Tara Woods Columns - November 2016

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THE COLUMNS Vol. 27 No. 9

Tara Woods Homeowners Association – www.twha.us

November 2016

941-349-0194 | ISLAND VISITOR PUBLISHING, LLC | www.islandvp.com

Old Irish Blessing this


May Love and Laughter light your days and warm your heart and home May Good and Faithful friends be yours wherever you may roam. May Peace and Plenty bless your world with joy that long endures. May all life’s passing seasons Bring the best to you and yours.

From our home to yours ‘ Slainte The Irish Way

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Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • November 2016 • 941.349.0194 • www.twha.us

WELCOME NEW RESIDENTS Tom and Donna Erhardt are new full-time residents at 19287 Potomac Circle. They are originally from Maryland. Tom is retired from UPS in Maryland but is still working in Florida. Donna works full time. They have three children, five grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Tom likes to shoot at the gun range and ride his motorcycle. Donna also rides a motorcycle and enjoys swimming. They both enjoy church and hope to get involved with some of the activities here at Tara Woods.

Richard and Sheri Osborne are new full-time residents at 2896 Steamboat Loop and are originally from Colorado. Richard is still working at golf course maintenance and Sheri is a retired Travel Agent. They have two children and seven grandchildren. Richard likes golf, and Sheri likes swimming. They both enjoy traveling.

Len Rolfe and Janice (Sue) Cook are new full-time residents at 19621 Woodfield Circle. They are originally from Ohio and Canada. Len works part time at Waterfall’s Auto Spa in Naples and Janice works part time at the David Lawrence Center in Naples.

Ron and Jean Smith are new full-time residents at 2862 Tara Lakes Circle. They are originally from New Hampshire and Tennessee. Ron is still working at the State Attorney’s office and Jean is still teaching. Ron enjoys writing and golf. Jean enjoys quilting.

Between them they have three children and five grandchildren. Len likes hockey, and Janice enjoys many hobbies.

They have one child. Erwin (Erv) Schwensow is a new full-time resident at 2830 Orlenes Street. Erv is originally from Wisconsin and is a retired setter for Durner Ceramic Tile. Erv is ninety-one years young and is the father of two children and two grandchildren. We hope you all enjoy Tara Woods and all the activities offered. Joanne Byrne

MANAGER’S CORNER Just a reminder, this is a gated community. If you are expecting guests or workers, please call the gate attendant (731-1582) or they will not be admitted. If your guest is on the permanent guest list, they will be let in. Please be patient with the construction in the new section. There will be trucks coming in and out of Tara Woods. If you are calling the Office for any reason, please give your name and lot number. Please do not forget to pay the one-time solid waste fee due January 1, 2017 in the amount of $15.33. If you are on eft, it

will come out automatically with the January rent. If you pay by check, you can include it with your January rent payment. Please mark your lot number on your check. If you did not receive your lot increase letter, it is because we do not have an updated address. Please contact the Office to update your address and pick up your lot rent increase letter. Speed limit is still 20 mph and please stop at all stop signs. Have a Happy Thanksgiving. Doug Objartel

THOUGHT FOR THE MONTH People are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. Submitted by Sam Topping

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The Columns |


www.twha.us • 941.349.0194 • November 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

November is upon us: the month the time changes and we no longer awake in the dark, but eat dinner in the dark. November up north was always a gloomy, depressing month – a dark transition from the beautiful Fall colors of October, until the glitz and sparkle of the Christmas season. Down here it’s looking forward to less humidity and the white, puffy clouds that winter brings. The first Homeowners Association Membership Meeting of the season was held on Monday, October 10th at 7:00 PM. Doug addressed the meeting and reported on all that was done over the summer to maintain the beauty and safety of Tara Woods and also updated us on upcoming projects. He also informed us of his pending retirement as Manager. He will be in charge of the construction of the new homes in the back of the community. He and Debbie will remain residents of Tara Woods and look forward to this new position. A new general manager will be hired shortly, with a target start date of Thursday, December 1st. Doug has put a lot of time and effort into keeping Tara Woods a “premier” community, and the Board has found him to be open to our concerns and willing to address all issues to the best of his ability. We wish him the best of luck in this new position. We hope to continue a congenial relationship with a new manager. If you haven’t joined the Homeowners Association or would like to renew your membership for

2017, Membership Secretary Ann Millette will be glad to collect your dues of $15.00 per household before the meeting on Monday, November 7th, at Saturday Coffee or before Bingo. I’m sure you can give her a call, as well. You must be a member in good standing to vote at the Annual Meeting on Monday, January 9, 2017. The Nominating Committee is seeking candidates to run for four open Director positions on the TWHA Board of Directors. Please consider taking a two-year position on the Board. We are in specific need of a Treasurer. If you have any accounting experience, please consider sharing your expertise with the Board for the good of the community. Contact current Treasurer, Paul Montelaro, and he will be glad to talk with you about this position. There have been some issues of concern raised about people moving out of Tara Woods, but continuing to participate in various clubs and groups as members or officers. While the Board of Directors has no jurisdiction over these groups, I would be willing to facilitate a discussion of concerned parties to meet a mutual understanding regarding this issue. I have reserved Saturday, November 12th at 9:00 AM in the Meeting Room for this meeting. This is an open meeting to all interested parties, offering the chance to voice your opinion and concern regarding this issue. A reminder about the Community Opportunity Fair to be held on Saturday, November 19th from

3:00 – 6:00 PM in the Clubhouse. There may still be room to sign up your group. Fill out a form and get it to me ASAP. We’re looking forward to having lots of people attend to find out what’s happening in our community. There will be prizes, raffles, food and lots of information to be given out – not to mention the fun the afternoon will bring. Please put it on your calendar to attend the 1st Annual? Community Opportunity Fair in Tara Woods! Saturday Morning Coffee continues on the 1st, 3rd & 4th Saturdays of the month at 8:00 AM, with the informational meeting starting at 8:45 AM. We encourage everyone and especially new residents and renters to join us for coffee and a donut. It’s a great way to meet people and find out what’s happening in the “Woods”. Please sign up on the sheet on the back bulletin board. Pancake Breakfast will resume on the second Saturday in November and every month thereafter through May. Please sign up on the back bulletin board so Fred can prepare enough pancakes, eggs, sausage, etc. for everyone. Welcome back, Snowbirds. It’s been awfully quiet down here without you!

Janet Daly If months were marked by colors, November in New England would be colored gray. Madeleine M. Kunin

Activities, Sports & Clubs can be found on pages: 16, 18, 20-22, and 24-26. State Club information can be found on pages: 10 and 11. Please note that the November 2016 Clubhouse Activity Calendar is on page 28. Thank you!

COLUMNS STAFF EDITOR: Barbara J. Roland (Barbara_Roland@comcast.net)

ASSISTANTS: Linda Engel, Mary Ellen Gold, and Marcia Poveromo PHOTOGRAPHY: Mark Burke, Ann Kabbas, & Pat Sparany CALENDAR: Polly Brown CIRCULATION: Gail Sanfilippo, Manager COORDINATORS: Stuart & Belle Berman, Bill Black, Agatha Breen, Jane & Bill Crawford, Pat & Lou Dunning, Peggy Gamble, Lloyd & Carolyn Kelsey, Sharie and Norm Libby, Diane & Bob Nunn, Kathy & Roger Rafferty, Ed Simko, George Stelling, Susan Uccello, & Julia Wehrung. ALTERNATES: Claudette & Mark Burke, Joanie Byrnes, Joanne & Bob Byrne, & Al Dion REPORTERS: Reporters will be noted by their bylines at the end of each article. Lou Dunning, Tara Woods Homeowners Association Liaison To advertise in print, contact: Bob or Emy Stein at 941-349-0194 or email us at islandvp@verizon.net. Contributing writers are acknowledged with bylines accompanying their submissions. Attribution for photos are not included unless supplied. We sincerely thank everyone for their contributions. Your articles help showcase the strong and diverse community that makes up Tara Woods. The Columns is published monthly from October through May. Summer issues are condensed: June/July and August/September. All ads are subject to the approval of the publisher. It is the responsibility of the party placing any ad for publication in The Columns to meet all applicable legal requirements in connection with the ad such as compliance with town, county and state codes in first obtaining an occupational license for business, permitted home occupation, or residential rental property. DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that when you hire an unlicensed/uninsured person to do work at your home, you accept the liability. Island Visitor Publishing is not responsible for claims made by advertisers

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The Columns |

www.twha.us • 941.349.0194 • November 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC



The New England Club is hosting the Bake Sale at the Craft Fair on Saturday, November 5th from 9:00 AM until we run out! Please come out and support this delicious event! Look forward to seeing you all there! Judy Machnicz


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SUNSHINE AND SYMPATHY Our condolences go out to the family and friends of Walter Burns who died recently of cancer. Our sympathy is also extended to Tony and Celeste Perre on the death of their son, Bill, also from cancer, in New York. At this time we are delighted to report that all other residents of Tara Woods seem to be in good health. I’d love to be able to say that all the time, so... Eat your fruit, veggies and fiber! Stay well Joanie Byrnes, 715-497-7864 Joanie.byrnes@gmail.com


The Columns |


www.twha.us • 941.349.0194 • November 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

FMO NEWS tract with Tallahassee Community College to provide the enhancement of the tie-down and anchoring system of your home. The program does not intend to bring the existing home up to code but to make the home as wind resistant as funding, physical characteristics and conditions of premises permit. Additional information will be posted on the bulletin board. You won’t have to travel far for our December and January meet-

ings. December’s meeting is just down the road at The Heritage on Friday, December 9th and the January meeting is right here in Tara Woods on Friday, January 13th. Anyone needing a ride, please contact the Stu Berman. For questions about the FMO or your membership, please contact Stu. Have a wonderful, safe, happy and healthy holiday season.


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Stuart Berman FMO Chair

TARA WOODS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION (TWHA) NEWS Reminder from the Membership Secretary

Thank you for your support. Ann Millette


Now that things are calming down, I am sure some of you have overlooked renewing your TWHA dues. Renewals are down; please drop off your dues in the mail slot by the TWHA Office or see me.


The 2016-2017 FMO District Meetings are about to start. Meetings are held on the second Friday of each month starting at 1:00 PM and last approximately 2 hours with a refreshment break midway through the meeting. Our first meeting of the new season is Friday, November 11th at Harborview Estates in Port Charlotte. Watch the bulletin board for additional information and directions. The State of Florida has a con-


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8 | The Columns

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • November 2016 • 941.349.0194 • www.twha.us Family Owned and Operated




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The New England Club is hosting the Tara Woods Christmas Party on Saturday, December 3rd at 5:00 PM. Music will be provided by John’s Mobile Music and Beef O’Bradys will be catering the party. As of press time, we are not quite ready with our menu and ticket pricing, so please watch the main bulletin board in the Clubhouse for all the details. Tickets will go on sale Tuesday, November 8th and remain on sale through Saturday, November 26th. Hope to see you all there! Judy Machnicz 1/17

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www.twha.us • 941.349.0194 • November 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC


10 | The Columns

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • November 2016 • 941.349.0194 • www.twha.us

CANADIAN MID-ATLANTIC CLUB The Mid-Atlantic Club held the first meeting of the new season on CLUB Sunday, September 18th. The Club was happy to welcome two new Hello fellow Canadian Club Members! Friday, November 18th at 4:00 PM will be our first gettogether for the 2016-17 season. The theme for the evening will be ‘living winter in the south’, so please dress accordingly. We are planning to hold it on the verandah (inside if inclement weather) where you can enjoy some good’ole Chicken ‘n Ribs cooked on the “barbie”. A 50-50 draw will also take place towards the end of the meal. Please bring your own beverage, tableware, and a ‘sidedish’ or dessert to share with those in attendance. Kindly RSVP to either Carl or Kathy Marquis at 567-2955, no later than Wednesday evening (November 16th). Please understand that we may not have enough food to serve those who have not responded in time. 8-9/17

Hope to see y’all there!

members: Linda Elliott and Bill Beaulieu who moved to Tara Woods just a few months ago. Our next meeting was held on Sunday, October 16th at 4:00 PM in the Clubhouse. The theme was “Oktoberfest” for the second year in a row. We had a great time enjoying more wonderful German style food and having a “Beer Tasting Event” as members brought their favorite beer to share. Last year we had several dark or German/Bavarian beers to sample and were entertained with strains of “Oompah Music.” November will be busy with the Mid-Atlantic Club offering two “Buckets of Cheer” at the Craft Fair on Saturday, November 5th. Our regular meeting will be a “Pot Luck Dinner” on Sunday, November 20th at 4:00 PM. Mary Green will chair this event and we anticipate lots of delicious food from our members! We look forward to seeing all our “Snowbirds” as they return from the “Frozen North”! Mary Donald, Secretary

NEW ENGLAND CLUB The New England Club will host the Bake Sale at the Craft Fair on Saturday, November 5th. Thanks to all those New Englanders who volunteered to bake! Please come help decorate our beautiful New England Club Christmas tree on Saturday, November 26th at 9:00 AM. The more, the merrier and, as always, we welcome any New England themed ornaments.

Our Club will host the Tara Woods Christmas Party on Saturday, December 3rd and a huge THANK-YOU to all of you who volunteered for the various committees. Our New England Club Christmas Party is Saturday, December 10th. Please check the New England bulletin board in early November for all the special details and sign-up sheet. Judy Machnicz, 203-858-2936



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www.twha.us • 941.349.0194 • November 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC



We hope everyone who attended the Halloween Party had a good time! A special thanks to Joe Parise and his crew for their work doing the Haunted House. Thanks also to everyone else who volunteered to help with all the rest of the work that makes a party a success. It was greatly appreciated. October was a very busy month for the Midwest Club, with the regular meeting on the 14th and hosting the Halloween Party on the 28th. But I think we all survived!!! Now we go on to November. The November meeting will be held on Friday, November 11th at 5:00 PM. This will be a soup and salad potluck dinner. There will be sign-up sheets on the board in the Clubhouse for everyone to sign up to bring either a “pot” of soup or a salad to share. Having attended one of these in the past, I know the club members come up with some delicious “dishes” of both!!! For those who like to sing and dance, Lady K and DJ Watson will be entertaining us with Karaoke and dance music. Sounds like a fun evening. Come join in! Arlene Greene, Secretary

The New York/New Jersey Club of Tara Woods introduced a new format at its October meeting. After having the skilled and unflagging leadership of Janet and George Daly for a number or years, it was decided to afford them a well-deserved break and employ the talents of Club members to organize and prepare meetings on a monthly basis. In October, Chuck and Marcia Poveromo and Friends did a terrific job! Others on the committee were Pat Sparany, Barbara Roland, John and Mary Costantini, Sue Sobkowicz, Lorraine and Bill Milligan, Bob Kuhns, Janet Daly and Fred Puhlfuerst. Pat Sparany and her crew prepared a fabulous “Welcome Back” wine and cheese party with beautifully arranged platters including several kinds of cheese and crackers, fresh fruit, salmon and herring. For des-

sert, there was a selection of several flavors of cheesecake, as well as some sugar free desserts for those who prefer them. Along with a wide variety of wines, an alcohol-free punch was served. As an activity, there was a trivia quiz entitled “Do You Remember Things That Happened Fifty Years Ago?”. Jan Puhlfuerst prepared and presented the quiz, covering History, Movies and Pop Culture. It was impressive to see how many folks were able to recall pertinent facts about the 1960’s. The next New York/New Jersey meeting will be the Club Thanksgiving on Saturday, November 12th at 4:00 PM, hosted by Eileen and Steve Robinson. We’d like to see you there! Also, we will be decorating the Club Christmas tree on Saturday, November 26th at 9:00 AM. If you already belong to the NY/NJ Club, please think about attending. And, if you are new to Tara Woods and moved from either New York or New Jersey, we welcome you warmly and extend an invitation to come join the fun and fellowship. Jan Puhlfuerst

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Ninety-eight years ago, (11/11/1918), World War I ended with an armistice, or temporary halting of hostilities. The Treaty of Versailles made it official on June 28, 1919. Later that year, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed November 11th to be Armistice Day, a day to celebrate peace while honoring our soldiers’ bravery and heroism. Unfortunately, the hope that this would be “the war to end all wars” did not hold true, and we continue sending our sons and daughters off to foreign countries to fight for justice and freedom. To honor veterans of all wars, Armistice Day was later renamed Veterans’ Day. This day gives us the opportunity to reflect on our good fortune to live in the United States and to thank those who defend our rights. It is the soldier who has given us our cherished freedom of speech, our right to vote, and all of the other freedoms we

too often take for granted while around the world others still fight for basic human rights. We are all indebted to the men and women who have sacrificed so much for our country ----- a sacrifice that extends beyond those who put on the uniform. We should not forget that every soldier is a son, daughter, husband, wife, father, mother, sister or brother. For the families left behind, the sacrifice can be just as great. “ASK A VETERAN OR AN ACTIVE DUTY SOLDIER WHY THEY SERVE, AND THEIR STRENGTH OF CHARACTER, SENSE OF DUTY AND LOVE OF COUNTRY SHINE THROUGH IN THEIR ANSWER”. Many will tell you of their desire to be a part of something greater than themselves, or of their determination that others may possess the precious rights and freedom we cherish. Whatever their specific reason, a common

theme runs through their answers - they do not fight for themselves, but so that others may enjoy a better life. When Veterans’ Day comes around this year, I hope that we recognize that it is more than just a day for shopping and sales bargains, or perhaps another day off from work. Instead, reflect on the significance of what our veterans have sacrificed and how your life might be different without them. Then do something special to honor the brave men and women who have served and continue to serve our country. Submitted by: Dolores Paeth

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Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • November 2016 • 941.349.0194 • www.twha.us


The party was planned by Sue Nagle for Elizabeth’s 90th birthday. What a surprise for Elizabeth when Carolyn, Lynn, and Janet attended. We had conversations, cookies and punch. Everyone had a lovely time. Pictures sent by Augusta Porter

FURRY NEIGHBOR Picture taken by Fred Puhlfuerst

The Columns |


www.twha.us • 941.349.0194 • November 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

MAMMO MOBILE Yes, it’s that time of year again. December 19th from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM the Mamo Mobile will be in the parking lot at the Clubhouse. You can walk in, but it is better if you call 936-4068 for an appointment. Any questions call Patty Sparany, 652-3869.

16 | The Columns

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • November 2016 • 941.349.0194 • www.twha.us

LINE PING PONG DANCING Increase energy Low impact exercise Good for memory Improves flexibility And it is lots of FUN!!! Come join our line dance class starting Tuesday, November 1st at 10:30 AM.

Exp. 4/17

Barb Goodhue

Kim Buletta

SHUFFLEBOARD Monday mornings at 10:00 AM, we play horse collar. This is a very easy game to play and is open to all. If you don’t know how to play, someone will be happy to teach you. Cost is one dollar, with all money paid out at the end of play. Tuesday doubles league (you will need a partner) will begin on Tuesday, December 6th and go until the end of March. There will be no play for two weeks during the Christmas Holidays. Cost is $5.00 per person. The sign-up sheet is in the Library. Friday singles league (you do not need a partner) will begin on Friday, January 6th and go until the end of March, with two weeks off during the Christmas Holidays. Cost is $5.00 per person. The sign-up sheet will be posted in the Library. These games are open to all residents. If you have never played before we will gladly hold classes to teach the basics. Come out and try it; you may be surprised how much enjoyment you can have, and meet new people at the same time. Ken Clark

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Tara Woods Residents, Family and Friends are invited to join the fun of Ping Pong every Tuesday and Thursday at 2:00 PM in the airconditioned Clubhouse. Female players are encouraged to pick up the paddle and join the team. Guaranteed fun! Join the team! Additionally, you can get refresher classes on Mondays by appointment by calling 308-3866.

The Columns |



www.twha.us • 941.349.0194 • November 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

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Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • November 2016 • 941.349.0194 • www.twha.us

TENNIS NEWS TENNIS ASSOCIATION MEETING Hello, everyone. I would like to invite any and all tennis enthusiasts to our first meeting of the new season beginning November 27th, 2016. There will be much to discuss as we transition into a new year and vision for the entire tennis community here at Tara Woods. There is new energy from the Pine Lakes community that sounds quite promising in providing even more tennis playing venues for all skill levels. I look forward to sharing this information from friendships made over the summer. Last year I asked the question, “What is the purpose and vision of our tennis community?”. I invite any and all feedback that you may want to offer in helping our Association to grow and flourish. Questions we may want to ask ourselves might be: Why should people join our Association? What can we provide as an Association

in our community? Do we want to continue having people pay from their pocket to participate in league play or Round Robins, or is there a way through some fun and creative fund raising that we as an Association could provide that for everyone? As you can see, there is much to discuss. I am excited, and looking forward to serving our community however the voice of the people decide. Please invite everyone to the meeting in November, as this meeting will more than likely determine the course and future for Tara Woods social tennis as well as our league players. Best regards to you all. – Dakota Windancer ROUND ROBIN Some of this information was published in the October Columns, but for those of you who were not here to receive the Columns, I am repeating some of the information. Our first Round Robin of the season is Sunday, November 27th.


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Janell Wissler and Arlene Greene have volunteered to host the dinner, and Kathy Rafferty has volunteered to handle the court side refreshments. The sign-up sheet for the tennis portion of the Round Robin will be posted on the Tennis Bulletin Board in early November. We hope to have a lot of the tennis players signing up to play – the more people who sign up, the more variety of pairings we can arrange. There is no Round Robin in December. For the January 22nd Round Robin, George & Janet Daly have volunteered to host the dinner. We still need someone to handle the court side refreshments for that day. Also, for those of you who haven’t “taken your turn” in a while, please consider volunteering to host the dinner or the court side snacks for one of the future Round Robins. – Linda Engel TENNIS LEAGUES WOMEN’S LEAGUE The SWIFT league meeting for all team captains and co-captains is scheduled to be held on Thursday, November 3rd. We have 8 teams in our league, so we will play just 14 matches this season. Our first match for the 2016-2017 tennis season is scheduled for Thursday, November 10th. The Tara Woods Angels will again be captained by Sharon Boehlke, with Julie Wehrung as Co-Captain. We have 10 ladies on the team this season, with 7 regulars and 3 subs. The list of team members is posted on the Tennis Bulletin Board. All of our home games are played on Thursday mornings at 10:00 AM; our away games vary as to starting time. Once the tennis match schedule has been approved, it will be posted on the Tennis Bulletin Board. – Linda Engel MEN’S LEAGUE Red League The Red Team is looking forward to a new season of friendly Continues:

on page


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www.twha.us • 941.349.0194 • November 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

20 | The Columns

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • November 2016 • 941.349.0194 • www.twha.us


Be one of the winners at our Tuesday night BINGO.

And you can win more than once during the night!

If your eyesight isn’t as good as it once was, now you

can play too. We have really BIG game packs and “Specials” that are 8 ½” x 11” with 2” numbers.

No additional charge for the ticket that can make you the “King” or the “Queen” for the night and earn you even more money on all game sheets.

Game packets are sold with either 6 game squares

per sheet or 9 game squares. The “Special” game papers have 3 game squares. Buy as many as you’d like!

Ladies and Gentlemen, come join us on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Card Room. Cost is $3.00. Will you have the first Bunco or the last, or the most? Will you have the most wins, or the most losses? If you do, the prize money will be yours! Come join the fun. Questions: call Polly Brown 731-1614

HORSESHOES Every Friday at 1:00 PM At the Horseshoe Pits. Come join us for fun and laughs.


Our Tuesday night BINGO session consists of 14 We also have “Hot Ball” prizes of $50.00 or more and a “Social” raffle. Sales STOP at 6:45 PM. Come join the fun.


BOCCE Tuesdays at 10:00 AM (With the changing of the clocks which is the first Sunday in November • 9:00 AM during Daylight Saving Time) No need to sign up Don’t need a partner New teams chosen every week ~ Easy to learn Questions: call Frank Millette 543-2954


Looking for all bridge players. We play on Tuesdays in the Card Room – come between 12:30 and 12:45 PM. Call Beth first to come and join our friendly group. Call Beth Ferris, 543-6295, or Rita Sick, 731-1106, if you are interested in joining this friendly group to play bridge.

Meets on Wednesday Nights In the Clubhouse Card Room at 7:00 PM. $.50 to buy in, but offers some “big” prize money!

SUNDAY NIGHT MEN’S POKER Texas Hold’em Style Tournament 7:00 PM in the Craft House If interested contact Bill Black, 636-978-7815

Questions: contact Eddie and Pat Sparany, 652-3869.

Meets in the Clubhouse Card Room at 7:00 PM on Monday and Thursday nights. The game consists of 11 hands and is easy to learn. Eight quarters gets you in. Come join the fun and play a great card game.

regular games and 6 “Special” games


Come join the Mah Jongg group. Do not know how to play? We teach the first three Mondays of the month. We have a great time. Come & join us on Mondays 12:00-3:00 PM. The Happy Ladies of Mah Jongg. Any questions, please contact: Jane DeGuire, 567-0656, or Ruth Zimmer,731-8594.


LADIES! DO YOU PLAY POKER? How long has it been since you’ve played with friends? Did you know there’s a game every Monday night at the Clubhouse just for the ladies? Well, we really don’t have a “No Boys Allowed!!!” rule, but men usually don’t like to play with wild cards and we do. But they’re welcome to play as long as they are willing to “play like girls”. It is most likely the least stressful and least expensive poker you can play around here! It’s a good night to socialize with the ladies and make new friends with the girls who like to play poker. The stakes are very low. Call Polly Brown, 7311614, if you’d like to join us – she’ll fill you in on the details or answer any questions you may have.

The Regular Monthly Happy Hour will be held on Wednesday, November 9th on the Verandah (or in the Clubhouse if inclement weather) at 5:00 PM. A $2.00 donation is requested. Please bring a substantial appetizer to share along with your own table setting. Check out the notice on the bulletin board in the Clubhouse for details, and please indicate whether you plan on attending. If you know of someone who hasn’t come to the regular monthly Happy Hour, please encourage them to attend. These get-togethers are open to all those staying at Tara Woods and their guests, and offers a great opportunity to make new friends. We are looking forward to seeing you there! Carl Marquis, 567-2955

HAND and FOOT CARD CLUB Come join the group for a fun-filled afternoon of cards! We meet on Fridays at 1:00 PM in the Card Room. Don’t know how to play the game? EASY! We will teach you! It is easy to learn. Questions: contact George Stelling, 731-6709, or Marty Hradkowsky, 609-709-7717.

MOVIE NITE Due to multiple functions at the Clubhouse, there will be NO movies shown in November or December. Thank you, Lloyd and Carolyn Kelsey

The Columns |


www.twha.us • 941.349.0194 • November 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Book Discussion Club Thursday, November 3rd at 1:30 PM 2760 Steamboat Loop Join us to talk about the books we have been enjoying and maybe borrow one you would like to read. Newcomers welcome. Questions: Call Marilyn Workman, 543-1168

BIRTHDAYS IN NOVEMBER: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Rick Lubich, Cliff Phillips Joan Johnson, Gene Oliver, Roger Rafferty, Jack Smith Donald Anderson, Joe Bigelow, Tim Bostic Wendy Jarry Eileen Robinson Emmett Linderman, Barb Miller Rod Browder Audrey Coon, Donna Gaudet Karen Finkle, Don Girty – 95 Yrs., Shirley Mize, Doug Plested Frank Grant, Kent Hetzer Bob Baeschlin, John Beenen, Bob Gooding, Jack Wood Carol Andrews, Nancy Lyford Colleen Brown, Rose Tilelli Gloria Conklin, Richard Gendron, Carl Marquis, Ron Mester Dan Appese, John Pavao, Ed Simko, Bob Stickles Richard Binkowski,

Carol Dillon, Lu Gendron, Bev Langill Angie D’Alessandro, Bill Powers, Ann Scott, Don Werner Tessa Berg, Leanne Halfman, William Sandell 19 John Hill, Fred Kossen, Ann West 20 Jean Bibeau, Kelly Elkins, Harry Hoffman, Roger Jarry, Leo Lange 21 Dorothy Benedict, Ron Heidmous, Bill Machnicz, Doug Peters, Loretta Slochowsky 22 Patti Clark 23 Jean Chick 24 Bob Prenoveau 26 Dan Duda 27 Jeannette Whitacre 28 Harriet Bush, Bob Byrne, Bobbie Combs, Barb Luce 30 John Costantini

17 18

ANNIVERSARIES IN NOVEMBER: 1 3 5 8 10 13 14 19

Norma & Larry Jones, Jane & Sam Long Barbara & Bernie Sciarpelletti Lynda & Brian Francey Nancy & Don Haggerty, Patti & Sandy Thompson June Neavling & Joe Brown Sandy & Jim Dahlhofer Linda &Warren Engel Deb & Jim Towne

Continuing Tennis News: from page 18 and fierce competition. Fred, Da- a White Team. We are unable to kota, Pete, and John have been announce the players at this time or playing together on Saturdays in when the league will start. But we preparation for bringing their best will be playing our home games on to the courts! We are excited and Tuesdays at 1:30 PM. We encourhold great anticipation for the ar- age you to attend and cheer us on. rival of our fellow teammates and We will post our schedule on the for our first match in November Tennis Bulletin Board as soon as against Sabal Springs. See you on we receive it from the league. The the courts! – Dakota Windancer players’ names will be published in next month’s Columns. – Gerry White League Gagnon The start of the North Fort Myers tennis league is fast approachBlue League ing and Tara Woods will again field The Tara Woods “Tigers” line-

20 21 22 23 24 27

Jeannette & Bill Whitacre – 62 Yrs. Sherley & Joe Colacino – 60 Yrs., Linda & Mike Renzulli Judy & Dale Holat Sharon & Don Boehlke Doris & Milty Katz Joanne & Rich Araujo – 51 Yrs.

Contact Shirley Ringleben, 731-2748, before November 10th for Special Recognition of Anniversaries, 50, 55 or 60+ in December 2016!

up for the 2016-2017 tennis season looks like 9 regular players and 3 subs. George D’Alessandro is our team captain, and Phil Franchini will co-captain this year. As of October 3rd we have 3 players raring to go and 6 more are en route... we hope. The first meeting of the team captains is October 23rd and the season is scheduled to start November 10th. We look forward to a fun year. – Bill Powers Linda Engel

TARA WOODS COMPUTER CLUB Chorus began its 6th season with flying colors. Our Director, Dave Adams, played our newly purchased Clavinova named “Clara-Bella.” It’s not too early to mark your calendars to reserve the evening of Saturday, March 25, 2017 for our performance “An American Celebration”. The Choralaires from Del Tura will not be joining us this time. We will be singing a variety of music and we would like to invite you to a rehearsal so you may check us out and listen to some of the music. Rehearsals are in the Clubhouse on Mondays, from 1:30 – 3:30 PM. Just a bit of extra information: we are looking for more male voices!! We would also urge you to attend the “Community Opportunity Fair” on Saturday, November 19th from 3:00 – 6:00 PM. We will have a table with information about our past performances and you will have an opportunity to meet our Director, Dave Adams. He will be happy to answer any questions you may have. We look forward to seeing you! Shirley Ringleben

The Tara Woods Computer Club provides free computer classes, and is open to all residents and visitors. We spend as much time as we need to on each topic, and the next topic to be covered is always posted on the bulletin board in the Clubhouse. Feel free to attend only those classes that appeal to you. It’s never too late to join our group, even if you’re a total novice. Meetings are held every Thursday at 10:30 AM in the Card Room at the Clubhouse. Our first meeting for this year will be held on November 3rd. We will discuss the topics to be covered this season. Your input would be greatly appreciated. I also answer general questions, as well as any topic the club members might suggest. Last month we covered tablets, smart phones, ebook readers, and other portable devices. We

will be continuing with computer speech, music, and videos. This includes computer voices and textto-speech, voice recognition and search, streaming and downloading music, media players, and online or recorded videos. Bring something to take notes with, and your laptop computer if you want to follow along on it. I will answer any question you care to ask me. I also give private lessons and set up or repair computers in your home. I’ve been designing and working with computers since 1968, and can help you with all of your computer needs. Please call me with any questions or comments at 652-0488. I’m looking forward to seeing you. Dave St.Laurent, The Computer Tutor

22 | The Columns

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • November 2016 • 941.349.0194 • www.twha.us



Don Davis

Contracting, Inc.

ADDITIONS & REPAIRS So, Ladies and Gentlemen…I hope you all enjoyed the stories by our members over the summer months. The one fact you see from these stories is that most people did not come to the Entertainers with previous involvement nor realizing this would be a rewarding experience. Most people came to

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gether information about what they do and then at the Fair will be displaying this information to you in a fun way. I know that the Entertainers are pulling out all the stops to present what we do and explain to you how much we want and need your help. Each club will be having games, giveaways and/or prizes to attract you to their table. So mark your calendars – Saturday, November 19th. You will be hearing more about this as the month continues, but please keep in mind The Entertainers will definitely have the most fun booth you will visit on Saturday, November 19th; come see for yourself. Hope to see you there. Pat-one, Stage Manager Entertainers



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us because someone asked them. So here I am asking you to consider joining the Entertainers on or off stage this year. Call me if interested at 599-4490. November is here, which means that our snowbirds are returning. Also we are drawing closer to the Opportunity Fair on Saturday, November 19th. The Board of Directors is giving you the chance to see up close and personal what is going on in Tara Woods and just perhaps you would like to try your hand at something new or perhaps different. The clubs and groups are gathering to-

NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH Your NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH is working for you. The two primary reasons for the WATCH are the protection of our residents and the observation of our community. Check on your neighbors who may be housebound or ill. If you haven’t seen them for a while, check on them. If you see something out of the ordinary, call and report the problem (911 or 239-477-1000). If you are calling from a cell phone, remember to tell them you are in Lee County. THIS MONTH’S TIPS: • Notify the front gate of incoming visitors or deliveries • Our speed limit is 20 MPH • Visiting season is here. REMEMBER ONLY LICENSED DRIVERS for your Golf Carts •You are responsible for any damages At Saturday Morning Coffee, starting with the first Saturday of November and running through the season, a Neighborhood Watch representative will give a presentation with a question and answer period.


Bob Glandoff

The Columns |


www.twha.us • 941.349.0194 • November 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

Time For A

YeAr-end invesTmenT review

With the holiday season upon us, you may well be busier than usual. However, by spending a few minutes reviewing your investment scenario of this past year, you can see where you’ve been, where you might be going, and what you need to do to keep moving forward toward your long-term financial goals. So, as you look back at 2016, pay close attention to these elements of your investment picture: PERFORMANCE – Reviewing your investment performance over time is important in helping you determine if you’re on track to achieve your financial goals. So, in evaluating how your investments did in 2016, ask yourself some key questions: How did your investments do relative to their performance in past years? If there was a big difference, what might have accounted for it? Were your returns relevant to your long-term goals? In other words, if you have already established a return rate you’ll need to reach your goals – and you should indeed set such a rate – were your actual returns “on track” to help you make progress toward your objectives? And, just as importantly, were your return expectations realistic, based on your investment mix and the market environment? INVESTMENT MIX – If you are a diligent investor following a well-designed strategy, you probably started out in 2016 with an investment mix that reflects your risk tolerance, time horizon, and short- and long-term goals. But over time, your investment mix can change, even without your having done so on purpose. If you owned a certain percentage of an asset, such as growth stocks, and those stocks appreciated in price substantially, they could take up a larger percentage of your portfolio than you had intended, thereby exposing you to a higher risk level than that with which you are comfortable. So now that the year is coming to a close, examine your investment mix to see if it needs “rebalancing.” CONTRIBUTION LEVELS – Are you taking full advantage of your 401(k) or other employer-sponsored retirement plan? Specifically, if you got a raise this past year, did you boost your contributions to your plan? The more you invest now, and throughout your working life, the less likely it will be that you have to play “catch up” in the years immediately preceding your retirement. MISTAKES – We all make mistakes in every walk of life – including the way we invest. In looking back over 2016, can you spot some investment mistakes you might have made? Did you temporarily “bail out” on investing immediately after the “Brexit” vote, only to find, a few weeks later, that the markets had soared to record highs? Did you act on impulse and buy a so-called “hot” stock that turned out to be inappropriate for your needs and risk level? While mistakes like these might be costly in the short term, they can ultimately prove invaluable – if you learn from them. We’re just about ready to turn the page on the 2016 calendar. So, as you review your investment decisions for the past year, try to determine what worked, what didn’t – and what you can do to improve your results in 2017.

This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.

Edward Jones, its employees and investment representatives do not offer estate-planning, tax or legal advice. “Adam Hromiak AAMS, CRPC is a Financial Advisor with Edward Jones Investments in Cape Coral on 3571 North Del Prado Blvd. Suite 7 Entrada Plaza, 1/2 mile West of Rt. 41. He can be contacted at (239) 731-6338” 12/16

24 | The Columns

Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • November 2016 • 941.349.0194 • www.twha.us


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Friday, November 4th This is a FREE event.


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This year’s FASHION SHOW is

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Everyone in Tara Woods is welcome to attend. You must sign up to bring either a salad or dessert on TWO serving plates. Of course we will be selling raffle tickets, so bring some money with you. Prizes include a $25.00 gift card for Publix, a basket from Mary Kay cosmetics, and a gift card from Bon Worth fashions, and we will have a 50/50. This year, members of the Club will be supplying the wine and cheese platters.


Please remember that this year the Garden Club also has the responsibility for the CRAFT FAIR Saturday, November 5th, 9:00 AM till 1:00 PM These are two very important events. Everyone please mark your calendars. If you are new to Tara Woods, welcome. This is a great time to come meet some of your neighbors. The Fashion Show is always a great event. We have some new vendors for the CRAFT FAIR. As a reminder, Gentlemen please help! We need you. We need volunteers (women and men) on the morning of Friday, November 4th at 8:00 AM to set up for the Fashion Show. After the Show, we will need you back around 3:00 PM to help move and add tables for the Craft Fair. The day of the Craft Fair, Saturday, November 5th, we will again need help at 7:00 AM to assist the vendors bringing their wares into the Clubhouse. Then again, we will need help to break down the Craft Fair at 1:00 PM, and to assist the vendors returning their items back to their cars and reset the Clubhouse back to its normal setting. Please help whenever you are available! We really appreciate your help and could not do this without you. Questions, call Rachelle Dellarocca, 543-7755 WHAT TO PLANT Bedding Plants: Create a display of fall colors with cool season plants. Some to try are imContinues:

on page


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patiens, strawflower, cape daisy, and pansy. Bulbs: Many bulbs like to get their start in cool weather. Bulbs to plant this month include amaryllis, crinum, and the many varieties of elephant’s ear. Herbs: Continue planting herbs from seeds or plants. A wide variety of herbs like cooler, dryer weather, including cilantro, dill, fennel, parsley, sage, and thyme. Vegetables: Continue planting cool season crops such as beet, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, kale, and lettuce.


areas of grass to turn brown. Since treatment is difficult, prevention with proper cultural practices is key. Scale on ornamental plants: Now that temperatures are lower, use dormant oil sprays to control scale insects. Irrigation: Plants need less supplemental watering in cooler weather. Turn off systems and water only if needed. Fertilization and Irrigation Needs of Florida Lawns and Landscapes Poinsettias: Watch for hornworms on poinsettias planted in the landscape. This pest can quickly defoliate a plant; handpick or treat only the area infested. Lawns: This is a great time to plant ryegrass to cover bare patches in the lawn

WHAT TO DO Perennials: Divide and replant overgrown perennials, ornamental grasses, and bulbs now so that they establish before the coolest weather arrives. Fungal disease: Until May, Excerpts from University of watch for brown patch and large Florida Gardening Calendar patch, fungal diseases that cause

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Come join us for a great lunch. We go to a different restaurant each month. We collect $2.00 from each person per luncheon. At the end of the year, we give the money to a local charity. It averages between $300.00 and $400.00 a year. Come join us the first Tuesday of the month. The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the Clubhouse. Come for fun, laughter, and good food. Patty Sparany, 652-3869



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bers who would be interested in working with audio/visual systems and equipment. Our loss of these members will make it difficult to continue to provide our services to the community. Experience is preferred but not necessary. If interested, please talk to Polly Brown or Frank Millette. Once again from the Sound & Lighting Committee thank you for your continued support.

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Your support inspires us to keep providing professional entertainment for the community and providing support to community groups, organizations and resident events. Many of you have told us that when the Sound & Lighting puts on a show, you know you are going to enjoy it and we appreciate hearing that. Recently, two members of our group have left our community and now we are looking for new mem-

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www.twha.us • 941.349.0194 • November 2016 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC

The The

Poolside Pub Located Inside Del Tura Golf & Country Club • Public Always Welcome $4.99 Lunch Specials Every Day 11-3 • Happy Hour Every Day 3-6 STOP IN AND GRAB A CALENDAR OF EVENTS TODAY!

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Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • November 2016 • 941.349.0194 • www.twha.us

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