Tara Woods - October 2019

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Volume 30 | NO 10

Tara Woods Homeowners Association • www.twhoa.net


INSIDE Welcome New Residents



From The Board Room


FMO News


Garden Club

Actitivies, Activities


At Tara Woods


National Hot Dog Day

16 19 Shilo



21 Entertainment 23 Guidelines HOA 24 For Meetings

A good time was had by all as Tara Woods celebrated the all-American Hot Dog! Grilled dogs with a variety of toppings, popcorn, lemonade, cookies and a generous helping of ice cream were all served up “free” at the Tiki bar and on the Verandah by Bill Black and his crew of enthusiastic helpers. Over 200 hot dogs were served to a happy group of residents who enjoyed the good food and beautiful weather together.

Thank you, Bill Black & Friends, for hosting this event for Activities. Janet Daly, Activities Coordinator

Birthdays & Anniversaries



2 | The Columns

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2019 • 941.349.0194 • www.TWHOA.net

WELCOME NEW RESIDENTS Peggy Barr and her son Samuel are new full-time residents at 2826 Tara Lakes Circle. They are originally from the State of Illinois. Samuel is presently working as Assistant Manager at Dick’s Sporting Goods. Peggy retired after being a waitress for forty years.

Government where she was an executive with the Veterans Affairs. She is the parent of two children. Anita is a glass artist and loves traveling. Anita was also in a Military Band.

Carol Ann & Don Impink are new full-time residents at 2837 Cloister Street and are originally from Pennsylvania. Carol Ann and Don lived here about five years ago, moved back to Pennsylvania, and are now returning Peggy is the to Tara Woods. Don retired as parent of a Steel Mill Carpenter Technithree chil- cian and Carol Ann is a retired dren and Data Processing Clerk. They eight grand- are the parents of one child, one children. grandchild and two great-grandSamuel loves all outdoors stuff, children. Don is a Nascar fan running and shooting pool. and enjoys reading; Carol Ann’s Peggy loves Bingo, reading and interest are internet computer, adult coloring books. crafts and knitting. Anita Hanson is a new part-time Susan & Bill Reece are part-time resident at 2773 Orlenes Street residents at 19589 Woodfield and is originally from Virginia. Circle. They are originally from Anita is retired from the Federal South Carolina. Bill is retired

from thirty-nine years in the building supply industry, and seven years at a funeral home. Susan is retired from Duke Energy. They are the parents of two children. Bill plans to remodel their home and Susan enjoys hand quilting and reading. They both enjoy most games and Hand and Foot.

reading and she has been dancing ballet for over 50 years. Donna and Don Tribeck are new full-time residents at 19425 Charleston Circle and are originally from Maryland and Florida. Don is retired from his cabinet making business and Donna is still employed as a nurse at Physician Primary Care. They are the parents of five children and nine grandchildren. Don enjoys billiards and going to the pool; Donna enjoys pickleball. They both enjoy fishing, deep sea diving and camping.

Jane is a retired dental hygienist. They are the parents of two children and seven grandchildren. Ken enjoys gardening and Jane enjoys games; they both enjoy reading and playing cards.

Laurie & Mike Zakrewski are new part-time residents at 19732 Charleston Circle and are originally from New Jersey. Both are still Terri & Rich working – Mike in a recycling Siller are business and Laurie as a Regnew full-time istered Nurse. They are the residents at parents of three children and 2853 Cloister ten grandchildren. Mike’s interStreet; they ests are playing pool, fishing are originally Jane & Ken and reading and Laurie enjoys from Ohio White are new reading and Origami Owl. and Washington, DC. Rich is full-time resisemi-retired from Enterprise Car dents at 2790 Rental and Terri is still working Orlenes Street teaching dance classes. Terri is and are origalso a writer and is working on inally from WELCOME TO her third book. They are the Long Island, New York, but TARA WOODS, parents of three children. Rich have lived in Cross Creek, a enjoys jogging, walking, biking community near the airport, for JOANNE BYRNE and puttering around the house. the last twenty-five years. Ken Terri enjoys yoga, writing and is retired from U.S. Airlines and

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www.TWHOA.net • 941.349.0194 • October 2019• Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

MANAGER’S CORNER Hello, Tara Woods Residents. It’s hard to believe the summer months have passed and now we all are waiting on cooler weather. With the fall/winter season before us, I am looking forward to meeting many residents who spend the summer months Up North. Whether you are a full-time resident or headed back to Tara Woods for the season, please stop by the office and say hello. I look forward to meeting you. Since my arrival on August 1st there have been some great updates to the community. •

ONE CALL NOW! In a crisis, communication is only as good as its delivery speed. That’s why Hometown America is

introducing ONE CALL NOW to send messages instantly to our residents during an emergency or disaster recovery situation. Our new alert system will enable the community office to send recorded phone messages, text messages and/ or emails to the resident contact information on file. The system also allows for two-way emergency communication, meaning residents may respond by pressing “1” or “2”. This will allow us to adjust our emergency response plan based on real-time feedback. TENNIS COURTS: The courts have been resurfaced and now I just need

to purchase a wind screen, score post and a new net. PING PONG TABLE: A new commercial ping pong table has been purchased and the feedback has been great. RV STORAGE: Over the next few months, fill will be delivered to the road leading back to RV storage. The road will be graded to provide for a smoother surface. THREE AIR CONDITIONING units were replaced; two in the Clubhouse and one in the Ceramic room. ROADS: Seal coating was completed in certain areas of the community. Kind Regards, Cathy Winfree Tara Woods Community Manager

FROM THE BOARD ROOM BY LOU As we prepare for another exciting season in Tara Woods, it is an ideal time to reflect on our community and our lifestyle. Let’s consider some of the changes we have seen to our community over the last few years: • Replaced all the benches throughout and relocated white refurbished benches primarily around the lakes for residents use. • Located an AED (automated external defibrillator) at the tennis courts • Planted trees at the dog park and also created a separate entrance to the dog park • Had the lap pool heated • Replaced all the chairs in the Clubhouse with new blue chairs • Implemented an electronic Resident Concern Form transmitted directly to the community manager • Replaced the TV in the Card Room • Added additional lights to the Clubhouse ramp

• • • • • • •

• • • •

Acquired and installed a Baby Grand Piano in the Clubhouse Installed Pickleball courts Replaced the Clubhouse roof Refurbishe Bocce Ball courts Established new Tara Woods Homeowners Association website for residents Installed new air-conditioners in the Clubhouse Established collaboration between Hometown America and the Homeowners Association to upgrade and install exterior Christmas lights Re p l a c e d mini fridge in Tiki Hut Installed professional regulation Horseshoe pits Added a commercial grade food warmer to the Clubhouse Kitchen Installed new air-conditioner at the Ceramic building.

These changes are the result of an ongoing collaboration

between the owners of the community and an active, vibrant TWHO. We look forward to more positive changes to further enhance our community. HEADS UP – Community Manager Cathy Winfree has accepted our invitation to speak before our scheduled Homeowners Association Meeting on Monday, October 14th, at 7:00 PM in the Clubhouse. Join Us!!! DID YOU KNOW THAT – It is obvious that our community is a growing, ever-changing entity. The heart of any entity is measured by the residents who work for and care about the community. On this count Tara Woods scores a 100! I see it every day, residents working behind the scenes to benefit the entire community and residents reaching out and helping their neighbors in need. Lou Dunning President loudunning2@gmail.com 239-240-5847


On sale at the Clubhouse at Saturday Morning Coffee. TEE SHIRTS $10 • LANYARDS $4

COLUMNS STAFF EDITOR: Linda Beaulieu 239-560-0768 (lindabluetw@gmail.com)

ASSISTANT: Linda Engel PHOTOGRAPHY: Lou Dunning, Donna Erhardt CALENDAR: Judy Lanpher CIRCULATION: Linda Hoos, Manager COMMUNITY DIRECTORY: Haywood Gandy, Manager COORDINATORS: Stu & Belle Berman, Agatha Breen, Pat & Lou Dunning, Peggy Gamble, Lloyd & Carolyn Kelsey, Bob Kuhns, Sharie & Norm Libby, Diane & Bob Nunn, Ed Simko, Nancy Schoeppner, Lori Thomas, Julia Wehrung and Sue Van Sickle.. STUFFERS: Barb Simonson, Gene Dickie, Jackie Nadean, Donna Phillips, Ginnie Pontarelli, Pam Harrington, Linda Janis. ALTERNATES: Frank Millette, Mike & Sheila Harris, Bill & Lorraine Milligan, Dave Lindon, Angie D’Alessandro, Victoria Sharps and Al Dion REPORTERS: Reporters will be noted by their bylines at the end of each article. Ginnie Pontarelli , Tara Woods Homeowners Association Liaison To advertise in print, contact: Bob or Emy Stein at 941-349-0194 or email us at islandvp@verizon.net. Contributing writers are acknowledged with bylines accompanying their submissions. Attribution for photos are not included unless supplied. We sincerely thank everyone for their contributions. Your articles help showcase the strong and diverse community that makes up Tara Woods. The Columns is published monthly from October through May. Summer issues are condensed: June/July and August/September. All ads are subject to the approval of the publisher. It is the responsibility of the party placing any ad for publication in The Columns to meet all applicable legal requirements in connection with the ad such as compliance with town, county and state codes in first obtaining an occupational license for business, permitted home occupation, or residential rental property. DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability. Island Visitor Publishing is not responsible for claims made by advertisers

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It’s the last day of August as I sit and write the October FMO article for The Columns. Other than the last few days following hurricane Dorian, will it or won’t it, there has not been much from FMO headquarters. The new season of meetings does not start until November. While I’ve written about this in the past, I think it is important enough and worth repeating. What has the FMO done for me lately? If you are one of the 100 or so people in the Clubhouse on Tuesday night playing Bingo, you can thank the FMO. It was the FMO that developed the legislation to allow developments like ours to play Bingo and it is the FMO that continuously monitors the legislature and others who are pushing a ban on our developments from hosting Bingo. Recently, as you may remember, there was a referendum on the ballot to add a 7% sales tax to our lot rent. With the help and support of the FMO it was defeated. Think about it for a minute. What would have happened if it had passed? Say your monthly lot

rent is $600.00. 7% of that is $42.00 each and every month. So instead of your monthly rent being $600.00 it is $642.00. I’ll let you do the math, times twelve months. Being a member of the FMO is just as important as being a member of the Homeowners Association. Membership in the FMO is $25.00 per year or $65.00 for three years. As a member of the FMO you have access to the Cross-Country Motor Club for a slight additional charge. It is still less than AAA. Applications are available on the back wall of the Clubhouse. If you have questions, please contact the writer. Wishing our snowbirds, a safe journey back to Tara Woods. FMO needs you and you need FMO. Thank you. Stuart Berman

THOUGHT FOR THE MONTH by Sam Topping “Today is yesterday’s tomorrow you worried about - so now ENJOY”


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Estate Plans Can Help You Answer Questions About the Future The word “estate” conjures images of great wealth, which may be one of the reasons so many people don’t develop estate plans – after all, they’re not rich, so why make the effort? In reality, though, if you have a family, you can probably benefit from estate planning, whatever your asset level. And you may well find that a comprehensive estate plan can help you answer some questions you may find unsettling – or even worrisome. Here are a few of these questions: What will happen to my children? With luck, you (and your co-parent, if you have one) will be alive and well at least until your children reach the age of majority (either 18 or 21, depending on where you live). Nonetheless, you don’t want to take any chances, so, as part of your estate plans, you may want to name a guardian to take care of your children if you are not around. You also might want to name a conservator – sometimes called a “guardian of the estate” – to manage any assets your minor children might inherit. Will there be a fight over my assets? Without a solid estate plan in place, your assets could be subject to the time-consuming, expensive – and very public – probate process. During probate, your relatives and creditors can gain access to your records, and possibly even challenge your will. But with proper planning, you can maintain your privacy. As one possible element of an estate plan, a living trust allows your property to avoid probate and pass quickly to the beneficiaries you’ve named. Who will oversee my finances and my living situation if I become incapacitated? You can build various forms of protection into your estate planning, such as a durable power of attorney, which allows you to designate someone to manage your financial affairs if you become physically or mentally incapacitated. You could also create a medical power of attorney, which allows someone to handle health care decisions on your behalf if you become unable to do so yourself. Will I shortchange my family if I leave significant assets to charities? Unless you have unlimited resources, you’ll have to make some choices about charitable gifts and money for your family. But as part of your estate plans, you do have some appealing options. For example, you could establish a charitable lead trust, which provides financial support to your chosen charities for a period of time, with the remaining assets eventually going to your family members. A charitable remainder trust, by contrast, can provide a stream of income for your family members for the term of the trust, before the remaining assets are transferred to one or more charitable organizations. As you can see, careful estate planning can help you answer many of the questions that may be worrying you. Be aware, though, that certain aspects of estate planning, especially those related to living trusts and charitable trusts, can be complex, so you should consult your estate-planning attorney or qualified tax advisor about your situation. But once you’ve got your plans in place, you should be able to face the future with greater clarity and confidence.

This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors are not estate planners and cannot provide tax or legal advice.

Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors are not estate planners and cannot provide tax or legal advice. You should consult your estate-planning attorney or qualified tax advisor regarding your situation. “Adam Hromiak AAMS, CRPC is a Financial Advisor with Edward Jones Investments in Cape Coral on 3571 North Del Prado Blvd. Suite 7 Entrada Plaza, 1/2 mile West of Rt. 41. He can be contacted at (239) 731-6338”

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The Columns | 9

Come for all the sessions or one of the segments that you are interested in.

For more information contact Lynn Makia 513-476-2465 or BarbIsland Simonson 541-840-4430 www.TWHOA.net • 941.349.0194 • October 2019• Visitor Publishing, LLC



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Our next meeting is Saturday, October 12th. This is our only meeting before the Craft Fair. The Craft Fair is Saturday, November 2nd, and is open to the public. Thanks to Carol Shields, we have a full house of talented vendors selling their handmade items; a great time to find that special present or something unique for yourself. This year the: Bake Sale is hosted by the Midwest Club Luncheon is hosted by the New York / New Jersey Club And The Basket of Cheer by the Chorus Free drawings for door prizes throughout the Fair If you are not a member, but would like to volunteer to help with the Craft Fair, set-up is Friday, November 1st, from 3:00 to 5:00 PM. We will need Gentlemen to help move tables, and then again on Saturday, November 2nd, at 1:30 PM to move tables back in place. The Fashion Show Is Sunday, November 17th. This is a FREE event; you need only to sign up to bring either a salad or a dessert to attend. Wine and cheese, iced tea and lemonade, Favors for the ladies, raffles and prizes, will be supplied by Club members. A sign-up sheet will be in the Clubhouse, Thursday, October 17th. For the fashion show luncheon, we set up the buffet tables along both sides of the Clubhouse; this makes it easier and faster for everyone to serve themselves. So, whatever you decide to bring (either a salad or a dessert), please use TWO serving dishes. Please be mindful of how many people are signing up for salads

or desserts; we would like to have more salads than desserts. It is very important to note what kind of wine you prefer to drink so that the correct wines can be purchased or, if you would like lemonade or iced tea. The Garden Club members will be bringing the cheese platters and the wine. The clothing that our beautiful models will be wearing is from: Razzle Dazzle, a wonderful boutique located at 1335 Cape Coral Parkway East. Make-up will be by our own Mary Kay representative, Chris Olson, (715-851-4681). FASHION SHOW Set-up is Sunday November 17th, 9:00 AM, and again we will need Gentlemen to help move tables, and then again at 3:30 PM to move tables back in place. Please Volunteer to Help Without volunteers these events are not possible. If you are new to Tara Woods, ask around; both of these events are always fun and you don’t want to miss them. If questions, contact Rachelle DellaRocca at 239-322-6386. OCTOBER What to Plant Bedding Plants: Even though temperatures are still warm, begin planting for the cooler months ahead. Impatiens, alyssum, and dianthus are good plants for the fall/winter garden. Bulbs: Plant agapanthus, rain lily, and Clivia lily now for blooms next spring or summer. Add organic matter to the planting bed for best results. Herbs: A wide range of herbs can be planted from seed or transplants this month. Some to

try are dill, fennel, parsley, and cilantro. Vegetables: Plant crops now that will grow and produce through the winter months. This includes beet, English pea, carrot, garlic, and onion. WHAT TO DO Lawn weeds: Control winter weeds in lawns before they appear. Pre-emergent herbicides should be applied when nighttime temps drop to 55-60°F for several consecutive nights. Fertilize ornamental trees and shrubs: This is the last month of the year to fertilize shrubs and trees. Controlled-release fertilizer provides nutrients over a longer period of time. Fertilize lawns: For bahiagrass and centipedegrass lawns use a fertilizer (not a weed & feed) that contains controlled-release nitrogen for longer lasting results. Choose one with little or no phosphorus unless a soil test indicates a need. This is the last lawn fertilization for the year. Strawberries: Prepare beds and set strawberry plants this month. Strawberries also make a colorful and tasty container planting. Water daily until plants are established. Fertilize Palms: Fertilize palms this month with 8-2-12+4Mg. Oleanders: The oleander caterpillar is a year-round resident in South Florida. To control without harming beneficial insects, prune off infested leaves or spray with BT (Bacillus thuringiensis). Twig girdlers: Small branches falling from oak and hickory trees may be the work of twig girdlers. To control, clean up and destroy fallen branches, which may harbor young twig girdlers. Rachelle DellaRocca

TARA’S BUTTERFLY GARDEN NEWS Hi, to all of you butterfly nurturers!! Although the Garden may look overgrown to some, it has been food for our friends all summer and protection to all our chrysalis. We have definitely accomplished adding to the

population of our native Florida Zebra Longwing Butterfly. Last year we were down in population and as I have started fall clean-up, I can say many are visiting Tara! We still have many births to come in our garden so I will commence cleaning slowly.

In closing, I want to thank all of you who helped to raise the butterflies. Don’t forget, if you want to place any caterpillars in the garden please do and let me know; I would love to watch. Linda Hoos

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ACTIVITIES, ACTIVITIES by Janet Daly COMING UP IN OCTOBER/ NOVEMBER: – The kick-off party of the season, Halloween, is once again being hosted by Cindy McKay and “Just For Kicks” on Saturday, October 26th. Tickets are available at Saturday Morning Coffee from 8:00 – 8:45AM and at Tuesday Bingo from 5:45 – 6:30 PM. Look for the article in this issue of The Columns for all the details. You don’t want to miss this party. Cindy and her group go all-out to make it a fun time, complete with dinner and a haunted house! – November brings Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Dinner at the Clubhouse. Tickets for

that special dinner should be available at the end of October. Watch the bulletin board and The Columns for more information. THANK YOU! Thank you to the New York/ New Jersey Club for hosting the Labor Day Party. It was a fun time with plenty of good food and a rousing game of Bean Bag Baseball with our own “Phil Rizzuto”, John Hoos announcing the play by play. The Men brought in a wringer, Tom Barder, in the bottom of the 6th to pull ahead of the Women by one run, winning 6 – 5. Maybe next year, ladies. The summer is coming to an end Up North, which means our

winter residents will be returning and all the activities and events in our community will start in earnest. To keep aware of all that’s happening, see the box by this article for ways to “Stay Informed”. As Activities Coordinator, I try to keep you aware of the social Activities that are coming up for you to enjoy. Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have questions regarding the parties and events. If I can’t answer your question, I most likely know who can. Janet Daly, Activities Coordinator janetdaly@yahoo.com 239-567-2285


Read the posters on the bulletin board in the Clubhouse. Check the Clubhouse bulletin boards for meeting and event information and sign-up sheets. Come to Saturday Morning Coffee! Read The Columns and check the Calendar. Sign on to the Tara Woods website, www.twhoa.net, to be kept informed of all current events and more! Check out page 4 of the Tara Woods Community Resident Directory to see all the opportunities to keep you busy in Tara Woods, with the contact people for each one listed if you have questions. • Page 3 of the Directory lists the contact people for specific responsibilities under the Board of Directors who you can contact with questions.

THANK YOU As some of you know, my husband, Jon Porter, had a stroke on September 1st. You may also know he was taking care of many yards in Tara Woods. Thank you to all the all the men in the park who got out there and took care of those yards to help us out. Wow. I’m so impressed by all the love and kindness. Thanks to all the hard workers who built the disability

ramp. Great job. Above and beyond. You all worked so hard. Thank you so much! We received many cards as well as a gift from friends of Jon. I just can’t say enough about the great help and love in this wonderful community. Thank you! Lynn Porter, his wife of 49 years

SUNSHINE AND SYMPATHYWishing a speedy recovery to the following residents: Tony Perre Joanne Byrne Nancy Latimer Jon Porter

Our sympathy goes out to the family and friends of the following who have passed away: Ginnie Pontarelli Howie Jacobs Nancy Lyford Remember these people in your thoughts and prayers, along with those who are in recovery and others in our community who are suffering with medical issues.

Please let me know of any others in the community who may be in need of some cheer at this time. Nancy Wuebbeler • 239-245-7575 nkw4@comcast.net

12 | The Columns

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Hi! to all The Columns volunteers. I hope you are all having a great summer. It is HOT here. Just a few things to say: I have scheduled our second Thank You Luncheon for Sunday, November 10th, from 1:00 to 4:00 PM in the Clubhouse. The menu will be pizza and ice cream, and I hope all of you hard workers will come. If you definitely cannot attend, please let me know, because I cannot eat too much ice cream. Thankyou.

Also, to all of The Columns volunteers, PLEASE, PLEASE let me know when you leave and come back from vacation or if you are a snowbird. I am new at this and I need to know when I must stuff or deliver, and the summer subs need to know as well. Thank you. Linda Hoos 941-713-4868


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If you have been considering joining the Tara Woods Homeowners Association, this is for you. FOR NEW MEMBER SIGN-UPS – Sign up during the month of October 2019 and get the remainder of 2019 included in your membership for all of 2020! That’s up to 15 months for $15.00.

Contact Bill Loveday, 313-220-0622 or Lou Dunning, 239-240-5847 This is a limited time offer for new and established residents Don’t delay! – Sign up now!

NOMINATIONS FOR TARA WOODS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION DIRECTOR This notice is to inform you that now is the time for any TWHA member who wants to run for a position of Director to inform the nominating committee. Please submit a short bio and photo to any member of the nominating committee no later than Monday, December 9th, 2019.

Nominations will also be accepted from the floor at the regular meeting of TWHA on Monday, December 9th, 2019. If you have any questions, please contact: Peg Gamble 740-304-4872 or Lou Dunning 239-240-5847.

ATTENTION NEW HOMEOWNERS & RENTERS ORIENTATION MEETING The next Orientation for new homeowners and renters will be held on Saturday, October 5th, in the Clubhouse Living Room. Please arrive at 10:15 AM. All new homeowners and renters are encouraged to attend. This short meeting is loaded with important information about our community and the surrounding area. A packet

containing important and interesting information will be given to all who attend. We look forward to seeing you. Donna Phillips, 239 731 5802 or Mary Kivel, 207 505 5576


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Hi to all you parents of our four-legged pups! Sunday, October 27th, will be our annual Halloween Doggie Parade, so get your creative thoughts going and let’s see you on the runway. We’ll have some treats and prizes and fun. Don’t

forget to sign up on the back bulletin board sign-up sheet. Thank you. Linda Hoos

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At Tara Woods

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The New England Club will hold our Welcome Back party on Saturday, October 19th, at 5:00 PM. We hope to see all of our members back as well as any new residents or renters from our six New England states. Please plan on paying your yearly Club dues of $5.00 per person at this party. We will be having rotisserie chicken and we ask


everyone to bring a hot or cold side or salad. The Club will provide bread service, coffee and dessert. Fun games and raffles are also on our agenda. BYOB. Sign-ups will begin on Friday, September 20th, and please indicate what you plan to bring when you sign up. Hope to see you all there! Judy Machnicz


PROCEEDS GO TO A DAY OF CARING IT WILL BE FUN AND EXCITING. GATHER A GROUP OF FRIENDS AND CONTACT SHEILA HARRIS AT 313-717-5627 If questions, call Chris Olson at 715-851-4681 or Sue Cook at 239-634-8485 What the heck is a Quarter Auction? Well, it is a raffle-style auction - a traditional auction. As a quarter auction participant, you’ll want to arrive at the doors at open time – bring a supply of quarters and your friends! We recommend a couple rolls of quarters. When you arrive, you’ll get your bid paddle. When you rent your paddle(s), a poker chip matching your paddle number(s) will go into a container used to draw winning numbers throughout the event. You will also have an opportunity to visit the individual vendor tables to register for door prizes. The vendors will also have cash and carry items for sale! When the auction begins, each auction item will be presented and “auctioned”, one by one. You will use your quarters and paddles to bid, but no fear! You do not try to out-bid others, but rather bid

the requested number of quarters (typically 2-3) on the item for a chance to win that item! The retail value of the item determines the number of quarters required per paddle to bid. Once you toss the required number of quarters into bowls on the table and collected, you raise your paddle in the air. We will begin drawing numbers from the numbered chips matching the paddles. If the announcer calls your number and if you have placed the bid, you win! If the number called wasn’t played, numbers continue to be pulled until a number is called for someone who had bid and had their paddle in the air! Then on to the next auction item. Bid on everything! A great way to potentially squirrel away items in your gift closet for those unexpected hostesses, thank you, or birthday gifts! Usually there are 2 auction rounds with a break between 2 rounds – to make sure you’ve registered for the door prizes. The auction rounds are followed by the door prize round. As of August 26th, we have 15 vendors lined up.

Welcome back to the official start of the season. While many of the Midwest Club members went north, those who still reside in Tara Woods during the summer months attended two get-togethers. The parties were held in June and August. The June party was held on the 14th, with pizza and salad and thirty-five attendees. A challenging game of Giant Jenga was held and the tower tumbled after Ron Mester pulled the wrong piece. Still a great time with friends at Tara Woods. On August 2nd , fifty Midwest Club members enjoyed hamburgers, hot dogs, and

beans, with attendees bringing sides and desserts. Another challenging game of Giant Jenga was held. While the last record was an impressive thirty-one levels, the previous levels were surpassed, and sadly our own VP Lynn Makia made the tower tumble. Although these get-togethers are not sponsored Midwest

meetings, it is a fun way to keep in touch in the summer months. Thank you to all who planned and those who attended. The first official Midwest Club meeting will be held on Friday, October 11th, and the theme will be Oktoberfest. Our menu of course will be brats, potato salad, sauerkraut, and apple strudel. An email was sent out and info posted on the bulletin board in September. Hoping you will be able to attend. On Saturday, November 2nd, the annual Craft Fair will take place in the Tara Woods Clubhouse. The Midwest Club will need volunteers to provide baked goods and sell the baked goods the day of the Fair. There will be discussion at the October meeting. See you at the meeting. Bobbie Mester

MIDWEST CLUB EVENTS 2019 – 2020 Community Events in Red October 11, 2019 November 2, 2019 November 8, 2019 December 7, 2019 December 13, 2019 January 10, 2020 February 21, 2020 March 6, 2020 April 17, 2020

Octoberfest. Brats, German potato salad and red cabbage. $$ Craft Fair Bake Sale. Will need volunteers to provide and sell baked goods. Soup and Salad. Bring soup, salad or dessert to share. Tara Woods Christmas Party. Midwest Club is hosting. Volunteers will be needed. Christmas Party. Club will provide ham. Bring side, salad or dessert to share. Superbowl Party. Wear your favorite team apparel, bring appetizer to share. Mardi Gras Party. Jambalaya. $$ National Pie Month. Everyone bring a pie to share (pizza, taco, dessert etc.) be creative Subs, chips and dessert. $$

The Columns | 17

www.TWHOA.net • 941.349.0194 • October 2019• Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

MID-ATLANTIC CLUB Hope all our members have had a great summer and a safe return to Tara Woods. Our first meeting of the year is an important one on Sunday, October 20th, at 4:00 PM. Come together for a wine and cheese social event. New Officers will be nominated and elected,

dues collected at $5.00 per person and discussion of future events. There will be a sign-up sheet in the Clubhouse until Tuesday, October 15th. Watch for emails and newsletters for complete details. See you there! Barb Pollitt, Secretary

NEW YORK/NEW JERSEY CLUB Don’t forget! Saturday, October 12th, we will have a big WELCOME BACK BEACH PARTY in full attire, (i.e., bathing suits and cover ups). There will be judging and, of course, seeing old friends. We will have games and prizes too. Food will be an open

theme, so don’t forget to sign up or have someone sign up for you if you are coming back later. John and I will bring the ICE CREAM and toppings. SEE YOU THERE!! Linda Hoos 941-713-4868

New York/New Jersey Club Meetings/Events 2019-2020 Save the Dates! Saturday, October 12th: 5:00 PM “Welcome Back Beach Party” – Hosted by Linda & John Hoos Saturday, November 2nd: 11:00-1:00 PM Club Host Craft Fair Luncheon Saturday, November 9th: 5:00 PM Hosted by Eddie Amarando & Dorothy Andrus Saturday, November 30th: 9:00 AM Decorate tree & Clubhouse Sunday, December 8th: 5:00 PM Christmas Meeting Hosted by The Robinsons & Hoos Sunday, December 8th, 5:00 PM 2020 Saturday, January 4th, 2020: 9:00 AM Undecorate Christmas Tree/ Clubhouse Sunday, January 5th: 5:00 PM Hosted by Carole & Ken Clark Friday, February 7th: 4:00 PM Nite at the Races – Hosted by Janet & George Daly and Club Saturday, March 7th: 5:00 PM “Appetizers & Desserts” – Hosted by Marge, Bart & Miriam Saturday, April 18th: 5:00 PM Lobster Fest Saturday, April 25th: 12:00 noon: Out to Lunch – Coordinated by Karen Finkle

TARA WOODS COMPUTER CLUB The Tara Woods Computer Club provides free computer classes and is open to all residents and visitors. It’s never too late to join our group, even if you’re a total novice. The subject of each session will be chosen by the Club members and can include almost any topic. I am always open to any questions you want to ask me. We are meeting at my home during the Summer season like we have in past years. These meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at 10:30 AM. They offer a more relaxed atmosphere, with coffee and donuts provided for free. My home is located in the northwest quarter of the park, at 19729 Kara Circle.

Fire Department will be picking up on Wednesday, December 11th. Thank you all again for your generosity through the years and I am sure it will continue. Contacts: Frank Millette and Linda Hoos.

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CHRISTMAS TOY DRIVE Just a note for all the Tara Woods residents. I have been asked to keep Jack Boylan’s Christmas gifts for the children going, so keep this thought in your hearts till November. We will start collecting on Monday, October 28th, and the

Bring something to take notes with, and your laptop computer if you want to follow along on it. I will answer any question you care to ask me. I also give private lessons and set up or repair computers in your home. I’ve been designing, programming, repairing, teaching, and working with computers since 1968, and can help you with all of your computer needs. Please call me with any questions or comments at 652-0488. I’m looking forward to seeing you.

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Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2019 • 941.349.0194 • www.TWHOA.net

TENNIS NEWS !!! ALL VETERANS !!! EAT FREE Pancake breakfast on November 9th Sign-up sheet is located on back wall in Clubhouse ALL VETERANS EAT FREE!!! This special event is sponsored by Hometown America and your Homeowners Association to honor and recognize YOU, the veteran, whose service allows us to enjoy our special Tara Woods lifestyle. Breakfast for all others is a reasonable $4.00 so bring your family and friends. Join Us!!

TWHA GENERAL/TWHA 2019/Veterans Breakfast 2019


PLEASE JOIN US FOR THE 3RD ANNUAL THANKSGIVING CELEBRATION!! Where: CLUBHOUSE When: Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 28th Time: 3:00 PM Tickets will go on sale: Tuesday, October 29th, @ $10.00 each Contact: Donna Erhardt 239-322-0070

The “tennis season” here in Tara Woods hasn’t actually started yet, so we don’t have a lot of tennis news for this October issue of The Columns. However, we did want to give you some information to get you thinking about all the activities involving both our social tennis and our competitive tennis. TENNIS ASSOCIATION Well, here we are, fall has started in Northern Minnesota and we will be back in Tara Woods in less than two months, playing tennis and enjoying the warm weather. The courts have been refinished. I’ve seen the pictures and they look very nice. I’m looking forward to seeing them in person and playing on them. League tennis will be starting in November and our first Round Robin of the season will be held in November also. I know the courts will be put to good use this year and I invite all tennis players to join the Tennis Association and take part in community play. Everyone is welcome, no matter what skill level – beginner to upper level players and everyone in between. We are an all-inclusive association that is welcoming and friendly. So, if you have any interest in tennis, come to the courts when you see activity there and look into community tennis; I’m sure you will be happy you did. – Roger Rafferty TENNIS LEAGUES The first week in November is usually the start of tennis league play in Tara Woods – both for the Women’s Team and the Men’s Teams. If you are a member of a team, we hope you are eagerly anticipating your first tennis match. Our great spectators are really appreciated by all the teams, so come out to the tennis courts on game day and show your support for your Tara Woods friends.

WOMEN’S LEAGUE WOMEN’S TEAM – ANGELS Tara Woods has just one Women’s Team again this year. The Tara Woods Angels compete in the SWIFT league against teams from neighboring communities. SWIFT stands for Senior Women In Fun Tennis. Pam Ahlers is the new captain of the Angels and she would like to let any new community members know that if they would like to participate, they are welcome to contact her or stop by the courts. The team has practice on Tuesdays at 9:00 AM. League matches are played on Thursday mornings, with the home games starting at 10:00 AM. Away games start at various times, depending on the location. The first match of the season is usually the first Thursday of November but the schedule has not yet been finalized. The league schedule will be posted on the Tennis Bulletin Board as soon as it is available. – Linda Engel MEN’S LEAGUE - WHITE TEAM – STALLIONS Last year we had 10 players playing on our White team. We all played each week, with some guys playing 2 sets and others playing 1 set. This allowed all of our players to actively participate each week. We will have to wait until November to see who is available to play. When all team members are present, we will discuss our situation at that time; then we can report on how we plan to move ahead. There is one important change for the 2019-2020 season. Our season begins in early November with pre-season games. Our actual season will start at the beginning of January 2020. This is a one-year trial season to see how it goes. Hope everyone had a great summer and we will see you on the courts. Cheers. – Glen Fisher

BLUE TEAM – TIGERS The Tara Woods Tigers are looking forward to getting back together for fall practice and team play. We warmly welcome our newest team members. We wish all the Tara Woods Blue and White teams a safe and fun season. – Al Dion / Mike O’Hearn BLUE TEAM – MUSTANGS The Mustangs are looking forward to another successful year in the Blue League. Last year we had a lot of feedback about the lack of balance on the Tara Woods Blue teams and the dominance of the Mustangs in the league. This year we tried to make every effort to better balance the teams by switching players on each team. We hope to see all of our fans supporting our team when we play on Thursdays. – Mike Renzulli ROUND ROBINS Welcome back to the 20192020 season of the Tennis Association activities at Tara Woods. The first Round Robin will be held on Sunday, November 24th. The sign-up sheet will be posted around November 1st. All are welcome to join the fun. After playing tennis we will enjoy a great meal prepared by Carole and Frank Neveu. (If you want to help them, please contact them.) After the meal, we will have our first Tennis Association meeting. The rest of the Round Robin season schedule is January 26th, February 23rd, and March 22nd. To all other Tara Woods residents, you are invited to join the Tennis Association and their activities. For more information, contact Roger Rafferty or any other Tennis Association member. We are looking forward to another great season at Tara Woods. – Dale Holat, Round Robin Coordinator Submitted by Linda Engel

The Columns | 19

www.TWHOA.net • 941.349.0194 • October 2019• Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

SHILOH SPEAKS LIFE IS A BARK, after a two-month vacation on not putting thoughts and sayings down on paper. I had to scratch behind my ear, put my paws in gear, and start making a joyful bark. Ah! October, that time of the year where hopefull, the change of the weather along with the time change (remember time change won’t be until November 3rd), we realize that we still have another month of hurricane season. Let’s pray for the Bahamas in their recovery and hope that one won’t hit here. Retail stores have already geared up for Halloween with costumes and loads of different trick-ortreat candies. But once again for us pets; stressing NO CHOCOLATES OR CANDIES FOR US – VERY, VERY BAD!! On the lighter side of this month’s article, LIFE IS A BARK! Do we sometimes treat Dogs/Cats better than we treat people……and ourselves? We should treat others as we wish to be treated. It is sad to think that my fellow owners will outlive us in life in general. Sometimes reality hits home and how we made it through so far is a wonder. Wake up and take a walk. Be grateful. Smile early in the day. Focus by bringing joy, kindness and respect to others and yourself. It’s that time of the season when our fellow snowbirds are flocking back to their Tara Woods home and other areas in

their endeavors. Welcome! Welcome! Back! Ah! Yes, snowbirds who bring back traffic congested roads, long waits at restaurants, and don’t even try to see the doctor. So, don’t hold back, after all they are only here for six months or less. But yet, once they arrive, they seem to hit the road again for a quick jaunt back to see family and friends during Thanksgiving and Christmas. Don’t hold back, we can also go visit Up North; all we need is to give ourselves the courage to do so. Oh, our fellow snowbirds – we enjoy hearing about their stories of the Summer Up North, Weddings, Reunions, Births, Deaths, Retirees or that they just went back to good old-fashioned relaxation. Embrace and be enthralled by all of it. And yet, there are many new faces of new residents who are settling their retirement roots here. We also welcome you to Tara Woods.

Do you know what these are used for? If you answered yes to these questions, and you know how to use these items then we could use your help. The Tara Woods Builders are looking for a few builders who would like to help build sets and stage construction for the Entertainers (stage play) and the Chorus (singing on stage).

Sure, its ruff, I mean rough. All it takes is a little patience and perseverance. LIKE they say, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. New challenges can also help us to great success and maybe even whole new ways of being. So many of us step aside or shy away from viewing challenges and change. Do you realize that our fear of failure, success or change block us from trying? Life may or may not have boundaries; keep it safe. It’s healthy to play it safe and be respectful; but if we don’t make mistakes, we’re not stretching our abilities. Try change and grab for the brass ring in life. You never know what might happen. You can’t take back words or actions. Be able to have the opportunity to feel grateful when mistakes are forgiven. Don’t be your own worst enemy. Include our snowbirds and others that aren’t embraced this up-and-coming season. My time is up for this segment of Shiloh Speaks. As a reminder, pick up after us. Respect our community and other areas you may live at or visit. Happy Halloween!!!! Till next month, Happy Tails from the new canine kid on the block. Shiloh


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Ron Proulx is looking for interested people for a few hours in January, February and March. If you are curious about this, please contact: Ron at 603-860-2129. Thank you for your spirit of volunteerism. Pat Dunning, Entertainers

239-603-1968 CLUBHOUSE MINISTRIES For new residents of Tara Woods and existing residents too, the Clubhouse Ministries invite you to join one of their Bible study classes, which are held in the Clubhouse Meeting Room every Tuesday morning at 10:00 AM. These meetings give you an opportunity to make new friends as you study the Scriptures in relaxed and enjoyable surroundings. We are a non-denominational group. No need to make reservations, folks! Just stop by any Tuesday morning at 10:00 AM. Come join us! Ann Scott

20 | The Columns

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2019 • 941.349.0194 • www.TWHOA.net

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The Columns | 21

www.TWHOA.net • 941.349.0194 • October 2019• Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Be one of the winners at our Tuesday night BINGO.

And you can win more than once during the night! If your eyesight isn’t as good as it once was, now you can play too. We have really BIG game packs and “Specials” that are 8 ½” x 11” with 2” numbers. No additional charge for the ticket that can make you the “King” or the “Queen” for the night and earn you even more money on all game sheets. Game packets are sold with either 6 game squares per sheet or 9 game squares. The “Special” game papers have 3 game squares. Buy as many as you’d like! Our Tuesday night BINGO session consists of 14 regular games and 6 “Special” games We also have “Hot Ball” prizes of $50.00 or more and a “Social” raffle. Sales STOP at 6:45 PM. Come join the fun.


Ping Pong is every Tuesday and Thursday at 2:00!


Come Play the fastest growing sport!!!!! Pickleball Open Group play times October - April MORNING PLAY Sunday through Friday 8:00 - 10:00 AM Saturday 9:00 - 11:00 AM EVENING PLAY Sunday through Saturday 4:00 - 6:00 PM These times are available for players of all levels. Interested in learning how to play??? Contact: Lynn Makia 513-476-2465


Tuesdays at 10:00 AM No need to sign up Don’t need a partner New teams chosen every week ~ Easy to learn Questions: call Frank Millette 543-2954 Reminder that Bocce Ball on Monday nights will begin on October 14th, at 4:00 PM.

EXERCISE FOR SENIORS Have You Had Enough Of The Rain??? Well Now Is The Time To Get Up And Get Going Again. Join Your Friends And Neighbors At Our New Exercise Class For Seniors Led By Curtis Adams (On Video). Those Who Have Experienced Curtis For The Past 3 Months Are Excited About All The Exercises And That All Levels Of Experience And Ability Can Participate. This Is A Total Body Workout That Can Be Done Standing Or Sitting Down. It Includes Stretching, Balance, Cardio And Light Weights. Classes Are Held Tuesday And Thursday In The Clubhouse At 8AM Or 12:30PM. Come Join Us And See For Yourself!!!!! For More Information Contact Lynn Makia 513-476-2465 Or Barb Simonson 541-840-4430

BUNCO Ladies and Gentlemen, come join us every Sunday at 7:00 PM in the Card Room. Cost is $3.00. Will you have the first Bunco or the last, or the most? Will you have the most wins, or the most losses? If you do, the prize money will be yours! Come join the fun. Questions: call Polly Brown 731-1614

HORSESHOES Every Friday at 1:00 PM At the Horseshoe Pits. Come join us for fun and laughs.


Meets in the Clubhouse Card Room at 7:00 PM on Monday and Thursday nights. The game consists of 11 hands and is easy to learn. Eight quarters gets you in. Come join the fun and play a great card game.

MAH JONGG Come join the Mah Jongg group. Do not know how to play? We teach the first three Mondays of the month. We have a great time. Come & join us on Mondays 12:003:00 PM. The Happy Ladies of Mah Jongg. Any questions, please contact: Jane DeGuire, 567-0656


There’s a “new” game at Tara Woods. If you hear someone say, “fifteen two fifteen four” and you don’t think they’ve lost a screw or two, come and join us in the Card Room every Wednesday at 2:00 PM for a few games of Cribbage. The arrangement is fairly flexible since Cribbage can be played by 2 or 3 or 4 players. Just be there by 2 PM. Cards, cribbage boards and fun will be provided. Contact John D’Amico at 239-731-7928 or danyyankees1@comcast.net.


LADIES! DO YOU PLAY POKER? How long has it been since you’ve played with friends? Did you know there’s a game every Monday night at the Clubhouse just for the ladies? Well, we really don’t have a “No Boys Allowed!!!” Rule, but men usually don’t like to play with wild cards and we do. But they’re welcome to play as long as they are willing to “play like girls”. It is most likely the least stressful and least expensive poker you can play around here! It’s a good night to socialize with the ladies and make new friends with the girls who like to play poker. The stakes are very low. Call Polly Brown, 7311614, if you’d like to join us – she’ll fill you in on the details or answer any questions you may have.


Meets on Wednesday Nights In the Clubhouse Card Room at 7:00 PM. 50¢ to buy in, but offers some “big” prize money!


The Bridge group is looking for bridge players. We meet on Tuesdays at 12:30 PM in the Card Room. Call Beth Ferris at 543-6295 or Pauline Young, 239-997-5984 first if you are interested in playing with this friendly group. We’d like to have you join us. Beth Ferris

BOOK DISCUSSION Thursday, October 3rd, at 1:30 PM 2760 Steamboat Loop Join us to talk about the books we have been enjoying and maybe borrow one you would like to read. Newcomers welcome. Questions: Call Marilyn Workman 239-543-1168


Come join the group for a fun-filled afternoon of cards! We meet on Fridays at 1:00 PM in the Card Room. Don’t know how to play the game? EASY! We will teach you! It is easy to learn. Questions: contact George Stelling, 731-6709


Every Friday night at 7:00 p.m. Different games can be played (All are easy to Learn) LEFT – CENTER – RIGHT (dice- 3-coin buy-in)(winner-take-all each game)

CONTRACT RUMMY (similar to Aggravation) (6 quarter buy-in)

31 (card game) (3 dime buy-in each game) (winner-take-all each game)

For more information call Polly Brown at (239) 731-1614


Mondays – 12:00 Noon Ceramics is held in the Ceramics Room by the Tennis Courts. We are there every Monday at 12:00 Noon. For more information and for firing of the kiln please contact Bonnie Abend, 217-0707, or Janelle Wissler, 770-2686. We hope you will come and participate in making ceramics with us. Come join the fun. Bonnie Abend

additional Entertainment listings on p28

22 | The Columns

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2019 • 941.349.0194 • www.TWHOA.net


The Columns | 23

www.TWHOA.net • 941.349.0194 • October 2019• Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Samuel Barr, Gary Carnevale, Mary Whitten 2 Mary Halupa, 93 Yrs., Dottie Hargrove 3 Hilda Dienes 5 Elizabeth Torrents 6 Frank Risbara, Don Tribeck 7 John Sabol 8 Ken Ferris, Bill Reece 9 Dorothy Krasovec, Randy Simonson, Marty Thompson 11 Becky Lundmark, Fred Pansegrau, Fred Puhlfuerst, Gail Salamino, Janell Wissler 12 Dee Bent, Chris Fonner

13 Calvin Everhart, Ghislain Marcil 14 Elaine Baer, Jan Goers, Mike Curtis 15 Beth Gross 16 Sue Sobkowicz, Bob Tirollo 17 Pat Hamilton, Marie Ivens, Ralph Latimer, 94 Yrs., Jim Towne 18 Patty Bremer, Mary Lou Gallo, Wayne Wolski 19 Arlene Greene, Dana Hardy 20 Alice Montelaro, Mary Nothnagel 21 Ron Andrews, Mabel Griffin, Deb Skelton, Gerry Trueblood

22 Kim Johns, Angie Kern, Julie Wehrung 23 Bonnie Abend, Susan Reece 24 Ron Adriance, Lee Blusiewicz, Vicki Hoard 25 Ron Davidson, Sandy Schuelke 26 Carolyn Esposito 27 Don Boehlke, Mike Hoard, Jack Morley, Jean Yurkovich 28 Clayton Cooledge, Trudy Victor 30 Peggy Conley 31 Susi Fogle, Bart Leneker., 90 Yrs, Ray Sheneman

OCTOBER ANNIVERSARIES 2 JC & Tiff Crimmins 7 Bonnie & Gary Dixon 10 Anita & George Thomas, 55 Yrs. 11 Joyce & Fred Pansegrau 12 Janice & George Johnston, Jane & Ken White 13 Wendy & Roger Jarry

14 Kathy & Roger Rafferty, Donna & Frank Riggio 15 Linda & Martin D’Cruze 16 Claire & Mike Schwinn 17 Jan & Frank Risbara 19 Kim & Jim Hickson 21 Janet & Fred Kossen

22 Beverly & Wayne Ray, Carole & Richard Stonhill, 64 Yrs., Jo Ann & John Van Sleet 23 Vladimir & Lubov Fulmas, Alice & Bill Loveday, Nancy Mullet & Bob Marigliano 25 Gay & Patrick O’Keefe 26 Debbie & Doug Objartel 27 Norma & Louis Cruz

Contact Frankie Lindon – msdatsunt@gmail.com or 205-903-5589 before October 10th for Special Recognition of Birthdays 90+ and Anniversaries 50, 55, or 60+ in November 2019.

MEN’S TENNIS FOR 80+ PLAYERS Players in the North Fort Myers Senior Men’s Tennis league are interested in promoting a new league designed for seniors who are 80+. Any gentleman resident of our community, age 80 or over, interested in joining a league designed for seniors in this age group should contact Bill Dillon, Commissioner of the NFMSMTL, at wjdillon@hotmail.com or Ron Warner, Six Lakes Country Club at 239-995-9111.

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The Columns | 25

www.TWHOA.net • 941.349.0194 • October 2019• Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


Mrs. Doubtfire Services Housekeeping, Food Shopping Airport Runs, Dr. Appointments Runs, 100% cleaned to your satisfaction.

Please send any corrections and/or changes for the upcoming publication of the “NEW” Tara Woods 2019 - 2020 Resident Directory by email to haywood.gandy@gmail.com. Subject: Tara Woods 2019-2020 Directory Updates. Contact Information: Haywood Gandy, 239-471-2987, 2998 Tara Lakes Circle, Lot #643, haywood.gandy@gmail.com. New Additions, Phone Changes, Misc. Changes and Deletions are published in the monthly editions of “The Columns”. The information will be updated for publication in the “NEW” 2019 – 2020 edition of the directory. Please take a moment and verify your information in the current 2018 – 2019 Directory and send me any updates.

Also; window cleaning and handy work.





2580 Tara Blvd.

Lot #222

513-703-1207 (R)

513-702-6874 (J)

239-541-8860 (Home)

IMPINK, Don & Carol Ann

2837 Cloister Street

Lot #316


JOHNSTON, Gene & Joan

2838 Orlenes Street

Lot #366

239-543-8739 (Oct)(Nov)(Apr) MI

REECE, Bill and Susan

19589 Woodfield Circle

Lot #100

GIRTY, Rich & Judy

Home State OH

Alda Gilbert




231-689-6715 (May-Oct) (Nov) 864-723-0585 (B)


864-710-5261 (S) TRIBECK, Don & Donna

19425 Charleston Circle Lot #165




2832 Steamboat Loop



Lot #501

WHITE, Ken & Jane

2790 Orlenes Street

Lot #378

ZAKREWSKI, Mike & Laurie

19732 Charleston Circle Lot #72



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CRAWFORD, Bill & Jane

19425 Charleston Circle

Lot #165




2997 Tara Lakes Circle

Lot #649




2580 Tara Blvd.

Lot #222




19732 Charleston Circle

Lot #72



JONES, Allen

19589 Woodfield Circle

Lot #100




19732 Charleston Circle

Lot #72



SAGER, Tom & Linda

2837 Cloister Street

Lot #316




19732 Charleston Circle

Lot #72



2876 Steamboat Loop

Lot #289



ZIMMER, Hal & Jane

2790 Orlenes Street

Lot #378




OFFICERS President..............................................Lou Dunning ............................................................................ 239-240-5847 Vice President .....................................Sue Cook .................................................................................. 239-599-4597 Recording Secretary ...........................Chris Olson .............................................................................. 715-851-4681 Treasurer ............................................Eileen Robinson ........................................................................ 315-297-2793 Membership Secretary ........................Bill Loveday ...............................................................................313-220-0622 Director ..............................................Dave Lindon ..............................................................................205-602-3333 Director ..............................................Roger Rafferty ...........................................................................239-543-7556 Director ..............................................Keith Schuelke ...........................................................................262-389-8663

North Fort Myers


Bill Edinger CFC057466

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26 | The Columns

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2019 • 941.349.0194 • www.TWHOA.net

The TheColumns Columns || 27

www.TWHOA.net • 941.349.0194 • October 2019• Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

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Think about the possibilities! With $500, you could go on a cruise for two, use it toward a shopping spree, or buy a flat screen TV – just to name a few.

Invite your friends to live at Tara Woods, and you could earn up to $500* when they purchase a new home. Call 239-731-1011 for details! *Referral reward restricted to Hometown America residents. Customer must register the resident who referred them at time of their initial visit. Residents whose referral purchases a new or special-order home will receive up to $500. Residents whose referral purchases a Hometown America-owned inventory home will receive up to $300. Residents whose referral purchases a brokered home will receive up to $100. Residents who refer will receive money after closing of escrow. Other terms and conditions may apply. Call 239-731-1011 for more details.

Cruise for two

Two laptops

Domestic flight

Outdoor Grill

Patio Set


Flat Screen TV

Shopping Spree

28 | The Columns

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • October 2019 • 941.349.0194 • www.TWHOA.net

ENTERTAINING NEWS So, Ladies and Gentlemen...rehearsals have started, and the actors are having fun learning their blocking and also more about who they are as characters in the play. During the summer in Tara Woods the “Moose Team” had been working hard at creating and acquiring the props needed for the play on stage in March – “She Was Only Marginally Modest or Have You No Shame!” The community was asked to search their respective closets and help us with our unusual prop needs this year. While many of you came through with pelts, skins, traps, lanterns, a bugle and even a moose muffin or two; we still need to search harder and deeper into those storage places, like behind that 10-year-old Christmas gift you received and forgot about. We need a stuffed cougar or wild cat to complete the set.

rehearsals, and Chris Olson has graciously agreed to step in for me. If during that time, you have any questions, please ask Janet Daly, our Director (239-567-2285), or Polly Brown, our President of the Entertainers (239-246-2391).

Our rehearsals are on Monday and Thursday each week. They go from 9:00 to 11:00 AM. The later start time will help ensure we start on time. Please let Janet or myself know if you will be missing any of our rehearsals. We understand we all have real lives, but we need to arrange for a stand-in for you. I will be missing the first couple of

Life’s a stage and we are constantly changing the scenery.

Inspiration Hour

The Entertainers have a once-a-month business meeting. We have several new members of the cast and crew; we encourage you to attend these meetings, along with those of you who have been part of the Entertainers. Our first Business Meeting will be on Saturday, October 19th, after coffee in the small meeting room. During the fall/winter months our Business Meetings are on the third Saturday. If you are interested in discovering more about us, you too are welcome to attend.

Pat Dunning, Stage Manager Entertainers 239-599-4490 pdunning46@gmail.com

You can win more friends with your ears than with your mouth! --Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath. James 1:19


Your NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH is working for you. The two primary reasons for the WATCH are the protection of our residents and the observation of our community. Check on your neighbors who may be housebound or ill. If you haven’t seen them for a while, check on them. If you see something out of the ordinary, call and report the problem. (911 or 239-477-1000)

THIS MONTHS TIPS: With the beginning of the 2019 season let’s think of some of the park rules. MAKE OUR PARK SAFE Speed limit 20 MPH Obey Stop Signs No wading or swimming in the lakes No Feeding of wild animals

Call the Front Gate if you have visitors or deliveries Stay Safe and have a wonderful Winter

Bob Glandorf Neighborhood Watch

GUIDELINES FOR SPEAKING AT HOMEOWNERS MEETINGS To ensure that Homeowners meetings are conducted with decorum and remain on track with the business of the Association, a subcommittee of the Board has established guidelines for speakers. They are as follows: SPEAKERS: The “CHAIR” will call upon those who wish to speak. Speakers are requested to speak from the podium stating their NAME, ADDRESS, if they are a PAID MEMBER and the TOPIC they wish to speak on. Speakers are expected to respect the time limits set by the Board. Comments should be directed to the President, not to individual members or other members of the audience. No response to the Speaker’s comments will be recognized from the audience. Comments should not include personal attacks directed to any individual.

Vulgar or abusive language will not be tolerated. Owner (paid or not) may speak for 2 ½ minutes on any agenda item. No member may speak more than once until all owners wishing to speak for the first time have done so and speakers may speak only twice on a single agenda item, the second time for 1 ½ minutes. When multiple comments on the same topic have been presented, the “CHAIR” may request additional comments on the topic to be limited to those who have “NEW” information to present. After you have spoken or your time is up, return to your seat. The Board may ask questions for clarification but will not debate the topic with the speaker.


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