“Why the World Comes to Sarasota” LIVE MUSIC PAGE 24 SIESTA KEY ROUND-UP PAGE 4
Background painting by island artist Shawn McLoughlin
SEPTEMBER 2012 | 941.539.0205 | ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC | www.SiestaKeyIslander.com
Island Chatter
|A message from our Island Associations... Beverly B. Arias
Executive Officer, Siesta Key Association www.siestakeyassociation.com Dr. Beach rated Siesta Beach #1 in the country. Many who live here and visit our island would rate Siesta Key an A+. In Sarasota County, Siesta Key is also rated as Zone A, as well as designated a priority Level Red. It’s important to be familiar with the last two ratings because, in Florida, June through November is hurricane season and Siesta Key would be one of the first areas to take emergency action should the need arise. September 12th marks the season’s peak time when increased storm activity is expected to form in the Atlantic Ocean. For several years, Siesta Key has been fortunate to have escaped serious hurricane activity. However, at the writing of this article, Florida’s west coast is starting to brace for oncoming Tropical Storm Isaac which could potentially become hurricane strength before the printing of this news publication. It was just a few months ago, in June, that Siesta Key and surrounding areas were
reminded of the significant impact a hurricane might have on our lives, our property, and our economy. Tropical Storm Debby brought us non-stop downpour and strong winds as she stubbornly hung over our gulf-side community for three days. Though not hurricane strength, the storm’s duration resulted in beach erosion and property damage. At Siesta Key Association’s (SKA) monthly meeting in August, attendees had the opportunity to hear a presentation by Sarasota County Emergency Management Chief, Ed McCrane, who heads the Emergency Operations Center. With a military background, work experience with Homeland Security, disaster management spanning severe hurricanes to H1N1 pandemic to the 2010 Gulf oil spill, Chief McCrane impressed the audience. Continued on page 23A
And you thought you’d done a dumb thing or two... By Paul Roat Perhaps I’m not the only one out there who performs less-than-brilliantly. Here’s a story from a buddy from Casey Key, based on what one of his neighbors went through a while back. It seems this guy has one of those gazillion-dollar homes with a huge dock jutting into Little Sarasota Bay. The guy is a pilot, and decided to take his helicopter home one day, landing at the end of the big dock. As I understand it, docks are constructed to withstand mostly lateral movement — the flow of wind and waves and tides, plus the tug of a boat tied to pilings going back and forth. Dock construction really isn’t a kind of thing that’s able to bear up under any more weight than a bunch of people standing on it for a short period of time. So the pilot got out of his helicopter, went into his house, and the dock promptly collapsed, flipping the chopper upside down in the water. He called a crew in, they hauled the aircraft out of the water and set it down on his front yard, where mechanics were able to dry it out and get it airworthy. It wasn’t until he got in and started it up that he realized they’d put the helicopter down under all these big canopy oaks in his yard and he didn’t have enough room to take off. Out came the chainsaw, down went half his trees, and up went the chopper. It gets better, though. A few weeks later the guy tied up his big boat on his re-built dock after a day out on the water. He hosed the
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boat down, tossed the hose on the dock — with the end over the edge, still running — and got busy with something else and forgot it was on. He went into the house, packed, and got on a plane back to his other house in Massachusetts. The Casey Key Water Authority noticed they were having a potable water shortage a few days later. It took them a few more days to track down where the water was coming from: the guy’s still-running hose, merrily filling Little Sarasota Bay with freshwater. They turned off the faucet and billed him thousands of dollars for the water. Surprisingly, environmental regulators didn’t get into the act and charge the guy with adversely impacting the estuary with excess freshwater. Oops. Spread the word that turtle eggs cause a loss of manhood and turtle poaching will cause diminished manliness. This is a historic photo, by the way.
Turtle recipes Continuing on the dumb-thing theme comes an article a while ago from one of our great daily newspapers. The story was about a problem with poaching sea turtle eggs. Continued on page 18A
2A | Island Visitor September 2012 Siesta Sand • SEPTEMBER 2012 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestakeyislander.com
Publisher’s Notes...
to work hard can achieve their dreams. A place with the most generous and kind people who give selflessly of themselves when the need arises. That need occurred on September 11, 2001. It tested the mettle of the human spirit and reminded us just how much hatred still existed. It also showed the world how many heroes lived among us. September 11, 2012 marks the 11th anniversary of this horrific tragedy that brought this nation to her knees in prayer. It is a time in this country’s history that cannot be forgotten.
Isaac : Whew! Luckily Isaac shifted direction and stayed far enough away from our shoreline that our island was spared another onslaught of torrential downpours and damaging winds received when Tropical Storm Debby passed through in late June. Unfortunately, Louisiana felt the brunt of his fury. By the time Isaac reached Louisiana, he gained enough strength to turn it into a category 1 hurricane with winds at 80 mph. His slow progress means he’ll be hanging around at least a couple more days. As of this writing the levies appear to be holding and working as expected according to Mitch Landrieu, mayor of New Orleans. Our thoughts and prayers are with those in harm’s way.
Kurt Becker: Closer to home another tragedy strikes. Back on July 10th, Kurt Becker, a longtime witty and outgoing bartender at the Old Salty Dog fell off his ladder while working at home and severed his spinal cord. He faces a long road to recovery with a very slim chance of regaining his ability to walk again. Staff and management of the Old Salty Dog as well as other island businesses have come together collaborating on ways to help raise funds to cover his costly medical bills. If you would be interested in contributing, you can drop off your donation at the Old Salty Dog, located in the Village or you can go online at indiegogo. com/kurt-becker.
Labor Day Observance: September 3rd marks Labor Day this year. According to Wikipedia, “Labor Day is a day dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.” So a big hand to all the hard working men, women and children out there especially to all the small businesses that have risked their life’s savings and work countless hours long after their employees call it a day – Thank you. Remember 9-11: America, it is the melting pot of the world; a place where anyone willing
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|Blooming this month...
All-purpose plant: Aechmea shelldancer is a beautiful, large, and robust bromeliad which will fill a three-gallon pot. It’s tall stalk with pale blue and pink colors lasts for months. The bromeliad enjoys full or filtered shade and likes medium to light water, and does well indoors or outside, potted or in the ground. By the way, Rob Branch opens his private garden to the public on Labor Day, Sept. 3, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 1315 38th St., Sarasota. He has thousands of plants in thousands of species on his acre of property in north Sarasota. The property is generally acknowledged as one of, if not the finest, gardens in Southwest Florida.
Photo courtesy of Rob Branch
|Cover Background... Island artist Shawn McLoughlin provided the image of his watercolor painting for our cover background. Visit siestashawn.com Or visit his YouTube channel at www.YouTube.com/user/siestashawn.
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September 2012 Siesta Sand | 3A www.siestakeyislander.com • 941.539.0205 • SEPTEMBER 2012 • Siesta
Sand •
Sarasotan inducted into International Tennis Hall of Fame In recognition of his immense contributions to growing the sport of tennis worldwide, full-time Landings resident Mike Davies, who currently serves as CEO of the New Haven Open at Yale presented by First Niagara, has been inducted to the International Tennis Hall of Fame in the Class of 2012. An influential, behind-the-scenes executive in the tennis world, Mike has had a 40+ year career in tennis promotion and administration, with achievements ranging from forging the first, highly successful television/tennis contracts and negotiating major sponsorships to introducing the colored tennis ball to the game. While the rich history of tennis dates back hundreds of years, the game as we know it today- world-class tournaments, compelling, professional players, and dynamic international telecasts - is really just over fifty years old. The elevation of pro tennis from its conservative, pre-Open Era days to the exciting, global sport we all enjoy today is a result of the vision and hard work of dedicated behind-the-scenes leaders, notably Mike Davies.
After a successful pre-Open Era playing career, Mike’s 40+ year career in tennis promotion and administration officially began in 1968, when he became Executive Director of World Championship Tennis. It was a pivotal time in tennis, and Mike hit the ground running with new ideas to make professional tennis better for players, more enjoyable for fans, and financially viable. While leading the WCT, Mike was at the forefront of staging tournaments and selling sponsorships and television rights, thereby creating a platform for professional tennis to expand into large stadiums and major cities. In 1970, Mike launched the first multi-million dollar pro tour, which consisted of 20 tournaments throughout the world, and culminated in a final that aired on NBC– the very first network broadcast of tennis. The airing drew an extraordinary 20 million viewers, and interest in tennis surged. The telecast was just one of Mike’s many innovations that are still in play today.
Continued on page 22A
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4A | Island Visitor September 2012 Siesta Sand • september 2012 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestakeyislander.com Is your sliding door hard to open?
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Siesta Key Round-Up Kiosks to replace multiple signages at beach accesses and boat ramps According to George Tatge, manager of the county’s Parks and Recreation Department, the project, which began about a year ago, is aimed at cleaning up the numerous signs posted at beach accesses and boat ramps. He indicated that more than a half dozen signs were posted along one of the boat ramps and that the double-sided Kiosk will help consolidate all these signs. The tin-roofed kiosks located at the boat ramps will provide visitors with a map showing them how to reach the Intracoastal Waterway along with a graphic depiction and information on such water species as manatees, sea turtles and sea grasses among other sea life, while the kiosks located at the beach accesses will be geared to wildlife found on the beach as well as the various ordinances the public needs to be aware of when visiting the beach. One such ordinance visitors may wonder about is why dogs are forbidden on any of the beaches on Siesta Key. The Kiosk will include information explaining that the ordinance was put in place to protect beach-nesting birds such as the endangered snowy plover and sea turtle nests. According to Tatge, funding for the kiosks is being partially covered by tourist development tax revenue and the Sarasota County general fund for the beach kiosks in addition to the West Coast Inland Navigation District boater improvement grants for those near boat ramps. The cost to install one kiosk comes to around $2,400, and that includes installation and permitting. So far, the county has installed 10 on Siesta and plan to install three more. Tegu lizard found near Turtle Beach Park area This species native to Argentina has been reported around the Turtle Beach Park area. These reported sightings are a concern to the Sarasota County Natural Resources staff because the Argentine black and white tegu (Tupinambis merianae), the largest of the tegu species are omnivores, foraging for a wide range of foods including sea turtle eggs, and bird eggs. If left to proliferate they may cause a lot of environmental destruction. So if you spot one of these Black & White Tegu Lizard guys or any other large lizard or large snake, please do not try to catch it. Instead call Sarasota County at 941-861-5000. County increases budget to help alleviate noise Last month, Sarasota County commissioners voted to approve overtime pay for a code-enforcement officer. This choice was decided after a cost analysis was completed back in July that determined the amount to approve overtime for a code-enforcement officer was much cheaper at an approximate cost of $21,000 as opposed to hiring a part-time code-enforcement officer, which would have cost between $36,000 and $58,000 annually. The officer, Kevin Burns, will patrol the county on weekends to make sure businesses adhere to the ordinance in place to control the level of noise emanating from their establishment as well as any other type of violation that may occur on his beat. This measure was taken due to complaints from Siesta Key
By Emy Stein
residents upset about the excessive noise in the Village. Sarasota County Director of Planning and Services Rob Lewis will meet with area merchants to clarify and review the specifics of the ordinance and will be collecting data to provide commissioners with monthly reports. Commissioners anticipate that as citations are issued, the need for continued oversight will diminish. Beach ball logo sign shot down In an effort to replace the conventional brown signs attached to the bus stops around the island with a catchy beach ball logo sign, proclaiming our #1 beach status, the Siesta Key Village Association received the disappointing news last month that it was not approved by the county zoning staff. The beach ball sign was the brainchild of Lourdes Ramirez, Siesta Key resident and president of the Sarasota County Council of Neighborhood Associations. Since the original sign does not include the year Siesta received this honor by Stephen Leatherman aka Dr. Beach, a staff member of Visit Sarasota County designed the new sign incorporating the 2011-12 designation year along with a URL to their website. However, based on the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) which defines the standards used by road managers nationwide, the beach ball logo would violate its guidelines. An August memo from Rob Lewis, the county’s director of planning, to the County Commission stated, “There is no message for drivers. White and yellow backgrounds have specific meanings for traffic control devices, which don’t apply to this sign.” It went on to say, “The proposed design does not follow any of the standards for a traffic control device.” As a result staff did not recommend the placement of the ‘beach ball’ signs. Seaweed continues to be a problem on the beach Our beaches have been receiving its share of seaweed this year. In fact, according to George Tatge, manager of Sarasota County Parks and Recreation, “Seaweed has become an issue for communities all along the Gulf Coast and as fast as we clean it up, Mother Nature can dump more of it on the beach.” The increased amounts of seaweed can be blamed on Tropical Storm Debby passing through in late June. Because of state restrictions that limit mechanical cleaning to protect sea turtle nests and other protected species in addition to environmental and crowd conditions, clean- up crews have not been able to remove the seaweed in a timelier manner. To get the latest beach conditions you can call 941232-2437. This hotline is updated twice a day. Contract awarded for Siesta Village maintenance It took a little over a year, but the County Commission finally awarded a contract of maintenance for the Village. The annual contract was awarded to Championship Landscape Maintenance Professionals of Fort Myers with their bid coming in at $97,417.70. Of the seven firms vying for the job, Championship came out ahead of the pack. Although theirs was not the lowest bid, they received high marks from the Longboat Key Club, according to a memo from Tom Maroney, general manager of business operations in the county’s Public Works Department and came in under budget with their proposal. In a separate memo from James K. Harriott Jr., the county’s director of public works, to the County Commission, the Siesta Key Village Maintenance Corp., where Mark Smith is chairman, will be in charge of overseeing the contract with Championship although, he was not certain when Championship would actually begin work since a requisition order was still in the works and he requested the Procurement Department to schedule a “kick-off “meeting.
September 2012 Siesta Sand | 5A www.siestakeyislander.com • 941.539.0205 • september 2012 • Siesta
Sand •
6A | Island Visitor September 2012 Siesta Sand • September 2012 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestakeyislander.com
Sarasota Waters
By Paul Roat
|Jumping, gulping mullet featured off key...
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Although most mullet are caught when they are full of eggs in the fall and winter, the bottom feeding fish are at the surface in the waters off Siesta Key of late. Mullet, Mugil cephalus, is one of the most common fish found in Sarasota Bay. They grow to 20 inches or more in length. You know a kid’s sketch of a fish, that skinny, lopsided “8” lying on its side, with a fin or two and a big tail on one end and a big round eye on the other? That’s what a mullet looks like, complete with a grayish-brown top and white underside. The species has a soft mouth used to gum its algae diet and is loathe to take a hook. There have been reports of catching a mullet with a dough ball-encrusted hook, but most mullet are caught today in a cast net. The fish also jump. A lot. Three, four, even up to seven times in a row. Think of salmon leaping over waterfalls in the Pacific Northwest and you get an idea of a mullet jumping out of the water in the placid bay waters. Why do they jump? One fish expert offered his sarcastic comment: because they can. Biologists have proposed that the fish jump to rid themselves of parasites. Or to attract a mate. Or to avoid prey. Or to help in the digestion of the gassy algae which constitutes their diet. Or just for the fun of it. Or to see what’s out there. Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage’s Allan Garner offered one of the most whimsical reasons: “Because they’re trying to evolve.” But what are the bottom feeders doing on the surface? Feeding, according to Capt. James Lee, He said he’s noticed that whenever there are fish traveling along the surface, there are also fish swimming along the bottom. “There’s a plume of stuff that the bottom fish stir up to the surface, that the surface fish eat,” he said. “I guess when the surface fish get full, they swim down to the bottom and stir up more for the rest.” Mullet used to be caught using long nets that caught the correct-size fish through by their gills. It was a pretty ingenious means of fishing. Small fish would swim through the mesh. Larger fish would bump off the net. The right-size fish would get caught in the mesh. Florida voters succumbed to the anti-gill net propaganda in 1994 and outlawed gill nets. Only cast nets of a diameter of no more than 12 feet are allowed to catch fish these days. The bulk of the profit of mullet comes from the fish eggs. Fish roe is prized in Asian markets, and the fish are harvested when the fish are fat with eggs usually from just before
Top: The late Frank Mayers of Longboat Key shows cast net proficiency. Mayers daughter is Michael Saunders. Middle: Mullet jump from the water for reasons that no one seems clear on. Bottom: Mullet school throughout the year, but especially in the fall and winter.
Thanksgiving to Christmas. The meat itself is succulent, tender and an old Florida delicacy prized by those who know and love fish. Fried is a popular means of cooking. Smoked is superb. If you want to show your Southern expertise, ask the mullet smoker if he or she uses buttonwood for the smoking. Buttonwood provides the best taste, all smoked mullet aficionados agree. And as for mullet jumping? Capt. Lee — Wyre — probably explained it the best. “They jump because they don’t want to smell their own farts.”
September 2012 Siesta Sand | 7A www.siestakeyislander.com • 941.539.0205 • September 2012 • Siesta
Sand •
Giving Back |Service Above Self: Rotary clubs give back both here and abroad By Diana Colson Rotary is an organization that brings together business, professional and community leaders to provide humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations, and helps to build goodwill and peace in the world. To meet these lofty standards, Rotarians follow this four way test in what they think, say or do: 1.) is it the truth? 2.) Is it fair to all concerned? 3.) Will it build goodwill and better friendships? 4.) Will it be beneficial to all concerned? There are one million two hundred thousand members in the worldwide organization. One of the Signature Projects of Rotary International is to eradicate polio all over the world. They have worked hand in glove with the World Health Organization in achieving this goal. In the words of Howard Crowell, a Sarasota resident and past District Governor, “Rotarians have been the ones who carried the vaccines up and down mountains all over the world. Because of such efforts, we are awfully close to seeing the end of polio. When we succeed, it will be only the second disease in the world to be eradicated. There are still some challenges in Africa, however.” Steve Schlueter of the Rotary Club of Anna Maria Island said that Rotary has raised over $200 million for the eradication of polio in the past three years alone. With $355 million in matching grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Rotary International will dedicate $555 million to the eradication campaign. Rotary not only does good works in faraway lands, it also makes a difference here at home. There are seven clubs in the local Sarasota area, and all are included in the fifty-one clubs in District 6960. Rotarians from this district have given back to the community by providing food supplies and backpacks for little ones whose parents have limited resources. They have also provided dictionaries to third and fourth graders. They have provided books, learning tools, and other supplies to early elementary schools. They have operated Meals on Wheels for the senior members of the community, and also done Volunteer Work at local hospitals.
Holiday meals, visits, and musical programs are also part of District 6960’s commitment to the area’s senior citizens. Twice a year, members of The Rotary Club of Sarasota Keys collect, sort, purchase and deliver baskets of groceries to the Salvation Army, who then deliver the baskets to pre-screened families in need. During the holidays, this Rotary club also operates a Salvation Army collection kettle on St. Armand’s Circle. They also participate in fundraising at the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. On an international level, The Rotary Club of Sarasota Keys helps needy children from developing countries receive life-saving corrective heart surgery at participating hospitals in the USA. Rotary has long been involved in the lives of the youth. The Seminar for Tomorrow’s Leader’s (S4TL) is a powerful leadership training program for Florida high school students going into their senior year. It is organized annually by a board of directors of Rotarian senior staff from three Districts in mid-Florida, including Sarasota. Each club in these three districts may sponsor one or more delegates to the week-long camp hosted by Rotary International. The camp convenes at Florida Southern College. The goal of this leadership camp is to give young people the resources to see hope, to help them gain the strength to not accept things as they may appear, and to give them the courage to make a difference in their own lives and the lives of others. This year, the delegate sponsored by Rotary Club of Sarasota Gateway was Maria Santos, a senior at the Sarasota Military Academy who holds the rank of colonel. Maria’s future plans when she graduates in 2013 are to go to college to study nursing. She also hopes to join ROTC so that she can become a military nurse. Another local Rotary project has been the one at Sarasota’s Oak Park School, a facility that serves children with special needs. At Oak Park, Rotarians have created a park using a floor of materials designed to prevent injury. They have also created a cover for the park to
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protect children from our blazing tropical sun. Each club has individual projects which they handle themselves. Sometimes, however, they partner with other groups on larger projects, such as going to the Caribbean and to Africa to build wells for people who have no water. Indeed, local Rotarians have been directly involved in creating a water supply system in St. Lucia, a sovereign island country in the eastern Caribbean. Rotary is a worldwide network of inspired individuals who translate their passions into relevant social issues designed to change lives in
communities. Their motto is SERVICE ABOVE SELF. There are over 34,000 Rotary clubs around the world, and their areas of focus are impressive: • Peace and conflict prevention and resolution • Disease prevention and treatment • Water and Sanitation • Maternal and child health • Basic education and literacy • Economic and community development District 6960 serves the areas between Palmetto, Marco Island and Clewistown. For more information go to www.rotarydistrict6960. org.
8A | Island Visitor September 2012 Siesta Sand • September 2012 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestakeyislander.com
Sarasota Up & Down the Trail Boss mayor proposal shelved, again
Sarasota City voters will ponder a charter change in November that will strengthen the powers of their city manager. But they will not see another proposal to change the entire city government to an elected mayor with executive powers, replacing the half-century-old city manager / council form of government. The strong mayor proposal was scuttled by 3-2 city commission vote. Supporters will have to begin a petition drive to gain more than 3,000 signatures if they want their plan on the ballot next March. Three times the city voters have smashed the idea at the polls, and twice the city’s charter review committee has evaluated – and then rejected – the strong mayor proposal.
Storms send seaweed to Siesta
Tropical Storms Debbie and Isaac showered local beaches with seaweed in August. So far county workers removed more than 300 tons of weed, and there’s a lot more to go. Crews are using mechanical rakes on some beaches, but others must be cleaned by hand because of sea turtle nests, and the nest of some protected species of birds. A county press release said, “Cleanup efforts on Siesta Beach have been hampered… because of tides, crowds and state-imposed restrictions.” That was before Tropical Storm Isaac added its thundering waves to the mix, pushing more seaweed on west coast beaches.
Warmart pushes plans for Payne Park store
An “urban supercenter” Walmart is proposed for the Ringling Shopping Center at Ringling and Lime east of
By Stan Zimmerman
Downtown. The shopping center was the city’s first, but since the Publix grocery store moved to it new location, the center has begun to fail. Walmart announced it has an option on the property and hopes to build a retail center with a grocery story on that location. The old center would be torn down, and the asphalt parking lot ripped up to make way for the new Walmart. The site already has the appropriate zoning to accept the nearly 100,000-square-foot store, leaving only a planning board decision on the company’s site plan. However Walmart execs held a voluntary neighborhood meeting to share their plans and listen to nearby residents thoughts. Of concern is neighborhood access across the property to Payne Park. Others include noise from the non-stop store (24/7/365), plus plans for garbage, cardboard compacting and semi-truck idling. The company hopes to open the story in early 2014.
Dent crushes Thaxton in primary
Voters can be full of surprises. What was thought to be a close race turned out to be a steamroller for the incumbent election supervisor. On primary day August 14, Kathy Dent was re-elected to a fourth term as supervisor of elections by 75 percent, trouncing her well-known opponent Jon Thaxton. Both were three-term politicians, but Thaxton was a termlimited county commissioner and decided to run for Dent’s seat. He brought up a number of questions about Dent’s record, including a 12,000-vote “under-vote” in the Vern BuchananChristine Jennings race of 2006. The primary had a 24 percent turnout, as 28,415 county
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Republicans went to the polls. Dent faces no opposition in the general election except for a token write-in candidate who kept Democrats from voting in the primary.
Crystal Classic is back
Siesta Key’s master sand sculptor competition will return November 8-12. It will be the third year for the national-class clash where the best sculptors in the country vie for prizes and recognition. There was a bit of a hiccup in the scheduling, when it appeared the Crystal Classic would run concurrently with the Fort Myers effort, now in its 26th year. However the Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce moved back the date of its American Sand Sculpting Championship to November 16. About 40,000 people attended the Siesta Key event last year. The event supports Mote Marine Laboratory’s Sea Turtle Rescue Program.
DUI arrests up on Siesta Key
For the first five months of 2012, Sarasota Sheriff’s deputies posted a 31 percent increase in drunk driving arrests compared to the same period last year. Arrests county-wide for DUI were up 15 percent. During the first three months of 2012 – generally considered the height of the tourist season – DUI arrests were up 47 percent compared to 2011. The surge in arrests may reflect tighter enforcement after a jogger was killed January 7 by an allegedly drunker driver. The SarasotaNewsLeader.com requested the figures from the sheriff’s office.
September 2012 Siesta Sand | 9A
Sarasota History
www.siestakeyislander.com • 941.539.0205 • September 2012 • Siesta
Sand •
By Paul Roat
|Another generation of Siesta’s home-grown characters... Siesta Key has a history of unusual characters. The trend continues to this day. When was the last time you were at the Sunday sunset beach drum circle? The reason for character congregation could well be explained by the late novelist Douglas Adams in his sci-fi book “Mostly Harmless”: “We all like to congregate at boundary conditions. Where land meets water. Where earth meets air. Where body meets mind. Where space meets time. We like to be on one side and look at the other.” Perhaps the first “character” in Siesta Key history was Rube Allyn in the early 1910s. He was an actor, publisher of the short-lived “Sarasota Sun” newspaper, and accused but acquitted of killing Sarasota’s political poster child and long-time mayor Harry Higel. Rube Sr. left Siesta and Sarasota with his wife and two children and moved to a village southeast of Tampa. It was later named Rubonia. The following is from Great Outdoors Publish Co. “Rubert Royce Allyn Jr. learned the publishing business at his father’s knee. After a stint in the U.S. Navy, Rube Junior wrote for the St. Petersburg Times newspaper, ultimately becoming its outdoor columnist. His primary beat was the fishing pier [in downtown St. Petersburg], and he enthusiastically reported who was catching what and where. “Some of his ‘fish stories’ were just that. Many of them were illustrated with goofy cartoons created by friend and fellow columnist Dick Bothwell, who was frequently called upon to confirm the veracity of whatever howler Rube came up with. “Although Rube traveled around Florida reporting on all sorts of outdoor activities, he was especially keen on fishing. While quizzing local anglers at the dock about their day’s catch, he was so often asked ‘What kind of fish is this?’ that he compiled his first book, ‘Dictionary of Fishes,’ eventually publishing it himself, printing it on a press that was housed at one time in a tent, at another aboard a boat in the municipal basin. “After Rube retired from the Times he became a fulltime publisher, producing more fishing books, fishing maps, boat plans and tide charts. Expanding beyond the realm of fishing and boating, he did books on shells, birds, reptiles, camping, Florida history, and other topics, and was a founding member of the Florida Outdoor Writers Association. “In 1964, Great Outdoors moved to the Lealman area of St. Petersburg. Rube’s business was not only a publishing house, but a commercial print shop as well, with complete offset and letterpress services. He also sold tide charts, custom printed with the name and logo of fish camps and bait and tackle stores. He would fill his motor home with books and tide cards and travel around the state, visiting shell shops, bookstores, magazine stands, tourist attractions, and Seminole and Miccosukee Indian villages, delivering his wares and collecting information for his books.” We’re obviously talking old-school, hands-on marketing back then. But Rube Jr. was more than just a showman. His daredevil act rivals current local acts.
Above: Rubert Royce “Rube” Allyn Jr. Left: Charlie Allyn
From the St. Petersburg Times, July 19, 2009, comes the following report. “It was July 1954, two months before the original Sunshine Skyway opened, and Rube Allyn could smell a good story. With photographer Bob Moreland right behind him, snapping pictures, he became the first to cross the 15-mile bridge from end to end. “Part of the trip was by car — no sweat. But when the two journalists got to the still-incomplete middle span, 11 stories above the water, it took an hour to negotiate, walking and crawling over 8-inch-wide steel girders and planks. “’Up there,’ he reported, ‘it is a lot higher than I expected, the wind was blowing harder than I supposed — and the bridge, which looked solid from a distance, was swaying like a hammock.’ “That was vintage Allyn. In his quarter century as the Times outdoors writer, he was known for both his daily column and his showmanship. He peppered his columns with fishing tips and calls for conservation. He loved a good adventure, like the time he and two companions became the first to cross the Florida Straits from Key West to Cuba in an outboard motor boat. “Allyn was an entrepreneur as well, founding a company that published a number of outdoors books. One of those books, his ‘Dictionary of Fishes’, sold more than a half-million copies. “He died in 1968 after he was struck by a car while bicycling. At his request, he was buried at sea, wrapped in sail cloth, at a spot near Egmont Key ‘where the kingfishing is best.’’” Great Outdoors Publishing Co. is still in existence. Rube Sr.’s son Charlie and wife Joyce took it over and kept the presses running. It changed hands a few times and, after Charlie’s death in 1988, Joyce ran the business until she died in 2005. Great Outdoors continues. It now publishes more than 40 Florida titles and distributes about 400 other publications. Rube Allyn’s “Dictionary Of Fishes” was pretty much on every bookshelf of every fisher back in the 1950s through the 1980s, published by Great Outdoors Publishing Co. of St. Petersburg.
10A | Island Visitor September 2012 Siesta Sand • September 2012 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestakeyislander.com
Accommodations Locator Map
Seaside Resort Rentals Weekly, Monthly & Seasonal Vacation Rentals for every budget. Specializing in Siesta Key. Annual Rentals too. Seaside Resort Rentals & Management, Inc. 1715 Stickney Point Road, Unit C 8 Sarasota, FL 34231 (941) 923-6077 • (888) 428-5678 Fax: (941)923-7312 www.seasidemgmt.com
© Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2012
September 2012 Siesta Sand | 11A www.siestakeyislander.com • 941.539.0205 • September 2012 • Siesta
Condos in Common By Scott Diamond
Sand •
The Time is now
|How I Spent My Summer Vacation... My first two week vacation in more than twenty years involved a tropical storm, an extensive road trip, and a tornado. Let’s begin. Leaving Florida at the end of May for a vacation sounds tame enough with the remote chance of a storm threat or so I thought. Tropical Storm Beryl, the strongest off season storm on record to make landfall in the United States, arrived in Jacksonville and followed us to North Carolina. Luckily, we would be staying far from the coast with old friends who now live in a condominium community in Raleigh. How the conversation started on the differences between Florida and North Carolina condominium law, who’s to say. Bottom line: condo associations created after October 1, 1986 are governed by the new, more comprehensive North Carolina Condominium Act. Live in one that was formed prior to 10/1/86, you still go by the Unit Ownership Act of 1963. They live in a new unit so a lengthy discussion was avoided. My busman’s holiday continued in Virginia when my aunt told us over lunch that a local condo association was fined for refusing to make a reasonable accommodation in a pet restricted community for an owner who needed a pet for doctor’s ordered therapy. This one is always difficult for those on both sides of the issue. In Maryland, the next aunt that I visited verified that a bill would not be passed this year to prohibit developers from shortening the statute of limitations on warranties in condo sale contracts. Similar legislation in Florida, as of July 1st, condo owners received some protection as opposed to those owners in HOA’s. One thing that I found interesting while visiting my cousin in Dover, is that Delaware has more specific laws when it comes to reserve funding than we do here in Florida. This year I’ve filled out a record number of questionnaires from banks all requiring that in order to loan money for a condo purchase, at least 10% of the annual budget must be used to fund reserves. Some banks have no wiggle room for approval concerning units for sale in some older associations that might have adequate reserves but might want to take a year off from funding. We stayed for a time with an old friend in Philadelphia who sells condominiums for a large developer. Pennsylvania has new insurance requirements for both the association and the individual buyer. In Florida,
we strive to maintain reasonable deductibles and compliance that all individual owners purchase at least the standard HO-6 policy. When we finally made it to the Jersey Scott Diamond is a Sarasota Shore, I learned that the Association Manager at Casey New Jersey Supreme Condominium Management, Court voted 5 to 1 that a full service property a condo owner could management company place election signs in the front door and window of a unit upholding his First Amendment Right of Freedom of Speech. Stay tuned. Something like this is pending in Florida’s Supreme Court at the moment. On the way back to Florida, we drove right through tornado warnings, stopped at Denny’s and a hotel with electricity. With an early start, we made it home by midnight. So my first and possibly last road trip has concluded, but not my opportunity to share news that you can use. Thank you, Siesta Sand.
if you have ever thought about spending more than a week (or month) here The Time may Be now if you have ever thought of a second home here The Time may Be now if you have ever thought of calling siesta Key home The Time may Be now Let me show you a Real estate market that clearly states The time is now
Factoid by Paul Rote We’re in the height of hurricane season. Sarasota’s historic storm of record came Sept. 22, 1848. As J. Whitcomb Rylee and Tom Payne put it in “Yesterday’s Sarasota”: “The granddaddy of hurricanes visited Sarasota. Bill Whitaker [first resident of Sarasota] walked to the edge of the bay as the storm subsided to look for his fishing nets. Not only were the nets gone, but the section of Longboat Key on which they had been laid to dry had vanished as well. Whitaker could look straight through the new opening to the Gulf of Mexico. He named the new pass … ‘New Pass.’” Maybe more of some inlets will come later.
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12A | Island Visitor September 2012 Siesta Sand • September 2012 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestakeyislander.com
Featured Artist
|The Life Journey of Elizabeth Van Riper By Diana Colson... Elizabeth Van Riper grew up in Princeton, New Jersey, as the youngest of three children. A fifth generation artist on her mother’s side, Elizabeth’s home is filled with paintings by her great great grandmother, grandmother and mother. Her mother was also a wonderful gardener, seamstress and cook. She told Elizabeth: “You have to think about the plate.” Meals were to consist of foods that had a variety of colors and textures and shapes. Looking back, Elizabeth says: “These things were very significant in how I evolved an aesthetic sense.” From first grade on, Elizabeth was involved in children’s theater. Indeed, she was convinced that someday she would be an actress. But she was always making something alongside her mother or grandmother, sewing, cooking, and the like. Her family also had a summer home on a glacial lake in the mountains of New Jersey. “It was a place where we were able to run free. The only rule being: DON’T GO OFF THE MOUNTAIN.” In spite of living in such a bucolic retreat, they were close to NYC and often went in to see museums and plays. At the age of 14, Elizabeth got her first job. It was in lingerie store called EDITH’s, owned by an aristocratic refugee from Hungary who had been a designer in her native land. In hindsight, Elizabeth says that working at EDITH’s became one of the most important things in her life. At the age of 17, she was given the responsibility of running the store while the owners went to Europe for weeks at a time. These experiences would serve Elizabeth well in her artistic life that was yet to come. Because of Princeton’s academic institutions and Edith’s émigré sensitivities, there was a constant stream of international scholars coming through EDITH’s. Elizabeth remembers a beautiful Indian woman— to whom she served tea— and Stalin’s daughter, Svetlana—to whom she served cognac. Of such moments, Elizabeth says: “It was remarkable exposure for me because I was from a very Anglo oriented family.” Properly introduced to the larger world, Elizabeth went off to college and ultimately to NYC where she worked at a bar on McDougal Street called SHAKESPEARE’S. She started off as a coat-check girl and ended up as General Manager. During that time she catered cast party events for such Broadway shows as THE FANTASTICS and DAMES AT SEA. As all nice girls were teachers, nurses or secretaries, Elizabeth enrolled at KATHERINE GIBBS one year program for college women to become an Executive Assistant. It trained her for a “hat and white gloves” job. She ended up working for Christopher Cerf at Children’s Television Workshop, which produced SESAME STREET and other innovative educational media. While there she
handled licensing and was involved in the production of SESAME STREET record albums on the WARNER BROTHERS label. “Before long I realized that at Sesame Street you were either a big name or a worker bee. If I was going to get ahead, I needed to go someplace that offered Middle Management career opportunities, and so I went to First National City Bank.” (This later became City Bank, which evolved into CITI.) Here Elizabeth did account management for General Motors, Ford, Corning Glass Works and was one of the first women to complete their corporate lending training program. Elizabeth got married. After her first child was born, she experienced being a working mother. Soon, she opted to try the alternative and became a work at home mom. She set about creating hand woven baskets, and soon developed a business, CANE MUTINY, offering hand woven and painted baskets. Junior League and hospital benefit fund raising bazaars became the retail venue for this company’s products. The painting of baskets reawakened her familial artistic sensibilities and she
started doing her own personal art work to supplement her ancestral paintings. After the birth of her third child, she went back to work in NY for Bankers Trust and ultimately commercial real estate in Fairfield County CT. Elizabeth divorced and two years later relocated with her three children to Dallas, TX. In a new relationship with her now husband, Jim Fraser, things were looking good until their home burned to the ground. Following that shattering experience, Jim gave her a 6-week course in THE ARTIST’S WAY by Judith Cameron, a creative reawakening guide. He followed that with a 6-week pastel workshop, at the end of which he declared: “You are an artist, now just do it.” He helped her get a studio, and artwork began pouring out. Elizabeth began her new career by painting very painterly fish—in fact they were dancing fish. She made an enormous room divider-screen consisting of three fish, each 6’ x 2’, hinged at their fins. She created a fireplace screen from painted fish, and also some spectacular fish tables.
EVR Studio Gallery
To show her new products, Elizabeth took a temporary booth at Dallas Market Center. To her amazement, The Museum of Modern Art of Fort Worth purchased the whole suite! Two months later her work was gracing the cover of a Texas regional magazine and she continued to create and ship her Fine Art Furnishings throughout the country and overseas. After five years in Dallas Elizabeth and her husband moved to Sarasota and she started painting full time, first on the dining room table and ultimately, in a new free-standing studio. The work she created in this new expanded space was successfully exhibited in numerous solo and group exhibits. Soon licensing agents placed reproductions of her paintings in Neiman Marcus, The Horchow Collection, Ballard Designs and Neiman Marcus. Over a year ago she branched into designing silk scarves and greeting cards, coasters, pillows and hand-washable decoupage plates featuring her original art work imagery. “I market a suite of image products that allow you to participate on many different levels. Many of my products can be used as display pieces or as functional pieces. This year, GUMPS carried my spring line, and I am designing for their future seasonal initiatives. I now place my line at high-end boutiques and gift shops, on cruise lines, and at destination resorts and spas.” Locally, her line of home and personal “Fine Art for Everyday” has been carried by The Paper Tree on Osprey, Marianne E and Circle on the Square. In addition to her art, Elizabeth Van Riper hosted a talk radio program,“The Creative Life”, and was creator and host of “Food for Thought”, an Evening of Wine, Cuisine & Cultural Conversation. “How fortune I was to be in the business world. It has helped me develop the other side of my brain. I understand marketing and profit margins. I look at my art as a business. It has helped me remain in the field doing what I love—creating.” To see samples of Elizabeth’s work go to www. ElizabethVanRiper.com. Her e-mail address is studio@ elizabethvanriper.com
in Curt a t ' ap
Captain Curt’s Village
e t Th I Go bs At ’s Cra in Curt a Capt
Visit Siesta Key’s Old Florida Family Restaurant Captain Curt’s is a lot more than Clam Chowder. If you are looking for that “Old Florida” place to take the family, a place that will take you back in time to an era where good, fresh seafood was a standard, look no further... Captain Curt’s Crab & Oyster Bar is just that place. It’s a place where reasonable prices, a casual family atmosphere and courteous service still exist, too. Besides the great food and prices, Captain Curt’s serves up a slice of Old Florida character almost impossible to find elsewhere. Upon entering the dining room, you’ll get the feeling you have returned to a bygone era…a time when rustic, casual dining with a friendly staff, happy to serve you, still existed. The seating is casual and can accommodate large parties as well as small. Captain Curt’s award winning New England Clam Chowder is just the beginning of the delicious items on our extensive menu. A large variety of crab plates Captain Curt’s Giant American Flag are available, from Alaskan King, Snow Crab and Dungeness to the local favorite, Florida Stone Crab. But crab entrees are only part of the story. Our menu offers something for everyone. Seafood is the mainstay, and you can choose from a wide variety. Shrimp, fish, scallops, clams, and oysters can be prepared almost any way you desire. For the landlubber...The House Visit Sniki Tiki, Specialty BBQ Baby Back Ribs Captain Curt’s have been called “The Best in Town,” and the Grilled Prime Rib is Outdoor Tiki Bar
Siesta Key, Florida
r a & O ys t e r B
Sniki Tiki, Capt. Curt’s out-door, tropical bar is located on Midnight Pass Road... “Next Door To You Know Who!” Sniki Tiki is a great addition to Capt. Curt’s Village, with out-door dining to accommodate smokers, and a great tropical bar for locals & visitors to meet. Enjoy food and drink specials. If dining at Captain Curt’s, get your pager from our greeter and hang-out at the tiki bar, we’ll page you when your table is ready. No more boring lines during the busy season. Get that tropical, laid-back, easy-going, low-latitude attitude, unavailable any where else.
the favorite of many. There is also a good variety of pork, chicken, burgers and hot dogs. And don’t forget the Gumbo; you won’t be disappointed. If light fare is your choice, try one of Captain Curt’s delicious salads. They range from traditional favorites to a selection of seafood specialties like the Shrimp, Chicken or Mahi Caesar. All are prepared with the freshest of ingredients. For the children... Captain Curt’s is perfect. The Children’s Menu offers a number of tasty dishes -- with fries -- for just $5.99.Children’s dinners are served on our original “Crabby Frisbee,” which is theirs to keep and take home. You just cannot beat Captain Curt’s menu for Florida favorites as well as delicious traditional entrees. If more of a good thing is possible, visit Captain Curt’s Back Room Saloon. The full menu is available in the saloon with food and drink specials offered daily. But the real secret to the Back Room’s popularity is entertainment! “Live at the Crab” presents live music by some of Sarasota’s best performers seven nights a week, from 8pm to midnight. (Check out our entertainment schedule. If you are a karaoke fan, try the Backroom’s karaoke, it’s been called “the best in town.” Also, for sports fans, the Backroom’s satellite TVs make for a party during every event. Food and drink specials are always available. So what are you waiting for? If you are looking for that perfect place to take the family, visit us on beautiful Siesta Key. We are easy to find and eagerly await the opportunity to serve you. We hope to see you soon!
Look for Captain Curt’s Crab & Oyster Bar just one block south of Stickney Point Rd. (Siesta Key’s South Bridge) on Midnight Pass Rd.
Sniki is Cool & We Know It!..., Visit Sniki Tiki today, relax in a warm, sunny seat under a palm, order your favorite tropical drink and enjoy the tropical atmosphere you came to Florida for. See You at the Sniki Tiki!
Live Entertainment Thurs. - Sun.
Enjoy Our New Outdoor Fire Place!
Captain Curt’s Village PULL-OUT
Siesta Key, Florida
ar & O ys t e r B
Trigger Nuggets
Fish Dip Grouper and Cod move aside... Smoked Mahi, Amberjack and Marlin Fried Trigger Nuggets are here to stay. served with a fresh bread stick 9.99 8.99 Clam Strips
An old time favorite... now with more clams! 7.99
Conch Fritters
Hand breaded with chunks of delicious Florida conch 7.99
Corn Fritters
It ain’t easy breading cream corn, but we did it. Golden brown on the outside and creamy goodness in the middle. 5.99
Peel & Eat Shrimp
A dozen EZ peel, shell on, cleaned and de-veined. Served chilled. 6.99
Boom Boom Shrimp
Tender breaded shrimp, hand tossed in our spicy boom boom sauce 7.99
Deviled Crab’s Stuffed and fried in the shell 7.99
Gator Bites
Yes, it’s Real Gator! Hand breaded and fried 8.99
Crab Cake
70% premium lump crab meat Maryland style 10.99
Mozzarella Sticks Cheezy Mozzarella sticks served with Marinari sauce 6.99
Spicey Cheesy Crab Bites Crab, cheese and jalapeno bites. Fried golden brown. 6.99
House Salad - 5.99 Mix of Iceburg and Romaine Lettuce, with Red Cabbage, Onions, Carrots, Tomatoes and Cucumbers with Chicken 8.99 with Shrimp 9.99 with Mahi 9.99
Chicken Tenders
Tender breast meat. Served with your choice of dipping sauce. 7.99
Escargot Baked in garlic butter and served with our delicious bread stick for dippin’ 8.99
Buffalo Wings Mild, hot, really hot or garlic pepper 7.99
Caesar Salad - 7.99
Award Winning Chowder To Go!
Happy HoUR PRIME OYSTERS 7.99/Dozen $
Captain Curt’s Platter
North Pacific Flounder
Wild caught. A very mild and flaky fish. Broiled or fried 17.99
Grilled Mahi-Mahi
Oyster Dinner
Sea Scallops
Lobster, Shrimp & Scallops*
Gulf Grouper Filets
12 large shrimp prepared the way you like. Grilled, fried, broiled or scampi. 15.99
The unique flavor of this white flaky meat makes this the most sought after fish in the Gulf. Grilled, broiled or fried. Market Price
1/2 rack of ribs with 6 fried shrimp 17.99
Fried white fish, scallops, shrimp and deviled crabs 16.99
Farm raised to insure perfection. Tilapia is mild but very tasty. Broiled or fried 15.99
Admiral’s Platter
Plump Fried Oysters A must for the oyster lover! 19.99 From the cold waters of the Grand Banks. These scallops are the best in town. Broiled or fried. 18.99
Grilled fish so nice they named it twice. 17.99
Cajun broiled white fish & shrimp 14.99
Market Price
Ribs & Shrimp
Surf & Turf*
Prime Rib & Cold Water Lobster Tail Market Price
Side Salad - 3.99
All Baskets served with French Fries & Cole Slaw
Grouper Basket Florida’s Favorite! Fried grouper fingers Market Price
Crab Cakes
2 Maryland style crab cakes made with 70% real lump crab meat 19.99
Shrimp Basket
Trigger Fish
If you like Grouper and you like Cod, you’ll love Trigger Fish. Broiled, grilled or fried. A Local Favorite! 17.99
Alaskan Fish & Chips
Rib Basket 1/2 Rack of Baby back ribs 11.99
Trigger Basket
Raw Oysters
Alaskan King Crab Legs
Served shucked on the half shell 1 doz. 12.99 1/2 doz. 7.99
Alaskan Snow Crab Legs
Steamed Clams
1 1/4 lbs. Served with drawn butter Market Price
1 lb. Served in Garlic Butter 8.99
Some of our foods contain ingredients known to be major food allergens, and all of our food is prepared in a common kitchen.
Baby Back Ribs
A Whole Rack of our famous Danish Baby Backs 16.99
Grilled Prime Rib
A juicy cut of flame grilled prime rib served with au jus 15.99
Siesta Key Bike & Kayak Fun for your vacation with Bike & Kayak Rental. Tours, Delivery & Pick-up. 346-0891
Lorraine’s Island Hair Design Full Service salon, Braids & Wraps by appointment. Monday thru Saturday. 346-7206
Steamed Oysters
Trigger Fish Sandwich
If you like Grouper and you like Cod, you’ll love Trigger Fish! Broiled, grilled or fried. A local favorite!! 9.99
*Prices & Items subject to change.
Home of the Orange Squeeze! Featuring hand-mixed ice cream, coffees, shakes, malts, sundaes, & smoothies. Open Til 9:30pm 941-346-8080
Coconut Fashions The best in service, quality, & design. Beachwear & accessories for the whole family. 349-4498
1/2 lb. of Angus beef 6.99
Steamed whole & served with a shucker 1 doz. 12.99 2 doz. 22.99 3 doz. 31.99
1/2 lb. of Angus beef topped with bacon and swiss cheese 8.49
Garlic Mussels
Chicken Sandwich
1 lb. Served in Garlic Butter, with a Bread Stick 8.99
Bacon Burger
Marinated chicken breast cooked over the grill 7.99
Chicken Club
Chicken breast topped with bacon and swiss cheese 9.49
NOTICE: Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish or eggs may increase your risk of food borne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions.
Captain Curt’s
Village SHOPS
A Captain Curt’s favorite made with snow and king crab. 7.99
Captain Curt Burger
“Win “Winner of the Great Chowder Cook-Off” Inte International Competition Newport R.I. Cup 3.99 Bowl 5.99 GUMBO
Flounder Sandwich
Crab Salad Sandwich
Chicken Basket
Tilapia Your Way Mild but very tasty. Broiled or fried. 8.99
Grouper Your Way “A Local Favorite!” Grilled, broiled or fried. Market Price
ar & O ys t e r B
Fried Fish Sandwich Alaskan pollock on a bun. 6.99
Mahi-Mahi Sandwich
Grilled fish so nice they named it twice. 9.99
Tuna Salad Sandwich A classic recipe. 5.99
Spice it up with Cajun or Garlic Pepper .50
Cozumel Burger
12 Years and Under Only (All Meals include French Fries)
Pork Tenderloin
Hamburger Cheeseburger Hot Dog Chicken Nuggets Fish Sticks Shrimp Macaroni & Cheese
1/2 lb. of Angus beef smothered in chili with a side of jalapeños 7.99 Breaded and fried. A true “Indiana-style” pork tenderloin. 7.99
Big Dog
1/4 lb. all beef hot dog 4.99 Add chili 1.00
ADD Cheese .50 Bacon 1.00
Onion Rings 3.99 Vegetables 2.99 French Fries 2.99 Cole Slaw 1.50 Jasmine Rice 2.99 Bread Sticks 1.99 Parsley-Red Potatoes 2.99
Captain Curt’s finished 1st place at the Great Chowder Cook-Off, Home of The International Chowder Championships in Newport, RI. The festival has been featured on The Food Network & The CBS Morning Show. Previous winners are a “Hall of Fame” of some of the best seafood restaurants in the country and Captain Curt’s is proud to be in such great company. The judges of the competition are the attendees, and they are tough and know their chowder. The festival draws over 15,000+ people, most local New Englanders, and they use their admission ticket as their ballot.
Add French Fries 1.50
Two 5 oz. cold water lobster tails broiled Market Price
Spicy Seafood Gumbo CUP 3.99 BOWL 5.99
Our delicious Maryland style crab cake served on a bun. 12.99
Clam Basket
Fried, Trigger nuggets 13.99
Twin Lobster Tails*
Crab Cake Sandwich
Wild caught. A very mild and flaky fish. Broiled or fried. 8.99
Fresh, fried Oysters 13.99
A generous helping of fried clam strips 9.99
Alaskan pollock straight out of the icy waters of the Bering Sea. Fried of course! 13.99
1 1/4 lbs. Served with drawn butter Market Price
Me Meaty Texas Chili CUP 3.25 BOWL 5.25
Tilapia coated with a spicy seasoned crust & baked with American cheese. 9.99
Oyster Basket
6 Large fried shrimp 9.99
Tender breast meat. Served with your choice of dipping sauce. 9.99
with Chicken 10.99 with Shrimp 11.99 with Mahi 11.99 Side Caesar - 4.99
Cheese Paradise
A must have for any oyster lover! 11.99
Fresh Hearts of Romaine. Topped with Parmesan Cheese and Croutons
with Tuna Salad 8.99 with Crab Salad 10.99
Add French Fries 1.50
Fried Oyster Sandwich
Shrimp Dinner
Siesta Key, Florida
Captain Curt’s has won the most prestigious award in the world of clam chowder.
Cajun Combo
Tilapia, scallops & shrimp Broiled or fried 18.99
in Curt '
The Best Chowder in the World!
All Entrees include homemade Cole Slaw and your choice of Parsley-Red Potatoes, French Fries, Jasmine Rice or Vegetables Add a Side Salad - House 1.99 Caesar 2.99 Spice it up with Cajun or Garlic Pepper 1.00 All Entrees include homemade Cole Slaw and your choice of Parsley-Red Potatoes, French Fries, Jasmine Rice or Vegetables Add a Side Salad - House 1.99 Caesar 2.99 Spice it up with Cajun or Garlic Pepper 1.00
Captain Curt’s CRAB & OYSTER BAR
ta ap
Soft Drinks 2.25 Ice Tea 2.25 Coffee 2.00 Milk 1.99 Full Bar, Beer and Wine available
5.99 Served on an Official Captain Curts
Frisbee...Yours to keep!
Crabby Red
Gift Giving Made Easy! Looking for a great gift idea?
Give the gift of Captain Curt’s!! Friends and family will remember you every time they sit down to enjoy their favorite Captain Curt’s meal. You can purchase our gift cards in our Gift Shop located outside in the Plaza.
in Curt ' s
ta ap
To place an Order To Go, call (941) 349-3885 1200 Old Stickney Point Road, Siesta Key, Florida 34242
Siesta Key, Florida
ar & O ys t e r B
Trigger Nuggets
Fish Dip Grouper and Cod move aside... Smoked Mahi, Amberjack and Marlin Fried Trigger Nuggets are here to stay. served with a fresh bread stick 9.99 8.99 Clam Strips
An old time favorite... now with more clams! 7.99
Conch Fritters
Hand breaded with chunks of delicious Florida conch 7.99
Corn Fritters
It ain’t easy breading cream corn, but we did it. Golden brown on the outside and creamy goodness in the middle. 5.99
Peel & Eat Shrimp
A dozen EZ peel, shell on, cleaned and de-veined. Served chilled. 6.99
Boom Boom Shrimp
Tender breaded shrimp, hand tossed in our spicy boom boom sauce 7.99
Deviled Crab’s Stuffed and fried in the shell 7.99
Gator Bites
Yes, it’s Real Gator! Hand breaded and fried 8.99
Crab Cake
70% premium lump crab meat Maryland style 10.99
Mozzarella Sticks Cheezy Mozzarella sticks served with Marinari sauce 6.99
Spicey Cheesy Crab Bites Crab, cheese and jalapeno bites. Fried golden brown. 6.99
House Salad - 5.99 Mix of Iceburg and Romaine Lettuce, with Red Cabbage, Onions, Carrots, Tomatoes and Cucumbers with Chicken 8.99 with Shrimp 9.99 with Mahi 9.99
Chicken Tenders
Tender breast meat. Served with your choice of dipping sauce. 7.99
Escargot Baked in garlic butter and served with our delicious bread stick for dippin’ 8.99
Buffalo Wings Mild, hot, really hot or garlic pepper 7.99
Caesar Salad - 7.99
Award Winning Chowder To Go!
Happy HoUR PRIME OYSTERS 7.99/Dozen $
North Pacific Flounder
Wild caught. A very mild and flaky fish. Broiled or fried 17.99
Grilled Mahi-Mahi
Cheese Paradise
Tilapia Your Way
Ribs & Shrimp
Tilapia coated with a spicy seasoned crust & baked with American cheese. 9.99
Mild but very tasty. Broiled or fried. 8.99
Sea Scallops
Gulf Grouper Filets
12 large shrimp prepared the way you like. Grilled, fried, broiled or scampi. 15.99
The unique flavor of this white flaky meat makes this the most sought after fish in the Gulf. Grilled, broiled or fried. Market Price
Cajun broiled white fish & shrimp 14.99
Lobster, Shrimp & Scallops*
Farm raised to insure perfection. Tilapia is mild but very tasty. Broiled or fried 15.99
Tilapia, scallops & shrimp Broiled or fried 18.99 Fried white fish, scallops, shrimp and deviled crabs 16.99
From the cold waters of the Grand Banks. These scallops are the best in town. Broiled or fried. 18.99
Grilled fish so nice they named it twice. 17.99
Cajun Combo
Admiral’s Platter
Oyster Dinner
1/2 rack of ribs with 6 fried shrimp 17.99
Surf & Turf* Prime Rib & Cold Water Lobster Tail Market Price
Market Price
Side Salad - 3.99
All Baskets served with French Fries & Cole Slaw
Grouper Basket Florida’s Favorite! Fried grouper fingers Market Price
Crab Cakes
2 Maryland style crab cakes made with 70% real lump crab meat 19.99
Shrimp Basket
Trigger Fish If you like Grouper and you like Cod, you’ll love Trigger Fish. Broiled, grilled or fried. A Local Favorite! 17.99
Alaskan Fish & Chips
Oyster Basket Clam Basket
Crab Salad Sandwich
Chicken Basket
Rib Basket 1/2 Rack of Baby back ribs 11.99
Trigger Basket Fried, Trigger nuggets 13.99
Alaskan King Crab Legs
Alaskan Snow Crab Legs
1 1/4 lbs. Served with drawn butter Market Price
1 1/4 lbs. Served with drawn butter Market Price
“Win “Winner of the Great Chowder Cook-Off” Inte International Competition Newport R.I. Cup 3.99 Bowl 5.99 GUMBO Spicy Seafood Gumbo CUP 3.99 BOWL 5.99
Siesta Key Bike & Kayak Fun for your vacation with Bike & Kayak Rental. Tours, Delivery & Pick-up. 346-0891
Trigger Fish Sandwich If you like Grouper and you like Cod, you’ll love Trigger Fish! Broiled, grilled or fried. A local favorite!! 9.99
Grouper Your Way “A Local Favorite!” Grilled, broiled or fried. Market Price Alaskan pollock on a bun. 6.99
Mahi-Mahi Sandwich Grilled fish so nice they named it twice. 9.99
Tuna Salad Sandwich A classic recipe. 5.99
Spice it up with Cajun or Garlic Pepper .50
Grilled Prime Rib
A Whole Rack of our famous Danish Baby Backs 16.99
A juicy cut of flame grilled prime rib served with au jus 15.99
Lorraine’s Island Hair Design Full Service salon, Braids & Wraps by appointment. Monday thru Saturday. 346-7206
1/2 lb. of Angus beef smothered in chili with a side of jalapeños 7.99
1/2 lb. of Angus beef topped with bacon and swiss cheese 8.49
Garlic Mussels
Chicken Sandwich
1 lb. Served in Garlic Butter, with a Bread Stick 8.99
*Prices & Items subject to change.
Bacon Burger
Marinated chicken breast cooked over the grill 7.99
Chicken Club Chicken breast topped with bacon and swiss cheese 9.49
NOTICE: Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish or eggs may increase your risk of food borne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions.
Home of the Orange Squeeze! Featuring hand-mixed ice cream, coffees, shakes, malts, sundaes, & smoothies. Open Til 9:30pm 941-346-8080
1/2 lb. of Angus beef 6.99
Steamed whole & served with a shucker 1 doz. 12.99 2 doz. 22.99 3 doz. 31.99
Some of our foods contain ingredients known to be major food allergens, and all of our food is prepared in a common kitchen.
Baby Back Ribs
Cozumel Burger
Served shucked on the half shell 1 doz. 12.99 1/2 doz. 7.99
1 lb. Served in Garlic Butter 8.99
Pork Tenderloin Breaded and fried. A true “Indiana-style” pork tenderloin. 7.99
Big Dog 1/4 lb. all beef hot dog 4.99 Add chili 1.00
ADD Cheese .50 Bacon 1.00
Onion Rings 3.99 Vegetables 2.99 French Fries 2.99 Cole Slaw 1.50 Jasmine Rice 2.99 Bread Sticks 1.99 Parsley-Red Potatoes 2.99
12 Years and Under Only (All Meals include French Fries)
Soft Drinks 2.25 Ice Tea 2.25 Coffee 2.00 Milk 1.99 Full Bar, Beer and Wine available
Hamburger Cheeseburger Hot Dog Chicken Nuggets Fish Sticks Shrimp Macaroni & Cheese
5.99 Served on an Official Captain Curts
Frisbee...Yours to keep!
Crabby Red
Gift Giving Made Easy! Looking for a great gift idea? Give the gift of Captain Curt’s!! Friends and family will remember you every time they sit down to enjoy their favorite Captain Curt’s meal. You can purchase our gift cards in our Gift Shop located outside in the Plaza.
Coconut Fashions The best in service, quality, & design. Beachwear & accessories for the whole family. 349-4498
ar & O ys t e r B
Fried Fish Sandwich
Captain Curt Burger Steamed Oysters
Captain Curt’s
Village SHOPS
A Captain Curt’s favorite made with snow and king crab. 7.99
Raw Oysters
Steamed Clams
Captain Curt’s finished 1st place at the Great Chowder Cook-Off, Home of The International Chowder Championships in Newport, RI. The festival has been featured on The Food Network & The CBS Morning Show. Previous winners are a “Hall of Fame” of some of the best seafood restaurants in the country and Captain Curt’s is proud to be in such great company. The judges of the competition are the attendees, and they are tough and know their chowder. The festival draws over 15,000+ people, most local New Englanders, and they use their admission ticket as their ballot.
Add French Fries 1.50
Two 5 oz. cold water lobster tails broiled Market Price
Flounder Sandwich Wild caught. A very mild and flaky fish. Broiled or fried. 8.99
A generous helping of fried clam strips 9.99
Alaskan pollock straight out of the icy waters of the Bering Sea. Fried of course! 13.99
Twin Lobster Tails*
Me Meaty Texas Chili CUP 3.25 BOWL 5.25
Our delicious Maryland style crab cake served on a bun. 12.99
Fresh, fried Oysters 13.99
6 Large fried shrimp 9.99 Tender breast meat. Served with your choice of dipping sauce. 9.99
with Chicken 10.99 with Shrimp 11.99 with Mahi 11.99 Side Caesar - 4.99
Crab Cake Sandwich
A must have for any oyster lover! 11.99
Fresh Hearts of Romaine. Topped with Parmesan Cheese and Croutons
with Tuna Salad 8.99 with Crab Salad 10.99
Add French Fries 1.50
Fried Oyster Sandwich
Shrimp Dinner
Siesta Key, Florida
Captain Curt’s has won the most prestigious award in the world of clam chowder.
Captain Curt’s Platter
Plump Fried Oysters A must for the oyster lover! 19.99
in Curt '
The Best Chowder in the World!
All Entrees include homemade Cole Slaw and your choice of Parsley-Red Potatoes, French Fries, Jasmine Rice or Vegetables Add a Side Salad - House 1.99 Caesar 2.99 Spice it up with Cajun or Garlic Pepper 1.00 All Entrees include homemade Cole Slaw and your choice of Parsley-Red Potatoes, French Fries, Jasmine Rice or Vegetables Add a Side Salad - House 1.99 Caesar 2.99 Spice it up with Cajun or Garlic Pepper 1.00
Captain Curt’s CRAB & OYSTER BAR
ta ap
in Curt ' s
ta ap
To place an Order To Go, call (941) 349-3885 1200 Old Stickney Point Road, Siesta Key, Florida 34242
s Monday s
Extraordinary Beatle’s Tribute
The “FAB Three” ...a Tribute to the Beatles This dynamic, three-piece acoustic group is dedicated to the music of Lennon, McCartney, Harrison & Starr. Close your eyes and you’ll believe you’re at a Beatles concert 30 years ago. The show is an always changing retrospective of some of the finest music ever written. Join us for a musical journey to the “Good ol’ Days!”
s Wednesday s
A full-time touring musician with a performance list containing over 3000 songs with music ranging from the 50’ through the 90’s. Great old school music to get the rockin’ crowd into the retro groove. “This one guy sounded like six. The best one man show we have ever seen.” This is where the party doesn’t stop, until the polyester melts!
s Tuesday s
Parrothead Alert!
James White “Sunny Jim” Sunny Jim’s show takes you on a tropical vacation where you can feel the warm sunshine and sea breezes. From ballads to upbeat fun, soca tunes, his original songs tell the story of the islands. Island music at its best! Lots of original scores plus all the traditional favorites that will give you that...”Low Latitude Attitude”! Don’t miss this outstanding show.
MarcAnthony Roman & the Retro Show
s Thursday, Friday, & Saturday s
Best Karaoke On the Planet!
You too can be a star! The Backroom’s Karaoke is one of our most popular events. Three times a week the stage lights up with talent from locals, tourists and occasionally a famous celebrity. Karaoke nights are a great way to get together with friends and have a blast. The place to be is the Backroom Saloon on Karaoke Nights!
Captain Curt’s Village PULL-OUT
September 2012 Siesta Sand | 17A www.siestakeyislander.com • 941.539.0205 • September 2012 • Siesta
Sand •
18A | Island Visitor September 2012 Siesta Sand • September 2012 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestakeyislander.com
Little Blue Lights Appearing
By Irwin Starr
Have you wondered, or even noticed, the small blue light appearing beneath traffic lights at some Sarasota County intersections? If you’ve driven in or near Orlando or Naples over the past year you’ve seen them before. Look carefully and you’ll note they are blue when the traffic signal is red in the direction of travel. They are off when it is green. They have actually been deployed for some time on key state highways where running red lights is a problem. The state recently supplied the new blue more highly visible lamps replacing previously white lamps. Their purpose is to make law enforcement easier by permitting traffic officers to spot red light runners from no matter where they may be driving or parked near the intersection. Sarasota Sheriff’s office feels “This technology certainly enhances safety of all motorists. Law enforcement now has the ability to spot red light runners from more
than one vantage point, which was previously limited to the same direction of travel as the motorist. By improving the opportunity to enforce red light violations, the danger to everyone on the road is therefore reduced.” The Sheriff’s office noted Sarasota County is not using automated photo cameras to catch red light running. However they are being used within Sarasota City. In short there are several new tools around to catch you going through a red light. How to deal with them: don’t run the red light!
And you thought you’d done a dumb thing or two... By Paul Roat Continued from cover story.
It seems that some countries and cultures consider the eggs a delicacy, something of an aphrodisiac, and the eggs are much in demand to increase male potency. What surprised me was that the article quoted a Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission official who pretty much supplied a recipe for how to eat the eggs, how long to cook them, and what seasonings were best. I was surprised there wasn’t an article describing how to build a nuclear device within the paper. Anyway, the “recipe” was sent to turtle people throughout the state, and I got this missive back from one turtle advocate: “I always thought we were going about the poaching thing the wrong way, with science, ethics, morals, etc. In some countries the eggs are eaten and blood drunk as a male virility thing. I always thought we could hire a few guys and maybe put some ads in a few newspapers to spread a rumor that researchers have found that the eggs and blood contains a new virus or bacteria that causes impotence. It would be a long time before you’d see a guy eating a turtle egg again, the macho thing and all. All we’d need was a few guys walking the markets and mingling with fishermen saying, ‘Hey, I ate those eggs and I haven’t been able to do it for a week.’ Let’s just turn the tables.” One year later Perhaps the greatest dumb thing we as a nation experienced was what happened on Sept. 11, 2001. It was a day that none of us will ever forget. The day — not the events, but the remembrance of it — brought to mind a comment in a book by novelist Ross Thomas: “I was about one-third of the way through the drink when the bench mark came on. I call them bench marks. The feeling is something like déjà vu except that there is no sense of prefamiliarity. They are simple events, not important in themselves, that become milestones in time. They are moments that I measure from. One happened when I was 6 years old in a park on a swing. I can still remember the touch and feel of the gray metal
rungs and the look and texture of the wooden seat, green around the edges and worn to a sand color in the center by a thousand small behinds. There was another bench mark years later when I was walking across the Tulane campus in New Orleans. I can still feel the muggy weather, see the sky, describe the sidewalk exactly, even the stenciled medallion that said the cement was laid by A. Passini & Sons, 1931. “Sitting there in the bar of the Prince Albert hotel, another bench mark came on and I knew that 10 years from then, or 20, I would remember that bar, that drink, and the number of rings the glass made on the dark wood. And I would remember Anne Kidd who walked into the middle of it.” Sept. 11, 2001, was much, much more of an event than a park swing or seeing a pretty girl walk into a bar, but I would guess that we all will remember for all time where we were and who we were with as we watched the day unfold. What struck me then, and is still with me today, is how eerily quiet everything was. I was at work on Anna Maria Island, and as the television cut to live footage of the event, we all stopped the usual bustling involved in producing a newspaper and stared, mouths open, as first one tower and then another collapsed. I don’t think more than three people came to the office that day. Usually, there were scores. The shopping center where the office was located was empty. No one was out and about. Everyone was apparently glued to the TV. It took a long time for that dumb act by a bunch of dummies to get resolved. Factoid Total dead and missing from the terrorist attacks Sept. 11 was 3,173. That total includes 2,940 at the two towers of the New York World Trade Centre, 189 in the attack by a third plane on the Pentagon outside Washington, and 44 on board a fourth plane that crashed in a field in Pennsylvania.
September 2012 Siesta Sand | 19A
Island Health
|Life is Change...
By Dr. Jennifer J. Norbits In ancient days, King Solomon felt inner turmoil and craved the return of simpler, more peaceful times. He decreed a master jeweler should make a magical ring inscribed with the words that would help at all times and under all conditions-words that would help alleviate suffering and provide the bearer with great wisdom and perspective. After much thought the ring was inscribed with the phrase, “And this, too, shall pass.” “It matters not what disease is around a person, but what person is around the disease.” Environmental toxins in the air, foods laden with chemicals and pesticides, and people carrying all forms of germs can create cancer and serious illness over time. Our survival depends on our body’s ability to change and to adapt to its surroundings. As fortune would have it, God placed within us an internal wisdom which, when at full strength, can handle almost any poisonous situation by making proper changes. Every time we stem into a new environment or come across a new situation, the body changes. However, to stay well, our natural health potential must be kept at full strength at all times. It must not be interfered with. Our ultimate, optimal God-given potential is under complete and total control of the nerve system. Therefore, chiropractic care is essential in giving you your best fighting chance against the dangers that abide all around us. Chiropractic keeps your nerve system FREE from interference, thus restoring or keeping your natural health potential. While avoiding as many toxins as possible is obviously beneficial, it is impossible to avoid them all. Subluxations stop our body’s ability to change with the changing world we live in,
by interfering with the nerve system. Therefore, subluxation and subluxation alone stands as your body’s worst enemy. We cannot change the world outside, but we can surely change the world inside. “For God did not give us the spirit of timidity, but of power.” Chiropractic – So the world is truly your home and your home is truly the world.
Dr. Jennifer J. Norbits provides quality chiropractic care to patients on Siesta Key and is currently accepting new patients. You may contact her at 941-312-6267 to set up an appointment.
|Age Matters: Vitamins for every life stage... (ARA) - It was 100 years ago, in 1912, when the first vitamin was identified by PolishAmerican scientist Casimir Funk. Now, on the 100th anniversary of the discovery of vitamins, men and women still do not get recommended daily intake levels of vitamins. Age matters when it comes to vitamins. Throughout life, we all need the right mix of the 13 essential vitamins, but some are more important than others when it comes to different life stages. 20s: Folic acid is important for women in their 20s - a prime childbearing age - because this B vitamin is essential in preventing birth defects like spina bifida in infants. Women need at least 400mcg per day, but often don’t get enough.
|A Bridge For Independence
abridgeforindependence.com | 866.279.4390 Kimberly Stanford has been a nurse for over 24 years. She is currently an RN with a degree in Business Administration and maintains an Administrator’s license. Kimberly’s nursing experience includes a multitude of Health Care environments including Hospitals, Long Term Care, Assisted Living, Nutritional Centers and Home Health Care. In 2008, after 18 years of
30s: Antioxidant vitamins, including C and E are important for men and women in their 30s because these vitamins help protect against the development of cataracts and macular degeneration. 40s and beyond: Vitamins D and B12 are important in the 40s and well after. As we age, we are less efficient at making vitamin D and may be susceptible to drops in the levels of vitamin absorption. Vitamin B12 deficiencies are typically due to insufficient diet and absorption challenges.
For more information visit the 100 Years of Vitamins website at www.100yearsofvitamins.com.
Home Care experience, Kimberly Stanford started her own In-Home Care business named A Bridge For Independence LLC. The company has grown successfully & now serves 5 counties; Sarasota, Manatee, Charlotte, Monroe and Pinellas. Last year, Kimberly added a new platform of services including Home Watch & Concierge services.
www.siestakeyislander.com • 941.539.0205 • September 2012 • Siesta
Sand •
20A | Island Visitor September 2012 Siesta Sand • September 2012 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestakeyislander.com
Island Humor
[ A woman goes into a Bass Pro Shop to buy a rod and reel, for her grandson’s birthday. She doesn’t know which one to get so she just grabs one and goes over to the counter. A Bass Pro Shop associate is standing there, wearing dark shades. She says, “Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me anything about this rod and reel? He says, “Ma’am, I’m completely blind…but if you’ll just drop it on the counter I can tell you everything you need to know just by the sound it makes.” She doesn’t believe him but drops it on the counter anyway. He says, “That’s a six foot Shakespeare graphite rod, with a Zebco 404 reel and 10 pound test line. It’s a good all around combination and it’s on sale this week for only twenty-dollars.” She says, “That’s amazing that you can tell all that just by the sound of it dropping on the counter. I’ll take it.” As she opens her purse,her credit card drops on the floor. “Oh, that sounds like a Mastercard,” he says. She bends down to pick it up and accidentally farts. At first she is really embarrassed, but then realizes that there
is no way the blind clerk could tell it was she who tooted. Being blind…he wouldn’t know that she was the only person around. The man rings up the sale and says, “That’ll be $34.50 please.” The woman is totally confused by this and asks, “Didn’t you tell me the rod and reel were on sale for $20? How’d you get $34.50? He replies, “Yes Ma’am. The rod and reel is $20, but the Duck Call is $11, and the Bear Repellent is $3.50.” [ “I can’t find a cause for your illness,” a doctor said during a consultation. “Frankly, I think it may be due to drinking.” “In that case, replied his patient, “I’ll come back when you are sober.” [ A married couple were asleep when the phone rang at 2am in the morning. The wife picked up the phone, listened a moment and said, “How should I know; that’s over 200 miles from here,” and hung up. The husband asked, “What was that about?” The wife answered, “I don’t know, some woman wanting to know if the coast is clear.”
Pets’ Personal Posts
If pets could post their own personals, here what they’d say… Dog of the Month: Drake
Hi, my name is Drake and I am a cuddly Pit Bull mix boy that weighs around 35 pounds. My goofy cat smudgey ran off on me and took my girlfriend and my truck. So, what are ya gonna do, right? I’m intelligent, funny, successful, adventurous, and all around loveable young guy (who’s confident, NOT cocky, so don’t think that!). I’m looking for the same in a girl (minus the guy part, obviously, haha), but basically someone with similar qualities and traits, someone who can have fun going out or just staying in, whatever the case may be. So....does that describe you? If you have kids, that’s cool. I’m great with teens or older and hope they’ll help bring me out of my shell. Hurry down and meet me; I am really looking forward to a nice, cozy family of my own! Cat of the Month: Zelda
“Hello! My name’s Zelda and I’m a lovely brown and white Tabby girl, who really wants a family of my own. Just tired of being alone, still looking for the man of my dream (tall, rich and handsome!) yeah right. Good luck on that! Only in my dreams… I am a grown woman, so please flirt at least a little, so a one-word grunt probably won’t earn a reply unless you are commenting on a great tennis serve or restaurant. I want a mature guy who’s older than me, stable, down to earth, loving, caring and enjoys life, an easy going person and ready to settle down. No BS please! I am serious in finding that husband. Good luck to me... Cat Welch Adoption Manager Humane Society of Sarasota County 2331 15th Street | Sarasota, FL | 34237 941.955.4131 x109 | www.hssc.org
These pets would love to have a family of their own. If you are considering a pet, please think about adopting from HSSC
Meet the Natives
Anhinga (Anhinga anhinga) Other names: snakebird, water turkey, darter • Status: FL=stable, IUCN=LC • Life span: Life span: to 11 years • Length: 30-37 in. (75-95 cm) • Wingspan: 45-48 in. (114-123 cm) • Weight: 2.7 lb (1.22 kg) • Nests: throughout SW Florida • Found: All SWFL Counties, coastal, near coast, mainland • Months found: Year roung (breeding season March - May). carefully flips the minnow off of its beak, eventually working its way around to its mouth where it swallows the minnow whole. CharlesSobczak Its unusual perching behavior, with its large livingsanibel@gmail.com wings spread wide open, occurs because the anhinga becomes completely waterlogged after One of the most photographed birds in fishing. Sometimes, when startled and still too Florida, the anhinga can be seen at almost wet to fly, the anhinga will tumble back into any time of the day along canals and drainage the water creating a loud, unexpected splash. ditches, drying its wings. The name anhinga, Although its principal diet is fish, the anhinga which comes from the Tupi-speaking natives has been known to eat baby alligators, water of the Amazon basin, means “evil spirit of snakes, leeches, and frogs. Monogamous and the woods.” Locally it is often referred to as colonial, it often nests with egrets and herons. the snakebird because of its ability to swim Aside from alligators and great horned owls, through the water with only its long, snakelike the anhinga has few natural predators. neck exposed. When in full breeding plumage, the male anhinga sports a stunning black and white neck, back, and forewings that resemble piano keys. The female has a brown neck and breast. Because of its similar size and feeding habits, the anhinga is easily confused with the cormorant. Unlike the cormorant, however, the anhinga is an excellent flyer and can sometimes be seen soaring with wood storks and vultures high above the peninsula. The anhinga, a distant relative of the pelican, has evolved a unique style of fishing. Unlike the cormorant and most diving ducks, the anhinga has no natural oils in its feathers. That, coupled with its dense bone structure, allows the anhinga to sink once its feathers become saturated with water. Also unlike the cormorant, the anhinga seldom grasps its prey but instead impales the pinfish or sand trout on its sharply pointed, dagger-like beak which it uses to impale the unfortunate fish. The anhinga
– This article is an excerpt from “The Living Gulf Coast A Natural Guide to Southwest Florida,” which is available for purchase at Capt. Curt’s Souvenir Shop, Beach Bazaar and Davidson’s Drugs
Anhinga photo by Sara Lopez Ahinga photo with a mouth full by Dick Fortune
September 2012 Siesta Sand | 21A www.siestakeyislander.com • 941.539.0205 • September 2012 • Siesta
Water World
|Captain Jim Klopfer
|Captain Jack Ryan
September is the month that redfish begin schooling up in Sarasota. The expansive shallow flats are traditionally the most productive areas to fish. A low, incoming tide in the morning is preferred, allowing anglers to see the large schools of reds. As the tide rises, the fish will work up from the edges of flats and holes onto the grass to feed. Locating the fish can be difficult under flood tide conditions; there is just too much water up on the flat to effectively sight fish. Artificial baits that work shallow a n d don’t get hung up in the grass are the most effective baits. This includes soft plastics on a light jig head, weedless spoons, and topwater plugs. A gold Johnson weedless spoon is a proven lure. It can be cast a long way and covers a lot of water. Scented soft plastics such as Trigger-X and Gulp! Baits are extremely effective, particularly once fish are located. They allow anglers to work an area slowly and thoroughly. Special weighted hooks are made specifically for this application, but a 1/8 ounce jig head also works well. Large live shrimp and bait fish will also produce; however live bait can be difficult to fish in shallow grass.
What is fishing like in the ninth month of the year? It could be raining. It will be hot. It can be the best month for Mangrove Snapper of good size. I could list a large number of fishes that we catch this month. But I won’t because the star for September is my favorite and that is Mangrove and the Yellowtail. In many of my reports I always mention chumming. That’s heavy chumming for this month. I take three blocks of the stuff and use one block at a time being careful not to break the slick at any time while on the spot we are fishing. According to my records June through September is the time that these fish are spawning. With chumming we can get the snapper to come up right behind the boat and after a while many other fish join in the party like Key West grunts, Spanish and King Mackerel, Porgies, and even Triggerfish. Sharks get behind the boat and a lot of if not all the action can stop except for the sharks. Another beast is the Goliath Grouper. He can do some damage too by taking your fish while you are trying to bring it up to the boat. All in all it can be a lot of fun. The reason for my heavy chumming this time of year is not just for Mangroves, but for the Yellowtail snapper. It takes more chum in the water for this fish to get excited and feed. When the Yellowtail snapper start to bite you must stay at it for a longer time so they get used to what is going on. In time the bigger Yellowtails will show up. Let’s talk about tackle. You have to be
Sea Dog Charters 941-922-7672 | www.seadogfishing.com
Adventure Charters 941-371-1390
Above: Katlyn Kerr from Georgia with a September Sarasota Speck Letf: Tom Reis and Capt Jim with a nice red
Speckled trout fishing has been outstanding this year and this should continue in September. Deeper flats will produce more fish, while the larger specimens may be found in shallow water. A Rapala Skitter Walk or X-Rap worked over bars at first light is a deadly technique for fooling gator trout. Along with trout, anglers fishing the deep grass will catch a variety of species this month including bluefish, Spanish mackerel, mangrove snapper, pompano, gag grouper, and ladyfish. Both live bait and artificial lures will catch plenty of fish. A gold D.O.A. CAL shad tail grub on a ¼ ounce jig head is a great choice for anglers who enjoy casting artificial lures. Olive (08) X-Raps and other plugs are also effective along with gold and silver spoons. A live shrimp under a popping cork is a time-proven technique for catching “specks” on the West Coast of Florida. Snook will migrate from the beaches back into the bays. Big Pass will be a great spot to fish, especially on afternoon outgoing tides. The bars and mangrove shorelines along Siesta Key are prime spots as the fish move towards their fall feeding areas. Artificial baits will allow anglers to cover more water, while a well full of pilchards practically guarantees success. Live and artificial shrimp free lined in the tide are deadly, as are small white flies. The rocks and bridges in Big Pass will be excellent spots to target mangrove snapper this month. These tasty saltwater panfish will be migrating out of the bay and into the Gulf of Mexico. Slack tides are the best times to drop a live shrimp or bait fish along the structure. Don’t be surprised if a big snook intercepts a bait meant for a mang!
|The Rumrunner | 941.349.3119
1518 Stickney Point Rd., Sarasota, FL 34231
Sand •
Located at Turtle Beach Marina in South Siesta Key | www.siestakeycharterfishing.com Captain Joe Bonaro offers more than exciting deep sea fishing opportunities aboard “Sarasota’s fastest charter boat,” the Rumrunner. The skipper offers special boat and fishing trips for families – and for families with small children – as well as customized day and overnight trips.
ready for anything in this kind of fishing. Spinning gear is going to be the best choice. That would be light Power Pro braided line up to 15 LB test and 10 feet of flouro-carbon 25 LB. leader. Hooks are 2/0-3/0 circle hooks. This would be for the smaller fish in the chum slick. Next 30 lb. class spinning tackle. Rods we use are 7’ footers with 30 lb. flouro-carbon ,40 lb. test leader and a 4/0-5/0 circle. These rigs are Abby Bolstridge
for free lining. That’s letting chunks to drift down the slick with the smaller pieces of chum. Finally 4/0 Penn reels with 65 lb. line and a weight just enough to get the bait to the bottom. Our flouro-leaders are 6080 lb.. Using a larger bait live or dead on the bottom would be a very good time to HANG-ON. There is a lot going on all around you and on the bottom. Any thing can happen and usually does. Come join us on the Sea Dog Charter boat. The boat is a 25’ center console w/ a big T-top for your sun protection. It has a new 250 hp Yamaha and we can cruise at 26 kts easy.
22A | Island Visitor September 2012 Siesta Sand • September 2012 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestakeyislander.com
Beach Reads
“Albert of Adelaide” by Howard Anderson ©2012, Twelve Books $24.99 / $27.99 Canada 240 pages.
Sometimes, you just need a change. There are times, for instance, when a different window to the outside offers a whole new perspective. A new restaurant, fresh wardrobe, vacation somewhere you’ve never gone, even just moving the furniture around can make all the difference in the world. And then, there are those changes that alter one’s future. In the new book “Albert of Adelaide” by Howard Anderson, one of those is on the horizon. Albert had been patient. He knew that someone would eventually become careless and make a mistake. All it would take was one person to leave the cage open and when that happened, Albert bolted. He’d had enough of the zoo and the people staring at him. After a few hours in the Australian desert, though, he almost turned back. Water was where a platypus like Albert belonged, and the heat along with blowing sand was almost more than he could bear. Still, he had to keep going. All the animals at the zoo had told him of a land untouched by humans, where animals lived without the threat of capture, and he had to find that place. Instead, his first discovery was Jack. Jack had been singing into the wind and, delirious with thirst, Albert followed the song and stumbled into the wombat’s camp. Jack became a good mate, eager to share sardines and blankets, and happy to take Albert to town so he wasn’t naked anymore. But going to town wasn’t maybe such a good idea. The kangaroo that owned the General Store also owned a bar and when
two bandicoots started buying gin shots and Albert got rather inebriated, things got a little out of hand and Jack set the place on fire. Jack the wombat, apparently, was a bit of a firebug. But since a platypus isn’t, technically speaking, a marsupial and since there aren’t a lot of platypuses in the Australian outback, the whole melee was blamed on Albert. Because of that, Albert knew he needed to keep moving but with a price on his head and no idea where he was going, that wouldn’t be easy at all… I must admit, I wasn’t excited about “Albert of Adelaide” at first. The beginning twenty pages, normally so critical in capturing attention, almost lost mine. But then I warmed up to this Platypus Dundee and his walkabout, and it wasn’t long before author Howard Anderson had me hooked on his Animal-Farmmeets-Lonesome-Dove-like creatures and their adventure. What’s wonderful about this book, I think, is that the further I got into it, the more I forgot I was reading about a conscientious platypus, a pyromaniac wombat, two alcoholic bandicoots, a seafaring raccoon, and a limelight-loving Tasmanian devil. I’d read something like, “They shook paws,” and was subtly reminded that these were no ordinary characters. And this is no ordinary book. It’s quirky, takes some getting used to, and is very, very different. But if you’re up for that kind of novel, then “Albert of Adelaide” is a nice kind of change.
Beach Reads Bio: The Bookworm is Terri Schlichenmeyer. Terri has been reading since she was 3 years old and she never goes anywhere without a book. She lives on a hill in Wisconsin with two dogs and 12,000 books.
on Siesta Key
209 Beach Road Sarasota, FL 34242 941.349.6525
Sarasotan inducted into International Tennis Hall of Fame Continued from page 3A
As a true trailblazer for the sport of tennis, many aspects of the game are attributed to Mike. For example, when matches were running too long, Mike mandated a tie-breaker—the first time this was used on the professional circuit. Difficult to see the ball and the players on a telecast? Mike introduced yellow tennis balls and colored apparel. Pace of play too unpredictable? New rules of 30 seconds between points and 90 seconds between games were instituted. And when the networks made it difficult for companies to advertise, Mike sold Wilson on court branding rights – forging the way for growth in sports broadcasts and sponsorships. In 1981, Mike moved on to serve as the Marketing Director and then Executive Director for the Association of Tennis Professionals (later known as the ATP). The ATP was almost bankrupt at the time, and when Mike left after three years they had more than $1 million in assets. He helped consolidate the players’ pension plan and created more jobs for players with bigger draws, more tournaments and increased prize money. In the late 1980’s, Mike served as General Manager of the International Tennis Federation (ITF). He is widely credited with revitalizing the Davis Cup, and putting the event back on firm financial footing during his tenure with the ITF, ultimately increasing the future value of the Davis Cup and Fed Cup around the world. Not just a mover and shaker behind the scenes, Mike was also an on-court
Photo & article courtesy of the International Tennis Hall Of Fame.
star in his day. Originally from Swansea, Wales, Mike was Britain’s No. 1 ranked player in 1957, 1959, and 1960 and he was a member of the British Davis Cup team. In 1960 he reached the men’s doubles final at Wimbledon with Bobby Wilson, marking the last time a British male has been in the final of Wimbledon’s men’s singles or men’s doubles. For recognizing the immense potential tennis offered as a professional sport, along with the dedication and drive to make his visions a reality, we salute 2012 Hall of Famer Mike Davies, an influential contributor, effective innovator, and a man who has truly shaped the history of our sport. Career Achievements Davis Cup Team member- 1956-1960
Tropical Storm Drink Recipe Made with light rum and banana liqueur, this fruity tropical drink is sweeter than it’s crazy cousin “The Hurricane”.
• • • • •
2 oz. Light Rum 1 oz. Banana Liqueur 4 oz. Orange juice Splash of Pineapple Juice Splash of Grenadine
1. In a shaker with crushed ice mix all the ingredients and pout into a tall cocktail glass. Enjoy. Courtesy of www.caribbeantravelmag.com
September 2012 Siesta Sand | 23A www.siestakeyislander.com • 941.539.0205 • September 2012 • Siesta
Island Chatter
Sand •
|A message from our Island Associations...
Continued from cover story.
He impressed with his knowledge of Sarasota’s hurricane history and the area’s safety needs before, during, and after a disaster. With this year’s hurricane season prediction of 10 named storms, he stressed preparation because “it only takes one storm”. He continued with a review of emergency procedures the county is prepared to implement when needed. Improved tools and technology allow for better storm forecasting and warnings. County staff, fire and police departments, companies like FPL and Verizon, even our school teachers participate in disaster preparation and shelter, response, rescue, and restoration. Interestingly, Chief McCrane pointed out that it was the 1921 hurricane, strong enough to wipe out the Sarasota waterfront piers used to transport fish and ice, that started Sarasota’s transformation from a fishing community to what is now heralded as a prime arts and cultural community The ‘Sarasota County Hurricane Guide’ was made available at the SKA meeting. It details by location the storm surge threat and evacuation codes, such as Siesta Key’s Zone A/Level 1 designations. The guide also offers disaster preparation tips for families, seniors, homebound patients and their caretakers, and even pets. Also found in the guide are “Top 10 Things to Do NOW”, important phone numbers, and information to register for the County’s ‘CodeRED’ notification system which will send critical safety alerts by phone, text message, or email. The SKA website posts a link to the county’s ‘All Hazards’ site for additional emergency information. Chief McCrane states “Don’t be scared, be prepared” as he recommends that residents
and business owners assemble an emergency kit, have a plan, and be informed. In the case of evacuation, he reminds us to bring proof of residence and/or proof of business ownership or employment in order to be allowed to return to Siesta Key after a hurricane. Another guest speaker at the SKA meeting was George Tatge, Sarasota County Parks and Recreation Manager. George reviewed the results of the seaweed cleanup on Sarasota beaches. The large amounts of seaweed washing up on our shores is a result of the churning caused by Tropical Storm Debby. Already over 130 tons of seaweed had been collected. Not only can the seaweed be a public safety hazard, but it can also prevent newly born turtles from making it to the sea. While the piles of seaweed may be an affront to our eyes and noses, George asserts that the seaweed offers an excellent source of food for our shore wildlife. Additionally, after substantial erosion of our beaches from TS Debby, the seaweed actually helps to rebuild the beach and restores the beach profile while providing nutrients to the soil as it deteriorates. SKA Director, Michael Shay, addressed another beach matter when a concerned SKA member mentioned the overflowing garbage receptacles at one of the beach access areas. After taking time to inspect the garbage collection status at all beach access points, Michael reported his findings to the County which resulted in an immediate response to alleviate the trash situation. He is also promoting the placement of recycling receptacles around the village and beaches. Michael is currently seeking volunteers for the 2012 Coastal Cleanup on September 15th
Crescent Beach Grocery Recipe Easy Breakfast Pancake
3 eggs 1/2 cup flour 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup milk 2 tablespoons melted butter Mix the eggs milk and butter together and beat in the flour and salt. Put the mixture in a 10 inch skillet. Bake at 450 degrees F. for 18 minutes. Turn oven down to 350 degrees F and bake for 10 minutes. Carefully watch it so that it does not over brown. Remove from oven; cover it with melted butter and powdered sugar; cut it into squares and serve. Optional: Garnish with fresh berries. Crescent Beach Grocery 1211 Old Stickney Point Road | Siesta Key | 941-312-0472
with ‘Keep Sarasota County Beautiful’ and will sign up volunteers at the September 6th SKA meeting. With its focus on maintaining and enhancing the quality of life on the Key, the Siesta Key Association’s representation of island resident interests ultimately benefits everyone who spends time on Siesta Key. Information on SKA and monthly meetings can be found on www.siestakeyassociation.com. “Like” us on Facebook!
Russell Matthes
SKVA President Siesta Key Village Assoc. siestakeyvillage.org Hello Siesta Key, Become a Member of the Siesta Key Village Association Today! The Siesta Key Village Association is a non-profit organization whose members strive to be a responsible voice of the Siesta Key Village neighborhood. We support and encourage community cooperation in development and beautification of Siesta Key, and are involved in many efforts to improve the Village. We also serve as a community liaison to the City of Sarasota. By becoming an SKVA Member your business will be a part of our Co-op Advertising
and Marketing Campaign to help promote the Village and your business. You will also have the opportunity to participate in many activities and services that SKVA provides. We have our Adopt-a-Road Program, Siesta Fiesta, Village Strolls, Arts and Crafts Show and our Annual Light-up the Village Parade. You will also have available access to feature your business on our website at siestakeyvillage.org. We also represent each Member by working closely with the Siesta Key Chamber, Siesta Key Condominium Association, Sarasota Chamber, Siesta Key Maintenance Corporation and Siesta Key Association to help facilitate and resolve issues that may impact your business. We are in constant communication with our County Commissioners and Government Officials/Administrators in an effort to keep Siesta Key Village the place where your Business Will SUCCEED! SKVA’s Annual Membership is only $50.00 and the Membership Form can be found on our website at siestakeyvillage.org. Our General Meetings are at 8:30 am on the first Tuesday of each month at the Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar. It is a great time to meet your business neighbors and to stay informed. Thank You for your Support Courtesy of: Siesta Key Association | siestakeyassociation.com Siesta Key Village Association | siestakeyvillage.org
24A | Island Visitor September 2012 Siesta Sand • September 2012 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestakeyislander.com
Snapshots of Island Visitors
Photos by Lauren Bates
e Village 49-8697
Smokin’ J’s Albert Donadi & Marvin’sRussell Show Al Swamp Donkie & Island Smoking J’s classical guitar 6‐10pm the band Beach music Friends Best of 70’s & 80’s 6‐10pm 6‐10pm (Best of 70’s & 80’s) 6‐10pm 6-10pm 6-10pm 6-10pm Mike Sales 1‐3pm Mike Sales 1‐3pm Mike Sales 1‐3pm SLAND GRILL Solo Artist 1-3pm Solo Mike Sales 1‐3pm artist 1-3pm Solo artist 1-3pm Solo artist 1-3pm Solo artist 1-3pm Solo artist 1-3pm BLU QUE ISLAND GRILL Live Music Democracy 3‐5pm Democracy 3‐5pm Democracy 3‐5pm Jennifer Democracy 3‐5pm Island Music e Village Noel Harris Tommy Dee Georgia Patrick Leigh Live Band In The Village Music All Day All Day Reggae Music Tommy Dee Georgia Mike Sales Band 1‐5pm 46-0738 6-10pm 6-10pm 6-10pm 6-10pm 6-10pm 5:30-9:30pm 941‐346‐0738 6‐10pm 6‐10pm 6‐10pm UIRI DECK Bar Wars DJ Kaiser DJ Will6‐10pm K
e Village 49-9822
e Village 46-8122
In The Village 941‐349‐9822
In The Village 941‐349‐8697
Rodney Shenk GILLIGANS
6-10pm In The Village
Allison Imre Sign up 10pm
Russell classical guitar 6-10pm
April 4 & 11 only
April 5 & 12 only
DJ Kaiser 10pm-2am
Live Music DJ Mondo Marvin (4-8pm) 10pm‐2am
e Village 49-6800
e Village 70-2671
THE COTTAGE Live Music In The Village 12-4pm 941‐312‐9300 5-8pm
THE HUB‐BAJA GRILL In The Village 941‐349‐6800
e Village 49-7651
In The Village 11am-3pm 941‐870‐2671
10pm‐2am 7-10pm
Live Music Live Music 6‐9pm 12-4pm 5-8pm Live Music 12‐4pm 5‐8pm
Live Music Live Music 6‐9pm 12-4pm 5-8pm Live Music 12‐4pm 5‐8pm
Live Music 11am-3pm
Live Music 11am-3pm
Live Music Live Music Live Music Live Music 6‐9pm 7‐10pm 12-4pm 12-4 & 5-8pm 5-8pm 9pm-12am Live Music Live Music Live Music 12‐4pm 12‐4pm 6-9pm 5‐8pm 5‐8pm Long Island Long Island Live Music Johnnie Johnnie 6‐9pm 11am-3pm 11am-3pm
M SALOON BACKROOM SALOON @ @ . CURTS Fab Three Sunny Jim Marc Anthony CAPT. CURTS Fab Three Sunny Jim Karaoke Marc Anthony Karaoke Karaoke Beach Shops 9pm-12am 9pm-12am Crescent Beach Shops 9pm‐12am 9pm-12am 9m‐12am 9pm-1:30am 9pm‐12am 9pm-1am 9pm‐2am 49-3885 941‐349‐3885 @ CAPT CURTS SNIKI TIKI @ CAPT CURTS Live Music Live Music Live Music Live Music Live Music Nick LeValley Beach Shops Crescent Beach Shops 6-10pm 6-10pm 6-10pm 6-10pm 6-10pm 6‐10pm 49-3885 941‐349‐3885 BAR & GRILL BOATYARD BAR & GRILL Ben Hammond south bridge Over the south bridge 6-10pm 21-6200 941‐921‐6200 RESORT HOTEL BENTLEY’S RESORT HOTEL Open Mic Tiki Bar-Live Open Mic Open Mic Open Mic ami Trl., Osprey 1660 S. Tamiami Trl., Osprey Karaoke Karaoke Music (6-9pm) Karaoke Karaoke 66-2121 941‐966‐2121 8pm-Midnight 8pm-Midnight Underground 8pm‐Midnight 8pm‐Midnight Three Venues) (One Place‐Three Venues) (In Ballroom) Club (9pm-1am) (In Ballroom) (In Ballroom) (In Ballroom) and Schedule Call for Band Schedule FISH HOUSE CASEY KEY FISH HOUSE
n Pt. Rd.,Osprey 801 Blackburn Pt. Rd.,Osprey 941‐966‐1901 66-1901
DJ Daze 10pm‐2am
Marvin Live Music Acoustic Pete1-5pm RPM 6-10pm RPM 6-10pm Patrick Live Music 6-10pm Live Music 6-10pm Rodney Shenk 6-10pm RPM 6‐10pm DJ 10pm-2am RPM 6‐10pm DJ 10pm-2am 6‐10pm DJ 10pm-2am 6‐10pm 6‐10pm DJ 10pm-2am DJ 10pm‐2am DJ 10pm‐2am DJ 10pm-2am DJ 10pm‐2am DJ 10pm‐2am
941‐346‐8122 Ben Swamp Donkie OYSTER BAR Tony Tyler Hammond’s Kettle of Ben Fish Acoustic Pete 2-6pm The Village SIESTA KEY OYSTER BAR Tony Tyler Hammond’s Kettle of Fish Acoustic Pete 7-11pm open mic nite 7-11pm 7-11pm Rising Tide (SKOB)In The Village 46-5443 7‐11pm open mic nite 7‐11pm 7-11pm 8pm – 7‐11pm 12 am 941‐346‐5443 7‐11pm Country/Rock ACH CLUB DJ Jimi-O Live Music & Ben Hammond Rising Tide e Village DJ Rev Kev Band & DJ Rev DJ Jimi-O Ladies Night 10pm-2am 9pm-1am THE BEACH CLUB SIN Night Spark Notes Matt Gerhardt 49-6311 10pm-2am Kev 10pm-2am 10pm-2am DJ’s In The Village DJ Duo & Undertow RevKev/GreggR OTTAGE 941‐349‐6311 9pm‐1am 9pm‐1am Live Music Live 10pm‐2am Music Live Music Live Music Live Music
e Village 12-9300
Live Music Justin Layman Sly (4-8pm) (4‐8pm)
Live Music 4-8pm
SPANISH POINT SH POINT ANT & PUB RESTAURANT & PUB Live Music LiveLive Music Music Live Live Music Music Live Live Music Music LiveLive Music Music 5‐8pm 5‐8pm 5‐8pm 5‐8pm w Dr., Osprey 135 Bayview Dr., Osprey 5-8pm 5-8pm 5-8pm 5-8pm 5-8pm 941‐966‐5746 66-5746 Sunday / Above information subject to change. We suggest calling venues for confirmation.
Road Block 3-7pm Acoustic Pete 1‐5pm Undertow 6-10pm Live Music 6‐10pm DJ 10pm-2am DJ 10pm‐2am
Dana & Co Cort Farris & Swamp Dana & Co 2-6pm Donkie Cougar Wranglers 2‐6pm 2‐6pm Mike Tozier (2-6pm) TBA 8pm-12am ChrisMike Tozier Otto 7-11pm 8pm – 8pm‐12am Live Music12 am & Democracy(Reggae)
Mike Tozier 5‐8pm DJ Rev Kev DJ Jimi-O Spark Notes 5‐ Anchor Atlantic DJ Rev Kev 10-2am 10pm-2am 8pm 10pm‐2pm Mighty Mongos Cherry Bombs Live Music Live Music 10pm‐2am 10pm‐2am 9/28 only 7-10pm 6-9pm
LiveLive Music Music 12-4 &7‐10pm 5-8pm 9pm-12am Live Music 12‐4pm Live Music 5‐8pm 6-9pm 9pm‐12am Long Island Johnnie 11am-3pm
Live Music Live Music 7‐10pm 12-4pm 5-8pm Live Music 12‐4pm 5‐8pm 9pm‐12am Long Island Johnnie Live Music 11am-3pm 6‐9pm
SUNDAY Al Fuller 6‐10pm (Solo Rock) Georgia 12‐4pm Venturas or Mike Sales Band 5:30‐9:30pm
Sylvester Mcleod (4‐8pm) Road Block 2‐6pm Live Music 6‐10pm DJ 10pm‐2am
Cort Farris & Cougar Wranglers (2‐6pm) Chris Otto 7‐11pm Reggae Sundays Road Block 10pm‐2am Live Music 6‐9pm Live Music 12‐4pm 5‐8pm
Karaoke Karaoke 9pm-1am 9pm‐2am
Karaoke 9pm‐2am
LiveChris Otto Music 6-10pm 6‐11pm
Live Music Matt Gerhardt 6-10pm 6‐11pm
Nick LeValley 6‐10pm
Solo Guitar Andres Collins 6-10pm 6‐10pm
Democracy Tommy Doer 4-8pm 6‐10pm
Democracy (Reggae Music) 4‐8pm
Tiki Bar‐Live Tiki Bar Music (6‐9pm) Live Music Underground 6-9pm Club (9pm‐1am)
Tiki Bar Tiki Bar Live Music Live Music 5-8pm 6‐9pm
Tiki Bar Live Music 5‐8pm
LiveLive Music Music 4-8pm 4‐8pm
Live Music Live Music 4-8pm 4‐8pm
Live Music 4‐8pm
LiveLive Music Music 5‐8pm 5-8pm
Live Music Live Music 5‐8pm 5-8pm
Live Music 5‐8pm
September 2012 Siesta Sand | 25A www.siestakeyislander.com • 941.539.0205 • September 2012 • Siesta
Snapshots of Island Visitors 5
Sand • 8
Photos by Lauren Bates 6
Photo Captions: 10
1. Nancy & Phil from Orlando in front of Beach Bazaar. 2. Ella enjoying the Gulf of Mexico from the UK. 3. Jason & Lucinda from Sarasota sitting by the boats on SK beach. 4. Margaret & her adorable pup Autumn from Sarasota. 5. Thomas’s family Glen, Sara, Jayne, and Christopher in front of Orange Octopus 6. Thomas - age one, visiting with his family from England. 7. Janay age 7 & Sayge age 11 from West Palm Beach 8. Ginny Evans & Jill Evans from SK. They walk to the beach every morning 9. (Left) Scotty, manager, (Back) Rocky, (Right) Lance. In front of their store SK Bike & Kayak. 10. Denise from Sarasota at Captain Curts. 11. Jessica & Tobin from Ohio at Turtles Restaurant. 12. Amber Davis & Chris Nilsson at Turtle Beach Pub. 13. Eliver - pointing at the CB’s sign. 14. Terri & Denny from Sarasota on a “Staycation” at Captain Curts.
Bartender of The Month... Will Return In Our October Edition!
NFL/College Packages • FULL BAR 14
6500 Gateway Ave • 941.554.8905
26A | Island Visitor September 2012 Siesta Sand • September 2012 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestakeyislander.com
Island Design
By Cheryl Gaddie
|Lighting is Key...
In the land of sunshine, natural light is abundant and should be taken advantage of whenever possible within our homes and workspaces. Of course there is the significant issue of the heat our beautiful sunshine produces. We need to be informed about filtering the light in existing structures and
understand passive solar design when building or retrofitting our homes and businesses. It is not always feasible to direct natural light for tasks, therefore artificial light is necessary. When designing an interior space, I attempt to place work/ task areas where outdoor light is available. I prefer to use a cooler temperature lamp for task lighting to better replicate and enhance the natural light. I always smile when I pass by a beautiful home, with good outdoor lighting, that obviously has different color lamps – leaving some with an aged look while others are bright white. It is important to understand the color of a lamp and make it specific to an area. Look for the kelvin temperature on the package. You need to keep the same temperature when replacing your light bulbs. Especially in recessed lighting areas. Make a color choice and keep it consistent. Standard incandescent are the least used and preferred in today’s design field. This is in large due to their energy inefficiency. Halogen has taken the place of the incandescent in many fixtures. Light emitting diodes LEDs are the most energy efficient lighting today, still the technology is in development stages. When specifying a fixture, understand the lamp that will be used inside the fixture. Some existing fixtures may be retrofitted. Such as using a compact florescent lamp CFL to replace an incandescent which is an obvious choice for energy efficiency. Notable interior design requires great lighting design.
Cheryl Gaddie, owner of C.G. Designs 941-346-7415 | www.cherylgaddiedesigns.com
July sales continue hot streak for Sarasota real estate The Sarasota real estate market remained active and strong in July 2012, with 699 closed sales reported by members of the Sarasota Association of Realtors®. The total was 16.7 percent higher than the 599 sales reported in July 2011. The breakdown was 523 single family homes and 176 condos sold. The normal seasonal influx of buyers tends to drop shortly after the Easter holiday, but this year higher sales have continued into the summer months. Real estate agents and brokerages have reported a busy and extended season, which resulted in a second quarter in 2012 that was statistically the best in seven years. Pending sales (which represent properties that went under contract during the month) also rose in July to 919, after dropping to 860 in June. In July 2011, pending sales were at 799, roughly 15 percent lower than this year. Prior to June 2012, the market had seen four straight months that topped 1,000. Pending sales are a major indicator of the future market sales totals. “The Sarasota real estate market remains a bright spot in Florida and the nation,” said SAR President Laura Benson. “We couldn’t have asked for a better second quarter, and of course the amazing numbers were not expected to continue indefinitely. But the
fact we haven’t seen any big drop off in sales, and we are significantly ahead of last year’s pace, is great news for our members.” The median sale price for single family homes in July 2012 was almost identical to June 2012, at $178,000, compared to $178,500. For condos, prices dropped somewhat to $176,000, from last month’s price spike to $195,000. For both categories, the 12-month running median was much stronger that last year - $168,500 for single family (compared to $156,000 last July), and $167,000 for condos (compared to $162,250 last year). Single family home prices remained at a level more than 30 percent higher than the low of the market reached 16 months ago ($137,500), while condo prices are almost 40 percent higher than the low point ($127,000). Part of the reason for the price resurgence remains likely related to the lower number of distressed property sales. The total number of distressed sales, foreclosures and short sales, rose slightly to 32.4 percent from last month’s 31 percent level, still one of the lowest totals in the past three years. The available inventory of homes on the market once again dropped to a new decade low of 3,644, about 4 percent lower than June’s figure of 3,816. The local numbers are somewhat similar to national figures, as lack of inventory – notably in lower price ranges
– is limiting buyer choices in an increasing number of markets around the country, according to the latest quarterly report by the National ssociation of Realtors® (NAR). “It’s most encouraging to see a growing number of metro areas with rising median prices, which is improving the equity position of existing homeowners,” said Lawrence Yun, NAR chief economist. “Inventory has been trending down and home builders are still under-producing in relation to growing demand.” Yun noted some of the increase can be attributed to a lack of lower-end homes for sale in areas with a tight inventory. Last year at this time, there were roughly 20 percent more available properties on the market. The months of inventory remained near 10-year lows. The July figures were 4.5 months of inventory for single family homes and 7.5 months inventory for condos. Months of inventory represents the time it would take to deplete the current inventory at the current sales rate. Last July, there were 6.4 months of inventory for single family homes and 10.7 months of inventory for condos. At the market’s low point in November 2008, there were 24 months of
inventory for single family homes and 41.7 months for condos. “Competition for the available properties is high, and that can lead to bidding wars and price escalation,” explained Benson. “This is a dynamic market, and the trend lines point to increases in asking prices going forward.” Currently, only 575 properties for sale in the MLS are listed as short sales or foreclosures, down slightly from last month’s figure of 604 properties. This represents about 15.8 percent of available properties, slightly lower than last month, and down from January 2012 when the figure was 17 percent of the market. Source: Sarasota Association of Realtors®
September 2012 Siesta Sand | 27A www.siestakeyislander.com • 941.539.0205 • September 2012 • Siesta
The Highs and Lows of Siesta Key
Siesta Key Real Estate Report Pending Sales
Sales Volume
800 $150M
Days on Market
$0M 8
Months of Inventory
Sold Date
4865 Common‐ wealth Drive 650 Canal Rd
List Price Sold Price $288,200 $280,000
Lee: 941.350.5542
Susan: 941.925.8253
Lee@Sarasota.com Susan@Sarasota.com
$388,500 $378,378 $425,000 $400,000
Sold Date
5040 Common‐ wealth Drive 750 Freeling Drive 825 Tropical Circle
List Price Sold Price $1,349,000 $1,220,000 $3,100,000 $3,000,000 $3,750,000 $3,300,000
Lows of the Condos Sold
Sold Date
List Price Sold Price $112,000 $103,000 $179,900 $170,000
5225 Avenida
$189,000 $170,000 List Price Sold Price $872,500 $820,000 $1,090,000 $940,000 $1,499.999 $1,425,000
Navarra #3
Portofino Dr.
PALM LAKES - The name says it - peaceful long lake view frames this 3100 sq ft home on a quiet culdesac street near the bustling University Parkway shops, restaurants and businesses. Easy access to USF, Asolo, Ringling, airport, Lakewood Ranch, or I-75. High ceilings, tile, split plan. $292,000
#4 6157 Midnight
50 0
Highs of the Single Family Homes Sold
767 Birdsong Ln.
Lee Byron & Susan Keal
Lows of the Single Family Homes Sold Address
Sand •
Pass Rd,#B‐51
Highs of the Condos Sold May-12
For more information call (941)894-1255 Or visit www.keysolutionsrealestate.com
Single Family Condos
Sold Date
1260 Dolphin
Bay Way,#501 777 Beach Rd, #7A
*Statistics provided by MFR MLS
Dr., #303
3 PEACEFUL ACRES - Immaculate home, three bedroom, two bath split plan home with high ceilings in the living room, dining room, and kitchen. Windows in family room and bonus room allow you to view the large backyard, with occasional wild life (deer, squirrels, hawks) and lush foliage. $210,000
SieSta DuneS Beach Front community Located on America’s #1 Beach - Siesta Key Siesta Dunes offers an optional on-site rental program. High season (Jan 15 to April 30) rentals are a 2 week minimum and off season (May 1 to Jan 15) offers 1 week rentals.
6236 Midnight Pass Road #201 Located in Building 1, this 2BR / 2B condo has an updated kitchen and furnishings. Enclosed balcony for additional living space. Offered at $430,000.
6224B Midnight Pass Road This updated condo is a great rental with ability to sleep 8. Fabulous beach & gulf views, private garage and laundry. Offered at $1,300,000.
Judy Greene, Realtor 941.350.0451
JudyGreene@michaelsaunders.com PreFerreD realtorS
6214B Midnight Pass Road The condo has 2BR / 2B on its main level and a loft area set up for more guests. Just steps from the beach, pool and beach deck. Offered at $1,050,000
Tara Lamb, Realtor 941.266.4873
5100 Ocean Boulevard • Sarasota, FL 34242 • 941.349.3444
28A | Island Visitor September 2012 Siesta Sand • September 2012 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestakeyislander.com
pgs 4-5
PAGES 12-13
Village pgs 8-9 Cresent Beach pg 7 Intracoastal pg 14 Street pg 2
AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2012 | The Publication with “Key” Information | www.SiestaKeyIslander.com | 941.539.0205
|Storms be gone from Siesta’s sands By Paul Roat Siesta Key is a special place. Sun. Surf. Shopping. Sand. Special sand. Siesta was ranked as the best beach in the United States in 2011 by sand expert Dr. Robert Leatherman, “Dr. Beach,” he who must be acknowledged as the guru of sand or, in Siesta’s stance, quartz. It seems that the sand under your toes on Siesta is pretty much 99-percent quartz, the crystal that brings up the next set of scenarios for Siesta’s speciality. Drumming, anyone? Below is from the late Allen Morris, historian and former clerk of the Florida House of Representatives. He published many, many books, including the classic “Florida Handbook” as well as “Florida Place Names,” which describes where the names came from in just about every place in the state. Sarasota County? “The 60th county, established May 14, 1921. The origin of the name of this county is shrouded in dispute and legend. The Spaniards are said by one version to have named it to designate it ‘a place for dancing,’ referring to the celebrations held by the Indians on or near the shore of the bay here, but there are no words in modern Spanish to give this meaning to the name. A legend, more colorful but more obviously fabricated, ascribes the name to a beautiful daughter of DeSoto, the great Spanish explorer — Sara Sota. “An Indian prince is said to have allowed himself to be taken prisoner by the Spaniards so that he could be near her; when he fell sick she nursed him back to health, only to fall sick herself and die. The Indian prince and 100 of his braves buried her beneath the waters of the bay, then chopped their canoes with tomahawks and sank to death themselves. Eighteenth-century maps show the name variously as Sarasote, Sarazota and Sara Zota.” Siesta Key Sunday drum circle followers take note.
Hurricanes beware! Siesta’s sands tending to be a hurricane demon fall into a mythological category. Or not. New Age aficionados liken crystals as some sort of sacred stone, filled with healing powers and other good stuff. Siesta Key’s sand, with its quartz/crystal/sand mix, holds a special place for folks. As Christine Hawes of the Sarasota Herald-Tribune described in 2010, Siesta Key “is known as a place where a concentration of energy maximizes the ability to heal physically and emotionally. Some credit the qualities of the beach’s sand, and others talk of the presence offshore of quartz crystals that may be derived from the ancient mythical city of Atlantis. Some healers point to a decades-old, well-canopied tree, surrounded by heavy grass growth and growing about 60 feet from the coast, as an indication of the beach’s metaphysical vitality. Others talk of a mysterious protection from hurricanes that they credit to either Indian blessings or a vortex of energy they say exists near the rumored Atlantis crystal location.” The “well-canopied tree,” by the way, is an Australian pine. Hurricanes? Sarasota and Siesta have had their fair share of hurricanes, just not in recent memory. A number of factors keep the storms away from us — offshore currents, prevailing winds and, yes, maybe the healing crystals.
|Rated 2011’s #1 Beach In America by Dr. Beach... Siesta Public Beach, located inside Crescent Beach, is renowned for its truly breathtaking sunsets, easygoing waves, and gorgeous crystal white sand. The sand is 99% pure quartz, soft and cool to the touch. Among the many awards it has earned are the “Whitest, Finest Beach Sand in the World” (The Great International White Sand challenge, 1987), “The Best Sand Beach in America” (The Travel Channel, 2004) and for 2011, it was rated #1 beach in the 21st annual Top 10 Beach List, produced by coastal expert Dr. Stephen P. Leatherman, Director of Florida International University’s Laboratory for Coastal Research. Walking along, or swimming and playing in the Gulf of Mexico or merely basking in the tropical sun is enough fun for many folks, but others are drawn by Siesta Beach’s many amenities, which include tennis and vollyball courts, shaded playground and picnic/barbecue areas and convienent concession stands. Shallow water near shorline and year-round lifeguard protection make it a great family beach. Beach wheelchairs can be borrowed to help special needs visitors cross the sand. There’s always something for everyone to do at Siesta Beach. It’s island location is within easy walking distance to many of the village shops and restaurants located in the Siesta Village.
Crescent Beach actually begins between beach access #2 & #3 and extends to beach access #13 with the southern part relatively secluded and quiet, as it has only one public access road. Located just south of Siesta Beach, the scene here tends to be more peaceful and private. At the southern tip of this beach is Point of Rocks - a lovely snorkeling and diving area that is rich with coral rock formations as well as colorful and abundant marine life. Crescent Beach visitors staying in nearby resorts, rentals and beach clubs rave (but only to their closest friends) about Siesta Key’s best “non-private private” beach. Turtle Beach is at the southern tip of Siesta Key, and affords a sportier, “family play” beach experience. The beach has picnic areas, a playground, a vollyball court and horseshoe pit. There’s also a boat launch, and fishing is permitted in the adjacent Blind Pass Lagoon. There are restaurants nearby, with shopping and a few local night spots just a short drive away. Turtle Beach is a narrow beach, with a somewhat steeper incline. The sand on the beach tends to carry more shells, making it perfect for beach combers and shell collectors. Many find petrified sharks’ teeth to take home and treasure, especially after a storm.
Beach Flags: Indicate surf & beach conditions
Siesta Key Public Beach Lifeguards on duty
Here are some usefull tips: If you find yourself in trouble: 1-Remain calm 2-Call for help 3-Follow the instructions of rescuer If you are being swept out tosea in a rip current: 1-Remain calm 2-Swim parallel to shore 3-Once out of current, swim to shore at an angle, not straight in Please remember: • No glass permitted on beaches • Always respect others & their privacy • Never damage vegetation or take live shells
|Siesta Key Drum Circle... Siesta Beach has become the home to what is considered one of the largest drum circles in the nation. This is not a commercial event but local phenomenon that began spontaneously and now has a life of its own. If you’re visiting the area, or live nearby be sure to check this one out. There are loads of drummers and belly dancers plus lots of families, beach going onlookers, & curious tourists, especially during the winter tourist season when the crowds can swell into the thousands. Bring a blanket or chair, most everyone does. It happens every Sunday starting a couple of hours before sunset, and ends around 10 PM. This gathering meets up just south of the main pavilion between lifeguard stands 3 and 4 on Siesta Public Beach. Just follow your ears. This is true community - free-form drumming, open to the public and entirely improvised in-the-moment. Instruments center around drums and percussion, but may include other instruments such as flutes, didgeridoos, and other non-percussion instruments. Participation is voluntary and includes singing or chanting, dancing, relaxing, and listening. It’s always a good time with solid musicality, dancing, and a great vibe. Admission is free. The Siesta Key Beach address is: 948 Beach Road, Sarasota, Florida 34242 to get more info visit the website www.drumcircles.net/sarasota.html or there is a Yahoo group, and a Facebook group named “Siesta Key Drum Circle” just search for them.
Photo courtesy of Timbo.
Summer 2012 Siesta Sand | 3B www.siestakeyislander.com • 941.539.0205 • SUMMER 2012 • Siesta
Pizza - Pasta - Salads - Subs and more...
Restaurant New York Style! 12” Personal Pie........................................$9.95 Small Pizza 14’’ inch - 6 Slices.................$12.00 Large Pizza 16’’ - 8 Slices........................$14.00 Sicilian (Thick) 14”x16” inch - 8 Slices......$16.00 Additional Toppings............................... $2.00 Gourmet Toppings..................................$4.00 Half Topping.............................................$1.25 Half Gourmet...........................................$2.25 Standard Pizza Toppings: • Italian Sausage • Sliced Meatballs • Pepperoni • Oven Baked Ham • Strip Bacon • Canadian Bacon • Mushrooms • Anchovies • Green Peppers • Onions • Black Olives • Sliced Tomatoes • Fresh Garlic • Spinach • Pineapple • Broccoli Gourmet Pizza Toppings: • Artichoke • Feta Cheese • Eggplant • Grilled Chicken • Shrimp • Sun Dried Tomatoes • Portabella Mushroom • Clams
Stromboli Roll 2 Ingredients............................$8.95 Additional Ingredients $1.00 each Gourmet Ingredients $2.25 each
Specialty Pizzas No Substitutions Allowed...........14”............. 16” Marinara................................. $14.95...... $17.85 Coated with Garlic, Oil, and Fresh Basil and Tomatoes, Topped with Parmesan Cheese
Black Pearl Seafood Pizza...... $18.50..... $21.40 Baby Shrimp and Clams, Spinach, Tomatoes, and Black Olives
Chicken Ranch Pizza.............. $18.50..... $21.40 Ranch Dressing, Sliced Tomatoes, Strip Bacon, Chicken Breast, Coated with Garlic and Oil and Topped with Cheddar Cheese
Meat Lover’s Pizza.................. $18.50..... $21.40 Pepperoni, Sausage, Strip Bacon, and Meatballs
Vegetable Pizza...................... $18.50..... $21.40 Mushrooms, Peppers, Onions, Black Olives, & Sliced Tomatoes
City Pizza Supreme................. $19.75.....$22.95 Sausage, Pepperoni, Black Olives, Mushrooms, Onions, Green Peppers, Anchovies, and Meatballs
Mediterranean Pizza.............. $18.50..... $21.40 Mozzarella Cheese, Artichoke Hearts, Black Olives, and Sliced Tomatoes
Sand •
Open 7 Days A Week Sunday - Thursday 11am to 10pm Friday and Saturday 11am to 11pm
W Deli e ver
6645 Midnight Pass Road, Siesta Key, FL
White Pizza............................ $15.95......$18.85
With a Delicious White Wine Sauce and Blend of Spices
Pesto Pizza............................. $16.50..... $19.40
With Choice of Pasta
Hot & Spicy............................. $16.50..... $19.40
Ricotta, Mozzarella, and Provolone Cheese
(Pesto Sauce Prepared with Fresh Basil and Garlic)
Davy Jones Deep Sea Calamari.............. $14.95
Sicilian Pizza - 14”x16” inch - 8 Slices......$16.00
Dinner Salad............................................ $3.75 Tossed Salad.............................................$8.50
Stromboli Pizza (Baked Between Two Dough Crusts).....$25.95
Chef Salad............................................... $9.50
Pepperoni, Banana Peppers, and Fresh Garlic (Thick Crust)
Lettuce, Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Olives, Pepperoni, Mozzarella Cheese, and Onions
Ricotta, Mozzarella, Pepperoni, Sausage, Black Olives, Green Peppers, Mushrooms, Onions, and Meatballs
Lettuce, Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Olives, Pepperoni, Mozzarella, Swiss Cheese, Onions, Ham, and Turkey
Lettuce, Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Olives, Pepperoni, Onions, Provolone Cheese, Salami, and Anchovies
(Rolled Over Dough Filled With Mozzarella Cheese, Ricotta Cheese, And Our Own Blend Of Spices With Marinara Sauce On The Side)
Cheese Calzone........................................$6.95 Additional Toppings.................................$1.75 Gourmet Toppings...................................$2.25
Antipasto Salad.......................................$9.95 Tuna Salad............................................... $8.25 Lettuce, Tomatoes, Olives, Onions, Celery, and Tuna in Light Mayo
Greek Salad.............................................$9.25 Lettuce, Tomatoes, Olives, Onions, and Feta Cheese
(See Pizza Toppings for what’s available for your Calzone)
Caesar Salad............................................$8.50
Pasta Dinners
Chicken or Grouper Available on Any of Our House Salads $4.00
($2.00 Split plate charge.)
Stuffed Shells...........................................$12.95 Lasagna................................................. $13.50 Ravioli (Meat or Cheese)........................ $12.50 Chicken Parmigiana with Choice of Pasta....... .............................................................. $14.95 Veal Parmigiana with Choice of Pasta............ .............................................................. $16.95 Ziti or Spaghetti with Marinara...............$9.95
Romaine Lettuce, Tomatoes, Croutons, and Caesar Dressing
Munchies and More
Soup of the Day.......................................$3.95 Hamburger..............................................$5.95 with Fries, add $1.50
Cheeseburger...........................................$6.95 with Fries, add $1.50
Side Order of Meatballs or Meat Sauce . ..$4.25 Mozzarella Sticks...................................... $8.25 Baked Ziti or Spaghetti...........................$12.95 Calamari Rings........................................$8.95 Spaghetti with Red or White Clam Sauce......... Buffalo Wings.......... Small $5.95 Large $8.95 .............................................................. $14.95 French Fries . ...........................................$3.95 Ziti or Spaghetti with Meatballs............. $12.50 Side Order of Spaghetti........................... $4.50 Ziti with Broccoli or Mushrooms..............$12.25 House Bread (Focaccia)........................... $1.99 Available with Red or White Wine Sauce Garlic Cheese Bread................................ $4.50 Eggplant Parmigiana (with Choice of Pasta).. (A Delicious Blend of Spices and Cheese) .............................................................. $14.95 Homemade Chips....................................$4.25 Ziti Calabrese..........................................$13.95 Alfredo Sauce available $3.50
Fresh Garlic with Olive Oil, Plum Tomatoes, Mozzarella Cheese, and Mushrooms
Pesto with Your Choice of Pasta.............$12.95 Shrimp Scampi ......................................$15.95
Hot & Cold Subs, Kids Meals, & Desserts available
*Prices are subject to change 18% Gratuity added for parties of Six or More
Dine-in, Take-out, or Delivery (Outside Dining Available) 941-349-4490 • www.citypizzaofsarasota.com
Full Service Restaurant:
4B | Island Visitor Summer 2012 Siesta Sand • SUMMER 2012 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestakeyislander.com
|Coconuts of Siesta Key...
Coconuts of Siesta Key 1215 Old Stickney Point Rd., Siesta Key, FL 34242 941-346-2954 coconuts-sk.com
Sun “N” Sand
Sun “N” Sand
Bringing fun and colorful clothing to Siesta Key since 1982. Explore more than 3000 sq ft of Fresh Produce Clothing,Vera Bradley handbags, Crocs Shoes, jewelry,hats, beach bags and a huge selection of cool Siesta Key t-shirts,sweatshirts and souvenirs for the whole family. From infants up to 3x plus sizes,we have you covered. Coconuts features Fresh Produce Clothing which is one of the most original and refreshing casual resort lines. Known and loved by
women for lush colors,simply inspired designs and coastal comfort. Stop in and see why locals and visitors return time and time again to Siesta Key’s original locally owned clothing store. Huge selection,exceptional service and great prices. Live Life-Enjoy Color Coconuts is located one block south of Stickney Point Rd( Siesta Key’s South Bridge)Next to Crescent Beach Grocery (B-3 #1 on the Crescent Beach map).
|Home of the Finest Consignment Boutique Fifi’s Fine Resale Apparel has been in the consignment business for over 20 years specializing in the resale of designer and name brand apparel for women. Fifi’s prides itself with providing exceptional service to the local community, and is celebrating being a part of it for over 20 years. At Fifi’s, you’ll find authentic designer handbags, new jewelry & accessories, and brand name consignments – all at bargain prices. Fifi’s is nationally recognized and has been selected Newsleader Best of the Best Consignment shop in 2008, 2009, & 2010.
Visit any or all of the following locations in the area to find pretty clothes at bargain prices. Fifi’s of Sarasota | 941-312-6950 1905 S. Osprey Ave., Sarasota FL 34239 Fifi’s of Osprey | 941-451-8298 11 South Tamiami Trail Corner of Bay Street and Tamiami in Osprey Fifi’s of Venice #1 | 941-244-2663 219 Venice Ave. W, Venice FL 34285 Fifi’s of Venice #2 | 941-488-4848 223-A Miami Blvd., Venice FL 34285 Fifi’s of Lakewood Ranch #1 | 941-907-8900 8322 Market Street, Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202 Fifi’s of Lakewood Ranch #2 | 941-758-7222 7343 52nd Place, E, Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202
Summer 2012 Siesta Sand | 5B www.siestakeyislander.com • 941.539.0205 • SUMMER 2012 • Siesta
|Beach Bazaar On Siesta Key... Beach Bazaar 5211 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key, FL 34242 941-346-2995
Body Glove
L • Space Top: Aquarelli Sliding Halter Top Bottom: Aquarelli Ring Side Bottom
Beach Bazaar is the souvenir, surf and swim gear store that specializes in men’s and women’s fashions for the beach. They’re the fourth largest retailer of Reef TM sandals and Zap TM skinboards in the United States and carry a wide range of hot brands like Body Glove TM, L*Space TM swimwear and more. Pictured is the L*Space TM and Body Glove TM swimwear. Both lines offer mix-and-match options for a customized fit and style. Check out their wide selection for that perfect look. Conveniently located in the village. (C-28, on the village map)
|Sassy Hair On Siesta Key... Gearing up for the summer months at Sassy on Siesta has been as exciting and as fun as the winter months. The Key is alive with activity and we love to share in the excitement. We have just added another pedicure chair; it is known that ladies of all ages love to share this fun treatment together. We can now accommodate three at a time, and you can enjoy a nice cool glass of iced tea while you enjoy a relaxing pedicure. Whether it is a classic pedicure or an eye-catching Rock Star glitter toes, if you can image it…we can do it. Our pedicures start at $35 for an express and $50 for a classic pedicure. Florida in the summer can wreak havoc on your hair, curl and frizz somehow appear out of nowhere with the humidity. We’ve made it more affordable at Sassy to tame your curls. From June-September treat yourself to a Keratin Express Smoothing. This treatment relaxes your curl, and 80% of your frizz from your hair, making it soft and manageable, yet still without removing the body. You will love the results. Through the end of September we are offering 15% off of a Keratin Express and if you add a haircut and style, receive 10% off that as well. Here at Sassy we carry 3 great products lines to help you style and control your hair at home. Moroccan Oil Treatment and Styling Cream are great for reducing frizz. The Glimmer Shine Spray contains the highest level UV protectants to shield your hair from the harmful effects of the sun to your hair color. Try out our Sassy brand of hair products that offer keratin enriched shampoo, conditioner and serum; they go a long way to create frizz free hair.
Anyone that knows me knows that I have a head full of big curly hair, and I LIKE it! I’m not one to fuss, blow dry and flat iron my hair, and I know I’m not alone. For me, a great haircut & curl enhancing products are the answer, and I got it all at Sassy. Buy any two hair products and receive 10%, three products and you get 15%off. We offer complimentary make up touch up with every service. Only the finest for our clients, NICO cosmetics and skin care help keep our skin smooth and moisturized. The Intensive Eye Care kit, our top selling eye care treatment, includes an eye firming gel and the calming nourishing eye cream. With the effects of the I.C. U. treatment you can begin to see results instantly. Regular price for these two fabulous products is $149.00, our summer special price is $109.00 and you will also receive as a gift with purchase, the vitamin E lip conditioner and treatment. In order to accommodate everyone we are open 7 days a week 9-6 and on Sun. from 10-5. Weddings are a big part of our summer activities on our #1 beach. The staff here at Sassy is incredibly talented and will create the perfect look for you, be it an everyday look, or the most important day of your life. We have wedding hair down to a science. Air brushed make up makes you even more stunning on your special day. Get out of the sun, get ready for a big party, or just come in for a complimentary consultation. Visit us at Sassyhair.com, where you can also view some of our work.
Sassy Hair | 209 Beach Road, Sarasota, Fl 34242 | 941-349-6525 | Sassyhair.com
Sand •
6B | Island Visitor Summer 2012 Siesta Sand • SUMMER 2012 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestakeyislander.com
|Crescent Beach Featured Shops |City Pizza, Inc.
www.citypizzaofsarasota.com 6645 Midnight Pass Road, Sarasota, FL 34242 941.349.4490 City Pizza Inc. is a friendly, family owned and operated restaurant that began in 1989, serving the neighborhood area. Our specialty is Italian and we pride ourselves in making your food fast and fresh when you order it. We are a casual restaurant close to the beach. Licensed to serve beer and wine to compliment our large menu. For your pleasure and convenience, we offer take-out and delivery, but please feel free to dine in or eat on our porch. Come early and stay late! Enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner at City Pizza Inc.
|Captain Curt’s Crab & Oyster Bar
www.captaincurts.com 1200 Old Stickney Point Road, Siesta Key, FL 34242 | 941.349.3885 brad@captaincurts.com A family seafood restaurant. Fish, seafood, prime rib, baby back ribs, baskets, sandwiches, salads & children’s menu. Full bar. Happy hour 4-6pm featuring The Back Room Saloon & Sports Bar. Live entertainment. Daily lunch & dinner specials. Gift Shop. Open 7 days a week.
|The Orange Octopus
1220 Old Stickney Point Road, Siesta Key, FL 34242 | 941.346.8080 Home of the orange squeeze! Featuring hand-mixed ice cream, coffees, shakes, malts, sundaes, smoothies, candles and fudge. Ask us about our ice cream parties! Located behind Captain Curt’s Restaurant on the corner of Midnight Pass & Old Stickney Point Road. Open daily until 9:30pm.
|The Green Turtle Souvenir & Gift Store
6525 Midnight Pass Road, Sarasota, FL 34242 941.349.4751 Siesta Key’s most friendly & unique shopping spot! You’ll find gifts, souvenirs, beach fashions, beach supplies, beach coverups, ladies & junior fashions, plus a super men’s line! Siesta Key’s largest seashell & coral selection!
|Siesta Key Bike & Kayak, LLC
www.siestakeybikeandkayak.com 1224 Old Stickney Point Road, Siesta Key, FL 34242 | 941.346.0891 Siesta Key Bike and Kayak, located on Siesta Key is family owned and operated serving Siesta Key, Lido Beach, Turtle Beach, Crescent Beach, Sarasota and the surrounding areas. We offer a variety of energizing and relaxing things to do while you visit this beautiful scenic area. We offer quality equipment and a friendly reliable expert staff so that you can get the most from your vacation... GUARANTEED.
|Crescent Beach Grocery
|Siesta Sports Rentals
www.siestasportsrentals.com 6551 Midnight Pass Rd., Siesta Key, FL 941-346-1797 | Fax: 941-346-1954 Located on beautiful Siesta Key Island providing you with hours of fun, whether vacationing or living in Florida, we offer you the opportunity to see Sarasota and Siesta Key, Florida the way it was meant to be seen. Just steps from Crescent Beach, we provide friendly, quality service at affordable prices. Delivery and pick up available. Mention you found our web site and we will give a discount off your next rental. Stop by and say hello.
|Big Water Fish Market
1211 Old Stickney Point Road, Sarasota, FL Owners: Nancy Connelly & Bill Singleton 941.312.0472 The Crescent Beach Grocery is Siesta Key’s premier full-service grocery store. Carrying an extremely wide range of groceries, sundries, beer, wine, delicatessen items and fresh-cut meat – as well as practically anything else you can think of – the grocery caters to the needs of both residents and visitors on Siesta Key. The store is particularly well-known for providing good value, personal service and a warm, friendly environment.
6641 Midnight Pass Rd., Crescent Plaza 941.554.8101 Offers fresh-from-the-docks seafood along with a variety of complimenting side dishes and homemade desserts. Their lunch menu includes seafood sandwiches, as well as egg and chicken salad sandwiches, and a fisherman’s stew. They also offer a catering service with selections such as clam bakes, oyster roasts and beach picnic baskets. Come in and choose your own fresh catch or try one of their lunch specials - always good and always fresh. Hours are: Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm, Sun. 11am-4pm.
|Sarasota Wind and Water Adventures
www.siesta4rent.com 6555 Midnight Pass Rd., Siesta Key, FL 34242 941.349.5500 | 877.482.5550 rentals@siesta4rent.com We offer Studios – 5 BR condos and Homes here on beautiful Siesta Key Beach. All units fully equipped, most directly on the beach or beach access. Pets welcome at some. Call or check website for rates. 1 week minimum required.
1518 Stickney Point Rd., In the Boatyard Village | 941-379-4222 www.SarasotaWindAndWater.com We are located in the Boatyard Village, right off the south Siesta Key Bridge. Our shop offers kiteboarding lessons, paddle board lessons, cruising, tubing, water skiing, fishing charters and other water sports. Our mission is simple: to provide the best products and service to our customers at the lowest prices possible. We take great pride in our company, our commitment to customer service and in the products we sell. We always try to meet or beat any reasonable quote. Our online store is designed to provide you with a safe and secure environment to browse our product catalog. Store Hours: Mon. – Sat. 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sunday by appointment.
|Siesta 4-Rent
|Jonny’s Free Beach Rides
www.jonnysfreebeachrides.com Siesta Key | 941.306.9097 Jonny’s Free Beach Rides is a new service here on Siesta Key, Providing a fun, safe and ecofriendly way to cruz the Key. We will pick you up in our 6-seater electric vehicle. Our service route extends from Turtle Beach to Siesta Key Village. Operating hours are from 10 am - 2 am daily. Call 941-306-9097.
|Miguel’s Restaurant
6631 Midnight Pass Rd, Crescent Plaza 941.349.4024 | www.miguelsrestaurant.net Miguel’s is a family owned restaurant that specializes in French and Continental cuisine. Serving Siesta Key since 1983, they offer a wide selection of appetizers, a Caesar salad for two, perfectly prepared at your table and include fresh gulf seafood, choicest cuts of filet mignon, delicious poultry and veal dishes among their entrees. Finish the night off with decadent desserts including banana fosters, cherries jubilee and traditional creme caramel. Miguel’s also has an extensive wine selection and a full bar.
ATM & Banks Bank of America........................................ A-3 #3 Bars & Nightclubs Capt. Curt’s Backroom Saloon..........................................................B-3 #7 Crescent Club........................................... C-3 #13 Sniki Tiki....................................................B-3 #8 Delis & Sandwiches Anna’s Sandwiches................................ C-3 #14 The Beach Deli @ Crescent Beach Grocery..... ......................................................................B-3 #1 DRUG STORES Davidson’s Drugs..................................... C-3 #14 Fashion & Accessories CB’s Saltwater Outfitters........................ A-3 #4 Coconuts Fashion.....................B-3 #1 & B-3 #8 Green Turtle Swimwear....................... C-3 #14 Key Casual Fashions............................... D-4 #17 Things You Like...................................... C-3 #14 Gifts & Souvenirs Capt. Curt’s Souvenirs.............................B-3 #8 Green Turtle Shells & Gifts................. C-3 #14 The Silversmith ...................................... D-4 #17 Silver City Jewelry.................................. C-3 #14 Health & Beauty The Key Spa & Salon.............................. A-5 #12 Lorraine’s Beauty & Barber.....................B-3 #8 Salon Siesta............................................... D-4 #17 Ice Cream & Treats Orange Octopus .......................................B-3 #8 INTERNET / WiFi SERVICES Davidson’s Drugs.................................... C-3 #14 Mail Pack Center.................................... C-3 #14 Liquor Stores Crescent Beach Grocery...........................B-3 #1 Crescent Club............................................B-3 #13 Siesta Spirits............................................. C-4 #17 Mailing & Shipping Mail Pack Center.................................... C-3 #14 US Post Office Sub Station..................... C-3 #14 Markets 7-11 Store.................................................. C-3 #16 Big Water Fish Market.......................... C-4 #17 Crescent Beach Grocery..........................B-3 #1 Miscellaneous Moving & Storage....................................B-4 #10 Flowers by Fudgie................................... D-4 #17 Real Estate / RENTALS Beckmann Realty......................................B-3 #8 Homes & Condo Rentals........................ D-4 #17 Moynihan Realty..................................... D-4 #17 Re/Max Tropical Sands............................B-3 #1 Siesta 4-Rent.............................................. C-3 #1 Restaurants
Boatyard Waterfront Bar & Grill.................A-5 #12 Capt. Curts Crab & Oyster Bar.................B-3 #7
City Pizza Italian Restaurant............... D-4 #17 Clayton’s Siesta Grille...............................B-3 #9 Javier’s Restaurant.................................. C-4 #17 Miguel’s Restaurant............................... C-4 #17 Water Sports - Fishing - RENTALS A to Z Beach & Bike Rentals.................. A-5 #12 CB’s Saltwater Outfitters........................ A-3 #4 Sarasota Wind and Water Adventures............. .................................................................. A-5 #12 Siesta Key Bike & Kayak . ......................B-3 #8 Siesta Key Jetski (inside CB’s)................. A-3 #4 Siesta Key Marina..................................... A-4 #5 Siesta Key Parasailing............................. A-5 #12 Siesta Key Watersports........................... A-5 #12 Siesta Sports Rentals............................. C-3 #14 Waves Boat & Social Club...................... A-5 #12
Summer 2012 Siesta Sand | 7B www.siestakeyislander.com • 941.539.0205 • SUMMER 2012 • Siesta
Hand-Mixed Ice Cream • Cones • Shakes • Malts • Sundaes • Smoothies • Coffee & Bagels Map B-3#8
Home of the Orange Squeeze!
In Season Hours 8AM-9:30PM
1220 Old Stickney Point Road Siesta Key • Behind Captain Curt’s Restaurant Corner of Midnight Pass & Old Stickney Point Road
er Sale up Ladies Bathing Suits
“A Tropical Department Store“
Siesta Key’s Most Friendly & Unique Shopping Spot! SOUTHBRIDGE MALL
Sand •
19.95 Reg. To $49.00
Siesta Key’s Largest Seashell & Coral Selection!
6525 Midnight Pass Road
MAP B-3#14
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Map C-3#14
© Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2012
Expires 6/30/2012
Map B-3#8
8B | Island Visitor Summer 2012
Summer 2012 Siesta Sand | 9B
Siesta Sand • SUMMER 2012 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestakeyislander.com
www.siestakeyislander.com • 941.539.0205 • SUMMER 2012 • Siesta
Sand •
Map C #54 & 55
Map B #42
LoCaL Rides on siesta Key
9am - 2am eveRy day!
-tips onLy-
Call 941.306.9097 www.jonnysfreebeachrides.com
A Taste of Germany German Breads • Cakes Deli Sandwiches and Coffees Breakfast and Lunch
Map C #53
5204 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key, FL • 941-346-1800
“More than a Bakery”
Accomodations Siesta Beach Resort ....................... Map-A #38A ART GALLERY / STUDIO Anthony Fenn Gallery....................... Map-D #10 Calle Studios........................................ Map-B #32 ATM / BANKS ATM......................................................Map-C #53 PNC ATM.............................................Map-C #61 Sun Trust Bank & ATM........................ Map-E #4 Bakery & Deli A Taste of Germany........................... Map-C #53 Heavenly Cupcakes............................ Map-B #50 The Village Gourmet .......................Map-B #37 Village Eats...........................................Map-C #24 BARS & NIGHTCLUBS Blu Que Island Grill............................Map-C #57 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar............... Map-B #42-43 Gilligan’s.............................................. Map-B #33 Old Salty Dog ....................................... Map-E #2 Siesta Key Oyster Bar........................Map-B #45 The Beach Club................................... Map-D #22 The Cottage..........................................Map-C #58 The Lobster Pot.................................. Map-C #23 BOOK STORES Used Book Heaven.............................. Map-B #48 COFFEE SHOPS Lelu’s Coffee Lounge.......................... Map-B #31 The Local Bean.................................... Map-D #62 DRUG & HARDWARE Davidson’s Drugs............................... Map-D #65 Village Hardware................................Map-C #26 FASHION & ACCESSORIES Aqua Beachwear................................ Map-D #12 Beach Bazaar...................................... Map-C #28 Beach Bazaar’s Swin Shack............. Map-C #28 Blvd. Beachwear.................................. Map-B #30 Comfort Shoes-Birki & More............ Map-D #64 Foxy Lady Fashions........................... Map-A #40 Island Cotton Company.....................Map-C #29 Siesta T’s............................................... Map-B #30 GIFTS & SOUVENIRS Beach Bazaar...................................... Map-C #28 Created Gems..................................... Map-C #51 Hurricane Rita’s Gifts.........................Map-C #51 Mount-N-Repair.................................Map-B #48 Sea Pleasures & Treasures...................Map-C #2 Siesta Key Bead Shack........................ Map-B #36 Siesta Key’psakes................................ Map-B #29 Siesta Key University........................Map-B #36 HEALTH & FITNESS Amazing Life Chiropractic.................Map-E #4 Indep. Lifestyle Solutions ................ Map-D #10 Siesta Key Fitness..............................Map-B #73 ICE CREAM/treats Big Olaf Creamery..............................Map-C #52 Sunni Bunni Frozen Yogurt...............Map-C #53 INTERNET / WiFi SERVICES Davidson Drugs................................. Map-D #65 Internet Cafe......................................... Map-D #9 Lelu Coffee Lounge............................. Map-B #31 The Village Gourmet .......................Map-B #37 JEWELRY Created Gems..................................... Map-C #51 Michael & Co. Jewelers...................... Map-B #29 Mount -N- Repair Jewelers..............Map-B #48 LIQUOR STORES / Fine Wines Gabbiano’s Wine Club.....................Map-D #70 Gilligan’s.............................................. Map-B #33 Siesta Key Wines............................... Map-C #61 The Beach Club................................... Map-D #22
© Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2012
MAILING - SHIPPING UPS store............................................. Map-A #41 US Post Office..................................... Map-D #65 MARKETS/FOOD STORES 7-11 Store.............................................. Map-B #46 Circle K Store......................................... Map-E #6 Siesta Market........................................Map-C #25 MASSAGE Hands of Light Massage.................... Map-B #35 Massage Experience Siesta Key......Map-D #62 Siesta Key Massage Ctr....................... Map-D #9 MEDICAL - DENTAL Amazing Life Chiropractic.................Map-E #3 Dr. Barry LaClair MD.........................Map-C #56 E.K. Koster DMD................................ Map-D #63 Karen F. Leggett, D.O.........................Map-C #56 Siesta Key Physical Therapy............. Map-D #20 Siesta Smiles Dentistry.......................Map-C #49 MISCELLANEOUS Chamber of Commerce..................... Map-D #66 Roberti Enterprises............................ Map-A #39 Sheriff’s Office...................................... Map-D #9 Solorzano Smoke Shop.......................Map-C #50 PROFESSIONAL SERVICEs Edward Jones Investments............... Map-D #68 Smith Architects............................... Map-E 7 & 8 REAL ESTATE SERVICES Ascendia Real Estate.......................... Map-D #11 Beachside Resorts Rental & Realty..Map-C #53 Coldwell Banker Realty..................... Map-D #20 Horizon Realty.................................... Map-B #34 Island Homes.......................................Map-C #51 Martin Funding.................................... Map-D #9 Michael Saunders Realty..................Map-E #72 Re/Max Alliance Group...................Map-D #60 Robasota Rentals & Real Estate..... Map-A #39 Siesta Key Realty.................................. Map-D #9 Waterside Realty.................................Map-C #29 RESTAURANTS Bella Roma Italian Rest....................... Map-B #30 Blase Café............................................ Map-A #38 Blu Que Island Grill............................Map-C #57 Bonjour French Cafe...........................Map-C #47 Broken Egg................................ Map-C #54 & 55 Café Gabbiano..................................... Map-D#71 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar............... Map-B #42-43 Flavio’s Brick Oven & Bar.................. Map-B #29 Gilligan’s Island Bar & Grill.............. Map-B #33 The Hub - Baja Grill........................... Map-D #59 Jo To’s Japanese Restaurant...............Map-C #47 LeLu’s Coffee Bar................................ Map-B #31 Lobster Pot.......................................... Map-C #23 Napoli’s Italian Restaurant................ Map-B #44 Old Salty Dog Rest. & Pub................... Map-E #2 Siesta Key Oyster Bar........................Map-B #45 Solorzano Bros. Pizzeria.................... Map-D #15 Subway Sandwiches........................... Map-B #30 Sun Garden Café................................ Map-D #19 Taste of Asia........................................ Map-D #69 The Cottage..........................................Map-C #58 The Village Gourmet.........................Map-B #37 Village Café........................................Map-D #14 SPAS - HAIR & BEAUTY Nails By Iris..........................................Map-C #50 Salon Capelli......................................... Map-D #9 Sassy Hair Salon................................ Map-A #40 Siesta Key Nails...................................Map-D #9 Village Barber....................................... Map-D #9 SPORTS INTEREST/Rentals CaliFlorida............................................ Map-B #32 Robin Hood Rentals.........................Map-D #11
Map D #11
• segway rentals • PaDDleBOarDs • scOOter cars • kayak tOurs/rentals • Bikes • scOOters • Beach gear 5129 Ocean Blvd • Siesta Key Village www.robinhoodrentals.net
8B | Island Visitor Summer 2012
Summer 2012 Siesta Sand | 9B
Siesta Sand • SUMMER 2012 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestakeyislander.com
www.siestakeyislander.com • 941.539.0205 • SUMMER 2012 • Siesta
Sand •
Map C #54 & 55
Map B #42
LoCaL Rides on siesta Key
9am - 2am eveRy day!
-tips onLy-
Call 941.306.9097 www.jonnysfreebeachrides.com
A Taste of Germany German Breads • Cakes Deli Sandwiches and Coffees Breakfast and Lunch
Map C #53
5204 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key, FL • 941-346-1800
“More than a Bakery”
Accomodations Siesta Beach Resort ....................... Map-A #38A ART GALLERY / STUDIO Anthony Fenn Gallery....................... Map-D #10 Calle Studios........................................ Map-B #32 ATM / BANKS ATM......................................................Map-C #53 PNC ATM.............................................Map-C #61 Sun Trust Bank & ATM........................ Map-E #4 Bakery & Deli A Taste of Germany........................... Map-C #53 Heavenly Cupcakes............................ Map-B #50 The Village Gourmet .......................Map-B #37 Village Eats...........................................Map-C #24 BARS & NIGHTCLUBS Blu Que Island Grill............................Map-C #57 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar............... Map-B #42-43 Gilligan’s.............................................. Map-B #33 Old Salty Dog ....................................... Map-E #2 Siesta Key Oyster Bar........................Map-B #45 The Beach Club................................... Map-D #22 The Cottage..........................................Map-C #58 The Lobster Pot.................................. Map-C #23 BOOK STORES Used Book Heaven.............................. Map-B #48 COFFEE SHOPS Lelu’s Coffee Lounge.......................... Map-B #31 The Local Bean.................................... Map-D #62 DRUG & HARDWARE Davidson’s Drugs............................... Map-D #65 Village Hardware................................Map-C #26 FASHION & ACCESSORIES Aqua Beachwear................................ Map-D #12 Beach Bazaar...................................... Map-C #28 Beach Bazaar’s Swin Shack............. Map-C #28 Blvd. Beachwear.................................. Map-B #30 Comfort Shoes-Birki & More............ Map-D #64 Foxy Lady Fashions........................... Map-A #40 Island Cotton Company.....................Map-C #29 Siesta T’s............................................... Map-B #30 GIFTS & SOUVENIRS Beach Bazaar...................................... Map-C #28 Created Gems..................................... Map-C #51 Hurricane Rita’s Gifts.........................Map-C #51 Mount-N-Repair.................................Map-B #48 Sea Pleasures & Treasures...................Map-C #2 Siesta Key Bead Shack........................ Map-B #36 Siesta Key’psakes................................ Map-B #29 Siesta Key University........................Map-B #36 HEALTH & FITNESS Amazing Life Chiropractic.................Map-E #4 Indep. Lifestyle Solutions ................ Map-D #10 Siesta Key Fitness..............................Map-B #73 ICE CREAM/treats Big Olaf Creamery..............................Map-C #52 Sunni Bunni Frozen Yogurt...............Map-C #53 INTERNET / WiFi SERVICES Davidson Drugs................................. Map-D #65 Internet Cafe......................................... Map-D #9 Lelu Coffee Lounge............................. Map-B #31 The Village Gourmet .......................Map-B #37 JEWELRY Created Gems..................................... Map-C #51 Michael & Co. Jewelers...................... Map-B #29 Mount -N- Repair Jewelers..............Map-B #48 LIQUOR STORES / Fine Wines Gabbiano’s Wine Club.....................Map-D #70 Gilligan’s.............................................. Map-B #33 Siesta Key Wines............................... Map-C #61 The Beach Club................................... Map-D #22
© Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2012
MAILING - SHIPPING UPS store............................................. Map-A #41 US Post Office..................................... Map-D #65 MARKETS/FOOD STORES 7-11 Store.............................................. Map-B #46 Circle K Store......................................... Map-E #6 Siesta Market........................................Map-C #25 MASSAGE Hands of Light Massage.................... Map-B #35 Massage Experience Siesta Key......Map-D #62 Siesta Key Massage Ctr....................... Map-D #9 MEDICAL - DENTAL Amazing Life Chiropractic.................Map-E #3 Dr. Barry LaClair MD.........................Map-C #56 E.K. Koster DMD................................ Map-D #63 Karen F. Leggett, D.O.........................Map-C #56 Siesta Key Physical Therapy............. Map-D #20 Siesta Smiles Dentistry.......................Map-C #49 MISCELLANEOUS Chamber of Commerce..................... Map-D #66 Roberti Enterprises............................ Map-A #39 Sheriff’s Office...................................... Map-D #9 Solorzano Smoke Shop.......................Map-C #50 PROFESSIONAL SERVICEs Edward Jones Investments............... Map-D #68 Smith Architects............................... Map-E 7 & 8 REAL ESTATE SERVICES Ascendia Real Estate.......................... Map-D #11 Beachside Resorts Rental & Realty..Map-C #53 Coldwell Banker Realty..................... Map-D #20 Horizon Realty.................................... Map-B #34 Island Homes.......................................Map-C #51 Martin Funding.................................... Map-D #9 Michael Saunders Realty..................Map-E #72 Re/Max Alliance Group...................Map-D #60 Robasota Rentals & Real Estate..... Map-A #39 Siesta Key Realty.................................. Map-D #9 Waterside Realty.................................Map-C #29 RESTAURANTS Bella Roma Italian Rest....................... Map-B #30 Blase Café............................................ Map-A #38 Blu Que Island Grill............................Map-C #57 Bonjour French Cafe...........................Map-C #47 Broken Egg................................ Map-C #54 & 55 Café Gabbiano..................................... Map-D#71 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar............... Map-B #42-43 Flavio’s Brick Oven & Bar.................. Map-B #29 Gilligan’s Island Bar & Grill.............. Map-B #33 The Hub - Baja Grill........................... Map-D #59 Jo To’s Japanese Restaurant...............Map-C #47 LeLu’s Coffee Bar................................ Map-B #31 Lobster Pot.......................................... Map-C #23 Napoli’s Italian Restaurant................ Map-B #44 Old Salty Dog Rest. & Pub................... Map-E #2 Siesta Key Oyster Bar........................Map-B #45 Solorzano Bros. Pizzeria.................... Map-D #15 Subway Sandwiches........................... Map-B #30 Sun Garden Café................................ Map-D #19 Taste of Asia........................................ Map-D #69 The Cottage..........................................Map-C #58 The Village Gourmet.........................Map-B #37 Village Café........................................Map-D #14 SPAS - HAIR & BEAUTY Nails By Iris..........................................Map-C #50 Salon Capelli......................................... Map-D #9 Sassy Hair Salon................................ Map-A #40 Siesta Key Nails...................................Map-D #9 Village Barber....................................... Map-D #9 SPORTS INTEREST/Rentals CaliFlorida............................................ Map-B #32 Robin Hood Rentals.........................Map-D #11
Map D #11
• segway rentals • PaDDleBOarDs • scOOter cars • kayak tOurs/rentals • Bikes • scOOters • Beach gear 5129 Ocean Blvd • Siesta Key Village www.robinhoodrentals.net
10B | Island Visitor Summer 2012 Siesta Sand • SUMMER 2012 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestakeyislander.com
|Village Featured Shops |Robin Hood Rental
5129 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key, FL 34242 941.554.4242 | www.robinhoodrentals.net fun@robinhoodrentals.net Robin Hood Rentals is your 1 stop shop for all things fun! Come in and see us today for Segway rentals, kayak tours/rentals, paddle boards, scooters, bikes for the family, tandems, strollers, beach gear and much, much more. Best prices and service guaranteed. Free delivery on Siesta Key.
|Siesta Key Fitness
5243 Avenida Navarra, Siesta Key 941.349.8500 | www.siestakeyfitness.com This top notch fitness facility is located behind Daiquiri Deck and is staffed with highly qualified personal trainers. Visitors are welcome on a daily, weekly and monthly basis making it easy to maintain your exercise routine while on vacation. They offer strength equipment, cardio-machines and personal trainers to address all your needs.
|Sun Ride Pedicab
Siesta Key, Florida 941.549.0026 |www.sunridepedicab.com Here’s a fun way to get around the island. Our eco-friendly, “Siesta style” pedicab transport service includes a 200-watt integrated stereo system so you can listen to your favorite tunes while being pedaled to your next destination. The pedicab comfortably fits 2-3 adults and we service the Stickney Point, Commerce area, the Public Beach, and Siesta Village. Our hours of operation are 10 am - 2 am, Monday through Sunday. For a fun time, call us at 941-549-0026.
|Siesta Key Nails
5107 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Village 941.349.9545 The owners of Siesta Key Nails have been providing visitors and residents of the island with professional and courteous nail care for over 14 years. They offer oriental technique and high quality products, servicing both |A Taste of Germany ladies and gentlemen. Their full nail menu 5204 Ocean Blvd, Siesta Key, FL 34242 includes manicures, pedicures, acrylic nails, 941.346.1800 tip-overlay, pink & white, silk wraps, gel A taste of Germany was established in nails, gel LCN & waxing service. Walk2011 when owner, Tanja Hofman and her Ins are welcome, but you may wish to call family decided to open a German bakery ahead to reserve a spot. in their favorite vacation spot, Siesta Key, Florida. Tanja, her husband and their son |The Village Gourmet want to share some of the special foods they 5263 Ocean Blvd.,Siesta Village enjoy back home with their new friends in 941.349.7651 | siestavillagegourmet.com America. We hope you enjoy this little Taste Featuring fresh bagels from “da Bronx” of Germany on the Key! Guten Appetit! served any way you want. Choose from cream cheese to “all the way” with lox, cream |The Broken Egg cheese, ripe tomato, red onion and capers. 140 Avenida Messina, Siesta Key, Florida They also offer a selection of mouthwatering 941.346.2750 | www.thebrokenegg.com meat or vegetarian paninis, sandwiches and The Broken Egg Restaurant, Gift Shop and salads along with Chef Fran’s fresh made Gallery has been an island tradition for meals to go; for those times when you can’t breakfast and lunch on Siesta Key since or don’t care to cook. Call or stop by for their 1984. Our scrumptious menu including daily specials. Free WiFi available while you fabulous egg creations and omelet’s, dine. Indoors or outside seating available. plate filling pancakes, fresh juices, and Serving breakfast and lunch from Tues.homemade bakery selections keep our Sun. 8am - 6pm. customers coming back year after year. We serve exquisite breakfasts and lunches from |Amazing Life Chiropractic 7:30 to 2:30, 364 days an year. 5039 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key Village |Village Café 941.312.6267 amazinglifechiropractic.com 5133 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key, FL 34242 | Dr. Jennifer J. Norbits provides quality chiropractic care to patients on and around 941.349.2822 | villagecafeonsiesta.com You are invited to dine at the Village Cafe the island. She incorporates massage therapy restaurant, nestled in the heart of Siesta into her treatment plan to help normalize the Key Village, Florida. Our menu offers only relationship between your body’s structure the finest selection of breakfast and lunch and function promoting self-healing. If you specialties anywhere on the Florida Gulf suffer from back pain, neck pain, headache, Coast. Our catering service will meet all sciatica or have been in an auto collision, your needs for your party or special event. Amazing Life Chiropractic can get you back Be sure to browse our menu for a mouth- on the road to health. Please call for details watering variety of favorites for both or to set up an appointment. islanders and visitors alike.
|Lobster Pot
5157 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key, FL 34242 941-349-2323 | sarasota-lobsterpot.com Located on Siesta Key in beautiful Sarasota Florida, we bring you the finest tastes of New England. Enjoy a delightful dining experience in our main dining room or our patio. As winners of “Taste of Sarasota,” the New England Tradition of Excellence is still alive and well here in Sarasota at The Lobster Pot. While here we hope you’ll enjoy your “Old Cape Cod” and Florida dining experience!
|Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar
5250 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key, FL 34242 | Phone: 941.349.8697 | Fax: 941.346.3170 The Daiquiri Deck established in 1993 is “Sarasota’s Favorite Place to Meet” located on beautiful Siesta Key and now on St. Armands Circle. Enjoy great food and daiquiris daily 11:00am until 2:00am. Our dynamic menu is filled with fantastic choices for all ages. So come in off the beach and have lunch or dinner and cool down with one of our 25 flavored daiquiris. Now offering oysters and more! “After the Beach” happy hour 3-7pm daily.
Local Attractions
4BIG CAT HABITAT & GULF COAST SANCTUARY bigcathabitat.org | 941.371.6377 | 7101 Palmer Blvd. (east of I-75), Sarasota 4CHILDREN’S GARDEN www.sarasotachildrensgarden.com | 941.330.1711 | 1670 10th Way, Sarasota 4CROWLEY MUSEUM & NATURE CENTER crowleymuseumnaturectr.org | 941.322.1000 | 16405 Myakka Road, Sarasota 4G-WIZ HANDS ON MUSEUM www.gwiz.org | 941.309.4949 | 1001 Blvd. of the Arts, Sarasota 4HISTORIC SPANISH POINT www.historicspanishpoint.org | 941.966.5214 | 337 N. Tamiami Trail, Osprey 4JOHN & MABLE RINGLING MUSEUM OF ART www.ringling.org | 941.358.3180 | 5401 Bay Shore Road, Sarasota 4LEGACY TRAIL www.legacytrailfriends.org | 941.861.7245 4MARIE SELBY BOTANICAL GARDENS www.selby.org | 941.366.5731, ex. 236 | 811 S. Palm Ave., Sarasota 4MOTE AQUARIUM www.mote.org | 941.388.4441 | 1600 Ken Thompson Parkway, Sarasota 4MYAKKA RIVER STATE PARK www.myakkariver.org | 941.361.6511 | 13208 S.R.72 (9 miles east of I-75) 4OLD MYAKKA PRESERVE 941.861.5000 | 251 Myakka Rd | (eastern end of Fruitville Rd) Sarasota 4OSCAR SCHERER PARK www.floridastateparks.org | 941.483.5956 | 1843 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota 4PHILLIPPI ESTATE PARK www.scgov.net | 941.316.1309 | 5500 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota 4RINGLING CIRCUS MUSEUM www.ringling.org | 941.359.5700 | 5401 Bay Shore Road, Sarasota 4S. FLORIDA MUSEUM, BISHOP PLANETARIUM & AQUARIUM www.southfloridamuseum.org | 941.746.4131 | 201 10th St., W. Bradenton 4SARASOTA CLASSIC CAR MUSEUM sarasotacarmuseum.org | 941.355.6228 | 5500 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota 4SARASOTA JUNGLE GARDENS sarasotajunglegardens.com | 941.355.5305 | 3701 Bayshore Road, Sarasota 4SELBY GALLERY ringling.edu/selbygallery | 941.359.7563 | 2700 n. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota 4WARM MINERAL SPRINGS warmmineralsprings.com | 941.426.1692 | 12200 San Servando Ave, North Port
|Important Phone Numbers... Emergency (General)........................................................................................................... 911 Fishing & Hunting Licenses............................................................................... 941.362.9888 Marriage License Bureau.................................................................................... 941.362.4066 Public Library - Gulf Gate Branch..................................................................... 941.316.1213 Sarasota/Bradenton Intl. Airport...................................................................... 941.359.2770 Sarasota County Area Transit (SCAT).............................................................. 941.316.1234 Sarasota County Information Call Center................................. 941.861.5000 / scgov.net Sarasota County Sheriff Office - Siesta Key Office.......................................... 941.349.2900 Sarasota Doctors Hospital................................................................................... 941.342.1100 Sarasota Memorial Hospital/Health Care System.......................................... 941.917.7760 Doctors Express (Urgent Care).......................................................................... 941.364.4379 Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce......................941.349.3800 / siestakeychamber.com
Summer 2012 Siesta Sand | 11B www.siestakeyislander.com • 941.539.0205 • SUMMER 2012 • Siesta
Sand •
Events Around the Island What’s happening …on the beach Booty Camp by Evan Join us on Siesta Key, Wed’s @ 8:30am and Sat’s @ 9:30am I’ll help you reach your fitness goals! $10/session Donation. Come alone or bring a friend! For more information call: Evan Fernandez (860) 839-3111 Free Yoga On Siesta Key Beach Location: Siesta Public Beach. 8:00 – 9:30 am Mon-Wed.-Fri.-Sat. Description: Hatha yoga classes with Avananda. Beginners welcome. Bring your own towel, mat, and water. Donations taken. Call 941-320-6693 to register.
August 4th, MultiRace Triathlon and Duathlon Saturday 7a.m.-12p.m This triathlon features a swim in the Gulf of Mexico, the bike around and through the village of Siesta Key, and then finishes with a beautiful run on the beach hard pack. The sand and surf don’t get more scenic anywhere. Come and see why Siesta Key is consistently voted as one of the top beaches in the world! For more information view website at: http://siestabeachtriathlon.com/?page_id=28
And Beyond... July 1st, @ 4:30PM-7:00PM Repeats weekly on Sun, Wed, Thurs., Fri, and Sat until Sun Oct 07 2012. Summer Safaris at Big Cat Habitat & Gulf Coast Sanctuary. 7101 Palmer Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34240 Summer Safari is a rare opportunity to see exotic animals up close and personal. Our pledge is to provide love, respect and a safe haven for life to all our magnificent animals. For more information, call (941) 371-6377
NIA On Siesta Key Beach Tues. 8:30 a.m., next to yellow lifeguard chair. Nia (pronounced nee-ahh) is a body-mindspirit fitness program for anyone regardless of fitness level or age. Practiced barefoot to music, Nia combines martial arts, healing arts (yoga) and dance to create a workout that delivers cardiovascular, whole-body conditioning that is fun. Bring water/towel/ $10 Joy Donation. For more info, contact Kathy Oravec at kathyoravec@gmail.com or 843-860-6661. Web: nianow.com/kathy-oravec July – August, Kids Summer Beach Runs Tuesdays from 5-7pm beginning near the beach pavilion. These are fun runs for kids sponsored by Manasota Track Club. There is a $1 one-time registration. Adult series runs at 7pm. For more information, call 861-5000. July 14 - 15, USA Beach Junior Volleyball Tournament (Regional) The USAV Dig the Beach Tour is celebrating 20 years in 2012. Event runs Saturday through Sunday from 9a.m – 6p.m. on Siesta Beach.
Aug. 18th, Azurite Learning through Travel, Saturday 4-11pm – Private event; metaphysical group session. Sept. 15th, Saturday – 10a.m. – 4p.m. Hang Ten for Autism This will be the third year this worthwhile event takes place on our beach. For more information, please contact Jonathan Poyner, Beach Event Coordinator at 941.346.3207. Around the island... Siesta Key Farmer’s Market – every Sunday from 8am – 1pm in Davidson’s Plaza in the Village. A new Sunday morning tradition, the Siesta Farmers Market offers delicious spring greens, herbs and a variety of produce. Shoppers can also find a vast assortment of local, organic products and a Taste of the Village with area restaurants serving farm fresh items from their menus. 5124 Ocean Blvd.
Friday Fest at the Van Wezel 777 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota FL 34236 (941) 953-3368 - Bring your blankets or lawn chairs, take in the music and the sunset, and enjoy food and beverage from local vendors and get in on some great raffle prizes. Guided by fabulous emcee Cliff Roles, it’s sure to be a blast. Friday Fest takes place rain or shine. In the event of inclement weather, the Festival will move indoors to the Grand Foyer of the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall. Bringing in food and drink from outside the Fest is prohibited; coolers and weapons of any kind are also prohibited. July 13th it’s cowboy cutie Adrian Ray and his blue collar, inyour-face, country music band. August 10th The Venturas will be doing some of their best Jazz, Latin and Blues renditions, right here on the Bayfront. When it comes to this high-energy group, be sure to wear your dancing shoes! September 14th is Bird Street Players! Formed in the summer of 2002, Bird Street Players is a high energy funk, soul and reggae band with driving bass lines, wicked horn solos, a rhythm section that doesn’t stop and a front man who’s sure to keep you movin’
July 4, 4th of July Fireworks – 22nd Annual Celebration. 20 minute display begins around 9:15p.m.
July 4th, Siesta Key Oyster Bar (SKOB), in the Village, will be holding a traditional all day backyard grill out. Guests can sign a large banner that will be sent to the 214th Combat Brigade. In addition, ¼ pound hot dogs, B.B.Q. chicken drumsticks, and Italian Sausages will be grilled up for guests with a percentage of the proceeds to go to providing goody packages to the troops.
July 4th, Aug. 1st, Sept. 5th Weds. “Buskers on St. Armands” J7:00-pm - 9:00pm The first Wednesday of the month the charmed Circle comes to life with an entertaining evening of live visual and performing arts. A family friendly event for the young and young at heart.
12B | Island Visitor Summer 2012 Siesta Sand • SUMMER 2012 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestakeyislander.com
You know you’re a Siesta Key Islander when... • Socks are only for bowling. • You never use an umbrella because the rain will be over in five minutes. • You can tell the difference between fire ant bites and mosquito bites. • A good parking place has nothing to do with distance from the store, but everything to do with shade. • Anything under 70 degrees is chilly. • You know that anything under a Category 3 just isn’t worth waking up for. • You dread love bug season. • You think a six-foot alligator is actually pretty average. • ‘Down South’ means Key West. • You have a drawer full of bathing suits, and one sweatshirt. • You know the four seasons really are: Hurricane season, love bug season, tourist season, and summer. • You understand why it’s better to have a friend with a boat than have a boat yourself. • You’ve worn shorts and used the A/C on Christmas and New Years. • You not only share this with friends but you understand it! Siesta Key Islander, baby....
|Discover the Shops of Gulf Gate... Come and explore the wonderful mix of eclectic shops, bars and restaurants that make up Gulf Gate’s Commercial District. These shops are conveniently located behind the Sarasota Pavilion off South Tamiami Trail. You’ll find each business reflects the owner’s pride in showcasing their specialties and that the longevity of these shops is a testament to the entrepreneurial spirit that lives on here in Gulf Gate. With our map, located on the next page, you’ll be able to navigate your way to our featured shops with ease. Oh Mamma Mia! (GG-4) Offers a truly unique dining experience with dinner shows by Chef Giuseppe Urbano. Enjoy the family ambiance as you watch him prepare an authentic Italian regional dish with fresh ingredients just for you. Fine dining, great atmosphere at casual dining prices. Reservations highly recommended. Gulf Gate Golf Course – Conveniently located just a stones throw from the Gulf Gate Shops, this 27 hole Executive Course offers men’s and women’s rental clubs. You can start your day with a round of golf, enjoy a bite to eat at the many wonderful restaurants or simply relax with a pint of ale at the pub before you head out to explore the many fine shops. Moments In Time Photography (G-20) specializes in several different photography services including
Places of Worship Siesta Key Presbyterian Chapel (See Siesta Key street map for location)
4615 Gleason Ave., Siesta Key 941.349.1166
St. Michael Catholic Church (See Siesta Key street map for location)
5394 Midnight Pass Rd., Siesta Key | 941.349.4174
St. Boniface Episcopal Church (See Siesta Key street map for location)
5615 Midnight Pass Road, Siesta Key 941.349.5656
Life in the Son ( Wednesdays @ 7PM) Bank of America Community Room 1237 Stickney Pt. Rd., Siesta Key Home Groups also available. 941.539.7972
Floating Chapel on the Bay
America’s Only Floating Chapel
Home Port: Ramada Waterfront Inn, 7040 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, 34243 941.379.7327
Temple Sinai, a Reform Congregation
(The closest Jewish congregation to the key for visitors)
4631 S. Lockwood Ridge Road, Sarasota 941.924.1802 | templesinai-sarasota.org
Church News
Life in the Son is a new Non-Denominational Church in Siesta Key. Everyone is welcome, regardless of where they are in their journey of faith. What can you expect? A Christ centered atmosphere of grace and healing, Relevant, practical teachings from the Bible, Contemporary, celebrative praise and intimate worship. Life in the Son is a place where structure surrenders to Spirit, and where creativity and the arts are expressions of worship. Please call for worship times and locations, Pastor Michael Broy at 941-5397972. “Let’s Get Real”
Siesta Key Beach portraits starting at just $49 and wedding beginning at $495. Check out their website: www.sarasotaphotos. com or visit their store to see why they have been the photographer of choice for over a decade and a half. Piccolos Italian Market & Deli (GG-46) carries a full line of imported cheeses, fresh baked bread daily, homemade sausages, fresh mozzarella, and numerous hard to get items. They now carry Khorasan Wheat which is an ancient and organic grain. Their Deli is complete with huge hot and cold sandwiches, salads, fresh homemade lasagna and baked ziti. And, you cannot leave without trying their cannoli filled with their own homemade cannoli cream or the tiramisu or Sfogliatelle from Brooklyn. Here is where you will find great Italian specialty gourmet items without the gourmet price. Tony’s Chicago Beef Company (S-16) is owned and operated by true Chicagoans. Dedicated to deliver Chicago’s best food - Chicago style Hot Dogs wit’ the works... dragged through the garden on poppy seed buns with fresh cut fries, Italian Beef Sandwiches anyway you like, dipped or dry, sweet or hot. All served in true Authentic Chicago Style. Scandinavian Gifts (GG-37) has an extensive selection of gifts and Scandinavian foods. The specialties here
include candles, Ekelund table linens, Flensted mobiles, imported glassware, Swedish Klippan textiles and so much more. The baked goods and groceries include imported candies, salty licorice, as well as cheeses, breads, seafood and vegetables from Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark. Sarasota Brewing Co. (G-3) Sarasota’s first micro brew pub always has something new to offer. From over 20 seasonal beers that rotate throughout the year, the Brewing Company always has at least five unique brews online as well as several favorites from around the world. Established in 1989, Their menu has been a winner in the Reader’s Choice Awards of the Sarasota Herald Tribune featuring their mouthwatering burgers, Chicago style Pizzas, and Chicago beef sandwiches. With dozens of televisions, it’s a great place to catch a game with friends and family. Zante Gyros (S-56) serves up generous portions of authentic Greek and Mediterranean cuisine as well as American fare. They offer an extensive menu for dinein or take-out with such favorites as the “original” gyros sandwich, lamb souvlaki platters, spanakopita, and tiropita to name a few. Meat-less options are available as well as kid’s meals and party menus. Open Mon. - Sat. from11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Come and put some “OPA” in your life.
Summer 2012 Siesta Sand | 13B www.siestakeyislander.com • 941.539.0205 • SUMMER 2012 • Siesta
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© Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2012
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Sand •
For Entire Listing of Gulf Gate Businesses Go To www.siestakeyislander.com and Click on the Maps
14B | Island Visitor Summer 2012 Siesta Sand • SUMMER 2012 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestakeyislander.com
|The Rumrunner
Located at Turtle Beach Marina in South Siesta Key | 941.349.3119 www.siestakeycharterfishing.com Captain Joe Bonaro offers more than exciting deep sea fishing opportunities aboard “Sarasota’s fastest charter boat,” the Rumrunner (941/349-3119). The skipper offers special boat and fishing trips for families – and for families with small children – as well as customized day and overnight trips.
South Bridge Plaza
|Abel’s Ice Cream, Inc.
1886 Stickney Point Road., Sarasota, FL 34231 | 941.921.5700 Located in South Bridge Plaza between New Balance and Stonewood Grill opened in April 2011. We proudly offer over 40 flavors of premium Florida made ice cream with unique flavors like Snickerlicious, Coconut Almond Fudge, Bear Claw, Stellar Coffee, Birthday Cake, etc. The menu includes current ice cream shop items plus items that take you back to the good old fashion soda bar era. Handcrafted gourmet chocolate truffles, Brags and traditional items are displayed in a refrigerated/humidity controlled cabinet to insure just made freshness. To complete our shops offerings, a nationally known northeastern manufacture of jams/jellies, chutneys, mustards, salsas, cheese ball mixes and dessert toppings with recipes available for all items. We comfortably seat 20 patrons in our newly constructed store. We are open to 10:00 PM 7 days/week.
|Rocketman Shop
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1888 Stickney Point Road., Sarasota, FL 34231 | 941.923.2096 www.rocketmanshop.com Our Rock & Roll Lifestyle shop provides everything you need to get your grove on. You’ll find a wide variety of products from your favorite musical bands, as well as bags & clothing, incense, recreational items, wall tapestries, full line of top rated local & domestic blown glass, acrylic & metal pipes, hookahs & shisha, blunt wraps & papers, tobacco & rolling machines, body cleansers & supplements, body jewelry, purses, hemp wear, storage containers & stealthy diversion safes, zippo lighters and lots of items not “made in China…” and much more!! We can help you find the products that are right for you. Our new extended store hours are 10am – 10pm, 7 days a week. Be sure to use the 20% coupon found on bottom of front page.
|Jackpot Sarasota
© Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2012
1884 Stickney Point Road, Sarasota, FL 34231 941.922.5949 www.jackpotsarasota.com Play casino-style games and win cash. Jackpot Sarasota in an internet sweepstakes cafe located in the South Bridge Plaza next to Stonewood and carrabba’s on Stickney Point Rd. Open 7 days a week from 10 AM until midnight.
|Rated 2011’s #1 Beach In America by Dr. Beach... Siesta Public Beach, located inside Crescent Beach, is renowned for its truly breathtaking sunsets, easygoing waves, and gorgeous crystal white sand. The sand is 99% pure quartz, soft and cool to the touch. Among the many awards it has earned are the “Whitest, Finest Beach Sand in the World” (The Great International White Sand challenge, 1987), “The Best Sand Beach in America” (The Travel Channel, 2004) and for 2011, it was rated #1 beach in the 21st annual Top 10 Beach List, produced by coastal expert Dr. Stephen P. Leatherman, Director of Florida International University’s Laboratory for Coastal Research. Walking along, or swimming and playing in the Gulf of Mexico or merely basking in the tropical sun is enough fun for many folks, but others are drawn by Siesta Beach’s many amenities, which include tennis and vollyball courts, shaded playground and picnic/barbecue areas and convienent concession stands. Shallow water near shorline and year-round lifeguard protection make it a great family beach. Beach wheelchairs can be borrowed to help special needs visitors cross the sand. There’s always something for everyone to do at Siesta Beach. It’s island location is within easy walking distance to many of the village shops and restaurants located in the Siesta Village.
Crescent Beach actually begins between beach access #2 & #3 and extends to beach access #13 with the southern part relatively secluded and quiet, as it has only one public access road. Located just south of Siesta Beach, the scene here tends to be more peaceful and private. At the southern tip of this beach is Point of Rocks - a lovely snorkeling and diving area that is rich with coral rock formations as well as colorful and abundant marine life. Crescent Beach visitors staying in nearby resorts, rentals and beach clubs rave (but only to their closest friends) about Siesta Key’s best “non-private private” beach. Turtle Beach is at the southern tip of Siesta Key, and affords a sportier, “family play” beach experience. The beach has picnic areas, a playground, a vollyball court and horseshoe pit. There’s also a boat launch, and fishing is permitted in the adjacent Blind Pass Lagoon. There are restaurants nearby, with shopping and a few local night spots just a short drive away. Turtle Beach is a narrow beach, with a somewhat steeper incline. The sand on the beach tends to carry more shells, making it perfect for beach combers and shell collectors. Many find petrified sharks’ teeth to take home and treasure, especially after a storm.
Beach Flags: Indicate surf & beach conditions
Siesta Key Public Beach Lifeguards on duty
Here are some usefull tips: If you find yourself in trouble: 1-Remain calm 2-Call for help 3-Follow the instructions of rescuer If you are being swept out tosea in a rip current: 1-Remain calm 2-Swim parallel to shore 3-Once out of current, swim to shore at an angle, not straight in Please remember: • No glass permitted on beaches • Always respect others & their privacy • Never damage vegetation or take live shells
|Siesta Key Drum Circle... Siesta Beach has become the home to what is considered one of the largest drum circles in the nation. This is not a commercial event but local phenomenon that began spontaneously and now has a life of its own. If you’re visiting the area, or live nearby be sure to check this one out. There are loads of drummers and belly dancers plus lots of families, beach going onlookers, & curious tourists, especially during the winter tourist season when the crowds can swell into the thousands. Bring a blanket or chair, most everyone does. It happens every Sunday starting a couple of hours before sunset, and ends around 10 PM. This gathering meets up just south of the main pavilion between lifeguard stands 3 and 4 on Siesta Public Beach. Just follow your ears. This is true community - free-form drumming, open to the public and entirely improvised in-the-moment. Instruments center around drums and percussion, but may include other instruments such as flutes, didgeridoos, and other non-percussion instruments. Participation is voluntary and includes singing or chanting, dancing, relaxing, and listening. It’s always a good time with solid musicality, dancing, and a great vibe. Admission is free. The Siesta Key Beach address is: 948 Beach Road, Sarasota, Florida 34242 to get more info visit the website www.drumcircles.net/sarasota.html or there is a Yahoo group, and a Facebook group named “Siesta Key Drum Circle” just search for them.
Photo courtesy of Timbo.
16B | Island Visitor Summer 2012 Siesta Sand • SUMMER 2012 • 941.539.0205 • www.siestakeyislander.com
|Summer Safety Reminder: Stingray season is upon us... As the Gulf water warms up, you’ll find more locals making their way to the water’s edge. During this time you will also be sharing the shallow waters with stingrays as they come closer to the warmer shallow Florida Gulf waters to mate. Although signs are posted to remind beachgoers that stingray season typically runs between April through October, every summer at least one stingray injury is reported. If stingrays are present a purple flag will be flying from the lifeguard tower in addition to signs posted alerting you of the danger. Hopefully this article will keep you free from injury, at least from the stingray variety. If you happen to be in an area without a lifeguard, here are some stingray facts worth remembering. These shy creatures are generally scared of humans and will swim away, but there can be times when an accidental human encounter proves to be very painful or even fatal. Your best defense in avoiding a stingray injury is to do what locals call the ‘stingray shuffle’, which – while not foolproof- will go a long way towards preventing these stings when entering the water. Since stingrays typically like to rest on the bottom of shallow water about 3-10 yards off the beach, simply dig your toes down into the sand while shuffling forward as you wade into the water especially in the early morning or as the sun is going down in the evening. This allows you a better chance of getting beneath them so they will simply swim away. Don’t think you’ll be able to avoid them by relying solely on sight either. The stingray can be difficult to see since they can change their color slightly as they burrow in the sand allowing them to blend in with their environment. This protects them from predators but also makes them nearly invisible to spot, even in clear water. The majority of wounds are not fatal but can be excruciatingly painful for several hours. The remedy for these types of injuries
is to soak the injured area in soapy hot water which will help inactivate the venom and relieve the intense pain. You can also soak a towel with ammonia and wrap it around the injury. Since everyone reacts differently to the venom from a stingray barb do not take these types of injuries lightly. The toxin can cause a dramatic drop in blood pressure, disorientation, an increase in heart rate, dizziness and shock. If you are near a lifeguard station, notify them so they can help you assess the situation and determine if transport to a medical facility is required.
If no lifeguard is present, go to the nearest medical facility for treatment or call 9-1-1 if you are unable to walk or drive. If you are stung and can see a barb do NOT attempt to remove it. Doing so will only inject more poison into the system. See a physician immediately. One final word of caution: if you come across a dead stingray washed up n the beach, don’t mess with it since the barb can remain toxic. Nothing is worse than having to explain how you managed to get stung by a dead stingray.