THE COLUMNS Vol. 28 No.17
Tara Woods Homeowners Association –
Bash End of Summer
The End of Summer Bash, sponsored by the “Amazin’ Aces” Pickleball Team, was held on Saturday, September 22, in the Clubhouse. It was well attended by many of our summer residents and a great time was had by all! The evening started with a short pickleball demonstration following by dancing, games and lots of laughter. Music was provided by our resident DJ’s; Lloyd and Carolyn Kelsey. Thanks to all who supported the event and shared in our fun. Stay tuned for the next fabulous event sponsored by the “Amazin’ Aces”!
~Lynn Makia
November 2018
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Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • November 2018 • 941.349.0194 •
MANAGER’S CORNER Oh my, how time flies. Welcome back Home! We have missed you. We have been really busy sprucing up, painting, planting, repairing, replacing and cleaning. We are still in the process of some major upgrades, such as the Clubhouse roof, pickleball courts and new horseshoe pits. Don’t forget to stop by the Office for a cookie or a candy. We do love seeing our residents when they return. Make sure to take a ride around the new phase as it has changed since your last visit. Scott is there to help assist you in seeing the model homes; he can answer any questions you may have. We have many new wonderful neighbors out there. If you should see them, give them a wave or stop and introduce yourself. What a wonderful place to call home. Just a reminder: If you are looking for reputable vendors to repair plumbing, electric, A/C, roofing or yard work, we do have a list in the Office and can give you the contact info. We update the list annually. On another note, we need to reduce the speeding within the community. I know that we are all anxious to get to where we
are going, but this does not excuse speeding. Tara Woods’ speed limit is 20 MPH or less and remember that stop signs matter. We have added to the number of stop signs in the community; please make sure you know where they are. Golf carts are considered vehicles and they also must adhere to traffic rules. One accident is one too many. Let’s all keep each other safe by driving cautiously and lawfully throughout the neighborhood. One more note of concern. Horticulture has to be placed at the curb of your home. We have instructions in the Office for the process of the horticulture and how to dispose of it. If you are unsure, we will be glad to give you a copy. Please do not dump in back or let your lawn care provider dump in back. November will surely prove to be busy. Take the time to stop and visit with neighbors and friends. What a great way to start someone’s day. If you have pets (cats or dogs), you must walk them on a leash, and be present with them at all times while outdoors. You are not allowed to turn your cats out. We are proud to announce the Yard
of the Quarter for the fourth quarter will be going to Lot 186, Robert Kuhns and Don Anderson. They have received a Gift Card from Home Depot. Thanks guys for keeping your yard nice. Please, everyone, start looking and nominating for the January Yard of the Quarter. Just write down your nominations on a piece of paper and turn them into the Office. Darlene D. Bradley Community Manager The only thing that will make you happy is being happy with who you are, and not who people think you are…
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3 • 941.349.0194 • November 2018 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
FROM THE BOARD ROOM by Lou Tara Woods is and always has been a very caring Community. You see it every day in neighbor helping neighbor and at this time of year as residents and clubs reach out to help others in our area that are less fortunate. One excellent example is the “Day of Caring” which distributes contributions to three local charities. John and Irene D’Amico have headed up this drive for 24 years. Wow, that’s dedication! Thank you, thank you, to John and Irene. Consider giving something to help our neighbors. I recall a famous quote by Anne Frank, “No one has ever become poor by giving.” The Rent Negotiation Committee will be meeting with Hometown America to present our issues and ensure all procedures have been adhered to per Florida Statue 723 as they relate to the upcoming rent increases.
The Tara Woods Homeowners Association website ( continues to develop; add members and provide timely and accurate information to all residents. Check it out and register. Official roll-out is scheduled for our Monday, November 12th, Homeowners meeting. Membership Secretary, Ann Millette, has added an intriguing incentive to this year’s membership drive for the Homeowners Association. All residents renewing or joining will be given the chance to win a free membership for life or free membership for 2019. This is a fun way of saying “please join or renew”. Your membership fuels the work of the Homeowners Association. HEADS UP – VOTE YES ON AMENDMENT 2 on November’s ballot.
DID YOU KNOW THAT – there is an engaging and welcoming book club in Tara Woods? Have you read a good book lately and would like to share the story? Or maybe you would like to listen as others share their books. You can always count on lively and thought-provoking conversation. The book club is guided by Marilyn Workman and meets at her home (2760 Steamboat Loop) at 1:30 PM on the first Thursday of the month. She would very much like to hear from you and can be reached at 239-543-1168. Lou Dunning Vice President 239-240-5847
THE TARA WOODS CLUBHOUSE CANCER CHRISTMAS TREE It’s that time of year again and we will be selling cancer ornaments for our cancer Christmas tree. The price is the same as previous years, $3.00 per ornament. This is the time you may want to remember someone who is suffering, a survivor, or someone in your life who has passed from this disease. All donations collected will benefit the Susan G. Komen breast cancer fund. Ornaments will go on sale at Bingo and at Saturday morning coffee beginning in November. Questions: Judy Brda, 731-1797, or Jane Crawford, 731-0103.
Activities, Sports & Clubs can be found on pages: 8,10-12,18, 20-21 and 26.
COLUMNS STAFF EDITOR: Linda Beaulieu 239-560-0768 (
ASSISTANTS: Linda Engel PHOTOGRAPHY: Sam Jokich and Lou Dunning CALENDAR: Polly Brown CIRCULATION: Susan Uccello, Manager COORDINATORS: Stuart & Belle Berman, Bill Black, Agatha Breen, Pat & Lou Dunning, Peggy Gamble, Lloyd & Carolyn Kelsey, Bob Kuhns, Sharie & Norm Libby, Diane & Bob Nunn, Ed Simko, Nancy Schoeppner, Lori Thomas, Susan Uccello, and Julia Wehrung. ALTERNATES: Joanne & Bob Byrne, Al Dion, Sandy Schuelke, Linda Hoos, Vic Sharps, Arlene Greene, Linda Beaulieu (Oct-May), Brenda Redgers (Oct-May) REPORTERS: Reporters will be noted by their bylines at the end of each article. Ginnie Pontarelli , Tara Woods Homeowners Association Liaison To advertise in print, contact: Bob or Emy Stein at 941-349-0194 or email us at Contributing writers are acknowledged with bylines accompanying their submissions. Attribution for photos are not included unless supplied. We sincerely thank everyone for their contributions. Your articles help showcase the strong and diverse community that makes up Tara Woods. The Columns is published monthly from October through May. Summer issues are condensed: June/July and August/September. All ads are subject to the approval of the publisher. It is the responsibility of the party placing any ad for publication in The Columns to meet all applicable legal requirements in connection with the ad such as compliance with town, county and state codes in first obtaining an occupational license for business, permitted home occupation, or residential rental property. DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability. Island Visitor Publishing is not responsible for claims made by advertisers
State Club information can be found on pages: 16 - 17. Please note that the November Calendar is on page 28.
Let Us Fix Your Problem With Non-Slip Coating In Your Choice of Colors FRANK SHAFFER (DEL TURA RESIDENT)
4 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • November 2018 • 941.349.0194 •
ATTENTION NEW HOMEOWNERS ORIENTATION MEETING The next Orientation for new homeowners and long-term renters will be held on Saturday, November 10th, in the Clubhouse Living Room. Please arrive between 10:00 AM and 10:15 AM to complete paperwork. The meeting will start at 10:30 AM. All newcomers and renters are encouraged to attend. This short meeting is loaded with important information about our community and the surrounding area. A large packet containing the Homeowners Association Guidelines, disaster preparation tips and lots of other important and interesting information will be handed out to all who attend. We look forward to seeing you. Donna Phillips 239-731-5802 and Mary Kivel 207-505-5576
NEWS FROM THE MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Starting immediately, any dues, renewals, or new memberships, will be given a ticket. I will keep half and write your lot number on the back. At the Annual Meeting on Monday, January 14th , 2019 there will be a drawing with these tickets. First prize will be a paid lifetime membership, and second prize will be a paid membership for 2019 (we could either refund your money or apply to 2020). We have 590 occupied homes and only 210 paid members. We could and should do everything to support the Homeowners Association. As always, if anyone has a better way to increase the membership numbers, I am always ready to hear it. Thank you. Ann Millette, Membership Secretary 239-543-2954
WANTED TARA WOODS TELEPHONE DIRECTORY MANAGER We are looking for someone who would be interested in taking over management of the Tara Woods Telephone Directory. Polly Brown has done this for many years and has decided she needs free time for other things. The applicant must be a dues paying member of the Tara Woods Homeowners Association for this position. Will need a working knowledge of Excel and have good organizational skills. Interested? Like more information? Please contact either: Frank Millette, 239-543-2954 / Lou Dunning, 239-240-5847/
The Columns |
5 • 941.349.0194 • November 2018 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
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COOLIE CASH CONTEST! For every 10 A/C’s we sell, we will give away a $500 check! To enter the contest:
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We will be picking winners each month so don’t miss your chance to win. *Check future newsletter Ads for the winners* **See your installation packet for full contest rules**
6 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • November 2018 • 941.349.0194 •
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This will be the final political announcement concerning the upcoming election. There are a number of early voting sites in Lee County and I would encourage you to vote early. In addition, depending on when the November Columns is distributed, you may still be able to request a mail-in ballot. Contact www. to obtain one. The general election ballot is going to be two pages printed on both sides with 13 amendments. I would encourage you to familiarize yourself with the sample ballot all Lee County registered voters will receive to reduce your wait time on election day. Why am I giving you so much information about the election? Simple. Your pocketbook could be affected by the outcome of Amendment 2. This amendment has to do with keeping the cap at 10% on commercial real estate property. In other words, Tara Woods. Your FMO encourages you to VOTE YES ON AMENDMENT 2. Let me explain. Part of your lot rent is comprised of real estate tax. If Amendment 2 fails, you can expect to pay significantly higher rents as the county can raise the tax on our property and there is nothing you can do about it, except pay it. Welcome back to our snowbirds. I hope your summer was pleasant and you had safe travels back to Tara Woods. The FMO meeting season starts on Friday, November 9th at 1:00 PM, at Emerald Lake, 24300 Airport Road in Punta Gorda. The December meeting will be at The Heritage, and Tara Woods will host the January meeting. Wishing everyone a very happy, healthy and safe Thanksgiving. As always, should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Stuart Berman
CALL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE • (813) 500-1236 We offer the following services for maintenance and repair:
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The Columns |
7 • 941.349.0194 • November 2018 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
SUNSHINE AND SYMPATHY Our sympathy goes out to those who have lost family and friends... Norm Davis (Former Resident) 9-9-18 Denise Lang (Former Resident) 9-18-18 Elizabeth Robertson (Former Resident) 8-6-18 Our thoughts to those in the community who are recovering at this time… Irene D’Amico from a fall with stitches to arm and head
Rise above the storm and you will see the sunshine. Unknown Please let me know of any others in the community who may be in need of some cheer at this time. Ginnie Pontarelli 239-810-1769
On sale at the Clubhouse every Saturday morning during Coffee.
$10 $4
CLUBHOUSE MINISTRIES For new residents of Tara Woods and existing residents too, the Clubhouse Ministries invite you to join one of their Bible study classes, which are held in the Clubhouse Meeting Room every Tuesday morning at 10:00 AM. These meetings give you an opportunity to make new friends as you study the Scriptures in relaxed and enjoyable surroundings. We are a non-denominational group. No need to make reservations, folks! Just stop by any Tuesday morning at 10:00 AM. Come join us!
“It is better to have a single idea and act upon it than to have a hundred and do nothing.”
8 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • November 2018 • 941.349.0194 •
ACTIVITIES, ACTIVITIES by Janet Daly Coming up: November: Thanksgiving Dinner is being hosted by Donna Erhardt and the Amazin’ Aces Pickleball group. Tickets are on sale at Tuesday Bingo and Saturday Morning Coffee. Look for more details in this issue of The Columns. The Christmas season starts here in Tara Woods on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, November 24th . That’s the day we decorate the Clubhouse and our Club trees right after Saturday Morning Coffee about 9:00 AM. Refreshments will be served – if someone is willing to provide them and host. This is a courtesy of Activities, but I’m a little busy at that time. Please contact me if you would be willing to lend a hand hosting refreshments or helping to “deck the hall”. Thank You! Thank You to Cindy McKay and friends for hosting the Halloween Party. It was a fun evening. Her team did a great job. Thank You to Barbara Roland for hosting the annual Doggie Costume Parade on Sunday, October 28th. This event is a hoot. Even if you don’t own a dog, it’s such fun to see the owners and dogs get in the spirit of this event. Welcome back to many of our residents who return in November. The season has begun in Tara Woods! The State Clubs are meeting and most of the group activities are welcoming the return of their participants. Be sure to check the bulletin boards in the Clubhouse for the latest information on an event or group you may be interested in joining. The new Homeowners Association website: is actively trying to post as much information as possible as another source for keeping you informed on what’s happening in Tara Woods. Just go to the website to find out what’s new or how to post information for an upcoming event. Bill Loveday and Donna Erhardt, the webmasters, will be glad to help you. Remember - To stay informed: As Activities Coordinator, I will try to keep you informed and • Read the posters on the bulletin board in the Clubhouse publicizing parties and events. updated on what social Activities are coming up for you to en• Check the Clubhouse bulletin board for meeting and event information and sign-up sheets. joy. Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have ques• Come to Saturday Morning Coffee to hear about parties and events. tions regarding the parties and events. If I can’t answer your question, I most likely know who can. • Also check out the new website Janet Daly, Activities Coordinator 239-567-2285
• Read The Columns and check the Calendar for more information on upcoming events. • Check out page 4 of the Tara Woods Resident Directory to see all the opportunities to keep you busy in Tara Woods, with the contact people for each one listed if you have questions. • Page 3 of the Directory lists the contact people for specific responsibilities under the Board of Directors who you can contact with questions.
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The Columns |
9 • 941.349.0194 • November 2018 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
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Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • November 2018 • 941.349.0194 •
12/18 3/18
So Ladies and Gentlemen…..during November our cast and crew are working on the play each week making this one of the funniest productions we have done. Please be kind to them if you see them wandering around the community mumbling to themselves; they are probably rehearsing. Our quilt ladies are working hard at creating their one-of-a-kind masterpiece for our play and then for the lucky winner of the raffle in March 2019. This is just the beginning of our “busy” season. But try not to be so busy that you forget to “stop and smell the roses” or in our case here in Southwest Florida, pause, and watch the sandhill cranes or visit our Butterfly Garden. Just enjoy whatever you are doing. This year for “Red Velvet Cake War” the stage will be austere. Our set will consist of a Victorian couch and a buffet, one on the tall side. We need to “borrow” this furniture for most of February and half of March. If anyone has either of these or know of someone who does and would like to let us borrow them, please let me know. For those of you who saw last year’s production, I promise this year “Eve” will not be walking on the furniture. REMINDER – Entertainers meeting will be on November 17th, following Saturday Morning Coffee. Any questions about this meeting please contact Polly Brown, President, at 239-731-1614.
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Acting is behaving truthfully under imaginary circumstances. – Sanford Meisner Pat Dunning, Stage Manager & Set Designer 239-599-4490 • Entertainers
The Sound & Lighting annual show with professional entertainers will be in January as usual. The committee has chosen a singer impressionist, PAUL TANNER, to entertain you this season. Paul Tanner has amazed audiences from Las Vegas to Broadway and around the globe. At the age of 7, Paul did his very first impression. But it was his classical training at the Juilliard School of Music, coupled with his natural ability, that turned Paul Tanner into a must-see sensation. His show is jam-packed with impressions from the worlds of celebrity, comedy, and music, and he has often been compared to the Man of Many Voices, Danny Gans. Tickets will go on sale around the middle of December for our January 19th show. Both cabaret and theater seating will be available for $15.00 per person. Keep watch for our poster for more details.
The Columns |
11 • 941.349.0194 • November 2018 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
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INSPIRATION HOUR “Two things are hard on the heart – running upstairs and running down people.” Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. Ephesians 4:29
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12 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • November 2018 • 941.349.0194 •
THE GARDEN CLUB beautiful models will be wearing is from Razzle Dazzle, a wonderful boutique at 1335 Cape Coral Parkway East. Makeup will be by our friendly Mary Kay representative, Cindy, 239-887-7727. The Craft Fair on Saturday, November 3rd, is open to the public, and thanks to Carol Shields, we have a full house of Talented Vendors selling their handmade items – a great time to find that special present or something unique for yourself. This year the: Bake Sale is hosted by the New England Club; Luncheon is hosted by the MidAtlantic Club and The Basket of Cheer by the New York / New Jersey Club. Free drawings for door prizes throughout the Fair. If you are not a member but would like to volunteer to help with these TWO big events, just come up to the Clubhouse Friday morning at 8:30 AM or Friday afternoon
at 3:30 PM. Gentlemen, we will need some help Friday morning at 8:30 AM to set up tables for the Fashion Show and again Friday afternoon at 3:30 PM to set up for the Craft Fair and again Saturday afternoon at 1:00 PM to put the Clubhouse back in order. Without volunteers these events are not possible. If you are new to Tara Woods, ask around; both these events are always fun, and you don’t want to miss them. Questions, call Rachelle DellaRocca #239-322-6386 What to plant November Bedding Plants: Create a display of fall colors with cool season plants. Some to try are impatiens, strawflower, cape daisy, and pansy. Bulbs: Many bulbs like to get their start in cool weather. Bulbs to plant this month include amaryllis, crinum, and the many varieties of elephant’s ear.
Herbs: Continue planting herbs from seeds or plants. A wide variety of herbs like cooler, dryer weather, including cilantro, dill, fennel, parsley, sage, and thyme. Vegetables: Continue planting cool season crops such as beet, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, kale, and lettuce. What to do November Perennials: Divide and replant overgrown perennials, ornamental grasses, and bulbs now so that they establish before the coolest weather arrives. Fungal disease: Until May, watch for brown patch and large patch, fungal diseases that cause areas of grass to turn brown. Since treatment is difficult, prevention with proper cultural practices is
key. Scale on ornamental plants: Now that temperatures are lower, use dormant oil sprays to control scale insects. Irrigation: Plants need less supplemental watering in cooler weather. Turn off systems and water only if needed. Fertilization and Irrigation Needs of Florida Lawns and Landscapes Poinsettias: Watch for hornworms on poinsettias planted in the landscape. This pest can quickly defoliate a plant; handpick or treat only the area infested. Lawns: This is a great time to plant ryegrass to cover bare patches in the lawn Excerpts from University of Florida Gardening Calendar
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The Fashion Show on Friday, November 2nd, is a FREE event: You need only to sign up to bring either a salad or a dessert to attend. Wine, cheese, and favors for the ladies; raffles and prizes will be supplied by Club members. A sign-up sheet is in the Clubhouse For the Fashion Show luncheon, we set up the buffet tables along both sides of the Clubhouse. This makes it easier and faster for everyone to serve themselves, so whatever you decide to bring – either a salad or dessert – please use TWO serving dishes. Please be mindful of how many people are signing up for salads or desserts; we would like to have more salads than desserts. It is very important to note what kind of wine you prefer to drink, so that the correct wines can be purchased, or if you would like lemonade or iced tea. The Garden Club members will be bringing the cheese platters and the wine. This year the clothing our
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The Columns |
13 • 941.349.0194 • November 2018 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Photos by Sam Jokich
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14 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • November 2018 • 941.349.0194 •
SPECIAL EVENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS The Garden Club invites ALL residents of Tara Woods
On Saturday, November 3rd, the New England Club will be hosting the Bake Sale at the Craft Fair. There will be many delicious, enticing goodies available made by the New England Club members. Please come out and support our bake sale.
Annual Fashion Show Friday, November 2nd 11 AM to 3 PM Clothes by Razzle Dazzle Make up by Mary Kay Celebrating Florida’s Wildlife
The Luncheon is hosted by the Mid-Atlantic Club and The Basket of Cheer by the New York / New Jersey Club
This is a free event Please bring either a salad or dessert enough to share in TWO serving dishes
Favors // Raffles $$
Join us for dinner as we celebrate all of our many blessings Thursday, Nov. 22nd at the Clubhouse Doors open at 2:00 PM • Dinner at 3:00 PM Turkey, Ham, Mashed Potatoes, Rolls Tickets on sale at BINGO & Saturday Morning Coffee • $10.00 pp BYOB & Side Dish to Share (sign up) Sponsor By Amazin Aces Hosted by Tom and Donna Erhardt • 239-322-0070
The Columns |
15 • 941.349.0194 • November 2018 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
SPECIAL EVENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNUAL HOLIDAY COLLECTION It is once again time to begin collecting donations for our Annual Firefighters & Paramedics Holiday Dinners. These members of our North Fort Myers Fire Department do so much for our Tara Woods Community that it gives us great pleasure to give back to them during the holidays. As we did last year, we will use your donations to provide Gift Certificates from Publix for the three shifts who work December 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, so that they can purchase Holiday dinners for their shifts.We will accept donations at Tuesday Bingo and at Saturday Morning Coffee, starting Tuesday, November 20th. You can also call Frank Millette or Linda Hoos and we will be happy to pick up your donation. Make any checks payable to “cash”. Please give generously to those who are always there for us in our time of need. Thank you. Frank: 239-543-2954 Linda: 941-713-4868
CHRISTMAS TOY DRIVE Hello I am Jack Boylan (The Bikeman). I will be starting a “toy drive” early in November in our Clubhouse, and the North Fort Myers Fire Department will distribute the toys to the needy children in our area. I will have a tree on stage to accept unwrapped clothing and toys. Jack Boylan (The Bikeman) 567-0119
16 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • November 2018 • 941.349.0194 •
North Fort Myers Florist
Hello Midwest Club, our snowbirds are starting to return for another fun season! For those of you who are still up north, WHY? Going forth into the month of November, the October taco bar meeting will have already taken place, surely with grand success! Something new is being planned for the November meeting. The Midwest Club will host a Progressive Dinner. Progressive dinners usually are hosted in different homes. Ours will take place in the Clubhouse. The assigning of courses will be assigned according to the first initial of their last name. This will have been addressed at the October meeting; place settings to be provided by the Club. Any further questions, please contact Rick or Shelly. A detailed sign-up sheet will be posted in the Clubhouse as well as a sign-up sheet for set-up before and clean-up after. Thank you in advance for all that you do to make these meetings a great success. Wishing all of you and your families a safe and Happy Thanksgiving! Debbie and Bobbie
Full Service Florist
The New England Club will host the Bake Sale at the Tara Woods Craft Fair on Saturday, November 3rd. Thanks to all who signed up to bake for this event. As a reminder, drop-off is between 8:00 – 9:00 AM in the Kitchen at the Clubhouse. On Saturday, November 24th, please come help decorate our beautiful New England Club tree, if you can. Any new, New England themed ornaments are always welcome. On Saturday, December 1st, the Club will host the Tara Woods Christmas Party. Thank you to everyone who volunteered for the set-up, clean-up and party ops committees. We would not be able to host a successful party without all of your help. The New England Club Christmas Party will be held on Saturday, December 15th. Hope to see everyone at this fun-filled festive party. Judy Machnicz
8190 Littleton Road, Suite #105 North Ft. Myers, FL 33903
Stephanie Norris
Del Tura Resident
Estimates On All A/C Systems
We Accept All Major Credit Cards
The Columns |
17 • 941.349.0194 • November 2018 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
NEW YORK / NEW JERSEY CLUB What a great welcome back to Tara Woods. We celebrated the start of the new season with our Wine & Cheese Party in October, hosted by Marcia & Chuck Poveromo and Friends. It was great to see some new people. We look forward to seeing you at our future meetings and events. While it was a fun evening, we also said goodbye to Chuck & Marcia as they prepare to leave Tara Woods for their new home in Auburndale, Florida, near Lakeland. We wish them well and welcome them back any time to the New York/New Jersey Club events. We certainly will miss them, as will Tara Woods. The NY/NJ Club is hosting the Raffle at the Craft Fair and the Basket of Cheer on Saturday, November 3rd. Please check the bulletin board to see if there are any blank spaces where you might be able to fill in selling tickets on that day. Thank You! Our next meeting is Saturday, November 10th hosted by Sam Topping and Eddie Amarando. The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board asking you to bring a salad, hot dish, or a limited number of desserts to share. If I didn’t get your email address, please email me so I can keep you up-to-date on Club activities. It’s important that I have your email, as this list also serves as our membership list. I look forward to seeing you at the Craft Fair on November 3rd, and at our meeting on November 10th. If you have any questions, give me a call or send an email. Janet Daly 567-2285
MID-ATLANTIC SOCIAL CLUB NEWS The members were welcomed back with a Baked Potato Bash and salad on Sunday, October 21st. Dues of $5.00 per person should be paid as soon as possible. The Club is responsible for the Craft Fair Luncheon on Saturday, November 3rd. The next scheduled meeting is Sunday, November 18th, at 4:00 PM. Christmas Tree decorating should happen after Saturday Morning Coffee around 9:00 AM on Saturday, November 24th. Update info will be sent via email. Enjoy the season of fall!
Barb Pollitt, Secretary
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Meets Every 4th Friday, at 4:30 PM Please join us on the Verandah to celebrate the great quality of life we enjoy here at Tara Woods. It’s a great way to make new acquaintances and renew friendships. Just bring a snack to share and your favorite libations for your enjoyment. There will be a monthly surprise cocktail. We ask for a $2.00 donation. Due to the holidays, Happy Hour will be canceled November and December. We will resume Friday, January 25th, 2019. *Please see the sign-up list at the Clubhouse*
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The patient and any other person responsible for payment has the right to refuse to pay, cancel payment, or be reimbursed for payment for any other serv ice, examination, or treatment which is performed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the adv ertisement for the free, discounted, or reduced-fee serv ices, examination, or treatment. Fee at time of serv ice for a chiropractic limited examination is discounted at $50.
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19 • 941.349.0194 • November 2018 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
20 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • November 2018 • 941.349.0194 •
Be one of the winners at our Tuesday night BINGO.
And you can win more than once during the night! f your eyesight isn’t as good as it once was, now you can play too. We have really BIG game packs and “Specials” that are 8 ½” x 11” with 2” numbers. o additional charge for the ticket that can make you the “King” or the “Queen” for the night and earn you even more money on all game sheets. ame packets are sold with either 6 game squares per sheet or 9 game squares. The “Special” game papers have 3 game squares. Buy as many as you’d like! ur Tuesday night BINGO session consists of 14 regular games and 6 “Special” games We also have “Hot Ball” prizes of $50.00 or more and a “Social” raffle. Sales STOP at 6:45 PM. Come join the fun.
Ladies and Gentlemen, come join us every Sunday at 7:00 PM in the Card Room. Cost is $3.00. Will you have the first Bunco or the last, or the most? Will you have the most wins, or the most losses? If you do, the prize money will be yours! Come join the fun. Questions: call Polly Brown 731-1614
Every Friday at 1:00 PM At the Horseshoe Pits.
Come join us for fun and laughs.
PING PONG Ping Pong is every Tuesday and Thursday at 2:00!
PLAY TIMES OCTOBER 2018 - APRIL 2019 MONDAY - SATURDAY 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM SUNDAY 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM & 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM may be adjusted November 4th, due to time change BEGINNERS CLASS SATURDAY 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Questions, please contact: Lynn Makia 513-476-2465, Donna Erhardt 239-322-0070, Diane Gibson 603-244-0536
Tuesdays at 10:00 AM No need to sign up Don’t need a partner
New teams chosen every week ~ Easy to learn Questions: call Frank Millette 543-2954
GET YOUR BODY MOVING Remember Richard Simmons? Come and join us on Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:45 p.m. as we “get our bodies moving” with Richard Simmons and others. We have lots of laughs and good fun as we “Sweat to the Oldies”. Contact: Donna Erhardt 322-0070
Meets in the Clubhouse Card Room at 7:00 PM on Monday and Thursday nights. The game consists of 11 hands and is easy to learn. Eight quarters gets you in. Come join the fun and play a great card game.
Come join the Mah Jongg group. Do not know how to play? We teach the first three Mondays of the month. We have a great time. Come & join us on Mondays 12:003:00 PM. The Happy Ladies of Mah Jongg. Any questions, please contact: Jane DeGuire, 567-0656, or Ruth Zimmer,731-8594.
There’s a “new” game at Tara Woods. If you hear someone say, “fifteen two fifteen four” and you don’t think they’ve lost a screw or two, come and join us in the Card Room every Wednesday at 2:00 PM for a few games of Cribbage. The arrangement is fairly flexible since Cribbage can be played by 2 or 3 or 4 players. Just be there by 2 PM. Cards, cribbage boards and fun will be provided. Contact John D’Amico at 239-731-7928 or
LADIES! DO YOU PLAY POKER? How long has it been since you’ve played with friends? Did you know there’s a game every Monday night at the Clubhouse just for the ladies? Well, we really don’t have a “No Boys Allowed!!!” Rule, but men usually don’t like to play with wild cards and we do. But they’re welcome to play as long as they are willing to “play like girls”. It is most likely the least stressful and least expensive poker you can play around here! It’s a good night to socialize with the ladies and make new friends with the girls who like to play poker. The stakes are very low. Call Polly Brown, 731-1614, if you’d like to join us – she’ll fill you in on the details or answer any questions you may have.
EUCHRE CLUB Meets on Wednesday Nights In the Clubhouse Card Room at 7:00 PM. $.50 to buy in, but offers some “big” prize money!
Texas Hold’em Style Tournament 6:00 PM in the Craft House If interested contact Bill Black at 636-978-7815
BRIDGE The Bridge group is looking for bridge players. We meet on Tuesdays at 12:30 PM in the Card Room. Call Beth Ferris at 543-6295 or Rita Sick at 731-1106 first if you are interested in playing with this friendly group. We’d like to have you join us. Beth Ferris
Book Discussion Club
Thursday, November 1st at 1:30 PM 2760 Steamboat Loop Join us to talk about the books we have been enjoying and maybe borrow one you would like to read. Newcomers welcome. Questions, call Marilyn Workman 239-543-1168
Come join the group for a fun-filled afternoon of cards! We meet on Fridays at 1:00 PM in the Card Room. Don’t know how to play the game? EASY! We will teach you! It is easy to learn. Questions: contact George Stelling, 731-6709, or Marty Hradkowsky, 609-709-7717.
Every Friday night at 7:00 p.m. Different games can be played (All are easy to Learn) LEFT – CENTER – RIGHT (dice- 3-coin buy-in) (winner-take-all each game)
CONTRACT RUMMY (similar to aggravation) (5 quarter buy-in)
31 (card game) (3 dime buy-in each game) (winner-take-all each game)
For more information call Polly Brown at (239) 731-1614
CERAMICS Mondays – 12:00 Noon
Ceramics is held in the Ceramics Room by the Tennis Courts. We are there every Monday at 12:00 Noon. For more information and for firing of the kiln please contact Bonnie Abend, 217-0707, or Janelle Wissler, 770-2686. We hope you will come and participate in making ceramics with us. Come join the fun. Bonnie Abend
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21 • 941.349.0194 • November 2018 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
No Job Too Small!
New Day and Time Starting Friday November 9th, at 10:00 AM Come join us for great e xercise and fun! Never danced before, we will teach you. Barb Goodhue 731-2287
SCREEN REPAIR Garage Screen Doors
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The Sewing Club has disbanded and will no longer be having the group sewing.
Bill Edinger
1 Rick Lubich, Cliff Phillips 2 Joan Johnson, Roger Rafferty 3 Donald Anderson, Joe Bigelow, Tim Bostic 4 Wendy Jarry 5 Norma Gandy, Cindy McKay, Eileen Robinson 6 Sheila Harris, Emmett Linderman, Barb Miller 7 Rod Browder, Audrey Coon, Donna Gaudet 8 Debra Nespolo 9 Karen Finkle, Nancy Gibson, Don Girty, 97 Yrs., Shirley Mize, Doug Plested 10 Frank Grant, Kent Hetzer 11 John Beenen, Bob Gooding, Jack Wood 12 Carol Andrews, Nancy Lyford 13 Colleen Brown, Rose Tilelli, 90 Yrs. 14 Gloria Conklin, Richard Gendron, Carl Marquis, Ron Mester
15 16
Bruce Lubich, John Pavao, Ed Simko, Tina Smith, Bob Stickles Richard Binkowski, Carol Dillon, Lu Gendron 17 Angie D’Alessandro, Jerry McKay, Bill Powers, Ann Scott, Don Werner 18 Tessa Berg, Leanne Halfman, William Sandell 19 Fred Kossen, Ann West, 91 Yrs. 20 Jean Bibeau, Harry Hoffman, Roger Jarry 21 Dorothy Benedict, Jim Blackburn, Ron Heidmous, Bill Machnicz, Doug Peters, Loretta Slochowsky 22 Patti Clark 23 Jean Chick, David Rippeth 24 Tim Lanpher, Mike Di Lorenzo, Bob Prenoveau 26 Dan Duda 27 Jeannette Whitacre 28 Bob Byrne, Bobbie Combs, Barb Luce 30 John Costantini
1 5 8 10 13 14 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 27 29
Norma & Larry Jones, 60 Yrs., Pauline & Geof Young Lynda & Brian Francey Patti & Sandy Thompson June Neavling & Joe Brown Sandy & Jim Dahlhofer Linda &Warren Engel Norma & Haywood Gandy Deb & Jim Towne Jeannette & Bill Whitacre, 64 Yrs. Linda & Mike Renzulli Judy & Dale Holat, 60 Yrs. Sharon & Don Boehlke, 55 Yrs. Doris & Milty Katz, 61 Yrs. Joanne & Rich Araujo Jean & Ron Smith
Contact Gail Blackburn – or 239-218-9643 before November 10th for Special Recognition of Birthdays 90+ and Anniversaries 50, 55, or 60+ in December 2018
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22 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • November 2018 • 941.349.0194 •
Tara Woods Computer Club
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Welcome back to our Winter residents! On November 1st, the Computer Club will begin a new season of free computer classes for the owners, renters, and guests of Tara Woods. These are held at 10:30 AM every Thursday in the Card Room at the Clubhouse. They are open to everyone, and there is no membership fee. Our normal schedule of classes resumes on December 6th. The first and third Thurs-
day of each month is devoted to Computer Basics. This is a complete course on how to use your computer. The second and fourth Thursday are reserved for General subjects and cover a single specific topic of interest. If there is a fifth Thursday in a month, it is an open question and answer session where you can ask me almost anything you want. It’s never too late to join our group, even if you’re a total novice. This is a great time to learn the Basics; we are starting again at the very beginning and assume that you know nothing about computers. The General topics cover all sorts of subjects, programs, and hardware, including Windows, working with photos, multimedia, tablets, cell phones and e-book readers. We spend as much time as we need to on each topic, and the next topic to be covered is always posted
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on the bulletin board in the Clubhouse. Feel free to attend only those classes that appeal to you. Bring something to take notes with, and your laptop computer if you want to follow along on it. I will answer any question you care to ask me. I also give private lessons and set up or repair computers in your home. I’ve been designing, programming, repairing, teaching, and working with computers since 1968, and can help you with all of your computer needs. Please call me with any questions or comments at 652-0488. I’m looking forward to seeing you. Dave St. Laurent, The Computer Tutor
GOING PLACES ALL GOING PLACES information – theatre listings, trips, cruises, travel data, etc., is posted on the bulletin board (outside the Billiard Room) and/or in the Blue Book (in the Library). Nov 11 VETERANS DAY – Their courage has kept us safe. Their sacrifice has kept us free. Keep them in our thoughts & prayers. GOD BLESS THEM ALL! “Weapons fight the war, but men win the war”. “It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank GOD that such men lived”. General George S Patton, Jr. (1885-1945) Nov 14 FINAL PAYMENT – due for February cruise Nov 23 HAPPY THANKSGIVING – GOBBLE, GOBBLE, GOBBLE! GOING PLACES WISHES YOU A JOYFUL THANKSGIVING FULL OF GOOD FOOD and A MEMORABLE, ENJOYABLE TIME WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS HAPPY TURKEY EATING! Dolores Paeth
The Columns |
23 • 941.349.0194 • November 2018 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Understanding Risk Tolerance Is Essential for Investment Success To succeed as an investor, you might think you need to know about the economy, interest rates and the fundamentals of companies in which you’d like to invest. And all these things are indeed important. But it’s most essential to know yourself. Specifically, you need to know how much risk you are willing to tolerate to achieve your goals. Of course, you’ve lived with yourself your entire life, so you probably have a pretty good idea of your likes and dislikes and what makes you comfortable or uncomfortable. But investing can be a different story. Initially, you may believe you have a high tolerance for risk, but if the financial markets drop sharply, and you see that you’ve sustained some sizable losses (at least on paper – you haven’t really “lost” anything until you sell investments for less than what you paid for them), how will you feel? If you find yourself constantly fretting over these losses, perhaps even losing sleep over them, you might realize your risk tolerance is not as high as you thought. In this case, you may need to scale back the part of your portfolio devoted to growth in favor of a more balanced approach. On the other hand, if you believe yourself to have a low risk tolerance, and you start off investing in a conservative manner, you may indeed minimize short-term losses – but you also might find yourself frustrated over the slow growth of your portfolio. So you may decide that being highly risk-averse carries its own risk – the risk of not making enough progress to achieve your long-term financial goals. To reduce this risk, you may need to tilt your portfolio somewhat toward more growth opportunities. In short, you may have to invest for a while before you truly understand your response to risk. But even then, don’t get too locked in to one approach – because your risk tolerance may evolve over time. When you are first starting out in your career, and for many years after, you are probably investing primarily to accumulate assets for retirement. Consequently, you may need to include a relatively high proportion of growth-oriented vehicles, such as stocks, in your portfolio. While stock prices will always fluctuate, you will have many years, perhaps decades, to overcome short-term losses, so you can possibly afford to take on a greater risk level in exchange for the potentially higher returns offered by stocks and stock-based investments. However, things can change once you reach retirement. At this stage of your life, your overall investment focus may shift from accumulation to income. This means you will need to start selling some investments to boost your cash flow – and you won’t want to sell when prices are down. (Remember the first rule of investing: “Buy low and sell high.”) To help avoid these “fire sales,” you may want to adjust your investment mix by adding more incomeproducing vehicles and reducing your holdings in growth-oriented ones. By doing so, you will be lowering your overall risk level. Keep in mind, though, that even in retirement, you will need some exposure to growth investments to help you stay ahead of inflation. Become familiar with your own risk tolerance – it can play a big role in your investment decisions.
This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.
Edward Jones, its employees and investment representatives do not offer estate-planning, tax or legal advice. “Adam Hromiak AAMS, CRPC is a Financial Advisor with Edward Jones Investments in Cape Coral on 3571 North Del Prado Blvd. Suite 7 Entrada Plaza, 1/2 mile West of Rt. 41. He can be contacted at (239) 731-6338” 12/18
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Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • November 2018 • 941.349.0194 •
The Columns |
25 • 941.349.0194 • November 2018 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
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November 1st Book Discussion Club at Marilyn’s 1:30 PM November 2nd FASHION SHOW 11 AM November 3rd CRAFT FAIR 9 AM - 1PM November 5th TWHA Board Meeting 2 PM November 9th Estate Planning Seminar 8:30 AM November 9th Midwest Club Meeting 5 PM November 10th Pancake Breakfast 7:30 - 8:45 AM November 10th Garden Club Meeting 9 AM November 10th New Residents Orientation 10:15 AM November 10th New York/New Jersey Club Meeting 5 PM November 12th TWHA General Meeting 7 PM November 14th Car Fit Inspection (at Ceramics Building) 9 AM - 12 PM November 16th Canadian Club Meeting 5 PM November 17th Entertainers Business Meeting 9 AM November 17th Health Insurance Seminar 9 AM November 18th Mid-Atlantic Club Meeting 4 PM November 22nd THANKSGIVING DINNER 3 PM November 24th DECORATE THE CLUBHOUSE 9AM November 25th Tennis Association Meeting 5 PM BINGO every Tuesday night 6:45 PM
26 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • November 2018 • 941.349.0194 •
Well, everyone, the tennis season is fast approaching for the Tara Woods Tennis Association. I am looking forward to seeing everyone. Kathy and I will be heading to Tara Woods on October 27th and will be there the 29th. We are anxious to get to the warm weather and see all our friends in the community. Everyone keep in mind that the last Sunday in November is our first Round Robin of the season, with our General Meeting and Dinner that evening. Installation of new officers will be part of the agenda; we will be open to ideas on future formats for the Round Robins, meetings, and such. If you have any thoughts on those subjects, please be willing to share them with the group. For new residents wanting to play tennis, this is an excellent chance to get to know everyone in the tennis community and enjoy a day of tennis and a meal that
evening. You will find a welcoming group of people. All levels of tennis players are welcome. Hope to see you on the courts this year. – Roger Rafferty TENNIS LEAGUES The tennis leagues at Tara Woods – both the Women’s and Men’s Teams – should be starting in November. We hope you are ready to cheer on all of the Tara Woods tennis teams as you show your support for your Tara Woods friends. WOMEN’S LEAGUE Women’s Team – Angels If the pending league schedule is approved, The Tara Woods Angels should begin their league play on Thursday, November 8th, with a home game at 10:00 AM against the Six Lakes Seagulls. We hope you will come out to
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ins. It’s a day of fun competition, with the emphasis on FUN, where players of all skill levels get together for some matches, snacks, and (hopefully) some laughs. The dates for this event are as follows: Sunday 11/25/18 Sunday 1/27/19 Sunday 2/24/19 Sunday 3/31/19 Matches commence precisely at 11:00 AM, with warm-ups beginning at 10:30 AM. Sign-up sheets will be posted on the Tennis Bulletin Board at the beginning of each month. All residents are invited to participate in these events and we encourage new residents who may be interested in tennis to join in the fun. It’s a good way to get acquainted with some of your neighbors. Tennis Association meetings are held later the same day at the Clubhouse. Details will be posted on the sign-up sheets. Hope to see you there! – Jon Gold Submitted by Linda Engel
Ellen W. Clifford
watch us play and show your support for the Tara Woods women’s team. The league schedule will be posted on the Tennis Bulletin Board as soon as it is finalized. – Linda Engel MEN’S LEAGUE White Team – Stallions Nothing to report this month. – Fred Puhlfuerst Blue Team – Tigers The start of the tennis league is scheduled for Thursday, November 1st, for the Blue Division, which has expanded to 9 teams. A captains meeting will be held on Saturday, October 20th to finalize the match schedules and for posting team rosters. As we all know, filling the team roster will be challenging until the snowbirds arrive.
The Tigers are pumped and looking forward to the start of the season. GO TIGERS! – Al Dion / Mike O’Hearn Blue Team – Mustangs As we return from our summer homes to Tara Woods, I am glad to report that our Blue League Mustangs are looking forward to a fun and exciting season. We will be starting our season on Thursday, November 1st, as our other Blue Team will as well. With two teams playing each Thursday, it appears there will be a home match each Thursday at our courts. Schedules will be coming out after I have written this, so watch for postings at the Tennis Bulletin Board to see when our teams are playing. We welcome anyone who may be interested in playing. I will be available at the courts or by phone; just find me. – Ed Malatesta ROUND ROBINS As the tennis season approaches I’d like to make all aware of an event that the Tennis Association runs known as the Round Rob-
Ask yourself, if you were in a crash or other emergency situation, couldn’t talk and your cell phone was locked, how would your family and friends be notified? If you register your emergency contact information (ECI) into the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles system, law enforcement can contact your loved ones for you, and quickly, even across state lines. ECI is a secure system that only law enforcement nationwide can access in order to contact your designated family or friends in response to an emergency situation. If you have a Florida Driver’s License you can go to the website and in the search box type “emergency contact information”. You can register 3 names for the police to contact should you have an accident or medical emergency.
The Tara Woods Magic Softball team will be meeting soon to organize and recruit additional players to our 2019 roster. There will be an organizing meeting on Saturday, November 10th at 9:30 AM, following Saturday Morning Coffee. As per every previous season, we are looking to add new players to our Magic roster. We have a turnover of 5-6 players every year due to mostly physical ailments; we are dealing with senior citizens here after all. We currently have about 12 dedicated players ready to roll, but would like a roster of 16-17 to cover for absenteeism or injuries. We will be practicing once or twice a week in November and December to prepare for the game schedule January-March 2019. Games are Monday and Wednesday nights at 5:30 PM in Punta Gorda near the airport.
Win or lose, we enjoy ourselves and ALWAYS celebrate after the games at local eateries. We also do a Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser that has been very well received and attended by Tara Woods residents. If you’re “on the fence” or simply have questions, call Bill Hubbs, Bob Uccello, Larry Baldwin, or Rod Browder.
The Columns |
27 • 941.349.0194 • November 2018 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Never pass up the opportunity to take a ride or a walk. Experience the freshness of the air and the wind on our faces. When loved ones come home, run to greet them. When it’s in your best interest, always practice obedience. Remember to take naps and stretch before rising. Be loyal. Thrive on recognition – a simple pat will do. Finally, never pretend to be something you’re not.
Well, my time is up for this month of “Bailey Speaks”. All’s well at my end (except for my tail, still naked). Welcome goes to my new four-footed furry friends to our community. Hopefully, I get to meet you soon. Be sure to visit our Doggy Park and please pick up after us. Just a reminder, Dog Bash Fundraiser is Sunday, November 4th, at the Doggie Park. $10.00 provides great food and meeting new and old friends. Also, the money goes to providing an additional covered sitting area out of the sun while our dogs can mingle and run about. So please, if you have a dog (or not), help sponsor this event. Yum, Yum.Till then. “Happy Tails”, Bailey
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Bailey Speaks Wow! Fall has finally arrived (once again I address “welcome back, snowbirds”). But do we address it as Fall or as Autumn? Actually, the word Fall, if one looks it up, means a mishap or an unexpected accident that came about. So, in turn, we should use the word Autumn. I know it’s an easy way to say Fall back, Spring ahead, but if state officials decide to amend that, we no longer change the clocks in the Spring and Fall; it will be strange not to change the time in 2019. (But we have to wait and see.) Autumn has so much going for us such as the Halloween holiday – (Boo! Boo!). Be sure not to give us chocolate or other candy treats in our trick-or-treat bag, or we all will experience a scary, unpleasant outcome. Thanksgiving – Yummy – even though the turkeys may be thinking in the back of their minds (they say they are quite smart) – “Eat more chicken”. Please, share some with us and remember no bones. If you are not into these holidays, Autumn gives us the wonders of Mother Nature through climate, foliage, and mainly getting away from sizzling 90+ degree summer weather. Hopefully, we’ll make it through November 30th without a hurricane. For this segment of “Bailey Speaks” on learning from our furry friends:
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28 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • November 2018 • 941.349.0194 •