Tara Woods - January 2018

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THE COLUMNS Vol. 28 No. 9

Tara Woods Homeowners Association – www.twha.us

January 2018

941-349-0194 | ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC | www.islandvp.com

s k n a h T e We Giv O

ur first annual Thanksgiving Dinner was a huge success; thanks to all who came to celebrate with us. As we came together to celebrate, we asked for a snapshot of what you are thankful for. Here are some of the responses: • Thankful for my family and friends, especially here in Tara Woods. I am also thankful for my faith and all I have. ~Jackie Sullivan • I am thankful for all of our neighbors who put this dinner together in order for us to celebrate Thanksgiving. ~Anonymous • Thankful to live in Florida this time of year. ~Bill Beaulieu • Very thankful for my family and friends. ~Frank Riggio • Thankful for my husband, sons, Cindy, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and friends. ~ Donna Riggio • Thankful for the military protecting us, Veterans and our flag. Also; thankful for President Trump. ~Anonymous • What I am thankful for: #1 Janet Daly, #2 Janet Daly, #3 Janet Daly. ~ George Daly • Thankful for all the people in Tara Woods who are willing to share their time and talents for the good of the community. ~ Janet Daly • Family, Friends and Tennis. ~Fred Puhlfuerst • I’m thankful for my wonderful wife of four months, Cookie. ~Don Franks • Thankful for wonderful family and friends and the good neighbors of Tara Woods. Thank the Lord! ~Peggy Gasmire • I am thankful for my husband, Bill, and to be so fortunate to be here at Tara Woods. ~Linda Beaulieu I wish I could publish all of the responses. So many said they are thankful for family, friends and just to be alive and living in Tara Woods. A special “Thank You” to all who volunteered with set-up, serving and cleanup. We are thankful for you and appreciate you!

Tom & Donna Erhardt and Bill Black

Always Count Your Blessings!

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Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • January 2018 • 941.349.0194 • www.twha.us

WELCOME NEW RESIDENTS Macon Circle. They are originally from the State of Maine and are both retired. They are the parents of six children and seven grandchildren.

Pam Ahlers is a new full-time resident at 19459 Charleston Circle. She is originally from both Wisconsin and Minnesota and is still working. She enjoys swimming, working out and outdoor activities. Her hobbies include jewelry making and nutrition.

Jeannette and Jack Conley are new part-time residents at 2621

Diane Gibson is a new full-time resident at 19631 Woodfield Circle. Diane is originally from New Hampshire and is self-employed and the mother of two children. Her hobby is making stained glass and she enjoys cooking and playing golf. INSPIRATION HOUR Humor is to life what shock absorbers are to automobiles. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine but a broken spirit dries the bones. Proverbs 17:22

Judy and Tim Lanpher are new full-time residents at 19561 Cotton Bay. Judy and Tim are retired from training and racing standard bred horses. Tim still works part time for the State of New York. Judy enjoys swimming and Tim enjoys golf. They both enjoy playing cards. They are the parents of one daughter.

Patricia Woodbury and Alan

Mancini are new part-time residents at 2841 Darwin Street and are originally from the State of Maine. Pat is retired from South Portland Maine School Department and Alan is retired from River Meadow Golf Course. Between them they have eight children, seventeen grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Pat enjoys reading and Alan enjoys word games. They both enjoy golf.

Tom and Linda Sager are new full-time residents at 2837 Cloister Street. They are originally from Pennsylvania where Tom is a retired building contractor. Linda is a semi-retired Avon Representative. They have three children and two grandchildren. Tom’s hobbies

are furniture repair and refinishing, fishing and bike riding. Linda enjoys walking, baking, cooking and wants to get back to sewing. She wants to try yoga, bunco and ceramics. They are anxious to try new things and to do some traveling.\

Dorothy Ulatowski is a new full-time resident at 19589 Charleston Circle. She is originally from New Jersey and retired from Wells Fargo. She has two children. five grandchildren and one great-grandchild. She enjoys puzzles, biking and cooking. Welcome to Tara Woods, Joanne Byrne

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www.twha.us • 941.349.0194 • January 2018 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

It’s a new year and there are lots of events to keep everyone busy at Tara Woods. Welcome to the snowbirds who are here for a few months to enjoy our Florida sunshine and warm weather. It was a busy Holiday Season. The Thanksgiving Dinner hosted by Donna & Tom Erhardt and friends was a great day with lots of good food and good company. Thank you for bringing this tradition back to Tara Woods after its long hiatus. Everyone who attended was very thankful and appreciated your efforts. The Decorating Committee did a wonderful job decorating the entrance to the Community. What a difference! I know they’re already planning some additions and changes for next year. Rick & Shelly Lubich from the Midwest Club and friends hosted the Clubhouse decorating, which went very well. The Clubhouse looks beautiful. They will also host the un-decorating on Saturday, January 6th, right after Coffee. Please plan to help your group/club on that day. The Christmas Party on December 2nd was host to 227 people. So many people volunteered to help; it just took some organizing to put them all to work. Please look for the Thank You to all the helpers in this issue. Everyone did their job as requested and assigned, which made my job much easier and the party ran pretty much as planned. A special Thank You to Sue & Bob Uccello for providing the beautiful poinsettias serving as centerpieces and then given away to the lucky raffle winners. Everyone also enjoyed the music and dancing provided by Kathleen & Darrel Watson. Thank you to everyone who made this party a success. The Christmas Golf Cart Parade & Caroling is always a lot of fun. A big Thank You to our Santa this year, John Hoos, to Polly, who coordinated the refreshments at Caroling, and to the New Image Chorus members

who led the Caroling in the Clubhouse. Also, Thank You to the Midwest Club for hosting the New Year’s Eve Party. What a busy season! On top of everything going on in November and December, the tickets for the January events were on sale in December. Sound & Lighting kicks off the month with their show on Saturday, January 6th. Look in this issue of The Columns for all the special events coming up, as well as the regular activities that are happening this month. Keep an eye on the bulletin boards in the Clubhouse for detailed information from your Clubs and groups with their monthly offerings, as well as information about special events. All active members of the Homeowners Association should have gotten their letters regarding the Annual Meeting on Monday, January 9th. The By-law proposals that were enclosed are also posted on the TWHA bulletin board in the Clubhouse. A reminder that the Proxy enclosed is to be sent back to Ann Millette, Membership Secretary, only if you do not plan on attending the Annual Meeting in person. Ann will be available during Saturday Morning Coffee, Bingo, and before the Annual Meeting to collect your membership dues of $15.00/household for 2018. If you wait until the meeting, please come before 6:30 PM so Ann has time to prepare for the meeting. Please plan on attending the Annual Meeting. There must be a quorum for any voting to take place, including the election of Directors. Contact any member of the Board if you have questions regarding the Annual Meeting. The Nominating Committee, chaired by Peg Gamble, has done its job of securing four people to fill the four vacancies on the Board of Directors. Frank Millette, Lou Dunning and Ann Millette have opted to run again for another two-year term and

Ginnie Pontarelli has come forward to fill the fourth vacancy. I have chosen not to run for another term. Having served on the Board for 10 ½ years, first as Recording Secretary and then as President for six years, I feel it is time to move on and give the existing Board a chance to re-create itself and find new ways to serve the community. It has been an interesting time of learning and responding to the many situations that the Board has addressed during my tenure. I tried to uphold an attitude of service and dedication with the best interests of the community as my first priority at all times. I want to thank all those who have supported me through the years and worked with the Board and me to sustain a working relationship with management, bring new events to the residents, and build a better relationship between the Board and the community. I retire from the Board with confidence in the knowledge that the present Board will move forward and serve the community to the best of their ability. I won’t be too far away, as I have agreed to become the Activities Coordinator. The Rent Negotiation Committee, chaired by George Sullivan, continues to negotiate with Hometown America regarding increases to lot rent. The Committee is fulfilling its purpose of making Management aware that they will be held accountable for any increases or adjustments affecting the residents. Thank you to the Rent Negotiation Committee for their persistence in working for the best interest of the community. I hope to see you at the Annual Meeting on Monday, January 9th, at 7:00 PM. Remember to come early if you plan to pay your dues at that time. Janet Daly

Activities, Sports & Clubs can be found on pages: 20 - 21 and 26 - 28. State Club information can be found on page 16 - 17. Please note that the January Calendar is inserted in this Issue


(donna.tarawoods@comcast.net) ASSISTANTS: Linda Engel and Marcia Poveromo PHOTOGRAPHY: Sam Jokich and Lou Dunning CALENDAR: Polly Brown CIRCULATION: Gail Sanfilippo, Manager COORDINATORS: Stuart & Belle Berman, Bill Black, Agatha Breen, Pat & Lou Dunning, Peggy Gamble, Lloyd & Carolyn Kelsey, Bob Kuhns, Sharie & Norm Libby, Diane & Bob Nunn, Ed Simko, George Stelling, Lori Thomas, Susan Uccello, and Julia Wehrung. ALTERNATES: Claudette & Mark Burke, Joanne & Bob Byrne, Al Dion, Sandy Schuelke, Nancy Schoeppner, Linda Hoos, and Vic Sharps REPORTERS: Reporters will be noted by their bylines at the end of each article. Lou Dunning, Tara Woods Homeowners Association Liaison To advertise in print, contact: Bob or Emy Stein at 941-349-0194 or email us at islandvp@verizon.net. Contributing writers are acknowledged with bylines accompanying their submissions. Attribution for photos are not included unless supplied. We sincerely thank everyone for their contributions. Your articles help showcase the strong and diverse community that makes up Tara Woods. The Columns is published monthly from October through May. Summer issues are condensed: June/July and August/September. All ads are subject to the approval of the publisher. It is the responsibility of the party placing any ad for publication in The Columns to meet all applicable legal requirements in connection with the ad such as compliance with town, county and state codes in first obtaining an occupational license for business, permitted home occupation, or residential rental property. DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability. Island Visitor Publishing is not responsible for claims made by advertisers

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run stay right here in SWFL. Proceeds raised will remain in Southwest Florida to support cancer awareness, education, and patient financial assistance. You can get information online at http://www.facebook.com/ events1887105928209939 The evening of January 6th The Orange Sunshine Band will entertain you at 7:00 PM. Buy your tickets at Saturday Morning Coffee hour and Tuesday Night Bingo. Following that is the Spaghetti Dinner Sponsored by the Softball Team on January 18th at 4:30 PM. January 20th is the Community Yard Sale. Oh my, so many things to choose from; if you can’t find it, it probably does not exist. It is a wonderful day with neighbors and friends. Bakery items, hot dogs, cold drinks, hot drinks and a little place to take a rest before find-

ing more treasures. Watch your calendars for February; it proves to be a busy month. Super Bowl parties, Valentine’s Day Party, and of course, Resident Appreciation Day that is provided by Hometown America, with lunch, games and then a night of dancing, awards, and recognition of our Honorees. There are so many activities to list in this space, so please look at the month’s calendar, the listings in the Clubhouse, and on the front marquee. Thank you for choosing the Tara Woods Lifestyle. Without you it would not be the great place that it is. Enjoy the little things in life…. For one day, you’ll look back and realize they were the big things. “Robert Brault” Darlene Bradley

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Please remember that the speed limit is 20 mph. If you are walking during dusk or dawn, please wear light colored clothing and carry a flashlight. Children are to be supervised at all times while in the Clubhouse and pool areas. You must be a licensed driver to drive a golf cart. No children under 16. PETS: We have a dog park for you to use to walk or run your pets. Please do not let your pet potty on anyone’s yard. If walking in the common area, please pick up poop. We have ordered the stickers for parking violations. We will sticker your car if on the grass or parked illegally in someone else’s spot. We will enforce this by towing your vehicle at your expense.

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Happy New Year! Hope you had the merriest of Holidays. By the time you receive this issue, we will have already had our Christmas Golf Cart Parade, Christmas Caroling and the New Year’s Eve Party. The season has kicked off with our winter residents returning from the cold weather up North and everyone is already golfing, playing tennis, pickleball, shuffleboard, bocce ball, horseshoes, doing crafts, bingo and going to the great parties held by the many clubs at Tara Woods. We are starting a brand new year with the first event in January which is also a great cause that touches so many people: Facial Hair for Cancer Causes 10K-5K Run, 2 Mile Walk; it is held here at Tara Woods and you can walk, run, jog or just be there to support others. All the proceeds from this

The Columns |


www.twha.us • 941.349.0194 • January 2018 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

New Year’s - Time for New Year’s Financial Resolutions We’ve reached the end of another year – which means it’s just about time for some New Year’s resolutions. Would you like to study a new language, take up a musical instrument or visit the gym more often? All these are worthy goals, of course, but why not also add some financial resolutions? Here are some ideas to think about:

• Increase contributions to your employer-sponsored retirement plan. For 2018, you can contribute up to $18,500 (or $24,500 if you’re 50 or older)

to your 401(k) or similar plan, such as a 403(b), for employees of public schools and some nonprofit groups, or a 457(b) plan, for employees of local governments. It’s usually a good idea to contribute as much as you can afford to your employer’s plan, as your contributions may lower your taxable income, while your earnings can grow tax-deferred. At a minimum, put in enough to earn your employer’s matching contribution, if one is offered.

• Try to “max out” on your IRA. Even if you have a 401(k) or similar plan, you can probably still invest in an IRA. For 2018, you can contribute up to

$5,500 to a traditional or Roth IRA, or $6,500 if you’re 50 or older. (Income restrictions apply to Roth IRAs.) Contributions to a traditional IRA may be tax-deductible, depending on your income, and your earnings can grow tax-deferred. Roth IRA contributions are not deductible, but earnings can grow tax-free, provided you don’t start taking withdrawals until you are 59-1/2 and you’ve have had your account at least five years. You can put virtually any investment in an IRA, so it can expand your options beyond those offered in your 401(k) or similar plan.

• Build an emergency fund. Try to build an emergency fund conaining three to six months’ worth of living expenses, with the money held in a low-

risk, liquid account. This fund can help you avoid dipping into your long-term investments to pay for unexpected costs, such as a new furnace or a major car repair.

• Control your debts. It’s never easy, but do what you can to keep your debts under control. The less you have to spend on debt payments, the more you can invest for your future.

• Don’t overreact to changes in the financial markets. We’ve had a long run of rising stock prices – but it won’t last forever. If we experience a sharp market downturn in 2018, don’t overreact by taking a “time out” from investing. Market drops are a normal feature of the investment landscape, and you may ultimately gain an advantage by buying new shares when their prices are down.

Review your goals and risk tolerance. At least once in 2018, take some time to review your short- and long-term financial goals and try to determine, possibly with the help of a financial professional, if your investment portfolio is still appropriate for these goals. At the same time, you’ll want to reevaluate your risk tolerance to ensure you’re not taking too much risk – or possibly too little risk – with your investments. Do your best to stick with these resolutions throughout the coming year. At a minimum, they can help you improve your investment habits – and they may improve your financial picture far beyond 2018.

This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.

Edward Jones, its employees and investment representatives do not offer estate-planning, tax or legal advice. “Adam Hromiak AAMS, CRPC is a Financial Advisor with Edward Jones Investments in Cape Coral on 3571 North Del Prado Blvd. Suite 7 Entrada Plaza, 1/2 mile West of Rt. 41. He can be contacted at (239) 731-6338” 12/18

6 | The Columns

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • January 2018 • 941.349.0194 • www.twha.us

“THE MAGIC OF TARA WOODS” T-SHIRTS AND LANYARDS Now on sale at the Clubhouse every Saturday morning during Coffee.


$10 $4


CHRISTMAS PARTY THANK YOU At the risk of missing someone, I would like to thank the following “Elves” for all their hard work before, during and after the December 2nd Christmas Party: Lee & Roch Beliveau, Alice Benoit, Sharon & Don Boehlke, Polly Brown, Joanne Byrne, George Daly, Pat & Lou Dunning, Brian Francey, Mary Ellen & Jon Gold, Arlene Greene, Tom Heideman, Linda Hoos, Linda Janis, Bob Kuhns, Shelly Lubich, Lynn & Spike Makia, Mary & Bill Nothnagel, Ginnie Pontarelli, Eileen Robinson, Barbara Roland, Sandy & Keith Schulke, Jackie Sullivan, Sue & Bob Uccello and Janell Wissler. All your hard work is very much appreciated. Thank You, Elves! Mrs. Claus

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www.twha.us • 941.349.0194 • January 2018 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


In preparing for the recent Community Opportunity Fair, I found some interesting information about the FMO that I thought you may enjoy reading. Did you know that FMO By-laws provide that a charter can be issued to any mobile/manufactured home community that has a minimum of twelve unit memberships? The local FMO units informed the residents within the park about mobile/ manufactured home issues and coordinated with the state organization to advance the rights of mobile/manu-

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TARA WOODS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION NEWS factured home owners on a statewide basis. As a result of the efforts of the FMO, Florida Statutes Chapter 723 was enacted and it provides for many of the protections that mobile home owners enjoy today. If you would like to read the entire article, please contact me and I will forward it to you. The January 12th meeting of the FMO is being held in Pine Lakes. All meetings start at 1:00 PM and last approximately 2 hours with a refresh-

ment break about half way through the meeting. The meetings are informative and audience participation is encouraged. If you are not a member of the FMO I encourage you to join. Membership applications and envelopes are on the back bulletin board. There is strength in numbers. Wishing everyone a very happy, healthy and safe 2018. Stuart Berman


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will be February 2nd, March 3rd and April 4th. We look forward to seeing you. Donna Phillips 239-731-5802 and Mary Kivel 207-505-5576


short meeting is loaded with important information about our community and the surrounding area. A large packet containing the Homeowners Association Guidelines, disaster preparation tips and lots of other important and interesting information will be handed out to all who attend. Future scheduled orientations


The next Orientation for new homeowners and long-term renters will be held on Saturday, January 6th, in the Clubhouse Living Room. Please arrive between 10:00 and 10:15 to complete paperwork. The meeting will start at 10:30 AM. All new homeowners and renters are encouraged to attend. This

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ENTERTAINING NEWS So Ladies and Gentlemen...as we head into the New Year, the Entertainers are full steam ahead. March 9th & 10th are the dates that we thrill you all with our stage production of “Adam’s Eve”. If you encounter one of the actors during these next two months, and they are mumbling to themselves, just ignore them; they are repeating their lines, since Janu-

ary is when they are “off book”. This is a stressful time for them, so be kind. Encourage them by telling them how much you are looking forward to seeing them on stage. Attention all Entertainer members: the January meeting will be held on the second Saturday, January 13th. The meeting starts immediately after Coffee

about 9:00 AM. See you there. “Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of success… nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” Emerson

age Chorus ushers in a new beginning season. Blow the dust off those pipes and join us for some hardy vocals. Oldies, Sentimental, Rock and Roll, Broadway and all genre, whichever is your favorite, will be sung. We will be getting down to some serious business in the next few months. Springtime is our annual concert and

we sure hope you will join us all. Practice, practice, practice that is the secret to our success as a musical group. Drop by the Clubhouse on Mondays at 12:30 PM. We may just be the ticket you have been looking for so long. New Year? New Adventure. Who does not like to sing? Sheila Piganelli

Pat Dunning, Stage Manager Entertainers


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Del Tura Resident

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Welcome to the New Year, 2018, at Tara Woods. The New Im-

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www.twha.us • 941.349.0194 • January 2018 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

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8:00 AM - 9:30 AM Free Bakery & Coffee provided by Hometown America 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM Poker Run – Cash Prize to Winner 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Free Lunch For 600 People provided by Hometown America (Sandwiches from Beef Depot & Deli) Choice of Ham & Cheese, Chicken Salad, Egg Salad or Tuna Salad Bag of Chips and Chocolate Chip Cookies Cold Beverages and Water (Meal Ticket Required – Available before Tuesday BINGO, at Saturday Morning Coffee or from Polly Brown) 12:00 PM- 2:30 PM Games (14 games of skill) Receive Participation Tickets (Workers to be Tara Woods volunteers) 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Free BINGO - Cash Prizes (From Private Donations) 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Hall Set-up by HTA staff and TW volunteers (PLEASE come and help!) 7:00 PM -10:00 PM Dance & Awards - “K-Sounds” Disc Jockey, Honoree, Frank Millette, Acknowledgement Game Participation Raffle: Prizes - Donations from local businesses, Gift Cards and Cash Donations Door Prizes: Quality Gifts provided by Hometown America 10:00 PM – Finish Clean-up & reset hall by HTA staff and TW volunteers


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www.twha.us • 941.349.0194 • January 2018 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

“A Nite at the Races”

Coming to Tara Woods Friday, February 9, 2018 Sponsored by the New York/New Jersey Club Admission: $2.00 Tickets available at Saturday Morning Coffee and Tuesday Night Bingo starting Tuesday, January 9th, and at the door. Doors Open at 4:00 PM 1st Race at 5:00 PM Food available: Hot Dogs, Chips, Soft Pretzels and Ice Cream Cups *Bring Your Own Beverage* Race Tickets: $1.00/Horse Social Raffle, 10 Races Sceduled Plus Daily Double All Tara Woods and Del Tura residents, friends, and family are welcome! Questions? Contact: Janet Daly 567-2285 janetdaly@yahoo.com

SAVE THE DATE!!! SAVE THE DATE!!! Love will be in the air on Saturday, February 10th when the New England Club will host the Tara Woods Valentine’s Day Party & Dance. Music will be provided by John’s Mobile Music. A light dinner will be served. Tickets will go on sale on Tuesday, January 9th, before Bingo. Please watch the bulletin board for more info, details and ticket prices.




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The Inspirational Group, Inspirations, is again going to send boxes with cookies, treats and useful items to servicemen and women. We will be packing up the boxes in March, after a Saturday Morning Coffee meeting, around 9:30 AM. The date will be announced later, but probably March 3rd. We wanted to give you time to give us names of who you would like a box sent to by the meeting on February 17th, at the latest, so we can purchase items, make plans, bake, get the boxes ready, etc. You can give the names, addresses and any contributions to Beth Ferris. I

will be leading this project so feel free to call me with any questions. Monetary contributions are appreciated for the items, and for the postage. There will be a sign-up list for baking cookies on the bulletin board in February or call Beth Ferris or Ann Scott. Every year we receive many thanks for the boxes they receive and we thank you for your support of this project. You have always been very generous, and we thank you. This is truly a community-wide project and a worthwhile one to show our servicemen and women that we care and

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are thinking of them. Many times, besides their letters thanking us, they include photos, and say they share with their unit, etc. Thank you for your part in sending out the boxes! Beth Ferris

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www.twha.us • 941.349.0194 • January 2018 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


BAILEY SPEAKS Well, the year 2017 was gone before we knew it; so in this segment of Bailey Speaks, I’m addressing Happy New Year in my own way without and hopefully not barking up the wrong tree.




Having to survive Hurricane Irma on Sep- tember 10, 2017. Altitude to keep our spirits high as possible. Patience for many of us to have to wait long periods for relief.


Never give up on our dreams, cause that’s all we have. Everything that may come our way in 2018. Wondering what 2018 will bring. Yes, it’s true that 2018 is upon us. Extra care and concern for one another.

ber don’t drink and drive and have a designated driver. God willing, we are here to enjoy good health and happiness in 2018. That is for one and for all to take part. Just a reminder, keep the speed limit in our community to 20 mph. Also, come see the new improvements at the Doggy Park and what it has to offer my fellow fourfooted friends and, of course, our two-legged friends, also. Please remember to keep our park clean. Till next month, Bailey Happy Tails.


Always have respect for Posterity for keeping others. our heads held high in the face of any Remember reality is adversity we have faced FOR REAL. this past year.



Yearning for a better 2018 New Year.

Happy New Year - 2018. So, let’s wag a tail – I mean let’s have a toast for the upcoming year. If you celebrated elsewhere, remem-

WINNER DECLARED Season #2 for the “Joke Off” took place at Saturday Coffee on December 2nd. The lucky coffee goers were entertained by three who were vying for the title of TWBJT – Tara Woods Best Joke Teller. Here are the contestants: Ann Millette, Don Franks and Lou Dunning, who was the winner from Season #1. They each shared their jokes hoping the audience would applaud loudly. But we can have only one winner, George Daly used the official sound meter to determine the winner. This year’s winner received the real fake gold crown

proudly from Frank Millette who placed the crown on the head of Don Franks. When you see Don around the community make sure to congratulate him on his victory, and possibly ask him to tell you a joke or two. Pat Dunning


Thanks to Bill Black, our pet owners now have shelter from the Florida sun. Bill installed a canopy with the help from

? 0 0 $5

friends in the dog park to enjoy when their dogs are playing. Special thanks to the pet owners who donated to make this possible.


Think about the possibilities! With $500, you could go on a cruise for two, use it toward a shopping spree, or buy a flat screen TV – just to name a few.

Invite your friends to live at Tara Woods, and you could earn up to $500* when they purchase a new home. Call 239-731-1011 for details! *Referral reward restricted to Hometown America residents. Customer must register the resident who referred them at time of their initial visit. Residents whose referral purchases a new or special-order home will receive up to $500. Residents whose referral purchases a Hometown America-owned inventory home will receive up to $300. Residents whose referral purchases a brokered home will receive up to $100. Residents who refer will receive money after closing of escrow. Other terms and conditions may apply. Call 239-731-1011 for more details.

Cruise for two

Two laptops

Domestic flight

Outdoor Grill

Patio Set


Flat Screen TV

Shopping Spree

14 | The Columns

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • January 2018 • 941.349.0194 • www.twha.us


hrough nobody’s fault, your name did not appear in The Columns for your 93rd birthday, which was June 9th. So, better late than never, Happy Birthday, Bob Voorhees! In your 93 years, you’ve seen your dad deliver food to the A&P grocery store in a carriage drawn by horses. Your mom sold ice to neighbors from an icebox that sat outside

on her fire escape. And, Wow! you saw Frank Sinatra, as a very young man, croon to your neighbors in their back yards. A successful entrepreneur, one of the restaurants you built yourself, Jule’s Italian Restaurant, is now run by your daughter and is flourishing. You served your country in WWII as a Seabee and were flown to Washington

DC recently to be among other veterans honored that day. Not to mention all you have done for your Tara Woods neighbors; you have such a big heart! Carry on, my friend. We’re gonna pat you on the back now, and again in June on your 94th. Anita Sherman


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Mrs. Doubtfire Services Housekeeping, Shopping Airport Runs, Appointments Runs,

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Please bring your own tableware, BYOB, and your contribution for the meal.

MID-ATLANTIC CLUB Now that the 2017 Holiday Season has passed, the Officers wish the Community of Tara Woods and their families a Healthy and Happy New Year for 2018. In December, our Club participated in the decorating of the old-fashioned Christmas tree in the Clubhouse. Un-decorating is scheduled for Saturday, January

6th at 9:00 AM. The Christmas luncheon at Bianca’s was well attended and felt like a festive event. Tickets are going on sale starting Saturday, January 13th, at Coffee and will continue at Tuesday Bingo and Saturday Morning Coffee until sold out for the Del Prados Show on Sunday, February 18th, in the Clubhouse. The next Mid-Atlantic Social Club meeting is Sunday, January 21st, at 4:00 PM Barb Pollitt, Secretary Family Owned and Operated


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Alda Gilbert

Our first get-together of the New Year begins at 5:00 PM. It will take place in the Clubhouse where we will enjoy a potluck dinner around 6:00 PM. A special event drawing will also take place towards the end of the meal.

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Here we are into a new year already. The year 2017 went by so fast my head is still spinning. Here’s hoping we all have a very Happy and Healthy New Year. January meeting will be held on FRIDAY, JANUARY 12TH, at 5:00 PM The dinner will be one of our favorites, which consists of soup and salad. The members are asked to bring either a crock pot of their most delicious soup or a salad or a dessert to share. A sign-up sheet will be posted on the bulletin board in the Clubhouse. Also, this is a reminder about the Pig Roast which will be held on Friday, March 2nd. The food will be catered and the total per person is $18.00. The price per member will be $10.00 and the Club will furnish the other $8.00 per member. The deadline for signing up will have to be February 17th. The caterers need at least a ten-day notice as to how many dinners they need to prepare. Arlene Greene, Secretary


Many thanks to Chef Stew Franklin, and Sous Chefs Mike Renzulli and Ron & Sue Proulx for preparing a delicious dinner for our New England Club Christmas Party. Also, a huge “thank you” to our “set-up” crew: Carol & Ed Malatesta, Claudette Burke, and Richard & Louise Letourneau. Teamwork is definitely the key to our very successful and fun parties. Our next event is our “Glad we’re not in New England Party” on Saturday, January 27th, at 5:00 PM. The theme for this party is “Honoring our Ethnicity”. We are asking all members to bring a dish of your ethnicity or your spouse’s ethnicity. Entrees, sides or salads are welcome, but please no desserts. The Club will be providing an “All American Dessert”. On Saturday, January 6th, we must un-decorate our beautiful New England Club tree. Please come help if you can. Happy New Year. Judy Machnicz


18 | The Columns

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MERRY CHRISTMAS, TARA WOODS The holiday season got off to a rousing start with the Tara Woods Community Christmas Party. The Clubhouse was beautifully blazoned with soft icicle lights, twelve fullsized Christmas trees, each uniquely adorned, encircled the room, and the tables were decorated using poinsettias as their centerpieces. The stage featured two trees surrounded by many gifts destined for children in North Fort Myers. The full house crowd of over 200 party-goers feasted on a meal of Salad, Garlic Knots, Pasta Bolognese and Chicken Parmesan. Topping off a delicious meal catered by Two Meat Balls in the Kitchen was assorted cheesecakes. The DJ’s served up music that kept the dance floor full with a festive mood. The music brought to the dance floor line dancers and couples who kicked up their heels late into the evening. A big “Thank You” goes out to Janet Daly and all of her elves who coordinated a wonderful Tara Woods evening. ~ Lou Dunning


The The

Poolside Pub The Poolside Pub now offers Common Sense Catering for your next event or gathering! Call Nick at 239-543-1971 for details

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www.twha.us • 941.349.0194 • January 2018 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

OPPORTUNITY FAIR This year’s Opportunity Fair was very successful. For those of you who missed it, The Fair is a chance for all residents to see what is happening here in Tara Woods and to talk to the people who are involved in their activity. Each booth was designed to highlight its particular activity. The enthusiasm of the people manning the booths was contagious. There was a casual atmosphere that was filled with excitement. Perhaps it was the chance to win at the Bingo booth, or perhaps the chance to enjoy wine and cheese at the Garden Club’s booth, or maybe homemade cookies at the Midwest Club. The Entertainers featured an apple theme in addition to the chance to win one of two sets of tickets to the Florida Repertory Theatre. Our Community newspaper, The Columns, awarded four free Saturday Morning Coffees and the Homeowners Association had drawings for Publix gift cards.

The list of booths is too long to mention each individually. Each group was well prepared and excited to demonstrate and explain their activity. Thanks to all the groups that participated and to each and every resident who came, saw, learned and enjoyed. ~ Lou Dunning

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Be one of the winners at our Tuesday night BINGO.

And you can win more than once during the night!

If your eyesight isn’t as good as it once was, now you

can play too. We have really BIG game packs and “Specials” that are 8 ½” x 11” with 2” numbers. o additional charge for the ticket that can make you the “King” or the “Queen” for the night and earn you even more money on all game sheets. ame packets are sold with either 6 game squares per sheet or 9 game squares. The “Special” game papers have 3 game squares. Buy as many as you’d like! ur Tuesday night BINGO session consists of 14 regular games and 6 “Special” games We also have “Hot Ball” prizes of $50.00 or more and a “Social” raffle. Sales STOP at 6:45 PM. Come join the fun.


Ladies and Gentlemen, come join us every Sunday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Card Room. Cost is $3.00. Will you have the first Bunco or the last, or the most? Will you have the most wins, or the most losses? If you do, the prize money will be yours! Come join the fun. Questions: call Polly Brown 731-1614


Every Friday at 1:00 PM At the Horseshoe Pits.

Come join us for fun and laughs.



PING PONG Ping Pong is every Tuesday and Thursday at 2:00!


Every Tuesday at 12:45 PM and Thursday at 1:00 PM


Every Sunday, Monday and Thursday 4:00 to 5:30 PM Court 4 Open to anyone interested in playing/learning Pickleball Balls and paddles are available.


Tuesdays at 10:00 AM No need to sign up Don’t need a partner

New teams chosen every week ~ Easy to learn Questions: call Frank Millette 543-2954

BRIDGE The Bridge group is looking for bridge players. We meet on Tuesdays at 12:30 PM in the Card Room. Call Beth Ferris at 543-6295 or Rita Sick at 731-1106 first if you are interested in playing with this friendly group. We’d like to have you join us. Beth Ferris


Meets in the Clubhouse Card Room at 7:00 PM on Monday and Thursday nights. The game consists of 11 hands and is easy to learn. Eight quarters gets you in. Come join the fun and play a great card game.


Come join the Mah Jongg group. Do not know how to play? We teach the first three Mondays of the month. We have a great time. Come & join us on Mondays 12:00-3:00 PM. The Happy Ladies of Mah Jongg. Any questions, please contact: Jane DeGuire, 567-0656, or Ruth Zimmer,731-8594.


There’s a “new” game at Tara Woods. If you hear someone say, “fifteen two fifteen four” and you don’t think they’ve lost a screw or two, come and join us in the Card Room every Wednesday at 2:00 PM for a few games of Cribbage. The arrangement is fairly flexible since Cribbage can be played by 2 or 3 or 4 players. Just be there by 2 PM. Cards, cribbage boards and fun will be provided. Contact John D’Amico at 239-731-7928 or danyyankees1@comcast.net.


LADIES! DO YOU PLAY POKER? How long has it been since you’ve played with friends? Did you know there’s a game every Monday night at the Clubhouse just for the ladies? Well, we really don’t have a “No Boys Allowed!!!” rule, but men usually don’t like to play with wild cards and we do. But they’re welcome to play as long as they are willing to “play like girls”. It is most likely the least stressful and least expensive poker you can play around here! It’s a good night to socialize with the ladies and make new friends with the girls who like to play poker. The stakes are very low. Call Polly Brown, 731-1614, if you’d like to join us – she’ll fill you in on the details or answer any questions you may have.

EUCHRE CLUB Meets on Wednesday Nights In the Clubhouse Card Room at 7:00 PM. $.50 to buy in, but offers some “big” prize money!


Texas Hold’em Style Tournament 6:00 PM in the Craft House If interested contact Bill Black at 636-978-7815

LINE DANCING Cancelled until further notice. Barb Goodhue

Book Discussion Club Thursday, January 4th at 1:30 PM 2760 Steamboat Loop Join us to talk about the books we have been enjoying and maybe borrow one you would like to read. Newcomers welcome. Questions: Call Marilyn Workman 239-543-1168


Come join the group for a fun-filled afternoon of cards! We meet on Fridays at 1:00 PM in the Card Room. Don’t know how to play the game? EASY! We will teach you! It is easy to learn. Questions: contact George Stelling, 731-6709, or Marty Hradkowsky, 609-709-7717.


Every Friday night at 7:00 p.m. Different games can be played (All are easy to Learn) LEFT – CENTER – RIGHT (dice- 3-coin buy-in) (winner-take-all each game)

CONTRACT RUMMY (similar to aggravation) (5 quarter buy-in)

31 (card game) (3 dime buy-in each game) (winner-take-all each game)

For more information call Polly Brown at (239) 731-1614

CERAMICS Mondays – 12:00 Noon Ceramics is held in the Ceramics Room by the Tennis Courts. We are there every Monday at 12:00 Noon. For more information and for firing of the kiln please contact Bonnie Abend, 217-0707, or Janelle Wissler, 770-2686. We hope you will come and participate in making ceramics with us. Come join the fun. Bonnie Abend

The Columns |




Friday, January 26th, at 5:00 PM

Open to all those staying at Tara Woods and their guests. A great opportunity to renew acquaintances and make new friends over a relaxed ‘pot luck’ meal and drinks.

Saturday, January 20th

This month’s featured drink sampler… Moose Milk Please bring an offering for the potluck, an appetizer to share during pre-dinner greetings, along with your own table settings and choice of libation. A $2.00 per person donation is requested to cover costs. A sign-up sheet is provided below the “Happy Hour Club” poster in the Clubhouse, which is used for organizing the table arrangements and ensuring that sufficient “themed” drinks are prepared.

7:00 PM Featuring: RED Starring: Bruce Willis, Helen Mirren, Morgan Freeman Rated: PG-13, Action, Comedy Free Popcorn – Drinks 50 cents Lloyd & Carolyn Kelsey


WATER AEROBICS Judy Brda’s Water Aerobics Christmas Party

On December 8th after our 8:00 AM Water Aerobics workout, our Christmas Party was held on the Verandah. What a great time it was! There was lots of delicious food and drinks. We enjoyed it, as we always do. Come join our Water Aerobics fun on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. You will thank Judy for it and for keeping us fit and fabulous. Here’s hoping you had a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and now a Blessed New Year!


www.twha.us • 941.349.0194 • January 2018 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Come join a fun group every Sunday, Monday and Thursday. 4:00 PM on Court 4 Open to everyone; balls and paddles are available.

Ann Kabbas

BIRTHDAYS IN JANUARY: 1 Mary Ellen Gold, Val Roderick 2 “Chico” Silva, Rick Virkus 3 Larry Jones, Alan Warner 4 Rich Araujo, Jean VanSicklin 5 Barb Pollitt 6 Larry Noffsinger 7 Greg Girard, Helen Sullivan 8 Bob Anderson, Mary Biglin 9 Sharon Davidson, Mike O’Hearn 10 Una Bigelow, George Korince, Royce La Liberty 13 Gloria Diggs, Bonnie Lockwood 14 Peggy Boncher, Jean Bozick, Irv Buettner, Audrey Perry 15 Gary Dixon, El Wilson 91 Yrs. 16 Peggy Flynn, John Goers, Gail Stewig 17 Louise Letourneau, Bill Perry 18 Eddie Amarando, Dennis Novak, Lynn Porter, Nancy Schoeppner

20 Henry Gardner, Marti Hradkowsky 94 Yrs., Nancy LeClair, Hannah Montelaro, Judy Pavao, Dave Redgers 21 Diane Ladlie 22 Linda Byrd, Lynne Grossner 23 Roy Conner, Vladimir Fulmas, Gail Korince 24 Janine Morton, Bill Whitacre 25 Lee Beliveau, Loretta Deerhake, Mike Girty 26 Judy Holat 27 Chick Jakacki 28 Bette Davis, Jean Schweinert 29 Darrell Dillon, Dom Nataro 30 Phyllis Carr, Carole Clark, Judy Hanson 31 George Johnston, Ann Kabbas, Karen McKearney, Donna K. Warren, Linda Weibel

ANNIVERSARIES IN JANUARY: 4 7 15 17 20 21 23 25 29

Mary & Rich Kivel Carole & Frank Neveu Judy & Tim Lanpher Judy & Jim Hanson Colleen & Vic Achtelik, Hannah & Paul Montelaro Stephanie & Mike Di Lorenzo Kathy Hildreth & Ray McKinnon Sheila & Frank Piganelli Carol & Ron Heidmous

Contact Shirley Ringleben, 731-2748, before January 10th for Special Recognition of

Anniversaries, 50, 55 or 60+ in February 2018!


22 | The Columns

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • January 2018 • 941.349.0194 • www.twha.us




Your NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH is working for you. The two primary reasons for the WATCH are the protection of our residents and the observation of our community. Check on your neighbors who may be housebound or ill. If you haven’t seen them for a while, check on them. If you see something out of the ordinary, call and report the problem. (911 or 239-477-1000) THIS MONTH’S TIPS: • Notify the front gate of incoming visitors or deliveries. • Burglars never work in the light. Remember to leave lights on during the evening. • Try to have motion activated lights installed on driveway entries. •Keep home and sheds locked. Remove keys from golf carts.

All GOING PLACES information, theatre listings, trips, cruises, travel data, etc., is posted on the bulletin board (outside the billiard room) and/or in the Blue Book in the Library. Saturday, January 20th – FINAL CRUISE MEETING – Clubhouse – 10:00 AM – giving you time to visit the yard sale, (8:00 AM – 1:00 PM) before the cruise meeting. If conveniently possible, ALL NON-Tara Woods Cruisers, are most welcome to attend this final cruise meeting. Kindly call me, if attending, so I can give your name to Security. I suggest that ALL bring a pen and pad to take notes, as much information will be discussed. If I printed your SET SAIL PASS, aka BOARDING PASS & LUGGAGE TAGS, both will be distributed at the meeting. If you printed your own, bring both with you to the meeting so I can be sure that all have them. PASSENGERS WITHOUT PROPER DOCUMENTATION WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO BOARD THE SHIP AND NO REFUND WILL BE PROVIDED. THANK YOU – GRACIAS – DANKE A sincere thank you to you, you, and you (you know who you are) who contributed and donated toys for the Guadalupe Center in Immokalee. Also, a very special thank you, to you, who donated monies which enabled me to purchase bikes and toys for the children of migrant workers. To you who participated and gave, your generosity is much appreciated. You helped SANTA give 500 + children a MERRY CHRISTMAS! GOD BLESS! WARM WISHES FOR A HEALTHY, JOYFUL & PEACEFUL 2018 Dolores Paeth



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CLARK, Bob 2774 Orlenes Street, Lot #382 412-780-1562 PA CLARK, Sue 2774 Orlenes Street, Lot #382 412-780-3584 PA FLOBECK, Ron & Sharon 2605 Macon Circle, Lot #230 257-3549 IL/MI MAGYAR, Lynn 2829 Darwin Street, Lot #528 699-7949 NC SCURLOCK, John 2829 Darwin Street, Lot #528 478-1165 NY SCURLOCK, Midge 2829 Darwin Street, Lot #528 297-3875 NC Phone # Changes: PIGANELLI, Sheila 19727 Pandora Circle, Lot #430 308-3242 Address Changes: None Misc. Changes: None Delete the Following Names: BOCK, Debbie 2872 Steamboat Loop, Lot #288 Moved COLACINO, Joe & Sherley 19631 Savannah Road, Lot #131 Sold DEVOY, Ann 19768 Cottonfield Road, Lot #446 Deceased DORSETT, Clark 19731 Pandora Circle, Lot #431 Deceased GIBBS, Carrie 2774 Orlenes Street, Lot #382 Sold 1/18

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TENNIS ASSOCIATION TREE If you haven’t been to the Clubhouse to see all the beautiful Christmas decorations, you should take the time to do so before all the trimmings are taken down on January 6th. Something you might want to check out is the Tennis Association Christmas tree. The tree and all the “tennis ball” ornaments were provided by Gwen Engel Windancer and Warren & Linda Engel. Gwen and Linda wanted to use actual tennis balls as the theme for their tree, so embellishments were added to tennis balls to make quite an attractive “tennis” tree. We hope you enjoy viewing the tree as much as we enjoyed decorating it! TENNIS COURTS The “F” word – we all know that four-letter word that is not used in polite company. However, there are some good words that start with the letter “F”, like Fun, Food, Family, and Friends. There are also good people whose first name starts with the letter “F”, people like Fred (Puhlfuerst) and Frank (Neveu). These two guys are

to be commended, in my opinion, for all the work they do behind the scenes on our tennis courts. And, they don’t do it for the accolades; they just do it because “it needs to be done”. Thank you both, Fred and Frank, for all you do to maintain our tennis courts and everything else related to our enjoyment of the game. – Linda Engel ROUND ROBIN The weather was just beautiful for our November 26th Round Robin, which was the first of our tennis season. We had 22 people playing tennis that day, surprisingly with exactly 11 men and 11 women signing up to play. That number combination of men and women doesn’t happen very often. To keep all the tennis players well hydrated after their vigorous matches, we want to thank Fred Puhlfuerst who saw to it that courtside refreshments were available for everyone to enjoy. We would also like to thank Priscilla Taylor and Arlene Franchini for agreeing to fill in for two of the players who had signed up but were unable to play that day.



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Later in the day – after our fun tennis and our Tennis Association Meeting – we all enjoyed salad, a very large selection of pizza, and ice cream sundaes. Thank you, Janice & George Johnston, for providing the meal. We are grateful that we have volunteers who have agreed to host the dinner and refreshments for our three future Round Robins. For January 28th, Gwen Engel Windancer and Mary Ellen Gold volunteered to arrange the dinner, and Carole & Frank Neveu will handle the courtside refreshments. For February 25th, Connie Lessard ad Andy Hardy will arrange the dinner, and Art & Louise Frederick will provide the courtside refreshments. For March 25th, we have Frank & Carole Neveu arranging the dinner and Julie Howley handling the courtside refreshments. Thank you to all of the above people for volunteering. It is appreciated. – Linda Engel TENNIS LEAGUES WOMEN’S LEAGUE Both the Angels and the Fusion teams hope that everyone enjoyed the Christmas holiday and they wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year. Women’s League – Angels The Angels hosted the ladies from Pine Lakes on December 7th; the Angels won 2 sets and lost 4 against their very tough competitor. After three weeks of matches, the Angels now have 10 wins and 8 losses. Women’s League – Fusion The Fusion traveled to Herons Glen and played on their soft courts on December 7th. The Fusion won all six sets. After three weeks of matches, the Fusions now have 12 wins and 6 losses. There is always a Women’s League match played at our “home” courts every Thursday. The league schedule was set up to have one Tara Woods Women’s Team play at home while the other team plays away. So, come on out and cheer on either one of the teams every Thursday at 10:00 AM. – Linda Engel MEN’S LEAGUE White League – Stallions The Stallions Men’s White Team has had a good start this season. After three matches, the Stallions are in first place. We have had good team play in each of our matches. That means the two players on the court can work well together, keeping the other team on the defensive. This coordination keeps the ball in play and causes the


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opposite team to make the mistakes. There are ten teams in the league, so we have a lot more competition in the weeks ahead. We will have to work to stay in our present position. There will be some exciting matches ahead, so be sure to come out and help us win. – Fred Puhlfuerst White League – Mustangs Although we have not had very much success to start our 2017-2018 season, we continue to play close matches on both Court 1 and Court 2. We hope for continued improvement with better, more consistent play, and we are looking forward to our match on January 9th against the Tara Woods Stallions at 1:00 at our courts. SEE YOU ALL THERE!!! – Ed Malatesta Blue League – Tigers You may have heard the story about the tourist visiting Manhattan for the first time who stopped a passerby and asked, “How can I get to Carnegie Hall?”. The passerby responded, “practice, man, practice”. Well there is a lot to be said about how important practice is. Ask any member of any team. It certainly works for our team. I should also mention that our cheering section adds a lot to our overall game. – Bill Powers Submitted by Linda Engel

MAGIC SOFTBALL Our softball season begins January 3rd and goes through March. The previously published schedule is likely to change somewhat due to one or two teams cancelling their participation. A new updated schedule will be available by mid-December. As of December 10th our team consists of:

Janell Wissler Larry Baldwin Greg Girard Tom Powers Tony Pinelli Ed Maletesta Larry Nofsinger

Rick Lubich Bill Nothnagel Bob Polenska Rod Browder Don Buechner Joe Plut Ron Mester Jon Gold Pam Ahlers Ed Pollitt Bob Uccello Bill Hubbs Aaron Homringhouse

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There might be one or two additions in January. Our third annual Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser is scheduled for Thursday, January 18th in the Clubhouse. We will be selling tickets on Saturday mornings and at Tuesday Bingo, starting in mid-December. This event has been very popular, with an excellent meal at a very reasonable cost - $12.00. Larry Baldwin is the event chairman once again and is available to answer your questions at 913-945-0016.





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28 | The Columns

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • January 2018 • 941.349.0194 • www.twha.us

The Garden Club Wishes Everyone a Very Happy New Year As a reminder, the Trash and Treasure this year is Saturday, March 3rd. Our next meeting is Saturday, February 10th, to discuss the Trash and Treasure. If you are not a member and would like to join, or just would like to volunteer to help. please come to this meeting. Remember, the monies received from this event enable us to have the Fashion Show for free each year. PLEASE start to put aside any items you no longer want. Remember any electrical items must work; we accept clothing along with all items for the house. The Garden Club would like to remind the other Clubs that the Lunch and Bake Sale held during the Craft Fair are available. If interested, please call Carol Shields 731-0481 The Garden Club wishes to again thank John and Linda Hoos for ALL their work in the Butterfly Garden. John and Linda cannot thank all of

you enough for your newfound enthusiasm in the Butterfly Garden. A sincere thanks to all of you who have donated garden toys to the garden; we are so grateful. Carolyn Bishop was a long-time gardener here in Tara and we are proud to have her Gnomes in our garden for some “blooming luck”! Shirley and Charlie Boyle loved to sit and watch our wildlife at the day’s end, so we are happy to have their bench donated by her daughter, Sue Nagel, at our garden. Please come sit and enjoy the peacefulness of The Tara Woods Butterfly Garden. Hugs to Fred Puhlfuerst for making the wonderful Merry Christmas sign for the garden. Rachelle DellaRocca Linda Hoos January what to plant Bedding Plants: Plants that can be added to the garden during the coolest months include begonia, browallia, lobelia, dianthus, dusty miller, and nicotiana. Bulbs: Winter is a great time to plant bulbs that will bloom this spring. Some to try are Clivia lily, crinum, and agapanthus. Herbs: Many herbs will thrive now that temperatures are cooler, including tarragon, thyme, dill, fennel, and any of the mints.


Welcome back to our Winter residents! The Computer Club provides free computer lessons for the owners, renters, and guests of Tara Woods. These are held at 10:30 AM every Thursday in the Card Room at the Clubhouse. They are open to everyone, and there is no membership fee. Our normal schedule of classes began on December 7th. The first and third Thursday of each month is devoted to Computer Basics. This is a complete course on how to use your computer. The second and fourth Thursday are reserved for General subjects, and cover a single specific topic of interest. If there is a fifth Thursday in a month, it is an open question and answer session where you can ask me almost anything you want. It’s never too late to join our group, even if you’re a total novice. This is a great time to learn the Basics; we are starting again at the

very beginning and assume that you know nothing about computers. The General topics will cover all sorts of subjects, programs, and hardware. These will include Windows 10, a series on working with photos and multi-media, tablets, and e-book readers. This year, Linda Janis will be teaching a pair of lessons on smart phones and the apps that you can run on them. We spend as much time as we need to on each topic, and the next topic to be covered is always posted on the bulletin board in the Clubhouse. Feel free to attend only those classes that appeal to you. Bring something to take notes with, and your laptop computer if you want to follow along on it. I will answer any question you care to ask me. I also give private lessons and set up or repair computers in your home. I’ve been designing, programming, repairing, teaching, and working with computers since

Vegetables: Continue planting cool season crops including beet, cabbage, turnip, lettuce, and broccoli. January what to do Rejuvenate the landscape: After the danger of freezing temperatures, it’s a good time to plant woody shrubs. Water frequently to get new plantings off to a good start. Irrigation: Plants may need water if temperatures remain higher than normal and rainfall is scarce. Shrubs and Trees: Prune nonspring flowering shrubs and trees this month to improve form. Arbor Day: Florida observes Arbor Day on the 3rd Friday of January. To celebrate, plant a tree in your yard or community. Cold Protection: If a frost or freeze is predicted, bring sensitive plants like orchids inside. Water sensitive plants in the landscape thoroughly 12-24 hours before a freeze and cover. Pests: To control scale on citrus, shrubs, and deciduous fruit trees, apply horticultural oil while plants are dormant. Apply copper spray to mangos after bloom. Excerpts from the University of Florida Gardening Calendar

1968, and can help you with all of your computer needs. Please call me with any questions or comments at 652-0488. I’m looking forward to seeing you. Dave St. Laurent, The Computer Tutor

RED HAT CLUB SCARLET LADIES OF TARA.... FUN FUN FUN Come join us on the first Tuesday of every month for lunch social and raffle. We donate to a charity at the end of the year. For Halloween, we went to Suncoast Community Center for Trunk & Treat. We wore our Red Hat outfits and enjoyed seeing the kids. Sign-up sheet is on the board at the Clubhouse. Questions, call Patty Sparany 652-3869


Hope you are enjoying our Library. Volunteers are always needed. There is a sign-up sheet in the Library. Thank you for all your help. Patty Sparany


The Mammo Mobile will again be in our community. On Tuesday, January 30th, in the parking lot from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Fliers will be in the Clubhouse and in all Ladies Restrooms. Questions, call Patty Sparany 652-3869


This program was designed to help locate a family member with a mental disability who has wandered away from home. If you contact a representative, after notifying the Sheriff’s office, he will have a list of mem-

bers who will ride through our community to assist in locating the missing person. Robert Glandorf, 239-543-6683 Chuck Poveromo 815-979-3467 Stuart Berman 239-220-2369 Jack Boylan 239-567-0119

CERT/DISASTER TEAM UPDATE We know everyone is glad that Irma and the 2017 Hurricane Season is behind us. The CERT/Disaster Team is currently “Reviewing, Revising and getting ready to Educate” the Tara Woods Residents on our plans moving forward for future disaster events that may arise in our Beautiful State and Community. WATCH and READ information that will be in future Columns for new, revised and important information coming from our TEAM. Thank you, Lynn

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