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Photo Directory

4 | The Columns Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • December 2019 • 941.349.0194 • www.TWHOA.net 88 Pine Island Road N. Ft. Myers, FL 239-997-3383 www.thenorthfortmyersdentist.com 18 | The Columns Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • April 2019 • 941.349.0194 • www.twhoa.net Shift HELP ? / Bob He� – (239) 215-2050 I Come to You! Tech Problems bob@suntechins�tute.com Our Services Whether you need help with your computer, smartphone, or automating your home — SunTech can help. Learn to make the best use of your Phone, Tablet, Smart Speaker & Computer! — $30/hr. + $10/home visit We’ll help you gure out what to buy, set it up & show you how to make the most of it. NEW—Help to Automate Your Home!  Apple & Android Tablets & Phones  Windows, Mac & Chromebooks  Virus Removal & PC Tune-Ups  Wireless Network & Internet Help  Printer Setup & Support  In Home Training & Support The Pickleball Team will be sponsoring a “Spring Carnival” event on Saturday, April 20th, at the Clubhouse. The evening will include carnival games, light snacks, music, dancing and a social event. BYOB. The event will run from 6:30 to 9:30 PM, with doors opening at 6:00 PM. We hope everyone can join us for an evening of fun and companionship. Please see the poster in the Clubhouse. If you have a question, contact: Diane Gibson, 603-244-0536 AEROBICS Get your body moving in the Clubhouse with Richard Simmons!! Meets Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:00 AM: - CARDIO 8:00 - 8:25 AM -TONING 8:25-8:40 AM (bring weights or water bottles) - FLOOR 8:40 - 8:50 AM (bring a mat) - BALANCE 8:50-9:00 AM Meets Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12:45 PM: - CARDIO 12:45 -1:10 PM - TONING 1:10-1:25 PM (bring weights or water bottles) - FLOOR 1:25-1:35 PM (bring a mat) - BALANCE 1:35-1:45 PM Come for all the sessions or one of the segments that you are interested in. For more information contact Lynn Makia 513-476-2465 or Barb Simonson 541-840-4430 PICKLEBALL TEAM Attention All Tara Woods Golfers: There will be a golf meeting at the Clubhouse on Saturday, April 27th, at 9:30 AM, to discuss the upcoming Golf League. Please bring any questions to the meeting for discussion. Look forward to seeing everyone there. Larry Baldwin • 913-945-0016 GOLF We will be updating our photo directory over the next several months.

Help us connect faces with names by scheduling a portrait session. You will receive a complimentary 8 x 10 portrait and a new directory at no cost to you. (Additional portraits and directories may be purchased.)

Next Portrait Session on: December 19 th 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM Thursday December 20 th 10:00 AM – 3:30 PM Friday

You are invited to schedule a portrait session during Saturday Morning Coffee from 8:00 to 9:30 AM or before Tuesday Bingo from 5:00 to 6:00 PM. One of the following people will be there to schedule your portrait session:

Frankie Lindon Ann Millette Joan Wade Sheila Harris Pat Dunning Please allow up to ONE hour for your portrait session, during which time you will check-in, review your directory information (name, address, phone number and email), be photographed, view images, select your directory portrait and have the opportunity to purchase additional portraits if you choose. PHOTO DIRECTORY So, Ladies and Gentlemen… the end of the year, amazing – where did 2019 go?  is year we were so blessed to have new people join our band of troopers. I know that if you know one of these dedicated people or any of the rest of the Entertainers, your plans are in place to attend one of the two performances in March 2020. Someone said to me the other day, “I am sorry, but, I could never be on stage, so I cannot help the Entertainers.” How wrong they are.  e audience is a huge part of what we do as Entertainers. Without an audience there would be no purpose to our shows. We all enjoy working on and o stage, and all with one goal – to create an entertaining evening for the audience. Please believe that when you are attending, you have become part of the performance.  anks, from all of us.

There is no cost to join us. Open to all interested, the Entertainers Business Meeting will be on December 21 st , a er Saturday Morning Co ee in the Clubhouse Living Room.  is would be about 9:15ish.

“Movies make you famous. Television makes you rich. But theatre will make you good.” – Terrence Mann Pat Dunning, Stage Manager for the Entertainers pdunning46@gmail.com or 239-599-4490 ENTERTAINING NEWS


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November Contest Winners: Mr. & Mrs. MikeFuchsfrom Del Turareceiving their UV Light. ThankYou from Custom Cooling & Heating.

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Who Can Help You With Your Estate Plans?

You may know you want to leave something behind for the next generation, but, if you’re like many people, you’re less sure about how to do it. Simply put, you need an estate plan. But who can help you create one?

A comprehensive estate plan can be complex, involving various areas – investments, laws and taxes – so you may well need assistance from more than one source. Specifically, you may need to work with a team consisting of a financial advisor, an attorney specializing in estate planning, and a tax professional.

Putting together such a team may take some effort, but it doesn’t have to be as complex as your estate plan itself. Your first contact may be the professional who knows you on the deepest level, and that’s likely to be your financial advisor. If you’ve worked with a financial advisor for years, you’ve probably shared your hopes and dreams, as well as all your personal financial information. Yet, 64% of Americans report never having discussed estate goals and legacy plans with their financial advisors, according to the recent Leaving a Legacy survey commissioned by Edward Jones.

This figure may indicate a lack of urgency on the part of investors. But it might also show a lack of awareness on just how much a financial advisor can help with planning your estate. Since your financial advisor is likely the one who helped you position your key investments – IRA, 401(k), etc. – into your overall financial strategy, it’s likely this same person can assist you in integrating these types of assets into your estate plans.

Furthermore, your financial advisor is likely well-connected to tax and legal professionals and can help find the ones who are the best fit for you in developing other key parts of your estate plan. For example, a tax professional can help you determine if your estate is subject to estate or inheritance taxes, and, if so, can suggest strategies to reduce the amount of taxes owed. Also, a tax professional can advise you on the possible tax consequences of the investments and retirement accounts you wish to leave to your heirs. And a legal professional can help you create a will, living trust, health care directive and any other arrangements you might need in place to carry out your estate plans.

Keep in mind that the lines between tax and legal advisors can sometimes become blurred, as some lawyers who focus on estate planning can handle some of the same tasks as a tax professional. But, in any case, your financial advisor is almost certainly going to be the one with the broadest view of your needs and wishes, and the greatest understanding of what you have wanted to accomplish with your wealth throughout your life. If you’re familiar with football analogies, you could say your financial advisor is the quarterback of your team, helping guide the other professionals in carrying out their specialties.

So, the next time you meet with your financial advisor, consider bringing up the topic of estate and legacy planning, assuming it isn’t already part of your discussions. And don’t wait too long. You can’t predict the future, but you should do whatever you can to prepare for it.

This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors are not estate planners and cannot provide tax or legal advice.

Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors are not estate planners and cannot provide tax or legal advice. You should consult your estate-planning attorney or qualified tax advisor regarding your situation.

“Adam Hromiak AAMS, CRPC is a Financial Advisor with Edward Jones Investments in Cape Coral on 3571 North Del Prado Blvd. Suite 7 Entrada Plaza, 1/2 mile West of Rt. 41. He can be contacted at (239) 731-6338”


The Columns Editor, Linda Beaulieu, and Circulation Manager, Linda Hoos, meet the Publishers, Emy and Bob Stein, of Island Visitor Publishing during the “thank you” luncheon for the many volunteers who make The Columns possible to all of our residents. The luncheon was sponsored by Hometown America and your Homeowners Association. VOLUNTEER LUNCHEON

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The “toy drive” started on October 28 th , in our Clubhouse. The North Fort Myers Fire Department will pick up all toys on Wednesday, December 11 th , to distribute them to the needy children in our area. All toys, clothing and gifts, should be unwrapped, and they can also use wrapping paper!! Thank you for your past generosity!!

Linda Hoos 941-713-4868 Frank Millette 239-543-2954

ASK US HOW TO SAVE 20% It is once again time to begin collecting donations for our Annual Fire ghters & Paramedics Holiday Dinners. These members of our North Fort Myers Fire Department do so much for our Tara Woods Community that it gives us great pleasure to give back to them during the holidays. As we did last year, we will use your donations to provide Gift Certi cates from Publix for the three shifts who work December 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, so that they can purchase Holiday dinners for their shifts. We will accept donations at Tuesday Bingo and at Saturday Morning Coffee, starting Tuesday, November 19 th . You can also call Frank Millette or Linda Hoos and we will be happy to pick up your donation. Make any checks payable to “cash”. Please give generously to those who are always there for us in our time of need. Thank you.

Frank Millette: 239-543-2954 Linda Hoos: 941-713-4868 ANNUAL HOLIDAY COLLECTION 8190 Littleton Road, Suite #105 North Ft. Myers, FL 33903 239-997-1670 www.northfortmyersflorist.com Stephanie Norris Del Tura Resident

The next Orientation for new homeowners and renters will be held on Saturday, December 7th, in the Clubhouse Living Room. The meeting will begin at 10:15 AM. All new homeowners and renters are encouraged to attended. This short meeting is  lled with important information about our community and surrounding area. A packet containing important, interesting and helpful information will be given to all who attend.

We look forward to seeing you.

Mary Kivel 207-505-5576 Donna Phillips 239-731-5802 NEW HOMEOWNERS ORIENTATION CFC041684 E & M Mech.

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