Masterplan Studio Integrated Township at Shela- Living the sub urban dream

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Masterplan Studio Integrated Township at Shela Living the sub urban dream Ismat Patel PUD20140


Studio Brief The studio focuses on preparing Master Plans for large green field developments in peri urban areas. To respond to the demand of expansion in the rapidly growing urban centres, governments facilitate such new developments through various development mechanisms. The studio operates within the existing development framework of the Integrated Township Policy which is a typically developer driven activity and involves design on a large tract of land under single ownership. The design of the project will involve preparing a three dimensional urban design master plan with strategies of street network and urban block, public open spaces, public amenities and infrastructure, integration of public transport systems, strategies for pedestrian and vehicular priority on streets, defining the building height and bulk, building uses and landscape strategy. Students will be required to prepare an urban design master plan for these developments with an emphasis on creating liveable neighbourhoods that explore the ideas of future living through their designs. The design process will consistently retain its focus on how these ideas can be translated into reality. The studio outcome will also involve preparing effective representation graphics and persuasive communication strategy for the design project.


Acknowledgement I would like to express my gratitude towards CEPT University, Ahmedabad and Faculty of Planning for conducting Master plan Studio in Masters of Urban Design program for developing the basic understanding about large scale green field developments in urban areas. I am grateful to Prof. Purvi Chhadva, Prof. Brijesh Bhatha and academic associate Shradha Gupta who have constantly been active in imparting the best of their knowledge and skills to us.

Disclaimer The information presented in this portfolio has been studied and collected by the author as a part of the Masterplan studio, Faculty of Planning, CEPT University. Any omissions or errors are deeply regretted.

1 Background ......4

2 Masterplan.........16

3 Assets of the

The need ? Vision statement Objectives Site Introduction Site Features

Design Strategies Masterplan Elements of the Masterplan

The Lake - side Block The Park Block Central Spine Open Space System

4 Urban Form

5 Conclusion

Design Guidelines

Key Learnings

Figure ground Hierarchy of open spaces Built density and Use Street Network





The Urban Privilege

The Sub- urban Dream

Living in the cities gives us the privilege to better infrastructure and amenities. People have a good transport system, access to modern amenities and multiple opportunities to interactand socialise. Yet, the suburban dream follows to be a farsighted vision for most of the city dwellers. People want large green expanses, more space, clear skies, pollution free environment and more trees. It becomes only necessary to have amenities + greens together. The vision for the proposed township is translated on similar lines.

To design an integrated township with the image of the city along with the experience of living in the suburbs, surrounded by greenery.


Objectives The vision of providing a sub-urban lifestyle with city level amenities is translated into 3 objectives which help in establishing clear goals that can fullfil the vision. The objectives help in dissecting the needs and wants of the masterplan. It becomes imperative to keep going back and forth to the objectives which further give us strategies in the design process:

a public realm for the city mage 1. Creating which caters to the needs of the residents and the visitors. An active street that anchors all recreational and commercial activities.

residential neighbourhoods which 2. Creating are serene and closer to the greens.

a hierarchy in open spaces for people 3. Creating to connect at personal, neighbourhood and city level.



Site Contextualisation


City Centre

The site is in proximity with developing townships which responds to the demand of western expansions The site is Situated 15 km from city center and located between the DMIC corridor and SP Ring road. It is connected to the city core through the Sanand-Sarkej road bisecting the outer and inner ring road which runs across the city.

Site Features

Strengths Availability of public transport Job centres are well connected and are within 15km Low land cost can meet higher aspirations and provide higher living standards at affordable prices Opportunities DMIC corridor, GIDC areas, proposed logistic zones, creates a demand for housing. The township can further help in growing employment opportunities for nearby towns Site features like canal and manmade reservoirs.

Challenges The limited access to the site from the canal side acts as a physical barrier The adjacent landmarks show an acute shortage of commercial activities. The township can become a one-stop destination for daily needs of people within the township and outside. 11

Opportunities Connectivity The two proposed DP roads run adjacent to the side. It is an economic opportunity to connect the site with the city through these roads. The primary spine should connect the two DP roads and also create a long experience along it.

Existing Topography The topography of the site is such that it creates three low laying areas where 3 waterbodies exist. Connecting these waterbodies along the main spine and curate different experiences as well as to preserve and bring them to use is important.

Canal Edge There is a canal towards the edge of the site. The wind direction and views can become very important along this axis.

Spatial Strategies 1.


Creating opportunities for activating the street edge with various activities along the central spine.

Connecting the 3 waterbodies with a central commercial spine with activities.


Creating a hierarchy in open spaces with personal, community and city level connections


Placing the residential blocks away from the busy street in the greens



MasterPlan 1.Business park 2.Commercial Hub 3.Park 4.Commercial Podium Buildings 5. Community Open space




6. Sports Facility 7. The Lake-side Park & Plaza 8. Premium Lakeshore Towers 9. Institutional Building 10. EWS block

4 5 6

8 9

7 10


MasterPlan Decoding

The Entry to the spine has a business park and an institutional block acting as anchors for more visitors and public for the working of the central spine.

Every neighbourhood into four blocks with a common space and a community level open space connecting the two urban blocks The central space can host activities like cubhouses, children play areas and jogging tracks.

The trails in the neighbourhood blocks are a community level open space for the residents of the two urban blocks. It is envisioned to offer an experience of living amonst the woods and forest trails.

Commercial edge : The commercial edge abutting the main road is primarily for attracting people and creating an identity for the township. The central road anchors all commercial and recreational activities like sports facility, public plazas, offices, parks and waterbodies. The spine is envisioned as a city level activity generator. The centre of the spine has a large open space acting as a public realm for township residents as well as the visitors.


Built Use

Commercial Buildings Institutional Buildings Residential Buildings Greens and Open Spaces

Building Height and Density Net FSI - 2.1 Commercial Buildings - 33M on the edge Commercial inside township - 25M Institutional Buildings- 15 M Residential Buildings - 30 M


Street Network

30 M Main Primary Axis - 5% 24 M Secondary Road - 20 % 15 M Connector Streets -75 %

Figure Ground

Built - 40 % Unbuilt - 60 %

Hierarchy of Open Spaces

Township level open space Public Neighbourhood level open space between two urban blocks Semi-private Private Courtyard Open Spaces

Open Spaces

Private Greens - 40 % Semi Private Greens - 30 % Public Greens- 30 % 23

Charachter of Open Spine

Contemplation park

Commercial hub

Cafes and shopping arcade

The central spine is envisioned to be a township open space offering multiple activiites and anchors along the way. The spine starts with a commercial edge with theatres, malls, shopping plazas business hub etc on the other end of the loop is an institutional building that can help anchor more visitors. The other open spaces along the way are commercial plazas, gardens, lake side parks, contemplation grounds, sports facilityetc. The experience is that of pause and play throughout the spine.

Sports Facility

Lake plaza

Institutional block

Link of anchors along the spine



Lake-side Block The Block is located adjacent to the lake with a commercial street with outdoor activities and cafes etc opposite to it. The block has an active edge towards the entrance followed by a more quiet and calm private open spaces. Which are divided amongst the blocks and private open spaces for multiple othe activities like playgrounds, contemplation mounds, trails, clubhouse etc.



I can watch my children playing in front of me.

Township level o outsiders. Acts as the township. A activities with m exibition kiosks, c

Community level open space between blocks like forest trails, gymnasium, clubhouse, celebration grounds. these are larger greens and semi private.

Private courtyard open spaces with activities like playground, walking tracks, seating spaces for senior citizens and nurseries.

openspace for residents and s an image building asset for Also provides various public more public parks,, outdoor cafes, shopping, parks etc.

The view from the lakeside towers is very good.

I stay at Sanand, On weekends I visit this lake side plaza and garden with my children.

View 29

View from the Block

Mounds, parks and outdoor celebration grounds are all integrated along the lake side. To give various options for people to socialise and connect

Carparks, Bustops, cyclestands are integrated along the green buffer between the road and the footpath.

The lake helps in acivating the street edge aswell as creating opportunities for multiple activities as well as serving the resients with a scenic view

The footpath is envisioned to have pedestrian areas with greens, seating spaces, bioswale and designated space for shop frontages and cafe spillouts.

Outdoor cafes and shopping plaza along the footpath to create an active footedge.

The cycle track runs along the main spine and connects every block. Creating a larger loop along with shorter ones.


Park-side Block Lark-side The Block is located near the park, It has commercial podium mid-rise buildings in the front which cater to the day to day needs of the residents. Also cafes and other commercial hubs help in activating the edge across the park. This block is a typical block module in the township. Two residential blocks are divided with a common open space.

I can walk my pet around the block in the trails.

I live across the park. I can walk across to enjoy the greens or just enjoy the scenic views from my balcony.


The Park is a landmark for the adjacent blocks has more calm and serene walking trails, contemplation points, and exibition area.


Community level open space between There is a central open space formed blocks like forest trails, gymnasium, beween individual blocks to cater to clubhouse, celebration grounds. these the resdients of those buildings. ae larger greens and semi private.

Its very nice to cycle around my neighbourhood.

Commercial activities for my day to day needs are so close to my block.

View 33

View from the Block

The open space envisioned is safe for children as well as senior citizens. With children play area, clubhouse and w and walking track.

Pedestrian walkway runs around the open space with a cycling track.

The buidlings adjacent also have a view of the open space. It is a more eighbourhood oriented open space.

This space is the community level open space between two blocks. It has walking tracks jogging park and children playarea.


Street Character Central Spine Street - 30M The central spine is the key attraction point of the township. It has podium towers with commercial and recreational activities along the edge with different anchors along the street. Here the section cuts through one of such anchor that is the park .

The view is so good, i love eating at this restaurant.

I can cycle around my neighbourhood and grab a snack.



1M 2M 2M Footpath walkways Bio Cycle Green with seating swale track Buffer 4.5M

We should rest at the park for a while .


Carriage Way





Park Cycle Bio Foot ing track Swale path



Open Space Character The Lake Plaza The Lake is developed as a township level open space. The lake edge has a park with forest trails, open ground, mounds, peopele from all age groups can use this space. Abutting the lake edge is a commercial plaza with podium towers that offers recreational, eating joints, shoping arcade.


I can conduct yoga classes here.



Jogging Trail


Lake front mounds



My Workspace has a scenic view

I can shop, eat and rest at the park.


Pedestrian Trails in lake front lawn


Drive way


Cycle track


Foot path


Neighbourhood Character The typical block and street A typical neighbourhood in the township consists of central courtyard openspaces for the residents of that block. Then it further connects to the the commercial hub, Bus stop and the main road which is at a distance of 50m from thier individual block. The neighbourhood offers live- work - play enviornment by offering day to day activities within walkable distance. Can watch my kids play. Residential Building

If you have a garden and a library you have everything you need.


Central Open Space cont.


Foot path







Co working spaces Art Galleries, Libraries etc

The plaza is walking distance from my house.

Cafes and shops







4.5M 2M


Footpath-Cycle-Bus track stop


Carriage Way Cont.


Urban Form

Design Guidelines Entrance

9M Setback

15m Basement parking line


The Entrance to the block is through adjacent roads .

The margins from all sides is 9M. Soas to have a uniform built edge.

There is a 15m built to line for the basement to avoid basement under green areas so as to have maximum ground water collection.

Every building block should have a central green open space connecting to the neighbourhood open space between two blocks.

4M Margin from building

24M High 3M Stepback

Security Gate between Individual Blocks

9m Setback

The commercial podium towers are 24m in hieght with a set-back of 3m.

The margin from the built edge to the green is 4m.

All commercial towers should have a podium. The frontage before all commercial towers is 9m. So as to ave a uniform edge. To host activities and create a vibrant porous edge.

The blocks should have individual physical barrier between the semi private neighbourhood open space.


Bird’s Eye View

Entrance proposed DP With a boule spine

The Contemplation Park with more greens, mounds, walking trails and a waterbody.

Sports Facilty with indoor and outdoor sports field area.

Forest Trails between two urban blocks with club house, gymnasiums, and celebration ground.

from the P Road. evard central Landmark node Commercial Edge of the township to create an identity and imageabilty. Premium Lake Shore towers.

Entrance from the Canal Edge

Lake plaza township level open space


Key Learnings


Key Learnings Living in the cities gives us access to better infrastructure and amenities to ease our life but at the same time there are trade offs of space constraint and lesser greens. It is only a need of the hour to integrate amenities and greens together to give people a comfortable lifestyle. With an ideal live-work -play model. To translate this vision into a bold idea of a township that integrates amenities and greens together was achieved in the masterplan studio. The Masterplan studio helped in understanding the design process and execution of such large scale projects.The different aspects of laying down masterplan strategies and coming up with a proposal was important. The details in understanding how urban designers play an important role in shaping the world around them was the cherry on the cake.


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