Delivering for Scilly | Issue 3 | October 2020

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Delivering for Scilly

Issue 3 | Autumn 2020

Back in the black As we celebrate our centenary year, we also celebrate bouncing back into the black with £1 million pre-tax profit.

Mission, Vision & Values Despite a difficult year, we have been committed to continuing to achieve our ambitions.

Flylogix Partnership Partnership with Flylogix to trial UAV freight delivery service to Scilly.

Steamship St I S L E S O F S C I L LY


Isles of Scilly

Delivering for Scilly


In this issue of Delivering for Scilly In this issue of Delivering for Scilly, discover the past and present projects that have been supported via our community fund over on page 5, including the recent glass shelter project, lead by local artist, Oriel Hicks. Isles of Scilly Steamship Company Limited, Steamship House, Quay Street, Penzance Cornwall TR18 4BZ Delivering for Scilly is produced by Isles of Scilly Steamship Group inhouse communications team.

Delivering for Scilly

Despite it being a difficult and challenging time, on pages 7-8, we are proud to share some the positive feedback we have received during this period. Employees Judith Piper and Merryn Smith have been doing their bit for charity, find out more about the virtual event

T +44 (0) 1736 334240 Editor  Sharon Sandercock

that they both took part in on pages 12-13. You might now be familiar with our company Mission, Vision and Values, turn to pages 10-11 to read about a few case studies that stood out as demonstrating these.

With grateful thanks to all team members who’ve helped contribute articles and photos. Opinions expressed are the authors and not necessarily those of the company. Whilst every effort is made to ensure total accuracy Isles of Scilly Steamship Group cannot be help responsible for any errors or omissions within this magazine. When you have finished with this magazine please pass it on or recycle it.

COVID-19 Update Our values

SAFETY I would like to thank you for your continued support and hard work during this challenging period, and for continuing to drive forwards and care for the safety of our passengers and work colleagues. The safety of our passengers and employees is always our highest priority and I want to reassure you that the comprehensive COVID secure measures that we put in place at the start of the pandemic are still very much in place – and will remain so for as long as they are necessary. The measures include the mandatory wearing of face coverings and a rigorous cleaning and sanitisation process. Many compliments have been received regarding from passengers and stakeholders regarding our safety measures. Following an inspection of Land’s End Airport carried out by an inspector from the Health and Safety Executive, we are pleased to share the reassuring positive feedback we received, with no deficiencies identified.

Our Risk Management Team continue to review the COVID-19 situation and discuss changes as required to remain in line with Government guidance. Our revenue was decimated due to COVID-19, and it continues to create new challenges, so the immediate focus is on securing further funding through negotiations with the Department of Transport for the Winter lifeline link to the Isles of Scilly. Our vision statement “Delivering for Scilly” remains as we navigate through the challenges posed by COVID-19. Our role over the lockdown period has been the same as it was when the Group was founded 100 years ago; to preserve the life-line service to the Isles of Scilly. To “Deliver adaptions for Scilly”. This would have not been possible had it not been for the support of all our employees.

Thank you!

Financial Performance We are pleased to report that our financial performance for the year ended 31st March 2020 was a profit before tax of £1,023,000 being £462,000 better than budget. There were many underlying improved performances which contributed to this excellent result. Here are a few of the key highlights.

Business update Key As the 2020 season comes to an end, we take a look at the passenger numbers (October - July)































Highlights Despite the Scillonian III breakdown in August 2019 which cost the Company £85,000 in compensation costs, the Shipping business exceeded budgeted profit by £44,000. Skybus returned back to profitability in 2020 having reported a loss the previous year of £550,000 Skybus achieved their improved load factor target of 80% on the Twin Otter a year earlier than planned. The number of safety reported incidents continues to decline. The financial performance of Penzance Dry Dock exceeded forecast target by £120,000. Island Carriers returned to profitability and exceeded their financial performance target of by £50,000. Land’s End Airport exceeded budgeted profitability by £21,000


People Focus

Meet Mike, our new Marine Superintendent We welcome Mike Hardy to the Steamship Group, who joined us in July as Marine Superintendent Mike has the responsibilities of the Designated Person Ashore (DPA) and Company Security Officer (CS0). Mike’s role has a primary focus of safety at all levels and departments within the Group. As the DPA, he’s available to all personnel to discuss any issues or safety related concerns which are brought to his attention. Mike is also the CSO which involves all aspects of security onboard, providing protection for our passengers, crew and any third parties. Mike started his career as a Royal Marines Commando, Landing Craft Specialist in early 1990. Here he gained qualifications to continue in the maritime industry, before becoming Master of a government research vessel and working with general cargo vessels. As his family grew, Mike’s career changed to more shore-based positions, including lecturing in Maritime Safety at Southampton University, Marine Superintendent in the Super Yacht Industry in Monaco before continuing his career with a UK Shipowner as their lead auditor and investigator. Mike adapted well to this type of role and was soon promoted to the Group HSEQ and Operations Manager for a large fleet of bulk and container vessels, working from offices in the far east. His previous position prior to starting his new role here in Cornwall was forming part of a new start-up company, consisting of ship owners and investors, with primary tasks involving the inspection, purchasing and delivery of Bulk Carriers. Which in turn led to further instructing at numerous Universities across China and the Philippines, his main topics being maritime safety and the human element.

What have you enjoyed most about your job so far? Meeting the staff and crew, getting to know everyone and their personalities. It is a unique job which requires unique individuals. The company has valuable experience aboard and ashore, which of course makes my life easier. There’s a lot still to learn about the operations of the Company and I am looking forward to adding some knowledge and experience of my own.

What do you like to do outside work? In my younger and fitter days, I enjoyed many sports, however now you will see me going for walks with my wife around the many beautiful Cornish coastal paths. I am a very keen rugby fan and try to attend matches when possible, otherwise I’m a couch supporter.

Delivering for Scilly

Community Fund Latest News


Update As the Company continues discussions with Department for Transport for Winter funding, we have temporarily suspended the Community Fund. We hope to continue the good work supported by the fund in the future.

Community Fund Projects Round Nine Our nineth round has come to an end with a total of £9,862 donated to good causes. This application round received a record number of project submissions and we have been overwhelmed by the community spirit shown by each of the applicants. It was certainly not an easy decision narrowing down the selection to just six causes. Read more about the causes we have supported in this round.

Glass Shelter for Scilly At the end of 2019 we launched our ninth round of the Community Fund – the project first launched in 2016 and we have supported many worthy projects in that time, totalling close to £85,000. One of the projects that we have supported from round 9 was the ‘Glass Shelter for Scilly’. A brilliant community initiative project working with youngsters, artists and local community groups with an end result that benefits visitors and islanders on the Isles of Scilly. The proposal was to improve the landmark ‘bus’ shelter on the strand on St. Mary’s, as it had become dated and tired, the aim of the project was to celebrate local artists, Scillonian history and culture. The design featured a wooden frame housing many different glass panels, infused with works from different artists across the islands. After initial setbacks due to Covid-19, the project has now been completed and the installation is in place. This was achieved by the community working with local stainedglass artist Oriel Hicks and carpenter Steve Harding to develop glazed panels featuring names and images associated with island history.

Community Fund Totals As we come to the end of Round 9 of our Community Fund Project, we take a look at the amount we have contributed so far.


































Oriel Hicks said: “The funding from the Steamship Group was used to pay for a hardwood frame made by a local carpenter and the glass panels. The result being a prominent art installation on the strand for visitors and resident to enjoy. To stimulate and inspire curiosity, reminisce and capture language and incidents in a way that can be shared and enjoyed. I really enjoyed the opportunity of doing the project and how it seems to be fulfilling its role every time I cycle past and see parents pointing out various images to their children or people taking pictures of it and through it” Each pane highlights details of Scilly’s Island heritage including landmarks, place names and examples of flora and fauna. There is one special pane depicting Scillonian III and it is centrally placed in the screen and has our Company logo and “100” etched into the back, to mark the 100th anniversary of the Group. The Community Fund Project was first launched in 2016 and is part of an estimated £1 million that the Steamship Group returns to the community every year through subsidised travel for islanders, NHS flights, sponsorships and charitable donations.

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Customer satisfaction is of the utm feedback is so vital. We are proud t customer service during the current ex to be able to share some of the most received duri

Brilliant customer service in these terrible times. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all your call handlers, finance team & yourself for always being so helpful with our needs. I know you have been extremely busy & it has been a challenging time for you, so please pass this on & hopefully it’ll bring some cheer.

Please pass on our best wishes to your staff and those helpful people that crew the boat. We sincerely hope you all remain well at these difficult times.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank the airport staff at Land’s End Airport for their exceptional service and for being so friendly and helpful. Delivering for Scilly

I just wanted to thank you for such a thorough and prompt response. It is very gratefully received, and has helpfully contributed to us deciding what to do about our holiday down to the Scillies next month.

Thank you for your help trying to protect our fragile community. Sad to see the Scillonian, one of our life lines, disappear as soon as she started her season, But the right decision, for which I know we are all grateful. Keep well all, keep safe and see you on the other side

Just a message to say how much we enjoyed our sail with you. We felt extremely safe regarding the COVID situation, your rules and regulations and cleaning procedures were second to none. Having travelled with you on many occasions we would like to say how great your crew were onboard and on the Quay at Penzance Your method of collection on the Quay is by far better than the, free for all it usually was. Hopefully these coloured collection zones will be implemented and continued when things are back to normal after these difficult times. And a special thank you to Gail for looking after my Wife as she has a health condition that made it difficult for her to wear a mask for long periods of time Once again, a big thumbs up to you all and will be looking forward to travelling with you soon.


most importance to us, which is why to have maintained a high quality of xtenuating circumstances and pleased t recent positive comments we have ing this time.

Our flights were switched from Newquay to Lands End because of Covid but your Jake Hampson made the changes and communicated well by phone and email so the outward journey went smoothly with only one hour delay. Unfortunately, our return flights were cancelled by weather so we had to stay an additional night on St Martin’s. We were transferred to the Scillonian for the 16.30 Sunday crossing to Penzance and then by bus to pick up our cars at Lands End airport. Staff were on hand to assist throughout from boarding the ship in St Mary’s to getting our car out of the airport car park. Your arrangements to try to manage social distancing dockside and on board ship were good under the circumstances and baggage collection in Penzance was very well planned compared to the mayhem of our early years visiting the Scilly Isles. Throughout the evolving travel changes over the weekend my phone enquiries were always answered with minimal delay unlike so many travel firms who do not man up to manage unplanned changes. So, all in all recognizing this unusual time we are all facing with Covid, my wife and I consider the I.O.S. Company served us well in having a great holiday.

I wanted to tell you that we travelled to Penzance on the Scillonian yesterday and congratulate your team on the precautions and arrangements made. It feels very safe and staff were incredibly helpful. Good to have the coffee bar working too! Well done – and I hope the passengers keep coming! We booked luggage collection, storage, delivery, return collection and delivery to the airport on 1st and 8th August for our family group of 8 people. Just wanted to say a massive thank you. The service was first class and flawless. Very friendly and helpful staff all round was an extra bonus! It made a great difference to our first and last days of the holiday, please pass on our thanks to all involved.

We felt extremely safe regarding the COVID situation. 07

Partnership with Flylogix to trial UAV freight delivery service to Scilly


“This is an exciting partnership that opens up the next chapter in our 100 years of serving the islands’ community.” Ian Howard Chair of the Isles of Scilly Steamship Group We are excited to announce our partnership with unmanned aircraft company, Flylogix, to trial a freight delivery service from Land’s End Airport operating to and from the Isles of Scilly. The two-year collaboration will explore the feasibility of a regular unmanned logistics service for the Isles of Scilly community, initially using Flylogix’s own remotely piloted fixed wing aircraft. The first test flight is expected before the end of the year, subject to regulatory approval. With the Scilly community and their needs in mind, we plan to work with Flylogix with an aim to design a new larger unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that could meet islanders’ needs. Partners and investment will be sought to support its development.

Hampshire-based Flylogix operates a fleet of unmanned aircraft providing long-range full service ‘over horizon’ operations, to the offshore energy industry. The Flylogix team have backgrounds ranging from Formula 1 and global communications to offshore engineering and search and rescue. We are one of just 10 companies chosen to work with the UK Civil Aviation Authority’s (CAA) Innovation Team alongside the likes of Amazon and Boeing to help keep the UK’s aviation sector at the forefront of technology development.

Ian Howard, chair of the Isles of Scilly Steamship Group, said: “This is an exciting partnership that opens up the next chapter in our 100 years of serving the islands’ community.

Charles Tavner, Executive Chairman at Flylogix, said: “We’re very excited about this joint venture with the Steamship Group and its potential to bring enhanced freight services to the island community. We’re bringing together artificial intelligence and satellite communication to develop a new generation of unmanned aircraft and this partnership aims to be at the forefront of that work.”

“For us this is about using innovation to provide additional services to the community. We want to explore whether a UAV freight service is technically and commercially feasible using a new generation of environmentally friendly unmanned aircraft. This service could be for urgent freight like medication, but also for anyone looking for a rapid delivery service of higher value items.”

Cllr Robert Francis, Chairman of the Council of the Isles of Scilly, said: “The Council of the Isles of Scilly is always keen to support its operators in maintaining and developing resilient, cutting edge solutions to the islands’ transport needs. We welcome this innovative project in trialling futurefocused, sustainable movement of freight to the Islands.”

Delivering for Scilly

Currently we are in the process of applying for regulatory consent to the CAA to operate a test flight from Land’s End Airport to the Isles of Scilly before the end of the year.

Back in the black with £1million pre-tax profit


Huge credit goes to all employees for embracing a ‘new beginnings’ ethos which has put our customers and our vision to deliver for Scilly at the heart of everything we do. As we celebrate our centenary year,

Turnover from continuing operations

These results mark the first full year of

we also celebrate bouncing back into

increased by 1.5% to £18.4m (2019:

operation under a new Board leadership

the black with a pre-tax profit of £ 1 m

£18.1m) and EBITDA (Earnings Before

and management team.

for the financial year to March 31st, on

Interest, Tax, Depreciations and

revenues of £18.4m. The figures mark

Amortisation) were £2.3m. This is only

The Group’s return to profitability is the

a significant turnaround for us, which

the third time that we have exceeded

result of a focus on core operations and

in the previous year recorded a loss of

£2m EBITDA, having previously done

driving efficiencies, which has improved

£4.56 million.

so in 2016 and 2017. The balance sheet

our operating margins and financial

remains debt free.

performance significantly.

We are pleased to announce that revenues have held up well despite the impact of coronavirus in the closing

Skybus aviation business, saw a marked

weeks of the financial year, which had

turnaround and recorded a profit

contributed to a 6% drop in passenger

following an operating loss of over half a

numbers to 202,124 (2019: 215,624).

million pounds the year before.

“Huge credit goes to all employees for embracing a ‘new beginnings’ ethos which has put our customers and our vision to deliver for Scilly at the heart of everything we do.


Mission, Vision and Values Our mission, vision and values was rolled out last year to change the way we work.

Our values are what we stand for: “We have 8 key values that we aim to live up to”

Our vision is the reason we are here: “Delivering for Scilly”

Safety, People Focus, Excellence, Transparency, Respect, Trust, Collaboration and Community.

Our mission is the thing we want to do: “To be recognised for providing excellent transport services for Scilly.”

Delivering for Scilly

Despite a difficult few months, we have been committed to continuing to achieve our ambitions. Take a look at few case studies that stood out as demonstrating one or more of our key values.

Health & Safety Our values

SAFETY Going the extra mile to deliver Our Group Safety Manager, Tim Robbins, workload increased significantly since the outbreak of Covid-19. Tim has gone above and beyond prioritising the safety of colleagues and passengers to facilitate a safe environment. The following are examples of the types of adaptions and processes Tim has introduced with the co-operation, input and support from managers and colleagues to create Covid-19 secure services and workplaces. • Facilitated an inspection of our Covid-19 precautions at Land’s End Airport by the Health and Safety Executive who confirmed they were very happy with all the arrangements in place to protect employees and passengers • Worked with all departments to communicate an awareness of the symptoms of Covid-19 to all employees • Ensured signage was displayed throughout the company to promote correct hand washing and social distancing procedures • Reviewed latest guidance from the Government, Public Health England, the World Health Organisation and Health & Safety Executive and provided regular updates to the Risk Management Team • Worked with Managers to develop Covid-19 risk assessments and implemented mitigations to protect employees and passengers • Reviewed PPE requirements for each department, such as face masks and face shields • Issued guidance for first aiders and assessed and implemented additional PPE requirements • Ensured cleaning and sanitisation arrangements were in place in all departments and on vessels and aircraft • Throughout Covid-19, Tim has been a member of the Isles of Scilly COVID-19 emergency planning group • Helped managers to assess additional arrangements to prepare for increased operational activity. Such work included the creation of passenger walkways, colour coded baggage collection zones on the quays, digital passenger information leaflets, instructional and directional signage, the installation of hand sanitising facilities and issuing of employee instructions and guidance • Updated instructions to Master’s regarding arrangements should a passenger develop Covid-19 symptoms on route to Scilly • Worked with the Isles of Scilly Covid-19 emergency planning group to develop emergency evacuation arrangements for visitors to the islands who are symptomatic or confirmed to have Covid-19 and their repatriation Tim Robbins, Safety Manager arrangements.

Frontline Our values

COLLABORATION Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, the whole company have contributed a huge team effort to ensure a lifeline service continues for the Isles of Scilly. All staff, from senior management to those on the front line have worked wonders to adapt and implement new ways of working because of coronavirus. From the reduced travel centre team who had the mammoth task of contacting all passengers due to travel between March and July, issued refunds, answer queries and ensure key works could still travel. The office staff working behind the scenes and management teams provided leadership, our Skybus and Scillonian teams worked hard to ensure lifeline transport service continued and the teams on Penzance and St. Mary’s quay worked continuously to ensure supplies were transported. Island Carriers provided essential haulage services on the islands, crews of the Lyonesse Lady and Swift Lady ensured supplies and post were transported between the 5 inhabited islands. The Gry Maritha team worked tirelessly and at times, effectively spending 2 weeks onboard the ship to ensure freight supplies were delivered to the islands. Scillonian III berthed at Albert Pier in Penzance, with a reduced crew on standby to respond as required. During the initial ‘lockdown’ period, every Thursday night the ‘NHS Clap’ could be heard up and down the country. Our Scillonian III and Gry Maritha crews coordinated efforts to show support for key workers along with other ships across the UK by sounding their horns at 8pm on Thursday evenings. The ships’ horns added to the recognition and appreciation of all essential workers, from NHS staff to emergency services, supermarket employees and seafarers, who helped to keep the UK safe as well as stocked with essential food and medical supplies.

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Congratulations Judith & Merryn Donate JustGiving

26.2 Mile Virtual Marathon We at the Isles of Scilly Steamship group are always so incredibly proud of our team for their efforts and achievements, inside and outside of work. We are especially proud of both Judith Piper and Merryn Smith who have demonstrated going the extra mile for charities close to their hearts. On Sunday 4th October, both Judith and Merryn completed the 40th Virgin Money London Marathon, which unfortunately couldn’t be held in London this year due to Covid-19 restrictions. However, the event was still able to go ahead virtually, with 45,000 taking part running or walking the 26.2 miles. Participants from around the world took part across 109 countries, with routes mapped out by each of the participants. Both Judith and Merryn completed the event around Penzance and Marazion, occasionally spotting one another while completing their individual routes! Our values

COMMUNITY Delivering for Scilly

Both Judith and Merry have set up justgiving pages to accept sponsorship and donations for their chosen charities, if you would like to congratulate them and support the charities close to both of their hearts, please visit the links below. So far, they have both raised an amazing combined total of £3628!

Judith £1,940 Raised so far for CLIC Sargent

Merryn £1,688 Raised so far for Asthma UK


Merryn Merryn, our Trainee Operations Supervisor and Dangerous Goods Officer based at Land’s End Airport, started the marathon at 7am with his course starting and finishing in Penzance. The route took him to Tolcarne in Newlyn, then right around Mounts Bay to Marazion, alongside the A30 to Hayle, back to Lelant, up to St Ives and then back to Marazion before finishing the route back in Penzance, and coincidentally alongside Scillonian III. Merryn ended up completing the distance in an impressive 7 hours and 25 minutes! Merryn spent the winter of 2019 training for an event that was due to take part in April 2020, which was later pushed back to October. During the lockdown period Merryn says his fitness slipped, however he was still determined to complete the 26.2 miles one way or another. Merryn discovered that the London marathon had changed to a virtual event, with a route of your choosing and decided to complete the marathon walking the distance, and focussed his training on this instead on the months leading up to the event.

“I have been running/walking on behalf of Asthma UK who have been a fantastic support throughout all the ups and downs I have encountered. My two daughters live with Asthma on a day to day basis, so it is an important charity to me”

Judith Judith, our Chief Financial Officer, covered the 26.2 miles running from Marazion to Newlyn and back 3 times, with friends who joined her for sections of the run for support and encouragement. Judith started her run at 7am and finished by 12 noon. Despite the bad weather conditions, Judith was able to complete the distance with an incredible time of 5 hours and 8 minutes, just over her target time of 5 hours. The participants were able to use an official app for the event to track the run, which at every mile had an audio commentary and words of encouragement featuring the voices of Paula Radcliffe and Steve Cram which Judith says added to the experience. Because the event couldn’t be held in London this year, Judith’s place has been carried forward to next year’s event which she hopes to complete in London in October 2021.

“I had a charity place with CLIC Sargent. One of my friends had Leukaemia when she was younger and this charity was a great source of support to her and her family. The donations I have raised are being carried forward to the October 2021 London marathon but I hope to continue collecting further donations over the course of the year.” 13

Delivering for Scilly

100 years of serving the Isles of Scilly In 1920, the people of the Isles of Scilly came together to form a company to deliver a reliable transport link to the mainland. We are that company. Today, the Isles of Scilly Steamship Group is a little bigger. As well as transporting passengers, we deliver luggage and carry freight. We operate planes and ships. We run an airport and a Dry Dock. But our aim is always the same: to deliver for Scilly. In 2020, we, the Isles of Scilly Steamship Group celebrate 100 years of history.


1920 Certificate of right to start business Scillonian’s first voyage

1926 Delivering for Scilly


Replacement ship Scillonian II first voyage

Replacement ship Scillonian III launched Queen of the Isles passenger & cargo ship commissioned



Take ownership of Penzance Dry Dock

Buy Freight ship Gry Maritha

Skybus airline developed




Buy Freight ships Lyonesse Lady & Swift Lady


We celebrate our centenary year Take ownership of Penzance Dry Dock


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