THE C OLUM NS Vol. 25 No. 3
Tara Woods Homeowners Association –
March 2014
Polly Brown and Jon Gold
So Ladi Ladies and Gentlemen…….
Pat Dunning, Barry Maberry, John D’Amico, Jon Gold, Carol Shields, Barbara Lenhart and Irene D’Amico
March is here and I know that you want to know the answer to one burning question, “What the heck is a spoonerism anyway?” Good question. It is a play on words which our ‘spooners’ do with great style and to perfection (?). Well, as perfect as we get. To get a better idea of what a spoonerism is, simply make sure to come to our production of this year’s play, “The Scheme of the Driftless Shifter and other Spoonerisms”. But what is a Driftless Shifter? I am afraid you will have to come and see for yourself. Be sure you get your tickets either before Saturday’s coffees, or at bingo or even at the door. Our shows are on March 7th and 8th, 2014, doors open at 6:30 PM, show starts at 7:00 PM. Do not be the only one in the community to miss this great comedy. As a notice to our community, our front row seats are reserved for the audience members that need to be close, for whatever reason. Just tell one of the ushers and they will make sure you are in the perfect seat. Come and laugh—it is good for you. As we look to close this season, our Director’s job continues. Claudia is searching for 2015’s show to present to you all. The cast and crew will be taking a well-deserved rest for a month or so then they will be getting the scripts to look at for next season. The life of theater is ongoing. When I can, I will let you know what the show will be; I am sure that it will be another blockbuster. This is the time when you should be thinking, “Gee it looked like they had so much fun on stage, maybe I should look into this Entertainers thing”? If you are thinking that you might like to join our cast and/ or crew you may contact Claudia Weiss at 980-0866 or Polly Brown at 7311614 or myself, Pat Dunning at 599-4490 or anyone else who is a part of our productions. We have need for almost every position from painting, props, sewing, backstage, and on stage. So think about it; we would love to have you join us.
Ron Andrews, Carol Shields and Barbara Lenhart
Pat-one, Stage Manager Entertainers
Pat Sparany, Norm Libby and Joyce Elsbury
2 | The Columns Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • March 2014 • 941.349.0194 •
LIC. 01041601
Jill’s Joint .% TH ,ANE s #APE #ORAL &,
(239) 242-8422 "REAKFAST 3PECIAL
WELCOME NEW RESIDENTS DENTS Stew and Sherry Franklin are new residents living on 19461 Cotton Bay. They are originally from Cape Cod, MA. Sherry is retired and Stew is still working. They are the parents of 2 children and grandparents of 3 grandchildren. Stew enjoys cooking and Sherry enjoys photography, read- retired from Elkhart Community ing and jigsaw puzzles. They Schools. Alan’s hobbies are writing, sports and biking. Nedra’s both love going to the beach. hobbies are reading, crafts and Karen Nelson is a new full traveling. They both like to go time resident living at 2613 Ma- antique hunting and watching con Circle. She was originally sports. They are the parents of 3 from Virginia and Minnesota. children and grandparents of 2 She is retired from working at grandchildren. a college library. Karen enjoys Shirley Sternquest is a new gardening, sewing, scrap booking and cooking. She is the par- full time resident residing at 2627 Macon Circle, originally ent of 3 children. from WI. She is retired and was Alan and Nedra Ray are full previously a school bus driver. time residents living at 2848 Her hobbies include knitting and Steamboat Loop and were pre- reading. She has 4 children and viously from Illinois and Indi- 6 grandchildren. ana, Alan is retired from Elkhart Housing Authority and Nedra is Joanne Byrne
Manager’s Corner I would like to ask all of the residents walking their dogs to please refrain from walking in the immediate areas of the Clubhouse, Shuffleboard, or Tennis Courts. Pets are not allowed in the recreation areas. You are still able to use the common areas around the lakes, and the areas in back and out front. Thank you all for your help regarding this issue. Doug Objartel
Exp 3/14
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3 • 941.349.0194 • March 2014 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
From the President We’re back a month from the Tara Woods annual cruise, and I’m already ready for another one. This relaxing, luxurious cruise was arranged by Dolores Paeth, our resident cruise director, better known as “Mother Superior” to the Tara Woods cruisers. If you are new to Tara Woods, you must meet Dolores. She was our Appreciation Weekend Grand Marshal last year – a well-deserved honor. She has served this community for many years as our own, personal travel agent, arranging “Trips and Tours” to enhance our lifestyle here in Tara Woods. Thank you, Dolores, for your energy and enthusiasm and also perseverance and fortitude to comply with the demands of your travelers. Dolores works very hard to accommodate your requests. Ann and Frank Millette jumped right in to their new po-
sitions on the Board. They are proving to be great additions, as they take on their responsibilities and share new ideas. I look forward to a productive year as we move ahead into 2014. Just a reminder that the Board is here to work for you. It is comprised of volunteers with a broad spectrum of expertise and capabilities. If you have a concern or issue you would like to bring before the Board, you are welcome to attend any Board meeting and address the Board. All concerns are taken under consideration and dealt with to the best of our ability. Not all issues are solvable, but we do our best to resolve an issue taking the well-being of all residents into consideration. You can also talk to any Board member individually, who will bring the information to the Board. All the residents of Tara Woods are important to us and
we strive to maintain the affable lifestyle you are here to enjoy. March is an extremely busy month in Tara Woods. The Entertainers show, Trash & Treasure, the St. Patrick’s Day Party, a Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser for our softball team, The Magic, and The New Image Chorus show are just the highlights of all that is going on in March. All these groups work very hard for months to prepare these events for your enjoyment. Please support them as much as you can. I look forward to seeing you at the next meeting of the Association on Monday, March 10th at 7:00pm. This month’s Words of Wisdom: “Patience is the ability to idle your motor when you feel like stripping your gears.”
Janet Daly
EDITOR: Donna J Phillips ASSISTANTS: Bev Bayer Louise Patterson Linda Janis PHOTOGRAPHY Ann Kabbas & Pat Sparany CALENDER: Polly Brown CIRCULATION: Gail Sanfilippo, Manager
Coordinators: Rose Toscano, Lee Brda, Lloyd & Carolyn Kelsey, Ralph Latimer, Kathy & Roger Rafferty, Ed Simko, Pauline Paquette, Jane & Bill Crawford, George Stelling, Delores Paeth, Gerald & Julia Wehrung, Troy Duda and Agatha Breen. REPORTERS Reporters will be noted by their bylines at the end of each article.
$24,900 • 3 bed, 2 bath REFER FRIENDS & EARN CASH Refer a friend to our sales team, and if they purchase a new home, you could earn up to $1,000 cash!*
$39,978 • 2 bed, 2 bath, fully furnished
Call 239-731-1011 for more details.
There’s never been a better time to upgrade in the community! List your home today and move into a brand new home with our resident-exclusive offer. Call today to learn more. 239-731-1011
SALES TIP OF THE MONTH: When showing your home, tidy up! Keep the sink empty, bathrooms sparkling and clutter out of site.
$45,000 • 2 bed, 2 bath
We’re updating our resident database! Stop by the office to verify your contact information so you can stay up to date on events, announcements and emergency notifications.
*Offer restricted to Hometown America owned homes. Customer must register the resident who referred them at the time of their initial visit. Residents who refer will receive money after the closing of escrow. Other terms and conditions may apply.
$89,900 • 3 bed, 2 bath
4 | The Columns Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • March 2014 • 941.349.0194 •
Janine Morton and her 4 sisters grew up in Normandy, France, which was a beautiful beach front resort. Life was good until the Germans took over their city and for 4 years their lives became very different. The Germans used their beach for R/R for their soldiers and Janine and her family lived in fear. Her family wept tears of joy the day they saw the parachutes dropping from the sky, seeing the Americans and English come to rescue them. Indeed they rescued them. Pete Morton grew up in Glens Falls, New York and in the service was a CB stationed in the Pacific and China. After service he studied drafting and was employed in Iceland, working in a military maintenance airport. He joined friends in Heidelberg, Germany and visited Paris, where he met Ja-
nine at a dance. With a twinkle in his eye he reports, “She fell in love with a rich American”. They married and moved to Glens Falls, NY where Pete studied at Skidmore College while working 44 hours per week in a supermarket. Janine did childcare and worked in a school cafeteria to help support her “ rich” American. After Pete graduated from college he got a job with Social Security and rose in the ranks of employment. Eventually he became a representative of the Social Security Disability Program at SS’s Baltimore headquarters. During these years they also owned an apartment on the beach in Cabourg, Normandy France, right next door to the famed Le Grand Hotel at les Jardens.( Fortunately, this magnificent casino building was not bombed during the war). They
enjoyed many happy days in this beautiful area. They raised 2 adopted sons, Greg and Wayne. Greg (the father of two) lives in Sabal Springs and visits his parents every Monday and Thursday to play pool, dominos and have a beer! Wayne, who unfortunately died last summer, was a teacher in Pakistan, Japan, Mexico, Thailand and Florida. This marvelous 89 year old couple found Tara Woods 25 years ago, and reside on Pandora Circle. They were very active, Janine went to the pool every day and still does beautiful crochet work. It is obvious they are world travelers when you see all their treasures in their beautiful home. Janine proudly points to a prized possession sitting on a shelf above the mahogany grandfather clock. It is a
replica statue of the Statue of Liberty. Pete proudly reports Janine, his bride of 65 years, is a shrewd shopper and when she found this treasure at Hope Hospice for 30 dollars, she declared “France gave America
the Statue of Liberty for free, you should give me a bargain”! She won! Indeed they are both winners and we are winners to have them at Tara Wood’s. Mary Nothnagel
The Columns |
5 • 941.349.0194 • March 2014 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Saving Is Good...
It’s a good thing to have some savings. When you put the money in a low-risk account, you can be pretty sure it will be readily available when you need it. Nonetheless, “saving” is not “investing” — and knowing the difference could pay off for you far into the future. Think about it this way: Saving is for today, while investing is for tomorrow. You need your savings to pay for your daily expenses, such as groceries, and your monthly bills — mortgage, utilities, and so on. In fact, you might even want your savings to include an emergency fund containing six to 12 months’ worth of living expenses to pay for unexpected costs, such as a new furnace or a major car repair. These are all “here and now” expenses — and you could use your savings to pay for them. But in thinking of your long-term goals, such as college for your children and a comfortable retirement for yourself, most individuals typically can’t simply rely on their savings — they’ll need to invest. Why? Because, quite simply, investments can grow — and you will need this growth potential to help achieve your objectives. To illustrate the difference between saving and investing, let’s do a quick comparison. Suppose you put $200 per month into a savings account that paid hypothetical 3% interest (which is actually higher than the rates typically being paid today). After 30 years, you would have accumulated about $106,000, assuming you were in the 25% federal tax bracket. Now, suppose you put that same $200 per month in a tax-deferred investment that hypothetically earned 7% a year. At the end of 30 years, you would end up with about $243,000. (Keep in mind that you would have to pay taxes on withdrawals. Hypotheticals do not include any transaction costs or fees.) This enormous disparity between the amounts accumulated in the two accounts clearly shows the difference between “saving” and “investing.” Still, you might be thinking that investing is risky, while savings accounts carry much less risk. And it is certainly true that investing does involve risks — investments can lose value, and there’s no guarantee that losses will be recovered. Nonetheless, if you put all your money in savings, you’re actually incurring an even bigger risk — the risk of not achieving your financial goals. In fact, a low-rate savings account might not even keep up with inflation, which means that, over time, you will lose purchasing power. Ultimately, the question isn’t whether you should save or invest — you need to do both. But you do need to decide how much of your financial resources to devote toward savings and how much toward investments. By paying close attention to your cash flow, you should be able to get a good idea of the best savings and investment mix for your particular situation. For example, if you find yourself constantly dipping into your long-term investments to pay for short-term needs, you probably don’t have enough money in savings. On the other hand, if you consistently find yourself with large sums in your savings account even after you’ve paid all your bills, you might be “sitting” on too much cash — which means you should consider moving some of this money into investments with growth potential.
Saving and investing — that’s a winning combination. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.
Edward Jones, its employees and investment representatives do not offer estate-planning, tax or legal advice. “Adam Hromiak AAMS, CRPC is a Financial Advisor with Edward Jones Investments in Cape Coral on 3571 North Del Prado Blvd. Suite 7 Entrada Plaza, 1/2 mile West of Rt. 41. He can be contacted at 731-6338” 12/14
6 | The Columns Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • March 2014 • 941.349.0194 •
Tara Woods Masonic Club
By Gib Loesel
OFFICERS FOR 2013 President……………………...… Vice President ……………….…. Secretary ………………………. Treasurer ………………………. Membership Secretary ………… Director ……………………….. Director ……………………….. Director ………………………..
Janet Daly……..…..………………………. Frank Millette ……………………………. Diane Burns ……………………………... Paul Montelaro …………………….……. Celeste Perre …..………………………… Judy Brda ……….……………………….. Ann Millette ………………………………. Bill Nothnagel …………………………...
567-2285 543-2954 567-1391 543-0988 731-7146 731-1797 543-2954 567-1192
Over the years The Tara Woods Masonic Club has met for breakfast, an occasional dinner and once in a while an outing to the theater. It is an opportunity for fellowship and to share stories of interest about the Masonic Order and other items of interest. Unfortunately, there is no system in place that allows us to identify the new resident homeowners who are members of the craft. If
you are a Mason and interested in becoming a member (no dues) please contact Bob Cooney @ 239 731 2158; Ken Ferris @ 239 543 3033 or Bill Hampton @ 239 543 5843. We recently had a great breakfast at Pine Lakes, pictured are (bottom left Bib Sickles, Bill Hampton and Ken Ferris; right Bob Cooney and Cliff Phillips. Give one of the brothers a call and join us at our next outing.
COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON TELEPHONE Activities ………………………. Linda McKay ……………………………. 543-1637 Community Improvement ……… Judy Brda …….…………………………. 731-1797 Kitchen Committee ……………. Janet & George Daly ………………..…. 567-2285 Memorial Committee ……….…. Jane Crawford ………………………….. 731-0103 Judy Brda ……….………………………. 731-1797 Nominating Committee…………. ………………………....……………….. Park Purchase Committee ……… Tony Perre …………………………….… 731-7146 Rent Negotiations ……………… Paul Montelaro ………………….………. 543-0988
Appointments to or resignations of these committee chairpersons are to be approved by the TWHA Board of Directors. Board meetings are the first Tuesday of each month (see clubhouse calendar for times). All are welcome.
The Columns |
1/15 • 941.349.0194 • March 2014 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
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8 | The Columns Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • March 2014 • 941.349.0194 •
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Barry Mayberry, Anne Millette, Alex Morris, Mary Nothnagel, Kathy Rafferty, Nedra Ray, Sue Riedel, Shirley Ringleben, Ruth Savchuk, Dottie St. James, & Rose Toscano. Director: Jane Crawford Music: Ruth Simko Music Tech: Wayne Cox Come out and support your friends and neighbors.
Horacio Rodriguez
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239-599-8579 (c) 813-389-4338 4/14
New Image Chorus Members: Ron Andrews, Irene Bartch, Belle Berman, Judy Brda, Polly Brown, Joanne Byrne, Claire Campbell, Lou Cashin, George Daly, Irene D’Amico, John D’Amico, Irene Dorr, Dick Gasmire, Wanda Dorsett, Mary Ellen Gold, Jon Gold, Anita Griffin, Jackie Hammond, Lois Heideman, George Sullivan, Jackie Sullivan, Bill LaFrance, Barbara Lenhart, Louise Letourneau, Audrey Mayberry,
Computer Diagnostics airs General Repairs ning Air Conditioning c Auto Electric Brakes Tires
Saturday, March 29th, 7:00 PM THEATER & CABARET SEATING TICKETS: $7.00 pp/inc sales tax Tara Woods Resident
The Columns |
9 • 941.349.0194 • March 2014 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Let’s keep it down for the safety of all.
It seems some residents need a reminder that the speed limit is only 20 MPH in Tara Woods.
20 MPH Speed Limit
10 | The Columns Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • March 2014 • 941.349.0194 •
If you need to make any additions, changes or corrections to your listing, please call Polly Brown at 731-1614 to be included in the next monthly update and next year’s directory. “When what went down won’t come up, call Uplifters!”
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Exp 4/14
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CORRECTIONS TO THE CURRENT TARA WOODS DIRECTORY MARCH 2014 Additions: ESTREMERA, Julio 19512 Charleston Circle, Lot #36 ............ 240-0133 ...... NJ ESTREMERA, Magaly 19512 Charleston Circle, Lot #36 ........... 240-3774 ...... NJ FRANKLIN, Stew & Sherry 19461 Cotton Bay, Lot #178 ........... 774-487-1151 ......MA REDGERS, Dave & Brenda 2845 Cloister Street, Lot #318 ................. 599-8450 ... CAN Phone # Changes: MCRAE, Gene .19730 Pandora Circle, Lot #442 994-4547 MCRAE, Mary Jane19730 Pandora Circle, Lot #442 ......... 994-2898 Address Changes: None
Misc. Changes: None Delete the Following Names: DICKIE, Don & Rita 2753 Steamboat Loop, Lot #389.................................. Sold BOOKBINDER, Geri 19574 Cotton Bay ................................................ Deceased BUER, Carl 19561 Cotton Bay ................................................ Deceased GIAMBRA, Sue 19512 Charleston Circle, Lot #36 ................................ Sold MOORHEAD, Suzanne 2806 Cloister Street, Lot #337 ............................. Deceased REYNOLDS, Margaret........................................................ 2858 Tara Lakes Circle, Lot #300 ................................ Sold RINGLEBEN, Gil 19637 Kara Circle, Lot #465 ............................... Deceased RYAN, Milt 19671 Woodfield Circle, Lot #114 ....................... Deceased TURCOTTE, Norman 19658 Pandora Circle, Lot #463 .......................... Deceased
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11 • 941.349.0194 • March 2014 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Tara Woods the 10th of March. If you will be available for this important donation you can start calling for an appointment now. Please call Kathy Rafferty at 239-543-7556. You can select the best time for your appointment. Lee Memorial has always been very appreciative of the excellent turnout that Tara Woods residence provide. Please help us keep up with the fine participation in this community activity. Thanking you in advance. JUDY HOLAT, BLOOD DRIVE COORDINATOR
a cookie, and reviews of some of the latest best sellers and other good books.
Deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Suzanne Morehead, Geri Bookbinder, Carl Buer, Gil Ringleben and Milt Ryan who died this past For information contact Marilyn Workman month. To Calvin Everhart 543-1168 and Betty Frutell and others in our community who are convalescing, we send wishes for a speedy recovery. Stay well, Nancy Wuebbeler 288-5778
Exp. 12/14
Come to the people you can trust!
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Book LEE Discussion MEMORIAL Club Meeting BLOOD DRIVE March 6th, 2014 SUNSHINE at 1:30 PM MARCH 10th, 2014 AND 8:00 AM TILL 1:40 PM 2760 Steamboat Loop Reminder, the Lee Memorial SYMPATHY blood drive bus will again be in Join us for a cup of tea,
Computer Problems I Come to You!
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12 | The Columns Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • March 2014 • 941.349.0194 •
The Columns |
13 • 941.349.0194 • March 2014 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
14 | The Columns Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • March 2014 • 941.349.0194 •
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The Columns |
15 • 941.349.0194 • March 2014 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
For those of you who do not know Bill, let me introduce your Tara Woods neighbor, United States Navy Gunners Mate Second Class, Bill LaFrance who I believe falls into this category. Bill who will turn 88 on May 15th, like thousands of young men of his generation thought it was his duty to, as they say “join up”. In 1944 he graduated high school in Manchester, New Hampshire with a wartime diploma and immediately left for Boot Camp. Bill who was active in sports playing baseball, football and track left that all behind along with his 10 brothers and sisters to eventually end up on the USS Stanly (DD-478) a 360 foot Destroyer stationed in the Pacific. On board the Stanly Bill’s battle station was at gun mount #3 where he was the “hot shell” man. When the gun fired it was his job to catch the “hot shell” which was ejected; Bill says “be-
eyes” chuckling Bill says, “Right at 500 M.P.H. I saw his eyes”. “The Stanly was pulled back to the Central Pacific to escort convoys. On August 14, 1945 the Skipper announced the war was over, there was a long moment of silence before the shouts, bells and whistles started”. This war story has a happy ending … July 1946 … San Diego … Bill and his shipmates are in the Hula Hut where they spy two beautiful young girls … using his sailor boy charm, Bill convinces them to go dancing … and as Paul Harvey would say “here is the rest of the story” Bobby his new dancing partner ended up being his wife and dancing partner for the next 56 years, Bobby passed in 2004. Our Tara Woods and very special neighbor lives on Steamboat Loop where he is enjoying his retirement. Bill loves going out to breakfast with his “buds” and dancing 2 or 3 times a week.
I consider any person who is serving or has served in the military of our great country to be a hero. Those of the Greatest Generation from WW II may have been the greatest, unfortunately, they are becoming fewer and further between. Whenever I have the pleasure of meeting one of these heroes; I love to shake their hand and hear their story if they are willing to share it.
lieve me they were indeed very hot”. The Stanly was stationed on Picket Line #1 close to Japan and the crew was on duty from 3:30 AM to 9:20 PM. The worst attacks came in the day light hours; during that time he was closed in the guns steel turret. Bill says, “We were lucky, it was hot but the guys below decks had temperatures up to 120 degrees. The mess cooks would bring us sandwiches and water but as you can well imagine, when it came time for bathroom needs, well what can I say.” “On April 12, 1945 at least 300 planes came over our picket station to attack the lonely destroyers. In addition to their planes and well known Kamikaze pilots the enemy also had in their arsenal “The Baka” which was flown by a Kamikaze pilot”. “The best way to describe this weapon is, a torpedo loaded with explosives; shaped like a rocket with wings, dropped from a bomber and flown by a Kamikaze pilot. This man driven meteor would set off its rockets and the pilot would fly it at a ship at about 500 M.P.H”. “The Stanly was hit by two of them, the first one hit the starboard bow and went through the side exploding and stopping the Stanly dead in her tracks, when she recovered the shafts were bent and we were effectively out of commission. The second one ripped between gun mount #3 (where I was) and the aft stack, the Baka’s wing sliced our Ensign in half and went over the side where it exploded. One of my shipmates still has the damaged flag. Later that day we were ordered to Hagusi, on the way we encountered a Zeke (plane) which tried to bomb us but failed. What a day we had three near fatal encounters. We were truly a lucky bunch of sailors, as there were no casualties.” Bill laughs a little when telling this story because years ago when he was interviewed for his local paper the reporter misquoted him saying, “I saw the guy’s
If You Take Good Care Of Your Golf Cart It Will Take Good Care Of You! The best way to keep your cart in top running condition is to take care of the little problems before they become BIG ones. Call us to pick up your cart, give it a check-up and deliver it back to you!
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Submitted by Gib Loesel
HOURS: Monday - Friday 8 AM-5 PM Saturday 9 AM-2 PM; Closed Sunday
17521 N. Tamiami Trail N. Ft. Myers, FL 33903
16 | The Columns Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • March 2014 • 941.349.0194 •
Entertainment Around Tara Woods BINGO at Tara Woods
CHARLESTON CIRCLE PARTY Open to all residents. Saturday, April 19th at 4:00 PM at the pool. More detail to follow in the April columns.
Come join the Mah Jongg group. Do not know how to play?
one of the winners at our Tuesday night BINGO. And you can win more than once during the night! your eyesight isn’t as good as it once was, now you can play too. We have really BIG game packs and “Specials” that are 8 ½” x 11” with 2” numbers.
additional charge for the ticket that can make you the “King” or the “Queen” for the night and earn you even more money or “Special” game sheets.
packets are sold with either 6 game squares per sheet or 9 game squares. The “Specials” have 3 game squares per sheet. You can buy as many as you’d like!
We teach the first three (3) Mondays of the month. We have a great time. Come & join us on Mondays 12:00 – 3:00 PM The Happy Ladies of Mah Jongg
Our Tuesday night BINGO session consists of 14 regular games and 6 “Special” games.
LADIES INSPIRATIONAL HOUR “And I will make them...a blessing.” The next meeting of the Ladies Inspirational Hour is Monday, March 17th at 9:00 AM in the clubhouse meeting room. Our program is entitled, “Born to be a Blessing”. A special guest will be sharing her life story with us. You won’t want to miss it. After a time of fellowship and refreshments we will be taking “cups of blessings” to various people in our community. All ladies are invited to attend. Bring a friend. She will be glad you did. Questions? Call Ann @ 543-9285
Amelia Island, St. Augustine & Jacksonville MARCH 31 – APRIL 3, 2014 4 days, 3 nights; 6 meals including 3 breakfasts, 3 dinners; shopping on historic St. George Street; visit to historic Kingsley Plantation; a narrated cruise on the St. John’s river; guided tours of Amelia Island and St. Augustine; a special Dinner Party with Entertainment. $350 pp based on double occupancy; $75 pp deposit req’d w/reservation $35 pp insurance payable w/reservation. No credit cards. Cash or checks only. Deposit and/or insurance payable in separate checks. REQUIRES 30 TO MATERIALIZE & BRING BUS INTO TARA WOODS. WE ARE ALMOST THERE – SO SPREAD THE WORD
St. Patrick’s Day at Tara Woods Monday, March 17th, 2014 5:00PM - BYOB Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner Dancing-Entertainment-Sing-a-long Cost: $15/person Hosted by Janet & George Daly and Friends. Tickets on sale at Bingo and Coffee until March 8th.
Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser The Tara Woods “Magic” Softball team is hosting a Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser! Thursday, March 20th, 2014 5:00PM – BYOB & Snacks Spaghetti & Meatballs, Salad, Bread, Dessert & Coffee Cost: $12/person “Social” Raffle Hosted by “The Magic” Softball team & friends.
(JUST 5 MORE TO GO) Call Dolores, 239-731-5119 for information
Tickets on sale at Bingo and Coffee until March 15th.
The Columns |
17 • 941.349.0194 • March 2014 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Our Ann Scott is still leading our Inspirational group, we are just, with wit loads of help from Barbara Miller and m members of the group and community, leading “the box” project. We hope you are worki working on getting those addresses of whom yo you want us to send a box of cookies, goodies and useful items to. Please give us the nam name and address during February and by M March 12th, at the latest, so we can do the ppurchasing, make plans, and get the boxes ready, etc.
We appreciate any and all contributions for the expense of this project, and you can give your contribution to either of us. We are going to fill the boxes on Saturday, March 22nd, after the coffee meeting, and we would be thankful for any help you can offer. Every year, we receive many thanks for the boxes they receive and we thank you for your contributions towards the project. Many years, we’ve put up a poster in the clubhouse with the letters and photos they have sent in response to our gift boxes. This is truly a community-wide project, and a worthwhile one to show our service men and women we care and are thinking of them. If you have any questions, you can contact Jean Bibeau at 731-7129 or Beth Ferris at 543-6295. Thank you! Jean Bibeau and Beth Ferris
Congratulations to the winners of the Christmas decorating; The Daly’s, Latimer’s and the Sparany’s great job! The names were drawn out of a hat since there were so many beautiful homes to choose from. I hope you all enjoyed your gift cards! I know everyone who attended the Valentine Party had a wonderful time. Thanks to Judy, Dawn and the New England Club. Next great party will be St. Patricks Day. Hope you all attend. Remember you need to go to 2 parties to go to the
Bon Voyage Party for free and you also need to be a resident. The party will be April 5th -- save the date. Thanks to Mike Girty for putting up the new POW flag. Linda Mckay 543-1637
Mark Your Calendar For
Special Events This Month February 28th
Tuesdays at 10:00 AM No need to sign up Don’t need a partner New teams chosen every week Easy to learn Questions: call Frank Millette 543-2954
BUNCO Ladies join us on the first and third Sunday of each month at 7:00 PM in the card room. Cost is $3.00 Will you have the first Bunco or the last, or the most? Will you have the most wins, or the most losses? If you do, the prize money will be yours! Come join the fun. Questions: Call Polly Brown 731-1614
RESIDENTS APPRECIATION WEEKEND Poker Run ............................................................... 9:00 AM March 1st ........... RESIDENTS APPRECIATION WEEKEND CONTINUES Parade ................................................................... 10:00 AM Awards and Dance ................................................... 7:00 PM March 7th .......... Kara Circle Block Party .......................................... 1:00 PM March 7th & 8th Entertainers’ Annual Play ...................................... 7:00 PM “The Scheme of the Driftless Shifter” March 8th .......... SPLASH Wine and Paint Party .............................. 1:00 PM March 15th ........ Trash & Treasure ................................. 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM March 17th ....... St. Patrick’s Day Party............................................. 5:00 PM March 20th ........ Spaghetti Dinner Fund Raiser ................................ 5:00 PM For Tara Woods “Magic” Softball Team March 22nd ....... Movie Nite ............................................................... 7:00 PM March 29th ........ The New Image Chorus’ Annual Show .................. 7:00 PM “A Salute to Broadway” March 31st ......... Shuffleboard Banquet .............................................. 6:00 PM
18 | The Columns Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • March 2014 • 941.349.0194 • 8-9/14
Humor 5D\ +RUWRQ • Wood & Laminate Floors :RRG )ORRUV ,QF
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(239) 560-1365
Birthdays in Marchh 1.... Diane Girty, Paul Loud
18... Linda Ulinski
2.... Elly Hoar
19... Rachelle DellaRocca
4.... Warren Lundmark “Cookie Wilczek� 5.... Mary Donald 6.... Joan Hetherington
Lou Dunning, Gary Stein 20... Eileen Burkert - 95 Yrs. Bud Groh
Aaron Safirstein
Aaron Homrighouse,
Barbara Sciarpelletti
Mary LeClair
8.... Lyle LeClair Barbara Stickles 9.... Lin Anders 10... George D’Alessandro Paul Roderick Gary Sponseller 11... Les Beecham Glen Fisher Donna Mallinson
Bob Polenska 21... Jim Cawlfield Tom Mallinson “Smitty� Smith 22... Janet Daly Rudy Hamilton Ron Proulx 23... Carolyn Bishop Donna DeMarco
12 .. Al Greenaway
25... Howie Jacobs
13... Diane Burns
26... Lisa Yoder
14... Mary Bayes
27... Al Monack
Trish Bendon Annie Matthias Alex Morris Lorraine Smith 15... Pat Gardner Timmy Zimmer 16... Donna Phillips Carole Smith 17... Ray Flynn Ann Sluiter Andy Vanderplaats 18... Louise Hardy
Bob Uccello
(239) 656-5979
Anniversaries in March 1....... Bev & Bill Bayley 2....... Ann Sluiter & Willaim Sandell 4....... Mary Jane & Gene McRae “Cookie� & Gerry Wilczek 5....... Maggie & John Discepolo 6....... Diane & Robert Burns 7....... Carol & John Adney. - 55 Yrs 9....... Bev & Dennis Bayer, Rosemary & Don Girty - 70 Yrs Congratulations!!! 12...... Val & Paul Roderick, 14...... Muriel & Jack Boyle, 17...... Jane & John Maher, Evelyn & Don Watson 20...... Mary & Joe Whitten 23...... Linda & Joe Parise 24...... Sandra & Charles Calabrese, Aileen & Ken Reese 30...... Ruth & Robert Aspin
Susan Uccello 28... Howard Gross Jim Hodder - 93 Yrs. JoAnn Massie Susan Van Sickle
Shirley Ringleben Contact Shirley Ringleben – 731-2748 Before March 10th For Special Recognition of Anniversaries 50, 55, or 60+ in April 2014
29... Casey Glandorf Roy Ohmes 30... John Discepolo 31... Dot DeSalvo Florence Jacobs Dolores Paeth
A woman calls her priest in a frantic voice and says, “Father, I inherited two parrots and every time they see someone they blurt out, ‘Hey, wanna have some fun?’ It’s really quite embarrassing and I don’t know what to do.â€? “Well,â€? says the priest, “why not bring them down to the rectory. I have a parrot myself that I’ve taught to pray. In fact, he prays continuously and he even says the rosary every day. Why not bring your parrots here and I am sure my parrot can help them overcome this problem.â€? Upon hearing that the woman calmed down and brought the parrots to the rectory the next day. As soon as the woman’s parrots spotted the other parrot they blurt out, “Hey, wanna have some fun?â€? At which point the priest’s parrot replied, “Hallelujah! My prayers have finally been answered. Walking into the pub, Sean said to the bartender, “Pour me a stiff one, Jaime. I just had another tiff with the little woman.â€? “Oh yeah,â€? said Jaime. “And how did this one end?â€? “Well I’ll tell ya now when it was over,â€? Sean replied, “herself came to me on her hands and knees, she did.â€? “You don’t say? Now that`s a switch! What did she say?â€? She said, “Come out from under that bed, you gutless weasel! Mick and Paddy were walking in Covent Garden in London. It was their first week in the capital and they were a bit naĂŻve. ‘Lord above Paddy, this is a great city,’ says Mick. ‘Why’s that Mick?’ responds Paddy. ‘Well, to be sure,’ explains Mick, ‘where else in the world would a complete stranger come up to you, make idle chat, invite you to dinner and then offer you to spend the night at their house?’ ‘Begorrah, ‘ splutters Paddy, ‘did that happen to you?’ ‘No,’ says Mick, ‘but it happens to my beautiful sister all the time.
The Columns |
19 • 941.349.0194 • March 2014 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
TARA WOODS 2015 CRUISE January 16 – January 24, 2015 aboard CELEBRITY CONSTELLATION This 8 night, EASTERN CARIBBEAN CRUISE, leaves out of Ft. Lauderdale w/ stops in Gustavia, St. Bartelemy, (St. Barts); St. Croix, Virgin Islands; San Juan, Puerto Rico; and Labadee, Haiti Bus from Tara Woods included! Vacation protection insurance available. Deposit $250 pp
Final payment 10/27/14
FREE Classic Beverage Package w/beverage gratuities covered by Celebrity FREE Gratuities – this cruise equals $96 pp ONBOARD CREDIT – this cruise equals $200 per cabin
Book an oceanview or balcony stateroom BEFORE – FEBRUARY 28, 2014 to get ONE of three incredible offers.
TESTIMONIALS: Marge ~ Heritage on her check-up: “I have had other a/c companies come to my home, but your technician Bob was by far the most honest and very prompt. After servicing my unit, it seems to work EHWWHU +H GLG D YHU\ WKRURXJK MRE , ZRXOG GH¿QLWHO\ FDOO \RXU FRPSDQ\ IRU future service needs and/or a new unit.
William ~ Bayshore Village on his replacement: “It is nice working with people who do what they say they are going to do. It is also nice to see you carry an excellent credit rating. This makes us feel good and not used. When you are a snowbird, this makes a difference. Thank you.”
Teri ~ Carriage Village on her replacement:
“If I am home or away from home, I can trust this company. They will evaluate the issues and propose solutions. The products and service are excellent. This is the second unit I have purchased from Custom Cooling because of the honesty and integrity of George Ellsworth, Jr. and his employees.
20 | The Columns Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • March 2014 • 941.349.0194 •
Sports around Tara Woods “TARA WOODS MAGIC” SOFTBALL TEAM The Tara Woods “Magic” softball team continues to improve and work together. They are even getting more hits and runs than injuries! Their two managers, George Sullivan and Bob Polenska, are still moving players around in order to find the most successful placement of players and you can’t beat the enthusiasm and spirit the team exhibits whatever position they are playing. The many fans continue to fill
the stands with fervor, excitement and laughter. The team is very grateful for their continued support. The TW’s “Magic” team stands out in the league for two reasons. They are the only team with women players, and now have two, Jennell Wissler and Pam Moore and they have a perfect non win record. The Magic for the team will be when the first game is won!!!! Team members are busy looking for local businesses to sponsor
team uniforms for next season. If you know of any businesses interested, please notify a team member, or Roger Rafferty. The team will be hosting a Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser at the Clubhouse on March 20th starting at 5:00 PM. Tickets will be $12 and will go on sale Saturday, Feb. 22nd at coffee. Please try to attend our fundraiser. The “Magic” team thanks you again for all your support.
Shuffleboard Notes The shuffleboard yard sale held on January 18th was the largest sale to date, with 48 tables set up. Thank you to all who participated in any way. The people who rented the tables indicated they did very well. The sale had been advertised in and outside the park and was very well attended. The proceeds from the table rentals are used to fund the shuffleboard banquet in April. All prize monies for the Tuesday and Friday leagues are also funded by the yard sale. The Tara Woods shuffleboard travel team continues to do well and is currently in 1st place. Way to go TARA WOODS. Ken Clark
TENNIS NEWS TENNIS ASSOCIATION The Tennis Association meeting that was held on January 26th was well attended. Numerous subjects were covered. Some of the items we discussed were ways that we could raise more money for the Association, possibly increasing the dues, and improvements to the tennis courts, lights, and benches. By the time you read this article, the February 23rd Tennis Association meeting will have been held. On the agenda for that meeting were possible revisions to the Association By-Laws. The April Columns will provide more information on that meeting. The Tennis Association will hold their next meeting on Sunday, March 30th, at 5:45 PM. At that meeting there will be an election of officers for the 2014 season, so be sure to attend that meeting so you can cast your vote for the person you feel would make a good member of the Board. All four positions on the Board are open – President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. To be eligible to vote at any Tennis Association Meeting, you need to be a member in good standing, which means you need to have paid your dues for that year. Our Treasurer will be collecting dues at the monthly meetings; dues are presently $1.00 per person.
ROUND ROBIN The Round Robin held on January 26th was hosted by Glen & Gigi Fisher. They had a lot of help from Bea Sponseller, Dottie Hargrove, and Don & Sharon Boehlke. Grilled burgers and brats were enjoyed by 48 people. The 28 men and women who played tennis had a good time playing with different partners against different opponents for each of their matches. The tennis Round Robin scheduled for Sunday, February 23rd, was hosted by Ron & Sharon Davidson, Ken & Beth Ferris, and Dick Heffron. Due to the deadline for this Columns, we don’t have a head count for the number of tennis players or the number of people who enjoyed the pizza that was planned for the dinner. The monthly Tennis Association Meeting was to be held, as usual, at 5:45 PM. The next tennis Round Robin is scheduled for Sunday, March 30th. The sign-up sheet will be posted on the tennis bulletin board in early March, so be sure to sign up to play. That Round Robin will be hosted by Bob & Debbie Polenska. The monthly Tennis Association Meeting will be held at 5:45 PM, following the dinner. The last Round Robin of the season is scheduled for April 27th. That dinner will be hosted by George & Janet Daly.
SONY PROFESSIONAL TENNIS To all tennis followers: If you would like to see world class tennis up close, you are invited to join us on the Sony Open Tennis Trip to Miami on Monday, March 24th. We leave at 7:30 AM and return around 10:00 PM. You can watch tennis from around 11:00 AM until 7:00 PM. See all the top tennis players up close. The bus and center court ticket costs $75.00. We have 55 seats available. Call Fred Puhlfuerst at 731-1552 if you’re interested or for more information. There is a poster in the Clubhouse and on the bulletin board at the tennis courts. TENNIS LESSONS Beginner tennis players who want to learn the basics and anyone wishing to improve their tennis game are invited to come out to the tennis courts on Mondays at 12:00 Noon. Instructors are Don Boehlke, Warren Engel, Glen Fisher, and Fred Puhlfuerst. MIXED DOUBLES FRIDAY LEAGUE We have now had four weeks of the Mixed Doubles League that started on Friday, January 10th. We were rained out on January 31st, which was a disappointment as we do look forward to playing in this league. We have a group of eight men and eight women who play every Friday at 9:00 AM. We get to play with a dif-
ferent partner each week and we are enjoying our early morning tennis. TENNIS LEAGUES LEAGUES FOR NEXT SEASON Check the tennis bulletin board for the sign-up sheets that will be posted for all tennis players interested in playing on the Men’s and Women’s tennis teams for the 2014-2015 tennis season. There will be a Men’s tennis meeting on Sunday, March 9th, and a Women’s tennis meeting on Tuesday, March 18th, both at the Clubhouse. More information is provided on the sign-up sheets. WOMEN’S LEAGUE January 16th marked the end of the first half of the Women’s tennis season. Unfortunately, the Tara Woods Lady Bugs were scheduled to play the top-ranked Herons Glen Volley Girls and only won 2 of the 6 sets. Interestingly enough, the Tara Woods Angels got to play the last place team from Six Lakes and won 5 sets and lost 1. With nine teams in the league, the first half of the season ended with the Angels in third place and the Lady Bugs in fourth place, separated by just one win. To see how close the competition is – showing just the top four teams – Herons Glen was in first place with 32 wins and Sabal Springs was in second place with 30 wins; the Angels had 29 wins,
and the Lady Bugs had 28 wins. It was a very close first half of the season. MEN’S LEAGUE Red League Nothing to report. White League The last two weeks have been like a roller coaster ride, with 6 wins followed by 6 losses. With only six matches left for the season, we hope we can have a smoother ride to finish the season. Blue League Our two Tara Woods Blue Teams played each other on Thursday, January 16th. The Eagles took 5 of the 6 sets against the Tigers. The Eagles played Lake Fairways on Thursday, January 23rd, they won 4 and lost 2. Prior to that game they were in 5th place. Manpower is still a problem for the team, the cruises in January didn’t help. They are now half way through the season. On February 6th, the Tigers played against the first place team from Six Lakes. Our Tigers did a fine job, winning 3 of the 6 sets. Men’s League Round Robin Watch for the sign-up sheet for the end-of-season men’s league round robin. This includes all four men’s teams, plus the subs. Submitted by Linda Engel
The Columns |
21 • 941.349.0194 • March 2014 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Mar 2 2&3 3
CARMINA BURANA – BBM – Gulf Coast Symphony DWIGHT ICENHOWER’S TRIBUTE to the KING – BPDT – Concert Series – twi/mat/eve RHYTHM of the DANCE – BBM – This two-hour dance and music extravaganza contains a wealth of talent derived from all area of Irish life. 7 & 8 THE SOUND of MUSICALS – BBM – SW Florida Symphony 9 PAUL TODD’S ILLUMINATED BROADWAY RHYTHMS – BBM – The music of the lights. 9 DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME BEGINS – Set clocks 1 hour ahead. 11-16 WAR HORSE – BBM – A heart-warming tale of loyalty and friendship, WAR HORSE, tells the story of young Albert and his beloved horse, Joey. This powerful moving and imaginative drama, filled with stirring music and songs, is a show of phenomenal inventiveness that is currently playing to packed houses in London and around the world. At its heart are astonishing life-sized puppets created by South Africa’s Handspring Puppet Co, that bring to life breathing, galloping, charging horses strong enough for men to ride. Till 3/15 NANA’S NAUGHTY KNICKERS – Off BPT Till 3/16 A GRAND NIGHT for SINGING – Florida Rep Studio Theatre 16 & 17 THE DRIFTERS – BPDT – Concert Series – twilight/matinee & evening 17 HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY 18 MICHAEL BOLTON – BBM 20 VINCE GILL – BBM 20-5/11 DIXIE SWIM CLUB – Off BPT – Back by popular demand is the hilarious and touching comedy about five southern women and their enduring friendships. 21-23 BEAUTY and the BEAST – BBM 21-4/9 CLYBOURNE PARK – Florida Rep Theatre 23 LES MISERABLES – BPDT – matinee – Set against the backdrop of 19th century France, this musical phenomenon tells the story of broken dreams & unrequited love, passion, sacrifice and redemption – a timeless testament to the survival of the human spirit. The 2012 motion picture of the same name won the Golden Glove for Best Motion Picture. 24 BACK HOME AGAIN – A TRIBUTE to JOHN DENVER – BPDT – Concert Series – mat/eve 28 RICHARD NADER’S – DOO WOP & ROCK N’ROLL – BBM 30 THE GREAT AMERICAN SONG BOOK – BBM – Gulf Coast Symphony 30 & 31 ABBA FAB – THE PREMIER ABBA EXPERIENCE – BPDT – Concert Series – twi/mat/eve COMING UP April 1-6 MILLION DOLLAR QUARTET – BBM 7 PAUL ANKA – BBM 7 THE MAGIC of MANILOW – BPDT – Concert Series 8 THE TEN TENORS – ON BROADWAY – BBM – 7:30 pm 13 BROADWAY ROCKS – Gulf Coast Symphony – BBM 20 EASTER SUNDAY THE MUSIC MAN – BPDT – twilight – The MUSIC MAN follows fast-talking traveling salesman Harold Hill as he cons the people of River City, Iowa into buying instruments and uniforms for a band he vows to organize; this is despite the fact that he doesn’t know a trombone from a treble clef. His plans to skip town with the cash are foiled when he falls for Marion the librarian. You’ll hear Seventy-six Trombones, Goodnight Ladies, Shipoopi and more! 25-5/11 HEART SONG – Florida Rep Theatre 30 BOZ SCAGGS – THE MEMPHIS TOUR – BBM THANK YOU
THANK YOU THANK YOU EQUINOX ‘CRUISE CREWS’ of the yellow and red buses. A sincere thank you, with much appreciation, for your kindness and thoughtfulness! GOD BLESS! ‘MOTHER SUPERIOR’
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May soft be the grass you walk on, May fair be the skies above you … May true be the joys that surround you, May dear be the hearts that love you. HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY
22 | The Columns Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • March 2014 • 941.349.0194 •
Club News Canadian Club All Canadians are invited Friday, March 14 @ 5:00 PM
The Club will provide BJ’s Rotisserie Chicken Dessert and a special beach drink Please bring a side & BYOB
50/50 Draw If you have not paid your $5.00 dues, there will be a $5 charge and the same for guests. Please RSVP to Diane Burns – 567-1391 Or email
GARDEN CLUB As a reminder our next meeting is Saturday March 8th at 9:00 AM. Collection for this years Trash and Treasure is Friday March 14th from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Please do not drop off items after 12:00 PM (items need to be priced). All electrical items must be in working condition. No broken or dirty items. All donations should be in a condition that YOU would buy. Please remember that the garden club depends on the proceds of this sale to continue to sponser the Fashion show as a free event. This years Garden Club Luncheon is Friday April 11th. This event is open to Garden Club members ONLY. This is a
GREAT time to decide to join . Dues payable at Luncheon are $5.00. Luncheon at Bianca’s/ salad, main course, dessert, soda, coffee, tax and tip $18.00 Total: $23.00 Cash Only. More info and sign in sheet clubhouse March 11th. April 12th is our last meeting for this season. We voted instead of a meeting we would get together after pancake breakfast and take a trip to Riverland Nursery which is SW Florida’s premier garden center and nursery specializing in native and other sustainable plants. They have a picnic area and we will be bringing our own lunches. If you are interested please begin to speak to each other about car pooling.
New York/New Jersey Club What a great turn-out we had for our February meeting. Eighty-five people attended and enjoyed a delicious fish & chips dinner provided by Up N Smoke BBQ, followed by make-your-own ice cream sundaes. It was a fun evening topped off with a rousing game of bean bag baseball. Our next meeting is on Sunday, March 9th at 4:00 PM. We will once again enjoy Cuban sandwiches and the variety of salads you will provide. Please sign up on the
bulletin board with what you will bring. This is our Club birthday celebration, so birthday cake and ice cream will be provided. There is no cost for this dinner, but we need accurate numbers, so please sign up.
We will be playing “Show Me the Money”, so bring a
few extra dollars to participate in this fun game. There will be a 50/50 raffle. Remember to wear your name tag for an extra ticket! As always, our meetings are open to everyone from New York or New Jersey. Visitors, new residents and renters are especially welcome. No dues - Just come for the fun! I look forward to seeing everyone on Sunday, March 9th. Janet Daly 567-2285
New England Club A very successful Tara Woods Valentine’s Day party was hosted by our club on Friday, Feb 14th. Thank-you again to our many, many club members who served on the various committees. Without all of you, this would not have been possible! Saturday, March 15th we will host the New England/Mid-Atlantic Bean Bag Baseball Challenge at 5:00 PM. Hopefully “Blue Power” will once again prevail. We hope to see all of our club members there. As of print deadline, no details have been set, therefore all We will be leaving after breakfast around 9:30 AM leaving from the clubhouse Address : 13005 Palm Beach Blvd, Fort Myers FL 33905 phone #239-693-5555. It is approximately a 30 minute drive on I-75 exit 141 toward FL-80 E toward La Belle. A sign up sheet will be in the Club house March 12th. March Florida Gardening Calendar What to plant Annuals: Plant heat tolerant annuals for color such as crossandra, gazania, melampodium, and zinnia, that will last into fall. Bulbs: Plant gladiola corms 6” apart and 4” deep and stake as they grow. Plant caladiums for a
Club members will receive a separate newsletter on the Challenge during the third week of February. If you didn’t receive one, contact Dawn or Judy. Sunday, March 23rd is the annual New England/Midwest Challenge, which the Midwest Club is hosting. Again, no info available at print deadline, so PLEASE watch Channel 195, as well as the general bulletin board at the clubhouse, for their poster. We need a lot of “Blue Power” at this one, too! Judy Machnicz
showy tropical display all summer. Herbs: In addition to their culinary value, many herbs are ornamental and attract butterflies to the garden. Vegetables: Warm season crops, such as sweet corn, cucumber, watermelon, and pepper, should be planted now for late spring harvest. What to do Trees and shrubs: Prune when new growth begins after the end of the dormant season. To guard next season’s blooms, begin pruning after the last flowers fade but before new buds set. Mulch: Renew or add mulch in landscape beds to reduce weeds and retain moisture.
Fertilize lawns: If not done in February, fertilize lawns this month. Examine lawns for problems: Identify damaging insects and spot treat early to prevent widespread damage. Rule out cultural problems, such as irrigation failure, before treatment. (This is an excerpt from the University of Florida website, please visit for complete information)
The Columns |
23 • 941.349.0194 • March 2014 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
MID-WEST/ NEW ENGLAND OLYMPIC CHALLENGE 2014 Sunday March 23rd, 2014 4:00 PM It’s the year of the Olympic Winter Games so we will carry on the good will of the games with an “Olympic Flavor� to the New England/ Mid-West Challenge. NO Snow Included!
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Are you ready for a new, exciting , hilarious fun twist to the Midwest/New England challenge? Well here it is! This yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s challenge will have different teams, cheering fans and of course good food. How it works: Every game will be played as a team event. Team numbers will vary depending on the game, with no more than 18 players on a team. It will be one team against another. Those not participating in a particular game will be the fans (cheering section). All games will be played in a relay type fashion. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s team against team. Tickets will be sold at Bingo and at Saturday coffee. $12.00 Per Person BYOB The key words are fun, fellowship and laughter. See you there! Sue Lanum/Casey Glandorf PS: Mid-West volunteers needed for ticket sales, set up, clean up and service. Sign up sheets will be posted. Casey Glandorf
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24 | The Columns Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • March 2014 • 941.349.0194 •