turned the taps back on that morning, they had to purge some of the lines, which happens if the taps are used when they are turned off. They estimated about $50 in beer was gone. Attempts to locate the suspect in the area or in the SCAT Depot in the Gulf Gate area were unsuccessful. The suspect had been seen on the Key frequently over the last few days, but has since disappeared from the area. Management will be viewing the security cameras for evidence.
10/1/15 Burglary- Vehicle 60 Block Avenida Veniccia
A man reported his wallet stolen from inside his car. He said he thought he had locked the vehicle, but there were no signs of forced entry. The wallet contained multiple credit cards, a driver’s license, a debit card and $120 in cash. The victim cancelled all of his credit cards and said there appeared to be no fraudulent activity on his accounts.
10/7/15 Burglary- Vehicle 5000 Block Ocean Blvd.
An officer was dispatched to a Village restaurant in reference to a vehicle burglary. A musician who was playing music at the restaurant for the night finished his set and started to load his equipment into his vehicle. He first loaded his guitar into the car and went back inside to get more items. He left the car unlocked for approximately 15
minutes, returned to the car and headed home. He noticed the guitar missing after arriving home to unload. The victim immediately returned to the restaurant and reported the incident. The officer was able to view the security footage from where the car had been parked. An unidentified male is seen in the video removing an object from the car and leaving. However, due to the poor quality of the video, the man’s race or clothing type could not be identified. There were no witnesses. The items taken consisted of a gold colored acoustic- electric guitar, guitar case and iPad.
10/17/15 Stolen Vehicle 5000 Block Siesta Estates Court
A man came out of the house where he was staying with friends and discovered his rental car was missing from the driveway. He had last seen the car on the previous night. The house is located in a gated community and the house is located at the end of a cul-de-sac. According to the complainant, the vehicle was locked and the key fob was inside the house on the counter. No evidence was present to suggest the residence had been burglarized. The complainant could not think of anyone who would have taken the vehicle and his friends had no additional information.
10/18/15 Burglary- Vehicle 1200 Block Old Stickney Pt. Rd
A patron of a south siesta restaurant parked his car in the parking lot around lunchtime. The car was not locked and the windows were rolled about halfway down. Upon returning to the car approximately four hours later, he saw that his newly filled prescription medication, contained in a paper pharmacy bag, had been stolen from the front passenger seat. It is believed that the unknown suspect reached inside the vehicle and stole the medications.
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
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16 Siesta Sand
November 2015
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Steps Toward a Healthier You
Palmer Ranch Dental would like to wish everyone a
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I believe life’s purpose is to discover “That Something” and it is our life’s work to develop it and help others toward that goal. The path I’ve chosen in Chiropractic enables me to facilitate reaching this sweet spot for my patients. There is an innate power within each of us that has the intelligence to keep our body alive and functioning. It has the ability to rebuild health from sickness, sanity from insanity, and to return our bodies to a normal function. This power, this something, comes from within. Chiropractic removes the pressure on the nervous system that blocks innate potential and restores life back to the body by removing subluxation. My mission to help others express full life and 100% potential of “That Something” is ongoing. I use doTERRA Essential Oils in my chiropractic business to allow patients to heal faster and healthier by neutralizing the toxins in their environment. Today people are more toxic emotionally, physically, and spiritually. It takes so much more for patients to heal today compared to ten years ago. In order to live life expressed at 100% full potential it is crucial to remove the synthetic garbage and toxins from your life. This can be relationships, food, medications, water supply, cleaning agents, carpet, just for starters. Relationships can be toxic to your health and suck energy from your life. Do an assessment of your top five in your circle. Our food and water supply is toxic today, it is hard to find clean whole food without GMO’s unless you know the exact source of where the food came from. Medications are a temporary fix and will never bring health, so work to get your body healthy without the use of drugs. The majority of cleaning agents are hormone mimickers which can cause a lot of damage when used in your household even one time. You can replace the cleaning agents in your home with natural nontoxic cleaners that are cheap and can be made easily at home. Here’s a quick, easy and economical recipe I use to clean just about every surface in my home: Add 5 drops of doTERRA’s On Guard and 5 drops of Lemon Oil to a 6oz glass
water bottle. Fill the rest with water, shake gently to mix ingredients with each use and wipe with a clean cloth. It is equally important to add in healthy eating
most important, for good food, exercise, finances, and addictions. Read a book a week, leaders are readers. The Big Leap by New York Times bestselling author Gay Hendricks is a book I highly recommend including to your list of must-reads.
habits that keep your energy up and your body in an alkaline state. Food that is alive will keep you alive longer than food that is processed. We are blessed to live in a town that advocates fresh, healthy foods with the many Farmer’s Markets and restaurants geared to healthier meals and raw selections. We have an abundant supply of fresh fish. Whether you choose to catch one on your own or visit our local island fishmonger is up to you. Exercise of some sort should happen every day. It is rare that any American needs to worry about too much exercise. Can you think of a better place to take a walk than our award winning #1 beach? Self-Development is a must and should be performed daily the first hour of your day upon rising. This first hour is considered the power hour, where meditation, goals, vision, and prayer should be accomplished. Practice selfdiscipline, which is the
Lastly, take action to work at your health every single day. Set small goals for yourself; ones you can complete each day until it becomes a habit and make sure you are getting adjusted for health by a Chiropractor to remove subluxation. Dr. Jenn Kauffman has personally mentored thousands of women and men over the last 10 years as a chiropractor. She has owned three separate and very distinct successful chiropractic clinics. She’s been coaching her patients on how to transform their lives and feels it is her life mission to grow women of the world to have a truly passionate life and live the life of their dreams, whatever that may be for the individual. (Advertorial)
November 2015
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Mount-N-Repair has a new home
By Debbie Flessner
At first, David “Mort” Mortimer and his wife Kathy were surprised and angry. After all, they had operated their jewelry sales and repair business, Mount-N-Repair, out of the same Ocean Blvd. location for the past 22 years. How could they possibly consider moving off of Siesta Key and maintaining that same level of success? As it turned out, they didn’t exactly have a choice. Two years ago, Chris Brown, the owner of Arches Plaza, the building where the Mortimers’ jewelry store is, traded properties with Harry Walia, who owned the Kress Building on Main Street in Sarasota. This year, as the days wind down on the last three-year lease the couple had signed with Brown, Walia has informed them David “Mort” Mortimer and his wife Kathy have owned Sarasota’s that he will not be renewing that Mount-N-Repair for the past 22 years. lease. Photo by Debbie Flessner “Also, the owner of Used Book Heaven (the As their days of doing adjacent store to Mountbusiness on the Key N-Repair) is retiring at come to a close, Mort the end of next month,” says that he and Kathy Mort said. “So after that, remain hopeful that the the whole building will be new location will be a vacant.” place that their previous What Walia’s plans are customers will still love for the well-located Siesta and that new clientele Key building is yet to can more readily find. be seen, but one thing is Since they’ve been in the certain--as of December 1, same place for so long, Mount-N-Repair will have the upcoming move has opened in a new Sarasota actually turned out to location. be a positive, exciting Mort says that when change. he and Kathy first got the “The construction crew news that their lease was is doing the build-out of The Guy Harvey Collection contains just some of not going to be renewed, the new place right now,” the special pieces of sterling silver and stainless steel they thought they would Mort said. “I figure, if I jewelry for sale at Mount-N-Repair. just open in another spot Photo by Debbie Flessner can’t be on the Key, I may on Siesta Key. That was as well be where there is easier said than done, a lot of traffic and where though, because over the past a lot of customers who live on the two years, all the retail space on mainland, so it will be easier for people can easily find us.” Until November 30, Mountthe Key has been filled. When it them to get to us.” Plus, many of the tourists N-Repair will be at 5216 C came time for them to look for a location, there was nothing traveling out to Siesta Key on Ocean Blvd., on Siesta Key. As of vacation will be passing right December 1, the new Mount-Navailable. They eventually decided to by the new Mount-N-Repair Repair will be at 5872 Bee Ridge Road, in the Centergate Plaza. relocate to the corner of Bee anyway. The new space will have a Although the phone number will Ridge Road and Cattlemen Road, at one of the busiest intersections lot more room for displaying change, you can still call their in Sarasota. And in a stroke of the Mortimers’ vast selection of existing number: 941-346-7218, much needed good luck, this sterling silver, stainless steel and for updated contact information. location will likely turn out to be gold jewelry, about 1,280 square Their hours will be Monday much better than the one on the feet in the showroom, as opposed through Saturday, from 9 a.m. to to the 550 square feet they have 6 p.m. You can also follow them Key. “I was upset about having now. And there will be plenty of on their Facebook page: Mountto move at first, but it’s time to area for the repair and jewelry N-Repair Sarasota FL. move on,” Mort said. “We have design business, as well.
Tell Every Living Sole!
Nirvana’s Great Drinks Are Back On The Key! 5138 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key, FL 34242 Daily Juice Cleanse $50
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Organic and fair trade coffees and teas Organic smoothies Fresh pressed juice Light lunch (salads & sandwiches) Breakfast sandwiches Bagels and lox Cold brewed coffee Local pastries Gluten free snacks doTERRA Essential Oils
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18 Siesta Sand
November 2015
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Snapshots of Island Visitors Start the Holidays with a New Set of Lashes Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography
Top: Kaylee age 7, Peyton age 8, Colin age 7, Taylor age 7, Jaydee age 3 from IN. Middle: Logan age 5 & Jessica age 5 from IL. Bottom: Lisa, Roger, Nicole, Brian age 11, Brooklyn age 7, Breewynn age 5 from IN.
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Handmade Antique Rugs Bought and Sold
As the holidays approach, here’s a wonderful treat you can give yourself that will keep you looking gorgeous and save you time on your makeup routine. You can wake up ready to face the day with a minimal amount of makeup. A Lash Above ® has been providing the Sarasota area with the latest technology in lash extensions since 2007, and will be celebrating the grand opening of their third location at 8383 S. Tamiami Trail, Unit #103, Sarasota. They are located inside The Parlor Salon, next to Liberty Bank. For their grand opening they are offering all new customers a $25 discount on a full set of eyelash extensions through the end of November. At A Lash Above®, they believe “the eyes have it”… that range of expressions from innocent to sultry and everything in between. And their extensions provide the perfect window dressing that brings them to life with extra length, thickness and volume for a natural and sexy look. You can feel confident knowing each location provides quality products that are safely administered by trained Xtreme Lashes® technicians. To qualify in the training program, each person must be strongly credentialed in the health or beauty industry. Your tech will answer all your questions beforehand so you know exactly what to expect and if extensions are right for you. The cost for a full set of eyelash extensions is $250. Each strand is individually applied to your natural lash so the extension will shed along with your natural lash during its growing cycle. Each lash gets a new strand, up to 80 strands per eye so the entire process will take between 2- 2 ½ hours. You can use this time to unwind and take what they like to refer to as a “lash nap”. Routine touch ups, which costs around $70, are recommended
every 2-3 weeks and will allow you to have amazing eyelashes
indefinitely. These wonderful eyelash extensions are weightless and water resistant so you can enjoy all your regular activities including swimming and exercising worryfree. If emotions gets the better of you at the movies, weddings or at the end of a long day– bring it on. No need to worry about mascara running down your face during those tear-jerker moments at the movies, or when you’re caught in a rainstorm or end up with raccoon eyes at the end of a long day. Owner, Beverly Katzenberger, RN, has enjoyed the success this second career has given her and admits the grueling 10hour shifts as a dialysis nurse prompted her to start thinking about an alternative job when this opportunity presented itself.
It was a visit from her sister-inlaw that precipitated the change in careers. Katzenberger recalls how her sister-in-law’s long, lush lashes impressed her. She couldn’t believe how natural and sexy the extensions looked and thought it could become as popular here as it was in California. With the opening of her third location, her hunch has paid off. Below are before and after photos of eyelash extensions:
Gift certificates are available for purchase. They also offer bridal packages and have a rewarding referral program along with three locations for your convenience. Call 941-321-9093 to set up an appointment or view their website for more information: www. alashabove.com North Location: A Lash Above® North Salon, 4516 Del Sol Blvd, Sarasota, Fl 34243 Central Location: A Lash Above® Flagship Salon, 2426 Bee Ridge Rd, Unit 6B, Sarasota, FL 34239 Enjoy easy parking at the Shady Ridge Office Complex South Location: A Lash Above® South Salon, 8383 S. Tamiami Tr. #103, Sarasota, FL 34238 In the Square South Plaza at The Parlor Salon. (located next to Liberty Bank) (Advertorial)
Florida’s Largest Selection of Antique Oriental and Chinese Rugs for 45 Years
Mosby oriental rugs
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November 2015
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
VILLAGE MAP pgs 20 - 21
The Publication with “Key” Information | www.SiestaSand.net | 941.349.0194
Siesta Key Drum Circle
Aquarium Trips Weddings • Any Occasion Group Rides On And Off The Key
941.952.TAXI (8294)
Turtle Beach Grill facelift
Turtle Beach Grill (formerly Turtle’s Pub) received a facelift recently. The new Chickee Hut replaces the tent canopy and offer patrons a tropical setting to enjoy casual dining on the southern end of the island
Every Sunday is a perfect time to come to the Key to reconnect with Mother Nature and to enjoy some wonderful entertainment. I’m talking about the Siesta Key Drum Circle that takes place each Sunday starting about an hour before sunset and lasting until about 10 p.m. The gathering meets up just south of the main pavilion - just follow your ears and watch for the swelling crowd.
Please note the following rules of etiquette that need to be observed at the Drum Circle so that all can enjoy the experience: the inside of the drum circle is for participants only, not for people standing around. Feel free to enter the circle, take a picture and dance, but always keep moving. Never play someone’s drum without getting clearance from the owner. Always ask before borrowing other
people’s property, especially hula hoops. Flash photography and bright video lights are distracting, so photograph during daylight or use a night vision camera. And finally, please do not drink alcohol or smoke inside the circle and respect our beach by placing all trash in the appropriate receptacles. Photo by Jayson Cody.
Before you leave Sarasota, you must try this one! As seen on the Food Network Guy Fieri’s “Diner’s, Drive-In’s and Dive’s” show. The TurDucKen “One big bird” Boneless chicken stuffed in a boneless duck stuffed in a boneless turkey with a variety of great seasonings. Alpine Steakhouse just off of Siesta Key located between the bridges at 4520 S. Tamiami Trail. 941-922-3797
Lunch Turducken Sandwich $8.95 and Dinner Turducken $18.95 w/mashed Potatoes, stuffing, gravy and cranberry sauce
20 Siesta Sand
November 2015
Boulevard Buzz New Business opening in the Village
The Panini Place is preparing for their opening on November 6. In a way, the owners have been preparing for this all of their lives. John and Kathy Mongiello moved to the Gulf Coast from New York and New Jersey. John’s grandfather and father invented a unique and patented ways to produce the best cheese. As evidence, John’s brother A.K.A. “The Big Cheese” runs Fomaggio Cheese and is a perennial Gold Medal Winner in the Wisconsin Cheese Maker’s Association’s World Cheese Competition; www.formaggiocheese. com/live/history. John and Kathy have owned cheese stores and panini shops in the northeast and have taken full advantage of the Mongiello family’s innovative products. Patrick Burke and Heide Crino came to Sarasota from Denver, Colorado where Burke founded Prost Brewery; www.prostbrewing. com. Prost was so dedicated to making the best traditional German Lagers that they purchased a 50 year
941.349.0194 www.siestasand.net
|News from the Siesta Key Village Association
old, 60 barrel, copper brew house in Breitengüßbach, Germany and shipped it back to Denver. Like Formaggio, Prost Brewing has been the gold medal winner on many occasions with their Hefewisen, Pilsner and Alt beers. The Panini Place will bring the best the owners have to offer at 5204 Ocean Blvd., in the form of a simple but delicious menu consisting of eight fresh pressed Paninis and great lager beers.
Used Book Heaven announcement
Used Book Heaven, located at 5216 Ocean Blvd Ste. D, a fixture in Siesta Village for over 20 years will close permanently after their lease expires. The store is still for sale, but the entire contents of the store will be sold for one low price if there are no buyers by the time the lease expires. The contents include all inventories over 40,000 books and audios along with all the shelving units. Interested parties can call 941-467-4360 or 941349-0067.
Annual Light Up Siesta Village
For the 31st year, the Siesta Key Village Association will present Light Up the Village on Saturday, November 28, from 6 to 9 p.m. Siesta Village will be decorated in full holiday splendor with the Christmas tree lighting taking place at the Gazebo, located at Ocean Blvd. and Canal Road, at approximately 6:15 p.m. Santa Claus will be arriving on a float in the holiday parade which will begin at Avenida del Mare and Beach Road at 5:40 p.m. traveling north on Beach Road onto Ocean Blvd. into the Village. Many businesses and local groups will be participating in the parade and welcoming Santa to Siesta Village. If you would like to participate, please email the parade coordinator at mark@smitharchitects.com. Santa will reign at the Siesta Center to greet all children. The first 250 to see him will receive gift bags donated by Beach Bazaar. At Santa’s Village there will also be a clown,
S I M P LY R AWSOM E ! St Armands Siesta Key Island of Venice St Armands Island of Venice KeyAve 325 John Ringling Blvd 5250 Ocean Blvd 300Siesta West Venice
325 John Ringling Blvd Sarasota, FL 34236 Sarasota, FL 34236 941-388-3325 941-388-3325
300 West Venice Ave Sarasota, FL 34242 Venice, FL 34285 941-349-8697 941-488-0649
5250 Ocean Blvd Venice, FL 34285 Sarasota, FL 34242 941-488-0649 941-349-8697
Map B #42
Find current specials and promotions at DaiquiriDeck.com
Delicious Daiquiris, Seafood and So Much More! Find current specials and promotions at DaiquiriDeck.com
Map C #61
ACCOMMODATIONS Siesta Beach Resort .......................Map-A #38A ART GALLERY / STUDIO Calle Studios ........................................Map-B #32 The Gallery on Siesta Key .................Map-D #11 ATM / BANKS PNC ATM............................................ Map-C #61 Martin Funding .....................................Map-E #1 Sun Trust Bank & ATM ........................Map-E #4 BARS & NIGHTCLUBS Blase Café ............................................Map-A #38 Blu Que Island Grill .........................Map-C #57 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar ...............Map-B #42-43 Gilligan’s ..............................................Map-B #33 Siesta Key Oyster Bar ....................... Map-B #45 The Beach Club ...................................Map-D #22 The Cottage ......................................... Map-C #58 The Hub-Baja Grill .............................Map-D #59 BOOK STORES Used Book Heaven..............................Map-B #48 COFFEE SHOPS Lelu’s Coffee Lounge ..........................Map-B #31 The Local Bean.................................. Map-D #62 DRUG & HARDWARE Davidson’s Drugs...............................Map-D #65 Village Hardware ............................... Map-C #26 FASHION & ACCESSORIES Aqua Beachwear ............................... Map-D #12 Beach Bazaar & Swin Shack .......... Map-C #28 Blvd. Beachwear ................................. Map-B #30 Comfort Shoes-Birki & More.........Map-D #64 Foxy Lady Fashions .......................... Map-A #40 Gidget’s Coastal Provisions ............Map-B #44 Island Cotton Company ....................Map-C #29 Island Boutique...................................Map-C #50 Island Style ..........................................Map-C #53 Lotus Boutique .................................Map-D #66 Siesta Key Mermaids .......................... Map-D #9 Siesta T’s .............................................. Map-B #30 Sun Glass Outlet .................................Map-C #24 GAS STATION Circle K Store ........................................ Map-E #6 GIFTS & SOUVENIRS Beach Bazaar ..................................... Map-C #28 Created Gems .....................................Map-C #51 Island Trader.......................................Map-C #51 Mount-N-Repair ................................. Map-B # 48 Sea Pleasures & Treasures ..................Map-C #2 Siesta Key Bead Shack ...................... Map-A #36 Siesta Key’psakes ............................... Map-B #29 Siesta Key Outfitters ........................Map-D # 11 Siesta Key University......................... Map-B #36 HEALTH & FITNESS Indep. Lifestyle Solutions ............... Map-D #10 Siesta Key Fitness .............................Map-B #73 Studio Rubylake................................Map-B #49 ICE CREAM/TREATS Big Olaf Creamery..............................Map-C #52 Ciao Gelato ..........................................Map-C #50 Meany’s Mini Donuts ........................ Map-C #24 Siesta Key Sweet Shop ........................ Map-D #9 SubZero Ice Cream Yogurt .............. Map-D #16 Sunni Bunni Frozen Yogurt ..............Map-C #53 INTERNET / WiFi SERVICES Davidson Drugs ................................ Map-D #65 Internet Cafe ........................................ Map-D #9 Lelu Coffee Lounge............................ Map-B #31 The Local Bean..................................Map-D #62 JEWELRY Created Gems .....................................Map-C #51 Michael & Co. Jewelers ..................... Map-B #29 Mount -N- Repair Jewelers ............... Map-B #48 LIQUOR STORES / FINE WINES Gabbiano’s Wine Club...................... Map-D #70 Gilligan’s ............................................. Map-B #33 Siesta Key Wines .............................. Map-C #61 The Beach Club .................................. Map-D #22
face painting and games with prizes. Photos may be taken with Santa. Ocean Boulevard will be lined with luminaries. Shops and restaurants will offer refreshments and special holiday bargains from 6 to 9 p.m. There will also be live music at various venues plus carolers and gymnastics demonstrations, martial arts and ballet. Free transportation will be provided courtesy of the Siesta Island Trolley from Siesta Public Beach to the Village from 4:30 to 9:30 p.m. making it easier for all to participate in the festivities. This special event is sponsored by the merchants and businesses of Siesta Village plus friends of Siesta Village and is open to all free of charge.
Snapshots o Island Visitors Photos by Jaye Clements Sarasota Photography
Monthly Meetings
SKVA meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month at the Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar. Meetings begin at 8:30 a.m. Anyone interested in learning more about Siesta Key Village is encouraged to attend. For more information visit them at www. siestakeyvillage.org
Samantha & Matt from OH.
November 2015
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
of Q&A with Señor Siesta as they enter their s 3rd season on Siesta Key Q: Where are you located? A: We are tucked in the corner of the Siesta Village Plaza next to Cafe Gabianno’s. We are certainly off the beaten path as we see many people park in our parking lot only to walk towards the center of the village, missing out on a great opportunity to enjoy Spanish Cuisine. Q: What can you tell us about Señor Siesta Restaurant entering your 3rd season on Siesta Key? A: Of course, we are pleased with our numbers as we break previous year and previous month totals each month, but we are most happy bringing Latin Cuisine to people who have not experienced it before. Our goal is providing traditional Latin food and a friendly hospitality ala “nuestra casa es su casa”. Q: Do you get many Latin customers? A: Yes, particularly summertime. When we hear “this is the best Ropa
Vieja since our grandmother’s” or our Pastelone is the best they’ve had or our Cuban Coffee or Café con Leche is as good as anywhere in Miami, this is really satisfying. Q: Your theme each October is “1 in 8”, what does this represent? A: Our effort to increase breast cancer awareness. Our menus go Pink and we donate $1 in $8 to breast cancer causes in Florida. The “1 in 8” represents the number of American woman who will be diagnosed with some form of breast cancer. Fortunately, with early detection, the survival rate is quite encouraging. Q: Why did you pick this cause? A: Believe it or not, the cover story “Luchadoras” (Fighters) of People Magazine (in Spanish) a few years. One of the four Latin celebrities (and breast cancer survivors) who graced the cover in pink, was Daniela
Romo—one of our favorite Latin singers who was known not only for her voice but also for her long beautiful hair. We play her music and we celebrate The Fight with her. Q: Your sign says “This is not a Mexican Restaurant”, why? A: Our name confuses people. While we love Mexican food, we have chosen to focus on other Latin countries from Spain and Portugal to throughout the Americas. Q: Which menu items are most popular? A: Drink: Sangria. Appetizers: Empanadas, Quinoa Croquetas, our Yucas and our Ribs Entrées: Paella, Carne Asada, Pastelone, Pasta con Camerones, Lechon. Desserts: Tres Leches and Enyucado. Q: Why do you think Señor Siesta has found success on Siesta Key?
A: Our cooking and presentation style is a unique combination of casual fine dining (our chef is classically trained) and typical Latin home-cooking methods. This results in a very unique flavor profile not offered elsewhere in Sarasota. Q: Do you offer gluten-free? A: Yes, in fact, much of our menu is gluten-free. Our Pastelone uses plantains instead of pasta. Our Bollitos use corn masa and are steamed, not fried. Upon request, we substitute brown rice pasta in
• segway rentals • PaDDleBOarDs • scOOter cars • kayak tOurs/rentals • Bikes • scOOters • Beach gear
both our pasta plates. Q: Do you offer a children’s menu? A: We offer every entrée in child portion size for $7 and we also do some other (non-Latin) child favorites. Q: Do you have outdoor seating? And are reservations required? A:Yes, we have outdoor seating, are very pet friendly. We often require reservations but always recommend them. (Advertorial) 5110 Ocean Blvd., 941-349-0818 www.senorsiesta.com
5255 Ocean Blvd • Siesta Key Village www.robinhoodrentals.net
MAILING - SHIPPING UPS store............................................ Map-A #41 US Post Office .................................... Map-D #65 MARKETS/FOOD STORES 7-11 Store ............................................. Map-B # 46 Circle K Store ........................................ Map-E # 6 Morton’s Siesta Market .....................Map-C #25 MASSAGE Hands of Light Massage ................... Map-B #35 Massage Experience Siesta Key.....Map-D #62 Massage Therapy ................................. Map-E #1 Siesta Key Massage Ctr .....................Map-D #9 MEDICAL - DENTAL Sarasota Medical Ctr........................Map-D #63 Siesta Key Physical Therapy............ Map-D# 20 Siesta Dental........................................ Map-B# 49 MISCELLANEOUS Chamber of Commerce .................... Map-D #67 Roberti Enterprises ........................... Map-A #39 Tarot Card Reading & Gifts ..............Map-C # 50 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Edward Jones Investments .............. Map-D #68 Smith Architects ................................. Map-E #74 REAL ESTATE / RENTAL SERVICES Ascendia Real Estate ......................... Map-D # 11 Coldwell Banker Realty.................... Map-D# 20 Horizon Realty.................................... Map-B #34 Island Homes ......................................Map-C # 51 Key Realty ............................................Map-E #5 Michael Saunders Realty .................Map-E #72 Re/Max Alliance Group .................. Map-D #60 ReMax Tropical Sands ...................... Map-D # 67 Robasota Rentals & Real Estate .... Map-A #39 Siesta Key Realty ................................. Map-D # 9 Waterfront 7 Realty .......................... Map-C #56 Waterside Realty ................................Map-C #29 RESTAURANTS / CAFES 314 II, Craft Beer board Room .......... Map-A # 37 Another Broken Egg .................Map-C #54 & 55 Blase Café ........................................... Map-A #38 Blu Que Island Grill ........................ Map-C #57 Boardwalk Eats & Sweets ...............Map-D #16 Bonjour French Cafe ..........................Map-C #47 Café Gabbiano ..................................Map-D #71 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar .............. Map-B #42-43 Eat Here Restaurant ....................Map-D #17-18 Flavio’s Brick Oven & Bar ................. Map-B # 29 Flavio’s Italiano Ristorante ............... Map-B # 30 Gilligan’s Island Bar & Grill ............. Map-B #33 Jo To’s Japanese Restaurant ..............Map-C # 47 LeLu’s Coffee Bar ............................... Map-B # 31 Lobster Pot ......................................... Map-C #23 Napoli’s Italian Restaurant ...............Map-C # 53 Old Salty Dog Rest. & Pub .................. Map-E # 2 Señor Siesta ........................................ Map-D #69 Siesta Key Deli ................................... Map-A # 37 Siesta Key Oyster Bar .......................Map-B #45 Solorzano Bros. Pizzeria .................Map-D #15 Subway Sandwiches .......................... Map-B #30 Sun Garden Café ............................... Map-D #19 The Cottage .........................................Map-C # 58 The Hub - Baja Grill .......................... Map-D # 59 The Panini Place .................................Map-C #53 Village Café .......................................Map-D #14 SPAS - HAIR & BEAUTY LaPlaya Spa .........................................Map-C # 50 Salon Capelli ........................................ Map-D # 9 Sassy Hair Salon............................... Map-A #40 Siesta Key Nails & Spa .....................Map-D #9 SPORTS INTEREST/RENTALS CaliFlorida........................................... Map-B# 32 Robin Hood Rentals ........................Map-D #34 Siesta Village Outfitters .....................Map-C # 53
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November 2015
ATM & BANKS Bank of America ....................................... A-3 #3 BARS & NIGHTCLUBS Capt. Curt’s Backroom Saloon...............B-3 #7 Crescent Club.......................................... C-3 #13 Sniki Tiki ...................................................B-3 #8 DELIS / BAKERIES A Taste of Germany ............................... C-3#14 Anna’s Deli & Sandwiches ................. C-3 #14 Nutritious You ........................................ C-3 #14 The Beach Deli @ Crescent Beach Grocery .....B-3 #1 DRUG STORES Davidson’s Drugs..................................... C-3# 14 FASHION & ACCESSORIES CB’s Island Outfitters ............................. A-3 # 2 CB’s Saltwater Outfitters ....................... A-3 #4 Coconuts Fashion .....................................B-3 #1 Coconuts / Island Colors .........................B-3 #8 Green Turtle Swimwear ........................ C-3 #14 Key Casual Fashions .............................. D-3 #17
941.349.0194 www.siestasand.net
Things You Like ..................................... C-3 #14 GIFTS & SOUVENIRS Capt. Curt’s Souvenirs ............................B-3 #8 Green Turtle Shells & Gifts ................ C-3 #14 The Silversmith ...................................... D-3 #17 Silver City Jewelry ................................. C-3 #14 HEALTH & BEAUTY Lorraine’s Beauty & Barber ....................B-3 #8 Salon Siesta.............................................. D-3 #17 Siesta Key Salon & Spa .......................... C-3 #14 The Key Spa & Salon ............................. A-5 #12 ICE CREAM & TREATS Orange Octopus .......................................B-3 #8 INTERNET / WiFi SERVICES Davidson’s Drugs................................... C-3 #14 Mail Pack Center .................................... C-3 #14 LIQUOR STORES Crescent Beach Grocery ..........................B-3 #1 Crescent Club...........................................B-3 #13 Siesta Spirits ............................................ C-3 #17
MAILING & SHIPPING Mail Pack Center .................................... C-3 #14 US Post Office Sub Station .................... C-3 # 14 MARKETS 7-11 Store ................................................. C-3 #16 Big Water Fish Market ......................... C-3 #17 Crescent Beach Grocery ..........................B-3 #1 MISCELLANEOUS Moving & Storage ...................................B-3 #10 Flowers by Fudgie.................................. D-3 #17 REAL ESTATE / RENTALS Homes & Condo Rentals ....................... D-3 #17 Morgan Properties ...................................B-3 #8 Moynihan Realty .................................... D-3 #17 Re/Max Tropical Sands ...........................B-3 #1 Siesta 4-Rent ........................................... C-3 #14 RESTAURANTS / CAFES A Taste of Germany ............................... C-3#14
Boatyard Waterfront Bar & Grill..............A-5 #12 Capt. Curts Crab & Oyster Bar ................B-3 #7 City Pizza Italian Restaurant ................ D-3 #17 Clayton’s Siesta Grille ..............................B-3 #9 Toasted Mango Cafe .............................. C-3 #17 Miguel’s Restaurant ............................... C-3 #17 Munchies ................................................. C-3 # 17 WATER SPORTS - FISHING - RENTALS A to Z Beach & Bike Rentals ................. A-5 #12 CB’s Island Outfitters ............................. A-3 # 2 CB’s Saltwater Outfitters ....................... A-3 #4 Parasail Siesta ........................................... A-3 #2 Siesta Key Bike & Kayak .......................B-3 #8 Siesta Key Marina .................................... A-4 #5 Siesta Key Parasailing.............................. A-4 #5 Siesta Sports Rentals .............................. A-3 #2 Siesta Sports Rentals ............................ C-3 #14 Waves Boat & Social Club..................... A-5 #12
Big Water Fish Market ...............................C-3 #17
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© Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2012
Map C-3 #14
Map B-3#8
A Taste of Germany 6575 Midnight Pass Rd.
MAP C-3 #14
Anna’s Deli 6535 Midnight Pass Rd.
MAP C-3 #14
Big Water Fish Market 6641 Midnight Pass Road
Boatyard Waterfront Bar & Grill 1500 Stickney Point Rd.
MAP A-5 #12
CB’s Saltwater Outfitters 1249 Stickney Point Rd.
MAP A-3 #4
Coconuts Fashion MAP 1215 Old Stickney Point Rd. B-3 #1&8
Crescent Beach Grocery 1211 Old Stickney Pt. Rd.
MAP B-3 #1
Siesta 4-Rent 6555 Midnight Pass Rd.
MAP C-3 #14
PLACE YOUR AD HERE Island Visitor Publishing 941-349-0194
MAP C-4 #17
News Up & Down the Trail Continued from page 7
The center was once anchored by a Publix supermarket that has since moved to a locale fronting U.S. 41. Before it closed in 2011, the store in the Ringling Shopping Center was the oldest operating grocery in the Publix chain.
University mall plans revealed
Developers are planning to bring an upscale movie theater to University Town Center area. The theater will anchor a development at the southeast quadrant of the property owned by Benderson Development Co. at University Parkway and Interstate 75. The announcement was part of a celebration last month to mark the one-year anniversary of the mall at University Town Center. Officials with Benderson Development and Taubman, which partnered on the project, along with several mall retailers gathered to celebrate the anniversary and look ahead to the future of the corridor at University Parkway and I-75. The concept is to turn the space near the planned theater into an entertainment district, said Benderson’s executive director of leasing. Three hotels, and housing, along with more shops and restaurants also are in the works for the area surrounding the new University Town Center mall. Most recently, Benderson broke ground on a 133-room Hilton Homewood Suites near the mall, at the intersection of DeSoto and Cattlemen roads, with plans to open in Fall 2016. There’s been action inside the mall, too; the mall has added 25 stores since opening Oct. 16, 2014, including 18 since January. Additions include Anthropologie, Arhaus, Burger & Beer Joint, Fit2Run, Free People, H&M, Lucky, Kids Foot Locker, Microsoft and Yo! Sushi.
Gulf Coast Foundation names new CEO
The Gulf Coast Community Foundation announced a change in its leadership last month. New president and CEO Mark Pritchett is replacing former CEO Teri A Hansen, who announced in March she would resign after 13 years. After finishing the fiscal year with Gulf Coast Community Foundation, Hansen stepped down from the position on June 30 and has since taken the role of CEO for a private family foundation. The appointment follows a fivemonth national search facilitated by executive-search firm Spencer Stuart and led by a committee of Gulf Coast Board members. “After a comprehensive, nationwide search, the Board identified Mark Pritchett as the best leader to advance Gulf Coast’s mission of transforming our region, together with our donors, through bold and proactive philanthropy,” Ben Hanan, Gulf Coast Board Chair, said in a press release. At Gulf Coast Community Foundation, Prichett previously served as senior vice president for community investment, responsible for creating and implementing Gulf Coast’s strategies for grant-making and initiatives. He joined the Gulf Coast staff in 2008. The Venice-based foundation is a leading fundraising and philanthropy community organization. In the first nine months that the GulfCoastGives. org website was live, thousands of citizen philanthropists donated more than $255,000 through the site to fund urgent charity projects practically in their own backyard.
Blooming this month HIBISCUS Malvaceae
Q: what is the popular shrub with big red flowers? A: You are seeing the Hibiscus in bloom. They are very popular here and love our climate. Although most are red, the colors actually range from white through pink, yellow, orange, lavender, and even blue. They all have five large petals, and some exotic ones are beautifully ruffled. Q: There is one in my yard; how should I care for it? A: It likes some fertilizer twice a year and plenty of water. Since it blooms on new growth, you can encourage blooms by pruning branches back to the first joint occasionally. Q: Is it a toxic plant? A: No, in fact hibiscus tea is popular around the world. Q: How long do cut flowers last? A: Individual flowers are fun to use in many ways. The interesting
November 2015
Arts on the Horizon
Looking to improve the quality of your life? Look no further… Take in some of the Arts this month in Sarasota! Arts on the Horizon…
• November 1 from 3 to 4 pm Jazz of the Water aboard the Marina Jack II – enjoy an afternoon of Jazz with the Greg Nielson Band as you cruise the Sarasota Bay… (boards at 1:30) • November 1 to 17 – Puccini’s La boheme at the Sarasota Opera House. http://tickets.sarasotaopera. org/single/EventListing. aspx?k=46,47,49,50,51,56 • November 1 at sunset, Book of Life (rated PG) at Lido Beach. North of the main parking lot… Free, Family, Fun! These Moonlight Movies are presented by Sarasota Film Festival & Sarasota County Parks. www.sarasotafilmfestival. com/general/319-free-moonlightmovies-oct-17-and-nov-1
• November 7 at 8 pm – Forbidden Music at the Sarasota Opera House. http://tickets.sarasotaopera. org/single/eventDetail. aspx?p=1769 • November 7 & 8 10 am to 5 pm - Venice Art Festival. http://www.artfestival.com/ festivals/downtown-venice-artfestival-venice-florida • November 9 to 16 from 8 am to 6 pm – The Chalk Festival at the Venice Airport Fairgrounds – 3D Art display in Chalk by street artists. https://chalkfestival.org/ index.php/events/3d-pavementart • November 10 to Dec 27 – West Side Story at the Asolo. http://asolorep.org/shows/ west-side-story/2015-2016
• November 3 to 22 - The Actor’s Nightmare by Christopher Durang & The Real Inspector Hound by Tom Stoppard at the Asolo. http://asolorep.org/shows/ the-actors-nightmare-the-realinspector-hound/2015-2016
• November 5 at 10:30 am - My System is better than Your System at the Sarasota Opera House. Greg Trupiano will explain the difference between “stagione” and opera in rep. http://www.sarasotaopera. org/ • November 5 at 8 pm America’s Got Talent at the Van Wezel. http://www.vanwezel.org/ • November 6, 7, 8 – The Emporer – Sarasota Orchestra. http://www.sarasotaorchestra. org/masterworks/the-emperor
To advertise in print or online contact: Bob or Emy Stein at 941.349.0194 Send editorial and/or photos via email to: islandvp@verizon.net
• November 16 at 1:30 & 7:30 – Brundibar at the Sarasota Opera House. http://tickets.sarasotaopera. org/single/PSDetail. aspx?psn=1764 • November 18 from 5 to 7 pm – Jazz meets Art at the Sarasota Art Center. Listen to the sounds of Jazz as you explore the Art center. http://www.jazzclubsarasota. org/events--2 • November 19 at 8pm Straight No Chaser at the Van Wezel. http://www.vanwezel. org/boxOffice/event. cfm?eveID=1565#.ViU7u2-FP4g • November 20 – Venice Blues Crawl… http://veniceblues.com/ venice-blues-crawl-2/ • November 21 at 8 pm Creedence Clearwater Revisited at the Van Wezel http://www.vanwezel. org/boxOffice/event. cfm?eveID=1582#.ViU8QG-FP4g • November 21, 11am to 7pm - Venice Blues Festival at Maxine Barritt Park http://veniceblues.com/
• Throughout November – Soul Mates - John C. Court Cabaret at the Florida Studio Theatre & One Man, Two Guvnors - Gompertz Theatre. tickets.floridastudiotheatre. org/single/SYOS.aspx?p=27067 • November 2 & 11 at 10:30 am Informational tours at the historic Sarasota Opera House, including backstage viewing on Mondays. You’ll hear great stories, and find out why the Sarasota Opera house is at the center of Sarasota’s cultural life. http://asolorep.org
By Jaye Clements
• Throughout November – Twelfe by Shakespeare touring in our area Asolo Rep Theatre presents an FSU/Asolo Conservatory for Actor training production. (see schedule) http://asolorep.org/ education/new-stages-tour-2015
• November 4 at 8 pm All Hands on Deck at the Van Wezel. http://www.vanwezel. org/boxOffice/event. cfm?eveID=1575#.ViROLm-FP4g
thing is that they do not have to be put in water, and they will last many hours or a full day. You can wear them in your hair, place them around your dining table, or decorate a Christmas tree! BUT here is GOOD ADVICE : after picking them, give them a shake and leave them outdoors in the shade for a while - to allow time for the little insects that are inside to leave! Submitted by Jan Johannesen, Executive Committee & BOD of Sarasota Garden Club. www.sarasotagardenclub.org
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
• November 11 – Yes at the Van Wezel. http://www.vanwezel.org/ • November 12 at 12 pm – Concert at noon at the Opera House – apprentice artists perform! http://tickets.sarasotaopera. org/single/eventDetail. aspx?p=2074 • November 13 at 8 pm Lewis Black at the Van Wezel. http://www.vanwezel.org/ boxOffice/eventCalendar.cfm • November 13 to 17 – Siesta Key Crystal Classic at SK beach! Master Sand Sculpting contest. http://siestakeycrystalclassic. com/ • November 14 at 8 pm - Cirque Dreams at the Van Wezel. http://www.vanwezel. org/boxOffice/event. cfm?eveID=1581#.ViRNM2-FP4g
• November 21, 1 pm to 8 pm – Battle of the Bands at Payne Park – Rock for a cause – winner receives $1500 and a chance to allocate $3500 toward the music department of a local school. (family friendly) http://www.sarasotachamber. com/events/YPG-SOne-Rock-fora-Cause-2834/details • November 22 at 3 pm - PMP Alumni (Perlman Music Program) at the Sarasota Opera House Featuring Sean Lee, violin and Peter Dugan, piano. http://tickets.sarasotaopera. org/single/eventDetail. aspx?p=2069 • November 28 at 8 pm – Dave Koz at the Van Wezel with special guests Johnathan Butler, Candy Dulfer & Bill Medley. http://www.vanwezel. org/boxOffice/event. cfm?eveID=1583#.ViRME2-FP4g • November 28 at 2pm - Kids Komedy Club in Bowne’s Lab at the Florida Studio Theatre. tickets.floridastudiotheatre. org/single/EventDetail. aspx?p=30440
• November 14 & 15 - Art Festival at St. Armands Circle. http://www.artfestival.com/ festivals/st-armands-art-festivalsarasota-florida • November 14, 10 am to 4 pm – Antiques, Art & Collectables at the Historical Society of Sarasota in Pioneer Park. http://www.hsosc.com/ • November 14, 5:30 to 9 pm – Moonlight Movies at Siesta Key Beach – Surf’s Up. (family friendly)
Published by Island Visitor Publishing, LLC Contributing Writers and Photographers will be noted with bylines. Guest commentary not necessarily the opinion of island Visitor Publishing, LLC Reproduction without written permission prohibited. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement. All business bios are extensions of the display advertisements. Island Visitor Publishing, LLC is not responsible for claims made by advertisers.
P.O. BOX 35086, SIESTA KEY, FL 34242
24 Siesta Sand
November 2015
941.349.0194 www.siestasand.net
Who’s P laying Tonight
By Mike Sales
Left to right: Gary Cliff, John Whiteleather & Zack Yoder. Photo credit: Linn Whiteleather
|An interview with John Whiteleather John Whiteleather was one of the first and most hospitable musicians I met when I first came to town. A true professional and polished talent, with a resume that reads like you’d expect from someone who was born to play music…it’s a way of life. WPT: Where are you originally from? John: A little place outside of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania called Rochester PA in the heart of Beaver County. WPT: When did you start playing music? John: When I was 12 years old, after watching his brother rehearse in their basement, my buddy urged me to get a bass…so after finding out what a bass was and asking my dad; he bought me a bass and paid for lessons. WPT: When did you start playing out? John: My bass teacher who was ready to leave is Big Band, recruited me to take his place.” He got me connected with them and put a bunch of charts in front of me, which I couldn’t read, but I learned the basic riffs and fell in with them just fine. WPT: What were your first gigs like? John: The big band led to a little rock band; one of the members would pick me up each week and drive out to another member’s house out in the boonies, where we’d play 70’s rock and it wasn’t long until I fell in with different bands, playing with a lot of older people…30-75 years old. We played country clubs, weddings, and bars. One of my gigs was in the house band at a place called “The Serendipity Lounge” where the owners, a father & son, each did
In the Village
941‐346‐0738 DAIQUIRI DECK RAW BAR In the Village 941‐349‐8697
John: I moved to Los Angeles at the age of 17, to study the bass guitar at the Musician’s Institute of Technology, which was renowned for drawing some of the best studio musicians in the world to teach. While there, I studied Jazz and learned a lot more about music in general and picked up the guitar, which led me to what they used to label as, “oldies, old country, roots music or even blues, but is now its own genre called Americana music and what I still play today. WPT: How did you like Los Angeles? John: Back then, all of the great blues musicians were still alive, so I could go out to clubs where people like Albert King, Albert Collins and a host of other greats who might be traveling through Los Angeles, would just show up and sit in. It was very inspiring. I played in a few rock bands for several years until I bought a stand-up bass and got into Rockabilly. I played in Europe a few times and then put my own band together and moved to Sweden where I recorded about 6 CD’s with small record labels. WPT: What kind of success did you have with that? John: The labels had good distribution and the labels in different countries swapped their artists so that opened up opportunities to tour as far as Germany, Holland, Switzerland, France, Sweden, and Norway. WPT: How did they swap artists? John: This was before the internet. All of the independent labels would create mail-order catalogues of their artist rosters and send them to customers. The labels
from different countries gained access to each others customer base by shipping their catalogues to each other and making all of the regional music available internationally. We as artists benefitted from the expanded fan base and it was a bit easier for me as an American. WPT: How was it being an American in countries where they didn’t speak English? John: The Rockabilly fans in Europe we’re hardcore and many places had people who spoke English, but it really didn’t matter. WPT: How long did you tour with the band? John: Though members would come and go, I managed to keep making records and tour for about 15 years until I got burned out sitting in a Chevy van all of the time and went solo. I got a summer gig on a peel & eat shrimp cruise for the owners who are like family. I played for them until they sold the boat. I still go back every summer but I’m based out of here now. WPT: How did you wind up playing on Siesta Key? John: I’d vacationed here from Sweden and loved the beautiful weather. When I came back to the States, I moved here then shortly after, met Mary Beth, and we formed Swamp Donkie, with her on fiddle. We played in Bradenton and hung out on the Key. One day, while speaking with Gabe at SKOB he suggested we play at open mic night for then managers Jason and
Amy NaDell, who’d be there. We did and the audience got into it, singing along…within a month we had a regular gig, which I still play today. WPT: What can people expect to hear you play? John: Zack is a young man with a very old soul and a mature voice. His specialty is Gordon Lightfoot and a lot of 60’s popular music, while my genre is more like Springsteen and Mellencamp and then we throw in some Eagles and Johnny Cash…basically what I call Americana Music. Gary Cliff, formerly of the Boneshakers, also plays with us. WPT: Do you play originals at your shows? John: Yes. I try to write simple catchy songs and people are getting familiar with them and singing along. WPT: What’s your favorite part about being a professional musician? John: I enjoy meeting people from all over the country, getting to know them and what they do. It makes me appreciate living here and having the opportunity to make their vacation that much more enjoyable. WPT: When do you play at SKOB? John: Every Friday 2-6pm and there’s a date scheduled for Dec 13th 7-11pm that will feature Steve Apostoli on percussion. You can see and hear John on his YouTube channel: John Whiteleather TV Siesta Key Oyster Bar (SKOB) is located at 5238 Ocean Blvd in the Village and features live music daily. Mike Sales is a local singer/ songwriter for more info visit mikesalessings.com
Live Music 6‐10pm
In the Village 941‐349‐9822
their own tribute show. The son did an Elvis show and then the father would come out and do a Tom Jones show, so I of course had to learn all of the songs for both and then the drummer, guitar player and I would finish the night out with 50’s songs. I also played Coen’s Happy Days Lounge where the bandleader was an old guy with long black hair and a mustache who used to work on the railroad with my father. He’d sit on his chair and swear as he shouted out the chords; “play a (#$@&%) G!...play D (#$@&%)!!... That’s how I learned to play 50’s rock & roll (laughs). WPT: So you basically started making money as a musician right from the start? John: Yes, we were doing gigs for $40 per night and that was back in 1973-74. My dad kind of groomed me into doing this by taking me to see Jazz bands, big bands and rock bands. He took me to New York City to see Greenwich Village and allowed me to grow my hair long, during a time when all of the other kids had crew cuts. I got picked on for that, but I wanted to be a hippie and even though he came from a different generation my dad stood behind me, and that continued into music. Both of my parents supported me and drove me to lessons, rehearsals and gigs at weddings, restaurants and bars. WPT: So you were playing places you weren’t even old enough to get into? John: Yes, and it was a tremendous opportunity to play with really good and seasoned older professional musicians at such an early age, which I did all the way through high school. WPT: What did you do after High School?
12:30‐3:30pm‐Reggae 6:30 ‐10:30pm‐Live Scott Curts (3‐7pm)
WEDNESDAY Live Music 6‐10pm
THURSDAY Live Music 6‐10pm
Live Music (6‐10pm)
12:30‐3:30pm‐Reggae 12:30‐3:30pm‐Reggae 12:30‐3:30pm‐Reggae 12:30‐3:30pm‐Reggae 6:30‐10:30pm 6:30‐10:30pm 6:30‐10:30pm 6:30‐10:30pm Live Music Live Music Live Music Live Music Billy Lyon (3‐7pm)
Noel Harris (3‐7pm)
Live Music 6‐10pm
Live Music 6 ‐10pm
1‐4 ‐ Live Music 6‐10pm: Live Music
1‐5pm Live Music 6‐10pm: Live Music
Kevin Thompson (3‐7pm) DJ Crawford (10pm)
Spark Notes (3‐7pm) DJ TJ (10pm)
Miles Bosworth (3‐7pm) DJ Crawford (10pm)
RPM 6‐10pm DJ 10pm – 2am
Live Music 6‐10pm DJ 10pm – 2am
Acoustic Pete 1‐5pm Live Music 6‐10pm DJ 10pm – 2am
Matt Gerhardt (3‐7pm) K. Conn (9pm) Road Block 2‐6pm Live Music 6‐10pm Live Music‐Back Patio (5‐9pm) DJ 10pm – 2am
Rodney Shenk 6‐10pm
RPM 6‐10pm
Patrick 6‐10pm DJ 10pm – 2am
Ben Hammond 7‐11pm
Open mic night 7‐11pm
Kettle of Fish 7‐11pm
Kettle of Fish 9pm‐midnight
DJ Rev Kev 10pm – 2am
Live Band 8/9pm‐Midnight
Live Band 8 – 11pm DJ 11‐2am
Live Band 8 –11pm DJ 11pm‐2am
Live Music 6‐9pm
Live Music 6‐9pm
Live Music 6‐9pm
Live Music 7‐10pm
Live Music 7‐10pm
Live Music 7‐10pm
Live Music 6‐9pm
Live Music Noon – 3pm 3:30 – 6:30pm 7‐10pm
Live Music Noon – 3pm
Live Music 1 – 4pm
Live Music 1‐4pm 4:30 – 7:30pm 8:30 ‐ midnight
Live Music Noon – 3pm
4:30 – 7:30pm 8:30 –midnight
Karaoke 9pm – 1am
Karaoke 9pm – 1am
Chris Otto (Every other Fri) Andres Collin 5‐9pm
Larry Williams 5‐9pm
(Reggae Music)
In the Village 941‐346‐8122
Lelu’s Coffee Lounge In the Village 941‐346‐5358
SIESTA KEY OYSTER BAR (SKOB) In the Village 941‐346‐5443 THE BEACH CLUB In the Village 941‐349‐6311 In the Village 941‐312‐9300
In the Village 941‐349‐6800
Crescent Beach Shops
BOATYARD BAR & GRILL Over the South Bridge
Crescent Beach Shops
941‐349‐3885 SNIKI TIKI @ CAPT CURTS
3:30 – 6:30pm 7‐10pm
Acoustic Open Mic w/ Nally & Egglefield 6‐10pm Berry Oakley’s Skylab 7‐11pm
Live Music Noon – 3pm Live Music Noon – 3pm
3:30 – 6:30pm 7‐10pm
3:30 – 6:30pm 7‐10pm
Karaoke 9pm ‐1am LIVE MUSIC 6‐10pm
CASEY KEY FISH HOUSE 801 Blackburn Pt. Rd, Osprey
941‐966‐1901 Sharkey’s on the Pier 1600 Harbor Dr. S. Venice 941‐488‐1456 Snook Haven 5000 E Venice Ave, Venice 941‐485‐7221
LIVE MUSIC 11:30 AM – 2:30PM 5‐8PM
LIVE MUSIC 11:30AM‐2:30PM 5‐8PM
LIVE MUSIC 11:30AM – 2:30PM 5‐8PM
Above information is subject to change. We suggest calling venues for confirmation.
Swamp Donkie 2‐6pm
Rising Tide 8pm – 12am
Live Music 4‐8pm LIVE MUSIC 8PM – MIDNIGHT LIVE MUSIC 11:30AM – 2:30PM 5‐8PM
Eddie Jame Jazz Band 6‐10pm Dana & Co 2‐6pm Mike Tozier 8pm – 12am
Live Music 4‐8pm
TBA – 2 pm Tozier – 5pm Chris Otto ‐ 10pm Democracy (Reggae) 10pm‐2am
3:30 – 6:30pm 7‐10pm
Democracy 4‐8pm Live Music 4‐8pm
LIVE MUSIC 11:30AM – 2:30PM 5‐8PM
November 2015
Island Humor An 80 year old man was having his annual checkup and the doctor asked him how he was feeling. “I’ve never been better!” he boasted. “I’ve got an eighteen year old bride who’s pregnant and having my child! What do you think about that?” The doctor considered this for a moment, and then said, “Let me tell you a story. I knew a guy who was an avid hunter. He never missed a season. But one day went out in a bit of a hurry and he accidentally grabbed his umbrella instead of his gun.” The doctor continued, “So he was in the woods and suddenly a grizzly bear appeared in front of him! He raised his umbrella, pointed it at the bear and squeezed the handle.” “And do you know what happened?” the doctor queried. Dumbfounded, the old man replied “No.” The doctor continued, “The bear dropped dead in front of him!” “That’s impossible!” exclaimed the old man. “Someone else must have shot that bear.” “That’s kind of what I’m getting at...” replied the doctor. Little Jenny comes home from school and tells her mom that the boys keep asking her to do
cartwheels because no one else can do them quite like she can. Mom says, “You should tell them NO – they only want to look at your undies.” Jenny says, “I know. That’s why I hide them in my backpack.” Our first day at a resort on Siesta Key my wife and I decided to relax at the beach. When I went back to our room to get something to drink, one of the hotel maids was making our bed. I grabbed my cooler and was on my way out when I paused and asked, “Can we drink beer on the beach?” “Sure,” she said, “but let me finish the rest of the rooms first, okay?” A guy walks past a high, solid wooden fence at the insane asylum and he hears all the residents inside chanting, “Thirteen!, Thirteen!, Thirteen!” He continues walking along the long fence, but, can’t help wondering why they’d be chanting, Thirteen!” over and over again. Are they chugging beer? Or maybe they are taking turns beating one
of the inmates? They could even be counting the number of patients that have jumped off the roof. As he continues to walk along the fence wondering what they are doing, he comes to a spot with a hole in the fence. Hah, he thinks, now’s my chance to see what the heck is going on in there. He turns and peeks into the hole. As he looks, someone inside pokes him in the eye. Then everyone inside the asylum starts chanting, “Fourteen!, Fourteen!, Fourteen!”
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Month e h T f o r e d n e t r a B
l Bar at the Sand Dollar Poo 41-924-4900 9 s lu P rn e st e Best W il, Sarasota ra T i m ia m a T . S 6600
Two fellas are fishing in a boat under a bridge. One looks up and sees a funeral procession starting across the bridge. He stands up, takes off his cap, and bows his head. The procession crosses the bridge and the man puts on his cap, picks up his rod and reel, and continues fishing. The other guy says, “That was touching. I didn’t know you had it in you.” The first guy responds, “Well, I guess it was the thing to do - after all, I was married to her for 40 years.”
Name of Bartender: Jason Gelardo Hometown: Herndon, VA
Q: How long have you been bartending? A: I have been in the service industry since I was 14! I started bartending in 1997 in Reston, VA. I have lived in Sarasota for 5 years. Q: What was the strangest or funniest thing you experienced at work? A: I once hit my funny bone so hard, I blacked out. It was a good thing I was sitting down while cleaning the cooler. Q: What do you do in your spare time? A: In my spare time my business partner (Adam Rhoades) and I run a website called SIRC4U. We specialize in matching job seekers with restaurants. It’s definitely been an awesome experience starting a company we continue to grow every day. Q: How would you describe yourself? A: I’m definitely out-going, hard-working and fun. I love meeting
new people every week from all over the world. Q: How would you describe where you work? A: The Sand Dollar Pool Bar is a great place to work. I get to be outside entertaining the guests. My co-workers are great as well. Definitely has an island feel to it.
6500 Gateway Ave • 941.554.8905
Q: When’s the best time to see you? A: I generally work Saturday, Sunday and Monday from noon- 10p.m. Sand Dollar Pool Bar is open to the public so come hang by the pool and relax or watch some football at the bar.
26 Siesta Sand
November 2015
941.349.0194 www.siestasand.net
Water World
Captain Jim Klopfer Adventure Charters 941-371-1390
False albacore will provide great sport off of the Siesta Key beaches in November
November offers Siesta Key anglers diverse opportunities. A wide variety of species are available this month, and multiple techniques will be successful. The key is adapting to the conditions; weather will become a factor at times. Water temperatures will be falling as it cools off and the days become shorter, and this will trigger fish to feed. Both Big Pass and New Pass will be productive spots to fish this month. Pompano will be targeted by many anglers, along with Spanish mackerel, bluefish, and ladyfish. Drifting with the tide and bouncing a jig off the bottom is a proven technique to catch pompano and other species. Yellow, white, and chartreuse pompano jigs work very well in deep, swift water. These jigs are small and compact, allowing them to sink quickly. These same jigs are effective in shallow water and on bars when cast out and retrieved back to the boat using short hops. Spoons and Rapala plugs are very effective when breaking fish are
Siesta Key Association Meeting Notes By Diana Colson Michael Shay called the meeting to order, and September Minutes were approved.
Community Reports Sheriff’s Office
Sgt. Jason Mruczek has returned to Siesta Key, and is newly in charge of the Siesta Key Substation. (The office is temporarily located in a trailer, but will soon be moved to the beach.) The Sgt. said there were no big crime trends currently going on. President Michael Shay spoke highly of Sgt Mruczek, saying he was very hands-on and attentive, and responded quickly to calls that need his attention.
Code Enforcement
Susan Stahley was unable to attend. Michael Shay said they had communicated on a couple of illegal rentals, and she was actively following those cases.
MAIN SPEAKER — Commissioner Alan Maio, BOCC, Sarasota County
Commissioner Maio has spent almost a year on the job. He gave a presentation of the County Budget for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 and outlined improvements for Siesta Key. He also said they were already working of FY 2017. The County Fiscal Year started October 1 of 2015, and extends through September 30 of 2016. Maio spoke of the new budget and how it might affect Siesta Key. He addressed several rumors that were utterly false: Is Sarasota County going bankrupt? Definitely not! Does Sarasota County have no reserves? Ridiculous! Is Sarasota County’s bond rating down? Nonsense! For FY 2016, Sarasota County Commissioners are dealing with One Billion, 92 Million dollars. Says Commissioner Mayo, “It’s a lot of money, and we watch it very closely. We keep paying things off at cheaper interest rates.” At 3.9%, Sarasota County has the 2nd lowest millage rate in Florida. Remarkably, this favorable millage rate has stayed almost the same for many years. During the recent “Great Recession”, the County gross assessed value went down 42%. Nonetheless, the County maintained a flat-lined or decreased millage rate even during those stressful times. Mayo presented a telling visual: A dollar bill was shown torn into three parts, displaying how each dollar of
property tax was allocated: • 58 cents of each dollar goes to the Sarasota County School Board: 34.1 cents go to the State School system; 24.5 cents goes to local schools. • 11 cents of that dollar go to Sarasota Florida Water Management, West Coast Inland Navigation, and Sarasota Memorial Hospital. • 31 cents of that dollar goes to Sarasota County. The 31 cents is divided between the Sheriff’s Office, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Property Appraiser, Supervisor of Elections, Tax Collector, SCAT, Health and Human Resources, parks, libraries, and other services. It also goes to Sarasota County Debt, Mosquito Control, and Sarasota County EMS. It has been mistakenly reported that Sarasota County stopped charging Impact Fees. Commissioner Maio pointed out that a comma should have been added followed by the words “… and replaced them with mobility fees.”
seen working in the passes. Pompano will also be taken on the deep grass flats, as will speckled trout, bluefish, mackerel, jack crevelle and other species. Soft plastics such as the Bass Assassin Sea Shad baits on a ¼ ounce jig head are extremely productive and a lot of fun to fish. A live shrimp either free lined or fished under a cork is the top choice for anglers who prefer live bait. Fish will begin moving south from the passes to the flats between Stickney Pt. and Blackburn Pt. and will be scattered over a large area. Successful anglers will fish quickly until the fish are located. Redfish schools will be thinning out in the shallow water, but there will still be plenty of fish in the pot holes, along mangrove shorelines, under docks, and around oyster bars. Rapala plugs, weedless gold spoons, and Bass Assassin Elite Shiners on a Pro Elite jig head are all excellent choices for probing the shallow flats. These same lures will also catch snook, along with speckled trout and jack
crevelle. Snook will be migrating through these areas on their way to their winter haunts and will be feeding heavily. Points, bars, and docks with current are prime ambush spots for game fish. Large live shrimp are deadly when fished under docks, although it will not allow anglers to cover as much water. Night fishing under lighted docks and bridges will also produce a lot of snook this month. King mackerel, Spanish mackerel, false albacore, cobia, and sharks will bend rods and test drags in the inshore Gulf of Mexico, provided the severe fronts stay away. Point of Rocks on Siesta Key is a prime fall spot to either sight cast to breaking fish or troll plugs and spoons. Live bait will also produce, especially once fish are located. Live blue runners and threadfins slow trolled on a “stinger” rig will catch some very nice kings along with sharks. Drifting a live shrimp or small bait fish will catch plenty of Spanish and albies.
Snapshots of Island Visitors Photos by Trebor Britt
SKIMBOARDER Fiona Devaux (14) of Boca Raton using the “trial by error” method of skimboarding on the Gulf of Mexico shoreline of America’s No. 1 beach. Skimboarding originated in Southern California when Laguna Beach lifeguards wanted to surf the local shorebreak that was too fast and shallow for surfboards.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: Big Pass Dredge Project:
Catherine Luckner reported: “Things are working in a good way. People have been doing their homework. This has opened up avenues for inquiry. Some things have been answered by the Army Corps, but not others.” For example, the Army Corps has not yet turned in a required wildlife report. All reports must be submitted before the project could move forward. Deadline dates are in force. Michael Shay added that no one is questioning that Lido needs sand. SKA is not being passive, but is working within the system
OLD BUSINESS: • Roundabout: Bob Stein reported that nothing has happened as yet. • Petition for building on Beach Road near Beach Access #4: After having been turned down 3 times, Catherine Luckner said that the petition is being presented for the 4th time. It involves a very expensive parcel of land, and owners want to build 100% past the setback line. Petitioners keep altering their design and resubmitting. This 4th submission is coming up on October 15. • Membership Drive: Begins in November. Fees have not gone up. Everyone who signs up will get 2 tickets to the Annual Brunch. Next SKA monthly meeting is Thursday, 11/5, at 4:30 pm.
GREAT PLACE TO SPEND A HOLIDAY Above: Jason Ralston (23), Chase Meyers (22) of Punta Gorda, Isaac Riley (23) of Bradenton, Jessica Ralston of Punta Gorda, Ricky Cofield (23) of Chicago and Amanda Gibson (22) of Bradenton, hamming it up on spectacular Siesta Beach, the No. 1 beach in America. Left: Christian Womeldorph (17) of Bradenton and Libby Grimond (17) a senior at Lakewood Ranch Out-of-Door Academy enjoying incredible Siesta Beach. Christian is focusing on soccer at IMG Academy. Libby is hoping to attend Emory University in Atlanta and was born in England.
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
November 2015
Snapshots of Island Visitors
Notes from the Island Fishmonger
Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography
By Scott Dolan
|Ode To The Oyster Like a lot of folks, November is my favorite time of the year. The weather is changing to the cooler temps, the holidays are quickly approaching and like clockwork it is shellfish season. Of course this time of the year, the Stone Crab steals most of the press as Stone Crab season just opened on October 15th. Most Floridians are now enjoying their sweet Crab fix for the first time in six months. While it is true that Stone Crabs are a must have this time of year, and so far the catches have been plentiful, don’t overlook the Quahogs, Mollusk and Bivalves. A few uncommon names for the common Clams, Mussels and Oysters that thrive in the colder months as the water temperatures fall. It’s the time of year when we look for seafood delights that are a little heavier than the summer Shrimp Gazpacho dish and not quite as comforting as a winter Paella or Jambalaya....no, what we are looking for in the Fall is Mussels Marinara, Seafood Gumbo or Linguini with Clams but my favorite is the granddaddy of all shellfish…the Oyster. Right now the Oyster profile is that of a very briny, buttery and clean taste with a salty finish. Oysters are most commonly eaten raw, steamed, or grilled. Recent travels to New Orleans and Pensacola, Florida have opened my eyes to a variety of creative and delicious ways to serve Oysters. Most of us are all familiar with the traditional Oyster Rockefeller
and the Oyster Casino but some of these Oyster bars in the Gulf panhandle have taken the Oyster to another level. Smoked Oysters with bacon, jalapenos, cheese and bread crumbs was one menu item that left a delightful impression on my tastebuds while broiled Oysters with a Buffalo Wing Sauce and crumbled Blue Cheese left me dazed and confused. As a self-proclaimed “Oyster Expert” it is essential that before I eat an oyster I will actually need to witness the opening of the shell to ensure maximum freshness and taste. The best Oyster bars shuck the Oyster in front of you and serve your freshly shucked dozen with a cold draft beer. If you haven’t sat at the bar of Monks Oyster Bar and had a dozen Monkefellas or an East Coast Oyster Roast at The Big Water Fish Market, you are missing out on two local Oyster favorites. So, as the big Thanksgiving weekend approaches we all think turkey, ham and deviled eggs but don’t forget the Shrimp Cocktail, Stone Crabs and a Thanksgiving tradition...the Oyster stuffing. It’s not the turkey I look forward to but it’s being home with my family watching the big Michigan vs Ohio State game with a giant bowl of Dad’s homemade Oyster Stew. May the world be your Oyster...whatever that means. Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving all! Live well.....Eat Fish Scott Dolan Big Water Fish Market
OYSTER DRESSING • 2 Bags Pepperidge Farm Cornbread Stuffing • 1 stick unsalted butter • 1 large sweet onion chopped • 1 cup celery chopped • 3 eggs beaten • 1 qt chicken broth • 1 Quart Oysters & the liquid • 1 tsp poultry seasoning • 1 tsp thyme • 1 tsp sage • Salt & pepper to taste Preheat oven to 350*. Sauté butter, onions ,& celery for 8-10 minutes. Combine stuffing mix & sautéed vegetables. Add oysters & liquid, eggs,poultry seasoning thyme. Get mixture to “moist consistency” with chicken broth; as much as needed. Add salt, pepper,& sage. Pour all into greased 9x12 baking pan. Bake for 45-60 minutes. Insert knife in middle until it comes out clean and dressing is slightly crusty on top.
Sarasota, Florida Florida Sarasota,
941-200-0333 www.OceanProDive.com www.OceanProDive.com
1: Tristan age 7, Haydon age 6 from CO. 2: Wanda & Jerry from Venice. 3: Olivia from Sarasota, Annie from GA. 4: Bruce from Sarasota.
|Kathleen D Sailing Catamarans
Let’s go sailing, KATHLEEN D Sailing Catamarans, serving Siesta Key from 3 locations, Downtown Sarasota, Longboat Key and Anna Marie Island. If you would like to experience being on the water viewing Dolphin Watches, Sunset Sails, Snorkeling and Shelling call us at 941870-4349 or go to our web site for detailed information www.kathleend.net USCG Certified for 20 passengers.
|The Rumrunner Located at Turtle Beach Marina in South Siesta Key | 941.349.3119 www.siestakeycharterfishing.com Captain Joe Bonaro offers more than exciting deep sea fishing opportunities aboard “Sarasota’s
fastest charter boat,” the Rumrunner (941/349-3119). The skipper offers special boat and fishing trips for families – and for families with small children – as well as customized day and overnight trips.
NOVEMBER 2015 TIDE CHART Florida, St. Petersburg, Sarasota, Sarasota Bay
November 2015
N 27° 20' / W 82° 33' Date
High Tide 2.3
High Tide 1.5
Low Tide 0.1
Low Tide 1.4
731am 831am
©2015 FreeTideTables.com - For comparison only - Times are local - Tides in feet from MLLW
28 Siesta Sand
November 2015
Discover Gulf Gate
Eat Where The Locals Eat! Original Word of Mouth 6604 Gateway Ave. Sarasota, FL 34231
HOURS: Monday - Sunday 8:00AM to 2PM www.originalwordofmouth.com
941.349.0194 www.siestasand.net
With our map, located below, you’ll be able to navigate your way to our featured shops with ease. Oh Mamma Mia! (GG4) Offers a truly unique dining experience with dinner shows by Chef Giuseppe Urbano. Enjoy the family ambiance as you watch him prepare an authentic Italian regional dish with fresh ingredients just for you. Fine dining, great atmosphere at casual dining prices. Reservations highly recommended.
(S-16) is owned and operated by true Chicagoans. Dedicated to deliver Chicago’s best food - Chicago style Hot Dogs wit’ the works...dragged through the garden on poppy seed buns with fresh cut fries, Italian Beef Sandwiches anyway you like, dipped or dry, sweet or hot. All Piccolos Italian Market & served in true Authentic Chicago Deli (G-47) carries a full line Style. of imported cheeses, fresh Sarasota Brewing Co. (G-4) baked bread daily, homemade sausages, fresh mozzarella, and Sarasota’s first micro brew pub numerous hard to get items. always has something new to They now carry Khorasan offer. From over 20 seasonal Gulf Gate Golf Course – Wheat which is an ancient beers that rotate throughout Conveniently located just a and organic grain. Their Deli the year, the Brewing Company stones throw from the Gulf is complete with huge hot and always has at least five unique Gate Shops, this 27 hole cold sandwiches, salads, fresh brews online as well as several Executive Course offers men’s homemade lasagna and baked favorites from around the and women’s rental clubs. You ziti. And, you cannot leave world. Established in 1989, can start your day with a round without trying their cannoli Their menu has been a winner of golf, enjoy a bite to eat at the filled with their own homemade in the Reader’s Choice Awards many wonderful restaurants or cannoli cream or the tiramisu of the Sarasota Herald Tribune simply relax with a pint of ale or Sfogliatelle from Brooklyn. featuring their mouth watering at the pub before you head out Here is where you will find burgers, Chicago style Pizzas, to explore the many fine shops. great Italian specialty gourmet and Chicago beef sandwiches. Moments In Time Photography items without the gourmet With dozens of televisions, it’s a great place to catch a game with (G-28) specializes in several price. Tony’s Chicago Beef Company friends and family. different photography services
West End Pub (G-49) Where else can you watch your favorite game with a great selection of beers, wines and liquors served by a friendly staff AND where you’re allowed to bring your own restaurant or deli food? Right here.
including Siesta Key Beach portraits starting at just $49 and wedding beginning at $495. Check out their website: www. sarasotaphotos.com or visit their store to see why they have been the photographer of choice for over a decade and a half.
Hurricane Mike’s Saloon (M-10) is a little neighborhood bar at 2639 Mall Drive, where everyone knows your name type of establishment and friendly staff. TV’s with the MLB and NFL packages, pool table, and full Florida Lottery games. Happy hour daily from opening to 7pm. Hours: Mon – Sat, 8am – 2:30am and Sun., noon – 2:30am. The Shop SRQ (G-2) offers flat-tops, fades, tapers, blowouts, razor cuts, and straight razor shaves. Owners, Erick and Dawn use a back to basics approach to grooming with a precise attention to personal detail. Continued on the next page
• Pool TableGolden Tee Megatouch • 12 TV’s with MLB and NFL ticket sports package • All Florida lottery games • Smokers Welcome!
2639 Mall Drive
Mon.-Sat. 9 AM-2:30 AM Sun. 11 AM-2:30 AM
Iberia Bank
G23 G22 G21 G20 G19 G18 G17 G16 G15 G14 G13 G12 G11 G10 G9 G8 G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1
S58 S57 S56 S55 S54 S53 S52 S51 S50 S49 S48 S47 S46 S45 S44 S43 S42 S41 S40 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33 S32 S31 S30
S28 S27 S26 S25 S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S9 S8 S7 S6 S5 S4 S3 S2 S1
GG1 GG2 GG3 GG4 GG5 GG6 GG7 GG8 GG9 GG10 GG11 GG12 GG13 GG14 GG15 GG16 GG17 GG18 GG19 GG20 GG21 GG22 GG23 GG24 GG25 GG26 GG27 GG28 GG29 GG30 GG31 GG32 GG33 GG34 GG35 GG36 GG37 GG38 GG39 GG40 GG41 GG42 GG43 GG44 GG45 GG46 GG47 GG48 GG49 GG50 GG51 GG52 GG53 GG54
© Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2012
EVERY DAY Mike’s Bud Select Brew $1.50/Pints
M22 M21 M20 M19 M18 M17 M16 M15 M14 M13 M12 M11 M10 M9 M8
All packaged liquor sold until 2 AM
M5 M4 M3 M2 M1
Daily from open ‘til 7 PM
G49 G48 G47 G46 G45 G44 G43 G42 G41 G40 G39 G38 G37 G36 G35 G34 G33 G32 G31 G30 G29 G28 G27 G26 G25
Italian Market & Deli
Hot or Cold & Vegetarian Sandwiches
Authentic New York Italian Market & Deli We carry a full line of Imported Cheeses, Boars Head Luncheon Meats, Pasta, Olive Oil, Assorted Imported Olives, Khorasan Wheat (ancient & organic grain), and more. G-47 GG-46
“Straight Razor Shaves”
Combined 25+ Years Experience
Specialty Italian gourmet items without the gourmet price
941.626.4894 / 941.536.1656
Come See Our New Location Store Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10am - 6pm 6518 Gateway Ave.
Flat-Tops, Fades, Tapers, Blowouts and Razor Cuts
Tonsorial Artistry by
Tonsorial Artistry by Erick & Dawn
Open Tues.-Fri. 8:30 AM-6 PM Sat. 8:30 AM - 3 PM Closed Sun. & Mon.
November 2015
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Food and Wine Pairings
By Maureen Rooney, Siesta Key Wines & Gifts
|Impress your guest with Spectacular Red Wines from California The holidays are right around the corner, and now is the time to start thinking about what you can do to impress your friends and family this year. There are some wonderful California wines to enjoy this fall and we are happy to share them with you! In the past few years, blends have become very popular in the U.S. Although blends have been around for many years, it’s only been recently that California wines have promoted the many grapes they use to make their wine. Technically, here in the states, if a wine is mostly of one varietal, it’s not required, by law, to list all the different grapes that have been added to make up the finished product. But as Americans become more inquisitive and wine savvy, winemakers are finding that listing all the varietals help the consumer appreciate other types of grapes while increasing their sales on wines that appear to be a fresh idea. Smooth. That’s the best word
Discover Gulf Gate Continued from previous page
Their commitment to excellence has provided them with many loyal customers. They welcome the opportunity to earn your trust. Hours: Tues. – Fri. 8:30am – 6pm, Sat., 8:30am – 3pm. Closed on Sundays and Mondays. 6625 Gateway Ave, 941-626-4894. At the original Word of Mouth Restaurant (G-31), every seemingly insignificant detail receives special attention from the warm, inviting decor to each specially crafted variety of freshly baked muffins to the signature menu items. This small diner is where the locals come to eat breakfast and lunch. Each staff member works hard to make sure you receive the best service and quality food so you’ll want to return often. Take a look at their mouth-watering menu at www.originalwordofmouth. com. Hours: Mon-Sun.: 8AM2PM. 6604 Gateway Ave., Sarasota, 34231, 941-925-2400. Fiona’s Childrenwear (G43) is the place to shop for all those special occasions and sophisticated but functional everyday wear. Styles range from classic to contemporary to whimsical and are available in size newborn to 16x. Hours: Tues. – Fri. 10 a.m. – 5p.m., Sat. 10a.m. – 4 p.m. Other hours by appt. Call 941-400-0732.
to describe our first fall wine. “Entycement” is an extremely smooth blend from Ty Caton Vineyards in Sonoma Valley. This limited production wine has a deep purple hue and aromas of blackberry and boysenberry. The first sip reveals notes of dark fruits and the lush feel of a silky smooth, lingering finish of spice. This wine is an interesting blend of 39% Zinfandel, 27% Syrah, 12% Carignane, 8% Petite Syrah, 6% Merlot, 4% Petit Verdot, 4% Barbera. It has received a 90 point rating from Wine Spectator Magazine. Definitely a wine you really need to try, not only with steaks but also with spicy pasta dishes. Very easy drinking and is a wine that you can easily drink more than one glass. The next wine you must try is definitely a “crazy” wine! Seriously, its name is “Pazzo” which means “crazy” in Italian. Crazier than that, it’s not even an Italian wine! But they do use Sangiovese, which IS an Italian
Off Key
grape, but it’s made and grown in Napa! Crazy, huh? Pazzo is a Sangiovese Blend and has an amazingly fragrant nose of cherries and berries with a rich balance of fruit, oak and tannins. No need to cellar any longer, the wine is perfect for drinking now. Syrah adds a bold, rich component to the wine and gives Pazzo its deep color. The Wine Advocate has given Pazzo a 90 point rating and describes it as “very sexy, fleshy and succulent. Lots of red and black fruits, meaty with peppery spices with a hint of Provencal herbs.” Pazzo consists of 54% Sangiovese, 28% Syrah, 10% Petite Sirah and 8% Cabernet Sauvignon. A great wine to enjoy with any beef or hearty meal and, a beautiful Napa wine
is perfect for drinking now or can be cellared for several more years. This Merlot is an unfiltered wine and has been aged for 16 months in French Oak barrels which adds to the richness and generous flavors of the wine. This is the perfect gift for your favorite Merlot lover. I don’t know about you, but I just want to grab a bottle along with some Vermont white cheddar and head down to watch the sunset! Got wine questions? Need recommendations? Send them our way! Maybe you will see your question printed in our next article! Stop by, call or email us. We are always eager to show you something impressive! Siesta Key Wines is located in the Siesta Key Village. Email us at drinkwine@ siestakeywines.com or give a ring at 941-552-9105. Remember…we ship!
homeless shelter downtown. The City doesn’t. Meantime, the City would like continued countywide funding of the Community Redevelopment Agency that has helped fund scores of infrastructure projects within the city over recent decades. But the county has voted to allow the CRA to sunset next year. In the past, a deal might have been struck. You want the CRA? Help us build the homeless shelter we’re looking for. But nowadays that kind of ‘deal’ never sees the ‘sunshine’ because so much gets handled through ‘departmental’ channels where everything has to be wrapped up neat and tidy, with a big bright bow; few risks are ever taken for fear of political retribution being exacted by opponents or even allies offended by any ‘straying from the reservation,’ so to speak. ‘Politics’ in the traditional sense just doesn’t work in this type of environment, though I fully realize many think this is nothing to complain about. But it is at least part of the reason why so little seems to get
done these days and why projects end up costing so much and taking so long. Letters get passed back and forth between various staffs... but no one in authority actually talks to their counterpart on the other side – honestly and openly – about what needs to get done. Ironic no? The ‘sunshine’ can actually work against progress by making the perfect the enemy of the good. Witness the tortured process Republicans have faced recently trying to pick a new Speaker to replace John Boehner (whose credo for keeping members in line was reportedly: “The punishment will continue until morale improves).” Old school politics may have been messy; but some of those old school pols - on both sides of the political spectrum - knew how to get things done...by taking risks and engaging in some old fashioned horse trading along the way. As any Texas Armadillo will tell you, nothing good happens by trying to play it safe in the middle of the road.
5138C Ocean Blvd., 941-552-9105
Continued from page 11
The garages were built with the idea of enhancing the business environment downtown by providing plentiful parking, right? Why shouldn’t they fulfill the complementary purpose of keeping the sidewalks clear of the slumbering homeless? All absurd suggestions you say? No argument here. But when absurdity reigns, an in-kind response becomes every bit as plausible. I remember a quote that has stuck with me for decades, though unfortunately the author’s name is in the wind: “There can be rules without meaning, but there can be no meaning without rules.”
Mourning the Passing of Yogi (and Copy Editors too)
When Yankee Hall of Famer Yogi Berra rounded third base last month for the last time, the world lost a true original. But his passing reminded me of another loss: copy editors. Once they were the guardians of fact and credibility at every newspaper
across the land. Sadly, like Yogi, they are gone now too. Witness the Associated Press obituary that ran in many papers shortly after the former catcher made it safely “home.” “Yogi Bear Dead at Ninety...” Our condolences to Boo Boo.
Downside to Government in the Sunshine?
Remember the bad old days when deals were struck in smoke-filled back rooms out of public view? We’re so much better off today aren’t we?...with government business conducted out in the open... Sometimes I’m not so sure. ‘Sunshine’ laws like those in Florida can in some cases contribute to gridlock by actually hardening positions on different sides of an issue as politicians play to their respective bases instead of reaching out to the opposition in hopes of reaching compromise. Case in point: as mentioned above, Sarasota County supports building a new come-as-you-are
2015 Sarasota Engraver of the Year Personalized Gifts For: Babies Grandchildren Weddings Anniversaries
Pride of the South (S-34) specializes in southern BBQ from ribs to meatloaf along with an array of sides such as grits, collard greens,baked bread, cole slaw, and fried orka all served up in a southern style setting. Let your nose lead the way to their smokers. High tech comes to Gulf Gate where Suncoast Laser (G-46) operates two state of the art computerized laser engravers. They can engrave names,logos or just about anything on glass, metal wood, plastics, leather and many other materials with precision accuracy. They carry a line of wedding, baby, corporate and special occasion gifts and there is never a charge for engraving.
such as this, makes an impressive bottle to bring to an intimate dinner party. Although blends are a great way to experience a variety of flavor combinations, we really have to acknowledge another impressive wine that is perfect for this fall. Fitch Mountain Cellars at Knights Valley in Sonoma produces an absolutely lush and velvety Merlot….and it’s 100% true Merlot. Knights Valley Merlot is velvety and rich with a supple finish. Aromas of dark cherries, black raspberries and mountain berries dance in the glass. It is mid to full bodied and
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Catering Available
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FREE SIDE With the purchase of ANY entreé
30 Siesta Sand
November 2015
941.349.0194 www.siestasand.net
Additional improvements County officials say plans for the west pavilion has been in the works for two years, and it was selected as a priority aspect of the public beach makeover by the County Commission in August, 2013, at a cost of $241,697. The pavilion will replace a boardwalk overlook that has proven over time to become a popular site for weddings. The new pavilion can be rented, and will be open to the public when it is not reserved by renters. “It’s a rental structure, so the park can generate some revenue, which is good for taxpayers,” Gaubatz told Siesta Sand. But the way some condominium unit owners at nearby Crescent Royale and Sunset Royale see it: The pavilion is a wedding party they would like to crash. Unit owners at Sunset Royale are already grappling with problems ranging from beachgoers using a patio hose as a shower and more disturbingly, people utilizing landscaping as a bathroom. Bob D’Orsi, president of the Sunset Royale Condo Board of Directors, says he thinks the new west pavilion looks beautiful — architecturally. The problem, however, is that adding another amenity in that part of the beach’s public park will only “exacerbate the problem,” especially since the county has no plans to add bathrooms near the pavilion. “Bath facilities are needed if they are going to bring that many more people in there,” D’Orsi said. Gaubatz confirmed that restrooms are not in the current plans for the west pavilion, but said the county plans to install signs that direct beachgoers and those attending weddings at the pavilion to the main public restrooms at the “historic pavilion” under renovation. The number of restrooms there is doubling.
“A regular problem”
D’Orsi told Siesta Sand a separate issue has arisen because unit owners and residents have called the sheriff’s office about noise at night. “Residents are asked [by the sheriff’s office] would you like to meet a deputy?’” Many of his neighbors don’t want to meet with a deputy, yet there has been a sense that anonymous complaints about loud noises won’t be addressed. D’Orsi believes the pavilion can worsen noise issues. D’Orsi said the board even discussed the possibility of hiring an attorney and trying to get a judge to block construction of the pavilion,
Continued from cover story
until some of the concerns — mainly the lack of close-by restrooms — are addressed. As of press time, the board president believed the topic would come up again at the board’s meeting at the end of October. “But I believe the county is going to do what they want to do,” D’Orsi said. Paul Parr, who rents a Sunset Royale unit he owns that overlooks the western tip of Siesta Public Beach park, brought the county’s pavilion plans to the attention of others in the condo complex on Beach Road. Parr believes a facility that can accommodate more people, yet does not come with restroom facilities, will bring more problems. Parr notes that each eight-foot-long table planned for the pavilion can hold four to eight people, and he is concerned that more than four or five tables might be placed there. Parr said of current conditions: “People will use landscaping and our grounds to urinate and defecate and it’s a regular problem we have to live with,” Parr said. “We’ve even had some knocking on doors of condos trying to get in or ask where a bathroom is.” “If the pavilion goes in, Sunset Royale will probably have to do what Crescent Royale did and fence in the property,” Parr said. Parr, who has a background in crime prevention, is also worried that the new concrete picnic structures and some planned landscaping could pose a safety concern because criminals can hide behind the plants or behind part of the new picnic structures.
Pavilion confusion
Sunset Royale owners have voiced concerns about how the “wedding pavilion” became an aspect of the beach project with what they describe as little public notification, and no public discussion. The condo’s board wrote to County Commissioners on Sept. 28: “The Directors of the Sunset Royale Association, Inc., have closely followed the county’s plans for the expansion of Siesta Key Beach and were taken by surprise when we learned that a “pavilion” with a capacity of 80 persons, has already been approved and is under construction, directly across the street from our complex.” This confusion was due in part to the fact of how the county had labeled the project on plans shown at public meetings, which many owners attended. The structure was
Watch Master Sculptors create sand masterpieces on America’s #1 Beach
ve No
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noted in plans going back as far as 2009, but the location of the structure moved slightly west — and closer to Sunet Royale. It was never called a “pavilion” on plans. “We feel that the county was purposely vague about the project, calling it ‘ENHANCE EXISTING MULTI-PURPOSE OVERLOOK’ in the Draft Conceptual Plan and ‘MULTI-PURPOSE OVERLOOK/ SHELTER’ in the Master Plan dated February, 2011. Nowhere in this description is the word ‘Pavilion’ used, which would have alerted us to the fact that a large number of people could be using this facility,” the letter continues. “The existing overlook is seldom used, and from the names given on the plan, it was our understanding, that ‘Enhance Existing Multi-Purpose Overlook’ and ‘Multi-Purpose Overlook/ Shelter’ meant possibly enhancing the present overlook with the addition of a roof or benches.”
Bathrooms, that way …
Gaubatz said the county can add more signs pointing beachgoers to bathrooms, if it will help. “We can obviously add more [signs],” Gaubatz said. The number of restrooms in the “historic pavilion” towards the center of the public area is doubling during construction — a factor that should help address concerns. “That is one of the main reasons this project is being done, to add more restrooms,” Gaubatz said of the overall Siesta Public Beach Improvements makeover. A paver, pedestrian esplanade that stretches through the park will also help make it easier for people on the west end of the park to get to the bathrooms. It will traverse the “entire length of the park,” Gaubatz said. Adding a bathroom at the west pavilion — which would be a decision for the County Commission to make — could be costly because they would have to be built raised up, similar to the just-constructed concession building (built 16 feet above the sand). The restrooms would then also likely block views of some condo units. Gaubatz also said the county can work with Sunset Royale and Crescent Royale owners to modify landscaping plans, but any changes would have to figured out soon since the pavilion is under construction currently.
Siesta Beach Hosts Reflekt Polarized Big Shot Volleyball Tournament By Trebor Britt
Sage Newgard (22) of Orlando spikes the ball past his opponent during a first round Men’s Open Division match. They were competing in the annual Volley America tournament on magnificent Siesta Beach.
Garrett Peterson (15) from Largo, FL, one of the youngest players in the Men’s Open Division, leaping high to spike over his opponent. For more information on this tournament go to www.eevb.net.
Kim Amerell (23) of Tampa, Kelly Costa (23) of Orlando, Jessica Wilson (23) of S. Tampa, and Ainhoa Barturen (28) of Hoboken, NJ -after their Women’s Open Division match. More than 120 men’s and women’s teams as well as 40 junior teams competed in this year’s tournament.
Check out our LIVE music weekend lineup! - Ari and The Alibis - Democracy Reggae Band - The Porchdogs - Tropical Ave Band - Jim Morris and The Big Bamboo Band - Billy Lyon Band - Gypsy Star - A Train
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Sponsors - Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar - Badger Bob’s Services - Siesta Sand Island - Beach Concessions Visitor Publishing - Benderson - Smith Architects Development - Village Cafe
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- Sand Sculpting Lessons - Live Music - Quick Sand demonstrations
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What’s Happening
Regularly Scheduled Classes & Events: • FREE YOGA Mon-Wed.-Fri.-Sat. 9am. Classes held between blue and green lifeguard station. Call 941-320-6693 to register or www.yogaonsiestabeach.com • NIA Tues. & Thurs., 9a.m., Siesta Public Beach (yellow lifeguard chair). Contact Kathy Oravec at 941-724-9719 for more info or check website: Kathyoravec@gmail.com • SUNSET FUSION – Every Mon & Wed, 45 minutes before sunset. Beach access #4. For additional info and to register online go to: http://www.studiorubylake.com • WEEKLY DRUM CIRCLE - Every Sunday about an hour before sunset. South of the main pavillion. You can particpate or watch this weekly gathering dance, hoop, play the drum or other musical instument and enjoy the spectacular Siesta sunset. • WEEKLY FARMER’S MARKET - Every Sunday from 8am – 2pm in Davidson’s Plaza in the Village. 5124 Ocean Blvd. Produce, Plants & Flowers, Music, Art, Organic Skincare, Italian Olive Oil, and Freshly Prepared Foods. Listen to live music while you shop On The Beach… • NOVEMBER 7 (FRI) 6-10PM: ANNUAL SANDFEST DINNER & PARTY: This year features a PIRATE theme. Music and dancing, including buffet dinner. For more info contact the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce at 941-349-3800. • NOVEMBER 7 (SAT) 7:30AM: EVERYDAY BLESSINGS 5K RACE: Come out and help support Everyday Blessings, a non-profit foster care group home for abused, neglected and abandoned children in the Thonatasassa & Sarasota area. Cost to register. Register at: www.thedriven.net. For more info contact Pam Bell, event director at 813-982-9226, ex. 227.
November 2015 • NOVEMBER 13 – 17 (FRI – TUES): 6th ANNUAL SIESTA KEY CRYSTAL CLASSIC INTERNATIONAL SAND SCULPTURE FESTIVAL - See page 39. • NOVEMBER 14 (SAT) SUNSET: MOONLIGHT MOVIE: FREE EVENT The popular movie, “Surf’s Up” will be shown at sunset on the open beach. Don’t forget your blankets and chairs for this fun family event. On The Island… • OCTOBER 31 (SAT) 3-6PM: VILLAGE TRICK-ORTREAT: Siesta Key Village Association (SKVA) presents Safe Treats for Kids. Bring your little ones to trick or treat in Siesta Village along Ocean Blvd. and the surrounding streets. Look for participating members displaying orange and black balloons and pumpkin flyers in their windows. This free event provides a safe venue for children on Halloween. For more information visit the web site at www.siestakeyvillage. org or call Helene Hyland at 941 685-2274 Off Island… • SARASOTA GARDEN CLUB EVENTS: NOVEMBER 11 (WED) 9:30AM: DISH GARDENS: Make a garden to take home and leave the extras to be taken to local nursing homes. Containers & plants will be provided. Guests and the public are welcome for $5; members are free. See website for more information. www.sarasotagardenclub.org. NOVEMBER 13 (FRI) 1PM: TEA AND LECTURE: Tea, cookies and scones will be served. A lecture on tea by Doug of “As Good As it Gets” Floral designs in rugs by Eileen of “Rugs as Art” Containers and floral design by Emily of “The Sarasota Garden Club”. Hats are optional. Deadline is Nov. 6. To RSVP, call 955-0875 or www.sarasotagardenclub.org We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of this information. However, you should always call ahead to confirm information.
Soulfully Yours Donnarose Q: Dear Donnarose, a couple of my employees get frustrated when I say “The customer is always right”. How can I get them to understand this, as I really want them to stay on board? Best regards, Ron A: ~ “Achieving peace in the office won’t take very long, when employees learn to effectively handle customers when they’re wrong.” ~Donnarose Melvin Intuitively, I don’t see any of them jumping ship. Now regarding this issue, a main reason for their frustration is that sometimes the customer is indeed wrong. And employees feel unsupported when the boss doesn’t acknowledge this. We were taught the cliché, “The customer is always right” many moons ago to emphasize the value of the customer. But when I was a corporate training manager(several times) with hundreds of employees, I felt a need to tweak this a bit. What you can tell your staff, is that the customer may not always be right, but they always come first. This always seems to click and produce a little relief when people hear this, because it’s the truth, and a gentler reminder that without customers, there is no company. So when you say this during your next advanced training, they will get out of defense mode. And their ears will open wider to hearing some resolutions on how to effectively handle customers when they’re wrong. And lastly, be sure to praise any slight improvements in this area. As I’ve always said, when you P.R.A.I.S.E. someone, you are a Person Raising Another Individual’s Self Esteem. I call that a win/win. ~ ♥ Q: Dear Donnarose, I’ve never experienced a great intuitive reading. How do I know if it’s me or the reader that’s causing this? And what do I need to do to get the most out of my reading? ~ Thank you, Ava A: ~ “What will help you in your reading every time, is relaxing your energy and clearing your mind.” ~Donnarose Melvin Since this is such a common question, I’m actually getting ready to do a video on how to have the best reading. In the interim, the answer is, it can vary from reading to reading. Sometimes like in any occupation, your reader could have an off day. And/or, you may want to contact
your departed loved one, but may not be ready, and so you may send out resistant energy. These are just some examples. If there’s ever a time you don’t feel comfortable, or the energy doesn’t feel right with your reader, it’s encouraged to politely end the reading. Your part in helping to enjoy your reading, is to prepare ahead of time. Take deep breaths and allow yourself to be still for at least 5 minutes to help release any tension. This will help to open your energy in preparation to receive messages. Ask your angels for assistance to be receptive to anything the reader has to tell you. Also, I always thank the angels for protecting me and my client during the reading. Since some readers may not do this, I recommend you do this for yourself to ensure only positive energies enter the room. Have the understanding that the reading is for Spirit and your loved ones, etc., to provide you with messages/answers, support, guidance, love, and to help you heal. Be ready with questions, and a pen and paper just in case. I recommend you narrow it down to your most pressing issues to allow time for extensive answers. Most of my clients record their readings. I recommend you do the same so you can listen to the parts you may have forgotten, and the important information will be reinforced. Remember, this is your reading. Whatever information resonates with you, absorb and apply it to your life. The rest, let it go. But hopefully, the entire reading will be beneficial. ~ ♥ Donnarose Melvin is a professional psychic, medium and energy healer, whose pleasure it is to assist clients worldwide. She incorporates knowledge from her degree in psychology, along with her clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient and empathic gifts to guide her clients towards peace and success. Please send your questions to SoulfullyYoursDonnarose@gmail.com or private message her via facebook: Soulfully Yours Donnarose. Donnarose will select questions each month to share with you. She regrets that unpublished questions cannot be answered individually. If you’d like an intuitive reading, contact Donnarose at the email address above.
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Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Wake & Shake
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32 Siesta Sand
November 2015
941.349.0194 www.siestasand.net
Classifieds / Here’s My Card ACCOMMODATIONS
• Best Western Plus Siesta Key – AAA -3 Diamond Property, Free shuttle service to and from Siesta Key 941-924-4900, 6600 S. Tamiami Trl., Sarasota
Alain’s Gutter Cleaning Where Quality Comes First
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1952 Field Road Sarasota, Florida 34231
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Place your classified ad here for $6.00 for 15 words and $.10 for each additional word. Copy must be submitted with payment on or before the 15th of the month prior to publication. For Here’s My Card ads, please call us for rates. TO ADVERTISE CALL 941-349-0194
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November 2015
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Classifieds / Here’s My Card REAL ESTATE AGENTS
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Places of Worship
941-350-2666 Fax: 866-801-5663 Email: suepreece44@aol.com
Island Churches:
Harry E. Robbins Assoc. Inc. 3733 S. Tuttle Ave., Sarasota, FL 34239 Referrals Are Always Appreciated
• Siesta Key Presbyterian Chapel 4615 Gleason Ave, Siesta Key, 941-349-1166 www.siestakeychapel.org
4141 South Tamiami Trail, Suite 21, Sarasota, FL 34231 941-926-2631 www.frankssalon.com
• A Bridge for Independence provides in home companion services including companionship, transportation, light housekeep- • Massage Experience Siesta Key Open 7-day a week. 5138A ing, medication reminders and meal preparation and planning. Ocean Blvd, Siesta Key, 941-349-4833 Call us at 866-279-4390, FL License #230517
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• Robin Hood Rentals – for all your Siesta Key rental needs with a wide variety segways, bikes, kayaks, scooters and more, free pickup and delivery anywhere on the key. 5255 Ocean Blvd Siesta Key Village. 941-554-4242 • Siesta Key Bike & Kayak – Located on Siesta Key in Capt Curts Village serving Siesta Key, Lido Beach and Sarasota. We offer bikes, kayak rentals, kayak eco tours, paddleboards and scooters. 1224 Old Sickney Pt Rd. 941-346-0891 • Siesta Sports Rentals – Located on Siesta Key, bike, kayak, kayak tours, scooter, children strollers and car seats. Delivery and pickup available, 6551 Midnight Pass Rd, 941-346-1797
• Senior Home Companions – companionship and In-Home care. daily living needs, hourly, overnight, 24-hour care, 941-924-0494 • Tony DeDominicis, owner of Senior Fitness & Exercise, is a Certified Health & Fitness Professional in private practice with over 25 years experience in the health and fitness industry for overall Fitness & Wellness, Strength & Cardiovascular Conditioning, Specialized Fitness & Exercise Therapy For Seniors aged 5579, Triathlon Coaching, Plyometric & Isometric Training and Nutrition. Coach Tony DeDominicis is also both a world ranked Ironman Triathlete and USMS Swimmer and is also founder and formulator of the Coach Tony Nutrition Raw Organic Food Bar (www.CoachTonyNutrition.com). Coach Tony has been teaching people young and old how to be more healthy and fit by teaching them correct cardiovascular and training methodologies as well as proper nutrition for a successful and healthy life style. He can be reached at (941) 350-0403 www.UniversalSportsGroup.net
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From Sarasota
941-735-4732 Friend Us at: Eddie Ward
• Sun Ride Pedicab – Eco-friendly Pedicabs. Siesta Key Tours and rides – tips only, 941-343-3400
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TO ADVERTISE CALL 941-349-0194
• St. Boniface Episcopal Church 5615 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key, 941-349-5616 www.bonifacechurch.org
Off- Island:
•Temple Sinai, a Reform Congregation (The closest Jewish congregation to the Key for visitors) 4631 S. Lockwood Ridge Rd, Sarasota, 941-924-1802 www.templesinai-sarasota.org • St. Andrew United Church of Christ (Protestant) (In the Gulf Gate area, near Beneva and Gulf Gate Drive) 6908 Beneva Road, Sarasota, 941.922.7595 www.uccstandrew.org • The Superior Word Rev. Charlie Garrett Service starts Sunday mornings at 10am. Bring a friend and share in God’s word. 6512 Superior Avenue Sarasota, Florida 34242 • First Christian Church 7601 Clark Road, Sarasota, FL 34241. 941-922-4434 www.fccsarasota.com
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For Airport Pickups Your Chauffeur Will Have A Sign With Your Name On It!
• St. Michael’s Catholic Church 5394 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key, 941-349-4174 www.stmichaelssiesta.com
• Dollar Limo – holds up to 10 people and is cheaper than a D.U.I or taxi. Call 941-735-4732
34 Siesta Sand
November 2015
941.349.0194 www.siestasand.net
Snapshots of Island Visitors
Siesta Key Real Estate Report
Photo by Jaye Clements Sarasota Photography
Total Homes Sold
Median Sales Price $200K
600 400
200 0
Months of Inventory
Days on Market
5 Stefanie & Wesley from Stuart, FL
Sarasota inventory of real estate for sale continues to drop pushing prices higher and higher. This continues a strong trend that has shifted the local real estate market from a buyers market to a strong sellers market.
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Single Family Condos *Statistics provided by MFR MLS
Lakefront Coach House 1639 STARLING DRIVE #202 Updated and move-in ready coach house with lovely lake view. Light-filled 2nd floor condo with 3 bedrooms, 2 updated baths, renovated eat-in kitchen, ceramic tile floors, open living/dining room with vaulted ceiling, one car garage. $329,500
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Lakefront Townhouse 5457 Eagles Point Circle Designer perfect lakefront townhouse with 2460 sq. ft. with beautiful lake and fountain views. Living room with soaring 20 ft. ceiling, downstairs master suite, 2 additional bedrooms plus 2 lofts perfect for office/exercise den, gourmet eat-in kitchen with 2015 stainless appliances, 2015 washer dryer, custom built-ins, hurricane rated windows and shutter on lanai. $589,000
November 2015
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
In the Neighborhood: profiles of communities in The Landings
By Roger Drouin
|Maintenance free townhouses on a greenbelt The Landings is one of Sarasota’s most beautiful communities and is ideally situated just minutes south of downtown in the desirable west-of-thetrail (Route 41) location. The Gated community is located between the Siesta Key bridges on the Intracoastal Waterway. When Dana Hummel moved to The Landings in 2005, she downsized from a 3,800 square-foot villa at Prestancia to a smaller, 1,640 square-foot, garden-style, duplex unit at Carriagehouse II. Many owners who end up moving to Carriagehouse II are residents in a similar mindset who want to downsize. In many cases, they own a large single-family home in The Landings and want to stay in the community. “They are reaching an age where they just don’t want the responsibility of taking care of a large house and property,” said Hummel, who moved to Carriage House II in 2005 and has served for the past several years as president of the complex’s board. Other potential Carriagehouse II buyers want to live within close driving distance to The Field Club, noted Judy Greene, a Realtor with Michael Saunders and Company. Whatever the reason for moving to Carriage House II, residents find friendly neighbors and lots of green in the community comprised of 30 maintenance-free duplex villas, each unit featuring two bedrooms, a den, two bathrooms, and a detached one-car garage. “They are all looking out at a green belt to the back,” said Greene. Sliding doors lead to the outdoors, with both a back lanai and side
porch. The units encompass 1,640 square feet, but many owners have enclosed one or both of the two separate outdoor areas to add more square footage. Shortly after purchasing her unit, Hummel enclosed the lanai, adding 200 square feet, and renovated the interior space. Owners are allowed to modify the interior spaces, but the exterior spaces, including the garage, sidewalks, driveways, flower beds and chimney, are all property of the condominium association and maintained by the association. Inside “each unit is different,” Hummel said. Carriagehouse II is a friendly community, and every April residents gather for an event at the community’s private pool. Neighbors frequently invite neighbors into their homes to get better acquainted with others. “Two thirds of the community disappears in the summer months and are just now coming back,” Hummel said. “Five residents came back this month.” Membership to the Racquet Club is optional, and the Carriagehouse II has its own private pool. An experienced landscaper takes care of the mature landscaping. “We are very proud of the fact that this is an extremely mature area of landscaping,” Hummel said. “We have a gigantic camphor and gigantic live oak tree.” All the driveways were done in paver brick in spring 2005, and the underground landscape irrigation system was replaced in 2012. The Landings Management Association fees are $1,087 a year, and the fees for Carriagehouse II are $1,668 quarterly.
Developed in 1981 and 1982 The Treehouses and the Carriagehouses (I and II) were the first condo residences built in The Landings. They were built by the Ramar Group, the original developer of The Landings. Carriagehouse II duplexes were constructed in 1981 and 1982. A sales brochure (circa 19801981) shows how some thenmodern conveniences and touches were built into the condominium villas, as documented in a history of The Landings: “…every condominium residence at The Landings not only features oak parquet flooring in the foyer, but your choice of three finishes. Every front door is steel reinforced for added security. Two-tone door chimes by Nutone add an extra note of charm at all front doors and Carriagehouse side doors. Carriagehouses and Treehouses with garages have automatic door openers. The natural warmth of wood is in evidence throughout your Landings home, from the 52” Hunter electric ceiling fans with pecan finish wood blades in all living rooms and master bedrooms to your choice of Countryside or Pioneer wood cabinets in the kitchen. And the gourmet cook will love the deluxe package included in the kitchen of both residences. A stainless steel sink and wood cutting board by Moen make for distinctive designer touches, while appliances — including 19 cubic foot side-by-side refrigerator with icemaker, 30 inch self-cleaning double oven range, Super Scour Supreme dishwasher, trash compactor and garbage disposal — by Whirlpool provide you with quality you can count on. In the bath, textured ‘Potters Touch’ ceramic tile in subdued
parchment sets the luxurious tone. All fixtures are continued in parchment by Kohler, and feature a sturdy “Villager” cast iron tub and “Wellworth” water guard efficiency system. A hand-held shower spray with relaxing, pulsating action in addition to the regular wallmounted shower head in each shower stall and a grab bar in every tub add yet another touch of convenience. The Landings’ condominium residences are energy-wise, too. Insulation with an R-22 rating has been installed throughout each Carriagehouse and Treehouse. Double “insulated” glazing protects all windows and doors. A high efficiency compressor and air handler by Carrier and a super insulated water heater are featured in every residence, as well.” By the third quarter of 1981, 23 of 30 units in Carriage House II were available. Carriage houses all carried a pre-construction price of $126,000. Like most Landings properties Treehouses and Carriagehouses have proved to be excellent longterm investments. But, as short term investments there were some rocky times along the way, according to a history of The Landings. Interest rates peaked in July of 1984 at 14.75 percent. The rates, along with the opening of other new developments in the area, duplicating the gated community format put a strain on housing prices. It definitely became a buyers’ market. A Carriagehouse I unit, presumably originally purchased for around the $126,000 figure, sold in 1987 for $102,800. But those low prices did not remain. The same unit, according to the Sarasota County Assessor’s
records, sold again in 2005 for $390,000. During the housing market recovery over the past year, units in Carriagehouse II sold for $330,000 and up, topping at $240 a square foot. Renovated units now sell in the $400s, and units that are not remodeled sell for around $330,00 to 360,000, depending on location in the community, Greene said. Recent sales in Carriagehouse II • In September, 2014, a 1,770 square foot unit with an enclosed lanai sold for $330,000. The sale came out to $192 a square foot. • A remodeled 2,085 square foot unit sold for $425,000 — or $203 per square foot — in April, 2015. The unit sold for its asking list price. The home features an updated kitchen featuring a Sub-zero refrigerator, granite countertops and solid wood cabinetry, according to Multiple Listing Service (MLS). The unit also features hardwood floors, crown molding, and plantation shutters, and new AC in 2012. • Another completely renovated unit sold for $425,000 in May, 2015. At 1,770 square feet, the sale came out to $240 a square foot. The unit was renovated to an open floor plan. It features new floors, windows, doors, kitchen appliances, counter tops, and inside laundry. This open kitchen has custom maple cabinets, stainless steel appliances and LED lighting. NOTE: Data was complied from realtors, the Sarasota County Property Appraiser Office, Sarasota County Planning & Development Services permits, and Multiple Listing Service (MLS).
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November 2015
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Sand Castles
|Watching the Sun Set at Siesta Town House On a typical October morning, year-round and seasonal residents at Siesta Town House can take in the breeze and enjoy the view directly across Big Pass to South Lido Park. “It’s a million dollar view,” says Maria Shay, who has lived in a unit for about six years with her husband Michael — though the townhouses sell for about half that. In the early evening, the waterfront setting often becomes the locale for impromptu happy hours, or a neighborly effort to catch the elusive “Green Flash” that author John D. MacDonald has eloquently written about. The Green Flash is a rare Gulf coast sunset mirage. Siesta Townhouse is a community of 20 townhomes located a short distance from Siesta Village. It is a small, quiet complex, says Shay, with an expanse of open property with a pond. The units feature two bedrooms and one-and-a-half baths. All units have a lanai with water view and some have a second-story balcony. “This complex is located directly on Big Sarasota Pass with views of the pass and distant views of the Gulf and downtown Sarasota,” said Realtor Ron Flynn. “It has great views of the sunset and night-skyline view of the city lights.” There is not a lot of turnover in ownership because some units have been in families for several generations and owners tend to hold onto their units, Shay said. One unit sold in February, 2015 for $499,000, and another is currently listed for sale for $497,000. It’s a diverse group of residents: There are a handful of owners who live here year-round; a handful of seasonal residents; two or three long-term renters that have resided at Siesta Town House for years; and some owners who rent their units out only a handful of times a year.
A colorful history
A historic photo in the mailroom shows Siesta Town House in the 1960s, including the complex’s dock that still exists — yet is slated for replacement — and an invitinglooking, palm-tree secured hammock that no longer exists. Beginning in 1963, Siesta Town House was developed in two phases. The condominium complex’s beginnings are akin to a plotline from a novel by MacDonald, who had aptly described the woes encountered in the early condominium days. MacDonald had lived on Siesta. Beach Town House One was developed in 1963, comprising the first eight town houses. The complex, however, was not a typical condominium, as the term is defined today. The townhouses were described by lawyers at the time as being a “bastard coop” because each unit had an individual mortgage and each owner was not responsible for indebtedness of any other unit, largely because in 1963 Florida had not passed a condominium law yet. That came in 1966. All eight units were sold shortly after the first phase was constructed, and one unit was used as a model. But trouble ensued. Early in 1965, according to a Siesta Town House Association letter from 1977, owners discovered the developer was in financial trouble. It was also soon discovered that the developer had simply patched the
November 2015
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
This is the sixth of Siesta Sand’s monthly Sand Castles feature.
By Roger Drouin
seawall, and as a result extensive repair work was already necessary. Because of these factors, the bank allowed owners to increase their mortgages. Owners had 99-year leases on the Gulfside property, of $525 a year per unit. The developer soon was in financial trouble; the developer defaulted on the mortgages for the 12 unsold units, and the bank instituted foreclosure proceedings. There were constant meetings between the six resident owners, the bank, and attorneys, with the goal of turning the property into a formal condominium as soon as foreclosure proceedings were concluded by the bank and Florida condo law was passed. According to the 1977 historical document, during all these meetings and discussions, the brunt of the work was borne by three owners, “Mike Morgenroth, Rod Thomson, and Mackenzie.” When the developer got into financial trouble, he sold the land lease for $100,000 to an investor from Fort Lauderdale. One of the unit owners came across a legal notice in the local paper, offering for sale by auction a “Parcel E” — which by its description in the newspaper sounded like the Siesta Town House property. It was discovered that “Parcel E” included all property from the townhouse front steps to Ocean Blvd. The owners then had no other option but to purchase the property at auction and later turn it into the condominium. Three of the unit owners invested in purchasing the so-called “Parcel E.” Around the same time, the new owner (from Fort Lauderdale) of the land lease had spent the escrow money. He was taken to court, and the end result decided by a judge was that the investor had to give up his land lease. These two developments led to a clear title of the entire property, which was split among each of the 20 units. This resolution came after “four years of frustration, hard work, endless meetings and financial cost,” according to the 1977 letter.
Happy hour
“What drew us to the community was the view of the Gulf,” Shay says. Often neighbors will watch the sunset and an impromptu happy hour occurs, with people sitting on chairs as the sun sets. One of her neighbors has claimed to actually see the rare Green Flash — on several occasions (although it could be attributed to one too many cocktails). “It is peaceful and friendly,” Shay said of the complex. “Coming from New York, the people are extremely friendly here.” Owners can head downtown, within a convenient driving distance, for more activity, or to Siesta Village, which is even closer. Another unique aspect of Siesta Town House is that owners don’t have residential units above them. “If you don’t want to be in an apartment-type atmosphere or a high rise, there aren’t many options [on Siesta],” said Shay. The complex has monthly condominium fees of $734. More than 50 percent of the monthly fees go towards the cost of flood and wind insurance. The complex’s fishing dock is up for replacement and a permit is currently being applied for.
RECENT SALES • The unit that sold in February had two bedrooms and 1,224 square feet — similar to the other units at Siesta Town House. This unit’s first floor had ceramic tile, and the unit featured solid wood floors on the second story. It sold for its list price of $499,000. • The town house currently for sale, listed at $497,000, is also one of the units that include a second floor balcony. • In March of 2013, a unit with a renovated kitchen and bathrooms, sold for $395,000. The unit has a picture window with Gulf views, but does not have a second floor balcony. NOTE: Realtor Ron Flynn of Key Solutions Real Estate Group contributed to the sales information used in this article. Other data was complied from the Sarasota County Property Appraiser Office, Sarasota County Planning & Development Services permits, and Multiple Listing Service (MLS).
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November 2015
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Accommodations Locator Map
Š Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2012
November 2015
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Siesta Key Crystal Classic An 6th nua
November 13-17, 2015
10am - 5pm daily at Siesta Beach SiestaKeyCrystalClassic.com Welcome 2015 Master Sculptors
Abe Waterman Canada
Morgan Rudluff USA
Delayne Corbett Canada
Fergus Mulvany Ireland
Andy Gertler USA
Sue Beatrice USA
Steve Topazio USA
Ron MacDonald USA
Leonardo Ugolini Italy
Susanne Ruseler Netherlands
Ilya Filimontsev Russia
Sue McGrew USA
Kirk Rademaker USA
Matt Long USA
Melineige Beaureguard Canada
Joris Kivits Portugal
Greg Grady USA
Damon Langlois Canada
Jan Zelinka Czech Republic
Radovan Zivny Czech Republic
Walter McDonald USA
Enguerrand David Belguim
10 am - 5 pm November 13th - November 17th $ One-day admission 6 ea $ 25 ea Five-day admission $ Saturday reserved parking & admission 39 ea (online only) $ Sunday reserved parking & admission 49 ea (online only) $ Monday reserved parking & admission 39 ea (online only)
Ari and The Alibis Democracy Reggae Band The Porchdogs Tropical Ave Band Jim Morris and The Big Bamboo Band Billy Lyon Band Gypsy Star Master Sculptor Awards A Train
Friday Friday Saturday Saturday
12:30-2:30 3:00-5:00 10:00-12:00 12:30-2:30
Saturday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday
3:00-5:00 10:00-12:00 12:30-2:30 2:30-3:30 3:30-5:30
Bruce Phillips USA
Craig Mutch Canada
EVENT HIGHLIGHTS • Meet the Artists Party - Thursday, 6:30 pm, Mattison’s Forty-One Purchase tickets online: siestakeycrystalclassic.com
• Kona Brewing party tent open 10am - 5pm Friday - Monday • Vendor Village - retail, food, beer open 10am - 5pm Friday - Monday • Sand sculpting demos & Quick sand competitions throughout the event • SFF Moonlight Movie Series ~ “Surf’s Up” Saturday night FREE Amateur Sand Sculpting Competition Saturday 9am
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Pre-register online: siestakeycrystalclassic.com
Scan this QR code to stay up to date on the 2015 event schedule
Questions? 941-349-3800 To purchase event tickets: siestakeycrystalclassic.com
40 Siesta Sand
November 2015
941.349.0194 www.siestasand.net
20% OFF with this AD! SiestaKeyFitness.comÊ (941)Ê 349-8500Ê Island Girl
By Jaye Clements/ Sarasota Photography
Rachel is currently a student living in So. Burlington, VT. This is her first time to our beautiful island and says she loves our beach. She’s accompanying her parents as they search for a place to move. Rachel plays hockey and loves animals and socializing with friends.
If you would like to be considered for our next Island Girl, contact us at islandvp@verizon.net (You must be at least 18 years old to participate)