THE COLUMNS Vol. 26 No. 5 941-349-0194
Tara Woods Homeowners Association –
May 2015
St. Patrick’s Day at Tara Woods Dinner hosted by Janet and George Daly and friends was a fun-filled evening. Everyone who attended enjoyed the food, activities, dancing and as always the highly anticipated performance by the Kellyn Celtic Arts Irish Dance Academy Dancers This awe inspiring group of dancers never seems to disappoint the crowd.
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Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • May 2015 • 941.349.0194 •
WELCOME NEW RESIDENTS Dorothy Carlson is a new full-time resident on 19608 Woodfield Circle. Dorothy is originally from Minnesota where she retired as an account representative in Target’s corporate office. She has one child and two “Yorkies”. She enjoys fishing, gardening, bird watching, bible study, music, games, baking, walking and spending time with her “grandpuppies”. Dorothy is looking forward to meeting new people and socializing. Jean Chick is a new full-time resident on 19708 Charleston Circle and is originally from Oklahoma. Jean is a retired 3rd grade teacher from the Amarillo Public School system. Jean has two children, four grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. She enjoys sewing, reading, gardening, walking, bike riding and playing games. Jean would like to start a singles group here if possible. Steve and Kelly Elkins are new full-time residents on 19326 Amelia Road and are originally from Illinois, but have lived in Florida for many years. Steve retired after 38 years with the U.S. Postal Service, and Kelly retired from the Lee Memorial Health System where she was a recruiter. Steve’s hobbies include motorcycles and yard work. Kelly enjoys gardening, ceramics and games. They have four children and eleven grandchildren. They are looking forward to the activities and making friends while living in Tara Woods. Fred and Janet Kossen are new part-time residents on 2627 Macon Circle. They are from Centereach, Long Island, but while visiting friends here decided this is the place to be. Fred is a retired automobile dealer, and Janet is a retired hair dresser. Fred likes muscle cars and collectibles, and Janet enjoys artwork, beading and crafts. They have two children and three grandchildren. They are enjoying their new home and hope to stay longer each year. Ed and Barb Pollitt are new full-time residents on 19595 Woodfield Circle and are originally from Pennsylvania. Ed is retired from the U.S. Postal Service, and Barb is retired from Aristech Chemical. They have three children and five grandchildren. Barb enjoys stitching and music. Welcome to Tara Woods, Joanne Byrne
MANAGER’S CORNER As some of our residents are leaving for the summer, it is important that we have a contact while you are gone. Please supply the Office with the following information: 1. Name 2. Address 3. Phone number (Cell or Land line) 4. Expected return date It is also important that you have someone take care of the outside trimming and weeding. Have a safe summer and we will see you when you return in the fall. Doug Objartel
(To view Activities, Sports & Clubs please see pages: 6-10 & 13-18 Thank you!)
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The Columns |
3 • 941.349.0194 • May 2015 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
FROM THE PRESIDENT May will find our community becoming fewer in residents, but not lacking in things to do. Don’t forget to sign up for the Kentucky Derby Party on Saturday, May 2nd. Last year we had an all-time record of 85 people! Will we top that this year? Only if you sign up and come join the fun. Happy Hour is always the second Wednesday of the month starting at 5:30 PM. Note the time change, as our new summer president, Mary Green, is still working and won’t be able to get there until then. That doesn’t mean you can’t come earlier and enjoy the pool! Movie Nite will continue through the summer on the last Saturday of the month, and Saturday Morning Coffee continues through the summer every Saturday at 8:00 AM. The time of the meeting will change to 8:45 AM for the summer. The Mother’s Day Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, May 9th will be the last one until November. Summer golf for both men and women will be on Tuesdays at Del Tura starting in May. Call Larry Baldwin for information. The ten-
nis courts are more readily available, but they will be repaired and painted sometime this summer. Don’t be surprised if you go out to play and they’re unavailable. Please be aware that this is the last single issue of the Columns. Next month will be a combined June/July issue, followed by a combined August/September issue, so you may have to put in information for an event a month early. With many of you leaving and most likely gone by the end of May, don’t forget to send Barbara your “News from the North”. That was very popular in last summer’s Columns, and I look forward to hearing what you are involved in when at your northern home. As a result of the Activities meeting in March with the Club presidents and representatives, I am pleased to announce that the Halloween Party will be hosted by the New England Club, and the Midwest Club is hosting the Christmas Party. Kathy Rafferty and friends will host the New Year’s Eve Party. There will be no Bon Voyage Party or Memorial Day event this
year, but the Board and friends will host a Fourth of July Picnic, and the New York/New Jersey Club will host a Labor Day Clambake. Thank you to the Clubs and everyone who has volunteered to host an Activities event. No one has stepped up to host the Valentine’s Party for 2016, as of this writing. If any organized group or other group of people would be willing to host this party, please let Frank Millette know. If it is not spoken for, there will be no party. The St. Patrick’s Day Party for 2016 will once again be hosted by The Dalys and friends. Stay well and safe travels this summer. Don’t forget to send Barbara your “News from the North” ( See you soon.
Janet Daly The secret of life is not to do what you like, but to like what you do.
APOLOGY FROM THE PRESIDENT The April meeting of the Association certainly had its ups and downs. I would like to clarify my report of the Board’s consideration of holding a “Meet and Greet” get-together for new residents. My intention was apparently misunderstood by some people. This is an idea born of people’s concern that new residents are not being assimilated into the community activities. This has nothing to do with the current Welcome Committee or Orientation being run so efficiently by Donna Phillips and Bev Bayer. I apologize for not making this clear when I made the report. These ladies and their committee do a great job of getting an abundance of information out to new residents in a limited amount of time. A
“Meet and Greet” would expand the opportunity of new residents to meet club presidents and representatives from every group that would like to attend and share information about their group in a social atmosphere. I hope this clarifies my intentions and heals all misunderstandings. Apparently, I came across as rather insensitive when answering the question about RV’s, trailers, etc. being parked on resident’s lots. I answered as best as I could remember, but I should have offered to look into it further. I apologize for being rather tactless with my reply. After further investigation of the Guidelines for Community Living, Section 12, Part D states, “Campers, motor homes or boats will be permitted to
load and unload, but not to remain overnight on the street. No person may remain overnight or otherwise reside in the Community in any camper, motor home or similar vehicle.” The Front Office would be able to supply more detailed information if you witness an incident that concerns you. If you do not get a satisfactory response, then, by all means, bring this to the attention of the HOA Board of Directors. I will look into having copies of the current “Guidelines for Community Living” available at the monthly meetings. Janet Daly, President Tara Woods Homeowners Association
COLUMNS STAFF EDITOR: Barbara J. Roland ( ASSISTANTS: Linda Engel, Mary Ellen Gold, Audrey Perry, and Marcia Poveromo PHOTOGRAPHY Ann Kabbas & Pat Sparany CALENDAR: Polly Brown CIRCULATION: Gail Sanfilippo, Manager Coordinators: Agatha Breen, Jane & Bill Crawford, Troy Duda, Lloyd & Carolyn Kelsey, Ralph Latimer, Sharie and Norm Libby, Diane & Bob Nunn, Marcia & Chuck Poveromo Kathy & Roger Rafferty, Ed Simko, George Stelling, Gerald & Julia Wehrung. REPORTERS Reporters will be noted by their bylines at the end of each article. Bill Nothnagel, Tara Woods Homeowners Association Liaison
4 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • May 2015 • 941.349.0194 •
I have 20 renters looking for seasonal rentals
JANUARY - MARCH 2016 All my units are full for that time period!
My name is Jim Brockhagen and I handle all background checks through Hometown America (their requirement) and get top dollar for owners that have a contract with me. I can supply references at both Tara Woods and Del Tura. I live in Tara Woods. I am a licensed Florida R.E. Broker.
Interested Parties Can Contact Me At:
I want to thank Dolores Paeth and Lee and Judy Brda for their devoted time each month in helping to deliver the Columns. They no longer will be delivering the Columns. If anyone is interested in delivering the Columns, please give me a call; I always need the help. Thank you, Gail Sanfilippo, 567-1401
I would like to make all contributors to the Columns aware that our Summer issues will be doubled up into one issue covering 2 months: June/July and August/September. The deadline for the June/July issue is May 10th, and the deadline for the August/ September issue is July 10th. Please make sure you submit your articles to me by those dates at In October, we will again begin to print monthly issues. If you have any questions, I can be reached at
631-727-8467. Enjoy your summer whether you are in the North or in the South, and don’t forget to forward to me your special moments. The community really enjoyed hearing about the “News from the North” last year. I hope to again hear more about people’s activities no matter where they are writing from. Thanks for your cooperation. Barbara Roland Columns Editor
EASTER DINNER Easter Dinner was a big success. There were 110 people who attended and all seemed to enjoy the food which was prepared by the Easter committee and the women at each table. The desserts were prepared by a bakery in North Port and were absolutely delicious. After all expenses were paid, we were able to donate $200 to the Ronald McDonald House.
The Columns |
5 • 941.349.0194 • May 2015 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
TARA WOODS MASONIC CLUB ningham (Bob Cooney’s sonin-law from Herons Glen), Don and Rosemary Girty, Suzy and Gib Loesel, Tom and Victoria Sharps, Barbara and Bob Stickles, Richard and Carole Stonhill, Bob and Darlene Wehlage, Shirley Gabrys, Tod Ramsey, Terry Vibbert, Nancy Schoeppner. A good time was had by all. Submitted by Beth Ferris, for Bob Cooney, leader of the Club.
CHARLESTON CIRCLE BLOCK PARTY A big thank you to the Charleston Circle party committee from set-up and clean-up crew, to servers, cooks, bartenders, and creative department, everyone put their best foot forward to make this Black and White party amazing. This year we raised $443.76 for the Ronald McDonald House. Thanks to Moe and Don for working the wheel and to the partygoers for participating. See you next year. Have a safe and fun summer. Robert and Ruth Aspin
The Masonic Club meets monthly, going out for breakfast together. On March 26, we met for a luncheon and invited our spouses and honored guests whose husbands had been in the
Club. Included is a photo of our group on that day. Back row, left to right: Bill Hampton, Bob Cooney, Jim Howard, Kay Hampton, Cliff Phillips, Barbara Miller, Ken and Beth Ferris, Bob and Phyllis Apple. Front row, left to right: Shirley Smalley, Irene Dorr, Louise Phillips, Estelle Greenaway. Those who could not be in attendance included: Bob and Mary Baeschlin, Ron and Lorrie Cun-
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Stephanie Norris 8-9/15
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6 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • May 2015 • 941.349.0194 •
DISTRIBUTION OF TWHA MEMBERSHIP CARDS By the time you read this, I will have distributed many of the 2015 Tara Woods Homeowners Association membership cards. I’ve tried to catch most of the snowbirds before they leave. This is to inform you that Tony and I will be here all summer. Therefore, if you have paid your dues, and not received your membership card, I have one for you. Also, if you have not paid your dues for 2015, I will be happy to accept dues from you and give you your card. At this point, these cards are informational only. They tell what year you have paid for and when the card expires. The Board is considering other ways these cards would be to your advantage. Once again, I will give you some information that may be needed. Dues are $15 per household per year. Cash and checks made out to TWHA are accepted. Dues may be deposited in the “Rent” mail slot outside the homeowners office. Put your payment in an envelope with “Dues” or my name on it. For any questions about your membership status, please call me.
Condolences to the friends and families of Peter Morton, Bernice Ryan, Bradford Brooks, Russ Hampson and Ray Congdon, Jr. (son of former resident Dottie Congdon) who passed away this past month. Get well wishes are sent to Ben Craig, Helen Boettger, Tony Perre, Jean Van Sicklin, Marty Hradkowsky and Dona Fox and others in the community who are struggling with health issues. To those of you who are going north for the summer, please stay well. If you have some medical issues you care to share with the community, give me a call. Stay well! Nancy Wuebbeler, 288-5778
Celeste Perre, Membership Secretary 19747 Pandora Circle Lot 435 731-7146 •
This was an amazing year for our softball team. I was asked to take over the managerial duties from Tony Perre when he resigned due to illness. It took awhile – with many changes in the lineup as well as who played what position. During the second half of the season, we started scoring more runs and making the games closer in scores, causing the other teams to take notice of us. Opposing teams commented on the amount of support we get from our fans, even down to the music provided by George and Janet Daly. They also commented on our team showing up to play every game with the tenacity that this would be the first win of many. We were also told that it usually takes a new team at least two years to gel and win a game. We did it in less than two years and also scored the maximum of 5 runs in an inning four times. We are looking forward to next season and know we will win more games. We are looking for new players to join the team. A fund raiser is planned for January, and we hope to see you all there and at the games. Anyone interested in playing next year or making a donation to help defray the cost of participating in the league can contact me, Bob Uccello. Again, from the team and myself, “THANK YOU” for a great year and for your support. Bob Uccello, Team Manager, 599-4264
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The Columns |
7 • 941.349.0194 • May 2015 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
1st Ken Clark Don Watson 2nd Bill Gray John Beenem 3rd Carole Clark Sue Riedel 3rd Ray LeClair Joe Vansickle
1st 2nd 3rd
B FLITE 1st 2nd 3rd
B FLITE 1st Ron Proulx Sue Proulx 2nd Sal Furia Tom Powers 3rd Donna Phillips Elaine Lavoie
Ken Atkinson Bill Gray Ann West
Elaine Lavoie Gene Johnson Bev Bayer
Took second place -Waneta Godfrey
Jay and Lee Mercer, Owners
A Flite and B Flite played in the park on Tuesdays and Fridays. Tuesday they played with a partner so they counted their score with their partner. On Friday, they played singles, so each person used only their score to win. You did not have a partner to help you score points; you were on your own. The Travel Teams: There are 8 different teams from 8 different parks. We played each park two times, once in our park and once in their park. That is why we are called the Travel Team of Tara Woods. We have 14 people on our team; some played 3 games and some played 2 games and they might switch each week. It takes 10 people to play a game and we play 3 games with 10 people for each game from each team. The most a team can get is 30 points for all 3 games. We enjoy the Travel Team because we get to meet other people in other parks.
8 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • May 2015 • 941.349.0194 •
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TENNIS ASSOCIATION MEETING Here are the results of the March 22nd election of officers for the Tennis Association: Continuing in their present positions will be Nancy Schoeppner as President, Kathy Rafferty as Secretary, and Carole Neveu as Treasurer. Newly elected to be Vice President is Frank Neveu. Frank started his new job as Vice President by replacing the old storage bin on Court 1 with a new one; this bin is only to be used for the ball machine and ball machine equipment. All other practice balls should be stored in the bin on Court 3. Frank also is getting the replacement wind screens for next season. It was mentioned at the Tennis Association Meeting that the storage area by the tennis
courts needed to be cleaned out. Fred Puhlfuerst volunteered to do the job and got a group of men together on March 24th to discard unwanted items and do a general cleaning of that area. They also cut pieces of carpet to make new carpet mops that are used to wipe up the courts after it rains. Thanks go out to Fred Puhlfuerst, George Daly, Warren Engel, Frank Neveu, and Bob Polenska for a job well done. The first-aid drawer has been restocked. If you use the nextto-last item, please advise the Office, Kathy Rafferty, or Nancy Schoeppner. It is the responsibility of Hometown America, not the Tennis Association, to stock the first-aid drawer, and it is available to anyone in need. Special note: The tennis courts should be resurfaced this summer. Without rain it should
take one week to do the job. ROUND ROBIN The last Round Robin of the season was held on Sunday, March 22nd. Only 14 people signed up to play tennis that day. Despite the low turnout, everyone looked like they were having a good time. The weather was pretty warm, but after each match we retreated to the shade and enjoyed the refreshments that were provided by Kathy Rafferty. After the last tennis ball was hit over the net that day, everyone had a chance to go home for a shower and a little relaxation time before we gathered at the Clubhouse for socializing, dinner, and our meeting. The dinner was hosted by Carole and Frank Neveu. They served sub sandwiches and wraps, a vegetable platter, and dessert.
(Continues on page 9)
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The Columns |
9 • 941.349.0194 • May 2015 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
TENNIS LEAGUES WOMEN’S LEAGUE The Women’s SWIFT League is over for another season. As stated in the April Columns, the Tara Woods Angels took first place in the league, and the Tara Woods Jewels took second place. Both teams were recognized for their achievement at the annual SWIFT luncheon that was held on March 26th at Lake Fairways.
Next season there will be just one Women’s team for Tara Woods – the Tara Woods Angels, with Sharon Boehlke as their Captain and Julie Wehrung as Co-Captain. The names of the other team members are listed on the Tennis Bulletin Board. We’re looking forward to another great season of tennis. – Linda Engel MEN’S LEAGUE Red League The Red Team worked hard, had a lot of fun, and finished in the same position as last year!!! What was really impressive was the number of Tara Woods spectators who came to watch us play week after week – at home and away. The Red Team thanks you for your support. We would like to take this time to wish all of you a happy and healthy summer, and we will see you next fall. Thanks again. – Glen Fisher
White League We finally made it... thanks to everyone on our team, we moved up a notch to fourth place in our division, with five wins in our last match of the season. Of course we had a little help; the team that was ahead of us in the standings lost all six of their sets in their last match. Thanks for all your support; we always look forward to it. See you next season. – Gerry Gagnon Blue League We ended the season on wind-swept courts on March 26th. The final results indicate we came in fourth place out of a field of eight teams. Everyone enjoyed the competition, the weather, and the aftergame beer and chips. We are looking forward to next season. – Bill Powers Submitted by Linda Engel
Exp. 8-9/15
That dinner was enjoyed by 22 people. There won’t be another tennis Round Robin until next November. The date for that Round Robin is set for November 22nd. Janice Johnston volunteered to handle the dinner, and Janell Wissler has volunteered to handle the courtside refreshments. We have received confirmation on the dates of our 2016 Round Robins; they are January 24th, February 28th, and April 3rd.
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10 | The Columns 12/15 12/14
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • May 2015 • 941.349.0194 •
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It is Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at 12:00 Noon and we are in the Tara Woods Clubhouse enjoying the first annual buffet luncheon with players who are participants in the 7:30 AM Monday, Tuesday, and Friday “Fun Group”, and the “Senior Women in Friendly Tennis League” (SWIFT) who compete with other retirement communities here in North Fort Myers. Several quizzes were given, testing the ladies’ knowledge of tennis rules and facts. Table #1 and Table #2 did very well. Table #3, even with the help of “American Bob” and “French Robert”, not so much. The door-prize was won by Priscilla Taylor. A special “thank you” to my committee, Dottie Hargrove and Sandy Dahlhofer, and to the 25 players who prepared such a variety of scrumptious salads, decadent desserts, and provided us with such a variety of fine wines. I say even Jean Le Boeuf would have been impressed. Elaine Wood
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Horacio Rodriguez
The Columns |
11 • 941.349.0194 • May 2015 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
The Mid-Atlantic Club would like to invite our new and old residents who are looking for a club, whether you live in the Mid-Atlantic states or not, to join us. We are the only club in Tara Woods that has social events through the summer months. We would love to welcome newcomers! Here are some of the upcoming events: On May 10th we will be honoring the Mid-Atlantic moms with our annual Mother’s Day Brunch at the Clubhouse On June 21st we will be honoring the fathers with our annual Father’s Day Brunch. Also, a date will be set for the summer to have a “Beach Day”. Other social events for the summer are being discussed. All those who are leaving to go back North, we hope you have a safe trip, and we look forward to seeing you when you return to Tara Woods.
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A good number of people signed up for our “Out-to-Lunch” meeting at Phil’s 41 in Punta Gorda. It’s always fun to try new places. Lobsterfest is behind us and a good time was had by all. The food was great, as usual, thanks to our group of happy, competent cooks out on the Verandah. Everyone enjoys the silly games, and Dawn and I appreciate your participation and willingness to join in the fun. Our meeting schedule for next season hasn’t been confirmed yet, so watch for it in future issues of the Columns and I will also e-mail it. Please make sure I have your new or updated e-mail address since our last meeting. As usual, I’m always open to suggestions for meeting and food ideas. Don’t forget that the Club is hosting the Labor Day Clambake again this year on Monday, September 7th. If you are here and can help, we need you! There will be a sign-up sheet for helpers on the Club bulletin board in August. Have a wonderful summer and safe travels.
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The Columns |
13 • 941.349.0194 • May 2015 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
So Ladies and Gentlemen….. as everything winds down from the hectic winter months, we see many of our friends leaving to go elsewhere. We will miss them and hope that they have a pleasant summer. We hope they stay safe and return renewed to party the winter away with us again next season. The Entertainers are taking a well-earned break. Pattwo as Director and me as her Stage Manager are working on the play for next season. By the time Fall rolls around, everything should be ready to jump right back into working on the production. We will have some of our regulars and also several newcomers joining our production on stage. We are looking forward to the excitement this will provide. In addition, we are hopeful that the “Tara’s Got Talent” show will
be a go in November. There are so many people in our community who have talents that could be wonderful to share with the community. When you were in school, did you play an instrument? We are giving you the chance to showcase this talent. We have many people who dance wonderfully; I’ve seen them on the dance floor. Talk with us, and after you select your song or routine, we can help you show off your stuff. I bet there are a few undiscovered magicians or comedians in our midst. Line Dancers, come on, several of you could pull off a great dance for us to enjoy. Think about the fun you could have entertaining us. If you are at all interested, please contact either Polly Brown, 7311614, or myself Pat Dunning, 599-4490, and let us know. This is not going to be a competition; you will all be winners, and we hope to showcase the Talent in Tara Woods. Pat-one, Stage Manager Entertainers
This is not a full page article. Size to fit.
BOXES FOR THE MILITARY We thank you again, for your support of sending boxes of cookies and items to men and women in the service. Here are a few of the photos taken on March 21, as the ladies from the Inspirations group filled them. Thank you for helping with this project. We’re sure the troops will appreciate receiving them.
Kentucky Derby Party Saturday, May 2, 2015 4:00 PM
Beth Ferris and Barbara Miller
Bring Your Own Beverage, place settings and a hearty appetizer to share. Social Raffle and free drawing for a Rose Bouquet Watch the Run for the Roses on the big screen. Dress for the occasion. Hats for ladies and gentlemen encouraged and prizes to be won! Please sign up on the bulletin board in the Clubhouse. ***
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Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • May 2015 • 941.349.0194 •
BOWLING NEWS We had a very exciting year in Bowling!!! Our banquet was very nice – good food and friends. Congratulations to all. I would like to “Thank” everyone involved with helping me this season: Bob Uccello, Tony and Celeste Perre, George and Janet Daly, Elaine Wood, and Peggy Gamble. This was my first year as President and I will continue as President so next year. My new V.P. is Joann Stovall congratulations to her. See you all next season. The meeting will be in September with a date and time to follow. As always, we are looking for new bowlers – either regular or substitutes. So if any of you are interested, please call Julie Wehrung, 543-2268. Remember, you still can bowl on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Have a wonderful Summer and safe travels. Julie Wehrung
(Continues on page 15)
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6-7/15 12/14 • 941.349.0194 • May 2015 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Ellsworth Heating & Cooling was founded in SW Florida 47 years ago, making it one of the oldest and most reliable family owned and operated air conditioning companies in the county. OST IC N G A I Started as a one-man operation 10% D in 1968 by George Ellsworth Sr., nt ion e M the company rapidly became u Yo When his Ad! highly trusted for its exceptional T personal service and solid dependability. Today, Ellsworth Heating & Cooling is one of the most respected businesses in SW Florida.
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8-9/15 10/14
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Be one of the winners at our Tuesday night BINGO. And you can win more than once during the night!
If your eyesight isn’t as good as it once was, now you can play too. We have really BIG game packs and “Specials” that are 8 ½” x 11” with 2” numbers.
No additional charge for the ticket that can make you the “King” or the “Queen” for the night and earn you even more money on all game sheets.
Game packets are sold with either 6 game squares per sheet or 9 game squares. The “Special” game papers have 3 game squares. Buy as many as you’d like!
Our Tuesday night BINGO session consists of 14 regular games and 6 “Special” games We also have “Hot Ball” prizes of $50.00 or more and a “Social” raffle. Sales STOP at 6:45 PM. Come join the fun. Tuesdays at 10:00 AM
No need to sign up Don’t need a partner New teams chosen every week ~ Easy to learn
Questions: call Frank Millette 543-2954
BRIDGE Looking for all bridge players. We play on Tuesdays in the Card Room – come between 12:30 and 12:45 PM. Call Beth first to come and join our friendly group. Beth Ferris, 543-6295.
PINOCHLE Do You Remember Pinochle? It’s here! Every Monday Night at 7:00 PM In the CARD ROOM. It’s still fun. Join Wally, 288-5778, and the gang for only $.50.
Ladies, come join us on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Card Room. Cost is $3.00. Will you have the first Bunco or the last, or the most? Will you have the most wins, or the most losses? If you do, the prize money will be yours! Come join the fun. Questions: call Polly Brown 731-1614
HORSESHOES Don’t forget every Friday at 1:00 PM at the pits. Come join us for some laughs. Questions: call Patty Sparany 543-5144
LINE DANCING Line dancing is now on a new day! Come boot, scoot and boogie Now on TUESDAYs at 10:30 AM. Join us for good fun and a great exercise period. Contact: Marcia Poveromo, 560-9642
Come join the Mah Jongg group. Do not know how to play? We teach the first three Mondays of the month. We have a great time. Come & join us on Mondays 12:00-3:00 PM. The Happy Ladies of Mah Jongg.
Any questions, please contact: Jane DeGuire, 567-0656, or Ruth Zimmer,731-8594.
Mondays – 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM
If you are interested in learning to work with ceramics or have done them before, we invite you to come and join the ladies for an afternoon of fun and creativity. The Ceramics Room is located in the Craft Building behind the tennis courts. We do have some greenware or bisque items available that you can select to work on. Also, there is Connie’s Ceramics in Fort Myers where you can purchase greenware. We have two kilns to fire your greenware. You don’t have to be artistically talented to work in ceramics, so don’t be intimidated. It’s a great hobby, and you’ll make some good friends. Barbara Stepniak, 239-599-2181
EUCHRE CLUB Meets on Wednesday Nights in the Clubhouse Card Room 7:00 PM $.25 to buy-in, but offers some “big” prize money! Contact: Bill Keibler, 586-216-6526; Suzy Loesel, 322-7588; or Lorraine Smith, 567-1393. Wednesday, May 13, 2015 5:30 PM – On the Verandah $1.00 per person donation - BYOB The theme for May is “Mother’s Day”. The drink of the month is a Bahama Mama. Please bring an appetizer for the table and a dish to share. Sign-up on the bulletin board in the Clubhouse. Note the time for the summer Happy Hour is changing to 5:30 PM. If you know of someone who has not been to Happy Hour, sign them up and bring them with you. We are looking forward to seeing you there.
HAND and FOOT CARD CLUB Come join the group for a fun-filled afternoon of cards! We meet on Fridays at 1:00 PM in the Card Room. Don’t know how to play the game? EASY! We will teach you! It is easy to learn. Questions: contact Arlene Greene, 850-207-1084, or Marty Hradkowsky, 609-709-7717.
AGGRAVATION Thursdays at 7:00 PM in the Card Room at the Clubhouse GREAT CARD GAME Come join George Stelling and many of your neighbors You can learn the game in 10 minutes if you are familiar with poker and rummy 11 hands (sets and runs) We have jokers and wild cards (deuces) Bring 8 quarters and 50 cents for the game card See you Thursday.
MOVIE NITE Saturday, May 30th Featuring: THE MONUMENT MEN Starring: George Clooney, Matt Damon Rated: PG 13 • Drama • Free Popcorn • Sodas 50 cents Lloyd and Carolyn Kelsey
The Columns |
17 • 941.349.0194 • May 2015 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Book Discussion Club BIRTHDAYS IN MAY: 1 Lee Brda 2 Lori Bostic, Sally Morini 3 Joe Bent, Delma Everhart, Anna Koenen, Shirley Ringleben, Tony Sanfilippo 4 Anna Lou Sonderman, Ernie St.James 5 Ceil Jacoby 6 Barb Jakacki, Bernie Sciarpelletti 7 Pat Coutts, 8 Mai Phillips, Norma Silverman 9 Ann DeVoy, Joe Waldron, Joe Whitten 10 Al Mendes, Nancy Wendorf 11 Bev Brockhagen, Lynda Francey, Joyce Girard 12 Estelle Greenaway 14 Doris Brockmeyer, Diane Moberg,
Debbie Objartel, Pat Virkus 15 Bill LaFrance 16 Jack Boyle, Jim Sorenson 17 Lette Chrzanowski, John Conklin, “Gib” Loesel 18 John Andrus, Jean Weaver 19 Bill Goodhue, Doris Katz 22 Ross Hetherington, Marty Rudo 23 Helen Boettger, 97 Yrs., Irene Seekell 25 Joe Brown, Erika Futrell, Aileen Reese 26 Gordy Sando - 96 Yrs., Vic Sharps 27 Mike Buletta, Lin Clegg, Jean Guy, Ann Lappano, 93 Yrs. 28 John Burke, Kay Hampton, “B” Hill 29 Joan Dubell 30 Don Shields
Thursday, May 7th at 1:30 PM Tara Woods Clubhouse Living Room Join us to talk about the books we have been enjoying and maybe borrow one you would like to read. Newcomers welcome. Questions: Call Marilyn Workman, 543-1168
RED HATS Tuesday, May 5th at 1:00 PM
We will meet at Magnolia Landing, North Fort Myers. Don’t forget to sign up on the bulletin board in the Clubhouse. Remember to wear your hat.
Any questions: call Donna Phillips, 731-5802, or Joan Simonson, 543-5614.
ANNIVERSARIES IN MAY: 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 15
Vera & Jim Cawlfield Jean & Bob Bozick Mary & Denny Biglin Beth & Howard Gross, Lannie & Pete Pracher Rosemary & Charlie Crouse – 65 Yrs. Jan & John Goers Susie & Jack Alexander, Linda & Bob Janis Bernice & Norm Brousseau - 62 Yrs. Nina & Harold Rivell Chris & Larry Fonner, Robin & Don Swartz “D” & Emmett Linderman;
18 19 20 22 24 29 31
Helen & Mike Skrzypczak – 61 Yrs. Barb & Gary Dodge Janet & Joe Waldron Barb & Ed Pollitt Diana & Phil Featherbay, Donna & Mike Grigas, Nancy & Ray LeClair, Judy & Bill Machnicz Judy & Tom Powers Gina & Howie Jacobs, Joan & Dave Simonson - 61 Yrs. Judy & Dominic Cirillo
Congratulations to all who have reached a special milestone. Shirley Ringleben
We would like to take this opportunity to again Thank everyone who was at the “Ole Corral” when “New Image Went Country”. You were a wonderful audience and you put us all at ease. We had fun! We hope you did too! Chorus will be taking a vacation until the Fall. However, we will still be looking for new members. Please keep watching in the Columns for details concerning our upcoming performance in 2016. We wish everyone a Happy and Safe Summer. Shirley Ringleben
TARA WOODS COMPUTER CLUB The Tara Woods Computer Club provides free computer classes every Thursday at 10:30 AM in the Card Room at the Clubhouse. These are open to all residents and visitors. We cover Selected Topics the first four Thursdays of each month. The 5th Thursdays are general question and answer sessions. It’s never too late to join our group, even if you’re a total novice. We finished our six-part series on Windows Basics last month. In May we will cover how to work with photographs. These lessons detail everything from how to select a digital camera, how to download and organize the images, and how to touch up and edit your pictures, through how to print and share your photos or use them in a variety of projects. You will also learn how to create slide-show style videos with a wide range of scene transitions, titles, effects, background music and narration! In future months, we will cover a variety of topics, including e-book readers (such as Kindle and Nook), social networking (Facebook, Twitter, etc...), computer security, TV on the Web, and Skype. Beginning June 4, we will be meeting at my home for the rest of the Summer season. I’ll give more details about this in next month’s Columns. We spend as much time as we need to on each topic, and the next topic to be covered is always posted on the bulletin board in the Clubhouse. Feel free to attend only those classes that appeal to you. Bring something to take notes with, and your laptop computer if you want to. I will answer any question you care to ask me. Please call me with any questions or comments at 652-0488. I can help you with any of your computer needs. I’m looking forward to seeing you. Dave St. Laurent, The Computer Tutor
18 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • May 2015 • 941.349.0194 •
Specializing in Concrete Slabs, Drives, Patios and Sidewalks Spray Crete • Stucco • Landscape Curbing • Keystone
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Backhoe • Grading • Filll • Top Soil • Rock • Bush Bus Hogg
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Appliance Repair
1 Year Warranty On Parts 90 Days Warranty On Labor 6/15 12/14
We all had a wonderful time at the luncheon. We thank everyone who attended and has helped out throughout the year with the Fashion show and the Trash and Treasure. Without these volunteers none of this would happen. We wish all the snowbirds a safe trip home. As a reminder, there are NO meetings during the summer. Our first meeting for next season is Saturday, October 10th. This is an important meeting since we will be discussing the Fashion Show. Please mark your calendars. The Fashion Show is Friday, November 13, 2015. Rachelle Della Rocca
South Florida Edition Florida Gardening Calendar What to Plant Annuals: Plants that can take summer heat include coleus, salvia, torenia, wax begonia, and ornamental pepper. Bulbs: Some lilies do better when their roots are crowded. Try planting Amazon, Aztec, and Clivia lilies in containers to increase blooming. Herbs: Plant heat loving herbs, including basil, Mexican tarragon, ginger, cumin,summer savory, and rosemary. Vegetables: Southern favorites to plant now are okra, southern pea, and sweet potato. What to Do Pests: Harmful insects become more active as the weather
warms. Watch for thrips, scale, and mites on ornamental plants. Gardenias and Ixora: While some yellowing of older leaves is normal, yellowing of new growth usually indicates a micronutrient deficiency. Oleanders: Chewed or ragged leaves indicate oleander caterpillars at work. Lawn Insects: Watch for damage from chinch bugs in St. Augustine and begin scouting for newly hatched mole crickets in Bahia lawns. Tomatoes: Watch for pests, disease, and nutritional disorders on tomato plants. Trees: Prepare for hurricane season by checking trees for damaged or weak branches and prune if needed.
INSPIRATIONS “Now unto Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” Ephesians 3:20 Farewell to all our snowbird friends. We wish you safety as you travel and blessings as you enjoy the summer months with family and friends. After ten years of leading the Inspirations group I began asking the Lord to send someone to take my place. God, who always does more than we ask or think, didn’t just send one person, He sent a whole group of people. The Clubhouse Ministries group came alongside us this season. They helped with our special music, our prayer times, monologues and even served as main
speakers for several of our meetings. We were so blessed. This year we have decided that instead of meeting as an Inspirations group once a month, we will encourage our ladies to attend Clubhouse Ministries every week. The Clubhouse Ministries group meets for Bible study every Tuesday at 10:00 AM in our Clubhouse Living Room. Some of the Bible studies have been Jonah, Ruth, Esther, Acts and Romans. There were workbooks for each study. The present study is Hebrews and the workbook is by Max Lucado. Both men and women are invited to attend. Many in the group go to lunch together at the Brunch Place following the meeting. This would be an enjoyable activity for our people who are at
Tara during the summer months. While Inspirations will not be meeting every month, we will be meeting from time to time for the purpose of planning and carrying out projects such as taking Christmas cookies to our shutins and sending care boxes to our military, etc. If you are interested in receiving information concerning future events, please be sure I have your e-mail address. Looking forward to seeing you in the Clubhouse Living Room on Tuesdays at 10:00 AM. Questions: Call Ann, 543-9285 “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105
The Columns |
19 • 941.349.0194 • May 2015 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Be Prepared for Those RMD’s
You might not think that 70 ½ represents any particular milestone. But when you do reach this age, you will have to make some decisions that affect an important aspect of your life — your retirement income. Here’s the background: Once you turn 70 ½, you will need to start taking withdrawals from your 401(k) or similar employer-sponsored retirement plan and from your traditional IRA (but not your Roth IRA). Actually, you will need to begin these withdrawals — known as “required minimum distributions” (RMDs) — by April 1 of the following year and continue taking them by December 31 each year after that. These RMDs are calculated by dividing your account balance at the end of the previous year by your life expectancy, as determined by IRS mortality tables. If your spouse is your sole beneficiary and is more than 10 years younger than you, you’d use a separate table. Don’t worry too much about the number crunching, though — your financial advisor generally can do the calculations for you. What you should concern yourself with, however, are the first two words of RMD: “required” and “minimum.” These words mean what they say. If you don’t take withdrawals, or if you withdraw less than you should, you could face a 50 percent penalty tax on the difference between what you withdrew and what you should have withdrawn — and then you’ll still have to take out the required amount and pay taxes on the taxable portions of those withdrawals. So it’s a very good idea to take your withdrawals on time — and without “shortchanging” yourself. Of course, you can certainly take more than the required minimum amount — but should you? The answer depends on whether you need the money. But even if you have to take larger-than-minimum withdrawals, you’ll want to be careful not to take out more than you need — because if you “over-withdraw” year after year, you run the risk of outliving your resources. That’s why it’s so important, during the early years of your retirement, to establish a sustainable withdrawal rate for your retirement accounts. Your withdrawal rate will depend on a variety of factors, such as your other sources of income — Social Security, earnings from employment, savings, etc.— your lifestyle choices, your estimated longevity, and so on. In any case, once you have arrived at an appropriate withdrawal rate, you’ll need to stick to that rate unless your circumstances change.
If you have multiple IRAs, you’ll also face another decision, because, once you’ve calculated your total RMDs for the year, from all your IRAs, you can take that amount from one or more of them. Depending on the investment mix of these individual IRAs, you may find it beneficial to take the money from one account and leave the others intact, to potentially grow further. (If you have multiple 401(k)s, though, you will likely need to calculate and withdraw the separate RMDs for each plan.) Other issues are also involved with RMDs, so, when the time approaches, consult with your tax and financial advisors. By studying all your options before you begin taking these withdrawals, you should be able to maximize their benefits. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.
Edward Jones, its employees and investment representatives do not offer estate-planning, tax or legal advice. “Adam Hromiak AAMS, CRPC is a Financial Advisor with Edward Jones Investments in Cape Coral on 3571 North Del Prado Blvd. Suite 7 Entrada Plaza, 1/2 mile West of Rt. 41. He can be contacted at 731-6338” 12/15
20 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • May 2015 • 941.349.0194 •
(Originally $75.50) Expires 5/31/15
(Originally $75.50) Expires 5/31/15
ANNUAL A/C CHECK-UP $55.50 - $65.00* *Depending on Service Area/System
TESTIMONIAL: Phil - Tara Woods on his Installation: “I would like to thank you and your staff for the great job installing my new air conditioner. After getting quotes from
two other companies, including the company that had been servicing my old unit, I thought you should know why I chose your company. It wasn’t based on price alone, even though your quote was extremely competitive. Custom Cooling was recommended by many folks in my community along with a neighbor that handles the heating and cooling at Edison College. When you first visited us for the initial quote, you were the only representative that thoroughly explained all options. I found your sales presentation both informative and honest. Having been an auto dealer for almost 30 years, I appreciate that type of business approach. The installation was fast and neat with no surprises. Please feel free to use me as a reference. I will let everyone know why I chose Custom Cooling. Thank you for your admirable business ethics.!”
The Columns |
21 • 941.349.0194 • May 2015 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Please note that the May 2015 Clubhouse Activity Calender is inserted separately!
(Continues on page 22)
22 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • May 2015 • 941.349.0194 •
FMO NEWS The following information is from the 4/10/15 District 7 meeting.
As of this writing the Florida legislature is in session; one major Bill sponsored by FMO will require training for Home Owner Association (HOA) Board members. In many cases the HOAs are not up to speed and lack resources. This training can be done in several formats: e.g., a video provided by FMO, or by class room, or by self reading of key documents and signing that you have done so. We agree that this will improve the credibility of the HOAs. As we understand, Citizens Insurance has now removed the cap on policies by allowing homeowners to increase coverage if
improvements are made to the home. Citizens is actively transferring policies to other insurance companies. If you receive a card from them transferring your coverage, you can opt out if you and your agent are not comfortable with the new company. They are doing this in phases e.g., they recently sent out 40,000 cards. It has come to our attention that some homeowners do not carry home insurance. FMO strongly recommends that all manufactured homeowners at least liability insurance. Questions? Contact Bud Snell....Have a great summer!
HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS AT TARA WOODS Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Are you ready for the 2015 hurricane season? • Have you visited the TWHA website at to find updated information on what you need to do now and what you need to do in the event of an impending hurricane? On the website home page look for a green bar on the right side of the screen labeled “CERT Information”. Click it and you will find the “Tara Woods Hurricane Preparation Plan”, application forms, website links and other informative literature that you should read and understand to be prepared. • Do you have medical needs that require special attention? If you have special medical needs, you need to apply for the Lee County Special Needs’ Program to take advantage of the shelter and medical services they offer in the event of an impending hurricane. You must apply now because they cannot accept applications when Lee County is within the “5 day forecast cone” of an approaching hurricane. Once registered, you will be good for the entire year. You will find the application for this on our website or you can fill one out and submit it on-line at the address below. You will receive confirmation that you have been registered along with the location of the local shelter to which you’ve been assigned. Once registered, you are not under obligation to use this service but it will be there if you need it. If you have any medical questions regarding this, call our CERT medical coordinator, Lorraine Milligan at 560-7931. • Are you aware of the procedures involving the use of the Tara Woods Clubhouse as
a safe haven from a storm? In the event of a hurricane that is predicted to affect our area, our CERT team will go into action. As the storm approaches, the procedures laid out in the “Tara Woods Hurricane Preparation Plan” will be executed. They will track the storm and provide updates on our preparation via our community TV channel (195). If deemed necessary by CERT, the Clubhouse will be prepared to house our residents should they wish to seek shelter from the storm. You should not be in a manufactured home during a hurricane. Although the Clubhouse has been certified to resist damaging winds from category 3 hurricanes, it is suggested that a prediction of anything beyond a category 2 hurricane should be your signal to seek shelter out of the predicted path of the storm. The direction you should travel will be reported on the local news stations. Hometown America and CERT do not accept liability for using the Clubhouse as a safe haven. • Do you have a pet that will require shelter? If we open the Clubhouse for occupancy, we will also designate the Crafts’ Building by the tennis courts as a shelter for your pet. Pets will not be allowed in the Clubhouse. The only exception will be a dog used as a “Service Animal”. Please read the pet guidelines in the “Hurricane Preparation Plan” on the website. If you have questions or concerns regarding the care of your pet during a storm, call Joanne Byrne, 652-0110. Be Smart…Be Prepared! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Frank Millette, CERT Leader, 543-2954.
The Columns |
23 • 941.349.0194 • May 2015 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
The The
Poolside Pub Located Inside Del Tura Golf & Country Club • Public Always Welcome Lunch Specials Every Day 11-3 • Happy Hour Every Day 3-6 STOP IN AND GRAB A CALENDAR OF EVENTS TODAY!
MONDAY Courtyard Party - 5 pm - BBQ TUESDAY $4.99 Lunch Specials (11 am-3 pm) Karaoke (6 pm)
Inside Del Tura Golf & Country Club
is now
Everyday 8-11 AM
Tara Woods Always Welcome!
“Name That Tune” Party FRIDAY Live Music Every Friday Night (5 pm) All-You-Can-Eat Fish Fry All Day and Night! SATURDAY Karaoke (6 pm) SUNDAY Bloody Mary Specials - All Day and Night!
e m o c l e W c i l b u P
Live Music BBQ Starting At
3 PM
5 PM ALL MONTH LONG!! Memorial Day Courtyard Party and BBQ Monday, May 25 • 4 PM LIVE BAND!
24 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • May 2015 • 941.349.0194 •
North Fort Myers
Bill Edinger
239-565-9904 Licensed and Insured
• Sewer Drain Cleaning All phases of plumbing • Re-Pipes Well pumps and equipment • Water Heaters • Garbage Disposals Remodels • Repairs • Sewer Line Video Inspection
The second Wine and Splash Party was a great success as evidenced by all the beautiful, happy smiles. Although everyone painted a similar theme, each artist managed to produce a unique, individual painting that can certainly be displayed with extreme pride and self-satisfaction.
FISHING IN TARA WOODS Our son, Greg, and his family were visiting from Iowa in March. Greg is an avid fisherman and the fellas fished on a charter by Sanibel and fished by Nokomis, etc. However, we wanted to show you two of the fish that Greg caught in the pond between lakes two and three, right here in Tara Woods. They are large-mouth bass; one is six pounds and the other is four pounds – so there are some nice fish in our lakes and he returned them to the water to be caught again. Good luck! Ken and Beth Ferris
Noticing new icons on your computer? Pop-Ups that say your computer is infected? “Favorites” missing or “Home Page” changed??
FREE No, not Dogs, P.U.P.s Maintenance (Potentially Unwanted Programs) and Security Programs They sneak in attached to innocent downloads and hidden in forwarded e-mail
• Clean out junk files • Printer problems • Wireless installs • E-mail security
They come with names like “Speed Up My PC”, “Windows Anti Virus” and “Super Registry Cleaner” and they all want your $$$. Some even invite their friends in without your permission. They also slow your computer down because they start and keep running whenever it’s turned on!
Senior Pricing $ /hr.
Let In Your Home... Evict TMe At Your Convenience AL hem, L
Bill Richards Your Nearby Neighbor - Lake Fairways Resident PH: 239-731-1732 Cell: 239-896-0291
Of T he m!
Tara Woods is invited to join us for any health or safety event that we hold here in Del Tura. Our next event is: Improve your quality of life. It’s all about you.
NORMA HAND BRILL, P.A. Board Certified Elder Law Attorney
Lee Memorial Health System is presenting a program to better manage your chronic health condition. You are welcome to bring a support person. The support person must register for the class and participate fully in the activities.
Wills, Trusts, Durable Powers of Attorney, Health Care Directives Probate, Medicaid Eligibility, VA Benefits
Would you like to: * Be better prepared for your doctor’s visit? * Be able to establish short- and long-term goals for better health? * More easily manage your medications? * Understand the benefits of exercise? * Manage the symptoms of stress, pain and fatigue? * Make smarter decisions related to healthy eating? * Receive the book “Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions” by Dr. Kate Lorig.
Del Tura has a new web page: Check it out 24 hours a day for medical news and upcoming health and safety events. Click on the highlighted date and see what event is scheduled, information about the event, and contact information. If you have a comment or suggestion, please enter it in the comment session. Mary White Del Tura Health and Wellness Chair
What to expect is a lively, interactive, research-based 2½ hour session. The program runs for six consecutive Thursdays: May 7, 14, 21, 28 and June 4 and 11 from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM in the Royal Palm Room. This program is FREE.
164 Pondella Road, North Fort Myers, Florida 33903 | 239.997.6464