IV Siests Sand - March 2013

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Background painting by Shawn McLoughlin. www.siestashawn.com


MARCH 2013 | 941.539.0205 | ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC | www.SiestaSand.net | Complimentary

Siesta Key Chamber’s 2012 Local Business of the Year Located on Stickney Point Road in South Bridge Plaza between New Balance and Stonewood Grill is a specialty ice cream shop that offers unique flavors and has earned the reputation for superior quality ice cream. Bill & Norma Abel opened Abel’s Ice Cream in April 2011, and have already been recognized for offering Sarasota’s best specialty ice cream flavor, Spumoni (swirled pistachio, chocolate and cherry ice cream, almonds and a special blend of fruits) in the July 2012 issue of Sarasota Magazine. It now adds the 2012 local business of the year award from the Siesta Key Chamber to their growing honors. Of the 36 flavors of premium Florida made ice cream they offer, “Hands down, the #1 seller is Stellar Coffee” (rich coffee ice cream with fudge and mini dark chocolate coffee cups)says owner Bill Abel. Their brand is the recipient of 11 national awards issued by the National Ice Cream Retailers Association since 2009. The Abel’s pride in their business is evident with their sparkly clean shop where they personally welcome you and serve their ice cream with a cup of water and the news of the day. Abel’s Ice Cream is opened 7 days a week. 1886 Stickney Point Road, 941-921-5700, www.abelsicecream.com.

Tattoos lose stigma as trend goes mainstream By Robert Frederickson Time was, all any self-respecting, antisocial rebel with or without a cause had to do to show off their contempt for the prevailing norms of the day was head down to the seedier side of town, find a tattoo parlor, roll up a sleeve and let the resident tattoo artist give outward expression to the inner rebellion of a nonconformist heart. But today? Well, times have changed. “Ink” has gone mainstream. “Tattoos” are now “body art,” and that seedy parlor on the shadowy, low-rent side of town has been replaced with a shiny upscale storefront in – of all places – the mall. That’s right, between shopping for appliances at Sears and picking up some back-toschool outfits for the kids at Macy’s, Mom, Dad, and in some cases even teens (provided they are at least 16-years-of-age and arrive with the required notarized parental consent forms) can now give full expression to their individuality with their very own tat..., strike that, “body art.” A high profile local example can be found at Westfield Sarasota Square Mall, where just beyond the entrance to JC Penney you’ll find the well-appointed storefront of “Fat Ink Tattoo,” Sarasota Square’s first and only tattoo parlor. From the outside it looks more like an art gallery than a ‘tat’ parlor, with one side of the display window showcasing artwork from the shop’s staff, including paintings by co-manager, Michael DeWulf, 31, a graduate of Kendall School of Art and Design in Michigan. The paintings highlight one of the parlor’s additional services: creating canvas oil paintings from customer provided photographs.

KEY SOLUTIONS REAL ESTATE Call us at (941)894-1255 or visit www.keysolutionsrealestate.com

Story continued on page 23

Siesta Key’s Premier Real Estate Company

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Island Chatter Beverly B. Arias

Executive Officer, Siesta Key Association siestakeyassociation.com How great it is to be out of the cold weather! Gone are the hats, scarves and jackets. Flip flops instead of boots, t-shirts instead of sweaters. Warm, balmy breezes instead of cold, damp winds. So glad we got through the recent cold snap of near-freezing temps at night and only 50s during the day right here in Sarasota….Brrr! Now that our wonderful tropical weather is here, it’s time for a relaxing springtime picnic on our beautiful, top rated Siesta Beach. Sitting alongside the sand dunes, you can enjoy the serene views of beach life. In front of you, the Florida sun will come down to disappear along the horizon in a spectacular evening display. Behind you in the wispy sea grasses is where the Snowy Plover birds will soon begin their nesting season

|A Message From Your Siesta Key Association... on our beaches this year. Found also in these areas is an unwelcome intrusion that could spoil a nice picnic, or even threaten a Snowy Plover nest. Locally known retired biologist, Dr. Allan Worms, describes the intruders as those “nasty little buggers”. They are the undesirable Red Imported Fire Ants (RIFA). At last month’s Siesta Key Association (SKA) meeting, Dr. Bob Luckner and Dr. Allan Worms, both SKA Members and Sarasota Audubon (SAS) volunteers, discussed the trouble brought to Siesta Key by the invasive RIFA which burrow in the vegetation around our beach. While there are many domestic species of ants including red ants, this particular species of red ant was likely imported from Argentina to the U.S. in plant soil stored in the hold of ships. In the past 50 years, these ants have spread quickly throughout the Southeast as they have no natural enemies. RIFA have the notorious reputation of being able to both bite as well as sting. Dr. Worms cautioned those unlucky enough to be bitten to avoid infection by not scratching resulting blisters. Not only are the RIFA known to cause human discomfort, they

also endanger the imperiled Snowy Plover chicks. The ants are voracious enough to be able to penetrate eggs and kill newly hatched chicks in their hunt for food. Adult Snowy Plovers may abandon their nests should RIFA invade them. Beachside property owners and condominiums are being canvassed for their support to treat the shore vegetation areas in an attempt to eradicate these pests, a menace to both beachgoers and beach wildlife. After a positive review by Sarasota County Natural Resources, Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission, Sarasota Audubon, and the Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast, Dr. Luckner and Dr. Worms will proceed with treatment as nesting season approaches. The treatment impacts the RIFA’s ability to feed and reproduce and is not harmful to other insect or bird species. SKA supports protection of our beach environment and wildlife. If you have questions, please contact SKA at 941-364-4880. An ongoing effort for SKA is keeping our island paradise clean and beautiful, and even colorful! Story continued on page 10

*Prices subject to change

Marker 32

Live Music Sunday Friday, Saturday and

4A | Island Visitor Publishing, LLC MARCH 2013 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestasand.net

Island Girl


This month’s island girl is Andi from Australia. If you would like to be considered for our next Island Girl, contact us at ebstein@comcast.net (You must be of legal age to participate) Photo courtesy of Tinbu


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Easter flowers There are Easter lilies for the upcoming holiday March 31, and then there are long-blooming bromeliads. The pictured Pitcairnia is the second-most prolific of the bromeliad family and is abundant in South America. The plants may be planted or attached growing on trees and appreciate moisture. Photo courtesy Rob Branch.

islandvp.com March 2013 | 5A www.siestasand.net • 941.539.0205 • MARCH 2013

Siesta Key Round-Up Mote Ceo Retires

Kumar Mahadevan was the big fish at Mote Marine Laboratory for more than a quarter-century. In February he announced his retirement as the chief executive officer. He came to the lab in 1978 as a senior scientist, and was named CEO in 1986 at a time when Mote’s budget was $2 million and a payroll of 52. He leaves a much larger and stronger organization, with an annual budget of $17 million and a staff of almost 200. During his tenure, Mote’s aquarium became a rival to the John and Mabel Ringling Museum of Art as the city’s top tourist draw. More than 350,000 people visit annually. “Kumar’s tenure at Mote has been transformative,” said Mote’s board chairman Bob Carter in a statement. In addition to creating a must-see aquarium, Mahadevan launched the laboratory into the aquaculture business. Mote now produces fingerling snook for release into local waters, and farms sturgeon to produce world-class caviar. Michael Crosby will replace Mahadevan. Crosby is the lab’s vice president for research. The lab started in Cape Haze, then moved to the southern tip of Siesta Key where the old shark tanks remain half-submerged near the location of the old Midnight Pass.

By Stan Zimmerman

The trolley would be called “Route 11,” and run from 6am to 9pm, with higher frequency in mid-day. Don’t rush out and wait for it; service wouldn’t begin until 2014. A public-transit trolley serving Siesta Key has been an onand-off discussion by county commissioners for decades. This time the state is putting $1 million towards operations (fuel, salaries etc.) instead of money for capital improvements (new buses). In the meantime a private service by Siesta Shuttle Transporation now runs from the village to the beach to Southgate Mall at Siesta Drive and U.S. 41.

To flash or not to flash?

A series of new crosswalks on Midnight Pass Road is making life safer for pedestrians. They can push a button and yellow lights flash on the crosswalk, alerting motorists there is someone crossing the roadway. But at the Beach Way crossing, the lights flash constantly, and motorists quickly learn to ignore them. Siesta Key Association Vice President Peter van Roekens is talking with county officials to change to a “flash-on-demand” system like the other crosswalks. The other crosswalks were installed by the Florida Key trolley proposed, again Department of Transportation, but the Beach Way system is a Sarasota County Commissioners are looking at the purchase Sarasota County project. However Siesta Isles residents are leery. of five trolley-style buses to service Siesta. The Florida They fought for years to get a safer system at “their” crosswalk Department of Transportation has allotted $1 million to fund to the beach. There is fear what the county gave them could be the operation for a three-year trial period. taken away. The county has to make a matching allocation, and spend another $700,000 for buses and salaries. The spending will be part of the county’s budget discussions over the summer.

Beach project breaks the budget

A project to hold, treat and discharge storm water at the Siesta Key Public Beach is ready to rob money from other road projects across Sarasota County because bids came in vastly over the county’s estimate. Staffers budgeted the project at $1.5 million. When bids were opened, the lowest of three was $4.2 million. The highest was $4.8 million. The project is part of a much larger rehabilitation of the beach infrastructure. The money comes from the local-option sales tax. At a budget workshop commissioners indicated they could take money from other road projects to make up the roughly $3 million difference. Work on the stormwater project was scheduled to begin after the end of tourist season. Declining sales taxes have slashed project budgets and pushed many projects into the future. Commissioners learned at the workshop there are 695 miles of county roads in need of repaving. Meanwhile the cost of repaving has almost doubled since 2003.

Where’s my library?

The closest public library to Siesta Key is about to be demolished. The old Gulf Gate Library will eventually be replaced with a two-story building at the existing site. But for now, patrons will have to go to the mall. The Westfield Sarasota Square mall, that is. The county will rent a 18,000-square-foot shop next to J.C. Penny’s at the mall for a temporary library location. It will house the entire collection of Gulf Gate until construction is finished. The Friends of Gulf Gate will re-open their used bookstore there as well, providing extra funding for the library

6A | Island Visitor Publishing, LLC MARCH 2013 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestasand.net

Up & Down The Trail

Injunctions hit city over homeless

Sarasota’s city manager and his police force were hit with two court injunctions over issues of homelessness. One prevents the Manager Tom Barwin from holding any more meetings of an ad hoc committee out of the sunshine. The other stops cops from arresting people who use signs on public right-of-way to solicit donations. In both instances City Attorney Bob Fournier tried to forestall court action, but was tangled in bureaucracy in one case, and Barwin’s reluctance in the other. Fournier warned Barwin the ad hoc committee should be treated as a sunshine organization, with advertised meetings open to the public. Barwin ignored his advice, and Circuit Judge Lee Haworth banned any meetings without notice “at least 72 hours in advance.” The legal action was brought by Citizens for Sunshine. The solicitation injunction came after the American Civil Liberties Union asked Circuit Judge Rick DeFuria to halt enforcement of a 1960s-era ordinance. Oddly the ordinance was in the throes of repeal, and police had been told not to enforce it. However one cop didn’t get the word and busted Jon Hill for holding up a sign saying, “Stranded and hungry.” Hill then got three square meals per day as a guest in the Sarasota County Jail. Upon release, Hill recreated his sign and was told to “move on” by city police. When DeFuria heard of the original arrest, and subsequent hassles, the judge hit the city with the injunction. Fournier said the second “move-on” incident “tipped the scales for the judge.” DeFuria noted streets and sidewalks “have immemorially been held in trust for the use of the public.”

Downtown density debate ramps up

Sarasota’s Downtown Improvement District (DID) is pursuing a change to city regulations that could provide a substantial increase in residential density.

By Stan Zimmerman

With the city caught in a downward budget spiral caused by declining sales and property tax revenues, some have called for relaxing density standards to give developers more incentive to build. However opponents say it was tried ten years ago in an effort to produce cheaper housing downtown. Developers at that time found it vastly more profitable to build expensive condominiums, sell them and pocket the money instead of using higher densities to create rental housing. The issue has caught traction in the at-large city commission races, with candidates providing the various interpretations. Six candidates are going into the March 12 election; a run-off is likely in May to fill the two seats.

”Most important building” faces gutting

Sarasota High School can’t seem to escape the news. The 1920’s gothic building on U.S. 41 faced demolition before the Ringling School of Art and Design took it over with plans to make it into an art museum. The twig sculptures outside today are one manifestation of the change. Now plans to rip out the interior of a mid-1950s classroom building designed by famed architect Paul Rudolph are raising a stir. The Sarasota County Commission sent the school board a letter urging it to atone for demolishing another Rudolphdesigned school building at Riverview High School. “We expressed our concern at the loss of a significant piece of the County’s architectural fabric. At that time it was agreed through the 2007 site and development plan approval that was given that, in consideration for the loss of that building, the School Board would insure that the Rudolph Addition to Sarasota High School was protected through an appropriate rehabilitation,” the letter says. The school board says significant renovations are necessary to meet modern safety and educational standards. Long-time local architect Carl Abbott said the building “is one of the


Gyros meat with raw onions, tomatoes and tzatziki sauce rolled up in a pita ..........$6.95

Served with mustard and relish ..........$2.95

Gyros meat, tomatoes, raw onion and tzatziki sauce rolled up in a pita. Served with rice, feta cheese and kalamata olives on the side...$8.95

Chicken gyro meat with raw onions, tomatoes and tzatziki sauce rolled up in a pita ...$6.95

Vegetarian Gyros

Served with mustard, onion, neon green relish, tomatoes, sport peppers, celery salt and a dill pickle spear on a poppy seed bun........ $3.95

Greek Philly

Lettuce, feta cheese, kalamata olives, tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers, pepperoncini peppers, pita bread, Greek dressing and tzatziki sauce served on the side ..$6.75

One skewer, raw onions, tomatoes and tzatziki sauce rolled up in a pita ......................$6.25

Chicken Souvlaki Sandwich

One skewer, raw onions, tomatoes and tzatziki sauce rolled up in a pita ......................$5.25

Spiro Sandwich

DINE IN OR CARRY OUT See our complete menu at www.zantegyros.com

Chicago Style Hot Dog


Lamb Souvlaki Sandwich

Open: M-Sat. 11am-9 pm; Sun. Noon-8 pm

Classic Vienna Hot Dog

Lettuce, onion, tomato, feta cheese and kalamata olives rolled up in a pita ...........................$5.25 Gyros meat with sautéed fresh mushrooms, onions, green peppers and tzatziki sauce rolled up in a pita ................................................$6.95

(941) 312-5072

City under deadline for BRT money

April 15 is not only tax day, but also the day Sarasota County Commissioners want to hear if the City of Sarasota has any interest in a bus rapid transit (BRT) system. A BRT can be considered an above-ground subway, with frequent buses using dedicated lanes. At a joint meeting in early February, the two boards scrapped the route using the CSX railroad right-of-way from the airport to near downtown. Instead they proposed using US 41. Now the county has to report back to the Federal Transportation Administration why the CSX alignment (recommended by a FTA $800,000 grant) should be scrapped. The new alignment could require an $850,000 study. The county wants to make sure the city is committed to the BRT before it goes to Washington to report on the grant, and maintain its place in the funding cycle.


Chicken Gyros

(In the Gulf Gate area)

New College gets number-three rating

New College is ranked the third-best value of all public colleges in the nation for 2013 by The Princeton Review. The education-services company annually picks the top 75 public and private colleges, ranking them on price and academic value and 28 other factors. New College was the number-two pick in 2011 and 2009, and number three in 2012 and 2010. In a release, New College’s new President Donal O’Shea said, “During this time of economic uncertainty for so many families, we take great pride in delivering the highest level of academic quality at a cost that is substantially lower than almost all other leading colleges and universities in the country.”


Original “Gyros” Sandwich

6500 Superior Ave. • Sarasota, FL 34231

most important buildings in the South in terms of architectural integrity….” Rudolph was a leading member of the “Sarasota School of Architecture,” and went on to become dean of the Yale School of Architecture.

Gyros meat, spinach pie and tzatziki sauce rolled up in a pita ................................$7.25

Fish Sandwich

Beer battered and fried, topped with lettuce, tomato and tartar sauce, served on a sub roll. ............................................................$6.25

Philly Cheese Steak

Beef or Chicken served with sauteed mushrooms, onions, green peppers and swiss cheese .................................................$6.95

Make it a “Combo” Meal Fries or rice and soft drink ...................$3.00 Upgrade to large soft drink ..................+50¢

Greek Salad

Gyros or Chicken Gyros Salad

Gyros on lettuce, green peppers, pepperoncini peppers, tomatoes, onions, cucumber, feta cheese and kalamata olives. Served with pita bread, Greek dressing and tzatziki sauce served on the side ...............................$8.25

Village Salad

Tomato wedges, cucumbers, green peppers, raw onions, feta cheese, kalamata olives, pepperoncini peppers, Greek dressing, tzatziki sauce and pita bread ...........................$6.95 (Add gyro meat for: $2.00)

Chicken Souvlaki Salad

Greek salad with a skewer of chicken ..$8.25

Gyros Platter

Chicken Gyros Platter

Chicken gyros, tomatoes, raw onion and tzatziki sauce rolled up in a pita. Served with rice, feta cheese and kalamata olives on the side ....$8.95

Lamb Souvlaki Platter

Two marinated lamb souvlaki skewers with raw onions on pita bread. Served with rice and tzatziki sauce....................................$10.45

Chicken Souvlaki Platter

Two marinated chicken skewers with raw onions on pita bread. Served with rice and tzatziki sauce.......................................$8.95

Spinach Pie & Gyros Platter

“Spanakopita” Crisp phyllo filled with spinach and feta cheese served with a gyros sandwich. (you may substitute with chicken gyros).........$9.45

Tiropita & Gyros Platter

“Greek Cheese Pie” crisp phyllo filled with cheese and served with a gyros sandwich. (you may substitute with chicken gyros) ......$9.45

Dolmades & Souvlaki Platter

4 grape leaves filled with seasoned rice and 2 skewers of chicken souvlaki on pita bread with a side of tzatziki sauce. (substitute lamb for $2.00) .................$8.95

Spinach Pie or Tioropita & Souvlaki

Spinach pie or tiropita with 2 chicken skewers. ............................................................$9.45 Substitute lamb for +$2.00 Sub the rice for a Greek Salad for +$1.00


Avgolemono Soup (32 oz.) ...... $10.00 Feta Cheese (1/2 lb.) ............... $ 4.50 Village Salad (serves approx 6-8) $22.00 Greek Salad (serves approx 6-8) $21.00 Dolmades (25) ...................... $12.00 1 lb. Gyros or Chicken Gyros Meat .............. $11.00 Tzatziki Sauce (8 oz.) ...............$ 3.50 Lamb Souvlaki Skewers(10) ... $30.00 Chicken Skewers (10)............. $22.00 Pita Bread (10) ....................... $9.00 Spinach Pie (6) ..................... $28.00 Tiropita (6) ........................... $28.00 Falafel (12) ............................$ 6.50 Greek Rice (serves approx 10) ..... $17.00 Chocolate Baklava (10) .......... $30.00 Baklava (10) ......................... $18.00 Rice Pudding ....................... $20.00 (serves approx 15)

Put some “OPA” In Your Life!

islandvp.com March 2013 | 7A www.siestasand.net • 941.539.0205 • MARCH 2013

8A | Island Visitor Publishing, LLC MARCH 2013 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestasand.net

Beer ‘N Brats What could be a better accompaniment for a brat and sauerkraut sandwich than a cold German beer? How about a choice of 7 German imports to go with that brat? That’s exactly what A Taste of Germany is offering their customers for March and April. Owner, Tanja Hofmann, bakes the rolls each morning so your brat will be cradled in a fresh Kaiser or hard roll, topped with authentic German sauerkraut (extra), and a side of your choice of German mustard or Curry ketchup. Located in Siesta Key Village, this little German Bakery/Deli, serves breakfast and lunch daily 7 days a week during the season. In addition to their Beer ‘n Brats, you can choose among their freshly baked pastries, muffins, croissant and bagel sandwiches, European coffees and so much more. Guten Appetit!

Snapshots of Island Visitors

A Taste of Germany Key Corners Shopping Plaza 5204 Ocean Blvd Siesta Key, Florida

941-346-1800 Hours: During Season (Dec-April) 8 AM to 8 PM 7 days a week

Top Left: Anderson age 6 months from Sarasota. Top Right: Sondra from New York. Bottom: Doug from Savannah, GA (fishing). Photos by Jaye Clements - Lauren Bates Photography

Sand Mermaid Graces the Shoreline of Siesta Beach Although the unknown creator left the beach hours before, tourists to Siesta Beach continued to enjoy the artwork left behind. Photo by Trebor Britt

islandvp.com March 2013 | 9A www.siestasand.net • 941.539.0205 • MARCH 2013

10A | Island Visitor Publishing, LLC MARCH 2013 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestasand.net

Island Chatter

|A Message From Your Siesta Key Association... Story continued from page 3

Wearing bright canary yellow SKA Logo T-shirts, SKA members work alongside volunteers from Siesta Key Village Association and Siesta Key Bay Island Association every few months to keep Siesta Key beautiful. At last month’s Adopt-a-Road cleanup effort, the morning began at 8am with a strength building breakfast donated by Tom and Kay Kouvatsos of the Village Café (with heavy tipping). SKA Director Michael Shay gathered 19 volunteers along busy Ocean Blvd., Higel St., and Siesta Dr., filling 34 garbage bags with empty water bottles, cigarette butts, food containers and other trash carelessly thrown from passing cars or pedestrians. To volunteer for the next Adopt-a-Road cleanup, send an email to info@siestakeyassociation.com or sign up at one of our monthly SKA meetings. You may also purchase a SKA Logo T-shirt at one of our meetings. SKA Director Joe Volpe jokes that the shirts are free with an $8 delivery charge! Our Siesta Key Association Annual Member Breakfast will be held at 8:00am on Saturday, March 23rd in the St. Boniface Episcopal Church Community Room. This year our guest speakers are Commissioner Nora Patterson and Sarasota County Administrator Randall Reid. Doors open at 8:00am with a hearty breakfast buffet starting at 8:30am. Please RSVP by calling 941-364-4880, or email your RSVP to info@siestakeyassociation.com. SKA Membership includes two tickets for the annual breakfast for members who pre-register. Non-members are welcome, admission is $10.00. SKA Director and

Membership Chair, Deet Jonker, encourages Siesta Key residents and property owners to join SKA by using our new online membership registration through our SKA website. At our March monthly meeting scheduled for 4:30pm on Thursday, March 7th, at St. Boniface Episcopal Church – Room F, SKA welcomes speakers from Sarasota County Zoning and Code Enforcement who will focus on the Noise Ordinance and Sound Pollution Policy. Our goal is to provide information as well as an opportunity for questions about the science of sounds, current policy and ordinance, and enforcement issues for both residential and business property owners. With its focus on maintaining and enhancing the quality of life on the Key, the Siesta Key Association’s representation of island resident interests ultimately benefits everyone who spends time on Siesta Key. SKA’s website is www.siestakeyassociation.com. “Like” us on Facebook!

islandvp.com March 2013 | 11A www.siestasand.net • 941.539.0205 • MARCH 2013

Downtown and Beyond

By Paul Roat

|Downtown events, new Downtown fun allowed March is the highest of Sarasota’s high season. It’s the time when our winter friends flock to our shores, enjoy our restaurants, lap up our nightlife, and generally enjoy the joy that is our little piece of paradise. Downtown will be buzzing with folks enjoying myriad events. Here’s a few offerings. First item of note, of course, is the Saturday morning farmer’s market at Main Street and Lemon Avenue Downtown. This venue is the place to see and be seen, especially during the March city commission election cycle. Got a question for a candidate? Here’s your chance to bump into him or her and pester. Not interested in politics? Go for fresh produce, organic produce, great coffee at Java Dog, munchies galore, vendors, seafood … you get the idea. Insider tip is to park in the Whole Foods parking garage. Jump up to one of the top floors after entering off First Street, park as close to the elevators as you can get and street-vendor it. And don’t forget to bring your canvas bag to hold all your goodies. March 2-3, Save Our Seabirds Wildlife Art Show 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Ken Thompson Park. March 2, Southeastern Guide Dogs

Walkathon, 8 a.m. to noon, Payne Park. March 2, Sun Circle Art Fest, 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Sun Circle Park, Indian BeachSapphire Shores. On March 9 is Respect & Fair Food Saturday, 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. pretty much all along U.S. 41 from Bee Ridge Road to New College. The event is to benefit or show support to Immokalee Workers. March 9, Chillounge Night, 6 to 11 p.m., 2013 at Palm Avenue between Main Street and McAnsh Avenue. March 16, St. Patrick’s Day Block Party on Lemon Avenue, 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. March 16, St. Patrick’s Street Festival, Hillview Street, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. March 17, St. Patrick’s Day Block Party, behind Shamrocks Pub at Ringling and Lime Avenues, noon to midnight. March 16-17, Lido Beach Springfest Artsa and Crafts Festival, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Lido Pavilion. March 17, Sarasota Half Marathon & Relay, sunrise through 11 a.m. from Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall across the John Ringling Bridge and back. March 23-24, Sarasota Arts and Crafts Festival, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Main Street from Orange to Central Avenue. March 24, Giving Hunger the Blues,

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Recognizing Our Volunteers

Noon to to 8 p.m., Hillview Street at U.S. 41 and Hillview Street. March 29, Good Friday Stations of the Cross 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. at Main Street and Pineapple Avenue. March 30-31, Downtown Sarasota Springfest Show, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Selby Five Points Park & First Street. March 31, Easter Sunrise Service, predawn, Bayfront Island Park. Louder Downtown The Downtown live music ban has been lifted by the Sarasota City Commission. You’ve probably read more about this than you want to hear (pardon the mixed metaphor) about this issue. If you live in a condo Downtown you must be frustrated. If you like live music you must be happy. If you live anywhere else in the area, you probably don’t really care. What is going to be careful to watch is what the next city commission does after voters go to the polls in March and April. Noise ordinance, it seems, is the snout of the camel in the tent of the city’s longrunning dispute between business versus residents. If you live in the city, please remember to vote March 12.

88 year old Alfred Milner has been volunteering at the Sheriff’s substation here on Siesta Key for the past three years. He volunteers every Friday afternoon from 12:30 – 3:30. Alfred is originally from Cincinnati OH and participated in triathlons up until a few years ago. He continues to keep in shape by pedaling on his stationary bicycle and lifting weights. He’s an avid reader and enjoys sharing stories of his Navy days as an Aviation Boatswain’s Mate, serving in the Navy from 1942 - 1946. We truly are honored to have such a fine vet in our midst. Thank you Alfred for your service to our Country and your continued support on Siesta Key. God bless you.

12A | Island Visitor Publishing, LLC MARCH 2013 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestasand.net

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Food and Wine Pairings – Steak By Bill Singleton, Crescent Beach Grocery Who doesn’t like a big, thick, juicy steak? It is the epitome of heavy, flavorful red meat and something that just cries out for a big red wine. Cabernet Sauvignon is the epitome of a full-bodied red wine and a really good steak, like the tenderloin and rib eye pictured here, will always be complemented by a full-bodied, well-aged Cabernet. But don’t let the obvious connection blind you to some other big reds that can complement a heavy steak just as well. Great Cabernets can easily run $100 and up per bottle and many have astronomical prices. One that is well-priced and always excellent is Louis Martini Napa Valley 2009 Cabernet Sauvignon ($22.99). According to the Wine Enthusiast, This wine “shows plenty of class, with rich blackberry, currant and cedar flavors.” This is one of my favorite Cabernets, usually earning 90+ points from the more demanding reviewers and it is an unbeatable value at this price. Another truly wonderful red meat wine is the 2009 Freemark Abbey Cabernet Sauvignon. According to Robert Parker, this is “[a] powerful, direct wine … [that] hits the palate with a blast of dark cherries, violets, and spice box.” Those, by the way, are all good things. This is a little more expensive wine, at $33.99, but Freemark Abbey always delivers on taste and sophistication. For those who are not Cabernet lovers, a concept that is truly foreign to me, Kenwood Vinyards makes an extremely complex, flavorful Merlot, the 2009 Jack London Merlot. I am not a huge fan of Merlot, but this one is the exception. This is a top-shelf Merlot that sells for only $22.99. The most recent vintages have rated in

the 90+ point neighborhood, which makes this a good value as well as an excellent wine. Finally, I can’t help but mention one of my favorite non-Cabernet reds. This is Freemark Abbey Petite Syrah 2009 ($36.00 at the winery). This is a beautiful, deep red with very complex flavor and an excellent companion to a top-flight steak. If you go to the Napa Valley for a vacation, by all means go to Freemark Abbey and try the Petite Syrah (and the Cabernet -and all the other varietals. They make excellent wines.)

islandvp.com March 2013 | 13A www.siestasand.net • 941.539.0205 • MARCH 2013

Investing For Your Future Information and Stock Investing Information is expensive, especially if it relates to stocks. Although most independent investors believe they are getting information about stocks for free or for a nominal charge, they are actually paying a very high price for that information. As an example, if an investor reads periodicals to decide what stock to buy or buys whenever a guru recommends a stock, they are not getting this advice or recommendation at a low price. They are paying an invisible premium for that information. This is because stock recommendations occur long after the giant institutions of the market have already bought the stock and have been holding it as it moves up as various market participant groups hear about their quiet accumulation. By the time the news or recommendation arrives at the retail side of the market, it often has doubled or quadrupled in price. As an example, AAPL was recommended as it rose above $650.00 a share. News feeds that cater to the retail side ran articles proclaiming that AAPL was going to go to $1000-2000 a share. But technical and fundamental patterns had already begun breaking down as giant funds started rotating out of the stock. As the smaller lot investors and odd lot investors drove AAPL to its new high around $700.00, more and more giant fund rotation occurred. The retail news continued to encourage the independent investor to buy AAPL. Then, suddenly the stock started collapsing. It fell to the first fundamental/technical support level and recommendation services encouraged small lot investors to ‘buy on the dip.’ And many investors did just that

Captain Curt’s

Village SHOPS

By Martha Stokes, CMT

only to see their investment plummet and their losses skyrocket. Many investors are still angry and upset about AAPL. Many are still holding the stock at a loss, hoping it will turn around. The cost of the recommendation service was extremely high because the gains were either minimal or investors took a massive loss on this information. The best time to have bought AAPL as a long term investment was back in 2003, when I first wrote about AAPL to my students in one of my educational subscriptions. When I wrote in 2011 that it was time to start watching and planning for an exit, most students had earned very high profits and were able to exit at their leisure, confident that the AAPL long term trend was heading for a major correction and decline. Their investment in their education was miniscule compared to the returns. So the cost of that information was very low. The problem with most recommendation services, gurus, and others who sell information to the retail side investor, is that the information is costly because everyone who previously invested has already made huge profits and is ready to start selling their stock. AAPL is a prime example of how retail side information can be extremely expensive even though the initial cost of the magazine or recommendation seems low. Information is expensive. So if you are getting your information at low or no cost, then you are really paying a very high price and are risking your capital base in a high risk stock purchase. Invest with knowledge. Martha Stokes, CMT www.technitrader.com


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Siesta Key Bike & Kayak Fun for your vacation with Bike & Kayak Rental. Tours, Delivery & Pick-up. 346-0891

Lorraine’s Island Hair Design Full Service salon, Braids & Wraps by appointment. Monday thru Saturday. 346-7206

Home of the Orange Squeeze! Featuring hand-mixed ice cream, coffees, shakes, malts, sundaes, & smoothies. Open Til 9:30pm 941-346-8080

Coconut Fashions The best in service, quality, & design. Beachwear & accessories for the whole family. 349-4498

14A | Island Visitor Publishing, LLC MARCH 2013 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestasand.net

An Old Fashion Barber Shop Specializing in Old Fashioned cuts like Tapers, Flat Tops and Razor Cuts, Phillippi Barber Shop makes sure their customers look and feel their best by including an ear, nose, eyebrow, and mustache trim followed by a hot lather neck shave with each hair cut for men. This barber shop uses the original Roffler Sculptur-Kut® razor cutting techniques as their standard; a technique that uses a straight razor to cut each hair in a way that causes the hair to lay in a very smooth and attractive manner. It works extremely well for hair that is difficult to

manage. As one customer put it, “You walk into the Phillippi Plaza Barber Shop and get what you’d hope to get in every barber shop, a nice greeting, a smile and that barber shop feel. I had never been there before, but I never felt as if I wasn’t a “regular”. The prices are very fair and the barbers are very friendly. The straight blade and hot foam was something I never experienced at other barber shops and it’s a shame not many other places do this.”

Master Barber/Stylist,Thomas completing the cut with Phillippi Plaza Barber Shop’s signature hot lather neck shave.

Phillippi Plaza Barber Shop 5762 South Tamiami Trail | 941-706-3713 Hours of operation: Monday – Friday from 9am to 4pm.

islandvp.com March 2013 | 15A www.siestasand.net • 941.539.0205 • MARCH 2013

Pet Talk

By Dr. Anne Chauvet

Question: Recently I saw on facebook the story of a puppy that could not go to the bathroom because he did not have the right anatomy. Is this possible? Yes, indeed, it is. Anal atresia is possible (absence of anus). It can be fixed with surgery but many complications need to be followed up for. The surgery site can scar down and the obstruction can happen again. The anal tone may be lost in the process and thus incontinence can ensue. Because this problem is congenital, that is the pup is born with it, it is often accompanied with many other anomalies in the pup. Unfortunately most of these patients do not have a good outcome.

Retirement May Be Far Off, But the April 15th Deadline for IRA Contributions Isn’t.

Question: My cat was diagnosed with renal failure. This sounds terminal. Can they do dialysis? Renal failure is all too common in cats, particularly older cats. it can be occasionally due to infection such as bladder infection ascending up to the kidneys. For most cats though it is age related. We are unsure if there is a viral component or not. The good news is that we can manage it by catching this early and giving the right food and the right medications. So it is very important to have your senior (over 8 years old) cat get a full lab work every year and ask your vet about renal disease in cats. If not caught early, it can be very expensive and fatal.

Dr. Chauvet earned her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Canada, completed a small animal medicine/surgery internship at the University of Illinois in Urbana and finished her residency in neurology/ neurosurgery at the University of California, Davis. She has been trained in small animal rehabilitation by the Canine Rehabilitation Institute of Wellington, Florida and is known internationally for her specialized work in the relatively rare field of veterinary neurology speaking to, training, and consulting with veterinary practices and organizations globally.

You have only so many years to prepare for retirement. That’s why contributing to your Individual Question: My dog eats and loves rawhides. My friend told me that I should not give herRetirement rawhide as she could get Account obstructed. Is this true? (IRA) is so important. Dr. Anne - yes it is possible to get an obstruction with rawhide. This can happen when it is a Fortunately, large piece that gets stuck in the esophagus or in thehave stomach. However, you still time to maximize your rawhide is digestible and the acid in the stomach along with the digestive enzymes will break it2012 down and your dog should pass it. Perhaps the greatest risk is gettingthe April 15th deadline. IRA contribution before it stuck in the back of the mouth between upper and lower teeth. Thankfully, this is easily removeable with light sedation and forceps. So should you feed you dog rawhides? That is up to you and perhaps keep an eye on it.

you have a question about your pet, please By Ifcontributing now, your retirement savings can email your question to criticalvetcare@gmail.com Each month, Dr. Chauvet will choose a few questions to shareto with grow. readers. have more opportunity Even if you already have an IRA elsewhere, it’s easy to transfer it to an Edward Jones IRA and begin receiving the face-to-face guidance you deserve.

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www.edwardjones.comwww.edwardjones.com Member SIPC

16A | Island Visitor Publishing, LLC MARCH 2013 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestasand.net

Soulful Advice Q: Dear Donnarose, ok here’s a good one for you. How would I go about handling people who tend to feel threatened by me, whereas they think I might have it more together then they do-and they could envy and pick at that? Many times I hear “well we aren’t perfect like you” and that tends to make me crazy. Only because I don’t think I’m perfect or better- just maybe a little wiser and patient. ~Mary Ann A: ~ ‘’Envy is the art of counting the other fellow’s blessings instead of your own.’’ – Harold Coffin


There tends to be two sides to this. There are people who are indeed wiser and more patient than their friends and loved ones. And sometimes they give off that vibe in response to those who are jealous, however in a very condescending manner and tone. And as we all know, this tends to pull out the defensive side of the jealous person who in response will say something to the effect of your above statement. Now the other side to this, is when you are indeed being very kind, and your thoughts and energy/vibe completely matched your words, yet you still are dealing with that comment said to you above. Well, there will be many times you will not be able to turn around all the cases of jealousy. The reason so often is because it’s inside the jealous person where the work needs to be done, and only they can do that. Like the quote above indicates, many who are jealous have successfully mastered the art of counting your blessings instead of theirs. These are folks who are clearly not seeing the gifts they possess that reside in the same house as their soul, like love, happiness, strength, wisdom, peace, harmony, patience, kindness, etc. So therefore, they feel lost and continue to look on the outside of themselves thinking that’s where they’re going to get what they need to feel happy and fulfilled. They see you smiling, so they figured, they want what you have. And when they don’t get it, and continue to see you are happy, is when it starts to get dark within. They begin to overshadow their beautiful gifts they already have within with negative energy of resentment, anger, frustration, jealousy etc., and the dark energy cloud hovers over their head. Their less than loving thoughts about themselves, and the feeling of lacking something persists and continues to fuel this dark cloud. And hence, they attract even more lack into their life to match their less than loving energy they have for themselves. The cycle continues and proceeds in the direction of

From Donnarose that downward spiral. The thing is, until the jealous folks go within and put the dimmer switch on their Inner light up to full blast by allowing them to love themselves, they won’t be able to see clearly. When one feels less than love for themselves, it will always diminish their belief that they are deserving of what they desire. You can only help those jealous people in your life in two ways. And that is to turn your own Inner light up to full blast and shed some of this light on them. And also to live by example, not explanation. By shining your Inner light that comes directly from your soul, and living your truth with love, will either help shift and lift the energy of the jealous folks in your life, or not. It is up to them and where they are on their path, though I have seen many jealous people turn around their attitude when exposed enough times to the light so to speak. However, in the interim of what they are choosing to do, be sure to continue to keep Archangel Michael close to you, and thank Him for continuing to clear your body and your space of any dark or negative energies that may be lurking from these situations, and for protecting you with His protective shield. As you master the steps above in response to jealous energy, you will help to free yourself, and raise your vibrational frequency. This will truly increase your ability to handle these jealousy types of situations with more ease and peace. Trust and Know you have the power to do this. ~♥ Bio: Donnarose Melvin is a professional psychic, medium and spiritual healer, whose pleasure it is to assist clients worldwide. She incorporates knowledge from her degree in psychology along with her clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient and emphatic gift, she guides her clients towards peace and success. Send your questions to GoWithYourSoul@ gmail.com or private message her via facebook: Go With Your Soul. Donnarose will select questions each month to share with you. She regrets that unpublished questions cannot be answered individually. ~ ♥ For more Q&A’s, check out her column on our website: www.siestasand.net

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islandvp.com March 2013 | 17A www.siestasand.net • 941.539.0205 • MARCH 2013

Coyne’s Pier 28 Restaurant By Larry Hoffman - www.dineSarasota.com First, does the following sound vaguely familiar? Second, no, this is not a Mad Lib. Ready, here goes. NOBODY has (fill in your own favorite regional food here) like they do in (fill in your hometown here). If you haven’t uttered that phase, undoubtedly one of your friends or acquaintances has. I know because I have been both the utterer and the utteree. I have some friends from Baltimore. Being from Chicago (where we defend our awesome pizza, hot dogs and Italian beef sandwiches to the death), I can appreciate the sometimes dismissive tone they use to describe the crab cakes offerings here in Sarasota. I get it. All of that may be about to change. Coyne’s Pier 28, located at the entrance to the Sarasota Square Mall, has some crazy good cakes. Crab cakes of course. No filler here, just large hunks of crab expertly cooked and served with a tasty remoulade sauce. Let’s have a look at the crabby goodness shall we.

I wasn’t kidding. Looks delicious, right? Well, they are. So delicious in fact, that they may even quiet some of the crab critics from the Old Line State. Nah, probably not. Hey, I realize that standing up for your hometown fare is more sport than culinary critique. But, let’s not let pride in our old stomping grounds cloud our judgment (or dull our taste buds).




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“Early” Diners 4-Course Dinner Daily 5:00 - 6:30 PM

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How about one more peek? A personal note to all of my Baltimore friends, humor me, give this authentic delicacy an honest shot. You may just find a new go-to place when you’re yearning for home cooking. For those of you from everywhere else, all you will know is that they are damn good.

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18A | Island Visitor Publishing, LLC MARCH 2013 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestasand.net

Island Humor [ An attractive blonde from Cork, Ireland, arrived at the casino. She seemed a little intoxicated and bet twenty thousand dollars in a single roll of the dice. She said, “I hope you don’t mind, but I feel much luckier when I’m completely naked,” at which point she proceeded to strip from the neck down, rolled the dice and, with an Irish Brogue yelled,”Come on baby, Mama needs new clothes!” As the dice came to a stop, she jumped up and down and squealed…”Yes! Yes! I won, I won!” She hugged each of the dealers, picked up her winnings and her clothes and made a beeline to the exit. The dealers stared at each other dumbfounded. Finally, one of them asked, “What did she roll?” The other answered, “I don’t know – I thought you were watching.”





e Village 49-9822

In the village 941-349-9822

e Village 46-0738



In the6-10pm village 941-346-0738


e Village 49-8697



In the villageShenk Rodney 941-349-8697 6-10pm

e Village 46-8122


The Village 46-5443


e Village 49-6311

Solo Artist 1-3pm

GILLIGANS Tyler InTony the village 7-11pm 941-346-8122



e Village 12-9300


e Village 49-6800


(SKOB)In the village 10pm-2am 941-346-5443

Live Music


In the village Live Music 941-349-6311 12-4pm



e Village 70-2671

In the village 941-312-9300

e Village 49-7651

In the village 11am-3pm 941-349-6800



Beach Shops 49-3885

THE LOCAL BEAN Fab Three In the village 9pm-12am 941-870-2671

BACKROOM SALOON @ @ CAPT CURTS CAPT. CURTS Live Music Beach Shops Crescent 6-10pm Beach Shops 49-3885 941-349-3885 BAR & GRILL south bridge SNIKI TIKI @ CAPT CURTS


Crescent Beach Shops

941-349-3885 RESORT HOTEL ami Trl., Osprey BOATYARD BAR & GRILL 66-2121

Three Venues) nd Schedule

Over the south bridge 941-921-6200

[ Darby O’Malley is home making dinner when Tim Flannigan knocks on her door. “Darby, may I come in?” he asks. “I’ve somethin’ to tell ya”. “Of course you can come in, you’re always welcome Tim, but where’s my husband?” “That’s what I’m here to be tellin’ ya, Darby. There was an accident down at the Guniness brewery…” “Oh God no”,cries Darby. “Please don’t tell me.” “I must Darby. Your husband Patrick is dead and gone. I’m sorry.” Finally she looked up at Tim…”How did it happen, Tim?” “It was terrible Darby. He fell into a vat of Guinness Stout and drowned.” “Oh my dear Jesus! But you must tell me the truth Tim. Did he at least go quickly?” “Well, Darby...to be honest, no. He got out three times to pee.”

MONDAY WEDNESDAY TUESDAY TUESDAY Russell classical guitar 6-10pm


Al & Island Smoking J’s Live Music Live Music Friends Best of 70’s & 80’s 6-10pm 6-10pm 6-10pm 6-10pm Mike 1-3 Salespm Noon-3Solo artist Mike 1-3pm Sales Noon-3Solo artist Mike1-3pm Sales Noon-3 Solo artist 1-3pm Solo artist Mike Sales Noon-3 Live Music Marcel Almanzor Marcel Almanzor Jennifer Marcel Almanzor Live Music Tommy Dee Georgia Patrick Leigh Marcel Almanzor All Day 3-5pm 3-5pm 3-5pm All Day 6-10pm 6-10pm 6-10pm 6-10pm 3-5pm Bain Beakley Bain K Beakley Mike Sales Noon-10pm Bar DJ Will BainWars Beakley 6-10pm DJ Kaiser

Allison Imre Sign up 10pm RPM 6-10pm DJ 10pm-2am

6-10pm 10pm-2am

6-10pm 10pm-2am

April 4 & 11 only

April 5 & 12 only

Marvin 6-10pm DJ 10pm-2am

RPM 6-10pm DJ 10pm-2am


DJ Kaiser 6-10pm 10pm-2am

Live Music 6-10pm DJ 10pm-2am

Ben Swamp Donkie Rodney Shenk Patrick 6-10pm Acoustic Pete RPM 6-10pm Hammond’s Kettle RPM of Fish 2-6pm 6-10pm 6-10pm DJ 10pm-2am 10pm-2am open mic nite 7-11pm 7-11pm RisingDJTide DJ 10pm-2am DJ 10pm-2am 7-11pm 8pm – 12 am DJBen Jimi-O Country/Rock Live Music & Hammond’s RisingTony Tide Tyler Kettle of Fish Acoustic Pete DJ Rev Kev Band & DJ Rev DJ Jimi-O open mic nite 9pm-1am 7-11pm 7-11pm 7-11pm 10pm-2am Kev 10pm-2am 10pm-2am 7-11pm Live Music 6-9pm SIN Night DJ Live Music 10pm-2am 12-4pm 5-8pm Live Music 6-9pm

Live Music 6-9pm Game Night Live Music 12-4pm 5-8pm Live Music 6-9pm

Live Music Live Music 12-3pm 11am-3pm 6-9pm

Live Music Live Music 12-3pm 11am-3pm 6-9pm

Sunny Jim 9pm-12am

Marc Anthony 9pm-12am

Karaoke 9pm-1:30am

Live Music 6-10pm

Live Music 6-10pm

Live Music 6-10pm

Nick LeValley 6-10pm Open Mic Karaoke 8pm-Midnight (In Ballroom)

Ben Hammond

Sunny Jim Tommy Rox 6-10pm Jazz

6-10pm Tommy Rox Chris Otto 6-10pm 6-10pm Open Mic Tiki Bar-Live Karaoke Music Larry (6-9pm) Williams (Bob & Keith) 8pm-Midnight Underground 5-9pm 5-8pm (In Ballroom) Club (9pm-1am)

Live Music 5-8pm

Live Music 5-8pm

Live Music 5-8pm

Live Music 6-10pm

Solo artist 1-3pm Live Music Live Band All Day 5:30-9:30pm Noon-10pm

Acoustic Pete DanaLive & Co Cort Farris & Music 1-5pm 2-6pm Cougar Wranglers 6-10pm Live Music 6-10pm MikeDJTozier (2-6pm) 10pm-2am DJ 10pm-2am 8pm-12am Chris Otto 7-11pm Dana & Co LiveSwamp Music Donkie & Democracy(Reggae) 2-6pm DJ Rev2-6pm Kev DJ Jimi-O 10pm-2am Kev Tozier 10-2am TBA 8pm – 12 am DJ RevMike 8pm-12am

Original Local Acoustics Karaoke Karaoke 7-9pm 9pm-1am 9pm-1am

Karaoke Live Music 9pm-1am 6-10pm


Live Music Live Music Marvin (4-8pm) Sly (4-8pm) DJ Mondo Robert Remy 10pm-2am Acoustic Pete1-5pm Road Block 3-7pm DJ Daze Ladies Drink Free Live Music 6-10pm Undertow 6-10pm 10pm-2am 10pm-midnight DJ 10pm-2am DJ 10pm-2am

Live Music Live Music Live Music Ladies Rock Wednesday 7-10pm Live Music 7-10pm 7-10pm Matt Gerhardt & – ladies drink free 5-8pm Undertow LiveDJ’s Music LiveLive Music RevKev/GreggR Live Music Music & DJ 9pm-1am 12-4pm 12-4 & 5-8pm 12-4 &10pm-2am 5-8pm 9pm-close 5-8pm 9pm-12am 9pm-12am Live Music Live Music Live Music Live Music Live Music 6-9pm 7-10pm 7-10pm 6-9pm 6-9pm Live Music Long Island Long Island Long Island Live Music Live Music 12-3pm Johnnie Johnnie Johnnie 12-3pm 12-3pm 6-9pm 11am-3pm 11am-3pm 11am-3pm 6-9pm 6-9pm 9:30pm-1am

n Pt. Rd.,Osprey 1660 S. Tamiami Trl., Osprey 66-1901 941-966-2121



Marvin’sLive Show Music Beach music 6-10pm 6-10pm


SH POINT FISH HOUSE ANT & PUB CASEY KEY Live Music Pt. Rd.,Osprey w Dr., Osprey 801 Blackburn5-8pm


[ A Jewish grandmother is giving directions to her grown grandson who is coming to visit with his wife. “You come to the front door of the apartment. I am in apartment 301. I will buzz you in. Come inside, the elevator is on the right. Get in, and with your elbow push 3. When you get out, I’m on the left. With our elbow, hit my doorbell.” “Grandma, that sounds easy, but, why am I hitting all these buttons with my elbow?” What… you coming empty handed?” [ Walking into the pub, Sean said to the bartender, “Pour me a stiff one, Jaime. I just had another tiff with the little woman.” “Oh yeah,” said Jaime. “And how did this one end?” “Well I’ll tell ya now when it was over,” Sean replied, “herself came to me on her hands and knees, she did.” “You don’t say? Now that`s a switch! What did she say?” She said, “Come out from under that bed, you gutless weasel!

Live Music Spark Notes 6-9pm 5-8pm Live Music Mighty Mongos & DJ 12-4pm 10pm-2am 5-8pm Live Music 7-10pm

Live Music Long Island Johnnie 12-3pm 11am-3pm 6-9pm 9:30pm-1am Original Locals Acoustics 7-9pm

Karaoke Live Music 9pm-1am 6-10pm

LiveKaraoke Music 9pm-1am 6-10pm

SoloDanny Guitar Beach 6-10pm 3-6pm

Democracy Danny Beach 4-8pm 3-6pm

Chris Otto 6-10pm Tiki Bar Live Andres MusicColin 5-9pm 6-9pm Tiki Bar

RPM 6-10pm Tiki Bar Tommy Doern Live Music 5-9pm 5-8pm Tiki Bar

SUNDAY Al Fuller 6-10pm Georgia noon-4 Venturas/Marcel 5:30-9:30pm

Road Block 2-6pm Live Music 6-10pm DJ 10pm-2am

Cort Ferris & Cougar Wranglers 2-6pm Chris Otto 7-11pm Reggae Sundays Road Block 10pm-2am Live Music 6-9pm Live Music 12-3pm 6-9pm Mike Sales (3/2 only)

Jazz 3-5pm

Nick LeValley 6-10pm Democracy (Reggae Music) 4-8pm

Live Music 4-8pm

Live Music Live Music 6:30-9:30pm 4-8pm

Music LiveLive Music 6:30-9:30pm 4-8pm

Live Music At Tiki Bar 2/3 & 2/17(4-7pm) 2/10 & 2/24 (2-5pm)

Live Music 5-8pm

Live Music Live Music 5-8pm 4-8pm

Live Music Live Music 5-8pm 4-8pm

Live Music 4-8pm

information is subject to change. We suggest calling venuescalling for confirmation. unday / Above Above information subject to change. We suggest venues for confirmation.

Undeground Club 10pm-1am

Underground Club 10pm – 1am

islandvp.com March 2013 | 19A www.siestasand.net • 941.539.0205 • MARCH 2013

Featured Musician

th... n o M e h T f o r e d n Barte 1.966.1901

|Mike Sales - Paradise Has a Soundtrack Q: Where are you originally from? A: Santa Rosa, California, which is the Northern California Wine Country in Sonoma County.

House - 94 Casey Key Fish , FL oint Rd., Osprey 801 Blackburn P

Q: How did you end up performing in Sarasota? A: From Santa Rosa, I went on a 6 year tour with a cover band, crisscrossing 42 cities in 11 states, including Hawaii & Alaska. Eventually I decided to make a move to Nashville…which proved to be out of my league. A friend in Nashville got married to a girl who’d grown up and wanted to return to Ellenton. They moved there, and he encouraged me to move too, which wasn’t a hard sell, since I had transitioned into a career as a nightclub manager & wasn’t really delighted about it. I fell in love with the area, rented a place on Anna Maria, incubated a restart of my singing career then moved to Sarasota. Q: Do you have original music or mostly covers? A: I make a living, playing covers, with a few appropriate originals mixed in. My next cd will be entirely originals and I have started booking shows that consist entirely of originals. My first one in Sarasota will be at the Local Bean on March 2nd. Q: What do you do in you downtime? A: Play with the best dog in the world, watch fellow musicians perform, grill, kayak, bike, and hit a racquetball against a wall (haven’t actually played a game yet). I’ve also just purchased some golf disks, and am looking forward to getting into that!

Performing Live Weekly

Monday through Friday • Noon - 3:00 PM Thursday Nights 5:30-9:30 PM

BluQue Island Grill 149 Avenida Messina ~ Siesta Key


6500 Gateway Ave • 941.554.8905

Q: What is your favorite part of being a performer? A: Every part of interpreting & writing music, networking & marketing, performing and even setting up the sound, picking out clothes and booking gigs, you know, show business, is perfectly suited to the way I’m naturally wired. I love everything about what I do. Q: What are some of your memorable performances so far in your career? A: The first time I was on T.V. was pretty cool. My first big audition. REALLY not trying to be cheesy, but making a bride’s day by singing “Marry Me”, in the church, just before she was given away... that was a pretty powerful moment. The first time I played one of my songs to 1000 people. When 400 people came to a show on my birthday and my Mom was there to see it! Q: What’s your message to your audience? A: Enjoy life, I’ll provide the soundtrack.

Name of Bartender: Skeeter Hometown: Paintsville, KY / Columbus, OH Q: How long have you been bartending? A: 38 years Q: What was the strangest or funniest thing you experienced at work? A: “ Man over served on boat” As you can image, too many to mention as we have some rather interesting moments. One comes to mind; on a very busy early evening a boat came up to dock and the next thing we heard a splash! Next a scream to throw a life vest, “man over board”. Well that certainly woke up the whole bar from their naps. The customers screamed back, “Stand up you idiot your in a foot of water”. Q: What do you do in your spare time? A: Dancing, riding motorcycles or napping. Q: How would you describe yourself? A: Friendly, spontaneous and giving.

Q: How would you describe Casey Key Fish House? A: “One of kind”, old Florida restaurant and tiki bar, that when you find us you know you will be back. Beautiful view, great food and libations with a fun and friendly staff that not only caters to you but also your children and our favorite dogs. Whether you are watching dolphins playin the surf or listening to a funky band, there is something for everyone. “We are authentic” Thank you Sarasota for the Journey. Q: When’s the best time to see you? A: Thursday-Monday

20A | Island Visitor Publishing, LLC MARCH 2013 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestasand.net



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Sarasota History

By Paul Roat

|Phillippi, or Felipe, Park has rich heritage... From 2,500-year-old Calusa Indian burial mounds to Cuban fishing ranchos to Chicago millionaire mansions to today’s wedding center and festive farmer’s market, Phillippi Estate Park has undergone a lively life. Today’s Wednesday farmer’s market at Phillippi Mansion is fun. Fast backward 2,500 years when the party really started. At the southern end of the estate, located at 5500 S. Tamiami Trail in Sarasota, are some major Native American Indian middens, shell mounds that are basically dumps. Sometimes the middens contain bodies, mostly they are just huge, high piles of oyster, clam, whelk, scallop, and other shells that our long-lost friends devoured. Think of it all as a primitive farmer’s market of local seafood, sans the veggies. Moving forward in time to the early 1800s comes the misspelled creation of Phillippi Estate, Felipe Bermudez. According to Ann Shank, former Sarasota County Historian, he was a Spanish fisher who set up a fishing camp — they called them ranchos then — and started the catching, salting, and exporting of local fishing and other seafood to ports south, mostly Havana, Cuba. Similar ranchos were located at Hunter’s Point, now called Cortez, in Manatee County. Poor Filipe lost his naming rights somewhere along the timeline and the creek and his former property became apparently gentrified as Phillippi. According to Shank, “After Florida became a state and land around Sarasota Bay became available for purchase, William Joel Drumright bought 40 acres along Phillippi Creek from Hamilton Disston’s Florida Land and Improvement Company for $50 in 1883. Eight years later, he was able to claim 78 additional acres by homesteading it. Drumright specialized in bees and citrus. The Manatee River Journal reported in 1905 that Drumright won all the prizes for honey at the South Florida Fair that year.”

Phillippi Estate Park in Sarasota has had an interesting history. Perhaps it should be called Felipe Park, though. Photo courtesy Sarasota County Historical Society.

Make of this as you will, political mavens. Shank reports that “Involved in local politics, Drumright served on the Manatee County (of which Sarasota was a part) Democratic Executive Committee at the turn of the century. By 1904, he was the Socialist Party’s candidate for Clerk of the Circuit Court.” No word on whether he won or lost. The wealthy took control of the site a few years later. Shank said that “Edson Keith Jr., a Chicago millionaire, purchased the eight subdivision lots south of Phillippi Creek in 1915 and hired the Chicago architectural firm of Otis and Clark to design a fashionable home. The Sarasota Times provided extensive coverage of the house in July 1916. “The stucco walls and tile roof enclosed rooms were designed for all seasons. Large sleeping, dining, and living porches at the northern corners were open to coastal breezes for a natural air conditioning. Hot and cold running water were available throughout the house and electric lighting graced the pier and grounds, as well as the house.” The estate had outlying structures for servants and caretakers. There was a rose garden, a vegetable garden, and the obligatory citrus grove. Neighbors on the north side of Phillippi Creek was fellow Chicagoan and mother of Honore Palmer, Bertha Palmer. According to Shank, “After Edson Keith died in 1939, Mae Hansen Prodie purchased the Keith estate, established the Phillippi Plantation and operated the home as an inn. Following her death in the early 1980s, Sarasota County purchased the property and created Phillippi Estate Park in 1987.” Enjoy the 60-plus acres, canoe and kayak access to the waterway, the Wednesday farmer’s market and hey… maybe you’ll end up getting married at Phillippi Estate.

islandvp.com March 2013 | 21A www.siestasand.net • 941.539.0205 • MARCH 2013

Phillippi Shores Elementary an International Baccalaureate School By Diana Colson As you pull into the crescent shaped driveway in front of Phillippi Shores Elementary, you can tell right away that this is someplace special. The school motto, “UP AND BEYOND”, is written above the entrance. The south side of the driveway is lined with signs with unique, one-word messages: OPEN-MINDED; BALANCED; THINKER; RISK TAKER; CARING; INQUIRER; KNOWLEDGEABLE; REFLECTIVE; COMMUNICATOR; PRINCIPLED. These signs represent the goals set for students at Phillippi Shores Elementary. They are designed to prepare these children for life in today’s ever-changing world. Each sign is decorated with a cheerful round, blue cartoon character. Upon closer examination, the character turns out to be a rendition of the planet earth. The symbol is appropriate, for Phillippi Shores is an International Baccalaureate school. The International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. Forty years ago, a group of talented teachers from international schools around the world created this IB Programme. Today over two million people are connected to this organization, which recognizes the cultural diversity of the world in which we live. The IB Primary Years Programme at Phillippi is headed up by their visionary principal, Dr. Allison Foster, and their energetic IB coordinator, Ginger Rosenberger. This primary IB Programme is continued at Brookside Middle School and Riverview High. Today’s world is a place where the only constant is change. (Examples: the advent of the computer, the internet, and the cell phone.) Today’s students are faced with the challenge of learning about an interconnected world where knowledge does not stand still. It is constantly undergoing change. The IB Programme is one that prepares students to be active participants in a lifelong journey of learning. This gives students the tools to master new and as yet unknown skills as they move through life. It trains them to adjust to new situations. The Primary Years Programme (PYP) focuses on the development of personal attitudes towards people, towards the environment, and towards learning. The school aims to have students feel, value, and demonstrate the following attributes: appreciation, creativity, commitment, empathy, confidence, integrity, curiosity, tolerance, enthusiasm, respect, cooperation, and independence. The underlying philosophy of IB is that education must extend beyond the intellectual. Students are given the opportunity and the power to choose an action, to decide to act, and to reflect on how their actions may have served to make a difference in the world. Simply stated, this cycle has three phases: CHOOSE, ACT, and REFLECT. The Primary Years Programme provides students with a significant and relevant written curriculum which includes traditional subject area content as well as six transdisciplinary themes. This combined curriculum gives students not only the opportunity to explore content that is pertinent, it also allows them to transcend traditional boundaries. As in every other Sarasota County School, all six traditional disciplines are taught: language, mathematics, social studies, science, arts, and personal, social and

physical education. Students are also given instruction in information and communication technology, tools that will facilitate learning in the modern world. At Phillippi Shores Elementary, the IB Programme additionally threads six transdisciplinary themes of global significance through the traditional disciplines. Students go beyond the confines of learning within subject areas to study who we are, where we are in time and place, how we express ourselves, how the world works, how we organize ourselves, and how we go about sharing the planet. These six transdisciplinary themes provide opportunity to incorporate both local and global issues into the curriculum. The IB Primary Years Programme is designed for students’ age 3 to 12. It focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, both in the classroom and in the world outside. It encourages international mindedness. It encourages a positive attitude to learning so that students become lifelong learners. It reflects real life by making meaningful, in-depth inquiries into real issues. It emphasizes the development of the whole student–physically, intellectually, emotionally, and ethically. A fascinating example can be found in the IB handbook. It tells of an inquiry about “Sharing the Planet” for students aged 8 to 9. Here they study “Finite resources—infinite demands.” In order to understand better the central idea that “Our planet has limited resources that are unevenly distributed,” water is used as an example. Students inquire into where water comes from, how different people and countries use water, how much water we use, what happens after we have used it, the distribution of usable water around the world, how human activity has affected the availability of water, and our responsibility for water conservation. As they delve into this inquiry, students develop knowledge and acquire skills derived from science and social studies. In addition, they develop transdisciplinary skills such as critical thinking, communication and time management. The IB presents a challenge that demands the best from both motivated students and teachers. In the words of Ginger Rosenberger, “The IB Programme tries to foster the natural curiosity with which children are born. Teachers that are trained in the IB philosophy understand the importance of learning for a lifetime.”

The photo (left to right is Logan Fraser, Bella Sueiro, Chloe Delisle, Lila Marlowe and Jamison Tucker) Students took a survey on a sample of food that was inspired with the help of Chef Paul Mattison as part of “Student Take Action” committee. If results were positive, then this entrée could be included on the school lunch menu!


Easter Is Early This Year! The Fannie May Tradition

For over 90 years, Fannie May has been a premium chocolate shop, providing customers a chance to escape into a world of indulgence. Our commitment to our customers, the purity of our ingredients and the recipes for our chocolate have remained unchanged-ensuring a quality experience in every encounter.

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22A | Island Visitor Publishing, LLC MARCH 2013 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestasand.net

YMCA New Balance Ringling Bridge Run Photos by Jaye Clements - Lauren Bates Photography 1


4 3




Holiday Chocolates

More new exciting news from the world of nutritional research: take heart Chocoholics — Chocolate is good for you! Dark Chocolate, which has high chocolate content and low sugar value, has been shown that it can be good for your heart. A study indicates users of that type of chocolate experience a lower percentage of cardiac events. This should be in addition to and not instead of proper diet, exercise, weight control and the medications your physician has indicated you need. But it can help you attain those levels of health you should have. And don’t overdo it — all things in moderation is one of the keys to good health. So, go ahead and enjoy some of that holiday chocolate! Be good to yourself in 2013 and remember that anything that doesn’t get better in a week or so needs to be checked out.

Palmer Ranch Dental 8800 S. Tamiami Trail Sarasota, Florida 34238






1: Roger Hauge - Venice 2: Leslie, Trevor, Kelsey & Christina from SRQ 3: Shawn Weigl, John Pyle, & John Wood - SRQ 4: Abby, Kendall, Josie, & Cooper from SRQ 5: Amner - sophomore at Sarasota High 6: McKenzie from SRQ 7: Sammi, Cameron, Emma, Kyah, and Owen from Brentwood Elementary 8: Cecile (grandma) from Parrish with Morgan and Laura (mom) from SRQ

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islandvp.com March 2013 | 23A www.siestasand.net • 941.539.0205 • MARCH 2013

Tattoos lose stigma as trend goes mainstream By Robert Frederickson Continued from cover story

But the main work going on here is clearly revealed on the other side of the storefront’s display window. Here there’s a tattoo chair that on occasion allows passersby to view a work in progress, a nod to the storefront parlors in the French Quarter of New Orleans or on Duval Street in Key West where onlookers can enjoy the spectacle of tattoo artists plying their trade. This has always been performance art after all (on both sides of the needle). But beyond the nod to the exhibitionism at the heart of this at once very personal and very public art form, it’s clear upon entering Fat Ink that the usual tattoo parlor business model has undergone an extreme makeover here. First off, the layout is bright and open, no SoHo, Bowery or Canal Street edginess here. And the place is spotless, in keeping with founder Brad Grandorff’s vision of creating an inviting, mainstream environment to draw in customers that might otherwise never step foot into a more stereotypical Tattoo parlor. The plan appears to be working. No drunken sailors or outlaw bikers were noted on a recent visit. “I had a group of women come in the other day,” said DeWulf. “They were on vacation from Indiana. They walked in on an impulse and decided to each get a palm tree on the ankle to remember their vacation together.” Spring Breakers are another key part of the client mix this time of year. Like their middle-aged counterparts from Indiana, DeWulf says college friends often come in to get a tattoo as a way to bond over their common spring adventure. And with Siesta Key Beach just a few miles away and zoning ordinances on the Key prohibiting tattoo parlors, Fat Ink sees quite a few college age customers each spring. But the young and the middle-aged aren’t the only ones getting in on the act. DeWulf recalls a 92 year-old man who came into the shop recently wanting to know if he could get a hot-air balloon tattooed on his shoulder. “Not a problem,” he replied. Unlike many parlors, all of the work at Fat Ink is custom in its design and execution. No picking something off the wall and having the artist copy it in place. “Customers come in with an idea, and we work up an original design from what they tell us.” DeWulf explains. “I’d say 100 percent of the time they come back and say, ‘that wasn’t what I thought I was looking for, but it’s better than what I was looking for.’ ” It turns out the “nonagenarian” had learned to pilot balloons in Korea while in the army. That led to a lifelong fascination with the lighter than air crafts, culminating with his recent tattoo at Fat Ink. DeWulf said the veteran left very pleased with the results. Up the road at Level 5 Tattoo and Piercing, 4088 Bee Ridge Road, Joe Collins recalls an eighty-five year-old woman pulling up in a Cadillac one morning to get her very first tattoo. Was it a bucket list item? The influence of a full moon? “I don’t know,” said Collins. “I guess she just figured it was time to get it done.” Collins is one of the veterans on the local body art scene. He has been working as a tattoo artist in Sarasota for 35 years. His “book” of work includes some early examples of the large, richly hued renderings that have supplanted the smaller, more sedate legacy images of the past in popularity – especially among the young. In one especially striking example of his work, a Zen like tiger rises from a pool of water, with the image

covering virtually the entire back of one of Collins’ subjects. While much of the stigma over tattoos has disappeared, there is still a generational divide evident in the varied reactions to such large, often un-missable examples of body art, such as those displayed by high-profile athletes like former NBA star Dennis Rodman, boxer Mike Tyson and more recently, NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick These examples are not meant to be hidden under clothing, tucked away inauspiciously on the inside of an ankle or hidden in the small of the back. Rather, they are intended to be seen by all...a bold expression that makes some – generally older – individuals shake their heads with the thought “what were they thinking.” Late in this year’s NFL season, The Sporting News ran a controversial piece on Super Bowl quarterback Kaepernick’s heavily inked arms and torso, choosing to focus on this rather than the remarkable season that had brought him at just 25 years-of-age to the pinnacle of his sport. The first two paragraphs of the story by David Whitley ran as follows: “San Francisco’s Colin Kaepernick is going to be a big-time NFL quarterback. That must make the guys at San Quentin happy. “Approximately 98.7 percent of the inmates at California’s state prison have tattoos. I don’t know that as fact, but I’ve watched enough ‘Lockup’ to know it’s close to accurate.” Kaepernick’s parents, Rick and Teresa Kaepernick, were not amused. Especially his Mom who seemed hurt by the reporter’s comments. She pointed out in a subsequent interview with USA Today that Colin had never been in any trouble growing up, was a good student, graduating college with honors, and was, well, just “a real good kid...” Why make him out to be some kind of a thug, she asked? The young seem to have a different take on the issue than the Sporting News’ Whitley. Such bold expressions make perfect sense, they argue, bringing with them a special sense of relief and liberation that can only come through free self-expression. “My first tattoo changed my life,” says Chrissy Barb, 27, Regional Manager for the Sarasota Fat Ink location and three others in the Tampa Bay area. “I was very shy. My tattoos helped me get past that. It made a big difference in my life.” Perhaps it’s not the message tattoos bring to others that matters most, but rather what they bring to the messenger.

Tattoo artist Phillip Wolves inks a custom designed tattoo for customer Dan Davidson Tuesday afternoon at Fat Ink Tattoo in Sarasota Square Mall. Davidson’s starting point was the devil heart tattoo Tom Cruise featured in his recent portrayal of rock star Stacee Jax in last year’s film, Rock of Ages.” According to Davidson, Wolves’ design beat his highest expectations. Photo by Bob Frederickson

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24A | Island Visitor Publishing, LLC MARCH 2013 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestasand.net

Snapshots of Island Visitors

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Top Left: Left to Right - Kayla (3), Marisa (2), Ainsley (5), Addison (3) at the Downtown Arts Festival. Top Right: John (grandfather), Paxton (4), Brad (dad), and Grayson (2) from St, John, Indiana Bottom Right: Anne (grandma), Tamera, and Lorenzo (1) from MA. Bottom Center: Charlene & Dean from Punta Gorda at the Downtown Arts Festival. Bottom Left: Gus and Nick at the Greek Glendi 29th Annual Festival.



Annual Children’s Easter Party and Egg Hunt Saturday, March 30, 2013

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Siesta Key, FL: The Siesta Key Village Association will be hosting its annual Children’s Easter Party and Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 30, 2013 from 9 AM to Noon at Beach Access #5 at the intersection of Ocean Blvd. and Beach Road. All children ages 1 to 6 are invited to register and participate. This special event is sponsored by the Siesta Key Village Association and the Beach Bazaar. Activities will include: the Easter egg hunt, face painting, games, photo opportunities with the Easter bunny, a fire truck and ambulance to explore and the Sheriff’s mounted patrol. All Easter eggs will contain prizes donated by Siesta Key Village merchants. Each child who registers will also receive a bag filled with goodies. Children should bring something to carry their collected eggs in. Registration is required

for the Easter Egg hunt. Participation is limited to 125 children. There is a $10 fee per child. Registration forms are available on line at www.siestakeyvillage.org or at the following locations: Beach Bazaar, 5211 Ocean Blvd., Village Café, 5133 Ocean Blvd., and the Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce, 5118 Ocean Blvd. For registration information, contact Roz Hyman at 941 349-2770, ext.227. For event information, contact Helene Hyland at 941 6852274 or e mail at helenehyland@ comcast.net. Siesta Key Village Association’s mission is to promote a pedestrian friendly atmosphere of casual elegance with a diversity of shopping, dining and professional experiences for residents and visitors. Helene M. Hyland, Secretary Siesta Key Village Association

islandvp.com March 2013 | 25A www.siestasand.net • 941.539.0205 • MARCH 2013

Explore joy of movement on #1 beach in U.S.

Nia melds movement and music to create a whole body workout for all ages As you nestle your bare feet in the white quartz sand of Siesta Beach and look out into the blue waters of the Gulf, the music begins. Guided by your instructor, you move your body at your own pace to steps drawn from the martial, dance and healing arts. Each of the 52 moves connect with your body, mind, emotions and spirit. Practiced in 45 countries around the world, Nia is for all sizes, shapes and fitness levels. This sensory-based movement practice shapes the way you feel, look, think and live. “I never imagined at age 62 I would be dancing on the beach. Nia gives me that freedom.” - Mary Ellen, Sarasota, FL “Nia is the highlight of my Florida vacation. The setting is magical and the program uplifting.” - Karoline, Vienna, Austria Nia classes are held from 9 to 10 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Siesta Beach by the yellow lifeguard chair, and on Fridays at Sand Cay on Longboat Key. Please bring water for hydration and a towel for stretches. Joy Donation is $10. For more information about Nia on the Beach, contact Kathy Oravec at 941-724-9719 or email kathyoravec@gmail.com. Dolphins regularly appear in the Gulf during Nia classes


Nia instructor Kathy Oravec in her Siesta Beach “studio”

26A | Island Visitor Publishing, LLC MARCH 2013 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestasand.net

Snapshots of Island Visitors

Water World

Photos by Jaye Clements - Lauren Bates Photography

|Captain Jim Klopfer Adventure Charters 941-371-1390 flats. These are large areas, the key to success is to keep moving until fish are located, do not spend too much time in one spot if it is not producing. Snook will move out of their winter retreats on their way out to the Gulf to spawn. Any structure with a depth change is a likely place to catch a snook. Docks, bridges, and oyster bars are all very productive, especially those with some current. Plugs and scented soft plastic baits are the top choices, along with a large hand-picked shrimp. Fishing the area bridges at night is a great way to catch a bunch of snook. Free-lined live shrimp, artificial shrimp and plugs work well. Fly fisherman will score using any small white baitfish pattern. Remember, snook season is closed, handle the fish with care and release them unharmed. Surf fishing should be good for a variety of species providing the water is clear and not roiled up. Whiting, silver trout, flounder, pompano, Spanish mackerel, and ladyfish will hit both live shrimp and artificial lures. A jig tipped with a small piece of shrimp works well bounced along the bottom. Mackerel and ladyfish will hit flash lures such as silver spoons and plugs. A live shrimp fished on the bottom with just enough weight to get down is a simple but effective technique and will catch anything that swims. Anglers targeting pompano will do well with live or frozen sand fleas. The beach should come alive this month, provided the winds cooperate. Spanish and king mackerel will invade the area, along with cobia, sharks, and false albacore. The inshore reefs off of Lido Key are a great place to start, they hold a lot of fish. Trolling spoons and plugs is a deadly technique and will fill the cooler in short order. For more sport, look for breaking fish on Aledia Tush, owner at the surface and cast plugs, CB’s Saltwater Outfitter spoons, or flies out into the on Siesta Key and Capt Jim frenzy, a vicious strike should with a nice bluefish that hit occur immediately! a gold Cotee jig

March is a great month to fish on Siesta Key. It is the first month of spring, both on the calendar and outside. The list of available species is long; snook, redfish, trout, pompano, cobia, king and Spanish mackerel, sheepshead, flounder, snapper, grouper, jack crevelle, and sharks just to name a few. Big Pass will be very productive this month, particularly when the water is clean. Often times the tide is low in the morning, making the passes a great place to start off a trip and bend some rods. Ladyfish are usually thick, with bluefish, mackerel, and pompano mixed in. Live bait will work, but this is a great situation to cast artificial lures. Fish in the passes are usually actively feeding and can be seen busting baits on the surface. Gold Cotee grubs on a ¼ ounce jig head and (08) Rapala X-Raps are two effective lures. The sheepshead run will peak this month. Just about any structure near either pass will hold these tasty critters. A live shrimp fished on the bottom should result in a fish dinner pretty easily. Speckled trout will be schooled up over deep grass flats throughout the entire area. Incoming tides are best, but as long as the water is moving the fish will bite. A live shrimp under a noisy cork is a proven trout slayer. Jigs, spoons, and plugs will fool many fish, too. Pompano, mackerel, ladyfish, bluefish, jacks, and a stray cobia will also be encountered when fishing over the grass







7 8

Nutty Irishman

Coffee With a Kick!!!!

1518 Stickney Point Rd., Sarasota, FL 34231

Ingredients: • .5 ounces strong hot coffee • 1 ounce Baileys Irish Cream • 1 ounce Frangelico • 1 ounce Kahlua Garnish: • whipped cream, to taste (optional) cinnamon Directions: • 1: Fill large coffee mug with • 2: Baileys, Frangelico and Kaluha top with coffee. • 3: Garnish with whipped cream and sprinkle with cinnamon. Source: www.food.com

1: Kim Dendy & Eric Hull from SRQ at the Bridge Run 2: Elisabeth from Bird Key & her dog Mimi, and Iris from Austria at the SRQ Fine Arts Festival 3: Kimberly - a junior, Angelina a sophomore, Amber - a freshman and Allision a freshman all from Sarasota High School. 4: Ayanna age 4 & Alena age 3 both from SRQ at the Greek Glendi Festival 5: The Toale Family: Susie, Grace age 3, Grant age 3 mo. (front), Jason, Hudson age 3, Jeff, Lauren age 1 (front), Robert, Claire age 5 (front) all from SRQ at the Greek Glendi Festival. 6: Lana age 9 & her sister Alexis age 3 from SRQ at the Bridge Run 7: Ginny from HSSC and volunteers for the Humane Society of Sarasota County at the SRQ Fine Arts Festival. 8: Lindsey, Sofia, Margo, Peter, Dimetry, Kresloffer, Evan, Michael - all in High School at the Greek Glendi Festival.

islandvp.com March 2013 | 27A www.siestasand.net • 941.539.0205 • MARCH 2013

Beach Reads

By Terri Schlichenmeyer

|”The One I Left Behind” by Jennifer McMahon c.2013, William Morrow $14.99 / $16.99 Canada 423 pgs

Once upon a time, your parents diapered your behind. They didn’t mind, though, because it was part of being a parent. They fed you, cleaned up after you, put clothes on your little body, toys in your bedroom, and lessons in your head. They made meals, curfews, and sacrifices. Someday, you may need to repay the favor, although it may not be pleasant. In fact, in the new novel “The One I Left Behind” by Jennifer McMahon, it may come at a bigger price than one might think. Thirty-nine-year-old Reggie Dufrane never wanted to return to Monique’s Wish. The old stone house was once a labor of love, built by Reggie’s grandfather for his wife, Monique, who died in childbirth. It was supposed to be a gift, but Reggie only saw it as a place to escape forever. She never wanted to return. But when her Aunt Lorraine phoned, she had no choice. Twenty-five years ago, Reggie’s mother, Vera, was the final victim of a serial killer that the media dubbed Neptune. Though they never found her body, they found Vera’s right hand, amputated neatly, the calling card of a killer. But Vera was very much alive. She’d been living in a homeless shelter all those years, and now she was dying of cancer. Lorraine demanded that Reggie bring Vera to Monique’s Wish for her final days, though returning to a life’s worth of bad memories was something Reggie didn’t want to do. In retrospect, Vera hadn’t been a good parent. Reggie

spent more time with her aunt than with her mother because Vera loved to drink. Lorraine resented that, and she seemed to resent Reggie, too. Because she felt unloved, and because of a childhood injury, Reggie grew up self-conscious, self-destructive, and unable to resist peer pressure from a reckless supposed-best friend. It had taken a long time to overcome that. She didn’t want to return to it. But the fact of the matter was that her mother was alive, and dying. The other fact was that Neptune was never caught and vulnerable Vera was still in danger. Then again, so was Reggie… I really have to stop reading books like this before bedtime. I was okay until I got about a quarter-way through it. But then author Jennifer McMahon made me jump and, well, helloooo nightmares. Though there are some rough spots in editing and a little bit of initial back-and-forth confusion in timeline, “The One I Left Behind” is a pretty fine thriller. The characters are a creepy bunch, even when you may think they’re not supposed to be. There are lots of distractions here to keep you guessing, and plenty of dead ends that should easily foil early-solvers. In fact, I didn’t know where McMahon was going until almost the end of this book, which was mighty satisfying. So if you need to scare up a few scares, this book should be your next read need. For lovers of a high Creep Level, “The One I Left Behind” won’t be left behind anywhere.

Beach Reads Bio: The Bookworm is Terri Schlichenmeyer. Terri has been reading since she was 3 years old and she never goes anywhere without a book. She lives on a hill in Wisconsin with two dogs and 12,000 books.

|Tour by Land and Sea with Just Ducky Tours... It’s a trip on the JD Dolphin LARC V (Light Amphibious Resupply Craft), an ex military vehicle commonly known as a duck. The comfortable, open air boat is U.S. Coast Guard certified for up to 27 passengers. One climbs a ladder to board because the trip starts in a parking lot beside US 41 (the Tamiami Trail) in Nokomis located between Sarasota and Venice. Once aboard, Captain Stewart and son Shane give you the history of “Ducky” and its capabilities. Then you are off down the three lanes of US 41 high above the traffic - much to the amazement of passing motorists. Shane hoots his ancient horn at people and there is much waving by everyone on board. Ducky enters the water at the old railroad station park in Venice. The captain points out nature habitats and other highlights of land and sea as you travel the picturesque inland waterways of Venice and Casey Key down to the Gulf of Mexico. Often dolphins swim alongside and an occasional manatee is sighted.

You’ll see ospreys, other wildlife, and beautiful waterfront sights. The Duck returns to shore at Higel Park boat launch on Venice Island. You’ll then travel by land down scenic Venice Avenue with much more hooting at the pedestrians and storekeepers. Then you’re back over the bridge that you had earlier gone under by water. Back to the lot and you’ll be talking about this cruise for a long time! Small coolers, binoculars and cameras are welcome. Daily Trips Depart from Nokomis at 10, 12 and 2. Location # 15 on our Waterway map located on page 23. 1011 Tamiami Trail South Nokomis, FL 34275 (Just South of Capt. Eddies restaurant) For Reservations contact Just Ducky Amphibious Tours by calling (941) 485-6366

28A | Island Visitor Publishing, LLC MARCH 2013 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestasand.net

Featured Artist

By Diana Colson

|The Art of Royal Tea

During the month of March, several traditional Royal English teas will be given at the historic Powel Crosley Estate, 8374 N. Tamiami Trail in Sarasota. Chef Larry and Jamie Barrett of Simply Gourmet Caterers are in charge of creating these six extraordinary events, and they promise to be memorable. Each event will be a remarkable step back in time, a kind of culinary theater. Tea will be served in the exclusive upstairs living area of the Crosley mansion overlooking Sarasota Bay, where guests will be magically transported back to the 1930’s. These Royal English Teas will be given at 2 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons: March 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, and 28. Tickets are $32, and a portion of the proceeds benefits the Crosley Foundation. To reserve, call 941-225-9122. “Our menu will feature savory and sweet specialties,” says Chef Barrett. Expect such delicacies as Cassis Marinated Strawberry Parfait, Vanilla Cream Fruit Tartlets, Currant Scones/Devonshire Cream, Double Chocolate Triangles, Turkey/Sundried Tomato Pinwheels, and Royal Tea Sandwich medley. “And don’t forget the tea,” Barrett laughs. “Guests will savor properly brewed cups of flavorful English Tea.” Upon entering the famed Seagate mansion at the Crosley Estate, you will be led up the tile staircase to upstairs rooms with smashing views of Sarasota Bay. Here, guests will be seated at tables of various sizes set with delicate, unmatched tea cups and saucers. Fresh flowers will grace each table. When gathering china to use for these Royal Teas, Chef Larry Barrett found tea sets at a consignment shop in Ellenton. “Part of the fun of doing these teas was shopping for the antique tea sets,” he said. With gold rimmed saucers and teacups as thin as eggshells, the service speaks of a bygone era. The Crosley Estate itself represents a time gone by. Seagate was built to be the winter home of Powel Crosley Jr. and his wife, Gwendolyn, and many consider it to be the finest mansion on Sarasota Bay. In the 1920’s, sixty acres of land were purchased that adjoined Ringling’s complex, and by 1929 construction was underway. The couple occupied Seagate from 1930-1939. In love with automobiles since childhood, Crosley began mail-order marketing of auto gadgets to car owners in 1916. He then went on to manufacture phonographs and radios. He even operated a radio station: WLW in Cincinnati. In 1934, Powel Crosley Jr. bought the Cincinnati Reds baseball team. He introduced what we now call “compact cars” to the American market in the late 1930’s. The Crosley Car was manufactured from 1939 to 1942, and again from 1946 to 1952. During World War II, the estate was used to house military pilots being trained at the Sarasota Airport, located just across highway 41. Other products he brought to market were the Crosley Shelvador refrigerator, televisions, disc brakes, 35mm cameras, airplanes, and the fax machine. He was an avid aviator and yachtsman – the embodiment of a successful entrepreneur. The Crosley Estate was purchased by Manatee County Commission in 1991, and later restored. It is available to house artistic, social, charitable, and cultural events. It is but one of the many settings served by Simply Gourmet Caterers.

Afternoon Tea was introduced in England by Anna, the seventh Duchess of Bedford, in the year 1840. It seems that the usual habit of serving dinner as late as 9 pm had left the Duchess hungry about four o’clock in the afternoon. Anna, who was one of Queen Victoria’s ladies-in-waiting, began to order tea, bread and butter and cakes to be served in her room. Soon she began to invite friends over to join her for these refreshments, and the tradition of afternoon tea was established. Taken up by Queen Victoria herself in the 1860’s, the custom soon spread to the homes of the upper classes and to tea shops across the country. Upper class and society women would change into long gowns, gloves and hats for their afternoon tea, which was usually served in the drawing room between four and five o’clock. These events were actually called ‘low” teas, for they consisted of “finger foods” served on low tables in a sitting room. (Oddly enough, “high” tea is the term used to describe a full meal served to the working class on a “high” dining table at around five or six p.m.) “Every year, the Royal Family hosts an afternoon tea for about 8,000 guests at Buckingham Palace,” says Chef Larry Barrett, president of Simply Gourmet Caterers. “It’s a grand and colorful affair. Men wear suits or military uniforms, and women wear dresses with hats and gloves. The 500-foot buffet table is set with a feast and there’s tea, of course.” Barrett says that the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh, accompanied by members of the Royal Family, circulate among the guests at this enormous and gala occasion. Simply Gourmet Caterers are known for mixing epicurean delights with historical events in a culinary theater setting. To have them cater your unforgettable event, go to www.SimplyGourmetCaterers.com or call 941-225-9122.

islandvp.com March 2013 | 29A www.siestasand.net • 941.539.0205 • MARCH 2013

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30A | Island Visitor Publishing, LLC MARCH 2013 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestasand.net

Arts on the Horizon

By Jaye Clements

|The Arts for Kids! Sarasota Children’s Garden is a non-profit... The Arts for Kids! Sarasota Children’s Garden is a non-profit… Follow the yellow brick road to a land of make-believe and imagination. You’ll find an entire fantasy filled costume room for children to play dress up. They may experience the garden and use their imagination in a theatrical adventure. There is a mini theatre stage with tree trunk seating. Sculptures line the pathways, as you stroll through greenery covered archways and explore mysterious doors. A pirate ship awaits a captain, an interesting maze for the curious child, a tree fort to climb

with rope swings, and a garden for tea. A whimsical park with a twist, assuring kids will be engaged with art and creativity! Every Tuesday 10am to 12pm - A nature inspired Children’s Arts Program. Story time every Thursday morning at 10:30am. Best suited for young children. 1670 10th Way, Sarasota 941-330-1711. 3-12 yrs. $5.00. Under 3 are free. 13-adults $10.00. 60+ Seniors $9.00 www.sarasotachildrensgarden.com

|Opening March 5, 2013 - Les Miserables in Sarasota at the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall - March 5th to 10th... The 25th anniversary production of Les Miserables, based on Victor Hugo’s classic novel set in the 19th century, France. Les Miserables debuted on Broadway 25 years ago and has been winning the hearts of its audience since it opened. It is the longest-running Broadway musical in history. Nightly presentations are at 8 PM on March 5, 8, and 9 and at 7 PM on March 10. Matinee shows are at 2 PM on March 9 and at 1:30 PM on March 10. 941-953-3368. The Van Wezel Foundation is putting on a celebration for the Opening Night of Les Miz! It will be held on March 5th, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. It is also part of Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall’s family nights, so enjoy the evening with the whole family. French décor and Hors d’oeuvres. Tickets $75. 941-366-5578

|”Palm Avenue’s First Friday Walks” March 1, 2013...

The first Friday of every month from 6 to 9pm. Gallery Walks on Palm Avenue and Main Street. Offering a wonderful opportunity to visit galleries, view the artwork and a chance to chat with talented artists and gallery owners. The streets of downtown Sarasota are filled with art enthusiasts and lively music.

|”Artist Series Concerts of Sarasota at the Historic Asolo Theater...

Saturday, March 2 and Sunday, March 3, 2013 – Cavatina Duo, 7:30 p.m. For more http://artistseriesconcerts.org/ 5401 Bay Shore Road, Sarasota, FL 34243 Tickets: 941-360-7399

|March 2nd & 3rd 2013... 100+ local and national wildlife artists featured, including painters, sculptures, photographers, jewelers, and more. $5 for adults. Under 12 free. Includes free admission to Save our Seabirds sanctuary and a $5 discount to Mote on festival days. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Ken Thompson Park, City Island, 1708 Ken Thompson Parkway, Sarasota 34236 www.sarasotawildlifefest.com Proceeds benefit Save Our Seabirds of Sarasota and the Rotary Club of Sarasota. Save our Seabirds is a non-profit wildlife conservation and education organization. Their mission is to rescue, rehabilitate and release injured birds and educate the public.

• If you enjoy Jazz… then you’ll love the 2013 lineup at the 33rd Annual Jazz Festival! Sunday, March 3 - “Free” outdoor concert! 2-4 p.m. at Phillippi Estate Park. “Jazz in the Park” This inspiring event will feature the Ken Loomer Jazz Quintet. Phillippi Estate Park, 5500 S Tamiami Trail, Sarasota. 941366-1552 • Tuesday, March 5 – 7:30pm - at the Players Theatre. JB Scott’s Swingin’ Allstars. The Chicago Swing/New Orleans style jazz group. • Wednesday, March 6 Enjoy the experience by Trolley with jazz favorites at venues around town including: Caragiulos, Hotel Indigo, Marina Jacks, Senior Friendship Center, Hyatt Hotel, Gator Club, Tommy Bahama’s and more. Trolleys will depart from the Players Theatre parking lot starting at 6:20 pm. Hop on & off at trolleys stops around town. More Jazz Performances at The Players Theatre March 7, 8, 9, at 7:30 p.m. Call for more information 941-365-2494 Players Theatre or visit jazzclubsarasota.org 941-366-1552 for more info… Closing out the Jazz festival: After Glow Dinner Dance at Marina Jack Sunday, March 10, 5 p.m. cocktails, 6 p.m. dinner. Enjoy dinner, dancing and more top-notch jazz at Marina Jack. Tickets $50, 941-366-1552 • Fuzión Dance Artists - 7th Season Dance Concert at the Jane B. Cook Theater at the FSU Center for Performing Arts. March 15 - 17, 2013 at 8pm Fri/Sat and 2pm Sat/Sun Fuzión Dance Artists. 941-359-0099 ext. 101 for tickets. • March 16 - 17, 2013: The 13th Annual “Art at the Ranch” features local, national and international award winning artists. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Main Street in Lakewood Ranch. Free music. Free admission. • March 24, 2013 - 18th Annual Giving Hunger the Blues. This festival is an all day event for charity. Each $5 donation provides 8 meals to the hungry in Sarasota. Set in a block party atmosphere with entertainment and fun for all. Live bands on two stages, one stage will have youth bands, under age 18. There will be Martial Arts, dance demos, games, activities for children, and food from local area restaurants. Admission is $5 Children 12 & under free. Noon - 8 p.m. Hillview Street - Sarasota. Free parking at Sarasota Memorial Hospital Garage. • March 23 - 24, 2013 - 11th Annual Downtown Sarasota Art & Craft Festival features the works of 100 artists, including handmade jewelry, pottery, ceramics, photography, painting, and more. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Main Street & Lemon Ave to Selby Five Points Park in Downtown Sarasota. Free. • Art Uptown, a fine art gallery, presents Artists in Action. You’ll find artists creating masterpieces, in front of the gallery, the last Saturday of each month, during season. The public is encouraged to watch and enjoy the experience. 30 professional artists exhibit artwork on a rotating schedule. Art Uptown is located at 1367 Main Street, Sarasota, exhibiting the works of local artists for over 30 years.

islandvp.com March 2013 | 31A www.siestasand.net • 941.539.0205 • MARCH 2013

What’s Happening …on the beach • Beach Hoop Dance Class – Thurs. 6:30 – 7:45pm. Register at www. outwardspiral.net • Free Yoga Mon-Wed.-Fri.-Sat. 9-10:30 am. Classes held between blue & green lifeguard station. Call 941-320-6693 to register or www. yogaonsiestabeach.com • NIA Tues. & Thurs. 9 a.m., Siesta Public Beach (yellow lifeguard chair) Joy Donation: $10 Contact Kathy Oravec at 941-724-9719 or Kathyoravec@gmail.com • Pilates on Siesta Key Beach – Mon, Tues,Wed from 5:30-6:30pm, starting 6:30pm 3/11. Sun. 9:30am. Cost: $10. (yellow lifeguard station). Register online: www.studiorubylake.com

• Beach University – Mar. 6,13,20,27 (Wed) Free enviornmental education seminars. 9:30-10:30a.m. • Senior Beach Walks – Mar.6,13,20,27 (Wed) Fee: $1 one-time registration fee Ages: 50 and up Participate in this self-guided beach walk along our beautiful beaches. Register before your one-mile minimum walk. Complete four walks and receive a free event t-shirt. For information call 941-861-5000. Siesta Beach 8-9:30 a.m. • Pine Shores Sunrise Easter Service – Mar. 31 – 6-9a.m. Pine Shores Presbyterian Church will be celebrating their 57th year serving the community with an Easter Sunrise service. The service will be on the beach in front of the pavilion. The service is open to the public.

Rainforest Masks

Fantastic, wild and impressively detailed, Rainforest Masks of Costa Rica, a popular Selby Gardens event,( 811 South Palm Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34236, 941-366-5731) will return March 8-April 19, 10am – 4:30pm, to the Museum of Botany and the Arts. The opening reception, Thursday, March 7, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm, will be the first opportunity to purchase one of these impressive masks. Each year, visitors are captivated by the incredible imagination and brilliant colors contained

…around the island • Siesta Key Farmer’s Market – every Sunday from 8am – 2pm in Davidson’s Plaza in the Village. 5124 Ocean Blvd. • Orvis-Endorsed fly fishing school Mar. 16 The class will cover fly casting basics, line control, shooting line and the roll cast. Federation of Fly Fishers Certified Casting Instructor, Capt. Rick Grassett, will also cover leader construction, fly selection and saltwater fly fishing techniques. The course, designed for beginning and intermediate fly casters. Cost for the schools, which will run from 9 AM to 3 PM, is $150 per person and includes the use of premium Orvis fly tackle, a text book and lunch. Contact CB’s Saltwater Outfitters at (941) 349-4400 (941) 349-4400 or Info for Reservations.

in the hand carved, meticulously painted masks the Borucan artists make with only the most basic of tools. The walls of Selby Gardens’ Mansion will be lined with more than 200 of the fanciful creations fashioned from 100% sustainable native wood. March 3, 9, 10, 16 & 17, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm “Meet the Artists” A unique opportunity to meet talented Borucan artists and witness their abilities first-hand. A Spanish translator will be present to help with questions and answers.

Southwest Insurance Associates March is the month to get ready for Spring, Ready for taxes, and one other thing... Once again our storm season is near, But if prepared, you have little to fear! Potential for flooding is high on the coast, And if you get flooded, your property’s toast! It takes 30 days for a policy to start, So get ready today, take my warning to heart! Damage from flooding can be quite severe. Ask victims of Sandy what they’ve had to bear. Flood insurance is cheap if you like what you own. To get a quick quote, just pick up the phone! Flooding can happen, no use to deny it. We take checks or credit, it’s easy to buy it! Homeowner’s, Condo and Flood Insurance 941-923-2925 or 1-877-547-8617 Rick@SWIA.us


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32A | Island Visitor Publishing, LLC MARCH 2013 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestasand.net

Siesta Key Real Estate Report 800

Pending Sales









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Single Family Condos *Statistics provided by MFR MLS

January 2013 Sales Up 22 Percent Over Last Year. The Sarasota real estate market saw sales leap by 22 percent in January 2013, compared to January 2012 – a great start for the new year, and evidence that the 2012 real estate market boom is continuing unabated. In total, January 2013 statistics reflected a strong Sarasota real estate sales market, and pending sales numbers that seem to indicate a positive spring season to come.

The Time is now

if you have ever thought about spending more than a week (or month) here The Time may Be now if you have ever thought of a second home here The Time may Be now if you have ever thought of calling siesta Key home The Time may Be now Let me show you a Real estate market that clearly states The time is now

Peg Davant, sales Associate, 941.356.4552 Each office is independently owned and operated.

Island Design

By Cheryl Gaddie

|JLS Entertainmant Tour of Homes... When the Junior League of Sarasota asked if I would allow my home to be on tour, the first thought that entered my mind was actually yes. The co-chair of the event is a friend and someone I trust explicitly. When they explained the benefits and the program, I was excited to be a part of this community fundraiser. I hope you participate and enjoy the tour! “Simply Sarasota Entertainment Tour of Homes” will showcase four local properties, each staged around a specific party theme. “Each home will feature different entertainment ideas, ranging from crazy, wild and over-the-top, to something you could throw together on a small budget,” said Keri Kuhn, co-chair of the inaugural event with fellow JLS member Kim Snyder. “Guests can be as involved as they would like, from learning how to decorate a cupcake to creating party favors or setting the table for a high society soiree.” “This is an opportunity to see how people in Sarasota live, and it’s for a good cause because the event directly benefits the community,” Kuhn said, adding that the tour’s revenue will be funneled into local charities. The Tour of Homes concept launched in 1975, and while the JLS has hosted holiday and kitchen tours in years past, this is the first time the event has been branded “Simply Sarasota.” “The Simply Sarasota Entertainment Tour of Homes” will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Fri. March 22 and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sat. March 23. To reserve tickets, please contact the Junior League of Sarasota, at (941) 953-5600 or visit www.jlsarasota.org.

Cheryl Gaddie, owner of C.G. Designs 941-346-7415 | www.cherylgaddiedesigns.com

islandvp.com March 2013 | 33A www.siestasand.net • 941.539.0205 • MARCH 2013


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32050 STATE ROAD 70 E, MYAKKA CITY - 111 Acres of pasture and farm land, only 3.7 miles E. of Verna Road. Owner is growing high quality race horse hay. Barn to dry hay. House is Tenant Occupied. Inviting shade tree line along creek. Fenced and gated. $1,332,000

Contact me to see one of my great Siesta Key listings! 5137 Jungle Plum Road $5,995,000 Luxury home with full bay view and deep water 8448 Sanderling Road $5,475,000 Gulf-front property with wide beach & panoramic view 604 Norsota Way $1,399,000 Beautiful and charming home with 2 guest homes 5780 Midnight Pass Road #505 $599,000 Great Gulf & Bay condo with full gulf view



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6 LEMON COURT, STATION STREET, DIEPPE BAY, WI - Lovely 2 bedroom, 2 bath villa is ocean front with great views of the surrounding islands. Included Furnishings are a mix of 18th and 19th century antiques. Complete w/kitchen, den, pool and large deck. This villa is accented by louvered doors and windows, white ceramic Italian tile, ceiling fans and air conditioned bedroom. $439,000


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34A | Island Visitor Publishing, LLC MARCH 2013 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestasand.net

1423 LAndIngS PLACE - $479,500

Handsomely remodeled West of Trail home. Updated/replacement sliding glass doors; upstairs has roll down hurricane shutters and downstairs has impact resistant glass. New interior doors, hardware and baseboards throughout, Brazilian walnut hardwood floors downstairs and 100% wool carpet upstairs. Kitchen has granite and Corian with stainless appliances. Custom built-ins throughout. All bathrooms completely remodeled. Tongue and groove ceiling and exquisite grass cloth make this a decorator’s dream home.

4802 KESTRAL PARK CIR - $284,500

Large Carriage House II (3 BR/2 BA) that has been immaculately maintained, is move-in ready and beautiful both inside and out. Private entrance way on corner lot. Two lanais are screened; one is fully roofed with Mexican tile floor. Additional gated courtyard off guest bedroom. Racquet & Swim Club membership included in price. Come see the attention to detail this owner has given this unique, split-floor plan condo. New A/C in 2010, Air Duct cleaned in 2012, hurricane braced garage doors, and a new roof in 2005. Good sized closets and other features make this a move-in ready, maintenance free home that your family and friends will enjoy. Make it yours today.

Price Reduced!

400 golden gate Point #31 $675,000

Sunrise and Sunset both await you at this 2 bed 2 bath condo on Golden Gate Point. The best view in town with views from Ringling Bridge to Selby Gardens. Listen to the waves hit the shore and enjoy this spectacular water view, completely renovated condo.

Call me to list your property. If you’ve been sitting the fence, now is the time to sell. Free Market Analysis! Proud Sponsor of the Senior and Super Senior Tennis Tournament at The Landings

islandvp.com March 2013 | 35A www.siestasand.net • 941.539.0205 • MARCH 2013

36A | Island Visitor Publishing, LLC MARCH 2013 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestasand.net



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|Le Grand Bisou


Owner: Martha Smith 5129 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key Village I opened Le Grand Bisou in November, 2012. It means the BIG KISS! It’s a combination of passions. I owned a Boutique on Cape Cod Massachusetts for 14 years which I loved, and a love of the Caribbean French West Indies, and all things Coastal! In a Beachy Chic interpretation it encompasses Fun, classy, and Chic with Hand made in America Jewelry, clothing, Handbags, soaps, giftware and accessories. I strive to carry things that are completely unique and different from the things I see in other shops! And the feedback is always positive! It’s a fun and friendly place to come and shop, you’ll always find a little something, whether for you or a friend! We also offer a Champagne Shopping Night for the ladies, You can come with friends for a fun evening of Champagne and Hors d’oeuvres and everyone gets a discount for having fun! Just call to book a night out with the girls! The phone number is 941-349-0104 See you soon!



VILLAGE MAP pgs 10 and 15 CresCent Beach MAP pg 9 Street MAP pgs 2 and 23 INTERCOASTAL MAP pg 22



The Publication with “Key” Information | www.SiestaSand.net | 941.539.0205


New Business Highlights

|Beach Bites

Owner: Jeff & Cherub Madden 217 Avenida Madera, Siesta Key Village Owners Jeff and Cherub Madden brought the feel of a fun Jersey Shore sandwich shop to Siesta Key when they opened their restaurant back in September 21, 2012. The bright colors, wood look floor, cotton candy and sno-cone machines were all intended to make it fun and family friendly. They offer specialty sandwiches or a build your own classic menu board which allows you to pick your meat, your bread, your cheese, your fixin’s and have them make the sandwich the way you like it. Soups, salads and nachos round out the menu. For a truly unique twist on flavors, be sure to try their Wine Smoothie and Beer Sno-cones.

|Siesta Key Outfitters

Owner: James Ritter 5121 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key Village Siesta Key Outfitters is the only place in the Village to make your own customized Siesta Key shirt on site. They carry mens, ladies and

|Eat Here Restaurant

Owner: Shawn Murphy 240 Avenida Madera, Siesta Key Village The Eat Here restaurants in Sarasota and on Anna Maria Island were recently selected as one of Florida’s “Best New Restaurants” as part of Florida Trend’s Golden Spoon Awards. Eat Here celebrates chef-crafted, Gulf-Coast cookery featuring presentations of local farm products, fresh, locally-caught seafood and inspired pizza and tacos. The Eat Here bars serve traditional and creative cocktails, craft beers and wines from primarily family-owned vineyards. Their chef staff is trained in the Beach Bistro’s school of commitment to culinary excellence. They offer variations on the Bistro’s exceptional culinary preparations using more accessible product that promotes every day dining and pricing in a casual atmosphere. kids clothing along with beach towels, beach chairs, jewelry and unique souvenirs. You can make your own Siesta Key sand art souvenir. Plus, you’ll get a free sand dollar with your purchase.

|Ocean Club 941.346.1200 5263 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key Village Ocean Club is a new sweepstakes parlor, with casino-type games, in a stylish, but comfortable atmosphere. You can play slots, cards, keno and more, and WIN CASH on state-of-the-art, user- friendly machines, while enjoying complimentary beer, wine and soft drinks. Daily specials are offered to enhance your gaming experience. Ample parking is available at our fun Key location, where our mission is to provide some Vegas excitement in laid-back Siesta Village.

February - March 2013 Siesta Sand | 3B www.siestasand.net • 941.539.0205 • FEBRUARY - MARCH 2013 • Siesta

Sand •

4B | Island Visitor February - March 2013 Siesta Sand • FEBRUARY - MARCH 2013 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestasand.net

|Crescent Beach Featured Shops |City Pizza, Inc.

www.citypizzaofsarasota.com 6645 Midnight Pass Road, Sarasota, FL 34242 941.349.4490 City Pizza Inc. is a friendly, family owned and operated restaurant that began in 1989, serving the neighborhood area. Our specialty is Italian and we pride ourselves in making your food fast and fresh when you order it. We are a casual restaurant close to the beach. Licensed to serve beer and wine to compliment our large menu. For your pleasure and convenience, we offer take-out and delivery, but please feel free to dine in or eat on our porch. Come early and stay late! Enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner at City Pizza Inc.

|Miguel’s Restaurant

6631 Midnight Pass Rd, Crescent Plaza 941.349.4024 | www.miguelsrestaurant.net Miguel’s is a family owned restaurant that specializes in French and Continental cuisine. Serving Siesta Key since 1983, they offer a wide selection of appetizers, a Caesar salad for two, perfectly prepared at your table and include fresh gulf seafood, choicest cuts of filet mignon, delicious poultry and veal dishes among their entrees. Finish the night off with decadent desserts including banana fosters, cherries jubilee and traditional creme caramel. Miguel’s also has an extensive wine selection and a full bar.

|Sarasota Wind and Water Adventures

1518 Stickney Point Rd., In the Boatyard Village | 941-379-4222 www.SarasotaWindAndWater.com We are located in the Boatyard Village, right off the south Siesta Key Bridge. Our shop offers kiteboarding lessons, paddle board lessons, sunset boat cruises, tubing, water skiing, fishing charters and other water sports. Our mission is simple: provide the best products and service to our customers at the lowest prices possible. We take great pride in our company, our commitment to customer service and in the products we sell. We always try to meet or beat any reasonable quote. Store Hours: Mon. – Sat. 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Sunday by appointment.

|Siesta Key Bike & Kayak, LLC

www.siestakeybikeandkayak.com 1224 Old Stickney Point Road, Siesta Key, FL 34242 | 941.346.0891 Siesta Key Bike and Kayak, located on Siesta Key is family owned and operated serving Siesta Key, Lido Beach, Turtle Beach, Crescent Beach, Sarasota and the surrounding areas. We offer a variety of energizing and relaxing things to do while you visit this beautiful scenic area. We offer quality equipment and a friendly reliable expert staff so that you can get the most from your vacation... GUARANTEED.

|The Orange Octopus

1220 Old Stickney Point Road, Siesta Key, FL 34242 | 941.346.8080 Home of the orange squeeze! Featuring hand-mixed ice cream, coffees, shakes, malts, sundaes, smoothies, candles and fudge. Ask us about our ice cream parties! Located behind Captain Curt’s Restaurant on the corner of Midnight Pass & Old Stickney Point Road. Open daily until 9:30pm.

|Big Water Fish Market

6641 Midnight Pass Rd., Crescent Plaza 941.554.8101 Offers fresh-from-the-docks seafood along with a variety of complimenting side dishes and homemade desserts. Their lunch menu includes seafood sandwiches, as well as egg and chicken salad sandwiches, and a fisherman’s stew. They also offer a catering service with selections such as clam bakes, oyster roasts and beach picnic baskets. Come in and choose your own fresh catch or try one of their lunch specials - always good and always fresh. Hours are: Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm, Sun. 11am-4pm.

|Jonny’s Free Beach Rides

www.jonnysfreebeachrides.com Siesta Key | 941.306.9097 Jonny’s Free Beach Rides is the original free ride on Siesta Key. Now entering our third year of providing a fun, safe and ecofriendly way to cruz the Key. Our service route extends from Turtle Beach to Siesta Key Village and allows you the freedom to enjoy the Village or beach without the hassle |Siesta Sports Rentals of trying to find a parking spot. Our electric www.siestasportsrentals.com vehicle seats up to six passengers and our 6551 Midnight Pass Rd., Siesta Key, FL friendly drivers will happily provide you with all the highlights the island has to offer. 941-346-1797 | Fax: 941-346-1954 Located on beautiful Siesta Key Island We now also offer shuttle service to and from providing you with hours of fun, whether Best Western Hotel. Operating hours are vacationing or living in Florida, we offer you from 10 a.m. – 2 a.m. daily. Call 941-306-9097 the opportunity to see Sarasota and Siesta Key, Florida the way it was meant to be seen. |The Green Turtle Souvenir Just steps from Crescent Beach, we provide & Gift Store friendly, quality service at affordable prices. 6525 Midnight Pass Road, Sarasota, FL 34242 Delivery and pick up available. Mention you 941.349.4751 found our web site and we will give a discount Siesta Key’s most friendly & unique off your next rental. Stop by and say hello. shopping spot! You’ll find gifts, souvenirs, beach fashions, beach supplies, beach cover|Captain Curt’s Crab ups, ladies & junior fashions, plus a super men’s line! Siesta Key’s largest seashell & coral & Oyster Bar selection! www.captaincurts.com 1200 Old Stickney Point Rd, Siesta Key, FL |Siesta 4-Rent 34242 | 941.349.3885 | brad@captaincurts.com www.siesta4rent.com A family seafood restaurant. Fish, seafood, 6555 Midnight Pass Rd., Siesta Key, FL 34242 prime rib, baby back ribs, baskets, sandwiches, salads & children’s menu. Full bar. Happy 941.349.5500 | 877.482.5550 hour 4-6pm featuring The Back Room Saloon rentals@siesta4rent.com & Sports Bar. Live entertainment. Daily lunch We offer Studios – 5 BR condos and Homes & dinner specials. Gift Shop. Open 7 days a here on beautiful Siesta Key Beach. All units fully equipped, most directly on the beach week. or beach access. Pets welcome at some. Call or check website for rates. 1 week minimum required.

|Crescent Beach Grocery

1211 Old Stickney Point Road, Sarasota, FL Owners: Nancy Connelly & Bill Singleton 941.312.0472 The Crescent Beach Grocery is Siesta Key’s premier full-service grocery store. Carrying an extremely wide range of groceries, sundries, beer, wine, delicatessen items and fresh-cut meat – as well as practically anything else you can think of – the grocery caters to the needs of both residents and visitors on Siesta Key. The store is particularly well-known for providing good value, personal service and a warm, friendly environment.

ATM & Banks Bank of America........................................ A-3 #3 Bars & Nightclubs Capt. Curt’s Backroom Saloon..........................................................B-3 #7 Crescent Club........................................... C-3 #13 Sniki Tiki....................................................B-3 #8 Delis & Sandwiches Anna’s Sandwiches................................ C-3 #14 The Beach Deli @ Crescent Beach Grocery..... ......................................................................B-3 #1 DRUG STORES Davidson’s Drugs..................................... C-3 #14 Fashion & Accessories CB’s Saltwater Outfitters........................ A-3 #4 Coconuts Fashion.....................B-3 #1 & B-3 #8 Green Turtle Swimwear....................... C-3 #14 Key Casual Fashions............................... D-4 #17 Things You Like...................................... C-3 #14 Gifts & Souvenirs Capt. Curt’s Souvenirs.............................B-3 #8 Green Turtle Shells & Gifts................. C-3 #14 The Silversmith ...................................... D-4 #17 Silver City Jewelry.................................. C-3 #14 Health & Beauty The Key Spa & Salon.............................. A-5 #12 Lorraine’s Beauty & Barber.....................B-3 #8 Salon Siesta............................................... D-4 #17 Ice Cream & Treats Orange Octopus .......................................B-3 #8 INTERNET / WiFi SERVICES Davidson’s Drugs.................................... C-3 #14 Mail Pack Center.................................... C-3 #14 Liquor Stores Crescent Beach Grocery...........................B-3 #1 Crescent Club............................................B-3 #13 Siesta Spirits............................................. C-4 #17 Mailing & Shipping Mail Pack Center.................................... C-3 #14 US Post Office Sub Station..................... C-3 #14 Markets 7-11 Store.................................................. C-3 #16 Big Water Fish Market.......................... C-4 #17 Crescent Beach Grocery..........................B-3 #1 Miscellaneous Moving & Storage....................................B-4 #10 Flowers by Fudgie................................... D-4 #17 Real Estate / RENTALS Beckmann Realty......................................B-3 #8 Homes & Condo Rentals........................ D-4 #17 Moynihan Realty..................................... D-4 #17 Re/Max Tropical Sands............................B-3 #1 Siesta 4-Rent.............................................. C-3 #1 Restaurants

Boatyard Waterfront Bar & Grill.................A-5 #12 Capt. Curts Crab & Oyster Bar.................B-3 #7

City Pizza Italian Restaurant............... D-4 #17 Clayton’s Siesta Grille...............................B-3 #9 Javier’s Restaurant.................................. C-4 #17 Miguel’s Restaurant............................... C-4 #17 Water Sports - Fishing - RENTALS A to Z Beach & Bike Rentals.................. A-5 #12 CB’s Saltwater Outfitters........................ A-3 #4 Sarasota Wind and Water Adventures............. .................................................................. A-5 #12 Siesta Key Bike & Kayak . ......................B-3 #8 Siesta Key Jetski (inside CB’s)................. A-3 #4 Siesta Key Marina..................................... A-4 #5 Siesta Key Parasailing............................. A-5 #12 Siesta Key Watersports........................... A-5 #12 Siesta Sports Rentals............................. C-3 #14 Waves Boat & Social Club...................... A-5 #12

February - March 2013 Siesta Sand | 5B www.siestasand.net • 941.539.0205 • FEBRUARY - MARCH 2013 • Siesta

Hand-Mixed Ice Cream • Cones • Shakes • Malts • Sundaes • Smoothies • Coffee & Bagels Map B-3#8

Home of the Orange Squeeze!

In Season Hours 8AM-9:30PM


1220 Old Stickney Point Road Siesta Key • Behind Captain Curt’s Restaurant Corner of Midnight Pass & Old Stickney Point Road


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Sand •

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6525 Midnight Pass Road

MAP B-3#14



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Map C-3#14

© Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2012

Expires 12/31/2013

Map B-3#8

6B | Island Visitor February - March 2013 Siesta Sand • FEBRUARY - MARCH 2013 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestasand.net

Accommodations Locator Map

Seaside Resort Rentals Weekly, Monthly & Seasonal Vacation Rentals for every budget. Specializing in Siesta Key. Annual Rentals too. Seaside Resort Rentals & Management, Inc. 1715 Stickney Point Road, Unit C 8 Sarasota, FL 34231 (941) 923-6077 • (888) 428-5678 Fax: (941)923-7312 www.seasidemgmt.com

© Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2012

February - March 2013 Siesta Sand | 7B www.siestasand.net • 941.539.0205 • FEBRUARY - MARCH 2013 • Siesta

Siesta Key Drum Circle Siesta Beach has become the home to what is considered one of the largest drum circles in the nation. This is not a commercial event but local phenomenon that began spontaneously and now has a life of its own. If you’re visiting the area, or live nearby be sure to check this one out. There are loads of drummers and belly dancers plus lots of families, beach going onlookers, & curious tourists, especially during the winter tourist season when the crowds can swell into the thousands. Bring a blanket or chair, most everyone does. It happens every Sunday starting a couple of hours before sunset, and ends around 10 PM. This gathering meets up just south of the main pavilion between lifeguard stands 3 and 4 on Siesta Public Beach. Just follow your ears. This is true community - freeform drumming, open to the public and entirely improvised in-the-moment. Instruments center around drums and percussion, but may include other instruments such as flutes, didgeridoos, and other non-percussion instruments. Participation is voluntary and includes singing or chanting, dancing, relaxing, and listening. It’s always a good time with solid musicality, dancing, and a great vibe. Admission is free. The Siesta Key Beach address is: 948 Beach Road, Sarasota, Florida 34242 to get more info visit the website www.drumcircles.net/sarasota.html or there is a Yahoo group, and a Facebook group named “Siesta Key Drum Circle” just search for them.

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Sand •

8B | Island Visitor February - March 2013 Siesta Sand • FEBRUARY - MARCH 2013 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestasand.net Map B #42

AccommodAtions Siesta Beach Resort ...................... Map-A #38A ARt GALLERY / stUdio Calle Studios ....................................... Map-B #32 Atm / BAnKs ATM .....................................................Map-C #53 PNC ATM............................................Map-C #61 Sun Trust Bank & ATM ....................... Map-E #4 BAKERY & dELi A Taste of Germany .......................... Map-C #53 Heavenly Cupcakes ........................... Map-B #50 Village Eats..........................................Map-C #24 BARs & niGHtcLUBs Blu Que Island Grill ...........................Map-C #57 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar .............. Map-B #42-43 Gilligan’s ............................................. Map-B #33 Old Salty Dog ....................................... Map-E #2 Siesta Key Oyster Bar .......................Map-B #45 The Beach Club .................................. Map-D #22 The Cottage .........................................Map-C #58 The Lobster Pot................................. Map-C #23 BooK stoREs Used Book Heaven............................. Map-B #48 coFFEE sHoPs Lelu’s Coffee Lounge ......................... Map-B #31 The Local Bean..................................Map-D #62

Map D #11

© Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2012

dRUG & HARdWARE Davidson’s Drugs.............................. Map-D #65 Village Hardware ...............................Map-C #26 FAsHion & AccEssoRiEs Aqua Beachwear ............................... Map-D #12 Beach Bazaar ..................................... Map-C #28 Beach Bazaar’s Swin Shack ............ Map-C #28 Blvd. Beachwear ................................. Map-B #30 Comfort Shoes-Birki & More.........Map-D #64 Foxy Lady Fashions .......................... Map-A #40 Island Cotton Company ....................Map-C #29 Le Grand Bisou Chic Boutique......Map-D #11 Siesta Key Outfitters ........................Map-D #11 Siesta T’s .............................................. Map-B #30 GiFts & soUVEniRs Beach Bazaar ..................................... Map-C #28 Created Gems .....................................Map-C #51 Hurricane Rita’s Gifts ........................Map-C #51 Mount-N-Repair ................................Map-B #48 Sea Pleasures & Treasures ..................Map-C #2 Siesta Key Bead Shack ...................... Map-A #36 Siesta Key’psakes ............................... Map-B #29 Siesta Key Outfitters ........................Map-D #11 Siesta Key University .......................Map-B #36

February - March 2013 Siesta Sand | 9B www.siestasand.net • 941.539.0205 • FEBRUARY - MARCH 2013 • Siesta HEALtH & FitnEss Indep. Lifestyle Solutions ............... Map-D #10 Siesta Key Fitness .............................Map-B #73 Studio Rubylakes ............................... Map-B #49 icE cREAm/tREAts Big Olaf Creamery..............................Map-C #52 Gelato Cafe ..........................................Map-C #50 SunZero Ice Cream Yogurt .............. Map-D #16 Sunni Bunni Frozen Yogurt ..............Map-C #53 intERnEt / WiFi sERVicEs Davidson Drugs ................................ Map-D #65 Internet Cafe ........................................ Map-D #9 Lelu Coffee Lounge............................ Map-B #31 The Local Bean..................................Map-D #62 JEWELRY Created Gems .....................................Map-C #51 Michael & Co. Jewelers ..................... Map-B #29 Mount -N- Repair Jewelers .............Map-B #48 LiQUoR stoREs / FinE WinEs Gabbiano’s Wine Club...................... Map-D #70 Gilligan’s ............................................. Map-B #33 Siesta Key Wines .............................. Map-C #61 The Beach Club .................................. Map-D #22

Sand •

Map C #54 & 55

Map D #11

• segway rentals • PaDDleBOarDs • scOOter cars • kayak tOurs/rentals • Bikes • scOOters • Beach gear 5255 Ocean Blvd • Siesta Key Village www.robinhoodrentals.net


A Taste of Germany German Breads • Cakes Deli Sandwiches and Coffees Breakfast and Lunch

Map C #53

“More than a Bakery” 5204 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key, FL • 941-346-1800


mAiLinG - sHiPPinG UPS store ............................................ Map-A #41 US Post Office .................................... Map-D #65 mARKEts/Food stoREs 7-11 Store ............................................. Map-B #46 Circle K Store ........................................ Map-E #6 Siesta Market.......................................Map-C #25 mAssAGE Hands of Light Massage ................... Map-B #35 Massage Experience Siesta Key.....Map-D #62 Siesta Key Massage Ctr ...................... Map-D #9 mEdicAL - dEntAL Dr. Barry LaClair MD ........................Map-C #56 E.K. Koster DMD............................... Map-D #63 Karen F. Leggett, D.O. .......................Map-C #56 Siesta Key Physical Therapy............ Map-D #20 Siesta Smiles Dentistry ...................... Map-B #49 miscELLAnEoUs Chamber of Commerce .................... Map-D #66 Ocean Club ........................................ Map-A #37 Roberti Enterprises ........................... Map-A #39 Sheriff’s Office ..................................... Map-D #9 Solorzano Smoke Shop ......................Map-C #50 PRoFEssionAL sERVicEs CG Designs.......................................... Map-E #74 Edward Jones Investments .............. Map-D #68 Smith Architects ................................. Map-E #74 REAL EstAtE / REntAL sERVicEs Ascendia Real Estate ......................... Map-D #11 Beachside Resorts Rental & Realty....Map-C #53 Coldwell Banker Realty.................... Map-D #20 Horizon Realty.................................... Map-B #34 Island Homes ......................................Map-C #51 Martin Funding ................................... Map-D #9 Michael Saunders Realty .................Map-E #72 Re/Max Alliance Group ..................Map-D #60 ReMax Tropical Sands ...................... Map-D #67 Robasota Rentals & Real Estate .... Map-A #39 Siesta Key Realty ................................. Map-D #9 Waterside Realty ................................Map-C #29 REstAURAnts Beach Bites.........................................Map-D #16 Bella Roma Italian Rest...................... Map-B #30 Blase Café ........................................... Map-A #38 Blu Que Island Grill ...........................Map-C #57 Bonjour French Cafe ..........................Map-C #47 Broken Egg ............................... Map-C #54 & 55 Café Gabbiano ................................... Map-D #71 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar .............. Map-B #42-43 Eat Here Restaurant ....................Map-D #17/18 Flavio’s Brick Oven & Bar ................. Map-B #29 Gilligan’s Island Bar & Grill ............. Map-B #33 The Hub - Baja Grill .......................... Map-D #59 Jo To’s Japanese Restaurant ..............Map-C #47 LeLu’s Coffee Bar ............................... Map-B #31 Lobster Pot ......................................... Map-C #23 Napoli’s Italian Restaurant ............... Map-B #44 Old Salty Dog Rest. & Pub .................. Map-E #2 Siesta Key Oyster Bar .......................Map-B #45 Solorzano Bros. Pizzeria ................... Map-D #15 Subway Sandwiches .......................... Map-B #30 Sun Garden Café ............................... Map-D #19 Taste of Asia ....................................... Map-D #69 The Cottage .........................................Map-C #58 Village Café .......................................Map-D #14 sPAs - HAiR & BEAUtY Nails By Iris .........................................Map-C #50 Salon Capelli ........................................ Map-D #9 Sassy Hair Salon............................... Map-A #40 Siesta Key Nails..................................Map-D #9 Village Barber ...................................... Map-D #9 sPoRts intEREst/REntALs CaliFlorida........................................... Map-B #32 Robin Hood Rentals ........................Map-D #34 Siesta Village Outfitters .....................Map-C #53

10B | Island Visitor February - March 2013 Siesta Sand • FEBRUARY - MARCH 2013 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestasand.net

|Coconuts of Siesta Key... Coconuts of Siesta Key 1215 Old Stickney Point Rd., Siesta Key, FL 34242 941-346-2954 coconuts-sk.com Bringing fun and colorful clothing to Siesta Key since 1982. Explore more than 3000 sq ft of Fresh Produce Clothing,Vera Bradley handbags, Crocs Shoes, jewelry,hats, beach bags and a huge selection of cool Siesta Key t-shirts,sweatshirts and souvenirs for the whole family. From infants up to 3x plus sizes,we have you covered. Coconuts features Fresh Produce Clothing which is one of the most original and refreshing casual resort lines. Known and loved by women for lush colors,simply inspired designs and coastal comfort. Stop in and see why locals and visitors return time and time again to Siesta Key’s original locally owned clothing store. Huge selection,exceptional service and great prices. Live Life-Enjoy Color Coconuts is located one block south of Stickney Point Rd( Siesta Key’s South Bridge)-Next to Crescent Beach Grocery (B-3 #1 on the Crescent Beach map).

|Home of the Finest Consignment Boutique Fifi’s Fine Resale Apparel has been in the consignment business for over 20 years specializing in the resale of designer and name brand apparel for women. Fifi’s prides itself with providing exceptional service to the local community, and is celebrating being a part of it for over 20 years. At Fifi’s, you’ll find authentic designer handbags, new jewelry & accessories, and brand name consignments – all at bargain prices. Fifi’s is nationally recognized and has been selected Newsleader Best of the Best Consignment shop in 2008, 2009, & 2010.

Visit any or all of the locations listed below. to find pretty clothes at bargain prices. Fifi’s of Sarasota | 941-312-6950 1905 S. Osprey Ave., Sarasota FL 34239 Fifi’s of Osprey | 941-451-8298 11 South Tamiami Trail Corner of Bay Street and Tamiami in Osprey Fifi’s of Venice #1 | 941-244-2663 219 Venice Ave. W, Venice FL 34285 Fifi’s of Venice #2 | 941-488-4848 223-A Miami Blvd., Venice FL 34285 Fifi’s of Lakewood Ranch #1 | 941-907-8900 8322 Market Street, Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202 Fifi’s of Lakewood Ranch #2 | 941-758-7222 7343 52nd Place, E, Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202

|Sassy Hair On Siesta Key... As Sassy Hair on Siesta Key approaches its 32nd Birthday, we would like to take this time to reflect on our 4 years on Siesta Key! With the idea of downsizing, the move to Siesta Key from Midtown Plaza has been a huge surprise. Our space is smaller, however our business has grown in leaps and bounds. With a work week that covers all 7 days, we’re able to accommodate our year round clients as well as visitors. Working people love Sundays, no rushing home to cook dinner or get to the next appt. Our staff of very talented stylists can please everyone from 2-102. The accumulation new products and services has been a huge boost for us. Facial waxing, hair extensions, eye lash extensions, and make up go hand in hand with all the current trends in hair styling and color services. Our Bridal Business is the best in Sarasota, as we are a member of Weddings of Sarasota. Your special day is made more perfect with bridal hair and airbrushed make-up. Our 3 nail girls have perfected the nail art trend. Your eyes will glow when you check out all they have to offer. Stilettos to classic, they do it all!

You’ll find the atmosphere warm and inviting as everyone is treated like a special friend. It’s a culture we strive for and have succeeded. No job is to big or to small, no time is to early or too late. As we say, “Were open till were done.” Sassy prides itself on giving back to the community that gave us so much. Our favorite charities are Sarasota in Defense of Animals, Breast Cancer Awareness, and Mothers Helping Mothers. We support our client’s charities as well, giving to the local High Schools, churches and temples. Make Sassy your “go to” destination for all your beauty needs. All of our hair, nail and skin care products can be purchased at on our “On Line Store” at sassyhair. com Hope to see you soon Bobbie Sassy Hair: 209 Beach Road, Sarasota, Fl 34242 | 941-349-6525 | Sassyhair.com

February - March 2013 Siesta Sand | 11B www.siestasand.net • 941.539.0205 • FEBRUARY - MARCH 2013 • Siesta

|Beach Bazaar On Siesta Key... Beach Bazaar 5211 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key, FL 34242 941-346-2995

Body Glove

O’Neill Bandeau HipFit Tie Bikini - Foxy Pink

L • Space

Beach Bazaar is the souvenir, surf and swim gear store that specializes in men’s and women’s fashions for the beach. They’re the fourth largest retailer of Reef TM sandals and Zap TM skin-boards in the United States and carry a wide range of hot brands like Body Glove TM, L*Space TM swimwear and more. Pictured is the L*Space TM and Body Glove TM swimwear. Both lines offer mixand-match options for a customized fit and style. Check out their wide selection for that perfect look. Conveniently located in the village. (C-28, on the village map)

Sand •

12B | Island Visitor February - March 2013 Siesta Sand • FEBRUARY - MARCH 2013 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestasand.net

|The Rumrunner

Located at Turtle Beach Marina in South Siesta Key | 941.349.3119 www.siestakeycharterfishing.com Captain Joe Bonaro offers more than exciting deep sea fishing opportunities aboard “Sarasota’s fastest charter boat,” the Rumrunner (941/349-3119). The skipper offers special boat and fishing trips for families – and for families with small children – as well as customized day and overnight trips.

South Bridge Plaza

|Abel’s Ice Cream, Inc.

1886 Stickney Point Road., Sarasota, FL 34231 | 941.921.5700 Located in South Bridge Plaza between New Balance and Stonewood Grill opened in April 2011. We proudly offer over 40 flavors of premium Florida made ice cream with unique flavors like Snickerlicious, Coconut Almond Fudge, Bear Claw, Stellar Coffee, Birthday Cake, etc. The menu includes current ice cream shop items plus items that take you back to the good old fashion soda bar era. Handcrafted gourmet chocolate truffles, Brags and traditional items are displayed in a refrigerated/humidity controlled cabinet to insure just made freshness. To complete our shops offerings, a nationally known northeastern manufacture of jams/jellies, chutneys, mustards, salsas, cheese ball mixes and dessert toppings with recipes available for all items. We comfortably seat 20 patrons in our newly constructed store. We are open to 10:00 PM 7 days/week.

|Rocketman Shop


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1888 Stickney Point Road., Sarasota, FL 34231 | 941.923.2096 www.rocketmanshop.com Our Rock & Roll Lifestyle shop provides everything you need to get your grove on. You’ll find a wide variety of products from your favorite musical bands, as well as bags & clothing, incense, recreational items, wall tapestries, full line of top rated local & domestic blown glass, acrylic & metal pipes, hookahs & shisha, blunt wraps & papers, tobacco & rolling machines, body cleansers & supplements, body jewelry, purses, hemp wear, storage containers & stealthy diversion safes, zippo lighters and lots of items not “made in China…” and much more!! We can help you find the products that are right for you. Our new extended store hours are 10am – 10pm, 7 days a week. Be sure to use the 20% coupon found on the front page.

|Jackpot Sarasota

© Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2012

1884 Stickney Point Road, Sarasota, FL 34231 941.922.5949 www.jackpotsarasota.com Play casino-style games and win cash. Jackpot Sarasota in an internet sweepstakes cafe located in the South Bridge Plaza next to Stonewood and carrabba’s on Stickney Point Rd. Open 7 days a week from 10 AM until midnight.

February - March 2013 Siesta Sand | 13B |Discover the Shops of Gulf Gate... Come and explore the wonderful mix of eclectic shops, bars and restaurants that make up Gulf Gate’s Commercial District. These shops are conveniently located behind the Sarasota Pavilion off South Tamiami Trail. You’ll find each business reflects the owner’s pride in showcasing their specialties and that the longevity of these shops is a testament to the entrepreneurial spirit that lives on here in Gulf Gate. With our map, located on the next page, you’ll be able to navigate your way to our featured shops with ease. Oh Mamma Mia! (GG-4) Offers a truly unique dining experience with dinner shows by Chef Giuseppe Urbano. Enjoy the family ambiance as you watch him prepare an authentic Italian regional dish with fresh ingredients just for you. Fine dining, great atmosphere at casual dining prices. Reservations highly recommended. Gulf Gate Golf Course – Conveniently located just a stones throw from the Gulf Gate Shops, this 27 hole Executive Course offers men’s and women’s rental clubs. You can start your day with a round of golf, enjoy a bite to eat at the many wonderful restaurants or simply relax with a pint of ale at the pub before you head out to explore the many fine shops. Moments In Time Photography (G-20) specializes in several different photography services including Siesta Key Beach portraits starting at just $49 and wedding beginning at $495. Check out their website: www.sarasotaphotos. com or visit their store to see why they have been the photographer of choice for over a decade and a half. Piccolos Italian Market & Deli (GG-46) carries a full line of imported cheeses, fresh baked bread daily, homemade sausages, fresh mozzarella, and numerous hard to get items. They now carry Khorasan Wheat which is an ancient and organic grain. Their Deli is complete with huge hot and cold sandwiches, salads, fresh homemade lasagna and baked ziti. And, you cannot leave without trying their cannoli filled with their own homemade cannoli cream or the tiramisu or Sfogliatelle from Brooklyn. Here is where you will find great Italian specialty gourmet items without the gourmet price. Tony’s Chicago Beef Company (S-16) is owned and operated by true Chicagoans.

Places of Worship Siesta Key Presbyterian Chapel (See Siesta Key street map for location)

4615 Gleason Ave., Siesta Key 941.349.1166

St. Michael Catholic Church (See Siesta Key street map for location)

5394 Midnight Pass Rd., Siesta Key 941.349.4174

Dedicated to deliver Chicago’s best food - Chicago style Hot Dogs wit’ the works... dragged through the garden on poppy seed buns with fresh cut fries, Italian Beef Sandwiches anyway you like, dipped or dry, sweet or hot. All served in true Authentic Chicago Style. Scandinavian Gifts (GG-37) has an extensive selection of gifts and Scandinavian foods. The specialties here include candles, Ekelund table linens, Flensted mobiles, imported glassware, Swedish Klippan textiles and so much more. The baked goods and groceries include imported candies, salty licorice, as well as cheeses, breads, seafood and vegetables from Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark. Sarasota Brewing Co. (G-3) Sarasota’s first micro brew pub always has something new to offer. From over 20 seasonal beers that rotate throughout the year, the Brewing Company always has at least five unique brews online as well as several favorites from around the world. Established in 1989, Their menu has been a winner in the Reader’s Choice Awards of the Sarasota Herald Tribune featuring their mouthwatering burgers, Chicago style Pizzas, and Chicago beef sandwiches. With dozens of televisions, it’s a great place to catch a game with friends and family. Zante Gyros (S-56) serves up generous portions of authentic Greek and Mediterranean cuisine as well as American fare. They offer an extensive menu for dinein or take-out with such favorites as the “original” gyros sandwich, lamb souvlaki platters, spanakopita, and tiropita to name a few. Meat-less options are available as well as kid’s meals and party menus. Open Mon. - Sat. from11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Come and put some “OPA” in your life. Solórzano’s Italian Ristorante (S-54) Solórzano’s brings a true Hoboken New Jersey attitude to the area and offers a nice selection of made-to-order dishes in their cozy restaurant. With specials like Gnocchi alla Romana( gnocchi baked with prosciutto, ricotta and spinach),Pork chops alla Toscana with polenta, and baked white filet fish with shrimps and pasta on the side, it gives you a great incentive to pay them a visit.

St. Boniface Episcopal Church (See Siesta Key street map for location)

5615 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key 941.349.5616

Temple Sinai, a Reform Congregation (The closest Jewish congregation to the key for visitors)

4631 S. Lockwood Ridge Road, Sarasota 941.924.1802 | templesinai-sarasota.org

Church on the Beach

Held every Sunday at 10:30am by the picnic area of Turtle Beach Park.

www.siestasand.net • 941.539.0205 • FEBRUARY - MARCH 2013 • Siesta

Sand • GG-4

|Important Phone Numbers... Emergency (General)........................................................................................................... 911 Fishing & Hunting Licenses............................................................................... 941.362.9888 Marriage License Bureau.................................................................................... 941.362.4066 Public Library - Gulf Gate Branch..................................................................... 941.316.1213 Sarasota/Bradenton Intl. Airport...................................................................... 941.359.2770 Sarasota County Area Transit (SCAT).............................................................. 941.316.1234 Sarasota County Information Call Center................................. 941.861.5000 / scgov.net Sarasota County Sheriff Office - Siesta Key Office.......................................... 941.349.2900 Sarasota Doctors Hospital................................................................................... 941.342.1100 Sarasota Memorial Hospital/Health Care System.......................................... 941.917.7760 Doctors Express (Urgent Care).......................................................................... 941.364.4379 Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce......................941.349.3800 / siestakeychamber.com

14B | Island Visitor February - March 2013 Siesta Sand • FEBRUARY - MARCH 2013 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestasand.net

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© Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2012



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Iberia Bank

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For Entire Listing of Gulf Gate Businesses Go To www.siestasand.net and Click on the Maps

|Rated #1 Beach In America by Dr. Beach... Siesta Public Beach, located inside Crescent Beach, is renowned for its truly breathtaking sunsets, easygoing waves, and gorgeous crystal white sand. The sand is 99% pure quartz, soft and cool to the touch. Among the many awards it has earned are the “Whitest, Finest Beach Sand in the World” (The Great International White Sand challenge, 1987), “The Best Sand Beach in America” (The Travel Channel, 2004) and for 2011, it was rated #1 beach in the 21st annual Top 10 Beach List, produced by coastal expert Dr. Stephen P. Leatherman, Director of Florida International University’s Laboratory for Coastal Research. Walking along, or swimming and playing in the Gulf of Mexico or merely basking in the tropical sun is enough fun for many folks, but others are drawn by Siesta Beach’s many amenities, which include tennis and vollyball courts, shaded playground and picnic/barbecue areas and convienent concession stands. Shallow water near shorline and year-round lifeguard protection make it a great family beach. Beach wheelchairs can be borrowed to help special needs visitors cross the sand. There’s always something for everyone to do at Siesta Beach. It’s island location is within easy walking distance to many of the village shops and restaurants located in the Siesta Village.

Crescent Beach actually begins between beach access #2 & #3 and extends to beach access #13 with the southern part relatively secluded and quiet, as it has only one public access road. Located just south of Siesta Beach, the scene here tends to be more peaceful and private. At the southern tip of this beach is Point of Rocks - a lovely snorkeling and diving area that is rich with coral rock formations as well as colorful and abundant marine life. Crescent Beach visitors staying in nearby resorts, rentals and beach clubs rave (but only to their closest friends) about Siesta Key’s best “non-private private” beach. Turtle Beach is at the southern tip of Siesta Key, and affords a sportier, “family play” beach experience. The beach has picnic areas, a playground, a vollyball court and horseshoe pit. There’s also a boat launch, and fishing is permitted in the adjacent Blind Pass Lagoon. There are restaurants nearby, with shopping and a few local night spots just a short drive away. Turtle Beach is a narrow beach, with a somewhat steeper incline. The sand on the beach tends to carry more shells, making it perfect for beach combers and shell collectors. Many find petrified sharks’ teeth to take home and treasure, especially after a storm.

Beach Flags: Indicate surf & beach conditions

Siesta Key Public Beach Lifeguards on duty

Here are some usefull tips: If you find yourself in trouble: 1-Remain calm 2-Call for help 3-Follow the instructions of rescuer If you are being swept out tosea in a rip current: 1-Remain calm 2-Swim parallel to shore 3-Once out of current, swim to shore at an angle, not straight in Please remember: • No glass permitted on beaches • Always respect others & their privacy • Never damage vegetation or take live shells

|Pet Friendly Beaches... Although dogs are not allowed on any of the beaches on Siesta Key, there are a few places you can take your furry pal within a short distance from the island. Brohard Paw Beach, 1600 Harbor Drive, Venice, FL 34285. Hours: 24 hours per day, 365 days per year (parking closed from 12 AM – 6 AM); dogs allowed on the designated portion of beach from 7 AM to dusk only Paw Park is one of the few places along the beach where dogs are allowed. The park features an enclosed run for big dogs and one for small dogs, as well as an open beach area where dogs can swim. This park, across from Venice’s airport, is where you and your “best friend” can play in the gulf and socialize with other dogs, offering doggie drinking fountains; showers on decks for “dogs only”, fire hydrants and leash posts, dog lovers have declared this park… and beach… to be the best doggie park in the state! Shaded by towering oaks, small dogs will enjoy their fenced in arena while the big boys can frolic in the larger pen. Double gates access both parks and the beach. A paved walkway leads directly to the beach where your best friend will delight in this 300’ section of sand and water.

Note: Summer months may force you to carry your furry friend as the sand can be hot under paw. Doggie waste bags and receptacles are provided and strategically placed around the park. Human comforts include drinking fountains, picnic tables and restrooms. Parking is very limited although off road parking is across the street. Bird Key Park is located on Bird Key, Florida, at the foot of the Ringling Causeway Bridge, which leads to Sarasota. This small stretch of beach along Sarasota Bay is a well-known spot for dog lovers. You and your dog can swim together while enjoying stunning views of the blue-green water. The park is open from 6 a.m. until 12 a.m. year-round, and admission is free. (Source: eHow) Ken Thompson Park, a small beach on the Gulf Coast of Florida, is a hidden treasure near the Mote Marine Aquarium on Sarasota Bay. Here you will also find the New Pass Fishing Pier, which winds through the mangroves. You and your pet can stroll along the pier or relax in the sun while watching the kayakers launch their boats. The beach is open from 5 a.m. until 11 a.m. and admission is free. (Source: eHow)

16B | Island Visitor February - March 2013 Siesta Sand • FEBRUARY - MARCH 2013 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestasand.net


Pizza - Pasta - Salads - Subs and more...

Restaurant New York Style! 12” Personal Pie........................................$9.95 Small Pizza 14’’ inch - 6 Slices.................$12.00 Large Pizza 16’’ - 8 Slices........................$14.00 Sicilian (Thick) 14”x16” inch - 8 Slices......$16.00 Additional Toppings............................... $2.00 Gourmet Toppings..................................$4.00 Half Topping.............................................$1.25 Half Gourmet...........................................$2.25 Standard Pizza Toppings: • Italian Sausage • Sliced Meatballs • Pepperoni • Oven Baked Ham • Strip Bacon • Canadian Bacon • Mushrooms • Anchovies • Green Peppers • Onions • Black Olives • Sliced Tomatoes • Fresh Garlic • Spinach • Pineapple • Broccoli Gourmet Pizza Toppings: • Artichoke • Feta Cheese • Eggplant • Grilled Chicken • Shrimp • Sun Dried Tomatoes • Portabella Mushroom • Clams

Stromboli Roll 2 Ingredients............................$8.95 Additional Ingredients $1.00 each Gourmet Ingredients $2.25 each

Specialty Pizzas No Substitutions Allowed...........14”............. 16” Marinara................................. $14.95...... $17.85 Coated with Garlic, Oil, and Fresh Basil and Tomatoes, Topped with Parmesan Cheese

Black Pearl Seafood Pizza...... $18.50..... $21.40 Baby Shrimp and Clams, Spinach, Tomatoes, and Black Olives

Chicken Ranch Pizza.............. $18.50..... $21.40 Ranch Dressing, Sliced Tomatoes, Strip Bacon, Chicken Breast, Coated with Garlic and Oil and Topped with Cheddar Cheese

Meat Lover’s Pizza.................. $18.50..... $21.40 Pepperoni, Sausage, Strip Bacon, and Meatballs

Vegetable Pizza...................... $18.50..... $21.40 Mushrooms, Peppers, Onions, Black Olives, & Sliced Tomatoes

City Pizza Supreme................. $19.75.....$22.95 Sausage, Pepperoni, Black Olives, Mushrooms, Onions, Green Peppers, Anchovies, and Meatballs

Mediterranean Pizza.............. $18.50..... $21.40 Mozzarella Cheese, Artichoke Hearts, Black Olives, and Sliced Tomatoes

Open 7 Days A Week Sunday - Thursday 11am to 10pm Friday and Saturday 11am to 11pm


W Deli e ver

6645 Midnight Pass Road, Siesta Key, FL

White Pizza............................ $15.95......$18.85

With a Delicious White Wine Sauce and Blend of Spices

Pesto Pizza............................. $16.50..... $19.40

With Choice of Pasta

Hot & Spicy............................. $16.50..... $19.40


Ricotta, Mozzarella, and Provolone Cheese

(Pesto Sauce Prepared with Fresh Basil and Garlic)

Davy Jones Deep Sea Calamari.............. $14.95

Sicilian Pizza - 14”x16” inch - 8 Slices......$16.00

Dinner Salad............................................ $3.75 Tossed Salad.............................................$8.50

Stromboli Pizza (Baked Between Two Dough Crusts).....$25.95

Chef Salad............................................... $9.50

Pepperoni, Banana Peppers, and Fresh Garlic (Thick Crust)

Lettuce, Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Olives, Pepperoni, Mozzarella Cheese, and Onions

Ricotta, Mozzarella, Pepperoni, Sausage, Black Olives, Green Peppers, Mushrooms, Onions, and Meatballs

Lettuce, Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Olives, Pepperoni, Mozzarella, Swiss Cheese, Onions, Ham, and Turkey


Lettuce, Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Olives, Pepperoni, Onions, Provolone Cheese, Salami, and Anchovies

(Rolled Over Dough Filled With Mozzarella Cheese, Ricotta Cheese, And Our Own Blend Of Spices With Marinara Sauce On The Side)

Cheese Calzone........................................$6.95 Additional Toppings.................................$1.75 Gourmet Toppings...................................$2.25

Antipasto Salad.......................................$9.95 Tuna Salad............................................... $8.25 Lettuce, Tomatoes, Olives, Onions, Celery, and Tuna in Light Mayo

Greek Salad.............................................$9.25 Lettuce, Tomatoes, Olives, Onions, and Feta Cheese

(See Pizza Toppings for what’s available for your Calzone)

Caesar Salad............................................$8.50

Pasta Dinners

Chicken or Grouper Available on Any of Our House Salads $4.00

($2.00 Split plate charge.)

Stuffed Shells...........................................$12.95 Lasagna................................................. $13.50 Ravioli (Meat or Cheese)........................ $12.50 Chicken Parmigiana with Choice of Pasta....... .............................................................. $14.95 Veal Parmigiana with Choice of Pasta............ .............................................................. $16.95 Ziti or Spaghetti with Marinara...............$9.95

Romaine Lettuce, Tomatoes, Croutons, and Caesar Dressing

Munchies and More

Soup of the Day.......................................$3.95 Hamburger..............................................$5.95 with Fries, add $1.50

Cheeseburger...........................................$6.95 with Fries, add $1.50

Side Order of Meatballs or Meat Sauce . ..$4.25 Mozzarella Sticks...................................... $8.25 Baked Ziti or Spaghetti...........................$12.95 Calamari Rings........................................$8.95 Spaghetti with Red or White Clam Sauce......... Buffalo Wings.......... Small $5.95 Large $8.95 .............................................................. $14.95 French Fries . ...........................................$3.95 Ziti or Spaghetti with Meatballs............. $12.50 Side Order of Spaghetti........................... $4.50 Ziti with Broccoli or Mushrooms..............$12.25 House Bread (Focaccia)........................... $1.99 Available with Red or White Wine Sauce Garlic Cheese Bread................................ $4.50 Eggplant Parmigiana (with Choice of Pasta).. (A Delicious Blend of Spices and Cheese) .............................................................. $14.95 Homemade Chips....................................$4.25 Ziti Calabrese..........................................$13.95 Alfredo Sauce available $3.50

Fresh Garlic with Olive Oil, Plum Tomatoes, Mozzarella Cheese, and Mushrooms

Pesto with Your Choice of Pasta.............$12.95 Shrimp Scampi ......................................$15.95

Hot & Cold Subs, Kids Meals, & Desserts available


*Prices are subject to change 18% Gratuity added for parties of Six or More

Dine-in, Take-out, or Delivery (Outside Dining Available) 941-349-4490 • www.citypizzaofsarasota.com

Full Service Restaurant:

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