Islamic Horizons September/October 2020

Page 15


A Decade of Working Shoulder to Shoulder with Muslim Americans to Advance American Ideals A growing and expanding effort to counteract Islamophobia and anti-Muslim political rhetoric and actions BY CATHERINE ORSBORN


This year, faith communities are reflectn 2010, anti-Muslim sentiment and initiatives, including Ramadan gatherfilled the country’s airwaves as contro- ings, workshops, dinners and trainings, to ing on their accomplishments while renewversy raged over New York City’s “Ground help Americans come together across dif- ing their steadfast position against fear-monZero mosque” and Florida pastor Terry ferent religious backgrounds to build more gering and hate, as well as recommitting Jones was threatening to publicly burn the inclusive communities for all. to working together for an America that values and respects people and Qur’an. Reports of anti-Muslim communities of all faiths and discrimination and violence across the country were also at backgrounds. an all-time high. The following are just a few highlights of Shoulder to This level of rhetoric, discrimination and violence was Shoulder’s work. unprecedented. Thanks to strong •  Spring 2011. Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) held a series of interfaith partnerships with Congressional hearings ampliISNA’s Washington, D.C. Office fying misinformation, fear and of Interfaith and Community Alliances, on Sept. 7, 2010, nearly discrimination against Muslims 40 senior religious leaders conin the U.S. In protest, Shoulder vened an emergency interfaith to Shoulder organized the leaders summit at the National Press of several Christian, Jewish and   Pastor Bob Roberts speaking at the Beyond Tolerance event at Club. Standing in solidarity with Muslim organizations for a press Washington National Cathedral, organized by Shoulder to Shoulder, Oct. 23, 2015 (Photo © West End Strategy Team) Muslim Americans, these faith conference near the hearing room, leaders released a powerful joint emphasizing that such attacks statement and held a press conchallenge the country’s claimed ference broadcast live by C-SPAN ideals of religious freedom and DESPITE THE ORGANIZATION’S and CNN, covered by multiple mutual respect. IMPORTANT GROWTH IN NUMBERS •  October 2015. In response national and international media outlets and attended by Obama to anti-Muslim rallies around the AND IMPACT, ANTI-MUSLIM White House staff. DISCRIMINATION REMAINS A CRITICAL country, we helped engage reliTen years later, there is a gious denominations and comPROBLEM. WE HAVE SEEN THE continued urgency to address munities in person and on social the harm that anti-Muslim dismedia. We directly organized GROWTH OF HATE CRIMES, BIGOTED crimination is doing to Muslim interfaith partners in Tennessee, RHETORIC, BULLYING AND ANTIcommunities and to our counTexas and Arizona; used email MUSLIM LEGISLATION SUPPORTED BY and social media action alerts try as a whole. The Shoulder to Shoulder Campaign (www.shoulA POLITICAL LEADERSHIP THAT SEEKS to encourage others to reach now out and support local Muslims; TO KEEP THE COUNTRY DIVIDED BY comprises 34 national religious and worked with the Huffington FEAR AND HATRED. denominations and organizations Post and the Christian Science Monitor to tell these stories and 60+ affiliated local community membership organizations nationwide. Despite the organization’s important of interfaith solidarity. The title of one It continues to help mobilize supportive faith growth in numbers and impact, anti-Muslim Huffington Post piece summarized it well: voices at the national level, in congressio- discrimination remains a critical problem. Sorry, Islamophobes, Your Anti-Muslim nal briefings and hearings, in major media We have seen the growth of hate crimes, Rallies Ended up Inspiring Acts of Love outlets and through joint statements and bigoted rhetoric, bullying and anti-Muslim and Service. advocacy efforts. We train local faith leaders legislation supported by a political leader•  October 2015. In partnership with the to address anti-Muslim bias more effectively ship that seeks to keep the country divided Sterling, Va.-based ADAMS Center, Shoulder in their communities and convene programs by fear and hatred. to Shoulder and the Washington National SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2020  ISLAMIC HORIZONS   15

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Articles inside

New Releases

pages 62-64

Muslim American Views on Organ Donation

pages 58-59

The Horror of Being Muslim in India

pages 60-61

Are School Shootings Good For A Student’s Mental Health?

page 57

Standing Together Against Injustice

pages 55-56

No, We're NOT all in This Together

page 54

Fake Hafez: How a Supreme Persian Poet of Love was Erased

pages 52-53

Jihad Against Hunger

pages 48-49

Tennessee Muslims Effectively

pages 50-51

Building an Identity

pages 44-45

Black Muslims in Canada

pages 46-47

An Overview of Social Services

pages 42-43

Nurturing Awe and Wonder

pages 40-41

The Al Rashid Mosque

pages 32-33

Muslim Canadians in the Coming Decade

pages 36-37

The Muslim Experience in Canada

pages 38-39

The Muslim Link

pages 29-30

Muslim Torontonians

pages 34-35

A Question of Identity

page 31

Ottawa Muslims Combat Covid-19

page 28

A Decade of Working Shoulder to Shoulder with Muslim Americans

pages 15-17

The Personal Journey to Sacred Knowledge

pages 8-9


pages 6-7

Muslims for Human Dignity: A Global Call

pages 20-21

The Muslim Communities of Canada

pages 24-27

The Lessons Muslim Americans Should Take from Rep. John Lewis

pages 18-19

The Struggle for Social and Racial Justice: A Moral Imperative

pages 22-23

Community Matters

pages 10-14
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