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Garden Club

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Photo Directory


Kudos to Carol Shields for all her hard work, Linda Hoos, a great announcer, and Everyone who helped with this event.

(I cannot report on the Fashion Show, since this article was due before the deadline.)

Please remember to put aside any usable items that you are thinking of giving away for the Trash and Treasure. We use the money received from the Trash and Treasure so that the Fashion Show can be a free event.

Our next meeting is Saturday, February 8 th . We will be collecting our $5.00 dues at this meeting.

Please bring it in an envelope with your name / telephone # and email address.

Cash is appreciated.

If you would like to join the Garden Club, please come to the meeting.

Why join the Garden Club? To meet new Ladies and be involved in Four of the fun events held in season.

Don’t let the name scare you; we are more of a social club. Few members work in the garden.

The Garden Club is responsible for the Craft Fair, Fashion Show, Trash and Treasure and the Butter y Garden, and we have an end-of-season Luncheon for members only.

The Butter y Garden is near the Gazebo. Linda and John Hoos volunteered to care for the garden and have done an outstanding job.

Did you see the Halloween decorations? I cannot wait to see what they do again for Christmas.

A Big Thank You to Linda and John

The Garden Club wishes everyone a Merry Christmas / Happy Hanukkah And a Very Happy New Year

Rachelle DellaRocca 239-322-6386


Bedding Plants: To add color to the winter garden, plant masses of begonia, impatiens, and geranium.

Bulbs: Amaryllis is a popular plant for the holiday season. They can be forced to bloom now or planted outdoors for spring blooms.

Herbs: Plant herbs that thrive in cool weather. Some to try are parsley, thyme, sage, dill, fennel, and cilantro.

Vegetables: Reliable cool season vegetables to plant this

month include celery, cauliflower, lettuce, cabbage, and carrot.


Poinsettias: One of the most popular holiday plants is poinsettia. Enjoy it indoors now; then plant in the garden to re-bloom next year.

Irrigation: Plants may need irrigation if the weather has been warm and dry. Monitor for signs of stress and water only as needed.

Fungal disease: Continue monitoring for brown patch and large patch fungal disease through May. Cultural practices are key in control.

Houseplants: Inspect regularly for pests on indoor plants. Keep in mind that plant speci c temperature, light, and humidity are key to ensuring that indoor plants thrive.

Soil Test: If plants did not perform as desired this year or new plantings are being planned, a soil test may be a good idea.

Compost: Composting is environmentally friendly and produces a bene cial soil amendment or mulch. Plant debris provides the carbon ingredient needed for successful composting.

Pests: While cooler weather generally means fewer pests, some populations actually increase at this time of year. Continue monitoring and treat as needed.

Holiday Trees: Consider enjoying a live southern red cedar and then plant it in the landscape when the holidays are over.

Protect: Falling temperatures may require protection of tender orchids, impatiens, and tomatoes

Excerpts from the Florida Gardening Calendar University of Florida.

The Roaring 20’s were signi cant in many ways. The Stock Market crashed, and the Great Depression began. The amendment prohibiting alcohol was established and later repealed. Women were granted the right to vote and scotch tape was invented. The Star Spangled Banner was named the U.S. national anthem and the frozen food process was patented. Mickey Mouse made his debut and the  rst Academy Awards were announced. Insulin was mass-produced for diabetes and work began on Mount Rushmore. Many notable people were born during those years including: Martin Luther King, Jr., Johnny Carson, Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth II, Jackie Kennedy Onassis, Shirley Temple, and Mr. Rogers, to name a few.

On November 8 th , twenty-three people who were born in 1919 to 1929 were recognized and honored at a biennial birthday celebration in the Tara Woods Clubhouse. These  ne nonagenarians are current residents of the Tara Woods community. They have served the community well over the years of its existence and deserve our deepest praise.

The honored guests began to arrive shortly after 11:00 AM and were greeted by the smiling faces of Lynn Makia, Alice Loveday, JoAnn Stovall and Mary Green. Each celebrant received a name tag and a boutonniere

or corsage, before being escorted to the designated photo area for a commemorative photograph.

Norman Libby, with the assistance of his wife, Sharie, tickled the keys of the grand piano and the ears of the attendees with beautiful music, as they waited for everyone to arrive and lunch to be served. And what a lunch it was. Busy in the kitchen behind the scenes was Janet Daly, Linda Hoos, Lousie Patterson, Donna Phillips and Barbara Roland who created hearty scoops of tuna salad and egg salad on a large leaf of lettuce with fresh fruit, a croissant and a delicious slaw.

Members of the Tara Woods Magic Softball Team dressed for the occasion in their black and white vests and so graciously served beverages and the meal. Thank you, Larry Baldwin, Ron & Bobbie Mester, Bill Nothnagle and John & Chris Olson for such wonderful service. Between lunch and dessert, Lynn Makia read a humorous poem supplied by John & Irene D’Amico, then acknowledged birthdays by year, including Helen Boettger – 1919. The ages of the nonagenarians seated at each table were calculated and one table with  ve of these guests totaled 465 years. Happy Birthday was sung to the accompaniment of 98-year old John Hodder on his harmonica. 90S BIRTHDAY PARTY

After dessert was served, several attendees joined the New Image Chorus (Ron Andrews, Irene Bartsch, Dorothy Benedict, Rod Browder, Polly Brown, Lou Cashin, Ron Proulx, John D’Amico, Erika Futrell, Lois Heideman, Kathy Rafferty, Ernie St. James and Carol Shields) gathering around the piano to sing some old favorites like “You are My Sunshine” and “Blue Moon.” It was delightful to watch the guests sing along and see their toes tapping to the beat of the music.

No special event like the 90’s Birthday Celebration would be complete without lots and lots of photographs. Haywood Gandy handled the picture taking duties and the attached photos are an excellent representation of his skill and this beautiful event. It was a positively wonderful afternoon.

Many thanks to the 90’s Celebration team, Lynn Makia, Diane Gibson, Janet Daly and JoAnn Stovall, for all of the work they accomplished to bring this event to fruition. Finally, the many clubs, groups and individuals in Tara Woods who funded this event are to be thanked for their kindness and generosity. We also thank Bob and Emy Stein of Island Visitor Publishing for their generous contribution.

90’s Birthday Celebration Honorees Irene Bartsch Helen Boettger Marie Cooper John D’Amico Calvin Everhart Robert Gooding Mary Halupa Jim Hodder Jim Howard Ginny Hundertpfund Celia Jacoby Ralph Latimer Barton Leneker Bob Loring Cliff McLaughlin Miriam Norris Delores Paeth Nanda Paupini Frank Regnone Shirley Ringleben Ruth Simko Bob Vorhees Don Watson Ann West Pat Williard

I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Please celebrate and enjoy the holidays with your families and friends. Please note that as I prepared this update for the December Issue of The Columns the New Tara Woods 2019 – 2020 Directory has been submitted to the publisher and is in process. The current target date is early to the middle of December. There are two communities in the area that submitted their community Directories on or about the same time that ours was submitted and the publisher works on a  rst in  rst out schedule. We will get the “New Directories” delivered to each household as soon as we can when they arrive. I will continue to work very hard to make sure that your information is correct and accurate. However, I need your help. When you receive your “New Directory” please review it for correctness and accuracy. Please let me know if there are any corrections or changes to be made to your information. For telephone number additions, updates or changes, please identify the person(s) associated with the individual telephone numbers including the Lot #, address, and home state. Example John and Mary Doe, Lot #000, 123 Main St, 999-123-4567 (J)ohn 999- 987-6543 (M)ary 999-147-3214 (H)ome. Please send corrections to Haywood.gandy@gmail.com Subject Tara Woods Directory Update by the 8 th of each month. If you don’t have access to Email, please have a friend or neighbor email me your information. And, for those of you who would like to stop by with your hand-written notes, that’s okay as well. I have received several hand-written updates that were delivered to our house. The most touching updates were from residents that were contacted by family members to make sure that their parents’ or relatives’ information was accurate in the case of an emergency. Again, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Haywood Gandy Community Directory Manager haywood.gandy@gmail.com 239-471-2987 (Home) (603) 557-8335 (Cell) TARA WOODS COMMUNITY NEWS

Tara Woods 4th Annual Doggie Costume Parade went on thanks to Gar eld, Malachite, Abby, Spanky and Bailey. It was an especially hot day for our four-legged friends, but they paraded on.

The effort that goes into coming up with a costume that your dog can parade in on a hot Florida day is to be applauded, and I for one can truly appreciate. I would hate to see this creative event lose its desire, so maybe next year we can come up with a more attractive event. (Suggestions appreciated.)

Many thanks to our judges, Debbie and Marylou, for coming to Tara Woods, and also to Donna, Sue and Lorraine for all their help, and actually, to all of you who showed up – everyone helped. That’s the magic of Tara Woods!

A special thanks goes to Bob and Emy Stein at Island Visitor Publishing who publish The Columns and sponsored this Doggie Parade!



TARA WOODS NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY Bring your party to our party!! Tables can be reserved for any amount – you decide, you decorate. BYOB and BYOS (snacks) Date: Tuesday, December 31st, at 8:00 PM Tickets: On sale Tuesday, December 3rd, before bingo through Saturday, December 28th. $5.00 per person. Music: Barbara Rea trio Champagne toast at midnight Raf es Hosts: The New England Club

50’s Dance and Party Date: Saturday, January 25 th Time 7:00 PM Tickets: $10.00 per person Includes fabulous dessert buffet at 9:00 PM, provided by the New England Club Chefs Tickets go on sale Saturday, December 28 th at Saturday Morning Coffee and Tuesdays before Bingo through Saturday, January 18 th Music: John’s Mobile Music Dance or sing while John spins those fabulous hits from the  fties!! BYOB Prizes for best 50’s out ts for Men, Women, and coordinated couples!!! Also, raf e tickets for some great raf e prizes! Hosted By: The New England Club

Well, the season is here, and it is nice to see quite a few snowbirds have arrived. The  rst dinner was held November 15 th , hosted by Carl & Kathy Marquis. We are looking for hosts for the next few months, so please let Brenda Redgers, Brenda Plut or Patti Thompson know if you would like to host an evening for the upcoming months. The weather has been unseasonably hot, high 90’s – quite a drastic change from


Up North where there have been reports of snow already. Please let us know if we have any new Canadians here at Tara Woods this season, so we can include them on our email list and invite them to join us. We will be collecting dues at the December dinner.

We have a new manager, so introduce yourselves next time you are at the Of ce. Her name is Cathy Winfrey and she is excited to get many projects completed.

Toys, clothing and gifts will be accepted at the Clubhouse for the North Fort Myers Fire Department Christmas Toy Drive until Tuesday, December 10 th . For those of you who are here over Christmas, the Tara Woods Christmas Dinner is Saturday, December 7 th , at 5:00 PM. Cost is $12.00 per person. The Golf Cart Parade is Wednesday, December 11 th , and the New Years’ Eve party is Tuesday, December 31 st . Check your calendar or posters for more details. Everyone, please enjoy all the December festivities and tinsel and palm trees.

Brenda Redgers

The New York/New Jersey Club Christmas Party is coming up on Sunday, December 8th. As we discussed, please sign up as soon as possible so we can order our prime rib. Also be descriptive with your dishes.

As we decided, our charity this year will be the Douglas T. Jacobson State Veterans Nursing Home, so don’t forget to bring your donation ($5.00). Hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving. Thank you.

Linda Hoos and Eileen Robinson NEW YORK/NEW JERSEY CLUB

As this article is read, Thanksgiving has been celebrated and the Christmas trees have been decorated in the Clubhouse, and people are bustling around preparing for holiday activities.

Thanks to the previous of - cers who served and kept the group going: Judy Brda – President, Wayne Cox – Vice President, Jane Crawford – Treasurer, and Barb Pollitt – Secretary. Our new of cers are: Linda Weibel – President, Ann Millette – Vice President, Sue Yohn – Treasurer, and Barb Pollitt – Secretary. They are busy discussing next year’s events.

The Mid-Atlantic Social Club has planned a luncheon at Bianca’s on Sunday, December 8 th , at 12:30 PM. This event will be considered our meeting for December. On Tuesday, MID-ATLANTIC SOCIAL CLUB NEWS

December 17 th , a train/boat ride to see the Christmas lights in Punta Gorda has been scheduled for those who expressed interest at the October meeting.

May all in the Tara Woods community have a safe and memorable holiday season.

The New England Club Christmas Party is on Saturday, December 14 th , at 5:00 PM. Signups and prepayment is taking place now, and the deadline is

NEW ENGLAND CLUB Saturday, December 7 th . The charge for Club members is $5.00, and there is a $10.00 guest fee. On the menu: Ron’s grilled chicken and Rudy’s stuffed shrimp. Potato, vegetable and bread service is being arranged by your Of cers. Please bring a dessert.

Don’t forget to bring a wrapped “re-gift” grab bag gift, as was explained in the New England News you each received. There will be some fun “Christmassy” games, raf es and BYOB. On Tuesday, December 31 st , the New England Club will host the Tara Woods New Year’s Eve Party at 8:00 PM. Please support this event. Tickets are $5.00 and will go on sale Tuesday, December 3 rd , before Bingo. The Barbara Rea Trio is providing the music; however, different band members will be present than on Halloween.

Hope to see all of you at both of these events!

Judy Machnicz


Sending out a “Great Job and Thank You” to all of the bakers from the Midwest Club. All of the proceeds from the baked goods that were so generously donated for the Craft Fair by the members will be going to the Hearts for Homes Veterans Inc., along with added donations from the November 8 th meeting. This donation will be greatly appreciated. Our meeting on November 8th brought some wonderful homemade recipes for different soups, salads and desserts. No one went away hungry. The evening ended with a game of Giant Jenga. Dottie Hargrove put on the block that made the tower tumble at only level 30 this time. Great fun as usual was had by all.

Our last meeting of the year will be on Friday, December 13 th . Dale Humphrey has offered to play Christmas music and provide a game for us to play. The meal will be ham, provided by the Club, and sides, salad or dessert to be provided by our members. The sign-up sheet will have been posted on the Clubhouse bulletin board. There will not be a gift exchange this year. The Midwest Club will be hosting the Tara Woods Christmas dinner on Saturday, December 7 th . Hoping to see you there. Thank you to all who will be volunteering to help put on this event.

For all of you who will be traveling for the holidays, safe travels to all and a very Merry Christmas!

Bobbie Mester Co-Secretary

Welcome back to our Winter residents! On November 7 th , the Computer Club began a new season of free computer classes for the owners, renters, and guests of Tara Woods. These are held at 10:30 AM every Thursday in the Card Room at the Clubhouse. They are open to everyone, and there is no membership fee.

Our normal schedule of classes resumes on Thursday, December 6 th . The first and third Thursday of each month is devoted to Computer Basics. This is a complete course on how to use your computer. The second and fourth Thursday is reserved for General subjects, and cover a single speci c topic of interest. If there is a  fth Thursday in a month, it is an open question and answer session where you can ask me almost anything you want.

It’s never too late to join our group, even if you’re a total novice. This is a great time to learn the Basics; we are starting again at the very beginning and assume that you know nothing about computers. The General topics cover all sorts of subjects, programs, and hardware, including Windows, working with photos, multi-media, tablets, cell phones and e-book readers. We spend as much time as we need to on each topic, and the next topic to be covered is always posted on the bulletin board in the Clubhouse. Feel free to attend only those classes that appeal to you. Bring something to take notes with, and your laptop computer if you want to follow along on it. I will answer any question you care to ask me. I also give private lessons and set up or repair computers in your home. I’ve been designing, programming, repairing, teaching, and working with computers since 1968, and can help you with all of your computer needs. Please call me with any questions or comments at 652-0488. I’m looking forward to seeing you.

Dave St. Laurent, The Computer Tutor Bring something to take notes TARA WOODS COMPUTER CLUB

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Shift HELP ? / Our Services — $30/hr. + $10/home visit We’ll help you gure out what to buy, set it up & show you how to make the most of it. NEW—Help to Automate Your Home!  Apple & Android Tablets & Phones  Windows, Mac & Chromebooks  Virus Removal & PC Tune-Ups  Wireless Network & Internet Help  Printer Setup & Support  In Home Training & Support

This notice is to inform you that now is the time for any TWHA member who wants to run for a position of Director to inform the nominating committee. Please submit a short bio and photo to any member of the nominating committee no later than Monday, December 9th, 2019. Nominations will also be accepted from the  oor at the regular meeting of TWHA on Monday, December 9th, 2019.

If you have any questions, please contact:


Season’s Greetings to All. Can’t believe it’s December. SOON we’ll be celebrating Christmas once again here in our Tara Woods Community. HO! HO! HO!

Our Clubhouse is very welcoming and festive due to all the decorated Christmas Trees. The trees are decorated by the various community Clubs which you may have joined. If you have not joined one or more of our Clubs, please take a moment and come join us. Also, just a reminder, our annual Christmas Party being held on Saturday, December 7th, and another main event – the traditional Golf Cart Parade will be held this year on Wednesday, December 11th. Let’s not forget our singing voices afterwards for our Christmas Caroling. Show your Christmas cheer singing along with our community family.

I remember Cooking with Bailey where he shared his famous holiday treats for his fellow four-footed furry friends. So, in this segment of Shiloh Speaks, “Doggy Desserts” – Homemade Treats for your Happy Healthy Canine. (Just a reminder PLEASE, all you humans, no sampling our treats, it’s for US, your four-footedfurry companions.) GINGERBREAD DOGHOUSE ¼ cup all-natural molasses 1/3 cup water 1 ¼ cup whole wheat  our 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp baking powder ½ Tbsp ground ginger 1 tsp ground cinnamon ¼ cup vegetable oil ¼ cup honey 1 egg And as US HUMANS, Christmas wouldn’t be complete without a Gingerbread House. Using this recipe for our canines, follow these ingredients, and once completed, show your creativity by building a gingerbread doghouse from this recipe.

Well, my time is up for this month. The next time you’ll read Shiloh Speaks it will be the NEW YEAR 2020, bringing a new decade, with new hopes and dreams to one and all. I hope it will be happy and healthy along with peace for one and all. No barking about!

Once again, I stress to you, please pick up after us at our Dog Park and around our community of Tara Woods. Respect IT!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year in 2020.


The Opening of the Softball season is just around the corner. The team has been practicing hard, and we are all looking forward to a Successful Season. We will have a team meeting on Saturday, December 7 th , at the Clubhouse at 9:30 AM.

We have the BEST FANS in the league. Our  rst game will be Monday, January 6 th , at the same  elds in Punta Gorda – just look for MAGIC MIKE at the exit, indicating it’s GAME TIME!!! Looking forward to seeing Everyone at the Ballpark!!! Larry Baldwin Manager ATTENTION ALL SOFTBALL PLAYERS!

NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH The two primary reasons for the WATCH are the protection of our residents and the observation of our community. Check on your neighbors who may be housebound or ill. If you haven’t seen them for a while, check on them.If you see something out of the ordinary, call and report the problem. (911 or 239-477-1000) THIS MONTHS TIPS: Basic rules for Home Safety Lock your house and shed. Remove keys from golf cart. Use motion sensors for driveway and rear yards during the night Bob Glandorf Neighborhood Watch


If you answered yes to these questions, and you know how to use these items, then we could use your help.

The Tara Woods Builders are looking for a few builders who would like to help build sets and stage construction for the Entertainers (stage play) and the Chorus (singing on stage). Ron Proulx is looking for interested people for a few hours in January, February and March. If you are curious about this, please contact:

Ron at 603-860-2129 Thank you for your spirit of volunteerism. Pat Dunning, Entertainers Ron Proulx is looking for interested DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT THIS IS?


Kathy and I have returned from the icy north and are glad to be back in the sunshine.

The tennis courts look very nice – lots of positive comments about that. The park maintenance man has been blowing off the courts at 7:30 AM every day and the drainage lines have been cleared of debris. Sprinklers have been adjusted so hopefully the standing water issues that have bugged us in the past are history. The common area around the courts looks well kept also. If you see people walking their dogs along the edges of the courts, ask them in a kind way to please move to the street; it’s an issue sanitation-wise. If they refuse, let me know so I can bring it to the park manager’s attention.

Again, as in the past, anyone interested in joining the Tennis Association or learning to play tennis, beginner or experienced, we invite you to stop by the courts or give me a call on my cell at 218-760-2855 or call 239-543-7556 for the Tennis Association. – Roger Rafferty TENNIS COURT MAINTENANCE

A special Thank You to Tim Eagle, our Tara Woods Maintenance Man, for blowing debris off the tennis courts every morning. The courts look great! As a side note, I was told that our new Maintenance Man is Tony Double, so I would now expect that he will be blowing off the courts every day.

Also, a special Thank You to Chick Jakacki and Jerry Latham for putting up the wind screens. It is not easy putting up the wind screens, but they did a great job working together. – Pam Ahlers TENNIS LEAGUES

The Tara Woods tennis leagues started the  rst week in November. Because of the early deadline for The Columns, team scores will be reported in a later issue.

We hope you are ready to come on over to the tennis courts to cheer on all of our tennis teams as you show your support for your Tara Woods friends. WOMEN’S LEAGUE WOMEN’S TEAM – ANGELS

The Tara Woods Angels began this season’s league play on Thursday, November 14 th , with an away game against the women from Herons Glen. On Thursday, November 21 st , the Angels played at home against Lake Fairways. We will report on the outcome of those two matches in the next issue of The Columns. There are eight teams in our SWIFT league this year. Returning teams from the other communities are Lake Fairways, Herons Glen, Pine Lakes (with two teams), Sabal Springs, and Six Lakes. New to the league this year is a team from Del Tura.

The league schedule has been  nalized and is now posted on the Tennis Bulletin Board.

We appreciate our wonderful spectators cheering us on at our home games. And, it is especially nice to see our Tara Woods friends at our away games too. – Linda Engel MEN’S LEAGUE WHITE TEAM – STALLIONS

This year we have 9 players playing on our White Team. We all will play each week, with some playing two sets and others playing one set. This will allow all of our players to actively participate each week.

There is one important change for the 2019- 2020 season. Our season began on Tuesday, November 5 th , at 1:00 PM with pre-season games. Our actual season will start at the beginning of January 2020. This is a one-year trial season to see how it goes.

Hope everyone had a great summer and we will see you on the courts. Cheers. – Glen Fisher BLUE TEAM – TIGERS

On Thursday, November 7th, we started the new season playing the Herons Glen Yard Dogs. We enjoyed playing on our newly surfaced courts, despite the heat! As we began the season, our team is down two players. Unfortunately, due to an emergency, we lost a third player at the last minute and, therefore, we had to immediately go to Plan “B”. On court one we won our  rst set but lost the second set following a long, hard-fought match which went into a tiebreaker. On court two it was great to see our new team player and sub win their  rst set. The  nal result was the Herons Glen Yard Dogs 4 and the Tara Woods Tigers 2. We are all grateful to be back in Tara Woods and we look forward to enjoying team play. – Al Dion / Mike O’Hearn BLUE TEAM – MUSTANGS

The North Fort Myers Men’s League held their semi-annual meeting on Monday, October 28th. The meeting was a review of the league rules and to discuss any outstanding issues.

The Tara Woods Mustangs completed their  rst away match on Thursday, November 7 th , at Herons Glen. The teams split the matches 3-3. This Heron Glen team  nished in second place in our league last year and they were out for revenge. Their courts are soft clay and it takes some time to get used to the difference in how the ball bounces versus on our Tara Woods hard courts.

We had a number of our fans at the match and we actually outnumbered the local Herons Glen residents.

Our next three matches will all be away games. – Mike Renzulli ROUND ROBINS

The new season for the Tennis Association has started. The  rst Round Robin was played on Sunday, November 24 th . However, this article was written before the match was played so I could not comment on the results. We use random sets made up of players who sign up prior to the play day. Anybody can sign up who would like to play. There is no Round Robin in December due to the holidays. Our next Round Robin will be Sunday, January 26 th . As the season goes on, I will report on the future match activities. – Dale Holat Submitted by Linda Engel TENNIS NEWS

ARE YOU NEW TO TARA WOODS? HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT PICKLEBALL? Did you know that it is the fasting growing sport around? Are you interested in seeing how it is played or do you already know how to play? Come to the courts on Shiloh Lane between 8:00 – 9:30 AM or 4:00 – 5:30 PM Sunday through Saturday and watch a few games to see for yourself how much fun it can be. AND did I mention it is great exercise!!!!!

Are you interested in learning how to play? Contact Lynn Makia 513-476-2465.


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