Tara Woods - May 2017

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THE COLUMNS Vol. 28 No. 5

Tara Woods Homeowners Association – www.twha.us

May 2017

941-349-0194 | ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC | www.islandvp.com

The Caribbean Musical Tour was a Sold-Out Event

Sponsored by the Tara Woods Tennis Association
By Debbie Polenska

On March 31st, the Tara Woods Tennis Association held its very first community sponsored event titled, a “Caribbean Musical Tour”. It was a sold-out, happy hour event with over 160 attendees and was considered a huge success. Dakota Windancer, President of the Association, kicked off the event by welcoming everyone and then went on to speak about the Tennis Association and what its membership has to offer beginner and seasoned tennis players. Whether there was dancing, singing or just sitting back and listening to the melodious island sounds of the steel drums, all enjoyed the music provided by Captain Dave Panman from Sarasota. A wide variety of appetizers and Bahama Mamas, with or without rum, were served. Many of the appetizers and Bahama Mamas were made by the wonderful and creative cooks who are members of the Tennis Association. Kudos to the fabulous and well-organized committee who worked so hard to make this event happen. If you see Arlene Franchini or any member of the events committee (Gwen Engel Windancer, Janell Wissler, and Frank Neveu) make sure to give them a pat on the back for a job well done. A special thanks to Bob Polenska for selling so many 50/50 tickets. The Tennis Association and its hard-working members thank all the people who supported this event. You are all very much appreciated!

Photos by Arlene Franchini

2 | The Columns

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • May 2017 • 941.349.0194 • www.twha.us


WELCOME NEW RESIDENTS Mike and Fran Curtis are new part-time residents at 19746 Kara Circle. They are originally from the state of Vermont. Mike is retired from GW Plastics and Fran from Gifford Medical Center. They have two children and four grandchildren. Mike enjoys hunting and fishing and Fran enjoys shopping, walking and pool time. They both enjoy their grandkids.

William Lafontaine/Paula Beal are new part-time residents at 19499 Charleston Circle. They are originally from the state of Vermont. William is retired from the State of New York Dept. of Corrections and Paula from Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center. They have five children and four grandchildren. William enjoys hunting and fishing and Paula en-

MANAGER’S CORNER “The secret of being Happy is accepting where you are in life and making the most out of every-day” Unknown Many of you have come to know Dean our community’s maintenance man, but unfortunately Dean’s career has shifted in a different direction. We will surely miss this dedicated employee. So long, friend. Our community pool provides an ocean full of chances to cool

off. Before you head to our pool please have a clear understanding of the pool rules. The pool will be a slice of paradise only if there are no glass containers and no unsupervised children. The rest of the rules are posted in the pool area so that everyone can read them. Please, when walking to the pool or in the Clubhouse, wear a cover-up. On May 14 millions of Mother’s Day cards, flowers, gifts and phone calls will crisscross

joys jewelry making and crafts. Gary and Bonnie Dixon are and they both enjoy golf. They both enjoy kayaking. new part timeC residents at I19702 HAR T Y TJohn O Uand R NLinda A M Hoos E N Tare Bill and Alice Loveday are Charleston Circle. They are new full-time residents at 19436 2Maryland. 0 1 7 Gary D ECharleston L T UCircle. RA new part-time residents at 19637 originally from They C are C origWoodfield Circle. They are is the retired owner of a trucking inally from New York. John is originally from Michigan. Bill business and Bonnie is a retired retired from Westchester County is retired from Laramie Crane teacher. They have five children, and Linda is a retired waitress. and Alice from a doctor’s office. seventeen grandchildren, and six They are the parents of two chilThey have two children and two great grandchildren. Gary enjoys dren. John and Linda both enjoy grandchildren. Bill enjoys golf golf and Bonnie enjoys Creative cooking and fishing and Linda Gulf Society and Alice enjoys gardening. Benefiting Memories, cards and Coast Scrabble Humane also enjoys gardening.

DEL TURA COUNTRY CLUB the United States in a massive 3. Turn circuitSHOTGUN breakers Guard House that you are leavMAY 6, 2017 • off 9 all AM START show of love toward our Moms. except the air conditioner and ing and when you will return. Happy Mother’s Day to all the thermostat Please leave a number where Moms in Tara Woods. 4. Leave doors open on wash- you can be reached. If you are leaving for the er and dryer 11. MAKE ARRANGE5. Turn off water under house MENTS FOR SOMEONE TO summer, the following are some 6. Leave door of refrigerator TRIM GRASS AND SHRUBS. suggestions for closing your open 12. And, above all, have a home. 1. Close all windows. If you 7. Cover toilet with plastic safe and great summer. have shutters, make sure they wrap are secure. Leave a window in 8. Put newspaper, telephone Darlene D. Bradley your shed slightly open. and TV on hold Community Manager Tara Woods 2. Leave closet doors open 9. Have mail forwarded slightly 10. Notify the Office and





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The Columns |


www.twha.us • 941.349.0194 • May 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


FROM THE PRESIDENT The Merry Month of May is upon us already. Where did the season go? We’re seeing some big changes in Tara Woods as the new homes are slowly being delivered and set up in the back. There has also been a recent turnover in re-sales of the older homes and many new residents joining our community. I received a reply to my letter to Stephen Braun, Co-President and COO of Hometown America. It acknowledges our growing status and will, hopefully, follow through on upgrading our existing amenities in the near future. My letter and the reply are hanging on the TWHA bulletin board in the Clubhouse. A reminder to all, and especially our new residents, about the Community Opportunity Fair to be held on Saturday, November 18th, 2017, from 1:00 – 4:00 PM in the Clubhouse. We are hoping to double the attendance of last year and offer many more groups the opportunity to be represented at a table to promote their activity and inspire new members. The Opportunity Fair is exactly what it says it is: tables of opportunities for our residents to explore all the ways to become a part of our lively Tara Woods community. It’s a great way to meet new people and find something new to add to your daily activities. For the groups participating, there is a short application to fill out with

your group information and any requests you may have for the event. There will be a poster in the Clubhouse with the forms available and reminders of the event will be in future Columns. The Board continues to function as your voice with management. Directors Lou Dunning and Nancy Wuebbeler meet with our new manager, Darlene Bradley, on a regular basis to promote your concerns and seek resolutions. Their detailed reports are presented at the Association meetings. If you have a concern regarding the amenities, the safety or aesthetics of the community, please contact Lou or Nancy. Any personal concerns or problems should be written up on the form provided by the office, signed and turned in to Darlene, who will handle them personally. You must sign the form and please know that it is kept strictly confidential. An unfortunate issue the Board was forced to discuss was regarding the number of items that tend to disappear without permission from the kitchen and Clubhouse. Often paper goods and supplies are left out earlier for a group using the Clubhouse later in the day. Sometimes food items are left for use at a later time. While most items are in locked cabinets or the refrigerator until just before use, those left out earlier occasionally disappear before they can be used for their intended purpose. This

is very disconcerting to those who have paid for supplies, only to have them taken and needing to be replaced – sometimes on very short notice. The Board wants to make it clear that the items being taken are not the property of Hometown America or the TWHA. They belong to your fellow residents! Items left out should be clearly marked for ownership, but if not marked appropriately then assume it is not for the taking. No one wants to believe that this happens in Tara Woods. Fortunately, it is not on a regular basis; but when it does happen people get angry and upset and it causes anxiety for all. There is no easy solution for this except to examine your conscience if you are guilty of this offense and refrain from future pilfering. As the snowbirds leave to head north and residents begin taking summer vacations, I wish you safe travels and good weather on your journey. Those of us who stay to experience the lush, tropical summer in Tara Woods will miss you and look forward to your return. The next meeting of the Association is on Monday, October 9th at 7:00 PM. The Board is taking a hiatus for the summer, unless the need to meet arises. I look forward to seeing you on your return. Janet Daly

Activities, Sports & Clubs can be found on pages: 10, 11, 21 and 23. State Club information can be found on pages: 16, 17 and 18. Please note that the May 2017 Clubhouse Activity Calendar is on page 28. Thank you!

EDITOR: Donna Erhardt

(donna.tarawoods@comcast.net) ASSISTANTS: Linda Engel, Mary Ellen Gold, and Marcia Poveromo PHOTOGRAPHY: Mark Burke, Ann Kabbas, & Pat Sparany CALENDAR: Polly Brown CIRCULATION: Gail Sanfilippo, Manager COORDINATORS: Stuart & Belle Berman, Bill Black, Agatha Breen, Pat & Lou Dunning, Peggy Gamble, Lloyd & Carolyn Kelsey, Bob Kuhns, Sharie and Norm Libby, Diane & Bob Nunn, Kathy & Roger Rafferty, Ed Simko, George Stelling, Lori Thomas, Susan Uccello, & Julia Wehrung. ALTERNATES: Claudette & Mark Burke, Joanie Byrnes, Joanne & Bob Byrne, Al Dion, Sandy Schuelke, Vic Sharps, & Sandy Whitaker REPORTERS: Reporters will be noted by their bylines at the end of each article. Lou Dunning, Tara Woods Homeowners Association Liaison To advertise in print, contact: Bob or Emy Stein at 941-349-0194 or email us at islandvp@verizon.net. Contributing writers are acknowledged with bylines accompanying their submissions. Attribution for photos are not included unless supplied. We sincerely thank everyone for their contributions. Your articles help showcase the strong and diverse community that makes up Tara Woods. The Columns is published monthly from October through May. Summer issues are condensed: June/July and August/September. All ads are subject to the approval of the publisher. It is the responsibility of the party placing any ad for publication in The Columns to meet all applicable legal requirements in connection with the ad such as compliance with town, county and state codes in first obtaining an occupational license for business, permitted home occupation, or residential rental property. DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability. Island Visitor Publishing is not responsible for claims made by advertisers

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www.twha.us • 941.349.0194 • May 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

MAGIC T-SHIRTS No, not the softball team – the “Magic of Tara Woods” t-shirts that so many residents were wearing on Appreciation Day. There were several requests to purchase these, so the Board is offering to have these available once again. Ann Millette will take your

name if you are interested in owning one of these shirts. They will be as close as possible to the original shirts of many years ago: Hanes 50-50 poly/cotton in royal blue with screen printing. They should run from $10 - $12, depending on the number ordered.

We will also be offering the Tara Woods lanyards at a nominal price. Please see Ann Millette at Saturday Coffee or give her a call if you are interested in these items. We should be able to have them in plenty of time to wear at the 2018 Appreciation Day!

COLUMNS STAFF: THANK YOU I would like to thank all the contributors and photographers who submitted articles and photographs to the Columns while I was Editor. I especially would like to thank the Editor Assistants: Linda Engel, Mary Ellen Gold and Mar-

cia Poveromo, as well as the Directors: Janet Daly, Lou Dunning, and Bill Nothnagel, for their dedicated work and guidance. Without them, our community paper could not have been as good as it is. It has been a pleasure to be your Edi-

tor. My best wishes go to Donna Erhardt, the new Editor, in her endeavors with the paper. I know she will be a great asset to the Tara Woods community as your Editor. Barbara Roland

MEDICAL EQUIPMENT soon as possible, as we are short of equipment. You can leave them in my driveway at Lot #301, or give me a call and I will pick them up at your house. My number is 815-

979-3467 or 239-560-9642. Thank you. Chuck Poveromo


If you have been loaned any Tara Woods medical equipment such as shower chairs, wheelchairs, walkers, etc., and are no longer using them, please return the items as

CHARLESTON CIRCLE PARTY The Charleston Circle Party committee would like to thank the Tara Woods community for their generosity in supporting our April Fool's Party. Thanks

to you, we have sent a check to the Ronald McDonald House in Fort Myers in the amount of $1,240.00. Thanks also to everyone who helped set up, serve,

clean up, and anyone involved in making this party a success Sandy Dahlhofer


“Genius, that power that dazzles mortal eyes, is often perseverance in disguise.”

FMO NEWS Recently, I was asked by several members of the community to remind everyone about another advantage of being an FMO member. You are encouraged to join Cross Country Motor Club.

custom computerized trip routing/ map service, reimbursement for emergency travel expenses, auto/ truck/RV rental discounts, hotel/ motel discounts, spouse covered at no extra charge and much more.

You must be a member of the FMO to join Cross Country Motor Club. The Motor Club equals premium roadside service. There is 24-hour emergency road service,

And the cost is only $35.00 per year. Compare that with AAA or any other plan. Specific questions about the

program can be addressed to Joyce at ads@fmo.org or call 727-5307539. For those of you who have joined for the first time or to those of you who have renewed, thank you. Wishing you safe travels. Stuart Berman


6 | The Columns

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • May 2017 • 941.349.0194 • www.twha.us

SUNSHINE AND SYMPATHY May seems to have sneaked up on us… How can that be? But it’s another delightful month in Tara Woods. We have lost some dear friends lately: Anna Lou Sonderman died on April 1st. Salvatore Gasdia, a former resident, also died on April 1st. Nell Jones died on April 10th. Elaine Ahern died on April 12th after a long battle with cancer. Those who are still recovering at one stage or another are: Louise Letourneau who still has shingles. Harriet Bush who is still being “rehabbed” at Calusa Harbor after suffering a stroke. Annie Mathias is recovering from shoulder repair. Mary Biglin has several ailments that she’s hoping will improve soon. All the rest of you – stay well!! 5/17

Joanie Byrnes, 715-497-7864, Joanie.byrnes@gmail.com


The Columns |


www.twha.us • 941.349.0194 • May 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

KENTUCKY DERBY PARTY Saturday, May 6, 2017 4:00 PM Bring Your Own Beverage, place settings and a hearty appetizer to share.

Social Raffle and free drawing for a Rose Bouquet Watch the Run for the Roses on the big screen. Dress for the occasion. Hats for ladies & gentleman encouraged & prizes to be won! Please sign up on the bulletin board in the Clubhouse.









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8 | The Columns

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • May 2017 • 941.349.0194 • www.twha.us

Can You Free Yourself Of Some Investment-Related Taxes? Tax Freedom Day generally falls around this time each year. This is the day when the nation as a whole has earned enough money to pay off its total tax bill for the year, according to the calculations made by the Tax Foundation. So you may want to use Tax Freedom Day to think about ways you can liberate yourself from some of the investment-related taxes you may incur. Of course, Tax Freedom Day is something of a fiction, in practical terms, because most people pay their taxes throughout the year via payroll deductions. Also, you may not mind paying your share of taxes, because your tax dollars are used in many ways – law enforcement, food safety, road maintenance, public education, and so on – that benefit society. Still, you may be able to reduce those taxes associated with your investments, leaving you more money available to help you work toward your important goals, such as a comfortable retirement. Here are some suggestions for making investing less “taxing”: • Contribute regularly to tax-advantaged retirement plans. Contribute as much as you can afford to your IRA and your 401(k) or other employer-sponsored retirement plan. Traditional IRA earnings grow tax deferred, and your contributions may be tax-deductible, depending on your income. (Taxes will be due upon withdrawal, however, and withdrawals made before you turn 59½ may be subject to a 10% IRS penalty.) Your 401(k) or similar plan also provides the opportunity for tax-deferred earnings growth. Roth IRA contributions are not deductible, but your earnings are distributed tax-free, provided you don’t take withdrawals until you’re 59½ and you’ve had your account at least five years. • Follow a “buy-and-hold” strategy. If you sell investments you’ve owned for less than a year, and their value has increased, you will have to pay capital gains taxes at your personal income tax rate, which, in early 2017, could be as high as 39.6%. But if you hold investments for at least a year before selling them, you’d be assessed the long-term capital gains rate, which tops out at 20%. Be aware, though, that the Trump administration and Congress seem likely to change the tax rates. Early plans call for a maximum personal income tax rate of 33%, with the top rate for capital gains and dividends either staying at 20%, or possibly being reduced to 16.5%. In any case, you’ll still come out ahead, tax-wise, by holding your investments long enough to receive the long-term capital gains rate. • Consider municipal bonds. If you are in one of the higher income brackets, you might benefit from investing in municipal bonds, which are typically used to finance public projects, such as roads, schools, airports and infrastructure-related repairs. Interest payments from “munis” are typically exempt from federal income taxes and may also be exempt from state and local taxes, depending on the state in which the bond issuer is located. Interest payments from some types of municipal bonds may be subject to the alternative minimum tax (AMT). Again, though, watch for developments from Washington, as both the Trump administration and some congressional leaders favor eliminating the AMT. When charting your investment strategy, consider your risk tolerance, time horizon, family situation and estate plans. But investment-related taxes should also be in your strategic mix – so look for opportunities to keep these taxes under control.

This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.

Edward Jones, its employees and investment representatives do not offer estate-planning, tax or legal advice. “Adam Hromiak AAMS, CRPC is a Financial Advisor with Edward Jones Investments in Cape Coral on 3571 North Del Prado Blvd. Suite 7 Entrada Plaza, 1/2 mile West of Rt. 41. He can be contacted at (239) 731-6338” 12/17

The Columns |


www.twha.us • 941.349.0194 • May 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

North Fort Myers



If you need to make any changes, additions or corrections to your listing, please call Polly Brown at 731-1614 to be included in the next monthly update and next year’s directory.

Phone # Changes: SHARP, Dave & Jean THOMPSON, Sandy

2901 Tara Lakes Circle, Lot #659 19619 Charleston Circle, Lot #22

652-3526 347-7975

Address Changes: Misc. Changes:

None None

Delete the Following Names: BEECHAM, Les DONALD, Ken & Mary ELKINS, Steve & Kelly GILLIAM, Howard & Carolyn HUBBARD, Dick SONDERMAN, Anna Lou WEAVER, June

19637 Woodfield Circle, Lot #108 2825 Cloister Street, Lot #313 19326 Amelia Road, Lot #627 2841 Darwin Street, Lot #525 19471 Charleston Circle, Lot #158 2786 Orlenes Street, Lot #379 19746 Kara Circle, Lot #531


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19499 Charleston Circle, Lot #3 19746 Kara Circle, Lot #531 19746 Kara Circle, Lot #531 19436 Charleston Circle, Lot #167 19436 Charleston Circle, Lot #167 19499 Charleston Circle, Lot #3 19637 Woodfield Circle, Lot #108 2841 Darwin Street, Lot #525 19326 Amelia Road, Lot #627 19326 Amelia Road, Lot #627 2841 Darwin Street, Lot #525




Additions: BEAL, Paula CURTIS, Fran CURTIS, Mike HOOS, John HOOS, Linda LAFONTAINE, Bill LOVEDAY, Bill & Alice MANCINI, Alan PADGETT, Denise PADGETT, John WOODBURY, Pat



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So, Ladies and Gentlemen...where have all the parties gone? Isn’t that how it goes? At least it is something close to that. But really, where have they gone? As the publicity person for the Entertainers who speaks for them in this article, The Entertainers hope you all got a chance to enjoy some if not all of the parties that were available to us here in Tara Woods. The Entertainers are relaxing for the next few months. We hope that all the Tara-ites who travel this summer do so safely, then return to us refreshed and renewed. As a reminder, the Entertainers are always looking for new people, like you, to volunteer their time and talent with us. Drop our Director, Janet Daly, an email at janetdaly@yahoo.com or call 567-2285 to let her know you are interested in the next season. If you contact her soon enough, she might have a spot for you on our stage in the 2018 production. If you are interested in off-stage volunteering, contact me at pldun2712@aol. com or call 599-4490 and I will do my best to help you get your wish. Either way, like all the groups in our community, the Entertainers cannot exist without you. So, if you enjoyed “Drinking Habits”, think about joining us. Stay safe and have a great summer. Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart. Pat, Stage Manager Entertainers

COMING SOON!!! Sound & Lighting will have the DVDs available of this year’s annual play and chorus productions. You can place your order with Polly Brown (239-731-1614) for either or both. They are $5.00 each. Entertainers’ Play: “DRINKING HABITS” The New Image Chorus Show: “AN AMERICAN CELEBRATION”


Your NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH is working for you. The two primary reasons for the WATCH are the protection of our residents and the observation of our community. Check on your neighbors who may be housebound or ill. If you haven’t seen them for a while check on them. If you see something out of the ordinary, call and report the problem. (911 or 239-477-1000) THIS MONTH’S TIPS: If planning a getaway or leaving for the summer, leave contact information with a friend or contact the Office. The Park rule is no feeding the turtles or alligators or any wildlife. This is also a State Law, subject to a $500 fine. The end of May and the full month of June is mating season for the alligators; they become very aggressive. Walking near the water’s edge of our lakes with grandchildren or pets could be hazardous. Stay Safe Robert Glandorf, Neighborhood Watch

The Columns |


www.twha.us • 941.349.0194 • May 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

MASONIC CLUB NEWS Members have been enjoying our monthly breakfast gettogethers at the Pub. Also, on March 24th, the Masonic Club hosted their annual luncheon for their spouses and Masonic widows. This year it was at Herons Glen and a good time was had by all. Here are some photos of those who attended. If you have any questions about the Club, contact Bob Cooney.

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BOW WOW and PAWS UP for a howling success from our last month’s activities we had at Tara Woods – from Bon Voyage parties for us and our fellow snowbirds (which I’ll miss chasing them :) Seriously, may you all have a safe trip home! Anyway, on a happy note, the month of May is here. Even though they address May 1st as “May Day” – and you know what happens in May – well, I will tell you and hopefully you all will know “If April showers bring May flowers…what do Mayflower’s bring? “Furniture, of course!” Teehee… It’s time to get my paws in gear on writing my piece for May. I hope you all enjoyed my opening article last month. This month we are celebrating the start of Cookouts and Baking! Therefore, my segment is titled “Cooking with Bailey”. We will be preparing “Bailey’s Boppers Peanut Butter Dog Treats”. Yum! All dogs will beg for them. ***Disclaimer*** Please check with your veterinarian regarding possible allergies or digestive issues your pet may have before preparing and feeding them my treats. Let’s wag a tail or shake a leg; get owners in teachable mode and start ‘barking’ I mean ‘baking.’ Bailey’s Boppers Peanut Butter Dog Treats: Ingredients: 2/3 cup pumpkin puree 1/4 cup peanut butter 2 large eggs 3 cups whole wheat flour, or more, as needed Directions: Preheat oven to 350 Line a baking sheet with mat paper – set aside In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat pumpkin puree, peanut butter and eggs on medium-high until well combined (about 1-2 minutes) Gradually add 2 1/2 cups of flour at low speed, beating just until mixed. Add additional 1/4 cup flour at a time just until the dough is no longer sticky. Continues: on page 13

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Think about the possibilities! With $500, you could go on a cruise for two, use it toward a shopping spree, or buy a flat screen TV – just to name a few.

Invite your friends to live at Tara Woods, and you could earn up to $500* when they purchase a new home. Call 239-731-1011 for details! *Referral reward restricted to Hometown America residents. Customer must register the resident who referred them at time of their initial visit. Residents whose referral purchases a new or special-order home will receive up to $500. Residents whose referral purchases a Hometown America-owned inventory home will receive up to $300. Residents whose referral purchases a brokered home will receive up to $100. Residents who refer will receive money after closing of escrow. Other terms and conditions may apply. Call 239-731-1011 for more details.

Cruise for two

Two laptops

Domestic flight

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Flat Screen TV

Shopping Spree 12/17




The Columns |


www.twha.us • 941.349.0194 • May 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC Continuing Bailey:

from page


Working on a lightly floured surface, knead the dough 3-4 times until it comes together. Using a rolling pin, roll the dough to 1/4 in. thickness. Using cookie cutters, if available, cut out desired shapes and place onto the prepared baking sheet. Bake until the edges are golden brown, about 20 – 25 min. Let cool Prep time is about 25 min., cooking time about 25 min. Total 50 minutes. Note: Baking time may vary depending on the size and thickness of the treats. “Bone Appetite” Happy Trails until next month…remember it will be a two-month edition for “June/July” and “August/ September” for the summer months. A quick reminder: Memorial Day is this month – May 29th, a day to honor all those in the Armed Forces along with the canine military personnel who gave their supreme sacrifice for us…

Home For Sale! Call Mary Ann


Happy May Birthdays! Lori Thomas

To Arrange A Viewing




Owners Gwen and Dakota Windancer How very thoughtful of you, Bailey, to give us four “leggeds” a forum for our livelihood. I look forward to learning more about culinary delights and activities in the area. As a fellow pack animal, I also look forward to hearing about my cousins’ birthdays and accomplishments. It has been a desire of my heart to expand my circle of community and friends. Thanks for stepping up and leading the way for us “critters”!!! 1/18

5208 Las Palmas Norte

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Club members and guests met offsite on April 9th for brunch at the Isles Yacht Club in Punta Gorda. What a great time of the year for a “road trip”!

The next event is our Picnic on May 21st for a combined Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day celebtration. Watch for the sign-up sheet on the Clubhouse bulletin board. This get together will conclude our scheduled meetings until Fall. Safe travels to all, have a great time; and remember, we look forward to a happy return. Barb Pollitt


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T h e 20162 0 1 7 season has ended and we are already looking forward to the 2017-2018 season! We hope that everyone has a healthy and fun summer. Will miss all the snowbirds (from Tara

Woods) that head north for the summer. Have a very safe trip and will see you again next fall. Our new president for the next season is Rick Lubich. He is open to suggestions and ideas to make the meetings interesting and successful. Our first meeting will be in October. Joe and Linda Parise have volunteered to chair the Halloween party in October. Suggestions and ideas will be taken into consideration. Be


The New England Club held our Bon Voyage Party on Saturday, April 15th. A sports theme was the theme for this cookout, where members got to wear and show their favorite team gear with pride. Spirited competition prevailed when bean-bag baseball, golf, and football toss were played. Our Welcome Back Party is Sat-

urday, October 21st, and information for this event will be available in September. The Officers wish to thank all our incredible members who helped so very much throughout the season. Whether you helped set up, clean up, served, ran games or set up and took down chairs, it meant a lot to us and we appreciate it! A special thank you to Chef Stew Franklin who cooked, planned, and executed many wonderful meals for the Club this season. And to his Sous Chefs: Ron Proulx, Sue Proulx and

thinking of the unique costumes to wear and compete for prizes. More information on details of the party will be posted later. Thanks to Peggy Gamble for taking over as president for the 20162017 season. A thank you to everyone from the Board. Don Buechner, Vice President Art Frederick, Treasurer Arlene Greene, Secretary

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Mike Renzulli - we know you all put a lot of time and effort into our successful parties. We are so thrilled with the growth of our membership this past season. Twenty new “New Englanders” from all six of our beautiful states joined the Club and we are so happy to have you. Everyone PLEASE stay safe and healthy whether you are migrating back to New England or staying here in beautiful, serene Tara Woods. Judy Machnicz, Vice-President, New England Club


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NEW YORK/ NEW JERSEY CLUB Thank you to new residents and members of our Club, Linda & John Hoos, for a successful hors d’oeuvres party/meeting and fun evening of “Show Me The Money” at our April 8th meeting. The Lobster Fest was cancelled for that day, but the Club partied on! Thank you, also, to Pat Sparany and Sue Nagle for organizing our Out-to-lunch meeting on Sat. April 29 at Anthony’s on the Green at Sabal Springs. There was a nice lunch selection with something for everyone. The Club voted to host the Lunch

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at the Craft Fair on Saturday, November 4th, under the direction of Ken Clark. I’m sure he’ll have everything under control and will be looking for helpers at our October “Welcome Back Wine & Cheese Party.” Thanks to Marcia & Chuck Poveromo for volunteering to host this event again for us. The meeting dates for the 20172018 season are listed below. Thank you to all who volunteered to host a meeting for the Club next season. This format works great for me! I’ll be glad to set up the “party packet” again to give you everything you need to host a successful party. New residents from New York or New Jersey, please know you are

welcome to join the New York/New Jersey Club at all our events. We do not collect dues, but you do have to be from NY or NJ. Have a wonderful summer. If you are traveling North, we look forward to your return at our October Welcome Back party. If you remain in beautiful Tara Woods for the summer, I’ll see you around. Don’t forget the Club is hosting the Labor Day party on Monday, Sept. 4th. The helper sign-up sheet will be up in August. I look forward to seeing you then. Janet Daly 567-2285

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NEW YORK/ NEW JERSEY CLUB Meetings/Events 2017-2018


Save the Dates! Monday, September 4: 1:00pm Host Labor Day Party Saturday, October 7: 4:00pm Welcome Back Wine & Cheese Party Hosted by Marcia & Chuck Poveromo & Friends Saturday, November 4: 9:00am Host Lunch at Craft Fair Saturday, November 11: 4:00pm Hosted by Eileen & Steve Robinson & Friends Saturday, November 25: 9:00am Decorate tree & Clubhouse Sunday, December 3: 4:00pm Christmas Dinner/Party Hosted by Ken and Carole Clark & Friends Saturday, January 6, 2018: 9:00am Un-decorate Christmas Tree/Clubhouse Sunday, January 7, 2018: 4:00pm Hosted by Agatha Breen & Friends Friday, February 9: 4:00PM Club host Nite at the Races Sunday, March 11: 4:00pm Hosted by Bill & Mary Nothnagel & Friends Saturday, April 14: 4:00pm Lobster Fest with the New England Club Saturday, April 28: 12:00 noon Out to Lunch

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www.twha.us • 941.349.0194 • May 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

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Be one of the winners at our Tuesday night BINGO.

And you can win more than once during the night!

If your eyesight isn’t as good as it once was, now you

can play too. We have really BIG game packs and “Specials” that are 8 ½” x 11” with 2” numbers.

No additional charge for the ticket that can make you the “King” or the “Queen” for the night and earn you even more money on all game sheets.

Game packets are sold with either 6 game squares

per sheet or 9 game squares. The “Special” game papers have 3 game squares. Buy as many as you’d like!

Our Tuesday night BINGO session consists of 14 regular games and 6 “Special” games

We also have “Hot Ball” prizes of $50.00 or more and a “Social” raffle. Sales STOP at 6:45 PM. Come join the fun.

BOCCE Tuesdays at 9:00 AM No need to sign up Don’t need a partner New teams chosen every week ~ Easy to learn Questions: call Frank Millette 543-2954


The Bridge group is looking for bridge players. We meet on Tuesdays at 12:30 PM in the Card Room. Call Beth Ferris at 543-6295 or Rita Sick at 731-1106 first if you are interested in playing with this friendly group. We’d like to have you join us. Beth Ferris

Ladies and Gentlemen, come join us on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Card Room. Cost is $3.00. Will you have the first Bunco or the last, or the most? Will you have the most wins, or the most losses? If you do, the prize money will be yours! Come join the fun. Questions: call Polly Brown 731-1614

HORSESHOES Every Friday at 1:00 PM At the Horseshoe Pits. Come join us for fun and laughs. Questions: contact Eddie and Pat Sparany, 652-3869.


EUCHRE CLUB Meets on Wednesday Nights In the Clubhouse Card Room at 7:00 PM. $.50 to buy in, but offers some “big” prize money!

SUNDAY NIGHT MEN’S POKER Texas Hold’em Style Tournament 6:00 PM in the Craft House If interested contact Bill Black 636-978-7815

LINE DANCING Tuesdays at 10:30 AM In the Clubhouse Join us for lots of fun and great exercise Barb Goodhue

Meets in the Clubhouse Card Room at 7:00 PM on Monday and Thursday nights. The game consists of 11 hands and is easy to learn. Eight quarters gets you in. Come join the fun and play a great card game.

Book Discussion Club


Join us to talk about the books we have been enjoying and maybe borrow one you would like to read. Newcomers welcome.

Come join the Mah Jongg group. Do not know how to play? We teach the first three Mondays of the month. We have a great time. Come & join us on Mondays 12:00-3:00 PM. The Happy Ladies of Mah Jongg. Any questions, please contact: Jane DeGuire, 567-0656, or Ruth Zimmer,731-8594.


LADIES! DO YOU PLAY POKER? How long has it been since you’ve played with friends? Did you know there’s a game every Monday night at the Clubhouse just for the ladies? Well, we really don’t have a “No Boys Allowed!!!” rule, but men usually don’t like to play with wild cards and we do. But they’re welcome to play as long as they are willing to “play like girls”. It is most likely the least stressful and least expensive poker you can play around here! It’s a good night to socialize with the ladies and make new friends with the girls who like to play poker. The stakes are very low. Call Polly Brown, 7311614, if you’d like to join us – she’ll fill you in on the details or answer any questions you may have.

Thursday, May 4th at 1:30 PM 2760 Steamboat Loop

Questions: Call Marilyn Workman, 543-1168

HAND and FOOT CARD CLUB Come join the group for a fun-filled afternoon of cards! We meet on Fridays at 1:00 PM in the Card Room. Don’t know how to play the game? EASY! We will teach you! It is easy to learn. Questions: contact George Stelling, 731-6709, or Marty Hradkowsky, 609-709-7717.


Mondays – 12:00 Noon Ceramics is held in the Ceramics Room by the Tennis Courts. We are there every Monday at 12:00 Noon. For more information and for firing of the kiln please contact Bonnie Abend, 217-0707, or Janelle Wissler, 770-2686. We hope you will come and participate in making ceramics with us. Come join the fun. Bonnie Abend

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www.twha.us • 941.349.0194 • May 2017 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

HAPPY HOUR 2nd Wednesday of every month 5:00 PM until whenever at The Clubhouse

Open to all those staying at Tara Woods and their guests. A great opportunity to renew acquaintances and make new friends. Please bring an appetizer to share, along with your choice of personal libations and table settings.

BIRTHDAYS IN MAY: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14

Frank Riggio, Dean Stump Lori Bostic, Lubov Fulmas, Sally Morini Joe Bent, Delma Everhart, James Malone, Shirley Ringleben, Tony Sanfilippo Ernie St.James John Bakun, Ceil Jacoby Barb Jakacki, Bernie Sciarpelletti Pat Coutts, Connie Lessard Mai Phillips Ann DeVoy, Joe Waldron, Joe Whitten Nancy Wendorf Bev Brockhagen, Ron Smith, Ed Sandre, Tom Erhardt, Lynda Francey Alice Benoit, Estelle Greenaway Doris Brockmeyer, Diane Moberg,

Sue Nedelka, Debbie Objartel, Pat Virkus 16 Jack Boyle, Jim Sorenson 17 Lette Chrzanowski 18 John Andrus, Bill Hubbs, Jean Weaver 19 Bill Goodhue, Doris Katz 20 Joe Burza, Jim Hulskotter 22 Marty Rudo 23 Helen Boettger 99 Yrs., Irene Seekell, Sophie Wojcik 25 Joe Brown, Erika Futrell, Diana Hoffman, Aileen Reese 26 Vic Sharps 27 Mike Buletta, Lin Clegg, Jean Guy, Ann Lappano - 95 Yrs., Pauline Young 28 John Burke, Kay Hampton, “B” Hill, Jean Smith 29 Joan Dubell 31 Carlene Blanton, Rudy Diaz, Sylvia Stump

ANNIVERSARIES IN MAY 1 Vera & Jim Cawlfield 2 Jean & Bob Bozick 4 Mary & Denny Biglin 5 Beth & Howard Gross, Lannie & Pete Pracher 7 Marcia & Dan Duda, Jan & John Goers 8 Linda & Bob Janis 11 Barbara & Peter Krilivsky 13 Chris & Larry Fonner, Robin & Don Swartz 15 D” & Emmett Linderman; Helen & Mike Skrzypczak 63 Yrs. 16 Gail & Tom Stewig, Holly & Doug Ulrich,

Sheri & Richard Osborne 18 Barb & Gary Dodge 19 Janet & Joe Waldron 20 Nancy & Jim Mason, Barb & Ed Pollitt 22 Diana & Phil Featherbay, Nancy & Ray LeClair, Judy & Bill Machnicz 24 Judy & Tom Powers 25 Carol & Ed Malatesta 29 Pat & Ron Adriance, Gina & Howie Jacobs 31 Judy & Dominic Cirillo Shirley Ringleben

Contact Shirley Ringleben, 731-2748, before March 10th for Special Recognition of Anniversaries, 50, 55 or 60+ in April 2017!

TENNIS ASSOCIATION MEETING The Tara Woods Tennis Association was quite busy at their meeting on March 26th. Connie Lessard was applauded for the delicious homemade lasagna she prepared and served with help from Carole Neveu. Liz Wilson and Arlene Franchini were thanked for the courtside snacks, along with Arlene Greene for her yummy cookies that were enjoyed by all present. For next season’s November Round Robin, Janice and George Johnston will be organizing the meal, and Fred Puhlfuerst will provide the courtside snacks. We can’t wait to see what is on the menu. Frank Neveu reported that the tennis courts are in good shape at this time. As soon as the lift is fixed, new lights will be installed. A new clock will be hung soon, and clothing hooks have been placed in the women’s restroom. The first Lakes and Woods Triathlon on Sunday, March 5th, was so successful that the Tara Woods Tennis Association members supported the idea of having two Triathlons next year. Check the Tennis Bulletin Board next season for more details. – Debbie Polenska ROUND ROBIN It was very warm on the tennis courts, but 18 fun-loving tennis players participated in our March 26th Round Robin, which was the last one for this season. Everyone seemed to be enjoying their matches. We need to thank Tony Pinelli and Bob Polenska who filled in for two players who could not make it that day. Later in the day, after our Tennis Association Meeting, 34 people enjoyed the delicious homemade lasagna prepared by Connie Lessard, along with a Ceasar salad and dessert. Connie was helped by Carole Neveu. The courtside refreshments served during our tennis play were

provided by Liz Wilson, with help from Arlene Franchini. The dates for next season’s Round Robins have been confirmed. Please make note of the following dates: November 26th, January 28th, February 25th, and March 25th. We do not have a Round Robin in December. We already have volunteers for the November Round Robin for both the dinner and the courtside refreshments. Please consider volunteering for one of the future Round Robins. – Linda Engel TENNIS LEAGUES WOMEN’S LEAGUE The Tara Wood Angels finished their season in second place, accumulating 53 wins and 19 losses. There were seven teams in the SWIFT league this season. The Angels were captained by Sharon Boehlke; her Co-Captain was Julie Wehrung. Congratulations to everyone on the team for helping to achieve second place! Next season, Tara Woods will have two women’s teams. One team, the Angels, will again be captained by Sharon Boehlke. The other team, as yet unnamed, will be captained by Janice Johnston. Details are still being worked out regarding practice times, a new team name, and new uniforms. – Linda Engel MEN’S LEAGUE Red League The Red Team of Tara Woods would like to thank all of you who supported our team this past year. Many of you came out to watch our matches regularly. Our team appreciated the support and it was helpful all season long. Our team changed a lot from the beginning of the season. We lost several good players and that made it hard for us to compete with the other teams. We worked to keep up, and many of our matches were closer

than the final scores indicated. At the end of the season our evaluation for the future was to drop down one level and rebuild. So, next year, our team will combine with the other White Team and we will make two White Teams. One team will be captained by Fred Puhlfuerst; the other by Ed Malatesta. The team players are listed on the Tennis Bulletin Board. With two White Teams, the fans will have to make choices as to which team to watch on Tuesdays. However, supporters will get to see both teams compete against one another twice during the season. We also look forward to some combined practices; you can check the schedule next season for those times. So, next season will be a new adventure for Tara Woods on the tennis court. God bless both teams. – Fred Puhlfuerst White League The White Team got stuck in eighth position for quite some time; we ended the season that way. There’s always next year – maybe we will do better then! Until then, have a great summer; the White Team will. – Royce La Liberty Blue League Our tennis season is finally over and, as predicted, we are in third place in a league of seven teams – not a bad performance after all. Several new players were added to our team over the past several months, and in our final game of the season everyone got to play at least once. We are looking forward to next year and hopefully a shot at second place or higher in the standings. – Bill Powers Submitted by Linda Engel

THE “MAGIC” SOFTBALL SEASON ENDS WITH A “BANG!!” Well maybe that’s a bit of a stretch. But we did win two of our last four games. The season ended March 29th. Some might say mercifully, but our team can hold their heads high knowing that they were always giving their all and always competitive. Every team we played knew they were in a game.

We want to thank all of our great Tara Woods Fans who thru thick and thin, (mostly thin), came out to support our team. We can boast of having the best Fans of all the communities in the league and we hope we can count on you all again next season. Changes will

be made and we can assure you that the Team will be ready to strive for a better season in 2018. Have a safe and great summer. Jon Gold Tara Woods Magic

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The fabulous Mr. Deke will be bringing his exciting combination of music and dance aerobics to Tara Woods! Join us for 45 minutes of working out to a wide range of music we all know and love. No complicated dance steps, just moving to music. This is followed by easy stretching and upper body strengthening, with or without weights. Mr. Deke not only leads us in exercise, he also en-

tertains us with his singing and crazy dance moves. A total, fun workout! Classes will be held at 1:00 PM, and the dates will be announced soon. Watch the bulletin board in the Clubhouse for a sign-up sheet with further details. Call Donna at (239) 322-0070 for more information and to let her know if you are interested.


For another year, the Garden Club wishes all the “Snowbirds” a safe trip home and wishes everyone a safe and healthy summer. We have no meetings during the summer. Our first meeting of the new season is Saturday, October 14th, 2017. Please mark your calendars; this will be our only meeting before the Fashion Show on Friday, November 3rd, and the Craft Fair Saturday, November 4th Linda and John Hoos are new to Tara Woods and have volunteered to take over the care of the Butterfly Garden. A Big Thank You. Linda has some great ideas and I am looking forward to seeing the results. Rachelle Dellarocca

New contact number: 239-3226386 What to Plant Annuals/Bedding plants: Plants that can take summer heat include coleus, salvia, torenia, wax begonia, and ornamental pepper. Bulbs: Some lilies do better when their roots are crowded. Try planting Amazon, Aztec, and Clivia lilies in containers to increase blooming. Herbs: Plant heat-loving herbs, including basil, Mexican tarragon, ginger, cumin, summer savory, and rosemary. Vegetables: Sweet potatoes, boniato, hot peppers, and tropical “spinach” such as Sisso, Malabar, and New Zealand can be planted now. What to Do Pests: Watch for thrips, scale, and mites on ornamental plants because they become more active in warm weather. Gardenias and ixora: Dis-

tinguish between the normal yellowing of older leaves and the yellowing of new growth, which usually indicates a micronutrient deficiency. Oleanders: Inspect chewed or ragged leaves for oleander caterpillars Lawns: Watch for damage from chinch bugs in St. Augustine grass and begin scouting for newly hatched mole crickets in Bahia grass lawns. Tomatoes: Watch for pests, disease, and nutritional disorders on tomato plants. Trees: Prepare for hurricane season by checking trees for damaged or weak branches and prune if needed. Hire an ISA-certified arborist. Lawns: Prevent or minimize disease by following proper cultural practices when caring for lawns. Excerpts from the University of Florida Gardening calendar.



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LOCKSMITH To all our residents who are heading north for the summer and want to receive a copy of “The Columns” while you are away, please remember to drop off a self-addressed, stamped envelope to me before you leave. Due to the format of “The Columns”, you will need a 9”x12” envelope. Postage is $1.61 for U.S. and $2.91 for Canada. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Gail Sanfilippo 19732 Charleston Circle 567-1401

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