ISP Annual Report 2011-12

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Dear ISP Community, I am pleased to present the Annual Report for 2011-12. This was another successful year for ISP, with continued progress and solid finances. While many things went smoothly, there was still a lot of activity on many fronts! The Board was busy with continued review and amendments of the bylaws, which was one of the commendations of the CIS report in 2011. In addition, the Board managed to renegotiate the rent of one of our buildings, resulting in some additional funds becoming available during the budget year. Consequently the board decided to grant a one-off reward to all school staff as a special thank you for the hard work during recent accreditation processes. It was also time to create the New Strategic Plan, and the whole community was involved in the process. The development of the new Strategic Plan was launched at the AGM in December 2011 and started with an online Community-Wide Survey, which obtained a good response rate from all constituencies (parents, staff members, Grade 11 and 12 students and alumni). This was followed by a series of Focus Groups, and a Strategic Planning Task Force planning weekend. Members of this task force included representatives from the Board, staff and parents. Thank you to the many community members who have actively participated in the initial stages of the new Strategic Plan! The resulting ‘strategic goals and plan of action’ are now approved by the Board and published on the ISP website. You will find more information about the Strategic Plan on page 9. Another new initiative was the creation of an IB Diploma scholarship for two students. These scholarships are given to students demonstrating high academic ability and financial need. Both external and internal candidates were eligible to apply. We were pleased to welcome three new members to the Board during the year, and new officers (Vice Presidents, Treasurer and Secretary) were appointed in June 2012. I am looking forward to another successful year, as we continue to improve our communications with all constituencies, as well as the efficiency of ISP’s governance, based on the Board’s selfassessment and ISP community survey. Best regards,

Roberto Agnoli President of the ISP Board of Trustees

Dear ISP Community, In accordance with French law and our own by-laws, I am pleased to provide you with a summary of the financial statements for the fiscal year from September 1st, 2011 to August 31st, 2012. These were approved at the General Assembly on November 26th, 2012. Total revenue amounted to 17 767 337,01€ and 17 861 684,84€ including other revenue. Total operating expenses increased to 16 521 726,54€ with salaries, charges and related taxes amounting to 11 624 888,66€ which represents 70% of total expenses. As expected, social charges and education expenses made up the next largest segment of the operating costs. Operating income totaled a profit of 1 339 958,30€. Including a net financial loss of 198 329,68€ and a net exceptional result of 130 300,23€, the net income

reported is 1 267 526,35€. This amount will be allocated as follows: 100 000€ will be allocated to the reserve for Joško Bobanovic ´, scholarship and 1 167 526,35€ Treasurer to the reserve funds. Total reserves are now at 5 347 264,06€. Last year’s fiscal results confirm ISP’s strong reputation for excellence and its ability to attract large number of students, allowing us to continue our solid financial performance. The number of enrolled students was significantly higher (712) than predicted (682), resulting in greater revenue than budgeted. The renegotiation of the rent of 13 rue Beethoven, as well as an associated one-time discount, also contributed to an increased net result compared to the previous year. The 2012-2013 budget is based on enrolment of 688 students.


FINANCIAL REPORT 2011–12 How the money came in...

<1% Financial Revenues

97% Tuition Fees

<1% Donations <1% Bus <1% Holiday Language Program <1% Other Revolving

... how the money was used. 14% Premises

The 2011-12 academic year was very productive for ISP, as we had evaluation visits for our Primary and Middle Years Programmes, and the school received excellent feedback from both of them. The positive reports from the IB reflected the huge amount of work that was done by all to develop and further improve

our programmes over the past five years. I would like to thank all staff for their contributions to this success. The whole ISP Community was involved in the development of a new Strategic Plan for 2012-15. That process galvanized our community of students, parents and staff, who all participated, giving input and ideas that push us further on the path to excellence. Our 2012 gala fundraiser took place in March at the Cercle de l’Union Interalliée and was lots of fun. The party played an important part in

raising the 54.000€ fundraised overall to enhance our programmes last year. ISP’s popular Holiday Language programme had the highest enrollment so far, welcoming 369 students over four weeks in July. Our Extended Curriculum Activities programs continued to grow. Alongside the traditional ISP activities, such as Model United Nations in the Secondary School and Mother-tongue lessons in the Primary School, many new activities were introduced. The 2012 Humanitarian Project went to Ghana for the first


time, and constructed and equipped a computer lab for a small village school - quite an achievement! We also partnered with Dresser Rand for a sustainability project, and you can read more about that on page 8. We saw 68 students receive their ISP diplomas in May, and 66 received the full IB Diploma in July. ISP’s 94% pass rate is well above the IB world average of 78%. Approximately half of ISP’s IB graduates (53%) received bilingual diplomas, and over 75% of our Higher Level subject results were 5 or above. Our

graduating class was amazing on another front as well; they launched an ISP Grade 12 Legacy Project, and together with a generous matching gift from a parent, this alumni group collected a grand total of 29.200 € for the Fonds de Dotation. Many thanks to the class of 2012! Very sadly, we had two huge losses to our community last year, with the passing away of our dear colleagues, Primary School Art Teacher, Catherine Matheson Hâche and the Director of External Affairs, Carrie Levenson-Wahl. They both are dearly missed.

Personally, I will have spent 11 wonderful years at ISP by the time I leave next summer, and I am convinced that the great work will continue. I would like to thank our staff, trustees, PTA, students and parents for their sustained contributions to the International School of Paris this past year. I know that those who founded ISP in 1964 are very proud of what we have become today. Sincerely,

Audrey Peverelli, Head of School

5% Depreciation 1% Professional Development 1% School Trips 3% Educational Expenses 6% Indirect Expenses

69% Salaries & Charges

1% Bus 1% Holiday Language Program 2% Other Revolving




Dear ISP Community, I am pleased to present the Annual Report for 2011-12. This was another successful year for ISP, with continued progress and solid finances. While many things went smoothly, there was still a lot of activity on many fronts! The Board was busy with continued review and amendments of the bylaws, which was one of the commendations of the CIS report in 2011. In addition, the Board managed to renegotiate the rent of one of our buildings, resulting in some additional funds becoming available during the budget year. Consequently the board decided to grant a one-off reward to all school staff as a special thank you for the hard work during recent accreditation processes. It was also time to create the New Strategic Plan, and the whole community was involved in the process. The development of the new Strategic Plan was launched at the AGM in December 2011 and started with an online Community-Wide Survey, which obtained a good response rate from all constituencies (parents, staff members, Grade 11 and 12 students and alumni). This was followed by a series of Focus Groups, and a Strategic Planning Task Force planning weekend. Members of this task force included representatives from the Board, staff and parents. Thank you to the many community members who have actively participated in the initial stages of the new Strategic Plan! The resulting ‘strategic goals and plan of action’ are now approved by the Board and published on the ISP website. You will find more information about the Strategic Plan on page 9. Another new initiative was the creation of an IB Diploma scholarship for two students. These scholarships are given to students demonstrating high academic ability and financial need. Both external and internal candidates were eligible to apply. We were pleased to welcome three new members to the Board during the year, and new officers (Vice Presidents, Treasurer and Secretary) were appointed in June 2012. I am looking forward to another successful year, as we continue to improve our communications with all constituencies, as well as the efficiency of ISP’s governance, based on the Board’s selfassessment and ISP community survey. Best regards,

Roberto Agnoli President of the ISP Board of Trustees

Dear ISP Community, In accordance with French law and our own by-laws, I am pleased to provide you with a summary of the financial statements for the fiscal year from September 1st, 2011 to August 31st, 2012. These were approved at the General Assembly on November 26th, 2012. Total revenue amounted to 17 767 337,01€ and 17 861 684,84€ including other revenue. Total operating expenses increased to 16 521 726,54€ with salaries, charges and related taxes amounting to 11 624 888,66€ which represents 70% of total expenses. As expected, social charges and education expenses made up the next largest segment of the operating costs. Operating income totaled a profit of 1 339 958,30€. Including a net financial loss of 198 329,68€ and a net exceptional result of 130 300,23€, the net income

reported is 1 267 526,35€. This amount will be allocated as follows: 100 000€ will be allocated to the reserve for Joško Bobanovic ´, scholarship and 1 167 526,35€ Treasurer to the reserve funds. Total reserves are now at 5 347 264,06€. Last year’s fiscal results confirm ISP’s strong reputation for excellence and its ability to attract large number of students, allowing us to continue our solid financial performance. The number of enrolled students was significantly higher (712) than predicted (682), resulting in greater revenue than budgeted. The renegotiation of the rent of 13 rue Beethoven, as well as an associated one-time discount, also contributed to an increased net result compared to the previous year. The 2012-2013 budget is based on enrolment of 688 students.


FINANCIAL REPORT 2011–12 How the money came in...

<1% Financial Revenues

97% Tuition Fees

<1% Donations <1% Bus <1% Holiday Language Program <1% Other Revolving

... how the money was used. 14% Premises

The 2011-12 academic year was very productive for ISP, as we had evaluation visits for our Primary and Middle Years Programmes, and the school received excellent feedback from both of them. The positive reports from the IB reflected the huge amount of work that was done by all to develop and further improve

our programmes over the past five years. I would like to thank all staff for their contributions to this success. The whole ISP Community was involved in the development of a new Strategic Plan for 2012-15. That process galvanized our community of students, parents and staff, who all participated, giving input and ideas that push us further on the path to excellence. Our 2012 gala fundraiser took place in March at the Cercle de l’Union Interalliée and was lots of fun. The party played an important part in

raising the 54.000€ fundraised overall to enhance our programmes last year. ISP’s popular Holiday Language programme had the highest enrollment so far, welcoming 369 students over four weeks in July. Our Extended Curriculum Activities programs continued to grow. Alongside the traditional ISP activities, such as Model United Nations in the Secondary School and Mother-tongue lessons in the Primary School, many new activities were introduced. The 2012 Humanitarian Project went to Ghana for the first


time, and constructed and equipped a computer lab for a small village school - quite an achievement! We also partnered with Dresser Rand for a sustainability project, and you can read more about that on page 8. We saw 68 students receive their ISP diplomas in May, and 66 received the full IB Diploma in July. ISP’s 94% pass rate is well above the IB world average of 78%. Approximately half of ISP’s IB graduates (53%) received bilingual diplomas, and over 75% of our Higher Level subject results were 5 or above. Our

graduating class was amazing on another front as well; they launched an ISP Grade 12 Legacy Project, and together with a generous matching gift from a parent, this alumni group collected a grand total of 29.200 € for the Fonds de Dotation. Many thanks to the class of 2012! Very sadly, we had two huge losses to our community last year, with the passing away of our dear colleagues, Primary School Art Teacher, Catherine Matheson Hâche and the Director of External Affairs, Carrie Levenson-Wahl. They both are dearly missed.

Personally, I will have spent 11 wonderful years at ISP by the time I leave next summer, and I am convinced that the great work will continue. I would like to thank our staff, trustees, PTA, students and parents for their sustained contributions to the International School of Paris this past year. I know that those who founded ISP in 1964 are very proud of what we have become today. Sincerely,

Audrey Peverelli, Head of School

5% Depreciation 1% Professional Development 1% School Trips 3% Educational Expenses 6% Indirect Expenses

69% Salaries & Charges

1% Bus 1% Holiday Language Program 2% Other Revolving



CARRIE LEVENSON-WAHL Carrie Levenson-Wahl came to ISP in September 2001 as a parent. At that stage, the school was in the process of setting up a development office. With Carrie’s extensive experience in fundraising, it was natural for her to become involved with that process. Originally, her family had been planning to stay for only one year. However, they all fell in love with Paris, France and ISP, and decided to prolong their stay. During the spring of 2002, Carrie became ISP’s first Director of External Affairs. This was not an easy task. Although Europeans give generously to charities, the idea of giving to a private school was completely new to them. In addition, the mobility of our international families meant that the message needed to be constantly reinforced. Carrie launched an intense education and information program and, with her determination and expertise, she was able to spread this idea among the school community, establishing a strong culture of giving at ISP.

Carrie’s ground-breaking experiences in Paris meant that she became one of the few experts on educational fundraising in a European context. She was active in establishing development groups which supported international schools. She advised schools on setting up their own offices. It is fair to say that if the development scene in European international schools is well-established today, it is thanks, in large part, to Carrie’s commitment and determination. Carrie’s presence at the International School of Paris was not limited to her professional input. She was an active participant in all school events, played violin with ISP students in concerts and drama performances, always supported those going through tough times in their lives, and wholeheartedly joined their celebrations when things went well. Her optimism, spirit and sparkling eyes are sorely missed by the whole ISP community.


CATHERINE HÂCHE-MATHESON Catherine Hâche-Matheson had her roots firmly in the Scottish Highlands. She was born and brought up in Edinburgh by parents who were both medical doctors, and she was the eldest of four children. Catherine began her education at Saint George’s School for Girls in Edinburgh, and continued her studies at the Edinburgh School of Arts, where she specialized in drawing, painting and tapestry weaving. In addition to receiving a postgraduate certificate in art and crafts, she was also granted several awards and scholarships, which took her to many inspiring places around Europe, Poland and Russia among them. Catherine became a certified art teacher at Edinburgh Moray House School of Education, and taught art at Le Rosey International School, in Switzerland, for three years. Education and Art were her main interests. She loved the way art is valued, taught and learned in the PYP (Primary Years Programme). In an ISP publication from 2009, Catherine

Matheson said: ‘Teaching art in a PYP school is very exciting. In many other schools the art teachers are doing completely separate things on their own. At ISP, there is a strong link between the teachers; we are working together and learning together. Art is not only a subject in the curriculum: it is a way of strengthening the process of holistic and life-long learning through creativity.’ Throughout her life, Catherine continued being active as an artist. She was especially keen on tapestry work, and produced many beautiful tapestry hangings which are currently parts of various collections around the world. In addition to being a professional artist herself, she had an amazing talent to combine the creativity of ISP’s students into beautiful and moving art pieces. At a recent commemorative ceremony, one of these paintings was placed permanently on the wall just outside the art class, as a continuing reminder of Catherine’s inspiring presence.



CARRIE LEVENSON-WAHL Carrie Levenson-Wahl came to ISP in September 2001 as a parent. At that stage, the school was in the process of setting up a development office. With Carrie’s extensive experience in fundraising, it was natural for her to become involved with that process. Originally, her family had been planning to stay for only one year. However, they all fell in love with Paris, France and ISP, and decided to prolong their stay. During the spring of 2002, Carrie became ISP’s first Director of External Affairs. This was not an easy task. Although Europeans give generously to charities, the idea of giving to a private school was completely new to them. In addition, the mobility of our international families meant that the message needed to be constantly reinforced. Carrie launched an intense education and information program and, with her determination and expertise, she was able to spread this idea among the school community, establishing a strong culture of giving at ISP.

Carrie’s ground-breaking experiences in Paris meant that she became one of the few experts on educational fundraising in a European context. She was active in establishing development groups which supported international schools. She advised schools on setting up their own offices. It is fair to say that if the development scene in European international schools is well-established today, it is thanks, in large part, to Carrie’s commitment and determination. Carrie’s presence at the International School of Paris was not limited to her professional input. She was an active participant in all school events, played violin with ISP students in concerts and drama performances, always supported those going through tough times in their lives, and wholeheartedly joined their celebrations when things went well. Her optimism, spirit and sparkling eyes are sorely missed by the whole ISP community.


CATHERINE HÂCHE-MATHESON Catherine Hâche-Matheson had her roots firmly in the Scottish Highlands. She was born and brought up in Edinburgh by parents who were both medical doctors, and she was the eldest of four children. Catherine began her education at Saint George’s School for Girls in Edinburgh, and continued her studies at the Edinburgh School of Arts, where she specialized in drawing, painting and tapestry weaving. In addition to receiving a postgraduate certificate in art and crafts, she was also granted several awards and scholarships, which took her to many inspiring places around Europe, Poland and Russia among them. Catherine became a certified art teacher at Edinburgh Moray House School of Education, and taught art at Le Rosey International School, in Switzerland, for three years. Education and Art were her main interests. She loved the way art is valued, taught and learned in the PYP (Primary Years Programme). In an ISP publication from 2009, Catherine

Matheson said: ‘Teaching art in a PYP school is very exciting. In many other schools the art teachers are doing completely separate things on their own. At ISP, there is a strong link between the teachers; we are working together and learning together. Art is not only a subject in the curriculum: it is a way of strengthening the process of holistic and life-long learning through creativity.’ Throughout her life, Catherine continued being active as an artist. She was especially keen on tapestry work, and produced many beautiful tapestry hangings which are currently parts of various collections around the world. In addition to being a professional artist herself, she had an amazing talent to combine the creativity of ISP’s students into beautiful and moving art pieces. At a recent commemorative ceremony, one of these paintings was placed permanently on the wall just outside the art class, as a continuing reminder of Catherine’s inspiring presence.


ISP FONDS DE DOTATION (ENDOWMENT FUND) Since 2008, French law has allowed the creation of so-called Fonds de Dotation (Endowment Fund), and ISP was quick to set up its Fund in the same year. The ISP Fonds de Dotation is a legal entity, separate and distinct from the ISP Association, and, as defined in its bylaws, its purpose is to provide a stable and growing annual contribution to support educational activities of academic excellence. Christopher Baker, an ISP parent and attorney who was closely involved in the development of the French fonds de dotation legislation explains: “The goal of the Fonds de Dotation is to help to ensure the long term financial security of ISP. Thus while ISP’s mission is to provide excellent education to our children each and every day, the Fonds de Dotation’s objective is to provide ISP with long term financial resources so that ISP will be there to serve future generations as well.” Setting up the Fonds de Dotation was something that Carrie Levenson-Wahl was very passionate about. She often referred to it as the school’s “savings account”. Anyone who has ever begun saving from scratch knows that it takes time, perseverance and

patience. And, as anyone who has reached their savings target knows, the time and perseverance do pay off. Carrie started the process of securing ISP’s future. Now, it’s up to us to build it. The initial target of ISP’s Fonds de Dotation is to grow its endowment to €1,000,000. Once that level has been reached, income from the endowment (interest, dividends, etc.) will be used to support ISP and its programs, while the principal itself will continue to grow through fundraising and gifts. The income can be used to support activities in the following categories: Academic Excellence Scholarships Staff Professional Development Restricted Funds This year, ISP’s development committee has decided to concentrate all fundraising efforts on growing the endowment fund. We invite you all to join in! ISP’s fundraising Gala 2013 will be held on Saturday, February 23, in celebration of Carrie Levenson-Wahl. All proceeds will go to the Fonds de Dotation.

The goal of the Fonds de Dotation is to help to ensure the long term financial security of ISP. Thus while ISP’s mission is to provide excellent education to our children each and every day, the Fonds de Dotation’s objective is to provide ISP with long term financial resources so that ISP will be there to serve future gen—Christopher Baker, ISP parent and attorney erations as well.

Here are some examples of items that your generous donations helped us to purchase in 2011-12:

PRIMARY SCHOOL • Keyboards for the music classes • New play house for the playground • New Outdoor Nature & Art Center to transform and exploit the outdoor area and terrace

SECONDARY SCHOOL • Scholarship Fund for the Ghana Humanitarian Project to allow more students to participate • Ten precision scales for all science classes

WHOLE SCHOOL • 8 iPads and 40 iPods • Sponsoring various cultural, artistic, and literary presenters • Contributions to our Endowment Fund (Fonds de Dotation)

THANK YOU! The Cercle de L’Union Interalliée’s salons provided once again an elegant backdrop to our annual fundraising gala and auction. The ISP community celebrated les Années Folles of the 20’s, and showed fabulous spirit in dressing up for the occasion! The evening raised a total of 39.560 € to enhance our programmes. Thank you to all our sponsors, donors, bidders and those who attended for making this event a success. A special thank you to our Gala Committee members for their enthusiasm, creativity and hard work! We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the following donors for their generosity during the Academic Year 2011-12. Your donations have greatly enhanced our ability to meet the goal of continued excellence in education. 2011-2012 ANNUAL FUND DONORS Roberto Agnoli John Alam and Sylvie Gregoire Emi and Jun Aoki Maurits Cuypers and Saskia Van der Erf Ian Moffat and Deanne Haller Mimi and John Harris Sona Havlik Makiko and Naoto Hisajima Ingrid and Gio Iera Bong Geun Jeong and Jeung Ok Won Charlotte and Thomas Kunz Sang-Wan Park Yojna Patel Michèle and Pascal Ravery Yoshi Sasaki Ariane and Lionel Sauvage Linda and David Sherman Zheng Wang and Luliu Xing Anonymous (3) 2011-2012 GALA COMMITTEE Nicholas Bian Christine Biskaduros Elaine Bonwell Elizabeth Farabee Deanne Haller Mimi Harris Sona Havlik Lisa Laney Carrie Levenson-Wahl Elizabeth Mockapetris Nobuko Nomura Audrey Peverelli

Lesley Raleigh Elizabeth Rozeboom Maryvonne Sillanpää Denise Stern Eva Wong 2011-2012 GALA SPONSORS AND DONORS A Good Start in France ADP Europe Rupert Ball-Greene Danielle Beaulieu Bluebird Investissements Elaine Bonwell Marjorie and Marc Chayette James Chedburn Equinox Financial Group Karen Park-Goude and Jean-Paul Goude Tony Griffin Ali Reza and Ameneh Saif Haditalab Mimi and John Harris Paul Hottinguer Kiyonori Ishimura Lisa Laney Christophe Laure Hélène Maumy-Florescu Liz Mockapetris Ian Moffat and Deanne Haller Jean-François and Angélina Palus Audrey Peverelli PTA and Primary School Students Lionel and Ariane Sauvage Maryvonne Sillanpää

Denise Stern Susan Tal-Hermon and Rodolphe Courseau Hans Wahl and Carrie Levenson-Wahl Anonymous (8) 2011-2012 FONDS DE DOTATION DONORS Joško Bobanovic´ and Maja Bujas-Bobanovic´ Elaine and Robert Bonwell Jeffrey Clarke and Victoria Hallum-Clarke Maurits Cuypers and Saskia Van der Erf Getachew Engida and Martha Tilahun David Finn and Katharine Harkins Morgan Hanzlik ‘91 Mimi and John Harris Lisa and Radford Laney Valerie and Denis Metzger Michèle and Pascal Ravery Shauna and Michael Salomon Lionel and Ariane Sauvage Denise and Michael Stern James and Franziska Swayzee Anonymous (3) 2011-2012 HUMANITARIAN PROJECT DONORS Céline Babulaud Carla Bach Pam Barnaby Howard Boyd

Eli Bradshaw Carmel Cahill Rukiya Cochu Kasia Davies Belinda de Gaudemar Geneviève Dutriaux Elizabeth Farabee Laurence Ferrari Loretta Fox Marianne Freire Marie-Claude Gagnon Katherine Harkins Mimi Harris Thomas Hugues Andrea Lagioia Aurélien Lasternat Marie-Cyrille Lavalle Loretta Lazar Christopher and Jacqueline Levesque Carrie Levenson-Wahl and Hans Wahl Audrey and Gérard Peverelli Eileen McAteer Sarah Pedarsani Dani Playground Lesley and Stephen Raleigh Thomas Ryan Jean Sampson Constantin Sauvage ‘12 Michael Simmonds Laure Talet Martha Tilahun Sarah Waller

This report reflects contributions made from September 1, 2011 to August 31, 2012. We have made every effort to acknowledge

Facing page: Members of the Gala Committee

all who have donated during that time. We apologize in advance if we inadvertently omitted or incorrectly acknowledged your gift. Preparing this list was exceptionally challenging this year, as we unexpectedly lost the expertise and knowledge of Carrie Levenson-Wahl, who was the main liaison and driving force of ISP’s fundraising efforts for the past 11 years. For any corrections, please contact Tuija Wallgren at



ISP FONDS DE DOTATION (ENDOWMENT FUND) Since 2008, French law has allowed the creation of so-called Fonds de Dotation (Endowment Fund), and ISP was quick to set up its Fund in the same year. The ISP Fonds de Dotation is a legal entity, separate and distinct from the ISP Association, and, as defined in its bylaws, its purpose is to provide a stable and growing annual contribution to support educational activities of academic excellence. Christopher Baker, an ISP parent and attorney who was closely involved in the development of the French fonds de dotation legislation explains: “The goal of the Fonds de Dotation is to help to ensure the long term financial security of ISP. Thus while ISP’s mission is to provide excellent education to our children each and every day, the Fonds de Dotation’s objective is to provide ISP with long term financial resources so that ISP will be there to serve future generations as well.” Setting up the Fonds de Dotation was something that Carrie Levenson-Wahl was very passionate about. She often referred to it as the school’s “savings account”. Anyone who has ever begun saving from scratch knows that it takes time, perseverance and

patience. And, as anyone who has reached their savings target knows, the time and perseverance do pay off. Carrie started the process of securing ISP’s future. Now, it’s up to us to build it. The initial target of ISP’s Fonds de Dotation is to grow its endowment to €1,000,000. Once that level has been reached, income from the endowment (interest, dividends, etc.) will be used to support ISP and its programs, while the principal itself will continue to grow through fundraising and gifts. The income can be used to support activities in the following categories: Academic Excellence Scholarships Staff Professional Development Restricted Funds This year, ISP’s development committee has decided to concentrate all fundraising efforts on growing the endowment fund. We invite you all to join in! ISP’s fundraising Gala 2013 will be held on Saturday, February 23, in celebration of Carrie Levenson-Wahl. All proceeds will go to the Fonds de Dotation.

The goal of the Fonds de Dotation is to help to ensure the long term financial security of ISP. Thus while ISP’s mission is to provide excellent education to our children each and every day, the Fonds de Dotation’s objective is to provide ISP with long term financial resources so that ISP will be there to serve future gen—Christopher Baker, ISP parent and attorney erations as well.

Here are some examples of items that your generous donations helped us to purchase in 2011-12:

PRIMARY SCHOOL • Keyboards for the music classes • New play house for the playground • New Outdoor Nature & Art Center to transform and exploit the outdoor area and terrace

SECONDARY SCHOOL • Scholarship Fund for the Ghana Humanitarian Project to allow more students to participate • Ten precision scales for all science classes

WHOLE SCHOOL • 8 iPads and 40 iPods • Sponsoring various cultural, artistic, and literary presenters • Contributions to our Endowment Fund (Fonds de Dotation)

THANK YOU! The Cercle de L’Union Interalliée’s salons provided once again an elegant backdrop to our annual fundraising gala and auction. The ISP community celebrated les Années Folles of the 20’s, and showed fabulous spirit in dressing up for the occasion! The evening raised a total of 39.560 € to enhance our programmes. Thank you to all our sponsors, donors, bidders and those who attended for making this event a success. A special thank you to our Gala Committee members for their enthusiasm, creativity and hard work! We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the following donors for their generosity during the Academic Year 2011-12. Your donations have greatly enhanced our ability to meet the goal of continued excellence in education. 2011-2012 ANNUAL FUND DONORS Roberto Agnoli John Alam and Sylvie Gregoire Emi and Jun Aoki Maurits Cuypers and Saskia Van der Erf Ian Moffat and Deanne Haller Mimi and John Harris Sona Havlik Makiko and Naoto Hisajima Ingrid and Gio Iera Bong Geun Jeong and Jeung Ok Won Charlotte and Thomas Kunz Sang-Wan Park Yojna Patel Michèle and Pascal Ravery Yoshi Sasaki Ariane and Lionel Sauvage Linda and David Sherman Zheng Wang and Luliu Xing Anonymous (3) 2011-2012 GALA COMMITTEE Nicholas Bian Christine Biskaduros Elaine Bonwell Elizabeth Farabee Deanne Haller Mimi Harris Sona Havlik Lisa Laney Carrie Levenson-Wahl Elizabeth Mockapetris Nobuko Nomura Audrey Peverelli

Lesley Raleigh Elizabeth Rozeboom Maryvonne Sillanpää Denise Stern Eva Wong 2011-2012 GALA SPONSORS AND DONORS A Good Start in France ADP Europe Rupert Ball-Greene Danielle Beaulieu Bluebird Investissements Elaine Bonwell Marjorie and Marc Chayette James Chedburn Equinox Financial Group Karen Park-Goude and Jean-Paul Goude Tony Griffin Ali Reza and Ameneh Saif Haditalab Mimi and John Harris Paul Hottinguer Kiyonori Ishimura Lisa Laney Christophe Laure Hélène Maumy-Florescu Liz Mockapetris Ian Moffat and Deanne Haller Jean-François and Angélina Palus Audrey Peverelli PTA and Primary School Students Lionel and Ariane Sauvage Maryvonne Sillanpää

Denise Stern Susan Tal-Hermon and Rodolphe Courseau Hans Wahl and Carrie Levenson-Wahl Anonymous (8) 2011-2012 FONDS DE DOTATION DONORS Joško Bobanovic´ and Maja Bujas-Bobanovic´ Elaine and Robert Bonwell Jeffrey Clarke and Victoria Hallum-Clarke Maurits Cuypers and Saskia Van der Erf Getachew Engida and Martha Tilahun David Finn and Katharine Harkins Morgan Hanzlik ‘91 Mimi and John Harris Lisa and Radford Laney Valerie and Denis Metzger Michèle and Pascal Ravery Shauna and Michael Salomon Lionel and Ariane Sauvage Denise and Michael Stern James and Franziska Swayzee Anonymous (3) 2011-2012 HUMANITARIAN PROJECT DONORS Céline Babulaud Carla Bach Pam Barnaby Howard Boyd

Eli Bradshaw Carmel Cahill Rukiya Cochu Kasia Davies Belinda de Gaudemar Geneviève Dutriaux Elizabeth Farabee Laurence Ferrari Loretta Fox Marianne Freire Marie-Claude Gagnon Katherine Harkins Mimi Harris Thomas Hugues Andrea Lagioia Aurélien Lasternat Marie-Cyrille Lavalle Loretta Lazar Christopher and Jacqueline Levesque Carrie Levenson-Wahl and Hans Wahl Audrey and Gérard Peverelli Eileen McAteer Sarah Pedarsani Dani Playground Lesley and Stephen Raleigh Thomas Ryan Jean Sampson Constantin Sauvage ‘12 Michael Simmonds Laure Talet Martha Tilahun Sarah Waller

This report reflects contributions made from September 1, 2011 to August 31, 2012. We have made every effort to acknowledge

Facing page: Members of the Gala Committee

all who have donated during that time. We apologize in advance if we inadvertently omitted or incorrectly acknowledged your gift. Preparing this list was exceptionally challenging this year, as we unexpectedly lost the expertise and knowledge of Carrie Levenson-Wahl, who was the main liaison and driving force of ISP’s fundraising efforts for the past 11 years. For any corrections, please contact Tuija Wallgren at



STRATEGIC PLAN 2012-15 A ROADMAP TO EXCELLENCE A Strategic Plan helps an organization to define its priorities and specific goals. At ISP, we use the Strategic Plan as a tool to strengthen and support our commitment to our vision, mission and philosophy. The time span of a Strategic Plan is usually three to five years, and after a successful implementation of the previous plan from 2007 it was time to launch a new project during the Academic Year 2011-12. ISP’s Strategic Plan is initially driven by the Board of Trustees, but the whole community is involved in the process. In early January 2011, the Board invited all constituencies to participate in a Community-Wide Strategic Plan Survey. The high number of responses was a clear and positive sign of our commu-

CommunityWide Strategic Plan Survey sent out—record 802 responses

Strategic Planning Workshop. 40 selected volunteers spend the weekend to discuss strategic questions based on the Community-Wide Survey and Focus Groups’ results.


8 Based on reports, Strategy Committee identifies four main areas of focus and specific goals.

be Se

m m Su

ne Ju

Board approves goals related to four main areas.

pt em


un ar ch


y1 ar ru Fe b

Focus Groups facilitated by Triangle Associates (external consultants). 107 parents, staff, students and alumni participate.



-1 y8 Fe b


ar nu




Board announces launch of new Strategic Plan process at Annual General Meeting



r7 be 11 De ce m

Left: Old harbor in Bergen Right: ISP students, led by geography teacher, Mr. Toby Reid, visited Statoil headquarters in Bergen.


Dresser-Rand/ISP Sustainability Project In 2011-12, ISP was fortunate to partner with Dresser-Rand, a global company specialized in custom-engineered equipment solutions for long-life, critical applications in the oil, gas, petrochemical, and process industries. One of the results of this relationship was the Dresser-Rand/ISP Sustainability Project, which took place in June. Six ISP students had a chance to learn more about global manufacturing, new technology and professional life in a corporate environment. The students were given a research topic on which they were asked to prepare a presentation, as well as a written article to be published in Dresser-Rand’s 2012 Sustainability Report. At the beginning, the students discussed the geography, history, economics and science behind energy production during lunch-time sessions at ISP. They also discussed the implications of rising energy demand with particular emphasis on the use of more efficient technology to reduce fuel consumption. In Paris, the students visited the Dresser-Rand headquarters and worked on their presentation together with the CEO and other employees. The project culminated in a visit to Norway, where the team visited the Norwegian oil company Statoil, gave their presentation to Statoil’s Executive Vice President of Technology, Projects and Drilling and interviewed her about sustainability. ISP would like to sincerely thank Dresser-Rand for providing our students with this truly unique opportunity to experience business and technology in a real life context.


Mission The Mission of ISP is to create a challenging and motivating English-speaking environment where students and staff from around the world use the programmes of the International Baccalaureate Organization and work in harmony to develop every student’s full intellectual and human potential.

Senior Leadership Team of the school expanded the goals into concrete action items, and the complete Strategic Plan was approved by the Board at their September 2012 Board meeting. The Head of School and the School Leadership Team have already begun to implement actions and strategies derived from the process, and the Board will be closely monitoring outcomes and results. The final Strategic Plan document is available to the ISP community on the Board of Trustees section of the website. The Board would like to sincerely thank everyone who gave their time, energy and expertise during these initial stages of the Strategic Planning process. Your support and engagement is greatly appreciated.

nity’s engagement. In addition, many parents, students and staff members signed up to specific Focus Groups, which were facilitated discussions on topics that emerged from the survey. The planning stage culminated in a Weekend Workshop, where the results of the Survey and Focus Groups were further explored and analyzed in depth. Based on all previous reports, the Strategy Committee then identified the following four main areas of focus for the Strategic Plan 2012-15: 1. Excellence 2. Facilities 3. Communication 4. Finance Specific goals related to these areas were identified and approved by the Board in June. During the summer, the


Vision The Vision for the International School of Paris is to benefit from the diversity of its community in creating well-educated, internationallyminded citizens.



Senior Leadership Team of the school expands the goals into concrete action items.

Final Strategic Plan for 201215 approved by Board of Trustees.

If your company is interested in developing a similar project together with us, please contact Tuija Wallgren at or +33 (1) 01 42 24 05 69.

It was an amazing experience, to be treated as equals by esteemed engineers and business executives, and to be able to make a formal presentation in a professional corporate environment —A participating student, currently in Grade 11


Hardworking and engaged participants at the Strategic Planning Workshop in February 2012.


STRATEGIC PLAN 2012-15 A ROADMAP TO EXCELLENCE A Strategic Plan helps an organization to define its priorities and specific goals. At ISP, we use the Strategic Plan as a tool to strengthen and support our commitment to our vision, mission and philosophy. The time span of a Strategic Plan is usually three to five years, and after a successful implementation of the previous plan from 2007 it was time to launch a new project during the Academic Year 2011-12. ISP’s Strategic Plan is initially driven by the Board of Trustees, but the whole community is involved in the process. In early January 2011, the Board invited all constituencies to participate in a Community-Wide Strategic Plan Survey. The high number of responses was a clear and positive sign of our commu-

CommunityWide Strategic Plan Survey sent out—record 802 responses

Strategic Planning Workshop. 40 selected volunteers spend the weekend to discuss strategic questions based on the Community-Wide Survey and Focus Groups’ results.


8 Based on reports, Strategy Committee identifies four main areas of focus and specific goals.

be Se

m m Su

ne Ju

Board approves goals related to four main areas.

pt em


un ar ch


y1 ar ru Fe b

Focus Groups facilitated by Triangle Associates (external consultants). 107 parents, staff, students and alumni participate.



-1 y8 Fe b


ar nu




Board announces launch of new Strategic Plan process at Annual General Meeting



r7 be 11 De ce m

Left: Old harbor in Bergen Right: ISP students, led by geography teacher, Mr. Toby Reid, visited Statoil headquarters in Bergen.


Dresser-Rand/ISP Sustainability Project In 2011-12, ISP was fortunate to partner with Dresser-Rand, a global company specialized in custom-engineered equipment solutions for long-life, critical applications in the oil, gas, petrochemical, and process industries. One of the results of this relationship was the Dresser-Rand/ISP Sustainability Project, which took place in June. Six ISP students had a chance to learn more about global manufacturing, new technology and professional life in a corporate environment. The students were given a research topic on which they were asked to prepare a presentation, as well as a written article to be published in Dresser-Rand’s 2012 Sustainability Report. At the beginning, the students discussed the geography, history, economics and science behind energy production during lunch-time sessions at ISP. They also discussed the implications of rising energy demand with particular emphasis on the use of more efficient technology to reduce fuel consumption. In Paris, the students visited the Dresser-Rand headquarters and worked on their presentation together with the CEO and other employees. The project culminated in a visit to Norway, where the team visited the Norwegian oil company Statoil, gave their presentation to Statoil’s Executive Vice President of Technology, Projects and Drilling and interviewed her about sustainability. ISP would like to sincerely thank Dresser-Rand for providing our students with this truly unique opportunity to experience business and technology in a real life context.


Mission The Mission of ISP is to create a challenging and motivating English-speaking environment where students and staff from around the world use the programmes of the International Baccalaureate Organization and work in harmony to develop every student’s full intellectual and human potential.

Senior Leadership Team of the school expanded the goals into concrete action items, and the complete Strategic Plan was approved by the Board at their September 2012 Board meeting. The Head of School and the School Leadership Team have already begun to implement actions and strategies derived from the process, and the Board will be closely monitoring outcomes and results. The final Strategic Plan document is available to the ISP community on the Board of Trustees section of the website. The Board would like to sincerely thank everyone who gave their time, energy and expertise during these initial stages of the Strategic Planning process. Your support and engagement is greatly appreciated.

nity’s engagement. In addition, many parents, students and staff members signed up to specific Focus Groups, which were facilitated discussions on topics that emerged from the survey. The planning stage culminated in a Weekend Workshop, where the results of the Survey and Focus Groups were further explored and analyzed in depth. Based on all previous reports, the Strategy Committee then identified the following four main areas of focus for the Strategic Plan 2012-15: 1. Excellence 2. Facilities 3. Communication 4. Finance Specific goals related to these areas were identified and approved by the Board in June. During the summer, the


Vision The Vision for the International School of Paris is to benefit from the diversity of its community in creating well-educated, internationallyminded citizens.



Senior Leadership Team of the school expands the goals into concrete action items.

Final Strategic Plan for 201215 approved by Board of Trustees.

If your company is interested in developing a similar project together with us, please contact Tuija Wallgren at or +33 (1) 01 42 24 05 69.

It was an amazing experience, to be treated as equals by esteemed engineers and business executives, and to be able to make a formal presentation in a professional corporate environment —A participating student, currently in Grade 11


Hardworking and engaged participants at the Strategic Planning Workshop in February 2012.




ϾϰК Average Grades by Subject ISP Class of 2012 ϳϴК 5.08





4.31 4.51

As every year, the class of 2012 students were accepted at excellent universities and colleges. Our students are interested in a diverse range of subjects and different academic systems in various countries. The IB Diploma – often bilingual – makes our students very attractive to top academic institutions throughout the world, which is reflected in their acceptances.



ISP Pass rate 4 5 6 WW Pass rate


ISP students were successful in all subject groups 2008 of the IB 2009 Diploma Programme.

recently receive an email with a link to this Annual Report, please send us an email at Being on the alumni mailing list will enable you to receive timely information about our alumni reunions, anniversaries and other events. Looking forward to keeping in touch and hearing your news!

40% 20%


The average worldwide points


have been calculated by using a hypothetical worldwide sample

2010 2011 with the same subject distribution


as the ISP cohort for 2011/12.

IB Diploma - ISP & World-Wide Pass Rates 100%

98% 91%


media groups in both LinkedIn and Facebook, in order to facilitate our alumni relations. We invite all our former students, parents and staff members to keep in touch with us by signing up! In addition to the new social media initiatives, we continue to keep our alumni mailing list updated. If you are a member of the ISP alumni but did not



is engaged in making our school special. Thanks to our dynamic and active PTA, many of the parents are closely involved in the everyday life and happenings of the school. Our former students, parents and staff members often get in touch with us, sharing the fond memories that they have from their time at ISP. We have recently set up social




ISP Alumni is much more than its graduates. Our community is very mobile, and many of our families stay at 100% the school only for a limited period of time. These students 2009 move on to continue their education, 80%and finally graduate at another school, elsewhere in the world. Another aspect of our com60% munity is that everyone


40% 20%

90% 5.25 5.01 4.64

ISP Average Grades WW Average Grades


At the Graduation Ceremony in May, 68 happy students received their ISP diplomas. While all ISP’s Grade 11-12 students take courses aiming to the IB Diploma, a very small minority opt to sit only selected IB exams. This year, 66 students received the full IB Diploma in July. 53% of them were bilingual diplomas, where the student demonstrates an ability to meet high academic standards using two different languages.




80% 60%



100%Language A 98% Language B







The Class of 2012 students were accepted to universities in the following countries: Belgium Canada France Japan Korea Netherlands Norway United Kingdom United States

A full list of 2012 University Acceptances, including close to 100 universities and colleges worldwide, is available on the University Counseling section of our website,


40% ISP Pass rate



WW Pass rate

0% 2008



Our pass rate is extremely good, particularly because the great majority of our students do the




full IB Diploma. At many other schools only the best students are selected to do that.

New York




ϾϰК Average Grades by Subject ISP Class of 2012 ϳϴК 5.08





4.31 4.51

As every year, the class of 2012 students were accepted at excellent universities and colleges. Our students are interested in a diverse range of subjects and different academic systems in various countries. The IB Diploma – often bilingual – makes our students very attractive to top academic institutions throughout the world, which is reflected in their acceptances.



ISP Pass rate 4 5 6 WW Pass rate


ISP students were successful in all subject groups 2008 of the IB 2009 Diploma Programme.

recently receive an email with a link to this Annual Report, please send us an email at Being on the alumni mailing list will enable you to receive timely information about our alumni reunions, anniversaries and other events. Looking forward to keeping in touch and hearing your news!

40% 20%


The average worldwide points


have been calculated by using a hypothetical worldwide sample

2010 2011 with the same subject distribution


as the ISP cohort for 2011/12.

IB Diploma - ISP & World-Wide Pass Rates 100%

98% 91%


media groups in both LinkedIn and Facebook, in order to facilitate our alumni relations. We invite all our former students, parents and staff members to keep in touch with us by signing up! In addition to the new social media initiatives, we continue to keep our alumni mailing list updated. If you are a member of the ISP alumni but did not



is engaged in making our school special. Thanks to our dynamic and active PTA, many of the parents are closely involved in the everyday life and happenings of the school. Our former students, parents and staff members often get in touch with us, sharing the fond memories that they have from their time at ISP. We have recently set up social




ISP Alumni is much more than its graduates. Our community is very mobile, and many of our families stay at 100% the school only for a limited period of time. These students 2009 move on to continue their education, 80%and finally graduate at another school, elsewhere in the world. Another aspect of our com60% munity is that everyone


40% 20%

90% 5.25 5.01 4.64

ISP Average Grades WW Average Grades


At the Graduation Ceremony in May, 68 happy students received their ISP diplomas. While all ISP’s Grade 11-12 students take courses aiming to the IB Diploma, a very small minority opt to sit only selected IB exams. This year, 66 students received the full IB Diploma in July. 53% of them were bilingual diplomas, where the student demonstrates an ability to meet high academic standards using two different languages.




80% 60%



100%Language A 98% Language B







The Class of 2012 students were accepted to universities in the following countries: Belgium Canada France Japan Korea Netherlands Norway United Kingdom United States

A full list of 2012 University Acceptances, including close to 100 universities and colleges worldwide, is available on the University Counseling section of our website,


40% ISP Pass rate



WW Pass rate

0% 2008



Our pass rate is extremely good, particularly because the great majority of our students do the




full IB Diploma. At many other schools only the best students are selected to do that.

New York



Four happy former ISP families got together in May 2012 in Seattle, Washington – practically on the other side of the globe from Paris! The Ricklefs family, the Steckler family, the Dadoun family and the Woolsey family are all recent ISP families, and it is heart-warming to see that they have kept in touch even after their departure. Thank you for sharing this moment with us!

SAVE-THE-DATE: GALA & AUCTION! Saturday, February 23, 2013 beginning at 19:00 Hotel InterContinental Le Grand, 2, rue Scribe, 75009 Paris Three-course dinner, exciting auction items and dancing. Plan to join us for a fun dazzling disco party! For more information, please contact Tasia Asakawa at or 01 42 24 09 19. Limited seating, book early!

ISP_gala13_invite_04sq.indd 1

ISP - Secondary School - 6, rue Beethoven, 75016 Paris - Tel: 01 42 24 09 54 - Fax: 01 45 27 15 93 ISP - Primary School - 96bis, rue du Ranelagh, 75016 Paris - Tel: 01 42 24 43 40 - Fax: 01 42 24 69 14 - -

12/5/12 7:46 PM

Head of School: Audrey Peverelli Editors: Tuija Wallgren, Tasia Asakawa Design: A. Tunick ( Printed on Forest Stewardship Council Certified Paper / photos & text copyright ISP

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