ISP Annual Report 2012-13

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From the President of the Board

Treasurer’s report

Dear ISP Community, You are presently reading the Annual Report for 2012-13, which reflects upon another year full of successful activity, not only for the students and staff but also at the Board level. Appointing the Head of School is the single most important task of the Board. Due to the resignation of Ms. Peverelli early in the year, the search for the new Head was naturally a major focus of the Board activities during the Academic Year 2012-13. In retrospect, I am very pleased to note that hiring Mr. Holliday-Bersegeay as the Interim Head of School for this academic year was a sound decision, as his leadership has secured not only continuity, but also further development of ISP during this transition period. Another major Board activity was to launch and initiate the new Strategic Plan for the school. The Strategic Plan for 2012-15 sets the main strategic goals for ISP, and this time the focus is on the areas of excellence in education, communications, facilities and finance. The school management team is currently implementing and further developing the action points to reach the overarching goals defined in this Plan, and everyone at the school can be proud of the progress so far. Some areas of the Strategic Plan were implemented already during the last academic year. One of the big accomplishments was in the area of facilities, and the Board was pleased to be able to approve the acquisition of 102 rue du Ranelagh ground floor and garden. This acquisition created some much needed additional space for the Primary School campus, and the purchase was perfectly in line with ISP’s overall strategy of facility management. The Board was naturally busy with many other, perhaps more regular, tasks as well. In addition to the annual budget decisions and Board self-evaluation process, the Board approved revisions to both the Tuition Payment Policy and the Purchase Order Policy, and updated guidelines for the Staff Participants on the Board.

Roberto Agnoli President of the ISP Board of Trustees

Dear ISP Community, I am pleased to provide you with a summary of the financial statements for the fiscal year from September 1, 2012 to August 31, 2013. These were approved at the General Assembly on December 2, 2013. The total revenue of the fiscal year 2012-13 (including revolving activities) amounted to 17 997 386,98€ and to 18 083 486,43€ including other revenue. Total operating expenses increased to 17 265 349,41€ with salaries, charges and related taxes amounting to 11 990 684,62€, representing 69% of total expenses. The next largest segment of the operation costs were social charges and education expenses. Operating income totaled a profit of 818 137,02€. Including a net financial loss of 191 830,99€ and a net exceptional result of 6 107,30€, the net income reported is 624 990,27€. This amount will be allocated as follows: Recoveries 25 500€

from 100 000 € allocated into the reserve for scholarship in 2011/2012 the new scholarJoško Bobanovic ´, ship reserve is 74 500€, and Treasurer 650 490,27€ to the reserve funds. Total reserves are now at 5 897 754,33€. 2012/2013 financial year reflects ISP’s strong position as one of the leading international schools in Europe. Our ability to continuously attract large numbers of students, allowed us to slightly exceed enrollment targets initially indicated in the 2012/2013 budget. Despite a bigger increase in operating expenses than income, the Association generated a positive net income (+625K€) slightly higher than budgeted (+529 K€). The 2013/2014 budget is established in a limited context. We are already operating with the maximum rate of occupation of the facilities, and the 2013/14 budget is based on enrollment of 698 students.

from the Head of School

Dear ISP Community, My interim year at ISP is well under way and I am delighted to be here, working in such a warm, caring and friendly environment at all levels: students, faculty, parents and Board. We are

off to a good start for a highly successful school year. However, the purpose of this letter is to focus upon the achievements and high-level events of the 2012/13 year. After discussions with many people, it is my great pleasure

to share the following with you: • Audrey Peverelli announced her departure after 11 years at the school, five as the Head. As part of the Head-Search process, I was named as the Interim Head for 2013/14. • In response to the CIS/ NEASC Re-accreditation visit and Team Report of May 2011, ISP submitted its Two-Year Report to the Accreditation Agencies. It indicated that progress had been made in all areas. • The PTA organised an amazing and inspirational visit of Dr. Jane Goodall for the


financial report 2012–13 How the money came in... 1% Other Revolving <1% F inancial Revenues <1% Donations 1% Bus 1% Holiday Language Program 2% New Entry Fees 95% Tuition Fees

... how the money was used. ISP community as a student programme-enhancement opportunity. More information about this can be read on page 4 of this Annual Report • The Annual Fundraising Gala raised a record total of 45 400 € for the Endowment Fund, with an additional 14 250 € for ISP. The Gala honoured the memory of Carrie Levenson-Wahl, ISP’s Director of External Affairs for more than a decade, who sadly passed away at the beginning of last academic year. Thank you to the Gala committee members who did an excellent job, and

especially to the three committee chairs, Ms. Mimi Harris, Ms. Sona Havlik and Ms. Deanne Haller. • This was the first year of implementation of the new Strategic Plan, and progress was made in many areas including the very important Language and Assessment policies. • The community-wide survey showed a great increase in participation and in parental satisfaction regarding the overall quality of the educational experience at ISP, especially in languages and communications.

• Over the summer, newly acquired facilities at 102 rue du Ranelagh were renovated and prepared for use as teacher work spaces, staff room and administrative offices. Best wishes to all,

1% H oliday Language Program 1% Bus 1% S chool Trips 1% P rofessional Development 2% Other Revolving 3% E ducational Expenses

Ray Holliday-Bersegeay Interim Head of School

5% Depreciation 6% I ndirect Expenses 13% Premises 68% S alaries & Charges


From the President of the Board

Treasurer’s report

Dear ISP Community, You are presently reading the Annual Report for 2012-13, which reflects upon another year full of successful activity, not only for the students and staff but also at the Board level. Appointing the Head of School is the single most important task of the Board. Due to the resignation of Ms. Peverelli early in the year, the search for the new Head was naturally a major focus of the Board activities during the Academic Year 2012-13. In retrospect, I am very pleased to note that hiring Mr. Holliday-Bersegeay as the Interim Head of School for this academic year was a sound decision, as his leadership has secured not only continuity, but also further development of ISP during this transition period. Another major Board activity was to launch and initiate the new Strategic Plan for the school. The Strategic Plan for 2012-15 sets the main strategic goals for ISP, and this time the focus is on the areas of excellence in education, communications, facilities and finance. The school management team is currently implementing and further developing the action points to reach the overarching goals defined in this Plan, and everyone at the school can be proud of the progress so far. Some areas of the Strategic Plan were implemented already during the last academic year. One of the big accomplishments was in the area of facilities, and the Board was pleased to be able to approve the acquisition of 102 rue du Ranelagh ground floor and garden. This acquisition created some much needed additional space for the Primary School campus, and the purchase was perfectly in line with ISP’s overall strategy of facility management. The Board was naturally busy with many other, perhaps more regular, tasks as well. In addition to the annual budget decisions and Board self-evaluation process, the Board approved revisions to both the Tuition Payment Policy and the Purchase Order Policy, and updated guidelines for the Staff Participants on the Board.

Roberto Agnoli President of the ISP Board of Trustees

Dear ISP Community, I am pleased to provide you with a summary of the financial statements for the fiscal year from September 1, 2012 to August 31, 2013. These were approved at the General Assembly on December 2, 2013. The total revenue of the fiscal year 2012-13 (including revolving activities) amounted to 17 997 386,98€ and to 18 083 486,43€ including other revenue. Total operating expenses increased to 17 265 349,41€ with salaries, charges and related taxes amounting to 11 990 684,62€, representing 69% of total expenses. The next largest segment of the operation costs were social charges and education expenses. Operating income totaled a profit of 818 137,02€. Including a net financial loss of 191 830,99€ and a net exceptional result of 6 107,30€, the net income reported is 624 990,27€. This amount will be allocated as follows: Recoveries 25 500€

from 100 000 € allocated into the reserve for scholarship in 2011/2012 the new scholarJoško Bobanovic ´, ship reserve is 74 500€, and Treasurer 650 490,27€ to the reserve funds. Total reserves are now at 5 897 754,33€. 2012/2013 financial year reflects ISP’s strong position as one of the leading international schools in Europe. Our ability to continuously attract large numbers of students, allowed us to slightly exceed enrollment targets initially indicated in the 2012/2013 budget. Despite a bigger increase in operating expenses than income, the Association generated a positive net income (+625K€) slightly higher than budgeted (+529 K€). The 2013/2014 budget is established in a limited context. We are already operating with the maximum rate of occupation of the facilities, and the 2013/14 budget is based on enrollment of 698 students.

from the Head of School

Dear ISP Community, My interim year at ISP is well under way and I am delighted to be here, working in such a warm, caring and friendly environment at all levels: students, faculty, parents and Board. We are

off to a good start for a highly successful school year. However, the purpose of this letter is to focus upon the achievements and high-level events of the 2012/13 year. After discussions with many people, it is my great pleasure

to share the following with you: • Audrey Peverelli announced her departure after 11 years at the school, five as the Head. As part of the Head-Search process, I was named as the Interim Head for 2013/14. • In response to the CIS/ NEASC Re-accreditation visit and Team Report of May 2011, ISP submitted its Two-Year Report to the Accreditation Agencies. It indicated that progress had been made in all areas. • The PTA organised an amazing and inspirational visit of Dr. Jane Goodall for the


financial report 2012–13 How the money came in... 1% Other Revolving <1% F inancial Revenues <1% Donations 1% Bus 1% Holiday Language Program 2% New Entry Fees 95% Tuition Fees

... how the money was used. ISP community as a student programme-enhancement opportunity. More information about this can be read on page 4 of this Annual Report • The Annual Fundraising Gala raised a record total of 45 400 € for the Endowment Fund, with an additional 14 250 € for ISP. The Gala honoured the memory of Carrie Levenson-Wahl, ISP’s Director of External Affairs for more than a decade, who sadly passed away at the beginning of last academic year. Thank you to the Gala committee members who did an excellent job, and

especially to the three committee chairs, Ms. Mimi Harris, Ms. Sona Havlik and Ms. Deanne Haller. • This was the first year of implementation of the new Strategic Plan, and progress was made in many areas including the very important Language and Assessment policies. • The community-wide survey showed a great increase in participation and in parental satisfaction regarding the overall quality of the educational experience at ISP, especially in languages and communications.

• Over the summer, newly acquired facilities at 102 rue du Ranelagh were renovated and prepared for use as teacher work spaces, staff room and administrative offices. Best wishes to all,

1% H oliday Language Program 1% Bus 1% S chool Trips 1% P rofessional Development 2% Other Revolving 3% E ducational Expenses

Ray Holliday-Bersegeay Interim Head of School

5% Depreciation 6% I ndirect Expenses 13% Premises 68% S alaries & Charges


Jane Goodall

Gala 2013 ISP’s 2013 fundraising event was a Dazzling Disco Gala. Nearly 200 parents, staff and alumni came together to enjoy this spectacular event at the glorious Salon Opera of the InterContinental Paris Le Grand hotel. Together, we celebrated the life of Carrie Levenson-Wahl, ISP’s former Director of External Affairs (1950-2012). The gala raised a record 45 400 Euros for the Fonds de Dotation (Endowment Fund), and an additional 14 250 Euros for ISP. This celebration was made possible by the generous support of our sponsors, auction donors and Gala committee members. A special thank you goes to the three committee co-chairs, Ms. Mimi Harris, Ms. Sona Havlik and Ms. Deanne Haller.

Jane Goodall in the House! In February 2013, the ISP Parent Teacher Association (PTA) brought an honoured guest, Dr. Jane Goodall, the world famous primatologist and UN Messenger of Peace, to meet with the school community. An auditorium packed with excited ISP students, parents and staff members saw ‘Jane’s Journey’, a film about Dr. Goodall’s amazing life. After the screening, we had an opportunity to hear her speak about making this world a better place for us all – animals and humans alike. Dr. Goodall treated us to anecdotes and special stories from her exceptional life. She also generously spent time replying to the many questions that the audience had for her. “Walking into the Jane Goodall event, I didn’t know the impact she would have on my way of thinking. Watching her movie and hearing her speak I understood how she has contributed her entire life to making the world a better place for future generations, for our children. Her gentle words and kind actions inspire everyone, and she encourages especially younger people like me to engage more in the development and change in our world and our communities. Jane Goodall, to me, is the most caring and giving person I have ever had the honour of meeting. I hope that one day I can be just like her!” – Nare, Grade 9 While in Paris, Dr. Goodall also visited ISP’s Primary School, where all students had a chance to meet her, ask questions and share their learning with her. She has an incredible presence and aura, and the children’s bright eyes and red cheeks showed they could feel it as well. Her wise words are heard whenever she speaks, and she can truly bring people together to make this world a better place. People like Dr. Jane Goodall bring hope for this planet!

Donations in Memory of Carrie Levenson-Wahl Timothy J. Engels Thomas Kunz Marymount International School, Paris Lauren M. Sauma James and Franzisca Swayzee Mark and Martha Tubinis

Left: Jane Goodall speaking to ISP Community. Right: Dr. Goodall received a Life Long Learner Award from the Primary School students.

More information about Jane Goodall’s work:

Jane Goodall, to me, is the most caring and giving person I have ever had the honour of meeting. —Nare, Grade 9 I hope that one day I can be just like her!


Photo: Des Harris

A big thank you to Dr. Goodall for coming, and to the PTA for making it all happen!

Fonds de Dotation Donors Tasia Asakawa Christine Biskaduros Suzanne Bodevin Farley and Kara Bolwell Maggie Cardelus Holly Cassidy and William Van Alsten David Finn and Katharine Harkins-Finn Harris Family Foundation Sona Havlik Sok Won Kim and Me Hye Park Courtney Knight Kathleen Knowles Fiona Koetsier Lisa Laney Sasha Levenson-Wahl Scott and Lori Lyle Greg and Laurie Matthews Eleonora Mitrofanova Elizabeth Mockapetris Deanne Haller and Ian Moffatt Michelle O’Brien

Audrey and Gérard Peverelli Gregory Ritts and Joanne Petitto Thomas Ronnblom Ellen and Ernst Teunissen Sarah Towle Renilde Vervoort Hans Wahl Jean-Peter and Tuija Wallgren Shiduo Yang Erika and Zoubir Yazid Laurel Yoder Anonymous (9) International School of Paris 2012-13 Donors Bong-Geun Jeong Dimitry and Suzana Streshinsky Byong Yol Woo and Sang Wan Park Anonymous (1) Donors to the Ghana Humanitarian Project 2013 Suzanne Bodevin Carmel Cahill Evelyne Caillaud Laura Correira Helen Crowley and David Meyers Laurence Ferrari Florence Gascoin Sergio Gyalui Wendy Hamilton Thomas Hugues

Françoise Inch Fiona Koetsier Liliane Lavallé Marc and Sarah Lavoine Marie Lechantre Paul Lechantre Bela Malgorzata Hélène Maumy Florescu Eleonora Mitrofanova Audrey and Gérard Peverelli Brigitte Sévery Michael Simmonds Laure Talet Chrifi-Alaoui Stephanie and Michael Thom Amélie Vennin Anonymous (3)

2013 Gala Committee Tasia Asakawa Christine Biskaduros Elaine Bonwell Isabelle Giraud-Carrier Deanne Haller Mimi Harris Sona Havlik Mark Havlik Lisa Laney Liz Mockapetris Audrey Peverelli Mika Shino Maryvonne Sillanpää Sarah Towle Tuija Wallgren Laurel Yoder

This report reflects contributions made from September 1, 2012 to August 31, 2013. We have made every effort to acknowledge all who have donated during that time. We apologize in advance if we inadvertently omitted or incorrectly acknowledged your gift. For any corrections, please contact Tuija Wallgren at

Buy your tickets for the CARNIVAL GALA 2014 at:


Jane Goodall

Gala 2013 ISP’s 2013 fundraising event was a Dazzling Disco Gala. Nearly 200 parents, staff and alumni came together to enjoy this spectacular event at the glorious Salon Opera of the InterContinental Paris Le Grand hotel. Together, we celebrated the life of Carrie Levenson-Wahl, ISP’s former Director of External Affairs (1950-2012). The gala raised a record 45 400 Euros for the Fonds de Dotation (Endowment Fund), and an additional 14 250 Euros for ISP. This celebration was made possible by the generous support of our sponsors, auction donors and Gala committee members. A special thank you goes to the three committee co-chairs, Ms. Mimi Harris, Ms. Sona Havlik and Ms. Deanne Haller.

Jane Goodall in the House! In February 2013, the ISP Parent Teacher Association (PTA) brought an honoured guest, Dr. Jane Goodall, the world famous primatologist and UN Messenger of Peace, to meet with the school community. An auditorium packed with excited ISP students, parents and staff members saw ‘Jane’s Journey’, a film about Dr. Goodall’s amazing life. After the screening, we had an opportunity to hear her speak about making this world a better place for us all – animals and humans alike. Dr. Goodall treated us to anecdotes and special stories from her exceptional life. She also generously spent time replying to the many questions that the audience had for her. “Walking into the Jane Goodall event, I didn’t know the impact she would have on my way of thinking. Watching her movie and hearing her speak I understood how she has contributed her entire life to making the world a better place for future generations, for our children. Her gentle words and kind actions inspire everyone, and she encourages especially younger people like me to engage more in the development and change in our world and our communities. Jane Goodall, to me, is the most caring and giving person I have ever had the honour of meeting. I hope that one day I can be just like her!” – Nare, Grade 9 While in Paris, Dr. Goodall also visited ISP’s Primary School, where all students had a chance to meet her, ask questions and share their learning with her. She has an incredible presence and aura, and the children’s bright eyes and red cheeks showed they could feel it as well. Her wise words are heard whenever she speaks, and she can truly bring people together to make this world a better place. People like Dr. Jane Goodall bring hope for this planet!

Donations in Memory of Carrie Levenson-Wahl Timothy J. Engels Thomas Kunz Marymount International School, Paris Lauren M. Sauma James and Franzisca Swayzee Mark and Martha Tubinis

Left: Jane Goodall speaking to ISP Community. Right: Dr. Goodall received a Life Long Learner Award from the Primary School students.

More information about Jane Goodall’s work:

Jane Goodall, to me, is the most caring and giving person I have ever had the honour of meeting. —Nare, Grade 9 I hope that one day I can be just like her!


Photo: Des Harris

A big thank you to Dr. Goodall for coming, and to the PTA for making it all happen!

Fonds de Dotation Donors Tasia Asakawa Christine Biskaduros Suzanne Bodevin Farley and Kara Bolwell Maggie Cardelus Holly Cassidy and William Van Alsten David Finn and Katharine Harkins-Finn Harris Family Foundation Sona Havlik Sok Won Kim and Me Hye Park Courtney Knight Kathleen Knowles Fiona Koetsier Lisa Laney Sasha Levenson-Wahl Scott and Lori Lyle Greg and Laurie Matthews Eleonora Mitrofanova Elizabeth Mockapetris Deanne Haller and Ian Moffatt Michelle O’Brien

Audrey and Gérard Peverelli Gregory Ritts and Joanne Petitto Thomas Ronnblom Ellen and Ernst Teunissen Sarah Towle Renilde Vervoort Hans Wahl Jean-Peter and Tuija Wallgren Shiduo Yang Erika and Zoubir Yazid Laurel Yoder Anonymous (9) International School of Paris 2012-13 Donors Bong-Geun Jeong Dimitry and Suzana Streshinsky Byong Yol Woo and Sang Wan Park Anonymous (1) Donors to the Ghana Humanitarian Project 2013 Suzanne Bodevin Carmel Cahill Evelyne Caillaud Laura Correira Helen Crowley and David Meyers Laurence Ferrari Florence Gascoin Sergio Gyalui Wendy Hamilton Thomas Hugues

Françoise Inch Fiona Koetsier Liliane Lavallé Marc and Sarah Lavoine Marie Lechantre Paul Lechantre Bela Malgorzata Hélène Maumy Florescu Eleonora Mitrofanova Audrey and Gérard Peverelli Brigitte Sévery Michael Simmonds Laure Talet Chrifi-Alaoui Stephanie and Michael Thom Amélie Vennin Anonymous (3)

2013 Gala Committee Tasia Asakawa Christine Biskaduros Elaine Bonwell Isabelle Giraud-Carrier Deanne Haller Mimi Harris Sona Havlik Mark Havlik Lisa Laney Liz Mockapetris Audrey Peverelli Mika Shino Maryvonne Sillanpää Sarah Towle Tuija Wallgren Laurel Yoder

This report reflects contributions made from September 1, 2012 to August 31, 2013. We have made every effort to acknowledge all who have donated during that time. We apologize in advance if we inadvertently omitted or incorrectly acknowledged your gift. For any corrections, please contact Tuija Wallgren at

Buy your tickets for the CARNIVAL GALA 2014 at:


Richard Vanel: ISP’s Master of Many Keys Left: New staff area at Ranelagh 102. Right: Secondary School DT lab a few days before school start...(above) ...and the same space only few days later! (below)

start. It is equally important for someone from ISP to be present during the renovation period, to ensure that everything proceeds according to the schedule.” As anyone who has ever been involved in remodeling or construction can confirm, surprises happen and things rarely go 100% to plan. The main project of summer of 2012 was to transform the basement of Beethoven 6 into two state-of-the-art DT labs, enabled by the extra 30 m2 gained by moving the heating system from the basement to upper floors. “We knew that the project was tight, and that any major surprise would push the finishing touches very close to the start of term. However, we felt that it was worth the risk, as extra space gained makes a big difference in the everyday life of the school. Indeed, as one of the external collaborators was not able to deliver to the plan, the project was pushed back and only finished one day before the


students came back. You can imagine that the stress levels were quite high during those last days!” Luckily things went much smoother in the following summer of 2013, when the newly acquired space in Ranelagh 102 was made into teachers’ office and a staff room. “Every summer is a new puzzle especially in the Primary School, as class room allocation needs to be modified to match the fluctuating demand at the admissions level. We need to make sure that our space is used in the most efficient and natural way. This requires flexibility and quick action by the administration and facilities team, especially if the parameters change at the last minute.” Security is an important aspect in a school environment, and besides the many regulations imposed by the French legislation, there are many internal security policies and measures that need to be taken into account. Building maintenance is in

charge of the school’s alarm systems, fire detection and extinguishers, ventilation and locks. “Over and above planning and installing all those elements, it is important to perform regular checks to ensure their functionality”, Richard explains. Regular fire drills and lock-down practices

area, the ventilation system of the room has to be completely redone. Similarly, installing a science lab requires extensive changes in the classroom, to ensure security and proper functionality of the space.” Another aspect of Richard’s work is ensuring the daily maintenance of the facili-

ISP’s building portfolio is as diverse as our community! It takes careful planning and creativity from everyone in our Facilities Committee to maintain and develop effective and safe use of our facilities. —Richard Vanel

Photos: (DT lab) Pascal Rochel, Abscisse

Along with the excellent IB education and diverse student body, ISP’s central location in the heart of Paris is among the greatest assets of the school. We all love our quirky buildings, and visiting alumni always comment on how they miss seeing the Eiffel Tower every day. We currently have five whole buildings with additional space spread out in three, soon four, other locations. This set-up, far from a traditional purpose-built school campus, is a big part of ISP’s charm, but can sometimes

create challenges. We met with ISP’s facilities manager Richard Vanel to talk about how he and his team make it all work for us. “ISP’s building portfolio is as diverse as our community! It takes careful planning and creativity from everyone in our Facilities Committee to maintain and develop effective and safe use of our facilities,” Richard Vanel explains. The committee, which consists of two members of the Board, the Head of School, Principals of both sections of the school, as well as other members of administration, is in charge of strategic planning of our facilities, acquisition and any major development. As we use our space almost up to 100 % capacity when the school is in session, all major renovation work needs to be executed with a very tight schedule during the six weeks of summer vacation. “Project planning, revision of quotes, choice of materials and contractors begin 6-8 months before the actual work can

are an incremental part of this process. “I am extremely grateful to ISP’s faculty and my colleagues in the finance department, as I can always count on their support and help when dealing with these important issues.” In addition to the big renovation work, there are always smaller projects in the pipeline. “People do not always realize how much work a simple change in the way we use our space may require. For instance, if we are to use a new space as a student lunch

ties. ISP students are very respectful of the facilities and equipment of the school, but the natural “wear and tear” requires constant attention. Light bulbs need to be changed from time to time, and pipes do sometimes leak. The maintenance team is present on both campuses from early morning until 8 pm every day, in order to take care of any immediate maintenance requests and to make sure that everything works as it should. Last but not least, Richard

and his team lend a hand to the more than 100 events that are organized by the school each year. “We get requests for assistance for all events, from setting up chairs for a simple parent information evening to more complicated logistics of external events, such as drama performances and concerts”, Richard says. It is important to plan for priorities, and he is thankful for the online event forms, which help coordinate and keep track of the different needs in the community. “My team’s job is

to support and help the school to perform its main functions of teaching and learning, but we also need to make sure that the facilities are safe, clean and functional.” While we all love our buildings, having a purpose built school campus is any facility manager’s dream. By supporting ISP’s Endowment Fund we can enhance the possibility of that dream coming true in the future. Meanwhile, we can appreciate and enjoy the fabulous, quirky and spirited facilities that we have!


Richard Vanel: ISP’s Master of Many Keys Left: New staff area at Ranelagh 102. Right: Secondary School DT lab a few days before school start...(above) ...and the same space only few days later! (below)

start. It is equally important for someone from ISP to be present during the renovation period, to ensure that everything proceeds according to the schedule.” As anyone who has ever been involved in remodeling or construction can confirm, surprises happen and things rarely go 100% to plan. The main project of summer of 2012 was to transform the basement of Beethoven 6 into two state-of-the-art DT labs, enabled by the extra 30 m2 gained by moving the heating system from the basement to upper floors. “We knew that the project was tight, and that any major surprise would push the finishing touches very close to the start of term. However, we felt that it was worth the risk, as extra space gained makes a big difference in the everyday life of the school. Indeed, as one of the external collaborators was not able to deliver to the plan, the project was pushed back and only finished one day before the


students came back. You can imagine that the stress levels were quite high during those last days!” Luckily things went much smoother in the following summer of 2013, when the newly acquired space in Ranelagh 102 was made into teachers’ office and a staff room. “Every summer is a new puzzle especially in the Primary School, as class room allocation needs to be modified to match the fluctuating demand at the admissions level. We need to make sure that our space is used in the most efficient and natural way. This requires flexibility and quick action by the administration and facilities team, especially if the parameters change at the last minute.” Security is an important aspect in a school environment, and besides the many regulations imposed by the French legislation, there are many internal security policies and measures that need to be taken into account. Building maintenance is in

charge of the school’s alarm systems, fire detection and extinguishers, ventilation and locks. “Over and above planning and installing all those elements, it is important to perform regular checks to ensure their functionality”, Richard explains. Regular fire drills and lock-down practices

area, the ventilation system of the room has to be completely redone. Similarly, installing a science lab requires extensive changes in the classroom, to ensure security and proper functionality of the space.” Another aspect of Richard’s work is ensuring the daily maintenance of the facili-

ISP’s building portfolio is as diverse as our community! It takes careful planning and creativity from everyone in our Facilities Committee to maintain and develop effective and safe use of our facilities. —Richard Vanel

Photos: (DT lab) Pascal Rochel, Abscisse

Along with the excellent IB education and diverse student body, ISP’s central location in the heart of Paris is among the greatest assets of the school. We all love our quirky buildings, and visiting alumni always comment on how they miss seeing the Eiffel Tower every day. We currently have five whole buildings with additional space spread out in three, soon four, other locations. This set-up, far from a traditional purpose-built school campus, is a big part of ISP’s charm, but can sometimes

create challenges. We met with ISP’s facilities manager Richard Vanel to talk about how he and his team make it all work for us. “ISP’s building portfolio is as diverse as our community! It takes careful planning and creativity from everyone in our Facilities Committee to maintain and develop effective and safe use of our facilities,” Richard Vanel explains. The committee, which consists of two members of the Board, the Head of School, Principals of both sections of the school, as well as other members of administration, is in charge of strategic planning of our facilities, acquisition and any major development. As we use our space almost up to 100 % capacity when the school is in session, all major renovation work needs to be executed with a very tight schedule during the six weeks of summer vacation. “Project planning, revision of quotes, choice of materials and contractors begin 6-8 months before the actual work can

are an incremental part of this process. “I am extremely grateful to ISP’s faculty and my colleagues in the finance department, as I can always count on their support and help when dealing with these important issues.” In addition to the big renovation work, there are always smaller projects in the pipeline. “People do not always realize how much work a simple change in the way we use our space may require. For instance, if we are to use a new space as a student lunch

ties. ISP students are very respectful of the facilities and equipment of the school, but the natural “wear and tear” requires constant attention. Light bulbs need to be changed from time to time, and pipes do sometimes leak. The maintenance team is present on both campuses from early morning until 8 pm every day, in order to take care of any immediate maintenance requests and to make sure that everything works as it should. Last but not least, Richard

and his team lend a hand to the more than 100 events that are organized by the school each year. “We get requests for assistance for all events, from setting up chairs for a simple parent information evening to more complicated logistics of external events, such as drama performances and concerts”, Richard says. It is important to plan for priorities, and he is thankful for the online event forms, which help coordinate and keep track of the different needs in the community. “My team’s job is

to support and help the school to perform its main functions of teaching and learning, but we also need to make sure that the facilities are safe, clean and functional.” While we all love our buildings, having a purpose built school campus is any facility manager’s dream. By supporting ISP’s Endowment Fund we can enhance the possibility of that dream coming true in the future. Meanwhile, we can appreciate and enjoy the fabulous, quirky and spirited facilities that we have!


Congratulations to the Class of 2013!

Class of 2013 University Acceptances The bolded universities appear among the top 100 universities on the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2013-2014 list. The ones marked with asterisks made it into the top 100 of the ARWU 2013 listing as well (also referred to as ‘the Shanghai ranking’.) CANADA Calgary University Concordia University McGill University* Queen’s University University of Alberta University of British Columbia* University of Toronto* University of Western Ontario Waterloo University UK Bath University Cardiff University City University Durham University Edinburgh Napier University Exeter College Goldsmiths, University of London Imperial College* King’s College London* Lancaster University London School of Economics Queen Mary, University of London Royal Holloway, University of London

SOAS, University of London The Manchester Metropolitan University The University of Edinburgh* The University of Kent The University of Manchester* The University of Sheffield The University of Warwick University College London* University of Aberdeen University of Birmingham University of Brighton University of East Anglia University of Exeter University of Leeds University of Manchester University of St Andrews University of Sussex University of West of England Bristol USA Times Higher Education American University Boston University* Chapman University East Michigan University Eckerd College Elon University Fordham University

Hofstra University Marion Military Institute Prep Program New York University Tisch School* Northeastern University Pace University Pennsylvania State University* Rollins College Sweet Briar College Syracuse University Trinity College (CT) Tulane University University of California Los Angeles* University of California Santa Barbara* University of California Santa Cruz University of Massachusetts – Amherst University of Southern California* University of Virginia Virginia Military Institute Virginia Tech University Wake Forest University Washington University CONTINENTAL EUROPE Bocconi (Milan), Italy Erasmus University (Rotterdam), The Netherlands European Business School (Paris) Hooge School for de Kunsten

ISP - Secondary School - 6, rue Beethoven, 75016 Paris - Tel: 01 42 24 09 54 - Fax: 01 45 27 15 93 ISP - Primary School - 96bis, rue du Ranelagh, 75016 Paris - Tel: 01 42 24 43 40 - Fax: 01 42 24 69 14 - -

(School of Arts in Utrecht), The Netherlands IESEG, Business School, Paris Leiden University College The Hague, The Netherlands* Lycée Agroviticole BordeauxBlanquefort, France Lycée Saint Bar Liège, Belgium Maastricht University, The Netherlands Rietveld Academie Amsterdam, The Netherlands Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (Groningen University), The Netherlands* Royal Arts Academie The Hague, The Netherlands Tilburg University, The Netherlands JAPAN (Class of 2012) (Class of 2013 acceptances were not available at the time of printing)

Hitotsubashi University Keio University Kyoto University* Sophia University Waseda University Yokohama City University KOREA Korea University Yonsei University

Head of School: Ray Holliday-Bersegeay Editors: Tuija Wallgren, Tasia Asakawa Design: A. Tunick ( Cover Photos: (top two) Des Harris ( Printed on Forest Stewardship Council Certified Paper / photos & text copyright ISP


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