The Tower Volume 36 | NO 4 | APRIL 2020
INSIDE President’s Korner
5 Good Timer’s At The 7 Hydrant Del Tura 14 Creative Writer’s Workshop Sports & Exercise
Cards & Games Kenny Hess Concert
27 FISH Activities
Calendars & Save The Date
COVID-19 – The CORONAVIRUS – Update as of 3/16/20 At the writing of this article, both the State of Florida and Lee County have declared states of emergency regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. Recommendations to shelter in place for the next 15 – 30 days are being strongly suggested, as is the direction to keep a six-foot distance between you and everyone else. There are numerous travel restrictions, and these also seem to be growing as the pandemic spreads throughout the United States. Most activities in Del Tura have closed until further notice, in order to protect the health and wellbeing of our residents. All common areas, as well as buildings, pools, courts and courses are closed “indefinitely” at Del Tura. On the flip side, many of our beaches remain open and are filled with Spring Breakers. Sadly, this may increase the number of people impacted by COVID-19. If you have visitors, please know current reports are that this virus can pass to any
of us from others, even if no symptoms are present. Maintain the six-foot distance, if possible! Information has not been consistent across sources, and changes to guidelines seemingly are occurring daily. Washing our hands and staying at least six feet away from anyone is the consistent information cited to stay clear of the virus. The following website tracks the latest information on COVID-19, and is maintained by the State of Florida, Department of Health. I found this website to be comprehensive in information and you may want to check it out. diseases-and-conditions/ COVID-19/index.html
The CDC (Center for Disease Control), as well as Lee County, and the federal government all have website information on COVID-19 too. On these websites, you will find tips on how to protect yourself from the virus, who is at highest risk and statistics by location of reported cases, hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19. Arming ourselves with good information is key to staying healthy.
EMERGENCY POINT OF CONTACT INFORMATION When was the last time you submitted/updated your Emergency Point of Contact information with Hometown America? Was it when you first purchased your home? Now is the time to update your information with the HTA office. In case of an emergency who do you want notified? Think about it and update your records now. For residents with internet access, please email any emergency contact updates to Colleen Walters at Otherwise please feel free to stop into the administration office during normal business hours.
TOWER DEADLINE: The 9th of the month, for the following month’s issue. All articles and flyers must be submitted in a Microsoft Word document format, or you may drop off at the HOA office in a TYPED or HAND PRINTED format only. Questions - please contact us via e-mail: or drop them at the office. Thank You