THE COLUMNS Vol. 25 No. 7
Tara Woods Homeowners Association –
September 2014
July 4th Celebration at
Tara Woods
There can be no better way to celebrate the July 4th Holiday, but in Florida! Here are some photos of Tara Woods’ folks having lots of fun enjoying the day celebrating on the verandah and at the pool. Good friends, good food and a good time was had by all.
Thanks to the TWHA Board of Directors & Friends who hosted this holiday event.
2 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • September 2014 • 941.349.0194 •
NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH: Your NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH is working for you. Summer brought us problems with juveniles entering our community in the rear of the property. In one incident, they actually broke into the maintenance shed. Both times, it was reported by your neighbors, either out riding in their golf carts or just looking out their windows. In each case, the police were called, and although the kids were not caught, they were chased away. Remember: the police are here to help; do not be afraid to use their services. The secondary reason for the WATCH: Check on your neighbors who may be housebound or ill. If you haven’t seen them for awhile, check on them. If you are planning a getaway, tell your neighbors where
you are going and how you can be reached. Also remember: It is illegal to feed wild animals. This includes the turtles at the gazebo, and it goes without saying any alligators. While walking at night, wear light clothing, carry a flas,hlight or one of the blinking lights that can be purchased at the clubhouse through Tony Perre. Robert Glandorf, Neighborhood Watch
October 1, 2014 is the kickoff date for the annual fund drive, “DAY OF CARING”. This drive raises money to support local charities that help feed local families in need during the coming Holiday Season.
TARA WOODS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Board Meeting: Tuesday, Oct. 7 at 9:00 AM in the Board Room. Association Meeting: Monday, Oct. 13 at 7:00 PM. A special presentation will be made at this meeting honoring Tara Woods as a “Firewise” community.
The October issue of the Col- velope for your use. Thank you umns will include a “DAY OF in advance for your continued CARING” letter that will give support and generous gift. you more information about the fund drive and the names of John D’Amico participating charities. There will also be a contribution en-
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If You Take Good Care Of Your Golf Cart It Will Take Good Care Of You!
The Columns |
3 • 941.349.0194 • September 2014 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
From the President “A picture is worth 1000 words.” You will find that to be true in this issue of The Columns. As well as the 1000 words, there are lots of pictures celebrating the summer life in Tara Woods. You may have seen Pat Sparany out and about taking pictures of all the activities and fun stuff we’ve been doing over the past few months. Thanks, Pat! So look closely. You may have been caught on “Candid Camera.” Our new editor, Barbara Roland, is working hard to make this, her first issue, as inclusive and special as possible. You may notice some changes and updates. She would be happy to hear from you if you enjoy this issue. You can always e-mail her or me with your comments and suggestions. I hope you enjoyed the “News from the North” in the July/ August issue as much as I did. It’s great to see and hear about the activities of our friends and
neighbors when they leave our community to pursue their “other life” up north. Keep them coming until you return to Tara. Labor Day usually heralds the end of summer. In Florida, our summer continues through September and into October. Back by popular demand from last year, the Labor Day party will be a “Clambake in a Bag” or ½ of a BJ’s Rotisserie Chicken dinner. Ticket sales end August 26, so they may not be available any longer. I hope you got yours and look forward to a fun day of good eating, games and visiting with your neighbors. It’s time to start preparing for the Fall/Winter season in Tara Woods. Soon the clubs, sports and events that have been on hiatus for the past few months will be promoted and eagerly awaiting your attendance. Watch for all the news in The Columns, on Channel 195, and on the bulletin board in the clubhouse.
Unfortunately, as far as I know at this time, no one has stepped forward to host the Halloween Party. I can’t remember this ever happening before. We came as visitors many years ago, and the costumes were a pajama party! It would be a shame to let this year go by without a Halloween celebration. It doesn’t have to be elaborate or even include a dinner. Please think about it. Maybe one of our new residents has an idea. It just takes one person to get the ball rolling. Enjoy this issue of The Columns. New contributors are always welcome. If you have an idea for an article, talk to Barbara or e-mail it directly to her at
Janet Daly “A day is lovely when we’re doing what we love.”
Now is the time to obtain or locate your passport. Don’t wait till the last minute or YOU WILL MISS THE Deepest sympathy to the BOAT! families and friends of the folExact legal names (first and lowing residents who passed last) must be shown on cruise away recently: Lorie Keibler, documents. This must match Betty Futrell, Linda Simonelli the name shown on your passand former resident Bob Jette. Get well soon wishes are sent to the following residents: Barbara Lenhart, Dave Boncher, Dick Gasmire, Nancy Latimer and Flora Gooding. Stay well! Nancy Wuebbeler, 288-5778
port. Middle names alone and nicknames are not allowed. For non-U.S. Citizens, you must have a valid passport and visa (when needed). PASSENGERS WITHOUT PROPER DOCUMENTATION WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO BOARD THE SHIP & NO REFUND WILL BE PROVIDED. FINAL PAYMENT IS DUE ON OCTOBER 27 - you will be contacted, re payment, prior to that date. Dolores Paeth, 731-5119
COLUMNS STAFF EDITOR: Barbara J. Roland ASSISTANTS: Linda Engel, Mary Ellen Gold, Audrey Perry, and Marcia Poveromo PHOTOGRAPHY Ann Kabbas & Pat Sparany CALENDAR: Polly Brown CIRCULATION: Gail Sanfilippo, Manager Coordinators: Lee Brda, Lloyd & Carolyn Kelsey, Ralph Latimer, Kathy & Roger Rafferty, Ed Simko, Pauline Paquette, Jane & Bill Crawford, George Stelling, Dolores Paeth, Gerald & Julia Wehrung, Troy Duda, Agatha Breen, and Diane & Bob Nunn REPORTERS Reporters will be noted by their bylines at the end of each article.
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Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • September 2014 • 941.349.0194 •
News from the North: WISCONSIN IN JULY Hooray! We found a date that we could all get together in Green Bay, WI. On July 30th, twelve friends who live in Tara Woods (or did in the past), and spend their summers in Wisconsin, met to have our annual lunch together and catch up with what we’ve all been doing, and we celebrated Linda’s, Warren’s, and Dale’s birthdays. There was Sharon and Don Boehlke, Peggy and Dave Boncher, Ruth and Ron Bradley, (who lived in TW previously), Linda and Warren Engel, Beth and Ken Ferris, and Judy and Dale Holat. We had a great time; it was so good seeing everyone again. I’ve included two photos of us all together. We all see more of our family while up north, which is wonderful. We talked about that, playing tennis,
etc. Ken and I recently took a little trip to Bayfield, WI, and the Apostle Island National Lakeshore. We took the car ferry over to the largest island, Madeline Island, one of twenty-one islands. We enjoyed the Big Bay State Park and Town Park -- very scenic with beaches, woods, lagoon, rocky shores and formations. Then, we also went to Copper Harbor, MI, and the “end of the road”. I’ve included a photo from there, of the beginning of US 41 (sound familiar?), which goes 1990 miles to Miami. We sure have a beautiful country - North, South, East and West. Looking forward to seeing you all when we go South again.
Sharon and Don Boehlke, Peggy and Dave Boncher, Ruth and Ron Bradley, Linda and Warren Engel, Beth and Ken Ferris, and Judy and Dale Holat
Beth & Ken Ferris Beth Ferris & Ken Ferris by the Copper Harbor sign
Map of US 41
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The Columns | • 941.349.0194 • September 2014 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
MABERRYS WHILE AT OUR “NORTHERN” HOME featuring about 20 family folks and some hangers-on for 5 days to Nassau. In September, we’re off to two time-share holidays, one to Fairfield Harbour, N.C. and the other to Bryce Mt., West Virginia...b.t.w., anybody want to buy a time share? Of course, the welcome mat
Insulation Repairs Make Your Home More Energy Efficient
is out at our Annapolis, Md. home. We’ll show you around this Sailing Capital of the World, home of the Naval Academy, etc. Stay cool till we meet again.
Listed On Angie’s List
Barry and Audrey Maberry 10/14
Here’s some of the stuff going on with the Maberrys while at our “Northern” home... We celebrated our grandson, Dan’s, H.S. Graduation, and also his selection to the All County Baseball team. In late July, we are off to a family cruise, out of Charleston, S.C.,
VOLUNTEERING IN NH FOR THE HOME DEPOT GRANITE STATE AMBASSADORS MOBILE Gt Go Gw G~ HG * Mobile Home Supplies * RV Accessories * Air Conditioners * Aluminum Products * Screen Rooms * Carports
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Made in NH Expo, NH for the Holidays, NH State Home Show, NH Poetry Out Loud, Rock’n Ribfest, NH Primary Events, as well as greeting over 1 million guests each year in the New Hampshire Building at the September Eastern States Exposition. Granite State Ambassadors have provided over $5.4 million in hospitality value through 250,000 hours of volunteer service at visitor information centers and special events throughout the state.
Zachary Minnick Owner
Paradise Aluminum
Mike Renzulli
473 active Granite State Ambassadors, more than half of them volunteers, encouraged guests to visit New Hampshire restaurants, hotels and attractions as they greeted visitors at welcome centers around the state. There are 21 NHGSA member visitor centers located in Manchester, Concord, Tilton, Alton Bay, Plymouth, Hooksett, Salem, Seabrook, Hampton, Campton, and White Mountain National Forest. The ambassadors have personally greeted millions of visitors to New Hampshire. They also serve as ambassadors for the state at special events such as the NH Farm & Forest Expo,
New Hampshire Ambassadors.
Summer is a wonderful time for tourists to visit New Hampshire. Part of my summer activities include volunteering for the New Hampshire Granite State Ambassadors (NHGSA). The NHGSA is a non-profit charitable organization which was established in 1996 to train, manage and serve the tourism industry. It’s simple idea is that a friendly, New Hampshire “information specialist” would provide answers to questions when visitors got off the plane in Manchester, New Hampshire. Since then, the NHGSA has grown to 21 volunteer sites throughout the state. In 2013,
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6 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • September 2014 • 941.349.0194 •
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Summer’s settling into fall, but “the boys of summer” are still playing.
13180 N. Cleveland Ave., Suite 109 Corporate Quarters Executive Suites N. Fort Myers, FL 33903 10/14
The first midwest meeting scheduled for the 12th of october, a sunday, will involve a baseball game. Come dressed in your favorite team’s colors.
North Fort Myers
Bill Edinger
The club will provide….Wait for it……hot dogs and the fixins.
1/14 9/14
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What will you bring besides your very minimal dues of $2.00 A year per person? - A dish to share of course. A sign up sheet will be posted at the Clubhouse. We will need side dishes and desserts. BYOB and snacks Join us to say hello to the year-rounders you haven’t seen during this hot and steamy summer, and welcome back those who have already returned from their sojourn up north. Come and
tell us how you spent your summer, and connect with those old friends and make new ones. Remember the old scout motto: Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold.
MIDWEST MEETINGS FOR THE 2014-2015 SEASON. October 12, 2014 4PM November 9, 2014 4PM December 12, 2014 5PM January 11, 2015 4PM February 8, 2015 4PM March 6, 2015 5PM April 12, 2015 4PM
Carolyn Glandorf (See New England/New Jersey Club News on page 19 & Mid-Atlantic Club on back page.)
COOLIE SAYS: Consumer Reports July 2014 issue rated the most reliable and least reliable central air conditioners. Here is what they found:
Call Us Today For • Installations • Replacements • Service Calls • Check Ups• Indoor Air Quality • Priority Customer Program • Free Estimates on Installations and Replacements
The Columns |
7 • 941.349.0194 • September 2014 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
TONY & CELESTE PERRE 60TH ANNIVERSARY Tony and I had our actual 60th anniversary on August 14th. However, since we were up on Long Island during the month of July, we had our celebration on July 20th. We were very fortunate to have all but one of our family members together for the occasion. The missing grandson was Jesse Wilde who was working at a camp in Massachusetts. The party for 18 was held at the Irish Coffee Pub in East Islip, Long Island. We had a beautiful day and a good time was had by all. It was a very happy and proud day for us. For those friends and neighbors who were living in Tara Woods in 1993, you may remember our granddaughter, Taylor Perre. Taylor had a very serious injury to her left arm
when she was 5 years old. She almost lost her arm, and when we told our friends and neighbors about this terrible situation, many expressed a desire to meet her when our son’s family came to visit. And so, when Taylor was 7 years old, an April visit was planned. It was on her birthday on Palm Sunday of 1993 that we had a great party on the Tara Woods Clubhouse verandah. Invitation was an open house. A big cake and light refreshments were served. The Magic of Tara Woods was alive and at work that day. Many friends attended and she received so many gifts. It was a wonderful day. During and after that time, Taylor was treated at the Boston Children’s Hospital. This continued for 10 more years with many, many surger-
ies later. And so......we are very proud to announce the high school graduation of Taylor from the Franklin Delano Roosevelt High School in Poughkeepsie, New York. She will be attending the State University of New York at Plattsburg. That’s “cold country” near the Canadian border. Our advice to her was to study hard and bring warm clothing. We visited friends and relatives while we were away. One afternoon we had lunch with our long-time neighbors in West Babylon. Ginny Owenburg was also there with us. It was a fun day. But, as we always say, “There’s No Place Like Home”. Celeste Perre
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Tony and Celeste at their 60th Anniversary party.
Perre’s with granddaughter Taylor at her graduation.
8 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • September 2014 • 941.349.0194 •
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A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours, he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough. Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.
Remember the ‘3’ steps, STRoke. Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions: S *Ask the individual to SMILE. T *Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (a coherent sentence, i.e. Chicken Soup). R *Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.
ly and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher. New 4th Sign of a Stroke Stick out Your Tongue! NOTE: Another ‘sign’ of a stroke is this: Ask the person to stick out his tongue. If the tongue is ‘CROOKED’, if it GOES TO ONE SIDE OR THE OTHER, that is another indication of a stroke.
If he or she has trouble with ANY of these tasks, call your Thanks to Mary and Amos emergency number immediate- Green for passing this along.
Support Our Tara Woods Advertisers
The Columns |
9 • 941.349.0194 • September 2014 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
NORMA HAND BRILL, P.A. Board Certified Elder Law Attorney Wills, Trusts, Durable Powers of Attorney, Health Care Directives Probate, Medicaid Eligibility, VA Benefits
free download. In May we looked at Office components, and at Microsoft Word, a word processor, in June and July. In August I plan to begin Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. These will be followed in turn by Microsoft PowerPoint presentation software and other subjects. It’s never too late to join our group, even if you’re a total novice. Bring your laptop computer with you if you want to follow along (this is optional). Bring something to take notes with. Please call me with any questions or comments at 652-0488. I can help you with any of your computer needs. I’m looking forward to seeing you. Dave St.Laurent, The Computer Tutor
Lorraine, watch out, Bill has a new “babe” in Tara Woods. Bill Milligan, the proud new owner of a ‘53 Chevy. What a beauty!
164 Pondella Road, North Fort Myers, Florida 33903 | 239.997.6464
The Tara Woods Computer Club provides free computer classes. We spend as much time as we need to on each topic, so the scheduling of these lessons is tentative. The next topic that will be covered is always posted on the bulletin board in the Clubhouse. Feel free to attend only those classes that appeal to you. Most of them stand on their own and do not require that you attend the earlier ones. Each lesson is scheduled to last
about one hour, but tends to run overtime with general questions from the members. You can ask me any question at all and I will try to answer it. We are meeting at my home (19729 Kara Circle) during the off-season, like we did last year. These meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month. They offer a more relaxed atmosphere, with coffee and donuts provided for free. This year I will teach Microsoft Office in detail. This includes Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, along with other related topics. We will also cover Microsoft Works and Google Apps for those members who do not have Office on their computer; Google Apps are available as a
10 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • September 2014 • 941.349.0194 •
Should You Be A
“Hands-on” Investor? If you want to send your children or grandchildren to college, retire comfortably and achieve other important life goals, you will have to invest — it’s that simple. But the process of investing can sometimes seem anything but simple. What can you do to gain confidence that you are making the right investment moves? The answer may depend on how involved you want to be with your investment decisions. Initially, you might think that you would like to be totally “hands on.” After all, how you save and invest your money is unquestionably a highly personal matter. And once you start exploring the investment world, you may find it fascinating, as it entails virtually every human endeavor imaginable: business, politics, science, the environment, and so on. But if you want to completely run your own show, you will need to put in a lot of work — such as studying the financial markets, staying up-to-date on changing investment environments and monitoring your portfolio to make sure it is still appropriate for your financial needs and goals. Most people find that they do not have the time or expertise to manage this investment process on their own, which is why they turn to professional financial advisors. The key advantage in working with an advisor is that he or she knows your risk tolerance, goals and family situation, and can help you create a personalized, long-term investment strategy. A good financial advisor will communicate with you regularly and make recommendations. A financial advisor can offer you a variety of strategies and types of investments — such as stocks, bonds and mutual funds — to help you work toward your goals. Ultimately, though, you will be the one to make the “buy” or “sell” decisions. Some investors prefer to leave even the buy-and-sell decisions to professionals. Most financial advisors offer advisory programs that take care of this for you. With these programs, you choose a professionally managed portfolio of investments. The programs typically offer a wide range of portfolios, so you can choose one that’s appropriate based on your needs, goals and risk tolerance. Each portfolio contains a broad range of investments that are selected by professional analysts and represent a variety of asset classes. Advisory programs also offer a sophisticated rebalancing process designed to keep your assets allocated appropriately, which can help keep you on track toward your specific financial goals. Whether you choose to make your own decisions in consultation with a financial advisor or to invest in an advisory program — or both — you really should learn as much as possible about your investments. Whichever method you decide is best for you, remember that investing involves risk, and investment performance is never guaranteed. So make sure you’re asking the right questions, such as: What are the risk characteristics? How has a particular investment vehicle performed relative to others in its category? What are the tax implications of owning and selling a specific investment vehicle? What are the costs and fees associated with each choice? As you may have heard many times, knowledge is power — and that’s certainly true in the investment arena. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.
Edward Jones, its employees and investment representatives do not offer estate-planning, tax or legal advice. “Adam Hromiak AAMS, CRPC is a Financial Advisor with Edward Jones Investments in Cape Coral on 3571 North Del Prado Blvd. Suite 7 Entrada Plaza, 1/2 mile West of Rt. 41. He can be contacted at 731-6338” 12/14
The Columns |
11 • 941.349.0194 • September 2014 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
As most of you know the XM radio at the Clubhouse burned out. Frank Millette informed Doug about it. Doug told Frank to check on repairing it or replacing it. It cost so much to repair that Wayne Cox found a new radio at a GOOD price. A BIG “thank you” to Wayne and Frank for installing it. This saved a lot of money. “Thanks” to Doug for paying for it. FYI, the Sound & Lighting Club will change the radio station every Saturday morning after coffee. Lloyd Kelsey
Shirley and Moe are enjoying by the water. It was a great visit. their summer cottage on Delano Our granddaughter will be getIsland - boating, swimming and ting married in August in Jamesparties, lots of parties, all sorts town, RI. We are all excited of fun things. We recently had about that. I still babysit our five our Tara greatWo o d s grandvisichildren tors Al (not all Mendes at once) a n d and love Agatha e v e r y Breen. minute of T h e y it. Moe w e r e roams with us the island for a to make couple sure evof days. erything Al Mendes and Agatha Breen W e is OK. visiting the Chouinards w e n t So far, it out on the pontoon boat for a has been a great summer; howfew hours; had a fun time. We ever, we are looking forward went out to dinner that evening to returning to Tara Woods and accompanied by some of our seeing all our wonderful friends. other friends. On their final day, we had a cookout on our patio Moe and Shirley
CELEBRATING JOAN’S BIRTHDAY I celebrated my birthday at a restaurant on Long Island. Gloria Conklin, Jim Hodder, Peggy and Ray Flynn from Tara Woods, and 2 other friends along with our daughter, Elizabeth, and granddaughter, Colleen, joined us for a lovely lunch. Bill and I will be heading to New Jersey and then onto home at Tara Woods before you know it.
Friends celebrating Joan’s birthday.
Joan Powers
Joan and Bill Powers with daughter, Elizabeth, and granddaughter, Colleen.
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12 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • September 2014 • 941.349.0194 •
AT TARA WOODS After a very active winter, those of us who stay at Tara Woods all year look forward to the lazy, hazy days of Summer and the slower pace. But, the fun never ends, and there are a lot of activities to participate in. Here are a few pictures highlighting some of the good times we shared during this Summer season. And, as usual, with Fall fast approaching, we look forward to the return of our missed friends and neighbors who went North for the Summer and all the “Season” events to come. (The picture of the Wisteria Tea Room by Robin Jenkins, daughter of Joan and Dave Simonson. Summer at Tara Woods pictures by Pat Sparany.)
Hand and Foot, one of the popular card games.
Mah Jongg anyone!
An enjoyable game of billiards.
Aggravation - as aggravating as it can be!
Richard and his harem at the lap pool.
The morning water aerobics class is well attended.
Ladies at the Wisteria Tea Room and Café. Keeping up their skill for the upcoming bowling season.
Rolling the bocce ball straight. Did he hit his mark?
The Columns |
13 • 941.349.0194 • September 2014 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Horseshoes – This group is a ringer. Red Hat ladies having fun luncheon out.
BINGO – The Jackpot this Fall goes up to $250. Come try your luck! For more details, please read the Bingo article.
Polly calling the numbers.
The winners love these two – Barbara and Frank hand out the money.
Love, deuce, game! – These tennis players are just a few who play during the summer.
Enjoying the action at the tennis courts.
14 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • September 2014 • 941.349.0194 •
NEW HI-TECH HEARING AID Available in all styles
Below Internet Prices! “It’s so good I fit my mother with them. She loves them and so will you.”
• 2-year loss and damage insurance • Senior Citizen Discount • Trade in your old aids • Lifetime Free Service • Deal direct with owner • 47 years of experience • FREE charger and batteries included with over-the-ear aids
JOHN NOBILE BC, HIS Heaing Aid Specialist Audioprosthologist
231 DEL PRADO BLVD S. #5 CAPE CORAL FL. 33993 (2 Blocks South of Hancock)
The Columns |
15 • 941.349.0194 • September 2014 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Mark Your Calendar For
Special Events This Month Sept. 1st Labor Day Party / Clambake . .............................4:00 PM Sept. 10th Seasonal Flu Clinic........................... 1:00 PM - 3:00PM Sept. 10th Happy Hour Club ..............................................4:00 PM Sept. 12th Bowling League Meeting...................................7:00 PM Sept. 18th C.E.R.T. Meeting................................................7:00 PM Sept. 27th Movie Nite...........................................................7:00 PM
June’s Happy Hour celebrated all wedding anniversaries. People were requested to bring in their wedding picture
Julie Wehrung taking a “selfie” with Bob and Sue Uccello. The anniversary cake.
at Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts
FLU CLINIC Mark your calendars Wednesday, September 10, 2014 1:00 – 3:00 PM Bring your Medicare Card For more information, call Judy Brda, 731-1797
SEPTEMBER MOVIE NITE Saturday, September 27th 7:00 PM “Duplicity” Mystery-Suspense-Drama Rated: PG-13 Stars: Julia Roberts Free Popcorn Soda - 50 cents Hosted by Lloyd and Carolyn Kelsey
Jan 29, 2015 THE PHANTOM of the OPERA – BBM - 2 PM - $85.06
Mary and Amos Green - 60th Anniversary in 2014
Mar 22, 2015 THE JERSEY BOYS – BBM - 1 PM - $87.49 Apr 12, 2015 CAMELOT – BBM - 1 PM - $68.42 Seats have been reserved for the above shows. If interested, kindly sign the BLUE BOOK in the Library. No monies are due now – just your signing – which will give me a ‘heads up’ to the number and if I have to reserve additional seats. (BBM – Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Theatre)
Irene and John D’Amico - 60th Anniversary in 2014
Thank you for your cooperation. Questions: call Dolores at 731-5119 Janet and George Daly – 44th Anniversary in 2014
16 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • September 2014 • 941.349.0194 •
Entertainment Around Tara Woods TARA WOODS BINGO HAS $250.00 JACKPOTS
Don’t forget every Friday at 1:00 PM at the pits. one of the first to win a Jackpot prize of $250.00. Everyone has 2 chances each night to win one or both of the games.
Come join us for some laughs. Questions: call Patty Sparany 543-5144
If your eyesight isn’t as good as it once was, now you additional charge for the $250.00 Jackpot games. They are included in the purchase of the “Special” game strips.
Game packets are sold with either 6 game squares per sheet or 9 game squares. The “Special” game papers have 3 game squares. Buy as many as you’d like.
Our Tuesday night BINGO session consists of 14 regular games and 6 “Special” games. Two of the “Specials” can win you a $250.00 Jackpot plus the prize money for that game! We also have “Hot Ball” prizes of $50.00 or more and a “Social” raffle. Sales STOP at 6:45 PM. Come join the fun.
The season is just around the corner for all who Love or Like to Bowl. Like to bowl? All are welcome to bowl with us. If you did not sign up last year at the Banquet, there is a Sign Up sheet posted in the Library. If you didn’t do it then, do it now…We don’t want anyone to miss out on all the fun. Questions: call Julie Wehrung, 543-2268
LINE DANCING Come join us for beginners line dancing. Mondays – 12:00 Noon
can play too. We have really BIG game packs and “Specials” that are 8 ½” x 11” with 2” numbers.
Aggravation is now being held on Monday evenings as well as the normal day and time on Thursday nights. Please join us in the Clubhouse at 7:00 PM and find out why the game has its name. Bring $2.00 in quarters to join in the fun. Hope to see you there.
Tuesdays at 10:00 AM No need to sign up ~ Don’t need a partner For more information, contact either Carolyn BishNew teams chosen every week op, 440-8760, or George Stelling, 731-6709. Easy to learn Questions: call Frank Millette 543-2954
BUNCO Ladies, join us on the first and third Sunday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Card Room. Cost is $3.00. Will you have the first Bunco or the last, or the most? Will you have the most wins, or the most losses? If you do, the prize money will be yours! Come join the fun. Questions: call Polly Brown 731-1614
For more information, contact Marcia Poveromo, 560-9642 See you there with your dancing shoes on.
MAH JONGG Come join the Mah Jongg group. Do not know how to play? We teach the first three Mondays of the month. We have a great time. Come & join us on Mondays 12:00 – 3:00 PM. The Happy Ladies of Mah Jongg. Any questions, please contact: Jane DeGuire, 567-0656, or Ruth Zimmer, 731-8594.
The Columns |
17 • 941.349.0194 • September 2014 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Ladies and Gentlemen… I alone in wondering where has the summer gone? Speaking of the end of summer reminds me of another story. Many years ago, Lou and I traveled to Vermont for a week to explore that beautiful state for an early fall trip. We left our house in Pennsylvania, arrived in Stowe, Vermont at a lovely A-frame cabin that was to be our home for a few days. Our next leg of the trip was to travel south to Woodstock, Vermont to finish out the vacation at the Woodstock Inn. This was upscale lodging for us to be sure. We planned a week of walking in the woods and driving to the different attractions. At night we planned on going out to a few very nice restaurants. All sounds good right? As we unloaded the Volkswagen, Lou yells up to me from the car, “Hey Hon’, did you take the hang up bag up with you?” “No Sweetie.” I said, “The last time I saw it, it was in your closet back home in Boyertown.” Sure as shootin’, we left the house without half of our clothes. We had my evening clothes and his day time clothes. I think it was an unconscious attempt on his part to purchase a new outfit. We made do with my clothes for day time but could not figure how to make his shorts long enough to look like dress pants. Next morning we were off to Kmart to get long pants and a jacket for Lou. Finally, I had found a use for that sewing kit we always carried with us. He wore these clothes for many years afterward, but every time he did, we talked about how and why they had been purchased. My advice to travelers never leave home without a sewing kit and al-
ways double-check the closets before backing out of the driveway. I am sure we all are looking forward to the return of our traveling ‘bird’ friends and a return to a little less humid weather. The Entertainers, too, are looking forward to another great year and another chance to dazzle you with our skills. We have our play, “Said The Spider To The Spy”. It will be on stage March 13th & 14th, 2015; mark your calendars. As a reminder, we request that you leave food and drinks at home for our productions. Thank you. I am sure that each cast member is hard at work learning their parts. Claudia has been looking at the thousand details that are the Director’s role, and I have been looking at and thinking about the set. Speaking about the set for the play, we might be on the lookout for some furniture. If our “angels” come knocking, be kind; you just might have what they are looking for. The Entertainers do not meet this month; our first meeting will be October 18th after coffee in the clubhouse. We hope to see our regulars there along with a few new faces. As I mentioned last month, I am continuing to showcase our great, dedicated, wonderful and fabulous backstage and off-stage workers (a little too much buttering? Nah, I don’t think so). Without their help, we could not do any productions. So, without further ado, I bring you another group of ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’. Pat-one, Stage Manager Entertainers
Miriam Norris, Poster Creator plus much more
Stu Berman, spot lights and helping wherever he can
Carol Shields & Pat Sparany, painting, plus on and off stage
18 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • September 2014 • 941.349.0194 •
BIRTHDAYS IN SEPTEMBER: 2 Dave Boncher, Pat Collese, Barb Goodhue 3 Kay Barnes, Barb Dodge, Deliaan Van Gemert, 4 Andy Andrews, Kathy Ross, Joyce Terkelsen 5 Carol Adney 6 Louise Kaluba 7 Diane Nunn 8 Evelyn Picklesimer, Bill Sobkowicz 9 Mary Ann Craig, Jackie Liberty, Ken Reese 10 Mike Burk, Ann Furia, Dawn Taylor 11 John Kern 12 Vito Disaro, “D” Linderman 13 Al Dion, Darryl Yohn 14 Bernice Brousseau, Phil Corey, Jim Lant
15 Joe Byrd, Fred Gabriel, Flossie Hoffman, Marlene Lane, Dick Leve. Wyatt Longacre 16 Kathy Hildreth 17 Russ Hampson, Jerry Krasovec 18 Mary Costantini 19 Irene D’Amico 20 Julio Estremera, Ruthie Lemire 21 Joe Bibeau, Jane Crawford, Lue Lell, Nancy McLaughlin 22 Bob Volkers 23 Charlie Crouse 24 Brian Francey, Ray Kaluba 25 Bob Cooney, Pat Dunning, Wanda Dorsett 26 Bev Bayley, Barry Erhardt, Roland Le Blanc, 27 Judy Machnicz 28 Sharie Libby, Don Swartz 29 Lloyd Maggert 30 Frank Regnone
Book Discussion Club Thursday, September 4th and October 2nd at 1:30 PM at 2760 Steamboat Loop Join us to talk about books we have been enjoying and maybe borrow one you would like to read. Newcomers welcome. Questions: Call Marilyn Workman 239-543-1168
Sept. Red Hat
Tuesday, Sept. 9th at 1:00 PM Mimi’s Café 5070 Bell Tower Shops Ave., Phone: 561-0073 Please check the bulletin board to sign up. Look forward to enjoying a good meal, friendship, and lots of laughs with you. Don’t forget to wear your hat. See you then.
ANNIVERSARIES IN SEPTEMBER: 1 Carol & Ron Andrews. 2 Ann & Bruce Conrow, Louise & Art Frederick, Heidi & Leo Lange 3 Flossie & Harry Hoffman Lorraine & Bill Milligan 4 Mary & Amos Green - 60 Yrs. 5 Lynn Cunningham & Herb Trubenbach 6 Casey & Bob Glandorf Elaine & Ray Lavoie. 7 Mary Ann & Ben Craig, Mabel & Ned Griffin, . Mary & Phil Kenter Vi & Clif McLaughlin - 60 Yrs. 8 Donna Phillips & Frank Grant, Dotty & Ernie St.James 11 Irene & John D’Amico - 60 Yrs.
13 Geri & Mike Baker, Charlotte & Roy Ohmes, Camille & Charlie Rosalbo 14 Ann & Sidney Scott - 61 Yrs., Vic & Tom Sharps, Carol & Jim Walasek 15 Ann & John Conklin, Phil & Steve Corey Jackie & George Sullivan 17 Beth & Ken Ferris. Claudia & Dick Weiss - 60 Yrs. 19 Jackie & James Liberty - 55 Yrs. 20 Angie & George D’Alessandro 21 Elly & Richard Alheit 23 Ann & Frank Millette 27 Karen & Perry Finkle 29 Pat & Henry Gardner
Contact Shirley Ringleben – 731-2748 Before September 10th for Special Recognition of Anniversaries 50,55 or 60+ in October 2014
ATTENTION all Chorus Members Unfortunately, this article below missed the July-August issue of the Columns…So, this is a very IMPORTANT REMINDER - Chorus Rehearsals begin Monday, September 8, 2014 at 2:00 PM. “Article” Here we are again after our little Sabbatical! We hope you missed us if only a little bit. We also hope that everyone is enjoying their family and friends wherever they are! However, the calendar tells us that very soon we will be starting a “New Season”; so, this means we need to look at our individual calendars.
Just a reminder, regular chorus rehearsals begin Monday, September 8, 2014 at 2:00 PM. In addition, this will be a very special rehearsal, as we will have the pleasure to “Welcome” a brand new member, Mary Donald! The “Welcome Mat” is out for anyone who enjoys singing and having lots of fun. We are always looking for a “few” good men and hopefully more than a few. We invite you to stop by and check us out at the Clubhouse – Mondays, from 2:00 to 4:00 PM. We look forward to “Welcoming You.” Shirley Ringleben
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19 • 941.349.0194 • September 2014 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
NEW “Peace I leave with you; my ty awaken to another beautiful, calendars. Inspirations will be us from interfering with other ENGLAND peace I give you. I do not give peaceful day is truly an inspira- making a time change this fall. groups that meet in the early to you as the world gives. Do tion. Instead of the 9:00 AM hour, morning hours. For those on the CLUB not let your hearts be troubled Greetings everyone both we will be meeting at 12:00 Inspirations planning team, our and do not be afraid”. What absolute joy in our latter years; living in Tara Woods, Florida and having peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. If you haven’t yet walked around our lakes in the very early morning hours, you still have a treat awaiting you. Watching the sunrise above our lakes and seeing our communi-
here and away, especially to our Ladies of Inspirations. Sharing our notes, calls and emails during the summer months has been a real blessing. Knowing that we pray for one another as we face surgeries, health issues and other difficulties is very encouraging. Please note the following information and put it on your
Noon. The date, every third Monday, will remain the same. The Clubhouse Meeting Room will continue to be our meeting place. This time change will make it easier for those who have difficulty getting started in the early morning. It will also be a better time for our luncheons that follow our meetings. Best of all it will free
meetings will continue to be on the first Monday at 9:00AM in the Clubhouse Meeting Room. God bless and protect you as you travel back to Tara. We look forward to seeing you and enjoying another season of great fellowship. Questions: Call Ann at 543-9285
Just one item for the New England Club members who participate in the Appreciation Weekend Parade – this year’s theme no longer is “Outer Space”. It has been changed to “Fairy Tales” (so put your thinking caps on!). Judy Machnicz
We have lots planned for we will have an assortment of If you need to make any changes, additions or corrections to your listing, please call Polly Brown the coming season for the New wine, cheese and fruit, and a at 731-1614 to be included in the next monthly update and next year's directory. Additions: BROCKMEYER, Doris BROCKMEYER, Jim GRAFF, Chuck & Sandy IVERS, Marie WILLIARD, Pat
19760 Cottonfield Road, Lot #448 19760 Cottonfield Road, Lot #448 2816 Steamboat Loop, Lot #274 2836 Steamboat Loop, Lot #279 19465 Omega Road, Lot #209
560-1773 560-1712 599-2273 217-0808 834-9225
Phone # Changes: ADNEY, Carol ADNEY, John BULETTA, Kim LANUM, Roger LANUM, Sue PERRY, Bill & Audrey SONDERMAN, Anna Lou ST. LAURENT, Bob
2908 Steamboat Loop, Lot #297 2908 Steamboat Loop, Lot #297 2834 Cloister Street, Lot #330 19655 Charleston Circle, Lot #82 19655 Charleston Circle, Lot #82 2829 Cloister Street, Lot #314 2786 Orlenes Street, Lot #379 2786 Orlenes Street, Lot #379
218-5352 218-5188 440-5153 895-5829 878-9683 567-2504 980-1068 567-1114
Address Changes:
Misc. Changes:
Delete the Following Names: ALLIN, Bunky (Robin) 2816 Steamboat Loop, Lot #274 BRONIECKI, Louise 19473 Cotton Bay, Lot #176 CENCER, Carmen 19701 Woodfield Circle, Lot #151 COLLESE, Patsy 2842 Cloister Street, Lot #328 CONGDON, Dottie 2770 Orlenes Street, Lot #383 FUTRELL, Betty 2773 Orlenes Street, Lot #341 HAMMOND, Millie 19721 Woodfield Circle, Lot #153 PARTRIDGE, George & Suzy 2836 Steamboat Loop, Lot #279 KEIBLER, Lorie 19542 Charleston Circle, Lot #31 LITZKOW, Dan & Barb 19632 Woodfield Circle, Lot #116 SIMERI, Connie 2816 Steamboat Loop, Lot #274 SIMONELLI, Linda 2849 Steamboat Loop, Lot #409 WEISS, Dick & Claudia 19760 Cottonfield Road, Lot #448 WOODARD, Gladys 19727 Pandora Circle, Lot #430
Sold Moved Moved Sold Moved Deceased Moved Sold Deceased Sold Sold Deceased Sold Sold
York/New Jersey Club. I’ll email the event sheet and it’s also available on the Club bulletin board in the clubhouse. There is also a mini version following this article, space permitting. Please keep me informed if you’ve changed your e-mail address. My e-mail is janetdaly@ Our events will also be on Channel 195. Thank you to everyone who helped at the Labor Day Clambake. Your help was very much needed and appreciated to create a successful party. On Saturday, October 11th at 4:00PM, we kick off the season with the Welcome Back Wine & Cheese Party. Once again,
non-alcohol punch. BYOB if you prefer something else. This will be a free party, so watch for the sign-up sheet in September. Remember to bring a few dollars for the 50/50 raffle and wear your name tag. As always, everyone from New York or New Jersey is welcome to attend our meetings and outings. New residents, renters and visitors are especially welcome. I look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday, October 11th. Safe travels on your way back to us!
Janet Daly, 567-2285
20 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • September 2014 • 941.349.0194 •
Resurfacing Specialists - 25 Years
Water Aerobics recently celebrated their yearly breakfast held after class on the verandah. What a great way to start the morning. You too can have fun. Join water aerobics. Classes start at 8:00 AM on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Driveways -- Garage Floors (Epoxy) Court Yards -- Patios Spray-Crete -- Pavers -- New Concrete Brick and Block Work -- Free Estimates No Job Too Big Or Small Del Tura Customer References Licensed and Insured
Call (239) 850-6722 or 368-2196
The Columns |
GOING PLACES • 941.349.0194 • September 2014 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
GOING PLACES WELCOME BACK neighbors, friends and HELLO NEW RESIDENTS. It is hard to believe another season is here already! I hope you had a great summer and enjoyed your travels ….. and that GOING PLACES will help you with your travel plans in the coming season. During my ‘hiatus’, GOING PLACES was busy planning ways to keep you movin’ and on the go. As the season progresses, additional information will be forthcoming. It was brought to my attention that new residents – and we do have a few – and the not so new – and some of the original residents – don’t know me, what I do or the procedure on how to reserve. I coordinate and advise what is available locally and afar – in the theatre, offer day and extended trips, cruises, domestic and foreign travel, answer misc questions, etc. In other words, show you ways to spend your children’s inheritance. The 2014-2015 format will be the same as used in the past, namely – 1. The front bulletin board, in the clubhouse, will display all GOING PLACES activities. 2. A description, details and prices of each activity will be found in the BLUE BOOK, in the library. 3. Sign-up in the BLUE BOOK is necessary to reserve space for any GOING PLACES activity. VERBAL RESERVATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 4. After sign-up, you will be contacted for payment of respective activity. 5. Payments are to be made by check, cash or credit card where accepted. GOING PLACES does not control acceptance of credit card use. 6. GOING PLACES appreciates your cooperation. With the ‘in park’ & ‘out of park’ program, guaranteed there will be something for you to do. ANY QUESTIONS, CALL Dolores 239-731-5119
GET THE SEASON STARTED TO GETTOTHE SEASON STARTED SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER EVENTS Sept. 1 LABOR DAY 4-10/4 THOSE WERE THE DAYS – BPDT (Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre) 7 GRANDPARENTS DAY 11 REMEMBER 9/11 - with a PRAYER! Fly OLD GLORY! 18-11/1 BETTER LATE ….. Off BPT – The side-splitting, yet touching, comedy about Julian Nussbaum, who due to illness, is forced to move in with his ex-wife and her new husband. 21 THOSE WERE THE DAYS – BPDT – twilight Travel back in time with this hilarious musical revue featuring the greatest hits from the 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. Songs include The Twist, It’s My Party, Only You, Saturday Night Fever, At the Hop, In the Mood and many, many more! The show also features a rocking tribute to Elvis and a silly homage to The Ed Sullivan Show. SEASON OPENER SPECIAL: $45 FOR DINNER & SHOW 22 1st DAY OF FALL – ahhh! – relief from the heat! 25 ROSH HASHANAH Oct. 4 12 13 26
YOM KIPPUR EARTH, WIND & FIRE – BBM – 7 pm COLUMBUS DAY – CELEBRATED BUDDY – THE BUDDY HOLLY STORY – BPDT – twilight – $53 includes dinner/show. The award-winning celebration tells the brief, but spectacular, musical career of the legendary Buddy Holly. Buddy’s original sound and dazzling talent are highlighted with live renditions of his greatest hits; including Maybe Baby, Every Day, Peggy Sue, That’ll be the Day, Oh Boy, It Doesn’t Matter Anymore and Rave On. The show’s final scene includes a rousing concert that includes Buddy Holly along with music legends, THE BIG BOPPER who performs Chantilly Lace and RITCHIE VALENS singing his hit, La Bamba. HAPPY HALLOWEEN – Boooo!
REMINDER Jan. 16-24, 2015 TW ANNUAL CARRIBEAN CRUISE – Celebrity’s – CONSTELLATION This 8-night cruise leaves out of Ft. Lauderdale with stops in St. Barts, St. Croix, San Juan and the private island of Labadee, Haiti ON THE DRAWING BOARD – 2015 ALASKA CRUISE TOUR IMPORTANT – PLEASE NOTE I DO NOT – repeat – DO NOT – have tickets in hand for the BBM, BPDT or the OFF BPT. I hold space and space only (but not for every show/performance). I get tickets when you pay me and your payment is submitted to the theatre for the respective shows. Tickets are then issued. ALSO, IT IS MY POLICY TO HOLD ALL PURCHASED TICKETS TILL WITHIN A WEEK OF PERFORMANCE. THIS IS DONE TO HELP PREVENT MISPLACING OR LOSING TICKETS. Theatre day and extended trips, cruises, etc., are open to family and friends (near and far) of TARA WOODS’ residents. Their number can make a trip ‘go’ and group prices materialize. To get correct information, call me with your questions. …………… DOLORES –731-5119 ALL ARE WELCOMED! ‘THE WORLD IS A BOOK. THOSE WHO DO NOT TRAVEL, ONLY READ ONE PAGE’
22 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • September 2014 • 941.349.0194 •
The Columns |
I had the happiest week of vacation I can remember; it was a whirlwind of a week and the time went too fast. We have eight remarkable hard-working children, but on June 6, 2014, my two youngest sons, Christopher and John both graduated from Law School. I was so proud when they walked on stage to receive their diplomas together. My buttons were popping and I wore a smile from ear to ear when their names were read. They both had their Masters in other fields and this was their second career. It would have been great just receiving their Law Degrees, but both these young men held down a full-time job, and went to school nights, had a family and home to maintain and studied every spare minute over four years. We also attended a College graduation for my granddaughter, Jessica, with our family and
friends (over sixty people) which John will have taken his, too. I was like a family reunion. couldn’t be prouder. The third event was to welcome our new great-granddaughMary Green ter. She is our fourth. Her name is Charlotte and is so sweet. We got to hold her and feed her. If you are a grandparent, you know what an unbelievable feeling you get; your heart just smiles when you look at their face. It was a week packed with fun and laughter with all my eight children, most of my 19 Mary and Amos celebrating grandchildren, and all four of my with sons, Christopher and John, both graduated from great-granddaughters. Law School. Amos and I had six boys and two girls and thought our name would be carried on for generations. We have five grandsons and fourteen granddaughters and all great-granddaughters. We found out that we are so blessed to have them all. The five grandsons will carry on the Green name. Christopher has passed the Mary with new greatBar. By the time you read this, granddaughter, Charlotte
Computer Problems I Come to You!
Whether you need some help with a program or have a problem with your computer, I can help —or there’s no charge. Pine Lakes Resident Bob Heft — 239.543.2580 Internet, iPad, Tablet, Kindle, Email, Windows 8, Printer & Wireless Network Help Available—$25/hr.
(239) 321-6666
Mobile Pet Grooming 11/14
9/14 • 941.349.0194 • September 2014 • Island Visitor Publishing, LLC
Aaron Nelson
24 | The Columns
Island Visitor Publishing, LLC • September 2014 • 941.349.0194 •
MID-ATLANTIC CLUB It was attended by over 130 people. Dinner was delicious, and the music was great. Wayne Cox and David Berridge showed a very moving screen program that they put together for the occasion. A standing ovation ended the program. Mike Girty is working on a permanent memorial plaque to honor our veterans. Hoping to have a presentation at the clubhouse on Veterans Day in November. (Will keep you up to date.)
June 15th –Fantastic job was done for the brunch on Father’s Day. The women of Mid-Atlantic Club outdid themselves. Lots of drinks and a delicious brunch was served. Thanks ladies for such a wonderful time. Soon, we will be welcoming home all our neighbors who went away for the Summer months. I bet they have some great stories to tell. Have a safe journey back home to Tara Woods. Next meeting will be on September 21st. Audrey J. Perry
Resting in the shade at the North Jetty, Nokomis
Sunning at water’s edge
Mother’s Day Brunch
The men of the Mid-Atlantic Club
Mother’s Day Brunch
April 23rd – Had a fantastic day at Nokomis Park Beach. We feasted on hot dogs, “Sloppy Joes”, all kinds of salads, desserts and fresh fruit. The beach was beautiful and the water was so blue. There was fishing, thanks to Bill Milligan for bringing and setting up the fishing rods. I would encourage you all to take a day trip there and enjoy one of Florida’s beautiful beaches. May 11th – Mother’s Day Brunch at the clubhouse was amazing. The men of the Mid-Atlantic Club did a tremendous job. Talk about being “Queen for the Day”. First, we were greeted at the door by tuxedo dressed escorts, then served drinks, delicious home cooked breakfast and dessert. It was certainly an enjoyable time. A big “thanks” to the men of Mid-Atlantic Club. May 26th – Memorial Day party at the clubhouse was a huge success.