3 minute read
A few little things Federico Arcangeli
“Blessed be the moments, and the millimeters, and the shadows of the little things.”
Fernando Pessoa
The little things. The details of everyday life that only by changing point of view we will be able to grasp in their infinite wonder. It is this very difficult simplicity of the gaze that Arcangeli’s photography speaks, which is in fact woven with poetry.
The roots of a tree that become arms stretched out towards infinity, an unusual glimmer of light on a bell tower, an ancient decorated stained glass window, the game of Greeks on the shirt of a woman we meet every morning in line at the baker’s. The everyday life that unfolds in front of us, thanks to an ancient black and white, mysteriously new and amazing in its infinite beauty.
The author is skilled in masking himself, in becoming a neutral observation point to let our gaze as a spectator feel resting on those fragments of everyday reality the same astonished wonder that he felt.
“It is necessary to learn to appreciate the little things in lifeArcangeli tells us - such as a good coffee, or a fresh flower, or the smile of a stranger while passing on the streets. The world is a monumental beast, scary and daunting, but in small doses, it’s the most beautiful thing you’ll ever discover. There have always been people in my photographs. People on the street were my obsession and still are. Lately, however, my gaze is attracted by something else. Things I probably would have ignored in the past. Something has changed, perhaps in the world, or perhaps within me, but now my gaze lingers, rests on these small moments and captures their beauty. We walk, grind our way under our feet, take planes to travel to the most remote places hoping to find an answer, but perhaps this has always been next to us, hidden in some little things.”
“Benedetti siano gli istanti, e i millimetri, e le ombre delle piccole cose.”
Fernando Pessoa
Le piccole cose. I particolari del quotidiano che solo cambiando punto di vista potremo saper cogliere nella loro infinita meraviglia.
E’ di questa difficilissima semplicità dello sguardo che parla la fotografia di Arcangeli che è infatti intessuta di poesia.
Le radici di un albero che diventano braccia protese verso l’infinito, un insolito barlume di luce su un campanile, un’antica vetrata decorata, il gioco di greche sulla maglietta di una donna che incontriamo tutte le mattine in fila dal panettiere. Il quotidiano che ci si disvela davanti, complice un bianco e nero antico, misteriosamente nuovo e stupefacente nella sua infinita bellezza.
L’autore è abile nel mascherare se stesso, nel farsi punto di osservazione neutro per lasciare che il nostro sguardo di spettatore provi posandosi su quei frammenti di realtà quotidiano la stessa stupefatta meraviglia che ha provato lui.
“E’ necessario imparare ad apprezzare le piccole cose nella vita – ci racconta Arcangeli - come un buon caffè, o un fiore fresco, o il sorriso di uno sconosciuto mentre passi sulle strade. Il mondo è una bestia monumentale, spaventoso e scoraggiante, ma a piccole dosi, è la cosa più bella che mai scoprirai.
Ci sono sempre state le persone all’interno delle mie fotografie. La gente per strada era la mia ossessione e tuttora è così. Ultimamente però, il mio sguardo é attratto da altro. Cose che in passato probabilmente avrei ignorato. Qualcosa è cambiato, forse nel mondo, o forse dentro di me, ma ora il mio sguardo si sofferma, si posa su questi piccoli istanti e ne coglie la bellezza. Camminiamo, maciniamo strada sotto i piedi, prendiamo aerei per viaggiare nei posti più remoti sperando di trovare una risposta, ma forse questa é sempre stata accanto a noi, nascosta in alcune piccole cose.”
Sonia Pampuri
Federico Arcangeli was born in Rimini in 1983 where he works as a nurse in intensive care. He approached photography at the age of 30, when he found an old Pentax Me Super of his father was struck by it. Shortly thereafter he built his own darkroom where he developed and printed his shots. It is on the street, however, that Federico loves to spend his time, photographing what he meets on his way. This is how his first projects were born, which obtained several awards. In 2015 “Summer Attitude” is a finalist for the Marco Pesaresi award. In 2019 he published his project “Pleasure Island” for Penisola Edizioni. In 2021 “Summer Attitude” is published by NFC Edizioni. At the end of 2019 he started working on his new project “Splinters”, which has profoundly changed his way of approaching photography. In 2022 the work becomes a book published by the publishing house 89Books. His works have been exhibited in England, United States, Russia, Germany, Spain, Ireland and Italy and published in national and international magazines and art platforms. www.federicoarcangeli.com Instagram: @Vicodin
“Life itself is a journey on foot.” “La vita stessa è un viaggio da fare a piedi.”
Bruce Chatwin