Siesta Sand - October 2012

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Background photo by island artist Shawn McLoughlin



3rd Annual Hang Ten for Autism More Photos on Page 22A

By Diane Colson %ODNH 3DUVRQV LV D VNDWHERDUGHU clothing designer, artist, musician, and businessman. This fascinating guy owns and operates CaliFlorida Surf & Skate Shop on Siesta Key, a store offering a myriad of supplies IRU EHDFK SRWDWRHV DV ZHOO DV WKH adventurous, and the athletic. %ODNH ZDV D &KLFDJR ER\ %RUQ

and raised in the southwest suburbs, he grew up on a skateboard. It was an important part of his \RXQJ OLIH DQG VWLOO LV WRGD\ %ODNH FXUUHQWO\ KHDGV XS KLV RZQ SUR teams that compete nationally and internationally in longboarding, VXUĂ€QJ DQG VNLPERDUGLQJ 1LQH people serve on each team, and downhill racing on longboards is of particular interest to this daredevil group. :KHQ %ODNH 3DUVRQV ZDV in high school, he had a friend who was going to the Olympics as a volley EDOO SOD\HU (DFK YROOH\ EDOO move has its own name, and she was talking about a move that was called ´7KH 9LUJLQÂľ %ODNH GHFLGHG then and there to design his Ă€UVW OLQH RI FORWKLQJ XVLQJ that term as the logo. In no WLPH DW DOO %ODNH ZDV VHOOLQJ shirts and stuff to his high VFKRRO EXGGLHV 7KLV WHHQ aged entrepreneur was clearly off and running, and did so without benefit of design school, art school, or any other special training. +DYLQJ HQWHUHG WKH Ă€HOG of construction after high school, the idea of building boards came naturally to this Chicago athlete. He set his hand to creating custom boards in his spare time, and met with with great success. $ VNLOOHG FUDIWVPDQ %ODNH decorated many of these custom boards with his own original artwork. Continued on page 28A

Photo of Markus (on board) & volunteer Austin by Lauren Bates

‘Quiet’ October was historically far from dull... By Paul Roat

October is one of the most pleasant months in Southwest Florida. There is a hint of fall in the air. Humidity is relatively high and the mugginess of summer has eased. Gulf of Mexico and bay waters are still warm enough to swim in. A gentle breeze is prevalent, making beach and boat activities wonderful. Afternoon thunderstorms are at a minimum, and KXUULFDQH VHDVRQ LV SDVW LWV SHDN Âł DOWKRXJK QRW UHĂ HFWHG historically in Sarasota. Snowbirds are still away, leaving Florida to Floridians for at least a little while. October is, in short, a great month, and historically it was also an eventful month. Here are a few October notable events, compliments of

J. Whitcomb Rylee and Tom Payne’s “Yesterdays Sarasota; the Calendar for 1984.â€? ‡ 2FW ´7KH 6DUDVRWD +HUDOG¡V ILUVW GD\ RI SXEOLFDWLRQ ´,WV Ă€UVW HGLWLRQ ZDV D SDJH SDSHU WKH largest to that date even produced in Sarasota,â€? Ruylee and Payne said. The newspaper later bought the Tribune DQG ZDV UHQDPHG WKH 6DUDVRWD +HUDOG 7ULEXQH ‡ 2FW $ % (GZDUGV ZDV HOHFWHG 6DUDVRWD¡V Ă€UVW WD[ FROOHFWRU $ \HDU ODWHU WKH Ă€UVW WD[ ELOOV ZHQW LQ WKH PDLO (GZDUGV ODWHU EHFDPH WKH FLW\¡V Ă€UVW RIĂ€FLDO PD\RU 7KH RIĂ€FLDO HOHPHQW FRXOG EH WKRXJKW DV D KDUELQJHU RI WKH wacky things to come in city government. Continued on page 15A

2A | Island Visitor October 2012 Siesta Sand ‡ OCTOBER 2012 ‡ 941.539.0205 ‡

Publisher’s Notes: It Takes an Island... /DVW PRQWK 3KLO 1HHG DQG -XG\ )U\HU owners of The Salty Dog, put on a golf WRXUQDPHQW EHQHĂ€W IRU YHWHUDQ EDUWHQGHU .XUW %HFNHU %HFNHU ZRUNHG DW 7KH 6DOW\ 'RJ IRU years when tragedy struck. He was trimming some trees a few months back when he fell off his ladder and severed his spinal cord OHDYLQJ KLP SDUDO\]HG 6LQFH WKLV OLIH FKDQJLQJ occurrence, the community has come together LQ D ELJ ZD\ FRQWLQXLQJ WR KRVW EHQHĂ€WV DURXQG town to help cover his mounting medical expenses. According to Connie Johnson, manager at The Old Salty Dog, “the golf tournament was a great success.â€? A total of 34 teams participated with over 36 hole sponsors. The number of GRQDWLRQV IURP ORFDO EXVLQHVVHV UDIĂ H SUL]HV was overwhelming. The honoree attended the HYHQW DQG JUHHWHG JROIHUV DV WKH\ FKHFNHG LQ and then road around the course in a golf cart. Check out some photos of the event on page D University Park Country Club held the HYHQW DW WKHLU JROI FRXUVH DQG *ROG &RDVW (DJOH John Saputo, owner and Joe Furtaw, sales manager, contributed generously and hosted the after party at their warehouse. According to Johnson, “We had so many who volunteered for this event that it is hard to name them. There have also been so many folks that come


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to the restaurant and don’t even know Kurt but have heard of his plight and have given me checks to go to his fund.â€? 7KH KHOS FRQWLQXHV DV DQRWKHU EHQHĂ€W LV SODQQHG DW %ODVp &DIp RQ 6XQGD\ 2FWREHU IURP SP WR SP Listen to some great music by the Smokin J’s who will donate their time and talent to show their support. A buffet of Jambalaya, %HHI %RXUJLQRQ 3DVWD 3ULPD 9HUD YHJHWDULDQ 6DODG DQG 7RPDWR 6RXS %LVTXH ZLOO EH DYDLODEOH IRU MXVW 5DIĂ H WLFNHWV ZLOO EH sold for a chance to win some great prizes like D %HDFK 5HVRUW *XOI UHWUHDW IRU IRXU D KRXU FUXLVH RQ D IW \DFKW D Ă€VKLQJ FKDUWHU DQG much more. It’s a great way to spend an DIWHUQRRQ ZLWK IULHQGV DQG KHOS EHQHĂ€W WKLV ZRUWK\ FDXVH 3OHDVH FDOO LI \RX need additional information. ,I \RX¡UH QRW DEOH WR PDNH WKH QH[W EHQHĂ€W but wish to contribute, you can drop off your donation at the Old Salty Dog, located in the Village or you can go online at NXUW EHFNHU It’s heartwarming to know how much goodness abounds in such a time of great need for Kurt. <RXU ,VODQG 5HVLGHQWV %XVLQHVV 2ZQHUV

Emy & Bob Stein

|Blooming this month... *UHDW EDOOV RI Ă RZHUV Hoyas are evergreen perennial creepers, vines and sometimes shrubs. They often grow trees; some grow terrestrially. They climb by twining. Larger species grow XS WR IHHW GHSHQGLQJ RQ WKH VL]H RI WKH WUHH +R\DV JURZ well indoors, preferring bright light, but will tolerate fairly ORZ OLJKW OHYHOV DOWKRXJK WKH\ PD\ QRW Ă RZHU ZLWKRXW EULJKW OLJKW +R\D Ă RZHUV DUH DOO VKDSHG OLNH Ă€YH SRLQWHG VWDUV 6RPH RI WKH VSHFLHV¡ Ă RZHUV DSSHDU WR EH URXQG RU EDOO OLNH Photo courtesy of Rob Branch

|Cover Background... Island artist Shawn McLoughlin provided the image of his VXQVHW SKRWR IURP 6DUD 6HD &LUFOH SULYDWH DFFHVV DW &UHVFHQW %HDFK 9LVLW Or visit his YouTube channel at

Complete Bait & Tackle Shop

Fishing Charters ORVIS

Light Tackle Fly & Spin



for Men & Women

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Open 7 Days 7am-6pm 1249 Stickney Point Rd. Siesta Key


October 2012 Siesta Sand | 3A

Island Chatter ‡ 941.539.0205 ‡ OCTOBER 2012 ‡ Siesta

Sand ‡

|A message from our Island Associations...

Michael Shay

was that the beaches are cleaner this year than Siesta Key Association Director LQ SDVW FOHDQ XSV WKH\ VWLOO QRWHG WKDW SODVWLF scrap such as caps to water bottles, and plastic sleeves to sippy straws, were plentiful. While cleaning the shoreline has intrinsic 7KH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO &RDVWDO &OHDQXS LV LQ LWV WK reward, nature lovers were treated to a special year. It is sponsored globally bonus. The volunteer group on the north end by the Ocean Conservancy, of the route got a close up view of several and locally by Keep Sarasota manatees “frolickingâ€? close to shore as well as &RXQW\ %HDXWLIXO .6&% ,Q NHHSLQJ ZLWK WKH a Greater Shearwater resting on the beach (an PLVVLRQ RI WKH 6LHVWD .H\ $VVRFLDWLRQ 6.$ WR H[WUHPHO\ UDUH ELUG VLJKWLQJ IRU RXU FRDVW With its focus on maintaining and maintain Siesta Key as an attractive residential community that all residents can be proud of, HQKDQFLQJ WKH TXDOLW\ RI OLIH RQ WKH .H\ WKH SKA is privileged to participate again this year. Siesta Key Association’s representation of 2Q 6DWXUGD\ ZH KDG YROXQWHHUV LVODQG UHVLGHQW LQWHUHVWV XOWLPDWHO\ EHQHĂ€WV who participated in this annual event. Split everyone who spends time on Siesta Key. into four groups, they covered the Siesta Key Information on SKA and monthly meetings EHDFK IURQW IURP %HDFK $FFHVV VRXWK WR 7XUWOH can be found on www.siestakeyassociation. Continued on page 12A %HDFK :KLOH WKH FRQVHQVXV RI WKH SDUWLFLSDQWV com. Also, “Likeâ€? us on Facebook.

*Prices subject to change

Marker 32

Live Music Sunday Friday, Saturday and

4A | Island Visitor October 2012 Siesta Sand ‡ OCTOBER 2012 ‡ 941.539.0205 ‡

Siesta Key Round-Up

Key stormwater project (almost) good to go $ NH\ HOHPHQW RI WKH 6LHVWD %HDFK UHPRGHOLQJ SODQ LV D stormwater pond that will treat for bacteria before discharging into the Gulf of Mexico. Several times in the past years, Siesta %HDFK ZDV FORVHG WR VZLPPLQJ EHFDXVH RI KLJK EDFWHULD FRXQWV The culprit was traced back to the existing stormwater pond. The administrative path has been rocky, with permits UHTXLUHG IURP WKH VWDWH¡V 'HSDUWPHQW RI (QYLURQPHQWDO 3URWHFWLRQ DQG WKH $UP\ &RUSV RI (QJLQHHUV 7KH 6RXWKZHVW Florida Water Management District gave a grant, but it was to H[SLUH LQ 0DUFK At last all the stars are aligning. The state and federal permits are almost in hand, and it appears the contract will be awarded LQ )HEUXDU\ 7KH JUDQW IURP WKH ZDWHU PDQDJHPHQW district can still be used to reimburse the county for the work. :RUN ZRXOG QRW VWDUW XQWLO $SULO WR DYRLG WUDIĂ€F SUREOHPV during tourist season. A change in the plans late last year demanded by the *XOI %D\ &OXE FDXVHG D KLFN XS LQ WKH SHUPLWWLQJ SURFHVV GHPDQGLQJ WKH $UP\ &RUSV DQG WKH VWDWH '(3 UHFRQVLGHU WKHLU permits. 2012 Crystal Classic Nov. 8-12

By Stan Zimmerman

County staffers hope to hold an open house in October to EULHI WKH SXEOLF RQ WKH SODQV IRU WKH HQWLUH EHDFK (VWLPDWHV on the cost keep rising. What was once an $8 million project LV QRZ DQ HVWLPDWHG PLOOLRQ SURMHFW 7KH 6DUDVRWD &RXQW\ &RPPLVVLRQ KDV DSSURYHG D PLOOLRQ FHLOLQJ While the schedule for all the improvements goes out to RQH FRXQW\ FRPPLVVLRQHU KDV EHHQ SUHVVLQJ IRU D ERQG issue to accelerate the construction.

9LOODJH EHDXWLÀFDWLRQ UXQV XQGHU EXGJHW Property owners in Siesta Village pay an assessment for grounds upkeep and maintenance. It is a new district, and still wrestling with actual versus estimated costs. An analysis of the past year’s spending indicates the HVWLPDWHV DUH DERXW KLJKHU WKDQ WKH DFWXDO FRVWV $V WKH DFFRXQWDQWV FORVH RXW WKH ERRNV IRU WKH ÀVFDO \HDU WKH IXQG EDODQFH ZLOO EH VKLIWHG DKHDG WR WKH FXUUHQW \HDU 2IÀFLDOV VD\ LQ WKH FRXQW\ ZLOO ORRN DQHZ DW WKH DFWXDO H[SHQVHV YHUVXV cash balances and tweak the assessments accordingly. The district pays for irrigation, trash pickup, grounds keeping and other tasks to keep Siesta Village as pretty as possible. In late August the Sarasota County Commission chose Championship Landscape of Fort Myers to do the work.

#1 Beach aura lingers 6LHVWD %HDFK EXVLQHVVHV DQG UHVLGHQWV DUH VWLOO EDVNLQJ LQ WKH JORZ RI EHLQJ GHFODUHG WKH 1XPEHU 2QH %HDFK LQ $PHULFD %XW WKDW ZDV ODVW \HDU DQG QRZ WKHUH¡V D QHZ %XW ORFDOV ZRXOG still like to remind visitors of the honor, and designed a sign OLNH D EHDFK EDOO VD\LQJ ´6LHVWD %HDFK LQ 86$ Âľ However the Florida Department of Transportation blocked WKH LGHD RI HUHFWLQJ LW RQ WKH ULJKW RI ZD\ 7KH 6LHVWD .H\ 9LOODJH Association isn’t giving up on the idea.


Buses to carry sand sculpture visitors 6LHVWD¡V &U\VWDO &ODVVLF VDQG VFXOSWLQJ FRPSHWLWLRQ LV H[SHFWHG WR EULQJ PRUH WKDQ SHRSOH LQ HDUO\ 1RYHPEHU That’s a lot of cars to park. So shuttle buses will pick people up DW WKH 3KLOOLSSL (VWDWHV 3DUN DW 6RXWK 7DPLDPL 7UDLO DQG take them to the beach. This year the bus will take the north bridge to the key, and PDNH D VWRS LQ 6LHVWD 9LOODJH VR VDQG VFXOSWXUH ORYHUV FDQ JHW a bit to eat, shop and otherwise enjoy the village as well as the beach. 7KH EXVHV ZLOO RSHUDWH RQ 6DWXUGD\ DQG 6XQGD\ 1RY DQG 7KH IXOO WRXUQDPHQW UXQV IURP 1RY /DVW \HDU WKH buses drove into the beach parking lot, but this year they will XVH WKH EXV VWRS RQ %HDFK 5RDG WR DYRLG FRQJHVWLRQ 5LGHUV FDQ WKHQ ZDON GLUHFWO\ WR WKH EHDFK /DVW EXV RXW ZLOO EH DW SP

Midnight Pass crosswalks started Six pedestrian crosswalks are under construction on 0LGQLJKW 3DVV 5RDG QRUWK RI 6WLFNQH\ 3RLQW 5RDG 7KH SURMHFW ZLOO FRQVWUXFW Ă DVKLQJ \HOORZ VLJQV EXW QR UDLVHG LVODQG in the center of the road. 6DUDVRWD &RXQW\ Ă€UH DQG UHVFXH SHUVRQQHO ZHUH FRQFHUQHG such “islandsâ€? would slow down emergency response times because their trucks use the center lane during tourist season. Work got underway in last September and is expected to ODVW DERXW GD\V +RZHYHU GD\V RI WKDW SHULRG LV QHHGHG for the new asphalt to cure and settle, so there will be times of no active construction during the project.

October 2012 Siesta Sand | 5A ‡ 941.539.0205 ‡ OCTOBER 2012 ‡ Siesta


Sunshine soap opera $V %DUZLQ ZDV DWWHQGLQJ KLV ÀUVW PHHWLQJ DV FLW\ PDQDJHU Sarasota City Commissioners threatened to abolish their Public $UW $GYLVRU\ %RDUG EHFDXVH LWV FKDLUPDQ *HRUJH +DERUDN blew the whistle on an ad hoc committee meeting outside the Florida Sunshine Law. &LW\ $WWRUQH\ %RE )RXUQLHU ZDQWHG WR VHWWOH WKH VXLW TXLFNO\ DQG FRPPLVVLRQHUV DJUHHG %XW &RPPLVVLRQHU 7HUU\ 7XUQHU asked Fournier to explore ways to abolish the Public Art board, DQG VXJJHVWHG WKH VHWWOHPHQW EH WDNHQ RXW RI WKH SXEOLF art fund. The idea passed unanimously. Saying the move was punishment for doing the right thing, Haborak withdrew his agreement to settle the suit. Fournier came back to the board and suggested everybody settle down, back off the threat of disbandment and pay the fees from the JHQHUDO IXQG %\ WKH WLPH WKH GXVW VHWWOHG WKH IHHV ZHUH XS WR EHIRUH WKH DIIDLU ZDV HQGHG

New condo to close the gap The last available space on Sarasota’s bayfront between the Ringling Causeway and Selby Gardens not occupied by a

Sand ‡

By Stan Zimmerman

KLJK ULVH FRQGRPLQLXP ZLOO VRRQ EH Ă€OOHG /RFDO GHYHORSHU 7RP Mannausa received permission from the Historic Preservation %RDUG WR GHPROLVK WZR VWUXFWXUHV LQ WKH GRZQWRZQ KLVWRULF GLVWULFW WR EXLOG DQ VWRU\ KLJK HQG FRQGRPLQLXP RI RU 18 units. The tower will be called “The Jewel.â€? The two buildings at the foot of Main Street to be demolished now house The Sports Page bar and restaurant, and the Living Walls interior design studio. The developer will work with local DUFKLWHFWXUDO VDOYDJH Ă€UPV WR UHWULHYH DQ\ XVHIXO LWHPV EHIRUH sending in the bulldozers early next year. The only other “gapâ€? in the wall of bayfront condos is unlikely to see any construction soon. It is occupied by the Church of the Redeemer at Palm Avenue and Ringling %RXOHYDUG

Chalk Festival ponders paint 'HSXW\ &LW\ 0DQDJHU 0DUORQ %URZQ JRW D VXUSULVH ZKHQ organizers of the annual Chalk Festival mentioned at least one RI WKH VWUHHW DUWLVWV SODQQHG WR XVH D OLWWOH SDLQW ´7KLV LV WKH Ă€UVW WLPH ,¡YH KHDUG DERXW SDLQW Âľ VDLG %URZQ WKH FLW\ OLDLVRQ ZLWK the event. Organizer Denise Kowal told city commissioners the headliner of the event – Kurt Wenner – would be using more than chalk for his creation. She said she was concerned about a UDLQVWRUP ZDVKLQJ DZD\ KLV ZRUN EHIRUH LW FRXOG EH Ă€QLVKHG She promised the paint would be removed. 6KH DOVR DVNHG WKH FLW\ WR KROG RII SUHVVXUH ZDVKLQJ WKH street at the conclusion of the festival. “Maybe keep it up during [tourist] season,â€? she suggested. Commissioners worried about liability – the oblivious visitor standing in the middle of busy Pineapple Avenue.

Two iconic markets open Trader Joe’s and a Walmart neighborhood market have opened on opposite ends of Tamiami Trail. The Walmart grocery is at the corner of Myrtle and US 41, while Trader Joe’s LV DW 6 7DPLDPL 7UDLO 7KH :DOPDUW UHSODFHG D :LQQ 'L[LH DQG EULQJV D UHDO grocery story back to the north side of Sarasota. While there is no lack of groceries on the south side of town, iconic Trader Joe’s had a gangbuster opening.

Where’d they go? Returning visitors driving down US 41 are sure to wonder what happened to Unconditional Surrender? Sarasota’s iconic ORYH LW RU KDWH LW VWDWXWH RI WKH VDLORU NLVVLQJ WKH QXUVH KDG DQ accident in April. Kathleen Callendar clobbered the kissing couple with her Mercedes, severely damaging the aluminum statute. It went WR D IRXQGU\ LQ 1HZ -HUVH\ WR UHSDLU VLJQLÀFDQW FUDFNV LQ WKH structure. 7KH\ DUH H[SHFWHG WR UHWXUQ LQ 1RYHPEHU

Golden Apple evicted A downtown icon for decades has closed its doors. The show won’t go on at the Golden Apple Dinner Theater. The locks ZHUH FKDQJHG RQ WKH \HDU ROG SURIHVVLRQDO (TXLW\ WKHDWHU after a court ruled in favor of the owner for eviction. 7KH WKHDWHU KDG EHHQ LQ GLIÀFXOWLHV IRU VRPH WLPH DQG sold the building to Golden Coast of Sarasota. It was the city’s ORQJHVW UXQQLQJ SURIHVVLRQDO WKHDWHU DQG PRVW UHFHQWO\ ZDV WKH KRPH RI 'UDJ 4XHHQ %LQJR

6A | Island Visitor October 2012 Siesta Sand ‡ OCTOBER 2012 ‡ 941.539.0205 ‡

Daiquiri Deck is Siesta Key Landmark

0HQWLRQ 'DLTXLUL 'HFN 5DZ %DU RQ 6LHVWD .H\ DQG PRVW ZLOO start talking about frozen drinks. The Deck does have a seeming endless selection of frozen GDLTXLULV PDUJDULWDV FRODGDV DQG RWKHU DGXOW EHYHUDJHV %XW GRQ¡W EH EOLQG VLGHG E\ WKH GULQNV WKH 6LHVWD 9LOODJH ODQGPDUN also has an extensive and tasty menu selection. Owners Matthew Grover, Russell Matthes, and Troy Syprett, along with Corporate Chef John Hentschl, have created a menu that includes everything from a raw bar to pizzas, seafood to beef, wraps to burgers, plus vegetarian dishes. 'DLTXLUL 'HFN 5DZ %DU OLYHV XS WR LWV QDPH ZLWK LWV UDZ EDU 2\VWHUV FRPH IURP Ă€YH ORFDOHV %OXH 3RLQW LQ WKH $WODQWLF Kumamoto from Japan, Apalachicola from the northern Gulf of 0H[LFR 'HHS %D\ IURP RII %ULWLVK &RORPELD DQG (DJOH &UHHN IURP WKH 3DFLĂ€F 2FHDQ 2\VWHUV DUH D KDOI GR]HQ RQ WKH KDOI VKHOO UDQJLQJ LQ SULFH IURP WR 7KH\ PD\ DOVR EH VWHDPHG 7KH VKHOOĂ€VK DUH DOVR DYDLODEOH VWHDPHG RU DV 5RFNHIHOOHU Casino, Mignonette, or Moscow — the latter served cold with sour cream, caviar and a splash of vodka. Prices for the special WUHDWV DUH WR DJDLQ GHSHQGLQJ RQ R\VWHU RULJLQ 2WKHU UDZ EDU IDUH LQFOXGHV VQDSSHU FHYLFKH marinated with jalapenos, tomatoes, cilantro and avocado. 7KHUH LV DOVR SHHO DQG HDW VKULPS IRU D KDOI SRXQG VWHDPHG PXVVHOV LQ WHTXLOD EXWWHU DQG D 5DZ %DU 0HGOH\ of six Clams Casino, three Florida oysters, four shrimp, six PXVVHOV DQG D NLQJ FUDE OHJ LQ WHTXLOD EXWWHU IRU ´6QDFNHWL]HUVÂľ IRU VWDUWHUV RI D PHDO DW 'DLTXLUL 'HFN LQFOXGH *DWRU %LWHV VHUYHG ZLWK D &DULEEHDQ GLSSLQJ VDXFH %DKDPLDQ &RQFK )ULWWHUV LV IHDWXUHG ZLWK LWV ROG VW\OH recipe and is also served with Caribbean sauce. Slightly more H[RWLF LV %ODFNHQG <HOORZWDLO +DPFKL 7DFRV ZLWK OHWWXFH WRPDWRHV DQG FKLSRWOH VDXFH RU 3HSSHU &UXVWHG 7XQD SDQ VHDUHG ZLWK JUHHQ JDUQLVK ZDVDEL DQG VR\

Highlight of the six salads is the Grilled Sirloin Steak Salad which, beside the spring salad mix, comes with Maytag bleu cheese, roma tomatoes, cucumbers, pepperoncini, red onions and grilled sirloin steak, all tossed in raspberry vinaigrette for 3DWURQV VHHP WR Ă€QG WKH 1HZ (QJODQG 6W\OH /REVWHU :UDS WKH PRVW SRSXODU RI WKH HLJKW ZUDSV RIIHUHG DW 'DLTXLUL 'HFN The chilled offering includes fresh Maine lobster tossed with GLOO PD\RQQDLVH DQG VHDVRQLQJV IRU ,W LV VHUYHG ZUDSSHG LQ D ZDUP Ă RXU WRUWLOOD ZLWK D VLGH RI IULHV RU FROHVODZ The “Mainstaysâ€? selections of entrees run heavy on seafood. 3RSXODU LV WKH 0L[HG 6HDIRRG *ULOO ZLWK IUHVK Ă€VK scallops, and jumbo shrimp on a skewer. It may be ordered blackened or grilled and is served with mango salsa. &DWFK RI WKH 'D\ GHSHQGLQJ XSRQ DYDLODELOLW\ PD\ EH PDKL mahi, tilapia, snapper, salmon, grouper, tuna, or lobster, prices UDQJH IURP WR PDUNHW SULFH &DUQLYRUHV PD\ HQMR\ WKH )ODPH %URLOHG 1HZ <RUN 6WULS RXQFHV RI EHHI UXEEHG ZLWK KHUEV DQG VSLFHV DQG topped with homemade onion rings. All Mainstays include soup or salad, seasonal vegetables and either fries, rice, coleslaw or roasted red potatoes. $ KRVW RI EXUJHUV DUH DYDLODEOH LQFOXGLQJ WKH HYHU SRSXODU 'HFN %XUJHU ZLWK LWV KDOI SRXQG RI JURXQG FKXFN loaded with onions, mushrooms, bacon, and topped with melted cheese. Another feature among patrons is the Island %XUJHU D KDOI SRXQG RI JURXQG FKXFN $GG FKHHVH IRU PRUH :KDW VRPH KDYH FDOOHG D ´OLIH FKDQJLQJ H[SHULHQFHÂľ LV WKH .H\ :HVW 0DKL &OXE D FULVS\ PDKL PDKL VODE RI Ă€VK served on toasted white bread with lettuce, tomato, bacon and pepper jack cheese. 7KHUH DUH DOVR VL[ Ă€VK VDQGZLFKHV UDQJLQJ LQ SULFH IURP WR PDUNHW SULFH PDKL PDKL WLODSLD VQDSSHU VDOPRQ

%\ 3DXO 5RDW

grouper, or tuna. The Ă€VK PD\ EH SUHSDUHG JULOOHG IULHG VDXWpHG EODFNHQHG SHSSHU crusted or jerked with myriad bread and cheese and served with a dill pickle and either fries or coleslaw. Other special sandwiches are the shrimp or oyster po ER\V RU RU D WUDGLWLRQDO <ERU &LW\ VW\OH &XEDQ 6DQGZLFK ZLWK SLFNOHV IRU 'DLTXLUL 'HFN DOVR KDV SL]]D 7KH LQFK FKHHVH SLH LV $GG XS WR WKUHH WRSSLQJV IRU D EXFN PRUH RU IRU PRUH \RX FDQ KDYH IRXU SOXV WRSSLQJV %XW LW¡V WKH GDLTXLULV RI ZKLFK 'DLTXLUL 'HFN SDWURQV VLQJ WKH highest praise. Most popular of the dozen poured from the adult 6OXUSHH PDFKLQHV LV WKH 'HFN 'LHVHO DQ RUDQJH JUDLQ DOFRKRO and vodka beverage topped with Diesel Fuel Grain Alcohol. There are also frozen combinations with eclectic titles such as Gazoo, Smurf, Grim Reaper and a few names not suitable for a family publication. 7KH 'DLTXLUL 'HFN 5DZ %DU RQ 6LHVWD .H\ KDV EUHDNIDVW LWHPV VHUYHG DQ\ WLPH *LYH WKH %UHDNIDVW %XUULWR D WU\ ZLWK LWV scrambled eggs, chorizo sausage, green chilies, onions, cheddar DQG 0RQWHUH\ MDFN FKHHVHV LQ D Ă RXU WRUWLOOD ZLWK VRXU FUHDP )UXLW LV VHUYHG RQ WKH VLGH 7KH 6LHVWD .H\ ORFDWLRQ LV DW 2FHDQ %OYG SKRQH ZZZ GDLTXLULGHFN FRP +RXUV DUH D P WR D P GDLO\ ZLWK D +DSS\ +RXU HYHU\GD\ IURP S P 7KHUH LV DOVR D 'DLTXLUL 'HFN RQ 6W $UPDQGV &LUFOH DW -RKQ 5LQJOLQJ %OYG DQG WKHLU QHZHVW UHVWXDUDQW DW : Venice Ave., Venice. 'DLTXLUL 'HFN LV PRUH WKDQ MXVW IUR]HQ GULQNV WKHVH GD\V




October 2012 Siesta Sand | 7A 941.539.0205 OCTOBER 2012 Siesta


8A | Island Visitor October 2012 Siesta Sand ‡ OCTOBER 2012 ‡ 941.539.0205 ‡ Is your sliding door hard to open?


Manatee Mating Herd Documented by Mote Scientists at Siesta Key By Paul Roat

941 225 2658 Sheri Barton - Senior Biologist



Nick’s Creative Painting LLC. 941 726 8014 20 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AND SATISFIED CLIENTS

A group off mating ti manatees t h has b been causing i TXLWH D VWLU DPRQJ YLVLWRUV RQ 6LHVWD %HDFK )LUVW spotted September 14th, the herd remained off Siesta Key. Mote scientists — who have documented the herd for genetic studies — are asking the public to keep a safe distance for the safety of both the animals and people. Mating herds occur when males try to mate with females that are ready to conceive. Often, as the female tries to evade her male suitors, large groups RI XS WR PDQDWHHV ZLOO HQG XS LQ VKDOORZ ZDWHUV along beaches. This is normal behavior and not cause for alarm. 7KH KHUG LQFOXGHG QLQH WR PDQDWHHV DQG ZDV REVHUYHG QHDU 6LHVWD 3XEOLF %HDFK Scientists in Mote’s Manatee Research Program took photos of the herd to identify the individual PDQDWHHV DQG FROOHFWHG '1$ VDPSOHV 8VLQJ WKHVH WHFKQLTXHV 0RWH VFLHQWLVWV KRSH WR XQORFN WKH mysteries of manatee mating — for instance, which males are the most successful sires?

$QG GR GR IHPDOHV IHPDOHV FKRRVH FKRRVH LQGL LQGLYLGXDO SDUWQHUV" '1$ '1$ $QG LGXDO SDUWQHUV" samples also help reveal the genetic diversity of manatee populations; diversity is important because it helps populations adapt and survive changing conditions. Manatees are an endangered species protected under state and federal laws, so it’s important to respect WKHVH DQLPDOV LQ ORFDO ZDWHUV %RDWHUV DQG EHDFKJRHUV should give these herds of mating manatees a wide berth — both for your own safety and for that of the manatees. We have witnessed people get in the water and try to interact with these herds, but that can disrupt the animals’ normal mating behavior and it could DOVR UHVXOW LQ KXPDQV EHLQJ LQMXUHG ,W LV 1(9(5 D good idea to sit, lay, stand or jump on manatees — it is both dangerous and illegal. Manatees can weigh XSZDUGV RI SRXQGV RU PRUH Single mating herds can last several weeks and be highly active as male manatees bustle around a female. Individual manatees may also rest at the surface for several hours

October 2012 Siesta Sand | 9A 941.539.0205 OCTOBER 2012 Siesta


Snapshots of Island Visitors Photos by Jerry

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Top Left: are New York girls Top Right: are from West Virginia Hannah, Heather, and Haddie Bottom Left: are from St Louis Bottom Right: are from Indiana

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10A | Island Visitor October 2012 Siesta Sand ‡ OCTOBER 2012 ‡ 941.539.0205 ‡

Arts on the Horizon

By Jaye Clements

|Sarasota is all about the Arts... 7KH 5LQJOLQJ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO $UWV )HVWLYDO 5,$) KDV become a much anticipated event for our community. People from all walks of life come together in Sarasota to embrace the arts in October. The arts exhibition is ÀOOHG ZLWK SHUIRUPDQFHV WKDW ZLOO GHOLJKW HYHQ WKH PRVW particular audiences. For four days, Sarasota will become the hub of LQVSLUDWLRQDO GHOLJKWV E\ PDVWHUV RI WKHLU DUWV 7KHUH ZLOO be many captivating showings, including exhilarating dance, outstanding music and dynamic theatre. RIAF is an exciting collaboration between the 5LQJOLQJ 0XVHXP RI $UW %DU\VKQLNRY $UW &HQWHU RI 0DQKDWWDQ 1< 8QGHU WKH DUWLVWLF GLUHFWLRQ RI 5LQJOLQJ %DU\VKQLNRY WKHUH LV an amazing line up of talented professionals with brilliant creative expression. This year’s spotlights include many artistic SUHVHQWDWLRQV VHH WKH VFKHGXOH RQOLQH KWWS ZZZ ULQJOLQJDUWVIHVWLYDO RUJ This promises to be a world class presentation that will enrich our Sarasota community. What an awesome opportunity for all of us to enjoy this experience and HYHU\WKLQJ WKH DUWV KDYH WR RIIHU , DP definitely looking forward to this year’s HYHQW 2FW $ JUHDW VWDUW WR RXU FXOWXUDO VHDVRQ

Thanks to The John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art IRU LQVSLULQJ DQG H[FLWLQJ PDQ\ JHQHUDWLRQV LQ 6DUDVRWD 'RQ¡W PLVV RXW 7KH )HVWLYDO KDV KDG PDQ\ VROG RXW performances in the past, so get your tickets early‌ be sure to take advantage of the promotions they have to offer. Purchase a performance ticket and receive general DGPLVVLRQ IRU RQO\ $OVR IUHH DGPLVVLRQ WR ´-D]] RQ WKH %D\Âľ ZLWK \RXU SDLG SHUIRUPDQFH WLFNHW WR DQ\ RI WKH VKRZV RQ 7KXUVGD\ RU )ULGD\ 6HH PRUH RIIHUV KWWS ZZZ ULQJOLQJDUWVIHVWLYDO RUJ DW WKH IHVWLYDO

|Check out “Street Paintingâ€? in Downtown Sarasota! The annual Chalk Festivities Oct 28-Nov. 6, 2012. A celebration of art works on the pavement at S Pineapple Ave. While most artists take to the canvas‌these very talented artists grab some ordinary chalk and create a PDVWHUSLHFH 0DJQLĂ€FHQW ODUJH DUW ZKLFK LV EH\RQG LPDJLQDWLRQ DQG LQFUHGLEO\ RQ SDYHPHQW :KDW , XVHG to play with as a child has become a medium to draw stunning works, some like fine art paintings. The best part about this event is the interaction with the artists; you have the privileged opportunity to watch the creative process, get the chance to chat with the creators, and have a better understanding of their vision‌ The road is blocked off in the Historic %XUQHV &RXUWV DUHD GRZQWRZQ DQG WKH street is full of people drawn to this unusual Pavement Art, also known as, ,WDOLDQ 6WUHHW 3DLQWLQJ /DVW \HDU DUWLVWV SDUWLFLSDWHG DQG GLYHUVH people attended. This temporary art is H[TXLVLWH \RX KDYH WR VHH LW WR EHOLHYH LW 7KH RQO\ QHJDWLYH SDUW LV WKH IDFW WKDW the art is momentary and eventually and

sadly enough, it has to go‌ see it while you can, their DUWZRUN LV VLPSO\ DPD]LQJ 7KH HYHQW KDV EHHQ SXW RQ VLQFH E\ D QRQ SURÀW all volunteer organization, called Avenida de Colores, Inc. Proceeds go to instruction for children, students and artists of all ages for the visual and performing arts and to enrich the community with cultural events. For more details look online‌

|Downtown Sarasota is for the Arts! The 18th Annual Downtown Sarasota Art & Craft )HVWLYDO ² 2FW WK VW 6DW 6XQ DP WR SP

Free Admission located on Main St. You have to love the small town feel of Sarasota, DFFRPSDQLHG E\ LWV ZHDOWK RI Ă€QH DQG FRQWHPSRUDU\ DUW Where small town meets skilled artisans‌. I’d say the people and visitors of Sarasota have a discerning eye for DUW FXOWXUH 7KHUH ZLOO EH D YDULHW\ RI ´PDGH LQ WKH 86$Âľ

arts and crafts on hand, ranging from jewelry to ceramics, photography, paintings, clothing, orchids, exotic plants and more‌ Come out and enjoy the lovely October weather and RXU FKDUPLQJ GRZQWRZQ 6DUDVRWD KWWS ZZZ DUWIHVWLYDO FRP )HVWLYDOV 'RZQWRZQB 6DUDVRWDB$UWB&UDIWB)HVWLYDOB6DUDVRWDB)ORULGDB2FWREHU ASPX

October 2012 Siesta Sand | 11A ‡ 941.539.0205 ‡ OCTOBER 2012 ‡ Siesta

October Wine and Food Pairing Nero d’Avola and Grilled Lamb Chops As we enter the Fall season around the country it is fun to prepare for its arrival KHUH LQ 6RXWKZHVW )ORULGD 1RZ WKDW October is rolling around, the temperature is dropping down into the seventies, at QLJKW VRPHWLPHV (YHQ WKRXJK SHRSOH throughout the rest of the country may think that those living in Florida do not H[SHULHQFH WKH VHDVRQV ZH FDQ GHĂ€QLWHO\ feel the emergence of Fall. You’ll hear a collective sigh of relief from residents as October approaches. The mugginess abates DQG ZH FDQ Ă€QDOO\ VLW RXW RQ WKH ODQDL DQG HQMR\ LW 7KLV LV ZK\ LW LV WKH SHUIHFW WLPH IRU D OXVFLRXV UHG IURP 6LFLO\ 1HUR G¡$YROD WKH UHG JUDSH RI $YROD 6LFLO\ 7KH 1HUR G¡$YROD

is perfect for October in Florida because it is not too heavy so as to weigh you down in this still a “little humidâ€? weather, but it is just enough to give the drinker the feeling of the warmth we all associate with the Fall. $ JUHDW H[DPSOH RI D 1HUR G¡$YROD LV IURP (Q]R 5XH GH 6HWWH 7KH FXUUHQW YLQWDJH DYDLODEOH LV WKH DQ DPD]LQJ YLQWDJH WKURXJKRXW (XURSH 7KLV LV D GDUN red, medium bodied wine, with soft fruit tannins with pleasant hints of cherry and spice. This cherry and spice reminds the drinker of the warmth hoped for in October, but the smooth, vivid, and medium bodied taste is also just what is longed for in Florida’s October. 7KH (Q]R 1HUR G¡$YROD LV JUHDW ZLWK D meaty red sauced pasta, amazing with grilled salmon, and perfect with grilled lamb. For the perfect lazy day here in )ORULGD WU\ SL]]D RU D OLJKWO\ FKDU JULOOHG hamburger. Pick up this perfect bottle of Fall wine at Siesta Key Wines, there you can also pick up a great dip mix or cheese that would pair perfectly with WKH (Q]R 1HUR G¡$YROD DV DQ DSHUWLI Just remember to let the wine breathe at OHDVW PLQXWHV DQG WKHQ \RX ZLOO IHOO the great smoothness that is possible in WKLV 1HUR G¡$YROD Mary Catherine Rooney, Owner of Siesta Key Wines, located in the Davidson Plaza in the Village

Sand ‡

12A | Island Visitor October 2012 Siesta Sand ‡ OCTOBER 2012 ‡ 941.539.0205 ‡

Island Chatter |A message from our Island Associations... Continued from page 3A.

Kevin Cooper

([HFXWLYH 'LUHFWRU Siesta Key Chamber ([FLWHPHQW LV EXLOGLQJ DV ZH prepare, for the third time, to host the Siesta Key Crystal Classic KHUH RQ 6LHVWD %HDFK 7KH HYHQW ZKLFK EHQHĂ€WV 0RWH 0DULQH /DERUDWRU\¡V 6HD 7XUWOH Conservation and Research Program, will again pit WZHQW\ IRXU RI WKH ZRUOG¡V WRS VDQG VFXOSWRUV DJDLQVW each other in a doubles sand sculpting competition WKDW ZLOO VSDQ WKH FRXUVH RI IRXU GD\V LQ 1RYHPEHU The truly wonderful aspects of this event are just how many people the event is able to reach DWWHQGDQFH ZDV DURXQG LQ WKH economic impact that the event provides Sarasota &RXQW\ HVWLPDWHG WR EH URXJKO\ PLOOLRQ DQG the amount that the event has been able to donate WR 0RWH 0DULQH WHQV RI WKRXVDQGV RI GROODUV LQ LWV Ă€UVW WZR \HDUV )RU WKH UHVLGHQWV DQG WRXULVWV LW LV

D IDPLO\ IULHQGO\ RXWGRRU HYHQW WKDW VKRZFDVHV D WUHPHQGRXVO\ XQLTXH DUW IRUP )RU EXVLQHVVHV LW presents a great opportunity to get in front of large crowds of consumers, both local and from outside Sarasota County, who are coming out to support the area during a time when they might otherwise not. I always fail to do this event justice when describing it because the things that these artists are able to do with our sand goes beyond anything I could ever have imagined. If you’ve yet to experience the event, we truly hope you’ll join us in what I can honestly say is one of the most amazing events on Florida’s gulf coast. For those who have been previously, we are excited to welcome you DJDLQ (YHQW DQG VSRQVRUVKLS LQIRUPDWLRQ FDQ EH found at our website or E\ SKRQLQJ WKH &KDPEHU DW Thanks, Kevin. Courtesy of: Siesta Key Association | Siesta Key Village Association |

Pets’ Personal Posts If pets could post their own personals, here what they’d say‌ Dog of the Month: Daxx Hi there, I’m Dax and I’d love to be that lucky dog that gets to play with a real family of my own. This may sound silly, but I believe in the old fashion boy meets family and lives happily ever after sort of thing. I don’t need much pampering although every now and again it sure would be nice. My friends say that I’m very HQWHUWDLQLQJ VR ,¡G JHW DORQJ JUHDW ZLWK WHHQV RU ROGHU 1RW WR EUDJ but I have a very high IQ and I already know lots of commands. Simply say the word and I will obey. Did I get your attention yet? Sure hope so. Here’s my pic‌these big brown eyes can’t wait to see you. w Whadda ya say? C of the Month: Cat L Lightning H Hi, my name is Lightning and I am looking for o one single emotionally unattached family who ttruly wants to build a relationship with a single m male who is stable emotionally, curious, playful, aaffectionate, and if I do say so myself, handsome. I’ I’m also healthy, active, honest, love outdoors, KDYH KREELHV DQG ZRUN VWHDG\ ZLWK ORWV RI WLPH R KDYH KREELHV DQG ZRUN VWHDG\ ZLWK ORWV RI WLPH RII 3OHDVH EH FRQĂ€GHQW VWDEOH KDSS\ KRQHVW and truly ready to share in building something long term. I would prefer not to have endless H PDLOV DQG WH[WV /HW¡V WDON D ELW WKHQ PHHW IRU D PLON DQG JR IURP WKHUH , ZLOO DQVZHU DOO UHSOLHV EXW SOHDVH WHOO PH D OLWWOH DERXW \RX , NQRZ \RX¡UH RXW WKHUH VRPHZKHUH Ginny Armington Community Events Coordinator Humane Society of Sarasota County 2331 15th Street | Sarasota, FL | 34237 941.955.4131 x107 |

These pets would love to have a family of their own. If you are considering a pet, please think about adopting from HSSC

October 2012 Siesta Sand | 13A ‡ 941.539.0205 ‡ OCTOBER 2012 ‡ Siesta

Giving Back |An Amazing Group of Cat Lovers By Diana Colson An amazing group of cat lovers report on a regular basis to VHUYH WKH UHVFXHG IHOLQHV DW &DW 'HSRW $ QRQSURÀW ‹ QR kill, free roaming facility, Cat Depot is dedicated to helping KRPHOHVV DQLPDOV ,WV PLVVLRQ LV WR VDYH OLYHV ÀQG ORYLQJ homes, and provide the resources and education to improve the destiny of homeless cats. Year to date, volunteers have already logged in an LPSUHVVLYH WRWDO RI KRXUV 2YHU DFWLYH PRQWKO\ VKHOWHU YROXQWHHUV KDYH JLYHQ KRXUV HDFK PRQWK DQ DYHUDJH RI KRXUV SHU YROXQWHHU Volunteers are accepted into the program on an ongoing, monthly basis. They are given opportunities to grow in their knowledge of feline behavior. They also receive supplemental HGXFDWLRQ DQG WUDLQLQJ FODVVHV LQ VXFK XQLTXH VXEMHFWV DV FDW OHDVK walking, managing community cats, and clicker training. (Clicker training uses a distinct and consistent signal to mark a desired behavior in real time. It then follows that signal with a motivating UHZDUG

These volunteers do a myriad of things. They help with cleaning, ODXQGU\ GLVKHV DQLPDO WUDQVSRUW UHVFXH RII VLWH HYHQWV IXQGUDLVLQJ events, and medical data entry. They serve as clinic assistants, receptionists, tour guides, and adoption assistants. They handle retail sales, cat socialization, foster families, and photography. They operate the food bank, coin bank, education and lectures. They also do food preparation. Cat Depot volunteers represent a diverse mix of people. The Parent and Me Program teams children ages 8 to 16 with one or both of their parents. With parental permission, teen agers can come on their own and earn community service hours for working at Cat Depot. College students, seniors and snowbirds also give generously RI WKHLU WLPH $QG WKHQ WKHUH LV &'(57 WKH &DW 'HSRW (PHUJHQF\ Response Team. &'(57 LV PDGH XS RI VWDII DQG YROXQWHHUV ZKR KDYH WUDLQHG ZLWK WKH )(0$ DSSURYHG )ORULGD 6WDWH $QLPDO 5HVSRQVH &RDOLWLRQ 7KH\ KDYH DVVLVWHG ZLWK KRDUGLQJ UHVFXHV WKDW KDYH LQYROYHG RYHU cats. These rescues included the placement of cats from Sarasota, 9HQLFH /RQJERDW .H\ $QQD 0DULD ,VODQG %UDGHQWRQ DV ZHOO DV VXFK IDU RII SODFHV DV *DLQHVYLOOH DQG 3RUW 6W /XFLH ,Q D &DW 'HSRW (PHUJHQF\ 5HVSRQVH 7HDP ZDV HYHQ GHSOR\HG WR WRUQDGR UDYDJHG Joplin, MO. +HUH DUH MXVW D IHZ RI WKH YROXQWHHUV ZKR FXUUHQWO\ VHUYH DW &DW 'HSRW 0DULDQQD %DVLOH ZRUNV H[FOXVLYHO\ ZLWK WKH 0HGLFDO 7HDP DVVLVWLQJ WKH 9HW 7HFKV ZLWK DGPLQLVWHULQJ PHGLFDWLRQV à HD EDWKLQJ participating in special feedings, and whatever else is needed to help. 6KH DOVR VHUYHV RQ WKH &DW 'HSRW (PHUJHQF\ 5HVSRQVH 7HDP 1DQF\ +DPEOHWRQ HQMR\V KHU UROH DV WKH &RLQ %DQN &RPPLWWHH Chairperson. Through her leadership, Cat Depot’s coin banks are QRZ ORFDWHG RQ FRXQWHU WRSV LQ RYHU SDUWLFLSDWLQJ EXVLQHVVHV LQ Sarasota and Manatee Country. The program has generated nearly ZKLFK LV TXLWH D ORW RI FDW IRRG

Marianne Wojciechowski makes a conscious effort to OHDUQ WKH QDPHV RI RYHU DGRSWDEOH FDWV 6KH VSHQGV TXDOLW\ VRFLDOL]DWLRQ WLPH ZLWK ERWK WKH VHQLRU DQG DGXOW FDWV LQ KRSHV RI Ă€QGLQJ WKHP QHZ ORYLQJ KRPHV Martha McKlveen is a snowbird who serves as an Adoption Counselor, matching people to the perfect cat for their home. 6XVDQ DQG 1LFROH 6FRWW DUH D PRWKHU GDXJKWHU WHDP ZKR brighten up Cat Depot with their cheerful and dynamic service. /RUL %HLHU KHDGV XS WKH JUDQW ZULWLQJ FRPPLWWHH 6KH KDV done an outstanding job in raising money for supplies and other needs. 1DQF\ )R[ W\SHV DZD\ LQ WKH RIĂ€FH DUHD 6KH FRGHV DQG enters current cat medical data into the shelter management application called PetPoint. 5REHUW %XUQV ZDV QDPHG 9ROXQWHHU RI WKH <HDU E\ Sarasota Magazine. He has been called “Mr. Magicâ€? because of the many things he does when no one is looking. In two \HDUV KH KDV JLYHQ PRUH WKDQ KRXUV WR WKH RUJDQL]DWLRQ Sophie is a Kid’s Critter Camp attendee and cat socializer. Kitties purr when this delightful young lady comes to visit. )HEUXDU\ ZLOO PDUN WKH GDWH IRU D NLFN RII FHOHEUDWLRQ RI \HDUV RI KHOSLQJ KRPHOHVV FDWV 7KH HYHQW ZLOO EH FDOOHG WKH WK $QQLYHUVDU\ )RUJHW 0H 1RW *DOD DQG LV FKDLUHG E\ 'HERUDK Vaughan. &DW 'HSRW LV RSHQ VHYHQ GD\V D ZHHN WR RQ 0RQGD\ WKURXJK )ULGD\ DQG WR RQ 6DWXUGD\ DQG 6XQGD\ ,W LV ORFDWHG DW WK 6WUHHW 6DUDVRWD )/ )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ JR WR ZZZ FDWGHSRW RUJ RU FDOO Top Photo: Robert Burns, Volunteer of the Year 2012, by Sarasota Magazine. They call him “Mr. Magic,â€? because many of his contributions occur when no one is looking. In two years, Robert Burns has given more than 4,000 volunteer hours to Cat Depot Middle Photo: Marianne Basile, Cat Depot Volunteer, Vet Tech Assistant Bottom Photo: Sophie Snider , Kid’s Critter Camp attendee and cat socializer

Sand ‡

14A | Island Visitor October 2012 Siesta Sand ‡ OCTOBER 2012 ‡ 941.539.0205 ‡

Accommodations Locator Map

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Š Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2012

October 2012 Siesta Sand | 15A

‘Quiet’ October was historically far from dull... By Paul Roat ‡ 941.539.0205 ‡ OCTOBER 2012 ‡ Siesta

Sand ‡

Continued from cover story.

It seems that Sarasota was incorporated as a town on ‡ 2FW $ KXUULFDQH VWUXFN 6DUDVRWD DQG 2FW ZLWK &RO -RKQ +DPLOWRQ *LOOHVSLH HOHFWHG scoured the bayfront of its old docks, wharfs, and WR WKH Ă€UVW RI VL[ WHUPV DV PD\RU 7KH RQO\ SUREOHP ZDV boathouses. Apparently most viewed the demise of the that no notice of the incorporation was ever acted upon aging structures as good riddance. E\ RIĂ€FLDOV LQ WKH VWDWH FDSLWDO VR QRWKLQJ FRXOG DFWXDOO\ ‡ 2FW $V 5\OHH DQG 3D\QH SXW LW ´'LVDVWHU EH DFFRPSOLVKHG E\ WKH QHZ LQFRUSRUDWHG HQWLW\ QR WD[HV 6DUDVRWD¡V Ă€UVW WUDLQ ZUHFN -XVW DV WKH 6HDERDUG WUDLQ from Venice entered the corporate no laws, nothing could be enforced. limits of town, it struck several cows. ‡ 2FW 7KH VWHDPHU History mistletoe Five cows were killed, three cars were “Mistletoeâ€? navigated the newly derailed, and the coalman, who was dredged channel near Palma Sola thrown from a moving car, broke his %D\ WR WKH QRUWK DQG EHJDQ WKUHH leg l and injured his left hand. A rough WLPH D ZHHN VHUYLFH JRRGV PDLO way w to make hamburger.â€? DQG SDVVHQJHUV EHWZHHQ %UDGHQWRQ ‡ 2FW 6RPH UHVLGHQWV KDYH and Sarasota. Siesta Key’s Harry recently been critical of the incentives r Higel later bought the vessel and Sarasota City commissioner have S renamed it “City of Sarasota.â€? proffered to developers during our p ‡ 2FW 6DUDVRWD YRWHG i woes. The T current actions are not without W W G economic WR UHSHDO WKH WK $PHQGPHQW E\ D WR YRWH DQG SUHFHGHQW )LYH WHUP 0D\RU (YHUHWW - %DFRQ ZDV ERUQ alcohol was legally sold. ‡ 2FW +DUU\ +LJHO GHIHDWHG +DPGHQ 6LGQH\ RQ WKLV GDWH LQ :LOOLDPVĂ€HOG 2KLR 'XULQJ KLV WHQXUH DV 6PLWK DQG ZRQ KLV Ă€UVW WHUP DV PD\RU WR +LJHO PD\RU IURP 6DUDVRWD VDZ 3D\QH¡V 7HUPLQDO DQG had property holding on northern Siesta Key. He served the Main Street Pier developed and the city’s annexation IRU WZR PRUH WHUPV DQG ZDV YLHZHG DV D SUR JURZWK HIIRUWV LQFUHDVHG LWV VL]H IURP RQH WR VTXDUH PLOHV 3HUKDSV PRVW QRWRULRXV RI WKH ERRP WLPH EHQHĂ€WV ZDV leader. ‡ 2FW &OLIIRUG 0 &DOYHUOH\ ZDONHG DFURVV granted to Andrew McAnsh and his Mira Mar Hotel on 1LDJUD )DOOV RQ D ZLUH XVLQJ D EDODQFH URG +H ODWHU Palm Avenue. He received a guarantee from the city that repeated the feat using a wheelbarrow to aid his balance. he would receive no taxes, free water and free lights for +H ZDV D 6DUDVRWD UHVLGHQW IRU PRUH WKDQ \HDUV XQWLO \HDUV October was indeed an interesting time in Sarasota KLV GHDWK LQ +H DOVR FURVVHG WKH IDOOV RQFH DW QLJKW 6DUDVRWD UHVLGHQW 1LN :DOOHQGD DOVR FURVVHG WKH IDOOV in years past. VDQV ZKHHOEDUURZ RQ -XQH :DOOHQGD DOVR ZDONHG WKH wire at night. ‡ 2FW $Q XQQDPHG KXUULFDQH VWUXFN 6DUDVRWD :LQGV ZHUH HVWLPDWHG DW PRUH WKDQ PSK — exact wind speed was unknown because the storm was so strong it toppled the city’s wind tower. Damage included citrus and celery crops and a capsized U.S. $UP\ WXJERDW $ERXW SHRSOH WRRN VKHOWHU LQ WKH FRXUW house. ‡ 2FW 6DUDVRWD FKDUDFWHU 5XEH $OO\Q GLHG +H was publisher of the “Sarasota Sunâ€? and later the “Florida Fisherman.â€? He also was charged with murdering 6DUDVRWD¡V Ă€UVW WUDLQ ZUHFNHG VRXWK RI WKH FLW\ Harry Higel, a charge that was later dropped for lack of Oct. 27, 1916. Five cows were killed and the coalman injured. evidence. All photos courtesy of Sarasota County Historical Archives

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16A | Island Visitor October 2012 Siesta Sand ‡ OCTOBER 2012 ‡ 941.539.0205 ‡

Island Health

|Do we recognize the best Doctor in the world? By Dr. Jennifer J. Norbits The doctor inside that allows your heart to beat, your lungs to breath, a cut to heal, and yes even cancer to heal. There is a life force within all of us that heals all the time, every WLPH RI WKH WLPH 7KH KXPDQ EUDLQ KDV D power that controls all life within the body and sends life down the spinal cord out the nerves to your organs. If you have interference to your nervous system, your body will shut down and will express symptoms of disease. You can experience internal interference by having such things as a slip, fall, car accident, being born, a head injury. This accident pushes a bone out of place, may even reverse the curve in your neck and causes symptoms like headaches, back aches, asthma, colds, allergies, cancer, diabetes. With pressure on your nervous system your body shuts down. When you receive a specific chiropractic adjustment your body releases the power to heal. Are there limitations of matter where the body will not heal as fast because of too much damage, too many medications, too much

surgery? Absolutely. However, if you have even the slightest amount of life force in your body, you can heal. You have the best doctor in the world within you. Who have you told that Chiropractic ZRUNV DOO WKH WLPH HYHU\ WLPH RI WKH time. Dr. Jennifer J. Norbits provides quality chiropractic care to patients on Siesta Key and is currently accepting new patients. You may contact her at 941-312-6267 to set up an appointment.

Island Humor > A guy walks past a high, solid wooden fence at the insane asylum and he hears all WKH UHVLGHQWV LQVLGH FKDQWLQJ ´7KLUWHHQ 7KLUWHHQ 7KLUWHHQ Âľ He continues walking along the long fence, but, can’t help wondering why WKH\¡G EH FKDQWLQJ ´7KLUWHHQ Âľ RYHU DQG over again. Are they chugging beer? Or maybe they are taking turns beating one of the inmates? They could even be counting the number of patients that have jumped off the roof. As he continues to walk along the fence wondering what they are doing, he comes to a spot with a hole in the fence. Hah, he thinks, now’s my chance to see what the heck is going on in there. He turns and peeks into the hole. As he looks, someone inside pokes him in the eye. Then everyone inside the asylum starts FKDQWLQJ ´)RXUWHHQ )RXUWHHQ )RXUWHHQ Âľ > After living in the mountains most of his life, a hillbilly decides to take a trip into the city. He stops at one of the stores and picks up a mirror. 1HYHU KDYLQJ VHHQ D PLUURU EHIRUH KH looks into it and exclaims, “How ‘bout that this here’s a picture of my pappy.â€? Thinking it was a picture of his dad he buys

it but on his way home remembers that his wife didn’t like his dad, so decides to hang LW LQ WKH VKHG (YHU\ PRUQLQJ EHIRUH JRLQJ hunting, he’d go in the shed and look at it. His wife started getting suspicious of his many trips to the shed. So, one day after her KXVEDQG OHDYHV VKH JRHV WR WKH VKHG WR Ă€QG the mirror. As she looks in the mirror, she fumes, “So that’s the ugly wench he’s running around with.â€? > %DFN ZKHQ , ZDV DERXW Ă´ \HDUV ROG my grandma asked my grandpa to watch me while she ran to the store. He saw that I was busy playing with my new toy tea set so he went in the living room to watch the news. After a while, I brought him some tea, which was just water. After several cups of tea and lots of praise for such yummy tea, grandma came home. Grandpa made her sit in the living room to watch me bring him several more cups of tea, because he thought it was just the ‘cutest thing’. After several minutes of watching grandpa make a big show of drinking down every drop, grandma said to grandpa, “Did it ever occur to you that the only place she can reach to get water is the toilet?

October 2012 Siesta Sand | 17A ‡ 941.539.0205 ‡ OCTOBER 2012 ‡ Siesta

Sand ‡

*ROI 7RXUQDPHQW %HQHĂ€W for Kurt Becker 1






Photo Captions: 1. .XUW %HFNHU 2. &HQWHU 3KLOOLS -XG\ )U\RU 6DOW\ 'RJ RZQHUV

with Rod Westall far ULJKW DQG WR RWKHU Ă€UHQGV WR WKH OHIW 3. Chad Fodter, Tricia Moses, “Jerseyâ€? Mike O’donnell, & Chip Smith 4. Kristen Rouse, Jim Gallery, Jeff Wilson, Milo Miladin, & Mai Tran. 5. -RH *HQHURVR DQG WHDP R¡FORFN FOXE 6. &U\VWDO +RXJKWRQ -RH )XUWRZ VS DQG 'DQL /\RQ


18A | Island Visitor October 2012 Siesta Sand ‡ OCTOBER 2012 ‡ 941.539.0205 ‡

|The Rumrunner

Located at Turtle Beach Marina in South Siesta Key | 941.349.3119 ZZZ VLHVWDNH\FKDUWHUĂ€VKLQJ FRP &DSWDLQ -RH %RQDUR RIIHUV PRUH WKDQ H[FLWLQJ deep sea fishing opportunities aboard “Sarasota’s fastest charter boat,â€? the Rumrunner 7KH VNLSSHU RIIHUV VSHFLDO ERDW DQG Ă€VKLQJ WULSV IRU IDPLOLHV ² DQG IRU IDPLOLHV with small children – as well as customized day and overnight trips.

6RXWK %ULGJH 3OD]D |Abel’s Ice Cream, Inc.

1886 Stickney Point Road., Sarasota, FL 34231 | 941.921.5700 Located LQ 6RXWK %ULGJH 3OD]D EHWZHHQ 1HZ %DODQFH DQG 6WRQHZRRG *ULOO RSHQHG LQ $SULO :H SURXGO\ RIIHU RYHU Ă DYRUV of premium Florida made ice cream with XQLTXH Ă DYRUV OLNH 6QLFNHUOLFLRXV &RFRQXW $OPRQG )XGJH %HDU &ODZ 6WHOODU &RIIHH %LUWKGD\ &DNH HWF 7KH PHQX LQFOXGHV current ice cream shop items plus items that take you back to the good old fashion soda bar HUD +DQGFUDIWHG JRXUPHW FKRFRODWH WUXIĂ HV %UDJV DQG WUDGLWLRQDO LWHPV DUH GLVSOD\HG LQ a refrigerated/humidity controlled cabinet to insure just made freshness. To complete our shops offerings, a nationally known northeastern manufacture of jams/jellies, chutneys, mustards, salsas, cheese ball mixes and dessert toppings with recipes available for all items. We comfortably seat SDWURQV LQ RXU QHZO\ FRQVWUXFWHG VWRUH :H DUH RSHQ WR 30 GD\V ZHHN

|Rocketman Shop

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1888 Stickney Point Road., Sarasota, FL 34231 | 941.923.2096 Our Rock & Roll Lifestyle shop provides everything you need to get your grove on. <RX¡OO Ă€QG D ZLGH YDULHW\ RI SURGXFWV IURP your favorite musical bands, as well as bags & clothing, incense, recreational items, wall tapestries, full line of top rated local & domestic blown glass, acrylic & metal pipes, hookahs & shisha, blunt wraps & papers, tobacco & rolling machines, body cleansers & supplements, body jewelry, purses, hemp wear, storage containers & stealthy diversion safes, zippo lighters and lots of items not “made in China‌â€? and much PRUH :H FDQ KHOS \RX Ă€QG WKH SURGXFWV that are right for you. Our new extended VWRUH KRXUV DUH DP ² SP GD\V D ZHHN %H VXUH WR XVH WKH FRXSRQ IRXQG RQ WKH front page of the second section.

|Jackpot Sarasota

Š Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2012

1884 Stickney Point Road, Sarasota, FL 34231 941.922.5949 3OD\ FDVLQR VW\OH JDPHV DQG ZLQ FDVK -DFNSRW Sarasota in an internet sweepstakes cafe located LQ WKH 6RXWK %ULGJH 3OD]D QH[W WR 6WRQHZRRG DQG FDUUDEED¡V RQ 6WLFNQH\ 3RLQW 5G 2SHQ GD\V D ZHHN IURP $0 XQWLO PLGQLJKW

October 2012 Siesta Sand | 19A

Water World

|Captain Jim Klopfer Adventure Charters 941-371-1390 Capt Jim Klopfer’s Fishing Forecast for October 2011 October is a fabulous month to be ÀVKLQJ RQ 6LHVWD .H\ 6KRUWHU FRROHU days result in water temperatures GURSSLQJ LQWR WKH ORZ V EDLW ZLOO EH thick in the bays and out on the beach, DQG WKDW ZLOO DWWUDFW WKH JDPHÀVK 0DQ\ species are going to be caught using a YDULHW\ RI DQJOLQJ WDFWLFV 5HGÀVK ZLOO VWLOO EH VFKRROHG XS RQ WKH à DWV VQRRN will be in the bays, speckled trout, pompano, and Spanish mackerel will be IHHGLQJ RQ WKH GHHS JUDVV à DWV DQG WKH beach should be outstanding for king and Spanish mackerel, false albacore, cobia, sharks, and even a stray tarpon. Anglers with small boats can catch h HV ODUJH ÀVK WKLV PRQWK 7KH WHFKQLTXHV and methods are really pretty simple. Mornings that dawn with easterly winds ZLOO ÀQG WKH LQVKRUH *XOI RI 0H[LFR à DW DQG FDOP 3RGV RI EDLWÀVK ZLOO EH VHHQ RQ the surface, along with schools of feeding ÀVK 7KUHDGÀQV FDXJKW RQ 6DELNL ULJV DQG free lined out behind the boat will catch just about everything. Shrimp and smaller EDLWÀVK ZRUN ZHOO RQ WKH 6SDQLVK PDFNHUHO DQG DOELHV XVH D ORQJ VKDQN KRRN RQ OE OHDGHU

1518 Stickney Point Rd., Sarasota, FL 34231 ‡ 941.539.0205 ‡ OCTOBER 2012 ‡ Siesta

Meet the Natives CharlesSobczak

Sand ‡

Everglades Mink

Everglades Mink (Mustela vison evergladensis) Other names: Mink, American mink ‡ Status: FL = threatened, IUCN = LC ‡ Life span: to 10 years ‡ Length: 17-24 in. (43-61 cm) ‡ :LQJVSDQ LQ FP


‡ Breeds: in midwinter, with the kits born in the spring ‡ Found: Collier County, near coast, mainland ‡ Months found: JfmamjJASOND (lower case indicates breeding season).

Capt Ji Jim with big ki king M Mackerel C i h a bi k l caught h a mile off of Siesta Key There is no greater sport than sight Ă€VKLQJ ´EUHDNLQJÂľ Ă€VK $FWLYHO\ ZRUNLQJ JDPHĂ€VK ZLOO KLW VSRRQV 5DSDOD ; 5DSV MLJV DQG Ă LHV 6LOYHU DQG ZKLWH DUH JRRG colors to start out with. Often times, small baits will be needed, especially for the false DOEDFRUH WKH\ FDQ EH TXLWH IXVV\ 3DWLHQW anglers will score more often than those GULYLQJ DJJUHVVLYHO\ LQWR WKH Ă€VK *HWWLQJ in the area and just sitting patiently while waiting for an opportunity will produce PRUH Ă€VK WKDQ ´UXQQLQJ DQG JXQQLQJÂľ ,I WKH Ă€VK DUH QRW VKRZLQJ ZHOO RU LI WKHUH LV a chop on the surface, trolling Rapalas and Clark spoons on planers can be deadly. 7KH LQVKRUH DUWLĂ€FLDO UHHIV DUH Ă€VK PDJQHWV and success is practically guaranteed for trollers in October. 6XUI Ă€VKHUPHQ ZLOO FDWFK PDFNHUHO ODG\Ă€VK DQG SRPSDQR LQ 2FWREHU /LYH shrimp, jigs, and silver spoons work best. (DVWHUO\ ZLQGV UHVXOW LQ FDOP VXUI DQG FOHDU ZDWHU LGHDO FRQGLWLRQV WR Ă€VK IURP WKH beach. Casting jigs while drifting over deep JUDVV Ă DWV ZLOO SURGXFH D ORW RI Ă€VK LQ October. Speckled trout, pompano, EOXHĂ€VK PDFNHUHO MDFNV DQG ODG\Ă€VK will hit a gold Cotee grub on a Âź ounce jig head. Rootbeer and olive are also SURGXFWLYH FRORUV 6SRRQV SOXJV DQG Ă LHV ZLOO DOVR ZRUN ZHOO DV ZLOO OLYH RU DUWLĂ€FLDO shrimp under a noisy cork. These same OXUHV Ă€VKHG LQ %LJ 3DVV DQG 1HZ 3DVV ZLOO result in plenty of strikes. 5HGĂ€VK ZLOO VWLOO EH VFKRROHG XS RQ WKH Ă DWV EXW WKHLU QXPEHUV ZLOO EH diminishing. The docks and oyster bars RII RI 6LHVWD .H\ ZLOO DOVR SURGXFH UHGĂ€VK DORQJ ZLWK VQRRN VQDSSHU Ă RXQGHU DQG drum. A live shrimp is a a great bait for Ă€VKLQJ GRFNV VFHQWHG VRIW SODVWLFV VXFK DV *XOS EDLWV DUH YHU\ HIIHFWLYH ZRUNLQJ bars and points. A high, outgoing tide is always best.

The mink is a member of a larger family of ZHDVHOV DQG SROHFDWV 0XVWHOD ZKLFK FRQWDLQV 16 different species worldwide. Only two of WKHVH VSHFLHV DUH PLQN WKH $PHULFDQ PLQN DQG WKH (XURSHDQ PLQN 7KH (YHUJODGHV PLQN is a subspecies of the American mink and is the only mink found in southern Florida; two different subspecies inhabit the northern tier of the state. The mink population in Southwest Florida WRGD\ LV OLPLWHG WR (YHUJODGHV 1DWLRQDO 3DUN %LJ &\SUHVV 1DWLRQDO 3UHVHUYH DQG the Fakahatchee Strand in Collier County. Historically, this relative of the ferret could be found as far north as Lake Okeechobee, but agricultural development has reduced its range to the very southern tip of the state. 6HHLQJ DQ (YHUJODGHV PLQN LQ WKH ZLOG LV QHDUO\ impossible. Quick, solitary, and secretive, this small carnivore is rare to witness even in areas where it is more common, such as Canada and the northern Midwest. The mink was once trapped and hunted to the point of eradication throughout much of its range, in pursuit of its prized fur, but today

almost all mink stoles and coats are fashioned RXW RI IDUP UDLVHG DQLPDOV $OWKRXJK WKLV practice is controversial, as is the wearing of any fur products, mink farming has helped reduce the pressure on wild harvesting and allowed the mink to regain some of its former range. It can now be found throughout the eastern U.S., across all of Canada all the way WR 1HZIRXQGODQG DQG LQ $ODVND 7KH PLQN LV D VWULFW FDUQLYRUH ,WV UD]RU VKDUS teeth and incredible speed make it a formidable SUHGDWRU 6HPL DTXDWLF LW IHHGV SULPDULO\ LQ freshwater streams, lakes, and ponds where it FDWFKHV FUD\ÀVK VPDOO ÀVK DQG IURJV 2Q ODQG it is capable of killing animals much larger than itself and has been known to prey on rabbits, ducks, rice rats, birds, mice, and voles. It in turn is taken by coyotes, great horned owls, and foxes.

– This article is an excerpt from “The Living Gulf Coast A Natural Guide to Southwest Florida,� which is available for purchase at

Capt. Curt’s Souvenir Shop, Beach Bazaar and Davidson’s Drugs Everglades Mink photo courtesy Wikipedia Commons

20A | Island Visitor October 2012 Siesta Sand ‡ OCTOBER 2012 ‡ 941.539.0205 ‡

Stone Crab Season Opens Later This Month Many years ago I wrote that the start of stone crab season 2FW VKRXOG EH D KROLGD\ 6WRQH FUDE FODZV DUH D OX[XU\ QHFHVVLW\ IRU VHDIRRG Ă€HQGV LQ 6RXWKZHVW )ORULGD 7KH VHDVRQ UXQV IURP 2FW WKURXJK 0D\ )DOO DQG ZLQWHU DUH EHVW WLPHV IRU WKH FRORVVDO FODZV “Colossal,â€? by the way, is the biggest of the big of the claws from the biggest of the big of crabs. It’s also the costliest, sometimes running up to $36 a pound, which reaps the customer about two claws. Sometimes less than two. Smaller grades have smaller prices. 6WRQH FUDEV DUH ELJ \HOORZLVK EURZQLVK EODFN VSRWWHG critters that haunt the bottom and, true to their name, like to hide around stones in the Gulf of Mexico during the summer as they grow. As winter comes and the cold fronts move down from the north, crabs start to prowl closer to shore and into the bays. 2QO\ WKH FODZV DUH WDNHQ IURP WKH FULWWHUV &UDE Ă€VKHUV ORYH WKH FODZV EHFDXVH RI WKH Ă€QDQFLDO KDUYHVW WKH\ UHDS )LVK PRQJHUV ORYH WKH FODZV EHFDXVH RI WKH SURĂ€W WKH\ UHDS 6HDIRRG DĂ€FLRQDGRV ORYH WKH WDVWH RI WKH FODZV %XW XQXVXDO LQ WKH JUHHQ ZRUOG LV WKH IDFW WKDW environmentalists love stone crabs too because they are a truly sustainable industry. Only claws are taken, and the crab is let loose to grow another pair for another season. Here’ a comment from the Florida Fish and Wildlife &RQVHUYDWLRQ &RPPLVVLRQ UHJDUGLQJ WKH RQH FODZ RU WZR FODZ WDNH ´$OWKRXJK LW LV FXUUHQWO\ ODZIXO WR KDUYHVW ERWK RI D stone crab’s claws, this practice leaves the stone crab with few alternatives to defend itself from predators. “Although the crab can still obtain minimal amounts of food with no claws, having one claw will enable the crab to obtain greater amounts of food in a shorter amount of time. Stone crabs have the ability to grow back their claws, but this SURFHVV UHTXLUHV D ODUJH DPRXQW RI HQHUJ\ LQ WKH IRUP RI IRRG Âľ &ODZV KDYH WR EH Ăś LQFK ORQJ IURP WKH HOERZ WR WKH VPDOOHU HQG WKH FODZ WR EH OHJDO $ VDOWZDWHU Ă€VKLQJ OLFHQVH LV DOVR needed to take stone crab claws. Crabs are mostly caught in traps baited with a variety of XQVDYRU\ WR KXPDQ EXW GHOHFWDEOH WR VWRQH FUDE VWXII 6RPH Ă€VKHU XVH FDQV RI FDW IRRG ZLWK KROHV VSLNHG LQ WKHP 6RPH OLNH VWLQN\ Ă€VK 6RPH ÂŤ ZHOO PD\EH D VHFUHW UHFLSH &UDEEHUV XVH whatever it takes to attract crabs into the traps. Recreational Ă€VKHUV DUH OLPLWHG WR QR PRUH WKDQ Ă€YH WUDSV The jury is out just what kind of season we’ll have for crab FODZV LQ 7UDSV DUH JRLQJ RXW WR VRDN EXW LW¡V WRXJK to know how good the season will be so far, what the cost for claws will be, how available the claws will be or where they’ll be available. Walt’s Fish Market in Sarasota is a prime venue for scoring claws. Moore’s Stone Crab Restaurant on north Longboat Key, of course, will be a featured venue for claws. They’ve got their own boats, their own traps and a huge clientele for claws. On 6LHVWD .H\ %LJ :DWHU )LVK 0DUNHW ORFDWHG LQ &UHVFHQW 3OD]D offers a fresh and plentiful supply. Most other restaurants which feature seafood will feature FUDE FODZV (QMR\ Most crabbers agree that it takes a hard cold front to move crabs offshore toward the beaches or into the bays. We had something of a cold front a couple weeks ago. Puny. Probably not enough to cause any real movement of crabs. Maybe. :HOFRPH WR WKH ZRUOG RI Ă€VKLQJ In the day ‌ 7R SDUDSKUDVH %HQ *UHHQ¡V JUHDW ERRN ´)LQHVWNLQG Âľ ´¡3DXO ‌ gut up, get out of bed, time to go crabbing ‌ you gonna sleep all day?’ That is how it has to start. That is how is always started — rough.â€?

By Paul Roat

Dad and this Little Roat weren’t commercial Ă€VKHUV +HFN EDFN LQ WKH GD\ IHZ FRPPHUFLDO guys and gals were bothering with stone crabs, too EXV\ ZLWK PXOOHW DQG SRPSDQR DQG WKH ELJ WLFNHW Ă€VKHU\ LWHPV WKH *XOI DQG ED\V ZRXOG \LHOG %XW ZKHQ WKH QRU¡ZHVWHUQHUV VWDUWHG WR KRZO IRU a day or two, and the furnace had to be lit in our KRXVH LQ %UDGHQWRQ %HDFK DQG WKH Ă€UHSODFH JRW Ă€UHG XS ZH DOO NQHZ IRU VXUH ZDV WKDW VWRQH FUDEV would be moving. We knew there would be brutally low tides and DOO WKH VHDJUDVV Ă DWV ZRXOG EH H[SRVHG 6WRQH FUDEV OXUNHG LQ WKHP WKDU Ă DWV ZH NQHZ -HH] LW ZDV FROG DW WKH EDUHO\ SRVW GDUN EDFN WKHQ as Dad and I would hunker down in our little boat

and putter toward Longboat Pass. We’d loaded up our tools. Long sticks we’d screwed hooks into back when that was legal, then longer metal rods with a GHJUHH EHQG LQ WKHP ZKHQ UHJXODWLRQV FKDQJHG $QG ZH had a couple buckets in the hope of having good luck. We were hunting for stone crabs with sticks. And prepared to bring home game. First stop was always along the side of the pass near the rocks. Sometimes we were lucky and could snag a few crabs that were blown into the pass by the strong winds and tides. 7KHQ RII WR RXU KRQH\ KROH QRUWK -HZĂ€VK .H\ Just inside Longboat Pass at the north end of the little island ZDV D ZLGH H[SDQVH RI WXUWOH JUDVV 7KHP WKDU Ă DWV The trick was to walk along the seagrass beds and look for a mound of muck. Take stick. Poke stick into area around the mound. Find hole. Stick stick into hole and wiggle until there was a “click,â€? and you knew you had a crab that was after you. Gently, gently pull. Crab comes out, pissed. Grab crab — Dad and the Little Roat also eschewed nets — and snap off a claw, put it in bucket, drop crab, run away as it chased you, WKHQ JR Ă€QG DQRWKHU PXFN PRXQG Rules were different back in the day for the taking of stone crab claws. I think. We never took claws from female crabs. :H RQO\ WRRN RQH FODZ WKH ´Ă€JKWHU Âľ RU ULJKW FODZ OHDYLQJ the “feederâ€? claw in place. Dunno if those were real regs or just what Dad said. Today, both claws from both sexes may be taken except for ´HJJ EHDULQJ FUDEV Âľ /LPLWV RI TXDQWLW\ WKHQ ZHUH OLPLWOHVV 7RGD\ GRQ¡W H[SHFW WR WDNH \RXU VWLFNV RXW DQG JHW PRUH WKDQ JDOORQV RI FODZV SHU vessel or 1 gallon per person.

6WRQH FUDE VHDVRQ RSHQV 2FW 2QO\ WKH FODZV DUH WDNHQ from the crustaceans. Stone crab claws are boiled until red and may be eaten hot or cold, with drawn butter or a mustard sauce. Stone crab claws must be 2 ž inch long from the elbow to the end RI WKH VPDOOHU WLS RI WKH FODZ $ VDOWZDWHU Ă€VKLQJ OLFHQVH LV DOVR required to take claws recreationally. Stone crab traps are baited with a variety of tasty-to-crab morsels and set in the Gulf of Mexico or the bays. Photos by Paul Roat :H¡G XVXDOO\ HQG XS ZLWK D KDOI EXFNHW SOXV RI FODZV Shivering, off we’d go home. Factoid The best way to eat stone crab claws is with friends. We’d get back. Mom would have a big pot of water boiling, claws would go in, come out, go into the refrigerator, and phone calls would start. Later that day we’d spread out newspaper on the dining room table and folks would come over for dinner. Most people used nutcrackers to get into the claws. As a /LWWOH 5RDW Âł +H\ , ZDV OLNH Âł , OLNHG D KDPPHU &UDE meat was a bit mushier, but boy was it ever fun. And cleanup was easy. We just wrapped up the bits and pieces in the newspaper and thunked it all in the trash.

October 2012 Siesta Sand | 21A ‡ 941.539.0205 ‡ OCTOBER 2012 ‡ Siesta

|Coconuts of Siesta Key... Coconuts of Siesta Key 1215 Old Stickney Point Rd., Siesta Key, FL 34242 941-346-2954 %ULQJLQJ IXQ DQG FRORUIXO FORWKLQJ WR 6LHVWD .H\ VLQFH ([SORUH PRUH WKDQ VT IW RI )UHVK 3URGXFH &ORWKLQJ 9HUD %UDGOH\ KDQGEDJV Crocs Shoes, jewelry,hats, beach bags and a huge selection of cool Siesta Key W VKLUWV VZHDWVKLUWV DQG VRXYHQLUV IRU the whole family. From infants up to 3x plus sizes,we have you covered. Coconuts features Fresh Produce Clothing which is one of the most original and refreshing casual resort lines. Known and loved by women for lush colors,simply inspired designs and coastal comfort. Stop in and see why locals and visitors return time and time again to Siesta Key’s original locally owned clothing store. Huge selection,exceptional service and JUHDW SULFHV /LYH /LIH (QMR\ &RORU Coconuts is located one block south of Stickney Point Rd( Siesta Key’s 6RXWK %ULGJH 1H[W WR &UHVFHQW %HDFK *URFHU\ % RQ WKH &UHVFHQW %HDFK PDS

|Home of the Finest Consignment Boutique )LĂ€¡V )LQH 5HVDOH $SSDUHO KDV EHHQ LQ WKH FRQVLJQPHQW EXVLQHVV IRU RYHU \HDUV VSHFLDOL]LQJ in the resale of designer and name brand apparel for women. )LĂ€¡V SULGHV LWVHOI ZLWK SURYLGLQJ H[FHSWLRQDO service to the local community, and is celebrating EHLQJ D SDUW RI LW IRU RYHU \HDUV $W )LĂ€¡V \RX¡OO Ă€QG DXWKHQWLF designer handbags, new jewelry & accessories, and brand name consignments – all at bargain prices. )LĂ€¡V LV QDWLRQDOO\ UHFRJQL]HG and has been selected 1HZVOHDGHU %HVW RI WKH %HVW &RQVLJQPHQW VKRS LQ



on Siesta Key

209 Beach Road Sarasota, FL 34242 941.349.6525

Sand ‡

22A | Island Visitor October 2012 Siesta Sand ‡ OCTOBER 2012 ‡ 941.539.0205 ‡

3rd Annual Hang Ten for Autism event brought many smiles... |Event hosted by Care - Center for Autism Resources and Education A lot of people came with boards in hand willing and able to volunteer their time & expertise... What an awesome event! 2







Event Calendar

What’s happening …on the beach

Beach Hoop Dance Class ² 7KXUV ² SP 5HJLVWHU DW ZZZ RXWZDUGVSLUDO net Booty Camp by Evan :HG·V # DP DQG 6DW·V # DP &DOO (YDQ )HUQDQGH] Free Yoga 0RQ :HG )UL 6DW ² DP &DOO WR UHJLVWHU NIA Tues. 9 a.m., Contact Kathy 2UDYHFDW RU .DWK\RUDYHF# Oct.6 – 7-9am. 10th Annual Tropical Splash open water swim competition. . . . 2SHQ WR SXEOLF 5HJLVWHU DW Oct. 7 – 7-11am. 29th Annual Sharks Siesta Key Triathlon 6ZLP ô PLOH %LNH PL 5XQ . )RU GHWDLOV DQG WR UHJLVWHU go to




Photo Captions: 1. Gavin on a red board. 2. %HQMDPLQ ULGGLQJ D VXUIERDUG 3. 0LNH D YROXQWHHU KROGLQJ WKH VXUIERDUG IRU *UDKP DQG (PPD EURWKHU VLVWHU 4. Twin brothers Dylan and Jakob on yellow boards. 5. Luke sitting on a surfboard. 6. ;DQGHU ZLWK &DOYLQ D YROXQWHHU 7. Steven age 16 and $QGUHZ DJH YROXQWHHULQJ SKRWR WDNHQ E\ WKH FRPSRXQG set up on the beach. 8. Harrison enjoying his surfboard ride. 9. -RH DJH DQG &ROH DJH YROXQWHHULQJ

Photos by Lauren Bates

October 2012 Siesta Sand | 23A ‡ 941.539.0205 ‡ OCTOBER 2012 ‡ Siesta

|Beach Bazaar On Siesta Key... Beach Bazaar 5211 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key, FL 34242 941-346-2995


/ ‡ 6SDFH 7RS 6( *UH\ %RWWRP 6( *UH\


%HDFK %D]DDU LV WKH VRXYHQLU VXUI and swim gear store that specializes in men’s and women’s fashions for the beach. They’re the fourth largest retailer RI 5HHI 70 VDQGDOV DQG =DS 70 VNLQ boards in the United States and carry D ZLGH UDQJH RI KRW EUDQGV OLNH %RG\ Glove TM, L*Space TM swimwear and more. Pictured is the L*Space TM DQG %RG\ *ORYH 70 VZLPZHDU %RWK OLQHV RIIHU PL[ DQG PDWFK RSWLRQV IRU D FXVWRPL]HG ÀW DQG VW\OH &KHFN RXW their wide selection for that perfect look. Conveniently located in the village. & RQ WKH YLOODJH PDS

|Sassy Hair On Siesta Key... There is nothing more fashionable than a wedding on the beach. Sassy Hair has EHHQ PDNLQJ EULGHV EHDXWLIXO IRU WKH SDVW \HDUV 6DVV\ LQYLWHV \RX WR H[SHULHQFH RXU gorgeous wedding hair with any of our highly WUDLQHG VW\OLVWV ZKR VSHFLDOL]H LQ IXQ Ă LUW\ sophisticated, or sleek looks for any occasion. Whether your hair is pinned up, curled or even a combination of the two let us FUHDWH WKDW ORRN WKDW LV XQLTXHO\ \RX $GG a feather or add some bling to make the ORRN WUXO\ SHUVRQDO Sassy offers relaxing manicures, spa pedicures, and express pedicures to help \RX DFKLHYH WKDW Ă DZOHVV ORRN IURP WRHV to tips. Facials and massages are also offered for relaxation leading up to your big day. Sassy offers airbrush makeup ZKLFK LV Ă DZOHVV DQG WHDU SURRI DV ZHOO DV traditional makeup applications. Sassy is happy to accommodate wedding parties of any size to make your day beautiful from head to toe. Visit our website to view our work at and take advantage of money saving packages and specials. 6DVV\ LV RSHQ '$<6 D ZHHN IRU \RXU FRQYHQLHQFH Sassy Hair 209 Beach Road, Sarasota, Fl 34242 | 941-349-6525

Sand ‡

24A | Island Visitor October 2012 Siesta Sand OCTOBER 2012 941.539.0205

Snapshots of Island Visitors

Taylor, Peyton (6 mos.), & Tom from Ocala visiting family in Sarasota.



In The Village 941Ͳ349Ͳ9822




Mike Sales 1Ͳ3 Democracy 3Ͳ5 Reggae Music 6Ͳ10pm WHOLE

Mike Sales 1Ͳ3 Democracy 3Ͳ5 Tommy Dee 6Ͳ10pm LOBSTER

Mike Sales 1Ͳ3 Democracy 3Ͳ5pm Georgia 6Ͳ10pm ALL

Rodney Shenk 6Ͳ10pm

RPM 6Ͳ10pm DJ 10pmͲ2am

Patrick 6Ͳ10pm DJ 10pmͲ2am

Tony Tyler 7Ͳ11pm

Ben Hammond’s open mic nite

In The Village 941Ͳ346Ͳ0738


GILLIGANS In The Village 941Ͳ346Ͳ8122

SIESTA KEY OYSTER BAR (SKOB)In The Village 941Ͳ346Ͳ5443

THE BEACH CLUB In The Village 941Ͳ349Ͳ6311

THE COTTAGE In The Village 941Ͳ312Ͳ9300

THE HUBͲBAJA GRILL In The Village 941Ͳ349Ͳ6800

THE LOCAL BEAN In The Village 941Ͳ870Ͳ2671

BACKROOM SALOON @ CAPT. CURTS Crescent Beach Shops 941Ͳ349Ͳ3885

SNIKI TIKI @ CAPT CURTS Crescent Beach Shops 941Ͳ349Ͳ3885

BOATYARD BAR & GRILL Over the south bridge 941Ͳ921Ͳ6200

CASEY KEY FISH HOUSE 801 Blackburn Pt. Rd.,Osprey 941Ͳ966Ͳ1901

SPANISH POINT RESTAURANT & PUB 135 Bayview Dr., Osprey 941Ͳ966Ͳ5746



Russell Albert Donadi & classical guitar the band 6Ͳ10pm 6Ͳ10pm BENEFIT 5Ͳ9PM

Jerry & Mary Jo from Sarasota.

John, Mary Beth & Trixie (dog) from the band Swamp Donkie.




Oakley Magic Trio 6Ͳ10pm BUFFET, MUSIC

Smokin’ J’s 6Ͳ10pm

Music All Day

Island Music 1Ͳ5pm



Al Fuller 6Ͳ10pm (Solo Rock) PRIZES Georgia 12Ͳ4pm Venturas or Mike Sales Band 5:30Ͳ9:30pm $35.00

DJ Mondo 10pmͲ2am

DJ Daze (10pmͲ2am)

RPM 6Ͳ10pm DJ 10pmͲ2am

Live Music 6Ͳ10pm DJ 10pmͲ2am

Acoustic Pete 1Ͳ5 Live Music 6Ͳ10 DJ 10pmͲ2am

Road Block 2Ͳ6pm Live Music 6Ͳ10pm DJ 10pmͲ2am

Kettle of Fish 7Ͳ11pm

Acoustic Pete 7Ͳ11pm

Swamp Donkie 2Ͳ6pm TBA 8pm – 12 am

Dana & Co 2Ͳ6pm Mike Tozier 8pmͲ12am

Cort Farris & Cougar Wranglers (2Ͳ6pm) Chris Otto 7Ͳ11pm

Mike Sales 1Ͳ3 Democracy 3Ͳ5 Mike Sales Band

6Ͳ10pm YOU

(Best of 70’s & 80’s)


SIN Night DJ 10pmͲ2am

7Ͳ11pm Spark Notes Duo 9pmͲ1am

Ladies Night RevKev/GreggR 10pmͲ2am

Matt Gerhardt & Undertow 9pmͲ1am

Mike Tozier 5Ͳ8 Cherry Bombs 10pmͲ2am

Spark Notes 5Ͳ8 Mighty Mongos 10pmͲ2am

Reggae Sundays Road Block 10pmͲ2am

Live Music 6Ͳ9pm

Live Music 6Ͳ9pm

Live Music 6Ͳ9pm

Live Music 7Ͳ10pm

Live Music 7Ͳ10pm

Live Music 7Ͳ10pm

Live Music 6Ͳ9pm

Live Music 12Ͳ4pm 5Ͳ8pm

Live Music 12Ͳ4pm 5Ͳ8pm

Live Music 12Ͳ4pm 5Ͳ8pm

Live Music 12Ͳ4pm 5Ͳ8pm

Live Music 12Ͳ4pm 5Ͳ8pm 9pmͲ12am

Live Music 12Ͳ4pm 5Ͳ8pm 9pmͲ12am

Live Music 12Ͳ4pm 5Ͳ8pm

Live Music 6Ͳ9pm

Live Music 6Ͳ9pm

Fab Three 9pmͲ12am

Sunny Jim 9mͲ12am

Marc Anthony 9pmͲ12am

Karaoke 9pmͲ1am

Karaoke 9pmͲ1am

Karaoke 9pmͲ1am

Nick LeValley 6Ͳ10pm

Chris Otto 6Ͳ11pm

Matt Gerhardt 6Ͳ11pm

Nick LeValley 6Ͳ10pm

Andres Collins 5Ͳ9pm

Tommy Doern 5Ͳ9pm

Democracy (Reggae Music) 4Ͳ8pm

Open Mic Karaoke 8pmͲMidnight (In Ballroom)

Open Mic Karaoke 8pmͲMidnight (In Ballroom)

Tiki BarͲLive Music (6Ͳ9pm) Underground Club (9pmͲ1am)

Tiki Bar Live Music 6Ͳ9pm

Tiki Bar Live Music 5Ͳ8pm

Live Music 4Ͳ8pm

Live Music 4Ͳ8pm

Live Music 4Ͳ8pm

Live Music 5Ͳ8pm

Live Music 5Ͳ8pm

Live Music 5Ͳ8pm

Live Music 5Ͳ8pm

Live Music 5Ͳ8pm

Live Music 5Ͳ8pm

Live Music 5Ͳ8pm

BENTLEY’S RESORT HOTEL 1660 S. Tamiami Trl., Osprey 941Ͳ966Ͳ2121 (One PlaceͲThree Venues) Call for Band Schedule

Graham & Bryan from Sarasota.

Pedro & Stephanie from Bradenton.



Photos by Lauren Bates

Above information subject to change. We suggest calling venues for confirmation.

October 2012 Siesta Sand | 25A ‡ 941.539.0205 ‡ OCTOBER 2012 ‡ Siesta

Name of Bartender: NIKKI Hometown: Sarasota, FL Q: How long have you been bartending? A: 3 years.

th... Bartenders of The Mon 6-2207 Turtle’s on Little Sarasota Bay | 941-34 8875 Midnight Pass Rd., Siesta Key

Q: What was the strangest or funniest thing you experienced at work? A: , FDQW UHDOO\ WKLQN RI D VSHFLÂżF H[SHULHQFH EXW LWÂśV DOZD\V IXQQ\ ZKHQ SHRSOH VLW DW WKH EDU DQG FDUU\ RQ SHUVRQDO FRQYHUVDWLRQV DV LI P\ HDUV RQO\ ZRUN ZKHQ WKH\ need to order a drink.. \RX KHDU VRPH SUHWW\ IXQQ\ WKLQJV Q: What do you do in your spare time? A: , OLNH WR VSHQG WLPH ZLWK IDPLO\ DQG IULHQGV Q: How would you describe yourself? A: IXQ KDSS\

Sand ‡

Name of Bartender: ASHLEE Hometown: Sarasota, FL Q: How long have you been bartending? A: Almost 6 yrs. Q: What do you do in your spare time? A: , OLNH WR SOD\ ZLWK P\ WZR GRJV Sawyer and Riley. :H OLNH WR JR WR WKH EHDFK DQG WKH GRJ SDUN DV PXFK DV SRVVLEOH , ORYH WR OD\ RXW LQ WKH VXQ Âľ,P DOVR EXV\ SUHSDULQJ IRU P\ EXQGOH RI MR\ WR EH ERUQ 6KH LV GXH 1RYHPEHU WK Q: How would you describe yourself? A: 6RPHRQH HDV\ ÂľQ IXQ WR WDON WR , KDYH D EXEEO\ SHUVRQDOLW\ DOZD\V VPLOLQJ 6RPH RI P\ UHJXODUV WKDW KDYH NQRZQ PH IRU DZKLOH FDOO PH EXEEOHV



Q: When’s the best time to see you? A: 'XULQJ OXQFK 0RQGD\ DQG 7XHVGD\ and all day Wednesday.

Q: When’s the best time to see you? A: , ZRUN HYHU\ 0RQGD\ DQG 7XHVGD\ QLJKWV

Chi Chi Organico INGREDIENTS: 2.5 oz Pineapple-Infused Square One Organic Vodka* .5 oz Pineapple puree* 1.5 oz Coco Lopez Cream of Coconut 1 oz Organic heavy cream 1 dash Angostura Bitters 10 oz Ice Glass: Highball PREPARATION: Add all the ingredients to a blender and pulse until smooth. Serve in a highball glass. *Pineapple-Infused Square One Organic Vodka: Add one slice of organic dried pineapple (with no added sugar) to a 750-mL bottle of Square One Organic Vodka and let stand IRU WR GD\V 7DVWH GDLO\ XQWLO \RX OLNH WKH Ă DYRU 6WUDLQ WKH OLTXLG LQWR D FOHDQ ERWWOH 0DNH VXUH WR VDYH WKH SLQHDSSOH DQG SXUHH LW IRU WKH GULQN Courtesy of


1)/ &ROOHJH 3DFNDJHV ‡ )8// %$5

Ask about our Affordable Monthly Specials


26A | Island Visitor October 2012 Siesta Sand ‡ OCTOBER 2012 ‡ 941.539.0205 ‡

Island Design


|Shared Vacation Homes... 2QH RI WKH XQLTXH FKDOOHQJHV RI GHVLJQ LV WR XQGHUVWDQG the individual personalities that will share the space. Often households vary from teens to tots to adults. In more XQLTXH VLWXDWLRQV \RX GLVFRYHU IDPLOLHV ZLWK GLIIHUHQW lifestyles and function. It is common for more than one family to share in a vacation home. When two couples purchased this Siesta .H\ SHQWKRXVH ZHHNV ZHUH HDVLO\ GLYLGHG +RZHYHU their different opinions of style ranged from contemporary to traditional. The children of one family in college, the RWKHU IDPLO\ KDV ER\V LQ JUDGH VFKRRO (OGHUO\ SDUHQWV needed consideration for extended visits‌ The design became slightly more problematic. Of course there is always a solution to any design

problem. If you listen, you learn. If you negotiate and compromise, everyone wins. What you discover at the end is a beautifully created space with an eclectic design.

This week’s featured listings...

%\ XVLQJ GXUDEOH OHDWKHU LQ D KLJK XVH DUHD VXFK DV the entertainment room sectional, teens can lounge without worry. A more serene setting for the upstairs offers the softness and texture of fabric. Fun accessories remind you to relax. 6WRUDJH FKHVWV DUH D PXVW DV ZHOO DV HTXDOO\ GLYLGHG closet space for personal usage. A table for family dining that can be used as a card table, offers a shared function. The mixes of metal and various wood furnishings offer everyone something they find appealing. The overall appearance brings each family’s style and function into play, therefore both families; their extended families and JXHVWV HQMR\ LW HTXDOO\ +DYLQJ QRZ TXDOLÀHG DQG MXVWLÀHG DQ HFOHFWLF GHVLJQ concept, I must say we live on Siesta Key – where the most beautiful design lies within nature. Photos by Sheila Lackey Stewart.

Cheryl Gaddie, owner of C.G. Designs _ ZZZ FKHU\OJDGGLHGHVLJQV FRP


Just Sold for 98% of List Price!


:$17 72 6(( <285 +20( /,67(' +(5(" &$// 86 72'$<


(941)894-1255 *

October 2012 Siesta Sand | 27A ‡ 941.539.0205 ‡ OCTOBER 2012 ‡ Siesta

Event Calendar

Around the island‌ Siesta Key Farmer’s Market – every Sunday from 8am – 1pm in Davidson’s 3OD]D LQ WKH 9LOODJH 2FHDQ %OYG


Siesta Key Real Estate Report

Oct. 17– Nutrition Workshop at Amazing Life Chiropractic SP 5693 Oct. 27 – Longboard Race – registration # DP 5DFH # DP &DOO for details. Oct. 31 – Safe Treats Halloween Celebrate Halloween in Siesta Key Village from 3 – 6pm.

Crescent Beach Grocery Recipe

Crab Meat Mold This is an old family recipe that is delicious and extraordinarily easy to make. - 6 oz. cream cheese JUHHQ RQLRQ ÂżQHO\ FKRSSHG - 10 oz. canned mushroom soup - 1 Tbsp. gelatin dissolved in 3 Tbsp. of cold water - 7 oz. canned crab FXS FHOHU\ ÂżQHO\ FKRSSHG - 1 cup mayonnaise Heat soup to a boil. Add dissolved gelatin. Stir until well mixed. Cool. Combine with other ingredients. 3RXU LQWR ÂżVK PROG &KLOO IRU VHYHUDO KRXUV 8QPROG RQ D OHWWXFH FRYHUHG SODWWHU DQG VXUURXQG ZLWK crackers.

Crescent Beach Grocery 1211 Old Stickney Point Road | Siesta Key | 941-312-0472

Sand ‡


For more information call (941)894-1255 Or visit

Single Family Condos *Statistics provided by MFR MLS


6236 Midnight Pass Road #201 Located in Building 1, this 2BR / 2B condo has an updated kitchen and furnishings. Enclosed balcony for additional living space. Offered at $430,000.

6224B Midnight Pass Road This updated condo is a great rental with ability to sleep 8. Fabulous beach & gulf views, private garage and laundry. Offered at $1,300,000.




6214B Midnight Pass Road The condo has 2BR / 2B on its main level and a loft area set up for more guests. Just steps from the beach, pool and beach deck. Offered at $1,050,000




28A | Island Visitor October 2012 Siesta Sand ‡ OCTOBER 2012 ‡ 941.539.0205 ‡

Blake Parson

By Diane Colson


|ARTIST AND ENTREPRENEUR... Continued from cover story.

%ODNH PDGH WKH PRYH WR 6DUDVRWD LQ ´, ZDV UHDG\ IRU FKDQJH , GLGQ¡W OLNH WKH FROG $W Ă€UVW , MXVW FDPH GRZQ to get out, and I did construction and stuff.â€? Then he connected with a rock band. <RX VHH LQ DGGLWLRQ WR KLV RWKHU VHOI WDXJKW VNLOOV %ODNH ZDV DOVR D PXVLFLDQ ´, SOD\HG P\ ZKROH OLIH JXLWDU EDVV NH\ERDUG DQG GUXPV 1HYHU ZHQW WR VFKRRO for it. Just played by ear. For eight years I toured with a EDQG QDPHG 2FHDQ %OYG 7KH EDQG PHPEHUV ZHUH IURP DOO RYHU WKH HDVW FRDVW 7KDW HQGHG EDFN LQ , MXVW JRW over it.â€? :KLOH %ODNH ZDV OLYLQJ WKH OLIH RI D WRXULQJ PXVLFLDQ KH KDG VWDUWHG D QHZ OLQH RI FORWKLQJ LQ FDOOHG CaliFlorida. “I used to bring my CaliFlorida line along with me when I was on the road,â€? he said. After successfully marketing this line for several \HDUV %ODNH VWDUWHG WKLQNLQJ DERXW GRLQJ D VWRUH WKDW would not only showcase his clothing line, but also KLV ERDUGV DQG RWKHU WKLQJV ,Q KH RSHQHG WKH CaliFlorida Surf & Skate Shop. Of this newest venture, %ODNH VD\V ´7KH VWRUH LV IXQ EXW P\ JRDO LV WR EXLOG DQ International brand and get my boards in other stores. I do all the art on them.â€? +LV WHFKQLTXH LV VLPSOH ´, XVH RLO EDVHG SDLQW WKHQ FRYHU LW ZLWK D FOHDU FRDW RI SDUW HSR[\ Âľ +H DVVXUHG me that this system holds up to the rigors of salt water. Having seen a few of his hand painted boards, I can attest to the fact they are handsome and special and would certainly appeal to someone in search of a custom board. I asked him what he thought about Sarasota’s Payne

Skate Park. He said it was great. “It helps to keep this American sport alive. Skateboarding started in the U.S. LQ WKH ¡V Âľ 7RGD\ WKHUH DUH ORQJERDUGV VNDWHERDUGV VWDQG XS paddleboards, surfboards, skimboards, bodyboards, DQG PRUH <RX FDQ Ă€QG WKHP IRU UHQW DQG IRU VDOH DW CaliFlorida Surf & Skate Shop. 7KHUH \RX ZLOO DOVR VHH %ODNH¡V XQLTXH OLQH RI FORWKLQJ and swimwear. The shop rents out kayaks, beach bikes, chairs and umbrellas as well. Among other things, it carries sandals, sunglasses, and watches. CaliFlorida Surf & Skate Shop sponsors Siesta Key VNDWH UDFHV WZLFH D \HDU DW +DOORZHHQ DQG 6SULQJ %UHDN This year the Halloween races will take place on October &DOL)ORULGD LV ORFDWHG DW 2FHDQ %OYG 6DUDVRWD )/ 3KRQH ,W LV WXFNHG DZD\ LQ WKH SDWLR EHKLQG *LOOLJDQ¡V %DU *ULOO LQ 6LHVWD .H\ 9LOODJH Photographs of some of the store’s offerings may be seen at www.CaliFlorida.US and on Facebook.

If you have ever thought about Spending more than a week (or month) here The Time May Be Now If you have ever thought of a Second Home Here The Time May Be Now If you have ever thought of calling Siesta Key Home The Time May Be Now Let me show you a Real Estate Market that clearly states The time is now

Peg Davant, Sales Associate, 941.356.4552 E


PAGES 12-13


OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2012 | The Publication with “Key” Information | | 941.539.0205

|Siesta Key Drum Circle Siesta Beach has become the home to what is considered one of the largest drum circles in the nation. This is not a commercial event but local phenomenon that began spontaneously and now has a life of its own. If you’re visiting the area, or live nearby be sure to check this one out. There are loads of drummers and belly dancers plus lots of families, beach going onlookers, & curious tourists, especially during the winter tourist season when the crowds can swell into the thousands. Bring a blanket or chair, most everyone does. It happens every Sunday starting a couple of hours before sunset, and ends around 10 PM. This gathering meets up just south of the main pavilion between lifeguard stands 3 and 4 on Siesta Public Beach. Just follow your ears. This is true community - free-form drumming, open to the public and entirely improvised in-the-moment. Instruments center around drums and percussion, but may include other instruments such as flutes, icipation is voluntary and includes didgeridoos, and other non-percussion instruments. Participation singing or chanting, dancing, relaxing, and listening. It’s always a good time with solid musicality, dancing, and a great vibe. Admission is free. The Siesta Key Beach address is: 948 Beach Road, Sarasota, Florida 34242 to get more info visit the website or there is a Yahoo group, and a Facebook group named “Siesta Key Drum Circle” just search for them.




October - November 2012 Siesta Sand | 3B ‡ 941.539.0205 ‡ OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2012 ‡ Siesta


Pizza - Pasta - Salads - Subs and more...

Restaurant New York Style! 12� Personal Pie.......................................$9.95 Small Pizza 14’’ inch - 6 Slices ................$12.00 Large Pizza 16’’ - 8 Slices .......................$14.00 Sicilian (Thick) 14�x16� inch - 8 Slices .....$16.00 Additional Toppings .............................. $2.00 Gourmet Toppings .................................$4.00 Half Topping............................................$1.25 Half Gourmet..........................................$2.25 Standard Pizza Toppings: ‡ ,WDOLDQ 6DXVDJH ‡ 6OLFHG 0HDWEDOOV ‡ 3HSSHURQL ‡ 2YHQ %DNHG +DP ‡ 6WULS %DFRQ ‡ &DQDGLDQ %DFRQ ‡ 0XVKURRPV ‡ $QFKRYLHV ‡ *UHHQ 3HSSHUV ‡ 2QLRQV ‡ %ODFN 2OLYHV ‡ 6OLFHG 7RPDWRHV ‡ )UHVK *DUOLF ‡ 6SLQDFK ‡ 3LQHDSSOH ‡ %URFFROL *RXUPHW 3L]]D 7RSSLQJV ‡ $UWLFKRNH ‡ )HWD &KHHVH ‡ (JJSODQW ‡ *ULOOHG &KLFNHQ ‡ 6KULPS ‡ 6XQ 'ULHG 7RPDWRHV ‡ 3RUWDEHOOD 0XVKURRP ‡ &ODPV

Stromboli Roll 2 Ingredients ...........................$8.95 $GGLWLRQDO ,QJUHGLHQWV HDFK *RXUPHW ,QJUHGLHQWV HDFK

Specialty Pizzas No Substitutions Allowed ..........14� ............ 16� Marinara................................ $14.95 ..... $17.85 &RDWHG ZLWK *DUOLF 2LO DQG )UHVK %DVLO DQG 7RPDWRHV 7RSSHG ZLWK 3DUPHVDQ &KHHVH

Black Pearl Seafood Pizza ..... $18.50 .... $21.40


Chicken Ranch Pizza ............. $18.50 .... $21.40


Meat Lover’s Pizza ................. $18.50 .... $21.40 3HSSHURQL 6DXVDJH 6WULS %DFRQ DQG 0HDWEDOOV

Vegetable Pizza ..................... $18.50 .... $21.40 0XVKURRPV 3HSSHUV 2QLRQV %ODFN 2OLYHV 6OLFHG 7RPDWRHV

Open 7 Days A Week Sunday - Thursday 11am to 10pm Friday and Saturday 11am to 11pm

Mediterranean Pizza ............. $18.50 .... $21.40 0R]]DUHOOD &KHHVH $UWLFKRNH +HDUWV %ODFN 2OLYHV DQG 6OLFHG 7RPDWRHV

W Deli e ver

941-349-4490 6645 Midnight Pass Road, Siesta Key, FL

White Pizza ........................... $15.95 .....$18.85


Pesto Pizza ............................ $16.50 .... $19.40




Hot & Spicy ............................ $16.50 .... $19.40

Davy Jones Deep Sea Calamari ............. $14.95


Sicilian Pizza - 14�x16� inch - 8 Slices .....$16.00

Dinner Salad ........................................... $3.75 Tossed Salad ............................................$8.50

Stromboli Pizza (Baked Between Two Dough Crusts).....$25.95

Chef Salad .............................................. $9.50








Cheese Calzone .......................................$6.95 Additional Toppings ................................$1.75 Gourmet Toppings ..................................$2.25

Antipasto Salad ......................................$9.95 Tuna Salad .............................................. $8.25 /HWWXFH 7RPDWRHV 2OLYHV 2QLRQV &HOHU\ DQG 7XQD LQ /LJKW 0D\R

Greek Salad ............................................$9.25 /HWWXFH 7RPDWRHV 2OLYHV 2QLRQV DQG )HWD &KHHVH


Caesar Salad ...........................................$8.50

Pasta Dinners

Chicken or Grouper Available on Any of Our House Salads $4.00

($2.00 Split plate charge.)

Stuffed Shells ..........................................$12.95 Lasagna ................................................ $13.50 Ravioli (Meat or Cheese) ....................... $12.50 Chicken Parmigiana with Choice of Pasta ...... .............................................................. $14.95 Veal Parmigiana with Choice of Pasta ........... .............................................................. $16.95 Ziti or Spaghetti with Marinara ..............$9.95 $OIUHGR 6DXFH DYDLODEOH

Baked Ziti or Spaghetti ..........................$12.95 Spaghetti with Red or White Clam Sauce ........ .............................................................. $14.95 Ziti or Spaghetti with Meatballs ............ $12.50 Ziti with Broccoli or Mushrooms .............$12.25 $YDLODEOH ZLWK 5HG RU :KLWH :LQH 6DXFH

Eggplant Parmigiana (with Choice of Pasta) . City Pizza Supreme ................ $19.75 ....$22.95 .............................................................. $14.95 6DXVDJH 3HSSHURQL %ODFN 2OLYHV 0XVKURRPV 2QLRQV Ziti Calabrese .........................................$13.95 *UHHQ 3HSSHUV $QFKRYLHV DQG 0HDWEDOOV

Sand ‡


Pesto with Your Choice of Pasta ............$12.95 Shrimp Scampi .....................................$15.95


Munchies and More Soup of the Day ......................................$3.95 Hamburger .............................................$5.95 ZLWK )ULHV DGG

Cheeseburger ..........................................$6.95 ZLWK )ULHV DGG

Side Order of Meatballs or Meat Sauce ...$4.25 Mozzarella Sticks..................................... $8.25 Calamari Rings .......................................$8.95 Buffalo Wings ......... Small $5.95 Large $8.95 French Fries ............................................$3.95 Side Order of Spaghetti .......................... $4.50 House Bread (Focaccia) .......................... $1.99 Garlic Cheese Bread ............................... $4.50 $ 'HOLFLRXV %OHQG RI 6SLFHV DQG &KHHVH

Homemade Chips ...................................$4.25 Hot & Cold Subs, Kids Meals, & Desserts available


*Prices are subject to change 18% Gratuity added for parties of Six or More

Dine-in, Take-out, or Delivery (Outside Dining Available) s WWW CITYPIZZAOFSARASOTA COM

Full Service Restaurant:

4B | Island Visitor October - November 2012 Siesta Sand ‡ OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2012 ‡ 941.539.0205 ‡

|Crescent Beach Featured Shops |City Pizza, Inc. 6645 Midnight Pass Road, Sarasota, FL 34242 941.349.4490 City Pizza Inc. is a friendly, family owned and operated restaurant that began in 1989, serving the neighborhood area. Our specialty is Italian and we pride ourselves in making your food fast and fresh when you order it. We are a casual restaurant close to the beach. Licensed to serve beer and wine to compliment our large menu. For your pleasure and convenience, we offer take-out and delivery, but please feel free to dine in or eat on our porch. Come early and stay late! Enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner at City Pizza Inc.

|Captain Curt’s Crab & Oyster Bar 1200 Old Stickney Point Rd, Siesta Key, FL 34242 | 941.349.3885 | A family seafood restaurant. Fish, seafood, prime rib, baby back ribs, baskets, sandwiches, salads & children’s menu. Full bar. Happy hour 4-6pm featuring The Back Room Saloon & Sports Bar. Live entertainment. Daily lunch & dinner specials. Gift Shop. Open 7 days a week.

|The Orange Octopus

1220 Old Stickney Point Road, Siesta Key, FL 34242 | 941.346.8080 Home of the orange squeeze! Featuring hand-mixed ice cream, coffees, shakes, malts, sundaes, smoothies, candles and fudge. Ask us about our ice cream parties! Located behind Captain Curt’s Restaurant on the corner of Midnight Pass & Old Stickney Point Road. Open daily until 9:30pm.

|The Green Turtle Souvenir & Gift Store

6525 Midnight Pass Road, Sarasota, FL 34242 941.349.4751 Siesta Key’s most friendly & unique VKRSSLQJ VSRW <RX¡OO Ă€QG JLIWV VRXYHQLUV beach fashions, beach supplies, beach coverups, ladies & junior fashions, plus a super men’s line! Siesta Key’s largest seashell & coral selection!

|Siesta Key Bike & Kayak, LLC 1224 Old Stickney Point Road, Siesta Key, FL 34242 | 941.346.0891 Siesta Key Bike and Kayak, located on Siesta Key is family owned and operated serving Siesta Key, Lido Beach, Turtle Beach, Crescent Beach, Sarasota and the surrounding areas. We offer a variety of energizing and relaxing things to do while you visit this beautiful scenic area. We offer quality equipment and a friendly reliable expert staff so that you can get the most from your vacation... GUARANTEED.

|Crescent Beach Grocery

1211 Old Stickney Point Road, Sarasota, FL Owners: Nancy Connelly & Bill Singleton 941.312.0472 The Crescent Beach Grocery is Siesta Key’s premier full-service grocery store. Carrying an extremely wide range of groceries, sundries, beer, wine, delicatessen items and fresh-cut meat – as well as practically anything else you can think of – the grocery caters to the needs of both residents and visitors on Siesta Key. The store is particularly well-known for providing good value, personal service and a warm, friendly environment.

|Sarasota Wind and Water Adventures

1518 Stickney Point Rd., In the Boatyard Village | 941-379-4222 We are located in the Boatyard Village, right off the south Siesta Key Bridge. Our shop offers kiteboarding lessons, paddle board lessons, FUXLVLQJ WXELQJ ZDWHU VNLLQJ ÀVKLQJ FKDUWHUV and other water sports. Our mission is simple: to provide the best products and service to our customers at the lowest prices possible. We take great pride in our company, our commitment to customer service and in the products we sell. We always try to meet or beat any reasonable quote. Our online store is designed to provide you with a safe and secure environment to browse our product catalog. Store Hours: Mon. – Sat. 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Sunday by appointment.

ATM & BANKS Bank of America ....................................... A-3 #3

|Siesta Sports Rentals 6551 Midnight Pass Rd., Siesta Key, FL 941-346-1797 | Fax: 941-346-1954 Located on beautiful Siesta Key Island providing you with hours of fun, whether vacationing or living in Florida, we offer you the opportunity to see Sarasota and Siesta Key, Florida the way it was meant to be seen. Just steps from Crescent Beach, we provide friendly, quality service at affordable prices. Delivery and pick up available. Mention you found our web site and we will give a discount off your next rental. Stop by and say hello.

|Big Water Fish Market

6641 Midnight Pass Rd., Crescent Plaza 941.554.8101 Offers fresh-from-the-docks seafood along with a variety of complimenting side dishes and homemade desserts. Their lunch menu includes seafood sandwiches, as well as egg and chicken salad sandwiches, and a Ă€VKHUPDQ¡V VWHZ 7KH\ DOVR RIIHU D FDWHULQJ service with selections such as clam bakes, oyster roasts and beach picnic baskets. Come in and choose your own fresh catch or try one of their lunch specials - always good and always fresh. Hours are: Mon.-Sat., 10am-6pm, Sun. 11am-4pm.

|Siesta 4-Rent 6555 Midnight Pass Rd., Siesta Key, FL 34242 941.349.5500 | 877.482.5550 We offer Studios – 5 BR condos and Homes here on beautiful Siesta Key Beach. All units fully equipped, most directly on the beach or beach access. Pets welcome at some. Call or check website for rates. 1 week minimum required.

|Jonny’s Free Beach Rides Siesta Key | 941.306.9097 Jonny’s Free Beach Rides is a new service here on Siesta Key, Providing a fun, safe and ecofriendly way to cruz the Key. We will pick you up in our 6-seater electric vehicle. Our service route extends from Turtle Beach to Siesta Key Village. Operating hours are from 10 am - 2 am daily. Call 941-306-9097.

|Miguel’s Restaurant

6631 Midnight Pass Rd, Crescent Plaza 941.349.4024 | Miguel’s is a family owned restaurant that specializes in French and Continental cuisine. Serving Siesta Key since 1983, they offer a wide selection of appetizers, a Caesar salad for two, perfectly prepared at your table and include fresh gulf seafood, FKRLFHVW FXWV RI ÀOHW PLJQRQ GHOLFLRXV poultry and veal dishes among their entrees. Finish the night off with decadent desserts including banana fosters, cherries jubilee and traditional creme caramel. Miguel’s also has an extensive wine selection and a full bar.

BARS & NIGHTCLUBS Capt. Curt’s Backroom Saloon .........................................................B-3 #7 Crescent Club.......................................... C-3 #13 Sniki Tiki ...................................................B-3 #8 DELIS & SANDWICHES Anna’s Sandwiches ............................... C-3 #14 The Beach Deli @ Crescent Beach Grocery .... ......................................................................B-3 #1 DRUG STORES Davidson’s Drugs..................................... C-3 #14 FASHION & ACCESSORIES &%¡V 6DOWZDWHU 2XWĂ€WWHUV ....................... A-3 #4 Coconuts Fashion ....................B-3 #1 & B-3 #8 Green Turtle Swimwear ...................... C-3 #14 Key Casual Fashions .............................. D-4 #17 Things You Like ..................................... C-3 #14 GIFTS & SOUVENIRS Capt. Curt’s Souvenirs ............................B-3 #8 Green Turtle Shells & Gifts ................ C-3 #14 The Silversmith ...................................... D-4 #17 Silver City Jewelry ................................. C-3 #14 HEALTH & BEAUTY The Key Spa & Salon ............................. A-5 #12 Lorraine’s Beauty & Barber ....................B-3 #8 Salon Siesta.............................................. D-4 #17 ICE CREAM & TREATS Orange Octopus .......................................B-3 #8 INTERNET / WiFi SERVICES Davidson’s Drugs................................... C-3 #14 Mail Pack Center ................................... C-3 #14 LIQUOR STORES Crescent Beach Grocery ..........................B-3 #1 Crescent Club...........................................B-3 #13 Siesta Spirits ............................................ C-4 #17 MAILING & SHIPPING Mail Pack Center ................................... C-3 #14 86 3RVW 2IĂ€FH 6XE 6WDWLRQ .................... C-3 #14 MARKETS 7-11 Store ................................................. C-3 #16 Big Water Fish Market ......................... C-4 #17 Crescent Beach Grocery .........................B-3 #1 MISCELLANEOUS Moving & Storage ...................................B-4 #10 Flowers by Fudgie.................................. D-4 #17 REAL ESTATE / RENTALS Beckmann Realty .....................................B-3 #8 Homes & Condo Rentals ....................... D-4 #17 Moynihan Realty .................................... D-4 #17 Re/Max Tropical Sands ...........................B-3 #1 Siesta 4-Rent ............................................. C-3 #1 RESTAURANTS Boatyard Waterfront Bar & Grill................A-5 #12 Capt. Curts Crab & Oyster Bar ................B-3 #7

City Pizza Italian Restaurant .............. D-4 #17 Clayton’s Siesta Grille ..............................B-3 #9 Javier’s Restaurant ................................. C-4 #17 Miguel’s Restaurant.............................. C-4 #17 WATER SPORTS - FISHING - RENTALS A to Z Beach & Bike Rentals ................. A-5 #12 &%¡V 6DOWZDWHU 2XWĂ€WWHUV ....................... A-3 #4 Sarasota Wind and Water Adventures ............ .................................................................. A-5 #12 Siesta Key Bike & Kayak .......................B-3 #8 Siesta Key Jetski (inside CB’s) ................ A-3 #4 Siesta Key Marina .................................... A-4 #5 Siesta Key Parasailing............................ A-5 #12 Siesta Key Watersports.......................... A-5 #12 Siesta Sports Rentals ............................ C-3 #14 Waves Boat & Social Club..................... A-5 #12

October - November 2012 Siesta Sand | 5B 941.539.0205 OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2012 Siesta

Hand-Mixed Ice Cream ͻ Cones ͻ Shakes ͻ Malts ͻ Sundaes ͻ Smoothies ͻ ŽīĞĞ Θ ĂŐĞůƐ Map B-3#8

Home of the Orange Squeeze!





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© Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2012

Expires 6/30/2012

Map B-3#8

6B | Island Visitor October - November 2012 Siesta Sand ‡ OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2012 ‡ 941.539.0205 ‡ Map B #42


Map C #53

2FHDQ %OYG 6LHVWD .H\ )/ p 941-346-1800



ACCOMMODATIONS Siesta Beach Resort ...................... Map-A #38A ART GALLERY / STUDIO Anthony Fenn Gallery ...................... Map-D #10 Calle Studios ....................................... Map-B #32 ATM / BANKS ATM .....................................................Map-C #53 PNC ATM............................................Map-C #61 Sun Trust Bank & ATM ....................... Map-E #4 BAKERY & DELI A Taste of Germany .......................... Map-C #53 Heavenly Cupcakes ........................... Map-B #50 The Village Gourmet .......................Map-B #37 Village Eats..........................................Map-C #24 BARS & NIGHTCLUBS Blu Que Island Grill ...........................Map-C #57 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar .............. Map-B #42-43 Gilligan’s ............................................. Map-B #33 Old Salty Dog ....................................... Map-E #2 Siesta Key Oyster Bar .......................Map-B #45 The Beach Club .................................. Map-D #22 The Cottage .........................................Map-C #58 The Lobster Pot................................. Map-C #23 BOOK STORES Used Book Heaven............................. Map-B #48 COFFEE SHOPS Lelu’s Coffee Lounge ......................... Map-B #31 The Local Bean................................... Map-D #62 DRUG & HARDWARE Davidson’s Drugs.............................. Map-D #65 Village Hardware ...............................Map-C #26 FASHION & ACCESSORIES Aqua Beachwear ............................... Map-D #12 Beach Bazaar ..................................... Map-C #28 Beach Bazaar’s Swin Shack ............ Map-C #28 Blvd. Beachwear ................................. Map-B #30 Comfort Shoes-Birki & More ........... Map-D #64 Foxy Lady Fashions .......................... Map-A #40 Island Cotton Company ....................Map-C #29 Siesta T’s .............................................. Map-B #30 GIFTS & SOUVENIRS Beach Bazaar ..................................... Map-C #28 Created Gems.................................... Map-C #51 Hurricane Rita’s Gifts ........................Map-C #51 Mount-N-Repair ................................Map-B #48 Sea Pleasures & Treasures ..................Map-C #2 Siesta Key Bead Shack ....................... Map-B #36 Siesta Key’psakes ............................... Map-B #29 Siesta Key University .......................Map-B #36 HEALTH & FITNESS Amazing Life Chiropractic ................Map-E #4 Indep. Lifestyle Solutions ............... Map-D #10 Siesta Key Fitness .............................Map-B #73 ICE CREAM/TREATS Big Olaf Creamery..............................Map-C #52 Sunni Bunni Frozen Yogurt ..............Map-C #53 INTERNET / WiFi SERVICES Davidson Drugs ................................ Map-D #65 Internet Cafe ........................................ Map-D #9 Lelu Coffee Lounge............................ Map-B #31 The Local Bean..................................Map-D #62 The Village Gourmet .......................Map-B #37 JEWELRY Created Gems.................................... Map-C #51 Michael & Co. Jewelers ..................... Map-B #29 Mount -N- Repair Jewelers .............Map-B #48 LIQUOR STORES / FINE WINES Gabbiano’s Wine Club...................... Map-D #70 Gilligan’s ............................................. Map-B #33 Siesta Key Wines .............................. Map-C #61 The Beach Club .................................. Map-D #22

Š Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2012



in Curt a t ' ap

Captain Curt’s Village


e t Th I Go bs At ’s Cra in Curt a Capt

Visit Siesta Key’s Old Florida Family Restaurant Captain Curt’s is a lot more than Clam Chowder. If you are looking for that “Old Florida” place to take the family, a place that will take you back in time to an era where good, fresh seafood was a standard, look no further... Captain Curt’s Crab & Oyster Bar is just that place. It’s a place where reasonable prices, a casual family atmosphere and courteous service still exist, too. Besides the great food and prices, Captain Curt’s serves up a slice of Old Florida character almost impossible to find elsewhere. Upon entering the dining room, you’ll get the feeling you have returned to a bygone era…a time when rustic, casual dining with a friendly staff, happy to serve you, still existed. The seating is casual and can accommodate large parties as well as small. Captain Curt’s award winning New England Clam Chowder is just the beginning of the delicious items on our extensive menu. A large variety of crab plates Captain Curt’s Giant American Flag are available, from Alaskan King, Snow Crab and Dungeness to the local favorite, Florida Stone Crab. But crab entrees are only part of the story. Our menu offers something for everyone. Seafood is the mainstay, and you can choose from a wide variety. Shrimp, fish, scallops, clams, and oysters can be prepared almost any way you desire. For the landlubber...The House Visit Sniki Tiki, Specialty BBQ Baby Back Ribs Captain Curt’s have been called “The Best in Town,” and the Grilled Prime Rib is Outdoor Tiki Bar

Siesta Key, Florida



r a & O ys t e r B


Sniki Tiki, Capt. Curt’s out-door, tropical bar is located on Midnight Pass Road... “Next Door To You Know Who!” Sniki Tiki is a great addition to Capt. Curt’s Village, with out-door dining to accommodate smokers, and a great tropical bar for locals & visitors to meet. Enjoy food and drink specials. If dining at Captain Curt’s, get your pager from our greeter and hang-out at the tiki bar, we’ll page you when your table is ready. No more boring lines during the busy season. Get that tropical, laid-back, easy-going, low-latitude attitude, unavailable any where else.

the favorite of many. There is also a good variety of pork, chicken, burgers and hot dogs. And don’t forget the Gumbo; you won’t be disappointed. If light fare is your choice, try one of Captain Curt’s delicious salads. They range from traditional favorites to a selection of seafood specialties like the Shrimp, Chicken or Mahi Caesar. All are prepared with the freshest of ingredients. For the children... Captain Curt’s is perfect. The Children’s Menu offers a number of tasty dishes -- with fries -- for just $5.99.Children’s dinners are served on our original “Crabby Frisbee,” which is theirs to keep and take home. You just cannot beat Captain Curt’s menu for Florida favorites as well as delicious traditional entrees. If more of a good thing is possible, visit Captain Curt’s Back Room Saloon. The full menu is available in the saloon with food and drink specials offered daily. But the real secret to the Back Room’s popularity is entertainment! “Live at the Crab” presents live music by some of Sarasota’s best performers seven nights a week, from 8pm to midnight. (Check out our entertainment schedule. If you are a karaoke fan, try the Backroom’s karaoke, it’s been called “the best in town.” Also, for sports fans, the Backroom’s satellite TVs make for a party during every event. Food and drink specials are always available. So what are you waiting for? If you are looking for that perfect place to take the family, visit us on beautiful Siesta Key. We are easy to find and eagerly await the opportunity to serve you. We hope to see you soon!

Look for Captain Curt’s Crab & Oyster Bar just one block south of Stickney Point Rd. (Siesta Key’s South Bridge) on Midnight Pass Rd.

Sniki is Cool & We Know It!..., Visit Sniki Tiki today, relax in a warm, sunny seat under a palm, order your favorite tropical drink and enjoy the tropical atmosphere you came to Florida for. See You at the Sniki Tiki!

Live Entertainment Thurs. - Sun.

Enjoy Our New Outdoor Fire Place!

Captain Curt’s Village PULL-OUT

Siesta Key, Florida



ar & O ys t e r B

Trigger Nuggets

Fish Dip Grouper and Cod move aside... Smoked Mahi, Amberjack and Marlin Fried Trigger Nuggets are here to stay. served with a fresh bread stick 9.99 8.99 Clam Strips

An old time favorite... now with more clams! 7.99

Conch Fritters

Hand breaded with chunks of delicious Florida conch 7.99

Corn Fritters

It ain’t easy breading cream corn, but we did it. Golden brown on the outside and creamy goodness in the middle. 5.99

Peel & Eat Shrimp

A dozen EZ peel, shell on, cleaned and de-veined. Served chilled. 6.99

Boom Boom Shrimp

Tender breaded shrimp, hand tossed in our spicy boom boom sauce 7.99

Deviled Crab’s

Stuffed and fried in the shell 7.99

Gator Bites

Yes, it’s Real Gator! Hand breaded and fried 8.99

Crab Cake

70% premium lump crab meat Maryland style 10.99

Chicken Tenders

Mozzarella Sticks

Tender breast meat. Served with your choice of dipping sauce. 7.99

Spicey Cheesy Crab Bites

Baked in garlic butter and served with our delicious bread stick for dippin’ 8.99

Cheezy Mozzarella sticks served with Marinari sauce 6.99 Crab, cheese and jalapeno bites. Fried golden brown. 6.99

House Salad - 5.99 Mix of Iceburg and Romaine Lettuce, with Red Cabbage, Onions, Carrots, Tomatoes and Cucumbers with Chicken 8.99 with Shrimp 9.99 with Mahi 9.99


Buffalo Wings

Mild, hot, really hot or garlic pepper 7.99

Caesar Salad - 7.99

Award Winning Chowder To Go!


Happy HoUR PRIME OYSTERS 7.99/Dozen $

Captain Curt’s Platter

North Pacific Flounder

Wild caught. A very mild and flaky fish. Broiled or fried 17.99

Grilled Mahi-Mahi

Oyster Dinner

Sea Scallops

Lobster, Shrimp & Scallops*

Gulf Grouper Filets

12 large shrimp prepared the way you like. Grilled, fried, broiled or scampi. 15.99

The unique flavor of this white flaky meat makes this the most sought after fish in the Gulf. Grilled, broiled or fried. Market Price

1/2 rack of ribs with 6 fried shrimp 17.99

Fried white fish, scallops, shrimp and deviled crabs 16.99


Farm raised to insure perfection. Tilapia is mild but very tasty. Broiled or fried 15.99

Admiral’s Platter

Plump Fried Oysters A must for the oyster lover! 19.99 From the cold waters of the Grand Banks. These scallops are the best in town. Broiled or fried. 18.99

Grilled fish so nice they named it twice. 17.99

Cajun broiled white fish & shrimp 14.99

Market Price

Ribs & Shrimp

Surf & Turf*

Prime Rib & Cold Water Lobster Tail Market Price

Side Salad - 3.99

All Baskets served with French Fries & Cole Slaw

Grouper Basket Florida’s Favorite! Fried grouper fingers Market Price

Crab Cakes

2 Maryland style crab cakes made with 70% real lump crab meat 19.99

Shrimp Basket

Trigger Fish

If you like Grouper and you like Cod, you’ll love Trigger Fish. Broiled, grilled or fried. A Local Favorite! 17.99

Alaskan Fish & Chips

Rib Basket 1/2 Rack of Baby back ribs 11.99

Trigger Basket

Raw Oysters

Alaskan King Crab Legs

Served shucked on the half shell 1 doz. 12.99 1/2 doz. 7.99

Alaskan Snow Crab Legs

Steamed Clams

1 1/4 lbs. Served with drawn butter Market Price

1 lb. Served in Garlic Butter 8.99

Some of our foods contain ingredients known to be major food allergens, and all of our food is prepared in a common kitchen.

Baby Back Ribs

A Whole Rack of our famous Danish Baby Backs 16.99

Grilled Prime Rib

A juicy cut of flame grilled prime rib served with au jus 15.99

Siesta Key Bike & Kayak Fun for your vacation with Bike & Kayak Rental. Tours, Delivery & Pick-up. 346-0891

Lorraine’s Island Hair Design Full Service salon, Braids & Wraps by appointment. Monday thru Saturday. 346-7206

Steamed Oysters

Trigger Fish Sandwich

If you like Grouper and you like Cod, you’ll love Trigger Fish! Broiled, grilled or fried. A local favorite!! 9.99

*Prices & Items subject to change.

Home of the Orange Squeeze! Featuring hand-mixed ice cream, coffees, shakes, malts, sundaes, & smoothies. Open Til 9:30pm 941-346-8080

Coconut Fashions The best in service, quality, & design. Beachwear & accessories for the whole family. 349-4498

1/2 lb. of Angus beef 6.99

Steamed whole & served with a shucker 1 doz. 12.99 2 doz. 22.99 3 doz. 31.99

1/2 lb. of Angus beef topped with bacon and swiss cheese 8.49

Garlic Mussels

Chicken Sandwich

1 lb. Served in Garlic Butter, with a Bread Stick 8.99

Bacon Burger

Marinated chicken breast cooked over the grill 7.99

Chicken Club

Chicken breast topped with bacon and swiss cheese 9.49

NOTICE: Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish or eggs may increase your risk of food borne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions.

Captain Curt’s

Village SHOPS

A Captain Curt’s favorite made with snow and king crab. 7.99

Captain Curt Burger

“Win “Winner of the Great Chowder Cook-Off” Inte International Competition Newport R.I. Cup 3.99 Bowl 5.99 GUMBO

Flounder Sandwich

Crab Salad Sandwich

Chicken Basket

Tilapia Your Way Mild but very tasty. Broiled or fried. 8.99

Grouper Your Way “A Local Favorite!” Grilled, broiled or fried. Market Price

ar & O ys t e r B

Fried Fish Sandwich Alaskan pollock on a bun. 6.99

Mahi-Mahi Sandwich

Grilled fish so nice they named it twice. 9.99

Tuna Salad Sandwich A classic recipe. 5.99

Spice it up with Cajun or Garlic Pepper .50

Cozumel Burger

12 Years and Under Only (All Meals include French Fries)

Pork Tenderloin

Hamburger Cheeseburger Hot Dog Chicken Nuggets Fish Sticks Shrimp Macaroni & Cheese

1/2 lb. of Angus beef smothered in chili with a side of jalapeños 7.99 Breaded and fried. A true “Indiana-style” pork tenderloin. 7.99

Big Dog

1/4 lb. all beef hot dog 4.99 Add chili 1.00

ADD Cheese .50 Bacon 1.00

Onion Rings 3.99 Vegetables 2.99 French Fries 2.99 Cole Slaw 1.50 Jasmine Rice 2.99 Bread Sticks 1.99 Parsley-Red Potatoes 2.99


Captain Curt’s finished 1st place at the Great Chowder Cook-Off, Home of The International Chowder Championships in Newport, RI. The festival has been featured on The Food Network & The CBS Morning Show. Previous winners are a “Hall of Fame” of some of the best seafood restaurants in the country and Captain Curt’s is proud to be in such great company. The judges of the competition are the attendees, and they are tough and know their chowder. The festival draws over 15,000+ people, most local New Englanders, and they use their admission ticket as their ballot.

Add French Fries 1.50

Two 5 oz. cold water lobster tails broiled Market Price

Spicy Seafood Gumbo CUP 3.99 BOWL 5.99

Our delicious Maryland style crab cake served on a bun. 12.99

Clam Basket

Fried, Trigger nuggets 13.99

Twin Lobster Tails*


Crab Cake Sandwich

Wild caught. A very mild and flaky fish. Broiled or fried. 8.99

Fresh, fried Oysters 13.99

A generous helping of fried clam strips 9.99

Alaskan pollock straight out of the icy waters of the Bering Sea. Fried of course! 13.99

1 1/4 lbs. Served with drawn butter Market Price

Me Meaty Texas Chili CUP 3.25 BOWL 5.25

Tilapia coated with a spicy seasoned crust & baked with American cheese. 9.99

Oyster Basket

6 Large fried shrimp 9.99

Tender breast meat. Served with your choice of dipping sauce. 9.99

with Chicken 10.99 with Shrimp 11.99 with Mahi 11.99 Side Caesar - 4.99

Cheese Paradise

A must have for any oyster lover! 11.99

Fresh Hearts of Romaine. Topped with Parmesan Cheese and Croutons

with Tuna Salad 8.99 with Crab Salad 10.99

Add French Fries 1.50

Fried Oyster Sandwich

Shrimp Dinner

Siesta Key, Florida


Captain Curt’s has won the most prestigious award in the world of clam chowder.

Cajun Combo

Tilapia, scallops & shrimp Broiled or fried 18.99

in Curt '

The Best Chowder in the World!

All Entrees include homemade Cole Slaw and your choice of Parsley-Red Potatoes, French Fries, Jasmine Rice or Vegetables Add a Side Salad - House 1.99 Caesar 2.99 Spice it up with Cajun or Garlic Pepper 1.00 All Entrees include homemade Cole Slaw and your choice of Parsley-Red Potatoes, French Fries, Jasmine Rice or Vegetables Add a Side Salad - House 1.99 Caesar 2.99 Spice it up with Cajun or Garlic Pepper 1.00


Captain Curt’s CRAB & OYSTER BAR

ta ap

Soft Drinks 2.25 Ice Tea 2.25 Coffee 2.00 Milk 1.99 Full Bar, Beer and Wine available

5.99 Served on an Official Captain Curts

Frisbee...Yours to keep!

Crabby Red

Gift Giving Made Easy! Looking for a great gift idea?

Give the gift of Captain Curt’s!! Friends and family will remember you every time they sit down to enjoy their favorite Captain Curt’s meal. You can purchase our gift cards in our Gift Shop located outside in the Plaza.



in Curt ' s

ta ap

To place an Order To Go, call (941) 349-3885 1200 Old Stickney Point Road, Siesta Key, Florida 34242

Siesta Key, Florida



ar & O ys t e r B

Trigger Nuggets

Fish Dip Grouper and Cod move aside... Smoked Mahi, Amberjack and Marlin Fried Trigger Nuggets are here to stay. served with a fresh bread stick 9.99 8.99 Clam Strips

An old time favorite... now with more clams! 7.99

Conch Fritters

Hand breaded with chunks of delicious Florida conch 7.99

Corn Fritters

It ain’t easy breading cream corn, but we did it. Golden brown on the outside and creamy goodness in the middle. 5.99

Peel & Eat Shrimp

A dozen EZ peel, shell on, cleaned and de-veined. Served chilled. 6.99

Boom Boom Shrimp

Tender breaded shrimp, hand tossed in our spicy boom boom sauce 7.99

Deviled Crab’s

Stuffed and fried in the shell 7.99

Gator Bites

Yes, it’s Real Gator! Hand breaded and fried 8.99

Crab Cake

70% premium lump crab meat Maryland style 10.99

Chicken Tenders

Mozzarella Sticks

Tender breast meat. Served with your choice of dipping sauce. 7.99

Spicey Cheesy Crab Bites

Baked in garlic butter and served with our delicious bread stick for dippin’ 8.99

Cheezy Mozzarella sticks served with Marinari sauce 6.99 Crab, cheese and jalapeno bites. Fried golden brown. 6.99

House Salad - 5.99 Mix of Iceburg and Romaine Lettuce, with Red Cabbage, Onions, Carrots, Tomatoes and Cucumbers with Chicken 8.99 with Shrimp 9.99 with Mahi 9.99


Buffalo Wings

Mild, hot, really hot or garlic pepper 7.99

Caesar Salad - 7.99

Award Winning Chowder To Go!


Happy HoUR PRIME OYSTERS 7.99/Dozen $

Captain Curt’s Platter

North Pacific Flounder

Wild caught. A very mild and flaky fish. Broiled or fried 17.99

Grilled Mahi-Mahi

Oyster Dinner

Sea Scallops

Lobster, Shrimp & Scallops*

Gulf Grouper Filets

12 large shrimp prepared the way you like. Grilled, fried, broiled or scampi. 15.99

The unique flavor of this white flaky meat makes this the most sought after fish in the Gulf. Grilled, broiled or fried. Market Price

1/2 rack of ribs with 6 fried shrimp 17.99

Fried white fish, scallops, shrimp and deviled crabs 16.99


Farm raised to insure perfection. Tilapia is mild but very tasty. Broiled or fried 15.99

Admiral’s Platter

Plump Fried Oysters A must for the oyster lover! 19.99 From the cold waters of the Grand Banks. These scallops are the best in town. Broiled or fried. 18.99

Grilled fish so nice they named it twice. 17.99

Cajun broiled white fish & shrimp 14.99

Market Price

Ribs & Shrimp

Surf & Turf*

Prime Rib & Cold Water Lobster Tail Market Price

Side Salad - 3.99

All Baskets served with French Fries & Cole Slaw

Grouper Basket Florida’s Favorite! Fried grouper fingers Market Price

Crab Cakes

2 Maryland style crab cakes made with 70% real lump crab meat 19.99

Shrimp Basket

Trigger Fish

If you like Grouper and you like Cod, you’ll love Trigger Fish. Broiled, grilled or fried. A Local Favorite! 17.99

Alaskan Fish & Chips

Rib Basket 1/2 Rack of Baby back ribs 11.99

Trigger Basket

Raw Oysters

Alaskan King Crab Legs

Served shucked on the half shell 1 doz. 12.99 1/2 doz. 7.99

Alaskan Snow Crab Legs

Steamed Clams

1 1/4 lbs. Served with drawn butter Market Price

1 lb. Served in Garlic Butter 8.99

Some of our foods contain ingredients known to be major food allergens, and all of our food is prepared in a common kitchen.

Baby Back Ribs

A Whole Rack of our famous Danish Baby Backs 16.99

Grilled Prime Rib

A juicy cut of flame grilled prime rib served with au jus 15.99

Siesta Key Bike & Kayak Fun for your vacation with Bike & Kayak Rental. Tours, Delivery & Pick-up. 346-0891

Lorraine’s Island Hair Design Full Service salon, Braids & Wraps by appointment. Monday thru Saturday. 346-7206

Steamed Oysters

Trigger Fish Sandwich

If you like Grouper and you like Cod, you’ll love Trigger Fish! Broiled, grilled or fried. A local favorite!! 9.99

*Prices & Items subject to change.

Home of the Orange Squeeze! Featuring hand-mixed ice cream, coffees, shakes, malts, sundaes, & smoothies. Open Til 9:30pm 941-346-8080

Coconut Fashions The best in service, quality, & design. Beachwear & accessories for the whole family. 349-4498

1/2 lb. of Angus beef 6.99

Steamed whole & served with a shucker 1 doz. 12.99 2 doz. 22.99 3 doz. 31.99

1/2 lb. of Angus beef topped with bacon and swiss cheese 8.49

Garlic Mussels

Chicken Sandwich

1 lb. Served in Garlic Butter, with a Bread Stick 8.99

Bacon Burger

Marinated chicken breast cooked over the grill 7.99

Chicken Club

Chicken breast topped with bacon and swiss cheese 9.49

NOTICE: Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish or eggs may increase your risk of food borne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions.

Captain Curt’s

Village SHOPS

A Captain Curt’s favorite made with snow and king crab. 7.99

Captain Curt Burger

“Win “Winner of the Great Chowder Cook-Off” Inte International Competition Newport R.I. Cup 3.99 Bowl 5.99 GUMBO

Flounder Sandwich

Crab Salad Sandwich

Chicken Basket

Tilapia Your Way Mild but very tasty. Broiled or fried. 8.99

Grouper Your Way “A Local Favorite!” Grilled, broiled or fried. Market Price

ar & O ys t e r B

Fried Fish Sandwich Alaskan pollock on a bun. 6.99

Mahi-Mahi Sandwich

Grilled fish so nice they named it twice. 9.99

Tuna Salad Sandwich A classic recipe. 5.99

Spice it up with Cajun or Garlic Pepper .50

Cozumel Burger

12 Years and Under Only (All Meals include French Fries)

Pork Tenderloin

Hamburger Cheeseburger Hot Dog Chicken Nuggets Fish Sticks Shrimp Macaroni & Cheese

1/2 lb. of Angus beef smothered in chili with a side of jalapeños 7.99 Breaded and fried. A true “Indiana-style” pork tenderloin. 7.99

Big Dog

1/4 lb. all beef hot dog 4.99 Add chili 1.00

ADD Cheese .50 Bacon 1.00

Onion Rings 3.99 Vegetables 2.99 French Fries 2.99 Cole Slaw 1.50 Jasmine Rice 2.99 Bread Sticks 1.99 Parsley-Red Potatoes 2.99


Captain Curt’s finished 1st place at the Great Chowder Cook-Off, Home of The International Chowder Championships in Newport, RI. The festival has been featured on The Food Network & The CBS Morning Show. Previous winners are a “Hall of Fame” of some of the best seafood restaurants in the country and Captain Curt’s is proud to be in such great company. The judges of the competition are the attendees, and they are tough and know their chowder. The festival draws over 15,000+ people, most local New Englanders, and they use their admission ticket as their ballot.

Add French Fries 1.50

Two 5 oz. cold water lobster tails broiled Market Price

Spicy Seafood Gumbo CUP 3.99 BOWL 5.99

Our delicious Maryland style crab cake served on a bun. 12.99

Clam Basket

Fried, Trigger nuggets 13.99

Twin Lobster Tails*


Crab Cake Sandwich

Wild caught. A very mild and flaky fish. Broiled or fried. 8.99

Fresh, fried Oysters 13.99

A generous helping of fried clam strips 9.99

Alaskan pollock straight out of the icy waters of the Bering Sea. Fried of course! 13.99

1 1/4 lbs. Served with drawn butter Market Price

Me Meaty Texas Chili CUP 3.25 BOWL 5.25

Tilapia coated with a spicy seasoned crust & baked with American cheese. 9.99

Oyster Basket

6 Large fried shrimp 9.99

Tender breast meat. Served with your choice of dipping sauce. 9.99

with Chicken 10.99 with Shrimp 11.99 with Mahi 11.99 Side Caesar - 4.99

Cheese Paradise

A must have for any oyster lover! 11.99

Fresh Hearts of Romaine. Topped with Parmesan Cheese and Croutons

with Tuna Salad 8.99 with Crab Salad 10.99

Add French Fries 1.50

Fried Oyster Sandwich

Shrimp Dinner

Siesta Key, Florida


Captain Curt’s has won the most prestigious award in the world of clam chowder.

Cajun Combo

Tilapia, scallops & shrimp Broiled or fried 18.99

in Curt '

The Best Chowder in the World!

All Entrees include homemade Cole Slaw and your choice of Parsley-Red Potatoes, French Fries, Jasmine Rice or Vegetables Add a Side Salad - House 1.99 Caesar 2.99 Spice it up with Cajun or Garlic Pepper 1.00 All Entrees include homemade Cole Slaw and your choice of Parsley-Red Potatoes, French Fries, Jasmine Rice or Vegetables Add a Side Salad - House 1.99 Caesar 2.99 Spice it up with Cajun or Garlic Pepper 1.00


Captain Curt’s CRAB & OYSTER BAR

ta ap

Soft Drinks 2.25 Ice Tea 2.25 Coffee 2.00 Milk 1.99 Full Bar, Beer and Wine available

5.99 Served on an Official Captain Curts

Frisbee...Yours to keep!

Crabby Red

Gift Giving Made Easy! Looking for a great gift idea?

Give the gift of Captain Curt’s!! Friends and family will remember you every time they sit down to enjoy their favorite Captain Curt’s meal. You can purchase our gift cards in our Gift Shop located outside in the Plaza.



in Curt ' s

ta ap

To place an Order To Go, call (941) 349-3885 1200 Old Stickney Point Road, Siesta Key, Florida 34242





s Monday s





Extraordinary Beatle’s Tribute

The “FAB Three” ...a Tribute to the Beatles This dynamic, three-piece acoustic group is dedicated to the music of Lennon, McCartney, Harrison & Starr. Close your eyes and you’ll believe you’re at a Beatles concert 30 years ago. The show is an always changing retrospective of some of the finest music ever written. Join us for a musical journey to the “Good ol’ Days!”




s Wednesday s




A full-time touring musician with a performance list containing over 3000 songs with music ranging from the 50’ through the 90’s. Great old school music to get the rockin’ crowd into the retro groove. “This one guy sounded like six. The best one man show we have ever seen.” This is where the party doesn’t stop, until the polyester melts!


s Tuesday s




Parrothead Alert!

James White “Sunny Jim” Sunny Jim’s show takes you on a tropical vacation where you can feel the warm sunshine and sea breezes. From ballads to upbeat fun, soca tunes, his original songs tell the story of the islands. Island music at its best! Lots of original scores plus all the traditional favorites that will give you that...”Low Latitude Attitude”! Don’t miss this outstanding show.


MarcAnthony Roman & the Retro Show


s Thursday, Friday, & Saturday s

Best Karaoke On the Planet!


You too can be a star! The Backroom’s Karaoke is one of our most popular events. Three times a week the stage lights up with talent from locals, tourists and occasionally a famous celebrity. Karaoke nights are a great way to get together with friends and have a blast. The place to be is the Backroom Saloon on Karaoke Nights!

Captain Curt’s Village PULL-OUT

October - November 2012 Siesta Sand | 11B 941.539.0205 OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2012 Siesta


Map C #54 & 55

MAILING - SHIPPING UPS store ............................................ Map-A #41 86 3RVW 2IÀFH .................................... Map-D #65 MARKETS/FOOD STORES 7-11 Store ............................................. Map-B #46 Circle K Store ........................................ Map-E #6 Siesta Market.......................................Map-C #25 MASSAGE Hands of Light Massage ................... Map-B #35 Massage Experience Siesta Key.....Map-D #62 Siesta Key Massage Ctr ...................... Map-D #9 MEDICAL - DENTAL Amazing Life Chiropractic ................Map-E #3 Dr. Barry LaClair MD ........................Map-C #56 E.K. Koster DMD............................... Map-D #63 Karen F. Leggett, D.O. .......................Map-C #56 Siesta Key Physical Therapy............ Map-D #20 Siesta Smiles Dentistry ......................Map-C #49 MISCELLANEOUS Chamber of Commerce .................... Map-D #66 Roberti Enterprises ........................... Map-A #39 6KHULII·V 2IÀFH ..................................... Map-D #9 Solorzano Smoke Shop ......................Map-C #50 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Edward Jones Investments .............. Map-D #68 Smith Architects .............................. Map-E 7 & 8 REAL ESTATE SERVICES Ascendia Real Estate ......................... Map-D #11 Beachside Resorts Rental & Realty. Map-C #53 Coldwell Banker Realty.................... Map-D #20 Horizon Realty.................................... Map-B #34 Island Homes ......................................Map-C #51 Martin Funding ................................... Map-D #9 Michael Saunders Realty .................Map-E #72 Re/Max Alliance Group ..................Map-D #60 ReMax Tropical Sands ...................... Map-D #67 Robasota Rentals & Real Estate .... Map-A #39 Siesta Key Realty ................................. Map-D #9 Waterside Realty ................................Map-C #29 RESTAURANTS Beach Bites.......................................... Map-D #16 Bella Roma Italian Rest...................... Map-B #30 Blase Café ........................................... Map-A #38 Blu Que Island Grill ...........................Map-C #57 Bonjour French Cafe ..........................Map-C #47 Broken Egg ............................... Map-C #54 & 55 Café Gabbiano .................................... Map-D#71 Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar .............. Map-B #42-43 Flavio’s Brick Oven & Bar ................. Map-B #29 Gilligan’s Island Bar & Grill ............. Map-B #33 The Hub - Baja Grill .......................... Map-D #59 Jo To’s Japanese Restaurant ..............Map-C #47 LeLu’s Coffee Bar ............................... Map-B #31 Lobster Pot ......................................... Map-C #23 Napoli’s Italian Restaurant ............... Map-B #44 Old Salty Dog Rest. & Pub .................. Map-E #2 Siesta Key Oyster Bar .......................Map-B #45 Solorzano Bros. Pizzeria ................... Map-D #15 Subway Sandwiches .......................... Map-B #30 Sun Garden Café ............................... Map-D #19 Taste of Asia ....................................... Map-D #69 The Cottage .........................................Map-C #58 The Village Gourmet........................Map-B #37 Village Café .......................................Map-D #14 SPAS - HAIR & BEAUTY Nails By Iris .........................................Map-C #50 Salon Capelli ........................................ Map-D #9 Sassy Hair Salon............................... Map-A #40 Siesta Key Nails ................................... Map-D #9 Village Barber ...................................... Map-D #9 SPORTS INTEREST/RENTALS CaliFlorida........................................... Map-B #32 Robin Hood Rentals ........................Map-D #11 6LHVWD 9LOODJH 2XWÀWWHUV .....................Map-C #53

Map D #11

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12B | Island Visitor October - November 2012 Siesta Sand ‡ OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2012 ‡ 941.539.0205 ‡

|Discover the Shops of Gulf Gate... Come and explore the wonderful mix of eclectic shops, bars and restaurants that make up Gulf Gate’s Commercial District. These shops are conveniently located behind the Sarasota Pavilion off South Tamiami 7UDLO <RX¡OO Ă€QG HDFK EXVLQHVV UHĂ HFWV the owner’s pride in showcasing their specialties and that the longevity of these shops is a testament to the entrepreneurial spirit that lives on here in Gulf Gate. With our map, located on the next page, you’ll be able to navigate your way to our featured shops with ease. Oh Mamma Mia! (GG-4) Offers a truly unique dining experience with dinner shows by Chef Giuseppe Urbano. Enjoy the family ambiance as you watch him prepare an authentic Italian regional dish with fresh ingredients just for you. Fine dining, great atmosphere at casual dining prices. Reservations highly recommended. Gulf Gate Golf Course – Conveniently located just a stones throw from the Gulf Gate Shops, this 27 hole Executive Course offers men’s and women’s rental clubs. You can start your day with a round of golf, enjoy a bite to eat at the many wonderful restaurants or simply relax with a pint of ale at the pub before you head out to explore WKH PDQ\ Ă€QH VKRSV Moments In Time Photography (G-20) specializes in several different photography services including Siesta Key Beach portraits starting at just $49 and wedding beginning at $495. Check out their website: www.sarasotaphotos. com or visit their store to see why they have been the photographer of choice for over a decade and a half. Piccolos Italian Market & Deli (GG-46) carries a full line of imported cheeses, fresh baked bread daily, homemade sausages, fresh mozzarella, and numerous hard to get items. They now carry Khorasan Wheat which is an ancient and organic grain. Their Deli is complete with huge hot and cold sandwiches, salads, fresh homemade lasagna and baked ziti. And, you cannot OHDYH ZLWKRXW WU\LQJ WKHLU FDQQROL Ă€OOHG ZLWK their own homemade cannoli cream or the tiramisu or Sfogliatelle from Brooklyn. Here LV ZKHUH \RX ZLOO Ă€QG JUHDW ,WDOLDQ VSHFLDOW\ gourmet items without the gourmet price. Tony’s Chicago Beef Company (S-16) is owned and operated by true Chicagoans. Dedicated to deliver Chicago’s best food - Chicago style Hot Dogs wit’ the works... dragged through the garden on poppy

Places of Worship Siesta Key Presbyterian Chapel (See Siesta Key street map for location)

seed buns with fresh cut fries, Italian Beef Sandwiches anyway you like, dipped or dry, sweet or hot. All served in true Authentic Chicago Style. Scandinavian Gifts (GG-37) has an extensive selection of gifts and Scandinavian foods. The specialties here include candles, Ekelund table linens, Flensted mobiles, imported glassware, Swedish Klippan textiles and so much more. The baked goods and groceries include imported candies, salty licorice, as well as cheeses, breads, seafood and vegetables from Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark. Sarasota Brewing Co. (G-3) Sarasota’s Ă€UVW PLFUR EUHZ SXE DOZD\V KDV VRPHWKLQJ new to offer. From over 20 seasonal beers that rotate throughout the year, the Brewing &RPSDQ\ DOZD\V KDV DW OHDVW Ă€YH XQLTXH brews online as well as several favorites from around the world. Established in 1989, Their menu has been a winner in the Reader’s Choice Awards of the Sarasota Herald Tribune featuring their mouthwatering burgers, Chicago style Pizzas, and Chicago beef sandwiches. With dozens of televisions, it’s a great place to catch a game with friends and family. Zante Gyros (S-56) serves up generous portions of authentic Greek and Mediterranean cuisine as well as American fare. They offer an extensive menu for dinein or take-out with such favorites as the “originalâ€? gyros sandwich, lamb souvlaki platters, spanakopita, and tiropita to name a few. Meat-less options are available as well as kid’s meals and party menus. Open Mon. - Sat. from11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Come and put some “OPAâ€? in your life. SolĂłrzano’s Italian Ristorante (S-54) SolĂłrzano’s brings a true Hoboken New Jersey attitude to the area and offers a nice selection of made-to-order dishes in their cozy restaurant. With specials like Gnocchi alla Romana( gnocchi baked with prosciutto, ricotta and spinach),Pork chops alla Toscana with polenta, and baked white Ă€OHW Ă€VK ZLWK VKULPSV DQG SDVWD RQ WKH VLGH it gives you a great incentive to pay them a visit. Ooh La La French Bakery (M-18) offers light authentic French pastries. Listen to lively French music while enjoying a lunch of hot or cold sandwiches made on fresh baked breads and crusty baguettes or soups, salads and quiche in their charming shop.

St. Boniface Episcopal Church (See Siesta Key street map for location)

5615 Midnight Pass Rd, Siesta Key 941.349.5656

Life in the Son ( Wednesdays @ 7PM)

4615 Gleason Ave., Siesta Key 941.349.1166

Bank of America Community Room. Home Groups available.

St. Michael Catholic Church

Temple Sinai, a Reform Congregation

(See Siesta Key street map for location)

5394 Midnight Pass Rd., Siesta Key 941.349.4174

1237 Stickney Pt. Rd., Siesta Key 941.539.7972 (The closest Jewish congregation to the key for visitors)

4631 S. Lockwood Ridge Road, Sarasota 941.924.1802 |


October - November 2012 Siesta Sand | 13B 941.539.0205 OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2012 Siesta

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© Island Visitor Publishing, LLC 2012



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For Entire Listing of Gulf Gate Businesses Go To and Click on the Maps

14B | Island Visitor October - November 2012 Siesta Sand ‡ OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2012 ‡ 941.539.0205 ‡

|Village Featured Shops |Robin Hood Rental

|Sun Ride Pedicab

5129 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key, FL 34242 941.554.4242 | Robin Hood Rentals is your 1 stop shop for all things fun! Come in and see us today for Segway rentals, kayak tours/rentals, paddle boards, scooters, bikes for the family, tandems, strollers, beach gear and much, much more. Best prices and service guaranteed. Free delivery on Siesta Key.

Siesta Key, Florida 941.549.0026 | Here’s a fun way to get around the island. Our eco-friendly, “Siesta styleâ€? pedicab transport service includes a 200-watt integrated stereo system so you can listen to your favorite tunes while being pedaled to your next destination. 7KH SHGLFDE FRPIRUWDEO\ Ă€WV adults and we service the Stickney Point, Commerce area, the Public Beach, and Siesta Village. Our hours of operation are 10 am - 2 am, Monday through Sunday. For a fun time, call us at 941-549-0026.

|Siesta Key Fitness 5243 Avenida Navarra, Siesta Key _ ZZZ VLHVWDNH\ÀWQHVV FRP 7KLV WRS QRWFK ÀWQHVV IDFLOLW\ LV ORFDWHG behind Daiquiri Deck and is staffed with KLJKO\ TXDOLÀHG SHUVRQDO WUDLQHUV 9LVLWRUV are welcome on a daily, weekly and monthly basis making it easy to maintain your exercise routine while on vacation. They offer strength equipment, cardio-machines and personal trainers to address all your needs.

|A Taste of Germany

|The Village Gourmet

5263 Ocean Blvd.,Siesta Village 941.349.7651 | Featuring fresh bagels from “da Bronx� served any way you want. Choose from cream cheese to “all the way� with lox, cream cheese, ripe tomato, red onion and capers. They also offer a selection of mouthwatering meat or vegetarian paninis, sandwiches and salads along with Chef Fran’s fresh made meals to go; for those times when you can’t or don’t care to cook. Call or stop by for their daily specials. Free WiFi available while you dine. Indoors or outside seating available. Serving breakfast and lunch from Tues.Sun. 8am - 6pm.

5204 Ocean Blvd, Siesta Key, FL 34242 941.346.1800 A taste of Germany was established in 2011 when owner, Tanja Hofman and her family decided to open a German bakery in their favorite vacation spot, Siesta Key, Florida. Tanja, her husband and their son want to share some of the special foods they enjoy back home with their new friends in America. We hope you enjoy this little Taste |Amazing Life Chiropractic of Germany on the Key! Guten Appetit! 5039 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key Village 941.312.6267 |The Broken Egg Dr. Jennifer J. Norbits provides quality 140 Avenida Messina, Siesta Key, Florida chiropractic care to patients on and around 941.346.2750 | the island. She incorporates massage therapy The Broken Egg Restaurant, Gift Shop and into her treatment plan to help normalize the Gallery has been an island tradition for relationship between your body’s structure breakfast and lunch on Siesta Key since and function promoting self-healing. If you 1984. Our scrumptious menu including suffer from back pain, neck pain, headache, fabulous egg creations and omelet’s, sciatica or have been in an auto collision, SODWH ÀOOLQJ SDQFDNHV IUHVK MXLFHV DQG Amazing Life Chiropractic can get you back homemade bakery selections keep our on the road to health. Please call for details customers coming back year after year. We or to set up an appointment. serve exquisite breakfasts and lunches from 7:30 to 2:30, 364 days an year.

|Village CafÊ 5133 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key, FL 34242 | 941.349.2822 | You are invited to dine at the Village Cafe restaurant, nestled in the heart of Siesta Key Village, Florida. Our menu offers only WKH ÀQHVW VHOHFWLRQ RI EUHDNIDVW DQG OXQFK specialties anywhere on the Florida Gulf Coast. Our catering service will meet all your needs for your party or special event. Be sure to browse our menu for a mouthwatering variety of favorites for both islanders and visitors alike.

|Lobster Pot 5157 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key, FL 34242 941-349-2323 | Located on Siesta Key in beautiful Sarasota )ORULGD ZH EULQJ \RX WKH Ă€QHVW WDVWHV RI New England. Enjoy a delightful dining experience in our main dining room or our patio. As winners of “Taste of Sarasota,â€? the New England Tradition of Excellence is still alive and well here in Sarasota at The Lobster Pot. While here we hope you’ll enjoy your “Old Cape Codâ€? and Florida dining experience!

|Daiquiri Deck Raw Bar

5250 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key, FL 34242 | Phone: 941.349.8697 | Fax: 941.346.3170 The Daiquiri Deck established in 1993 is “Sarasota’s Favorite Place to Meetâ€? located on beautiful Siesta Key and now on St. Armands Circle. Enjoy great food and daiquiris daily 11:00am until 2:00am. 2XU G\QDPLF PHQX LV Ă€OOHG ZLWK IDQWDVWLF choices for all ages. So come in off the beach and have lunch or dinner and cool down ZLWK RQH RI RXU Ă DYRUHG GDLTXLULV 1RZ offering oysters and more! “After the Beachâ€? happy hour 3-7pm daily.

|The Local Bean 5138 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key, FL 34242 941.870.2671 | A comfortable and relaxed living room type venue for sipping your favorite java and teas, while listening to original locally grown music. Local art, photography and crafts are also featured, as well as free WiFi and a nice place to read, chat with your friends, play board games, or just chill Siesta style. Have a “Beanaccino� along with a freshly baked dessert.

Local Attractions BIG CAT HABITAT & GULF COAST SANCTUARY | 941.371.6377 | 7101 Palmer Blvd. (east of I-75), Sarasota CHILDREN’S GARDEN | 941.330.1711 | 1670 10th Way, Sarasota CROWLEY MUSEUM & NATURE CENTER | 941.322.1000 | 16405 Myakka Road, Sarasota G-WIZ HANDS ON MUSEUM | 941.309.4949 | 1001 Blvd. of the Arts, Sarasota HISTORIC SPANISH POINT | 941.966.5214 | 337 N. Tamiami Trail, Osprey JOHN & MABLE RINGLING MUSEUM OF ART | 941.358.3180 | 5401 Bay Shore Road, Sarasota LEGACY TRAIL | 941.861.7245 MARIE SELBY BOTANICAL GARDENS | 941.366.5731, ex. 236 | 811 S. Palm Ave., Sarasota MOTE AQUARIUM | 941.388.4441 | 1600 Ken Thompson Parkway, Sarasota MYAKKA RIVER STATE PARK | 941.361.6511 | 13208 S.R.72 (9 miles east of I-75) OLD MYAKKA PRESERVE 941.861.5000 | 251 Myakka Rd | (eastern end of Fruitville Rd) Sarasota OSCAR SCHERER PARK ZZZ ÀRULGDVWDWHSDUNV RUJ _ _ 6 7DPLDPL 7UDLO 6DUDVRWD PHILLIPPI ESTATE PARK | 941.316.1309 | 5500 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota RINGLING CIRCUS MUSEUM | 941.359.5700 | 5401 Bay Shore Road, Sarasota S. FLORIDA MUSEUM, BISHOP PLANETARIUM & AQUARIUM ZZZ VRXWKÀRULGDPXVHXP RUJ _ _ WK 6W : %UDGHQWRQ SARASOTA CLASSIC CAR MUSEUM | 941.355.6228 | 5500 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota SARASOTA JUNGLE GARDENS | 941.355.5305 | 3701 Bayshore Road, Sarasota SELBY GALLERY | 941.359.7563 | 2700 n. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota WARM MINERAL SPRINGS | 941.426.1692 | 12200 San Servando Ave, North Port

|Important Phone Numbers... Emergency (General) .......................................................................................................... 911 Fishing & Hunting Licenses .............................................................................. 941.362.9888 Marriage License Bureau ................................................................................... 941.362.4066 Public Library - Gulf Gate Branch .................................................................... 941.316.1213 Sarasota/Bradenton Intl. Airport ..................................................................... 941.359.2770 Sarasota County Area Transit (SCAT) ............................................................. 941.316.1234 Sarasota County Information Call Center ................................ 941.861.5000 / 6DUDVRWD &RXQW\ 6KHULII 2IĂ€FH 6LHVWD .H\ 2IĂ€FH ......................................... 941.349.2900 Sarasota Doctors Hospital.................................................................................. 941.342.1100 Sarasota Memorial Hospital/Health Care System......................................... 941.917.7760 Doctors Express (Urgent Care) ......................................................................... 941.364.4379 Siesta Key Chamber of Commerce .....................941.349.3800 /

|Rated #1 Beach In America by Dr. Beach... Siesta Public Beach, located inside Crescent Beach, is renowned for its truly breathtaking sunsets, easygoing waves, and gorgeous crystal white sand. The sand is 99% pure quartz, soft and cool to the touch. Among the many awards it has earned are the “Whitest, Finest Beach Sand in the World� (The Great International White Sand challenge, 1987), “The Best Sand Beach in America� (The Travel Channel, 2004) and for 2011, it was rated #1 beach in the 21st annual Top 10 Beach List, produced by coastal expert Dr. Stephen P. Leatherman, Director of Florida International University’s Laboratory for Coastal Research. Walking along, or swimming and playing in the Gulf of Mexico or merely basking in the tropical sun is enough fun for many folks, but others are drawn by Siesta Beach’s many amenities, which include tennis and vollyball courts, shaded playground and picnic/barbecue areas and convienent concession stands. Shallow water near shorline and year-round lifeguard protection make it a great family beach. Beach wheelchairs can be borrowed to help special needs visitors cross the sand. There’s always something for everyone to do at Siesta Beach. It’s island location is within easy walking distance to many of the village shops and restaurants located in the Siesta Village.

Crescent Beach actually begins between beach access #2 & #3 and extends to beach access #13 with the southern part relatively secluded and quiet, as it has only one public access road. Located just south of Siesta Beach, the scene here tends to be more peaceful and private. At the southern tip of this beach is Point of Rocks - a lovely snorkeling and diving area that is rich with coral rock formations as well as colorful and abundant marine life. Crescent Beach visitors staying in nearby resorts, rentals and beach clubs rave (but only to their closest friends) about Siesta Key’s best “non-private privateâ€? beach. Turtle Beach is at the southern tip of Siesta Key, and affords a sportier, “family playâ€? beach experience. The beach has picnic areas, a playground, a vollyball court and horseshoe pit. There’s also a boat launch, and Ă€VKLQJ LV SHUPLWWHG LQ WKH DGMDFHQW %OLQG 3DVV /DJRRQ There are restaurants nearby, with shopping and a few local night spots just a short drive away. Turtle Beach is a narrow beach, with a somewhat steeper incline. The sand on the beach tends to carry more shells, making it perfect for beach combers and VKHOO FROOHFWRUV 0DQ\ Ă€QG SHWULĂ€HG VKDUNV¡ WHHWK WR take home and treasure, especially after a storm.

Beach Flags: Indicate surf & beach conditions

Siesta Key Public Beach Lifeguards on duty


|Pet Friendly Beaches... Although dogs are not allowed on any of the beaches on Siesta Key, there are a few places you can take your furry pal within a short distance from the island. %URKDUG 3DZ %HDFK +DUERU 'ULYH 9HQLFH FL 34285. Hours: 24 hours per day, 365 days per year (parking closed from 12 AM – 6 AM); dogs allowed on the designated portion of beach from 7 AM to dusk only Paw Park is one of the few places along the beach where dogs are allowed. The park features an enclosed run for big dogs and one for small dogs, as well as an open beach area where dogs can swim. This park, across from Venice’s airport, is where you and your “best friendâ€? can play in the gulf and socialize with other dogs, offering doggie drinking fountains; VKRZHUV RQ GHFNV IRU ´GRJV RQO\Âľ Ă€UH K\GUDQWV DQG OHDVK posts, dog lovers have declared this park‌ and beach‌ to be the best doggie park in the state! Shaded by towering oaks, small dogs will enjoy their fenced in arena while the big boys can frolic in the larger pen. Double gates access both parks and the beach. A paved walkway leads directly to the beach where your best friend will delight in this 300’ section of sand and water.

Note: Summer months may force you to carry your furry friend as the sand can be hot under paw. Doggie waste bags and receptacles are provided and strategically placed around the park. Human comforts include drinking fountains, picnic tables and restrooms. Parking is very limited although off road parking is across the street. %LUG .H\ 3DUN is located on Bird Key, Florida, at the foot of the Ringling Causeway Bridge, which leads to Sarasota. This small stretch of beach along Sarasota Bay is a well-known spot for dog lovers. You and your dog can swim together while enjoying stunning views of the blue-green water. The park is open from 6 a.m. until 12 a.m. year-round, and admission is free. (Source: eHow) .HQ 7KRPSVRQ 3DUN, a small beach on the Gulf Coast of Florida, is a hidden treasure near the Mote Marine Aquarium on Sarasota Bay. Here you will also find the New Pass Fishing Pier, which winds through the mangroves. You and your pet can stroll along the pier or relax in the sun while watching the kayakers launch their boats. The beach is open from 5 a.m. until 11 a.m. and admission is free. (Source: eHow)

16B | Island Visitor October - November 2012 Siesta Sand OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2012 941.539.0205

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