IV Siesta Sand - October 2016

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OCTOBER 2016 | 941.349.0194 | ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC | www.SiestaSand.net | COMPLIMENTARY

Neighbors of proposed Cassia Cay development awaiting Planning Commission hearing A letter to the editor from Mike Cosentino on the project By Rachel Brown Hackney www.SarasotaNewsLeader.com page 11 REOPEN BEACH ROAD

SIESTA PROMENADE Updates on the Siesta Promenade Developement




County Commission to vote on local mangrove ordinance page



Ruth Brandwein and a number of her Pelican Cove neighbors are especially protective of the last undeveloped, private piece of property on Little Sarasota Bay. It stands next to Sarasota County’s Bayonne Preserve, where bald eagles nest and gopher tortoises burrow into their homes. With Oscar Scherer State Park and Historic Spanish Point both nearby, “there is a whole flyway of native lands,” she points out. The preserve also is the site of Indian mounds, Brandwein says. That means that vacant land next to it also could hold archaeological treasures, though an expert who works with Sarasota County on such matters has explained that artifacts could be buried so deeply it would take extensive excavation to find them. Still, those are just a few of the reasons, she told SNL recently, that she and her neighbors will be watching on Nov. 3 as the Sarasota County Planning Commission reviews plans for the Cassia Cay residential and mixed-use project

proposed for that property next to the Preserve. Brandwein was hoping the hearing would not be scheduled until after the November election, when many of the Pelican Cove residents who leave for the summer would have returned for season.

She and other former members of the Pelican Cove Government and Neighborhood Liaison Committee researched the Cassia Cay plans, as the development’s border would be only half a mile from Pelican Cove, she said, which is reached by Vamo

Road. And while the Pelican Cove board ultimately wrote a letter to county representatives to express concerns about traffic the project would generate, the organization took no position on the development itself. Continued on page 36

Parking in Beach Road restricted By Rachel Brown Hackney www.SarasotaNewsLeader.com Meet Kristy and Dave Ochsendorf proprietors of Siesta Key Sports & Physical Therapy page



In late September, Sarasota County staff posted new signs at 12 parking spaces on Beach Road — adjacent to Siesta Public Beach Park picnic shelters — prohibiting the spaces’ use between midnight and 5 a.m. daily. That restriction was the 4-1 decision of the Sarasota County Commission in a Sept. 7 vote; it was a response to complaints

from Sunset Royale and Crescent Royale condominium owners. The buildings are across the street from the parking spots. “I am ecstatic,” Paul Parr, one of the proponents of the late-night parking prohibition, told SNL “I am very happy, and I think the commission did a real good job of parsing [the concerns and information].”

Parr said he was certain his fellow property owners in Sunset Royale and those at Crescent Royale also would be thrilled with the decision. Commission Chair Al Maio — who is the Siesta Key representative on the board — made the motion for the restriction after passing the gavel to Vice Chair Paul Caragiulo. “I’ve spent

a lot of time on this issue,” Maio said. When he was first elected in 2014, he continued, he visited with a number of the condominium owners in Sunset Royale and Crescent Royale. “I believe, based on listening to dozens of people, that between midnight and 5 a.m., there are a lot of activities [in or next to those Beach Road spaces].” Continued on page 8

Meet three of South Siesta’s Sea Chefs page 30 and a popular Bartender page 29

An interview with James “Sunny Jim” White




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Benderson reveals alternative proposal for Siesta Promenade By Roger Drouin Benderson Development is again modifying plans for its large scale, mixed-use Siesta Promenade project for vacant land that was once a mobile home park at the northwest corner of U.S. 41 and Stickney Point Road. In an attempt to address neighborhood concerns, the development company has put together an alternative plan comprised of fewer overall residential units, shorter buildings bordering the adjacent residential neighborhood, and two smaller hotels instead of one, taller hotel. The plan shrinks overall residential units from 586 to about 400, Todd Mathes, director of development at Benderson, told Siesta Sand. The commercial aspect of the project is unchanged. In the alternative plan, residential buildings bordering the nearby neighborhood of Pine Shores would be three and fourstories tall — instead of the 85-foot tall building in plans revealed this spring and submitted to the county. In the alternative plan, one 85-foot building is positioned towards the center of the property, further from existing homes. A single, 85-foot tall hotel would be replaced by two hotels of smaller scale but the total number of rooms would increase. Mathes said he’s hopeful this new plan will win the support of neighbors, especially those in the nearby Pine Shores Neighborhood, the residential area behind the new development — where concerns have been voiced about the amount of traffic the center would produce in an already congested season, and scale and privacy issues. “We are leaning towards the second [alternative] plan with the lower heights and density,” Mathes said.

Seeking support

But ultimately, the level of community support will drive whether the development company changes course and pursues the alternative. “It’s a question of whether the neighborhood is open to supporting that,” Mathes told Siesta Sand in an interview Sept. 22. “The question right now is should we just stick with the 586 [density]

or is this alternative plan that we worked on, is it supported by the neighborhood? “We worked hard to come up with an alternative plan that we thought the neighborhood would be for,” Mathes added. Sura Kochman, a resident of the Pines Shore neighborhood and spokeswoman for the Pines Shores Neighborhood Alliance, said the revised alternative plan appears to be an improvement in some aspects. “It seems that Benderson is moving in the right direction by reducing the number of residential units,” Kochman said in an email to Siesta Sand. “I feel that we are not quite at the point where the entire unit count across the site is low enough, as the hotel room count increased. Also, the 85 foot height remains on the plan for the largest residential building.” In addition, Kochman said traffic concerns remain. The 24-acre site was formerly the site of a gas station and 300 mobile homes, along with 13 streets that cut through the property. It has been vacant for some time. This is not the first time plans for the large project have been modified. Plans for Siesta Promenade were initially proposed in 2014, and this spring Benderson revealed new plans that decreased the total proposed commercial development by more than 100,000 square feet. The commercial aspect of the project remains unchanged.

Plans call for the lifestyle center to include 140,000 square feet of retail, including an upscale grocery store. The largest retail space would be filled by an upscale, healthy grocery store, along the lines of The Fresh Market or Sprouts Farmers Market, Mathes said. Benderson has been in talks with one potential grocer but declined to name the store at this point in the process. Representatives for the developer have been meeting with local residents, from representatives of the Pine Shores Neighborhood group to board members of the Siesta Key Association, and the Esplanade by Siesta Key to discuss the project, and Mathes said he plans to continue to meet with nearby residents, including a meeting with the Pine Shores Neighborhood in October, to share specifics of the alternative plan. “We are talking a lot to everyone affected by project,” Mathes said. Concurrently, the developer is continuing to seek county approval for a “Critical Area Plan,” or CAP, designation for the proposed Siesta Promenade, which would clear the way for an increase in density. On October 11, the County Commission will discuss and vote on the CAP. But that step in the approval process focuses mainly on the designation of the CAP boundary area, Mathes said. The Critical Area Plan clears the way for a density level above 13 units an acre and increased height of buildings.


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‘Boundary hearing’ for Siesta Promenade to be held on Oct. 11 at County Commission meeting By Rachel Brown Hackney www.SarasotaNewsLeader.com In the morning of Oct. 11, the Sarasota County Commission will hold what is termed a “boundary hearing” on the latest proposal for the Siesta Promenade project at the intersection of U.S. 41 and Stickney Point Road. It will follow approval of the Consent Agenda of routine business items, county staff has notified residents who live adjacent to the project site. The boundary hearing is among initial steps necessary for the approval of a Critical Area Plan (CAP), which the owner of the property —Benderson Development Co. — is seeking so it can increase density on the approximately 25-acre site from the nine dwelling units allowed per acre under current zoning to 25 dwelling units per acre. After the County Commission approves the boundary — or planning area — of a Critical Area Plan, a county planning document explains, staff “examines existing conditions of the area, performs studies and analyzes results, leading to recommendations on ways to implement Comprehensive Plan policies and identify solutions to concerns from the neighborhood. The Critical Area Plan is then drafted with input from the community and finalized for consideration” by the Planning Commission and the County Commission, the document adds. In the formal application he submitted to Sarasota County Planning and Development Services staff in late August, Todd Mathes, director of development for Benderson, wrote that the company planned to pursue a project with 501 dwelling units, a 150-room hotel and 140,000 square feet of commercial space. The figure for residences had dropped by almost exactly 100 since Mathes made a presentation to Siesta Key Association (SKA) members on June 2.

Residents of the Pine Shores neighborhood — just east of Siesta Key — have engaged in a flurry of emails as they prepare for the boundary hearing, Sura Kochman, a spokeswoman for the Pine Shores Neighborhood Alliance, told SNL during a telephone interview. Kochman pointed out that the project “affects hundreds and hundreds of people — thousands of people,” not just those in Pine Shores — adjacent to the Siesta Promenade site — but people on Siesta Key and others in the surrounding area. Many Siesta homeowners “are just beside themselves,” she added, because of the proposed Siesta Promenade residential density and fears about how that will exacerbate traffic backups, especially during the height of tourist season. Kochman noted that county staff members have told her 145 minutes has been set aside for the Oct. 10 hearing. “They’re anticipating that there’s going to be a lot of public comment.” However, she noted, “A lot of working people are very unhappy with that time [of day].” It is impossible, she pointed out, for “working, taxpaying individuals to attend a meeting of this importance” on a weekday morning. After the boundary hearing has been completed, Todd Dary, the county planner handling the Siesta Promenade project, has explained to Kochman that the full review process for such a project generally takes six to eight months. During the recent interview with the SNL, Kochman made it clear that Pine Shores residents are not opposed to a development at that busy intersection of U.S. 41 and Stickney Point Road. “They are entitled to develop [the property] for the [commercial

zoning district] they are requesting,” Kochman said of Benderson employees. The request is for rezoning of the site to Commercial General, she pointed out. In such a district, she said, a maximum of 250 residences, 150 hotel rooms and 140,000 commercial space would be allowed. What Benderson is requesting is double the number of dwelling units, she added, which is why it is seeking approval of a CAP. “We are saying, ‘No, that is not compatible with the neighborhood.’” Kochman also noted that the plan calls for at least one six- or sevenstory residential building. [Mathes told SKA members in June that the hotel also would be 85 feet tall.] “The privacy of every single home [in Pine Shores would be] compromised,” she stressed, because those people in the tall structures would be able to look down on the adjacent single-family homes. Many people continue to have the mistaken impression that the residential buildings will be constructed along U.S. 41, she said. Those buildings will be next to the neighborhood, Mathes explained during the June 2 SKA meeting. “You’ll be looking at a grocery store and retail” on U.S. 41 and Stickney Point Road, Kochman added — a point Mathes made during the June 2 SKA meeting.

What about all the traffic? Although Benderson submitted a traffic study with its county application, Kochman told SNL that she and other residents maintain the undertaking was inadequate to capture the full measure of impact the project will have on the surrounding area. Continued on page 27

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Siesta Sand




Siesta Key Round-Up By Rachel Brown Hackney SarasotaNewsLeader.com Let there be new lights

The Sarasota Chamber of Commerce and the Siesta Key Chamber participated in a Ribbon Cutting for Budget Self Storage’s new facility located at 4515 Tamiami Trail, Sarasota. Photo courtesy of Sarasota Chamber of Commerce.

Around mid-October, both north- and southbound drivers on Ocean Boulevard should be alert to new warning lights at the Givens Street intersection, thanks to an initiative prompted by residents of that area and the Siesta Key Association (SKA). Former SKA President Michael Shay told SNL that the organization received an email in early April about concerns regarding traffic in that vicinity. Explaining that he and his wife have been Siesta residents for the past 23 years, the email writer pointed out to a situation that, if not addressed soon, surely would lead to someone being seriously injured. Both pedestrians trying to cross Ocean from Givens and drivers attempting to turn from Givens onto Ocean face traffic headed “around the sharp blind curve on Ocean,” the writer added. “On Ocean Blvd. there is a sign warning drivers of the curve and to slow down, but I would like to think there could be a more prominent sign or flashing yellow light to get traffic to slow down,” he continued. His hope was that SKA leaders could contact the appropriate Sarasota County

representatives about the situation, which “might help to expedite something being done to make it safer for all concerned.” Shay responded to the writer: “[I] agree that it is an accident waiting to happen.” In the six years he and his wife have lived full-time on the Key, Shay noted, he has used that intersection only once by car “and won’t again!” Shay promised to contact county staff and find out what could be done to ameliorate the situation. Shay told SNL that after he stepped down from the SKA board in May, he continued to work on the issue because he had handled it from the beginning. On Aug. 30, Shay received an email from Robert Fakhri, the county’s manager of traffic engineering and operations, who apologized for the delay in responding. Fakhri explained that staff had completed its review of the intersection and had recommended the installation of a flashing beacon for traffic headed both northand southbound. County spokesman Drew Winchester told SNL by email on Sept. 13 that the solar-powered lights will be installed “in about 30 days,” adding that the cost of both beacons is $4,500. Continued on next page




Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Continued from previous page

The old pier has a new owner Mike Cosentino has recently purchased the property that is home to what everyone on the Key calls the old pier near Beach Access 2. Cosentino is the Siesta Key resident that filed a complaint of intent to sue in early June regarding the Sarasota County Commissioners May 11 decision to change the 360 ft. section of Beach Road to a pedestrian easement, allowing property owners, the Madden’s to tear down old structures and build a new six unit building. Cosentino and his followers are concerned that the easement will eventually be closed to the public, now that it is no longer part of Beach Road. The 360 feet thoroughfare sits between Avenida Messina and Columbus Blvd. This section of Beach Road has been closed to vehicle traffic since 1993. The 60 ft. wide road has been used as a pedestrian thoroughfare for the past 23 years. The County released an Information Sheet regarding

this section with the BCC May 11 vote. • Sarasota County Commissioners secured the continual public use of the rightof-way through the resolution adopted on May 11. • As a result of that action, Sarasota County continues to have ownership of the easement ensuring public access. • Petitioners must grant a utility easement, a pedestrian and non-motorized access easement. • Vehicle traffic will not be allowed on the easement, but the public will continue to have access to the same 60-foot-wide section. • The intent of the easement is to allow access to pedestrians, pedestrians with leashed domestic pets, bicycles, and other human-powered or low-speed electric propelled means. • In addition, the Board of County Commissioners required a new permanent pedestrian easement that is five feet wide. • This segment of Beach Road provides access to three properties on the landward side.

• There are platted lots on the seaward side of Beach Road, but none of the lots have been developed. • By granting the gulf beach setback variance to the Madden’s, the county commissioners ensured no development will take place on the seaward side of Beach Road in front of the Madden’s property. • The property owners may construct bollards, rope barrier posts or other improvements at both ends of the vacated rightof-way to prohibit vehicles. This may replace the barricades that have been in place since 1993.

A quiet Labor Day weekend

With the Florida Department of Health having issued a “no swim” advisory for Siesta Public Beach in the aftermath of Hermine’s passage through the Gulf of Mexico the last days of August and the first day of September, Labor Day weekend proved much quieter than the Sheriff’s Office had anticipated, Sgt. Jason Mruczek reported to

SKVA members on Sept. 6. The “no swim” advisory was put into effect on Sept. 1 and lifted on Sept. 5. Heavy rain events — as the county experienced last week — can lead to higher bacterial levels in the water that are unsafe for people, health experts have said. The weather itself, needless to say, also was a factor in lighter crowds at Siesta Beach, Mruczek noted.

Higher bacterial levels in the water

During Hurricane Hermine, the Siesta Key wastewater facility had a controlled willful discharge into the canal. This was necessary to avoid having partially treated water from running onto properties on the Key. The entire county was struggling to handle the massive amount of rainfall for several days. This practice is not new to the area, controlled spills happen when the tanks reach maximum capacity.

The county monitored the waterways immediately after the storm left the area, posting a no swim sign on the canal and the beach.

Speaking of Hermine

Amid periodic squalls on Aug. 31, as Hermine began gathering herself into a full-blown tropical storm, Siesta Key Association Second Vice President Catherine Luckner announced that because of concern about safety issues related to weather and road conditions, the board members had decided “regretfully [to] cancel our monthly meeting scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 1, at 4:30 p.m.” The next SKA meeting will be held on Oct. 6 at 4:30 p.m. at St. Boniface Episcopal Church on Midnight Pass Road. In the coming weeks, Luckner added, “we’ll post [on the SKA website, www. siestakeyassociation.com] updates to ongoing projects, issues and concerns you’ve shared ….” Continued on page 8

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Siesta Sand


Financial Focus The presidential election is little more than a month away. Like all elections, this one has generated considerable interest, and, as a citizen, you may well be following it closely. But as an investor, how much should you be concerned about the outcome? Probably not as much as you might think. Historically, the financial markets have done well – and done poorly – under both Democratic and Republican administrations. Also, many factors affecting investment performance have little or nothing to do with the occupant of the White House. Consequently, no one can claim, with any certainty, that one candidate is going to be “better for the markets” than another one. Still, this isn’t to say that any given presidential administration will have no effect at all on investors. For example, a president could propose changes to the laws governing investments, and if Congress passes those laws, investors could be affected. But in looking at the broader picture, there’s not much evidence that a particular president is going


|Vote for Smart Investment Moves

to affect the overall return of your investment portfolio. As mentioned above, many factors – corporate earnings, interest rates, foreign affairs, even natural disasters – can and will influence the financial markets. But in evaluating a president’s potential effect on your investments, you also need to consider something else: Our political system does not readily accommodate radical restructuring of any kind. So it’s difficult for any president to implement huge policy shifts – and that’s actually good for the financial markets, which, by their nature, dislike uncertainty, chaos and big changes. The bottom line? From your viewpoint as an investor, don’t worry too much about what happens in November. Instead, follow these investment strategies: Stay invested. If you stop investing when the market is down in an effort to cut your losses, you may miss the opportunity to participate in the next rally – and the early stages of a rally are typically when the biggest gains occur. Diversify. By spreading your

dollars among an array of investments, such as stocks, bonds and other investments, you can help reduce the possibility of your portfolio taking a big hit if a market downturn primarily affected just one type of financial asset. Keep in mind though, that diversification can’t guarantee profits or protect against all losses. Stay within your risk tolerance. Investing always involves risk, but you’ll probably be more successful (and less stressed out) if you don’t stray beyond your individual risk tolerance. At the same time, if you invest too conservatively, you might not achieve the growth potential you need to reach your goals. So you will need to strike an appropriate balance. Forget about chasing “hot” stocks. Many so-called “experts” encourage people to invest in today’s “hot” stocks. But by the time you hear about them, these stocks – if they were ever “hot” to begin with – have probably already cooled off. More importantly, they might not have been suitable for your needs, anyway. In any case, there’s really

no “short cut” to investment success. Elections – and even presidents – come and go. But when you “vote” for solid investment moves, you can help yourself make progress toward your financial goals.

Joe St.Onge, ChFC® Financial Advisor Edward Jones Investments

5112 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key, FL 34242

(941)-346-0560 phone (941)-320-4030 mobile Joe.StOnge@edwardjones.com

This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.


SANDFEST 2016 The Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce announces Sand Fest 2016 which will be held Friday, November 4, 2016, from 6:00 – 10:00 p.m. at the Siesta Key Public Beach. This year’s theme is “Flashback to the 80’s”. Reservations may be made online at www.siestakeychamber.com beginning October 1 or by calling the Siesta Key Chamber office at 941-349-3800. Chamber Member ticket price is $25 per person or a table of 10 for $250. Non Chamber Member price is $35 per person.




Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


FDEP agreed to waiver on Lido Renourishment Project timeline because it wanted more time to review materials related to the application, city engineer says By Rachel Brown Hackney www.SarasotaNewsLeader.com The reason the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) agreed to extend by 30 days a decision on its next step in the Lido Renourishment Project permit process was because staff wanted more time to review a specific document and it sought additional information about the proposed seagrass mitigation plan. Therefore, the City of Sarasota and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) issued a waiver on Sept. 1 that set an Oct. 1 deadline for FDEP to decide whether to release a third Request for Additional Information (RAI) or to conclude that it has all the material it needs about the application, Sarasota City Engineer Alexandrea DavisShaw told the SNL. When SNL sought more details from FDEP, spokeswoman Dee Ann Miller replied in a Sept. 15 email, “I have no additional updates at this time.” In June, Sarasota city leaders talked about their expectation that FDEP would issue a permit this fall to the city and the USACE to allow the dredging of Big Sarasota Pass to renourish Lido Key. Late on Aug. 1, the USACE submitted its latest response to FDEP’s second request for information on the proposed Lido project. Under its rules of procedure, FDEP had 30 days to respond. Within eight days of the Sept. 1 deadline for that action, two key events occurred. First, the Sarasota County

Commission voted unanimously on Aug. 23 to ask the USACE to withdraw its 2015 Finding of No Significant Impact regarding the Lido Renourishment Project and, instead, to pursue an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) with a much more thorough review of potential negative consequences of dredging Big Pass, as well as alternatives to that plan. In a July 14 letter, the Siesta Key Association (SKA) asked the commission to call for an EIS. The USACE had not responded to the county by Siesta Sand’s deadline for this issue. In addition to its request to the USACE, the commission sent a letter to FDEP, noting that the documents the USACE submitted on Aug. 1 called for a staging area in the county’s Ted Sperling Park on the southernmost point of Lido. Commission Chair Al Maio wrote, “Neither the [USACE] nor City of Sarasota has contacted the County to seek authorization for this use. It is the County’s expectation that the FDEP evaluation of the materials submitted on August 1, 2016 will include a requirement for the [USACE] or City of Sarasota to obtain authorization prior to moving the [permit application] forward in the review process.” City Engineer DavisShaw subsequently told SNL the project crew could use a different location than Sperling Park. The county letter was not the only document FDEP received

Perico Preserve

An aerial view shows Perico Preserve in Manatee County. Image from Google Maps

close to the Sept. 1 deadline. Catherine Luckner, second vice president of the SKA, pointed out that FDEP’s Lido project file showed the receipt of an Aug. 30 letter from Charlie Hunsicker, director of Manatee County’s Parks and Natural Resources Department. It documented that county’s “intentions to enter into an agreement with the City of Sarasota and [the USACE] to provide compensatory seagrass mitigation at t he County ’s Rookery at Perico Seagrass Advance Mitigation site to offset proposed impacts from the [Lido Renourishment] Project.”

Hunsicker’s letter added that the specific amount of acreage “has not been formally determined and is pending assessment by FDEP.” He also noted that his department would recommend to the Manatee County Commission “that [Manatee] County move forward with establishing an agreement between the parties that details the responsibilities of each party and the financial terms associated with the sale of the right to implement seagrass establishment at the Rookery at Perico.” That approval is anticipated during the Manatee board’s Sept.

27 meeting, Hunsicker added.

Concerns about the seagrass plan Both the SKA and Save Our Siesta Sand 2 have raised issues about the seagrass mitigation plan. Luckner explained that the SKA has objected to the use of Perico Preserve partly on the basis of the plan’s noncompliance with an FDEP regulation calling for homogeneity of a mitigation site with the seagrass areas that will be destroyed by a project. Continued on page 27

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Siesta Sand




Parking in Beach Road restricted Continued on page 8

12 Beach Road spaces to be restricted from midnight to 5 a.m.

As Parr and Robert D’Orsi, president of the Sunset Royale Association, pointed out to the county’s Traffic Advisory Council members in June and the County Commission in September, residents and renters at the two complexes contend with considerable noise late at night — much of it, they say, emanating from the area of the picnic tables and the parking spots. Commissioner Christine Robinson cast the lone “No” vote, having asked staff and D’Orsi numerous questions about the number of vehicle crashes and

pedestrian injuries related to use of those parking spaces. Robinson also pointed out people arrive at the beach park early in the morning to collect trash on the shoreline; yet, the beach parking lot officially does not open until 6 a.m. During his Sept. 7 presentation to the commission, Robert Fakhri, manager of the county’s Traffic Engineering and Operations Division, explained that representatives of Sunset Royale and Crescent Royale were petitioning for one of three options: elimination of the 12 spaces; restricting the spaces to loading

Siesta Key Round-Up Hermine hits South Siesta renourishment area

The recently renourished south Siesta Key Beach and Casey Key appeared to have suffered more erosion than other areas of the county as a result of Tropical Storm and eventual Hurricane Hermine, staff of the Sarasota County Environmental Protection Division reported after assessments on Sept. 1, 2 and 6. Regarding the $21.5-million

zone usage only; or prohibiting parking after 10 p.m. each day. Fakhri also told the commission that both the Siesta Key Village Association and the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce had provided letters protesting the elimination of the parking spaces but supporting a prohibition of usage between midnight and 6 a.m. Replying to a question from Maio, Fakhri explained that the restrooms in the beach park close at 10 p.m. That was why he believed the condominium owners had called for the parking restriction after 10 p.m., Maio said.

Continued from page 5

south Siesta Beach initiative — which was completed in late April — county staff reported that an area at Turtle Beach showed signs of beach erosion and approximately 5 to 10 feet of dune erosion, including a limited loss of some of the recently planted dune vegetation at the south end of the project area. Additionally, staff observed that high tide, storm surge and wave energy in the Gulf of Mexico during Hermine

resulted in approximately 1 to 5 feet of dune erosion on Casey Key, Manasota Key and North Manasota Key. The storm also produced widespread coastal flooding on Siesta Key, especially in the area of North Beach Road and Avenida Messina near Siesta Village, the report notes. Sand was deposited on beaches both from dunes and offshore sand bars in several areas, the report says. Continued on next page




October 10 public hearing set on Siesta Key outdoor business displays guidelines By Rachel Brown Hackney www.SarasotaNewsLeader.com On June 4, 2013, more business owners than usual showed up for the regular meeting of the Siesta Key Village Association (SKVA), and to characterize these new attendees as unhappy might be an understatement. They had learned in May that the Siesta Key Overlay District, which governs all sorts of activities on Siesta Key, did not allow them to display goods outside their shops. Two complained that county Code Enforcement Officer John Lally’s instructions for them to keep wares inside their stores were crippling their ability to make a living. “For us, having something that just shows the customer that we’re open is crucial,” James Ritter of Siesta Village Outfitters said during the SKVA meeting. Thus began an almost 16-monthlong process that culminated on Oct. 21, 2014. Leaders of the SKVA, the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce and the Siesta Key Association (SKA) had worked together with a merchants group led by Mark Toomey, owner of Robin Hood Rentals, and Rick Lizotte, owner of Comfort Shoes — both Village businesses — to forge a compromise. That agreement was made formal by a vote of the County Commission to amend the Siesta Key Overlay District (SKOD). During the afternoon of Oct. 10, the County Commission will hold a public hearing on making those changes a permanent part of the SKOD. Officially, the agenda item will entail consideration of removing the sunset date on the use of the Temporary Use Permits for outdoor displays within the SKOD. The session will begin at 1:30 p.m. at the Anderson Administration Center, located at 4000 S. Tamiami

Trail in Venice. When the board amended the ordinance in 2014, the measure had two sunset dates, county Zoning Administrator Donna Thompson explained in a Sept. 6 memo to the County Commission. One indicated the provisions would end two years after the adoption of the ordinance; the other indicated the guidelines would sunset on Oct. 21, 2015, unless the ordinance was re-enacted by the board. With county staff having recorded no complaints about the outdoor displays, she continued, she proposed eliminating the sunset date altogether. She noted in the memo, “Staff has performed a review [of] the standards to ensure they continue to meet the needs of the merchants while maintaining the desired character for the SKOD.” A SNL survey of SKVA and SKA leaders — as well as discussions with Toomey and Lizotte — found none of them aware of any complaints about outdoor displays since the County Commission approved the Zoning Code guidelines in 2014. Still, Toomey stated, “I’ll do my best to be there [at the hearing].” He had not heard about it until SNL called him. Mark Smith, president of the Siesta Chamber and vice president of the SKVA, said in a telephone interview that Thompson mentioned the public hearing to him when he was talking with her about another issue. “She hadn’t gotten a single complaint,” Smith concurred with what Thompson had written in the Sept. 6 memo. “I hadn’t heard any either.” His view, he continued, is “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it.” Smith told SNL he did bring up the matter during meetings of the

Siesta Key Round-Up Hermine also caused limited property damage to dune walkovers and stairs, the county report notes. Many sea turtle nest markers were observed washed out, the report adds, and some nests were buried by deposited sand.

Chamber and SKVA boards. None of the members recalled hearing any concerns voiced, either, Smith said. Russell Matthes, co-owner of the Daiquiri Deck restaurants, was among SKVA officers most concerned about protecting the Village atmosphere when the SKVA and SKA collaboration began with business owners. He told SNL that he also had not “heard any complaints about people taking advantage of the new code,” and “overall, I haven’t seen too much abuse of it.” SKA Second Vice President Catherine Luckner and board member Joe Volpe said in separate telephone interviews that they had heard no complaints from residents. Volpe noted that he does make a point of checking out business owners’ displays when he drives through the Village. “They seem like they’re behaving,” he added. “There you go,” Toomey told SNL when advised a reporter had heard no negative comments. Lizotte was especially relieved when a reporter told him that it appeared no one would oppose eliminating the sunset date for the outdoor display provisions. “I was hoping that,” he said. With his Comfort Shoes shop “stuck back in a corner” in Davidson Plaza, he pointed out, “it really is important to us to have [the SKOD provisions].” SKOD rules prevent him from setting up any signs to alert customers to the store’s location, Lizotte explained. “So having an outdoor display is one of the key things that brings customers in.” Lizotte added that he would talk with Toomey to make certain one of them attends the hearing, just in case any concern does arise.

Continued from previous page

International Coastal Cleanup

Michael Shay had volunteers lined up to participate in the International Coastal Cleanup on Sept. 17, he reported during the Sept. 6 SKVA meeting. They would be working in conjunction with the Keep Sarasota

County Beautiful (KSCB) staff on this global effort to clear trash and other debris from waterways, he said. Because so many people in the past have been interested in participating in the event, he noted, KSCB has set aside a second day for the initiative. That will be Oct. 22. Continued on page 14

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Siesta Sand














PLEASE VISIT US AT REOPENBEACHROAD.COM Pd. Pol. Adv. Paid for by Reopen Beach Road, Inc. 617 Avenida De Mayo, Sarasota, FL 34242




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Letter to the Editor: Reopen Beach Road Hopefully you saw Tom Lyons’ article in the 9/15/16 Sarasota Herald Tribune. For those of you who have not been following Reopen Beach Road, reopenbeachroad.com, here is a quick recap: The same things that make Beach Road such a beautiful drive also make it vulnerable to storms. The County has paid for and ignored engineering reports that describe the need to and the methods for fixing the road. Charlie Bailey, the attorney representing the folks trying to turn their roadfront homes into beach-front homes at our collective expense, personally told me on the phone that he and his clients helped to prevent the County from fixing the road after the Taylor Engineering firm, out of Jacksonville, Fla., described not only how to fix the road in their 2013 report, but how foolish - and how much more costly - it would be to not fix the road. I thought at the time that Charlie and I had come to an agreement as to the framework for a mutually beneficial solution to the current problem. I guess not. The next week his client accused me of using “false and misleading” information in a lawsuit they filed against me and Reopen Beach Road, Inc., asking for an emergency hearing to basically shut me up. The judge denied their motion for an emergency hearing on August 31st. She did feel that there was such an enormous and immediate need to hear them out that she did schedule a hearing ... for December. The following is a sworn affidavit that I filed with the Circuit Court that conveys what Beach Road and public access mean to me: “My name is Mike Cosentino. I’m

a carpenter and licensed contractor. I was born and raised here in Sarasota. I don’t have a college degree. But my parents taught me well the difference between right and wrong, and I do my best to live by that. I never imagined that someday I would be in court – much less for suing the county I love so much. But there came a time and point where I just could not stand idly by and let yet another of Sarasota’s treasures fall permanently into private hands. If we give it away, we have no say. Beach Road must stay in public ownership and control; I am willing to endure significant financial hardship to accomplish this goal. Through my public information request I’ve found a treasure-trove of both inaccuracies and facts that I believe will help me and the overwhelming majority of Sarasotans who support me to prevail in this action as well as in the forthcoming litigation. Before I delve into responding to the numbered complaints listed by the intervenors I would like to explain what access means to me by quoting the first sentence of the Sarasota Bay National Estuary Program Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan, entitled “The Voyage to Paradise Reclaimed,” i.e., “The number one use of Sarasota Bay is simply looking at it.” And later, “Improved access and user education are priorities that can be combined into a tapestry of recreational opportunities that can increase awareness of bay resources and the need to protect them.” Also, “A survey conducted by the Florida Atlantic University Social Science Research Laboratory shows that 82% of the two Counties’ residents use Sarasota Bay to ‘just enjoy the view.’”

Finally, “It is easy to lose sight of the fact that most people’s primary recreational experience of the bay may be seeing it from a car window.” As a society, our understanding of the need to provide equal access to the less fortunate is ever-increasing. As such, we need to keep Beach Road public so we, the people, can have input into how it is managed, and thereby protect our right to public beach access in the broadest possible terms. Allowing this, the last and most significant stretch of public road on Siesta Key with an unobstructed Gulf View, directly on the #1 beach in the world, to become the private property of three homeowners and to reduce, in perpetuity, the means by which we can access this land, as well as to eliminate our ability, forever, to have any input into how it is managed for the benefit of the citizens, who’s tax dollars have paid to maintain it since shortly after Sarasota became a county in 1921, is an unconscionably terrible mistake. On behalf of Sarasota and her people I intend to vigorously defend our collective vested interest in keeping Beach Road as a public right-of-way. Sincerely, Mike Cosentino” The following is one of the allegations against me and my response thereto. My hope is that this clears up some of the confusion between “current” and “possible” access. The Intervenor Landowner claims: #9) “The Charter Amendment Petition Form is misleading because an express condition precedent to Resolution No. 2016-079 is the conveyance and recording of a public access

easement at no cost to the County. The easement will give the general public the same continued access over and across the vacated right-of-way by the same means the public currently has on this land…” Response: “misleading”- No, it isn’t. What is misleading is the insinuation that the current use is the only and/or potential full right of use, which isn’t at all correct. The statement “hides the ball” by failing to acknowledge that there is, in fact, a HUGE difference between a public right-of-way and an access easement (pedestrian, non-vehicle) over someone’s privately-owned land. Yes, the public will have the same current use by the same current means. But, we now have the RIGHT to rebuild the road for thru-traffic for all of us, including SCAT buses that would increase public access and reduce the need for parking and overall island traffic. Further, we now have the RIGHT to make parking spaces, sidewalks, landscaping, benches, shoreline protection, etc., all of which will benefit the taxpaying public, and, significantly, all of which are specifically prohibited by the language that grants the public an easement over the vacated rightof-way that would thereby become the Private Property of the adjacent landowners. BCC #09062 from July 22nd, 2009, describes staff’s recommendation to reconstruct this section of Beach Road “in order to regain the intended use of the roadway.” The complaint speaks of the current use. We are speaking of the “intended use” and the inherent public rights that go hand-

in-hand with public ownership. The passage of this amendment will have an enormous positive impact on the public’s right and ability to use this land. Since the unfortunate vacation mistake of May 11, 2016 that ruins the area for all but the few benefactors of that mistake, my message has been, and is, consistent and clear. We will not accept any outcome that excludes the vast majority of Sarasota County’s citizens by eliminating vehicular use of the rebuilt roadway. We predict that the outcome of the public hearings that will be held to give all of the citizenstakeholders their well-deserved say in the matter will be that Beach Road is rebuilt like or very closely resembling the rendering composed from the Taylor Engineering Report as found on our website: Reopenbeachroad. com. This means vehicle use - cars, golf carts, motorcycles, and the like. Maybe the Commissioners don’t have the will to see this through. That’s fine. We will replace them with those who do. They have a choice in the matter. Choose to follow the will of the people or be fired. We will not rest until Beach Road is restored to its originally intended use. It is vitally important to the people and economy of Siesta Village, Siesta Key, and Sarasota, as well as our part-time owners and guests, that this gets done, and soon. We have waited long enough. Mike Cosentino Siesta Key resident

Discover Gulf Gate

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Deli (G-47) carries a full line of imported cheeses, fresh baked bread daily, homemade sausages, fresh mozzarella, and numerous hard to get items. They now carry Khorasan Wheat which is an ancient and organic grain. Their deli is complete with huge hot and cold sandwiches, salads, fresh homemade lasagna and baked ziti. And, you cannot leave without trying their cannoli filled with their own homemade cannoli cream or the tiramisu or Sfogliatelle from Brooklyn.

Here is where you will find great Italian specialty gourmet items without the gourmet price. Tony’s Chicago Beef Company (S-16) is owned and operated by true Chicagoans. Dedicated to deliver Chicago’s best food - Chicago style Hot Dogs wit’ the works... Dragged through the garden on poppy seed buns with fresh cut fries, Italian Beef Sandwiches anyway you like, dipped or dry, sweet or hot. All served in true Authentic Chicago Style. Continued on page 19

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Siesta Sand




Snapshots of Island Visitors World Lacrosse Beach Festival 2016 Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography

More than two hundred 7-18 year-old youth boys and girls from as far away as California and New York, celebrated the second annual World Lacrosse Beach Festival along the Gulf of Mexico shoreline on world famous Siesta Beach. The two day tournament is a fundraiser created by Casey Powell co-founder with Heather O’Neill of the Casey Powell World Lacrosse Foundation. The foundation was created to share and inspire lacrosse worldwide as well as support severely injured and sick lacrosse players. This year’s tournament is supporting John Michael Night (19) of Orlando. The tournament featured three-on-three speed lacrosse without pads, a different style than regular lacrosse. Six courts were set up on amazing Siesta Beach where more than one hundred, 30 minute long lacrosse games would be played over the two days. A Professional Exhibition Game broadcast on Laxsportsnetwork.com, featuring some of the world’s best professional lacrosse players, was also featured

By Trebor Britt

during the festival. A few of the players featured were, John Galloway, professional goalie of the year and head coach at Jacksonville University, Connor Buczek from Team USA, Brendan Fowler from Duke and Team USA and Jordan Hall from Team Canada and Casey Powell formerly of the Florida Launch. For more information contact, www.worldlacrosse.org

Players from the Manatee Wildcats Lacrosse Team competed for the first time in this year’s tournament. They brought two Middle School teams, the Wildkittens and Wildtigers, and a High School team named the Wildlions. Led by coach, John Schultz, the team practices at GT Bray park and Manatee public beach. Doyle, Chase age 10, Steve, and Jodine from West Virginia

High Schoolers, Ryan Cote 17, Brent Cote 14, Andrew Parks 14, and Tyler Cote 14 of Brady’s Bunch Lacrosse, drove with their parents, all the way from Georgia to participate for the second time in the World Lacrosse Beach Festival on incredible Siesta Beach. Brady’s Bunch Lacrosse is a 501 (C3) nonprofit organization whose mission through lacrosse, is to raise awareness of children’s cancer, provide funds for research and for children and families who suffer from cancer. #WP4SE (We Play for Someone Else) A Sarasota Snipers player scores a goal over the shoulders of two Crossfire players at the second annual World Lacrosse Beach Festival on spectacular Siesta Beach.

a Sand 10”x5.125”

Saint Petersburg Lacrosse Club goalie laser focused as she prepares to block a shot.

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County Commission to vote on local mangrove ordinance By Roger Drouin |The shift in jurisdiction would take effect Nov. 1 if approved Sarasota County is continuing to pursue a change that would transfer jurisdiction from the state to the county in matters of mangrove trimming and monitoring throughout the unincorporated county, including Siesta Key. The county has been pursuing local jurisdiction since 2001, said Alyssa Vinson, environmental specialist with the county. But a recent local case has been a catalyst for advancing that effort to bring matters of mangrove-trimming enforcement into county oversight. After a troubling case, in 2014, in which a property owner cleared mangroves without a permit on Manasota Key, a judge ruled that the county had to defer to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. The Circuit Judge ruled that the state has complete authority over mangroves and that the county went too far in requiring the property owner to replant the trees cut down. That precedent worried local environmental advocates who were concerned that the state agency hobbled by budget cuts and lacking a local office would have limited enforcement ability. On August 31, Sarasota County received “delegation approval” from the state DEP — dependent on approval of a local ordinance by the County Commission — to oversee monitoring and enforcement of mangrove trimming compliance. A half dozen cities and counties throughout the state have been approved for and enacted similar, local jurisdiction ordinances. Delegation of the mangrove program is authorized under Section 403.9324 of the Florida Statutes, according to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. The following local governments have delegated local authority to implement the program: MiamiDade County, Broward County, Hillsborough County, Pinellas County, the town of Jupiter Island, and the city of Sanibel. The Sarasota County Commission is set to vote on its ordinance at the board’s Oct. 10 meeting, in the afternoon session. The meeting will be held at the RL Anderson Admin. Building, 4000 S Tamiami Trail, Venice. If

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Usher in Fall at Abel’s Ice Cream The weather is cooling down, and the humidity is dropping. It’s a perfect time for long walks on the beach, short lines at restaurants, and sweet treats from Abel’s Ice Cream. In a few short weeks, you’ll be sharing delicious flavors with old friends as they return to our warm coastal beaches, ushering in a new season. Maybe it’ll be a cone of classic Vanilla (award winning, smooth & creamy), or a cup of Kahlua Almond Fudge (Kahlua ice cream swirled with chocolate fudge and roasted almonds), or perhaps a scoop of an all-time favorite – Stellar Coffee (a must have if you’re a coffee lover…rich coffee ice cream with fudge & mini dark chocolate coffee cups). As the quiet time dwindles, take time to treat yourself. There’s nothing better than stopping in at Abel’s Ice Cream, a quick trip across the bridge from Siesta Key, before or after viewing the breathtakingly gorgeous early sunsets of autumn. Abel’s Ice Cream is located at 1886 Stickney Point Road, Sarasota in the South Bridge Plaza. Open Sunday through Thursday from Noon-9:30 pm, and Friday and Saturday from Noon-10 pm. Learn more online at www. abelsicecream.com or connect with them on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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approved by county commissioners, the mangrove ordinance would take effect Nov. 1, Vinson told Siesta Sand. Local jurisdiction would mean the county issues permits, and handles any compliance issues that come up, Vinson said. Current staff, including Vinson, would fulfill the duties that come with local enforcement and monitoring. The county has already been working to document mangrove trees. Starting in 2004, the county has been in the process of creating coastal maps showing elements such as hardened features and mangroves, Vinson said. Those maps will become an enforcement tool if the county assumes jurisdiction on mangrove issues, and also could help clear up questions on historical formations of mangroves.



“We went by boat and surveyed the shoreline of unincorporated Sarasota County,” Vinson said. “We’re in the process of analyzing [the most recent] data and we have a good base map of what’s out there.” The information — including mangrove locales — will eventually be viewable by the public at the county’s GIS map website. If the local ordinance goes into effect, Vinson recommends that any residents in the county who have questions about mangrove trimming on their property or nearby properties should call the county’s call center at 861-5000. Often, local mangrove trimming falls under an exemption, but for property owners, “they can call the county and tell us what they want to do, or email us some pictures” to make sure the work is allowed, Vinson suggested.



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Siesta Sand



Siesta Key Round-Up Wendall Jacobsen, general manager of Beach Bazaar and the SKVA’s president, told Shay he would be happy to donate sunscreen from that business for the volunteers, as he has in the past. Anyone interested in volunteering for the cleanup may contact Keep Sarasota County Beautiful by calling the county Contact Center at 861-5000 or visiting http://www.scgov.net/ kscb. The hours on Oct. 22 are 8 a.m. to noon, with locations available throughout the county, according to a county flyer. The rain date for the event is Oct. 29, the flyer notes.

Tourist Development Tax revenue

Siesta Key continues to be the cash cow for the county. As in recent months, Siesta Key businesses that collect the tax continued to lead the way, bringing in 32.62 percent of the total $5,937,359.50 through the end of August, the Tax Collector’s Office report shows. The City of Sarasota remained in second place with 29.55 percent for a total of $5,378,156.45.

Satchel’s Last Resort Pars 4 Paws Golf Tournament

Satchel’s is hosting its Fifth Annual golf tournament Saturday November 5 starting at 1 PM. If you love animals, love golf and would love to play at The Resort at Longboat Key Club’s gorgeous Island side Golf Course, please join Satchel’s for a great afternoon of golf followed by a gourmet dinner and silent auction. For more information visit www.slrpars4paws.com Satchel’s Last Resort, Rescue, Rehab and Rehome.


Continued from page 9

Perhaps a restroom, after all, for Patterson Park During the Sarasota County Commission’s April 27 mid-year financial review, Chair Al Maio remarked that people had asked him about the county building restrooms at Nora Patterson Bay Island Park, just west of the Siesta Drive bridge to the Key. Someone had suggested to him, after the dedication of the improved park in 2015, that a group might want to work in cooperation with the county to install such facilities on the site, he told county staff. “A lot of people go there,” Maio pointed out of the park, adding that restrooms are needed. Nonetheless, he continued, after he explained to the person making the inquiry that “those structures are likely to be well in the air … I never heard any more.” As it turns out, county staff has chosen to add the design and permitting of just such a project to the county’s Capital Improvement Plan for the 2017 fiscal year. Chief County Engineer Isaac Brownman broached the subject during the board’s Aug. 22 budget workshop. Staff has set aside $200,000 for work in the next fiscal year; the funds will come out of impact fee revenue generated in North County, Brownman explained. But what about the height of that restroom? In response to that question from SNL, county spokesman Jason Bartolone provided this answer: “According to the architect working on the project (Guy Peterson), the proposed restroom is located within a [Federal Emergency Management Agency] FEMA Flood Zone A13,” which makes it necessary for the lowest horizontal floor elevation to be 12 feet above NGVD. (NGVD refers to vertical datum, which establishes

a consistent zero point from which to measure the height of ground on which a person is standing, regardless of where the person is, according to FEMA.) In other words, the restroom will not have to be elevated “as high as structures located on properties along the Gulf of Mexico and seaward of the Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL),” Bartolone added. “These must be constructed above the effects of a 100-year storm (elevation +19.6 NGVD).”

Not North Beach Road

Amid all the discussion during the Aug. 23 County Commission meeting about the North Beach Road segment that has been vacated near Beach Access 3, someone apparently gave county staff the impression that another sign had been posted to warn the public away from the property. County email exchanges show that Carolyn Brown, director of the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Department, sent a person out to check on the situation. All the employee found was a sign posted on Avenida Messina near Beach Access 2, but that sign was on private property, the employee pointed out. County Administrator Tom Harmer then passed along that information to the commissioners, who had spent a bit of time that morning, trying to dispel the mistruths about the board’s May 11 vote. Commissioner Charles Hines had warned Charles Bailey III, the attorney for the owners of property on either side of that 360-foot section of the road, to make certain they do not erect any signage to keep the public away. And speaking of North Beach Road: Bailey told SNL that Dennis and Wendy Madden are proceeding with their plans to tear

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down the old rental structures on their parcels so they can construct a new three-story, six-unit building that will comply with all current building standards.

Answering a stormwater question

When Sarasota County staff appeared before members of the Siesta Key Association (SKA) at the organization’s August meeting to talk about the county’s new floodplain ordinance, one woman in the audience raised concerns about occasional flooding in an area just south of the intersection of Midnight Pass Road and Stickney Point Road. Sue Honsberger with the Sarasota By the Sea Association asked the staff members whether any restriction is in place to keep a condominium association “from contributing to the flooding of the street” by releasing stormwater. Honsberger added that it appeared the one complex was trying to time the release so it would appear to be related to the afternoon downpours common this time of year. Robert Laura, a watershed engineer for the county, explained that for any development to obtain a county building permit, it has to demonstrate that it will not make flooding worse. Perhaps the situation is linked to a maintenance issue, he told Honsberger. “Typically, runoff is directed into a stormwater pond.” “I have been there eight years and observed it,” Honsberger replied. Staff members asked to get her contact information, so they could check into the situation and let her know their findings. After the meeting ended, Honsberger told SNL that the flooding was bad on two south Siesta roads — Seaside Drive and Sun N Sea Drive. “[The water]

gushes right down [Midnight Pass Road],” Honsberger added, flooding Seaside Drive, especially. When that happens, she continued, walkways at the nearby Ebb Tide motel flood right up to the units’ doors. “And I think it’s gotten worse [over the years]. … We have paid engineers. … We’re getting nowhere.” County spokesman Jason Bartolone also looked into that matter. He explained in an email, “The Crescent is a fairly new condo/ hotel development on the west side of Midnight Pass Road, just south of Stickney Point Road. The development has a permitted underground stormwater attenuation vault and is designed as both a retention and detention system (meaning it will discharge under heavy rainfall). During several rainfall events in the past three weeks, several areas in the county have seen rainfall intensities equivalent to or greater than our 100-year level of service. The discharge is stormwater runoff from the underground vault; it’s normal and expected based on the amount and intensity of the rainfall we’ve experienced recently.”

New Members to the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce

1. Kokomo Charters 2. Majors Electrical Services 3. SCENE Magazine 4. Gorilla Kleen – Exterior Cleaning 5. Blasé Bistro – formerly Blasé Cafe 6. Blasé Pizza & Craft Beer – formerly PI Pizza of Siesta Key 7. Siesta Key Winery – N- Bootleggers Moonshine Company at the Siesta Key Marina 8. Mike Sales Presents– Musician and Entertainer 9. Stay On Siesta – Property Management Company 10. Toasted Mango on Siesta Key – 2nd location 11. Cunningham Title Services 12. Made in Rome Organic Gelato – opening in the fall 13. The Italian Grill – across from South Sarasota Mall 14. Siesta Key Nails & Spa 15. Eddie’s Limousines 16. My Siesta Concierge



Sheriff’s Report


Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Aug. 23 - Sept. 20, 2016

There were a total of 21 crimes reported on the Key between 8/23-9/20/2016

8/23/16 Petit Theft 5200 Block Ocean Blvd The manager of a Village bar filed a report with the Sheriff’s Department after a customer ran up a bar tab and did not pay his bill. The defendant had presented a credit card to the bartender to open a tab. After making several purchases that appeared to be questionable, the bartender processed the credit card and it was declined as “no account”. The defendant was identified by his drivers license, which was presented earlier, as per bar policy. The defendant stated he would return the next day to pay his $160 tab in cash in exchange for his license. However, he never returned with the cash. 8/24/16 Battery 6200 Block Midnight Pass Rd A woman made a cryptic call to the Sheriff’s Office giving her address, stopped talking after hearing a male voice, and then hung up. When deputies arrived on the scene, the woman stated her husband had battered her by pushing her in the shoulder. She stated that the suspect was asleep on the couch before he woke up and battered the victim for no reason. According to deputies, her demeanor was quite agitated at the time and she appeared to be possibly intoxicated or having memory or mental health issues. The suspect confirmed that his wife acts very differently and that she does have considerable health issues. The suspect explained that although he tries to keep alcohol out of the house, his wife is able to call the local liquor store to have it delivered. The victim had no visible injuries and was not complaining of any injury. She would not cooperate with deputies. When asked if there was any thing else deputies could do for her, she quickly snapped back “No! Goodbye!” 8/28/16 Burglary-Vehicle 1000 Dockside Place A woman reported someone had gone through her unlocked car and rummaged through the glove box and center console. Items from both areas were left out on the passenger seat. The woman also discovered a

backpack, which, she said, was not known to her or members of her family, behind the passenger seat. The bag was later discovered to be her husband’s gym bag, which he always keeps in his car. He couldn’t remember if he had locked his car but was able to identify the bag and its contents. While no items were missing from the initial vehicle, it appeared an unknown subject entered both vehicles, taking the backpack from one and placing it into the other. There were no other leads or suspects. 8/29/16 Grand Theft 100 Block Beach Rd An employee and representative of an island resort reported that a suspect rented a room from 8/8/168/11/16, incurring a charge of $455.96. The man paid with a credit card and the transaction was completed. The complainant stated that 10 days following the transaction, he received a notice that it was being disputed due to the cardholder reporting the charge as fraudulent and not authorized. The total amount had been charged back to the business. The complainant provided a copy of the disputed claim notification. 8/29/16 Burglary 1300 Block Bayside Drive Two bicycles and a bike pump were reported stolen from inside a garage. The items taken included a red & white Electra cruiser bike valued at $250. Also taken was a turquoise and orange Villy’s custom limited edition cruiser with an estimated value of $767.44. There appeared to be no forced entry and no video footage available. 8/301/16 Burglary 5000 Block Higel Ave A cabinet company and its employee renovating a vacant




Open Daily 10 - 6


home were the victims of a burglary. The complainant/victim had stored his equipment out of sight in a rear closet of the home. The doors and windows were locked prior to the victim leaving for the night. Upon his return in the morning, he noticed all of his items missing. There were no signs of forced entry to the home however, one slider was found slightly ajar. The complainant had several of his own items taken including: a Porter Cable radio ($100) Porter Cable sawzall ($60), battery charger ($40) and a rechargeable battery ($70). His employer, the cabinet company, also had several items taken; Makita concrete saw ($600), Bosch jackhammer ($1500), Makita Jackhammer ($867), blades ($180). Upright heap air filter ($1150) and a shovel ($30). All of the items were stenciled with the company name and phone number, likely with orange paint.

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9/10/16 Domestic Battery Officers were dispatched to a home regarding a family disturbance. They met with a woman who admitted she had slapped her daughter in the face over some loud music that was being played at 4 in the morning. A scuffle had apparently broken out between the mother and daughter. The daughter had multiple lacerations on her body that were unexplainable. A witness and a sister of the victim who tried to break up the fight were unaware of the extent of the victim’s injuries and were not sure where they came from. The victim said she could not remember. Based on the evidence, statements and admission, the officer believed the mother should be charged with domestic battery and she was transported to the County Jail. 9/11/16 Burglary 9000 block Midnight Pass Rd A man reported an unknown subject entered his unlocked Jeep and stole several items. The items included credit cards, $200 cash and a computer worth $600. He had already made contact with the credit card company and they advised no new activity had occurred.

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Siesta Sand


Live Blood Test Offered at Nutritious You Shop, again! By popular demand, the Nutritious You shop (6583 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key) is offering live blood nutritional analysis tests again. It will be administered by Brandi Stewart, Nutritional Microscopist from Tampa. Live Blood Test available at Nutritious You This test helps pin point any possible maladies by analyzing your blood cells and will help you understand the whole picture of holistic health. Brendi will provide you with recommendations going forward. The test will also help determine if your body is in an alkaline or acidic state. You will see your own blood cells on the For more information or to screen and their condition. sign up for this highly revealing Studies show we need to eat at t e s t , g o t o : w w w . b i t . l y / least 70% of alkalizing foods on NutritiousAlkalizingFood or call a daily basis for optimal health. 941-203-5203 One of the missions of Nutritious You brand is to provide you with Visit us at 6583 Midnight Pass Rd. alkalizing clean food. Those info@NutritiousYou.com include our fresh juices, take-out www.NutritiousYou.com meals, and nutrient-dense snacks. 941-203-5203 (Advertorial)

Be Careful

Candy Can Be A Holiday TRICK! Eating sweets causes damaging acids to form in the mouth. These acids continue to affect the teeth for at least 20 minutes before they are neutralized. Sugar-free gum is effective in combating the bacteria in plaque and fighting the acid that eats away at enamel. The chewing motion also stimulates the flow of saliva, which helps cleanse the teeth. Another option is to allow candy that melts and disappears quickly. The longer teeth are exposed to sugar, the longer bacteria can feed on it, which could produce cavities. The best way to protect teeth from decay is to have candy in small portions at limited times, such as after a meal, as dessert or at regular snack times. Allowing your child to choose between these types of sweeets and limiting the amount they consume will help reduce future problems...

It’s Up To You! Palmer Ranch Dental 8800 S. Tamiami Trail Sarasota, Florida 34238



News Up & Down the Trail Paid parking — it’s back.

FDOT considers U.S. 41 roundabout

Parking meters are coming back. Four years after the city of Sarasota’s last brief attempt to implement a paid parking plan downtown, the City Commission approved a plan to install meters on 468 parking spaces on Main Street, Palm Avenue and part of Ringling Boulevard. The meters will be installed in the next year. The City Commission endorsed the plan at a meeting Sept. 6, citing expected improvements to downtown traffic flow, more availability for spaces on those main arteries and increased parking revenue as the main reasons for supporting the idea. Several downtown business owners and residents, however, remain opposed to the proposal. Some of those opponents spoke to the City Commission and restated many of the concerns that killed the previous program in 2012 — that paid parking will deter shoppers and diners and could exacerbate problems with the chronic homeless downtown. As early as this summer, downtown merchants had already voiced displeasure with a preliminary proposal to phase in parking, but a city parking advisory committee remained committed to presenting a plan for paid parking to the commission. As proposed, the meters would be operational from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Rates would start at 10 cents for 6 minutes, and 25 cents for 15 minutes, rising to $2 for the first two hours. For parking three hours and longer, the rate would increase $1 each hour. The proposal is the first phase of a downtown paid parking plan designed by city Parking Director Mark Lyons.

Sarasota getting another luxury condo This fall, Golden Gate Point Ventures plans to break ground on a luxury condo project proposed for the 22-acre peninsula near downtown Sarasota. The “Pearl” includes a rooftop patio, pool and spa, cabanas, and barbecue area. The units will start at $1.6 million, according to a news release. The pet-friendly condominium will feature eight units in a five story-building on the east side of Golden Gate Point, replacing three buildings constructed in the 1960s. The Pearl, at 609 Golden Gate Point, is situated in the middle portion of the peninsula, an area that has seen a redevelopment trend. Premier Sotheby’s International Realty will market the 2,750-square-foot residences. The developer bought the 14,400-square-foot property for nearly $2 million back in March.

Is one of the first planned roundabouts for U.S. 41 going to happen soon? The Florida Department of Transportation has begun a study that will look into that question. The study will take 18 months to complete, and in the meantime, resurfacing of U.S. 41 still is planned in downtown Sarasota starting this fall. The FDOT has notified the City of Sarasota that it expects to conduct a public meeting this fall regarding plans to improve the intersection of Gulfstream Avenue and U.S. 41 in downtown Sarasota. The study will consider several options for improvements — including the potential for constructing a roundabout at the intersection. A representative with the state agency sent an email on Aug. 16 to city staff, saying the state agency also anticipates holding a public hearing on the project in the fall of 2017. In the meantime staff is beginning a Project Development and Environment (PD&E) study for the improvements. That PD&E study will take about 18 months to complete, and design plans for the preferred, chosen alternative should be completed by 2019. The FDOT is evaluating the intersection at US 41 and Gulfstream Avenue to improve pedestrian and bicycle connectivity between the City of Sarasota’s Downtown Central Business District and the Bayfront area, while improving vehicular traffic flow and operations. Options under consideration include a roundabout and improvements to the existing signalized intersection. This study will determine the conceptual design of the preferred intersection alternative. The City of Sarasota also is continuing its planning for proposed roundabouts on U.S. 41, at the 10th and 14th street intersections.

Coral reef project underway Mote Marine Laboratory and The Nature Conservancy have partnered on an initiative that the two organizations hope will enable coral restoration at unprecedented scales throughout the Caribbean and the Florida Keys. The group hopes to plant one million corals across the region’s reefs. The organizations also plan to share science-based coral restoration and conservation practices among U.S. and international Caribbean partners and create necessary operations, such as coral gene banks, which preserve genetically diverse coral tissue and help researchers find strains resilient to environmental change. An agreement last month officially starts an ongoing, oneyear planning and preparation

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By Roger Drouin agreement, which will include growing 50,000 coral fragments. Mote said that coral reef systems help provide shoreline resiliency that protects coastal communities and creates healthy oceans. Ocean acidification, increasing ocean temperatures as a result of climate change, overfishing, unplanned coastal development and other factors including waste water have damaged or decimated reefs around the world.

USF Sarasota-Manatee growing The University of South Florida, Sarasota-Manatee’s enrollment has reached a new record, with 2,071 students. That’s an increase of 1.6 percent over last year. The fall enrollment surpassed last fall’s record of 2,038 students, the school announced in a media release. Undergraduate enrollment rose 2.2 percent and graduate enrollment 4 percent over the fall of 2015. Summer and fall freshman enrollments jumped from 88 to 103 students this year. Director of Admissions Andrew Telatovich cited several factors for the gains — from the ongoing popularity of the University’s biology program to its new Bridge-to-Engineering program. In the Sarasota-Manatee region, the University of South Florida is not the only college seeing growth. More than over 13,000 students are spread out between New College of Florida, Ringling College of Art and Design, State College of Florida and USFSM.

Players ejected in high school football matchup Things on the football field got tense during a post- Storm Hermine matchup between Sarasota High School and Booker High School. Most Friday night high school football games were canceled Sept. 2 as a result of the storm, aside from the Sarasota High School vs. Booker High School game. However, the action on the field took a sour turn fast, according to a report by local ABC 7 Suncoast news. Sarasota was off to a big start and big lead — and never looked back. Soon, frustrations boiled over as a bench-clearing brawl broke out on the field, according to reporting and a video posted by ABC 7. By the end of the first quarter, seven players were ejected from the game. Continued on page 27


Lorraine’s Island Beauty & Barber has moved Effective August 20, 2016, Doris Waywell Smith, owner of Lorraine’s Island Beauty & Barber shop moved to the Village. After 40+ years and thousands of customers, Waywell Smith along with Brian will be working out of Salon Capelli, located at 5057 Ocean Blvd. To make an appointment, please call Doris at 941-346-7206 or email her at Waywellsmithdoris@gmail.com




Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Sarasota County voters canÕ t afford four more years of dysfunctional government and broken promises. We need a leader who has the experience and the courage to stand up for whatÕ s right. Vote for a candidate whoÕ s already given this community over thirty years of dedicated service as a public school teacher, a social worker, a city commissioner, a licensed realtor, and as SarasotaÕ s Mayor.

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Siesta Sand




The Pink Heals Tour 2016 Event Stops at Angelo’s Restaurant in Sarasota


MONTHLY MEETING Thursday, October 6 • 4:30 PM St. Boniface Church, Room F 5615 Midnight Pass Road

Guest Speaker: Alyssa Vinson Environmental Protection Division, Sarasota County

Topic: Mangrove Trimming Program in unincorporated Sarasota County public is always welcome with questions for our guests.

Angelo’s Restaurant, located at 6115 South Tamiami Trail, just off the south bridge of Siesta Key, and north of Stickney Rd., will be hosting a Pink Heals event on October 17, from 4-8 p.m. Six pink firetrucks are expected at the event. Owner, Angelo DiFiore will be donating the buffet for this event and your generous donations will help the Pink Heals fire fighters’ ongoing efforts to bring awareness and funds to local community based initiatives. Wine, beer and sodas will be available at the cash bar at special happy hour prices. The restaurant will be closed to regular diners for the evening. The 9th Annual Pink Heals Tour began its trek this year across America on August 14. The tour traveled from Phoenix, Arizona, visiting over 50 cities, making home visits, sharing the program and touching thousands of lives. The tour will finish up in Jacksonville, Florida on November 13. Its mission is to support people, not causes, through home visits and to help leaders and businesses maintain fundraising dollars locally in support of women and their families. Pink Heals volunteers visit individuals facing adversity in their home, the hospital or at their place of work to honor their courage, foster hope, and provide them with the love and compassion they deserve. The Pink Heals Program was conceived and founded by Dave Graybill, a retired firefighter and former professional athlete. A loving father of two healthy children who selflessly spent his inheritance to golf across America to raise money for sick children. A visionary man who has made it his philanthropic mission to change the manner in which our country fund raises from one that focuses on causes and ribbons to one that focuses on the human element again and keeps monies raised in a community within that community to benefit its people. The Pink Heals Program has evolved from a single fire truck driven by

What: Pink Heals Tour 2016 When: October 17, 2015 from 4-8PM Where: Angelo’s Restaurant 6115 South Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, 34231 a single fire fighter (Dave Graybill) to over 150 trucks in three countries driven by hundreds of volunteers on a mission to keep fund raising local to support the communities themselves. What started out as a mission that focused on a single disease has evolved into a Program that can heal all-things. Dave’s visionary leadership has turned the trucks around and Pink Heals is the vehicle that this country is using to drive home much needed support for a wide range of community based initiatives. See their website at: www.pinkfiretrucks.org Graybill stated, “Pink Heals is not a charity. It’s a program that creates visible and immediate change in a community by delivering donations directly to those in need. No overhead, no third-party payouts, just pure volunteerism based on love.” EVENT SPONSORS: Angelo DiFiore of Angelo’s Restaurant, Vivian Kehrer of Sarasota Sally, Vicky Sullivan of Rock the Lens Photography, Spring Hill Suites Sarasota - Bradenton, Joyland Rentals, and Siesta Sand. Raffle item donations from Salon 31, Star Struck, and Glam Lash. (Advertorial)

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Sarasota Brewing Co. (G-4) Sarasota’s first micro brew pub always has something new to offer. From over 20 seasonal beers that rotate throughout the year, the Brewing Company always has at least five unique brews online as well as several favorites from around the world. Established in 1989, Their menu has been a winner in the Reader’s Choice Awards of the Sarasota Herald Tribune featuring their mouth watering burgers, Chicago style Pizzas, and Chicago beef sandwiches. With dozens of televisions, it’s a great place to catch a game with friends and family. West End Pub (G-49) Where else can you watch your favorite game with a great selection of beers, wines and liquors served by a friendly staff AND where you’re allowed to bring your own restaurant or deli food? Right here. Hurricane Mike’s Saloon (M-10) is a little neighborhood bar at 2639 Mall Drive, where everyone knows your name type of establishment and friendly staff. TV’s with the MLB and NFL packages, pool table, and full

Discover Gulf Gate

Florida Lottery games. Happy hour daily from opening to 7pm. Hours: Mon – Sat, 8am – 2:30am and Sun., noon – 2:30am. The Shop SRQ (G-2) offers flattops, fades, tapers, blowouts, razor cuts, and straight razor shaves. Owners, Erick and Dawn use a back to basics approach to grooming with a precise attention to personal detail. Their commitment to excellence has provided them with many loyal customers. They welcome the opportunity to earn your trust. Hours: Tues. – Fri. 8:30am – 6pm, Sat., 8:30am – 3pm. Closed on Sundays and Mondays. 6625 Gateway Ave, 941-626-4894. At the original Word of Mouth Restaurant (G-31), every seemingly insignificant detail receives special attention from the warm, inviting decor to each specially crafted variety of freshly baked muffins to the signature menu items. This small diner is where the locals come to eat breakfast and lunch. Each staff member works hard to make sure you receive the best service and quality food so you’ll want to return often.

tasted. The smoked chicken wings are unbelievable. Backed up with the pulled pork sandwiches, the smoked bologna, the smoked Turkey, the collard greens, fried corn on the cob, fried okra, fried green tomatoes and one of the best mac ‘n cheese you ever tasted. We do catering no limited to the size of the group. Come in and follow your nose to 6616 Superior Ave, Sarasota FL 34231. Call (941)926-0099. See you soon.



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Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Continued from page 11

Take a look at their mouth-watering menu at www.originalwordofmouth. com. Hours: Mon-Sun.: 8AM-2PM. 6604 Gateway Ave., Sarasota, 34231, 941-925-2400. Pride of the South (S-34) has been awarded Top Barbeque in Sarasota for 2016 by Trip Advisor and Yelp. It has been awarded for the best Southern Hospitality. Pride of the South has a brisket BLT, hands down, one of the best sandwiches you ever

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Siesta Sand



Snapshots of Island Visitors


Boulevard Buzz

Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography

By Rachel Brown Hackney www.SarasotaNewsLeader.com Miniature golf course update

Above: Sylvie from Sarasota, and Anna from Poland Left: Cristobal and Pedro from Argentina

Connie Lewis, BS, LMT,Aesthetician Owner & Associates

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The couple who hope to create an 18-hole miniature golf operation on Siesta Key’s Calle Minorga appeared before members of the Siesta Key Village Association (SKVA) in September, seeking a letter of support if the organization’s board felt that appropriate. “We see this as just an adjunct to all your businesses here,” Mike Driscoll explained of the concept. No neighborhood workshop date has been set yet, Driscoll told SNL after the Sept. 6 meeting, but he let the SKVA members know that their support during that session would be much appreciated. Driscoll said he and his wife, Debbie, wanted to introduce themselves to Village merchants. If any SKVA members have visited their Fish Hole operation on Lakewood Ranch’s Main Street, he continued, they have seen “we build a very [natural] looking place. Our golf courses kind of look like a park,” Driscoll added. The theme for the Siesta golf course would be The Fishing Village, he noted. Imagine the 10,000-square-foot lot on Calle Minorga transformed into “pretty botanical gardens,” he said, “with koi fish and turtles.” Moreover, he pointed out, the goal is to create “a very familyfriendly but also neighborhoodfriendly operation.” In Lakewood Ranch, he explained, The Fish Hole works with about 30 businesses to advertise specials for restaurants and shops on its scorecards, encouraging families to visit those places after they play rounds of golf. In response to a question about parking, Driscoll explained that the current plan includes 13 vehicle spaces, two spots for motorcycles and a bike rack, for a total of about 16. He hopes guests also will be able to park on the side of the street, Driscoll continued, and county staff has suggested the possibility of parking in the alley behind the property. County staff members said no traffic study would be needed, he noted, because they agreed with Driscoll that the golf course would not be anticipated to be a

destination attraction. Robert Lincoln, the Sarasota attorney representing Driscoll in the development plan, told SNL in August that the expectation is that people would play golf before or after dining and shopping in the Village. Driscoll said during the SKVA meeting that he has been working with county staff on the necessary rezoning and special exception necessary for the project.

Homelessness issues have diminished greatly A month after the Village gazebo was the focal point for homelessness issues on Siesta Key, the situation has improved significantly, Michael Shay, the liaison between the Siesta Key Village Association (SKVA) and the Siesta Key Village Maintenance Corp., told Lt. Donny Kennard and Sgt. Jason Mruczek of the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office on Sept. 6. “I don’t know what the Sheriff’s Office did,” Shay began during the September SKVA meeting, but “all I want to say is, ‘Thank you.’” The discovery was made on the morning of Aug. 4 that someone had defecated at the gazebo, Shay continued, “and [the Maintenance Corp.] had to spend money to have the whole gazebo steam-cleaned.” Sheriff’s Office personnel also addressed what was becoming a regular situation of homeless people sleeping in the gazebo, Shay added. “We have not had a problem since [early August] that I have seen. I’m in the Village every morning around 5:15,” Shay pointed out. One person was sleeping in the gazebo two nights ago, Shay said, but not that morning. “I don’t see them in the morning in the Village at all,” Shay told the approximately 20 people present for the meeting. SKVA Vice President Mark Smith — who also is on the Maintenance Corp. board — explained that the Sheriff’s Office sent representatives to the Village “to administer what help they could to these folks.” The Salvation Army also was planning to send some of its staff to talk with the individuals, Smith added. Nothing nefarious was done, Smith said. Continued on page 22




Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

VILLAGE MAP pgs 22 - 23







The Publication with “Key” Information | www.SiestaSand.net | 941.349.0194

Siesta Key Drum Circle Snapshots of Island Visitors Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography

Eric and Melissa from CT

Every Sunday is a perfect time to come to the Key to reconnect with Mother Nature and to enjoy some wonderful entertainment. I’m talking about the Siesta Key Drum Circle that takes place each Sunday starting about an hour before sunset and lasting until about 10 p.m. The gathering meets up just south of the main pavilion - just follow your ears and watch for the swelling crowd. Please note the following rules of etiquette that need to be observed at the Drum Circle so that all can enjoy the experience: the inside of the drum circle is

for participants only, not for people standing around. Feel free to enter the circle, take a picture and dance, but always keep moving. Never play someone’s drum without getting clearance from the owner. Always ask before borrowing other people’s property, especially hula hoops. Flash photography and bright video lights are distracting, so photograph during daylight or use a night vision camera. And finally, please do not drink alcohol or smoke inside the circle and respect our beach by placing all trash in the appropriate receptacles. Photo Courtesy of Aaron Martin.

Before you leave Sarasota, you must try this one! As seen on the Food Network Guy Fieri’s “Diner’s, Drive-In’s and Dive’s” show. The TurDucKen “One big bird” Boneless chicken stuffed in a boneless duck stuffed in a boneless turkey with a variety of great seasonings. Alpine Steakhouse just off of Siesta Key located between the bridges at 4520 S. Tamiami Trail. 941-922-3797

Lunch Turducken Sandwich $8.95 and Dinner Turducken $18.95 w/mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy and cranberry sauce


Siesta Sand


Boulevard Buzz He hoped he had not implied anything of that sort, Shay responded quickly. “I believe that the folks that wanted help got help and those that wanted to avoid help are doing so,” Smith noted. Issues with the homeless were being reported on the Key prior to the gazebo incident, Kennard explained. The Sheriff’s Office representatives offer resources to


Continued from page 20

help individuals, he added. With funding support from the County Commission, the Sheriff’s Office operates a program called SHIFTS to assist the homeless. Its case workers can help individuals with behavioral health issues get into programs to address their needs, and the program provides beds so people do not have to sleep on the streets. Siesta property owner Paul Parr

NOTICE: Looking for the Village Barber? For those that have enjoyed the cuts and comradery at The Village Barber over the years, you can still continue to see Scott at his new location. In July 2015 Scott Reich announced moving out of the Village and off the Key. Reich and his stepfather Pete Sparks had been servicing patrons in the Village for the past 20 years. The Siesta Center was sold and the new ownership of the Ocean Blvd building wasn’t quite meeting up to expectations he and Sparks had of the new landlord. Sparks announced his retirement and Reich announced a move to The Shop SRQ at 6625 Gateway Ave. in Gulf Gate. You can reach Scott Reich at 941-346-0222. His hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tues – Fri, and Sat from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. www.SiestaKeyBarbershop.com

also commended Kennard and Mruczek for handling a growing concern of condominium owners across from Siesta Public Beach: Homeless people were lingering around the picnic tables next to Beach Road. “Your efforts there have been stellar,” Parr said. Some homeless individuals are still seen in that area, Parr continued, but they do not stay for long. Kennard pointed out that the Sheriff’s Office’s personnel treat all people the same in Sarasota County. Some people will not accept help when it first is extended to them, Kennard said, “but that doesn’t mean they won’t change their minds tomorrow.”

Off-season maintenance schedule

During his routine update on Village upkeep, which was part of the September SKVA meeting,

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Map B #42

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Map C #61

ACCOMMODATIONS Siesta Beach Resort ..................... Map-A #38A ANTIQUES Relics on the Key .............................. Map-D #9 ART GALLERY / STUDIO Calle Studios ...................................... Map-B #32 The Gallery on Siesta Key ................Map-D #11 ATM / BANKS PNC ATM........................................... Map-C #61 Martin Funding ................................... Map-E #1 Sun Trust Bank & ATM ...................... Map-E #4 BARS & NIGHTCLUBS Blaśe Bistro .........................................Map-A #38 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar ..............Map-B #42-43 Gilligan’s ........................................... Map-B #33 Siesta Key Oyster Bar ...................... Map-B #45 The Beach Club ..................................Map-D #22 The Cottage ........................................ Map-C #58 The Hub-Baja Grill ............................Map-D #59 COFFEE SHOPS Lelu’s Coffee Lounge ...................... Map-B #31 The Local Bean................................. Map-D #62 DRUGSTORE Davidson’s Drugs............................ Map-D #65 FASHION & ACCESSORIES Beach Bazaar’s & Swin Shack........Map-C #28 Blvd. Beachwear ................................ Map-B #30 Comfort Shoes-Birki & More........ Map-D #64 Everything But Water .......................Map-D #12 Foxy Lady Fashions ..........................Map-A #40 Gidget’s Coastal Provisions ........... Map-B #44 Island Boutique.................................. Map-B #50 Island Cotton Company ................... Map-C #29 Island Style ......................................... Map-C #53 Lotus Boutique ..................................Map-D #66 Siesta Key Mermaids ..........................Map-D #9 Siesta T’s ............................................. Map-B #30 The Sea Shanty................................... Map-C #24 GAS STATION Circle K Store ....................................... Map-E #6 GIFTS & SOUVENIRS Beach Bazaar .....................................Map-C #28 Island Trader...................................... Map-C #51 Sea Pleasures & Treasures ................. Map-C #2 Siesta Key Bead Shack ......................Map-A #36 Siesta Key’psakes .............................. Map-B #29 Siesta Key Outfitters ....................... Map-D #11 Siesta Kids .......................................... Map-B #36 HEALTH & FITNESS Indep. Lifestyle Solutions ...............Map-D #10 Siesta Key Fitness ............................ Map-B #73 ICE CREAM/TREATS Big Olaf Creamery............................. Map-C #52 Ciao Gelato ......................................... Map-C #50 Meany’s Mini Donuts ....................... Map-C #24 Siesta Key Sweet Shop ..........................MAP-D #9 SubZero Ice Cream/Yogurt .............Map-D #16 Sunni Bunni Frozen Yogurt ............. Map-C #53 INTERNET / WiFi SERVICES Davidson Drugs .............................. Map-D #65 Internet Cafe ........................................Map-D #9 Lelu Coffee Lounge ......................... Map-B #31 The Local Bean................................. Map-D #62 JEWELRY Created Gems .................................... Map-C #51 Michael & Co. Jewelers .................... Map-B #29 Mount -N- Repair Jewelers ............. Map-D #9 LIQUOR STORES / FINE WINES Gabbiano’s Wine Club................... Map-D #70 Gilligan’s ........................................... Map-B #33 Siesta Key Wines ..............................Map-C #61 Siesta Village Liquors ....................Map-C #26 The Beach Club ..................................Map-D #22

Michael Shay pointed out that Buccaneer Landscape Management has dropped to a four-day-a-week schedule, which it will maintain until February. That correlates to the official end of the summer season, Shay indicated. He serves as the liaison between the SKVA and the Siesta Key Village Maintenance Corp., which pays for the upkeep. In response to a question, Shay said Sunday is one of the days a Buccaneer crew is in the Village, which means workers collect garbage that day from the cans in the area. SKVA President Wendall Jacobsen noted that Buccaneer’s employees “did a great job” picking up trash before then-Tropical Storm Hermine passed by Siesta Key the previous week. Although some issues arose with the garbage collection in July, Shay continued, he kept a close eye

on the situation in August. “There hasn’t been a [recent] problem,” he added.

The ‘joys’ of Village maintenance As the liaison between the SKVA and the Siesta Key Village Maintenance Corp. — which is responsible for funding the Village upkeep — Michael Shay has to deal with more than just making sure everything looks good. One example of ancillary matters arose during a recent SKVA meeting. Shay explained that he received a letter from a woman who had hit one of the bollards on Ocean Boulevard that provides light at Village crosswalks. The incident occurred in May, he noted. It was the second time the bollard near the Coldwell Banker real estate office



had suffered that fate, he added. The woman wrote that her car had sustained $2,500 in damage from the collision. “She claims that she didn’t knock it over,” Shay said. “She said the bollard hit her.” “Of course. It jumped out,” Peter van Roekens, the Terrace East Condominium Association representative to the SKVA, replied with a smile. When Shay talked with the woman, he continued, he told her he was going to pass along her information to the county department that handles such issues. Then she told Shay, “‘well, maybe I don’t need to get paid for [the damage].’” County staff works with Shay and the Maintenance Corp. on the Village upkeep. The county paid for the bollards a couple of years ago. Two new ones were on order, Shay noted.



Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Boardwalk Eats and Sweets The restaurant, located at 217 Avenida Madera, opened its doors last year with a different menu for locals and visitors. Board Walk Eats and Sweets’ menu featured food one would find at local festivals, funnel cakes, deep fried onion petals and more. The doors to the restaurant closed mid-September.

New Liquor store to open in the Village Morton’s Siesta Market located in the Siesta Key Village plans to open Siesta Village Liquors by mid-October. Morton’s took over the adjoining space previously occupied by Siesta Key Hardware. The previous owners of the hardware store announced closing the store this past summer to retire.

Work has begun on the former 7-Eleven building in the Village. The building is being remodeled to house The Key West Sandal Factory

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MAILING - SHIPPING UPS store ............................................Map-A #41 US Post Office ....................................Map-D #65 MARKETS/FOOD STORES Circle K Store ....................................... Map-E #6 Morton’s Siesta Market .................... Map-C #25 MASSAGE Hands of Light Massage .................. Map-B #35 Massage Experience Siesta Key.... Map-D #62 Massage Therapy ................................ Map-E #1 Siesta Key Massage Ctr .................... Map-D #9 MEDICAL - DENTAL Siesta Medical Center..................... Map-D #63 Siesta Key Physical Therapy............Map-D #20 Siesta Dental ..................................... Map-B #49 MISCELLANEOUS Chamber of Commerce ....................Map-D #67 Roberti Enterprises ...........................Map-A #39 Tarot Card Reading & Gifts ............. Map-B #50 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Edward Jones Investments ............ Map-D #68 Smith Architects ...................................Map-E 74 REAL ESTATE / RENTAL SERVICES Ascendia Real Estate .........................Map-D #11 Coldwell Banker Realty....................Map-D #20 Horizon Realty................................... Map-B #34 Island Homes ..................................... Map-C #51 Key Realty ........................................... Map-E #5 Michael Saunders Realty ................ Map-E #72 Re/Max Alliance Group ..................Map-D #60 ReMax Tropical Sands ................... Map-D #67 Robasota Rentals & Real Estate ....Map-A #39 Siesta Key Realty............................... Map-D #9 Waterfront 7 Realty ........................... Map-C #56 Waterside Realty ............................... Map-C #29 RESTAURANTS / CAFÉS Another Broken Egg ................Map-C #54 & 55 Blasé Bistro .........................................Map-A #38 Blasé Pizza & Craft Beer ....................Map-A#37 Bonjour French Cafe ......................... Map-C #47 Café Gabbiano ................................. Map-D #71 Cevi-Chela ..........................................Map-D #69 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar ..............Map-B #42-43 Eat Here Restaurant .................. Map-D # 17-18 Flavio’s Brick Oven & Bar ................ Map-B #29 Flavio’s Italiano Ristorante .............. Map-B #30 Gilligan’s Island Bar & Grill ......... Map-B #33 Jo To’s Japanese Restaurant ............. Map-C #47 LeLu’s Coffee Bar ............................. Map-B #31 Lobster Pot .........................................Map-C #23 Napoli’s Italian Restaurant .............. Map-C #53 Old Salty Dog Rest. & Pub ................. Map-E #2 Siesta Key Deli ...................................Map-A #37 Siesta Key Oyster Bar ...................... Map-B #45 Solorzano Bros. Pizzeria ................ Map-D #15 Subway Sandwiches ......................... Map-B #30 Sun Garden Café ...............................Map-D #19 The Cottage ........................................ Map-C #58 The Hub - Baja Grill ..........................Map-D #59 Village Café ...................................... Map-D #14 SPAS - HAIR & BEAUTY LaPlaya Spa ........................................ Map-C #50 Salon Capelli ........................................Map-D #9 Sassy Hair Salon ................................Map-A #40 Siesta Key Nails................................. Map-D #9 SPORTS INTEREST/RENTALS CaliFlorida.......................................... Map-B #32 Robin Hood Rentals ........................ Map-B #34 Siesta Village Outfitters .................... Map-C #53

Map D #64

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Map D #62

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ATM & BANKS Bank of America ....................................... A-3 #3 BARS & NIGHTCLUBS Capt. Curt’s Backroom Saloon...............B-3 #7 Crescent Club.......................................... C-3 #13 Sniki Tiki ...................................................B-3 #8 DELIS / BAKERIES A Taste of Germany ............................... C-3#14 Anna’s Deli & Sandwiches ................. C-3 #14 Nutritious You ....................................... C-3 #14 The Beach Deli @ Crescent Beach Grocery .....B-3 #1 DRUG STORES Davidson’s Drugs.................................. C-3 #14 FASHION & ACCESSORIES CB’s Island Outfitters ............................. A-3 #2 CB’s Saltwater Outfitters ....................... A-3 #4 Coconuts Fashion .....................................B-3 #1 Coconuts / Island Colors .........................B-3 #8



Green Turtle Swimwear ........................ C-3 #14 Key Casual Fashions .............................. D-3 #17 Things You Like ..................................... C-3 #14 GIFTS & SOUVENIRS Capt. Curt’s Souvenirs ............................B-3 #8 Green Turtle Shells & Gifts ................ C-3 #14 The Silversmith ...................................... D-3 #17 Silver City Jewelry ................................. C-3 #14 HEALTH & BEAUTY Siesta Key Salon & Spa .......................... D-3 #17 The Key Spa & Salon ............................. A-5 #12 ICE CREAM & TREATS Orange Octopus .......................................B-3 #8 INTERNET / WiFi SERVICES Davidson’s Drugs.................................. C-3 #14 Mail Pack Center .................................... C-3 #14 LIQUOR STORES Crescent Beach Grocery ..........................B-3 #1

Crescent Club...........................................B-3 #13 Siesta Spirits ............................................ C-3 #17 MAILING & SHIPPING Mail Pack Center .................................... C-3 #14 US Post Office Sub Station .................... C-3 #14 MARKETS 7-11 Store ................................................. C-3 #16 Big Water Fish Market ......................... C-3 #17 Crescent Beach Grocery ..........................B-3 #1 MISCELLANEOUS Moving & Storage ...................................B-3 #10 Flowers by Fudgie.................................. D-3 #17 REAL ESTATE / RENTALS Homes & Condo Rentals ....................... D-3 #17 Re/Max Tropical Sands ...........................B-3 #1 Siesta 4-Rent ........................................... C-3 #14 RESTAURANTS / CAFES A Taste of Germany ............................... C-3#14

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Big Water Fish Market ...............................C-3 #17 Boatyard Waterfront Bar & Grill..............A-5 #12 Capt. Curts Crab & Oyster Bar ................B-3 #7

City Pizza Italian Restaurant ................ D-3 #17 Clayton’s Siesta Grille ..............................B-3 #9 Toasted Mango Cafe .............................. C-3 #17 Miguel’s Restaurant ............................... C-3 #17 Munchies ................................................. C-3 #17 WATER SPORTS - FISHING - RENTALS A to Z Beach & Bike Rentals ................. A-5 #12 CB’s Island Outfitters ............................. A-3 #2 CB’s Saltwater Outfitters ....................... A-3 #4 Parasail Siesta ........................................... A-3 #2 Siesta Key Bike & Kayak .......................B-3 #8 Siesta Key Marina .................................... A-4 #5 Siesta Sports Rentals .............................. A-3 #2 Siesta Sports Rentals ............................ C-3 #14 Waves Boat & Social Club..................... A-5 #12

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Map B-3#8

A Taste of Germany 6575 Midnight Pass Rd.

MAP C-3 #14

Anna’s Deli 6535 Midnight Pass Rd.

MAP C-3 #14

Big Water Fish Market 6641 Midnight Pass Road

Boatyard Waterfront Bar & Grill 1500 Stickney Point Rd.

MAP A-5 #12

CB’s Saltwater Outfitters 1249 Stickney Point Rd.

MAP A-3 #4

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MAP B-3 #1

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MAP C-3 #14

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MAP C-3 #14



Arts on the Horizon

Jennifer Choi

How old does New Music have to be to no longer be new? Have you ever been to Berlin? Were you there in 1912? Bummer, as you missed the premiere of Arnold Schoenberg’s tour de force Pierrot Lunaire, which was a resounding success. But not to worry, it still sounds new and is being performed at Club Sudakoff, as part of the New Music New College series, on November 5. It is a chamber piece, with flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano accompanying the soprano Lucy Shelton. This composition, along with Stravinsky’s The Firebird and Le Sacre du Printemps, Scriabin’s Prometheus and Debussy’s L’Aprèsmidi d’un Faune, were outstanding creations of The Modernist Group of 1910 - 1914, and first performed in Paris and Berlin. This chamber work is not being performed by the original artists, who are mostly retired (or interred), but by the Da Capo Chamber Players who are based in New York. The New York Times review of this piece said that “Lucy Shelton offered a haunting, arresting interpretation that illuminated the strangeness of Schoenberg’s atonal score, set to poems by the symbolist Belgian writer Albert Giraud and written in ‘Sprechstimme style’, half spoken, half sung” - the Da Capo Chamber Players “demonstrated


Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


By Rodger Skidmore

equal commitment in revealing the astringent, entrancing elements of the work, which reflects the Berlin cabaret tradition.” Can’t wait for this? Then visit Club Sudakoff on October 1 to hear pianist Kathleen Supové, violinist Jennifer Choi and guitarist James Moore perform a variety of solo, duo and trio works by today’s contemporary composers - John Zorn, Vijay Iyer (winner in 2012 of the Hermitage’s Greenfield Prize and who performed in Easthampton, MA on September 27), and others. You may think you don’t know Ms. Choi, but she has been a member of the Miró String Quartet, the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center and ETHYL - all of which have performed here in Sarasota numerous times. Ms. Supové, piano, has performed at New College New Music five times in the last 15 years. Sharp notes are her speciality. James Moore, on guitar, rounds out the trio. If you have your calendar handy, fill in January 21 to hear, at the Sainer Pavilion, ensemble mise-en, a New York contemporary music collective formed in 2011. They are now based in Brooklyn (Brooklyn, while located within the geographic boundaries of New York is not necessarily always part of New York). The ensemble will be playing a five movement piano concerto by György Ligeti (yes, actually born in Transylvania) which starts in Vivace molto ritmico, goes through Vivace cantabile and ends in Presto luminoso, with stops in between in Lento e deserto and Allegro risoluto. The New York Times, this year, said that “Of all the 20thcentury composers, György Ligeti may be the most empowering model for a new generation.” All performances are at 8 p.m. with free artist conversations the previous Thursdays at 5 p.m. For information about tickets, venue

locations, and more about the New Music New College program, go to New College’s web site newmusicnewcollege.org/20162017.

Thomas Monckton

Do you watch PBS Pledge Drives? If so, you probably have seen (or even purchased) the complete works of Victor Borge. Well, what now? Go to the Ringling International Arts Festival and watch New Zealand’s Thomas Monckton, with the Finnish group Circo Aereo, who is the Victor Borge of the 21st century. Want something completely different - how about a musical dance version (Choreographed by Doug Elkins) of Shakespeare’s Othello set to a Motown score? This is not pretty bodies toe dancing around in unison but a realistic (for ballet) story told in music and motion. Like circus acrobats a la Cirque de Soleil but with a bit more of a twist? Then how about Gravity, a group from Australia that will be performing amidst the Ringling collection of historic circus wagons? Do I dare suggest Matt Haimovitz, the Israeli cellist who is performing the six Bach cello suites along with overtures to those pieces, written by contemporary composers, spread over three

dates? In total there are seven different groups performing at the festival from two to four times each, between the 13th and 16th of October. There are also conversation sessions with the artists, an opening night celebration, late night jazz on Friday and Saturday, and a lounging area where you can eat, drink and rest between shows while listening to some hot and cool musicians Hot Club of SRQ, Combo Vimana and ZEN Seraphine. Plus there are ticket discounts for Ringling Museum members or just for buying multiple tickets. Purchase of a ticket also gives one free entry to the Ringling Museum of Art and the Circus Museum. More info at www.ringling.org/events/series/ ringling-international-arts-festival.

Our monthly quiz - In what month is Oktoberfest? October is a liquid month when beer flows freely in Bavaria (and everywhere else) and beer, wine and jazz flow freely in Sarasota. The Jazz Club of Sarasota has arranged for a Jazz Trolley to take you around to seven different music venues in Sarasota to hear many different types of jazz. One catches the trolley, initially at the north end of the Van Wezel parking lot starting at 5:30 p.m. and continuous until 10 p.m., on October 26, and then throughout Sarasota at the jazz

venues. Just jump off at one of the various jazz spots, listen to some vibes and jump back on again to head for the next spot. What goes up must come down - in this case it will be patrons of the Jazz Club of Sarasota’s Oktoberfest when they go upstairs at the Starlite Room at 1001 Cocoanut Avenue and come down pleased after hearing Debbie Keeton sing torch and other songs dating from the 1920s until now. Her credits include being the opening act for Blood, Sweat and Tears. Once back downstairs in the main room they can catch another group, Eddie Tobin on piano with Linda Baker on vocals. Mr. Tobin was music director and pianist for Engelbert Humperdinck for over seven years and plays in many styles - Ray Charles among others. Ms. Baker has a cool sound (a crisp, un-languid Julie London) which is clear and eminently listenable. Back on and off the trolley and take a listen to Al Hixon, his drums and his band. Al normally plays Mondays at 15 South on St. Armands so that leaves him free to bring his group to Ristorante Salute! at 23 N. Lemon for the Jazz Club Oktoberfest. A few blocks north at 428 N. Lemon you can catch Matt Bokulic and his fine piano. Matt has worked with big groups like the Nelson Riddle Orchestra and with trios and quartets with Jack Brokensha and John Laporta. Lots of styles melded into a style all his own. A must trolley stop is 1525 4th Street. David Pruyn’s group (with some mean Sinatra vocal sounds) is at Servando. At the same address is the Blue Rooster featuring Synia Carroll (hear her new CD Here’s To You) backed by Billy Marcus on piano (also on the CD). For tickets and more information about the Sarasota Jazz Club Oktoberfest call 941 366-1552 or visit www. JazzClubSarasota.org.

What’s Happening Regularly Scheduled Classes & Events: WEEKLY BEACH CLASSES: • FREE YOGA Mon-Wed.-Fri.-Sat. 8am.* Classes held between blue and green lifeguard station. Call 941-320-6693 to register or go to website for more info. www.yogaonsiestabeach.com * June 1 – Sept. 30: class begins at 8am * Oct. 1 – May 31: class begins at 9am • NIA Tues. & Thurs., 9a.m., Siesta Public Beach (yellow lifeguard chair). Contact Kathy Oravec at 941-724-9719 for more info or check website: www.nianow.com/kathy-oravec • Siesta Key Beach Hoop Jams – (6:30pm) Every Tuesday one hour before Sunset on Siesta Key beach we gather for a community Hoop Jam. (Between the red lifeguard stand and the pavilion; around where the Sunday drum circle happens.) Register at: www.outwardspiral.net WEEKLY DRUM CIRCLE: • Every Sunday about an hour before sunset. South of the main pavillion. You can particpate or watch this weekly gathering dance, hoop, play the drum or other musical instument and enjoy the spectacular Siesta sunset. WEEKLY FARMER’S MARKET • Every Sunday from 8am – 1pm in Davidson’s Plaza in the Village. 5124 Ocean Blvd. Produce, Plants & Flowers, Music, Art, Organic Skincare, Italian Olive Oil, and Freshly Prepared Foods. Listen to live music while you shop. October Events On The Beach… • SEPT. 30 – OCT 2 (FRI & SUN) 8AM – 8PM/ VOLLEYFEST TOURNAMENT SSOVA: Event centers on improving the player’s experience at beach tournaments. Refer to website for more information on how to register or if you have additional questions: www.ssova.com/aboutus • OCT 15-16 (SAT-SUN) 8 AM – 7PM / VOLLEY AMERICA TOURNAMENT: 27 Reflekt Polarized Big Shot Volleyball. Presented by Spalding. Divisions: Men’s Open; Men’s AA; Men’s A; Men’s B; Women’s Open; Women’s AA; Women’s A; Women’s B; Coed’s AA; Coed’s A; Coed’s B; Boys 18 & Under; Boys 16 & Under; Boys 14 & Under; Boys 12 & Under; Girls 18 & Under; Girls 16 & Under; Girls 14 & Under; Girls 12 & Under. Go to following website to register online: www. eevb.net/how-to-register/

• OCT 15 (SAT) 6-10AM / TROPICAL SPLASH OPEN WATER SWIM COMPETITION: This annual open water swim has three distances to choose from: 1K, 2.5K, or 5K. This event now comes in regularly at about 400 swimmers and is hailed as a premier open water swim in the southeast. To register go to website: www.sharksmasters.org/our-events/ tropical-splash/ • OCT 22 (SAT) 8 AM / INTERNATIONAL COASTAL CLEANUP WITH MAKE A DIFFERENCE DAY: Gather your friends, family, neighbors, community organizations, youth groups, sports teams, etc., or come as an individual. Ocean trash is a serious pollution problem that affects the health of people, wildlife and local economies. Trash in the water and on the shore can kill marine animals, injure swimmers and beachgoers, and ensnare boat propellers. Go to: www.scgov.net/kscb to resgister or additional information. To receive future notifications send email to: keepsarasotabeautiful@scgov.net. • OCT 23 (SUN) 7-11AM / OUT OF THE DARKNESS WALK: stop the silence and stigma surrounding mental health, mood disorders, and suicide. Net proceeds from the Out of the Darkness Community walks benefit the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), the leading national not-for-profit organization exclusively dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide through research, education and advocacy, and to reaching out to people with mental disorders and those impacted by suicide. To learn more about AFSP’s mission, or register for event, visit www. afsp.org Around the island… • FREE FALL EXERCISE CLASSES: Every Thursday mornings at 9 a.m. Focus will be on stretching, strengthening, toning, posture, and balance specifically for seniors. All levels are welcome. Space is limited. Call 941-870-5811 to reserve your spot. Classes will be held at Siesta Key Sports and Physical Therapy, 5147 Ocean Blvd, in the Village, next to Coldwell Banker and across from The Hub. • BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS: To celebrate the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi (Patron Saint of animals), St. Boniface Episcopal Church and St. Michael the Archangel Church will be offering an event to bless your pet(s). Please be sure your pet is approprately caged or leashed for this special occasion.

• OCTOBER 1 (SAT) 10 AM: ST. BONIFACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH, 5615 Midnight Pass Road. The blessing will be held in the Labyrinth Courtyard. • OCTOBER 4 (TUES) NOON: ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL CHURCH: The blessing will be held under the portoco (between the Church and Parish Center). • OCTOBER 31 (MON) 3-6PM VILLAGE TRICK-OR-TREAT: Siesta Key Village Association (SKVA) presents Safe Treats for Kids. Bring your little ones to trick or treat in Siesta Village along Ocean Blvd. and the surrounding streets. Look for participating members displaying orange and black balloons and pumpkin flyers in their windows. This free event provides a safe venue for children on Halloween. For more information visit the web site at www.siestakeyvillage.org or call Helene Hyland at 941 685-2274. And Beyond… • PHILLIPI ESTATE PARK: LOCATED AT: 5500 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34231. Please mark your calendars for WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5 when the Phillippi Farmhouse Market re-opens for its 8th season at Phillippi Estate Park. All your favorite vendors plus some new, exciting additions will be open at 9 am until 2 pm to bring you the freshest local produce. The mission of the Phillippi Farmhouse Market is to support local agriculture, local purveyors of delicious food and baked goods and local artisans. There is always local music to enjoy listening to – so pull up one of the market’s Adirondack chairs, sit a spell and enjoy the tunes. Yes, your four-footed furry friend is welcome at the market. Vendors put out bowls of cool water for Fido. Please keep him/ her on a 6-foot leash and clean up after your pet. The Edson Keith Mansion will be open each Wednesday for a free tour at 10 a.m. Please be on time and a knowledgeable docent will take you through the 100-year-old Italian Renaissance home telling you about the early days of the Sarasota Community and local history. The market’s Welcome Center in the green tent has Friends of Sarasota County Parks volunteers with all the latest information on what’s happening in Sarasota. And, they are the most friendly, helpful people you will ever meet. See you at the Market! For more information, please call 941-316-1309. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of this information. However, please be sure to always call ahead to confirm dates, times, location, and other information.


Siesta Sand



Snapshots of Island Visitors



Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography 1







1: Samantha, Alexis and Sheena from Niagara Falls 2: Aviana age 5, Sally, Calia age 2, Samantha, and Browyn age 3 from Sarasota 3: Brock age 3 and Beth from TN 4: Ava Grace age 3, Kamdem age 1, and Lauren from GA 5: Michael and his dog Waya from Lake Placid, FL 6: Lisa and Tia from Orlando 7: Marilee from Sarasota 8: Maria & Tate from OH


To advertise in print or online contact: Bob or Emy Stein at 941.349.0194 Send editorial and/or photos via email to: islandvp@verizon.net

Published by Island Visitor Publishing, LLC Contributing Writers and Photographers will be noted with bylines. Guest commentary not necessarily the opinion of island Visitor Publishing, LLC Reproduction without written permission prohibited. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement. All business bios are extensions of the display advertisements. Island Visitor Publishing, LLC is not responsible for claims made by advertisers. All ads are subject to the approval of the publisher. It is the responsibility of the party placing any ad for publication in Siesta Sand to meet all applicable legal requirements in connection with the ad such as compliance with town, county and state codes in first obtaining an occupational license for business, permitted home occupation, or residential rental property. DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability. Island Visitor Publishing is not responsible for claims made by advertisers.

P.O. BOX 35086, SIESTA KEY, FL 34242





Siesta Key Sports & Physical Therapy Kristy and Dave Ochsendorf live in The Landings, and are the proprietors of Siesta Key Sports & Physical Therapy. Located in the village on Siesta Key, the office is celebrating its sixth year of operation. Both Kristy and Dave are highly trained physical therapists, having met when they were both students at Old Dominion University. There, Dave earned his Master of Physical Therapy Degree and Kristy earned her Doctorate. Early in their careers, they traveled the country, working in outpatient orthopedic clinics in Connecticut, Florida, Maryland, Virginia, Washington D.C., Arizona, California and Hawaii. Dave was raised in Elkins, WV, and grew up playing soccer, baseball and basketball. Aspiring to have a career in sports medicine, he earned his Bachelor of Science Degree in Exercise Physiology from West Virginia University, becoming a certified Athletic Trainer. He then completed his Master of Education degree in Sports Medicine at the University of Virginia. Before meeting Kristy in 2001, he worked for four years as an athletic trainer for the football and wrestling teams at Virginia Military Institute focusing on acute management of injuries as well as rehabilitation and prevention. This involved covering practices and traveling with the team to games where he assessed and

treated orthopedic injuries on the spot. Kristy Grew up in Ohio, where—from age 5 to 16— she studied and danced with the Cuyahoga Valley Youth Ballet Company. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Physiology from Ohio University in 2001, before attending Old Dominion University and meeting Dave. Kristy’s grandparents discovered Sarasota when they retired in 1985 so she and Dave were already familiar with the area. Working in multiple warm weather locales across the country confirmed their love of Sarasota. With degrees in hand and having accumulated extensive clinical experience, they settled here in 2008. In 2010 they bought their home in The Landings and opened Siesta Key Sports & Physical Therapy. The following year, daughter Jessie was born. Now 5, she entered Kindergarten in September and has also just taken her first tennis lesson! Although tennis is not yet on her sister’s horizon, Lyla is not far behind: now 3, she attends preschool. Both parents are ardent runners: Kristy serves on the board of the Manasota Track Club, while Dave runs for Team New Balance, a group of 25 of some of the best runners in the area who compete in Sarasota and Manatee County

News Up & Down the Trail Coaches and officials were able to keep the on-field fight from getting worse. But additional disciplinary action may follow. The FHSAA will be looking into the case, and more information will be released as it becomes available.

Woman struck by lightning A woman died after being struck by lightning in Sarasota on Aug. 26. Sarasota County authorities confirmed that the 50-year-old woman died from her injuries after being hit by lightning while on the 2500 block of Cocoanut Avenue. Authorities said she was in a gazebo at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Park when she was struck and a small fire was extinguished in the gazebo. Fontilla Spann was under a pavilion during a storm Friday when she was struck and killed by lightning. The singed clothes left behind indicating a positive lightning strike, a rare but deadly type known to carry a current near one billion volts, according to a news report from local ABC7 Sarasota.

Luxury cosmetics retailer coming downtown

A new store in coming to downtown: Bluemercury, a Washington, D.C.-based luxury cosmetics retailer, is slated to move into a portion of vacant space at the intersection of Main Street and Lemon Avenue. The store will fill half of the space that was previously occupied by longtime

tenant Brooks Brothers, which left this summer. The storefront has been divided into two spaces for two tenants. A second lessee, whose entrance will be next to Pastry Art, has not been secured. According to Bluemercury’s website, the retailer is a leading luxury beauty retailer offering the best cosmetics, skin care, makeup, perfume, hair, and bath and body in its chain of stores, and online. The decision for Bluemercury to locate downtown can be taken as a good indication in the health of the retail district. Bluemercury chain includes 71 locations throughout the U.S., located primarily in upscale shopping districts. In February of 2015, Bluemercury which was founded in 1999, was acquired by Macy’s Inc. for $210 million. The headquarters is in Washington, D.C.

Hotel Indigo changes owners

Just to the north, the Rosemary District’s Hotel Indigo has changed hands. Innisfree Hotels has purchased the hotel, located at 1223 Boulevard of the Arts.

Siesta Promenade Boundary hearing The Sarasota consulting firm KimleyHorn analyzed traffic from 4 to 6 p.m. on Thursday, March 26, 2015 and on Saturday, March 28, 2015. Mathes told the SKA members that the firm set up “continuous video monitoring of Stickney Point [Road]” on a Saturday, but the Kimley-Horn report provided to the county said its analysis covered 12 to 2:30 p.m. on March 28. Given the steady stream of traffic onto Siesta Key from about 9:30 in the morning until 6 or 6:30 p.m. each day during the height of tourist season, Kochman told SNL, she and her Pine Shores neighbors believe the traffic study should have been undertaken for a much longer period on a weekday during the busiest part of the year. FDOT representatives already have voiced concerns to Sarasota County staff about the traffic that would be anticipated with increased density at

Both Ochsendorfs provide 1:1 physical therapy for patients recuperating from a variety of orthopedic injuries or surgeries including knee, hip, and shoulder replacements. Kristy’s passion and enthusiasm for exercise translate into exceptional results for her clients. She takes a scientific and evidence-based approach, applying principles of anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics to successfully treat a variety of acute conditions as well as movement disorders and postural dysfunctions. She inspires her patients to enjoy an active lifestyle through participating in regular yoga, cycling, weight-training, and running herself. Siesta Key Sports & Physical Therapy accepts Medicare and most other insurance plans. They also offer special treatment packages and payment options for people with high out-ofpocket costs. They offer one free initial consultation/screening to determine just how much physical therapy can improve your condition. They are currently offering free exercise classes each Thursday beginning at 9 a.m. You can contact their office for more details. Siesta Key Sports & Physical Therapy is located at 5147 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key, Sarasota, FL, 34242. Their phone number is 941.870.5811.

Continued from page 16

A Maryland hotel representative has filed preliminary plans for a 118-room hotel on Fruitville Road — the latest in a series of hotels planned for downtown. Last month, Nancy Vu submitted an application for a meeting with the city’s Development Review Committee for the hotel project on a 0.67-acre site between Central and Cocoanut avenues. The site, at 1351 and 1365 Fruitville Road, is across the street from where Jebco Ventures intends to build a 163-room Hampton Inn & Suites. Nearly 1,300 new hotel rooms have been proposed for the heart of the city.

the location, documents show. However, county staff has responded that it cannot keep Benderson from developing the site. As for the mix of commercial space that has been proposed, Kochman pointed out the impact online shopping has had on brick-and-mortar locations. “Dead retail is worse than no retail.” Other than the 35,000- to 40,000-square-foot “high-end” grocery store — like a Fresh Market or a Whole Foods — much of the rest of the commercial property will be a mix of services, such as dry cleaners and barbers, Mathes told SKA members. In an Aug. 25 addendum to the application Mathes filed with the county, he wrote, “Maps with distance rings … are the simplest and most widely used method for defining a trade area. … In our case as a mix of convenience, comparison [shopping] and lifestyle/


By Diana Colson

races. In 2015, Kristy was named Female Runner of the Year by the Manasota Track Club. Specializing in foot/ankle, spine, and shoulder biomechanics, Siesta Key Sports & Physical Therapy has a proven track record for reducing pain and helping patients and athletes improve strength, balance, and flexibility. Their enlightened, scientific approach to sports and physical therapy effectively treats a variety of issues ranging from postoperative care to gait and balance problems. On their website, www. siestakeypt.com, you will find a wide range of individualized, one-to-one treatments based on each client’s specific needs and impairments. Dave uses a variety of manual skills to effectively treat the spine and extremities. When applied properly, Dave believes that the principles of biomechanical correction, sports medicine treatments, and manual therapy yield great results for clients of all ages. Dave specializes in rehabilitation of runners, dealing with running related injuries by analyzing their form and prescribing specific exercises to address muscle imbalances. Kristy takes summers off to be with their two young children. In the winter, however, she specializes in the treatment of vertigo and working with Sarasota’s active population of senior citizens.

Another downtown hotel pitched

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Continued from page 3

service amenities, we believe the 3-5-7 mile radius is the most appropriate segment to analyze for Sarasota.” The demographics within the corresponding 5-, 10- and 15-minute drive-time radii of the site show the plan for Siesta Promenade is suitable, Mathes added. Among the data provided, for example, is that the estimated population this year within 5 minutes of the site is 61,066, and the estimated average household income is $89,272. The projected annual growth for the population is 1.6% from 2016 through 2021, the document shows. Furthermore, the data says that the total retail expenditure of households within 5 minutes of the site will be $907 million this year; within 15 minutes, $3.51 billion. Benderson used census records from 2000 to 2010 to extrapolate the figures, the document notes.

Lido Renourishment Project Continued from page 7

Research she and her husband, Bob — an SKA Environmental Committee member — have undertaken, Luckner said, also shows that Perico Preserve is “a borrow pit area that doesn’t have any direct access” to Tampa Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. She added, though, that Manatee County is dredging a channel to allow the flow of water into the preserve. A press release Manatee County staff issued in May says the 176-acre Perico Preserve is located on the north side of Manatee Avenue, east of the Anna Maria Bridge and Neal Preserve. “In the center of the preserve’s 16-acre seagrass habitat is a specially designed rookery island intended to serve as a nesting site for wading birds,” the release adds. In its August letter to FDEP commenting on the USACE’s response to the state’s second request for additional information, Martha Collins, the attorney for SOSS2 pointed out, “Seagrass mitigation does not always work.” In some instances in regard to the Lido project, she argues, the USACE has failed to consider area-wide consequences, “even claiming there will be no impacts to seagrass beds as [those] fall outside a zone of potential impact.”

Potential negative effects on aquatic life

Yet another document FDEP received in the latter part of August points to concerns about other species that could be adversely affected by the dredging of Big Pass. On Aug. 19, Ann Harvey Holbrook, staff attorney for Save the Manatee Club, wrote FDEP, noting that the Florida Administrative Code says, “No project may be permitted which would impair the growth and reproduction of resident species, including species and communities based on seagrass ecosystems.” Therefore, she continued, before FDEP issues a permit to the USACE and the City of Sarasota, “an updated benthic resource survey should be conducted and made available to the public.” “Benthic” refers to the lowest level of a body of water, including the sediment surface and some sub-surface layers. Organisms living in that zone — including crustaceans — are called the “benthos”; they are an important part of the food chain, research shows. Luckner of the SKA has told SNL of a related concern. The response the USACE submitted to FDEP on Aug. 1 says the plan is to place 950,000 cubic yards of sand on a 1.6-mile stretch of South Lido Key Beach. However, the proposal calls for dredging almost 1.2 million cubic yards. The project description from the USACE accounts for the difference by referencing “losses from borrow area to beach template due to the nature of dredging work.” In other words, Luckner said, about 26 percent of the sand is expected to be lost in Big Pass. She has questioned how much the “losses from borrow area” in the water will diminish the amount of sunshine that streams through. That situation, she added, could lead to negative effects on the aquatic food chain.


Siesta Sand



Who’s Playing Tonight

By Mike Sales

James “Sunny Jim” White

|An interview with James “Sunny Jim” White One of the perks of writing this article, other than getting to know artists I may not otherwise meet, is the opportunity to interview musicians who are further along in their careers than I am and get a first-hand glance of what their stage of the game looks like. Along those lines, interviewing Sunny Jim was inspiring. Jim is an award winning singer songwriter, with scores of original recordings to his credit, long-standing house gigs on the island, a regular tour schedule and a national following. As I was leaving the interview with 20 minutes of questions and answers recorded on my phone, Jim popped the trunk and gave me four CDs, which I listened to before writing. With his unique, yet genre-loyal sound and writing style, excellent production and witty, sometimes touching subject matter; it’s no wonder things are going so well for Sunny Jim. WPT: Where are you from? Sunny Jim: I’m originally from San Antonio, Texas. My dad worked for Gulf Oil, and when I was 10, we moved to Corpus Christi for two years. That was pivotal for me because, just as I was nearing my teenage years and becoming aware of the world, I discovered the beach, out on Padre Island. We moved to Bakersfield California for my Junior High School and High School years, and I went to college in Chico, California and remained for another 6 years after that, playing music. WPT: When did you start playing music and writing songs? Sunny Jim: I started writing music about the same time I learned to play guitar around age 12. Right



up with a Caribbean name to use in the promo flyer for the passengers, so I used a nickname I’d picked up in Nashville. Because of my sunny disposition and because he was a huge “Hard Days Night” fan, a drummer friend called me Sunny Jim. Once the band heard it, they started calling me Sunny Jim. About a year later, the band booked a yearlong stint at the Treasure Island Resort in Grand Cayman, and soon everyone on the island got to know me as Sunny Jim, so the name just stuck. I stayed in the Cayman Islands for 12 years. When the band left, contract fulfilled, I was hired as the entertainer-in-residence at the Hyatt Regency Grand Cayman, one of the best resorts in the Caribbean. What a great gig! I met my wife Adela in Cayman. We got married on the island and had twin daughters in 1992. I wrote and sang a song for the 1993 movie “The Firm.” That’s me performing at the pool bar scene in which Jeanne Tripplehorn drugs Gene Hackman’s drink. In 1996, I met Jimmy Buffett while he was flying his seaplane around the Caribbean for his 50th birthday trip. We wound up giving Jimmy a ride to the Hyatt where he was staying, and babysat Cameron, his little boy. He mentioned us in his book “A Pirate Looks at Fifty” and Parrot Heads doors began to open. In 2001 we moved to the Siesta Key area and enrolled our daughters at Pine View School, one of the best schools in Sarasota County, and Florida. WPT: So now you live in the Siesta Key area and tour. How did that come about?

Sunny Jim: Jimmy Buffett’s Radio Margaritaville came to Grand Cayman in 1999 to do a live broadcast of my show on Seven Mile Beach and that gave me exposure to Parrot Heads all over the country. I started getting booking requests while still living in Cayman. We heard about Sarasota from a local fan so we checked it out and fell in love with the area. WPT: How many original songs have you recorded? Sunny Jim: I have published 11 CDs of my own music…a friend recently counted 138 original songs that I have recorded. I am now releasing a compilation of live recordings with singer/songwriter friends who come through town while touring Florida. WPT: What can people expect to hear at your gig? Sunny Jim: I play tropical style songs, mostly originals, and a few mid-career Jimmy Buffett songs, along with a few other popular covers. I play with backing tracks that I record because I also play the pan (steel drum) along with the guitar… mostly up-tempo stuff. When I’m doing songwriter shows, it’s just me with the guitar. WPT: What’s your favorite thing about being a professional musician? Sunny Jim: I’ve felt very fortunate to have been able to do what I love and raise a family at the same time. I know a lot of musicians, who struggle with that. My favorite thing is connecting with people, for example; this morning I got an email from a friend up in the Chicago area, about a mutual friend who had a relapse of cancer. She asked me if I would

send our friend a note to cheer her up a little bit. Having somebody say something like that means a lot to me, because these are people with whom I’ve been acquainted for maybe ten years and have played a part in adding joy to their lives… that’s why I like doing this, and because I probably wouldn’t be good at anything else (laughs). Sunny Jim plays at Sniki Tiki located in Captain Curt’s Village most Tuesdays from 6-10 p.m. This year, Sunny Jim is nominated for CD of the Year, Song of the Year, Entertainer of the Year and Best Male Vocalist at the upcoming Trop Rock Awards scheduled November 4th in Key West. He has won 14 Trop Rock awards including “Album of the Year” in 2011 at the annual ceremony held in Key West, in conjunction with the Parrot Head “Meeting of the Minds.” You can find him at www. sunnyjim.com for more info. Sniki Tiki features live music every night and is located at: 1200 Old Stickney Point Road, Siesta Key – phone 941-349-3885 Mike Sales is a local singer/ songwriter for more info log onto mikesalessings.com


In the Village 941‐349‐9822

DAIQUIRI DECK RAW BAR In the Village 941‐349‐8697 GILLIGANS

off the bat, I realized that writing your own music was pretty much the only way to differentiate yourself. WPT: Did you ever have a job other than music? Sunny Jim: I had a job processing Medicare Claims after college, for 3 years until I paid off my truck and sound system. I have been playing music for a living ever since. WPT: How did you get to Siesta Key? Sunny Jim: From Northern California, where I had a small band and worked as a solo and duo act, I moved, with my band to Nashville where I focused on my songwriting career. It felt like graduate school to go and hear the great songwriters there. I used to work at the Bluebird Café, a premier songwriting spot in Nashville. I’d hear amazing songwriters…Don Schlitz, who wrote “The Gambler”, among dozens of number one hits, John Prine, and all of the great songwriters from the 80’s. It was like sitting in on a master class…really inspiring for a young songwriter like me. From Nashville I joined a 50’s-60’s show band, the Marvells, traveling the East Coast. The band booked work on a cruise ship in the Caribbean…one step closer to the beach for me. While onboard, the Jamaican band hired to play afternoon shows, jumped ship in Jamaica and the cruise director needed someone to fill in. Since I was the only band member with solo experience, I took the spot. They could only pay me with a bar tab, so for the next 3 weeks, I was literally playing for drinks. They also asked me to come


Scott Curts (3‐7pm)


Live Music 6‐10pm Billy Lyon (3‐7pm)

WEDNESDAY Live Music 6‐10pm

Noel Harris (3‐7pm)

THURSDAY Live Music 6‐10pm

Kevin Thompson (3‐7pm) DJ Crawford (10pm) RPM 6‐10pm DJ 10pm – 2am Acoustic Open Mic w/ Nally & Egglefield 6‐10pm Berry Oakley’s Skylab 7‐11pm


Live Music (6‐10pm) Spark Notes (3‐7pm) DJ TJ (10pm)


Live Music 6‐10pm

Live Music 6 ‐10pm

Miles Bosworth (3‐7pm) DJ Crawford (10pm) Acoustic Pete 1‐5pm Live Music 6‐10pm DJ 10pm – 2am Eddie James Jazz Band 6‐10pm Dana & Co 2‐6pm Mike Tozier 8pm – 12am

Matt Gerhardt (3‐7pm) K. Conn (9pm) Road Block 2‐6pm Live Music 6‐10pm DJ 10pm – 2am

Rodney Shenk 6‐10pm

RPM 6‐10pm

Patrick 6‐10pm DJ 10pm – 2am

Al Donadi 7‐11pm

Open mic night 7‐11pm

Kettle of Fish 7‐11pm


Baby 9pm‐midnight

DJ Coz or Kensi 10pm – 2am

DJ Coz 9pm‐2am

Live Band 8 – 11pm DJ 11‐2am

Live Band 8 –11pm DJ 11pm‐2am


Live Music 6‐9pm

Live Music 6‐9pm

Live Music 6‐9pm

Live Music 7‐10pm

Live Music 7‐10pm

Live Music 7‐10pm

Live Music 6‐9pm

Live Music Noon – 3pm 3:30 – 6:30pm 7‐10pm

Live Music Noon – 3pm 3:30 – 6:30pm 7‐10pm

Live Music Noon – 3pm 3:30 – 6:30pm 7‐10pm

Live Music 1 – 4pm

4:30 – 7:30pm 8:30 –midnight

Live Music 1‐4pm 4:30 – 7:30pm 8:30 ‐ midnight

Live Music Noon – 3pm 3:30 – 6:30pm 7‐10pm

Karaoke 9pm – 1am

Karaoke 9pm – 1am




In the Village 941‐346‐8122

Lelu’s Coffee Lounge In the Village 941‐346‐5358

SIESTA KEY OYSTER BAR (SKOB) In the Village 941‐346‐5443 In the Village 941‐349‐6311 In the Village 941‐312‐9300

THE HUB‐BAJA GRILL In the Village 941‐349‐6800


941‐349‐3885 SNIKI TIKI @ CAPT CURTS

Crescent Beach Shops

941‐349‐3885 Turtle Beach Grill Southern end of SK 941‐349‐3839 BOATYARD BAR & GRILL

Over the South Bridge



Live Music Noon – 3pm 3:30 – 6:30pm 7‐10pm


Karaoke 9pm ‐1am LIVE MUSIC 6‐10pm

Whiteleather 2‐6pm LIVE BAND 8pm – 12am

Democracy (Reggae) 10pm‐2am



Andres Collin 5‐9pm

Larry Williams 5‐9pm

(Reggae Music)

Live Music 3‐6PM

Live Music 3‐6PM

Live Music 3‐6PM

Live Music 4‐8pm

Live Music 3‐7pm

Live Music 3‐7pm



TBA – 2 pm Tozier – 5pm Chris Otto ‐ 10pm

CASEY KEY FISH HOUSE 801 Blackburn Pt. Rd, Osprey


SAND DOLLAR POOL BAR @ Best Western Plus 6600 S. Tamiami Trl. Sarasota

Live Music 6‐10pm DJ 10pm – 2am


Above information is subject to change. We suggest calling venues for confirmation.

Democracy 4‐8pm




Island Humor [ This morning I was sitting on a park bench next to a homeless man. I started a conversation by asking him how he ended up this way. He said, “Up until last week, I still had it all. I had plenty to eat, my clothes were washed and pressed. I had a roof over my head. I had TV and internet, and I went to the gym, the pool, and the library. I was working on my MBA online. I had no bills and no debt. I even had full medical coverage.” I felt sorry for him, so I asked, “What happened? Drugs? Alcohol? Divorce?” “Oh no, nothing like that,” he said. “I just got out of prison.” [ The owner of a company tells his employees, “You worked very hard this year, therefore the company’s profits increased dramatically. As a reward, I‘m giving everyone a check for $5,000!” Thrilled, the employees gather round and high five one another. “And if you work with the same zeal next year, I’ll sign those checks!”

[ A college coach had recruited a top talent, but the player couldn’t pass the school’s entrance exam. Needing the recruit badly, the coach went to the dean and asked if the recruit could take the test orally. The dean agreed, and the following day the recruit and the coach were seated in his office. “Okay,” the dean said. “What is seven times seven?” The recruit mulled it over for a moment, then said, “I think it’s 49.” Suddenly the coach leapt to his feet. “Please, Dean,” he begged, “give him another chance!”

[ Today’s Stock Market Report: Helium was up, feathers were down. Paper was stationary. Fluorescent tubing was dimmed in light trading. Knives were up sharply. Pencils lost a few points. Hiking equipment was trailing. Elevators rose, while escalators continued their slow decline. Weights were up in heavy trading. Mining equipment hit rock bottom. Diapers remained unchanged. The market for raisins dried up. Balloon prices were inflated. And toilet paper touched a new bottom.

[ A guy is walking down the street with his friend. He says to his friend, “I’m a walking economy.” His friend replies, “How’s that?” “It’s like this, my hair line is in recession, my stomach is a victim of inflation, and the combination of these factors is putting me into a deep depression.”

[ Why shouldn’t you tell a secret on a farm? Because the potatoes have eyes, the corn has ears, and the beans stalk.

[ Why are ghosts always honest? They have no choice, you can see right through them!


6500 Gateway Ave • 941.554.8905

[ A man went on a dating website, hoping to find a wife. In his profile description he wrote, “Looking for a woman that is smart, pretty, funny, a good cook, organized at home, and has a BASS BOAT!” He then paused, gave it some more thought, and added, “To be considered, please include picture of the boat.”

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC



onth.. M e h T f o r e d n e t r Ba Crescent Club ass Rd. 6519 Midnight P (941) 349-1311

Name of Bartender: Jessica Hometown: Findlay, Ohio Q: How long have you been bartending? A: I’ve been bartending for two years. Q: What was the strangest or funniest thing you experienced at work? A: I would comment on the long lines and crazy adult behavior during season on “Hot Dog Saturdays”. If you have never been before, it is generally some good people watching and of course free hot dogs! However; some customers take it a little more seriously so you can see some jostling in line and some threats of mustard squirts for taking too long or too many! Ha-ha! Q: What do you do in your spare time? A: I have lived in Florida for two years this October. I lived in NYC for 12 years before relocating down here so I am enjoying all the things I can do outside. I like tennis, paddle boarding, swimming and the beach! Q: How would you describe yourself? A: I would describe myself as outgoing and friendly.

Q: How would you describe where you work? A: The Crescent Club is a popular local bar with a strong seasonal clientele that consider the “CC” as their hometown bar away from home. The regular clientele who come here are looking for a good time, some good conversation, and knowing that anything can happen at their bar. The customers that come to visit from out-of-town are usually told to come to the Crescent Club by friends who have been here and so they are looking for a similar positive experience. It is the people who work and solicit the establishment and the deep history that surrounds us that makes this place so special. The staff and locals are very open and friendly with unacquainted or new-to-town folks which is why we always see newer, familiar faces. Q: When’s the best time to see you? A: The best time to see me is on Wednesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Friday and Saturday nights from 6:30 p.m. to close!

Karaoke Thursday, Friday & Saturday


Siesta Sand




Water World

Notes from the Island Fishmonger

By Scott Dolan, Big Water Fish Market, 6641 Midnight Pass, Siesta Key, 941-554-8101

Where the Locals Go and Who to Know on Siesta’s South Side Those of us familiar with Siesta Key and the surrounding area have witnessed the growth of the tourist population, vacation rental construction and expanded retail shops/restaurants on the South Side of Siesta Key. Mainstays on the South Side of the island such as the ever popular Captain Curt’s and Sniki Tiki bar, Miguel’s French Cuisine and Ophelia’s on the Bay have been joined over the years with additional eateries such as Clayton’s Siesta Grille, Orange Octopus Ice Cream, Anna’s Deli, Big Water Fish Market, A Taste of Germany and most recently, the second location of Toasted Mango. Big name players have even decided to get in on the South Side action. Marina Jack has taken over the Turtle Beach Marina (now called Bayfront Yacht Works & Marina) and the Turtle Beach Pub (now called Turtle’s Beach Grill). Next door you will find Turtles Restaurant on Little Sarasota Bay which has beautiful bay front views. Soon we will be welcoming a Sarasota tourist favorite to our southern end; Daiquiri Deck which will be located on Stickney Point Road. The recent trend points to more growth and rumors of another hotel on the South Side of Siesta Key seem to confirm this movement. With the ongoing growth of island businesses, especially restaurants, I’d like to share a glimpse of some of the chefs behind all those creative creations that continue to draw new patrons to their establishments. Many toil tirelessly behind kitchen doors without receiving proper credit for their “Labor of Love.” Some have been in the business longer than others, but all are dedicated to their craft. Meet three of our South Side Siesta Sea chefs who excel at bringing it from sea to platter.

Chef/Owner Gabriel Garcia Miguel’s French Continental Cuisine opened on Siesta Key’s South Side in 1983 by Miguel Garcia. Now owned and operated by the family, Gabriel Garcia is the Executive Chef. Chef Gabriel is a very mature and educated chef who can talk about his food for hours. He attended Johnson and Wales Culinary School of Miami and graduated with a four-year degree in Culinary Design. We could also discuss his sous chef experience in Boston or his internship in Spain but the real story is how this chef runs his French, Italian and Spanish inspired kitchen right here on Midnight Pass Rd. Chef Gabriel changes his menu often and his specials change nightly. He told me he gets inspiration and menu ideas when he does his weekly walk through at the Hillsborough Market in Tampa where he collects fresh and seasonal ingredients for his creations. Miguel’s is famous for their early bird menu, table side service, and their classic dishes with veal or lamb. Recently I had the Le Veau (veal) Piccata and I am still talking about it. Desserts such as their Bananas Foster or Crème Brulee are out of this world. But since we are talking fish, Chef Gabriel offers an Oyster Rockefeller Escargot, as well as salmon and shrimp on his menu and nightly specials always include a local fish that’s incredible. The day of our interview he was preparing a Sauteed Hogfish with a sweet candy stripe plum coulis with a basil and corn risotto croquette and asparagus. That’s a mouth full or at least it should be.

Chef/Owner Daniel Olson Chef Daniel is the Executive Chef at Ophelia’s on the Bay. Ophelia’s has been a Turtle Beach mainstay since 1988. Ophelia’s is known for great waterfront views, fine dining experience, special occasions, Sunday brunch and Chef Daniel. Chef Daniel moved to Sarasota in 1999,

started at Ophelia’s in 2000 and through working his way up from line cook through sous chef under some of the highest rated executive chefs in the business, he became Ophelia’s Executive Chef in 2004. Considering Ophelia’s is often awarded and consistently considered to be one of the best restaurants in Sarasota that is quite an accomplishment. After 15 years of running the culinary department, Executive Chef Daniel has recently taken over as owner. Here is a fun fact…Chef Daniel’s resume includes only the “School of Hard Knocks” as he put it. He did not attend culinary school or have any formal culinary training. He just worked his way up the ladder and after 16 years he now operates a highly rated, upscale, fine dining restaurant that packs them in nightly. When I asked him about his favorite menu items or recipes he simply said: “I’m a Grouper guy.” Our interview lasted about three minutes but I love this guy. The menu changes nightly but consistently has a perfectly cooked Filet Mignon, Rack of Lamb and Tenderloin Medallions of Pork on the menu. Some of the seafood menu highlights include his Surf and Turf, Grouper with chive-truffle butter, and my favorite appetizer Bon Secour Oysters with Applewood Bacon, Caramelized Onions, Baby Spinach, Reggiano and Maine Lobster Mousseline.

Gabriel Garcia

Chef/Owner of Miguel’s French Continental Cuisine

Chef/Kitchen Manager Aaron Mobley Aaron is a local young guy who is quickly making a name for himself as the Kitchen Manager and Chef of the highly rated Big Water Fish Market. Aaron is by far the least experienced chef on the list but that’s because he is only 20 years old! He has to be the youngest kitchen manager/chef in all of Florida and for that matter, I would not be surprised if he was one of the youngest in the country. This young man is a standout and knows as much about fish as anybody in Sarasota with the exception of the Mote Marine scientists. Right now Aaron is the kind of cook you could see on the Triple D with Guy Fieri but Aaron inspires to be an executive chef, charter boat captain or both in the future. This writer would not be surprised to see him as the owner of his own seafood operation one day. Aaron’s casual demeanor and “we serve fresh fish only” attitude fits in well with the fish markets concept. Chef Aaron says “I know I don’t have as much culinary experience as others on this island, but one thing you should know about me is that I’m not serving you fish unless it’s fresh and cooked to perfection.” Sometimes simplicity is perfection. Aaron is a tuna guru. Whenever he is serving Seared Tuna, Tuna Ceviche, Tuna Tataki or even Tuna Tacos, you will definitely want to get in on that. With that being said, along with the menu BWFM owner created, Aaron creates the daily specials that can range from a Blackened Fish Salad in a handmade fried tortilla shell to an Islamorada Baked Hogfish dish or a Grouper Oscar on a Friday night. BWFM is rated among the top five Best Grouper Sandwiches in the state and is consistently in the top five on TripAdvisor for the best places to eat in Sarasota. The kid is doing something right! Now before heading back, be sure to enjoy a cocktail with Jess and the girls at the legendary Crescent Club or just listen to the smooth vocals of Sunny Jim at the Sniki Tiki. So Siesta’s South Side’s got the marinas. We’ve got the bars. We’ve got two beaches. We’ve got the parking and now, you’ve gotten to meet three South Side chefs with distinctly different backgrounds ready to tempt you with their creative seafood dishes. See you on the South Side of Siesta Key! And, remember: Buy Local or Bye-Bye Local. Live well, eat fish! Scott

Daniel Olson

Chef/Owner of Ophelia’s on the Bay

Aaron Mobley

Chef/Kitchen Manager at Big Water Fish Market




Captain Jim Klopfer’s Fishing Report


Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Snapshots of Island Visitors

Adventure Charters 941-371-1390

Photos by Jaye Clements - Sarasota Photography

Snook will feed heavily in October

October is a fabulous month to be fishing on Siesta Key! Shorter, cooler days result in water temperatures dropping into the low 70s, bait will be thick in the bays and out on the beach, and that will attract the gamefish. Many species are going to be caught using a variety of angling tactics. Redfish will still be schooled up on the flats in the north bay, snook will be in the bays, speckled trout, pompano, and Spanish mackerel will be feeding on the deep grass flats, and the beach should be outstanding for king and Spanish mackerel, false albacore, cobia, sharks, and even a stray tarpon. Anglers with small boats can catch large fish this month. The techniques and methods are really pretty simple. Mornings that dawn with easterly winds will find the inshore Gulf of Mexico flat and calm. Pods of baitfish will be seen on the surface, along with schools of feeding fish. Threadfins caught on Sabiki rigs and free lined out behind the boat will catch just about everything. Anglers fishing the surf off of the Siesta Key beaches should experience good action this month. Spanish mackerel, ladyfish, pompano, flounder, and more will hit live and artificial baits. Mackerel like fast, flashy lures such as Gotcha plugs and silver spoons while the pompano and flounder prefer a bait that is moving slowly near the bottom. Jigs and live shrimp are a good choice. Casting jigs while drifting over deep grass flats will produce a lot

of fish in October. Speckled trout, pompano, bluefish, mackerel, jacks, and ladyfish will hit a gold or Glow Bass Assassin Sea Shad soft plastic grub on a ¼ ounce jig head. Rootbeer and olive are also productive colors. Use light colored baits in clear water and dark colored baits in stained water. Spoons, plugs, and flies will also work well, as will live or artificial shrimp under a noisy cork. These same lures fished in Big Pass and New Pass will result in plenty of hook-ups as the fish migrate from the Gulf into Sarasota Bay. Fish right on the bottom for pompano and just under the surface for blues and macks. Redfish will still be schooled up, but their numbers will be diminishing. The shallow flats in Robert’s Bay and the north end of Siesta Key are great spots to try. The docks and oyster bars off of Siesta Key will also produce redfish, along with snook, snapper, flounder, and drum. A live shrimp is a a great bait for fishing docks while Bass Assassin Elite Shiners are very effective working bars and points. A high, outgoing tide is best. Snook will be back in the bays and feeding aggressively on the flats, bars, and mangrove shorelines. Shallow diving plugs such as an (08) olive X-Rap are very effective and allow anglers to cover water quickly. Creek mouths, points, bars, and docks that have current are likely ambush spots. Bridges will produce a lot of snook for nocturnal anglers.

|Kathleen D Sailing Catamarans Let’s go sailing, KATHLEEN D Sailing Catamarans, serving Siesta Key from 3 locations: Downtown Sarasota, Longboat Key and Anna Maria Island. If you would like to experience being on the water viewing Dolphin Watches, Sunset Sails, Snorkeling and Shelling call us at 941-870-4349 or go to our web site for detailed information www.kathleend.net USCG Certified for 20 passengers.


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OCTOBER 2016 TIDE CHART Florida, St. Petersburg, Sarasota, Sarasota Bay

October 2016

N 27° 20' / W 82° 33' Date










High Tide 2.1


High Tide 2.0


Low Tide 0.6


Low Tide 0.9































































































































































































































































































































































































































©2016 FreeTideTables.com - For comparison only - Times are local - Tides in feet from MLLW



1:11p 3rd



Siesta Sand

Off Key




By Robert Frederickson

|From Parking Madness to Revenue ‘Enhancement’ Where Bad Ideas Never Die... It’s said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result. Which leads us to Sarasota’s city commissioners once again voting to move ahead with plans to install paid parking meters on downtown streets, despite their epic fail trying to accomplish the very same thing four years ago. Maybe city leaders are simply looking for any incremental improvement this time around... like having the meters stay in place for more than just a few months before the public outcry results in their recall. Or maybe they’d be pleased with a waste of taxpayer money that’s less than the $450,000 loss suffered the last time out when the outfit that sold the city their latest and greatest ‘state of the art’ meters (you remember, the ones no one could figure out how to use) offered to

buy them back for mere pennies on the dollar to offset the city’s half-million dollar ‘investment.’ Bad ideas in the private sector usually die a quick death, but in the bureaucratic echo-chamber of governmental bodies like the SCC, they’re like the energizer bunny...they go on, and on, and on....

Tell us Something We don’t Know... According to the web site SmartAsset.com, the state with the nation’s worst drivers is...you guessed it, Florida. Hands down. Wonder what they’ll tell us next month? That it gets kinda warm in August?

Winning Friends and Influencing People It was called Project Mulligan and the idea was to lure the

corporate headquarters of a large national roofing company to Sarasota County with the incentive of $500,000 in tax breaks. In return, 180 good paying jobs would bolster the local economy. But local roofing company owners quickly cried foul, complaining that they had built their businesses without similar incentives, so why should their tax dollars be used to subsidize a competing business that they suggested would steal not only their customers but their best employees as well? Their arguments resonated with county commissioners, who quickly voted to nix the incentives, effectively killing the plan. Rob Sitterley represented the company when the county backed away from the plan earlier this year and was quoted by WWSB Channel 40 news as saying that the company didn’t even do residential roofing.

“The misinformation that the builder exchange was able to put out there – it worked. It wasn’t about the discussion of what these headquarters jobs would do for Sarasota residents; it was a scare tactic of what it’s going to do to local and small residential roofers. But this project did not compete with them,” said Sitterley. The company must have really liked southwest Florida, however. After being jilted by Sarasota, they announced last month they had accepted an even better offer from Hillsborough County and the city of Tampa. According to The Sarasota Herald Tribune, the company, North American Roofing, has said it plans to relocate some of its 100 employees from its Asheville, North Carolina headquarters to the new location but that it also plans to hire about 70 percent of the new staff positions locally. So one is left to wonder whether their treatment here will lead North Americans to recruit some of those new hires from the very companies that suggested that as being their intention all along...even if the idea had never crossed their mind before its suggestion was used to turn the tide of public opinion against them. After all, an awful lot of folks in this area commute to Tampa for work; and though revenge may not be the noblest of human pursuits it can indeed be sweet.

Big Payoff for Contest Winner The online retail startup Jet. com was eager to drive folks to their new site, so they came up with an idea for a competition to see who could sign up the most new subscribers. Eric Morton, 28, of York, PA, took the challenge very seriously, spending $18,000 of his own savings to run ads on sites like Swagbuck and Gifthulk. His strategy paid off. He was the clear winner, with more than 8000 new members enrolled. His prize? 100,000 shares in the startup. That was back in March and though as a private company Jet doesn’t reveal the value of its shares, suffice to say the total value of the prize was many times more than Morton’s initial $18,000 investment. But the real payoff was yet to come. Motivated by fears of falling behind Amazon in the world of E-commerce, Wal-Mart laid out 3.3 billion to purchase the fledgling Jet recently. The estimated value of Morton’s shares now? Somewhere north of $20 million.

Bumper Sticker Drop-Off? Have you noticed a drop-off in bumper stickers proudly proclaiming a driver’s presidential candidate of choice so far in this election cycle? I thought I saw a pro Hillary one the other day while driving along University Parkway, but as I pulled closer at a stoplight it was revealed to be anything but: in much smaller type below the large block letters spelling out “HILLARY!” were the words

“for prison, 2016.” And perhaps many would be Trump supporters have shied away from putting “Make America Great Again” stickers on their vehicles for fear of being branded as racists, since according to Clinton (Bill, not Hill) we all know that catch phrase is simply good ‘ole boy code for wanting to return to the days of our distant forefathers when cotton was king and we sipped mint-juleps on the front porch in top hats, ties and long tailed jackets instead of chugging down a few brews after work sitting on the tailgate of our F-100 pickups wearing cutoffs and ball caps. Who knew? Certainly not Bill, who in 1992 repeatedly said much the same thing about restoring the republic’s former greatness that had been so recklessly squandered by Bush the elder and those ‘rascally republicans.’ I’ve yet to see any stickers for libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, though “What’s Aleppo?” might be a way to build some name recognition, since that message just might jog a disinterested electorate’s memory: “Oh yeah...THAT guy...”

While on the Topic of Bumper Stickers... Spotted by a friend on a dusty, wind swept, west Texas highway, this inspiring, yet earthly message: “JESUS LOVES YOU (but everyone else thinks you’re an ***hole”).

Ringling Museum Admission Inflation? I wonder what John Ringling would think of his namesake museum’s recently adopted a la carte pricing plan. Admission remains $25.00, but that price previously included entrance to the Ringling residence and other attractions on the grounds including the circus museum. Those ‘add-ons’ will now set visitors back an additional $10. Monday’s will still be free, but for the museum only; the $10 add-on charge will now apply if you want to tour Ca d’ Zan, or the Circus Museum on that day. Ringling stipulated the free admission on Monday policy as a condition of his bequest to the people of Florida. So the new pricing plan strikes some as a means of skirting his intent to make his legacy available to as many people as possible… especially those who live in Florida and are on a tight budget. Ringling loved art, but he also loved the circus. But as a businessman and promoter I doubt he would have embraced a ‘three-ring’ circus concept where patrons were charged separately for each of the separate three ring attractions.




Q: Dear Donnarose, I’ve been told for years in my readings that I’m highly intuitive, and did spiritual work during some of my past lives. I wasn’t surprised to hear this, as I see and know things before they happen. But to be honest, I’m fearful of this power and don’t know why. Please advise. ~Thank you, RC A: “When we clear stuck energy from our past, restrictions that no longer serve us won’t last.” ~Donnarose Melvin In your particular case, the fear is from feeling unsafe to connect with your gift due to persecution from carrying it out in past lifetimes. As a clairvoyant and medicine woman, you were majorly condemned in your community, so the fear made sense in your past lives. But in this life, spiritual work of this nature is greatly received, and some are even sharing their work on TV and social media. It’s widely known how this work helps millions of people. If you allow yourself to release your fear since it relates to your past lives, the freedom from it will allow you to use your gift to help guide you on your soul’s path. And as time goes on, you may even start feeling comfortable sharing messages you receive for others. Just be sure to always surround yourself with Archangel Michael’s beautiful blue light, so the integrity of the messages coming in stays intact. Now the thing is, with the energy work I do, I know it’s important that in order to help clear the fearful stuck energy you’re carrying, there needs to be some kind of peacemaking on the persecution part from your past lives. So let’s start you out with a quick forgiveness, energy clearing type prayer. “Infinite Source, for RC, all her family members, their ancestors, and all their relationships throughout all time, space, lifetimes, past, present and future; For all hurts and wrongs, persecution, injustice of any kind, violation of free will, any oppression, misuse of power, position and authority in any way, shape and form, and any other treatment that was the opposite of love from others towards them, and them towards others and themselves, please help all of them forgive each other, forgive themselves, forgive all people, and all people forgive them, be at peace with each other and themselves, no matter what happened, completely and fully, now and forever, please and thank you.” Like my quote above indicates, this short yet powerful clearing should help get you started towards embracing who you truly are, intuitive gifts and all. ~ ♥ Q: Dear Donnarose, why do I continue to receive negative treatment in my relationships with men, as well as at the jobs I have? I truly am a nice person and love people. I just don’t understand it. Any insight would be helpful. ~DG


A: “When we raise our vibration and make peace with our past, the only treatment we’ll allow, is the kind we want to last.” ~Donnarose Melvin This is actually a common issue regarding relationships. Even being a nice person, what often happens, is much of the let down and disappointment energy, whether from childhood and/or even as adults, if not cleared out, gets carried into the next relationship, job, etc. Additionally, when we have disappointing experiences, it tends to lower our vibration. And what resides at a lower vibration is unworthiness, depression, self-criticism and self-blame, feeling lonely, unloved, etc. Carrying the past disappointment energy, and living at this lower vibration, will tend to bring matching lower vibrational treatment to your relationships and encounters. And if nothing is done, this treatment will continue. The good news is you’re at the point of realizing you no longer want to accept negative treatment. This is half the battle already won. And with this desire for change, comes the next key step which is to raise your vibration. This may sound too simple of a concept, but it’s really very powerful and effective. All things in alignment with love reside at a higher vibration, including kind and respectful treatment, as well as courage and strength to keep it that way. What’s also included when we’re at a higher vibration, is forgiveness, which helps to ensure peace is made with past disappointments and let down. Due to lack of space, please refer to 1st Q&A for an example of a forgiveness/peacemaking prayer, and add major disappointment to it. Also please refer to the link below on how to raise your vibration. I have a big hunch that once you do all the above, like my quote indicates, you’ll find lots of improvement with how you’re treated, including appreciation for the nice person you truly are.~♥ siestasand.net/soulfully-yours-donnarose-7-16/ Donnarose Melvin is a professional intuitive medium, and also does powerful distant energy clearings. Her knowledge from her BA degree in Psychology, along with her natural intuitive gifts, have helped thousands achieve increased peace and success. Please send your questions to: Donnarose1010@gmail. com or Facebook private msg her at Donnarose. She will select questions each month to share with you. Donnarose regrets that unpublished questions cannot be answered individually. If you’d like an energy clearing, or an intuitive reading, please contact Donnarose at the email address above. www.TheMariner.com












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Football Season in Florida

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By Appointment Only with Ian:




Siesta Sand






The Highs and Lows of Properties Sold on Siesta Key

Provided by Key Solutions Real Estate / www.keysolutionsrealestate.com

Following are properties sold on Siesta Key in the last 60 days, providing a snapshot of home values on the Key for both single family homes and condominiums.

HIGHEST PRICED SINGLE-FAMILY PROPERTY: 1280 Hidden Harbor Way: Sold For $3,300,000 Rare one half-acre of waterfront (on two sides) property in the exclusive community of Hidden Harbor. Situated on an oversized home site that backs up to Sarasota Bay (134’) and fronts to a private yacht basin (182’). Mediterranean-inspired estate boasting over 5,000 sq.ft. Designer finishes adorn every room, including cast stone trim and balustrades, architectural ceiling treatments, Venetian plaster walls, Brazilian Cherrywood and marble flooring. The expansive formal living room is ideal for any get-together, effortlessly flowing to the formal dining room, featuring a

bar room with wine cooler, wet bar and a convenient pass through. The Wood-mode gourmet kitchen, overlooks the family room and eat-in café and is equipped with stainless steel appliances, granite countertops, stone backsplash, island, breakfast bar and butler’s pantry. Privacy will never be an issue in the master wing. This expansive retreat features its own sitting room with idyllic bay windows, his and her walk-in closets, his and her spa-inspired baths and private access to the lanai. The study/office is conveniently located in the master wing as well. The guest wing offers two generous bedroom suites and a third suite currently being used as a bonus room. From the bayfront entertaining areas with summer kitchen and infinity edge heated swimming pool, to the 50’ dock and lift; this immaculate estate offers an array of features in which to revel. The sale of this property came to $ 584.17 a square foot. Courtesy of Premier Sothebys International Realty

Gulf access home steps away from beach, restaurants and shops 3 bedroom and 3 bath home with updated kitchen and baths - large screened in pool area very private - The sale of this property came out to $393.67 a square foot. Courtesy of ReMax Alliance Group LOWEST PRICED SINGLE-FAMILY PROPERTY: 358 Avenida Milano: Sold For $535,000

HIGHEST PRICED CONDO: 5740 Midnight Pass Rd, #206F: Sold For $1,560,000 This rarely available three-bedroom, two-bath, direct Gulf-front Siesta Key condominium enjoys endless water views from its location at the Gulf & Bay Club. This corner unit allows full western views plus endless northern views of the powder white sand of the Siesta Key public beach. A sampling of the 2011 updates

LOWEST PRICED CONDO: 5955 Midnight Pass Rd, #8E: Sold For $247,000 This freshly painted Sea Club condo in this gated bay side community is equipped with heated pool, boat docks/ lifts, clubhouse and deeded beach access to Siesta Key Beach directly across the street. This first floor unit comes fully furnished and ready for weekly rentals or to enjoy a

include: elevated ceilings, all new lighting and ceiling fans, gourmet kitchen with stainless steel appliances, quartz countertops, large center island with induction stove-top and custom solid wood cabinetry. The spacious laundry contains sink and full-sized stackable washer and dryer. Bathrooms were updated with new showers, double sinks, countertops and solid cabinets. Unit is wired with surround sound and Ethernet. Some of the Gulf & Bay Club amenities include three pools, tennis courts, spa, workout rooms, hand ball courts and grills. Well-maintained and move-in ready makes this condominium a perfect choice for your full- or part-time use, or take advantage of the on-site rental office and utilize this unit for its investment potential. The sale on this unit came out to $887.88 a square foot. Courtesy of Coldwell Banker quaint getaway from the cold! This owner built on a rear sitting area so you have both the front and back open for additional seating. Common laundry at Sea Club is located on the first floor not far from the unit, but you can install an inside washer & dryer if you wish! Sorry, no pets but the onsite rental office can assist you and your guests upon arrival. Gas available. Owners closet too. The beach access is located directly across the street on Windsong Lane. Docks & lifts are for owners’ usage during their stay and can accommodate up to 25’ boat, and are to be removed during owners’ absence. One of the lowest priced condos on Siesta Key. Roof is 10yrs old. AC age is unknown. The sale came out to $327.59 a square foot. Courtesy of Alta Realty Company




Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Capt. Styles’ former home turned into rental property One of the property owners involved in the May 11 North Beach Road vacation petition — Christy Ramsey — has sold her house at 99 Beach Road for $3 million to Holderness Enterprises LLC, which lists a 7333 N. Tamiami Trail address in Sarasota. Many Siesta residents will recall that before Ramsey owned the property, it was well known as the residence of Capt. Ralph Styles. Linda Styles sold it to Brent R. Cooper — “individually and as a Trustee of the Burton M. Cooper Credit Shelter Trust No. 1” of Rockville, Md., as county property records put it — in June 2009 for $1,650,000. Then Cooper sold it to Ramsey in July 2011 for $1.8 million. Capt. Styles drew countless visitors to the house at the intersection of Columbus Boulevard, eager to participate in the beautiful ceremonies in which he raised and lowered the American flag. The captain, who died in October 2008 at the age of 98, was a Pearl Harbor survivor.

He also was one of the oldest living graduates of the U.S. Naval Academy. Styles served as a submarine commander in World War II and was a former assistant director of Naval Intelligence. County records indicate that Holderness Enterprises has been buying up quite a few pieces of property on Siesta since March 2014. The first listings show the firm

spent $2,550,000 on eight duplexes and a detached single-family home at 124 Columbus Blvd. Earlier this month, it purchased a singlefamily house at 95 Columbus Blvd. for $2 million.

The registered agent of Holderness Enterprises is Michael Holderness, a Realtor, according to the Florida Division of Corporations. The firm was established in November 2013,

state records show. Holderness’ real estate website has the Styles house listed for rent. The cost: $695 per day.

Paradise Awaits... E IC ED! R P UC D RE


5350 Calle Florida, Sarasota, FL

Currently the lowest priced duplex close the the beach. 2 BR, 1 BA on each side. Close to beach and a quaint island accessible by a bridge. Close to Siesta Key Village with unique shops, restaurants and nightlife. Own a slice of this tropical paradise at an affordable price.



1122 Horizon View Drive, Sarasota, FL

Deeded Beach Access!!! Your feet will be in the Gulf of Mexico in 60 seconds. This immaculate pool home features large rooms and volume ceilings. Lovely oak Floors and stylish tile will dazzle you. 3 BR, 3.5 BA with LL bonus area for generational living. A truly unique find!



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6151 Hollywood Blvd., Sarasota, FL

Front building consists of two 1 BR, 1 BA units. Rear building is a 3 BR, 2 BA unit. Close to beach and shopping. Walking distance to shopping. Upside potential.



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Cassia Cay Therefore, Brandwein pointed out, she and her likeminded neighbors are acting as individuals, not official representatives, in voicing their concerns about Cassia Cay. The two parcels that comprise the project were rezoned in 2006, she explained. The plan then was for a mixed-use commercial development on the property adjacent to U.S. 41 and high-density residences on the bay. Now the proposal has morphed into one with more retail space and fewer dwelling units. Moreover, she added, the residences are planned for taller buildings. Kevin Daves of Core Development Inc. of Wichita, Kansas, is the developer. Sarasotans may remember him from his work with the RitzCarlton project in downtown Sarasota and The Concession golf club community. During a December 2015 neighborhood meeting required by Sarasota County, Daves explained that to make the project successful, he needed to reduce the amount of office space and increase the retail mix, according to notes from that session attached to the county application.

Project details Filed with county staff in February, the application says the Cassia Cay mixed-use development would stand on about 18.5 acres on the southwest corner of U.S. 41 and Holiday Drive, at 7914 S. Tamiami Trail. The proposal calls for 16



Continued from cover story

buildings, 14 of which would be for retail/commercial uses — including restaurants — the application says. Building 12 would have retail uses on the ground level and 58 multi-family units spread among that floor and the second and third levels, the application notes. Building 15 would have retail uses on the first floor and offices on the second through fourth floors. Daves — working through his Sarasota agent, attorney Brenda Patten — is seeking the rezoning of the property as well as a special exception to increase the maximum height of three buildings that would stand on the southern portion of the property. The current zoning limits the height to 35 feet, according to the February application. The proposal is for those three structures to stand at 49, 47 and 38 feet, to accommodate the firstfloor retail uses and to have three stories for the residential units and parking. The plan seeks approval for up to 170,000 square feet of commercial space, up to 40,000 square feet of office space and 120 dwelling units altogether. On the site, 63.7 percent of the acreage would be open space, the application points out. Initial construction is planned to start in the first quarter of 2017 and end a year later. The final units would be completed in 2020, the application says. The current zoning and stipulations allow for 100,000 square feet of office space, 110,000 square feet of retail space and 152 dwelling units, according to a presentation the development team provided during the December 2015 neighborhood meeting. The approximately 13.33acre parcel set aside strictly for multi-family housing is on Little Sarasota Bay, south of Holiday Drive. The proposal for that land calls for 98 dwelling units over ground-level parking in buildings that would range from three to five stories, according to the December 2015 neighborhood meeting details. That would put the structures at 45, 56 and 68 feet, the February application says. A special exception would be sought to increase the height allowed through current zoning. The plan also calls for an “amenity center,” or clubhouse. The site is zoned to allow 152 dwelling units in three- and fourstory structures with residences above ground-floor parking, the December 2015 workshop information shows. The revised concept plan, the application notes, “reduces massing of the residential buildings and shifts the development further away from the Holiday Harbor residential area along Questar Lane.”

Cassia Cay multi-family housing concept plan

Cassia Cay mixed use development concept plan for Sarasota County Traffic concerns Traffic congestion has been the primary concern of many Pelican Cove residents. A number of the proposed changes accompanying the rezoning application involve traffic measures dating to the 2006 plans for the property. The Cassia Cay development team wants to eliminate an agreement to extend the existing southbound to eastbound left turn lane on U.S. 41 at Lake Point Boulevard/ Springfield Drive; eliminate the stipulation for construction of a southbound to westbound right-turn lane to the north access on U.S. 41; and eliminate the stipulation for construction of a northbound to westbound left-turn lane at the proposed

intersection of the development’s northern driveway and U.S. 41. The proposal also calls for a third access point into the mixeduse area from U.S. 41.

Wildlife considerations An environmental report completed in January, which was included with the February application, says visits to Bayonne Preserve confirmed that bald eagles were incubating eggs in the nest Brandwein mentioned to the SNL. However, because bald eagles no longer are listed as threatened species, the federal and state governments have reduced the distance between them and development to 330 feet from 660 feet, the report says. Moreover, Cardno — the

firm that prepared the report — applied for and obtained a bald eagle “take permit” in March 2010, in connection with plans for the previous development, Grande Bay. That permit has not expired, the report adds, so Core Development will consult with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), as required, to ensure the firm complies with “current state and federal management guidelines for bald eagles,” the report notes. The environmental report also says that prior to development of Cassia Cay, all gopher tortoises “occupying the site will be relocated … pursuant to a permit issued by FWC.”




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House Hunting Siesta Key to Longboat Key

• TUSCAN INSPIRED MASTERPIECE ON PALM ISLAND: $779,000 389 Island Circle, Sarasota, FL. MLS# A4110340. 4,134 sq. ft. single family home. 4 bedrooms, 4 ½ baths, roof top pool, private spacious in-law/guest apartment with separate entrance. Dan Miller, Re/Max Tropical Sands. 941-376-7442 • AMAZING WEST OF TRAIL TRIPLEX: $425,000 6151 Hollywood Blvd, Sarasota, MLS#A4141309 Located in the Pine Shores area. Front building consists of two 1bed/1bath units. Rear building is a 3bed/2bath unit. Dan Miller, Re/ Max Tropical Sands. 941-376-7442 • KEY WEST STYLE GRAND CANAL HOME ON SIESTA KEY: $1,415,000 418 Island Circle, MLS#A3990080 3BD/3BA. Lushly landscaped tropical lot with Tiki Bar in the pool/spa area. Dan Miller, Re/Max Tropical Sands. 941-376-7442 • LOWEST PRICED DUPLEX CLOSE TO THE BEACH: $529,800 5350 Calle Florida, SK 34242, MLS# A4144556 Rare and Unique Siesta Key Duplex on Palm Island. This duplex with 2 beds, 1 bath on each side is located less than 1,000 feet from the #1 beach. Dan Miller, Re/Max Tropical Sands. 941-376-7442 • DEEDED BEACH ACCESS: $997,000 1122 Horizon View Drive, MLS# A4163952 This immaculate pool home features large rooms and volume ceilings. Lovely oak floors and stylish tile will dazzle you. 3BD/3.5BA with LL bonus area for general living. Dan Miller, Re/Max Tropical Sands. 941-376-7442 • LONGBOAT KEY HOME WITH BAY VIEWS: $1,699,000 560 Schooner Ln, MLS# A4153934 Stunning Country Club Shores home with lovely Bay views. Very spacious 4 bedroom (2 master bedrooms), 3.5 bathroom home that is ideal for entertaining family

& friends. Boat lift & 67ft. dock on sailboat water just seconds to the Bay & deeded Beach access for your Island lifestyle. Dan Miller, Re/ Max Tropical Sands. 941-376-7442 • 72’ OF CANAL FRONTAGE: $725,000 325 Avenida Madera, Siesta Key, MLS# A4151934. SALE PENDING 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, designer kitchen with solid wood cabinets, island and granite counters with Stainless Steel Viking Appliances. Dan Miller, Re/Max Tropical Sands. 941-376-7442 • 5059 KESTRAL PARK DR, THE LANDINGS, $335,000: MLS #A4157482 Carriagehouse with 2Bd/2Bth, den and partial enclosed lanai. Lake view. Judy Greene/Tara Lamb, Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker. 941350-0451 (Judy) or 941-266-4873 (Tara) • 1445 GULF OF MEXICO, #401, THE PLAYERS CLUB, $949,000: MLS A4123420 Longboat Key Gulf front Penthouse, 3bd/3bth on the beach in the Players Club. Judy Greene/ Tara Lamb, Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker, 941-350-0451 (Judy) or 941266-4873 (Tara) • 5450 EAGLES POINT CIR #105, THE LANDINGS $539,000: MLS #A4141454 3Bd/2Bth Open Terrace, Water View. Judy Greene/Tara Lamb, Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker. 941350-0451 (Judy) or 941-266-4873 (Tara) • 5430 EAGLES POINT CIR #201, THE LANDINGS $519,000: MLS #A4142226 3Bd/2.5Bth Intracoastal View Judy Greene/Tara Lamb, Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker. 941-350-0451 (Judy) or 941-266-4873 (Tara) • 5430 EAGLES POINT CIR #203, THE LANDINGS $899,0000: MLS #4162162 3 Bd plus Den / 4.5 Bth with private garage. Spacious floorplan Judy Greene/Tara Lamb, Michael Saunders & Company Licensed

Real Estate Broker. 941-350-0451 (Judy) or 941-266-4873 (Tara) • 1712 STARLING DR, THE LANDINGS $315,000: MLS A4154731 2Bd/2Bth Ground Floor, End Unit Coach House. Judy Greene/ Tara Lamb, Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker, 941-350-0451 (Judy) or 941266-4873 (Tara) • 1498 LANDINGS LAKE DR, THE LANDINGS $445,000: MLS #A4160689 3Bd/2.5Bth Free Standing Treehouse with expanded kitchen and living room. Judy Greene/ Tara Lamb, Michael Saunders & Company Licensed Real Estate Broker, 941-350-0451 (Judy) or 941266-4873 (Tara) • 1249 DOCKSIDE PLACE Short walk to Siesta Beach with deeded boat dock. Spacious 2/2 with garage. Turnkey furnished. MLS# A4128627, $449,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-544-3299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186. • 1203 DOCKSIDE Rarely available. Beautifully furnished 3/3 with 2 master suites. 2,300+ sq ft. A short walk to Siesta Beach. Deeded dock for 35’ boat and garage plus driveway parking. MLS# A4156232, $719,900. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri Answers fromor & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-544-3299 Page 12 Sheri: 941-400-4186.

• SOMERSET COVE Fabulous 4 / 3 1/2 home minutes to Beach and Village. 2 car garage, elevator, deeded boat dock with 10k lift. Gated enclave of just 11 homes with community pool. MLS#A4145095, $779,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-544-3299 or Sheri: P941-400-4186. • 1372 SIESTA BAYSIDE Intercoastal views and beach access. Beautifully renovated 2 bedroom 2 bath investment property with garage. MLS# A4153479, $575,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group Sheri and Bob Ruiz. 941-544-3299. • SIESTA KEY CIRCLE Wonderful old-style Florida home in great location near beach with boat dock and 10k lift. 2 car garage. MLS A4149391. $1,150,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group Sheri and Bob Ruiz. 941-544-3299. • TURNKEY FURNISHED CONDO Across the street from the beach, this 2 bed, 2 bath has lots of renovations. The Key West style gated property can be a fabulous vacation residence or excellent investment property. 1372 Siesta Bayside Dr. #1372-C, Siesta Key, $575,000 MLS #A4153479 Key

Solutions Real Estate, (941)894-1255 • TURNKEY FURNISHED TOWNHOME This 3BD/2BA townhome, is totally updated. The gated waterfront community features fabulous recreational facilities, a private boat slip, garage, and is just a short walk to the beach. 1267 Dockside PL #214, Siesta Key, $725,000 MLS #A4155386 Key Solutions Real Estate, (941)894-1255 • 200 FT OF PRIVATE BEACHThis 2 bed, 2 bath condo features an open floor plan, private beach area, Intercoastal view, and is close to the marina and restaurants. Gated Community Features: Recreational Facilities and Boat Ramp. 9150 Blind Pass RD, #204, Siesta Key, $495,000 MLS#A4152897 Key Solutions Real Estate, (941)894-1255 • SPECTACULAR BAYFRONT TOWNHOME This 2,326 square foot 3 bed, 3 bath condo with gourmet kitchen and lots of upgrades has an attached garage, deeded 25’ boat slip with new lift, and is just a short walk to Siesta Key Beach. 1333 Dockside PL # 223, Siesta Key, $999,000 MLS # A4157478 Key Solutions Real Estate, (941)894-1255

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• 1350 SIESTA BAYSIDE Great vacation home or investment property. Deeded beach access just across the street. Beautifully furnished 3/2 with garage. MLS#A4142552, $650,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-544-3299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186. • PEPPERTREE BAY – Direct bay views from this fabulous 2/2 in sought-after Peppertree community. Tastefully, turnkey furnished. Private garage. MLS# A4149092, $610,000. Key Solutions Real Estate Group, Sheri & Bob Ruiz. Bob: 941-544-3299 or Sheri: 941-400-4186.



Sand Castles


Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Harbour Towne Yacht Club is boaters’ oasis By Roger Drouin

Located mid-Key, Harbour Towne Yacht Club is a gated community of 50 town-home style units amid a landscaped oasis. But for Realtor Bob Ruiz, who lives in the community and has represented either seller or buyer in three separate recent sales there, the prime feature of the community is the deeded, deepwater boat slips — a unique amenity for a condo community on Siesta. The deep-water boat slips and ideal location with no bridges to the Bay make the community a top choice for boaters. “The water is no less than fourand-a-half feet at low tide,” Ruiz said. “It’s straight across from Phillippi Creek, and the No Wake zone is less than a mile long, then you are out in the Bay.” Each unit comes with its own private deeded boat dock. Rarely found on the Key, Ruiz noted, each unit also includes its own full car garage, with walk-around attic storage, attached to the unit. Harbour Towne is only a seven-minute walk from Siesta Public Beach, Ruiz said. Mary Deskiewicz and her husband originally purchased a two-bedroom, two bath unit at Harbour Towne, but in 2013 they moved to a larger, threebedroom, three bath unit. “We realized we wanted a larger space,” Deskiewicz told Siesta Sand. “We did not look elsewhere because we want to stay in Harbour Towne [when upsizing],” Deskiewicz said. The couple, who are boaters, live part time in the community, but they hope to spend more time on Siesta now that Deskiewicz has retired. The couple always enjoys coming down to Siesta when they can, but Harbour Towne is an especially welcoming sight when coming from the “white winter” of Syracuse. “The people that do the landscaping do a really nice job,” Deskiewicz said. Another draw is the proximity to Siesta public beach and close distance to the Key’s two shopping districts. Deskiewicz enjoys the company of her neighbors in the close-knit Harbour Towne. Spending most of winter and early spring last year at Harbour Towne “went by so quickly, because there is always something to do and a gathering by the pool,” she said. These gatherings often turn into an impromptu happy hour complete with snacks and cocktails. Community amenities include a heated pool and spa, tennis court, clubhouse with full kitchen, and covered pavilion with grills. The community is comprised of about half of owners who live part time in their unit, said Ruiz. Another thirty percent live year-round, and about twenty percent of owners rent out their units as investment properties. The community has a one month rental policy.

“It’s well run,” Ruiz said of the condominium, with large reserves and low monthly condo fees of $600 a month. The management company, Tuttle Enterprises that oversees HOA management of the condominium is on top of staying within condominium guidelines and handling important matters such as pool-maintenance contracts, Ruiz said.

Recent sales and listings: Recent sales in Harbour Towne have ranged from $525,000 to $565,000 for a two bedroom unit; and $617,000 to $699,000 for a three bedroom unit. • As of press time, one unit was currently listed for $725,000, or $417 a square foot. The three-bedroom, two bath, 1,737 square foot unit has been completely upgraded inside. • A larger unit, at 2,326 square feet is listed for $999,000, or $429 a square foot. The unit has three bedrooms and three baths. The included boat slip has a new boat lift. • Another 2,326 square foot unit is listed for $719,900. The unit, listed by Ruiz, is located steps from the community’s pool. The lanai has views of the marina. According to the MLS, “the 2nd floor billiards room, huge master suite with oversized bath and closets, and space for a possible 4th bedroom afford the ideal guest retreat.” • A two bedroom two bath unit with 1,217 square feet is listed at a reduced price of $449,000. Ruiz also has this listing for sale as well. NOTE: Realtors Bob Ruiz and Sheri Lasley-Ruiz of Key Solutions Real Estate Group contributed to the sales information used in this article. Other data was compiled from the Sarasota County Property Appraiser Office, Sarasota County Planning & Development Services permits, and Multiple Listing Service (MLS).

Making Things Happen on Siesta Key...BOB and SHERI RUIZ

Somerset Cove

Fabulous 4/3 1/2 home minutes to Beach and Village. 2 car garage, elevator, deeded boat dock with 10k lb. lift. Gated enclave of just 11 homes with community pool. MLS#A4145095 $779,000

Peppertree Bay

Harbour Towne Yacht Club

Direct bay views from this fabulous 2/2 in sought-after Peppertree community. Tastefully, turnkey furnished. Private garage. MLS#A4149092 $610,000

Rarely available. Beautifully turnkey furnished 3/3 with 2 master suites. 2,300+ sq. ft. A short walk to Siesta Beach. Deeded dock for 35’ boat and garage plus driveway parking. MLS #A4156232 $719,900

Harbour Towne Yacht Club

Ideally located near Siesta Beach and ICW. Large 2/2 end unit with garage and boat dock. Storage and in-unit laundry. Tastefully turnkey furnished MLS #A4128627 $449,000

Gulf & Bay Bayside

Water views of the ICW from the beautifully renovated 2/2 with brand new stainless appliances. Dedicated beach access just across the street. Turnkey. 1 car garage. MLS #A4153479 $575,000

Your Resident Siesta Key Realtors - - -

Gulf & Bay Bayside

Siesta Key Circle

Great beach home, vacation or rental property. Across the street from Siesta Beach with dedicated beach access. This 3/2 unit with attached garage is beautifully furnished

Wonderful old-Florida style home in great location near the beach and on the water - minutes by boat to the ICW and Gulf. All on 1 level. Pool, 10k lift. 2 car garage

MLS#A4142552 $650,000

MLS #A4149391 $1,150,000

Bob Ruiz 941-544-3299 RobertRuizRR@aol.com Sheri Ruiz 941-400-4186 Sheri Lasley@aol.com www.SiestaKeyNow.com

Key Solutions Real Estate Group


Siesta Sand







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(Corner of Bay Street & Hwy 41/Paradise Plaza by Silverberg Jewelry)

2163 Siesta Drive Sarasota, FL 34239 941-923-0635

• A Bridge for Independence provides in home companion services including companionship, transportation, light housekeeping, medication reminders and meal preparation and planning. Call us at 866-279-4390, FL License #230517


Airport Rides


From Sarasota To: SRQ $ 30 TPA/St. Pete $105 Punta Gorda $ 70 Miami $250 Orlando $200

Picked up from Airport: $ 40 $125 $ 80 $300 $220

Prices Include Tolls, Fuel & Parking For Airport Pickups your Chauffeur will have a sign with your name on it.



15-20 MINUTE RESPONSE TIME (Based upon traffic)



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Dooney & Bourke


Siesta Key Beach Siesta Village Turtle Beach


Restaurants and Accommodations Operating 10AM to 2AM Daily


• Sun Ride Pedicab – Eco-friendly Pedicabs. Siesta Key Tours and rides – tips only, 941-343-3400 • Siesta Key Free Rides – Siesta Key Free island shuttle for beach, village, condo and tours – tips only. Electric vehicles. Call 941952-8294 • Jonny’s Original Free Ride – The Original Ride the Key Free service on Siesta to anywhere, everyday from 10 AM – 2 AM. Driver tips only. Call 941-928-9200.

• Dollar Limo – holds up to 10 people and is cheaper than a D.U.I • Massage Experience Siesta Key Open 7-day a week. 5138A or taxi. Call 941-735-4732 Ocean Blvd, Siesta Key, 941-349-4833. (MA17596/MM6727).

Transportation for everyone on the Sun Coast Friendliest Ride In Town

Sarasota County Area Transit (SCAT) ......................... ......................................................................941-316-1234 Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce ............................... ......................................................................941-349-3800 Sheriff / non-emergency .........................941- 861- 1601 Waste Management ..................................941-924-1254

Places of Worship Island Churches: • Siesta Key Presbyterian Chapel - 4615 Gleason Ave, Siesta Key, 941-349-1166 www.siestakeychapel.org • St. Michael’s Catholic Church - 5394 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key, 941-349-4174 www.stmichaelssiesta.com • St. Boniface Episcopal Church - 5615 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key, 941-349-5616 www.bonifacechurch.org Off- Island: •Temple Sinai, a Reform Congregation (The closest Jewish congregation to the Key for visitors) 4631 S. Lockwood Ridge Rd, Sarasota, 941-924-1802 www.templesinai-sarasota.org • St. Andrew United Church of Christ (Protestant) (In the Gulf Gate area, near Beneva and Gulf Gate Drive) 6908 Beneva Road, Sarasota, 941.922.7595 www.uccstandrew.org • The Superior Word Rev. Charlie Garrett Service starts Sunday mornings at 10am. Bring a friend and share in God’s word. 6512 Superior Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34231 • First Christian Church 7601 Clark Road, Sarasota, FL 34241. 941-922-4434 www.fccsarasota.com


Siesta Sand



Accommodations Locator Map

See our maps of the island online at www.siestasand.net/maps

© Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2012





Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Regular dental visits for a lifetime of healthy smiles Gum disease is an infection of the tissues that surround and support your teeth. It is a major cause of tooth loss in adults with more than 3 million cases per year. Because gum disease is usually painless, you may not know you have it. Also referred to as periodontal disease, gum disease is caused by plaque, the sticky film of bacteria that is constantly forming on our teeth.

Here are some warning signs that can signal a problem: • gums that bleed easily • red, swollen, tender gums • gums that have pulled away from the teeth • persistent bad breath or bad taste • permanent teeth that are loose or separating

• any change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite • any change in the fit of partial dentures

Some factors increase the risk of developing gum disease. They include: • poor oral hygiene • smoking or chewing tobacco • genetics • crooked teeth that are hard to keep clean • pregnancy • diabetes • medications, including steroids, certain types of antiepilepsy drugs, cancer therapy drugs, some calcium channel blockers and oral contraceptives.

See your dentist if you suspect you have gum disease because the sooner you treat it the better. The early stage of gum disease is called gingivitis. If you have gingivitis, your gums may become red, swollen and bleed easily. At this stage, the disease is still reversible and can usually be eliminated by a professional cleaning at your dental office, followed by daily brushing and flossing. Advanced gum disease is called periodontitis. Chronic periodontitis affects 47.2% of adults over 30 in the United States. It can lead to the loss of tissue and bone that support the teeth and it may become more severe over time. If it does, your teeth will feel loose and start moving around in your mouth. This is the most common form of periodontitis in adults but can occur at any age. It usually gets worse slowly, but there can be periods of rapid progression. “Annual screenings are one of the best methods we have to help

control the rate of the disease,” says Dr. Gaukhman. “It’s a fast and painless exam that aims to discover any health issues while they’re minor and easily treatable,” he says. Aggressive periodontitis is a highly destructive form of periodontal disease that occurs in patients who are otherwise healthy. Common features include rapid loss of tissue and bone and may occur in some areas of the mouth, or in the entire mouth. Research between systemic diseases and periodontal diseases is ongoing. While a link is not conclusive, some studies indicate that severe gum disease may be associated with several other health conditions such as diabetes or stroke. It is possible to have gum disease and have no warning signs. That is one reason why regular dental checkups and periodontal examinations are very important. Treatment methods depend upon the

type of disease and how far the condition has progressed. Good dental care at home is essential to help keep periodontal disease from becoming more serious or recurring. Remember: You don’t have to lose teeth to gum disease. Brush your teeth twice a day, clean between your teeth daily, eat a balanced diet, and schedule regular dental visits. Call today! Sarasota: 5223 Avenida Navarra Sarasota, FL 34242 (941) 266-7000 Osprey: 416 S. Tamiami Trail, Suite F1, Osprey, FL 34229 (941) 497-5650 Venice: 463 US HWY 41 Bypass S., Venice, FL 34285 (941) 375-4488 www.siestadental.com Advertorial


Siesta Sand


Island Girl



October Island Girl Jenna loves fishing the beautiful intercoastal with TNT Freedom Fishing Charters. Originally a home grown Georgia girl, Jenna has lived in Sarasota for almost four years now. She enjoys working out, doing anything outdoors, laying by the beach, and spending time with family. Jenna also works at the Big Water Fish Market on Siesta Key. Come and see her for a great FRESH bite to eat or bring in your fresh catch and ask about their “You catch ‘em and we’ll cook ‘em” service. TNT is a local veteran owned business, owned by Captain Tony Sr. and Captain Tony Jr. The bite is hot for TNT right now catching redfish, jacks, trout and snook. For more charter inquiries please contact tntfreedomfishingcharters@yahoo.com If you would like to be considered for our next Island Girl, contact us at islandvp@verizon.net (You must be at least 18 years old to participate)


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