The Tower Volume 32 | NO 1 | JANUARY 2021
Happy New Year 2021 INSIDE
Christmas Entrance Lighting
3....... President Korner 4................. Reflections 6........ Del Tura Repertory 10....Board Candidates 14....... Creative Writers 16....Bricks for Veterans 18......Movember Event 19...............Cart Parade 20.................Butterflies
THANK YOU to all the residents that donated money and display items. You make the display possible. THANK YOU to the residents that participated in the State Wreath Challenge and voted. THANK YOU to the residents that attended the lighting of the entrance. 500 plus man hours were donated by the Elves. The new additions this year were the expanded snowman village, the igloo, and the dancing tree. We hope you all enjoyed and
continue to enjoy the lights. A special THANK YOU to the Elves - you make it happen! Mark and Char Maaske, Dan and Sue Larson, Beth and Greg Wilkerson, Gary and Debby Peck, Jim and Jackie Hinrichs, Marylou Buss, Dottie and Frank Barilla, Ray and Karen Hahn, Ed Urbanke, Betsy Bartoletti, Kay Trombley, Jim Stenzel, Ed Laurie, Chuck Reese, Gail Lawrence, Al Wells. Thank you all - Leon Buss
Wreath Winners: 1st place – Ohio 2nd place – Florida 3rd place - Michigan
22.................. Birthdays 24....................... Sports 29.... Del Tura Contacts 33.................. Activities 46................. Calendars TOWER DEADLINE: The 9th of the month, for the following month’s issue. All articles and flyers must be submitted in a Microsoft Word document format, or you may drop off at the HOA office in a TYPED or HAND PRINTED format only. Questions - please contact us via e-mail: or drop them at the office. Thank You