THE COLUMNS Vol. 28 No.12
Tara Woods Homeowners Association –
April 2018
Amelia Road Party Get-Together On March 3rd
We started the month of March with our first GetTogether Party! The purpose of our get-together was really to know more about each of our neighbors. Connie & Andy and Pam & Jim were hosting this first new activity and we had a wonderful time. It was great to take some time to get to know each other by talking and laughing....and drinking!
We would like to thank our good neighbors who gently accepted our invite. The acitivty was a success because of their participation.
~ Connie & Andy ~ Pam & Jim
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Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • April 2018 • 941.349.0194 •
MANAGER’S CORNER Hello, to all new residents and renters. We appreciate you choosing Tara Woods for your winter home in South Florida. Our Residents Appreciation Day was fun for all; games, a luncheon, and finishing the day with door prizes, and music for dancing. March events brought us Trash and Treasure, a play given by the Entertainers, which was a wonderful success, the St. Patrick’s Day Party, the Chorus Show and all monthly Club parties, including our monthly Happy Hour. Just a reminder to all, please get your new entrance stickers for your car and golf carts at the Office Monday-Friday. Your new stickers make your entrance to the community much easier for you and our gate attendants. We are contacting our RV residents to issue a time for them to acquire their entrance stickers also. By the time you receive The Columns you will have noticed the new chairs in the Clubhouse, water fountain was repaired, automatic doors
were serviced, and the new dog park gate with no lock to make the entrance to the park user friendly. The large entrance for RV’s will still be locked for entrance after hours. Thanks to all residents for keeping their homes and lawns in great shape. If you need assistance, please call the Office and get referrals on other residents in the community who help for a small fee. Again, thank you for remembering to abide by our speed limit! If you have not had the opportunity to meet our new home salesman, Jim Sorensen, please stop by the Sales Center and get acquainted. Darlene Bradley
Estimates On All A/C Systems
We Accept All Major Credit Cards
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3 • 941.349.0194 • April 2018 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
The Homeowners Association is dedicated to providing timely and accurate information to residents as it relates to our lives here in Tara Woods. Hopefully you had the opportunity to attend the Association’s arranged “Dialogue with Darlene” session. We thank Community Manager, Darlene, for her open communication and handling of concerns submitted by residents. Going forward, a more consistent use of our resident’s concern form will result in the opportunity to fully investigate and provide accurate feedback. We are growing and changing as a Community and there are many moving parts. While growth and change are important it can also be sometimes uncomfortable. It requires ongoing communications to keep all residents informed. For the first time since the Homeowners election of Directors in January, we now have a full Board. With
the untimely passing of Board member and good friend Joanie Byrnes, Lynn Makia was appointed to fill that vacancy. Board member Nancy Wuebbeler submitted her resignation as a result of health issues. We wish Nancy a speedy recovery and thank her for her service to the Homeowners Association. After reviewing a number of excellent interested members, Rick Lubich was appointed to fill Nancy’s position. We welcome both Lynn and Rick and thank all who volunteered to serve on the board. HEADS UP – Please join the Board in congratulating Linda Beaulieu who has volunteered to be the Editor of our Columns newspaper. We all look forward to working with Linda. We would like to say thanks to Donna Erhardt for her dedicated work on the Columns. Donna will help with the transition and continue to contribute to our Tara Woods community.
DID YOU KNOW THAT – Our library has over 2,260 books; hard copy, paperbacks and large print. If you see a book you would like to read, take it and then return it when you are done. It is as simple as that. While in the library, take notice of the copy machine (a bargain at 5¢ per copy). Take a little time and investigate the bulletin boards. There you can find items for sale, items wanted, services available and more. The big blue lost and found bin is also located in the library. In addition to books there is free WIFI is available in the clubhouse. The password is TW CLUBHOUSE. So, stop in and take a look. Joan Henrick leads a dedicated group of volunteers who keeps the library looking sharp. If you are interested in volunteering, contact Joan at 731-3998. Lou Dunning Vice President
SUMMER COLUMNS To all our residents who are heading north for the summer and want to receive a copy of The Columns while you are away, please remember to drop off your self-addressed, stamped enve-
lopes to me before you leave. Due to the format of The Columns, you will need a 9”x12” envelope; postage is $1.61 for U.S. and $2.91 for Canadian. If you have any questions,
please give me a call. Gail Sanfilippo 19732 Charleston Circle 567-1401
VETERAN’S WALL OF HONOR If any Tara Woods resident is interested in having his or her name added to the Wall in the
Card Room, please show your DD-214 or other proof of active service to Mike Girty (239-543-
2535) or Chuck Poveromo (815979-3467). There is a $6.00 charge for printing of the lettering.
The best way to forget your own problems is to help someone solve his. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Philippians 2:4
Activities, Sports & Clubs can be found on pages: 8, 10, 11 - 13, 18 - 20 and 26 - 27. State Club information can be found on page 16 - 17. Please note that the April Calendar is on the last page
( ASSISTANTS: Linda Engel and Marcia Poveromo PHOTOGRAPHY: Sam Jokich and Lou Dunning CALENDAR: Polly Brown CIRCULATION: Gail Sanfilippo, Manager COORDINATORS: Stuart & Belle Berman, Bill Black, Agatha Breen, Pat & Lou Dunning, Peggy Gamble, Lloyd & Carolyn Kelsey, Bob Kuhns, Sharie & Norm Libby, Diane & Bob Nunn, Ed Simko, Nancy Schoeppner, Lori Thomas, Susan Uccello, and Julia Wehrung. ALTERNATES: Claudette & Mark Burke, Joanne & Bob Byrne, Al Dion, Sandy Schuelke, Linda Hoos, Vic Sharps, Arlene Greene, Linda Beaublieu (Oct-May), Brenda Redgers (Oct-May), Cookie Wilczek (Oct-May). REPORTERS: Reporters will be noted by their bylines at the end of each article. Ginnie Pontarelli , Tara Woods Homeowners Association Liaison To advertise in print, contact: Bob or Emy Stein at 941-349-0194 or email us at Contributing writers are acknowledged with bylines accompanying their submissions. Attribution for photos are not included unless supplied. We sincerely thank everyone for their contributions. Your articles help showcase the strong and diverse community that makes up Tara Woods. The Columns is published monthly from October through May. Summer issues are condensed: June/July and August/September. All ads are subject to the approval of the publisher. It is the responsibility of the party placing any ad for publication in The Columns to meet all applicable legal requirements in connection with the ad such as compliance with town, county and state codes in first obtaining an occupational license for business, permitted home occupation, or residential rental property. DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability. Island Visitor Publishing is not responsible for claims made by advertisers
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Full or Partial
New Year Specials
“Material In The Yard”
“You Dream It And We’ll Make It Happen” 12681 Metro Pkwy, Suite 2, Fort Myers, FL 33966
The Columns |
1/19 • 941.349.0194 • April 2018 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
6 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • April 2018 • 941.349.0194 •
North Fort Myers Florist Full Service Florist
WE DELIVER LOCAL and Worldwide ROSE SPECIAL/CASH & CARRY: $14.95 8190 Littleton Road, Suite #105 North Ft. Myers, FL 33903
Stephanie Norris Del Tura Resident
BEV BAYLEY passed away February 27th. Services are pending. MARILYN BRION passed away March 3rd. No services. She will be buried next to her husband in a military cemetery in MA. SAM LONG passed away March 6th. A private service will be held for family only. Please send cards to their families. Addresses are on the bulletin board or in your directory.
3/18 12/18
Daylight Saving Time is here and that means more hours to spend outside in the wonderful sunshine!!!
DOROTHY CARLSON has been moved to Caloosa Harbor Assisted Living. Her daughter advised she is doing well. Please let me know of any others who may be in need of some cheer at this time. Everyone, stay healthy and happy! Lynn Makia 513-476-2465
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The Columns | • 941.349.0194 • April 2018 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Now on sale at the Clubhouse every Saturday morning during Coffee.
FMO NEWS Over the last several months I wrote about some of the programs, ideas or concerns FMO has shared with its membership. Topics covered ranged from how to prevent yourself from being scammed, preventing falls in your home to the importance of making sure your smoke detectors are in good working order. One of the benefits of membership often goes unnoticed. That is the Cross-Country Motor Club. The CrossCounty Motor Club equals PREMIUM ROADSIDE SERVICE. It provides 24-
$10 $4
TARA WOODS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION NEWS hour Emergency Road Service, Custom Computerized Trip Routing/Map Service, Reimbursement for Emergency Travel Expense, Emergency Message Service, Auto/Truck/RV Rental Discounts, Hotel/Motel Discounts, Spouse covered at no extra charge and so much more. The annual cost is currently only $35.00 per year. To take advantage of this service you must be an FMO member. Specific questions should be addressed to Joyce at or call 727-530-7539.
Applications for membership in FMO and The Cross-Country Motor Club can be found on the back bulletin board in the Clubhouse. The next meeting of the FMO will be held on Friday, April 13th at Lake Fairways. All meetings start at 1:00 PM with a refreshment break half way through the meeting. Thank you for joining or renewing your membership in FMO. FMO needs you and you need FMO.
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12/18 12/16
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Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • April 2018 • 941.349.0194 •
ENTERTAINING NEWS So Ladies and Gentlemen...the set has been removed and the stage is bare. The cast and crew have returned to their normal lives. It is quiet time with The Entertainers. I do hope you got the chance to join us in the audience and that you enjoyed our performance. Also, thank you to all who bid and congratulations to the winners of our “Silent Auction”. A big thank you goes to all who took part in any way to our production, before, after or during the show. Without you all Tara Woods would not have the Magic. Without you all our community could not put on this or any performance or function.
We are searching for a production for next season to wow you again on stage. The Entertainers do not select the play until later; you will have to continue reading my articles and as soon as I can I will let you know the selection. ATTENTION: ENTERTAINER MEMBERS, our last meeting for this season was on Saturday, March 17th, immediately following Saturday Morning Coffee. As for now, Snowbirds, have a safe trip and return to us renewed and refreshed. For those of us who are year-round residents, I look forward to seeing you at one of our fun events during the summer. Cinema is a literature of images; Theatre is a literature of ideas. Peter Glenville Pat-one, Stage Manager Entertainers
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SEWING FOR CHARITY Sewing for Charity will be taking a break for the summer the beginning of May and will resume in October. Presently we have several lap quilts, adult bibs, and totes for walkers that will be donated in the next week. Thank you, Barb, Fay, Sandy and Karen, for all your help with these. Susan Uccello
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ACTIVITIES, ACTIVITIES by Janet Daly Coming up in April: Easter Dinner on Sunday, April 1st, Hosted by Sue & Ron Proulx There are lots of other events going on hosted by groups/clubs. Read about the upcoming events elsewhere in this Columns. Thank You! Thank Yous for March go to the St. Patrick’s Day Committee for a great St. Paddy’s Day party. Thank you to the club and group presidents and representatives, and everyone who attended the Activities Planning Meeting on Saturday, March 10th. Much information was shared and some important issues were discussed. As a result of that meeting, it was made clear that new residents are not indoctrinated on the party procedures that us “old timers” take for granted. In an attempt to document the customs that have developed over the years, I offer the following guidelines: All events are publicized in The Columns newsletter. All events open to the entire community are publicized with a poster hung on the bulletin board on the West wall of the Clubhouse – one month before the event. All publicity for events should include
as much information as possible, including the name and phone number of a contact person. Other venues to hear about upcoming events are at the Saturday Morning Coffee Information Meeting which starts at 8:45 AM. Come at 8:00 AM for coffee, bakery and fellowship; and also at the Homeowners Association Meeting the second Monday of the month at 7:00 PM. Just about all events are Bring Your Own Beverage. At most events where you are assigned a table, it is customary to bring a snacktype food to share. This is not necessary or expected. At events where tables are assigned, there should be Table Reservation Sheets available by the poster for people to make up their own tables for at least eight people, with the understanding that others will be allowed to sign up to twelve people per table – or as noted. Event and Club meetings which are open only to Club members are posted on the Club bulletin boards o n the North side of the Clubhouse. These events should also list a contact person and phone number. It is important to know that ALL com-
munity groups are listed on page 4 of the Tara Woods Community Resident Directory, with a contact person and phone number. Questions regarding any of these groups or the events they are sponsoring can be directed to the people listed. I can’t emphasize enough the importance of reading The Columns and visiting the Clubhouse occasionally to see what upcoming events are posted. The Columns is posted each month on the Homeowners Association Website: www. Memorials and deaths are listed on the Sunshine Board on the North wall, along with those who are hospitalized or recuperating at home from an illness and could use a card or call to put a little “Sunshine” in their life at a difficult time. As Activities Coordinator, I will try to keep you informed and updated as questions arise. Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have questions regarding the parties and events. If I can’t answer your question, I most likely know who can. Janet Daly, Activities Coordinator 239-567-2285
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Aluminum cans will be picked up the 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month. Please rinse out your cans before putting them at the end of your driveway by 9:00 AM. Your participation helps both your Homeowners Association and the environment. Last year the twice-a-month aluminum can collection resulted in over $1,800.00 which helped to fund your Homeowners Association operations. Thank you also to the dedicated crew of residents who pick up the cans.
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12 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • April 2018 • 941.349.0194 •
by Sam Topping
“If you find yourself going through hell, don’t stop.”
E MIK SE J K U BY BHO U CL Everyone's Welcome • We look Forward to Seeing you! Please sign up at the Clubhouse SUNDAY, APRIL 8th, 6:30 PM • ICE CREAM • 7:00 PM KARAOKE Sponsored by Bill Black & Friends It’s our TREAT to you From the Activities Fund
The Columns |
13 • 941.349.0194 • April 2018 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
THE GARDEN CLUB be in the Clubhouse with all the details. There are alot of new people in the Park. Ladies, have you ever thought about being a model? We need models for the November Fashion Show; it’s lots of fun and you get to wear the newest fashions. Interested? Either join the Club or contact me. Please take time to visit the Butterfly Garden. Linda and John Hoos continue to do such a great job. Did you know? If you look closely in the garden you can see the larva on the various leaves of the special plants chosen for this reason and even get a glimpse of the pupa. All of the plants in the Butterfly Garden are chosen specifically for the butterflies’ needs in the different stages of its life - even the muddy fountain since butterflies (mostly male butterflies) get nutrients from the mud which they pass to the female thru mating. These nutrients help increase the chance of passing their genes to another generation. As Linda likes to say, “Life is constantly going on in the garden”; it’s a wonderful thought and we are lucky if we get to see it. Rachelle DellaRocca 239-322-6386
What to plant Annuals: Plant heat-tolerant annuals, such as coleus, vinca, and portulaca. Bulbs: Cannas thrive in the heat of summer. New varieties have colorful leaves as well as flowers. Herbs: Add nasturtiums to your herb garden. The leaves and flowers add a peppery zest to salads. Vegetables: Continue planting warm-season vegetables such as eggplant, southern pea, bush bean, sweet potato, and summer squash. Watch irrigation if the weather is dry. What to do Pests: When monitoring insect ac-
The Trash and Treasure was a huge success. THANK YOU to Everyone who donated items. The Garden Club will again be able to hold the Fashion Show in November as a free event. We will also be able to make donations to CROW and ECHO and have monies to keep up our beautiful Butterfly Garden. A special THANK YOU to ALL the great volunteers; without these people the Trash and Treasure would not be possible. We will be discussing this year’s luncheon at the March 10th meeting. Since The Columns deadline is also the 10th, I don’t have all the details yet. Tentatively we are reserved at Magnolia Landing for Friday, April 13th. As a reminder, the Garden Club Luncheon is open to Garden Club members only! What a GREAT time to join, dues are ONLY $5.00, and you would be part of the group that is responsible for: The Fashion Show, The Craft Fair and The Trash and Treasure; I promise no one will force you to do any gardening. A sign-up sheet for the luncheon will
tivity, know which bugs damage plants and which do not. Identify and conserve beneficial insects: Some insects should be encouraged in your yard! Flowering Plants: Damaged flowers on gardenias and roses may indicate thrips are present. Tomatoes: Watch for pests, disease, and nutritional disorders on developing tomato plants. Palms: Identify and treat environmental and nutritional disorders in palm trees. Oleanders: Chewed or ragged leaves indicate oleander caterpillars at work.
Fruits: Propagate fruit crops by air layering and grafting. Divide perennials and bulbs: Divide clumps of bulbs, ornamental grasses, and herbaceous perennials to expand garden beds or to pass along to friends. Shrubs: Choose from a wide variety of shrubs to add to the landscape now. Excerpts from the UF gardening calendar South Florida edition, for complete information see website.
14 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • April 2018 • 941.349.0194 •
ere you present at The Valentine’s Party this February? If you were there, you experienced the gifts, talents and humility of Judy Machnicz, and the New England Club. During the party Judy called the names of couples married over 50 years and the date of their marriage. Members of the Club accompanied them to the front seats and presented the wives with a red rose. Our Barry blessed them and all married couples who were present. It was a powerful time in people’s lives. The New England Club know and love Judy and she obviously loves them, too. The spirit in that Club is indicative of the strong leadership Judy and Dawn have given to it. They both steer a good ship. Judy and her husband, Bill, are both from Connecticut, Bill from Beacon Falls and Judy from New Haven. Bill’s hometown is very small, and during his childhood the children were bused out of town to be educated and they did not have a police department (like Mayberry USA?). Bill was raised with his two brothers, graduated from Naugatuck High School and University of Connecticut, where he attended the five-year program and received a degree in Pharmacy. Some of you knew Judy’s wonderful parents, Ray and Ruth Benjamin (not related to Dawn) who resided in Tara Woods for many years. Both of Judy’s brothers became Navy Pilots. Unfortunately, one brother was killed as he flew his Navy plane. Judy attended North Haven High School, South Connecticut State College and Meriden Wallingford Hospital where she received a Radiology Certification. Both Bill and Judy worked for 32/33 years at Meriden Wallingford Hospital, later becoming Veterans Memorial Hospital and then Mid State Medical Center. Needless to say, that is where these two dedicated people met, fell in love and married. They built their home in Meriden, Connecticut, where they resided for many years. During her time at the hospital she became the Social Director in the Radiology Department and ran their many parties. We know how creative she is, so they must have been marvelous parties, like ours! The “Mach’s” frequently visited her parents in Tara Woods. As the years progressed, the Benjamin’s health started to fail, and Judy felt the need to be near her parents. Unfortunately, Florida does not have reciprocity for a Pharmacist license, so Bill ardently got books from University Connecticut Library. After many years of not studying, he opened the books, studied hard and passed the Florida Pharmacy exam and the Florida Pharmacy Law the first time! Wow! We have all benefited from his act of love. They moved to Tara Woods in 2006 and, like them, skilled medical professionals were in demand, so Bill immediately got a job working in the Walmart Pharmacy at Kings Highway and later relocated to the new store in Punta Gorda. He is still working there full time, even with some physical challenges he has endured. Many of us remember Judy’s dedication and devotion she gave to her parents as they aged. It was inspiring to watch this loving caregiver. Judy chose not to work but to be fully present to her parents. We lost them in 2010/ 2011; Ray and Ruth’s love being so strong they could not live without one another. Presently Judy is dedicated to her cats, is an active member of the ASPCA, the Gulf Coast Humane Society and the Animal Rights of Connecticut. Her rescue cats are fully welcomed and lovingly cared for in her home. She is a certified member of the CERT team and a former member of the Hurricane Committee. During Hurricane “Irma” many residents staying at the Clubhouse raved about Bill and Judy’s professional care and concern during the raging storm. They were so fortunate to have their medical experience and knowledge. The New England Club are so lucky to have this wonderful lady as their VP and we are so lucky to be their neighbors and call them “FRIENDS!!! Thanks, Bill and Judy Mary Nothnagel
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CANADIAN CLUB At the time of this writing we are looking forward to our last dinner on March 16th hosted by Connie Lessard/Andy Hardy. We are being treated to a chicken pot pie/mashed potato entrée. Perhaps this comfort food will lessen our sadness about the end of our season here at Tara Woods as we all head back up north to
Tom Weigand
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14261 Jet Port Loop West, Suite 8 Ft. Myers, FL 33913
The next dinner will be in November and I will send out an email closer to the time with the details. Everyone, have a safe journey home and a fun summer. Brenda Redgers
MID-ATLANTIC CLUB As our “Winter” season turns into “Spring”, we enjoyed the Isles Yacht
our Canadian homes. February’s dinner was hosted by Patti & Sandy Thompson and David & Brenda Redgers. A pasta dinner accompanied by appetizers and desserts provided by the club members was enjoyed. We had a great turnout, 46, and it was fun to mix with our members and guests.
Club brunch in Punta Gorda on March 18th. It has been determined that Tuesday, April 10th, will be the boat trip to Cabbage Key. Can’t wait for the sun-filled day on the water.
The boat trip replaces the scheduled Sunday meeting on April 15th. A picnic may be planned for May 20th to wrap up our get-togethers until the “Fall”. Barb Pollitt, Secretary
NEW ENGLAND CLUB The New England Club is saddened on the loss of two of its members, Bob Benjamin and
Rosemarie Topor. We will miss them both dearly. To all our snowbirds taking flight soon, be safe and healthy. To our summer survivors, we look forward
to a quiet, storm-free summer and also stay safe and healthy. Judy Machnicz
The Columns |
17 • 941.349.0194 • April 2018 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
MIDWEST CLUB F R I D AY, April 13th 5:00 PM This meeting’s meal will be hot dogs, potato salad, beans and dessert. The cost per member will be $5.00. BYOB Please sign up on the sheet in the Clubhouse by April 10th. We need to know how much food to buy, especially how many hot dogs to purchase. We do not want anyone to go without.
Tech Problems
The activity for the evening will be “bean bag baseball”. This should get you in the mood for the baseball season!!! This will be our last meeting for the season. We realize that some “snowbirds” will have already left to go up north. Those of you who are still here, we do hope you will be able to attend.
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Bob He� – (239) 215-2050
Arlene Greene, Secretary
NEW YORK/NEW JERSEY CLUB Lobsterfest – 2018 Saturday, April 14th 4:00 PM
BYOB & Snacks, if you wish. Chowder-Lobster Dungeness Crab?? Steamed Mussels – Jumbo Shrimp Clams on the half-shell Cole Slaw - Corn-on-the-cob ½ Rotisserie Chicken - Dessert Ticket prices & table reservation sheets on the Club bulletin board. Tickets on sale until Saturday, April 7th. New York/New Jersey and New England Clubs ONLY! – Sorry!
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Thank you all so much! Sincerely, Julie and Jo-Ann
Sealing of Pavers, River Rock FREE ESTIMATES
Hello Everyone, Well, the season is coming to the end, so with that said, you all know Jo-Ann and I are stepping down as President and Vice President. I do really hope Someone decides to step up, as yet no one has done so. If anyone has a nomination, please email them to me. We will also send out ballots. We are advising you starting this coming week, to pay for the last two weeks of bowling; paying $30 this week and then $30 next week. Then we will be all paid up before the last day which is April 1st. This being it takes time for the Alley and us to make everything fall into place for Your banquet Our Banquet will be April 11th, at Heron’s Glen at 11:30 AM in the Ballroom. The Menu: House Salad with Italian or Ranch Dressing, with warm rolls and butter. Your Entre’ choices are: 1. Pot Roast • 2. Chicken Francaise • 3. Salmon with a Dijon Mustard All will be served with Tri-colored Green Beans and Roasted Potatoes Tea and Coffee with Desert A full Bar as always....NO CASH ACCEPTED BY HERONS GLEN! CARDS ONLY!
The just concluded 2018 Slow-Pitch Softball season made me think of Charles Dickens’ opening paragraph from his novel, “A Tale of Two Cities”; “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way.” The Team started the season January 10th (Best of Times) with much hope for an improved season when it came to W’s. Well that didn’t happen (Winter of Despair). I do know down to a person, that for each team member the spirit was more than willing and committed, however our mortal flesh had other plans. Many of the senior members of the Team remember the glory days when Eisenhower and Kennedy were President, when we could hit a ball out of the park and our reflexes were so sharp that we wondered what it must be like to not make that throw to second, catch that 90 mph. line drive or run home with room to spare. There are communities in the now seven team league that have a larger pool of people to draw from, with the result that they actually have try-outs to make the team! Some communities have also managed to dip their feet into the player pool when they have come up short of the required number of players to make a team. The player pool consists of players with no community affiliation to current teams. The quality of these players I’m told is quite high and from what my eyes have observed I believe it. We at Tara Woods would, on the other hand, like to have all the members of Team Tara continue to be residents of Tara Woods. I like to think that we and our loyal supporters are a family because of where we live, and we would like to keep it that way if at all possible. Tara Woods is a smaller community when compared to many others. In addition, many on the Team are finding it difficult to play 2 games per week, many weeks, in an eighteen-game season due to physical maladies and personal family matters like visiting grandchildren that also need to be attended to. We thus find ourselves in the position of having to introduce softball to foreigners like me to field enough players for each game. This is especially true as we get past the half-way mark of the season. That, however, doesn’t help with our immediate goal, which is to field a slightly more competitive team by having more healthy players to choose from. Hope springs eternal (season of Light) so if you know of someone, yourself included, who would like to have the privilege of wearing a Tara Woods Magic jersey, please do contact us and we can discuss a remuneration package along with what you are prepared to offer the team. Now, for the player who was last seen standing at second base in our March issue of The Columns, he advanced to third base on a well hit single down the first base line and finally he made it home on a fielding error by the opposing first baseman. At this time, I wish to thank my fellow team members and playing manager, Bill Hubbs, for their interest and devotion to be there for most of the 18 games, knowing that many nights many of us were in a world of hurt from strained backs, bruised shoulders, bad knees, sore legs, pulled hamstrings, stiff quads, painful calves to (pick your adjective) elbows. Many thanks to Larry and John for scorekeeping duties along with Aaron for his bat duties. Also, thanks to Sue and Bob for placing the “Game Tonight” figurine at the front gate for every game. That I find helps game day ticket sales. The final word on this season is directed to Tara Woods Magic’s loyal fans who make their way to Carmalita Park every Monday and Wednesday to show us that they care (spring of hope). THANK YOU so much and we look forward to your company next year! Joseph Plut
The Columns |
19 • 941.349.0194 • April 2018 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Medium Sudoko Puzzle 1
Fill in the puzzle so that every row across, every column down and every 3 by 3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9.
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20 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • April 2018 • 941.349.0194 •
Be one of the winners at our Tuesday night BINGO.
And you can win more than once during the night!
If your eyesight isn’t as good as it once was, now you
can play too. We have really BIG game packs and “Specials” that are 8 ½” x 11” with 2” numbers. o additional charge for the ticket that can make you the “King” or the “Queen” for the night and earn you even more money on all game sheets. ame packets are sold with either 6 game squares per sheet or 9 game squares. The “Special” game papers have 3 game squares. Buy as many as you’d like! ur Tuesday night BINGO session consists of 14 regular games and 6 “Special” games We also have “Hot Ball” prizes of $50.00 or more and a “Social” raffle. Sales STOP at 6:45 PM. Come join the fun.
Ladies and Gentlemen, come join us every Sunday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Card Room. Cost is $3.00. Will you have the first Bunco or the last, or the most? Will you have the most wins, or the most losses? If you do, the prize money will be yours! Come join the fun. Questions: call Polly Brown 731-1614
Every Friday at 1:00 PM At the Horseshoe Pits.
Come join us for fun and laughs.
PING PONG Ping Pong is every Tuesday and Thursday at 2:00!
Every Tuesday at 12:45 PM and Thursday at 1:00 PM
Every Sunday, Monday and Thursday 4:00 to 5:30 PM Court 4 Open to anyone interested in playing/learning Pickleball Balls and paddles are available.
Tuesdays at 10:00 AM No need to sign up Don’t need a partner
New teams chosen every week ~ Easy to learn Questions: call Frank Millette 543-2954
BRIDGE The Bridge group is looking for bridge players. We meet on Tuesdays at 12:30 PM in the Card Room. Call Beth Ferris at 543-6295 or Rita Sick at 731-1106 first if you are interested in playing with this friendly group. We’d like to have you join us. Beth Ferris
Meets in the Clubhouse Card Room at 7:00 PM on Monday and Thursday nights. The game consists of 11 hands and is easy to learn. Eight quarters gets you in. Come join the fun and play a great card game.
Come join the Mah Jongg group. Do not know how to play? We teach the first three Mondays of the month. We have a great time. Come & join us on Mondays 12:003:00 PM. The Happy Ladies of Mah Jongg. Any questions, please contact: Jane DeGuire, 567-0656, or Ruth Zimmer,731-8594.
There’s a “new” game at Tara Woods. If you hear someone say, “fifteen two fifteen four” and you don’t think they’ve lost a screw or two, come and join us in the Card Room every Wednesday at 1:00 PM for a few games of Cribbage. The arrangement is fairly flexible since Cribbage can be played by 2 or 3 or 4 players. Just be there by 2 PM. Cards, cribbage boards and fun will be provided. Contact John D’Amico at 239-731-7928 or
LADIES! DO YOU PLAY POKER? How long has it been since you’ve played with friends? Did you know there’s a game every Monday night at the Clubhouse just for the ladies? Well, we really don’t have a “No Boys Allowed!!!” rule, but men usually don’t like to play with wild cards and we do. But they’re welcome to play as long as they are willing to “play like girls”. It is most likely the least stressful and least expensive poker you can play around here! It’s a good night to socialize with the ladies and make new friends with the girls who like to play poker. The stakes are very low. Call Polly Brown, 731-1614, if you’d like to join us – she’ll fill you in on the details or answer any questions you may have.
EUCHRE CLUB Meets on Wednesday Nights In the Clubhouse Card Room at 7:00 PM. $.50 to buy in, but offers some “big” prize money!
Texas Hold’em Style Tournament 6:00 PM in the Craft House If interested contact Bill Black at 636-978-7815
Movie Nite
Saturday, April 28th 7:00 PM Featuring: Mother’s Day Starring: Julia Roberts, Jennifer Aniston Rated: PG-13, Comedy Free Popcorn Drinks 50 cents Lloyd & Carolyn Kelsey
Book Discussion Club Thursday, April 5th at 1:30 PM 2760 Steamboat Loop Join us to talk about the books we have been enjoying and maybe borrow one you would like to read. Newcomers welcome. Questions: Call Marilyn Workman 239-543-1168
Come join the group for a fun-filled afternoon of cards! We meet on Fridays at 1:00 PM in the Card Room. Don’t know how to play the game? EASY! We will teach you! It is easy to learn. Questions: contact George Stelling, 731-6709, or Marty Hradkowsky, 609-709-7717.
Every Friday night at 7:00 p.m. Different games can be played (All are easy to Learn) LEFT – CENTER – RIGHT (dice- 3-coin buy-in) (winner-take-all each game)
CONTRACT RUMMY (similar to aggravation) (5 quarter buy-in)
31 (card game) (3 dime buy-in each game) (winner-take-all each game)
For more information call Polly Brown at (239) 731-1614
CERAMICS Mondays – 12:00 Noon
Ceramics is held in the Ceramics Room by the Tennis Courts. We are there every Monday at 12:00 Noon. For more information and for firing of the kiln please contact Bonnie Abend, 217-0707, or Janelle Wissler, 770-2686. We hope you will come and participate in making ceramics with us. Come join the fun. Bonnie Abend
The Columns |
21 • 941.349.0194 • April 2018 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Friday, April 27th, 4:30 PM
Open to all those staying at Tara Woods and their guests. A great opportunity to renew acquaintances and make new friends over a relaxed meet & greet and drinks. Please bring an appetizer to share and BYOB.
WARM WISHES THAT YOUR HOME & HEART WILL BE FILLED WITH JOY & BLESSINGS AT EASTER AND ALL YEAR! HAPPY EASTER NEW NEW NEW 2/16-2/23, 2019 TW ANNUAL CARIBBEAN CRUISE – onboard Celebrity EQUINOX. This 7-night Caribbean cruise leaves out of Miami w/stops in San Juan, Puerto Rico; Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas; Punta Cana, Dominican Republic; Nassau, Bahamas. Bus from TARA WOODS ROUND TRIP TO PIER INCLUDED! Early dining confirmed.
Deposit $250 pp due at time of booking. REFUNDABLE until final payment 11/14/18. Oceanview & balcony stateroom booked by April 3, 2018 choose TWO PERKS from: classic beverage open bar package, high-speed internet, prepaid tips, $300 per cabin onboard credit. ON THE DRAWING BOARD TBA KEY WEST EXPRESS – high speed, full transportation service, sailing non-stop from Fort Myers Beach to Key West in 3-1/2 hrs. Departs – Fort Myers Beach 8:30 AM; Departs – Key West 6:00 PM CHOICE – SPEND THE DAY OR SPEND THE NIGHT OR
TWO! The vessel offers: seating for over 400 people, 2 outdoor sun decks, 2 indoor climate-controlled cabins, large flat screen TV’s, full cash galley & bar, all aluminum • construction, all turbo diesel engines w/jet propulsion, state-of-theart ride control • electronics and navigation equipment. IF INTERESTED, KINDLY SIGN NAME & PHONE NUMBER IN BLUE BOOK (IN LIBRARY). THIS WILL GIVE ME A HEAD COUNT – TO PURSUE FURTHER. IF IT LOOKS LIKE A’GO’, I WILL HAVE AN INFORMATION MEETING TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION! Dolores Paeth
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES IN APRIL 1 Bob Kuhns 2 Joe Foster, Kathy McClure, Carole Stonhill, Carol West, Marilyn Workman 3 Audrey Bernard, Mark Van Ort 4 Richard Letourneau 5 Nancy Buettner, Karen Marquis 6 Bob Apple, Steve Corey, Ray McKinnon 7 Doug Springsteen 8 Belle Berman, Pete Pracher 9 Robin Swartz, Lori Thomas, Susan Yohn 11 Phyl Apple, Tracy Baugher, Sandy Dahlhofer, Sandra Mosher 12 Dave Hebert, Frieda Martino, Frank Millette, Jens Richers 13 Bonnie Geary 14 Ken Jones, Beverly Ray, Dotty St. James 15 Perry Finkle 16 Art Clegg, Bobbie Mester, Ginnie Pontarelli, Deb Towne 17 Jack Boylan, Marie Cooper,
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 30
Darlene Wehlage Joe Medici Bob Mangliano, Linda Renzulli, Donna Riggio Roy Moorhead, Julie Vanderplaats Diane Novak Cheryl Douglas Ange Roncek Kathy Baldwin, Rocky Beliveau, Peter Krilivsky Alexia Thompson Lou Cashin, Sue Cook Jim Hanson, Elissa Manna, Paulette Smith, Patti Thompson
1 2 4 7 8 9 12 16 18 19 21 22 23 25 26 27
Judy & Roger Doward, Judy & John Pavao Claudette & Mark Burke Peggy & Ray Flynn, Joan & George Henrick Carol & Darrell Dillon Susan & Joe Van Sickle Lynn & Spike Makia Bonnie & Manny DiGrazia, Jo & Sam Topping Pauline & Ray Paquette Pat & Tom Hubert Bev & Herb Langill, Louise & Richard Letourneau, Linda & Tom Sager 50 yrs. Jean & Dave Sharp Mary & Bill Nothnagel, Susan & Darryl Yohn Peggy & Chris Conley, Mary & John Costantini Becky & Warren Lundmark Karen & Carl Marquis Priscilla & Bill Taylor
Contact Lynn Makia - 513-476-2465 before April 10th for Special Recognition of Anniversaries 50, 55, or 60+ in May 2018
Mrs. Doubtfire Services Housekeeping, Shopping Airport Runs, Appointments Runs,
100% Ready
When You Walk Through The Door.
Alda Gilbert
to people who want to learn the game, all are welcome. We invite you to stop by, give it a try, and join in on the fun. The Pickleball players are looking forward to the installation of two dedicated regulation Pickleball courts, but watch out Hometown America, based on the growing numbers of Pickleball players we can definitely use four to six courts in order to accommodate all in Tara Woods who love to play this sport.
Pickleball is alive, well, and prospering at Tara Woods. Stop by our temporary home on the Tennis Courts any Sunday, Monday, or Thursday. We are there from 4:006:00 PM and you are apt to see games on all four courts with people on the bleachers waiting to rotate into the game. Yes, that’s right, our numbers are increasing. At this time there are about 30 players who love the game and more have expressed an interest in joining! From beginners to experts
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PETER and BARBARA KRILIVSKY 2858 Darwin Street • N Fort Myers, FL 33917
22 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • April 2018 • 941.349.0194 •
COMPUTER CLUB readers, social media such as Facebook and Twitter, Skype, and we may even look at Blender and 3D printers. We spend as much time as we need to on each topic, and the next topic to be covered is always posted on the bulletin board in the Clubhouse. Feel free to attend only those classes that appeal to you. Bring something to take notes with, and your laptop computer if you want to follow along on it. I will answer any question you care to ask me. I also give private
lessons and set up or repair computers in your home. I’ve been designing, programming, repairing, teaching, and working with computers since 1968, and can help you with all of your computer needs. Please call me with any questions or comments at 652-0488. I’m looking forward to seeing you. Dave St. Laurent, The Computer Tutor
The Tara Woods Computer Club provides free computer lessons for the owners, renters, and guests of Tara Woods. These are held at 10:30 AM every Thursday in the Card Room at the Clubhouse. They are open to everyone, and there is no membership fee. The first and third Thursday of each month is devoted to Computer Basics. This is a complete course on how to use your computer. The second and fourth Thursday is reserved for General subjects and cover a single specific topic of interest. If there is a fifth Thursday in a month, it is an open question and answer session where you can ask me almost anything you want. It’s never too late to join our group, even if you’re a total novice. This is a great time to learn the Basics. This month we will be finishing our series on working with photos and our six-part series on Computer Basics. We will continue with tablets and e-book
The Columns |
23 • 941.349.0194 • April 2018 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
What Should You Do With Your Tax Refund? You may not get much of a thrill from filing your taxes, but the process becomes much more enjoyable if you’re expecting a refund. So, if one is headed your way, what should you do with the money? The answer depends somewhat on the size of the refund. For the 2017 tax year, the average refund was about $2,760 – not a fortune, but big enough to make an impact in your life. Suppose, for example, that you invested this amount in a tax-deferred vehicle, such as a traditional IRA, and then did not add another penny to it for 30 years. At the end of that time, assuming a hypothetical 7 percent annual rate of return, you’d have slightly more than $21,000 – not enough, by itself, to allow you to move to a Caribbean island, but still a nice addition to your retirement income. (You will need to pay taxes on your withdrawals eventually, unless the money was invested in a Roth IRA, in which case withdrawals are tax-free, provided you meet certain conditions.) Of course, you don’t have to wait 30 years before you see any benefits from your tax refund. If you did decide to put a $2,760 tax refund toward your IRA for 2018, you’d already have reached just over half the allowable contribution limit of $5,500. (If you’re 50 or older, the limit is $6,500.) By getting such a strong head start on funding your IRA for the year, you’ll give your money more time to grow. Also, if you’re going to “max out” on your IRA, your large initial payment will enable you to put in smaller monthly amounts than you might need to contribute otherwise. While using your refund to help fund your IRA is a good move, it’s not the only one you can make. Here are a few other possibilities: Pay down some debt. At some time or another, most of us probably feel we’re carrying too much debt. If you can use your tax refund to help reduce your monthly debt payments, you’ll improve your cash flow and possibly have more money available to invest for the future. Build an emergency fund. If you needed a new furnace or major car repair, or faced any other large, unexpected expense, how would you pay for it? If you did not have the cash readily available, you might be forced to dip into your long-term investments. To help avoid this problem, you could create an emergency fund containing three to six months’ worth of living expenses, with the money kept in a liquid, low-risk account. Your tax refund could help build your emergency fund. Look for other investment opportunities. If you have some gaps in your portfolio, or some opportunities to improve your overall diversification, you might want to use your tax refund to add some new investments. The more diversified your portfolio, the stronger your defense against market volatility that might primarily affect one particular asset class. (However, diversification, by itself, can’t protect against all losses or guarantee profits.) Clearly, a tax refund gives you a chance to improve your overall financial picture. So take your time, evaluate your options and use the money wisely.
This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.
Edward Jones, its employees and investment representatives do not offer estate-planning, tax or legal advice. “Adam Hromiak AAMS, CRPC is a Financial Advisor with Edward Jones Investments in Cape Coral on 3571 North Del Prado Blvd. Suite 7 Entrada Plaza, 1/2 mile West of Rt. 41. He can be contacted at (239) 731-6338” 12/18
24 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • April 2018 • 941.349.0194 •
NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH Your NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH is working for you. The two primary reasons for the WATCH are the protection of our residents and the observation of our community. • Check on your neighbors who may be housebound or ill. If you haven’t seen them for a while, check on them. • If you see something out of the ordinary, call and report the
problem. (911 or 239-477-1000) THIS MONTH’S TIPS: MAKE OUR PARK SAFE Speed limit 20 MPH, Obey Stop Signs, No wading or swimming in the lakes, No Feeding of wild animals, Stay Safe - have a wonderful Summer!
CORRECTIONS TO THE CURRENT TARA WOODS DIRECTORY MARCH 2018 If you need to make any changes, additions or corrections to your listing, please call Polly Brown at 239-731-1614 to be included in the next monthly update and next year’s directory. Additions: CRUZ, Lou & Norma 1 9730 Pandora Circle, Lot #442 LANGELAND, Terry & Lavonne 19768 Cottonfield Road, Lot #446 REAMY, Paul & Shirley 19679 Charleston Circle, Lot #89 RIGSBY, Steve 2617 Macon Circle, Lot #227 RIGSBY, Judy 2617 Macon Circle, Lot #227 THOMAS, George 19750 Pandora Circle, Lot #437 THOMAS, Anita 19750 Pandora Circle, Lot #437 Phone # Changes: GATES, Kirsten 2604 Macon Circle, Lot #243 GREEN, Amos & Mary 2752 Steamboat Lp. Lot #259 HANSON, Jim 19654 Pandora Circle, Lot #464 HANSON, Judy 19654 Pandora Circle, Lot #464 HEIDEMAN, Tom 19500 Charleston Circle, Lot #38 HEIDEMAN, Lois 19500 Charleston Circle, Lot #38 PROULX, Ron & Sue 19514 Cotton Bay, Lot #64 TAYLOR, Gail 2564 Macon Circle, Lot #191 Address Changes: MCCLURE, Kathleen 2828 Steamboat Loop, Lot #277
239-471-3926 616-805-2792 239-246-1657 614-306-2656 614-286-0041 610-762-5284 610-308-2951
239-599-8835 239-800-3837 603-490-2042 603-548-2642 651-428-9310 561-440-6244 603-860-2129 239-246-4613 239-297-2888(new)
Misc. Changes: On page 3 under “Library” (Pat Sparany) change to Joan Henrick phone 239-731-3998 On page 4 under “Canadian Club” (Marquis’) change to Brenda Redgers phone 239-599-8450
Family Owned and Operated
14871 N. Cleveland Ave., N. Ft. Myers (Across from Super Walmart on US 41)
Labor Only
Must present this coupon, not valid with other discounts or offers. Expires 4/18
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Delete the Following Names: BAYLEY, Bev 19435 Omega Road, Lot #212 BRION, Marilyn 2863 Orlenes Street, Lot #359 CARLSON, Dorothy C. 19608 Woodfield Circle, Lot #119 HUNT, Fran 19750 Pandora Circle, Lot #437 HARRIMAN, Carrie 2617 Macon Circle, Lot #227 LONG, Sam 19537 Cotton Bay, Lot #49
Deceased Deceased Deceased Sold Sold Deceased
TARA WOODS DISASTER PLAN TEAM •Do you know all you need to do to prepare for a disaster in our community? •Do you know where the Lee County shelters are if we are advised to evacuate? •If a shelter is not an option for you…do you know where you would go if we are advised to evacuate? •Do you have all the necessary items to last you if we are advised to evacuate? •Do you know what you need to do to close up your house when you evacuate? •If you have special needs, have you registered with Lee County,
so you can get to a shelter? All these questions and more can be answered by one of our disaster plan team members. See us to get our updated disaster plan
booklet. We will be available at Saturday Morning Coffee beginning April 7th. Lynn Makia
The Columns |
25 • 941.349.0194 • April 2018 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
TWHA Board Meeting
2:00 PM
April 2nd
Shuffleboard Banquet
6:00 PM
April 5th
Book Discussion Club at Marilyn’s
1:30 PM
April 8th
6:30 PM
April 9th TWHA Meeting 7:00 PM April 13th
Midwest Club Meeting
5:00 PM
April 14th
Pancake Breakfast
April 14th
New Residents Orientation
April 14th
New York-New Jersey/New England Lobsterfest
4:00 PM
April 21st
7:00 PM
April 27th
Happy Hour Club
4:30 PM
7:30 AM - 8:4 AM 10:15 AM
April 28th Movie Nite 7:00 PM
? 0 0 $5 ITH... W O D U O Y LD WHAT WOU
Think about the possibilities! With $500, you could go on a cruise for two, use it toward a shopping spree, or buy a flat screen TV – just to name a few.
Invite your friends to live at Tara Woods, and you could earn up to $500* when they purchase a new home. Call 239-731-1011 for details! *Referral reward restricted to Hometown America residents. Customer must register the resident who referred them at time of their initial visit. Residents whose referral purchases a new or special-order home will receive up to $500. Residents whose referral purchases a Hometown America-owned inventory home will receive up to $300. Residents whose referral purchases a brokered home will receive up to $100. Residents who refer will receive money after closing of escrow. Other terms and conditions may apply. Call 239-731-1011 for more details.
Cruise for two
Two laptops
Domestic flight
Outdoor Grill
Patio Set
Flat Screen TV
Shopping Spree
26 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • April 2018 • 941.349.0194 •
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The Tara Woods Tennis Association meeting on February 25th began with kudos being given to Connie Lessard & Andy Hardy for a delicious meal, to Art & Louise Frederick for the courtside snacks, and to Linda & Warren Engel for all their hard work in setting up the Round Robin pairings. We are all looking forward to the next Round Robin on March 25th when Carole & Frank Neveu will plan the dinner and Julie Howley & Dick Heffron will provide the courtside snacks. This will be the last Round Robin planned by Warren & Linda Engel. Their hard work over the years taking the lead and planning this monthly event for the Tara Woods Tennis Association is very much appreciated. Jon Gold has volunteered to be the Round Robin Coordinator for the future Round Robins. Since there were no candidates for the offices of President, Secretary, and Director at Large, the election was postponed until the March 25th meeting. Roger Rafferty will serve as the Nomination Committee and will be looking for people to step forward and take on a leadership role so the Tara Woods Tennis Association can continue to be a viable organization. The March 25th meeting will also be the day that George Daly and Bob Polenska will provide all the details necessary to make an informed vote on
the possible installation of a practice board on the tennis courts. Additionally, the Tara Woods Tennis Association will finish their discussion and vote on the dues for next year. Stay tuned for the results in the May issue of The Columns. – Debbie Polenska, Secretary ROUND ROBIN We had 17 tennis players signed up to play in our third Round Robin of the season which was held on February 25th. Since we had 10 men and only 7 women to match up for the pairings, it took a little work to try to set up good pairings. But, all in all, since this is designed as a friendly tennis competition, I think most everyone had a good day on the courts. The dinner hosted by Connie Lessard and Andy Hardy consisted of Salad, Chicken Pot Pie, Smashed Potatoes, and various desserts. Lots of compliments were offered from the 32 people who participated in the delicious meal. This writer thoroughly enjoyed the dinner. Art & Louise Frederick provided some very good courtside refreshments. It’s great that we can enjoy these refreshing snacks in between our tennis matches. For March 25th, Carole & Frank Neveu have volunteered to arrange
the dinner and Julie Howley & Dick Heffron will be handling the courtside refreshments. It is really appreciated that people volunteer to handle the monthly dinners and organize the courtside refreshments. When next season rolls around, we hope people will again volunteer to be dinner hosts or to handle the courtside refreshments. The March 25th Round Robin will be the last one organized by Warren & Linda Engel. Jon Gold has volunteered to be the Round Robin Coordinator next season, starting with the November 2018 Round Robin. We thank Jon for stepping up and taking on this responsibility. We are sure he will do a good job. – Linda Engel TENNIS LEAGUES WOMEN’S LEAGUE Women’s League – Angels The Angels ended their season with a 3-win/3-loss split on March 8th, which gave them a season total of 45 wins and 39 losses. This puts them in 6th place in the league, just 2 wins behind the 4th and 5th place teams and well ahead of the 7th and 8th place teams.
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The Columns |
27 • 941.349.0194 • April 2018 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
BAILEY SPEAKS Well, it’s hard to believe that I’ve been pawing, scratching behind my ears, actually, I mean writing Bailey Speaks for one year now. No April Fool’s joke. Hopefully, my fellow two legged, along with my four footed furry friends, enjoyed the time reading informative facts this past year. For the last couple months, my master has been doctoring and nursing my fire ant bites allergy. I am slowly on the mend. So once again, I stress, be careful of those fire ants. Today, on this segment of Bailey Speaks, I am stressing the “Top 3 Tips” for success.
1. Read something no one else is reading. 2. Think something no one else is thinking. 3. Do something no one else is doing. Remember, think whatever you may think. Till next month, Happy Tails Bailey P.S. Happy Easter In the meantime, after hunting down last month’s leprechauns, I am now on the hunt for the Easter Bunny. Unfortunately, I might just wind up getting a Cadbury Egg instead. Oh well. He he!
level of competitiveness while still having fun. If I ever do this in the future, I’ll always remember my first time and make that next experience as rewarding as this has been. As always, see you on the courts! – Ed Malatesta Blue League – Tigers As of March 4th, we are in 5th place, one point short of 4th. Our competition has been very strong so far, and in the final weeks of the season we are up against the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams. One thing you can always count on in this senior league is that the players are never the same from match to match. There is always a cruise, a grandchild’s graduation, a bad cold, visiting relatives, etc., etc. Who knows what our next match will bring. In any case we all look forward to our next game and the anticipation of a big win. – Bill Powers Submitted by Linda Engel
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read the May issue of The Columns to see where we finished, that is, unless you came out to watch one of the last matches. Thanks to those who did come out. The tally sheet is on the Tennis Bulletin Board. – Fred Puhlfuerst White League – Mustangs As I complete my first year as a captain, I want to thank Don Boehlke and Roger Rafferty for their mentoring and help in my responsibilities in being a captain, Mike Renzulli for his help in tennis rules and “Renzulli rules”, Gene Dickie for the best refreshments in the league, and Don Swartz for his positive attitude and willingness to play under the worst of situations. To our super subs, Dick Heffron and Gerry Gagnon, thanks for your efforts, and thanks to Linda for her patience, and to Dakota and the Tennis Association for their gift of tennis balls. Although we were not very successful record-wise, we still maintained a
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Women’s League – Fusion The season ended for the Fusion on March 8th with them winning all 6 of their sets, giving them a total of 47 wins and 37 losses for the season. Another team (Sabal Springs) had an identical win-loss record, so both teams share 4th and 5th place in a league of 8 teams. Coincidentally, two other teams shared a win-loss record of 51 wins and 33 losses, so those teams shared 2nd and 3rd place in the league. The 1st place team had 58 wins and 26 losses. – Linda Engel MEN’S LEAGUE White League – Stallions There are just three more weeks in the White Team season as of this writing (March 7th). The Stallions are still in 4th place out of ten teams. We hope to move up one more notch before the end of the season – wishful thinking – hope we do!!!! By the time you read this, the season will be over and you will have to
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28 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • April 2018 • 941.349.0194 •